Psalm One Hundred and Forty

1-2~~To the chief musician, a psalm of David.
Deliver me, O JEHOVAH,
from the evil man {bloodthirsty evil nations};
preserve me from the violent man {criminals within the nation} 2~~
who devise evil things in their right lobes/hearts . . .
They {both types} constantly stir up war {war and violence}.

3~~ They have sharpened their tongues
like an Egyptian Cobra
and the venom of the Cobra is under their lips.
Selah {bitterness in the soul is like Cobra venom}.

4 Keep me, O JEHOVAH, from the hands of the wicked.
Preserve me from the lawless men
whose scheme to make me fall.

5 Arrogant men laid traps with ropes for me.
They spread out a net along the way.
They set snares for me. Selah.

6 I said unto JEHOVAH, You are my EL {God}.
give ear, O JEHOVAH to my please for mercy.

the strength of my salvation,
you have protected my head in the day of battle.

8 Grant not, O JEHOVAH, the desires of the wicked.
Do not let their plan succeed,
else they be exalted
  {ruwm - 'Build an Edification Complex of the Soul'}.

9 May the heads of those who beset me
be covered with the mischief of their lips.

10 May coals of fire drop down upon them,
and they be cast into pits,
never to rise again.

11 Let slanders have no place in the land.
Let the evil of the lawless man drive him into corrals.

12 I know that JEHOVAH
|will champion the cause of the poor, the right of the needy.

13 Righteous men shall surely praise Your name,
the upright shall dwell in Your presence.