Psalm One Hundred and Forty-One

1~~{Title} A Psalm of David.
 Jehovah/God, I shout/'cry out' {qara'} unto You.
Make haste/accelerate {chuwsh} unto me {get here in a hurry}.
Listen/'give ear' unto my voice,
when I shout/'cry out'.

{Note: RBT says this psalm was written to express David's reaction when his family came to him at the cave of Adullam in I Samuel 22.}

2~~Let my {David's} prayer
be established {kuwn} before You
'as incense'
  {principal of a sweet smell to propitiate God and He would answer
  the prayer}
and the lifting up of my hands
as the evening 'food offering'/sacrifice {minchah}
  {propitiation with emphasis on the Work of Jesus Christ}.

3~~"Post a guard'/sentry"/'set a watch', O Jehovah/God,
before my mouth
  {that his mouth would not run down other people, or lie, or say
  anything where others are hurt}.
And a guard detail over the door of my lips.

{Note: In I Samuel 21, David lied to the priests at Nob. The lie ended in the massacre of the entire priest city. He is praying that nothing like that every occurs again!}

4~~Do not let my 'right lobe'/heart
be turned to 'the doctrine of evil' {ra' dabar}
  {means he was careless toward doctrine and went into
  reversionism and 'human viewpoint'/'doctrine of evil' came in -
  don't let that happen again} . . .
to practice deeds/works of wickedness
with people working disaster to others
  {if you associate with reversionists, you share in the deeds that
  they do - Doeg the Edomite and others}.
And let me not eat of their delicacies
  {reference to socializing with reversionists - I Samuel 22:7 - a sign/
  symbol of service to eat at the table of Saul for example}

5~~ Let the Righteous One {the Lord} smite me with grace
  {divine discipline for his reversionism}.
and let Him {the Lord} correct/reprove me {straighten me out} . . .
'oil for the head'
  {shemen ro'sh - referring to the custom of the ancient world
  of anointing the head of an honored guest -
  God's discipline is honor not tragedy - here David is thinking about
  the odd balls coming to the cave of Adullam - this is a promotion
  not divine discipline - they will become a great army}.
My head shall not refuse it!
  {his head will accept the anointing of God - these people are a
  blessing NOT a judgement!}
For still also, my prayer . . . is against their 'wicked deeds of
reversionism'/evil {ra'}.

{Note: David's lifetime policy was 'if I need to be disciplined', let the Lord administer it! He did NOT want to be disciplined by MAN!}

6~~So the ones ruling {Saul's regime of reversionists}
shall be thrown down into rocky places {ancient form of execution},
they {the innocent ones who survive}
shall 'hear, listen, and obey' {shama'}
my policies {'emer} . . .
for they are pleasant
  {na`em - means will produce prosperity - he will not persecute
  those who were under Saul - he will treat them with grace.}.

{Note: Shaphat means to 'judge'. But RBT says from the Book of Judges, we see that the 'Judges' were really the absolute rulers of the land before the monarchy. This then refers to Saul and his regime. They will be destroyed.}

7~~As when one plows and breaks open the ground
  {farming - to plant seeds},
so our bones are scattered at the mouth of the grave.

{Note: RBT says that some of his men are going to die in order to purchase freedom. Under freedom, then free enterprise (illustration in this day - farming) can prosper. Just like in farming, you must break the ground first, so to gain freedom, men must fight and some will die.}

8~~Therefore, my eyes . . . {are} toward You,
O Jehovah/God . . . my 'Adonay/Lord.
In You . . . I take refuge { chacah - trust with my life}.
Do not keep on 'pouring out'/'uncover the nakedness of' {`arah}
my soul {nephesh} {here an idiom for physical death}.

9~~Keep me {David} from the jaws of the trap,
that they {Saul's forces} have set for me
  {these are the traps of people who tell you they love you and have
  a dagger hidden behind their back - betrayal of the men of
and the snares of the worker's of iniquity
  {refers to the Ziphites - see I Samuel 23}.

10~~ Let the wicked/reversionists
'hang themselves'/'fall into their own nooses',
while I, at the same time, pass on by.