Psalm One Hundred and Forty-Four

{Note: This is the Psalm about the Policy of David, which he formed at the cave of Adullam - see also I Samuel 22:1.}

{David's SuperGrace Occupation with Christ}
1-2~~{Title: A Psalm of} David.
Adored/Blessed be Jehovah/God my rock
  {used for strength - Christ is the rock of salvation in Exodus 17,
  Isaiah 28, I Corinthians 3:11, Matthew 16 - here the Rock of
  Provision on and on},
Who 'teaches by discipline and repetition' {lamad}
my hands to 'hand to hand combat' {q@rab},
and my fingers
for weapons of war {excellent military organization} . . .2~~
{God is} . . . my Gracious One,
{Who is} my 'defense parameter' . . .
  {the cave of Adullam is a strong defensive location,
  but Jesus is his defense not geographical traits}
my stronghold/fortification . . .
my deliverer . . .
my shield . . .
and He in Whom I take refuge {chacah}.
The One {God} Who keeps subduing {disciplining} my people
under me {David}.

{Note: At the cave of Adullam three groups of people came to be with David. And, David had to that these three diverse groups and mold them into a valiant fighting force for them all to survive. We saw in I Samuel that the Angel of Jehovah came to David in the cave. This verse indicates that Jesus Christ took personal charge of training and otherwise equipping for battle this group of men. And, in the fights that followed, I Samuel records that these men had an unusually low number of causalities in battle - always a sign of good military training up front.}

{David's Impression of the New Recruits - Not High!}
3~~Jehovah/God, what is man {'adam},
that you keep on knowing {yada`} him!
  {David is a bit credulous about the 'new recruits'
  ever making much of an army when they first arrived}
or the son of man {'enowsh},
that You make plans for him!

{New Recruits are Like Nothing to David - Like a Shadow with no Substance}
4~~ Man {'adam} resembles/'is like'
vapor/breath/nothingness {hebel}.
His days . . . {are like} a shadow
passing away.

{SuperGrace David Gives a Command to the Lord!}
5~~Lower {natah - Hiphil Imperative - a command}
your heavens, O Jehovah/God
  {meaning give us a little heavenly help},
and come down . . .
touch the mountains,
and they may smoke {meaning God - You be our artillery}.

{Note: The verse really is talking about the importance of all military men to have a strong faith in God and His Word. There must be a spiritual momentum in the people supporting them also.}

{David's Imprecatory Prayer}
 6~~Flash forth lightning
  {baraq baraq - doubling is very strong - here refers to divine
  artillery support}
and cause them to be scattered.
Shout for your arrows/'Give the command to fire your arrows',
and rout them.

{Note: An imprecatory prayer is one in which you 'pray a curse' on someone else. An example would be in war to pray for the destruction of the enemy. RBT says this is valid as this verse indicates. In later series, he does say that if you are incorrect in your prayer, expect that your curse be applied to you instead - so only SuperGrace believers should do this and they should be very, very careful!}

7~~Stretch out Your Hand from above and deliver me.
And rescue me from great waters
  {picture of enemy armies advancing} . . .
from the 'hand of strange children'
  {referring to his enemies - they talk like
  sweet children then cut your throat' - reversionists} 8~~
whose mouth speaks nothing/destruction
  {shav' - means both of these - reduced to nothing is destruction -
  they say nothing meaningful and desire to destroy David},
and whose right hand is a right hand of deceit
  {see also II Samuel 20:9-10 - idiom meaning to offer the right hand
  of friendship with a dagger of death in the left hand!}.

9~~I {David} have sung
a new song {the importance of God and His Word}
unto You, O 'Elohiym/Godhead
  {refers to David's recent return to his new life of SuperGrace and
  It's blessings}.
Upon a lute/'piano like instrument' {nebel}
and an 'instrument of ten strings'/harp {`asowr}
will I 'sing accompanied with instruments' {zamar}
praises unto You.

10~~The One giving victory/delivery/salvation {t@shuw`ah}
unto kings {and David is saying this BEFORE the six years of battles}.
The One delivering David, His servant,
from the sword of evil {ra'}.

11~~Deliver me,
and cause me to be rescued/snatched away'
from the hand of 'strange children'
  {can refer to any reversionist of any kind!},
whose mouth speaks nothingness/destruction
  {shav' - means both of these - reduced to nothing is destruction -
  they say nothing meaningful and desire to destroy David - can
  also pertain to glib people distracting you from doctrine},
and whose right hand is a right hand of deceit
  {see also II Samuel 20:9-10 - idiom meaning to offer the right hand
  of friendship with a dagger of death in the left hand!}.

{Verses 12-14: David Anticipates Fantastic Prosperity for Israel in the Future}
12~~That our sons
may be as 'high reared plants in their vigor'
  {means 'handsome. Gentlemen, with great dynamics of soul and
  body - great strength}.
That our daughters may be as corner-pillars
  {these hold up the house}
carved after the pattern of palace construction
  {means that the woman runs the house well - the man is the
  authority but he lets her run the household unless she is plain ol'
  sloppy about it}.

{Note: The verse means that a generation of SuperGrace believers will raise their children with doctrine in their souls and they will grow up to be a fantastic civilization! Men strong in soul and body and the women feminine and wonderful.}

{Anticipated Economic Prosperity in Farm Society}
13~~ That our grain storages may be full,
overflowing from one storage vat to another.
That our flocks multiplying by thousands . . .
tens of thousands in the open fields.

14~~That our oxen {sign of prosperity at this time}
may be well laden {great prosperity}.
that there be no breaking in
  {in a SuperGrace society, crime rate is down},
nor going out to surrender {no cowardice in military action} . . .
that there be no lamentations in our streets.

15~~Happinesses { 'esher - plural} . . . to the people
who are so situated/'in such status'
{military victory, national prosperity - SuperGrace status}.
Happinesses . . . to the people
whose Elohiym/Godhead . . . {is} Jehovah/God.