Chapter 2


            Behind this passage is the principle that Israel has a future. Israel’s future is based on four unconditional covenants: the Abrahamic. Palestinian, Davidic and New covenants to Israel. The regenerate of Israel have a future under these four unconditional covenants — Romans 9:6-14, and divine discipline of Israel does not hinder Israel’s future. Of course, that is true of us as believers by way of application. God may have to spank you for something tomorrow but you are still going to heaven, you are still going to spend eternity with Him, you are still going to have a resurrection body.

            Verses 1-5: the general principle of Israel’s future.

            Verse 1-2, the Lord Jesus Christ as surveyor.

            “lifted up mine eyes” — having a vision. This is the way God has been revealing to him certain prophetical principles.

            “measuring line” — a surveyor’s instrument. This indicates the fact that God is personally interested in Jerusalem. In 586 BC the Jews were taken into captivity under the principle of the 5th cycle of discipline. Jerusalem and the temple was destroyed and this was all accomplished by the Chaldeans who were used as God’s whip. The Chaldeans stepped out of line and abused the power which God gave them, so in 539 BC the Chaldeans who had been used as that whip were punished by the destruction of that nation. This is the work of Cyrus the Great. From then on the Persians began to administer the fifth cycle of discipline to the Jews, and they did an excellent job. In fact, so great a job did they do that in 536 BC the Persian king said that they could go back to the land. This is when they began to go back. This is when, for example, Zechariah, Joshua the high priest, and Zerubbabel the civil ruler took the people back. They began to rebuild the temple and they then had some tremendous pressures and became discouraged, until 520 BC when Zechariah began to encourage the people to get with it. In 516 BC the 5th cycle of discipline will be concluded with the completion of the second temple. But there will still be no walls around Jerusalem, and a great city cannot survive without walls. And yet from 516 to 445 BC Jerusalem will go sixty-six years without walls and without one shot fired in their direction — special divine protection based upon the utilization of divine doctrine. For sixty-six pears the Jews will not have walls and yet they will have the best walls in all of history. The Lord Jesus Christ will be a wall of fire around them. And this wall of fire principle which we find in this chapter is designed to remind us that God can protect a nation in history and that the greatest protection a nation has is a maximum number of believers with Bible doctrine. They become the salt of the earth and they become the protector of a national entity. The Lord can be a wall of fire around any nation even as He was a wall of fire around Jerusalem. The basis for this is the utilization of Bible doctrine. So the Lord Jesus Christ standing there with a measuring line tells us this: eventual there will be walls in Jerusalem again, but more important than defense is Bible doctrine. And Bible doctrine is tied up with the second temple for the second temple was used to reveal the Lord Jesus Christ.

            Verse 2 — “Then said I,” Zechariah speaking, “Whither goest thou” — he is enquiring about this surveying line and the surveyor.

            “To measure Jerusalem to see what is the breadth thereof and what is the length thereof.” In other words, He is going specifically to measure for walls. This is not the measurement for the temple. He is going to Jerusalem to measure its breadth and its length in order to determine where the walls should be placed. In other words, measuring Jerusalem has nothing whatever to do with measuring the temple, it has to do with their protection. The principle is that the temple will come first and during that interim of 66 years between the completion of the temple and the construction of the walls [by Nehemiah] the Jews are going to be protected by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Protection is in view, not the temple.

            Verse 3 — ministry of the two angels: a. Teaching angel; b. Messenger.

            “went out to meet him” — the angel who went out to meet him was a special messenger form God and he is providing a special slice of doctrine which will be the content of the rest of this chapter. And the reason that the teaching angel needs a little help from the Lord Himself is because actually we are going to have two different prophetical concepts in this passage. This is what we call the dual fulfillment of prophecy. First of all this passage applies to Zechariah’s generation. It must be remembered that each prophet actually had a message for his own generation. The Jews were to work on the temple first, not the walls, i.e. to put doctrine first, spiritual things first. Christology = the temple. The temple was a delineation of doctrine, just as the tabernacle was. ["You take care of the temple and I will take care of you"] The Lord was the wall around them. Principle: The battle is the Lord’s — 1 Samuel 17. Normal tendency is to solve own problems, but (1 Peter 5:7) put the problem in the Lord’s hands.

            Verse 4-5 — the wall of fire. Description of Jerusalem under great prosperity. Cattle — symbol of prosperity under an agricultural economy. People — population explosion.

            “Run, speak to this young man” — in other words, one angel is speaking to the other, God’s messenger to the teaching angel — “Teach the young man something” .The prophet here is young.

            “without walls” — There were only two times in history when Jerusalem is without the protection of walls. One is the period 516-445 BC, Zechariah’s generation. This is a description of Jerusalem under great prosperity — “men and cattle therein.” This is the first of only two times Jerusalem was without walls. The second time is in the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ. Both of these are great doctrinal periods. When a national entity is strong on doctrine that national entity is going to have prosperity. In other words, Bible doctrine is the key to a happy and wonderful and prosperous nation. The form of government is not important, it is the doctrine that influences the government that counts.

            “inhabited” — jashab, to sit down and relax. In other words, to enjoy blessing and prosperity. Refers to dwelling and being relaxed in a situation of prosperity.

            “towns” — suburbs. When a city becomes prosperous it has suburbs, and that is really what the word “towns” means, towns around it to take care of the tremendous overflow of prosperity.

            Verse 5 — “For I, saith the Lord” — the Lord Jesus Christ — “will be unto her a wall of fire round about”.

            “glory” refers to the essence of the Lord Jesus Christ. His perfect character guarantees the protection of the Jews during this period, 516-445 BC, when the walls are being constructed. They are safe because of the character of the One who makes the promise. Principle: A promise is no stronger than the person who makes it. God has never failed to keep a promise.

            “in the midst of her” — Jesus Christ indwells us today as believers. And Jesus Christ is the One who provides from His perfect character, from His essence, promises and doctrine. Faith-rest technique claims the promises, and He always keeps His word because His character is perfect. And His doctrine is His mind or His thinking, and it is perfect because He is perfect. The promises and the doctrines add up to what He is, for grace depends upon who and what Christ is, not who and what we are. In these promises there is no place for us to take any credit, and in His doctrine there is no place for us to take any credit for our human good, our human talent or ability. The whole plan of God operates on who and what He is.

            Darius comes to the throne of Persia a few years after Zechariah’s message. The message was to the Jews in Jerusalem and in Babylon. The Lord put a wall of fire around Jerusalem; it was the place of safety. Darius later takes Babylon and with it the Jews who were there. Jerusalem represents doctrine and positive volition towards doctrine. Babylon represents no doctrine and negative volition towards doctrine. Zechariah’s message is saying: “You had better switch from negative to positive and from minus doctrine to plus doctrine.” In other words: “Get behind the wall of fire.”

            Verses 1-5 picture the Jews who were back in the land; verses 6-9, the Jews who were in Babylon. Verse 6 — “Ho, ho” — calling the people in Babylon to attention; “flee,” an imperative. Our land is Bible doctrine.

            “flee” — this is an order to the Jews who are still in Babylon and should be in the land. In other words, You are going to have to be in the land to be in the place of blessing. Application: Our land today is Bible doctrine. Out of the land is minus doctrine. Our Babylon is negative signals toward Bible doctrine.

            “the land of the north” — Babylon. You had to travel north from Jerusalem in order to travel south to Babylon because of the geography to miss the desert.

            “spread abroad, as the four winds of heaven” — a phrase denoting the 5th cycle of discipline. The Lord sent them to Babylon.

            Verse 7 — “deliver thyself” — a niphel imperative, passive. Should be translated “receive deliverance.” How did they receive deliverance? Notice: God’s plan for your life does not always call for you to park yourself on a park bench and say: God bring manna from heaven. That is a misunderstanding of the faith-rest. The deliverance is there but how do they get the deliverance? They get up and move. If they receive deliverance they are going to have to leave a lot of the details of life in Babylon — businesses, etc. But the Lord says: “I will provide.” Many of them will be starting from scratch but they will be behind the wall of fire and God will provide. Note: If you don’t have it behind the wall of fire it isn’t worth having. Unless you have doctrine you have absolutely nothing. Leave Babylon. “Receive deliverance from the daughter of Babylon [reference to the city of Babylon].” Zechariah is saying this in 520 BC and two years later the roof fell in. A lot of the Jews who were believers said: “No, I’m going to stay here. Business is too good, etc.” Babylon revolted from Persia in 518 BC. The Persians put down the revolt and the Jews who rejected Zechariah’s message were caught up in it. They were clobbered, along with the Chaldeans and the Babylonians and the rest of the people who lived in the great city.

            Verse 8 — “after the glory” — after the deliverance. There is going to be a reckoning. The Lord is going to go to the nations and destroy them, and so on.

            “which spoiled you” — The Chaldeans are going to get some extra discipline; “toucheth the apple of his eye” — incorrect. Should be translated” “the pupil of his eye” .The Chaldeans abused their power.

            “Apple of his eye”: This phrase also occurs in Deuteronomy 32:10; Psalm 17:8; Proverbs 7:2. The word was generally changed from pupil to apple by the rabbis. The reason for doing so was because of its Messianic implications which they did not accept. There is no such thing in scripture as the apple of the eye; it is the pupil. It refers to God’s protection of the Jews.


            Four ways in which the pupil is protected

            1. Frontal bones which protect from blows. Analogous to God’s protection of Israel under extreme pressure.

            2. Brows and eyelashes protect from dust. Analogy: protection from false doctrine.

            3. Lids, designed to protect the pupil from glare. Glare is analogous to the human viewpoint of life.

            4. Tear ducts protect from dirt and other foreign particles which are actually in the eye. Analogy: provision of rebound and cleansing from sin.

            The phrase also occurs in Deuteronomy 32:10; Psalm 17:8; Proverbs 7:2.


            Verse 9 — principle of anti-Semitism and how it affects history.

            “shake mine hand upon them” means to brandish the fist and also to use the fist for blows. Could be translated: “I will punch them” .

            “they [the Chaldeans] shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me [the Lord Jesus Christ].” “Ye shall know” is a reference to the believer with Bible doctrine and is aware therefore of what is going on. The fact that the Lord of hosts [God the Father, author of the divine plan] is going to send the Lord Jesus Christ is one thing, but to know it is something else. And believers who were oriented moved from Babylon back to Jerusalem and were behind the wall of fire at the right time, at the right place. 


            Summary of doctrine of anti-Semitism

            1. The anti-Semitism clause is first found in the Abrahamic covenant — Genesis 12:1-3.

            2. There is also an anti-Semitism principle — Zechariah 2:8; Psalm 17:8; Proverbs 7:2.

            3. Principle of semantics. How can we discuss anti-Semitism unless we know what Israel is? There are three biblical concepts of Israel: a. Racial Israel — anyone who possesses the genes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; b. Religious Jew; c. Regenerate Jew.

            Religious Israel is always condemned in the Word — cf. Matthew 23, Pharisees whitewashed tombstones. It is anyone who is within the framework of Judaism.

            Regenerate Israel — Romans 9:6-14. Abraham was born a Gentile. Abraham and Nahor became different in a point of time. Abraham became a Jew through regeneration; he believed. The Jewish race is the only race in history which was founded on regeneration.

            4. History of anti-Semitism. The Chaldean and Assyrian empires lost out because of anti-Semitism. The rise of Persia was because of a gracious attitude toward the Jews. Alexander the Great favourably treated the Jews. The Selleucid empire was destroyed because of anti-Semitism, e.g. Antiochus Epiphanes. The Romans were friendly towards the Jews. The Spanish inquisition was directed toward the Jews who were the middle class in Spain. They had actually made Spain prosperous. Spain went down because of this. As Spain went down Britain began to rise. The Jews began to find refuge in Britain when Cromwell made England a haven for the Jews. He gave them citizenship and privileges with the British people. This was one of the greatest illustrations of the correct attitude toward the Jews. Britain has been going down ever since the Balfour Declaration.

            5. The United States. Religion or not is strictly a matter for the individual, biblical principle of divine institution #1 — freedom. The thing which is keeping the US going today is the freedom of the dissemination of the gospel, a maximum missionary effort on the part of those born again and, up until now, the liberals have had a kindly attitude toward the Jews.

            6. How to evaluate a Jew [5 ways].

            a. As an individual, as you would any member of the human race.

            b. As a nation — Zionism is Satanic in nature. Israel is conservative today, probably because it is an agricultural economy. You would evaluate Israel as you would any other nation.

            c. As American (In America), as a patriot or otherwise.

            d. As internationalists, e.g. Marx and Engles.

            e. After he becomes a believer, by the same criterion you would evaluate any other believer, the Word of God.


            Verses 10-13 — the future of Israel connected with the second advent.

            “sing” — literally, “shout.” The word for shout is an overt expression of inner happiness. The second advent is going to be a time of great happiness for all believers on the earth, and especially for born-again Jews.

            “daughters of Zion” — Jews who have accepted Christ during the Tribulation; “rejoice” — inner happiness. “I come” refers to the second advent of Christ; “in the midst” — the word for dwell [shakan] means to dwell permanently and refers to the Millennial reign of Christ plus His eternal reign.

            Verse 11 — “many nations,” believers in various national entities who survived the baptism of fire; “joined to the Lord” — attached — “in that day, and shall be my people.” All believers will become the people of the Lord in that day.

            “I will dwell in the midst of thee [Israel]” — permanent dwelling — “and thou shalt know” — the importance of knowing Bible doctrine and therefore orientation to the plan of God.

            “unto thee” — He [Christ] will be sent to them and they will all know it. They will be oriented to it.

            Verse 12 — “inherit Judah his portion” — fulfillment of the Abrahamic, Palestinian and Davidic covenants to Israel.

            “choose Jerusalem again” — this will be the termination of the 5th cycle of discipline.

            “Be silent” — this is a piel imperative and it has the concept of worship, contemplation. This type of worship and being silent means to learn doctrine. The piel stem requires concentration, self discipline, focus on the subject, positive volition toward Bible doctrine.

             “all flesh” — the believers in the Millennium.

            “He is raised up” — this means not only the second advent but also means He is going to teach doctrine.

            “holy habitation” — heaven.

            So the plan of God calls for the believer’s worship response, including his learning of doctrine, including the fulfillment of Isaiah chapter 11 that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters that cover the sea. So this chapter which begins with the Jews going into captivity, which shows the abuse of the captors as far as power is concerned, winds up by demonstrating how the Lord will straighten it all out in the future. And as He will straighten it out in the future, so He straightens it all out for us in time.