Mental Attitude Dynamics





            God, who created the human mind, also holds the key to man’s mind; that key is omniscience (Heb. 4:13). He reads our minds like an open book! God allows us freedom of thought, as well as freedom of choice; however, He holds us responsible for what we think or choose, so our thinking is all-important.


            For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he . . . (Prov. 23:7).


            You may be judged by your overt behavior, but YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK! You are not what you do! Your mental attitude deter- mines, motivates and influences your behavior and actions. The Bible always relates the thought pattern to the right lobe of the mentality of the soul. The right lobe is the dominant lobe of the soul, designated in the Greek by the word KARDIA (translated “heart” in the English) and in the Hebrew by the word LEB, in contrast to the left or perceptive lobe, NOUS (translated “mind”), which is the staging area for knowledge. The right lobe has four areas: frame of reference with a memory center — the final storage place for all knowledge and the basis for learning new knowledge; conscience — the norms and standards; vocabulary the basis for forming categories; and the viewpoint — use of vocabulary, conscience and frame of reference.

            Our objective will be to analyze certain passages of Scripture which teach that our approach to life, the effectiveness of our soul function, and even our physical attractiveness and health are dependent upon what we think.




            There is a great deal of truth in the common expression, “I’m worried sick.” Medical science is becoming increasingly aware of the connection between physical health and the thought pattern. Many illnesses are a direct result of the psychoses of the mind. In order that we might understand the correlation between what we think and how we feel, a few moments should be spent on the subject of psychosomatics. The word itself is made up of two Greek words: PSUCHE, meaning “soul,” with emphasis on mentality, and SOMA, meaning “body.”

            The concept of psychosomatics is very simple. Any mental attitude of fear, worry or anxiety — any continuous mental tension — will eventually overflow and affect the body. This frequently results in unusual behavior. For example, it was discovered during the Korean War that many of our American boys died in prison camps from what we all “give-up-itis.” After this mental attitude was perpetuated over a few days, an individual would simply fold up, lie down on the ground and say, “Leave me alone.” If he were left alone for two or three days, he would be dead! Our physicians in the prison camps reported a substantial number of these cases and diagnosed the cause of their deaths as due to a mental attitude of hopelessness and despair.

            It is also becoming increasingly common for people to suffer from such ailments as eczema, skin rashes, warts, allergies, asthma, hyper- tension, goiter, ulcers and many other disorders, simply from the overflow of the pressures from the mind into the body. Interestingly enough, a change of mental attitude — a stabilizing of the mentality — results in the removal of the symptoms. I am not trying to explain the cause of a sudden appearance of some rash on the epidermis and its equally sudden disappearance as being psychosomatic in YOUR case. I am saying that at last medical science has discovered what has been known in Scripture for a long time — that our thought processes are related to our physiological problems.

            This brings us to an issue we must face as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. When the right lobe of the believer receives divine viewpoint through Bible doctrine, the result is inner peace, a relaxed mental attitude, stability and inner happiness. But when the right lobe is crammed full of human viewpoint, or when mental attitude sins, such as pride, jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, guilt complex, hatred, etc., dominate the mentality of the soul, the result is inevitably self-induced misery. Mental attitude sins, plus the absence of Bible doctrine, lead to human viewpoint and can only produce disorientation to grace and agony of soul.




            Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon (Isa. 55:7).


            For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD (Isa. 55:8).


            For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isa. 55:9).


            While there are many different mental attitudes, there are only two basic viewpoints — the divine viewpoint and the human viewpoint. Not only are these viewpoints completely antithetical, but God’s viewpoint is said to be infinitely superior to that of man. The unbeliever is capable only of the human viewpoint, “being alienated from the life of God” (Eph. 4:18) and the enemy of God in his MIND (Col. 1:21); but the believer constantly struggles between the divine and the human viewpoints.

             While the believer is “not OF this world,” he is IN the world (John 15:19), and the norms and principles, as well as the philosophies of COSMOS DIABOLICUS (Satan’s world system) bombard him from all sides (Col. 2:8, 20-22). The world expects the believer to conform to Satanic systems and be like the rest of humanity; God desires for him to “be transformed” to His way of thinking (Rom. 12:1-3). Therefore, it is of paramount importance that we as believers learn the divine norms and standards which should govern our thought pattern.

            People often tell me they cannot come to Bible class for one reason or another, but you can always justify what you want to do. Your decisions depend on what you think. If human viewpoint is predominate in your right lobe, it will neutralize your Christian life. You cannot live God’s way because you do not think God’s way. That is why so many Christians are trying to be spiritual by means of “taboos,” ecstatics or asceticism. The human viewpoint is represented by the fact that you must work for what you get. It is generally true in life that the harder you work, the more you receive. But this axiom cannot be transferred into the spiritual life which God designed to be a life of grace. By grace we simply appropriate all that God provides!




             For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16).


            The Bible is the only source of divine viewpoint. It is the very mind of Christ, the living Word (John 1:1), expressed in written form. Therefore, if you, as a believer, are to have the divine viewpoint of life, you must know Bible doctrine. If you do not know God’s thoughts on any given matter, how can you possibly think according to the divine viewpoint?

             The Biblical command is to “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus’ (Phil. 2:5). What mind? The divine viewpoint! Christ set the pattern; we are to follow it. How can we have the mind of Christ? It comes only through daily study and absorption of God s Word through the function of the “grace apparatus for perception.”




            Many factors influence our thinking, such as environment or background; training in the home, through both observation and teaching; education; culture (the history, traditions, attainments and way of life to which we adhere); and religion, or any system of faith and worship. However, human viewpoint did not originate in the human mind. It began with Satan at the time when he revolted against God (Isa. 14:13, 14).k Since Satan cannot indwell believers, he attacks God’s people through their minds. He uses his demons’ as well as unbelievers to expedite his schemes. If he can infiltrate the minds of believers, he can neutralize them, and they become casualties in the angelic conflict.

             Human viewpoint was launched into the human race when Eve was seduced by the subtle suggestion that she could be as smart as God if she would eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So convincing is the devil’s viewpoint of life that entire nations are deceived by his philosophies (Rev. 12:9; 13:14). For example, when the unbeliever tries to solve the world’s problems, he automatically thinks in terms of internationalism or universal brotherhood. He looks to such international organizations as the United Nations and the World Council of Churches for help. Their panaceas sound so beautiful and broadminded that even some believers fall for them. What has happened? Satanic viewpoint has become human viewpoint and now pervades human thinking.

            From the human viewpoint of the “brotherhood of man,” it is but a step to the “brotherhood of nations.” Yet every attempt to unify all nations throughout history has failed — from the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9) to the present-day United Nations. Has the latter been successful in maintaining world peace? Check the record: there have been at least fifty wars since the United Nations was formed. No matter how sincere man’s attempts may be to make this a better world, he will fail. This is Satan’s world, and no created being, not even the evil genius of Satan, has the omniscience or the omnipotence to bring about a perfect world. Until Jesus Christ returns to reign over this world, there can be no successful attempt at internationalism. God has divided the world into nations (Gen. 10:30, 31) for its own preservation and so that there may be freedom to evangelize.

             The Satan-inspired view that man is basically good is another part of his strategy to trap the mind of man. How does this measure up to God’s estimate of man?


            For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23).


            The heart [right lobe controlled by the old sin nature] is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it (Jer. 17:9)?


            God says man is a sinner. His old sin nature makes him deceitful and desperately wicked! If you have always thought that if you were just good enough, you would eventually make it to heaven, you are wrong! You have borrowed human viewpoint straight from the mind of Satan! Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). We are saved by faith in Christ, not by being “good.”


            For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast (Eph. 2:8, 9).




            The general view today seems to be that when people become Christians, they should stop using their minds and, instead, operate on their feelings. They think they are supposed to work themselves up into an ecstatic lather and speak in gibberish. This is commonly known as “speaking in tongues” and is mistaken for dynamic Christianity. Such gross misunderstanding and misapplication of Scripture comes from lack of Bible doctrine and from pastors who, instead of teaching the Word of God, substitute programs and mental sublimations, such as the “power of positive thinking,” which is a system of self-hypnosis, for the Christian way of life! It is WHAT you think that counts — not HOW you think!

            We often assume that someone who has physical strength and pushes his weight around is tough. However, the toughest people are not the musclemen but those who never give up mentally, even when facing defeat. To illustrate: in Bastogne, Belgium, Christmas, 1944, when the Germans demanded the surrender of the American army, General Anthony McAuliffe replied, “Nuts!” Although completely surrounded and faced with annihilation, his answer was typical of the American fighting spirit at that time.

            Toughness is always a mental attitude — it has little to do with the physical body. Many people give up, as the old expression says, “when the first shot is fired.” They give up simply because of what they think. The Russians know this and have so effectively exploited psychological warfare in the United States that they have neutralized the mental attitude of the American people. How can we counter this move? The only answer is found in the Bible. A nucleus of believers with divine viewpoint can turn the tide.

            Just recently at a political convention, some of the people in a certain party were ready to give up and surrender principles they knew were right; but the mental attitude of a few turned the tide. You may be physically exhausted; you may be completely defeated, as far as the odds are concerned; you may be deprived of your liberty; but no one can stop you from THINKING those things which eventually will overcome the pressures and adversity of your situation.

            How true this is in the spiritual realm! The Christian way of life is so designed that a believer can THINK AT ALL TIMES! One of the by-products of Christianity is the ability to discern the real issues. To see life habitually from the divine viewpoint is one of the greatest stabilizers for the believer in time. I have discovered that those who attend Bible class regularly learn to concentrate; they learn to think categorically; and they learn to discern. Those who do not attend consistently often revert to emotionalism and human viewpoint. An academic education is not the important factor, or even a prerequisite to accurate thinking; this comes from the use of the Biblical techniques of the Word of God by the one who is born again and who is positive toward Bible doctrine.




            For the word of God is quick {alive], and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner [critic] of the thoughts and intents {motivations] of the heart {right lobe] (Heb. 4:12).


             The Bible is the only accurate discerner of what you think, and it is the only source for straightening out your mental attitude when necessary. Let the Bible “umpire” your thoughts; it is your most constructive critic.


            Search me, 0 God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me . . . (Psa. 139:23, 24).


            Ask yourself: Does what I think jibe with the Word of God? If so, you will have the impact, the power, the peace, the strength, the stability and the inner happiness which God has provided for every believer and which cannot be disturbed by adversity or prosperity. In short, you will have reached the super-grace life! S However, should your thinking fail to line up with the divine standard, it needs to be honestly evaluated and straightened out quickly. Confusion often lies in a misunderstanding of certain areas of mental attitude.




            Area Number One : Worldliness.


            And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Rom. 12:2).


             This verse constitutes a command: “Be not conformed to this world — be transformed!” In other words, do not be worldly! How? By cutting out the high living and the honky-tonking? Is that what it says? No! By the RENEWING OF YOUR MIND. Worldliness is not something you do; it is not an overt act. Worldliness is a mental attitude of human viewpoint! In order not to be conformed to this world, you must have a new mental attitude.

            Contrary to the often-held view of Fundamental Christianity, worldliness is not the wearing of makeup, although in some areas of the United States you would be considered “worldly” for using cosmetics’ You can paint yourself up until you look like an Apache on the warpath) or you can use no cosmetics and look as if you had stuck your head in a flour barrel; whether you put on makeup or take it off is a matter of personal judgment and taste. The Bible teaches “live and let live.” Worldliness stems from your mental attitude!

            You can sit in a church with the most pious expression and roll your eyes heavenward as though you were deep in prayer or meditation, or you can give the impression you are intent upon the message and be thinking something else. Many of you practice this. It is an excellent way to plan ahead — to think about getting your wardrobe ready for spring or to think about where you will go on your summer vacation. Of course, someone would be sure to call you worldly if you stayed at home for the same reason.

            If you have learned to “play poker,” you can go to church, fold your hands and think these things but maintain such a saintly facade that no one would ever call you worldly. Yet God’s Word says that you are! Now there may be a time when someone will correctly accuse you of being worldly because he discerns human viewpoint behind your actions. The tragedy is that there are thousands of Christians who are very worldly, but they are totally unaware of it because they have no understanding of Romans 12:2. Consequently, they assume their overt activities are the key, and they never realize they are worldly because of what they think!

            “This world” refers to every thought and action which is contrary to the absolute criterion of the Word of God. Worldliness is the operation of the human viewpoint of COSMOS DIABOLICUS in the right lobe. Worldliness includes slavery to circumstances, as well as “spirituality” through legalism.” The believer must learn doctrine in order to distinguish between human good and divine good.” This is one of the great conflicts in the issue of worldliness.

            “Be ye transformed” (present passive imperative) is a continuous process involving rebound and Bible study. Doctrine must be in your right lobe as the basis for “transforming” and “renewing” the thought processes. The mechanics of “renewing the mind” is the function of the grace apparatus for perception (GAP): after rebound, doctrine is understood in the left lobe through the filling of the Spirit and then transferred automatically to the human spirit BY FAITH (John 14:26; 16:12-15; 1 Cor. 2:9-16). As doctrine is cycled into the right lobe — to the frame of reference and memory center, the conscience, vocabulary and viewpoint — divine viewpoint is on the “launching pad” for application to experience. Consequently, divine viewpoint in the right lobe is the defense against the mental attitude of worldliness.

            If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth (Col. 3:1,2).

             The “above things” (or literally, the “upward things”) constitute the sum total of the divine viewpoint of life. “Things on the earth’ ‘ are the sum total of the human viewpoint of life. “Set your affection on” is literally, “keep thinking about the upward things,” and indicates the continual struggle in the realm of mental attitude between human and divine viewpoints.


            Area Number Two: Inner Happiness.


            Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind (Phil. 2:2).


            “Joy” (CHARA) in the Greek refers to inner happiness. With the addition of the possessive pronoun, it is actually PLUS-H, or God’s happiness — the penthouse of the “Edification Complex” of the soul.

            This Edification Complex is an immaterial “structure” in the soul of a mature believer, and is composed of five “floors”: grace orientation; a relaxed mental attitude of AGAPE love; mastery of the details of life; the capacity to love God, right man or right woman and friends; and God’s happiness. The Edification Complex is the backbone of the soul and the bridge to the super-grace life.


            Even though the believer is positionally perfect at the point of salvation, his soul has a deficiency. God’s Plan of Grace calls for this deficiency to be filled through Bible doctrine. This is the meaning of “fulfill” (PLEROO). As doctrine fully possesses and fully influences the believer, God fills his soul with top quality happiness. However, this condition is potential, depending on whether or not the believer functions under GAP and erects the Edification Complex in his soul. A completed Edification Complex in the soul produces the capacity for the divine viewpoint of life.


            Area Number Three: Peace or Confidence.


            Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isa. 26:3).


            The mind fixed on Christ — occupation with Him — is the basis for perfect peace. You can neither know Christ nor love Him apart from doctrine in the right lobe. Only the constant, daily intake of Bible doctrine can produce the “peace of God, which passeth all understanding, [and] keep {garrison] your hearts {right lobes] and minds {left lobes] through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7).

            The word “peace” (EIRENE) has the connotation of prosperity, benefit, welfare and tranquility. This peace reflects the doctrine stored in the soul of the super-grace believer. The word for “understanding” is NOUS, a technical noun for the left lobe — therefore, knowledge which has not been transferred to the right lobe. Hence, it becomes human viewpoint thinking or only that knowledge which the natural man (the unbeliever) can understand (1 Cor. 2:14). The blessings God has provided for the super-grace life through doctrine far surpass human comprehension.

            Peace from God in the super-grace life acts as a stabilizer for all kinds of circumstances encountered in the Christian life. This stabilizer makes it possible for the believer to face both catastrophe and great prosperity with the same grace functions: freedom from worry (1 Pet. 5:7, 8) and confidence for living as well as for dying (2 Cor. 5:1,6,8).

            Have you ever seen someone in athletics try too hard? I once coached a boy like that in baseball. He was eager, and there was not a lazy bone in his body; but he struggled so hard that he was constantly uptight. As a result, he often could not catch the ball; yet potentially, he was a good baseball player. What was wrong with him? He had no peace of mind — no confidence. Every time he made a mistake, he broke down and cried. He would drive himself into such a state of tension that he was no longer controlled by his mind but by his emotions. Several other boys, who did not have his drive and eagerness, played a better game. Why? They were relaxed. You must have peace of mind along with drive and energy in order to have the by-products of confidence and stability.

            I often think of that boy when I see believers who fall apart at the slightest provocation or come unglued under every wind of adversity. What happens to you when the pressure is on? Do you break down and cry? Do you run around and look for a crutch? If you do not have peace under pressure, there is something wrong with your mental attitude (Prov. 24:10). The Christian way of life is designed for believers to have peace in their right lobes, not only in times of prosperity, but also when the going is rough. Perhaps you do not realize it, but there are dangers in prosperity as well as in adversity. The peace resulting from doctrine in the right lobe produces a confidence which will sustain you through the prosperity without your becoming arrogant and through adversity without your falling apart!


            Area Number Four: Stability.


            For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound {stabilized) mind (2 Tim. 1:7).


            The stabilized mind is a direct result of the tranquil mind — a mind free from worry or fear. “Fear” is human viewpoint caused by a lack of faith-rest. Paul demonstrated a maximum stabilized mental attitude under pressure. He exhorted the Thessalonians to have the same steadfast attitude in the face of adversity:


            That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us . . . (2 Thess. 2:2).


            One of the most impressive examples of stability in modern history is that of General Robert E. Lee during the Battle of Gettysburg — the most decisive battle of the War Between the States. Everything was about to fold up for the Confederacy. Officer after officer reported in: “General Lee, my division hasn’t many men left . . . my battalion . . . my regiment . . . my company is wiped out . . . we are out of ammunition.” After each disastrous report. Lee would answer, “That is all right. I will take the responsibility for that. Take the remnants of your force and move down to the south fork and form up with General . . “ and so on! He remained completely calm and stable as he issued orders.

            Stability is judged by the overt act, but behind every decision and command given by General Lee was an attitude of mind which produced the stability for the situation. It is not what you DO that stabilizes circumstances — it is what you THINK! A person who can think under pressure is one who has a stabilized mental attitude.


            Area Number Five: Giving.


            For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not (2 Cor. 8:12). Every man according as he purposeth in his heart [right lobe], so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7).


            True Biblical giving is first of all a mental attitude. You may not always have the money; but you can always have the basis for giving — a willing mind, which is literally positive volition based on doctrine. This switches giving from what you give as an offering to what goes on in your right lobe. Some preachers or church boards may not like this, but the amount of money you give is not important. The Bible .never states the quantity to be given but the quality of your mental attitude. Old Testament tithing was tantamount to an income tax for believers and unbelievers alike; it had nothing to do with giving or “offerings.”

            The New Testament principle is to give “as God has prospered” (1 Cor. 16:1, 2). In some cases that could be ninety percent, while in others, it could mean one percent. Nowhere does the Bible say that anyone is to deprive his family of the necessities of life in order to give ten percent or any percent! The next time you are led by the Lord to make an offering, remember, that the basic principle of giving is what you are thinking before you give and while you are giving. Suppose you think something like this: “I saw Smith put twenty-five dollars in the plate; I know that if I don’t come through with the same amount my name will be ‘Mud’ around the church. It makes me mad because I had other plans for that money — but here goes!” So twenty-five dollars goes into the plate. People may say, “That’s great!” But God says, “That’s terrible!” It is giving “grudgingly or of necessity.” It is giving for the praise of men and under pressure, and it is an abomination to the Lord! If you give with thanksgiving and out of love for the Lord, even one tenth of a cent is acceptable to Him; whereas, hundreds of thousands of dollars given with the wrong mental attitude has no merit with the Lord.


            Area Number Six: Love.


            And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart {right lobe], and with all thy soul, and with all thy might (Deut 6:5).


            [Love] Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil (1 Cor. 13:5). Two Greek words confirm the principle that the true concept of love in the Bible is a mental attitude: AGAPE and PHILOS. AGAPE- type love is found only in the mentality of the soul. It is the capacity to love which comes from the filling of the Holy Spirit and knowledge of doctrine. It is the relaxed mental attitude of the Edification Complex and reflects freedom from mental attitude sins toward God and toward people. It is impossible to sustain a relationship with the Lord or with any human being and be filled with mental attitude sins. The command to love other believers is not an order to demonstrate your love in an overt manner, nor even to love everyone with the same intensity of love. It is strictly an order to maintain a relaxed MENTAL ATTITUDE, although mental attitude love often prompts overt manifestations or expressions toward the object loved (John 3:16).

            Capacity for love begins with mental attitude AGAPE. Through the function of GAP, it spreads throughout the soul and becomes PHILOS, a total soul love. PHILOS-type love directed toward God can exist only through the Edification Complex and the super-grace life.




            Second Corinthians 10 is one of the great mental attitude passages in the Word of God and relates our spiritual conflict to the thought pattern.


            Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent am bold toward you (2 Cor. 10:1).


            The word “meekness” means “gentleness of mind” and is a word for a mental attitude of grace. “Gentleness” is literally “graciousness” or grace-application. At the very outset of this passage, the Apostle Paul cites the tremendous mental attitude of our Lord Jesus Christ: grace orientation and grace-application. Why? The critical mental attitude of the Corinthian believers toward Paul was a Satanic attempt to destroy Paul’s own mental attitude of grace.

            Paul answers his critics in this passage as a man with the authority to settle the account. It is not the time to “turn the other cheek.” The last phrase of verse I is generally misunderstood. Paul not only fights back, but he quotes his critics with sarcasm. He caustically remarks that these legalists claim he is obsequious and timid in their presence but bold and courageous in his epistle. This is a reference to First Corinthians in which Paul blistered the Corinthians with an exhortation concerning their carnality.


            But I beseech you, that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence, wherewith I think to be bold against some, which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh (2 Cor. 10:2).


            Paul is requesting a change of mental attitude on the part of his critics, and he appeals to their grace orientation. Paul remained ab- sent from Corinth because he preferred to return under relaxed conditions, which are ideal for teaching, rather than with a get-tough policy. The nit-picking and bullying gave Paul no freedom to communicate doctrine. However, Paul was not afraid. He could handle the legalists, if necessary. Through doctrine he had great moral courage, and whether present or absent from them, he would be faithful to Bible doctrine. The greatest expression of love by a pastor- teacher for his sheep is the communication of doctrine!

            The thoughts of the legalists express emotional revolt of the soul and reversionism. In deeming Paul carnal, they are actually ascribing to him their own condition of soul.


            For though we walk in the flesh [human body], we do not war {in the angelic conflict] after [according to] the flesh [old sin nature] (2 Cor. 10:3).


            With his characteristic humor and sarcasm, Paul makes a play on words and uses the word “flesh” in both its literal and spiritual connotations. It is true that Paul’s soul is walking IN the sphere of the flesh (the human body), but it is not true that he is teaching ACCORDING TO the standards of the flesh (the old sin nature). Just because Paul “braces” the Corinthians does not mean he is out of fellowship. He possesses legitimate authority; thus, his hard-nosed teaching is not carnality. The criticism of Paul by the Corinthians is not valid. It represents the self-righteousness of human viewpoint and legalism.

            Our warfare in the Christian life is neither physical nor fleshly; it is spiritual. Though we live in this world, we do not engage in the spiritual conflict according to the standard of this world. We do not use our human energy or talents, our human personalities or ingenuity. We use our God-given assets. The Lord has provided in- formation whereby we can begin at “home base” — our thinking — and advance victoriously toward overt production compatible with divine viewpoint. This is a very important principle, for it will explain Paul’s mental attitude dissertation.




            (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to [against] the pulling down of strong holds) (2 Cor. 10:4).


            In our spiritual warfare, we do not pick up an M-1, load it and shoot down the devil, nor do we toss a few grenades and blow up the world! Since we do not fight according to the flesh, we must have spiritual armament for combat in the angelic conflict. “Carnal” in this ‘verse refers to the system of earthly standards. Our weapons in the angelic conflict do not belong to the physical realm. Rather, our weapons are “powerful through the instrumentality of God.”

            The devil’s fortification system can resist all attacks of human viewpoint, human ability, human power; but God has provided in grace divine equipment and weapons to demolish the cosmic defenses of Satan. What are these weapons which enable us to launch an attack against the world, the old sin nature and the devil? They are our THOUGHTS! The greatest weapon we have in both spiritual warfare and in life is what we think. No matter how you slice it, the factor that motivates, empowers and strengthens a believer is his thought pattern. If the believer is thinking human viewpoint, he is open to Satanic infiltration. Furthermore, he is useless, miserable, and in- distinguishable from the unbeliever.

            On the other hand, the believer with doctrine in the right lobe has divine viewpoint on the launching pad ready for application in order to assault the defense system of Satan in this intensified stage of the angelic conflict. Such a believer has moved into the super-grace life and therefore has the capacity to understand that “all things work together for good”; he casts all his cares on the Lord; he knows and applies the Doctrine of Divine Essence and the principles of Christology. This believer cannot be defeated! Like a truly courageous person in the human realm, he cannot be conquered. You can beat him up; you can tear him to shreds; but as long as he has the divine viewpoint in the right lobe which says, “I will fight to the end,” you cannot overcome him!




            Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against {in opposition to] the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).


            The concept of bringing every thought into captivity for Christ has been interpreted in as many ways as there are confused or reversionistic believers. The “meditators,” the “agonizers,” the “positive thinkers,” all think they are bringing their thoughts into captivity for Christ. Yet, when the interpretation is analyzed in the Greek, it clearly reveals that every phrase in this verse relates to military function.

            “Casting down” (KATHAIRO) indicates the power of a thought to attack and demolish the cosmic fortifications of Satan. The strategic victory of the Cross, followed by the resurrection, ascension and session of Christ at the right hand of the Father, has placed Satan during the Church Age in a defensive rather than an offensive position. Before the Cross became an historic fact, Satan had operated on the more advantageous principle of offense; but now that his doom is sealed, he can only employ delaying tactics.

            Believers are the assault troops designed by the Lord to demolish his defense system. When they fail, it is because of negative volition toward doctrine, resulting in the malfunction of GAP, and because of the opening up of the MATAIOTES, causing scar tissue of the soul,” and finally, reversionism. Under these conditions, the mind becomes the prisoner of Satan. To attack and smash the unseen Satanic fortifications requires a heavy concentration of doctrine!


            What are Satan’s fortifications? “Imaginations” ?Not at all! Satan is far too clever to function on the basis of imagination. The word, incorrectly translated “imaginations,” is LOGISMOS — systems of thought or reasonings — and refers to the reasoning powers of cosmic doctrine and human viewpoint (1 Tim. 4:1). Satan has two perimeters of defense. Infiltrating the minds of men, both believers and unbelievers, is the devil’s outer perimeter of defense. The inner perimeter, which indicates his desperate situation because of his initial defeat at the Cross, is the intensification of the angelic conflict.

            This inner perimeter is described as “every high thing” (PAS HUPSOMA), or “every obstacle of pride.” Satan’s forts are defended with obstacles of pride. The very sin that caused his fall (Isa. 14:12- 17) is the tactical artillery barrage with which he softens up those who would oppose him. Pride is both a mental attitude sin and a human viewpoint system of thought, which binders objectivity. The devil, by human viewpoint and Satanic doctrines, keeps you off-balance and unable to assault his perimeters.

            Of course, the great danger to the believer in the devil’s defensive position is the possibility of counterattack, as the next phrase demonstrates. “That exalteth itself” (EPAIRO) means “to elevate, to assault, to attack.” Satan, with his human viewpoint and cosmic doctrines, always stands on the inner perimeter ready to counterattack. What does he attack? “The knowledge (GNOSIS) of God.” Satan attacks the objective understanding of doctrine (GNOSIS) in the left lobe of the believer. At this point, doctrine is learned objectively in the left lobe by means of the filling of the Holy Spirit; but to be applicable, GNOSIS must be cycled into the human spirit by faith, where it becomes EPIGNOSIS (full knowledge). In other words, once doctrinal principles are understood objectively (GNOSIS), they must be believed in order to become EPIGNOSIS. Only then is doctrine available to apply to every situation in life. EPIGNOSIS is not subject to counterattack!

            A Satanic counterattack can be launched only from a defensive position or inner perimeter. When this counterattack is successful, Satan makes a prisoner of your mind. On the other hand, when you launch a successful attack against cosmic viewpoint, you “bring into captivity” (AICHMALOTIZO) or make a prisoner of “every thought” (NOEMA) — literally, “every system of thought.” You have slaved off the counterattack, and Satan has been repulsed.

            LOGISMOS (“imaginations” or systems of cosmic thoughts) is Satan’s successful attempt to capture our system of thought; NOEMA (every system of thought) is the believer’s successful attempt at assault. In other words, LOGISMOS denotes human viewpoint; NOEMA, divine viewpoint. Every system of thought sponsored by Satan can be captured by the believer and changed through application of doctrine from LOGISMOS to NOEMA!

            Making a prisoner of every human viewpoint system of thought must be accomplished under the principle of authority. “Obedience” (HUPAKOE) does not connote “submissiveness” so much as “authority.” How can you change your thinking?

            Assaulting and demolishing cosmic thought, and every obstacle of pride attacking against the objective knowledge of the God, and making a prisoner of every human viewpoint system of thought TO THE AUTHORITY OF CHRIST (literal translation of 2 Cor. 10:15).

            The authority of Christ is Bible doctrine — the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16). Under this concept, if enough believers in a national entity consistently maintain divine viewpoint, that nation will recover the norms and standards designed by God for divine establishment. Obviously, then, the answer is in the function of GAP.




            What are some of these systems of thought used by Satan in the counterattack?


            1. RATIONALIZATION. This is a form of self-justification by a scar-covered or reversionistic soul. On the basis of scar tissue, warped conscience, human viewpoint, lack of doctrine in the human spirit or in the frame of reference, such a state of mind justifies sinful activities or blames God for all adversity. You cannot be involved in such a negative system of thought and possess God’s happiness — PLUS-H.


            2. DIRECT ATTACK. In this system, a person adjusts to the problems and frustrations of life through anger — a fit of temper, a tantrum or physical aggression. This mental attitude stems from one of the lust patterns: approbation lust (to get attention); power lust (to control people and the environment around them); or from emotional revolt of the soul and mental attitude sins of vindictiveness and implacability (to be spiteful and seek revenge).


            3. DEFENSE MECHANISM. When the soul is confronted with pressures it is too weak to bear, the person protects himself by reverting to human viewpoint in order to block out reality. This change of thought pattern leads to a change of behavior pattern. For example, a believer may become disillusioned with the people in a local church and revert to licentiousness.


            4. DENIAL. This is a human viewpoint adjustment that ignores or attempts to ignore some difficulty or danger. The soldier in combat who says, “There is only one bullet with my name on it,” is denying that all bullets are dangerous. The divine viewpoint is Job 5:20, 21.


            5. SUBLIMATION. When a person becomes bored, lonely, discouraged or filled with mental attitude sins, he seeks a new outlet for his frustrations through a frantic search for happiness in fornication, alcohol, drugs, entertainment, etc. He becomes a slave to the details of life and loses his capacities for life, love and happiness; he therefore sublimates.

            One of the most common and subtle sublimations is the escape into dream world. You visualize in your mind a place to retreat where you can compensate for the frustrations, adversities and disappointments of life. When someone is promoted over you, in your bitterness you hop over into dream world. Your dream world is a wonderful, glorious place, for here in “never-never land” you are supreme. You can see yourself exalted over this character, as he waits on you hand and foot in abject slavery to your every whim.

            Perhaps someone jilted you; but in your dream world that person comes crawling back, begging forgiveness and pledging undying love. Or maybe the little lady says, after the “monster” leaves, “I’ll show him”; and then goes on a buying spree that would shake Fort Knox! Or she may get together with “the girls” and organize a garden club for the preservation of the variegated petunia. Together they avoid reality through some fanciful form of escapism. There are many novel ways to compensate, but they all constitute dream world. In this way, we can often escape the reality of disappointments and heartache.

            Yet there is a divine Plan by which you can advance, out-maneuver Satan all the way and gain victory in the devil’s world! This Plan is divine viewpoint — Bible doctrine! Every battle in life can be won if you follow the divine instructions. Each time you face a bitter situation, you will either retreat into one of the human adjustments to life or advance into divine viewpoint. If you retreat from reality to human viewpoint sublimation and back to reality, you still possess your bitterness and frustration. You are still upset! Instead, you must advance from your experience to the Word of God and then apply doctrine to experience. Now you are on the offensive; you have overcome reality! The more Bible doctrine you know, the more you will find strength, comfort and power when facing the realities of life.


            6. SUBJECTIVITY. The best illustration of subjective thinking is the present-day sensitivity programs conducted in every area of life — military, business, academic, medical, social. However, subjectivity is not confined to organized activities. Many believers, who wear their feelings on their sleeves and are constantly upset about something or someone, constitute a large majority of subjective thinkers. If certain members in a church do not rush up to greet them and give them the “glad hand,” they write it off as an unfriendly congregation and seek more favorable pastures. They continually shop around looking for that friendly “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” Actually, they want from a church the attention they do not receive in the office or at the country club. Having failed miserably everywhere else, they at- tempt to find the church that will substitute for a “lonely hearts club.”

            Another form of sensitivity is self-pity. You assume no one loves you; you feel left out, and it depresses you. Did it ever occur to you there are people who may just want you to feel ostracized? It is their nasty way of putting pressure on you; they like to see you miserable. They want you to hear about their party to which you were not invited. They delight in rubbing it in! But they are the kind who become upset when they discover that those things do not disturb you. They grind their teeth! You should never be sensitive to this type of pettiness.

            There is no excuse for any of this for believers. Our lives were designed by God to have peace and happiness and blessing. But the solution must be in the right lobe. All the attempts to snub, to ignore, to belittle, never have any effect on us when we have — not a “thick hide” — but divine viewpoint from doctrine in the right lobe. When you arrive at the place of maximum divine viewpoint, you become occupied with the Person of Jesus Christ, and at that point you have just moved into a place of perfect happiness. As long as you remain stabilized in that mental attitude, nothing can move you (Psa. 16:8).

            But that is not all: you become more attractive every second that you look at life from the divine viewpoint. This is a part of the concept of inner beauty, the filling of the Spirit and the super-grace life. You will become a different person. People will gravitate to you because

they see your stability. They may not know what the source is, but they know you possess qualities they would give anything to have. Your whole life reflects what you think! You need not go out to the highways and byways to lead unbelievers to Christ; they will fall all over themselves getting to you. You will find that leading some of these people to the Lord is like shooting a duck at two paces with a twelve-gauge shotgun. You just cannot miss!

     The tragedy is that there are not many believers around with that much stability. Do you

know why? Few people know enough doctrine to fill a thimble. They are trying to live up to the “little light” they have, and that little light is about to go out! Nowhere does the Bible command us to live up to a little light; rather, we are told to let as much light as possible into our frontal lobes (Psa. 119:130). YOU CANNOT GET TOO MUCH DOCTRINE! Doctrine maintains your divine viewpoint. It stabilizes your mental attitude.




            And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled (2 Cor. 10:6).


            Satan has many clever systems for controlling the mind and soul of believers, but God has provided a security system to protect the soul. “Having in a readiness” is a military term denoting security and could be translated, “to garrison troops at a certain point to prevent revolution.” This verse is a warning against revolution in the soul. How can the believer have revolution in his soul? When he goes negative toward Bible doctrine through emotional revolt, reversionism, human viewpoint or apostasy, causing scar tissue in the soul or hardness of heart, his soul is in revolution.

            At no time in your Christian experience are you invulnerable to emotional revolt in the soul. It may be temporary carnality and last only as long as it takes to rebound, or it may be permanent and lead to reversionism. Emotion is the basis for every response and reaction in life. When the emotion is dominated by the right lobe and responds to Bible doctrine, there is capacity for life, love and happiness. On the other hand, when the emotion takes over the right lobe, it causes irrational behavior and breeds unhappiness. The person who is led by his emotion is exhilarant when circumstances are pleasant but depressed when they are adverse.

            Since people in emotional revolt crack up easily, the soul must have a garrison. If it does not, they become vulnerable to all the emotional activities in Christianity today — the one-shot dedications, the faggot-on-the-fire nonsense, the “tongues” movement or the “divine” healing chicanery. “Having” is present active participle, linear aktionsart of ECHO, meaning “to have and to hold,” and indicates a certain way of life. Your way of life should maintain a continual guard mount in the soul.

            When any military organization is on the move, it must be protected by a “point” — a small outfit placed in front of the main column. There must also be flank and rear protection. When the troops rest or bivouac, they must set up a perimeter of sentinels with outposts for security. It is Satan’s objective in the angelic conflict to make your soul a battlefield. He already has an ally in the body — the old sin nature which, under carnality or reversionism, controls the soul. However, the sin nature can produce only carnality, human good or evil. It takes an outside attack force of Satanic doctrine or the “doctrines of demons” (1 Tim. 4:1) to completely destroy the effectiveness of the soul.

            For the angelic conflict, there are two types of security provided by God: eternal security (John 10:28) and temporal security the maintenance of a garrison in your soul (2 Cor. 10:6). This protection against the takeover of the soul by cosmic doctrines is Bible doctrine in the soul. “All disobedience” (PARAKOE) connotes “deviation from obedience or authority.” You must mount guard in your soul to “revenge all disobedience to authority,” which is the revolt in the soul. “Revenge” (EKDIKEO) denotes punishment and indicates that all these revolts must be punished or put down.

            As you learn categories of doctrine, the “troops” move in, and a garrison is set up in your soul. When you know enough doctrine through the function of GAP, you can quell every revolt in your soul. This is the point at which “obedience is fulfilled.” Doctrine in the frame of reference in the right lobe is the primary sentry box Post Number One — your greatest protection. From there, you move to the outer perimeter — the vocabulary, the norms and standards, and the viewpoint of doctrine, resulting in the Edification Complex in the soul and the super-grace life.

            The fact that you are a believer does not mean your soul is automatically garrisoned — this is potential. What does a new believer do until he develops a garrison in the soul? He fights with a slingshot, bows and arrows or fists; in other words, he uses the faith- rest technique as a holding force until he builds a stronger and more permanent defense. Faith-rest is designed simply to claim promises and principles in the Word. The full-strength garrison is the full knowledge of the doctrines of the Word on the launching pad in the right lobe.

            Meditate [keep thinking] upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting {progress] may appear to all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shall both save [deliver] thyself {from Satanic doctrine], and them that hear thee {those over whom you have influence] (1 Tim. 4:15,16).

            Holding in readiness (the garrison of doctrine) to punish all deviation from obedience (revolt), when your obedience (deficiency of doctrine) has been fulfilled, so as to fully influence you (literal translation of 2 Cor. 10:6).




            Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ’s, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ’s, even so are we Christ’s (2 Cor. 10:7).


            The first phrase of this verse is the biography of the believer without a garrison. In the Greek it is a statement, not a question. It says literally, “You are in the habit of looking at things according to the standard of superficial appearance.” “Look” is BLEPO, a superficial glance, in contrast to HORAO, a close look — a look based on doctrine. BLEPO indicates soulish revolt in the Corinthians. Although no demon can enter the body of a believer, Satanic doctrine can infiltrate the soul when the garrison goes to sleep through neglect of Bible doctrine.

            One of the great dangers we face in the Christian life is to assume that we know something when we know nothing! People in this category inevitably reveal the nothingness in their souls by superficial evaluation. Circumstances are viewed completely through human viewpoint — the outward appearance (1 Sam. 16:7). Such people get their eyes on other people, things or self and have no discernment relative to spiritual values. They are souls without a garrison, overrun or neutralized by the devil. They “plead the blood,” agonize in the closet, dedicate, rededicate, and call this “the victorious Christian life.” Where does God look? On the EMOTIONS? No! God evaluates what goes on in the heart — the RIGHT LOBE! That is where the garrison should be.

            “If anyone — any of you Corinthians — has confidence (and you do) regarding himself that he belongs to Christ . . . .” The Corinthians have not gone so far into reversionism that they think they have lost their salvation, but that is about all they remember at this point. How will they recover? Paul knows they cannot think doctrine while in emotional revolt and reversionism; therefore, he directs their thoughts to his authority.


            First, he reminds them that when they criticize him, they are criticizing a member of the Body of Christ. Furthermore, he has authority over them by divine appointment. As the communicator of doctrine, Paul, as well as all pastor-teachers, has special authority (Heb. 13:7, 17). Too many people in the pew are critical of the pastor and try to tell him how to do his job. Nit-picking and criticism of authority are signs of emotional revolt and failure to mount guard in the soul. Therefore, in 2 Corinthians 10:8, Paul defends his authority and his right to judge on the basis of his spiritual gift of communication (Eph. 4:11; 1 Thess. 5:12).




            For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord {Holy Spirit] hath given us for edification, and not for your destruction, I should not be ashamed (2 Cor. 10:8).


             Paul, including all three communicators who had ministered to the Corinthians — Timothy, Titus and himself — says literally, “For if I (maybe I will and maybe I won’t — third class condition) should boast a little too much concerning our authority . . . .” Paul’s critics were saying that he was a great braggart and that authority had gone to his head. They insisted that he was abusing his authority by keeping them under his thumb.

            Yet this is exactly what the legalists were doing while attributing their own tactics to Paul. Their strategy was to shame him by using his authority and to make it appear as bullying so that he would not use it against them or check their power lust. By usurping his authority through their legalistic teaching, they were destroying the Corinthian church. But Paul, knowing that his authority was from God, was neither ashamed nor afraid to use it In fact, he would have to become a “drill sergeant” and “smash” them with his rank!

            The gift of pastor-teacher has been sovereignly bestowed by God the Holy Spirit for the purpose of edification of the saints. The PRIMARY objective of the communication of doctrine is the construction of the Edification Complex in the soul. The ULTIMATE objective is that in Phase Two” believers can reach the supergrace life. Even though the pastor-teacher may find it necessary to severely admonish his flock, it is not for their “destruction” to the contrary, it is to keep them from reversionism! No believer ever builds an Edification Complex in the soul or moves into super-grace without accepting his right pastor-teacher’s authority, which has graciously been provided by the Holy Spirit and which is exercised through “ICE” teachings of the Word of God.


            That I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters (2 Cor. 10:9).


            Paul’s critics also claimed he was trying to terrorize and intimidate the Corinthian believers with his letters, so they rejected his epistles as a source of doctrine and divine viewpoint. Therefore, it became necessary for Paul to defend the authority issue through the doctrine of inspiration. As in communication, so in inspiration, the authority of the message is provided by God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit used the writers of Scripture to record God’s complete and connected thought toward man. Obviously, First Corinthians was an epistle of reproof. But this hard-nosed rebuke was conducted in the ministry of the Holy Spirit under the principle of divine inspiration. Certain portions of the Bible are designed to be harsh in order to warn believers against reversionism. Whatever the subject, every portion of Scripture is vital and necessary (2 Tim. 3:16, 17)!


            For his letters, say they, are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible (2 Cor. 10:10).


            Again his critics are quoted as saying that his letters are “severe and vehement” (literally). These words imply that Paul is tyrannical and lacks love and compassion. They resent his dogmatism and authority in teaching. From the critical attitude toward his message, they move on to ridicule his personal appearance and public speaking ability. When anyone rejects the doctrinal message, he will inevitably find something to reject in the person of the communicator: “his bodily presence is weak [sickly], and his speech contemptible.”

            Those of you who understand Greek culture will be amused at this because there were two things which were highly revered: a beautiful body and a skillful orator. Since most of the heroes of ancient Greece were either strong, muscular men or people with eloquent tongues, the Greeks worshipped these two attainments. The critics were pointing out that Paul did not meet any of the heroic specifications for Greek culture. They were intimating that he would have no influence in a Greek city like Corinth because of his sickly body and his short-comings as a public speaker.

            This description is confirmed by a number of extrabiblical historical sources, one of which describes Paul as being “short, bald, bowlegged, with meeting eyebrows and a hooked proboscis.” John of Antioch, in the sixth century, characterized Paul as “round-shouldered and having greyish eyes, aquiline nose, meeting eyebrows and ample beard.” A fourth-century manuscript, ascribed to Lucian, portrayed Paul as the “bald-headed, hook-nosed Galilean.”

            The legalists made an issue of his appearance. There is apparent reason to believe he did not make a good first impression, and frankly, I am delighted that he did not. Paul is a good illustration of the secret of power in the Christian life. To serve the Lord, it is not necessary to work out with barbells and develop muscles. Nor is the secret in eloquent speech. In fact, there are too many eloquent speakers right now in the pulpits who know how to say nothing beautifully!

            Apparently, Paul had some type of speech impediment; yet he never seemed to be disturbed or hampered by his human handicaps for quite an obvious reason: he depended on the POWER OF GOD! He knew that the power of God not only provided a more than adequate substitute for any human deficiency, but that it was the only source for a successful ministry.

            Human viewpoint said, “Paul, you will never make a preacher; you are an unrefined public speaker; you have no presence, and your appearance detracts. You simply will never be able to hold an audience; so don’t bother to come to our seminary or apply to our pulpit committee. You do not fill the bill!” Human viewpoint demands a tall, attractive, eloquent gentleman — someone who will be a social lion, have the right kind of a personality and who can raise money, if necessary. What is the divine viewpoint? Does he teach the Word of God?

            Does he use divine power? Paul illustrates in this passage the difference between divine and human viewpoints. He is declaring that from the human viewpoint he could not serve anywhere as a pastor, but God has graciously given him the gift of authority — apostleship. Further, God has given him the gift of teaching; and regardless of his lack of eloquence, Paul is unsurpassed as a teacher, as well as one of the greatest believers who ever lived. From the human viewpoint, he was totally handicapped. From the divine viewpoint, he tapped grace to the maximum.

            In addition to his unattractive physical appearance and lack of eloquence, Paul was constantly in pain (2 Cor. 12:7 — the “thorn in the flesh”) .This is a significant factor. Some of you may not realize how difficult it is to teach God’s Word when you ache all over or when you have some physical ailment. I know ministers who habitually stand before their congregations with a serious handicap from the standpoint of health.

            Yet, once again, we see that the important factor is God’s Word. When one uses God’s Word and God’s power — the filling of the Spirit — all the handicaps of life cannot hinder any man from fulfilling the responsibility for which the Lord has left him in this world. It is not how you look — and don’t take this to mean that you should be sloppy in your appearance; as a representative of the Lord, you should groom yourself to the best of your ability. It is not how you speak; it is not your personality; IT IS WHAT YOU THINK! All the physical disorders and handicaps in the world are inconsequential if you have divine viewpoint in your right lobe!

            Although the critics cannot permanently damage Paul’s ministry, they are permitted by God to continue their activities to test the discernment and volition of believers who appear to be positive to doctrine. Are we occupied with Christ or with people? Do we truly love the Word, or are we concerned only with superficialities?


            Let such an one [the critic] think [consider] this, that, such as [of what sort] we are in word by letters when we are absent, such will we be also in deed when we are present (2 Cor. 10:11).


            Paul comes back at his critics with a declaration of his consistency. Let the critics and Judaizers consider the facts. Paul has been consistent whether present or absent: “You think I am trying to terrify you with letters; you think I am bluffing; you think I am a lamb when I am in Corinth and a lion when I am out of the city limits. Well, continue at your present rate, and when I come, we shall see who is the lion and who is the lamb!”

            Paul preferred to present God’s Word in a gracious manner; but when the occasion called for it, he could lower the boom. We know this from the Second Chapter of Galatians. In Antioch, Paul had found it necessary to “brace” the leader of the local church. Do you know whom he braced? Peter! Paul backed Peter up against the wall and said, “You are a legalist! You are wrong!” (Gal. 2:11-21). He chewed Peter up one side and down the other! That does not sound like a lamb to me!

            What is the divine viewpoint in 2 Corinthians 10:11? “When I come back, I am going to get tough!” Those who had fallen for the human viewpoint would have a positive demonstration of the correct viewpoint when Paul returned. Then he goes on to ask, “Who are these people who are criticizing me? And what is the source of their viewpoint?”




            For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise (2 Cor. 10:12).


            Once or twice a year, usually after I have injected a little sarcasm into my teaching, I receive an anonymous letter in which someone rises up in all his ascetic wrath against the use of sarcasm. He writes that it has no place in the pulpit, that it is anti-biblical. Now, if you have that viewpoint, please notice the use of Paul’s sanctified sarcasm under the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

            To “make ourselves” means “to judge ourselves in the same place or rank.” “I do not have the boldness,” Paul says, oozing sarcasm, “to judge ourselves worthy . . .” (“of the number” is not in the original). In other words, the legalists are so superior to him (sarcasm), he isn’t even in the picture! He could never qualify for such a great society; he is too far beneath them!

            Paul now adds humor to sarcasm: “to compare ourselves” is a paronomasia. However, the play on words is lost in the English. He says, “We do not have the boldness to either EGKRINO — ‘to judge ourselves worthy’ — or SUGKRINO — ‘to compare ourselves favorably’ with certain ones who constantly recommend themselves favorably.” The critics always consider themselves better than everyone else. They have found in Paul and others a common target for criticism, and they malign and judge them, while flattering each other and stimulating their own approbation lust. Paul is completely ostracized from their mutual admiration society; yet from the divine viewpoint, not one of them was worthy to clean the mud from his sandals!

            To use another believer as your criterion is a very subtle form of carnality. Do you know why? Because it involves a mental attitude of pride, and pride is one of the most insidious of mental attitude sins. Paul says these people are not wise: they are not inculcated with doctrine and are not even applying to experience what little doctrine they have!




            But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule [authority of the Canon] which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you (2 Cor. 10:13).


            “But” is a conjunction which sets forth a contrast between human viewpoint of the mutual admiration society of verse 12 and divine viewpoint of believers with doctrine in the right lobe. The Greek says literally, “But we will not boast with reference to thing; not measured. . . .” What are these things? We must remember our context — human versus divine viewpoints. Paul is saying that the maligning and approbation lust of his critics does not line up with doctrine; therefore, he will not glory in it or be impressed with it. God ha not left us in the dark regarding the divine standards for life: they are found in the Canon of Scripture and nowhere else! Most of these people were believers, but they were minus doctrine in the right lobe.

            The next conjunction of contrast describes that which Paul will glory in: “but according to the standard of the measure of the rule {KANON] . . .” KANON, a ruler or measuring stick, from which we derive the word “Canon,” is often used for the Word of God. While in their state of emotional revolt and reversionism Paul’s critics have rejected the Canon or Rule, God has not: “which God [through the Holy Spirit] has distributed to us [in the Canon]. . . .” It is shared with us through the human writers of Scripture.

            “A measure” is the divine viewpoint, the absolute criterion for the believer. But this time, in contrast to being distributed in the Canon, it reaches us through the COMMUNICATION of doctrine. “Unto you” (ACHRI), as it is translated in the English, robs it of its sarcasm. It actually means “as far as you all.” The reversionistic believers have received the divine standard, but they have rejected it for the persuasiveness of the Judaizers.




            For we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure, as though we reached not unto you: for we are come as far as to you also in preaching {proclaiming] the gospel of Christ (2 Cor. 10:14).


            In order to understand the divine viewpoint in this verse, we must pick up a little background. When Paul first came to Corinth (Acts 18:1), he communicated pure grace from the absolute criterion of doctrine. The Corinthians responded positively to his dogmatic presentation of the Gospel of grace and then to his continued grace teaching of Bible doctrine. After Paul left them, they became carnal; and he was equally dogmatic about their carnality, as expressed in the First Corinthian epistle. This is the reason that First Corinthians was so unpopular. The Corinthians reacted to his rebuke with emotional revolt.

            Now, in 2 Corinthians 10:14, Paul uses the illustration of their salvation to explain the divine viewpoint. He says, literally, “For not reaching toward you (with the Gospel), as we did not overextend ourselves; for as far as you also we have advanced in the Gospel of Christ.” What is Paul saying? “When I first came to Corinth, none of you were believers. I came in and dogmatically laid ‘grace’ on the line! Did I overextend myself? You have been criticizing me for being too dogmatic; you claim I am going too far! Why didn’t you say that when you responded to my dogmatic presentation of the Gospel?”

            Why the sudden complaint about dogmatism? Because he stepped on their toes. He is now a bully and a dictator! Yet Paul is actually consistent — they are inconsistent and out of line. If Paul had gone beyond the bounds of the Gospel and taught salvation by works, none of them would have been saved. But Paul neither went outside the boundaries of grace in salvation nor beyond the limits of doctrine in reproving them.

            Paul advanced in his ministry with them by rebuking them in regard to their carnality. Their advance at this point is to take the reprimand and to accept the discipline under the authority of the Word of God. We cannot advance spiritually unless we accept the en- tire communication of doctrine and the authority of the pastor-teacher. We cannot reject what we do not like without retreating into emotional revolt, scar tissue or reversionism.


            Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men’s labours; but having hope [confidence], when your faith {doctrine] is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly (2 Cor. 10:15).


            Boasting is dependent on human ability and human accomplishment and is therefore related to human good and human viewpoint. Paul refuses to boast in human viewpoint or in anything which lacks orientation to the grace of God. Even though he founded the Corinthian church, he does not boast about it. But he has a right to have confidence regarding them as the fruits of his labor. He anticipates that they will recover from emotional revolt or reversionism through a change of attitude toward doctrine and that they will grow up spiritually as a result. His ministry will thus be extended in their lives, and doctrine will be enlarged or magnified (Psa. 138:2).

            It is possible for a child to do certain things as an adult would do them, but we do not consider that child an adult. He is still a child! Children have changeable behavior patterns. One moment they may act like a child, and the next, like an adult; but we hope that eventually their actions will be consistently adult. What causes a child to mature? Not by occasionally doing something like an adult but by growing up mentally.

            Maturity is primarily in the realm of thinking, both from the standpoint of human life and spiritual life. There are periods in the life of a Christian when he will do something spiritually right, but that does not constitute spiritual maturity. I am going to make a dogmatic statement — and I hope you will never forget it: NO CHRISTIAN CAN EVER BE SPIRITUALLY MATURE APART FROM A MAXIMUM KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S WORD! “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Rom. 10:17). Faith can be increased only by the absorption of the Word through the function of GAP.

            The tragedy of many believers is that they resist Bible doctrine. Though they are truly born again, their entire emphasis is on experience. They are legalists, and they can never mature. Maturity is what you habitually thinly not what you do! You often see someone who, as a result of some mental retardation, develops physically, but whose mind never catches up. Mentally, he will always be a child, even though he has an adult body. Just as a person is not an adult on the basis of the maturity of his human body, so the believer does not become an adult on the basis of his actions. Spiritual maturity is directly related to doctrine in the right lobe.




            To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man’s line {false standard] of things made ready to our hand (2 Cor. 10:16).


            When doctrine is magnified in a local church through the daily function of GAP, there is an increase in effective witnessing” and a greater missionary outreach. The “regions beyond” refer to any place from next door to ten thousand miles away. Again Paul says he will not boast in or cater to the false norms and standards of the Judaizers, who have gone far afield with their legalism and human viewpoint. But he knows that when reversionism is cured by a change of mental attitude toward doctrine and the daily function of GAP, the Corinthians will then move out with the Gospel and make the salvation issue clear. Both personal witnessing and evangelism must be Biblically accurate and presented on a grace basis.

            “Things made ready to our hand” means “with reference to the things prepared.” Legalists never start their own work but tear down another’s .Their norms are prepared through human viewpoint. In other words, they have a public relations “Madison Avenue” approach which, though appealing, is non-biblical and therefore human viewpoint. There is no place in witnessing for human viewpoint or gimmicks which become substitutes for the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Gimmick-

witnessing is a false standard prepared from human viewpoint by those who are ignorant of, or are in revolt against, Bible doctrine. Those who criticized Paul were boasting of others who evangelized via the human viewpoint method.

            No believer in emotional revolt or reversionism can effectively communicate the Gospel. He always has an ax to grind, such as legalism; he invariably adds something to the Gospel and confuses the issue for believer and unbeliever alike. He wants the unbeliever to give up certain sins which he personally dislikes. Or he thinks you must believe AND be baptized . . . believe AND confess your sins . . . believe AND join the church. But the issue is grace faith plus NOTHING: “BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).




            But he that glorieth, let him glory [keep on glorying] in the Lord (2 Cor. 10:17).


            This is a quotation from Jeremiah 9:23, 24, which warns believers of the danger of reversionism. The context of the Jeremiah passage describes the national disintegration of Judah which had reached its peak following an eleven-year period of rejecting doctrine. These people had all three categories of prosperity stated in context: success economic prosperity and spiritual prosperity, in which they had functioned under GAP for a period of time and falsely assumed they had an Edification Complex in the soul. Instead, through neglect of doctrine, they were in emotional revolt and reversionism and had become “wise in their own conceits — they thought they knew it all!

            In prosperity, the believer is more vulnerable to reversionism than under adversity and pressure, for in prosperity there is a tendency to neglect doctrine and to seek happiness from another source. Through pride of their success, the Jews started down the road toward reversionism. They boasted of their achievements and wealth; but without an Edification Complex and super-grace, these attainments are meaningless. Although God has a super-grace prosperity package for every believer, the capacity for super-grace blessings must come from Bible doctrine in the right lobe. Few people can pass the prosperity test apart from doctrine.

            Paul now makes the same application for the Jews of his day. “If you feel you must boast,” he says, “change it to ‘glorying’ in the Lord.” Second Corinthians 10:17 does not mean that you run around saying “Praise God, hallelujah, isn’t Jesus wonderful?” That can be as phony as a lead nickel. People use these phrases like an amulet worn around the neck for good luck in the hopes of staving off failure.

            How do you keep on glorying in the Lord? To keep on doing something, it must be done every day. To glory in the Lord, doctrine must be taken in daily, transferred to the human spirit by faith so that you keep on building; then, as it is transferred to the right lobe through the filling of the Spirit, it goes into the frame of reference, memory center, vocabulary and categories and finally to the launching pad for application to experience. You cannot neglect doctrine even for a day. Glorying in the Lord is THINKING Bible doctrine!


            For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth (2 Cor. 10:18).


            The Corinthians were commending or recommending themselves for favorable attention because they thought they had arrived at the epitome of spiritual and economic prosperity, and they wanted everyone to know it. In reality, they, like their earlier counterparts in Judea, were in emotional revolt and reversionism. You will find “Corinthians” wherever you go who are in the business of commending themselves. At every opportunity they will tell you what a great battle they are fighting for the Lord. They make it very clear that they are doing “great things for God” around the church or in some Christian organization. What do they seek? Approval! In other walks of life they have never been recognized, and they are starved for approbation. They want some pastor to publicly express thanks for their accomplishments.

            If your activities are motivated solely for the purpose of securing approval and recognition, you are out in “center field.” All your efforts should be discontinued until you can do them as unto the Lord. It is possible to do a right thing in a wrong way. What trips you up? Mental attitude human viewpoint! If you do your job as unto the Lord — another phase of the faith-rest technique — you just leave the commendation in His hands and to His discretion and wisdom. Forget the “brag sheet,” the “Monday morning” pastors’ conference, the attendance record, the number who went through the baptismal “tank,” and all the other “one-upmanship” activities. The believer cannot be blessed under these conditions.

            God does not approve the believer who promotes himself or takes credit to himself. If the Lord does not promote you, you are not promoted (Psa. 75:6, 7). Human gimmicks will never cut it. All evaluation is in the Lord’s hands. Judging is a divine prerogative only. Criticizing, judging or slandering another believer is, in effect, an at- tempt to promote yourself and is indicative of emotional revolt, negative volition toward doctrine and reversionism.

            Perhaps no one in the Bible so perfectly illustrates the principle of 2 Corinthians 10:18 as David, and no treatise on mental attitude would be complete without a mention of his rise to prominence.




            David began his career not only from an obscure position but as a nonentity. If you want to know what a nonentity —   it is the eighth son in a family! The other seven were being promoted, pushed along and educated. This took all of the father’s resources, which wen vested in sheep. Someone had to take care of the sheep to keep the other seven boys in school and moving along in their careers. David, being the eighth boy, was the logical one! He was on the bottom rung, the forgotten son of the family. He lived more with the sheep than he did in his father’s home in Bethlehem.

            From this anonymous place as a shepherd, David went all the way to the highest position in the land. He was truly a great man in history, from both the divine and human viewpoints, and was one of the greatest rulers of all time. You are familiar with his many courageous acts: how he alone challenged and killed the giant; how he became the highest general in the land; how he became the most popular man in the court; how, in exile, he forged a band of fugitives into a crack military outfit; and finally, how he became king. In fact, we often become so lost in the action of the story, we forget that action is based on mental attitude. All the time that David was engaged in an overt act, he was not simply doing — he was thinking! The principle which made David great and gave such tremendous vitality and power to so many of his actions was what was going on in his right lobe. This is extremely important. It was the secret of his success.




            In contrast to David, two other men, Samuel and Jesse, did some erroneous thinking. In 1 Samuel 16:1-5, God instructed the great prophet, Samuel, to go to Bethlehem to anoint the-next king of Israel. Saul was to be superseded by a son of the family of Jesse. When the seven sons were paraded before Samuel, we discover that the eldest appealed to Samuel. Tall and handsome and wearing his new uniform as a second lieutenant in the infantry, he was preparing to go to war against the Philistines, who had invaded Israel.


            And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and said. Surely the LORD’S anointed is before him (1 Sam. 16:6).


            But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart [right lobe] (1 Sam. 16:7).


            Notice the contrast stated: “man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the right lobe.” From the human viewpoint, here was a tall, handsome, personable individual which anyone might have selected to fill a job. But God said, “No !You can go up and down that line as much as you want, but I have rejected these seven boys — even though they are all fine looking!”

            Immediately Samuel hit a stone wall. Where was the answer to this dilemma? The “answer” was out with the sheep! The answer was faithfully on the job: he stayed with the sheep; he cared for the sheep. When one of the lambs was caught in the cactus, he retrieved it. When a wild animal took a sheep from the flock, he gave chase and killed the animal! Why? He had some doctrine; and as a result, he had the right mental attitude — the divine viewpoint of life. He was occupied with the Person of Christ (Psa. 23). When he heard that Samuel had come to town, he did not run into town for the great holiday; he stayed with the sheep. He had a mental attitude of faithfulness.

            Samuel asked if these were all of Jesse’s sons. Jesse said, “There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep . . .” (1 Sam. 16:11). Jesse said this in derision, for he was implying that the youngest was of no importance. Yet this was the son whom God had chosen! Do you see the contrast? Human viewpoint: pick one of the tall, good-looking boys — any one of them would make a fine-looking king! Divine viewpoint: there is a boy out with the sheep who is faithful and who has doctrine in his right lobe. How do we know? Look for a moment at 1 Samuel 17, where David recounted two incidents which illustrate the doctrine he had been storing up.


            And David said unto Saul, Thy servant kept his father’s sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock (1 Sam. 17:34).


            “Kept his father’s sheep” is literally, “kept on keeping his father’s sheep”; and there is a vast difference: he was not a temporary, one-day shepherd; he was out there full time. What makes people keep on keeping on, even when they are tired, worn out, discouraged, hurting or sick? Divine viewpoint in the right lobe! If you have doctrine in your right lobe, you will be consistent as was David: in every situation, he kept on faithfully.

            What were the two incidents which occurred out there among the sheep, even before Samuel came to anoint David? First of all, a lion, which can run the hundred-yard dash in five seconds, came in among the sheep and picked out a choice lamb from the flock. As far as human viewpoint is concerned, this crisis was now over. The lion had come; the lion had departed, and David was still in one piece. What else mattered? Do we read that David sat down, mopped his brow, and let his nerves unwind? Not at all! The sheep were HIS responsibility.

            David could have thought, “That is just one little lamb, and I want to live a little longer.” It would have been easy for him to throw in human viewpoint at this time. But divine viewpoint told David that no matter what the cost, there was a job to be done, and he should be faithful. Undoubtedly, David learned the principle of 1 Samuel 17:47 while he was still with the sheep: “the battle is the Lord’s.” And since David believed it, he knew the Lord could whip the lion, just as he knew he could not do it by himself. Without a second thought, he moved out, killed the lion and delivered the lamb back to the fold!

            Notice that the emphasis is not on the great feat that he accomplished. God’s Word very clearly and carefully stresses what he thought. Unlike the modern sportsman on safari, David did not have a .357 H and H Magnum, nor did he have a gun-bearer as a backup in case he missed! He went after that lion with anything but lion-hunting equipment, but he bagged himself a lion! Yet he did not do it — the LORD DID IT!

            Now David received another test — this time, a bear. A bear is a rough character also. One whack with his paw, and he can disintegrate your backbone. The bear picked out a choice lamb and took off for the feast. Before the bear could get the lamb “on the table,” David was hot on his trail.

            Again, David could have rationalized and said, “I’m the only young boy who has ever killed a lion, so I think I’ll just stand on my laurels and sit this one out” Not David! He knew he had a responsibility before the Lord, and he did his job as unto the Lord. David could not whip the bear, but he knew the Lord could. He would go after the bear and let the Lord take care of the details. The Lord did, and David rescued the lamb! The super-grace believer does not quit in the middle of the testing. Having passed the test of the lion, David did not shirk the test of the bear. Doctrine is as good for one type of combat as for another. Later, doctrine would deliver him in hand-to-hand combat with a giant. The loud-mouthed giant was not as tough as either the lion or the bear!


            David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. . . (1 Sam. 17:37).


            This is success, especially to one so young; but David did not suggest that it was in any way due to his power, ingenuity or ability. He did not take one ounce of the credit to himself, nor did he become arrogant about his victory. He did not call out the news media of his day to photograph the carcass and ballyhoo himself. In fact, he did not tell anyone about it at the time. Why? Because he persisted in habitually looking at life from the divine viewpoint, and divine viewpoint says, “For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth” (2 Cor. 10:18).

            The lion and bear victories were dress rehearsals for the Goliath crisis. Unseen by human beings and without human encouragement, David had defeated both adversaries. If he had flunked the lion and bear incidents, he would have failed in the Goliath test. GOD PREPARES HIS MAN IN SECRET FOR VICTORY IN PUBLIC! The public victory is won in the secret places of the Most High (Psa. 91). Wouldn’t Jesse sit up and take notice if he knew that this young lad who “keepeth the sheep’ ‘ had already killed a lion and a bear, and that he had in his right lobe that which would make him the greatest ruler of all time, apart from Jesus Christ? If you want to know some of David’s thoughts during those years while he kept the sheep, read the Davidic Psalms. Note how many times the divine viewpoint is expressed: “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psa. 27:1). Humanly speaking, everyone has some area of fear; but David had conquered fear (Psa. 56:3). Why? Because he looked at life from the divine viewpoint. And where did he get the divine viewpoint?

            From doctrine in his right lobe. In every Psalm David wrote, you will find that beautiful picture of God’s deliverance and power.

            Do you get into “Panic Palace” every time you read the newspaper or hear some rumor on the radio? Do you come unglued at the slightest provocation? What goes on in your frontal lobes? Why do you become upset every time you face some difficulty in life? Why do you fall apart? I’ll tell you why: no Bible doctrine in the soul or failure to apply what you know!




            Let us see one or two other instances of divine viewpoint in David’s life. King Saul was suffering from manic depression (1 Sam. 16:14) and the “psychiatrists” recommended musical therapy. The problem was that everyone around the court played the “guitar,” and they needed classical music played skillfully on the psalter the old ten-string harp. One of Saul’s servants knew of a boy out in the hills of Judea who was an accomplished harpist, and so it was that David was brought into Saul’s court to begin the therapy.

            David played day after day, and Saul improved. In appreciation, Saul appointed David his armorbearer (1 Sam. 16:21). That may not sound like much to you. You may picture him weighted down with heavy “boiler plate” and assigned to a tough job. But this was an honorary position. David had servants to carry the breastplate, helmet and other accouterments. A person who was an armorbearer of the king would one day be a general or a prime minister or would hold some other high office in the land. It was a guarantee of future prominence.

            From the human viewpoint, David had reached the heights as armorbearer of the king. “But David went and returned from Saul to feed, his father’s sheep at Bethlehem” (1 Sam. 17:15). Now most people would have told David that he was out of his mind — he had just kicked over the greatest opportunity he would ever have. I can just see Jesse when David showed up! He probably said, “David, what are you doing home? You are the armorbearer of the king. I have told everyone what a great job you were doing. Did the king send you back?”

            David would have replied, “No, the king did not send me. I came back to take care of the sheep; that is my job!” His father would have “blown his top.” Why? Human viewpoint! But divine viewpoint said, “God did not release me from those sheep; God did not say for me to stay at the palace. Therefore, I will stay with the sheep until God promotes me!” And that is exactly what happened: God promoted him! David’s head was not turned by prosperity. The super-grace hero always passes the prosperity test. Most people would have been too proud to go back to the humdrum of daily routine after success in the king’s court; but David returned to the sheep to wait for God’s time. Super-grace believers do not get ahead of the Lord!




            We now come to the incident for which God had been preparing David — a crisis designed by God to introduce His candidate for king of Israel. Goliath, the nine-foot-nine-inch giant of Gath, represented the military crisis which Israel faced in reversionism. Daily, he had bellowed out his challenge for someone to fight him, while the soldiers of Israel trembled in their tents for forty days. On the fortieth day, who should come into camp but David! As the king’s armorbearer? No! As a boy carrying ten cheeses for the battalion commander, plus a month’s rations for his three brothers.


David hears the challenge of old “loud-mouth.” Does David say, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should dare stand in front of Saul’s imperial guard and make such remarks?” No! David says, “ .. . for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies OF THE LIVING GOD?” (1 Sam. 17:26). David regarded the Philistine as an unbeliever rather than as a powerful giant. He considered it disgraceful and dishonorable that forty days had elapsed without anyone’s accepting the challenge when they belonged to the LIVING God! This was the first expression of divine viewpoint in Israel that day. Goliath was not defying Saul and his army — he was defying God.




            As David went to meet the challenge, he had to fight his own brother before he could fight the giant. Eliab accused him of arrogance and branded him as a deserter of his “few sheep” (1 Sam.

17:28). Ignoring the insults of his brother, David won his first battle against subjectivity, pettiness and reversionism. David was a super- grace hero known to God but unknown by his family or anyone else in Israel. Eliab was a reversionist whose right lobe was out of kilter through the mental attitude sins of pride, jealousy, anger, criticism and sarcasm.

            To win this battle, David retreated; to defeat the giant, David would advance. Not all battles in the spiritual life are won in the same way. If David had lost his temper with his brother, he would have lost this battle and not been qualified to fight Goliath. Your super-grace victory over pettiness today may result in killing the “giant” tomorrow. Although Eliab’s remarks were inaccurate, unfair and uncalled for, David did not stop to defend himself. He recognized that this was a doctrinal issue. Eliab put David down, but God put David up!




            King Saul had once been a courageous soldier, but reversionism had turned him into a coward. Now, during a crisis that he could not solve, a subtle plan took shape in his distorted mind, and Saul offered David his armor (1 Sam. 17:38). Here is yet another test before David can get to Goliath — an attack of worldliness. The armor of Saul on David represents worldliness from two standpoints: (1) If David were “lucky” and won, reasoned Saul, Saul could take credit for the victory because David was wearing his armor. (2) The armor represents a principle that ignores the spiritual connotation of the giant’s challenge: good weapons and armor would not destroy Goliath, but the power and grace of God could!

            No weapon or armor forged by the world will ever replace the power of God. Grace excludes human ability, human equipment, human help. Bible doctrine had taught David to be independent of COSMOS DIABOLICUS in any form. David preserved the grace of God in his soul by refusing the armor of Saul; therefore, he rejected the worldly means of facing the crisis. After all, what good had the armor done Saul? It was not the armor but the attitude of soul. David would face the crisis with Bible doctrine in his soul not fancy armor on his body!




            As David walked out on the battlefield, Goliath, armed with spear and shield, could scarcely believe his eyes. Affronted by this measly offering from the Jewish camp, he began to bully David, shouting, “Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves?’ (1 Sam. 17:43). Goliath viewed the situation this way: they had sent out a mere boy to do combat with the greatest gladiator of the Philistines! The Jews must have had a low opinion of him indeed!

            What was David carrying? He held the shepherd’s crook in one hand and a sling in the other (1 Sam. 17:40). Goliath implied, “You might fight a dog with a stick, but you will never defeat ME with such a flimsy defense! You had better go back and get yourself a javelin, boy, because you are going to need it!” Human viewpoint! Then we read that Goliath cursed David by “his gods” — not by the Philistines’ gods but by David’s God — ELOHIM. Goliath said to David, “Come to me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field” (1 Sam. 17:44). HUMAN VIEWPOINT!


            Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied (1 Sam. 17:45).


            David, as a super-grace believer, is quick to express the true issue and to identify himself with the Winner — Jesus Christ. DIVINE VIEWPOINT!

            This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel (1 Sam. 17:46).

            By this time, Goliath was probably standing there with his mouth hanging open. No one had ever spoken to him like that! He had never heard such words. Did David say them to demonstrate his muscular prowess in that arena? Oh, no — but to make known “that there is a God in Israel!” In the telling of the story of David and Goliath, the emphasis is always on what David DID — how he hit the giant with a stone, knocked him out and beheaded him. Where does God’s Word focus our attention? If you understand 1 Samuel 17:45-47, you can see that God’s Word emphasizes what David was thinking as he stood there, not on what he accomplished a few minutes later.


            And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD’S, and he will give you into our hands (1 Sam. 17:46).


            In this magnificent declaration is one of the greatest principles in the Christian life: THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’S !Spoken under maximum pressure, we see the total concept of the super-grace believer. David was the only one there that day who had enough doctrine in his soul to meet that challenge! Now we will see the action of a super-grace hero. Having made his decision based on Bible doctrine in his right lobe, he moved with alacrity to carry it out.

            David ran toward the army of the Philistines to meet Goliath (1 Sam. 17:48). As he went forward, David “cranked up” his sling and released the stone, which hit Goliath squarely in the middle of his forehead. Down went the giant! David then stood on his chest, pulled out Goliath’s own sword and decapitated him. The action of the story is well known. But before there was any action, there was a mental attitude based on Bible doctrine. It was his thought pattern that distinguished David from all the rest of the men in Israel, not just his ability to fight (many men in Israel were successful warriors).

            The super-grace believer has no hang-ups, no subjectivity, no fear. David had no qualms about killing the enemy; no guilt complex after the battle was over. He was a perfect combat soldier because his soul was prepared by doctrine long before his body advanced into battle. The action of the super-grace believer jibes with his thinking so that he is perfectly coordinated in soul and body. David personified the principle of 2 Corinthians 10:5:


            Assaulting and demolishing cosmic thought, and every obstacle of pride attacking against the objective knowledge of God, and making a prisoner of every human viewpoint system of thought to the authority of Christ.