YEAR: 1970 SERIES: Right Man/ Right Woman




1 Tim. 3:12

1Cor. 7:2–4

Doctrine of right man/right woman




Gen. 2:20 Eph. 5:31

Jer. 31:22 Ezek. 16:1





1Cor. 11:7

Doctrine of right man/right woman




Eph. 5:22 Ezek. 16:1–24, 60–63 1Cor. 7:10–11

Right man/right woman




Eph. 5:22 Gen. 2:20

Doctrine of right man/right woman




Eph. 5:22 Jer. 2

Doctrine of right man/right woman




Eph. 5:23 Jer. 31:1–25 Prov. 5:1–2





Eph. 5:23–24

Prov. 18:22 19:13–14

1Cor. 11:7





Eph. 5:25

Doctrine of the cup; male responsibility; man, the aggressor




Song of Sol. 8:6–7

Doctrine of category 2 love; doctrine of jealousy




Song of Sol. 6:10

How to recognize your right man or right woman




Song of Sol. 6:10

Doctrine of aggressiveness, true and false



1970 RM/RW

1 Tim. 3:12 1Cor. 7:2–4

Lesson #1



01/22/1970 1Tim. 3:12 1Cor. 7:2–4 Doctrine of right man/right woman

Word of God is alive and powerful sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul in the spirit of the giants in the marrow and is a critique of thoughts and intents of the heart. All scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God might be mature furnished unto all good works study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Open the word of truth this evening. First of all, but not last to First Timothy chapter three verse 12.

You're probably wondering is this Thursday night and you are correct. This is Thursday night. Next Thursday night, we'll continue with John 18 one.

This is sort of the end of exam week, and several things have happened. And this is a special.

Now at the tapers have a slight advantage because they have a blackboard? And we have someone designated to write on the blackboard. Any special as that occurs. And on the blackboard I assume it probably says the doctrine of the right man and the right woman. Now I understand that Herman went in there tonight and looked at that and he says, Well, I've got one half of it now.

So we'll see if we can get the rest.I never would have known that except David Paul asked the word.

David Paul kind of keeps track of things for me back there.

First Timothy chapter three verse 12, preparing ourselves for the study of this great doctrine.

Now began by having a word of silent prayer.

This gives you the opportunity of exercising your option of being filled with the Spirit, or not through the rebound technique. Rebound should always be a matter of privacy. Therefore, we will have silent prayer to give you the opportunity to confess any known sins in the life, to make sure that you begin our study the ceiling filled with the spirit let us pray.

Thank you Father for that glorious moment in eternity past.

When you provided everything we would ever need.

And you do it on the basis of your own character and therefore it's all grace.

Now as we examine this doctrine this evening.

My God the Holy Spirit, keep our minds alert that we might comprehend the things that we are studying.

But these things might be stored in the human spirit that they might be the basis of evaluating and making one of the most important decisions in this life, or we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.

This is the nearly the end of the exam week. Some are still caught Of course in the exams among our college young people.

One of the high school gang came into the office tonight to tell me that he didn't have the thing to do.

And I can't think of a better time to dedicate a message to the young people Beracah church. And since this will go out on the tapes I think that the people who hear this on tape so to know something. We have them coming out of our ears.

We have no program for young people. We do not offer them any social life. No entertainment.

This is not a Lonely Hearts Club.

And anyone one of you can look around here the night and you can see that we have high school young people college young people Junior High Elementary.

And the postgraduate crowd. Furthermore, this is dedicated to all who are single never give up is the motto for the moment. And tonight we are going to study the doctrine of the right man and the right woman, and the reason we're going to study it is very simple.

I'm preparing a message for Sunday you know that we're going to elect deacons on Sunday. And the election of deacons is a very important function and I suspect we ought to really know more of the biblical specifications.

So I'm going to bring a series during Sunday on the qualifications of a deacon and obviously I'm going to use First Timothy three. And we break right into First Timothy chapter three verse 12, where it says let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, of course that's a little confusing husbands, plural, or one wife singular ruling their children in their own houses. Well, what are a couple of things wrong with this first of all let V is a bad translation of the present active imperative of Amy.

I am is absolute status quo verbi I am I am the president active imperative should never be translated let be that's too weak.

It should be translated keep on being.

Furthermore, we have evocative here deacons keep on being now their next word is not husbands, but is a man deacons keep on being a man of one wife. So let me give you the correct translation deacons. Keep on Bing. Now I'm going to even give a more literal translation keep on being man of one woman.

And this is the word on air. An ER nodo man. Any man that has the right woman is a noble man for no other reason than he has the right woman that in itself is very significant in life. We're going to study, another facet of suffering.

Let Lu Harpole sit down back there if you don't mind.

We're not in john denied Lu word starting in First Timothy chapter three, and you're here just in time.

Whenever a man or a woman gets married and marries the wrong person. They are going to perpetuate suffering throughout their lifetime, there's no getting around it. If they break out, they're going to suffer from the breakout if they stay in it, they're going to suffer from staying in outside of believing in Jesus Christ which is the greatest decision in life. The next greatest decision that any member of the human race can make is to decide for the right person, the right man must find the right woman, the right woman must find the right man, I don't know when the right man aggressively says something about marriage. Her response should be yes it must be right man and right woman, and anything else is as close as you will ever come to that phrase which is such a misnomer hell on her.

Hell is in hell and that's future. But if anybody has any if anyone wanted to describe how on earth and one sense is very simple. Married to the wrong woman married to the wrong man.

And tonight, this is the perfect time to get this doctor you know why because we are loaded tonight with our own young people. They're back from college, they're things are quiet in high school right now. And in some ways, it looks like the teenage class on Wednesday night.

Now this doesn't say a husband of one wife. A man of being a man of one woman, or as someone wanted to translate it literally once in seminary, a man of one goon it's goon a.

I better put the Greek in so you girls won't completely faint wasn't that funny. That's better. All right.

Now I was kicking this thing around the day and it suddenly occurred to me that I have yet. In spite of a lot of pressure from Ron. To give you a categorical development of the doctrine of the right man for the right woman, or the doctrine. One man dash, one woman.

I've always hesitated to really give this doctrine because I suspect they're always X number of unhappily married people we just have to ignore them.

Because some of you have made the great or most of you have made the greatest decision in this life, you have made the decision to believe in Christ as Savior. Now there is another decision that many of you have to face right man right one. And if you blow this one. How long misery, one of the causes of suffering and one of the greatest causes of suffering in life is the marrying the wrong person hooking up with the wrong person.

All right, deacons these are Deacon Candidates in our case, keep on being a man, a noble man of one woman. All right, get your pencils and papers out you've had a couple minutes to do so, the doctrine of the right man for the right woman point one and tonight we're going to look up each point.

Almost every point.

Does everyone have the same thing now you have on your paper doctrine of the right man for the right woman point one, the pattern of the right man right woman was established at creation two points, we'll deal with this. This is the first, the pattern of right man, right woman was established at the creation of man, Genesis 221 through 25.

Genesis two.

You may now turn to that passage.

Now, don't get shark if I go too fast. I don't see how I can Frankly, I'm down in compound super low right now. Something slips by you don't worry about it goes so some Tuesday night real soon under the doctrine of suffering we'll get some of this again. No.

Different slightly different angle of course, the pattern a right man right one that was established at creation Genesis 221 through 25. In other words, the point here is God's set a precedent. It is not my objective to do much extra Jesus tonight except for absolutely necessary.

I will be very brief and some of these passages and some will require a little careful acts of Jesus.

Verse 21.

And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam why, because in first one he Adam gave names to all the cattle into the fall of the air to every beast of the field. He went through categorizing everything. But it became obvious to Adam that he could not be on a basis of intimacy with the animal creation. But for Adam, there was not found, and help meet for him. The word helped me is a responder and fulfiller.

So the Lord God Jesus Christ is the Lord God Jehovah Jehovah Allah He caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam.

Really and he slept a deep sleep means one in which he is not awakened by the operation. And he took one of his ribs, that the Hebrews says he took out one of his ribs or removed one of his ribs and sewed up the flesh, instead thereof or sealed it up really didn't sell it.

Now God has a rib in his hand.

Just a rehab. And from this ramp was going to come, I don't know, it just all a lot of man's happiness, and a lot of man's troubles I've reversed the river around made it vertical warehouse Rab, I often think that the Lord may have chuckled for a moment at this point isn't recorded here.

And the rib which the Lord God had taken from me and this is verse 22 made and I like this word, the guess what we do not have here we do not have barah that means to create something out of nothing. We do not have Asa that means to make something out of something, we do not have yacht sir that means the fish are in a mold I just selected that one. We have another word. And I love this. bhana. You know what it means. Well, let me show it ba and he means to build.

He didn't fashion. He didn't make out of something like as a didn't make it out of nothing because he's holding a ribbon his hand.

He by nod. He built a woman.

A woman was not created she was built by Nah, I am, I want you to notice something.

All Adams radar is out. He doesn't even know what he needs. But I'll tell you one thing. He wasn't pulling an operation Herman, he wasn't, and you know hopping around the auditorium.

He wants to be shopping. Get this now. It's a very it's very, very important.

And it probably makes some of you wonder sometimes but this is important to all of us.

The Lord actually brought the woman to the man. He didn't hide her somewhere and say now you find her. You see your tape that would have cranked up his aggressiveness.

He said, But notice what he did, he made, he built a woman, and he brought her to the man and you know something there is a sense in which every time the right man, and the right woman get together. There is a sense in which whether it's a lever or an unbeliever remember this is for the human race.

There's a sense in which God brings it about. He brings the woman to the man.

Now this doesn't mean necessarily that it doesn't mean that you sit on a park bench and wait till what appears to be an angel leads a beautiful dog right to your park bench.

Now that's misapplication of the faith rinse technique.

While in some ways that approximates it because every time you get on the panic button, whether you're a man or a woman, about your opposite number, as some of you definitely have some of you get the panic button say I don't believe it. That's the cynical crowd. Some of you have understand what I've taught about this in the past but you don't accept it. Some of you said one on me.

That's the flattering crowd. And the hems Ville bunch.

And in between there are those who say this is something I must faith rest. I'll just wait.

Now there's a principle involved are in grace. God brought the woman to the man.

That's grace. And then, Adam had to name her. He named all the animals and first 20. Now he had to name someone in his own species. And so notice what he did when he saw her, he said this now is bone of my bones apparently he was clued in about the read and flesh of my flesh. In other words, she has a human body.

It's a different body from atoms, but it's a human body its flesh and bone.

She shall be called and I don't like that English word woman never thought it was a very beautiful word, but I think it's better than the Greek word which is usually Guney.

But the Hebrew word is beautiful, here it is, Isha.

She shall be called Isha.

I like that.

I think he did too, because she was taken from eesh. He is the same as on air in the Hebrew, we have the word dish.

I sh that's man, Isha is the woman.


The word the comparable word in coin a Greek is on air, and er, again the copper board here is gu ne.

Now notice verse 24 Therefore, by the way the precedent is set one man for one while I want you to notice, God didn't bring a creature with two heads, called a female.

He didn't bring two creatures to lemon. He didn't bring out half a creature, one for one.

Now, how do you know they were different? Next verse, Therefore, I love this because there weren't any around therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother Adam didn't have a father and a mother, neither did his wife.

Well why put father and mother and because this passage establishes precedent.

And when you establish precedent, even though in laws do not exist. They will in the history of the human race. And to show that this is a firm established principle, from time from the beginning of time, to the end of human history. There must be a statement about the greatest danger to marriage interference from parent’s interference into the privacy of the two who have made the decision and therefore from the beginning, before in laws existed and laws are told that keep their nose, out of their children's business when the children become adults. If you can't train them by 20, or 21, then forget it. You can't train them period, keep your nose, out of their business.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother? When you leave your father and your mother you're responsible for your own decisions. And if you are a man and you ask a woman to marry you. You're responsible for that decision. And if you're a woman, and you accept some monster, you're responsible for the decision.

And notice, and shall cleave to his wife and the word clean means clean it's more than that, it means joined.

In other words, it means sex, and they had sex on the garden. Perfect sex right man right woman.

And cleaving to the wife mean sex I never heard, I've heard this, in many wedding ceremonies and people love the beautiful old English. I wish someone had given a literal translation and watch the crowd fall down.

Wow, there's so much to break out the champagne before was the wedding was on.

But that's what it means. And those sets of precedent sucks was designed. There's going to shock, some of you. For right man, and right moment. And no one else. And I have in my hands here tonight. A paper which is being written for a doctor's degree.

It is written by a man who's going to get his doctor's degree in psychology and the title is premarital sex implications for marriage by Sheldon t McWilliams.

And in this particular in his doctor's dissertation here. This book, this person, apparently is not a believer he is a psychologist he's a student of psychology a graduate student, and he demonstrates from psychology, that there is such a thing as a right man and a right woman. Now how are you going to do it?

I never saw a psychologist that knew enough about the soul to handle it. He proves it from sex. When I pronounce the benediction I'll stick this in my pocket and it just won't be left around for. I may quote from it tonight. It's fantastic. Here is a, you see right manner right woman belongs to the unbeliever as well as to the believer.

And here's the psychological dissertation. To demonstrate the fact that the key is insects, and that it's a very wonderful thing, and a thing that existed in the garden, and we still have it is a wonderful thing.

Now the verse that people say yeah Apple I like apples too. Well, no forbidden fruit was not an apple. So we can knock that one out.

But a sex is something that existed in innocence, and we still have the only difference is, we still we have an all set nature along with it.

And this, sometimes follows up the situation drastically. All right, now we have point one and the doctrine of right man or right woman, the pattern of right man right woman was established at creation Genesis 221 through 25. Now look at verse 25.

It says at the end of verse 24, they shall be one flesh. They are only one when they are united sexually.

I want you to understand something else. They were both naked, the man and his woman, and they were not ashamed.

Now, many people are very shy, we have some people who are muscle man and exhibitionists among the females who are not ashamed of their body at all and they don't mind letting everyone know just how much polka tude is tied up in one package.

And these people aren't ashamed either course let them get a few scars and a few wrinkles and so on and all that will change. But the right man, and the right woman can be naked together. And get this, not ashamed now listen I'm talking about the Bible, some of you look like you're bound to feed the right man, and the right woman, regardless of age, regardless of any other factor, and the presence of each other. Listen, they might be the most shy bashful I want my privacy and then some types. But when the right man, and the right woman are together, they weren't naked, and they were not ashamed, all of this sets a precedent.

I think you're waiting me loud and clear. Let's try point two.

Let me announce where we're going first and then I'll give you the point I think that's going to work out a little better.

Let's go now to Ephesians 531 and 33. Ephesians 531 through 33, we're going to bounce all over on this evasions 531 through 33.

All right, now get your pencils, let's write.


Just as there is one edification complex for one soul did you ever notice that all of you are aware of the fact that you do not have two heads.

You're aware of the fact you have one hand. You are also aware from the teaching from this pulpit, that there's only one edification complex force, one soul not to edification complexes. So we start with an analogy.

Just as there is one edification complex for one soul. Soul, there is one man for one woman in God's design.

Justice there is one edification complex for one soul. So there is one man for one woman under the God's design. Ephesians, 531.

All right, let's look at it.

For this cause analogy between the church, the universal church and Christ in previous verse, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, quoting from Genesis 224 the passage we just had seen there's here's this passage quoted the precedent passage as I call it, for this car shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined unto his wife. And they two shall be one flesh.

The original marriage ceremony was sex. And that was true, and practice throughout human history for several thousands of years we've refined it a little bit.

Now notice verse 32. The two shall be one flesh. That's marriage, that's sex that's Love, love, love and expressed and sex. Verse 32. This is a great mystery, not sex, the edification complex of the soul is the great mystery.

The subject of this part of Ephesians, air is the soul.

Below is the human spirit where doctrine resides residual doctrine here's the edification complex grace orientation, inner happiness.

I'm going to change this up, I think, but I will make a remarks mental attitude capacity to love mastery of the details of life.

One edification complex for one soul. This is the great mystery that which is taught in the last half of Ephesians.

This is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ and the church. You see, edification complex Christ and his relationship to the church, our relationship with Christ on earth depends upon the edification complex of the soul.

Nevertheless, let every one of you. Please notice in part titular.

This means you as an individual, so love his wife or his woman.

Even as himself.

Unless a person is abnormal. It is impossible for a person to be indifferent to himself. And this phraseology indicates one person is designed for one person. The design is in the soul. The design is in the body, we will come to the design and the body later on. And while the human race is divided into X number of males and X number of females. Don't ever kid yourself this is not true. Any port in a storm is a lie, vacuous apostasy, and yet at some time or another every normal red blooded male who has been Dear John doar phased out has probably had some thought about any port in the storm.

And so for you, young people, to avoid one of the first pitfalls that is the devil’s own lie. Any port in a storm is blasphemous tragic and leads to a continuous and endless series of sufferings and adversities.

Any port in a storm is a fallacy.

Now, nevertheless, let every one of you in particular. So keep loving his wife, even as himself, and bought about the wife and she loved the man, negative. And she's the right woman that will never be a problem and so she isn't commanded to throughout this passage, the husband is commanded to love the woman, but the woman is never commanded to love the husband. What is what it says here, and a woman? The word see doesn't occur, that she reverence. Her husband, and the word reverence is the present middle subjunctive our fullback, or, which looks like this in the Greek pH ob el, and you know what full battle means it means to fear.

Aha. Now let's take a look at this. When you have the right woman. You walk in and you say woman, she's cowering on the floor tremble.

Well that's not true either.

So obviously, full battle means something besides fear. I've been telling you that for years but some of you didn't believe it so you took a little Greek and you said, while you keep saying this is occupation with Christ but my Greek text says full battle. Yes, but you see full battle on almost any first year vocabulary is to fear, but full battle also means to respect.

There is just one response from the right woman, and it includes the whole package, respect.

When the right man initiate love toward the right woman, they how if she has a lot of emotional stuff. It could be the wrong man, but if she has all of this so called love. And all of the emotion which is appreciation that's bonfire. If she doesn't have these things respect.

She has the wrong man.

Now girls put it down in your notes little extra for you never marry a man you don't respect.

I'm going to do a little shout out and I reason is because too many members of the human race are stupid.

And there's no excuse for never met a young man you can't respect that I love him I've heard that a jillion times, I'd be a millionaire if I had had a dime for every time some weeping females, but I loved him so much respect it doesn't even tell you the love, you will don't worry about that when the right man comes along, you'll love him and you what else you do your PT.

There is something about the right man you love him at times, and you hate him at times, and your feelings toward him are always strong, you're never neutral about it, and why because the key is not love and not hate. The key is, pardon the expression, respect, and when you hate him. You're respecting, and when you love him. You're respecting, and when you're mad at it, you're respecting, and when you're glad about him, you respect him. And that's a normal response to the right man.

Now your emotions can be trade your thinking can deceive you.

But if you are a born again believer, and you are cycling doctrine from the human spirit into your mind as a frame of reference. Part of that frame of reference has to do with what the Bible teaches about the right man, or the right woman. And the man Yes, he loves aggressively and doesn't change. Maybe you've had the experience of telling some young lady that you love her, and she wears minuses. Well, how come she isn't at that particular point, or why arch, or as you put it this way this is she, this is called infighting, why don't believe she may be very happy by but she doesn't believe it says nice infighting. Well, you see, the thing that will be developed in her relationship with the right man is respect. The thing that will be developed with him is love, aggressive initiating love, and he always loves her, and he's stable about it, while she's hating him or liking him, or disliking him or loving him, but always respecting him. They were are being sentimental ladies, be aware about being sentimental about a man whom you do not respect life's too short, forgetting.

If you can't respect a man. Give him a wide berth.

Well, we're making some progress.

Where do we hit the next one? Jeremiah 3122.

Wow, this is a daily.

Jeremiah 3122 and point three. You know I have 12 points.

This may go into tomorrow night.

But he was came into the office today and he put a couple of objects down on the desk and I can't reproduce them exactly he said Now tell me what these are, what is this what doctrine does this remind you up. And one of them was like this, and had arms that went down like this sort of, and the other one was like this, and had those arms that went down like that and the feet here. This was an ape.

And this one was an ape. And you just had them write down right even with each other this is what doctors that remind you, and I had a bite on so I didn't know he says, right man right 1.3.

Now this is going to shock you the right man, and the right woman have bodies designed for each other, and no other body will work there's a key and there's a lot. And there's one key, or one last night, you put this down, I don't expect some of you ever know what I'm talking about. That goes without saying.

And for some of you, did you ever get the wrong key in a lock and jam around there.

But that could be the story of your married life for the next 50 years. There's not any way to open a door. There's a bird in the back there's laughing he's gonna have a rough life.

I Jeremiah 3122, the right man. And right woman. God has designed their bodies to match perfectly.

Jeremiah 3122. Now let's look at it, we have covered in part this passage before.

This is a warning of the fifth cycle of discipline. This is a warning of Jewish apostasy. And in verse 22 Jeremiah says how long without go about all thou backsliding daughter. For the law. Now the backsliding daughter is Judah, Judah is pictured as a woman. And this passage sets up an analogy between the Jews, and their relationship to the Lord, and the right man's relationship to the right woman see this is an analogy.

As Judah, or the Jews let's just say the Jews of this time. They have a relationship with the Lord. So, the right woman has a relationship with the right man. So if the Jews are out of kilter with their relationship. What are they called backsliding daughter. So your daughter isn't backsliding.

The Jews belong to the Lord. And just as the Jews of Judah belong to the Lord. So the right woman fits the right man you get it down just that way and this is coming out in the Hebrew here.

The Jews of Judah are called backsliding.

They cause of their apostasy because of their scar tissue.

Now here is the other side of the analogy where our doctrine occurs, we're not dealing with the doctrine of the fifth cycle of discipline or we develop one side of the analogy.

But the side of the analogy that is pertinent to our subject is here. The Lord hath created a new thing and the earth. The Lord is Jesus Christ who is the creator. And he did this at the point of the creation of man, this is the cow perfect from baraba.

And the new thing, which the Lord created to resolve the angelic conflict was the man, but man is not left alone. So we have the right man, and the right woman now notice for the Lord. This is the middle of verse 22. The Lord have created a new thing in the earth. And here's what the Lord created a woman, shall in compass, a man will be very academic about this I'll give you the sentence as it stands in the Hebrew, the first word is Nick Cave Ah, looks like this.

Nick Cave Ah, the second word is Sylvain.

And the third word, I can't draw and do it all the way across to his guy there.

All right, there's your sentence. Now cave to Solvay we've gone there, and that is a revolutionary statement, and it has been hidden in this passage, and as fuck. And I even went and looked up about 25 commentators today, and they came up with the worst gobbledygook I have ever seen. And they all ducked out on the issue. And it still hit.

What a sentence. This is fantastic. Oh, when the Lord Jesus Christ Barnard built a woman. What did you do next? What do you do?

He led the woman over to the man right now that's when we pick it up right here, and a woman, and compost, the man army that isn't quite what is no other words, what does woman go at all.

Why a woman does goes, man. I could have asked that anytime from five on my goodness give you an answer.

All right, I guess maybe some of you're in shock.

Well, you're gonna be if you're not yet. This is one of those things no one ever bothered to translate. Let's start with that first word Nick Cave Ah, oh boy this is.

I love this word.


Cave Ah, looks like this in the English. Now we've had Isha. That's the woman as she came from the hand of the Lord. This doesn't really mean woman.

Not at all. This means this word is the Hebrew word for female with an emphasis on her body, Isha emphasizes the whole woman the soul and the body, but the key VA emphasizes the fact that the woman's body is different from the man's body. Now the second word was tasovevaAramis missing remember up here. That is the Pl am perfect from the verb Savelyev, which looks like this.

Solve AB or Savi Eve. And it's the Pl and what is the Pl Stam in tan Save, and the imperfect means this action has not been completed as almost anyone can tell you, has a long time to run yet.

And the word sob have you know what it means and the cowl it means to surround to encompass.

You know what it means in the Pl.

It means to embrace to fit the woman. All women are designed differently, all women have the same physiology now you can relax.

Listen, if you can't take in this kind of teaching. You don't belong here that we're talking about the Bible.

You can't take good Bible teaching us ought to get in some rah rah club because you're in the wrong spot.

We all know well nearly all of us know that a woman's physiological being is quite different from a man's, and we always say that's because the woman there is the children.

That is an adult, she does but that's beside the point.

The point is, though a woman is designed like a rock. And every woman's physical, sexual apparatus is different.

I mean, different.

And there is only one man who is designed for a specific woman, only one.

And you may have and your lifetime operation skeleton key but is wrong. It won't work.

And not only does the Bible say this coming up at another point, but this psychological masterpiece says promiscuity destroys your whole concept of sex. And a lot of you think that a little fun now and so what oh are you mistaken.

You're so far out of line and you're thinking that you're practically making you're gonna make a show of your life.

There is a physiological secret or two that are vitally important the right man and the right woman, as parents could pass on to their children so they would know.

But there is a secret that is so fantastic physiologically that when it occurs, the right man or the right woman might even roll back and say, I must I must be something wrong.

It's not supposed to go this way, it's so great juicy, what's being taught here.

And I want you to notice the woman, and complies. The man. We understand that man is the aggressor. But, a man can be an aggressor. And be armed with a wrong person. And it's no good. The woman must encompass the man, and I said I've already told you, this is vam and appeals to him.

And it means a perfect fit. Now, that is an all, because we've already seen that the word woman is a woman as female, and that the word, so vague is really to Allah, let's use the word fit in an embrace. Now the word man isn't man.

It's God air. You know what God bear is here all male hero, and other words, when a woman, and complies campuses, right, man, the right man is no longer just a man. He is the hero.

Now, as I say, some of you will never know what is being taught here.

Some of you will. If you are single right now I'm going to inject some application this point promiscuity can lead to more on happiness than almost anything except mental attitude scenes.

And it isn't worth it. Because, and all of this vast world. There is just one opposite number you for you design in eternity past.

Just one.

And you don't have to worry. God doesn't gonna lose it in the computer somewhere. Now a literal translation.

The female shell fit that he wrote.

When I go on with this but we better move to point four let's try first Corinthians 11 seven, which gives us the resolve these are in a logical sequence although I may omit to mention it. First Corinthians 11 seven is the next point.

Now, before we get into First Corinthians 11 seven let me give you the point, the right woman, therefore, is the glory of the man this explains the word hero guy there.

And before we look at first Corinthians 11 seven, the right woman is the glory of the man.

Look at first of all verse 13.

Judging yourselves, think about this is it, commonly or proper that a woman pray unto God uncovered and that says a negative may there which means no it isn't proper for a woman to pray uncovered.

Well, how is she covered we'll find out in verse 50 verse 14 says, Now please notice. Now, does the Bible say this but nature confirms it does not even nature itself keep on teaching you, that if a man have long hair. It is a shame onto him.

Thank God I'm glad I got a haircut yesterday. If a man have long hair, it's a shame under him.

What if a woman have long here. It's a glory to her. Her hair is given to her for a covering. Now what is this see, there are two glories of the woman in this passage. Her long hair is a glory, and the man's short hair is his honor. And the short hair of the man and the long hair, or the woman signify something short hair, man. Long Hair woman.

What do they signify, they signify the design and plan of God, that the woman is inevitably submissive to the man, insatiability design of doctrine that the woman in her sin failed? She was the aggressor. And man was played the woman's part and now that's changed.

And in any society where you find throughout history where a man had long hair, you are looking at the signs the overt signs of a decadent society. And there has never been in history, a society that practiced homosexual ism without a comparable long hair, like the Greeks, in the age of para Cleves. And interestingly enough, in the beginnings of Roman power, the Romans had short hair.

And many of the great Romans, whose real been carved out of marble and out of metals, who have survived had short hair. And then you look at the age of Louie the 14th.

It's pitiful.

And you want to read the financial report. During the age of Louie the 14th, because there's a comparable historical principle between the Manoir soap stockings. Hi, read he heels and long parent leaves, down to the shoulders. And there's a historical relationship. They call them, gentlemen. I call them gypsies and other things. And by the way, Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ had short hair you see but I've never seen any picture like that. Well, look at the goop to pay to the pictures, an annoying thing about the Bible.

It's a shame for a man to have short hair and Jesus Christ was a man.

Now let's see the other glory, since the hair is the woman's glory, why is it the woman's glory, well here's your answer. Verse seven for a man to date ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image, and the glory of God that's noble man there and that's believer as a principle. And it's the believer responding to doctrine, you see the whole system of gap has an analogy, in the relationship between the man and the woman doctrine goes into the mind, but it does doctrine and doctrines called the seed that goes into the mind when it's understood it's true, and transferred by faith. Here is where the doctrine is stored. And here is where the children from doctrine come, exhale out the left bank toward God, exhale out the right bank toward man cycle there's a frame of reference and the building of an edification complex doctrine doesn't have children till it's down here you see. So, excuse me, there's a direct analogy.

What is when man is the glory of God it is because man has an edification complex in the soul? The doctrine is stored here residual doctrine, and the occasion complexes erected. And this is the glory of God and this is how a man is the image and glory of God.

Now the image has to do with the characteristics of his soul man his self-consciousness God has self-consciousness man has mentality God has infinite mentality. Man has got a man has volition God has sovereignty man has emotion appreciation God has appreciation and so on God, man has norms and standards God has norms and standards. So the is the image part, and this is the glory part. But when it goes into the rest of the analogy. Notice what it says. But the woman keeps on being memy present active integrity, the glory of demand. When the woman, the right woman is fulfilled by the right man. Then, the woman reflects, first of all he fulfills her soul, she has apertures in the soul. Let's this is the right bank, and he fulfills her soul, and he fulfills her body. This is soul, and this is body, and she becomes his glory.And she can only be glory for one man just 1.5.

Let's try Genesis 316 B's, where are we going to find a Genesis 316.

Genesis isn't really that hard to find.

Genesis 316.

The woman is a responder, but designed to respond to just one man.

This is why promiscuous women often become either nymphomaniacs, or just completely out of it. The woman is a responder, we've seen this, but designed to respond to one man.

Now when God was sentencing the woman for her part in the fall and you know her part in the fall, look at Genesis three six. When the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes a tree to be desired to make one wise please notice, she was going to get an edification complex on her own stead she got an Olsen nature.

She took the fruit there often did eat. See Satan tried to sell her on an edification complex.

Now notice when she what it says duty that's when she died spiritually. There could be in a lapse of time we don't know whether there is or is not, but that's possible. And she gave also to her husband, man was never designed to be a responder man was designed to be the aggressor.

And yet, man became a responder in his sin.

I am for that reason God made sure that a woman would never pull out again. Not that way. So what did he do well see now we're in verse 16, I think what he did is just classic.

I'm not even expressing a personal opinion, it's this is God doing this. And he's perfect and doesn't make any mistakes. I'm sure I might get an argument from some of you ladies, but it wouldn't last long. Until a woman he said, I will greatly multiply by sorrow, you're going to have trouble girls. And you're also going to have kids and I conception and bring them together in sorrow thou shall bring forth children. Now here's the part and die desire, Shelby to your man. And that word for desire there is insatiability, and he one man singular shall rule over you one woman singular right man right woman. He shall rule over you.

The man was wrong.

He took it from the woman he accepted the fruit from her. He responded to the woman. And God said that will never happen again I want you to notice something everywhere you turn in the Scripture.

There's no such thing as a woman preacher. It's always a man, wherever you find authority authority is always vested in the male. If it's marriage, the husband. If it's family it's the parents that can be mother and father. But wherever you turn, whether it's just one authority that one authority is always the man.

Now exception, Deborah.

Why, because the judge was a weak sister.

And so, Deborah took the man's part, but you know something, a woman has never taken a man's part, without losing more than she could ever gain.

And no woman can ever be a real woman, and take a man's heart.

She loses every time. Alright, let's take a look at this verse 16 be just this month. Die desire insatiability. Choose your husband. Seeing sometimes she'll hate him sometimes she'll love you but she'll always respect it. He shall rule over you.

You notice what he does to Adam he says Now listen boy you listen to the voice of your wife, you should have been talking and you were listening. That's always a mistake, never listen to a woman always talk to her say that's what God is saying here.

Oh, let's look at again some of you missed it, I can see that right now ladies get your eyebrows down out of your head, and under Adam he said because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded the saying Thou shalt not eat of it. I'm going to curse the ground, the grounds had it. From now on, you're gonna have to farm in sorrow, shout out, eat of it literally and toil hard work, all the days of your life in ninth verse 19, you have to go to work and the sweat of your face the sweat of your brow.

All right, point five. The woman is a responder.

But designed to respond to one man, one man, one man, point, and six.

Proverbs. Well, I'm going to quote this date because we've had it before in other studies.

When the woman seeks to respond to the wrong man, first of all, she destroys her soul proverbs 632. Now it's stated from the standpoint of the man and proverbs 632, but the principle is vice versa.

For this reason, adultery is forbidden in First Corinthians 616 through 18 because in adultery, the wrong woman gets the wrong man they are wrong for each other, and something is destroyed in her responses. So lately scar tissue physically sex becomes a terrible thing, or it isn't what it should be for one reason or another. So, point, six by the woman seeks to respond to the wrong man she destroys her soul proverbs 630 to say, vice versa is true. When the man says seeks the wrong woman. He destroys his this is scar tissue. Now that all said also has an effect upon the body. First Corinthians 616 through 18, we've studied these before. Poinsettmonogamy is ordained of God, to demonstrate that God has a right man and a right Roman for each other.

Monogamy is ordained of God.

Somebody just said, how do you spell monogamous

Now let's look this up first Corinthians seven two through four.

First Corinthians seven two monogamy has ordained of God to demonstrate that God has a right man for a right Roman, and vice versa. First Corinthians seven two through four.

Nevertheless, to avoid fornication Let every man have his own. The word own is idiotic which means his own that belongs to him, his own peculiar his own private life. And let every woman have her own again hideous husband, not idiot husband idiotic husband.

Now the word the use of vinyasa there means there's just one for one.

By the way, the word wife here is always woman and the word husband here is always man and a woman does not have power over our own body.

By the way, girls, this indicates that Auto egotism is wrong.

But the husband, the man. A man can bring out the physical responses of a woman.

And likewise, also, the man does not have power over his body. And again, that handles a problem of auto elitism. But the woman. In other words, homosexuality lesbianism masturbation. These are not any answer of any kind.

You read that loud and clear. Or shall I go into a point my point.

Right women is designed for a man and a man is designed for a woman but not any man in any woman. All right man and the right woman.

And you know something, it's been true since before man sin, nothing will ever replace it. Nothing.

You can drink every bottle in town. You don't ever replace it. You can sublimate in any way as humanly possible the sub will make you never replace it. There's just one right man for one right woman, and when the two get together, it is the greatest thing in the world, and it's irreplaceable.

Alright, let's try point eight.

Hey, we're making great progress. They only have to go to 12. That is point 12, not 12 minutes.

I point eight. Even in the empty life of an unbeliever repeat. Even in the empty life of an unbeliever now not all unbelievers necessarily have empty lives but we do in this case.

Even in the empty life of an unbeliever or in the life of the lever with scar tissue. When the right man marries the right woman. He derives great happiness from her. Even though his life is vanity now you don't understand this yet because I haven't taken it to the verse. I just want you to get this point. Even in the empty life of an unbeliever here's an unbeliever or a believer with scar tissue. When the right man marries the right woman he derives great happiness from her. Even though his life is vanity. Now here's the verse, but don't look it up yet. Ecclesiastes he's nine nine.


Even in the empty life of the unbeliever or the believer with scar tissue. When a right man marries a right woman. He derives great happiness from her, even though his life, his vanity. Ecclesiastes he's nine nine. Now let's look it up.

You know we've been studying it quite well last Tuesday night we say the Ecclesiastes is Do you remember, if you have scar tissue on the soul everything you touch turns to misery. But here's an exception to that. You can have a believer with scar tissue on the soul, or an unbeliever with an otherwise empty life could find the right woman, or the right woman the right man, and still have happiness from that relationship.

Quite a fascinating passage, please yes these nine nine. Those of you who are who were here Tuesday night of course have already found ecclesiastics. And by the way, if you have the Apocrypha. It isn't ecclesiasticus. We're in Ecclesiastes T's.

Please, he asked he's nine nine.

Live joyfully. That means live happily with the wife, whom thou lovest. All the days, I get this here's the kicker. All the days of the life of your emptiness. Here's a person who has an empty life for one or two reasons. He's an unbeliever, or he's a believer with scar tissue. And even though he is an unbeliever or a believer with scar tissue. If he gets the right Roman, this is literally live joyfully with a woman whom you love all the days of the life of your emptiness, which he have given you under the sun, all the days of your emptiness or vanity. For that is the portion your portion in this life, if you find the right one. This is your portion, and in your labor which you take out to the sun which is not pertinent the last phrase has to do with his work. Now this is a rather startling statement. There are very few statements like this, where any happiness outside of the plan of God and the grace of God can actually exist. But there is one exception. There is happiness. If you find the right woman, or the right man. Now, why is this so important? It emphasizes a principle Look, if an unbeliever with an empty life can be happy with the right woman. Just think right you can be as a lever, with a notification complex and the right woman, or identification complex and the right man. There's no end to it. It's just fantastic point nine, by the way, the other side of this.

This verse also indicates that when you marry the wrong man or the wrong woman you have a lifetime of suffering and misery, even with an edification complex but I won't go into that tonight comes up on Tuesday nights.

All right, boy nine recognition of the right man, or the right woman becomes vitally important. And I say, I suggest that I have understated the subject recognition of the right man or the right woman becomes vitally important. And I know that I am going to be answering as from this day forward, watch who comes up tonight. They're going to ask me, how you can tell when it's the right woman. How can you tell when it's the right man? I expect to hear that question a few thousand times in the next few months. How do you know, how do you know, that's the first thing everyone wants to know how well there are many signals.

The simplest thing is to build a notification complex which also has a built in radar set that gives you the blips on the screen. When the right one comes along, that's the easiest. In other words, don't worry about it at all, just work on the notification complex? I never saw a person with a notification clown, I actually didn't have enough sense to know when the right one came along, but I can't assume that all of you have a notification complex fact I'm not sure about anyone but me and D and I'm not even sure about the. So there has to be another way because remember, I'm believers can find the right man or the right woman, how do they do it.

Well, I'm here to suggest a phrase that may help you may not.

They turn you on.

First Corinthians chapter seven verse nine, this is not ordinary living Oh, that's just normal, healthy body. I'm talking about something else First Corinthians chapter seven. Verse nine. Now the Old English is slightly different but it'll tell you about the same as I have. Recognition signals include the one found in First Corinthians seven nine. I'm almost afraid to give this for one reason. Some people in the midst of a wave of labor don't walk by and see a mouthful of teeth and a big smile and align and they assume this is that, and it isn't. They just caught the wave of livid oh and impressed by certain types of personality. That doesn't mean a thing. But there is something beyond live at all.

And here it is, say you got back there in a hurry.

Your, your hurry to go home or just want to see what this is the sum you want to find how you're going to recognize all right here it is. But if they cannot contain maintain control. Let them marry so far that's not the point. Here's the point. For it is better to marry, than to burn. Now burningis greater than labor they'll get that down.

Burning is not ordinary lives at all. Burning for the woman means to trigger insatiability to the point of a total desire and a total surrender that even excludes her natural pride. With a man. The right man's aggressiveness and passion, are satisfactory to her soul. And then later on to her body, so much so that it's almost unbelievable. Though woman, who experiences, this for the first time in evitable II cries, it's just too much. And sometimes the male too. Alright, again, quite nice. There are many ways to recognize the right man or the right woman, the recognition signals include the one found in First Corinthians seven nine described under the word burning. It is not ordinary livedo burning means to trigger the woman's insatiability to the point of total desire and total to surrender to the right man. This is a surrender in the soul. And then the body.

There's an elapsed there.

On the other hand, the right man's aggressiveness and passion, will be signals to him, and this will satisfy both her soul, and her body. He will have noble and pure thoughts about her and he will have deep and strong licentious thoughts about her, all together. One soul one's body.

Let's try point 10.

The principle of right man right woman is behind the command of First Corinthians 710 and 11. First Corinthians 710 and 11. Here's the principle of right man right woman. Now listen to this under the married I command yet not I but the Lord. The Lord commands this lamp not the life depart from her husband. Now, here's right man right woman and this passage.

And you say, well hi if you ever find if I ever find the right man but I want to leave him. You must be kidding. You'll want to leave him. You will love him you won't hate him. You will want Him you will despise him, you'll want to make him happy. And you'll want him to hurt. You'll want to make him squirm, you'll want to see him suffer. And you'll want to see him and gloriously happy. And these will come at different times, we hope not too close together. That's a sign of instability.

Now, if you do the part right Roman. What are you going to do well this is how we know right man right woman is in this passage. But as she depart. Let her remain unmarried there's no one else for her or me reconcile to her husband, and let not the husband, put away his wife, if it's right man and right woman. Might as well face it. And when you do have a TIFF.

Don't divorce.

Just gonna like silly tripping up and getting married again some future tonight. I'll never be anyone else you may have to go out and shop around to find out and see how wrong you are. But if you marry someone else in between you never can go back together. And I suspect I know of several cases where apparently it was right man or right woman, they got married in their teams, which is a ghastly mistake and getting married so young. They didn't even have sense or not they lucked out, but they didn't know it they were too young, no capacity. So they broke out divorced. And then they went in different directions. And the girl got married. And then she realized. The first one was the right one. And she was correct but. Deuteronomy says they can never go back together again. She has short circuited him. And it's all over. And the word of God never permits a remarriage, where one of the parties involved has been married in between reconciliation must take place before such a tragedy occurs. Now the point I want to make about this passage is, there is a right man for a right woman and when this occurs, look, even if she leaves him. She may stay away a long time or a short time. But don't go out marry someone else be reconciled.

Point 11, getting down to the wire.When the believer marries the right woman.

He has received grace from the Lord,

Why not be lever, be sure to pull the lever and the lever marries the right woman. He has received grace from the Lord, turn now to Proverbs, 1822. Proverbs, 1822. I want to tell you something about this verse I had a great prejudice about it.

I've seen clocks marry the wrong people be all emotional for about five minutes, stand up and give their glowing testimony. I've heard idiots male idiots stand up and say, who still find it the we find it the good thing and I found a good thing. Praise God. Now I heard that a couple times when I was a new believer. And it made me sick. It nauseated me. I was years before, when I was reading through poverty, years before I didn't even look at this verse.

Because of the way, idiots distorted simpering stupid idiots.

Now there is a right person.

But I've seen too many people get the wrong person. I've seen teenagers get the wrong person, and all stand up and give their glowing testimony, and everyone looks at the young couple back from their honeymoon. And she's blushing a little, and he's blowing, and it's sickening. Everyone laughs and it rarely does, and I've seen too many cases where it didn't. So just because you're back from the honeymoon don't stand up and give your testimony. Keep your mouth shut for a year, and then quote a correction. Now let's get the correction here. Proverbs 1822 starts out it whosoever is really there? Whosoever find us a good wife hey that's deferred.

Whosoever find that the good wife doesn't find a good thing it says literally whosoever finds a good wife I better put that in the board for your son we're in shock and take a little while for it to get it down. Whosoever finds a good wife and you know what a good wife is right woman. So let's put it in here our host whoever finds a good wife right woman, and then you notice it says obtain a favor of the Lord but the Hebrew says receives grace from the Lord.

Whosoever finds the right moment a good wife receives grace from the Lord.

And the point when the deliver marries the right woman he receives grace from the Lord. This is one of our more difficult points. That's why I saved it the last point 12 last point, the right woman is always from the Lord proverbs 1913 and 14.

Proverbs 1913 and 14. Let's get down the point First, the right woman is always from the Lord,

Isha math, calm.

Right looks like that that's the phrase we're gonna deal with,

I won't tell you what it is. Yeah, just put it up there.

He shot my collar, that's what we're going to study, but let's get a good start verse 14. Robert, verse 13 proverbs 1913 look at it, I'll fully son is a disaster to his father. And the contentions of a wife, which is literally the nagging things of a wife, or like a Chinese torture a continual dropping houses and rituals are the inheritance of fathers. Now look, if you get a fully son, beyond your help offered. These are things that you could get without, you know really having too much to do with it just having a child and so on and turns out to be the wrong kind, and it's possible to stumble into the wrong wife and you're going to get nagging for the rest of your life continual dropping houses glitches you can inherit those. But let me tell you something. When you find our prudent life you do it all by yourself. With help from God because we've seen the grace principle, but inevitably, you have to make the decision. Now let's take a look at this. The last part of verse 14. Our prudent wife is from the Lord. He leads her up there but you have to know it and you have to wait for it, and you have to be prepared for it. And please notice she's called here a prudent wife, Isha mass Kala. He shot me mass collapse. What does it mean, you saw you already know that that's woman here it is, is HaeSha mass, this is m ASKA l e th mass calorie.

And you know what mass gallop is, it's the hip feel active participle. Sock cow. Looks like this. Sock l s, aka and sock cow means to be wise and the hip field stem means cause to be wise, and there's gap. When you get the right woman, see this has to be available why, When you get the right woman, and its mascot, you know what it is.

It's from the Lord because she first established erected and built an identification complex. Then the Lord led her to you. And you've had a great blessing from the Lord. Not only does the Lord, lead her to you as it were from the Lord, but he brings, not only the right woman from the standpoint of her soul and find her body. But what makes this the last point of the perfect one. She is spiritually prepared she has an edification complex, and if you have to wait on unwritten years she's worth waiting for.

From the Lord.

And there's no doubt about one thing, you'll be at a, you get a woman with an edification complex and get the right woman, all at the same time is pitiful Aaron says prudent wife. I really like the word prudent, but it's an old English word for wisdom, and it's a hit field participle. Having been caused to be wise by the daily, inhale of Bible doctrine through gap and the erection of an edification complex or woman without edification complex is the most valuable creature in the world. If she's yours. Thank you Father for the privilege of studying these things make all the Holy Spirit open our hearts to them. When we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.






1970 RM/RW

Gen. 2:20 Eph. 5:31 Jer. 31:22 Ezek. 16:1

Lesson #2



02/22/1970 Gen. 2:20 Eph. 5:31 Jer. 31:22 Ezek. 16:1

Word of God is alive and powerful sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul in the spirit of the giants in the marrow and is a critique of thoughts and intents of the heart. All scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God might be mature thoroughly furnished on to all good works, study to show thyself approved unto God at work when that needed, not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Open the word of truth this morning to Genesis chapter two.

Genesis chapter two.

For the next couple of early morning services, we're going to be studying a specific doctrine. In fact, this doctrine is going to hit this particular church at this time was saturation. If anyone even opens his mouth sideways or looks slightly askance because of any repetition. You can meet me out back anytime. My job as Pastor Teacher is to get information to you to communicate Bible doctrine. If I ever come close to apologizing for any repetition. You can count it that I am non-complex matters. Genesis chapter two, beginning at verse 20, where we began a study of right man right woman.

This is in preparation for spring.

Since Easter comes earlier this year.

And since apparently we're going to have a little bit of good weather this winter. Preparation comes early point one of the doctrine of the right man on the right woman. The pattern and precedent for right man right woman was established at creation. Long before man sinned and when I say long before ma'am Sam the time between the creation of man and man's Original Sin is unknown, but it was apparently long enough for it to become a test our time was measured in innocence is also unknown. The fact that there was day or night from Genesis chapter one, and the restoration of the Earth would indicate have course that there was a 24 hour day. But apart from that we have no measurement of time, except that it is assumed that a long time elapsed before the man and the woman finally got around to setting. Now there are many things that occurred during the time that man and woman lived in innocence in the garden. All those things which are continued after the garden are inevitably associated with some form of great happiness or great pleasure. Everything that was accomplished in the garden of course was all happiness and pleasure. There was no unhappiness in the garden for one of its characteristics and one of the characteristics of innocence is perfect environment. Now, sex, and the relationship between the man and the woman is a part of perfect environment or was a part of it. Allow that man has acquired a second nature, and is no longer under any condition a perfect environment. Immediately a question arises. Is it possible to perpetuate something from the Age of Innocence, I am still have all of the glory, and the blessing for which the relationship between the right man and the right woman was designed. The answer is yes. When God designed right man right woman. The format of sin. And when God perpetuated this on the other side of sin. He made provision so that this relationship could be of the utmost happiness. In fact, we are actually going to study a verse, a little later on which says in effect that two unbelievers can have a miserable life. But if each one finds his right man or his right woman. If right man and right woman get together they will derive from that relationship. Fantastic, fantastic happiness, even in the midst of all of their miseries and sorrows and difficulties of life. So it is highly important. It is of the utmost necessity to occasionally take a doctrine which came from the other side of man's sin, a doctrine which is involved in the innocence of man, and see how it functions. The soul existed before man Sam the soul continues to exist. There are functions of the soul which can lead to the most marvelous happiness. That man could ever experience. Now, such as the case. And the relationship between the man and the woman described in Genesis chapter two. And verse 20, we find man is very busy, Adam gave names to all the cattle to the follow the air to every beasts of the field. That first half of the sentence wells us that man was very busy. Adam was a genius. Adam was able to categorize the entire Lord creation. And he was able to do this without having a single battle without having a president, without having a famous general without having anyone after whom to name all of these categories, you know, a real test for IQ. Suppose that you suddenly were confronted with the responsibility of naming 30,000 streets in a city. 30,000 different names. Could you sit down in a 24 hour period, and actually come up with 30,000 names for 30,000 streets in the city.

Well, of course, I'll tell you one way if you ever face this test and your life depends on it, take either the east west or the north, south streets and number every one of them. Of course when you get to 15,000 Street. It's a little clumsy, but that's half the battle. And then once you do that, see, once all streets going in one direction or number, then all you have to do is come up with 15,000 names. Now if you think that even coming up with 15,000 names is easy. Go home and try it today. You can think of all the famous people and all the categories, and you're going to have a time coming up with 15,000 names, but here's Adam, who has the whole creation, the lower creation spread out before him, and he spent a lot of time fact he was so busy for a while, he didn't know probably that he was the only one and his species that he was the first man upon the earth, and for a while, Adam lived alone upon the earth. And during the time of perfect environment, God is going to make an observation, because inevitably there comes a time when the five o'clock whistle blows. When man as it were is through with his work. And no matter how tired he is he wants to play he wants to relax. And it is inevitable. That man will discover that apart from something designed for him to express all that is in your soul, and all that is in his body. It is inevitable that he is going to be pardon the expression, lonely. And so in order that Adam would not be able to sing our famous Christian tune no longer lonely. God did something about it. God always does. Verse 20 Adam gave names to all the cattle in the fall the heir to every beast of the field that took a while. But for Adam, there was not found and then you have in your English and help meet, whatever that is. If you are a student of Old English you know what it is but the Hebrew is very, very simple. The Hebrew starts out with a word easer, which looks like this.

And that would be E Zhi, er, now easer is simply the Hebrew word for help. But here it means more than help. It means something it means implementation. It means fulfillment. Adam was designed a certain way, he was designed so that by himself. He would never be fulfilled as a member of the human race. So, easier here has the connotation of help, but it has a lot more than that. It has the whole concept of complementation and implementation. Now the next word is a very interesting one. PubMed do looks like this in the Hebrew.

That's p n neg do you connect do, and connect do means counterpart. It means complementary part it means opposite part that fits. He had a help of his counterpart. He had help from an opposite part, which fits him, which means that man in his original created state. While he has a soul, while he has a spirit, while he has a body man is not an island to himself. God did not design him to be that. And one day when Adam quit work he was lonely. He needed a counterpart, there had to be something that fitted him completely, socially, physically, in every way that a member of the human race, and another member of the human race go together. And God had no intention of allowing Adams loneliness to continue and Justice God provided for Adam. So God has today, provided for every member of the human race. There is no such thing as a member of the human race for which God does not and did not provide. And God provides in one of two ways he provides either a right man or a right woman and there is only one designed in that category. On the other hand he provides in another way. He provides some particular spiritual gift for a few believers in order to function. Apart from a counterpart. This is the case of Paul, he had a spiritual gift of celibacy. This gift is rare. This gift is used within the framework of God's plan. But the general doctrine for the human race is that for every male, God has designed a female counterpart. And for every female, God has designed a male counterpart, and that one without the other is in complete. So it says I help of his counterpart. I hope that fits in verse 21, the Lord God is Jesus Christ. And he caused a deep sleep to follow up on Adam. Adam is now of course, in one of those deep sleeps in which he is neither lonely nor anything else. And when he slept the Lord performed an operation he took one of his ribs. And they closed up the flesh instead their ob which simply means that he took removed a rib and touch the fly so that there wouldn't even be a scar. The operation is now complete. And verse 22 we h ve a dramatic moment. It is so dramatic that every male of the species ought to stop and reflect for a moment. Air is Adam sound asleep. And now, a perfect being minus one of his ribs. And there is a moment as it were when the Lord Jesus Christ is holding a rib in his hand. How many whatever stopped to realize that from the red, came the entire opposite sex, and some of the troubles in the world, not all. However, in perfect environment no such thought could exist, for it is impossible for a male and a female onto a perfect environment without sin nature, and with benefit of constant visitation from God, to have such a problem. And no problem of course existed at that time. And the rim. And here is where we get the principle the doctrine of Adam's Rib and a rib which the Lord God Jesus Christ had taken from manmade. Now, in the creation of man.

Three verbs are used in the Greek. There is Ba, which means to create out of nothing be a ra H. There is our saw a s h, which means to make something out of something. barah is the soul of man. I am the soul of man is like the essence of God's soul has invisible essence and this is what God said when he said, Let us make man in our own image, that is the real person will be invisible.

The real person will not be seen. And this is the essence of the soul, you can open a large number of craniums and you can look behind all of that skull up here, and you will ever see the essence of the soul. But even though invisible, it is real. It exists and man house self-consciousness mentality three parts to lobes up front one subconscious.

He has volition emotionconscience and of course it also nature today this access for the Olson nature, but man was not created with an Olsen nature God is not the author of sin and God is not the origin of sound. And so man was created here so out of nothing, barah, I saw is the body of the original man it was made from something from the chemicals of the soil. And then finally, it had form and shape, and that's YatSen, which would be j t s AR yacht sair. Well when it came to making woman. Nana all these verbs are used by law of course has to do with the soul of the woman. But the word which is actually used emphasizes the physical, not her soul for when it says that he made the woman the word is bond Ah, be a nhbana, and that means to build and the literal translation here reads, and the rib which the Lord God Jehovah Elohim had taken from the man. He built a woman. And I don't think you could ever improve upon the phraseology nor the concept. She had to be perfect. Why did she have to be perfect because God built her? And anything that Gods makes this perfect. And she was perfect. Therefore her beauty must have been well beyond anything we could ever imagine. A perfect God cannot make an imperfect creature, and the body must have imperfect, even as the soul was perfect. And while ba is not used here, it is used in the sense that whenever the creation of man is considered both male and female are included. And of course the soul is created in the image of God, which means it has invisible essence, and the body, built by God had to be something of the maximum in poker to probably there is no body that has ever existed male or female, that was as beautiful as the one God made at this point. So we build a woman, then I want you to notice because this is grace, always there is grace in perfect environment there is grace and innocence grace and innocence. Here is the original man. He has a soul, and he has a human spirit, every day Jesus Christ came to see him in the garden, and there of course, was the relationship with his Spirit, the Spirit became the recipient of all spiritual phenomena and doctrine, but for his soul there was not a relationship, until the woman was provided. And notice, please. Jesus Christ came in the garden that's grace he didn't have to come and as far as this is concerned, Jesus Christ, built a woman for man, and that isn't all he did the man didn't go looking for, he didn't run around yelling Chloe and looking behind every bush. He brought the woman to the man and that still holds. If a man who is a believer will simply operate daily under gap. And we'll build a notification complex, and while he's building it establish your frame of reference in his on the second law. If he will simply in his two frontal lobes one side is the inhibitor or the conscience side and the other is the heart side of the thinking side, and if through the operation of gap Bible doctrine in this mind cycled out of the human spirit, and cycled up in the frame of reference. If a believer will live daily a male believer will live daily under this principle, and will implement gap daily. The Lord will bring the right woman along he doesn't have to run and look for last night. A lot of males were prowling the city looking for their right woman. But you don't have to hustle around and look God will provide us doesn't mean of course, always have some people that can't stand doctrine presented. And it's so full concept because then they inevitably take a wrong application like, Well, God will provide on every day, you can still they just remember that this probably isn't the right woman, especially if she starts talking about what kind of furniture Do you like and how many children would you like. I mean on the first date when they start that you can figure right away. This isn't the law I didn't bring this with the law.

Whoever brought this one along it isn't the right woman, any idiot that starts talking about things like that in the first date why you can almost count that one out.

And by the way, no extra charge for that application.


God always provides and grace.

When I came to the cross.

God provided. Jesus Christ was provided God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ bore our sins and his own body on the tree. You see all the way through, we have provision. God provides. And that's the concept here. He brought her to the man. And in verse 23 and Adam said now, Adam responds to this gift. He what did he say immediately. He took one look at her and he knew that she was different from him, and he also knew by the way we know how he knew they were both naked. And he said this now. Now please notice immediately. The first thing out him was a genius and when he first saw the woman he recognized that she was born of his bone and flesh of his flesh that she was his counterpart. He knew it immediately. There was no problem why. Because you see, up until this time Jesus Christ comes in the garden. He comes constantly. Here we have the Lord Jesus Christ coming in the garden, and he feeds gap. See, gee, Adam had a wonderful teacher, and that goes into his mind and down to his human spirit and cycles up as a frame of reference, and when he looked at the first woman, and all of her glory and all of her beauty, he said this now is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, he identified her immediately and that's genius.

Have you males would probably have said no, what is this Lauren. You brought me something I don't quite understand.

It looks all right but what is it.

There was none of that with Adam, why you see Adam had been functioning alone, under gap for a while, and there's a principal. There are people who wait for the Lord are going to have that time of loneliness, but that time of loneliness when properly used under a gap is the best possible preparation for appreciating Isha when the

Lord brings her along.

And don't you ever not loneliness. Loneliness has dangers since we're out of the garden. Well when loneliness is the Lord and is used for that purpose. It is the greatest thing in the world, and there is a principle of doctrine, you must understand, it is better to be lonely, then tie down to the wrong man or the wrong woman, and every other married couple in the country will tell you that's true in a hurry. It is much better to be lonely, than to be tied down to the wrong person.


She shall be called Isha.

Now I love this this is one of the most beautiful names for the female of the species, Ishabecause she has taken from eash.

This is the word for man in Hebrew one of them. She shall be called ishod. Now this isn't the only female name andthis is the only malename, but this is the original one, eesh, and Isha. And of course, each is the male word and the Ah, here is the feminine suffix so feminine member of the species.

And you'll see we have something fairly close to it, except that we have a prefix.

We, and the English language is always interesting it comes up with a prefix at the wrong time because you see w o means wall, and some character in starting this phase of the English language said won't a man and that's very bad, it's woman is a prefix. But the concept is the same woman and man say that you'll notice that, and it should have been ma na, if we were following the best concept, because you see the best concepts and language. Always use a suffix rather than a prefix prefixes aren't the differentiate between various tenses. Now it should have been in the English we're going to do it right to be mana. Man, and mana. That's the concept in the original language or eesh and Isha. Therefore verse 24 shell. Man, eesh, leave his father and mother.

One of the great debates that was held in theological school at one point and theology class did the original parents have. This was brought in by a professor, did they have an evil. And of course this was hotly debated in seminary class.

And the most beautiful academic language you've ever heard. So much so that the debate of times became esoteric. And needless to say abstruse. But the answer is quite obvious, neither Adam, nor the woman had parents. And yet, right here we read of their parents.

Now, why, why do we have this type of thing? Neither Adam, nor his wife had parents, and yet here we have parents, because this is the divine institution of marriage, and under it's true, and pure and absolute concept.

When a man marries a woman. He is taking full responsibility for all of these actions. And when a woman says yes to a man in marriage, she has taken responsibility for that decision and everything that goes with it so that it doesn't mean that parents are no longer to be seen. This does not mean well, goodbye mother and dad I'll never see you again I'm married now. Sometimes under the concept of baby, baby sitters Incorporated. This seeing the parents gets to be a regular thing. But the principle is this. They must establish their own home. They must take responsibility for their own decisions. The Divine institution of marriage is the beginning of human maturity at that particular point, the individuals involved, have assumed full responsibility for their actions or their decisions for their entire life.

Now, in the course of the Divine institution as it is developed, it is also true that in law travel can be one of the greatest problems in a marriage life, especially if the parents have a tendency to interfere. It's difficult at times to sit back and watch your children make mistakes, but once they are on their own. That is inevitable they must do so if you aren't consulted parents of course you have a right to express an opinion, but the concept of marriage demands that the right man, and the right woman, and enjoy the company of each other in every way in which God has designed it for them. And therefore they are no longer making any decisions, or in any way depending upon their parents now this is the way it is in the doctrine, this isn't always the way it is in practice.


Sources therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall claim, only the word cleave here doesn't mean just clean. This is actually one of the first words in the Bible for sexual relationship. And as a result of this, they shall be one flesh. Sex existed in the garden, its purpose indicates the first and real purpose of sex which is recreation, the expression of the perfect happiness which comes from the relationship of the right man, and the right woman. There is the coalescence of souls and the coalescence of bodies, there is a relationship between the right man and the right woman which cannot be duplicated by any other relationship in life, and honor the principle of this doctrine. It is the highest relationship in life, sex is the highest expression of the greatest relationship, and is not something to be cheap or shoddy or to be in any way distorted at all distortions come from the sin nature, or from Satan himself for those Satan whose distortion later on in this book, cause so much trouble at another point. But sex was designed to be something high and noble and beautiful and perfect. It is the perfect expression, it was so designed to be the perfect expression of the relationship of the soul and the body, and therefore in its true sense, there has to be nothing cheap, or shoddy or perverted, or degrading about it, it is absolutely the most fantastic and wonderful thing in the world, because it is one of the few things in life that has a relationship of souls and bodies together. Now all distortions of it will emphasize, just the body and not the soul, orange of the soul and not the body. But the you cannot divorce one from the other. And the true concept which God designed for you see happiness is in the soul. And there are certain things which are related to the sex relationship, there are certain glands and so on that are found right back here in the base of the brain and so on, all of these things. Tell us, there is a relationship between the souls, the existence of certain things in the body. The existence of for example erogenous zones in the woman. The relationship between these and the way she thinks and the responses of the soul. They are directly related, and it is designed to be a perfect relationship, and therefore one worth waiting for. And therefore certain things are, of course, prohibited. For example, adultery is prohibited because it destroys or distorts adultery therefore put scar tissue on the soul, as we have studied scar tissue on the soul. And since it put scar tissue on the soul, any scar tissue on the right bank of a soul has an effect upon that wonderful relationship which God has designed. Almost sexuality and lesbian ism do the same thing. These are perversions and distortions, because a feminine soul was never designed to go with a feminine soul, and a masculine soul was never designed to go with a masculine soul, and therefore handle sexuality and lesbianism are forbidden bestiality is forbidden animals do not have a soul. They have instincts. They have reflex mortality which becomes reflex action at birth. But animals do not have a soul. And so these are distortions and perversions, but where does the where does Satan come into this we're talking about the old sin nature here, I'll tell you how Satan gets into it. And as a part of the Communist conspiracy to destroy this country, there has been in the last 30 years, a fantastic movement to break down morality morality is designed to protect a national entity in many ways. And part of that protection comes from the principle of protecting you for the right man or the right woman, and it is a part of the Communist conspiracy to destroy this to take sex out of its context, and make it something cheap and shoddy, to make it a part of sensitivity training, and you will find, right now, in this country, that this part of the Communist conspiracy has succeeded to the maximum so much soul that when some of these organizations have tried to come into the schools and give sex training in elementary, junior high and high school, they are their emphasis there a whole concept, give such a tremendous emphasis to the physical that the part that makes it wonderful and marvelous the soul is just wiped out. And as a matter of fact, carrying out the modern type of sex training to the maximum. You're not even going to have good philanderers in the next generation. And when frustrations in this field become so bad. One of the things that happens is to accept a stimulus type substitute in sublimation, and this would include heavy drinking a great deal of alcoholism in the last generation started with sex frustrations.

The use of dope. The use of various things to find physical stimulus. Apart from that which God designed? Now sex is designed for believers and unbelievers, and therefore God has designed certain laws that apply to believers and unbelievers in this particular field. And these laws apply both ways. And these laws include protection of sex as an expression of the coalescence of the soul, and therefore the forbidding of adultery. The forbidding of perversions. The forbidding of certain things, which takes sex out of its context. Now remember, sex, existed in the garden. Long before a man sin, and the relationship between the man and the woman was not and by the way, sex was not designed to have children, that is secondary sex was designed as an expression as a maximum expression of the relationship between the male and the female, the maximum happiness which comes from the correlation of the mind and the soul. So in its true context, there's nothing wrong with sex. Only in his distortions and by the way. No nation has survived a maximum number of sex distortions illustration Sodom and Gomorrah Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for sex distortions Sodom and Gomorrah went under the fifth cycle of discipline, because of the perversions of sex. The we studied the Greeks as the beginning of the fifth century BC, the age of parent leaves in the age of parents please homosexuality had become very rampant. As a result, the heavy drinking among the Greeks is very famous.

And as this developed the Greek civilization went down downdown and its decadence destroyed it as a great power both the Athenian civilization the Spartan civilization and others, the B ocean civilization. And later on when the Greek civilization infiltrated Rome, for 400 years Rome had a vigorous rise on objectivity in national life that was fantastic. But when they came into contact with the Greeks who were living in southern Italy at that time, and learn to drink why and learn the perversions of the Greeks in the field of homosexuality. Then there was a gradual breakdown of their own standards, and an inevitable destruction, as illustrated by opulus in his famous book, written during the time of the Empire called the Golden ass. All right, this is our first principle in the pattern and precedent for the right man on the right woman was established at creation. From the beginning God designed one man for one woman. Other distortions and perversions therefore include the concept of polygamy. The concept of a harem. The concept of wife swapping, all of these things are modern perversions of a concept we have in the beginning point to in the doctrine, and we turn out we features chapter five verse 31.

Ephesians 531.

Throughout the Scripture. They arrived right man right woman relationship of innocence is used to illustrate many principles now notice right man right woman occurred before sin that occurred in innocence in the garden. Now after a man's fall right man right woman is still a bonafide relationship and the human race. It becomes divine institution. Number two, the cause now. The purpose of the role of sex after sin is twofold. The first purpose is again what we will call recreation, only in the sense right man right woman perfect happiness coalescence of soul, and the second is of course the population concept, but this is always secondary and always number two. The idea that sex is only to have children, is a distortion brought on by religion. Not Christianity religion. And the idea that this, you see, religion always has a certain amount of asceticism. And when you get into asceticism you inevitably take distort sex, you see the distortions of sex come from asceticism just as much as from lasciviousness or promiscuity, and therefore asceticism comes along and says, limited only for the population of the human race. Now that's not true. That is wrong. That's out of line that's a distortion as well. But it takes religion to come up with a distortion like that because this leads inevitably to a guilt reaction, and a guilt reaction is in the soul, and any mental attitude sense of the soul, always destroy the whole beauty of sex, and its pleasure. And the happiness for which God designed it all right now, we have analogies, and many of these points come from analogy. In Ephesians chapter five verse 31 we read for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother? That's Genesis 224 again, and shall be joined unto his wife. This is the notice please, his wife. The, and the two shall be made one flesh. They were designed by God to be that way, one right man for one right woman. Now, here's your analogy. This is a great mystery. What is the great mystery? Well this is the doctrine of the mystery, and it actually is using the edification complex as the illustration in gap Bible doctrine is taken into the line where it becomes gnosis then through the filling of a spirit, then it is transferred to the human spirit, where it becomes epi gnosis as epi gnosis, we have the cycling of the frame cycling up here for your frame of reference here are your norms and standards. This will help you find right man or right woman, but there is also the building of the edification complex grace orientation relaxed mental attitude inner happiness capacity to love mastery of the details of life, and there is only one edification complex for one soul, and this is the great mystery. You see, here is the soul that is empty. Do you see the word soul in the, in the Greek is su K, and Su Kpsuch e suitcase feminine that Ada there is a feminine suffix so su k means a soul is a responder that's why it has apertures on both sides. Now, what fills the soul, and gives it perfect happiness. There is just one edification complex for one soul, just as there is only one right man for one right woman and this is the great mystery.

This is a part of church doctrine. I speak concerning Christ and the church.

Now, Christ and the church. Here is the moment of salvation, we enter into union with Christ, and we are designed to be in Him and to be perfect in him. He has given us His life eternal life. His righteousness. He has given us His priesthood. He has given us His airship, he has given us His kingdom. And so, this is the relationship between Christ and the church. And there is only one Savior, and there's only one way of salvation, and this is analogous to.

There is only one right man for one right woman nevertheless. Let every one of you, in particular, keep on loving his wife present linear action side, and this is the mental attitude love which comes from the soul, the man must initiate from the soul Agha Pato is used here.

A gapa and Agha power course for the believer is developed from two standpoints filling of a spirit and go and Romans five five in the edification complex first john two five, keep loving his wife, even as himself. This indicates as himself. The reason this is a soul aggression and the wife see that she all reverence, her husband, and the word for reverence, is full battle which has two meanings and two uses for that all means to fear, and it also means to be occupied with, and this is a present middle subjunctive, which means she keeps on doing it this is her response Middle Voice she has benefited by, and the subjunctive mood is potential depending on whether she gets the right man or not.

So we have our second point. Just as there is only one Savior, and one baptism of the Spirit union with Christ, justice, there is only one edification complex for the believer soul. So there is just one man for one woman.

Now point three.

Let's turn now to Jeremiah 3122.

Jeremiah 3122.

All of these are analogies, the right man on the right woman include the design of the male and the female bodies, the physiology.

I would like to use the word psychology to indicate the soul but it now has a different connotation.

So I'm going to call it the suitcase so my relationship. suquet is soul Soma is the body, the right man the right woman have suitcase Soma or Sukkot somatics.

Now, in this context we have an analogy, the Jew was like the right woman, and the Lord is like the right man. And in this context as well as our next one. The we have an analogy between the Lord as the right man, illustrated by the right man, and Israel illustrated as the right woman. There is only one Lord for the Jews see this is where their idolatry got them into such trouble because this was this is analogous to fornication or adultery idolatry is often used in that sense.

Now, the Lord is the right man the Jew is the right woman in the analogy and justice the Jews of Judah belong to the Lord so the right woman belongs to the right man.

And that's the concept here.

And in the first half of this verse the Jews are called backsliding because of their negative correlation because of their scar tissue the soul, and because they have accepted other gods, instead of the Lord. Now the other gods being idolatry. Now that's the first part of the verse of Jeremiah 3122, and the rest of it then is quite obvious how long without going about old our backsliding daughter. Now, here's the analogy to awaken them to the fact that they are out of line, because there's only one right as a worldwide man for them only one, the Lord have created a new thing in the earth and the word for create is the cow perfect abara, which looks like this. The a are a well just make out along a BA and barah simply means here that at the point of original creation. The Lord established a relationship the right man and ride woman, a new thing on the earth is a principle of doctrine, there is one right man for one white woman, and neither polygamy nor harems are a part of God's plan or his directive will now, instead of Isha this time it says woman, and you're probably expected Isha, but we have a different word, we have an Akiva, which looks like this in the Hebrew.

Why do we have a different word? This is an e QEB h, because this time we are going to talk about the physical design of a woman, and so Isha is her soul and body and Akiva should be translated female and has to do with her physiology and her physiology is different from that of a man as any gynecologist will be quick to tell you.

She is designed in every way in a different manner.

She is designed with soul responses and physical responses.

And she is designed for one man. And this includes physiology, all the way. And so it says a female shall encompass p alien perfect of Savelyevs AB. AB, and SAV AB is in the Pl Stammen as you know the Pl is the intensity of Stam, and here it means to embrace to fit, and it describes perfectly.

The design of the right man for the right woman.

They have a perfect soul and physiology fit.

And as a result, their relationship and sex becomes something that is utterly fantastic, and it cannot be duplicated with any other person in the world, and those that says a female shall embrace and fit. Man, only the word man is not Isha is not used here, it's gone there, G, A, B, er, and it means he roll the right man is a hero to the right woman, a Superman, and this should be translated, a female shall fit a hero.

And I want you to notice the emphasis the woman has mentioned first, the Lord brings the woman to the man, and therefore when the Lord provides a female shell fit a hero.

Now turn to we see kill 16.

This is one of the greatest grace passages found in the word is zekiel chapter 16.

I've never seen such a great passage, as this one isn't that far away.

All right, is eql chapter, 16.

Again, the word of the Lord came on to me saying this is a zekielit's right next to Jeremiah with lamination sliced in between. Some of you went all the way to Revelation. zekiel 16 Jeremiah Lamentations easy kill.

Again, the word of the Lord came to me saying Son of Man title for a prophet caused Jerusalem to know her abominations abominations has to do with idolatry with emphasis on the failing Colton child sacrifice and say, Thus saith the LORD God of it unto Jerusalem, by origin, the word the Hebrew word for birth is not birth at all its origin. That means parents, and by birth Nativity is the Hebrew word for birth, your origin and your birth is the land of Canaan. Your father was an amorite, and your mother was a Hittite in other words they weren't much good.

Now there's another way of putting that but some of you wouldn't understand.

And as for your birth in the day that you were born your neighbor was not cut reason, born of a dead mother, and this is to leave and make it worse. Your mother was low down your father was no good, and your mother died at birth, and they didn't even cut the navel. That was not washed in water. This is a Bible interpreted in the time in which it was written to supple the for cleansing literally the word supple means for cleansing you were not wise to water for cleansing. You're not solving the ancient world I used to solve the children down, nor were swaddling clothes put on you know i pitied you to do anything of these things to you, no one had pity you were repulsive. Not only did you have a bad father and a bad mother not only was your. Were you born dead, and no one bothered to cut the navel, but no one even pitied you you were gruesome.

You were cast out into an open field to the loading of I person everyone loved you, in the day that you were born. And when I passed by His grace now. Can you imagine the most repulsive child in the world for the most repulsive parents, and the mother is dead and the navel isn't cut, that is supposed to be gruesome and that's the idea. You're supposed to get when I pass by grace, the Lord, I saw you the word polluted is kicking you we're kicking you were lying there kicking in your own blood. And I said unto you, and your blood live. That's great. You see, yes I said unto you, and your blood live. That's great.

I have caused you to multiply, as the butt of the field. In other words, you became the most beautiful woman in the world, you have increased and wax some great that's old English. Our come to excellent Artemis, the best or fashion in other words there's a beautiful woman begins to grow, and their body begins to grow dyeing hair has grown this map, that's very great beauty, or as doll was naked and bear, they fall you are repulsive. And just as you are repulsive now you have become a thing of great beauty, this is grace, this is God's provision for the Jews. Now when I pass by you and looked upon you behold your time was the time of love You are now ready to get married see this right man right moment is the analogy here. So there was a time when you were ready to be married. That's called a time of love. And I spread my skirt I threw my cloak over you. That means you belong to me, and I covered your nakedness I became your protector. Yes, I swear unto you, and entered into a covenant with you and now the covenant is marriage there right man right woman sent the Lord God, and you became mine right man right moment and verse eight.

Then I watched you with water preparation of the bride I thoroughly washed away your blood I anointed you with oil, I called you and you have all these things but right by the way. Badger scan does not badger scan. I think you ought to know that inverse tan I cloned you also with broadhead work and showed you with badger scan, Morocco the finest softest leather in the world not badger scan, you can see some guy walking around in a badger skin and I don't think it's very glamorous to you.

But she, but here's fine soft Morocco. I granted you about with fine linen I covered you with silk, this is what he did these are all representation of Greece, and that at the end of verse 13, and that is prosper into a kingdom. See, there is no analogy between right man right woman, and the relationship between the Lord, and Judah. And I renowned went forth among the heathen for the beauty in other words you became so beautiful that everyone knew about it for it. Your beauty was perfect. Through my coal miners response the woman is the glory of the man and Judah becamethe glory of God, which I put upon you, saith the Lord GOD. Notice please my courtliness right man right woman. I made you something of great beauty, but without its trust in thine own beauty.

You see there is something beautiful about a woman that's all that's observable but not definable when she responds to the right man, and you play it. I like this play at least. I like it because it's hard to pronounce and breaks this up a little bit. They'll play it, the harlot because of your great glamour.

And you pour it out your foreign occasions on everyone the past by, is it was you gave your body to all of these people now verse 15 is the change of the picture. This is the breakdown between right man and right woman. And the Lord is using that analogy to show them where the breakdown occurs, he or she becomes she's so taken with her beauty and, you know, like some guy comes by with a mouthful of teeth and tells her how nice she is and so she goes for it. And in verse, 16, and other garments that it's taken DeKalb, the high places and so on. And the middle of verse 16, and you play against the harlot thereupon and in other words, she began to have a great deal of relationship this, this shows the distortion right man right woman, and the consequence scar tissue.

Now, he says in verse 17, I gave you a lot of beautiful jewels and so on and you took them and you made images of man faily called, and the images of man by the way the these fake images exist today. And notice, made love to an image, and made love to them the images. So again, this is a distortion, but this is a distortion that comes from the frustration of having scar tissue, first of all, there were just what should we call it plain old vanilla adultery, and I have started scar tissue here, but then after a while, the frustration became so great. You see, subjectivity replaces objectivity and this woman gets into the failure called and the failures that she actually took her beautiful golden silver things, and made a phallic image and made love to the image. Now that's academic I mean I could spell it out for you but you would look it all up in the dictionary if you have trouble with it. Now it's very simple right here, and you made to yourself images of man and you did commit adultery with them with the images, and you took by broidered garments and you cover them and and you set my own my incense upon them in other words you treated these images like people see she's saying so low that you started making love to something that didn't even have a soul, just had a shape or a design. I was 20. And that is an all she became so wild in this failure called that she began to offer her children.

More without taking die sons and die daughters who now has porn on to me right man right woman see they had children unto them the image is to be devoured. Now the next phrase says is this? Die whoredoms a small matter but the Hebrew says was your fornication too little, that you had to kill my children. Verse 21 thou has slain my children, and deliver them to cause them to pass through the fire for them. Part of the failure called was the sacrifice of children.

And then he reminds her and all dine abominations my whoredoms now has not remember the days of I used when I was naked and bear. And were you were kicking in your blood. Now it goes on with some of the things verse 24 thou has built to the eminent place that's a house of prostitution, thou has made a high place in every street, thou has built a high place that they had out of the way, and as may die beauty to be a board from the house of prostitution she went to a stall in the streets, and that was to open dive feet to everyone that passed by, and multiplied your adulteries, and yousank so low that you committed fornication with the Egyptian, who was a great fat slob that's what it actually says greater flesh.

No other words you didn't even care anymore. And you have increased whoredoms to provoke me. The word to anger is not found in the original. And then you verse 27, she played the prostitute, with the Philistines. And verse 28 thou hast has played the hall also of the Assyrians because you were unsatisfied. All of these sex activities, including the auto elitism of the family called left this woman insatiable are literally unsatisfied why no right man, that's why. Yes, you have played the harlot with them, and you could not be satisfied. Why, because there's only one right man for one right woman vowel has moreover multiplied by fornication. In the land of Canaan under Cal dia, and yet you are not satisfied here with now what's the problem how weak, is the thinking part of your mindset the Lord God how weak is Lionheart.

You see right man right woman relationship with the Lord, no gap, no cycling, no frame of reference. Seeing you do all of these things have a ruling Horace Roman, you see she took the wrong place, she became domineering.

She was not just a whorish woman they weren't imperious means she was a ruling. In other words, instead of being a responder as a woman as she started to use sex to rule man in that thou build a sign eminent place, House of prostitution, and they had on the way of every way. Every street literally and you make high place in every street, a stall, and you have been a harlot, and in that thou scorn is higher. In other words, finally she came to a place where she sang solo that she no longer took money for the sex relationship. She gave it free. That's what it's saying at the end of verse 31, but as a wife that committed adultery which take a stranger's instead of her husband. So you started giving it free, and they gave gifts to all Horus but thou give us, I guess you finally sank lower than that she started paying man to have sex with her. See, she goes lower and lower and lower the Philistines back there were used to all kinds of perversions and yet they were ashamed of her lewd way, that's at the end of verse 27, and by the time you get to verse 33, she's paying man to make love to her, but they give gifts to all whores but I'll give us gifts to all thy lovers and you hire them, that they may come to you and every side for the whoredom. And this is the opposite the word contrary means opposite. This is the opposite in you from other women who practice, fornication. In other words, they take money for it and you give money for it, or as none follow D to come in whoredoms and in that thou give us a payment and no payment is given unto thee, therefore, you are different. In other words, you've gone lower. Wherefore all harlot hear the word of the Lord, and then it goes on to describe some of the problems. The mental attitude sins, all that's involved.

Other perversions are mentioned, they were verse 50, and they were hottie and committed abominations before me. Therefore I took them away these this is Sodom and Gomorrah, and this implies the lesbian nism activity. Now verse 16. Here's where grace comes in, you'll get the idea she sang pretty low but verse 16. Nevertheless, I will remember my covenant that's grace. I will remember my covenant with thee and the days of value. I will establish under the, and everlasting covenant, right man right woman is used to demonstrate the grace of God. She took this wonderful law that was given to her by the right man, and she squandered it on the wrong people. She broke the thing the concept of right man right woman, but God and His grace will restore her and establish her onto an everlasting covenant beautiful picture of eternal security, then thou shalt remember thy ways and be ashamed, thou shalt receive by sisters etc verse 62, I will establish my covenant with thee, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord I'm the light man. Just as there is only one right man for one right woman there's only one Lord for you, and all the idols in the world will not do any good, that thou mayest remember and be ashamed and never open the mouth anymore you will never have to do any confessing. I'll guy shame when I am pacified toward the pacified means reconcile well the principle of this passage, does two things besides showing God's grace and His relationship to Israel, and why the cycles of discipline. It also demonstrates the principle that when the right woman gets away from the right man, and has and has a sex relationship with anything else, she goes lower and lower and lower because she is denying the soul part of herself. And when a woman goes badly she goes very bad. She went to idols, she went to the place where she gave her body away free and then she paid others, she sank lower and lower and lower and lower.

And that means for God works both ways. Apart from the right man, or the right woman, sex is not designed for your pleasure. It's designed for your destruction.

All right, this is as far as we'll get this morning and our study right man arrived woman saw their heads bowed with her eyes closed.

We dedicate the closing moments of this service this morning. To those of you who are here without Christ without hope and without eternal life. We want you to know that Jesus Christ had you personally in mind when he went to the cross and everything you've ever committed past, present and future was poured out on him and judged, you will never have a sin to grade for the plan of God, every sin has been judged and therefore right where you sit right now with your head bottom your eyes closed, you can have eternal life, how Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saying, whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. These are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and I believe that you might have lived through his name, but your head bowed and your eyes closed and silent prayer, you can have eternal life, you can believe in Jesus Christ, right where you sit right now. Solar heads bowed and eyes closed, I'm gonna ask, Ralph Braun to lead us in our closing prayer.

Our Father, we're thankful. This morning at the issue of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is constantly made clear.

We pray Father that this issue might be made real to people this morning by faith in Christ Jesus. We also Father, thank you for the privilege of hearing the doctrine of the right man, and right woman.

We pray Father that, as it comes into our mind as gnosis we might transfer by faith, making it epi gnosis, the playing of this, as well as other doctrines in the Word of God might save our nation.

As this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, with thanksgiving. Amen.


1970 RM/RW

1Cor. 11:7

Lesson #3



03/01/1970 1Cor. 11:7 Doctrine of right man/right woman

We continue our study this morning, of a doctrine the right man right woman before returning to the book of Acts, and we open our Bibles now to First Corinthians chapter 11. Are we continue with the fifth point? First Corinthians chapter 11.

First Corinthians chapter 11 in review of what we had last

Sunday morning.

First of all point one, the pattern and precedent of right man right woman was established to creation. Genesis 221 through 25. From the beginning, one man was designed for one woman, point to.

Just as there is one edification complex for one soul. Soul there is one man for one woman equations 531 through 33.3, the right man right woman and includes the design of the male and the female physiology and anatomy. Jeremiah 31 22.4. No one can achieve either soul love or sex love satisfaction. Apart from the right man on the right woman. Ezekiel chapter 16, and specifically verses 28 through 30.

In all in all of these passages except the first. There is an analogy between the Lord and Israel, or the Lord and the church, and the right man right woman is used as the basis for the analogy. Now this teaches us a very important principle as the Lord has a relationship to Israel as the Lord has a relationship to the church. So there is a relationship between the right men on the right woman.

Now it is imperative to understand that when an analogy is so designed and set up.

It means that generally throughout the history of mankind, this doctrine has been understood the Word of God only takes a well understood doctrine. To use it as an analogy between the Lord's relationship with the leavers in any dispensation. And the fact that this doctrine was thoroughly understood from the beginning. The fact that this was a common and well known doctrine is the reason why it is used throughout the scripture to designate the Lord's relationship to believers in certain dispensations. And the fact today that this doctrine is obscure. And the fact that the doctrine has almost disappeared from the understanding of believers, or even people in general. That fact alone is indicative of the apostasy of our times. When I first started mentioning the doctrine of the right man and the right woman. Many of you in this church were completely and totally startled. Many of you reacted like this was something out of the imagination. And yet, in any age, and any generation. When BORN AGAIN believers are thoroughly aware of the Word of God and its teaching. This is almost understood instinctively even apart from the function of gap because even unbelievers understand this principle. And we have occasionally in the music of the unbeliever. And we have in the literature of the unbeliever of this very same concept, the right man for the right woman. And yet, a group of believers who have been well exposed to Bible doctrine. React.

Now that is very significant to me.

And I had to take a good look at my own ministry in the light of that reaction and I decided one thing that we have a large segment of people in bracket church, whose understanding of doctrine in general is very weak, whose instinctive common sense is even worse. And I was quite surprised that in a congregation like this, there would be so many who apparently have had so much opportunity to learn doctrine. Who would so instinctively react to such an important doctrine? And the first reason i think is quite apparent. Highlight the most obvious reason for this reaction is the fact that too many people have made a mistake and won't face up to it.

The second place. Too many people in their minds and they're not necessarily in their behavior pattern but in their minds at least are philanderers. And while many of you probably would never step out of line overtly in your mind. Many of you people who have been married for years have sublimated by having a metal romance with someone else. If it's a lady someone in her husband's business acquaintances, someone in some church or some organization or some social circle, where she travels constantly. And I think the fact that so many people in Baraka church had a difficult time adjusting to what is so obviously and so apparently God's will and God's word. I think is simply because for years you have been guilty of every possible type of malpractice fact that you said here this morning and looks so respectable is fine. I'd rather see you look respectable than other ways I've seen your load by the fact that you have a mind that wanders the fact that you carry on metal romances was someone else. The fact that many of you have a physical relationship with your opposite number and yet he has never in your mind. I think this explains your reaction. The fact that many of you are very flippant. With regard to certain things in life which God has set up the fact that many of you are very limited in your understanding and then again the fact that many of you never have bothered to attend a Bible class or listen to a tape and have only come on Sunday I think all these things. So when I got to thinking about I wasn't surprised at the reaction. So much as I was disappointed that's something that is so clear from the Word of God, and forms the background for so many other doctrines should be resisted. And for such ridiculous reasons. I want you to answer for yourself. This morning certain questions. Here's the image you have the romantic image you have set up in your mind more important than Bible doctrine. The fact that for years you have been sublimating by carrying on and an imaginary romance with someone else is that more important than Bible doctrine is anything more important than Bible doctrine is your flippin attitude toward analogies and the Word of God that important. Of course you have to be honest and say No it isn't. That doesn't mean you're going to change. But at least you have to be honest and recognize when you're out of line. And many of you build your whole lives around your dream castles. What you think in your minds. And many of you are suffering terribly because you have dreams but you do not have a reality of those dreams. And this is going to be a source of soul anguish to you until you straighten out. Now we have as always here, a large number of the leavers who are young people. And we are well represented by the young people of our church and this early service. We also have a large number of people who are out of the teenage bracket, but are still single. And I want to address a few words of application before we continue with the next point. Many of the adults so this church. And by and large, most of the adults in this country today are miserable people in certain fields. And this misery comes from the fact that they have made a rotten mistake. They married the wrong person. And they made that mistake for many reasons which you can avoid. They were on a wave of living Oh, they were living in panic palace. Their friends were all getting married and they were left behind. They had they used as an excuse some difficult or bitter situation at home. But for one reason or another, we use the past generation seems to be made up of a preponderance numerically of people who made a mistake in their marriage. And with most of them they had enough. Morality enough self-righteousness, about something or other to develop a thinking pattern to stick it out, stick it out for the sake of the children, stick it out for the sake of society, stick it out for the sake of whatever decor, whatever principles, they happen to face. In other words, I'm saying to you, young people don't make the generation. Don't make the mistake that the past generation made that your forebears have made. And most of you are going to make the same mistake. Most of the people in this country who are young people. They cause they have less reason than even the past generation, the tremendous use of various types of drugs, smoking pot. The rise of the Neo Gypsy movement. The attitude towards sex in this generation, which is so loose compared even to the last. You have less chance than your parents or then the past generation.

And since that is true, your only hope is in Bible doctrine. And through the Word of God you will not panic. Through the Word of God in a wave of living oh you will not make a mistake in a time of loneliness when someone is friendly. You will not assume that a rapport that occurs and friendliness, or in loneliness is a rapport that can occur in married life, or it just isn't true.

And the anguish of soul, and the general misery of life that comes from making this fatal decision this fatal mistake can never be numbered. And we're not for Bible doctrine, those who make that mistake but not survived. Now here is a doctrine that obviously is going to cause resentment, from the past generation. And I think it's so obvious that I won't even explain it. But you young people must never allow their reaction of the older generation to in any way affect your understanding of this doctrine. For there is for each one of you a right man or a right woman. And that ride man or that ride moment is worth waiting for. Do not be snowed by the obvious comments you will hear from some of the adults around here, who in this particular field are not adults at all but merely grown up children. I think one of the most childish remarks that anyone could ever make is well.

There are a number of women around here with whom I could be happy or vice versa. There are a number of man that I, with whom I could be happy in marriage. Now that's childishness. And when you examine the Word of God, you're going to find so many times as we have on these passages. So many references, a relationship between the Lord, and the church, a relationship between the Lord, and Judah, is illustrated by the doctrine of the right man and the right woman. So it is a true doctrine. And you must be discerning with regard to some of the comments of adults because all many adults are babies. And in thinking many adults or children and adults, physically, he is not necessarily an adult spiritually nor an adult mentally. And many of you young people who have been so faithful, and who have come to Bible class night after night after night, and have begun to learn and to appreciate these things. And many of your young ladies and young man who are actually right now have one goal in mind and that's to build an edification complex, so that when the right person comes along, you will be ready. And that's true of so many of you now, I think that's the most wonderful thing about our young people will fight right now so many of them are concentrating on Bible doctrine. They are focusing their attention to the extent that they want. First, in their lives. That edification complex of the soul. And then everything else will be something very fine and very wonderful. Now therefore, it is imperative that we continue our study with a little more objectivity. Young people have objectivity. It is those who are older and who for one reason or another would like to bury this type of doctrine, this doctrine will not be buried his doctrine comes up too many times in Scripture. Stockrooms about to come up in our second service, this doctrine will come up from time to time. And it is a doctrine which is the basis for understanding many of the things that we have already studied like in Jeremiah 31 like in zekiel chapter 16, like in Ephesians chapter five. So a warning to your young people. Do not be snowed by adverse comments from those who are your peers. Only an age, but not necessarily in doctrine.

Right woman is the glory of the man. Just as the believers edification complex is the glory of God. Now this is found in First Corinthians chapter 11 verse seven. This passage reads. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, or as much as he is the image and the glory of God. But a woman is the glory of the man. Now the background for this passage has to do with assembly worship, and how certain customs had caused some trouble. Many of the people who were saved in Corinth were Jews, and the Jews couldn't help it.

Whenever they came to worship they wore a hat. And many of the Jewish men would come into church wearing hats. They are a little skullcap made where there's little skullcap.

No, they are. And look funny to see a man sitting there wearing a hat in church, we occasionally have had it here we just don't pay any attention when the man wears a hat in church. But this was the custom for many of these Jews they brought it over from their synagogue days when the man wore hats in church. And so it caused something of a stir. And that's why in verse for every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonors his heads it's the opposite of the customer the Jewish synagogue. But every one woman that prays or prophesies with their head on cover dishonor with her head. For that is even as if she were shaving. So the point is that they have this all mixed up. And it says, if a woman in verse six of a woman being not covered let her also be shorn covered means her hair, of course, it's the alternative is to be shaved her head shaved. But if a shame for a woman to be showering or shaving let her be covered. Now this is the point of doctrine then in verse seven practice and the malpractice was covered up to verse seven, and the practice and the malpractice will be covered later on. For example, The whole thing has to do with the angelic conflict because in verse 10, or less cause a woman to have power over her head because of the angels, and the, the woman's covering his or her hair and hair is a sign of female submission to the man and the angels observe this because of the angelic conflict because there was a time in the angelic conflict. When the woman was submissive to the angel instead of to man. So that when we get down to verse 14 we learned something about the woman's covering. Not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it's a shame to him. But if a woman have long hair, it's a glory to her for her hair is given to her as a covering. And some people didn't like this so in verse 16, If any man seemed to be contentious. We have no such custom neither the churches. There's no custom for a man wearing hats, really there's no custom for ladies wearing hats. The point is that the man should have short hair and uncovered no hands. The woman's hair should be longer than the man's it doesn't have to grow indefinitely. but it should be longer than her opposite numter her right man for one, this is probably why you may have noticed in nature teaches this lesson. When teenage girls let their hair grow they look fine, up to a point with the proper grooming. But have you ever noticed that when an old woman lets her hair grow and it's hanging down halfway down her back she looks like the witch of Endor, erinomaisen. Now that's the lesson, you'll learn from nature and the older a woman gets the shorter she keeps her hair and nature teaches that there never was an old woman who didn't look twice her age with her hair down to her shoulders. This just happens to be true. And the older a woman gets the shorter she keeps her hair and that is a lesson from nature. You see this is what the passage is saying nature teaches some lessons. This passage also says that nature teaches us that when a man has long here. It's a shame to him. And this passage tells us many things, including the fact that Jesus Christ himself did not have long hair as painted by most of the artists whose hair was short, or that we can be very thankful. Now the short hair is the sign of the role of the man as the right man, and belong here are the longer hair is a sign of the role of the woman, and the doctrine of the relationship right man and right woman. How long must a woman's hair, be it must be longer than her right man's, which means that a lady whose right man is bald has a tremendous field of opportunity. But her hair is longer as a sign of submission. And this is always why in the ancient world they had a custom revived by the Free French when France was recovered from Germany. And the idea of shaving a woman's head means that she is not in submission to the right man, or she's in submission to too many man, physically, but not solely solely. And so the shaving of a woman's head is a very ancient custom, which the as I say the Free French revised in 1945, all female collaborators were taken into the public square and all of their hair was shaved. Now here is our passage in verse seven. For a man and deed ought not to cover his head this is wearing a hat. Core as much as he is the image and glory of God, and the Word man here is the Greek word on air, And a refers to a novel manual refers to a believer. And it doesn't even refer to a male man here It refers to male and female. It is a principle rather than a gender, and the, the believer is called a nobleman, and the believer is both the image and the glory of God, image has to do with the essence of the soul, self-consciousness mentality volition emotion conscience. And the also nature is excluded from this concept. Now he is also any believer is also the glory of God, when in the soul there is erected the edification complex grace orientation build upon doctrine. The next one of course is the relaxed mental attitude, inner happiness capacity to love mastery of the details of life. So the image and glory of God has to do with the the lever. But first of all, has the sole the immaterial essence, and also has the glory God said, Let us make man on our own image and this was the image which was made, the glory however of God is the reflected glory of the edification complex, and this is the only way in which we, we do not share the glory of God as we saw on Friday night, it is impossible for anyone to grab the glory of God. We can only reflect the glory of Goddess we have the edification complex, but now it goes on to say in the rest of this verse that the woman is the glory of the man, and this of course is right man and right woman, and when the right woman responds to the right man, there is a reflected glory, and there's a glory toward him, which he sees, and which is a source of great blessing to him, but it is also observable to others. A woman who has the right man and who has responded to him, and this is her femininity personified and amplified to the maximum. So this is the principle again the right man of the right woman concept, and the right woman is the glory of the right man just as the believers edification complex is the glory of God, see both are declared in this particular passage. Now in point six, we go back to Genesis chapter three, Genesis chapter three verse 16.

Genesis 316 says, great grace King first Genesis 315 is grace. Genesis 316 says under the woman he said, I will greatly multiply by sorrow by conception in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children.

Lady sorrow begins apparently at the point of conception, they salad. Apparently pregnancy is a very difficult time for a woman, I say apparently I've never been pregnant never met a woman. I merely accepted the scripture teaching on this point. And I desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee. Now point six is the beginning of a principle. The woman is a responder, but she is only designed to respond to one man. And that comes from the phrase, I desire shall be to thy husband. The woman was not designed to respond to many man. The woman was only designed to respond to one man. And that's the right man, and you say, why we have to have this right after the fall. Well the reason is because in Genesis three six. The woman's sin first. And in the middle of verse six she took the fruit thereof and did eat and she gave to her husband, with her, and he did eat in other words, the husband took the, the man Adam took the part of the woman. Instead of being an initiator he was a responder. And the woman gave to the man and the man ate. In other words, the roles were reversed. A man is the initiator of the aggressor. And the woman is the responder, and in the first send a woman became the aggressor. And the man became the responder. In other words, there was a reversal of their roles and Adam in his sin did something that is very tragic in a sense became a feminine. He could not do so, to become the first male center, Adam was not the first center the first center was the woman, but to become a center to eat of the fruit of the tree. Adam had to become a feminist he had to respond to the man, or to the woman, so that the roles were reversed and in the first sin for the first time. The woman was the aggressor. And the man was the responder, and this of course is a feminine See, and therefore before Adam could actually sin. He had to respond the same thing happened to Abraham. Abraham responded to his wife suggestion, it was wrong, but instead of being a man about it he became a feminist about it. And the result was the one segment of the Arabic race, the part which descends from Ishmael, and it is of great interest to note that certain sections of the Arabic race today have a strong tendency toward a feminine say, even though they are very strong and very vigorous as fighters many times. This happens to be true. And you will also notice that the Arabic race also has followed a custom which is more or less come down to the present time. When a man becomes a feminine. He wants to be courted as it were by many this is his pride and therefore the Arabs have had harems down through the centuries, and the rise of the harem as something of this very same concept. And contrary to human viewpoint where a man with a harem is considered to be quite a man, in a sense, he's quite a woman. So there's the concept of the right man, and the right woman and point six the woman is the responder but she was designed to respond to one man. So God had to set up a new law about this. This law was understood under perfect environment of innocence. And now everything is changed. And so God repeats the law. And the woman is going to be the child bear and that makes her submissive she has to be submissive, and you man may be delighted to know that one reason why you will never be able to have children, is because your role is not that of submissiveness our response. The true concept of having children, since children come from love, and from sex and since sex was designed to be the epitome of happiness between the right man and the right woman. And since therefore, children come from the sex relationship. It was designed for the man to fulfill his role as the initiator and the woman hers. And then the child does not remain in the man the child remains and the woman, and it is the woman who becomes pregnant. Because you see, she is the responder. And just as her longer hair is a sign of her submissive submissiveness this past he says so is her pregnancy. And I'm sure that every woman who has ever been pregnant aa some time has had some thought like this go through her mind. She has limited interactivity, or husband is not and this may have come by way of resume. I am sitting around with his child and here he is doing all of these things, and I have to stay at home I'm sure that every pregnant woman has some sort of a thought of this time, she'll bring forth children and yet I desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over these so God's set up the law again since the law was violated in the original sin point seven goes back goes to Proverbs six which we have studied in great detail so let's simply get it down on the right woman responds sexually to the wrong man, she destroys her soul. Proverbs 632 that scar tissue on the soul, and also her body. First Corinthians 616 through 18. And this is vice versa. Now it works it works two ways are both the male and the female. Perhaps we should notice in passing the second verse that is involved in this point First Corinthians chapter six. First Corinthians chapter six began in verse 15 to notice the principle that is involved. First Corinthians chapter six verse, 15.

Now I want you to notice something that is very important throughout this passage, something you've never avoid something you've never should verse 15 says No you're not. Verse 16 says what Know ye not verse 19 says what Know ye not. The important thing is and knowing these points of doctrine. These are principles of doctrine which must be understood. And every time we have the word no you not it has a verb, like LIDAR, which means, this must be in the human spirit to have this as gnosis is not enough. This must become epi gnosis verse 15. No you're not that your bodies are the members of Christ. So we have an analogy immediately. Just as the believer is in union with Christ. So, there is a right man and a right woman, you see there's only one Savior and every believer is in union with the Savior. So there is only one right man for one right and woman and vice versa. And now you will notice the call says, after completing the analogy he says shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of a prostitute, God forbid, now this is what we call crossing over, and an analogy. You see, the right Savior, the right Lord is Jesus. And the right body is the believer. So here we have placed. And here we have the believer, and you see every believer is in union with Christ. Shall I take that which is in union with Christ to make it a member of a harlot now, there we also have right man as the analogy, and right woman. Now we also have a violation of that and the violation or distortion is a crossover of an analogy. I don't think we've really ever had a crossover and analogy before but here's what it is, the crossover is to say, shall I is a believer. Take the members that belong to Christ, see I am the. He is my right savior my only Savior. He is my light Lord My only Lord, shall I take these members and violate this principle right down here. Shall I, as a right man go to the wrong woman, which is a crossover from an analogy. And when I am with the wrong woman. I'm not only violating this part of the analogy, I'm violating this part of the analogy. Now that's the principle here. And when I violate both sides of an analogy by right man going to wrong him and you see the background for this, the temple of Aphrodite in Corinth was frequently populated by believers.

Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of a harlot

Megan Ida God forbid are definitely not, and then plot. No you're not that that which is joined to a prostitute is one body for to see shall be one flesh. The principle applies the principle of Genesis 224. But.He that is joined under the Lord is one spirit. You're already joined under the large you're already one with the Lord doctrine a positional truth. And therefore, there are two principles that apply to you not only belong to the Lord. He's your right savior let's put it right Lord in here since Leslie, and you're not only belong to him, but there is right man right woman for you. And so here you are violating both sides of the analogy by going into the temple of Aphrodite, making your members the members of a harlot you're your one you're joined with her. And so the command in verse 18 is a little different from the one in the Mosaic law it says Thou shalt not commit adultery says flee fornication, as an active imperative keep on fleeing why well because every sin that is a third class condition every sin of a man does it is outside of his body, but he then committed fornication he actually sins against his own body. When you break a double analogy, you're going to send against your own body and this is the manner in which this is accomplished. For the woman, there is a buildup of scar tissue that leads either to nymphomaniac or frigidity, and she gets into that more of a man. He is going to be short circuited and his ability and the expression of sex love when he's with the right woman is going to be destroyed.

So there are effects upon the body, then there is also on the part of both. You will occasionally see something abyssal there is a guilt reaction or guilt reaction when a man has a guilt reaction he turns into a baby. When a woman has a guilt reaction she turns in usually a tiger by that I mean she's looking for vengeance and she's going to get her pound of flesh.

So, it turns on a man into a woman, he becomes a baby, it turns a woman into a man she becomes aggressive and her desire for revenge. And so again, there's a crossover, the woman makes like a man and the man like makes like a woman. I've never seen a man who had a gut reaction from fornication, who didn't turn into a woman.

And one of the first things he does is he runs around and he blabs all what he's done he runs crying to his wife and tells her what a terrible thing he's done. He acts like a woman and a woman acts like a man. She becomes aggressing, and she seeks vengeance, and in all of her mental attitude sins that follow her vindictiveness, and in her bitterness, she seeks to hurt and to destroy.

And so the roles are reversed.

So there is an effect upon the body. Now, the next point takes us to point eight takes us back to First Corinthians seven or takes it over to Mike's point 9.8.

Let's review the ones we've had this morning.

We started this morning with point five right woman is the glory, the man justice the believers edification complex is the glory of God. First Corinthians 11 7.6 therefore the woman is the responder designed to respond to one man Genesis 316 B. In the original sin man and woman reverse their roles, Adam responded to the one on Genesis three 6.7, the right woman responds sexually to the wrong man she destroys her soul Genesis 632 and her body. First Corinthians 616 through 18, and this is vice versa. That applies both ways. Then point eight now monogamy is ordained of God to remind mankind, that God has a right man for the right woman and vice versa monogamy, I better spell monogamy, which is the opposite of polygamy.

First Corinthians chapter seven verse two, nevertheless to avoid fornication. Let every man have his own woman, literally not wife woman is on goon a Greek says, or put down the Greek here so you ladies won't feel I'm calling you a goon.

Do Ne, ne every woman singular have her own man doesn't say husband and wife fact knows how this guy MIT slipped up, you want I grade this man way off on his translation, he'd got about a C minus for this you know why. Firstly, put the word avoid in which is known the original nevertheless fornication. Let every man have yours own life, only us Let every man have his own woman right man right woman, then he turns around and takes the same word Guna and says that every woman. But you see, wife and woman are the same word.

Let every woman have your own husband and then he switches around on her to do her husband were in before it was man, let's see hi Clint. That's a bad translation. The word occurs twice both the word for man and the word for woman, and he translates them differently in each case and that type of thing just isn't authorized to see every word and the Bible counts. So let's get a correct translation here.

Nevertheless, fornication. Let's see actually doesn't mean to avoid it just means regarding the subject of fornication. Let every man have his own woman that every woman have her own man, this is right man right woman. Let the man render onto a woman to benevolence. This is the coalescence of souls and bodies. Likewise, also the woman to the man. The woman does not have power over her own body, there's a right man who has power over her body, and I want you to be sure to understand verse four. Here is the right woman, and the wrong man does not have power over her body, all he can do is destroy her responses to the right man when it comes along, because sex between the wrong man and the right woman will put scar tissue on her soul will destroy her responses will give her a subjectivity of soul, so that the, of the possibility of the coalescence of the soul and the body will also be heard by the wrong man. And so when a woman gets out of line and fornication and starts to mess around with man, or man wrong types. She's has trouble, both from the standpoint of her soul and the standpoint of her body, and this is vice versa. When it is the right man with the wrong woman, it is it same thing all over again. It has an effect upon the soul and has an effect upon the body, and that's why God has designed one man for one moment, and his design is perfect.

So inverse for the woman does not have power over her own body. She has designed by God and every woman is different. The agenda zones of the female vary fantastically. And while in the standpoint of anatomy females are conservatively more or less the same there is a fantastic difference, or she was designed for one man only and in the male anatomy. The same thing is true, both in physiology and anatomy, no two males, no two females are exactly the same. And there is a reason for this. The reason is that God has designed the variations for the response of only one person. And when the right man comes into the life of the right woman, for example, she will discover the erogenous zones that she did not even know that existed. And this is sometimes called awakening. So this is the principle involved here. The man in verse for the woman does not have power over her body that is power to arouse her body. And this also deals with the problem of auto era cism because you see the auto erotic whether male or female, does not have the power to arouse to have his own body, and therefore, this is a very cheap substitute. So the woman does not have power over her body. But the man the right man, of course, and likewise the man does not have power over his body but the right woman, and the right woman can do something for the right man, physically that no one other woman in the world but possibly do. And another thing of course when the right man and the right woman are together. I want to remind you of the importance of the coalescence of souls in the soul of the right man, and in the soul of the right woman for example let's take the mentality. He is thinking of the right woman, he is when he's making love Even he is thinking only of her right woman, and in her mind is right, man. She is responding only to him. When the thing is wrong. Any woman can tell immediately if she's responding to a man and the next thing she's thinking of another man.

And a man over here, he may not even be thinking he might be making love to a woman and thinking about something in Playboy magazine.

Awesome. You say he's not the kind of dumb about.

That is not coalescence of souls.

And, and I think any man that had a physical relationship with a woman and didn't know definitely that that woman was thinking of him Batman ought to get so far away as never even to get near that person again. He shot down and doesn't mean if he doesn't know that it's terrible. In other words, there must be coalescence of souls before the body gets into the picture at all. And yet the tragedy of our day. Why do you think so many of these magazines are so popular and everything that goes there's so many wrong men with wrong women, they're what's the problem, they must conjure up images in their mind of someone else before they can, as it were, make love to this person with whom they have a lifetime sentence called in our language marriage.

That is tragic. And it's a violation and distortion of something that is so marvelous and so wonderful.

It's really tragic to see what it does to a society, or as you're seeing it all the time, you probably are not aware of the relationship. So this doctor is important. There must be a coalescence of the souls. And this ought to be obvious to you because, and the lower creation animals do not have souls animals will mate with any kind of an animal of the same species, and the animal isn't particular.

Don't you ever catch yourself in the perpetuation of the lower creation animals procreate and animals are not a bit particular.

Not a bit. They have no soul animals do not have souls and people say well are animals going to heaven. There's no soul to save animals aren't going to have it wherever they're going. And you have a perfect illustration, the doctrine of right man and right woman just doesn't apply to animals. There's no doctrine of right male right female.

All of you who have animals can he has, he's not particular.

Every time King gets out. This goes this way one time this way another and that way another. And I tried to tell him about the right woman just sat there and why does Taylor bark.

And I noticed the last time when he went saw this time he went nor.

Now we all have respect for certain animals or live or something but don't ever kid yourself an animal does not have a soul.

But then again there are people who act just like keep going on at one time and solve the next mature have a soul, and you can't get away with it your soul won't let you sure point eight monogamy is ordained of God remind mankind that God has a right man for the right woman and vice versa First Corinthians seven two through four.

Now this is the point that I think is so fantastic. To me this is the clincher of the doctrine. This is like frosting on the cake. Ecclesiastes these nine nine, please yes these nine nine.

I know, I wanted to get a drink of water so this point came next I knew I had Pat would have plenty of time.

Please, he asked his nine I looked it up in the index I saved about a half an hour.

This is one I want you all to see. So I'll wait for you. Because this is gonna shock you was quite a shock to me but it was a pleasure. It shocked me for all of about two seconds and I realized hey that's right you know God has set up certain things where unbelievers can have happiness, and even have some of the happiness that God has designed for people, and it's fantastic.

This is one of those verses that once you read it y'all you may have read through Ecclesiastes and never noticed it.

But I want you to notice that this verse is saying one. It is possible to have a miserable life, and the person in Ecclesiastes nine nine is an unbeliever or carnal believed to be the one by between these brackets here is the adult life, and they have a life which is described as vanity once and then vanity occurs again twice, we have the word vanity and both times, it means emptiness and emptiness means a life of unhappiness, a life of misery, a life of disappointments and difficulties. But do you know that in adult life vanity emptiness misery, it is possible for an unbeliever or right man unbeliever to get the right woman, and in that relationship, even though they live in a life of emptiness and their personal relationship the coalescence of soul and body, they will have happiness. It is possible for a person to have a miserable life, and yet to derive moments of great happiness and ecstasy from this relationship. Now that's what it says in verse nine. Here's a person who has a miserable life live joyfully with the wife, whom thou lovest, by the way, whom thou lovest is the counterpart of civil indicating you always did right man right woman. All the days of the life of I emptiness, you're gonna have a life of vanity, but you're gonna have happiness with the right woman, which he has given the under the sun. In other words he's given you under the sun the right one. All the days of I vanity, but this is the portion in life, and invite labor which I'll take us down to the sun you're gonna have a lot of misery, but you'll have great happiness if you find the right woman. In other words, a man can be an unbeliever live all of his life as an unbeliever have a rather miserable life an empty life or vanity, he can work and all of the other things, and generally have a miserable life but if that man as an unbeliever finds the right moment. He will derive and benefit, he will have great happiness from that one relationship. And there will be moments of happiness and ecstasy that a lot of unbeliever that a lot of BORN AGAIN believers who are very spiritual will never know.

Because he found the right woman, and she found the right man. So you're gonna have a life of great misery, a life of great tragedy and still have moments of great happiness with the right woman, right, man.

So even in the anti-life of the unbeliever or the believer or carnal type on the right man marries the right woman happiness is derived from that particular relationship, please yes these nine nine. Now of course, the antithesis is true. Conversely, when you marry the wrong woman or the wrong man, a lifetime of suffering and misery resolves, and you can see how difficult it is for an unbeliever an unbeliever who has a life of vanity, and he marries the wrong woman with ww here for wrong woman. He not only has misery in his business life and misery and his social life. He has misery at home behind the door lifts I think answers to some extent by my businessman go to conventions alone.

This is found in First Corinthians seven nine so we can turn back to that passage now, our old friend First Corinthians seven which is not an old friend of soggy I've heard that some of you resent it.

Chapter Seven verse nine, this is point two.

Now this is a very famous whole phrase people have heard this from time immemorial without understanding it, but if they cannot contain, they cannot contain these to control so let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn this must never be taken out of its context. This has been used as an excuse by farm on a wave of living a wave of living Oh, is not burning.

A wave of labour in no way is burning a wave of labour dough will come and go.

But a wave of living is never is simply a normal function of the body, and must never be construed as burning. The word car burning here is a relationship between the soul and the body. It is not simply a physiological function of the body, whatever it is, and we must be very careful to distinguish between a wave of libido, and the bonafide burning a bonafide burning is only set up for one person. It is something that has its roots and its origin and its primary function in the soul, and it relates itself to the body, not as live at this time of burning is not a wave which comes from physiology, live it all will come and go, increase and decrease this starts in the teens, but burning, has it and this has its origin in physiology, but burning has its origin in the soul, and it simply starts and goes up, up, up, up, and there is no wave up and down, so please remember without going into great detail this time, burning through different lands and to be on a wave of living Oh is no excuse for marriage.

Now, and the next principle point 11 their man and right woman is behind First Corinthians 710 and 11.

If you are married to the right man or the right woman. First Corinthians seven verses 1011 the next two verses were actually designed with that principle in mind so why 11. The principle of right man right woman is behind the command of First Corinthians 710 and 11 onto the married I command you have not had I but the Lord left not the wife depart from her husband is the first principle. If you're married to the right man don't depart. But of course, there's a time you're going to get mad at him and button if she departed but uh remain unmarried, you have the right man don't ever try to remarry either remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband, or her man.

And let not the man put away the law, but not the man put away the woman now the background with this is right man, and right woman, obviously, such a command would never be given except under those conditions. And all I'm trying to show from this point is here is a command I'm not trying to explain the details of it, but behind this command is a principle document a right man and right woman. Now point 12 is found in Proverbs chapter 18. So turn back in your Bibles now to the book of Proverbs, Proverbs chapter 18.

Proverbs 1822.

And I know that it has been the thrill of your life to have a couple of back from their honeymoon. And the young man gets up with a rosy glow in the stands before the congregation with that big knowing smile and a quotes. This particular passage from proverbs 1822, he knows it from memory memorize it on his honeymoon.

Who's so fine have a we find a good thing and obtain a favor of the law? I that particular passage has been abused by many young married couples, and I'm going to show you its abuse in just a moment. It just so happens that is not correctly translated.

Now let's get the principle first. When I believe or marries the right woman he receives grace from the law, that's the principle. Proverbs 1822.

However, this particular passage, listen carefully and out of the correct translation there are some words that are not quite the same.

Whosoever finds a good wife? In other words, whosoever finds the right woman receives grace from the Lord, repeat, whosoever finds a good wife right woman receives grace from the Lord. It's always God's grace because you see God leads the right woman to the right man as he did, he shot to each. The woman to Adam.

So whosoever finds a good wife found receives grades from the Lord, just getting married isn't a good thing, as it's translated in your English Bibles says, Whosoever find that the wife finds a good thing isn't true. You can find a wife and find a bad thing. In fact, Proverbs teaches that it teaches about the nagging woman, you find a nagging woman you haven't found a good thing at all.

In fact, that's why you have to live in the attic it says one of these Proverbs, a nagging woman drives the man up into the attic when he says up into the battlements see they didn't have attics, they had battlements. So he sits up there on the rain falls and he's happier on the battlements, and he goes down beside the cozy fire, and his nagging cry.

Proverbs chapter 19 beginning at verse 13, we have our next principle.

The white woman is always from the Lord his point is point 13, the right woman is always from the Lord Proverbs chapter 19 verses 13 and 14.

Now, there are certain things in life that no one wants and these are mentioned in verse 13, we have a, an alphabetical quadras stitch. And in the first two lines we have what you don't want.

And then the next two lines we have what you do want.

So this is verse 13 and this is verse 14. And so quadrate stitch.

Those of you who remember the distance system will of course remember this. Now no one wants to fully sign a fully sign as a calamity to his father, literally, and the second line of contention is of a life of a nagging of a wife or a continual dropping Chinese torture. So how I do things you don't want. 914. However, there are certain things that you can get on a grace basis. Why and by the way both things in verse 14 are grace, no matter where you find them houses and riches are the inheritance of fathers. In other words, if you inherit something from your parents that's great you didn't earn it. You have a big cause of a relationship you are the Son, they are the parents and the second grace factor is a prudent wife is from the Lord. However, the word prudent is not proven I know exactly why prudent man I know it doesn't mean a prude. But the word is in the Hebrew is mass collapse works like this.

And it's taken from sock cow.

As a AK al and the verb here is found, and its participial form. This is a heyfield participle Assad cow.

And it means to cause to be caused to the wise. And so it isn't a pregnant wife. It's a wife, with an edification complex Shenfield stand the whole function of gap here feel participle caused exposure to doctrine doctrine is gnosis doctrine is epi gnosis cycle is a frame of reference, exhale toward God exhale toward man and notification complex, and that edification complex she has caused to be wise.

So, when this happens at the end of verse, 14, this is a marvelous thing.

What a lie is why have a wife who has been positive why a gap life is is from the Lord.

The word gap, referring to the grace apparatus of perception and point 14, which we will not have time to develop, but concludes our study of this particular subject, the right man is the shepherd. The bishop, the right woman's soul. Justice Christ, the shepherd, the Bishop of the delivers soul. And this is a comparison of First Peter 225, with First Peter free won't, the right man is the shepherd and the Bishop of the right woman's soul, just as Christ as the shepherd and Bishop are the believers. So, first Peter 225 compared with First Peter three one. Now with our heads bowed and our eyes closed.

We dedicate the closing moments of this service, this morning.

For those of you who are here without Christ about hope not eternal life.

We want you to know that Jesus Christ died personally for your sins He took your place.

Overnight, 1900 years ago the Lord Jesus was hanging on the cross.

And as he was hanging between heaven and earth, your sins, past, present and future were bought out on him and judged.

You will never have a sin to grade for the plan of God.

All of your sins have been judged. All of your sins have been paid for. On the cross. And this means that you can have eternal life right where you're sick.

This means that you're going to become a child of God.

This means that you can be born into the family of God right now.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thou shall be saved, whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

These are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

And that believing he might have life or his name.

You can have eternal life right now.

It's entirely up to you.

A turn a live is yours by personal faith in Jesus Christ.

We ask you to bow your heads and close your eyes for one reason on a privacy. Salvation is a transaction between you and the Lord, and silent prayer, you can tell God the Father that you are now believing in his son Jesus Christ.

Strictly up to you may leave on the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, shall we say, their heads binarized because when asked Ron Bridewell to lead us in closing pray. Father, we thank Thee for the grace provision of thy word. We thank you that we can be saved in a moment of time because Jesus Christ is already taken care of the sin problem. Therefore, Father, we just thank the by the Jesus Christ is the only issue. We simply need to receive Him. Therefore To him be all glory, honor and praise is because Him and for Him that we can worship thee. Therefore, we thank thee. Amen.


1970 RM/RW

Eph. 5:22 Ezek. 16:1–24, 60–63 1Cor. 7:10–11

Lesson #4



03/01/1970 Eph. 5:22 Ezek. 16:1–24, 60–63 1Cor. 7:10–11 Right man/right woman

All done the Word of God this morning to Asians chapter five verse 22. Ephesians chapter five verse 22. Are we continue our study of this passage evasions 542.

Early believers agree, every believer please have the privilege of preparing himself for the study of the Word of God.

Preparation involves primarily the use of the rebound technique or rebound back Neko something which is familiar to every person who has been here more than three times.

It is the only way of being filled with the Holy Spirit. It is the only way for the function under gap.

Many times as a church service began people walk into this auditorium with mental attitude family mental attitude sin, destroy fellowship with God, they are the most dangerous type of sins of all, it is very difficult to bring on over a fan into this auditorium. It is the easiest thing in the world to bring a metal attitude fan, and a metal attitude fans are the real monsters of your life.

There is only one way to deal with these metal attitude fans and that is through the grace provision of God, and the grace provision of God is the rebound technique.

It is assumed after we have a moment of silent prayer.

And after we began our study of the Word of God, that you have fulfill the greatest of all grace principles that you have rebounded, if necessary, that you are in fellowship that your mind which is the staging area for gap is totally free of any of the mental attitude fan, which are the greatest hindrance to your Christian life, sort of affair ourselves, although study of the Word of God.

We've all began by having the operation of the priesthood in silent prayer.

Now, father.

As believer priests.

Approaching the Word of God which live on a violent forever we thank you for the privilege of learning of hearing these things. You have communicated to us through the written page, recognize this is the mind of Christ.

I recognize that the provision which we discover here came to us from eternity past from you.

And therefore we recognize that this constitutes one of the greatest moment in our lives.

For our ordinary living must stop whatever we have by way of pleasures and recreation.

Whatever we do for a living.

However, we feel fulfill our time apart from this assembly. All of these things have now come to a temporary halt.

And the greatest moments we can have on this earth have now begun.

Those moments when we can fellowship with ether thy word, and therefore this morning as the Word of God is communicated.

We pray that there might be a realization on the part of every believer priest who was here this morning that this is our greatest hour that in the midst of the angelic conflict, there's a pause a pause for preparation, a pause for recognition of who and what power and I pause for expressing our love for the applause which is designed to prepare us for the continuation of the conflict in which we find ourselves.

And now as we have come to those very practical parts of phase two. My God the Holy Spirit enlighten us for we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.

We have just completed verse 21. It is now necessary to get the next six points so this particular section.

First of all, an anticipated outline of the rest of the passage.

The read in verses 22 through 24.

We have the results in the wife.

And the first doctrine old analogy, we have results in marriage and the first is the wife verses 22 through 24 is addressed to a Christian woman who has a right man.

The results in the wife, and the first doctrinal analogy. Whenever the doctrine of right man and right woman is taught in Scripture. There is always analogy.

Secondly, we have the results in the husband and a second doctrinal analogy verses 25 through 29.

Then we have the results in marriage and a third doctrinal analogy verses 30 through 33.

Then we have the results in the family chapter six verses one through four.

And finally we have the results in the business world chapter six verses five through nine.

Every believer who has found himself in business is in full time Christian service in his business. And last but not least really as a combination of everything else. We have results in the business world, whatever you do to make a living is an is the greatest part of your Christian service. Chapter six verses five through nine.

In this particular section there are two verbs that are key. The first of these verbs is called hupotaso. It looks like this in the Greek

H up o ta SSL pupil ta so as a military word. We studied it last week in verse 21. We are going to discover it again in verse 24, because it is found in verse 21. And in verse 24. It is also included in verse 22.

Though the verb is not actually in the sentence, it is as far as principal.

Now who Paul tile so is a verb of authority.

And who bolt also recognizes in this passage, a ruler and a responder to that rule authority is in the ruler and benefit is in the responder when there is a ruler. And it's the right ruler. Then there is response for example the congregation. There was a right pastor or a right congregation. And when the right pastor is communicating doctrine regardless of his personality and regardless of all other factors, the congregation will respond to him. So he speaks with authority, they respond for their benefit. Now the relationship, which we find in this passage, and throughout the rest of the chapter is ostensibly the marriage relationship or divine institution number two. But that is really secondary to a more important principle. And that is the doctrine of the right man, and the right woman.

This is the doctrine which we will find throughout the rest of this passage. For example, verse 22 which we will study in more detail later on says Wives, submit. Now the word for wives is not wives at all it is the plural of gourmet is the word for a woman. And it means the women that has a definite article. Submit. And the word for submit is, who Paul tassel, but remember the verb does not actually occur here it is taken from the previous verse, and it is a present. Metal participle present tense linear action sorry Middle Voice benefit you see the woman is the responder here's right woman, and the Middle Voice says she has benefited when she responds to the right man, the right man is her ruler, and the right woman is only benefited in response to this man. She has never benefited in responding to any other man. This is a participle which indicates it is a part of the plan of God, and who po tassel is a verb of authority. So God has ordained or principal right man for right woman, and the Middle Voice here is important because when this woman responds to anyone else. She is completely and totally out of line, and her response is not bonafide now later on we're going to find another verb which is very important. And this verb is used in two ways in Scripture. It is the word full battle full battle refer remains fear ordinarily but full battle in our passage has to do with reverence, our respect, and it is found in verse 21 again in verse 32. And in chapter six verse five it connotes respect and deference, it is associated with love, but you love the one who is in authority and for battle is used in that sense for battle is used as fear, but here it is used for loving the person who has authority over you. And then there is a very important phrase Wives, submit yourselves onto your own man, and your own is the Greek word in Eos. Id iOS from which we get the word idiot. But you have to be careful about the transfer areas in the Greek meant private areas is a word that came from the fifth century BC from para cleis. And today's apparently is a system of government was set up in Athens. And in this system you had the ruling body which were our cons. And when the Archons would meet, they would deliberate on certain things, but they could not make laws without the citizens being involved. So there was an assembly, which involved all male citizens over a certain age like over 21. And if a person who was over 21 refused to come to the assembly and participate in the governmental functions. He was called an EOS r1 who in stuck with his privacy and did not enter into the affairs of government. So in EOS meant privacy. It also means private possession, and a woman, the right woman must submit to the right man, which is her own private one.

See it allowed the concept here of privacy, your own private, man. And that means that this man is the right man, and the word husband is not used here, it's the right man on the right woman, and she has her own private man to whom she submits and she does not submit to any other man in any way.

There are some exceptions to this if she works in an office she is submissive to the authority of the office. If she is in some kind of a function in life in a church she is submissive to the extent of the function of that particular organization. Now that is the last phrase that we are really going to study today rather than the details of this passage. For the last phrase in verse 22 says as unto the Lord, and the word as hosts. This particular word sets up an analogy, and throughout Scripture, the doctrine of right man.

And right woman is always an analogy, and the analogy is between the Lord and in this case the church, and the Old Testament, the analogy between the Lord and Israel in some passages the Lord, and Judah, Judah became the surviving part of Israel. So we have a principle which is found as unto the Lord, and it doesn't mean you do it as unto the Lord, it means as unto the Lord is an analogy. Now look, here is the Lord. Here is the woman.

The woman submits to the Lord. He is her Savior. All doctrine and all blessing comes from the Lord. And so as a female in the congregation she through doctrines submits to the Lord, there's a relationship between the Lord.

And in this case the believing woman. There is also throughout the Old Testament, and analogy between the Lord, and Judah. This is found in the prophets. And whenever this particular relationship is discussed, I'll parallel doctrine is always brought in right man right woman. And when the right woman gets off and gets away and gets with the wrong man. This is a picture of Judas apostasy Judas failure to orient to grace because you see the right woman can only derive benefit from the right man. That's why the right woman submits hupotaso present middle participle. To the right man, the middle voice says she has benefited and her great benefit comes from where and when she becomes involved with other man, then instead of benefit in a relationship with any other man is a relationship with the wrong man, and no benefit can accrue and the same thing was true of Judah in the Old Testament, Judah had a relationship with the Lord, and went off into relationship with other men called idolatry to us are abominations. Now this morning, it is very difficult for us to comprehend the passage into which we are about to embark because there have been too many distortions. Too often we have a husband coming to Baraka church and pointing to this thing to be well maybe the only time you'll ever come. See, I told you, you are to submit to me, and he simply uses submission as a basis for bullying, a woman.

And that is not the intention of this passage. And when we get into the acts of Jesus that will be emphasized again. But just because you are married to a woman, God has not given you the right to be a bully, even if she's the wrong woman you as man should be gentleman, you should be a man of great courage and I want to show you what happens when you do the right man when he starts to bully the wrong woman, or let's make it wrong man and wrong woman. The Bible says he still has a responsibility he's made a mistake and she's made a mistake. This doesn't give him the right to cross over. And as it were be submissive because now he is no man.


And when he insists upon bullying, the wrong woman and demanding certain things from him at his convenience at his pleasure, he is out of line, and he becomes a woman, in effect, and the wrong woman when she gets maladjusted in this relationship, she begins to act like a male, and she is no woman, and occasionally you see these around a church where a woman is so frustrated that she becomes domineering she is bitter toward man, this man. This man is there are all kinds of man, and therefore she is frustrated, she becomes domineering, and she's trouble wherever she goes, whether it's the ladies Petunia club or the local church around the corner, are into whatever group of ladies she may pray play bridge all morning with a group of ladies and she's troubled their soul these things get crossed up.

Now there's a great deal more than meets the eye to the fact that women artists submit to their own man, a great deal more. And there's only one way to handle that great deal more as to take it up in nice easy stages. Now I want to make an announcement this time since a lot of our people get mixed up this is a part of our Ephesians series.

Let's turn now to Ezekiel chapter. 16.

We are dealing with a feigns from Ezekiel chapter 16, we are introducing the next increment.

And our passage which we will be studying now is he killed chapter 16 verse one.

Now you should not have any particular problem in finding his Ico.

Unless you're looking in the New Testament, of course.

Keep trying. They were that zekiel chapter 16.

Nearly every time you have a relationship between the man and the woman. There is an analogy, in the context, we are dealing here with analogy.

The Lord is a comparable to the right man, as the Lord is to Judah.

So the right man is to the right woman.

This passage makes an excellent illustration because it also shows some of the abuses. When the right woman becomes involved with the wrong man. It's like Judah becoming a pasta aid and becoming involved with religion, becoming involved with the devil. This passage is one of the great demonstrations of Greece, and the principles which God ordained before time began is eql chapter 16 verse one says again the word of the Lord came unto me saying, again means that he has already had some information with regard to the coming of the first cycle of discipline in chapter 15. Chapter 15 verse one says the word of the Lord came unto me saying, again the word of the Lord came unto me saying, and Israel is compared to a tree in chapter 15, but in chapter 16 Israel is compared to the right woman. Son of man. Please notice chapter 15 verse two Son of Man, this is the title for the Prophet. This is the title however for a prophet who was receiving divine revelation, which will become a part of the Scripture, son of man caused Jerusalem to know her abominations if Jerusalem is going to understand her failures. She must understand her failures in the light of divine revelation, and an illustration is about to be used to cause her to understand her failure and say, thus saith the Lord GOD unto Israel. Now merely we have a mis translation, we have the phrase die birth. It is literally by origin. The word negativity is the Hebrew word for birth so it should be by origin and die birth is the land of Canaan.

This is to indicate complete hopelessness. There is nothing more hopeless to a person. You see, most people have this little bit of pride, which is a vicious thing. Pride of posterity. We have organizations in this country which are designed to perpetuate pride of posterity. People can say I go back to such and such on my father's side and on the maternal side I go back to such and such, and back here we were great aristocrats and back here we were famous people, and back here we were VIPs, and here we were PCI B's privilege in versatility, and so on.

And now here am I, and I can claim that I am related to such and such on this side, and I am related to such and such on this side. And my grandmother used to hold her Scofield Bible in one hand and say to me on the other. Every child must stand on its own bottom.

Many of you have had pride of ancestry. And many of you when you run out of gas you talk about your ancestors. Let me tell you something.

You're related is totally inconsequential. The day you accepted Jesus Christ as Savior you were born again. But I want you to know that the right woman here doesn't have much to say. When it comes to ancestry. And that's one of the most beautiful things about her. She has no chance but to orient to grace because Judah is compared here by the way, and I think the comparison is beautiful. He says at the end of verse three your birth was in the land of Canaan Your father was an MRI and your mother was a Hittite. And let me tell you that's no recommendation.

All right, what does it mean your father was an Amorite, the Amorites had come to a point of great degeneracy?

In other words, they, they were involved in the failing called the sacrifice of children and they were so decadent that they had to be removed from history. They Hittites were a famous people who went badly, the Hittites at one time were a great people, they were they were the people who discovered on iron and started the Iron Age, they are a famous people they weren't invented people they were a genius people but they declined.

They were proud of their heritage, they were proud of their heritage, but you have a mother on the decline and father is degenerate and so you are born with no hope at all, and no hope is the concept of grace.

But that isn't all. It's bad enough not to have a family tree you see we had trees in the last. In the last chapter is eco chapter 15. So you have no family tree at all. Your father was a Canaanite or was an amorite and your mother was a Hittite. And as for the verse of birth, verse four. I asked for the birth and the day you were born, your mother died, or you could both the, it could be completed. Now notice how this is described as for the birth and the day that you were born your navel was not cut sign of a dead mother, neither were you washed in water the placenta was not removed to supple the means for cleansing. You were not solvent, it was the custom in the ancient world to put salt over the body and the idea was to tighten up some of the wrinkles in the baby's skin, Nora were you swaddled you were not clothed. Now that is an all know I pitied you to do any of these things onto you were born repulsing. You were born with a family tree of shame. You were born repulsive. And no one didn't have these things to have compassion, no one had compassion on you. Here you are a baby still attached to your dead mother, the navel has not been cut. You are in the worst possible mass and you are so repulsive that wherever you were born, they took you out of there, and they dumped you in a field, but that was cast out into the open field to the low thing of I person and you were despised in the day that you were born. Now does that tell you something? Well by analogy, it tells you, and it tells me that we were born spiritually dead, and in the analogy from God's viewpoint we are nothing. Whatever the family tree happens to be, whatever we can claim by way of ancestry, it is nothing. We are many people are born with talents and they are very proud of those talents as they develop later on in life. From the moment of our physical birth in God's sight, we are 00 point 00, we are absolutely nothing. Now the Lord comes into the picture. And here is the one of grace. Verse six says when i and i is right, man, I is the Lord as the Lord is to Judah and Jerusalem, sold the right man to the right woman, and this person who was born in such under such terrible circumstances, born without with a dead mother the navel is not cut. This is the right woman, and I equals the Lord. So the Lord passed by the Lord came into the picture. We read this again as we continue our study in verse six and when I passed by the end saw the polluted the word is not polluted and the Hebrew it's kicking. I saw you kicking in your own blood.

Still alive. Say the baby has not the navel has not been cut. But the baby is and the placenta still covers. This is a gruesome sight. I saw you kicking in your own blood. You were the most gruesome side I've ever seen but I said unto you and your blood. I said to you when you were at your worst live. And then that verse that phrase is repeated. I said unto you, and your blood live and in your blood means you were the most gruesome thing, but as the Lord, the Lord found Judah, and that's grace, as the Lord is to Judah, so is the right man to the right woman, and the right man can see the right woman in her worst state, he can see her as it were kicking in her own blood, very ugly gruesome sight, and yet the right man initiate something to the right woman he says live as the Lord said to Judah, live every right man right woman relationship starts on the principle of grace. I said to you and your blood live.

Now, that's the beginning of grace and grace always a blessing so verse seven I have caused you to multiply as the butt of the field just as flowers will cover a field, great beauty, so you have become a thing of great beauty. You have increased this means to grow up, wax and great means you become beautiful. You outcome to excellent ornaments. In other words, you are now an adult and you can wear beautiful clothes.

Excellent ornaments were for adults. So you can now have your first pair of high heels, you can dress like a woman dye press sir fashioned. This means the body has taken on definition vine hair has grown another sign of adulthood. Whereas, thou wast naked and bear in other words you were naked and very naked. Now you are something of great beauty. So verse seven is a transition grace, makes a transformation that nothing can duplicate. When the right man comes along and finds the right woman, no matter how gruesome, and this relationship the coalescence of souls, and then the coalescence of body, there is something very beautiful, just as when the right man is the Lord, and He came along, and he came to Judah and Judah was the right woman, and he said live. That means, eternal life for Judah for believers in Judah, and that means they were transformed by green.

See this is the analogy of the Old Testament, which is going to be equivalent to the analogies. This spake he of Christ in the church.

Now I want you to notice that things were great in the beginning in verse eight we have that beautiful picture of a marriage of the right man and the right woman, we find the right man waiting for the right moment. Notice the patience of the right man. He didn't marry immediately. There was a period, first of all, during which time the woman had a chance to respond in her soul, the response in the body must always be secondary to the soul response. And so in verse eight now when I pass by. You see the word now means that there is a time elapse, there is the time between the baby was cleansed and the baby becomes an adult, the baby became an adult in verse seven. The baby was rescued. In verse six but in verse eight now when I pass by the and looked upon the, behold, by time was the time of love she is now ready to be married, and the word love here means physical love, there has been the lapse of time during which the right man has courted, the right woman, and she has responded in her soul, her self-consciousness has become aware of him. Her mentality thinks of him. Her volition makes decisions to please Him. Her emotion has rapport for him. Her conscience sets up norms and standards, which are he fulfills, and now he has initiated toward her soul, and she has opened her soul to him, and she has responded with what we would call in the Greek for lateral, which is total Soul love.

And she responds to him now. And therefore the time for love has come. And first of all, there is her soul, which has had the opportunity to respond. And now there is her body, but the soul, the body cannot be fulfilled until the soul is fulfilled. And for this time was given. And that's the indication of the first part of verse eight.

So we read now when I pass by the and looked upon baby hold by time was the time of love the right man waited. He made no advances. Then he said I spread my skirt. This is not a skirt it's a cloak, and this was the custom I spread my cloak over you. I have claimed you for my own In other words, I covered your nakedness that is you are mine. idios would be the concept. You belong to me your body belongs to me as your soul has already been given to me in response, and now I am covering your body from others. You are mine private. You belong to me in EOS in our passage. You are mine and only mine. You remember Wives, submit yourselves to your own man, your body is not for others, and your body is for me. And this is a custom of the ancient world to spread the cloak, so that no one else can see it, and then having done that at the end of verse eight. I made a solemn declaration to swear here means to make a solemn promise. This involves the strength of the character of the right man. And as far as God is concerned this is his essence, I made a solemn declaration under you, and I entered into a covenant, this is the marriage covenant with you, says the Lord God, and thou became this mine. Now again we have doctrine taught by analogy. Just as the Lord is the right one for Judah. So, there is a right man for the right woman, and the covenant here is the covenant of marriage, in which the right man will protect and care for the right woman.

Verse nine we have the preparation of the bride it's a very beautiful picture of man I wash the water. Hey I thoroughly wipe the blood from the, the water by the way is the water of the word and analogy, the preparation for the marriage is the erection of the edification complex of the soul, and when we get down to Wi Fi Asians 525, we're going to see the water of the word for the water is used in Ephesians 525, just as it is used here for the washing of the cleansing of the water of the word, the water of the word produces the edification complex so I wash the with water. I have thoroughly washed away the blood, the blood here represents all of the hopelessness of the woman whose parents were no good, whose background was no good, whose. Early life was completely and totally rotten all the way through with the dead mother the gruesomeness, and yet the grace recipients. Saw washed away by blood from the ni a nine to D with oil. This of course is the preparation for the bride. I closed the also with roided work, the frame of reference in the mind I shot the with Morocco scan beautiful shoes, the production of divine good I grew into the about with fine linen. The, the results of the filling of a spirit I covered the was sill. I you see I've taken the analogy this time but this is simply the way in which the bride is decked out and all of her beauty identity also with ornaments and put bracelets upon hands on a chain or a necklace around your neck. I put a jewel in there for it and earrings and bioneers in a beautiful crown upon your head. valveless decked with golden silver by Raymond was a fine linen and silk embroidered worked out it's and broidered worked out it's eat fine flour the best of food and honey and oil and Tao was now here is the beauty of the reflected glory of the right woman as she responds to the right man. She was beautiful at the beginning, but now she is exceedingly beautiful, and that it's prosper into a kingdom. So Judah is compared as Judah responded to the Lord, and as she responded to his word, she became a beautiful Kingdom justice when the right woman responds to the right man, she becomes exceedingly beautiful something of fantastic beauty.

Now this is also the beginning of some problems in verse 14 by renowned went forth among the heathen. She was so beautiful that people came to see her from everywhere die for the beauty for it was perfect. Her beauty was perfect. Through my beauty. They call me nurse’s male beauty. And as you see the right man has male beauty. Beauty of soul beauty of body, so she responded to this, and she became the glory of the man reflected beauty, just as Israel. There was a time during the reign of David, justice, when Judah responded see David came from Judah, and there were many believers, and they have the edification complex of the soul, and they had the reflected glory of God he is the glory, and they reflected His glory through the edification complex of the soul. Now that's the point in the history of Judah, and it's compared to this beautiful relationship right man and right woman because of his great beauty and she responded both in her soul, and in her body. She became something of the most glorious beauty. And that means that others came and others could not see the response of her soul, but others could see this beautiful woman, and this body, and as they came they desired to simply take the body, they simply desire to take the body as it were from the soul failing to realize that there's only one right man for that soul, and they weren't interested in that soul, and these people came to and desire the body, just as the heathen desire, what God gave and prosperity to Israel. Israel was prosperous for one reason because of Bible doctrine, Israel was prosperous because of the edification complex and the nations roundabout were desirous of these things, but the nations round about, they wanted the prosperity without the source. They wanted all of the glory of Israel, without having the Lord as their personal Savior. And so it is with man. When a man sees a beautiful woman to a woman who has responded to the right man, other man water, and we have a phrase for today. They burned on her. And they may be males marriedNmales on married, but I have noticed this to be true that when a woman is obviously the glory of some man she becomes a challenge to all of the wolves are werewolves those are believers who have now saved and aren't so much on the time as they used to be. But there's a challenge here.

Heard a pipe just broke we had some escaping steam from one of those werewolves.

And so when a woman obviously is the glory of some man and she has responded maybe at this point it's a soulless response but maybe it's a soul and body response. This woman who has found the right man will always be challenged, because there are those in a congregation of a church in socialized everywhere, who will desire her body. They see only the beauty of the other reflected glory, they do not see the source, and therefore there is always temptation to a woman who has found her right man, because she is going to receive compliments because of her beauty, and that's what we have here in verse, 14.

Our verse 13 First of all, at the end of verse 13 thou was exceedingly beautiful and out it's passper into a kingdom, and I glory went forth among the heathen for the beauty, for it was perfect. She has perfect beauty as a responder through my colinas through my male beauty, which I have put upon you notice that he has put his beauty upon her the right man always puts his beauty upon the right woman beauty of his soul for there is coalescence of soul, and then beauty of body for there is coalescence of body, have to be careful here about beauty your body. Don't go along with any preconceived ideas as to measurements or standards or coloring, or a type of scan or other specifications of the feminine Paul gratuite, or the male. There is no such thing as just one of those things, you'll discover at the right time. So, if you expect certain things and you have certain concepts and the Lord brings along someone who's entirely different. You're in for a shot. The main thing is that the end the first sign of this is the coalescence of souls, the woman's soul responds to the man.

Now you will notice again in verse 14 by renown went forth among the heathen for the beauty was perfect. Through my colinas which I put upon these at the Lord God. Now the tragedy, pause for a minute. This is the moment of sorrow. This is the moment of tragedy, the right woman was beautiful beyond description, and the right woman was responding to the right man she had the reflected glory just as Judah had the reflected glory of the Lord Bible doctrine the edification complex of the soul through the function of gap. And now this reflected glory is seen by the heathen, it is seen by all of the predatory males. Those who bird dog and attractive woman. Getting it down to coin an English.

And the tragedy is that many times when the bird dogs began to operate they tell this woman, how beautiful she is how beautiful you are, how beautiful you are, and in her soul comes something to which she cannot respond to this man, pride, a mental attitude sin mental attitude sins, destroy the relationship between right man and right woman, and mental attitude sins came in first. And here is this beautiful woman, and she has been responding to the right man. He is the source of her glory as you have it here in the Old English. His comeliness was put upon her, and she responded, but mental attitude seems destroy it. The bird dogs have moved in and they've told her how great she is. And she has stimulated by that. And now she is filled with pride in the mentality of her soul is pride and because she. These men have flattered her with their attentions and with their kindness, she is no longer satisfied with the right man, this is what happens to the believer when it gets away from the word. They're products of the word make him successful, and people flat or his success, and he forgets, and they never knew that it was Bible doctrine that made the difference. You see, he starts to grab the glory of God, or a man suddenly, or a woman becomes successful as a byproduct of the Word of God, it's the Word of God that made them great, but when people say you're great. They forget the word, just as the right woman here for got the right man for pride phased him out. And now the right man is phased out, and now she is going to this man, and having a relationship with Him and to this man, and to this man and to this man, and she has now given her body to others, and her mind it's already gone. First of all her soul phased out the right man, and then her body was given to whomever was the greatest flatterer or shall we say the best bird dog in the area.

And so as the males began the bird dog operation. Let's notice what happened to her verse 15 without its trust and I know and beauty there's pride, you play the harlot because of I renowned, she was so famous that she became a prostitute, as it were, or she played at being a prostitute. And you poured out your foreign occasions on everyone to pass by kids, it was. In other words, he is, it refers to her body. Here is her body, and it's it. Here is her soul, and her soul is full of pride and metal attitude since. Therefore she has phased out the right man he's out of it, and therefore her body is given to those who passed by his.

It was to anyone who came along any bird dog who came along, and made the right noises, you went to bed early and that's what it's verse 16 and die garments without its take that is for me. You receive these things for me as gifts of love, you decked yourself you deck them in high places and beautiful colors, and you play the harlot there are now she goes from just these affairs in the palace, as it were, she goes up in the heights up in the hill, they have these groves and up there was operation failing cult, she became she began to build scar tissue, and she is no longer satisfied with just having affairs and the normal way she now gets into the failing cult, and the failure code is one of the abominations of the Canaanites that's why it was mentioned at the first of the chapter, and that involves first of all going out in groves drinking and dancing course without close to an idol. Usually there were several kinds of idols, there was the beautiful I can't even draw it this is the Venus de Milo tie, and there was always a beautiful woman idol.

There was also a failure guide or which simply was a male impart the male genitalia then there was the burning idol and this was a fat old man sitting down on his haunches with a furnace other amp, and this was the one into which they threw the children. Now all of this is going up to the high places the high place where first of all they had some wine they did some dancing, and then they had an orgy, and in the orgy, there was the all kinds of sex where practice was practiced just about anything that has ever been described by the Mosaic Law, even at times bestiality animals were even introduced and people held other animals for this it was the most ghastly and horrible thing to people who are normal in this particular area. So this particular problem then it begins as she went all dressed up in her great beauty, up to the high places. And then in verse $17 also taken the fair jewels of my gold my silver which I have given you, and you made to yourself images of man. What did she learn from the high places, she learned that they, she learned something about the failing image here, and she was so taken with a failing game Ah, that one night, she made love to the failing image, and when she made love to a failing image she took all of her jewelry, and she brought one into her home for auto era autism, and therefore she now begins to practice in the field of auto egotism with her own failing image.

Please knows she made to yourself images of man, and did commit whoredoms with them. In other words, she practiced in her own home with her own failure cam Ah, she practice Auto egotism. You see how far she's gone. All of this is a distortion of her soul, which leads to the distortions of her body. What's wrong with her, the right man gave her a love. He gave her a love, to which she responded as the right woman. This love was so wonderful. They love their souls, and the love of their bodies was so wonderful. And now you see she has this pride and other mental attitude sense, and she has phased him out, but she could never reproduce what she lost. And first of all, she simply tried to have affairs, and she had affairs with any bird dog who made the right noises. And then after that she went on to other things. She went on to the operation of the failure called on the mountains, and she's going to go back after a while and she's going to sacrifice her children. But in the meantime, she took her own jewelry, and she made for herself of failures, and we're glad she committed Auto egotism if you don't understand that's masturbation. And she has going lower and lower and lower because you see her right man is out of it, and there is no substitute for the love which he initiated. And this of course is the relationship between the Lord and Judah.

Now in verse 18 things even get worse. And you took your embroidered garments and you cover them as though. And I'll set mine oil and mine incense before, this is the her own failing kmh which she had at home she made great preparations. She carried this thing to the extreme. She annoyed at this failing image with oil, and this was to distort her mind into images to excite her. And actually the Hebrew here it's not in your English, and I don't know why people don't bring these things as the Word of God, but there is actually here three stages of auto erotism into which he entered, and she learned as it were to try to tease herself to the maximum so that she could get maximum benefit from her own erotic activities, but it never works it never will. It was never designed by God. It is a distortion and therefore in her desperation, in verse one he she does something else. It actually begins in verse 19 but we can move on. She was so desperate because through auto elitism she could not achieve what she could not achieve and the orgies of the failing cope, which she could not achieve weather fares from other man, the man who bird dog her because of her attractiveness. So she goes lower, she had children by this ride man, and she now goes up to the high places and she takes her children, one at a time, and she sacrifices them and that third idol that idol that sits down and has a furnace of fire. You see there is the idol of the beautiful woman, there is the idol of a failing statue, and she has worshipped before those now she brings her children and puts them in the fire she throws her children alive, see her children didn't know when they went with mother up the mountain, what was going to happen, and first there would be the orgy, and then whatever one we had satisfied himself in some sexual way, she would point to one of her children, and maybe 25 or 30 men would grab her son. He may be at this time three or four or five or six three maybe 18 or 19, and they would take him and bind him sometimes and sometimes they wouldn't. Sometimes they would put his feet into the fire and he would scream and then they would just laugh with maniac laughter as they would shove him further and further, and they bring the mother up to see her own son, and she would not maybe she'd started to cry and as soon as she would start to cry. Then some man would start making love to her in some particular way. Now this all comes from algorithmic literature, and none of you will ever learn algorithmic I can tell you that so you'll have a hard time reading this stuff for yourself, but this is what is behind all this passage.

You think that's horrible you’re right. If you do,

I want to tell you something. Every time you in your mind, create an image of another person, not the right one right man or right woman. Every time you get out of line through fornication. Not every time you get away from right man or right woman you are no better than this woman, taking her son, after she has practiced all of these things. She has had all these affairs, she has gone into the orgies of the failing cold. She has practice Auto erotism in stages to completely tease herself and to gratify herself, and now she takes her son. And in the midst of the orgies her son is put into the fire, and if she begins to cry because of your screams. She has immediately taken down the hill a little bit, and they're not one but many men will make love to her, and she'll she forgets she ever had a side. Now you have not had the benefit before of literal translations I've read this thing in the Hebrew. And I'm here to tell you exactly what it says, because I know it shocks most of you to think of a woman down the hill now because she was crying because she suddenly realized that was her son, and her son is burning in the fire and screaming and people are getting maniac delight from his screams and his suffering and other man have her a few yards away, making love to her holding her down. And she may even scream and call for her son, it's buried in the animal like procedure of the males involved in the orange. You'll get the picture if you don't, I'll spell it out so you'll never forget it. And I want you to understand it. We had one man at the pastor's conference, but we're hearing some of this a little bit of this talk about the right man the right woman without saying, He's too crude for me and he left. That man is going to do his congregation the greatest disservice that could ever happen. I didn't write these things this is the word of God. God the Holy Spirit inspired this passage as much as any passage in the word and the trouble is some of you have been so sheltered by hearing just a little doctrine and not the whole realm there when we come to a passage like this you cringe. And I'll tell you one thing. If you give your body to one person when there's a right man image in your mind, or if you have a wrong man image up here. If you are thinking about one person and making love to another, you are just as bad as this woman. And don't tell me it doesn't happen. I know it from the Word of God,

These passages weren't even written on an isolated incident. This went on and on and on. And that's why the Jews went out of the first cycle of discipline. This was so bad in the northern kingdom, they went out in 721 BC, and zekiel is during the for cyclic discipline and the Jews are about to be destroyed, as a nation, because of this very thing.

We are interested in the other side of the doctrine because when it says Wives, submit yourself to your own husband or literally women submit yourself to your own man, as you would submit unto the Lord, unto the Lord for Dr Nandi your man for the wonderful most wonderful relationship in life. You're not to see the distortions that can occur when this doesn't. This doesn't happen. I am convinced today in this country that so many people have made a mistake in marriage that so many husbands have the wrong wife, and so many wives have the wrong man, that this thing has affected our entire country. And this is why we have distortions, I'm convinced this is in part responsible for the rise of homosexual ism and lesbianism in our land, and even the rise of bestiality and the rise of the Neo Gypsy movement called hippies. All of these things are a result of the fact that the right man right woman combination has been distorted and phased out. And that people are seeking the bodies of other, and this is going on in sensitivity training right now. There are sensitivity training in colleges and universities, and medical schools where men and women sit around in a circle, and they pour each other first they look at each other, and then they touch each other in any way they want to, and others and they are supposed to respond and they call this sensitivity training. And they've even tried to introduce it into the Armed Forces not on this form of course, just the self-criticism and all of this comes from the communist conspiracy of course it comes from the devil himself, but so did communism.

But the communist conspiracy, they have cells, and once a day every sale they get together for self-criticism, and these sensitivity training courses start out with self-criticism, but they wind up pulling each other, and in medical schools today one doctor said they are making homosexuals out of these people for some of these classes are all man, touching each other, stroking each other and calling it sensitivity training, and as some of these have it as the sophomore curriculum in medical school.

By the time these people are seniors they'll be distorted.

And listen you ladies, the styles have gotten bad enough and I'll give you one guess as to why, how would you ladies like to have a homosexual gynecologist.

The horrible.

Now passage like this may shock some you don't belong here if it does I'm talking about the Word of God, you're not interested in the Word of God you ought to get out. And the sooner the better.

And if you think I'm gonna pull any punches I have this morning I've been very discreet about this passage.

If I get, and you know there's no such thing as having it for the man, we ought to give this to the man separately and the women separately all know the word of God is for a whole congregation.

And we don't have to divide up and boys and girls to cover this type of thing we're here, let's look at it.

Verse 20 again Barbara that was taken to thy sons and my daughters whom thou was born unto me, these has now sacrificed unto them images. Failure damages to be devoured with fire. Now the next phrase is not correct in the Hebrew, I'll give you the literal Hebrew. Wasn't your fornication, it says was your fornication too little. I'm going to give you out on the board because it's an idiom from the Hebrew.

Was your fornication or adultery. Too little

Allium is, wasn't it enough that you went out and fornicator committed adultery with the bird dogs. Isn't it enough that that you did that that you were in that way? And then you had to go to the orgies with a fairly cold. And now, and then you had to go to auto elitism. Isn't it enough that you've done these, now you have come back to the orgy area the high places, and you are offering your children, you are involving them to the point of their dads? Isn't it enough that you were just an ordinary down on the heels fornicator?

Verse 21 thou has slain my children, and deliver them to cause them to pass through the fire. For them, and in all dine abominations and die whoredoms thou has not remembered the day see metal attitude sins blot out the soul, there was a coalescence of souls, thou has not remembered. Here is the right man, the Lord you see is the right man for Judah, and the soul is so full of scar tissue and they scar tissue expresses itself in the body, and now you've arrived at the place of child sacrifice, and you have forgotten.

When you have the right man. The more than more a sense of the soul you have, the more you get away from the right man or the right woman. If you have mental attitude sins, you will destroy the love relationship between yourself and the right man, or vice versa.

If you are a woman, and you find yourself being jealous. Jealous or bitter or vindictive or proud of your beauty proud of the bird dogs that come around and you start out with Operation flirtation meaning nothing by, but eventually us are so distorted in the soul that eventually you are willing to give your body to the bird dog what they who looks the best.

When you are willing to do that you have destroyed something that the greatest something that God ever designed for you, and you will go from one bird dog to another, and eventually you will go to orgies, and by the way we aren't we don't go to the high places anymore, but we have in Houston and we have in every major city in this country orgies last night orgies, where a man bring their wives and enter into these things. The only difference is they no longer have the three images in the living room.

And this thing is going on now in this country now right now.

Now you've forgotten something.

So he says in verse 22 and all thane abominations and all thy organs. Now let's not remember the days of value when thou was naked and bare. And when you were kicking in your own blood you forgotten right man right woman.

And it came to pass after all thy witness wickedness whoa, hold on to the south of Florida. After all your wickedness. But what did you do when you began to sink lower, as you know there's a great shot that comes from sacrificing your children and the fire, and now you see, first of all, she fornicated with a bird dog she was unfaithful to her right man. Secondly, she went out into the orgy stage. She went into the orgies in the high places. Thirdly, she got into auto elitism, and then all, none of these things are come satisfied. So then she went back to the orgies, only this time she brought her children and sacrifice them to the gods for good luck and then what did she do. Then she became a prostitute. You see by this time her soul doesn't care, and she's just looking for something to please her body. And so she began to take bring the eminent places down into the city, verse 24, then thou has built unto thee an eminent place, which is a house of prostitution she built a house of prostitution, you've made yourself a high place in every street you brought the orgies down into the city and brought them into your house of prostitution, thou has built a high place at the head of every way, and has made the beauty to be a board, and that has opened my feet. I think that's so clear you don't even have to misunderstand that has opened my feet to everyone that passed by and multiplied by whoredom so now she has become a prostitute with her own house. But she's going to go lower yet, because of the condition of her soul and because all of this is against her right man. Her next step down is going to be a stall on the corner. And there she from the stone of course she's going to go lower and lower. And that's all right here the Word of God, you might as well see it.

How long can one get well let's go on with it?

Whether you like it or not go on with us.

Verse 26, she finally came to the place that attractive man, you see the bird dogs are attractive tour she started out way up here let's take a look, her fornication up here was with the, I'll just put it in the bird dogs. You know what a bird dog is, it's a male who is predatory and sees a female that attracts him and he hangs around and makes contact and keeps going with it. So the bird dogs were attractive but now down here she has the fat Egyptians and she doesn't care about male beauty anymore. Now it's any port in the storm, take a look at its right here I didn't make it up. Verse $26 also committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbor's greater flesh. In other words, greater flesh in the Hebrew is one word fat.

Those are sex athletes she's forgot about that any old fat blob will do, and bow is increased by whoredoms to provoke me to anger not found on the original. But one of the first things that isn't found on the original.

Alright verse 27. The whole therefore I have stretched out my hand over the and have diminished nine ordinary food, and I've delivered the onto the will of them that hate the please notice you made your choice. I am a gentleman, I have stayed out of your way. And by the very fact that I have let you have your free will. I have delivered them, I you now are in the hands of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines. And I want you to notice. These are female women lesbians, the daughters, the Philistines were Greeks and the daughters of the Philistines are women Greek women and other words, and these Greek women are lesbians, but you are so low down, that they're ashamed of your aloofness even lesbians can't stand you.

They are ashamed a diluted way that's how low you've seen that was played are also of the Assyrians fierce type people. Now why all of this, why have you sound so low.

Because when you get away. There is no substitute let's take the analogy first. The Lord is the right man, there is no and you as a believer are the as it were the right woman or Judah, we'll just put in Judah, but Judah stands for you as a believer. When the Lord pours out in grace his love upon you, there is no substitute for that love the benefits of that love are so fantastic. They can never be measured in this on this side of heaven, they are absolutely fantastic. And when a person becomes legalistic and goes in other directions away from the Lord, as in this case here was the right woman, and she started to go in other directions, and she left her right man, she tried to find the love that he poured out she tried to find another man and couldn't she tried to find it in orgies and couldn't she tried to find it in auto elitism and couldn't she tried to find it in offering her children as sacrifices super orgies, and she couldn't she tried to find it and prostitution, and she couldn't she trapped, she turned to anything that came along, but the she's going further and further away. There is no substitute for what the Lord can provide. And that's means that some of you, all of you should be in Bible class every night.

Where are you fornicating on Tuesday night?

Wednesday Night Thursday night Friday night when we have Bible classes.

No, you could form a cable TV digital.

You didn't know you could fornicated with a bowling league.

You didn't know you got four and a gate with those nice people in Baraka church you start having parties on Bible class night adventure. That's what you're doing. You're fornicating.

Some of you have come to the point of sacrificing your children, because your children are not getting Bible doctrine.

But some of those children are great they're coming in spite of you stay away they come, some of your children are here every night.

Where are you, but what do you fornicated. What keeps you away from the Word of God. What keeps you away from Bible doctrine.

You'll never find a substitute for God's love and you'll never appreciate God's love without the daily function of gap and the erection of the edification complex.

Now back to our doctrine.

Verse, 28 thou has played the whore also of the Assyrians because you were insatiable. You see, sociability satisfaction. This means unsatisfied. You are unsatisfied. Listen, ladies. Listen man, there is, ladies, there is a right man for you. And as his right woman, he is the only one who can satisfy you. He can satisfy your soul and body and something that is absolutely beautiful. For the satisfaction of soul and body actually made in sex.

But, and that's true this way too right man, there's only one woman who can satisfy you, and you might as well give up the idea of harems fail.

Now the same thing is true in the relationship between the Lord, and the believer, only the Lord can satisfy your believer, and he satisfies you through His Word. And you'll never be satisfied anyplace else, and you can follow the pleasures of this life to the end of the world and you will never find what you have with the Lord and His Word.


So you see her problem why she went down she was unsatisfied insatiable means unsatisfied. Notice the end of verse 28, yay, dollars played the harlot with them yet could not be satisfied, thou has moreover multiplied by fornication in the land of Canaan. He kept trying and trying and trying, you're kept running away from grace onto Kaldi yet that was not satisfied. Here's your problem. It isn't your body it's your soul, how weak is your heart. The heart is the thinking part of the mind how weak is your mindset the Lord God no function of gap, seeing Val do all these things, the work of a ruling whorish woman in when you. In other words, a woman is no longer feminine. She went lower and lower and lower. Now this woman is hasn't sunk to the bottom is yet we left her with a Philistine women, but she's going to go lower than that. But the word imperious means ruling, a woman was never designed to rule anything, a woman was designed to be a responder.

And here she is getting out of place she is a ruling woman, instead of a responding woman that word imperious is the Hebrew word for ruling. And then it goes back to the first 31, how she sank low C verses 28 through 30 are parenthesis she's going lower yet, once you build that eminent place and at the crossroads or a stall. and she made a high place in every street here and now notice she's going to change and has not been a harlot endow scorners higher, she finally came to the place where her in her soul in the street, she refused money she simply was so insatiable so desirous of recovered getting what she wants had with the right man that she finally began to give her body away.

And this is described as the wife that committed adultery which take a stranger's instead of her husband, her husband is the right man or husband Israel's husband is the Lord, and now she is taking strangers but notice she's no longer a prostitute. She is giving herself away, and finally she gets lower than that she starts to pay man to take her body versus 33 and 34. They give gifts to all prostitutes that's the general rule, they give money, thou give us money to all thy lovers you are paying them to make love to you and you hire them to make love to you, that they may come on to you on every side for the horniman you pay, many men on night to make love to you some solo, and this is the opposite of what women were prostitutes do literal translation of verse 34, and this is the opposite of what women prostitutes do. Whereas, no one follows you to command whoredoms as they would a prostitute. Because you are giving money you are paying money and no money is given unto thee, therefore You're different from prostitutes, you are lower now they are taking money for what they give you are giving money for man to take you out as she goes lower and lower and lower. And from this point on, she has relationship with Sodom and Gomorrah. All of these things are described. Now let's get to the conclusion of the matter, found in verse 60, as long as you're alive, there is hope.

Err is the other side of the picture this has been a very discouraging picture. It's designed to be God the Holy Spirit is speaking and God the Holy Spirit says to Judah, in the day of the Prophet is equal. All you choose, I have loved you I am your right, man. You believed in me, you receive me as Savior, I have poured out blessings upon you and blessings and blessings and in the great prosperity of your nation, you forgot the source of everything I have your right man as your Savior, and you have turned for me. And now you'll become like other nations, and then the analogy. Listen, right man there is a right woman for you right woman there's a right man for you. No one else can ever take the place of that right man right woman, and this was taken off from thestandpoint of a woman, but remember it's always vice versa. Now you ladies listen. There is a right man for you. And if you in any way Philander with anyone but you're right, man. Then you are going to multiply your miseries and multiply your miseries, until you have degeneracy of soul and degeneracy of soul leads to degeneracy of body. And you will. The trouble is in the soul, but you will seek to solve it with your body, and you will always be giving your body to someone somehow, in hopes of somehow being satisfied, and you're never will.

The only way that you will ever be satisfied is with a right, man, because there is a relationship of soul, which always precedes the relationship or body. And you can go from one end of the world to the other. And there is only one right man for you, ladies and man there is only one right woman for you, and you will never find it with anyone else under any condition. Now that's the analogy part. And since that is true.

There must always be in the recovery process, Grace. Now most of you have been here long enough to know that in the spiritual side there is a recovery, and most of you realize that the spiritual recovery is also the analogy recovery, the grace of God.

God has provided the system rebound. The function of gap, the exhale of epi Knossos out the left and right bank, the cycling of the frame of reference which handles the subconscious and keeps the men from becoming women, and the women from becoming man. You see, when there is subconscious suppression here. Here are the two lobes, and through suffering this breaks out into the lobes. What happens to a man where they go complex, he acts like a woman and he becomes a crybaby. And what happens to the woman, she acts like a man she becomes imperious.

And so the man becomes a woman and the woman becomes a man and they change roles. One of the great tragedies. Now in verse 16, we have the principal of solution.

What is the Lord say to Judah. He says in spite of all this that's nevertheless in spite of all of this, in spite of your degeneracy, in spite of the fact that you have gone lower and lower and lower. You went from operation bird dog to operation RG, you went from operation RG to operation Auto erotism, you went from auto elitism back to operation orgy and this time sacrificed your children, and then you went from there to prostitution and from prostitution to free love, and then you began to pay others to make love to you, you also became involved with the lesbians the daughters of the Philistines. You have involved yourself in everything, and you have never been satisfied. In spite of all that you've done the Lord says in verse 60. I will remember my covenant. The Lord makes a covenant on the basis of his person on the basis of who and why he is here is his covenant, the covenant is simply an expression of his own person, the covenant is no greater than the person, the Lord is the right man, and his person is perfect. His covenant is perfect. And since he loves us, whether we are sinful like the whorish woman, or whether we are in fellowship, as we should be reflecting His glory, whatever it is, he has a covenant and that's grace, all the way. And in spite of how we fail if we're still alive. God has a purpose for our lives and notice what he says, I will remember my covenant with thee and the days with our youth when we made it, I will establish unto thee and everlasting covenant, thou shalt remember thy Wayne's, you remember the wonderful things we have you'll remember how you responded to my love, and you're going to be ashamed when then when you are ashamed, then you will receive your sisters and so on. And I will give you and restore you have ss, we didn't take the sister part of a passage so we'll move on from it, but in verse 62, I will establish my covenant with you, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord. Now you see there's a principle here. This principle is brought out in another passage Look, here is the right woman. And here is the right man in the analogy. All right, so you, you're out of line this line represents the degeneracy of this beautiful woman, but I have not forgotten you. You phase me out. And now when you get down here I have remembered you and I will come to you as I did here, when you were kicking in your own blood. Now you're kicking in your own degeneracy. Now you are totally insatiable, and now in your insatiability, you have almost all been wrecked your life, but I have come to you once again. I have remembered the covenant with you. I have not changed toward you. I am faithful towards you. I love you with an everlasting love, and I will demonstrate it I will come to you as you are now and in parish imperious whorish woman, I will come and take you again for myself. This is also the book of Hosea describing exactly the same thing.

And that's the Lord's attitude toward us when we fail. That's the grace of the Lord. That's something that could never be reproduced, no matter how you and I have failed when we're still alive God has a purpose for our lives, and I want you to notice something at the end of verse 62, he says I am the Lord. Therefore the right man. And then there's a purpose clause in verse 63 that thou mayest remember, and be confounded and never opened my mouth anymore because of a shame please notice open dime out rebound confession. And after you've confessed, you will never have any more have to do it because of your shame why, when I am pacified when a believer rebounds. The Lord is pacified everything is forgiven.

And when I am pacified toward the for all the thought has done set the Lord now let's get the analogy.

The Lord is the right man, that the lever is as it was the right woman got the lever has gone way out of line. And yet the look when the lever, rebounds confession of sin. The Lord is pacified and the relationship between the Lord and the believer is just exactly the way it was on the day of the covenant. The day when the person accepted Christ as Savior. It's a perfect relationship. Now the same thing is true when there is a right man and a right woman, and this case we're using the woman the right woman gets out of line as n is equal 16, and she phases out the right man. There comes a time when she remembers and the right man comes to her in grace and restores her as per the whole book of wholesale and the same principle is our conclusion this morning, because our conclusion is found in First Corinthians chapter seven, where the other side of the analogy is seen. First Corinthians chapter seven,

Beginning at verse 10.

First Corinthians chapter seven verse 10,

And on to the marriage. I command, yet not Ah, but the Lord. This is a command from the Lord based on his eco 16, let not the wife depart from her husband. In other words, this is right man right woman don't leave.But, and if she'd apart. Let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband, and let not the man. Put away the woman right man right woman. Now this is an exact parallel to zekiel 16 that last phrase, God is the right man, and he does not put away the right woman. She goes way out in the toolies, and he comes back to you never left her. She left him of her own volition. He did not leave her.

And you see, so he says be reconciled that's the same as being pacified. She must be pacified to him. He's still the right man he hasn't changed. She has changed, and there's where the rebound technique and all of its grace comes into the picture, but our hands filed where the eyes closed.

We dedicate the closing moments of this service this morning.

To those of you who are here without Christ, without hope. And without eternal life.

They want you to know that Jesus Christ had you personally in mind when he went to the cross.

And every sin you have ever committed past, present and future was poured out on him and judged.

You will never have a sin to grade for the plan of God, every sin you have ever committed has already been judged. And the barrier between you and God has been removed completely.

There is no barrier between you and God. Jesus Christ removed it on the cross. And this means that today right where you sit. You can enter into that perfect relationship with God. Under the analogy right man right woman, you can respond to His grace, you can respond to His provision at the cross, and how you respond.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved.

Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

These are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God.

And that'd be leaving. You might have life or his name.

You're gonna have eternal life, right where you sit right now.

We asked you to bow your heads and close your eyes for one reason to give you privacy.

A decision of this type is so important that there must be freedom to make it.

And your freedom comes your maximum expression of freedom comes from your privacy.

You have privacy now privacy.

To make Jesus Christ, you're so they leave on the Lord Jesus Christ. Thou shall we say, whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

These are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that'd be leaving. You might have life for his eternal life is yours right now in silent prayer, you can say, Father I believe in Jesus Christ I receive him as my Savior. So do you know the chores.

They leave on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt and say, our heads binarized postman asked buddy Daniel to lead us in closing prayer.

Father, we thank you this morning for your word.

As we continue to study we just realized how much we don't know about your grace.

Thank you Father for your planet it's so perfect and complete.

That includes each and every one of us that we can accept Christ and have eternal life and then we can enjoy phase two because of doctrine that you supply the needs of the individual soul, right down to right man right woman. But thank you for the capacity and the love and the design would you have the right man the right woman knowing that our country is stabilized by divine institutions. The doctrinal right man the right woman enhances divine institution number two. We thank you for the overabundance of your grace that even unbelievers who reject Jesus Christ as personal Savior. Because of your provision and your design, and really rejoice and write man right one. Thank you for our pastor or his discipline of faithfulness. And we pray this morning that there wouldn't be one leaving error, without accepting Christ His personal Savior, where we ask him in his name.





1970 RM/RW

Eph. 5:22 Gen. 2:20

Lesson #5



03/15/1970 Eph. 5:22 Gen. 2:20 Doctrine of right man/right woman

Word of God is alive and powerful sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul in the spirit of the giants in the marrow and is a critical thoughts and intents of the heart. All scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God might be mature thoroughly for a nice time to all good works, study to show thyself approved on a God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Open the word of truth this morning to Ephesians chapter five.

Ephesians chapter five.

We have already seen the anticipated outline of the rest of this passage.

The key to everything is authority discipline authority discipline authority discipline, and probably the thing that we least understand in all of human history is the importance of authority and discipline.

Many people because of pride because of jealousy and because of mental attitude sins resent the authority of others. This has always been true this is the old sin nature, not human nature, second nature.

They also nature just simply cannot stand authority because inside the sun nature is power lost in approbation lines. And if someone else is receiving approbation or recognition or respect. It seems to disturb others and seems to bother them a great deal. I think we cut our own throats I know we do what we do in this particular way.

Anyone who fails to recognize systems of authority and the human race destroys the basic function of his own freewill. Now we understand from Bible doctrine, the fact that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, there's not adjustment upon the earth to do as good incentive not, there's not righteous, no not one there's not one understand that there's not a Sikh of Africa, this is what this is. Scripture, and we understand what is called the total depravity of man.

And we have all been exposed to the liberal concept of the dignity of man.

Now, the dignity of man is all mixed up with the fact that all people are supposed to be created equal. As a matter of fact they are not, in fact, the first The only real creation as such was Adam Of course he was equal in all parts he had Moxie he had muscle, he had the human spirit he had everything, but man is born into this world unequal no two people have the same equalities from the standpoint of the physical or the mental, and of course, none of us are born with any spiritual ability. And yet there is a dignity of man, in one sense, every human being has free will. This is an extension of the angelic conflict.

And this free will, we have a right of privacy, that God has given us that right because we all have some ability to think and whatever our thoughts happen to be. They are hidden from the view of others by a good thick skull by a face. The skull of course can be Dalekcosa phallic brockersA phallic or masses of phallic, regardless of the shape of the skull it definitely hides what people are thinking. Now people have eyes. And you can tell a great deal about what people are thinking by looking at their eyes because most people have never learned to play poker with regard to certain reactions or responses. Now some of you are thinking right now, even though you look as though you're sleeping with your eyes open, like a horse you know a horse can lock his knees, and while still standing he can sleep. Now that doesn't mean that you're not thinking. It just means that at this particular moment you are neither responding vigorously nor reacting vigorously. Which means that you're not warmed up yet to the subject, even though I'm way out there and I warmed up and coming back to bring you along.

Now you have freewill.

And your volition is important because if the word dignity of man can be used in any way, it is used in connection with your soul, and specifically with the mentality of your soul, and under the concept of the mentality of your soul. You have a right to privacy. You have certain freedoms as long as you do not break law and the restrictions on these freedoms are that so other people can enjoy their freedoms too, because you see we're in mass, for example, we're all here this morning. Now how are we all going to enjoy our freedom, I'll taking the Word of God and functioning under damn well by keeping quiet by opening the ears by respecting the authority of the one who teaches not realize that many of you would have difficulty and that right away. You have personality hang ups and so on but they're totally inconsequential. God has set them apart on the basis of the fact that he provides the spiritual gift without changing the personality. He provides the spiritual gift and the communication, and sometimes whether you like it or not, you can hear you can understand. You can read me loud and clear back sometimes more than you want to.

Now, we have studied in the first section of this passage, we have studied the function of the local church, we've straightened out everything about the music and all the rest and no one has any problems there and you can make melody and understand what making melody is playing the piano or the Oregon harp or something. And you can give thanks. And you can submit verse 21. Now how do you submit by listening to me teach.

Speak communicate.

And I have to do it the borrow the spirit you have to listen the power of the Spirit, but don't get any funny ideas that the filling of the spirit is some mealy mouth obsequious smile pat you on the head as subtly compliment you and make you feel as though it was good to have been here that is not fulfilling of a spirit. That's politicking that's Lord healing politics.

And so that you can understand that I am not courting you nor seeking your favor but I'm here to communicate. I sometimes have used a phrase like this, which is totally compatible with the dignity of the clergy I don't give a fill in the blanks what you think of me.

But I do care what you think of the Lord and His Word.

And you see that's the beauty of it. You're not supposed to think of me at all You're supposed to think of what's going on as far as content, and God the Holy Spirit controlling your life, you can do it. And actually, you've already rebounded we didn't take time for you to pray because you've been doing it so often you did it automatically you did it when you walked in here you did it while the offering was being taken you did it while the choir was singing, and some of you may are doing it right now that's fine stay in fellowship Hang in there.

But there's something as some of you are never going to like you like an independent church because you think you can do anything you please. Well you can we ask you to walk out here do anything you want to.

When you're inside of this church you can't do anything you want to.

That is the way it was set up, I didn't set up a rules and I didn't ask for this spiritual gift either. But I haven't I'm not gonna just turn around and be mealy mouth about it at all. I have a gift to pastor teacher, I'm the right man for this church.

And you're the right congregation for me except some of you have not accepted my authority yet and probably never will. And the sooner you get out of here, the sooner, you're going to be happier because there's no sense in you been rubbed the wrong way every Sunday. And you can't stand anyone who will stand up and tell you what it is I'm going to keep standing up and tell you what it is, until the day I check out of here. Feet first our head first, our fists first whichever way it is.

So every now and then we need to have an understanding.

Because I'm not up here for my help.

I'm up here because I have the gift of pastor teacher, because I beat my brains out studying, because under the filling of the spirit and I'm filled with the Spirit right now girls.

And out of the filling of the Spirit. I intend to communicate this passage, I want to give you the overall subject of this passage so there's the big idea here, even though, and you probably don't recognize it. For example, you see the word submit there. Well that was first 21, we studied that a couple of weeks ago submitting yourselves, one to the other one is the pastor and there's just one pastor of this church.

And the, another is a reference to the congregation, and you will please notice it says in the fear of God.

Now that means both respect and fear but it means respect. You can't have any respect for God until you have some happy gnosis.

You might be frightened to death of God that goes is going to make you hurt you don't want to hurt no one does that's normal.

But you might as well understand something from this particular passage, this whole passage is talking about authority, what is the subject when we get to the congregation and the operation local church, we're talking about authority.

And many of you just resent the word, and we have a whole generation of young people coming up who've decided to dispense with it.

And women and First Corinthians 11 have long hair for what reason as a sign of submission has to be longer than the man's.

And when a man has long hair, he is some, he's a gypsy.

Why, because he has hair is to be short. Not nature teach you, it is a disgrace to a man or a shame to have long hair, why it's a matter of authority.

And when a nation ceases to have man nation ceases to be even though the population may be increasing.

Now here's the principle.

You got here today by authority, you arrive that way. There are I suppose, I doubt if there's a person who got here unless you walk, who didn't have to stop at a stop sign, didn't have to sit in front of a red light that should have turned green A long time ago when it did it. You waited till it got greener before you moved.

There isn't a person here who didn't respect some sort of authority.

So you probably came onto the speed limit. Some of you were probably a little on top there's a little shading there and to be careful.

That's authority. That's authority, you want to drive an automobile, you want to have a car you want to sit on four wheels and go from point A to point B. Well, that's your privilege but look so a lot of other people so you have to have authority.

You can't get your car in here and I can't get mine in here. I know I can't get mine.

And so we don't have authority we have chaos we have chaos then your free will, or wants to drive a car can't even drive a car.

Now some of you man work for a living.

You work for someone else. I mean, all right so you work for someone else. Your job is not to make policy for the company. The management does that so you know what we have a passage on that we'll be there eventually. It's found for example in chapter six verses five through nine, in verse five we have servants you work for someone in first nine we have masters that's management, so we have management labor, and that means someone has the authority and someone works under that authority, and a company that works right and an organization a business organization that works right must have authority to operate no company operates without it. Now that takes care of the man who are adult.

But it doesn't take care of the women.

Guys, you see, if women do not have some kind of an authority, then they're going to be real monsters, they're going to run around and start trouble. You're gonna run around and talk. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. And ever since then it's been an instrument for communication and trouble.

And you get a bunch of women that won't recognize anyone's authority they won't recognize their husbands I have no respect these the wrong man or B is the right man they still don't have any respect for him.

And they won't recognize the authority of the male in the household and want to be a man and not a male, and they won't recognize anyone else's authority, they're going to be mouthing off and stirring up trouble so fast to make your head swim. And so, there's a group that have to have authority. And so we have it here and I didn't write this but I'm gonna let you know about it.

It says in verse 22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands or women submit yourself to your own man that means you're right, man. Of course that's the next doctrine coming up in detail right man right woman. Now, here you see this whole passage just constructed on the basis of authority.

For every woman there is an authority, there are some exceptions. And if there is an exception if you as a woman, do not have a right man, you still have authority, you have God's word, you have God Himself, and if you have a spiritual gift of celibacy. And if you are, if you are operating under the principle of self-sacrifice or extreme sacrifice. Then as a woman you may not have a right man but you don't have to be you know watch fill in the blanks or which.

You don't have to be troublemaker. You don't have to run around and try to undermine and resent anyone who straightens you out.

All you have to do is to be relaxed and enjoy your volition and your freedom because authority protects freedom. The fact that we have Boulevard stops and stop lights, and traffic laws, these are designed to protect your freedom and an automobile, and your privacy and the right to go from point A to point B, without others interfering without you interfering with others, and the same principle is true in every fact of life.

And God has set up authorities even inside of your body, you have to eat once in a while.

And that's a principle of authority. And so you are submissive to your appetite for food, and yet that submission sustains you and makes it possible for you to move on and gives you the ability to think for food is converted not only into energy, and other factors, but food is converted into brain power brain energy.

You see what I'm telling you this morning, don't you, I'm reminding you of something in life.

Black a church is probably the most relaxed, local church in America today.

We don't we do have legalism here. I wouldn't kid you for a minute.

And we do have some people who are sloppy in their thinking I wouldn't kid you about that. And we have some people who are not interested in the thrust of this church which is teaching, day after day after day, and we do have people who are critical of the angelic conflict critical of the edification complex of the soul and critical of gap because they can't see it, and they can't see it because they don't come to Bible class, ever.

We have those kinds of people. And those kind of people do not like this type of teaching, and they don't like this type of operation.

And yep Raka church is the most protected congregation in this country because we keep the legalist down. If we spot them out they go. We don't allow anyone to intrude upon your privacy.

We don't allow anyone here to bird dog you. The bother you.

And I'm here as authority for your protection and your rights.

And you do have rights and you do have protection.

And you can wear what you want to in here was we're not happy if you wear a hat but that's your business.

Raise we're not happy if there's just for one simple reason nothing to do with how you look in a hat or what kind of hat you have. It's just difficult for people to see over a hat that's all I know, I know many of you are visitors and you've never heard about this before and that's all right. The only point is that a football game and in a church are two places where a hat hinders.

Some people seeing especially the type of auditorium we have here so whether you wear a hat or not just relax you don't have to get uptight about it.

Of course some man wears a hat he ought to be uptight about it.

You come in here this morning and slacks if you want to wear slacks.

Someone who is your right man doesn't tell you what he thinks of you on slack.

I mean, you might be as free as a bird. You might wear feathers course you might get a little tar for me to help you.

But I think most of you understand the principle. The thing that protects this congregation from power mad people in it for approbation lost people in it. From the whole principle of intrusion upon your privacy in the name of church discipline and other factors of this sort. The thing that protects you is authority.

That's what protects you. And you don't even know the same thing, you I've sat on many a time I sit and see that red light go on just as I come up and there's no way to stop you know, Then I look up at the red light.

And it seems like the longer I look at the longer it's going to stay around till I want to punch that red light right on its nose.

But really, I've checked them out and they run, they are no more than 30 seconds, some of them are 45 seconds. If I find one that's uh that stays red a minute, I'll go a mile to avoid it. But every time I look at that red light I say Bless you. We're a little bonus because if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here.

You see what I mean.

Some of you do. Cause you don't like me at all but you see the Bible doesn't say that you have to like me at all. But the Bible says that before the Lord I have a job and I'm gonna do it.

My job is to protect you, sometimes from yourself and sometimes from others.

And I means to protect you from a feminine man on horsey women, and vice versa.

Now that's one of the things I didn't give you on the explanation the it Jesus so that last passage. But you see things are gonna get stickier now because you look at this lady's. Your husband's gonna take your nose and rub your nose in it. And he may be a monster he may be a jerk and he may be a nice chap.

And he may be the right man he may be the wrong man he may be the middleman I don't know what he is but he has authority over you.

And I know you don't like it Gertrude, but it's here.

All right here we go read it. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as unto the Lord.

That's for believing wives obviously unbelieving wives, you can't do that you're here today as an unbeliever you can get into this column by believing in Christ.

About. You see it says at the end of the chapter verse 33. Now this is for wives believing an unbelieving wife see that she reference her husband. All right, ladies. When's the last time you referenced your husband.

Was it me a reference? Are you what it means get down on your knees and Salaam yes my lord, are you like that don’t you ladies.

I want to tell you something.

That's kind of ridiculous to be getting down your knees to do that because we want to protect your pretty knees, we don't want you to have prepatellar Bursa.

I want to tell you something. Now, if there is no man in the world that you could get down on your knees or on your face and say yes my lord, you don't have a right man, that's for sure.

Because when you do, you may hate him at times and you may love him at times but he, he is your Lord.

I don't care whether you like it or not I didn't ask you to like it.

And that introduces what we must introduce before we can get their wives doing any submitting, you've got to understand the doctrine.

You know, half of the problems of the world could be solved. If this one thing were paid Wives, submit yourselves your husband of course the other half doesn't solve the husband.

Now we have another problem coming up some of your children parent our kids now talking about your adult children I'm talking about age chronological children. I've got one for you, chapter six verse one this whole section. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, obey your parents, instead allow them didn't say anything else says obey, and everywhere you turn it's obey.

pastors the final authority in a church he represents authority, the husband is the authority in the marriage, the parents are the authority in the family, and why all of this, why all of this authority, why when we get down to chapter six verse five servants, obey them better you're a masters. I'd say go on a strike it says all paid.

You know why. Because when we get to the end of this book. We are in the biggest fight you ever saw a spiritual battle call the angelic conflict, and it's in the intensified stage, and there is an analogy between how we fight the angelic conflict and military life put on the whole armor of God military life at the time to Paul lived.

And therefore authority was designed for your protection and your blessing. And sometimes you're all going to resent authority. I know all about it. I there is no person in this auditorium that hasn't just been mad at me for one reason or another, over a period of time, you've been here for six months so I'm not kidding, at all neither are you I mean we understand each other.

And I'm still the right man for this congregation you're still the right congregation for me as proven by the fact that you've been mad and said I'll never go back and listen to that so and so again and here you are.

Yeah, I've set it to I'll ever walk into that place.

You remember it's a two way street.

But on the right man for this congregation and you're the right congregation for me.

And there are times when we'll both deny it.

But that's the way it is. That's life.

Life can never have maximum benefit without authority, and here's a whole passage to show it. We're going to start with wives now we got we're through the congregation. But we're Wives, submit to their husbands parents submit our children submit to their parents, and those who are in business and industry submit to their bosses. And then the whole package comes together with a booming thrust, because starting in Ephesians chapter six verse 10 and going to the end of the chapter, you get the whole picture of why do we need to recognize all these principles of human authority, because when it says Wives, submit to your husband’s it's a part of the angelic conflict, and when it says parents VOB our children be obedient to your parents is a part of the angelic conflict, and when it says the pastor is the authority and submit that is a part of the angelic conflict, and in business life when you will have a boss a supervisor, and you submit as unto the Lord, that's a part of the angelic conflict, and all of that is a principle of authority, so that we can submit to the authority that gives us all of these commands of submission, the authority is the word of God Bible doctrine.

But I know you ladies.

I can stand here all day and tell you to submit, and I know you won't.

I know you're gonna resent it. So I'm going to give you the basis for this command.

Somewhere in this world, there was a right man, I see there was the right man for you because some of you have lost the chance.

When you ladies said yes to some guy with a mouthful of teeth and great prospects and a status symbol and a nice tall person You said you'd never met a short person God may have designed a short person for you with a beautiful soul stead of some big muscle man with a loud mouth and an empty head and good teeth.

By your see you've all got the right man. I don't start putting down any dimensions of any kind, you know, preconceived notions.

As your ride man comes along, you're gonna flip flops called burning over and First Corinthians seven.

And for a lot of you, you still have a chance, or saw you it’s all over.

Well that has made a difference whether it's all over but the screening, or the you still have a chance you're going to get the doctrine anyway doctrine of right man right woman categorical introduction to Ephesians chapter five verses 22 and following categorical introduction, verses 22 through 24 is the first half of the marriage picture where the woman is involved verses 25 through 29 is where the husband is involved, and we can even take up this matter of a husband and a wife, until first of all we get the doctrine behind it, until we understand something of its principle, so you can just forget about Ephesians 522 through 29 till we dig out the principle and we start in Genesis. Genesis to

Genesis chapter two doctrine a right man white woman, or why does it say Husbands, love your wives, why does it say Wives, submit to your husband's course it doesn't say that it says, Man, love your woman that says woman reverence your man, woman, submit to your man. There's no such thing as husband and wife and the Greek or the Hebrew as man, woman,means right man right one, obviously husband and wife is the recognition of a principle that category two love the framework for it. There's divine institution number two which is called marriage course, they didn't stand around and have a preacher perform a ceremony.

All signals went up they recognize the fact they consummated the marriage and they were considered married now we've got we've complicated things in the 20th century.

But be that as it may, we must interpret the Bible in the time in which it was written in our first passage is Genesis chapter two verse 20, and in that passage I want you to notice a very interesting thing, man is not a center here, man has not fallen man is in a state of innocence how long he was in that status we have no idea. But we do know something that man started out by himself, he was bar rod got scared and asaad takes three verbs to get him cranked up and going. Let's take a look at it. First of all let's, let's don't build a roof around until we give him the equipment you know like tape and pubs barah. First of all we got to get some equipment any and barabas is soul, self-consciousness mentality volition emotion conscience that's all he had didn't have an Olsen ager these ball rod exhale, you can't see his soul. Just as you can't see the essence of God that's what it means man was made in the image of God and there is Ah, there's man there's each all by himself.

But you know something he has that left bank with five apertures one on the side and one on the side. He has everything to breathe and he has relationship with God immediately. How do we know that because he has a human spirit down here? And Jesus Christ has already paid some visits to him and told him what his job is and so on and he's responded to that and already, you have some epi analysis, long before he ever got the woman, I don't mean long before but prior to, you know, what has to come first man doctrine has to come before the woman or you'll never enjoy the woman you don't have the capacity.

So it's got to be epi analysis before, fam for tell whoever yours happens to be.

Then you can cut out the fatality or see without the nose. Alright, so first of all he got to know the Lord. And that's where a man stopping men because they don't get to know the Lord. You see this is all under ideal conditions he's not saved or unsaved they're just no sin. This is a relationship between creator and creature, and the Creator is the Lord Jesus Christ Colossians 116, whereby him we're all thanks grater that are in heaven and on earth, visible or invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by Him and for Him.

Mass Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ and Adam had a relationship and it was a perfect relationship because man is innocent. He's not perfect, he's just complete and himself. He's complete because of what God provided well that's by law, but then he also had Asan that's the physiology of man, and right from the start. When I saw took place, man had a certain type of body. A perfect body.

As far as physiology is concerned, physiology and function of the whole body was absolutely perfect. And by the way, after he sinned. You know man deteriorates but when it gets the same nature. That's why we're born to physically alive and spiritually dead we start dying immediately.

All saw indicates the physiology of man to make something out of something out of the dust of the earth. The body was formed and this is the house that covers the equipment and man that has shaped your fair and that'd be God j Ts AR that means to fashion, the sculpt.

And the man's body had shaped he had muscles he had a definition.

He had something that was attractive, but not to man.

Whatever was attractive to them exist the animals weren't impressed with man's muscles man could stand and fall American flights all day, there isn't an animal in the animal kingdom to say Hey, isn't that great.

Would you see the animals don't have a name yet. There they are.

So the first job was to get some work done you know work before play. And that's exactly what happened. So where do you find out him, finding working find him in his office, exercising his genius and what was he doing and exercising his genius take a look first 20, Adam gave names to all the cattle to the fall of the earth wherever the beasts of the field but for Adam there was not found we won't say what yet.

Secret right now.

You see what he was doing. He didn't have a bottle he didn't have a prayer stuff, he didn't have a general, he didn't have any way to name the animal kingdom, and here are all of these creatures quadrupeds of all kinds of them crawled as yet.

They all had at least four legs.

And these quad repairs could go by and the ones that had wings could go by, and the ones. Apparently at the egg theology field they all went by, and he was able to name, name, name that's genius didn't even have to he didn't number them either didn't call us when species one species to species 780 5.623.

Smart see these working on ah but when the courts work what about them. Well, they can sing me in my shadow for a day or two.

Because it says there was not found and help me for him. That's all right for people who are familiar with old English. Most of them have been dead for 300 years.

So let's get the Hebrew here easer where we are. That's the first word. And it looks like this I guess that's as close as we can common the English that's kind of pitiful but easier, or was not easier for it. What is easier well easier means help. But this says help meet.

There's another word here to help us out, easier. pineco first name for the woman.

Let's see.

That's good enough. P e and e g do E's. Doesn't that make you ladies feel like a real doll this morning it's a beautiful word though, help of his counterpart. When God created man, he created a male.

And that male is incomplete by himself, he was designed to be incomplete. No man is an island.

There never was a normal physiological male on the face of the earth, who was complete by himself.

And this male is going to have authority over the female, but the, he can't, but he's incomplete without the female when you have authority over something you're incomplete without them let me illustrate. I'm pastor of this church.

I suppose no one was here this morning possibility. After today, it may be real.

All right, so here I am, I'm Pastor teacher right man for the right church, Ron sitting over here wondering what the buddy is sitting over here wondering what the.

No one else around and I stand up to preach. That's what you're supposed to do at this time.

Now you know something I'm incomplete without you. Now that brought smiles to three faces that have been frowning since I started.

How about that.

You never know where to go to smile.

Why because my gift is gonna be on occasion that is my only function but that's my gift. And that's my responsibility but for the Lord to communicate Bible doctrine to you, and I'm communicating a doctrine right now that man has the authority over the woman but the man is incomplete without the woman, just as the pastor has authority over the church but he's incomplete without the congregation.

And while you sit here and listen you fulfill my ministry, and that's why tapes will never replace face to face.

Now, there's no question about the value of tapes I believe in it. I'm a greater believer in tapes and I've ever been in my life in the last 90 days, I'm a fanatic about tapes now.

You don't ever know what a fanatic I am about tapes and may come out now on there.

And there are people all over this country who are getting tapes and elsewhere. And tapes are fine for you at home during the day when we don't have Bible class.

But when I stand up here to teach whether it's Sunday morning, or whether it's Tuesday night, or Thursday or Friday or Monday morning or whatever it is. I'm incomplete without you.

But then again, you're incomplete without me.

Now that's the way God designed this man Adam, he can sit there and have a wonderful time with Jesus Christ daily, and build up some happy gnosis in his human spirit.

And he and that is marvelous and wonderful and there is nothing like it. It's the greatest thing in the world. And he probably had some kind of an edification complex, in essence, and he definitely had a frame of reference, and his frontal lobes. He was a genius so they function full power.

And he had a job to do and that was fine, right from the beginning. But when the whistle blows and the animals stop parading by for one day and the braids over the nightfall.There's all that equipment sitting there, man with epi gnosis. A man with a great body. A man with perfect hell.

And he isn't worth anything by himself.

He's not worth anything.

I'm the time the sun goes down to the sun goes up or we can get a few hours’ sleep.

He's in complete, he was designed to be in complete.

You ever see atoms, I want you to enter into atoms problem is, you know, he can't go out in the town in the old town.

There's just one male and all of these animals, and one gets tired of the zoo.

You don't. God is fair.

Adam, have a need God provided it in the woman male you have a need God has provided now you steady here. God has not provided a harem for you, God has provided one, just one woman.

And that woman is perfectly designed for you, and you can chase from now till the day you fall off the earth.

And you can sublimate and drink and raise hell, and go through everything in the world, and you're running away from the greatest thing that ever could happen to you as a male, there's a woman or right woman and just one.

And no substitute men are alcoholics because of this man are junkies because of this man get into power lust, because of this man get into every bit of, you know, man makes most of his own trouble.

And because he doesn't have the right woman.

Even though God designed it for him.

He's in trouble update his ears, and he'll never get out of it. Now let's illustrate that principle, hold a place here but don't lose it we're going to get back and get that woman going.

But I want you to see there, the principle behind this from Ecclesiastes these, please yes these chapter nine.

Ecclesiastes these nine nine, even though man has sinned but principle has never changed the principles started innocence sex existed in innocence relationship coalescence of souls coalescence of bodies, they can before man sin, there's nothing wrong with sex, sex, was a wonderful thing before man ever seen. And I want you to notice that it doesn't say God didn't say the day you start having sex.

Like so many idiots seem to think that's just satanic asceticism.

There is there we'll get back to it, they, they were naked and not ashamed. I promise Paul I'm gonnhave to spell that out for some of you.

All right, Ecclesiastes, nine nine.

I'm still waiting for you to find Ecclesiastes, by the way, or you don't have to spell All right, ECC l e s i s t e s. That's the way to look at the index.

Now I'm anxious for you to see those verses apart of the Word of God. You probably wonder why, because I want you to know that an unbeliever can be happy.

He may not be happy on the job. He may not be happy on the bowling league. He may not be happy and whatever activities, he has in life. But I want you to know that if he gets the right woman, if he has a relationship with the right woman. There are two words at the beginning of Ecclesiastes these nine nine and they apply to them live joyfully.

A man could be miserable in his job, a man could be miserable in his profession, a man could be miserable in all activities of his life. Man cannot be miserable with our right Roman cannot Ottawa know what the Bible says so. The Bible is good enough for me. I don't care about experience. People always saying well that, but that didn't work that way. I don't care how it worked for you, you don't build doctrine on experience.

You build doctrine on principle what does the Bible say, and the experience, either falls in line, or it doesn't. And that shows your adjustment, or maladjustment to the plan of God in the grace of God. And so if your experience doesn't line up with what the Bible says. It doesn't mean the Bible is wrong, it means you're out of line.

Now, live joyfully I you know that's a command I think most people would like to obey. This is written to be Libra nonbeliever live joyfully with a wife and Tao lover’s kalecki participle you keep on loving your wife she's the right woman, and it's the man loving the woman. The woman is respond or keep on loving. That's right, man right woman, and this is addressed to a non-believer, how do we know when he's got a life of emptiness, live joyfully with the wife whom you keep on loving, all the days of your life of emptiness the word vanity the first time applies to the unbeliever at means emptiness.

Here is a man with an empty light. He's maladjusted nowhere in life but bar when that whistle blows after work he goes to the right woman, and starts living joyfully.

Oh, that's something isn't it is possible for an unbeliever to have a miserable life but every time he's in the presence of that right woman he can have happiness. Can be a little hard to give the invitation today you'll never be happy to accept Christ you've heard that however, we're not here of course.

You know it's interesting how people when they walk into a church I think it's time to stop thinking, well, it isn't.

It's time to start thinking.

Live joyfully with a wife, it says here this is this right woman. How do we know whom you keep on loving, all the days of your life of emptiness, which he has given you under the sun, and in other words look you're going to have a long life of misery, you're going to have problems and frustrations and difficulties and heart aches, you're going to be hit with this and that on the other thing I want you to know something. Brother if you get the right woman I mean, brother human race.

If you get the right woman you're going to have happiness with that right woman, no matter how the roof falls in, and even if you spend eternity flying in hell. You're still going to have happiness in time if you get the right woman, and if you get the right woman, it doesn't make any difference how old she is.

Oh beautiful ugly by your standards or anything else. Well, once you get the right woman there's just happiness there in that woman. You are the authority and you aren't worth anything without her.

You ladies know that even the mile there's a man happy to have someone a boss.

That means they have to have someone to love, sometimes to get mixed up sometimes you get fast and sometimes you get some very tender lovely thing. Some of you ladies are all mixed up. You think the fussing no you don't love me anymore Oh, well that's ridiculous. Why waste your time on fussing on some about something you're not interested in why for us life's too short.

I'll see ladies that explains your nagging has.

What else is. Well, let's see.

All the days that says what she had given the under the sun, all the days of your emptiness for that is the portion of this life and in the labor which you take under the sun, you're not happy and your labor.

But you can live joyfully the first two words now this is a complete them full exegesis of it but the principle I want you to see is this.

Some of you may be here today as unbelievers you can answer that very quickly by accepting Christ as your Savior, but you may want to stay a non-believer, you may reject the claims of Christ and if you do, you're gonna have a lot of misery. But if you get the right woman.

That's the greatest happiness you will ever know and I want to tell you something, unbeliever. If you have the right woman. That's all the heaven you're ever going to get so you better enjoy it.

As you're going to live forever and ever and ever in the lake of fire, and the right woman isn't going to do you one better good and I like a fire.

That's on earth that says, I want you to notice again, it says all the days of the life of emptiness. Once you transfer to eternity it isn't emptiness anymore its fire and it's hot.

It's hell.

So if you want to if you don't want to accept Christ to save your see the issue with Christ is He that believeth on the Son have everlasting life. And either believe it or not, the son shall not see life with the wrath of God or bite upon him. You can have eternal life by believing in Christ He died for your sins and took your place, but you can also reject Him and you're free to say yes or no. And if you decide you don't want Christ, then I have one bit of news left for you. The only happiness you will ever have on this earth, and in this lifetime is going to be from the right woman because you're a man and God designed one woman to fulfill you, and when you get with that woman and you become fulfilled. That is the only joyful living you will ever have ever.

Now for believers, there is the inner happiness so the edification complex. There is a happiness again that is temporary and fleeting when one is controlled by the Spirit. There is a happiness from happy gnosis. There is a happiness, a fantastic happiness again with a right woman's right man right woman.

But for some of you might as well face the facts are Ecclesiastes he says the only message that you need from the Word of God today.

The only happiness you will ever know you, if you get the right woman is with that right woman. Now that's how important this doctrine is and I'm emphasizing this for one reason there is with right man right woman relationship there is a happiness, that is unique. Except for people like the Apostle Paul, those to whom God gives the gift of celibacy are those to whom God challenges to the gift of supreme sacrifice like Paul.

And when God. God is fair and in the case of the Apostle Paul in the case of anyone who has the gift of celibacy God has something extra for that person.

And they are an exception to this so there is no right man or right woman for such a person. There are a few women in the world, for whom there is no right man. There are a few man Paul was one of them. Paul was say when he was saying he walked into the Christian life a bachelor and he never did marry and you know why don't you because God's plan for his life. There was no right woman ever designed and have been there once a while, God will take a person like that and say scratch woman. This guy is special. And he's going to do an intense job, and there is an intense job that has to be done. And he just can't do it with a woman.

Now there are a few jobs in the world where you just can't take a woman and Paul had one.

Those are rare and the exception of course that's the one you'll remember people always remember the exception when you're trying to teach the rule. So I'm going to get back to Genesis two before you remember to well.

Genesis chapter two.

Now what's wrong with American life today.

Well, a lot of what specific in regard to our subject. The idea that you have to date. We've got girls sitting here today they're on the panic button if they don't date three times a week, and their parents are upset think that poor girl never get married.

Whoever told you had to run around on date all the time.

Well you have to get to know people listen.

You could make it all the way to the right man or the right woman I never have a date and be just as happy probably a lot happier.

This idea that everybody has to date for the birds.

Bird birds need today, but you don't.

So you guys are on the panic button you men the Bible class now burgdoggen this gal for a month and she hasn't even smiled and your soul discouraged you know what to do. Relax. So right woman God will pick her up someday when you have a little more Moxie a little epi gnosis and maybe a notification complex and number right your lap and you'll say thank you Lord and from there on, it's going to be great with her.

So you read me loud and clear. All right, now I think you have an appreciation of Adam's situation in verse 20. Adam gave names to all the cattle into the follow the air, those are birds.

And they were dating all the time and every base to the field.

I want to thank you for your close attention.

Sometimes I don't realize how close it is alright.

But there was not found for him I help his counterpart and that word counterpart per Meg dole means exact powder bar, exact design. God is fair God designs one woman, just because a female is a woman and a woman is a female that doesn't mean that you're right one.

And vice versa ladies.

And there are some things that you might as well forget like any port in a storm at night all cats are gray and other similar phrases.

Well I finally got that gentleman.

We've all heard phrases like that if you haven't all right so you've been in a nice clean Christian home that's fine.

You don't even have to worry about those phrases.

But there is a philosophical attitude that is bad and it also makes it very difficult for matching up a right man and right woman because people get out on the town both male and female, and they get the jumping around and every time you see a fast crowd going north east, south or west. You're looking at something that confuses the issue. The past crowd are always a lot of fun people who confuse the issue of right man and right woman, and there never was a fast crowd, no matter how glamorous all of you have been glamorized by a fast crowd well I'm gonna de glamorize them right now, you're behind the eight ball like you're on the fringe or in the middle of our past crowd. They call it says one thing about the function of a fast crowd they're all nice people superficially, and you're attracted to them at first, but a fast crowd is the greatest, and I may tell right man right woman.

And sometimes it's a fast crowd people and sometimes it's a fast crowd of wine. And sometimes there's just a bird dog who's all mixed up. But whatever it is, it's an enemy to this.

What happened to the generation of young people who are romantic.

What happened to romanticism.

What happened to those looking into the sky and dreaming. What happened to people like that are all dancing a lot to see and having pairing off for orgies and so on.

Idiocy see instead of romanticism.

Alright, let's take a look at the other counterpart.

Well if he's gonna if he's going to get his counterpart God has to do the work, I want you to get the principle here. There was no right man for atom by atom deserving it he couldn't deserve anything he's an innocence.

He can't work for it and he doesn't.

There is no such thing as a right woman for a right man, unless God provides and he provides for believer and unbeliever alike. Our right woman is designed for every right man.

And I want you to know that God is fair and he did not leave Adam in that lonely state.

He provided a counterpart.

And that meant soul and body.

And God did it all.

And what God provides can never be taken lightly.

So let's see how he provided.

Well, he has to have a deep sleep which tells me something had been sleeping well anyway.

Now he has a deep sleep means an operation.

So the Lord God who is Jesus Christ caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept.

And he took one of his ribs I want you to notice that when God provides the right one for the right man it's painless it didn't cause him any hurt, he was asleep and he didn't feel any pain while he was asleep.

And it doesn't hurt.

When God provides all the time it hurts when you start providing for yourself.

And it closed up the flesh instead their sodium up.

And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, bhana, he built, Isha. Alright, let's take a look here's eesh. That's Ma'am, I sh. Now, you're going to build something off of man What are you going to call it the only thing you can you have to add a suffix Ishaeautiful name for the woman, first one he shot. First one recorded the word, I love it.

He shot, taken from man, and when he shot goes back to eesh. Then there is something fantastic.

Now, his counterpart is in existence. And I want you to notice, God did the Lord Jesus came in then and he said to Adam Adam I want you to take a look through the animal panda day because you're gonna find a special surprise there you keep looking boy, you'll find it, you'll recognize when you see it possible I don't get out there and look boy, no longer only for you.

Yeah, that's the way a lot of y'all operate today. That's exactly the way a lot of you operate.

Hustle around and dig yourself up a female ever see a lonely man digs himself up a bottle digs himself up a girl digs himself up a place.

There's none of that stuff here. While the Lord brought a load to them, man.

He again it.

If you don't your blood beyond your own soul.

All right. I also made a comment.

This now is bone of my bones now let's analyze his comment, my bones. Adam has as a part of his body bones that's the skeletal structure.

He said this is bone of my bones. So he recognized he identifies same species, and that anticipates Genesis six where the angels try to get into the picture and do.

And Adam is saying in effect to all the angelic creatures. She is for me, for angels. She's not for animals, and she isn't for herself, and I am not for me I am incomplete without her, and she is incomplete without me. And there is your answer to auto ware autism.

It's an insult to the design of God.

And you're making a fool out of yourself.

She is bone of my bones.

Well that's very physical.

And what's wrong with it being physical is right man right woman.

Is there anything wrong with that thing physical as the right man right woman? Well if you say oh yes that's terrible, then you are not a part of the human race or you haven't gotten organized yet.

Just to make sure that you understand the rest of his comment, he said, and flesh of my flesh, and he understood sex so immediately. My flesh, I am male tie.

And he said flesh of my flesh and that is female type and female goals with male they are joined, which is an age old story.

And then he had a name for he'd been naming animals, why should the name her, and gave her the most beautiful name that a creature could ever have. He is the authority, he does the naming, he does the describing, he categorized her and then he said, and she shall be called Isha because she is the rest of me. I am nothing without her and that is when a man's authority becomes something great and wonderful because he recognizes his counterpart.

And this is identification of the counterpart.

They call it she was taken out from eesh. I will call her Isha because she is from Asia. Therefore, and therefore he is Adam speaking, and this is Adam as a prophet, in essence, here is a prophecy given an innocence and you say, how can Adam give a prophecy and in essence, they call us up to this time he had had so many Bible classes with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was his teacher, and he had gnosis, and he had epi gnosis. He didn't even have a sin nature, and he had frame of reference. And now he is a prophet, and he looks down the corridors of time.

And he makes a prophecy that was outside of his frame of reference, because he has not sinned as yet. He is not a sinner. He is not out of line and the sex was not designed for the perpetuation of the human race for however many years he lived in innocence and innocence sex was designed for one thing over pleasure, recreation, happiness, joy, whatever you want to call it, it was designed to be something glorious and beautiful and children weren't involved.

And way back I got this point.

He looks way out over here and this is strictly a prophecy, because Adam didn't have a mother and a father and Isha didn't have a mother and a father.

And so almost any idiot can look at this passage and say wow that's got to be a prophecy.

And it is a prophecy. And it's a fantastic prophecy, because out here on the other side see this might have been 100 years might have been 100 and 1001 years we don't know how long but at the point of the fall, then you see the seed of the woman is where we start for the procreation having a secondary and remember in sex. Children are always secondary.

Not primary. I know some of you, children lovers are gonna just throw a fit but that's the way it is.

Sex was not designed for children, sex was designed as the ultimate expression of right man right woman counterpart. Perfect counterpart.

So long before he said look, there will be children in the world at some future time. And when these children are in the world and you see he didn't have a frame of reference for this it has to be a prophecy.

And when there are children in the world, children have parents.

And when children become an adult, they will make a decision. They will look at some woman and say, Isha bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, and when they say bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, they have made an adult decision. And at that point they become an adult.

And when you become an adult you don't leave your past in the sense you never see them again.

What you make you are now responsible for your own decisions.

Entirely responsible for your own decisions because you have found Isha.

The Lord has brought a shot to you.

And since the Lord has brought a shot, isn't it interesting man is the aggressor and love. But the aggressor doesn't start aggressiveness, until the Lord brings the Lord must be the aggressor that's great, but once he brings this beautiful creature to the aggressor though the aggressor starts becoming an aggressor.

And watch being aggressive before, you have a right to be an aggressor. That's what it means to leave parents as part of it.

So the only father and mother, and it says he shall cleave to his wife and I, Ebro says he will make physical love this is sex capital S e x case there's any doubt as to what clean means.

Doesn't mean to give someone a nice hug.

Isn't the Hebrew word at all.

And this is the word of God.

There must be coalescence of the souls and coalescence of the bodies.

So he shall, please notice, and it says he is going to cleave RB joined to his Isha not another e shop, there's just one e shop or one each.

Every etias issued one e shop.

God is fair.

I want you to notice something when you start cleaving to the right one and they become what he said this is flesh of my flesh. Let's go back you've forgotten already my flesh who does that.

You bet you’re left no Yeah man, he becomes Adam. All right, this is flesh and who you say was flesh woman. He Shah. He identified her first in his soul, when he said this is bone of my bone and flesh he was thinking, speaking his thoughts. Whether he said it out loud, I'm sure he did what you see, these were words formed in the frontal lobe.

And there was first of all soul action, and the identification is in the soul not the body, some of you have it all mixed up. Yeah, but you have the body and then the soul.

Soul just sort of write tag and follows along and that's why you're up to your ears in trouble.

You identify in the soul. The soul, you don't have to worry about the body.

And you see how nice the oven edification complex is huh.

All right, this is flesh. My flesh and now look, they have one flesh.

Don't you tear come up with any prude legalism on me.

This is sex as an expression between the right man, and the right woman.

Don't you ever forget it.This is the acts of Jesus. So this passage.

The idea of sitting there, acting like a prude. This is the word of God.

Now what happens when you have a glorious relationship like this first of all the coalescence of souls, and then the coalescence of bodies. By the way, sex came before the fall.

What do you have, well you have two naked people. And there is they're totally relaxed and how is it stated, it says they were both naked, the man and the, the, he shot his, he shot please notice he has his issue. Now, the Asian his Isha.

And it says they were not ashamed and why should they be ashamed of what is there to be ashamed to bodies designed for each other by God.

And when it says they were not ashamed I'll give you a modern translation they were not uptight and therefore they had a ball.

Now, application to young people application to those of you who are single.

There's just one application for you. It's worth waiting for. Right man right woman, and don't take any cheap substitutes. And don't go in for any cheap sublimation.

It is the greatest happiness outside of the edification complex that can exist in the human race. When it's first of all, a recognition of the soul, and then the coalescence of souls, and then the coalescence of bodies. It is the greatest overt human happiness in existence, and it is a happiness that a man can have a just one woman and a woman can have with just one man, and there isn't anyone else ever cut it, man, why the Bible says Thou shalt not commit adultery because God is fair, and he wants the lever an unbeliever to know this happiness. Because whether you're a believer or a non-believer you're in the angelic conflict and being in the angelic conflict, God is going to provide happiness for those who accept Christ and for those who do not and God found a way to do it.

And this is the way. And this is why Satan has taken sex and distorted it first. When the angels had capabilities of sex there was the infiltration of Genesis chapter six, and God cut that off.

And then we have the distortions of sex, and don't let anyone ever tell you that homosexuality is a sickness it's a sin.

Its two kinds of a sin. It's a sex sin, it's a blasphemy against God.


And don't let anyone ever tell you that lesbian ism is an illness lesbianism is a sin.

And it's a twofold sin. It's blasphemy against God, it's like saying, God doesn't exist or God could doesn't have a right one for me.

That isn't true.

All of the activities that are prohibited are prohibited for a reason God isn't trying to deprive you of fun. God would when you can then you have to decide, a little fun. Now, our great happiness at the right time when God provides, take your choice. And some of you would sell out for a mess of pottage in a New York minute, and that's your trouble with our heads bowed her eyes closed.

We dedicate the closing moments of this service this morning to those of you who are here without Christ without hope and without eternal life.

We want you to know that Jesus Christ had you personally in mind when he went to the cross.

And every sin you have ever committed past, present and future has already been judged.

There's nothing standing between you and eternal salvation.

You're gonna have it.

Right now, right where you sit.

It's just one way though. It's always the way God is just one.

Jesus says, I am the way, no man cometh unto the Father but by me, you're gonna have eternal life but you can only have through one member of the Godhead, the father didn't die on the cross and the Holy Spirit didn't die on the cross it was Jesus Christ. The second person of the Trinity, who became man, and went to the cross and took your place, or your sins, and his own body on the tree.

And we send you have ever committed past, present and future poured out on him and judged.

Salvation therefore is open to you right where you sit right now.

They leave on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be say, and believing is not working. The leaving is God bringing salvation to you. They're leaving as the expression of your pasty volition.

And with your head bile and your eyes closed, you have perfect privacy. And right now, you can say yes or no. If you say yes let me tell you how to say yes and silent prayer, just forming the words in your mind, God hear a silent prayer.

You tell God the Father that you are believing in Jesus Christ, you are receiving him as your Savior, right now.

If you are an unbeliever and do not say that then obviously you're saying no I don't want Christ I don't want salvation, you might tell God that I get sent to you know I don't want to believe in Christ. Now, there might be a third position you want to take well I'd like to hear more about this and if this is it. Please make it clear to me. I'll come back until I do get it clear. So you got to have this stuff, the facts before they leave on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall we say. Now it's up to you.

You either have eternal life because of who and what Christ is or you don't. And that's up to you.

Are their heads bowed rise close when asked Ron Bravo to lead us in closing prayer.

Father, we thank Thee for Thy grace and we thank Thee for by provision. We thank these, especially for the person of Jesus Christ. In spite of what we are in spite of what we've ever been. Jesus Christ is are simply for the asking. It's only through Christianity only through the grace and only two diet plan is possible. Therefore, Father, we know that this is the only truth that this is the only way. There's no other way that men might ever inherit eternal life. Thank you for the truth that you continue to present. Thank you Father for thy word which live within the Bible forever. For our Savior even Jesus Christ. Amen.


1970 RM/RW

Eph. 5:22 Jer. 2

Lesson #6



03/22/1970 Eph. 5:22 Jer. 2 Doctrine of right man/right woman

The Word of God is alive and powerful sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul in the spirit of the giants in the marrow. And as a critic of thoughts and intents of the heart. All scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, the man of God might be Madura thoroughly furnished onto all good works, study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. We continue our study of Ephesians 523, so obviously we'll start there this morning. But not for long,

Asians chapter five verse 23.

Well, we better start back at verse 22. And the reason for that is because we have that phrase which needs to be accelerated.

Understood. And a few thousand other things now, it's going to take a while to get past verses 22 and 23 for one reason.

Most women today are hung up on this. Most men have abused it.

And between the abuses from the male and the hangups from the female.

If there is one verse in the Bible that people cannot regard with any objectivity it's this one of course we've already had the doctrine of the right man the right woman, we have studied this from the standpoint of many passages, including a zekiel chapter 16, and we will study many other paths just because throughout the Old Testament Scriptures. The relationship between the Lord and the Israel is analogous to the relationship between the right man and the right woman.


I want to warn you about one thing throughout the entire scripture, neither in the Hebrew language nor the Kaldi in the languages of the Old Testament, nor in the coin a Greek the language of the New Testament. Is there such a word as husband and wife? This doesn't mean there's no marriage, just means that the words which are translated husband and wife are man and woman.

And the reason that the scripture does not have a word called husband and a word called wife is because husband and wife are English words.

They are English words of respectability but not necessarily of meaning, because there is a relationship between one man and one woman.

And the Bible recognizes that when that relationship reaches a point of consummation that that man or that woman are in the divine institution known as marriage. The only difference is that the Bible must be interpreted in the time in which it was written. And in the time in which both the Old Testament and the New Testament were written they had a few thousand years of a custom quite different from ours. No one ever went down to some office and picked up a marriage license, and then bought some preacher to marry them contrary to the principle of church and state or went to some JP and have the knot tie.

They just didn't do that. Of course that's what happens when you get decadence in the human race. You have to run out and get a piece of paper or doesn't mean anything list of you have right man white woman all the pieces of paper in the world aren't going to help it, or hinder it.

So you have a license so you have a ring, the man has a ring through his nose the woman has a ring on her finger and everything's supposed to be fine but it isn't.

And that's the trouble we think in terms of a very superficial civilization.

Now they weren't bothered by that in the ancient world. They had marriage that was just as stable as up, what have we proven with regard to the stability of marriage by issuing a piece of paper called a wedding license and going through a ceremony with all of its glowing phrases, why don' we prove, nothing.

We have more divorces than they had in Rome, and all of its history.

So we have proved anything. Separate just takes another piece of paper and a lot of trouble.

So we need to get back to the basics and the fundamentals of this thing.

There's a right man for a right woman and a right woman for a right man.

And under those conditions you can see how marriage is going to work out, wives are not wives at all but women. Vocative plural, the word submit does not occur in this verse it occurs in a previous verse, but as a part of the syntax, it is repeated.

You see, in verse, 21 submitting yourselves, the one to another one being the congregation to another the pastor and occupation with God. Now we do not have the verb actually repeated except syntactically and again it's a present middle participle the present tense is linear action sorry, the right woman will always submit herself to the right man she responds in her soul, and then she responds in her body in that order. The Middle Voice, she has benefited by responding to the right man. First of all, she's surrenders her soul, and then she surrenders her body. And both of them are a perfect expression of the response so the woman, and the participle is a divine law and a divine institution, and this is a reference to divine institution number two, which probably explains why the word women is translated wives. Now here's the acid test. A woman from her own volition surrenders first her soul and then her body but she also surrender something else to the right man. She surrenders her freedom. She limits by her own freewill she limits, her volition. She, there is one man who is her right man. He was designed by God to be her right man no one else was so designed and therefore she can trust him. She can depend upon him, she can allow him to make decisions for her, and yet at the same time, she allows him to make decisions to protect her. And so her submission is the greatest protection she will ever have. For her free will and her freedom, and also for her protection and relationship to him. And so there is a very beautiful and a very glorious thing here. And every woman should ask herself before she goes to the altar with some creep or other right man whichever it happens to be.

Are you willing to surrender soul and body to this one man forever, including the rest of your life.

Now, if you as a woman say no.

I have a lot of reservations where you haven't surrendered your soul once you girls if you have reservations that isn't soul surrender, you're in, and you’re in trouble up to your ears if you go ahead with a wedding.

If you have mental attitude sense about this guy periodically or regularly you are killing him every time you do and you will only have a half a man, even, he's the right man if you're jealous if you're better if you're vindictive if you're implacable.

You have killed him in your mind.

Remember that marriage is not only a divine institution but it's a mental attitude divorce is also a mental attitude. And you have not submitted your soul to the right man if you're going to constantly have various types of mental attitude Sins of killing because he may be all man real man great man right man. But in your mind every time you have a mental attitude sin that cuts him down puts him down or kills him. You've just whittled that much man off.

So if you can't surrender your soul you can't surrender in your body, the surrender of the body is when the marriage starts.

That's the official consummation of a marriage. So there's always a period of soul surrender or soul submission.

See the verb here is who Paul taso, and that's a verb ladies that you can't run around crawl around or run through like a fullback hoopoe taso is just one of those words that you are stuck with being a female of the species, and you'll be very glad you are what if and when you get the right man if you don't, you're in slavery for the rest of your life, who Paul taso was the Word, and it's a military word, and a means tan right face but we're March and off she goes under the command of one man.

And there's nothing that makes that turns a woman into a bigger monster even in a church some of the worst monsters I've ever seen were women who got the wrong man.

And she believes him at home and kills him daily that's why he dies daily, not because of any spiritual reason, like Paul is saying.

And then she goes to church and takes out her frustrations on the local church, unless the pastor is mad enough to put her down and throw her out if necessary. There’s nothing greater than a woman who has the right man she's all woman feminine, glorious marvelous.

So you see it does make a lot of difference which way this goes. And God has provided a certain number of women whom he has given either the gift of celibacy, or he has given to them. The law of supreme sacrifice to function in their lives.

And by this glorious function.

They are able to do many wonderful things that otherwise could not be accomplished in the Lord service and in such a case, the Lord is the one who takes care of that person and that person has a category one love with the Lord. And the category two is omitted. Now those are rare cases but they do occur and they are important. We are not discussing those here though, because this is women who are submitting to the right man. And you have to ask yourself a question. Are you willing to make this man, your Lord. Are you willing to do this for life. If not, there's no question in my mind but what you have the wrong man to become one with a man the woman must surrender a lot of things she surrenders her soul. She surrenders her volition to him. It's in his hands for safekeeping. And if he's any kind of a man he will protect and care for her volition, just as he protects and cares for her body. Her soul he is the Bishop of her soul. He is the Lord of her body.

And therefore, as such a man will be a fantastic man, and he will not destroy her volition, he will protect it.

She will receive so many benefits from this submission. But if it's the wrong man of course marriage is going to become tyranny and slavery. And if it's the right man it becomes one of the greatest blessings in life. And really, I hate to tell you this ladies but if there's an in between I've never found it, or seen it the Scripture.

There is no in between. And that's the track. Well, there's a lot of sublimation. This is why women go to clubs and play bridge and drink themselves silly, so that by five o'clock they feel no pain.

Now that is an in between, to me, that's what they often do.

That's why other women who do not go to clubs and pray play bridge and drink themselves silly so they feel no pain by the time a monster comes home, they have another way. They go to church all day and hostel around and come home, feel no pain. That's another form of sublimation though they get involved in the Pentecostal type operation may go down and work their epiglottis over time. And after you've been speaking nonsense and nothing for a long time and think of something and you go home then you can stand something for an hour to using.

So women have different ways of supplementing but that's not in between, you know like, you girls.

Well it's gonna get better, it'll get worse for against better but it'll get better.

So no matter how you slice it women as a group. Submit matters scores to each to or all.

And you will notice it says your own man. And I want to tell you what that word, your own is because sometimes you will agree with us one way and sometimes another The Greek word is etios, for which we get the English word idiot.

However, in any OS and the Greek was a fifth century BC Athenian who refuse to go down to the assembly you see they had a true democracy. Every Athenian citizen was a member of the assembly. And when the assembly was convened if a Greek citizen decided not to go and stay at home, he was called an idi OS, a private type citizen he didn't function in government.

And so it means something private something that is your very own, and no one else's, and therefore it's correctly translated, your own man and a word for man, and it, this is obviously recognizing the doctrine of right man is on air, and on air means noble man. No matter what he is in life he may not have the type of job that you think is glamorous. He may not be a professional type you may not have certain of the status symbols of life but he is your very own man design for you and eternity past.

And there is no other.

And there is in the economy of God, one for one, this is the way it is. And you will please notice that since you have received this from the Lord. You should do it as unto the Lord.

Now obviously this is addressed to a woman who is a believer, as a believer she responds to God's grace, and since a woman has already responded to God's grace. Now, God's grace has provided for her a right man and she can only respond to God's more grace, much more grace and having the right man.

Now that is the first exegesis of the passage but not the last because I'm not even going to get to verse 23 because if I did you see that's almost too much for some of you, we have to do this week by week because the nice phrase says literally because the noble man is the chief of the woman, the right man is your chief.

It says here in the English for the husband is the head of the life but it's literally because the noble man is the chief of the woman.

And that's a much better, and a much more interesting translation, which we will reserve for next time. Now, once again, we must demonstrate this principle so let's turn to Jeremiah chapter to see all of you think that as he goes 16 is the only passage.

Well, it isn't. It's a passage. All right. And I have.

Add a principle here is the same, the Lord had a relationship with Israel, and we’re going to divide it down into two sisters this time though, northern kingdom and southern kingdom.

These two sisters are going to have names.

They are given names of prostitution.

Even though the right one, as the Lord is to Israel, so is the right man to the right woman, we continue our analogy that we continue our analogy for several reasons. One is because some of you ladies, especially are not convinced there is such a thing as a right man or a right woman. Of course some of the men are not too, but the ladies have a way of being most vociferous about this because when they are in slavery, they don't like to think of it as slavery.

And when they are in something glorious there's no problem, because it ladies. If you have the right man and you submit to His authority and his sphere, I as a pastor and the Bishop of your soul and that sense, you will submit to my teaching authority without any problem at all. I never have problems from any right woman who has the right man, I've never had a case of that. And this congregation which is the only congregation I really know. And this congregation when a right woman has the right man she never gives me one second a problem, she recognizes my authority, and there's no problem. As a teacher, it's those women who do not have the right man who turn into monsters, whose frustrations cannot stand for any man to stand up and speak with authority who resented right down to their toenails. Any man standing up and lugging a woman on the eye and say, Honey, this is it. Take it or leave it.

Because you see they have the wrong man, and having the wrong man, generally causes them to be sort of a man hater if men would just get in the background or be mealy mouthed and obsequious, everything would be fine.

Bye, but no pastor teacher can do that.

And therefore, there is sometimes trouble in the gland.

Alright, so to continue our study of the principle of right man and ride woman. Why not Jeremiah chapters two and three, a few things here and there as we go along. Jeremiah chapter two is where we began, but not where we in.

Some of you like to teach. Go rather rapidly and so today we'll go rather rapidly. Jeremiah chapter two verse one. Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me saying go and cry now God doesn't ask generally for prophets to cry and he's not asking for crying here he says go shout.

Jeremiah is often called a crying prophet. Let me tell you something, and they want to communicate God's Word has to be under control and you don't cry and be under control for saying why. So it means go shout, those speak forcefully.

Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me saying go and speak forcefully in the ears of Jerusalem, so this is for Jerusalem, saying, thus saith the Lord, I remember you. And that's something in it, you know when he says I remember the you know what that is in the Hebrew that's thought care, which looks like this. See a, a, k AR Zoc care when it's a cow active participle. I've always remembered you, and so we start now with Jerusalem as the right woman, the southern kingdom, and she's out of line. She has a right woman.

And the Lord is her right man. And she started out by responding to him and now she has gone the way of fornication. And she has turned her back on the right man, and the Lord Who is the right man says, I keep on remembering you. I love you anyway.

No matter what you do the love is there, it can't change. That's why the doctor right man right woman is so wonderful, you can't understand about half of these prophecies without it.

And it's hard to say which comes first. Do you need to understand Israel's apostasy Israel as the right woman apostate fornicating, as it were, or do you need to understand the doctor right land white woman. Well since right man right woman is the background for all of it. And since doctor right man right woman came before Israel. Since, as we have already studied last week from Genesis chapter two, right man right woman came in innocence right man right woman is Adam and Eve right man right woman is something that has existed, from the time that man was created and woman was designed by God by Nah, as we saw it in the Hebrew.

So right man right woman came before Israel, and therefore forms the background for many of these prophecies and by first of all understanding right man right woman, these prophecies are very simple. And by not understanding right man right woman, they are not simple. There is just one right man for Judah, for Jerusalem, and that is the Lord, there is no other right man, and we will see her going out and fornicating, playing footsie with other nations and so on. This will all develop in the passage, and you need to understand that, that even though they right woman has become unfaithful. Here's right woman. She has become unfaithful to the right man.

He still loves her, her actions cannot destroy heroes love. Now that is a greatness that very rarely is seen in the human race. It is a greatness which we can ascribe to Hosea because this was his personal experience, he never ceased to love Gomer.

And when he had the opportunity of expressing that love after she had been unfaithful. He expressed that he bought her from a slave market. Her price was the price of a slave gourd buyable.

And he purchased her and restored her to replace at his son, as his right woman.

Now some of you will never understand, because some of you will never grow up, either as a human being, or as a born again believer to understand it, but because you can't understand it doesn't mean I'm not going to teach it.

Because anyone who has now pretty well briefed on the doctrine of right man right woman is going to understand this, and it explains the word Submit. When you find your right man there's only one person to whom you can submit. And you're right man if you submit to someone else. If you give your body elsewhere, you are not going to change the picture.

But you are going to destroy something in the relationship, but you can't change law.

And we've all seen that you take some woman there's so badly beaten up she no longer looks human. So naturally, she files charges at the moment it all happened because all the neighbors got in on it and they haul this character off to jail. And when she stands up before the judges she refuses to go through with it.

I just can't help a judge I loving the judges probably so mad he'd like to personally go out and clobber that bad guy, but he can't is the same principle. The man has abused her but she can't change her love, and when it's right man right woman neither can change their love it just can't be done.

And you'll see, this is what the Lord is saying there's just a little bit of God's character coming through here. I remember you, the kindness of your youth. This means the response of your youth, the love of your spouse. What does he mean by the love of your spouse. Well, in our doctor we'll just cover lightly, the relationship with Israel, but in the doctor right man right woman, a spousal his wedding agreement, and a wedding agreement first of all there's a coalescence of souls, the soul of the right man fulfills the soul of the right woman, and there is a soul love which precedes sex love, and this soul love is first of all, are the pot all, and secondly Fallout all which is a total Soul love. And then we have a Greek word like Iran Oh for the physical part. There is a coalescence of souls before there is a coalescence of bodies, and there was a glorious time in the history of Israel, when they respond that to the Lord, and the right man right woman is the analogy, there is a glorious time in the life of the discovery of right man and right woman. When the relationship is perfect and ecstatic and beautiful and marvelous and everything it should be.

There always is that period. And some of you perhaps can say from your experience. Yes, I know what that is. That is fantastic. Now, the fact that it is there, it doesn't mean that it will always be there, but in the doctrine of right man right woman God has designed one man for one woman, and therefore that woman has no problem she just has to submit to one man, and that submission is response, and that is her sole response that is her physical response. And when she submits in other directions that of course is a problem. Now, women do not simply all women are not unfaithful the same way I thought maybe you met ought to know this. Some of them are mentally unfaithful. And some of them are physically unfaithful and some are both, but a woman can be physically faithful to the man she is married and be mentally unfaithful to him, and vice versa.

So your see.

Submit has to do with soul, as well as the body.

Did you ever go through close order drill. I do a little experimentation close order drill.

And I notice this. When a person takes a command like Tim, they pop to right face they do it automatically to authority they recognize the command, the person behind the command that is near, it's a command, and there is a response to it but listen. During close order drill has a full response, which must precede the physical response, the soul response may be brilliant or dumb, but it is a response that comes I'm a member of a team. I have a part to play in this team. I must recognize my position on the team, my position calls for response. I am responding in this way now that may be running through the mind at some time in the early part, but the soul. After a long period of submission like doing this every day a few thousand times, do the rear porch, do the rear porch with the right plank cards, and you do it and do it, do it, and no longer, it becomes a physical movement with and the soul part is there but it is past there.

Now all of you have had close sort of broken understand that. In other words, the soul part is now taken for granted. And there is an appreciation for example, when you start out with a drill instructor in military service you don't like him at all, he's allowed miles Solon so and a couple other things I won't mention.

But you do it anyway. But once you get into it, then you are then you're assigned to a unit. And there may be some closer grill there, and you don't like that Lieutenant at all. He's worse than that dia, but after you have been with him in combat.

And you have lived and fought with him, and you have seen him under fire, take responsibility for his platoon. And you have seen him in action, and you have seen his courage, and you know that he's a man. Then one day there's a parade, and he'll say it. And you pop to because that man out there you love that man. You've been somewhere with that man.

And you're glad to pop to and europop to with the rest of your platoon because you know what something. This is the best soul and soul platoon in the world, and I am so and so glad to be here. You see what I mean. That's the marriage.

That's the submission.

That you can't buy.

That's a submission that never goes, everything up to them is courtship training preparation in life.

But there comes a time when you've gone through certain things you ladies have gone through with a certain man. You have seen him in action. You have seen him under fire.

You have something for that man, you will never have for another.

You hate his, you know what, and you love him. But you have something for him when he says tan.

You are just blanket blank. Glad to be aboard.

Now you see what it means.

But there's another side. And this is the other side here a Jeremiah.

This is the side where he's really a man. He is a man in this sense, I keep on loving you. Right woman you've gone this way in that way. And you see what a glorious thing it is the Lord says, look, we've been through a lot. But then, that was the Exodus. That was Joshua's day. And since then, you have been unfaithful. But I still love you. You can't change that. You can't change by love. Because you see, I love you, on the basis of who and what I am, I am your right man, and being your right man you can't change it.

You can fight it. You can hate it.

You can go in all directions.

But I was designed for you and honey. And I remember you say that's what the Lord is saying here. I remember you.

And boy that's good news because she this dolls in a mess. Her name is Jerusalem, and she's in trouble up to her ears are beautiful ears.

I remember you, the kindness of the youth and that means the response, the love of dying the spouses you responded to me with your soul with your body. When you went after me, when you followed me in the desert there was that combat experience. And, in a land that was not sown there as combat Joshua. You were separated unto me Israel was holiness, holiness means separate listen you were occupied with me.

The first fruits of his increase all that devour him shell offense, you saw my protection. You're so you have a glorious experience of being with me. See this has a twofold meaning it's a doctrine of right man right woman used to describe the Lord's relationship with Israel evil shall not come upon themselves the Lord is his protection. And how did he protect verse four Hear ye the word of the Lord or house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel. I protected you with doctrine, I fed you I get the Lord gave doctrine to the Jew, the way the right man gives his love to the right woman. Now we've all seen the function of gap but here it is gap. Here is the Lord providing through a profit doctrine, here is that doctrine going into the mind where it becomes gnosis that's doctrine comprehended here is positive information toward that doctrine which transfers it into the human spirit, where it becomes epi gnosis. This is how he provided for them. Then there is the cycling of doctrine as a frame of reference, bringing every thought into captivity to the Lord. There is the response that they leave our response to the Lord category one love but it's always happened gnosis, you cannot respond with gnosis you cannot apply doctrine from the mind, it must be applied from the human spirit, there's the production toward man production of divine good, there is the erection of the edification complex of the soul, as the lever is the glory of God within edification complex soul the right woman is the glory of the man. So he provided the word, and again the analogy continues, because the right man provides soul and physical love both of them, and there is a response to those things. And just as believers respond to the word, so the right woman responds to the right man. Verse five, thus set the Lord, what an equity have your father's found in me that they have gone far from me. What happened, what was the flaw that turns you bitter? What was the flaw that you found in me that turns you away and you have now walked in vanity and become vanity please notice that the word vanity here is the Hebrew word Cavell, and I want you to see at our Huvelle looks like this.

H e b e l that's the noun for vanity here, you know what vanity really means. It means breath or air. Why did I suddenly become nothing just breath, you can't see breath.

You exhale all of your inhaling and exhaling right now but there isn't one ounce of breath visible in this auditorium. There is no one of you that can see your breath or anyone else's, it's invisible. Well, why did I become suddenly nothing to you. You see what happens to believers, when the Lord becomes invisible it's because of lack of Bible doctrine, lack of a function of gap, lack of epi gnosis in the human spirit. Then the Lord becomes nothing, even though he's our right man as it were in the analogy. He is the only Lord. And you see that's what happened to Israel. And so you walked after the literally breath, but the word means nothingness emptiness, I became nothing. And when I became nothing. You went toward other people, when you're right man becomes nothing you will go for someone else. Now how do they become nothing, we took it up Monday morning and ladies class mental murder you murder with mental attitude Sam's bitterness left last any root of bitterness overflow and trouble you. And many be defiled says in Hebrews 1250. That's a mental attitude hatred is a mental attitude. Jealousy is a mental attitude sin, and these mental attitude Sims destroy and the Jews turned against the Lord became as nothing, and they went into apostasy, just as a right woman can have the right man and turn against him, and she becomes as it were apostate only they call it fornication, and are become vain. Now the word to become vain, instead of having the noun, now we have the Kalyan perfect aka verb, and the verb looks like this. Ha Val h AB al Pawel and What does harvill mean, it means to become a vapor to become like a brand. And God is saying, I have become vain to you, I have become like the air you breathe, you no longer see me. And that's what happens. All right man right woman relationship can be destroyed in this case it's the woman who's the responder, she no longer sees. And he's like, her breath, she can't see your breath, she can't see her right man. She has destroyed him in her mind, and when she has killed him in her mind, she will go to some other man, or man and so on and that is the history of Israel and apostasy in the fourth and fifth cycles of discipline, so the analogy builds up now and let's skip over to verse seven, and which we read, and I brought you into a plentiful country that was grace to eat the production there when the goodness there oh this is the Lord's grace first nine. Wherefore I will yet plead with yourself the Lord, and with your children's children will I plead that's grace, God protecting Israel in spite. Verse 34 my people have committed two evils. They have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, when there is a relationship between a right man, and a right woman, what is the responsibility before the Lord, have the right woman.

That's right, ladies, it's hard to say, isn't it, submit, it's easy to say when you have the right man, and you're in the right relationship with him.

Submit is the word.

Now, here is the problem.

There came a time in the history of Israel when they did not do this and this becomes an analogy. Notice the analogy as it is developed here for my people have committed two evils First of all, they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters. Now they have forsaken the first evil is to forsake. When a woman submits to the right man. And for any reason mental attitude since knock him out, so that he becomes like exhale breathe. He is invisible. Then she forsakes him in her mind. No woman ever forsook a man physically until she forced circa man, mentally, socially, and so there is forsaking through mental attitude sins, and once there is the forsaking of the fountain of the living waters, then she goes for other man, and notice your passage now you can help me actually Gee, what, what are the other man called.

Come on, ladies while they call you can read broken cisterns. What's a broken cistern no water. Here's the source see water is analogous to the word provided the fountain of living waters. And when she forsakes the right man. Everything else will always be a cheap substitute. And so when a woman finds the right man and goes peeling off fornicating into the sunset.

This is what we call. This is what we call operation broken cistern.

And the well will always be dry, you know why we have broken systems. They because errors is only one right nine. For one, right, woman, and Annie, you can go out and for the cake but you'll never change the doctrine, you'll never change the principle, you'll never change God, you will change yourself, and your relationship with broken cisterns will destroy you.

Now, it isn't so bad than this phrase Wives, submit yourself or women submit yourself a grown man letter.

You're all noble man your own right, man. Now it isn't so intolerable. When you realize that if you're not submitting to your own right man you know what you're doing. Either mentally or physically are both you’re an operation broken system, and broken system means broken sister.

No, I'm glad somersault away.

So the second thing is you see when you forsake one thing eventually you go to something else. Notice it says there are two evils here, and you have to watch that first very carefully, or you're gonna pick up one evil. The first evil is to forsake the right man. The second one is to go to the wrong man, or this is vice versa. We all understand that, but we're staying with the analogy of the past. See, that's all.

So, one forsake, and to go.

So it's two evils. Not one.

I don't know about you but that just stands out like a neon sign to me right man right woman you can't get away from it you there's you can't fight it there's nothing you can ever do about it.

Nothing. How about that women. Submit.

It's the greatest thing in the world, if it's the right man. Now those of you who are single should already begin to think about this. Why mess around with cheap substitutes when God has a right man, why not wait for him and you're thinking right your thinking is correct and accurate and proper and right and wonderful, the right man is worth waiting for. And no broken cistern will ever take the place of the fountains of living water.

And that's true spiritually. And that's true in your life. And so you young ladies who have looked over the crop of boys in your school and found them wanting, and you young ladies who do not want to mess around with jug heads and acid heads and coops and junkies and stupid character males. You're smart, even if your parents are dumb about it, the daughter isn't dating I'm sure she'll never get a husband. I've heard some idiot mother say that. And I mean that mother's an idiot.

They will I do if I had a daughter.

I'd sit down with her.

And we go over is zekiel 16 and Jeremiah two and Jeremiah three and zekiel 23, and all these passages that I'd asked her what would she like to do tonight I take her wherever she wanted to go.

But I want to tell you if I had a daughter, and some acid head came to the door.

What I would do to him you wouldn't believe.

I take his pocket full of reefers and shove them right down his throat.

And I will tell my daughter honey. And he has hair over his collar and over his ears, and use so much a smile at him, I will scout Pam.

Let me tell you something.

That's all that long here is good for you can hold it one hand, young people's programs you don't need young people's programs we need parents with some sense that's all.

That's all we need parents who have some sense.

All right.

Let's so much reverse 13.

Like this. These are the acid heads coming to the door. This is the football hero that wants to date your daughter because she's pretty and you know what he has in mind. Verse 15, the young lions roared.

It's all here.

This is the Bible now so don't get a funny idea is we've already had two women walked out this morning I see the ladies are a little squeamish, as long as the young lions roared upon him and yell they made his land waist and so on. But even though the young lions roar we're going to find that she's going to start going out with the young lions.

But I want to go on to verse 21.

And verse 21 says grace, right man always treats and grace yet I have planted the unknowable vine. Holy alright see how then our thought turned into a degenerate plant of a strange vine on to me now in the I think the analogy should be very obvious. You are my right woman. How can a right woman, turn into something degenerate odd I'm gonna answer that for you. I'm going to answer it from the doctor and we are studying I'm going to answer it from a spiritual standpoint, Jerusalem is the right woman to the Lord. How did Jerusalem turn into a degenerate plant negative volition toward the gospel with some, and with the rest who are believers its negative relation toward Bible doctrine.

The failure of the function of gap, lack of epi gnosis lack of frame of reference lack of exhale, lack of edification complex but right man right woman. Where was the breakdown here? Where was the failure here? Why did she turn into a giant degenerate plant because she did two things one. She for suck in her mind or right man, and then too. She for suck in her body right man, those are the two evils. She forced suck the pot in the living waters, she picked up with broken systems.

That's how. Now, the software began to shape up with you when the Bible says Thou shalt not commit adultery God isn't unfair, as so many people have thought God isn't trying to deprive you of any fun. God is trying to protect you for a life of fantastic happiness.

And you, fornication build scar tissue we have already seen that, and you will never build your life, a fantastic happiness through operation, broken system.

Never. It just cannot be done.

Now verse 24 I'm going to read it as an English it isn't even close, but I think you ought to know why I study the Hebrew.

A wild ass used to the wilderness. That's not worth up the wind at her pleasure.

And her occasion, who can turn her away all day that seeker will not worry themselves, and her month, they shall find her Charlie, what you think of that.

What you think of that Suzy, what you think of that Gertrude what do you think of that. You see why I'm up here, monologue, what you think of that doesn't mean you know what, and you know why it doesn't mean anything, because I don't care how smart you are, you cannot look at that personally English and get anything out of it, or very little.

Whether you like it or not, you never will. I'm your pastor teacher I know Hebrew and I'm going to give you this thing, literally, and we'll get something out of it.

And the first place this is not an ass, a jackass.

This is not a jackass get that in your notes. The Hebrew word is a she asks a word that we'd haven't used much in the English.

And there's a difference.

This is fairly strong, and it is literally the Hebrew word starts out this way a wild, she asks, that'd be beautiful.

There's something about the literal translation a guest right here.

Now what is a while she asks, I want out let's define it now, don't go off halfcocked here a while she asks, Is a woman who has found the right man and forsakes him mentally and forsakes him physically. While she asks is a woman committing the two evils?

So let's establish that, let's get this while she asked in the picture here.

Now, the next phrase is interesting because it ties in with the analogy used to the wilderness.

Oh this is beautiful.

What does that mean you know what that means, when a woman turns into a while she asked by the way she can't until she finds the right man. So I want you to know that there's fornication before you find the right man this is fornication, after you find the right man.

But what happens once you go away for you forsake the right man for someone else, you become used to the wilderness show what that means, the wilderness was 40 years of discipline. 40 years of misery. You get used to misery that's all you'll ever see.

You'll never have happiness, an operation broken system, it wasn't designed for happiness, not in any way was it designed.

But what happens when she asked a while she asked us to the wilderness is in the wilderness she's in the wilderness because of the two evils. What happens to her and her last, she pad for air.

So it says, Go on, while she asked us to the desert or the wilderness, that in her last. She Pat earth for air, and who has become air tour.

Oh has become nothing to her right man and she can't get away from him. She's out fornicating with all these other people and what is she thinking about.

She can't get away.

It's impossible.

It's absolutely impossible.

All left and the point is, and I hope you get the point. These right man with whom are these wrong man these broken sisters with whom she for decades, cannot satisfy her.

Every time she goes out and fornicating with a wrong man. She is unsatisfied. She is insatiable, and it only increases her own physical desire for what she knows is her right man.

And as a believer, you can't get away from Bible doctrine, you're miserable as long as you do so you might as well come back to it. And the and not look at your watch.

You read me.

Take a watch off and break it.

Now, by the way, that was a man looking at his watch.

Die snatched her heat, who shall restrain it, I'm giving you this the literal Hebrew her heat.

That's her mad passion. Who shall restrain it.

You know who, you know, a woman who finds the right man. Her passion is fantastic.

But she can never find satisfaction of her passion with the wrong man.

And since she cannot find satisfaction for her passion with the wrong man. There's only one man who can restrain her passion as well as satisfied. And the right man both restraints are passion and satisfies her passion.

And so the question comes up look on your on your foreigner case not gonna do any good miles we'll come back home. And that's what the Lord is saying to do. Now the rest of this is even more interesting.

All that seek.

Oh that seeker. Run themselves weary. Oh these are the suckers who go for all that seeker and they're just trying to get you know watch all that seeker run themselves weary.

They can't break through with her. They can possess her body but never have a breakthrough. Never.

I can make this particular phrase I want you to see it then. I hope that, well, we have a few proofs here and a few idiots. This is the word of God so don't back off and act like a jackass.

All that seeker run themselves weary.

In other words, she goes through a period where there's no possible way that any of these wrong man could ever really get into her soul.

But in her month, they shall find her. They can take her body in her month.

They shall find her. Now you know what that means. That means as long as she stays away from the protection of her right man she is going to be vulnerable to the wrong vulnerable.

And there will come a time in her mind means in a cycle of living Oh, in a cycle of passion. She is out from under protection of the right man.

And therefore, the wrong man gets to her. This is the history of Israel. This is the sad tragic report on white man white woman, and during the period when she is fornicating with the wrong man. What is she like look at Jeremiah three three.

Jeremiah three three same passage.

Therefore the showers have been withhold and that means restrain blessing. See this is an agricultural economy, therefore the showers have been restrained. And there have been no louder rain that's the magnificent showers restraint with Holden, no louder rain means no mental no physical relationship with the right man.

And thou hast are whores forehead.

Thou refuse just to be ashamed. Now you say to yourself what on earth is a horse forehead are for it. Look, I did write this. And some of you obviously have not been properly trained to take the Word of God as it is here, I'm going to communicate whether you like it or not.

What is of a horse for it.

I'm going to tell you, like tell. Even the man, this is leave you man I got I got a shock on this one.

This is a nose. These are the eyes.

A woman's forehead wrinkles, this way until a woman is excited and passionate.

And then it wrinkles. This one.

Now listen carefully. This isn't funny I'm teaching you the Word of God.

When a woman is being a when a man is making love to a woman operation system. A woman is fornicating with the wrong man. She can give all of the signs of passion, verbal vocal and otherwise, but her forte, is. She's faking.

It's the wrong man.

She has a horse for.

She has given her body to a man to gratify insatiable desire for the right man.

And neither her soul, nor her body is satisfied. But she is. She has a horse for, she'll fake it.And I think that the man who looks at a horse for is absolutely the poorest excuse that ever came along, he is a 50,000 carats sucker.

And no man at all.

All right, verse 33.

Why trema style die wait to see club. Oh you want that verse somebody said, I'd like to get that verse 24 again now that I see what a horse for it is all right.

Let's take a look at it, let's review it quickly.

So some of you want to write down the correct translation now.

King James is good enough for Jeremiah was good enough for you A while ago. That's all that's been changed on a while she asked us to the wilderness used to misery now that in her last. She padded for air the right man.

Her heart. Who shall restrain at only the right man her heat rather who restraint at only the right man shall can all that seeker run themselves weary and her mom. They shall find her about what do they find wF. They find a horse for it.

And that also goes for the man Thou shalt not commit adultery, and any stupid knucklehead man can make love to a horse for it, and doesn't mean anything.

Is biological and physical and without the meaning and design, which God assigned to it and eternity past, when he designed one right man, or one right woman.

Now you can understand verse 33.

Why trim us thou thy way to seek love.

Now this is addressed to this, she while she asks, this woman who is now an operation system. Why tremors now the word trimming here means how good you make the way to seek law. In other words, she finds excuses to go to the wrong man, how good you make the way to seek love. So this is what it says literally. Now what is she doing. She justifies going to another man on the basis of something, or white man has done real or imagined. On the basis of some way that he has hurt her or done something to her, she uses that for justification to go to the wrong man.

It doesn't change anything. Those things still hold but you see what's happened here.

Why do you why trim style the way, would you see club. Now let's go back and see what the Jews were doing. Verse 25 withhold I put from being unshod by throat from thirst. All right, there's advice to you while she asks us.

Do not go barefoot that it says here, what does that mean that means do not walk into another man's Tim it's an idiom see what, what a woman's barefoot did she's in the wrong man's tent. They lived in tents in those days and that became an idiom from way back. And they throw from thirst do not drink. And like company. Okay predatory male.

Now ladies, many of you, undoubtable like a nip no man.

And everyone may think that you're on the wagon, and among the super pious.

But you can't kid me.

And so, if you go home and you pour yourself a DRAM, and the privacy of your own locked department door or home door whichever the case may be, that's one thing.

But if you go to some bar.

They cause your county wampus with your rot right man, and you start to tie one on, you have trimmed the way to live you see why we went jumped over to me.

So just because you're all upset, women stay out of bars.

You destroy your own instinct the protection, see a lot of good advice here on the word who thought that Jeremiah would tell you, hundreds and hundreds of years ago to stay out of a bar because you're having trouble with your right man and a stay out of other people's tents.

Now get the next phrase here in verse 25 there is no hope, no.

Cry of love strangers now here's the third great problem see there are three problems you have to watch one, stay out of other man's tents to stay out of bars, that we want to be today. And I throw from thirst if you just have to tie one on you'll be sure that you stay away from that place where you're vulnerable. But you sad now here's the third thing you do so you didn't take Jeremiah's advice. So you went barefoot and some other guys tan. So you went down to a bar and you were just going to have one and this real sympathetic mouthful of teeth sweet smiling came along with this line of patter and there you go. So now what you say well there's no whole.

I have stick with a word I'll have to be very honest with you, ladies.

You have a right man. And he has not married someone else.

This whole now the Bible makes an exception in either a man or a woman divorces the other.

And they go out and marry someone else, they can never be reconciled that's why in First Corinthians seven it says, either stay single or be reconciled. You have a right man, don't go off and marry some clock.

Oh, the same thing here. When a woman gets into this. She's a nice woman.

Of course, we must all take the gentleman's do all women are nice.

She's going to have a reaction.

So she got her foot and another man's tan.

So she went alone into a bar but didn't come out alone.

So now she looks at herself. The next morning, see this is the morning after.


Yes, there is.

Many people have had a morning after experience, no hope. There is hope.

There's always hope.

Now, we're dealing with a relationship right man right woman. If the right man being the right man cannot cut off his love for the right woman.

You can be angry and hurt and bitter and all the other things that people shouldn't be mental attitude sales.

But it can't stop loving the Lord didn't stop loving Israel and apostasy right man doesn't stop loving the right woman.

Many of you ladies may have this experience or not, you may have about making a difference this goes out all over the world.

And this table eventually sooner or later hit the consuming Republic, those who are those who are on who are hooked on tapes here and there throughout the country, and who live in this republic.

And they will have this experience some of them.

Maybe this morning, or tomorrow morning, or next Thursday morning or next Friday or next Saturday morning, somewhere.

Some woman's gonna wake up and hate herself.

She's gonna hate herself because she has a right man. She's gonna hate herself because she got into a Donnybrook living.

And she got a hate herself because she went by herself to a club or a bar.

But she didn't come out by herself and she walked into some guys 10th barefoot.

And she's gonna say to herself.


Don't you ever kid yourself ladies? That is not true.

There is hope. You have our right man get back to him.

And our right man is not only a right man he's on air, he's an older man and he's going to love you and take you back. This is an idiom come hell or high water and you've been involved.

That's what the Word of God says,

I have loved strangers, and after them while I go no hope.

Well, that also happened to the Jews see the analogies verse 27, how the, how did the Jews love strangers. Well they said to a piece of wood in verse 27, Thou art my father. They said to a stone Dallas brought me forth they started worshipping idols, you see, and that's the analogy, but you are familiar with the analogy.

Now, and the analogy verse 31 what's the answer spiritually. Oh generation siqi the word of the Lord.

Have I been a wilderness under Israel a land of darkness? Wherefore say my people, we are large, we will come no more into the, and then he says Oh, so you're not coming back to me.

All right now the analogy goes back to right man right woman see we saw her and despondency. Now listen, all you see how this analogy breaks and goes from one to the other. Now we're back to that woman who said no hope. I have gone after strange lovers no home.

Now listen to this ladies.

Can I made forget or ornaments sweaters I made a young lady dressing to please the right man.

Can you ladies forget that you dressed to please a man and when you did, you knew this was the right man you always dressed to please yourself you always dressed to conform to society. And you ran into the right man he didn't give an anything for society. He said this is what I expect a woman to look like and you got with it. Ornaments, a tie or a literally, and he didn't care about style, or what society thought was style maybe they had homosexuals designing female garments in those days.

And he said, you're going to look like a woman, honey. She did.

All right, the spotted woman so you failed, can you forget your ornaments.

Alright, the labor so you failed.

And you forget the grace of God that easily.

Who gave you the right to say no hope.

They're here a rebound, or a bride her attire.

In those days the bride dress to please the groom, not to satisfy customers, suppose you had a groom now let's just test you young ladies, you know what white stands for the wedding virginity.

Suppose that you are a virgin. And you're right man says white.

Never. I want you to wear red.

Now, question would you do it for any kind of a woman you wouldn't you wouldn't care what anyone thought right man you would, you know it's going over a lot of heads here today.

I want to tell you there is a church down the street and over the street and that street.

You get hearts and flowers until you drown in it.

You're getting the word of God today and I know it doesn't sit well with some of you.

I just thought you ought to know I don't care whether it sits well with you are not, I'm going to communicate God's word as unto the Lord, whether you like it or not. If you don't like it, play poker.

Oh generation verse 31 see the word of the Lord.

Cannot bribe forget, she cannot, then you see verse 33 how good you make the way it's time to stop rationalizing.

Time to get with it. And so the conclusion is found in chapter three verse 12 years here's our conclusion for this morning.

Go and proclaim these words toward the north, that's the northern kingdom they're out under the fifth cycle of discipline and say returned our backsliding Israel set the Lord, I will not cause my anger to fall upon you. For I am merciful that's grace in action the right man loves the right woman, and he can only act and grace.

I will not keep forever, that is I will not keep an attitude of anger or any other negative attitude. Listen to this. Now verse 13.

Remember your ornaments surely are only acknowledge thane iniquity, there's the rebound technique and please notice the correct translation. We have the cowl and parody of of Jada and Jada that's Jay ADA, your dad generally means to know. And it means to speak what you know, you know your sin you acknowledge it the callinparody means to acknowledge it.

That's exactly the same as if we confess our sins. Only acknowledge die in iniquity, that thou is trash transgressed against the Lord thy God, and as scattered thy ways to strangers see this is the barefoot, the bare feet in the tent on this is not even a town here under every green tree or the green tree is it looks like this is going to be the one. This is the one that will erase my thoughts of my right man, that's the green tree. And it never turns out to be the one see God only designed one right man for you. So you're gonna see a lot of green trees, girls go to movies and they see green trees. They like a television they see green trees, they go to school and they see green trees that come to church and they may see a few green trees is just one right tree for you and I just in green.

I'm sold I have scattered my ways under evergreen tree. You have not obeyed my voice doctrine, Seth alar turn all backsliding children's Sep olark. Now get this underlying it, I am married on to you right man right woman.

Notice verse 15. Once they turn in what doctrine. And I will give you a pastor's according to my heart, which help feed you with knowledge gnosis and understanding epi gnosis. I love the word knowledge and understanding. There are two different words you've seen gnosis before now let's take a look that word in the Hebrew is de la dee da H, and they are is the same as gnosis, but what is so beautiful here, is the fact that the word understanding is that. IFILL infinity, of sock kalsoquel means to perceive s A k l saw cap, but it's in the history of, it means to be caused to understand, you have to have doctrine in the mind before it can come to the human spirit and you can be caused to understand epi gnosis, you are caused to understand it because it's residing in the human spirit, it can only be understood, up here, it cannot even be understood, or if it is understood it can't be applied. So we have the hip feel infinity, absolute, and they hit the infinity of absolute is epi gnosis. I will give you pastors after my heart not after yours, not popular with you, popular with me, and when I give you such pastors for your nation who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding and that's a pastor after the Lord's own heart, whether you like him or not.

And I know it's always a shock to a congregation so I like to always hit you with is to keep it keep you in remembrance of it. Pastor, who is a pastor after the Lord's own heart will not care what the congregation thinks of him, he will care about what the Lord thinks about because he is responsible to the law. Oh, we have a system around here I'd be fired anytime the congregation gets together and votes that way, there's no problem.

I'm easy to get rid of. Easy to shake.

But I'm saying to you I do my job as unto the Lord and I don't care whether you like it and I'm not impressed, and what really what shocked most of it your opinion is not meaningful to me at all.

I'm not even impressed with many of your opinions.

And so I could care less what you think of me. I'll tell you one thing. I stay in this line. I stay in this church I stay in the city of Houston because of who and what the Lord is and if he wanted to pull me out of here I'd be gone before you could even know what a New York minute is.

I'm here by His grace, and therefore I'm responsible to him, and I never regard myself as responsible to you at all. And I do not value your opinion at all but I love his opinion.

Because if he ever decides to flunk beyond QA.

And you, what about you as a congregation I'm looking at people that have flunked me Sunday after Sunday.

You flunk me so many times that I couldn't get all the honor roll. If I came up with a good squeaky hearts and flowers.

I'm shocked as far as you're concerned.

And you have graded me in 1000 different ways but practically everyone who is sitting here today has flunked me at some time or another, but what you fail to realize the Lord may not agree with you.

So I'm going to rub your nose in this again if you'll take just a minute.

And I will give you pastors according to my heart which will feed you with knowledge and understanding, which brings in a third analogy, there's a right pastor for a right congregation so hello congregation.

Let us pray.

Well, their hands filed with our eyes closed.

We dedicate the closing moments so this service this morning. To those of you who are here without Christ, without hope and without eternal life.

We want you to know that Jesus Christ had you personally in mind when he went to the cross. And he was thinking about you.

And every sin.

You have ever committed past, present, future has already been judged.

You will never have a sin too great for the plan of God to grade for the grace of God, eternal life is yours right now he wanted.

Scripture says Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. Scripture says whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

Scripture says these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing.

You might have lived through his name.

You want eternal life.

You want to enter into this relationship with God, you can. It's available right now.

It's yours. Right now, the leave on the Lord Jesus Christ, thou shalt be saved.

But your head bond your eyes closed, you have privacy. That's why we asked you to do our privacy to make a decision. The greatest decision of your life. You can believe in Jesus Christ. Right now, you gonna say father I don't understand at all but I'm latching on right now I believe right now. It's not to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thou shalt be say.

You can have eternal life right now. Just tell him that you believe in Christ, you have it. Their heads bowed and eyes closed, when Ron Brian asked well to lead us in closing prayer.

Father, we think before the greatest of all plans a plan of salvation. We thank you that it's not based on our merit or anything that we've ever done. But it's strictly because of My Mercy and because of by grace. Thank you Father for the Word of God which liveth in the Bible forever. The only correct snorter that we might have ultimate happiness have perfect peace, even as we serve the in phase two, which is thank the father for the continued message that continues to work upon us, and we might be moved into a place where we're useful of the because we're happy, because we're relaxed. We have all the blessings that you have for us father because of thy word. This and again we thank and praise you and our wonderful savior’s name. Amen.


1970 RM/RW

Eph. 5:23 Jer. 31:1–25 Prov. 5:1–2

Lesson #7



03/29/1970 Eph. 5:23 Jer. 31:1–25 Prov. 5:1–2

I have noted this morning that we have a couple of extra people in here.

And just to make sure that you know where you are. This is the Baraka Church of Houston, Texas.

Perhaps one or two have strayed into the wrong baileywick.

Now, I know that many of you are familiar with ecclesiastical procedures such as the recognition of visitors.

Almost any social organization, any brotherhood outfit.

And any business is happy to recognize visitors or customers.

But to me it is the quintessence of human hypoxi to stand up here and beam at you and say it's good to have you here, fill in a visitor's card stand up we'll pan a little ribbon on you, and we will send you a hypocritical letter tell you how nice it was to have you in the congregation.

We will admit all of that.

I have to face an issue here that is connected with our study of the Word of God.

For the last few Sundays we have been studying the doctrine of the right man, and the right woman.

And we have been slow observing a principle that God has designed one man for one woman, this design it was an eternity past. And there's only one right man for one right woman, and there's only one right woman for one right man, and the relationship which they have both in the soul and physically is something that is fantastic and glorious beyond description. And this doctrine which has existed before ma'am Sam, this is one of those doctrines that actually was operational. They form and sin against the Lord, the right man and the right woman had a soul relationship and they had a sex relationship. Matter of fact, they're always one or two guys in Theological Seminary, that were really oddballs they thought that the original sin was sex. I'm telling you that is one of the most ridiculous things from the acts of Jesus the scripture that ever came along. It was negative volition sex was practiced for perhaps 1000 years or however long man was in a stage of innocence. It was something glorious and beautiful as an expression between the right man, and the right moment. That's what it was designed to be, and under those conditions that is wonderful. Just as there was coalescence of souls. It was also coalescence of bodies.

Now, because of this waterfall principle. God has used it as an illustration for many things. We have been studying in the last few weeks’ relationship between the Lord, and Israel as a relationship between the right man, and the right woman.

We have also been studying other principles in this connection, there is a relationship between the pastor, and the congregation in other words there is a right pastor for the right congregation and vice versa. And for that reason this morning, I'm not going to stop and cater to you people who make it a habit of coming once a year on Easter. Whatever your reason whatever your purpose that's a matter of privacy. You see the doctrine of privacy when a pastor, when you have a right pastor for the right congregation. One of the first things that he does is to recognize the privacy of his congregation. And he does not intrude upon their privacy and he does not in any way bully them. They congregation comes to the church to hear the pastor teach what the message that he teaches, day by day is designed to repair them and to give them a relationship with God, and therefore it is the job of the pastor to execute the scripture to present the eyes of God the acts of Scripture to present the categories which exist in Scripture, but it is in no way his responsibility to intrude upon your privacy. And this was developed on the principle of the priesthood of the believer for a congregation should be made up of believers, and in the church age, every believer is a priest, every believer is in full time Christian service, and as a part of the privacy of the priesthood of the believer, I would not permit anyone to ever have you fill in a visitor's card, I wouldn't permit a visitor's car, you will not get a hypocritical ladder was nice to have you here we're trying to build up a large congregation, and we'd appreciate your donations and we will give you attention until you fall into our congregation Not at all.

That is hypoxi that is religiosity. That is legalism. And that has no part in the function of this church.

So for those of you who are here once a year, why you were here is your business to a swage, a guilt complex. Good luck for the next year in business and social life whatever your purpose is, you will come in with your purpose unknown. You will go out with your purpose and you will remain unknown to me, and unknown to the members of this congregation and you may think that's unusual but uh you know that's true of the congregation in general. There are not many people in this congregation that know many other people in this congregation because when you come here you come for the Word of God. And you have a right to your privacy. And if you want to make friends in your congregation that you must be aggressing. We have no design program we have no Lonely Hearts Club. We have no church parties and play musical chairs and marching to Jerusalem and other get acquainted games.

We've run out of that type of stuff.

So part of human viewpoint.

And frankly, I had a very interesting reminder that this is Easter Sunday.

A very charming young lady I guess she must be I would guess I apologize if I'm wrong, I'd say she's probably 13. That's because course 13 is my lucky number.

And she presented me this morning at the early service, and any presentation made before.

830 is something I always just smile I don't know what to do, that early in the market.

But she presented me as you can see an Easter egg.

Now most of you have seen on Easter egg. I mean, I've been, I've been presented eggs before, but not in such a nice form.

This one wasn't thrown.

This was presented.

I want to show you what's on this a or something on it.

I'll show you what it is, when I find even my eyes it was five minutes after she left before my eyes could focus.

Because you see, by then it was always over 500 hours.

But I want you to see if I can reproduce it. First of all, she had an arrow that represents a pastor standing before the congregation.

Everyone represents operation, ice, ice agog x categories actually Jesus.

Then there's a beautiful little circle there that represents part of the long, the left line of the soul. And then there's a little box which represents the mind, or the soul the Greek calls it the news. And then inside there's a little something there's a single G and that stands for gnosis G and o S is in the Greek, which means comprehension of doctrine. And of course that is accomplished by the filling of the Holy Spirit. And then there is a beautiful line going from the mind, you'll see doctrine in the mind is not of any use it has no application. And so there is an arrow going down a very nice arrow it's curved just about like mad. And then there's another box down here representing the human spirit, and then she has in very neat precise printing mpg for epi gnosis Bible doctrine in the human spirit, and then right here she left a little gap and there's an arrow coming out, just like that, toward God, exhale toward God. And then she has another arrow over here, toward man. And then she has played she did it this way I think is very beautiful she put the first floor of the edification complex. That's grace orientation. And then she in that a little bit. She likes her building slightly embedded on her next floor or next floor is relaxed mental attitude.

And her next floor for beautiful inner happiness and are nice for the pasty love, and then her next floor and her penthouse is mastery the details of life.

And she had one word over here to show that Bible doctrine is transferred from the mind to the human spirit by faith. I'd say that's an Easter egg.

And that, I guess I'll never get another easter egg like this. That easter egg, made me realize, someone caught on around here.

Now you can, those of you who are visitors here today, whoever you are.

You can see why I'm not gonna cater to you and give a short, sweet talk hearts and flowers. It was good to have been here type of thing. I'm not going to do, I'm just going to go on with our son, you know why because the objective of bracket church is to teach Bible doctrine, today, tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, we rest on the Sabbath the Sabbath is Saturday no teaching here on Saturday. But we crank it up again Sunday we make up for it because we go three times on three different subjects.


Now you can come here once a year if you want to, but I'm sorry you may catch on to something today and you may not. But just see that your problem. And that's not my problem and that's between you and the Lord and it's not really my business. My business is to keep on cranking it out and we start cranking it up today at Ephesians chapter five still play baseball.

There is no second baseman, it was called an Easter a.

Ephesians chapter five and we have been studying verses, 22 and 23.

I know some of you man were nagged into coming to church on Easter Sunday. If you can read this passage why you may be able to get out of it next Easter.

Because as this passage stands It looks as though you have an out of course you need a little doctor on ride man right woman and a few thousand other principles, but every now and then someone pops in here they have one idea in mind. They're here because someone they love or respect finally pressed them in the comment.

They hope it's short and sweet and as painless as possible, not like the offer if you've ever been forced to go to the opera, all night agony.

Lesson happens to be, you happen to know the language and so on.

And so it's very interesting. Here you are. The go someone press you have that sweet little lady finally got you in here, which is thing for a year and now you can hit her with this, you'll probably remember this. Wives, submit to your husbands. So that's our first passage here.

Now it says Wives, submit to your husband but actually the word for wife is woman women submit to the noble man, which is your right man as unto the Lord and we have been studying that for two or three weeks and finding its counterpart throughout the Word of God. And since we have covered in detail the acts of Jesus. So this passage. We are now ready for the acts of Jesus, first 23, which says the husband is the head of the wife, but it doesn't really say four because the Greek word is whoa T and looks like this, and hold hoti never means four, it always means because. And I guess there is a time in the life of every woman when she says why.

Why do I have to be a woman and submit to this monster Of course she often forgets that of her own volition she went to the altar of her own volition she accepted this man for better or worse, and just because the better fade out and the worst got strong. She says why she says it's all God's fault. She said it was I really left home because my mother was troubled or because my father was afraid he'd have to support me for the rest of my life, or because all of my friends were getting married, or because it was the thing to do, are because I hit the panic button that I was now 21 and was an old me so many things come to mind, of course, by way of excuse but no one has an excuse, no one in the world has an excuse, because you have a free will. And the male who said will you marry me had a free will, and may have been right man right woman, or may not, but we cannot stop and look and counsel and try to take care of the problems that may have developed in your life because this is a principle. This is a principle which says the man, because the husband, it says on the English, but the word for husband in the Greek is on air, and on air means noble man.

There's no such word as husband and wife in the Bible. It's always right man right woman and when they find each other, there's a coalescence of souls, and the marriage occurs when there's a coalescence of bodies. And I guess you realize that for hundreds and even thousands of years in the history of the human race. No one ever stood up before a pastor until the Roman church began to dominate the Western world, and then they said look, anybody that's married outside of the churches and married, you've got to come inside to be married, and that is an encroachment upon the freedom, and the right of the state, because marriage is a divine institution, and as a divine institution, it is for all members of the human race, and for the church to take marriage, away from the state is an encroachment upon church and state, and a destruction of human freedom for there must always be a separation of religion and state, there must always be a separation of church and state. And every time a wedding ceremony is performed in the church, it doesn't improve the marriage, never had it doesn't give you want to good luck. It doesn't sanctify the marriage, you know what sanctifies the marriage, God sanctifies the marriage because billions of years ago, he designed a right man for a right woman, and he designed the soul he designed the body he designed the whole thing but we've been studying that for a month now. And those of you who have been here for the last month you know my faithful congregation. I'm the right pastor you're the right congregation, and you've been faithful for a month and coming and listening to this and I've been faithful and cranking it out I'm going to keep on being faithful and cranking it out. And today we have a new aspect of this and it comes from this first phrase, it says because the noble man is, and this word is a present active indicative of irony, and I am He is absolute status code, and the present tense is linear action start and should be translated keeps on being there never will be a time Now listen, ladies. Once you find your right man there never will be a time when he isn't cheap the word hand here by the way means cheap. He is your cheap. From that point. As long as you live, and you may fight it, you may buck the tiger and you may rationalize it, you may go in 1000 different directions. And he may not be everything you want him to be by ease you’re right, man, you are is right.

Some of you may remember back in the 20s when we used to have good music in the 20s, the 30s, they had a musical called the Showboat at Old Man River and a lot of things like that. And this gal found her right man he was a Showboat capital name was Bill.

And this guy is messed up with her in about 40 different ways. But she always would say, he's just my bill. You can't get away from 100 he's just your bill, and that's the way it's going to be, and all of hell can't change it.

God has designed for you a right man and you can go and 40,000 directions, but he's still your right man, and you are his right woman, and it's a design in the soul, and there's no other soul that will meet the demand, and there is no other body that will meet the demand there is between one man and one woman, there is a time when their souls become one, and their bodies become one and that's it. Nothing will ever change it. All of the unfaithfulness all of the weird ideas, all the racialization everything in life that you would like us to avoid it cannot change it. Now we have documented this from some of the most fascinating portions of God's Word that have ever existed.

He is he killed chapter 16, we lost 25 people from trauma.

Jeremiah chapters two and three. There's so much sex there that someone thought they have pornographic literature instead of Word of God is a kill 23 and many other pastors listen this is the word of God and when we got into the Hebrew of some of these things I couldn't believe how shots on the view were there on tape, by the way, by incidentally if you are a taper and you live in Houston, there will be no more tape orders filled in Houston until after the 15th of the month, we are have a grace operation, and we haven't caught up well the outside. And so we're going to concentrate for the next two weeks and sending the tapes to people who have ordered all the way from PAYGO right down to Hampstead, and if you're as far out as Hampstead you'll get your tapes. And if you're as close in as Euston you had it for two weeks. So go back over your old tapes and then come in and order, or any way you want to the mail is available for them, and your feet anyway you want to get take we have, we're happy to give you all you want. We're just right now trying to catch up with the outside world.

But it is on tape. For those of you who have missed that particular portion. Now it says here because the noble man is the chief of the woman, and again that word for a woman I hate to report it because it always seems that a woman is something that you think of in terms of euphony and symmetry and everything that's wonderful. And you don't get it from the Greek goo ne.

Yes, this is the source of our word goon. And I'm not prepared to tell you.

I'm not prepared to tell you just how the etymology got around to it I think some guy must have been very bitter about some woman, frankly, but, but I do love the word we're gonna deal with in a moment. It's you can't beat it looks like this isha.

ISHA, looks like this. In the England, Isha, unless I want to tell you there's no more beautiful word for woman in any language, Isha this beautiful flower is not just the way the right woman flows, and the way the right woman has the symmetry. The beauty of soul the beauty of body that belongs to you and no one else design for you by God and eternity past Isha. All right. Let's leave our passage we'll come back to the exegesis so this passage after we amplify a point or two. Now today we're in for a big shock, and it starts in Jeremiah 31.

Jeremiah chapter 31.

And I want you to see the analogy Up to now, by the way the ladies have had the most difficult end of this today ladies you are liberated.

It's a brand new ballgame. I want you to get the outline because some that may be something that you will get and nothing else. We are going to deal with Jeremiah 31 from there we are going to Proverbs five, where the ladies finally get a square deal some of the ladies that thought that we have a double standard.

And you have been led to believe that because every pass he just a woman who is unfaithful. And it's the man who is true blue all the way you know why because the analogies that we have studied so far, are all connected with the Lord as the right man and the woman as Israel. And obviously it was Israel, it was on faith or not the Lord He never was faithful to them. They never was never was faithless to them. He has never been faithless to you, it is incompatible with God's nature to be faithless, if you have personally believed Jesus Christ as your Savior and received him as such. He is faithful to you God is faithful he can be nothing else, it would be totally incompatible with his character, and he can't change his character so he's always faithful to you in time, you'll always be faithful to you and eternity. And it's been rather hard on the women, even though I've said vice versa that hasn't satisfied the ladies at all. I have occasionally thrown in and vice versa when I thought they were going to faint fall out of the views or get up and walk out and mass, Allah carry nation.

But somehow you ladies have survived it and when we get to Proverbs five you will have the privilege of seeing the shoe on the other foot.

Now, in our two passages this morning, first of all, Jeremiah 31 by now you've turned to it. We have as doctrine is to the believer, let's put it right in here as doctrine is to the believer soul right man is to Ryan woman.

Now in Jeremiah 31 doctrine is the right man so obviously the woman's going to be faithful.

But the lever is the right woman, because the lever responds to doctrine under gap. Grace apparatus for perception. So as doctrine is to the believer soul the right man to the right woman, and that's the analogy, found in Jeremiah 31. But there is another principle found in Proverbs five. As the believer is to doctrine.

So is the right man to the right woman.

Now this is a different principle that the lever must not neglect doctrine the doctrine is this right woman.

Just as a right man should not be faithless or neglect his right woman. So the believer must not neglect Bible doctrine, and in Proverbs five. The man is faithful and you know that's the first time we've had such a passage. So ladies Happy Easter to you whatever Easter means to me it's just another Sunday.

All right.

We're ready now for this glorious passage.

We'll have to go rapidly and stop occasionally to notice some extra Jesus, Jeremiah 31 one says at the same time said the Lord will I be the God of all the families of Israel. They shall be my people that's the analogy we've had before the Lord is the right man and Israel the right woman and they belong together first to sample are the people which were left of the sword found grace in the wilderness, even Israel. When I went to cause them to arrest This is simply a statement of the principle of grace. There are those Jews who personally believed in Jesus Christ and the Old Testament, they found grace in the desert, even Israel, and I went to cause them to rask God is always faithful to the believer. There never was a time there never will be a time when God is faithless to you as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, verse three The Lord has appeared of old on to me saying Yay, I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness have I drawn me. God is the right woman, or God is the right man, Israel is the right woman in the analogy which is carried out in Jeremiah. And so God declares this principle. You belong to me, Israel, and therefore I have drawn you To me, the word to draw means to draw in love it means to embrace it means to recognize a principle, and on the basis of that principle to make love. Verse four again I will build the, and thou shall be constructed or Virgin of Israel thou shall began be adorned with by tablets, and shall go forth and the dances of them that make marry are as it says, Have a wonderful party God says I have a wonderful party for you. You're going to again have your tablets. Here is the soul, self-consciousness mentality volition emotion conscience. The Olson nature. There are five apertures left long right long, there will again be glowing from the soul from each facet of the soul that riches come from the edification complex of the soul. I'm going to restore you, you're going to have that edification complex, and you’re going to have that wonderful party for ever and ever. Now this is one of the principles which is found in this passage. This is the principle with which we are familiar. Just as there is a right man or a right woman. So, there is the Lord for Israel, Israel being, those who believe those who have received Christ the Savior, those who are born again. We have many things here he says I will build you again edification complex, and you're going to have that inner happiness for which you were designed in eternity past.

Then in verses five through eight, or actually five through nine. We have millennial restoration. And we have a story of the millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ, and how it actually affects everything. Then we move on to verse 14. And in verse 14 we have again the statement of the fifth cycle or discipline, or how the Jews were punished when they became apostate. In other words, they Israel is the right woman, and the right woman became unfaithful. She became on faithful to the Lord, to the right man. And as a result, God put the Jews, not once but twice historically under the fifth cycle of discipline, they became the captives they became the slaves of another nation, their own nation and they're all nice celebrity and the freedoms that go with it was removed from them. But he says in verse 14, even though this is true, even though I put you under discipline. I am going to restore you, and when I restore you verse 14 is pertinent, I will satiate the soul of the priests with fatness. In other words, the priest was the communicator Bible doctrine in written form, and the word satiate means to satisfy. First of all the cute communicator must be satisfied or satiated ie the actual Hebrew word here is rah, rah Wah, looks like this and the Hebrew, and it's in the p al Stam, and it means that we are going to have communicators who are thirsty for the word, and the PA L is the intensity of STEM in the Hebrew, and it means there will be an intense satisfaction. In other words, so satisfied with the Word of God as to respond in an intense way, and my people shall be satisfied with my good divine good self alone. Now that's when the restoration occurs. In the meantime, the fifth cycle of discipline Gerald I had to warn the people that the Kaldi is we're coming under the command of Nebuchadnezzar, and in 586, the city would be destroyed and the people would go into back captivity. And at this point he mentioned that the set the Lord, a voice was heard in raymar, raymar was the headquarters of Nebuchadnezzar during the siege of Jerusalem, and Ray ma was the place where the captives, were assembled, there had to be an assembly point for all of those who survived the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 bc and this was it. And raima lamination and bitter weeping lamentation and better weeping is what happens when the right woman is unfaithful to the right man. So here's the right woman, here's the right man, the right woman becomes unfaithful. And as a result, she has lamination, She has her weeping at her weeping may occur off and on, but it is the mental attitude bitterness, when the right woman is unfaithful she is bitter, she has a metal attitude, and that metal attitude is expressed in Hebrews 1215, it says beware lest you be defiled by bitterness any root of bitterness springing up, and thereby many be defiled bitterness is a mental attitude reaction toward the right man.

And because the Jews had failed to learn Bible doctrine and had failed to function under gap, and it failed to operate on a frame of reference in the mind and had failed to have the certification complex which delivers the people we find them in this very serious Jeopardy they are going out onto the fifth cycle. And this lamination weeping is described in detail by Psalm 119. Verse 16 says vasantha Lord refrain via voice from weeping and thine eyes from tears for the work shall be rewarded the work of teaching doctrine shall be rewarded set the Lord, and they shall come again from the land of the enemy, you're going up for a while. In 586 bc the Jews went out the Jews who survived and 586 bc the fall of Jerusalem, these Jews were assembled at Rhemaraima was the headquarters of Nebuchadnezzar just outside of Jerusalem north of the city, and 530 6. billion in the period in 50 years, the Jews would learn the value of Dr. And there would be one generation of edification complexes in captivity, there would be the Jews would then come back to the land, they would understand the importance of doctrine, and by 516, the temple would be rebuilt and you have them out for 70 years onto the past cycle of discipline and they learned some lessons, the importance of faithfulness and this applies to our doctrine, I you might as well face it ladies, there is a right man, and that right man is the one to whom you must be faithful at all times, under all circumstances. And as we've already studied last time, it is a mental faithfulness. That is a faithfulness of the soul. It is a faithfulness of the body. It is a faithfulness which you can't get around that man is your chief. He is the chief of the woman.

And therefore, because there is a right man notice and there is hope in binance. Set the Lord, and I children shall come again to their own board I want you to notice the word children and see the analogy.

When the believer is faithful to the Lord He takes in doctrine, there'll be a lever response to doctrine, and that doctrine becomes gnosis. That means it is understood in the mind. Here it is, gnosis g and all as is. And then it is transferred by faith down to the human spirit, where it becomes epi gnosis ariddek can be used. Here is the expression of your love toward God you exhale epi gnosis you exhale out the right bank toward man. You cycle it up here as a frame of reference in one of your frontal lobes divine viewpoint, and your build and edification complex, these are the children epi gnosis is Bible doctrine in your human spirit the result of gap. Once you have Bible doctrine in your human spirit, then you have children, here are twins, the exhale from the soul, exhale toward God, exhale toward man over on the left here we have frame of reference you psych up there's your frame of reference children. And here's the edification complex children. So the children, I simply represent the benefits from responding to Bible doctrine. And so we now have a change of analogy at this point, instead of the Lord, we have the mind of the Lord Bible doctrine is to the believer, as the right man is to the right woman and Bible doctrine is the only answer for this nation today Bible doctrine was the only answer for the Jew then, and while the Jews route under discipline, and while they were out of the 70 years of the Babylonian captivity, they learn to respond to doctrine they learned it on the death march of Psalm 119, they learned it while they were kept to use of the Kaldi and they learned it when they were liberated and 536 by the Persian Empire, they learned it as they began to reestablish their own national entity they learn that Bible doctrine is something to which they must be faithful, because Bible doctrine in analogy represents the right man, just as the believer represents the right woman. Please notice on this side the woman is a responder, and the lever is a responder to Bible doctrine. This is the way it must be. This is why we have the analogy.

And in this response in verse 19, we will notice a few things surely after I was turned. You see, once you turn back to Bible doctrine as a believer, I repented that's the rebound technique. After that I was instructed in the instruction as the function of gap. And I smoked my thigh I was ashamed I was confused because I did not bear the reproach of my youth has to do with past failure recalled, to make sure that it won't happen again. Now we're ready for verse 22. Here is the verse that applies directly to the passage we are studying the man, the right man the noble man is the chief of the woman, and I will write on the board the literal translation of Ephesians 523. The on air, the noble man, which of course is the right man keeps on being present active indicative of Imy, I'll just put it in this is the key.

Oh, the woman, the right woman. So here's the right woman. Now see yours right man here's right woman, then we'll have another analogy next Sunday as Christ as the head of the church as Christ is the head of the church, the right man is the chief of the right woman, and Christ has a relationship with the church, and the right man has a relationship with the right woman. And listen, the head of the church is always faithful he's the right man, it is the right woman to be adopted, it is the right woman who has faithless and when the church is faithless toward the Lord, that's where the problem begins. All right, first 22, how we'll go about old our backsliding daughter motors, how will bow go about, oh Val backsliding daughter daughter is used here for the woman, this is the right woman for the Lord, have created a new thing. And the word Park create is Ba ra looks like this and the Hebrew. Ba ra, a andbarah means to create something out of nothing and billions and billions and billions of years ago long before the first man existed. God borrowed something. All right man with your soul, bless his body, and a right woman with her soul, and her body and the Soul of the Man fulfills the soul of the right woman, and the body of the Man fulfills the body of the right woman, and in the coalescence of souls, and in the coalescence of bodies, we have the most beautiful expression of God's grace, it is something so fantastic and so wonderful. There is nothing comparable to it. And so the Lord have borrowed a new thing of the earth and notice what he has made, and he made this law before Manson, it says here, a woman, shall encompass, man. Not Kiva to Solvay they've got their sales in the Hebrew. Now let's break that up one of the time. First place, mckeeva, and EQEB. Ah, the cave Ah, now this is, I told you a little while ago that the word for a woman works like this, Isha, and this is the word for woman what does mckeeva mean, it's translated here that way it says, a woman shall encompass a man but doesn't say that at all. You know why it doesn't say that because that cave ah is a female and should be translated that way why because it emphasizes the fact that her soul was designed to respond to one man, and her body was designed to respond to one man, there is only one man, or her, and so Isha is not used. It's not Kiva in the Hebrew, and it means her soul, God designed every woman has a soul every woman has self-consciousness. Oh by the way, maybe we better repeat that man did you know that your wife or your woman has a soul.

Did you know a woman had sort of a maybe a shock to sound?

Now this where if I were talking in some other part of the world some other day like the Arabs, you know, well the woman has a soul a soul there's a horse on them and a woman and a horse are all in the same category.

But a woman has a soul and it's designed by God every woman has self-consciousness mentality volition emotion conscience and all sin nature, but you know something. While every woman has the same category of soul, every woman's soul is different from the next, and the next moment.

There are no two women who have the same type of soul, whether it's self-consciousness or mentality, or volition, or emotion or conscience, or Western nature.

And that's So, apart from the old sin nature that soul was designed in eternity past for one man to fulfill, and the right man fulfills herself consciousness that man goes into her soul and she can't get rid of him. Here's her self-consciousness of the soul, and he enters on this side this is the left bank or the right bank or so, this man enters her soul and her right man is in her soul and she can't shake him she may at MIT she may love him, and she may respect even she may despise him, but he's there. He was designed to be there.

And then there is mentality, and he enters that aperture of our soul, and she may think about him in different ways but I want you to know something ladies. You ever right man Do you think about complimentary or uncomplimentary happy or sad hate or love like us think about him in things about him and think about him, and you may think in terms of admiration and you may think in terms of why did he do that to me.

But you think about him. And someone comes along and they enter your mind for a minute and they go right on through and out again. Just one right man.

Now we took up last time the tragedy of having the right man up here in your mind and giving your body to someone else. We won't repeat that beside we have one or two here that probably would just get a little bit sick or upset.

All right, volition.

This man in your soul you want to please this man, you want to honor this man, and from your posture population when this matters, your soul you know what you say to him. Yes my lord, and you're never more glorious or glamorous, and there's nothing degrading about recognizing one man is your Lord.

In fact if to the contrary, you become the glory of that man. And so when he enters your soul and you throw up positive signals you say Yes my lord, and when you say yes my Lord, You are the glory of that man. And once you have a glory there you will never have in any other way. That man is your Lord. And then you have emotion. And when he enters the emotion of your soul.

I always think of the Duchess of Marlborough.

The Duke of Marlborough is one of the great military heroes of English, history, you know the Battle of glamour Obama families and all those battles with which you're familiar no doubt.

And he married a most magnificent woman design from him by God and eternity past idol I doubt if either one wherever believers if they I don't know anything about it but this is a right man right one relationship.

When the Duke of Marlborough by the way is a great grandfather of Winston Churchill, but the Duke of Milan girl died before his Duchess. And she was a magnificently beautiful woman, and everyone wanted the merrier.

They thought she was something worth having. And many man tried to persuade her in many ways to marry them. And she always told me the same.

There’s that one man of my life that will always be one man in my life, and no man in this world will ever come up, Duke of Marlborough. He's MY man. And she refused them all. And she lived out her life with her right man still in her soul though his body results.

Now, that's entering the emotion, then there's conscience. This right man is designed to fulfill the norms and standards of her conscience. All right, you can begin to see the old man the white man get some assault, the Lord has created a brand new thing.

He has created one man for one woman and vice versa. And then of course the next step is the physical relationship, and that's the one that's emphasized here under the verb, just so vague, which is in the Hebrew APA lm perfect of the verb saw bam. Let's take a look at the verb saw Bab or saw babe either way.

s a b a b is the way it would look in the English essay b a b but a B is pronounced like a V in Hebrew of the cows Stan which was the simple stamp, he saw that means to surround brought him up here to Stam, the PA Oh Stan is the intensive Stam. And it means to embrace.

It means to make love it means to respond in love, and it has to do with the anatomy and the physiology of the female. She that's why the word female was used here, mckeeva was used, why is the K value for one reason. The woman is designed physically differ from the man she has covered with Eric Gina zones, she was designed to respond. She was designed to be fulfilled by a man at the same time to fulfill him. This is the anatomy, but that doesn't mean the anatomy of any woman there are certain ways in which the anatomy of one woman is designed to respond only to one man, there are certain ways in the physiology, in which he is designed to respond only to one man, it is first of all soul but it goes into the body and this verse emphasizes the body, they causethe cave ah saw Babs and it's in the PA o stamp and it means, her response to the right man is intensity, it is physical, it is sexual and it is glorious.

I remember last week. I remember I'm passing the horse forward you remember, sorry you weren't here I know.

Yes, we have the doctrine of the Horus for it.

And we saw this same principle, which, by the way, I'm talking about scripture.

As some of you are having any trouble and you should. Swear to God.

A woman. Here's the bridge of her nose going down and I haven't fixed her eyes as much. But here's her forehead.

A woman will get eventually wrinkles going this way, I mean she may tighten them up occasionally surgery and all that. But they're all going that way. They're all going parallel to the ground.

And the horse for it was a very old idiom for a woman giving her body to a man, but not caring about sore Ford remains smooth, or the wrinkles that come out will come this way. But when a woman truly responds to a man they go this way.

And they come all the way down right now between the top of the nose and the eyes and so on. And we saw that the Horace for it is a woman giving her body 20 man fornicating with any man being on faithful to her right man. Maybe she hasn't met him yet. Maybe she has, whether she hasn't or hasn't she has fornicator, she has given her body, but not her soul, she can't. It was designed for one man, and so was her body through the Horace Ford is now seen again. We have the other side of the coin. Here she is sebab is in the Pl stem and Emma PL stamp this is intensity. Her response. I see a couple of women back there giggling of all of the idiots I've ever seen lack of boys listen the young lady. This is for you. And it's your happiness we're discussing.

And this is neither superficial nor trivial, nor funny. Nice say many funny things I have a marvelous sense of humor.

This just doesn't have to be one of them.

This is serious because you young ladies who are simpering through lack of poise, are in the most danger cargo this passage. Because when you start giving your body to any man. When you start fornicating or if you prefer committing adultery or fornication or veteran.

When you start fornicating all over the place you put scar tissue on your soul and destroy the possibility of relationship of the right man, we take them out of the hole.

So, the woman, the right woman has in her body, something that will respond, only to the right man her era Gina zones cannot be stimulated by the wrong man. Her whole anatomy her physiology cannot be stimulated by the wrong man, and therefore it has to become something that is meaningful something that is frustrating, something that is out of line.

But when the right man is the Pl stem of sob. And so we will translate this a female shell fit this word means to fit to encompass to embrace to fit. Female shell fit, and then the ordinary word for man we've had it so many times in the Hebrew but it doesn't occur here, isha don't have a shear. We have another word God bear, and what is God bear g a g a b. God bear means that he wrote, and he wrote means the right man, a female the right woman shall fit the right man. There is a perfect soul leash physiological and sex fit. That's what it says. That's what it is.

Now the counterpart to this is found in verse 25, I have satiated the weary soul The Lord says and what does that doctrine, as doctrine satiate or satisfies the weary soul. As doctrine is to the believer soul is the right man to the right woman, the right woman and complies the right man. She is designed to fit him jaws does the lever is designed to take in doctrine that the lever is designed to encompass doctrine, and so they. And so when the believers saw Babs doctrine is like the right woman stop having the right man, then there is that glorious ecstasy that blessing that cannot be described in human terms that comes from it. And in verse 25, I have satiated the weary soul. I have replenished every sorrowful soul, the word for satiate is raw in the hip field, which is a causative stem raw looks like this. And this is the kebele stamp and the hip field is causative in the Hebrew and doctrine causes uneven satisfaction doctrine causes satiation, and then when he says I have replenished every sorrowful soul, he goes to the p al Stam of mala, which looks like this.

I amisha. Hey, well we're just making ma la means complete satisfied should like complete quenching of thirst total satisfaction doctrine provides total satisfaction for the believer, as the right man provides total satisfaction for the right woman. Now there are many other glorious things in this passage but you do not have time for them because we must see what the ladies have all been waiting for proverbs five.Areas where the right man steps out of line. And here is where we see the other side of the picture.

Don't worry, ladies, it will stay there for you.

We will have to cover this rather rapidly but I think we can see the beautiful picture. Now, recall again that Jeremiah 31 john Jeremiah chapter two Jeremiah chapter three is zekiel chapter 16, all of these passages we have studied Up to now, either have the Lord to the to Israel the believer in Israel, or doctrine, to the believer, as the analogy, or right man and right woman, but now it's going to change. Now, it is the believer represented by the right man, and it is doctrine, represented by the right woman. We have a reverse analogy, why, but the lever must not be unfaithful to doctrine. The believer must not neglect doctrine, justice, the right man must never neglect the right woman. Proverbs chapter five begins by saying my son. This is David Solomon This is Solomon to Rehoboam, my son. I attend to my wisdom. Your word for wisdom means doctrine, located in the human spirit. Looks like this in the Hebrew Chak ma h cat Ma, and cat miles, the same as what we have been studying every gnosis Bible doctrine located in the human spirit. He says attend to my wisdom. This is Bible doctrine located in the human spirit of a father, presenting this doctrine to his son and he says bow thine ear to my understanding, no one can teach someone else unless they recognize the authority. Now you know the IRS do not file. This means the IRS are used to hear the message, you must recognize the authority of the one who is teaching, and we have already taken up the doctrine of authority.

So he says bow your ear to my understanding, and this time of yours is another word for understanding Tapuna, and what is Tupouna let's take a look as it is in the Hebrew here it is, G, A, B u and H Tapuna, and takuna is the same as epi gnosis Alright, but it is, exhale toward a person or persons in this case my son.

In other words, from the human spirit at going out of the right bank toward your son David taught this to Solomon, and Solomon taught the history of all this is family teaching the father to the son. My son, I have something in the human spirit I want to share with you, so you must attend that means you must respect my authority, you must bow your ear to my top boo not to my understanding that thou mayest regard discretion, and that my lips my cheek knowledge. Please notice that discretion is doctrine in the mind and keeping knowledge means to express it should be here by the way. All right, he is saying this, look, we're going to get into right man right woman, it's going to be an analogy, in this case the believer is going to be the right man and doctor is going to be the right woman, you must be faithful to your right woman, and the left have to do with faithfulness as well as the thinking this is both a matter of the mind and the voice being involved. And when it says keep my knowledge, this is also a frame of reference. Now he starts out with a false woman the wrong woman and a woman who is not the wrong, the right woman is a strange woman. So here is right, man. And he has a relationship with WWE a wrong woman known here as strange woman. Now what about the strange woman. Well first of all, she has to be attractive or you wouldn't be unfaithful in some ways. Now this doesn't mean she has to be physically beautiful not at all at all right woman will always look at what appears to be her rival and say what on earth. Does he ever seen that, while that bit of so and so, or that petaflop or whatever vocabulary you use for others.

What on earth. Does he ever see in that. Well, there may not be anything to see but she is a flatterer.

You know, the male ego, and the female flattery, a combination for unfaithfulness right here.

Now I didn't write this, I'll lay it on the line as it is. He says the lips of a strange woman, this is the wrong one drop as honeycomb but doesn't say drop at all it's more than that there's still like you do there's some kind of alcoholic beverages that you like, maybe you may not but that's the analogy here and just still like honey, just as a drop of honey on the tongue gives you satisfaction. So the wrong woman comes along and she tells you what a great guy you are and she builds up your pride and in her mouth is smoother than oil.

And she has a wonderful line she sympathizes at a time when you're down, and all the rest of it.

Listen, she starts out making you feel like the greatest thing in the world she inflates you out of place to where you think you are the world, she makes you maybe a beggar she makes you feel like a king she just flatters and flatters and flatters, I want you to notice the type of unfaithfulness here because you see the same thing is true in doctrine, human viewpoint flatters you doctrine just kicked you know where, you know, wherever it goes you've moved out many times, under those conditions doctrine doesn't always compliment you does it.

But doctor tells you how great the Lord is now the wrong woman is a flatterer, and whatever she says is like distill to honey.

Now the only thing we have today there's still, it's like, well I'll give you an exactly. It's like Drambuie Rambo is scotch and honey and a famous mcore that has existed since the days of Bonnie Prince Charlie. And when Bonnie Prince Charlie was escaping from England. The man who helped him to escape Bonnie Prince Charlie worked this one out. It had been in the Stewart house for years Charlie Stewart, and he was the king of England on May, now he wasn't he was on his way out. And so to show his gratitude to the Scotsman. He gave him the formula or his favorite after drink after dinner.

And it was no one to this day has ever known of it's a combination of scotch and honey. It has never been reproduced people have been able to reproduce something close to Coca Cola and other famous secret formulas. No one has ever come close to this, and the Scotsman, who saved the life of King Charles called it the ROM buoy. A little drama afternoon.

And it's a little bit of honey and a little bit of scotch I've Don't look at me that way I've never liked scotch my father had Hagen hang around there, you wouldn't believe it.

And I spent as a boy, I sampled it bet your life I did I could never walk by a bottle of Hagen egg without saying I wonder what that stuff's like the way the old man takes it must be some.

And when I did me did just the way he did you take white tumbler just for no nowatsonian I think just a little bit that made me smile.

And I will move, but I didn't spot what.

I always figured if I'm gonna have to take medicine will be medicine that's the way it tastes to me.

I don't like Berry.

But everyone has a like or dislike but when you put a weed. If you put too much, you have it. When you put a little wee bit of Drambuie on the time.

It has it's just like candy may not have the same right you don't break it that way. But you see, that's what it is. A woman who is the wrong woman who says all those little lovely things. It's just like a little bit of rambling, and a little bit more but you know something, if you take more than a tablespoon full of Drambuie.

The sweetness becomes sick and sweet. And the effect is destroyed, it's one of those things where a little bit is enough.

And it isn't good to the taste buds it isn't good to the system and a lot of other things you don't drink Drambuie like water. And you don't take you don't let this gal get to you this way because it goes reverse for her and is better Wormwood. If you take a whole pile of DRAM and chug along, it's gonna be Wormwood for 24 hours or more.

And all of the tomato juice and raw eggs.

Sure in the domain of juice. And all of the Peptobismol, and everything you can think of is not going to take up the slack you cannot drink a bottle of Drambuie girl that starts out with her nice little sweet remarks, is going to be worth it all the way. She's the wrong one now that's what happens when you get into false doctrine. That's what happens when you get into the cults, you get Wormwood, and that's what happens when the right man leaves the right woman for any other woman, he has worms till that aid is less, and she forgives and takes him back. That's it.

You can't drown those words, and you can't sublimate away those words. All the females in the world dancing by the most glamorous the most beautiful the most attractive the most anything. They'll never cut it.

You got worms till the day I die unless that takes you back and fix the ones out of your

README loud and clear. You'd better.

Better as worm what's sharp is a two edged sword her feet go down to damper steps take hold of Hades and Hades is just an unpleasant place like hell.

Although it has a slightly different concept. This is the Hebrew here. But the idea is just the same. You this girl will lead you down to her feet go down. She leads you to death as a word does mean you got to die physically it means without your right woman you are an unfulfilled man. We have had that already. There was only one woman who can fulfill you, there is one woman who has a soul who has a body, who is designed for you, physiologically, and through anatomy, and that one woman is your path. She fulfills you and you fulfill her, and without your without her. You are nothing, and without her and some other woman you are worms.

And she leaves you down to death as a worm as full of worms, but never full up line that's what this passage means.

And if you have the wrong woman, you're in a mess. You have worms.

There's just one right woman, God didn't design a harem for you or anyone else said given the first six smile translated correctly les style sheets Potter the path of life. Her ways are movable, that thou canst not know that that is what it says. She is far removed from entering the way of life she's no part of your life. Her steps wander without her observing it. In other words, look, the wrong woman is going to make life miserable for you. She's not a part of your way of life God didn't assign her to be part of your life and her steps. Wander without him certainly there's all kinds of justice going to add worms to worms. Now listen to this young people hear me now therefore all you young people depart not from the words of my mouth removed, away from her and coming out of the door of her house stay away from her last file given by and honor onto others, and by yours to the cruel please notice your honor the right woman is the glory of the right man I want to tell you something man you may never know.

Because you may have followed up your life completely. But when you have such with the right woman, she is your glory and she comes back with a reflected glory that’s fantastic.

And everyone else. It's a mess. When you give your when you get when a man has sex with getting one but the right woman, he is giving away his glory to others.

Because he is depriving his right woman on that response of glory which we have already studied in First Corinthians 11.

The woman is the white man and the white woman.

Last fall, give to another Ember years under the cruel the wrong woman will be cruel can't help but be warned resign that the weather. And that isn't all left strangers be filled with your wealth and your labor is being the house of a stranger. They long woman again now what does this mean that means everything you do in life is not to be neutralized by having that long woman, you are going to born after laughs. When the flesh and the body are consumed because the day you die you will mourn when there's a right man and the right woman, and these two are not together and do not belong to each other and have been unfaithful to each other. Either way it goes. Whichever way it goes until the day of them, there will be mourning.

And you'll never get away from the sadness or the sorrow, you'll never drown it out we have been taught this company is filled with alcoholics, trying to drown out that mistake again around it.

And you can't sublimate it away. There's no way you can change it there's one right woman for you and there's one right man for you. And whichever way it goes. You might as well face up to it. No one else will do.

For those of you who are single that's a glorious chance for you. For those of you who are not listen to this, how you get into this kind of a mass. And you say how I have hated instruction despise doctrine. And my heart despised reproof for punishment, you see right away where it started. No wonder so many people make a terrible marriage, no matter why there's so many people have married a monster they hated instruction and they despised authority or the word reproved means to be reproved by someone in authority to be punished by someone in authority and children, who do not respond to punishment, are children who will grow up and carry the wrong one.

It's that simple. Sharing scripture.

And I have not obeyed the voice of my teachers as a pastor I warned about this constantly, and there are those in this congregation who will never be the voice of my teaching, nor incline my gear to them that instructed me, and I have been telling you now for bots there's a right man for you. It's worth waiting for young lady. There is a right woman for you. It's worth waiting for young man or old man or middle aged or whatever age, wait for the right line. Don't settle for any cheap substitute a little distilled honey will sour.

And you will have one.

You get the wrong one.

And, go to the grave with worms there's not exactly worth contemplating it certainly isn't gonna make for Happy Easter.

Right. The next is very simple in the Hebrew and a little complicated for our English minds.

Verse 14 says I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation assembly in other words I used to go and listen to doctrine, but it didn't do me any good.

I was evil in the congregation, some of you right now have a bad mental attitude you're evil in the congregation you're not listening to these things. I want some you're even rude common courtesy is something we like to see in this church. And so you've been talking while I'm talking, and there's only room for one there's one young man back there I've been watching him. And he's talking to the doll next to him and they get about every other sense of that much, just sheer rudeness and failure to recognize authority. Well, this doesn't mean he's involved in that but I mean somewhere along the line, they're going to be operation worm what I was evil in the midst of the congregation verse 15 drink water out of your own system, your system is so well and the wells the right woman. All right, you go to your right woman, drink water out of your right woman and running waters out of your own Well, don't mess around with the wrong one left a lot left I found speeders first abroad in the rivers of waters in the street. Now that said that says literally the right woman will shell cause your streams of water to influence others not worse when there's a relationship between the right man the right woman they're a pleasure to others is what verse 16 is saying. Verse 17. Let them be only fine. You have a right woman or a right man stick to it this is addressed to a man so stick to your right woman. Let there be only one, and not strangers with the no harem you see. Let your fountain be blessed. Your fountain is your right woman and rejoice with the Isha of your youth. The Chava youth is another way of describing right woman. Now go back and notice verse 15 your own sister and right woman, your own well, right woman .First 17 only thine own right woman, your fountain verse 18 right woman. The Isha of your youth right woman. Let her be the loving hind and the pleasant roll you probably wonder what is a loving Hein, and what is a pleasant roll when you ever write to wonder what is behind, and what the role is. Well, behind is a dole of beautiful graceful symmetrical don't.

And our role is a female caselle, and what they have in common. What you're right woman has to the eye of the beholder symmetry beauty and symmetry of soul and symmetry a body.

You'll be satisfied with that.

Let her breasts satisfy the at all times. Now you say why mentioned the breast Foreman's got something besides that, why, and there's a good reason, because this is one of the more obvious erogenous zones, because it's something a woman as a man doesn't, but a man has when he has the right one. That's all. Woman was designed to respond.

And be thou ravished always with her love. And there's no other way it goes when it's the right one. Verse 20, and why wilt thou my son, tried to be ravaged with a strange woman it's not gonna work and embrace the bosom of a stranger, it doesn't mean you don't know her name it just means she's not the right woman, a stranger in the sense of alien flesh to you. I may tell you something, man. God designed one woman for you and every other woman is alien flesh.

So keep your, you know what hands off.

Some of you man are probably chasers you think there's fun on the chase. You're so full of worms you would no fun if it came up and bitches.

You ever see an old chaser.

All right, verse 21 with the leaves of man or before the eyes of the Lord and he Potter at the ball he is going so in other words the Lord set this up.

Now the next phrase is not quite correctly translated verse 22 says here's on an equity shall take the wicked himself, literally, his own sins and equities here fornicating with strange women anyone but you're right woman, lay a hold of him. The evildoer notice why this guy makes a decision to be unfaithful. So it goes out before in a case. That's the wrong woman.

Wrong woman. There we have a WWE for in a case weather. And so he traps himself as what this says.

He traps himself.

He actually lays hold on himself evil door he traps himself. And he shall be bound with cords of his own. He ties up his own life by his own senate now so vice versa again. But this is where the man is said to be unfaithful. He actually ties himself up and lives too short to tie yourself up.

He shall die without instruction without doctrine. And in the greatness of his folly so you can be a fool, but this is a great tool.He shall go astray.

What a tragedy, go astray. Why, because God has designed a right woman for the right man and a right man for the right woman. And this passage makes it very clear, nothing else will do but don't forget the application. diablo doctrine is right for you a believer and nothing else will do, and you're going to hip pity hop into the Colts and the times movement and the victorious life experiences, and the fire gets on the fire, and the one shot decisions and the rosy glow and all the other phony stuff which is used as a substitute for doctrine, but you have to get back to one point man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, with our heads bowed with our eyes closed.

We dedicate the closing moments so this service this morning. Those of you who are here without Christ, without hope and without eternal life.

We want you to know that Jesus Christ had you personally in mind. And he went to the cross every sin you have ever committed asked present, or future has already been charged.

You will never have a sin to great have a plan of God.

Over 1900 years ago, the Lord Jesus Christ opened the door of heaven for you.

He was judged in your play.

Therefore, there's only one Savior. There's only one way of salvation. Jesus says, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, the binding. Now you will notice we've made a very simple request we've asked you to bow your heads and close your eyes You know why. To give you privacy.

You cannot have free will operate.

And you cannot make a decision under freedom without coercion.

Unless you have privacy within your soul.

Now with your head bowed and your eyes closed, if you want to make this decision, which gives you eternal life. If you want to believe in Jesus Christ in silent prayer, you can do so in silent prayer don't say anything out loud. God hears your silence. Just tell God the Father that you are believing in Jesus Christ say Father I believe in Jesus Christ right now, I'm accepting him. I'm trusting him use your idiom your vocabulary your vernacular, God understands all languages that you tell him.

And in the moment you tell him that you are the possessor of eternal life.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be said.

And you can express it any way you want. It's up to you.


1970 RM/RW

Eph. 5:23–24 Prov. 18:22 19:13–14 1Cor. 11:7

Lesson #8



04/05/1970 Eph. 5:23–24 Prov. 18:22 19:13–14 1Cor. 11:7

Raise you're not fighting with your wife right now it's because you're in church and we have ground rules don't fight with your wife in church.

That doesn't mean its right man right woman. And you would like it to be maybe, and you will go out of your way to try to make it something you can't make something that God didn't make you get married and be respectable ever after, have children, show pictures of your grandchildren ever want to walk by.

But it isn't gonna change the fact that right man and right woman. There's one right man for one right woman and the whole thing is designed by God. And if you have made a mistake, then my suggestion is you just might as well live in Bible class.

And when you get out of here grab yourself a tape or two and listen because you're gonna have a wonderful relationship with the Lord. And you might pick up some category three friends along the way, but your category two is at best going to be arm neutrality.

Now I'm not giving you an hour to run out and grab yourself a divorce either don't kid yourself for a minute. The trouble you people's you don't get the whole picture all at one time I didn't say you go out get divorced because you have a wrong person.

You know who made that brilliant decision to marry the wrong person. You did.

And you say well I didn't know what I was doing well I'll agree with that but you still did it still take responsibility for the sign of physical maturity is when a person gets married, because the decision says you leave father and mother and cleave to the other, and leaving father and mother doesn't mean you say goodbye mother and father I'll never see you again, it means you make your own decisions independent of parental authority and you are responsible for your own decision, and the day a person gets married if he's only 15 years old. From that point on, he's responsible for his own decisions, and technically he's an adult.

That's what it means to leave father, a mother, it doesn't mean to say goodbye a mother and father never see you again or drop down this ditch here will and will bury.

People have the weirdest ideas about leaving mother and father. It means you make your own decisions that means they no longer have authority over you. You have come out from under their authority, and you have established your own authority if you're a man, your authority over this poor girl that you married she's only 15 and you're only 50, and you're both mixed up but at least you, It's a new organization.

You read me. Saw you began to get it, I see that I haven't taught this properly.

And when it says you clean well you know what that is in the Greek that's post cola all.

And that means coalescence of bodies because of coalescence of souls because it's right man right one, right man right woman. And one thing and that's the way it was in the beginning and Adam and Eve were right man right woman and Adam didn't have a hard decision to make, because this beautiful doll is brought in by Jesus Christ and Adam alerts and he says, Isha, she's born on my phone and flesh my flesh she's different, but she's made to fulfill me, and I am designed to fulfill her. And so he's, he just took this beautiful daughter right away from the Lord and took her to himself, and he left the father and mother which he didn't have you seen it says so in Genesis 224. He says, a man shall leave his father and mother but he didn't have any father and mother and Eve didn't have any father and mother, but they had post Collado, which means they had made their own decisions and he decided for her and she decided for him, and they made love and they both were naked, and they were not ashamed. And that's making love and category to love see there's no shame in this for a simple reason. If it's your right person. Why should you be ashamed. But if it's the wrong person. I have seen cases of this where this has happened with man I used to deal with men on the service, this guy says, My goodness he said I woke up and I look at this, look to this gal, and I couldn't get out of there fast enough and I'm so ashamed of myself sir I don't know what to do. I bet I heard that 1000 times while I was in the service.

And what does it mean, it just means that they're this guy went out and fornicated. And it wasn't the right woman and he was ashamed and he couldn't get out of there fast enough.

No, you can't talk to me now, or Herman would you take and put it back there because we don't talk during his worship service. Take him on out, but can.

No, I'm not cutting anyone's hair on stage so just go right on out I'll talk to you later.

For anyone's information I don't cut anyone share you make your own decisions.

I want to tell you something.

People have to make their own decisions about a lot of things.

And sometimes we make bad decisions and sometimes you'll make the good decisions.

And that's why those of you who are young people and still single better make sure that when you get around to this marriage thing you better be sure you're making the right decision.

It goes if you're making a wrong decision as a believer, you can have great inner happiness and you can have great blessing and your relationship with the Lord can be great.

But I'm going to tell you one thing your marriage is going to be a flop and you can cover it up and whitewash it and you can stand there and smile with your opposite number give everyone the impression everything's great, and it's no one else's business. But I want to tell you on the authority of the Word of God there is not one job. There is not one tittle, there is not one thing, anywhere in the Word of God that says that a wrong man and a wrong woman are ever going to get along now they may stick it out, they may have lovely children and grandchildren, and they may have status symbols coming out of their ears, and they may have people on Thanksgiving and Christmas saying oh I wish I were married like they are and so happy. And that's all a lot of malarkey because if you don't have the right man the right woman, you're not gonna have protocol, and they were both naked and they were not ashamed and that belongs to one man and one woman period.

Now that's important.

So this is just one of those decisions you can't mess up on. Now let's take a look at this passage says whoever finds the right woman a good wife receives grace from the Lord, and whenever a right man and a right woman get married it's Grace, Grace, Grace because with everything thrown in it's still grace.

It's important that you understand its grace, all the way.

Now take a look at the next one, here's the other side of the fence.

Verse 13 of chapter 19 chapter 19 verse 13, a fully son is a calamity to his father. I never saw a father like to have a fully son.

And that is only half of it. The other half is Anna contentions of a wife or a continual dropping. And this means the nagging of a wife is like Chinese torture. She'll never let up.

If she is not the right woman she's gonna try to cut to mold you into something that fits her concepts and our personality, it could be vice versa too, we're just taking it from the standpoint of the Scripture here, but when a woman gets the wrong man she does her best to turn him into what she expects in a man what she wants in a man what her concepts that a man happened to be, and whatever those concepts happen to be that it's important that you understand that there are two things that can tear a man in two bits. One is to have a son who's a fool, and the other is to have a wife who nags. Now, it's his fault. He makes the final decision. And so if he got an idea why he bought the package himself, and he must take responsibility for what it is going to make him happy. You understand that.

So some of you man happened to have picked up along the way, a nagging wife. Look, you take full responsibility for it and you might as well assume responsibility, it's your responsibility. You made the decision, you pop the question. And you may have been under delusions of all sorts. But I want you to know, you made the decision. So stick it up and just got a strong Left Bank thing going there because you're gonna need it because you've got a nagging wife You need a relationship with the Lord like you've never had before. And I only know one way to get I'll see you in Bible class every night, and you get a few tapes in between.

All right.

Now take a look at verse 14. A lot of people say, Well, my marriage isn't too hot but I've made a lot of money now and I've got this and that I want you to see my stamp collection and my wife had much but I've sure collected a beautiful bunch of stamps and I've collected this and that and I play a good golf game now and listen that listen houses riches are the inheritance of fathers.

You may have received a lot of wonderful things, and are gonna make you happy, but their grace you didn't earn them your parents earned them your father earned that but listen to this. If a father can leave his son houses and riches if a father can leave an estate for his son listen to this prudentwife is from the Lord and it isn't prudent either, and it isn't prude either. It's sakal hand feel participle and it looks like this.

S A K A L and sakalmeans to be wise, and as a hip eo stamina means to be caused to be wise and an if you get a right woman from the Lord, and she has been functioning under gap, and she has epi gnosis hidden the human spirit, and she has an edification complex, you couldn't be better off to get the right woman and on edification complex all the same day. And this is in contrast, you see to verse 13, where you have a at the end of verse 13 you have a nagging wife, at the end of verse, 14 you have a wife cause to be wise and that's from the Lord.

So it's grace all the way. Now with these few little loose Sam's pulled together from the Old Testament let's turn to First Corinthians chapter 11. On our way back to Ephesians a funny thing happened in First Corinthians 11.

First Corinthians chapter 11.

And we'll began at verse seven I'll not try to execute this passage I've executed. I actually did it last night and I decided we don't really the acts of Jesus, as much as the principle I may notice a thing or two here. First Corinthians 11 seven says, a man indeed ought not to cover his head. In other words, he shouldn't wear a veil. This is the only half I had listened to in the ancient world at the time this was written they didn't have a lot of hats. They didn't have some pearls even. They had something that look like this. That's some real fine man wore.

There we go. They had something looks like that now that's called a helmet.

If you're an officer you have a little something up here if you're just Lieutenant you just have a plain, a piece of metal up here, but if you're feel great officer then you got to brush up here some horses hair and that thing like that. And if you're a general officer while you've got some dyed Crimson badger hair or something out there and that's quite a glorious piece of head equipment. And then of course you have a few people and wore turbans. And one thing a man wasn't supposed to wear is a veil.

So they didn't have much in the way of headwear in the ancient world, we've expanded that field. And this starts out by saying that a man ought not to cover his head with a veil in other words don't wear a girl's hands for as much as he is the image in the glory of God. You see man was created first and man was created in the image of God he was created with self-consciousness, which cannot be seen mentality which cannot be seen volition which cannot be seen emotion which cannot be seen in conscience which cannot be seen. None of these five characteristics can actually be seen. So here they are here are five characteristics that were created by God, and this is called the image of God because God has characteristics that cannot be seen like sovereignty righteousness justice love eternal life omniscience omnipotence immutability and veracity, and the characteristics of the essence of God cannot be seen and the soul of man cannot be seen. And so its image of God and that it is real but invisible, the real you is invisible. And if anyone should happen to have to cut up in your head for any reason they couldn't see self-consciousness mentality volition, they are there, but they are invisible, and so man is created in the image of God and man can also be the glory of God and that's when he has an edification complex of the soul, it reflects the glory of God, but our subject says, by way of analogy once again because this analogy which we have studied in the prophets is also found in the New Testament as the right man and right woman have a relationship, and in this relationship she reflects the glory of the man. I am so God has a relationship with a believer, and when there's an edification complex that reflects the glory of God.

Now we're interested, of course in the part that deals with the man and the woman at this point, rather than the part that deals with the believer in his relationship to God. And this is what is carried on beginning in verse eight for the man is not from the woman, and the word the word for of the woman is the preposition egg. He is not out from the woman, Adam was created here is Adam, A is for Adam and he was created first and the woman was taken out from him, say, the woman was created out from the man, the man was created first so verse eight recognizes that the man is not out from the woman but the woman is out from the man now this deals with original creation. And the woman was a rib was taken out of man, and from it was made Isha, so here is isha, and here is Isha. We have each, and each shop, and she has the same soul too, but her soul is designed to respond to his soul, just as her body is redesigned to respond to his body. And now, once that a woman is taken from the man, the man is not complete without the woman, and the woman is not fulfilled without the man and God has designed one right man for one right woman, it was that way at the beginning it's always that way, in a corruption of this doesn't change it, the operation of a harem doesn't change it. And even though many of these people who are great men of God in the past, had more than one wife that doesn't change a thing God only designed one man for one woman and God only designed that woman for the happiness of that man in the relationship and vice versa. There is no happiness in a relationship between members of the opposite sex except in that one. Now, there can be a category three friendship, but there is only one woman designed for you and there's only one man designed for you. And that's the way it was from the beginning, and for Brad, I don't know how long the parents original parents lived in innocence. Let's assume for the moment taking a round number they lived 1000 years that means they had 1000 years of a perfect relationship that means they had 1000 years of sex. Under this relationship, long before either one of them fell in fact their relationship was so wonderful that you have to figure that Satan had to be a genius to talk them out of that one.

Now some of you may have this cluck idea that the original sin was sex, and if you have that idea I can't tell you how apostate You are the original sin was negative volition toward God, and the sex relationship existed in innocence, as an expression of category to love the relationship between a right man and a right woman and it was a glorious and beautiful thing.

And probably that but that that very fact means that Satan had to be brilliant and talking to the woman into going negative and then the woman talked the man into it. In other words, they reversed roles. The man became a woman and the woman became a man and in the first sand you have the reversing of roles. The man is the authority, and they had the woman, and the right woman was, he shot, we became Eve, and she gave to him, and he did eat, and in so doing, she took on a masculine characteristic, and so receiving he took on a feminine characteristic, but God straighten that out immediately. He said, Look, I'll see that that doesn't happen again. And so in Genesis chapter 316, the end of the verse he says her desire shall be to her man, and he shall rule over her. In other words, God is going to keep this thing straight for the sake of the human race and for the angelic conflict, and there is one thing that always trips up a woman she may think she's smarter than a man better than a man greater than a man, but there's one man somewhere that's going to level her out so beautifully and so completely and turn her in from a frustrated dictator from a witch from a lot of things, and to a wonderful marvelous woman there's only one man who can do it and it's the right man.

And no one else can do it.

Because she will have a desire for this one man she will never have for any other, and he will rule over her, and that's what it means when it says as we've already studied in Ephesians five wives or literally women, submit to your own man, that means there is one man who has the authority over you because you have a desire for him and the response you will never have for anyone else. And it is no problem for you to say to that one man Yes my lord, and to every other man you couldn't possibly do it, and that one man will have the rule over you are right man right woman, and in Genesis 315, that does not say she shall have a divine desire for many man, Allah nymphomaniac. And all of them will rule over her. No, there's just one man, and that man rules over her.

Now you say this bird that I married I don't like the ruler his ruler ship just may be that you have the wrong one because you love his ruler ship, you say I'm smart he's dumb that's what you think.

I've seen women who thought they were so smart that no one was smarter. I've seen women who got strapped on 1000 people like Helen of Troy.

And I've seen a right man Come on, and that's the end of the line.

That man is the right man and he rules over her and she can fake everyone else right out of there grieves as the Greeks would say, Greeks that shin guard they were for armor.

But, she'll never fake out the right man. And she might try but she can't do it, really. Oh, she might practice a little bit longer and I don't know why. Five man right woman. He rules over her, her desire is to him. That's what it says here now that's the way it was from the beginning. Firsthand. Now we bring in the angelic conflict because remember the woman is a key in the angelic conflict powers the woman a key in the angelic conflict. One of the great issues in the angelic conflict is that SatanLucifer the son of the morning rejected the authority of God. He said, I will be like the hottest, and when Satan said I will be like the Most High, he rejected God's authority. The first sin and they among creatures was on the part of Satan, and Satan said, I will be like the Most High, he went on negative volition, and negative volition is a rejection of authority and this case it was a rejection of God's authority and Satan attacked a woman why because the man was a ruler, and he wanted to get the woman to break with a man's authority as well as with God's authority, because the original woman had a relationship with God category one, and she had a relationship without him and that was category two, and when he got to her, he got hurt or break two kinds of authority, one was God's authority, and two was the authority of a right man.

And so one of the great issues in the angelic conflict is authority.

And that's why whenever there is a right pastor for a right congregation, you may not like him. You may not like the way he puts things but you will recognize his authority whether you like him or not.

So same concept there's a right pastor for a right congregation, there's a right man for a right woman. There is a right, man doctrine for the believer under gap there are all kinds of analogies to this particular principle but right here. When a person goes when, when a woman went negative toward God she also went negative toward the authority of the man, and for that woman. A woman must have long hair here she is, here's this doll with long hair, but it's not a football helmet as long here.

Why does she have long hair. It's a part of the angelic conflict, so so right here. Take a look at this. It says, For this cause a woman to have power over her head that is authority over her head, why she must have authority over her head because she is in submission to the man and her long hair is a sign of that because of the angels long hair is a sign of female submission to man. And remember that all the angels the fallen angels the elect angels have all matriculated, and they have all they've all matriculated in the University of the Human Race, and every angel is learning from mankind, the fallen angels learn, and the elect angels learn, and they are learning something about authority. And part of that they learn from the woman, or they see the woman, and they see her hair long here and that is her submission to the right man, and they understand that particular principle so we read in verse 11. Nevertheless, are rather verse 10 for those calls out the woman to have authority overhead because of the angels? Nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman neither the woman without the man in the Lord. Now, very important principle here, what is this long hair that the woman must have. First of all, she must not have identified her right man, your hair ladies there's not an issue till you find your right, man. Once you find your right man, your hair must be longer than his.

Now, if he is bald, you've got to me ladies.

Your hair is longer than his as a sign of submission.

As though sign up submission and the angels are learning from that the angels are learning a lot of things, the angels are learning something about history, they are learning that well for example the devil has been trying to get the Millennium and ever since the angelic conflict got started, he has been trying to get perfect environment ever since perfect environment was destroyed by the devil, he's trying to bring it back he's trying to beat the Lord to the punch, if he could go to God and say, Look, I've established a millennium on the earth, I have taken this kingdom that you have given to me, I have everyone under my authority, and everything is established I have perfect environment on the earth, then he would have won the angelic conflict but every historical attempt to bring in the Millennium is destroyed, man by man's efforts cannot bring in the millennium, and why they cause God has protected from this thing by breaking down authority into systems, and one of the greatest systems of authority is the authority of the man or the woman in one relationship right man right woman.

And it is not an intolerable slavery. It is not some sort of a dictatorship, it is a relationship which a woman responds to in such a way that it becomes her glory, and the woman is the glory of the man. Now that means that verse, 11, how does this thing keep from being a dictatorship. Neither is the man, apart from the woman land without his right woman is nothing. Neither is the woman apart from the man. Anything in other words, these two are apart, and God is designed this part and this part to fit. And when the two parts fit, they become one unit, and the happiness derived under relationship is fantastic, whether they are believers or unbelievers.

There still is happiness derived from this relationship designed by God. Now of course here we're talking about believers. So we have three words added in verse 11 in the Lord.

For as the woman is out from the man, this is an original creation, how to God take care of that to perpetuate the human race. The man is now also by the woman, or the woman is out from the man that's original creation. Even so, the man is through the woman or by a woman we have dia plus the Janet.

Dia plus the Janet eight.

That's what we have at this point. The man is through the woman, but all things are from God now get this what are all things here.

If you miss this why you missed the whole point. All things are brought out from the source of God right man right woman, another combination right man right woman. This is the all things in passage this is from God designed one right man for one ride woman and that's it.

Now this means that in the angelic conflict, and in the history of the human race. Man, miles find his ride woman, and then assume the responsibility and the authority that goes with it he is the initiator and category two log was designed to make this relationship beautiful, so in verse 13 discern not judged but keep on discerning in yourselves. Is it proper that a woman prey onto God without her veil, the answer is no, why that is with her long hair because look. If a woman is married. This is a course for a married woman or a woman with a right man. Here is the right woman. What is her covering what is her veil. Her hair, what kind of hair longer than her right man's, and if she is in submission to her right man and she is willingly. Please remember ladies that when your right man comes along you have positive volition toward him. This isn't some guy standing there cracking a whip, or saying I won't give you your allowance unless you kneel three times or some oddball thing like that. This is positive Holy shit, she's responding. And if sure her hair is longer than here he is. She has recognized his authority, and she also recognizes God's authority in prayer. It's what its saying. So, this authority thing branches out into a lot of areas.

So we go on to see, and verse 13 discerning yourselves, is it proper that a woman pray to God without her hair and the answer is no. Ladies are having some kind of a problem with just slap on your wig before you pray.

What's wrong with a man having long hair. Well, nature teaches against it for one reason. What is the principle in nature, the principle of nature is authority. You see the principle in nature is design, and design must have an authority.

I am the man having belong here and the woman I have in the short here means they have reversed their roles, and the man has made a woman out of himself and the woman has made a man out of herself. And that's all nice for Satan's side of the angelic conflict.

Mother sure doesn't work. As far as authority is concerned, and in every generation, it's true you go back historically and look for in every generation where the man have the long hair and the women have the short, it is a rejection of authority in life, and it leads to chaos in life.

Now we have authority right here this morning. I'm standing up here as a pastor, and it is a part of the function of the local church, one person speaks, and everyone remains quiet.

There are to be no interruptions. During the teaching of the Word of God.

And when there is an interruption. It is satanic in nature due to the fact that is a challenge of the authority and the principal of the local church.

And it is not my objective to permit that because I cannot teach the Word of God, when someone comes along and pops in with an interruption.

And often, if the person who does it has long here, it's a perfect illustration of the rejection of authority.

And you're saying with your own eyes. This morning, rejection of authority I represent authority in this church.

Justice a man represents authority with the right woman, just as law represents authority and divine institution number four, just as parents, represent authority in the home. And you see the breakdown one place you see it every place.

And you find disruption in every field today because of a failure to recognize authority.

And yet the greatest blessings in life come through the recognition of authority. Do you ever want to play in a winning football team. I never saw a winning football team that didn't have a strong system of authority and the coach must have authority over the players, and the players must have self-discipline over themselves, they must exercise from their own volition, that extra what it takes, in a workout that extra whims sprint that extra duck while hitting an extra time, it's always what counts in practice, the coaches authority is recognized, and when players recognize the authority to the coach, then they also have it in themselves, I have played on winning teams, and I have seen no man on that team, they were willing to give up a lot of things, they were willing to go to bed a couple hours earlier, they're willing to cut out a couple of dates in the middle of the week, they were willing to quit drinking, they were willing to do a lot of things, they were willing to train their bodies, they were willing to get that extra punch and in practice, they were willing to go through that play one more time get it perfect this time, and then someone fouled up the guard was too slow pulling up to it again and they're willing to do it again, they're glad to do it again. They don't want to quit till they do it again, and that's in practice, and when you have that kind of authority you play on a winning team, and listen it may be hard during the season but at the end of that season, you're so glad you're on that winning team, and you admire the coach, and you're happy to play with men who are willing to make sacrifices to do it, man who went that extra yard that extra mile to get their bodies in shape, man who are willing to think as a team and train as a team, and as authority, it's the authority of the individual or himself self-discipline is the authority given to the coach.

And you're playing on a winning key.

And let me tell you something that's why the Third Army was one of the greatest armies in history, because they had a general by the name of Patton the same way. And because he demanded that from his men and he got it from his man.

And he did one of the greatest things of world war two when he went up and rescue Bastogne. And it wasn't anyone else could do it. Montgomery sat there with his umbrella and his cup of tea and he couldn't get cranked up his life depended on it.

It took a man authority.

I got it.

You talk to soldiers World War Two what outfit Are you a soldier.

I'm really at second, I'm with 100 and first and somewhat together division number. Some people were in specialized battalions are regiments, they give the number the regiment. They give a number of their battalion what is assigned to well when you talk to anyone who's ever in the Third Army, I'm with Pat.

That's all I said, I'm with Pat.

I'll tell you something.

He was the toughest he demanded the most from his man, he got the most from this man and his authority, something you don't find anymore.

You've got it here whether you like it or not, person voted out here.

And I tell some of you ladies don't lie because apparently you wind up with the wrong man. You're so full of frustrations you don't know your answers your relationship with the Lord.

And you don't have that relationship with the Lord, you're in trouble.

A lot of you are still single. Let me impress upon those of you who are single. You wait an extra year or 10 years you wait whatever it takes to wait.

Don't make that mistake of getting the wrong woman, or the wrong man.

You'll live in a hen house for the rest of your life.

And in a hen house you can be happy in your relationship with the Lord shall never be happy with a ham.

Alright, Let's go to Ephesians now phases 523, I think you're ready for this phrase the gamba husband is the chief says head yeah but head means chief superior and I get this phases 523 for the husband keeps on being the chief. Otherwise, this is right man right woman, and the husband is on air, and on air means noble man, and on air means right man and the woman here is goon a soldier we get back there.

And goon A is the right woman. And here is the chief.

All right man right one relationship, it's no contest. He's the chief, and both of them respond accordingly, and there's no problem at all. She is happy that he is the chief she responds to him she says glory. He is not complete without her and she's not complete without him. And they fulfill each other, they are a unit they are two people but they are one they were designed by God for each other. But when you have to becoming one you still have to have authority and the authority is with the man and he's the chief.

But then of course when you get into the analogy of the rest of verse 23 you can see why that says literally the on air and I thought husband, the nobleman keeps on being present active indicative linear actions are at the chief of the woman, even as now the analogy is completed, even as the Christ, the chief of the church. He is the Savior of the bottom. Now, with the analogy he has on the one hand, right man right woman, and this marriage relationship. And over here is the chief, and in the analogy, we have Christ and the church, and he is the chief.

Now, how does the chief are seated in the church, as far as the church is concerned, the chief is seated at the right hand the Father, the chief is not present chief is not as it were in the field. The chief is in headquarters, the chief is in heaven. He is seated at the right hand of the Father. So how does the chief exercise his authority over the church. He exercises his authority over the church through Bible doctrine.

I am the communicator as the pastor teacher. How does the chief at your size his authority over the right woman, he initiate love to which she responds, and she becomes his glory, the chief initiate doctrine to which we respond. And just as though a warm I'm satisfied by the man is the reflected glory of the man sold the church satisfy by Bible doctrine under gap, and within edification complex is the reflected glory of the chief the Lord Jesus Christ. And this is how God designed it for the angelic conflict.

So we have an analogy the right man on air is the chief of the wife, even as Christ is the chief of the church, and the word for church here of course has to do with the, the church the body of Christ. And you will notice it also says He is the Savior of the body. But before we get that far I want you to stop and take a look at the word church for a moment. While this word is kicked around and like so many words. It started out as a non-technical word in the Greek language and became a technical one. The Greek word is at play sia, and I play See I used to be an assembly of Greeks and happens when they were meeting to hold some kind of a parliament or Congress and clay see or were the Jews out in the desert, they were called and assembly and this was a non-technical word, and it is so used an X 738, and in Matthew 1817, and x 738, we have Greeks meeting to conduct the affairs of state and Matthew 1817, we have Jews assembling in their synagogue, and x 1925, we have the Greeks again. But here we have a technical use of the word at play ci has two uses, technically, one, the moment you accept Christ you enter into union with Christ, and this technical user is connected with the angelic conflict. Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, he has a right woman, his right Roman is being formed today it's the body of Christ, made up of all believers in the church age when the rapture takes places right woman will have been completed, and she now becomes his bride in heaven she's his bride. On Earth, she is called the body of Christ, and he has initiated toward us His love. He has expressed his authority over us through Bible doctrine. So Bible doctrine is what the body needs the most in order to respond to the Lord. Now, this has not always been true in the Old Testament God the Father. They call Jehovah God the Father had a bride. Also, and that was his rail, and you see we've been studying relationship between right man and right woman is the relationship between the Lord and Israel. That is one of the things that of course it clarifies so much of the Old Testament, but now in the New Testament, we are living under the intensified stage of the angelic conflict Christ is Risen Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, Christ now must have prepared on the earth during his absence, the body and the body is going to become the bride.

And this is the principle which is developed at this particular point, we have a new dispensation, we have a new provision for, we have the baptism of the Spirit and positional truth never did it exist before. For the first time in all of history, every believer is in union with Christ as of the moment of salvation, and no believer in the Old Testament was, but you see the angelic conflict has shifted gears, and we now live in the intensified stage of angelic conflict, we live in the church age, and so we have something that never occurred before the baptism of the Spirit. We also have another thing that never occurred before the indwelling of Christ, the universal indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we have the universal priesthood of the believer, and we have Jesus Christ exercising his authority from heaven. The Bible is the mind of Christ First Corinthians 216, and through doctrine. He expresses his authority over the church. He is the chief of the church and doctrine is the means of expression. We also have full time Christian service for every believer first time in history, every believer is an ambassador, as well as a priest, and every believer has a supernatural way of life with a supernatural means of execution, and none of these things were ever true before, and there are many ways of describing the church, it all depends on what doctrine is being emphasized. We have the last Adam and the new creation as a description of the church in Galatians six, we have the head and the body as described here analogy to right man right woman, we have the shepherd, and the sheep and Hebrews 13, and in First Peter five, we have the vine and the branches in john 15 that's production, we have the high priest and the royal priesthood in Hebrews 10, and in First Peter two, and that has a different emphasis, we have the bride groom and the bride as in First Corinthians chapter 11, and also here in Ephesians five and a revelation 19 to indicate a future relationship. You see there are two stages here right man right woman rightAnow right man is in heaven, and right woman is being prepared on Earth, how does right man have the authority, he has a through doctrine, then of course there's another stage the rapture the church when the body becomes the bride, and then we have marriage between right man and right woman Christ and the church, and then we have the removal of all the dirt the human good, and then we have Second Advent, at which point, Jesus Christ presents his bride. And as he presents his bride something must go and that is Satan, and Satan who throughout all of history could never bring in the Millennium though he's trying today through various means like the Knights of council, even though Satan is always trying some system to bring into the land. He's never gonna cut it. And not only does our Lord come back and get rid of him but he also brings his bride along to a save Look at this, you remember when all of you angels were over here at the University of ecclesia, the church when you when you remember when you matriculated and the university to see as goes the church, every Angel as a student, the fallen angels are students, they elect angels are students getting Braille as a student and Satan as a student and you are the curriculum.

Yeah, I thought that interest you.

And not and that edification complex which you are building through gap by coming to Bible class all the time by listening to tapes that has a tremendous effect upon the angelic creatures. The fact that you have a testimony to the unbeliever is only a part of your life, you have a fantastic life, you are living your life out before angels, and you are a part of a fantastic unseen conflict that unseen conflict that angelic conflict means that as goes your life with regard to doctrine, Christ being the chief, and you being the church as goes your life. So the angels are learning.

And then that moment that glorious moment when he's going to come back. And you're going to be right there as the bride and you'll still be the chief, the chief is out of town right now the Chiefs going to be back in town at the Second Advent. Meantime, you're going out of town to meet the chief at the Rapture. Now, how did all has come about here it is savior of the body.

He is the Savior of the body, what that means well this is looking at the future. I want you to see something at the cross Jesus Christ is the Savior of your soul. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, the sin nature is a part of your soul and the sins of the old sin nature were poured out on the cross and judged and at the cross, Jesus Christ saved your soul, at the rapture, Jesus Christ saves your body. And how does he do it with the resurrection body here is salvation Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, thou shalt be saved, but he is also the savior of your body. Now I want you to notice how this is described in phase one, Christ is described as Savior, only as the soul that is saved. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. During the interim between this and the resurrection. Christ is the chief. He's seated at the right hand of the Father. He is the chief, and in the future. He is the groom, and you are the bride. At that point, He is the Savior of the body. Here he is the Savior of the soul at the cross here He is the Savior of the body, and in between, you have the privilege of being a university for all angels, angels are watching you, angels learn from you, Ephesians chapter three.

So he becomes the savior of the body. And that is the future, the savior of the body is the future when you have a resurrection body exactly like is, therefore, now we get right down some Grinch.

Therefore, as the church is subject to Christ. The church is made up of every believer and the word for subject present middle indicative of who Paul tarsal, and it means Submit.

H up oh ta SS Oh, that's the word translated submit the congregant we've seen it before actually let's look back for a moment. Verse 21, the congregation submits to the pastor. Verse 22, the wife submits to the husband. Now, in verse 24 that church is subject to Christ, and the word is a present middle indicative and the present tense means, this goes on between the saving of your soul at the cross and the saving of your body and resurrection. Your job as who pull taso submit and the Middle Voice, it must come from your positive volition, and the past evolution is toward Bible doctrine, the chief is not here, but his, his mind is here. His message is here, and the message of our chief the Lord Jesus Christ is in writing today, and therefore as the church is subject to the chief to the Lord Jesus Christ, the indicative mood here, of course, is the reality of this authority Christ has authority over us. But Christ is absent today. He has seated at the right hand of the Father, and we are here on the earth, He saved our soul at the cross, He saves our body at the resurrection. And in the meantime, our relationship with him, and our recognition of his authority depends entirely on Bible doctrine. And that isn't all that chief has provided supervisors on the floor. I happen to be one of the pastor teacher.

Yeah, I have to have a supervisor, right there, and pastor teacher Carrie is not just some clock that gets up and makes the proper noises at the proper time and then is used as a beanbag for the rest of the week.

He gets up and he communicates with authority and teaches with authority, and that's his job he represents the Lord, and He communicates the Lord's authority Bible doctrine, exegetically and categorically presented.

Now that's where the pastor comes in, of course, we saw that in chapter four. Now, so let let's go back now to I reverse analogy. So let the wives to their own husbands and everything. So, takes the analogy back reverses the analogy back. Notice how the analogy began the analogy began right man, right woman, and then it goes right Lord, right, to, to the church as the Lord to the church, and then right lard, or the Lord to the church, the chief, and then back to right man right woman again.

Now here, we're back with right man right woman under the word soul. And so the analogy comes back to category two love, and it says this time women again justice in verse 22. Hi, good night case women to your own man, and this is Dave advantage and the word is on air again, and that's your right man to your own right man and please notice it says, literally, and all things.

And what do all things mean. It means that you are designed to respond in all things all things include the woman's soul, she responds itself consciousness, she responds in her mentality or volition her emotion her conscience. She also responds in her body. And in this relationship, and the response of her soul, and in the response of her body. She recognizes her right man, her right man fulfills her soul her right man fulfills her body he's only a part and the completion of himself in her soul, and her body. She responds to that and fulfills him, and the relationship becomes the closest thing we can have to understand how great is our relationship with our wonderful and matchless Savior, Jesus Christ, with our heads bowed whether eyes closed.

We dedicate the closing moments of this service this morning to anyone who is here without Christ, without hope and without eternal life. We want you to know that Jesus Christ had you personally in mind when he went to the cross. And every sin you have ever committed, past, present and future was poured out on him and judged, you will never have a sin to great for the plan of God. Every city you have ever committed, past, present and future has already been judged.

And this means the right where you sit right now you can have eternal life. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saying, now you say to yourself.

Why do you ask me to bow my head and close my eyes, so you can have privacy, whenever you make a decision, it must be made from freedom without coercion, and therefore this morning if you want to have eternal life. It must come from you, it must come from your free will, it must come without arm twisting and therefore with your head bowed your eyes closed in silent prayer, you can tell God the Father that you are believing in his son Jesus Christ. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be said.

Right now, you can have eternal life, eternal life is yours by an act of personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and you can say in silent prayer. Father, I believe in Jesus Christ, I received him as my Savior, and you see you're having the opportunity of doing it from freedom.

You're free to divert right where you said they leave on the Lord Jesus Christ, thou shalt they said their heads bowed and eyes closed when asked buddy Dana to lead us in closing prayer.

Father, we thank you this morning for the opportunity. Once again, I'm studying this important doctrine, maybe many of us here don't realize is significance of the importance of this principle that choosing the right man and right woman includes all the four divine institutions freewill marriage, family, and as a result, the stability of a nation.

So we thank you once again that we can come here and study this very important doctrine. And this morning the emphasis on the angelic conflict and the authority, which are so lacking in our times since our nation is not operating under the fourth divine institution of a strong national entity. We have to regroup and start with volition, right man right women and children to teach them authority, we thank you for this time. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


1970 RM/RW

Eph. 5:25

Lesson #9



04/12/1970 Eph. 5:25 Doctrine of the cup; male responsibility; man, the aggressor

Word of God is alive and powerful sharper than any two edged sword. Here's even to the dividing asunder of the soul in the spirit of the giants in the marrow. And as the critical thoughts and intents of the heart. All scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction righteousness, the man of God might be mature thoroughly furnished unto all good words, study to show thyself approved on a God at work and that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Often the word of truth this morning to a fashion is chapter five, beginning at verse 25. Ephesians chapter five verse 25.

We now began a study of man, as the aggressor. Man, as the one who must make the ultimate decisions.

We have studied this from the standpoint of the woman from the standpoint of the doctrine of the right man and the right woman.

And now we flip over the coin. And we see male responsibility.

I was reminded of the importance of this verse.

Yesterday noon.

At 1230, I was to be in the Grand Ballroom of the race hotel to speak to the bankers lay the national bankers, ladies, or lady bankers or something. Anyway, ladies.

Now first of all I was five minutes late I was looking for a parking place.

And during that five minutes. The ladies demonstrated their aggressiveness. By calling my house and calling the church and calling everyone they thought I might know to find out where I was wild while I was downtown looking for a parking place and thinking, pleasant thoughts.

Now mind you I got there at 1235 and you would think I was supposed to speak at 1236 but I wasn't. In fact, I was seated between two very charming. Ladies, one I have known for years she is a.

She's an officer in the first city National Bank downtown, and the other one was a bank officer from Nashville, Tennessee.

And it was very pleasant these ladies wanted to talk about archaeology and coin a Greek and Assyriology and all sorts of things that you know I might find interesting too.

And that was fine. And the meal was also fine. Then this friend of mine I wheat Miller said to me, she said Bob she said before you speak there's going to be a fashion show.

Now project yourself into the picture. It's a sunny day outside its Saturday, it's the Sabbath my day of rest whatever I can rest.

It's a lot of things, and a fashion show on Saturday afternoon just isn't my idea of fun.

And that isn't all my subject as printed in the bulletin that I had was the crisis of a nation.

Now this little doll gets up on a platform over here.

And she begins this superficial patter, she's a commentary and an old friend of mine Freddy Givens is on the piano soft music.

She began to tell all about fashions.

And her commentary I will not comment on her commentary because I have a vocabulary for it but you wouldn't appreciate it.

And then we have these models. Some of them were fairly decent looking girls.

But the stuff they put on them is impossible to appreciate their true polka to.

It's either six inches above the knees or six inches below the knees, both of which destroy feminine symmetry.

And it's nauseating to have to see these poor things travel out on this runway and clot hopper shoes.

I had a mid-calf skirt about which this gal had glowing remarks and look like you know what and I said so. When I spoke. The ugliest part of all feminine anatomy is the knee.

Obviously, obviously it was designed for certain or functional activities.

And it can never be appreciated when the skirts are above the knee.

And I had to sit there for 45 minutes through a three x and there's constant traveling of the models changing and going around and around. Even the bathing suits were terrible.

Well, I had to get up and speak on the crisis of a nation.

I plan to discuss the military crisis briefly, you know, ladies in the military, briefly, the economic crisis of which they are contributing.

The youth crisis, and above all the spiritual crisis of our national entity today. I plan to make references historically biblically and otherwise to many factors.

But when one has 40, or 45 minutes on his hands off and he can build a new message and I did that I talked about the crisis of the nation.

From the standpoint of the female. And I started with the fashions and I gave an additional commentary on the fashions.

And I pointed out how some of these women were filled with hypocrisy because they had clapped at things that would destroy their overt beauty whatever it was, glum silence.

Then I went from the crisis in fashions. And the man who hate women who design these things, all the way to the soul.

And the woman's soul and the crisis there.

And now I find myself today on exactly the same subject what is wrong with women.

Now I'm on my favorite subject because I think women are great, as a sex as an institution. I think they are irreplaceable.

I am forced to think this because of certain statements in the word.

Also, in my experience I have found them to be everything from very pleasant company to everything that is really worth having in life from the human standpoint.

When it comes to details you can't find a better detailed and in a skirt. You're a male.

So I really I'm on my favorite subject, but I have to point out for the from the standpoint of the standards of the Word of God, my favorite subject is often gone astray.

A woman was designed by God. Now we've had this for a month. A woman was designed by God to respond to a man.

And we have now come to the aggressor.

The man to whom she will respond at this particular point we begin with the word husbands which isn't even the word husbands.

It's talking about man, and the Greek is Hi, Andreas looks like this.

HOIVAN d r e s this is taken from on air, and on air, means noble man, the noble man. Now here's what's wrong with women, partially man or not, man. We have boys today. We have little children who are males, we have men who are now adults, physically, I think, and Amanda is probably an adult physically by the time he's 24 years old, that is usually the peak of his physical development. After that apart from a good strong program of exercise and so and he's going to go down physically.

Oh man, maybe 24. Oh boy, maybe 24 years old and he's still a boy he's not a man he's a male. And we do not have a word here called meals, and the vocative which we face here immediately tells us, in part, what is wrong with women, men are not man that's why if men were men, women would have something to which to respond. But the world is filled today with little boys who are past the age of 21, and they're going to remain little boy’s petty little boys. Now one thing that this commentator said yesterday stuck in my mind. She said, women have a tendency to be jealous and petty, whereas men do not want jealous he's a mental attitude sin belongs to men to, well it belongs to boys but never to man.

When a man is a man. He is a noble man when he is the right man for one woman, he is on air or then he has a noble person.

And this is not entrepass, which is the ordinary term for homosapien. This is a word not even for a male, but this is a word for a man who is a noble man in the sense of having within the confines of your soul that which is necessary to protect a woman to be aggressively in love with her to provide for her, and to maintain authority over her.

If there is anything today that rocks the boat and many a local church, not ours and watch the boat and many an organization. It is the fact that women dominate man.

And often this happens by wrong man wrong woman getting together, because when you have right man right woman. The man is going to dominate the woman.

Every now and then you'll get feisty females out of line somewhere I travel and sometimes there's a woman on one of the organizations of the church right and she's telling me what I'm going to do and I say look, can I You are not going to tell me what I'm going to do now or at any time period.

And the shock is almost fan day but they just dropped their jaw.

And, of course, this is often a shock to them but when I see the husband the bird that married this female executive.

This pusher. I can understand Amelie what the problem is. He's a little meek around shoulder character and he's been saying yes dear for years. And he's been nagging him for years and he never leaned across the breakfast table and said, Shut up.

So she's had away. And he may go to conventions and forget that he was ever married but he always comes back to the fact two years, when he walks in the house and the hand starts cackling.

Now that's wrong man wrong woman.

The trouble is, we do not have enough men in this country today anywhere, and how do you know that we'll take a look around you. We have people may also have hair down to their shoulders that isn't being a man. We've already seen that from First Corinthians 11.

We have people who will accept government dole and not go to work, and that's not being a man, when they could work, but they say, I haven't found anything compatible with my abilities. Well that fallacy doesn't exist.

And we find them. Our boys who will not enter into the service of their country and sir everywhere you turn today this country is filled with boys. If you don't believe it. You want to see what boys wear these days, bell bottom trousers.

They were a little and feminine things.

They do this because they think like women. I know well as we like to be courted by women they don't want to do the cording, leave it to the girl. And they will only pay attention to girls who are aggressive toward them. There's something wrong Boys, boys and men's clothing supposedly doing man's jobs and we just don't find them anymore.

Now I've heard it said this is a man's world don't you believe it for a minute it's not it's the devil's world.

This isn't a man's world.

And it isn't a woman's world. This world belongs to Satan.

And Satan is trying. And every way possible on a personal scale to cross up the rule of the male and the female. God has designed a right man for a right woman and you've been getting that doctrine so it should be coming out of your ears by now.

But I want you to notice something.

There are male is the aggressor.

And the female is the responder, and when she responds she becomes a woman and when he is aggressive, he becomes a man.

I'm not talking about operation bird dog.

I'm talking about one man, one woman.

That's all right on you'll find out when you get home, ask your husband to get home at a bird dog yes maybe he was once one he tell you all about it.

I read lips to, unfortunately.


And this role, you often find the fantasy female. Oh and her mind is responding to an aggressor who isn't aggressive toward her and she's either non-complex metals are on our way.

There some man doesn't give you the time of day and you build up fantasies in your mind a bomb behind those are fantasies, you better forget him right now.

When I'm talking about male aggression I'm talking about someone who goes to see you who talks to you who makes contact with you and so on.

And when a man becomes a man because he has the right woman he becomes a man and other fields too. He takes the responsibility not only for the right woman and for the family which will come as well, but he takes responsibility and whatever he does in life, it may be a very humble type of activity that may be very significant, but whatever he does he takes full responsibility for his actions, he becomes a man in many, many other ways as well. He is aggressive and the aggressiveness of the man can be described in many terms, the aggressiveness, I want you ladies to notice something in all of the history of our country, very few women have served in military service. It is the men who go out and fight and die. Now I know that Molly pitcher fought in the Revolutionary War.

And I'm also aware of the fact that every now and then some woman steps in and loads a rifle for husband while he was shooting the Apaches are trying to.

And I'm aware that we have the wax I had a watch Stack driver during World War Two for a couple of years.

I want you to notice something.

It is the man who fight on battlefields. It is the man, he'll go out and die.

It is the man who play football.

It is the man who started the economy of this country.

The whole business system which has now been inherited by femalesfemales have inherited so much insurance that they're becoming the capitalist. And when you want to tap someone for capital you find out some woman that's holding the purse strings for a couple of million dollars or something.

It is the man who started the economy of this country.

There is no place in the Bible for a woman pastor there cannot be there is no place in the Word of God for a woman to exercise authority, except over her children.

And there is a place for the woman, a beautiful place a better place than any male could ever occupy.

But there is no place for a woman usurping authority over the man. And when that happens the doubt in the angelic conflict and in the devil's work, the devil has made a little headway but not much.

And when you find a man dressing like a woman and acting like a woman, you're going to find draft cards being burned, you've got to find draft Dodgers, you're going to find cowards. you're going to find your country falling apart.

And that's why we finally get to the word man.

But I don't know to whom I address this, this is not husband just because you're married doesn't mean you're a man.

You may or may not be a man.

That depends upon the standards which have been set up by the word of God but this is addressed to man. Whoever you are, wherever you are.

And you are given an aggressive command and this aggressive command has to do with metal attitude love on has to be explained in terms of metal attitude love. It says, Man, love your wives it's literally your women your very own each man has a right woman we've taken that up but this is a present active imperative of Agha Patil, and that requires some very careful attention. A gap al Agha pa O is only mental attitude love, and you would say, Why isn't it full owl. Why isn't he giving me total soul out that's later on that develops. Why isn't this era old, which is of course sex, but neither fill our own our errata are there because they are results of Agha Patil, and Agha Poncho is a mental attitude love, and why, because it is in the mentality of the soul that man has his aggressiveness in military life, a man makes decisions, he makes a decision to move forward, he makes a decision to take certain strong points, he makes a decision for a tactical and development, a college castle, he makes a decision for a penetration through a weak area, he makes a decision he makes that decision in his mind. His mind is the aggressiveness, what makes a man muscle know what makes a man, because he's a good athlete. No, I've seen babies among athletes, I've seen man who were strong or males who were strong, sit down and cry like babies because they lost a game or something instead of determining to go on.

I'll tell you what makes a man.

There is something in your soul called his mentality, his mental attitude.

And being a male is physiological and also anatomy, but being a man is something up here in the mind.

I don't have to be have muscle to be a man either.

Occasionally doesn't hurt, but a man has a mental attitude? And he has a mental attitude of aggressiveness, he has a mental attitude of making decisions. He has a mental attitude of taking responsibility. He has a mental attitude of just because he has failed in some way not to sit down and cry about it. Be a baby for the rest of his life.

There is something about being a man that's up here in the mind. It's a person who is willing to take responsibility, it's a person who is aggressive. It is a person who has the mental attitude of protection, it is a person, it is a male who is willing to fight and to die for his country. It is a male who is willing to fight and to die for his right woman who is willing to provide for her, who is willing to protect her, who is willing to care for her.

And it is an aggressive mental attitude, not toward all females that's a wolf or a bird dog.

But the right woman toward the right job toward the right situation in life.

And you've never seen us in such bad shape as we are today. But the same thing has happened historically you take the Athenian Empire when did it go down. When the man started to dress like the women. When the man became a feminine. When the men became homosexual.

If there's anything that does not go with a male of the species, it is anything that is a feminine.

Anything that is connected with homosexuality. That is not only sin it's abnormal.

And man has aggressiveness in many areas, he has aggressiveness and business man have started with nothing like Andrew Carnegie, the Astor family they have started with zero john Jacob Astor started with a powder horn and a god.

Andrew Carnegie started with less than that but they had aggressiveness. And when you have man and industry you have aggressiveness.

You have authority, you have men who have wisdom and they make those decisions in the mind.

They use their minds to put together business packages, until some mediocre a feminine clucking government comes along and says interferes and says you can't make that much money you're smarter than I am and it hurts my pride. Now that's when you start having babies and we've got babies in government today. Government has no right to interfere with industry and government interference with industry today it has demonstrated the fact that destroys man.

And in government today, we have mediocrity of every type. We have a state department we have an agriculture apart we have so many departments that are filled with people who are not man.

If they weren't man they would recognize success in business and stay out of it.

We no longer have man going to war and fighting.

The very fact that we have to have a draft i think is a disgrace to our country.

And I thank God I lived. And I was a military service before I draft was instituted for World War Two.

And I used to have questions about the draft and I used to make it a point never to learn anything about Dr. Oz I think it's a disgrace.

I should think that every man would want to serve his country would look forward to serving his country.

But I should think that every man would look forward to the right woman, and I play around with everyone that comes along.

For the same reason.

There's a right woman, there's a right country. There's a right business, there's a right job, there's a right church, and we’ve run out of man in this country.

And what is one of the key factors in being a man, mental attitude, love.

Everything else follows mental attitude love, did you know there's no such thing as love at first sight.

There is attraction. There is no development, but there must first of all be a mental attitude. And when the right man, Brian says right woman that right man has a mental attitude toward that right woman, he is an aggressor. He doesn't sit around and wait for her to fall at his feet, and an abuser because he doesn't she doesn't.

He is aggressive toward the right woman.

And he must be aggressive toward her soul.

That means there must be time spent with her. He must be aggressive and ask her for days. She must be aggressive and go to see her. He must be aggressive and become a well acquainted with her. He must be aggressive and talk to her. He must be aggressive and find out what makes her tick. And when she's not a blind he ought to stand up a teller said I have seen, long before boys get married some woman's already hand packing.

You don't find that.

And the trouble is, the ladies get frustrated and they go out in 40 different directions and everything they organize when they finally come up against a man they get told they get insulted and they call her husband say shaking sicking.

What's wrong with sex today? We don't have man with Agha Patil, the power is a mental attitude. It is a mental attitude a protection is a mental attitude of cognizance of what the woman is like, what erogenous zones really are, and what is, and how she is going to respond and under what conditions, and it isn't a man has never tried to gratify himself. He is always thinking of the right woman and not himself and that's why he's a man.

Instead of a boy or a baby, a baby with a rattle is Grant self-gratification, who waves around a baby who says that the baby.

And as a lot of men are babies to them. A woman is to be used.

Like a good meal.

Or like something that's entertaining or stimulating to entertain them, and either part or eliminates that type of thinking, other part was mental attitude love, and mental attitude love thinks of the woman, the right woman and she's the one that's important.

And she is the one who has all of these fantastic responders, a male isn't designed with a lot of era Gina zones and his elbow behind his here and so on. God, he's a man that's why not even nature to do something about him.

Yet I find man standing around waiting to be adored the idiots.

Little boys, getting their little red rattle and shaking it.

It's pitiful.

Now Agha powers the verb here, and are the pot Oh is found in the present active impurity, and it means it isn't something you do once in a while it is something in which you have to be consistent. It says keep on loving, and here the object is right woman. Now the object can be many things. A man should love his job I don't care whether it's whether reselling pencils, putting gas or whether he's an executive of a company or sweeping out a warehouse, whatever it is, he ought to love it, mental attitude toward it. That's why men go into military, they have a mental attitude, have a mental attitude toward their country, they have a mental attitude toward the concept of discipline, and they become a team.

That's why you have good football players and bad football players it's mental attitude. If you have a mental attitude and you're like head marking on the basis of that fine if you don't forget it.

Are the power always in the present active imperative to remind the entire human race but here it is addressed to believers that a man is a man because of what he thinks.

Not because he has male anatomy and not because he has male physiology, and a woman was designed to respond to a man. And it's true she's designed to respond to him physically, but what everyone seems to have forgotten and the Word of God records it in every generation for the Word of God live within a Bible forever.

It is the soul response that must precede all other responses.

And it is the sole response where the man takes his place in life. So noblemen, man.

Keep on loving present linear actions are active voice it comes from your mind, you make the decision, you are the aggressor, and the imperative. That's a command a command address to be leaving male types, every boy has a mother, every boy should have a mother, kind of rough when a boy doesn't have a mother, every boy should love his mother

BOD when he becomes a man.

He has a respect that he never had before, but he has neither to be dominated by his mother, nor any other female in the human race.

I didn't write the Bible, but I would let you ladies be for one moment have any doubts I agree with it.

Why because I'm a man.

And there's nothing better than a woman who responds, and a woman, who knows something of what it means to have not only doctrine in our human spirit and doctrine in her mind as a frame of reference, and doctrine, as epi gnosis exhale toward God and toward man, and an edification complex. There's nothing more beautiful than a woman who can respond to the authority of a right man, and who can respond to male authority therefore the church like the authority of the pastor teacher, or who can respond to authority in any area of life, where she is involved with it.

Further father are smart women and there are dumb women. And there are a lot of women in between. And a smart woman, always has this thing in her brain, that there's no man as smart as she is, and she has no respect for the males, and she often runs them down.

But I have never seen a smart woman, for whom there was not a smarter man now she might have married a dumber man.

But there's no such thing as a woman who is smarter than a man and history will bear it out.

All of the high IQ that some women have is designed to respond.

Not to compete.

Now you'll find a lot of wives competing with their husbands. Yeah, find a lot of wives dominating their husbands you know why.

No right man all right woman and because this man has not fulfilled the present active imperative Avada power. Keep on loving.

That's why a woman drove in here today, into the parking lot. She saw an open slot on one of those things reserved I will tell you which one.

A woman went up and opened her and wrote a note and wrote in a car and said please reserve parking put the word please. I looked at that piece of paper before I started I said cut out please.

But this was a woman telling a woman as what it amounted to and you know, so the woman got the currency picked up, she said, I'm never coming back here again.

Now if I told her, she might not come back again but she knows there was authority around here. See what I mean.

If I had written that note there wouldn't be any please there have been written in an entirely different way.

Why, because sooner or later ladies, you may be smart you may be dumb you may be in between but you have to recognize that life has authority and your first authority is your right, man. And when you come into this church, I'm your authority, not your Sunday school teacher not anyone else. Not someone is trying to run me down or change up something. I am your final authority.

And if you are a member of some organization or company for which you work, you're a boss is your authority on the job.

And if you have any doubts about this then go to the ultimate authority of the human race the Word of God, and you study from stem to stern forward map from Genesis to all the way through to Revelation, and you find out the place of the woman.

They help I'll be glad to see that you get it because listen, a woman out of place is a monster. A woman who becomes aggressive over a man and tries to use super usurp authority and tries to one things is a monster, but a woman who has the glory of man, a woman who has the glory of God because of the edification complex is a is the most beautiful sight in this universe.

Some people like the mountains and some people like to see and some people like the desert, and some people like one kind of a scenery and one kind of another kind, but I want to tell you what I like, I love to see a woman who has her right man, and she is the glory of that man and she responds to it, and I like to see a woman who has what it takes to respond to authority in other words I like to see someone who is feminine, who is therefore beautiful in the soul, and to me that is the most glorious site that ever walked on this earth.

I guess you know what the worst side is to.

Oh, it's not always the lady's fault.

And that's why we have a passage like this to remind you boys. Whoever you are, that sometimes you have created a monster. You have not taken the authority of a man, or you've been a boy.

And you have gotten into this conflict idea, but you have never actually discovered what a woman is really like. And you have never fulfilled the present active imperative of occupy.

Here it is. The other side of the picture. In verse 21, we have submit in verse 22 we have Wives, submit later on will have submit again, but look to what do you ladies submit to someone who keeps on loving you present active imperative. And this is a full up, and with a soul, it will develop into other thing, the man has a his aggressive point is artillery as it is is his own mentality. And when he fires from his mind occupied, or present active and parody toward one woman's soul here's right woman, she is going to respond right here with a god pay love, and I got a by the way is feminine.

It's responding love, and then she is going to and by the way, then her response will develop a total soul love on his part, and that's fee loss, and that's a masculine word.

And then as he comes out with the loss.

She will respond with the light all added she responds with Fallout Oh, he will initiate Ross which is a masculine word, and she will respond to air Ross and become don't sauce.

The glory of the man.

Now there you are.

There's a chain of activities of maybe over a long period of time but it may be over a short period of time, it can't be too short, of course.

I met her in a week and married I met her on Monday and married her on Thursday. This is what we're talking about here it is yours Agha Paul.

This is present, even parity that starts everything. The woman responds in her mind, I got a I got a response, leads to fee loss which is masculine, and then that causes for lack of response, and for level leads to Eros which is masculine that results in dopes.

And it's a beautiful thing.

When that happens, it is a biblical thing.

It is a biblical principle.

It is not something horrible to the woman, it is something marvelous to the woman.

The glory the reflected glory of the woman who is the recipient of this is fantastic, but it must have an initiating point. And today we have come to that point, this is the point at which you start.

The man address two males in general Christian man. Oh Andres Agapaapres not even parody. Keep on loving your own woman.

The word is not wives gunay again.

Now we have an analogy.

And the analogy takes us right back all the way through, we have seen the analogies here, the relationship between Christ and the church. So this reminds us once again notice right man, and right woman, we have already seen is used for the relationship between the Lord and Judah. It is used as the relationship between doctrine and unbeliever doctrine is the right man for the believer. Now, once again, the relationship between Christ and the church, there is right man, or right woman. The church is the right woman, Christ is the right man.

And we find even as introducing the analogy, and the Greek word which introduces it looks like this cop hos.

And it is to use to introduce a formal analogy.

And then we have once again, we had hi Andres, you will notice we have the man literally.

The man, and on air of course was in the plural its noble man. Now, we have the Christ hole Krzysztof, even as hole Krzysztof, the Christ, see Christ is our right, man.

So we have the definite article, even as the Christ loved the church. Now the word love is again Agha powerful, but it's just active integrity. Now I want you to notice something here Eris active indicative the verb is again aka old Agapaa old, and again its mental attitude love. Now there is a direct analogy. What was Agapaa when the man did it.

Present active imperative, man. Keep on loving see there's present tense, you keep on loving your right woman active voice you do an imperative mood. Now we have aerostat even take it even contrast that concept is the same, who was the initiator of salvation, Jesus Christ. He is not only the Savior, but he initiated the action for our salvation through love the power of love. And so there is an analogy and the verb, but there is a different morphology why, because we now live on this earth and we are the keep loving our right woman. That is a metal attitude love, but Jesus Christ Eris tense and eternity past.

The LST is refers to eternity past the active voice Christ was aggressive and loving us before we lived before a man was created He loved us with a mental attitude love, and that mental attitude love was compatible with his character. He knew every sin we would ever commit. He knew every failure we ever have. he knew how unlovely we would be, he knew that we would be spiritually dead, he knew that we would be born spiritually dead, he know all about the old sin nature, he knew all of these things, and yet he had a mental attitude toward us. And where do you find something similar to that. Hosea had a right woman called Gomer, and Hosea initiated love toward her he was commanded to do so. This was his right woman, and she was anything but a nice person. But it was the right one for him, and therefore he initiated the action. And we were like Gomer we were sinners we were spiritually dead. We were unattractive. And yet, in eternity past, Jesus Christ was the aggressor. Jesus Christ was the initiator, and he initiated love toward us mental attitude loves

Agapaa mental attitude Love is an initiating love as well as responding live in the man, by the way when Christ came to the world he came as a man. The Savior, when the hypostatic Union occurred, it wasn't the god well man it's the god man, not to tell you ladies something.

Why, the man is the aggressor. If Jesus Christ had come as a woman there be no salvation because a woman's a responder.

And so Christ came as a man.

And he came as the god man, but in eternity past when he was only God, he loved arrows tense in eternity past active voice he initiate indicative mood is the reality of His love.

And the first next time that you have any problem about these things you remember that Jesus Christ loved you in eternity past yeah mental attitude aggressive love toward you, and because he has this odd the power of love again we have the concept of response, only this time in the analogy the response is different I want to show you the response. When Jesus Christ went to the cross and gave himself, are you which we'll see in a moment. He provided salvation. We call this the gospel which means good news. And when that information is cranked out to you, it comes to your left bank of your soul, it comes to your mind. Here is the news, or the human mind and or us. And as that information goes in your ear is no human spirit for the unbeliever. So God the Holy Spirit acts as the human spirit, and he makes this gnosis. He makes this doctrine gnosis but since gnosis cannot be transferred to the human spirit, it must be acted upon by the volition, and the see the volition transfers doctrine to the human spirit in gap for the believer, but there is no human spirit. Therefore, volition cannot transfer and what when volition cannot transfer to a human spirit because it does not exist. The volition must exhale and volition exhales toward God, and the exhale is faith in Christ, who loved us and eternity past, in other words he initiated a lot, and we respond but I want you to understand something that I don't want you to ever forget it, as long as you live and you listen carefully. No one absolutely no one ever invited Christ into his heart.

Now you read that loud and clear.

You don't invite Jesus Christ into a trash heap.

And we are spiritually dead.

And you didn't invite Jesus into your heart that gospel went into your mind. And when you responded to a Jew or an unbeliever you didn't have a human spirit, and you couldn't transfer it to your human spirit, you had to exhale, and your exhale faith in Jesus Christ, and people are saved by believing in Jesus Christ, people are not saved by inviting Christ into their hearts, and I want to tell you something I'm going on record so you'll never forget to invite Christ into your heart, it's blasphemy, to say that you invited Christ into your heart is blasphemy.

And if you give your testimony again, don't ever say that. You invited Christ in your heart you don't invite Christ in your heart, your exhale paid toward him. The Gospel went into your mind.

I invited Jesus into my heart.

That's the most pitiful thing in the world you didn't do that.

You said well what about the old I stand the door knock if any man will open I will come down that has to do with a believer that has to do with fellowship.

It has nothing to do with salvation.

And we have so many idiots in this country today standing up and giving their testimony, I invited Jesus into my heart You did not stick with what the Bible has to say you exhale faith in Jesus Christ.

And listen.

He is the initiator.

And he loved you and eternity past.

And he went to the cross for you as the next phrase declare and you respond when you get that message and it becomes gnosis, it cannot become epi gnosis, you are not saved yet you do not have a human spirit, the Holy Spirit even had to throw light on whatever was given to you that was accurate, and you add sale faith in Christ and you don't exhale faith plus baptism or faith plus church membership or faith plus walking the aisle, or faith plus feeling sorry for your sense, you exhale faith in Christ and that's all Now listen, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved, whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. These are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing you might have lived through his name. He don't believe upon Him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God, provide grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. And where do you find those phrases in by Christ in your heart that Paul say to the Philippian jailer invite Jesus into your heart boy.

No, that comes when men stop being men, and when doctrine stops being a part of the life of a believer on this earth.

Inviting Jesus into the heart, that shouldn't be told to a child that should be taught to an adult.

It's inaccurate. It's blasphemous, It is an attack upon phase one the plan of God.

Just because a lot of people that you like say it doesn't make it any better.

And when this tape goes out as inevitably it will, it's going to step on toes, from Maine, all the way to Southern California.

By just remember I'm saying this is blasphemy, go back and study your salvation verses, as they talk about faith, and that faith is an exhale toward Christ.

It's a non-meritorious exhale, whenever you have gnosis, and you handle it in a positive way, gnosis can only be handled in a non-meritorious way. That's why, after you are saved, gnosis is transferred to the human spirit by faith, just as you exhale, faith in Christ, you transfer it by faith, that's brought up in Ephesians chapter three.

I Christ love the clay said what is the church or the clay see of the object of Islam, it is the believers in this age, and in eternity past at clay sia here it is Ekk le sn eternity past what was on the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, he always had a special place for the church at the church age, the church did not exist until after his death burial resurrection and ascension and the church only exist until the rapture on this earth, but Jesus Christ, not only loved all the Old Testament saints, but he had a special aggressive love for the church his bride. I haven't finished the study ever but it looks like God the Father has a special has a wife in the, in Israel, but the church is the bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, not yet. Right now it's the body and the body will become the bride at the rapture, but the play sia, he had a special love for the church and the church doesn't include Adam, and it doesn't include Abraham who we love dearly, and it doesn't include David who we love dearly, and it does include Isaiah, who we love dearly, or Elijah, whom we love dearly, or any of the other great men of the Old Testament we love dearly. This is you and me, and every believer, remember that every believer is the church every believer is in full time Christian service, and he loves you.

And a very special way.

So in the analogy we find Christ loving the church. And as a result, it says he gained. Now the word forgive looks like this. Did a mi di D Oh am I that's the verb to give. There's another word don't Rattle my which is rather uncommon but I want to tell you. We don't have that here, he, we have the word.

Well, it starts out with Parra because you see it is going to be used for this is the word which is used for betrayal as well as other things Parra did me pa ra di D Oh am I this is an entirely different word. This is the word which was used to betrayed Jesus Christ and Paul raw means to deliver. He delivered himself. And he did it from his own volition. He did it from positive correlation. And what was his motivation behind his motivation was a god pay love toward us, he delivered himself to the cross.

He delivered himself for it the church as a substitute the word for for his who pair at a superposition of substitution ate up er, he delivered himself for it, and referring to the church and referring to you. He delivered himself on behalf of the church.

And it's an aristocracy of indicative oligos will the other arrows and arrows dance and eat an occurrence in eternity past he loved the saga Paul era stance and time, he demonstrated his love by going to the cross. It was a mental attitude love. It was an aggressive love, it was a manly love when he became a man Jesus Christ was all man mental attitude.

And when he said Father, it would be I will let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will but Thy will be done as soon as he said not my will, but Thine be done. There was the aggressiveness of the man.

I will do it. I will do the will of the Father, I will go to the cross. And that was human volition, and that was human volition, based upon His eternal love for us, so he loved us, either power or right here. And as a result, he delivered himself per did on me. He delivered himself on the cross right here.

He and he did it on behalf of us. All right, but that brings us to the doctrine of the cup.

Let's take a look at the doctrine of the cup. Here is the cup or the goblets that he said Father, be Thy will let this cup pass from alright let's take the doctrine of the cup under nine points.

He delivered himself for us.

Point one. The word is used literally for a drinking vessel, a goblet.

And the content of the cup forms the basis for every analogy in Scripture. I want you to notice I'm going to give you some analogies. It is the content here is the goblet or the cup. It is the content of the cup that sets up the analogy.

See he delivered himself cry, that's a reflexive pronoun referring to the free will of his humanity, he delivered himself on our behalf. So throughout the scripture the content of the cup is the basis for the analogy I point to the content of the copies used for divine discipline of a nation.

The content of the copies used for the divine discipline of a nation in Isaiah 5117.

Jeremiah 2515 through 18.

Compared with Jeremiah 2511 through 13.

In other words, the content of the cup in this analogy is God's discipline and the cup, you see the nation drench the cup in other words the nation is disciplined by drinking the cup of divine discipline.

Point three. The content of the cup is also grace blessing from God. Psalm 23 five my cup runneth over drinking Goblin. This means blessing. Grace blessing.

My cup runneth over content of a cup is Grace blessing from God, only for the content of the cup is salvation offered through Christ. Psalm 116 13 Swire we have the cup in the Lord's Table.

The content of the cup is salvation offered through Christ Psalm, 116 13 and drinking is a picture of faith in Christ. Point five. The content of the cup is the Sims of the world pour it out on Christ, and judged at the cross.

Matthew 2022.

Mark 1038, Matthew, 2639, and 42.

Now this is the analogy pertinent in our verse, he delivered aerostat given negative apart data me himself reflects the pronoun emphasizing the free will, of the humanity of Christ and Christ was a man or man making an aggressive decision.

On behalf of us who pare connote substitution. Now, I want you to notice the content. In this case, are the sins of the world yours in mind everyone who's ever lived, past, present and future sins on the cross, Christ strength, um, as it were, they were poured out on him. And as they became his sins. He was judged, who pair. Plus the, plus the pronoun, plus two reflects the pronouns, he himself. On behalf of us, delivered the content of the cup the sense of the world, they're bought out on him and judged, point, six, the cup is also the remembrance of the cross. First Corinthians 1125 through 27.

The memory of the cross.

Now I want you to notice something that is very important about the cup.

Drinking is a picture of faith. Have I ever told you that before every time we have a communion service here's a cup.

Drinking is a picture of faith.

When you drink. You are recognizing one that you made a decision, I'm going to I've made a decision I made a decision I'm going to have some of those water. Now that's a, an aggressive decision. None of you have any water. Some of you are thirsty. I'm going to drink this anyway.

Now, I made a decision, a deliberate decision.

Not only did I make a decision, but I followed it up with the motor activity takes motor activity in the brain to hold this thing to raise up to the lips to swallow it takes more activity all away.

Now that's exactly what happens when you get the gospel and you, and you go positive toward it positive volition must express itself.

And the drinking is a picture of the expression of positive volition fee. And what happens, the content of the cup becomes mine. Christ is mine.

Christ enters after you believe you don't invite a man. You see what I'm saying again point seven.

The content of the cup is also a satanic doctrine being received. First Corinthians 10 21.8.

The content of the COP is anti-Semitism and the tribulation, being drunk by the nations involved in the Armageddon campaign. Zechariah 12 2.9 also in the tribulation. The content of the copies the religious system of the beast, bringing terrible judgment. Revelation 14 nine through 11. Revelation, 18 for now in our passage point five is pertinent a delivered himself for it for the church will begin next time to see then how the church becomes the body of Christ in verse 26 with our heads bowed with our eyes closed.

We dedicate the last moment so the service this morning.

So those of you who are here without Christ without hope and without eternal life.

They want you to know that Jesus Christ at you personally in mind when he went to the cross.

Jesus Christ actually on the cross became your substitute and took your place at the center of the world were poured out on him and judged.

You will never have a sim to grade for the plan of God.

That means a ride where you said right now. You're going to have eternal life. On the leave on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be sick. Now you may wonder why we ask you to bow your head and close your eyes to give you privacy, any decision that is bonafide must be made and privacy.

And now with your head and your eyes closed. It's between you and God in eternity past Jesus Christ love you in time he went to the cross and was delivered for your sins. Right now, you can have eternal life.

You're going to say in silent prayer. Father I believe in Jesus Christ, I receive him as my Savior. I'm trusting in Him. Right now, they leave on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. And at that moment of time when you believe you are the possessor of eternal life become a child of God, you're born again.

You are the possessor of His righteousness. You are his there forever and ever.

Decision you make once that's all you have to make it it's binding on God forever.

He will never Welsh on his obligation to you, and He will save you in one second.

Whatsoever believe within Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. So with our heads bowed and eyes closed, I'm gonna ask buddy Daniel to lead us in closing prayer.

Father, the Cross has always been a reminder to us of the fact that we have eternal life.

The Cross has been a reminder to us that we have eternal life because of what Jesus Christ has done for us. We thank you this morning we have a new frame of reference of the cross as a reminder, the aggressiveness of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ if there's one mediator between man and God the man Christ Jesus. As we see this illustration analogy of Jesus Christ being addressing, going to the cross, just thanking the Bible doctrine. Really makes males into men that we can really be aggressive in the military. In our economy and our relationship with right when we thank you for this doctrine. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.



1970 RM/RW

Song of Solomon 8:6–7

Lesson #10



09/10/1970 Song of Sol. 8:6–7 Doctrine of category 2 love; doctrine of jealousy

During my college years, I worked in the summers on an island called Catalina about 25, miles off of Los Angeles.

My job was lifeguard and bookkeeper in a place called Emerald Bay.

While I was on this job.

I met a young Christian man.

He was probably one of the most unusual personalities I've ever met, came from a very strong Christian home.

And he had a real great Scots background.

And he's love to get into any kind of an argument or toss or anything we could think of whereby we could compete.

Like who could memorize 100 verses of scripture a day and would keep firing back and forth to one gave up.

I remember one time we were out on a war canoe that 10 people are supposed to paddle. But we decided we could handle it all by ourselves and we're about four miles off the island of Catalina. And we got hit by a little storm wasn't anything unusual I guess the waves weren't more than five or six or seven or eight feet high, but two people in a ward, and it was pretty rough.

And I was in the bile and he was in the stern.

And I was just working to keep that ball into the waves so we wouldn't get swamped and capsized because it's a long swim at four miles.

And all of a sudden over this storm the winds blowing and you get hit with all the spray and you're soaked and everything and it looks bad. I heard all these Scott's songs being signed.

And so I just stopped long enough and trailed my paddle to look back to see what Freddie was doing is just having a ball.

And I suddenly realized I was doing all the work.

And he was paddling.

He was singing Scott songs he was up like this and he had stuck his paddle in the water is on the rudder.

And it's been that way ever since.

This afternoon, it was 26 years when he was shot down over Berlin.

He was on his fifth and last mission. You know, they used to rotate 25 missions. And then you could volunteer for 25 more.

Two days before his last mission he wrote and told me about how he was looking forward to coming home, how he was looking forward to studying for the ministry.

All the things that were happening, you'd want every member of his air crew to the Lord but the navigator.

You want me to pray for the navigator, or the navigator accepted Christ in prison.

And that was the last letter I've ever had from.

Now then, we got information that he was missing.

And then finally got word for the German Red Cross that he had died and the manner in which he died, his plane was hit by Aflac.

His engines caught fire.

And he was in a hopeless situation and he someone had to hold the plane in control long enough for everyone to get up. Now it doesn't take more than 15 seconds. But someone has to keep the plane going in the right direction for those 15 seconds or a centrifugal force will keep everyone inside they'd all have been killed.

So Fred gave his life so that his crew could get that 15 seconds he kept the plane. On a more or less even keel.

And everyone bailed out except for add. And this is the last one got out who was the copilot. Of course the plane blew up.

And Fred went to be with the Lord.

Now it's a very interesting that tonight we're going to have a special.

And this special comes at a very interesting time. Because, Fred Macintosh had his right woman.

They had a wonderful life together I was out in Los Angeles preaching, or teaching or whatever I do, and I saw a very familiar person the audience and I recognize right away was Fred's widow.

And I just looked down and smiled I mean I'd gotten up and said about two words, and she just jumped up just crying went out and she apologized afterwards she said I can't ever see you again I can't ever even talk to you again it always reminds me so much of Fred and she can't tell his day even listen to tapes.

Still, reminds her of the one that she loves so much.

Tonight we're gonna have a special and addendum on the dogs on a ride man ride woman.

And I'm dedicating this to Fred's widow I dedicated to him except he's singing Scott songs and heaven and I'm paddling.

I don't know what y'all are turning to I haven't told you anything in.

There's a passage that has not been correctly translated.

I did is very badly translated.

And in this passage just some additional information on doctrine of right man right woman saw tonight turn to Sano Solomon chapter eight verse six, we're going to cover two verses tonight if it takes all night.

Song of Solomon chapter eight.

Verse six.

I don't apologize for having a cup of coffee while you're finding it because see I've been up a lot longer than you have

Sonam solemn Solomon 862 new doctrines tonight categorically and we're going to execute this passage.

This passage could never be used as a devotional because 50% of these two verses are erroneously translated.

The other 50% needs a little clarification.

So tonight for extra juices categorical information.

Every believer is a priest.

Every believer priest has the privilege of preparing himself for the study of the Word of God.

Preparation demands the privacy the priesthood rebound if necessary. You're going to need to concentrate tonight you're going to need to write when we get to category, you're going to have to work hard.

So let's spend a little time on silent prayer relaxing asking God to give us the concentration we need for this special study to see. Let us pray.

Father, we have a passage this evening which is so important, important to three categories of people.

Those who are single and waiting for the right one.

Those who have failed.

Those who have succeeded.

May we understand tonight as we get into this passage that we are dealing with a principle of grace orientation, as well as one of the most important principles and human relationship. Therefore, may God the Holy Spirit enlighten us for we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.

For just one so I'm going to dignify the King James Version. By reading these two verses as they stand. So at least you're where we are at times you'll wonder.

I hesitate almost to read this as it is because some of it is so poorly translated the shepherd lover speaks and he says sent me as a seal upon thine heart as a seal upon buying or love is as strong as death. Jealousy is as cruel as the grave, because there are over the coals of fire which have a most vehement flame, many waters cannot quench love. Neither can the floods drown it. If a man would give all the substance of his house for long. It would utterly be contend. I suppose you know the difference in the Old English between contemn and condemn means to judge contempt means to despise, this is an old English word, it is not a miss spelled word. And it does not condemn its content.

And amines despise a shepherd lover, and this book is the right man.

He is speaking to the human mind the woman who has rescued.

Who is the right woman.

And what he says. In this particular passage and her response beginning in the middle of the verse, add up to one of the most beautiful pictures of category two love.

Repentance because we're here, and we're going to take it verse, line by line and we'll even have to identify each phrase or each line or each word, we have a combination of soul and body relationship here between one man and one woman, designed by God and eternity past.

This is the categorical principle we'll be studying so first of all, in this relationship category to love right man right woman. We have the soul relationship and the phrase set me as a seal upon dine hart that's a soul relationship.

The word sent me as a callin parody of the verb soom, which looks like this. As you am soon as the cow imperative. It is a command. It is a command, made by a man who has properly assessed the situation, who is facing his right woman. She is in his soul. He is in her soul. They both know what, and this is the command of a man who is an aggressor and the right direction.

He go he orders her. But this order is based upon a relationship category to and what she has previously recognized her volition. And in this case, she has willingly surrendered herbal relation to the one who was in her soul. Every woman has free will. And as far as relationship or the opposite sex is concerned, there is only one person, designed by God, who will be in her soul to who she will also surrender, soul and body willingly of her own volition. So this is a callin parody. Plus, the first person singular suffix, which refers to the shepherd lovers set me. We have a suffix on this verb. And it's the first person singular, and which please notice the word singular, there is only one man in her soul, and that one man gives her a command. And he says set me as the seal the Hebrew word for seal is a very special one. It looks like this.

Ch, o t h Kota is the Hebrew word for a CEO, that a woman or a signet ring got a woman carried around her neck. Usually it was suspended on some kind of a leather thong or a chain or a string. And it was exactly this is now ice dogs. It was of such a length, so that it dropped right between her breasts.

And there it resided as per Genesis 3818, where we have a similar illustration.

And the signet ring carried by the woman around her neck indicated that she understood that there was one man who would fulfill her. Who could wear that ring? And the ring would fit and otherwise other words the woman recognized that she had something to give one man.

And she waited for him and that's the story of course so the Song of Solomon. The human mind woman. Once she knows that this man has inner soul. When he commands served me as a seal upon dine hart. She is recognizing that he fills her soul and satisfies her soul under category to love and therefore she surrenders her body to him but first of all the soul. The word for seal man is the signet ring, which was suspended around her neck and hung between her breasts and signify waiting for the right man.

And the concept is that the ring is used to portray the perfect sex relationship. Our right man, and right woman, but you will notice that this signet ring is said to be first of all upon the heart, which looks like this in the Hebrew. All the bait car.

Al means upon.

Hell Ebek a la Vega means upon your heart. The word heart here, the bacon, the suffix means your heart, by heart as it says here, Dalhart Reapers to the right, globe.

This is the part of the soul, which is involved, and having the right man in the soul, so let's check it out now one. Let's take a point by point a little easier. The word heart here refers to the right lobe, an arm standard load. The meaning of this phrase. Set me a seal upon thine heart, soul love precedes sex love.

Repeat sola ratio precedes sex love.

The man must be in her soul. Before she surrenders to him her body. Three, the right man was first beyond the soul and the right lobe of the right woman.

Any and all true love or category to love or white man right woman love.

The man will be in her soul.

First point four, I get this one down once in her soul, the right man never leaves.

There's no way you can get him out.

Though I never saw a woman who had a ride man with some time didn't want to sweep him outpoint five. Once a woman has her right man, and the soul, she will never be satisfied with another man. She might be unfaithful. But she'll never be satisfied.

This is going to save some of you gals a lot of trouble.

A woman will never be satisfied with another man. Once she has the right man in her soul.

Well when she tries point six her frustration is described, and he seek your chapter 17 or chapter 16 easy kill 16 describes the frustration of a woman trying to erase the right man from her soul, it can't be done. And this will save you a little trouble, we've studied zekiel 16 before you can get the tapes on.

And it'll save you a lot of wear and tear and make life a lot simpler.

Now point seven in the heart, or right lobe, the right man fulfills the right woman.

And the heart or right lobe, the right man fulfills the right woman soul easily.

And he does it in at least four ways. Now we get a little mechanics. First of all, he fulfills our norms and standards, some of you don't know what the right law is we were very good at up here. Laugh low perceptive law right load nonstandard load under gap doctrine comes here as gnosis goes down into the human spirit is happy analysis, and then cycles up here, into the norm and standard low. Now norms and standards, first of all, every woman will develop norms and standards, the Shula mite woman did the shepherd lover fulfill all of these norms and standards.

Secondly, he gives reality to her romantic dreams and imaginations.

If a young lady grows up, and doesn't have romantic dreams and imaginations. Then there's something wrong with all of you ladies I don't care how old you are at some time in your life you had some romantic dreams.

I hope you're not too old to remember that you are once romantic.

So it gives reality to our romantic dreams and imaginations and there are several passages in Song of Solomon, which indicate this. Thirdly, he provides fragrance of memory.

And that Song of Solomon 113, and four six.

My thank Rolly also provides mal odor of memory. While it may be. But as time goes on the fragrance stays on the male odor disappears.

He provides fragrance of memories. Song of Solomon 113 and 464 he provides full stimulation. Now here's one I want you to get your notes. All good sex comes from the soul, repeat all good sex comes from the soul. Soul stimulation therefore is the basis for sex stimulation.

You're not gonna find that books here.

All right. The shepherd lovers says to the Shula mite woman sent me as a seal upon thine heart, this is a recognition of the principle of soul relationship. Now right man white woman never stops with soul relationship there is also a physical or a body relationship, and therefore he adds this as a seal or a signet ring upon by an arm.

Now the signet ring or the seal upon the arm the word arm here actually also means lower arm, our fingers, and it also means strength.

And so we could translate this as a seal, or a are a signet ring upon your stream.

A woman's strength comes from sexual relationship with her right man. I am the ring is the sign of that.

The man and fulfilling the woman, insects, becomes her strength and the rain. The signet ring is this is the sign of this you will notice, first of all the soul, the signet ring. And secondly, they are now you can begin to see that using a ring and a marriage ceremony is a very ancient connotation.

Now we get to the principal, since he has given this command. How to command based upon assurance that this is the right man right woman relationship they are in each other's soul. And also he refers now to the body. There has to be a principle behind it. So we have the soul relationship, the body relationship. And now the basic principle behind it, or love is as strong as dad. Now the word for love here is an infinity which becomes now the knot and it's derived from a verb. Here is the verb, it looks like this. I have A H ABA pronounced. I have.

That's the verb. The verb and the cowl stem means to breathe. Hard to pant to desire to be an ecstasy. By the time you get to the PA let's just straight down the middle sex.

White man white woman however is the connotation. Now this verb Aha, is taken, and it is worked into a now by using the Infinity form and it looks like this, we flatten out the A. And then we give a very short a. And then I have ba.

I am I putting that h on there, we have a feminine. Now, aha Ba, or Aha, Ba.

And this is a noun which is used for category to love, and it does connote soul relationship, and it does connote sex relationship in that order.

Now the word strong pausaazab, or Azov.

A z A B s Zab.

This means strength in the sense of fortification in category to love the right man is a fortification around a woman's soul and body and category two Love is a two way street. Each fortifies the other age protects the other each satisfies the other each fulfills the other.

And then the analogy, as depth. khamar Well, looks like this and the Hebrew.

That's Kama w eth now mouth is death. khagaria is the preposition like are as it's an analogy.

And the analogy is to bring out the fact that billions of years ago an eternity pass, God the Father, actually designed provision for your death, he provided for your death. He provided for your death, there's dying grace. He also provided for your life and living Grace is the right man, or the right woman.

Both were designed and eternity past so love strong as death of the word strong meaning fortification. Each protects the other, the right man is protected by the love of the right woman, the right woman is protected by the love of the right man they protect each other.

And the analogy is made to death because God designed both. Now you remember this as we get into this passage because you're going to get the shock of your life, God is found in this passage and you'll never find it here in the English. And the reason you won't, is because the soul from the scribes of the Hebrew, were just afraid that God would be sponsoring anything as fun as sex, and they were very ascetic and therefore, they got his name out of there in a very neat way I'll show you how they did it. They took a donkey child. That's all they did. They took a doggish out of the hay, and that was it.

And God disappears, that's in the English. We have the complete Korea, we have the Hebrew, and the Korean gives us the correct part of it, so don't worry about it, and I'll look forward yet.

We have a long way to go.

Now, love is strong as death means something else, it means that one, it goes back to the emphasis on the soul, when you die, what leaves your body the soul, and you take your right man or your right woman with you.

You do not leave, as it were, your memories your fragrance, your soul relationship behind you take it with you. And therefore, this also counts the connotation of something stronger than death. Although the comparative is not used.

Now the emphasis is on design of eternity past protection. And there are things that are stronger in life than death. All right, that brings us now to a category, the doctrine of category to love Do not confuse this with doctrine white man white woman. And we have 11 points doctrine a category to love, and we have, you can't find this in your notes you may have doctrine right man right woman that won't suffice here this is something brand new.

Alright, some of you decide you want to write Fine. I'll wait for a moment.

Have a Charlotte call everyone comfortable and when want to leave and now's the time to do it.

All right, point one

Definitions. If we're going to talk about category two love obviously we better define describe or identify let's take a category one love toward God, Deuteronomy six five. Romans 835 first john 419 category one love is always directed toward God.

Deuteronomy six five.

Romans 835 first john 419 category two love is always directed toward a member of the opposite sex right man or right woman, just one only one.

Song of Solomon, eight, six and seven after we get through that so put after the word, eight six and seven parenthesis AGV for Hebrew category three is toward friends john 1513. And in the case of Jonathan. Second Samuel 126 Jonathan's love for David surpassed that of women. So that's a very interesting passage, and not our subjects. Second Samuel 126 category three toward friends. JOHN 1513 Second Samuel 126. All right, so much for definitions we're dealing only with category two love the relationship between right man and right moment.

Point to the strength or the fortification of category two love is declared in our passage Song of Solomon 867 is said to be as strong as death and cannot be extinguished by the pressures of life.

We will develop that later on, of course, the right now it's simply a categorical point, the fortification of category to law, the strength of category to law SOS eight six and seven.

Where law was the strongest death and cannot be extinguished by the pressures of life.

Point three. However, get this now. Death destroys pseudo log, as well as mental attitudes and death destroys pseudo love pseudo love dies with that.

And that's found in Ecclesiastes, nine five and six. Please as these nine five and six.

Now point for the exclusiveness of category to love.

It is extended to one person only and one person of the opposite sex all others are excluded.

Therefore, happiness and sex love is found in one person only.

Proverbs, 518, and 19.

Repeat the exclusiveness of category to live it is extended to one person, or the opposite sex all others are excluded. Therefore, happiness and sex love is found in one person only the one design for you in eternity past proverbs 518 and 19. Now we're not through so keep writing this excludes the following as a basis for sex happiness.

One auto elitism or masturbation whichever you want to call it, to homosexuality or lesbianism three promiscuity or adultery.

This excludes the following as a basis for such sex happiness or elitism or masturbation.

To homosexuality or lesbianism three promiscuity or adultery.

I occasionally have people come to me about masturbation and they're all they say well it's a great thing and it helps me and I'm satisfied I'm happy. And I say, you must really love yourself.

You're kidding yourself.

If God had designed that as the basis for your sex happiness, there'd be one generation on the earth, that'd be the end of it.

All right point five category to love producers and exclusive and perfect happiness category to love producers and exclusive and perfect happiness, which is self-sustaining and partner sustaining repeat category to producers and exclusive and perfect happiness. There is a happiness that can never be known, apart from category to law. So it's an exclusive and perfect happiness. The reason it's perfect is because it was designed by God and eternity past it is self-sustaining.

See, pseudo self-sustaining lab would be masturbation.

But this is self-sustaining and partner sustaining. So get that in your notes, and does not depend on anyone or anything else and that's proverbs 1517 category to love produces and exclusive, and perfect happiness, which is self-sustaining and partners sustaining and does not depend on anyone or anything else proverbs 1517. That's the whole concept of a honeymoon course it doesn't work out much anymore but that's the concept of wine six.

Therefore, category two love is pro tech D.

Protecting under two situations. One.

In the absence of the loved one. Song of Solomon, 113, and four six SOS 113 and four six c there's the fragrance of memories, but to it is also protective in the presence of the loved one. Song of Solomon to four. They went out to dinner. His love was a banner of protection over me.

So category two love is protected.

Now you have the first six points we're halfway through just rate shake your hand for a moment relaxing.

Also somebody better play a little better brand of poker. Remember it's none of my business I'm up here to communicate. I'm not collecting statistics.

All right, point seven.


No, no, no.

Which do you mean well no I mean they could have, they could be friends category three marriage one design for it. I make a pie and they could have sex relationship to buzz meaning. I'm talking about perfect happiness designed by God saying. So that's the whole that's what's going on, that's about half our problem in this country today about anywhere from 85 to 90% of all the people were married this God we got wrong man wrong woman.

That's why we got these hot headed kids never seen anything but brawls at home and so they go out and load up on some Narcos find some peace and happiness.

We have trouble.

And it's about time you see we have to start all over. We got to start with this generation of teenagers right now. Already a lot of them knock themselves out cool we'll see that's coming up and another point.

All right, point seven category two love illustrates relationship with the law or. One of the best ways to communicate doctrinal relationship with the Lord is to use category two. And in this case we have to will on the board, right, ma'am, is always the Lord, right woman is one Israel and the Old Testament, the church and the new.

So category two love illustrates relationship with the Lord one in Israel Jeremiah chapters two and three.

Specifically, love is used in Jeremiah two, two and 33 easy kill 16 is they killed 23.

As far as the church is concerned, Ephesians 523 through 33. Now all of these passages, have been covered in detail, under the right man right woman study point eight mental attitude sin attack, all phases of true love.

First john 518, and specifically jealousy is the greatest enemy of category to love SOS eight six our context. Song of Solomon h6 mental attitude sins attack. All forms and phases of true love first john 518 jealousy is the great enemy of category to Love Song of Solomon eight 6.9 category two Love is the provision of God's grace. No one ever earned or deserved a right man or a right woman principle is found in Proverbs, 1822 in the Hebrew which says literally whosoever finds the right wall not a good wife receives grace from the Lord. Whosoever finds the right woman receives grace from the Lord.

And of course divine institution number two is designed for category to love divine institution number two was designed for category two love the Ephesians five verses 2528, and 33, and Colossians 319

Point 10.

God did a very great thing when he designed right man and right woman. He also set aside some time for them.

God has set aside time in the life, and each line or category to law. Ecclesiastes three eight.

Fred Macintosh was relatively short, just a couple of years. Others have long other some avatar. God has set aside time and each life for category to love. Ecclesiastes these three eight.

However warning certain functions in life can shorten eliminate destroy more this time for example.

Those of you still in single bliss not waiting for the right man at the right moment there isn't any data in the world. There isn't any fun in the world, worth destroying that time.

Now waiting for the right man or the right woman premarital sex drug addiction, mental attitude sins.

All of these things.

By the way, you can put down pot to the doctors some doctors seem to condone it say it isn't physically harmful. It is very harmful to you, certain functions in life can destroy this time eg not waiting for the right male the right woman adultery drug addiction mental attitude sins. Now here's a real kicker. I have not explored this to the end but I'll throw it out anyway. Why 11 women must be taught by the right women to love the right man under category to love.

Titus two four.

Here's one of the best reasons for some women remaining alive for a long time living to a ripe old age. The train the young women.

Some of the mechanical functions in life and responding. Isn't that crazy even when you find the right man it does mean you can respond. Someone has to teach you always interested in fact I'm not through with that one but I throw it out because it exists.

Yes, women must be taught by the right women older women to read to love the right man under category two love. Titus two four. In fact, we had this last Sunday night. You notice I didn't do a whole lot with a fan, not doing much with it now.

I gotta find some old woman who knows the score and get why now.

Why now I have a problem because I'm found anyone who would admit that she was old.

I may never answer that one for you.

Now we go right on in the verse that we have a category. Our next title is the enemy of love. Are you keeping up with the titles in this verse. I can see that you're not alright you had soul relationship. 70 is a seal upon die Ondine Heart, Body relationship as a signet ring upon by fingers on your string. The principle Love is the strongest dab the category the doctrine of category to love. Now the next caption is the enemy of love. The enemy of love.

And we only have one phrase on this jealousy is as cruel as the grave.

Now the word for jealousy. Can, ah,who I am. Ah, Kenna is taken from the verb con ah which means to burn up the noun here means the metal attitude sin. It also occasionally means when use what God means zeal or ardor.

But the principle here is that the metal attitude sin or jealousy plus other mental attitude sins destroys capacity for category to love. If you are prone to jealousy, you are going to have a real difficult time, even after you find right man or white woman. If you are not prone to jealousy and all of your life you have been free from it. You're going to experience it. After you find right man or right woman.

One way or another. All of you are going to have a round or two with jealousy.

Now some people are jealousy prone that's their area of weakness.

And if you happen to be in that category you might as well start taking in doctrine daily like maybe two or three hours a day, just to keep yourself in shape right man or right woman. But if you are perfectly clear on this and you've never had problem one with jealousy. You have not fallen in love.

Because when you do.

Someone's just gonna look cross eyed of that or you're gonna uncross their eyes were black to the chalk.

So you don't even know what I'm talking.

All right, well let's get the principal.

Jealousy is cruel Cal perfect Kasha

Isha. khatia means to be harsh cruel, it means to be hardened it even means to have scar tissue.

So Hebrew word for it.

Jealousy is cruel, and then the analogy, as the grave.

What does it mean what is the purpose of the analogy, the grave robs the loved one. So jealousy robs the loved one too. If you have a loved one who dies, you are be relieved. If you are jealous. It's the same as being bereaved only you are hard instead of soft. When you lose a loved one, you are tender, compassionate. When you lose a loved one through jealousy you are hard cruel.

But the grave is used to indicate you are wrong, you have robbed yourself of someone you love. So the grave robs of a loved one, and jealousy robs of love capacity for category two.

Eventually, jealousy will do what the grave does, it will destroy category to love. And there's a lot of literature on this almost every opera has a background for, I'll tell the more is another illustration and so on.

Jealousy can destroy.

God's design. In other words, jealousy is something you do, right man right woman is something God did an eternity past, you can follow up by getting your order in there, as it were, and jealousy is the way to do it. Therefore, another category that doctrine of jealousy 12 points, give you two seconds to relax point one rajwada nap.

I won doctrine of jealousy.

If you don't have any paper just borrow an old Baby Ruth wrapper by one. So great was the sin of jealousy, that a whole Levitical offering was used for it. There is a special Levitical offering designated under the Levitical code, found in Numbers chapter five verses 11 through 31, it's a fascinating offering. It is the only offering that is designed for one sin only it is the jealousy offering.

There are two kinds of jealousy in numbers five jealousy and you have a right to be, there's really something going on, jealousy and it's all your imagination. And this sin offering take this jealousy offering takes two different turns. At one point, if you have a right to be jealous. One thing happens. And if you are just imagining things, something else happens, I don't look it up now.

You can look it up after two seconds after you get some you're gonna die from here on.

That's all I'm going to tell you, because we'll never get through the night. I'm watching to see if anyone see Yep.

Well, you're gonna lose.

Point 2.2 jealousy is the basis for destruction of category two love SOS h six our passage.

This is our SOS for category two loves SOS h six.

Jealousy is the basis for destruction of category two loud SOS eight sets.

But that is at all point three. The same jealousy, which destroys category to love also destroys the function of the sole job five to Proverbs 1430, and that's why some people are psychotic, and that's why some people are neurotic jealousy can produce psychosis and neurosis job five to Proverbs 1430.

And you can be mentally ill. All you got to do is just perpetuate jealousy.

Why for jealousy therefore is the strongest of the metal attitude since. Jealousy is the strongest or the mental attitude since. Proverbs 27, three and four. It is compared to anger, it is stronger than anger and anger can do a lot of horrible things or some of you have never lost your temper so again you only know I'm talking.

And of course something or zombies to jealousy therefore is the strongest mental attitudes and proverbs 27 three and 4.5, I get this very important love precedes jealousy.

Now I'm not talking about people who have jealousy is an area of weakness neither is this passage, but there's a passage that recognizes before you can be good and jealous and category two, you have to have category two, you have to fall in love, and then you have something about which to be jealous. Whether with imagination or with facts. Ecclesiastes, nine six love precedes jealousy, and I'm talking about category to live.

You're not jealous of people about whom you care another. There are two kinds of people that you can be jealous toward one those whom you despise, and to those whom you love.

All right, I can feel the crank going around let’s leave that go to point six jealousy motivates revenge. Progress proverbs 634.

See jealousy is not only self-destructive it destroys others jealousy motivates to revenge. Proverbs, 634.

Therefore, jealousy takes real or apparent wrongs out of the Lord's hands and intrudes on the divine prerogative of judgment. Romans, 1219.

Deuteronomy 3235 70 Vengeance is mine, I will repay jealous he says forget a lot I'll take care of it.

Point seven jealous.

Jerry those verses were Romans 1219 Deuteronomy 30 to 35. All right, halfway through, shake your hand relax for a second read one, read the whole point again well I just read all of them through just point one.

So great was the sin of jealousy that a special offering was designated for it under the Levitical code numbers 511 through 31 to jealousy as the basis for the destruction of category two love SOS eight six context. Three mental attitude sounds like jealousy destroy man, they destroy a soul job five to Proverbs 1430 that's explains psychosis and neuroses when least one explanation for jealousy therefore is the strongest of the mental attitude since proverbs 27 three and four, five love precedes jealousy, please. He asked he's 966 jealousy motivates to revenge. Proverbs 634, therefore jealousy takes real or apparent wrongs out of the Lord's hands and intrudes on the divine prerogative. The Divine prerogative Vengeance is mine. I will repay set the Lord, Romans 1219 Deuteronomy 3235. Now I'll take a rest for a second point seven, jealousy, actually splits nations. Jealousy split the nation of Israel. He for him was jealous of Judah, Isaiah, 1113. So jealousy can be a nation destroyer, as well as a self-destroyer, as well as a love destroyer.

Jealousy split the nation Israel.

Nine Isaiah 11 13.8.

Jealousy was the motivator of the religious leaders who crucified Christ.

Jealousy was the motivator of the religious leaders who crucified Christ. Matthew 2718. Mark 1510.

Jealousy over authority, as illustrated by the fact of Joseph jealousy over the authority of Joseph motivated his brothers to sell him into slavery.

The brothers of Joseph were jealous of his authority. Therefore they were motivated to sell him into slavery. This is taught in X, 7979 a commentary on an Old Testament passage.

And that's true today there's all anyone in authority, always has x number of people who are jealous.

That's a problem in any kind of an organization.


Negative volition manifests itself in jealousy. Negative volition manifests itself in jealousy. Romans, 128, and 29.

Romans 128 and 29, or 2011.

What was that point in negative volition manifests itself in jealousy. Romans 128 and 29.

Point 11 jealousy rejects the teaching Bible doctrine, some people reject Bible doctrine because they're negative they're negative because they're jealous. Jealous he rejects the teaching Bible doctrine acts 1345 x 17 x 1345 and 17, five point 12 false doctrine produces jealousy. First Timothy six on Paul's doctrine produces jealousy. First Timothy, six, four.

Now, one note here, envy and jealousy are synonymous terms. Some of these passages, especially the New Testament ones. Use envy, but envy and jealousy are synonymous in all of these passages.

Now we lead jealousy the great enemy of love. We're still in verse six, the logic would be a while here.

Now we have the illustration of love and here's where we get into some problems of extra Jesus, you're following along, our next caption is the illustration of blob jealousy is cruel as death that's the enemy of love. Now the illustration of law.

We start with the word calls the calls there over the coals of fire. The trouble with this thing is that we have a phrase here, which Russia for ya. Which like this.

Now, that's a goes over here are e sh a Ph.

D. I guess we're better put a y ah, Russia on the end means it's a third feminine singular suffix and the feminine goes with Ahava, the noun for love. So, when it says the cause there. It is literally the reshot part is a flame and it should be translated her flame. Now let's stop here for a moment, your variable map, here's the trick correct translation her flame her is that suffix, and that suffix refers to love category to love as a flame. And it’s one thing to have liver though that's something else to burn category to love you burn any knucklehead gonna have Liberty lawyers do is be more or less healthy in no small measure of sleep,

But to burn belongs to category two.

That's why it says in Corinthians it is better to marry than to burn. That doesn't mean if you have a wave of whatever though it's better to get married, that is the most misunderstood verse, but when you find the right man or woman, there's just one thing you want to do you get into each other's souls and from there, you want to get into each other's bodies.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Provided that marriage is possible and you see.

And so it is better to marry than to burn burning is talking about category to love not live at all.

Don't confuse your 11 Oh, live burning say what's the difference. The difference is once you have category to love you earn for your opposite number.

Now that's burning in Corinthians. Now let's get it back here. This thing all starts see there's a flame, and the flame it says her flame loves flame and this flame candles a fire for a member of the opposite sex first of all one in the soul, and two in the body.

One and the soul and two in the body.

Now the word coal isn't here at all it's pitiful.

The word coal is the word, Russia, looks like this.

And it's not. It's our E sh GPH and Russia means flame. Out of coal a flame burning bright, beautiful earth flame that's loves flame.

Then the next time we have coals that's our flames of fire so here is a literal translation, or flame.

Referring to loves category to love her flame and there is no is we'll put one in his flames portal now we have another portal flames of fire.

There you have it now. A little different, isn't it.

Now that words fire is the perfect illustration of category to love her flame are the flames of fire up what is in here is isn't is it's our her flame is for flames are we better put a plural in here this is really singular with their smooth and her flames are flames of fire or flames are the flames of fire literally what this means. This is the passion, the power, the intensity of category to love repeat this is the passion, the power, the intensity of category to law.

So fire that never stops burning flames are the flames of fire. This is the intensity of category to love, so intense for example is the physical relationship that a person involved may start talking to himself, am I normal.

And of course the answer is of course you are. You're just in category to love and it's unique.

As you experience it.

Now get this next phrase, almost VM on plane. I can't believe it.

But this is what happens when asceticism gets a hold of the Bible. This is what's wrong with these fundamentalist ministers who are so dignified that they can't even utter a three letter word like sex without crawling out of a pole but blushing or rebounding.

These people not only have no sense.

But obviously they're enslaved by asceticism.

I have to laugh every now and then someone says well you're corrupting young people your language. What do you think I get that language from the young people are corrupting me.

I hear you john when he was in junior high, we got into a good fight.

Her flames loves are the flames of fire, and you know what this phrase is a most vehement flame. It is the flame from the Lord.

I'll put this in writing for you may take it. The whole board to do it.

Shall Kevin found it a bit by bit here I want to show you something.

Shall Kev.

It's gonna take a minute to Yeah.

Now this is one word.

s HALC h e b e t than a very small e y h or j let's put j in here j h.

Now, this, this gh, of course, is a suffix.

And it means, for example a.

It just simply means as it stands her or his or its flame.

This is another word for flame. But actually, in the Hebrew, what they did the scribes took out this little doggish right there. Now you see they didn't have spaces between the words.

When they wrote their Hebrew. And then there are no spaces here, and this much is not a suffix at all. It's the name for God, but it isn't the usual one the tetragrammaton which looks like this. It's a shortening of that because, yeah, or God has designed for believers and unbelievers category to law.

And so instead of using the tetragrammaton which they couldn't they couldn't have gotten that out of those, but by leaving a doggy shop. They hide a word for God. The shortest word for God. Yeah.

See that part is also used in the tetragrammaton Jehovah, yehovah.

So this should read her flames loves flames are the flames of fire, the flame is from the Lord.

Every right man right woman relationship was designed by God in eternity past.

And verse six, but not our subject.

Verse seven concludes it. Our next title and verse seven is the durability of category to love the durability of category to love durability.

Now let's get going here, many waters. I won't take up the Hebrew here we haven't time. Water puts out the fire right, wrong, all the water in the world will not put out this fire.

Many waters what are many waters pressures disasters difficulties are the expression misunderstandings acts of unfaithfulness wise metal attitude sans, anything that would ordinarily put out a fire doesn't put out a fire gym or go to a fire to pour water on it and accidentally pour kerosene on.

Alright, you get the picture that many waters cannot quench however the word cannot here is not really correct. We have three words here. First of all, we have the word lollol, which means not not part so far so good. That's Cannot you see, then we have a ha foul and perfect yokkao J K L yokkao, which means to be able, and the half hour plus the negative it means not to be able, never to be able, and the half l means never, so we should put, never.

Usually, that's a long time. Yeah, so is eternity past when God designed you for someone.

So, I don't know whether you're gonna be happy or miserable about this but let's face it anyway.

Negative plus yokkao means cannot is you have it, or never. Not ever. And then able to clench only the word to quench is Kava and Kava does not mean to quench it means to extinguish.

And you can never not ever extinguish it.

Now let's hold a place here for a moment and just take an illustration of this, let's turn to Jeremiah 225.

Jeremiah 225. This will give you a chance to rest your hand.

Now this is no illustration of how many waters are not never not able to extinguish the flame, all the water in the world won't put this fire out. Now here is the right woman, and she is my bit classified as doing two things in verse 25 one infidelity and two she's a lush.

One is, both are escapism she goes to other men for escapism, she goes to alcohol for escapism. Now with whole die foot from being unshod. That means she is taking her shoes off and some guys can't. And I throw from thirst that's drinking. But you said. Now here's the woman who gives up hope. You said, there is no hole. Never.

For I have and why my right, man, this woman is saying, which is the Lord and by illustration in the passage, my right man will never forgive me, there's no hope. I'm a lush, and I'm a tramp.

Alright, for I have loved strangers. And after them, will I go I've gone chasing, I did it all by myself. I did it deliberately. Alright, let’s see now. Look at verse. 32.

Cannot maid. Forget her ornaments.

This is the right man cannot bride forget her attire, yet my people have forgotten me days without number does that mean the Lord is unfaithful no see. Right man right woman is illustration for God's faithfulness. But remember, this woman has gone. She has gone chasing. She's a lash and a tramp. And it doesn't put out the fire. I'll give somebody a sample think about.

Now your nose first 33 says why trimmer style by way to see glove.

How easy you sound, how easy you make the way to see glove.

Therefore, that was also taught the wicked ones die ways. In other words, you have made loves cheap.

You're going after a lot of people, and you've taught others to follow in your way. But it doesn't make any difference. They cause as it says in chapter three I am faithful.

Now there's a principle here.

Yeah, there's something a lot of you'll never understand, and some of you are gonna get hurt very badly because you don't, you're right matter right whatever whoever it is, no matter what they do, they're never you're not you're not gonna put out the fire, you can get mad. You can be upset, you can fall apart and sit at direction.

Can't extinguish the flame. All right back to reverse many waters.

Never extinguish love. And the word for love here is the right man right woman, only a steal. Ah, ha, ha. Ba looks like this.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, D, and then a. Ah, hey, B. Ah, ha hahaha. Ah, de la category two, we have a definite article here, to define the fact we are still dealing with a doctrine of right man right woman, it cannot be extinguished.

In time, or in eternity love as strong as dad.

Now the law refers to right man right one relationship designed by God see God designs everything in a rather permanent way.

And this goes back to the analogy of the flames which build up rather than become extinguish you pour water on doesn't do a thing. All right, let's get a related translation here. her flame loves our flames of fire, the flame is from the Lord, many waters water puts out fires are not ever able to extinguish the love.

It's God's design. That's it. There is no water in life that can extinguish the flames category too loud.

Neither Kamba floods.

Not hotter, is a very interesting now looks like this but that doesn't tell the story and a CH AR. Now I'm giving you only the root form of the now this is a masculine noun, with a feminine plural suffix. And it means all kinds of situations.

This many floods here is maximum pressures. The most powerful enemies a category to love whatever they happen to be they can't destroy it.

And the word drown means to inundate to sweep away by a flood. So Kalyan perfect, they never inundated.

Now your next caption, and your final one, how about this category to law cannot be purchased. How can you buy something God designed and eternity past, you can't buy salvation, you can't do anything for your salvation. It was designed by God and eternity past. The same thing is true, right here, you cannot buy category to love all the money in the world won't buy it, even as all the money in the world will not purchase salvation. It can't be purchased.

Alright, let's take a look at it from an eesh. See this is he should shop but here's an eesh, without an E shop, and he wants to. This is I sh.

He wants to buy an E shop.

While they're going on.

Yes, you don't know about that. If a man Aneesh would give all and the word forgive is not perfect, you keep on paying through the nose and paying and paying and paying. Give everything and a th a means to get out.

So Kalyan perfect.

If he would give all his substance literally all of the wealth of his household or his estate under an agricultural economy, all of the wealth of his household is the total sum of this individuals well for love.

It would be utterly contained literally despising, they would despise him category to love or despising it category to love would despise him. You'll never get it.

You'll get scorn alright seven points on this principle just to shorten it up one.

The word for contam or despise looks like this proves B, you see that's not that's booze.

It means to trample underfoot. It means total rejection our total store category to live will totally store the person who tries to work for the league unless you see, you can't work for more on I think of all the knuckleheads around here, taking some doll out in this church and then testing her to see if she's the right woman, or the gal on the first day starts talking about you on three or four children. Do you like this kind of furniture that we've got in at around here, those kind of people shouldn't even be left out of their cage to date.

I like it. I mean, we've got them right here. Saviola shape up a little bit. You do you have a date it should be something innocuous, it may cut the loneliness, but that isn't your right man your right woman. If you're under 22, or 25, you don't even know what the right man or a woman is. You're kidding yourself.

We have some girls around here boy they've scared these guys in other churches.

Unbelievable, real subtle.

I like period furniture. What about you, if you were to get married tomorrow, would you want a queen size or a king size, are you girls better get off it.

Well Lord will lead you at the right moment to your right man the meantime keep that signal key around or that signal ring around your neck.

Point to category to love cannot be purchased with all the money in the world. You can't buy category to love anymore then you can buy salvation.

Going three category two love is God's grace design in eternity past allegory to lobbyists God's grace design and eternity past point for, therefore it cannot be counterfeited duplicated or substituted cannot be counterfeited duplicated substituted point five. It cannot be purchased it cannot be bribed wide sex.

This is the most common form of legalism in the human race I'm not talking about spiritual legalism I'm talking about human race legalism to attempt to purchase something that only God can provide and his time and then his way, you can't buy it.

Therefore point seven category to love is not only one of the greatest experiences in life.

But it is a Rome to grace orientation.

Thank you Father for the privilege of studying these things my God the Holy Spirit enlighten us for we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.


1970 RM/RW

Song of Sol. 6:10

Lesson #11




10/02/1970 Song of Sol. 6:10 How to recognize your right man or right woman

Song of Solomon chapter six verse one.

Song of Solomon 61 preparation for our study the Word of God this morning we'll spend the next few moments in silent prayer. Using the rebound technique if necessary in order to ensure the filling of the Spirit as we study this passage this morning. Let us pray.

Thank you now father for the wonderful privilege that belongs to us as the labor priests fulfill our most important function in phase two intake of the Word of God. And as we study this portion of the word this morning my God the Holy Spirit enlighten us and challenge.

We ask it in Christ's name. Amen.

Song of Solomon chapter six, beginning at verse one. Song of Solomon six line. This is the identification passage. Sooner or later, everyone has to identify right man or right woman, preferably later than sooner. When you start saying sooner at some teenager always perks up his ears on assumes that love is just around the corner, instead of a lot of painful activity. So it's very important to understand that there's no rush. So I'm sure most people think well the rapture might occur before I find my right man or right woman. Or he might be killed and world war three. All of my friends are getting married. Where is my right man this type of thing. Now, Song of Solomon chapter six is designed not only to hit you off with the past but to give you a perspective with regard to this principle. It raise at least the first three verses, whether it's by the law that gone, or thou fairest among women, whether it is by the law the turn aside that we may seek Him when we studied this verse last Monday morning, the daughters of Jerusalem are speaking. And they are completely intrigued by the description given of the shepherd lover by the Shula mite woman. And this, again, is the reflecting of His glory, the Shula mite woman and the shepherd lover or right man right woman may have had a relationship up to now that has been so fantastic. That when she describes him to them immediately they want to know him. Now we studied this last Monday morning in connection with witnessing for Christ. When through the daily function of GAF. You have a real love for the Lord and your witnessing is not going to be based upon a bunch of laws or a bunch of goofy approaches.


If you're going to speakfrom love from understanding. You're going to communicate in your own frame of reference and your own personality, and the power of the Holy Spirit. And you're going to be able to make a lot of sense. And people are going to want to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Now that's an application. But this passage is actually teaching a great principle, and it has to do with the doctrine of right man and right woman. It has to do with reflected glory and chorus one of the great problems that often occurs is that people are in too much of a hurry, and they will not wait. While the one for whom the Lord has designed. I have heard you've heard me mentioned my very good friend in Miami, who is a former paratrooper and then spent some years on the stage. And he's Tahlia extraction and of course all of his brothers and sisters were married at a relatively early age, the parents own a very excellent and unusual business in this country. And they were all concerned about Lou, because he was he had a fantastic military record and had been very successful on the stage. And why the time he reached age 39 he had not married. And they were all having a family dinner one time and they began to make fun of him as only unhappily married people can do have someone who's still free and his mother intervened on his behalf with some Neapolitan dialect what she said was do ha stop by siendo at no hop bonito, which translated into English is God is still making her and he hasn't finished yet. Well this is a principle we're going to find in this passage. Now here is a case where a right man and right woman have found each other. And as yet of course, they have not consummated their relationship with marriage. But that's in the offing when it is a case of right man right woman, it's a very wonderful thing and the Shula mite woman and the shepherd lover are not the last two to find each other, see we're anticipating verse three where they recognize that they belong to each other. This happens in history and I think one of the course, there are many wonderful historical illustrations. But the one that always stands out in my mind are the great great grandparents, of Winston Churchill. The Duke of Marlborough in his very famous wife Sarah course Coursera practically ruled England at one time when she was the close friend of Queen Anne. But the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough are one of the great illustrations of this, and of course, john Duke of Marlborough lived a very exciting and a very unusual life and naturally and as often happens he died first. And this left a very wealthy and a very beautiful woman I believe she was in her early 50s and was still one of the most beautiful women in England. She was a very unusual person. So obviously everyone wanted to marry her and immediately the wolves gathered and so on are one of a man who was pressing a suit with her was the Duke of Somerset. And he wrote her one of those beautiful letters putting himself on record as intending to marry her. So she wrote him a very excellent reply and I'm going to quote one paragraph from her letter. She said, quote, if I were young and handsome, as I was. Instead of old and faded, as I am, typical a beautiful woman she's always old and faded. Instead of old and feta design ladies aren't something wrong.

If I were young and handsome as I was instead of old and faded as I am. And you could lay the Empire of the world at my feet. You should never share the heart and the head that belongs to john Viggo Marlborough, and quote. Well, that's one of the big put downs in history but after all, she had a ride man and she wasn't going to settle for anyone else even though she would live a number of years after he departed from this life. Now in this particular passage. When they say we would like to meet your beloved immediately the Shula mite woman in verses two and three begins a very short, very beautiful soliloquy. And this short and beautiful soliloquy is designed to indicate identification. There is no doubt as to who her right man is there's it's not even a matter of doubt, people say well how can you identify right man or right woman.

Most people, and it's just typical of people who simply do not understand capacity for love, you have to have your own capacity for love. And it's amazing to me how many women have come to me since I've started teaching right man right one, but the question, How can I tell my right, man. Now these same women have instincts about things you wouldn't believe they can tell if you're scratching your right here, five miles away while contemplating the area where the sun is in the sky, and they have all these instincts about everything about people, and they even call it ESP and sometimes there's just a fake out when some poor Dumb Bunny that doesn't know that women will use almost anything to try to get information. And, like I had this dream about you and you were standing on the corner of and doing so and so and it's just a fake out, and some board guy says, Yeah, that's right, you know. Well now these women who can tell you what you're doing when you're 100 miles away at 12. Oh, 7.23.

In the evening I can't even begin to identify the right man it’s phenomenal women have all kinds of phenomenal instincts these instincts are designed because they're women, and they're designed to be responders, and a responder has to have a certain amount of protection. And these instincts are designed for that. And so here are all these women who can tell everything you've been doing for the last 24 hours. 1000 miles away but they can't even tell their right man. In other words, it's amazing to me how many times especially women. They want everything to be nebulous mass abstruse or real and automatic all the rest of it. But they want their right man to have a green ear on the starboard, and a red ear on the port side, and a little dock just under the chin, with her name or her initials very likely in gray.

It's just fun it's phenomenal.

And of course it's one of the great in consistencies of the human race. Not, how can you determine who and what is your right, man. Well for the believer in Jesus Christ, it's easy all you have to do is to have a capacity for love first, which comes first, the love or the capacity. And the answer is better that the capacity should come first, it doesn't always work that way. But if the capacity for love comes first, identification is easy and capacity for love comes through Bible doctrine. Well, since this is also a principle that applies to unbelievers. What is their happens with them, their capacity for love can also be developed, but from different ways. I have seen unbelievers develop fantastic capacity from love for love from romanticism from reading from education from training from concepts from principles. And so while the principle applies for everyone we're only dealing with those who are believers we're dealing with the problems that are faced among those who are Christians. Now this is a Shula mite woman and Solomon is trying to win and woo her and Solomon is the most of everything and the male of the species in that particular age, and even the Word of God, the New Testament says even Solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed as one of these, which indicates the Solomon is a very glamorous person.

And she is in the process of turning him down in fact she has said no 100 ways but she's going to have to say no, three or four more times before he finally.

Well, he never would give up except that she departed.

Now in this passage we have the principle of identification.

How do you know you're right, man.

The first time that you ladies were teenagers and some man smiled and you felt a little sick. A little nausea.

You maybe assume that would have been your right man, of course, you survived your first romance to them to laugh about it later. Because as you look tour, your ideas about men training, and this is true all of your life.

A woman's attitude toward a man, and her concepts as to what to expect in a man are in the process of changing. And the only thing that ever stops that process is to find the right man.

Now the only problem is when you find the right match and don't ever get the idea that's all you have to do is then start making this guy fit your standards. In other words, this began a long life of nagging and carving and chiseling and pasting up and gluing together, working rover until he's exactly like you want it.

That is the end of the line for you Even if you have the right man. You'll never do it if a man's any kind of a man you can nag him into the grave, but he'll never change. Now that's something you need to know about you ought to make a note on that.

Because most people, destroy their capacity for love, either through a mental attitude sense, or for this idea of hacking away and hacking away, and a man may be a gentleman about it. And he may revolt, and he may bolt. But you cannot remake what God has designed. You may not like everything about it, you may not like anything about it.

But it can't be done.

And many of you ladies have ruined your lives by becoming nags and do not only try to remake the gentleman you married. But you also are in the process of trying to straighten everyone else around, I know we're close to me sometimes but I brush it off in a hurry.

I am mag proof.

Marine say I am a United States Marine, I'm fighting for my country, etc.

I am a man I am a group.

Now it's really tragic to wreck your own life.

By trying to fit someone into your mold and I want you will notice as we began verse two, she doesn't do that she says, my beloved. She is talking about her Shepherd lover, she's talking about her right man.

And she declares the identification and her attitude. My beloved is gone down into his garden. Do the beds of spices to feed and the gardens and the gather lilies. Well if you're a real red blooded American woman you'd never want this guy for yourself. You may like lilies yourself but who wants a husband or a boyfriend or write man down in a garden and then a bed of spices gathering lilies. I mean I can see almost a good case for trying to straight him out in the background or something. But obviously this is not to be taken literally. For example, there are many most of the whenever the passage indicates that it has literal attempt there's no problem for example, most of the New Testament is literal unless in the acts of Jesus, analogy a setup and Hebrew poetry, there is a great deal of this type of alliteration and sent parentally showing something in a romantic way. And she says, my beloved has gone down into his garden. What is his garden?

The garden is his daily activities.

See the garden in the ancient world is simple use, but the garden was also a place of pleasure and the first thing she was saying about her beloved her right man. It is that he is oriented to his life of business activity. And he enjoys it.

Now a lot of men do not and a lot of men are disoriented and whatever they are doing in life, but his garden is merely the daily activities of his life, saw her beloved is actually going about his business. She knows she knows him well enough to know that he has wonderful character, and therefore he's going to do his job. And so he's maybe 500 miles away 300 miles away, but she does know what he's doing why, because she knows him.

And she knows that he would never shirk on his job. And so when she says he's down in his garden she means well I know that he's on the job.

I know his character.

When you can identify your right man you begin to learn things about it, and you learn as she learns that he is faithful in his job that he has certain character they have a sense of responsibility. So my beloved has gone down into his garden is stating something even though they're separated. He is stating the fact that he has a sense of responsibility that he is a man of stabilized character. Now says he's gone to the bed of spices. You must remember that the spices. This is the concept of a pleasant smell. And this also indicates that his life is pleasant for him with a sense of responsibility and whatever he's doing we know what he's doing he's a shepherd. His life is a pleasant life. And it also not only indicates a pleasant life, but it also indicates a good disposition, the bed of spices in the garden. The garden is the fact that he has a life that he enjoys and he has a sense of responsibility in his business, and the battle spices indicates that he has a pleasant disposition. He has good character a pleasant disposition, and while he is in his garden, the relationship that he has with any people with whom he contacts is a pleasant one generally. In other words, he met the fragrance of capacity for love capacity for friendship. The ability to get along with people who understand people and so on. In other words, she is describing him as a well-adjusted person. Now you ladies especially how to put this down. Before you meet your right man or at the time that you meet him, he ought to be adjusted to life. God help you have your right man isn't adjusted to life but he's still a little child and he's still a mama's boy.

You probably have faced that problem.

If you're marrying a man and he turns out to be a 25 year old boy is a child is oriented.

It is important that you have the right man right woman relationship that the man be oriented to life, adjusted to life and have the ability to take the responsibility for his own decisions. And that's why you ladies author drama into your teenage daughters. The guy that you see in school as a kid, He's a calf. He's not adjusted alive. He's not down on his garden he doesn't have a pair of spices. He's just half boy half man, someday he may shape up but it's impossible for a teenage boy to shape up and get married. And you must watch your teenage daughters very carefully, that they do not become, shall I say over involve some teenage boy.

It's a good way to wreck alive.

Now this is something every mother should know not only you ladies as women should understand how to identify your right manager capacity for love.

But if you have teenage daughters or you have girls who are going to be teenage daughters. It's about time that you shaped up with regard to your thinking. And they will not allow your daughters to become common fall. There's a point where they get into something really bad marriage, some involvement that shakes them all up and I'll tell you one thing the worst thing that ever happened to the teenage crowd is going steady,

I guess, idiotic to the core insanity. It shows that parents have no control over their children from the time they're born. Till the time they reach the dating stage. I remember when I was in high school, we always felt sorry for the kids that were going steady. And, of course, everyone I do play in the field. And my girls thought that was a good idea, they're more or less protected from all these monsters to play football.

To see all this but everyone's going city today they're idiots.

The first step toward communal living going steady today and a hippie tomorrow.

And there's a logical progression there. So I think it's time for the mothers to start waking up you have a keg of dynamite in the home, you have a teenage daughter. Of course you had a lot of opportunity to gain some control and authority in those sweet years you know there's always a period where children are so lovable and so sweet. You can't stand it with boys it's very short, they tell me what girls that last longer, butlike also the cute stays the sweet stage the innocent stage and so on.

On the other side of all that you are sitting on a volcano. And especially at a time in which we live at a time of Apostasy. All right, let's take a look at this so younger she identifies. He's gone down into his garden to a better spices he is not he is not only has a sense of responsibility, but he has a good relationship he's oriented to live to feed in the gardens indicates once again that he is simply. His life is filled with good things, and gather lilies, the gathering of lilies is simply the concept of appreciating things that are beautiful. It has to do with enjoying details of life the lilies here are the details of life. And it is possible for an adjusted person to enjoy the details of life without being enslaved by them. Of course it's a rare type of person, and especially the day in which we live, we can hardly understand this maladjustment.

Now she declared she has simply described his character in terms of his life and his orientation and verse two body in verse three she says, I am my beloveds. I belong to Him, and my beloved is mine. Now there were mine and mine. In the case that she knows that he is at her soul, and she is in his soul.

And even though they are separated, and notice again he feet up among the lilies, which indicates that he is an oriented person he has a pleasant life.

He is well oriented to lie.

He has the capacity to enjoy the details of life.

And so she says he feed us among the lilies.

Again the details of life are involved here. Now, she identifies and she makes a very dogmatic statement somewhere in your life ladies, you have to make a dogmatic statement.

A dogmatic decision.

You may not be dogmatic or feel dogmatic in fact probably not a very feminine feeling. But you must have confidence. With regard to one member of the human race male type that he is your right, man.

Now some of you will never know what I'm talking about because you missed the boat. Of course you have children, make sure that they get this information. Maybe you miss the boat because no one ever talked to you this way, when you were young. It's too bad. But this is information that you are going to be able to utilize because this is a very upset and disturbed generation and the characteristics we have in this country among our teenagers today I'm speaking generally. I'm not speaking about some of the wonderful teenagers we have in this church. Some of those fantastic teenagers I met in Peoria, Illinois this weekend. Wherever there is Bible doctrine, there is a change, but generally the characteristics that are found in this teenage crowd today are the characteristics for national destruction.

And we have the same thing as at the time of a fall of the Roman Empire and they exist today. All right. With this in mind, the principle of identification. I want to look again at the principles of category two law, now we're not taking up the doctrine that's coming in chapter eight. I want to look simply at the principles of category two love identification demands that we look at these things. We are going to have the doctrine of category to live in the eighth chapter. But verse three emphasizes the fact that there are certain principles and these principles help with identification. How can you identify right man, or right woman.

So the principles of category to love are found throughout the Song of Solomon I'm going to summarize them there are nine of them.

The first of these that we had in Song of Solomon one seven category to love involves one person in your soul, whom you can never forget, and never erase one person category to love that is unique and special course category three love is unique and special motherhood involves generally more than one person.

But category to love involves one person in your soul, and we'll never forget that person and you can never erase that person from your soul. And no matter what they do, what it really amounts to.

They say oh yes I can I say oh no you can just look to have it right there a stand up. I that Song of Solomon one seven.

Now the second principle category to love. As you recall, and Song of Solomon one Tudors compared to wine will not go through the line dissertation again.

But I want to point out to you this fact. You must know something about the opposite sex.

See your category two person is going to be a member of the opposite sex. Now I'll make that very clear as a matter of fact, I want to get mixed up.

And we took up all the, the analogy to wine is excellent because there's so much to know about wine.

Some people think all you have to know about wine is, this is wine and drink.

And that's of course not true but will not develop that again. Now that was Song of Solomon, one, two.

The third principle is the category to love is protective.

It's important to realize that once you have a right man and your soul. You are protected from a lot of things.

Now the only danger. The only problem is that you must be careful of reaction. Now I want you to notice that the Shula mite woman was not reacting. There is a principle that fights against protective has to do with having the right person in your soul. There's a lady's class so it's the right man in your soul. When you become reactive to the right man he no longer is protected.

And for one reason or another, there are many reasons why you can be reacting mental attitude since bitterness or jealousy is real or apparent unfaithfulness is instability whatever it is that causes you reaction. And if you become reactive you might as well face it you are in a danger area.

This is why girls leave home.

And here.

I mean big girls.

Now that protected principle is important.

As long as you are not reactive.

You can be anywhere in the world. And you are safe and his love protection. He is in your soul, and that's the greatest protection a woman ever had. Doula protection. We're not talking about the wall of fire provided by God for all believers. Now, this protect the principle works when presence. As we saw in Song of Solomon two four they went out to dinner together and there's law was a banner over me that's protected.

And also went absent and Song of Solomon 113, and in four six.

Now the fourth principle.

The law category two love must come from human volition.

It is a matter of human volition. And therefore, anything that destroys for example the woman's free will. Destroys her ability to identify and to respond, a woman does not respond as a slave. She responds as a free agent, as a free soul.

And therefore, her response must be from freedom.

Now many a man very stupidly tries to coerce and to destroy the freedom of a woman.

So the law must come from her volition. And that's to seven and three, five, and Bible doctrine helps with freedom. In other words, you can't kill the goose that lays the golden a you've had it if you do.

Now I felt principle, which is found in Song of Solomon and which is probably very nebulous to most people love is tone oriented tone right, I better put that on the board. I forgot this Monday morning.

Tone oriented. This has nothing to do with music.

This has to do with the fact that there was one person and your soul, ladies, there's one man and your soul.

And you can tell if something's wrong by voice or something's right by it, and vice versa.

All right man might say to the right woman what’s the matter with you and she's faking him out.

He can tell by her tone. Something's wrong.

So there is definitely tone orientation.

Some men. All men are different than the expression of their love and some are very eloquent and verbal and some are not. But a lot can be derived from the tone a man can say I love you I always say what’s for breakfast. By his tone. No you don't say sorry bro is still there and you might as well put it down, may come in handy someday. Rob is tonari added to eight.

Principle number six.

This is a woman's love response to the right man love responds to the right man, and responds in two ways.

One when he's present.

We saw that in two six, and we'll get it again in a tree and love responds when absent. Three 1.7.

Love and category two causes illness, when unrequited, out of all of the causes for all of the illnesses here's one maybe you're not aware of love and category two causes illness when unrequited that's found in two five and then five eight to five and five eight and lifts literally I'm not sick of love I'm sick with love. I'm love saying because what you said.

And there is a bonafide change in the woman's general physiological makeup. When love is unrequited, in some way, and it can that doesn't always lead to illness but there are times when there is a definite illness, and it is a psychosomatic type illness. Now there's nothing wrong with a psychosomatic, we're not talking about being a psychotic. Perhaps you're not too familiar with the word psycho somatic psycho it simply is the word the Greek word for suitcase soul, and Soma is the Greek word for our body, and it means that things in the soul and the mind overflow into the body, and you are constantly having a psychosomatic experience simply because if you get real upset about something. You had affects your body. If you've ever seen someone kill. I remember the first time I saw someone killed and there's died right in front of me, and gives you a very unusual a very odd feeling it's just central nervous system reaction. But if you see if you notice that little soul and it flows into the body.

The first time I saw I saw one of my friends cry.

I didn't actually see him killed. I know he was there the plane was scattered all over two or 300 yards.

And you have a very strange feeling.

So it's true that and of course this is true and everything in life. We don't call it psychosomatic, but physical relationship is based upon metal for soul as the key the size.

And so you think something up here, and something happens to your body. It suddenly becomes highly sensitive to physical love.

But it's all up here unless of course, we're not talking about animals. Because people.

And so what you think has a very definite relationship to your body.

That's the principle here. Law response to the right man when he's present two six and a three and when absent 317 Principle number seven, love and category two causes illness when unrequited two five and five a principle number eight.

Category two love is recognized by the two persons involved.

Our people may not recognize.

That's not important.

But the two persons involved recognize they run a category two situation. That is six three, our verse I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine. That's a dogmatic statement and practice even stronger than Hebrew because there are no verbs. It's elliptical and elliptical statement in the Hebrew language, when you pull the verbs out it is just like underlining every word, the removal of a verb and the Hebrew language, gives great emphasis to the other words and the sentence.

You will notice of course that the ellipsis is removed by inserting am and is the verb to be. And you will notice they are in italics in your King James Version, which means they are really not there.

Right in the Hebrew language when you pull out verbs as she did, she did not use a verb. It isn't bad Hebrew. In English we consider it bad English, we always have to have a verb, and they did.

And as a result, this means that every word is underlined every word is emphatic Hi, my beloved's, my beloved mind. Every word is emphasized.

So category two love is recognized by the two persons involved. This will come up again in chapter seven. Verse 10 same phrase I my beloveds only a slight change his desire toward me. In other words, she recognizes that he loves her.

Nine Principle number nine.

There is a strength, and a weakness in category to love, we'll hold it till we get to chapter eight verses six and seven.

In anticipation the strength is the actual love itself, the weakness and the great enemy to category to love our mental attitude Sam.

And the one that is used which is such a perfect illustration is jealousy. Jealousy is a great anime category to the greatest possible animals.

They're all mental attitude sins are, for example, pride, that's how lovers start competing with each other, start playing games pride as a game player. And if you start playing games with your ride man you have, of course some girl just love to play games, and then two, I suppose. I know it's drive normal two or three that were that way, but they're always at its they're always superficial and nothing good ever comes of it.

Alright so much Sam for the principals involved. Now in verse four Solomon back comes the villain course this is a, you can't portray this man you know a villain types in Hollywood.

You'd never a casting director in Hollywood would never pick solid for a villain, he'd always play the straight part. It always be the hero.

But he's the villain of this page. In spite of every column every other commentator the world tries to make Solomon the shepherd lover the same person.

And that's my talking out of both sides of your mind that's doubletalk, and the Word of God is never set up that way though I'm sure a lot of people could understand that today. We have so much.

Alright chapter six verse four all the way through verse nine Solomon goes right off Oh nothing stops him yes and this to be one thing about Solomon he's a good film he has great boy. He just moves right off the ground and voices, our beautiful Oh my love. Nothing fazes Solomon, as tirzah.

I'm sure that you don't realize what a great compliment that is. buttirzah was the royal residence of Solomon.

It was a building designed a great home, a castle design with great beauty and symmetry.

Of course it no longer is in existence but it has been described as one of the most beautiful residences of all time.

Amazing how many times the residents of a king palace. They're just a pile of junk bad taste. And then the next thing comes along and says I didn't like my way my father built that wing I'm going to have another wing to it. That's usually the way palaces get built, and they after about five games, you've got five different structures around and no one likes anyone else's taste, and that's what most palaces are they're a pile of junk. The exception are some of the great chat tools of the French.

But the British were amazing that each add a little bit here a little bit there, and only have 100 rooms and they're gonna have a state occasionally 250 rooms for next year is the state of Caden so they just build a wing.

And some of them are utilitarian like Potsdam, which was the great home of the crusher teams, and the other areas of this type, some of them are very beautiful but actually there are many homes in the city of Houston, that as far as cemetery are concerned and good taste are much better than some of these ancient castles Alice's royal residences, a tourism apparently was one of the most beautiful. So he's describing her in terms of its symmetry, his royal palace. He's also making a pitch. You want to live there. How do you all go together? He was saying that she and the pilots go together.

You say, now when you have to make that kind of a pitch, obviously this is not right woman.

He says I have you are as beautiful as tirzah the person has all this beautiful cemetery and you're just the one to go with it.

So it's a double analogy with the intent of appealing to our approbation last as Jerusalem is your beautiful Jerusalem, Jerusalem is a very beautiful setting the ancient world it is so described as what struck Nebuchadnezzar, as he was pursuing the Egyptians and looked across the hills and saw this, these hills and this beautiful White City and the hills are right over next one will never click whether you're terrible as an army with banners.

That's how you like would to be called terrible as an army with banners.

Well we have similar things today like you battle ax you know what the word terrible in the Hebrew is majestic.

And the banners which are used are standards majestic as well standards, these are military standards. That’s why the word army was inserted.

I don't think you ladies really can appreciate why we have no monetary standards and I think you should learn to appreciate it.

In the ancient world. And right up until the Battle of Waterloo which is another two battles in history that are greatest illustrations as to why we have to have standards in the ancient world. In the den of warfare, let's just take a battalion regimental I like regimental standards regimental standards look something like this I usually have a field like this. Here's one that's always been a favorite of mine I follow this standard.

This fact this vibe of I was in command of this standard and up here you have seven. Over here you have b c that's B troop’s seventh cavalry. Now as a standard I've always loved.

Now, why do they have standards like that.

Well let me illustrate from the Battle of Waterloo.

Here's a road going from Sharla Ryder Brussels. Over here is my hasaan tea or here is holding my shaft to here is clashing Oh, and along this rich Wellington had his army.

Now, they didn't have walkie talkies like headquarters calling Abel Company, Charlie Company, dog company and battalion communication, like we have a modern warfare.

So Wellington for example was sitting up on a Knoll Harrison's see on his horse and here's this rage. And he looked over here here's hoekman shadow which covers a valley that goes this way to keep himself from being flat. Alright, he needs to tell him to stand fast or some mortars. He needs to tell for example there was an orchard out here and there was an organization that orchard, and they needed to know they were at a rally so they had a standard. Now yes, Wellington had about oh he had about 25 men who were couriers these are young officers with good horses. And this court he say, Sam. He turned the corner and say go to the second regiment of the Cold stream Guards, or the second battalion the Cold stream Guards, and tell them to move into the shadow. Now, how's he going to find so we've got a half mile here and they got shot and smoke and you can't see very well. It's very difficult to well, you move down the line the courier moves down the line until he spots the standard. And when he sees the standard of the second battalion the Cold stream Guards, he goes to the officer the surviving officer in command, and says, move into the shadow. That's the other way that give orders. Now another career over here. Here is a here is the, the king's German Legion and the bronze record is over here in LA Hey Sanjay, and the French are getting ready to try to take it. So, there man, they were about they were almost out of animals so they sent a courier back to Wellington and they said, send us some ammo. So then a courier had to go back here the ammo dump and said, Sam, so much ammo, to the germ of the king is German Legion. The king is German Legion was the British King, the German Legion was, and they had a flag with a skull and a German eagle on it and so on. So how do they know where to take it, well they look for the standard.

And then he said that send orders to Wellington was looking over here and they had a big bombardment at about 70.

Cannon over here, divided up into batteries and they were really they had a core of artillery and they're really blasting away, and these round shot would go through these guys standing and ranking it take the head off of the guy in front and then they hit the chest of the next guy. And there's some of these around shot knocked down about 25 guys at a time. Their bodies without heads all over the place and everything just kind of gruesome so Wellington was looking out through his telescope and so he said to a courier. He says go it says, tell Gen camp to put his retire his man behind the hill, until the barrage is over. So how does the courier know well he knows that general camp is in command for example of the Gordon Highlanders and a couple hours so he looks first standard? See they did everything by standards, and their every organization had its standard, so that a courier could identify the organization. See in battle you couldn't do it. And that's the way it did, and that was where they had for communication well that's been that way from the beginning of time, and every regiment had its standard, and men get lost in Battlefield, the water around they're looking for the organization, how do they find that they look for the standard. The standard then was a system of communication and identification.

And when he says to her that she is as majestic as an army with standards. He is saying I would like to communicate with you and I would like to be identified with you. I would like to have a relationship with you.

Sorry continues he says turn away lionize from me.

Or they have overcome me.

That's all. You can know that's a lot of malarkey and mainly because she has been looking at him with disdain.

But he's trying to turn it into something good, Solomon had a sense of humor, by the way, and this is where it comes out. Beware of a villain lose sense of humor.

That's what we have here. Because see, she's glaring at you since your eyes have overcome.

What you can see this is a good approach, and many a woman has fallen for a guy who is witty and good for a lot of laughs. But you must remember that they run out of laughs after a while,

He lays vermin a sucker for ladder and I mean we better move on, turn away the eyes for me for they've overcome it. They, in other words he's looking daggers through him but he's good sense of humor. He's, then he goes on by Harris as a flock of goats that appear from Gilliam. This was a beautiful sight, and I mean she has a beautiful hair. And we've heard this before it there is a flock of sheep which go up from the washing roof, every one of them bear plans. Apparently she brushes her teeth quite regularly and ever and why she has her teeth are well matched.

There's not one Baron among them she hasn't lost any teeth.

These are this is rather repetitive but I want you to notice that Solomon is repeating himself. Apparently he didn't get through the first time and he's determined to do so. As a piece of a pomegranate or the temples within dialogues. This is describing the beauty of her coloring and the symmetry of her face the bone structure of her face that is relates to her beautiful heritage.

Now Solomon gets around to bragging. We'll start with that next time because in verse eight. He now comes up with the fact that he has done very well up to now and he intends to keep up his record. We'll start next time with verse a thank you Father for the privilege of studying these things may God the Holy Spirit enlighten us or we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.





1970 RM/RW

Song of Sol. 6:10

Lesson #12




11/02/1970 Song of Sol. 6:10 Doctrine of aggressiveness, true and false

When a lady feels sorry for a weak man, it's a mother complex mob love don’t mess with it. Get that in your notes for we have a word of prayer.

Because this is what we're going to study this morning, not the weak man but the aggressive man. There are two kinds of man that are the weak sisters that need a mother. And every woman has a certain amount of mother instinct enter as you feel sorry from salt for some weeks Esther.

And she often thinks its love and often marries him. And there's anything that is absolutely disgusting is to perform a wedding ceremony. Between a week sister male, and a woman with a mother instinct. And I've had just enough of them to realize it's a very bad situation you're not in love because you feel sorry for some idiot. But today we're not going to study the idiot who's a weak sister we're going to study the aggressive male. Now I know you ladies will want to be in fellowship to study the aggressive male.

There are, of course, a few of them still running loose.

Most men are weak.

Some men are not as well-mannered or aggressive.

But there are two kinds of aggressive man, right, man.

And then the rest of the wolves.

Now we're studying song Osama some of your people look as though you came in, out of the unknown then. This is a Bible class. I'm sure you've never heard the clergy speak this way before because the clergy don't communicate anymore.

Maybe we'll strike a familiar chord when I tell you we're going to spend the next few moments in silent prayer. Rebound if necessary in order that you might be prepared for our next segment of the Song of Solomon. Some of you might be looking it up I don't think you believe it's in the Bible that is, let us pray.

Father, we do have a passage such as the Song of Solomon.

To protect people from becoming idiots about the opposite sex, to alert, all of us. There is a right man or a right woman that anyone else has jobs too cheap substitute recognized principles and category one love occupation with Christ in category two. My God the Holy Spirit make these things a blessing, just to name a man.

Now I'm aware of the fact that there are many beautiful illustrations in the Song of Solomon of the principle of occupation where the person of Jesus Christ. However, the grammatical historical exegetical interpretation of a Song of Solomon is category to love. Now when the woman is reflecting and she says we went out to dine. And my beloved was a banner over me. This is protection, the right man, protecting the right woman when they're out socially together. It also has a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus Christ, it says they went to the banqueting house. And Jesus Christ has provided for us his mind which is the word of God. So occupation with Christ is an application, but not the interpretation. The shepherd lover is a perfect illustration of Christ. Just as Solomon is an excellent illustration of a devil temptation etc. But these are illustrations that doesn't interpret anything. And the reason the Song of Solomon has been lying fallow among fundamentalists is because the average fundamentalist thinks any port in a store when it comes to the opposite sex. And you can always tell because of the way they talk about adultery, adultery is a doctrine and the word. Adultery has many facets to protect you before a glorious relationship with the right man or the right woman, adultery is one of the primary means of scar tissue on the soul and adultery as a means of putting Of course, destroying right lobe activity. But when you get some idiot standing out there and pounding the bang and saying, Thou shalt not five or six different ways and then telling two or three shocking adultery stories he's shocked the most doesn't do anything doesn't teach anything doesn't prove anything. Doesn't challenge young people do anything unless you tell scarer story level hold on for about 24 hours and they get over being scared and away we go. You can't scare people and restrain them. You have to give them Bible doctrine. We have a whole generation of idiot preachers, and they do not ever get even close to communicating things that really count. And for that reason. This is a very important passage. I'm talking about the entire Song of Solomon, because it is dealing with category to love. You can tell one or two people have said well why you don’t talk about occupation with Christ. Well of course simplest answer is your mind your own business I know my business. Open your ears and listen. We're talking about category to love one man, I'm right man, and right woman, and we've covered it from the standpoint of the doctrine of right man right moment we just covered it from the standpoint of the identification systems for category to love. Later on we'll have some other categorical developments in fact we're gonna have one right now. Now, be sure to get this in your notes ladies. We're not talking about the week sister for who you feel sorry, and think it's low. We are talking this morning about the aggressive male, the one for whom you do not feel sorry you're too busy whacking him off or trying to find some nice way to isolating yourself. Alright, so let's take up first of all by way of introduction to our passage this morning and we're somewhere in Song of Solomon sex, the doctrine of true and false aggressiveness. I'm so glad that school is out and some of our young people have joined us this morning. This will be very good for the doctrine of true and false aggressiveness by Edwin says the ladies class male aggressiveness, is a manifestation of category to love, where the right woman is involved. Male aggressiveness, is a manifestation of category to love, where the right woman is involved. Please get that last phrase enter you're going to lose some points along the way. Point to. However, all male aggressiveness, is not love.

Obviously some of its predatory all male aggressiveness is not love.

Point three.

When male aggressiveness is category two love. The woman responds.

As the Shula mite to the shepherd lover.

When male aggressiveness as category two love. The woman responds, as did the Shula mite to her Shepherd lover.

One sub one, she said yes to him when he was absent, too. She said yes to Him when He came to rescue her. So we may get as far as the rescue this morning. The rescue occurs at the end of chapter six. She said yes to him when he was certainly seeing that periodically. And she says yes to Him when He came to rescue her. Wind Farm. When male aggressiveness is not category to love the woman must say no. And under two principles one. She must learn to say no before she has found her right man. And that's rather difficult to. She will learn to say no after her right man but this is easy because the right man affords her protection he's in her soul. Again point for when male aggressiveness is not category too loud the woman must say no one know before she is found a ride man was difficult, this is the problem of a teenage girl, this is the problem of a girl in her early 20s. Because there's a certain amount of male aggressiveness that's called Association. Now of course, most of you ladies are too young for Clark Gable but he's a typical illustration of a man who exuded on and off the screen by the way male aggressiveness, and a whole generation ladies palpitating at his presence. Then there was the generation before that that palpitating because of Rudolf Valentino, who was also an aggressive male, but of a different time. And so it's always inevitable that certain women will have romantic notions from time to time.

And they will associate, and so on aggressive male is often a romantic notion. Not right man right woman relationship. So it's very important that teenage girls develop some Moxie in a hurry. Because they have the biggest problem saying no, they for their right man is on the scene. After the right man is on the scene it's easier to say no back that should be SOP standard operating procedure.

I want to warn you ladies playing poker this morning when some of you looked and saw you might have fallen for this at some time in your life. You know, that's too bad you didn't have a pastor to warn you when you were younger, and a little more fluish. All right, point five Solomon's aggressiveness was false. The shepherd lovers was true. So we have true and false aggressiveness in this passage. Now under a point five let's take a look let's go back and review, beginning in verse three. We have the right woman, identifying her right man that Shula mite woman speaks and chapter six verse three and says, I my beloved's, my beloved mine, he feet up the bungalow is we've already taken up this passage last time we will not amplify it except to show you that she had already discovered her right man. Now in verse four here comes our aggressive male. And we've already studied verses four through nine, where Solomon was aggressive in his wooing. This is false aggressiveness as far as she is concerned. She was not impressed by it, because she already has identified her right man Solomon's aggressiveness was false. The shepherd lovers was true. White six. The woman is designed to respond and category two to one man only. This is category two the woman is designed to respond to one man only. Therefore, any response to the wrong man can set her back. Temporarily, and even permanently and lead to scar tissue the sole destruction arrived lobe, lack of capacity for love and other things that we have studied in the past. So, point, six again, the woman is designed to respond to one man Oh, and therefore any response to the wrong man consider back temporarily or permanently. And we've already studied in detail. The things that can happen scar tissue destruction of right lobe lack of capacity for love, etc. point seven knowledge of this doctrine, less occupation with Christ, plus the faith Ras technique. Grow text the young lady until God provides the right man. Now you see the Shula mite Roman already had discovered a right man. But there are so many young ladies teenagers early 20s, who have not discovered their right man what is their protection. Until now you listen carefully, until the right man comes along. Jesus Christ is your protection. Until the right man comes along. Jesus Christ is your protection. He protects you through the word which is his mind. The word is the mind of Christ. He protects you through the principle of occupation with Christ, protects you through the faith rest technique category one love and is a protection or category two loves

Point seven knowledge of doctrine. Occupation with Christ, faith Ras technique. welltex, a young lady until God provides her right man. Now point eight, our passage this morning, and Song of Solomon indicates three kinds of aggressiveness, three kinds of aggressiveness, we have already studied one of them, and Song of Solomon, six, and four through nine. That is the aggressiveness of Solomon, it is false.

The second aggressiveness is true aggressiveness verses, 11, and 12. And that's the shepherd lover’s aggressiveness, it is true love. Therefore true aggressiveness. And finally there is the aggressiveness of a woman. And that's false. The jealous queen in chapter seven verses one through nine is a grassy.

And that's all false aggressiveness.

And at that point, it's a strong woman and a weak man. Solomon is the weak man, and the jealous queen is the strong one.

Solomon is a brassy.

But its false aggressiveness, the shepherd lover is aggressive but its true aggressiveness, the jealous queen is aggressive but its false aggressiveness. Hers is based on metal attitudes sans. That's why we call it the jealous Queen, but she's jealous. The point.

All right.

I think we're about ready to go back to our passage I want to remind you again that Solomon had false aggression. As we studied last time is growing. Now we're ready for chapter six verse 10 which is where we stopped last time. Who was she that looking for as the morning bear is the moon, Claire as the sun terrible as an army of banners? I burst him. Who is she that look at fourth in the morning is spoken by the daughters of Jerusalem. They are looking at the, the Shulamite woman who has seen her Shepherd lover coming from afar. And it's just like someone turned on the lights. She responds to him. He's there he is near. He's coming in a chariot to rescue her. And all of a sudden she lights up with a rosy glow. Who is she that looking for us as the morning to look fourth of the morning means rays of light coming from the sun, and she is the glory of the shepherd lover. She is a responder and the daughters of Jerusalem, immediately apprehend her response to the true aggressiveness of our Shepherd lover. Chorus by way of application. Your response to the Lord Jesus Christ and category one love his Bible doctrine. The Daily function of gap and your life. And the greatest virtue in the Christian life is knowledge of Bible doctrine. Now you will notice that the sun, throws out rays. The moon reflects them. So the moon is brought in as well as the sun. First of all, when a woman is a true responder she initiated her own response from her free will. And that is a picture of the sun. As the sun rose out rays of light. But there is. She is also a woman. So the moon is brought in, and the moon is a reflector. And so she has the moon in the sense that she reflects the glory of the true aggressive, man. So both the sun and the moon are used by God the Holy Spirit, at this point. Now again, terrible is literally majestic as an army with banners. And I pointed out to you last time. That standards were used in order to identify units, in order that a general officer might communicate to certain units, move them at certain points in a tactical situation standards were very important for communication. And right man right woman has a true communication. Now a woman, as we'll see where the jealous Queen can be aggressive and out of line.

If a man does not initiate anything toward her, she's going to be like the jealous queen in the next chapter.

She has nothing. If a man. Initiate aggressiveness, love, then it has to be determined is a true or false. If it is the right man, it is true, if it is false. If it is not category two it is false aggressiveness is not a virtue in itself.

Our aggressiveness is the male demonstrating both soul and physical love soul and sex love, but it has to be directed toward the right woman, and she is a responder. And when it is false. The woman is aggressive and the man is aggressive in a false sense as illustrated by chapter seven. So this whole context is very important to learn some lessons, some lessons that will avoid a lot of misery. For those involved. Now, in verses, 11 and 12, the Shula mite woman describes her action. I always have to laugh when I come to verse 11, I always think of that young man in Bible school who wrote his wrote a paper on the Colts in Los Angeles. And I got his timer right here I went down into the garden of nuts.

Verse 11.

However, it just so happens that these are, there was an orchard and apparently there was also an area where they had a lot of nut trees, and we can almost reproduce from what the woman said, apparently she's up here, and a large picture window and the castle. Solomon is over here, wooing her, and she is looking out the window. Now down here it apparently isn't orchard. You have not trees and other types, and on the other side as you look over and she looks over, she sees the chariot, coming. The horse, and the chariot. This looks more like an ox card. But anyway, he's coming as you say, and she's up here and she sees it.

So, apparently there's an outside staircase as we used to have in Spanish homes in California. And she comes down the stairs, and she has to go through the garden of nuts. And over here is an orchard. So we have GM, and we have over orchard, and he picks her up and they turn around and take off, and Solomon comes to the window and he's looking out the doors of Jerusalem are running down here in her running after her. Here's a DJ stare she's saying Come back, come back and Solomon standing up here he has been left flat and up comes the jealous Queen now that takes you through half of chapter seven or so you've got the picture now. With that, clear illustration.

There turn that off.

All right, the Shula mite woman speaks I went out into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley and this was her excuse she said excuse me I want to go down to the archer to see whether the vine flourishes in the pot of pomegranates but she's pretending to have interest in Solomon's orchards, are even I was aware of my soul made me like the chariots of a minute dab. Now this is what you said at all. Now or ever I was aware of beings that she was aware in her soul. And she said, not like the church of Amanda dab, she said I was beside, I was in a chariot beside my prints. She calls her Shepherd lover here are prints. Before I knew it, my soul was beside my prints in a chariot, that's what the Hebrews says there's one thing what the anchor says, See a minute that means to be beside my prints. Now please notice at the first meeting her awareness is in her soul category to love starts in the soul, the body is an extension of the soul, the body is under the control of the soul. And in category two love soul love receives sex love or physical love. Now this is the point of deliverance. There are two great illustrations which come to us at this point. First of all the deliverance of the first advent of Jesus Christ, and which Jesus Christ went to the cross. Now when Jesus Christ went to the cross he saw that he delivered us from the old sin nature. It also nature has an area of weakness that produces sense an area of strength that produces human good loss pattern and so on. When Jesus Christ was hanging on the cross, the sins of the world were poured out on him and judged. He came to the place of death to deliver us. The shepherd lover came to the place of death to deliver the Shema life woman. He was in danger for his life. As he approached to take anyone from the harem of Solomon was punishable by death. So Christ came to the place of death for us. He died for our sins, He rejected human God. There's also a second illustration, which would be very meaningful to the Jews here's the church age. Here's the rapture of the church. Here's the tribulation. At the in the middle of the tribulation. The word of the mind of Christ which is the word of God is going to form the deliverance of Jews in Jerusalem, they're going to flee to the mountains as per Matthew 24. There will also be in the last three and a half years of the tribulation, other Jews who will be born again, the command from the Word of God to them is to fight at the second advent of Christ. So here's first advantage over here, he delivers us from sin from the old sin nature at the second advantage. He delivers the Jews those who are in the mountains and those who are fighting in Jerusalem. Zechariah chapter. 14 verses one through seven describes that, as well as Daniel 1141 and following Isaiah 63 one through six. So we do have some beautiful illustrations here. Christ came to the place of death to provide salvation for us and went to the cross firsthand man. He came to the place of death The Armageddon campaign in order to deliver Israel the born again of Israel. At the end of the tribulation. Now as we get to verse 13, we see the Shula mite woman, leaving in a chariot and the daughters of Jerusalem are running after her yelling Return, return Oh Shula mite Return, return that we may look upon the, what the and then of course at that point, they just more or less fade out, they were on stage they'd be off stage by the time they said the last D. Now, up comes the jealous Queen Solomon is obviously standing at the window watching the whole panorama. And the TELUS Queen steps up. And she says, whatyou will see in the Shula mite. What's so good about her and Solomon gives an honest answer, as it were, a company of two armies. The majestic glorious panorama of a great battle scene. Now it's very difficult for us to enter into some of the love comments of the ancient world.

But there was something very beautiful about a great panoramic view of a battle.

And there was something majestic andglorious and beautiful about the Shula mite woman. She had found her right man. She had the glory of her man. And this glory was her tremendous beauty, plus all of the other soulless assets, which he possessed plus all of the spiritual assets which he possessed made her a challenge. The Solomon, who was a woman watcher, as well as a woman chaser. You got to watch for your case. You have to see before you pounce.

And Solomon was that guy.

And so he saw her a challenge to everything that he wanted. And he did not of course, get it. Now, why didn't Solomon pursue and have the shepherd lover kill answer. Chapter seven verses one and following starting in, all the way down through verse nine down to the end of the Act. Chapter seven verses one through nine will and act three. Now you must remember that the queen is jealous. She has mental attitude since. She is also a grassy Solomon has been aggressive and his aggressiveness as Anthony and nothing. So he is a picture of false male aggression.

The jealous queen is a picture of false female aggression. Her aggression is based upon two things, mental attitude sins and frustration.

Prayer for any sensible man is go God Deliver me from frustrated women.

They're the worst monsters in the world, whether they're in a garden club or in the home or in a church or wherever they are.

Because in their frustration they are seeking what they do not have and what they cannot design. Only God can design right man right woman no one else can do it.

And the jealous queen is a picture of falls female aggression. Now let's take a look at it, because immediately she starts a dance. So you think that gal is something well I can do something she can wasn't the Big Apple.

Or the Watusiwasn't even massamba.

She dancer always only a woman can who is trying to gain the attention of a man and Salva now describes the dance of the jealous queen.

How beautiful are they feed with shoes.

Shoes can obviously make a woman's legs beautiful, or they can make them horrible.

You know the people who designed shoes for the last few years that's all that ruined you lady.

The high heel the opera pump with a three and a half inch or a four inch heel whatever was three I guess three and a half. Now that was something that did you justice.

But all this gunk that came out since. Well you can tell who does the designing and they sure hate women. I want you to notice that in the description he starts with her feet. when he was dealing with a shoe mobike woman Where did he start.

Where do you start? Yeah, hair face. Start at the opposite end that tell you anything. Now let me ask you something.

Where does a lady have her soul in her feet or in her head.

All right, you got the phone did you find how beautiful our live feed was shoes, all principals daughter. In other words, she's a queen.

She's very aristocratic.

But joints of ifI eyes are like jewel.

The joint of the thigh was considered by the ancients, and by some moderns to be the sexiest part of a woman.

And the female anatomy. All women probably know there is a power spot on each side, as we're adjoins the trunk I hope that's academic enough. We're actually dealing with it so this is what Solomon has seen.

But, oh don't tell me.

Some of you ladies. This is the word of God I didn't write it, I'm going to explain it though.

I can tell some of you ladies have never been happy in your life.

Well this word isn't joined it's hollow.

And it was considered to be well it was just as the hair is the setting for the face, the hollow of the thighs was the setting for the female genitalia now is that academic enough. That's what it says here.


And it's nothing to be regarded in some horror stricken way. I don't know where some of you people came from today, out of the woodwork somewhere.

You have been here all this time you wouldn't be nearly as shocked. And there's no reason for you to be shocked. This is the word of God.

Just because people pass over these things and blush doesn't mean that that's an explanation. Now this was the most explanation you'll probably ever get from this passage.

Every woman has less us has a wooden leg possesses this is a part of her anatomy. Now you're missing the point.

When Solomon was going, the Shula mite Robin she was every bit as beautiful as this jealous queen. But he started with her soul.

And he started with the area her soul resides. But now, Solomon as being Solomon, and the queen is being the Queen and the emphasis is not on the soul. Why, because when this scene isover, Solomon and this woman are going to have sex on whether you know it or not, I don't read ahead.

But that's all it's going to be. There is no soul relationship.

It's just too aggressive people clashing in bed.

That's all.

But there is no soul relationship.

All right.

He moves from the hollow of the fives which are like jewels by jewels are used to sell off something. Most of you ladies will notice there are two kinds of ladies who wear jewelry. They wear some big rock to emphasize the size of the diamond. The whole carat or a couple of carrots, or they wear something that emphasizes the symmetry of their fingers jewelry is designed to emphasize some beauty spot in the body.

Not to be a status symbol.

And the way some women wear jewelry is they look like a walking diamond mine they looked like they came from Kimberley in South Africa. And you never see the woman get to see all these rocks flashing around.

It's not its very poor taste. And it fails to me the whole principle apply jewelry.

Some women who do not need jewelry their symmetry is so fantastic jewelry would just spoil it. So jewels in the ancient world this is eisahGoggins now jewels in the ancient world were designed to emphasize some point of female symmetry, or to hide some point of defect in the woman's body.

If a woman had a long neck like a crane. Obviously she needed a very heavy necklace. But if her neck had symmetry, like the Tower of David we've already studied that, then she didn't need it or she need a very fine chain around her neck. Or if she had a short neck, where she needed a high rough collar and a big diamond pendant the bigger the better.

So jewelry was designed to hide female defects or to emphasize female beauty and in good taste. Jewelry still does that.

If you have defects jewelry can hide them if you have symmetry jewelry can emphasize it. Now he says the five, the hollows of eyes are like jewels, they emphasize something that he is emphasizing the work of the hands of a cunning workman he's talking about some man who is clever and making up jewelry. Now he moves up to the naval by naval is around goblet which want to not liquor. Now you say what does that mean, does that mean that he is going to drink out of her name and it doesn't appears to add means that looking at the midsection of the female anatomy, you can tell how about how much he has on like nothing shoes.

I will see lots, where he is stimulated as if he had been drinking and not too stimulating.

In other words there's his eyes move upward his stimulation increases by a ballet which was a beautiful word 300 years ago and we say stomach now I don't think that's much anyway we're still in the midsection is like a heap of wheat set about with lilies. What is he saying he is talking about the symmetry of the lower Trump very academics and speaking and by the way, there's a symmetry in the ancient world, they have a wheat field, but they never cut down the flowers that grew wild around and even cultivated flowers around their fields.

Today when people find they don't put lilies around the wheat field or the corn field, but they did the ancient world, and they had a reason for why did they put flowers around fields in the ancient world to attract the past to the flowers they tried to pick flowers when they've deliberately planted them. They tried, they tried to plant a field in the midst of natural flowers and whatever pests, might go for the corn or the wheat, they would go they would be attracted by the lilies and never get into the wheat field so that was the idea.

And the point is, she has such beautiful midsection symmetry, that his eyes do not stray from her beauty.

I rather gather from this that she could probably wear a bikini and look great.

She's not wearing like well he goes on with a cemetery. Die bras are like two young rows that are twins and say he's moving up her body. And he is describing cemetery again by neck and verse four is as the Tower of ivory. Now towers in the ancient world were again built for their symmetry her neck is not too long. It's not too short. Everything he describes as he moves from her feet, upper body is the fact that the various portions of her body relate to each other, and all the time she's dancing to emphasize this. Now he gets to her to her head dying eyes like the fish pools in heshbon. In other words, very clear she apparently had very clear and very beautiful eyes by the gate of both raveen.

Now this doesn't the next phrase it may throw you a little bit she does not have a large proboscis dinos as as the Tower of Lebanon means she has a very delicately shaped nose. The Tower of Lebanon had beautiful St asymmetry. And so they knows this as the Tower of Lebanon which look up toward Damascus. Her nose is very finely shaved very delicate.

Verse five vine head upon d is like Carmel. This means that Justice Mountains rise out of the distance to give beauty to the horizon. So her hair gives beauty to her face, and the hairline had like purple on it doesn't mean she dyed it purple. It means that it was very attractive purple was considered along with Scarlet to me the most beautiful and the most aristocratic color of the ancient world, and he is saying that she is, she has very beautiful and very aristocratic features that King is held in the galleries, in other words he's sitting there clapping.

Only the word galleries means tresses, he is and he has occupied with the trestles. Now versus how fair and how pleasant are thou oma for the lights underlined for the lights, because this indicates, no category to live here.

These are just two people who have missed the boat, getting together.

Now he's married to this girl she's a queen she's his queen.

But they have missed the boat, or should have time to develop sabalan these days we're gonna make a study of Psalm I think Solomon had a notification complex or very close to it. If you study the early life of Solomon he's fantastic. The thing that right did was wrong woman wrong women wrong woman wrong women.

When he started to marry strange women that means foreign women, and they brought in their idolatry, it had an effect upon the land. It has an effect upon him.

He is a fascinating study, because in his younger days he was great. And in his older days he was great at in between. He fell apart.

Very much like his father.

Very, very much like his father David and his mother Bathsheba.

So he's an interesting study we haven't time at this point to go into that stuff.

But I want you to notice something.

False aggressiveness meets false aggressiveness, and they have the light and the word for the light here I'll just tell you frankly it's a Hebrew word for sexual, the light doesn't even mean that they have that they hit 100% on the erotic index. It just simply means that this is a case of any port in a storm and each has found his port.

Now verse seven this nice stature is like a palm tree. This means symmetry doesn't mean she's tall, just mean symmetry, and the breasts, two clusters. And that's all clusters period we don't have the word grapes at all. Actually, a palm tree also has clusters of coconuts and that could be very definitely the reference here, the idea of symmetry, for those of you who are familiar with a palm tree, you will notice something about palm trees, it's very rare to find one that is non symmetrical and beauty is in symmetry, which auto would be an encouragement to all females, but not all males. It is much easier for a woman to be symmetrical than it is for a man. God designed the woman the anatomy, the woman's anatomy to be that way.

Verse eight. I said I will go up to the palm tree. Now this is obviously the final approach. He's coming off the base leg into the final approach he just made his turn to shoot a landing.

I will take hold of the bowels there oh now also the brass shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of dinos like apples we've already studied apples and Song of Solomon. It is a reference to stimulation apples were used as smelling salts for the fading.

And then in verse nine he concludes and the roof of my mouth. Obviously he's in contact with her now.

This is sometimes known as a French kiss that ought to be called a Solomon's kiss.

And the roof of my mouth is like the best wine stimulating for my beloved. Now the nice phrase that goes down sweetly. That's when the wine goes down smoothly not sweetly smoothly. The next phrase gliding over the lips and t not causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak.

But literally from the Hebrew. When the line goes down smoothly gliding over the lips, and the T.

Now this is a reference to the contacts, they are now in each other's arms they are now embraced. And that's why Solomon did not pursue. And it also teaches us something about true and false aggression. All right up through this verse we have seen false aggression. Now, the scene or the ACT concludes at this point. And in chapter 710 through chapter eight verse four we have acts act four act for Song of Solomon 710.

We America to act four

Act three ends on a low note as a worm and act four begins a chapter seven verse 10 it goes through chapter eight verse four. And in verses 10 through 13, which is the rest of this chapter, the Shula mite woman speaks to her Shepherd lover after the rescue.

And by the way, this is a beautiful illustration, not only of occupation with Christ, but it's probably an even better illustration of the worship of Jewish believers in the millennium.

Now let's look very briefly at the closing part of this chapter, actually the chapter should have closed at verse nine and chapter he began with verse 10, because this is where act four begins chapter seven verse 10 now. I am my beloveds and his desire is toward me. I want you to notice the contrast Solomon started after a woman's feet of the jealous Queen and moved to her head.

But I want you to notice in this case, that the Shula mite woman recognizes her and identifies her right man, and in in notes that his desire is toward her.

It's not that they lack any sensuality, but this is a permanent desire, based on right man right woman, and the right woman the Shula mite woman identifies her Shepard lover and notes his desire. It is a soulish identification, because the greatest physical relationship, always includes the soul. The soul is the basis for 100% and the erotic index.

Now in verse 11.

We see them. We see the aggressiveness of the shepherd lover, he says, Come, my beloved. This is the shepherd lovers speaking now caught my beloved, let us go forth into the field. Let us lodge in the villages, long term activity centers right man right woman.

They're going to have something fantastic. They're going to have it all their lives together whether in the field or in the village. They will go for it together in the fields, they will lodge in villages, and they have a glorious beautiful life I had. It's worth waiting for. She said no to all of the appeal and grant and aggressiveness of Solomon, and now she is getting true aggressiveness from her right man.

So he says to the Shula mite woman, calm, my beloved, let us go forth into the field. Let us lodge in the villages. Let us get up early to see the vendors. Let us see if the vine flourishes whether the tender grapes appear. And the problem pomegranates bud pour, there will I give the loves plural, so alive sex love loves plural.

And she responds. The mandrakes, you have a smell and add our gate so all manner of pleasant fruits, we have a glorious life have had new and old see they've had a relationship that what she has described he has been a protection tour she has been occupied with him, and they have some new and wonderful things ahead, which I have laid up for the old My beloved she has saved herself for her right man, and they are going to have a fantastic life together.

All right, we'll begin next time in chapter eight verse one and see what the Shula mite woman has to say about that. Thank you Father for the privilege of studying these things may God the Holy Spirit enlighten us for we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.