Psalm 133:1–3 |
Inscription Psalm 133 Inscription
v. 1 The Blessings of Fellowship
v. 2 The Blessings of God the Holy Spirit
v. 3 The Blessings of God’s Provisions
Charts, Short Doctrines and Maps:
Introduction Theories as to When and Why David Wrote this Psalm
Inscription A Summary of the Similarities and Differences of the Song of Ascent Psalms
Inscription Theories on the Significance of the Title “Song of Ascents”
Inscription Authors of Psalms which Mention Zion
v. 1 Believers as Members of a Family Who Will be Gathered Together
v. 2 The Anointed One = The Messiah
Doctrines Covered |
Doctrines Alluded To |
I ntroduction: I originally chose to place Psalm 133 after 1Sam. 16:11. The situation is, Samuel has come to the household of Jesse to anoint one of his sons king over Israel. He looks over Jesse’s boys, and none of them are really God’s men. Jesse is quite fond of these boys, but finally, he is forced to admit that he has one more son and that son is out with the sheep. Had Samuel not pressed the issue, Jesse would never have presented David. However, the idea is, David is out with the sheep, but he, like any other idealistic young man, envisions the time when he is together with his brothers. This can be further extended to include all of believing Israel.
I should mention that, even though Jesse did not think of David at all when it came to leading Israel, and even though his eldest brother spoke to him without thinking (1Sam. 17:28), this does not mean that David’s family situation was anything like Joseph’s. Because of Jacob’s two wives, their rivalry, and their maids, their household would be rife with sibling rivalry. Jacob’s clear favoritism exacerbated the situation. My point is, David may have, at the time that he wrote this psalm, looked up to his older brothers, which is not uncommon, and wanted to hang with them.
It should be obvious that there is no definitive time period that we can assign this psalm to. That it may have wide application, rather than be simply assigned to just one event, is not something that we should be concerned about. |
There is one thing I must point out as my initial reaction to this psalm—it seems like a very weird thing to write about: holy oil dripping down Aaron’s beard and onto his clothing; the dew of Mount Hermon? You must understand that when I first begin exegeting this or that section of the Bible, I generally have very few preconceived notions about it, unless, of course, I have heard it exegeted word by word. However, my studies have been confined to the Old Testament, whereas Bob Thieme Jr. concentrated primarily on the New Testament when it came to word by word exegesis (he did certainly cover many Old Testament books; but at a much faster rate than I do). So, now and again, I come across and psalm like this, and the first thing that hits me is, why did the psalmist write about this? Why is this in the canon of Scripture? You see, if there is a book which essentially adds nothing to our understanding of God’s plan or God’s character, then I wonder, why is this book (or psalm) here? Why does God the Holy Spirit include it in the canon of Scripture? Now, what I do expect to find is something which backs up this important doctrine or that important doctrine. Even though Bob Thieme used to make the statement, “If something is found once in the Bible, then it is true” is essentially a correct statement, many cults take this one statement out of context and apply it in some way to support some weird doctrine that they have. This does not in any way negate what Bob said; however, if you build some important doctrine from the words of one verse, then you may want to rethink your discovery if there is no supporting Biblical evidence for this doctrine you have come up with. My point is, sometimes a book or psalm may not add anything to our understanding, but it sometimes confirms or supports a doctrine found elsewhere, and sometimes narrows our application of that doctrine. So, as we go though this psalm—and as you examine any book of the Bible—you may want to keep these thoughts in the back of your mind.
Now, on the other hand, this does not mean that every word in the Bible was written for you and for your application. Do not become egocentric when studying God’s Word. Many things do have application to your life; however, many things may not have direct application to your life. We are dealing with at least four different dispensations and these dispensations can all be broken up into sections (for instance, in the Age of Israel, we have the time of the Patriarchs, the Nation Israel, and the Tribulation). Even when Israel was a nation, there was some flux, as it was a theocracy, then a theocracy with a monarchy attached, then a split nation, and then an territory which was no longer sovereign. We should expect some flux here, some at least minor differences, from one period of time to the next. My point being is, there may be doctrines in a passage which is particularly important for believers in the Tribulation to know, but which have little application to us. So, definitely ask the question, why is this book (or psalm) in the canon of Scripture? Do not ask, why did God the Holy Spirit place this verse here for me? There should be a legitimate answer to the first question; the answer to the second question is always, get over yourself.
Slavishly literal: |
Moderately literal: |
A Song of Ascents. For David. |
Psalm 133 inscription |
A Song of Ascents. For [or, by] David. |
A Song of Ascents by David. |
Here is how others have translated this verse:
Early translations:
The Dead Sea Scrolls A song of Ascents. Of David.
Syriac Verison It is said of Moses and of Aaron, who dwelt in the tabernacle, in the house of the Lord; and there is an intimation in it of the perfect people,...
Alexandrian Septuagint A Song of Degrees for David
Septuagint A Song of Degrees
Thought-for-thought translations; paraphrases:
CEV (A song for worship.)
NLT A song for the ascent fo Jerusalem. A psalm of David.
Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):
God’s Word™ A song by David for going up to worship.
Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:
HCSB A Davidic song of ascents.
Young's Literal Translation A Song of the Ascents, by David.
What is the gist of this verse? David wrote this psalm and it is a song of ascents (or, degrees).
Psalm 133 inscription a |
Hebrew/Pronunciation |
Common English Meanings |
Notes/Morphology |
BDB and Strong’s Numbers |
shîyr (רי.ש) [pronounced sheer] |
song, singing |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #7892 BDB #1010 |
ma׳ălâh (הָלֲע-מ) [pronounced mah-ģuh-LAW] |
what comes up; steps, stair, stories, ascent; degrees; an upper room |
feminine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4609 BDB #752 |
Translation: A Song of Ascents. Psalms 120–134 are all entitled a song of ascents (or, degrees). Psalms 122 124 131–133 are attributed to David; Psalm 124 is attributed to Solomon; the others do not name an author.
The Hebrew word for ascents is the feminine plural noun ma׳ălâh (הָלֲע-מ) [pronounced mah-ģuh-LAW], which means what comes up; steps, stair, stories, ascent; degrees; an upper room. Barnes tells us this means: ascend in the mind, Ezek. 11:5. Then it means a “step,” by which one ascends, 1Kings 10:19; Ezek. 40:26, 31, 34. Then it means a degree of a dial, or a dial as divided into degrees, where there is an “ascent” on the dial, 2Kings 20:9-11. No matter how you slice it, this word has something to do with going up, ascending. The cities in the ancient world tended to be build upon hills, often surrounded by a city wall for protection. The Tabernacle of God was often located in a high place (as were many of the heathen worship areas) as well; and the Temple of God was located in Jerusalem, upon a hill. Since Jerusalem was upon a hill and the section Zion was even above that, it is conjectured that people moved eventually upward toward Jerusalem, toward the Tabernacle of God or toward the Temple of God, singing these various psalms. In fact, this is one of many theories about the meaning of this and the other psalms with this title.
Since we will deal with the meaning and interpretation of these psalms, I feel we should cover this material first. |
As an aside, I should mention that in the 11th cave of Qumran, a remarkably complete collection of the ascent psalms was found; however, Psalm 133 is placed between Psalms 141 and 144. It is still entitled a song of ascents.
Psalm 133 inscription b |
Hebrew/Pronunciation |
Common English Meanings |
Notes/Morphology |
BDB and Strong’s Numbers |
lâmed (ל) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to, belonging to |
directional preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
Dâvid (ד̣וָ); also Dâvîyd (די.וָ) [pronounced daw-VEED] |
beloved and is transliterated David |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #1732 BDB #187 |
Translation: For [or, by] David. Originally, I, like almost every other expositor, allow for the lâmed preposition to mean by. It made sense, as almost all of the Davidic psalms have the lâmed preposition and David’s name. Furthermore, several of them mention specific events in David’s life. That David is the author, there is no doubt; however, the meaning here is probably more that, what David writes about is just as much for David as it is for us. That is, David recognizes the doctrines of these psalms are as much for him as they are for us; therefore, this psalm is for David.
Now, I want you to know I pursue some statistical analysis which does not lead anywhere. I am including a little of that here so you don’t waste your time. I was thinking psalms by David and Zion; how often in the psalms which mention Zion do we find that David is the author? |
Author |
Psalm |
No Author |
97, 99, 102, 125, 126, 128, 129, 132, 135, 137, 146, 147, 149 (13 psalms) |
Asaph |
50, 74, 76, 78 (4 psalms) |
David |
2, 9, 14, 20, 51, 53, 65, 69, 110, 133 (10 psalms) |
Sons of Korah |
48, 84, 87 (3 psalms) |
As you can see, there is nothing which indicates that if a psalm mentions Zion that David will be the author. |
Slavishly literal: |
Moderately literal: |
Behold: what good and what pleasant a dwelling of brothers even together. |
Psalm 133:1 |
Listen: how good and how delightful [when] brothers live even together. |
Listen; it is great and delightful when brothers can live together. |
Here is how others have handled this verse:
Early translations:
The Septuagint See now! What is so good or what so pleasant, as for brothers to dwell together?
Thought-for-thought translations; paraphrases:
CEV It is truly wonderful when relatives live together in peace.
The Message How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!
NAB How good it is, how pleasant,
where the people dwell as one!
Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):
God’s Word™ See how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in harmony!
Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:
ESV Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!
Young's Updated LT Lo, how good and how pleasant The dwelling of brothers--even together!
What is the gist of this verse? David say how good it is for brothers to live together.
Translation: Listen: how good and how delightful... David, herein, describes a situation which is wonderful to him; good, pleasant and delightful. By itself, this phrase is an incomplete thought. In this case, the idea is first, divine good. Secondly, what will be found below will be pleasant, agreeable and delightful—probably to the participants.
Psalm 133:1b |
Hebrew/Pronunciation |
Common English Meanings |
Notes/Morphology |
BDB and Strong’s Numbers |
shebeth (ת∵ב∵ש) [pronounced SHEB-veth] |
seat, dwelling place; same place |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #7675 BDB #443 |
or... |
yâshab (בַשָי) [pronounced yaw-SHAHBV] |
to remain, to stay, to inhabit, to sit, to dwell |
Qal infinitive |
Strong's #3427 BDB #442 |
Both Zodhiates and E-Sword list the verb, yâshab (בַשָי) [pronounced yaw-SHAHBV], here. The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament lists this as the Qal infinitive of that verb. Strong lists this as a separate noun, although it is properly the Qal infinitive of the verb. By the way, Strong’s #7674 (cessation, rest, interruption, loss of time) is spelled identically. |
Properly, a prefixed preposition brings out the temporal quality, which is how I translated this. It may be more properly rendered to dwell rather than when...dwell. |
âch (ח ָא) [pronounced awhk] |
brother, kinsman or close relative |
masculine plural noun |
Strong's #251 BDB #26 |
gam (ם ַ) [pronounced gahm] |
also, furthermore, in addition to, even, moreover |
adverb |
Strong’s #1571 BDB #168 |
yachad (דַחַי) [pronounced YAH-khahd] |
together, alike, all together; union, junction |
adverb |
Strong’s #3162 BDB #403 |
Translation: ...[when] brothers live even together. This is more properly rendered as an English gerund:
...brothers even living together. The sense is not too terribly different. What David may have been referring to, in
his own mind, is for he and his brothers to live together in the same household. I can picture David tending the
sheep, under the stars, and thinking this. Or, he may be spending his first few weeks with Saul, entertaining crazy
King Saul with his guitar; and feeling homesick.
With many young siblings, they look up their younger brothers. No doubt that David felt this way, as he was the youngest in his family. So he had several older brothers, any one of which may have seemed to have been one to look up to. Now, even though his father had him watching sheep outside the house, does not mean that David had a poor relationship with all his brothers (save his oldest brother who did get pretty pissy in 1Sam. 17:28).
For the application; although certainly, this is true of brothers living together, and that David may even have had this thought running through his head, it is unlikely that he meant this psalm to be so narrowly interpreted. The Jews themselves saw each other as brothers (something which is true of many groups and organizations); so the Jews in David’s time would more likely see this as being applied to the Jews themselves. This psalm is better applied in our time to fellow believers. Now, the next time you are in church, I want you to look around and ask yourself, “Do I want to live with these people?” You’re going to find that there are some people that you don’t really want to spend that much time with—the few hours a week that you spend in church with them is often 3 or 4 hours more than you would prefer. Given that, how do we interpret this? Let me give it to you from my perspective: despite the fact that I was a lousy older brother and not one who left much for my younger brothers to emulate, they all turned out quite well, a testimony to my parents’ influence rather than mine. I greatly enjoy spending time with them, either altogether or individually. It is one of the things which I look forward to when I visit home. There will be a time when all believing Jews are a part of this sort of family; a time when all believers are a part of this sort of family. There will be a time when we are gathered together with other believers during the Millennium and then throughout eternity that we will enjoy immensely, much like my enjoyment of the company of my own brothers. So, even though we may first look at this as a psalm about the gathering of a close and warm family, ultimately, this is looking at the family of God all living together in eternity is peace and enjoyment, just like a family.
For those of you who come from a family which is estranged, or with whom there are raucous arguments each time you get together, the analogy will certainly be lost on you. Don’t think that the Bible is unaware of these other situations; we have the example of Abram and Lot—Abram was willing to risk his life and all that he had to deliver Lot (Gen. 19); still, they were unable to live in the same area together (Gen. 13). We have the jealousy of Joseph’s brothers because Joseph was the favorite of their father (which is not his fault!). My point in this is, the Bible does not sugar-coat anything. In the right circumstances, with the right family, there is nothing more wonderful than brothers living together, and enjoying one another’s company. However, it is clear that this is not always the case. However, God will effect perfect unity among regenerate Jews and among believers from the Church Age. I can think of four people right off the top of my head, who are possibly believers in Jesus Christ, and with whom I desire no contact whatsoever. If we knew more about those in our church, we might feel that way about more people. However, God will effect a change in our hearts, a excising of the old sin nature, so that we are able to live with one another and it will be divine good and it will be pleasant.
Finally, even though I have concluded this verse with points about Christian unity in a local church today, prior to this I emphasized the meaning of this verse with regards to eternity. You may wonder how can I make an interpretive jump from David speaking about his natural brothers to life in eternity? It is because of the final verse, which ends with the words life forever.
The Blessings of God the Holy Spirit
As the oil the good upon the head, descending upon the beard, a beard of Aaron that is descending upon a mouth of his garments;... |
Psalm 133:2 |
Just as the precious oil upon the head descends upon the beard, Aaron’s beard which descends over the collar [lit., mouth; extremity] of his garments;... |
Just as the precious oil that is poured upon Aaron’s head, and descends through his beard lying against his garments. |
Here is how others have translated this verse:
Early translations:
The Septuagint As ointment on the head, that ran down to the beard, the beard of Aaron; that ran down to the fringe of his clothing,...
Thought-for-thought translations; paraphrases:
CEV It is as beautiful as olive oil poured on Aaron's head and running down his beard and the collar of his robe.
NLT For harmony is as precious as the fragrant anointing oil
that was poured over Aaron’s head,
that ran down over his beard
and onto the border of his robe.
Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):
God’s Word™ It is like fine, scented oil on the head, running down the beard-down Aaron's beard- running over the collar of his robes.
Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:
The Amplified Bible It is like the precious ointment poured on the head, that ran down on the beard, even the beard of Aaron [the first high priest], that came down upon the collar and skirts of his garments [consecrating the whole body];... [Exod. 30:25, 30.]
Updated Emphasized Bible Like the precious oil upon the head
Descending upon the beard;
The beard of Aaron, —
Which descended unto the opening of his robe;...
ESV It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes.
WEB It is like the precious oil on the head, That ran down on the beard,
Even Aaron's beard; That came down on the edge of his robes;...
Young's Updated LT As the good oil on the head,
Coming down on the beard, the beard of Aaron,
That comes down on the skirt of his robes,...
What is the gist of this verse? This is like the oil being poured on the head of Aaron to consecrate him; the oil pours down Aaron’s head, into his beard, and into his collar (it may be his beard which is on his collar).
Psalm 99:2a |
Hebrew/Pronunciation |
Common English Meanings |
Notes/Morphology |
BDB and Strong’s Numbers |
kaph or ke ( ׃) [pronounced ke] |
like, as, according to; about, approximately |
preposition of comparison or approximation |
No Strong’s # BDB #453 |
shemen (ן∵מ∵ש) [pronounced SHEH-men] |
fat, oil |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #8081 BDB #1032 |
ţôwb (בט) [pronounced tohbv] |
pleasant, pleasing, agreeable, good, better |
masculine singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #2896 BDB #373 |
׳al (ל ַע) [pronounced ģahl ] |
upon, beyond, on, against, above, over, by, beside |
preposition of proximity |
Strong’s #5921 BDB #752 |
rôsh (שאֹר) [pronounced rohsh] |
head, top, chief, front, choicest |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong's #7218 BDB #910 |
Translation: Just as the precious oil upon the head... Oil is used in anointing, which means a public recognition of one’s service to God in a particular office. A priest or a king is often anointed in this way. The oil itself speaks of God the Holy Spirit, often, and His empowering ministry. We find a parallel to this when Aaron is anointed in Lev 8:12.
We have an analogy here which begins in this verse (at v. 2b) and is concluding in v. 3.
Psalm 133:2b |
Hebrew/Pronunciation |
Common English Meanings |
Notes/Morphology |
BDB and Strong’s Numbers |
yârad (ד ַר ָי) [pronounced yaw-RAHD] |
to descend, to go down |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #3381 BDB #432 |
׳al (ל ַע) [pronounced ģahl ] |
upon, beyond, on, against, above, over, by, beside |
preposition of proximity |
Strong’s #5921 BDB #752 |
zâqân (ןָקָז) [pronounced zaw-KAWN] |
chin, beard |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #2206 BDB #278 |
Translation: ...descends upon the beard,... When the oil is pours upon the head of a believer, one being recognized to function in this or that office, the oil will flow down from the hair on his head into his beard. In the Old Testament, only a handful of believers were used by God in His service. These men were anointed with the Holy Spirit, represented by the oil which is used to anoint Aaron (who is named in v. 2c). One thing we should be able to agree upon is, Aaron was nowhere the man that Moses was—and certainly not the leader that Moses was. He was easily manipulated, always willing to follow someone else’s lead. However, God still chose Aaron to head the office of priesthood—to be the father of all priests and of every High Priest (apart from Samuel, who is never really called a priest and who is probably better classified as the last of the judges and the first of the prophets—but I digress).
Hugh MacMillan tells us: Of the Hebrew perfumes an immense quantity was annually manufactured and
consumed, of which we have a very significant indication in the fact that the holy anointing oil of the
tabernacle and temple was never made in smaller quantities than 750 ounces-of solids compounded with
five quarts of oil, and was so profusely employed that when applied to Aaron's head it flowed down over
his beard and breast, to the very skirts of his garments.
Don’t misunderstand this: MacMillan is not
telling us that several gallons of oil would be poured upon Aaron. We know here that it was more than
just a splash, however. There was enough to run down his head into his beard and onto his garments
(not soaking him by any means, but to the portion of the garment about Aaron’s neck). By the way, we
find the mixture in Ex. 30:22–30.
Translation: ...Aaron’s beard which descends over the collar [lit., mouth, extremity] of his garments;... Now we are speaking of Aaron, and Aaron’s beard and/or the oil. Aaron is the father of the High Priesthood, the first High Priest to God, and from whom all priests and High Priests are descended. We find Aaron’s anointing in Ex. 29:7 Lev. 8:12, 30.
Although it is difficult to be sure, it might be that the relative pronoun here refers back to Aaron’s beard, which descends down the collar of his garment (however, see below). However, it is more likely that we are referring to the oil which is descending from Aaron’s head to his beard to his collar (well, whatever is their version of a collar; compare Ex. 28:32). Even if the beard is the one which is spoken of as descending down from Aaron’s collar, the anointing oil is running down his beard, and therefore on his collar as well. Furthermore, given that the dew of Mount Hermon will be mentioned in the next verse, the analogy is more apt if this refers to the oil flowing down.
Now, although I have interpreted the mouth of the garment to refer to the collar; the Hebrew word for mouth—peh
(ה∵) [pronounced peh]—can also mean edge, extremity. Therefore, we could be speaking of the hem of the
garment as well (compare Ex. 26:4 where this word is used for the edge of a curtain). Keil and Delitzsch, in fact,
spend quite a bit of time discussing the various translations and interpretations here
, which, at first, made me think
that they were as anal-retentive as me. However, what they were interested in is, to where is this oil
flowing—simply to the collar of Aaron or all the way to his hem. This discussion results in them saying that is must
be the oil which descends onto his clothing rather than his beard and that the oil traveled a fair distance to reach
the hem of his garment, which is more in line with the mention of Mount Hermon and the mountains of Zion in the
next verse.
In any case, the oil speaks of God the Holy Spirit empowering Aaron for his priestly ministry. The idea is, the oil consecrated the whole man. Men in particular are good at compartmentalizing—that is, they have their work persona, their marriage persona, their hanging out with friends persona. They also have specific behaviors, friends, acquaintances, and specific expected behaviors from these people in that environment. As believers in Jesus Christ, we don’t really have the luxury. You don’t get to have a church persona; a church environment, church friends—and then have a completely different thing going on elsewhere. This does not mean that you don’t run your life that way; but you should not. The filling of the Holy Spirit is not just for Sundays; and it affects the entire person all week long—you don’t get to take time off. Quite obviously, you may take time off when you quench or grieve the Holy Spirit; but that does not remove you from the Christian life—you’re just under discipline (or potential discipline) instead.
* These points were taken directly from the Doctrine of Anointing (from 1Sam. 10:1). |
* These points were also taken from the Doctrine of Anointing (1Sam. 10:1). |
It is in the psalms where it is clear that Jehovah’s Anointed One or His Messiah refers to the Messiah Who would come. This brings us to... |
1. Psalm 2 is taken as a Messianic psalm by Jews and Christians alike. The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against Jehovah and against His Anointed (Psalm 2:2). When Peter (or John) quote this verse, they replace His Anointed with His Christ. Acts 4:26 reads: “The kings of the earth took their stand and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against His Christ.” 2. David refers to the Lord’s Anointed as a reference to Jesus to come. Psalm 18 is nearly identical to 2Sam. 22. The final verse reads: He gives a great deliverance to His king and show grace to His anointed, to David and his descendants forever (Psalm 18:50). 3. David has faith that God will answer his call in the day of calamity, and believes that this applies to all those who belong to Him. Now I know that Jehovah saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand (Psalm 6:6). The anointed here refers to believers. We have a psalm with a similar theme and a similar line: Jehovah is their strength and He is a saving defense to His anointed. Save Your people and bless Your inheritance; be their shepherd as well, and carry them forever (Psalm 28:8–9). 4. The sons of Korah also ask God for protection and deliverance: O Jehovah God of the armies, hear my prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob! Behold our shield, O God, and look upon the face of You anointed (Psalm 84:9–10). 5. In the Davidic covenant of Psalm 89, anointed, in v. 38, appears to refer to David and to his seed. However, at the end of the psalm, it appears to refer to the Messiah to come. Your enemies insulted [me]. They insulted your Messiah every step he took (Psalm 89:51; God’s Word™). 6. Psalm 105:15, when one is warned not to touch the Lord’s anointed, the anointed refers to those chosen for His work. 7. Psalm 132 refers to the line of David, and, therefore, ultimately to Jesus the Messiah, David’s greater Son, Who would sit on the throne of David forever. Therefore, vv. 10 and 17 are references to both David’s sons and to Jesus. |
* These points were also taken from the Doctrine of Anointing (1Sam. 10:1). |
I believe the idea is, God’s blessing flowed to Aaron, but that that blessing continued to flow to all those with whom Aaron had contact. Aaron’s major mistakes notwithstanding, Aaron did present the gospel day after day after day when he slain the innocent animals as sacrifices; so the blessing of salvation flowed from him to all those who observed him.
As a leader, certainly Aaron left a lot to be desired; however, as a priest, he was essentially responsible for the evangelization of each Jew, as they would observe him killing one animal after another in order to atone for their sins. As he did this, God the Holy Spirit would speak to the hearts of these Jews and they would believe in Jesus Christ.
I must admit to being surprised as to how often we find Aaron mentioned in the psalms. In life, insofar as we know, Aaron appears to be the consummate failure—at least, as a leader. He could be pushed around or manipulated by those over whom he had authority; he could be led in directions which are clearly, unmistakably wrong. Still, Aaron’s name is found again and again; therefore, we need to examine The Doctrine of Aaron.
I think one of the themes of this short psalm is unity, first of the brothers (which can be wonderful, but often is not), as well as the unifying factor of the oil flowing from Aaron’s head to his beard to his garment (possibly to the end of his garment). The oil unites a very imperfect Aaron with the garments that he wore, which symbolized his priestly office, which foretells of our Lord Jesus Christ. The oil which unites the brothers; the oil which unites Aaron with his office is God the Holy Spirit.
We have several factors at work in this short psalm: we have the anointing of Aaron combined with the brothers getting together and enjoying their company combined with that which is eternal. Essentially, this psalm speaks of the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, when all Jews live on this earth as brothers.
The Blessings of God's Provisions a mist of Hermon which descends upon mountains of Zion, for there has commissioned Yehowah the blessing lives until forever. [Peace be upon Israel!] |
Psalm 133:3 | the mist of Hermon descends upon the mountain of Zion [or, upon the dry, parched mountains]; for there Yehowah has mandated blessings: life forever [or, eternal life]. [Let] peace [and prosperity] be upon Israel! |
...just as the morning mist from Mount Hermon also descends upon Mount Zion, for Jehovah was mandated blessings there forever. “Let there be peace upon Israel!” |
Here is how others have translated this verse:
Early translations:
The Dead Sea Scrolls It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls down upon the mountain [11QPsa MTmss; the mountains in MT LXX] of Zion! For to this place [11QPsa; there MT LXX] the Lord has bestowed the blessing [11QPsa; the blessing, life in 11QPsb MT LXX] forevermore. Peace be upon Israel! [11QPsa 11QPsb; Not found in MT LXX]
The Peshitta Like the dew of Hermon that falls upon the mount of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life, for evermore.
The Septuagint As the dew of Aermon, that comes down on the mountains of Sion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for ever.
Thought-for-thought translations; paraphrases:
CEV It is like the dew from Mount Hermon, falling on Zion's mountains, where the LORD has promised to bless his people with life forevermore.
The Message It's like the dew on Mount Hermon flowing down the slopes of Zion. Yes, that's where GOD commands the blessing, ordains eternal life.
NLT Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon
that falls on the mountains of Zion.
And the Lord has pronounced his blessing,
even life forevermore.
REB It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling
on the mountains of Zion.
There the Lord bestows his blessing,
life for evermore.
Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):
God’s Word™ It is like dew on Mount Hermon, dew which comes down on Zion's mountains. That is where the LORD promised the blessing of eternal life.
Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:
The Amplified Bible Like the dew of [lofty] Mount Hermon, and the dew that comes on the hills of Zion; for there the Lord has commanded the blessing, even life for evermore [upon the high and the lowly].
ESV It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.
HCSB It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion. For there the LORD has appointed the blessing--life forevermore.
KJV Like the dew of Hermon, and like the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
MKJV like the dew of Hermon that came down on the mountains of Zion; for there Jehovah commanded the blessing, life forevermore.
Young's Updated LT As dew of Hermon—That comes down on hills of Zion, For there Jehovah commanded the blessing—Life unto the age!
What is the gist of this verse? David draws an analogy between God’s blessings to Aaron, the father of the priesthood, and of His blessings to Israel.
Psalm 133:3a |
Hebrew/Pronunciation |
Common English Meanings |
Notes/Morphology |
BDB and Strong’s Numbers |
kaph or ke ( ׃) [pronounced ke] |
like, as, according to; about, approximately |
preposition of comparison or approximation |
No Strong’s # BDB #453 |
ţal (ל-ט) [pronounced tahl] |
night mist, mist, dew |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #2919 BDB #378 |
cheremôwn (ןמ ר∵ח) [pronounced Hermon] |
sacred [mountain]; and is transliterated Hermon |
proper noun mountain |
Strong’s #2768 BDB #356 |
Translation: the mist of Hermon... The kaph preposition draws an analogy between the other verse and this
verse. In the previous verse, the anointing oil ran down Aaron’s heard into his beard and, eventually, to the extremity
of his garment (possibly the collar). Here we are dealing with the morning mist of Hermon. Now, Mount Hermon
is an odd mountain to refer to, as it is not necessarily a part of Israel. It is to the north of Israel, at the southern
portion of the anti-Lebanon mountains. However, this mountain towers above all else in this region. It is over 9000
feet high, whereas the tallest mountains of that region tend to be about half that (Mount Bashan, Mount Seir) or
considerably less (Mount Nebo, Mount Naphtali, Mount Gilboa, Mount Tabor, Mount Carmel).
Because it is so tall,
Mount Hermon can be seen by as far away as the Dead Sea. Mount Hermon essentially marked the northernmost
border of Israel, taken when Moses and the Israelites defeated Bashan (Deut. 3:8–9 4:47–48). The snow from
Mount Hermon is what provides most of the water for the Jordan River.
Translation: the [morning] mist of Hermon descends upon the mountain of Zion [or, upon the dry, parched mountains];... Oil is poured upon the head of the High Priest and this oil flows down even to his beard, even to the extremities of his clothing, just like the morning mist upon Mount Hermon which then descends upon Mount Zion. Now, the mist which falls upon Mount Hermon really does not descend upon Mount Zion, as they are over 100 miles away from each other. In fact, the translators of the KJV were so concerned at this point that they inserted and as the dew before the word descends. However, what we have is an analogy (note the kaph preposition); just as the oil runs from Aaron’s head to his clothing, so the morning mist of Hermon descends upon the mountains of Zion. The blessings from God flow a long distance—in fact, far greater than even implied here by the psalmist.
It is possible that at this point in time, in history, the water supplied by the snow on Mount Hermon is used, in part, to provide water from Jerusalem. However, what we are speaking of is a flowing of blessing which extends a great distance from here to there.
As to whether this should read mountains of Zion or Mount Zion, this is fully discussed within the exegesis of the Hebrew above. Good Biblical criticism would side with this being in the plural, which is how most translators render this. The Message took a middle route by rendering this the slopes of Zion, maintaining the plural and allowing for Zion to be one mountain. I cannot fault them in this rendering as the idea of the dew coming down the slopes very accurately parallels the oil coming down as far as the extremities of Aaron’s garment.
The oil represents the Holy Spirit and how it flows to all parts of the High Priest, even as the morning mist from Mount Hermon flows all the way to Mount Zion. It saturates the beard, as the morning dew saturates the land, just as the blessing of God the Holy Spirit travels such a long ways as well. The blessing extends a very long distance is my point, and the point of this psalm.
If you read through the Hebrew exegesis, then you also aware that this could be translated ...upon the dry, parched mountains;... This understanding actually makes more sense. Mount Hermon is chosen as it is the highest mountain in that region (nearly 2 miles high). It is right outside Israel, making it analogous to God the Father, who blesses from on high, Whose blessings flow upon all in the wide periphery of Mount Hermon—to the dry, parched places which are in want of refreshment. It is surprising that no translation that I am aware of offers this as an alternate rendering, despite the fact that it requires the least amount of explanation (e.g., why do we find mountains here instead of mountain?). What we find in Israel today is a withholding of this blessing. The descriptions of the Land of Promise back in Numbers (when the spies went into the land) are in stark contrast with any description of this place today. What the Jews have done today with that horribly dry place is nothing short of amazing; but it still seems to fall far short of the oldest descriptions that we have of this land.
What we may find here is the water cycle as well. The snow falls upon Mount Hermon. The water melts and fills
the Jordan Rivers; and the water evaporates and comes down as dew (and rain) over all of Israel. It is actually a
splendid picture of God’s grace—it is run through of focal point, Jesus Christ (analogous to Mount Hermon), and
from Him, blessings rain upon all of us in this dry, parched land in which we live. According to the Treasury of
Scriptural Knowledge, some have experienced this dew which is in the area of Mount Hermon, and they liken it to
their tent being rained upon.
Keil and Delitzsch remark: As I sat at the foot of Hermon, I understood how the water-drops which rose
from its forest-mantled heights, and out of the highest ravines, which are filled the whole year round with
snow, after the sun's rays have attenuated them and moistened the atmosphere with them, descend at
evening-time as a heavy dew upon the lower mountains which lie round about as its spurs. One ought
to have seen Hermon with its white-golden crown glistening aloft in the blue sky, in order to be able rightly
to understand the figure. Nowhere in the whole country is so heavy a dew perceptible as in the districts
near to Hermon.” To this dew the poet likens brotherly love. This is as the dew of Hermon: of such
pristine freshness and thus refreshing, possessing such pristine power and thus quickening, thus born
from above (Psalm 110:3), and in fact like the dew of Hermon which comes down upon the mountains
of Zion - a feature in the picture which is taken from the natural reality; for an abundant dew, when warm
days have preceded, might very well be diverted to Jerusalem by the operation of the cold current of air
sweeping down from the north over Hermon. We know, indeed, from our own experience how far off a
cold air coming from the Alps is perceptible and produces its effects. The figure of the poet is therefore
as true to nature as it is beautiful. When brethren bound together in love also meet together in one place,
and in fact when brethren out of the north unite with brethren in the south in Jerusalem, the city which is
the mother of all, at the great Feasts, it is as when the dew of Mount Hermon, which is covered with deep,
almost eternal snow.
Another, briefer description from Henry Baker Tristram (1867): Unlike most other mountains which
gradually rise from lofty table-lands and often at a distance from the sea, Hermon starts at once to the
height of nearly ten thousand feet, from a platform scarcely above the sea level. This platform, too - the
upper Jordan valley, and marshes of Merom - is for the most part an impenetrable swamp of unknown
depth, whence the seething vapour, under the rays of an almost tropical sun, is constantly ascending into
the upper atmosphere during the day. The vapour, coming in contact with the snowy sides of the
mountain, is rapidly congealed, and is precipitated in the evening in the form of a dew, the most copious
we ever experienced. It penetrated everywhere, and saturated everything. The floor of our tent was
soaked, our bed was covered with it, our guns were dripping, and dewdrops hung about everywhere. No
wonder that the foot of Hermon is clad with orchards and gardens of such marvelous fertility in this land
of droughts.
Now, when it comes to what does this have to do with the brothers? The fellowship of the saints comes from above, as does the dew. I have already admitted that I can name four believers (at least, I think that they are believers) with whom I have no interest in personal fellowship. However, if we found ourselves in the same room, I would not gossip about them, I would not hate them, and I would not have a desire to see them die slow, painful deaths. I would prefer not to sit next to them; but in eternity, even that will change. The fact that we would even be able to talk without rancor would be because God the Holy Spirit. The idea is, God the Holy Spirit makes our fellowship possible.
There are also several guidelines that we should follow, many of which are outlined in the book of 1Corinthians.
The Corinthian church had broken up into a myriad of factions, and they were participating in behavior which was
designed to irritate one another. Some would eat meat sacrificed to idols, knowing that this irritated others in the
congregation. One family not only committed incest, but apparently bragged about it to the congregation. Some
members of the church sued other members of the church. It might be important to recognize that, getting along
with the brethren is not natural. What happened in the Corinthian church was natural—all of this infighting and
discord. In the first letter to the Corinthians, Paul both tells the Corinthians to knock if off and to bring them to the
realization that they needed to be filled with God the Holy Spirit (the means is mentioned in 1Cor. 11:31 and the
importance of being filled with God the Holy Spirit is emphasized in 1Cor. 13
). The key here is, a church needs
Bible doctrine and the filling of the Holy Spirit, both of which are from above, in order to get along. It is only because
of God the Holy Spirit and a little doctrine that keeps fist fights from breaking out in every church. Finally, brothers
[and sisters], be rejoicing; be striving for perfection; continue being comforted, be thinking the same [thing] [fig., be
in agreement], be living at peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you (2Cor. 13:11; Analytical-literal
Gill might wax a little corny in what follows, but the sentiments are in essence accurate: The mountains
of Zion were those that were near to Zion, and not the mountain itself, those that were round about
Jerusalem, on which the dew also fell in great plenty; and to which unity among brethren is here
compared, because it comes from God in heaven, as the dew does. Saints are taught of God to love one
another; contentions and quarrels come from lusts within, but this comes from above, from the Father
of lights; and, because of its gentle nature, this makes men pure, and peaceable, and gentle, and easy
to be entreated; as the dew falls gently in a temperate and moderate air, not in stormy and blustering
weather: and because of its cooling nature; it allays the heats and animosities in the minds of men; and
because it makes the saints fruitful, and to grow and increase in good works.
The key is, lusts and
quarrels come from within, but brotherly love (love among the saints) comes from above, as does the
Spurgeon speaks of brotherly love as proceeding from the higher to the lower,
referring to difference stages of
spiritual growth. To be more precise, it proceeds from Jesus Christ to those with doctrine to those without doctrine.
The idea is that, when practiced in the filling of the Spirit, such brotherly love fills the church. Now, this does not
mean that we gush over one another and think of ten nice things we can say about Charlie Brown—that same
Charlie Brown who spent that last 3 years suing us—but that we can be in the same room with him without having
to resort to mental attitude sins or to verbal sins directed against him.
Psalm 133:3c |
Hebrew/Pronunciation |
Common English Meanings |
Notes/Morphology |
BDB and Strong’s Numbers |
kîy (י̣) [pronounced kee] |
for, that, because; when, at that time, which, what time |
conjunction; preposition |
Strong's #3588 BDB #471 |
shâm (ם ָש) [pronounced shawm] |
there; at that time, then; therein, in that thing |
adverb |
Strong’s #8033 BDB #1027 |
tsâvâh (ה ָו ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-VAW] |
to commission, to mandate, to lay charge upon, to give charge to, charge, command, order |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong's #6680 BDB #845 |
YHWH (הוהי) [pronunciation is possibly yhoh-WAH] |
transliterated variously as Jehovah, Yahweh, Yehowah |
proper noun |
Strong’s #3068 BDB #217 |
êth (ת ֵא) [pronounced ayth] |
generally untranslated |
indicates that the following substantive is a direct object |
Strong's #853 BDB #84 |
berâkâh (הָכָר׃) [pronounced beraw-KAW] |
blessing, benediction, invocation of good; extremely fortunate and happy; a gift, a present; peace, prosperity |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #1293 BDB #139 |
chayyîym (םי.ַח) [pronounced khay-YEEM] |
life, lives, living, being alive, having life, immortality, a long life, sustenance, sustaining life; refreshment; being vigorous; prosperity, welfare, happiness, living prosperously |
masculine plural substantive |
Strong's #2416 BDB #313 |
׳ad (דַע) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
׳ôwlâm (םָלע) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] |
long duration, forever, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
Together, they mean and from everlasting to everlasting, from eternity past to eternity future or from antiquity to everlasting, forever. |
Translation: ...for there Yehowah has mandated blessings: life forever [or, eternal life]. There are so many churches and so many seminaries which seek to merge Israel and the Church into one metamorphosed body. Some how, Israel morphed into the church. However, the Old Testament never suggests such a thing. In the Old Testament, God’s blessings to Israel are unique and eternal. Even when Paul speaks of setting Israel aside for a time (Rom. 9), this should in no way be construed to mean that Israel somehow became the Church, even though many early believers were Jewish. God has mandated blessings on Mount Zion forever; God has mandated true brotherly fellowship as well. We are given the name of a specific place here: Mount Zion; a specific time frame: forever; and in case we are unsure where, the psalmist emphasizes with the word there.
What we find here are basically three sources of blessing in Israel: (1) we have the blessing of the brotherhood, which simply means the gathering and fellowship of all of the Jewish believers; (2) the spiritual blessings provided by God, and the cleansing power of God the Holy Spirit, symbolized by the oil dripping down Aaron’s beard; and (3) God’s support of the plants and wildlife of Israel, as seen by His provision of the evening mist. This psalm taken as a whole is a description of the Millennium, confirmed by this final line, For there, Jehovah has mandated blessings: eternal life.
Do you remember at the beginning of the psalm how I went on and on about each book of the Bible (or, even each chapter) and each psalm should have some meaning. There should be some reason why it is here in the canon of Scripture. I do believe that we have come across this reason in the words life eternal, life forever more. This is not something we find in too many places in the Old Testament; Daniel 12:2 mentions life eternal (and everlasting condemnation). We do not find these two words (life eternal) together anywhere else in the Old Testament. When it comes to a doctrine as important as eternal life, I am going to want to find this in more than just one passage. Certainly, this is spoken of by our Lord man times, but the times that we find this phrase in the Old Testament is limited to just these two passages. This psalm is somewhat of an appetizer, but Daniel 12 is going to be the main course. This does not mean that we do not find references to eternal life in the Old Testament; it simply means that they are a little less straightforward, e.g.: You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11); and more straightforward, as in: He asked life of you; you gave it to him, length of days forever and ever (Psalm 21:4). But, again, only Psalm 133:3 and Dan. 12:2 actually use the phrase eternal life. Apart from these two passages, one might even be tempted to explain away the two references given in the psalms. Of course, the New Testament abounds with such references: John 4:14 5:24 6:50, 51, 68 11:25, 26 Rom. 5:21 6:23; 1John 2:25 5:11 Rev. 1:18.
Translation: [Let] peace [and prosperity] be upon Israel! We are unsure about this final line of this psalm. It is the tag line of psalms 125 and 128. It could have been lost from Psalm 133, and it could have been added by mistake. The truth of the sentiment is confirmed in the other psalms.
Again, God associates eternal blessings with nation Israel. Even in the New Testament, we cannot find Israel being completely discarded or morphed into something else. There are a boatload of prophecies dealing with Israel in the end times which are yet to be fulfilled (from the New and Old Testaments). Therefore, we would be foolish to think that God has completely cast the Jew aside, if not anti-Semitic.
I must admit that I never expected to write 31 pages on this brief psalm. In fact, at first, I even wondered, what is this psalm doing in the canon of Scripture. However, as with much of the Word of God, it takes a little study to bring out the meat which is found here.