Global warming enthusiasts are perhaps the most illogical people in this world. Their gurus often fly private jets; they hold concerts which caused the burning of gargantuan amounts of fossil fuels, including those used by the concert goers to attend, and yet, they excuse these things by saying, “We can all do better. Sure Al Gore has 3 or 4 homes which burn more fossil fuels in year than most of us burn in a lifetime, but he is bringing an important message to the people. Of course he could cut back; but we could all cut back in our energy consumption.” Do you see the problem? Anyone can do anything in their own personal lives, as long as they have the right message, even if their own personal lives are diametrically opposed to the message that they bring. All we need are the magic words, “We could all do better when it comes to our energy consumption.” Or, even more amusing, “He purchases carbon-offsets.” Never mind that Al Gore is part owner of the companies from where he buys his carbon offsets, and never mind that Gore has become a multi-millionaire over the past half-decade, partially due to his place in the global warming scare police.

Furthermore, liberals seem to ignore China. China is probably the world’s greatest polluter. Most of the top ten polluted cites are in China. What is the liberal solution to China?

Are we really in the midst of a global warming? Even though my two home towns, Houston and Sacramento, are enjoying the most mild summers on record (well, at least in my lifetime), I don’t doubt that we might be in a warming phase. History shows us that the earth has gone through many heating and cooling phases. There are some areas which were packed in solid ice for hundreds of years which have melted, and, lo and behold, we have found evidence of human habitation, indicating that, some of these areas which are melting now have melted before, and during human history.

What might convince me that we are in the midst of a man-induced global warming period? If I saw Democrat politicians calling out for more nuclear plants. If I saw liberals marching in the streets with signs reading, “More nukes!” If I saw public apologies from those who had, in the past, stood in the way of our development of nuclear energy. Since roughly 57% of our energy is building-related, and since a huge percentage of that energy comes from burning fossil fuels, a plan to go all-nuclear in the next 10 years would be the most effective way to halt or slow global warming (assuming that it exists and assuming that we in the US are causing it). And, in case you are wondering, most of the conservatives that I know would heartily support the building of more nuclear plants. And haven’t I heard liberals call out for more unity? What an ideal place to drop partisan politics, reduce global warming and reduce our dependence upon foreign oil.

However, until we take some real steps toward reducing the use of fossil fuels, don’t tell me I can’t drive an SUV; don’t lecture to me that I need to change out all my American-made light bulbs and replace them with Chinese-made fluorescent bulbs (which contain mercury, by the way); and please don’t lecture me about how much toilet paper I ought to be using.

Kukis 8-19-2007