Ephesians 1

written and compiled by Gary Kukis (first draft)

Ephesians 1:1–23

Paul Defines the Relationship between Jesus and the Church

These studies are designed for believers in Jesus Christ only. If you have exercised faith in Christ, then you are in the right place. If you have not, then you need to heed the words of our Lord, Who said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten [or, uniquely-born] Son, so that every [one] believing [or, trusting] in Him shall not perish, but shall be have eternal life! For God did not send His Son into the world so that He should judge the world, but so that the world shall be saved through Him. The one believing [or, trusting] in Him is not judged, but the one not believing has already been judged, because he has not believed in the Name of the only-begotten [or, uniquely-born] Son of God.” (John 3:16–18). “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life! No one comes to the Father except through [or, by means of] Me!” (John 14:6).

Every study of the Word of God ought to be preceded by a naming of your sins to God. This restores you to fellowship with God (1John 1:8–10).

Document Navigation

Preface and Quotations

Outline of Chapter

Charts, Graphics, Short Doctrines

Doctrines Alluded to

Dictionary of Terms

Introduction and Text

Chapter Summary


A Complete Translation

Verse Navigation

Ephesians 1:1–2

Ephesians 1:3–6

Ephesians 1:7–10

Ephesians 1:11–14

Ephesians 1:15–17

Ephesians 1:18–21

Ephesians 1:22–23


These exegetical studies are not designed for you to read each and every word. For instance, the Greek exegesis is put into lightly colored tables, so that if you want to skip over them, that is fine. If you question a translation, you can always refer back to the appropriate Greek tables to sort it all out. These tables provide all of the words their meanings and morphology for each and every verse. The intent is to make this particular study the most complete and most accurate examination of Ephesians 1 which is available in writing. The idea is to make every phrase, verse and passage understandable and to make correct application of all that is studied.


Besides teaching you the doctrinal principles related to this chapter, this commentary is also to help bring this narrative to life, so that you can understand the various characters, their motivations, and the choices that they make. Ideally, you will be able to visualize the peoples, their temporal and spiritual leaders, and their armies as they move across the landscape of the Land of Promise. I hope to provide not only an accurate exegesis of the chapter in view, but to also quote many of the great insights that past commentators have offered us.


Although the bulk of this chapter is based upon narrative from the book of Ephesians, I will make every attempt possible to provide enough historical information and theological context so that you will have a sufficient background to understand what is going on.

Preface: Paul writes to the saints in Ephesus. Much of this first chapter praises God the Father for what He has done for us, and the relationship between Jesus and the church is defined.


Bible Summary: Paul, to the saints in Ephesus. Praise the God who predestined us for adoption in Christ. May you know the riches of his inheritance.

By the third draft, this should be the most extensive examination of Ephesians 1 available, where you will be able to examine in depth every word of the original text.

Brief Overview:



Contemporary Historical Events


61-62 AD

Paul wrote Ephesians while imprisoned in Rome during his first imprisonment.

Acts 28 is when Paul is put into jail.

A 5-6 magnitude earthquake in Pompeii and Herculaneum on February 5.

Battle of Rhandeia: The Roman army (two legions) is defeated by the Parthians under king Tiridates I. Paetus surrenders and withdraws his disheveled army to Syria.

A violent storm destroys 200 ships anchored at Portus.

Nero (54–68 a.d.)

Nero marries his second wife.




Outline of Chapter 1:





         vv.     1–












Chapter Summary


Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines:


         Preface               Preface

         Preface               Brief Overview

         Preface               Quotations


         Introduction         Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Ephesians 1 (by Various Commentators)

         Introduction         Brief, but insightful observations of Ephesians 1 (various commentators)

         Introduction         Fundamental Questions About Ephesians 1


         Introduction         The Prequel to Ephesians 1

         Introduction         The Principals of Ephesians 1

         Introduction         The Places of Ephesians 1

         Introduction         By the Numbers

         Introduction         A Synopsis of Ephesians 1

         Introduction         Outlines and Summaries of Ephesians 1 (Various Commentators)

         Introduction         A Synopsis of Ephesians 1 from the Summarized Bible



         Introduction         The Big Picture (Ephesians –)



         Introduction         Changes—additions and subtractions































































         Summary            A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary

         Summary            Why Ephesians 1 is in the Word of God

         Summary            What We Learn from Ephesians 1

         Summary            Jesus Christ in Ephesians 1

         Summary            A Brief Review of Ephesians 1




         Addendum          Footnote for Ephesians 1:3 (Christian Community Bible)

         Addendum          Footnote for Ephesians 1:15 (Christian Community Bible)









         Addendum          A Complete Translation of Ephesians 1

         Addendum          Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Ephesians 1

         Addendum          Word Cloud from the Kukis Paraphrase of Ephesians 1

         Addendum          Word Cloud from Exegesis of Ephesians 1

Chapter Outline


Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Beginning of Document

Verse Navigation

Introduction and Text

First Verse

Chapter Summary




Exegetical Studies in Ephesians

Doctrines Covered or Alluded To





Chapters of the Bible Alluded To or Appropriately Exegeted with this Chapter





Many who read and study this chapter are 1st or 2nd generation students of R. B. Thieme, Jr., so that much of this vocabulary is second nature. One of Bob’s contributions to theology is a fresh vocabulary along with a number of concepts which are theologically new or reworked, yet still orthodox. Therefore, if you are unfamiliar with his work, the definitions below will help you to fully understand all that is being said. Also included are various technical terms from Christian theology along with a few new terms and concepts which I have developed.

Sometimes the terms in the exegesis of this chapter are simply alluded to, without any in-depth explanation of them. Sometimes, these terms are explained in detail and illustrated. A collection of all these terms is found here: (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Often, the terms below are linked to complete doctrines.

The links allow you to go back and forth between the definition and the first occurrence of this word. So, in some documents, where going back and forth is not as straightforward, here it is easy. One-click to get to the definition; and one click to get back where you were in the exegetical study.

In the book of Ephesians, this tends to be a long list.

Definition of Terms

Rebound (Restoration to fellowship with God)

In the New Testament, this is naming your sins to God, so that you are both restored to temporal fellowship with God and are then filled with the Spirit of God. In the Old Testament, naming your sins to God would result in a restoration of fellowship and, in some cases, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit once again (the Holy Spirit was not given to all Old Testament believers). The Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF).

Some of these definitions are taken from






Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines


An Introduction to Ephesians 1

I ntroduction: Ephesians 1

A title or one or two sentences which describe Ephesians 1.

Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Ephesians 1 (by Various Commentators)





Chapter Outline

Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines

Sometimes, a commentator will begin with a good observation of this chapter of the Bible.

Brief, but insightful observations of Ephesians 1 (various commentators)





Chapter Outline

Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines

As I study a chapter, questions will occur to me—some of them important and many of them minor. Not all of these questions will be satisfactorily answered.

Fundamental Questions About Ephesians 1


Some of these questions may not make sense unless you have read Ephesians 1. There are two translations at the very end of this chapter if you wanted to do that before proceeding any further in this study.

Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

It is important to understand what has gone before.

The Prequel to Ephesians 1



Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

We need to know who the people are who populate this chapter.

The Principals of Ephesians 1


Biographical Material










Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

We need to know where this chapter takes place. I may need to eliminate this one.

The Places of Ephesians 1












Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines


By the Numbers


Date; duration; size; number












Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

At this point, we begin to gather up more details on this chapter.

A Synopsis of Ephesians 1






Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

The ESV (capitalized) is used below:

Outlines and Summaries of Ephesians 1 (Various Commentators)






Chapter Outline

Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines

The text of the verses was added in, using the ESV (capitalized).

A Synopsis of Ephesians 1 from the Summarized Bible


Keith L. Brooks, Summarized Bible; Complete Summary of the Bible; ©1919; from e-Sword, Ephesians 1 (edited).

Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

It is helpful to see what came before and what follows in a brief summary.

The Big Picture (Ephesians 1–24)



Ephesians 1


Ephesians 2


Ephesians 3A


Ephesians 3B


Ephesians 4A


Ephesians 4B


Ephesians 5A


Ephesians 5B



Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Changes—additions and subtractions:


I began to include Benjamin Brodie’s original expanded translation. Also, R. B. Thieme, Jr. did pretty much a complete corrected translation for the book of Ephesians, so that is included as well. These two translations could have been placed in the very literal category or in the expanded translation category (most Bible translations fall under more than one category).


I have begun to include two translations from doctrinal teachers: James Allen and Bill Puryear (when such are available).


I came across an odd translation called the Revised Standard Version New Testament, Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library; Blue Line Bolded Text expanded corrected translations according to Col. R. B. Thieme Jr. or R. B. Thieme III. I took my translation by R. B. Thieme, Jr. directly from his series on Ephesians. What editor Dr. Frank P. Ferraro appears to have done is, simply replaced certain words and phrases in the RSV with words or phrases that Bob would have used. So, instead of called, Ferraro inserts the words called or appointed and privileged. He ends up with a translation which sounds very much like R. B. Thieme, Jr., but not something that R. B. Thieme, Jr. actually produced. I simply call this R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2.


I recently discovered the Updated American Standard Version ©2022. I have it in e-sword, but it can also be found online and in print. Many of their footnotes define fundamental theological terms, but they also reference alternate readings and other appropriate footnote material. This translation may be properly placed in the translations with many footnotes or in the literal translation group. I will probably add this into many previously-done books in the 2nd or 3rd drafts. So far, at first glance, this appears to be an excellent translation.


I have begun with the book of Ephesians to indicate what draft each chapter is.


The Heritage Bible is not a Catholic translation so I to moved it to a new grouping.


I continue to avoid using corrections or clarifications in the literal translation, preferring instead to insert words which are not there in order to coincide with good English sense. So, instead of they came to..., I might instead write, [Paul and Silas] came to... In the past, I would have written, they [that is, Paul and Silas] came to... I believe that this provides a better flow for the reader.


I continue to place my nearly literal translation at the end of each verse and at the end of each passage. My paraphrase will also be placed at the end of every passage.


Beginning in Romans 13 or 14, I began to develop my paraphrase after exegeting and writing commentary for the passage. Prior to this, I wrote the slavishly literal translation, the mostly literal translation and the paraphrase all at once. The end result is, when I write the paraphrase, my explanation of the passage has just been done, so that is integrated into the paraphrase (to some degree, a paraphrase interprets the original text).


With Romans 15, I remembered that Bill Puryear did a translation of the entire New Testament, so I began to include that in the translations. I will need to go and backdate this for all previous NT books.


I drew from hundreds of sources for this chapter. I literally stand on the shoulders of thousands of men in order to write and assemble this document.


Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

As always, 3 separate translations will be produced for each verse. The slavishly literal translation attempts to preserve word order and number, making it more literal than Young’s translation (however, I do not preserve the consistency of the translation that Young does). The moderately literal translation may add or delete a definite article, change the number of a noun to correspond with the English sense of thinking, and the order is often changed in order to better represent our English sentence structure. The paraphrase is an attempt to give a thought-for-thought interpretation of what each verse tells us.

Kukis slavishly literal translation:


Kukis mostly literal translation:

Paulos, an Apostle of Christ Jesus through a will of God, to the holy ones, to the (ones) being in Ephesus, and faithful (ones) in Christ Jesus. Grace to you (all) and peace from God, a Father of us, and [from] a Lord Jesus Christ.



[From] Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God, to the saints, to the (ones) who are at Ephesus and [who are] faithful (ones) in Christ Jesus. Grace to you (all) and peace from God, our Father, and [from] the Lord Jesus Christ.

Kukis paraphrase

This letter is from Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus, having received this gift of authority by the will of God. I am writing this treatise to the believers who are at Ephesus, those who have exercise faith in Christ Jesus. I send to you a message of grace and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is how others have translated this verse:


Ancient texts:                       I will use the Westcott-Hort Greek text as the basis for my English translation. I use that test primarily because e-sword has a nice module by Rob Wolfram which has the interlinear English text, Strong’s #’s, and the Greek morphology. The e-sword tab is IWH+P. I do not use their English text for my translation. Also, throughout, I take in consideration alternate readings.


As a young Christian, I was quite interested in the alternative readings. After many decades of study, I have found that, as with the Hebrew text, disputed readings rarely have any affect on the interpretation of a text (apart from perhaps a half-dozen fairly well-known alternate readings, like the end of the book of Mark).


I will compare the Greek text to English translations of the Latin and Syriac (= Aramaic) texts, using the Douay-Rheims translation and George Lamsa’s translation from the Syriac. I often update these texts with non-substantive changes (e.g., you for thou, etc.).


In general, the Latin text is an outstanding translation from the Hebrew text into Latin and very trustworthy (I say this as a non-Catholic). Unfortunately, I do not read Latin—apart from some very obvious words—so I am dependent upon the English translation of the Latin (principally, the Douay-Rheims translation).


The Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls are irrelevant, as they preceded the writing of the New Testament by over 200 years.


Underlined words indicate differences in the text.

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    Paulos, an Apostle of Christ Jesus through a will of God, to the holy ones, to the (ones) being in Ephesus, and faithful (ones) in Christ Jesus. Grace to you (all) and peace from God, a Father of us, and [from] a Lord Jesus Christ.

Complete Apostles’ Bible      Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to all the saints who are at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus.

Grace be to you and peace, from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Paul, an Apostle of Yeshua The Messiah in the will of God, to those who are in Ephesaus, holy and faithful in Yeshua The Messiah.

Peace with you and grace from God our Father and from Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 


English Translations:          I have included translations which I disagree with and footnotes that I do not necessarily agree with. If I believe that the author is too far from the truth, I may even address that at the footnote. However, nearly all of the correct commentary will be found following the Greek text box and the translation of each phrase.

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus by the purpose of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus, and those who have faith in Christ Jesus: 

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Bible in Worldwide English     I am Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ. It was Gods wish for me to be his messenger. I send greetings to Gods people in the city of Ephesus, to those who believe in Christ Jesus.

May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ in their kindness give you peace.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  Greetings from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus. I am an apostle because that is what God wanted. To God's holy people living in Ephesus, believers who belong to Christ Jesus. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

God’s Word                         From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by God's will. To God's holy and faithful people who are united with Christ in the city of Ephesus. Good will and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are yours!.

Good News Bible (TEV)         From Paul, who by God's will is an apostle of Christ Jesus--- To God's people in Ephesus, who are faithful in their life in union with Christ Jesus: May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Bible              .

Contemporary English V.       From Paul, chosen by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus. To God's people who live in Ephesus and are faithful followers of Christ Jesus. I pray that God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Dear friends, My name is Paul, and I was chosen by God to be an apostle of Jesus, the Messiah. 

I’m writing this letter to all the devoted believers who have been made holy by being one with Jesus, the Anointed One. May God himself, the heavenly Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, release grace over you and impart total well-being into your lives.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  I am Paul, an apostle of the Messiah Jesus because that is what God wanted. I write this letter to the people whom God has set apart for himself who are living in the city of Ephesus and who are loyal to the Messiah Jesus. I pray that God our Father and Jesus our Messiah and Lord will be kind to you and give you a peaceful spirit.

Williams’ New Testament      Paul, by God's will an apostle of Christ Jesus, to God's people who are faithful in Christ Jesus; spiritual blessing and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            From: Paul, a missionary of the Anointed King Jesus through what God wants. To: The sacred people who are in Ephesus and trusting people in the Anointed King Jesus.

Generosity to you and peace out from God, our Father, and Master Jesus, the Anointed King..

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by God's will to God's people at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus. May grace and peace be yours from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to the saints that are in Ephesus, even the believers in Christ Jesus: Favor to you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament To Christ's People [AT EPHESUS] who are faithful to him, from Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus, by the will of God. May God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and give you peace.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton           .

Free Bible Version                 This letter comes from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to God’s will, to the Christians* in Ephesus and those who trust in Christ Jesus. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Heritage Bible                          Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, to the saints being in1 Ephesus, and the faithful in Christ Jesus;

Grace to you, and peace, from our Father God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

1 1;1 in, en. Ephesians is the in Christ letter. Who we are, and what we have, in Christ, is the main theme of Ephesians. In is found 121 times in Ephesians.

International Standard V        The Letter of Paul to the


Greetings from Paul

From: [The Gk. lacks From] Paul, an apostle of the Messiah [Or Christ] Jesus by God’s will.

To: His holy and faithful people [Or to the saints and faithful] in Ephesus [Other mss. lack in Ephesus] who are in union with the Messiah [Or Christ] Jesus.

May grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, [Or Christ] be yours!

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     .

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      .

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      .

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    .

Urim-Thummim Version         .

Weymouth New Testament    Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God: To God's people who are in Ephesus--believers in Christ Jesus. May grace and peace be granted to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wikipedia Bible Project          From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God to the holy ones and believers in Christ Jesus who are in Ephesus.

Undeserved favor to you and peace from our Father, God, and the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)     Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints in Ephesus, to you who share Christian faith: receive grace and peace from God our Father and from Jesus the Lord. Rom 1:1; Acts 9:13

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           PA’AL, an apostle of Yahusha Ha’Mashiach by the will of Elohiym, to the qodeshiym which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Mashiach Yahusha

Grace be to you, and peace, from Elohiym our Father, and from the Adonai Yahusha Ha’Mashiach.

Hebraic Roots Bible               Paul, an apostle of Yahshua Messiah through the will of YAHWEH, to the saints being in Ephesus and faithful in Messiah Yahshua:

Grace to you and peace from YAHWEH our Father and the Master Yahshua Messiah.

Holy New Covenant Trans.    The Letter to the Ones in Ephesus
From Paul. God wanted me to be a delegate of Christ Jesus. To the saints who live in the city of Ephesus, those who are faithful to Christ Jesus.

May help in time of need and peace come to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Scriptures 2009              Sha’ul, an emissary of יהושע Messiah by the desire of Elohim, to the set-apart ones who are in Ephesos, and true to Messiah יהושע: 

Favour to you and peace from Elohim our Father and the Master יהושע Messiah.

Tree of Life Version                Paul, an emissary of Messiah Yeshua by God’s will, To the kedoshim in Ephesus—those trusting in Messiah Yeshua:

Grace and shalom to you, from God our Father and the Lord Yeshua the Messiah!.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       Paul Delegate [of] christ jesus through will [of] god [to] the [men] pure the [men] being in ephesus and [to] [men] faithful in christ Jesus Favor {be!} [to] you* and Peace from god father [of] us and [from] lord jesus christ...

Alpha & Omega Bible            (The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians)
(The Church at Ephesus)



Awful Scroll Bible                   Paul, a sent-out one of Jesus, the Anointed One, by the Purpose of God, to the awful ones being from-within Ephesus, even they confiding by-within the Anointed One, Jesus.

Grace to yous and Peace from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One.

Concordant Literal Version    Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God, to all the saints who are also believers in Christ Jesus:"

Grace to you and peace from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ."

exeGeses companion Bible   SALUTATION

Paulos, an apostle of Yah Shua Messiah

through the will of Elohim:

To the holy in Ephesus

and trustworthy in Messiah Yah Shua:

Charism to you and shalom,

from Elohim our Father

and Adonay Yah Shua Messiah.

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible                                                 MOSHIACH’S LETTER




Sha'ul a Shliach of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua b’ratzon Hashem (by the will of G-d) to the Kadoshim who are in Ephesus, and who are HaNe'emanim in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua;

Chen v'Chesed Hashem to you and shalom from Elohim Avinu and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesusˎ through God’s will,

    Unto the saints who are {in Ephesus} and faithful in Christ Jesus,—

Favour unto youˎ and peace,

    From God our Fatherˎ and Lord Jesus Christ.

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   [This letter is from] Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, according to God’s will, [and is being sent] to the saints [i.e., God’s holy people] at Ephesus [Note: This was a major city in the western province of Asia Minor, and is now a part of Turkey. The words “at Ephesus” are omitted in some manuscripts, suggesting it was a circular letter], and the faithful ones in [fellowship with] Christ Jesus [everywhere else (?)]. May you have unearned favor and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Benjamin Brodie’s trans.       Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the sovereign will of God [the Father], to the saints [Christians only] who are in Ephesus [circular letter], especially to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ .

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             Paul, a sent-forth person belonging to Jesus Christ (or: an emissary from, and a representative pertaining to, Jesus, [the] Anointed One [= Messiah]) through and by means of God's will (resolve; determined purpose; resultant choice), to all those who continue being set-apart folks (or: holy ones; saints) [other MSS add: within Ephesus], as well as to believing folks (or: trusting and loyal people) within, in union with and centered in Christ Jesus:

Grace and peace [= shalom] to you (or: Favor and harmony [are] in and with you folks) from God, our Father and Lord, Jesus Christ (or: from our Father-God, even the Owner, Jesus [the Messiah]; or: from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ).

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         Greeting

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints who are in Ephesus [A number of the earliest and most important manuscripts omit “in Ephesus,” though it is hard to make sense of the line without this phrase (cf. RSV, “to the saints who are also faithful”)] and faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

From Paul, an apostleb of Jesus Christ by God’s will-to the holy ones who live in Ephesus,c who’re faithful in Christ Jesus.

Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

a.Many—but not all—Bible scholars think that this letter is pseudonymous—that is, they think it shows signs of having been written by someone else using Paul’s name. Pseudonymous writings were pretty common in the ancient world.

b.Or “emissary”; see “Bible Words” under “apostle”.

c.Some important ancient mss lack the words, “in Ephesus”. It’s very possible that this letter was sent to Laodicea, a city Paul never visited (see Colossians 2:1). It appears that Paul wrote both this letter and the letter to the Colossians when he was in prison (see Ephesians 3:1; Ephesians 6:19-20; Colossians 4:18).

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     Salutation
Paul, apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus,1 that is, the faithful in Christ Jesus:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.2

(1) I take it that Paul is claiming to be Christ’s apostle to them, so he is writing with specific apostolic authority. Less than 1% of the Greek manuscripts, of objectively inferior quality, omit ‘at Ephesus’ [such is the basis for the nasty footnotes in NIV, NASB, LB, etc.].

(2) The alternation between ‘Jesus Christ’ and ‘Christ Jesus’ appears to be stylistic, without doctrinal implication. The full name of Jehovah the Son is now ‘The Lord Jesus Christ’.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by [the] will of God, to the holy ones [or, saints, and throughout epistle], the [ones] being in Ephesus and faithful in Christ Jesus:

Grace to youp and peace from God our Father and [the] Lord Jesus Christ!

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, because of the will of God, to the saints who are [in the vicinity of Ephesus]; that is, to the believers in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and prosperity from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             .

Context Group Version          Paul, an emissary of the Anointed Jesus through the will of God, to the special ones that are in Ephesus, and the trustworthy in the Anointed Jesus: Favor to you (pl) and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus the Anointed.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       .

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, to the holy-ones who are in Ephesus and the faithful in Christ Jesus: grace to you° and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

New American Standard B.    .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, through God’s purpose, will and design, to those being saints, and faithful in Christ Jesus.

Grace to you and peace from the ultimate source of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         Paul an apostle {highest rank in the Church Age} of Christ {Christos} Jesus through God's will/purpose/design {addressed} to those being saints {hagios} and faithful {pistos} in Christ Jesus.

Grace {charis} to you and peace/prosperity/benefit/welfare/tranquility {eirene} from the ultimate source of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are at Ephesus, that is, believers in union with Christ Jesus: Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 1:1a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

Paûlos (Παλος) [pronounced POW-loss]

small, little; transliterated, Paul, Paulos, Paulus

masculine singular proper noun; a person; nominative case

Strong’s #3972

Thayer: Paul or Paulus [was] Paul was the most famous of the apostles and wrote a good part of the NT, the 14 Pauline epistles.

apostolos (ἀπόστολος) [pronounced ap-OSS-tol-oss]

one sent forth, a delegate, an ambassador [of the gospel], a messenger [of Christ]; transliterated, apostle

masculine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #652

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5547

Iêsous (̓Ιησος) [pronounced ee-ay-SOOCE]

Jehovah is salvation; transliterated Jesus, Joshua

proper singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2424

diá (διά) [pronounced dee-AH]; spelled di (δἰ) [pronounced dee] before a vowel.

through; with; in; of time; throughout; during; by, by the means of, by reason of; on account of; because of, for this reason; therefore; on this account


Strong’s #1223

thelêma (θέλημα) [pronounced THEHL-ay-mah]

will, choice, inclination, desire, pleasure; volition; what one wishes or has determined shall be done; of the purpose of God to bless mankind through Christ; of what God wishes to be done by us; commands, precepts, purpose, decree

neuter singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2307

theos (θεός) [pronounced theh-OSS]

God, [the true] God; divine being; god, goddess, divinity

masculine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2316

Translation: [From] Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God,...

We find a very similar beginning to all of the Pauline epistles. Paul begins with his name, which was the customary way to begin a letter to anyone.

Paul was an Apostle, which is a man who has the highest spiritual gift in the Church Age. This gift was temporary and it gave men the ability to write Scripture and to have authority over more than one church (that responsibility no longer exists; it died out with the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos.

This particular spiritual gift was given to Paul by the will of God. He did not work for it and he did not earn it. In fact, given Paul’s horrendous actions at his first mention in the book of Acts, it is clear that he was a rotten human being. God gave Paul this gift, along with several others, because God used Paul to develop all of the concepts of the Church Age.

Ephesians 1:1b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

tois (τος) [pronounced toiç]

(to, in by) the; these [things]; in these; to those; by all of this; for these

masculine plural definite article; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

hagios (ἅγιος) [pronounced HA-gee-oss]

holy (ones), set apart (ones); angels, saints

masculine plural adjective used as a substantive; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #40

tois (τος) [pronounced toiç]

(to, in by) the; these [things]; in these; to those; by all of this; for these

masculine plural definite article; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

ôn/ousa/on (ὤν/οσα/ὅν) [pronounced own/OO-sah/on]

being, be, is, are; coming; having

masculine plural, present participle; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #5607 (present participle of Strong’s #1510)

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

Ephesos (Έφεσος) [pronounced EHF-ehs-oss]

permitted; transliterated, Ephesus

feminine singular proper noun; a location; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2181

Despite the discussion about whether or not Ephesus belongs here, it is found in the four manuscripts which I use, but sometimes with a bracket or two. If Ephesus does not belong here, then neither do the three words which precede it. They would not make sense without being moving toward the word Ephesus.

Translation: ...to the saints, to the (ones) who are at Ephesus...

The letter is written to the saints. Quite frankly, despite all of the discussion that the word Ephesus should not be here, Paul generally says something about those receiving his epistle. This would not be simply left as to the saints. Furthermore, if Ephesus does not belong here, then neither do the three words which precede it.

Ephesians 1:1c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

pistós (πιστός) [pronounced pis-TOSS]

faithful; objectively, trustworthy; subjectively, trustful; believe(-ing, -r), faithfully, sure, true

masculine plural adjective; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #4103

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #5547

Iêsous (̓Ιησος) [pronounced ee-ay-SOOCE]

Jehovah is salvation; transliterated Jesus, Joshua

proper singular noun, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2424

Translation: ...and [who are] faithful (ones) in Christ Jesus.

I carried over the verb from the previous phrase to here, which is perfectly normal to do.

Paul is writing to the faithful ones in Christ Jesus. I don’t know that Paul is speaking specifically of really great Christians (although many of those did live in Ephesus and nearby regions). I believe that this simply refers to their means of being in Christ Jesus, by means of faith.

Ephesians 1:1 [From] Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God, to the saints, to the (ones) who are at Ephesus and [who are] faithful (ones) in Christ Jesus. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:2a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

charis (χάρις) [pronounced KHAHR-iç]

grace, graciousness; acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, joy, liberality, pleasure, thanks

feminine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #5485

humin (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MEEN]

you [all]; in you; to you; in you; by you, with you

2nd person plural personal pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #5213; an irregular dative of #5210; a form of #4771

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

eirênê (εἰρήνη, ης, ἡ) [pronounced eye-RAY-nay]

peace, tranquility, harmony, order, welfare; security, safety; prosperity, felicity; unity

feminine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #1515

apó (ἀπό) [pronounced aw-PO]; spelled ἀϕ̓ before a vowel.

from, away from, by; after; at; with, because of, since; before; in; of; out (from)

preposition or separation or of origin

Strong’s #575

theos (θεός) [pronounced theh-OSS]

God, [the true] God; divine being; god, goddess, divinity

masculine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2316

Translation: Grace to you (all) and peace from God,...

Paul then says, grace to you (all) and peace from God. I do not think that there is any reason to think that God spoke to Paul audibly and said, “You need to write to the Ephesians and tells them I am sending them grace and peace.” Paul took this upon himself to say this (that is my view), which indicates that he recognized that he was able to speak for God. That is a pretty bold thing to think. This would imply that Paul understood his authority and that God the Holy Spirit spoke through him. Again, that is a pretty bold thing to think. Nevertheless, we believe that Paul had this authority and that his words on inspired, as if written by God the Holy Spirit (actually, as if these words are written both by Paul, and a normal human being, and by the Holy Spirit, Who is God.

Ephesians 1:2b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

patêr (πατήρ) [pronounced pat-AYR]

father, parent; forefather, ancestor; metaphorically, originator or transmitter; author of a family; a paternal figure; a title of honor; a teacher

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3962

hêmn (ἡμν) [pronounced hay-MOHN]

us, of us, from us, our, [of] ours

1st person plural, personal pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2257 (from Strong’s #1473)

Translation: ...our Father,...

The God for Whom Paul speaks, is the Father of them all. So Paul, despite taking this position of authority, recognizes that God is the father of all believers.

Ephesians 1:2c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong's #2962

Iêsous (̓Ιησος) [pronounced ee-ay-SOOCE]

Jehovah is salvation; transliterated Jesus, Joshua

proper singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2424

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: ...and [from] the Lord Jesus Christ. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

It would be reasonable and logical to take the apo from the previous phrase and move it to v. 2c. These words from Paul are also from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Again, Paul boldly asserts his authority and his writing on behalf of God.

Ephesians 1:2 Grace to you (all) and peace from God, our Father, and [from] the Lord Jesus Christ. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:1–2 [From] Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God, to the saints, to the (ones) who are at Ephesus and [who are] faithful (ones) in Christ Jesus. Grace to you (all) and peace from God, our Father, and [from] the Lord Jesus Christ. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:1–2 This letter is from Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus, having received this gift of authority by the will of God. I am writing this treatise to the believers who are at Ephesus, those who have exercise faith in Christ Jesus. I send to you a message of grace and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (Kukis paraphrase)


Many translations feature a sentence running all the way from v. 3 to v. 14. Some break this up into two or three or four verses. The problem is, is there is no consistency in this. There is no agreement of a place to stop and start again. About half of the translations put a period at the end of v. 6, so I will do that too. When I record the various translations below, I take into account how they divide up this passage (vv. 3–14).

Praised [is] the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the One blessing us with every commendation [of] a spiritual [nature], in the heavenlies, in Christ, just as He selected us in Him before a founding of [the] world, to be, us, holy (ones) and unblemished (ones) before the face of Him, in love; predetermining us for adoption (as sons) through Jesus Christ, for Him, according to the delight of the will of Him toward [the] commendation of [the] glory of the grace of Him, of which He had graced us (out) in the One having been loved.



The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ [is] worthy of praise, the One blessing us with every spiritual commendation in the heavenly places, in Christ, even as He elected us in Him before the foundation of the world (system), us being holy and unblemished before Him in love, [having] foreordained [us] for adoption (as [His] sons) through Jesus Christ, on account of Him, according to the good pleasure of His decree for the commendation of the glory of His grace, which He had graced us out in the Beloved.

The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ is worthy of all praise, as He is the One blessing us with every spiritual commendation in the heavenly places, in Christ, in accordance with His electing us in His Son before the foundation of the world. He determined that we would be holy and unblemished before Him, in loving, having foreordained us to be adopted into the royal family as His sons through Jesus Christ and on account of Jesus Christ. All of this took place in accordance with the good pleasure of God’s decrees from eternity past, so that the glory of His grace might be recognized and commended, by which grace, He graced us out in the Beloved.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    Praised [is] the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the One blessing us with every commendation [of] a spiritual [nature], in the heavenlies, in Christ, just as He selected us in Him before a founding of [the] world, to be, us, holy (ones) and unblemished (ones) before the face of Him, in love; predetermining us for adoption (as sons) through Jesus Christ, for Him, according to the delight of the will of Him toward [the] commendation of [the] glory of the grace of Him, of which He had graced us (out) in the One having been loved.

Complete Apostles Bible        Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ,

just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him in love,

having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,

to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He bestowed favor upon us in the Beloved.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ:

As he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and unspotted in his sight in charity.

Who hath predestinated us unto the adoption of children through Jesus Christ unto himself: according to the purpose of his will:

Unto the praise of the glory of his grace, in which he hath graced us, in his beloved son.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Blessed is The God and The Father of Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah, he who has blessed us with all the spiritual blessings in Heaven in The Messiah.

Just as he chose us beforehand in him from before the foundation of the universe, that we shall be holy and without spot before him, and he ordained us beforehand in love for himself.

And he has constituted us as children by Yeshua The Messiah, as that is pleasing to his will,

That the glory of his grace may be praised, that which overflows upon us by his Beloved One.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given us every blessing of the Spirit in the heavens in Christ: 

Even as he made selection of us in him from the first, so that we might be holy and free from all evil before him in love: 

As we were designed before by him for the position of sons to himself, through Jesus Christ, in the good pleasure of his purpose, 

To the praise of the glory of his grace, which he freely gave to us in the Loved One:...

Bible in Worldwide English     Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! He has blessed us in Christ with every blessing which is in heaven, such as the Spirit gives us.

Before the world was made, God chose us in Christ. He chose us that we should be holy and good before him.

Because he loved us, he planned that we should be his own children. It is through Jesus Christ that we are Gods children. That is the way God wanted it to be.

Praise him! His kindness is great and wonderful. We have been accepted by God through Jesus Christ, whom he loves so much.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ, God has given us every spiritual blessing in heaven. In Christ, he chose us before the world was made. He chose us in love to be his holy people--people who could stand before him without any fault. And before the world was made, God decided to make us his own children through Jesus Christ. This was what God wanted, and it pleased him to do it. And this brings praise to God because of his wonderful grace. God gave that grace to us freely. He gave us that grace in Christ, the one he loves.

God’s Word                         Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Through Christ, God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing that heaven has to offer. Before the creation of the world, he chose us through Christ to be holy and perfect in his presence. Because of his love he had already decided to adopt us through Jesus Christ. He freely chose to do this so that the kindness he had given us in his dear Son would be praised and given glory.

Good News Bible (TEV)         Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! For in our union with Christ he has blessed us by giving us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world. Even before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ, so that we would be holy and without fault before him. Because of his love God had already decided that through Jesus Christ he would make us his children---this was his pleasure and purpose. Let us praise God for his glorious grace, for the free gift he gave us in his dear Son!

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the spiritual blessings that Christ has brought us from heaven! Before the world was created, God had Christ choose us to live with him and to be his holy and innocent and loving people. God was kind and decided that Christ would choose us to be God's own adopted children. God was very kind to us because of the Son he dearly loves, and so we should praise God.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful heavenly Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus—all because he sees us wrapped into Christ. This is why we celebrate him with all our hearts!  And he chose us to be his very own, joining us to himself even before he laid the foundation of the universe! Because of his great love, he ordained us, so that we would be seen as holy in his eyes with an unstained innocence.  For it was always in his perfect plan to adopt us as his delightful children, through our union with Jesus, the Anointed One, so that his tremendous love that cascades over us would glorify his grace—for the same love he has for his Beloved One, Jesus, he has for us. And this unfolding plan brings him great pleasure!

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah! He has blessed us with every kind of spiritual blessing that comes from heaven because we belong to the Messiah. Before God created the world he chose us to belong to the Messiah, who set us apart for God to live faultlessly before him. Because God loves us, he planned long ago to adopt us as his own children by means of Jesus the Messiah. It pleased him to do this, so he did what he wanted to do. Because of this we now praise God for being so amazingly kind to us, far beyond what we could deserve, as he blessed us by means of his Son whom he loves.

Williams’ New Testament      Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who through Christ has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. Through Him He picked us out before the creation of the world, to be consecrated and above reproach in His sight in love. He foreordained us to become His sons by adoption through Christ Jesus, to carry out the happy choice of His will, so that we might praise the splendid favor which He has shown us in His beloved Son.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            The God and Father of our Master Jesus, the Anointed King, is conferred with prosperity, the One who conferred prosperity on us in a conferring of every spiritual prosperity in the heavenly regions in the Anointed King, just as He selected us in Him before the founding of the world for us to be sacred and unblemished directly in His sight, in love after planning us beforehand for an adoption to Him through Jesus, the Anointed King, in line with the good notion of what He wanted for praise of magnificence of His generosity from which He showed us generosity in the One who had been loved, ...

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ, just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, so that we would be holy and blameless before him in love, having decided beforehand about us for adoption through Jesus Christ to himself according to the kind pleasure of his will. V. 6 will be placed with the next passage for context.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ; according as he has elected us in him, before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy, and unblameable in his sight; in love, having formerly marked us out for adoption through Jesus Christ, to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his favor, with which he has highly favored us in the Beloved;....

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament Blessed is the God and Father of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who has blessed us on high with every spiritual blessing, in Christ. For he chose us in our union with Christ before the creation of the universe, that we might be holy and blameless in his sight, living in the spirit of love. From the first he destined us, in his good-will towards us, to be adopted as Sons through Jesus Christ, And so to enhance that glorious manifestation of his loving- kindness which he gave us in The Beloved; For in him, and through the shedding of his blood, we have found redemption in the pardon of our offenses. V. 7 is included for context.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 Praise God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with all that’s spiritually good in the heavenly world, just as he chose us to be in him* before the beginning of this world, so that in love we could be holy and without fault before him. He decided in advance to adopt us as his children, working through Jesus Christ to bring us to himself. He was happy to do this because this is what he wanted. So we praise him for his glorious grace that he so kindly gave us in his beloved Son*.

The Heritage Bible                 .

International Standard V        The Many Blessings of Salvation

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah! [Or Christ] He has blessed us in the Messiah [Or Christ] with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm, just as he chose us in the Messiah [Lit. in him] before the creation of the universe [Or world] to be holy and blameless in his presence. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself through Jesus the Messiah, [Or Christ] according to the pleasure of his will, so that we would praise [Lit. to the praise of] his glorious grace that he gave us in the Beloved One.

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ. Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish in his sight. For in his love he predestined us (such was the good pleasure of his will) to adoption for himself as sons through Jesus Christ, and to the praise of his glorious grace which he graciously bestowed upon us in the Beloved.

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly heights in Christ, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and spotless before him in love. He predestined us to recognition as sons to himself through Jesus Christ according to the kindness of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace which he bestowed on us in the Beloved,...

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      . heavenly [worlds]

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    .

Urim-Thummim Version         Blessed is the Elohim and Father of our LORD Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the cosmos in Christ: According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the cosmos, that we should be Most Holy and without blemish before him in brotherly love: Having predetermined us to the Adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his Grace, in which he has made us graceful in his fondness.

Weymouth New Testament    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has crowned us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ; even as, in His love, He chose us as His own in Christ before the creation of the world, that we might be holy and without blemish in His presence. For He pre-destined us to be adopted by Himself as sons through Jesus Christ--such being His gracious will and pleasure-- to the praise of the splendour of His grace with which He has enriched us in the beloved One.

Wikipedia Bible Project          Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the One who blessed us with all the spiritual blessings in heaven, in Christ. For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world was set, so that we may be holy and unblemished in His sight. Out of love, he previously marked us to adoption through Jesus Christ for Himself according to His good pleasure and will, to the praise of his glorious, undeserved favor that He favored us by means of His loved one in whom we have a release through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of his undeserved favor. V. 7 is included for context.

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  • Blessed be God, the Father of Christ Jesus our Lord, who in Christ has blessed us from heaven with every spiritual blessing.

God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world to be holy and without sin in his presence.

From eternity he destined us in love to be his adopted sons and daughters through Christ Jesus, thus fulfilling his free and generous will.

This goal suited him:

that his loving-kindness which he granted us in his Beloved might finally receive all glory and praise.

Gal 3:14 Jn 17:24; 1P 1:20; 1Jn 3:1 Romans 8:29; Jn 1:12

An extensive footnote for this passage is placed in the Addendum.

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           Blessed be the Elohiym and Father of our Adonai Yahusha Ha’Mashiach, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Mashiach: According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predetermined us unto the adoption of children by Yahusha Ha’Mashiach to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he has made us accepted in the beloved.

Hebraic Roots Bible               .

Holy New Covenant Trans.    Praise God! He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ, God blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heaven. In Christ, God chose us before the world began. He wanted us to be holy and spotless before Him in giving ourselves to others, for their good, expecting nothing in return. God planned long ago that we become His own sons through Jesus Christ. This would please God; it is what He wanted. We praise God for His glorious help in time of need that He gave us in His son. God gives Himself to His son, expecting nothing in return.

The Scriptures 2009              Blessed be the Elohim and Father of our Master יהושע Messiah, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Messiah, even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be set-apart and blameless before Him, in love,a having previously ordained us to adoption as sons through יהושע Messiah to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His desire, to the praise of the esteem of His favour with which He favoured us in the Beloved,...

aSee also 2Thessalonians2:13. 

Tree of Life Version                Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Messiah. He chose us in the Messiah before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless before Him in love. He predestined us for adoption as sons through Messiah Yeshua, in keeping with the good pleasure of His will— to the glorious praise of His grace, with which He favored us through the One He loves!

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       Blessed {is} The God and Father [of] the lord [of] us jesus christ The [One] Blessing us in every abundance spiritual in the [things] heavenly in Christ as [He] chooses us in him before foundation [of] world to be us pure and faultless before him in love Predetermining us to adoption through jesus christ to him in the pleasure [of] the will [of] him to praise [of] recognition [of] the favor [of] him whom [He] favors us in the [man] having been loved...





Awful Scroll Bible                   Well-considerations be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, the One being well-considered us, from-within everything of the Breath's well-considerations, from-within that upon-the-Expanse, by-within the Anointed One, accordingly-as-to He Himself calls- us -from by-within Him, before the putting-down of the world, that we are to be awful, even un-blemished over-against Him from-within Dear Love, determining- us -beforehand to put-to-sons, by the means of Jesus, the Anointed One, to Himself, according to the well-supposition of His Purpose, to the praising-upon of the Splendor of His Grace, from-within which He made us thankful by-within He having been Beloved,...

Concordant Literal Version    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who blesses us with every spiritual blessing among the celestials, in Christ, according as He chooses us in Him before the disruption of the world, we to be holy and flawless in His sight, in love designating us beforehand for the place of a son for Him through Christ Jesus; in accord with the delight of His will, for the laud of the glory of His grace, which graces us in the Beloved:"...

exeGeses companion Bible   Blessed be the Elohim and Father

of our Adonay Yah Shua Messiah,

who blessed us in all spiritual blessings

in the heavenlies in Messiah:

exactly as he selected us in him

ere the foundation of the cosmos,

to be holy and unblemished in his sight in love:

having predetermined us to sonship

through Yah Shua Messiah to himself,

according to the well-approval of his will,

to the halal of the glory of his charism,

wherein he charised us in the beloved: ...

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           Baruch hu Adonoi Avi Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, who has bestowed on us every birkat hanefesh in Shomayim in Moshiach,

Just as He picked us out to be part of Hashem's Bechirim (Chosen Ones) before the hivvased tevel (foundation of the world), that we should be Kadoshim and without mum (defect, VAYIKRA 22:20) before Him in ahavah: [VAYIKRA 11:44; 20:7; SHMUEL BAIS 22:24; TEHILLIM 15:2]

Having provided the yi'ud merosh (predestination) for us to be chosen as adopted bnei brit through Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua to Himself, according to the chafetz (good pleasure) of His ratzon (will),

To the tehilat kavod of the Chen v'Chesed Hashem of Him (to the praise of the glory of His grace) by which Hashem freely favored us in the Moshiach HaAhuv.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be praised, for He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in [fellowship with] Christ. [Note: The phrase “heavenly realms” is used somewhat differently throughout this book. Here it refers to Christians as part of the church on earth]. Even before the creation of the world God chose us, who are in [fellowship with] Christ, to be dedicated [to Him] and to be without just blame in His sight. Out of love God predetermined that we should be [considered] His adopted children through [fellowship with] Christ. This is what pleased God and is what He wanted, so that we would praise His glorious, unearned favor, which was freely given to us through the One whom God loved [i.e., Christ].

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us [in eternity past] with every spiritual [as opposed to material] blessing in heavenly places in Christ,

Since He Himself chose [elected] us in Him [Jesus Christ] before the foundation of the world [before creation], so that we might become holy [experiential sanctification] and blameless [ultimate sanctification] in His presence,

Having predestined us in the sphere of love unto the adoption of sons [heirs] by Jesus Christ unto Himself [the Father], according to the good pleasure of His [the Father’s] sovereign will,

To the praise of the glory of His [the Father’s] grace, by which [sovereign grace] He has made us an object of favor [greatly blessed] in the One [Jesus Christ] Who is beloved, ...

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             Characterized by and full of thoughts of well-being, good words and messages of ease (or: Worthy of being spoken well of) [is] the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ the One speaking Good to (or: blessing; expressing thoughts of well-being to) us within every spiritual good word (or: thought of well-being and blessing having the qualities of the Breath-effect) within the things situated upon the heavens (or: in the midst of the phenomena upon the atmospheres; [participating] in the full, perfected heavenlies; in union with the celestials) centered in, resident within, and in union with, Christ ([the] Anointed One), (or, taking eulogetos in apposition with a predicative force: The God and Father of our Owner, Jesus [the] Anointed One, [has] the qualities of a Word of goodness. He [is] the One speaking goodness, ease and well-being [to] us in every thought, word and expression of goodness which embodies the qualities of [the] Breath-effect resident within the superimposed atmospheres within the midst of Christ, and in union with [His] anointing,)

even as He chose us out (or: selects and picks us out) within Him, and in union with Him, before [the] (or: prior to a) casting down (or: a laying of the foundation; a conception) of [the] ordered system (world; universe; cosmic order; or: human aggregate), [for] us to continuously be set-apart ones (or: to progressively exist being sacred and dedicated people) and flawless folks (people without stain; blameless ones) in His sight and presence (or: in the midst of the sphere of His gaze) in union with love. [or, putting this last phrase at the beginning of vs. 5:]

In love [He was] marking us out beforehand (or: definitively appointing us in advance; before-setting our boundaries and defining us, with a designation) [and directing us] into a placing in the condition of a son (or: a deposit of the Son; a setting in place which is the Son; the constituting as a son; a placing in the Son) through and by means of Jesus Christ [moving us] into Himself, according to (or: down from; in correspondence with; following the pattern of) the good thought, the intention of well-being, and the well-imagined delight of His will (determined purpose). V. 6 will be placed with the next passage for context.

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         Praise to God for Spiritual Blessings

Blessed is [Or “blessed be ”] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him in love, [Or “before him, having predestined us in love” (the phrase “in love” could go either with v. 4 or v. 5)] having predestined us to adoption through Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace that he bestowed on us in the beloved,...

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. ||Blessed|| be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christˎa

    Who hath blessed us with everyʹ spiritual blessingˎ in the heavenliesˎ in Christ,

According as he made choice of usˎ in himˎ before the founding of a worldˎ

    That we might be holy and blameless in his presence;

||In love|| marking us out beforehand unto sonshipˎ through Jesus Christˎ for himself,

    According to the good pleasure of his will,

Unto the praise of the glory of his favour wherewith he favoured us in the Beloved One,—...

a 2 Co. i. 3.

The Spoken English NT         The Spiritual Blessings we Have in Christ
May God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, be blessed! Because in Christ, Godd has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heaven.e

After all,f God chose us in Christ before the creationg of the world. We were chosen to be holy and faultlessh in love in front of God.

God chose us ahead of time for adoption as children through Jesus Christ, according to God’s own good will.i

The result will be praise for the glory of God’s grace, which God showered on us in the Beloved.j

d.Lit. “…blessed, who…”.

e.Or “the heavenly realms”.

f.Lit. “as”—which is capable in Greek as in English of conveying a sense of “because”.

g.Lit. “foundation”.

h.Lit. “spotless,” or “blameless”.

i.Lit. “according to the favor of his will”.

j.Lit. “the grace with which God graced us in the beloved” (i.e. Jesus Christ).

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     Some concentrated theology
A paean of doctrinal praise

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms3 in Christ;4 just as He[F]5 chose us in Him[S] before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him[F], in love,6 having predestined us into an adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, into Him[S], according to the good pleasure of His[F] will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, with which He graced us in the Beloved;...

(3) “In the heavenly realms” may be a synonym for Heaven.

(4) The blessings are only for those who are in Christ.

(5) Here the pronoun refers to the Father, not ‘Christ’. Below, whenever the referent changes I will indicate this by [F] or [S], which will be good until the next change.

(6) The syntax is ambiguous: does “in love” go with the preceding clause, or the following one? If the preceding, then it would be our love for Him; if the following, His love for us. When the Text is ambiguous I like to allow for both possibilities, which is why I place a comma before and after.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly things with Christ; According as He has personally chosen us for Himself before the foundation of the world in order that we might be holy and blameless before Him in love; Having predestinated us for sonship to Himself through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His own will, To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He has made us objects of His grace in the Beloved Son;...

Analytical-Literal Translation  Blessed [be] [or, Worthy of praise [is]] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the One having blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies [or, heavenly [realms]] in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before [the] laying of the foundation of the world [or, before beginning of the creation of the universe], so that we shall be holy and unblemished [fig., without fault] before Him, in love, having predestined us to [the] adoption [or, the formal and legal declaration that we are His children] by means of Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to [the] praise of the glory [or, splendor] of His grace [or, of His glorious grace], by which He bestowed grace upon [or, showed kindness to] us in the Beloved,...

Berean Literal Bible                . divine adoption

Bill Puryear translation           Worthy of praise [is] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ, since He Himself has elected us in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before Him in the sphere of unconditional love, having predetermined us for the purpose of adoption through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good intention produced by His will, resulting in the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He has graced us out in the Beloved;...

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing; with the heavenly things in Christ; as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we might be holy and blameless before him in love; having before hand determinately pointed us out for an adoption into the number of children by Jesus Christ for himself, according to the good pleasure of his will; for the praise of the glory of that favour of his with which he made us objects of favour in the Beloved;...

Context Group Version          Esteemed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, who has esteemed us with every spiritual esteem in the celestial [places] in the Anointed: even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be special and without blemish before him in allegiance: having preappointed us to adoption as sons through Jesus the Anointed to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the public honor of his favor, which he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved:...

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the upper-heavenly places in Christ, according to how he chose us in him before the overthrow of the world, for us to be holy and without blemish in his presence in love, having appointed us beforehand for adoption through Jesus Christ to him, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his gracious glory, with which he showed us grace in the beloved,...

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is gracious*, who blessed us in every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just-as he chose us in him before the conception of the world, for us to be holy and unblemished in his sight in love*. Having determined beforehand us toward the sonship through Jesus Christ to himself, according-to the delight of his will, to the praise of the glory of his favor {‘favor’ and ‘grace’ are from the same Greek word in the MLV}, in which he favored us in the beloved, in whom we have the redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of the trespasses of us according-to the riches of his grace. V. 7 is included for context.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   Redemption in Christ

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (things) in Christ, even as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame (blemish) before Him in love, having predestined (foreordained) us to be His own adopted children by (through) Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He has (freely) made us accepted in His Beloved:.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  Worthy of praise and glorification the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the One having provided us benefits by every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ; Even as He has chosen us for Himself in Him before the beginning of the world that we should be saints [royal family] and blameless before Him; in love, having pre-designed us for the purpose of adoption [which is a part of the salvation ministry of the Holy Spirit] as adult sons for Himself [which includes the power and position of a permanent royalty] resulting in the recognition of glory from the source of His grace, from which He has pursued us with grace in the one having been loved [that is, in Christ].

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         Blessed or worthy of praise and glorification, the God and father of our lord Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ the one having provided us (all believers) benefits or blessings, by means of every spiritual benefit or blessing in heavenly places because of Christ.

Just or even as He, God the Father, chose or elected us as Royal Family of God for himself in him (Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ) before the foundation or beginning of the world, Eternity Past, for the purpose that we should keep on being set apart to God or holy and even unblemished or blameless before or in the presence of him, God the Father, through the agency of LOVE.

In love or by means of virtue love having pre-designed us for the purpose of adoption, with the result of the appointment of adult sons for Himself through Jesus Christ according to the benevolent grace purpose from the source of His will.

resulting in recognition or praise of God’s Glory from the source of his grace from which he has pursued us with grace in the one having been loved (Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ).

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us for Himself in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him in love having predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 1:3a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eulogêtos (εὐλογητός) [pronounced yoo-log-ay-TOSS]

blessed, happy; praised; well-spoken of, [inherently] worthy of praise

masculine singular adjective; nominative case

Strong’s #2128

ho (ὁ) [pronounced ho]

the; this, that; who, which

definite article for a masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #3588

theos (θεός) [pronounced theh-OSS]

God, [the true] God; divine being; god, goddess, divinity

masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #2316

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

patêr (πατήρ) [pronounced pat-AYR]

father, parent; forefather, ancestor; metaphorically, originator or transmitter; author of a family; a paternal figure; a title of honor; a teacher

masculine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #3962

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong's #2962

Iêsous (̓Ιησος) [pronounced ee-ay-SOOCE]

Jehovah is salvation; transliterated Jesus, Joshua

proper singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2424

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ [is] worthy of praise,...

Paul jumps right into the subject matter, asserting that the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ is worthy of praise. The word which I placed last is actually the first Greek word in this sentence, which is eulogêtos (εὐλογητός) [pronounced yoo-log-ay-TOSS], which means, blessed, happy; praised; well-spoken of, [inherently] worthy of praise. Strong’s #2128. In the context of this passage, praised or praiseworthy are appropriate meanings.

Ephesians 1:3b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ho (ὁ) [pronounced ho]

the; this, that; who, which

definite article for a masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #3588

eulogeô (εὐλογέω) [pronounced you-lohg-EH-oh]

active: blessing [of man], speaking well of; praising [of God]; passive: being blessed, being happy; being well spoken of; being praised

masculine singular, aorist active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #2127

hêmas (ἡμς) [pronounced hay-MASS]

us, to us

1st person plural pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #2248 (accusative plural of Strong’s #1473)

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

pasê (πάσῃ) [pronounced PAH-say]

each, every, any; all, entire; anyone, all things, everything; some [of all types]

feminine singular adjective, locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #3956

eulogia (εὐλογία) [pronounced yoo-log-EE-ah]

praise, commendation, fine discourse, polished language; language artfully adapted to captivate the hearer: fair speaking, fine speeches; benediction; consecration; a (concrete) blessing

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2129

pneumatikos (πνευματικός) [pronounced nyoo-mat-EEK-oss]

spiritual; as a plural with a definite article, it acts like noun, and it means spiritual things, spiritual matters, spiritual ones; possibly, spiritual gifts, spiritual phenomena

feminine singular adjective; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #4152

Translation: ...the One blessing us with every spiritual commendation...

The One refers back to God the Father. He is the One blessing us with every spiritual commendation. This initial blessing of us is based upon the work of Jesus Christ and the fact that we are in Christ.

Ephesians 1:3c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tois (τοίς) [pronounced toyce]

(to, in by) the; these [things]; in these; to those; by all of this

neuter plural definite article; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

epouranios (ἐπουράνιος) [pronounced ep-oo-RAN-ee-oss]

heavenly; celestial; existing in heaven, the heavenly realm, the heavenly regions (places); heaven itself, of the stars; the heavens, of the clouds

neuter plural adjective; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2032

Translation: ...in the heavenly places,...

God is not blessing us from the heavenly places, as that would have involved a different preposition and a different case. His blessing to us takes place in the heavenlies and that would be because Jesus Christ is there in the heavenlies. He is the one receiving all of these spiritual commendations, which fall upon us as well, since we are in Christ.

Ephesians 1:3d


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: ...in Christ,...

A key phrase in Scripture is always in Christ. This phrase is found at least 89 times in the Scriptures (only in the New Testament, of course, and never found in the gospels). This is our position, having believed in Jesus Christ. God the Holy Spirit places us into Jesus Christ. In that place, we share His blessings and all that He is.

Ephesians 1:3 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ [is] worthy of praise, the One blessing us with every spiritual commendation in the heavenly places, in Christ,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

God the Father is the Designer of His plan, and He is worthy of praise for this.

Ephesians 1:4a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kathôs (καθώς) [pronounced kath-OCE]

 just as, even as, inasmuch as, as; according as, according to; since, seeing that, accepting the fact that; when, how, after that


Strong’s #2531

eklegomai (ἐκλέγομαι) [pronounced ek-LEHG-om-ahee]

to select, to make a choice, to choose (out); the chosen

3rd person singular, aorist middle indicative

Strong’s #1586

Although this word occurs 21x in the New Testament, it is only found in three epistles: 1Corinthians 1:27–28 Ephesians 1:4 James 2:5.

hêmas (ἡμς) [pronounced hay-MASS]

us, to us

1st person plural pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #2248 (accusative plural of Strong’s #1473)

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

autô (αὐτ) [pronounced ow-TOH]

in him, by him, to him; for him; by means of him; with me; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...even as He elected us in Him...

God elected us in Christ (in Him means the same as in Christ). We are the elect of God because Jesus Christ is God’s elect. Being in Christ makes us sharers of His election.

Ephesians 1:4b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

pro (πρό) [pronounced proh]

before, prior to, in front of; before [in time]; of precedence, rank, or advantage

preposition, used with the genitive

Strong’s #4253

katabolê (καταβολή) [pronounced kaht-ab-ohl-AY]

a deposition, that is, founding; figuratively, conception, foundation

feminine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2602

Thayer definitions: 1) a throwing or laying down; 1a) the injection or depositing of the virile semen in the womb; 1b) of the seed of plants and animals; 2) a founding (laying down a foundation).

kósmos (κόσμος) [pronounced KOSS-moss]

world, world order, arrangement, order, organized world system, cosmic system

masculine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2889

Translation: ...before the foundation of the world (system),...

All of this took place before the foundation of the world. Before the creation of Genesis 1:1, this was all planned, and Jesus was elected at that time as a part of the divine decrees.

Ephesians 1:4c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

einai (εἲναι) [pronounced Ī-nī or Ī-nah-ee]

to be, is, was, will be; am; to exist; to stay; to occur, to take place; to be present [available]

present infinitive of Strong’s #1510

Strong’s #1511 (a form of Strong’s #1510)

hêmas (ἡμς) [pronounced hay-MASS]

us, to us

1st person plural pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #2248 (accusative plural of Strong’s #1473)

hagios (ἅγιος) [pronounced HA-gee-oss]

holy (ones), set apart (ones); angels, saints

masculine plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #40

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

amômos (ἄμωμος) [pronounced AM-oh-moss]

unblemished; (as a sacrifice) without spot or defect; morally: without blemish, faultless, unblameable

masculine plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #299

katenôpion (κατενώπιον) [pronounced kat-en-OH-pee-on]

before, over against, before the face of, before the presence of, in the sight of, directly in front of


Strong’s #2714

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...us being holy and unblemished before Him...

We stand holy and unblemished before God because we are in Christ. Our sins have been forgiven and when God sees us, He sees Jesus Christ, because we are in Him.

Ephesians 1:4d


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

agápē (ἀγάπη) [pronounced ag-AH-pay]

agape love, mental attitude love, volitional love; brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence; a relaxed mental attitude; love feasts

feminine singular noun, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #26

Translation: ...in love,...

This takes place in the realm of agape love. This is a non-emotional, mental attitude love. This is where actions and a lack of mental attitude sins define what love is.

Ephesians 1:4 ...even as He elected us in Him before the foundation of the world (system), us being holy and unblemished before Him in love,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:5a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

proorizô (προορίζω) [pronounced proh-ohr-IHD-zoh]

predetermining, the one who predestines, deciding beforehand; in the NT of God decreeing from eternity; the one foreordaining, appointing beforehand; of man, foreseeing, the one seeing (perceiving) into the future

masculine singular, aorist active participle, nominative case

Strong’s #4309

hêmas (ἡμς) [pronounced hay-MASS]

us, to us

1st person plural pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #2248 (accusative plural of Strong’s #1473)

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

huiothesía (υἱοθεσία) [pronounced hwee-oth-es-EE-ah]

adoption (as sons); Roman adoption; placing as sons

feminine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #5206

Thayer definitions: 1) adoption, adoption as sons; 1a) that relationship which God was pleased to establish between himself and the Israelites in preference to all other nations; 1b) the nature and condition of the true disciples in Christ, who by receiving the Spirit of God into their souls become sons of God; 1c) the blessed state looked for in the future life after the visible return of Christ from heaven.

Translation: ...[having] foreordained [us] for adoption (as [His] sons)...

God foreordained us as His sons. We are sons by adoption. This is the concept of adoption as found in the ancient world. A man of wealth or power may view his own sons with disdain. They just don’t have it in them to take over where he has left off in life. As a result, he adopts a son. This son might be related to him and he might even be one of the man’s slaves. The son might still be a boy, a teen or a young man. He is old enough where the one adopting him knows his character.

Ephesians 1:5b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

diá (διά) [pronounced dee-AH]; spelled di (δἰ) [pronounced dee] before a vowel.

through; with; in; of time; throughout; during; by, by the means of, by reason of; on account of; because of, for this reason; therefore; on this account


Strong’s #1223

Iêsous (̓Ιησος) [pronounced ee-ay-SOOCE]

Jehovah is salvation; transliterated Jesus, Joshua

proper singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2424

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: ...through Jesus Christ,...

All of this takes place based upon Jesus Christ. It is through Him or by Him that we are adopted as God’s sons.

Ephesians 1:5c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

auton (αὐτόv) [pronounced ow-TAHN]

him, to him, towards him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun, accusative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...on account of Him,...

This takes place through Jesus Christ and it is on account of Him and what He did.

Ephesians 1:5d


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

katá (κατά) [pronounced kaw-TAW]

according to, after, according to a norm or standard; throughout, over, in, at; to, toward, up to; before, for, by, along

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #2596

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

eudokia (εὐδοκία) [pronounced you-dohk-EE-ah]

good will, satisfaction, delight, desire, good pleasure; or (objectively) kindness, wish, purpose

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #2107

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

thelêma (θέλημα) [pronounced THEHL-ay-mah]

will, choice, inclination, desire, pleasure; volition; what one wishes or has determined shall be done; of the purpose of God to bless mankind through Christ; of what God wishes to be done by us; commands, precepts, purpose, decree

neuter singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2307

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...according to the good pleasure of His decree...

All of this which has been described takes place based upon the good pleasure or desire of the will of God. God chose for this to take place in His eternal decrees.

Ephesians 1:5 ...[having] foreordained [us] for adoption (as [His] sons) through Jesus Christ, on account of Him, according to the good pleasure of His decree... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:6a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

épainos (ἔπαινος) [pronounced EHP-ahee-noss]

approbation, commendation, praise

masculine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #1868

doxa (δόξα) [pronounced DOHX-ah]

glory, dignity, glorious, honour, praise, worship

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1391

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

charis (χάρις) [pronounced KHAHR-iç]

grace, graciousness; acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, joy, liberality, pleasure, thanks

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5485

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...for the commendation of the glory of His grace,...

What God has decreed is worth the commendation of the glory of His grace.

Ephesians 1:6b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hês (ς) [pronounced hayç]

from whom, from which, from what, of that; of whom, of that, whose

feminine singular relative pronoun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3739

charitoô (χαριτόω) [pronounced khar-ee-OW-oh]

to grace [with, out], to honor, to indue with a special honor; to give special blessings to

3rd person singular, aorist active indicative

Strong’s #5487

hêmas (ἡμς) [pronounced hay-MASS]

us, to us

1st person plural pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #2248 (accusative plural of Strong’s #1473)

Different in the Greek Byzantine text.





Translation: ...which He had graced us out...

What God has done is graced us out by his plan. Despite the fact that we are fallen and in rebellion against Him, He has still found a place for us in His royal family.

Ephesians 1:6c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

masculine singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

agapaô (ἀγαπάω) [pronounced ahg-ahp-AH-oh]

loving, those esteeming, ones who regard with strong affection; loving and serving with fidelity; regarding with favor (goodwill, benevolence); delighting in; having a relaxed mental attitude toward; one being loved, the beloved

masculine singular, perfect passive participle; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #25

Translation: ...in the Beloved. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

All of this takes place in the Beloved or by means of the One Who is loved, which is Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:6 ...for the commendation of the glory of His grace, which He had graced us out in the Beloved. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:3–6 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ [is] worthy of praise, the One blessing us with every spiritual commendation in the heavenly places, in Christ, even as He elected us in Him before the foundation of the world (system), us being holy and unblemished before Him in love, [having] foreordained [us] for adoption (as [His] sons) through Jesus Christ, on account of Him, according to the good pleasure of His decree for the commendation of the glory of His grace, which He had graced us out in the Beloved. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:3–6 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ is worthy of all praise, as He is the One blessing us with every spiritual commendation in the heavenly places, in Christ, in accordance with His electing us in His Son before the foundation of the world. He determined that we would be holy and unblemished before Him, in loving, having foreordained us to be adopted into the royal family as His sons through Jesus Christ and on account of Jesus Christ. All of this took place in accordance with the good pleasure of God’s decrees from eternity past, so that the glory of His grace might be recognized and commended, by which grace, He graced us out in the Beloved. (Kukis paraphrase)


Although it appears that vv. 3–14 is one very long sentence, I broke it up into three chunks and divided it into sentences to appease our own English language sensibilities.

In Whom we keep on having the redemption through the blood of Him, the forgiveness of the trespasses according to the wealth of the grace of Him, of which He had in abundance toward us in all wisdom and understanding, having made known to us the mystery of the will of Him according to the good pleasure of Him, which He set forth in Him for the management (of a household) of the fulness of the times, to sum up the all (things) in the Christ, the [all things] upon the heavens and the [all things] on the earth.



[It is] in [Him] Whom we keep on having the redemption through His blood [and] the forgiveness of the trespasses according to the wealth of His grace, which [grace] He had in abundance toward us with all wisdom and understanding, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His purpose, which He purposed in Him for the management (of a household) of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in the Christ, the all things in the heavens and the all things on the earth.

It is in Christ through Whom we have been redeemed through His blood and have received the forgiveness of our trespasses in accordance with the wealth of His grace. It is this grace which God had in abundance available to us with all wisdom and understanding of His will, purpose and plan. God made known to us the mystery of His will, in accordance with His purpose, which God the Father purposed in Him, God the Son, toward the management of the fullness of the epochs. By this, God will sum up all thing in Christ, all the things in the heavens and all the things on earth.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    In Whom we keep on having the redemption through the blood of Him, the forgiveness of the trespasses according to the wealth of the grace of Him, of which He had in abundance toward us in all wisdom and understanding, having made known to us the mystery of the will of Him according to the good pleasure of Him, which He set forth in Him for the management (of a household) of the fulness of the times, to sum up the all (things) in the Christ, the [all things] upon the heavens and the [all things] on the earth.

Complete Apostles Bible        In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace

which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and insight,

having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself,

for an administration of the fullness of the times, He might bring together all things in Christ, those in heaven and those on the earth--In Him.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) In whom we have redemption through his blood, the remission of sins, according to the riches of his, grace,

Which hath superabounded in us, in all wisdom and prudence,

That he might make known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he hath purposed in him,

In the dispensation of the fulness of times, to re-establish all things in Christ, that are in heaven and on earth, in him.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              For in him we have redemption, and the forgiveness of sins by his blood, according to the riches of his grace,

That which has superabounded in us in all wisdom and in all intelligence.

And he has taught us the mystery of his will, that which he had before ordained to perform in himself,

For the administration of the end of time, that all things which are in Heaven and in Earth would be made new again by The Messiah.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             In whom we have salvation through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins, through the wealth of his grace, 

Which he gave us in full measure in all wisdom and care; 

Having made clear to us the secret of his purpose, in agreement with the design which he had in mind, to put into his hands 

The ordering of the times when they are complete, so that all things might come to a head in Christ, the things in heaven and the things on the earth; in him, I say,...

Bible in Worldwide English     Jesus Christ has given his blood <FI>died<Fi> to make us free. He has forgiven us for our wrong ways. We have been put right with God freely because of his great kindness.

He has given us blessing after blessing in his wisdom and understanding.

He has shown us the plan he had. This plan was what he wanted to do through Christ.

When the right time came, God planned to bring together everything in heaven and on earth, and make Christ head of them all.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  In Christ we are made free by his blood sacrifice. We have forgiveness of sins because of God's rich grace. God gave us that grace fully and freely. With full wisdom and understanding he let us know his secret plan. This was what God wanted, and he planned to do it through Christ. God's goal was to finish his plan when the right time came. He planned that all things in heaven and on earth be joined together with Christ as the head.

God’s Word                         Through the blood of his Son, we are set free from our sins. God forgives our failures because of his overflowing kindness. He poured out his kindness by giving us every kind of wisdom and insight when he revealed the mystery of his plan to us. He had decided to do this through Christ. He planned to bring all of history to its goal in Christ. Then Christ would be the head of everything in heaven and on earth.

Good News Bible (TEV)         For by the blood of Christ we are set free, that is, our sins are forgiven. How great is the grace of God, which he gave to us in such large measure! In all his wisdom and insight God did what he had purposed, and made known to us the secret plan he had already decided to complete by means of Christ. This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       Christ sacrificed his life's blood to set us free, which means that our sins are now forgiven. Christ did this because God was so kind to us. God has great wisdom and understanding, and by what Christ has done, God has shown us his own mysterious ways. Then when the time is right, God will do all that he has planned, and Christ will bring together everything in heaven and on earth.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation of our sins—all because of the cascading riches of his grace.  This superabundant grace is already powerfully working in us, releasing within us all forms of wisdom and practical understanding.  And through the revelation of the Anointed One, he unveiled his secret desires to us—the hidden mystery of his long-range plan, which he was delighted to implement from the very beginning of time.  And because of God’s unfailing purpose, this detailed plan will reign supreme through every period of time until the fulfillment of all the ages finally reaches its climax—when God makes all things new in all of heaven and earth through Jesus Christ.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  When Jesus died in our place he paid the price for our sin. That is, when he died for us, God forgave us our sins, because that is how abundantly and generously kind he is. While being extremely kind to us he was also completely wise and knowledgeable. God has now revealed to us the secret of his plan that he wanted to do, a plan which he determined with the Messiah. In this plan, when the time was just right, the Messiah would unite all things under himself, so that all things in heaven and all things on earth would belong to the Messiah.

Williams’ New Testament      It is through union with Him that we have redemption by His blood and the forgiveness of our shortcomings, in accordance with the generosity of His unmerited favor which He lavished upon us. Through perfect wisdom and spiritual insight He has made known to us the secret of His will, which is in accordance with His purpose which He planned in Christ, so that, at the coming of the climax of the ages, everything in heaven and on earth should be unified through Christ,...

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            ...in whom we have the paid release through His blood, the forgiveness of the infractions, according to the wealth of His generosity that overflowed into us in every insight and focus, after informing us about the secret of what He wants in line with His good notion that He put forward in Him, for the management of the fullness of the appointed times to sum all the things up in the Anointed King: the things on the heavenly regions and the things on the earth.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           To the praise of the glory of his grace, in which he has graciously accepted us in the beloved in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace, which he profusely gave to us, in total wisdom and insight. He made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he decided in himself, a plan for the "fullness of times" to gather all things in Christ, both the things in heaven and the things on earth in him.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles ...in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his favor, which has abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; having made known to us the secret of his will according to his benevolent purpose, which he had purposed in himself, for the administration of the fullness of the appointed times, to gather together all under Christ-all in the heavens, and all on the earth-under him:...

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament For in him, and through the shedding of his blood, we have found redemption in the pardon of our offenses. All this accords with the loving-kindness which God lavished upon us, accompanied by countless gifts of wisdom and discernment, When he made known to us his hidden purpose. And it also accords with the good-will which God purposed to exhibit in Christ, In view of that Divine Order which was to mark the completion of the ages, when he should make everything, both in Heaven and on earth, center in him.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 Through him we gain salvation through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins as a result of his priceless grace that he so generously provided for us, together with all wisdom and understanding.
He revealed to us his previously-hidden will through which he was happy to pursue his plan at the appropriate time to bring together all things in Christ—those in heaven and those on the earth.

The Heritage Bible                          In whom we have the redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of transgressions, according to the riches of his grace,

Which he has caused to super-abounded to us in all wisdom, and in the exercise of our mind,

Having made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good thinking which he placed beforehand in himself,

That in the stewardship of the fullness of times he might sum up all things in Christ, both those in the heavens, and those upon earth, in him.

International Standard V        In union with him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our offenses, according to the riches of God’s [Lit. his] grace that he lavished on us, along with all wisdom and understanding, when he made known to us the secret of his will. This was according to his plan that he set forth in the Messiah [Lit. him] to usher in [Or administer] the fullness of the times and to bring together in the Messiah [Or Christ] all things in heaven and on earth.

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     .

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      .

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      ...in whom we have the redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace, which he bestowed on us abundantly with all wisdom and knowledge making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself in respect to the dispensation of the fullness of times, to bring all things into one in Christ, the things which are in heaven and the things which are on earth, in him...

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be praised, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as he chose us in him from the beginning of the world, that we may be holy and blameless before him. In love he chose us beforehand for adoption through Jesus Christ for himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace that he has freely given us in the Beloved One, in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us with all wisdom and understanding. He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he had planned in him, resulting in a plan for the fullness of time, to bring all things together in Christ, the things in heaven and the things on earth, in him,... Vv. 3–6 are included for context.

Urim-Thummim Version         ...In who we have release (effected by payment of a ransom) through his blood, the pardoning of sins, according to the riches of his Grace; in which he has abounded toward us in all Wisdom (Sophia) and understanding; Having made known to us the Hidden Thing [Urim-Thummim] of his will, according to his good pleasure that he has exposed to view in himself: That in the administration of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both that are in the cosmos, and that are on earth; even in him:...

Weymouth New Testament    It is in Him, and through the shedding of His blood, that we have our deliverance--the forgiveness of our offences--so abundant was God's grace, the grace which He, the possessor of all wisdom and understanding, lavished upon us, when He made known to us the secret of His will. And this is in harmony with God's merciful purpose for the government of the world when the times are ripe for it--the purpose which He has cherished in His own mind of restoring the whole creation to find its one Head in Christ; yes, things in Heaven and things on earth, to find their one Head in Him.

Wikipedia Bible Project          ...in whom we have a release through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of his undeserved favor. He kindly covered us with all wisdom and understanding and made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure that He purposed for Himself for an administration at the fulfillment of the days to bring everything together in the Christ, the things in heaven and the things on earth.

Worsley’s New Testament    . Highest

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  For in Christ we obtain freedom, sealed by his blood,

and have the forgiveness of sins.

In this appears the greatness of his grace,

which he lavished on us.

In all wisdom and understanding,

God has made known to us his mysterious design,

in accordance with his loving-kindness in Christ.

In him and under him God wanted to unite,

when the fullness of time had come,

everything in heaven and on earth.

Gal 1:13; Romans 3:24 Romans 16:25 Mt 1:15; Gal 4:4; Col 1:16

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           . Mashiach

Hebraic Roots Bible               .

Holy New Covenant Trans.    We have something in Christ - his blood has set us free. We have the forgiveness of sins! God's help in time of need is so rich! It overwhelms us with all kinds of wisdom and understanding. To us God made clear the secret of what He wanted. He was pleased to plan this in Christ. God's plan is to bring everything together in Christ - in heaven and on earth - under Christ as Head. When the right time arrives, He will do this.

The Scriptures 2009              .

Tree of Life Version                In Him we have redemption through His blood—the removal of trespasses—in keeping with the richness of His grace that He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight, He made known to us the mystery of His will, in keeping with His good pleasure that He planned in Messiah. The plan of the fullness of times is to bring all things together in the Messiah—both things in heaven and things on earth, all in Him.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...in whom [We] have the redemption through the blood [of] him the forgiveness [of] the errors in the wealth [of] the favor [of] him whom [He] exceeds to us in every wisdom and insight Showing [to] us the mystery [of] the will [of] him in the pleasure [of] him whom [He] plans in him to management [of] the completion [of] the times {him} to sum (up) the all [things] in the christ the [things] at the heavens and the [things] on the earth in him...

Alpha & Omega Bible            . SUITABLE

Awful Scroll Bible                   ...by-within Whom we hold redeeming-away by the means of His blood, the sending-away of falls-aside, according to the fullness of His Grace, which He abounds toward us from-within all Wisdom and Understanding, making known to us the secret of His Purpose, according to His well-supposing, which He set-forth-before by-within Himself, with the managing-of-the-household, of the fulfillment of the times, to sum-up all from-within the Anointed One, both that which is from-within the Expanse and that on the land, by-within Him,...

Concordant Literal Version    ...in Whom we are having the deliverance through His blood, the forgiveness of offenses in accord with the riches of His grace, which He lavishes on us; in all wisdom and prudence making known to us the secret of His will (in accord with His delight, which He purposed in Him)"

to have an administration of the complement of the eras, to head up all in the Christ - both that in the heavens and that on the earth"...

exeGeses companion Bible   ...in whom we have redemption through his blood

- the forgiveness of backslidings

according to the riches of his charism;

wherein he superabounds us

in all wisdom and thought;

having us know the mystery of his will

- according to his well-approval

which he pre-determined in himself:

that in the administration

of the fulness/shalom of seasons

he sum up all in the Messiah

- both in the heavens and on earth

- in him:...

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           In Him we have the pedut (redemption, Geulah release on payment of ransom) through the [kapporah] dahm of Moshiach [YESHAYAH 53:10-12; DANIEL 9:26; BAMIDBAR 19:20], the selichat chatoteinu (forgiveness of our sins), according to the osher (wealth) of His Chen v'Chesed Hashem (grace of G-d);

Which He lavished upon us,

In all chochmah (wisdom) and binah (understanding), having made hisgalus (revelation) to us of the sod of His ratzon (mystery of His will), His chafetz (good pleasure), according to the etza (counsel, plan of G-d) which Hashem set forth in Moshiach:

For a pekudat Hashem (stewardship of G-d), a plan for the fullness of time, gathering up all things in Moshiach, both the things in Shomayim and the things on Ha'Aretz in Him.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   In [fellowship with] Christ we have redemption [i.e., we have been bought back from Satan] through His blood, and have forgiveness of sins according to the abundance of God’s unearned favor, which He lavished on us. [He used] wisdom and understanding, in doing what He intended through Christ, to make known to us His secret plan, according to what pleased Him. [He did this] to fulfill His plan at the proper time, by bringing together everything [in the universe] under Christ’s headship --- things both in heaven and on earth.

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     ...In Whom [Jesus Christ] we possess redemption through His blood [representative analogy for His spiritual death on the cross], with regard to the cancellation [remission] of sins, according to the riches of His [the Father’s] grace,

From which [grace] He [the Father] made us super-rich [abounding and overflowing] in all categories of wisdom [spiritual insight] and rightmindedness [establishment principles],

When He [the Father] made known to us the mystery of His will [His plan for Christians during the Church Age], according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Him [Jesus Christ],

So that in the dispensation of the Fullness of Times [the Perfect Age], He [the Father] might complete the total of all things in Christ [ultimate resurrection of the saints], in the heavens [angelic conflict] and on the earth [historical trends], ...

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             ...within and in union with Whom we continuously have (constantly hold; progressively possess) the redemption (the release into freedom procured by the payment of a ransom; the liberation from our predicament) through His blood the sending away (causing to flow off; forgiveness; dismissal) of the effects and results of the fallings-aside (the stumblings by the side; wrong steps; offences; transgressions), in accordance with (or: down from; corresponding to; in keeping with; to the level of) the wealth and riches of His grace and joyous favor,

which He caused to superabound around [and] unto us (or: which He makes to be more than enough unto us; which He excessively supplied and then lavishes into us) within the midst of, in union with and centered in all wisdom (or: in every wise thing) and thoughtful prudence (gut-intelligence; mindful purpose; considered understanding).

[This occurred] while making known to us (acquainting us by intimate, experiential knowledge; suddenly making us to realize) the secret (mystery; hidden knowledge) of His will (determined purpose; resolve) in accord with (or: down from and following the pattern of; corresponding to; in line with) His good thought which He before placed within Himself (or: corresponding to the measure of His pleasing imagination and intent of well-being which He designed beforehand and determined by setting it forth within Himself),

[leading] into a planned administration of the effects of that which fills up the appointed seasons and fertile moments (or: unto a dispensing of the entire contents of the opportune situations; [leading] into a house-law of the result from the full measure of the fitting situations and a management of the household of the complement of the seasons; into an administration of the full effect from the eras), [designed] to itself bring back all things (or: the whole) up under one Head (or: to bring back to and gather round the main point and source of all things) within and in union with the Christ: those things upon [other MSS: within] the heavens (or: the atmospheres) and the things upon the land (earth) within and in union with Him!

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         .

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. In whom we have the redemption through his bloodˎ the remission of our offences,b

According to the riches of his favourˎ which he made to superabound towards us;

||In allʹ wisdom and prudence|| making known to us the sacred secretc of his will,d

    According to his good pleasure which he purposed in him,—

<Fore an administration of the fulness of the seasons> to reunite for himself (under one head) the all things in the Christ, The things upon the heavens,

And the things upon the earth,

||In him||:...

b Col. i. 14.

c Ap: “Mystery.”

d Chap. iii. 9; Col. i. 26.

e Or: “with a view to.”

The Spoken English NT         In him we have our purchase out of captivity through his blood-in other words, the forgiveness of our offenses throughk the wealth of God’s grace.

God has made grace overflow for us! With every kind of wisdom and insight,

God has let us know the secret of God’s will, in line with the kindness that God intended to show in Christ.l

The plan, as all history comes to a finish, is to draw everything together in Christ: things in heaven and things on earth.m

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     ...in whom we have the redemption through His[S] blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His[F] grace, that He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and intelligent design,7 having made known to us the ‘secret’ of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Him[S] with a view to administering the fullness of the times8 so as to bring all things together under one head in Christ—those on the heavens9 and those on the earth—in Him[S],...

(7) I take it that many people, as they contemplate the mess the world is in, doubt that the Creator [[if He exists]] knew what He was doing. One day we will agree that the design is marvelous.

(8) The reference is not so much to chronological time as to occasions or epochs.

(9) ‘on the heavens’—that’s what the Text says. I take the reference to be to beings and things that are not an integral part of Heaven, temporary appendages—of course any beings and things on the earth are not an integral part of Heaven either. They all will jointly be subordinated to the Christ.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  ...In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the remission of sins, according to the riches of His grace, 

Which He has made to abound toward us in all wisdom and intelligence; 

Having made known to us the mystery of His own will, according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Himself; 

That in the divine plan for the fulfilling of the times, He might bring all things together in Christ, both the things in the heavens and the things upon the earth;...

Analytical-Literal Translation  ...in whom we have the redemption by means of His blood, the forgiveness of transgressions, according to the riches [fig., abundance] of His grace, which He made to abound toward [or, lavished on] us in all wisdom and insight [or, intelligence], having disclosed to us the secret [or, mystery, and throughout book] of His will, according to His good pleasure which He Himself purposed [or, planned] in Him, with respect to the administration of the fullness [or, completion] of the times, to gather together [or, to unify] all [things] in Christ, the [things] in the heavens and the things on the earth,...

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           ...by the agency of Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, on the basis of the riches of His grace, which He has caused to abound to us by means of all wisdom and practical insight, having revealed to us the mystery of His will according to His good intention, which He planned in Him for the purpose of the administration [orderly plan and arrangement of events] of the fullness of times, to unite under one head everyone in Christ, those in heaven and those on earth in Him;...

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             .

Context Group Version          ...in whom we have our ransom through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his favor, which he made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in him to an administration of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in the Anointed, the things in the skies, and the things on the land; in him, [I say,]...

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       ...in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of transgressions, according to the richness of his grace, with which he abounded to us in all wisdom and thoughtfulness, having made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, good pleasure which he planned in him, with a view to the dispensation of the fulness of times, to head up all things in Christ, those above the heavens and those on the earth,...

Green’s Literal Translation    . deviations

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        . the whole

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  His grace which abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of his will, according-to his delight which he purposed in him, to a stewardship of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in the Christ, the things upon the heavens and the things upon the earth. V. 7 was placed with the previous passage for context.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  In whom [in Christ] we keep on having the redemption through His blood, the cancellation of sins, according to the wealth of His grace from which grace He [God the Father] has caused to superabound toward us [toward supergrace believers] by means of all doctrine [in the right lobe] and divine viewpoint [doctrine on the launching pad], having made known to us the mystery of His will [purpose, design], according to the standard of His good thinking from which He pre-designed in Him [in Christ] with reference to the dispensation of the full measure of the times [the Millennium] to bring together for Himself [God the Father] under one head [Christ] the all things [dead and living believers] by means of the Christ, those in the heavens [those who have died], those upon the earth [living believers] in Him.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         In whom (Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ) we keep on having and holding redemption through his blood, the cancellation or forgiveness of sins, according to the norm of the wealth or riches of his grace. from which {grace} He {God the Father}has caused to super abound toward us {SuperGrace believers} by means of all wisdom/'doctrine in the right lobe' {sophia} and by means of 'divine viewpoint'/'objective thinking' {phronesis} having made known to us - to our advantage - the mystery of His will/purpose/design according to the norm of His 'good thinking'/'gracious intention' from which source {His good thinking} He {God the Father} pre-determined/pre-designed in Him {Christ} with reference to the dispensation of the 'full measure'/fullness {pleroma} of the times {that} He might bring together for Himself {God the Father} under one Head {Jesus Christ} 'the all things' {dead believers and alive believers} by means of the Christ those in the heavens {Christian dead} and upon the earth {living believers} in Him.

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the abundance of His grace which He lavished on us along with every form of wisdom and insight, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He publicly displayed in Him leading to an administration of the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth in Him.

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 1:7a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

hô () [pronounced hoh]

to whom, for which, in what, by means of that, whose

masculine singular relative pronoun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3739

echô (ἔχω) [pronounced EHKH-oh]

to have [and/or] hold; to own, to possess, to adhere to, to cling to

1st person plural, present active indicative

Strong’s #2192

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

apolutrôsis (ἀπολύτρωσις) [pronounced ap-ol-OO-troh-sis]

redemption; a releasing effected by payment of ransom; redemption, deliverance; liberation procured by the payment of a ransom; Christian salvation

feminine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #629

diá (διά) [pronounced dee-AH]; spelled di (δἰ) [pronounced dee] before a vowel.

through; with; in; of time; throughout; during; by, by the means of, by reason of; on account of; because of, for this reason; therefore; on this account


Strong’s #1223

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

haima (αἵμα, ατος, τό) [pronounced HI-mah]

[human, animal] blood [as the basis of life]; blood [of Jesus Christ]; bloodshed

neuter singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #129

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: [It is] in [Him] Whom we keep on having the redemption through His blood...

I have added the words it is, in order to end the previous sentence and to begin a new one. My intent is to break up vv. 3–14 into three sentences. However, in the Greek, this appears to be a single sentence. The Literal Standard Version, along with several others, follow the Greek and make this into one long sentence.

It is in Him that we keep on having the redemption or purchase. That is, we keep on being redeemed or purchased by the coin of the realm, which coin purchased us out from the slave market of sin.

The coin of the realm is the blood of Jesus Christ, which refers to His spiritual death on the cross, during which time He took upon Himself all of our sins.

Ephesians 1:7b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

áphesis (ἄπεσις) [pronounced AWF-ess-iss]

forgiveness, remission, pardon; freedom, release, manumission

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #859

tôn (τν) [pronounced tohn]

the; of this, from that, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter plural definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

paraptōmata (παραπτώματα) [pronounced par-ap-TOE-mah-tah]

trespasses; sins, misdeeds; falllen beside or near something; lapses or deviations from truth and uprightness

neuter plural noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3900

katá (κατά) [pronounced kaw-TAW]

according to, after, according to a norm or standard; throughout, over, in, at; to, toward, up to; before, for, by, along

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #2596

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the; this, that; to the, towards the

neuter singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

ploutos (πλοτος) [pronounced PLOO-toss]

wealth, riches, money, possessions, or (figuratively) abundance, richness, (specifically) valuable bestowment, a good [that one is enriched by or blessed with]

masculine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #4149

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

charis (χάρις) [pronounced KHAHR-iç]

grace, graciousness; acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, joy, liberality, pleasure, thanks

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5485

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...[and] the forgiveness of the trespasses according to the wealth of His grace,...

It seems like there should be a connective here, but there is not.

In any case, we also receive the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the standard of His grace. It is not simply according to grace, because this grace must adhere to a standard, and that standard is the character of God. We cannot receive the forgiveness of our trespasses simply because God is a good guy, we are pretty good guys, and so God says, “Okay, no problem. You’re forgiven.” It does not work that way. For us to be forgiven, this must be in the realm of His essence, and God is perfect righteousness. How does He forgive us when He is perfect? God has to somehow take us—and we are piles of dung in His sight—and make us righteous. All of this is done because our sins were poured out on the Person of Jesus Christ when on the cross. It is because of this that God has a wealth of grace available to us.

Ephesians 1:7 [It is] in [Him] Whom we keep on having the redemption through His blood [and] the forgiveness of the trespasses according to the wealth of His grace,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:8a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hês (ς) [pronounced hayç]

from whom, from which, from what, of that; of whom, of that, whose

feminine singular relative pronoun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3739

This refers back to charis (χάρις) or to autou (αὐτο).

perisseuô (περισσεύω) [pronounced per-iss-SUE-oh]

to have in abundance, to have in excess, to exceed in number or measure, to have or to be more than enough

3rd person singular, aorist active indicative

Strong’s #4052

Notice that this is an aorist tense and not a present tense.

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

hêmas (ἡμς) [pronounced hay-MASS]

us, to us

1st person plural pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #2248 (accusative plural of Strong’s #1473)

Translation: ...which [grace] He had in abundance toward us...

This grace God has in abundance toward us. However, this grace must line up with God’s character. God has an abundance of grace, not because of anything that we have done, but because of His perfect plan which He executed perfectly. In this plan, God does not lose even an iota of His righteousness by giving us His grace. We are accepted in the beloved, despite our massive personal shortcomings.

Ephesians 1:8b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

pasê (πάσῃ) [pronounced PAH-say]

each, every, any; all, entire; anyone, all things, everything; some [of all types]

feminine singular adjective, locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #3956

sophia (σοφία) [pronounced sohf-EE-ah]

wisdom [spiritual, human, cosmic]

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #4678

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

phronêsis (φρόνησις) [pronounced FROWN-ay-sis]

understanding; intellectual or moral insight, prudence, wisdom; attitude; knowledge and holy love of the will of God

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #5428

Translation: ...with all wisdom and understanding,...

All of this was done with all wisdom and understanding.

Agatha Christie has written some of the most amazing mysteries, and in her better works, she tells you over and over again who the killer is, but you cannot see it. You cannot put it together. At the very end or a few pages prior to the very end, all of a sudden, you see it, and you think to yourself, how could I be so dumb as to not see this before?

In God’s Word, He revealed to man and to angels what the great plan it was that He would bring to pass. This plan was in accordance with all His wisdom and understanding. The Jews had these words and they preserved them, yet many of them, right up to the crucifixion and beyond, still did not see it. Among those who did not see it? Satan. He knew Who Jesus was pretty much from the beginning, and when given the permission of God, Satan even tested our Lord. But what Satan did not understand, despite God telling everyone what He would bring to pass in the Old Testament, what Jesus would do until the end. It was at that point, when God began to pour out our sins on God the Son, that Satan understood why God became man. Up until that point, Satan did not get it (and we know this because Satan facilitated Jesus being executed by crucifixion).

God did all of this according to His great wisdom and understanding, and He told us what He was going to do in His Word.

Ephesians 1:8 ...which [grace] He had in abundance toward us with all wisdom and understanding,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:9a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

gnôrizô (γνωρίζω) [pronounced gnoh-RID-zoh]

making known, being made known; subjectively knowing, being known; the one certifying, those declaring, one given to understanding

masculine singular, aorist active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #1107

hêmin (ἡμν) [pronounced hay-MEEN]

to us, of us, by us; for us

1st person plural pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2254 (from Strong’s #1473)

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the; this, that; to the, towards the

neuter singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

mustêrion (μυστήριον) [pronounced moos-TAY-ree-on]

hidden thing, secret, mystery; a hidden purpose or counsel; secret will (of men; of God); in rabbinic writings, it denotes the mystic or hidden sense; cultic, fraternal or religious secret

neuter singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #3466

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

thelêma (θέλημα) [pronounced THEHL-ay-mah]

will, choice, inclination, desire, pleasure; volition; what one wishes or has determined shall be done; of the purpose of God to bless mankind through Christ; of what God wishes to be done by us; commands, precepts, purpose, decree

neuter singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2307

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...having made known to us the mystery of His will,...

God even made known to us (to Paul and to every person acquainted with the Old Testament) the mystery of His will. And then through Paul and the other Apostles, God made this plan known to all.

Ephesians 1:9b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

katá (κατά) [pronounced kaw-TAW]

according to, after, according to a norm or standard; throughout, over, in, at; to, toward, up to; before, for, by, along

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #2596

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

eudokia (εὐδοκία) [pronounced you-dohk-EE-ah]

good will, satisfaction, delight, desire, good pleasure; or (objectively) kindness, wish, purpose

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #2107

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...according to His purpose,...

All of this was done and then made known according to God’s purpose.

Ephesians 1:9c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hên (ἥν) [pronounced hayn]

whom, which, what, that; to whom, to that, whose, whomever

feminine singular relative pronoun; accusative case (occasionally a demonstrative pronoun)

Strong’s #3739

This would refer back to eudokia (εὐδοκία).

protithemai (προτίθεμαι) [pronounced prot-ITH-ehm-ahee]

1) to place before, to set forth; 1a) to set forth to be looked at, expose to view; 1b) to expose to public view; 1b1) of the bodies of the dead; 1b2) to let lie in state; 2) to set before one’s self, propose to one’s self; 2a) to purpose, determine

3rd person singular, aorist middle indicative

Strong’s #4388

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

autô (αὐτ) [pronounced ow-TOH]

in him, by him, to him; for him; by means of him; with me; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...which He purposed in Him...

This is the purpose which God set before Jesus, which plan Jesus fulfilled.

Ephesians 1:9 ...having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His purpose, which He purposed in Him... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:10a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

oikonomia (οἰκονομία) [pronounced oy-koh-nohm-EE-uh]

the management of a household or of household affairs; specifically, the management, oversight, administration, of other’s property; the office of a manager or overseer, stewardship; dispensation

feminine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #3622

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

plêrôma (πλήρωμα) [pronounced PLAY-roh-mah]

fulness, repletion, completion, (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude); or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period)

neuter singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4138

tôn (τν) [pronounced tohn]


the, of the, from the; of this, from that, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine plural definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

kairoi (καιροί) [pronounced kī-ROY]

times, as chunks or definite periods of time; epochs; seasons; events of time; dispensations

masculine plural noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2540

Translation: ...for the management (of a household) of the fullness of the times,...

The management or stewardship of the household is the management of God’s plan during any given chunk of time. When one era became completed, the next era would begin. God managed His household (His people) during each epoch.

When the Age of Israel came to a particular point, God set aside the Jews and nation Israel—temporarily—and allowed a new management company to step in. The church became the ones to continue with God’s Word and God’s plan. However, Israel as a nation and the Jews as a people are merely set aside for a time. God will fulfill His plan in them, in the Tribulation followed by the Millennium. And when that period of time becomes full, God will move us into a new era or epoch.

Ephesians 1:10b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

anakephalaíomai (ἀνακεφαλαίομαι) [pronounced an-ak-eternity future-al-AH-ee-om-ahee]

to summarize, to sum up (again), to repeat summarily, to condense into a summary

aorist (deponent) middle infinitive

Strong’s #346

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

panta (πάντα) [pronounced PAHN-ta]

all, everyone, anyone, all things; anything

neuter plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #3956

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

masculine singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: ...to sum up all things in the Christ,...

All things—the redemption, the remission of sins, God’s grace, the concept of dispensations—all of these things are summed up in Christ, the Messiah.

Ephesians 1:10c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

Probably referring back to the all (things).

epí (ἐπί) [pronounced eh-PEE]; spelled eph (ἐφ) [pronounced ehf] before a vowel

on, upon; at, by, over; during, at (in) the time of; about; in addition to, besides; against; on the basis of; because; with

preposition of superimposition; a relation of rest and distribution with the dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #1909

tois (τος) [pronounced toiç]

(to, in by) the; these [things]; in these; to those; by all of this; for these

masculine plural definite article; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

ouranoi (οὐρανοί) [pronounced oo-ran-OY]

skies; by extension heavens (as the abode of God); by implication happinesses, powers, eternity

masculine plural noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3772

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

Probably referring back to the all (things).

epí (ἐπί) [pronounced eh-PEE]; spelled eph (ἐφ) [pronounced ehf] before a vowel

on, upon; at, by, over; during, at (in) the time of; about; in addition to, besides; against; on the basis of; because; with

preposition of superimposition; a relation of rest and distribution with the dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #1909

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

gê (γ, γς, ἡ) [pronounced gay]

earth; soil, ground; land; [inhabited] earth

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1093

Translation: ...the all things in the heavens and the all things on the earth. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

And all things are brought to the place that God wants, whether in heaven or on this earth.

Ephesians 1:10 ...for the management (of a household) of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in the Christ, the all things in the heavens and the all things on the earth. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:7–10 [It is] in [Him] Whom we keep on having the redemption through His blood [and] the forgiveness of the trespasses according to the wealth of His grace, which [grace] He had in abundance toward us with all wisdom and understanding, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His purpose, which He purposed in Him for the management (of a household) of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in the Christ, the all things in the heavens and the all things on the earth. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:7–10 It is in Christ through Whom we have been redeemed through His blood and have received the forgiveness of our trespasses in accordance with the wealth of His grace. It is this grace which God had in abundance available to us with all wisdom and understanding of His will, purpose and plan. God made known to us the mystery of His will, in accordance with His purpose, which God the Father purposed in Him, God the Son, toward the management of the fullness of the epochs. By this, God will sum up all thing in Christ, all the things in the heavens and all the things on earth. (Kukis paraphrase)


In Whom, in the (One) even we have been appointed, predetermined according to a setting forth of the one producing the all (things), according to the counsel of the will of Him, toward to keep on being to us for a commendation of glory of Him, the ones having hoped before in the Christ, in Whom, even you (all) having heard the word of truth, the good news of the salvation of you (all), in Whom even those who believed were sealed by the Spirit of the of the announcement in the Holy, Who keeps on being an installment of the inheritance of us for a redemption of the preservation toward commendation of the glory of Him.



In Whom, in the (One) even we have been chosen [or, made an inheritance], predetermined according to the purpose of the One working all things, according to the counsel of His will, that we would keep on being a commendation of His glory, the ones having previously hoped in the Messiah, by Whom you (all) also heard the word of truth, the good news of your salvation, by Whom those who believed were also sealed by the Holy Spirit of the announcement, Who keeps on being the first installment of our inheritance to the redemption of the thing acquired for the praise of His glory.

In Whom we have been chosen, predetermined according to the plan of God Who works all things in accordance with His sovereign plan, to the end that we keep on being the commendation of His glory, we who have previously hoped in the Messiah. Furthermore, it is by God that we have also heard the word of truth, which is thw good news of our salvation. We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit of this announcement, Who is also the first installment of our inheritance, as being redeemed, we have been acquired for the purpose of the commendation of God’s glory.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    In Whom, in the (One) even we have been appointed, predetermined according to a setting forth of the one producing the all (things), according to the counsel of the will of Him, toward to keep on being to us for a commendation of glory of Him, the ones having hoped before in the Christ, in Whom, even you (all) having heard the word of truth, the good news of the salvation of you (all), in Whom even those who believed were sealed by the Spirit of the of the announcement in the Holy, Who keeps on being an installment of the inheritance of us for a redemption of the preservation toward commendation of the glory of Him.

Complete Apostles Bible        In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,

so that we should be to the praise of His glory, we who first trusted in Christ;

in whom also you, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of His glory.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) In whom we also are called by lot, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things according to the counsel of his will.

That we may be unto the praise of his glory: we who before hoped in Christ:

In whom you also, after you had heard the word of truth (the gospel of your salvation), in whom also believing, you were signed with the holy Spirit of promise.

Who is the pledge of our inheritance, unto the redemption of acquisition, unto the praise of his glory.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              And we are chosen by him as he had before ordained us and willed to do all according to the counsel of his will,

That we would be those who first hoped in The Messiah, to the honor of his glory.

For you also heard by him the word of truth, which is The Good News of your salvation, and you believed in him, and you were sealed in The Spirit of Holiness who was promised,

Who is the pledge of our inheritance for the redemption of those who are living and for the glory of his honor.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             In whom we have a heritage, being marked out from the first in his purpose who does all things in agreement with his designs; 

So that his glory might have praise through us who first had hope in Christ: 

In whom you, having been given the true word, the good news of your salvation, and through your faith in him, were given the sign of the Holy Spirit of hope, 

Which is the first-fruit of our heritage, till God gets back that which is his, to the praise of his glory.

Bible in Worldwide English     In and through Christ we will have a share in all that belongs to him. Long ago God chose us for this. And he makes things happen that he wants to do.

We believed in Christ first, so we will praise him because he is so great and wonderful.

You also believed in Christ when you heard the true message. That message is the good news by which you were saved. You received the Holy Spirit whom God had promised. You were marked as belonging to him.

The Holy Spirit is the first part of what we are to receive from God. This proves that we will get all God has promised. Some day we shall have them all. Praise God! He is very great and wonderful.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  In Christ we were chosen to be God's people. God had already planned for us to be his people, because that is what he wanted. And he is the one who makes everything agree with what he decides and wants. We Jews were the first to hope in Christ. And we were chosen so that we would bring praise to God in all his glory. It is the same with you. You heard the true message, the Good News about the way God saves you. When you heard that Good News, you believed in Christ. And in Christ, God put his special mark on you by giving you the Holy Spirit that he promised. The Spirit is the first payment that guarantees we will get all that God has for us. Then we will enjoy complete freedom as people who belong to him. The goal for all of us is the praise of God in all his glory.

God’s Word                         God also decided ahead of time to choose us through Christ according to his plan, which makes everything work the way he intends. He planned all of this so that we who had already focused our hope on Christ would praise him and give him glory. You heard and believed the message of truth, the Good News that he has saved you. In him you were sealed with the Holy Spirit whom he promised. This Holy Spirit is the guarantee that we will receive our inheritance. We have this guarantee until we are set free to belong to him. God receives praise and glory for this.

Good News Bible (TEV)         All things are done according to God's plan and decision; and God chose us to be his own people in union with Christ because of his own purpose, based on what he had decided from the very beginning. Let us, then, who were the first to hope in Christ, praise God's glory! And you also became God's people when you heard the true message, the Good News that brought you salvation. You believed in Christ, and God put his stamp of ownership on you by giving you the Holy Spirit he had promised. The Spirit is the guarantee that we shall receive what God has promised his people, and this assures us that God will give complete freedom to those who are his. Let us praise his glory!.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       God always does what he plans, and that's why he appointed Christ to choose us. He did this so that we Jews would bring honor to him and be the first ones to have hope because of him. Christ also brought you the truth, which is the good news about how you can be saved. You put your faith in Christ and were given the promised Holy Spirit to show that you belong to God. The Spirit also makes us sure that we will be given what God has stored up for his people. Then we will be set free, and God will be honored and praised.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart. God’s purpose was that we Jews, who were the first to long for the messianic hope, would be the first to believe in the Anointed One and bring great praise and glory to God!  And because of him, when you who are not Jews heard the revelation of truth, you believed in the wonderful news of salvation. Now we have been stamped with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit.  He is given to us like an engagement ring is given to a bride, as the first installment of what’s coming! He is our hope-promise of a future inheritance which seals us until we have all of redemption’s promises and experience complete freedom—all for the supreme glory and honor of God!.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  Because of what the Messiah has done, God has also claimed us as his own. He planned to do this long ago, and he always does exactly what he wishes to do. In God's plan we Jews, who were the first to trust in the Messiah, would live to praise God because he is so great. Then you non- Jews also heard the true message, the good news of how God saves you, and you believed in the Messiah. When you did that, God marked you as belonging to the Messiah by giving you the Holy Spirit, as he had promised to do. The Holy Spirit is like a down- payment that proves that God will also give us everything else that he has promised, at that time when he will release everything that he has for us. Praise God because he is so great!

Williams’ New Testament      Through perfect wisdom and spiritual insight He has made known to us the secret of His will, which is in accordance with His purpose which He planned in Christ, so that, at the coming of the climax of the ages, everything in heaven and on earth should be unified through Christ, in union with whom we were made God's portion, since we had been foreordained in accordance with the purpose of Him who in everything carries out the plan of His will, that we who had first put our hope in Christ might praise His glory. You too, as you have heard the message of the truth, the good news that means your salvation, and as you have trusted in Him too, have been stamped with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit, who is the first installment of our inheritance, so that we may finally come into full possession of the prize of redemption, and praise His glory for it. Two sentences in Williams’ translation, going back to v. 8b.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            In Him, in whom we also were assigned an inheritance after being planned out beforehand in line with the purpose of the One who is active with all things, in line with the intention of what He wants, for the "for us to be for praise of His magnificence" part, the people who have anticipated good in the Anointed King beforehand, in whom you also after hearing the message of the truth, the good news of your rescue, in whom after also trusting, you all were sealed by the Spirit of the promise, the Sacred Spirit, who is a down payment of our inheritance for a paid release of the acquisition, for praise of His magnificence.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           In him we were made a heritage, decided in advance, according to the plan of him who does everything according to the intent of his will, that we, who first trusted in Christ, would be for the praising of his glory. In whom you also trusted, after you had heard the Word of Truth, the gospel of your salvation. In whom after you believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of [God's] purchased possession, to the praise of his glory.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles ...under whom even we have inherited, having been formerly marked out according to the purpose of him who effectually works all things according to the counsel of his will, that we should be to the praise of his glory, who before trusted in Christ. In whom you, also, trusted, having heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom, also, having believed, you were sealed with the spirit of the promise-the Holy Spirit-who is an earnest of our inheritance, for the redemption of the purchase, to the praise of his glory. Vv. 3–14 is two sentences in Campbell’s Living Oracles.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament In him, I say, for by our union with him we became God's Heritage, having from the first been destined for this in the intention of him who, in all that happens, is carrying out his own fixed purpose; That we should enhance his glory--we who have been the first to rest our hopes on the Christ. And you, too, by your union with him, after you had heard the Message of the Truth, the Good News of your Salvation--you believed in him and were sealed as his by receiving the holy Spirit, which he had promised. And the Spirit is a pledge of our future heritage, fore- shadowing the full redemption of God's own People--to enhance his Glory.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 In himwe were chosen beforehand, according to the plan of the One who is working everything out according to his will, for the purpose that we* who were the first to hope in Christ could praise his glory.

In him—you* too have heard the word of truth, the good news of your salvation.

In him—because you trusted in him you were stamped with the seal of the Holy Spirit’s promise, which is a down-payment on our inheritance when God redeems what he’s kept safe for himself—us, who will praise and give him glory! [Kukis: the FBV uses italics here for emphasis and to reveal a pattern.]

The Heritage Bible                          an inheritance, being predestinated according to the placing beforehand of the one supernaturally working all things according to the will11 of his will,

For us to be to the praise of his glory, who in advance hoped in Christ,

In whom you also, having heard the word of truth, the good news of your salvation, in whom also believing, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

Who is the security payment of our inheritance into the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of his glory.

11 1:11 the will of his will, teen bouleen tou theleematos. Both boule and thelema mean the act of the will. Both the noun forms and verb forms of these two words are used identically.

International Standard V        In the Messiah [Lit. him] we were also chosen when we were predestined according to the purpose of the one who does everything that he wills to do, so that we who had already fixed our hope on the Messiah [Or Christ] might live for his praise and glory. You, too, have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed in the Messiah, [Lit. in him] you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until God redeems his own possession [Lit. of the possession] for his praise and glory.

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     It is he in whom we Jews also have our inheritance, having been chosen beforehand according to the purpose of Him who executes all things according to the counsel of his will, that we who first hoped in Christ should be for the praise of his glory. And in him, because you listened to the proclamation of the truth, the evangel of your salvation, and trusted it, you Gentiles too were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who for the praise of his glory is the pledge of our common heritage, unto the complete redemption of his purchased property.

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      In him we were predestined according to the plan of him who works in all things according to the purpose of his will, and we were made God's heritage in order that we might bring praise to his glory — we who first have fixed our hope on Christ. In him you also, after hearing the message of the truth, the good news of your salvation, and putting your faith in him, were sealed by the promised Holy Spirit, which is the pledge of our inheritance in anticipation of the full redemption of God's own people to the praise of his glory.

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      .

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he had planned in him, resulting in a plan for the fullness of time, to bring all things together in Christ, the things in heaven and the things on earth, in him, in whom we were also allotted as a possession. We were decided on beforehand according to the purpose of him who works out everything according to the counsel of his will, so that we, who were the first to have confident hope in Christ, would be for the praise of his glory. In him, you also, when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and you believed in him, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the deliverance of the full possession, to the praise of his glory. Vv. 9–10 are included for context. Vv. 9–14 make up two sentences in the ULT.

Urim-Thummim Version         In who also we have obtained an inheritance, being predetermined according to the purpose of him who operates all things after the counsel of his own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. In who you also trusted, after that you heard the Word of Truth, the Good News of your salvation: in which also after you believed, you were sealed with that Sacred Spirit of promise, which is the pledge of our inheritance until the ransom of the purchased possession, to the praise of his glory.

Weymouth New Testament    In Him we Jews have been made heirs, having been chosen beforehand in accordance with the intention of Him whose might carries out in everything the design of His own will, so that we should be devoted to the extolling of His glorious attributes--we who were the first to fix our hopes on Christ. And in Him you Gentiles also, after listening to the Message of the truth, the Good News of your salvation--having believed in Him--were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit; that Spirit being a pledge and foretaste of our inheritance, in anticipation of its full redemption--the inheritance which He has purchased to be specially His for the extolling of His glory.

Wikipedia Bible Project          In Him we were also made heirs, marked according to the purpose of the One who works
everything in agreement of His will, that we should bring praise for His glory, everyone who has trusted in the Christ. After you heard the truthful word (the good news of your salvation) you believed and were sealed with the promised holy spirit. He is the token for our inheritance that we received before the fact, for a release of the possession, to His praise and glory.

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  By a decree of Him who disposes all things

according to his own plan and decision

we, the Jews, have been chosen and called

and we were awaiting the Messiah,

for the praise of his glory.

You, on hearing the word of truth,

the Gospel that saves you,

have believed in him.

And, as promised, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit,

the first pledge of what we shall receive,

on the way to our deliverance as a people of God,

for the praise of his glory.

Dt 7:6 Is 46:10 1Thes 2:13; 2Cor 1:22; Acts 2:33 Rom 5:5

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predetermined according to the purpose of him who works all things after the counsel of his own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Mashiach.  In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the Word of Truth, the Besorah of your yeshu`ah: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Ruach Ha’Qodesh of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

Hebraic Roots Bible               ...by whom we have been chosen as He marked us from the beginning so He wanted to carry out everything according to the good judgment of His will, that we should become the first to trust in Messiah to His honor and glory; in whom, you also have heard the Word of Truth, which is the good news of your salvation, in Him you have believed, so you were sealed with the Holy Spirit that was promised, which is the pledge of our inheritance, to the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.

Holy New Covenant Trans.    We were chosen in Christ. God planned this long ago for His purpose. He works out everything. God decides what He wants. We were the first to pin our hopes on Christ. This happened so that we could become praise to God's glory. You are in Christ too. You heard the true message, the Good News about your deliverance from sin. After you believed, you were sealed in Christ with the Holy Spirit whom God promised. The Spirit is the guarantee that we will receive the inheritance. God will set His own people free for the praise of His glory.

The Scriptures 2009              ...in whom also we did obtain an inheritance, being previously ordained according to the purpose of Him working all matters according to the counsel of His desire, for us to be the praise of His esteem – those having first trusted in Messiah, in whom you also, having heard the word of the truth, the Good News of your deliverance, in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Set-apart Spirit of promise, who is the pledge of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His esteem.

Tree of Life Version                In Him we also were chosen, predestined according to His plan. He keeps working out all things according to the purpose of His will— so that we, who were first to put our hope in Messiah, might be for His glorious praise. After you heard the message of truth—the Good News of your salvation—and when you put your trust in Him, you were sealed with the promised Ruach ha-Kodesh. He is the guarantee of our inheritance, until the redemption of His possession—to His glorious praise

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...in whom and [We] are allotted {someone} Being Predetermined in purpose [of] the the all [things] working in the purpose [of] the will [of] him to the+ to be us to praise [of] recognition [of] him the [men] having hoped (before) in the Christ in whom and You* {are} Hearing the word [of] the truth the news (good) [of] the saving [of] you* in whom and Believing [You*] are sealed [by] the spirit [of] the promise the [thing] pure Which is Pledge [of] the inheritance [of] us to redemption [of] the acquisition to praise [of] the recognition [of] him...





Awful Scroll Bible                   ...by-within Whom also, we are being chosen by lot, being determined-beforehand, according to the setting-forth-before, of He undertaking-from-among everything, according to the proposal of His Purpose, for us to be for the praising-over of His Splendor, the ones having anticipated-beforehand by-within the Anointed One, by-within whom yous also giving ear to the Word of that Un-concealed, the announcing-of-the-Good-Tidings of you all's Deliverance, by-within whom also confiding, yous are being set sealed with the Awful Breath, of the heralding-beforehand, who is the earnest of our lawful-allotment, for the redeeming-away of that He prepared-over, to the praising-over of His Splendor!.

Concordant Literal Version    in Him in Whom our lot was cast also, being designated beforehand according to the purpose of the One Who is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will, that we should be for the laud of His glory, who are pre-expectant in the Christ."

In Whom you also - on hearing the word of truth, the evangel of your salvation - in Whom on believing also, you are sealed with the holy spirit of promise"

(which is an earnest of the enjoyment of our allotment, to the deliverance of that which has been procured) for the laud of His glory!"

exeGeses companion Bible   ...in whom we also inherit,

being pre-determined according to the prothesis

of him who energizes all

after the counsel of his own will:

to our being to the halal of his glory,

who fore-hoped in the Messiah:

in whom you also, having heard the word of truth

- the evangelism of your salvation:

in whom also, having trusted,

you were sealed

with that holy Spirit of pre-evangelism,

who is the pledge of our inheritance

to the redemption of the acquisition,

to the halal of his glory.

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           In Moshiach we have also obtained a nachalah (allotted inheritance, TEHILLIM 16:5-6), having been predestined according to the tochnit Hashem (purposeful and willed plan of G-d), who works all things after the counsel of His ratzon,

To the end that we who were Rishonim to have tikvah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach should be to the tehilat kavod (praise of glory) of Him.

In Moshiach you also, having heard the message of HaEmes, the Besuras HaGeulah of Yeshu'at Eloheinu which is yours, having also come to emunah, received your chotam (seal) in Moshiach with the Ruach Hakodesh of havtachah (promise),

Who is bestowed as an eravon (pledge) of our nachalah (allotted inheritance, TEHILLIM 16:5-6), with a view to the Geulah of Hashem's own possession, to the tehilat kavod (praise of glory) of Him.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   It is in [fellowship with] Christ that we [Jewish Christians] also were selected as [God’s] inheritance [i.e., to receive His never ending blessings], having been predetermined according to the plan of God, who works out everything in harmony with what He wants. The end [i.e., of being so predetermined] was that we [Jewish Christians], who had previously placed our hope in Christ, should bring about the praise of God’s splendor. You [Gentiles] also, who are in Christ, after having heard the message of truth, the good news about your salvation, and [after] believing in Him, were sealed [i.e., as evidence of ownership] with the promised Holy Spirit. [or, “the Holy Spirit who brings promises”]. He is a down payment of our inheritance, until God’s own possession [i.e., His people] receives redemption. [Note: Here “redemption” refers to receiving a new body in heaven]. May this bring about praise to God’s splendor!

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     In Him [Jesus Christ] in Whom we also received an inheritance [part temporal, part eternal], having been predestined according to a predetermined plan [both positional & experiential truth], by Him [the Father] Who continues to work all things in conformity with the purpose of His [the Father’s] will,

So that we [apostles] who first trusted in Christ, might be to the praise of His glory,

In Whom [Jesus Christ] you also [along with the apostles] trusted, after you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in Whom [Jesus Christ] also when you believed, you were sealed [baptized] by means of the Spirit, with reference to the promise of holiness [both positional and experiential],

Who [the Holy Spirit] is the deposit [pledge] of our inheritance, with reference to the release [redemption] of spiritual assets [invisible tools], for the praise of His glory.

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             Within and in union with Whom we were (or: are) also chosen (or: appointed) by lot (or: were made an allotted portion; or: received an inheritance), being previously marked out (or: being before designated) in keeping with (or: down from; corresponding to; in accord with) a before-placed (or: predetermined-by-setting-forth) aim anddesign of the One continuously operating (effecting; energizing) all things (or: the whole) in accord with (or: down from; in line with; in correspondence to) the deliberated purpose (intent; design; plan; determined counsel) of His will (or: resultant decision of His resolve; effect of His desire),

[and progressing] into the [situation for] us to continuously be (or: exist) [oriented and moving] into [the] praise and approval of His glory and reputation [we] being the ones having before placed expectation within the Christ and who have left our expectation there (or: the folks who have continued expectantly hoping in advance [of others]).

Within and in union with Whom you also, upon hearing the Word of the Truth (or: the thought and idea of Reality; the message of the Logos) the good news (the message of goodness, ease and well-being) of your [other MSS: of our] deliverance (rescue; return to health and wholeness; salvation) within and in union with Whom also, upon trusting and believing, you are stamped (or: were sealed; marked for acceptance, or with a signet ring; = personally authorized) by the set-apart Breath-effect of The Promise (or: with the holy attitude of assurance; in the sacred essence of the promise; or: by the Holy Spirit which is the Promise)

Which is continuously a pledge of our inheritance (or: Who remains being an earnest payment, a security and the first installment of our portion which was acquired by lot) [and brought] into a redemption (a release into freedom, procured by the payment of a ransom,) from that which was made to surround [you] (or: of the encircling acquisition; or: which is that which has been constructed as a perimeter around [us]), [leading] into the praise and approval of His glory (or: the praise from His manifestation which calls forth admiration and which yields a good opinion and reputation; the approval which pertains to His imagination)!.

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         ...in whom also we were chosen, having been predestined according to the purpose of the One who works all things according to the counsel of his will, that we who hoped beforehand in Christ should be for the praise of his glory, in whom also you, when you heard [*This participle (“hearing”) and the following one (“believing”) are understood as temporal] the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also when you believed you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the down payment of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory.

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. In whom also we were taken as an inheritance,

According to the purpose of him who energiseth all things according to the counsel of his will.

That we should be for the praise of his glory—

    ||We who had hoped beforehand in the Christ||,—

    In whom ||ye also||—

<Hearing the word of the truthˎ the gladmessage of your salvation,—

    In whom also believing>—

Were sealed with the Spirit of the promiseˎ the Holy [Spirit],f

Whichg is an earnest of our inheritanceˎ

    Unto the redemption of the acquisition;—

||Unto his gloriousʹ praise||.h

f Chap. iv. 30; 2 Co. i. 22.

g Or (WH): “Who.”

h Ml: “the praise of his glory.”

The Spoken English NT         It’s in him that we’ve been chosen ahead of time according to the set plan of God, whon works everything out in line with God’s own chosen plan.

That way, we, the earliest ones to put our hope in Christ,o will bring praise and glory to God.p

You’ve believed in him too: you’ve heard and believed the true message-the good news that has saved you.q And you’ve been sealed by the promised Holy Spirit.r

The Holy Spirit is the down payment on our inheritance-toward the buying back of God’s possession. And God is going to get the praise and glory!s

n.“God, who”: lit. “the One who”.

o.Or “we, who’ve hoped ahead of time in Christ”.

p.Lit. “That way, we, who have been the first to hope in Christ, will be to the praise of his glory.”

q.Lit. “the good news of your salvation”.

r.See Joel 2:28.

s.Lit. “…possession, for the praise of his glory.”

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     ...in whom we were also assigned an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him[F] who works all things according to the decision of His will, so that we should be to the praise of His glory,10 we who first trusted in the Christ; about whom, to be sure, we had heard the true Word11—the Gospel of your salvation; by whom, since you also believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the down payment on our inheritance until the release of the possession,12 to the praise of His glory.

(10) This is the main point of the whole exercise—the praise of His glory!

(11) A majority of the Greek manuscripts, including the best line of transmission, have ‘we’, rather than the familiar ‘you’. Being unexpected, many scribes may have made the change (of one letter) almost without thinking.

(12) So what happens if ‘the down payment’ decides that someone doesn’t want Him?

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  ...in Him in whom also we were appointed by lot [or, obtained an inheritance], having been predestined according to the purpose [or, plan] of the One supernaturally working all [things] according to the counsel [or, intention] of His will, for us to be to [the] praise of His glory, the ones having been the first to hope in Christ, in whom youp also, having heard the word of the truth, the Gospel of yourp salvation, in whom also having believed [or, having trusted], youp were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is [the] down payment [or, guarantee] of our inheritance, with respect to the redemption of His acquired possession, to the praise of His glory!

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           ...in Whom also we have received an inheritance, having been predestined according to a predetermined plan from Him who works all things on the basis of the purpose produced by His will, in order that we, the ones previously having confidence in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory, in Whom also, when you heard the message of truth, the good news of your salvation, in Whom also when you believed, you were sealed by means of the promised Holy Spirit, Who is the down payment-guarantee of our inheritance until the release of His property resulting in the praise of His glory. Vv. 3–14 is a single sentence in Puryear’s translation.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             ...by whom we, (having been previously marked out in a determinate manner, according to the purpose of him who effecteth all things according to the counsel of his will) were made his inheritance, to the end that we who first trusted in the Christ might be for the praise of his glory; and by whom you also, when you heard the word of this truth, the glad tidings of this salvation of yours?by whom you indeed, when you believed, were sealed with the spirit of the promise (that holy [spirit which is an earnest of the inheritance of us?for the complete redemption of the purchase) for the praise of his glory.

Context Group Version          ...in whom also we were made a heritage, having been preappointed according to the purpose of him who works all things after the counsel of his will; to the end that we should be to the praise of his public honor, we who had before had abiding confidence in the Anointed: in whom you (pl) also, having heard the word of the truth, the Imperial News of your (pl) rescue, -- in whom, having also given trust, you (pl) were sealed with the Special Spirit of promise, which is a down-payment of our inheritance, to the ransom of [God's] own possession, to the praise of his public honor.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       ...in him in whom we also have received an inheritance, having been appointed beforehand according to the plan of him who is active in all things according to the resolve of his will, that we should be the praise of his glory, we who put our hope in Christ previously, in whom you too received an inheritance after you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also after you believed, you were sealed by the holy spirit of promise, and he is the guarantee of our inheritance, until the redemption of the special possession, to the praise of his glory.

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  In him, in whom also we were made an inheritance, having been determined beforehand according-to the purpose of the one who is working all things according-to the plan of his will. *That* we should be to the praise of his glory, even us, the ones who have hoped before in the Christ, in whom you° also, having heard the word of the truth, the good-news of your° salvation, in whom, having also believed, you° were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is a down-payment of our inheritance, to the redemption of the ownership of God to the praise of his glory.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  In whom [Christ] we have received an inheritance [destiny], having been foreordained according to a predetermined plan [divine decrees] from the one [God the Father] putting into operation all things according to the decree from His Own will,

With the result that we should be for the purpose of super-praise of His glory, having previously placed our confidence in the Christ,

In Whom [Christ] you also having heard the expression of the doctrine, the good news of your salvation; in Whom having believed, you have been stamped with a seal by means of the Spirit of promise, by means of the Holy One [Spirit],

Who [the Holy Spirit] is the down payment of our redemption of the possession (or, property or, the purchased possession) for the super-praise of His glory.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         ...in Whom {Jesus Christ} also we have {in eternity past} received a destiny having been pre-designed or predestined from or according to a predetermined plan and purpose from the One God the Father putting into operation the all things according to the decree from His will purpose or design

with the result that we should be for the purpose of maximum/super praise of His {God the Father's} glory having previously placed our confidence in the Christ . . .

In whom (Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ) [ when you have heard (common grace) the message of the Truth or expression of doctrine or the Gospel or good news of Salvation in whom (Christ) when you have believed (Efficacious Grace) ] you were stamped with a seal by means of God the Holy Spirit with reference to the Promise of Eternal Life

Who {God the Holy Spirit} is the down payment or guarantee or pledge of our inheritance because of the redemption {Phase III} of the purchased property or possession {Believers from Sin} toward the Super-praise of His glory.

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           ...in Whom we also have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things according to the counsel of His own will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory. In Whom, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation--in which having also believed, you yourselves were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory.

Updated Bible Version 2.17   . security deposit

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                We were also assigned an inheritance in him, having been foreordained according to the purpose of him who does all things after the counsel of his will, to the end that we should be to the praise of his glory, we who had before hoped in Christ.  In him you also, having heard the word of the truth, the Good News of your salvation—in whom, having also believed, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is a pledge of our inheritance, to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of his glory.

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 1:11a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

autô (αὐτ) [pronounced ow-TOH]

in him, by him, to him; for him; by means of him; with me; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #846

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

hô () [pronounced hoh]

to whom, for which, in what, by means of that, whose

masculine singular relative pronoun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3739

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

klêroô (κληρόω) [pronounced klay-ROH-oh]

to cast lots, to appoint [determine, choose] by lot; to allot; to make a private possession [or inheritance]

1st person plural, aorist passive indicative

Strong’s #2820

Translation: In Whom, in the (One) even we have been chosen [or, made an inheritance],...

In Whom refers to Jesus Christ. It is in Him we have been chosen; it is in Him that we have been made an inheritance.

Ephesians 1:11b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

proorizô (προορίζω) [pronounced proh-ohr-IHD-zoh]

predetermining, the one who predestines, deciding beforehand; in the NT of God decreeing from eternity; the one foreordaining, appointing beforehand; of man, foreseeing, the one seeing (perceiving) into the future

masculine plural, aorist passive participle, nominative case

Strong’s #4309

This participle refers back to the subject of the previous verb, as it is an aorist passive, masculine plural.

katá (κατά) [pronounced kaw-TAW]

according to, after, according to a norm or standard; throughout, over, in, at; to, toward, up to; before, for, by, along

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #2596

prothesis (πρόθεσις) [pronounced PROTH-ehs-ihs]

a setting forth of a thing, placing of it in view, the show bread, consecrated loaves; a purpose; a proposal, an intention

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #4286

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

panta (πάντα) [pronounced PAHN-ta]

all, everyone, anyone, all things; anything

neuter plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #3956

energéō (ἐνεργέω) [pronounced en-erg-EH-oh]

working (for someone), producing, being effective (effectual); being operative, being at work, putting forth power; a worker/workers, being of aid to someone; displaying one’s activity, showing one’s self operation

masculine singular, present active participle, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1754

Translation: ...predetermined according to the purpose of the One working all things,...

This was predetermined or foreordained according to the purpose or intention of the One Who works or produces all things.

So, the fact that we were chosen and made an inheritance in Christ, this was predetermined according to the purpose of God.

God’s plan is predetermined. Our being in Christ, having been chosen, is foreordained. This is where the sovereignty of God meets the free will of man. We are placed in Christ as an act of free will. We believe in Him. Being in Christ means that we are chosen, because He is chosen. By this, we are God’s inheritance.

Ephesians 1:11c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

katá (κατά) [pronounced kaw-TAW]

according to, after, according to a norm or standard; throughout, over, in, at; to, toward, up to; before, for, by, along

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #2596

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

boulê (βουλή) [pronounced boo-LAY]

counsel, advice; purpose, volition, will; plan

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #1012

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

thelêma (θέλημα) [pronounced THEHL-ay-mah]

will, choice, inclination, desire, pleasure; volition; what one wishes or has determined shall be done; of the purpose of God to bless mankind through Christ; of what God wishes to be done by us; commands, precepts, purpose, decree

neuter singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2307

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

A phrase also found at the end of v. 9a.

Translation: ...according to the counsel of His will,...

All of this takes place in accordance with the counsel, purpose or plan of God’s will. God being sovereign has a purpose; God being sovereign has a plan. This plan represents God’s will.

Ephesians 1:11–14 In Whom, in the (One) even we have been chosen [or, made an inheritance], predetermined according to the purpose of the One working all things, according to the counsel of His will,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

We are chosen in Christ according to the purpose of God, Who works out all things according to His plan which is in the realm of His sovereignty.

Ephesians 1:12a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the; this, that; to the, towards the

neuter singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

einai (εἲναι) [pronounced Ī-nī or Ī-nah-ee]

to be, is, was, will be; am; to exist; to stay; to occur, to take place; to be present [available]

present infinitive of Strong’s #1510

Strong’s #1511 (a form of Strong’s #1510)

hêmas (ἡμς) [pronounced hay-MASS]

us, to us

1st person plural pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #2248 (accusative plural of Strong’s #1473)

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

épainos (ἔπαινος) [pronounced EHP-ahee-noss]

approbation, commendation, praise

masculine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #1868

doxa (δόξα) [pronounced DOHX-ah]

glory, dignity, glorious, honour, praise, worship

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1391

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...that we would keep on being a commendation of His glory,...

The result of us being chosen in Christ is that we keep on being a commendation or praise of His glory.

God’s glory is His essence. God’s glory is Who God is. Men and angels who understand God’s essence know His glory. We, who have believed in Jesus Christ, keep on being a commendation of God’s glory.

Ephesians 1:12b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

tous (τοὺς) [pronounced tooç]


the; these, to those; towards them

masculine plural definite article; accusative case; also used as a demonstrative pronoun

Strong’s #3588

proelpízō (προελπίζω) [pronounced pro-el-PIHD-zo]

hoping before, the one having confidence in advance, trusting previously; those having earlier confirmation

masculine plural; perfect active participle; accusative case

Strong’s #4276 hapax legomenon

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

masculine singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: ...the ones having previously hoped in the Messiah,...

The key to our position in Christ is, we previously hoped in the Messiah; we previously trusted in the Christ.

Ephesians 1:12 ...that we would keep on being a commendation of His glory, the ones having previously hoped in the Messiah,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

We, who have trust in Christ previously or placed our confidence in Him in the past, are in Christ, and we keep on being a commendation of God’s glory. We are a visible proof of His essence.

Ephesians 1:13a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

hô () [pronounced hoh]

to whom, for which, in what, by means of that, whose

masculine singular relative pronoun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3739

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

humeis (ὑμες) [pronounced hoo-MICE]

you [all]

2nd person plural personal pronoun; nominative case

Strong’s #5210, which is a form of Strong’s #4771

akoúô (ἀκούω)[pronounced ah-KOO-oh]

those hearing; hearing and paying attention to; listeners; those who hear and understand

masculine plural, aorist active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #191

ton (τόν) [pronounced tahn]; also to (το) [pronounced toh]

the, to [or towards] the

masculine singular definite article in the accusative case

Strong’s #3588

logos (λόγος, ου, ὁ) [pronounced LOHG-ohss]

a word; conception, idea; matter; thing; remark; decree, mandate; doctrine, teaching, message; the act of speaking, speech; reason, account; revelation

masculine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #3056

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

alêtheia (ἀλήθεια, ας, ἡ) [pronounced ahl-Ā-thi-ah]

[absolute, unimpeachable, divine] truth, divine viewpoint, veracity, verity; reality; of a truth, in reality, in face, certainly; conduct which is in accordance with truth/divine viewpoint

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #225

Translation: ...by Whom you (all) also heard the word of truth,...

It is by the will of God that we also heard the word of truth. God saw to it that we would hear His truth.

Ephesians 1:13b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the; this, that; to the, towards the

neuter singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

euangelion (εὐαγγέλον) [pronounced yoo-ang-GHEL-ee-on]

gospel, good news; an announcement [proclamation, declaration, preaching] of good news [the gospel], evangelization; the bringing (declaring, showing) of glad (good) tidings

neuter singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #2098

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

sôtêria (σωτηρία) [pronounced soh-tay-REE-ah]

salvation; safety, deliverance [from present or eternal danger], preservation [from danger or destruction]; welfare, prosperity

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4991

humôn (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MONE]

of yours, from you; concerning you; you, yourselves

2nd person plural pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5216 (genitive case of #5210)

Translation: ...the good news of your salvation,...

The truth that we heard was of good news of our salvation. Some here this good news and believe; some hear this good news and reject it. Those who hear and believe are placed into Christ.

Ephesians 1:13c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

hô () [pronounced hoh]

to whom, for which, in what, by means of that, whose

masculine singular relative pronoun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3739

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

pisteúô (πιστεύω) [pronounced pis-TOO-oh]

[the one] believing; thinking [something] to be true, being persuaded of, placing confidence in; putting trust in; committing to

masculine plural, aorist active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #4100

sphragízō (σφραγίζω) [pronounced scrag-IHD-zo]

to seal, to set a seal upon, to mark with a seal (for security: from Satan); since things sealed up are concealed (as the contents of a letter), to hide, to keep in silence, to keep secret

3rd person plural, aorist passive indicative

Strong’s #4972

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

neuter singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

pneuma (πνεμα) [pronounced PNYOO-mah]

spirit, Spirit; breath; wind [blast], air

neuter singular noun, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #4151

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

epaggelia (ἐπαγγελία) [pronounced ehp-ang-ehl-EE-ah]

an announcement (for information, assent or pledge; especially a divine assurance of good); a message, promise (of good, of blessing)

feminine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1860

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

neuter singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

hagios (ἅγιος) [pronounced HA-gee-oss]

holy, set apart, dedicated to God, sacred; pure, perfect, worthy of God; consecrated

neuter singular adjective; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #40

Translation: ...by Whom those who believed were also sealed by the Holy Spirit of the announcement,...

It is by God—by His plan—that we are also sealed by God the Holy Spirit, by the Holy Spirit of the announcement, that announcement being the gospel message, the good news. God the Father determines that we will hear the gospel message, and when we hear and believe, we are then sealed by the Holy Spirit.

God the Holy Spirit is called the Holy Spirit of the announcement, because it is by means of the Holy Spirit that the gospel message is made understandable.

Ephesians 1:13 ...by Whom you (all) also heard the word of truth, the good news of your salvation, by Whom those who believed were also sealed by the Holy Spirit of the announcement,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:14a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ho (ὅ) [pronounced hoh]

whom, which, what, that; to whom, to that, whose, whoever

neuter singular relative pronoun; nominative case

Strong’s #3739

esti (ἐστί) [pronounced ehs-TEE] or

estin (ἐστίν) [pronounced ehs-TIN]

is, are, to be, keeps on being, continues having

3rd person singular, present indicative

Strong’s #2076 (3rd person present form of #1510)

arrhabôn (ἀῤῥαβών) [pronounced ar-hrab-OHN]

first installment, earnest money, down payment, pledge

masculine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #728

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

klēronomía (κληρονομία) [pronounced klay-rohn-ohm-EE-ah]

an inheritance, property received (or to be received) by inheritance; what is given to one as a possession; heirship

feminine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2817

hêmn (ἡμν) [pronounced hay-MOHN]

us, of us, from us, our, [of] ours

1st person plural, personal pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2257 (from Strong’s #1473)

Translation: ...Who keeps on being the first installment of our inheritance...

The Holy Spirit is the first installment or the down payment of our inheritance. We know that we will inherit all that God has promised because we receive the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation.

Ephesians 1:14b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

apolutrôsis (ἀπολύτρωσις) [pronounced ap-ol-OO-troh-sis]

redemption; a releasing effected by payment of ransom; redemption, deliverance; liberation procured by the payment of a ransom; Christian salvation

feminine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #629

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

peripoiêsis (περιποίησις) [pronounced per-ee-POY-ay-sis]

a preserving, a preservation; (an acquired) possession, something gained; one’s own property; an obtaining

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4047

Translation: ...to the redemption of the thing acquired...

The redemption means that which is paid for. We are the thing which is acquired by God, paid for by His Son.

Ephesians 1:14c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

épainos (ἔπαινος) [pronounced EHP-ahee-noss]

approbation, commendation, praise

masculine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #1868

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

doxa (δόξα) [pronounced DOHX-ah]

glory, dignity, glorious, honour, praise, worship

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1391

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...for the praise of His glory. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

We are the praise and commendation of God’s glory, which is His essence. God’s glory is all that God is. In this entire process described in this lengthy passage, we understand God’s essence, and the angels understand God’s essence.

No doubt, God explained to the angels Who He was (as we read in the Bible). However, angels better understand God’s character, God’s essence by seeing what He does. There is a rebellion among the angels and a third of them rejected God and His essence and they chose to follow Satan. All angels, fallen and elect, now see God’s character revealed on the big stage of earth, with a cast of billions, over a period of thousands of years.

It is one thing to hear Who and What God is; it is another thing to see Him at work, revealing Himself through what He does. We, believers in Jesus Christ, are examples of what God does, and therefore reveal His glory.

Ephesians 1:14 ...Who keeps on being the first installment of our inheritance to the redemption of the thing acquired for the praise of His glory. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our great inheritance, which inheritance comes about due to the thing which God acquired in the redemption, which is us. Because we are God’s inheritance, we reveal the essence of God.

Ephesians 1:11–14 In Whom, in the (One) even we have been chosen [or, made an inheritance], predetermined according to the purpose of the One working all things, according to the counsel of His will, that we would keep on being a commendation of His glory, the ones having previously hoped in the Messiah, by Whom you (all) also heard the word of truth, the good news of your salvation, by Whom those who believed were also sealed by the Holy Spirit of the announcement, Who keeps on being the first installment of our inheritance to the redemption of the thing acquired for the praise of His glory. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:11–14 In Whom we have been chosen, predetermined according to the plan of God Who works all things in accordance with His sovereign plan, to the end that we keep on being the commendation of His glory, we who have previously hoped in the Messiah. Furthermore, it is by God that we have also heard the word of truth, which is thw good news of our salvation. We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit of this announcement, Who is also the first installment of our inheritance, as being redeemed, we have been acquired for the purpose of the commendation of God’s glory. (Kukis paraphrase)


Vv. 15–21 appear to be a single sentence in the Greek (see the Berean Literal Bible, the English Standard Version, Voice in the Wilderness, the World English Bible; and Green’s Literal Translation and the Literal Standard Version continue this into the next chapter). Since I would prefer not to have that many verses together, I will break this into Ephesians 1:15–17 and 18–21 (perhaps a third of the translations put a period at the end of v. 17).

Through this, and I, having heard the faith, according to you (all) in the Lord Jesus and the love, the (love) toward all the holy ones, I have not stopped being grateful over you (all), a remembrance [I] keep on doing upon the prayers of me, that the God of the Lord of us, Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory granted (perhaps) you (all) a spirit of wisdom and of a disclosure in a full knowledge of Him.



Because of this, I also, having heard [about] the faith among you (all) in the Lord Jesus and the love, the (love) [which is] toward all the saints, I have not stopped being grateful for you (all), making mention of you (all) in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory, might grant you (all) a spirit of wisdom and of the revelation of a full knowledge of Him.

For these reasons, I also have not ceased to be grateful for you, praying on your behalf, because of the faith which I have heard is among you all and about the love which you have toward all the saints. I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory and majesty of Jesus Christ, give you a spirit of wisdom and give you a full revelation of the knowledge of Him.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    Through this, and I, having heard the faith, according to you (all) in the Lord Jesus and the love, the (love) toward all the holy ones, I have not stopped being grateful over you (all), a remembrance [I] keep on doing upon the prayers of me, that the God of the Lord of us, Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory granted (perhaps) you (all) a spirit of wisdom and of a disclosure in a full knowledge of Him.

Complete Apostles Bible        Because of this I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints,

do not cease to give thanks concerning you, making mention of you in my prayers:

that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,...

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) Wherefore, I also, hearing of your faith that is in the Lord Jesus and of your love towards all the saints,

Cease not to give thanks for you, making commemoration of you in my prayers,

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and of revelation, in the knowledge of him:...

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Because of this, behold, I also, from when I heard of your faith in Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah and your love for all The Holy Ones,

I do not cease to give thanks for you and to remember you in my prayers,

So that The God of Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah, The Father of glory, would give you The Spirit of wisdom and revelation with his knowledge,...

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             For this cause I, having had news of the faith in the Lord Jesus which is among you, and which you make clear to all the saints, 

Give praise without end for you, keeping you in mind in my prayers; 

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him;...

Bible in Worldwide English     Here is why I always thank God for you. I have heard that you believe in the Lord Jesus and love all of Gods people. I think of you when I talk to God.

He is the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father who is very great and wonderful. I ask him to give you a mind that is wise and will understand about him.

I ask him that you may understand these things in your hearts. I ask him that you may know what a great hope you have because God has called you. I ask him that you may know the rich and great blessings God has promised to his people.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  That is why I always remember you in my prayers and thank God for you. I have done this ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God's people. I always pray to the great and glorious Father, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that he will give you the Spirit, who will let you know truths about God and help you understand them, so that you will know him better. (There is no v. 16 in the ERV).

God’s Word                         I, too, have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God's people. For this reason I never stop thanking God for you. I always remember you in my prayers. I pray that the glorious Father, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know Christ better.

Good News Bible (TEV)         For this reason, ever since I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God's people, I have not stopped giving thanks to God for you. I remember you in my prayers and ask the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, to give you the Spirit, who will make you wise and reveal God to you, so that you will know him.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       I have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God's people. So I never stop being grateful for you, as I mention you in my prayers. I ask the glorious Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you his Spirit. The Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know God.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Because of this, since I first heard about your strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and your tender love toward all his devoted ones, my heart is always full and overflowing with thanks to God for you as I constantly remember you in my prayers.  I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know him through your deepening intimacy with him.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  Because God has done all of this for you, and because people have told me how you trust in the Lord Jesus and how much you love all the believers, I thank God for you constantly as I talk to God about you when I pray to him. I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, the glorious Father, will give you his Spirit to make you wise and to reveal God to you so that you can continually know him better.

Williams’ New Testament      This is why I myself, since I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and in all His people, never cease to thank God for you when I mention you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may grant you the Spirit to give wisdom and revelation which come through a growing knowledge of Him,...

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            Because of this, when I also heard of the trust of each of you in the Master Jesus and of the love for all of the sacred people, I didn't stop being thankful for you, making a mention of you over my prayers that the God of our Master Jesus, the Anointed King, the Father of the magnificence, might give you a spirit of insight and of an uncovering in a correct understanding of Him,...

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           Therefore when I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and love for all God's people, I haven't stopped giving thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers, so that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him,...

A. Campbell's Living Oracles For this reason, I, also, having heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and of your love to all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, would give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him;...

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament And therefore I, ever since I heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which prevails among you, and of your confidence in all Christ's People, Have never omitted to thank God on your behalf, whenever I make mention of you in my prayers. My prayer is that the God of Jesus Christ our Lord, the all- glorious Father, may inspire you with wisdom and true insight through a fuller knowledge of himself;...

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 That’s the reason, because I’ve heard of your trust in the Lord Jesus and the love that you have for all Christians, why I never stop thanking God for you and remember you in my prayers. I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you a spirit of wisdom to see and know him as he really is.

The Heritage Bible                          Therefore I also, hearing of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love to all the saints,

Absolutely do not stop giving thanks for you, making mention of you upon my prayers,

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in full knowledge of him.

International Standard V        Paul’s Prayer for the Ephesians

Therefore, because I have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love [Other mss. lack your love] for all the saints, I never stop giving thanks for you as I mention you in my prayers. I pray [The Gk. lacks I pray] that the God of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, [Or Christ] the most glorious Father, would give you a wise spirit, along with revelation that comes through knowing the Messiah [Lit. knowing him] fully.

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     .

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      .

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      .

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    .

Urim-Thummim Version         Therefore I also, after I heard of your Faith in the LORD Jesus, and brotherly love to all the saints, cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; That the Elohim of our LORD Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the Spirit of Wisdom (Sophia) and revelation in the knowledge of him:...

Weymouth New Testament    For this reason I too, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which prevails among you, and of your love for all God's people, offer never ceasing thanks on your behalf while I make mention of you in my prayers. V. 17 will be placed with the next passage for context.

Wikipedia Bible Project          That is why, when I heard of your faith in Jesus our Lord and your love in connection with
the saints,

I always thank God for you and remember you when I pray.

This is my prayer: That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, would give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in all knowledge of Him.

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  God has put all things

under the feet of Christ

• I have been told of your faith and your affection towards all the believers, so I always give thanks to God, remembering you in my prayers.

May the God of Christ Jesus our Lord, the Father of Glory, reveal himself to you and give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation, that you may know him.

Col 1:9 Jn 17:3; 1Jn 5:20

The extensive footnote for v. 15 is placed in the Addendum.

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in Adonai Yahusha, and love unto all the qodeshiym, Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; That the Elohiym of our Adonai Yahusha Ha’Mashiach, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Ruach Chokmah V’Zayon in the knowledge of him:...

Hebraic Roots Bible               .

Holy New Covenant Trans.    I have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the giving to all the saints, for their good, expecting nothing in return. So I never stop thanking God for you. I always mention you in my prayers. I want the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, to give you insight and a wise spirit. Then you will know Him better.

The Scriptures 2009              For this reason I too, having heard of your belief in the Master יהושע and your love for all the set-apart ones, do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the Elohim of our Master יהושע Messiah, the Father of esteem, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,...

Tree of Life Version                Therefore, ever since I heard of your trust in the Lord Yeshua and of your love for all the kedoshim, I never stop giving thanks for you as I mention you in my prayers—that the God of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, our glorious Father, may give you spiritual wisdom and revelation in knowing Him.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...because of this (And) I Hearing the in you* faith in the lord jesus and the love the [one] to all the [men] pure not stop Thanking {him} for you* mention Making on the prayers [of] me that The God [of] the lord [of] us jesus christ The Father [of] the recognition may give [to] you* spirit [of] wisdom and [of] revelation in knowledge [of] him...

Alpha & Omega Bible            .

Awful Scroll Bible                   Because of this, I even hearing that according to you all's confidence, by-within the Lord Jesus, and Dear Love for all the awful ones,

I myself desist not, from giving-good-favoredness in behalf of yous, myself making mention of yous in my wishes-with-regards-to,

in order that the God of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, the Father of Splendor, shall grant to yous a breath of wisdom, and that being brought-out-of-suppression, from-within coming-knowledgeable-upon Him,...

Concordant Literal Version    Therefore, I also, on hearing of this faith of yours in the Lord Jesus, and that for all the saints, do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention in my prayers" that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may be giving you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the realization of Him,...


So I also,

after I heard of your trust in Adonay Yah Shua

and love to all the holy,

pause not to eucharistize for you,

making remembrance of you in my prayers;

that the Elohim of our Adonay Yah Shua Messiah

the Father of glory,

give you the spirit of wisdom and apocalypse

in the knowledge of him: ...

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           Because of all of this, I, too, having heard of the emunah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua which is yours, and having heard of your ahavah for all the Kadoshim,

Do not cease giving hodayah (thanksgiving) for you, while speaking of you in my tefillos;

That Hashem of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua, the Avi Hakavod, may give to you a ruach of chochmah and hisgalus (revelation) in the da'as (knowledge) of Moshiach.[SHEMOT 28:3; YESHAYAH 11:2]

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   For this reason also, since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of the saints [i.e., God’s holy people], I do not stop thanking [God] for you. I keep asking, in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, will give you a spirit [i.e., a disposition] of wisdom and revelation [or, “give you the spiritual gifts of wisdom and revelation”], so you can have full knowledge of God.

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     For this reason I [Paul], when I heard about your commitment in the Lord Jesus and your virtue love toward all the saints,

Have not stopped giving thanks on your behalf, repeatedly making mention of you [briefly but frequently] during my prayers,

So that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the Glory [Jesus Christ as the Shekinah Glory], might give to you a spiritual life characterized by wisdom and the revelation [complete understanding] of Him by means of full knowledge, ...

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             On account of this, I also, on listening to (or: after hearing) along with and in accord with you folks (or: in the same sphere as you; down from you; on the same level with you people) the faith resident within the midst of the Lord Jesus (or: the trust centered in the Owner, Jesus; the loyalty based on union with the Master, Jesus), as well as the love and unrestricted acceptance [being dispersed] unto all the folks set apart (holy ones; saints),

[I] do not pause (or: cease; stop myself) in continuously giving thanks over you (or: speaking good favor on your behalf; or: expressing the well-being of grace because of your [situation or condition]), constantly making mention (constructing a recollection; producing for myself a mental image) upon the [occasions] of my speaking and thinking toward having wellness and goodness (or: imparted desires; prayers),

to the end that the God of (or: pertaining to; or, reading the genitive as in apposition: Who is) our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the Glory, might give (suddenly impart) to you a spirit (or: breath-effect; attitude) of wisdom and revelation (unveiling; uncovering; disclosure) within the midst of a full, experiential and intimate knowledge of Himself (or: in a full realization of Him; or: within and in union with His full, personal knowledge; or: resident within an added insight from Him, and which is Him),...

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         Prayer for Spiritual Wisdom

Because of this I also, hearing of your faith [Literally “the according to you faith”] in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father [Literally “the Father of glory”], [*Here “glorious” is an attributive genitive] may give you a spirit of wisdom [*Or “spiritual wisdom” (with “wisdom” is an attributive genitive)] and revelation in the knowledge of him...

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. |For this cause| ||I also||—

<Having heard of the faith on yourʹ part in the Lord Jesusˎ and that towards all the saints>i

Cease not giving thanks in your behalf,

Making mention in my prayersˎj

That ||the God of our Lord Jesus Christˎ the Father of glory|| would give you a Spirit of wisdom and understanding in gaining a personal knowledge of him,—...

i Col. i. 9.

j Ro. i. 9; Ph. i. 3, 4; 1 Th. i. 2.

The Spoken English NT         Paul’s Prayer
And that’s why I never stop thanking God for you. I’ve heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus, and your love for all the holy ones. And I remember you in my prayers.t

I keep praying that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, will give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, to really know God.

t.Lit. “making remembrance in my prayers”.

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     Some doctrinal praying
Because of this, having heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I really don’t stop giving thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,13 may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the real knowledge14 of Himself,...

(13) To be the ‘Father’ of glory is to be the Source of all true glory.

(14) I finally settled on ‘real knowledge’ as the best way to render epignwsis, the heightened form of gnwsis, ‘knowledge’. Real knowledge is more than mere intellectual knowledge. The Text goes on to say, “the eyes of your heart having been enlightened”. Real knowledge changes your ‘heart’, who you are.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  For this reason, I also, having heard of the faith of each of youp in the Lord Jesus and yourp love for all the holy ones, do not cease from giving thanks for youp, making mention of youp in my prayers, so that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory [or, splendor], shall give to youp a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full [or, true] knowledge of Him,...

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           For this reason, I also, when I heard about your own faith in the Lord Jesus and your unconditional love toward all the saints, do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you a spirit full of wisdom and revelation by means of full-knowledge about Him,...

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             For this cause, having heard of the faith which you have in the Lord Jesus, and of your love for all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the acknowledgment of him...

Context Group Version          For this cause I also, having heard of the trust in the Lord Jesus which is among you (pl), and the allegiance which [you (pl) show] toward all the special ones, do not cease to recognize [my] indebtedness for you (pl), making mention [of you (pl)] in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, the Father of public honor, may give to you (pl) a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him;...

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       On account of this, I too, having heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love towards all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you on the occasions of my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in acknowledgment of him,...

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  Because of this, I, also, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which is in you° and the love* which you° have toward all the holy-ones, am not ceasing giving-thanks on your° behalf, making* a remembrance of you° in my prayers; in-order-that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you° a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of him,...

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  Because of this, I also when I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus, and the love toward all the saints, do not cease, making it a matter of thanksgiving on your behalf, making mention by my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom, even from the source of revelation by means of [epignôsis] knowledge from the source of Him.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         Because of this {the plan of God} I also, having heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus, and the agape love toward all the saints, I do not cease to 'make a matter of thanksgiving'/ 'give thanks' on your behalf and 'producing memory'/'making mention' {of you} by my prayers, in order that the God of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the father of Glory may give you all to your advantage, a human spirit of wisdom even from the source of revelation by means of epignosis or true knowledge from the source of Him...

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           For this reason and because I have also heard about your faithfulness in the Lord Jesus which exists among you all and your love for all the saints, do not cease giving thanks for you, when making mention of you at the time of my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         . your part


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 1:15a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

diá (διά) [pronounced dee-AH]; spelled di (δἰ) [pronounced dee] before a vowel.

through; with; in; of time; throughout; during; by, by the means of, by reason of; on account of; because of, for this reason; therefore; on this account


Strong’s #1223

toúto (τούτο) [pronounced TOO-toh]

this [thing], that (thing), this one; that (thing)

demonstrative singular pronoun; neuter singular; accusative case

Strong’s #5124 (Neuter, singular, nominative or accusative of #3778)

In Romans 5:12, this is variously translated as, therefore, because of this, for this reason, on account of this, on this account, thus then, wherefore, this is why, what follows, So here is the comparison. Several translations simply ignored these words altogether. The first three or four translations were found the most often.

kagô/kamoi/kame (κἀγώ/κἀμοί/κἀμέ) [pronounced kag-OH]

 and I; I also, even I, I as well, I likewise, in like manner I; even I, this selfsame I; me, me also

conjunction; 1st person singular, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2504

akoúô (ἀκούω)[pronounced ah-KOO-oh]

those hearing; hearing and paying attention to; listeners; those who hear and understand

masculine singular, aorist active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #191

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

katá (κατά) [pronounced kaw-TAW]

according to, after, according to a norm or standard; throughout, over, in, at; to, toward, up to; before, for, by, along

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #2596

Horst Balz and Gerhard Schneider offer these meanings for the accusative: Of place: throughout, over, in, at; to toward, up to; for, by; of time: during; in, at; about; by; figuratively: only, after, like; final: for (the purpose of); according to, corresponding to; of homogeneity, similarity, correspondence, manner: according to, in accordance with, corresponding to, like; of reason: on the basis of, because, from; of direction or relationship: with respect to, in relation to. I have given you the streamlined version of nearly 2 full columns.

humas (ὑμάς) [pronounced hoo-MOSS]

you [all], all of you; to you, towards you [all]

2nd person plural personal pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #5209, (from Strong’s #5210; a form of Strong’s #4771)

pistis (πίστις) [pronounced PIHS-tihs]

faith, assurance, belief, believe; the content of what is believed, doctrine; persuasion, that is, credence; moral conviction

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #4102

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

masculine singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong's #2962

Iêsous (̓Ιησος) [pronounced ee-ay-SOOCE]

Jehovah is salvation; transliterated Jesus, Joshua

proper singular noun, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2424

Translation: Because of this, I also, having heard [about] the faith among you (all) in the Lord Jesus...

The first two words mean, because of this, for this reason. The reason is, the people of Ephesus have been born again and they are strong believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, on positive signals toward the Word of God.

Paul had heard of the faith that was among the believers in Ephesus.

Paul himself had been there, and when he should have remained there, he traveled to Jerusalem instead. In his absence, other believers with the gift of pastor-teacher have been there teaching them, and Paul is aware not only of their saving faith in Jesus Christ, but in the spiritual growth based upon the faith exercised in the doctrines of Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:15b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

Missing from the Westcott Hort text, but found in Tischendorf’s Greek text, Scrivener Textus Receptus and the Byzantine Greek text are the two words:

agápē (ἀγάπη) [pronounced ag-AH-pay]

agape love, mental attitude love, volitional love; brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence; a relaxed mental attitude; love feasts

feminine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #26

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

This additional text makes much more sense than having simply the word the, which could be interpreted the faith. But why would be have faith toward the saints and why would that be laudatory? This is certainly in the original text.

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

pantas (πάντας) [pronounced PAHN-tas]

the whole, all (of them), everyone; anything

masculine plural adjective, accusative case

Strong’s #3956

tous (τοὺς) [pronounced tooç]


the; these, to those; towards them

masculine plural definite article; accusative case; also used as a demonstrative pronoun

Strong’s #3588

hagios (ἅγιος) [pronounced HA-gee-oss]

holy (ones), set apart (ones); angels, saints

masculine plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #40

Translation: ...and the love, the (love) [which is] toward all the saints,...

The Westcott Hort text was missing two words, and this is discussed in the Greek exegesis. Understanding this text apart from those two words is beyond difficult.

I checked another Westcott Hort text source on Bible Hub. I confirmed the missing text, but also noticed with interest that they have followed a similar set up over there to the one that I use. I don’t know if they have done this all along or if they decided that this might be a better method of presenting the Greek text. Due to the remarks of a friend of mine, I developed these Greek tables in order to isolate the Greek exegesis from the commentary. I have found this to be a superior way to present the Greek, so that those not really interested could just hop over it to get to the translation and commentary.

The believers in Ephesus, and perhaps in surrounding areas, are known for their relaxed mental attitude toward the saints in other regions.

Ephesians 1:15 Because of this, I also, having heard [about] the faith among you (all) in the Lord Jesus and the love, the (love) [which is] toward all the saints,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:16a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ou (οὐ) [pronounced oo]

no, not, nothing, none, no one


Strong’s #3756

paúô (παύω) [pronounced POW-oh]

to stop, to pause; in the middle voice, it means to come to an end, to take one’s rest, to willingly cease; it has an absolute sense where it means to cease, to come to an end (Luke 8:24 Acts 20:1)

1st person singular, present middle indicative

Strong’s #3973

eucharisteô (εὐχαριστέω) [pronounced yew-khahr-ih-STEH-oh]

being grateful, feeling thankful; giving thanks

masculine singular, present active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #2168

hupér (ὑπέρ) [pronounced hoop-AIR]

above, over, beyond, across; for, regarding, on behalf of, for the sake of, instead of; in favor of, because of, on account of; as a substitute for

preposition with the genitive case

Strong’s #5228

humôn (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MONE]

of yours, from you [all]; concerning you; you [all], yourselves

2nd person plural personal pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5216 genitive case of #5210; a form of #4771

Translation: ...I have not stopped being grateful for you (all),...

Paul has not stopped being grateful for these believers.

Ephesians 1:16b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

mneía (μνεία) [pronounced MNI-ah]

remembrance, memory, mention, recollection; recital

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #3417

poieô (ποιέω) [pronounced poi-EH-oh]

doing, making, constructing, producing; accomplishing; the one carrying out, those executing [a plan, an intention]; practicing; acting

masculine singular, present middle participle; nominative case

Strong’s #4160

epí (ἐπί) [pronounced eh-PEE]; spelled eph (ἐφ) [pronounced ehf] before a vowel

on, close by, at; before; at the time of, during [the reign of], in; [of sovereignty or oversight] over; on the basis of, in accordance with

preposition of superimposition; used of motion and rest; with the genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1909

tôn (τν) [pronounced tohn]

the, of the, from the; of this, from that, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine plural definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

proseuchai (προσευχαί) [pronounced pros-yoo-KHYE]

(earnest) prayers (of worship); by implication oratories (in the chapel)

feminine plural noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4335

mou (μο) [pronounced moo]; also emou (ἐμο) [pronounced eh-MOO]

me; of me; from me; my, mine

1st person singular personal pronoun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1473 (also, this is known as Strong’s #3450; the simpler form of Strong’s #1700)

Translation: ...making mention of you (all) in my prayers,...

Paul makes mention of these believers in his prayers. Being under house arrest, Paul has time to pray and time to write and perhaps even some time to teach (although I am not sure of the latter). He did receive company while under house arrest.

Ephesians 1:16 ...I have not stopped being grateful for you (all), making mention of you (all) in my prayers,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:17a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hina (ἵνα) [pronounced HEE-na]

that, in order that, so that, to the intent that; because

conjunction which denotes purpose or result

Strong’s #2443

ho (ὁ) [pronounced ho]

the; this, that; who, which

definite article for a masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #3588

theos (θεός) [pronounced theh-OSS]

God, [the true] God; divine being; god, goddess, divinity

masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #2316

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong's #2962

hêmn (ἡμν) [pronounced hay-MOHN]

us, of us, from us, our, [of] ours

1st person plural, personal pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2257 (from Strong’s #1473)

Iêsous (̓Ιησος) [pronounced ee-ay-SOOCE]

Jehovah is salvation; transliterated Jesus, Joshua

proper singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2424

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: ...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,...

Then Paul speaks of God the Father, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:17b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ho (ὁ) [pronounced ho]

the; this, that; who, which

definite article for a masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #3588

patêr (πατήρ) [pronounced pat-AYR]

father, parent; forefather, ancestor; metaphorically, originator or transmitter; author of a family; a paternal figure; a title of honor; a teacher

masculine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #3962

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

doxa (δόξα) [pronounced DOHX-ah]

glory, dignity, glorious, honour, praise, worship

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1391

Translation: ...the Father of the glory,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

He is the Father of the glory. Let me suggest that He is the Father of the Divine aspect of Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:17c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

didômi (δίδωμι) [pronounced dihd-OH-mee]

to give, to grant; to supply, to furnish; to entrust; to pay wages; to appoint to office; to permit; to give up, to yield; to give back; to sacrifice

3rd person singular, aorist active subjunctive (or optative)

Strong’s #1325

humin (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MEEN]

you [all]; in you; to you; in you; by you, with you

2nd person plural personal pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #5213; an irregular dative of #5210; a form of #4771

pneuma (πνεμα) [pronounced PNYOO-mah]

spirit, Spirit; breath; wind [blast], air

neuter singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #4151

sophia (σοφία) [pronounced sohf-EE-ah]

wisdom [spiritual, human, cosmic]

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4678

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

apokalupsis (ἀποκάλυψις) [pronounced ap-ok-AL-oop-sis]

a disclosure; an appearing, coming; lighten, a manifestation, be revealed, revelation

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #602

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

epignôsis (ἐπίγνωσις) [pronounced ehp-IHG-noh-sis]

precise and correct knowledge; used in the NT of the knowledge of things ethical and divine; over and above knowledge, full knowledge

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #1922

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...might grant you (all) a spirit of wisdom and of the revelation of a full knowledge of Him. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Paul asks—here and presumably in his prayers—that the Ephesian believers receive the spirit of wisdom and the revelation of the full knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:17 ...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory, might grant you (all) a spirit of wisdom and of the revelation of a full knowledge of Him. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:15–17 Because of this, I also, having heard [about] the faith among you (all) in the Lord Jesus and the love, the (love) [which is] toward all the saints, I have not stopped being grateful for you (all), making mention of you (all) in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory, might grant you (all) a spirit of wisdom and of the revelation of a full knowledge of Him. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:15–17 For these reasons, I also have not ceased to be grateful for you, praying on your behalf, because of the faith which I have heard is among you all and about the love which you have toward all the saints. I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory and majesty of Jesus Christ, give you a spirit of wisdom and give you a full revelation of the knowledge of Him. (Kukis paraphrase)


Having been given light the eyes of the heart of you (all) toward to see you (all) what keeps on being the hope of the calling of Him Who [is] the wealth of the glory of the inheritance of Him in the saints and what [is] the surpassing greatness of the power of Him toward us, the ones believing according to the working of the force of the ability of Him, which He has worked in the Christ, rousing Him out from deaths and [Him] sitting on a right hand of Him in the heavenlies, over every domain and authority and power and dominion and every name being named, not only in the age this (one) but in the about-to be [age].



[Therefore,] the eyes of your heart are enlightened for you (all) to see what keeps on being the hope of His calling, Who [is] the wealth of the glory of His inheritance along with the saints, and what [is] the surpassing greatness of His power toward us, the ones having believed, according to the working of the force of His might, which He has worked in the Christ, raising Him up from death and [then] placing [Him] on the right hand of Him in the heavenlies, over every beginning authority and power and ability and lordship and [over] every name having been named, not only in this age, but in the [age] to come.

Therefore, your understanding eyes are opened sins of the tongue hat you may see what exactly keeps on being the hope of being called by God—God, Who is the wealth of the glory of His inheritance, which we understand with all the saints His surpassing greatness and His power—which power we have access to—we, who have believed in Him—and have been saved according to the force of His might, which God the Father has worked in God the Son (Jesus Christ), raising Him up from the dead and then placing Him on the right hand of God in the heavenlies, over every imaginable type of authority and power which has ever existed, not only in this age but in every age still to come.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    Having been given light the eyes of the heart of you (all) toward to see you (all) what keeps on being the hope of the calling of Him Who [is] the wealth of the glory of the inheritance of Him in the saints and what [is] the surpassing greatness of the power of Him toward us, the ones believing according to the working of the force of the ability of Him, which He has worked in the Christ, rousing Him out from deaths and [Him] sitting on a right hand of Him in the heavenlies, over every domain and authority and power and dominion and every name being named, not only in the age this (one) but in the about-to be [age].

Complete Apostles Bible        ...the eyes of your heart having been enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power

which He worked in Christ, having raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenlies,

above every ruler and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the coming age.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) The eyes of your heart enlightened that you may know what the hope is of his calling and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.

And what is the exceeding greatness of his power towards us, who believe according to the operation of the might of his power,

Which he wrought in Christ, raising him up from the dead and setting him on his right hand in the heavenly places.

Above all principality and power and virtue and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              And that the eyes of your hearts would be enlightened, that you will know what is the hope of his calling and what is the wealth of the glory of his inheritance in The Holy Ones,

And what is the excellence of the greatness of his power in us, by those things which we believe, according to the action of the immensity of his power,

Which he performed in The Messiah and raised him from among the dead and set him at his right hand in Heaven,

Higher than all Principalities, Rulers, Powers, and Dominions, and higher than every name that is named, not only in this universe, but also in the one that is coming.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             And that having the eyes of your heart full of light, you may have knowledge of what is the hope of his purpose, what is the wealth of the glory of his heritage in the saints, 

And how unlimited is his power to us who have faith, as is seen in the working of the strength of his power, 

By which he made Christ come back from the dead, and gave him a place at his right hand in heaven, 

Far over all rule and authority and power and every name which is named, not only in the present order, but in that which is to come:...

Bible in Worldwide English     I ask him that you may know the wonderful power he has to do things for us who believe in Christ. His power is very strong.

God used that power when he raised Christ from death and had him sit at his right side in heaven.

He is greater than any ruler, power, chief, or king. His name is greater than any other name, not only in this world, but in the world that will come.

And God has put all things under Christ. He has made him the head of the church people in all matters.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  I pray that God will open your minds to see his truth. Then you will know the hope that he has chosen us to have. You will know that the blessings God has promised his holy people are rich and glorious. And you will know that God's power is very great for us who believe. It is the same as the mighty power he used to raise Christ from death and put him at his right side in the heavenly places. He put Christ over all rulers, authorities, powers, and kings. He gave him authority over everything that has power in this world or in the next world..

God’s Word                         Then you will have deeper insight. You will know the confidence that he calls you to have and the glorious wealth that God's people will inherit. You will also know the unlimited greatness of his power as it works with might and strength for us, the believers. He worked with that same power in Christ when he brought him back to life and gave him the highest position in heaven. He is far above all rulers, authorities, powers, lords, and all other names that can be named, not only in this present world but also in the world to come.

Good News Bible (TEV)         I ask that your minds may be opened to see his light, so that you will know what is the hope to which he has called you, how rich are the wonderful blessings he promises his people, and how very great is his power at work in us who believe. This power working in us is the same as the mighty strength which he used when he raised Christ from death and seated him at his right side in the heavenly world. Christ rules there above all heavenly rulers, authorities, powers, and lords; he has a title superior to all titles of authority in this world and in the next.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and that you will understand the hope that was given to you when God chose you. Then you will discover the glorious blessings that will be yours together with all of God's people. I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers. It is the same wonderful power he used when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side in heaven. There Christ rules over all forces, authorities, powers, and rulers. He rules over all beings in this world and will rule in the future world as well.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling—that is, the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones!  I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power  that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him to the place of highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm!  And now he is exalted as first above every ruler, authority, government, and realm of power in existence! He is gloriously enthroned over every name that is ever praised, not only in this age, but in the age that is coming!.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  I pray that God may enable you to see things as they truly are so that you may know the wonderful plan that God has for us because he has called us to be his people. I pray that you may know how wonderful and abundant are the things he promises to give to us and to all the believers. And I pray that you will know how exceedingly powerfully God acts for us who believe in the Messiah. He is just as powerfully strong for us as he was for the Messiah when he caused the Messiah to become alive again after he died, and raised him to the place of highest honor in heaven. The Messiah rules as supreme there over every ruler and powerful spirit on every level of authority and over every being that people revere. He rules over them not only now, but forever.

Williams’ New Testament      ...by having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, so that you may know what the hope is to which He calls you, how glorious rich God's portion in His people is, and how surpassingly great is His power for us who believe, measured by His tremendously mighty power when He raised Christ from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in heaven, far above every other government, authority, power, and dominion, yea, far above every other title that can be conferred, not only in this world but in the world to come.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            ...the eyes of your heart having been illuminated, for the "for you to realize what is the anticipation of His invitation" part, what is the wealth of the magnificence of His inheritance in the sacred people, and what is the superior magnitude of His ability for us, the people who trust in line with the influence of the power of His strength, with which He was active in the Anointed King when He got Him up from the dead. And He was seated in His right side in the heavenly regions far above every top rank, authority, ability, government, and every name that is named, not only in this span of time, but also in the future span of time.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           ...that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in God's people, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us who believe according to the working of his mighty power, which he did through Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places. [He is] far above all top authorities, strong authorities, powers, and lords, and [he is far above] every name that is mentioned, not only in this world but also in that which is to come.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles ...that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance among the saints; and what the exceeding greatness of his power, in relation to us who believe according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places; far above all government, and power, and might, and lordship, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come;...

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament My prayer is that the God of Jesus Christ our Lord, the all- glorious Father, may inspire you with wisdom and true insight through a fuller knowledge of himself; That your minds may be so enlightened that you may realize the hope given by God's Call, the wealth of the glory of his heritage among Christ's People, And the transcendent greatness of the power which he is able to exercise in dealing with us who believe in him. The same mighty power was exerted upon the Christ, when he raised the Christ from the dead and 'caused him to sit at his right hand' on high, exalting him above all Angels and Archangels of every rank, And above every name that can be named, whether in the present age, or in the age to come. V. 17 is included for context.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 May your minds be enlightened so you can understand the hope he’s called you to—the glorious riches he promises as an inheritance to his trustworthy people. May you also understand God’s amazing power that he demonstrated in raising Christ from the dead. God seated Christ at his right hand in heaven, far above any other ruler, authority, power, or lord, or any leader with all their titles—not only in this world, but also in the coming world too.

The Heritage Bible                          The eyes of your mind having been enlightened, for you to know what is the hope of his calling, and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

And what is the surpassing greatness of his power to us, those believing according to the supernatural working of the might of his strength,

Which he supernaturally worked in Christ, raising him out of the dead, and he seated him in his right hand in the heavenlies,

Far above all head rule, and authority, and power, and lordship, and every name being named, absolutely not only in this age, but also in the one about to be,...

International Standard V        Then, with the eyes of your hearts enlightened, you will know the confidence [Or hope] that is produced by God [Lit. him] having called you, [The Gk. lacks you] the rich glory that is his inheritance among the saints, and the unlimited greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the working of his mighty strength, which he brought about in the Messiah [Or Christ] when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realm. He is far above every ruler, authority, power, dominion, and every name that can be named, not only in the present age, but also in the one to come.

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     I am praying that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father most glorious, may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation, through an intimate knowledge of himself; and that the eyes of your heart may be flooded with light so that you may understand what is the hope of his calling, what the wealth of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what the surpassing greatness of his might in us who believe, as seen in the energy of that resistless might which he exercised in raising Christ from the dead, and in seating him at his right hand in the heavenly heights, far above all hierarchies and authorities and powers and dominions and every name that is named, not only in this age but in that which is to come. V. 17 is included for context.

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      ...enlightening the eyes of your heart, that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the glorious wealth of his inheritance in the holy, and what the surpassing greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the inworking of his vast might, which he put forth in Christ when he raised him from the dead and made him sit at his own right hand in the heavenly heights, far above every archangel and authority and power and lordship and every name that is named not only in this world but also in the world to come.

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      ...the eyes of your minds being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of his call, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what the exceeding greatness of his power towards us who believe, according to the operation of his mighty power, which he performed in Christ, when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly [worlds], above every principality and authority and power and lordship, and every name that is named, not only in this life but also in that to come,.

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    . incomparable

Urim-Thummim Version         ...The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, That HE operated in Christ, when HE resurrected him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the cosmos, far above all beginning, power, might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in what is to come:...

Weymouth New Testament    ...the eyes of your understanding being enlightened so that you may know what is the hope which His call to you inspires, what the wealth of the glory of His inheritance in God's people, and what the transcendent greatness of His power in us believers as seen in the working of His infinite might when He displayed it in Christ by raising Him from the dead and seating Him at His own right hand in the heavenly realms, high above all other government and authority and power and dominion, and every title of sovereignty used either in this Age or in the Age to come.

Wikipedia Bible Project          The eyes of your heart have been opened so that you know what the hope is to which you are being called; the glorious riches for His heirs among the saints and the surpassing majesty of his power to all of us who believe, in accord with his mighty strength. This power He used to raise the Christ from the dead and seat him at His right hand in heaven. He is above every ruler, authority, power, and named name in this age and the age to come.

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)           May he enlighten your inner vision, that you may appreciate the things we hope for, since we were called by God.

May you know how great is the inheritance, the glory, God sets apart for his saints;

may you understand with what extraordinary power he acts in favor of us who believe.

He revealed his almighty power in Christ when he raised him from the dead and had him sit at his right hand in heaven, far above all rule, power, authority, dominion, or any other supernatural force that could be named, not only in this world but in the world to come as well. Col 2:12; 3:1; 1P 3:22 Phi 2:9

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the qodeshiym, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Mashiach, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: ...

Hebraic Roots Bible               . cherubs

Holy New Covenant Trans.    I pray that the eyes of your heart will receive light. Then you will know the meaning of the hope of God's invitation. You will know the riches of His glorious inheritance among the saints. You will know God's great power which is available to us who believe. It is like the exercising of His mighty strength when He raised Christ from death and put him at His own right side in theheavenly world. There Christ is far above any ruler, authority, power, lord or title which can be given, not only in this world but also in the next world.

The Scriptures 2009              ...the eyes of your understandingb being enlightened, so that you know what is the expectation of His calling, and what are the riches of the esteem of His inheritance in the set-apart ones, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who are believing, according to the working of His mighty strength, which He wrought in the Messiah when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenlies, far above all rule and authority and power and mastery, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

Tree of Life Version                I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what is the richness of His glorious inheritance in the kedoshim, and what is His exceedingly great power toward us who keep trusting Him—in keeping with the working of His mighty strength. This power He exercised in Messiah when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in heaven. He is far above any ruler, authority, power, leader, and every name that is named—not only in the olam ha-zeh but also in the olam ha-ba.

b Luke 24:45.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...having been illuminated the eyes [of] the heart [of] you* to the+ to have seen you* Someone is The Hope [of] the calling [of] him Someone {is} The Wealth [of] the recognition [of] the inheritance [of] him in the [men] pure and Something {is} The Surpassing Greatness [of] the power [of] him to us the [men] believing in the work [of] the power [of] the strength [of] him whom [He] works in the christ Raising him from [men] dead and [He] Sitting (Down) {is} in [one] right [of] him in the [things] heavenly above every ruler and authority and power and authority and every name being named not only in the age this but and in the [one] intending...

Alpha & Omega Bible            .

Awful Scroll Bible                   ...the eyes of you all's thorough-knowledge having been enlightened, for yous to have perceived, what is the expectation of His Invitation, and what are the riches of the Splendor of His lawful-allotment, from-among the awful ones, even what is the throwing-beyond greatness of His Power, to us that are confiding, according to the undertakings-from-among of His prevailing Might, which He undertakes-from-among by-within the Anointed One, raising Him up out of the dead, and sits- Him -down by-within His right hand, from-within that upon-the-Expanse, up-beyond all principalities and existences-by, and powers and dominions and every name being named, not only from-within this age, however, also from-within that meaning to be.

Concordant Literal Version    ...the eyes of your heart having been enlightened, for you to perceive what is the expectation of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of the enjoyment of His allotment among the saints, and what the transcendent greatness of His power for us who are believing, in accord with the operation of the might of His strength, which is operative in the Christ, rousing Him from among the dead and seating Him at His right hand among the celestials, up over every sovereignty and authority and power and lordship, and every name that is named, not only in this eon, but also in that which is impending:"...

exeGeses companion Bible   ...the eyes of your mind being enlightened;

to know the hope of his calling,

and the riches of the glory of his inheritance

in the holy,

and the exceeding magnitude of his dynamis

to us who trust,

according to the energizing of his mighty might,

which he energized in the Messiah

when he raised him from the dead

and sat him at his right in the heavenlies,

far above all hierarchies and authority

and dynamis and lordship

and every name that is named

- not only in this eon

but also in the coming:...

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           It is my tefillah that the eynayim of your levavot may be enlightened so that you may have da'as of what is the tikvah of His kri'ah (his summons from Shomayim), what is the osher (wealth) of the kavod of His nachalah (allotted inheritance) in the Kadoshim,

And what is the surpassing gedulat hagevurah (greatness of His power) to us who have emunah, according to the working of the ko'ach of His might [YESHAYAH 40:26]

Which He exerted in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach when He raised Him in the Techiyas HaMoshiach, having seated Him at His yad yamin (right hand) in Shomayim,

Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in the Olam Hazeh but also in Olam Habah.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   I pray that your minds will be enlightened so that you will know what the hope is, to which God has called you, and what the glorious abundance is, of God’s inheritance in the saints [Note: Paul wanted them to appreciate the value God placed on them], and what God’s tremendous power [working] in us believers is. [This power is] the same as that utilized by God’s mighty strength, which He exerted when raising Christ from the dead and seating Him at His right side in the heavenly realms [i.e., heaven itself]. [There He is exalted] high above all rulers and authorities and powers and dominion and every name [i.e., title of honor] that can be given, not only in this present age but [also] in the one to come.

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     And the eyes of your mentality [spiritual perception in the soul] being continually enlightened [by doctrine in the soul], so that you might continually know what is the expectation of His calling [fellowship with the Trinity], what are the riches [spiritual assets] of the glory of His [Jesus Christ’s] inheritance for the saints [joint-heirs with Christ],

And what is the surpassing greatness of His [the Father’s] omnipotent power toward us [believers with momentum] who continue to have confidence in accordance with His [the Holy Spirit’s] operational power [filling of the Spirit] by means of His [the Son’s] ruling [ultimate authority], inner power [Bible doctrine in the soul - the execution of God’s plan],

Which [inner power] He [the Father] put into operation [through the filling of the Spirit] in the sphere of Christ, before He raised Him from the dead [resurrection] and seated Him at His [the Father’s] right hand [highest place of authority] in heavenly places [session],

Far above every demonic principality and governmental authority [officials] and military force and angelic dominion [rule] and every title which can be named [organization chart], not only in this age [Church Age dispensation], but also in the one which is to come [the millennium].

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             ...the eyes of your heart (= the insights and perceptions of the core of your being) having continued being enlightened (or: being progressively illuminated into a state of enlightenment) into the [situation for] you folks to have seen and thus perceive and know what is the expectation (or: expectant hope) of His calling (or: from HIS calling; belonging to His summons; from the invitation which is Him) and what [is] the wealth and riches from the glory (or: of the imagination and opinion; pertaining to the reputation) of and from the enjoyment of His lot-acquired inheritance within, in union with, and among the set-apart, sacred people.

And further, [I pray that you may know] what [is] the continually surpassing greatness (or: the constantly transcendent, repeatedly overshooting and thrown-beyond huge extent) of His ability and power [being given] unto, and into, us the people continuously believing, progressively trusting and constantly loyal in accord with (or: down from; corresponding to) the operation (or: energizing; internal working) of force (or: might) of His strength,

which is operative (or: which He exerted and inwardly worked) within the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), awakening and raising Him forth from out of the midst of dead folks and then seating Him within (or: = at) His right [hand] (or: in union with the place of honor, strength and receiving which is Him), within the things (or: among the folks, places or realms) situated upon the heavens (or: in the super-heavenlies; within the full, perfected heavenlies; in union with the celestials; among the folks [residing] upon the atmospheres),

up over (or: back above) every primacy (or: ruler; principality; government; controlling effect; or: beginning; origin) and authority (or: right and privilege from out of being) and power (or: ability) and lordship (or: ownership), as well as every name being continually named not only within this age, but also within the impending one (the one being presently about to come)...

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         ...(the eyes of your hearts having been enlightened), so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance among the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his mighty strength which he has worked [Some manuscripts have “he worked”] in Christ, raising [*These participles are either means (“by raising … and seating”) or temporal (“when he raised … and seated”)] him from the dead and seating him [*Here the direct object is supplied from context in the English translation] at his right hand in the heavenly places , above all rule and authority and power and lordship and every name named, not only in this age but also in the coming one,...

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. The eyes of your heartk having been enlightenedʹˎ

That ye may know—

    What is the hope of his calling,

    What the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,l

And what the surpassingʹ greatness of his power unto us who believe,—

According to the energy of the grasp of his mighta which he energised in the Christˎ

When he raised him from among the dead,b And seated him at his right handc in the heavenliesˎ Over-above all principalityˎ authorityˎ and powerˎ and lordship, and everyʹ name that is namedˎ not only in this ageˎ but also in the coming one,...

l Deu. xxxiii. 26–29.

a Or: “the e. of his mighty grasp.”

b Chap. ii. 6.

c Ps. cx. 1.

The Spoken English NT         I keep praying that the eyes of your hearts will be filled with light, until you know these things: what hope there is in God’s calling, what wealth of glory there is in the inheritance that God has given youu among the holy ones, and what unbelievably great power God hasv for us who believe. It’s the same power and strength that God used in Christ,w when God raised him from among the dead and sat him down at God’s right side in heaven. And that means above every ruler, authority, power and dominating force. Christ is above every title you can name,x not just in this age, but in the coming age too:...

u.Lit. “in his inheritance“.

v.Lit. “what is the surpassing greatness of his power”.

w.Lit. “…believe, according to the working of the might of his strength, which he worked in Christ”

x.Lit. “…force, and above every name that is named”.

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     ...the eyes of your heart having been enlightened, that you may know 1)what is the hope of His[F] calling, and 2)what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,15 and 3)what the exceeding greatness of His power into16 us who are believing, according to the demonstration of the extent of His might which He exercised in the Christ when He raised Him[S] from among the dead and seated Him at His[F] right, in the heavenly realms, far above every ruler and authority and power and dominion17—even every name that can be named, not only in this age but also in the next..

(15) We normally concentrate on ‘our’ inheritance, what we are going to get. More important is God’s inheritance, what He is going to get.

(16) ‘into us’—that’s what the Text says. Note that ‘believing’ is in the present tense. Please see the note at 3:20.

(17) It is generally understood that the reference is to the angelic hierarchy. The two thirds that remained faithful to God were never a problem, so presumably the special point is that Christ defeated Satan, with his one third, and is now (as the God/man, the second Adam) seated ‘far above’ that enemy. Please see the note at 2:6.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  . comprehend

Analytical-Literal Translation  ...the eyes of yourp heart having been enlightened, for youp to know what is the hope [or, confident expectation] of His calling and what [are] the riches [or, abundance] of the glory [or, splendor] of His inheritance in the holy ones and what [is] the surpassing greatness of His power to us, the ones believing, according to the supernatural working of the might of His strength, which He supernaturally worked in Christ, having raised Him from the dead and set [Him] at His right hand in the heavenlies [or, heavenly [realms]], far above all rule and authority and power and lordship [or, dominion] and every name having been named, not only in this age, but also in the one coming.

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           ...since the eyes of your heart have been enlightened, that you may know what is the expectation of His invitation, what is the glorious wealth of His inheritance for the saints, and what [is] His surpassingly great power to us who have believed because of the working of His mighty ruling power, which He made operational in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in heaven far beyond every ruler and authority, both angelic power and angelic lord; that is, every title that can be named, not only in this age but also in the one destined to come.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             ...that He would enlighten the eyes of your understanding, that you may see what the hope of this invitation of his is; and what the riches of the glory of this inheritance of his, in the saints; and what the exceeding greatness of this power of his for us who believe, corresponding to the energy of the strength of that power of his which he exerted in the Christ: Having raised Him from the dead, he set him at his right hand, in the heavenly kingdom, far above all principality and power, and might, and dominion, and every name which is named, not only in this age but in that to come;...

Context Group Version          ...having the eyes of your (pl) heart enlightened, that you (pl) may know what is the abiding confidence of his calling, what are the riches of the public honor of his inheritance in the special ones, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who trust, according to that working of the strength of his might which he worked in the Anointed, when he raised him from the dead, and made him to sit at his right hand in the celestial [places], far above all rule, and authority, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in that which is about to come:...

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       .

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  ...the eyes of your° heart having been enlightened, *that* you° may know what is the hope of his calling and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance among the holy-ones, and what is the surpassing greatness of his power toward us who believe, according-to the working of the dominion of his strength, which he worked in the Christ, having raised him up from the dead and seated him by his right hand in the heavenly places, up above all rule and authority and power and lordship and every name that is being named, not only in this age, but also in the future age.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  ...that the eyes of your right lobe may be enlightened, in order that you all may have a permanent knowledge, knowing what is the hope of His calling [maximum blessing], and what is the riches from the source of the glory, the inheritance of His saints.

And what is the surpassing magnitude of his omnipotence upon us [the fact that in eternity past for each one of us He designed a supergrace paragraph that has the most phenomenal blessings] the believing ones, according to the norm of the operational power [the Holy Spirit] of the ruling power [doctrine in the Bible], of his inner power [doctrine resident in the soul].

Which [power (of the Holy Spirit)] had been operational in Christ, having raised Him up from the dead, and having seated Him at His Own right hand in the heavenlies.

Over above all principality, and authority, and power, and lordship, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one about to come.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         That the eyes of your Right Lobe may be or having become enlightened ( Metabolized Bible Doctrine + use of Reciprocity) so or for the purpose that you may know or have permanent knowledge what is the absolute confidence of his election or calling of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, and what are the riches from the source of the Glory of his inheritance in the sphere of the Saints.

And what is the surpassing magnitude or greatness in quality of his inherent power or omnipotence toward or upon us who have believed ( Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through Faith alone in JC alone) for the working or according to the norm of the operational power (God the Holy Spirit) of His superior or inner power ( Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul )

which power he put into operation (from eternity past) by means of Christ when he raised him out from the dead, and having seated or enthroned him at his (God the Father) own right hand in heavenly places.

'Over above'/superior to principalities {all 'super angels' -the leaders} and 'powers'/'authorities' {commissioned officers of the angels} and 'mighty'/'gifted' {angels with fantastic abilities} and 'authoritative' {ruling angels - fallen angels who can control world rulers} and 'every named' {angel with a reputation}/'rank and file fallen angels' not only in this age {Church Age} but also in the one that is about to come {Millennium}.

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           He may give the eyes of your heart to be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what is the abundance of the glory of His inheritance among the saints, and what is the surpassing magnitude of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of the might of His strength which He exercised in Christ, by raising Him from the dead and seating Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only during this age but also during the one to come.

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 1:18a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

phôtizô (φωτίζω) [pronounced foh-TID-zoh]

giving light, shining; being enlighten (spiritually), lighting up, illuminating, shedding light on; bringing light to, making evident [to someone], revealing; bringing something to light

masculine plural, perfect passive participle, accusative case

Strong’s #5461

tous (τοὺς) [pronounced tooç]


the; these, to those; towards them

masculine plural definite article; accusative case; also used as a demonstrative pronoun

Strong’s #3588

ophthalmoi (ὀφθαλμοί) [pronounced opf-thahl-MOI]

eyes; gaze; perception, knowledge, understanding

masculine plural noun; accusative case

Strong’s #3788

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

kardia (καρδία) [pronounced kahr-DEE-uh]

heart, mind, soul; will, character; center [or middle, or essence] [of something]

feminine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2588

humôn (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MONE]

of yours, from you [all]; concerning you; you [all], yourselves

2nd person plural personal pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5216 genitive case of #5210; a form of #4771

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the; this, that; to the, towards the

neuter singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

eidô (εἴδω) [pronounced Ī-doh]; also oida (ὀίδα) [pronounced OY-da]

to see, to perceive, to ascertain; to inspect, to examine; to observe; to discern, to know, to understand

perfect active infinitive

Strong’s #1492

humas (ὑμάς) [pronounced hoo-MOSS]

you [all], all of you; to you, towards you [all]

2nd person plural personal pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #5209, (from Strong’s #5210; a form of Strong’s #4771)

tís (τίς) [pronounced tihç]

who, what [one], which, how; whether, why

feminine singular, interrogative pronoun; nominative case

Strong’s #5101

esti (ἐστί) [pronounced ehs-TEE] or

estin (ἐστίν) [pronounced ehs-TIN]

is, are, to be, keeps on being, continues having

3rd person singular, present indicative

Strong’s #2076 (3rd person present form of #1510)

hê (ἡ) [pronounced hey]

the; this, that; these; who, which

feminine singular definite article; nominative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

elpís (ἐλπις) [pronounced el-PIS]

hope; confidence, a confident expectation; desire of some good with expectation of obtaining it

feminine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #1680

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

klêsis (κλσις) [pronounced KLAY-sis]

a call, calling, invitation; to a feast; of the divine invitation to embrace salvation of God

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2821

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: [Therefore,] the eyes of your heart are enlightened for you (all) to see what keeps on being the hope of His calling,...

I have divided the sentences up right here, although this phrase simply carries over from v. 17.

Paul is writing to the Ephesians (and to others), indicating that they are able to see and understand by means of the doctrine in their right lobes (hearts), and we are able to understand that which keeps on being the hope or confidence of His calling. We are called by God, at the moment of salvation, which is the revealing of the gospel message to us. Then, as we grow spiritually, by taking in the Word of God, we begin to understand the confidence that we can have in this calling and in its logical results.

Ephesians 1:18b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

tís (τίς) [pronounced tihç]

who, what [one], which, how; whether, why

masculine singular interrogative pronoun; nominative case

Strong’s #5101

ho (ὁ) [pronounced ho]

the; this, that; who, which

definite article for a masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #3588

ploutos (πλοτος) [pronounced PLOO-toss]

wealth, riches, money, possessions, or (figuratively) abundance, richness, (specifically) valuable bestowment, a good [that one is enriched by or blessed with]

masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #4149

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

doxa (δόξα) [pronounced DOHX-ah]

glory, dignity, glorious, honour, praise, worship

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1391

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

klēronomía (κληρονομία) [pronounced klay-rohn-ohm-EE-ah]

an inheritance, property received (or to be received) by inheritance; what is given to one as a possession; heirship

feminine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2817

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tois (τος) [pronounced toiç]

(to, in by) the; these [things]; in these; to those; by all of this; for these

masculine plural definite article; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

hagios (ἅγιος) [pronounced HA-gee-oss]

holy (ones), set apart (ones); angels, saints

masculine plural adjective; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #40

Translation: ...Who [is] the wealth of the glory of His inheritance along with the saints,...

We understand Who is the wealth of the glory of His inheritance—Who is Jesus Christ—and we recognize this along side the others who have also believed in Jesus Christ.

There is great wealth which is a part of our inheritance, and we recognize and understand this through Bible doctrine, developing such understanding along side other believers who share the same hope or confidence.

Ephesians 1:18 [Therefore,] the eyes of your heart are enlightened for you (all) to see what keeps on being the hope of His calling, Who [is] the wealth of the glory of His inheritance along with the saints,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:19a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

ti (τί) [pronounced tee]

who, what [one], which, how; whether, why

neuter singular interrogative pronoun; nominative case

Strong’s #5101

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the, this, that; who, which

neuter singular definite article; nominative case

Strong’s #3588

huperbállō (ὑπερβάλλω) [pronounced hoop-er-BAHL-lo]

surpassing, the one surpassing in throwing, being throw over or beyond any thing; transcending, exceeding, excelling

neuter singular, present active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #5235

mégethos (μέγεθος) [pronounced MEG-eth-oss]

greatness, magnitude; vastness

neuter singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #3174 hapax legomenon

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

dúnamis (δύναμις) [pronounced DOO-nahm-iss]

power, ability, able, capable; inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth; mighty deed, miracle; meaning or significance [of voice, language]

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1411

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

hêmas (ἡμς) [pronounced hay-MASS]

us, to us

1st person plural pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #2248 (accusative plural of Strong’s #1473)

Translation: ...and what [is] the surpassing greatness of His power toward us,...

We also begin to understand what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us. That is, even though we are saved, we continue to live in these weak and frail bodies, bodies of sin. Yet, there is a surpassing greatness of His power that is directed toward us and is found within us (by the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit).

Ephesians 1:19b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

tous (τοὺς) [pronounced tooç]


the; these, to those; towards them

masculine plural definite article; accusative case; also used as a demonstrative pronoun

Strong’s #3588

pisteúô (πιστεύω) [pronounced pis-TOO-oh]

[the one] believing; thinking [something] to be true, being persuaded of, placing confidence in; putting trust in; committing to

masculine plural, present active participle; accusative case

Strong’s #4100

Translation: ...the ones having believed,...

This is potentially true for all those who have believed in Jesus Christ. Obviously, not every believer develops such understanding. Such understanding is potential in the Christian life, depending upon our volition.

Ephesians 1:19c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

katá (κατά) [pronounced kaw-TAW]

according to, after, according to a norm or standard; throughout, over, in, at; to, toward, up to; before, for, by, along

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #2596

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

enérgeia (ἐνέργεια) [pronounced en-ERG-i-ah]

working; efficiency, energy, operation; always superhuman power in the New Testament

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #1753

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

kratos (κράτος) [pronounced KRAHT-oss]

force, strength; power, might: mighty with great power; a mighty deed, a work of power; dominion

neuter singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2904

tês (τς) [pronounced tayc]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

ischus (ἰσχύς) [pronounced ihs-KHOOÇ]

ability, force, strength, might

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2479

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...according to the working of the force of His might,...

God’s interaction with us is according to the force of His might, which is much greater than we could even imagine.

In this world and in this universe, it is difficult to perceive God’s incredible greatness and His power. We are made up of things so small as to be unimaginable.

Let’s consider the metal copper. 63.5 grams of copper can be represented by approximately 20 pennies (I am considering pennies made of copper (1865–1982). If you have that many pennies, you have what is called a mole of copper, which is 6.02 x 1023 number of molecules in those 20 pennies. Each penny, therefore, would have 3.01 x 1022 molecules of copper. Or 30,100,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules of copper in that single penny. It is difficult to even imagine anything that small. Similarly, the universe is unimaginably large; and, similarly, the power needed to hold all things together in this universe is even greater than we can imagine. We know that splitting up atoms—particularly hydrogen atoms, releases an amazing amount of energy (and destruction).

One quintillion is a very large number. It is a 1 followed by 18 zeroes. There are 1.7 quintillion water molecules in a drop of water. Earth has about 326 quintillion gallons of water. The size of the universe is about 68 quintillion times that of Earth. An over-the-counter container of Narcan contains molecules in the quintillions. There are about 7.5 quintillion grains of sand on Earth's beaches and deserts. The number of copper molecules in a copper penny is 30,100 times as much as a quintillion.

God’s might is way far beyond our imagination, and yet our relationship with Him is related to the force of His might.

Ephesians 1:19 ...and what [is] the surpassing greatness of His power toward us, the ones having believed, according to the working of the force of His might,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:20a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hên (ἥν) [pronounced hayn]

whom, which, what, that; to whom, to that, whose, whomever

feminine singular relative pronoun; accusative case (occasionally a demonstrative pronoun)

Strong’s #3739

energéō (ἐνεργέω) [pronounced en-erg-EH-oh]

to work, to produce, to be effective; to be operative, to be at work, to put forth power; to work for one, to aid one; to display one’s activity, to show one’s self operative

3rd person singular, perfect active indicative

Strong’s #1754

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

masculine singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5547

egeirô (ἐγείρω) [pronounced ehg-Ī-row]

being awaken (transitively or intransitively), waking [rousing] [up] (literally from sleep, from sitting or lying, from disease, from death; or figuratively from obscurity, inactivity, ruins, nonexistence): lifting (up), raising (again, up), rearing up, arising (again, up), standing, taking up

masculine singular, aorist active participle, nominative case

Strong’s #1453

auton (αὐτόv) [pronounced ow-TAHN]

him, to him, towards him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun, accusative case

Strong’s #846

ek (ἐκ) [pronounced ehk]

out of, out from, from, by, at, of


Strong’s #1537

nekroi (νεκρόι) [pronounced nehk-ROY]

deaths, dead ones (actually or spiritually), deceased ones; corpses

masculine plural adjective; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3498

There is both the dead ones and deaths (no definite article).

Translation: ...which He has worked in the Christ, raising Him up from death...

It is this great power which was used to raise Jesus up from the dead. Man has no idea how to energize or make alive something which has died. There is this boundary between life and death which is baffling to man and to science. Yet, somehow, God was able to take the body of Jesus—a body which truly died and was laying in a tomb for three days, and God made Him alive.

Ephesians 1:20b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

kathizô (καθίζω) [pronounced kath-EED-zoh]

sitting [down, down with] and the implication can be abiding, continuing with, remaining, staying; further: causing to sit as a judge; appointing a judge

masculine singular, aorist active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #2523

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

dexios (δεξιός) [pronounced dex-ee-OSS]

the right, the right hand [side]; metaphorically, a place of honour or authority

masculine plural adjective; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #1188

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tois (τοίς) [pronounced toyce]

(to, in by) the; these [things]; in these; to those; by all of this

neuter plural definite article; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

epouranios (ἐπουράνιος) [pronounced ep-oo-RAN-ee-oss]

heavenly; celestial; existing in heaven, the heavenly realm, the heavenly regions (places); heaven itself, of the stars; the heavens, of the clouds

neuter plural adjective; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2032

Translation: ...and [then] placing [Him] on the right hand of Him in the heavenlies,...

God the Father took Jesus, in His resurrection body, and placed him at His right hand in the heavenlies.

This describes, with words that cannot be imagined in our thinking. Where are the heavenlies and what exactly is meant by the right hand of God, Who has no hand?

Ephesians 1:20 ...which He has worked in the Christ, raising Him up from death and [then] placing [Him] on the right hand of Him in the heavenlies,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:21a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

huperanô (ὑπεράνω) [pronounced hoop-er-AN-oh]

over, above a thing; of a place; of rank or power


Strong’s #5231

pasês (πάσης) [pronounced PAH-sace]

each, every; of any; from all; an entire; of anyone, from some

feminine singular adjective, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3956

archê (ἀρΧή) [pronounced ar-KHAY]

beginning; elementary, basic; origin, first cause; ruler, authority; rule, domain, sphere of influence

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #746

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

exousia (ἐξουσία) [pronounced ex-oo-SEE-ah]

(office of) authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength; privilege, that is, (subjectively) force, capacity, competency, freedom, or (objectively) mastery (concretely magistrate, superhuman, potentate, token of control), delegated influence

feminine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1849

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

dúnamis (δύναμις) [pronounced DOO-nahm-iss]

power, ability, able, capable; inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth; mighty deed, miracle; meaning or significance [of voice, language]

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1411

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

kuriótēs (κυριότης) [pronounced koo-ree-OHT-ace]

dominion, power, government, mastery, lordship; in the NT: the one who possesses dominion, ruler

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2963

Translation: ...over every beginning authority and power and ability and lordship...

From this exalted position, Jesus has authority over every original authority, every power, every ability and every lordship that has ever existed.

Ephesians 1:21b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

pantos (παντός) [pronounced pan-TOSS]

each, every; of any; from all; an entire; of anyone, from some

neuter singular adjective, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3956

onoma (ὄνομα, ατος, τό) [pronounced OHN-oh-mah]

name, title, character, reputation; person

neuter singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3686

onomazô (ὀνομάζω) [pronounced on-om-AD-zoh]

naming, being named, designating, the one assigning a name; by extension uttering, mentioning, those professing, the ones calling

neuter singular, present passive participle, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3687

Translation: ...and [over] every name having been named,...

Jesus is over every name that has been named. He is the true celebrity of the universe. No one else is anywhere close to Him in this way.

When one of the Beatles said that they were as well-known as Jesus Christ, they were speaking of a very particular age group in a very specific countries, during a very particular point in time. Even then, the Beatles were not more well-known that Jesus Christ or even revered as much. When many Americans heard this statement, they showed their preference for Jesus Christ by burning the records of the Beatles in mass demonstrations. Even though that remark of John Lennon was probably a lot more innocent than it was portrayed, even suggesting such a thing brought on a tremendous negative response. Making such a comparison was ill-thought out, mostly because Lennon did not understand Who Jesus is.

Ephesians 1:21c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ou (οὐ) [pronounced oo]

no, not, nothing, none, no one


Strong’s #3756

monon (μόνον) [pronounced MOHN-on]

alone, but, only; merely


Strong’s #3440

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

masculine singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

aiôn (αἰών) [pronounced ī-OHN]

a lifetime, a generation; forever, an unbroken age, (a long) period (perpetuity) of time, eternal, eternity; the world, a universe

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #165

toutô (τούτῳ) [pronounced TWO-toh]

this, this one, this thing; to this, in this one, by this thing

intermediate demonstrative pronoun; masculine singular; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong's #3778 (also #5129)

allá (ἀλλά) [pronounced ahl-LAH]

but, but rather, but on the contrary, instead, nay (rather); yea, yes, in fact, moreover; nevertheless

adversative particle

Strong’s #235

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

masculine singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

mellô (μέλλω) [pronounced MEHL-low]

being about to, doing, intending [to do something], coming, suffering something (of persons or things, especially events; in the sense of purpose, duty, necessity, probability, possibility, or hesitation), willing, would

masculine singular, present active participle; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3195

Translation: ...not only in this age, but in the [age] to come. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

All of this is true, not only for this age but for the age to come. We are in the Church Age; we have seven years remaining in the Age of Israel; and then will begin the Millennial Age. The celebrityship of Jesus Christ continues not just in this age but in every age to come.

This is quite a prophetic statement for Paul to make. From a.d. 30 and forward, it is estimated that a third of mankind have heard of Jesus, which is quite an amazing saturation. Who is as well-known as Jesus? No one. Jesus is simply the most well-known Person in human history.

Ephesians 1:21 ...over every beginning authority and power and ability and lordship and [over] every name having been named, not only in this age, but in the [age] to come. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:18–21 [Therefore,] the eyes of your heart are enlightened for you (all) to see what keeps on being the hope of His calling, Who [is] the wealth of the glory of His inheritance along with the saints, and what [is] the surpassing greatness of His power toward us, the ones having believed, according to the working of the force of His might, which He has worked in the Christ, raising Him up from death and [then] placing [Him] on the right hand of Him in the heavenlies, over every beginning authority and power and ability and lordship and [over] every name having been named, not only in this age, but in the [age] to come. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:18–21 Therefore, your understanding eyes are opened sins of the tongue hat you may see what exactly keeps on being the hope of being called by God—God, Who is the wealth of the glory of His inheritance, which we understand with all the saints His surpassing greatness and His power—which power we have access to—we, who have believed in Him—and have been saved according to the force of His might, which God the Father has worked in God the Son (Jesus Christ), raising Him up from the dead and then placing Him on the right hand of God in the heavenlies, over every imaginable type of authority and power which has ever existed, not only in this age but in every age still to come. (Kukis paraphrase)


And all He subordinated to under the feet of Him and to Him He gave a head over all the ekklêsia, which keeps on being the body of Him, the fullness of the [Christ], the all in all keeps on being filled.



He subordinated all (things) under His feet and He gave to Him the headship over all the church, which keeps on being His body, the fullness of the [Christ], the One filling all (things) in all [ways].

God the Father subordinated all things under the feet of His Son, and He made Him head over all the body of believers (the church). The church is the body of Jesus Christ; it is the royal family for Jesus Christ. Jesus fills the believers with the Holy Spirit and with Bible doctrine.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    And all He subordinated to under the feet of Him and to Him He gave a head over all the ekklêsia, which keeps on being the body of Him, the fullness of the [Christ], the all in all keeps on being filled.

Complete Apostles Bible        And He subjected all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,

which is His body, the fullness of Him filling all things in all.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) And he hath subjected all things under his feet and hath made him head over all the church,

Which is his body and the fulness of him who is filled all in all.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              And he has put everything into subjection under his feet, and he has given him who is higher than all as The Head of the church,

Which is his body and the fullness of him who fills all in all.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             And he has put all things under his feet, and has made him to be head over all things to the church, 

Which is his body, the full measure of him in whom all things are made complete.

Bible in Worldwide English     The church [all the people who believe in Jesus Christ] is his body. The church people have everything that Christ has. He is the One who is in everything everywhere.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  God put everything under Christ's power and made him head over everything for the church. The church is Christ's body. It is filled with him. He makes everything complete in every way.

God’s Word                         God has put everything under the control of Christ. He has made Christ the head of everything for the good of the church. The church is Christ's body and completes him as he fills everything in every way.

Good News Bible (TEV)         God put all things under Christ's feet and gave him to the church as supreme Lord over all things. The church is Christ's body, the completion of him who himself completes all things everywhere.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       God has put all things under the power of Christ, and for the good of the church he has made him the head of everything.

The church is Christ's body and is filled with Christ who completely fills everything.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        And he alone is the leader and source of everything needed in the church. God has put everything beneath the authority of Jesus Christ and has given him the highest rank above all others.  And now we, his church, are his body on the earth and that which fills him who is being filled by it!

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  God has put everything under the rule of the Messiah, and has appointed the Messiah as the ruler over everything among all believers everywhere. We believers relate to the Messiah as the parts of a person's body relate to its head. He fills all believers, just as he fills everything everywhere.

Williams’ New Testament      And so He has put all things under His feet and made Him the supreme Head of the church, which is His body, that is being filled by Him who fills everything everywhere.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            And He placed all things under His feet. And He gave Him (the head over everything) to the assembly (something that is His body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all); even you, who were dead to your infractions and sins, in which in the past, you traipsed around in line with the span of time of this world, in line with the head of the authority of the air (the spirit that is now active in the sons of the unbelief), among whom we all also were messed up in the past, in the desires of our physical body, doing what the physical body and the mind wanted. And we were children of punishment by nature, even as the rest. Ephesians 2:1–3 are included for context.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           He has put everything under his feet and given him to be the head of everything in the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything of everything.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles ...He has put everything under his feet and given him to be the head of everything in the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything of everything... Campbell’s Living Oracles has a complete sentence going from Ephesians 1:15–2:3 (apparently several translations did this).

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament And God placed 'all things under Christ's feet,' and gave him to the Church as its supreme Head; For the Church is Christ's Body, and is filled by him who fills all things everywhere with his presence.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 God has made everything subject to the authority of Christ, and has given him the responsibility as head over everything for the church, which is his body, filled full and made complete by Christ, who fills and brings everything to completion.

The Heritage Bible                          And has arranged all things under his feet, and gave him who is head over all to the church,

Who is his body, the fullness of the one filling all in all.

International Standard V        God [Lit. He] has put everything under the Messiah’s [Lit. under his] feet and has made him the head of everything for the good of [The Gk. lacks the good of] the church, which is his body, the fullness of the one who fills everything in every way. [Or who fills all in all]

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     .

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      .

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      .

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    .

Urim-Thummim Version         And has put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the ekklesia, that is his body, the fullness of him that fills all in all.

Weymouth New Testament    God has put all things under His feet, and has appointed Him universal and supreme Head of the Church, which is His Body, the completeness of Him who everywhere fills the universe with Himself.

Wikipedia Bible Project          And everything He put under his feet and gave headship over all things pertaining to the church which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.

Worsley’s New Testament    . complete work

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  Thus has God put all things under the feet of Christ and set him above all things, as head of the Church which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.

Ps 8:6; 1Cor 15:24; Col 1:8

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           .

Hebraic Roots Bible               ...and "He put all things under His feet" and gave Him to be Head over all things to the Congregation, (Psa. 8:6) which is His body: the fullness of the One filling all things and everything;... Ephesians 1:15–2:3 is a single sentence in the HRB.

Holy New Covenant Trans.    God put everything under Christ's feet. God appointed him to be the Head over all things among the called out people. This is Christ's body. It is the totality of Christ; he completes everything everywhere.

The Scriptures 2009              And He put all under His feet, Psalm 8:6 and gave Him to be head over all, to the assembly, which is His body, the completeness of Him who fills all in all.

Tree of Life Version                God placed all things under Messiah’s feet and appointed Him as head over all things for His community— which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...and all [things] [He] subjects under the feet [of] him and him [He] gives head above all [things] [to] the congregation Who is The Body [of] him The Completion [of] the [man] the all [things] in all [men] filling...


WHICH IS HIS BODY, THE FULLNESS OF HIM WHO [he will] COMPLETE WHOLE.(JESUS will complete us & bring us to perfection & turn us into the Spiritual Sons of Theos that we were created to be. Then The Father & The Son of Theos will merge back into only one manifestation of Himself & we will not see two manifestations, but only one.)

Awful Scroll Bible                   And He arranges- everything -under His feet, and commissions Him Head over everything of they called-out, which-certain is His body, the fullness of Himself fulfilling everything from-within everyone.

Concordant Literal Version    ...and subjects all under His feet, and gives Him, as Head over all, to the ecclesia"

which is His body, the complement of the One completing the all in all."

exeGeses companion Bible   ...and subjugated all under his feet

and gave him head over all to the ecclesia

- his body,

the fulness/shalom of him

who fills full/shalams all in all..

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           And Hashem subordinated all things under the feet of Moshiach and gave Him as Rosh over all things to the Brit Chadasha Kehillah,

Which is the Guf HaMoshiach (body of Messiah,) [DEVARIM 21:23; Ro 6:3-13; BERESHIS 47:18; TEHILLIM 16:9-10; IYOV 19:25-27; YESHAYAH 53:11] the melo (plentitude) of Him, who fills all in all.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   And God placed everything in subjection under His [i.e., Christ’s] feet, and appointed Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His [spiritual] body. The church is completely filled by Christ [or, “Christ is completely filled by God”], who completely fills everything in every way.

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     Furthermore, He [the Father] subordinated all categories [of elect and fallen angels] under His [Jesus Christ’s] feet [strategic victory at the resurrection], and appointed Him [glorified Christ] Head over everything pertaining to the church,

Which [church] is His body [by means of the baptism of the Holy Spirit], the fullness of Him [Jesus Christ as our escrow officer] Who continues to fill to the point of overflowing [convey escrow blessings] each member [those believers who fulfill the qualifications in verse 19] with the all things [rewards and decorations].

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             ...and then placed and aligned all people in humbleness under His feet (or: and arranges everyone in a supportive position by His feet; or: then by the feet which are Him He subjects all things), and yet gives (or: gave) Him, [as] a Head (or: Source; origin and beginning of a series; or: extreme and top part) over all humanity and all things, for the called-out community (or: and as a Head over all humanity, gave Him to the summoned and gathered assembly; or: and then by the called-forth congregation He gives Him [to be the] Source over [the situation] of, and for, all humanity),

Which [community] is His body, the result of the filling from, and which is, the One Who is constantly filling all things within all humanity (or: which continues existing being His body: the resultant fullness, entire content and full measure of Him [Who is] progressively making full and completing all things in union with all things, as well as constantly filling the whole, in all people).

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         ...and he subjected all things under his feet [An allusion to Ps 8:6] and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way. Vv. 15–23 is a single sentence in the Lexham Bible.

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. And did put ||all things|| in subjection beneath his feet.d And gave him to be head over all things unto the assembly,e Whichˎ indeedˎ is his body

    The fulness of him who |the all things in all| is for himself filling up.

d Ps. viii. 6; cp. 1 Co. xv. 27; He. ii. 8.

e Ap: “Assembly.”

The Spoken English NT         God has put everything under his feet,y
and has made him the head over the whole community.

The community is Christ’s body, his fulfillment, as he fills every part of everyone.z

y.Psalm 8:6.

z.More literally, “his body, the fulfillment of him who fulfills everything in everyone”.

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     In short, He[F] placed everything under His[S] feet and appointed Him to be Head over everything in the Church,18 which is His body, the complement19 of Him who fills everything in every way.

(18) Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Church recognized that Headship in practice! Where ekklesia refers to the whole body of Christ, as here, I render ‘Church’; where it refers to a local assembly I render ‘congregation’.

(19) Just as a wife complements her husband (when things are like they are supposed to be), God’s purpose is that the Bride complement the Groom.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  And He put all things in subjection under His feet and gave Him [to be] head over all [things pertaining] to the Assembly [or, Church, and throughout epistle], which is His body, the fullness of the One filling all in all.

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           Furthermore He has subordinated all things under His feet; and He has appointed Him ruler over all things with reference to the Church, which indeed is His body, the fullness of Him who is bringing to completion all things with reference to everyone.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             ...and put all things under his feet, and constituted him head over all for the congregation, which is his body; the fulness of him who filleth all in all. Vv. 15–23 is a single sentence in Charles Thomson NT.

Context Group Version          ...and he put all things in subjection under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the governing assembly, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. Vv. 15–23 is a single sentence in the CGV.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       .

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  And he subjected all things under his feet and gave him to be head above all things to the congregation* of believers, which is his body, the fullness of the one who fills all in all.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  And He subordinated all demons under His feet, and He has given Him [Christ] absolute sovereignty above all [believers of the Church Age] with reference to the Church, which is such a [royal] quality as to be his body, the fullness of the one being filled with reference to all [the royal priesthood of the Church Age].

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         And {God the Father} has subordinated all {angels in context} under His {Jesus} feet/footstool and gave/appointed Him {Jesus} to be the Absolute Sovereignty over and above all with reference to the church.

Which {church} is of such a quality to be His {Jesus} body, the fullness/fulfillment {pleroma} of the One {Jesus} being filled/fulfilled with reference to all {believers} by means of all {SuperGrace Blessings}.

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, filled by Him who fills all in all.

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 1:22a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

panta (πάντα) [pronounced PAHN-ta]

all, everyone, anyone, all things; anything

neuter plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #3956

hupotassô (ὑποτάσσω) [pronounced hoop-ot-AS-so]

to [be] subordinate (to); reflexively to obey, to be under obedience (obedient), to put under, to subdue unto, to (be, make) subject (to, unto), to be (put) in subjection (to, under), to submit self unto

3rd person singular, aorist active indicative

Strong’s #5293

hupó (ὑπό) [pronounced hoop-OH]

under, underneath, beneath, through

preposition with the accusative

Strong’s #5259

tous (τοὺς) [pronounced tooç]


the; these, to those; towards them

masculine plural definite article; accusative case; also used as a demonstrative pronoun

Strong’s #3588

podes (πόδες) [pronounced POH-dehs]

feet [of men or beast]

masculine plural noun; accusative case

Strong’s #4228

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: He subordinated all (things) under His feet...

God the Father subordinated all things under the feet of God the Son, Jesus Christ.

The is prophesied in the Psalms: Yet you have made Him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned Him with glory and honor. You have given Him dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under His feet,... (Psalm 8:5–6; ESV; capitalized)

Ephesians 1:22b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

auton (αὐτόv) [pronounced ow-TAHN]

him, to him, towards him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun, accusative case

Strong’s #846

didômi (δίδωμι) [pronounced dihd-OH-mee]

to give, to grant; to supply, to furnish; to entrust; to pay wages; to appoint to office; to permit; to give up, to yield; to give back; to sacrifice

3rd person singular, aorist active indicative

Strong’s #1325

kephalê (κεφαλή) [pronounced kehf-ahl-AY]

head [literal or figurative use]; headship, leadership, authority

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #2776

hupér (ὑπέρ) [pronounced hoop-AIR]

superior to, more, more than, greater than; beyond, over

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #5228

panta (πάντα) [pronounced PAHN-ta]

all, everyone, anyone, all things; anything

neuter plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #3956

tê (τ) [pronounced tay]

to the, for the; in the; by the, by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of; who

feminine singular definite article; dative, locative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #3588

ekklêsía (ἐκκλησία) [pronounced ek-klay-SEE-ah]

church, assembly, gathering, company; transliterated, ekklêsia

feminine singular noun, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #1577

Translation: ...and He gave to Him the headship over all the church,...

Jesus was made head over all the church. This makes sense from a pure logical approach. If the church is the body of Christ, then Christ is the head of the body.

I don’t know if Paul had sorted out in his mind exactly what the church was. Nevertheless, when we find this word in Scripture, no matter where, it refers to the body of Christ (all believers) or to a local church.

Ephesians 1:23a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hêtis (ἥτις) [pronounced HEYT-iss]

which, whoever, whatever, who, everyone who, such a one who

feminine singular, relative pronoun; nominative case

Strong’s #3748

esti (ἐστί) [pronounced ehs-TEE] or

estin (ἐστίν) [pronounced ehs-TIN]

is, are, to be, keeps on being, continues having

3rd person singular, present indicative

Strong’s #2076 (3rd person present form of #1510)

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the, this, that; who, which

neuter singular definite article; nominative case

Strong’s #3588

sōma (σμα) [pronounced SOH-mah]

body, both of man and animals, living or dead; of the planets and other heavenly bodies; group of men, family

neuter singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #4983

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...which keeps on being His body,...

The church or the ekklêsia keeps on being the body of Jesus Christ. Therefore, He is the head of the body.

Ephesians 1:23b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the, this, that; who, which

neuter singular definite article; nominative case

Strong’s #3588

plêrôma (πλήρωμα) [pronounced PLAY-roh-mah]

fulness, repletion, completion, (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude); or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period)

neuter singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #4138

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the (things); this, that; those (things)

neuter plural definite article; nominative case

Strong’s #3588

panta (πάντα) [pronounced PAHN-ta]

all, everyone, anyone, all things; anything

neuter plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #3956

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, into, on, by means of, with; among

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

psin (πασιν) [pronounced PAH-sihn]

to all; in all (things); by means of all (things); everything

neuter plural adjective; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3956

plêroô (πληρόω) [pronounced play-ROH-oh]

being filled with, being fulfilled; being completed [finished, accomplished]

masculine singular, present middle participle; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4137

Translation: ...the fullness of the [Christ], the One filling all (things) in all [ways]. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Occasionally, a definite article acts like a pronoun. Here, where we have the fullness of the ___, this is equivalent to writing, we have the fullness of Him (referring to Jesus Christ).

Jesus Christ is fulfilled by the church. The church is called the bride and the body. The groom is not fulfilled apart from his bride; and the head is not complete without its body.

Jesus filling all things (or all people) in all ways means that, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to fill all believers; and He provided the Word of God for us to learn that we might understand our place on this earth.

Ephesians 1:22–23 He subordinated all (things) under His feet and He gave to Him the headship over all the church, which keeps on being His body, the fullness of the [Christ], the One filling all (things) in all [ways]. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 1:22–23 God the Father subordinated all things under the feet of His Son, and He made Him head over all the body of believers (the church). The church is the body of Jesus Christ; it is the royal family for Jesus Christ. Jesus fills the believers with the Holy Spirit and with Bible doctrine. (Kukis paraphrase)

Chapter Outline


Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Beginning of Document

Verse Navigation

Introduction and Text

First Verse

Chapter Summary




Exegetical Studies in Ephesians


A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary

When I study a chapter of the Bible, one of the questions which I nearly always have is, why is this chapter in the Word of God?

Why Ephesians 1 is in the Word of God




Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

When studying a chapter in the Bible, there are a number of topics which that study leads to.

What We Learn from Ephesians 1



Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Originally, I was going to remove this, as I have used it in the Old Testament to look forward. However, it is certainly reasonable to summarize how our Savior is portrayed in this chapter.

Jesus Christ in Ephesians 1



Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

A Brief Review of Ephesians 1



This footnote was referenced in Ephesians 1:3.

Footnote for Ephesians 1:3 (Christian Community Bible)

• 1.3 This first page of the letter to the Ephesians is the best comprehensive ex press on of the Christian mystery in the Bible. It also serves to balance Paul’s great presentation in his letter to the Romans, which could appear to cen ter God’s work in the tragedy of sinful humanity. The Letter to the Ephesians, like the Gospel of John, speaks of a re-creation of the world whereas the Letter to the Romans used more juridical terms: debt and reparation for sin.

Blessed be God! Usually Paul starts his letters with praise and thanks giving. Here, however, the prayer is unusually lengthy: Paul gives thanks and at the same time proclaims God’s mysterious plan, which he understood through a revelation (3:3).

His mysterious design (v. 9). Actually Paul says: this mystery; this term designated at the time a decision or a secret doctrine. Here Paul speaks of the plan of God the Creator: a plan rooted in the mystery of the three divine Persons.

We know that from God the Father proceed the Son and the Spirit, and from him they receive his very divinity, the three being only one God. Besides this com munication and this effusion of life in God, before the creation of the world, God the Father wished to communicate his riches, beyond himself, to created beings. It is there that we have the beginning of all human history. God willed that sons and daughters (v. 5) multiply around his only Son and in him, be capable of receiving his Spirit and returning it to him. They would return to him at the end of history, forming one body (v. 10).

God chose us in Christ (v. 4). Note the expression in Christ on which we have commented in 1 Corinthians 1:4. Every creature comes from God through his Son in whom God contemplates his own riches, and on whom he pours his love. We are as God has loved us, and we are in him, in some way, from the beginning.

In creating us free, God knows that our freedom is fragile: it will be difficult for us to give him a filial response. How can we return to God, at the heart of his mystery, without dying to ourselves? All history must necessarily be a continual death and resurrection, for nations as for persons. So Divine Wisdom foresaw that the Son would be in our midst, with his cross and his resurrection, to show us the love of the Father who has called us (v. 5). And of course, wherever the Son is, the Spirit will be given (vv. 7 and 13).

In Christ we obtain freedom, sealed by his blood (v. 7). This does not mean that Christ shed his blood to make amends to his Father offended by sin, as if God were resentful as we often are, and as if his dignity were offended. Paul is referring to a biblical law: the emancipation of slaves used to be signed in blood (Ex 21:6).

Sealed with the Spirit (v. 13). The Jews were branded, “sealed” in the flesh by the circumcision ritual that showed they belonged to God. Christians, on the other hand, had received the Holy Spirit who acted in them: from the Spirit come faith, hope and love, the many forms of service, the gift of knowledge, miracles and heal ings. These gifts are the most obvious proof that they have become children of God. These gifts are only a foretaste of all the marvels that God has in store for us.

Paul distinguishes something like two in - sights: God’s plan in eternity (vv. 1-10) and its realization in time (vv. 11-14). The last two stanzas correspond to two stages in sacred history:

– We have been chosen and called (v. 11). Paul speaks for himself and in the name of the Jewish people chosen to be the people of God.

– You… (v. 13). Here Paul means the pagan people like the Ephesians, whom he is addressing. And so, the fullness of time had come, that is to say the time of the Gos pel proclaimed to the entire world so that everyone could receive the gifts of the Spirit.

This page clarifies some essential points of faith.

From eternity he destined us in love (v. 5). Here we recognize what Paul has affirmed in Romans 8:29-30. We cannot omit the word “predestination.” Many have used this word in the past in a different way from Paul’s. While Paul shows the Father’s decision to pour on created sons and daughters the infinite love which is lived within God, these prea chers later spoke of a God who decides freely (and even capriciously) who will, and who will not, be saved. On this subject see “PREDESTINATION” in Romans 9.

It is impossible for us to understand how we can be free if we are known by God in eternity. It is not for that reason that we should share the doubts and anguish of those who believe they are subjected to a destiny or a fearsome “will of God.” In reality, we are “subject” to love and blessings (v. 3) that await our response (see commentary on Rom 9).

Paul does not speak of condemnation of anyone: he only affirms that God gives proof of a special love for those he calls to become members of Christ.

Many Christians are shocked when told they have received more than others, that in no other place have people been gifted with truth as they have, and they think: would it not be more honest and more humble to accept that all religions have their own truth? Yes, in a way all have some truth, but to doubt this unique grace that is to know God in Christ, is to deny the entire revelation of the Bible. See on this subject the note “The three sayings of God” in Genesis 12.

God chose us in Christ (v. 4). Many Christian authors have spoken as if, in the beginning, God created man without considering his possible fall and that Christ only came to save the lost sinner. This is not what Paul says here: from the beginning the coming of Christ and the gift of the Spirit together with the laws of life and the course of history are mysteriously linked with the order existing in God himself.

The Beloved (v. 6) is always the first for God and for us the desire to be “saved” cannot be the basis of our faith. It would be just as egoistic as practicing one’s religion in order to enjoy good health. The Son has revealed to us the Glory of the Father and how he returned to the Father. He wished to draw us out of our egoism, even our religious egoism (Jn 17 and Phil 2:9).

From http://kukis.org/Translations/Christian_Community_Bible/41-Ephesians-Large.pdf (Ephesians 1).

Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

This footnote was referenced in Ephesians 1:15–17.

Footnote for Ephesians 1:15 (Christian Community Bible)

• 15. I have been told of your faith and your affection. Paul delights in the faith of the Ephesians but, above all, he prays they may have hope that must be the source of their dynamism. He describes the stages of hope this way: to know the Father; to appreciate the inheritance set apart for his saints; to understand the power of God to bring us to the realization of these hopes.

It is this hope that cracked open the immobility of ancient societies. Paul lived in a world where hope was considered an illness. Any project to transform humanity was taken as an illusion, and so the hopes of a nascent science were quickly smothered. Believers, on the contrary, lived the experience of a resurrection. In Christian countries appeared the certainty of a common destiny of humanity (the word “humanity” was non-existent at the time). People were beginning to be seen as persons in a truer way and it was this that set history in motion, never to return. How astonishing to see in our world so many Christians who believe, but who have very little hope: are they not the ones who carry the hope of the world?

Far above all power (v. 21). In Paul’s days, neither Jews nor Christians doubted that the world was governed by supernatural powers, “angels.” They called them: Rulers, Powers, Authorities, Dominion, and Paul was saying to them: all these Powers are inferior to Christ. In our days we express ourselves differently. Nevertheless, we see the universe subject to the laws of nature, to the forces of matter and of life. It is also subject to obscure forces: collective prejudices, vice and fanaticism. These ruled the world, pre venting the emergence of humanity, until the coming of Christ: see Galatians 3:23.

God has put all things under the feet of Christ (v. 22). This means the same as the words of our creed: “Jesus is seated at the right hand of God.” It means that in rising, Christ, the God-Human became the First in the universe. All things under his feet except humankind.

Paul adds: “He made him head of the Church.” Christ acts differently in two areas: in the world, where he is the invisible center in charge; in the Church, of which he is the head, where he can show the riches of his Spirit.

From http://kukis.org/Translations/Christian_Community_Bible/41-Ephesians-Large.pdf (Ephesians 1).

Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

It may be helpful to see this chapter as a contiguous whole:

A Complete Translation of Ephesians 1

The Kukis Reasonably Literal Translation

Kukis Paraphrase



























































































Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Ephesians 1



Lesson (s)


R. B. Thieme, Jr.

1972 Ephesians (#212)


Ephesians 1–6

1985 Ephesians (#412)


Ephesians 1–6

Bob has covered various portions of Ephesians is hundreds of other studies.

Dr. Robert Dean


Ephesians 1–6

Jeremy Thomas

Sermon Audio (there are notes here).

Search Jeremy Thomas; then search Ephesians) I found it easiest to save this to your hard drive by right-clicking “Read” and then using “save link as”.

Ephesians 1–6

Ron Snider


Ephesians 1–6

Grace Notes

https://www.gracenotes.info/Ephesians/Ephesians.pdf (Compiled by Warren Doud)

Ephesians 1–6

Gene Cunningham


Ephesians 1–6

John Griffith

http://www.ironrangebible.com/ (Click on Book Studies and go from there; 93 lessons)

Ephesians 1–6

Benjamin Brodie


Ephesians 1–6


http://syndein.com/Ephesians.html (Basic notes mostly from R. B. Thieme, Jr.)

Ephesians 1–6


http://syndein.com/1992_ephesians.html (As per R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s newer study)

Ephesians 1–6

R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s work may be found at:


* By doctrinal teacher, I mean a man whose primary focus is the teaching of the Word of God, verse-by-verse and book by book. A believer under the teaching of such a man should fully understand the gospel and rebound after less than a month in attendance.

When it comes to teaching, I should think that a 45 minute teaching session would be the bare minimum; and that, at least 3x a week (with provisions for getting teaching in some way on the other days of the week). Although this man may interact or even learn from other teachers, he should clearly be the authority over his church; and the authority over him is the Word of God and God the Holy Spirit (Who guides the pastor in his study).

ICE teaching would also be a part of the package, ICE being an acronym standing for Isagogics (a teaching of the history of that time in order to understand a passage), Categories (a study of categories of Bible doctrine), and Exegesis (a close study of each passage).

Word Cloud from the Kukis Paraphrase of Ephesians 1

Word Cloud from Exegesis of Ephesians 1

These two graphics should be very similar; this means that the exegesis of Ephesians 1 has stayed on topic and has covered the information found in this chapter of the Word of God.

Chapter Outline


Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Beginning of Document

Verse Navigation

Introduction and Text

First Verse

Chapter Summary




Exegetical Studies in Ephesians