Ephesians 6

written and compiled by Gary Kukis (first draft)

Ephesians 6:1–24

Masters, Slaves and the Whole Armor of God

These studies are designed for believers in Jesus Christ only. If you have exercised faith in Christ, then you are in the right place. If you have not, then you need to heed the words of our Lord, Who said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten [or, uniquely-born] Son, so that every [one] believing [or, trusting] in Him shall not perish, but shall be have eternal life! For God did not send His Son into the world so that He should judge the world, but so that the world shall be saved through Him. The one believing [or, trusting] in Him is not judged, but the one not believing has already been judged, because he has not believed in the Name of the only-begotten [or, uniquely-born] Son of God.” (John 3:16–18). “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life! No one comes to the Father except through [or, by means of] Me!” (John 14:6).

Every study of the Word of God ought to be preceded by a naming of your sins to God. This restores you to fellowship with God (1John 1:8–10).

Document Navigation

Preface and Quotations

Outline of Chapter

Charts, Graphics, Short Doctrines

Doctrines Alluded to

Dictionary of Terms

Introduction and Text

Chapter Summary


A Complete Translation

Verse Navigation

Ephesians 6:1–3

Ephesians 6:4

Ephesians 6:5–8

Ephesians 6:9

Ephesians 6:10–13

Ephesians 6:14–17

Ephesians 6:18–20

Ephesians 6:21–22

Ephesians 6:23–24




These exegetical studies are not designed for you to read each and every word. For instance, the Greek exegesis is put into lightly colored tables, so that if you want to skip over them, that is fine. If you question a translation, you can always refer back to the appropriate Greek tables to sort it all out. These tables provide all of the words their meanings and morphology for each and every verse. The intent is to make this particular study the most complete and most accurate examination of Ephesians 6 which is available in writing. The idea is to make every phrase, verse and passage understandable and to make correct application of all that is studied.


Besides teaching you the doctrinal principles related to this chapter, this commentary is also to help bring this narrative to life, so that you can understand the various characters, their motivations, and the choices that they make. Ideally, you will be able to visualize the peoples, their temporal and spiritual leaders, and their armies as they move across the landscape of the Land of Promise. I hope to provide not only an accurate exegesis of the chapter in view, but to also quote many of the great insights that past commentators have offered us.


Although the bulk of this chapter is based upon narrative from the book of Ephesians, I will make every attempt possible to provide enough historical information and theological context so that you will have a sufficient background to understand what is going on.



Bible Summary: Children, obey your parents. Slaves, obey your masters. Put on the whole armour of God to stand against the devil. Peace and grace.

By the third draft, this should be the most extensive examination of Ephesians 6 available, where you will be able to examine in depth every word of the original text.

Brief Overview:



Contemporary Historical Events


61-62 AD

Paul wrote Ephesians while imprisoned in Rome during his first imprisonment.

Acts 27

A 5-6 magnitude earthquake in Pompeii and Herculaneum on February 5.

Battle of Rhandeia: The Roman army (two legions) is defeated by the Parthians under king Tiridates I. Paetus surrenders and withdraws his disheveled army to Syria.

A violent storm destroys 200 ships anchored at Portus.

Nero (54–68 a.d.)

Nero marries his second wife.




Outline of Chapter 6:





         vv.     1–












Chapter Summary


Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines:


         Preface               Preface

         Preface               Brief Overview

         Preface               Quotations


         Introduction         Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Ephesians 6 (by Various Commentators)

         Introduction         Brief, but insightful observations of Ephesians 6 (various commentators)

         Introduction         Fundamental Questions About Ephesians 6


         Introduction         The Prequel to Ephesians 6

         Introduction         The Principals of Ephesians 6

         Introduction         The Places of Ephesians 6

         Introduction         By the Numbers

         Introduction         A Synopsis of Ephesians 6

         Introduction         Outlines and Summaries of Ephesians 6 (Various Commentators)

         Introduction         A Synopsis of Ephesians 6 from the Summarized Bible



         Introduction         The Big Picture (Ephesians –)



         Introduction         Changes—additions and subtractions































































         Summary            A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary

         Summary            Why Ephesians 6 is in the Word of God

         Summary            What We Learn from Ephesians 6

         Summary            Jesus Christ in Ephesians 6

         Summary            A Brief Review of Ephesians 6




         Addendum          Footnote for Ephesians 6:10 (Christian Community Bible)










         Addendum          A Complete Translation of Ephesians 6

         Addendum          Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Ephesians 6

         Addendum          Word Cloud from the Kukis Paraphrase of Ephesians 6

         Addendum          Word Cloud from Exegesis of Ephesians 6

Chapter Outline


Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Beginning of Document

Verse Navigation

Introduction and Text

First Verse

Chapter Summary




Exegetical Studies in Ephesians

Doctrines Covered or Alluded To





Chapters of the Bible Alluded To or Appropriately Exegeted with this Chapter





Many who read and study this chapter are 1st or 2nd generation students of R. B. Thieme, Jr., so that much of this vocabulary is second nature. One of Bob’s contributions to theology is a fresh vocabulary along with a number of concepts which are theologically new or reworked, yet still orthodox. Therefore, if you are unfamiliar with his work, the definitions below will help you to fully understand all that is being said. Also included are various technical terms from Christian theology along with a few new terms and concepts which I have developed.

Sometimes the terms in the exegesis of this chapter are simply alluded to, without any in-depth explanation of them. Sometimes, these terms are explained in detail and illustrated. A collection of all these terms is found here: (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Often, the terms below are linked to complete doctrines.

The links allow you to go back and forth between the definition and the first occurrence of this word. So, in some documents, where going back and forth is not as straightforward, here it is easy. One-click to get to the definition; and one click to get back where you were in the exegetical study.

In the book of Ephesians, this tends to be a long list.

Definition of Terms

Rebound (Restoration to fellowship with God)

In the New Testament, this is naming your sins to God, so that you are both restored to temporal fellowship with God and are then filled with the Spirit of God. In the Old Testament, naming your sins to God would result in a restoration of fellowship and, in some cases, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit once again (the Holy Spirit was not given to all Old Testament believers). The Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF).

Some of these definitions are taken from






Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines


An Introduction to Ephesians 6

I ntroduction: Ephesians 6

A title or one or two sentences which describe Ephesians 6.

Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Ephesians 6 (by Various Commentators)





Chapter Outline

Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines

Sometimes, a commentator will begin with a good observation of this chapter of the Bible.

Brief, but insightful observations of Ephesians 6 (various commentators)





Chapter Outline

Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines

As I study a chapter, questions will occur to me—some of them important and many of them minor. Not all of these questions will be satisfactorily answered.

Fundamental Questions About Ephesians 6


Some of these questions may not make sense unless you have read Ephesians 6. There are two translations at the very end of this chapter if you wanted to do that before proceeding any further in this study.

Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

It is important to understand what has gone before.

The Prequel to Ephesians 6



Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

We need to know who the people are who populate this chapter.

The Principals of Ephesians 6


Biographical Material










Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

We need to know where this chapter takes place. I may need to eliminate this one.

The Places of Ephesians 6












Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines


By the Numbers


Date; duration; size; number












Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

At this point, we begin to gather up more details on this chapter.

A Synopsis of Ephesians 6






Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

The ESV (capitalized) is used below:

Outlines and Summaries of Ephesians 6 (Various Commentators)






Chapter Outline

Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines

The text of the verses was added in, using the ESV (capitalized).

A Synopsis of Ephesians 6 from the Summarized Bible


Keith L. Brooks, Summarized Bible; Complete Summary of the Bible; ©1919; from e-Sword, Ephesians 6 (edited).

Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

It is helpful to see what came before and what follows in a brief summary.

The Big Picture (Ephesians 1–24)



Ephesians 1


Ephesians 2


Ephesians 3A


Ephesians 3B


Ephesians 4A


Ephesians 4B


Ephesians 5A


Ephesians 5B



Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Changes—additions and subtractions:


I began to include Benjamin Brodie’s original expanded translation. Also, R. B. Thieme, Jr. did pretty much a complete corrected translation for the book of Ephesians, so that is included as well. These two translations could have been placed in the very literal category or in the expanded translation category (most Bible translations fall under more than one category).


I have begun to include two translations from doctrinal teachers: James Allen and Bill Puryear (when such are available).


I came across an odd translation called the Revised Standard Version New Testament, Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library; Blue Line Bolded Text expanded corrected translations according to Col. R. B. Thieme Jr. or R. B. Thieme III. I took my translation by R. B. Thieme, Jr. directly from his series on Ephesians. What editor Dr. Frank P. Ferraro appears to have done is, simply replaced certain words and phrases in the RSV with words or phrases that Bob would have used. So, instead of called, Ferraro inserts the words called or appointed and privileged. He ends up with a translation which sounds very much like R. B. Thieme, Jr., but not something that R. B. Thieme, Jr. actually produced. I simply call this R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2.


I recently discovered the Updated American Standard Version ©2022. I have it in e-sword, but it can also be found online and in print. Many of their footnotes define fundamental theological terms, but they also reference alternate readings and other appropriate footnote material. This translation may be properly placed in the translations with many footnotes or in the literal translation group. I will probably add this into many previously-done books in the 2nd or 3rd drafts. So far, at first glance, this appears to be an excellent translation.


I have begun with the book of Ephesians to indicate what draft each chapter is.


It turns out that the Heritage Bible is not a Catholic translation so I to moved it to a new grouping.


I continue to avoid using corrections or clarifications in the literal translation, preferring instead to insert words which are not there in order to coincide with good English sense. So, instead of they came to..., I might instead write, [Paul and Silas] came to... In the past, I would have written, they [that is, Paul and Silas] came to... I believe that this provides a better flow for the reader.


I continue to place my nearly literal translation at the end of each verse and at the end of each passage. My paraphrase will also be placed at the end of every passage.


Beginning in Romans 13 or 14, I began to develop my paraphrase after exegeting and writing commentary for the passage. Prior to this, I wrote the slavishly literal translation, the mostly literal translation and the paraphrase all at once. The end result is, when I write the paraphrase, my explanation of the passage has just been done, so that is integrated into the paraphrase (to some degree, a paraphrase interprets the original text).


With Romans 15, I remembered that Bill Puryear did a translation of the entire New Testament, so I began to include that in the translations. I will need to go and backdate this for all previous NT books.


I drew from hundreds of sources for this chapter. I literally stand on the shoulders of thousands of men in order to write and assemble this document.


Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

As always, 3 separate translations will be produced for each verse. The slavishly literal translation attempts to preserve word order and number, making it more literal than Young’s translation (however, I do not preserve the consistency of the translation that Young does). The moderately literal translation may add or delete a definite article, change the number of a noun to correspond with the English sense of thinking, and the order is often changed in order to better represent our English sentence structure. The paraphrase is an attempt to give a thought-for-thought interpretation of what each verse tells us.

Kukis slavishly literal translation:


Kukis mostly literal translation:

The children, (you all) keep on listening to parents of you in a Lord, for this keeps on being righteous. Keep on honoring the father of you and the mother, which keeps on being a command first with a promise so that well to you might be and you will be long-lived upon the earth.



The children, (you all) keep on listening (and obeying] your parents in the Lord, for this keeps on being right. Keep on honoring your father and (your) mother, which keeps on being the first command with a promise, that it might be well with you and [that] you will live long upon the land.

Kukis paraphrase

You children, keep on obeying your parents in the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. Honor your father and your mother, which is the first commandment which comes pre-loaded with a promise, that promise being, so that your life might go well and so that you will live a long time upon the land.

Here is how others have translated this verse:


Ancient texts:                       I will use the Westcott-Hort Greek text as the basis for my English translation. I use that test primarily because e-sword has a nice module by Rob Wolfram which has the interlinear English text, Strong’s #’s, and the Greek morphology. The e-sword tab is IWH+P. I do not use their English text for my translation. Also, throughout, I take in consideration alternate readings.


As a young Christian, I was quite interested in the alternative readings. After many decades of study, I have found that, as with the Hebrew text, disputed readings rarely have any affect on the interpretation of a text (apart from perhaps a half-dozen fairly well-known alternate readings, like the end of the book of Mark).


I will compare the Greek text to English translations of the Latin and Syriac (= Aramaic) texts, using the Douay-Rheims translation and George Lamsa’s translation from the Syriac. I often update these texts with non-substantive changes (e.g., you for thou, etc.).


In general, the Latin text is an outstanding translation from the Hebrew text into Latin and very trustworthy (I say this as a non-Catholic). Unfortunately, I do not read Latin—apart from some very obvious words—so I am dependent upon the English translation of the Latin (principally, the Douay-Rheims translation).


The Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls are irrelevant, as they preceded the writing of the New Testament by over 200 years.


Underlined words indicate differences in the text.

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    The children, (you all) keep on listening to parents of you in a Lord, for this keeps on being righteous. Keep on honoring the father of you and the mother, which keeps on being a command first with a promise so that well to you might be and you will be long-lived upon the earth.

Complete Apostles’ Bible      Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

"Honor your father and mother," which is the first commandment with a promise:

"that it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth."

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is just.

Honour thy father and thy mother, which is the first commandment with a promise:

That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest be long lived upon earth.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Children, obey your parents in Our Lord, for this is right.

And this is the first commandment of promise: "Honor your father and your mother,

And it shall be well for you and your life shall be long on The Earth."

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 


English Translations:          I have included translations which I disagree with and footnotes that I do not necessarily agree with. If I believe that the author is too far from the truth, I may even address that at the footnote. However, nearly all of the correct commentary will be found following the Greek text box and the translation of each phrase.

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             Children, do what is ordered by your fathers and mothers in the Lord: for this is right. 

Give honour to your father and mother which is the first rule having a reward

So that all may be well for you, and your life may be long on the earth.

Bible in Worldwide English     Children, obey your parents as the Lord wants you to. This is the right thing to do.

Respect your father and mother. This is the first law of God with a promise: So that all will be well with you, and that you may live long on earth.

Fathers, do not make your children angry. But teach them the things children need to know, and tell them what they must not do. Teach them what Christ would teach them.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  Children, obey your parents the way the Lord wants, because this is the right thing to do. The command says, "You must respect your father and mother." This is the first command that has a promise with it. And this is the promise: "Then all will go well with you, and you will have a long life on the earth."

God’s Word                         Children, obey your parents because you are Christians. This is the right thing to do. "Honor your father and mother that everything may go well for you, and you may have a long life on earth." This is an important commandment with a promise.

Good News Bible (TEV)         Children, it is your Christian duty to obey your parents, for this is the right thing to do. "Respect your father and mother" is the first commandment that has a promise added: "so that all may go well with you, and you may live a long time in the land."

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Bible              .

Contemporary English V.       Children, you belong to the Lord, and you do the right thing when you obey your parents. The first commandment with a promise says, "Obey your father and your mother, and you will have a long and happy life."

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Children, if you want to be wise, listen to your parents and do what they tell you, and the Lord will help you.  For the commandment, “Honor your father and your mother,” was the first of the Ten Commandments with a promise attached: “You will prosper and live a long, full life if you honor your parents.”

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  As for you who are children, obey your parents as a way of serving the Lord Jesus, because it is right for you to do that. God commanded in the scriptures, " Greatly respect your father and mother." That is the first law that God commanded in which he also promised something. He promised, "If you do that, you will prosper, and you will live a long time on the earth."

Williams’ New Testament      Children, obey your parents, for this is right. "You must honor your father and mother" -- this is the first commandment, with a promise to make it good "so that you may prosper and live a long life on earth."

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            The Children — Obey your parents in the Master. You see, this is right. Value your father and mother, a certain demand that is the first demand with a promise: that it might become well with you and you will be on the earth for a long time.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise. So that it will be well with you, and that you may live a long time on the earth.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles Children, obey your parents in the Lord; for this is just. Honor your father and mother, (which is the first commandment with a promise,) that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament Children, obey your parents, as children of the Lord; for that is but right. 'Honor thy father and mother'--this is the first Commandment with a promise--' So that thou mayest prosper and have a long life on earth.'

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton           .

Free Bible Version                 Children, do what your parents tell you, for this is the right thing to do.

“Honor your father and mother.” This is the first commandment that has a promise attached:

“that things may go well for you and you may live a long life on the earth.”*

The Heritage Bible                 Children, listen to your parents attentively in the Lord, because this is right.

Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment in a promise,

That it may be well with you, and you will be long-lived upon the earth.

International Standard V        Advice for Children and Parents

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, [Other mss. lack in the Lord] for this is the right thing to do. “Honor your father and mother…” [Exod 20:12; Deut 5:16] (This is a very important commandment with a promise.) “…so that it may go well for you, and that you may have a long life on the earth.” [Exod 20:12; Deut 5:16]

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     .

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      .

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      .

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    .

Urim-Thummim Version         .

Weymouth New Testament    Children, be obedient to your parents as a Christian duty, for it is a duty.

"HONOUR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER" --this is the first Commandment which has a promise added to it-- "SO THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU, AND THAT YOU MAY LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH."

Wikipedia Bible Project          .

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)     Children, parents, servants and masters

• Children, obey your parents for this is right: Honor your father and your mother. And this is the first commandment that has promise: that you may be happy and enjoy long life in the land. 20:12; Col 3: 20-21

• 6.1 Paul reminds children that God asks for obedience, and parents that they must not neglect their duty as educators (see commentary on Sir 30:1-2). Parents have the difficult task of leading their children to true freedom, teaching them first to obey a law, to serve rather than be served, to share rather than demand. Later, they will show them how to follow the calls of the Spirit, well beyond what is considered good or bad all around them.

Paul reminds the slave of his nobility. Let him live without servility:

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           CHILDREN, obey your parents in Yahuah: for this is right.  Honor your father and your mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth.

Hebraic Roots Bible               .

Holy New Covenant Trans.    Children in the Lord, obey your parents because this is right. The first command with a promise is this: "You must show respect for your father and mother. Then you will be fine. You will live a long time on the earth."

The Scriptures 2009              Children, obey your parents in the Master, for this is right. 

“Respect your father and mother,” which is the first command with promise,  “in order that it might be well with you, and you might live long on the earth.” Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16.

Tree of Life Version                .

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       The Children obey! the parents [of] you* in lord This for is Right value! the father [of] you and the mother Who is Command First in promise that well [for] you [It] may become and [You] will be Long on the earth...

Alpha & Omega Bible            .

Awful Scroll Bible                   Children, be listening-under you all's parents by-within the Lord, for this is righteous.

Be honoring your father and mother, what-certain thing is the first objective-from-among, from-within a heralding-beforehand: in order that, it shall come about faring well with you, and you will last-a-long-time on the land.

Concordant Literal Version    . precept

exeGeses companion Bible   Children,

obey your parents in Adonay:

for this is just.

Honor your father and mother;

which is the first misvah in pre-evangelism;

that it be well with you

and you be long lived on the earth.

Exodus 20:12

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           Yeladim, obey your horim (parents) in Adoneinu, for this is right. [MISHLE 6:20]

KABED ES AVICHA V'ES IMMECHA [SHEMOT 20:12; DEVARIM 5:16], (which is the mitzvah harishonah with a havtacha),

That it may be well with you and you will be a long time on ha'aretz.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   Children, you should obey your parents in the Lord [i.e., as part of your Christian responsibility], for this is the right thing to do. [Ex. 20:12 says], “Show honor to your father and mother,” (which is the first commandment that carries the promise), “that things may go well with you and that you will live a long time on earth.”

Benjamin Brodie’s trans.       Children, make it a practice to obey your parents [authority orientation] because of the Lord, for this is a reasonable and just expectation.

Respect your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise,

So that it may become prosperous for you [mentally and spiritually] and so that you might have a long life on earth .

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             You children make it a habit to humbly listen and pay attention to, and thus submissively obey, your parents, in union with the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], for this is in accord with the Way pointed out (is fair, right and just).

"Be continuously honoring (holding in respect; valuing; reverencing; treating as precious and with dignity) your father and mother," which very one is a foremost implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive) within an act of promising (or: in [the] promise; or: = that embodies assurance),

"to the end that it may come to be well and easy for (or: to; in) you and you will continue existinga long time upon the land (or: earth)." [Ex. 20:12; Deut. 5:16]

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         Children and Parents

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (which is the first [Or “is a very important”] commandment with a promise), “in order that it may be well with you, and you may live a long time [Literally “be long-lived”] on the earth.” [A quotation from Exod 20:12 and/or Deut 5:16]

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. Ye childrenˎj be obedient unto your parents {in the Lord},

    For this is right:

    Honour thy father and thy mother,

<Which indeed is the first commandment with promise>

    That it may come to be ||well with thee||ˎ

    And thou shalt be long-lived upon the land.k

j Col. iii. 20.

k Exo. xx. 12; Deu. v. 16.

The Spoken English NT         Children and Parents
Children, listen to your parents in the Lord:a it’s the right thing to do.

Honor your father and your mother...b
That’s the first commandment that has a promise:

…so that good things will happen to you, and you’ll be blessed in the land.c

a.Many mss. leave out the words, “in the Lord”.

b.Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16.

c.Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16.

Updated ASV                         .

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     About children
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

“Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “that it may go well with you and you may live long on the earth.”

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  The children, be obeying yourp parents in the Lord, for this is righteous. "Be honoring your father and mother," which is the first commandment with a promise, "so that it shall be well with you, and you will be long-lived on the earth." [Exodus 20:12; Deut 5:16]

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           Children, obey your parents because of the Lord; for this is right.

‘Honoryour father and mother’, which is the first commandment which possesses a promise,

‘in order that you may prosper and live a long time on the earth.’

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             .

Context Group Version          .

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       .

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  The children, obey*° your° parents in the Lord; for* this is righteous.

Honor your father and mother (which is the first commandment in promise), {Exodus 20:12} in-order-that it may become well with you, and you may be upon the earth a long time.

New American Standard B.    .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   . Title

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  You children, be obeying your parents in the Lord; because it is right [fair, just].

Be respecting your mother and your father for such is the first commandment with a promise of blessing that is may come to be well with you [that you may prosper], and you shall have long life on the earth.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         .

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER (which is the first commandment with a promise), SO THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU, AND THAT YOU MAY LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH.

Updated ASV                         Counsel to Children and Parents

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise), that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 6:1a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

tekna (τέκνα) [pronounced TEK-na]

 children, daughters, sons; metaphorically, citizens; those produced

neuter plural noun; nominative case

Strong’s #5043

hupakouô (ὑπακούω) [pronounced hoop-ak-OO-oh]

listen, harken; of one who on the knock at the door comes—listen who it is, (the duty of a porter); harken to a command; obey, be obedient to, submit to

2nd person plural, present active imperative

Strong’s #5219

gonês (γονής) [pronounced gon-YAYCE]

fathers, parents; progenitors, ancestors

masculine plural noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #1118

humôn (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MONE]

of yours, from you; concerning you; you, yourselves

2nd person plural pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5216 (genitive case of #5210)

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong's #2962

Translation: The children, (you all) keep on listening (and obeying] your parents in the Lord,...

The verb used here is the present active imperative of hupakouô (ὑπακούω) [pronounced hoop-ak-OO-oh], which means, listen, harken; of one who on the knock at the door comes—listen who it is, (the duty of a porter); harken to a command; obey, be obedient to, submit to. It means more than simply, listen to; implied is, you pay attention to and you obey.

There will be commands for both parents and children.

Ephesians 6:1b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

toúto (τούτο) [pronounced TOO-toh]

this [thing], that (thing), this one; that (thing)

demonstrative singular pronoun; neuter singular; nominative case

Strong’s #5124 (Neuter, singular, nominative or accusative of #3778)

gár (γάρ) [pronounced gahr]

for, for you see; and, as, because (that), but, even, for indeed, no doubt, seeing, then, therefore, verily, what, why, yet

postpositive explanatory particle

Strong’s #1063

esti (ἐστί) [pronounced ehs-TEE] or

estin (ἐστίν) [pronounced ehs-TIN]

is, are, to be, keeps on being, continues having

3rd person singular, present indicative

Strong’s #2076 (3rd person present form of #1510)

dikaios (δίκαιος, αία, ον) [pronounced DIH-kai-oss]

righteous, just, upright; perfect righteousness; law-abiding, faultless, guiltless, innocent; approved by [or acceptable to] God

neuter singular adjective; nominative case

Strong’s #1342

Translation: ...for this keeps on being right.

Obeying one’s parents is the right thing to do.

In many ways, this is the basis for all societies.

Ephesians 6:1 The children, (you all) keep on listening (and obeying] your parents in the Lord, for this keeps on being right. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

With all of the financial and even emotional benefits, many American women look to pursue a future separate from men. What women do not realize is, that through child bearing, they have the greatest influence over their children, an influence perhaps greater than they will have in any realm ever. Although this influenced is tempered by that of the father—who is absolutely necessary when it comes to raising children—women in many ways determine what the next generation will become.

With a good job, a woman might be able to afford nicer clothes and perhaps even designer handbags. As a mother, the woman is perhaps the most important factor in the direction of the next generation. Which is most important?

Ephesians 6:2a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

timaô (τιμάω) [pronounced tihm-AH-oh]

honour, value, revere, venerate, prize, fix a valuation upon

2nd person singular, present active imperative

Strong’s #5091

ton (τόν) [pronounced tahn]; also to (το) [pronounced toh]

the, to [or towards] the

masculine singular definite article in the accusative case

Strong’s #3588

patêr (πατήρ) [pronounced pat-AYR]

father, parent; forefather, ancestor; metaphorically, originator or transmitter; author of a family; a paternal figure; a title of honor; a teacher

masculine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #3962

sou (σου) [pronounced sow]

of you, your, yours; from you

2nd person singular personal pronoun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4771 (genitive is given Strong’s #4675)

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

mêtêr (μήτηρ) [pronounced MAY-tare]

a mother; metaphorically the source of something, the motherland

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #3384

Translation: Keep on honoring your father and (your) mother,...

As Paul did recently near the end of the previous chapter, he simply gives a quotation from the Old Testament. In this case, it is a command from the Ten Commandments. He does not begin by saying, now here is a commandment from the Old Testament; he simply states it.

Such a statement has a double barrel of authority. It comes from the Old Testament as a commandment; and Paul writes it in this epistle.

Ephesians 6:2b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hêtis (ἥτις) [pronounced HEYT-iss]

which, whoever, whatever, who, everyone who, such a one who

feminine singular, relative pronoun; nominative case

Strong’s #3748

esti (ἐστί) [pronounced ehs-TEE] or

estin (ἐστίν) [pronounced ehs-TIN]

is, are, to be, keeps on being, continues having

3rd person singular, present indicative

Strong’s #2076 (3rd person present form of #1510)

entolê (ἐντολή, ἐντολ) [pronounced en-tol-AY]

 an order, command, charge, precept, injunction; that which is prescribed to one by reason of his office; a commandment

feminine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #1785

prôtos (πρτος) [pronounced PROT-oss]

first [in place, order or time; in any succession of things or persons]; first [in rank]; influence, honour; chief; prominent, principal, foremost; at the first

feminine singular adjective; nominative case

Strong’s #4413

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

epaggelia (ἐπαγγελία) [pronounced ehp-ang-ehl-EE-ah]

an announcement (for information, assent or pledge; especially a divine assurance of good); a message, promise (of good, of blessing)

feminine singular noun, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #1860

Translation: ...which keeps on being the first command with a promise,...

This commandment is the first of the commandments which carries with it a promise. God is saying, not only is this a commandment to you, but it comes pre-loaded with an important benefit.

Ephesians 6:2 Keep on honoring your father and (your) mother, which keeps on being the first command with a promise,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:3a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hina (ἵνα) [pronounced HEE-na]

that, in order that, so that, to the intent that; because

conjunction which denotes purpose or result

Strong’s #2443

eû (ε) [pronounced yoo]

well done; well, good; to be well off, fare well, prosper; acting well


Strong’s #2095

soi (σοι) [pronounced soy]

you; to you; in you; by you, with you

2nd person singular personal pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #4771 (dative, locative or instrumental case given as Strong’s #4671)

gínomai (vίνομαι) [pronounced GHIN-oh-mī]

to become [something it was not before]; to come to be [about], to happen; to be born; to arise; to be made, to be created; to happen, to take place

3rd person singular, aorist (deponent) middle/passive subjunctive

Strong’s #1096

Translation: ...that it might be well with you...

The promise of this commandment is twofold. The first aspect is, it might be well with you. That is, by obeying one’s parents, your life will be better.

Ephesians 6:3b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

esomai (ἔσομαι) [pronounced EHS-om-ahee]

 future tense of “to be”

3rd person singular, future indicative

Strong’s #2071 (a form of #1510)

makrochrónios (μακροχρόνιος) [pronounced mak-rokh-RON-ee-oss]

long-lived, live long; long time, of long duration

masculine singular adjective; nominative case

Strong’s #3118 hapax legomenon

epí (ἐπί) [pronounced eh-PEE]; spelled eph (ἐφ) [pronounced ehf] before a vowel

on, close by, at; before; at the time of, during [the reign of], in; [of sovereignty or oversight] over; on the basis of, in accordance with

preposition of superimposition; used of motion and rest; with the genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1909

tês (τς) [pronounced tayç]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

gê (γ, γς, ἡ) [pronounced gay]

earth; soil, ground; land; [inhabited] earth

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1093

Translation: ...and [that] you will live long upon the land. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

The second half of the promise is that the people of Israel will live long in the land (that is, the land given them by God).

Ephesians 6:3 ...that it might be well with you and [that] you will live long upon the land. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

The commandments were originally and specifically given to the Israelites. However, what is commanded here is good for every society.

Ephesians 6:1–3 The children, (you all) keep on listening (and obeying] your parents in the Lord, for this keeps on being right. Keep on honoring your father and (your) mother, which keeps on being the first command with a promise, that it might be well with you and [that] you will live long upon the land. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

This is first given aloud, spoken by God to the people of Israel. Exodus 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you. (ESV) Paul leaves off the final phrase about the land being that which God has given to the Israelites. This is true for any country. Their life might be long on the land where they live (which land is allotted by God for that people).

This commandment with promise is repeated in Deuteronomy 5:16 “ ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ as the LORD your God commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you. (The double quotation is, Moses is speaking, and he is quoting the commandment given verbally by God.) Interestingly enough, Moses actually quotes only the first part of commandment (which is the only part which is a command), then attributes these words to Yehowah your Elohim; and then he paraphrases the rest of the quotation. He emphasizes them living a long time on the land. The Israelites will occupy this land for about 1500 years, and then they will return to it 1900 years later (which is a remarkable set of events).

Ephesians 6:1–3 You children, keep on obeying your parents in the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. Honor your father and your mother, which is the first commandment which comes pre-loaded with a promise, that promise being, so that your life might go well and so that you will live a long time upon the land. (Kukis paraphrase)


And the fathers: do not provoke the children of you (all), but nourish them in training and admonition of a Lord.



And the fathers: do not provoke your children, but train them up with disciplinary correction and the teaching of the Lord.

And fathers, do not provoke your children to anger or exasperate them, but train them up with teaching in the Lord and disciplinary correction when needed.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    And the fathers: do not provoke the children of you (all), but nourish them in training and admonition of a Lord.

Complete Apostles Bible        And fathers, do not provoke your children, but bring them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) And you, fathers, provoke not your children to anger: but bring them up in the discipline and correction of the Lord.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Parents, do not anger your children, but rear them in the discipline and in the teaching of Our Lord.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             And, you fathers, do not make your children angry: but give them training in the teaching and fear of the Lord.

Bible in Worldwide English     Fathers, do not make your children angry. But teach them the things children need to know, and tell them what they must not do. Teach them what Christ would teach them. (This is v. 3 in the BWE.)

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  Fathers, don't make your children angry, but raise them with the kind of teaching and training you learn from the Lord.

God’s Word                         Fathers, don't make your children bitter about life. Instead, bring them up in Christian discipline and instruction.

Good News Bible (TEV)         Parents, do not treat your children in such a way as to make them angry. Instead, raise them with Christian discipline and instruction.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       Parents, don't be hard on your children. Raise them properly. Teach them and instruct them about the Lord.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Fathers, don’t exasperate your children, but raise them up with loving discipline and counsel that brings the revelation of our Lord.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  As for you who are fathers, do not treat your children in a way that makes them become angry. Instead, bring them up well by instructing them and by disciplining them in the manner that the Lord Jesus wants you to do.

Williams’ New Testament      You parents, too, must stop exasperating your children, but continue to bring them up with the sort of education and counsel the Lord approves.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            And the Fathers -- Don't make your children mad, but fully nurture them in the Master's discipline and correction.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           .

A. Campbell's Living Oracles Also, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath; but bring them up in the correction and instruction of the Lord.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament .

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; instead, bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 Fathers, don’t make your children mad, but look after them by disciplining them and instructing them about God.

The Heritage Bible                 And the fathers, do not enrage your children, but nourish them in child training and warning of the Lord.

International Standard V        Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up by training [Or discipline] and instructing them about the Lord.

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     And you fathers, do not irritate your children, but bring them up in the nature and admonition of the Lord.

NIV, ©2011                             .

Numeric New Testament       And, ye, the fathers, provoke not your: children to wrath: but nurture them in the Lord’s chastening and admonition.

Riverside New Testament      And you, fathers, do not irritate your children, but bring them up in the education and admonition of the Lord.

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      .

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    .

Urim-Thummim Version         And you dads, provoke not your children to anger: but bring them up in the training and exhortation of the LORD.

Weymouth New Testament    And you, fathers, do not irritate your children, but bring them up tenderly with true Christian training and advice.

Wikipedia Bible Project          .

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  And you, fathers, do not make rebels of your children, but educate them by correction and instruction which the Lord may inspire. Pro 13:24

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of Yahuah.

Hebraic Roots Bible               .

Holy New Covenant Trans.    Fathers, don't push your children to the point of rage. Instead, take care of them, using the Lord's warning and discipline.

The Scriptures 2009              .

Tree of Life Version                .

YAH Scriptures                      And you, fathers, do not provoke your children, but bring them up in the instruction and admonition of the Aon.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...and The Fathers not anger! the children [of] you* but raise! them in training and [in] warning [of] lord...

Alpha & Omega Bible            .

Awful Scroll Bible                   And fathers, be not causing- you all's children -to-be-wroth, however, be nourishing- them -away, from-within the training and putting-to-mind of the Lord.

Concordant Literal Version    And fathers, do not be vexing your children, but be nurturing them in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.".

exeGeses companion Bible   And you, fathers,

enrage not your children:

but nurture them

in the discipline and admonition of Adonay.

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           And, Avot, do not provoke your yeladim to ka'as, but nurture them in the musar of Hashem and His tokhechah (reproof). [BERESHIS 18:19; DEVARIM 6:7; MISHLE 13:24; 22:6].

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   And you fathers [Note: This word probably includes both parents], do not stir up your children to become angry, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     And fathers [highest authority in the family], stop provoking your children to anger [physical or mental child abuse], but bring them up with discipline [basic child training] and instruction [correction and reproof] according to the Lord .

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             And so you fathers: do not continually bring along inherent fervor to (or: irritate; exasperate to anger; bring impulse alongside) your children, but rather be continually nourishing them within child-training discipline and education, and then the placing (or: setting) of the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] in the mind (or: as well as the Master's mind-set; or: and the Owner's admonition; or: and instruction about the Lord).

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         .

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. And ye fathersˎl be not provoking your children to anger,

    But be nourishing them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.m

l Col. iii. 21.

m Pr. ii. 2 (Sep.), 5; iii. 11; Is. l. 5.

The Spoken English NT         And parents,d don’t provoke your children’s temper. No, bring them up in the Lord’s training and instruction.

d.Or “fathers”.

Updated ASV                         .

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     .

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  And the fathers, stop provoking yourp children [or, stop making yourp children resentful], but be nourishing them in [the] discipline and instruction of [the] Lord.

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           Furthermore, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but rear them in the sphere of training and instruction about the Lord.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             And you, parents, exasperate not your children, but educate them with the discipline and admonition of the Lord.

Context Group Version          And, you (pl) fathers, do not provoke your (pl) children to retaliation: but nurture them in the chastening and admonition of the Lord.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       And fathers, do not provoke your children, but bring them up in the education and admonition of the Lord.

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  And the fathers, do not rouse your children to anger, but rear them in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  You parents, stop causing your children to become angry (bitter or exasperated) but be training them to maturity and discipline and academic instruction from the Lord.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         .

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Revised Young’s Literal NT   And the fathers! provoke not your children, but nourish them in the instruction and admonition {gentle correction, counsel} of the Lord.

Ron Snider translation           And fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Updated ASV                         .

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 

Ephesians 6:4a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

hoi (οἱ) [pronounced hoy]

the; this, that, these; they

masculine plural definite article; nominative case

Strong’s #3588

pateres (πατέρες) [pronounced pat-EHR-ehs]

fathers, parents; forefathers, ancestors; metaphorically, originators or transmitters; authors of a family; paternal figures; titles of honor; a teachers

masculine plural noun; nominative case

Strong’s #3962

m (μή) [pronounced may]

not, neither, never, no; lest; nothing, without; not even; also [in a question requiring a negative answer]

adverb; a qualified negation

Strong’s #3361

parorgízō (παροργίζω) [pronounced par-org-IHD-zo]

provoke to anger; make angry, rouse to wrath, exasperate, anger

2nd person plural, present active imperative

Strong’s  #3949

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

tekna (τέκνα) [pronounced TEK-na]

 children, daughters, sons; metaphorically, citizens; those produced

neuter plural noun; accusative case

Strong’s #5043

humôn (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MONE]

of yours, from you; concerning you; you, yourselves

2nd person plural pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5216 (genitive case of #5210)

Translation: And the fathers: do not provoke your children,...

Paul has guidance for the parents—particularly for the fathers, as this is their area of weakness. Because of the natural factors of being much bigger than one’s child, often being exasperated at the end of a long day of work, and having a normal amount of testosterone in one’s body, a father might become too hard on his children—particularly on his sons. He may beat them harder, he may bully them, he may berate them.

American society has recognized that these behaviors are wrong, and so, we have gone all the way to the other side of this, where a father might not be tough enough. Furthermore, there are so many homes today which are headed by a mother only, and they tend to try to protect their sons, no matter what.

There is a nice middle ground, of course.

When a child is disciplined, many times they will resent it. A parent who explains why he is disciplining a child and explains what he expects will help mollify this resentment. Nevertheless, a bad boy is going to resent any sort of punishment, but not necessarily all of his life. A father who is too tough, too mean and too abusive, will raise up sons who resent their father continually.

Discipline must be combined with teaching, and before you lay a hand on your child, you need to explain to him why he is getting this discipline.

Obviously, a parent should never discipline a child in anger or with any other mental attitude sin. Discipline is for the good of the child; it is not a means of working out your anger or getting some sort of revenge.

Although daughters tend to be better behaved than sons, they also must be reproved. They may not require as much punishment, but they will require some. Also, corporal punishment is also for little girls as it is for little boys. Obviously, a father must moderate his power.

It is not abnormal for a little girl to have her father wound around her little finger. I have seen that twice with two men which I knew. In one case, I watched this three-year-old girl pester her father until he said yes. I also saw the same little girl ask for something from her mother, and one no ended that conversation.

I have seen another little girl, age three or four, get virtually anything that she wanted out of father. If she did not want to do something, she was not going to do it. Whether that involve flat out exercising her will against his, and the little girl won the battle of wills. And, taking the example of this particular family, you cannot bribe your children into being good or doing the right thing.

Ephesians 6:4b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

allá (ἀλλά) [pronounced ahl-LAH]

but, but rather, but on the contrary, instead, nay (rather); yea, yes, in fact, moreover; nevertheless

adversative particle

Strong’s #235

ektréphō (ἐκτρέφω) [pronounced ek-TREF-oh]

nourish (up to maturity), nurture, bring up; cherish; train; rear

2nd person plural, present active imperative

Strong’s #1625

auta (αὐτά) [pronounced ow-TAH]

them, to them, toward them; same; to (toward) the things

3rd person neuter plural personal pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #846

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

paideia (παιδεία) [pronounced present active indicative-DEE-ah]

education or training; by implication disciplinary correction; chastening, chastisement, instruction, nurture

feminine singular noun, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3809

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

nouthesía (νουθεσία) [pronounced noo-thes-EE-ah]

admonition; teaching (with strong authority); exhortation; calling attention to, that is, (by implication) a mild rebuke or warning

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3559

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong's #2962

Translation: ...but train them up with disciplinary correction and the teaching of the Lord. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

In raising up a child, we have three important words here. The verb is 2nd person plural, present active imperative of ektréphō (ἐκτρέφω) [pronounced ek-TREF-oh]. It has a variety of meanings: nourish (up to maturity), nurture, bring up; cherish; train; rear. Bring up or train would be most applicable here. Strong’s #1625.

The child is to be brought up in the sphere of paideia (παιδεία) [pronounced pie-DEE-ah], which means, education or training; by implication disciplinary correction; chastening, chastisement, instruction, nurture. Strong’s #3809. This word clearly has a disciplinary aspect to it, so that there is more to what the parent does than simple education or training.

The second feminine singular noun is nouthesía (νουθεσία) [pronounced noo-thes-EE-ah], which means, admonition; teaching (with strong authority); exhortation; calling attention to, that is, (by implication) a mild rebuke or warning. Strong’s #3559. The importance of this noun is, it provides a middle ground for the parent. There is warning, there is a mild rebuke, there is the calling of their child’s attention to something. There are things which you use prior to getting out the belt, the paddle or whatever you happen to use (personally, I am not against using a belt for discipline, but the parent must realize that it can be abused).

In any case, even though corporal punishment can and should be used, that should not be your only means of discipline. This is what you save for the most difficult circumstances, where your child cannot seem to learn in any other way.

Ephesians 6:4 And the fathers: do not provoke your children, but train them up with disciplinary correction and the teaching of the Lord. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

It is worth noting that, this is an important guide to bringing up a child. However, this was not among the Ten Commandments which God gave to the people of Israel.

Ephesians 6:4 And the fathers: do not provoke your children, but train them up with disciplinary correction and the teaching of the Lord. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:4 And fathers, do not provoke your children to anger or exasperate them, but train them up with teaching in the Lord and disciplinary correction when needed. (Kukis paraphrase)


The slaves: keep on listening to the lords according to flesh, with fear and trembling in sincerity of the heart of you (all) as to the Christ; not according to eye-service as people-pleasers but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of the God out from a soul, with goodwill, serving as to the Lord and not to men, seeing that each one might do good, [that] the same will receive of the Lord, whether slave or freeborn.



The slaves: keep on hearing (and obeying) the masters (according to the flesh) with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart as [if] to the Christ, not according to eye-service as people-pleasers but as [if] slaves of Christ, doing the will of God out from [your] thinking, [acting] with kindness, serving as [if] to the Lord and not [as] to men, knowing that each one [of you] might produce [divine] good [and] will receive the same from the Lord, whether slave or free.

You slaves—keep on listening to and obeying your masters (according to the flesh), showing great deference and respect, acting in singleness of mind, as if obeying Jesus Christ. We should not simply appear to be working, we should actually be working, as if an employee of the Lord, doing God’s will, out from a good mental attitude, being cooperative, and serving your master as if serving the Lord. In your day-to-day work, you may produce divine good and you will receive reward from the Lord for doing so, whether you are a slave or a freeman.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    The slaves: keep on listening to the lords according to flesh, with fear and trembling in sincerity of the heart of you (all) as to the Christ; not according to eye-service as people-pleasers but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of the God out from a soul, with goodwill, serving as to the Lord and not to men, seeing that each one might do good, [that] the same will receive of the Lord, whether slave or freeborn.

Complete Apostles Bible        Slaves, obey your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling, in simplicity of heart, as to Christ;

not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God wholeheartedly,

with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men,

knowing that whatever good thing anyone does, the same he shall receive back from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) Servants, be obedient to them that are your lords according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the simplicity of your heart, as to Christ.

Not serving to the eye, as it were pleasing men: but, as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.

With a good will serving, as to the Lord, and not to men.

Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man shall do, the same shall he receive from the Lord, whether he be bond or free.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Servants, obey your Masters who are in the flesh with reverence and trembling and with simplicity of heart, as unto The Messiah,

Not publicly, as if you please the children of men, but as Servants of The Messiah, doing the pleasure of God.

And serve them with all your soul in love, as unto Our Lord and not as unto men,

As you know that anything a man does which is excellent will be repaid by Our Lord, whether he is a Servant or a Freeman.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             Servants, do what is ordered by those who are your natural masters, having respect and fear for them, with all your heart, as to Christ; 

Not only under your master's eye, as pleasers of men; but as servants of Christ, doing the pleasure of God from the heart; 

Doing your work readily, as to the Lord, and not to men: 

In the knowledge that for every good thing anyone does, he will have his reward from the Lord, If he is a servant or if he is free.

Bible in Worldwide English     Obey not only when he is looking at you, as if you were pleasing a man. But obey as the servants of Christ, and do with all your heart what God wants you to do.

Work gladly as if you were working for the Lord and not for men.

You know that the Lord will pay every man for the good things he does. It does not matter if he is a servant or a free man.

And you who are bosses, be good to your servants also. Do not talk loud, hard words to them. Remember that both their Lord and yours is in heaven. He does not love one person more than another.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  Slaves, obey your masters here on earth with fear and respect. And do this with a heart that is true, just as you obey Christ. You must do this not just to please your masters while they are watching, but all the time. Since you are really slaves of Christ, you must do with all your heart what God wants. Do your work, and be happy to do it. Work as though it is the Lord you are serving, not just an earthly master. Remember that the Lord will give everyone a reward for doing good. Everyone, slave or free, will get a reward for the good things they do.

God’s Word                         Slaves, obey your earthly masters with proper respect. Be as sincere as you are when you obey Christ. Don't obey them only while you're being watched, as if you merely wanted to please people. But obey like slaves who belong to Christ, who have a deep desire to do what God wants them to do. Serve eagerly as if you were serving your heavenly master and not merely serving human masters. You know that your heavenly master will reward all of us for whatever good we do, whether we're slaves or free people.

Good News Bible (TEV)         Slaves, obey your human masters with fear and trembling; and do it with a sincere heart, as though you were serving Christ. Do this not only when they are watching you, because you want to gain their approval; but with all your heart do what God wants, as slaves of Christ. Do your work as slaves cheerfully, as though you served the Lord, and not merely human beings. Remember that the Lord will reward each of us, whether slave or free, for the good work we do.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       Slaves, you must obey your earthly masters. Show them great respect and be as loyal to them as you are to Christ. Try to please them at all times, and not just when you think they are watching. You are slaves of Christ, so with your whole heart you must do what God wants you to do. Gladly serve your masters, as though they were the Lord himself, and not simply people. You know that you will be rewarded for any good things you do, whether you are slaves or free.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Those who are employed should listen to their employers and obey their instructions with great respect and honor. Serve them with humility in your hearts as though you were working for the Master.  Always do what is right and not only when others are watching, so that you may please Christ as his servants by doing his will.  Serve your employers wholeheartedly and with love, as though you were serving Christ and not men.  Be assured that anything you do that is beautiful and excellent will be repaid by our Lord, whether you are an employee or an employer.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  As for you who are slaves, obey those who are your masters here on the earth very respectfully and sincerely, just as you obey the Messiah. Obey them not only when they are watching you, as people do who only care about appearing to work hard. Instead, work as though you were slaves of the Messiah, doing enthusiastically what God wants you to do. Serve your masters willingly, as though you are serving the Lord Jesus rather than people. Do this because you know that the Lord Jesus will reward each person for whatever good deeds that person has done. It makes no difference whether that person was a slave or a free person.

Williams’ New Testament      You slaves must practice obedience to your earthly masters, with reverence and awe, with sincerity of heart, as you would obey Christ, not serving them as though they were watching you, but as true slaves of Christ, trying to carry out the will of God. Heartily and cheerfully keep on working as slaves, as though it were for the Lord and not for men, for you know that everyone, slave or free, will get his reward from the Lord for anything good he has done.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            The Slaves — Obey your masters regarding the physical body with fear and trembling, in dedication of your heart as to the Anointed King, not in line with slaves that have to be watched, as people-satisfiers, but as slaves of the Anointed King, doing what God wants from a soul, being a slave with a positive attitude, as to the Master and not to people, realizing that each person, if he did something good, will retrieve this from the side of the Master, whether he is a slave or free.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           Servants be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh with deep respect and trembling in single loyalty of your heart as to Christ. Not pleasing them only when they are watching, instead be servants of Christ doing God's will from the heart, with a cheerful willingness doing your work as to the Lord and not to men. Knowing that whatever good thing any one does, he will receive from the Lord, whether he is a freeman or slave.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles Servants, obey your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the integrity of your heart, as to Christ. Not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the soul; with good will, acting as servants to the Lord, and not to men: knowing that whatever good work any one does, for that he shall receive of the Lord, whether bond or free.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament Slaves, obey your earthly masters, with anxious care, giving them ungrudging service, as if obeying the Christ; Not only when their eyes are on you, as if you had merely to please men, but as slaves of Christ, who are trying to carry out the will of God. Give your service heartily and cheerfully, as working for the Master and not for men; For you know that every one will be rewarded by the Master for any honest work that he has done, whether he is a slave or a freeman.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear and sincerity of heart, just as you would show to Christ.  And do this not only to please them while they are watching, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.  Serve with good will, as to the Lord and not to men, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free.

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 Servants, obey those who are your human masters, with proper respect and awe, doing things from sincere motives as if you were serving Christ. Don’t just work well when you’re being watched to gain approval, but work like servants of Christ, honestly doing God’s will, happily serving as if you were doing it for the Lord, and not for people. You know that whoever does what’s good will be rewarded by the Lord, whether that person is a servant or someone who is free.

The Heritage Bible                          You servants, listen attentively to the lords according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of your heart, as to Christ,

Not with eye-service,6 as men-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God out of the soul,

Serving with a good mind, as to the Lord, and absolutely not to men,

Seeing that whatever inherent good anyone does, he will be provided for the same alongside of the Lord, whether servant or free.

6 6:6 eye-service, ophthalmodouleia, literally eye-service, meaning someone who only works when the master’s eyes are upon him.

International Standard V        Advice for Slaves and Masters

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear, trembling, and sincerity, as when you obey [Lit. as to] the Messiah. [Or Christ] Do not do this only while you’re being watched in order to please them, but be like slaves of the Messiah, [Or Christ] who are determined to obey God’s will. Serve willingly, as if you were serving the Lord and not merely people, [Lit. as to the Lord and not people] because you know that everyone will receive a reward from the Lord for whatever good he has done, whether he is a slave or free.

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     .

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      Slaves, obey those who according to the flesh are your masters, with reverence and awe in singleness of your hearts as to Christ, not with eye service as pleasers of men, but as Christ's slaves, doing the will of God in a whole-souled way, giving service with cheerfulness as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that whatever good thing each one does that he will be rewarded for by the Lord, whether he be slave or free.

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      .

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in the honesty of your heart, as to Christ, not with eye- service as men- pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, serving with a good attitude, as to the Lord and not men, knowing that each person, if he does something good, this he will receive from the Lord, whether slave or free.

Urim-Thummim Version         .

Weymouth New Testament    Slaves, be obedient to your earthly masters, with respect and eager anxiety to please and with simplicity of motive as if you were obeying Christ. Let it not be in acts of eye-service as if you had but to please men, but as Christ's bondservants who are doing God's will from the heart. With right good will, be faithful to your duty as service rendered to the Lord and not to man. You well know that whatever right thing any one does, he will receive a requital for it from the Lord, whether he is a slave or a free man.

Wikipedia Bible Project          .

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  Servants, obey your masters of this world with fear and respect, with simplicity of heart, as if obeying Christ. Do not serve only when you are watched or in order to please others, but become servants of Christ who do God’s will with all your heart. Work willingly, for the Lord and not for humans, mindful that the good each one has done, whether servant or free, will be rewarded by the Lord.

Col 3:22; Tit 2:9; 1P 2:18; Romans 6:15

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           Servants, be obedient to them that are your adoniym according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Mashiach; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Mashiach, doing the will of Elohiym from the heart; With good will doing service, as to Yahuah, and not to men: Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man does, the same shall he receive of Yahuah, whether he be bond or free.

Hebraic Roots Bible               .

Holy New Covenant Trans.    Slaves, obey your human masters with awesome respect and trembling but sincerely, just as you would obey Christ. Don't be a slave only while your master is looking, like slaves who only want to please men. Instead, from your inner being, do what God wants - as slaves of Christ. Serve cheerfully, as if it were for the Lord Jesus and not for men. Each one of you knows that if a slave or free man does something good, the Lord Jesus will give him a reward for doing that.

The Scriptures 2009              Servants, obey your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Messiah; not with eye-service as men-pleasers, but as servants of Messiah, doing the desire of Elohim from the inner self,a rendering service with pleasure, as to the Master, and not to men, knowing that whatever good anyone does, he shall receive the same from the Master, whether he is slave or free.

a Romans 6:16-23. 

Tree of Life Version                Slaves, obey your human masters, with respect and reverence, with sincerity of heart, as you would the Messiah—not just under your master’s eye as people-pleasers, but as slaves of Messiah doing God’s will from the soul. Serve with a positive attitude, as to the Lord and not to men—knowing that whatever good each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       The Servants obey! the in flesh lords with fear and trembling in generosity [from] the heart [of] you* as {You* obey} the Christ not {obey! them} in watching as Pleasing (Men) but {obey! them} as Servants [of] christ Making the will [of] the god from soul with will (good) Serving as {You* serve} the lord and not men {be!} Having Seen for Each [Man] if something may make good this [He] will provide from lord whether {He is} Servant whether {He is} [Man] Free...

Alpha & Omega Bible            .

Awful Scroll Bible                   Devoted slaves, be listening-under you all's masters, according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, from-within that Un-raveled of the sensibility of you all's heart, as to the Anointed One, not accordingly to eye-service as men-pleasers, however, as devoted slaves of the Anointed One, effecting the Purpose of God, out of you all's lives, with well-mindedness enslaving to the Lord, and not to the aspects-of-man, having perceived, certainly-of-which if- someone -shall do good, in this-same thing he will be taken care of by the Lord, whether he is enslaved or free.

Concordant Literal Version    Slaves, be obeying your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling, in the singleness of your heart, as to Christ, not with eye-slavery, as man-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the soul, with good humor slaving as to the Lord and not to men, being aware that, whatsoever good each one should be doing, for this he will be requited by the Lord, whether slave or free."

exeGeses companion Bible   Servants,

obey your adonim according to the flesh

with awe and trembling;

in liberality of your heart as to the Messiah:

not with eyeservice, as humanitypleasers;

but as the servants of the Messiah

doing the will of Elohim from the soul;

with good will in servitude,

as to Adonay, and not as to humanity:

knowing that whatever good each does,

he receives the same of Adonay

- whether servant, whether liberated.

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           Avadim (servants), serve with mishma'at (obedience) your adonim according to the basar B'YIR'AH ("with fear") and BIRA'DAH ("with trembling") [TEHILLIM 2:11] with your levavot of erlichkeit (sincerity) as to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach,

Not with eye service as men-pleasers, being mehaneh (pleasing) to Bnei Adam, but as avadim (servants) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, doing the ratzon Hashem from your levavot.

Render your avodas kodesh service with a lev tov as avadim unto Adoneinu and not unto Bnei Adam,

Having da'as that whatever ma'aseh tov each one does, this he will receive back from Hashem, whether he is an eved or a Ben Chorin.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   Slaves, you should obey those who are your earthly masters, out of reverence and eagerness to please them, with a sincere heart, as you would [obey] Christ. Do not serve them only when you are being watched, just to gain their approval, but as slaves of Christ, doing what God wants from your heart. Render your service wholeheartedly, as you would to the Lord, and not [just] to people, knowing that whatever good deed a person does, he will be rewarded for it from the Lord, whether he is a slave or a free person.

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     Slaves, obey your masters according to the flesh [those with legitimate authority] with respect and maximum effort [motivated by Christ] by means of integrity from the mentality of your soul as to Christ,

Not on the basis of eye service [attracting attention to oneself] as men-pleasers [trying to get promoted by flattery and brown-nosing], but as slaves of Christ continually executing the will of God from the soul,

Making it a practice to serve with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not to man [not concerned with human approbation],

Because you understand that each person [Church Age believer], if he produces anything intrinsically good [fruit, not works], for this he himself shall be rewarded [distribution of blessings] from the Lord, whether he is a slave [labor] or a free person [management].

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             Slaves: you folks be continually paying attention, listening humbly to and obeying [your] owners (masters) those [being such] in respect to the flesh (= this human condition and natural realm) with fear (or: respect, reverence, = earnestness) and trembling (= concerned focus), joined with singleness (simplicity; uncompoundedness; = pureness of substance) of your heart (= with the core of your being willing one thing [comment: which is Kierkegaard's "the Good"]), as though to (or: as if for; as being in, and with) the Christ,

not in accord with eye-service (or: in line with slavery to the eyes [of folks watching]; or: = doing it only when being watched) as folks desiring to please men, but rather as slaves of Christ, constantly doing (performing; producing) the will and intent of God from out of [the] soul (= with the whole inner being: mind, will, emotion, life-force; or: = spontaneously)

with a good disposition (well-mindedness; a good will; a good attitude), habitually serving (or: being; working) as a slave, as for (or: to; in; with) the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ], and not for (or: to) people (humans; mankind),

having seen and thus knowing (perceiving; being aware; recognizing) that each person, if he or she may do some good thing (perform some virtuous act; produce some excellence and quality), this she, or he, will continue receiving for herself, or himself, for kindly keeping alongside of the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]: whether slave, whether free.

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         .

NET Bible®                             Slaves and Masters

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ, not while being watched [Literally “with eye service”], as people pleasers, but as slaves of Christ doing the will of God from the heart, serving with goodwill as to the Lord and not to people, because you [*Here “because ” is supplied as a component of the participle (“know”) which is understood as causal] know that each one of you, whatever good he should do, [Some manuscripts have “if he should do anything good”] this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free.

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. Ye servantsˎn be obedient unto them who |after the flesh| are your mastersˎ

    With fear and trembling,

    In singleness of your heartˎ as unto the Christ;

Not by way of eye-service as man-pleasers,

But as servants of Christˎ doing the will of God,

    ||From the soulˎ with good will|| rendering service—

    As unto the Lordˎ and not unto men;

Knowing that ||each one|| <whatsoever he may do that is good> ||the same|| shall he receive back from the Lord—Whether bond or free.

n Col. iii. 22; 1 Tim. vi. 1; Tt. ii. 9.

The Spoken English NT         Slaves and Masters
Slaves, obey your human masters.e Serve with fear and trembling, and with your whole heart, as though you were giving your service to Christ.

And not just when somebody’s looking, or to gain somebody’s favor.f No, obey as slaves of Christ, who are doing God’s will.

Serve from your heart, with kindness,g as though you’re giving service to the Lord, not to human beings.

After all, you know that each person who does something good is going to receive a reward from the Lord-whether they’re a slave or free.

e.Lit. “your masters according to the flesh”.

f.Lit. “not according to eye-service, as people-pleasers”.

g.Or “…God’s will from your heart. Serve with kindness...”

Updated ASV                         Counsel to Slaves and Masters

Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh,[48] with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ; 6 not by way of[49] eye-service, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the soul.[50] With good will rendering service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free.

[48] That is, human or earthly masters, with fear

[49] Lit according to

[50] the essence of life in terms of thinking, willing, and feeling–‘inner self, mind, thoughts, feelings, heart, being.’

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     About slaves and masters
Slaves, obey your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ;1 not only when being watched, to please men, but as slaves of the Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; serving with a good attitude, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that whatever good each one does, he will receive the same again from the Lord, whether he is slave or free.

(1) Observe that slavery is not condemned. The owners are not commanded to free their slaves, just to treat them right. The slaves are not told to run away, but to be even better slaves.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  The slaves, be obeying the masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of yourp heart, as to Christ, not with eye-service as people-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from [the] soul [fig., wholeheartedly], serving with goodwill [or, wholehearted zeal] as to the Lord and not to people, knowing that whatever good [thing] each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether a slave or a free [person].

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           Workers, obey your human masters with respect and trembling by means of the integrity of your heart as to Christ, not on the basis of eye-service as men-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the soul with a positive mental attitude of wholehearted willingness, devotion, and loyalty, serving as to the Lord and not to men, because you know that each one, if he does anything good, for this he himself will be rewarded by the Lord whether worker [employee] or free [employer].

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             .

Context Group Version          Slaves, be obedient to those that according to the flesh are your (pl) masters, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your (pl) heart, as to the Anointed; not in the way of eyeservice, as men-pleasers; but as slaves of the Anointed, doing the will of God from the heart; with good will serving as slaves, as to the Lord, and not to men: knowing that whatever good thing each one does, the same he shall receive again from the Lord, whether slave or free.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       Servants, obey your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling in your single-mindedness, as to Christ, not in the manner of eye-service as men-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, serving with good-will, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that whatever good each one does, he will receive it from the Lord, whether he is a slave or a free man.

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  The bondservants, be° obedient* to your° lords according-to the flesh with fear and trembling, in clarity of your° heart, as to the Christ; not according-to eye-service, like men-pleasers, but like bondservants of the Christ, practicing the will of God from your° soul; serving* with benevolence as to the Lord and not to men. Each one knowing that whatever good thing someone may practice, he will be getting this from the Lord, whether bondservant or free man.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   . Title

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  You slaves [employees], be obeying your lords [management] according to the standard of the flesh [laws of establishment], with respect for authority and maximum effort, by means of integrity from your right lobe, as to your Christ.

Not according to the standard of eye-slavery, as men-pleasers; but as slaves [workers, employees] belonging to Christ, constantly doing the will of your God from the soul.

With loyal enthusiasm performing the duties of a slave, as to the Lord, and not to men.

Knowing that each one, if he has done anything good, he himself shall receive with interest this same production from the source of the Lord, whether he is a slave or a free man.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         .

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ; not by way of eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. With good will rendering service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free.

Updated ASV                         .

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 6:5a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hoi (οἱ) [pronounced hoy]

the; this, that, these; they

masculine plural definite article; nominative case

Strong’s #3588

douloi (δολοι) [pronounced DEW-loy]

slaves; servants; attendants

masculine plural noun; nominative case

Strong’s #1401

hupakouô (ὑπακούω) [pronounced hoop-ak-OO-oh]

listen, harken; of one who on the knock at the door comes—listen who it is, (the duty of a porter); harken to a command; obey, be obedient to, submit to

2nd person plural, present active imperative

Strong’s #5219

tois (τος) [pronounced toiç]

(to, in by) the; these [things]; in these; to those; by all of this; for these

masculine plural definite article; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

katá (κατά) [pronounced kaw-TAW]

according to, after, according to a norm or standard; throughout, over, in, at; to, toward, up to; before, for, by, along

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #2596

sarx (σάρξ) [pronounced sarx]

flesh; body [as opposed to soul/spirit]; meat [of an animal]; figuratively for, human nature, [frailties of] the flesh; sin nature; carnal, fleshly; man, mankind, humanity

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #4561

kurioi (κύριοι) [pronounced KOO-ree-oi]

lords, masters; owners, possessors; those who have control over a person or thing; princes, chiefs, sovereigns

masculine plural noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong's #2962

Translation: The slaves: keep on hearing (and obeying) the masters (according to the flesh)...

Throughout the end of the previous chapter and in this chapter, Paul names up front the persons to whom his remarks are addressed.

He tells those who are slaves not to rebel against their masters (according to the flesh), but to hear and obey them.

Bringing this into the 21st century, we as employees are to obey our bosses, our supervisors, our managers.

Ephesians 6:5b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

meta (μετά) [pronounced meht-AH]

with, along with, among, in the company of, in the midst of

preposition with the genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3326

phobos (φόβος) [pronounced FOHB-oss]

fear, dread, terror; that which strikes terror; reverence for one’s husband

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5401

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

trómos (τρόμος) [pronounced TROM-oss]

trembling; quaking with fear; with fear and trembling, used to describe the anxiety of one who distrusts his ability completely to meet all requirements, but religiously does his utmost to fulfil his duty

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5156

Translation: ...with fear and trembling,...

Although this says with fear and trembling, the idea is, we are to have respect for those over us. We responds to their demands with respectful obedience.

Ephesians 6:5c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

haplótēs (ἁπλότης) [pronounced hap-LOT-ace]

sincerity, without dissimulation or self-seeking, (objectively) generosity (copious bestowal); simplicity, singleness (of mind, of action)

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #572

tês (τς) [pronounced tayç]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

kardia (καρδία) [pronounced kahr-DEE-uh]

heart, mind, soul; will, character; center [or middle, or essence] [of something]

feminine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2588

humôn (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MONE]

of yours, from you; concerning you; you, yourselves

2nd person plural pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5216 (genitive case of #5210)

hôs (ὡς) [pronounced hohç]

like, as; how; about; in such a way; even as; when, while

comparative particle, adverb

Strong’s #5613

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

masculine singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: ...in singleness of your heart as [if] to the Christ,...

The word used here is haplótēs (ἁπλότης) [pronounced hap-LOT-ace], and it means, without dissimulation or self-seeking, (objectively) generosity (copious bestowal); simplicity, singleness (of mind, of action). Strong’s #572. The idea is, you have a task or a set of tasks set before you, and you concentrate on those tasks and do them. You focus on the tasks given you by your master and you do it.

Similarly, the employee listens to the requirements of his boss, manager or supervisor and he does what is required.

Ephesians 6:5 The slaves: keep on hearing (and obeying) the masters (according to the flesh) with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart as [if] to the Christ,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:6a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

m (μή) [pronounced may]

not, neither, never, no; lest; nothing, without; not even; also [in a question requiring a negative answer]

adverb; a qualified negation

Strong’s #3361

katá (κατά) [pronounced kaw-TAW]

according to, after, according to a norm or standard; throughout, over, in, at; to, toward, up to; before, for, by, along

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #2596

ophthalmodouleía (ὀφθαλμοδουλεία) [pronounced of-thal-mod-oo-LIE-ah]

eye service, sight-labor, that needs watching (remissness)

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #3787

hôs (ὡς) [pronounced hohç]

like, as; how; about; in such a way; even as; when, while

comparative particle, adverb

Strong’s #5613

anthrōpáreskos (ἀνθρωπάρεσκος) [pronounced anth-ro-PAHR-es-koss]

people pleaser, studying to please man, courting the favour of men; fawning

masculine plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #441

Translation: ...not according to eye-service as people-pleasers...

The worker is not to simply appear as if he is working, with the idea of trying to please his employer by looking busy, but he should be carrying out the tasks which he has been given for that day. The day should progress with completion of this task, then that task.

Ephesians 6:6b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

allá (ἀλλά) [pronounced ahl-LAH]

but, but rather, but on the contrary, instead, nay (rather); yea, yes, in fact, moreover; nevertheless

adversative particle

Strong’s #235

hôs (ὡς) [pronounced hohç]

like, as; how; about; in such a way; even as; when, while

comparative particle, adverb

Strong’s #5613

douloi (δολοι) [pronounced DEW-loy]

slaves; servants; attendants

masculine plural noun; nominative case

Strong’s #1401

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: ...but as [if] slaves of Christ,...

I have spent my life in the workforce, and about half of my employers have been good and about half of them not so good. However, my work, ideally speaking, should be should always be my best, with an attempt to complete everything required of me. As believers, we work for a boss as if working for Jesus Christ. His requirements for the job are the requirements of Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 6:6c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

poieô (ποιέω) [pronounced poi-EH-oh]

doing, making, constructing, producing; accomplishing; the one carrying out, those executing [a plan, an intention]; practicing; acting

masculine plural present active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #4160

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the; this, that; to the, towards the

neuter singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

thelêma (θέλημα) [pronounced THEHL-ay-mah]

will, choice, inclination, desire, pleasure; volition; what one wishes or has determined shall be done; of the purpose of God to bless mankind through Christ; of what God wishes to be done by us; commands, precepts, purpose, decree

neuter singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #2307

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

theos (θεός) [pronounced theh-OSS]

God, [the true] God; divine being; god, goddess, divinity

masculine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2316

ek (ἐκ) [pronounced ehk]

out of, out from, from, by, at, of


Strong’s #1537

psuchê (ψυχή) [pronounced psoo-KHAY]

breath [of life]; [eternal, immortal, rational, living] soul; life, vitality, spirit; the seat of feelings, desires, affections

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5590

Translation: ...doing the will of God out from [your] thinking,...

By obeying our boss, supervisor or manager, we are doing the will of God. This is not to be done with us muttering under our breath, you lousy so-and-so; but guided with our soul which is, ideally speaking, filled with Bible doctrine.

Ephesians 6:6 ...not according to eye-service as people-pleasers but as [if] slaves of Christ, doing the will of God out from [your] thinking,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:7a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

meta (μετά) [pronounced meht-AH]

with, along with, among, in the company of, in the midst of

preposition with the genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3326

eúnoia (εὔνοια) [pronounced YOO-noy-ah]

goodwill, kindness, benevolence; euphemistically conjugal duty

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2133

douleúō (δουλεύω) [pronounced dool-YOO-oh]

serving, acting as a servant, being a slave, being in bondage to

masculine plural, present active participle, nominative case

Strong’s #1398

hôs (ὡς) [pronounced hohç]

like, as; how; about; in such a way; even as; when, while

comparative particle, adverb

Strong’s #5613

tô (τ) [pronounced toh]

in the; by the, to the; by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

masculine singular definite article; locative, dative, or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong's #2962

Translation: ...[acting] with kindness, serving as [if] to the Lord...

Our actions are done with kindness or benevolence. We do not have a resentment boiling up under the surface.

Ephesians 6:7b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

ouk (οὐκ) [pronounced ook]

no, not, nothing, none, no one

negation; this form is used before a vowel

Strong’s #3756

anthrôpoi (ἄνθρωποι) [pronounced ANTH-row-poy]

men [in the generic sense], mankind, human beings; men [in reference to gender]; people

masculine plural noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #444

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

Translation: ...and not [as] to men,...

And when we do our work, it is not to be done unto men. So, let’s say that you have a lousy boss and, in your opinion, he has not a clue how to run the store, shop, business, office. His competence, whether you are right or wrong about that, is never the issue. So you do your work not as unto this guy, whether a good or a lousy boss.

Ephesians 6:7 ...[acting] with kindness, serving as [if] to the Lord and not [as] to men,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:8a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eidô (εἴδω) [pronounced Ī-doh]

seeing, having seen, perceiving, observing, discerning, knowing; passive/middle: having seen, having been seen, coming to know, being discerned

masculine plural, perfect active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #1492

hóti (ὅτι) [pronounced HOH-tee]

that, because, for, since; as concerning that; as though; before a quotation, this can mean, quote

demonstrative or causal conjunction

Strong’s #3754

hekastos (ἕκαστος) [pronounced HEHK-as-toss]

each [one], every [man, one]; both, any [man, one]

masculine singular adjective; nominative case

Strong’s #1538

eán (ἐάν) [pronounced eh-AHN]

if, in case, suppose, let’s suppose [for the sake of an argument]; in case that, provided [that]; but, except

conditional particle; conjunction affixed to a subjunctive verb

Strong’s #1437

By itself, but especially in combination, this word is translated whatever (which appears to be primarily a Pauline usage, as far as I can tell).

tina (τινα) [pronounced tihn-ah]; ti (τι) [pronounced tih]

one, someone, a certain one; any, anyone, anything; thing; something; some, some time, awhile; only

neuter singular enclitic, indefinite pronoun; adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #5100

poieô (ποιέω) [pronounced poi-EH-oh]

to do, to make, to construct, to produce; to accomplish; to carry out, to organize, to execute [a plan, an intention]; to practice; to act

3rd person singular, aorist active subjunctive

Strong’s #4160

agathos (ἀγαθός) [pronounced ag-ath-OSS]

good (of intrinsic value), benefit, well; of good constitution or nature; useful, salutary; pleasant, agreeable, joyful, happy; excellent, distinguished; upright, honourable

neuter singular adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #18

Translation: ...knowing that each one [of you] might produce [divine] good...

As we work, we are to be aware of the fact that we are potentially producing divine good by obeying their mandates and doing what is necessary.

Ephesians 6:8b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

toúto (τούτο) [pronounced TOO-toh]

this [thing], that (thing), this one; that (thing); the same

demonstrative singular pronoun; neuter singular; accusative case

Strong’s #5124 (Neuter, singular, nominative or accusative of #3778)

komizô (κομίζω) [pronounced kom-ID-zoh]

to provide for; to carry off (as if from harm; generally obtain); to bring, to receive [back], to recover

3rd person singular, future (deponent) middle indicative

Strong’s #2865

para (παρά) [pronounced paw-RAW]

of, from [the side of, the person of]; by

preposition of origin, source; with the genitive

Strong’s #3844

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong's #2962

Translation: ...[and] will receive the same from the Lord,...

When we produce divine good, then we will receive payment (or reward) from God.

As you know, the word kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss] could mean master and it could mean Lord. Given the context, I would understand this to refer to Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 6:8c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eíte (εἴτε) [pronounced I-teh]

if, whether...or; if too


Strong’s #1535

Paul uses this conjunction a lot (over 60 times). Peter uses this word twice in the same passage and the writer of Hebrews does not use it. Only Peter and Paul use this word. This is strong evidence that Paul did not write the book of Hebrews.

doulos (δολος) [pronounced DEW-loss]

slave, servant, attendant

masculine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #1401

eíte (εἴτε) [pronounced I-teh]

if, whether...or; if too


Strong’s #1535

eleútheros (ἐλεύθερος) [pronounced el-YOO-there-oss]

free; freeborn; exempt, unrestrained, not bound by an obligation; in an ethical sense: free from the yoke of the Mosaic Law

masculine singular adjective, nominative case

Strong’s #1658

Translation: ...whether slave or free. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

The rewards which we receive come to us, no matter what our station in life. God blesses us, despite being an employee or an employer.

Ephesians 6:8 ...knowing that each one [of you] might produce [divine] good [and] will receive the same from the Lord, whether slave or free. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:5–8 The slaves: keep on hearing (and obeying) the masters (according to the flesh) with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart as [if] to the Christ, not according to eye-service as people-pleasers but as [if] slaves of Christ, doing the will of God out from [your] thinking, [acting] with kindness, serving as [if] to the Lord and not [as] to men, knowing that each one [of you] might produce [divine] good [and] will receive the same from the Lord, whether slave or free. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:5–8 You slaves—keep on listening to and obeying your masters (according to the flesh), showing great deference and respect, acting in singleness of mind, as if obeying Jesus Christ. We should not simply appear to be working, we should actually be working, as if an employee of the Lord, doing God’s will, out from a good mental attitude, being cooperative, and serving your master as if serving the Lord. In your day-to-day work, you may produce divine good and you will receive reward from the Lord for doing so, whether you are a slave or a freeman. (Kukis paraphrase)


And the lords: the same (things) keep on doing face to face with them, relaxing the threat, seeing that even of them and of you (all), the Lord keeps on being in heavens and partiality is not with Him.



And the masters: keep on doing the same (things) to them, omitting the threats [against them], knowing that both of you (all) and of them, the Lord keeps on being in the heavens and there is not partiality with Him.

This is write to the slave owners: behave with respect and deference to your slaves, without resorting to threats against them. You certainly know that the Lord of you and the Lord of them is the same Lord. He keeps on being in the heavens, and He does not favor you over them.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    And the lords: the same (things) keep on doing face to face with them, relaxing the threat, seeing that even of them and of you (all), the Lord keeps on being in heavens and partiality is not with Him.

Complete Apostles Bible        And masters, do the same things towards them, giving up threatening, knowing that your own Master is in heaven, and there is no partiality with Him.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) And you, masters, do the same things to them, forbearing threatenings: knowing that the Lord both of them and you is in heaven. And there is no respect of persons with him.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Also you Masters, in this way do to your Servants; be forgiving offenses unto them,* because you know that your Master also is in Heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             And, you masters, do the same things to them, not making use of violent words: in the knowledge that their Master and yours is in heaven, and he has no respect for a man's position.

Bible in Worldwide English     And you who are bosses, be good to your servants also. Do not talk loud, hard words to them. Remember that both their Lord and yours is in heaven. He does not love one person more than another. This is v. 8 in the BWE.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  Masters, in the same way, be good to your slaves. Don't say things to scare them. You know that the one who is your Master and their Master is in heaven, and he treats everyone the same.

God’s Word                         Masters, treat your slaves with respect. Don't threaten a slave. You know that there is one master in heaven who has authority over both of you, and he doesn't play favorites.

Good News Bible (TEV)         Masters, behave in the same way toward your slaves and stop using threats. Remember that you and your slaves belong to the same Master in heaven, who judges everyone by the same standard.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       Slave owners, you must treat your slaves with this same respect. Don't threaten them. They have the same Master in heaven that you do, and he doesn't have any favorites.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        And to the caretakers of the flock I say, do what is right with your people by forgiving them when they offend you, for you know there is a Master in heaven that shows no favoritism.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  As for you who are masters, just like your slaves should serve you well, in the same way you must treat them well. Stop threatening them. Do not forget that the one who is both their Lord and your Lord is in heaven and he judges everyone equally, whether their position is high or low.

Williams’ New Testament      You slave-owners, too, must maintain the same attitude toward your slaves, and stop threatening them, for you know that their real Lord and yours is in heaven, and that He never shows partiality.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            And the Masters -- Do the same things toward them, easing up on the threatening, realizing that the Master of both them and you is in heavenly regions and there is no favoritism beside Him.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           Masters you must do the same to them, stay away from threatening, knowing that your Master is also in heaven, neither is there any partiality with him.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles And, masters, do the same things to them, moderating threatening; knowing, also, that your Master is in heaven, and there is no respect of persons with him.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament And masters, treat your slaves in the same spirit. Give up threatening them; for you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in Heaven, and that before him there is no distinction of rank.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                And masters, do the same for your slaves. Give up your use of threats, because you know that He who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with Him.

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 Masters, you should treat your servants the same way. Don’t threaten them, remember that the Lord in heaven is both their master and yours, and he treats people the same, without favoritism.

The Heritage Bible                 And you lords, do the same to them, refraining from threatening, seeing that their Lord is also yours in heaven, and there is absolutely no respect of faces with him.

International Standard V        Masters, treat your slaves [Lit. treat them] the same way. Do not threaten them, for you know that both of you have the same Master in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     And you masters, show the same spirit to your slaves, and stop threatening them; for you know that your masters and theirs is in heaven, and that there is no respect of persons with him.

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      And you, masters, do the same by them, avoiding threats, knowing that the Master both of them and of you is in the heavens, and there is no partiality for rank with him.

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      .

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    Masters, do the same to them. Stop using threats. You know that the Master, both theirs and yours, is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.

Urim-Thummim Version         And you masters, do the same things to them, omitting threatening: knowing that your LORD also is in the cosmos; neither is there respect of persons with Him.

Weymouth New Testament    And you masters, act towards your slaves on the same principles, and refrain from threats. For you know that in Heaven there is One who is your Master as well as theirs, and that merely earthly distinctions there are none with Him.

Wikipedia Bible Project          .

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  And you, masters, deal with your servants in the same way, and do not threaten them, since you know that they and you have the same Lord who is in heaven, and he treats all fairly.

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           And, ye adoniym, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Yah also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him.

Hebraic Roots Bible               And masters, do the same things toward them, forgiving their faults, knowing that the Master of you and of them is in Heaven, and there is no respecter of persons with Him.

Holy New Covenant Trans.    Masters, treat your slaves the same way. Don't try to scare them. You know that the Lord Jesus is in heaven. He is their Lord and your Lord. God treats everyone the same.

The Scriptures 2009              And, masters, do the same to them, refrain from threatening, knowing that your own Master also is in the heavens, and there is no partiality with Him.

Tree of Life Version                And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Stop using threats, knowing that the Master—of them and of you, too—is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with Him.

YAH Scriptures                      And, masters, do the same to them, refrain from threatening, knowing that your own Aon also is in the shamayim, and there is no partiality with Him.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...and The Lords the them make! to them Letting (Up) the threatening Having Seen for and [of] them and [of] you* The Lord [He] is in heavens and Favoritism not is with him...

Alpha & Omega Bible            .

Awful Scroll Bible                   And masters, be effecting the same with regards to them, placing-back from being threatening, having perceived, certainly-of-what you all's own Master even is from-within the Expanse, indeed there is no acceptance-with-regards-to-the-face with Him.

Concordant Literal Version    And, masters, be doing the same toward them, being lax in threatening, being aware that their Master as well as yours is in the heavens, and there is no partiality with Him. "

exeGeses companion Bible   And you, adoniym,

do the same to them, leaving off threatening:

knowing also that your Adonay

is in the heavens;

and there is no partiality with him.

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           And, adonim, do the same things to them, forbearing threatening, having da'as that both their and your Adon is in Shomayim, and ein masso panim im Hashem (there is no partiality with Hashem). [IYOV 31:13,14].

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   And you masters should treat your slaves the same way; do not threaten them, knowing that God, who is both their Master and yours, is in heaven and He does not respect any particular person [over another].

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     And masters, keep on doing the same things to them [treat labor with respect]; stop threatening [those under your authority], knowing that both their Lord and yours is in heaven and there is no partiality [favoritism] associated with Him [Jesus Christ as the Judge in the Supreme Court of heaven].

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             And now for the owners (lords; masters): be practicing (continually doing) the same toward them, constantly being lax (loosening up) in the threatening, knowing (having seen; being aware) also that their Owner (Lord; Master) as well as yours is continuously existing within [the] atmospheres (or: heavens), and partiality through respect or acceptance of faces (= persons) does not exist alongside of Him.

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         .

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. And ye masters.o ||the same things|| be doing towards them,

Forbearing your threat—

    Knowing that ||both theirʹ and yourʹ Master|| is in the heavens,

    And ||respect of persons|| there is none |with him|.a

o Col. lv. 1.

a Col. lii. 25.

The Spoken English NT         And masters, do the same thing towards your slaves. Give up threatening them: rememberh that both your Lord and theirs is in heaven, and there’s no such thing as special status with him.

h.Lit. “know,” or “knowing”.

Updated ASV                         .

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     .

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  And the masters, be doing the same [things] to them, giving up threatening, knowing that also yourp own Master is in [the] heavens, and [there] is no accepting of faces [fig., prejudice] with Him.

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           And employers, do the same things with reference to them [employees]; stop threatening, knowing that both their and your Lord is in heaven and there is no partiality associated with Him.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             And you, masters, observe the same conduct towards them, abating your threats, knowing that you yourselves have a master in heaven, and that with him there is no respect of persons.

Context Group Version          And, you (pl) masters, do the same things to them, and cease threatening: knowing that he who is both their Master and yours (pl) is in the skies, and there is no segregation class distinctionwith him.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       .

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        And the masters! Do the same things to them, letting threatening alone, having also known that your Master is in the heavens, and favor by appearance is not with Him.

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  And the lords, do*° the same things toward them and be lax with the threatening; knowing that your own Lord is also their Lord in the heavens and there is no favoritism from him.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  In the future, keep on becoming strong in the Lord by means of the inner rule [resident doctrine] of His endowed power.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         .

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           And masters, do the same things to them, and give up threatening, knowing that both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no partiality with Him.

Updated ASV                         .

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                You masters, do the same things to them, and give up threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no partiality with him.

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 

Ephesians 6:9a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

hoi (οἱ) [pronounced hoy]

the; this, that, these; they

masculine plural definite article; nominative case

Strong’s #3588

kurioi (κύριοι) [pronounced KOO-ree-oi]

lords, masters; owners, possessors; those who have control over a person or thing; princes, chiefs, sovereigns

masculine plural noun; nominative case

Strong's #2962

Translation: And the masters:...

As Paul has done previously, he first names to persons to whom his remarks are pertinent. Here, he speaks to the masters, the lords over the slaves.

Ephesians 6:9b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

auta (αὐτά) [pronounced ow-TAH]

them, to them, toward them; same; to (toward) the things

3rd person neuter plural personal pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #846

poieô (ποιέω) [pronounced poi-EH-oh]

do, make, construct, produce; accomplish; carry out, execute [a plan, an intention]; practice; act

2nd person plural, present active imperative

Strong’s #4160

prós (πρός) [pronounced prahç]

facing, face to face with; to, towards, unto; for; about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, by, with; directly to

directional preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #4314

autous (αὐτούς) [pronounced ow-TOOSE]

them, to them, toward them; same

3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...keep on doing the same (things) to them,...

Paul has just described how the slaves ought to behave with regards to their masters and their work. Now Paul writes, keep on doing the same things to them. What goes both ways is respect and honesty and fairness.

Ephesians 6:9c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

aníēmi (ἀνίημι) [pronounced an-EE-ay-mee]

sending back, relaxing, loosening; giving up, omitting, calming; leaving, not upholding, letting (something) sink

masculine plural, present active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #447

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

apeilê (ἀπειλή) [pronounced ap-ī-LAY]

threat, threatening, menace, menacing

feminine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #547

Translation: ...omitting the threats [against them],...

Paul tells the masters, dial back on making threats to your slaves.

Ephesians 6:9d


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eidô (εἴδω) [pronounced Ī-doh]

seeing, having seen, perceiving, observing, discerning, knowing; passive/middle: having seen, having been seen, coming to know, being discerned

masculine plural, perfect active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #1492

hóti (ὅτι) [pronounced HOH-tee]

that, because, for, since; as concerning that; as though; before a quotation, this can mean, quote

demonstrative or causal conjunction

Strong’s #3754

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

autôn (αὐτν) [pronounced ow-TOHN]

their, theirs; of them; from them; them; same; the (these) things

3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun; ablative/ genitive case

Strong’s #846

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

Sometimes the use of two kais means, ...both...and... Based upon Acts 26:29, they seem to mean, either...or...

humôn (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MONE]

of yours, from you; concerning you; you, yourselves

2nd person plural pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5216 (genitive case of #5210)

The Byzantine Greek text and the Scrivener Textus Receptus are slightly different.

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

humôn (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MONE]

of yours, from you; concerning you; you, yourselves

2nd person plural pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5216 (genitive case of #5210)

autôn (αὐτν) [pronounced ow-TOHN]

their, theirs; of them; from them; them; same; the (these) things

3rd person masculine plural personal pronoun; ablative/ genitive case

Strong’s #846

There is a kai missing and the two genitive plurals have switched places.

Translation: ...knowing that both of you (all) and of them,...

The masters should realize that both they and their slaves have something in common. This little phrase in itself would have been shocking.

Ephesians 6:9e


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ho (ὁ) [pronounced ho]

the; this, that; who, which

definite article for a masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #3588

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; nominative case

Strong's #2962

The Lord is the Master of both them and you (all). Or, their Lord and yours keeps on being...

esti (ἐστί) [pronounced ehs-TEE] or

estin (ἐστίν) [pronounced ehs-TIN]

is, are, to be, keeps on being, continues having

3rd person singular, present indicative

Strong’s #2076 (3rd person present form of #1510)

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

ouranoi (οὐρανοί) [pronounced oo-ran-OY]

skies; by extension heavens (as the abode of God); by implication happinesses, powers, eternity

masculine plural noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3772

Translation: ...the Lord keeps on being in the heavens...

The Lord keeps on being in the heavens, Paul rightly asserts. If the slaves and their master are all believers, then the Lord of all of them is in heaven right now.

Ephesians 6:9f


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

prosōpolēpsía (προσωποληψία) [pronounced pros-o-pol-ape-SEE-ah]

partiality, favoritism, respecter of persons; the giving of deference to one due to status or relationship

feminine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #4382

ouk (οὐκ) [pronounced ook]

no, not, nothing, none, no one

negation; this form is used before a vowel

Strong’s #3756

esti (ἐστί) [pronounced ehs-TEE] or

estin (ἐστίν) [pronounced ehs-TIN]

is, are, to be, keeps on being, continues having

3rd person singular, present indicative

Strong’s #2076 (3rd person present form of #1510)

para (παρά) [pronounced paw-RAW]

beside, near, with, at [or by] [the side of], by; among, before [someone, something]; in the sight [or judgment of someone]

preposition of nearness with the dative

Strong’s #3844

autô (αὐτ) [pronounced ow-TOH]

in him, by him, to him; for him; by means of him; with me; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...and there is not partiality with Him. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

There is no partiality with God. That is, he does not look at the masters and give them a little extra approval, because, after all, they are masters. However, similarly, the slaves do not receive any additional slack because they are slaves.

Ephesians 6:9 And the masters: keep on doing the same (things) to them, omitting the threats [against them], knowing that both of you (all) and of them, the Lord keeps on being in the heavens and there is not partiality with Him. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:9 And the masters: keep on doing the same (things) to them, omitting the threats [against them], knowing that both of you (all) and of them, the Lord keeps on being in the heavens and there is not partiality with Him. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:9 This is write to the slave owners: behave with respect and deference to your slaves, without resorting to threats against them. You certainly know that the Lord of you and the Lord of them is the same Lord. He keeps on being in the heavens, and He does not favor you over them. (Kukis paraphrase)


Of the rest, keep on being strong in a Lord and in the force of the ability of Him. Put on the full armor of the God, to the being able you (all) to stand up to the cunning arts of the devil that none keep on being to us the wrestling face to face with blood and flesh but face to face with the elementary things, face to face with the authorities, face to face with the world lords of the darkness, this {darkness), face to face with the spiritual things of depravity in the sphere of the heavenlies. Through this, take up the full armor of the God that you (all) might be able to oppose, in the day, the evil (day), and accomplishing all things to stand.



Of the remaining time, keep on being strong in the Lord and in the great power of His ability. Put on the full armor of God for you (all) to be able to stand up to the craft (and deceit) of the devil because our struggle is not with flesh and blood but face to face with the original rulers, face to face with the powers, face to face with the world lords of this darkness, face to face with the unseen [forces] of depravity [which are] in the sphere of the heavenlies. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you (all) might be able to oppose [these forces] in the evil day, even accomplishing all things to take a stand [against these forces].

In the time that remains, keep on being strong in the Lord, trusting in the great power of His ability. Put on the full armor of God so that you are able to stand up against the craft and deceit of the devil. You see, our struggle is not with mankind but with the original rulers, with the great powers, with the world rulers of this darkness, with the unseen forces of depravity, who are in the heavens. Therefore, take up the full armor of God so that you are able to stand in opposition to these forces in the evil day, accomplishing all things necessary for spiritual maturity so that you might stand against them.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    Of the rest, keep on being strong in a Lord and in the force of the ability of Him. Put on the full armor of the God, to the being able you (all) to stand up to the cunning arts of the devil that none keep on being to us the wrestling face to face with blood and flesh but face to face with the elementary things, face to face with the authorities, face to face with the world lords of the darkness, this {darkness), face to face with the spiritual things of depravity in the sphere of the heavenlies. Through this, take up the full armor of the God that you (all) might be able to oppose, in the day, the evil (day), and accomplishing all things to stand.

Complete Apostles Bible        Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the stratagems of the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies.

Because of this, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having accomplished all things, to stand.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) Finally, brethren, be strengthened in the Lord and in the might of his power.

Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil.

For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.

Therefore, take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day and to stand in all things perfect.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Therefore, my brethren, be strengthened in Our Lord and in the force of his power.

And put on all the armor of God, so that you can stand against the strategies of The Devil.

Because your fight has not been with flesh and blood, but with Principalities and The Rulers and The Powers of this dark world and with wicked spirits which are under Heaven.*

Because of this, put on all the armor of God that you shall be able to confront The Evil One, and when you are ready in all things, you shall stand.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             Lastly, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his power. 

Take up God's instruments of war, so that you may be able to keep your position against all the deceits of the Evil One. 

For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against authorities and powers, against the world-rulers of this dark night, against the spirits of evil in the heavens. 

For this reason take up all the arms of God, so that you may be able to be strong in the evil day, and, having done all, to keep your place..

Bible in Worldwide English     Last of all, I say this. Be strong in the Lord and use the strength he gives.

Use everything that God has given you so that you can fight against the tricks of the devil.

We are not fighting against people of flesh and blood. But we are fighting against rulers and powers whom we cannot see. We are fighting against those who control the darkness of this world, and against bad spirits who have power in the air.

So use everything that God has given you, that you can fight when the bad time comes. You will need to do everything you can do to stand! Vv. 9–12 in the BWE.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  To end my letter I tell you, be strong in the Lord and in his great power. Wear the full armor of God. Wear God's armor so that you can fight against the devil's clever tricks. Our fight is not against people on earth. We are fighting against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world's darkness. We are fighting against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly places. That is why you need to get God's full armor. Then on the day of evil, you will be able to stand strong. And when you have finished the whole fight, you will still be standing.

God’s Word                         Finally, receive your power from the Lord and from his mighty strength. Put on all the armor that God supplies. In this way you can take a stand against the devil's strategies. This is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling with rulers, authorities, the powers who govern this world of darkness, and spiritual forces that control evil in the heavenly world. For this reason, take up all the armor that God supplies. Then you will be able to take a stand during these evil days. Once you have overcome all obstacles, you will be able to stand your ground.

Good News Bible (TEV)         Finally, build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power. Put on all the armor that God gives you, so that you will be able to stand up against the Devil's evil tricks. For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age. So put on God's armor now! Then when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist the enemy's attacks; and after fighting to the end, you will still hold your ground.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong. Put on all the armor that God gives, so you can defend yourself against the devil's tricks. We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you.  Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser!  Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage.  Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  Finally, rely completely on the Lord Jesus to strengthen you spiritually because he is immeasurably strong. Just as a soldier puts on all of his armor to be ready to fight his enemy, you should use every spiritual resource that God provides for you so that you may successfully resist the devil when he cleverly schemes against you. Remember that we are not fighting against other human beings. Instead, we are fighting against the demons who have authority to rule over the people doing evil things in this evil time, that is, against the evil spirits who live in the air. That is why you must use well all of the spiritual resources that God has given you, like a soldier who puts on all of his armor. If you do that, you will be able to resist the evil spirits when they attack you. You will also be ready for when they attack you again, and able to continue to live well for God.

Williams’ New Testament      From now on you must grow stronger through union with the Lord and through His mighty power. You must put on God's full armor, so as to be able to stand up against the devil's stratagems. For our contest is not with human foes alone, but with the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark world; that is, with the spirit-forces of evil challenging us in the heavenly contest. So you must take on God's full armor, so as to be able to take a stand in the day when evil attacks you, and, after having completely finished the contest, to hold your own.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            Of the rest of the time, be improved in the Master and in the power of His strength. Put on God's full body armor with the intent for you to be able to stand facing the Accuser's schemes because the wrestling match for us is not facing blood and a physical body, but facing the top ranks, facing the authorities, facing the global powers of this darkness, facing the spiritual elements of the evilness in the heavenly regions. Because of this, take up God's full body armor so that you might be able to stand in opposition to them in the evil day, even after working on and completing absolutely everything to stand.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand the wiles of the Devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the highest spiritual forces, powers, rulers of darkness of the world, and spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to resist on that evil day, and after doing everything possible to still stand.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the complete armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the crafty ways of the devil. For we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with governments, with powers, with the rulers of this darkness: with spiritual wickedness in the heavenly regions. For this reason, take up the complete armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having fully wrought everything, to stand.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament For the future, find strength in your union with the Lord, and in the power which comes from his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you may be able to stand your ground against the stratagems of the Devil. For ours is no struggle against enemies of flesh and blood, but against all the various Powers of Evil that hold sway in the Darkness around us, against the Spirits of Wickedness on high. Therefore take up the full armor of God, that, when the evil day comes, you may be able to withstand the attack, and, having fought to the end, still to stand your ground..

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world's darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 Lastly, stay strong in the Lord, and in his mighty power. Put on all the armor of God so you can withstand all the devil’s attacks! We’re not fighting against human forces, but against supernatural rulers and powers, the dark lords of this world, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. Take all the weapons God provides so that you may be able to stand your ground in the day of evil and after doing all you can, to find yourself still standing!.

The Heritage Bible                          For the remainder, my brothers, be empowered in the Lord, and in the might of his strength.

Put on the whole armor of God for you to have power to stand against the trickery of the devil,

Because to us is absolutely not the wrestling against blood and flesh, but against head rulers, against authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness, against spiritual depravity in the heavenlies.

Because of this take up the whole armor of God, so that you will have power to withstand in the evil day, and having fully worked all things, to stand.

International Standard V        Putting on the Whole Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord, relying on his mighty strength. Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the devil’s strategies. [Or schemes] For our [Other mss. read your] struggle is not against human opponents, [Lit. against flesh and blood] but against rulers, authorities, cosmic powers in the darkness around us, [Lit. powers of this darkness] and evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm. For this reason, take up the whole armor of God so that you may be able to take a stand whenever evil comes. And when you have done everything you could, you will be able to stand firm.

Lexham Bible                         Spiritual Warfare

Finally, become strong in the Lord and in the might of his strength. Put on the full armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the stratagems of the devil, because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Because of this, take up the full armor of God, in order that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand.

Montgomery NT                     Finally, my brothers, let your hearts be strengthened in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on all the panoply of God, so that you may be able to stand your ground against the stratagems of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the despotisms, the empires, the rulers of this present darkness, the spirit-hosts of evil in the heavenly realm. Therefore take up the panoply of God, so that when the evil day comes you may be able to withstand them, and having overthrown them all, to stand your ground.

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      To conclude: Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the complete armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the cunning arts of the Devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the arch-angels, against the authorities, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly heights. Therefore take the complete armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and, after going through everything, to stand.

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil; for our conflict is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the potentates of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual [hosts] of evil in the heavenly [worlds]. Take therefore the whole armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done all to stand.

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the scheming plans of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world- controllers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done everything, to stand.

Urim-Thummim Version         Finally my brethren, be strong in the LORD and in the power of his might. Clothe yourself with the whole armor of Elohim, that you may be able to stand against the cunning arts of the Devil. Because we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual depravity existing in the cosmos. Therefore take to you the whole armor of Elohim, that you may be able to withstand in the bad day, and having done all, to stand.

Weymouth New Testament    In conclusion, strengthen yourselves in the Lord and in the power which His supreme might imparts. Put on the complete armour of God, so as to be able to stand firm against all the stratagems of the Devil. For ours is not a conflict with mere flesh and blood, but with the despotisms, the empires, the forces that control and govern this dark world--the spiritual hosts of evil arrayed against us in the heavenly warfare. Therefore put on the complete armour of God, so that you may be able to stand your ground on the day of battle, and, having fought to the end, to remain victors on the field.

Wikipedia Bible Project          .

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  Be strong in the Lord

• Finally, be strong in the Lord with his energy and strength. Put on the whole armor of God to be able to resist the cunning of the devil. Our battle is not against human forces but against the rulers and authorities and their dark powers that govern this world. We are struggling against the spirits and supernatural forces of evil. 2Cor 6:7; 10:4 V. 13 will be placed with the next passage for context.

The footnote for this verse is placed in the Addendum.

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           Finally, my brethren, be strong in Yahuah, and in the power of his might.  Put on the whole armor of Elohiym, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of Elohiym, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Hebraic Roots Bible               For the rest, my brothers, be made powerful in our Master and in the might of His strength. Put on all the armor of YAHWEH, for you to be able to stand against the strategies of the Devil, For our conflict is not with flesh and blood, but with principalities, and with those in authority, and with the possessors of this dark world, and with the evil spirits that are beneath heaven. Because of this, take up all of the whole armor of YAHWEH that you may be able to resist the evil one, and being prepared you shall prevail.

Holy New Covenant Trans.    Last of all, be clothed with the Lord Jesus and the power of his strength. Put on all of God's armor. Then you will be able to stand against the evil tricks of the devil. Our fight is not against men. No, it is against rulers, against authorities, against world powers of this darkness, and against evil spiritual beings in the heavenly world. This is why you must take up all of God's armor. Then when the time for battle comes, you will be able to resist; and after you have fought your best, you will stand.

The Scriptures 2009              For the rest, my brothers, be strong in the Master and in the mightiness of His strength.  Put on the complete armour of Elohim, for you to have power to stand against the schemes of the devil.  Because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual matters of wickedness in the heavenlies.  Because of this, take up the complete armour of Elohim, so that you have power to withstand in the wicked day, and having done all, to stand.

Tree of Life Version                Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you are able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the worldly forces of this darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist when the times are evil, and after you have done everything, to stand firm.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...the [thing] remaining be strengthened! in lord and in the power [of] the strength [of] him put! (on) the armor [of] the god to the+ to have (ability) you* to stand to the scheming* [of] the devil for not is [by] us The Struggle to blood and flesh but {She is} to the rulers to the authorities to the powers (worldly) [of] the darkness this to the [things] spiritual [of] the intention (evil) in the [things] heavenly because of this take! (up) the armor [of] the god that [You*] may have (ability) to resist in the day the [one] evil and all [things] Working [You*] {may have ability} to stand...

Alpha & Omega Bible            .

Awful Scroll Bible                   Hereafter, my brothers, be strengthening-from-within, by-within the Lord, and by-within the Might of His Power.

Be sinking- yourselves -from-within the entire-armor of God, with regards to be able to stand, with regards to the journeys-among of the Caster-through, certainly-of-which, our wrestling is not with regards to flesh and blood, however with regards to the principalities, with regards to the existences-by, with regards to the worldly-dominions of the darkness of this age, with regards to that of the evil breath from-within that upon-the-expanse.

Because of this, be took-up the entire-armor of God, in order that yous shall be able to stand-against it, from-within the perilous day, also accordingly-working-out the whole, to stand.

Concordant Literal Version    For the rest, brethren mine, be invigorated in the Lord and in the might of His strength."

Put on the panoply of God, to enable you to stand up to the stratagems of the Adversary, for it is not ours to wrestle with blood and flesh, but with the sovereignties, with the authorities, with the world-mights of this darkness, with the spiritual forces of wickedness among the celestials."

Therefore take up the panoply of God that you may be enabled to withstand in the wicked day, and having effected all, to stand."

exeGeses companion Bible   Finally, my brothers,

be dynamized in Adonay

and in the power of his might.


Endue the whole panoply of Elohim,

to be able to stand against the methods of Diabolos.

For we quiver not against flesh and blood,

but against hierarchies,

against authorities,

against the cosmic powers of the darkness of this eon,

against spiritual evil in the heavenlies.

So take to yourselves

the whole panoply of Elohim,

to be able to withstand in the evil day

and having worked all, stand.

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           For the rest, be continually empowered in the ko'ach of Hashem and in the oz of His gevurah. [TEHILLIM 27:14]

Put on the whole armor of Hashem for you to be able to stand against the nechalim (scheming deceitfulness, wiles, evil plots) of Hasatan.

Because we are not wrestling against basar vadahm (flesh and blood), but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the choshech of the Olam Hazeh, against the kokhot ruchaniyim ra'im (evil spiritual forces) in Shomayim.

Therefore, take up the whole armor of Hashem, that you may be able to withstand in the Yom HaRah and, having done all, to stand.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   Finally, be [spiritually] strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. You people should put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to withstand the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not [actually] against human beings, but against rulers and authorities and leaders of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. [Note: “Heavenly realms” here refers to the struggle against Satanic powers which permeates life around us]. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that you can withstand [the devil, See verse 11] when the evil day comes. And, after you have done everything you can, still remain standing firm [in the faith].

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     From now on, start becoming strong by means of the Lord [utilizing the divine power available to the Church Age believer instead of human efforts] and by the ruling power of His inherent omnipotence [almighty divine attribute].

Start putting on the full armor from God [Bible doctrine in the soul] so that you yourself might be able to hold your ground [defensive action] against the strategies [demonic modus operandi] of the devil [gates or doors to the cosmic system],

Because our warfare is not against blood [human soul] and flesh [material body], but against rulers [demon generals], against authorities [demon officer’s corp], against the world rulers [demon ambassadors] of this darkness [national blackout], against spirit forces of evil [rank & file demon troops] in heavenly places [all three locations].

Because of this [spiritual battle], pick up and put on the full armor from God [all categories of Bible doctrine], so that you may be able to hold your ground [defensive action] in the evil day [during demonic assault], and after you have prepared everything, to stand your ground [having maximum doctrine in your soul, you are ready for action].

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             Of the remainder (or: Finally), be constantly empowering yourselves within (engendering ability within yourselves), centered in and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] even within, and in union with, the force (or: strength) of His might (or: the mightiness of His strength and forcefulness):

you folks must enter within (or: clothe yourselves with) the full suit of armor and implements of war (panoply; the complete equipment for men-at-arms) which is God (or: which comes from and belongs to God), in order for you to be continuously able and powerful to stand (or: to make a stand) facing toward the crafty methods (stratagems) of the adversary (or: that which throws folks into dualism with divided thinking and perceptions; or: the person that throws something through the midst and casts division; the one who thrusts things through folks; the slanderer who accuses and deceives; or, commonly called: the "devil"),

because for us [other MSS: for you] the wrestling is not against (toward; with a view to) blood and flesh (= physical bodies), but rather against (toward; i.e., "face to face" with) the beginning controls and rules (or: original rulings; or: rulers and controllers; governments; those things or people in first position; the beginning things or people; the original ones; the princes) and face to face with the rights and privileges (or: liberties to do as one pleases; or: authorities; or: aspects from out of existence), with a view to the strengths of the System (or: strengths of the order; or: universal powers; the world's strong-ones) of this darkness (realm of shadows, gloom and dimness; [comment: = ignorance]), facing (toward; or: with a view to) the spiritual aspects (or: breath-effected attitudes; or: conditions and qualities of a spirit) of the worthlessness (the badness of conditions; the unsoundness and miserableness; the wickedness and depravity; the evil and malice; the disadvantageousness; the unprofitableness; the thing that brings toilsome labor and a gush of misery) among those situated upon elevated positions (or: situated within the heavenly positions or places; among the imposed heavenly realms; positioned in union with the celestials and heavenly ones; resident within the midst of added atmospheres). [note: this verse could be speaking about the ruling authorities of the religious world of ignorance, with its now worthless sacrifices, or, about the political system of darkened strength which was currently in power, bringing bad situations; Walter Wink, in Engaging the Powers, uses the phrase against suprahuman systems and forces for part of this verse]

On account of this, you folks receive back again (or: at once take up) the full suit of armor (panoply; implements of war) which is God (or: which belongs to and has its source in God), to the end that you would have power and be able to withstand and resist (to stand opposite, over against as facing an opponent; or: stand in [other folks'] place, instead of [them]) within the harmful and misery-gushed day (or: the day of bad conditions), and then accomplishing all (achieving and effecting everything [the whole]), to stand firm.

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         .

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. <For the rest>

    Be empowering yourselves in the Lordˎ and in the grasp of his might:

    Put on the complete armour of God,

With a view to your having power to stand against the strategies of the adversary;

Because ourb struggle is not against blood and flesh, But

    Against the principalities

                                                   Against the authorities           of this darkness

    Against the world-holders ˎ

    Against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies.

||For this cause|| take up the complete armour of God,

    In order that ye may receive power to withstand in the evil dayˎ

    And <|all things| having accomplished> to stand!

b Or (WH): “your.”

The Spoken English NT         Putting On God’s Armor
Finally, strengthen yourselves in the Lord, and in the strength of his power.

Put on the whole set of God’s armor, so you’ll be able to withstand the devil’s tactics.

Because for us, the struggle isn’t with human beingsi.-it’s with the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark world.j It’s with the evil spiritual beings in the heavens.k

So strap onl the whole set of God’s armor. That way, you’ll be able to resist in this evil time,m to overcome them all, and to stand firm.

i.Lit. “for us, the wrestling isn’t with flesh and blood”.

j.Lit. “the world powers of this darkness”.

k.Or “the heavenly realms”.

l.Lit. “take up” (in order to put on).

m.Lit. “in the evil day”.

Updated ASV                         The Whole Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our wrestling[51] is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. V. 13 will be placed with the next passage for context.

[51] Or struggle

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     Spiritual warfare
Finally, my brothers,2 be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so as to be able to stand firm against the stratagems of the devil. Because, our wrestling match3 is not against flesh and blood,4 but against the principalities, against the authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against the malignant spirits in the heavenly realms. That is why you must take up the full armor of God so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, to stand firm, with everything in place.

(2) Only some 3% of the Greek manuscripts, of objectively inferior quality, omit “my brothers” (as in NIV, NASB, LB, TEV, etc.), but since the whole letter is written to Christians, there really is no doubt. Besides, how could an unbeliever put on the full armor of God? Note that Paul writes “our” wrestling match—apostles are also under attack, not to mention pastors, etc.

(3) The word here is a noun, not a verb, and means precisely ‘wrestling match’. A wrestling match is based on violent physical contact, and the Holy Spirit, through Paul, is advising us that we are in such a match, and the opponents are malignant spirits of all ranks. The ‘doctrine’ to be found in some circles that Christians can’t be attacked by demons is totally and dangerously false.

(4) Even though people may indeed act as our enemies, we need to keep in mind that they are only being used by the real enemy.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  Finally my brothers [and sisters], continue becoming strong in [the] Lord and in the might of His strength. Put on the full armor of God in order [for] youp to be able to stand firm against the tricks [or, cunning schemes] of the Devil. Because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual [forces] of the wickedness in the heavenlies [or, heavenly [realms]]. For this reason, take up the full armor of God, so that youp shall be able to resist in the day of evil, and having accomplished [or, overcome] everything, to stand firm.

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           Finally, continually become strong by agency of the Lord [the Holy Spirit]; that is, by means of the strength produced by His power. Put on the full armor from God in order that you may be able to hold your ground against the strategies produced by the devil, because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against rulers, against authorities, against world-rulers of this darkness, against the spirit-forces of evil in the heavenlies. Therefore, take up the full armor from God, in order that you may be able to stand your ground during the evil day, and after having done everything, to hold your ground.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the complete armour of God, that you may be able to withstand the wiles of the devil. Because our conflict is not barely with flesh and blood, but against the principalities and the powers; against the rulers of this dark age, against the spiritual [assaults] of the wickedness in the heavenly dispensation; take up therefore the complete armour of God, that you may be able to make resistance in the evil day, and having put a stop to them all, to maintain your ground.

Context Group Version          Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Put on the entire armor of God, that you (pl) may be able to stand against the wiles of the slanderer {trad. "devil"}. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual [armies] of wickedness in the celestial. Therefore take up the entire armor of God, that you (pl) may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       Finally, my brothers, be empowered in the Lord and in the might of his strength. Put on the full armour of God so as to be able to stand against the crafty ways of the devil, for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against realms, against authorities, against the world-rulers of this dark age, against spiritual forces of wickedness in the upper-heavenly places. On account of this, take up the full armour of God in order that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand.

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  Furthermore, my brethren, be° empowered in the Lord and in the dominion of his strength. Clothe° yourselves with the full-armor of God, in order for you* to be able to stand up to the schemes of the devil. Because the wrestling in us is not with blood and flesh, but with the principalities, with the authorities, with the world dominions of the darkness of this age, with the spiritual ones of wickedness in the heavenly places. Because of this, take° up the full-armor of God, in-order-that you° may be able to stand against the devil in the evil day, and to stand straight, having worked against all things.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   . Title wicked spirits

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  In the future, keep on becoming strong in the Lord even by means of His endowed power [Bible doctrine]. Wear for yourselves the full armor of God that you might be able to hold your grounds against the tactics of the devil because our combat is not against blood and flesh (human beings) but against rulers [these are demon rulers] against the authorities [demon-commissioned officers] against the world rulers of this darkness [ambassador demons to the world courts], against the spirit forces in the heavenlies [the rank and file of demons].

Because of this [the angelic conflict] pick up and put on the full armour from God, in order that you might have the ability to resist in the evil day [of attack], even after having achieved everything [in supergrace], to oppose [the forces of Satan].

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         (command for the believer)

Therefore in the future keep on being strong in the Lord (Interlocking of the Gates of the divine dynasphere) even by means of his Endued power (divine dynasphere)

Put on or wear for yourselves the full armor of God that you might be able to hold your ground against the tactics of the Devil,

Because our combat is not against flesh and blood human beings, but against rulers (demon generals) against authorities (Demon officers), against world rulers of this darkness (Demon ambassadors to world rulers) The Spirit forces of evil (rank and file demons)

Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           Finally, strengthen yourselves in the Lord, and in the might of His strength. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil, because our wrestling is not against blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the wicked spiritual beings in the heavenly places. On account of this, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.

Updated ASV                         .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 6:10a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

loipoû (λοιπο) [pronounced loy-POO]

rest; from now on, hereafter, for the future, henceforth; remaining time

neuter singular adjective; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3064 (hapax legomena)

Although this word is said to only occur once in the NT, it is also found in Galatians 6:17.

endunamoô (ἐνδυναμόω) [pronounced ehn-doo-nam-OH-oh]

be strong, be endued with strength, strengthen; receive strength, be strengthened, increase in strength; in a bad sense: be bold, be headstrong

2nd person plural, present passive imperative

Strong’s #1743

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong's #2962

Translation: Of the remaining time, keep on being strong in the Lord...

Paul is encouraging the believers reading this letter. “For the time that remains,” he writes, “keep on being strong in the Lord.”

Where does the believer’s strength come from? We have the power of the Holy Spirit, which we access by means of the rebound technique, and Bible doctrine. Our faith and trust is in the Word of God. As believers, we face a great many things. As R. B. Thieme, Jr. put it, we face the charge of the mosquito and the charge of the elephant. God gives us the grace to build up our inner resources, which are based upon the power of the Word of God. However, this Word must be inculcated in our souls. It is not enough to be able to make a computer search for the promises of God (although there is nothing wrong with doing that). But these promises must be in our souls.

Ephesians 6:10b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tô (τ) [pronounced toe]

to the, for the; in the; by the, by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of

neuter singular definite article; dative, locative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #3588

kratos (κράτος) [pronounced KRAHT-oss]

force, strength; power, might: mighty with great power; a mighty deed, a work of power; dominion

neuter singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2904

tês (τς) [pronounced tayç]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

ischus (ἰσχύς) [pronounced ihs-KHOOÇ]

ability, force, strength, might

feminine singular noun; dative, locative, instrumental case

Strong’s #2479

autou (αὐτο) [pronounced ow-TOO]

his, of him; from him, him; same

3rd person masculine singular personal pronoun; genitive/ ablative case

Strong’s #846

Translation: ...and in the great power of His ability.

We can trust in God’s great power. We know of His power and His involvement in our lives through the teaching of the Word of God.

Ephesians 6:10 Of the remaining time, keep on being strong in the Lord and in the great power of His ability. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:11a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

endue (ἐνδύω) [pronounced ehn-DOO-oh]

sink into (clothing), put on, clothe (oneself, another), array (oneself), make wear [clothing]

2nd person plural, aorist middle imperative

Strong’s #1746

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

panoplía (πανοπλία) [pronounced pan-op-LEE-ah]

full (whole, complete) armor (includes shield, sword, lance, helmet, greaves, and breastplate)

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #3833

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

theos (θεός) [pronounced theh-OSS]

God, [the true] God; divine being; god, goddess, divinity

masculine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2316

Translation: Put on the full armor of God...

As believers, we are to put on the full armor of God. The various aspects of this armor will be discussed further on down in this passage.

Ephesians 6:11b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

prós (πρός) [pronounced prahç]

facing, face to face with; to, towards, unto; for; about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, by, with; directly to

directional preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #4314

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the; this, that; to the, towards the

neuter singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

dunamai (δύναμαι) [pronounced DOO-nam-ahee]

to be able, to have power to; to be able to do something; to be capable, strong and powerful

present deponent middle or passive infinitive

Strong’s #1410

humas (ὑμάς) [pronounced hoo-MOSS]

you [all], all of you; to you, towards you [all]

2nd person plural personal pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #5209, (from Strong’s #5210; a form of Strong’s #4771)

histêmi (ἵστημι) [pronounced HIHS-tay-mee]

to stand [up, by]; to set up; to place, to make firm; to keep intact; to establish; to stop

aorist active infinitive

Strong’s #2476

prós (πρός) [pronounced prahç]

facing, face to face with; to, towards, unto; for; about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, by, with; directly to

directional preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #4314

tas (τάς) [pronounced tahss]

the, to the, towards them

feminine plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

methodeía (μεθοδεία) [pronounced meth-od-Ī-ah]

cunning arts, deceit, craft, trickery, scheming; wiles; lying in wait for the purpose of deception

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #3180

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

diabolos (διάβολος) [pronounced dee-AB-ol-oss]

devil, [false] accuser, slanderer; Satan (compare [H7854])

masculine singular adjective (often used as a substantive); accusative case

Strong’s #1228

Translation: ...for you (all) to be able to stand up to the craft (and deceit) of the devil...

This armor allows us to stand up against the craft, scheming, wiles and deception of the devil. In order to stand up against the devil, the father of lies, we must be filled with the truth. We must be able to determine what is true and what is false in this life.

Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor of God for you (all) to be able to stand up to the craft (and deceit) of the devil... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:12a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hóti (ὅτι) [pronounced HOH-tee]

that, because, for, since; as concerning that; as though; before a quotation, this can mean, quote

demonstrative or causal conjunction

Strong’s #3754

ouk (οὐκ) [pronounced ook]

no, not, nothing, none, no one

negation; this form is used before a vowel

Strong’s #3756

esti (ἐστί) [pronounced ehs-TEE] or

estin (ἐστίν) [pronounced ehs-TIN]

is, are, to be, keeps on being, continues having

3rd person singular, present indicative

Strong’s #2076 (3rd person present form of #1510)

hêmin (ἡμν) [pronounced hay-MEEN]

to us, of us, by us; for us

1st person plural pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2254 (from Strong’s #1473)

hê (ἡ) [pronounced hey]

the; this, that; these; who, which

feminine singular definite article; nominative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

pálē (πάλη) [pronounced PAL-ay]

wrestling; a struggle; fight, conflict; spiritual combat

feminine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #3823 hapax legomenon

prós (πρός) [pronounced prahç]

facing, face to face with; to, towards, unto; for; about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, by, with; directly to

directional preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #4314

haima (αἵμα, ατος, τό) [pronounced HI-mah]

[human, animal] blood [as the basis of life]; blood [of Jesus Christ]; bloodshed

neuter singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #129

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

sarx (σάρξ) [pronounced sarx]

flesh; body [as opposed to soul/spirit]; meat [of an animal]; figuratively for, human nature, [frailties of] the flesh; sin nature; carnal, fleshly; man, mankind, humanity

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #4561

Translation: ...because our struggle is not with flesh and blood...

Even though a believer may have many enemies in this life, our struggle is not against flesh and blood. That is, unless we are in a shooting war, our problem is not our fellow man. We will have problems with many people for many things (often things which we have precipitated); but fundamentally, our problems are not with them. Every person you encounter, no matter how unlikeable they are, are potentially sons (or daughters) of God. Jesus Christ died for them. It should be clear that, we would not consign our worst enemy to hell.

Ephesians 6:12b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

allá (ἀλλά) [pronounced ahl-LAH]

but, but rather, but on the contrary, instead, nay (rather); yea, yes, in fact, moreover; nevertheless

adversative particle

Strong’s #235

prós (πρός) [pronounced prahç]

facing, face to face with; to, towards, unto; for; about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, by, with; directly to

directional preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #4314

tas (τάς) [pronounced tahss]

the, to the, towards them

feminine plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

archai (ἀρΧα) [pronounced ar-KHEYE]

beginnings; elementary things, fundamentals, basic things; origin, first cause, fundamental principles; rulers, authorities; domains, spheres of influence

feminine plural noun; accusative case

Strong’s #746

Translation: ...but face to face with the original rulers,...

Our struggle is with the original powers or the fundamental rulers, which is a reference to the demons who were here before us. R. B. Thieme, Jr. and Ben Brodie calls these demon generals or demon powers.

Ephesians 6:12c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

prós (πρός) [pronounced prahç]

facing, face to face with; to, towards, unto; for; about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, by, with; directly to

directional preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #4314

tas (τάς) [pronounced tahss]

the, to the, towards them

feminine plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

exousiai (ἐξουσίαι) [pronounced ex-oo-SEE-ī]

authorities, jurisdictions, powers, rights, shows of strength; privileges, that is, (subjectively) forces, capacities, competencies, freedoms; or (objectively) masteries (concretely) magistrates, superhumans, potentates, delegated influences

feminine plural noun, accusative case

Strong’s #1849

Translation: ...face to face with the powers,...

Our struggle is with the powers. R. B. Thieme, Jr. call these demon-commissioned officers; Ben Brodie calls them demon officer's corp (Brodie depended heavily upon the work of R. B. Thieme, Jr. to develop his expanded translation).

Ephesians 6:12d


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

prós (πρός) [pronounced prahç]

facing, face to face with; to, towards, unto; for; about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, by, with; directly to

directional preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #4314

tous (τοὺς) [pronounced tooç]


the; these, to those; towards them; some

masculine plural definite article; accusative case; also used as a demonstrative pronoun

Strong’s #3588

kosmokrátores (κοσμοκράτορες) [pronounced kos-mok-RAHT-ore-ehç]

lords of the world, princes of this age; the devil and his demons; a world rulers, rulers of the dark world; leaders for Satan

masculine plural noun; accusative case

Strong’s #2888 hapax legomenon

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

skotos (σκότος) [pronounced SKOH-toss]

[thick] darkness; blindness; spiritual darkness metaphorically for ignorance, ungodliness, immorality, out of fellowship, that which opposes or is the opposite of God

neuter singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4655

toutou (τούτου) [pronounced TOO-too]

this, that, of this one, from this thing

intermediate demonstrative pronoun; masculine singular; genitive or ablative case

Strong's #3778 (the genitive masculine or neuter is also known as Strong's #5127)

Translation: ...face to face with the world lords of this darkness,...

R. B. Thieme, Jr. calls these ambassador demons to the world courts; Brodie calls them, demon ambassadors.

Darkness is often used in association with Satan and his evil works.

Ephesians 6:12e


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

prós (πρός) [pronounced prahç]

facing, face to face with; to, towards, unto; for; about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, by, with; directly to

directional preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #4314

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

pneumatikos (πνευματικός) [pronounced nyoo-mat-EEK-oss]

spiritual; as a plural with a definite article, it acts like noun, and it means spiritual things, spiritual matters, spiritual ones; possibly, spiritual gifts, spiritual phenomena

neuter plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #4152

tês (τς) [pronounced tayç]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

ponêria (πονηρία) [pronounced pohn-ay-REE-ah]

depravity, iniquity, wickedness; malice; evil purposes and desires

feminine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4189

Translation: ...face to face with the unseen [forces] of depravity...

R. B. Thieme, Jr. writes that we are against the spirit forces in the heavenlies [the rank and file of demons]. Brodie calls them the spirit forces of evil.

Ephesians 6:12f


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tois (τοίς) [pronounced toyce]

(to, in by) the; these [things]; in these; to those; by all of this

neuter plural definite article; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

epouranios (ἐπουράνιος) [pronounced ep-oo-RAN-ee-oss]

heavenly; celestial; existing in heaven, the heavenly realm, the heavenly regions (places); heaven itself, of the stars; the heavens, of the clouds

neuter plural adjective; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2032

Translation: ...[which are] in the sphere of the heavenlies.

I lean toward all of these forces of darkness as having access to the heavens, as God allows.

Ephesians 6:12 ...because our struggle is not with flesh and blood but face to face with the original rulers, face to face with the powers, face to face with the world lords of this darkness, face to face with the unseen [forces] of depravity [which are] in the sphere of the heavenlies. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:13a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

diá (διά) [pronounced dee-AH]; spelled di (δἰ) [pronounced dee] before a vowel.

through; with; in; of time; throughout; during; by, by the means of, by reason of; on account of; because of, for this reason; therefore; on this account


Strong’s #1223

toúto (τούτο) [pronounced TOO-toh]

this [thing], that (thing), this one; that (thing)

demonstrative singular pronoun; neuter singular; accusative case

Strong’s #5124 (Neuter, singular, nominative or accusative of #3778)

In Romans 5:12, this is variously translated as, therefore, because of this, for this reason, on account of this, on this account, thus then, wherefore, this is why, what follows, So here is the comparison. Several translations simply ignored these words altogether. The first three or four translations were found the most often.

analambánō (ἀναλαμβάνω) [pronounced an-al-am-BAN-oh]

take (up, in, unto); take along; raise up; receive (up)

2nd person plural, aorist active imperative

Strong’s #353

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

panoplía (πανοπλία) [pronounced pan-op-LEE-ah]

full (whole, complete) armor (includes shield, sword, lance, helmet, greaves, and breastplate)

feminine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #3833

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

theos (θεός) [pronounced theh-OSS]

God, [the true] God; divine being; god, goddess, divinity

masculine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2316

Translation: Therefore, take up the full armor of God,...

Paul once again calls for the recipients of this epistle to take up the full armor of God.

Ephesians 6:13b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hina (ἵνα) [pronounced HEE-na]

that, in order that, so that, to the intent that; because

conjunction which denotes purpose or result

Strong’s #2443

dunamai (δύναμαι) [pronounced DOO-nam-ahee]

to be able, to have power to; to be able to do something; to be capable, strong and powerful

2nd person plural, aorist (deponent) middle subjunctive

Strong’s #1410

anthístēmi (ἀνθίστημι) [pronounced anth-IHS-tay-mee]

to oppose, to stand against, to resist, to set oneself against; to withstand

aorist active infinitive

Strong’s #436

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

tê (τ) [pronounced tay]


to the, for the; in the; by the, by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of; who

feminine singular definite article; dative, locative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #3588

hêmera (ἡμάρα) [pronounced hay-MEH-raw]

day, daytime; 24-hour day; period of time

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2250

tê (τ) [pronounced tay]


to the, for the; in the; by the, by means of the; for the benefit [advantage] of; for the disadvantage of; who

feminine singular definite article; dative, locative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #3588

ponêros (πονηρός) [pronounced pon-ay-ROSS]

evil (in its effect or influence on others), hurtful, bad, grievous, harm [ful], malicious, wicked

feminine singular adjective, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #4190

Translation: ...that you (all) might be able to oppose [these forces] in the evil day,...

We take up the full armor of God so that we might be able to oppose those forces in the day of evil. Those would be the days when we are particularly aware of the spirit forces which are lined up against us.

Ephesians 6:13c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

hapas (ἅπας) [pronounced HAP-as]

absolutely all or (singular) every one; all (things), every (one), whole, all together

neuter plural adjective, accusative case

Strong’s #537

katergázomai (κατεργάζομαι) [pronounced kat-er-GAD-zom-ahee]

performing (some act), accomplishing, achieving; doing, bringing about, working out, doing that from which something results; fashioning, rendering one fit for a thing

masculine plural, aorist (deponent) middle/passive participle; nominative case

Strong’s  #2716

histêmi (ἵστημι) [pronounced HIHS-tay-mee]

to stand [up, by]; to set up; to place, to make firm; to keep intact; to establish; to stop

aorist active infinitive

Strong’s #2476

Translation: ...even accomplishing all things to take a stand [against these forces]. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Accomplishing all things is the believer’s march toward supergrace; or toward full spiritual maturity.

Ephesians 6:13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you (all) might be able to oppose [these forces] in the evil day, even accomplishing all things to take a stand [against these forces]. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:10–13 Of the remaining time, keep on being strong in the Lord and in the great power of His ability. Put on the full armor of God for you (all) to be able to stand up to the craft (and deceit) of the devil because our struggle is not with flesh and blood but face to face with the original rulers, face to face with the powers, face to face with the world lords of this darkness, face to face with the unseen [forces] of depravity [which are] in the sphere of the heavenlies. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you (all) might be able to oppose [these forces] in the evil day, even accomplishing all things to take a stand [against these forces]. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:10–13 In the time that remains, keep on being strong in the Lord, trusting in the great power of His ability. Put on the full armor of God so that you are able to stand up against the craft and deceit of the devil. You see, our struggle is not with mankind but with the original rulers, with the great powers, with the world rulers of this darkness, with the unseen forces of depravity, who are in the heavens. Therefore, take up the full armor of God so that you are able to stand in opposition to these forces in the evil day, accomplishing all things necessary for spiritual maturity so that you might stand against them. (Kukis paraphrase)


A fundamental of warfare is preparation. All believers are in the Angelic Conflict, but our contribution in this realm is almost meaningless without preparation.

In God’s plan, we are given a place, if we want it. God has given every believer a role to play in the Angelic Conflict, if we want it. We must prepare for that place in His plan. In order to do combat, we must first put on the full armor of God, so that we are able to stand in opposition of Satan’s forces in the evil day, doing what is necessary to attain spiritual maturity, so that we might stand against the unseen forces of the Angelic Conflict.

(You all) stand up, therefore, having fastened [with a belt] the loins of yours in truth and having put on the breastplate of the righteousness, and tying the feet in preparation of the gospel of the peace, in all things, having taken up the shield of the faith, in which you (all) will be able all the arrows of the evil (one), the ones burning with fire, to quench; and the helmet of the defender (of salvation) receive and the sword of the Spirit which keeps on being speech of God.



Therefore, take a stand (you all), having fastened [around] your loins [a belt] with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and binding {your] feet with the foundation of the gospel of peace. In all [circumstances], having taken up the shield of faith, by which you (all) will be able to quench the burning arrows of the evil (one), receive the helmet of the defense (of salvation) and the sword of the Spirit, which keeps on being the proclamation of God.

Therefore, take a stand and prepare for battle, having fastened the belt of truth around your waist and having put on the breastplate of experiential righteousness, and placing on your feet the foundation of the gospel of peace with God. In all circumstances, take up the shielf of faith so that the flaming arrows of the evil one are quenched. Receive the helmet of the defense of salvation along with the sword of the Spirit, which sword is the Word of God.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    (You all) stand up, therefore, having fastened [with a belt] the loins of yours in truth and having put on the breastplate of the righteousness, and tying the feet in preparation of the gospel of the peace, in all things, having taken up the shield of the faith, in which you (all) will be able all the arrows of the evil (one), the ones burning with fire, to quench; and the helmet of the defender (of salvation) receive and the sword of the Spirit which keeps on being speech of God.

Complete Apostles Bible        Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

above all, taking up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;...

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of justice:

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

In all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one.

And take unto you the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God).

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Stand therefore and gird your waist with the truth and put on the breastplate of righteousness,

And shoe your feet with the readiness of The Gospel of peace,

And with these, take to you the shield of faith, that with it you may have the power to quench all of the blazing bolts of The Evil One.

Put on the helmet of salvation and grasp the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             Take your place, then, having your body clothed with the true word, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness; 

Be ready with the good news of peace as shoes on your feet; 

And most of all, using faith as a cover to keep off all the flaming arrows of the Evil One. 

And take salvation for your head-dress and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:...

Bible in Worldwide English     So then, stand and hold on tight to the truth like you put on a belt. Do what is right. Wear it as a cover for your body.

You have the good news of peace. Wear that like shoes on your feet.

You believe in God. Take that and cover all of yourself with it. With that you can stop all the poison arrows of the devil.

You have been saved. Wear your salvation like you wear something on your head to protect yourself. And take with you the big knife or sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Vv. 13–16 in the BWE)

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  So stand strong with the belt of truth tied around your waist, and on your chest wear the protection of right living. On your feet wear the Good News of peace to help you stand strong. And also use the shield of faith with which you can stop all the burning arrows that come from the Evil One. Accept God's salvation as your helmet. And take the sword of the Spirit--that sword is the teaching of God.

God’s Word                         So then, take your stand! Fasten truth around your waist like a belt. Put on God's approval as your breastplate. Put on your shoes so that you are ready to spread the Good News that gives peace. In addition to all these, take the Christian faith as your shield. With it you can put out all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Also take salvation as your helmet and the word of God as the sword that the Spirit supplies.

Good News Bible (TEV)         So stand ready, with truth as a belt tight around your waist, with righteousness as your breastplate, and as your shoes the readiness to announce the Good News of peace. At all times carry faith as a shield; for with it you will be able to put out all the burning arrows shot by the Evil One. And accept salvation as a helmet, and the word of God as the sword which the Spirit gives you.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       Be ready! Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and let God's justice protect you like armor. Your desire to tell the good news about peace should be like shoes on your feet. Let your faith be like a shield, and you will be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Let God's saving power be like a helmet, and for a sword use God's message that comes from the Spirit.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph. Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart.  Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.  In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the Evil One! V. 17 will be placed with the next passage for context.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  You must be ready to resist the devil and his evil spirits, just as soldiers must always be ready to resist the enemy. To do that, keep thinking about the true things that God has shown you. Also, continue to act righteously. This will protect you like a soldier's armor protects his chest. Just like a soldier who keeps his boots on, be ready to go anywhere you are needed for the sake of the good news that tells people how to be at peace with God. Just as a soldier holds up a shield to stop the flaming arrows that his enemy shoots at him, you must keep trusting firmly in the Lord at all times. That will protect you from all of the things that your enemy, Satan, the evil one, will try to do to harm you spiritually. Also, as a soldier relies on a helmet to protect his head, rely on the fact that God has saved you, and just as a soldier uses a sword to defeat his enemies, use the weapon that God's Spirit gives you, which is the message that comes from God.

Williams’ New Testament      Hold your position, then, with your waist encircled with the belt of truth, put on right-doing as a coat of mail, and put on your feet the preparation the good news of peace supplies. Besides all these, take on the shield which faith provides, for with it you will be able to put out all the fire-tipped arrows shot by the evil one, take the helmet salvation provides, and take the sword the Spirit wields, which is the word of God.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            So stand after putting a sash around your waist in truth, putting on the armored vest of the right way, and tying shoes on the feet in preparation of the good news of the peace, in everything, after taking up the shield of the trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. V. 17 will be placed with the next passage for context.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           Therefore stand having truth fasten around your loins and having the breastplate of righteousness on. And your feet shod, prepared by the gospel of peace. Most importantly taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts from the wicked. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles Stand, then, having your loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Over all, taking up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament Stand your ground, then, 'with truth for your belt,' and 'with righteousness for your breast-plate,' And with the readiness to serve the Good News of Peace as shoes for your feet. At every onslaught take up faith for your shield; for with it you will be able to extinguish all the flaming darts of the Evil One. And receive 'the helmet of Salvation,' and 'the sword of the Spirit'--which is the Message of God--always with prayer and supplication.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                Stand firm then, with the belt of truth fastened around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed, and with your feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 So stand up, wrap the belt of truth around your waist, tie on the breastplate of justice and right, and put on the shoes of readiness to share the good news of peace. Above all, take up the shield of trusting God, by which you’ll be able to put out all the devil’s flaming arrows. Wear the helmet of salvation, and carry the sword of the Spirit—the Spirit that’s the word of God.

The Heritage Bible                          Stand therefore, having your loins girded all around in truth, and putting on the breastplate of righteousness,

And having put shoes on the feet in the preparation of the good news of peace,

Above all, having taken up the large shield of faith, in which you will have power to extinguish all the fiery missiles of the evil one.

And receive the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the spoken word of God.

International Standard V        Stand firm, therefore, having fastened the belt of truth around your waist, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and being firm-footed in the gospel of peace. [Or wear on your feet readiness for the gospel of peace] In addition to having clothed yourselves with these things, having taken up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to put out all the flaming arrows of the evil one, also take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     Stand firm then, girt about with the belt of truth, and wearing the breastplate of righteousness, and having your feet shod with the stability of the gospel of peace. And take up to cover you the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming darts of the Evil One. Take likewise the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      .

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      .

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    Stand, therefore, after having fastened up your robe around your waist with the truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the readiness of the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, by which you will be able to put out all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Stand therefore, having your loins girded with Truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet bound with the readiness of the Good News of peace; Above all, taking the shield of Faith, in which you will be able to quench all the fiery arrows of the wicked. V. 17 will be placed with the next passage for context.

Weymouth New Testament    Stand therefore, first fastening round you the girdle of truth and putting on the breastplate of uprightness as well as the shoes of the Good News of peace-- a firm foundation for your feet. And besides all these take the great shield of faith, on which you will be able to quench all the flaming darts of the Wicked one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

Wikipedia Bible Project          .

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  Therefore put on the whole armor of God, that in the evil day, you may resist and stand your ground, making use of all your weapons. Take truth as your belt, justice as your breastplate, and zeal as your shoes to propagate the Gospel of peace. Always hold in your hand the shield of faith to repel the flaming arrows of the devil. Finally, use the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, that is, the Word of God. V. 13 is included for context.

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the Besorah of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.  And take the helmet of yeshu`ah, and the sword of the Ruach, which is the Word of Elohiym:...

Hebraic Roots Bible               Then stand firm, "having girded your loins about with truth" and having put "on the breastplate of righteousness," (Isa. 11:5; 59:17 ) and defend your feet with the preparation of the good news of peace. (Isa. 52:7) Above all, taking up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming darts of the evil one. Also, put on "the helmet of salvation," and take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of YAHWEH; (Isa. 49:2; Hos. 6:5)

Holy New Covenant Trans.    So stand firm, using truth as a belt around your waist. Put on the chest plate of being made right. With shoes on your feet, be ready to tell the Good News about peace. And along with everything else, take up faith for a shield. With this, you will be able to put out all the burning arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of deliverance from sin; and take the sword of the Spirit. (This is the word of God.).

The Scriptures 2009              Stand, then, having girded your waist with truth, Isaiah 11:5 and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, Isaiah 59:17. and having fitted your feet with the preparation of the Good News of peace; Isaiah 52:7. above all, having taken up the shield of belief with which you shall have power to quench all the burning arrows of the wicked one. V. 18 will be placed with the next passage for context.

Tree of Life Version                Stand firm then! Buckle the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. Strap up your feet in readiness with the Good News of shalom. Above all, take up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...stand! so Wrapping the waist [of] you* in truth and Putting (On) the breastplate [of] the right and Tying the feet in preparation [of] the news (good) [of] the peace in all [things] Taking (Up) the shield [of] the faith in whom [You*] will have (ability) all the spears [of] the [one] evil the [things] having been inflamed to put (out) and the helmet [of] the [thing] saving receive! and the sword [of] the spirit Which is Word [of] god...

Alpha & Omega Bible            .

Awful Scroll Bible                   Be stood therefore, Yourselves girding- your loins -around from-within that Un-concealed, and sinking- yourselves -from-within the breastplate of Virtuousness, and yourselves tying-beneath, your feet, from-within the readiness of the announcing-of-the-Good-Tidings of Peace, over all, taking-up the shield of confidence, from-within which yous will be able, to extinguish all the having been set on fire arrows of he perilous, and be taking up the helmet of Deliverance and the smallsword of the Breath, which is the spoken Word of God,...

Concordant Literal Version    Stand, then, girded about your loins with truth, with the cuirass of righteousness put on."

and your feet sandaled with the readiness of the evangel of peace; with all taking up the large shield of faith, by which you will be able to extinguish all the fiery arrows of the wicked one."

And receive the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is a declaration of God."

exeGeses companion Bible   So stand;

gird your loins in truth

and endue the breastplate of justness:

and bind your feet in the preparation

of the evangelism of shalom:

above all, take the shield of the trust,

whereby you can quench

all the fiery missiles of the evil:

and receive the helmet of salvation

and the sword of the Spirit,

which is the rhema of Elohim:...

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           Stand, therefore, having girded your waist with HaEmes and having put on the breastplate of Tzedek, [YESHAYAH 11:5; TEHILLIM 132:9; YESHAYAH 59:17]

And having put as shoes on your feet that which makes you ready to be a maggid of the Besuras HaGeulah. [YESHAYAH 52:7]

With all these things, take up the shield of emunah, by which you will be able to quench all the flaming darts of haRah (the Evil one);

And take the helmet of yeshu'ah and the cherev of the Ruach Hakodesh, which is the Dvar Hashem. [YESHAYAH 59:17; 49:2]

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   So, you people should stand firm [in the faith], with the belt of truth firmly buckled around you, and with the “flack jacket” of righteousness on your chest. And put on your shoes, ready to [go and] spread the Gospel of peace. And along with everything else, take up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the fire-tipped arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Holy Spirit, which is God’s word.

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     Therefore, hold your ground after you have fastened truth around your waist [Bible doctrine in your soul], and after you have put on the breastplate of righteousness [spiritual integrity],

And after you have fastened footwear on your feet as preparation [doctrine before Christian service] for the gospel [witnessing] of peace [reconciliation].

With all of these [weapons], pick up and carry the shield of faith [application of Bible doctrine], by which you yourself will be empowered to extinguish all the flaming arrows [gates or doors to the cosmic system] of the evil one [Satan’s attempts to keep you out of fellowship],

And grasp the helmet of deliverance [spiritual problem-solving devices], and the two-edged sword [offensive & defensive capabilities] of the Spirit, which is the Word of God [the completed canon of Scripture].

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             You folks stand (or: at once take your stand), then, after girding yourselves aroundyour waist (or: loins) in union with Truth and within the midst of Reality, and then, entering within (putting on; clothing yourself with) the breastplate armor (cuirass; corslet) of fair and equitable dealing (or: which is the rightwised relationships of the Way pointed out; the Righteousness; the Justice; also = covenant inclusion and participation),

and next sandaling (or: binding under) the feet in readiness and preparedness which comes from, has the character of and which belongs to the good news (or: message of goodness, ease and well-being) of the Peace (or: which are peace and harmony [= shalom])

within all things and situations (or: in union with all people) [be] at once receiving again (or: taking back up) the large oblong shield of the Faith (or: Trust; Confidence; Faithfulness; Assurance; Loyalty), within which you will continue having powerand be progressively ableto extinguish all the fiery arrows of and from the worthless person (or: evil one; unsound and miserable situation; disadvantageous and unprofitable condition; malicious and depraved attitude; toilsome labor that is gushed with misery).

And at once accept (or: receive and retain) for yourselves the helmet of the Deliverance (or: which comes from the Salvation; that belongs to health and wholeness; which is the restoration to the original realm and condition) and the Spirit's sword (the short sword from the Attitude; or: the dagger which is spirit; the dirk which is the Breath-effect) the one being God's gush-effect (or: which is the result of the flow from God; the one existing [as] a result of a flux or an effect of a continuous movement, the source of which is God; or: which is a spoken Word of God; or: that being an utterance or declaration which is God).

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         .

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. Standˎ thereforeˎ—

    Having girded your loins with truth,

    And put on the breastplate of righteousness,c

    And shod your feet with the readiness of the glad-message of peaced;

    ||With all|| having taken up the shield of faithˎ

Wherewith ye shall have power ||allʹ the ignited darts of the wicked one|| to quench;

    And ||the helmet of salvation||e welcome ye,

    And the sword of the spiritˎ which is what God hath spoken,f

c Is. xi. 5; lix. 17; 1 Th. v. 8.

d Is. xl. 3, 9; lii. 7.

e Is. lix. 17.

f Is. xi. 4; xlix. 2; li. 16; Ho. vi. 5.

The Spoken English NT         So stand, with your waists belted with truth,n and wearing the breastplate of integrity.o

Your shoes should be on and tied,p in readiness to proclaim the good news of peace.q

In every situation, strap onr the shield of faith. With it, you can put out all the burning arrows of the evil one.s

And take the helmet of salvationt and the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s word.u n.See Isaiah 11:5.

o.Traditionally: “righteousness”. See Isaiah 59:17.

p.Lit. “Having your sandals tied on your feet“.

q.See Isaiah 52:7; Nah. 1:15.

r.Lit. “take up” (in order to strap on).

s.That is, the devil.

t.See Isaiah 59:17

u.See Isaiah 11:4; Isaiah 49:2; Hosea 6:5.

Updated ASV                         Therefore, take up the whole armor[52] of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand firm, therefore, with your loins girded[53] about with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and with your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; in all things, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. V. 13 is included for context.

[52] Armor: (Heb. כְּלִי keli; Gr. πανοπλία panoplia) The weapons and armor worn by soldiers used in fighting, which makes up the whole of his offensive and defensive equipment. This would include a helmet to protect the head, the girdle, a leather belt worn around the waist or hips to protect the loins, the breastplate to protect vital organs, especially the heart. It also included a coat of mail, i.e., scale body armor for protection during battle, greaves, shin guards, and shields usually carried on the left arm or in the left hand. – 1 Sam. 7:5-6; 31:9; Eph. 6:13-17.

[53] To “gird up the loins” or “gird up your hips” is an idiom that means to cause oneself to be in a state of readiness: ‘to get ready,’ ‘to prepare oneself.’ It refers to a person gathering up the ends of the garments between his legs and then tucking them under the sash (כֻּתֹּנֶת kuttoneth) worn around their hips to expedite physical activity. They often wore a sash over the inner or outer garments. This girding up the loins would include any physical labor and getting ready to do battle. It also came to be used as an expression meaning to equip oneself for vigorous mental or spiritual activity. There are times when it also has a sense of strengthening.

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     So stand firm, having belted your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the readiness of the Gospel of the peace; above all, having taken up the shield of the faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows5 of the malignant one; also, grasp the helmet of the salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word6 of God;...

(5) If it is faith that quenches these arrows, then they probably come in the form of doubts and fears.

(6) hrema (rather than logos)—the implication may be that we must speak the Word.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  Therefore, stand firm, 'having wrapped your waist around with truth,' and 'having put on the breastplate of righteousness,' [Isaiah 11:5; 59:17] and having 'put on your feet as shoes the preparation of the Gospel of peace,' [Isaiah 52:7] above all [or, in addition to all [these things]], having taken up the shield of faith, by which youp will be able to extinguish all the arrows, the ones having been set on fire, [fig., the flaming arrows] of the evil [one], and to receive [or, take] 'the helmet of salvation,' and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, [Isaiah 59:17; Isaiah 11:4 (LXX); Isaiah 49:2; Hos. 6:5]

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           Therefore, hold your ground, after you have put your combat belt around your waist with truth, and after you have put on the breastplate of righteousness, and after you have put combat boots on your feet with readiness from the gospel of peace, along with everything else, after having taken up the shield of faith, by means of which shield you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one; and grasp the helmet of deliverance and the sword from the Spirit, which is the word of God.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             Stand, therefore, having your loins girded with truth, and having on the breast plate of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the glad tidings of peace, covering all with the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the evil one. V. 17 will be placed with the next passage for context.

Context Group Version          Therefore take up the entire armor of God, that you (pl) may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having fastened your (pl) loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of vindication, and having shod your (pl) feet with the preparation of the Imperial News of peace; as well taking up the shield of trust, with which you (pl) shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil [one]. Vv. 13–16 in the CGV.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       .

Green’s Literal Translation    Then stand firm, "having girded your loins about with truth" and having put "on the breastplate of righteousness," Isa. 11:5; 59:17 and having shod the feet with the preparation of the "gospel of peace." Isa. 52:7 Above all, taking up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the darts of the evil one being kindled. Also, take "the helmet of salvation," and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God; Isa. 59:17 LXX-Isa. 11:4; MT-Isa. 49:2; LXX and MT-Hos. 6:5 through all prayer and petition, praying at all times in the Spirit, and watching to this same thing with all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints. V. 18 is included for context.

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  Therefore stand°, having girded your° loin in truth and having clothed yourselves with the breastplate of righteousness, and having tied the feet with* the readiness of the good-news of peace. Over all these things, after you° took up the shield of the faith, in which you° will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one; also able to accept the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, through all prayer and supplication praying in every season in the Spirit and watching in this same thing in all perseverance and supplication concerning all the holy-ones. V. 18 is included for context.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  Because of this [the angelic conflict] pick up and put on the full armour from God, in order that you might have the ability to resist in the evil day [of attack], even after having achieved everything [in supergrace], to oppose [the forces of Satan].

Stand fast, therefore, after having buckled around your waste the belt with doctrine [or, by means of doctrine in the soul], also having put on the body armour of righteousness, also having put combat boots on your feet with the equipment of the gospel, even peace [or, reconciliation].

With all these [items of military equipment], pick up and carry the shield of faith by which you are able to intercept [or, extinguish] all the flaming missiles of the evil one.

Also receive the helmet which refers to being saved, also the sword from the Spirit, which is the doctrine from God. V. 13 is included for context.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         .

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           Stand firm therefore, HAVING A BELT STRAPPED AROUND THE WAIST WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; in all circumstances, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And then take up THE HELMET OF SALVATION and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Updated ASV                         .

Updated Bible Version 2.17   . foundation

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 6:14a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

histêmi (ἵστημι) [pronounced HIHS-tay-mee]

stand [up, by]; set up; place, make firm; keep intact; establish; stop

2nd person plural, aorist active imperative

Strong’s #2476

oun (ον) [pronounced oon]

so [then], certainly; then, therefore, accordingly, consequently, and [so], but, now; these things being so

adverbial particle

Strong’s #3767

Translation: Therefore, take a stand (you all),...

We are mandated, as believers, to take a stand. We are mandated to stand up. God has a place for every believer in the Angelic Conflict. We are mandated by God, through Paul, to take our place on the battlefield. We must bear in mind that our battle is not with flesh and blood. That is, we are not put on earth to oppose our fellow man (unless, of course, you are in a war for your country).

In general, God is not calling us to engage in battle with other people. That means that our primary function on this earth is not some sort of social action.

Ephesians 6:14b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

perizônnymi (περιζώννυμι) [pronounced per-ihd-ZONE-noo-mee]

fastening on (one’s garments with a belt or girdle), girding (about, all around); metaphorically equipping oneself with truth (Bible doctrine)

masculine plural, aorist middle participle, nominative case

Strong’s #4024

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

osphus (ὀσφς, ὀσφύς) [pronounced oss-FOOS]

loins, internal organ; pelvis; (by extension) procreative or generative power

feminine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #3751

humôn (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MONE]

of yours, from you; concerning you; you, yourselves

2nd person plural pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5216 (genitive case of #5210)

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

alêtheia (ἀλήθεια, ας, ἡ) [pronounced ahl-Ā-thi-ah]

[absolute, unimpeachable, divine] truth, divine viewpoint, veracity, verity; reality; of a truth, in reality, in face, certainly; conduct which is in accordance with truth/divine viewpoint

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #225

Translation: ...having fastened [around] your loins [a belt] with truth...

In order to do battle, we will need to put on the full armor of God.

I was brought up spiritually in Berachah Church, where the pastor teacher (R. B. Thieme, Jr.) spoke of building an edification complex in my soul, and then he described the different floors of that building. That, of course, is an analogy.

Paul here is also setting up an analogy. Even though twice we are told to put on the full armor of God (which is described in vv. 14–17), he is not talking about actual armor. These are not actual physical things which I purchase or fashion and then put them on. The point I am making is, Paul is teaching us by these words, even though he is not talking about actually putting on armor and then going out of our house to do battle.

We fasten around our waist a belt, which belt covers our entire pelvis, and this is the belt of truth which protects us. Of, if you would rather, the belt of Bible doctrine. So, when describing the armor that we put on, Paul speaks first of the belt of Bible doctrine.

What should every believer prepare himself with first? Truth. Bible doctrine. How do we get this, by reading our Bible or listening to Christian radio? God’s method for 95% of all believers is to grow up spiritually under the teaching of a pastor-teacher. This would be a pastor-teacher who is prepared and who challenges you with his teaching not two or three times a week with 20 minute sermons, but with a serious serving of truth every time the church doors are open. Teaching ought to be a minimum of 45 minutes, and if your pastor is teaching three times a week or less, then he should be providing additional resources for those other days.

Ephesians 6:14c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

endue (ἐνδύω) [pronounced ehn-DOO-oh]

putting on, clothing oneself, arraying (oneself), wearing [clothing], sinking into (clothing)

masculine plural, aorist middle participle, nominative case

Strong’s #1746

ton (τόν) [pronounced tahn]; also to (το) [pronounced toh]

the, to [or towards] the

masculine singular definite article in the accusative case

Strong’s #3588

thorax (θώραξ) [pronounced THOH-rax]

breastplate;a breastplate or corset consisting of two parts and protecting the body on both sides from the neck to the middle; the breast, the chest

masculine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #2382

tês (τς) [pronounced tayç]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

dikaiosunê (δικαιοσύνη) [pronounced dih-kai-oh-SOON-ā or dik-ah-yos-OO-nay]

(legal, unchangeable) righteousness, [Christian] justification; justice as a characteristic of a judge; the application of righteousness

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1343

Translation: ...and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,...

The believer puts on the breastplate of righteousness. We all have imputed righteousness, and we have this from the moment that we believe in Jesus Christ. However, in between imputed righteousness and ultimate righteousness (which we receive at the moment of death), there is experiential righteousness. This takes place when we apply Bible doctrine to life. We grow and understand Bible doctrine, and where applicable, we apply it.

In other words, this righteousness represents a stage of growth rather than imputed righteousness. We have spent time training and growing, and we are ready for battle. Therefore, we can put on the breastplate of righteousness.

Ephesians 6:14 Therefore, take a stand (you all), having fastened [around] your loins [a belt] with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:15


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

hypodéō (ὑποδέω) [pronounced hoop-od-EH-oh]

tying underneath; binding (with, under), putting on (shoes, sandals), being shod

masculine plural; aorist middle participle; nominative case

Strong’s #5265

tous (τοὺς) [pronounced tooç]


the; these, to those; towards them; some

masculine plural definite article; accusative case; also used as a demonstrative pronoun

Strong’s #3588

podes (πόδες) [pronounced POH-dehs]

feet [of men or beast]

masculine plural noun; accusative case

Strong’s #4228

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

hetoimasía (ἑτοιμασία) [pronounced het-oy-mas-EE-ah]

preparation, the act of preparing; the condition of a person or thing so far forth as prepared, preparedness, readiness; foundation, firm footing

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2091 hapax legomenon

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

euangelion (εὐαγγέλον) [pronounced yoo-ang-GHEL-ee-on]

gospel, good news; an announcement [proclamation, declaration, preaching] of good news [the gospel], evangelization; the bringing (declaring, showing) of glad (good) tidings

neuter singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2098

tês (τς) [pronounced tayç]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

eirênê (εἰρήνη, ης, ἡ) [pronounced eye-RAY-nay]

peace, tranquility, harmony, order, welfare; security, safety; prosperity, felicity; unity

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1515

Translation: ...and binding {your] feet with the foundation of the gospel of peace.

We put on our feet the foundation or the firm footing of the gospel of peace. Fundamental to every believer is having believed in Jesus Christ and received His salvation. We hear the gospel of peace and we believe in Jesus Christ, and we are reconciled to God. We have peace with God as a result.

Fundamental to our spiritual warfare is the gospel of peace with God. This is what we stand upon. We must hear the gospel somewhere (or read it) and we must make a choice to believe in Jesus Christ. This is foundational to our spiritual warfare.

Ephesians 6:15 ...and binding {your] feet with the foundation of the gospel of peace. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:14–15 Therefore, take a stand (you all), having fastened [around] your loins [a belt] with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and binding {your] feet with the foundation of the gospel of peace. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

In order to engage in a spiritual battle, we must put on the full armor of God. This includes putting on the belt of truth, the breastplate of experiential righteousness (spiritual growth), and our feed must be shot with the gospel of peace.

Ephesians 6:16a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

psin (πασιν) [pronounced PAH-sihn]

to all; in all (things); by means of all (things); everything

neuter plural adjective; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3956

analambánō (ἀναλαμβάνω) [pronounced an-al-am-BAN-oh]

taking (up, in, unto); taking along; raising up; receiving (up)

masculine plural, aorist active participle, nominative case

Strong’s #353

ton (τόν) [pronounced tahn]; also to (το) [pronounced toh]

the, to [or towards] the

masculine singular definite article in the accusative case

Strong’s #3588

thureós (θυρεός) [pronounced thoo-Rehoboam-OSS]

shield; a large door-shaped shield; a large oblong, four cornered shield

masculine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #2375 hapax legomenon

tês (τς) [pronounced tayç]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

feminine singular definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

pistis (πίστις) [pronounced PIHS-tihs]

faith, assurance, belief, believe; the content of what is believed, doctrine; persuasion, that is, credence; moral conviction

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4102

Translation: In all [circumstances], having taken up the shield of faith,...

For all circumstances in life, we must take up the shield of faith. This is both the fact that we have believed in Jesus Christ and that we have believed in the teaching of the Word of God. Key to spiritual growth is faith. Obviously, we begin our spiritual walk by first believing in Jesus Christ. However, we continue this walk by hearing the accurate teaching of Bible doctrine and believing that.

It is this shield of faith which protects us; it protects our core being.

Ephesians 6:16b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

hô () [pronounced hoh]

to whom, for which, in what, by means of that, whose

masculine singular relative pronoun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3739

dunamai (δύναμαι) [pronounced DOO-nam-ahee]

to be able, to have power to; to be able to do something; to be capable, strong and powerful

2nd person plural, future (deponent) middle indicative

Strong’s #1410

panta (πάντα) [pronounced PAHN-ta]

all, everyone, anyone, all things; anything

neuter plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #3956

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

belos (βέλος) [pronounced BEHL-oss]

arrow, a missile, dart, javelin, spear; a sharp point, a needle

neuter plural noun; accusative case

Strong’s #956 hapax legomenon

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

ponêros (πονηρός) [pronounced pon-ay-ROSS]

evil (in its effect or influence on others), hurtful, bad, grievous, harm [ful], malicious, wicked

masculine singular adjective, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4190

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

puróō (πυρόω) [pronounced poo-ROE-oh]

burning with fire, setting on fire, kindling; being on fire, being burned; having been refined by heat; figuratively, being incensed, being indignant

neuter plural; perfect passive participle; accusative case

Strong’s #4448

sbénnumi (σβέννυμι) [pronounced SBEHN-noo-mee]

to quench, to extinguish, (of fire or things on fire); to be quenched, to go out; metaphorically to quench, to suppress, stifle (of divine influence)

aorist active infinitive

Strong’s #4570

Translation: ...by which you (all) will be able to quench the burning arrows of the evil (one),...

We are under constant attack of the evil one, who sends his burning arrows toward us.

Ephesians 6:16 In all [circumstances], having taken up the shield of faith, by which you (all) will be able to quench the burning arrows of the evil (one),... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

These flaming arrows strike our breastplate of faith and they are stopped and quenched.

Ephesians 6:17a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

perikephalaía (περικεφαλαία) [pronounced per-ee-kef-al-AH-yah]

helmet; metaphorically the protection of the soul which consists in (the hope of) salvation

feminine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #4030

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

sôtêrion (σωτήριον) [pronounced so-TAY-ree-on]

defender [of salvation]; the one bringing salvation; defense; salvation

neuter singular adjective; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4992 (neuter of #4991)

Thayer definitions: saving, bringing salvation; he who embodies this salvation, or through whom God is about to achieve it; the hope of (future) salvation.

dechomai (δέχομαι) [pronounced DEKH-om-ahee]

receive, accept; take

2nd person plural, aorist (deponent) middle imperative

Strong’s #1209

Translation: ...receive the helmet of the defense (of salvation)...

There is the feminine singular noun sôtêria (σωτηρία) [pronounced soh-tay-REE-ah], and it means, salvation; safety, deliverance [from present or eternal danger], preservation [from danger or destruction]. Strong’s #4991. But we have the neuter singular sôtêrion (σωτήριον) [pronounced so-TAY-ree-on] here instead. This word means, defender [of salvation]; the one bringing salvation; defense; salvation. Thayer gives the definitions: saving, bringing salvation; he who embodies this salvation, or through whom God is about to achieve it; the hope of (future) salvation. Strong’s #4992. This is a word which demands additional study.

Ephesians 6:17b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

tên (τὴν) [pronounced tayn]

the, to the; toward the; this, that

feminine singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

máchaira (μάχαιρα) [pronounced MAHKH-ahee-rah]

sword; a small sword, a curved sword, for a cutting stroke; a straight sword, for thrusting a knife; figuratively, war, suffering in war; judicial punishment

feminine singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #3162

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

pneuma (πνεμα) [pronounced PNYOO-mah]

spirit, Spirit; breath; wind [blast], air

neuter singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4151

Translation: ...and the sword of the Spirit,...

We have one offensive weapon described here, which is the sword of the Spirit. All believers are given the power option of the Holy Spirit. We are filled with the Spirit when we name our sins to God.

Ephesians 6:17c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ho (ὅ) [pronounced hoh]

whom, which, what, that; to whom, to that, whose, whoever

neuter singular relative pronoun; nominative case

Strong’s #3739

esti (ἐστί) [pronounced ehs-TEE] or

estin (ἐστίν) [pronounced ehs-TIN]

is, are, to be, keeps on being, continues having

3rd person singular, present indicative

Strong’s #2076 (3rd person present form of #1510)

hrma (ῥμα, ατος, τό) [pronounced HRAY-mah]

speech, discourse, utterance; saying; word, that which is spoken; command, order, direction, proclamation; thing, object, matter, event; idea

neuter singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #4487

theos (θεός) [pronounced theh-OSS]

God, [the true] God; divine being; god, goddess, divinity

masculine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2316

Translation: ...which keeps on being the proclamation of God. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Paul further describes the sword of the Spirit. It is clearly not the Holy Spirit alone but the Holy Spirit working in tandem with the proclamation of God, or, more simply, the Word of God.

Ephesians 6:17 ...receive the helmet of the defense (of salvation) and the sword of the Spirit, which keeps on being the proclamation of God. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Our one offensive weapon is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. This is a combination of having the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Ephesians 6:16–17 In all [circumstances], having taken up the shield of faith, by which you (all) will be able to quench the burning arrows of the evil (one), receive the helmet of the defense (of salvation) and the sword of the Spirit, which keeps on being the proclamation of God. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:14–17 Therefore, take a stand (you all), having fastened [around] your loins [a belt] with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and binding {your] feet with the foundation of the gospel of peace. In all [circumstances], having taken up the shield of faith, by which you (all) will be able to quench the burning arrows of the evil (one), receive the helmet of the defense (of salvation) and the sword of the Spirit, which keeps on being the proclamation of God. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:14–17 Therefore, take a stand and prepare for battle, having fastened the belt of truth around your waist and having put on the breastplate of experiential righteousness, and placing on your feet the foundation of the gospel of peace with God. In all circumstances, take up the shielf of faith so that the flaming arrows of the evil one are quenched. Receive the helmet of the defense of salvation along with the sword of the Spirit, which sword is the Word of God. (Kukis paraphrase)


Through every prayer and petition, praying in each time in a Spirit, and to it being circumspect in every persistency and prayer concerning all the saints and over me, that I might be given a word in an opening of the mouth of me in frankness to make known the mystery of the gospel, over which I keep on being an ambassador in a chain, that in Him I might have spoken freely as is necessary to me to speak.



Through every prayer and petition, praying every time in the Spirit, and being attentive to It [the Spirit] in every persistency and prayer concerning all the saints, and for me, that I might be given a word in the opening of my mouth, in freedom to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which (gospel) I keep on being an ambassador in chains, that in Christ [lit., Him], I might speak freely as it is necessary for me to speak.

Through every prayer and petition, from you and from myself, praying every time in the Spirit and being attentive to the Holy Spirit in every persistent matter and every prayer regarding all the saints, as well as for me, that God might grant me a chance to speak in my own defense here in Rome. I also desire the freedom to make known the mystery of the gospel, regarding which gospel I am an ambassador in chains, but praying that in Christ, I might speak freely again, as it is necessary for me to speak.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    Through every prayer and petition, praying in each time in a Spirit, and to it being circumspect in every persistency and prayer concerning all the saints and over me, that I might be given a word in an opening of the mouth of me in frankness to make known the mystery of the gospel, over which I keep on being an ambassador in a chain, that in Him I might have spoken freely as is necessary to me to speak.

Complete Apostles Bible        ...through every prayer and petition, praying in every season in the Spirit, being watchful to this same thing with all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints--

and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, in the opening of my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel,

for the sake of which I serve as an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I must speak.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) By all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the spirit: and in the same watching with all instance and supplication for all the saints:

And for me, that speech may be given me, that I may open my mouth with confidence, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

For which I am an ambassador in a chain: so that therein I may be bold to speak according as I ought.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Pray with all prayers and with all desires always in The Spirit and be watching with him in prayer every moment as you pray constantly and make supplication for the sake of all The Holy Ones,

Also for me, that the word may be given to me by opening my mouth, that publicly I may preach the mystery of The Gospel,

That of which I am an Ambassador in chains, that I may speak it with boldness as it is necessary for me to speak it.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             With prayers and deep desires, making requests at all times in the Spirit, and keeping watch, with strong purpose, in prayer for all the saints, 

And for me, that words may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make clear without fear the secret of the good news, 

For which I am a representative in chains, and that I may say without fear the things which it is right for me to say.

Bible in Worldwide English     Always talk to God in the Spirit. Talk to him about everything and ask him for what you need. Put your mind on what you are saying, asking God to help all his people.

And also, ask God to help me to talk without fear and tell people Gods plan about the good news.

I am in prison with chains on because I speak the good news about Jesus Christ. Ask God to help me to tell the good news without fear as I should tell it. Vv. 17–19 in the BWE.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  Pray in the Spirit at all times. Pray with all kinds of prayers, and ask for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready. Never give up. Always pray for all of God's people. Also pray for me--that when I speak, God will give me words so that I can tell the secret truth about the Good News without fear. I have the work of speaking for that Good News, and that is what I am doing now, here in prison. Pray that when I tell people the Good News, I will speak without fear as I should.

God’s Word                         Pray in the Spirit in every situation. Use every kind of prayer and request there is. For the same reason be alert. Use every kind of effort and make every kind of request for all of God's people. Also pray that God will give me the right words to say. Then I will speak boldly when I reveal the mystery of the Good News. Because I have already been doing this as Christ's representative, I am in prison. So pray that I speak about this Good News as boldly as I have to.

Good News Bible (TEV)         Do all this in prayer, asking for God's help. Pray on every occasion, as the Spirit leads. For this reason keep alert and never give up; pray always for all God's people. And pray also for me, that God will give me a message when I am ready to speak, so that I may speak boldly and make known the gospel's secret. For the sake of this gospel I am an ambassador, though now I am in prison. Pray that I may be bold in speaking about the gospel as I should.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God's people. Pray that I will be given the message to speak and that I may fearlessly explain the mystery about the good news. I was sent to do this work, and that's the reason I am in jail. So pray that I will be brave and will speak as I should.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken Word of God. Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times. Pray the blessings of God upon all his believers.  And pray also that God’s revelation would be released through me every time I preach the wonderful mystery of the hope-filled gospel.  Yes, pray that I may preach the wonderful news of God’s kingdom with bold freedom at every opportunity. Even though I am chained as a prisoner, I am his ambassador. V. 17 is included for context.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  Whenever you pray to God and request things from him, always let God's Spirit direct you in how you pray and what you pray for. To be most effective, keep watching to see what God is doing, and be persistent as you continue to pray for all of God's people. Pray for me, also, that God would tell me what I should say whenever I speak, in order that I may boldly tell others the good news about the Messiah that people did not know before. It is because I have been telling people about the Messiah that I am now representing him here in prison. Pray that as I continue to tell others about the Messiah, I may speak boldly, because that is how I ought to speak.

Williams’ New Testament      Keep on praying in the Spirit, with every kind of prayer and entreaty, at every opportunity, be ever on the alert with perfect devotion and entreaty for all God's people, and for me that a message may be given me when I open my lips, so that I may boldly make known the open secret of the good news, for the sake of which I am an envoy in prison: so that, when I tell it, I may speak as courageously as I ought.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            And accept the head protection of the rescue process and the knife of the Spirit that is God's statement, through every prayer and plea praying in every right time in the spirit, and for the same reason not going to sleep in every persistence and plea concerning all the sacred people and on my behalf so that a message might be given to me in the opening of my mouth in boldness to make known the secret of the good news (on behalf of which I am an older man in chains), so that in it I might speak openly as it is necessary for me to speak. V. 17 is included for context.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           Always be praying in spirit with all prayer and requests, and be alert in the same with full perseverance and request for all God's people and for me, so that a message may be given to me, so that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the Gospel. For which I am an ambassador in prison, that in there I may speak boldly as I should speak.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles With all supplication and deprecation, pray at all seasons in spirit; and for this very purpose, watch with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints: especially for me, that eloquence may be given me in opening my mouth with boldness, to make known the secret of the gospel; for which I execute the office of an ambassador in a chain; that I may speak boldly concerning it, as it becomes me to speak.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament Pray in spirit at all times. Be intent upon this, with unwearying perseverance and supplication for all Christ's People- - And on my behalf also, that, when I begin to speak, words may be given me, so that I may fearlessly make known the inmost truth of the Good News, On behalf of which I am an Ambassador--in chains! Pray that, in telling it, I may speak fearlessly as I ought.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 Always pray in the Spirit as you do all this. Stay awake and keep on praying for all God’s people. Pray for me too so that I’ll be given the right words to say, and that I’ll be able to explain confidently the hidden truths of the good news. I’m an imprisoned ambassador for the sake of the good news, so please pray that I will speak fearlessly, as I should.

The Heritage Bible                          Praying through all prayer, and petition, in all times, in the Spirit, and for this same thing, staying awake in all perseverance, and petition concerning all the saints;

And for me, that the word may be given to me, in opening my mouth in outspokenness, to make known the mystery of the good news,

For which I am an elder in chains, that in the same I may be outspoken, as is necessary for me to speak.

International Standard V        Pray in the Spirit at all times with every kind of prayer and request. Likewise, be alert with your most diligent efforts and pray for all the saints. Pray [The Gk. lacks Pray] also for me, so that, when I begin to speak, the right words will come to me. Then I will boldly make known the secret of the gospel, for whose sake I am an ambassador in chains, desiring to declare the gospel [Lit. declare it] as boldly as I should. [Lit. as I should speak]

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     .

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      Pray at all times in the Spirit with all manner of prayer and entreaty; be awake to this with all intentness and with prayer for all the holy and in my behalf, that words may be given to me when I open my month to make known with fearlessness the mystery of the good news, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may tell it fearlessly as I ought.

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying with all prayer and supplication on every occasion with the spirit, and watching in the same with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints, and for me, that a word may be given me at the opening of my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, in behalf of which I perform an embassy in bonds, that I may speak boldly in them, as I ought to speak. V. 17 is included for context.

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit. To this end, be watchful with all perseverance and requests for all the saints, and for me, that a message may be given to me when I open my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel (for which I am an ambassador in chains), so that in it I may speak boldly, as it is appropriate for me to speak.

Urim-Thummim Version         Offering prayers always with all prayer and entreaty in the Spirit, and watching for with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that a Word may be given to me, that I may open my mouth publicly, to make known the Hidden Thing [Urim-Thummim] of the Good News, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that I may speak boldly as I ought to speak.

Weymouth New Testament    Pray with unceasing prayer and entreaty on every fitting occasion in the Spirit, and be always on the alert to seize opportunities for doing so, with unwearied persistence and entreaty on behalf of all God's people, and ask on my behalf that words may be given to me so that, outspoken and fearless, I may make known the truths (hitherto kept secret) of the Good News--to spread which I am an ambassador in chains--so that when telling them I may speak out boldly as I ought.

Wikipedia Bible Project          .

Worsley’s New Testament    ...praying at all seasons with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance, and intercession for all the saints; and for me particularly, that utterance may be given me, that I may open my mouth with freedom, to make known the mystery of the gospel: for which I am an ambassador though in chains: that I may speak boldly in behalf of it, as I ought to speak.

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  Pray at all times as the Spirit in - spires you. Keep watch, together with sustained prayer and supplication for all the holy ones. Pray also for me, so that when I speak, I may be given words to proclaim bravely the mystery of the Gospel. Even when in chains I am an ambassador of God; may he give me the strength to speak as I should. Col 4:2; Lk 18:1 Romans 15:30; Phil 1:14 2Cor 5:20

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Ruach, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all qodeshiym; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the Besorah, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Hebraic Roots Bible               .

Holy New Covenant Trans.    Pray with the Spirit at all times. Use all kinds of prayers and requests. Be on guard! Always pray for all the saints. Pray for me too! Then, when I open my mouth to speak, the message will be given to me. With boldness I will make clear the secret of the Good News. I am a representative in chains for this good news. Pray that I will speak boldly about it as I should.

The Scriptures 2009              Take also the helmet of deliverance, Isaiah 59:17 and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of Elohim, praying at all times, with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, watching in all perseverance and supplication for all the set-apart ones; also for me, that a word might be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to be bold in making known the secret of the Good News, for which I am an envoy in chains, that in it I might speak boldly, as I should speak. V. 17 is included for context.

Tree of Life Version                Pray in the Ruach on every occasion, with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, keep alert with perseverance and supplication for all the kedoshim. And pray for me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the Good News, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may speak boldly, the way I should.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...through every prayer and request {be!} Praying in every time in spirit and to it Watching in every perseverance and request about all the [men] pure and {be! Praying} for me that [to] me may be given Word in opening [of] the mouth [of] me in boldness to show the mystery [of] the news (good) for which [I] represent {it} in bond that in it [I] may speak (openly) as is (necessary) me to speak {it}...

Alpha & Omega Bible            WITH ALL PRAYER AND PETITION PRAY AT ALL TIMES IN THE SPIRIT, AND WITH THIS IN VIEW, BE ON THE ALERT WITH ALL PERSEVERANCE AND PETITION FOR ALL THE SAINTS,(This is not speaking of unknown tongues or the gift of tongues. We should try to always walk & talk in the Spirit of His Presence & Power.)



Awful Scroll Bible                   ...wishing-with-regards-to from-within all times throughout, in wishing-with-regards-to and supplication by-within the Breath, and being sleep-less to that same thing, from-within all, being steadfast-by and in supplication concerning all the awful ones, and in my behalf, in order that, words would be granted to me from-within the opening-up of my mouth, from-within all-expressiveness, to make known the secret of the announcing-of-the-Good-Tidings, over which I am an ambassador from-within chains, in order that, from-within it I should be all-expressed, as I ought to speak.

Concordant Literal Version    During every prayer and petition be praying on every occasion (in spirit being vigilant also for it with all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints, and for me), that to me expression may be granted, in the opening of my mouth with boldness, to make known the secret of the evangel, for which I am conducting an embassy in a chain, that in it I should be speaking boldly, as I must speak."

exeGeses companion Bible   ...praying in all seasons

through all prayer and petition in Spirit

and watching thereto in all perseverance

and petition for all the holy;

and in my behalf,

- that I be given a word

to open my mouth in boldness,

to make known the mystery of the evangelism,

for which I am a presbyter in fetters:

that therein I be bold and speak as I must:...

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           Daven in the Ruach Hakodesh always with all tefillos and techinnah (supplication). To that end keep shomer and always persevere in techinnah (supplication) for the Kadoshim;

And for me also, that to me may be given utterance in opening my mouth in boldness to make known the Sod HaBesuras HaGeulah,

On behalf of which I am an emissary in chains, that in it I may be bold as it is necessary for me to speak.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   [Then] offer all kinds of prayers and requests in [harmony with] the Holy Spirit at all times, and be alert constantly in making requests for all the saints [i.e., God’s holy people]. And [also pray] for me to be given boldness of speech in opening my mouth to make known the secret plan of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador in prison. [And pray] that I may be able to proclaim the Gospel boldly, as I ought to.

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     During every prayer and entreaty, pray regularly by means of the Spirit, and with reference to this [prayer in the filling of the Spirit], in everything [nothing is too small or too large to be included in your prayers], be constantly on the alert with patience and an entreaty for all the saints [fellow believers].

Also pray for me [his ministry], so that doctrinal teaching might be given to me when I open my mouth, while I am revealing with confidence the mystery pertaining to the gospel, On behalf of which [gospel], I am an ambassador in chains [to a Roman guard], in order that with reference to it [the gospel], I may speak fearlessly as it is necessary for me to speak [under his unusual circumstances].

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             By means of all thought, desire or imparted message toward having things be well (or: Through every prayer) and request (or: declaration) regarding need, [be] folks continuously thinking, speaking and acting toward goodness and well-being (or: praying) within every season (in union with every fitting situation; on every occasion; in the midst of every fertile moment) within and in union with [the] Spirit (Breath-effect; Attitude), while maintaining a constant alertness (or: in spirit being constantly vigilant and abstaining from sleep), also, to that end, in all focus to unremitting and stout continuance (or: in union with every view to resolute, potent perseverance which brings control) and request regarding need concerning (or: surrounding) all of the set-apart folks (holy ones; saints; sacredly different people),

and further, in behalf of me, so that to me a word (or: message; thought; idea; logos) would be given, in the midst of opening my mouth in freedom of speaking openly in public and with the boldness and rights of a citizen, to make known the secret (or: mystery) of the good news (or: which is the message of goodness, ease and well-being),

over which I am an old man in a manacle (or: on behalf of which I continue performing the duties of an elder and an ambassador in a chain!) to the end that within Him (or: it) I may speak freely (or: in public, boldly as a citizen), as it is necessary for me to speak.

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         ...with all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the Spirit, and to this end being alert with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints, and for me, that a word may be given to me at the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for the sake of which I am an ambassador in chains, that in them [Literally “in it” since “chain” is singular in the Greek text] I may speak freely, as it is necessary for me to speak.

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. ||With allʹ prayer and supplication|| praying in every seasonˎ in spirit,

And |thereunto| watchingˎ with allʹ perseverance and supplicationˎ

    For all the saints,—

||And on behalf of me||;—g

That ||unto me|| may be given discourse in the opening of my mouth ||With freedom of utterance|| to make known the sacred secreth {of the glad-message} <In behalf of which I am conducting an embassy in chains> That |therein| I may use freedom of utterance as it is needful for me to speak.

g Col. iv. 3.

h Ap: “Mystery.”


SACRED SECRET. We have no secrets to hide from the uninitiated. The “sacred secret” of this dispensation has been divulged (Eph. iii. 3-9) and should be blazed abroad (Ro. xvi. 25, 26; Eph. vi. 19); but yet is of a nature unlikely to interest any who are careless of God’s dispensational ways; and of this the Greek musterion aptly reminds us (cp. “Age” above, and 2 Th. ii. 7, n.)

The Spoken English NT         Use all kinds of prayers and requests! Be praying in the Spirit in every situation. To do that, everyone be on watch: stay totally attentive and prayerful for all the holy ones.v Be praying for me too. Pray that I’ll be given the right message-that God will open my mouth,w and I’ll boldly proclaimx the secret of the good news. I’m an ambassador in chains for this good news, so pray that I’ll speak as boldly as I should.

v.Lit. “watch, with all attentiveness and prayerfulness for all the holy ones”.

w.Lit. “Pray…that I’ll be given a word, in/by the opening of my mouth”.

x.Lit. “make known”.

Updated ASV                         Through all prayer and petition praying at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, keep awake with all perseverance and making supplication for all the holy ones. Pray also for me, that the words may be given to me when I open my mouth, so that I may be able to speak boldly in making known the mystery[54] of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains;[55] that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

[54] Mystery; Secret: (μυστήριον mustērion) A sacred divine mystery or secret doctrine that lies with God alone, which is withheld from both the angelic body and humans, until the time he determines that it is to be revealed, and to those to whom he chooses to make it known. – Mark 4:11; Rom. 11:25; 16:25; 1 Cor. 2:1; 4:1; 13:2; 14:2; 15:51; Eph. 1:9; 6:19; Col. 1:26; 2:2; 2 Thess. 2:7; 1 Tim. 3:9; Rev. 17:5.

[55] Lit a chain

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     ...praying at all times in the Spirit, using every prayer and petition, yes being watchful to this end with all perseverance and petition for all the saints—on my behalf too,7 that when I open my mouth utterance may be given to me with boldness, to make known the mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that I may declare it boldly,8 as I ought to do.

(7) We all need prayer, even apostles.

(8) If you are in prison because you spoke out, to keep on doing so does require boldness and courage.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  ...through all prayer and petition praying in every season in [the] Spirit, and with respect to this same [thing] [or, to this same [end]], be staying alert in all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones, and on my behalf, so that to me shall be given a word [or, speech] in [the] opening of my mouth, in boldness [or, confidence], to declare the secret of the Gospel, for the sake of which I serve as an ambassador [or, a representative] [bound] in a chain, so that in it I should speak boldly, as it is necessary [for] me to speak.

Berean Literal Bible                And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, through all prayer and supplication, praying in the Spirit in every season and unto this very thing, watching with all perseverance and supplication for all saints, and also for me, that in the opening of my mouth, divine utterance may be given to me to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in a chain, that in it I may be bold, as it behooves me to speak. V. 17 is included for context.

Bill Puryear translation           [Hold your ground], while praying at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request; and for this reason, be on the alert with all persistence and petition for all saints and for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth, so that I might make known with confidence the gospel’s mystery, on behalf of which I am an ambassador in chains, in order that with reference to it I may speak fearlessly as I ought to speak.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             Take also the helmet of salvation, and the sword o? the spirit, that is the word of God; in every prayer and supplication, always praying with the spirit (being for this purpose in a continual state of watchfulness and prayer) for all the saints particularly for me, that to me a word may be given, that with the opening of my mouth, and with freedom am plainness of speech, I may make known the secret of the glad tidings, for which I am performing the office of an ambassador in a chain, that in this situation I may speak boldly as I ought to speak. V. 17 is included for context.

Context Group Version          And take the helmet of rescue, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: with all prayer and requests asking in all seasons in the Spirit, and watching in all perseverance and requests for all the special ones, And on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in opening my mouth, to make known without regard to class or status the mystery of the Imperial News, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I should speak. V. 17 is included for context.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       . frankly

Green’s Literal Translation    Pray also for me, that to me may be given speech in the opening of my mouth with boldness to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in a chain, that in it I may speak boldly as it is right for me to speak. V. 18 was placed with the previous passage for context.

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        . freely

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  And pray on my behalf, in-order-that the word may be given to me, in opening my mouth to make known the mystery of the good-news in boldness, on behalf of which, I am an emissary in a chain; in-order-that I should speak boldly in it, as it is essential for me to speak. V. 18 was placed with the previous passage for context.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  By means of every prayer and petition be praying on every occasion of prayer in the filling of the Spirit, also with reference to this prayer, be on the alert with all persistent determination and petition on behalf of all the saints [that is, the royal family of God].

Also [prayer] on behalf of me, in order that doctrine might be given to me in the opening of my mouth with confidence, to communicate the mystery pertaining to the gospel.

For the sake of which [gospel] I am an ambassador on a chain; in order that in this sphere [of ambassadorship; witnessing] I might speak with confidence, as I ought to communicate [the gospel].

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the power of God the Holy Spirit, and with this in view be alert with prayer, for all the saints with all persistence and petition.

And pray for me, that pertinent Bible Doctrine (gospel, Chirstology and sotierology) may be given to me when I open my mouth, to communicate or make know or reveal with confidence, courage, boldness, fearlessness, and the mystery Bible Doctrine pertaining to the Gospel, for the sake of which gospel I am an ambassador on a chain; in order that in this sphere of ambassadorship I might speak with confidence, as I ought to communicate the gospel.

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           With every form of prayer and petition praying at all times in spirit, and to a goal of being on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador with a chain; that I may speak boldly about it as it is necessary for me to speak.

Updated ASV                         .

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 6:18a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

diá (διά) [pronounced dee-AH]; spelled di (δἰ) [pronounced dee] before a vowel.

through; with; in; of time; throughout; during; by, by the means of, by reason of; on account of; because of, for this reason; therefore; on this account


Strong’s #1223

pasês (πάσης) [pronounced PAH-sace]

each, every; of any; from all; an entire; of anyone, from some

feminine singular adjective, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3956

proseuchê (προσευχή) [pronounced pros-yoo-KHAY]

prayer (worship); earnestly praying; by implication an oratory (chapel)

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4335

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

deêsis (δέησις) [pronounced DEH-ay-sis]

 prayer, petition, request, supplication; a seeking, asking, entreating, entreaty to God or to man; a need, indigence, want, privation, penury

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1162

Translation: Through every prayer and petition,...

I am uncertain, at first glance, is Paul speaking of his own prayers? Is Paul soliciting prayers from the recipients of this letter.

Perhaps Paul is speaking of his own prayers and petitions, open to the fact that others are praying for him as well. Taking this into account, Paul gives some very specific needs which he has at this time.

Ephesians 6:18b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

proseúchomai (προσεύχομαι) [pronounced pros-YOU-khoh-mai]

praying face to face with, praying to God; having prayed

masculine plural, present middle/ passive participle; nominative case

Strong’s #4336

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

panti (παντὶ) [pronounced pahn-TEE]

each, every, any; all, entire; anyone, all things, everything; some [of all types]

masculine singular adjective, locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #3956

kairos (καιρός) [pronounced kī-ROSS]

time, as a chunk or definite period of time; an epoch; season; due time; awhile; opportunity; events of time; dispensation

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #2540

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

pneuma (πνεμα) [pronounced PNYOO-mah]

spirit, Spirit; breath; wind [blast], air

neuter singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4151

Translation: ...praying every time in the Spirit,...

Prayers are offering in every case while in the Spirit. We make certain that we are in the Spirit by naming our recent sins to God.

Ephesians 6:18c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

auto (αὐτό) [pronounced ow-TOH]

him, his, it; same

3rd person neuter singular pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #846

agrupnéō (ἀγρυπνέω) [pronounced ag-roop-NEH-oh]

being circumspect, being attentive, being ready; watching, being alert; being sleepless, the one who stays awake

masculine plural; present active participle; nominative case

Strong’s #69

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

pasê (πάσῃ) [pronounced PAH-say]

each, every, any; all, entire; anyone, all things, everything; some [of all types]

feminine singular adjective, locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #3956

proskartérēsis (προσκαρτέρησις) [pronounced pros-kar-TEHR-ay-sis]

persistency, perseverance; steadfastness

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #4343 hapax legomenon

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

deêsis (δέησις) [pronounced DEH-ay-sis]

 prayer, petition, request, supplication; a seeking, asking, entreating, entreaty to God or to man; a need, indigence, want, privation, penury

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #1162

peri (περί) [pronounced per-EE]

 about, concerning, on account of, because [of], around, near


Strong’s #4012

pantôn (πάντων) [pronounced PAHN-tone]

from the whole, of all; all things, everything

masculine plural adjective, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3956

tôn (τν) [pronounced tohn]

the, of the, from the; of this, from that, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine plural definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

hagios (ἅγιος) [pronounced HA-gee-oss]

holy (ones), set apart (ones); angels, saints

masculine plural adjective used as a substantive; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #40

Translation: ...and being attentive to It [the Spirit] in every persistency and prayer concerning all the saints,...

Paul indicates that we should be attentive to the Spirit in everything which we are persistent about. So, we may have strong, strong prayers for this or that thing, but we must be aware of the guidance of the Holy Spirit (and He guides us through His Word).

We are attentive to the Holy Spirit in our prayers concerning the saints as well.

Ephesians 6:18 Through every prayer and petition, praying every time in the Spirit, and being attentive to It [the Spirit] in every persistency and prayer concerning all the saints,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:19a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

hupér (ὑπέρ) [pronounced hoop-AIR]

above, over, beyond, across; for, regarding, on behalf of, for the sake of, instead of; in favor of, because of, on account of; as a substitute for

preposition with the genitive case

Strong’s #5228

emou (ἐμο) [pronounced eh-MOO]; mou (μου) [pronounced moo]

me; of me; from me; my, mine

1st person singular pronoun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1473 (also, this is known as Strong’s #3450; the simpler form of Strong’s #1700)

Translation: ...and for me,...

And prayers are offered up for Paul as well—by himself and by whatever believers think this is important.

Ephesians 6:19b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hina (ἵνα) [pronounced HEE-na]

that, in order that, so that, to the intent that; because

conjunction which denotes purpose or result

Strong’s #2443

moi (μοί) [pronounced moy]

I, to [for, by] me, mine, my

1st person singular, personal pronoun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3427

didômi (δίδωμι) [pronounced dihd-OH-mee]

to give, to grant; to supply, to furnish; to entrust; to pay wages; to appoint to office; to permit; to give up, to yield; to give back; to sacrifice

3rd person singular, aorist passive subjunctive

Strong’s #1325

logos (λόγος, ου, ὁ) [pronounced LOHG-ohss]

a word; conception, idea; matter; thing; remark; decree, mandate; doctrine, teaching, message; the act of speaking, speech; reason, account; revelation

masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #3056

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

ánoixis (ἄνοιξις) [pronounced AN-oix-is]

opening, an act of opening

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #457 hapax legomenon

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

stoma (στόμα) [pronounced STOHM-ah]

mouth; face; by implication, language (and its relations); an opening (in the ground); since thoughts of a man’s soul find verbal utterance by his mouth, the “heart” or “soul” and the mouth are distinguished; the edge [of a sword]

neuter singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4750

emou (ἐμο) [pronounced eh-MOO]; mou (μου) [pronounced moo]

me; of me; from me; my, mine

1st person singular pronoun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #1473 (also, this is known as Strong’s #3450; the simpler form of Strong’s #1700)

Translation: ...that I might be given a word in the opening of my mouth,...

Paul asks that he might be given the chance to speak. We know that Paul is under house arrest. He will mention a chain, which suggests that perhaps he is chained to a Roman guard. Perhaps he is asking for the chance to speak to this Roman guard; and perhaps he is asking for his day in court, to speak freely then. I lean toward this being the latter. Paul was never shy about giving a defense for himself and his ministry. He will spend a couple of years under house arrest, and Paul, very likely, is itching to go out and evangelize and teach. Therefore, he needs his day in court.

Ephesians 6:19c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

parrhêsia (παῤῥησία) [pronounced par-rhay-SEE-ah]

frankness, bluntness, confidence; assurance; bold (-ly, -ness, -ness of speech), freely, openly, plainly(-ness); conspicuous; in public; all out-spokenness

feminine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3954

Thayer definitions: 1) freedom in speaking, unreservedness in speech; 1a) openly, frankly, i.e without concealment; 1b) without ambiguity or circumlocution; 1c) without the use of figures and comparisons; 2) free and fearless confidence, cheerful courage, boldness, assurance; 3) the deportment by which one becomes conspicuous or secures publicity.

gnôrizô (γνωρίζω) [pronounced gnoh-RID-zoh]

to make known; subjectively to know; to certify, to declare, to give to understand

aorist active infinitive

Strong’s #1107

to (τό) [pronounced toh]

the; this, that; to the, towards the

neuter singular definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

mustêrion (μυστήριον) [pronounced moos-TAY-ree-on]

hidden thing, secret, mystery; a hidden purpose or counsel; secret will (of men; of God); in rabbinic writings, it denotes the mystic or hidden sense; cultic, fraternal or religious secret

neuter singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #3466

tou (το) [pronounced tu]

of the; from the, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

neuter singular definite article, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3588

euangelion (εὐαγγέλον) [pronounced yoo-ang-GHEL-ee-on]

gospel, good news; an announcement [proclamation, declaration, preaching] of good news [the gospel], evangelization; the bringing (declaring, showing) of glad (good) tidings

neuter singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2098

Translation: ...in freedom to make known the mystery of the gospel,...

Paul asks for the freedom to make known the mystery of the gospel. Paul is under house arrest when he writes these words, and he no doubt wants to get out there and evangelize. God, however, wanted Paul to settle down for a year or two and write down the essential church doctrines which we, as believers coming along 2000 years later, need.

God has many evangelists being groomed and prepared to go out. Paul needs to concentrate on the doctrines of the Church Age, and being held in Rome gives Paul some perspective when it comes to this new age in which he finds himself.

Mystery here is not used in the technical sense (that is, this is not a reference to the mystery age, the Church Age); but to simply the gospel message, which is a mystery to most gentiles. Paul wants to get out there and give the gospel—the hidden message for the gentiles—that they may choose to believe in Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 6:19 ...and for me, that I might be given a word in the opening of my mouth, in freedom to make known the mystery of the gospel,... (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:20a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hupér (ὑπέρ) [pronounced hoop-AIR]

above, over, beyond, across; for, regarding, on behalf of, for the sake of, instead of; in favor of, because of, on account of; as a substitute for

preposition with the genitive case

Strong’s #5228

hou (ο) [pronounced how]

to who, from which, to what, from that, whose, which

neuter singular relative pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3739

presbeúō (πρεσβεύω) [pronounced pres-BYOO-oh]

to be an ambassador; to be older, to be prior by birth or in age, to be a senior, that is, (by implication) to act as a representative, to act as an ambassador

1st person singular, present active indicative

Strong’s #4243

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

halusis (ἅλυσις) [pronounced HAL-oo-sis]

a chain, bond by which the body or any part of it (hands, feet) is bound, a fetter

feminine singular noun; dative, locative, instrumental case

Strong’s #254

Translation: ...for which (gospel) I keep on being an ambassador in chains,...

Paul keeps on being an ambassador for the gospel of Jesus Christ, even though he is in chains. He is probably connected to a Roman guard by a single chain.

Even under arrest, Paul has lost none of his boldness or authority.

Ephesians 6:20b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hina (ἵνα) [pronounced HEE-na]

that, in order that, so that, to the intent that; because

conjunction which denotes purpose or result

Strong’s #2443

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

autô (αὐτ) [pronounced ow-TOH]

him; it; in him [it], by him, to him; for him; by means of him; with him; same

3rd person neuter singular personal pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #846

parrhēsiázomai (παῤῥησιάζομαι) [pronounced par-hray-see-AHD-zom-ahee]

to speak freely, to be frank in utterance, to be confident in spirit and demeanor; to speak (preach) boldly

1st person singular, aorist (deponent) middle subjunctive

Strong’s #3955

hôs (ὡς) [pronounced hohç]

like, as; how; about; in such a way; even as; when, while

comparative particle, adverb

Strong’s #5613

deí (δε) [pronounced digh]

to need, to be necessary, to have need of, a need which is inevitable in the nature of things

3rd person singular, present impersonal active indicative

Strong’s #1163

me (μέ) [pronounced meh]

I, me, my, mine

1st person personal pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #3165;

a shorter (and probably original) form of #1691

laléô (λαλέω) [pronounced lah-LEH-oh]

to speak, to talk, to utter; the voice, or the sound, or the vocal cords are emphasized

aorist active infinitive

Strong’s #2980

Translation: ...that in Christ [lit., Him], I might speak freely as it is necessary for me to speak. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Paul simply asks for the freedom to speak as it is necessary for him to speak. This could be the gospel message and it could be Church Age doctrines.

Ephesians 6:20 ...for which (gospel) I keep on being an ambassador in chains, that in Christ [lit., Him], I might speak freely as it is necessary for me to speak. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:18–20 Through every prayer and petition, praying every time in the Spirit, and being attentive to It [the Spirit] in every persistency and prayer concerning all the saints, and for me, that I might be given a word in the opening of my mouth, in freedom to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which (gospel) I keep on being an ambassador in chains, that in Christ [lit., Him], I might speak freely as it is necessary for me to speak. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Paul is no doubt getting antsy, wanting to go out and spread the gospel. However, God has placed him under house arrest in order to write some of the most important epistles of the first century. God will allow Paul to be arrested again, and during that time, he will write the amazing letters to Timothy and Titus.

Ephesians 6:18–20 Through every prayer and petition, from you and from myself, praying every time in the Spirit and being attentive to the Holy Spirit in every persistent matter and every prayer regarding all the saints, as well as for me, that God might grant me a chance to speak in my own defense here in Rome. I also desire the freedom to make known the mystery of the gospel, regarding which gospel I am an ambassador in chains, but praying that in Christ, I might speak freely again, as it is necessary for me to speak. (Kukis paraphrase)


Now that you (all) might see, even you (all), the (things) according to me in which I keep on practicing all (things) to be made known to you (all) Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in a Lord, whom I sent face to face with you (all) to it, this (one), that you (all) might know the (things) about us and he might exhort the hearts of you (all).



But that you (all) might know—even you (all)—the (things) with regards to me [and] what I keep on doing. Tychicus will make all (things) known to you (all). [He is] the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, [the one] whom I sent to you (all) for [this] very purpose, that you (all) might know these (things) about us and so he might encourage your hearts.

So that you might know everything regarding me and what I am doing, I have sent Tychicus to you, bearing this letter, so that he can answer all of your questions about my circumstances. He is a beloved member of the royal family and a faithful servant in the Lord. I sent him to you for this very purpose that you might know everything about us (he knows all of the details) and that he might encourage your hearts regarding our place in the devil’s world.

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    Now that you (all) might see, even you (all), the (things) according to me in which I keep on practicing all (things) to be made known to you (all) Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in a Lord, whom I sent face to face with you (all) to it, this (one), that you (all) might know the (things) about us and he might exhort the hearts of you (all).

Complete Apostles Bible        But that you also may know my circumstances, and how I am doing, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will make all things known to you;

whom I have sent to you for this very purpose, that you may know our situation, and that he may comfort your hearts.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) But that you also may know the things that concern me and what I am doing, Tychicus, my dearest brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make known to you all things:

Whom I have sent to you for this same purpose: that you may know the things concerning us, and that he may comfort your hearts.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              But so that you will know also each of my concerns and whatever I do, behold, Tukiqaus, a beloved brother and trustworthy minister in Our Lord will inform you.

For I shall send him to you for this purpose, that you may know my affairs, and he will comfort your hearts.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             But so that you may have knowledge of my business, and how I am, Tychicus, the well-loved brother and tested servant in the Lord, will give you news of all things: 

Whom I have sent to you for this very purpose, so that you may have knowledge of our position, and that he may give comfort to your hearts.

Bible in Worldwide English     Tychicus will tell you all about me and what I am doing. He is a brother whom I love and a very good helper in the Lords work.

I am sending him to you so that you will know about us, and so that he may comfort your hearts. Vv. 20–21 in the BWE.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  I am sending you Tychicus, the brother we love. He is a faithful servant of the Lord's work. He will tell you everything that is happening with me. Then you will know how I am and what I am doing. That's why I am sending him--to let you know how we are and to encourage you.

God’s Word                         I'm sending Tychicus to you. He is our dear brother and a faithful deacon in the Lord's work. He will tell you everything that is happening to me so that you will know how I'm getting along. That's why I'm sending him to you so that you may know how we're doing and that he may encourage you.

Good News Bible (TEV)          Tychicus, our dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord's work, will give you all the news about me, so that you may know how I am getting along. That is why I am sending him to you---to tell you how all of us are getting along and to encourage you.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       I want you to know how I am getting along and what I am doing. That's why I am sending Tychicus to you. He is a dear friend, as well as a faithful servant of the Lord. He will tell you how I am doing, and he will cheer you up.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        I am sending you a dear friend, Tychicus. He is a beloved brother and trustworthy minister in our Lord Jesus. He will share with you all the concerns that I have for your welfare and will inform you of how I am getting along. And he will also prophesy over you to encourage your hearts.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  Now in order that you may know about what is happening with me and what I am doing, Tychicus will tell you everything that is happening here. He is a fellow believer whom we all love very much, and he serves the Lord Jesus faithfully. That is the reason that I am sending him to you with this letter; I want you to know how we are, and I want him to comfort and encourage you.

Williams’ New Testament      That you may also know how I am, Tychicus, our dearly loved brother and a faithful minister in the Lord's service, will give you all the information; that is the very reason I am sending him, to let you know how I am and to cheer your hearts.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            So that you also may realize the things regarding me, what I constantly do, Tychicus will inform you about everything, the loved brother and trusted servant in the Master, whom I sent to you for this same reason, so that you might know the things about us and he might encourage your hearts.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           So that you may know what is going on with me and how I am doing, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make known to you all things. Whom I have sent to you for this very purpose, so that you may know what is going on, and that he might comfort your hearts.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles Moreover, that you also may know the things relating to me, and what I am doing, Tychicus, a beloved brother, and faithful minister in the Lord, will make known to you all things; whom I have sent to you for this very purpose, that you may know our affairs, and that he may comfort your hearts.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament To enable you, as well as others, to know all that concerns me and what I am doing, Tychicus, our dear Brother and faithful helper in the Master's Cause, will tell you everything. I am sending him to you on purpose that you may learn all about us, and that he may cheer your hearts.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 Tychicus, our good friend and faithful minister, will give you all my news and explain everything so you’ll know how I’m doing. That’s why I’m sending him to you—to tell you what’s happened to us and to encourage you.

The Heritage Bible                 .

International Standard V        .

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     .

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      That you also may know my situation, what I am doing, Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, whom I am sending to you for this very purpose, will tell you everything, so that you may know the news of me and he may encourage your hearts.

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      .

The Spoken English NT         .

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    .

Urim-Thummim Version         But that you also may know my affairs and how I do, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful attendant in the LORD will make known to you all things: Who I have sent to you for the same purpose that you might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.

Weymouth New Testament    But in order that you also may know how I am doing, Tychicus our dearly-loved brother and faithful helper in the Lord's service will tell you everything. I have sent him to you for the very purpose--that you may know about us and that he may encourage you.

Wikipedia Bible Project          .

Worsley’s New Testament    But that ye also may know my affairs, and what I am doing here, Tychicus a beloved brother, and a faithful minister in the Lord, shall make all known to you: whom I have sent to you, for this very end, that ye might know our concerns, and that he may comfort your hearts.

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  I also want you to know how I am and what I am doing. Tychicus, our beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will tell you everything. I am sending him precisely to give you news of us and comfort you all. Col 4:7

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           But that ye also may know my affairs, and how I do, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in Yahuah, shall make known to you all things:  Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.

Hebraic Roots Bible               .

Holy New Covenant Trans.    Tychicus, my dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord Jesus, will tell you all about things here. Then you will know what is happening to me and what I am doing. That is why I sent him to you. Then you will learn about how we are. He will encourage your hearts.

The Scriptures 2009              Now, in order that you also might know about me, how I am doing, Tuchikos, a beloved brother and trustworthy servant in the Master, shall make all matters known to you, whom I did send to you for this same purpose, so that you know about us, and might encourage your hearts.

Tree of Life Version                .

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...that but may have seen and You* the [things] in me something [I] practice all [things] will show [to] you* Tychicus The Loved Brother and Faithful Servant in lord whom [I] send to you* to it this that [You*] may know the [things] about us and [He] may call (near) the hearts [of] you*...

Alpha & Omega Bible            .

Awful Scroll Bible                   Moreover in order that, yous even shall have perceived, that according to me what I practice. Tychicus, a beloved brother, and confident runner of errands by-within the Lord, will make known to yous everything, whom I direct with regards to yous for this-same thing, in order that, yous shall come to know about us, and that he shall call-by the sensibility of you all's heart.

Concordant Literal Version    Now that you also may be acquainted with my affairs, and what is engaging me, all will be made known to you by Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, whom I send to you for this same thing, that you may know our concerns, and he should be consoling your hearts."

exeGeses companion Bible   ...and so that you know my affairs - you also

and how I transact,

Tychicus, a beloved brother

and trustworthy minister in Adonay,

so that you know all,

I send to you for this same purpose,

so that you know about our affairs

and to console your hearts.

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           But that you may also know my affairs, and what I am doing, Tychicus the Ach b'Moshiach and chaver and keli kodesh (minister) who is ne'eman (faithful) in Hashem,

Whom I sent to you for this very reason, that you may have da'as of the things concerning us and he may impart chizzuk (strengthening) to your levavot.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   But, so that you people also can know how I am doing and what is going on with me, Tychicus, the dearly loved brother and faithful minister in [the service of] the Lord, will tell you everything. I have sent [i.e., am sending] him to you for this very purpose, so you can know our situation and that he can encourage your hearts.

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     Now, in order that you may also come to know about me, how I am getting along [as a Roman prisoner], Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord [because of his daily studying and teaching], will make everything known to you,

Whom I have sent face-to-face to you for this same purpose, so that you may come to know about us and so that he might encourage the mentality of your soul .

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             Yet so that you also may know (may have seen, so as to perceive) the things that [come] down to (or: on) me (= my circumstances and affairs), what I am continually involved in (what matters or business I am transacting; what I'm doing), everything (or: all) will proceed being made known to you [by] Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful attending servant within the Lord,

whom I send (or: sent) to you for this very purpose, to the end that you may come to know our concerns (or: circumstances) and [that] he may call your hearts alongside (assist, admonish, encourage, comfort and give relief to your hearts; = do the work of a paraclete for the cores of your beings).

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         Conclusion and Benediction

Now, so that you also may know my circumstances [Literally “the things with me”], what I am doing, Tychicus, my dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will make known to you all things, whom I have sent [Or “whom I am sending”] to you for this very reason, that you may know our circumstances [Literally “the things concerning us”], and he may encourage your hearts.

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. In orderˎ howeverˎ that ||ye also|| may know the things which relate to me—i||what I am accomplishing||—||All things|| shall Tychicus make known unto youˎ [He] the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, Whom I have sent unto you for this very purpose, That ye may get to know the things concerning usˎ And he may encourage your hearts.

i Col. iv. 7.

The Spoken English NT         Final Greetings
Now, I want you all to know how I’m doing and what I’m up to. My dear brother Tychicus,y my faithful helper in the Lord, will tell you everything.z I’m sending him to you for that one purpose, so that you’ll know our situation, and he can encourage your hearts.

y.Prn. tik-ik-us.

z.Lit. “make everything known to you”.

Updated ASV                         .

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     Closing greetings
Now that you also may know my affairs, how I am doing, Tychicus, the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will tell you everything; whom I have sent to you for this very purpose: that you may know our circumstances and that he may comfort your hearts.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  . this very thing

Analytical-Literal Translation  Now so that youp shall also know the [things] with reference to me [fig., my circumstances], what I am doing, Tychicus will disclose to youp all things, the beloved brother and faithful servant [or, deacon] in [the] Lord, whom I sent to youp for this very [purpose], so that youp shall know the things concerning us, and that he shall comfort [or, encourage] yourp hearts.

Bill Puryear translation           Now in order that you may also know about my circumstances, how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make everything known to you, whom I have sent to you for this very same purpose, in order that you may learn of our situation and that he may encourage and comfort your hearts.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             Now that you may know the state of my affairs, and what I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will give you a particular account, as I have sent him for this very purpose, that you may know the state of our affairs, and that he may comfort your hearts.

Context Group Version          But that you (pl) also may know my affairs, how I do, Tychicus, the beloved brother and trustworthy servant in the Lord, shall make known to you (pl) all things: whom I have sent to you (pl) for this very purpose, that you (pl) may know our state, and that he may comfort your (pl) hearts.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       .

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .

Literal New Testament           .

Literal Standard Version        .

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  But in-order-that you° may also know the things in regard to me, what I am doing*; it will make known to you° all things by Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, whom I sent to you° *for this same thing, in-order-that you° might know the things concerning us, and in-order-that he might encourage your° hearts.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           .

Niobi Study Bible                   . Title

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  Now in order that you might come to know about my circumstances, what I am doing, Tychicus, an esteemed member of the royal family and faithful minister, will make all things known to you, [Tychicus] whom I have sent face to face with you for this same purpose so that you might know the things concerning our circumstances and that he might encourage your right lobes.

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         .

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           Now so that you will also get to know about my circumstances, how I am doing, Tychicus, the be-loved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make everything known to you, whom I am sending to you for this very purpose, so that you may come to understand about our circumstances, and so he may comfort your hearts.

Updated ASV                         .

Updated Bible Version 2.17   But that you + also may know my affairs, what I participate in, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will make known to you + all things: whom I have sent to you + for this very purpose, that you + may know our state, and that he may comfort your + hearts.

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 6:21a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hina (ἵνα) [pronounced HEE-na]

that, in order that, so that, to the intent that; because

conjunction which denotes purpose or result

Strong’s #2443

dé (δέ) [pronounced deh]

now, then; but, moreover, and, also; namely, to wit

post-positive conjunctive particle

Strong’s #1161

eidô (εἴδω) [pronounced Ī-doh]; also oida (ὀίδα) [pronounced OY-da]

to see, to perceive, to ascertain; to inspect, to examine; to observe; to discern, to know, to understand

2nd person plural, perfect active subjunctive

Strong’s #1492

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

humeis (ὑμες) [pronounced hoo-MICE]

you [all]

2nd person plural personal pronoun; nominative case

Strong’s #5210, which is a form of Strong’s #4771

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

katá (κατά) [pronounced kaw-TAW]

according to, after, according to a norm or standard; throughout, over, in, at; to, toward, up to; before, for, by, along

preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #2596

eme (ἐμέ) [pronounced ehm-EH]

I, me, myself, my

1st person personal pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #1691 (a form of #3165)

Translation: But that you (all) might know—even you (all)—the (things) with regards to me...

One reason for this letter is so that the recipients might know what is happening with regards to Paul.

If it was you or me, we might go on and on about the injustice of the system, and how I am being kept prisoner by this unjust system, etc. etc. We might spend five or six verses describing exactly what is happening as a prisoner, having been arrested unjustly, and that I need to get out of here and continue with my work. Well, this was not Paul’s approach. He acknowledge that he was a prisoner—of the Lord—and then he shared a lot of doctrinal content.

Now, when it comes to the personal stuff, there is Tychicus, the one delivering this missive, and he can fill the recipients with more information about Paul specifically.

In any case, Paul did not really find a place in this letter to go on-and-on about his own specific circumstances.

Ephesians 6:21b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ti (τί) [pronounced tee]

in whom, by whom, to what [one], in which, how; whether, why, what

neuter singular interrogative pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #5101

prassô (πράσσω) [pronounced PRAS-so]

to practice; to perform repeatedly or habitually; to do, to act, by implication to execute, to accomplish; specifically to collect (dues, taxes, fares); to commit, to undertake, to exact, to keep, to require, to use arts

1st person singular, present active indicative

Strong’s #4238

Translation: ...[and] what I keep on doing.

Tychicus can inform the recipients of this letter all that Paul keeps on doing.

Paul is in jail, but God did not take from him the ability to write and to communicate and to think and to develop the theology of this new age. For all intents and purposes, Paul, the 12th Apostle, wrote the entire system of faith for the Church Age and for the believers of this new age.

Ephesians 6:21c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

panta (πάντα) [pronounced PAHN-ta]

all, everyone, anyone, all things; anything

neuter plural adjective; accusative case

Strong’s #3956

gnôrizô (γνωρίζω) [pronounced gnoh-RID-zoh]

to make known; subjectively to know; to certify, to declare, to give to understand

3rd person masculine singular, future active indicative

Strong’s #1107

humin (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MEEN]

you [all]; in you; to you; in you; by you, with you

2nd person plural personal pronoun; locative, dative or instrumental case

Strong’s #5213; an irregular dative of #5210; a form of #4771

Tuchikós (Τυχικός) [pronounced too-khee-KOSS]

fateful; transliterated, Tychicus, Tuchikos

masculine singular proper noun; a person; nominative case

Strong’s #5190

Thayer: Tychicus [was]...an Asiatic Christian, friend and companion of the apostle Paul.

Translation: Tychicus will make all (things) known to you (all).

Tychicus brought the letter and he has firsthand knowledge of everything as it relates to Paul and his situation. He can share all of these things with the recipients.

Ephesians 6:21a-c But that you (all) might know—even you (all)—the (things) with regards to me [and] what I keep on doing. Tychicus will make all (things) known to you (all). (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:21d


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

ὁ, ἡ, τό was originally a demonstrative pronoun. However, as the language developed, it weakened into becoming an article; retaining some of its demonstrative use throughout. In the English, the is a weakened form of this. One use of the article is as a mild, relative pronoun.

ho (ὁ) [pronounced ho]

the; this, that; who, which

definite article for a masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #3588

agapêtos (ἀγαπητός) [pronounced ag-ap-ay-TOSS]

[dearly, well] beloved, esteemed, dear, favourite, worthy of love

masculine singular adjective, nominative case

Strong’s #27

adelphos (ἀδελφός) [pronounced ad-el-FOSS]

a brother (literally or figuratively)

masculine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #80

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

pistós (πιστός) [pronounced pis-TOSS]

faithful; objectively, trustworthy; subjectively, trustful; believe(-ing, -r), faithfully, sure, true

masculine singular adjective; nominative case

Strong’s #4103

diakonos (διάκονος) [pronounced dee-AK-on-oss]

a servant, attendant, minister; the servant; a deacon; a waiter

masculine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #1249

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong's #2962

Translation: [He is] the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord,...

I arbitrarily cut off the sentence where I did, mostly because of where I placed Tychicus in the sentence. With the Greek, you can place his name almost anywhere, and we know, because of its case, where it belongs. So his name was added at the end of the previous phrase, and then Paul says stuff about him in this phrase. The English is not like that. Normally the subject of a sentence goes at the beginning, so the description above sounds, in the English, as if it is talking about the recipients (the final word in the previous English phrase). The easiest solution for an English translation was just to start another sentence.

It is Tychicus who is the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord. This is Paul’s personal testimony abut this man who carries the letter with him.

Ephesians 6:22a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hon (ὅν) [pronounced hawn]

whom, which, what, that; to whom, to that, whose, whomever

masculine singular relative pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #3739

pempô (πέμπω) [pronounced PEHM-poh]

to send, to dispatch; to bid a thing to be carried to one; to send (thrust or insert) a thing into another

1st person singular, aorist active indicative

Strong’s #3992

prós (πρός) [pronounced prahç]

facing, face to face with; to, towards, unto; for; about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, by, with; directly to

directional preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #4314

humas (ὑμάς) [pronounced hoo-MOSS]

you [all], all of you; to you, towards you [all]

2nd person plural personal pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #5209, (from Strong’s #5210; a form of Strong’s #4771)

eis (εἰς) [pronounced ICE]

to, toward; in, into; unto; at; in order to, for, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of; against

directional preposition

Strong’s #1519

auto (αὐτό) [pronounced ow-TOH]

him, his, it; same

3rd person neuter singular pronoun; accusative case

Strong’s #846

touto (τοτο) [pronounced TOO-toh]

this, this one, this thing, that thing

intermediate demonstrative pronoun; accusative singular neuter form

Strong's #3778 (also known as Strong's #5124)

Translation: ...[the one] whom I sent to you (all) for [this] very purpose,...

Tychicus has been sent by Paul specifically for this very purpose, to pass along whatever information the recipients want to know about Paul and his personal circumstances.

Because of the nature of this letter—which appears to have been written to several churches—details and additional information about Paul and his being under house arrest not really relevant to the content of the letter.

Ephesians 6:22b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hina (ἵνα) [pronounced HEE-na]

that, in order that, so that, to the intent that; because

conjunction which denotes purpose or result

Strong’s #2443

ginskô (vινώσκω) [pronounced gih-NOH-skoh]

to know, to learn to know, to come to know, to gain knowledge of; to feel; to become known; to understand, to perceive, to have knowledge of; a Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman; to become acquainted with

2nd person plural, aorist active subjunctive

Strong’s #1097

ta (τά) [pronounced taw]

the; these, those, to this, towards that; the [things]

neuter plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

peri (περί) [pronounced per-EE]

 about, concerning, on account of, because [of], around, near


Strong’s #4012

hêmn (ἡμν) [pronounced hay-MOHN]

us, of us, from us, our, ours

1st person plural, personal pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2257 (from Strong’s #1473)

Translation: ...that you (all) might know these (things) about us...

Tychicus is there so that he might let the recipients know all of these things about Paul and those who are with him. Tychicus is one person who was with Paul. This indicates to us that Paul was able to receive guests.

I would speculate that these guests saw to Paul’s needs with regards to anything that he might need (food, writing instruments, ancient paper to write on, and news from elsewhere). I would further speculate that, if the guard was included regarding the food, that he would certainly allow Paul to entertain as many guests as came to him.

Ephesians 6:22c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

parakaleô (παρακαλέω) [pronounced pahr-ahk-ahl-EH-oh]

to exhort, to console; to encourage; to call [near, for]; to invite, to invoke; to (be of good) comfort, to desire, to (give) exhort (-ation), to entreat, to pray

3rd person singular, aorist active subjunctive

Strong’s #3870

tas (τάς) [pronounced tahss]

the, to the, towards them

feminine plural definite article; accusative case

Strong’s #3588

kardiai (καρδίαι) [pronounced kahr-DEE-ī]

hearts, minds, souls; will, character; thinking, mindset; purposes; passions, desires, appetites

feminine plural noun, accusative case

Strong’s #2588

humôn (ὑμν) [pronounced hoo-MONE]

of yours, from you; concerning you; you, yourselves

2nd person plural pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5216 (genitive case of #5210)

Translation: ...and so he might encourage your hearts. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Tychicus was also there to encourage the hearts of the recipients of this epistle. This would be with accurate doctrinal information and with information about Paul and his circumstances.

Ephesians 6:21d–22 [He is] the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, [the one] whom I sent to you (all) for [this] very purpose, that you (all) might know these (things) about us and so he might encourage your hearts. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Paul speaks directly the Tychicus’ character, so that he might encourage and console those who are worried about Paul and his situation.

Ephesians 6:21–22 But that you (all) might know—even you (all)—the (things) with regards to me [and] what I keep on doing. Tychicus will make all (things) known to you (all). [He is] the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, [the one] whom I sent to you (all) for [this] very purpose, that you (all) might know these (things) about us and so he might encourage your hearts. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:21–22 So that you might know everything regarding me and what I am doing, I have sent Tychicus to you, bearing this letter, so that he can answer all of your questions about my circumstances. He is a beloved member of the royal family and a faithful servant in the Lord. I sent him to you for this very purpose that you might know everything about us (he knows all of the details) and that he might encourage your hearts regarding our place in the devil’s world. (Kukis paraphrase)

Tychicus can personally relay the details of Paul’s circumstances to those who receive this letter. Paul bears witness as to his character.


Peace to the brothers and love with faith from God, a Father and a Lord Jesus Christ. The grace with all the ones who keep on loving the Lord of us, Jesus Christ, in incorruptibility. Amen.



Peace (and prosperity) to the brothers and love with faith from God, the Father, and [from] the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace [is] with all those who keep on loving our Lord, Jesus Christ, by [His] incorruptibility. Amen.

Let me call for peace and prosperity to be extended from God to His royal family, and for there to be demonstrations of love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Let there be grace toward all of those who grow spiritually and, therefore, keep on loving the Lord Jesus Christ, all of us who have been saved through His incorruptibility. I believe it!

Here is how others have translated this passage:

Ancient texts:


Westcott-Hort Text (Greek)    Peace to the brothers and love with faith from God, a Father and a Lord Jesus Christ. The grace with all the ones who keep on loving the Lord of us, Jesus Christ, in incorruptibility. Amen.

Complete Apostles Bible        Peace to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.

Douay-Rheims 1899 (Amer.) Peace be to the brethren and charity with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption. Amen.

Holy Aramaic Scriptures        .

Original Aramaic NT              Peace be with our brethren and love with faith, from God The Father and from Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah.

Grace be with all those who love Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah without corruption. Amen.

Lamsa Peshitta (Syriac)         .


Significant differences: 

Limited Vocabulary Translations:


Bible in Basic English             Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Grace be with all those who have true love for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Bible in Worldwide English     May God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, give our brothers peace and love with faith.

May the kindness of God bless all who love our Lord Jesus Christ.

Easy English                          .

Easy-to-Read Version–2008  I pray that God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will give peace and love with faith to all the brothers and sisters there. God's grace to all of you who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love that never ends.

God’s Word                         May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give our brothers and sisters peace and love along with faith. His favor is with everyone who has an undying love for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Good News Bible (TEV)         May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give to all Christians peace and love with faith. May God's grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with undying love.

J. B. Phillips                           .

The Message                         .

NIRV                                      .

New Life Version                    .

Radiant New Testament        .

New Simplified Bible              .

Thought-for-thought translations; dynamic translations; paraphrases:


Casual English Version          .

Contemporary English V.       I pray that God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will give peace, love, and faith to every follower!

May God be kind to everyone who keeps on loving our Lord Jesus Christ.

Goodspeed New Testament  .

The Living Bible                     .

New Berkeley Version           .

New Living Translation           .

The Passion Translation        So may God shower his peace upon you, my beloved friends. And may the blessings of faith and love fill your hearts from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus, the Messiah. 

Abundant grace will be with you all as each of you love our Lord Jesus Christ without corruption. Amen! Love in Christ, Paul.

Plain English Version             .

UnfoldingWord Simplified T.  I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus the Messiah may give to all of you fellow believers a peaceful spirit and will enable you to love each other and to continue to trust in God. I pray that God will continue to act kindly to you and to all people who steadfastly love our Lord Jesus the Messiah.

Williams’ New Testament      Peace to the brothers and love with faith, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Spiritual blessing be with all who have an undying love for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:


American English Bible          .

Beck’s American Translation .

Breakthrough Version            Peace to the brothers (and love with trust) out from Father God and the Master Jesus, the Anointed King.

May the generosity be with all of the people who love our Master Jesus, the Anointed King, with no deterioration.

Common English Bible           .

Len Gane Paraphrase           May peace be to the brothers and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

May grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.

A. Campbell's Living Oracles Peace to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Favor be with all them who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.

New Advent (Knox) Bible       .

NT for Everyone                     .

20th Century New Testament May God, the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ give our Brothers peace, and love linked with faith.

May God's blessing be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.

Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):


An Understandable Version   .

Berean Study Bible                .

Christian Standard Bible        .

Conservapedia Translation    .

Revised Ferrar-Fenton Bible  .

Free Bible Version                 Peace to all the Christians there, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, with love and trust in him. Grace to all those who eternally love our Lord Jesus.

The Heritage Bible                 .

International Standard V        May peace and love, with faith, be with the brothers, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus, the Messiah! [Or Christ]

May grace be with all who sincerely love the Lord Jesus, the Messiah! [Or Christ; other mss. read Messiah! Amen.].

Lexham Bible                         .

Montgomery NT                     .

NIV, ©2011                             .

Riverside New Testament      .

Leicester A. Sawyer’s NT      Peace and love be to the brothers with faith, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. The grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with constancy.

The Spoken English NT         Peace to the brothers and sisters! And love, with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

May grace be with everyone who has an undying love for our Lord Jesus Christ.

UnfoldingWord Literal Text    .

Urim-Thummim Version         Peace be to the brethren, and brotherly love with Faith, from Elohim the Father and the LORD Jesus Christ.

Grace be with all them that dearly love our LORD Jesus Christ in purity. Amen.

Weymouth New Testament    Peace be to the brethren, and love combined with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

May grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with perfect sincerity.

Wikipedia Bible Project          .

Worsley’s New Testament    .

Catholic Bibles (those having the imprimatur):


Christian Community (1988)  May peace and love with faith from God the Father and from Christ Jesus the Lord, be with the brothers and sisters. And may his blessing be with all who love Christ Jesus, our Lord, with undying love.

New American Bible (2011)   .

New Catholic Bible                 .

New Jerusalem Bible             .

NRSV (Anglicized Cath. Ed.) .

Revised English Bible–1989   .

Jewish/Hebrew Names Bibles:


Complete Jewish Bible           .

Eth Cipher Translation           Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from Elohiym the Father and Adonai Yahusha Ha’Mashiach

Grace be with all them that love our Adonai Yahusha Ha’Mashiach in sincerity. Amein.

Hebraic Roots Bible               Peace to the brothers, and love with faith, from YAHWEH the Father and the Master Yahshua Messiah.

Grace be with all those that love our Master Yahshua Messiah without corruption. Amen.

Holy New Covenant Trans.    Peace to the brothers there and the giving of ourselves to you — for your good, expecting nothing in return —with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May help in time of need, that never stops, be with all those people who give themselves to our Lord Jesus Christ, for his good, expecting nothing in return.

The Scriptures 2009              Peace to the brothers, and love, with belief, from Elohim the Father and the Master יהושע Messiah. 

Favour be with all those who love our Master יהושע Messiah, undecayingly! Aměn.

Tree of Life Version                Shalom to the brothers and sisters, and trusting love from God the Father and the Lord Yeshua the Messiah.

Grace be with all those who love our Lord Yeshua the Messiah with undying love.

Weird English, Olde English, Anachronistic English Translations:


Accurate New Testament       ...Peace {be!} [to] the brothers and Love with faith from god father and [from] lord jesus Christ The Favor {be!} with all the [men] loving the lord [of] us jesus christ in incorruptibility...

Alpha & Omega Bible            .

Awful Scroll Bible                   Peace to the brothers and dear love with confidence, from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One.

Grace be with all dearly loving our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, from-within in-corruptibility. Of certainty!

Concordant Literal Version    Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God, the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ."

Grace be with all who are loving our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption! Amen!

exeGeses companion Bible   BENEDICTION

Shalom to the brothers and love with trust

from Elohim the Father

and Adonay Yah Shua Messiah.

Charism be with all those

who love our Adonay Yah Shua Messiah

in incorruptibility.

God’s Truth (Tyndale)           .

Orthodox Jewish Bible           Drishat Shalom to the Achim b'Moshiach, and ahavah with emunah from Elohim HaAv and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua.

Chen v'Chesed Hashem be with all the ones who have ahavah for Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu with an incorruptible ahavah.

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. Peace unto the brethrenˎ and love with faith,— From God our Fatherˎ and Lord Jesus Christ.

Favour be with allʹ them that love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptness.

Expanded/Embellished Bibles:


The Amplified Bible                .

An Understandable Version   May there be peace and love, with faith, to the brothers [there] from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May God’s unearned favor be upon all of those [there] who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.

Brodie’s Expanded Trans.     Harmony among the brethren and virtue love with doctrine from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace associated with all [winner believers] who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptibility [those who have advanced to spiritual maturity].

The Expanded Bible              .

Jonathan Mitchell NT             Peace and harmony [= shalom] to the brothers (= family or fellow believers; [p46 reads: the set-apart folks]), and love (unrestricted acceptance; [A reads: mercy]) along with faith and trust, from God, [the] Father and Lord, Jesus Christ (or: from Father God, and {or: even} [the] Lord Jesus Christ).

Grace and favor, in union with incorruption (or: within a state or condition of being unspoiled, and being incorruptible [note: see 1 Cor. 15:42]), [are] with all the people continuously loving our Lord (or: Owner; Master), Jesus Christ ([the] Anointed Jesus). Amen (It is so; Count on it)! [written circa A.D. 58 Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson] Subscription [some MSS]: To Ephesians. [others add]: Written from Rome, through Tychicus. Possibly a circular letter to the assemblies in first century Asia Minor.

P. Kretzmann Commentary    .

Syndein/Thieme                     .

Translation for Translators     .

The Voice                               .

Bible Translations with Many Footnotes:


Lexham Bible                         Peace to the brothers and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruptibility. [Or “with undying love”]

NET Bible®                             .

New American Bible (2011)   .

The Passion Translation        .

Rotherham’s Emphasized B. .

The Spoken English NT         .

Updated ASV                         .

Wilbur Pickering’s New T.     Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. The grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.9 Amen.

(9) Evidently ‘the grace’ is not for everybody.

WEB — Messianic Edition       .

Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings:


A Faithful Version                  .

Analytical-Literal Translation  Peace to the brothers [and sisters] and love with faith from God [the] Father and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace [be] with all the ones loving our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruptibility [or, with an incorruptible [love]]. So be it!

Berean Literal Bible                .

Bill Puryear translation           [Let there be] harmony among the brethren and unconditional love accompanied by doctrine from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace [be] with all who unconditionally love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptibility.

C. Thomson updated NT        .

Charles Thomson NT             Peace to the brethren and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ this favour be with all them who love our Lord Jesus Christ without any mixture of Corruption. Amen.

Context Group Version          Peace be to the brothers, and allegiance with trust, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus the Anointed. Favorbe with all those that give allegiance to our Lord Jesus the Anointed with [a allegiance] incorruptible.

English Standard Version      .

Far Above All Translation       .

Green’s Literal Translation    .

James Allen translation          .

Legacy Standard Bible           .



Literal Standard Version        Peace to the brothers, and love, with faith, from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ!

The grace with all those loving our Lord Jesus Christ—undecayingly! Amen.

Modern English Version         .

Modern Literal Version 2020  Peace to the brethren and love* with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace is with all the ones who love* our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption. Amen.

New American Standard        .

New European Version          .

New King James Version       .

New Matthew Bible                .

NT (Variant Readings)           Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ with [a love] incorruptible. |Amen.

Written from Rome unto the Ephesians through Tychicus.

Niobi Study Bible                   .

R. B. Thieme, Jr. translation  Prosperity to those members of the royal family [supergrace believers], and love with doctrine resident in the soul, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

The grace with all those who constantly love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptibility. Amen [I believe it].

R. B. Thieme, Jr. trans2         .

Revised Geneva Translation  .

Ron Snider translation           Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an incorruptible love.

Updated ASV                         Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all those loving our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruptness.

Updated Bible Version 2.17   .

A Voice in the Wilderness      .

Webster’s Translation           .

World English Bible                .

Worrell New Testament         .


The gist of this passage: 


Ephesians 6:23a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

eirênê (εἰρήνη, ης, ἡ) [pronounced eye-RAY-nay]

peace, tranquility, harmony, order, welfare; security, safety; prosperity, felicity; unity

feminine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #1515

tois (τος) [pronounced toiç]

(to, in by) the; these [things]; in these; to those; by all of this; for these

masculine plural definite article; dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #3588

adelphoi (ἀδελφοί) [pronounced ad-el-FOY]

brothers, brethren (literally or figuratively); figuratively for, royal family

masculine plural noun, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #80

Translation: Peace (and prosperity) to the brothers...

Paul calls for eirênê (εἰρήνη, ης, ἡ) [pronounced eye-RAY-nay] to be bestowed upon the royal family. Because we are royal family, we already enjoy peace with God. So Paul is calling for them to enjoy peace, tranquility, harmony, order, welfare; security, safety; prosperity. Strong’s #1515. These are temporal blessings which Paul is calling for, for the royal family receiving this missive.

Ephesians 6:23b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

agápē (ἀγάπη) [pronounced ag-AH-pay]

agape love, mental attitude love, volitional love; brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence; a relaxed mental attitude; love feasts

feminine singular noun, nominative case

Strong’s #26

meta (μετά) [pronounced meht-AH]

with, along with, among, in the company of, in the midst of

preposition with the genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3326

pistis (πίστις) [pronounced PIHS-tihs]

faith, assurance, belief, believe; the content of what is believed, doctrine; persuasion, that is, credence; moral conviction

feminine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4102

apó (ἀπό) [pronounced aw-PO]; spelled ἀϕ̓ before a vowel.

from, away from, by; after; at; with, because of, since; before; in; of; out (from)

preposition or separation or of origin

Strong’s #575

theos (θεός) [pronounced theh-OSS]

God, [the true] God; divine being; god, goddess, divinity

masculine singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2316

patêr (πατήρ) [pronounced pat-AYR]

father, parent; forefather, ancestor; metaphorically, originator or transmitter; author of a family; a paternal figure; a title of honor; a teacher

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3962

kaí (καί) [pronounced ]

and, even, also; so, too, then, that; indeed, but, along with, while, when


Strong’s #2532

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong's #2962

Iêsous (̓Ιησος) [pronounced ee-ay-SOOCE]

Jehovah is salvation; transliterated Jesus, Joshua

proper singular noun, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2424

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: ...and love with faith from God, the Father, and [from] the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul also calls for them to receive love with faith from God the Father and from Jesus Christ. All believers have received God’s love through faith at salvation; so I would understand this to refer to temporal blessings from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 6:23 Peace (and prosperity) to the brothers and love with faith from God, the Father, and [from] the Lord Jesus Christ. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:24a


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

hê (ἡ) [pronounced hey]

the; this, that; these; who, which

feminine singular definite article; nominative case

Strong’s #3588 (article, demonstrative pronoun)

charis (χάρις) [pronounced KHAHR-iç]

grace, graciousness; acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, joy, liberality, pleasure, thanks

feminine singular noun; nominative case

Strong’s #5485

meta (μετά) [pronounced meht-AH]

with, along with, among, in the company of, in the midst of

preposition with the genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3326

pantôn (πάντων) [pronounced PAHN-tone]

from the whole, of all; all things, everything

masculine plural adjective, genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #3956

tôn (τν) [pronounced tohn]

the, of the, from the; of this, from that, [away, out] from the; from the source of; by the; than the

masculine plural definite article; genitive and ablative cases

Strong’s #3588

agapaô (ἀγαπάω) [pronounced ahg-ahp-AH-oh]

loving, those esteeming, ones who regard with strong affection; loving and serving with fidelity; regarding with favor (goodwill, benevolence); delighting in; having a relaxed mental attitude toward; one being loved, the beloved

masculine plural, present active participle; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #25

ton (τόν) [pronounced tahn]; also to (το) [pronounced toh]

the, to [or towards] the

masculine singular definite article in the accusative case

Strong’s #3588

kurios (κύριος) [pronounced KOO-ree-oss]

lord, master; Lord; he to whom a person or thing belongs, owner, possessor; a prince, chief, sovereign

masculine singular noun; accusative case

Strong's #2962

hêmn (ἡμν) [pronounced hay-MOHN]

us, of us, from us, our, ours

1st person plural, personal pronoun; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #2257 (from Strong’s #1473)

Iêsous (̓Ιησος) [pronounced ee-ay-SOOCE]

Jehovah is salvation; transliterated Jesus, Joshua

proper singular noun, accusative case

Strong’s #2424

Christos (χριστός) [pronounced krees-TOHSS]

anointed, anointed one, Messiah; transliterated, Christ

masculine singular noun; accusative case

Strong’s #5547

Translation: Grace [is] with all those who keep on loving our Lord, Jesus Christ,...

Since there is no main verb, we insert the verb to be; so that Paul calls for grace to be with all those who keep on loving the Lord Jesus Christ. We love our Lord through knowledge of Bible doctrine. You cannot love someone without knowing them. We cannot know Jesus Christ apart from His Word. So, as the recipients of this letter increase in their full knowledge of the Lord, so their love for Him increases. This is not referring to an emotional response, because God does not mandate for us to feel this or that emotion. This is a mental attitude love, a love for Christ based on the full understanding of all that He did.

When we are first saved, it is based upon a really small amount of information. So many of us have heard, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved; and so we did. My memory of this even in my own life was reading this in the book of John and calling upon God to keep this promise. Since then, my understanding of Christology and Soteriology has increased dramatically, so I understand better how I was saved and what Jesus did in order to save me, and I have great appreciation for that. I know the wretched, worthless creature that I am, so I could not have faulted God for knowing me and deciding, “Naw, we don’t need this guy in heaven.” Yet, despite that, Christ died for my sins and provided access to God. As I learn more about the Lord, I appreciate more and more what He did for me.

Ephesians 6:24b


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

en (ἐν) [pronounced en]

in, in the sphere of, into, on, by means of, with; through; among; against; when, while

preposition with the locative, dative and instrumental cases

Strong’s #1722

aphtharsía (ἀφθαρσία) [pronounced af-thar-SEE-ah]

incorruptibility, exempt from decay, immortality; purity, sincerity

feminine singular noun, dative, locative or instrumental case

Strong’s #861

Translation: ...by [His] incorruptibility.

I would understand this short phrase to mean, by means of His incorruptibility. This is a shorthand view of salvation as provided by Jesus Christ. Key to this salvation resulting in grace from God is the Lord’s incorruptibility.

Ephesians 6:24c


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

The next word is not found in the Westcott Hort text or Tischendorf’s Greek text. It is found in the Byzantine Greek text and in Scrivener Textus Receptus.

amên (ἀμήν) [pronounced am-ANE]

firm; metaphorically faithful; verily, amen; at the beginning of a discourse: surely, truly, of a truth; point of doctrine; at the end - so it is, so be it, may it be fulfilled; I believe it

transliterated from the Hebrew; indeclinable particle

Strong’s #281

Translation: Amen. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Then Paul concludes this epistle. This word is not found in all manuscripts.

Ephesians 6:24d


Common English Meanings


Strong’s Number

The words which follow appear to be found in the Scrivener Textus Receptus, but each one of them is in quotation marks. I assume that means that these words were determined to be added at some point and that this is, therefore, questionable text. These words are not found in the Westcott Hort text, the Tischendorf’s Greek text or in the Byzantine Greek text.

prós (πρός) [pronounced prahç]

facing, face to face with; to, towards, unto; for; about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, by, with; directly to

directional preposition with the accusative case

Strong’s #4314

Ephésioi (Έφέσιοι) [pronounced ehf-EHS-ee-oy]

permitted; citizens of Ephesus; Ephesians

masculine plural proper adjective; a grouping; accusative case

Strong’s #2180

graphô (γράφω) [pronounced GRAF-oh]

to write, to delineate (or form) letters on a tablet, parchment, paper, or other material, to commit to writing, to give information, directions; to fill with writing; to compose

3rd person singular, aorist passive indicative

Strong’s #1125

apó (ἀπό) [pronounced aw-PO]; spelled ἀϕ̓ before a vowel.

from, away from, by; after; at; with, because of, since; before; in; of; out (from)

preposition or separation or of origin

Strong’s #575

Rhômē (΄Ρώμη) [pronounced HROH-may]

strength; transliterated, Rome

feminine singular proper noun; a location; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #4516

Thayer: Rome [was] the famous capital of the ancient world.

diá (διά) [pronounced dee-AH]; spelled di (δἰ) [pronounced dee] before a vowel.

through; with; in; of time; throughout; during; by, by the means of, by reason of; on account of; because of, for this reason; therefore; on this account


Strong’s #1223

Tuchikós (Τυχικός) [pronounced too-khee-KOSS]

fateful; transliterated, Tychicus, Tuchikos

masculine singular proper noun; a person; genitive/ablative case

Strong’s #5190

Apparently this text is so questionable as to not require a footnote by anyone. I do not find a related footnote in the Spoken English New Testament, Wilbur Pickering’s New Testament, the Updated American Standard Version (UASV), the Christian Community Bible, or the Heritage Bible, all of which post remarks and footnotes regularly.

This occurs in several books in the New Testament, and it strikes me that this information was popularly accepted but not actually recorded. Some scribe likely took it upon himself to add these words. Given that these manuscripts were hand-written and then hand-copied, the only there would have been available space to write would be in the margins (were there any?) or at the end of the book (in this case, at the end of the letter).

I believe that many of the epistles and some of the other books of the Bible had this information tacked onto the end—something which was done long after the letters and books themselves had been written.

I include this information by way of being of interest to some people. Whether or not we know to whom this letter was written should not affect your spiritual growth, even if you take a strong stand one way or the other.

Translation: [This letter is] face to face with the Ephesians, written from Rome [and delivered] by Tychicus.

At some point, these words appear to have been added to the text. This represents what the copyist knew about this epistle (or, perhaps there was a meeting, and this was added to many later manuscripts).

Ephesians 6:24 Grace [is] with all those who keep on loving our Lord, Jesus Christ, by [His] incorruptibility. Amen. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:23–24 Peace (and prosperity) to the brothers and love with faith from God, the Father, and [from] the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace [is] with all those who keep on loving our Lord, Jesus Christ, by [His] incorruptibility. Amen. (Kukis mostly literal translation)

Ephesians 6:23–24 Let me call for peace and prosperity to be extended from God to His royal family, and for there to be demonstrations of love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Let there be grace toward all of those who grow spiritually and, therefore, keep on loving the Lord Jesus Christ, all of us who have been saved through His incorruptibility. I believe it! (Kukis paraphrase)

Chapter Outline


Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Beginning of Document

Verse Navigation

Introduction and Text

First Verse

Chapter Summary




Exegetical Studies in Ephesians


A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary

When I study a chapter of the Bible, one of the questions which I nearly always have is, why is this chapter in the Word of God?

Why Ephesians 6 is in the Word of God




Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

When studying a chapter in the Bible, there are a number of topics which that study leads to.

What We Learn from Ephesians 6



Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Originally, I was going to remove this, as I have used it in the Old Testament to look forward. However, it is certainly reasonable to summarize how our Savior is portrayed in this chapter.

Jesus Christ in Ephesians 6



Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

A Brief Review of Ephesians 6



This footnote was referenced in Ephesians 6:10–13.

Footnote for Ephesians 6:10 (Christian Community Bible)

• 10. Paul has said what he had to say. What does his invitation to be strong mean, when he takes his examples from military life? Is it because he feels the Christians of Ephesus are not sufficiently strong? See verses 18-20: Paul invites them, without saying it, to compare their situation with his. Free or slaves, most of them were people of modest means of the cities near Ephesus. Subjected for a long time to the Roman Empire that imposed peace on them, they were free of serious problems. They were not rich but they were able to content themselves with little. Under a Mediterranean sky they had abundant light and a friendly, natural environment. They found the faith at a time when it cost them little; what would they do the day the Empire became an obstacle and when suddenly they would be classed a bad lot, responsible for all that was wrong?

This is why Paul warns them: peace is only provisional, for the demon is waiting for his hour (vv. 11 and 16). Paul asks them to persevere in prayer: the only effective arms against evil are those that Christ has left us: truth, faith, the word of God… and if they believe they have found salvation, let them exert themselves to evangelize others.

From http://kukis.org/Translations/Christian_Community_Bible/41-Ephesians-Large.pdf (Ephesians 4).

Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

This was cited in Ephesians 10:9.

Heritage Bible Footnote for Ephesians 6


From http://kukis.org/Translations/Heritage_Bible/48Ephesians.pdf accessed October 14, 2024.

Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

It may be helpful to see this chapter as a contiguous whole:

A Complete Translation of Ephesians 6

The Kukis Reasonably Literal Translation

Kukis Paraphrase



























































































Chapter Outline

Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Ephesians 6



Lesson (s)


R. B. Thieme, Jr.

1972 Ephesians (#212)


Ephesians 1–6

1985 Ephesians (#412)


Ephesians 1–6

Bob has covered various portions of Ephesians is hundreds of other studies.

Dr. Robert Dean


Ephesians 1–6

Jeremy Thomas

Sermon Audio (there are notes here).

Search Jeremy Thomas; then search Ephesians) I found it easiest to save this to your hard drive by right-clicking “Read” and then using “save link as”.

Ephesians 1–6

Ron Snider


Ephesians 1–6

Grace Notes

https://www.gracenotes.info/Ephesians/Ephesians.pdf (Compiled by Warren Doud)

Ephesians 1–6

Gene Cunningham


Ephesians 1–6

John Griffith

http://www.ironrangebible.com/ (Click on Book Studies and go from there; 93 lessons)

Ephesians 1–6

Benjamin Brodie


Ephesians 1–6


http://syndein.com/Ephesians.html (Basic notes mostly from R. B. Thieme, Jr.)

Ephesians 1–6


http://syndein.com/1992_ephesians.html (As per R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s newer study)

Ephesians 1–6

R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s work may be found at:


* By doctrinal teacher, I mean a man whose primary focus is the teaching of the Word of God, verse-by-verse and book by book. A believer under the teaching of such a man should fully understand the gospel and rebound after less than a month in attendance.

When it comes to teaching, I should think that a 45 minute teaching session would be the bare minimum; and that, at least 3x a week (with provisions for getting teaching in some way on the other days of the week). Although this man may interact or even learn from other teachers, he should clearly be the authority over his church; and the authority over him is the Word of God and God the Holy Spirit (Who guides the pastor in his study).

ICE teaching would also be a part of the package, ICE being an acronym standing for Isagogics (a teaching of the history of that time in order to understand a passage), Categories (a study of categories of Bible doctrine), and Exegesis (a close study of each passage).

Word Cloud from the Kukis Paraphrase of Ephesians 6

Word Cloud from Exegesis of Ephesians 6

These two graphics should be very similar; this means that the exegesis of Ephesians 6 has stayed on topic and has covered the information found in this chapter of the Word of God.

Chapter Outline


Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Beginning of Document

Verse Navigation

Introduction and Text

First Verse

Chapter Summary




Exegetical Studies in Ephesians