The Scientific Achievements

of Ancient Hamitic Peoples

Written and Compiled by Arthur Custance and Reproduced by Gary Kukis

These studies are designed for believers in Jesus Christ only. If you have exercised faith in Christ, then you are in the right place. If you have not, then you need to heed the words of our Lord, Who said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten [or, uniquely-born] Son, so that every [one] believing [or, trusting] in Him shall not perish, but shall be have eternal life! For God did not send His Son into the world so that He should judge the world, but so that the world shall be saved through Him. The one believing [or, trusting] in Him is not judged, but the one not believing has already been judged, because he has not believed in the Name of the only-begotten [or, uniquely-born] Son of God.” (John 3:16–18). “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life! No one comes to the Father except through [or, by means of] Me!” (John 14:6).

Every study of the Word of God ought to be preceded by a naming of your sins to God. This restores you to fellowship with God (1John 1:8–10). If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9). If there are people around, you would name these sins silently. If there is no one around, then it does not matter if you name them silently or whether you speak aloud.

Charles Clough, in his book Dawn of the Kingdom, section III, gives a list of the technological advances made by early post-diluvian man (he took these from Arthur Custance, Doorway Papers). I’ve reproduced Custance’s list below:

Scientific Achievements of Ancient Hamitic Peoples

Mechanical Principles and Applications: Gears, pulleys, lathes, fire pistons, gimbal suspension, suspension bridges, domes and arches, lock gates and lifts, steam engine principle, clockwork mechanism, etc.

Materials: Copper, bronze, iron, cast iron, steel, cement, dyes and inks, rubber, lenses of several types, glass (including possibly a malleable glass), china and porcelain, glues, preservatives, shellacs, varnishes, enamels, gold and silver work (including sheet, wire, and plating of metals), etc.

Building Techniques, Tools and Materials: Nails, saws, hammers, brace and bit, sandpaper, Carborundum, plans and maps, surveying instruments, central heating systems, window materials, including glass, protective coatings, street drainage systems, sewage drainage on a wide scale, running water in piped systems, piped gas for heating, drills (including diamond drills), buildings of all types (including genuine skyscrapers and earthquake-proof construction), etc.

Fabrics and Weaving: Cotton, silk, wool, linen, felt, lace, needles, gauze, mechanical looms, mending, tapestry, batik, thimbles, parchment, tailored clothing, feather and fur garments, knitted and crocheted materials, all types of thread, ropes up to 12 inches in diameter, paper of all kinds (including coated stocks), etc.

Foods: Aloes, Chickle gum, Tomato, Pears, Cascara, Sweet potato, Kidney beans, Pineapple, Prickly pear, Cereals, Chili pepper, Squash, Cocoa, Cashew and peanut, Corn, Coffee, Manioc, Beans, Tea, Artichoke, Strawberries, Tobacco, Potato, Arrowroot.

Foodgathering Methods: Fish poisons and animal intoxicants, Elephants for labor and land clearance, Traps and nets of all kinds, The use of tamed animals to catch "game": cats for hunting, birds of prey such as eagles, falcons, etc.,dogs and cormorants for fishing.

Writing, Painting, etc: Inks, chalks, pencils, crayons, block printing, literary forms, movable type, textbooks, encyclopedias, envelopes and postal stamps, libraries and catalogues, etc.

Medical & Surgical Practices & Instruments: Anaesthetics, Cocaine, Adhesive tapes, Bandages, Poultices, Troches, Decoctions Infusions, Pills, Suppositories Snuffs, Splints Plasters Tourniquet, Enemas, Gargles Lotions Soaps Ointments, Inhalators, Vaccine for smallpox, Cascara and other emetics, Tranquillizing drugs, Caesarian operations, Trephination, Insecticides, Fumigators, Quinine, Surgical stitching, Truth serums, Curare, Animal-stupefying drugs, Surgical instruments: knives, forceps, tweezers, etc., Identification of, and treatment of, hundreds of common diseases and injuries, , including brain and eye operations and surgery in general.

Animals Domesticated: Pigs, Dogs, Llama and Alpaca, Horses, Cats, Sheep, Fowl, Camels, Cows, In agriculture, use of: multiculture and fertilizers mechanical seeders, and such.

Travel Conveyances, etc.: Compass, Canals and locks, Road rollers, Skis, Snowshoes, Toboggans, Sternpost rudder, Wheelbarrows, Cement paving, Surfaced roads, All types of water craft, Stirrups, harness for domestic animals, Wheels: solid, spoked, rimmed and tired, Wheeled vehicles, travois, Boats with water-tight compartments, Bridges (suspension, cantilever, arch, etc.), Use of birds for navigation.

"Aircraft": Balloons, Gliders and helicopters, Kites and Parachutes, Jet Propulsion, Weather-signaling and forecasting.

Cosmetics, etc.: Mirrors, Nail polishes, Toothbrushes, Wigs, Scissors, Shaving equipment, Combs, Powders and ointments, Jewelry of all kinds.

Mathematics: Geometry, A kind of logarithms, Trigonometry, Concept of zero, Algebra, Use of place system.

Trade and Commerce: Paper money and coinage, Systems of inspection, Banking houses, Accounting systems, Trade regulations and price-fixing, Wage regulation and compensation, Loans with interest systems, Weights and measures, Postal systems, Formal contracts.

Household Furnishing: Hammocks, Gas cookers, Fans, Folding beds, Oil stoves, Space heaters, A form of "telephone", Rocking stools, Whistling pots and kettles, Go-carts for children, and other toys, Lamps, Clocks, Rotary querns, Running water.

Games: Revolving stages for theaters, Rubber ball games, Board games (chess, checkers, etc.), Wrestling, Lacrosse.

Warfare: Bows and crossbows, Bolas, All types of piercing and striking weapons, Repeating bow, a form of machine gun, Rifled weapons, Guided missiles, Body armour, Aerial bombardment, Flame throwers, Poison gases and toxic agents, Gun powder, Heavy artillery (catapults of several kinds).

Musical Instruments: Tuning forks of various kinds, Wind instruments (organ, pipes, horns, flutes, etc.), String instruments (various modifications of the harp), , Percussion instruments (tubes, bars, stones, bells, and diaphragms).

Miscellaneous: Umbrellas, Safety pins, Straws for drinking, Spectacles, Calendars, Telescopes (?), Snow goggles, Cigar holders, finger printing for identification.

Does this sound like the ancient man you have been taught about in school?

Custance explains: For many readers this list will be entirely unsatisfactory. However, a word of further explanation about it may help to clarify things. Many of the items, in fact the majority of them, could be called Hamitic "firsts". Some of them bear no relationship historically to their western counterparts as far as we can ascertain from a study of the transmission of culture traits. Still, they had the idea before we did. The ingenuity of many of these devices and techniques is truly extraordinary, particularly in view of the paucity of natural resources. It is no exaggeration to state that primitive people have done marvels with their natural resources as they found them. The difficulty for us is that we are deceived by their very simplicity. Whether highly civilized or of primitive culture, the Hamitic people have shown an amazing ability to exploit the immediate resources of their environment to the limit.

It is only recently that we in our culture have become aware of our indebtedness to non-Indo-European people for practically all the basic elements, simple and complex, of our own technological civilization. The only purpose of this list here is to draw attention to the fact that in each of these elements of culture Hamitic peoples got there first and independently, and in most cases were our instructors. As we have already said this aspect of the subject is elaborated with documentation in Part IV of this volume.

We may sum up what has been said thus far by setting forth the following propositions. First, the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 is a historic document indicating how the present population of the world has been derived from Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Secondly, this threefold division is more than merely a genetic variation of certain "racial" types: there is evidence that it is intended to indicate that the three branches of the race were divinely apportioned a characteristic capacity which has been reflected in the unique contribution each branch has rendered in the service of mankind as a whole. And thirdly, the contribution of Shem has been a spiritual one, of Ham a technological one, and of Japheth an intellectual one: in the process of history, these contributions were made effective in this order.

Certainly, ancient man lacked i-phone and WordPerfect, but this partial list should indicate that these men were not the grunting, semi-civilized, "let's go throw a rock at the head of an animal and see what happens" types, as they are all too-often portrayed. One of the main reasons that the authorship of Moses is questioned by higher critics is that they do not like the idea of such civilized literary content coming from bronze age man. However, it is clear now that writing and language occurred as much as a millennium before Moses.

I reproduced this list to indicate that man has, even in ancient history, been extremely intelligent, very inventive, and that identifying the age of man by stratification, under the assumption that man has progressed over a long period of time from very primitive to highly civilized (I guess we are the ones who view ourselves as being highly civilized), is fraught with inaccurate presuppositions.

This list was taken from:

Arthur Custance’s background and credentials are listed here:


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