Doctrines from the Word of
Some of the older HTML files (added
before October 2008) below will
incorrectly display the Hebrew
characters. The PDF files
will be accurate with respect to
graphics and Hebrew (more or
less). However, if a pdf document
is large, you may have to download it in
order to read it (right click and choose
"save link as"). An
occasional problem is, the document will
"freeze" if you try to move through the
pages before it is completely captured
in your browser's Adobe window.
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader here
(note the optional check box).
overall page was updated 9-28-2023
It does not yet reflect all of the
doctrines covered in exegetical studies,
(however, these doctrines are updated in
Testament Topics ; and all minor
discussions of topics are named on that
page as well). .
A Brief
Summary of these doctrines
will follow the Alphabetical
After the alphabetical list will be the
doctrines as they are found in the
various books of the Bible.
The "Recent Uploads" section has been
moved to the back, alphabetized and kept
as summaries of these doctrines.
All recent uploads may also be found here.
There are over 60,000 pages of exegesis
and Biblical analysis which can be
accessed from this website. The
doctrines listed below are those which
have been covered separately and
posted. However, in the exegesis
of every chapter is found anywhere from
3 to 20 additional
doctrines. The document Old
Testament Topics (HTML)
contains over 460 pages which is simply
a list of the doctrines and topics
examined in the exegesis of these
various chapters.
This website can be searched for
specific doctrines here:
Search this Website (put your search terms into the second box) I need to fix this!
There are additional sets of doctrines
at other websites which the List
links to.
of Doctrines and Charts:
Terms and Concepts (HTML)
This is a glossary of Biblical
- The 4 Biographies of Jesus
- The Doctrine of Aaron, father
of the Levitical Priesthood.
- Abortion--Logic and the
Bible (HTML) (PDF)
- The Authorship of
Genesis (HTML)
- Why God Chose Abraham
- Abraham's Spiritual life
in 2000 B.C.
- The Abrahamic Covenant
- The City of Acco
- The Hebrew word for Adam
- The Doctrine of Adultery
- The Ages of Man
- The Amalekites
- The Amarna
Tablets (HTML)
- The American Heritage
Special (HTML)
- The Sons of
Ammon (HTML)
- The Amorites
- The Anakim
1) (HTML)
- The Anakim Part 2
- Ancient Jewish Cooking
Vessels (1Sam.
2) (HTML)
- Determining Ancient
History Dates (HTML)
- Ancient
Texts of the Old Testament
(1Sam. 1) (HTML)
- Ancient Translations of the
Bible (HTML)
- The Angel of Jehovah
- The Angelic Conflict
- The Abbreviated Doctrine of
Angels (Angelology)
- Animal
Sacrifices (HTML)
- Annas and Caiaphas (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
- Anointing:
Ceremonial (1Sam. 10)
- Antisemitism
- The Doctrine
Aphek (HTML)
- Apostleship (HTML)
- The Doctrine
of the Arabah (HTML)
- Arake HTML PDF
- The
Doctrine of Aram (Syria)
- The Ark of the Covenant
PDF version may be too large to open
on your computer; you may need to
download it and open it up with
Acrobat Reader. (WPD)
This is a WordPerfect
document, which can be
downloaded. From 1Sam.
- The Doctrine of Asham
- Ashdod
(1Sam. 5) (HTML)
- The City of Ashtaroth
- Ashtoreth
- Atonement/Unlimited
Atonement (HTML)
- Baalim (HTML) (PDF)
- The Baptism of Fire
- The Doctrine
Barake (this
is the Hebrew verb which means to
bless; but there is a
lot more to it than that). (HTML) (PDF
- Bible, Basic Themes;
aka The Fundamental Themes of
Scripture (HTML)
- Alleged Bible
Contradictions (HTML)
- Bible, The Purpose of;
- The Basic Mechanics of
the Christian Life (or, "Christianity
for Dummies" (HTML)
- Basic Propositions for
the Unbeliever, the Agnostic and
the New Believer (HTML)
- Belial (1Sam. 2)
- The Tribe
of Benjamin (HTML)
- Benjamin as a Type of
Christ. (HTML)
- The city of Bethel
- Bethlehem, The City
of (HTML)
- Beth-Shan
(1Sam. 31) (?) (HTML)
- Beth-Shemesh
(1Sam. 6) (HTML)
- Bible, Basic Themes;
aka The Fundamental Themes of
Scripture (HTML)
- Bible Doctrine, the
Importance of
- Bird Chart
- English translations of the
tables on the various English
translations (HTML)
- Black Liberation Theology
- Blessing
by Association
- Boaz as the Kinsman
Redeemer (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Bones
- The Bible and Capital
Punishment (HTML)
- Çâlal (HTML) (PDF)
- Determining the Canon
of the New Testament (HTML)
- Canonicity and Ancient
Manuscripts (HTML)
- Celibacy
- Chiasmos Example: Genesis
17 (HTML)
- The Christian Basics
- [Living the] Christian
Life (HTML)
- Christian Mechanics
- Christianity is Based
Upon Old Testament Yehowah
Worship (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
- Circumcision
- Circumcision Means
Regeneration (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Clapping
Hands HTML
- The Doctrine
of the Client Nation
Commandments, Laws, Judgments,
Ordinances and Statutes (HTML)
- The Comparative
of the Judges (HTML)
- Confusing and/or
Objectionable Passages from the
Bible HTML
- The Coniah Curse and the
Sin Nature (HTML)
- Crime and Punishment in
the Bible (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Crowns
- The Doctrine of
Criminality (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Devoting
to God (the Doctrine of
Cherem, Placing Under the
Ban) (HTML)
- Dispensationalism versus
Covenant Theology (HTML)
- The Doctrine of
Criminality (HTML)
- The Pagan God Dagon
- The Doctrine of Darkness
- David
the 2 Advents of Jesus Christ
- Day of Atonement
Chart (HTML)
- The Destruction of Shiloh
- Devoting to God
(i.e., the complete destruction of a
city or a people) (HTML)
- The Deity of the Holy Spirit
- The doctrine the Deity
of Jesus Christ (HTML)
- Dishonest Anti-Bible
Graphics (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Dispensations
- Three
Dispensations: The Age of Israel,
the Age of the Hypostatic Union
and the Church Age
- The Doctrine of Divine
Blessings (with an emphasis on
the Church Age). (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Divine
Good is now posted, with work
from two pastor-teachers (James
Allen and LG Merritt) and the
related doctrine God Produces
Good from Man’s Free Will, Sin,
and Failures (a doctrine
original with me) (HTML)
- The Divine Institutions
- The Doctrine of Divination
- The Doctrine
Available to King David
- A Summary of Documentary
Hypothesis (HTML)
- Dogs
- The Dual Authorship of
the Scriptures
- The Edification
of the Soul (HTML)
- The Edomites
- The Philistine City Ekron
- The Doctrine of Envy
- The Ephod of God
- Ephraim and Manasseh
- Esau's Wives
- Basic Eschatology
(the Study of Future Things); aka Eschatology
for Dummies. (HTML)
- Eschatological Vocabulary
- The Essence of God
- The Essence of God, as
per the Pentateuch. (HTML)
- 'eth
- The Doctrine of Evil
- Uses of the Hebrew word for
- Evolution versus
Creationism (HTML)
This is a set of links of some
articles I have written and letters
I have exchanged with others.
- The Extermination
the Canaanites
- The Doctrine
of Faith Rest
- The Fall of
Satan (HTML)
- Familial
and the Plan of God
- The Fatherhood
- The Fatherhood of God
(Old Testament) (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Fasting
- Fear of the Lord (in the
Old Testament) (HTML)
- Feastday Chart
- Figures of Speech in the
Bible (HTML)
- The Doctrine
the Firstborn (HTML) (PDF)
- Five Stages of National
Discipline (aka the 5
Cycles of Discipline). (HMTL)
- The Doctrine
of Flattery.
- The Doctrine
of Forgiveness
- The Doctrine of Free
Will (HTML)
- Fundamentals of the Faith
- The name "God
Almighty" (HTML)
- Gamal
(a Hebrew word) HTML
- The Doctrine of
Genealogies (HTML)
- The Genealogy
Noah (HTML)
- Genesis 15:6 in the New
Testament. (HTML)
- The Authorship of
Genesis (HTML)
- Gentile Salvation in the
Old Testament (HTML)
- The Doctrine of The
Geographical Will of God
- The Cities of Gibeah,
Gibeon, and Geba
- Gidoth (a Hebrew
word) HTML
- The City of Gilgal
- The Girgashites
- The Doctrine of Giving
- The
Glory of the Lord (HTML)
- God
Speaks to the Jews from the Old
Testament (HTML)
- The Pronunciation
God's Name (HTML) (PDF)
- The
of St. Thomas
- The
Grace Apparatus for Perception
- The
Doctrine of Grace Before
Judgment (HTML)
- The
Doctrine of Hatred (HTML) (PDF)
- The Hardness of Pharoah's
Heart (HTML)
is one of the most difficult
doctrines for believers and
unbelievers to understand.
- The Doctrine of the
Heart (HTML)
- The Doctrine of
Heathenism (what about the
people who have never heard?)
- A background of the word Hebrew
- The City of Hebron
(the first half of this
doctrine) (HTML)
- Herod's
Line (HTML)
- Herod and His Line (HTML) (PDF)
(more detailed than above)
- The High Places (HTML) (PDF)
- Homosexuality and the Bible
- The Ministry
of God the Holy Spirit in the Old
- The Horites and the Hivites
- The City of Hormah
- The House of Elohim
- How to be Filled with the
Holy Spirit (also known as
Doctrine of Rebound)
- The Doctrine of Human
Good and Morality (HTML)
- The Doctrine of the
Human Soul (HTML)
- The Doctrine of the
Human Spirit (HTML)
- The Doctrines of the Human
Soul and the Human Spirit
- Human Viewpoint versus
Divine Viewpoint
- The Doctrine of the
Hypostatic Union (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Hyssop
- The Importance of Bible
Doctrine (HTML)
- The Importance of Israel in the
Old Testament HTML
- The Doctrine of Imprecatory
Psalms (HTML)
- The Doctrine
of Imputations
- The Old
Doctrine of Inheritance (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
The New
Testament Doctrine of
Inheritance (or Heirship)
- The Doctrine
Inspiration (from the Book
of the Judges) (HTML)
- The Basic
Doctrine of Inspiration
- The
of Inspiration (HTML)
- A
of Inspiration (HTML)
- A basic overview of Inspiration
- Intercalation
- The Doctrine of the
Interlocking Systems of Arrogance
- How Isaac’s
Unusual Birth Foreshadowed the
Birth of Our Lord (HTML) (PDF)
- Ishbosheth
(incomplete) HTML
Ishmael (HTML)
- A Brief History of
Israel (HTML)
- A Brief History of
Israel without links (HTML)
If you want to print this and keep
it in your Bible.
- Israel and the Church
- The Israeli
Stele (HTML)
Witnesses and the Deity of Jesus
Christ (HTML)
- Jesus Christ in the Old
Testament (HTML)
- Jesus Christ in the Old and
New Testaments. This
is an excellent chart which breaks
down groups of prophecies about
Jesus Christ as found in parallel
passages in the Law, in Job, in the
Psalms, and in the Prophets.
These will be matched with parallel
passages in the NT. This is a
fascinating set of parallels which I
highly recommend. (HTML)
- Jesus Christ, the Revealed
Member of the Trinity, in the
Garden (HTML)
- Jesus in Genesis (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
- Jesus is not a Liberal
- Jesus Christ, our
Spiritual Model; also known as
A Spiritually-Empowered Jesus
Christ is our Spiritual Model
- The Doctrine of the
Jewish Messiah (HTML)
- Joab
- The 3
Kedesh's in Scripture
- The Kenites
- The Doctrine of Kenosis
- Kings, Prophets and
Priests (HTML)
- The City of Kiriath-Jearim
- Laws, Commandments,
Ordinances and Statutes (HTML)
- The Laws of Divine
- The
Doctrine of Leaven (HTML)
- The City of Lebo-Hamath
- The Doctrine of Legalism
- The Levirate Marriage
Arrangement (HTML)
- Levitical Offerings
- Liberalism,
Conservatism, and Christianity
- Liberation
Liberation Theology (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Light
- Living the Christian Life
- The Location of the Tomb of
Rachel HTML
- Logistical Grace
- The Lost
Books of the Old Testament
(this is incomplete) (HTML)
- Love (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Lust
- Lucky
Guesses found in Genesis
and What is
Incontrovertable about the History
of the Bible
- The City of Mahanaim
- The Doctrine
Manna (HTML)
is an extremely important topic with
respect to types and antitypes,
which are briefly covered in this
doctrine. Although most of
these doctrines were done a long
time ago, I just completed "Manna"
in 2007.
- Marriage
Alternatives in the Bible
- Masada
- The Doctrine of Matstsâbâh,
Matstsêbâh, Matstsebeth,
Mitstsâbâh, Matstsâb, Netsîyb, and
Nâtsab HTML
- Jesus Christ, Our
Mediator (HTML)
The Doctrine of the Mediatorship
of Jesus Christ.
- The City of Megiddo
- Melchizedek
- The Melchizedek Special
This is far more detailed than the
doctrine listed above.
- The
Complete Doctrine
of Mental
Attitude Sins
- The Messiah
- The
Promised Messiah
- Messianic Prophesies.
- The Messianic
Psalms HTML
- Doctrines of the Military
in Israel's History (HTML)
- The Cities of Mizpah
- Moab and Ammon
- The Doctrine of Morality
- The Doctrine
of Moses (HTML)
- The Movement
the Ark and the Tent of God
- The Doctrine of Mug
- The Doctrine of Murder
- Mythology
the Bible (HTML)
- The Biblical View of
Nationalism and Patriotism (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Nazirites
- The Doctrine of Netsîyb
- New Testament Summary
Chart (HTML)
- New Testament Summary
Chart without links for
printing (HTML)
- Nidah
(this is a Hebrew word)
- A Summary of the Offerings
Chart (very incomplete)
- Old
Manuscripts (HTML)
- Old
Names for God.
Admittedly, much of this was
taken from the internet. There
are about 2 dozen names used for God
in the Old Testament, as well as a
number of titles and descriptive
names. I have all of them
listed here, with their
meanings. Now, what you will
not find elsewhere is how these
names of God relate directly to His
character and essence, how they
reveal His salvation, and how the
reveal His interaction with man.
- Old
Prophecies about Jesus Christ
- Old
- Old
Testament Survey.
For those new to the Bible or
who just need a good overview,
this is outstanding.
- Old Testament Summary
Chart without links for
printing (HTML)
- The Olive
Tree in
Scripture HTML
- Operation Footstool (HTML)
- The Palestinian
The Contract between God and
Israel (HTML)
- The Parallels
Samson and Jesus Christ
- The Passover
- The Uses of the Word
"Peace" in the Bible (HTML)
- The Perizzites
- Personal
Injustices HTML
- The Philistines
(part I) (HTML)
- Doctrine of the Pivot
- Polygamy
- The Poor and the Needy
These two words occur so many times
together in Scripture, that I felt I
needed to address that fact.
This is not the Doctrine
of the Poor. HTML
- The Law of Posterity,
which is closely related to the
Levirate Law (HTML)
- God's 4 Answers to Prayer
- Predestination
- Why God Did Not Perfectly
and Supernaturally Preserve the
Bible (HTML)
- The Priesthoods
in the Bible (HTML)
- Private Property, Wealth
and the Bible
- The Prophet
Chart (HTML)
- Progressive Revelation
- The Pronunciation of God's Old
Testament Name (HTML)
- Racial
Intermarriage (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Rape
- The Differences Between
the Rapture and the Second Advent
- How to be Filled with the
Holy Spirit (also known as
Doctrine of Rebound)
- Rebound, the Doctrine of
(also known as How to
be Filled with the Holy Spirit)
- The Doctrine
of Redemption (HTML) (PDF)
- The Doctrine of Regeneration
- Reincarnation
(short) HTML
- The Religion
the Canaanites
- The Responsibilities
Requirements of the Judges
- A Retrospective of Genesis 14.
- The Doctrine of
Revolution (HTML)
- The Rules
for Exegesis and Interpretation
- The Doctrine of the Rock
Jesus Christ is the Rock in both the
Old Testament and the New.
- The Doctrine of the Rock in the
Old Testament. (HTML)
- The Doctrine of the Rock
in the New Testament (HTML) (PDF)
- Doctrine of the Sabbath
- Salvation
- The Abbreviated Doctrine of
- Satan--A Compendium
- Satan Did Not Know about
the Cross (HTML)
- The Scientific
Achievements of Ancient
Hamitic Peoples (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Scoffing
(or, Scorn) (HTML)
- The Seder
- The Seed of the Woman
- Seeds of Genesis--the
Great Theological Truths begun in
the first 14 Chapters of
Genesis. (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Separation
- Serious
Testament Textual Problems
There are certainly more in the OT
than I have come across; however
these are the only serious ones I
have found after 12 years of study
in the OT. HTML
- The Doctrine of Sexual
Arrogance (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Shamat
- The Doctrine of
Sheol/Hades (HTML)
- The Sidonians
- The Signs
of Moses in Egypt Parallel the
Signs of Jesus in Israel
(in the book of John).
- Signs,
Miracles and Healings (HTML)
- The Similarities
Catholics and Pentecostals
- The Doctrine of Sin
- The Sins of the Tongue
- The Sin unto Death (HTML) (PDF)
- Siyach (HTML) (PDF)
- The Illustration of the Slave
Market of Sin (HTML) (PDF)
- The Doctrine of Slavery
- Social and Legal
Concerns found in the Mosaic Law
- The Doctrine of
Socialism (HTML)
- Socialism/Communism
(a doctrine) (HTML)
- The Three Socoh's
- The Soul and the Spirit
- The Spiritual Life in the
Church Age (HTML)
- Stages of Spiritual
Growth (HTML)
- The meaning of Stretching
with the Hand (HTML)
- Suicide
- A Model of the Tabernacle
There are so many graphics that this
might be useless in the HTML
format. (PDF)
the PDF formal will not open on your
computer, then download this file
and open it up with Acrobat Reader.
- The Doctrine
of the Ten Commandments
- The Technological
of the Hamitic Peoples
- Teraphim
- Textual
in the Old Testament
- The Doctrine of Thorns
- The Doctrine
of Tithing and Modern
Applications of Tithing to
- The Gift of Tongues
exegesis of 1Corinthians
- The Doctrine
of Tôwtsâʾôwth (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
- The Tree of Life
- The Trinity
in the Old Testament
- Typology (HTML)
- Typology: Abraham’s
Offering of Isaac/God’s Offering
of Jesus (HTML)
- Miscellaneous Types in
Genesis (HTML)
- To the Unbeliever
- The Uniqueness of God
- The Doctrine of Urim
and Thummim (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Vanity
- The Doctrine of the
Virgin Birth (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Vows
- The Doctrine of Walking
(and Running) (HTML)
- The Doctrine of War
- Various Doctrines
on War and the Military (HTML) (PDF)
- Warning to the unbeliever
- The Way of
God (HTML)
- Wealthy Men in the Bible
- The Doctrine
of the Will of God
The Doctrine of Wings
Women of the Old Testament
- The Doctrine of Work
- A study of
Population Growth
- The Zabians
- Zimmah
(this is a Hebrew word)
The Doctrines listed below are the same
ones from above, but where I have chosen
to introduce them in the exegesis of the
books below. There are some
doctrines which I have worked on and
simply added to this page, apart from
placing them in a particular book.
to the Exegesis of the Bible (HTML)
- Bible, Basic Themes;
aka The Fundamental Themes of
Scripture (HTML)
- Basic Propositions for
the Unbeliever, the Agnostic and
the New Believer (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Dispensations
- Old
Testament Summary Chart
Genesis; see
Genesis Links (HTML)
and the Lessons
on Genesis
- Abraham's Spiritual life
in 2000 B.C.
- The Abrahamic Covenant
- The Hebrew word for Adam
- Doctrine of the Altar
- The American Heritage
Special (HTML)
- The Amorites
- Determining Ancient
History Dates (HTML)
- Ancient Translations of the
Bible (HTML)
- The Angel
of Jehovah
- The
Abbreviated Doctrine of Angels (Angelology)
- Antisemitism
- The Authorship of Genesis
- The Doctrine
Barake (this
is the Hebrew verb which means to
bless; but there is a
lot more to it than that). (HTML) (PDF
- The Basic Mechanics of
the Christian Life (or, "Christianity
for Dummies" (HTML)
- The city of Bethel
- Alleged Bible
Contradictions (HTML)
- Benjamin as a Type of
Christ. (HTML)
- Bible, The Purpose of;
- Blessing
by Association
- Chiasmos
Example: Genesis 17
- Circumcision
- Circumcision Means
Regeneration (HTML)
- The Coniah Curse and the
Sin Nature (HTML)
- Dispensationalism versus
Covenant Theology (HTML)
- Three Dispensations: The
Age of Israel, the Age of the
Hypostatic Union and the Church
Age (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Divine
Blessings (with an emphasis on
the Church Age). (HTML)
- A Summary of Documentary
Hypothesis (HTML)
- The Edomites
- Ephraim and Manasseh
- Esau's Wives
- Basic Eschatology
(the Study of Future Things); aka Eschatology
for Dummies. (HTML)
- Eschatological Vocabulary
- The Doctrine of Evil
- Uses of the Hebrew word for
- The Doctrine
of Faith Rest
- The Fall
of Satan (HTML)
- Figures
of Speech in the Bible
- The Doctrine
of the Firstborn
- Genesis 15:6 in the New
Testament. (HTML)
- The Doctrine of
Genealogies (HTML)
- Gentile Salvation in the
Old Testament (HTML)
- The Doctrine of The
Geographical Will of God
- The name "God
Almighty" (HTML)
- The Genealogy
Noah (HTML)
- The Grace
Apparatus for Perception (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Grace
Before Judgment (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Hatred
- The Doctrine of
Heathenism (what about the
people who have never heard?)
- The Doctrine of the
Heart (HTML)
- A background of the word Hebrew
- Homosexuality and the Bible
- The Horites
and the Hivites
- The Doctrine of Human
Good (HTML)
- The Doctrine of the
Human Soul (HTML)
- The Doctrine of the
Human Spirit (HTML)
- The Doctrines of the Human
Soul and the Human Spirit
- Human Viewpoint versus
Divine Viewpoint
- The Importance of Bible
Doctrine (HTML)
- A basic overview of Inspiration
- Inspiration and
Canonicity (HTML)
- How Isaac’s
Unusual Birth Foreshadowed the
Birth of Our Lord (HTML) (PDF)
- Ishmael
- A Brief History of
Israel (HTML)
- A Brief History of
Israel without links (HTML)
If you want to print this and keep
it in your Bible.
- Jesus Christ, the Revealed
Member of the Trinity, in the
Garden (HTML)
- Jesus in Genesis (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
- Jesus Christ, our
Spiritual Model; also known as
A Spiritually-Empowered Jesus
Christ is our Spiritual Model
- Laws, Commandments,
Ordinances and Statutes (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Legalism
- The Levirate Marriage
Arrangement (HTML)
- Logistical Grace
- Lucky
Guesses found in Genesis
and What is
Incontrovertible about the History
of the Bible
- Marriage
Alternatives in the Bible
- The
Melchizedek Special (HTML) (PDF)
- The
Complete Doctrine
of Mental
Attitude Sins
- Moab and Ammon
- The Doctrine of Morality
- Mythology and the Bible
- Old
Manuscripts (HTML)
- Old
Prophecies about Jesus Christ
- Old Testament Summary
Chart (HTML)
- Old Testament Summary
Chart without links for
printing (HTML)
- God's 4 Answers to Prayer
- The Priesthoods
in the Bible (HTML)
- The Prophet
Chart (HTML)
- The
Doctrine of Rape (HTML)
- Progressive Revelation
- The Doctrine of
Redemption (HTML)
- The Doctrine
Regeneration (HTML)
- A Retrospective of Genesis 14.
- Old Testament
- Operation Footstool (HTML)
- Doctrine of the Sabbath
- The Abbreviated Doctrine of
- Satan--A Compendium
(this is a compendium of doctrines
related to Satan)
- The Scientific
Achievements of Ancient
Hamitic Peoples (HTML)
- The Seed of the Woman
- Seeds of Genesis--the
Great Theological Truths begun in
the first 14 Chapters of
Genesis. (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Separation
- The Sin unto Death (HTML) (PDF)
- The Illustration of the
Slave Market of Sin (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Slavery
- The Soul and the Spirit
- The Spiritual Life in the
Church Age (HTML)
- The Doctrine
of Tithing and Modern
Applications of Tithing to
Taxation. (HTML)
- The Tree of
Life (HTML)
- The Trinity
in the Old Testament
- Typology (HTML)
- Typology: Abraham’s
Offering of Isaac/God’s Offering
of Jesus (HTML)
- Miscellaneous Types in
Genesis (HTML)
- The Doctrine
of the Will of God
I inserted the shorter doctrines (1-2
pages) into the document Exodus.
- The Doctrine of Adultery
- Atonement/Unlimited
Atonement (HTML)
- Doctrine of the Altar
- The Bible and Capital
Punishment (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Divine
Good is now posted, with work
from two pastor-teachers (James
Allen and LG Merritt) and the
related doctrine God Produces
Good from Man’s Free Will, Sin,
and Failures (a doctrine
original with me) (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Free Will
- The
Hardness of Pharoah's Heart
is one of the most difficult
doctrines for believers and
unbelievers to understand.
- A background of the word Hebrew
- The Doctrine of Hyssop
- Inspiration and
Canonicity (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Leaven
- The Doctrine
of Manna (HTML)
Manna is an extremely important
topic with respect to types and
antitypes, which are briefly covered
in this doctrine. Although
most of these doctrines were done a
long time ago, I just completed
"Manna" in 2007.
- The Messiah
- The Doctrine
of Moses (HTML) (PDF)
- The Passover
- The Pronunciation of
God's Old Testament Name
- The Doctrine of
Redemption (HTML)
Racial Intermarriage
- The Doctrine
of the Rock (HTML)
Jesus Christ is the Rock in both the
Old Testament and the New.
- The Seder
- The Doctrine of the
Slave Market of Sin (HTML)
- The Doctrine
of the Ten Commandments
- A Model
of the Tabernacle (HTML)
There are so any graphics that this
might be useless in the HTML
format. (PDF)
the PDF formal will not open on your
computer, then download this file
and open it up with Acrobat Reader.
- Animal Sacrifices
- Bird Chart
- Day of Atonement
Chart (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Devoting
to God (the Doctrine of
Cherem, Placing Under the
Ban) (HTML)
- Feastday Chart
- Levitical Offerings
- Nidah (this is a
Hebrew word) (HTML)
- The Sins of the Tongue
- The Doctrine of Vows
- Zimmah
(this is a Hebrew word)
- The Amalekites
- The Anakim
(part 1) (HTML)
- The Ministry
of God the Holy Spirit in the Old
- The Pronunciation
God's Name (HTML) (PDF)
- The Israeli
Stele (HTML)
- A Summary of the Offerings
Chart (very incomplete)
- Aram (Syria)
The Doctrine of Divination
- The Essence of God, as
per the Pentateuch. (HTML)
- The Girgashites
- The Palestinian
The Contract between God and
Israel (HTML)
- The Perizzites
- Polygamy
- The Religion
the Canaanites
- The Rules
for Exegesis and Interpretation
- Satan Did Not Know about
the Cross (HTML)
- Social and Legal
Concerns found in the Mosaic Law
- The meaning of Stretching
Forth with the Hand
- The Doctrine of Urim
and Thummim (HTML)
- The Zabians
- The 3
Kedesh's in Scripture
- The Amarna
Tablets (HTML)
- The Doctrine
Aphek (HTML)
- Devoting to God
(i.e., the complete destruction of a
city or a people) (HTML)
- The Extermination
the Canaanites
- The City of Gilgal
- The City of Hebron
(the first half of this
doctrine) (HTML)
- The Lost
Books of the Old Testament
(this is incomplete) (HTML)
- The City of Acco
- The Sons of
Ammon (HTML)
- Ashtoreth
- Baalim (HTML) (PDF)
- The Tribe
of Benjamin (HTML)
- Celibacy
- The Comparative
of the Judges (HTML)
- The Deity
of the Holy Spirit
- The Doctrine
Inspiration (from the Book
of the Judges) (HTML)
- The Kenites
- The City of Megiddo
- The Doctrine of Nazirites
- Parallels between Samson
and Jesus Christ
- The Philistines
(part I) (HTML)
- The Responsibilities
Requirements of the Judges
- The Sidonians
- Siyach (HTML) (PDF)
- The Technological
of the Hamitic Peoples
- Bethlehem,
The City of HTML
- Boaz
as the Kinsman Redeemer
- The Anakim Part 2
- Ancient
Jewish Cooking Vessels
(1Sam. 2) (HTML)
- Ancient
Texts of the Old Testament
(1Sam. 1) (HTML)
- Anointing:
Ceremonial (1Sam. 10)
- The Ark of the Covenant
PDF version may be too large to open
on your computer; you may need to
download it and open it up with
Acrobat Reader. (WPD)
This is a WordPerfect
document, which can be
downloaded. From 1Sam.
- Ashdod
(1Sam. 5) (HTML)
- Belial
(1Sam. 2) (HTML)
- Beth-Shan
(1Sam. 31) (?) (HTML)
- Beth-Shemesh
(1Sam. 6) (HTML)
- The Pagan God Dagon
- The doctrine the Deity
of Jesus Christ (HTML)
- The Destruction of Shiloh
- The Ephod of God
- The Philistine City Ekron
- 'eth
- Familial
and the Plan of God
- The Doctrine of Fasting
- The Cities of Gibeah,
Gibeon, and Geba
- The High
Places (HTML)
- The City of Hormah
- The Importance of Israel in the
Old Testament HTML
- The Doctrine of the
Jewish Messiah (HTML)
- The City of Kiriath-Jearim
- The Location of the Tomb of
Rachel HTML
- Masada
- The Doctrine of Matstsâbâh,
Matstsêbâh, Matstsebeth,
Mitstsâbâh, Matstsâb, Netsîyb, and
Nâtsab HTML
- Doctrines of the Military
in Israel's History (HTML)
- The Cities of Mizpah
- The Movement of the Ark and the
Tent of God HTML
- The Doctrine of Mug
- The Doctrine of Netsîyb
- The Three Socoh's
- Suicide
- Teraphim
- Textual
in the Old Testament
- Women
of the Old Testament
- The Baptism of Fire
- Black Liberation Theology
- The Essence of God
- The
of Flattery.
- The Doctrine
of Forgiveness
- The Doctrine of the
Interlocking Systems of Arrogance
Ishbosheth (incomplete)
- Joab
- The Doctrine of Light
- The City of Mahanaim
- The Doctrine of Mental
Attitude Sins
- The Law of Posterity,
which is closely related to the
Levirate Law (HTML)
- Why God Did Not Perfectly
and Supernaturally Preserve the
Bible's Original Text
- The Doctrine of
Revolution (HTML)
- The Doctrine of the Rock
in the New Testament (HTML) (PDF)
- The Doctrine of Sexual
Arrogance (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Thorns
- The Doctrine of War
- Various Doctrines
on War and the Military (HTML) (PDF)
- Christianity is Based
Upon Old Testament Yehowah
Worship (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
- The
Biblical View of Nationalism and
Patriotism (HTML)
- Jesus Christ, Our
Mediator (HTML)
The Doctrine of the Mediatorship
of Jesus Christ. 8 pages
- The Uniqueness of God
- The Doctrine
of the Arabah
- Arake
- The City of Ashtaroth
- The
of the Client Nation
- Confusing and/or
Objectionable Passages from the
Bible HTML
- Kings, Prophets and
Priests (HTML)
- The City of Lebo-Hamath
- The Doctrine of Shamat
- Christ Jesus in the Old and
New Testaments (this is an
btw) HTML
- The Doctrine of Evil
- Fear of the Lord (in the
Old Testament) (HTML)
- The Doctrine of
Sheol/Hades (HTML)
- Stages of Spiritual
Growth (HTML)
- Wealthy Men in the Bible
- Aaron HTML PDF
- Abortion--Logic and the
Bible (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Bones
- The Doctrine of Clapping
Hands (Psalm 47)
- David on the 2 Advents of
Jesus Christ HTML
- The Doctrine
Available to King David
- The Dual Authorship of
the Scriptures
- The Edification
of the Soul (HTML)
- The Fatherhood
- Gamal (a Hebrew
word) HTML
- Gidoth (a Hebrew
word) HTML
God and the Poor; Is God
Really a Liberal?
God Still Speaks to the Jews from
the Old Testament
- The House
of Elohim HTML
- The Doctrine of Imprecatory
Psalms (HTML)
- The Doctrine
of Imputations
- The Old
Doctrine of Inheritance (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
- The Doctrine
Intercalation (Psalm 146)
- Melchizedek
- The Messianic
Psalms HTML
Old Testament Names for God.
Much of this was taken from the
internet. There are about 2
dozen names used for God in the Old
Testament, as well as a number of
titles and descriptive names.
I have all of them listed here, with
their meanings. What you will
not find elsewhere is how these
names of God relate directly to His
character and essence, how they
reveal His salvation, and how the
reveal His interaction with man.
- The Olive
Tree in
Scripture HTML
- Personal Injustices
- The Poor and the Needy
These two words occur so many times
together in Scripture, that I felt I
needed to address that fact.
This is not the Doctrine
of the Poor. HTML
- Reincarnation
(short) HTML
- The Doctrine of the Rock in the
Old Testament. HTML
- Serious Old Testament
Textual Problems
There are certainly more in the OT
than I have come across; however
these are the only serious ones I
have found after 12 years of study
in the OT. HTML
- The Similarities
Catholics and Pentecostals
- The Sins of
the Tongue (short) HTML
- Siyach (a Hebrew
word) HTML
- The Doctrine
of Tôwtsâʾôwth (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
- The Doctrine of Vanity
- The Way of
God (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Wings
- Crime and Punishment in
the Bible (HTML)
- The Doctrine of
Criminality (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Crowns
- The Doctrine of Darkness
- The Fatherhood of God
(Old Testament) (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Envy (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Giving
- The Doctrine of Lust
- The Doctrine of Murder
- The Doctrine of Scoffing
(or, Scorn) (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Sin
- The Doctrine of
Socialism (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Walking
(and Running) (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Work
Song of Solomon
Luke, The
Gospel of
- The 4 Biographies
of Jesus (HTML)
- Why God Chose Abraham
- Annas and Caiaphas (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
- Canonicity and Ancient
Manuscripts (HTML)
- Apostleship (HTML)
- The Authorship of
Genesis (HTML)
- The Doctrine of the
Grace Apparatus for Perception
- Herod and His Line (HTML) (PDF)
- Human Good and Morality
- The Doctrine of the
Hypostatic Union (HTML)
- Israel and the Church
- The Doctrine of Kenosis
- The Promised Messiah
- Pivot (HTML)
- Signs,
Miracles and Healings (HTML)
- The
Glory of the Lord (HTML)
Glory of the Lord (HTML) (PDF)
- Love
- The Uses of the Word
"Peace" in the Bible (HTML)
- Socialism/Communism
(a doctrine) (HTML)
- The Doctrine of the Virgin
Birth (HTML)
- The Doctrine of Evil
- The Differences Between
the Rapture and the Second Advent
Placed Yet
- The Angelic
Conflict (HTML)
- The Christian Basics
- Dishonest Anti-Bible
Graphics (HTML)
- The Divine Institutions
- Fundamentals of the
Faith (HTML)
The Gospel of St. Thomas
Herod's Line (HTML)
- How to be Filled with the
Holy Spirit (also known as
Doctrine of Rebound)
- The New
Testament Doctrine of
Inheritance (or Heirship)
- Jehovah's Witnesses and the
Deity of Jesus Christ
- Jesus is not a Liberal
- Liberalism, Conservatism
and Christianity
- Liberation Theology/Black
Liberation Theology (HTML)
- The Laws of Divine
Living the Christian Life
- New Testament Summary
Chart (HTML)
- New Testament Summary
Chart without links for
printing (HTML)
- Doctrine of the Pivot
- Predestination
- Private Property, Wealth
and the Bible
Rebound HTML
you filled with the Holy
Spirit? What does that even
- The Signs
of Moses in Egypt Parallel the
Signs of Jesus in Israel
(in the book of John).
- Was Jesus a Liberal?
A Brief
Summary of Posted Doctrines
- 4 Biographies of Jesus
There were 4 separate biographers of
Jesus, and each man had his own set
of reasons for writing his biography
and specific things that he
- The Doctrine of Aaron,
father of the Levitical Priesthood.
12 pages. (HMTL)
Uploaded 3/28/2019
- Abortion--Logic
and the Bible posted
August 11, 2011 (HTML)
What I rarely find is a combination
of logic and the Bible used to make
sense of the abortion issue.
By far, the majority of Christians
groups are against abortion,
although some of their uses of
Scripture are suspect. On the
other side of the issue is R. B.
Thieme, Jr., who teaches that
abortion is an issue for the woman
and her doctor. Siding with
him is almost the entirety of the
liberal political movement, even
those who claim not to believe in
God. However, as you will see,
one can make an argument in favor of
abortion on religious or
philosophical grounds, but not upon
biological grounds. So the
left, which often rejects religion
in favor of science, must abandon
science entirely to take the
position which they have
taken. In any case, I hope to
approach this subject using Bible
doctrine, logic and a little
- Closely related to the Authorship
of Genesis is Why God
Chose Abraham (HTML)
There are many things which all came
together all at once, which produced
the spiritual journey of
Abraham. During his lifetime,
virtually every ancient saint of
note died (essentially, the entire
line of Shem, including Shem).
There was a need to put the
Scriptures into the hands of one man
(and, eventually, into the hands of
a single nation). And, quite
obviously, Abraham, from his
volition, had to go along with the
plan of God, which took all of these
things into account. Uploaded
- Abraham's
Spiritual life in 2000 B.C. (HTML)
Uploaded 1/4/2012. God
mandates that Abraham (Abram until
Gen. 17:5) walk before Him and to be
complete (or, spiritually
mature). Therefore, in
Abraham’s time, there must be the
modus operandi of the spiritual life
laid out so that Abraham could obey
this command. Determining what
the spiritual life is for Abraham is
the focus of this study.
Furthermore, understanding Abraham’s
spiritual life helps us to better
understand and appreciate our own
spiritual lives.
- Doctrine of the Altar (HTML)
(posted 5/25/2014) The various
altars in the Old Testament are
examined, as well as the meaning and
the purpose of the altar.
- The American Heritage Special
Uploaded 7/9/2013. This study
was taken out of the Genesis 13
exegesis. I have learned,
along with many other people in high
school and college that our founding
fathers were deists and that they
believed in a strict separation of
church and state. However,
that is not really true.
Included are quotations from the
founding fathers, from founding
documents, and from early school
documents, so that it becomes clear
that the belief in Christian
doctrine and in the Bible was very
much a part of the founding of
client nation United
- The
Abbreviated Doctrine of Angels
(Angelology) uploaded
5/9/2012 (HTML)
77% of adult Americans
believe in angels, according to
a December 2011
Associated Press-GfK poll. I must admit this
surprised me; but it is also
good to know, in general, that
77% of adult Americans believe
in the resurrection of Jesus
Christ from the dead, according
to a 2012 Rasmussen poll. This is a short
(1.5 page) doctrine about angels
and our relationship to
angels. There are links to
more complete treatises of this
- The Abrahamic Covenant (HTML)
Uploaded July 10, 2015 (actually,
this was uploaded a year ago, but I
never provided any links to
it). This is essentially taken
from the Basic Exegesis Series,
starting with Gen.12 15
17. The first instance of the
Abrahamic Covenant is given,
followed by ancient and modern
examples of "I will bless those who
bless you, and curse those who curse
you." Also included is an
examination of the Suzerain-Vassal
treaty, Circumcision means
Regeneration (circumcision was often
required to show one's faith in a
promise or covenant from God), and a
list of God's covenants with
Abraham. Included is a graphic
borrowed from Slide Share which
gives an overall view of the
covenants of the Old
Testament. 52 pages.
- In the book of Luke there are two
High Priests functioning at the same
time: Annas and Caiaphas. This
doctrine may give you some insight
as to what is going on. Annas
and Caiaphas (HTML)
Uploaded 1/3/2021
- Antisemitism
posted 3/30/2011 (HTML)
ought to strike you as strange that,
although the little nation Israel
takes up about 0.2% of the Middle
East and nearly none of its natural
resources (only recently was natural
gas discovered in Israel), this
seems to be the focal point of so
much hatred of so many Arabs and
Muslims. Various Middle East
leaders have called for the
destruction of Israel. Some
simultaneously deny the holocaust
and celebrate it as some sort of
righteous discipline from God.
Even in the United States, there are
several pockets of people who are
quite upset about the Jews.
This short doctrine will help to
explain why.
- The following doctrines were
either added or updated today: Apostleship
Human Good and Morality (HTML)
Kenosis (HTML)
, Love (HTML)
and the Pivot (HTML)
. The WordPerfect documents
did not update, however, due to some
changes made to the website
hosting. Files uploaded
- The Baptism of Fire (HTML)
posted May 2, 2014. I was
surprised to see that there were few
doctrinal sources for this doctrine,
which describes the judgment of
unbelievers before the beginning of
the Millennium. This phrase
only occurs twice in Scripture, but
in both cases, the context helps
guide us to the truth. The
concept is found in many places in
- Basic Propositions for the
Unbeliever, the Agnostic and the
New Believer (HTML)
Uploaded 1/9/2013. Taken from
the introduction to the Basic
Exegesis series, this is a
list of propositions which every
open-minded person ought to
- Benjamin as a Type of
Christ. Benjamin in his
birth was given two names, one by
his mother who died; and one by his
father who lived. These names
and his birth look forward to the
Person of Christ and His two
natures. (HTML)
Posted 2/11/2016.
- Bible, Basic Themes; aka
The Fundamental Themes of
Scripture (HTML)
There are certain themes which we
find in the Bible, repeated in
nearly every book. This names
those fundamental themes and shows
various places where they are found
in the Bible. This has already
been posted; there were some slight
reworkings of this doctrine.
- Alleged Bible Contradictions
Uploaded 12/10/14. There are
many websites fully or partially
devoted to pointing out alleged
contradictions in the Bible: The
Secular Web, Evil Bible, The
Thinking Atheist, and Freedom From
Religion, to name a few.
Hundreds of books can be pulled up
using Bible contradictions on Here, I have
simply taken the first 10 or 20
contradictions listed by Evil Bible
in each category, and explained
them. In most cases, the
explanations were surprisingly
simple. Only 2 or 3 cases
required some research.
Includes "The Uniqueness of the
Bible." 35 pages.
- The
Importance of Bible Doctrine
posted May 13, 2011 (HTML)
Lord Jesus Christ, in His humanity,
grew in grace and wisdom (which is
the knowledge and application of
Bible doctrine). On many
occasions, He told His listeners
that they erred because they did not
know the Scriptures. Bible
doctrine is the very spiritual food
that we require in order to grow
spiritually. Apart from the
knowledge of the Word of God, you do
not grow in the spiritual life, no
matter how many good works you
do. Knowing the Word of God is
the key to knowing the will of
God. This was taken from the
basic exegesis series (which is a
series of short lessons, which began
with the book of Genesis). See
also Genesis Lessons 1-100
and Genesis Lessons 101-130
came from lesson #125 and is
slightly updated.
- The
Importance of Bible Doctrine
posted 3/30/2011 (HTML)
is nothing more important to the
individual believer than the Word of
God. The most valuable coin of
the realm in the spiritual life is
Bible doctrine. This is a
relatively short doctrine which
gives you the Biblical perspective
on this matter.
- Why
God Did Not Perfectly and
Supernaturally Preserve the Bible
posted 11/28/2011. God is
capable of preserving every single
letter in the Bible, supernaturally,
if you will, throughout all of human
history. However, in nearly
every chapter, there are minor
errors; a difference of spelling;
transposed letters, which change the
meaning of a verb; text which has
been dropped out. Why did God
allow this with His Word? This
is taken from the 2Samuel
13 (HTML)
exegesis, where there are several
problems with the Masoretic
text. 2Samuel 13 is a work in
progress. File under Bible,
Preservation of...
- Bible, The Purpose of; (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
uploaded 2/8/2013. When one
begins to study the genealogies of
the Bible, found in Gen. 5, 10, and
elsewhere, one is often tempted to
ask, "Why is this in the
Bible?" As long as you
understand the purpose of the Bible,
the reason for this or that passage
often becomes more clear.
- Ancient
Translations of the Bible
uploaded 5/2/2012 (HTML)
This is a very short summary of the
Targums, the Greek Septuagint, the
Latin Vulgate, and the Syriac
Peshitta. This study was taken
out of the Genesis series lesson
- Blessing
by Association posted
2/9/2011 (HTML)
a believer begins to mature
spiritually, God begins to pour out
more blessings upon that believer
(called "more grace" or "greater
grace"). These blessings
overflow to those who are around
you. This doctrine explains
and documents the concept of
blessing by association.
- The Bible and Capital
Punishment (HTML)
uploaded 3/7/2015. The Bible is very
clear on its teaching on capital
- Canonicity and Ancient
Manuscripts (HTML)
This is a study of who picked which
books went into our canon and when
did they do it. What sort of
evidence do we have for this?
Also, what about those ancient
manuscripts? How many do we
have and how good are they?
- Chiasmos
Example: Genesis 17
uploaded 5/9/2012 (HTML)
There are keys which unlock many
books and chapters and passages of
the Bible. A chiasmos is one
of those keys, and it organizes and
often explains what a passage of
Scripture is all about.
A chiasmos organizes a passage, so
that there is a parallel with the
beginning of the chiasmos with the
end of it; the second portion of the
passage finds its match in the
second to the last portion of the
passage; etc.
Chi [pronounced khee] is a letter of
Greek alphabet from which this
organization gets its name.
The idea is, the passage can be
lined up against the left side of
this Greek letter: Χ. I
realize that you think that is an
“X’, but is it actually a chi.
- Christianity is Based Upon Old
Testament Yehowah
There is
the confused notion by some that
the Old Testament teaches
Judaism and that the New
Testament teaches Christianity.
This is untrue. Orthodox
Christianity is firmly based
upon the Old Testament and Old
Testament Yehowah
Worship. This doctrine
compares the fundamental
doctrines of Christianity to
their origins found in the Old
(HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Posted 5/8/2017
- The Basic Mechanics of the
Christian Life (or, "Christianity
for Dummies" (HTML)
Posted 11/24/2012 What exactly
is the Christian life? Is it
going to church? Is it doing
good works? Is it developing
and regularly using a holy
language? Do you stop hanging
out with your old friends?
What exactly is Christianity, what
is the Christian life and exactly
what do you do as a Christian?
- The Doctrine of Circumcision
Uploaded 12/3/2013. This is a
doctrine which has been expanded
upon considerably since it was first
written in 1995. Pretty much
everything that you need to know
about circumcision is found here,
including its meaning and purpose
(circumcision originally illustrated
regeneration; taking that which was
dead and making it alive again).
Additional material was added to
this doctrine in 2020.
- Circumcision
Means Regeneration
posted 02/08/2012 (HTML)
There are several places on the
internet where amateurs and
professionals alike make a
connection between circumcision and
regeneration; however, I did not
find any website where this is laid
out as a doctrine. This is
integral to the study of Gen. 17 and
to understanding Paul’s
dissertations on circumcision some
2000 years later. Therefore,
the doctrines found here should
explain what circumcision is all
about. This doctrine includes
two related doctrines: What is
this New Heart? and The
Familial Relationship between God
and Abraham’s Seed.
In several places in the Bible, God
is said to give us a new heart or He
is said to put a new spirit within
us. What is this New Heart?
explains exactly what that means.
- The Coniah Curse and the Sin
Nature (HTML)
posted April 23, 2014. It
appears that Coniah (also known as
Jeconiah), a descendant of King
David, is supposed to be cut out of
the line of Christ in Jer.
22:24–30. However, we find his
name in Matt. 1:11, which is a part
of the genealogy of Jesus
Christ. So what gives?
This is a fascinating doctrine,
which has parallels to the sin
nature; that is, Coniah himself
illustrates the sin nature, and the
necessity of the virgin birth.
A great many weird accusations have
been made about the Bible, including
the idea that so many men got in a
room, chose which books to insert,
and edited the books so that the
Bible would teach doctrines that
this elite group favored. This
is historically inaccurate,
impossible at any point in time, and
doctrines like the Coniah Curse show
us just how complex and intricate
the Bible actually is.
This doctrine of the Coniah curse is
based upon the writings of three
different men, the first of whom is
separated from the second two men by
a period of over 600 years. We
know this to be true, as there was
already a Greek translation of the
Old Testament in use when Matthew
and Luke came on the scene.
The concept of the virgin birth can
really be traced back all the way to
the 3rd chapter of Genesis, as well
as to the writings of Isaiah.
The concept of the sin nature is
found throughout Scripture.
- Crime and Punishment in the
Bible (HTML)
uploaded 3/7/2015.
Interestingly enough, even though
the Bible spends a great deal of
time discussing sin; there is much
less time devoted to crime.
This is because sin stands between
us and God; and crime is only a
societal matter. This is taken
out of Proverbs 4.
- Dishonest Anti-Bible Graphics
Uploaded 3/23/2015. There are
a great many dishonest graphics
posted on the internet. The
internet and email has allowed for
those who are against the Bible to
devise cleaver anti-Bible graphics,
and then to post them on facebook
(or, wherever) and then allow these
graphics to proliferate.

These graphics have become the
bumper stickers of the 21st
century. They are brief enough
for those with a short attention
span, yet long enough to make their
It is certainly reasonable to ask,
why call these graphics
dishonest? After all, not
everyone knows the Bible very
well. So, maybe they are just
mistaken or ill-informed. Here
is why they are dishonest: if you
tell the person who has posted an
anti-Bible graphic where they are
wrong, and correctly explain the
passage, they are not going to
remove the graphic. They are
not going to say, okay, I get it
now; I have a better understanding
now; and then delete the graphic
from their personal web page or
facebook page. They will leave
it up. They leave it up
because they are against the
Bible. So, it does not matter
how well their mistaken notion is
correctly explained to them; they
are still going to leave the graphic
up—which makes it, at that point, a
dishonest graphic. Their
purpose is to promote their
discomfort with the Bible as the
Word of God; and they hope that you
adopt their position as well.
They are not worried about getting
this or that point of doctrine
Many of these graphics are posted by
groups who go by names like the
Christian Left. These are a
mixture of people who have strong,
leftist convictions. They are
liberals or socialists first; and
then, whatever else, second.
Some of them have believed in Jesus
Christ; some have not.
However, when a graphic that they
come across and post turns out to
contradict the Bible; rarely do they
remove it. Rarely do they
write a retraction. Rarely do
they post next to this graphic, “I
am mistaken. This graphic
which I posted presents the Bible
- The Doctrine of
Criminality (HTML)
. A lure of young people is the
criminal lifestyle, and this lure is
examined in Prov. 1. Much of
the material for this doctrine
originally came from R. B. Thieme,
Jr.; but it has been edited and
- The Doctrine of Crowns
uploaded 3/8/2015. Taken
directly from the exegesis of
Proverbs4; Most of the
work was done by others (primarily
by R. B. Thieme, Jr., I
believe). A small amount of
texture and additional material has
been added.
- The Doctrine of Devoting to
God (the Doctrine of
Cherem, Placing Under the
Ban) (HTML)
Posted 12/28/2013. This is a
very difficult doctrine to deal
with, because it involves the
wholesale slaughter of entire groups
of people. Examples from the
Bible are examined and the rationale
for this considered as well.
- Three
The Age of Israel, the Age of the
Hypostatic Union and the Church
Age posted 3/30/2011
3 dispensations about which most
people are confused are the Age of
Israel, the Age of the Hypostatic
Union and the Church Age.
Herein is a basic overview with
distinguishing characteristics and a
summarization table.
- Dispensationalism versus
Covenant Theology (HTML)
Uploaded 1/5/2013. This is the
framework of God's plan in human
history within which all Christian
theology is based You
may or may not have heard these
terms in your church, but your
church doctrine is based upon one or
the other. Dispensationalism
holds to the idea that God has a
different plan for each epoch in
time (although many things remain
constant from epoch to epoch).
Covenant Theology holds that man's
relationship is governed by two
covenants implied but not actually
stated in Scripture. The
Christian church is a party to the
same covenant that Israel was a
party to. However, covenant
theology holds that Israel failed,
and therefore the church has taken
over, not as a new entity, but as
Israel 2.0. Covenant theology
assigns little meaning to the nation
Israel or to the existence of Jews
today. This study was culled
from the Genesis 9 study and it
emphasizes an examination of
covenant theology.
- The Doctrine of Divine Good
is now posted, with work from two
pastor-teachers (James Allen and LG
Merritt) and the related doctrine God
Produces Good from Man’s Free
Will, Sin, and Failures
(a doctrine original with me) (HTML)
- Doctrinal Terms and Concepts
Posted 12/28/2013. Many of
these terms come from R. B. Thieme,
Jr.. Some are common (and
sometimes uncommon) theological
definitions. Some of the words
and concepts are original. I
initially expected to have 3–5 pages
of terms. At this point,
however, there are 22 pages.
This is, in itself, a theological
education. If you know and
understand these terms, it is likely
that you are a growing believer or
you have a high level of spiritual
maturity. If you have been a
Christian longer than 5 years, then
you ought to know nearly all of
these terms (or at least their
- The Doctrine Available to King
David posted September 5,
2011 (HTML)
This doctrine is taken directly out
of the exegesis Psalm
51 (which is not yet
posted). When I first began
studying under R. B. Thieme, Jr., I
admit I was skeptical of his
emphasis upon the Word of God and
Bible teaching. Since I had
been in a half dozen churches, all
which had a different emphases, I
wondered if this approach was just
another gimmick. Obviously, I
have had a change of heart since
those days. The Bible
methodically records a number of
sources of doctrine which were
available to King David; and, in
many cases, these were sources
available to the general population
of Israel. This doctrine will
help you recognize that knowledge of
doctrine is fundamental to the plan
of God.
- The Dual Authorship of
Scripture (HTML)
Uploaded 9/29/12. Because
there are two authors of Scripture,
many passages--particularly in the
Old Testament--have dual
meanings. That is, the human
author had one thing in mind, but
God the Holy Spirit had something
else in mind. The example of
Psalm 41:9 was added, where King
David probably wrote this verse
thinking of Ahithophel, who fell
into the revolution of
Absalom. However, Jesus quotes
this verse and tells us that it was
fulfilled by Judas.
- The Edification Complex of the
Soul (HTML)
(PDF) (WPD).
8/9/2013. This is an updating
of a doctrine originally developed
by R. B. Thieme, Jr. The idea
is that we, as believers, grow (or
retrogress) as believers.
There are mechanics involved in the
growth process and there are
specific levels that some believers
reach. This particular
doctrine explains the mechanics and
shows what the stages of growth
are. There is the original ECS
(which Thieme revised on several
occasions) along with the version I
developed where the ECS faces both
man and God, which involves
different sorts of growth, but
spiritual growth which is
parallel. Also included as an
8-story ECS which Glenn from Wisdom
and Knowledge developed.
Included in this doctrine is also
somewhat of an homage to R. B.
Thieme, Jr. and the essentially ways
in which he has impacted orthodox
- The Doctrine of Envy (HTML)
uploaded 1/30/2015. One of the
mental attitude sins often ignored
in Christian teaching is envy.
This is a sin which is actually
encouraged today by those who would
move us toward socialism. We
are to look to the rich and feel
envious, desire their things, and
therefore, promote socialism so that
we might take these things from
them. Such envy is sinful, and
there is no good end for those who
allow their envy to rule over them
- Eschatological Vocabulary (HTML)
Uploaded 10/8/2012.
Eschatology is the study of future
things. However, in order to
study this doctrine, you need some
vocabulary. This is a short
doctrine which gives you the
necessary vocabulary and a brief
outline of history from God's view
(including future events).
- Basic Eschatology (the
Study of Future Things); aka Eschatology
for Dummies. (HTML)
Uploaded November 14, 2012.
Eschatology is the study of future
things, as they are laid out in the
Bible, and this is a list of the
vocabulary words used in the Bible
and in theology which are related to
eschatology. There is a short
rundown, afterwards, of the order of
these events, as well as links to
more thorough studies of the topics
- The
of Faith Rest posted
11/10/2010 (HTML)
and expanded; taken from the study
of Genesis.
- The
of God (October 22,
2008) ( HTML)
In this doctrine, we examine is some
depth the concept of God the Father
and God the Son as an eternal
relationship; as one which is set in
the divine decree, as opposed to
simply beginning in time at the
incarnation of Jesus Christ.
- The
Fatherhood of God (Old Testament)
Uploaded 2/5/15. There has
always been a Trinity, and even
though Jewish theologians never
recognized it, the Trinity is taught
in the Old Testament. Along
these same lines, God is presented
as the Father--not of all
mankind--but as a Father of specific
persons and groups in the Old
Testament. This short doctrine
simply documents this truth.
The Trinity in the Old Testament
was uploaded some time ago.
The doctrine of the Fatherhood
of God (from both testaments)
has already been covered and posted:
- Fear of the Lord (in the Old
Testament) (HTML)
Uploaded 6/3/2013. The phrase
"Fear of the Lord" is found
throughout the Old Testament, and a
few times in the New. It is
important for believers to have an
understanding of what this phrase
- Figures
of Speech in the Bible
posted 3/30/2011 (HTML)
fundamentalist Christians take the
Bible literally. After all, it
is a literal history of God's people
and an exact description of our
spiritual lives as believers in
Jesus Christ. However, that
does not mean that each and every
word, and that each and every phrase
must be taken literally. The
Bible was written by men as carried
along by the Holy Spirit, which did
not change their personalities or
style of writing. Writers use
all kinds of figures of speech,
idioms and hidden grammatical
structure. This doctrine gives
clear examples of such things in
such a way that, you will understand
how we can both take the Bible
literally, and yet, be open to the
use of figurative language.
- How
to be Filled with the Holy Spirit
(also known as the
Doctrine of Rebound)
posted May 13, 2011 (HTML) (PDF).
Slightly revised.
- Five Stages of National
Discipline (aka the 5
Cycles of Discipline).
These are the stages of discipline
that a client nation to God goes
through as it moves further and
further away from God. 17
pages. (HMTL)
- The Doctrine of Flattery.
uploaded 7/6/2012 (HTML)
I must admit, this is a sin I barely
knew existed. (The link to
2Samuel 14 is not functional yet; I
am in the midst of working through
that chapter).
- The Doctrine of Forgiveness
uploaded 7/14/2012 (HTML)
Although forgiveness is fundamental
to our salvation, finding a
doctrinal approach is
difficult. Even the original
source that I used contained
legalistic problems, which were
revised or removed. This
doctrine includes a definition, some
preliminary considerations, a
vocabulary list, God's forgiveness
of mankind, our forgiveness at
salvation, and temporal forgiveness
(remaining in fellowship). The
unpardonable sin is also discussed
in this doctrine. Forgiving
others and the need for believers to
forgiven one another are topics
which are covered extensively.
- The Fundamental Themes of
Scripture (HTML)
uploaded 12/19/2012. These are
the basic themes of the Bible which
are found in Genesis, in the
history, in the prophets and in the
New Testament. The fundamental
nature of man; man's relationship to
God; man's bankruptcy before God;
our need for a Savior; and God's
provision of a Savior. These
are themes found throughout the
Scriptures. Filed under Bible,
Basic Themes.
- The Doctrine of Genealogies
Uploaded 2/8/2013. Quite
frankly, I never expected, say, 10
years ago, to deal with a topic like
this. Genealogies in the Bible
just seemed to be one name after
another, with almost no
purpose. That is not the
case. There is a reason for
everything found in the Bible,
including the genealogies.
This is an original doctrine with
previously published charts and
doctrines included. You may
find yourself surprised that this is
actually an interesting topic.
Personally, I was quite jazzed to do
two chapters of Genesis which were
primarily genealogies. See
what you think. :)
- A Retrospective of Genesis 14
posted September 21, 2011. (HTML)
Gen. 14 is one of the most amazing
chapters of the Bible, which is so
filled with information that I spent
17 lessons on this chapter in the Basic
Exegesis Series (HTML)
Prior to this study, I had no idea
how much information was in this
chapter. In fact, prior to
this study, I actually wondered why
God the Holy Spirit included it in
the Word of God. This is
possibly mankind's first world war;
it speaks of the 4th and 5th stages
of national discipline, imperialism,
the importance of Bible doctrine in
the soul of one man, and
Melchizedek, one of the most
important figures of the Old
Testament; as well as the concept of
strategy and tactics in war (which
is found much more often in the
Bible than you might think).
There is also blessing by
association, cursing by association,
the concept of the priesthood and
typology, all buried in a chapter
that most people read in 5 minutes.
- Genesis
15:6 in the New Testament
posted September 21, 2011. (HTML) (PDF).
In many ways, this verse is the
foundation of our faith; that we are
saved through faith in Jesus
Christ. This study examines
the way this verse is quoted in the
New Testament and the different
points which are made. It is a
good illustration to see the variety
of ways that New Testament authors
used the Old Testament in their
- The Authorship of Genesis
It is almost accepted as Christian
dogma that Moses wrote the book of
Genesis. However, there is
absolutely no support for this
theory in Scripture. Moses is
said to be the author of Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
(and one of the Psalms); but no one
in the New Testament ever writes (or
says), "Now hear this quotation from
Moses" and then quotes from
Genesis. There is a very
logical, organic, and Holy
Spirit-guided explanation as to how
we got the book of Genesis (and what
I mean here is, the process of
writing the book of Genesis was
guided by God the Holy
Spirit). Uploaded 3/6/2021
- Lucky
Guesses found in Genesis
and What is Incontrovertible
about the History of the Bible
added 10/13/2011 (HTML)
There are a number of amazing things
found in the first 15 chapters of
Genesis; things which are difficult
to explain, apart from Genesis being
a part of the written Word of
God. There are matters of
science, history and theology which
Genesis speaks of, in some cases,
1000's of years before these things
should have been known. For
instance; God spends an entire day
making the atmosphere for the
earth. This is indeed
extremely important to our
well-being; but how come ancient man
recognized this? How did some
old Bible guy come to the idea that,
all around him is an atmosphere, and
that God needed to create
it? This is one of 20
lucky guesses found in the first 15
chapters of Genesis. As a
companion piece, I have a number of
points on what is incontrovertible
about the history of the
Bible. I have heard a lot of
goofy things in my life, such as,
this or that group made wholesale
changes to the Bible. This
list ought to help dispel such
myths. File this study under
apologetics; so that you can give a
reason for the faith which is within
you. File under Genesis, Lucky
- The Seeds of Genesis--the
Great Theological Truths begun in
the first 14 Chapters of
Genesis. posted August 3,
2011. (HTML)
is one of the most amazing
books in the Bible. It
contains the seeds for many
doctrines which are revealed in
greater detail throughout the rest
of the Bible. This doctrine
lists about a dozen major doctrines,
all of which come into view, in seed
form, in the first 14 chapters of
- The Doctrine of The
Geographical Will of God
Uploaded 11/28/2011 God no
longer speaks to us by dreams, or
Urim and Thummim, or in Person; so
how are we to determine which way we
should go; which city we should live
in, which job we should take?
This is covered in this doctrine;
and this doctrine was taken from the
Basic Exegesis of the Bible, Lesson
- God and the Poor; Is God Really
a Liberal? (HTML)
Sometime ago, I came upon a webpage
alleging that God is a liberal, and
that there are 300 passages about
the poor and the needy in the
Bible. When you hear these
things, you are being set up to be
in favor of the government taking
money from the wealthy and
redistributing it. Such people
favor a socialistic government (or a
more socialistic government) where
the government has the final say as
to who is allowed to have what
amount of wealth. This is
wrong and evil and
anti-Biblical. It is also very
deceptive, as most websites with
this message rarely clearly tout
government control or higher taxes
on the wealthy members of society;
nor do they talk about
redistribution of wealth or
socialism. That is the
undercurrent; they first attempt to
convince you that wealth is wrong or
bad or sinful, and that society
should have a hand in dealing with
that. This treatise looks at
the distortion performed on the
Bible by such liberal hacks (who, in
many cases, will not talk about the
gospel of Jesus Christ anywhere on
their website--but they seem very
invested in getting you to think a
certain way about the poor).
Included in this article are ways
that liberals and progressives
attempt to manipulate you;
Thomas Sowell's article "Useful
Idiots;" and the passage
about the poor that liberals
generally do not cite.
All of the passages cited and
distorted by liberals will be
covered in this treatise. Also
included are two Word Clouds which
help to show how devious liberals
tend to be (which should not
surprise us, as they themselves have
been deceived by the great deceiver
- God
and the Poor; Is God Really a
12/7/2010 (HTML)
week or so ago, I was listening to
Michael Medved, and a caller started
ranting about the 300 verses in the
Bible about how bad the rich
are. It was quite obvious that
this person did not have any idea
what he was talking about, but that
his information came from a website
posting. That certainly
interested me, as this person was
indicating that the United States
did not do enough for the poor, that
the rich had too much money, and
that a little social justice needed
to be applied. After a quick
search on the internet, I found the
posting about 300 verses about the
poor (the rich are mentioned in this
essay). The essay was written
by 3 people back in 1989, and posted
on a website where one of the
authors writes some far
left-of-center political diatribes,
and also shares with us his favorite
games, literature, comics and his
trip to Brazil. Although his
article castigates Christians for
not being charitable enough, a
precursory glace through his website
and writings indicates that he
personally has very little interest
in the Bible or, for that matter, in
the poor; except to use these issues
to manipulate others to agree with
his progressive causes (the welfare
state, bigger government, more
taxes, and probably a European-style
socialism or more). I go
through this paper line-by-line,
along with the 150 or so verses
which he quotes (many of them wildly
out of context), and explain Who God
really is and what His relationship
to the poor really is.
- The Grace Apparatus for
Perception (HTML)
Uploaded 8/20/2013. Believers
grow spiritually by the intake of
Bible doctrine. Grow by means of
grace and by means of knowledge of
the Lord Jesus Christ is a
mandate from God, given in the
imperative mood in 2Peter
3:18. This happens a bit at a
time. There are no other
methods by which Christians
grow. We do not grow by
attending a church that has all of
the programs we like (lots of
singing, a nursery, a young people’s
group, etc.). We grow in a
church that may be tiny, medium or
large, but from which pulpit the
Word of God is taught regularly—not
in 15 minute chunks thrice a week,
but an hour 4x a week or more.
We may sing hymns, but they should
enforce what we know or help to
teach us doctrine. There are a
lot of things that we might do at
church, but the primary focus of a
church is to see that its members
Grow by means of grace and by means
of knowledge of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Grace is the system by
which God made it possible for all
believers to grow (R. B. Thieme, Jr.
coined the phrase, the grace
apparatus for perception, or GAP).
- The Doctrine of Grace Before
Judgment (HTML)
Uploaded 9/26/2012. Before God
judges an individual or a corporate
group (like a city, a nation, a
church or whatever), God gives that
individual or corporate group fair
warning. Several examples are
- The Doctrine of Hatred
uploaded 8/25/2014.
Surprisingly enough, this doctrine
is missing from most doctrinal
websites. There are several
things which need to be sorted
out. God said, "Jacob I have
loved and Esau I have hated."
But, hatred is called a sin in both
the Old and New Testament. You
may not realize it, but the OT
distinguishes between involuntary
homicide and 1st degree murder; and
the key is whether the person who
killed had the mental attitude sin
hate toward the victim.
Finally, Jesus told His disciples to
"Love your enemies." Does this
mean that we should be sending aid
and comfort to ISIS? All of
these topics are covered and
- The document which examines the
various translations of the Bible
has become rather unwieldy and
disorganized, so it is being broken
down into it component parts.
First, there is a short list of Greek
and Hebrew References, along
with their pluses and minuses (HTML)
Also, there is a Summative Table
which examines some general
characteristics of the translations
of the Bible which are available.
- The Doctrine of Heathenism
(what about the people who have
never heard?) (HTML)
uploaded 8/13/2012 The
word heathen is used
theologically to refer to those who
have not believed in Jesus
Christ. They may or may not
have heard the gospel; they may or
may not be open to hearing the
gospel. They may or may not
belong to a civilized or relatively
modern society.
- The
Name Hebrew (its origin and
meaning) (HTML)
(I have done this doctrine twice
and put the two doctrines
- There
are a number of Herods in
Scripture. This doctrine will
help you sort them out. Herod and His Line
- The Levirate Marriage
Arrangement (HTML)
uploaded 6/6/2016. This is a
fairly obscure marriage arrangement
found in the Bible, which has gained
some notoriety in, of all places,
the gay marriage movement. Gay
marriage advocates made the
argument, there are a bunch of weird
marriage arrangements found in the
Bible. Since they are in the
Bible, that means that Christians
and Jews believe that such marriages
must be from God. Gay marriage
is no more weird than any of these
arrangements, so Christians and Jews
should support gay marriage."
The distortions of the gay marriage
movement have been already discussed
in Marriage
Alternatives in the Bible
The custom of levirate marriage
is discussed in greater detail,
so that it is obvious that this
sort of marriage was (1)
probably not original with God
and (2) of great benefit to
women in the ancient
world. 9 pages.
A question raised by many people,
believers and unbelievers alike, is,
what about those who have never
heard the gospel of Jesus
Christ? Will they go to
hell? What about Muslims and
Jews and Buddhists? Isn’t
their faith and sincerity enough to
merit God’s favor? And, how
can we believe that someone who has
never heard the name of Jesus be
condemned to hell? How can a
God who does this be a just and
loving God?
- The Ministry of God the Holy
Spirit in the Old Testament
posted August 21, 2011 (HTML)
Because God administers His
household in a number of ways
throughout human history (known to
us as the Doctrine of
Dispensations), there are
differences from one dispensation to
the next. The Holy Spirit had
a slightly different ministry in the
Old Testament as compared to the
New. This is a fairly short
doctrine (2-3 pages) on the Holy
Spirit's specific ministry in the
Old Testament.
- Homosexuality
and the Bible uploaded
7/12/2012 (HTML)
This is a fairly thorough study of
how the Bible views
homosexuality. Not only are
all the pertinent passages studied,
but general studies which have been
done about homosexuality in the
United States are covered as
well. The political
agenda of the gay movement is
examined along with the topic of gay
marriage. Also, I discover
Word Clouds.
- The Doctrines of Human Good
and Morality (HTML)
Uploaded 12/18/2012. Most
people who become Christians believe
that their new life in Christ is
simply being a lot more moral than
they used to be. However, this
is not the case, and the doctrines
of Human Good and Morality help to
illustrate this for us.
Related to this is the Fundamentals
of the Faith, or Living the
Christian Life (HTML)
At the end of human history, many
Christians are going to be surprised
that, all the work that they have
done on this earth is the basis for
the bonfire of 1Cor.3:13-14 (but he will be
preserved, so as through fire
--1Cor.3:15). If you have
believed in Jesus Christ, then you
need to check out these studies, so
that you do not waste away your life
on this earth.
- The Doctrines of the Human
Soul and the Human Spirit
Uploaded 4/9/2014. The Bible,
particularly the New Testament, has
very technical meanings for these
two words. We interact with
other people via the human soul; we
interact with God via the human
spirit. We are born with a
human soul, but without a
functioning human spirit. When
we are "born-again", our human
spirit is revived or made
alive. Being born again allows
us to have a relationship with the
Living God. It also gives us a
"storage area" for information about
God. If you do not have a
complete understanding of these two
terms, you will find this study to
be very enlightening. Included in
this study is the God-ward and the
man-ward sides of the Edification
Complex, and how this is
directly related to the soul and the
- Human
Viewpoint versus Divine Viewpoint
uploaded 5/9/2012 (HTML)
This is a short, one-page doctrine,
taken from the Basic Exegesis
study. After having fellowship
restored with God by means of
confession of sin, we then need to
learn how to think like God
thinks. This is what this
doctrine is all about.
- The Doctrine of the
Hypostatic Union (HTML)
The Hypostatic Union describes the
unique union between the Deity of
Jesus Christ with His humanity in
One Person forever.
- The
of Imputations
posted August 5, 2011. (HTML)
We are saved because of a series
of imputations. Adam's
original sin is imputed to us at
birth, our sins are imputed to
Jesus Christ on the cross, and, in
justification, His righteousness
is imputed to us when we believe
in Him. These things are
covered in great detail in this
doctrine. This is an
extremely important doctrine, as
the word for impute is
found 126 times in the Old
Testament and 42 times in the
New. This is a part of the
exegesis of Psalm 51, which is
what I am working on right now.
- The Old
Doctrine of Inheritance (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
11/30/12. What we find
in the Old Testament prepares
us for the New
Testament. That is,
nearly everything that we find
in the Old Testament is a
shadow of the good things to
come (Heb. 10:1). This
does not mean that the Old
Testament is allegorical, in
the sense that the Old
Testament is a bunch of
made-up stories which teach
the truth. The Old
Testament is recorded history
which also illustrates both
truth and future events,
particularly as related to
Jesus Christ at His 1st and
2nd Advents.
- The New
Testament Doctrine of
Inheritance (or Heirship)
(HTML) (PDF) (WPD) posted
11/30/12. Because we are sons
of God through faith in Christ
Jesus, we become heirs to His
promises, for an eternal
inheritance, which is
permanent and undefiled.
This is specifically the New
Testament Doctrine of
Inheritance. That is,
where the Old Testament
Doctrine of Inheritance
deals with things which look
forward to the inheritance
fulfillments of Old Testament
covenants to Abraham, to the
Jews and to David—that is,
what they are heirs to—this
New Testament Doctrine of
Inheritance looks at the
inheritance that we as
believers will enjoy.
- The
Doctrine of Intercalation
has been updated April 21, 2014 with
the 26th OT passage
where the 1st and 2nd
Advents of our Lord, the Church Age
are found. The 1st
Advent has already occurred, where
Jesus was incarnated and came to us
as our Savior. He will return
to the earth in the 2nd
Advent to judge the world. In
the Old Testament, there appeared to
be no separation between the two
advents of our Lord; and had the
Jews accepted His offer of the
Kingdom of God, which was a
legitimate offer that Jesus made to
the Jews at this time, then the 1st
and 2nd Advents would
have occurred one after the
other. This is not a minor
doctrine; there are at least 30 OT
and 2 NT passages where the Advents
of Jesus Christ are treated as one
event. Intercalated between these
events is the church age, unknown in
the Age of Israel. Understanding
this doctrine also explains a New
Testament passage, where Jesus is
reading from a passage in the
Synagogue, and then He suddenly
stops reading, mid-passage, and sits
- The Doctrine of the
Interlocking Systems of Arrogance
uploaded 7/23/2012 This is a
doctrine that is original with R. B.
Thieme, Jr., but it has been
reworked and several gates have been
added. There needed to be some
way to explain David's sin of
adultery followed by the sin of
murder. When 2Samuel 11
is carefully exegeted, there seems
to be more than just extended
carnality and sinning
involved. This doctrine of
Interlocking Systems of Arrogance
explains in greater detail just what
is occurring in David's soul (which
is important, as this could be
something which we as individual
believers face).
- How
Isaac’s Unusual Birth Foreshadowed
the Birth of Our Lord
uploaded 5/9/2012 (HTML)
Isaac's birth was designed by God to
foreshadow the birth of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
- A Brief History of Israel
posted Nov. 28, 2012. This is
a short, 3 page chart, giving the
most basic history of ancient
- A Brief History of Israel
without links (HTML)
posted Nov. 28, 2012. If you
want to print this and keep it in
your Bible.
- Israel and the Church
Israel and the church are two
completely different entities; and
this is clearly explained in the
Scriptures. The church is not
a re-designed or a re-imagined
- Jehovah's Witnesses and
the Deity of Jesus Christ
11/29/2010 (HTML)
long time ago, when I was more
argumentative, I invited Jehovah's
Witnesses into my house, figuring,
if I can show them that Jesus is
God, they will straighten out and
leave their cult. So, I
focused on one area, John 1:1-3,
which they distort by calling
Jesus "a god." So, I showed
them in their own Bible, how they
were inconsistent in their
interpretation. Later, they
came back with reinforcements and,
after I argued with them for 30
minutes, they came back again with
more reinforcements. This is
a short, 3-page doctrine dealing
with this very specific point.
- Jesus in Genesis (HTML)
Uploaded 3/12/2013 Our Lord,
in some form or another, apart
from the Christophanies, is found
in Genesis 1–22 at least 17 times.
- Jesus
is not a Liberal
revised and reposted 4/6/2014
Some time ago, I had a
discussion with someone on the
internet on whether or not Jesus
was a liberal, and posted this here. This
is a much more careful study,
taking each one of their reasons,
each of the Biblical passages
which they distort, and show that
Jesus is not a liberal nor is He a
socialist (nor is He the first
counter-culture revolutionary, in
the contemporary
sense). This is a very
lengthy study (it is over 100
pages), wherein, nearly everything
related to this topic is
discussed. First of all,
there is the basic dishonesty of
liberalism; the conflation of
wealth and greed; the idea that,
it just depends upon how you
interpret the Bible, followed by
the Bible and socialism. The
meat of this doctrine is examining
the myriad of liberal causes which
Jesus is said to have espoused:
peacemaking rather than war
making; being anti-war and
anti-military, being for
nonviolence; how Jesus was
supposedly against the strict
adherence to religious law,
etc. Social justice,
corporate greed and individual
wealth are all examined, along
with nearly every passage touted
by liberals (along with the many
passages which they ignore).
There are many short doctrines
covered in here, including Why the
Government Does a Lousy Job; The
Bible, Capitalism and Private
Property; Morality and Capitalism;
Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler
(liberals absolutely love this
narrative); and God and the
Welfare State. Finally,
there is an extensive addendum,
which you ought to find as
interesting as the rest of this
examination, where we learn a
little from General George Patton,
President Thomas Jefferson and
columnist George Will. If
you ever had any doubts about this
subject, it is covered here in the
greatest detail.
- Just added and updated: Was
Jesus a Liberal?
12/3/2010 (HTML)
the years, there have been many
attacks upon the Bible and upon
Jesus. One of the more
contemporary attacks is, Jesus is
a Liberal. This fits into
Liberation Theology, which is
simply a way of taking believers
who know little or nothing about
the Bible, and to convince them
that the Bible is in favor of a
welfare state or of Socialism or
Communism. For the
unlearned, this slant of the Bible
can be quite convincing, and there
were many inroads made by
communism in South America by
using this approach. The
believers and unbelievers who are
sucked into this false doctrine
are the "useful idiots" which
communism loves to use.
- The Doctrine of Kenosis (HTML) (PDF)
The Doctrine of Kenosis is about the
emptying of the Lord's Deity
in favor of acting solely within the
confines of His Deity during His
earthly ministry.
- Kings, Prophets and
Priests (HTML)
posted 10/6/2014 is a chart the
mostly coordinates the kings and
political rulers with the various
priests and prophets of their day
(the emphasis is upon the
priests). This actually gets
rather dodgy into two places (1)
there is someone with the same name
in the two primary priest lines and
(2) there is a father and a grandson
with the same name as well.
This is primarily posted as
reference material if you have come
across the priests and you are
confused by who they are or who they
are related to.
- The Doctrine of the Jewish
Messiah (HTML)
Updated and uploaded
12/31/2013. You may not
realize it, but there have been
dozens of Jewish messiah’s over the
years. However, there is only
one of them Whose name you
know—Jesus. This is true for
most Jews as well.
- The Promised Messiah
From the very beginning, God
promised the Messiah to
Israel. In the first 8 books
of the Bible, there are at least 10
sets of promises or types of the
Messiah to come.
Most people have a very limited
understanding of Messiah as
presented in the Old and New
Testaments. Most understand
that there is the mention of Messiah
in the Old Testament and that Jesus
is the fulfillment of this; but few
have actually studied the relevant
For a person to use the phase Jesus
Christ in the first century would be
seen as a blasphemy by the
pharisees. They knew the Man
Jesus; and they knew of the Messiah
(= Christ) to come; but they thought
it blasphemy that Jesus would be so
- Laws, Commandments, Ordinances
and Statutes (in the Old
Testament) (HTML)
uploaded April 23, 2014.
Interestingly enough, God says that
Abraham listened to His voice and
kept His charge, His commandments,
His ordinances and His laws--500
years before God gave Moses the Law
on Mount Sinai. What do these
various words mean and just exactly
what did they mean in relationship
to Abraham? 23 pages.
- The Law of Posterity,
which is closely related to the
Levirate Law (HTML)
uploaded 7/24/2012. This is a
little-studied doctrine, the law of
posterity suggests that there may
have been a more extensive moral
code prior to the Law of Moses, as
it preexisted Moses. This
doctrine explains both the book of
Ruth and the question of the
sadducees. It also explains
why the Catholic church is wrong
about birth control. Finally,
the underlying meaning explains that
those who believed in Yehowah
Elohim had an eternal inheritance
with God, undefiled, that does not
fade away (1Peter 1:4).
- The Doctrine of Legalism (HTML) (PDF)
Uploaded 3/19/2013.
Fundamental to understanding
legalism, is to understand the
concept of grace. Grace is
all that God is free to do for
mankind because of the work that has
been done on our behalf by the Lord
Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Grace means that man has received
from God that which he has not
earned or deserved. Nothing
that we are, and nothing that we can
do, is enough to qualify us for
anything that the Lord has to give
us. In fact, our human works
are a matter of arrogance, which God
will not tolerate. Isa. 64:6
describes how God views our works: All our
righteousnesses are as filthy
[lit., menstruous] rags in His sight
- Liberalism,
Conservatism and Christianity,
posted 12/14/2010 (HTML)
posting a link to "God and the
Poor; Is God Really a Liberal?" on
facebook, my cousin suggested that
God was above this liberal and
conservative debate, which
inspired me to take a look at 40
different contemporary issues and
compare them to what the Bible
tells us about these issues
(Abortion, Anti-Semitism, Atheism,
Change, Conservation and Nature,
Education, Eminent Domain,
Environmentalism, Evolution, Gay
Rights, Homosexuality, Global
Warming, Government Regulations,
Guantanamo Bay Prison for Enemy
Combatants, Homelessness, Income
Inequity, Income Redistribution,
Inheritance Tax, Islam, Islam and
Child Sacrifice, Land
Ownership—National, Land
Ownership—Personal, Marriage, The
Military, Missionary Activity,
Morality, National Threats,
Nationalism versus
Internationalism, Nuclear
Disarmament, Patriotism, Political
Activism, Poverty, Racial Issues,
Reparations, Revolution,
Separation of Church and State,
Socialism, Taxation, Taxing the
Rich, War, The Work Ethic).
There are 20+ pages on these
issues, giving the general liberal
position, the general conservative
position, and then what the Bible
says. There is a 25 page
addendum where some of these
issues are explored in more depth,
as the format--side by side
columns--does not lend itself to
an in depth approach to each
topic. Everything is
hyperlinked, so it is easy to go
to whatever contemporary issue
interests you.
- The Doctrine of Light
Posted May 5, 2014. Updated
February 28, 2015. Culled from
- Logistical
Grace posted
3/30/2011 (HTML)
is a military word which refers to
the military science of supply,
provision, and planning of troop
movement. From this military
nomenclature comes a Bible Doctrine
based on analogy (many words in the
Bible—including the New
Testament—are military terms
appropriated for a spiritual
usage). Logistics always plays
a very important and dramatic part
in warfare, but logistics plays an
even greater part in your life as a
believer. Every believer is alive
today because of logistical
grace. I have borrowed heavily
from the work of R. B. Thieme, Jr.
on this doctrine; and there will be
several additional references at the
very end.
- The Doctrine of Lust
uploaded 8/28/2015.
Surprisingly enough, most of the
doctrinal sources that I refer to do
not have the doctrine of lust.
This one is fairly basic, looking at
the varieties of lusts, the Biblical
passages on these various lusts, and
the solution to the lust
problem. 2 pages.
- Marriage
Alternatives in the Bible
Uploaded 8/14/2013. The
picture on the right has been
distributed throughout the
internet, to hundreds if not
thousands of web pages. What it
purports to do is list a number
of different marriage
configurations which are found
in the Bible. Their purposes for
this graphic are: (1) to
shake the faith of th
believer; and (2) to sell
gay marriage (which this
movement has renamed marriage
equality). What they are
not interested in is truth. What
the Bible really says about the
alternate marriages listed
is not of any interest to these
people. No one is going to read
this examination of alternate
marriages in the Bible and say,
“Oops, got that one wrong. Let
me redo this graphic to reflect
that.” The study which follows
is for believers; this is an
examination of these passages
for any believer who saw this
graphic and perhaps was a little
shaken by it.
- The Melchizedek Special
Uploaded 7/13/2013.
Melchizedek, whose name means "King
of Righteousness;" who is the King
of Salem (which means "The King of
Peace") is an enigmatic figure from
the book of Genesis. This
special, taken out of Gen. 14,
covers everything there is to know
about Melchizedek. Primarily,
he foreshadows the Person of Jesus
Christ (that is, he is a type of
- The
Complete Doctrine
of Mental
Attitude Sins
(HTML) (PDF) (WPD).uploaded
Although this
doctrine has been
posted before,
this is a major
update, with
additional text on
the various sins,
a more complete
list of the
various mental
attitude sins,
along with
quotations and
graphics. 29
- The Doctrine
of the Messiah
(so far, this
contains just the
Messiah and the
early Hebrew
- Doctrines
of the Military in Israel's
History (HTML)
Uploaded 12/21/2011. These are
doctrines which are related to
specific campaigns, strategies or
history found in the Word of
God. The doctrines found in
this document include A Summary of
Saul's Military Victories; Why Do
the Philistines Constantly War
Against Israel?; Israel and Her
Enemies: a Divine Perspective; Why
Not a More Measured Response to
Ammon?" Military Ethics, David and
Joab; and many others. These
doctrines were also culled from
various chapters of Samuel and
- The Doctrine
of Moses (HTML)
(this contains 3 separate
doctrines: the stages of Moses'
life, Moses' conversion and
spiritual life; and Moses as a
type of Christ)
- The Doctrine of Murder
uploaded November 23, 2014.
Although R.B.Thieme, Jr. did this
doctrine many years ago, it is
difficult to find. Much of
this doctrine came from his notes
and from Maranatha Church. This is a
relatively short doctrine covering
primarily what the Bible teaches
about murder.
- The Biblical View of
Nationalism and Patriotism (HTML)
In looking to find a
short Biblical blurb on
nationalism, which is a very
Christian concept, I came across 2
or 3 articles which got this
concept exactly wrong: Is an
America-First Doctrine Actually
Biblical? (from Relevant, which
is, apparently, millennial
Christianity, as far as I can
figure out). The second article is
Patriotism and Christianity, from
Bible Studies—Transformed by the
Truth (which is apparently the
doctrinal arm of Christianity
Today, which was once a fairly
accurate magazine). These
articles are clearly influenced
by current liberal political
thought, which have allowed
those who know very little to
define or set the parameters for
their so-called Christian
believer enjoying spiritual growth
will transform his mind, so that
we learn to think like God thinks
(Rom. 12:2 1Cor. 2:16). That is
very different from the way that
the world thinks (Isa. 55:8). Too
many churches today seem to want
to pull in the millennials by
trying to find points of
intersection by which they might
bring them into the fold. However,
the points of intersection which I
often see are not Biblical, but a
distortion of various Bible
This article will attempt to correct
the mistaken notion that somehow
putting your nation first is an
affront to Christian doctrine.
Uploaded Jan. 21, 2018. 24
- New Testament Summary Chart
- New Testament Summary Chart
without links for printing (HTML)
- Old Testament Summary Chart
- Old Testament Summary Chart
without links for printing (HTML)
- Social and Legal
Concerns found in the Mosaic Law
Uploaded 9/1/2013. There
are many graphics out there
purporting to show just how silly
the Bible is, often listing Old
Testament laws against eating
shellfish and pork, and making
cotton blend clothes, and claims
that one legitimate form of
marriage in the Bible is a rapist
marrying his victim. Such
assertions are distortions and/or
outright lies. At best, they
simply do not take into
consideration the difference
between guidelines which Moses
gave to a new people who had never
farmed before or had never built a
house before, and the moral
absolutes which transcend culture,
time and place. At worse, these
graphics intentionally (or
unintentionally) distort regulations and
laws found in the Bible.
- This
document is a list of
fundamental laws and rights
given by God which are codified
in the Law of Moses. The
concepts found in the books of
Moses (Exodus through
Deuteronomy) are not just a part
of our current legal system, but
these laws are the very
foundation of American
law. It is as if our
founding fathers, as they
determined what our nation would
be, had the Bible open to the
perfect law of liberty
as a guideline for their ideas.
- Operation
Footstool (HTML)
Uploaded 8/20/2013. After
Abraham showed that he was willing
to offer up his son to God, Jesus
Christ, in His pre-incarnate form,
spoke to Abraham. Genesis
22:15–17 And the Angel of
Jehovah called to Abraham out of
the heavens the second time, and
said, “I have sworn by Myself,
says Jehovah; because you have
done this thing, and have not
withheld your son, your only one;
that in blessing I will bless you,
and in multiplying I will multiply
your seed like the stars of the
heavens, and as the sand which is
upon the seashore. And your
Seed will possess the gate of His
enemies.” This promise end
with a new promise: Your Seed will
possess the gate of His
enemies. Not only would
Abraham’s Seed would defeat his
enemies, but all that they have will
be His. This is what is known
as operation footstool, where God
the Father makes all of the enemies
of Jesus Christ His footstool (in
the sense that they are subjugated
to Him).
- Doctrine of the Pivot
The greatest flood disaster in the
history of the United States
occurred August 25–31, 2017.
What was quite amazing about this
disaster is, although the flooding
and damage from rain was horrendous,
about 95% or more of the people in
the Houston area continued to have
electricity. That was grace
from God in a monumental
disaster. In watching the
reports of Hurricane Harvey, and
seeing the eye of this massive
hurricane and the mighty storms
which are spun off, it reminded me
of the Doctrine of the Pivot, which
R. B. Thieme, Jr. taught; the pivot
of mature believers and the spinoff
of the reversionist believers.
This is where we are in this nation
and where we are in the Houston
area. Posted 8/28/17
- The Passover was a
ritual required of the Hebrew people
by God going back over 3500
years. This ritual began when
they were slaves in Egypt.
Those who obeyed the Passover saved
their families; those who did not,
lost their firstborn. This
ritual represents Jesus Christ and
His death on the cross. (HTML)
Uploaded 3/31/2021
- God's
4 Answers to Prayer
uploaded 5/2/2012 (HTML)
This very short doctrine was taken
out of the Genesis series lesson
- The Priesthoods in the Bible
posted July 12, 2011. (HTML)
There are quite a number of
different priesthoods found in the
Bible. They all speak of man
representing himself (or others) to
God, and those in the Old Testament
look forward to Jesus Christ.
This is a fairly short overview
which gives you a quick an easy
grasp of the various priesthoods
found throughout Scripture.
This, and the two doctrines which
follow, come out of the Basic
Exgesis Series, which is presently
in Gen. 14.
(this now contains 3 separate
doctrines: The Priesthood of God;
the Priesthood as a Type of
Messiah; and "Christian"
priesthoods) (HTML)
- Private
Wealth and the Bible
3/3/2011 (HTML)
In society, there are constantly
attempts to distort the truth in the
Bible. In this society, it has
become even more easy to do so,
because most Christians lack a good
foundation in Biblical
teaching. They can be led by
the nose to a half-dozen passages,
and easily led astray in this
manner. One of these
distortions is that, there is
something inherently wrong about
wealth, or anti-spiritual about
possessing wealth. There is
the mistaken impression that, it is
the right thing to do for a believer
to give his wealth away; or that the
state ought to be involve in the
equalization of wealth. The
key to the spiritual life is what is
in the soul, not what is in one’s
bank account. More
importantly, greed is not
necessarily a sin of the rich, but
more often, a sin of the poor.
- Progressive
Revelation posted August 3,
2011. (HTML)
The concept of progressive
revelation is, each additional truth
builds upon, expands, and better
explains that which was already
taught. New revelation does
not supersede, replace or nullify
previous revelation, but it builds
upon that which is past.
- The Pronunciation of God's Old
Testament Name There has
been a great deal of discussion over
the centuries about the correct
pronunciation of God’s proper name
in the Old Testament (which is also
called the Tetragrammaton). In
fact, one cult was seemingly built
upon this notion. The
Jehovah’s Witnesses did not actually
discover anything new about the
pronunciation; but they did find out
that wherever we find the word Lord
in our Bibles, that stands in for
YHWH. This is never a secret
in theological circles.
We are going to examine several
topics in this study: how the
pronunciation of God’s name was lost
to history; what about the fad of
writing G-d rather than God; and
what I believe is a reasonable guess
as to the way that the ancients
pronounced His Name. (HTML)
Uploaded 10/3/2018
- The Prophet
Chart (HTML)
uploaded 12/10/2012. This is
a short, 1 page chart which lists
all of the prophets, the time
period during which they
prophesied, and to whom they
- The Doctrine of Imprecatory
Psalms (HTML)
appended and updated
11/8/2012. An imprecatory
prayer is where you pray against one
of your enemies or against your
nation’s enemies. We find many
psalms with such prayers. How
are we to understand this in the
light of Jesus saying, “Love for
your enemies and for those who
falsely accuse you.” ?
- The Doctrine of Racial
Intermarriage (HTML)
Updated Dec. 18, 2014.
Even though there are warnings to
the Jews not to intermarry with the
heathen who lived around them, and
warnings to the New Testament
believer not to be "unequally yoked"
in marriage, there is no actual ban
in the Bible of intermarriage
between different racial
groups. In fact, strictly
speaking, we are all descended from
Adam and from Noah--so that marriage
always involves two people from the
same family, even though they might
be very distant cousins. This
doctrine examines what the Bible
says about this particular topic.
- The Doctrine of Rape (HTML)
Uploaded 2/10/2016. There is a
great deal of confusion about rape
in the Bible; and there are even
those who think that, man was so
primitive then, that raping a woman
and then making her your wife was
the order of the day. This
study dispels such notions; and
refers to actual passages in
Scripture which deal with rape.
- The Doctrine of Redemption
posted July 12, 2011. (HTML)
As early as Genesis 14, God is
called the Redeemer of Heaven and
Earth. This doctrine examines
what it means for God to be called
Redeemer, and how this is one
cohesive whole throughout the Bible.
- The Doctrine of Regeneration
11/18/2010 (HTML)
the lessons in Genesis, I am
presently working on circumcision
and how it is designed to illustrate
regeneration. However, it
would be logical to study
regeneration first.
- The Doctrine of Revolution
by 10 pages of new material with a
great deal of contemporary
application. Uploaded
12/8/12. Much more carefully
defined and explained, including the
topics of power lust, bad
government, revolution and the
believer, revolution and mob action,
revolution and the United States,
socialism in the United States, and
information on the original
revolutionary, Satan.
- The Doctrine of the Rock in
the New Testament (HTML)
posted May 5, 2014. In the Old
Testament and the New, Jesus Christ
is the Rock, the Chief Cornerstone,
the basis of our faith, the
foundation upon which we build.
- Doctrine of the Sabbath (HTML) (PDF)
Posted 6/5/2015. The Sabbath
is clearly one of the Ten
Commandments and had great meaning
to the Jewish people. Is this
still a command for today? If
so, why; and if not, why not?
There is also a passage in Hebrews
which reads, And
there remains a Sabbath for the
people of God. That
seems pretty clear. This
passage is examined and exegeted as
a part of this study.
- Gentile Salvation in the Old
Testament (HTML)
Uploaded 6/26/2013. This is
some confusion about gentiles in the
Old Testament--were they able to be
saved? How did they hear about
Israel's God? Could only Jews
be saved? This is a fairly
short doctrine (3 pages) which
covers the theory, theology, and
case histories of gentiles salvation
which did occur.
- The
Abbreviated Doctrine of
uploaded 5/2/2012 (HTML)
This study was taken out of the
Genesis series lesson #179.
- Satan--A
Compendium uploaded
5/18/2012 (HTML)
This is actually a collection of
doctrines and writings on Satan, his
fall, his appeals, his limitations,
his appearance, along with several
other doctrines. Also included
are passages taken from various
books which have been exegeted about
Satan and World Peace, Satan and
Global Warming, Satan and Science
and Religion, Satan Counterfeiting
the End Times, Satan and Hollywood,
Satan and evil, Satan and
Islam. Although this is not
intended to be a complete study of
the angel Satan, it comes
- Satan
Did Not Know about the Cross
posted 3/7/2011 (HTML)
some time, I have been ruminating
about this possibility, that Satan
was not aware that it was Jesus'
plan to go to the cross, and,
therefore, set into motion the
events which took our Lord to the
cross, which was the great tactical
victory of the Angelic Conflict as
well as the basis for our
salvation. To me, it is
illogical that Satan would knowingly
lead Jesus to the cross, if he
realized that the cross was the
beginning of the end for him.
Let me add that, this is one of the
few doctrines which is different
from what is taught in most
churches, and, therefore, take it
with a grain of salt.
- The Scientific Achievements of
Ancient Hamitic Peoples
9/25/2016. This is a list
by Arthur Custance of scientific
discoveries and achievements of
the Hamitic peoples (I first saw
this Clough's Dawn of the
Kingdom). What was
known in the early eras is quite
amazing. This is quite an
amazing list, and when you read
through it, you will see why
both Clough and myself
reproduced it.
- The
Doctrine of Separation
posted 3/30/2011 (HTML)
have distorted many doctrines from
the Bible, and the concept of
separation is one of them. In
this doctrine, you will see the
correct and incorrect reasons to
separate from others. This
doctrine borrows heavily from the
work of Robby Dean, who grew
spiritually under the ministry of
- The Seed of the Woman
The sin nature is passed down
genetically by the man, as the man
sinned against God knowing what he
was doing. The woman was
deceived. A child born from a
woman only would not have a sin
nature. The fact that a virgin
gave birth to the Lord was not
simply a matter of fulfilling a
prophecy; but it was also necessary
so that the Lord was born apart from
the imputation of sin. This
doctrine begins in Gen. 3; is found
in Isaiah, in two gospels, and Paul
speaks of it as well. It is an
amazing doctrine, which retains
consistency over a period of 2000
years; and not fully developed until
long after the completion of the New
Testament. Uploaded August 21,
- The contemporary meal eaten
by Jewish people today, known as the
Seder, is supposed to be an
update of the Passover meal.
However, it has very little in
common with the carefully defined
Passover Supper. (HTML)
Uploaded 8/27/2021.
- Minor updates for the Doctrine
of Sheol/Hades (HTML)
- The Sin unto Death (HTML)
Updated 10/18/2015. The sin
unto death is not a particular sin,
but the final stage of discipline
for the believer whose life has gone
awry. Some graphics and two
additional related doctrines were
added. I originally found the
Doctrine of the Sin unto Death
posted in 3 different places, and in
each case, it seemed
incomplete. The bulk of this
doctrine is compiled from those 3
places. 8 pages.
- The Sins of the Tongue (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
Updated 12/9/2012. This
combines a few studies on the sins
of the tongue done over the past
years, and includes a number of
links to other studies which have
been done. This is both one of
the most destructive category of sin
and almost one of the most ignored
categories as well.
- The Illustration of the Slave
Market of Sin posted July
12, 2011. (HTML)
Closely related to the Doctrine of
Redemption is the illustration, used
by Jesus, of the Slave Market of
Sin. This particular
doctrine is actually illustrated by
Moses taking the Children of Israel
out of Egypt. This is an
amazing study, which is further
proof of the cohesiveness of the
entire Bible. This is alluded
to in Genesis 14, illustrated in
Exodus, spoken of by Jesus to
explain why the religious types
would not be saved by their being
Jews or by attempting to keep the
law, and then explained in greater
detail by Paul in some of his
doctrinal dissertations.
- The
Doctrine of Slavery posted
11/22/2011 (HTML)
This is actually a collection of 3
doctrines which are taken from the
Basic Exegesis Series: The
Biblical Doctrine of Slavery,
from the Doctrine of Slavery,
and Slavery in the United
States. This study
takes a rational, unemotional view
of slavery, slavery in the United
States, reparations and other
related topics; and helps the
believer to understand not simply
the historical context for slavery
in the Bible, but to be able to
apply this thinking to current
social problems and injustices, as
well as our involvement as
Christians in social problems and
- The Doctrine of Socialism
uploaded November 23, 2014. The
Doctrine of Socialism is long
overdue. Socialism is first
found in the Bible (there is no new
thing under the sun); in our
American history (before the time of
Karl Marx); and appears to be the
direction our country is
heading. Therefore, it is
important to understand what this
ideology is all about and what does
the Bible say about it. Additional
material was added in 2020.
- Socialism/Communism (a
doctrine): Christianity faces two
great international threats:
socialism (communism) and
Islam. This recent study
outlines the believer's place and
involvement in the world,
particularly in the United States,
where socialism has gained such a
foothold. As a bonus, I will
also present the actual difference
between socialism and communism,
something which is rarely
understood. (HTML)
26 pages
- Stages of Spiritual Growth
Uploaded 6/3/2013. If you have
studied under R. B. Thieme, Jr.,
these stages might be familiar to
you. It is important for every
believer to understand that part of
the plan of God for their lives is
spiritual growth.
- The
Spiritual Life in the Church Age
posted 3/30/2011 (HTML)
salvation (when we believe in Jesus
Christ), we begin a unique spiritual
life, which has some similarities to
saints from the Old Testament, but
is well-defined for all believers in
the Church Age. God's plan for
us in the Church Age is to grow
spiritually which will result in an
eternal impact.
- The Doctrine of Thorns
Posted May 5, 2014. Culled from
- The Doctrine of Tithing
and Modern Applications of
Tithing to Taxation.
August 3, 2011. (HTML)
I have seen the doctrine of tithing
taught on several occasions, and
there are a couple of details which
are gotten wrong. Also, since
the concept of tithing and taxation
are in the Scripture, this ought to
give us a clue as to what is ideal
application of these concepts today.
- The Trinity in the Old
Testament posted August 29,
2011 (HTML)
The word Trinity is not
found anywhere in the Bible, but it
soon became clear that God is 1 in
essence and 3 in personality.
Everything in the New Testament
documents pointed to this, so
Christians very early on believed in
the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit. However, what is quite
amazing is, the Trinity is also
found in the Old Testament, which
Old Testament religious Jews take as
their Scripture. And yet, they
do not and never have believed in a
Triune God. However, if we
take the concept of the Trinity, and
look through the OT, it becomes
clear that the OT teaches the
Trinity as much as does the
New. In fact, I would argue,
there are more passages which
support a Triune God in the OT than
in the New. This is one of the
many doctrines which will help you
to increase your faith. How
can the Jews view miss the Trinity
in the OT and how is it possible for
this to be so clearly taught from a
perspective of thousands of years
later? It is this sort of
doctrine which increases your faith
in the Word of God; and helps you to
realize that the Bible is not just a
collection of writings fo religious
men, but the Living, Breathing Word
of God.
- Typology (HTML)
Uploaded 8/8/2013. Typology is
one of the most fascinating studies
of Scripture. People, events,
institutions and ceremonies match up
with future things (usually with
Jesus Christ, His crucifixion, or
some aspect of His life or
Person). What is most often
the case is, the type (for instance,
the birth of Isaac) is a normal
historical event, without any
suggestion that it prophesies some
future event. However, the
antitype (the birth of Jesus Christ)
matches up in far too many ways for
these to be simple
coincidences. This should be
studied in conjunction with Typology:
Abraham’s Offering of Isaac/God’s
Offering of Jesus (HTML)
and the birth of Isaac
foreshadowed the birth of our Lord
- Typology: Abraham’s Offering of
Isaac/God’s Offering of Jesus
Uploaded 10/29/2012. Gen. 22
is one of the most amazing chapters
in all of the Bible. God comes
to Abraham and asks for him to offer
up his uniquely-born son, the only
time that God ever calls for a human
sacrifice. This is done
to set up a parallel between the
offering of Isaac to the offering of
our Lord for our sins. This is
an example of typology. Isaac
is the type; Jesus is the
antitype. The actual
historical narrative of God asking
Abraham to offer up his son is real;
but it foreshadows our Lord being
offered up on the cross and being
judged by God the Father for our
sins. This is an amazing set
of parallels, much like the
birth of Isaac foreshadowed the
birth of our Lord. (I have appended this
doctrine with Moses as a type of
Christ and the Priesthood as a
type of Messiah)(HTML)
- Miscellaneous Types in
Genesis (HTML)
Posted 2/11/2016. In studying
the book of Genesis, we have come
across several types of
Christ. A "type" is a person,
event or institution that looks
forward to Jesus Christ, and
portrays some aspect (s) of His
Person. These are never
trivial parallels, but often reveal,
in part, the unique aspects of the
Lord's Person. "You pore over the
Scriptures [=
the Old Testament]
because you presume that by them
you possess eternal life. These
are the very words that testify
about Me," said Jesus to
the religious types on the Sabbath
(John 5:39; Berean Study
Bible). Abraham's
servant and Melchizedek are both
presented here as types.
Also included is a set of links to
other types which have already
been posted. The study of
the tremendous amount of typology
found in the early books of the
Bible often serves to confirm the
Reality of Jesus Christ, His
Divine nature, and His Divine
purpose, to die for our
sins. Typology is difficult
to study objectively and still
reject the inspiration of the
- The Doctrine of Vanity (HTML) (PDF)
Uploaded 3/15/2013. Eccles.
4:7–8 Again,
I saw vanity under the sun: one
person who has no other, either
son or brother, yet there is no
end to all his toil, and his eyes
are never satisfied with riches,
so that he never asks, "For whom
am I toiling and depriving myself
of pleasure?" This also is vanity
and an unhappy business.
These are the words of Solomon, who
both accumulated an incredible
amount of riches and pursued many
human endeavors in his search for
happiness. Psalm 62:9 Those of low
estate are but a breath; those of
high estate are a delusion; in the
balances they go up; they are
together lighter than a breath.
- The Doctrine of Vows (HTML)
Uploaded 11/24/2012. There are a lot
of things found in the Bible,
particularly in the Old Testament,
which seem rather quaint or
mysterious, such as the concept of
vows to God. Since this word
occurs about 75 times in the Old and
New Testaments, it is something that
we ought to understand.
What ought to catch our attention
first is, vows are found throughout
the Old Testament, but not nearly as
often in the New (and they are not
spoken of in the epistles, which are
Church Age doctrine). Let me
suggest to you that, prior to the
cross, man had a legal or a
covenantal relationship with
God. Although we tend to be
very anthropocentric, it is the
covenant which obligated God far
more than it obligated us as
men. If God does not do as He
says He will, then God is not God
(and a part of the Angelic Conflict
is God vindicating His Own
character). In order for God
to fulfill his covenants with man,
there needed to be the Suffering
Servant Who went to the cross,
offered Himself for our sins, and
then became Israel’s promised
Messiah and King. Once God has
fulfilled this obligation in time, a
number of things change.
Covenants are downplayed, as would
be vows (a divine covenant is God
proposing an agreement between
Himself and man; a vow is man
proposing an agreement between
himself and God).
After the cross, God sent us the
Holy Spirit, a down payment on the
future blessings that we will enjoy
(2Cor. 1:22). This changes
everything. Our lives are now
based upon grace and relationship
rather than upon covenants. We
receive an inheritance from God
because we are in Christ, His Son,
and share His inheritance (Rom.
8:17). Furthermore, there are
specific mechanics to the spiritual
life and to spiritual maturity, none
of which are dependent upon a
covenant. It is in this light
that we need to understand the
concept of a vow.
- The Doctrine of War
uploaded 10/26/2012 There is a
lot of confusion about the concept
of war, and many voices out there
which suggest that, somehow, this is
an option in life or that this is
something which Christians can
simply avoid. Such ideas are
Satanic and/or cosmic
viewpoint. This doctrine
includes the following topics: Why
God Allows War, False Hopes for
Peace. God is very much a part of
war, Military Preparedness and War,
The most important asset in war is
Bible doctrine in the soul, Killing
and Lying in War, War and the New
Testament, and Retreat from war.
- Various Doctrines on War and the
Military (HTML)
Uploaded 12/21/2011. These are
doctrines which have been culled
from various chapters of Samuel and
Chronicles; and this document
includes such doctrines as Genocides
and Political Killings of the 20th
Century; What is a Righteous War?;
Why all of this War and Tactics in
the Bible?; The Attitude of the Word
of God toward the Military; What
About the Believer and Wars His
Country Engages in?; and many
- The Way of God posted
September 5, 2011 (HTML)
This is an expanded version of the
shorter doctrine found in the
exegesis of Psalm
51 (which has not been
completed yet). The phrase the
way of God, along with
several similar phrases, is
ubiquitous in the Old Testament and
found a number of times in the
Gospels and Acts. It is an
important phrase, and almost
completely ignored in theological
writings, much like the fundamental
phrase in Christ.
Just as there are many facets to the
phrase in Christ, so
there are many topics associated
with the way.
- Wealthy Men in the Bible
Uploaded 6/3/2013. Liberals
have been trying to claim Jesus
Christ as their own (but not as
their Savior, but as a distributor
of a free health care system).
Part of their distortion of Jesus is
that He was against wealth
accumulation and He favored
redistribution of wealth (after all,
he told the rich young ruler that,
in order to be perfect, he needed to
sell everything and follow
Jesus). Nearly all liberal
sites who make reference to Jesus
will speak of this story with great
reverential tones, as if this is the
pattern that we ought to all
follow. This is a list
of the wealthy men in the Bible;
wealthy men that God did not
tell them to sell everything and
give the proceeds to the poor.
- The
of the Will of God
posted 11/8/2010 (HTML)
the will of God for you life is
not what is difficult; it is
obeying the will of God.
People get weird about this
concept. They pray and pray
and pray until they feel
something; and then that is what
they do. For most, that is
doing exactly what they wanted to
do in the first place; for a few
others, it is doing exactly the
opposite of what they wanted to
do. However, the keys to
knowing the will of God are (1)
being in fellowship and (2) having
the Word of God in your soul
(which are the 2 keys to the
entire Christian life).
- The Doctrine of Wings (HTML) (PDF)
posted Nov. 29, 2012. There
are several different uses of wings
in the Bible and this explains
several very difficult passages
(although there is one which I could
not give meaning to). Also,
this helps to explain why angels
have wings.
- Women
of the Old Testament
revised and uploaded
11/15/2011 (HTML)
For whatever reason, this continues
to be the 2nd most accessed document
on this site. This document
has since been expanded to include
more women, a chart of David and
Jacob's families, one minor error
was corrected, and the names have
now been hyperlinked, as many of
these women interacted with one
another in a number of ways.
- The Doctrine of Work (HTML)
Uploaded 10/8/2015. This is
one of the most important doctrines
found in the Word of God for this
generation, and yet has been so
often ignored by our churches.
Work is the second divine
institution; Adam worked in the
Garden when he was without sin; and
Adam worked on the earth after the
Fall. The Bible many times
affirms the importance of hard work;
the Bible never presents sloth as a
viable alternative. As a
divine institution, this is true for
believers and unbelievers
alike. In client nation United
States year of our Lord 2015, it is
clear that we as a nation are on the
decline, and one of those tell-tale
signs is the massive number of
people who are no longer
working. So many are on
welfare, section 8 housing,
unemployment, disability and
retirement (the Bible never speaks
of the glories of retirement).
As I write this, 94 million
Americans, out of a population of
220 million or so, are not working
and are not looking for a job--and
yet one political party calls our
for more welfare and food
stamps! Whereas the Bible
clearly urges charity toward the
poor, it does not advocate that
nearly half of a nation's population
ought to be supported by the other
half. This is an outstanding
study, primarily pulled from the
exegesis of Proverbs 6 (but more
will be added to this doctrine as
time passes). 46 pages.
- The Doctrine of Revolution
Uploaded 9/29/12. This was
part of another doctrine, and it was
actually authored by Pastor Kreger
of Metropolitan Bible Church.
It was a part of Liberalism,
Conservatism, and Christianity
This doctrine will be a part of 2Samuel
15, which is what I am
currently working on.
- The 4 new doctrines added 5/9/2012
all come from the basic exegesis
study of Genesis. Contact
me if you would like to
receive these lessons weekly.
- Updated:
2Samuel 11
posted 2/16/2011 (HTML)
While working in 2Sam. 12, I began
to develop a doctrine which deals
with degeneracy sins,
or addictive behavior.
Although I will keep that doctrine
in 2Sam. 12, it is apropos to
2Sam. 11 as well, so doctrine has
been added to 2Sam. 11.
Degeneracy sins include
skirt-chasing, homosexuality,
and/or other sexual sins,
alcoholism and drug abuse.
All of these sins have negative
affects on our souls and dig ruts
into our lives. Such sins
can be almost all-consuming.
- Just added: The
Laws of Divine Establishment
posted 9/16/2010. (HTML)
the doctrines you want to study:
- Further down this page will be an
alphabetical listing of all of the
doctrines posted on this
website. There are in excess
of 160 doctrines. There are
over 100 short doctrines included
the new study of Genesis (Genesis 1),
over 50 short doctrines in the
introduction (General
Introduction (PDF)
), and each chapter of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Chronicles
and Psalms,
contains about 20-30 short doctrines
(the easiest way to get a listing of
all those doctrines is to go to Old Testament Topics html).
Each of those books lists the
doctrines found in that chapter at
the beginning of each chapter.
- A second approach is to use the
google search engine, which will
search all documents for the
doctrines you want: Search
- Thirdly, in the books which are
exegeted on this site, I have gone
through them and have listed
essentially every doctrine and
subject discussed in any
depth. This will give you an
idea what is covered in the
exegetical study of each chapter and
each book, and you may find a couple
of topics which simply interest
you. Old
Topics html file (these are
the topics which I have covered
already in the exegesis that I have
done; not all files are uploaded
yet); however, many of the topics
which we find listed here are a part
of the exegetical study of the books
I have examined. There are now
some hyperlinks to take you to the
proper documents; however, in any
case, this will tell you the book,
chapter, and verse where you would
go to see more on the topic
listed. By the way, there are
nearly 100 pages in this document
and line after line is simply
another topic covered in the
exegetical study of this or that
book. You may want to use the
search function in your
browser. Updated
3-5-10 (there are still
some psalms and chapters of books
which I have not included
yet). This includes all of the
topics covered in 2Samuel 10, which
has just been completed.
- Old
Topics pdf file (these are the
topics which I have covered already
in the exegesis that I have done;
not all files are uploaded
yet). This is probably too
large to view from the internet and
you may need to download it and open
it up in Acrobat reader in order to
read this listing of topics.
The topics which I covered in the book
of Samuel are going to be covered in
much greater detail than the topics
which I covered in the Pentateuch books.
My most recent
studies, including doctrines and
exegesis, is located here.
to other Doctrines on the
internet. Let me also refer you to
List, which is a huge set of links
to all the doctrinal churches I am aware
of, as well as other doctrinal resources
on the web.
to R.B. Thieme Jr. doctrines, as found
in T&P publications.