Links to Exegeted Chapters of Hebrews

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Distinguishing between 3 different Hebrews studies

HTML, PDF and WPD links

Completion Chart #1

(no links)


Completion Chart #2

(with links)


Hebrews folder

The chapters listed below are exegeted word-by-word, verse-by-verse.

This document has been updated January 3, 2023. So far, there are 2015 pages in the chapter-by-chapter commentary (this is Hebrews 1–13).

So far, the first drafts of Hebrews 1–13 have been completed. I have not done the introduction to this book yet. Although there will be three different studies of this book at some point in time, right now, there is just this one chapter-by-chapter study and one very abbreviated examination of the book of Hebrews (currently 60 pages long).

These files can also be accessed individually via the links below or from within the Hebrews folder:

I also send out a weekly study in Hebrews, which files may be found here (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (folder). I have not yet begun to produce these weekly lessons.


If you download the *.wpd document (s), they will download with the *.htm extension (don’t ask me why); you must change this extension and they will become normal WP documents in every respect. At some point in time, everything found in these weekly studies will be transferred over to the chapter-by-chapter studies. The weekly studies are designed for the average Bible student. The chapter-by-chapter studies (like those listed below) are designed for research (pastor teachers, commentators, missionaries, Sunday School teachers).

At this point, there are (or will be) three commentaries of the book of Hebrews. There will be (1) the weekly lesson study (which has not yet been started); (2) the chapter study, which has been begun and is in first draft form so far (the document you are in will provide you links to that study); and (3) the very abbreviated study of Hebrews, which is made up of all the summaries of the chapters of Hebrews. (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).

Right now, there are only two sets of documents; which are complete, apart from lacking an introduction.

Three Different Documents





Abbreviated Study (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)

1 document

60–100 pages

Accumulation of chapter summaries.

Weekly lesson study

3 documents

1500 pages

Not yet begun

Chapter-by-chapter study (this is the document with all those links) (folder)

14 documents

100–200 pages per chapter (currently over 2000 pages)

This will be the complete chapter-by-chapter study, with commentary, 3 original translations, all the Greek tables of every Greek word.

These are all works in progress (which progress is indicated at the beginning of this document)

To help you distinguish between the three tracks of study which I have done in the book of Hebrews. At this point in time, there is only one chapter study on this book as of right now and one abbreviated study of the book of Hebrews. These are works in progress.

The weekly lessons for Hebrews have not yet been started. They will start as soon as I complete the books of Luke and Acts. I have also begun to put together an abbreviated study of Hebrews as well (where everything will be in one document, without the Greek tables, at perhaps 60–100 pages). The abbreviated study will simply be the accumulation of the chapter summaries which I do at the end of each chapter of Hebrews.

The Three Studies in Hebrews

Abbreviated Commentary

Weekly Lessons/Study

Chapter Study

All of the chapters are covered verse-by-verse briefly in one document.

These are sent out by email once a week to those who request them.

These lessons are organized by chapter and posted on my website only.

The finished document will be about 100 pages or so.

The lessons are 4–5 pages each and designed to be read at one sitting.

In its finished form a single chapter may be anywhere from 100–300 pages long. Together, all 13 chapters will be at least 2000 pages long.

This is designed for a quick overview of what is found in the book of Hebrews. There are no Greek tables and few mentions of the Greek language.

Designed for the average believer, evangelists, and Sunday school teachers.

Designed for research for pastors, other commentators, seminary students, evangelists, and Sunday school teachers. The document is designed to make it easy to find specific verses and sections.

Once a chapter has been completed, a summary review of that chapter is written and included in that chapter study (third column). All of those chapter reviews are gathered into this commentary.

One translation is featured in each chapter (although some changes in translation will be noted when necessary).

Even though these are less extensive than the chapter studies, these lessons are by no means dumbed down.

Every 25 lessons or so are bundled up and posted on my website into groups of 100 lessons each.

Once a chapter has been completed in the weekly lessons, all of those notes are transferred into the chapter-by-chapter studies. A completed chapter study has each verse exegeted word-by-word; with 3 original translations, original commentary, and well-organized groups of other translations (culled out from about 100 translations). I have begun to include some commentary from a handful of commentators.

The entire commentary will only be around 100 pages long when completed.

Hebrews 1 in these weekly lessons is ___ pages long, broken down into __ lessons.

Hebrews 1 in the chapter study is 103 pages long and designed to be easily navigated.

Located in this folder:

Located in this folder:

Located in this folder:





(HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)

(HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder) (this is the document you have open right now)

This is a single document available in 3 formats.

These lessons are sent out weekly by email to anyone who requests them.

Most of the links in this document (Hebrews Links) are the chapter links.

The weekly lessons for Hebrews have not yet been started. At this point, there are only the chapter by chapter studies (which is in the first draft form at this point) and the abbreviated commentary of Hebrews.

Everything found in the weekly lessons is eventually transferred into the chapter studies (whenever I complete a chapter).

I have begun to do the abbreviated commentaries because I have noticed that many people choose to access the shorter commentaries which I have already written instead of the chapter-by-chapter studies.

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HTML Format

PDF Format

WordPerfect Format

Completion Chart #1

(no links)


Completion Chart #2

(with links)


Books exegeted

I have included 2 Completion Charts, and these are very much for my own benefit so that I can see what I have completed and what I still need to work on. The asterisk (*) indicates that some additional commentary has been added in.

The Book of Hebrews



Basic exegesis, 3 original translations,

original commentary,

additional translations, index, summary

3 original translations rechecked, additional commentary, chapter outline, sometimes artwork

100 additional translations consulted, additional commentary

Commentary from weekly lessons integrated back in








The Supremacy and Uniqueness of Jesus






The All-Sufficiency of Jesus Christ






Messiah is Greater than Moses/A Rest for God’s People






The Rest, the Word and the High Priest






Jesus, Our Great High Priest






Going on to Maturity/God’s Promise Is Certain






Jesus is a Priest after the Order of Melchizedek






The New Covenant of the True High Priest






The Religious Rites of the Jews Are Fulfilled by Jesus






Jesus is the Sacrifice for Our Sins/the Faith of the Believer






The Power and Necessity of Faith-Doctrine with Case Histories






Look to Jesus/Accept God’s Discipline/An Unshaken Kingdom






Miscellaneous Commands with Quotes from the Old Testament





*Additional commentary from external sources added.

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HTML Format

PDF Format

WordPerfect Format

Completion Chart #1

(no links)


Completion Chart #2

(with links)


Books exegeted

Links are the HTML format

Hebrews Introduction

Hebrews 1

Hebrews 2

Hebrews 3

Hebrews 4

Hebrews 5

Hebrews 6

Hebrews 7

Hebrews 8

Hebrews 9

Hebrews 10

Hebrews 11

Hebrews 12

Hebrews 13




Links are the PDF format

Hebrews Introduction

Hebrews 1

Hebrews 2

Hebrews 3

Hebrews 4

Hebrews 5

Hebrews 6

Hebrews 7

Hebrews 8

Hebrews 9

Hebrews 10

Hebrews 11

Hebrews 12

Hebrews 13




It is typical for a chapter in Hebrews to run 100+ pages. Therefore, it may take longer for them to load in your computer’s memory. If memory is a problem, go to the HTML documents, which are much smaller by comparison. And in any case, you are always welcome to download the material for study.

Although the Word Perfect documents load up and show as *.wpd documents; when downloaded, the extension changes to *.htm (don’t ask me why). Just change the extension using Windows Explorer or some other file management program. If the WP document is saved as a zip file, then just download it and unzip it.

Links are the WordPerfect format

Hebrews Introduction

Hebrews 1

Hebrews 2

Hebrews 3

Hebrews 4

Hebrews 5

Hebrews 6

Hebrews 7

Hebrews 8

Hebrews 9

Hebrews 10

Hebrews 11

Hebrews 12

Hebrews 13




For whatever reason, when you download a WPD from my site, it will have an HTM extension. When you manually change the extension to *.wpd, it will behave exactly as a WordPerfect document. The WPD files which are stored as zip files don’t require anything other than downloading and unzipping. If you download these files, check the dates and download the latest version.

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HTML Format

PDF Format

WordPerfect Format

Completion Chart #1

(no links)


Completion Chart #2

(with links)


Books exegeted

Although I would love to consult other commentators sometime in the future, Hebrews as written may represent just how far I am able to go in those chapters of Hebrews (I may not have time to round it out by referencing other commentators).

For the few of you who use WordPerfect (which is the original format of my work), if you download one of my chapters as a *.wpd file, the extension will change into *.htm. On your computer, manually change it back to a *.wpd file (using whatever file manager you use), and it will behave exactly like a WordPerfect document. I cannot explain why this happens.

Completion Chart #2


Chapter Title









Hebrews Introduction





Hebrews 1

The Supremacy and Uniqueness of Jesus

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 2

The All-Sufficiency of Jesus Christ

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 3

Messiah is Greater than Moses/A Rest for God’s People

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 4

The Rest, the Word and the High Priest

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 5

Jesus, Our Great High Priest

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 6

Going on to Maturity/God’s Promise Is Certain

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 7

Jesus is a Priest after the Order of Melchizedek

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 8

The New Covenant of the True High Priest

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 9

The Religious Rites of the Jews Are Fulfilled by Jesus

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 10

Jesus is the Sacrifice for Our Sins/the Faith of the Believer

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 11

The Power and Necessity of Faith-Doctrine with Case Histories

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 12

Look to Jesus/Accept God’s Discipline/An Unshaken Kingdom

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Hebrews 13

Miscellaneous Commands with Quotes from the Old Testament

60 translations consulted; 3 full translations from the original languages done; entire Greek exegesis recorded; basic commentary recorded. Includes an index and a verse-by-verse summary.



Total Pages



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HTML Format

PDF Format

WordPerfect Format

Completion Chart #1

(no links)


Completion Chart #2

(with links)


Books exegeted

Additional resources:

Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Hebrews



Lesson (s)


R. B. Thieme, Jr.

1972 Hebrews (#412)


Hebrews 1–13

Dr. Robert Dean

Hebrews 1–13

Billy J. Puryear

Hebrews 1–13

Robert H. Kreger

Hebrews 1–13

Benjamin Brodie

Hebrews 1–13 (translation only)


Hebrews 1–13

R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s work may be found at: (Where it can be ordered without charge)