Conservative Review |
Issue #148 |
Kukis Digests and Opines on this Week’s News and Views |
October 17, 2010 |
In this Issue:
Why Liberals Don't Get the Tea Party Movement
By Peter Berkowitz
Pot, Meet Kettle Obama decries "tribal attitudes" while pandering to them. By James Taranto
Lies, Damn Lies and the ObamaCare Sales Pitch
The White House's ObamaCare defense is becoming even more frantic and desperate.
By Joseph Rago
Obama the Alien: The President Must Be from Another Planet by Larry Kudlow
News Flash: Life Isn't Fair! By Nancy Morgan
What If? by: Dr John
Medicare Fraud Dwarfs Profits of 14 Insurance Companies Combined
Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer Have the IQs of Pencil Erasers
Libs Have Disdain for Constitution
Christine O'Donnell Hangs Tough
Too much happened this week! Enjoy...
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Previous issues are listed and can be accessed here: (their contents are described and each issue is linked to) or here: (this is the online directory they are in)
I attempt to post a new issue each Sunday by 2 or 3 pm central standard time (I sometimes fail at this attempt).
I try to include factual material only, along with my opinions (it should be clear which is which). I make an attempt to include as much of this week’s news as I possibly can. The first set of columns are intentionally designed for a quick read.
I do not accept any advertising nor do I charge for this publication. I write this principally to blow off steam in a nation where its people seemed have collectively lost their minds.
And if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, always remember: We do not struggle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12).
All Chilean miners are rescued.
Center Rock Inc. is a private company in Berlin, PA, with 74 employees, made the drill bit which saved the Chilean miners. Seeing the disaster, Center Rock's president, Brandon Fisher, called the Chileans to offer his drill. Chile accepted. The miners are alive. If you watch cable news, did you see this pointed out even once?
FNMA and FHLMC have been given $240 million to manage TARP funds. In case you do not recall, these are the housing giants—the secondary mortgage market—which devastated our economy. Also, that finance reform law which was recently passed—no additional regulations on FNMA or FHLMC.
So far, more money has been spent against Ohio governor hopeful John Kasic than any other governor in the United States. In all, President Obama will make 11 trips to Ohio to campaign against him.
After Bill O’Reilly pointed out, on The View, that 70% of Americans opposed building a mosque so close to ground zero, Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behart stormed off the stage.
There seems to be a lot of discussion lately about whether the Chevy Volt is really an electric car or if it is just an government-subsidized yet overpriced hybrid.
Toledo Public Schools teacher Amanda Wanness, who stood in the Oval Office and watched President Obama sign an education stimulus bill, lost her teaching job back home to budget cuts and low seniority (she actually knew about this at the time of signing).
President-elect Obama said, in December 2008, after meeting with governors: "I think we can get a lot of work done fast. All of them have projects that are shovel ready, that are going to require us to get the money out the door." Shovel-ready was a term which tested well, and the President repeated it many times.
President Obama, October 2010: “The problem is, is that spending it [stimulus money] out takes a long time, because there's really nothing - there's no such thing as shovel-ready projects."
President Obama: “Just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations.”
President Obama, at a Boston rally, to cheering crowds: “And if they [Republicans] win in Congress, they will cut AIDS funding right here in the United States of America and all across the world.” Apparently the President has not heard of George W. Bush.
Token liberal on Forbes on Fox, with regards to FNMA and GHLMC: “No, we’re not moving toward a socialized housing market.” Those 2 government entities control or guarantee 90% of the mortgages in the United States (it used to be, 50%).
Vice President Biden, explaining why Democrats aren't running on the administration's accomplishments like health-care and financial-regulatory overhaul and the stimulus: "It's just too hard to explain. It sort of a branding, I mean you know they kind of want the branding more at the front end."
Biden: “These rich guys always underestimate us, that's one thing that I kind of like about it, that's one of the parts of my job I've enjoyed over the years, a little straight left and a right hook, it works”
President Obama, on making Joe Biden Vice President "[This was] the single best decision I have made." This was said to a Delaware crowd.
Biden: "I am truly angry as I go around the country watching. people absolutely, fundamentally blown away by the greed and the policies of the last eight years, of the last administration."
President Obama: "Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time is because we're hardwired not to always think clearly when we're scared, and the country's scared."
U.S. Department of Agriculture release: “Across the nation, many schools are already taking steps to provide students with healthier meals and the nutrition knowledge to make healthier choices. However, it is well recognized that understanding the value of a healthy diet does not always translate into healthy choices. Research has shown that good intentions may not be enough”
Bill Clinton: "And honest to God, half of [Republicans] need psychiatric help—not because they are crazy but because no one can be that angry for that long."
Asked if the prospect of Republican control of one or both houses of Congress concerned him, billionaire George Soros answered: "It does, because I think they are pushing the wrong policies, but I'm not in a position to stop it. I don't believe in standing in the way of an avalanche."
Bill Clinton at his 80th event: "I planned to do about one stop for everybody that helped Hillary run for president because she's one of only two members of the president's cabinet who cannot participate in politics."
Maureen Dowd:, "We are in the era of Republican Mean Girls, grown-up versions of those teenage tormentors who would steal your boyfriend, spray-paint your locker and, just for good measure, spread rumors that you were pregnant."
Ann Curry, when narrating a short video item about Russia unveiling a new set of inflatable weapons designed to fool spy satellites:"Wish all weapons were like that."
Liberals Making Sense:
Governor Paterson of New York: “We projected we would get $4 billion [from raising taxes] and we actually got far short of that.” Paterson is not running for anything, by the way.
Rep. Nick Rahall, Democratic incumbent for the U.S. House in the 3rd District in West Virginia: "Climate change - to deny it exists, to just put your head in the sand and, `oh no, it doesn't exist, what are you talking about,' is about like standing on the floor of Macy's during the month of December and claiming Santa Claus doesn't exist. Come on, get real. There are responsible coal operators who work with us and continue to work with us, not only on climate change, but safety is another example." It is possible that Rahall essentially made a point that was exactly opposite of his real point.
President Obama: “By November 3rd, I will have saved or created 50 to 70 jobs for Republicans.” (Okay, okay, this was a cartoon).
ABC's Charles Gibson confided to Larry King shortly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq how he and his wife had "a little framed sign hanging in our bedroom, my wife and I, that said, `War is not good for children and other living things,' and I believe that. So I don't like covering war and I hate to see them occur."
MSNBC host Keith Olbermann calls Fox News radio host Brian Kilmeade an "un-American bastard"
Chris Matthews: "The message from the TEA Party is. every man for himself. if these people were every man for himself they would have. been killing each other after two days."
Chris Matthews: Some of these people like Sarah Palin seem to brag about their lack of knowledge. They don't read the paper.
David Ignatius, Washington Post: Yeah, we had a political party briefly in America called the Know-Nothings who kind of bragged about their separateness, and that spirit is alive now. I mean, I think that Sarah Palin is a likeable person. The fact that she's obviously an outsider has worked to her advantage up to a point.
This is, of course, based upon Palin getting huffy with Katie Couric 2 years ago, when Couric implied that Palin did not read anything in backwards Alaska.
Palin spoke to this in the movie Media Malpractice: “To me, the question was more along the lines of, "Do you read? What do you guys do up there? What is it that you read?" And, and perhaps I was just too flippant in my answer back to her, but of course I read newspapers. I read publications. I spend a lot of time of course reading our local papers and the highly-circulated publications here in Alaska because that's my job to know the business of Alaska and our communities. But also USA Today, yes, and New York Times.”
Bob Schaeffer (not known for asking tough questions of liberals): “Let's switch to politics. Last week, of course, the President's on the campaign trail. He's on the campaign trail just virtually all the time now. While he was out there, the Democrats put out a-- an ad that's released this morning that blames the Republicans and specifically the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for injecting foreign money into campaigns. The President's words on the trail last week were, ‘groups that received foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections.’ Now I want to ask you about that because the New York Times looked into the Chamber specifically and said the Chamber really isn't putting foreign money into the campaign. That it does charge its foreign affiliates dues that bring in less than a hundred and thousand dollars a year. A lot of organizations including Labor Unions doing-- do that. But the Chamber has an annual budget of two hundred million dollars and it says, along with that, it keeps these foreign dues separate. They do spend heavily in politics, twenty-five million so far. They expect to spend fifty million. But this part about foreign money, that appears to be peanuts, Mister Axelrod, I mean, do you have any evidence that it's anything other than peanuts?”
David Axelrod: “Well, do you have any evidence that it's not, Bob? The fact is that the Chamber has asserted that but they won't release any information about where their campaign money is coming from. And that's at the core of the problem here.”
Bob Schieffer: “If the only charge, three weeks into the election that the Democrats can make is that there's somehow this may or may not be foreign money coming into the campaign, is that the best you can do?”
The unedited interview and video at:
Wolf Blitzer: "Your opponent, who I interviewed earlier, Carly Fiorina, she says basically this charge about you that you're simply a career politician who has no experience in the real world creating jobs."
Barbara Boxer: Well, she's just wrong on that. I voted for over $2 trillion of tax cuts, the largest one was in the stimulus bill. She's just wrong.
Wolf Blitzer: When you say you -- you supported $2 trillion in tax cuts during the stimulus?
Barbara Boxer: Tax cuts. Yes.
Wolf Blitzer: Tax cuts?
Barbara Boxer: I had the --
Wolf Blitzer: Where --
Barbara Boxer: During my career.
Wolf Blitzer: Oh, during your career. I thought you just said during the stimulus.
Barbara Boxer: Yes.
Wolf Blitzer: Well, you said you --
Barbara Boxer: No, no.
Wolf Blitzer: -- supported two trillion –
Barbara Boxer: No, $1.2 trillion with the stimulus.
Wolf Blitzer: Yeah, but --
Barbara Boxer: -- that I can tell you.
Wolf Blitzer: -- that would be maybe two or 300 million dollars. We're not talking about a trillion.
Barbara Boxer: So let's -- so -- so let me say this. A third of the stim and over my time -- let me correct it, you're right, thank you -- $2.2 trillion I voted in tax cuts, $1.2 trillion of which became law. A third of the stim was tax cuts, and it was considered the biggest tax cut in history over a couple-year period.
Professor Mark Perry: “If you're not familiar with the state of California, it's a public employee pension management organization that runs a state on the side with a large $19 billion deficit.”
Calvin Beisner (Cornwall Alliance Founder on he Glenn Beck show) concerning the upside down values of the green movement: “This is why you destroy an eagle’s egg and you go to jail, but if you destroy a baby in the womb, you are protected.” (Quoted from memory)
Bernard McGuire (former Imus sidekick): “Taxes are going up and grandma is going down; that’s Obama-care.”
Betsy McCaughey: “The powers of the federal government are limited and enumerated.” (From memory)
Rush Limbaugh: “Senate majority leader Harry Reid, arguably the second or third most powerful man in our government describing colonoscopies. ‘If you do colonoscopies, colon cancer does not come because you snip off the things they find when they go up, and no more.’ It makes me wonder if at some point they snipped off something and more of Dingy Harry's when they went up there. The more I listen to him talk, it's just... and we're supposed to believe that this represents enlightenment, compassion, brilliance. I mean here's a guy actually advocating colonoscopies, go in there and snip it off when they get in there. This is a guy that wants to be up our butts. He's admitting it. He got more energized during that sound bite talking about colonoscopies than at any other time in the debate when he envisioned being up our butts. Talk about intrusive. This guy is personifying intrusive government, Big Government, up our butts -- up our business is what I mean.”
Excellent Glenn Beck show, showing how today’s green movement is an exact reversal of Christian doctrine and Christian priorities. Even if you are an unbeliever, I think you will find this interesting. It is one of Beck’s best shows (I have watched it twice already). You may be familiar with The Story of Stuff, which many children have been exposed to in school. They have transformed this into a whole set of lessons, and, interestingly enough, these greenies are not just going after schools; they are going after churches as well. Friday, Oct. 15:
Bill Whittle on political elitism:
Joe Manchin for West Virginia TV Ad (he is a Democrat, but there is no way to figure that out):
Who is Obama? From where does he get his world view (this is a 20 minute segment and well worth watching)??
O’Reilly gets Joy Behar and Whoopie Goldberg to walk off the set of The View:
Obama: Blacks probably don't watch `meet the press'
Leftist “news” reporters have found their footing. Paladino made remarks about homosexuals, and now, interviewers are doing their best to tie TEA party candidates, like Michelle Bachman, to Paladino.
Jodi Miller: “New York subway stations will not carry WiFi, which is great news for people who want to check their email and surf the net while they are being urinated on.”
Jodi Miller: “Jenny McCarthy told Oprah that her relationship with Jim Carey stopped being enjoyable a long time ago. So, apparently, dating Jim Carey is a lot like watching his movies.”
You should enjoy this, if you are liberal or conservative (Ron Butler’s Obama spoof):
The Republican party needs to call for the dissolution of all public unions. They take money from their union members (not all of whom want to belong) and give them to political candidates and causes, who turn around and give huge pensions, benefits and salaries to these union members (after all, this money does not come out of the politician’s own pocket). There may have been a valid reason for unions at one time; however, there is no valid reason for a public union.
$3 million of foreign money given to candidate Obama (this is the money which was revealed; smaller doners were not revealed).
$25 million has been spent so far (in total) by the Chamber of Commerce.
133,000 new federal workers since Obama took office. There has been a corresponding 7% job loss in the private sector.
For ⅓rd of today’s seniors, social security makes up 90% or more of their income. Remember when social security was sold as a supplemental income?
1 house in 139 received a foreclosure notice last month.
Associated Press-Knowledge Networks poll
73% of Obama voters now approve of how he's doing his job,
13% don't approve
13% have mixed feelings
40% of Obama voters say they're frustrated by his presidency,
20% say they're excited,
26% say they are proud
¼ of those who voted for the Democrat are defecting to the GOP or considering voting against the party in power this fall.
Half of them say they definitely will show up Nov. 2 to vote
⅔rds McCain voters are planning to vote this fall
Rasmussen predictions:
Pollster Scott Rasmussen last night predicted that Republicans would gain 55 seats in races for the U.S. House of Representatives November 2-much more than the 39 needed for a Republican majority in the House for the first time since 2006. He also predicts that the Republicans should have 48 seats in the Senate [after the elections next month], Democrats 47, and 5 seats could go either way
See What if? (by Dr. John) below....
The MTV presidential townhall, despite screening their questioners, still presented the President with some difficult questions. This would be easy to spoof, asking Obama tough questions and having him answer with some platitude or pivoting to say something which is not even on point. Well, hell, the transcripts from that townhall meeting could be used.
Attorney General Eric Holder says that he is against California’s proposition to make marijuana legal, and that he will continue to pursue criminals in this realm.
Obama repeated the words shovel-ready jobs many times, and now, after the summer of recovery (that wasn’t) he admits that there are no shovel-ready jobs.
Speaking of phrases that work, but are absolutely untrue: “You can keep your own doctor”
Muslims have figured out that death threats work; recently some leftist found out that they could get a billboard removed through death threats. Expect more of these to come, principally from the left.
If there are no bizarre surprises before the election, I look for 60 seats to turn Republican in the House (if memory serves, 39 is the magic number which will give them control of the House) and for the Senate to have 51 or 52 Republicans. The number of Republican governors should exceed 30 after this election.
President Obama will not turn to the middle, as did President Clinton, but will be at odds with this legislature for the next 2 years.
Republicans will not back up their rhetoric after November.
Michelle Obama violates election laws
Obama says, Blacks do not watch Meet the Press
Come, let us reason together....
I heard about the boycott on Target and it was pretty hard to find out any real facts. I fed that into my search engine (Dogpile) and I had to go down one page to get some objective facts (FoxNews, of course).
Let me give you an example: quoted from the Huffington Post:
Progressive action committee has released a TV ad urging Americans to boycott Target, in its latest swipe against the company for spending money on the Minnesota Governor's race.
"Target and other big corporations are trying to buy our elections," the ad states.
The 30-second ad calls for viewers to boycott Target for donating over $150,000 to conservative Rep. Tom Emmer's bid for Minnesota governor. The money was reportedly put toward this political advertisement supporting the anti-gay-rights candidate, made by business interest group Minnesota Forward.
And they ran this ad:
One group converged on a Target store, and sang a song about Target not being people and yet donating:
Several of the stories I read, made Emmer’s anti-gay stance a big issue.
It sounds as though Target picked out this anti-gay candidate and gave him a bunch of money. Except, that is not what really happened.
Target did give a reasonable donation to a pro-business outfit, and since Tom Emmer is very pro-business and running for governor, this outfit ran an ad on his behalf:
It really boils down to this. Unions can give millions of dollars of money that they took from their members, many of whom had no choice—you belong to a union or you do not work. This money is given freely to left-wing causes and liberal and progressive candidates.
However, because Target (and BestBuy and others) naturally support pro-business types, these activists do not believe that they have a right to do this. It is not really the principle, but what these businesses support.
Therefore, they have called for a boycott against Target:
You have recently heard our president and vice president call for the Chamber of Commerce to reveal all of their donors. This should help you to understand why donors do not want to be revealed. Who knows if they will become the target of a boycott or worse? Or if they will just have to endure angry political activists outside their store (or inside their store) protesting. If you support conservative causes, the active left will do everything possible to make your life miserable (although the song was reasonably entertaining).
What we hope will happen is, these boycotts will change very little of the bottom line for these businesses. What would be even better is, hundreds of businesses began giving to conservative causes—not necessarily a lot, but enough to catch the attention of these crazy leftists. After all, they cannot boycott every business.
Fox News on this:
Why Liberals Don't Get the Tea Party Movement
Our universities haven't taught much political history for decades. No wonder so many progressives have disdain for the principles that animated the Federalist debates.
By Peter Berkowitz
Highly educated people say the darndest things, these days particularly about the tea party movement. Vast numbers of other highly educated people read and hear these dubious pronouncements, smile knowingly, and nod their heads in agreement. University educations and advanced degrees notwithstanding, they lack a basic understanding of the contours of American constitutional government.
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman got the ball rolling in April 2009, just ahead of the first major tea party rallies on April 15, by falsely asserting that "the tea parties don't represent a spontaneous outpouring of public sentiment. They're AstroTurf (fake grass-roots) events."
Having learned next to nothing in the intervening 16 months about one of the most spectacular grass-roots political movements in American history, fellow Times columnist Frank Rich denied in August of this year that the tea party movement is "spontaneous and leaderless," insisting instead that it is the instrument of billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch.
Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne criticized the tea party as unrepresentative in two ways. It "constitutes a sliver of opinion on the extreme end of politics receiving attention out of all proportion with its numbers," he asserted last month. This was a step back from his rash prediction five months before that since it "represents a relatively small minority of Americans on the right end of politics," the tea party movement "will not determine the outcome of the 2010 elections."
In February, Mr. Dionne argued that the tea party was also unrepresentative because it reflected a political principle that lost out at America's founding and deserves to be permanently retired: "Anti-statism, a profound mistrust of power in Washington goes all the way back to the Anti-Federalists who opposed the Constitution itself because they saw it concentrating too much authority in the central government."
Mr. Dionne follows in the footsteps of progressive historian Richard Hofstadter, whose influential 1964 book "The Paranoid Style in American Politics" argued that Barry Goldwater and his supporters displayed a "style of mind" characterized by "heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy." Similarly, the "suspicion of government" that the tea party movement shares with the Anti-Federalists, Mr. Dionne maintained, "is not amenable to 'facts'" because "opposing government is a matter of principle."
To be sure, the tea party sports its share of clowns, kooks and creeps. And some of its favored candidates and loudest voices have made embarrassing statements and embraced reckless policies. This, however, does not distinguish the tea party movement from the competition.
Born in response to President Obama's self-declared desire to fundamentally change America, the tea party movement has made its central goals abundantly clear. Activists and the sizeable swath of voters who sympathize with them want to reduce the massively ballooning national debt, cut runaway federal spending, keep taxes in check, reinvigorate the economy, and block the expansion of the state into citizens' lives.
In other words, the tea party movement is inspired above all by a commitment to limited government. And that does distinguish it from the competition.
But far from reflecting a recurring pathology in our politics or the losing side in the debate over the Constitution, the devotion to limited government lies at the heart of the American experiment in liberal democracy. The Federalists who won ratification of the Constitution-most notably Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay-shared with their Anti-Federalist opponents the view that centralized power presented a formidable and abiding threat to the individual liberty that it was government's primary task to secure. They differed over how to deal with the threat.
The Anti-Federalists-including Patrick Henry, Samuel Bryan and Robert Yates-adopted the traditional view that liberty depended on state power exercised in close proximity to the people. The Federalists replied in Federalist 9 that the "science of politics," which had "received great improvement," showed that in an extended and properly structured republic liberty could be achieved and with greater security and stability.
This improved science of politics was based not on abstract theory or complex calculations but on what is referred to in Federalist 51 as "inventions of prudence" grounded in the reading of classic and modern authors, broad experience of self-government in the colonies, and acute observations about the imperfections and finer points of human nature. It taught that constitutionally enumerated powers; a separation, balance, and blending of these powers among branches of the federal government; and a distribution of powers between the federal and state governments would operate to leave substantial authority to the states while both preventing abuses by the federal government and providing it with the energy needed to defend liberty.
Whether members have read much or little of The Federalist, the tea party movement's focus on keeping government within bounds and answerable to the people reflects the devotion to limited government embodied in the Constitution. One reason this is poorly understood among our best educated citizens is that American politics is poorly taught at the universities that credentialed them. Indeed, even as the tea party calls for the return to constitutional basics, our universities neglect The Federalist and its classic exposition of constitutional principles.
For the better part of two generations, the best political science departments have concentrated on equipping students with skills for performing empirical research and teaching mathematical models that purport to describe political affairs. Meanwhile, leading history departments have emphasized social history and issues of race, class and gender at the expense of constitutional history, diplomatic history and military history.
Neither professors of political science nor of history have made a priority of instructing students in the founding principles of American constitutional government. Nor have they taught about the contest between the progressive vision and the conservative vision that has characterized American politics since Woodrow Wilson (then a political scientist at Princeton) helped launch the progressive movement in the late 19th century by arguing that the Constitution had become obsolete and hindered democratic reform.
Then there are the proliferating classes in practical ethics and moral reasoning. These expose students to hypothetical conundrums involving individuals in surreal circumstances suddenly facing life and death decisions, or present contentious public policy questions and explore the range of respectable progressive opinions for resolving them. Such exercises may sharpen students' ability to argue. They do little to teach about self-government.
They certainly do not teach about the virtues, or qualities of mind and character, that enable citizens to shoulder their political responsibilities and prosper amidst the opportunities and uncertainties that freedom brings. Nor do they teach the beliefs, practices and associations that foster such virtues and those that endanger them.
Those who doubt that the failings of higher education in America have political consequences need only reflect on the quality of progressive commentary on the tea party movement. Our universities have produced two generations of highly educated people who seem unable to recognize the spirited defense of fundamental American principles, even when it takes place for more than a year and a half right in front of their noses.
Obama decries "tribal attitudes" while pandering to them.
By James Taranto
"Asked about what the questioner saw as an increase in racial tension Thursday, President Obama said a 'tribal attitude' can come as a result of economic hardship," CBS News reports:
"Historically, when you look at how America has evolved, typically we make progress on race relations in fits and starts," he said at a town hall event with young Americans.
He then suggested that the recession has played a part in driving racial antagonism while he has been in office.
"Often times misunderstandings and antagonisms surface most strongly when times are tough. And that's not surprising," Mr. Obama said, arguing that Americans are less worried when things are going well.
He added that anxiety over not being able to pay bills--or having lost a job or a home--sometimes "organizes itself around kind of a tribal attitude, and issues of race become more prominent."
This is a not-unfamiliar theme: "It's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to . . . antipathy to people who aren't like them," Sen. Barack Obama said in 2008.
This column rejects not only the economic determinism of the president's answer but the premise of the question. We think actual race relations are better than they've ever been, and the "increase in racial tension" is a myth propagated by the liberal political class in the hope of discrediting Obama's opponents.
The propagators of that myth include the president himself, and it takes chutzpah for him to accuse his opponents of pandering to "a tribal attitude." Here is the president himself, trying to rally a crowd in Philadelphia on Sunday:
See, what the other side is counting on, what they're counting on is you're going to stay home. They're counting on your silence. They're counting on your amnesia. They're counting on your apathy. They're counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home and middle-class families staying home. They're counting on the fact that they made the argument so ugly in Washington that you just completely turned off and you're not going to vote for anybody. And if that happens, they win.
Of course there is a strategy behind Obama's explicitly racial appeals to "black folks." lays it out:
The Joint Center for Political and Economic Study [sic, actually Studies] released a report Thursday that shows that the black electorate is large enough to sway 20 competitive House races in 14 states, including those for Reps. Bobby Bright (D-Ala.), Tom Perriello (D-Va.) and John Spratt (D-S.C.), who face some of the toughest races in the nation. . . .
"The extent of the Democrats' losses will depend on their ability to turn out their most loyal voters, and no voting bloc will be more important to them than African-Americans," David Bositis, the center's senior political analyst, wrote in the report. "If they can mobilize a strong black turnout, the Democrats can significantly reduce their potential losses."
Here's Obama again, from the Sunday rally:
And, you know, a lot of folks in Washington think that they're running a smart strategy. They're saying the other party's supporters are more enthusiastic, more excited. They say all y'all are going to stay home. You might not come out like you did in 2008. They say you might not care as much. They think, oh, well, Obama's name is not on the ballot, maybe they're not going to turn out.
In 2008 blacks could proudly cast their ballots for Obama. This year he cannot appeal to pride, only fear. Thus it serves his interests to perpetuate the falsehood that America is beset with racial tension.
On Monday, the New York Times notes, Obama held a private blacks-only meeting with bloggers and journalists. He's taken a bit of flak--undeserved in our view--for this comment:
"The media is changing so rapidly," the president said, acknowledging the role of the Web in allowing his administration to reach out beyond audiences that are mainstream media consumers.
"It allows us to reach audiences that may not be watching 'Meet the Press'--not that there's anything wrong with 'Meet the Press.' I'm just saying that, you know, it might be a different demographic," he added, stirring a few laughs from the group.
Some conservative critics have suggested that Obama's remark about blacks not watching "Meet the Press" is an invidious stereotype. But really, does anyone watch "Meet the Press" anymore?
Some Milwaukee "community groups," however, are perpetuating a derogatory stereotype. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the groups "condemned billboards throughout Milwaukee that warn 'Voter Fraud is a Felony,' saying they are an attempt by right-wing sources to intimidate and suppress minority voting."
The billboards, whose sponsor is unknown, depict three people behind jail bars: a black man, a white woman and a woman of intermediate hue and indeterminate ethnicity. The white woman is much larger than the other two figures, and it is she who says, via a cartoon balloon, "We voted illegally." The billboard warns that the penalty for voter fraud can run "3 yrs & $10,000 fine."
"We're tired of these tactics and signs like these that keep various groups from participating," Jayme Montgomery-Baker of the League of Young Voters tells the paper. "The message is offensive and implicitly and explicitly creates a climate of fear in the African-American community that was historically denied justice and discouraged from voting," says Ken Wheeler, a Milwaukee pastor. Then there's this:
Scot Ross, director of the liberal One Wisconsin Now, said that after a 20-month investigation the state attorney general prosecuted only 11 people for voter fraud.
If few people are convicted of voter fraud, that could be either because it is an uncommon crime or because enforcement is spotty. In neither case does it follow that it is objectionable to exhort people to comply with the law.
In any case, given that the billboards themselves depict an ethnically diverse group of fraudsters, it is the objectors who are perpetuating the stereotype that minorities are prone to voter fraud.
Worthy of Baghdad Bob
Cynthia Tucker, editorial page editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, complains that "one of [President] Obama's greatest political weaknesses has been his stubborn--and unrequited--love for bipartisanship." Tucker's essay may be a very deadpan satire, but our guess is it's serious--in which case it's a performance worthy of Baghdad Bob:
The president has made some of his biggest mistakes trying to woo a GOP opposition that has committed itself to frustrating him at every turn. If he had ignored recalcitrant Republicans, for example, his health care legislation might have become law without months of damaging political drama.
Huh? What required months of drama was to cajole and bully enough Democrats to support the monstrous legislation. Tucker's conclusion:
The expected Republican gains in the coming mid-term elections may solve one of Obama's problems: his misplaced faith in logic, persuasion and cooperation in the national interest. Tea-party-fueled anger has produced a wave of GOP candidates for whom the word "compromise" is akin to treason.
It's certainly possible that Republicans in the 112th Congress will overplay their hand and make Obama look reasonable. But the notion that Obama's problem is that he has been reasonable is utterly detached from reality. It wasn't only right-wingers and Republican partisans who rejected ObamaCare. lt was only left-wingers and Democratic partisans who accepted it.
This was made crystal clear by Scott Brown's victory. Brown made opposition to ObamaCare his central campaign theme, and he won in a state that is heavily Democratic but even more heavily independent. Obama could have backed away in the face of public opposition, but he defied "logic, persuasion and cooperation" to push ahead anyway.
Tucker also claims: "Unlike Ronald Reagan, whose poll ratings were slightly lower than Obama's just before the 1982 mid-term elections, Obama didn't take every possible opportunity to pin the economic mess on his predecessor." Hmm, maybe this is a satire.
The campaign to demonize the Tea Party movement continues, meanwhile. reports on an especially risible comment:
If the trapped Chilean miners had subscribed to the tea party's "every-man-for-himself" philosophy, "they would have been killing each other after about two days," MSNBC host Chris Matthews said on his "Hardball" show Wednesday night.
In an interview with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, Matthews railed against the tea party, saying its central belief is "every man for himself. . . . No more taxes, no more government, no more everything. No more safety net."
"You know these people, if they were every man for himself down in that mine, they wouldn't have gotten out," Matthews added.
"That's exactly right," Trumka chimed in.
Matthews continued: "They would have been killing each other after about two days."
This is not just false, it is an inversion of the truth. There's no better example of civic-mindedness than the Tea Party movement, made up of ordinary citizens trying to influence the direction of their government. To the extent that there is a Tea Party philosophy, it is not "every man for himself" but "leave us alone."
Matthews's error--and that of the liberal elite more generally--is to mistake compulsion for compassion.
Uh-Oh, It's the Constitution
A federal judge in Florida has rejected the government's motion to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of ObamaCare, Politico reports:
U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson allowed two major counts to proceed: the states' challenge to the controversial requirement that nearly all Americans buy insurance and a required expansion of the Medicaid program.
In his ruling, Vinson criticized Democrats for seeking to have it both ways when it comes to defending the mandate to buy insurance. During the legislative debate, Republicans chastised the proposal as a new tax on the middle class. Obama defended the payment as a penalty and not a tax, but the Justice Department has argued that legally, it's a tax.
"Congress should not be permitted to secure and cast politically difficult votes on controversial legislation by deliberately calling something one thing, after which the defenders of that legislation take an "Alice-in-Wonderland" tack and argue in court that Congress really meant something else entirely, thereby circumventing the safeguard that exists to keep their broad power in check," he wrote.
Vinson ruled that it's a penalty, not a tax, and must be defended under the Commerce Clause and not Congress's taxing authority.
For a comprehensive discussion of the constitutional arguments against ObamaCare, see our interview with Randy Barnett. To see what some of our elected representatives think of the constitution they're sworn to uphold, check out this video of Rep. Jan Schakowsky, an Illinois Democrat:
Adam Sharp, Where in the Constitution does it give Congress the authority to mandate that I purchase health insurance?
Schakowsky: You know, if you--well--
Schakowsky attempts to wave Sharp off, and a teenage girl standing behind her says, "Yeah, it's time to go," and attempts to escort the congresswoman away. But Sharp persists:
Sharp: Could you tell me where in the Constitution it gives you that authority, to mandate that I purchase health insurance?
Schakowsky: I don't see where it is in the Constitution that it says that we can build a national highway system. I don't see in the Constitution--
Sharp: Well, actually, the Constitution says "post offices and post roads," ma'am.
Schakowsky: I don't see where it says that we can do, uh, civil rights legislation.
Sharp: I asked you about the health-care bill, ma'am.
Schakowsky: I don't see where it says Medicare, Medicare and Social Security.
Sharp: I asked you about the health-care bill.
Schakowsky: If we can do Medicare, if we can do Medicaid, I would say that it's pretty well-established that the United States of America can address health care.
At this point, the teenager succeeds in pulling Schakowsky away. Schakowsky doesn't seem to have thought about the Constitution at all, but her theory seems to be that since Congress has already exercised vast powers, its powers must be unlimited--or, in the more refined formulation, that the power to "address health care" is plenary. The actual reason we have a constitution is to make clear that lawmakers do not have the power to do whatever they please.
Lies, Damn Lies and the ObamaCare Sales Pitch
The White House's ObamaCare defense is becoming even more frantic and desperate.
By Joseph Rago
Can the White House effort to defend ObamaCare get any more frantic, not to say desperate?
On Tuesday, Stephanie Cutter, a special assistant to President Obama, took to the White House blog to refute an ostensible health-care myth. "For months," she wrote categorically, "opponents of health reform have falsely claimed that the Affordable Care Act would lead to the taxation of health care benefits. The claim wasn't true when the rumor first surfaced, it isn't true today and it won't be true tomorrow."
That depends on how she defines "tomorrow." As former White House Budget Director Peter Orszag explained in his farewell address in July, "the legislation includes the most promising set of changes ever enacted into law to reduce the rate of health-care cost growth over the long term. These changes include a new excise tax on the highest-cost insurance plans. . . ."
In 2018, such Cadillac policies will face a 40% tax on benefits costing more than $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families. ObamaCare also includes a $60.1 billion excise tax on the insurance industry, which will be passed through to consumers as higher premiums.
Then there's Medicare Advantage, the program Democrats hate because it gives seniors private health-care choices. In a speech to the AARP in Orlando last week, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius insisted that, thanks to ObamaCare, "there are more Medicare Advantage plans to choose from."
Except that isn't true today and won't be true tomorrow. Insurers are cutting their Medicare Advantage offerings, and some are withdrawing the from the market entirely. When Republicans objected to Ms. Sebelius's statement, HHS said she actually meant "more meaningful options."
Rick Foster, Medicare's chief actuary, provided a more accurate assessment this week. ObamaCare's effect on Medicare Advantage will be "less generous benefit packages" and "a large increase in the out-of-pocket costs incurred by MA enrollees," he wrote.
With an election coming up, Democrats have argued that ObamaCare remains unpopular with voters because voters don't understand what ObamaCare contains. The real problem is that voters understand all too well, despite the White House's efforts to keep them confused.
Obama the Alien: The President Must Be from Another Planet
by Larry Kudlow
Believe it or not, with jobs falling for four consecutive months and unemployment stubbornly high near 10 percent, President Obama is out on the campaign trail bashing businesses and promoting class warfare. Huh? Oh my gosh is he off message.
He's slamming the Chamber of Commerce for allegedly using foreign money in campaign ads, even though there's not one shred of evidence of this. Huh (again)? Is the Chamber really a big election-year issue? Is it causing high unemployment?
Of course, Obama never mentions the unions, including the SEIU and AFL-CIO, and all their foreign money from their big international affiliates. Instead, he extends his own cast of villains, attacking special interests, Wall Street banks, corporations, the oil industry, the insurance industry, credit-card companies, AIG, and ExxonMobil. ExxonMobil? What did they do? Oh, they're an oil company.
Phew. Kind of anti-business, wouldn't you say?
Obama then blasts millionaires and billionaires, waging war on capital and investors, too. Next he talks about getting young people, African Americans, and union members to the polls. Even more division. Even more class warfare.
All this, of course, from the "post-partisan" president who was going to bring us all together for change.
But what's truly incredible about Obama's pre-election performance is how it totally misses the mark on the issues that really matter, like high unemployment, low growth, big-government spending, Obamacare, and tax hikes. That's the stuff people are really talking about.
It's as though Obama is from another planet, completely disconnected from the political reality as we march toward November 2.
A series of investor-related polls shows how totally detached the president is from the nearly 100 million folks who directly or indirectly own stocks.
A survey conducted by Citigroup Global Markets of 100 mutual-fund, hedge-fund, and pension-fund managers finds that institutional investors fear a government policy mistake far more than inflation, terrorism, a housing double-dip, poor earnings, or any other potential risk to the economy. (Hat tip to CNBC producer John Melloy.) One-third of the survey's participants list government policy missteps as their biggest worry, ahead of the more than 15 percent who cite protectionism.
But these investors believe the chances of a big policy error will decrease if Republicans take back the House of Representatives in November.
In another poll conducted by Reuters, 75 percent of respondents believe the employment situation is the most important issue for Wall Street, followed by 41 percent who point to consumer confidence. Fleshing out the survey, nearly two-thirds of respondents say extending the Bush era tax cuts should be a high priority; just over a third say the budget deficit is the main concern; more than two-fifths say interest rates will start to rise and the dollar will weaken more if the deficit is not addressed; more than a quarter want Obamacare repealed; and only one-fifth say additional action by the Fed is crucial.
Then there's a new poll from Investor's Business Daily. It shows 56 percent of respondents saying they want tax cuts extended even for households with more than $250,000 in income. Only 39 percent in the poll want the rich to pay more, while support for making tax cuts for the rich permanent hit 63 percent for both Republicans and independents. By solid majorities, that includes taxes on capital gains, dividends, and estates, all to be frozen at current rates.
These polls reveal how utterly alien Obama is to the investor class. And it's worth noting that investors are among the most likely voters to turn out for elections.
But the absolute key point here is that while Obama is bashing businesses, rich people, and all the rest, and while he continues to wage class warfare, he is talking about issues that are not on anyone's mind. It's the economy, stupid, and the low-spending, low-taxing, and minimal- regulating policies that would set the stage for a stronger economy, lower unemployment, and more confidence.
It's as though the president is stuck in a 1930s time warp. His policies have failed to rejuvenate economic growth. But he will not address this. That's his political failing. And that's why he is going to suffer a huge shellacking on November 2.
By Nancy Morgan
Just after Obama was elected president, I asked my niece, Sarah, to tell me, in one word, why she voted for him. She thought about it for awhile, and then replied, "equality."
Sarah is a newly minted Ph.D., a recent product of government schools and a very smart woman. Not surprisingly, she has adopted the progressive's outlook as her own. To her credit, she is concerned with others less fortunate than herself. She is concerned with fairness and equality. She is genuinely compassionate and strives to do the right thing.
Unfortunately, like millions of Americans, Sarah has been led to believe that Obama has the ability to make life more just. She seems to believe that the leftist template of "social justice" will finally result in equality and justice for all. I give her credit for her concern and I applaud her interest in others. I also look forward to the day when she has enough life experience to realize that life will never be fair. That people will never be "equal."
Fairness and equality are subjective concepts whose definitions differ depending on whom is doing the defining. The kicker is words that can mean anything end up meaning nothing.
Equality, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It is a lovely concept, but the devil is in the details.
Here's a news flash: Life isn't fair and people are not equal. And history shows that any and all attempts to make it fair and equal - from socialism to communism to Marxism - have been dismal failures. What Sarah wasn't taught in school is that countries that are free, are not equal. And countries that are equal, are not free.
America is unique and prosperous because our country offers the only equality achievable by man: equality of opportunity and equality before the law. At least we used to. In an effort to make life fair for all, Obama's agenda has resulted undermining two of the most important pillars of our society - the rule of law and the right to own private property.
Unelected czars have been given the ability to change the rules on a whim. Government bureaucrats have been given unprecedented power over the formerly free market, with the ability to confiscate (nationalize) any business that doesn't conform to ever-changing standards imposed by political fiat. Our own Department of Justice has flatly stated that the rules governing election fraud are there only for disenfranchised blacks, not whites.
By arbitrarily changing the rules that govern our society, Obama and his fellow progressives have thrown the country into turmoil. Imagine being in the middle of a high stakes game and all of a sudden, the rules change. Heads they win, and tails, you lose. How "fair" is that?
In Obama's world, some people are more equal than others. (Can you spell "unions"?) By stacking the deck in favor of one group at the expense of another, in the name of fairness and equality, Obama's policies have resulted in a less equal and less fair America.
What my niece Sarah doesn't realize is that all rights come with attendant responsibilities. One man's right not to be offended means that another man's right to voice his opinion is infringed upon. One man's right to free housing means another man's right to keep the fruits of his own labor is diminished. As Thomas Sowell states, there are no solutions, only trade-offs.
Obama has convinced many Americans that he has the ability to bestow unlimited rights. Like a weekend dad, Obama feeds his `children' ice cream, lavishes them with toys, and lets them stay up all night. He leaves to mom (Republicans) the much harder task of teaching the reality that there are no free lunches, that rights are not free when they are paid for by others, and that life isn't fair. It never has been, and never will be.
Thousands of small businesses and millions of Americans are sitting on billions of dollars, refusing to invest their hard-earned money because this administration has stacked the deck in favor of whoever has the most political clout. Why risk capital when the rules can be changed on a whim? Why hire a new employee when it is impossible to estimate how costly their health-care package will be?
I only hope that my niece Sarah, and the rest of America's progressives, realize sooner rather than later, that all of man's attempts to attain utopia, world peace, and equality for all are not only futile, but risk destroying the hard-won equality of opportunity and equality before the law that America has spent over 200 years developing.
by: Dr John
What if Newt Gingrich campaigned in a polling station in Des Moines?
What if John Bohner said anxiety "organizes itself around kind of a tribal attitude, and issues of race become more prominent."
What if Sarah Palin said "Black people don't watch Meet the Press"?
What if George Bush had a closed door meeting for white journalists and bloggers?
What if Laura Bush said "White people have to increase intensity”?
What if two KKK members stood watch outside a polling station?
What if Jeb Bush was a polygamist who married a 19 year old?
What if?
The Soros-Obama plan to dismantle America (or, as Obama puts it, fundamentally change America):
File this under duh; a recent study has shown that the media significantly exaggerated possible racism at TEA party events:
Controversial Obama billboard in Grand junction, removed over death threats (it works for the Muslims):
American Muslim Proclaims "I Am A Traitor To America Because My Religion Requires Me To Be One"
Did you know that the original
Obama’s De Facto moratorium on gulf oil:
My story on Brown versus Whitman:
The USDA will be nudging children to eat better:
American drill bit saves Chilean miners (there is more to this story than you might realize):
In response, several people wrote columns saying, in one way or another, that capitalism was to blame (just google or dogpile “capitalism did not save Chilean miners”).
Eric Holder is anti-pot:
Medicare Fraud Dwarfs Profits of 14 Insurance Companies Combined
RUSH: I want to go back to audio sound bite number 11 from the Dingy Harry and Sharron Angle debate in which he takes it to the insurance companies.
REID: Insurance companies don't do things out of the goodness of their hearts. They do it out of a profit motive and they have almost destroyed our economy.
RUSH: Stop the tape. "Insurance companies don't do things out of the goodness of their hearts. They do it out of a profit motive and they have almost destroyed our economy." Mark Hemingway, National Review Online: "60 Minutes did a great report on Medicare fraud this past Sunday. Among other things, the report noted that Medicare fraud was now more common in South Florida than the drug trade," and then there's this: "Medicare loses seven times as much money in fraud every year than the combined profits of the 14 health insurance companies on the Fortune 500." Yet here's Harry Reid getting paid off on a land deal in Vegas, impugning insurance companies for seeking profit and "almost destroying our economy" when he and his buddies in the Democrat Party are in the process of doing just that.
In the systems they devise for our health care -- Medicare, Medicaid -- there's so much fraud (and who knows who's getting paid off on this) that it dwarfs the combined profit of 14 health insurance companies in the Fortune 500. This is just an out-and-out outrageous, despicable lie and is typical of what we've been getting of the Democrat Party for as long as I've been listening to 'em speak. Government great! Government God! Profits destroy! Profits destroy economy. Profits destroy the country. Companies, corporations want profits. They don't care about people. Only Democrats care about people. Only Democrats care about the little guy -- unless you're unborn in the womb and then you're on your own.
"Only Democrats care about people. Everybody else -- Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Retail -- they're killing people. Big government's saving 'em." Big government is defrauding people left and right, failing to produce anything on their promises. This is stunning. "Medicare loses seven times as much money in fraud every year than the combined profits of the 14 health insurance companies on the Fortune 500," and we're told that these people in charge of this kind of incompetence and loss or whatever else it is, fraud, are now going to be in charge of one-sixth of the US economy. And we're supposed to look the other way 'cause these people care about us and Republicans are the extremists and the kooks.
Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer Have the IQs of Pencil Erasers
RUSH: If you are just joining us, earlier in the program we had some sound bites from the debate last night between Sharron Angle and Dingy Harry Reid. During this debate, Dingy Harry lambasted the insurance companies again and health care reform in general.
REID: Insurance companies don't do things out of the goodness of their hearts. They do it out of a profit motive and they have almost destroyed our economy. We need them to be forced to do mammograms. That's why you see Breast Cancer Awareness Month, you see the baseball players wearing pink shoes and you see the football players having pink, uhh, helmets. You detected it if you do mammograms. Colonoscopies! If you do colonoscopies, colon cancer does not come 'cause you snip off the things they find when they go up, and no more. And we need to have -- have insurance companies do this. It will save money in the long run to do this.
RUSH: All right, so you got football players wearing pink helmets, but the important thing here is you just listened to the most powerful man in the United States Senate, Senate majority leader Harry Reid, arguably the second or third most powerful man in our government describing colonoscopies. "If you do colonoscopies, colon cancer does not come because you snip off the things they find when they go up, and no more." It makes me wonder if at some point they snipped off something and more of Dingy Harry's when they went up there. The more I listen to him talk, it's just... and we're supposed to believe that this represents enlightenment, compassion, brilliance. I mean here's a guy actually advocating colonoscopies, go in there and snip it off when they get in there. This is a guy that wants to be up our butts. He's admitting it. He got more energized during that sound bite talking about colonoscopies than at any other time in the debate when he envisioned being up our butts. Talk about intrusive. This guy is personifying intrusive government, Big Government, up our butts -- up our business is what I mean. If you missed it, this is among the brightest stars. And here's another one. Barbara Boxer, obviously the IQ of a pencil eraser, she's on the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. Blitzer said, "Your opponent, who I interviewed earlier, Carly Fiorina, she says basically this charge about you that you're simply a career politician who has no experience in the real world creating jobs."
BOXER: Well, she's just wrong on that. I voted for over $2 trillion of tax cuts, the largest one was in the stimulus bill. She's just wrong.
BLITZER: When you say you -- you supported $2 trillion in tax cuts during the stimulus?
BOXER: Tax cuts. Yes.
BLITZER: Tax cuts?
BOXER: I had the --
BLITZER: Where --
BOXER: During my career.
BLITZER: Oh, during your career. I thought you just said during the stimulus.
BLITZER: Well, you said you --
BOXER: No, no.
BLITZER: -- supported two trillion --
BOXER: No, $1.2 trillion with the stimulus.
RUSH: Now, Wolf Blitzer wants her to do well. Wolf Blitzer is Bob Schieffer. Last Sunday on Face the Nation, he's got Axelrod coming in there, he's hoping for something big. We're down to the nitty-gritty. We got three weeks to go. The Republicans look to be laying on a big shellacking. Here comes the architect of brilliance for Obama, David Axelrod, and Schieffer just knows he's gonna come up there with a big announcement of how they're gonna retake Congress and defeat the Republicans and make sure they don't get it, and he comes up with this big charge, the Chamber of Commerce is being infiltrated with foreign money. And Schieffer says is that all you've got for me? So Blitzer talks to Carly Fiorina, all right, now, I got to bury Fiorina, I'll get Boxer in here. So he brings Boxer in, "I voted for $2 trillion of tax cuts in the stimulus." Wolf, "Uh, when you say you supported two trillion --" "Tax cuts, yes, I have." "Tax cuts where?" "During my career." "Okay, we can bail you out here. During your career. I thought you said during the stimulus." "Yes, I did, during the stimulus." Wolf is doing his best Bob Schieffer trying to save Boxer. Not even Wolf could stomach it. He knows that he couldn't cover for this, not even with the CNN audience. So wolf, he wouldn't let it go. He's stunned. He can't believe she's actually saying this, so he wants her to clarify, he wants to help her clarify this. He says, "There was $1.2 trillion in tax cuts in the stimulus?" Remember, now, the stimulus, the popular figure is $787 billion was the total expenditure. She's saying $1.2 trillion in tax cuts. Wolf says there was $1.2 trillion in tax cuts in the stimulus?
BOXER: Well, I will put it this way. Over time, that's what it will be, when you figure all the tax cuts over time and what we did for the senior citizens, giving them back those refunds. So there was a lot -- actually a third of the stim (sic) was direct tax cuts.
BLITZER: Yeah, but --
BOXER: -- that I can tell you.
BLITZER: -- that would be maybe two or 300 million dollars. We're not talking about a trillion.
BOXER: So let's -- so -- so let me say this. A third of the stim and over my time -- let me correct it, you're right, thank you -- $2.2 trillion I voted in tax cuts, $1.2 trillion of which became law. A third of the stim was tax cuts, and it was considered the biggest tax cut in history over a couple-year period.
RUSH: We're supposed to look the other way. When we are confronted with sheer ignorance, when we are confronted with sheer, naked stupidity, when we are staring at genuine dumbness, we're supposed to look the other way, because she cares about people. We're supposed to look the other way because she has compassion. We're supposed to look the other way because she knows that George Bush is the real enemy. We're supposed to look the other way because she knows the Tea Party is the real extremists. We're supposed to look the other way because Barbara Boxer knows that it's conservatives who pose the greatest threat to this country. We're supposed to look the other way because Christine O'Donnell is stupid. We're supposed to look the other way because Barbara Boxer knows that Sharron Angle is an extremist tool of the special interests. We're supposed to look the other way when we are confronted -- look, if stupid and dumbness are too strong for you, what would you describe these two sound bites as being? Clueless? Clueless, uninformed, wrong? She doesn't know what she's talking about. We're supposed to look the other way, though, because she cares about people. She's a liberal. She's a good person. I don't think she's lying. I don't think she knows what she's talking about. I really don't. Glittering jewel of colossal ignorance. IQ would fit in a thimble, but we're supposed to look the other way 'cause she cares about people.
RUSH: I guess politicians can be excused for thinking some people are stupid because they keep being reelected. If you were Barbara Boxer and you kept being reelected in California, you would have to think half the state is stupid. But then you wouldn't be smart enough to think that because you're Barbara Boxer. You could be Harry Reid, you could be really bad.
Libs Have Disdain for Constitution
RUSH: Ellen in Rocky River, Ohio. Welcome to the EIB Network. Great to have you here.
CALLER: Huh, Rush. Thanks for taking my call.
RUSH: Yes, ma'am.
CALLER: You know, I was wondering if you had seen or knew anything about there was a debate between Jim McGovern... He is the Democrat, the sitting Democrat congressman from the Third Congressional District in Massachusetts. He's running against Marty Lamb. Well, they were --
RUSH: Oh, yeah. This is the guy that said the Constitution's wrong.
RUSH: (laughing)
CALLER: I was scrolling through the Internet and I saw it, and I thought, well, it was worth watching. And when I first heard it and saw it I thought, "I must not have heard it correctly." So I did the replay, and indeed I did hear it correctly, so I didn't know whether to be more appalled, angry, disappointed. So I called his DC office yesterday and got right through, and the person who answered the phone was quick to tell me that he had "misspoken." And, you know, I didn't want to sound snide or contentious, but I felt compelled to correct her. What I said was, "If by 'misspeaking' you mean it slipped out, then I would agree. If you're gonna define 'misspeaking' as that's not what he meant, I would profoundly disagree with you." It would appear to me that he and his ilk see the Constitution as a huge impediment --
RUSH: You're right, they do.
CALLER: -- for them to, you know, advance their agenda. They've done a fine job restricting free speech with political correctness.
RUSH: I had the sound bite yesterday, and didn't get to it. I was in a foul mood yesterday; I'm in a fouler mood today. I didn't get to it yesterday. But one of the reasons, not just 'cause I was in a foul mood. Democrats, all Democrats think the Constitution is wrong. I mean, that's their premise. That's why they appoint the judges they appoint, to rewrite the damn thing under the auspices of law. I mean, Obama used to teach that the Constitution is wrong! He's a constitutional law lecturer. I mean Obama is on record saying the Bill of Rights is screwy. We need a new Bill of Rights. FDR got the ball rolling on that, because the Constitution doesn't spell out what government can do for people or to people. Democrats don't like it, period. This guy -- you were right. He let the cat out of the bag. He "misspoke," meaning, "Uh-oh. Oh, gosh. I didn't want people to know we think that."
CALLER: Can I just make two quick comments about Sharron Angle and health care? I'm a health care professional. I'm a nurse manager. So I certainly have a vested interest as a consumer of health care and also somebody who works in the industry. I think she was quite articulate. I watched the debate between her and Harry Reid on YouTube this morning.
RUSH: Yeah.
CALLER: I'm home doing homework but, at any rate, what she was saying -- and I thought it was right on -- is there should be no mandate. If an individual consumer wants some type of coverage that would cover preventative care, he or she should be able to purchase that in the marketplace. If, however, they don't want a policy that covers, you know, colonoscopies or mammograms or whatever, that, too, should be a choice. So I thought that she handled it very well. I really thought she did mop up the floor with Harry Reid.
RUSH: No question about it. They think that at Newsweek magazine, they think that at the New Republic, they think that at the Las Vegas newspapers. There's no question. She was far more knowledgeable and coherent than Harry Reid was. And Christine O'Donnell was more knowledgeable and coherent than that "bearded Marxist" clown. What's his name? I can never remember. (interruption) Coons. That's right, Coons. I think both of these women mopped the floor with these guys. Harry Reid is a fool. Coons is, too. All liberals are fools. They make no sense. The difference is, they are not treated with disdain.
They are not insulted, nor are they impugned the way Sharron Angle is and has been, Sarah Palin is and has been, or Christine O'Donnell is and has been.
RUSH: Okay, here's a simple question here. "Who is the more stupid: Christine O'Donnell, who could not cite a recent Supreme Court decision with which she disagreed, or Jim McGovern and Obama who disagree with a Supreme Court decision they don't even understand -- and that's the Citizens United case?" You see, it's always the opposite of what the popular assumption is. The Democrats are the uninformed idiots.
RUSH: This is James McGovern. We had a caller reference this. The guy said the Constitution is wrong, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, earlier this week in a debate of the congressional candidates for Massachusetts 3, James McGovern (Democrat) said this about money in politics and the Constitution.
MCGOVERN: Here's the problem. We have a lousy Supreme Court decision that has opened up the floodgates, and so we have to deal within the realm of constitutionality, and a lot of the campaign finance bills that we have passed have been declared unconstitutional by the security. I think the Constitution is wrong. I don't think money is the same thing as human beings. I don't think money equals free speech. I don't think -- I don't think corporate -- corporations should have the same equality, uh, as, uh, -- as a -- as a regular voter in this -- in this -- in this disctrict.
RUSH: Well, there you have it. "I think Constitution is wrong. I don't think corporations should have the same equality as a regular voter." Who is corporations? McGovern is saying exactly what Obama said during his State of the Union, and that's when Alito shook his head. This is exactly what Obama said when Alito shook his head and said, "No, you're wrong." The decision wasn't wrong. The Constitution's wrong. And the Democrats are hell-bent on "fixing" the Constitution.
Christine O'Donnell Hangs Tough
RUSH: As usual, to the left Christine O'Donnell represents an opportunity for them to focus on narratives and templates that they use to identify conservatives as nutcases and freaks. So in this bite, you're gonna hear Wolf Blitzer focus on evolution. Now, it's an article of faith with the left that there is no creation. There's no intelligent design. We're all here, essentially, by accident. Big Bang, and we've all just evolved, and anybody he doesn't think that -- in the playbook, anybody who doesn't think that -- is an absolute certifiable nutcase. So listen to the first sound bite here at the University of Delaware between the Marxist bearded guy Chris Coons and Christine O'Donnell. Wolf Blitzer says, "In a TV appearance back in 1988 on Bill Maher's show you said evolution is a myth. Do you believe evolution's a myth?"
O'DONNELL: I was talking about what a local school taught, and that should be decided by the local community. But please let me respond to what he just said --
BLITZER: We will let you respond, but answer the question. Do you believe evolution is a myth?
O'DONNELL: Local schools should make that decision. I made that remark based on --
BLITZER: But what do you -- what do you believe?
KARIBJANIAN: What do you believe?
O'DONNELL: What I believe is irrelevant.
BLITZER: Why is it irrelevant?
O'DONNELL: Because what I support --
BLITZER: The voters want to know what you think.
O'DONNELL: What I will support in Washington, DC, is the ability for the local school system to decide what is taught in their classrooms, and what I was talking about on that show was a classroom that was not allowed to teach creationism as an equal theory as evolution. That is against their constitutional rights, and that is an overreaching arm of the government.
RUSH: But you hear Blitzer here: "Well, I want you to answer the question! What do you think about evolution? What do you think about evolution? The voters want to know what you think about evolution! Voters care, voters want to know!" Wolf, you know what the voters care about... You'd be working a different network if you cared what the voter's cared about. Wolf, you'd have a different job if you knew what the voters cared about. You'd have higher ratings, Wolf, if you knew what voters cared about. You'd actually have an audience, Wolf, if you knew what voters cared about. They don't care right now about what somebody thinks about evolution. They want jobs, Wolf, and they're tired of government getting so big! But this is one of these... I'm having a mental block on what evolution is. It's one of these things that engenders a knee-jerk reaction to these people. Ann Coulter calls it a "heckling point." It's a way for them to heckle and to try to portray right-wingers as kooks, which is what they think in the first place. So that's the answer, and I thought she parried it pretty well. Blitzer is forcing her to explain her beliefs in evolution, and she persisted and insisted and triumphed at explaining what she was talking about: In essence, the context. So after endless questioning on her past statements, she then nailed Coons on the "bearded Marxist" article.
O'DONNELL: He said these statements that we made should be taken into consideration when casting your vote. So then I would be remiss not to bring up the fact that my opponent has recently said that it was studying under a Marxist professor that made him become a Democrat. So when you look at his position on things like raising taxes -- which is one of the tenets of Marxism -- not supporting eliminating the death tax -- which is a tenet of Marxism -- I would argue that there are more people who support my Catholic faith than his Marxist beliefs. And I'm using --
KARIBJANIAN: Well, let him clarify!
O'DONNELL: -- his own words.
RUSH: "L-l-l-l-et him clarify! L-l-l-l-et him clarify! L-l-l-l-et him clarify!"
"I'm using his own words."
She's making a point. If you want to bring up the fact that I made a joke about dabbling in witchcraft on a comedy show way back then, well, it certainly is right to focus on this bearded Marxist and saying that a communist professor is what inspired him to become a Democrat, which I thought was pretty clever. Chris Coons "clarified."
COONS: There was a group of folks who I had shared a room with, my roommates junior year, who were in the Young Republican Club and who thought when I returned from Kenya and registered as a Democrat that doing so was proof that I'd gone all the way over to the far left end. And so they jokingly called me "a bearded Marxist." If you take five minutes and read the article it's clear on the face of it, it was a joke. Despite that my opponent and lots of folks in the right wing media have endlessly spun this. I am not now nor have I ever been anything but (snickering) a clean-shaven capitalist.
RUSH: That's probably the first time he's said that. So then he comes out, says like Joe Manchin in West Virginia, "Hey, I'm a Reagan Republican." Well, Coons may have shaved his beard, but he has shaved off his Marxism and just because he wants to sit there and call him a capitalist doesn't make it so. So he was put on the defensive. He had to finally explain this. The bottom line is it was a wacko professor, a Marxist professor that inspired him to become a Democrat. After Coons tried to say his "bearded Marxist" article was a joke, here's what Christine O'Donnell said...
O'DONNELL: If you're saying what I said on a comedy show is relevant to this election, then absolutely you writing an article -- forget the "bearded Marxist" comment, you writing an article --
COONS: Here's the point --
O'DONNELL: -- saying that you learned your beliefs from "an articulate, intelligent Marxist professor," and that's what made you become a Democrat, that should send chills up the spine of every Delaware voter.
RUSH: So she comes right back at him, and the whole room... Well, Wolf Blitzer and the female moderator lined up against her as well as Coons. I thought she had a decent presence and a great presence of mind, and from these bites -- I didn't see it, but from these bites -- it doesn't sound like she was talked off her game. And she got her digs in, and she said things about Coons that the media will not, and she asked questions about Coons that the media won't, and she would not allow the media to paper over things about Coons that the media would paper over. So people learned some things about Coons that they otherwise wouldn't know because the media in Delaware will not tell them. So, all in all, from what I've heard so far it's pretty good. We have lots more to go on this. One more. Let's see, da-da-da-da. What was that? That was number seven? I've already put it back in the stack. Seven's coming up. Seven's... All right. Right. So Coons answers the question during the debate: "Why should the voters of Delaware trust a Democrat this time around?" And now the moderator, Nancy Karibjanian, "Ms. O'Donnell, you have one minute for a rebuttal here."
O'DONNELL: Unemployment here in New Castle County rose, almost doubled in the last two years under his watch as New Castle county executive. ... [H]e will continue to rubber-stamp the spending policies coming from Washington. We were promised that the stimulus bill would create jobs. But instead it cost us 2.6 million jobs. We were promised that it would keep unemployment at 8%, but instead we see unemployment at 9.7%. The Democrats are bragging that unemployment has leveled out, but while unemployment has leveled out, more people than ever are on food stamps and our welfare spending is higher than ever. This is not the right move. This is not a move towards real economic recovery. This is a move towards creating a culture of dependency.
RUSH: I got no problem with that. You have any problem with that, Snerdley? I don't see any problem with that. The reason I'm reacting this way is I'm reading some e-mail and people are saying, "Ahhhhh, she didn't do her a whole lot of good but she really didn't get hurt, either." So I'm balancing what people's opinions is of the debate as they've expressed them to me versus what I am hearing because I didn't see it myself last night.
RUSH: I know, I know, I know. I got 15 e-mails I'm trying to answer here. I got a DirecTV receiver at home that's not working, that somebody needs some input on so they can fix. Look, folks, we multitask here. We do all kinds of things on this program behind the scenes that you never hear.
I'm going to tell you something about this Christine O'Donnell and Chris Coons debate. By the way, this Chris Coons guy has a diary at the Daily Kos website, which is left-wing kookville. He runs around out there and he wants to talk about how he now is a free-market capitalist? That's a bunch of bohunk. This guy is a bearded Marxist without the beard. He may have shaved the beard; he hasn't shaved the Marxism. You know what I'll bet you? Do you remember after Christine O'Donnell -- even before she won the primary, but even afterwards -- all the erudite elites on our side who were wringing their hands together? "Oh, no! Oh, no! There goes the Republican majority, Christine O'Donnell. We had to have Mike Castle. We had to have Mike Castle. We had to have a RINO."
And then Mike Murphy, Georgetown political consultant said, "Okay! Okay, you guys," speaking to people like me and you, "You know how to win elections. You go in there and you move to Delaware. You run her campaign. Sarah Palin, you know how to do this, you go in there run her campaign." All right. So she had her first debate last night. I'm hearing this for the first time. I didn't watch the show. I'm impressed. I think this is good. I think she's quite good, what I've heard so far. You know what I will bet you? I will bet you that there are some on our side in the blogosphere, the media, so forth, who probably think the same thing -- that were not O'Donnell people going in who think she won this thing handily. I'll bet there are a lot of people who were surprised, who thought she hadn't a prayer, didn't have any kind of a chance. Let's go back and resume here at audio sound bite number eight. Wolf Blitzer...
RUSH: You know what these guys...? I finally figured out this evolution bit. They think everybody Republican is Jerry Falwell. They think every Republican is Pat Robertson and they're just waiting for somebody to slip up and prove it. Everybody is a right-wing kook Christian; everybody is a Southern hick pro-lifer. You know, that's the template that they have of conservatives. Wolf Blitzer is falling right in line. I still laugh at Wolf Blitzer saying to Christine O'Donnell, "The voters want to know what you think about evolution." Wolf, if you knew what the voters wanted you'd have an audience. If you knew what the voters wanted, you wouldn't be at CNN. CNN hasn't the slightest clue what the voters want as evidenced by the fact that the voters don't watch. For crying out loud, 500,000 people? We have that on one street corner in New York every half hour.
At any rate, back now to the sound bites. Wolf Blitzer to Christine O'Donnell (snidely): "What specifically, Ms. O'Donnell, would you do specifically, Ms. O'Donnell, to specifically create jobs. What would you do?"
O'DONNELL: What I think? The best thing the government can do to get our economy back on real economic recovery is to get out of the way of the small business owner, to get out of the way of the entrepreneur, and the way you do that is to make sure these tax hikes don't come in January. You begin to roll back some of the regulation that's forced them to close their doors. A couple things that I'm proposing: Number one, a temporary two-year tax holiday on the capital gains tax to give investors the money they need to reinvest in business. To permanently eliminate the death tax --
RUSH: Yeah?
O'DONNELL: -- that's not only an unjust bill because we paid taxes while we saved it, but it will also create 1.5 million new jobs.
RUSH: Okay, so they say, "What would you do to create jobs?" She rattles off some concrete proposals. Do you think we'd-a heard that from Mike Castle? We'd-a heard the same kind of thing when Linda McMahon asked what's-his-face, that pencil neck geek up in Connecticut, Blumenthal. This guy... I'll tell you. (doing Dick Blumenthal impression) "I'm proud of my service. I'm proud of the time that I served our country in Vietnam," when he didn't! "I'm proud of my service in Vietnam." I see this guy and I just want to ram a Big Mac down his throat. "Eat something!" Anyway, would Castle have been able to rattle off things like this? When Blumenthal was asked what he'd do to create jobs (doing impression), "Well, jobs are to be created, and I'm for that. We love jobs in Connecticut. I'm proud of the work I've done to create them." I mean, that's the kind of gobbledygook we got. She was able to rattle this off rat-tat-tat-tat. What's next? Wolf Blitzer says (snidely), "Well, where did you get those numbers? Where did you get those numbers you're talking about?
O'DONNELL: The Department of Labor statistics, and we'll have them on our website by tomorrow. But I want to point out that he said that we're not creating a culture of dependency. How would you explain what is happening when unemployment is leveled out but more and more people are on food stamps? We've gotta ask ourselves: What do we want Delawareans to be receiving, food stamps or paychecks? I say paychecks.
COONS: Obviously paychecks. We'd like to have Americans be able to receive the benefits that they need to get through incredibly difficult times. But to simply denounce people as being "dependent" because they're applying for and receiving food stamps --
O'DONNELL: Oh, Chris, that's not fair.
COONS: -- in the worst recession in modern times --
O'DONNELL: That's not fair of you to say that.
COONS: -- is frankly slandering people in difficult times.
O'DONNELL: That's not fair of you to say that because that's not at all what I'm doing.
RUSH: This is predictable, too. "Obviously paychecks. We'd like to have Americans be able to receive the BENEFITS they need to get through the..." That's another buzzword the left is always focused on: Benefits. You gotta orient yourself so you get the "benefits" that you are owed. How many of you, when you think about what it means to be an American, tabulate the "benefits" in tangible terms? Benefits that transfer payments, in-kind payments that you are owed or that you are gonna get? Is that what you contemplate when you contemplate being an American? "Yeah, I'm gonna add up my benefits." You can tell by this guy's language: "We'd like to have Americans be able to receive the benefits they need to get through incredibly difficult times." The best thing people have is themselves, and the biggest obstacle people have to overcome is people like this Coons guy who thinks the benefits and government transfer payments, redistribution of wealth, that's the essence of fairness in his warped mind. She wasn't talking about anything at all like he tried to characterize her. Anyway, Coons was not happy about the ad that's being run on the Internet calling him "Coons The Taxman," which is a very creative ad. It's very funny ad. Wolf Blitzer said to Coons, "Okay, I'll have you respond to this."
COONS: We're gonna try to have a conversation here this evening rather than just a diatribe if we possibly could.
O'DONNELL: (chuckles)
COONS: I think it would be helpful to have an exchange of ideas and let each of us take turns. So thank you for moderating, Wolf. I think it's important to look closely at some of the things Ms. O'Donnell has thrown out on her new website. Most of them are untrue. Some of them are flat-out lies, some of them are mischaracterizations, some of them are just factually untrue. So I'm not going to stop every single time there's something she throws out that I disagree or I think is factually untrue.
RUSH: (crying) "It's not fair! (sobbing) She's got a website, be I'm gonna be a man about it but I want to stop and cry about it. I'll let Wolf Blitzer give me the chance to whine and cry about it." There is one episode in the debate that people have focused on and the media has seized on this as her "Sarah Palin moment." The female moderator Nancy Karibjanian said, "We've talked about the Supreme Court. Obviously, a United States senator has the opportunity to determine, in a way, the makeup of the court. So what opinions of late that have come from our high court do you most object to?"
O'DONNELL: Oh, gosh. Give me a specific one. I'm sorry.
KARIBJANIAN: Actually, I can't because I need you to tell me which ones you object to.
O'DONNELL: I'm very sorry. Right off the top of my head? I know that there are a lot, but I'll put it up on my website, I promise you.
BLITZER: Well, we know you disagree with Roe v. Wade.
O'DONNELL: Yeah, but that wasn't recent. She said "a recent one." She said "of late."
BLITZER: That's relatively recent.
O'DONNELL: Not Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade --
RUSH: Gee, whiz!
O'DONNELL: -- if that were overturned would not make abortion illegal in the United States. It would put the power back to the states.
RUSH: What an idiot this guy is! I mean this was a genuine opportunity for him to bury her, and he goes back to 1973 'cause he wants a discussion on abortion. He wanted abortion in the debate. I don't know. I have brain freezes like that all the time, and everybody would acknowledge how smart I am. Everybody acknowledges how informed I am. I'm not bragging. I'm informed. I have a great memory. You all constantly tell me this. But if I'm doing an interview is and somebody says, "What are your top ten favorite movies?" I freeze. I can think of one. I always come up with one, The Graduate, and after that I can't think of nine other movies. So there's something... (interruption) Secretariat, but that's only 'cause I saw it Friday.
Okay, all right: Recent Supreme Court decision you disagree with. Three: Kelo. That's what I woulda said. What I'm saying is I'm not gonna give her negative marks on this because I have brain freezes like this, and it's a specific question. When you're asked to name one thing... I remember the first time I did Brinkley I had one of my most famous brain freezes. Brinkley interviewed me on his This Week with David Brinkley show, and during the interview he says, "You know, there's no one like you. There's no one like you," and I thanked him. At the end of the interview he asked, "Okay, if you're president, what would you do?" (chuckles) I sat there for 20 seconds. I said nothing. Brain freeze. Because I've never thought about running for president. It's not something I ever thought about.
You know, I thought about what the country needs but never from the standpoint of my having the ability to wave a wand or use power to make it happen. I had a 20-second brain freeze. I'm panicking. You know, "Oh, my gosh, if, of everything in this interview, they use this 20 seconds of silence that can kill me. They can ruin my career right here if they use this," and he had two associate producers in the room, and they were just staring at me, and I'm literally frozen. I don't know how many of you this happens to, but I do have brain freezes now and then with specific kinds of questions. (interruption) What? (interruption) Well, I know it happened to Ted Kennedy. That's right. Roger Mudd asked, "Why do you want to be Kennedy?" (muttering)
"Well, uhhh, uhhh, uhhhh..."
That's true. It happened to Ted Kennedy. Anyway, that was the lone instance where they can, "A-ha! Sarah Palin moment," which a Sarah Palin moment is when she said, "I can see Russia from my backyard." She supposedly said, "I've got foreign policy experience. I can see Russia from my backyard," which I actually don't think that she said.
Debate transcript:
The NY Times Targets Mrs. Clarence Thomas
Rove Group Raises $13 Million Since Obama Attack
California NAG Head Says Meg Whitman Still a Whore
Democrat Pat Caddell Unloads on Obama Regime
Since there are some links you may want to go back to from time-to-time, I am going to begin a list of them here. This will be a list to which I will add links each week.
Center for Responsive Politics:
The Chamber Post (pro-business blog):
Labor Pains (a pro-business, anti-union blog):
These people are after our children and after church goers as well:
Their opposition:
The Doug Ross Journal (lots of pictures and cartoons):
The WSJ Guide to Financial Reform
The WSJ Guide to Obamacare:
The WSJ Guide to Climate Change
Video-heavy news source:
Political News:
Planet Gore; blogs about the environment:
The Patriot Post:
PA Pundits, whose motto is, “the relentless pursuit of common sense” (I used many of the quotations which they gathered)
Index of (business) freedom, world rankings:
U.S. State economic freedom:
The All-American Blogger:
The Right Scoop (with lots of vids):
In case you have not seen it yet, Obsession:
Inside Islam; what a billion Muslims think:
World Net Daily (News):
Excellent blog with lots of cool vids:
Black and Right:
The Right Network:
Video on the Right Network:
The newly designed Democrat website:
Composition of Congress 1855–2010:
Anti-American and pro-socialist, pro-Arabic:
The anti-Jihad resistence (which appears to be a set of links to similar websites):
Seems to be fair and balanced with an international news approach:
Black and Right dot com: (the future liberal of the day is quite humorous)
Mostly a liberal blogger, who says vicious things about most conservatives; and yet, says something sensible, e.g. posting many of the things which the healthcare bill does to us.
Conservative news site (many of the stories include videos):
Muslim hope:
Anti-Obama sites:
International news, mostly about Israel and the Middle East:
News headlines sites (with links):
Business blog and news:
And I have begun to sort out these links:
News and Opinions
Conservative News/Opinion Sites
The Daily Caller
Sweetness and Light
Flopping Aces:
News busters:
Right wing news:
CNS News:
Pajamas Media:
Right Wing News:
Scared Monkeys (somewhat of a conservative newsy site):
Conservative News Source:
David’ Horowitz’s NewsReal:
Pamela Geller’s conservative website:
The news sites and the alternative news media:
Andrew Breithbart’s websites:
Conservative Websites:
A conservative worldview:
Liberal News Sites
Democrat/Liberal news site:
CNS News:
News Organization (I mention them because I have seen 2 honest stories on their website, which shocked and surprised me):
Business News/Economy News
Investors Business Daily:
IBD editorials:
Great business and political news:
Quick News
Even though this group leans left, if you need to know what happened each day, and you are a busy person, here is where you can find the day’s news given in 100 seconds:
Back to the basics for the Republican party:
Republican Stop Obamacare site:
North Suburban Republican Forum:
You Decide Politics (it appears conservative to me):
The Left
From the left:
Far left websites:
Weatherman Underground 1969 “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” (PDF, Kindle and other formats) (Simple online text)
Insane, leftist blogs:
Media Research Center
Conservative Blogs
Mike’s America
Dick Morris:
David Limbaugh (great columns this week)
Texas Fred (blog and news):
Conservative Blogs:*/index
The top 100 conservative sites:
Sensible blogger Burt Folsom:
Janine Turner’s website (I’m serious; and the website is serious too). This is if you have an interest in real American history:
Conservative news/opinion site:
The Left Coast Rebel:
Good conservative blogs: (the Free Speech blog)
The Romantic Poet’s Webblog:
Brain Shavings (common sense from the Buckeye State):
Green Hell blog:
Daniel Hannan’s blog:
Conservative blog:
Richard O’Leary’s websites:
Freedom Works:
Yankee Phil’s Blogspot:
Excellent list of Blogs on the bottom, right-hand side of this page:
And simply because I like cute, intelligent babes:
Liberty Chick:
Dee Dee’s political blog:
The Latina Freedom Fighter:
Ann Althouse ("Crusty conservative coating, creamy hippie love chick center.")
Judith Miller is one of the moderate and fairly level-headed voices for FoxNews:
A mixed bag of blogs and news sites
Left and right opinions with an international flair:
This is an odd blog; conservativism, bikinis and whatever else posted by either a P.I. or the brother of a P.I.:
More out-there blogs and sites
Angry White Dude (okay, maybe we conservatives are angry?):
Mofo Politics (a very anti-Obama site):
Info Wars, because there is a war on for your mind (this site may be a little crazy??):
The Magic Negro Watch (this is peppered with obscenities and angry conservative rhetoric):
Okay, maybe this guy is racist:
Glenn Beck’s shows online:
News busted all shows:
Joe Dan Media (great vids and music):
The Patriot’s Network (important videos; the latest):
PolitiZoid on YouTube:
Reason TV
This guy posts some excellent vids:
HipHop Republicans:
(alphabetical order)
Bailout recipients:
Eye on the bailout (this is fantastic!):
The bailout map:
Do you want to watch what is happening on our border? These are actual videos of observations cams along the border:
Secure the Border:
Liberty Works (conservative, economic site):
Capitalism Magazine:
45 Goals of Communists in order to take over the United States (circa 1963):
How this correlates to the goals of the ACLU:
No matter what your political stripe, you will like this; evaluate your Congressman or Senator on the issues:
Corrupt Media
The Economy/Economics
Bush “Tax Cut” myths and fallacies:
A debt clock and a lot of articles on the debt:
Recovery (dot) gov (where our money is being spent):
A collection of articles by Michelle Malkin about Obama’s war against jobs:
If you have a set of liberal friends, email them one chart a week from here (go to the individual chart, and then choose download and format):
AC/DC economics (start with the oldest lessons first; economics in 60 second bites):
Economist and talk show host Walter E. Williams:
The conservative plan to get us out of this financial mess:
The Freedom Project (most a conservative news and opinion site which appears to concentrate on matters financial)
Bankrupting America, with great videos and maps:
This appears to be a daily pork report, apparently as pork in Washington bills is discovered, it gets posted at Tom Coburg’s website:
Weekly poll, asking you to identify what we ought to cut in governmental spending:
Global Warming/Climate Change
This is an interesting site; it seems to be devoted to the debate of climate change:
Global Warming headlines:
Dr. Roy Spencer on climate change:
Not Evil, Just Wrong video on Global Warming
Global Warming Hoax:
Global Warming Site:
Global Warming sites:
35 inconvenient truths about Al Gore’s film:
Wall Street Journal’s articles on Climate Change:
Michael Crichton on global warming as a religion:
This man questions global warming:
This is indispensable: the Wall Street Journal’s guide to Obama-care (all of their pertinent articles arranged by date—send one a day to your liberal friends):
Republican healthcare plan:
Health Care:
Betsy McCaughey’s Health Care Site:
Obamacare Watch:
This looks to be a good source of information on the health care bill (s):
Obamacare class action suit (as of today, joining in on the suit costs you whatever you want to donate, if I understand the form correctly):
Jihad Watch
Answering Muslims (a Christian site):
Muslim demographics:
Muslim Demographics (this is outstanding):
Muslim deception:
A Muslim apologetic site (they will write out letters to express your feelings, and all you have to do is sign them, and they will send them on):
Celebrity Jihad (no, really).
The Alliance Defense Fund:
Liberty Counsel, which stands up against the A.C.L.U.
ACLU founders:
Here is an interesting military site:
This is the link which caught my eye from there:
The real story of the surge:
National Security
Keep America Safe:
Race Relations
A little history of Republicans and African-Americans:
Oil Spill
Since this will be with us for a long time, the timeline of the BP gulf oil spill:
This is cool: a continuous timeline of the spill, with the daily info and the expansion of the oil, and the response:
Cool Sites
Weasel Zippers scours the internet for great stuff:
The 100 most hated conservatives:
Still to Classify
Army Ranger Michael Behenna sentenced to 25 years in prison for 25 years for shooting Al Qaeda operative
Maybe the White House does not need to hold press conferences? It releases exclusive articles daily right here:
If you want to see 1984 style-rhetoric and tactics, see:
Project World Awareness:
Bookworm room
This is quite helpful; it is a list of all leftist groups, with links to background information on each of these groups (when I checked, 879 groups were listed). This is a fantastic resource.
Commentary Magazine:
Family Security Matters (families and national security):
America’s Right
Emerging Corruption (founded by an ACORN whistle blowe:
In case you need to reference this, here are the photos of all those on the JournoList:
A place where you may find news no one else is carrying:
News Website to get the Headlines and very brief coverage:
National Institute for Labor Relations Research
Independent American:
If you want to be scared or depressed:
Are you tired of all the unfocused news and lame talking heads yelling at one another? Just grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and see what is really going on in the world:
It is not broken, but the White House wants to control it: the internet:
John T. Reed comments on current events:
Conservative New Media (it is so-so; I must admit to getting tired of seeing the interviewer high-fiving Carly Fiorina 3 or 4 times during an interview):
Ann Coulter’s site:
Allen West for Congress:
Their homepage:
Wall Builders:
One of the more radical people from the right, calling for the impeachment of Obama:
The Center for Freedom and Prosperity, a free enterprise site (there are several videos on the flat tax):
The Tax Foundation:
Compare your state with other states with regards to state taxes:
Political news and commentary from the Louisiana Political News Wire:
This is a pretty radical site which alleges that Obama is a Marxist hell-bent in taking over our country:
1982 interview with Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions
Another babebolicious conservative (Kim Priestap):
Stop Spending our Future:
DeeDee also blogs at:
Somos Republicans:
In case you want to see how other conservatives are thinking,
Conservative news site:
Here’s an interesting new site (new to me):
This is actually a whole list of stories about the side-effects of Obamacare (e.g., Obamacare may be fatal to your health savings account; Medical devices tax will cost jobs; young will pay higher insurance rates, etc.): Send one-a-day of each story to your favorite liberal friends:
Here is an interesting blog, but, it is not all conservative stuff:
These are some very good comics:
Helps for liberals to call conservative talk shows:
Sarah Palin’s facebook notes:
Media Research Center:
Must read articles of the day:
The Big Picture:
Talk of Liberty
Lux Libertas
Conservative website:
Excellent articles on economics: (Excellent video on the Department of Agriculture posted)
Your daily cartoon:
This is a news site which I just discovered; they gave 3 minute coverage to Obama’s healthcare summit and seemed to give a pretty decent overall view of it, without slanting one way or the other:
(The segment was: )
I have glanced through their website and it seems to be quite professional and reasonable. They have apparently been around since 1942.
An online journal of opinions:
American Civic Literacy:
The Dallas TEA Party Organization (with some pretty good vids):
America people’s healthcare summit online:
This is fantastic; Florida (the Sunshine State) is now putting its state budget online:
New conservative website:
Conservative website:
Suzanne Somers s supposed to be older than Bill O’Reilly? He interviewed her this week, and she looked, well, hot. She is big into vitamins and human growth hormones.
The latest Climate news:
Obama cartoons:
Education link:
News from 2100:
How you can get your piece of the stimulus pie:
Always excellent articles:
The National Journal, which is a political journal (which, at first glance, seems to be pretty even-handed):
Conservative blog: Dan Cleary, political insomniac:
Stand by Liberty:
And I am hoping that most people see this as non-partisan: Citizens Against Government Waste:
Lower taxes, smaller government, more freedom:
Citizens Against Government Waste:
Conservative website featuring stories of the day:
Christian Blog:
News feed/blog:
News site:
Note sure yet about this one:
Conservative news and opinion:
Conservative versus liberal viewpoints:
The Best Graph page (for those of us who love graphs):
The Architecture of Political Power (an online book):
Recommended foreign news site:
This website reveals a lot of information about politicians and their relationship to money. You can find out, among other things, how many earmarks that Harry Reid has been responsible for in any given year; or how much an individual Congressman’s wealth has increased or decreased since taking office.
Kevin Jackson’s [conservative black] website:
Notes from the front lines (in Iraq):
Remembering 9/11:
Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball site:
The current Obama czar roster:
Blue Dog Democrats:
Undercover video and audio for planned parenthood:
The Complete Czar list (which I think is updated as needed):
This is an outstanding website which tells the truth about Obama-care and about what the mainstream media is hiding from you: is a fairly neutral site (or, at the very worst, just a little left of center). They have very good informative videos at:
Great commentary:
My own website:
Congressional voting records:
On Obama (if you have not visited this site, you need to check it out). He is selling a DVD on this site as well called Media Malpractice; I have not viewed it yet, except pieces which I have seen played on tv and on the internet. It looks pretty good to me.
The psychology of homosexuality:
International News:
The Patriot Post:
Obama timeline:
Tax professor’s blog:
I hate the media...
Palin TV (see her interviews unedited):
Liberal filter for FoxNews: News Hounds (motto:
We watch FOX so you don't have to). Be clear on this; they do not want you to watch FoxNews.
Asharq Alawsat Mid-eastern news site: