a Review of the Latest News
this particular site for current
events, politics, and commentary.
Unfortunately, Conservative
Review is pertinent for this past
week, and has some information which
is helpful for things to come to
pass; but, these issues of CR are,
unfortunately, quite
transitory. Such is not the
case for the Word of God.
Therefore, I have decided to
concentrate on the latter.
However, now and a gain I will post a
few tidbits which catch my attention.
- Search
engine added specifically for
this page and all issues of
Conservative Review.
Did you know that the New York
Times predicted the housing crisis
(which brought down our economy)
back in 1999?
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid
Mortgage Lending
September 30, 1999
In a move that
could help increase home ownership
rates among minorities and
low-income consumers, the Fannie
Mae Corporation is easing the
credit requirements on loans that
it will purchase from banks and
other lenders.
The action, which will begin as a
pilot program involving 24 banks
in 15 markets -- including the New
York metropolitan region -- will
encourage those banks to extend
home mortgages to individuals
whose credit is generally not good
enough to qualify for conventional
loans. Fannie Mae officials say
they hope to make it a nationwide
program by next spring.
Fannie Mae, the nation's
biggest underwriter of home
mortgages, has been under
increasing pressure from the
Clinton Administration to
expand mortgage loans among low
and moderate income people and
felt pressure from stock holders
to maintain its phenomenal growth
in profits.
In addition, banks, thrift
institutions and mortgage
companies have been pressing
Fannie Mae to help them make more
loans to so-called subprime
borrowers. These borrowers whose
incomes, credit ratings and
savings are not good enough to
qualify for conventional loans,
can only get loans from finance
companies that charge much higher
interest rates -- anywhere from
three to four percentage points
higher than conventional loans.
''Fannie Mae has expanded home
ownership for millions of families
in the 1990's by reducing down
payment requirements,'' said
Franklin D. Raines, Fannie Mae's
chairman and chief executive
officer. ''Yet there remain too
many borrowers whose credit is
just a notch below what our
underwriting has required who have
been relegated to paying
significantly higher mortgage
rates in the so-called subprime
Demographic information on these
borrowers is sketchy. But at least
one study indicates that 18
percent of the loans in the
subprime market went to black
borrowers, compared to 5 per cent
of loans in the conventional loan
In moving, even tentatively,
into this new area of lending,
Fannie Mae is taking on
significantly more risk, which
may not pose any difficulties
during flush economic times. But
the government-subsidized
corporation may run into trouble
in an economic downturn,
prompting a government rescue
similar to that of the savings and
loan industry in the 1980's.
Emphasis is mine. From:
Here is an article you may have
missed which simply outlines what
happened to make our economy
crash. Although it is easy
to understand, it avoids that
silly notion that President Bush
deregulated the financial industry
and they plunged us into this
Finally, here is why our Congress
is quite interested on whether
this or that athlete is taking
performance-enhancing drugs, but
has not found the time to actually
investigate the financial
Buchanan defines the issues of
this election, far better than
Mitt has. "One in every five
people is on food stamps...Read
FDR about relief being a
narcotic, a subtle destroyer of
the human spirit...Barack Obama
is a drug dealer of welfare."
Maybe Romney should start taking
a few notes at this point?
- Suspension of the Conservative
Review: Unfortunately,
Conservative Review is pertinent
for this past week, and has some
information which is helpful for
things to come to pass; but, these
issues of CR are, unfortunately,
quite transitory. Such is
not the case for the Word of
God. Therefore, I have
decided to concentrate on the
We could end up with the greatest
president and vice president of
all time; but if the pivot of
believers are not attuned to God's
plan, we cannot expect even the
best president to be able to
compensate for that. In
recent months, I have had
conversations with Christians and
those who are possibly Christian,
and one thing that seems to be
lacking in their knowledge is
anything but the most superficial
understanding of the Bible.
In generations prior to mine, what
the Scriptures actually said
mattered; and even those who were
agnostic often had a passing
knowledge of the Bible. For
the most part, that does not seem
to be the case any more, and that,
for us as a nation, is what could
be the basis of our downfall.
It does not take a genius to
realize that we are tottering as a
nation. Our currency has
become dramatically devalued (it
does not show up in inflation
figures, because the value of our
houses is considered in those
figures, whereas food and gas are
not). We have 3 great
enemies: China, Russia and the
Islamic countries; and we have
minor but potent enemies in Iran,
Venezuela, and North Korea.
We have had serious breaches in
our computer security, we have a
nation below us that could be
turning into a failed state, and
about a 50 billion strong army of
people who absolutely hate us.
We have a president who has
reduced our missile response
systems overseas, and has
dramatically reduced our number of
nuclear warheads, with an
intention that is hard for
rational people to fathom.
From time to time, I will send out
a mass email or a column or a
story, or if a quotation I hear
sounds particularly interesting, I
may post it on my facebook page
(Gary Kukis).
I will continue to post new
studies from the Bible at
The newest will always be posted
Old issues of Conservative review
can be found here:
or here:
I think that prayers for our
nation and our President and our
Congress are in order, but nothing
is more important that your
personal spiritual growth.
In Christ,
- Conservative
Review #239
8/12/2012 (HTML)
A little from “Say
Mark Bittman, a New
York Times food critic: ”Speaking
of pigs, the VP of PR for
Chick-fil-A dropped dead of a
heart attack the week after the
chain's latest homophobia/anti-gay
marriage scandal. Here's an obit,
and here's more about him.
Meanwhile, Chick-fil-A had
record-breaking profits after its
President, Dan Cathy, drew a line
in the sand over same-sex
marriage.” He has since apologized
for this remark.
Ann Coulter:
“[Obama] is trying to get the
stupid single women voters,
which is the Democratic Party
base. If Obamacare goes through
and Obama is reelected, you're
talking about the total
destruction of wealth in
America. It's the end of America
as we know it. There will be no
innovation. There will be no
growth. Great, you'll get free
contraception. You won't have to
pay a $10 co-pay. But it will be
the end of America! Think about
that. Their base is not women.
It is divorced, separated,
single women. It's women who
are looking at the government
to be their husbands.
That's the base of the Democrat
Party. ‘Please pay for my child
care, my contraception, my
housing, my food.’ "
Dennis Miller: “The
footage from Mars looks a litle
shaky to me. Why send a camera to
Mars for footage that looks like
DeLorean buying blow, when I can
just throw my iPhone out the car
window near Barstow.”
Paul Ryan, Mitt
Romney’s newly picked vice
president: “This is the worst
economic recovery in 70 years.
Unemployment has been above 8
percent for more than three
years, the longest run since the
Great Depression. Families are
hurting. We have the largest
deficits and the biggest federal
government since WWII. Nearly 1
out of 6 Americans are in
poverty--the worst rate in a
generation. Moms and dads are
struggling to make ends meet.
Household incomes have dropped
by more than $4,000 over the
past four years. Whatever
the explanations, whatever the
excuses, this is a record of
Paul Ryan: “But
America is more than just a's an idea. It's the
only country founded on an idea.
rights come from nature and
God, not government. We
promise equal opportunity, not
equal outcomes. This idea is
founded on the principles of
liberty, freedom, free
enterprise, self-determination
and government by consent of the
governed. This idea is under
assault. So, we have a critical
decision to make as a nation.”
Paul Ryan: “The
commitment Mitt Romney and I
make to you is this: We won't
duck the tough issues...we will
lead! We won't blame others...we
will take responsibility! We
won't replace our founding
principles...we will reapply
- Conservative
Review #238
8/5/2012 (HTML)
Sorry it is out so
late tonight. It took a long
time. A lot of pictures and
cartoons with this issue.
From “Say What?”
Nancy Pelosi: “Well,
I don't know what's trickling
down, but it's not a pleasant
experience.” Okay, taken out of
context. :)
President Obama: "They
have tried to sell us this
trickle-down, tax-cut fairy dust
before; and guess what, it didn’t
work then and it will not work
now. It’s not a plan to create
jobs; it is not a plan to reduce
the deficit; it is not a plan to
build our middle class; it is not
a plan to move our economy
forward; it takes us backwards, to
a place where we don’t need to
be." Apparently, when taxes were
reduced and tax revenues
increased, this was magic?
Harry Reid, from the
Senate floor: "The word's out
that he hasn't paid any taxes
for 10 years. Let him prove he
has paid taxes, because he
hasn't." The word is out
because Reid put the word out.
Jacob Meister,
Governing Board President of TCRA
and the attorney who filed many
complaints against Chick-fil-A in
Chicago: "In our current high
speed media and social media
environment, Chick-fil-A has
announced and caused to be
published, to hundreds of millions
of people, that LGBT people are
unacceptable and objectionable.
They have made it clear the lives
of LGBT individuals are
unacceptable to them and that
same-gender families are unwelcome
at Chick-fil-A."
Jeremy Bird, email:
“President Obama's 51st birthday
is coming up this Saturday,
August 4th. To
celebrate, Californians [they
seem to think I live in CA -ed]
are coming together at phone
banks across the state this
Woman in anti-Romney ad: “I don't remember
anyone as extreme as Romney."
Obama birthday cake
sent from the RNC to the DNC:
“You didn’t bake this.”
s a m tweet: If you go
eat at a Chick fil A today, I
hope you choke to death on that
LGBT hating chicken. #chickfilA
Congressman Barney
Frank, Massachusetts Democrat,
who is a married gay, on
Chick-fil-A: "I wouldn't want
to personally eat there. I
wouldn't want to support a guy
who thinks I shouldn't have my
rights, but I don't think the
government should do that."
Barney, I could kiss you for
Chris Wallace: “But, David
[Axelrod], didn’t this White House
badly misjudge this recovery. I
remember in 2010, two summers ago,
you and Vice President Biden were
running around talking about Recovery
George Stephanopoulos:
“You really think Harry Reid is
a dirty liar?”
Reince Priebus: “I
just said it.”
profits down 41%; they
still owe us money
program to process illegal
White House Secret
Ohio Suit to Limit Veteran
Stifles Another Company
WH knew Solyndra was in
trouble and gave them money
Democrat Elected in
groups file lawsuit
against Chick-fil-A
And lots more; this
issue is packed.
Review #237
Sometimes the news
here is quite timely. Did you know
that Mitt Romney was considering
Pam Bondi as his possible running
By the way, long
before it happened, I told you
that Sarah Palin would be
spoofed by Tina Fey? How will
Mitt and Pam be attacked? Two
ways: as “out-of-touch Ken and
Barbi” on the one hand; and with
strong insinuations of an affair
on the other.
If you are a regular
reader, you know what caused the
economic crisis. Guess what? The
government is doing it again. This
is in the Rush section.
No matter what side of
the aisle you are on, you need to
read the quotes:
From Crossfire:
Bill Moyers, PBS host:
“The killer in Colorado waited
only for an opportunity. And there
you have it. The arsenal of
democracy transformed into the
arsenal of death. And the NRA --
the NRA is the enabler of death.
Paranoid, delusional, and as
venomous as a scorpion.”
Bill O'Reilly:
“Moyers has no clue, no clue at
all. He apparently believes that
federal and state governments
can actually control gun crimes.
so dumb it hurts.
Chicago has banned handguns in
public. How is that working out,
Bill? So far this year... 1,136
shootings. How about your state,
Bill? New York? Well, it has a
fourth toughest gun law in the
country, it sounds good doesn't
it? Ready 2011, nearly 4,000
guns were confiscated by New
York City cops. Just in the
city... 4,000 guns. Yes, those
tough gun laws, they're working
great, aren't they?”
From Weasel Zipper snark:
"I Wish My Kids Would
Become Wealthy".
So he's saying they
should vote against Barack
From Liberals from the Past:
Franklin Delano
Roosevelt: “The lessons of
history, confirmed by the
evidence immediately before me,
show conclusively that continued
dependence upon relief induces a
spiritual and moral
disintegration fundamentally
destructive to the national
fibre. To dole out relief in
this way is to administer a
narcotic, a subtle destroyer of
the human spirit. It is inimical
to the dictates of sound policy.
It is in violation of the
traditions of America. Work must
be found for able-bodied but
destitute workers. The Federal
Government must and shall quit
this business of relief.”
liberal, like
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews
on the mass murderer in
Colorado: "You know, I've seen,
I'm a movie buff, like everybody
knows, I hope everybody remains
a movie buff, to be quite blunt
about this, because I love them,
the experience of going to a
theater. But here is the
question. I saw a movie called
Minority Report. Tom Cruise was
it, sci-fi movie that said you
can catch people ahead of time.
You can find their projection
into the future. I know that's
the sci-fi part. Is there any
way in real life to figure out a
guy like this ahead of time?"
Code Pink article: "My vagina's
furious and it needs to talk."
Review #236
Great articles this
Here is one which
spoke to me personally:
else, Mr. President?
By John Kass
When President Barack
Obama hauled off and slapped
American small-business owners in
the mouth the other day, I wanted
to dream of my father.
But I didn't have to
close my eyes to see my dad. I
could do it with my eyes open.
All I had to do was
think of the driveway of our home,
and my dad's car gone before dawn,
that old white Chrysler with a
push-button transmission. It
always started, but there was a
hole in the floor and his feet got
wet in the rain. So he patched it
with concrete mix and kept on
driving it to the little
supermarket he ran with my Uncle
He'd return home
long after dark, physically and
mentally exhausted, take a plate
of food, talk with us for a few
minutes, then flop in that big
chair in front of the TV. Even
before his cigarette was out,
he'd begin to snore.
The next day he'd wake
up and do it again. Day after day,
decade after decade. Weekdays and
weekends, no vacations, no time to
see our games, no money for
extras, not even for McDonald's.
My dad and Uncle George, and my
mom and my late Aunt Mary, killing
themselves in their small
supermarket on the South Side of
[check this issue
for the rest of this article]
Many more excellent
articles (links only work when you
open up the Conservative
Review #236), e.g.
look to Wisconsin
Golden State cities
hoping to avoid bankruptcy
should look east for ideas.
By Steven Malanga
Your guide to
sleazy Democratic
Party-backed banks
By Michelle Malkin
Obama's Dupes
The young Obama voter
is sticking it to himself.
By Rich Lowry
`You Didn't
Build That!' . Oh Yeah?
By Andrew C. McCarthy
Top 10 Things
Obama is Not Releasing
by Joel Pollak of
Obama's Rather
Impressive List Of
"Accomplishments" By Tim Powers
Obama of
Roanoke: We Saw You Coming
By C. Edmund Wright
Review #235
There is always a lot
in this issue, such as:
Bill O’Reilly showed
that taxing the rich would
actually pay for an additional
8.5 days of spending each year.
“It’s not going to be on the
front page because they [our
news services] don’t want to
tell the truth.” Now try to find
any news service which
mentions this. If you really
want more free stuff (well,
actually, the free stuff we are
currently getting), then raise
taxes on the poor and middle
class...or cut spending. This
ought to be front page news,
with Obama telling every
audience, “We need to tax the
rich just a little bit more.” A
little bit more means, 8.5 more
days are paid for this year.
Take all of their money, and a
year will be covered...but not
year 2.
the Numbers
The national debt
has now increased by more than $64,000
per federal taxpayer since
Barack Obama was inaugurated
Wealthy Americans earn
about 50 percent of all income
but pay nearly 70 percent of the
federal tax burden, according to the latest analysis by
the Congressional Budget Office.
President Barack
Obama's campaign has
spent nearly $100 million
on television commercials in
selected battleground states
so far, unleashing a sustained
early barrage designed to
create lasting, negative
impressions of Republican Mitt
Romney before he and his
allies ramp up for the fall.
In just three years
President Obama has increased
the federal workforce ten times
as much as President Reagan did
in eight years.
Unemployment rate for 2012
graduates is 16.8%.
• The
TOP 50% pay 97% of
all income taxes
• The
TOP 1% pay 39%, up
2% from 2000 when President
Bush took office
Data from the Latest Tax
Year Released by the IRS.
Wall Street
Journal: "In
1980, when the top income
tax rate was 70%, the
richest 1% paid only 19% of
all income taxes; now, with
a top rate of 35%, they pay
more than double that
case you do not know why
this is, the rich tend to
know how to make money. So,
when they have more money to
work with, they make more
and more money. As they make
more money, they have to pay
more taxes on the money that
they make.
In a
financial climate like
today, where there is no
telling what will happen
next, people with a lot of a
little money just sit on the
sidelines, waiting for an
economy that is more
predictable. If anything,
they put their money into
guns, gold, silver or safe
money market accounts. But
few expand their businesses,
hire new employees, or risk
money to make money.
Snarky comments
from Weasel Zippers:
believe that Weasel Zippers
this week was running on
maximum snark. Obama: "I am my
brother's keeper" -
Obama's Brother: "He's
got other issues to deal
was a handsome, roundheaded
boy with a wary gaze." -
Bill Ayers, Dreams From My
Scam Begets
Scam: FTC Warns That
Frauds Are Using
Obamacare to Scam
Non-Profit Group Sending
Out Pre-Filled Voter
Registarion Cards To Dogs,
Dead People, Non-Citizens.
But . . . but . . .
but . . . voter ID laws are
- Conservative
Review #234 posted
6/24/2012 (HTML)
Here is one of the
interesting facts of life that
should be on the front page of every news paper
and the lead story, but you
probably have not heard
While the economy has
created 2.6 million jobs since
June 2009, fully
3.1 million workers
signed up for disability
While the economy has
created 2.6 million jobs since
June 2009, fully 3.1 million
workers signed up for disability
The economy created
just 80,000 jobs in June, the
Bureau of Labor Statistics
reported Friday. But that same
month, 85,000 workers left the
workforce entirely to enroll
in the Social Security
Disability Insurance program,
according to the Social
Security Administration.
309,000 in the
demographic of 25 and older
with a BA simply dropped out of the labor force
in June, which means they
neither had a job in June nor
actively tried to find one.
Stories you may not
have read:
Coalition of African American
Pastors are Making Trouble for
Despite 4 Pinocchios,
Obama Campaign Runs Inaccurate
GM has not paid back
taxpayers; GM stock falling
Essence Musical
Festival Fans Obviously Do Not
Know History
Obama Green Companies Going
Belly Up; Taxpayer Dollars
Administration Now Granting
Tentative Legal Status to
Illegal Aliens
New Republican Governors
Bring Down State Unemployment
= 21 new taxes
- Conservative
Review #233 posted
6/24/2012 (HTML)
Almost all of the
news blurbs are now hyperlinked.
Get just a basic rundown of what
happened this week, and explore
these stories for greater
detail. Many you have not heard
What? Is always good.
Great set of
articles this week:
Chief Justice Roberts?
Contortions by Mark Steyn
The ObamaCare Tax by
Stephen Moore
Obama's failed
presidency by Dick Morris
A Political Glossary
by Thomas Sowell
And things which
occurred, but were mostly
ignored by the media:
Obama campaign is selling BFD
tee shirts now
Supporter, Assault Weapons Ban
Supporter, May Be Responsible
for Fast and Furious
Campaign Misuses the Word
“Outsourcing” Over and Over
Solar Get $400 Million from
Taxpayers and Goes Broke
Ice Shelves Not Melting
of Congress Make Wise
Investments Right before 2008
Training Terrorists in Arab
Spring Countries
- Conservative
Review #232 posted
6/24/2012 (HTML)
A new column was
added this week: Random Acts
of Journalism The name was
lifted from some of Rush
Limbaugh’s programs.
Two articles on the
debacle Fast & Furious and
how this has been covered by the
mainstream press. This is a
two-year old story just
beginning to find its way into
the dominant media. Just like
the first TEA party
demonstrations, the media
decided, better ignore this, and
it will just go away. But it
Also included is a
Timeline of Fast & Furious.
Events have been unfolding on this
operations almost weekly for two
Brent Bozell on Dan
Savage, gay rights and bully
maven. Get on his wrong side,
and you will find out what it’s
like to be bullied.
There is a new
strategy being used by the Obama
campaign, which strategy is almost
completely ignored by all media.
Speaking of ignored;
what about the free Obama
phones? Also a part of the Obama
campaign? Do you think folks
with free phones might get a
reminder on election day? Do you
think that may even include
directions of where one would go
to vote?
A pretty precise
prediction on what the Supreme
Court will rule on Obamacare.
There is a lot
packed into this issue; and a
lot of things you probably have
not heard about this week.
- Conservative
Review #231 posted
6/17/2012 (HTML)
Check out Obama’s
Historic Presidency,
the first story under Let
us reason together.
This is the story you want if
you simply want to summarize the
worst aspects of Obama’s
presidency. Most you have heard
of, but you may not have
realized that there were so many
Obama: The Biggest Government
Spender In World History
by Peter Ferrara is also a
featured article.
Check out Say
what? Always good
to know what is being said. It is
a must-read.
things happened this week; but
they were not generally
IRS will Spend Nearly $1 billion
on Obamacare. The IRS?
U.S. is on track to add 3x
more debt than Europe
is being leveled off; 40% of net
wealth disappears in 3 years;
and there are fewer Millionaires
and Billionaires.
UN wants to tax your family
U.S. Not Building Keystone
Pipeline More Damaging to
Kill More Christians; Burn
More Churches
- Conservative
Review #230 posted
6/10/2012 (HTML)
This was a great
week for political junkies.
One of the accusations
leveled against candidate Obama in
2008 was repeatedly denied; but,
it turns out to be true. Obama campaign
headquarters in Chicago is 98%
white. But, they put out this
video, and, even though there are
only 2 black kids working there,
you’d think that this was a
well-integrated enterprise by the
Great video on
MSNBC’s coverage of the Scott
Walker reelection; it’s short,
but it makes you feel a little
sad for them.
Also a wonderful video
here on 2 liberals in Wisconsin
and the CNN bus, which is going to
drive away.
Great quotes this
week, including some you will
see nowhere else. My favorite:
columnist George Will: "That's
modern liberalism: They
delight in bossing people
around. What Bloomberg is
saying [is] the government
helps with your health care,
the government's implicated in
your health. Therefore, we own
you. Therefore, the government
can fine tune all the
decisions you make pertinent
to your health. This is one of
the reasons liberals are so
enamored over the issue of
climate change. They say all
our behaviors in some way
effect the climate, therefore,
the government -- meaning, we
liberals, the party of
government -- can fine tune
all your behavior right down
to the light bulbs you use."
And score one for
liberal Piers Morgan:
Rep. Debbie Wasserman
Schultz, DNC chair: “We came up
short, but at the same - of the
ultimate goal, which was to make
sure that Governor Walker couldn't
adopt his extremist policies and
continue to hurt middle class and
working families...And so we're
going to be able to stop Governor
Walker from being able to really
continue to pursue those extremist
policies. So ultimately we were at
least in part successful [as the
Senate is now controled by the
Piers Morgan: “You
keep calling him this great
extremist who everyone
apparently, is terrified of and
everything else, but the reality
is he won. And he won pretty
convincingly. So the only people
laying down, it would seem to
everybody else, are the
Democrats on this. So how are
you claiming some kind of weird
victory out of all this?”
And, as always,
Holder Attempt to Shut Down
Voter ID Laws
ACORN Director Gets Half Billion
in Tax Dollars
Gitmo Gets Makeover
Elections to Curb Public Unions
Selling Bad Mortgages and
Are These Sons of Obama?
Pastor Jeremiah Wright Claims
Obama Bribed Him for Silence
in 2008
White House Cronies Get More
Taxpayer Money
Real stories you
probably have not seen reported.
- Conservative
Review #229 posted
6/3/2012 (HTML)
The articles this
Bain - Obama's public-equity
record is the real scandal
By Marc A. Thiessen
Love: black, conservative,
Mormon, GOP House candidate
from Utah By Chris Moody
Media Fixation from
Real Clear Politics
Chutzpah by Thomas
Work' by Thomas Sowell
Obama's big advantage in the
upcoming election By
Bill O'Reilly
Three, Many Obamas
The art of being Dr.
Barack and Mr. Obama.
By Victor Davis
Obama Is No Bill Clinton, But
He Should Be By Bernie
Marcus (co-founder of Home
President Restricts Cellphones
at Fundraisers
President Promises Obamacare
Celebrates Mrs. Obama on
Memorial Day
on Memorial Day, POTUS talks
about himself
Politicians Leaving the Party
Pastors Urge President to
Reassess Gay Marriage
Keep Killing Christians, Jews
and Other Muslims
Excellent Say
What? And Watch This.
- Conservative
Review #228 posted
5/27/2012 (HTML)
Over the past few
months, This Week’s Events
are almost all linked
Essentially, you get the
headline here; if it gets your
attention or you want to read
more, you can click to get to
the full story.
Always good: Say
What? By the Numbers;
Watch this. A great set of
articles this week:
Capitalism? Try Obama's
A profit-driven
economy is preferable to one run
by political favoritism.
By Kimberley A.
spending binge never happened
Government outlays rising at
slowest pace since 1950s
By Rex Nutting
Actually, the Obama
spending binge really did happen
By James Pethokoukis
The stunning chart
that shows the Obama spending
binge really happened
By James Pethokoukis
Kukis Analyzes
facts about the growth of
spending under Obama
(The Washington Post
Pinocchio test)
by Glenn Kessler
Barack Obama's Complete List
of Historic Firsts by
Doug Ross
Power of Cool
From Barack Obama to
Mark Zuckerberg, cool buys
exemption. By Victor Davis
About that Catholic
spring ...
By Brent Bozell (a
letter to the editor)
Obama: 30 Worst Months of
Employment in the Past 25
by Jeffrey H.
years ago today: Obama
celebrates Solyndra
by Byron York
Firms Get Fed Cash, Give Execs
Bonuses, Fail
By Ronnie Greene and
Matthew Mosk
More than you can
read; and filled with excellent
- Conservative
Review #227 posted
5/20/2012 (HTML)
CR was on vacation
last week.
Excellent Say What.
Several stories not
covered by the Obama Media
Complex (which we should expect
more and more of, as election
day draw nigh).
Of particular are two
articles on how the Obama campaign
is going after private citizens
who donate money to Romney. This
is unprecedented.
headlines are real stories of
real events that the Obama
Media Complex has no interest
felon gets 40% of the vote
against Obama
Could Lose Arkansas in Primary
Supporters Go After Romney
inserts himself into numerous
presidential biographies on
White House Site
Jeremiah Wright offered money
to keep quiet?
Obama letting terrorists out of
prison if they promise to be
in tax credits go to illegal
chaplains may have to void parts
of the Bible to satisfy the
federal government
More than you can
read; and filled with excellent
- CR was on vacation 5/13/12
- Conservative
Review #226 posted
5/6/2012 (HTML)
In the news, there
is Rock the Slut Vote; the real
results of Obamacare, and
several examples of dishonesty
this week in government.
In Say What? there
are several notable quotes:
Michelle Obama: "So
believe me, Barack knows what it
means when a family struggles..And we
are blessed to have him."
Michelle Obama at a
fund-raiser: "My family, we
lived in a little bitty
apartment on the South Side of
Chicago over my aunt's house
[and] my mom still lives in that
house to this day." Her mother
lives in the White house.
The always good for a
quote, MSNBC’s Karen Finney on
Life of Julia: "I would love to
see the DNC or somebody follow up
with a `Here's what life under the
Romney-Ryan plan would be like for
Julia'. She'd be in the grave by
her mid-30s I can almost assure
Nancy Pelosi in 2006
when unemployment was at 4.4%:
"[President Bush has] the worst
jobs record since the Great
Rush Limbaugh: "The
ideal citizen to Barack Obama is
someone who is totally dependent
on government, has no independent
thought, and no independent life.
Whatever is needed, there's
something in Washington where you
can go to get it."
Mitt Romney figures
out how to work the media in
Several stories about
Julia, the fictional Obama
character who can find all of her
needs met by the government.
How KSM was broken
What is up with the
unemployment numbers? What do they
mean? What is this shrinking
universe of jobs all about?
- Conservative
Review #225 posted
4/29/2012 (HTML)
Say What? You
probably heard the about the EPA
head who figured that the best
way to get oil companies to obey
is to do what the Romans
did—crucify the first 5 guys
that you see, and the rest will
take you seriously. Here’s one
you have not heard: global
warming explains why there are
more home runs nowadays.
The Senator James
Inhofe gives several examples
from the Senate floor of the EPA
using their power of
intimidation on companies which
were not doing anything wrong.
Are you aware of
“Taxmaggeddon”? In January 2013,
taxes will be raised to bring in
about $500,000. This is the
expiration of the Bush tax cuts,
the marriage penalty tax will
return, and several others. Our
leaders will not act on
this prior to an
election—Democrats and Republicans
both appear to be too gutless to
do so. So, many of these may or
may not be corrected during the
lame duck session. That should
work out well, don’t you think?
Several articles on this, along
with a few charts.
The NY Times admits
to schilling for Obama and hopes
to do a better job. We’ll see;
article is included.
Just as John F.
Kennedy was not too bad of a
Democrat, Richard Nixon was a
pretty lousy Republican. Although
I personally thought that
Watergate was overblown, Nixon’s
price fixing and an enemy’s list
were not. Guess what other
president has an enemies list?
- Conservative
Review #224 posted
3/22/2012 (HTML)
In the Say
What? column, there
were many good ones this week.
We have been very light on the
conservative section in the past
few weeks (apart from Rush), but
there are a lot more from this
week. As usual, there are the
nutty things from the left:
Michelle Obama: "This
President has brought us out of
the dark and into the light."Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid (D-Nev.): "...when
talking about seniors, seniors
love getting junk mail. It's
sometimes their only way of
communicating or feeling like
they're part of the real world."
Treasury Secretary
Timothy Geithner: “...the
president's policies were
remarkably effective. if you
look at this recovery and this
-- the effectiveness, in recent
memory, dramatically effective,
at a much lower cost than people
expected...this president's
policies were extremely
successful. if you look at the
record of what we did and what
other countries did, history
will judge what he did as
remarkably effective crisis
management at a deeply dark time
for the world economy.”
A prayer guide found
at, 40 Days
of Prayer Supporting Women
Everywhere, suggests these
prayers: "We give thanks for the
doctors who provide quality
abortion care." and “We pray for a
cloud of gentleness to surround
every abortion facility." and “We
pray for all the staff at abortion
clinics around the nation. May
they be daily confirmed in the
sacred care that they offer
Greta Van Susteren
(who I think is a center right
newscaster, but I am not
positive about this), after
hearing that Barbara Boxer said
there has been graft and
corruption in the GSA for
decades, asked the simple
question “When I heard her say
that, I said, If there's a,
quote, "history," if it goes
back decades, what in the world
were you all thinking as this
was going on? History and
decades? I mean, all these
senators have been up there a
long time...[and] they've known
about this, apparently.”
Film star Matt Damon:
"I would kiss George W. Bush on
the mouth for what he did on
PEPFAR [AIDS work in Africa].
Three seconds. No tongue."Liberals
from the past:
President Obama, 2008:
"If you don't have any fresh
ideas, then you use stale tactics
to scare the voters. If you don't
have a record to run on, then you
paint your opponent as someone
people should run from. You make a
big election about small things."Citizen Obama from Dreams
from my Father: "With Lolo,
I learned how to eat small green
chill peppers raw with dinner
(plenty of rice), and, away from
the dinner table, I was introduced
to dog meat (tough), snake meat
(tougher), and roasted grasshopper
Obama: “They talk about me like I’m a
WSJ’s James Freeman:
“[Obama is] not responsible for
any of these individual’s
actions [like those from the
GSA] but he’s the one making the
case every day that government
works and we need more of it;
that is needs to be
bigger...[but there are]
repeated examples of how it
doesn’t work, it’s too big, and
it spends too much.” Charles Krauthammer:
"[Obama] doesn`t want to talk
about what he's done. He's had
the longest over 8 percent
unemployment since the Great
Depression, he has had the
slowest and most anemic recovery
of any recession since the
second World War. And he's
accumulated in one term the
greatest amount of debt, $5
trillion in galactic history. He
can`t run on that so instead
he's going to hold the ball over
there, a shiny ball and say
`look over here' so he doesn't
have to speak about a record
which has been an economic
Dapandico (a reader
of Weasel Zippers): “In a
week, the media can find the
hooker in Colombia but can't
find [Obama’s] college records
from Columbia.”
From Short
Are you curious as to
whether someone has a
reasonably opened mind? Ask
their opinion of the Clinton
balanced budgets. If they
launch into a tirade about how
the Democrats balanced the
budget and how Bush messed it
all up with 2 unpaid for wars,
then this is a person you
cannot reason with. If this
person cannot give Clinton any
credit at all, this person
cannot be reasoned with.
Whether you like or hate Bill
Clinton, Dick Morris (his
long-time advisor) and/or Newt
Gingrich; you cannot
appreciate having a balanced
budget for 4 years in a row
unless you give all 3 of these
men credit. A balanced budget
did not happen in a vacuum,
nor was it the result of
political enemies joining
hands and singing Kumbayah
together. This was the result
of tough negotiations of 3 men
who often savaged one another
outside of this process, but
were able to still work toward
a common goal. Clinton did not
promise to balance the budget;
and yet, he worked with
Gingrich to do so, at the
advice of Dick Morris.
Gingrich campaigned to balance
the budget, but would have
gone nowhere without Morris
guiding Clinton. If you cannot
give all 3 men some credit,
you are unable to be objective
when it comes to politics.
Many excellent vids
this week on Watch
Hitler finds out that Obama ate his
dog, fluffy.
The real story behind the `Jefferson
Bible'? David Barton shared it
with Glen Beck on GBTV. David
Barton is one of the great
founding father historians.
Congressman Allen
West talking. Is there a
teleprompter anywhere? Note
cards? Anything? He is just
The best political ads
I have seen; they are
devastating. “I’m not going to
make any Excuses” and “Obama’s favorite
amendment” and “From Hope to
Hypocrsy” and “Same Tired
articles this week:
The 25 goofiest things
said in the media about global
Sarah Palin, from
Facebook, still making more
sense than most Republicans.
Here is a fascinating
one: “Are We Headed Toward the
Constitution or the Communist
Manifesto? This Breakdown
Tells You” by Tiffany Gabby.
This is not nutty. Read it. We
tend to think that socialism
can only be brought about by a
violent overthrow of the
government; not true. All that
has to be done is to legislate
each and every plank of
communist theory. That is not
as difficult as you might
The left is trying to
shut down ALEC. What is ALEC?
And one article from
the fringe left—the fetus is a
parasite, from the DailyKos.
I admit, I had not
heard of ALEC, but it is
apparently a group of lawmakers
who compare their approaches to
implementing conservative
policy. It is supported by some
outside monies from several
well-known companies. Instead of
debating policies and ideas, the
left has gone after the
supporters with the intent of
shutting down ALEC. This story
is in this issue. As usual, this issue is
packed with more than you can
read. Most comments and stories
have links, in case your
interest is piqued.
- Conservative
Review #223 posted
4/15/2012 (HTML)
Last time, I meant
to say, Conservative Review was
on vacation last
week (two weeks ago).
In every issue,
there are great graphics, such
as the one below. President
Obama has been saying over and
over that we in the United
States only have 2% of the
world’s oil resources. This is a
myth. Let me rephrase that; he
is simply lying to us.
Say What? This week....
President Barack
Obama: “...part of my job is to
scout out where I may want to
bring Michelle back later for
Obama's campaign
website: "The Buffett Rule would
require everyone to pay their
fair share - a key step to
reduce the deficit and invest in
what we need to grow and
strengthen the economy. Mitt
Romney's alternative is to give
millionaires and billionaires
trillions of dollars in tax
breaks paid for by either
increasing the deficit or by
cutting programs critical to the
middle class and economic
growth." The Buffet rule might
bring in $5 billion/year; that
is 1-2 day’s deficit
Press secretary Jay
Carney: "[N]o one ever
suggested that implementing
the Buffett Rule would
contribute in large measure to
reducing the deficit."
President Obama when
selling the Buffet rule last
year, “We also stabilize our
debt and deficits for the next
from the past:
Obama 08/28/08: ”If
you don’t have a record to run
on, then you paint your
opponent as someone people
should run from….You make a
big election about small
DNC strategist and
CNN analyst Hilary
Rosen, in 2008,
deriding Republican attacks
against Michelle Obama: "You
know essentially, you've taken
on sort of the most
sympathetic person in the
candidate's realm, the wife,
who is taking care of the
children, supporting the
husband, doing everything she
can because she loves him."
President Obama: "If
I had a son, he'd look like
(these are headlines
you should have seen but
probably did not)
Gets Nearly Everything Wrong
on George Zimmerman
Years and No Global Warming?
Commits to Cow Flatulence
Holder’s Vote Could Be Taken
without an ID
Gives $500 Million to the IRS
for Enforcement
Union in NYC Gets those
Charged with Sexual
Misconduct Reinstated
Rule Will Not Help Deficit
- Conservative
Review #222 posted
4/8/2012 (HTML)
Conservative Review
was on vacation last week.
Under this week’s “Say
What?” column, the mainstream
media, Obama’s press corps,
continues to lie, distort and
mislead. Some examples include:
Nina Totenberg, NPR:
“And if you look at, if you look
at the taxes paid today in
brackets of about 20 thousand,
you see that actually the people
who pay the most are between
$60,000 and $125,000. And then,
and they pay about 30 percent in
income, taxes across the board.
It then starts to go down for
people who make more than that.
And, and this proposed budget
would give all of the benies so
to speaked to unearned income.
Salaried people would be paying
more and more, and unearned, and
people who made a lot of money
would be paying less and less.”
Truth is not important to
those who give us the news.
She is either ignorant or she
willfully misrepresents the
AP headline after
disappointing March jobs report:
“US job market takes a break
after hiring binge” In almost
every economic story featuring
the President, there is a happy
face put on the story.
Paul Wiseman, AP
economics writer: “Despite the
pullback in March, the economy
has added 858,000 jobs since
December—the best four months
of hiring in two years.” Which
is false.
CNBC guest, economist
Mark Zandi, who has worked with
the Obama administration: "The
other thing I want to point out,
and you know, I'm trying to find
some silver linings in the data.
It's obviously not positive, but
one other silver lining is that
you'll notice that the job
losses in state and local
government is starting to
moderate. And I think that's a
real trend. You know, there are
more layoffs coming, but the
worst of the layoffs are behind
us. And that's also going to be
a significant positive going
forward. That's a big negative,
that's going to be less of a
What is actually true
and what is actually false
does not appear to be an issue
to those reporting the news
Great articles,
including one by Michelle Malkin
which could have been entitled,
“Democrats Green War on
Also, all the Obama
numbers, politifact on Obama’s
Supreme Court statements, and
the Battle for America.
- No issue for 4/2/2012; CR was on
- Conservative
Review #221 posted
3/25/2012 (HTML)
Two radically
different visions for America:
Walter E. Williams describes our
descent into the nanny state and
letter from Obama-lover asks for
more of it.
One of the stories
in this issue covers the
half-truths of Obama’s recent
energy speeches:
Half-truth #1: Oil
production is the highest it
has been in eight years. The
increased production of oil
and gas in the U.S. is largely
a product of increased
production on private land.
The Administration could have
encouraged much bigger gains
by providing access to federal
Half-truth #2:
Increasing oil production
takes too long and would not
impact the market for at least
a decade. The sooner we make
investments in domestic
energy, the sooner those
benefits will be realized. And
with some serious reforms,
some of this oil can reach the
market in much less than a
Half-truth #3: Oil
is not enough. America has
only 2 percent of the world's
oil reserves. President Obama
frequently uses this number to
push federal investments in
alternative sources of energy
that cannot stand the test of
the market. The reality is
that he uses this number
Half-truth #4: Oil
is not enough. The country
needs an "all-of-the-above"
approach to reduce its
dependence on oil. While a
familiar refrain from the
President, it is a line that
too often translates into
wasteful subsidies for pet
energy projects. A
market-based strategy is the
only all-of-the-above
Half-truth #5:
Speculators are driving up the
price of gas, and they need to
be reined in. While the
President tries to blame the
market, he ignores the power
of supply and demand. By
removing roadblocks to
domestic energy production,
the President can ensure that
there is a healthy supply of
American energy on the market,
keeping prices competitive.
The same author
offers quick and simple
solutions to our high gas
problems (but they did not offer
my solution from last issue).
One of the features is
Week’s Events.
Originally, I began this section
with a few high profile stories,
which would set the stage for the
issue. However, over the past
year, I have expanded this section
to include a blurb on the big
stories you know about and the big
stories that you do not know
about. Most of these stories are
linked to a more extensive
coverage of that particular event,
if it catches your attention.
My favorite feature
in most issues is Say
What? Every week,
this is a new set of quotations;
most liberals saying stupid
and/or vicious things and
conservatives saying profound
things...however, when it gets
turned around, I include those
as well. This column is also
shared on Flopping Aces as well.
Let me also commend A
Little Bias to you,
where I give concrete examples of
the press covering for Obama and
trashing Republicans. Two examples
from this week:
Jon Corzine looks
like he might be responsible for
the missing millions of dollars
from his company MF Global.
Bloomberg's report identifies
Corzine as a Democrat in its
fourteenth paragraph. There was no
mention of his party
affiliation in the Associated
Press, United Press
International,, and CNBC. It
is likely that no new agency
identified Corzine as an Obama bundler. If a Republican
does wrong, that word Republican
will be in the title of the
story or in the first
The AP does a story on
high gas prices and they
interview many people on the
street, who all seem to have one
thing in common: in their
opinion, it’s not Obama’s
fault. What are the chances
that you would interview, say,
10 random people, and all of them agree that high gas prices
cannot be controlled at all by
the president?
Every issue is filled
with links to excellent articles, such as this list of economic changes
since Obama has become
president. It is up-to-date and
linked to unimpeachable
The two accurate
versions of the prophetic Paul
Harvey “If I were the devil...”
- Conservative
Review #220 posted
3/18/2012 (HTML)
Under Watch
This: This is a great,
common sense
video, that is short, and
should be sent to those people
who have an common sense about
Under Short
Takes, I will explain
in one simple paragraph how
Obama or any other president can
exercise a great deal of control
over gas prices in the United
States. I’m not talking about
$2.50/gallon either...much less
than that. And I’ll provide
proof that it can be done. It’s
simple. It does not take a
genius to come up with this.
This is not the plan you heard
from Newt...or from anyone else.
There is an article
by Sarah Palin in here. I am
sure you have very strong
feelings about her. Just read
the article; pretend that you
do not know who wrote it, and
see if you agree or disagree.
As I have said on several
occasions, I find myself
disagreeing with all of the
Republican candidates but not
with Palin for some time now.
Even liberals are going to
agree with about half of what
she says, if not more.
From Say What?
Dennis Miller on the
economy: “Everybody knows it’s
Cal Thomas on women
voting as a monolithic block:
“Anyone who thinks that women
can be controlled is not
married to one.” [quoted from
Rush Limbaugh: "You can
go back and look at any liberal
social program you want. You can
look at the Great Society, the
War on Poverty, AFDC, food
stamps -- any program -- and it
always costs far more than what
we're told when the legislation
is signed."
Jodi Miller: “A
California teacher was placed
on leave after she was
discovered to have appeared in
online porn videos. Just
another day in Bill Clinton
Middle School.”
From Missing
Headlines (these are
things that happened this
week, and the Obama Media
Complex simply ignores most of
Republican Budget Plan; Will
Reid Let Senate Debate it?
of Green Energy Loans Go to
Obama Supporters
Now Must Pay for Abortions
Lo Green sings “F___ You” at
Obama Fundraiser
Global Warming for 17 Years
President Can Lower Gas
- Conservative
Review #219 posted
3/11/2012 (HTML)
Have you noticed
what is not discussed at all by
the media? The actual content of
what Sandra Fluke had to say.
This is not examined,
criticized, debated; and when
she shows up on 8 different
shows, no one asks her a
difficult question (you would
think that she is candidate
In this issue are
several articles on the actual
content of what Ms.Fluke had to
say, which is far more important
than the phoney controversies of
the uncivil right or of the
Republican “War on Women.”
Whereas, these two topics of
discussion represent brilliant
jujitsu by the Democratic party,
they also reveal a total lack of
depth and the continued bias of
the Obama Media Complex (ABC, NBC,
CBS, CNN, MSNBC, the Washington
Post, the New York Times, etc.).
Even FoxNews spent more time on
the Rush-Fluke controversy than it
did on the content of what Fluke
said (although they did cover that
as well).
There are several
articles in this issue
specifically on Ms.Fluke’s
testimony and what the aim is of
the Democratic party. One
article concludes:
Cathy Cleaver Ruse:
"Should Ms. Fluke give up a cup or
two of coffee at Starbucks each
month to pay for her birth
control, or should Georgetown give
up its religion? Even a first-year
law student should know where the
Constitution comes down on that."
Great videos this
week. Code Pink, 3 strong, go
into a bank and take their tops
off and chant. Some occupy
feminist group sing a song
demanding that (1) they are
given free contraception and (2)
that the government stays away
from their uteri. And several
videos from people who don’t
behave as if they are on
Say What? is
always good. People this week had
a lot to say on both sides of the
aisle. This section runs several
pages. Here are 3 quotes from one
Rush Limbaugh: "When
Obama's stimulus bill passed
there were 12.5 million
unemployment persons. Obama
spent over a trillion dollars to
lose an additional 0.3 million
jobs. That's almost as
impressive as awarding $10
million to some outfit to create
a 50-dollar light bulb."
Rush Limbaugh: "There
was a Reuters report from
yesterday: 'US Jobless Claims
Rise, But Labor Market Healing --
More people applied for
unemployment checks, but the labor
market is healing.' Healing! Do
you think you would ever get a
definition like that of 'healing'
with a Republican in the White
House? 'Jobless Claims Rise;
Country Going to Hell,' would be
the headline if George W. Bush
were in the Oval Office."
Rush Limbaugh:
"There is nothing President
Obama has done that does not
expand government's power and
its control. Not a single
thing. Everything he has done
expands government power and
government control. Every
single thing. And that cannot
be an accident."
Still always more than
you can read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #218 posted
3/4/2012 (HTML)
Why are gas prices
so high? Explained in this
issue; and it is probably not
why you think they are high.
This week’s news
stories are all real news; some
things you know about, and many
news items you will not see
reported. These stories are
hyperlinked if you want to
follow them out.
headlines: (these
are real stories)
offers Volt Rebate; Volt
Production Shut Down
System—One More Obama Green
Solar—One More Obama Green
Temperatures Now Cooling
of Freezing Weather Ahead for
Britain, Because of Global
Contraceptives to Stop Global
Treatments and Abortions Free
to Illegal Aliens
and Jerry to Pay for Occupy
Muslims about to Declare War
on Christians
Say What? is
always good. People had a lot to
say on both sides of the aisle.
Still always more
than you can read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #217 posted
2/26/2012 (HTML)
I am not sure if you
have noticed, but Ron Paul runs
ads which attack Gingrich and
Santorum, but not Romney. In
debates, Paul will say nasty
things about Gingrich and
Santorum, but not about Romney.
Well, now we know this
For those of you who
are liberal; or for you liberal
friends; copy, paste and email
“15 Questions the Mainstream
Media Would Ask Barack Obama if
He were a Republican.”
I’ve got a rather
rambling article in there about
Jews in the end times, according
to Biblical prophecy; and how
that might be duplicated (not
fulfilled) in our lifetime. If
you don’t believe in the Bible,
you could skip this story.
Say What? is
always good. People talked a lot
this past week.
Still always more
than you can read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #216 posted
2/19/2012 (HTML)
The short version
is, Media Matters, a tax-exempt
media group, has had weekly
conferences with upper level
White House staff, has
essentially written stories for
MSNBC, the Washington Post, the
New York Times, and for several
columnists, and has plotted to
investigate the personal lives
of on-air and behind-the-scenes
personnel for FoxNews. The Daily
Caller has been doing a series
of stories on this evil, corrupt
From By the
spending during Obama's
four years in the White House
(based on his own figures)
will be an estimated $5.170
trillion. If you take our
deficit spending under Obama
and divide it evenly among the
roughly 300 million American
citizens, that works out to
just over $17,000 per person -
or about $70,000 for a family
of four.
I will admit that, when
I first saw the Occupy movement,
I had a difficult time figuring
out how they could be used
effectively by the Obama
campaign. To me they were too
nutty and repulsive to make a
difference. However, Chuck Todd,
in covering an Occupy protest at
a Santorum event telegraphs how
the occupiers will be covered by
the news. Great catch by John
Nolte of Big Journalism.
Dick Morris saw the
“contraception debate” the
same way that I did;
orchestrated and set up a
month ago.
There is an Obama
budget out and the House is
making up a budget themselves.
Did you know what happened last
time we have 2 such budgets?
Everyone voted down Obama’s
budget and the House budget
almost passed. Harry Reid may
not even allow these budgets to
be voted on this time.
Say What? is
always good. People talked a
lot this past week.
Still always more than
you can read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #215 posted
2/12/2012 (HTML)
This week’s issue is
pretty amazing. Do you realize
that we have no picture of who
Obama was in college, in his
formative years, apart from what
he has written about himself? In
this issue is an interview from
someone who claims to know Barry
from college. Now, I have no
idea how legitimate this is; but
then, I had no idea how
legitimate the Herman Cain
accusers were (although it was
an amazing coincidence that one
of them lived in the same
building as David Axelrod).
Washington Post
article on the Obama budget; even
though WaPo leans way left, this
seems to be a reasonable article.
Also, just when you
figured there was no more Obama
brainwashing in our grammar
schools, think again. Some
teachers took Black History
Month as an excuse to tout the
greatness that is Obama.
Excellent rap which they
required their 5 year old
students to memorize.
the Numbers
The American public's
dependence on the federal
government increased by shot up by
23% in just two years under
President Obama, with 67 million now
relying on some federal
Year Money
Spend on Dependence Programs
1962 28.3%
1990 48.5%
2003 68.3%
2010 70.5%
Americans who
rely on government receive an average
$32,748 worth of benefits,
surpassing the average
American's disposable personal
income of $32,446. And the
reason we should work is...?
54% of Americans ages
18 to 24 currently have jobs.
That's the lowest employment
rate for this age group since
the government began keeping
track in 1948. 62% who had
jobs in 2007.
Last year, a federal
program paid out $1.6 billion to
cover free cell phones and the
monthly bills of 12.5 million
wireless accounts. This is about
double of what it was in 2008.
Why are we doing this at all?
President Barack
Obama's budget request to
Congress on Monday will forecast a
deficit of $1.33 trillion in
fiscal year 2012 and will
include hundreds of billions
of dollars of proposed
infrastructure spending. The
projected deficit is higher
than the $1.296 trillion
deficit in 2011 and also
slightly higher than a roughly
$1.15 trillion projection
released by the Congressional
Budget Office last week.
Global warming
enthusiast Prof Phil Jones recently flew
20,000 miles to Tahiti and back to
preach about global warming. He
has flown more than 250,000
miles in the past 5 years to
preach about the dangers of
global warming. The boffin's
fuel-burning flights mean his
carbon footprint is so big it
would take 95 acres of trees a
year to absorb it all, according
to Government figures. He is
being a whole lot smarter flying
to warm places rather than into
cities in the north covered with
In 2008, unions spent
$300,000,000 to help Obama get
Planned Parenthood
makes $164 million per year
performing abortions.
27% of prisoners
released from Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba re-engaged in terrorist
or insurgent activities,
according to a report by
Republicans on a House Armed
Services subcommittee.
Christians have fled Egypt since Arab Spring and
Islamists rise to power.
The Obama campaign
put 5,000 ads into 25
swing-state markets Jan.
19-25,. That's about 33 ads
daily in each television
market. They were to combat
ads put out by Americans for
Prosperity, an independent
group backed by oil barons
Charles and David Koch. Their
ad attacked Obama over the
failed clean energy company
Solyndra, which went bankrupt
after receiving government
Movieguide identified
91 movies in 2011 that scored
high in "conservative/moral
categories" and they earned an
average of $59 million apiece.
On the other hand, it identified
105 movies that scored high in
"liberal/leftist categories,"
and each of those titles earned
an average of just $11 million.
- Say What? is
always good.
Still always more
than you can read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #214 posted
2/5/2012 (HTML)
From By the
The president devoted
just 189 words to the deficit and
our growing national debt in his
state of the union speech.
We borrow 32 cents
out of every $1 we spend. Our
national debt now tops $15.2
The unfunded
liabilities of Social Security
and Medicare increases our total
indebtedness to over $120
For the official
national debt, every man, woman
and child in America owes
Add in the unfunded
liabilities of Social Security
and Medicare, and every one of
us owes $189,000.
Cold Snap in Eastern Europe
Decade Without Global Warming
Pushing to Fire Weathermen who
do not Tow the Global Warming
Predicts Financial Armageddon in
Groups Attack Right-to-Life
Marches using Alinsky Tactics
LA Supports Iran Bomb
Several articles,
such as, Why I’ll Pull the
Lever for Romney.
We hear over and over
how the economy is improving; that
what Obama has done is working.
Blogger David asks, “If the
Economy is Improving, then
If the economy is
getting better, then why did new
home sales in the United States
hit a brand new all-time record
low during 2011?
If the economy is
getting better, then why are
there 6 million less
jobs in America today than
there were before the recession
If the economy is
getting better, then why is
the average duration of
unemployment in this country close to an
all-time record high?
Along with many other
Two articles by
Thomas Sowell.
Why We Don’t Need to
Worry About Global Warming;
signed by several prominent
Say What? is
always good.
Still always more than
you can read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #213
posted 1/29/2012 (HTML)
Did you know that
there were 10's of thousands of
demonstrators in Washington D.C.
this past week; but the media
did not cover it. What was it
and why was it ignored?
Many excellent
quotations in Say What?
from this past week. Wolf Blitzer:
“Congressman Paul. You said the
U.S. should talk to everyone.
Imagine you're in the Oval Office,
you speak to Raul Castro on the
phone. What would you say to him?”
Ron Paul:
“Well ... I'd ask him what he
called about, you know?”
15 Questions the
media would ask Barack Obama, if
he were a Republican:
1) Numerous Mexican
citizens and an American citizen
have been killed with weapons
knowingly provided to criminals
by our own government during Operation Fast
and Furious. If Eric Holder was
aware that was going on, do
you think he should step down
as Attorney General? Were you
aware that was going on and if
so, shouldn't you resign?
2) In 2010 you said
Solyndra, which gave your
campaign a lot of money, was "leading the
way toward a brighter and
more prosperous future." Today, Solyndra is
bankrupt and the taxpayers
lost $500 million on loans
that your administration was
well aware might never be paid
off when you made them. What
do you say to people who say
this is evidence of corruption
in your administration?
But, he is a
Democrat, so no one asks these
questions; or the other 13
found in this issue. Plus,
another few that I added.
Great article on the
FNMA and FHLMC debacle, and what
happened; who tried to reform
them and who stopped the
reforms. Here is a portion of
that article:
Fannie and Freddie
were the first to collapse.
The big private players who
had played ball with them
shortly followed.
President George
to reform Fannie and Freddie when there was
actually a chance to do
something. Go back to what the New York
Times stated in 2003:
Sept. 10- The Bush
administration today
recommended the most
significant regulatory
overhaul in the housing
finance industry since the
savings and loan crisis a
decade ago.
the plan, disclosed at a
Congressional hearing today,
a new agency would be
created within the Treasury
Department to assume
supervision of Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac, the
companies that are the two
largest players in the
mortgage lending industry.
new agency would have the
authority, which now rests
with Congress, to set one of
the two capital-reserve
requirements for the
companies. It would exercise
authority over any new lines
of business. And it would
determine whether the two
are adequately managing the
risks of their ballooning
Republicans were
demonized for "deregulation" by
the dishonest Democrat Party
machine. But they TRIED to
regulate what needed to be
regulated. Democrats stopped
them.Many Republicans
like John McCain literally begged
Democrats to do something before
it was too late. But Democrats
threatened to filibuster any
bill that in any way prevented
Fannie and Freddie from
continuing the reckless
economy-killing policies.
Conservative economists such as
Peter Wallison had been
predicting the Fannie and
Freddie boondoggles would cause
an economic collapse since at
least 1999. Wallison had
warned back then:
moving, even tentatively,
into this new area of
lending, Fannie Mae is
taking on significantly more
risk, which may not pose any
difficulties during flush
economic times. But the
corporation may run into
trouble in an economic
downturn, prompting a
government rescue similar to
that of the savings and loan
industry in the 1980's.
the perspective of many
people, including me, this
is another thrift industry
growing up around us," said
Peter Wallison a resident
fellow at the American
Enterprise Institute. "If
they fail, the government
will have to step up and
bail them out the way it
stepped up and bailed out
the thrift industry."
But rigid opposition
from Democrats - especially
Democrats like Senator Barack
Obama - who took more
campaign money from Fannie
and Freddie and dirty crony
capitalism outfits like corrupt
Lehman Bros. than ANYONE in his
short Senate stint - prevented
any "hope and change" of
necessary reform from saving the
US economy.The timeline is
clear: Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac were giant behemoths
that began to stagger under
their own corrupt weight, as
even the New York Times
pointed out:
Mae and Freddie Mac are so
big - they own or guarantee
roughly half of the nation's
$12 trillion mortgage market
- that the thought that they
might falter once seemed
unimaginable. But now a
trickle of worries about the
companies, which has been
slowly building for years,
has suddenly become a
Still always more
than you can read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #212
posted 1/22/2012 (HTML)
(PDF) From
this Week’s Events: so, did you
hear how the ozone hole over the
North Pole is being aggravated by
cold temperatures?
Do you know about the various
green companies that are getting
federal dollars and then going
belly up? And President
Obama has more money to give
them. And how many people
are reporting on this from the
mainstream media (the Obama Media
Complex): one (1) person.
Did you know that 3/4ths of the
Egyptian Congress is now in the
hands of Islamists? Remember
being told by the brilliant media
sources that the Muslim
Brotherhood makes up only 10%, so
we don’t need to worry about them
in the election.
Under Say What? did you know there
are a dozen people accusing the
Republicans of all sorts of
racism, just this week
alone. Or did you hear this
brilliant quote this week?
"We're smart enough to elect our
own leaders but we're not smart
enough to pick our own light
Do you know why Rick Perry pulled
out of the race? I’ve got a
pretty good idea.
One of my favorite columns is By
The Numbers which has the
following information:
When President Obama took office,
32 million people were on food
stamps. Now 46 million are
on food stamps.
The Keystone XL pipeline will be
1700 miles of pipeline.
There is about 25,000 miles of
pipeline already in the sand
hills, which is the area that of
concern to the Obama
administration. It would be
impossible to estimate just how
much natural gas pipeline is laid
throughout the United States, as
there is so much that brings
natural gas into your house.
There has been an 80% drop in news
coverage of the economy from July
2011 to January 2012
68 of Obama's top 350 bundlers in
the upcoming 2012 election have
already snagged high-status jobs
in the administration.
Still always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #211
posted 1/15/2012 (HTML)
Under “By the
Numbers” this week:
President Obama is set
up to borrow $6.5 trillion in his
4-year term, which is more than
all of presidents from Washington
to Clinton combined (over a period
of 200 years). However, to be
fair, the president has been
talking about merging 6 federal
agencies, to streamline the
government. This will save
taxpayers as much as $3 billion
over a period of 10 years. I think
the theory here is, the president
does not figure you grasp the
difference. Sure, he is borrowing
a lot of money over here, but then
he is also cutting a lot of money
over there. So, here are some
numbers you can understand. Your
husband (or wife) just ran up your
credit card debt $162,500 this
year alone, but, don’t worry,
because he (or she) has a plan
that will save your family $30 a
year! So, the spouse has run up
over $160,000 in debt, but will
make up for it by skipping
Starbucks for a month.
I’ve also begun to
link up the headline news, so
you can explore an article if it
catches your interest:
Here’s the list so far
(according to CBS): Solyndra, Beacon
Power, Evergreen Solar,
SpectraWatt, and AES' subsidiary
Eastern Energy are all Green
Energy programs which have
received billions from taxpayers
by way of Obama, and are in
bankruptcy. Nevada GeoThermal,
SunPower, First Solar, and 4
other companies are in serious
financial trouble.
On the White House
website, there is a graph that
makes Obama’s spending look
small compared to Bush’s. It
is a lie. Almost everything
about this partisan graph is a
lie. The graph and explanation
are included in this issue of
Occupy D.C. is
resulting in a rat problem.
Virginia Attorney General
Ken Cuccinelli has decided
that pest control personnel
relocate the
rats across the Potomac
River. As far as I can tell, he
was not speaking metaphorically.
Still always more
than you can read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #210
posted 1/8/2012 (HTML)
I took a week off, but since the
1st, nobody can stop
talking—particularly not President
Obama. As Kimberly
Guilfoyls’s child said, “That man
is always talking.” In fact,
everyone, after taking a week off,
had a lot to say. Extensive
Say What column this week.
Who’s to blame for so much of the
wealth distribution? The
Great charts and cartoons, as
always, like the chart
below: You won’t hear the
news discussing these numbers for
the next year.
Still always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- There is no new Conservative
Review this week (1/1/2012).
However, let me suggest the
The Great
Economic Collapse; and why no one
is arrested
It should seem odd to you that,
liberals and democrats ran, in part,
on the platform that George Bush and
capitalism destroyed the U.S.
economy through the malfeasance of
bad loans by mortgage companies; and
yet, no one has been arrested
yet. The only charges made so
far have been non-criminal
charges. Even though the
president has claimed (I am
paraphrasing here), "Some of this
stuff that ruined our economy
apparently was legal" it was
not. A financial entity
holding mortgages and then selling
shares cannot lie about what this
portfolio contains. That is
illegal. Yet, so far, no one
has criminal charges posted against
them. Why is that? Seems
like, if a lot of bankers were
responsible for destroying our
economy, one of the priorities would
be to arrest those bankers and make
them face criminal charges.
This is why nothing has happened so
Say What?
December 26th, 2011 Edition
Not many people had a lot to say
after Christmas, but they sure had a
lot to say the week before
Also, check out these articles:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
gary kukis
- Conservative
Review #209
posted 12/24/2011 (HTML)
I wasn’t sure if I was going to do
an issue this week, but the
quotations were great (Say What)
and there were several outstanding
Several excellent articles by Jeb
Bush, Mitt Romney and Thomas
Here is one of the many
links. Simply answer 11
questions, and USA Today
will tell you which candidate you
are most like. This is for
Democrats and Republicans (Obama
and all the Republican candidates
are there). When I answered
these carefully, I was not
surprised at the results; but I
was surprised to find that I
agreed about 60% with my top 3
New bad lip readings; these are
hilarious! Newt
Gingrich; “Rick James knows
what I like; hip parties with
elephant money”
Plus it is filled with all kinds
of stories that are not in the
mainstream press. Did you
know that, during all of the
arguing in Congress this past
week, they passed a $1 trillion
spending bill with no cuts and
lots of pork and earmarks?
Ignored by the media. Fast
& Furious appears to be a plot
for gun control and only CBS news
has a reporter on it (I guess they
are keeping their other reporters
in reserve in case Sarah Palin
suddenly jumps into the race).
Still always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #208
posted 12/18/2011 (HTML)
The President told us this week
that, he had no idea how terrible
the economic situation was.
Rush Limbaugh, even before Obama
took office, said that Obama would
say this. And, just in case
you did not recall, there are
quotations and stories from 2009
saying that the economy was as bad
or nearly as bad as the Great
Lots of other quotes as well in
Say What.
There are stories you have not
heard. You may recall
Solyndra. There is another
story out there where money is
being funneled to another Green
company advised by an Obama
supporter. This won’t be in
your newspaper. It won’t be
on TV.
There is a new young writer out
there, a 20 year old gal, who
wants to be the next Ann
Coulter. Judge for
yourselves; there is a story by
her in this paper.
Senator McCain discusses the HUGE
spending bill which was introduced
to the floor and passed the same
day. My guess is, they hope
that you would get this bill mixed
up with the other bill that
Congress passed. There are
very few stories on the omnibus
spending bill. Just McCain
railing against it on the Senate
floor. Both Democrats and
Republicans passed this spending
bill. McCain didn’t vote for
it, however.
Great issue this week; I may or
may not write an issue next week.
Still always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #207
posted 12/11/2011 (HTML)
One of the columns of this review
is “News Before it Happens.”
Rush Limbaugh, some time ago, said
the only explanation for
“Operation Fast and Furious” was a
concerted effort by the left to
get guns into the hands of violent
people, and then use that in order
to push for gun legislation.
Sounds pretty crazy, right?
Pretty paranoid? Emails
surfaced this week, reported on by
the only reporter actually
investigating “Operation Fast and
Furious;” and that is the plan of
the government. The left has
lost their argument against strong
controls over the 2nd Amendment;
so now, they have pulled this!
60 Minutes had a show on the
economic collapse and why no one
has been arrested and tried?
If there is all of this evil
occurring on Wall Street, why is
it, 3 years later, that NO ONE is
held accountable.
Now and again, Rush Limbaugh
breaks some important news on his
show. Here is something you
never heard about: rapid re-scores
used to qualify people who should
not have been given a home
loan. The Mortgage company
would contact the credit bureau
and send in “correction letters”
which would, for a few hours,
negate the information on the
credit report, and turn a 600
point score to a 700 point
score. Then they would close
the loan and the score would later
revert to its normal level.
I heard no reporting on this
whatsoever. However, this is
another key to how all of these
high-risk borrowers got loans.
Still always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #206
posted 12/4/2011 (HTML)
A few weeks ago, I made the
observation that the goofy trends
in education had resulted in these
Occupy Wall Street types; they are
unrealistic and unfocused, which
is what our present educational
system has done to them.
This past week, Rush Limbaugh,
Sean Hannity and Adam Carolla (of
all people) make the same
Say What? is always good; and
there were so many instances of
news bias, it was impossible to
include them all.
I realize that, the extreme
slanting of the news is a constant
theme of conservatives, but it is
always worth noting. I also
suggest some stories that, as a
voter, you would like to see, but
you won’t—not on television and
not in the NY Times or in the
Washington Post.
Here is a section you may like;
headlines that you won’t find in
your newspaper:
The GM Recovery is a Scam.
Obama Continues to Pour Money into
the Green Money Hole to his
Huge Secret Bailout from the Fed
to Europe; Another Bailout in the
Rnad Paul Stands up Against
Detention Provision in Defense
Bill and Defeats it
President Warms Congress about
Christmas Vacation while Setting
up 17-Day Vacation in Hawaii
California to be a Sanctuary
Obama and Newt’s Economic Visions
The Different Ways that Obama and
Newt See the World
How Gingrich and Obama See the
Constitution Differently
Newt’s Plan for Recovery; Obama’s
Plan for Recovery
Newt’s Record versus Obama’s
Still always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #205
posted 11/27/2011 (HTML)
shorter issue than usual.
Still, there were a lot of people
talking; especially liberals, many
of whom took the Thanksgiving
holiday as an opportunity to
attempt to convert.
Great article on how the media is
trying to rewrite history right
now about OWS.
Another article about how the more
that government does for us, the
less freedom that we have.
Two Thomas Sowell pieces.
You don’t think Obama can
win? The media in 4 days
took down Herman Cain.
Still always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #204
posted 11/20/2011 (HTML)
As with most issues, there is a
lot of great material in this
issue. However, this is a
particularly vital issue because I
offer a solution for the housing
market and FNMA and FHLMC which no
one has thought of before.
This is unique; you will read this
solution nowhere else. This
is a no-cost solution to this
problem and it is a brilliant
solution (and I have another
solution for Detroit rattling
around in my brain as well—some
day, I will put it to paper).
There is another issue getting
some media play and well worth
investigating. Did you know
that Senators et about a 12%
return on their stock
investments? How are they
this good? Why aren’t they
Wall Street investors. If
you don’t know about this, this is
one of the most important stories
of our time. It’s standard
procedure in Washington D.C. and
has been going on for decades.
There are at least 2 stories out
there that should have been
pursued with regards to the Occupy
Wall Street movement; however, no
journalist seems to have covered
these logical stories.
Why? Do journalists today
just write about what they are
told to write about? Do none
of them have any real interest in
the stories that they cover?
Excellent “Say What?” And “By the
Numbers.” Also, you are probably
unaware of about half of the news
items mentioned; they often go
unreported. Or, read the
missing headlines and ask yourself
if you heard about any of these
Always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #203
posted 11/13/2011 (HTML)
(PDF) Did
you know that Herman Cain’s most
visible accuser lives in a city
that Cain has never lived in
(Chicago), has serious financial
problems, and just happens to live
in the same building as David
Axelrod? There have already
been over a 100 stories on Cain in
less than 2 weeks on this scandal;
how many stories have you seen on
the women? Is it reasonable
to ask if they have anything to
gain by this?
There are always a number of great
videos posted, like this one:
Obama, Occupy Wall Street, and the
TEA party movement; great vid:
Great articles by Coulter and
Sowell. Others you have not
seen anywhere else.
Excellent “Say What?” And “By the
Always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #202
posted 11/6/2011 (HTML)
Many people have done articles on
our economy and why we are where
we are. What happened in
2008 can be easily explained, but
it is slightly more complex than
the bumper sticker approach, “It
is Bush’s fault.” Investor’s
Business Daily uses some released
documents to confirm what I wrote
a year or so ago.
A lot of articles on Herman Cain
and how the media has covered
similar scandals in the
past. This includes a
complete list of those women who
accused Clinton of sexual
indiscretions. How many do
you think there were?
3? 4?
Excellent “Say What?” And “By the
Always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #201
posted 10/30/2011 (HTML)
Conservative Review #201
A lot of nutty things are said by
the occupiers; they are found in
“Say What?”
There is a good video about them
as well, under “Watch This!”
Paul Ryan’s speech (or a link to
listen to it); great Peggy Noonan
article, the 15 jobs bills which
have already been passed and are
sitting in the Senate—no one is
talking about them, not Obama, not
Harry Reid, not Nancy Pelosi, and
certainly not the press.
This is a coalition to make it
seem as though no one is doing
anything except Obama.
Some surprising Muslim statistics.
I had a liberal on Flopping Aces
who was upset at my “Say What?”
column. He was challenged to
put together a list of brilliant
things said by liberals and stupid
things said by conservatives—over
the past week. I doubt that
he can rise to the
challenge. I do everything I
can to properly pass along what
was really said in “Say
What?” I do not attempt to
take quotes out of context or to
misrepresent what is said.
If you read nothing else, you
should read this column. If
you don’t think the press is one
arm of the Democratic party, read
what they are saying about Herman
Cain this week. Any
conservative who is up in the
polls will always ben hammered by
the press. The term I hear
is, they are attempting to
“Palinize” Cain.
Always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #200
posted 10/23/2011 (HTML)
“Say What?” this week.
People had a lot to say.
Several articles on the 9-9-9 plan
of Herman Cain, including one of
the poor and 9-9-9
Obama, the Venture Socialist.
Reasons why we conservatives want
a Cain-Obama debate.
News you may not have heard yet.
Compare the press on Herman Cain
versus the press on Obama.
It is a stark contrast.
Always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #199
posted 10/16/2011 (HTML)
(PDF) Do
you know who supports the Wall
Street occupiers? The
Supreme Leader of Iran; Hugo
Chavez, the American Nazi Party
and the Communist Party of the
U.S.A. Are you hearing about
this? Did you know that this
is not just a world-wise movement,
but they have the same slogans in
pretty much every city.
Did you know anything about
Kaiser, the Obama fund-raising
bundler, who also is knee-deep in
Solyndra? He hasn’t paid
taxes either.
Some of the major criticisms of
Herman “Citizen” Cain’s 9-9-9 plan
Wonderful “Say What?” as usual.
Always more than you can
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #198
posted 10/9/2011 (HTML)
Wonderful “Say What?” as usual.
Lots of stuff on the Wall Street
Great vids, including Bad Lip
Reading (you will enjoy them no
matter where you stand
Do you know about the Honest
Budget Act? Obama Media
Complex might be keeping that a
secret. Do you know the
games being played with Obama’s
“Jobs Plan”?
This issue is packed. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #196
posted 9/25/2011 (HTML)
(PDF) Let
me warn you that I’ve been a
Herman Cain supporter for quite a
long while now; but I tried not to
let this slant this week’s issue
very much. He just won the
Florida Straw Poll; how many
interviews have you seen with
Herman Cain?
Excellent Say what? as always.
Every time I think they can’t say
any more, they think of new
absurdities to blather on
about. Did you hear Obama
talk about “Intercontinental
railroads” or his rousing speech
to the Black Caucus and friends?
Do you know just how much Solandra
pissed away? More money than
the Stimulus Bill gave to 35
states for their highways, roads
and bridges.
This issue is packed. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #195
posted 9/18/2011 (HTML)
Conservative Review #195
Excellent Say what? as
always. There is a lot of
news this week which you may not
have heard about.
Several articles, including Thomas
Sowell back to the Future, Parts
I, II and III (Sowell knows
economic history, which he makes
fascinating). Also, two
articles from the other side (an
atheist and an angry leftist), so
you can see what is on their
collective minds.
Great issue. Enjoy!
There was no new Conservative
Review last week. I was on
- Conservative
Review #194
posted 9/4/2011 (HTML)
Excellent Say what? as
always. There is a lot of
news this week which you may not
have heard about.
Several articles, including Thomas
Sowell, Byron York, and one who
suggests that both the left and
the right should worry about what
Palin is saying. Whether or
not she is electable, she still
gets the crowds and she has a lot
to say that neither establishment
likes. Do you think that media
attacks from the left and the
right are simply coincidental?
Very perceptive article about
Obama and American exceptionalism,
and how he doesn’t get it.
It is all in this week’s issue and
lots more. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #193
posted 8/28/2011 (HTML)
Excellent Say what? This week,
with many pages of quotes. When
there are 2 disasters, liberals
can say almost anything they want,
and nearly no one will report it.
I wrote a fairly straightforward
article on recessions, and we know
what works and what doesn’t.
It is not completely partisan;
some Democrats got it right and
some Republicans got it
wrong. However, the
principles are the same.
A number of excellent articles by
Sowell, and Steve Moore. Also, as
I often do, I have included a
couple of articles with which I
disagree—Rove and Keller.
It is all in this week’s issue and
lots more. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #191
posted 8/14/2011 (HTML)
I wrote an article with a few
Biblical references up
front. Don’t let that
frighten you off. This
article has a lot of important
issues in it that we need to
consider. This article deals
with one of the fundamental
problems in the US and Europe.
What? is always good,
which is one of the most
consistently read columns on
Flopping Aces. This is new
stuff that they say every week.
Great stories by Sowell, O’Reilly,
along with two great speeches, one
by a Democrat and the other by a
It is all in this week’s issue and
lots more. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #190
posted 8/7/2011 (HTML)
Of course, there are a lot of
quotes about the debt ceiling
compromise and about the political
chess of this compromise.
Dems got Republicans to go back on
their promise to work in the light
of day and to put the bill out for
3 days before voting on it.
There are all kinds of problems
out there. Lowest percentage
of workers in 28 years; FNMA wants
more money; post office is broke,
and we’ve been downgraded.
The press is becoming more and
more transparent in their support
of the president.
Also some great articles: Thomas
Sowell on the poor, Karl Rove on a
failed business, and how Calvin
Coolidge beat his recession.
It is all in this week’s issue and
lots more. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #189
posted 7/31/2011 (HTML)
(PDF) Have
you heard of the Connie Mack’s
Penny Plan? Freeze the
federal budget, reduce it for 1% a
year, and, in a few years, we have
a balanced budget. Rand Paul
supports it, so you know, it must
be that nutty TEA party, thinking
that we ought to curb federal
spending. Their ideas are so
radical and so extreme.
Were you aware that all of these
proposed $3 and $4 trillion cuts
in the federal budget are for a
period of 10 years and all such
proposals will allow the debt to
accumulate by over $1
trillion/year. If the
federal government simply froze
the budget for 10 years, the CBO
would score that as a $9.5
trillion savings.
Did you know about Obama’s twitter
account, how he lost 40,000
followers in one day this week?
Do you have the impression that
raising the debt ceiling is the
fix for the credit rating of the
United States? If so, your
news sources are flat out lying to
Have you been told the Anders
Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist,
is a Christian? Again, your
news is misstating the
facts. He should be called a
man of logic, a scientist or an
environmentalist, which are all
labels which he
self-applies. A couple
quotes from him in this issue.
I highly recommend Say What?
Short Takes and By the
Numbers. Glance at the
article titles too. They
will capture your attention as
well. I also make a
prediction for Obama’s running
mate in 2012 (or possibly
Democratic candidate in 2016).
Best issue so far.
It is all in this week’s issue and
lots more. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #187
posted 7/17/2011 (HTML)
First thing, there is a lot of
misleading information on all
media about the debt ceiling and
what to expect. To listen to
Democrats, the sky will fall, and
the U.S. will be downgraded by
Moody’s because we cannot pay our
debts; and seniors will not get
their social security—all of which
is false. And the idea that
not raising the debt ceiling,
which is the most popular approach
in the United States, is a good
idea. I must admit to being
converted when I saw this laid out
with a chart—a chart you might not
see anywhere else.
With the debt ceiling drop-dead
date drawing nigh, there are a set
of wonderful quotes in “Say
What.” Lot’s of good stuff
in the “Must-See Media” and “Short
Takes” this week.
There is a lot to
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #185
posted 7/3/2011 (HTML)
(PDF) One
of the excellent columns is A
Little Bias, which records some of
the media bias for this past
week. Now, I must admit, I
have no idea if liberals are just
so blind, that they do not
recognize media bias (except at
FoxNews, of course), or whether
they just claim the news is fair
and accurate to chaff my
hide. However, surely you
have heard about our President
condemning the corporate jet tax
loophole. He said it in his
weekly address and on several
occasions. But, you know
what your news doesn’t
mention? These tax loopholes
were a part of the Stimulus
Great article for a couple months
back in the WSJ; tax the rich at
100% and you get $938 billion,
which is not enough money to cover
one year of deficit
spending. Send this article
to your liberal friends.
There is a lot to
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #184
posted 6/26/2011 (HTML)
(PDF) The
week’s issue is a little
long. I ended up with so
many quotes for liberals this
week, I just ran out of time to
record them all. There’s
lots and they are excellent.
Let me strongly recommend the news
blurbs at the beginning, as you
will get a very short news blurb
of a lot of things that you have
not heard about. Also, there
was such excellent media out this
past week.
Also, if you have wondered by
certain media outlets seem to be
telling you the same thing, maybe
it is because George Soros in
heavily invested in some of
them. You can’t beat having
few resources and then, this nice
man comes along and gives you
money. Great story about
social security by Thomas Sowell.
There is a lot to
read. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #183
posted 6/19/2011 (HTML)
(PDF) The
week’s issue is a little short,
and it may take me a moment to
load it up as a HTML document, as
I am dealing with computer
Nevertheless, the news is
fascinating this week: PJ media is
claiming a tie between Anthony
Weiner’s wife and the Muslim
Brotherhood. UN scientists
propose a number of insane ideas
to solve global warming, even
though some scientist are
predicting a mini-ice age (which
prediction is ignored by the
Great quotes this week and a
number of excellent vids.
Don’t miss By the Numbers.
Short Cuts is also good this week.
A lot happened. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #182
posted 6/12/2011 (HTML)
must admit that I did not expect
to have much of an issue this
week, with all of the air sucked
out of the room by Weiner.
Although entertaining, Weiner is
hardly newsworthy. I was
worried there would be no good
quotes, except maybe from Chris
Matthews and Bill Maher, who can
always be depended upon for good
stuff. However, there were a
lot of liberals out there with a
lot to say. Some
conservatives as well. So
“Say What” is outstanding.
Check out the Media
recommendations as well.
These are always good.
I also found quite a number of
outstanding articles this past
week: one on Herman Cain; one by
Herman Cain; and a couple on the
economy. And there is one
you have not seen, but it
extremely important and another
reason why Obama needs a news job:
“Giving Away the Farm.”
Rush did several interviews this
past week, which is unusual; and
he is outstanding in this arena,
even though he rarely does them.
If all you recall from last week
is Weiner, then check out this
issue. A lot more happened
than that. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #181
posted 6/5/2011 (HTML)
There was a lot of news out
there. First of all, Time
magazine has done a couple of odds
pieces on the Republican
candidates, but has left out
Herman Cain each time. I
guess you cannot pass off the
Republicans as racists if one of
their rising stars is Black.
Do you know what percentage of
people are gay? You probably
aren’t even close. 4% were
close in answer that
question. Excellent Medved
article about a recent survey;
with a lot of numbers which will
surprise you.
Two articles about Obama and the
economy, along with a collection
of dumb things which Obama has
said. Way dumb. Yet he
is portrayed, even in parody, as
“Say what” is excellent.
“Must Watch Media” is filled with
great stuff this week. Short
Takes is also good.
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #180
posted 5/29/2011 (HTML)
was a lot of news out there.
You heard about the Weiner sex
scandal right? Maybe not; he
is a Democrat. Or the
White House aide who is going to
go after “misleading
media.” How about the
sorry cuts offered up by both Dems
and Repubs? Did you see all
the headlines about how Glenn Beck
got it right? No, of course
“Say what” is excellent.
“Must Watch Media” is filled with
great stuff this week. Short
Takes is also good; I can explain
what Newt can’t about his remarks
of a week ago.
Great Articles: The problem with
Judicial Activism, which is
something California ought to
understand today. The 18
things you did not know about
China. Do you know how much
money is wasted in government
research? Or what tax rate
Dems are really shooting for?
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #179
posted 5/22/2011 (HTML)
There was a lot of news out
there. Did you hear about
the Obama justice department
shaking down Google for a half
“Say what” is always
excellent. Several excellent
vids of Herman Cain features this
Articles: Why is there so much
hatred for the Jews? Why
does the recovery feel so
tepid? I like Newt, but even
given 20 or 30 minutes on Rush’s
program, he was unable to explain
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #178
posted 5/15/2011 (HTML)
“Say what” is always
excellent. There are some
excellent videos in the Must Watch
Media column. and media to
be seen this week. As
usual, there is a lot of news you
probably did not see reported.
Other good columns: Short Takes, A
Little Bias, and By the Numbers.
Articles: Obamacare, Romneycare,
and John Boehner’s spending
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #177
posted 5/8/2011 (HTML)
“Say what” is always
excellent. There are a lot
of great videos and media to be
seen this week.
In the regular columns, about half
of the news is stuff you did not
know occurred. Solid proof
on the connections between the
SEIU and the communist party (lots
of photos). Excellent Short
Takes and excellent A Little Bias.
Articles: The Osama timeline; 10
ways Obama botched the aftermath
of taking out Osama (I only agree
with half of them); the 10 Bush
policies which Obama is following;
and, because I love numbers, a
blast from the past: 10 myths
about the Bush Tax Cuts.
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #175
posted 4/24/2011 (HTML)
what” is always excellent.
Don’t forget Reagan’s campaign
quote, which we will hear again
this year: "Are you better off
today than you were four years
Several articles on the debt
ceiling, taxing the rich, and what
happens to states that just
continue to soak the rich (I’m
talking to you, California).
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #174
posted 4/17/2011 (HTML)
“Say what” is always
excellent. Did you hear what
Michele Bachmann said? Well,
she actually didn’t say that.
Did you see the phoney GE story
this week?
I propose a few simple pieces of
legislation, which involve savings
rather than new costs.
There are several stories and
links with one main theme: there
are not enough rich in American
with enough money to tax enough to
close the deficit—I am not talking
about the debt, only the
deficit. There was a
reasonable fact-check on Obama’s
deficit speech. That
surprised me.
More reasons to believe my
prediction of 2 weeks ago is going
to come to pass.
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #173
posted 4/10/2011 (HTML)
Republicans had a budget and
Democrats did not, there were some
spectacular quotes from both
sides. My favorite
column. By the Numbers is
always good.
Good vids: Ryan presents budget;
ReasonTV on taxing the rich.
Allen West interview.
I reveal to the far left how to
end the middle eastern wars.
We can keep this a secret, I am
Under “A Little Bias” have you
noticed how many stories there are
on a temporary government
shutdown, but nearly no stories
about the problems of long-term
insolvency (which is a much
greater problem).
Articles: What if there was a
shutdown? I’m warming up to
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #172
posted 4/3/2011 (HTML)
Some of the best quotes collected
this week. My favorite
column. Don’t miss By the
Excellent articles as well. What
about Obama and Libya? Did
you know that 48 states have more
people working for the government
than actually producing
stuff? An excellent article
by Thomas Sowell about Blacks
voting with their feet.
I am ready to announce the next
Republican presidential candidate
in here, along with who the next
president will be. He’s not
my favorite, but he will win.
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #171
posted 3/27/2011 (HTML)
More news you may not know
about. The NY Times changed
its book list once again. GE
made $14.2 billion last year and
paid no taxes. No wonder
Immelt and Obama are BFF.
Bear in mind, this is one way to
get the abbreviated news.
Good “Say What?” this week.
Also a good “Comedy Relief.”
Great media clips this week.
If you have very little time,
browse these clips.
Also, an article about the United
States and personal
morality. Information on
welfare and Obamacare (it is
entitlements which is destroying
this country). George Will
and Bill O’Reilly on the war,
taking opposite sides.
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #170
posted 3/20/2011 (HTML)
More news you may not know
about. Did you know that the
NY Times changed the way that it
classifies books in order to toss
conservative books off of its
bestseller list? Do you know
about the latest attack on
Israel? Did you hear about
the Republican job creation summit
this past week? This is just
from the news headlines.
Excellent “Say What?” this
week. Some good “Comedy
Relief,” “By the Numbers,” and “A
Little Bias.” Real
headlines, but don’t expect to see
them in your paper (or on
Also, some thought provoking
articles, including a
well-researched one by Ann Coulter
who suggests that radiation may
not be a horrible thing.
Really. Also, why are the
elite conservatives dissing Sarah
Palin and what does she have to
say for herself lately?
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #169
posted 3/13/2011 (HTML)
Lots of great news this week, some
of which you have not seen in the
Obama Media Complex.
Very extensive “Say What?” this
week. People had lots to
say, on both sides of the
aisle. Some incredibly
insane things were said this past
week. I wouldn’t be
surprised if some news media
carefully filtered them out of the
Excellent set of vids this week,
including a very old debate which
features Thomas Sowell and Francis
Fox Piven.
Some great articles on economics
and collective bargaining.
Honestly, these are great
articles; 2 feature Thomas Sowell.
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #168
posted 3/6/2011 (HTML)
I hope that you are reading the
“news” column. Again, there
is a lot you don’t hear about in
your news. Do you know about
the live ammunition discovered
after the pro-union rallies in
Wisconsin. Do you know we
are purposely letting some guns
cross over our southern
border? Do you know about
the bomb threat and arrest in
Madison, WI? Do you know
that Republicans have reduced
funding to the IRS? Do you
know that abstinence among young
people is increasing and now, 1 in
4 rather than 1 in 5 young people
(24 and younger) report NO SEXUAL
CONTACT whatsoever?
Check out “By the Numbers” and
“Polling by the Numbers.”
“Say What” is always good.
Several good articles as
well. One simple reason why
many conservatives oppose gay
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #167
posted 2/27/2011 (HTML)
I hope that you are reading the
“news” column. These are
simply blurbs of this which have
happened this week, but often,
these are thing you do not hear
about (and sometimes, these end up
being the talk of the next week).
Are you aware of the DNA swabs
which may take place if you
fly? Are you aware of all
the oil reserves which are in the
United States?
Excellent “Say What” this
week. Liberals had so much
to say this week.
Also, some great articles, both
about the union disputes in
Wisconsin and elsewhere, and the
possible government
shutdown. Let me predict,
the Obama media complex will try
to make a government shutdown to
sound like the worst thing since
the Great Depression. It
won’t be.
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #166
posted 2/20/2011 (HTML)
hope that you are reading the
“news” column. These are
simply blurbs of this which have
happened this week, but often,
these are thing you do not hear
about (and sometimes, these end up
being the talk of the next
week). Here is one: the
government is contracting with
private companies to develop
software to create huge groups of
fake people on social media sites
in order to suggest that there is
popular support for unpopular
issues. Did you know this?
One of the articles is called “The
Dishonest Gay Marriage
Agenda.” You may think this
is ultra-paranoid; but, I give you
a bit of background here, and
suggest what the end game is to
this Gay Marriage movement.
You may think that, a relationship
between two gay men is just like
the relationship between a man and
a woman—but you are wrong.
They are different in the most
fundamental ways. This will
be covered in great detail in the
This article is cross-posted on
Flopping Aces. The average
article gets about 400-500 views
with 20-40 comments, many of which
stray off-topic. This
article has over 1000 views with
nearly 200 comments, nearly all on
Excellent “Say What” this week.
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #165
posted 2/13/2011 (HTML)
Things you may or may not know
about: the CBO tells us that the
new healthcare law will kill
800,000 jobs (do you recall that
this was touted as a job
creator?). GM and Chrysler,
although they still owe the
taxpayers a lot of money, gave out
generous bonuses this year
(remember when the banks were
harangued for this, and they paid
back the TARP money).
Excellent “Say What” this
week. Liberals cannot seem
to stop talking. But, some
said some intelligent things this
week as well. Really.
Good vids. A short interview
with Richard Dreyfuss, and you may
be shocked that you agree with
him. Breitbart delivers an
excellent speech to CPAC.
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #164
posted 2/6/2011 (HTML)
Conservative Review #164
As you know, I often post some of
these articles on Flopping
Aces. Interestingly enough,
last week’s “Say What” column had
over 7000 views (500 is typical
for most articles). Somehow,
it got posted on DIGG (whatever
that is), which ended up bringing
in a plethora of readers.
“Say what?” is better this
week. I explore Obama being
Reaganesque and discuss, how did
all of the press, all of a sudden,
decide to use that language?
Fact sheet on the Muslim
Brotherhood. Obama’s
interior department choose to
disobey court decisions.
Good stuff this week.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #162
posted 1/24/2011 (HTML)
issue this week. The left
calmed down their rhetoric a
little this week, but not all of
them. Still examples of
hatred, anger and lies dished out
liberally by the liberal
left. Examples abound in
“Say What?”
A fantastic set of video clips.
Great articles. What should
we do about the insane? This
is a reasonable thing to be
talking about in the light of
Tucson. An article by George
Will. From Flopping Aces, an
article about too much
Great articles and cartoons for
you to send to your friends.
A great issue. Informative
and thought-provoking.
- Conservative
Review #161
posted 1/16/2011 (HTML)
Fantastic issue this week.
Despite all of the demands from
the left for a full week for
conservatives to cool down their
rhetoric, this apparently does not
apply to hyperbolic rhetoric from
the left. Examples abound in
“Say What?”
A fantastic set of video clips.
Great articles. What should
we do about Muslims? A list
of actual left-0wing violence,
which is always downplayed in the
media. An excellent article
on our mental health system, which
is the only real issue to come out
of this senseless shooting in
Arizona. Two articles on repealing
Obamacare. And plans are
being made for Greek-type
demonstrations in the United
Great articles and cartoons for
you to send to your friends.
A great issue. Informative
and thought-provoking.
- Conservative
Review #160
posted 1/9/2011 (HTML)
The same people on the left, who
are accusing Sarah Palin and Glenn
Beck as being ultimately
responsible for the shootings in
Arizona, are simultaneously
telling us on the right to tone
down our ourtragerous rhetoric.
I must admit to being amazed in
the past couple of days. A
tragic shooting and dozens and
dozens of prominent and
not-so-prominent liberals blame
Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, the TEA
party, and “violent
rhetoric.” It is so crazy,
it is almost a parody.
Anyway, in “Say What” there are a
page filled with such quotes (and
not everyone is included because
they kept piling on).
However, one liberal wrote an
intelligent column about this, and
that is one of the lead
columns. Along with this
sensible liberal column, I include
2 very nutty liberal columns as
well. 3 excellent
conservative columns as well.
By the Numbers is good, as is
Short Takes and Political Chess.
A great issue. Informative
and thought-provoking.
- Conservative
Review #159
posted 1/2/2011 (HTML)
It’s the new year, and still, a
lot happened.
Great articles this week: if you
want to understand the current
economic situation and why all the
state governments are awash in
debt, there is a common origin for
all that.
Say What? is excellent, as
usual. You understand a
person’s philosophy by reading
what everyone says. Only a
few media recommendations, but
they are quite good. Also,
be certain to ready By the Numbers
and My Most Paranoid Thoughts.
A great issue. Informative
and thought-provoking.
- Conservative
Review #158
posted 12/26/2010 (HTML)
I did not realize that so much
happened this week until I began
writing from my notes. I
almost just send out “Merry
Christmas” and let it go at that,
but it was a very significant
week. Outstanding vids this
week, although there are only a
few. The “Say What” column
is mostly liberals again this
week. Always interesting to
hear what they are saying.
Great articles this week: Wasteful
spending by the government; Palin
on Iran; and the Democrat Party
and Communism.
A great issue. Informative
and thought-provoking.
- Conservative
Review #156
posted 12/12/2010 (HTML)
Outstanding vids this week
and an excellent “Say What”
column. You won’t believe
all that is being said this past
Great articles this week:
According to Thomas Sowell,
Republicans are doing a lousy job
justifying maintaining tax rates
for everyone. John Stossel
explains why the poor stay
poor. The scientific
community is continuing to rebel
against the concept of man-made
global warming.
A great issue. Informative
and thought-provoking.
- Conservative
Review #155
posted 12/6/2010 (HTML)
Outstanding vids this week
and an excellent “Say What”
column. How is it possible
to get 10–20 really stupid things
said by prominent Democrats EVERY
SINGLE WEEK? Here’s the
key—in the past, the alphabet
media hid these things from us.
Great articles this week: What is
on the Senate agenda? What
is this DREAM act? And what about
the FDA new powers. So they
will now determine if cake sales
are allowed in public schools?
Always a great issue.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #154
posted 11/28/2010 (HTML)
Conservative Review #154
Excellent article on changing our
schools. How can we decrease
the dropout rate? How can we
better prepare our students for
college? How can we cut back
on the cost of education and yet,
increase the quality? How
can we introduce choice in
education, without overwhelming
the system with too much change
all at once? Fidn the
answers within.
Outstanding vids this week
and a short “Say What”
Good articles this week.
However, this is a shorter issue
than most. .
Still a great issue.
Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #153
posted 11/21/2010 (HTML)
Since the election of 2012
has begun, there are many examples
of Palin Derangement Syndrom out
there; several are included
here. I may have to set up a
new column devoted just to
that. Expect to see it
several times a week.
Outstanding vids this week and
“Say What” is always good.
Good articles this week. One
by Harold Ford, Jr.; not because I
agree with all of it, but just to
show that some Democrats say some
intelligent things some of the
How Obama’s tax hikes for the rich
will hurt the poor. From
Great issue. Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #152
posted 11/14/2010 (HTML)
Outstanding vids this wee and “Say
What” is always good.
Great articles this week,
including several on monetizing
the debt (possibly the most under
reported story this week?).
And who is weighing in on
this? Sarah Palin.
There are also several articles by
Walter E. Williams and Thomas
Soulman Sewell. Also, one of
the more interesting articles
included is California: The
Lindsay Lohan of States
Also many of the budget reforms
have been included as well.
You have to give them credit,
insofar as, no one likes
them. That is a good
thing. But there is one
important piece of information
included which the media has been
Great issue. Informative and
thought-provoking. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #151
posted 11/7/2010 (HTML)
Outstanding “Say What” this week
and there are wonderful vids in
the “Must See Media” this week.
Two original articles, which
include 3 no-cost initiatives and
a review of the election this past
Great articles this week,
including Peggy Noonan’s column,
who gets it at least half-right,
an Obama supporter who still loves
Obama (loves loves loves).
And then there are some excellent
articles besides.
One impression you will get from
some of these articles: people
have not elected Republicans, and
now they are going to stop
thinking about politics;
Republicans, we now have our eyes
on you. We know what you
promised, we know what you can do,
and you may not be long for this
world, if your promises were just
Great issue. Informative and
reasonable as always. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #150
posted 10/31/10 (HTML)
Excellent “Say What” this
week, since elections are in 2
days. Also an excellent
“Must See Media” this week.
Although you have seen some of
these this past week, there are
many media pieces you have never
There are several key races to
watch Tuesday night. I’ll
explain which ones and what they
19 Facts about the
Deindustrialization of the United
States that will make you weep, by
Insider Business. Heritage
explains how to control
spending. And Keith Obermann
rans for 20 minutes about the TEA
party (test and video rant both).
Great issue. Informative and
reasonable as always. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #149
posted 10/24/10 (HTML)
Excellent “Must See Media”
this week. Although you have
seen some of these this past week,
there are many media pieces you
have never seen.
Also, there is great stuff in “By
the Numbers.”
There are also several articles
and videos about the TEA party and
the Republican party. If you
are a liberal, you may not realize
it, but the TEA party affects the
Republican party far more than it
affect the Democratic party.
Rush describes the difference as
country club Republicans versus
Sam’s Club Republicans.
Great issue. Informative and
reasonable as always. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #148
posted 10/17/10 (HTML)
“Say What” and “Must See Media”
this week. There are quotes in the
former that I know you have not
heard yet. Also, great stuff
in “By the Numbers.”
There is an excellent article
about, “Why Liberals do not get
the TEA party.” and an article by
Nancy Morgan called, “News Flash:
Life Isn’t Fair.” (I strongly
encourage you to read it).
Great issue. Informative and
reasonable as always. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #147
posted 10/10/10 (HTML)
Review #147
sure to check out "Say What"
"Yay Democrats" and "Must See
I am
out of town this week, so this
is a shorter issue than usual. I
have not yet figured out how to
upload this, so you may only be
able to access the PDF version
which is attached (it looks
better, anyway).
issue. Informative and
reasonable as always. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #146
posted 10/3/10 (HTML)
Be sure to check out “Say What,”
“Must See Media” and “Short
I wrote a couple of the articles
this week; a new solution to
Social Security (part of it is
new); and I mused about the
Whitman/Brown governor race in
There are other excellent articles
this week: John Stossel’s “Taxing
the Rich”; Neil Cavuto’s very
concise economic plan (which he
believes to be better than the
Republican pledge); and a little
bit on the latest
Bush-Assassination-Porn film.
Great issue. Informative and
reasonable as always. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #145
posted 9/26/10 (HTML)
There was a lot that
happened this week. It’s a
long issue, I should warn you.
Be sure to check out “Say What,”
“Must See Media” and “Short
Great articles this week: Thomas
Sowell, Dinesh D’Souza, Brent
Bozell, and Charlie Daniels (yes,
that Charlie Daniels).
Someone I have never heard of as
well: Nancy Morgan.
Great issue. Informative and
reasonable as always. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #144
posted 9/19/10 (HTML)
So, is there a civil war
within the Republican party?
Sort of. You see, the TEA
party is just as much a threat to
the Republican establishment as it
is to Democratic rule. In
this issue, I ponder about 3
Republican establishment types who
are suddenly working against the
Republican party.
Every week, the quotes are
good. You need to read what
people are actually saying.
What about Christine
O’Donnell? Did Republicans
make a mistake here? Karl
Rove seems to think so. This
issue will help you to get a
little perspective on that (she is
mentioned throughout this issue).
Great vids from this past week.
Also, you have heard over and over
again about how letting tax cuts
for the rich expire will help us
get our deficit under
control. That is a lie, and
the numbers will show that
clearly. Even if all the tax
cuts expired, and all of us had
higher taxes, it will be clear
that tax hikes are not the
solution to our deficit problem.
Great issue. Informative as
always. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #143
posted 9/12/10 (HTML)
Did you know that we may
set a poverty increase record for
Great quotes this week. See
what both sides are actually
Great vids. I love Chris
Christie and Dana Loesch.
Let me suggest something you do
not hear from the left or the
right—the standards for our high
schools need to be lowered, not
Also, 2 excellent articles on how
to fix the mess that we are
in. Try to read this without
being an idealogue about it.
Consider the ideas by themselves.
- Conservative
Review #142
posted 9/5/10 (HTML)
It is a shorter, tighter issue
this week.
Check the “Say What” column and
“Must-Watch Videos.”
I’ve made a suggestion for the
changing of social security with
one new approach, which is a
compromise between the left and
right, and is fiscally responsible
as well.
There is a short piece in here
which made me smile; what if
conservative media covered Obama’s
Iraq speech like liberals cover
conservative events?
Perhaps, if you are a liberal,
seeing it this way might help you
understand the constant bias we
Oh, did you know the combined
network news viewer ship fell to a
dramatic low? Was that on
the front page of your newspaper
or at the top of your news today?
- Conservative
Review #141
posted 8/29/10 (HTML)
A lot of great articles this
week. Is there such thing as
a moderate muslim? Several
Walter Williams articles (he is a
renown economists who has written
dozens of books, and he has the
ability to take difficult economic
concepts and make them simple for
us to understand.
Will Europe be lost to
Islam? What Obama is doing
to specific businesse.
Always recommended: “Say What” and
“Short Takes.”
Outstanding vids this week.
It’s a lot to read.
- Conservative
Review #140
posted 8/22/10 (HTML)
New article: “How Can Obama Do and
Say Such Stupid Things?” It
was posted this morning on
Flopping Aces and has been
re-posted at several more
sites. It is based upon a
question that Bill O’Reilly asked,
“How can Obama say the things he
does? Doesn’t he know that
he is going to get hammered for
some of this stuff?” (I am
paraphrasing). I answer
Bill’s question.
Like before, there ought to be
some news items in here that you
have not heard yet.
The quotes are always good.
Great vids this week.
Hope you enjoy the comedy relief
And a passel of thought-provoking
It’s a lot to read.
- Conservative
Review #139
posted 8/15/10 (HTML)
You may not realize it, but a lot
happened this past week.
There is a lot of information
packed in this issue.
Quotes are great and do not pass
up the vids. I forgot to
include Glenn Beck’s shows this
week (it just now occurs to
me). Will mention those next
The socialist Party of American
finally revealed which Congressmen
are members; there are 70 of
them. Most of them will not
surprise you. The number
ought to.
There are a lot of articles about
the economy from several different
Two particularly good articles
about the collapse of the left and
10 reasons why Obama’s popularity
is fading quickly.
What is going on with healthcare
and Government Motors? The
info is right here.
It’s a lot to read.
- Conservative
Review #138
posted 8/8/10 (HTML)
Often, when I put this
review together, after writing the
introductory 8 or 10 pages, I am
often too worn out to do
more. However, it is timely
to explain judicial activism, what
it is and what should be done
about it. There are 2 other
articles on this same topic.
McCain and Coburn put out a list
of the wasteful projects found in
the Stimulus Bill. Is this
what you thought we ought to be
spending money on? Is this
why our economy has been in a
stall for the past year?
However, to be fair (but not
really balanced), Tim Geithner
wrote a piece this week about the
summer of recovery—remember
mission accomplished? Same
A surprisingly neutral article on
the TEA party people. How
did that sneak into the news?
Also, an article about Calvin
Coolidge that Cal Thomas wrote a
long time ago. If you do not
know who Coolidge is or what he
did, you need to read up on this
man—one of the greatest presidents
from the 20th century. .
Great quotes again this
week. Short takes are always
good, and require about 1 minute
each to read.
- Conservative
Review #137
posted 8/1/10 (HTML)
Great quotes again this
week. That’s my favorite
thing, finding the best quotes of
the week, so you know what all of
these people are actually
saying. The news reports are
all about hatred and anger on the
right, but that is not what is
really going on, as you can tell
from these quotes.
Short takes are always good, and
require about 1 minute each to
The media bias is getting more and
more blatant. Several
examples are given.
Plus great articles, including
Brent Bozell’s 20 questions to the
Washington Post about JournoList
(notice how the media has
downplayed this story?); 2
Democrats write about the
divisiveness of this president,
and what an assault there as been
on the rule of law over the past
18 months.
- Conservative
Review #136
posted 7/25/10 (HTML)
This was an
incredible week! I was knocked
over by the excellent article
called the Ruling Class, which
is long, but well worth reading.
Furthermore, this ought to
dispel the notion that TEA party
people, Rush Limbaugh and the
conservative movement are simply
shills for the Republican party.
If you think that, you are
clueless as to what is going on.

Even more
significant than this is
JournoList, where a collection
of 400+ journalists participated
in what appears to be a daily
e-letter, wherein stories and
policies were discussed. Yes,
policies! This group, which
included Time Magazine editor
Joe Klein, NY Times writer Paul
Krugan and now budget director
Pete Orszag, curing the 2008
election, discuss things, e.g.,
how to bury the Reverend Wright
story and the best ways to
attack Sarah Palin. Did you ever
wonder why you would flip from
one news station to another, and
find them covering the same
stories using, very often, the
same phrases? Did you ever
wonder about, how could you read
the print media (except for the
WSJ) or watch televised media
(except for FoxNews) and they
seemed to do more than bring you
the news; they helped you to
decide who the right
presidential candidate was. If
you are a liberal, I do not
suppose you will appreciate or
even understand the significance
of this story. Don’t worry. Your
own news broadcasts will assure
you that it’s nothing, it’s
unimportant, and not to worry
about it. Everything is alright.
Next story, the economy
continues to recover.
- Conservative
Review #135
posted 7/18/10 (HTML)
Did you know that the one-day
increase for June 30 of this year
was $165,931,038,264.30 - bigger
than the entire annual deficit for
fiscal year 2007? That’s the
U.S. debt increase for one day!
Did you know that a manufacturing
plant utilized the energy from the
heat it produces and has turned
that into more energy than solar
panels have generated?
There are a whole lot of stories
ignored by much of the media.
- Conservative
Review #134
posted 7/11/10 (HTML)
Great quotes this week; most of
them from liberals.
There is one moderately slick
political chess move and an
extremely clever one from the
past. Don’t miss By the
Numbers or Polling by the Numbers.
I also recommend the news section,
which is the first column in this
ezeen. I try not to
editorialize (too much), and there
are often a number of stories you
haven’t heard, seen or read about
(like the plant which is recycling
green energy way beyond what solar
power has done).
Provocative articles as
usual. Always new
links. Excellent vids.
It is more than you can
read. You will find yourself
better informed than after
watching a week of alphabet news.
- Conservative
Review #133
posted 7/4/10 (HTML)
There are a lot of quotes this
week. It is one of my
favorite things to put
together. The Short Takes I
think are quite good this week as
well. Don’t miss reading By
the Numbers.
I always include a lot of media
links. These are the very best of
what is out there. If the
topic interests you, check the
media link. Also, if you
haven’t watched Glenn Beck yet,
because you hate him, at least try
the July 2, 2010 show. Most
of his shows take about 8 or 10
minutes, and then you start to
really get into it. There is
no one out there presenting the
material he is presenting.
Some of the best articles culled
from dozens of sources on the gulf
oil spill, Obama’s economic
approach, Obama’s fake immigration
reform, the tax hikes which are
coming, and many other topics.
It is more than you can
read. You will find yourself
better informed than after
watching a week of alphabet news.
- Conservative
Review #132
posted 6/27/10 (HTML)
Conservative Review #132
Great quotes this week, as
always. This time, I have
split the quotations up into 3
sections: liberals, crosstalk
(both), and conservatives.
Fantastic quotes this week.
You ought to be reading short
takes. Just a quick 1 minute
thought on a dozen or so different
Fantastic articles this week.
It is more than you can
read. You will find yourself
better informed than after
watching a week of alphabet news.
- Conservative
Review #131
posted 6/20/10 (HTML)
quotes this week, as always.
Take a look at “By the Numbers;”
also an excellent column.
There are a great set of vids this
week as well. In case you
are not checking these out, you
will be surprised as to how
informative and entertaining this
section is.
What has Obama done with respect
to the oil crisis? What
should he do? This is not a
carefully organized article,
but I simply listed the
things which he has done and what
he should have done. You
decide for yourself if I am on
target here.
Several outstanding articles,
including some from Conn Carroll,
Ben Stein, and Thomas
Sowell. Also, a little bit
from Glenn Beck’s show about Ayn
Rand. It’s a short article;
did you know about this?
Email one of them each day to your
favorite liberals.
Don’t base your politics upon
sloppy emotion; actually apply a
little reason. That’s what
the Conservative Review is all
- Conservative
Review #130
posted 6/13/10 (HTML)
Great quotes this week, as always.
Have you ever received an email or
had this or that person tell you
that Republicans are
racists? I have a
comprehensive list of
African-American Republicans, both
from the past, the present, and
those running for office right
now. Copy and paste, and
email this right back to your
race-baiting friend.
Sometimes the easiest way to reach
a liberal is to email them
charts. Link to a fantastic
array of debt and federal spending
Several outstanding
articles. Email one of them
each day to your favorite
- Conservative
Review #129
posted 6/6/10 (HTML)
Conservative Review #129
Great quotes this week and did you
know all that happened this week?
Check out the vid this week!
More predictions and more
predictions which have come true
(or are beginning to come true).
Great articles: Laura
Ingraham gives real advice to the
President. Obamacare will
break the bank. Obama is
forcing BP to lawyer up. Our
#13 trillion debt.
- Conservative
Review #128
posted 5/30/10 (HTML)
Conservative Review is back this
week. All the information
you wanted to know about the gulf
oil crisis and the White House job
offer to Sestak.
Furthermore, there are links to
one of Glenn Beck’s best shows,
the Black Founding Fathers
show. I did not know about
hardly any of this. A Black
Speaker of the House? The
other rider with Paul Revere was a
Black man? At one time, all
Blacks were Republicans?
Great quotes this week. Glad to be
- Conservative
Review #127
posted 5/16/10 (HTML)
It was a great week this
week. Lots of quotes.
No longer can a politician say
something to one crowd, and then
figure, no one else will hear what
they say.
Great articles today on Kagen
(Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee),
the tyranny of good intentions
(which is the problem with most of
the liberals I know), and cap and
trade (which the news is
- Search
engine added specifically for
this page and all issues of
Conservative Review. 5/10/2010
- Conservative
Review #126
posted 5/9/2010 (HTML)
Great quotations this week; with
the new media, we get to hear and
see what people actually
say. They no longer get to
spin their words, as they did a
decade ago.
Great articles about the Times
Square Bomber, FNMA and FHLMC, and
how some people who review books
for a living, will not review
certain books, even though these
books will probably become best
- Conservative
Review #125
posted 5/2/2010 (HTML)
Conservative Review #125:
Great stuff this issue, including
a lot of disagreement about the
Arizona Immigration law, with
different sides weighing in.
14 fatal flaws with the Dodd
Financial Regulatory Bill.
Forward this to everyone you know.
Glenn Beck and one of his best
shows; links in the must-watch
media section. This will not
be on any other newscast.
Warming: you might get a little
It’s almost too much information
this week.
- Conservative
Review #124
posted 4/25/10 (HTML)
Conservative Review #124:
Shouldn’t we all be rooting for
Financial Regulatory Reform?
Isn’t this a bi-partisan
issue? 10 reasons why
Regulatory Reform doesn’t. Forward
it to your friends.
Great quotes, particular from the
left this week.
Several articles on Wall Street
regulatory reform and on supposed
racism in the TEA parties.
A great article by Karl Rove on a
pledge TEA party people ought to
make. I think you will be
surprised as to what he suggests.
And, as usual, a lot of stuff not
found in your newspapers.
- Conservative
Review #123
posted 4/18/10 (HTML)
If you are a liberal,
then simply read the column By the
Numbers; it will be quite clear
that most conservatives are not
the least bit concerned with
Obama’s race or where he was born
(by far, most of us believe him to
be born in Hawaii). Our
problem is... [read the column]
If you like to clip articles and
send it out to those you know,
then let me suggest Obama's
$3,000,000,000,000 Tax Hike By
Brian M. Riedl. Great
Speaking of forwards, there is a
vid of Rush Limbaugh thanking our
president, and this is a wonderful
If you are a facts and figures
person (which I am), then forward
the link to Dick Morris’
- Conservative
Review #122
posted 4/11/10 (HTML)
There are a lot of
excellent quotes this week, from
Democrats and Republicans.
There is a lot of excellent media
available this week, including one
speaker at the Southern Republican
Leadership Convention that most
media outlets are completely
ignoring...someone who is a
possible presidential candidate,
whose name you do not even know.
How China is a good example of
unintended consequences (which
consequences could impact our
lives in the next decade or two).
In this issue is stuff which is
all about you AC unit and how it
will cost you about twice as much
to repair it, in some cases.
The healthcare law, freedom and
personal responsibility are
covered, and how the concept of
freedom is being changed.
Several articles on the economics
of what is going on, which should
get your attention no matter how
you vote.
Did you know that people close to
the president are moving to shut
Glenn Beck down?
And the way the media is
reporting, you would think that
all of the anger and racism is on
the right, but that just isn’t so.
- Conservative
Review #121
posted 4/4/10 (HTML)
Some of the stuff in this issue:
Do you want to send stories to
your favorite liberal
friends? Check this out:
(So far, there are 7 stories on
the side effects of Obamacare)
Or, how about Obama’s many broken
promises? I think the
President has set a record
here. We have most of them
listened in the article entitled
The Complete List of Obama
Statement Expiration Dates by Jim
Maybe you want to tell them about
the disgruntled Democrats who are
joining the TEA party; CNN did a
story on that, and the link is in
this issue.
There are 2 stories which I think
are particularly important: “The
Problem with the Safety Net” and
“Is Obama Intentionally Destroying
our Economy?”
- Conservative
Review #120
posted 3/28/10 (HTML)
It is another great week.
There are two issues not fully
being discussed about the
healthcare plan, and these are
pivotal issues. Read “Big
Picture Political Chess.”
Speaking of which, there is a lot
of political chess going on, and I
recommend that column.
Now that Democrats are in power
and passing legislation we would
have never thought could be
passed, they are becoming more
emboldened, and some are
accidentally saying what they
think again. Check the “Say
What” column.
Many more outstanding articles and
- Conservative
Review #119
posted 3/21/10 (HTML)
Here is the best explanation I
have heard of Obama’s economic
Also included, 3 aspects of
healthcare and the Obamacare
package that no one is discussing,
but ought to be.
What are the 5 words Obama will
not say?
Are you sick of all this news
about healthcare? If it
passes, expect to hear healthcare
for the next 4 to 10 years.
This is just the foot in the door
by liberal communitarians; and
this is just the beginning of
people fighting back.
If you read nothing else, read the
quotations (“Say What”). I
enjoy compiling these.
Also how does this healthcare bill
line up with Obama’s
promises? And 10 myths about
- Conservative
Review #118
posted 3/14/10 (HTML)
My favorite is generally the
quotes. This week is quite
good. If you did not know
about the textbook wars in Texas
and how this affects you, there
are vids and articles on this.
Excellent by the numbers column
this will help to put
green energy into perspective.
People try to tug on your
heartstrings about the poor.
There is an article in here with
stats which is going to surprise
you about America’s poor.
I have included one liberal,
anti-FoxNews article. It
does not have within it a single
hard fact.
There is an article from two
moderate Democrats about Obama and
healthcare which is quite good.
Great article about Obama’s
budget. Enjoy!
- Conservative
#117 posted 3/7/10 (HTML)
There are great articles in this
week’s review. This time, in
the “Say What” section, there are
mostly quotations from liberals (and
lots of them); and I have 2 articles
written by liberals in this issue as
In case you are confused about which
is actually going on with regards to
healthcare, this issue will
straighten you out. 3 of the
bills/proposals out there are
meaningless; there is only one bill
which counts which is up for a vote.
This is an article which is proof
positive (as if you need it) of how
biased the liberal media is, and one
which helps to explain why public
schools are treating history as they
do (and what is this government
movement against private schools and
home schooling?).
It was another great week, and far
too much happened! Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #116
2/28/10 (HTML)
Conservative Review #116
Did you hear about FNMA’s losses
this past year?
Rush admits that he is wrong.
ACORN is in search of a new name.
Obama re-authorizes the Patriot
Did you know that a TEA party in
Britain is being launched?
Great quotes; great media
links. Important points as
to why reconciliation that the
Democrats are considering is
Very likely, you have seen the
headline, “Insurance Profits up
250%.” So, let’s say all of
these profits were used to pay
others insurance?
It was a great week. Enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #115
2/21/10 (HTML)
Outstanding articles this week;
more reasons why you ought not to
put your healthcare into the hands
of government.
Excellent quotes this week,
including one you may not have
heard from Evan Bayh.
I highly recommend the By the
Numbers column this week.
The polling is interesting as
There are several things
throughout this issue which
indicate that the alphabet media
is simply looking to guide your
thinking; they do not have
interest in bringing you the
news. One of the most
glaring examples is the big news
about global warming this
week...and if you do not watch or
look for alternate media, you
don’t even know what that news is.
And did you know that the White
House has a new communications
strategy? It is all about
running the White House like they
did the campaign.
Also the Mount Vernon Statement
and a list of many of the Stimulus
projects (they will make you grind
your teeth).
- Conservative
Review #114
2/14/10 (HTML)
Excellent week.
Conservatives and Liberals clearly
distinguished. Excellent
healthcare debate. Local TEA party
elections and the fall of Debbie
Medina. Outstanding
articles; even some by some
liberals (can you figure out which
ones???). And Rush says, “Is
it wrong for a man to love another
Some of the best articles, quotes
and notable occurrences for this
week, all summed up, and all for
your enjoyment!
- Conservative
Review #113
2/7/10 (HTML)
- Conservative
Review #112
1/31/10 (HTML)
A lot happened this week:
Outstanding issue this week.
“Each of us here today [at the
national TEA party convention] is
living proof that you don’t need
an office or a title to make a
difference; and you don’t need a
proclaimed leader, as if we are
all a bunch of sheep who need a
leader,” said Sarah Palin.
Glenn Beck said, “A community
organizer who told us that we
could lower the oceans by
inflating our tires can’t solve
our economic problems?
Did you know that our top security
people believe that a terror
attack attempt is certain?
Have you seen the video which
explains why it is taking so long
to train the Afghan soldiers?
Did you know that Obama’s monthly
deficit in 2010 is roughly equal
to Bush’s deficit for all of 2007?
It’s all here in this issue, which
an incredible collection of
articles on the budget, how to
really cut the budget, on the
waste and pork in the Stimulus
Bill (since there is another
Stimulus bill out there right now,
but it will not be called Stimulus
II, but it will be called a Jobs
bill); the terror policies of
Obama are not much different from
Bush and Cheney’s, etc.
This is an issue of great stuff;
Jonathan Stewart had one of his
best lines: “This guy is one
scotch away from being Ron
Burgundy,” spoken of Chris
Matthews, and Matthews realized
that he forgot for an hour that
Obama was black.
It will be logically explained to
you why we know banks were forced
to take TARP money.
Why Obama has no clue as to what
free enterprise and innovation are
all about.
Ben Stein did the simple
arithmetic: if the average job
pays around $50,000/year and the
Stimulus Bill was $800 billion,
there should have been 16 million
jobs created.
You knew, of course, that Oprah is
the #1 television personality; but
did you know that #2 is now Glenn
A lot happened this week, so this
is a huge issue. Guaranteed,
you will find 3 or 4 articles
which will capture your interest.
- Conservative
Review #111
1/24/10 (HTML)
Outstanding, dramatic week; great
quotes; and a issue filled with
outstanding articles. And,
as usual, news before it happens.
Did you know that the Director of
National Intelligence, Dennis
Blair along with the Secretary of
Homeland Security, Janet
Napolitano and Michael
Leiter the Director of the
National Counter Terrorism Center
all admitted that none of them
were consulted about how to handle
the Christmas day terrorist
I am sure you heard Keith
Olbermann’s quote: "In short in
Scott Brown we have an
irresponsible homophobic racist
reactionary ex-nude-model
tea-bagging supporter of violence
against women and against
politicians with whom he
disagrees. In any other time in
our history this man would have
been laughed off the stage as an
unqualified and disaster in the
making by the most conservative of
conservatives. Instead the
commonwealth of Massachusetts is
close to sending this bad joke to
the Senate of the United
States." How is it possible
to call someone a homophobe, and,
in the same breath, call him by a
homophobic pejorative?
However, did you hear what Dennis
Miller said? “The
French...had to do away with all
vending machines in schools
because of obesity—no More snack
cakes, no more candies, no more
sodas. It is all a part of
the French master plan to raise
healthier cowards. It’s nice
to hear the French have finally
taken a stand against somebody,
and it’s Little Debbie.”
A lot happened this week and there
is a lot to think about. All
in this latest issue of
Conservative Review.
- Conservative
Review #110
1/17/10 (HTML)
Conservative Review #110
If you need an explanation as to
what caused our economic crisis or
want an explanation to email to
others, that is included at the
end of Financial Crisis
Compensation Fee, which is a good
analysis of Obama’s most recent
Outstanding set of articles this
week, including a speech from
President Obama of a year
ago. See if his promises are
anything like what he has done.
Karl Rove appends an article with
a short, 200 word addition and
Axelrod writes a rebuttal; Rove
will write an answer to Axelrod’s
article this week.
Great vids this week, including 2
of Beck’s better shows.
The press’s bias when it comes to
Reid’s remarks and Obama stealing
from the banks are dramatic; even
liberals should be able to grasp
the press is not a neutral 3rd
party here.
Great week and great issue; enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #109
1/10/10 (HTML)
$32,000 spent on a
pamphlet to teach people how to
shoot heroin.
Our airport security did not stop
the underpants bomber, but it did
ferret out Green Beret Michael
Yon. Did you hear about
Keith Olbermann compares Brit Hume
witnessing to Tiger Woods to
Great media links: excellent
Hannity program (even if you hate
Michael Mukasey destroys all
arguments about how we are dealing
with the underwear bomber.
New Steve Crowder video.
Did you know that 26% of the Daily
Kos readers voted that Rush
Limbaugh should be tried and
executed for treason? Is
that not a little extreme?
A lot of news before it happens.
Great articles: Just what is
Homeland Security’s job? Ann
Coulter’s “If you can find a
better deal, take it” Also,
“A Nation Under Judgement” (two
articles for believers).
“Why the Stimulus Failed.”
Great issue; you will enjoy it!
- Conservative
Review #108
1/3/10 (HTML)
Conservative Review #108
Under This Week’s Events, I listed
3 stories you probably did not
hear about. Quotes of the
Week are always good.
I highly recommend listening to
Walter E. Williams subbing for
Rush Limbaugh. If nothing
else, listen to hour 2 (which is
actually 38 minutes). He’s
brilliant, he’s hilarious and he
interviews Thomas Sowell, which is
always fantastic.
Also, don’t miss Daniel Hannan,
the voice of reason across the
pond. Two recent videos of
Under my short takes, I give two
distinguishing features of
conservatives and liberals; see if
you agree.
I think I know what SNL will do
next week.
Nearly 3 columns of what is going
to happen this next year.
Fantastic article one what our
Stimulus money is being spent on.
Plus this is loaded with important
facts like, $871,000 spent per
house by our government to save
the mortgage (which the value of
the average house was less than
- Conservative
Review #107
12/27/09 (HTML)
was a great Christmas week, and a
lot happened.
you are having trouble will
millions, billions and trillions,
I’ll see if I can help you out
with that.
am offering up what I think is
necessary to fix the United
States. I think it is a good
are great sets of quotations in
this issue. Included are the
awards handed out by the Media
Research Center. They did a
great job.
are several excellent articles on
the cost and contents of
healthcare legislation.
Particularly, if you are a young
person, and you have not really
paid much attention to what is
going on, this is the issue you
need to read. Just read the
articles about healthcare with an
open mind.
the way, if you are a young
person, you need to pay attention;
it is your money and your
children’s money that is being
- Conservative
Review #106
12/20/09 (HTML)
There are some great quotations in
this CR as well as some fantastic
articles. Why aren’t the
banks lending? It’s
explained. Two examples of
how NPR is just another arm of the
Democratic party. Will the
healthcare plan pass? I’ll
let you know in this issue.
What is Copenhagen all
about? Sarah Palin’s most
clever line. Will the arctic
ice be gone in 5 years?
Let’s ask Al Gore about
that. Some of Dennis
Miller’s best lines; he was on
fire this week, which certainly
proves global warming is true.
The Obama interview and did some
of his lines sound familiar?
It is because he has issued dire
warnings before of doom and gloom.
Links to one of Glenn Beck’s best
shows. European’s have spent
billions on global warming.
How has this been working out for
them? And the U.S. has
essentially spent nothing.
How do we compare in our
respective Cabon footprints?
Some of the best articles on
healthcare legislation, Obama and
our economy.
It was a great week!
- Conservative
Review #105
12/13/09 (HTML)
Conservative Review #105
There is so much that happened
this week.
Congress is spending and spending
and spending. There is a
good chance you don’t even know
about half of what they are doing.
Do you recall all of the promises
President Obama has made about
healthcare? We have an
independent agency saying that all
of that is false; and, not too
much of a surprise, your own
healthcare costs are going to go
up significantly (as well as your
I have a no-nonsense,
easy-to-understand article on the
current healthcare bills and why
Congressional healthcare is going
to be so expensive.
There are also a number of
outstanding articles, including:
Worse Than the Public Option by
Philip Klein
Get Ready for Health Care 'Sticker
Shock' from the AP
A Thinly-Disguised Power Grab:
The Latest Senate "Compromise" On
The Government-Run Health Plan
The Job-Creation Snow Job by
Thomas Sowell
ObamaJobs: Uncle Sam's Hiring Hall
The U.S. can't have new
entrepreneurs and tax them too by
Daniel Henninger
Tea Party Victory by Richard
A White House Power Grab that
Congress and America Doesn't See
by SusanAnne Hiller
You Will Lose Your Private Health
Insurance By Robert Tracinski
Copenhagen's political science by
Sarah Palin
Earmarks Rise to $19.6 Billion in
CAGW's 2009 Pig Book
TARP: Will This Crony Capitalist
Slush Fund Ever Die?
Speech: Obama on jobs and growth
Climategate and Government-Driven
Science by Bruce Walker
Why Science Is Not Final Arbiter
Of Truth by David J. Theroux
Speaker Pelosi's Spendapalooza
- Conservative
Review #104
12/6/09 (HTML)
A fantastic collection of
quotations this week, as well as
great vids and commentary.
Did you know that 71% of Americans
are upset or very upset with our
government right now? A lot
of excellent stats included today.
Let me highly recommend Newt
Gingrich’s commentary of the jobs
summit and, more importantly, how
to actually create jobs.
Also important are the 5 major
flaws in health legislation and
several articles on Climate
Science. Also, Obama’s
vision of history and how this
warps his understanding of today’s
It is a great issue and a great
nation that we live in!
- Conservative
Review #103
11/30/09 (HTML)
Do you think it was a slow
news week? It wasn’t.
There was a plethora of news this
week (much of it was not printed
in your paper or shown on most of
the alphabet media outlets); there
were also a great many revealing
quotes. How did various
people and organizations react to
Climategate? Or did you even
know there was a
climategate? I strongly
recommend the news section and the
There are links to great media for
this week: Steve Crowder at Club
Gitmo, Greta’s TEA party show
rebroadcasted; Glenn Beck’s Demise
of the Dollar show rebroadcast.
Don’t miss By the Numbers and
Polling by the Numbers either this
You ought to read the two basic
approaches to healthcare reform;
wherein I clarify the ideological
There are a lot of other excellent
(You may have to right click and
download this)
- Conservative
Review #102
11/23/09 (HTML)
A great set of quotes; a lot from
Eric Holder's end game. Since
he is not going on precedence in
order to try terrorists in a
criminal trial (which is how a
lawyer is supposed to function), so
he has to have another reason.
I'll tell you what I think it
is. Also, if you have not seen
it yet, you need to watch the
Lindsay Graham grilling of Eric
There is information and a video on
SEIU that you need to watch.
This is one of the largest
organizations which supports
Obama. SEIU head visits Obama
more often than anyone else does.
Did you know there is actually
psychology involved in the camera
work of the Walters-Palin interview?
AP assigns 11 fact-checkers to
Palin's book; 2 to the healthcare
News before it happens and
Prophecies fulfilled are 2 excellent
columns, if you want your news
before it happens.
Plus a couple of excellent articles
culled from the internet:
The Coming Deficit Disaster
Fact-Check This
The Coming Jihadi Trial Disaster
(there will be consequences for
Holder's decision)
(You may have to right click and
download this)
- Conservative
Review #101
11/15/09 (HTML)
Excellent rundown of what happened
this past week:
Higher Taxes; Democratic
Disconnect from Reality; 39
Democrats voted against Pelosi;
What the Pelosi Health-Care Bill
Really Says; Here are some
important passages in the 2,000
page legislation by Betsy
Mccaughey; Healthcare Bill
According to CBS; Stimulus job
Numbers Wildly exaggerated by Jenn
Abelson and Todd Wallack; Senator
Sessions Urges His Republican
Colleagues to Oppose Judge David
Hamilton; Obama to Purge
Republicans from Civil
Service? Krauthammer
Compliments Obama. What's
Wrong With Socialism? By Joe
(You may have to right click and
download this)
- Conservative
Review #100
11/8/09 (HTML)
Conservative Review !00th
Excellent quotations from Mike
Murphy, Bill Kristol and Dennis
Big thumbs up to “V” and link to
first episode
Did you know that Muslims
celebrated the Fort Hood
shootings? In the United
Short takes includes some to some
of the important differences
between liberals and
This issue is filled with
number—how many children are on
food stamps at one time or
another; how many governmental
agencies Pelosi-care creates (and
a chart of those agencies); and
the number of millionaires in
Read the Party of No; Republicans
can turn it around and use this
I offer up some possible solutions
for the Fort Hood tragedy...but I
am still formulating some of these
Plus, a little bit about what I
believe is a real political
conspiracy possibly equivalent to
Nixon’s Watergate. I do not
generally go in for
conspiracies....but I think one
happened this last election, and
the blame goes pretty far
up. You won’t read this
anywhere else.
(You may have to right click and
download this)
- Conservative
Review #99
11/1/09 (HTML)
One of the more startling stats I
came across...the government,
beginning with Bush and going into
high gear with Obama, has seized
control of 30% of America’s
wealth. How do you feel
about that?
Several articles about healthcare,
because if you are not watching
FoxNews, you are not getting any
real information on the healthcare
bill (although, admittedly, 60
Minutes did a good segment on
Medicare fraud)
Great quotes this week, such as
Valerie Jarrett speaking truth to
power. And Rush’s comment,
finding out that he quoted Obama
from a hoax paper, and saying,
“But I stand by that quote
How did Cash for Clunkers really
do? Do you know what it
costs taxpayers per car?
How about those jobs...the few
that the Stimulus Bill created, do
you know how much they cost?
Also, the Chris Wallace/Rush
Limbaugh Interview.
A lot happened this week.
Great quotes, great articles,
great issue. It’s all in
Conservative Review #99:
(You may have to right click and
download this)
- Conservative
Review #98
10/25/09 (HTML)
This is filled with news that you
have not heard about...did you
know that Obama-care part I has
already gone before the
Senate...and was shot down?
Do you know that the pay czar is
looking to have control over more
salaries than those belonging to
TARP money recipients? Did
you know that ACORN also gets FEMA
grants? Have you become
accustomed to 10%
unemployment? It could be
the new normal.
Great quotes this week, such as
Alan Grayson’s comments about Dick
Cheney, “I have trouble listening
to what he says sometimes because
of the blood that drips from his
teeth while he is talking; but my
response is this: he is just angry
because the President doesn't
shoot old men in the face."
Lots of fulfilled prophecies in
this issue. Lots of
information. It all happened
this week. Enjoy!
(You may have to right click and
download this)
- Conservative
Review #97
10/18/09 (HTML)
Were you aware of just how many
people attacked Rush Limbaugh over
the purchase of the St. Louis
Rams? Did you know one was
from Obama’s transition
team? Did you know that
anyone could have, with an hour or
so research, determine that the
racist quotes attributed to Rush
were never actually made by
him? Why would news
organizations run with false
material that could have easily
been fact-checked? If CNN
fact checks Saturday Night Live
skits, surely they have the
ability to do a little
fact-checking on their own
Did you know that the White House
Communications director praised
Chairman Mao, a man who killed 70
million people, to an audience of
high school kids? This is
the same director of
communications who just this week
went after FoxNews for its bias.
Did you know that the government
has set up funding for ACORN, even
if direct government funding is
halted? Banks are required
to either make loans that will not
be paid back (which is what got us
into this economic decline in the
first place or they have to pay a
fine to ACORN. We’re talking
millions of dollars here.
Did you hear about the USS New
Did you hear about Sheila Jackson
Lee denouncing Rush Limbaugh (a
private citizen) on the
Congressional floor?
Do you know where the public
stands on healthcare today?
Did you hear about someone asking
Al Gore a difficult question about
global warming?
A lot happened this week.
It’s all in Conservative Review
(You may have to right click and
download this)
- Conservative
Review #96
10/11/09 (HTML)
Did you know that some powerful
Democrats are exempting their
states from some provisions of the
healthcare bill?
How is it possible for the
healthcare bill to cover more
people, provide better coverage,
and yet, will somehow reduce the
deficit? I will explain
Are there 40,000 or more people
dying in the streets every year
because they lack
healthcare? Where did this
number come from? I’ll
Obama’s budget is running a what? Bush ran
a deficit as well, right, as have
most presidents. There is a
big difference...
Did you know that CNN actually
fact-checked a comedy skit on
Saturday Night Live because it
presented our President in a
negative light? They did not
do this for any skit on Bush,
Palin or McCain.
Great media this week.
People standing in line in Detroit
for Obama money are
interviewed. Children sing
adoring songs to Rush Limbaugh.
Big Bird asks Michelle Obama to
produce her husband’s birth
Will our government do anything to
involve themselves with
media? Will they fund some
media? Will they restrict
some media?
It is all in this issue of
Conservative Review #96
(You may have to right click and
download this)
- Conservative
Review #95
10/4/09 (HTML)
Obama's Plan for Government Debt
and Dependency from
(this will open your eyes, if you
don’t know what is going on
today). Krauthammer on Obama
(an abbreviated look at
Obama). The Decline and Fall
of Private Education by Chuck
Norris. Obama's U.N. Double
Talk by Anne Bayefsky.
Krauthammer Praises Obama
(really). Amid terror
threat, Dems chip away at Patriot
Act by: Byron York.
The Rush Section: Michelle’s Grand
Sacrifice. How Dems Will
Pass Healthcare (this is both a
prophecy and a how-to).
Democrats Practice
Projection. Don't Be Fooled:
Obama Isn't Naive. Which
World Leader Asked Obama about
(You may have to right click and
download this)
There are several new regular
columns now: A Little Comedy
Relief, A Little Bias, and
Political Chess.
And the regular columns: This
Week's Events (I try not to
editorialize here). Quotes of the
Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe
Biden Prophecy Watch (I stole the
column head from the Fox All
Stars, if memory serves; it is
based upon Biden’s warning about
Obama being tested). Must-Watch
Media (with the internet, there is
a lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). Comedy
Relief. Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
- Conservative
Review #94
9/27/09 (HTML)
There was a lot of news this
week...did you know that Social
Security is going broke? I
don’t mean in a few decades, but
next year? Do you know about
the latest Obama
resignation? Do you know
what is going on with ACORN this
week (and did you know that there
were ties between ACORN and the
IRS? I didn’t). Did
you know that the Senate health
care bill can put you in jail if
you do not buy government-approved
insurance? I will admit, I
read just the headlines—some or
all of which you have not heard
of—and it is like we are in a new
dimension. Some of the
headline news this week sounds
made up, it is so crazy.
I recommend my first two articles
along with the quotations, the
news of the week. There is
just so much that happened this
past week!
Define Your Terms—what you call
compassion is really socialism or
stealing. Tinkerbell
Politics—excellent description of
Obama’s concept of ruling.
Baucus Bludgeons Humana (excellent
article; first full-frontal
assault on free speech).
Prez comes across as a gullible
sap by Rich Lowry. An Obama
Speech in 13 Easy Steps by Rich
Lowry. On Afghanistan, Never
Mind? by Rich Lowry. U.N.
climate meeting was propaganda:
Czech president by Louis
Charbonneau. Obama and the
Politics of Concession. Iran
and Russia put Obama to the test
last week, and he blinked twice by
Mark Helprin. The Fox Panel
on Afghanistan and the CIA.
'Special Report' Panel Rates
Obama's U.N. Speech. Who's
on the rolodex of ACORN CEO? [from
the Glenn Beck show].
Obamacare Puts Transparency and
Accountability on Death Bed.
An email forward for Teachers.
The Rush Section:
The Official Obama Criticizer
(always one of my favorite
bits). Obama Serves Up
America on Silver Platter to UN
Freak Show. Khadafy Sounds
like a Democrat (not that shocking
nowadays). Obama Shatters
Our Self-Esteem; Denies American
Exceptionalism. Flatulence
and Carbon Emissions (see how far
carbon control is going in
England). Revisiting the
"Financial Crisis" (excellent
recap, in case you don’t know what
happened). Environmental
Hysteria Doubles Down. Sound
Bites That'll Make You Puke
(You may have to right click and
download this)
There are several new regular
columns now: A Little Comedy
Relief, A Little Bias, and
Political Chess.
And the regular columns: This
Week's Events (I try not to
editorialize here). Quotes of the
Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe
Biden Prophecy Watch (I stole the
column head from the Fox All
Stars, if memory serves; it is
based upon Biden’s warning about
Obama being tested). Must-Watch
Media (with the internet, there is
a lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). Comedy
Relief. Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
- Conservative
Review #93
9/20/09 (HTML)
(PDF) This
is a fantastic issue today!!
Some of the stories you are
probably not aware of: Obama has
doubled the amount of money in
circulation, virtually
overnight. You, the
taxpayer, are now on the hook for
90% of the mortgages in the United
States (a year ago, this was 50%
of the mortgages); and Congress
wants al the student loan market.
Let me recommend The Plane Analogy
if you do not understand how
anyone could oppose Obama-care
(except for being a stingy,
mean-hearted bastard, of
course). See what
alternative media has done over
the past few weeks. There is
a fantastic article which goes
through Obama’s health care speech
(the big one to Congress) and
tells you in great detail what is
wrong with it.
If you recall the two sad stories
that Obama told about mean health
care insurance companies?
Turns out that Obama distorted the
facts dramatically.
Don’t forget the quotes, the
numbers and the short takes—all
excellent this week.
Oh, and tons of photos of the
march on D.C.!
The Plane Analogy. The Power
of Alternative Media. Speaking Of
Misinformation by IBD (The Best
Article on Obama's Health Care
Speech:). 9/12 was a
transformative event by Clarice
Feldman and Rosslyn Smith.
Inside the 9/12 protest by: Byron
York. Sean's Top 10 Items
for Victory (for the Republican
Party) by Sean Hannity.
Health Reform Should Begin with
Ending Fraud by Tom Coburn and Jim
Frogue. This is why we don't
think Congress can get it
right. Assessing the
Protesters by Bill O'Reilly.
The Fox Panel on Trade with China.
The Rush Section: Saturday
Afternoon in Washington D.C.
Desperate Liberals Cry
Racism. Two Americas.
Axelrod to America: Screw
You. DC Protest Mobsters
Call Rush. Obama Claims
Economy Saved. NY Times Does
ACORN Story. Carbon Credit
(You may have to right click and
download this)
There are several new regular
columns now: A little Comedy
Relief, a little Bias, and
Political Chess.
And the regular columns: This
Week's Events (I try not to
editorialize here). Quotes of the
Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe
Biden Prophecy Watch (I stole the
column head from the Fox All
Stars, if memory serves; it is
based upon Biden’s warning about
Obama being tested). Must-Watch
Media (with the internet, there is
a lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). Comedy
Relief. Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
- Conservative
Review #92
9/13/09 (HTML)
quotes this week, like: Sign
carried by Fort Worth woman during
the 9-12 demonstration there: “Ask
Santa Anna how it went for the
last president who tried to take
away Texans’ Freedom.”
There is fantastic stuff in the
must-see video, including a
special on school textbooks (I had
no idea either....); great short
takes, and some great articles
dealing with Obama-care, Obama’s
speeches, and Obama’s economy.
Obama-War Hawk? Did you
think this would happen? I
explain why. The Obama
Promise. For you moderates,
do you remember these
promises? It's Still the
Economy, Stupid! This could
be America's greatest failed
presidency. By Daniel
Henninger Obama and the
Bureaucratization of Health Care
by Sarah Palin. What
Republicans Should Say with
Regards to Health Care Reform by
Michael Medved. Commentary
on Obama's Speech (I am one of
those conservatives who think that
Obama did an excellent job at
selling his plan; but do his
claims hold up to
scrutiny?). Obama's Health
Care Speech. Obama's Health
Care Speech in Plain English by
Michael F Cannon (this is
The Rush Section: Joe Wilson
was Right. More Will Die
with Obama-care. The
Government Wants to Control Our
(You may have to right click and
download this)
There are several new regular
columns now: A little Comedy
Relief, a little Bias, and
Political Chess.
And the regular columns: This
Week's Events (I try not to
editorialize here). Quotes of the
Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe
Biden Prophecy Watch (I stole the
column head from the Fox All
Stars, if memory serves; it is
based upon Biden’s warning about
Obama being tested). Must-Watch
Media (with the internet, there is
a lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). Comedy
Relief. Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
- Conservative
Review #91
8/6/09 (HTML)
There are some very
important stories in here. The
White House reaching out to the
art community in order to get
them to do some propaganda art;
the news blackout of Van Jones
all of this week. The quotations
this week are outstanding, as
are the first several videos
(under must-watch media). If you
have any question as to the
concept of American
exceptionalism, the first video
will set you straight. There was
so much that happened this past
The Van Jones (non)
feeding frenzy by Byron York
(who covered
this story when it was a
story?). The Apollo Alliance and
the Stimulus Bill (did they
write the Stimulus Bill? Who are
they?). Obama, the Mortal by
Charles Krauthammer (always
brilliant). True Health Care
Reform by John Kyl (yes,
conservatives have a plan).
Educator-in-Chief—why do
conservatives balk at Obama
talking to the kids? Are we
overreacting? Obama's Missed
Opportunity—Obama could have
parlayed this school thing into
something fantastic, but he did
not (please, do not send this
idea to the White House, as I
want Obama to fail ). How a
Detainee Became An Asset Sept.
11 Plotter Cooperated After
Waterboarding by Peter Finn,
Joby Warrick and Julie Tate
(here is what waterboarding got
us). Cash for Clunkers Savings
(not). EDITORIAL: Not wild about
Harry from the Las Vegas
Review-Journal. Enough is
enough, Harry Stop the childish
bullying by Sherman Frederick (I
don’t care how liberal you are;
you will agree that Harry Reid
did a way, way stupid thing
______________________________________________ (You may have to
right click and download this)
And the regular
columns: This Week's Events (I
try not to editorialize here).
Quotes of the Week (these are
either funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head
from the Fox All Stars, if
memory serves; it is based upon
Biden’s warning about Obama
being tested). Must-Watch Media
(with the internet, there is a
lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). Comedy Relief.
Short Takes (here, I get into
editorializing; I recommend this
section highly to liberals and
conservatives both). By the
Numbers (too often, liberals
debate from made up assumptions;
these numbers often set the
record straight; one example
this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals
support as versus 3 terrorists
who have been water boarded and
subject to a few hours of
discomfort—and we are supposed
to ignore the abortions but
become incensed over causing
discomfort to not even a handful
of terrorists). Polling by the
Numbers (this is new; so you can
see how the public is thinking).
Saturday Night Live Misses (SNL
will rarely make fun of
Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives;
and so, they miss so much that
they could make fun of). Yay
Democrats! (now and again I
agree with what Dems want to do
or with what specific Democrats
say; you will be surprised at
who I like this week).
Obama-Speak (Obama is able to
sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one
thing, and does something
entirely different). Questions
for Obama (although the press
has improved slightly when it
comes to asking Obama questions,
they still do not hold his feet
to the fire). You Know You've
Been Brainwashed when... (if you
have a particular mindset or a
particular opinion which is not
based upon facts; or the news
keeps telling you one thing,
when just the opposite is true).
News before it happens (if I
have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what
is to come). Prophecies
Fulfilled (these are prophecies
which I have made weeks or
months ago which have come to
pass). Missing Headlines (stuff
happens and your newspapers
often ignore them or bury them
in the back pages of your
- Conservative
Review #90
8/30/09 (HTML)
There are so many good things in
this issue! I strongly
recommend reading What Most
Liberals Do Not Understand (when
it comes to conservatives
rejecting Obama-care); we do know
all the talking points, we really
There are several great vids: John
Stossel did just a short bit on
health care which was fantastic
(this is under Must Watch
Media). Glenn Beck had a
great week this week.
Although, quite frankly, he could
have condensed it all to 2 shows,
it was still great stuff. I
recommend any of the Glenn Beck
vids (if you watch 3 minutes and
decide, not for me, then that’s
fine; just choose one and watch
it). Bill Kristol and
Natalie Arceneaux make excellent
points on health care
insurance. Besty Mccaughey
is insightful as ever, as is
Thomas Sowell.
And, of course, Rush Limbaugh
doesn’t want the president
anywhere near his penis, which is
a good conservative position to
take, on many levels.
What Most Liberals Do Not
Understand. Bill Kristol on
Healthcare Bill. Natalie
Arceneaux on Healthcare. Why
Muslims are a Threat.
Obama's Health Rationed-in-Chief
By Betsy Mccaughey.
Richard's Rant by Richard
O'Leary. Obama's 6-Month
Achievement List from an Email
(admittedly, a little
off-balance). Random
thoughts on Obama, cold weather,
diversity and more by Thomas
Sowell. Great escape of our
times is from personal by Thomas
Sowell. Obama's 'civilian
national security force' by Joseph
Farah. Bill Cosby
Excerpts. Quotes from John
Holdren. The Panel on the
The Rush Section Obama Destruction
of Capitalism Purposeful.
Obama's FCC Diversity Czar Targets
Rush and Talk Radio. If
everyone read these two articles,
Obama-care would die. Rush
on Death Panels. “Leave our
Penises Alone, Mr. President”
(You may have to right click and
download this)
And the regular columns: This
Week's Events (I try not to
editorialize here). Quotes of the
Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe
Biden Prophecy Watch (I stole the
column head from the Fox All
Stars, if memory serves; it is
based upon Biden’s warning about
Obama being tested). Must-Watch
Media (with the internet, there is
a lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). Comedy
Relief. Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
- Conservative
Review #89
8/23/09 (HTML)
There are some excellent
things in this issue: the first
quotation is outstanding; the
Health Care Reform Short Takes,
just in case you do not understand
why so many people oppose
Obama-care. By the numbers
will tell you just who is
uninsured. The George Will
article (actually taken from him
speaking on a panel) has him
covering the 4 arguments for a
public option and why they are
faulty. I am moderately
happy with the H1N1 proposal; hope
it communicates. Plus,
Thomas Sowell always has something
smart and persuasive to say.
If you want to be informed on what
happened this week, it is all
Arguments for a Public Option and
why these arguments are faulty by
George Will
A Modest (H1N1) Proposal
by [a spokesman
for] Barack Obama
Deception is at the Heart of Dems'
By Thomas
Simple Government Regulations for
Health Care
The Whole Foods Alternative to
Eight things we can do to improve
health care without adding to the
deficit by John Mackey
What the Health Care Bill Actually
By John David Lewis
ObamaCare's Contradictions
The President does both sides now
on his health insurance plan from
the Wall Street Journal
Gingrich, Howard Dean and
Obama Blame Game
commentary by
Caroline Baum
Correcting the Untruths About
Obama's Health Plan!
By Betsy
Deadly Doctors O Advisors Want to
Ration Care
By Betsy
Lord's Prayer Offends ACLU from LC
We Should Promote Energy, Not Tax
It: Cap and Trade = Higher Energy
Prices and Lost Jobs
ABC's Charles Gibson to Cindy
Sheehan: Thanks for your
sacrifice. Now get lost. By
Byron York
The Rush Section
Socialized Health Care will Change
Fabric of America Forever
Refuting Obama's Lies about "Lies"
Obama Revives VA Death Book
(You may have to right click and
download this)
And the regular columns: This
Week's Events (I try not to
editorialize here). Quotes of the
Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe
Biden Prophecy Watch (I stole the
column head from the Fox All
Stars, if memory serves; it is
based upon Biden’s warning about
Obama being tested). Must-Watch
Media (with the internet, there is
a lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). Comedy
Relief. Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
- Conservative
Review #88
8/16/09 (HTML)
There is so much out there by way
of information on the health care
bill. I tried to include
which articles seemed to be the
most informative.
The thing not to miss: check the
Hannity townhall meeting under
Must-watch Media; check out the
quotes, particularly by Dr.
Ezekiel Immanuel; the Michelle
Bachman and the Daniel Hannan
vids, and Steve Crowder
interviewing the unruly mob in
Denton and especially PJ TV’s ipod
ap and the Cavuto-Simmons
interviews. Oh, and the
articles are outstanding as
well. If you want to be
informed, here it is:
Government-Care's Assault on
Seniors by Betsy Mccaughey
Seven Myths About Taxing the Rich
by Curtis S. Dubay
Concerning the "Death Panels" by
Sarah Palin
Reagan on Socialized Medicine
Top ten questions to ask about
Obama's healthcare program by
Terri Michel
A Recovery Only a Statistician Can
Love by Annys Shin
Letter from 53-Year-Old Democrat
FOX News Explodes While Liberal
Media Burns by Bill O'Reilly
Is Obamacare Consistent With Our
First Principles? By Conn Carroll
Subject: Cardin Town Hall I was
from Lou Prichett
How to Start Each Day with a
Positive Outlook
The Rush Section
Duke Professor Explains What the
Health Care Bill Actually Says
Was Obama's Town Hall Staged?
Mobsters Report from Town Halls
Obama Lies at New Hampshire Health
Care Town Hall
Democrats Set Up War Rooms,
Websites to Instruct Their Zombies
Woman Who Can't Get Men to Play
Her Sues City
(You may have to right click and
download this)
And the regular columns: This
Week's Events (I try not to
editorialize here). Quotes of the
Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe
Biden Prophecy Watch (I stole the
column head from the Fox All
Stars, if memory serves; it is
based upon Biden’s warning about
Obama being tested). Must-Watch
Media (with the internet, there is
a lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). And a brand new
column: Comedy Relief. Short
Takes (here, I get into
editorializing; I recommend this
section highly to liberals and
conservatives both). By the
Numbers (too often, liberals
debate from made up assumptions;
these numbers often set the record
straight; one example this week is
40 million abortions, which
liberals support as versus 3
terrorists who have been water
boarded and subject to a few hours
of discomfort—and we are supposed
to ignore the abortions but become
incensed over causing discomfort
to not even a handful of
terrorists). Polling by the
Numbers (this is new; so you can
see how the public is thinking).
Saturday Night Live Misses (SNL
will rarely make fun of Obama—his
inability to speak when not on a
teleprompter; but they will draw
the most absurd caricatures of
conservatives; and so, they miss
so much that they could make fun
of). Yay Democrats! (now and again
I agree with what Dems want to do
or with what specific Democrats
say; you will be surprised at who
I like this week). Obama-Speak
(Obama is able to sound great and
I find myself agreeing with much
of what he says; but often he says
one thing, and does something
entirely different). Questions for
Obama (although the press has
improved slightly when it comes to
asking Obama questions, they still
do not hold his feet to the fire).
You Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
- Conservative
Review #87
8/9/09 (HTML)
I strongly recommend reading at
least the quotations today; they
are fantastic! Example: Michelle
Malkin: "They misunderstand the
roots of this [anti-Obama-care]
movement. It is not directed from
the top down. The Republican party
could only wish they were this
competent." Great week for
quotes. If you wonder how anyone
could object to liberal healthcare
reform, then read "Why People
Object to Obama-Care" as well as
"Questions Pollsters need to ask."
(In the Rush section). There
are things in this healthcare bill
which are going to surprise you!
Why People Object to Obama-Care
(just in case you think that a
government-option is going to make
health care cheaper and
better). Astroturf
Objections. The New White
House: www.Snitch.Com (What if
George Bush did this?). What
is Being Sent Out to Obama
Supporters (these are the actual
emails which Obama and company are
sending out). Take Two
Aspirin And Call Me When Your
Cancer is Stage 4 by Ann
Coulter. `You Are Terrifying
Us' by Peggy Noonan. Palin
on Obama's Evil Death Panel by
Mark Thiessen. Your Guide to
Corporate Astroturfing:
Lobbyist-Run Groups
Orchestrating... by Kate
Thomas. Jim DeMint's Blog
(he makes some excellent
points). The New
Commandments (author
unknown). List of the Blue
Dog Democrats (in case you need to
know who to call.
The Rush Section: These are the
Questions for Pollsters to Ask
(these are outstanding and VERY
specific questions—stuff you do
not know are in the House
healthcare bill). Far-Left
Leadership Ripping Dems
Apart. Rush Interviews
Eyewitness to Tampa Bay Townhall
Meeting (this is what happened;
especially important to those of
you with limited news). Rush
Stands up for the Mob.
Axelrod Invents Astroturfing
(You may have to right click and
download this)
And the regular columns: This
Week's Events (I try not to
editorialize here). Quotes of the
Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe
Biden Prophecy Watch (I stole the
column head from the Fox All
Stars, if memory serves; it is
based upon Biden’s warning about
Obama being tested). Must-Watch
Media (with the internet, there is
a lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). Short Takes
(here, I get into editorializing;
I recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
- Conservative
Review #86
8/2/09 (HTML)
This is an excellent issue
on health care legislation, as
well as some insight on the Cash
for Clunkers project. I
strongly recommend that you read
why Health Care Costs Increase;
and Cash for Clunkers (what is
wrong with this program); and how
there is at least one thing in the
future that I cannot predict.
Health Care Costs Increase—this is
a common sense approach; read
this, and why health costs are
going up in the U.S. will become
perspicuous...and, knowing this,
tells you why Obama-care is not
going to cut costs, because none
of these things are
addressed. Cash for
Clunkers—the Dems are sooooo proud
of this program; I’ll tell you
what is wrong with it. The
Future Confuses Me Here—I honestly
have no clue whether Democrats
will pass health care legislation
or not...this is a tough one to
call. 5 freedoms you'd lose
in health care reform by Shawn
Tully, editor at large at Money
Magazine. Why Is the Far
Left Saying America Is a Dumb
Country? by Bill O'Reilly.
'Special Report' Panel on Whether
Government Will Coerce People Into
Health Care Choices (great
discussion with some excellent
points; this is one of the reasons
you ought to be watch
FoxNews). Clunker Health
Care Reform by the Heritage
Foundation. Cash for
Clunkers Why Obamanomics Will Fail
by the Heritage Foundation
The Rush Section: Andrea Mitchell:
You're Too Stupid to Know
Obamacare is Good for You.
Dems Face House of Horrors in
Townhalls. State-Run Media
Promotes Race War between
TalkRadio and President
Obama. Barney Frank
Threatens Banks. Obama
Continues to Blame Bush.
Obama Decides which Docs Get Paid.
(You may have to right click and
download this)
And the regular columns: This
Week's Events (I try not to
editorialize here). Quotes of the
Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe
Biden Prophecy Watch (I stole the
column head from the Fox All
Stars, if memory serves; it is
based upon Biden’s warning about
Obama being tested). Must-Watch
Media (with the internet, there is
a lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). Short Takes
(here, I get into editorializing;
I recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
- Conservative
Review #85
7/26/09 (HTML)
(PDF) Let
me recommend this week my
[partial] solution to the health
care problem. Also, the
video this week is fantastic
(especially if you are not very
well-informed about the health
care bill).
The Health Care Solution (a few
ideas on how to deal with this
problem). Another Brilliant
Idea (Do you want to write a
book? Here’s an
idea....). Obama on
Obama-Care with Commentary (what
Obama tried to sell as factual was
unbelievable; who can swallow any
of this?). Perils of
Obamacare: the Three Big Lies By
Michael Tanner. FACT CHECK:
Obama's Health Care Claims Adrift?
(from the NY Times July 22,
2009). Obama's Broken
Promises by Betsy Mccaughey
The Rush Section: Bo Snerdley
Official Obama Criticizer.
Office of Imaginary
Information. Obama-care
Targets Elderly and the Unborn.
On the net at:
And there are the regular columns
with short and concise thoughts:
This Week's Events (I try not to
editorialize here). Quotes of the
Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe
Biden Prophecy Watch (I stole the
column head from the Fox All
Stars, if memory serves; it is
based upon Biden’s warning about
Obama being tested). Must-Watch
Media (with the internet, there is
a lot which comes out every single
week and some of which is well
worth watching). Short Takes
(here, I get into editorializing;
I recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
- Conservative
Review #84
7/19/09 (HTML)
are a couple of excellent stories
that I highly recommend: my
observations on the press and how
well it has informed the people of
California (at least the ones I
know). Rove wrote an
outstanding article about how
Obama first tells us the Stimulus
plan will do this, and since it
did not do what is was supposed to
do, Obama pretends that the
Stimulus plan results were not
what he originally said.
And, of course, the adoring press
never calls him on it. Karl
Rove does. You have heard
over and over again, if you like
your present health care plan that
you can keep it? Obama
crafts his language very
carefully. Obama-care will
keep you from changing to a
different plan unless it is
government-run health care.
Of course, your news did not tell
you that. Like many
conservatives, I did nor worship
Walter Conkite. In fact, I
hold him to blame, in part, for
our loss in Vietnam, which loss
was not inevitable; and the
resultant 2–3 million deaths were
not inevitable either.
Finally, two outstanding articles
about the economy and health care,
with information you don’t get on
television or in your newspaper.
The Problem with Our Press (I
spend a few days out in
California, and asked a few simple
questions about certain farms
which suddenly are going without
water and about the huge TEA
parties which have been held in
Sacramento—I think that there have
been 3. Apparently, these
are things which Sacramento news
does not want anyone to know
about. The Czar List (there
are a lot of them). The
President Moves the Economic
Goalpost—The stimulus isn't
working as originally advertised
by Karl Rove. It's Not An
Option by Investor's
Business. Daily Cronkite
Dies & Liberal Love-In
Commences by Curt
The Economy Is Even Worse Than You
Think by Mortimer Zuckerman.
On Health Care, Obama Battles
History and Human Nature by Geoff
The Rush Section: Obama is
Tanking US Economy on
Purpose. Sotomayor Hides Her
Radicalism. Sessions Grills
Sotomayor. Another Obama
Gaff. Ginsburg Reveals True
Reason for Abortion.
Sotomayor’s Many Gaffs.
Cheney’s Secret Plan
In these first few regular
columns, I try to offer up short
and concise thoughts: This Week's
Events (I try not to editorialize
here). Quotes of the Week (these
are either funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head
from the Fox All Stars, if memory
serves; it is based upon Biden’s
warning about Obama being tested).
Must-Watch Media (with the
internet, there is a lot which
comes out every single week and
some of which is well worth
watching). Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
On the net at:
- Conservative
Review #83
7/12/09 (HTML)
Palin Thing (here’s what I think
it is). Realism vs. Fantasy
Politics (how liberals and
conservatives differ on the
environment). The
Waxman-Markey Travesty—Isn't
saving the planet grand? By
Rich Lowry EPA's game of
global warming hide-and-seek by
Michelle Malkin
The Rush Section
Cap and Trade Follow the Money
Obama Aligns Self with Dictator
How the Liberal Brain is Different
Blowing the Whistle on Obama
Obama Iraq Statement
- Conservative
Review #82
7/5/09 (HTML)
did not write any complete
articles this week, but look under
the Short Takes and By the
Numbers—there is a lot of
important stuff going on this
How health care 'reforms' will
mess with your coverage by Betsy
Mccaughey (don’t think that Obama
care is just going to be another
option or another player).
The Fox Panel and Honduras (Obama
decided quickly to let his views
be known here. If you know
nothing about this, I suggest you
enjoy their comments). Obama
and Immigration by Dee Dee the
Latina Freedom Fighter (Dee Dee’s
latest missive, also available on; search for the Latina
Freedom Fighter). Chip and
Helen Beat up on Robert Gibbs
(text of their famous dustup this
week) This gives me a little
The Rush Section Obama to
Change your Lightbulbs.
Environmental Impact Inspection to
Sell Your Own Home (of course, you
knew nothing about this before
this bill went up for a vote; by
the way, this is the way that
California is there a
chance that these thousands upon
thousands of inspectors might put
some strain on the California
budget?). Conservative Radio
People are Terrorists (direct to
you from the Sacramento
Assembly). Obama Economic
Philosophy in a Nutshell (if you
have not heard Rush pontificate on
this, this is an important issue).
In these first few regular
columns, I try to offer up short
and concise thoughts: This Week's
Events (I try not to editorialize
here). Quotes of the Week (these
are either funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head
from the Fox All Stars, if memory
serves; it is based upon Biden’s
warning about Obama being tested).
Must-Watch Media (with the
internet, there is a lot which
comes out every single week and
some of which is well worth
watching). Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
On the net at:
- Conservative
Review #81
6/28/09 (HTML)
Cap and Trade (this bill blew
through town in a week, will
possibly be the most costly bill
to the average person, and how
much have you heard about
it?). 3 Supreme Court Cases
(there are at least 2 significant
cases for them to rule on before
summer vacation). A few
thoughts on the California Budget
Problems (I get so disgusted with
governmental dishonesty; they
can’t meet their bills, and the
first thing that they do is
threaten to shut down the
schools). Dick Morris on the
Obama Takeover (this is excellent;
there are several strategies in
order to insure an Obama victory
in 3.5 years). The 'Axis of
Evil' and President Obama by Bill
O'Reilly. Unanswered
Questions about Health Care by
Neil Cavuto (Neil is
fantastic). The Obama Press
Conference #4 (on Iran and Health
Care) with a few comments by
me. His answers were so
dishonest! The Economic
Impact of the Waxman-Markey
Cap-and-Trade Bill by Ben
Lieberman (outstanding
article). 'Green jobs'
studies contain fundamental flaws,
think tank experts say by Mark
Tapscott (the main problem is,
green legislation destroys more
jobs than it creates). The
High Cost of Cap and Trade: Why
the EPA and CBO Are Wrong by (this is short and
you need to read it).
The Rush Section: Cap and Tax
Bill. Is Obama an African
Colonial? (This is a fascinating
perspective). The
Waxman-Markey Bill simply
Redistributes Wealth (I just heard
Axelrod talk about how the poor
will be getting more money back in
a few years because of cap and
trade). It is all about
control... The Government
Determines the Health Care you
Get. Stock Markets-Who's
Selling? Energy Tax? Follow
the Money.
In these first few regular
columns, I try to offer up short
and concise thoughts: This Week's
Events (I try not to editorialize
here). Quotes of the Week (these
are either funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head
from the Fox All Stars, if memory
serves; it is based upon Biden’s
warning about Obama being tested).
Must-Watch Media (with the
internet, there is a lot which
comes out every single week and
some of which is well worth
watching). Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
On the net at:
- Conservative
Review #80
6/21/09 (HTML)
Great quotes this week; great
numbers and poll numbers; and
excellent short takes. Also,
do not miss the first two
stories—Health Care by the Numbers
and Something Fishy.
Health Care-by the Numbers (these
are simple numbers to work with,
and why no one is touting this
simple math, I do not know; this
is an exclusive). Something
is Very Fishy Here (so, our
government gets to screw things
up, and then come in and say,
“Well, we just need more
government control to fix
it.”). Barbara Boxer, You're
Okay (from NPR; they agree with
Boxer. Letter from a 4th
grade teacher (okay, okay, we do
not know who really wrote this,
but the sentiments are
good). Barack Obama
Complains About FOX News Again by
Bill O'Reilly (Obama’s point, that
all day long, there are negative
stories on him on FoxNews is just
a lie). The Fox Panel on
Iran Demonstrations (excellent
The Rush Section: Gerald Walpin is
not Afraid (is Sacramento aware of
this story?). Is Iraq
Affecting Iran? Who
Regulates Obama? Obama Takes
Over Another Industry. White
House Trashes Gerald Walpin.
Canadian Health Care
(examples). There is No
Health Care Crisis (this is the
simple truth).
In these first few regular
columns, I try to offer up short
and concise thoughts: This Week's
Events (I try not to editorialize
here). Quotes of the Week (these
are either funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head
from the Fox All Stars, if memory
serves; it is based upon Biden’s
warning about Obama being tested).
Must-Watch Media (with the
internet, there is a lot which
comes out every single week and
some of which is well worth
watching). Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
On the net at:
- Conservative
Review #79
the Media, I highly recommend the
speech by Krauthammer as well as
the two film trailers: 33 minutes
and Kimjongilia. Also,
you need to see the speech by Newt
Gingrich; it is fantastic. Short
takes is always recommended.
A few short, logical points made
by myself and others. Each
should take 1–2 minutes to read.
I also recommend my own story on
Obama’s Motivation, an area where
I actually disagree with
Rush. Also, if you want an
historical perspective on marriage
and Israel (2 separate topics),
see the 3 articles from Schulman,
Medved, and Krauthammer.
Obama's Motivation (for those who
are watching, you know how bad our
economy is getting, and you know
Obama is not fixing,
why is that? Is he really
that evil as to want to screw all
of America? I don’t think
so, I think he is sincere,
but....). Love or lust,
Obama and the fawning press need
to get a room by Phil Bronstein
(from SF?). Krauthammer on
Gitmo (I look forward every day to
coming home and watching Fox
Reports and catching the Fox
Panel’s take on things, which
usually includes Charles
Krauthammer). Obama's issues
crumbling by Dick Morris.
Two perspectives you may not have
heard before: The Worst Thing
About Gay Marriage: It isn't going
to work by Sam Schulman.
Hollywood Contradictions on the
Importance of Marriage by Michael
Medved. The Settlements Myth
by Charles Krauthammer.
What's behind Obama's sudden
attempt to fire the AmeriCorps
inspector general? by Byron York
(if you live in California, do you
know about this?).
The Rush Section: Safeway Medical
Insurance (here is how to use free
enterprise with medical
insurance. Dems Brace
Themselves for CBO Numbers (what
they claim it is going to cost and
what it will cost, are two
different things. Obama's
Cairo Speech and Iran's Election
(let me add, if Obama is taking
credit for the discussion in Iran;
will he take credit for the
election results as well?).
Obama Salary Caps (it won’t just
be execs who took TARP
funds). Obama Lies about
Health Care Reform (this is
problematic; if this is so good
and so right, why should Obama or
Democrats have to lie about
it?). Mo Tells Rush, Every
Republican he has met is a
racist. Miranda Rights for
Terrorists? What Obama
Inherited (what he really
inherited). What Obama said;
What Obama Did.
In these first few regular
columns, I try to offer up short
and concise thoughts: This Week's
Events (I try not to editorialize
here). Quotes of the Week (these
are either funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head
from the Fox All Stars, if memory
serves; it is based upon Biden’s
warning about Obama being tested).
Must-Watch Media (with the
internet, there is a lot which
comes out every single week and
some of which is well worth
watching). Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
On the net at:
- Conservative
6/7/09 (HTML)
George Tiller and Abortion by D (the
Latina Freedom Fighter) (a new
contributor—this is from a video she
does). The Cairo Speech with
Commentary (I take a look at the
Obama speech in Cairo, paragraph by
paragraph). The Words to Young
Con (did you watch the vid?).
O'Reilly on the Murder of Tiller by
Bill O'Reilly. Stopping
Government Motors by Hugh Hewitt
(people will boycott GM).
The Rush Section: The Rage of Sonia
and Michelle (this is fascinating
and something which I have observed
in my own life; anger is used by
them as a may be real and
it may not be...but it is a tool
which some minorities use).
Hannity Limbaugh Interview
Transcript (this is
excellent). And several rants
about the new media (filled with
examples): State-Run Media.
News: It is good to be Unemployed
under Obama. The Media is out
there to Mislead. Some
Minorities Use Anger and Rage.
State-run News to be More Positive
In these first few regular columns,
I try to offer up short and concise
thoughts: This Week's Events (I try
not to editorialize here). Quotes of
the Week (these are either funny to
me, ironic, or revealing). Joe Biden
Prophecy Watch (I stole the column
head from the Fox All Stars, if
memory serves; it is based upon
Biden’s warning about Obama being
tested). Must-Watch Media (with the
internet, there is a lot which comes
out every single week and some of
which is well worth watching). Short
Takes (here, I get into
editorializing; I recommend this
section highly to liberals and
conservatives both). By the Numbers
(too often, liberals debate from
made up assumptions; these numbers
often set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support as
versus 3 terrorists who have been
water boarded and subject to a few
hours of discomfort—and we are
supposed to ignore the abortions but
become incensed over causing
discomfort to not even a handful of
terrorists). Polling by the Numbers
(this is new; so you can see how the
public is thinking). Saturday Night
Live Misses (SNL will rarely make
fun of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but they
will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will be
surprised at who I like this week).
Obama-Speak (Obama is able to sound
great and I find myself agreeing
with much of what he says; but often
he says one thing, and does
something entirely different).
Questions for Obama (although the
press has improved slightly when it
comes to asking Obama questions,
they still do not hold his feet to
the fire). You Know You've Been
Brainwashed when... (if you have a
particular mindset or a particular
opinion which is not based upon
facts; or the news keeps telling you
one thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if I
have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is to
come). Prophecies Fulfilled (these
are prophecies which I have made
weeks or months ago which have come
to pass). Missing Headlines (stuff
happens and your newspapers often
ignore them or bury them in the back
pages of your paper).
On the net at:
- Conservative
5/31/09 (HTML)
of the most important stories which
I mention several times in this
issue is the auto dealerships which
are being closed down. This
potentially could be Obama’s
Watergate. His administration
appears to be closing down
Republican dealerships and keeping
Democrat dealerships. In
America. You need to read
about this. Sonia Sotomayor
Quotes. Rulings of Sonia
Sotomayor. Questions for Sonia
Sotomayor. Lawyers on
Alito. Lawyers on Sotomayor
(this is pro and con). My
Opinion of Sotomayor (after all that
you have read so far, you might be
surprised). Thomas Sowell on
Sotomayor. Krauthammer of
Sotomayor. Sotomayor Would not
Qualify as Juror (and this is
actually the most damning piece on
Sotomayor; she would not be selected
as a jury member) by Andy
McCarthy. Funniest Result of
Sotomayor Nomination. 6 Ways
to Save America by Sean Hannity
(unfortunately, I could only find 3
of them; and I do not agree with the
education section).
The Rush Section: Laid Off in an
Obama Economy. Obama Election
did not End Race or Class
Warfare. Returning Wealth to
Rightful Owner (if you want to know
one of Obama’s fundamental
approaches to life). Liberals
Love Obama Because He Lies (they
know that half of the time, he is
lying in order to placate the right
and the moderates).
It was a fantastic week; hope that
you enjoy!
- Conservative
Review #76
5/24/09 (HTML)
is a rather large edition, as I
have included the text of the
speeches made by Barrack Obama,
Dick Cheney and Michael
Steele. The Cheney Offensive
(I did not write too much this
week; there was just too much
happening!). Obama in Bush
Clothing by Charles Krauthammer
(Charles is always good).
Krauthammer Explains Iranian
Thinking. The NBC, GE Obama
Connection by Bill O'Reilly (I
mentioned this last time; but it
is well worth reading). War
Between the Factor and the NY
Times by Bill O'Reilly (Bill gets
a bit irritated when the Times
prints stuff about him which is
false). Investigating ACORN
by Bill O'Reilly (Bill had a
stellar week this week).
Reviewing Honda's New Low-Priced
Hybrid by Jeremy Clarkson (this is
hilarious!). The Torture
Argument by Richard O'Leary.
President Obama's May 21, 2009
Speech. Dick Cheney's May
21, 2009 Speech. Michael
Steele's May 19, 2009
Speech. Obama "We Are Out of
Money" (I only wish he believed
that). Letter from a Dodge
Dealer (excellent!).
The Rush Section: Geithner Blames
Us for Recession (really; so you
had better start living within
your means so this does not happen
again!). California is a
Microcosm of What is to
Come. Chrysler Dealer Shut
Down (this is just wrong).
The Left is Still Angry (Obama’s
is president, they have the
Congress; and they are still
pissed off). Obama,
Café Standards and
Oil. Dem's Polling Data Says
"Keep Gitmo Open" (so now they are
voting against funding its
closing). What is Really
Happening in the Economy.
Nuke Power for UAE, Windmills for
US (it is okay for an oil rich
country like the UAE to get help
with nuclear power from us; but
not okay for us). Emission
Standards to Kill More than Iraq
War (really). Converted Lib
Thanks Rush.
In these first few regular
columns, I try to offer up short
and concise thoughts: This Week's
Events (I try not to editorialize
here). Quotes of the Week (these
are either funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head
from the Fox All Stars, if memory
serves; it is based upon Biden’s
warning about Obama being tested).
Must-Watch Media (with the
internet, there is a lot which
comes out every single week and
some of which is well worth
watching). Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
On the net at:
- Conservative
Review #75
5/17/09 (HTML)
Pretend by Gary Kukis (—even
though I write the first dozen
columns, I decided to take a
byline; humor me here).
Congress and Waterboarding by Karl
Rove. The Politics of
Ridicule by Bill O'Reilly (I have
been meaning to do a column on
Saul Alinksy and the Rules for
Radicals. Why the ACLU
Should Be Condemned by Bill
O'Reilly. An
Environmentalist's Thesaurus by
Joe Queenan (this is based upon a
leaked memo). Once upon a
Time in 2002 by Victor Davis
Hanson (this may help you to
remember what happened and how we
all felt back then).
The Rush Section What is Cheney’s
Motivation? Why is Dick
Cheney out there right now?
This stuff preserving his legacy
is ridiculous. The Obama
Budget. 24% Understand Cap
and Trade. Obama’s
Shovel-Ready Jobs. Obama has
Meetings and Fixes Health Care (Do
you really buy into this? Do
you really think Obama can hold a
couple of meetings with a few
dozen people and health care is
going to be fixed?). White
House Memo: CO2 not a Pollutant
(this is fantastic).
Stimulus Bill Payouts (only 6% so
far). Cheney Gets Results
(read this; see how much Obama has
changed his points of view in the
past week). Your New Green
House (what your house will look
like in the future; if you can
afford it).
In these first few regular
columns, I try to offer up short
and concise thoughts: This Week's
Events (I try not to editorialize
here). Quotes of the Week (these
are either funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head
from the Fox All Stars, if memory
serves; it is based upon Biden’s
warning about Obama being tested).
Must-Watch Media (with the
internet, there is a lot which
comes out every single week and
some of which is well worth
watching). Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). News before it happens (if
I have a correct worldview, then I
ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is
to come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which
have come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or
bury them in the back pages of
your paper).
On the net at:
- Conservative
Review #74
5/10/09 (HTML)
me recommend te HR 1913 Hate
Crimes bill, which Congress might
pass. Also, Coulter’s
article on waterboarding is quite
fascinating. It is not what
you read about on the liberal
blogs. They leave a lot of
stuff out. Also, check out
Rush’s explanation nof Obama’s
Economic philosophy; it explains a
This week’s articles: HR 1913 Hate
Crimes Bill and what is wrong with
it. News You Don't Read
About Obama by Andrew W.
Smith. Charles Krauthammer
on Terrorist Act (from the
panel). Fox Panel on Tax
Breaks and Obama going after this
money (remember, he believes this
money is HIS and it is up to him
and the Democratic Congress to
properly distribute. 100
Days-100 Mistakes (I only listed
the first 10). by Joe
Scarborough, Glenn Beck and
others. Japanese
Waterboarding by Ann Coulter (you
may have read how the US
prosecuted the Japanese for
waterboarding; read what really
happened). Obama Collection
of Quotes (most, you have heard
before, unless you are a
The Rush Section: Recession
Over—Obama Buys Burgers (it is a
real on-the-air news report.
Obama’s Thugocracy (Chicago
politics is alive and well in
D.C.). You Cannot Track
Obama’s Spending (remember this
era of transparency? Just
more rhetoric). Obama’s
Economic Philosophy in a Nutshell
(this is an excellent
article). Obama Flip-Flops
on DC Vouchers
In these first few regular
columns, I try to offer up short
and concise thoughts: This Week's
Events (I try not to editorialize
here). Quotes of the Week (these
are either funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head
from the Fox All Stars, if memory
serves; it is based upon Biden’s
warning about Obama being tested).
Must-Watch Media (with the
internet, there is a lot which
comes out every single week and
some of which is well worth
watching). Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). Predictions (if I have a
correct worldview, then I ought to
be able to give you reasonable
predictions of what is to come).
Prophecies Fulfilled (these are
prophecies which I have made weeks
or months ago which have come to
pass). Missing Headlines (stuff
happens and your newspapers often
ignore them or bury them in the
back pages of your paper).
On the net at:
- Conservative
Review #73
- This
week’s articles: Obama's First 100
Days By Karl Rove. FDR and Obama:
Their First Hundred Days by Burton
Folsom, Jr. Muslims: 'We do that
on first dates' by Ann Coulter.
Churchill Didn't Torture? by Jonah
Goldberg. O'Reilly's Talking
Points. 'Special Report' Panel
Assesses President Obama's First
100 Days in Office. Andrew
McCarthy's Letter to Attorney
General Holder (in case you have
not read this, it is fantastic!).
The Fox Panel on Obama's Comments
About Waterboarding.
- The
Rush Section: Rush Rocks Milken
Institute Forum. Sign Your Life
Over to Obama. Obama Is Vulnerable
Now. Teacher Scolds Student for
Reading Fox News. Picking a
Supreme Court Justice. Obama Uses
Chrysler to Achieve Social Justice
- In
these first few regular columns, I
try to offer up short and concise
thoughts: This Week's Events (I
try not to editorialize here).
Quotes of the Week (these are
either funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head
from the Fox All Stars, if memory
serves; it is based upon Biden’s
warning about Obama being tested).
Must-Watch Media (with the
internet, there is a lot which
comes out every single week and
some of which is well worth
watching). Short Takes (here, I
get into editorializing; I
recommend this section highly to
liberals and conservatives both).
By the Numbers (too often,
liberals debate from made up
assumptions; these numbers often
set the record straight; one
example this week is 40 million
abortions, which liberals support
as versus 3 terrorists who have
been water boarded and subject to
a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the
abortions but become incensed over
causing discomfort to not even a
handful of terrorists). Polling by
the Numbers (this is new; so you
can see how the public is
thinking). Saturday Night Live
Misses (SNL will rarely make fun
of Obama—his inability to speak
when not on a teleprompter; but
they will draw the most absurd
caricatures of conservatives; and
so, they miss so much that they
could make fun of). Yay Democrats!
(now and again I agree with what
Dems want to do or with what
specific Democrats say; you will
be surprised at who I like this
week). Obama-Speak (Obama is able
to sound great and I find myself
agreeing with much of what he
says; but often he says one thing,
and does something entirely
different). Questions for Obama
(although the press has improved
slightly when it comes to asking
Obama questions, they still do not
hold his feet to the fire). You
Know You've Been Brainwashed
when... (if you have a particular
mindset or a particular opinion
which is not based upon facts; or
the news keeps telling you one
thing, when just the opposite is
true). Predictions (if I have a
correct worldview, then I ought to
be able to give you reasonable
predictions of what is to come).
Prophecies Fulfilled (these are
prophecies which I have made weeks
or months ago which have come to
pass). Missing Headlines (stuff
happens and your newspapers often
ignore them or bury them in the
back pages of your paper).
On the net at:
- Conservative
4/26/09 (HTML)
these first few regular columns, I
try to offer up short and concise
thoughts: This Week's Events (I try
not to editorialize here).
Quotes of the Week (these are either
funny to me, ironic, or
revealing). Joe Biden Prophecy
Watch (I stole the column head from
the Fox All Stars, if memory serves;
it is based upon Biden’s warning
about Obama being tested).
Must-Watch Media (with the internet,
there is a lot which comes out every
single week and some of which is
well worth watching). Short
Takes (here, I get into
editorializing; I recommend this
section highly to liberals and
conservatives both). By the
Numbers (too often, liberals debate
from made up assumptions; these
numbers often set the record
straight; one example this week is
40 million abortions, which liberals
support as versus 3 terrorists who
have been water boarded and subject
to a few hours of discomfort—and we
are supposed to ignore the abortions
but become incensed over causing
discomfort to not even a handful of
terrorists). Polling by the
Numbers (this is new; so you can see
how the public is thinking).
Saturday Night Live Misses (SNL will
rarely make fun of Obama—his
inability to speak when not on a
teleprompter; but they will draw the
most absurd caricatures of
conservatives; and so, they miss so
much that they could make fun
of). Yay Democrats! (now
and again I agree with what Dems
want to do or with what specific
Democrats say; you will be surprised
at who I like this week).
Obama-Speak (Obama is able to sound
great and I find myself agreeing
with much of what he says; but often
he says one thing, and does
something entirely different).
Questions for Obama (although the
press has improved slightly when it
comes to asking Obama questions,
they still do not hold his feet to
the fire). You Know You've
Been Brainwashed when... (if you
have a particular mindset or a
particular opinion which is not
based upon facts; or the news keeps
telling you one thing, when just the
opposite is true). Predictions
(if I have a correct worldview, then
I ought to be able to give you
reasonable predictions of what is to
come). Prophecies Fulfilled
(these are prophecies which I have
made weeks or months ago which have
come to pass). Missing
Headlines (stuff happens and your
newspapers often ignore them or bury
them in the back pages of your
This week’s articles: Even though
Obama chose to call off his dogs,
there are still some things to be
discussed when it comes to torture:
Misdirection of the Torture Issue
(the Obama team tries to control the
media for a week, and what you don’t
hear much about is what is
important; in this article I tell
you what really happened this past
week). Torture-Obama's
Irrevocable Actions (Obama cannot
take back what he did here).
Definition of Torture (this is a
major problem; we need to get on the
same page when it comes to what
torture is; or discuss it so that we
can get on the same page).
Tortured Errata (some miscellaneous
comments). 48 Laws of Power
(these are not mine; but they will
remind you of someone.
Spankings Outlawed? When I
first heard about this story, last
night, I was quite skeptical.
The John Murtha Airport (why
conservatives despise big
government). Back on Uncle
Sam's Plantation (so you get a Black
point of view) by Star Parker -
Syndicated Columnist. Larry
King goes after the Big Story (this
passes for news?). Homeland
Security for Dummies (who could this
story be about....?).
"Crossing the Border is not a Crime,
per se" by Janet Napolitano (yes,
she said it).
The Rush Section: Rush on Earth Day
(always interesting to find out what
Rush is doing on these special
days). The Emotional Cocoon of
the Liberal (this gives a short
succinct examination of what a
liberal is). Rush Confuses
Obama. Obama's Real Problem:
Bush Kept us Safe (this is why those
on the left are really angry).
Rush on Feinstein (why do we
conservatives hate big
government? Here is another
reason). Tea Parties Open Some
Eyes (new, young callers to Rush
Limbaugh; comparing what the media
said to what these young people
actually saw and heard with their
own eyes and ears).
Stuff keeps happening every single
week. You cannot accuse Obama
of just sitting on his behind.
- Conservative
4/19/09 (HTML)
you are a liberal, then I highly
recommend that you read “Democratic
Lack of Integrity” and “If you are a
Democrat...” If you are
anti-Obama in all respects, please
read, “Give Obama his Due.”
There is a lot of meat here
today. I hope you enjoy it.
Give Obama his Due (when Obama does
something right, there is no reason
to disparage that). Democratic
Lack of Integrity (if you are a
Democrat—particularly one who used
to rail against Bush and forward
anti-Bush emails—you need to read
this). News Coverage of the
Tea Parties (what happened here
amazed me; our newspapers and media
outlets have drawn the lines; if the
news agrees with their position,
then they will tell you about it; if
not, then it was not
important). NPR Coverage of
the Tea Parties (we pay for NPR
news; it comes out of our taxes—so
how was their coverage?). If
you are a need to
read this article. Right-Wing
Extremists? In case you were
unaware, the Department of Homeland
Security released a report about
rightwing extremists, which includes
me and about half of the people I
know. And the government is
not afraid to use the word
“terrorist” when describing me or
those who believe what I
believe. Obama Ties Own Hands
on Terror (the biggest mistake of
the Obama administration so far) by
Michael Hayden and Michael B.
Mukasey. More Health Care
Myths by Devon Herrick (just in case
you really think the government can
do it better and more fairly).
Franken versus Coleman from the Wall
Street Journal (the WSJ breaks
through the hype and tells you what
is really going on. This is
why their subscriptions continue to
increase and most other newspapers
are tanking). Europe Likes
Obama More by Josef Joffe (from the
The Rush Section: Two Rush rants on
the tea parties: his comments on the
day they happened and his comments
the day after: Tea Parties-on the
Day of and Rush Tea Party
Retrospective. Those Attending
Tea Parties Talk to Rush (people
inspired by their experience call up
Rush. Trump Talks Sense to
Larry King (as if). Gibbs on
Tea Parties and DHS Report.
I was a little late getting this
out. I had a lot to write
about today.
- Conservative
Review #70
4/12/09 (HTML)
me highly recommend: if you are
interested in
education—particularly in dealing
with our problems in our schools,
and you are looking for a part of
the solution which is more than
just throwing money at the problem
(which was Bush’s mistake, Obama’s
mistake and the problem with
government in general).
Also, you have to read “Obama
reaches out to the moderate
pirates.” It’s
hilarious! Under the Must
watch Media, check out Neil Cavuto
trying to talk sense to Leslie
Marshall (who does not think the
Tea Parties ought to be covered by
our media). And, if you did
not see it, also check out the
“Communist Colmes” video, which
was the opening for the “Hannity”
April 1 show.
One Problem with our Schools
(there are many....). Obama
Reaches out to the Moderate
Pirates by Jon (great
article). Obama a
Narcissist? by Ali Sina (this is
interesting but perhaps a bit
incendiary; you may not want to
read it if you are a liberal).
The Rush Section: People Versus
the Government (Kauai) (the
alternative to government bailout
money). Clinton and
Iran. New York City Layoffs
(not only are they raising taxes,
but...). Supply-Side
Economics 101. Rush Talks to
the Children (Easter vacation and
they kept calling and calling).
I did not realize how much
happened this week until I began
to type...
- Conservative
4/5/09 (HTML)
Let me highly
recommend the quotations this
week, because, even though these
were said, you probably have not
seen them. Secondly, there is a
new regular column--matching
what someone says with what they
do, called "Obama-Speak."
Finally, there are a couple of
outstanding videos this time
around. Also, help for you if
your computer sometimes does not
play YouTube postings.
Call a Democrat a Marxist (or
a Socialist or a Fascist) (from
Seth on Bill Bennet)(identify a
Democrat as a Democrat is; more
taxing, more spending, more
government programs, more
government involvement in
everything, and a smaller
military). Keller's
21 Reasons Recession is Almost
Over (you might be
surprised; remember that
unemployment is not a
leading indicator. Two sets of
talking points by O’Reilly:
Spain in the Talking Points and
Is Obama Selling out America?
The Rush Section: Somebody's
Got to Think for the Masses
(so, who thinks this way?). Journalism
Student Interviews Rush
(you realize that Rush’s name
shows up in a variety of college
classroom texts—and people are
required to do reports on him).
Consumers Not Smart Enough to
Spend Their own Money
(who thinks this way?). Protestors
are on Obama's Side—they
not to be protesting; Obama
agrees with man of them. Governor
Paterson Glad Rush Moves out
of NY (Rush does not
live in NY).
Lots of stuff
to digest; it is important that
you know what people are saying
and doing.
- Conservative Review #68
5/29/09 (HTML)
Language (for those of you
who have read 1984 by George Orwell;
you will appreciate this article
even if you have not). In case
you have not read it: Letter
from an AIG Executive.
Before you put your full weight
behind, “We need to have national
health care, there are several
articles which you need to read;
among them: Top 10
Myths of Socialized Medicine
and 10 Surprising Facts about
American Health Care.
Also, Solving the Mexico Drug
Problem (by Bill O'Reilly)
And the Rush Section: UN Plan
Fits with Obama’s Anti-Capitalism
(there is a lot behind global
efforts to control our
climate). Is
There a Crisis? (Read this
with an open mind and then walk
around and open your eyes). The
ChiComs, Our Last Hope!
(Yes, this is Rush). Obama
and Orwell (there are
several things will make Obama
eerily close to the leader in
1984. Obama Returns Wealth to
Rightful Owner (Obama’s true
philosophy). AIG
Bonus Recipient calls Rush.
Online at:
Along with a lot of cartoons and a
lot of predictions. Hope you
- Conservative
Review #67
3/22/09 (HTML)
and Paranoid Thoughts—I am not a
crazy conspiracy nut, but there
are a lot of things which have
my attention. The Spiritual
Component—I believe that where
we are as a country has a
definite spiritual component.
Domestic Terrorist Report 2009—I
fond out that my anti-social
cousin who like Ron Paul might
be a domestic terrorist...this
is a real report. Nothing about
someone being a radical Islamic
Nazi; nothing about someone
being trained in a foreign
country and then returning to
the US; this is all about people
with Libertarian stickers on
their car who might own a gun.
This is government at its
finest. The Fed's Futile Move by
Dick Morris (you need to read
this!). The 7 Myths of Green
Jobs—sounds good, but what is
the reality? The Media's Top Ten
Economic Myths 2008—the media,
with one voice, espoused a lot
of lies in 2008; these are the
top 10.
The Rush Section:
In Defense of the Individual
(read it or listen to it; if you
are a liberal, this may help you
to understand where we are
coming from). Angry Mobs at AIG
Exec Houses. Fannie/Freddie
Decry Taxing of Bonuses (did you
know about these?). Cramer
Caves! This is a sad and/or
scary story. Obama supporter
turned on Obama, got flack from
all sides, and now says, "Obama
is on the right track." It as if
his boss came to him and said,
"If you want to keep your job,
you need to eat crow, and this
is what you need to say." Phoney
AIG Scandal. What's a Retention
Bonus? When Did Obama Know about
the Bonuses? Just in case you
have no idea what this is.
stuff this week;
- Conservative
3/15/09 (HTML)
You Know
You've Been Brainwashed when...
[a new regular column]; How to
Fix the Economy (an update on a
recent article—and note how
little this would cost). Newt on
the Economy by Newt Gingrich; A
Reasonable Appraisal of
Republican Leaders (I started
thinking a little about our
Republican leaders and briefly
give each a thought or two).
Crisis in America's Churches:
Bible Knowledge at All-Time Low
by Michael Vlach (this could
explain Obama and our troubles
more than anything else. Open
Letter to Libs-Let's Call it
Quits by John J. Wall
The Rush Section:
Dems Declare War on the Economy.
Business Leaders Begin to Meekly
Question Obama
- Conservative
Review #65
3/8/09 (HTML)
Two new
columns: Because of SNL’s
political persuasion, they miss
a great deal of the political
humor which is out there: Saturday
Night Live Misses. Second
new column: some Democrats do
good; when I hear about it, I
will pass it on: Yay
Democrats! What Does
Obama Know about Economics?
Is the fall of the market
intentional? Does he not care? A
Nation of Ingrates—we
wanted hope and change, and we
got it. Don’t look at the
Stimulus bill; do not think
about the pork-filled Omnibus;
think about how divisive Rush
Limbaugh is: Obama's
Misdirection. Gore
Confronted-Again (he won’t
debate anyone about anything). Obama
Crisis to Push his Radical
Agenda (excellent article)
by Charles Krautammer. A Tea Bag
Party (an email forward).
The Rush Section: Is this the Change
you Voted for? Whoopie
Goldberg's One-Woman Tax
Protest. Obama's class warfare
smacks of McCarthyism. Text to
Rush's Address to the Nation
(the CPAC Speech). Rush Throws
Down the Gauntlet. Surprise:
Press Doesn't Question Obama
about Attacks Against Limbaugh.
Seminal Callers. Obama's
Economic Predilections. Jim
Cramer, Liberal Dem, Reevaluates
his Position.
It was an
important week in
- Conservative
Review #64
3/1/09 (HTML)
Allow me to
make 3 strong recommendations:
(1) What do you think of my
marketing advice to the
Republicans; we need to
establish an honest brand.
(2) Rush Limbaugh’s speech
at the CPAC is a must-see for
liberals, moderates and
conservatives alike (you can
skip Ron Paul’s and Ann
Coulter’s this year).
(3) The numbers which we
are dealing with are far too
large to understand. Read the
article from WSJ, Who Pays
for the Obama Agenda? The
writer simply looks at how much
will it cost to pay for what
Obama and the Democratic
Congress have done so far.
Advice for the Republican Party
(an email that I sent to Michael
Steele and to Newt Gingrich).
Who Pays for the Obama Agenda?
Outstanding article from the
WSJ. The Obama Translation by
Kim of the WSJ (another great
WSJ articles). The Special
Report Fox Panel on Gitmo
(listen to what kind of people
are being kept their. THE
WELFARE PSALM (taken from a site
where I go to discuss theology
now and again).
The Rush
Section: Censorship
has Begun (several people have
been saying that this is coming;
it has just begun). Obama's
Cruel Socialism (you think it is
compassion; you are wrong).
Under Obama, Unemployment Pays
(I need to go on unemployment
myself, after hearing this).
Biden Plays Fast and Loose with
the Facts (can you imagine if
anyone else said this stuff?).
All I Need is the Air that I
Breathe (it will be taxed). A
Judge Renegotiates your Mortgage
(you signed a legal contract;
judges now will be able to
change the terms of that
contract). Why We Love Bobby
Jindal (the text of his speech
was great; the delivery was not
so great).
Or, online at:
- Conservative
Review #63
2/22/09 (HTML)
The Mortgage
Crisis, Start to Finish (there
are a lot of simple supply and
demand facts being left out of
the news). Pelosi Pope
Disconnect (these people
obviously went to two different
meetings). The Failure of
Saturday Night Live (they cannot
attack Democrats, the stimulus
bill or Obama). Distressing
FoxNews Survey (I am far in the
minority now).
The Rush Section:
Obama's Dishonesty; Stock Market
Free fall (it has been worse
under Obama already than under
Bush). Obama Increases Homeless
Spending Tenfold (I should add,
that when people lose their
house, they do not move out to
the street; they rent a house).
Slowly, the Revolution Begins
(there are some anti-Obama
demonstrations going on, and
other sorts of rebellion; you
just don’t hear about most of
them). Australia to Tax by the
Flush (it is just what you
think). Obama Disses Churchill
(this is the act of a total
ideologue). Temperatures
Continue to Drop (and Global
Warming Enthusiasts continue to
freak out over global warming).
On the web:
- Conservative
Review #62
2/15/09 (HTML)
By the
Numbers-Abortion (the media
tells you one thing, but do you
know how many people are raped
or face incest and choose an
abortion? Do you know how much
tax payer money goes to Planned
Parenthood?). Glenn Beck's 9
Principles by Glenn Beck (these
are great; do you agree with
them?). Confused Liberals (based
on my own personal
acquaintances). Incredible
Hypocrisy (of liberals). Janeane
Garofalo Speaks out (why does
anyone listen?). Richard Rants
About Obama's Speech. What's in
the Bill? Part II.
The Rush Section:
The Obama War on Prosperity.
Nightline Host to Obama: Fire
the CEO's. SF Insane Liberalism.
Chicago Liberals Oppose Wal-Mart
Store. Reporter Goes Undercover
at Wal-Mart (3 great segments).
Clinton Discusses the Fairness
Doctrine. Why Private Jets are
Good (there is nothing wrong
with prosperity and this does
trickle down).
- Conservative
Review #61
2/8/09 (HTML)
time, I focused a great deal on
the stimulus package. First
of all, however, I covered the
Democratic Attack on Democracy and
what their strategy is to be in
control of Washington for a very
long time (and you will see these
things occur mostly over the next
2 years). What is
Stimulus? A question worth
asking. What is in the
Stimulus Package? I don’t have
everything listed, but there are
about 2 pages of the things which
you may or may not realize is in
the stimulus package, supposedly
designed to stimulate our
economy. Investment During
Inflation. I could be wrong
here, but I believe that Obama
will pass his very Democratic
stimulus bill with the least
number of Republicans
necessary. This is going to
cause great inflation over the
next 5 or so years—possibly
longer. So, is there any
investment strategy which is
was gone, but several of his
recent interviews are
available. Hannity
Interviews Rush. Rush's
Bipartisan Stimulus Plan (here,
this is a rather antagonistic
interview). Rush on Fox and
Friends. Rush Speaking at
Hillsdale College (a college which
accepts no money from the
government, including government
scholarships and grants).
- Conservative
2/1/09 (HTML)
This Week’s
Events (a new feature). Short
Takes (replaces Observations).
How to Fix the Economy (my
approach). Huckabee fix for the
economy (also an excellent
approach). The Media Shows Love
to Obama (the media approach is
almost beyond belief). History
Revised by Obama (this is a
common liberal approach).
Headlines, Past and Present (my,
how things change).
The Rush
Section: Obama-Limbaugh Stimulus
Plan (this is serious; have you
heard of it?). Wall Street Execs
and New York Tax Revenue (reduce
the salaries and bonuses of Wall
Street and this also reduces the
New York revenue). Rush/Cantor
Discuss Budget (the stimulus
bill isn’t). Obama's War on
Prosperity (remember Bush’s
so-called war on science?
The difference is, Obama is
opposed to prosperity). Obama
Wants Rush to Fail. Remember
Nixon's Enemies List? Obama
Targets Rush (Nixon may have had
an enemies list; Obama has one
as well).
- Conservative
Review #59
1/25/09 (HTML)
I ended up
working on Saturday instead of
writing, so I did not write
nearly as much as I usually do.
However, the Dick Morris article
is important for all liberals
and conservatives alike. The
Democratic Plan (really, just a
preview of the Dick Morris
HORSE By Dick Morris And Eileen
McCann. Who is in on This? Quite
frankly, I need to work on this
article. There are some very big
players behind Obama. I suspect
that the guy is George Soros.
Stimulus Package or Pork? (An
excellent article from the
internet of what is in this
stimulus package. The Liberal
Press from Bill O'Reilly's
Talking Points.
The Rush Section:
Rush on Green Bay Grammar School
PA (I know I should not find
this funny, but, for some
reason, the sad looks on little
children’s faces makes me laugh
a little; maybe I became too
jaded as a teacher?). The Press
Confused about Obama (the saga
continues). Rush on Morris on
Obama on Socialism (this is more
of the big picture; the big, and
very scary, picture). The UK
[again] Understands Obama
(whereas, we do not). This is
What Real Prejudice is About.
Online at:
Plus some
additional quotes from a
relatively new show called
- Conservative
Review #58
January 18, 2009 HTML
Tracks (the news provides us
with an example of what skill
and experience can do). The Bush
Legacy (there are a lot of great
things that he did; some
failures; some that it is hard
to tell). I’ll list one item as
good which is on everyone else’s
crap list. Obama's Drama (the
cabinet notations will all be
confirmed, but these are some
lousy choices). Ignored Factors
in Today's Economy (there are
things in this article that no
one tells you about).
Heritage on the Obama Cabinet.
Thomas Jefferson - Words of
Wisdom (I have not confirmed
that this is legit).
The Rush Section:
A. J. in Houston Tells it Like
it Is (makes me proud to live in
Houston). Rush Interviews
Coulter (finally, someone
interviews Coulter without being
concerned about her tone).
Fed Up Living in California (a
testimony). Health Care
Tradeoffs-Public Perspective.
Rush: Obama will not Close
Gizmo. Is the Stimulus Package
Working? The Obama Cabinet
(there are all kinds of
problems). Steve Jobs vs. Barack
Obama. Government: Stay out of
our Lives (another impassioned
plea from a Rush listener).
Drive-By Media says Geithner is
Okay! Of course. $150 Million
for Inauguration. Bush’s $50
million inauguration was deemed
extravagant by the press; but
not one of them will complain
about the Obama price tag, even
though this is a time of great
economic distress.
- Conservative
#57 January 11,
2009 HTML
Comments on
the Obama Scare Speech (the
speech and my comments). Obama
Fixing the Economy (Obama does
not have the slightest clue).
What Do We Do? The Obama Tax
Cuts. Why is there no Business
Rebound? Our Sexually
Promiscuous Teens (I figured you
needed some salacious material).
This Pisses Me Off. Is Harry
Reid Crazy? FoxNews Changes.
Obama Economy Speech Text
(without my insightful
comments). Barnes: Bush's 10
Achievements by Fred Barnes.
The Rush Section:
Just Who is Obama? Media Will
Start Saying Good Things about
the Economy. Big Oil Surrenders
to Global Warming Hoax. (Rush
explains why). No Rentals For
Obama Inauguration? Why aren't
Dems Raising the Minimum Wage?
Rush Shill for Republicans? Why
are we Still Happy? Obama's Dire
Online @
- Conservative
Review #56 January
4, 2009 HTML
What I Don't
Get About Liberals (and I used
to be one). What's Right versus
What Benefits Me (what we
believe in should be based upon
principle, not about what
benefits us in the short term).
Arnold at the Movies (this man
lacks realism). Stimulus Does
not Have to Mean Pork (our
economy can be stimulated).
Hollywood Celebrates Che Guevara
The Rush
Section: The
Bailout Cost (as you will see,
Rush is not a shill for the
Republican party). How We Solve
the Economic Crisis. The World’s
Largest Ponzi Scheme.
And look who
is on the cover of Townhall
magazine. 
- Conservative
Review #55 HTML
Obama and
Emanuel Exonerated (proclaimed not
guilty by their own
lawyers, and the news media buys
this). Since Christmas is the
gayest time of the year: Why Not
Let Gays Marry? Stay out of our
Bedroom; But Aren't People
Simply Born Gay? You Can't
Legislate Morality; Hate Crime
Legislation; Young People and
Gayness. And because we are most
assuredly in the midst of a
global warming crisis: Arnold
Explains Global Warming. Top Ten
Global Warming Predictions. NY
Time proclaims: Bush Caused the
Economic Meltdown. My Letter to
Kay Baily Hutchinson. Old Polish
The Rush
Section: Hypocrisy,
Charity and Perception; Rush
Explains a Ponzi Scheme; Palin
versus Kennedy/Schlossberg; The
Obama Legacy; The Cars Aren't
the Problem; The Draw of Madoff;
DidSchumer and the Media Kick
our Recession into High Gear?
Will Obama Faithful Realize they
have been had? Barney Franks
Disparages Rick Warren.
"I used to
hate you, Rush"
- Conservative
Review #54 HTML
Now is the
Time to Get Rich—you will look
back on these days as one of the
best times in your life to make
money. Is Fitzgerald any good?
The press keeps telling me that
he is aggressive, nonpartisan,
and good; I don’t buy it. 60
Minutes on Foreclosures—a good
show, but much of the story is
not told. Click and Clack Favor
Higher Taxes—I did not realize
how political these guys were.
Top 10 PC List for US Schools—it
has been a fine year in our
schools for politically correct
behavior. Doctor's Opinion of
the Bailout (you may have
already seen this...). I Admit
My Mistakes.
Rush Section:
The World's
Largest Ponzi Scheme (social
security). Rush Interviews VP
Cheney (Rush excels at
interviewing, in case you didn’t
know). Rush Responds to Colin
Powell. Powell, McCain and
Blagojevich (how do we tie them
altogether?). AP Calls Obama
Inexperienced—oh, really? How
the Left Gets Approve for More
Taxes—yeah, we don’t really pay
enough yet, do we? Drive-By's
Start to Get Testy with Obama
(adt). Obama: Our Schools Will
Continue to Suck (one more thing
the Messiah will not be able to
- Conservative
#53 December
14, 2008 HTML
It is a
shorter issue this week, and it
took me longer to put it
together. Perhaps I am
getting old?
Obama "Meets
the Press" Tom Brokaw did
someting in this interview which
I have never seen done before,
and no one has said a word about
it. Will this be the way other
reviewers deal with Obama?
Foreclosure Moratorium—why this
is a stupid idea. Global Warming
Update—I am still amazed as to
how many of my friends still buy
into this. How many severe
winters will it take before they
realize they have been duped?
The Washington Atheists—if they
are going to put up signage,
then we get to too.
The Rush Section:
Remember Obama's Changing
Stories? Don’t think this is
going to stop just because he is
presidential elect. He will keep
floating and revising his story
until he finds one which seems
to work, and he goes with that.
How long are we going to say,
"Okay, that’s fine." Obama's
vision for America—he does have
ideas, and they are a little
scary. How Did Michelle Obama
Get Her Job? This is where
politics may rise up and bite
Obama in the butt. Would You Buy
a Car from Congress? Rush Has
Been Fired too (one of these
days, I will lisall the jobs I
have been fired from as well).
What is the unreported,
unexamined story this week?
Michelle Obama got a great job;
did Chicago politics play a part
in this?
- Conservative
Review #52 (the one-year
anniversary issue!)
(December 7, 2008) HTML
What's Obama
Going to Do? My best guesses
(everyone is wondering this).
Bush, Obama and the Auto
Industry—what is really going on
here? Automakers and the
Press—how the press deals with
this and what they will not tell
us.—it is
getting better all the time.
Bill O'Reilly on Obama and
The Rush
Section: This
Solves a Recession? Auto
Industry is Doing Fine (in the
South). Automakers Bailout; What
About Big Education? Central
Planning Wants to Set House
Prices; Does Obama Want to be
President? They Need New Experts
(the experts are surprised with
every twist and turn of the
economy). What Happened to
Ethics? Cap-and-Trade Explained;
Power No Longer Corrupts
(another example of how the news
template will change with Obama
in charge). We Need to Think
like Socialists
- Conservative
#51 (November 30,
2008) HTML
What Does
Conservatism Mean? I go through
this step by step; I am hoping
that some of my liberal friends
can agree on half of this. The
Joe Biden Prophecy Watch.
Obama-the Good and the Bad.
Bush-the Good and the Bad. My
Most Paranoid Thought (I don’t
know if this is paranoia or what
is really going on). Additional
Muslim Attacks this Past Week
(you do not even know the half
of it). Ships Being Held (in
case you are into stats).
The Rush Section:
Rush Solves the Economic Crisis.
Gas Prices Go Down/Your Taxes Go
Up. Who Decides What a CEO can
Earn? Obama Creates Government
Jobs. Obama Prepares to Slice
into the Budget. California,
Prop 8 and the Mormons. Bush
Foretold of ChiCom Unemployment.
Republicans Leave Conservatism
Behind. Government Goes Green.
Let the Markets Work. Out of
Control Spending and Economic
Crisis is a Boon to the Left.
SUV's and Ethanol-the Issue is
Freedom. Environmental
Hypocrisy. Rush on Thanksgiving
(a repeat)
- Conservative
#50 (November 23,
2008) HTML
Warming, Still Not Happening (when
will they give up on this?).
Economic Priorities (pay attention
to this when judging the
economy). Obama's Solutions to
the Economic Chaos. Eric
Holder, Attorney General. Two
Economic Rules that we ought to put
into effect today. Cheney,
Gonzales Indicted in Texas.
eHarmony Goes Gay. Reporter
Grills Chris Dodd and is
Fired. Cynthia Tucker,
Confused Liberal Voice. The
Pencil Czar: Free Markets and
Pricing (this is a fantastic column
by George Will). You Can't
Just Blame McCain's Campaign (By
Kathy). Should Christians
Honor Barack Obama? (by Doug
Giles). Martial Law? By
Richard O’Leary.
The Rush Section: The Obama Camp
Begins to Lower Expectations.
Okay, Now Al-quaeda Has Gone too
Far! Al-Qaeda Finally Offends
5th Estate. How to have
Economic Recovery (today).
Snow Trickles-Down Economics.
$150,000 Otter Meal. Where's
Obama and What Will He Do?
Socialism and the First
Thanksgiving. Reid, Pelosi and
Frank Lay Down Law. Paulson
Chooses Bailout Direction.
Obama is Criticism-Proof. Will
Barry Shut Down Gizmo? The
Obama Recession. Generous
Retirements Also a Problem at GM.
- Conservative
Review #49 (November 16,
2008) HTML
Joe Biden Prophecy Watch (great
title which I stole from the guys
on the Wall Street Journal
Watch). Obama's Economic
Reality (just look at his
background and education; what do
you think his economic policies
are?). FDR's Economic
Policies (just a reminder of our
past, in case you see some
familiar proposals next
year. Bush's Economic Blind
Spot (like most conservatives, I
did not support the
bailout package; and certainly, I
agree that Bush spends too much
money). Bailing out the Auto
Industry (this could be
easy). Open Letter to
Obama—I realize, the email
comments is just so they can
evangelize me and ask for
money. Rahm Revisited (I got
a few things wrong).
Liberalism a Mental Disorder
(written by someone else).
Rush Section: The Auto Bailout is
the Union Bailout (you can’t stop
it). Connecticut Judge: Gay
Marriage is Okay (wait till judges
start making laws that you don’t
like). Radical Groups to
Obama: It's Payback Time (they got
Obama through the primary and the
election; and it is time for him
to pay back his debts). The
Failure Factory (a Rush
Interview)—I’ll admit that Sean
Hannity sometimes appears to have
no clue on how to interview a
subject; Rush, on the other
hand... Do You Want Pelosi
Designing Your Car? Voters
Made Rich by Bush Vote Obama (look
at the stats). Oklahoma
Approach to Voting
- Conservative
Review #48 (November 9,
and Hatred from the Left (this is
not going to just disappear;
hatred does not just
disappear). Obama's First
Press Conference—a very sober
Obama answers a grand total of 3
or 4 questions on the economy,
spending exactly 10 minutes on the
economy (after reading a 6 minute
statement). McCain Camp
Throws Palin under Bus?
There may be more here than meets
the eye. McCain's Campaign
Mistakes—there were a lot of
them. I might expose you to
a conspiracy theory next week
which is running through my
head. US Warned by
Iran—world powers have just begun
to test a transitioning
government. A Missive to
Barrack Obama—I write Obama a
letter. A Civil Transition
Period—unlike 8 years ago.
Their Silence Ends—remember those
people (the radical Obama
friends/guys from the
neighborhood) who would not say
word one during the past few
months? Now they are
talking. Kucinich Norms
out? Is that possible?
What About Rahm Emanuel?
Comments from Obama supporters and
- The
Rush Section: The Obama Recession
has Begun—is Rush exaggerating
here? Obamaites will do what
it takes to keep power—we are
going to see some great changes
when it comes to holding
power. The Obama Internet
Army-Ready and Poised.
Bailout Money to Provide Lawyers
for Mortgage Executives (blame
Bush, Pelosi, Reid, McCain and
Obama here). Driveby's
Discussion Obama's Radicalism—now,
mainstream media starts to discuss
just how radical Obama is.
Rush Muses Required Obama Photo in
Classroom—when I was in Thailand,
I saw the president’s (or prime
minister’s, or whoever) almost
everywhere I went. Will that
become the Obama legacy?
- Conservative
Review #47 (November 2,
2008) HTML
to an Open-Minded Democrat. What
Happened in Hawaii? Did Obama just
go to visit his sick grandmother?
Obama and the Mainstream
Media—what will it mean for the
future? Media Suppression. The
Obama Infomercial (I saw it too).
Redistribution of Wealth and what
does this mean. Who Has Voted? Do
They Know? Things I don't like
about McCain or Bush
Rush Section: Brokaw,
Rose Discuss Who is Obama. Obama's
Moving Target of the Rich. Palin
is on Fire. Obama: Exon-Mobile is
Bad. Obama's Judicial Policy.
Obama's True Compassion.
Unintended Result of Mortgage
Bailout. How Long is 20 Years?
Survivor of the Great Depression.
Obama Tactics Exposed on Blog?
Erica Jong Crazy Talk (this is
fantastic!). FDR/Obama 2nd Bill of
Rights. Suppression of Khalidi
a collection of Obama audio and
video, some of which you may not
have seen yet.
- Conservative
Review #46 (October 26,
Have Consequences—you are not
voting for the guy you like, for
the guy you want to have a beer
with, or for the guy who makes you
feel good; this is the most
powerful man on earth.
Obama-Speak/Liberal-Speak—not an
email forward, but maybe it will
be? Journalism: Latest Pew
Report—you probably knew this
already: the news has become an
arm of the Obama campaign.
Famous Obama Quotes. Obama
and Abortion—we are talking about
millions of babies here. Is
there Something Wrong with
The Rush section: The Government
Wants Your 401K Plan—this is one
of the many pieces of legislation
being crafted as we speak, in
anticipation of a majority of
Democrats in Congress and an Obama
win. Obama Stands by "Spread
the Wealth" He did not
missspeak. Standard Election
Lie: Every major election, you
will hear some variation of this:
Republicans will take away your
medicare and your social
security. Liberals Need and
Promote a Dependent Class—solving
poverty is not a good thing for
liberals; it is a good thing for
conservatives. CNN Lies to
Palin during interview—another
typical example of the media
treating Palin differently than
Biden. Dems Promise Fairness
Doctrine—if you hate talk radio,
maybe you hope this will
happen? Ayers Compared to
Boston Tea Party
Participants—maybe Ayers is not
that bad? Obama: Capitalism
doesn't work. Sub-prime
mortgage holder not a victim.
- Conservative
Review #45 (October 19,
Obama and the
Plumber and Joe the Plumber Part
II (I must admit, I never
thought this would end up being
a big story). Democrat Jennifer
Brunner Limits Oversight—Ohio
Secretary of State does not care
if voter registrations are
legitimate? Obama: Record versus
Rhetoric—Obama promises a lot;
what has he actually done which
squares with the gospel he is
preaching? Obama's Campaign
Funds ACORN—Obama has some close
ties to ACORN, but the
mainstream media is too busy
with Joe the Plumber to
investigate. ACORN and Voter
Fraud. ACORN Links (this is an
evil organization). False
Liberal Agendas—we hear these
things over and over again, and
how good they are. McCain vs
Obama-Round Three—as a McCain
supporter, I am glad he finally
did some good. Excellent
moderator too, who got out of
the way and let them spar a bit.
Free Speech under
Obama—hahahahaha. The Fairness
Doctrine (what is it and is it
fair?). More Ayers. Red Girl
Rising on Obama and the Media (I
just discovered Red Girl Rising;
she seems to be writing more
than I write). Will McCain
Investigate FNMA? Don’t hold
your breath. I suggest you
harangue your local Congressman.
Palin Crowd: Kill Him! Did
someone really say this?
The Rush
Section: Most
of these are about either the
media and its misrepresentaion
of Obama, or Obama lying about
his own self (as we say here in
Texas). AP Misrepresents its Own
Poll. Rush on Brunner. The Media
Attacks Joe the Plumber PT 1.
Mainstream Media Trashes Joe. Is
Obama an Elitist? Hillary
Supporter Cheated by Obama? How
the Electorate Makes its
Decision (this is VERY sad!)
Obama Sends out Talking Points
to Media (remember how many
times people false claim that
the White House was sending out
talking points to FoxNews?) The
Fairness Doctrine under Obama.
Obama Lies about Small
Businesses (either that, or
Obama has not got a clue).
- Conservative
#44 (October 12,
2008) HTML
So, Who is
Stanley Kurtz? This is one of
the few reporters actually doing
some investigative reporting.
Bush and FNMA—are Republicans
really against regulations? The
Stock Market Crash? I am not
sure if this will answer all
your questions, but it may
answer some of them. Why is
Ayers Important? So what if
Obama knew a terrorist? Does
that really matter? (Real)
Campaign Finance Reform. Did you
notice what was not covered in
the so-called debate? Global
Warming Question for Libs.
Troopergate (a short review).
Obama and ACORN—is there a
The Rush Section:
Bo Snerdley, Official Obama
Criticizer (If you read nothing
else in the Rush section, read
this; Bo is hilarious!)
$250,000/Year American Dream
Limit—the government wants to
insure the American dream; just
don’t take it too far.
Palin/McCain Encouraging Hatred?
What about these accusations?
Who Really Ought to Sacrifice?
NBC Edits SatNiteLive Skit
- Conservative
#43 (October 5,
2008) HTML
Bailout—what were the
options? What can go
wrong? Why object to a
government bailout? What did
the government not do? Huge
Maverick Mistake—McCain missed his
chance with this bail out to be
the maverick. Why Did McCain
do it? I will make a few
guesses here. What happens
now? Palin/Biden Square
off—a few comments on this
debate. It looked like a
fair fight, but was it? Was
the moderator really fair?
It is Surreal—the life and times
we are living in.
The Rush Section: Rush's Take on
the Bailout Plan. Not much
of TalkRadio liked this
plan. Rush was one of many
who opposed it. ACORN
Pressured Banks to Make Bad Loans,
which is part of the problem of
these bad mortgages. Dems
Fight Against FNMA
Regulations—plus, you can see them
on video, saying, “No reason to
regulate FNMA or FHLMC” when Bush
pushed for it. Few Reported
Honestly on this Bail-out — this
was quite sad, but our news
reporting is dead; it is all spin
now. Who's to Blame Matters
— if we want to deal with this
problem, we ought to know who and
what caused it. Obama: Put
out the fire first.
- Conservative
#42 (September 28,
Conservative Review is back!
I spent 2 weeks living like an
environmentalist after Hurricane
Ike (I did burn a lot of gasoline,
however). It’s nice to have
electricity and the Internet
again. I am assuming that
Ike was quite destructive...I did
not have TV in order to inform
me. In the 30 years I have
lived in Houston, it is the worst
I have seen (although I heard that
Hurricane Alicia left piles of
glass 5 and 6 feet high in
downtown Houston). Community
Reinvestment Act is part of the
cause of the mortgage
crisis. Might be good for
you to know a little bit more
about it. Snooze-fest Debate—it
bored me too. Tax Breaks for
95% of All Americans—McCain just
needs to slap Obama down over
this. It is a flat out
lie. More Obama Lies.
Let me explain what Bush Tax Cuts
for the Rich actually is. Insane
Palin Haters—this stuff is really
good. It has gone beyond
mere hatred to paranoia and other
forms of insanity. These are
real articles; they are not
satire. Obama, Community Organizer
by Michelle Malkin. Old
news, I know, but let me explain
what happened: Obama Puts Lipstick
on a Pig. What is the
secondary mortgage market?
What happened to it? I’ll
give you a few answers in Freddie
Mac and Fannie Mae. We Need
to Protect Main Street is one of
the phoney things Obama has been
saying. I’ll tell you why
this is phoney. What I Don't
Quite Understand [about the
secondary mortgage market].
I realize that we have come to
some kind of bill on this crisis
for tomorrow’s vote; however, I
will still submit: Solutions to
the Credit Crunch.
Rush Section: More Clinton Bombs—I
hope that you have been tuned in
to what Bill has been
saying. I think Obama should
have picked his wife. Media
Reaction to the Debate (given 24
hours before the debate).
Obama's Corrupt Campaign
Advisors—some of the people on
Obama’s team have some involvement
with FNMA and FHLMC. More
from Bill Clinton. Two good
rants by Rush on the Financial
Crisis and he explains, Dems
Have the Votes and Bush; Why not
do the $700 Billion Bailout?
Rush Advices McCain: Turn Sarah
Loose (McCain’s campaign pays a
lot of attention to Rush).
And a great little article:
Desperate Obama Supporters.
the PDF is so large, you may have
to click on it and wait for awhile
for it all to get to you.
Or, you may download it from that
link as well (just choose save
as). If you want, let me
know, and I can send the pdf to
you from another email.
is nice to have power again!
Review #41 (September
7, 2008): HTML
for Obama (the Annenberg
Challenge is going to dog
Obama’s campaign); TV this Week
(Obama is on O’Reilly?). Quotes
of the Week—great quotes from
Obama, Palin and Fred Thompson.
Vids of the Week—huge list this
week...links to several RNC
speeches, Obama on national
defense, a campaign spot for the
other female candidate that
McCain could have picked.
Predictions—lots this week.
Observations of the Week—why our
unemployment jumped. Missing
Headlines—these should have been
the headlines that you saw, but,
I bet you didn’t. Palin has
no Experience? This
article actually deals more with
the strategy and chess playing
which McCain has done. Liberals
and liberal media fell right
into McCain’s trap. Why Do
Feminists Hate Palin? My
opinion here (of course). No one
has ever thought that Palin was
McCain’s way of picking up
Clinton voters—if you think that
was the plan, then you were
blind sided and outsmarted by
McCain. The Other Women and
Palin—here is the other
half of McCain’s strategy, and
it required the media and
liberals to go on a frenzy
against Palin. Comparison of
the Conventions—just a few
glaring differences in these
campaigns; did you notice these
things as well. Katrina
Version 2.0—remember how
Katrina was a media story for
months and month? Gustav and the
response got about a day’s worth
of attention this time. By the
way, even Rush gave kudos to
Mayor Nagin this time around. More
Obama and Ayers—you have
no idea what is about ready to
break out in the news. Is
Obama a Bad Man? Nope. My
Mistaken Notion and My
Shortcomings in Evaluating
Palin—there are some
things which I did not quite get
in all of this. US Weekly
Looks at Palin—in case you
did not see how US Weekly
treated Palin compared to Obama,
it is egregious. Sarah's
Friends/Obama's Friends—just
where are Obama’s friends from
the past making speeches on his
behalf? Trooper-Gate—a
short explanation as to what is
going on. Obama and the
Media Attacks on Palin—they
fell right into McCain’s trap
and The Media Screws Itself.
More Proof of Media Bias—as
if you need it. Slick
Strategy—it is a chess
game, and it requires judgment
and looking ahead and seeing
what your opponent is going to
The Rush
Section: Palin:
Religious Fanatic, Global
Warming Denier—undeniable
proof of each. Obama Puts
Clinton on Ticket?—You
don’t think it is possible? McCain
Speech-Rush Yells at him only
once—maybe Rush is
mellowing out? Palin Wants
Alaska to Secede? Maybe
you have heard about this. Caller
Sees What Rush Does not—this
is a brilliant observation. Obama
Warns of Global Warming—I
don’t know if you have noticed,
but Obama has not spent much
time dealing with global
warming. Palin has him so
punchy, that Obama is warning
the yokels about it to give them
more reasons to go to church and
hug their guns.
- Conservative
Review #40: (August 31,
2008) HTML
(what to expect next). (Queen
Palin to King's Bishop 6) Check
and Mate—McCain picks Tina Fey
as his running mate. Press
Scrutiny of Palin (what to
expect). Obama and William Ayers
(what the press is not
scrutinizing). Democratic
Convention (Day by Day) (I
promise you, it is not too
long). Palin's Speech (the text
and links to the actual video).
FoxNews @ the Democratic
Convention (the Democrats love
free speech and let FoxNews know
how much). Barack's Acceptance
Speech (full text). Wreck the
Nation (the new game). Black
Republicans Against Obama (small
website, wrong approach). School
Choice Should be Their Issue
(this is what Black Republicans
ought to be making an issue of).
And articles by others: I want
my Country Back by Joe Porter;
Bush is Evil by Richard O'Leary;
2008 Democrat National
Convention (Schedule of Events).
The Rush
Section: Bo Snerdley Disses
Michelle (Bo Snerdley is worth
the price of admission). Carter
Calls Obama a Black-Boy (really;
what if McCain had said this?).
Drive By's Want Gustav to Hit
New Orleans (many of them don’t
believe in God, but they are
praying, nonetheless). The
Speech Bill Clinton Wanted to
Give. Obama Shuts Down Criticism
in Denver (this gives you an
idea of why we ought not to
criticize Obama). Putin Blames
Darth Vader (he has learned from
his Democratic brethren).
Questions Obama has for Palin
(stuff Palin knows about that
Obama does not).
- Conservative
Review #39:
(August 24, 2008) HTML
Warning: unusually harsh cartoon.
Obama the Baby
Killer? For about 10 minutes, this
seemed to be a very serious
debate, and then, suddenly, it
disappeared. I should warn you,
the cartoon on this page is quite
harsh and you may want to skip
over it. If it did not represent
the truth, I would not have put it
in. True Political Corruption—we
continually fund the campaigns of
candidates that we do not approve
of...who will fix this problem?
Brilliant Suggestion to
McCain—what to do for his RNC
speech. 2nd Brilliant
Suggestion to McCain: who should
he pick for his running mate? You
have not heard this name yet...
Our Soldiers in Georgia—why are
our soldiers in Georgia delivering
aid? How did this effect a cease
fire. New Obama Book—the book that
came out last week had some
inaccuracies. However, notice,
Obama is not saying anything about
this book. Our Corrupt Media—I
assume that they must be on the
Obama payroll. Unabashed plug for
FoxNews. Censorship in America—one
The Rush
Section: Democratic
Party's Parade of Victims—Democrats
fall prey to this year after
year...people who are having a tough
time are trotting out to tell their
sad stories, and, somehow, we are to
think that the Dems will fix it. 3%
of the World's Population Take Most
Gold (why not? We use 25% of the
world’s energy). Raj in Houston
Calls Rush—not a victim. I Have a
Dream! What is the record of civil
rights? Obama and Infanticide. The
media moved on quite quickly after
this. Since they are in the tank for
Obama, you can’t blame them. Bicycle
Lanes Bad for Environment? Arnold
and Obama on the Energy Crisis.
Don’t think that Rush is simply a
mouthpiece for Republicans. Whatever
you do for the least of My brothers
(Obama and his brother).
- Conservative
Review #38:
(August 17, 2008) HTML
Question for
Obama. Did You See the first
Debate? Russia, Georgia-the Big
Picture—it is a war for oil.
What Will Happen? (I will try to
collect these under the same
heading from hereon in). God is
saying, "Wake Up, America"
Expelled-No Intelligence Allowed
(very low reviews and DVD is
coming out). Blacks are Inferior
(according to liberal programs
over the past 40 years). Corsi's
Obama Nation—finally, the media
wants to investigate someone’s
background. Obama's Response to
Corsi. Why Press Reveals Edwards
Affair Now. Dick Durbin on the
Oil Companies (this man has no
concept of what a business is,
how a business is run, or what
free enterprise is all about).
Floyd Brown Ads (what do you
think of this ad?).
And the Rush
Section: US
and Iraq = Russian and Georgia?
Our Military is in Georgia. Are
you Shocked that Communists Lie?
This War is About Oil. The Truth
About Oil (History Channel
Special). Why isn't Obama Doing
Better? The Mainstream media
wants to know. The Clinton (not
Obama) Convention. The APA to
Make us Think Green. Dems
Celebrate Bill Clinton yet Shun
- Conservative
Review #37:
(August 10, 2008) HTML
From the great state of
California, the latest issue, a day
early... Question for Obama; Quote
of the Week; Quote of the Week #2;
Vid of the Week; Observation of the
Week; Inequity of the Week. Is
Hillary Dead? Is she really out of
this race? VEEPSTAKES Surprise—a
surprise suggestion for McCain.
Oprah's Vision of Education—this
could have been a much better
program if she was not tied to
Obama, whose plan for education is,
surprise, more taxing, more
spending, and increased pay for
teachers. White House Sends out
Talking Points—where did this idea
come from? Conservative Talk Radio
and TV. Obama and McCain on Russia's
Attack—compare what they said,
side-by-side. Why Trust Democrats in
War? Wind Power versus Nuclear Power
(admittedly, not polished, but you
will get the idea. Letter in the
Sacramento Bee (another of the 20 or
so I have submitted, but they will
not print). The Rush Section: The
Gang of Ten. Leaked Clinton Memos.
Poo and Pee Ban in Denver. Drive-By
Media Supports Inflation.
Drive-By's: Downside of Falling Oil
Prices. [Bill] Clinton Won't say,
Obama is Qualified. Drive-By's
Revisit Trickle-Down (now it is a
factor?). ChiComs Lie? Is Pelosi
this Stupid? (Rush’s words, not
mind; but I wish I had said it
first) Paris Hilton New Energy Czar.
- Conservative
Review #36:
(August 3, 2008) HTML
of the Week: Obama’s energy
plan. Vid of the Week: Sign
this petition to save the
earth. Trying to See things
from the Liberal Side: I recently
reconnected with an old friend of
mine, who turns out to have made a
very left turn in his life.
Why I have problems buying into
liberal solutions. Wall
Street Journal Report:
observations from a great
show. Why Obama Won't Debate
McCain. The Dems on
Energy—their solutions
are....? Who Do You
Trust? Democrats blame
Republicans and Republicans blame
Democrats for high energy
prices. Arguing for Dems on
War—an argument made in favor of
the Democrats which resulted in a
good outcome. Don't Give
Bush Credit! Many things are
going right; is Bush ever credited
for any of them? And two
articles by Richard O’Leary:
“Environmentalism is not about the
Environment” and “O'Leary Rants
about Obama's Trip”
The Rush Section: Bo
Snerdley-Official Obama
Criticizer. Rush: Don't
Criticize Obama Flip-Flops.
China is Buying all the
SUV's. Obama/McCain Polls
Stump Drive-By's. Obama
Arrogance Begins to Grate
Press. Maybe this is Why
Gore Won't Debate (Gore V.
Limbaugh 1992). Pelosi Shuts
Down Drilling Debate.
Conserve Gas and Pay Higher Taxes
- Conservative
Review #35
(August 27, 2008) HTML
for Obama—props to
Couric for her full-court press;
will someone take it one step
of the Week—who knew
Napoleon could be so
Vid of
the Week—if you have
not seen the Obamessiah, this is
a must see!
Primary Weakness—I
don’t think I have seen any
conservative columnist point
this out.
has Got Them—McCain
has what Obama lacks; with
Plan for Iran's Nuclear
Development—who knew
it could be this simple?
Maybe Obama does know what he is
Plan for Afghanistan—Can
you say surge?
Prediction—who will
win and by how much.
Edwards [not] in the News—just
in case you missed the news on
and the Vet Hospital in
Germany—who thinks
this reveals good judgment?
Qualifications—let me
know if I missed any of his
qualifications; I believe that I
listed them all.
of Michelle Obama—I
realize that by quoting Michelle
Obama, that it can be seen as an
attack on Obama’s wife...such a
moral dilemma.
of Obama? One quick
tally of what Obama tells us is
out of bounds.
Sowell on Subprime Lenders—I’ve
been talking about this in
previous issues, but Sowell
nails this topic.
to FHLMC and FNMA—the
suff I forget to tell you about
these guys.
McCain and the NY Times—probably
nothing new here...just access
to Obama’s article, McCain’s
article and the NY Times email
explaining how McCain might get
his article published.
to Brokaw—I thought
that he asked Al Gore some good
VS. New Orleans—you
may have seen this.
Policy Shifts—link to
one very good article; but they
are even more extensive than
- Conservative
Review #34
(August 20, 2008) HTML
Obama in the
Middle East; Obama on the Cover
of the New Yorker; What is
Explain Freddie Mac and Fannie
Mae? Let me explain futures to
you; What is the Deal with the
Housing Crisis? EPA Power Grab
(did you see this in the news?)
Oil Seeping into the
Environment; The US Congress is
to be Commended; Taxes Breaks
for the Rich; Obama at La Raza;
Obama on Education; Obama Offers
Nothing New (excepts from a
Thomas Sowell column).
The Rush Section:
The Messiah Flails on Iraq; Food
Rates #4 in Importance (or,
popping in on the boob); Who
Gets Upset over Cartoons? The
Government Should Not Do
Everything for you; Bush Gives a
Good Press Conference; Pelosi
and Boxer on Oil; Give Money to
People Who Can't Pay it Back;
How the Press Treats FNMA Exec.
- Conservative
Review #33 HTML
Irene; Flip Flop; Can Obama Get Away
with This?; A Question for Obama;
Media Bias; Straight Talk Express
Derailed; The Nanny State-Where we
are Going; Global; Obama Tells us
What we Ought to Learn; Obama on
Climate Change; The Rush Section;
Official Obama Criticizer, Bo
Snerdley; Obama will not be Labeled
a Flip-Flopper; Drive-By's Discuss
Rush's New Contract; The DNC Carbon
Footprint; Yellowcake; Obama;
Finally, a Little Life on the Right;
How Government Really Deals with
Conservation; More; Obama Girls are
Adorable; Barney Franks Abuses the
Law to Keep Gas Prices High.
- Conservative
Review #32 HTML
Offense—UK Style. Obama Dogged by
Muslim Rumors. Obama’s Judgment and
Character. Obama Wants to Spend your
Money. Something I Do Not Know.
Obama and Private Enterprise.
Obama's Limited Vision for America.
Our Public School System
Sucks. Econ 101 and a College
Education. The Solution to Enemy
Combatants. Wesley Clark—Obama
Surrogate. Obama in Iraq. Global
Warming Errata. The Rush Section: Bo
Snerdley, Official Obama Criticizer
Rush on the Fairness Doctrine. Rush
"We Can’t Destroy the Planet" Rush
on Environmentalists. Rush on Wesley
Clark’s Remark. Rush Argues Against
Crossing the Aisle.
- Conservative
Review #31 HTML
in this Election (who's really
playing the race card in this
election?); I Have a Dream: Make
the Poor Pay Taxes; One Idea to
Make you a Billionaire (I'm
serious here); The Judicial
Branch of Government (it sounds
dull, but this is an important
article). And the Rush Section:
Snerdley on Obama's Racism Warning
( ); Rush on Education Budget
Cuts; George Carlin takes on the
environmentalists; Rush wants to
be subpoenaed; Rush on the Energy
Crisis (Each Democratic talking
point refuted); The Brits on
Climate Change; Good News is No
News for Iraq; Sad but True
(Liberal education is designed to
keep young people from an
education); Scalia's Majority
Opinion (with well-known Second
Amendment expert, Dahlia Lithwick
- Conservative
#30 (6-22-08) HTML
Quote of the
Week; Stark Differences Between
the Candidates; Bobby Jindal;
McCain vs. Obama on Court
Decision; Gore Goes Green; My
Congressman Speaks; The
Obama-Ayres Connection: the Big
Lie; Free College Education a
Birthright? (by Richard O'Leary);
Portland School Snubs the Pledge
of Allegiance; Tolerance and
Tradition in the US (by Richard
O'Leary). The Rush Section:
Supreme Court Decision and Obama
and Osama; This is why we don’t
fight the terrorists in court;
Obama Campaign Outraged over
Treatment of Muslim Women; McCain
Needs to Look out for Obama’s
Wife; The No-Drill Democrats; The
Countrywide Six; Jellyfish Don’t
Prove Nature is out of Synch;
McCain Drops Softball Question;
Used to Spread Whitey Rumor; Where
is the Katrina-Coverage of the
Mid-Western Flooding?
#29 (6-15-08) HTML
American Rights
Conferred to Enemy Combatants? Oil
Prices: Who's to Blame? Is Obama a
Christian? Chris Wallace Sunday AM
Has Bush strengthened Iran? (by
Richard O'Leary) Is Juan Williams
Reading Conservative Review? Housing
Crisis Part 15. Goodbye, Tim;. Rush: McCain
Steals Rush's Lines; Rush on Whining
Baby Boomers; Rush: Didn't LBJ
Already Fix Poverty? Rush Explains
Windfall Profits; Rush: Bonfire Ban
in Washington; Obama School of
Oratory Excellence.
#28 (6-8-08) HTML
Wars (do you think it is over?).
The Clinton Strategy (it is not over
yet). The Obama Strategy (Obama
is a smart guy, he knows that it’s not
over yet). Obama
Supporters/McCain “Supporters.”
Makers and Shakers. Obama’s
“Acceptance” Speech 6/3/08 (My
favorite part: Obama: “I am absolutely
certain that generations from now, we
will be able to look back and tell our
children that this was the moment when
we began to provide care for the sick
and good jobs to the jobless; this was
the moment when the rise of the oceans
began to slow and our planet began to
heal; this was the moment when we
ended a war and secured our nation and
restored our image as the last, best
hope on Earth.”) McCain’s New
Orleans Speech 6/3/08. Hillary’s
Speech 6/7/08. Did Michelle use
the word “Whitey”? More on
Father Michael Pfleger. Tiny
Obama by Mary Katherine Ham. The
Rush Section: Bo Snerdley, the
official Obama Criticizer (Bo Snerdley
is Rush’s call screener). Rush:
There is no Recession. Rush on
George Soros and the Oil Prices.
Rush Gives Pep Talk to
Conservatives. Rush: Obama is
not the first Black President.
Caller: Why Don’t we select a
president like we hire a
contractor? Rush on the
Successful Iraq War. Obama: the
Surge Won’t Work! Too much
happened this week! Enjoy...
#27 (6-1-08) HTML
Father Michael Pfleger; Ann
Coulter cracks me up; My own
reaction to Pfleger; Obama leaves
Trinity Church of God and I offer
Obama some advice; You Heard it Here
First; How can Obama still win?
A stern warning from Bill
Kristol; Democrats Reject Classic
Liberalism; Do You Need More
Evidence? (by Martin Miller);
McClellan’s Book; An E-Mail from Bob
Dole to Scott McClellan; I’ve Got
More; The Rush Section; Rush: CBS
and Michelle Obama Talk About
Assassination First; Are you as sick
to death as I am about the continual
you know’s and other grammatical
nuances that roll out of the mouths
of Hillary, Michelle and Barack like
so much saliva? Rush: Hillary
Screws up Operation Chaos; Rush:
Another Obama Gaffe; Rush: Again, a
genius about the economy; Rush:
Liberalism Seeks to Remove our
Freedom; Rush: Darla from Washington
Speaks Passionately. Although
the material of the HTML document is
exactly the same as the PDF, the PDF
retains all of the formatting and
looks a lot better. New
hyperlinked index. Too much
happened this week!
#26 (5-25-08) HTML
Korean War and Memorial Day. What
people continue to ignore about the
Michigan and Florida voters.
Global Warming is still a religion.
The terrorist news no one is telling
you. Maxine Waters is ready to
nationalize the oil companies. McCain
Dukes it out with Obama. Obama's
phoney rhetoric.Is Bush's Mideast
legacy a total failure? Why I support
the super delegates (honest!). There
is conservation and there is
Ecology.... Ethanol is a bust. The
Press (including FoxNews) screws
Hillary. How to solve the energy
crisis. Assassination? Rush: Democrats
like the concept of some votes count
3/5ths; let that be their compromise;
count every vote (a Republican mantra,
not a Democratic one); Hillary Heeds
Rush's Advice; Rush picks on Michelle
Obama; Rush on carbon credits and
global warming. Enjoy. 
Review #25 (I miss-numbered #24
last week) (5-18-08) HTML
are key differences between liberals and
conservatives; I maintain that liberals
do not live in the real world...see what
you think. A link to the
President's speech which caused such a
stir. The real reason that Obama
objected to Bush's words. Unless
Republican leaders get their act
together, they will be slaughtered this
fall. One common Democratic lie
refuted. McCain on global warming
(sigh!!) Guest writer gives a
pro-torture argument. Liberation
theology. Walking away from a
mortgage. Rush on Billy Carter,
racist Democrats, seizing oil profits,
and the Bush, McCain, Obama dust up.
Also, some great articles linked.
- Conservative
#25 (I miss-numbered #24
last week) (5-18-08) HTML
are key differences between liberals
and conservatives; I maintain that
liberals do not live in the real
world...see what you think. A
link to the President's speech which
caused such a stir. The real
reason that Obama objected to Bush's
words. Unless Republican
leaders get their act together, they
will be slaughtered this fall.
One common Democratic lie
refuted. McCain on global
warming (sigh!!) Guest writer
gives a pro-torture argument.
Liberation theology. Walking
away from a mortgage. Rush on
Billy Carter, racist Democrats,
seizing oil profits, and the Bush,
McCain, Obama dust up. Also, some
great articles linked.
- Conservative
#24 HTML
is the October Surprise that Hillary
is talking about? Why can't
the Clinton's unleash that
now? DC Madam's suicide a
suicide? Michael Yon from Iraq, the
coming 10 years of cold, how
Conservaitves and Liberals differ,
the Myanmar disaster and how their
government really is willing to kill
their own people, another example of
media bias: numbers you know and
numbers the media keeps from you; a
mother's day letter from Iraq (okay,
it was not written on Mother's day,
but it was written to this guy's
mom); the $100,000 ad: what is a
Republican?; and Rush had an
incredible week (he explains the gas
and oil prices, supply and demand,
how much gas and oil the US is
sitting on right now; a liberal
caller takes Rush on; the republican
attack machine, and Rush waxes
eloquently on God's creation).
It was a great week! We are
lucky to be Americans!
- Conservative
#23 (5/4/08) HTML
I must admit, I went a little
crazy this afternoon; there was so
much good stuff this week, and
since I was flat on my back for a
few days, I'd get up, write, and
then lay back down again.
There was a lot of classic Rush,
although I could not find the
quote where he said, "Obama, 278
days after promsing to, finally
went on Chris Wallace's program
for an interview. By the
way, 278 days--that's 2 years for
you people in Rio Linda."
Is Obama a liar? There are
only 3 options make the
The things Wright said that you
did not hear before.
Clinton actually does a standup
job on the O'Reilly Factor.
The wisdom of Pastor Hagee
(compare this to Wright's
Why is Wright suddenly quiet?
What about Wright's first speech
this week on education?
Why are scientists warning us
about the cool weather about to
come upon us?
Out of touch politicians
Can Democrats throw Obama under
the bus?
The ethanol debacle.
Too much stuff happened this
week. :)
The link is:
- Conservative
#22 (3/27/08) HTML
I give a complete review of Barack
Obama, and what we know about him
and what kinds of judgments we are
able to make about him. This was
written before Obama's latest
speech, wherein he condemns his
former pastor, Jeremiah
Wright. (2) I review the movie
Expelled! No Intelligence
Allowed! I provide a great
many links, as this is one of the
lowest-rated movies of all time by
professional movie critics.
(3) Obama allows himself (finally)
to be interviewed by Chris
Wallace. Obama is ready and
comes off well. (4) There is a
movement afoot to put government in
charge of as many things as
possible. There is a reason
for this. Before you surrender
to government-run health care, read
"Let Me Pull it All Together for
You." (5) Finally, just to
prove that Rush is not an arm of the
Republican party, he goes after
McCain, big time.
- Conservative
#21 (3/20/08) HTML
McCain's speech on the economy,
even though you will hear again
and again he knows nothing about
the economy.
The Democratic debate, featuring
just how little Clinton and Obama
know about the economy.
Anger over the Democratic debate.
7 (actually 9) uncomfortable
truths for liberals.
A Democratic myth (there are
A letter to the editor.
Hilarious apologies from Obama.
Rush on Obama's incessant whining
since the debate.
Rush: Conservatives are of good
- Conservative
#20 (3/13/08) HTML
Cacophony of Whining, Obama the
evangelist, Obama with his foot in
his mouth, Obama the affirmative
action candidate, the US has been
under attack by Jihad before 9/11
and since 9/11; George Soros may tip
this election, Proof of God's
Existence, and great stuff from
Rush: How liberals think, how our
economy works, reigning in CEO
- Conservative
#19 (3/13/08) HTML
Did you realize just how few
people are actulally graduating
from high school?
Mary Katherine Ham tries to bowl
a 37, just like Barack.
Evidence that McCain is a man.
Obama and abortion
Obama is a typical politician; he
is nothing new or special.
Kinky Friedman, Karl Rove and
Geraldine Ferrarro are all on Fox
News now.
Questions for Obama.
Does the world really hate the
US? Is our influence gone?
#18 (3/6/08)
Hillary lies about sniper fire
(she DID NOT misspeak)
False justifications for Obama's
pastor and Obama's association
with him.
Is there a foreclosure
crisis? How have you been
brainwashed to think about this?
Arrest Rush for voter fraud,
Spiders on drugs, why Blacks
cannot make it in American,
arrersts made in Califoria for
home schooling without a
credential, and one of Rush's best
#17 (2/29/08)
timeline of Barack and the
Reverend Jeremiah Wright; why this
is even important; Obama gives his
religion/race speech; the Iraq War
budget; Iraq--what will your
candidate do; the Global Warming
Conference; Rush on the Obama
speech; Rush on how did Obama feel
about the Imus "hate" speech.
- Conservative
#16: 3/16/08 HTML PDF
are two primary topics covered in
this issue: Barack Obama presents
himself as a man of excellent
judgment and he will be meeting with
all of the enemies of the United
States, presumably because he is so
smart, so perceptive and so able to
move someone over to buckle to US
demands with words. If he is
this smart, how is it possible that
Obama sat under a racist Black,
separatist pastor, and yet, never
had a clue? Does this show
good judgment? Does this show
human insight? The second
point is, the Democratic party
cannot seem to run a sensible
primary--the Democratic primary is
insane, convoluted, and the
super-delegates can overrule the, these same people who
cannot organize a simpe primary
think that they are capable of
running our health care system,
something which is infinitely more
complex. Does this make even a
little sense?
- Conservative
#15: 3/9/08 HTML PDF
to be a Texan: the Texas press asks
Obama some tough questions and Obama
makes a run for it. Obama's
"Bill Cosby" speech in Texas; I am
embrassed to be a Texan.
Asking Obama for a straight answer
on the war--Obama's changing
position. Robot sex. The
politics of fear, I predict,
Democratic ticket. Obama on
Abortion. Texan Republicans
voting for Clinton. A
Theological Moment.
- Conservative
#14: 3/2/08 HTML PDF
real information about Obama's brief
political past; Conservative Review
scoops the Boston Globe; record cold
year during the global warming
crisis; and the text of Bo Snerdley
criticizing Obama in both Black and
White (this is hilarious).
- Conservative
#13: 2/24/08 HTML PDF
who decided the Republican candidate
for us? Of course, I have to
comment on Michelle Obama, who
apparently has had a more difficult
time the United States and the 45
years she was unable to be really
proud of her country. And what
about that recession?
- Conservative
#12: 2/17/08 HTML PDF
is Obama's Beef? Finally,
Barack proposes some actual
legislation. The possible
phoney plants in Obama's
audiences. Rush on the true
health care crisis, on Dems staying
in Iraq, and some outstanding links:
Obama without a prompter, Al-Qaeda
versus Pelosi's view of the war in
Iraq, jobless claims decrease
(aren't we in a recession?); and
what is the FISA hold up really
- Conservative
#11: 2/10/08 HTML PDF
health care is dishonest, global
warming news: the ice age comes,
biofuels are not earth-friendly;
Bush invaded Iraq for oil; Bush's
tax cuts for the rich; Medved:
republicans are unpatriotic; Bible
Column: the Trinity in the Old
Testament; enjoy
- Conservative
#10: 2/3/08 HTML PDF
Questions for Democratic
Candidates; Bill Clinton's strategy
and resultant endorsements; Senator
Clinton's greatest weaknesses (and
her solutions for the Great Mortgage
Crisis of 2008); the pathetic
Republican debate; Global Warming
chills for a bit; why Neo-Libs love
NPR (they compared Club Gitmo to the
FDR internment camps); Randi Rhodes
sees hatred in the hearts of
- Conservative
#9: 1/27/08 HTML PDF
A Republican victory; the
stimulus package, the housing loan
bail out, 2nd Bible Column;
Clinton's earmarks; more political
predictions, newest planetary
crisis, letter to the editor.
- Conservative
#8: 1/20/08 HTML
Special Hillary Issue; Gloria
Steinem column; why Democratic
candidates have no experience and
how this drives their politics; some
O'Reilly and Rush on fried squirrel.
- Conservative
#7: 1/13/08 HTML
vs. Liberal Thinking; Evil Big Oil;
Rush Limbaugh's sad stories about
real Americans.
- Conservative
#6: 1/6/08 HTML
PDF version looks like it is
supposed to look; however, it will
probably need to be downloaded to
your computer to view. Right
click the PDF and choose "save link
as." Then open it with acrobat
- Conservative
#5: 12/31/07 HTML
PDF version looks like it is
supposed to look; however, it will
probably need to be downloaded to
your computer to view. Right
click the PDF and choose "save link
as." Then open it with acrobat
- Conservative
#4: 12/23/07 HTML
PDF version looks like it is
supposed to look; however, it will
probably need to be downloaded to
your computer to view. Right
click the PDF and choose "save link
as." Then open it with acrobat
- Conservative
#3: 12/16/07 HTML
PDF version looks like it is
supposed to look; however, it will
probably need to be downloaded to
your computer to view. Right
click the PDF and choose "save link
as." Then open it with acrobat
- Conservative
#2: 12/9/07 HTML
PDF version looks like it is
supposed to look; however, it will
probably need to be downloaded to
your computer to view. Right
click the PDF and choose "save link
as." Then open it with acrobat
- The
Text of Mitt Romney's Religion
12/8/07 HTML
- Conservative
Review 12/1/07 I think
it is excellent. HTML
(the PDF
is the way it should look)
For some reason, even though this
is a relatively short document, it
needs to be downloaded in order to
read it with most browsers.
It opens fine for me on my HD, but
it freezes on p. 2 directly from
the web. This means, you
would right-click the PDF file and
choose "save link as..." The
HTML document should easily
display in your browser.
Warming (8/20/2007) Some of
the hypocrisy associated with this
topic and its adherents is
addressed. HTML
@ Obama's (5/2/07) I
ended up meandering on over to
Obama's website in order to find the
text of a speech that he gave (his
response to Rudy saying that the
Democrats would put us on the
defensive again). I ended up
hanging out there for awhile and
posting several comments, which I
saved as blogs.
War and the Christian
(3/31/07) HTML
For some, this is a very
troubling question; what should be the
Christian's attitude toward war?
After all, Jesus told us to forgive
those who have wronged us; He told us
to turn the other cheek, and He told
us to love our enemies. Could
anything be more clear? Does
this mean that, if we face a home
invasion or if Muslims attack us that,
we open up our arms and give them a
big hug? Should we talk it
out? In this essay, I will give
you two very simple tests so that you
can determine, if and when we are
fighting the right enemy.
Warming--the New Age Religion
(2/28/07) HTML
It might be possible that religion is
a necessary component of the soul
(apart from those who try to blot out
their own souls with drugs, alcohol or
sex); and that means that there are
many at the left of the political
spectrum who, since they often do not
have any real faith in God, they must
create their own religion. This
essay, partially inspired by listening
to Rush Limbaugh, takes the
fundamental components of many
religions and finds parallels in the
cause of global warming.
The Rush link, btw, is
(no idea how long this will remain
Emotional Revolt of the
Soul of the Liberal
Something just occurred to
me, and maybe this has seemed obvious
already to many of you. Since I
was raised in California, I still have
a lot of liberal friends there, and
often, their thinking and reasoning
astounds me. Many have a
profound hatred for President Bush and
ascribe the most hateful motives to
him for the Iraq War (e.g., revenge on
Sadam; the seizing of their oil
reserves; or he just wanted to go down
in history as a great president, and
what better way to do this than by
being remembered for a great war), as
well as for other things which he has
done. These are relatively
intelligent people who come up with
the weirdest thoughts. To them,
Bush can’t simply be wrong or
misguided; there has to be a more
nefarious reason than that.
One of these friends, who
knows history quite well (he has
taught history) compares Barack Obama
to John Kennedy. He sees Obama
as the Kennedy of this
generation. Now, in all
fairness, FDR, Truman and Kennedy
would probably all be to the right of
Bush, politically speaking, if they
were around today. If one were
to try to aptly compare Obama to
anyone, I think politically, he is
very much like former President
Carter, both in his politics, points
of view and his lack of
experience. But this is not how
the liberal feels. Obama feels
like Kennedy to him.
I saw Whoopi Goldberg on
Bill O’Reilly the other night, and it
was a very good interview; and she
stated, in so many words, “I take this
political position because this is how
I feel; this is who I am. I may not
know all of the specifics, but I can’t
deny what my heart feels” (this
is not an exact quote, by the
way). Bill did not get all up in
Whoopi’s face for this, because she
was giving an honest answer, which is
what he is chiefly after.
Now let me pull this
together (and what I am saying might
have been obvious to most of you years
ago, for all I know). These
liberals are in emotional
revolt. What they believe is
based upon how they feel. Of
course, there is the vacuum of the
soul, and when they reject the truth,
their souls suck in falsehood; but
when they take a stand, it is not
because they are stupid or ignorant,
but it is because this is how they
feel deep inside. So, when a
liberal imputes evil motives to
someone else, like Bush, it is because
Bush is so out of step with what they
are feeling, that whatever position he
takes, it has to come from a deep
place in his soul which is evil, since
he is perceived as being so
fundamentally different from them
(strictly an emotional
reaction). Since they perceive
Bush as being so different from them,
what he does must be evil, as what is
in the liberal’s soul cannot possibly
be evil (how does that Who song
go? “No one know what it’s like
to be the bad guy”). Their
reaction to Bush is visceral—very
similar to the reaction to Nixon many
years ago—they feel revulsion and
disrespect. When evaluating what
Bush does, they go to this place in
their soul to determine his motivation
for doing what he does.
Therefore, they only reasonable thing
they can do is impute motives of evil
to Bush.
A close friend of mine,
the ex-history teacher, feels about
Obama the way he felt about
Kennedy. It has nothing to do
with Obama’s specific positions,
although those positions match the
soul of my friend; but it is more of a
visceral reaction to Obama.
Things like Obama’s limited political
background are seen as far less of an
issue than how Obama feels to him.
It was reflecting back on
Whoopi’s interview which put these
things together for me. She
admitted that she could not
necessarily back up with details all
that she believes in, but, she cannot
deny how she feels, and that is the
place from which she must take a
Related to this are
certain buzz-words, which also
penetrate the souls of these
people. War is one of the most
evil things in this world to them, and
no one can deny that is a reasonable,
visceral reaction. Therefore,
anything which is related to war is
extremely wrong and evil and they can
easily impute evil motivation for
those who involve us in war, because
war itself is so evil and wrong.
Interestingly enough, they react
differently to the words civil war,
even though sometimes there is little
difference between a civil war and
genocide (apart from the latter being
a more lopsided civil war). A
liberal sees a civil war as something
which is necessary now and again to
restore the authority of government to
the people (again, this comes from the
emotional revolt in their
souls). Liberals are therefore
more than willing to step back and let
a civil war play itself out; however,
they are going to become concerned if
someone that they respect labels this
a genocide instead. Then they
might be willing to become
involved. A genocide is no
longer a civil war, but evil
oppression and violence, and the ones
being killed are automatically good
(which, in some cases, is correct) and
the ones doing the killing are the
ones who are evil (again, something
which can be a correct estimation of
the situation).
Viewing liberals from the
vacuum in their souls helps to explain
a great many things, including the
many contradictory positions which
they take. This is how a liberal
can be all hyped up about global
warming, and yet remain staunchly
anti-nuclear and anti-hydraulic
power. They associate nuclear
with weapons and war, and nuclear is
just plain bad and evil. Even
though we have lost far more people in
the retrieval and refinement of fossil
fuels than in the function of nuclear
power plants, the actual stats are not
an issue to them. Nuclear is a
word which is embedded deeply in their
souls as a bad thing. They of
course oppose hydraulic power because
it radically changes the environment,
which is a whole other issue, but
related to the darkness in their
This emotional revolt in
their souls explains how relatively
intelligent people can make ridiculous
analogies like, “Bush is
Hitler.” Or, this is how a
liberal can give a speech on some
awards program with millions of people
watching, and make some political
statement that they think the
government is trying to silence, even
though the government did not
interfere with their
politically-charged film and even
though they are on television speaking
to millions of people. This is
how large numbers of liberals will
proclaim a film like Syriana as being
bold and daring, as if they are some
oppressed political group risking
their lives to proclaim the
truth. Emotionally, this is how
they see things. They are not
ignorant nor do they have this plan of
evil that they intend to foist upon
the United States; they are simply
speaking from their hearts, which they
cannot deny.