Conservative Review |
Issue #163 |
Kukis Digests and Opines on this Week’s News and Views |
January 30, 2011 |
In this Issue:
More Proof Obama is an Amateur
You Know You’ve Been Brainwashed if...
Frances Fox Piven's Violent Agenda
By Stanley Kurtz
By Charles Krauthammer
On Sputnik vs. Spudnut by Sarah Palin
Rush and the Official Obama-Criticizer
Decoding State-Run Media Propaganda on the Economy
Too much happened this week! Enjoy...
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Previous issues are listed and can be accessed here: (their contents are described and each issue is linked to) or here: (this is the online directory they are in)
I attempt to post a new issue each Sunday by 2 or 3 pm central standard time (I sometimes fail at this attempt).
I try to include factual material only, along with my opinions (it should be clear which is which). I make an attempt to include as much of this week’s news as I possibly can. The first set of columns are intentionally designed for a quick read.
I do not accept any advertising nor do I charge for this publication. I write this principally to blow off steam in a nation where its people seemed have collectively lost their minds.
And if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, always remember: We do not struggle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12).
There are riots and demonstrations in Egypt, which threaten to topple the government there. Latest reports have deaths at 100 and injuries around 2000.
Egypt has some tremendous ancient artifacts, some of which are being destroyed at this time. The Egyptian army is now at this museum protecting it.
President Barack Obama gave his State of the Union Speech where he suggested that fast rail and more infrastructure spending was the solution and the way forward, in his Winning the Future speech (somehow, comparing these things to Kennedy’s sputnik response). Interestingly enough, most of the proposals in this speech were proposals given in support of the stimulus bill and in the previous SOTU speech.
A suicide bombing booklet was found near the US and Mexican border.
The suicide bomber who killed 35 people at Moscow’s busiest airport is said to have been targeting foreigners.
A "Black Widow" suicide bomber planned a terrorist attack in central Moscow on New Year's Eve but was killed when an unexpected text message set off her bomb too early.
3 former FNMA and FHLMC executives are on trial for their actions in those organizations. What they did was far worse than what any Enron executive did (in my opinion) and involved a lot more money (not an opinion here). We taxpayers, of course, are paying to prosecute these men. Oh yes, we are also paying for their defense. So far, we have paid approximately $160 million to defend these men (and they have no reason to settle, because this does not cost them a single dime of their own money). Greta Susteren asked the two most basic and important questions about this situation: why is this a civil suit and not a criminal matter; and who is overseeing the costs that their lawyers are running up?
I think that Rahm Emanuel is now back on the Chicago Mayor ballot. In case you don’t know, getting opposition candidates thrown off the ballot is commonly done in Chicago; our President did it several times.
A few months ago, there was an assassination attempt against the governor of Missouri. You missed that story? So did I. So did almost everyone, as the news did not really carry it. Now, do you think the attempted assassination attempt was made by a right-wing TEA party goer or by a crazy left-wing guy? That’s easy to figure out; if there is no coverage, that means it was a left-wing nut.
Another story which was not in the alphabet media. A death threat was left on the answering machine of the Main GOP chairman. This occurred ight after the Giffords’ shooting.
Montana children's theater play calls for beheading of Sarah Palin.
Waiting for Superman and The Lottery ignored by the Academy Awards.
New snow storm to hit the Rockies, Plains and Midwest this week. Nwe York snowfall appears to be at record levels. On a related story, scientist and comedian Bill Maher continues to reassure us that climate and weather are different things (implying that we are stupid if we think a lot of snow calls global warming into question).
Carol Browner, President Barack Obama's global warming czar, resigns.
Speaking of upcoming disasters, there is the threat of a chocolate shortage to hit us around 2014, which is related to political unrest in the Ivory Coast.
Comcast has now taken control of NBC. In the previous years, GE has owned NBC. Not surprisingly, NBC gave very favorable news coverage to Barack Obama (and still does); and, GE head, Jeffrey Immelt, has been appointed by the President to a government post.
The Philadelphia police arrested Wednesday an abortion doctor, Dr. Kermit Gosnell, his wife and eight unlicensed employees to face charges of murdering one patient and seven babies who were born alive. The “doctor” caused some babies to be born alive, and then cut into their spinal cords with scissors to kill them.
Remember how the financial reform bill was going to keep banks and credit card companies from gouging its customers? Credit card rates are now at record highs, right below a 15% average.
Senate Republicans, led by Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), have introduced the Secret Ballot Protection Act.
New York lawmaker moves to ban use of distracting gadgets while walking. A similar Arkansas bill was dropped by its maker.
Officials in Portland are having paper and office supplies delivered on giant tricycles to cut out harmful tailpipe emissions.
Some Chinese in CA are shocked and hurt because Rush Limbaugh mimicked President Hu’s speaking, and demand an apology. Some in the New York area are also expressing that they were offended.
Remember how you have been quilted into agreeing to pay more and more property taxes so that our schools can become better? A school superintendent in Wayne, Indiana, is stepping down, after 15 years of service in that district, with a $1 million in retirement benefits.
John Boehner and Joe Lieberman will both be introducing legislation to revive the Washington D.C. school choice program, killed by Obama and the Democrats.
Dennis Kucinich has come to a settlement with the Congressional cafeteria, which he had sued for $150,000 over an olive seed that he bit into.
Finally, Democrats stopped with the crazy talk and the violent rhetoric. Just kidding.
Democrat Rep Jim Moran: "It [Republican victories in November] happened ... for the same reason the Civil War happened in the United States. Southern states, particularly the slaveholding states, didn't want to see a president who was opposed to slavery. In this case a lot of people in this country, it's my belief, don't want to be governed by an African-American, particularly one who is inclusive, who is liberal, who wants to spend money on everyone and who wants to reach out to include everyone in our society. And that's a basic philosophical clash."
Belknap Democratic Chair Ed Mallard, speaking of Republicans: "They're going to hang themselves. And we're going to help them."
MSNBC Vice President Bill Wolff: "MSNBC does not have a political agenda. The idea that we're beholden to one side or the other is ridiculous."
Charles Schumer: "The fact that five senators are for privatizing Social Security shows we're not crying wolf here. This is a serious movement to undo the most successful government program of the 20th century."
Danny Glover: “Think about that violence now in relationship to what has happened in Tucson. You know, even though we know that this young man is just deranged in some way, there's the side that drove him to that act, with the kind of vitriol, the kind of nasty, just villainous violence that is happening. The violence that happened even during, you know, town hall meetings.during the healthcare crisis, the healthcare debate and everything, all this kind of violence. Then you take, again, that, the war, the wars-King talks about that, how that violence-that violence comes home. That violence comes home to haunt us.”
Nancy Pelosi: “President Obama was a job creator from day one.”
Pelosi, with regards to Obama being in the middle: “I think that’s where he’s always been.”
Van Jones: “Here's how you know if you live in a society where there's social justice: Would you be willing to take your life . . . write it on a card, throw it in a big pot with everybody else . . . reach in at random and pull out another life with total confidence that it would be a good life?”
Chris Matthews, who regularly beats up on both Palin and Bachmann for supposed in accuracies of quotes he has pulled out of context: “We're looking at the map of the world right now and where Egypt sits in the world. It's so strategically located. It has, of course, the Nile River. It has, of course, the Panama Canal.”
Sen. Tom Harkin: “If the people elect these crazy TEA party people, and they come in here and they vote to do all these wacko things, I say, give ‘em rope; give them a lot of rope, then the American people will find out and we will have a real election the next time around.”
President Obama: "Combat operations in Afghanistan have ended."
Chris Matthews on Michele Bachmann’s TEA party response and why her doing it is a bad idea: “don't know what to make that. that's balloon head. we treated slaves as three-fifths of a person. it went to the civil war. we had compromise after compromise to avoid a war. we went to war. slavery continued through the 1860s and only ended because of that war. here's this woman that you made your spokesperson saying that somehow the founding fathers dealt with it. that's the one thing they did not deal with. that was the horrible compromise that was at the heart of our constitution. why do you put someone like this forward who is a balloon head? who knows no american history. it's a ridiculous decision you guys have made. do you know how little this woman knows our history?” By the way, any person who says slaves were treated as three-fifths of a person in the constitution does not know anything about constitutional history. Matthews calls her a balloon-head at least 3 times in this panel “discussion.”
Chris Matthews: “Leading off tonight: Unrest in Egypt. Proving the Iraq war wasn't needed, these protests in Egypt, as well as in Yemen and Tunisia, are all aimed at dictators supported by the U.S. The demonstrations have not yet turned anti-American, but they could. These are the events the Bush administration hoped to encourage by lying about weapons of mass destruction and invading Iraq. A live report from Richard Engel at the scene coming up. And we`ll stay on this story throughout the hour as events warrant.”
Charles Schumer: “We have 3 branches of government: we have a House, we have a Senate, we have a President; and all 3 of us are going to have to come together and give some.”
President Obama: "Health reform is part of deficit reform. We know that health care costs, including programs like Medicare and Medicaid, are the biggest contributors to our long-term deficit. Nobody disputes this. And this law will slow these costs."
Phone message left by unknown person for Maine GOP chairman Charlie Webster: “I wonder if Mr. Webster might survive a nine millimeter but doubtful he’d survive a 50 cal. There’s a lot of 50 cals in Maine. He should change his tune because a lot of people are really mad.”
Liberals from the past:
Joseph Stalin: "Life has become better, comrades, life has become merrier!"
Tom McClintock: “The two principle promises that were made in support of Obamacare were, (1) it would hold costs down; true or false?”
Chief actuary Richard Foster: [long pause; a nervous laugh, and then he says] “Um, I would say false, more so than true.”
McClintock: “The other promise that...if you like your plan, you can keep it; true or false?”
Foster: “Uh, not true in all cases.”
_______________________________________ asked Academy Award-winning actor Richard Dreyfus the following: "MSNBC's Ed Schultz said of, has said of Dick Cheney, `he's an enemy of this country, in my opinion, Dick Cheney is an enemy of this country. . Lord, take him to the promised land, will you?' And there's been other quotes, specifically in the media. I wanted to get your reaction to that specifically. Is that something that you think should be rejected by a civil society?”
Dreyfuss said, "No, that's not uncivil. That's actually kind of a beautifully phrased way of saying something that could be uncivil."
Rush Limbaugh: "Why are they granting these Obamacare waivers? I thought this law was a panacea. I thought the president said that if you like your health care coverage, you keep it... Is it only if you have a waiver?"
Sarah Palin on the SOTU address: "And his [Obama’s] theme last night in the Speaker of the House was the ‘WTF,’ you know, ‘Winning the Future.’ And I thought, ‘OK, that acronym, spot on.’ There were a lot of ‘WTF’ moments throughout that speech, namely, when he made the statement, Greta, that he believed that we can't allow ourselves to, I guess, eventually become buried under a mountain of debt. That right there tells you he is so disconnected from reality!"
Dennis Miller: “What the hell was Al Sharpton even talking about? It sounded like Professor Irwin Corey explaining the infield fly rule. And, you know, he’s going to get carpal tunnel from flipping the race card on you that many times in one interview.”
Conservative at Luntz focus group, speaking about Obama’s SOTU: “I feel like I am taking crazy pills. Is he talking about cutting spending? Are you kidding me? All this guy’s done is, spend, spend, spend. In that clip he says we need to live within our means. What is he talking about?”
Rush: "I'm listening to all this Sputnik business from Obama and I'm thinking, 'Wait, pal, aren't you the guy that wanted to turn NASA into a Muslim outreach arm of the federal government?'"
Jim DeMint: The President will propose freezing spending at record high levels. Our debt crisis demands spending cuts, not a freeze. When a car speeds toward a cliff, you hit the brakes, not cruise control.”
Every nation around Israel is suffering from political upheaval. This is extremely serious.
John Bolton on Egypt (video and text):
One sign of a good administration is one which can look into the future, anticipate problems, and suggest programs. President Bush unsuccessfully tried to reform FNMA and Social Security, both of which are in trouble right now. Condi Rice spoke in Cairo, Egypt in 2005 about the need for Democracy in Egypt. Compare this speech to those made by Obama and Clinton:
Greta interviews Sarah Palin (first time I heard this, I laughed out loud—in the first minute):
A brief historical review on examples of how major news stories were steered in this or that direction:
Tom McClintock keeps his questions about Obamacare short and simple:
Rep. Tiberi questions Administration's Austan Goolsbee about taxes in the Health Care Law (for government questioning, this is good):
Frank Luntz has come across an issue upon which Democrats and Republicans agree:
Frank Luntz focus group on SOTU:
Best commentary on SOTU address (like several of Beck’s shows, about the first 30 minutes is the best, and then he peters out):
Paul Ryan’s Republican response to SOTU:
Michele Bachmann responds to SOTU with charts (I liked Ryan’s speech, but I love charts):
The Ann Frank of the Soviet Gulag (this is 25 min., but quite engrossing):
Van Jones explains social justice:
The 800 lb. gorilla in the room:
Chris Matthews, revealing his vast knowledge of Egypt:
Frances Fox Piven responds to Glenn Beck on MSNBC:
Dennis Miller: “The State of the Union—I did not watch it. If I want to see a roomful of big asses, I’ll watch the Kardashian show.”
Jodi Miller: “Keith Olbermann and MSNBC have parted ways, which means, after 8 years, Olbermann is the most unemployed person in the woooooooooorld.”
1) Why do leftist want gun control so badly? Why do they want to start with eliminating “assault weapons”? If government got too crazy (and it is heading that direction), the last thing they want is an armed citizenry in, say, Texas.
2) Why are detractors so obsessed with Sarah Palin? Simple. She can fill up a stadium the same way Obama can. I don’t think there are any other Republicans who can do that.
3) I’ve mentioned CA representative Tom McCLintock twice so far. He ran for governor, but was beaten by Arnold. Smart move, California. I recall driving around California when that race was on (it was an open race), and I heard McClintock on the radio explain, in less than 3 minutes, how he could deal with California’s bloated budget without raising taxes. His answer was succinct yet reasonably specific, it made sense, and so, I knew at that instant, this man would never be elected governor of California.
4) We here in the United States have become severely brainwashed when it comes to autocratic control in a nation. Historically, prior to 1776, there were barely a handful of Democratic nations which existed. It is only since the United States came into being, and because the United States came into being, that Republics and Democracies began to flourish (and much of that was a result of nation-building). For much of the world, particularly in the Muslim world, a strong central secular government is ideal, with respect to American interests. We are able to work with such governments and enjoy commerce with same. Such regimes might be quite brutal and do things which cause us great concern, but this is the only kind of government over Muslims that we can deal with. Iraq and Afghanistan are great experiments, and if these last as real democracies for over 2 decades, I will be amazed. However, I see them surviving as Democracies only if they become more and more secular.
5) Several people have made this observation: the President, in his SOTU speech, talked about NASA and a Sputnik moment, and how this ought to serve as our inspiration. This is the same president who has gutted NASA, and defined 2 of its objectives to be (1) telling Muslims that, a few centuries back, they made some really good contributions to science and mathematics and (2) start working on global warming.
6) Van Jones may be out of his freaking mind, but at least he is honest and straightforward with what he believes.
7) This same president who urges the Egyptian government to turn back on the internet is also asking for a “kill switch” to turn off the internet in an emergency in the U.S.
8) California has some of the greatest businesses and business groupings in the United States. They produce about 20% of the nation’s food; they produce most of the world’s films and television; they have large groups of computer companies; and California produces a fair amount of oil and energy. On top of this, California handles an incredible amount of shipping which comes in from the east. Yet, with this huge base that California can tax, California cannot seem to balance its own budget. So, do you think the problem is, their government is not getting enough money?
9) One of the biggest problems with public education is, all of the focus is upon excellence and those who will go to college, and the bulk of the students are not being served with appropriate curriculum.
ObamaCare waivers jump from 222 to 729 covering 2.2 million employees.
The Rachel Maddow Show ran 90 segments on Sarah Palin in 2009 and 99 in 2010, according to LexisNexis. Chris Matthews has had 420 segments on Palin since she came on the scene. I wonder how many of those segments would be judged neutral or positive? My guess would be roughly, 0. If anyone can find one segment which is positive or neutral, I will include it in the next issue.
CBO estimates that we are looking at a $1.48 trillion deficit this year.
$100 billion cuts called for by Paul Ryan.
$450 billion cuts called for by Michele Bachmann
$500 billion in cuts called for by Rand Paul.
Are these numbers right?
0.6% of our energy comes from wind;
0.1% of US energy comes from solar;
2% of our energy comes from burning wood.
2010 new home sales lowest in 47 years.
Just in case you did not think that the media news sings the same song; all 3 major networks agree that Obama sounded “Reaganesque” in his SOTU address. Remember how many times these same networks have told us that he era of Reagan was over? Do you recall how many times they have run down and criticized Reagan? But, all of a sudden, after Obama studies a few books on Reagan, he is suddenly and magically “Reaganesque.”
Obama sai twice in an interview that combat operations in Afghanistan have ended. I wonder what would happen if Bush would have made this gaffe?
Have you seen regular features on what Obama is reading? He reads Lincoln, he reads Reagan, and the newspapers always tell us about it. Do you remember similar news stories about Bush? George W. Bush was an insatiable reader, but no one wrote about those. However, I recall many personal conversations and emails telling me how stupid Bush was.
SNL, for the umpteenth time, revealed its political leanings (although they claim that no one can tell). The president gives his 2010 SOTU speech in 2011, hoping that no one will notice; but SNL makes fun of Michele Bachmann because she does not look right into the correct camera (which is the entirety of the one-joke cold open).
Chris Matthews had so many good lines this past week, but, of course, he is not made fun of.
Joe Lieberman is not a Democrat, per se, but he is still willing to take tough positions. He took these positions before he announced his retirement and he continues to take them.
Strengthen the middle class = get everyone into the same class; increase subsidies to the middle class.
The great melting pot = this is now somehow related to social justice and equality of outcomes.
Liberty and justice for all = throwing your life into the great melting pot and taking out another life and determining that it is just as good as your life.
Inspired and spoken by abortionist Kermit B. Gosnell, M.D.
ensuring fetal demise = making sure the babies are dead
fetal and uterine material = actual limbs and body pieces of those killed in an abortion procedure
intact dilation and evacuation and intrauterine cranial decompression, = skull-crushing partial-birth abortion procedure
snipping = cutting a live baby’s spinal cord with scissors.
research = the practice of cutting off dead babies' feet and saving them in rows and rows of specimen jars
disposal of fetal and uterine material = dumping recently killed babies and fetuses into shoeboxes, paper bags, one-gallon spring-water bottles and glass jars. Some were preserved for “research.”
Wasn’t government spending what you proposed for infrastructure for both the Stimulus bill and the 2010 SOTU? What is the difference this year? And why did spending a trillion dollars fail so miserably? How much more do you think we ought to spend before this works?”
Traditionally, the President calls for strong budget cuts, and the Republicans would step up to the challenge. However, Obama will not do this. He will allow the Republicans to make all of the budget cuts, and then the Democrat party will demagogue these reductions.
We also need to reform Social Security (easy) and Medicare (much more difficult). Same deal—if Republicans choose to try to reform these programs, Democrats will demagogue this issue as well.
More Proof Obama is an Amateur
When the President was entertaining China leader Hu, the special pianist played a well-known anti-American song from the Korean War. Chinese who observed this must have quite enjoyed themselves.
I have always said that Obama has little interest in foreign policy. I don’t think that he really knows what to do or to say about Egypt (just as he fumbled with Iran a year ago). He needs John Bolton to advise him on international matters.
The President cannot split the difference when it comes to Egypt. He needs to act intelligently behind the scenes. However, sadly, he really has no idea of what to do. He has little interest in foreign affairs and here, he desperately wants to vote present.
You Know You’re Being Brainwashed if...
You think Palin is stupid.
So, when is someone in the liberal news going to liken the riots in Egypt to the TEA party?
Here is how it is going to shake out in Egypt. Mubarak appoints this vice president, this vice president takes control, quells the riots, and institutes some semi-reasonable reforms. That is the best-case scenario. If the people in the streets (who certainly have real grievances; and many of whom are sincere) manage to topple the government, the Muslim Brotherhood will seize power in the power vacuum, and Egypt will become very much like Iran. What is not going to happen under any circumstances is some Jeffersonian democracy as a result of the pressure of the people in the streets (although, this is something that most Americans would want). At best, they will be too disorganized; at worst, they will be carefully orchestrated to function like a mob, whose strings are pulled by radical Muslims.
Still more talk about states going bankrupt.
Radical Muslim takeovers in Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan.
Lacking Teleprompter, President announces that military operations in Afghanistan have ended.
U.S. taxpayers to lend $10 billion to Brazil to drill for oil
Assassination attempt and threatening left-wing rhetoric ignored by press
Children’s play calls for beheading of Sarah Palin.
Come, let us reason together....
Any person who suggests that we do something other than comprehensive immigration reform is often incorrectly branded a racist or anti-Mexican. The reason for this is, they do not want to discuss the actual arguments, so they name call instead. My first best friend was Hispanic and my first girlfriend was Hispanic, so I personally have no beef with Mexicans in general and there is no racial component in what I write.
Ronald Reagan did a lot of things right; his handling of illegal aliens was not one of them. He depended upon Congress to do the difficult thing after he granted amnesty, and, what a surprise, they did not. So, when Reagan simply allowed the illegal aliens within our borders to become citizens, and there was no accompanying border security. This was simply a signal to those who want to move to our country to simply move on in, do the best you can while living as an illegal, and eventually, a president is going to make you a legal citizen. That was a bad message to send. As a result, there are probably 10–15 million illegals in the United States (and possibly more).
What this has done has set up a society within the United States, one which will permanently be an outsider, yet living within the United States. They obviously see themselves as this way, as millions of illegals see no reason to learn English, and, in their demonstrations, they first prominently display the Mexican flag (although, they apparently got the message that, if you want to be a U.S. citizen, then rallying around a Mexican flag is not the way to do it). My point here is, that is their natural inclination.
We have the problem of welfare, education and other costs. Because this is such an emotional issue, I don’t know if any real figures have been established with this regard. Obviously, illegals are paying some types of taxes—sales tax, some pay a payroll tax, and some who own property pay property taxes. However, for those who get paid under the table, they pay no taxes on that.
Do we need migrant workers? Absolutely! I don’t think that there is anyone who would argue with this. However, there needs to be an organized system here so that we know who is coming over here and that, at the end of their work, they return home. This system is obviously broken.
To give an analogy, a house needs water for drinking, cook, baths, etc. However, this is not achieved by laying a hose out in the middle of the living room and turning it on. That is the situation that we have right now with regards to immigrant labor.
Here is the problem; if we simply make all of these people citizens, we will end up doing the same thing that Reagan did. If we try to do comprehensive legislation, there is always the chance that the end result will be the same as what Reagan did.
Therefore, even those who have strong ties to illegal aliens here need to realize, the key to solving this problem is going to be tightening up the borders. This is not an anti-immigrant act; this is not acting out of fear; this is simply the first step in solving the problems of a sub-society within the United States (which is a very dangerous thing to have).
Every nation seeks to control its own borders. Mexico’s own immigration policy is extremely tough; however, that is their right as a sovereign country. Although I do not recommend Mexico’s policies, I do recommend that there be jail time for all of those caught in illegal border crossings. Perhaps 6 months or a year for those who are merely coming here for a better life; and a minium of 10 years of those who are carrying over a pound of drugs. Our catch and release/return policy is absolute foolishness. Signs warning of these penalties could be posted along the border and along commonly used trails (we know where they are).
If the federal government is not going to guard the borders, then states need to be allowed to form their own policies in the meantime. A nice compromise would be for a state to put a policy in place for 4 years which requires renewal and revision every 4 years, which would also allow for the federal government to come in with a stronger border policy.
One of the few things that nearly all Americans agree upon is, the border must be secured first before any talk of amnesty, citizenship, deportation, etc. takes place. At that point I imagine that there is going to be a lot more disagreement. But to use an analogy that the Democrats have used several times before: we need to put the fire out first, and then determine what we are going to do about the fire damage.
Most politicians who try to either pass comprehensive immigration legislation, or anything which is not “borders first” will likely be voted out of office. Like it or not, that is where most of America stands at this time. Ignoring this fact will simply put off what will eventually happen.
For those who are concerned about their friends, neighbors and relatives who are illegal, you will need to depend upon the good will of the American people. It is no one’s desire to uproot or separate families, but when one commits a criminal act, that become a real possibility for that person’s family. However, more control over our border will mean fewer illegals coming in, which will mean fewer families being separated.
The more quickly some form of real border security can be established, the more quickly we can deal with the people who are already here illegally. If you think it will happen differently, you are wrong. The more that you support lawlessness, the worse this situation will become.
Frances Fox Piven's Violent AgendaA leading light of the Democratic Socialists of America claims she is not a socialist and, after urging the unemployed to emulate the Greek rioters, claims she is not inciting violence.
By Stanley Kurtz
The campaign to use the tragic shootings in Tucson to silence conservatives continues. The latest twist is an attempt to highlight anonymous threats against leftist scholar and strategist Frances Fox Piven as a way of forcing Glenn Beck, a critic of Piven, off the air, or at least prohibiting him from mentioning her on his Fox News television show. This affects me as well, since an excerpt from my recent appearance on Beck's show to discuss Piven has been aired in the course of the controversy. My new book, Radical-in-Chief, extensively treats Piven's influence on contemporary leftist strategy, and on Barack Obama's political development. If Beck is forced to stop talking about Piven, efforts will surely be made to silence me and other conservative critics of Piven.
It is extraordinary that conservatives should be charged with stirring up violence at a moment when Piven, in an editorial in The Nation, has called for an American movement of "strikes and riots" on the model of the one recently seen in Greece. The anonymous threats against Piven are reprehensible. I condemn them in the strongest terms. Yet it is not conservatives but Piven and The Nation who advocate violence. Neither Piven nor The Nation should be forcibly silenced, but they certainly ought to be criticized. Instead, The Nation is leading the effort to silence those who have rightly condemned Piven's call for rioting in America.
An article by Brian Stelter in Saturday's New York Times is a thinly disguised gesture of support for The Nation's campaign. The piece downplays Piven's radicalism, noting that her widely criticized call for intentionally creating a political and economic crisis in America's welfare system was made 45 long years ago. Although Piven has freely described her own strategy as an effort to set off "fiscal and political crises in the cities," Stelter delicately avoids the word "crises," writing instead of "fiscal and political stress."
Stelter implicitly treats the connection between Piven's strategic stance and President Obama's plans to transform America as wild talk. In fact, the connection is real, and I make the case soberly, in detail, and with extensive documentation in Radical-in-Chief. That is why Beck had me on his show. In my appearance, by the way, I explicitly stressed that President Obama is not trying to create an economic crisis on his own watch.
The notion that Piven's strategy is irrelevant because she and her co-author (and husband), Richard Cloward, first developed it 45 years ago is silly. The Cloward-Piven strategy has deeply influenced community organizers ever since. It informs all of Piven's work, even her apparent turn to a more conventional voter-registration strategy in later years. And of course Piven's current call for strikes, riots, and disruptive protests by America's unemployed is a direct descendant of the original Cloward-Piven strategy.
Stelter's New York Times story provides the following excerpts from Piven's Nation column: "an effective movement of the unemployed will have to look something like the strikes and riots that have spread across Greece," and "protesters need targets, preferably local and accessible ones." When, in reply to questioning from Stelter, Piven claims, "That is not a call for violence," Stelter leaves her denial unchallenged. Yet a call for riots on the model of the ones seen recently in Greece manifestly is a call for violence. Beck is right to condemn it, and others ought to join him in doing so.
Calls for the escalation and manipulation of violent rioting have long been central to Piven's strategy. Her 1977 book with Cloward, Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail, detailed the rationale behind the infamous crisis strategy of a decade before. The core argument is that the poor and unemployed are so isolated from the levers of power in America that their greatest potential impact is to withhold "quiescence in civil life: they can riot."
At the heart of the book, Cloward and Piven luxuriously describe instances of "mob looting," "rent riots," and similar disruptions, egged on especially by Communist-party organizers in the 1930s. Many of those violent protests resulted in injuries. A few led to deaths. The central argument of Poor People's Movements is that it was not formal democratic activity but violent disruptions inspired by leftist organizers that forced the first great expansion of the welfare state.
Toward the end of the book, when Cloward and Piven describe their own work with the National Welfare Rights Organization, they treat the violent urban rioting of the Sixties as a positive force behind that era's expansion of the welfare state. Poor People's Movements highlights the fear of rioting on the part of relief officials and local politicians in the Sixties. Cloward and Piven particularly approve of riots set off by welfare-related demonstrations. From their point of view, for example, one of the most welcome effects of the Sixties riots was the breakdown they induced in traditional procedures for investigating and verifying applicants' eligibility for welfare. For Cloward and Piven, the core strategic lesson of their activism is that, rather than channeling poor people's anger into conventional political activity, community organizers ought instead to "escalate the momentum and impact of disruptive protest at each stage in its emergence and evolution." At one point in Poor People's Movements (p. 306), in the course of providing an historical example of her preferred strategy, Piven presents the case of a community organizer who was arrested for inciting to riot. Readers are invited to judge this passage for themselves, but my own take is that Piven clearly approves.
In her December 2010 Nation column, Piven wrote: "Local protests have to accumulate and spread - and become more disruptive - to create pressures on national politicians. An effective movement of the unemployed will have to look something like the strikes and riots that have spread across Greece. . . ." Given Piven's strategic stance, it's clear that she and The Nation are in fact calling for violence. Her denial of this lacks all credibility. Similarly, when The Nation's editors defend Piven by referring to her support for "civil disobedience" and "street protest," they are attempting to create the impression that Piven is a virtual disciple of Martin Luther King Jr., when in fact her longstanding strategy has little if anything to do with nonviolence.
Progressive radio host Amy Goodman recently invited Piven to appear on her show to speak about Beck and her other conservative critics. Goodman played an excerpt from my appearance on Beck's show. There I noted Piven's prominent role at the Socialist Scholars Conferences that Barack Obama attended in the 1980s. Commenting on my statement, Piven said that it was "crazy" to call her a socialist.
This stunning denial flies in the face of clear evidence that Piven is, and has long been, one of America's most prominent socialists. She is currently listed as an "Honorary Chair" of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), a prestigious appointment bestowed on only the most esteemed, influential, and long-serving DSA leaders. Piven was elevated to the status of honorary chair in 2003, after years of service as a DSA vice chair. If Piven can't be honest about her own socialism, how can we trust her claims about anything else? In Radical-in-Chief, I document the presence of intentionally stealthy socialists throughout the world of community organizing, many of them close colleagues and mentors of Barack Obama. But for Piven to deny her own socialism in the face of the wealth of public evidence to the contrary beats all I've ever seen.
There is a serious threat to freedom of speech in all this. On Goodman's show, Piven listed a number of her critics by name. We are all on notice. If Beck is banned from criticizing Piven, we will be too. The irony is that it is Piven herself who has called for violence, and with the editorial authority of The Nation behind her. That is the upside-down world in which we now live.
As an aside, Kurtz was the only media person who investigated the Chicago Annenberg Challenge during the 2008 election, where William Ayers was a founder and guiding force and he brought on a young Barack Obama to be the Annenberg board chair (a story completely ignored by the alphabet media).
By Charles Krauthammer
The November election sent a clear message to Washington: less government, less debt, less spending. President Obama certainly heard it, but judging from his State of the Union address, he doesn't believe a word of it. The people say they want cuts? Sure they do - in the abstract. But any party that actually dares carry them out will be punished severely. On that, Obama stakes his reelection.
No other conclusion can be drawn from a speech that didn't even address the debt issue until 35 minutes in. And then what did he offer? A freeze on domestic discretionary spending that he himself admitted would affect a mere one-eighth of the budget.
Obama seemed impressed, however, that it would produce $400 billion in savings over 10 years. That's an average of $40 billion a year. The deficit for last year alone was more than 30 times as much. And total federal spending was more than 85 times that amount. A $40 billion annual savings for a government that just racked up $3 trillion in new debt over the past two years is deeply unserious. It's spillage, a rounding error.
As for entitlements, which are where the real money is, Obama said practically nothing. He is happy to discuss, but if Republicans dare take anything from granny, he shall be Horatius at the bridge.
This entire pantomime about debt reduction came after the first half of a speech devoted to, yes, new spending. One almost has to admire Obama's defiance. His 2009 stimulus and budget-busting health-care reform are precisely what stirred the popular revolt that delivered his November shellacking. And yet he's back for more.
It's as if Obama is daring the voters - and the Republicans - to prove they really want smaller government. He's manning the barricades for Obamacare, and he's here with yet another spending - excuse me, investment - spree. To face down those overachieving Asians, Obama wants to sink yet more monies into yet more road and bridge repair, more federally subsidized teachers - with a bit of high-speed rail tossed in for style. That will show the Chinese.
And of course, once again, there is the magic lure of a green economy created by the brilliance of Washington experts and politicians. This is to be our "Sputnik moment," when the fear of the foreigner spurs us to innovation and greatness of the kind that yielded NASA and the moon landing.
Apart from the irony of this appeal being made by the very president who has just killed NASA's manned space program, there is the fact that for three decades, since Jimmy Carter's synfuel fantasy, Washington has poured billions of taxpayer dollars down a rat hole in vain pursuit of economically competitive renewable energy.
This is nothing but a retread of what used to be called industrial policy - government picking winners and losers. Except that in a field that is not nearly technologically ready to match fossil fuels, we pick one loser after another - from ethanol, a $6 billion boondoggle that even Al Gore admits was a mistake, to the $41,000 Chevy Volt that only the rich can afford (with their extended Bush tax cuts, of course).
Perhaps this is all to be expected from Democrats - the party of government - and from a president who from his very first address to Congress has boldly displayed his zeal to fundamentally transform the American social contract and place it on a "New Foundation" (an Obama slogan that never took). He's been chastened enough by the election of 2010 to make gestures toward the center. But the State of the Union address revealed a man ideologically unbowed and undeterred. He served up an insignificant spending cut, yet another (if more modest) stimulus, and a promise to fight any Republican attempt to significantly shrink the size of government.
Indeed, he went beyond this. He tried to cast this more-of-the-same into a call to national greatness, citing two Michigan brothers who produce solar shingles as a stirring example of rising to the Sputnik moment.
"We do big things," Obama declared at the end of an address that was, on the contrary, the finest example of small-ball Clintonian minimalism since the days of school uniforms and midnight basketball.
From the moon landing to solar shingles. Is there a better example of American decline?
by Sarah Palin
Please read this article by the Hoover Institution's Research Fellow Peter Schweizer. Schweizer, who has written extensively on the subject of the decline and fall of the Soviet Union, offers a Washington Post writer an important refresher on the real history of Sputnik, since many critics are engaged in misreporting:
Palin's other point is that Sputnik was the sort of government bureaucratic program that got the Soviet Union in trouble; it's an example of what eventually did them in. Citing Wikipedia (what journalistic ingenuity!), Stromberg argues that actually the Soviet Union didn't have a debt problem until some "thirty years after" Sputnik. Perhaps instead of relying on Wikipedia, Stromberg might have consulted Robert Gates' book From the Shadows which chronicles, in part, his career as a Soviet analyst at the CIA. (Just in case they are unaware at the Post, this is the same Robert Gates who is now the Secretary of Defense.) On page 173, he accurately points out that the CIA knew early on of the "Soviet economic crisis. From the late 1950s, CIA had clearly described the chronic weaknesses as well as the formidable military power of the Soviet Union."
Read the whole thing here.
Now, in a recent interview I mentioned analogies that could relate to solutions to our economic challenges, including the difference between a communist government's "Sputnik" and the private sector's "Spudnut." The analogies I mentioned obviously aren't comparable in size, but highlight a clear difference in economic focus: big government command and control economies vs. America's small businesses.
If you're near Richland, WA, you should stop by The Spudnut Shop, where you'll find an all-American success story of a family owned small business that for over 60 years has been serving up a product that people want to buy. Businesses like this coffee shop don't receive big government bailouts. They produce something with their own ingenuity and hard work. And here we see the former communist Soviet Union's advancement (before its government debt-ridden demise) vs. America's small businesses that are the backbone of our economy.
We'd be better off if we had a greater appreciation for the free market ingenuity of ordinary American entrepreneurs, both great and small - whether they make high-tech gadgets or potato donuts. And this goes for all our small business owners - whether they run a family farm, a commercial salmon fishing business, an auto shop, a print shop, a consulting firm, a restaurant, you name it. Our government should show them more respect by not punishing their success and limiting their ability to hire more people by over-taxing and over-reaching into their businesses. Don't stifle their growth with burdensome regulations like Obamacare and cap-and-tax. Government should be on their side, not in their way.
I believe and trust in the strength of America's private sector. But I sometimes fear that the current administration in Washington distrusts or discounts the individuals who have built this country; hence their belief that only a distant bureaucratic elite in D.C. can make decisions for our small businesses that will provide American opportunity. This administration's thinking is wrong. We don't need a command and control economy that "invests" our money in their half-baked ideas. We need freedom, reward for hard work, and a re-invigorated sense of personal responsibility and work ethic, especially among our young people.
We need to be as motivated and optimistic as our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, many of whom started out with nothing but a dream as they built a life for themselves by the sweat of their brow. They didn't ask for bailouts. They didn't expect anything from anyone. They wanted the freedom and opportunity to work hard and prosper by their own merits. If at first they failed, they took their lumps, dusted themselves off, got back up, and tried again until they succeeded. They didn't retreat. They built this country and they passed on to us more prosperity and opportunity than has ever been bestowed on any generation in human history. We must not squander that inheritance. Let's get back to their common sense values.
Rand Paul calls for $500 billion in cuts; his position on Israel distorted.
Extreme Makeover- Barack Obama Edition (just in case you do not think the press works arm-in-arm with Obama—in this article are a list of headlines designed to capture the interest of the independent voter):
Obama email preaches civility--then seeks $$ to defeat those lying Republicans:
Lies about the Muslim Brotherhood presented and then disputed by the Weekly Standard.
Nice article by Dr. John—The media war on Sarah Palin is a cover-up
3 SEIU Chapters - Including One in Chicago - Granted Obamacare Waivers (who says that $27 million doesn’t buy anything any more?):
Social Security now running permanent deficits:
Muslim who behead his wife, speaks of his unconditional love for her in court:
The best way ot educate yourself about the Great Depression is to read the book, The Forgotten Man; but if you only have a few minutes, then read this:
Washington University invited Bristol Palin to speak as an abstinence proponent during the university’s “sex week.” However, this caused so much controversy, that she has since been disinvited.
Mortgage giants leave legal bills to the taxpayers
Possible chocolate drought in the near future?
Rush and the Official Obama-Criticizer
RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, our recent story about the dearth of nominations for actors of color, actresses of color, the top ten movies nominated for best picture has evoked a deep sentiment with the Official Obama Criticizer, Bo Snerdley, who has asked to weigh in on this subject.
SNERDLEY: Rush, there is something tremendously insidious and vile underneath this resegregation, resegregation of Hollywood. Our leading Hollywood producers -- and we all know who they are -- the Spielbergs, the bigwigs are simply look at black and Latino America in the face, especially black America, and you know what they're saying to 'em? They're saying, "Look, we gave you people enough. We elected him president. We did that. We don't have to put any of you people in movies anymore."
RUSH: You people?
SNERDLEY: You people!
RUSH: You people?
SNERDLEY: We were railroaded to putting you people in movies. Those roles were ours. You really think we wanted to put Will Smith in all those moneymakers? You got to be crazy. We didn't want him in there, but we had to do it to look good. You really think, do you really think we wanted to get what's his name, Fox, playing Ray? We had that role all set for Nicholas Cage. No, no, no, we had to give those roles to you people. Well, guess what, we gave one of yo boys the biggest role in the United States, y'all ain't getting no more. Thank you.
RUSH: That is the Official Obama Criticizer. You have a version of that for our brothers and sisters in the hood?
SNERDLEY: My brothers and sisters in the hood, y'all been played. Guess what's up? Check this out. Y'all thought y'all was doing it, y'all thought y'all could see yourself on TV commercials selling toothpaste, chewing gum, and in Hollywood movies. We got something new for you this year. When you turn on the Oscars looking for the brothers and sisters, when you're looking to see who got back, who ain't got back, whose snacking with Mack, y'all ain't gonna be showing up in the house this year. That's right, party's over, y'all flipped, y'all out the hood, you're out of the pics, we ain't got nothing for you except to clean up afterwards. And, by the way, some of those joints gonna be catered, and they gonna call you all in there, y'all not having no soul food this year, we going back to the regular stuff. Y'all ain't in the mix. Get on up outta here, yo day is done, Hollywood is being run the way it was run when... well, need I say more? I'm outta here.
RUSH: And that is the Official Obama Criticizer, Bo Snerdley. And we'll keep in touch. Essentially there's a lot of outrage that just sprung up here over the just-learned fact that there are no people of color. The Official Obama Criticizer has asked for more airtime. Go.
SNERDLEY: One more thing. Where's Jesse? Where's Al? This is the biggest outrage in America. Here you got segregation at the highest levels in the land, and where them brothers? Where are they? Where you at, Jess? Where you at, Al? And where's my boy up in San Francisco, that little state senator, what's his name, Leland, whatever his name? Yo, this is what's up, y'all. Hell, we got segregation here. People are being beat upside the head. Their jobs have been beat upside the head. They can't get no roles and feed their family and win a recession. Where is the support? Where's the love? Thank you.
RUSH: Again, the Official Obama Criticizer, Bo Snerdley, a little upset here when he figured out that there are no people of color nominated, actor, best supporting actor, actor, actress, the top ten nominated best movies of last year. I guess it's safe to say that this year's Oscars minorities and women are hardest hit, or hurt most. But Mr. Snerdley, there are some women nominated. Clearly there's a best actress, a best supporting actress and so forth, but none of color, from the area of the country which veritably preaches to the rest of us how to live. And they even put that in their movies, Driving Miss Nancy. Uh, Miss Daisy, I take it back, Driving Miss Daisy.
RUSH: Mr. Snerdley, the Official Obama Criticizer, an e-mail for you, sir: "Hollywood and African-Americans -- It seems that they have yet to learn that -- especially from the president's example -- just being African-American is not sufficient anymore." That was your point, sir. Hollywood was instrumental in the election of Obama, and yet there's no satisfaction. Racism is not over. There's a total diss in Hollywood when it comes to the Oscars. What's needed, apparently, in order make the point to fulfill the dream, is an unemployed black Jewish lesbian atheist in a movie. This is the role: An unemployed black Jewish lesbian atheist trying to save earth from global warming. That would be worth it. That would make up for all of the transgressions, right? You coffer all bases. You'd get everything Hollywood cares about and promotes with that one single thing. That's what they could do. Now, whether or not it would sell at the box office, who knows? The DVD would clean up.
RUSH: State-Controlled Media right in there trying to draw comparisons between Ronaldus Magnus and Barack Obama. On MSNBC this morning, Morning Joe, they talked to the managing editor at TIME Magazine, Richard Stengel, because the latest cover of TIME is a Photoshopped Reagan with his arm around Obama. And Stengel was asked to explain this.
STENGEL: The cover is, Why Obama Loves Reagan. It's a Photoshopped image of the two men together. They never actually met, but I'd like to think they'd have a good time if they were sitting down at the White House together and it's basically how Obama from even the 1980s started looking at Reagan as a transformational politician --
RUSH: Oh, come on, man.
STENGEL: -- not in terms of substance, but in terms of style --
RUSH: Come on.
STENGEL: -- with someone he would model himself after, and that has happened over the last 20 years.
RUSH: I'm not gonna read it to you again, but we've read countless times from Obama's book about how he hated Reagan and his minions. In fact, one of Obama's stated reasons for wanting power was to do away with what Reagan had accomplished. All of this is lies, patented lies. What is this, "I'd like to think they would have a good time if they were sitting down at the White House"? Okay, so TIME Magazine, big whoop, TIME Magazine used to be something. TIME Magazine is not anywhere near as influential or powerful or present as it used to be in this era of New Media. Maybe 20 years ago, 30 years ago being editor of TIME was something special, like there was a time where if you had a gig on ABC, CBS, or NBC, it was special 'cause there were only three of them. If you had a sports gig, if you had a political commentator gig, you were the anchor on one of the three nightly newscasts you were huge because there were only three of you out of the entire world population. Now they're a dime a dozen, and it's the same thing with editors at print publications, be they magazines, blogs, newspapers, or what have you. They're all over the place.
So 30 years ago, 25 years ago it mighta mattered when the editor of TIME said, "I'd like to think they'd have a good time if they were sitting down in the White House together." But now it's who cares what you think and why do you even think it? Reagan had nothing in common with Obama. They play these games, if JFK were alive today, if Martin Luther King were alive today. If Reagan were alive today watching all this, for crying out loud, folks, he'd wished he'd had Alzheimer's so he wouldn't be aware of what's going on and see what's been done to his legacy and the great work that he did as president.
How do you leftists feel about this? I know that you all hate Reagan, you have despised Reagan. Even during the Reagan administration the number one objective of the left has been to revise Reagan history. I mean all this talk about Reagan cutting taxes for the rich, didn't care about the poor, didn't care about AIDS, didn't care about the homeless. Reagan was a cold-hearted, mean-spirited extremist. And these are the people, the ones that have been saying it all these years. And now all of a sudden when their little guy gets in trouble, when Obama can't get any traction whatsoever, when he's lost the love, when he's lost all of this messianic stuff that attached itself to him, where do they go? Do they go to JFK and try to draw analysis and comparison? No. They go to LBJ? No. They go to Jimmy Carter? No. They'd probably love to go to Marx. They don't dare. They go to Gorbachev? No. They go to Mao Tse-tung? Only in private. Who they gonna go to, Reagan, all to draw this illusion that their president, young guy, this man-child is moving to the center? In the next breath, though, listen to this, this is Richard Stengel. Scarborough said, "Well, we've been saying for some time, even in bad times for Obama, it was 2010 for Reagan, it was 1982, even as the numbers go down, still personally very popular."
STENGEL: A lot of parallels. Reagan obviously lost both houses in that midterm election. His popularity went down to 35%. But the economy in Reagan's case came back that next year, came back at 7% GDP growth. If Obama gets half of that, he's lucky. But the other difference is, I mean there are a lot of similarities but one difference is you always knew where Ronald Reagan stood. I mean for 25 years he was talking about government is the problem, not the solution. And Obama doesn't quite have that same clear through line that Reagan has. And he's trying to get that. You can't say the opposite of that, that government is the solution, not the problem. And in the story, he talks about how there needed to be a correction to the Reagan correction. And that's what he's trying to do.
RUSH: Okay. So these people despise Reagan, now they're trying to make Obama the next Reagan, and in the next breath Stengel admits Obama wants to reverse Reagan. Truth comes out. But you know Obama is never gonna say, as Reagan did in his inaugural address, that government is the problem, not the solution. I don't care however long Obama lives, he could live to 110 years old, he's never going to say that. Let's listen to a little bit of Reagan, shall we? And then you draw the side by side, A-B comparison. January 11th, 1989, the Ronaldus Magnus farewell address to the nation, warned us of people like Obama.
REAGAN: Are we doing a good enough job teaching our children what America is and what she represents in the long history of the world? Those of us who are over 35 or so years of age grew up in a different America. We were taught very directly what it means to be an American. And we absorbed almost in the air a love of country and an appreciation of its institutions. If you didn't get these things from your family, you got them from the neighborhood, from the father down the street who fought in Korea, or the family who lost someone at Anzio, or you can get a sense of patriotism from school. And if all else failed, you could get a sense of patriotism from the popular culture, the movies celebrated democratic values and implicitly reinforced the idea that America was special. TV was like that, too, through the mid-sixties.
RUSH: So you could clearly see, this is 1989, Reagan could see back then we were losing our sense of history and American exceptionalism and essentially warning us about the emergence of people like Obama and the things that he believes. Patriotism is mocked today. Patriotism is laughed at and made fun of. It's considered camp. True enlightenment is to think your country is guilty, true enlightenment today, pop culture, wherever you want to go, Democrat Party, true enlightenment is America is guilty. True enlightenment is America has transgressed; America must make amends; America must apologize. We have a leader who does apologize for the country. These people have a big task to try to convince this country that Barack Hussein Obama equals Ronald Reagan. Now, there may have been a day that they could get away with it, some years ago. But not now. From the same speech, the farewell address, January 11th, 1989.
REAGAN: Now we're about to enter the nineties and some things have changed. Younger parents aren't sure that an un-ambivalent appreciation of America is the right thing to teach modern children. And as for those who create the popular culture, well grounded patriotism is no longer the style.
RUSH: Yep.
REAGAN: Our spirit is back, but we haven't reinstitutionalized it. We've got to do a better job of getting across that America is freedom -- freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise, and freedom is special and rare. It's fragile; it needs protection.
RUSH: Damn right. And I don't think too many people on the left would high-five any of this, spirit's back. We don't want our spirit to be back, the left wants us to be down and out, down in the dumps, mad, how unfair and how unequal, how sad things are in this guilty country. And Reagan called it, '89, for those who create the popular culture, well grounded patriotism is no longer in style. Certainly isn't. One more bite from that farewell address, January 11th, 1989.
REAGAN: We've got to teach history based not on what's in fashion, but what's important. Why the Pilgrims came here, who Jimmy Doolittle was, and what those 30 seconds over Tokyo meant. You know, four years ago on the 40th anniversary of D-day, I read a letter from a young woman writing to her late father, who had fought on Omaha Beach. Her name was Lisa Zanatta Henn, and she said, "We will always remember. We will never forget what the boys of Normandy did." Well, let's help her keep her word. If we forget what we did, we won't know who we are. I'm warning of an eradication of the American memory that could result, ultimately, in an erosion of the American spirit.
RUSH: It's underway. He warned us. In 1989 Reagan was warning us of exactly what we've got, and not just in Obama but the Democrat Party at large. And yet here comes TIME Magazine and the rest of the Drive-By Media trying to tell us, and Obama himself trying to tell us that he's Reagan. Out of all the presidents, as he prepared for this latest State of the Union debacle, of all the presidents, it was Reagan that he studied. Well, we know what he really thinks about Reagan. He's told us in his books: resentment, dislike. They think Reagan destroyed America. They think Reagan set up this situation here where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the widening gap between rich and poor, the unfairness, the inequality. Reagan was the epitome of heartlessness, had no compassion or whatever. But this just goes to show that when Democrats need to look back to history, when this regime, when the media, the American left needs to look back to history to try to connect with the majority of people in this country, they have to go to one of the greatest Republican presidents of all time and try to pull it off.
RUSH: Chris in New Hampshire, I'm glad you waited. You're next on the EIB Network, sir, hello.
CALLER: Yes, hey, Rush, live free or die dittos from Mark Steyn's EIB Northern Command state of New Hampshire.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.
CALLER: Last week there was a story that circulated a bit about some violence at a Walmart in Washington. There were some shootings involved, and I'm wondering if you thought that Target's violent marketing rhetoric with bull's-eyes on everything might have had any influence on that if that outbreak of department store violence might --
RUSH: Actually, no. If that were true, people would be firing at Target. I mean the Target logo is on Target stores.
CALLER: That's true, but it does create an atmosphere, if you will, kind of a shopping climate --
RUSH: Well, except now, nobody's shooting Target stores. They're shooting Walmarts. So you can't look at Target. We looked it up. We found some anti-Walmart rhetoric from the New York Times. Frank Rich just routinely rips into Walmart. The left frequently rips into Walmart. What do they do? They destroy mom and pop grocery stores and department stores. They destroy Main Street. They destroy unions. They don't pay health care. I mean the left is ginned up all kinds of hatred at Walmart, and, in fact, in Washington the union was urged to go out and protest on the lawn, on the street in front of the Walmart executive's house, and it was after that happened that the shooting incident at a Walmart in Seattle took place. So I mean you do the math.
CALLER: Yeah, I suppose you're right there. One other comment, if I have a moment, the situation with Obama trying to be portrayed as the new Ronald Maximus, I'm thinking that if you listen to the clip you played a while ago, it's the influence Ronald Reagan had that he's trying to emulate. They were very careful to distance him from the content, just the style he's interested in, so I think --
RUSH: Well, not entirely. I mean I know what you're saying, but not entirely. There were parts of that State of the Union speech, in fact, the deadest parts where he was trying to sound like Reagan. And I'm convinced the reason that he sounded dead was because he can't fake it. He really doesn't believe that stuff. Not too many people can fake passion. I mean actors can do it, but not too many people could really bring off genuine passion when they don't feel it for something, and I think that's one of the problems that Obama had.
Obama transitions from being FDR to being Reagan:
RUSH: Late Tuesday afternoon, Bloomberg Television Street Smart show, the guest is Gloom Boom & Doom Report, the publisher Marc Faber. The cohost here Matt Miller said, "Let me ask you about the State of the Union [show.] We're gonna hear from the president on what he's done for the past couple years and what he has ahead of him. With the political constraints in mind that the president has to deal with, what do you think of the job he's done and what do you think he needs to do from here?"
FABER: I think he's done a horrible job, and I think that will continue. I think he's basically a dishonest person, intellectually dishonest, and change, nothing has changed.
RUSH: Ooh, that is Marc Faber, the publisher of Gloom Boom & Doom Report. Now, obviously Jeffrey Immelt's not gotten to this guy yet, not made the sale. Bill Daley hasn't been able to make the sale to this guy yet. I mean that's pretty -- play that again. "What do you think the president needs to do from here?"
FABER: I think he's done a horrible job, and I think that will continue. I think he's basically a dishonest person, intellectually dishonest, and change, nothing has changed.
RUSH: Remember, this is Bloomberg, Bloomberg, the guy that owns this network thought that the Times Square bomber was just ticked off about health care, thought he was a Tea Partier. So these two hosts, they can't sit there and let this stand. Matt Miller says, "Why do you think he's intellectually dishonest? I mean keeping in mind he's a politician, you have to compare him to other relative politicians." This guy said, "They're all dishonest. What's special about Obama?"
FABER: Yes, but some politicians are more honest than others. I have a higher regard for businessmen and for people who work and not for people who abuse the system continuously. I think that he came in on a platform as a president that would want to change the government in Washington and actually he has made it worse.
RUSH: So the cohost, Carol Massar, says, "To be fair, he came in at a time we were smack in the middle of a financial crisis, and it was tough to change the system. You laugh, you laugh, but he came in at a tough time. Maybe now he'll start changing the system."
FABER: You're an optimist. Keep on dreaming. We foreigners, we just laugh, we just laugh about someone like Mr. Obama. I was very critical of Mr. Bush, but at least he had one line and he stuck to that line. He may have been wrong, and I criticized him very frequently, but at least he didn't change his mind continuously and didn't prostitute himself.
RUSH: Whoa! (imitating Faber) "He didn't prostitute himself. We foreigners, we just laugh, we laugh about someone like Mr. Obama." I love this guy. Who is this guy? Marc Faber, the publisher of the Gloom, Boom, and Doom Report. Now, to show you, ladies and gentlemen, the new civility that we're trying to practice here on the program, I must point out that all of these people in the financial business and in many other businesses, profit from forecasts of doom. These guys that have newsletters on Wall Street, their subscriptions skyrocket with every report that everything in your portfolio is gonna be worthless next week unless you sign up now. Now, this guy doesn't sound like one of those, but I mean they're out there. So that's the new civility, how did that sound?
Decoding State-Run Media Propaganda on the Economy
RUSH: This is from Gallup. Somebody in the Drive-By Media is not doing their job. And they're really trying, by the way. Folks, we have unemployment news today. It's unexpectedly high. Claims for new unemployment assistance, unexpectedly, way, way up. And so if you read the story from State-Controlled AP you find out it was the snow. Really? So we looked at the Labor Department's report. The Labor Department is the official agency announcing unemployment numbers. So we read it. We scoured it. The Labor Department doesn't say anything about snow in their report. People get fired when it snows, people can't get to work when it snows. I guess the way they have to do this is if you have a job but you can't get there you are counted as unemployed that day as far as the AP steno pool is concerned. The only thing I don't know is if they call the White House first and get clearance to run this story. But the Labor Department makes no mention of snow. So AP just put it in there. We've got that.
I've got contradictory stories: "The economy, it's on afterburners, really racing." Next story: "No. No, it's not. The reverse thrusters are on, the economy is slowing down." And then here from Gallup: survey finds more Americans approve of Republicans than disapprove of 'em for the first time since 2005, after Tucson, after the State of the Union. Well, I don't know after the State of the Union, but certainly after Tucson, after the first two years of the regime. The numbers are 47-43. "Americans' opinions of the Republican Party have improved to the point where now more have a favorable than unfavorable opinion of the party. The last time more Americans viewed the GOP more positively than negatively was in 2005. These results are based on a USA Today/Gallup poll conducted Jan. 14-16." From the Weekly Standard blog by Jeffrey Anderson: "The January Kaiser Health tracking poll, conducted jointly with the Harvard School of Public Health, now shows Obamacare to be less popular than at any time since its passage."
Now, put those two things together. Republican Party more favorable than unfavorable for the first time since 2005, and "For the first time since Obamacare became law, Kaiser now shows 50 percent of respondents holding an 'unfavorable' opinion of it (up from a previous high of 45 percent in this poll), with only 41 percent holding a 'favorable' opinion of it. The Kaiser Health tracking poll has always been an outlier poll, showing unusually favorable results for Obamacare. Previously, the largest margin of opposition in this poll was just 3 points." But a nine-point jump in opposition seems like a bit more than an uptick, almost a ten-point margin. Doesn't seem all that roughly divided. "Kaiser/Harvard's political leanings are evident in its write up, as a shift from 41 percent opposition last month to 50 percent opposition this month is described as an 'uptick.'" Almost ten points. It's not an uptick whatsoever. And this is a poll, as I say, traditionally favorable to the regime.
Now, we know in most polls the number of people that oppose Obamacare, want it repealed, are in the mid- to upper fifties, in some polls low sixties. So here, Republicans more favorable than unfavorable first time since 2005. Obamacare less popular than any time since it became law. Let's see, what's next in the Stack of Stuff here? Well, interesting numbers. Going back over the past State of the Union addresses, when George W. Bush gave his State of the Union address in 2007, unemployment was 4.6%. When he gave his last State of the Union in 2008, it was 5%. That's up .4%. Compared to when Obama gave his State of the Union address in '09, 7.8%, and in 2010, 9.7%. So Bush's last State of the Union, 2008, 5%, in Obama's State of the Union, 9.7%. And the president is touting the growth of government and more government programs as a way to grow the economy.
From the stenographers at the Associated Press: "Employers will hire more workers this year, and the economy will grow faster than envisioned three months ago, according to an Associated Press survey that found growing optimism among leading economists." Now, these are the economists that have been predicting this ever since January 20th, 2009, and are going, "Whew." "But unemployment will stay chronically high -- nearly 9 percent by year's end, the latest quarterly AP Economy Survey shows. A majority of economists say it will be 2016 or later before unemployment drops to a historically normal rate of around 5 percent." Now, I've read the story front-to-back. AP tries to avoid mentioning the extension of the Bush tax cuts as part of the cause for any of this supposed optimism. But Obama's out there trying to take credit for it. Obama's out there, (imitating Obama) "Look what I did, look what I did, we're cutting taxes." The AP wants to leave all that out. Also, the pie-in-the-sky projections don't even add up. For instance, how can you double the number of jobs added and not lower the unemployment rate? And that's what the story says they're gonna do, they're gonna double the number of jobs added. So headline says it all: "AP Survey: Outlook for 2011 Economy is Brightening."
What's next in the Stack of Stuff? From the Wall Street Journal: "Deficit Outlook Darkens -- The federal budget deficit will reach a record of nearly $1.5 trillion in 2011 due to the weak economy." Now, what is your average news consumer to do here? "Outlook for 2011 economy brightening," AP. Wall Street Journal: "The federal budget deficit will reach a record of nearly $1.5 trillion in 2011 due to the weak economy, higher spending and fresh tax cuts," this according to congressional budget analysts, the beloved nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. But according to the previous story, what weak economy? And what fresh tax cuts? Haven't been any tax cuts. And this is blasphemy here to talk about a weak economy.
What's next in the stack here? Let's see. Ah. From the AP. Okay, let's just do this in chronological order here as we have done it. "AP Survey: Outlook for 2011 Economy is Brightening," "Deficit Outlook Darkens, Slowing Economy," Wall Street Journal. Back to AP: "The economy isn't growing fast enough to lower unemployment," still needs help from the Federal Reserve, $600 billion Treasury bond purchase program. That was the assessment yesterday of Fed policy. What is a news consumer to do here? "AP Survey: Outlook for 2011 Economy is Brightening." "Federal budget deficit, record high, one and a half trillion, weak economy, economy isn't growing fast enough to lower unemployment."
And here we have the previously mentioned unemployment news: "The number of people applying for unemployment benefits rose sharply last week, but the figures were largely distorted by rare snowstorms that swept through the Southeast. Applications surged last week by a seasonally adjusted 51,000 to 454,000, the highest level since late October, the Labor Department said Thursday. A government analyst said that a major reason for the spike was the harsh weather in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. That forced many companies to shut down temporarily." Did they fire people? ". and also prevented many people from applying for benefits." Oh, no. My God, failure, couldn't apply for benefits. Man, if you can't apply for benefits, your world is empty. "When state offices, which had closed, reopened and people were able to file applications that pushed the number of requests up sharply." As I say, there's no mention of snow or any weather anywhere in the Department of Labor's press release reporting this week's jobless figures. But we've compared and contrasted this with the earlier news article from the same writer, Jeannine Aversa. So AP's contradicting itself all over the place.
Did it ever snow during the Bush years? Did we ever hear about snow and any impact it had on the unemployment numbers during the Bush years?
RUSH: Tracy, Dayton, Ohio. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.
CALLER: Hi. Thank you so much for taking my call.
RUSH: You bet.
CALLER: I just wanted to make a comment on the unemployment numbers as someone who has been unemployed for about three years.
RUSH: Hm-hm.
CALLER: One thing. I think this is a little skewed, because don't most people apply for unemployment online?
RUSH: I have no idea. I don't have much experience with it, but I'm told that's true. I'm glad you mentioned that because one of the things I was wondering, they say unemployment rate went up, or the applications for unemployment went up because of snow. Now, it seems to me that snow would keep people away from the benefits office. But they try to tell us that because of snow, more and more people pile into the benefits office. None of it makes any sense. There's no logic to it whatsoever --
CALLER: No, not at all.
RUSH: -- especially now if you say it's all done online.
CALLER: Well, you can apply for jobs online. I'm not saying that's the best way to get a job, but that is kind of the way things are now, so why wouldn't they have time to apply for jobs at the same time?
RUSH: Well, because there's this thing called the interview.
CALLER: (laughing) This is true.
RUSH: But, really, unemployment benefits, you file for it online, you don't have to do unemployment office necessarily or Walmart?
CALLER: No. I actually applied myself within the last month for benefits and was turned down.
RUSH: Why? Why were you turned down?
CALLER: I apparently have exhausted my benefits, although --
RUSH: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What in the world happened to all these extensions?
AP survey: Outlook for 2011 economy is brightening
Obamacare is less popular now than at any time before:
Deficit outlook darkens:
U.S. taxpayers to lend $10 billion to Brazil to drill for oil.
Since there are some links you may want to go back to from time-to-time, I am going to begin a list of them here. This will be a list to which I will add links each week.
The Jawa Report (there is some moderate emphasis upon Islam):
Kids Aren’t Cars:
Stuff you probably did not know about greenhouse gases (this is a good link for friends):
The Top 100 Effects of Global Warming (I am fairly certain that this is serious; but it is really hard to tell). It is saying goodbye to French Wines, glaciers, guacamole, mixed nuts, French fries, baseball and Christmas trees and saying hello to cannibalistic polar bears, jellyfish attacks, giant squid attacks, more stray kittens, suffocating lemmings, burning cow poop and acidic oceans.
Comprehensive List of Tax Hikes in Obamacare (this includes individual health insurance costing as much as $695/month by 2016—which is not the only cost):
Tammy Bruce
[California’s] Public Speakers blog:
Flashpoint—California’s most significant political news:
The Publius Forum (more of a newscast than a blog; located in Chicago, I believe):
Political Chips:
Brits at their best:
Political Affairs, which used to be called the Communist (in case you are interested in what the Democratic Par, I mean, the communist party is up to.
Headlines, short news stories:
Christmas is evil (Muslim website):
Conservative blogger:
Verum Serum
The Tax Professor Blog
Arbitrary Vote:
The Party of Know:
Slap Blog
The latest news from Prison Planet:
Right Wing News:
The Frugal Café:
The Left Coast Rebel:
The Freedomist:
Greg Gutfeld’s website:
This is one of my favorite lists; this is a list of things which global warming causes (right now, it causes over 800 things—most of these are linked):
The U.K.’s number watch:
100 things we can say goodbye to (or, hello to) because of Global Warming (all of these are linked). They are very serious about these things, by the way:
If you are busy, and just want to read about the Top Ten things:
Observations of a blue state conservative:
Thomas “Soul man” Sewell’s column archive:
Walter E. Williams column archive:
The Prairie Pundit:
Conservative Art:
Conservative Club of Houston:
Conservative blog, but with an eye to the culture and pop culture (there is a lot of stuff here):
Conservative and pop culture blog (last I looked, there were some Beatles’ performances here):
Raging Elephants:
Gulag bound:
Politi Fi
TEA Party Patriots:
South Montgomery County Liberty Group:
Hole in the Hull:
National Council for Policy Analysis (ideas changing the world):
Ordering their pamphlets:
Cartoon (Senator Meddler):
Bear Witness: (there are a million vids on this second page)
Right Change (facts presented in an entertaining manner):
Bias alert from the Media Research Center:
Excellent conservative blogger:
Send this link to the young people you know (try the debt quiz; I only got 6 out of 10 right):
Center for Responsive Politics:
The Chamber Post (pro-business blog):
Labor Pains (a pro-business, anti-union blog):
These people are after our children and after church goers as well:
Their opposition:
The Doug Ross Journal (lots of pictures and cartoons):
The WSJ Guide to Financial Reform
The WSJ Guide to Obamacare:
The WSJ Guide to Climate Change
Video-heavy news source:
Political News:
Planet Gore; blogs about the environment:
The Patriot Post:
PA Pundits, whose motto is, “the relentless pursuit of common sense” (I used many of the quotations which they gathered)
Index of (business) freedom, world rankings:
U.S. State economic freedom:
The All-American Blogger:
The Right Scoop (with lots of vids):
In case you have not seen it yet, Obsession:
Inside Islam; what a billion Muslims think:
World Net Daily (News):
Excellent blog with lots of cool vids:
Black and Right:
The Right Network:
Video on the Right Network:
The newly designed Democrat website:
Composition of Congress 1855–2010:
Anti-American and pro-socialist, pro-Arabic:
The anti-Jihad resistence (which appears to be a set of links to similar websites):
Seems to be fair and balanced with an international news approach:
Black and Right dot com: (the future liberal of the day is quite humorous)
Mostly a liberal blogger, who says vicious things about most conservatives; and yet, says something sensible, e.g. posting many of the things which the healthcare bill does to us.
Conservative news site (many of the stories include videos):
Muslim hope:
Anti-Obama sites:
International news, mostly about Israel and the Middle East:
News headlines sites (with links):
Business blog and news:
And I have begun to sort out these links:
News and Opinions
Conservative News/Opinion Sites
The Daily Caller
Sweetness and Light
Flopping Aces:
News busters:
Right wing news:
CNS News:
Pajamas Media:
Right Wing News:
Scared Monkeys (somewhat of a conservative newsy site):
Conservative News Source:
David’ Horowitz’s NewsReal:
Pamela Geller’s conservative website:
The news sites and the alternative news media:
Andrew Breithbart’s websites:
Conservative Websites:
A conservative worldview:
Liberal News Sites
Democrat/Liberal news site:
CNS News:
News Organization (I mention them because I have seen 2 honest stories on their website, which shocked and surprised me):
Business News/Economy News
Investors Business Daily:
IBD editorials:
Great business and political news:
Quick News
Even though this group leans left, if you need to know what happened each day, and you are a busy person, here is where you can find the day’s news given in 100 seconds:
Back to the basics for the Republican party:
Republican Stop Obamacare site:
North Suburban Republican Forum:
You Decide Politics (it appears conservative to me):
The Left
From the left:
Far left websites:
Weatherman Underground 1969 “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” (PDF, Kindle and other formats) (Simple online text)
Insane, leftist blogs:
Media Research Center
Conservative Blogs
Mike’s America
Dick Morris:
David Limbaugh (great columns this week)
Texas Fred (blog and news):
Conservative Blogs:*/index
The top 100 conservative sites:
Sensible blogger Burt Folsom:
Janine Turner’s website (I’m serious; and the website is serious too). This is if you have an interest in real American history:
Conservative news/opinion site:
The Left Coast Rebel:
Good conservative blogs: (the Free Speech blog)
The Romantic Poet’s Webblog:
Brain Shavings (common sense from the Buckeye State):
Green Hell blog:
Daniel Hannan’s blog:
Conservative blog:
Richard O’Leary’s websites:
Freedom Works:
Yankee Phil’s Blogspot:
Excellent list of Blogs on the bottom, right-hand side of this page:
And simply because I like cute, intelligent babes:
Liberty Chick:
Dee Dee’s political blog:
The Latina Freedom Fighter:
Ann Althouse ("Crusty conservative coating, creamy hippie love chick center.")
Judith Miller is one of the moderate and fairly level-headed voices for FoxNews:
A mixed bag of blogs and news sites
Left and right opinions with an international flair:
This is an odd blog; conservativism, bikinis and whatever else posted by either a P.I. or the brother of a P.I.:
More out-there blogs and sites
Angry White Dude (okay, maybe we conservatives are angry?):
Mofo Politics (a very anti-Obama site):
Info Wars, because there is a war on for your mind (this site may be a little crazy??):
The Magic Negro Watch (this is peppered with obscenities and angry conservative rhetoric):
Okay, maybe this guy is racist:
Glenn Beck’s shows online:
News busted all shows:
Joe Dan Media (great vids and music):
The Patriot’s Network (important videos; the latest):
PolitiZoid on YouTube:
Reason TV
This guy posts some excellent vids:
HipHop Republicans:
(alphabetical order)
Bailout recipients:
Eye on the bailout (this is fantastic!):
The bailout map:
Do you want to watch what is happening on our border? These are actual videos of observations cams along the border:
Secure the Border:
Liberty Works (conservative, economic site):
Capitalism Magazine:
45 Goals of Communists in order to take over the United States (circa 1963):
How this correlates to the goals of the ACLU:
No matter what your political stripe, you will like this; evaluate your Congressman or Senator on the issues:
Corrupt Media
The Economy/Economics
Bush “Tax Cut” myths and fallacies:
A debt clock and a lot of articles on the debt:
Recovery (dot) gov (where our money is being spent):
A collection of articles by Michelle Malkin about Obama’s war against jobs:
If you have a set of liberal friends, email them one chart a week from here (go to the individual chart, and then choose download and format):
AC/DC economics (start with the oldest lessons first; economics in 60 second bites):
Economist and talk show host Walter E. Williams:
The conservative plan to get us out of this financial mess:
The Freedom Project (most a conservative news and opinion site which appears to concentrate on matters financial)
Bankrupting America, with great videos and maps:
This appears to be a daily pork report, apparently as pork in Washington bills is discovered, it gets posted at Tom Coburg’s website:
Weekly poll, asking you to identify what we ought to cut in governmental spending:
Global Warming/Climate Change
This is an interesting site; it seems to be devoted to the debate of climate change:
Global Warming headlines:
Dr. Roy Spencer on climate change:
Not Evil, Just Wrong video on Global Warming
Global Warming Hoax:
Global Warming Site:
Global Warming sites:
35 inconvenient truths about Al Gore’s film:
Wall Street Journal’s articles on Climate Change:
Michael Crichton on global warming as a religion:
This man questions global warming:
This is indispensable: the Wall Street Journal’s guide to Obama-care (all of their pertinent articles arranged by date—send one a day to your liberal friends):
Republican healthcare plan:
Health Care:
Betsy McCaughey’s Health Care Site:
Obamacare Watch:
This looks to be a good source of information on the health care bill (s):
Obamacare class action suit (as of today, joining in on the suit costs you whatever you want to donate, if I understand the form correctly):
Jihad Watch
Answering Muslims (a Christian site):
Muslim demographics:
Muslim Demographics (this is outstanding):
Muslim deception:
A Muslim apologetic site (they will write out letters to express your feelings, and all you have to do is sign them, and they will send them on):
Celebrity Jihad (no, really).
The Alliance Defense Fund:
Liberty Counsel, which stands up against the A.C.L.U.
ACLU founders:
Here is an interesting military site:
This is the link which caught my eye from there:
The real story of the surge:
National Security
Keep America Safe:
Race Relations
A little history of Republicans and African-Americans:
Oil Spill
Since this will be with us for a long time, the timeline of the BP gulf oil spill:
This is cool: a continuous timeline of the spill, with the daily info and the expansion of the oil, and the response:
Cool Sites
Weasel Zippers scours the internet for great stuff:
The 100 most hated conservatives:
Still to Classify
Army Ranger Michael Behenna sentenced to 25 years in prison for 25 years for shooting Al Qaeda operative
Maybe the White House does not need to hold press conferences? It releases exclusive articles daily right here:
If you want to see 1984 style-rhetoric and tactics, see:
Project World Awareness:
Bookworm room
This is quite helpful; it is a list of all leftist groups, with links to background information on each of these groups (when I checked, 879 groups were listed). This is a fantastic resource.
Commentary Magazine:
Family Security Matters (families and national security):
America’s Right
Emerging Corruption (founded by an ACORN whistle blower:
In case you need to reference this, here are the photos of all those on the JournoList:
A place where you may find news no one else is carrying:
News Website to get the Headlines and very brief coverage:
National Institute for Labor Relations Research
Independent American:
If you want to be scared or depressed:
Are you tired of all the unfocused news and lame talking heads yelling at one another? Just grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and see what is really going on in the world:
It is not broken, but the White House wants to control it: the internet:
John T. Reed comments on current events:
Conservative New Media (it is so-so; I must admit to getting tired of seeing the interviewer high-fiving Carly Fiorina 3 or 4 times during an interview):
Ann Coulter’s site:
Allen West for Congress:
Their homepage:
Wall Builders:
One of the more radical people from the right, calling for the impeachment of Obama:
The Center for Freedom and Prosperity, a free enterprise site (there are several videos on the flat tax):
The Tax Foundation:
Compare your state with other states with regards to state taxes:
Political news and commentary from the Louisiana Political News Wire:
This is a pretty radical site which alleges that Obama is a Marxist hell-bent in taking over our country:
1982 interview with Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions
Another babebolicious conservative (Kim Priestap):
Stop Spending our Future:
DeeDee also blogs at:
Somos Republicans:
This is actually a whole list of stories about the side-effects of Obamacare (e.g., Obamacare may be fatal to your health savings account; Medical devices tax will cost jobs; young will pay higher insurance rates, etc.): Send one-a-day of each story to your favorite liberal friends:
In case you want to see how other conservatives are thinking,
Conservative news site:
Your daily cartoon:
Here’s an interesting new site (new to me):
Here is an interesting blog, but, it is not all conservative stuff:
These are some very good comics:
Helps for liberals to call conservative talk shows:
Sarah Palin’s facebook notes:
Media Research Center:
Must read articles of the day:
The Big Picture:
Talk of Liberty
Lux Libertas
Conservative website:
Excellent articles on economics: (Excellent video on the Department of Agriculture posted)
This is a news site which I just discovered; they gave 3 minute coverage to Obama’s healthcare summit and seemed to give a pretty decent overall view of it, without slanting one way or the other:
(The segment was: )
I have glanced through their website and it seems to be quite professional and reasonable. They have apparently been around since 1942.
An online journal of opinions:
American Civic Literacy:
The Dallas TEA Party Organization (with some pretty good vids):
America people’s healthcare summit online:
This is fantastic; Florida (the Sunshine State) is now putting its state budget online:
New conservative website:
Conservative website:
Suzanne Somers s supposed to be older than Bill O’Reilly? He interviewed her this week, and she looked, well, hot. She is big into vitamins and human growth hormones.
The latest Climate news:
Obama cartoons:
Education link:
News from 2100:
How you can get your piece of the stimulus pie:
Always excellent articles:
The National Journal, which is a political journal (which, at first glance, seems to be pretty even-handed):
Conservative blog: Dan Cleary, political insomniac:
Stand by Liberty:
And I am hoping that most people see this as non-partisan: Citizens Against Government Waste:
Lower taxes, smaller government, more freedom:
Citizens Against Government Waste:
Conservative website featuring stories of the day:
Christian Blog:
News feed/blog:
News site:
Note sure yet about this one:
Conservative news and opinion:
Conservative versus liberal viewpoints:
The Best Graph page (for those of us who love graphs):
The Architecture of Political Power (an online book):
Recommended foreign news site:
This website reveals a lot of information about politicians and their relationship to money. You can find out, among other things, how many earmarks that Harry Reid has been responsible for in any given year; or how much an individual Congressman’s wealth has increased or decreased since taking office.
Kevin Jackson’s [conservative black] website:
Notes from the front lines (in Iraq):
Remembering 9/11:
Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball site:
The current Obama czar roster:
Blue Dog Democrats:
Undercover video and audio for planned parenthood:
The Complete Czar list (which I think is updated as needed):
This is an outstanding website which tells the truth about Obama-care and about what the mainstream media is hiding from you: is a fairly neutral site (or, at the very worst, just a little left of center). They have very good informative videos at:
Great commentary:
My own website:
Congressional voting records:
On Obama (if you have not visited this site, you need to check it out). He is selling a DVD on this site as well called Media Malpractice; I have not viewed it yet, except pieces which I have seen played on tv and on the internet. It looks pretty good to me.
The psychology of homosexuality:
International News:
The Patriot Post:
Obama timeline:
Tax professor’s blog:
I hate the media...
Palin TV (see her interviews unedited):
Liberal filter for FoxNews: News Hounds (motto:
We watch FOX so you don't have to). Be clear on this; they do not want you to watch FoxNews.
Asharq Alawsat Mid-eastern news site: