åØÑíåØíøåÅÅßù(2) The frame of reference is the location or area of retention of epignosis or metabolized
doctrine. The Frame of Reference is the seat of the inventory of metabolized doctrine,
from which application of Bible doctrine or wisdom is performed.
i The frame of reference is the location of all concepts related to the mystery
doctrine of the Church Age, which explains the protocol plan of God, i.e., God's
will, plan, and purpose for your life.
ii The frame of reference is the location of the ten problem solving devices for the
Church Age.
iii The frame of reference is the seat of the inventory of metabolized doctrine, from
which application of doctrine or wisdom is performed.
iv Metabolized doctrine in the frame of reference is the basis for the construction of
the edification complex. See the Doctrine of the Edification Complex of the Soul
v Metabolized doctrine in the frame of reference is the basis for the execution of the
protocol plan of God; therefore, it is the basis for the glorification of God and for
the manufacturing of invisible heroes.
vi Metabolized doctrine in the frame of reference increases your spiritual I.Q. and
provides the basis for learning more advanced doctrines. The amount of doctrine
you have in your frame of reference is what really determines your spiritual I.Q.
vii Metabolized Bible doctrine in your frame of reference provides your first divine
viewpoint, and it begins to shape your mental attitude for the conflict between
divine and human viewpoint, which is a constant struggle until you reach spiritual
viii Metabolized Bible doctrine in your frame of reference provides the right motivation
for the protocol plan of God. It creates motivation for learning more doctrine and
so results in increased momentum. Metabolized doctrine is the momentum factor
that keeps you moving in the spiritual life and eventually leads to execution of the
protocol plan.
(3) Prov. 4:4 Then He taught me and said to me, “Let your heart [right lobe] hold fast My
doctrines, keep My mandates, and live.” Your heart is the source of concentration.
Your ability and motivation for concentration starts with your frame of reference.
(4) 1Cor. 2:9 Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, and have not
entered into the heart of mankind all that God has prepared for those who love Him.
i There is no way you can understand all that God has prepared for you apart from
your frame of reference being saturated with the mystery doctrine of the Church
Age. You can only understand all that God has done for you when Bible doctrine
enters the right lobe of the soul.
ii To come to love God indicates spiritual progress. Personal love for God the
Father is one of the problem solving devices and is the motivation for the Christian
way of life. Occupation with the person of Christ is the priority solution to problem
solving devices in life.
(5) We do not have a human frame of reference for perception of doctrine, but a spiritual
frame of reference for spiritual phenomena to go to a spiritual apparatus.
(6) The frame of reference constructs an instant reaction force or a red-alert system from
metabolized doctrine, so that you can tell what is true and what is false in the
communication of the Word. Certain doctrines form your instant reaction force to solve
the problems of life and cosmic involvement.
i Actually, this is how the construction of the problem solving devices for the
Christian way of life is started. Metabolized doctrine in the frame of reference is
the basis for the manufacture and the function of all the ten problem solving
ii Many baby believers have been delivered from many false doctrinal areas
because, from their frame of reference, they had certain instincts and knew
something was wrong with false ideas, emotional activity, ritual, and the like. So
the frame of reference is where you get your first protection in life.
iii The frame of reference's alert system is so necessary in the Christian life because
you must learn to avoid error, con artists in the spiritual realm, false teachers, and
phony Christian service which is used to con believers.
(7) Metabolized Bible doctrine in your frame of reference produces recall in various stages
and circumstances of life. Lam. 3:20-24 Surely my soul remembers and is humbled
within me. This doctrine I recall to mind; therefore I have hope [Hope 2 and 3 as a
problem solving device]. The Lord's grace support [logistical grace] never ceases; His
grace expressions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul; “therefore I have confidence in Him.”
(Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
(8) The frame of reference provides the basis for effective communication of ideas in
conversation, in professional functions, in witnessing, in social interaction, and in the
exchange of ideas.
(9) The frame of reference provides capacity for life, happiness, blessing, success,
prosperity, and promotion.
(10) The Frame of Reference provides capacity for life, happiness, blessing, success,
prosperity, and promotion. Psalm 119:16 I delight in doctrine; I shall not forget Your
Word. That means that right next to the frame of reference is your memory center.
(11) Philippians 1:9–10 And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in
real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are
excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; 11having been
filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and
praise of God.
i Certain doctrines form your instant reaction force to solve the problems of life and
cosmic involvement.
ii This is how the construction of the problem solving devices for the Christian way
of life is started. Metabolized Bible doctrine in the Frame of Reference is the basis
for the manufacture and the function of all ten problem solving devices.
iii Many baby believers have been delivered from many false doctrinal areas
because, from their Frame of Reference, they had certain instincts and knew
something was wrong with false ideas, emotional activity, ritual, and the like. So
the Frame of Reference is where you get your first protection in life.
iv The Frame of Reference's alert system is so necessary in the Christian life
because you must learn to avoid error, con artists in the spiritual realm, false
teachers, and phony Christian service which is used to con believers.
2) Memory Center.
(1) As we have noted in our analogy of a "filing cabinet" to explain how the KARDIA / heart
of the soul works, the overall Heart is the filing cabinet. Then there is the Frame of
Reference which are the various draws within the filing cabinet that provide first access
to the central resource center for storing and finding information within our souls. The
Frame of Reference is the location for the classification of Bible doctrine. Now the
Memory Center is the actual files you place within a filing cabinet. It is the actual storage
of information within your soul.
(2) The Memory Center is also the place of recall within our soul. It is the place where we
bring back into remembrance all of the Bible doctrine we have learned and stored within
our souls. All of this, of course, is accomplished through the power and filling of God the
Holy Spirit.
(3) The memory center circulates Bible doctrine into the various parts of the right lobe
producing recall. It recalls information like a computer. You associate things in your
frame of reference and then remember them from the function of the memory center.
After a lot of repetition, the memory center stores doctrine.
(4) Recall is synonymous with the application of Bible doctrine to experience and therefore
a part of wisdom; which is sophia (σοφία) [pronounced sohf-EE-ah] in the Greek.
(5) Recall is the basis for the function of all ten of the problem solving devices: rebound,
the filling of the Spirit, the faith-rest drill, grace orientation, doctrinal orientation, personal
love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind, +H or sharing the happiness
of God, a personal sense of destiny, and occupation with Christ.
i Recall becomes a basis for structuring problem solving devices.
i) It may take only one verse, such as 1John 1:9, to structure rebound.
Rebound should be kept simple; we sin so much that we need a very simple
solution. Rebound as the solution relates to the judgment of our sins on the
ii) More complex recall occurs after we learn the protocol plan of God, the
portfolio of invisible assets, the unique life, suffering for blessing, and the
lifestyle of wisdom.
ii Recall is the basis for the function of all three stages of the Faith-Rest Drill. 1)
Establish a relaxed mental attitude and claim promises of God. 2) Concentrate on
pertinent doctrine in a logical order [doctrinal rationale]. 3) Reach doctrinal
iii Recall is the application of the doctrinal rationales to the circumstances of life; e.g.,
the essence of God rationale, the plan of God rationale, the politeuma rationale,
the grace of God rationale, the logistical grace rationale.
(6) Recall has nothing to do with whether or not you have a good memory as a human
being. It has everything to do with the inculcation of doctrine. You must hear a doctrine
hundreds of times. The more you hear a doctrine, the sooner you will apply it.
(7) You haven't learned a doctrine until you can't forget it! You cannot use what you cannot
recall. You can't look up the pertinent doctrine in your notebook when you're being
tested. It must already be in you. You can only apply what you have learned.
(8) Therefore, recall is the application of epignosis doctrine in the right lobe to the
circumstances of life. When epignosis doctrine is applied, it is called wisdom. In the
Greek, that is sophia (σοφία) [pronounced sohf-EE-ah].
(9) Lam. 3:20-24, Surely my soul remembers and is humbled within me. This doctrine I
recall to my mind, therefore I have confidence [Hope 2,3]. The Lord's grace support
never ceases; His grace expressions never fail. They are new every morning; great is
Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul [frame of reference and
memory center]; “therefore I have confidence in Him.” (Translation probably by R. B.
Thieme, Jr.)
i What memory brings about humility as the basis of function in the spiritual life?
Verse 21 answers-memory of doctrine.
ii Jeremiah had both doctrinal orientation and grace orientation.
(10) Psalm 119:6 I delight in doctrine; I shall not forget Your word. Psalm 119 was the
thinking of those young people on that long march from Jerusalem to Babylon as they
were terribly treated and abused. They had learned the doctrine and recalled it under
the most awful circumstances.
(11) Psalm 119:109 My life is in constant danger, but I do not forget Your doctrines.
(Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.) The frame of reference plus the memory
center equals the recall of doctrine.
(12) 2Cor. 10:4-6 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power
to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against
the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to
punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete. (ESV) The context of
this passage is the angelic conflict, and the issue is your weaponry. You must have the
right weapons. You come to Bible class to arm yourself spiritually. God provides the
weaponry which is all in one arsenal: the divine dynasphere. The phrase in verse six
"holding in readiness" refers to epignosis doctrine in the frame of reference and in the
memory center.
3) Vocabulary Storage.
(1) This is the place where thinking develops and where technical words are stored which
develop new ideas. You cannot think beyond your vocabulary.
(2) Vocabulary is developed in the left lobe and only transferred to the right lobe when
accepted. Often our capacity for life is related to our vocabulary. Concepts are first
learned in the left lobe where they are meaningless until we accept them; then they are
transferred to the right lobe.
(3) After salvation, the believer must learn an entirely new vocabulary, including technical
words for theology, which is tantamount to learning a new language for thinking, for
application, and for expression.
(4) Just as at physical birth a baby must learn a language and the meaning of words, so
after regeneration the believer must learn an entire new language.
(5) This is analogous to taking out a file within the filing cabinet and reading what is in the
file. Recall is necessary for the application of the Word of God to experience for
worship, training the Christian reflexes, and the function of the Problem Solving Devices.
While the frame of reference is the location for the classification of doctrine, the memory
center is the sphere for recall of Bible doctrine from all areas of the stream of
consciousness. Recall is necessary for the application of doctrine to experience, for
worship, for training the Christian reflexes, and the function of the problem solving
(6) Cognizance of technical language is necessary to understand and apply Bible doctrine.
The plan of God, of necessity, is couched in technical, theological terms.
i Soteriology = the doctrine of salvation.
ii Harmartiology = the doctrine of sin.
iii Eschatology = the doctrine of end times/kingdom of God.
iv Bibliology = the understanding of the Bible's design and development.
v Theology = the doctrine of God.
vi Christology = the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
vii Pneumatology = the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.
viii Angelology = the doctrine of Angels.
ix Anthropology = the doctrine of man.
x Ecclesiology = the doctrine of the Church.
xi Hypostatic Union = Jesus Christ is 100% God while being 100% man. This is also
analogous to the Bible which is simultaneously the Word of God and the word of
(7) Jer. 15:16 Your words were discovered and I ate [metabolized] them, and Your words
became for me joy [happiness]. (translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
(8) Deut. 8:3 “And He humbled you [the Exodus generation] and He let you be hungry and
He fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your ancestors know that He
might cause you to understand that mankind does not live by bread alone, but man lives
by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Jesus quoted this in Matt. 4:4 as
His response to Satan.
(9) Psalms 119:103–104 How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey
to my mouth! From Your precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way.
(10) Psalms 119:130–131 The unfolding of Your words gives light; It gives understanding
to the simple. I opened my mouth wide and panted, For I longed for Your
4) Categorical Doctrinal Storage.
(1) Throughout this doctrine we have been utilizing the analogy of a "filing cabinet" to
explain how the kardia/heart of the soul works, the overall Heart is the filing cabinet.
Then there is the Frame of Reference which are the various draws within the filing
cabinet that provide first access to the central resource center for storing and finding
information within our souls. The Memory Center is the actual files you place within a
filing cabinet. It is the actual storage of information within your soul. Vocabulary Storage
is analogous to the tabs or headings we put on files as a technical reference to the
information within the files giving us easy access and recall. Next is Categorical Storage,
which is the organization system we use to file our files. For example we file
alphabetically, by date, by topics, by projects, etc. Categorical Storage is the systematic
grouping together of similar information.
(2) Categorical storage coordinated with the frame of reference classifies Bible doctrine.
This is the storage area of any technical concepts or categorical information in any area
of life. It is related to recall from both the memory center and vocabulary. You
remember principles and technical words, and you finally put them all together.
(3) By comparing Scripture with Scripture, certain subjects are brought together in the
divisions of doctrine for the purpose of classification. In the various parts of Scripture,
many ideas are covered from different viewpoints but are still part of the same subject.
(4) Therefore, categorical storage fulfills the principle of cognitive independence.
(5) Categories are fundamental concepts of doctrine to which all knowledge of doctrine can
be reduced.
(6) Categories are the divisions of doctrine formed for the purpose of classification of
subjects and subject matter in the Word of God.
(7) Categorical storage is the basis for conceptualism in post-salvation epistemological
rehabilitation; i.e., the perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine; i.e.,
operation Z.
(8) Both vocabulary and categorical storage are essential to spiritual growth and the
execution of God's plan.
i Prov. 2:2 Make your ear to concentrate on wisdom; apply your right lobe to
i) Only you can make your ear concentrate; no one can do it for you.
ii) You are to concentrate on wisdom, which is châkemâh (חָכְמָה) [pronounced
khawke-MAW] in the Hebrew. Châkemâh is a combination of the Greek
epignôsis (ἐπίγνωσις) [pronounced ehp-IHG-noh-sis] plus sophia (σοφία)
[pronounced sohf-EE-ah]. Wisdom is the basis of spiritual growth. Wisdom
is the combination of epignôsis coming into your right lobe as well as being
applied from your right lobe.
iii) By applying your right lobe to understanding, you develop categorical
iv) The heart pumps epignosis doctrine through the frame of reference, memory
center, vocabulary, and categorical storage areas. Without concentration
and positive volition to what is taught, you will not develop vocabulary or
categorical storage of doctrinal information.
ii Prov. 2:10 Wisdom will enter your heart, and the knowledge of doctrine will be
pleasant to your soul.
i) There is no wisdom until it enters the right lobe.
ii) "Pleasant" indicates the presence of problem solving devices in your soul as
you become spiritually self-sustaining.
iii Prov. 3:3 Do not let grace and truth leave you behind; bind them around your neck
[carry Bible doctrine with you]; write them on the tablet of your heart [think about
Bible doctrine and learn it]. (translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
iv Prov. 15:14-15 The mind of the intelligent seeks knowledge;.a good heart has a
continual feast. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
v Prov. 18:15 The heart of the wise acquires knowledge of doctrine; the ear of the
wise seeks knowledge of doctrine. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
i) The "ear of the wise" is positive volition. With positive volition everything falls
into place. Positive volition continually seeks doctrine.
ii) The "heart of the wise" is spiritual growth. It acquires knowledge through
operation Z.
(9) Categorical storage is the putting together of words into sentences, sentences into
paragraphs, paragraphs into chapters, chapters into books, etc. It is cognizance of the
various doctrinal categories used to communicate information to the believer.
(10) Knowledge is built on knowledge. Simple categories of doctrine lead to the more
complex categories of knowledge in the classification of Biblical categories.
(11) The study of doctrines categorically becomes the basis for greater and greater
application. It is very easy to mix the promises with faith in the simple form of the
faith-rest drill. But to take a complicated problem in your life and apply various concepts
and rationales of Bible doctrine to it requires a greater use of your right lobe.
(12) Eventually, the greatest problems in spiritual adulthood are resolved by categorical
application. In the faith-rest drill, instead of claiming a promise, you begin to claim
doctrinal rationales. It is from categories that you get stronger application of doctrine
to your experience.
(13) Repetition is the key. You must hear a doctrine over and over again. The more you hear
a doctrine, the quicker your spiritual IQ is built up and the sooner you will apply it to life.
You haven't learned a doctrine until you can't forget it! You cannot use what you cannot
recall. You can't look up the pertinent principles and doctrines in your notebook when
you're being tested. It must already be in your Memory Center. You can only apply what
you have learned.
(14) Both vocabulary and categorical storage are essential for epistemological rehabilitation.
Cognition of a technical vocabulary of Biblical theology is necessary for the fulfillment
of the protocol plan of God. It can only be explained in terms of mechanics. Therefore,
certain technical mechanical terms are necessary.
(15) Every term, including rebound, faith-rest drill, hope 2, hope 3, spiritual self-esteem,
virtue-love as a problem solving device, the protocol plan of God, the operational-type
divine dynasphere, the portfolio of invisible assets, escrow blessings, logistical grace
blessings, election, predestination, computer assets, etc., all have extensive doctrinal
explanations. They must be stored in both the vocabulary and categorical
compartments of the soul's right lobe.
5) Conscience. The Greek word suneidêsis (συνείδησις) [pronounced soon-Ī-day-sis] means
to know with. The equivalent Latin conscientia means joint knowledge, i.e., to know with a
(1) Throughout this doctrine we have been utilizing the analogy of a "filing cabinet" to
explain how the kardia/heart of the soul works, the overall Heart is the filing cabinet.
Then there is the Frame of Reference which are the various draws within the filing
cabinet that provide first access to the central resource center for storing and finding
information within our souls. The Memory Center is the actual files you place within the
filing cabinet. It is the actual storage of information within your soul. Vocabulary Storage
is analogous to the tabs or headings we put on files as a technical reference to the
information within the files giving us easy access and recall. Categorical Storage is the
systematic grouping of reference material for application. For example we categorized
files alphabetically, by date, by topics, by projects, etc. Next we have the Conscience
which is the scanning of information within a file to use as reference material. It is the
actual reference material within a file that is applied in our lives.
(2) Your conscience is divided into two parts:
i The place for the norms and standards that are developed from Bible
ii The carnal norms and standards developed from your old sin nature.
iii The decisions you make are generally based on your conscience.
i) If your decisions are based on your doctrinal norms and standards, then your
decisions are good decisions from a position of strength. The conscience
extrapolates from doctrine the norms and standards for life. You have to
know something to have a conscience. When you know something you
develop standards. Whatever you learn in the right lobe becomes a part of
your norms and standards.
ii) If your decisions are based on your carnal norms and standards, then your
decisions are bad decisions from a position of weakness.
(3) You must have vocabulary and thought to establish norms and standards. The
conscience must be built on a vocabulary that begins with one word: no, or don't. All
consciences are built with negative words which forbid doing something. So the
conscience of man is first established by negatives, although eventually there are
explanations in both positive and negative terms.
(4) Therefore, the conscience becomes the residency of the priorities of your soul. Dan 1:8
(5) Rom 2:14-15 The law printed [written] in your hearts [right lobes], their conscience
confirming the testimony and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending
themselves. Once you have norms and standards, you orient to whether you are doing
something right or wrong.
(6) The conscience is the right lobe's storage compartment for your norms and standards
and priorities in life. Rom. 9:1, 13:5 1Cor. 8:7 2Cor. 4:2 5:11 Titus 1:15 Heb. 9:14
(7) Romans 9:1–2 I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience testifies
with me in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart. This
was Paul's attitude towards the Jews for rejecting Christ as the Messiah. He had the
knowledge of God in his heart and through the ministry of the Spirit was able to express
sorrow towards the unbeliever.
(8) So you see you have to know something to have a Conscience. The Conscience
extrapolates from whatever you put into your soul; the norms and standards for life.
When you know something, whether it is good or bad, you develop standards from that
knowledge. Whatever you learn in the right lobe becomes a part of your norms and
(9) 2Corinthians 5:11 Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, but we
are made manifest to God; and I hope that we are made manifest also in your
(10) That is why it is so important to be careful about what you put into your soul and to take
every thought captive. 2 Corinthians 10:5, 12-13
(11) All normal persons have norms and standards which are located in the right lobe or
heart of the mentality of the soul. From these norms and standards come individual
priorities in life. Your priorities form your scale of values.
(12) The norms and standards located in the conscience are directed toward both God and
man, but primarily toward mankind until you become aware of the existence of God and
what He has done for you.
i Acts 24:16 "In view of this, even I myself keep practicing to maintain even a
blameless conscience, both before God and before men."
ii True strength is to develop your standards toward both God and man from the
Biblical standards of doctrine.
(13) The conscience of the believer is formed from cognition of Bible doctrine. 2Cor. 4:2 But
we have renounced the things hidden because of shame [false doctrine and apostasy],
not walking in craftiness, not adulterating the Word of God, but by the unveiling of
doctrine [post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation], commending ourselves to every
man's conscience in the sight of God. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.) Paul
is here saying that there is a legitimate modus operandi that goes with the spiritual life.
You will build up norms and standards related to it from Bible doctrine, and at the same
time set aside false norms and standards related to legalism.
(14) The believer's conscience demands that he submit to establishment authority. Rom
13:5 Therefore, it is necessary to be in subordination, not only because of wrath [law
enforcement], but also for conscience sake. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
i In other words, the Christian doesn't refrain from criminal activity because he's
afraid of going to jail, but because, with a strong conscience, his norms and
standards refuse to let him even consider any criminal activity.
ii The conscience in the soul is far stronger than any fear of punishment from law
(15) Conscience as a motivator is mentioned in 2Tim. 1:3 I thank God whom I serve with a
clear conscience, the way my ancestors did, as I constantly remember you in my
prayers, day and night. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
i So your conscience has something to do with your effectiveness in prayer. Paul's
conscience demanded that he pray for certain people, and he did so. Paul didn't
pray for people because he liked them, but for conscience sake, which is the
strongest possible motivation.
ii Since the conscience is located in the right lobe of the soul, the norms and
standards of the conscience are built on epignôsis (ἐπίγνωσις) [pronounced ehp-IHG-noh-sis] doctrine, not on gnôsis (γνσις) [pronounced GNOH-sis] doctrine.
(16) The conscience is related to unjust and unfair treatment, 1Peter 2:18-19 Servants, be
submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle masters, but
also to the perverse and unreasonable ones; for this is grace, if for the sake of
conscience toward God, anyone bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly.
(Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
i Though originally addressed to slaves, this verse came to refer to anyone who is
under the authority of someone else. Some people in authority are perverse, but
you are just as responsible to submit to their authority. You serve them and do
your best job as unto the Lord.
ii Such a believer has a strong conscience. The weak believer complains and
rejects authority, and so becomes a loser.
iii So it is very important to have a conscience based on epignosis doctrine so that
you can handle unjust treatment in the same manner that you handle fair
iv Military training can be counted on to provide unjust and unfair treatment from
authority. To learn to submit to unfair authority is necessary for proper function
under the abnormal circumstances of combat.
(17) The conscience is important in suffering for blessing according to 1Peter 3:14-16 But
even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you are blessed [suffering for blessing
in three categories]. Furthermore, do not fear their intimidation tactics and do not be
troubled, but set apart the Lord Christ in your right lobes, and always be ready to make
a defense to anyone who asks you to give an account for the confidence that is in you
with grace orientation and respect [occupation with Christ]. Be having a good of intrinsic
value conscience, so that in the things in which you are slandered, those who malign
your intrinsic good in Christ may be put to shame. (Translation probably by R. B.
Thieme, Jr.)
i The three categories of suffering for blessing are providential preventative
suffering, momentum testing, and evidence testing.
ii Note the source of occupation with Christ is epignosis doctrine in the right lobe.
You handle slander through epignosis in the right lobe.
iii If you have a strong conscience, you will leave it in the Lord's hands. Then it will
go to the supreme court of heaven. They will be put to shame without you ever
trying to defend yourself or answer back.
(18) False standards in the conscience can cause spiritual weaknesses. 1Cor. 8:7 Not all
men have this knowledge [about food offered to idols], but some being accustomed to
idol worship until now [when saved] eat the food as if it were sacrificed to idols, and their
conscience, being weak, is defiled.
i Some of the best food in Corinth had been offered to idols and then sold as the
choicest meat in the temple market. Food is food and meat is meat. So it was
alright to eat that food, once you sanctified it.
ii But for those with an idolatrous background and a weak conscience, eating food
offered to idols was very offensive. The one with the weak conscience has
legalistic norms and standards in his conscience from his religious background.
iii So there is a conflict between those with a strong conscience and those with a
weak conscience. A strong conscience has Biblical standards from epignôsis
(ἐπίγνωσις) [pronounced ehp-IHG-noh-sis] and sophia (σοφία) [pronounced sohf-EE-ah]. A weak conscience lives by standards acquired from its background,
which may or may not be good, or which may be distorted in the spiritual life.
Eating is a physical issue, and has nothing to do with the spiritual life.
iv The weak conscience assumes he's strong, because legalism always assumes it
is strong. Yet legalism is really weak.
v So the conscience is a very sensitive thing. It can be erroneous in its concepts
apart from doctrine. If doctrine does not feed the conscience, instinct will. And
instinct develops legalism in a hurry.
(19) Apostasy in believers is related to a conscience that has been destroyed. 1 Tim 4:1-2
But the Spirit explicitly states that in latter periods of time [between First and Second
Advents], some believers will become apostate from doctrine, paying attention to
deceitful spirits and concentrating on doctrines from demons [cosmic involvement] by
means of hypocrisy of liars [false teachers], seared in their own conscience as with a
branding iron. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
i False teaching sears the conscience like a branding iron. It destroys the
conscience. This searing refers to scar tissue of the soul and cosmic involvement.
ii A great deal of your strength comes from having the proper norms and standards
in the conscience of your right lobe.
iii Therefore, it is important to understand how apostasy can destroy the conscience.
(20) The conscience is purified from dead works through the substitutionary spiritual death
of Christ on the cross according to Heb. 9:14 How much more will the blood of Christ
who, through the eternal Spirit [omnipotence of the Holy Spirit], offered Himself without
blemish to God, purify your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
(Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
i There is no work we can perform for salvation; salvation is by grace. Therefore,
our conscience must be purified from dead works. Dead works are human works,
like faith plus anything for salvation. All dead works will be burned at the
Judgment Seat of Christ.
ii In other words, anything performed outside of the divine dynasphere is dead
works. Christian service that involves dead works is not Christian service at all.
iii The great power experiment of the Church Age and the execution of the protocol
plan of God demands the use of the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit inside the
divine dynasphere.
iv Divine omnipotence and human power are mutually exclusive. Serving God and
fulfilling His plan cannot be accomplished by human power. Human power
destroys the conscience and results in dead works.
v Legalism cannot execute the plan, purpose, or will of God in the Church Age.
vi Serving God means the utilization of divine power and the cognition of Bible
doctrine, which establishes the norms and standards for the right lobe.
(21) The Conscience is a very sensitive thing. It can be erroneous in its concepts apart from
Bible doctrine. If the Word of God does not feed the Conscience, instinct will quickly
develop into legalism.
i The norms and standards located in the Conscience are directed toward both God
and man, but primarily toward mankind until you become aware of the existence
of God and what He has done for you.
ii Acts 24:16, "In view of this, even I myself keep practicing to maintain even a
blameless conscience, both before God and before men."
iii True strength is to develop your standards toward both God and man from the
Biblical standards of doctrine.
iv 2 Corinthians 4:2, "But we have renounced the things hidden because of shame
[false doctrine and apostasy], not walking in craftiness, not adulterating the Word
of God, but by the manifestation of truth, commending ourselves to every man's
conscience in the sight of God."
v Paul is saying that there is a legitimate mode of operation that goes with the
spiritual life. You will build up norms and standards related to it from Bible doctrine,
and at the same time set aside false norms and standards related to legalism or
any other Cosmic thinking.
(22) Principles Related to the Conscience:
i The believer's Conscience demands that he submit to establishment authority.
Romans 13:5, "Therefore, it is necessary to be in subordination, not only because
of wrath [law enforcement], but also for conscience sake." In other words, the
Christian doesn't refrain from criminal activity because he's afraid of going to jail,
but because, with a strong conscience, his norms and standards refuse to let him
even consider any criminal or sinful activity. The Conscience in the soul is far
stronger than any fear of punishment from law enforcement.
ii The Conscience is a motivator within our soul to live in the Righteousness of God
under His grace. 2 Timothy 1:3, "I thank God whom I serve with a clear
conscience, the way my ancestors did, as I constantly remember you in my
prayers day and night." We also see that the Conscience has something to do
with your effectiveness in prayer. Paul's Conscience demanded that he prays for
certain people, and he did so. Paul didn't pray for people because he liked them,
but for conscience sake, which is the strongest possible motivation.
iii The Conscience is tested and trained when confronted with unjust and unfair
treatment. 1 Peter 2:18-19, "Servants, be submissive to your masters with all
respect, not only to the good and gentle masters, but also to the perverse and
unreasonable ones; for this is grace, if for the sake of conscience toward God
anyone bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly." "Though originally
addressed to slaves, this verse came to refer to anyone who is under the authority
of someone else. Some people in authority are perverse, but you are just as
responsible to submit to their authority. You serve them and do your best job as
unto the Lord. Such a believer has a strong conscience. The weak believer
complains and rejects authority, and so becomes a loser (of rewards). So it is very
important to have a Conscience based on EPIGNOSIS doctrine so that you can
handle unjust treatment in the same manner that you handle fair treatment." R.B.
Thieme Jr.
iv When going through suffering for blessing a good Conscience is a witness to
others and causes the accuser to reflect upon their own Conscience. 1 Peter
3:14-16 But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are
blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled, 15but sanctify
Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone
who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness
and reverence; 16and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you
are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame.
All three categories of suffering for blessing are in view here, Providential
Preventative Suffering, Momentum Testing, and Evidence Testing. Regardless of
the category of suffering you are under, you will be sustained by applying the Word
of God resident within your soul, (Occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ). When
you are faced with adversity, such as slandering, your Conscience refrains you
from retaliating. Instead you turn the matter over to God, (the Supreme Court of
Heaven), in faith and rest in Him.
v Reversionism and apostasy in a believer's life is related to a Conscience that has
been destroyed through neglect of Bible doctrine and absorption of Cosmic
thinking, resulting in scar tissue upon their soul. 1 Timothy 4:1-2, "But the Spirit
explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention
to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, 2by means of the hypocrisy of liars
seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, (scar tissue as a result of
vi The Conscience is purified from built up scar tissue and dead works through the
substitutionary spiritual death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Hebrews 9:14 How
much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself
without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the
living God? We are cleansed at the moment of Salvation. That is true. But if we
perform dead works (works performed in carnality absent the power of God the
Holy Spirit) post salvation, the cross remains effective for cleansing through the
confession of sin, 1 John 1:9. With a cleansed conscience you are now able to
truly and righteously serve and glorify God. Divine omnipotence and human power
are mutually exclusive. Serving God and fulfilling His Plan cannot be accomplished
by human power. Human power, including legalism, destroys the Conscience and
results in dead works. Serving God means the utilization of divine power and the
cognition of Bible doctrine, which establishes the norms and standards for the right
lobe / heart of your soul.
(23) So the Conscience in the Heart (right lobe) of Our Soul:
i Demands the believer submit to establishment authority.
ii Motivates him to live in the Righteousness of God under grace.
iii Tests and trains the soul under unjust and unfair treatment.
iv Is a witness to and causes self-reflection in others when suffering for blessing.
v Is destroyed through neglect of Bible doctrine and absorption of Cosmic thinking,
resulting in scar tissue upon the soul when in reversionism and apostasy.
vi Is purified from scar tissue and dead works through the substitutionary spiritual
death of Jesus Christ on the cross.
6) The Momentum Department or the Department of Spiritual Growth.
(1) This is the sphere of spiritual growth which is momentum inside the divine dynasphere
under the enabling power of the Holy Spirit and momentum from metabolized doctrine.
As a result of having doctrine in the frame of reference, moving it into memory center,
vocabulary and categorical storage, developing norms and standards; we then have a
growth factor from metabolized doctrine which moves us to spiritual maturity.
(2) There are two categories of spiritual growth.
i Normal spiritual growth comes from post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.
This is tantamount to operation Z or the three R's.
i) Receptive comprehension, the first three stages of Operation Z.
ii) Retention, the metabolization of Bible doctrine, converting gnosis into
epignosis doctrine.
iii) Recall, the application of that doctrine.
ii Accelerated spiritual growth comes from the application of metabolized doctrine
and the function of the problem solving devices of spiritual adulthood under
suffering, pressure, and adversity for blessing. There are three categories of
suffering for blessing in spiritual adulthood.
i) Spiritual self-esteem plus providential preventative suffering equals spiritual
ii) Spiritual autonomy plus momentum testing (gate #7 of the divine
dynasphere) equals spiritual maturity.
iii) Spiritual maturity plus evidence testing equals maximum glorification of God.
iii It is true that you can learn from punitive suffering, from divine discipline, from the
law of volitional responsibility, and from self-induced misery. But that is a slow
process and does not necessarily advance you to spiritual self-esteem, the first
stage of spiritual adulthood.
7) The Wisdom Department.
(1) Wisdom is the application of metabolized doctrine and problem solving devices to the
various experiences of life.
(2) Wisdom must accompany the learning of Bible doctrine. Otherwise, arrogance sets in.
Without wisdom, there is arrogance.
(3) The Greek word for wisdom, sophia (σοφία) [pronounced sohf-EE-ah], (and the Hebrew
equivalent, châkemâh (חָכְמָה) [pronounced khawke-MAW]) means the ability to relate
metabolized doctrine in the right lobe to life. Therefore, it is the ability to deal
sagaciously with life from the accumulated facts of the mystery doctrine of the Church
(4) Wisdom is the application of metabolized doctrine and the utilization of problem solving
devices for both normal and accelerated growth.
(5) 1Corinthians 3:10–11 According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise
master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each man must be
careful how he builds on it. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which
is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
(6) Ephesians 5:15–16 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,
making the most of your time, because the days are evil.
(7) Ezekiel 36:27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and
you will be careful to observe My ordinances.
(8) Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is
written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.
(9) The launching pad is an entrance hall connected with your memory center. This is the
application area. The launching pad takes recall of doctrine and applies it to experience
under the function of your very own royal priesthood.
(10) The launching pad is used for the application of metabolized doctrine in both normal and
accelerated growth, as well as in problem solving. One of the greatest areas of
accelerated growth is the utilization and application of metabolized doctrine in suffering
for blessing.
(11) You cannot apply what you do not know. You can only apply doctrine for yourself; the
pastor cannot apply Bible doctrine for you.
(12) The launching pad is where thought is converted into action. Your standards are
applied to life. All other parts of the right lobe come together to make an application.
As you apply more doctrine you develop wisdom.
(13) In the launching pad all the doctrine in the right lobe comes together for its application.
This is where virtue love, hope 2 and 3, and the other problem solving devices have a
phenomenal impact.
(14) This means always the application of doctrine to your experiences in the privacy of your
priesthood, not trying to apply your norms and standards to others (unless you are a
i Scripture. 1Cor. 1:30 But you are from Him in Christ Jesus who became to us
wisdom from God, both righteousness and sanctification and redemption.
ii 1Cor. 2:7-8 For we communicate God's wisdom in a mystery which has been
hidden, which God predestined before the ages for the purpose of your glory,
[divine wisdom] which none of the rulers of this age have understood; for if they
had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
iii James 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,
reasonable, full of mercy and divine good production, impartial, without hypocrisy.
iv Philip. 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is
integrity, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if there is any
virtue, if there is anything worthy of praise, concentrate on these things.
(15) In the development of your Conscience, you must have vocabulary and thought to
establish norms and standards. It is first built on one word, no or don't, negative words,
which forbid doing something. Later on there is explanation and reason in both positive
and negative terms to go along with the prohibition, but it begins simply.
i So too does the Conscience develop in the spiritual realm; first with simple
adherence to God's ordinances; later with knowledge, obedience to His Plan for
your life.
ii Romans 2:15, "the law printed [written] in their hearts [right lobes], their
conscience bearing witness, and their thoughts alternately accusing or else
defending them."
iii Once you have norms and standards, you orient to whether you are doing
something right or wrong. Therefore, the Conscience becomes the residency of
the priorities of your soul, Daniel 1:8. Daniel 1:8, "But Daniel made up his mind
that he would not defile himself with the king's choice food or with the wine which
he drank; so he sought permission from the commander of the officials that he
might not defile himself."
(16) Your Conscience is Divided into Two Parts:
i The place for norms and standards developed from the Word of God resident in
your soul.
ii The carnal norms and standards developed from your Old Sin Nature and cosmic
iii The decisions you make as a believer are generally based on your conscience
inspired by either the Word of God or your Sin Nature. Unbelievers can only make
decisions from their Sin Nature.
iv If your decisions are based on your doctrinal norms and standards, then your
decisions are divine good decisions (fruit of Spirit) from a position of strength,
(gold, silver, and precious stones).
v If your decisions are based on your carnal norms and standards, then your
decisions are bad decisions from a position of weakness (wood, hay and straw,
1Corinthians 3:12;
vi 1Corinthians 8:7, "Not all men have this knowledge [about food offered to idols],
but some being accustomed to idol worship until now [when saved] eat the food
as if it were sacrificed to idols, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled."
vii Our norms and standards determine our priorities in life. Your priorities form your
scale of values. If you have false standards in your Conscience they cause
spiritual weaknesses in your soul.
viii "Some of the best food in Corinth had been offered to idols and then sold as the
choicest meat in the temple market. Food is food and meat is meat. So it was
alright to eat that food, once you sanctified it. But for those with an idolatrous
background and a cosmic conscience, eating food offered to idols was very
offensive. Likewise those with a legalistic Conscience from a religious background
did not understand the grace policy of God and had a warped sense of
conscience. So there is a conflict between those with a strong Conscience based
on the principles found in the Word of God and those with a weak Conscience
based on demon influence. A strong Conscience has Biblical standards from
epignosis and sophia. A weak Conscience lives by standards acquired from its
cosmic background, which may or may not be good, or which may be distorted in
the spiritual life. Eating is a physical issue, and has nothing to do with the spiritual
life. The weak Conscience assumes he's strong, because legalism always
assumes it is strong. Yet legalism is really weak." R.B. Thieme, Jr.
8) The Launching Pad. Throughout this doctrine we have been utilizing the analogy of a "filing
cabinet" to explain how the KARDIA / heart of the soul works, the overall Heart is the filing
cabinet. Then there is the Frame of Reference which are the various draws within the filing
cabinet that provide first access to the central resource center for storing and finding
information within our souls. The Memory Center is the actual files you place within the filing
cabinet. It is the actual storage of information within your soul. Vocabulary Storage is
analogous to the tabs or headings we put on files as a technical reference to the information
within the files giving us easy access and recall. Categorical Storage is the systematic
grouping of reference material for application. The Conscience is the scanning of information
within a file to use as a basis of reference regarding the situations of life. Finally we arrive at
the Launching Pad. The Launching Pad is the gathering together of things stored within the
filing cabinet. It is the animated process of removing a file and utilizing what is in that file.
(1) The Launching Pad is the final and critical compartment of the Heart of your soul. This
is the compartment that when confronted with an issue or situation, gathers information
from the other five compartments of the Heart and sets it in motion. It is the staging and
application of metabolized Bible doctrine resident in your soul and/or Problem Solving
Devices to the various experiences of life.
(2) Applying the Word of God that you have learned to the situations of life is called
Wisdom. The Launching Pad is the staging area for epignosis (complete knowledge)
Bible Doctrine and setting it in motion to become sophia (wisdom) as you apply it to life.
(3) Wisdom should be the natural outpouring of your soul as a result of learning the Word
of God. If it is not, then arrogance has or will set in.
i Unfortunately many believers don't take in the Word of God after salvation and do
not receive epignosis. That is problem #1.
ii Problem #2 is that some believers with epignosis Bible doctrine do not apply it in
iii The most common cause of Problem #1 and #2 is that arrogance (i.e.
independence and self-reliance emanating from the Sin Nature) has taken up
residence in the soul in the place of epignosis.
(4) Without wisdom applied from your soul, there is arrogance. The Greek word for
wisdom, sophia and the Hebrew equivalent, chokmah means the ability to relate
metabolized Bible doctrine in the Heart (right lobe) to life.
(5) Therefore, it is the ability to deal sagaciously (keen and farsighted judgment, acute
discernment) with life from the accumulated facts and knowledge of the Mystery
Doctrine of the Church Age.
(6) The Launching Pad is an entrance hall or conduit for epignosis Bible Doctrine to be
applied. It works as follows: Your are faced with a situation in life. The Frame of
Reference sends first some general reference points that are related to the situation.
Then the Memory Center sends in recalled details and data regarding those reference
points. This is followed by the Vocabulary sending technical specifications that can be
used for the situation. Next the Categorical Storage compartment sends supporting data
from multiple reference points. Then the Conscience brings forth reasoning based on
all the norms and standards built in your soul from accumulated Bible Doctrine that has
flowed through it. And finally the Launching Pad gathers together all supporting
materials, stages them for launch, and thrusts them forward within your soul so that the
Wisdom of God flows throughout your soul and can be applied to the situation you are
faced with. This all occurs under the function of your very own Royal Priesthood
through the enabling power of God the Holy Spirit working within your soul.
(7) You cannot apply what you do not know. You can only apply Bible doctrine for yourself;
the Pastor cannot apply Bible doctrine for you. John 16:13, "But when He, the Spirit of
truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own
initiative, but whatever He hears (EPIGNOSIS), He will speak (Launch Pad); and He will
disclose to you what is to come (Wisdom)."
(8) The Launching Pad is where thought is converted into action. The standards from your
Conscience are applied to life and all of the other parts of the Heart come together to
make an application. As you apply more and more Bible doctrine to life, you develop
greater and greater wisdom.
(9) In the Launching Pad all the Bible doctrine in the right lobe of your soul comes together
for its application. This is where virtue love, hope, and the other Problem Solving
Devices have a phenomenal impact. 1Corinthians 2:13, "Which things we also speak,
not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining
spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.
(10) This means application of epignosis Bible doctrine to your experiences in the privacy of
your Royal Priesthood. Under the Royal Family Honor Code, we are not to apply our
own norms and standards to others (unless you are a parent). But in grace and virtue
(unconditional) love, we teach and train others with the hope that they will develop
epignosis and wisdom within their own soul to the glory of God.
(11) 1Corinthians 1:30, "But you are from Him in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom
from God, both righteousness and sanctification and redemption."
(12) 1Corinthians 2:7-8, "For we communicate God's wisdom in a mystery which has been
hidden, which God predestined before the ages for the purpose of your glory, [divine
wisdom] which none of the rulers of this age have understood; for if they had understood
it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."
(13) James 3:17, "But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,
reasonable, full of mercy and divine good production, impartial, without hypocrisy."
(14) Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is
integrity, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if there is any
virtue, if there is anything worthy of praise, concentrate on these things."
9) The Subconscious Mind.
(1) The subconscious is attached to the right lobe because the right lobe feeds it. The
subconscious is the place for storage of impressions, thoughts, and emotions which do
not exist in the conscious mind or in the emotions. Hence, totally apart from the
vocabulary and categorical storage, conscience, frame of reference, or any form of
metabolized doctrine, certain impressions are made which enter into the subconscious
(2) The subconscious includes aspects of the mental life which are not immediately a part
of the individual's conscious mind, since certain emotional factors will not ordinarily
permit its contents to come to the surface. However, with relatively little aid, the
obstructing repressions can be lifted and the contents emerge into awareness. People
who use their emotions too much usually block these things.
(3) While the subconscious is totally divorced from metabolized doctrine in the right lobe,
it is also distinguished from the unconscious; it is between the conscious and the
(4) The subconscious is a mental apparatus. It overlaps from the conscious mind, but is
not immediately available to the conscious mind. The subconscious affects thoughts,
feelings, and behavior without entering into one's awareness. Hence, the subconscious
is where there are impressions and mental activity just below the threshold of
consciousness. These can be released. Often the teaching of Bible doctrine will
release these things and clean out the subconscious of things that are false.
(5) The subconscious is merely the slough-off for things in the conscious mind that are
rejected, no longer believed, or priorities and standards which you have now changed.
When you change a standard and don't believe it anymore, and it conflicts with your
conscience, that causes a leak into the subconscious. So the subconscious collects all
the poison of your right lobe.
(6) The subconscious includes aspects of mental life which are not immediately part of the
believer's conscious mind, since certain emotional factors will not ordinarily permit its
contents to come to surface into the conscious mind; thus they remain repressed.
(7) However, metabolized doctrine in the right lobe of the soul plus the development of
wisdom in the application of doctrine can remove obstructing repressions, and the
contents of the subconscious can emerge into awareness where they can be dealt with
and handled in the proper manner. This is one of doctrine's problem solving functions
dealing with the subconscious. In the subconscious there is no problem solving device.
(8) Psychiatry regards the subconscious as the superficial aspect of the unconscious (which
is probably incorrect), and certainly the subconscious functions apart from self as
known, or self as the knower, or one's sense of self in personal identity and as a
(9) Disorders of the conscious mind relate to the subconscious.
i The clouding of the conscious mind occurs when the individual is only partially
aware of what is really going on. He is therefore divorced, in part or in toto, from
reality. Certain mental diseases produce confusion, disorientation, and hazy
awareness. These same things can also be produced in the believer through
negative volition toward the mystery doctrine of the Church Age and subsequent
cosmic involvement.
ii Normal clouding of the consciousness occurs when the individual is between sleep
and waking, called the hypnagogic state.
iii A total loss of consciousness can occur through trauma, shock, or shutting off the
blood supply to some part of the brain, as in a stroke. So the subconsciousness
must be considered in light of the disorders of the consciousness.
iv Apparently in its function, the subconscious becomes a storage area for shock
from sin, failure, adversity, frustration, or disappointment. When the conscious
mind cannot or does not handle certain things, they apparently slip into the
subconscious mind.
v These shocks can be recalled in dreams. Dream activity is a part of subconscious
function. Psychoanalysts give dreams a very high degree of importance,
contending that they interpret to the conscious mind the strivings and desires of
the unconscious.
vi Dr. Wallace Emerson, a Christian psychologist, noted six classifications of dreams
that might do this.
i) The dream of premonition is forebodings of some event to come, usually of
an unhappy nature. Two Biblical dreams come under this category: the
dream of the chief baker (Prince of the Cupbearers) in Gen 40:16-19, and
the dream of Nebuchadnezzar in Dan 4:4-18. Nebuchadnezzar had a
premonition of a palace revolution, and that for awhile he would be eating
grass in the field.
ii) Prophetic dreams. This category also includes two Biblical dreams:
Pharaoh's dream of Gen 41:1-8, and Nebuchadnezzar's dream of empires
in Dan 2:1-10. Daniel's interpretation is given in Dan 2:27-45.
iii) Prodromatic dreams are related to disease or different body conditions. This
is a dream which persists about some part of the body not yet resulting in
pain, but due to some inflammatory or disease condition, it might have
prognostic significance. This is a strange phenomenon related to the
iv) Kinesthetic dreams are dreams of flying, soaring, or falling through space;
perhaps a reflection of subconscious disappointment with one's
v) In paralytic dreams, the individual feels as though he cannot move his hands
or feet; he cannot speak or cry for help. This is usually associated with some
form of horror or unpleasant situation, a reflection of subconscious shock.
vi) In collective dreams, two or more people have the same dream.
vii However, it is not the objective of this study to provide a dissertation on dreams,
but simply to note the fact that dreams, which are products of thinking, lacking the
awareness and direction supplied by the conscious mind, involve various
processes and represent such products of repression as unacknowledged motives
and desires.
viii Frequently, dreams are symbolic expressions of inner tension.
ix Every time you knock doctrine down from number one priority in your life, you will
have problems in your life that cannot be dealt with directly until awareness exists.
To bring these problems out of the subconscious requires going back to doctrine.
(10) With the completion of the canon of Scripture, God no longer revealed Himself or His
policy through dreams, visions, or direct conversation. So the use of that part of the
right lobe of the soul for that purpose is definitely shut down.
9. Summary of the Compartments of the Heart. Throughout this doctrine we have been utilizing
the analogy of a "filing cabinet" to explain how the kardia/heart of the soul works. Basically the
Heart is the overall filing cabinet. It is the central resource center of your soul, the place where
information is entered, stored, and available for recall and application. As we have noted in this
doctrine, there are 6–8 compartments in the heart of your soul so we will use the "filing cabinet"
analogy to describe these compartments.
1) The Frame of Reference is analogous to the various drawers within the filing cabinet. The
drawers provide initial access to the central resource center for storing and finding information
within our souls.
2) The Memory Center is the actual files you place within the filing cabinet. It is the actual
storage of information within your soul.
3) Vocabulary Storage is analogous to the tabs or headings we put on files as a technical
reference to the information within the files providing us easy access and recall.
4) Categorical Storage is the order and arrangement of files, the systematic grouping of
reference material for application.
5) The Conscience is the scanning of information within a file to use as a basis of reference,
establishing guidelines regarding the situations of life.
6) Finally, we arrive at the Launching Pad. The Launching Pad is the place where the things
stored in the filing cabinet are gathered together for use and application. It is the animated
process of removing a file and utilizing what is in that file. For example, you are faced with
a disastrous situation in life. The Frame of Reference sends initial general reference points
that are related to the situation. Then the Memory Center sends in recalled details and data
regarding those reference points. This is followed by the Vocabulary sending technical
specifications that can be used for the situation. Next, the Categorical Storage compartment
sends supporting data from multiple reference points. Then the Conscience brings forth
reasoning based on all the norms and standards built in your soul from accumulated Bible
Doctrine that has flowed through it. Finally the Launching Pad gathers together all supporting
materials, stages them for launch, and thrusts them forward within your soul so that the
Wisdom of God flows throughout your soul and can be applied to the situation you are faced
with. This all occurs under the function of your very own Royal Priesthood through the
enabling power of God the Holy Spirit working within your soul.
10. Spiritual Growth is the Result of Building Up Your Heart with the Word of God.
1) As a result of having Bible doctrine in the Frame of Reference, moving it into the Memory
Center, Vocabulary and Categorical storage, developing Norms and Standards in the
Conscience coupled with faith application from the Launching Pad, we then have a growth
factor from metabolized Bible doctrine which moves us to spiritual maturity.
2) Although the entire process can be quite complex, our involvement is quite simple.
(1) When we eat and breathe, our contribution is fairly simple. Breathing is automatic; and
eating is according to our taste (although most of us realize that some foods are better
for us than other foods).
(2) The process by which air taken into our lungs and then is sent throughout our bodies,
refreshing and replenishing, is rather complex. No one knows the entire process and
all that is involved. Most people don’t know much beyond the breathing in of oxygen
and the breathing out of CO2. But, even though our knowledge of this function which
sustains and renews our bodies is fairly difficult to understand, all we do is breathe. The
body which God has designed takes care of the rest.
(3) The same thing is true of Bible doctrine in the soul. All we do is listen and believe. God
has designed our human spirit to take care of the rest. We may understand that we
take in doctrine in our perceptive lobe (the left lobe), believe it, and it become imprinted
on our heart (the right lobe); but even if we don’t know this, it still occurs.
(4) Our contribution is simple. We need only have positive volition toward the Word of God.
We listen, we believe, and God handles the rest.
3) This is the status in which spiritual growth is obtained as a result of momentum inside God's
power system for your spiritual walk. This is accomplished through the enabling power of God
the Holy Spirit and momentum from the Word of God metabolized within your soul. Learning
God's Word provides momentum and motivation to learn more of God's Word. This is the
momentum factor of spiritual phenomenon resulting in God's wisdom applied to your life.
4) There are two categories of spiritual growth.
(1) Normal spiritual growth that comes from the renewing of your mind post-salvation.
Ephesians 4:23–24 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the
new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness
of the truth. Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which
is good and acceptable and perfect. This is accomplished through the Grace Apparatus
for Perception (GAP) which includes the three R's by means of the enabling power of
God the Holy Spirit.
i Receptive comprehension, faith upon hearing.
ii Retention, the metabolization of Bible doctrine, converting gnosis into epignosis
doctrine and storing it within the Heart of your soul.
iii Recall, the application of the Word resident within your soul from the Launching
Pad of the Heart resulting in Wisdom.
(2) Accelerated spiritual growth as a result of suffering for blessing. The acceleration of
your spiritual growth comes from the application of metabolized Bible doctrine and the
function of the Problem Solving Devices when you are faced with pressure and adversity
in life.
i As is the general rule, we tend to learn at an accelerated rate when we are faced
with difficulties or perceived failures within our lives. This is in contrast to the times
of success and prosperity when we are comfortable, think we are all set and "have
it all down pat". In the latter the trend is to not turn to God, His wisdom or power.
ii But in times of difficulty and pressure, we find ourselves in a position of
hopelessness and helplessness when it comes to human solutions and our human
resources. In these times, like no other, we are narrowed in our application to
utilize the power of God, His Word and Spirit.
iii This is called Suffering for Blessing, which is facing difficulties, disasters, or
pressure when we are walking with God. This is in contrast to divine discipline,
when due to our negative volition, God allows discipline to come into our lives to
wake us up.
iv You can learn from divine discipline, punitive suffering, the law of volitional
responsibility, and self-induced misery. But that is a slow process and does not
necessarily advance you to Spiritual Self-Esteem. In those instances, if you wake
up and get back in fellowship with God, the discipline is turned into Suffering for
v Suffering for Blessing has three categories related to three stages of spiritual
adulthood, which moves us forward and provides momentum to achieve further
spiritual growth in spiritual adulthood.
vi 1Corinthians 9:24–27 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but
only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Everyone who
competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to
receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore I run in such a
way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I discipline
my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself
will not be disqualified.
i) Spiritual Self-Esteem plus Providential Preventative Suffering (P.P.S.) equals
Spiritual Autonomy. P.P.S. insulates against the arrogance complex of sins.
This means you begin to eliminate jealous, self-pity, bitterness,
vindictiveness, hatred, inordinate ambition, inordinate competition, and all the
other mental attitude sins in the arrogance complex. 2Corinthians 12:7-10
1Peter 1:6-8 Philippians 1:29
ii) Spiritual Autonomy plus Momentum Testing equals Spiritual Maturity.
Momentum Testing includes People, Thought, System, Disaster, and
Prosperity testing. 1Corinthians 15:33 Proverbs 13:20 Colossians 3:12-4:1
Matthew 9:4 Romans 12:2-3 Galatians 6:3 Philippians 4:12-13 Philippians
4:12–13 I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how
to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret
of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering
need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
iii) Spiritual Maturity plus Evidence Testing equals Maximum Glorification of
God. Evidence testing is Satan's cross-examination of every witness
presented by God in the historical trial of all fallen angels. Zechariah 3:1
Romans 12:10 Ephesians 6:10-12 Revelations 2:8-11
(3) Two categories of Evidence Testing.
i The Relationship to the Plan of God Test, illustrated by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Matthew 4:1-11
ii The Relationship to Life Test, illustrated by Job. No matter what stage of Spiritual
growth you are in, keep in mind 1Corinthians 10:13. 1Corinthians 10:13 No
temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful,
who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the
temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure
iii So in relation to our verse, John 13:2 in the Upper Room Discourse, we
understand why it is so important to fill the Heart of our Soul with the Word of God,
so that we are not deceived and influence by demons and doctrines of demons.
In review we have noted: The Heart is the target within man for storing and
applying the Word of God and the target for demon influence.
5) The heart is related to momentum in the spiritual life.
(1) The heart is related to grace function in Prov. 24:17.
(2) The heart is related to grace orientation in Ex 23:9.
(3) The heart is related to +H in 1Sam. 2:1.
(4) The heart is the basis for stability in crisis, Psalm 112:7-8.
(5) The heart is the source of motivation in the temporal life, Ex 35:25-26,35 36:8; and in
the spiritual life, 2Cor. 9:7.
11. The Heart and Capacity for Life.
1) Since the emotion takes the place of the right woman-the responder-and since the heart is
the “right man”-the aggressor-all capacity for life must be initiated in the heart.
2) All capacity for life resides in the frame of reference, memory center, vocabulary-thinking-categorizing-conscience of the right lobe.
3) From these areas, the heart initiates and the emotion responds as in sex between right man
and right woman.
4) There are both positive and negative concepts in capacity for life.
(1) The positive: love (Deut. 6:5; 11:13; Josh. 22:5); happiness (Psalm 19:8; 28:7);
dynamics (Job 9:4).
(2) The negative: sorrow (Lev. 26:16; Neh. 2:2); pressure (Psalm 34:18); cowardice (Josh.
14:8; 1Sam. 17:32); discouragement (Num. 32:7, 9).
12. Happiness is related to the heart.
1) Prov. 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Having
a joyful heart means you share God's happiness (+H) in your right lobe.
2) Prov. 15:13-15 A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but when the heart is sad, the spirit
is broken. The heart of the intelligent seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly.
All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast.
(1) God's +H in the right lobe makes for a cheerful face, a marvelous life, and animation.
But the spirit is broken when the heart is sad, down, or complaining.
(2) But the spirit is broken meaning the heart is sad, down, or complaining when you do not
have the Word in your right lobe.
(3) The heart of the intelligent seeks knowledge, means that your motivation for learning
more Bible doctrine comes from the Bible doctrine you already have in your right lobe.
(4) Eventually your motivation for learning more doctrine comes from the doctrine you
already have in your right lobe.
(5) The mouth of a fool feeds on folly refers to the believer or unbeliever who fills his heart
with false doctrine.
(6) The continual feast means continuous circulation of Bible doctrine in the heart with
never ending supply and sustenance.
3) Prov. 18:12 Before his downfall, a person's heart is arrogant; but humility comes before
honor [virtue]. (prob. R. B. Thieme, Jr.) In other words, if arrogance controls the right lobe of
your soul, you're a total loser. Humility is teachability and authority orientation. There can
never be honor until you learn and metabolize doctrine.
4) Prov. 18:15 The heart of the discerning [wise] acquires knowledge; because the ears of the
wise seek it out. Here is motivation to learn Bible doctrine. When you listen and concentrate,
then you will acquire the discernment of the right lobe that provides your
5) Prov. 22:15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive
it far from him.
6) Prov. 27:19 As water reflects a face, so a person's heart reflects that person. What you
really are is not what you appear on the surface; it is what you are in your heart or right lobe.
The Bible is like a mirror, for you can look into the Word of God and know what you are really
like (James 1:23).
7) Job 38:36 "Who endowed the heart with wisdom, or who gave understanding to the mind?"
Both lobes are cited here. The mind is the left lobe; the heart is the right lobe of the soul.
Information comes into the mind, volition evaluates that information, and that which is
believed is them placed into the right lobe.
8) 2Cor. 6:11-12 O you Corinthians, our mouth has been opened face to face with you [in
teaching], because our hearts [right lobes] have been enlarged [by maximum doctrine in the
right lobe of the soul]. Therefore, you have not been hindered by us [in your spiritual life]; you
have been hindered by your own emotions [= bowels in the Greek]. (translation probably R.
B. Thieme, Jr.)
(1) The Corinthians had receptive comprehension but no retention.
(2) Notice that emotions and heart are in contrast in this passage. Therefore, emotions are
not a part of the function of the right lobe of the soul.
(3) You have may have made the mistake of arguing with a liberal and then quoted some
bit of information, survey, scientific study, etc. Then, you wonder why you have not won
the argument. They hear this in their left lobe (the mind), but, whatever consideration
is given it still rejects the information due to the emotions controlling the soul.
Therefore, it is never transferred over to the right lobe. The heart never accepts that
information because they do not believe it. They may say, “Well, you heard that on Fox
News” (which they may call Faux News); or they may say, “You can make a scientific
survey (or poll, or whatever) say anything.” Their emotional understanding of the topic
at hand prevents them from believing what you say. This is the problem of the
Corinthians when hearing doctrine taught by Paul. Paul presented the absolute truth
to them, but they rejected this truth because it did not line up with their thinking that was
controlled by their emotions.
9) Eph. 1:18 [I also pray] that the eyes of your hearts [right lobes] be enlightened, that you may
know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance for the
saints. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
10) In Rev. 2:23, John adds that if emotional control continues, you die. Just as when blood does
not circulate through the heart there is death, so this is true in the spiritual realm.
"Furthermore, I will execute her followers with death, and so all the churches will know that
I am He who investigates the emotions and the hearts, and I will administer punishment to
each one of you [cosmic believers] according to your activities." (Translation probably by R.
B. Thieme, Jr.)
11) Heb. 4:12, The word of God is a judge of both thoughts and ideas of the heart. Heb. 3:12,
Beware, brethren, lest there should be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, in falling
away from the living God. An evil heart of unbelief is failure to metabolize
12) 1Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord Christ in your hearts, always (being) ready to make a
defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with
gentleness and reverence.
13) James 3:14 But if you have bitter jealousy and strife in your heart, do not be arrogant and do
not lie against the truth. Arrogance and lying against the truth blocks the metabolization of
doctrine. Gnosis doctrine minus epignosis is a lie against the truth. Compare Eph. 4:18
They have darkened their way of thinking [they always distort what is taught], they have been
alienated from the life of God [they only have gnosis and lack metabolized doctrine], because
of the ignorance which is in them, because of scar tissue of their heart.
14) The heart is the location of true happiness.
(1) "Gladness of heart," Judges 18:20 1Sam. 1:13 2:1 10:9 16:7 17:32 1Kings 8:66
2Chron. 7:10 Esther 5:9.
(2) "A merry heart," 1Sam. 25:36 2Sam. 13:28, 6:16 Prov. 15:13,15, 17:22 1 Chron 15:29
2Chron. 6:7. (Many more for both; see concordance.)
(3) The heart is related to capacity for life. All capacity for life is related to Bible doctrine
residing in the heart's frame of reference, memory center, vocabulary and categorical
storage, norms and standards and launching pad. The heart is related to both positive
and negative aspects of capacity for life.
13. The heart is related to perception and thinking.
1) The heart is related to perception of Bible doctrine. Deut. 29:4 “Yet to this day the Lord has
not given you a heart to know.” See also Prov. 22:17–21 23:12 Psalm 90:12.
2) The heart is related to thinking in terms of reversionism in Psalm 10:6, 11, 13 reveals the
human viewpoint thinking of the reversionist related to the heart. He says in his heart, “I shall
not be moved to all generations, I shall not be in adversity.” He says in his heart, “God has
forgotten me, He has hidden His face from me. He will never see it. Why has the wicked
[believer] spurned God?” He has said in his heart, “You will not hold me responsible.”
3) The thinking of the atheist is related to the heart. Psalm 14:1 The fool has thought in his
heart, “There is no God.”
4) The heart is related to rationalizing mental attitudes. The rationalizing maladjustment to the
justice of God is found in Isa. 47:10 And you felt secure in your evil, and you said to
yourself, `No one sees me.' Your evil wisdom and your human viewpoint knowledge has
deluded you, for you have thought in your heart, `I am, and there is no one as good as I am.'"
5) False teachers communicate false doctrine from the deceit of their heart. Jer. 14:14
6) The heart is the place where people think they are superior to others. Luke 9:46-47 Now a
controversy entered among them as to which of the disciples was the greatest. But Jesus,
knowing the thinking in their hearts...
7) The heart is used for meditation on Bible doctrine. Luke 2:19 But Mary treasured up all these
things and pondered them in her heart.
14. The thinking of the heart is related to both positive and negative attitudes.
1) Love and the capacity for love is in the right lobe, Deut. 6:5, 11:13; Josh 22:5.
2) On the other hand, sorrow also emanates from the right lobe, Lev 26:16; Neh 2:2.
3) Happiness is related to doctrine in the right lobe, Psalm 19:8, 28:7.
4) Pressure is also related to the right lobe, Psalm 34:18.
5) The dynamics of wisdom are related to the right lobe, Job 9:4.
6) Cowardice is related to the right lobe, Joshua 14:8; 1Sam. 17:32.
7) Discouragement is related to the right lobe, Num 32:7,9.
8) So we see the importance of Bible doctrine. For Bible doctrine will eliminate sorrow, pressure,
cowardice, and discouragement. On the other hand, it will handle happiness and the
dynamics of wisdom in a magnificent way.
15. Negative Functions of the Heart or Right Lobe. We have primarily studied the heart as related
to the growth of a believer. However, that is not always the way heart is used. The heart is the
right lobe for the souls of unbelievers and reversionistic believers as well.
1) The heart can reject Bible teaching, as in Prov. 5:12-14. The heart negative to Bible doctrine
refuses to concentrate. When you don't like what you hear, then you are unteachable and
a candidate for reversionism. How I have hated instruction of doctrine, and my heart has
spurned reproof, and I have not listened to the voice of my teacher nor inclined my ear to the
instructor. I almost came to ruin in the middle of the assembly of the congregation.
2) The heart can be applied to learning human wisdom and human systems of thought, rather
than Bible doctrine. Eccles. 7:25 8:9, 16
3) When doctrine is rejected, (or, establishment truth, in the case of the unbeliever) then there
is a vacuum which sucks in that which is false. When this is the case, the heart is deceitful
and desperately wicked. (Jer. 17:9)
4) Negative volition toward the standards of God, will result in a man’s thinking being filled with
sin. Matt. 15:15–20 But Peter said to him, "Explain the parable to us." And he said, "Are you
also still without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes
into the stomach and is expelled? But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart,
and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual
immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person. But to eat with
unwashed hands does not defile anyone."
5) The heart is the source of discord and troublemaking, which leads to strife and conspiracy.
Prov. 6:14, 18 The one who by distortion or perversity in his heart devises evil continually,
he is the one who is the spreader of strife. A heart that devises wicked conspiracy, feet run
rapidly to evil. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
6) The woman uses heart thinking to entice the male for personal gain without love.
(1) The heart of the prostitute is subtle. Prov. 7:10 And behold a woman comes to meet
him dressed magnificently like a prostitute and very cunning of heart. (Translation
probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
(2) Eccles. 7:26 I have discovered more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares
and nets, and in her hands she has chains. However, the person who is pleasing God
[doctrine in the right lobe] will escape from her. But the sinning one [arrogant male] will
be captured by her. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
(3) A woman can often do a lot of thinking, but it's not objective, doctrinal, professional or
academic thinking; it is thinking used to bring attention to herself in whatever way she
wants attention. This is thinking in terms of "snares and nets", and in her hands she has
chains. She will be very flattering and conniving, and once she catches you by your
arrogance, your arrogance will chain you to her.
(4) One thing that will destroy wisdom, I.Q., and ability to look at life from the divine
viewpoint is the dumb arrogant male succumbing to the flattery of a woman, using him
for her own advancement or pleasure.
7) The heart suffers disappointment from broken promises, as in Prov. 13:12. The heart is the
source of frustrations. Frustration is a thought. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but
desire fulfilled is a tree of life.
8) The heart is the environment for mental attitude sins.
(1) 2Sam. 6:16 Now when it came to pass that the ark of the Lord came into the city of
David, then Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked out the window and she saw David
dancing before the Lord; consequently she despised him in her heart. You hate and
love in your right lobe. Both love and hate are a system and function of thinking.
(2) Prov. 14:10 The heart knows its own bitterness. Bitterness is one of the greatest of all
sins of arrogance. It infiltrates the right lobe and neutralizes whatever doctrine is there.
And a stranger does not share its joy.
(3) Sorrow and disappointment (Prov. 14:13).
(4) Pride (Prov. 21:4 Obad. 3).
(5) Arrogance is found in Prov. 21:4 Haughty eyes and an arrogant heart, the lamp of the
wicked is sin. In other words, once you have arrogance in your right lobe, whatever its
manifestation, this becomes your lamp for life and it sets aside all doctrine.
(6) In Obad. 3, arrogance deceives you and causes you to make a fool of yourself. The
arrogance of your heart has deceived you.
(7) Worry is found in Eccles. 2:23.
(8) Deceitfulness is found in Jer. 17:9 The heart is more deceitful than anything else and
becomes a source of desperate wickedness.
(9) Women use the heart to trap men (Eccl. 7:26).
9) The frantic search for happiness is related to the heart in Eccles. 1:13.
10) Revolution and insubordination are described as being a part of the thinking of the heart.
2Sam. 15:6 So Absalom stole away the hearts of the men of Israel. Jer. 5:23 But this people
have a stubborn and a rebellious heart. They have turned aside and departed from Me. See
also Ezek 6:9.
11) Hypocrisy is related to thinking in the heart, for you can think one thing and express another
thing overtly. Psalm 55:21 His speech was smoother than butter, but his heart was at war
with me. His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords, ready to stab me.
12) Superficial gaiety doesn't indicate the true state of the individual's heart or right lobe.
Prov. 14:13 Even in times of laughter, the heart may be in pain, and the end of the party may
be grief.
13) Reversionism is described in terms of the heart, Jer. 17:5 So says the Lord, “Cursed is the
man who depends on mankind and makes flesh his strength. His heart has turned away from
the Lord [negative volition to Bible doctrine].” Jer. 17:9 The heart is more deceitful than
anything else and becomes a source of desperate wickedness.
14) The heart related to negative thinking:
(1) Thinking of reversionism (Psalm 10:6, 11, 13).
(2) Thinking of atheism (Psalm 14:1).
(3) Rationalization of education (Eccles. 1:13-18).
(4) Rationalization of mental attitude sins (Isa. 47:10).
(5) Communication of false teachers from the deceit of their hearts (Jer. 14:14).
(6) Meditation on doctrine (Luke 2:19).
(7) Ambitious thinking (Luke 9:46, 47).
(8) Reversionism in the heart results in national disaster (Deut. 28:47, 48).
(9) Revenge is a malfunction of the heart (Prov. 24:1, 2 Ezek. 25:15-17).
(10) The heart is related to psychosis (Isa. 13:7, 8).
(11) Mental attitude sins relate the old sin nature to the heart (Psalm 66:18 101:5
Prov. 6:18 Matt. 12:35 15:18, 19 Luke 6:45 24:25).
15) So the heart is related to any kind of failure in life. In other words, the real you is what you
think. Your life is not what others see overtly, though it may reflect good or bad thoughts, right
or wrong priorities.
16. Satan attacks man in his thinking.
1) We have already studied Satan and his tactics in the deception of man, and we have noted
Demon Influence. So with this doctrine, we will understand the place within man that is the
target of Satan's tactics and demon influence. But, let us also not forget that the heart of the
soul is the place that God targets too. Our heart is the place where we store and retain the
Word of God that gives us functionality in the spiritual life and protection from Satan's tactics
and demon influence.
2) As we have noted in our doctrines of Satanology and Demon influence, John 12:40 tells us,
"He has blinded their eyes and He hardened their heart, so that they would not see with their
eyes and perceive with their heart, and be converted and I heal them."
17. The heart is potentially an area of disaster.
1) The breakdown of proper thinking is the greatest disaster in life.
2) Reversionism in the heart results in national disaster according to Deut. 28:47-48. The
cycles of discipline (or, stages of divine discipline) are related to reversionism in the right
lobe. Since the Jews refused to serve God, they will serve their enemies.
3) Revenge as the motivation of the heart is disastrous to the individual who has it, Prov. 24:1-2;
Ezek 25:15-17. Revenge and retaliation is a malfunction of the heart.
4) The heart is related to psychosis or mental illness in Isa. 13:7-8. Cowardice results from
maladjustment to the justice of God. Isa. 13:7-8 All hands will fall limp. Every man's heart
will melt [no thought]. They will be terrified. Fear is when you stop thinking under pressure.
It is not your nervous system being active.
5) Mental attitude sins relate the heart to the function of the old sin nature, as in Psalm 66:18
101:5 Prov. 6:18 Matt. 12:35 Luke 6:45, and many other passages.
(1) Mental attitude sins, while originating from your own volition, by their very nature operate
from the heart or thinking of the soul. Thinking type sins are a combination of the old
sin nature and the heart, the link being the permissiveness of volition.
(2) Mental attitude sins originate from lack of doctrine and result in malfunction of the
spiritual life. Psalm 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.
(3) Psalm 101:5 Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, I will destroy him. No one who
has a manifestation of pride and an arrogant heart will I endure. Volition brings iniquity
from the old sin nature into the heart and arrogance is formed.
(4) In Matt. 12:34-35, Jesus called these people with wrong thinking "a brood of vipers, a
nest of snakes. How can you, being evil, speak what is good. For the mouth speaks
out what fills the heart. The good man out of his good treasure brings forth what is
good. On the other hand, the evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth what is evil."
The Pharisees were critical of those who did not wash before meals. They emphasized
the overt and superficial to the exclusion of the important things of life. Matt. 15:17-20.
Don't mix cleanliness with spirituality.
6) Emotional revolt of the soul and mental attitude sins are related to the heart in Luke 6:45
7) Since maladjustment to the justice of God comes from negative volition to Bible doctrine, it
is described as hardness of heart. Lam 3:65
18. Our Lord Uses the word for heart 5 times in the Upper Room Discourse.
1) John 13:2 During supper, when the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot,
Simon's son, to betray him. (ESV) The heart is where Judas does his thinking and his
deciding. He had already decided to betray the Lord.
2) John 14:1 "Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.”
3) John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give
to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” In these two verses the heart
is the originator of fear from within. If we do not circulate the Word of God through our heart,
we will instead circulate fear, worry, and anxiety.
4) John 16:6–7 "But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. But
I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will
not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you."
5) John 16:22 "Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will
rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you." In these two verses, we see the heart
as the initiator of emotions which come from another part of the soul. We will see more of this
a little later but we note that our emotions are to be led by the thinking in our heart and not
vice versa.
19. The heart is used as an anthropopathism. 1Sam. 2:35 Psalm. 78:72 Jer. 23:20 30:24.
1) An anthropopathism ascribes to God human feelings, passions and thoughts in terms of
man’s feelings, passions and thoughts. An anthropopathism ascribes to God characteristics
He does not have.
2) Anthropopathisms are designed to explain God’s policies, thoughts, acts, decisions in terms
of human language so that man can have a frame of reference. Hence, anthropopathism is
language of accommodation to express the divine attitude to Homo sapiens in man’s
vocabulary and language.
3) 1Sam. 2:35 "But I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who will do according to what is in
My heart." Of course, God does not have a right lobe, so that is an anthropopathism.
4) Psalm 78:72 So He [Jesus Christ] shepherded them according to the integrity of His heart
and guided them with skillful hands. This verse contains both an anthropopathism, "integrity
of His heart," and an anthropomorphism, "skillful hands."
5) Jer. 23:20 "The anger of the Lord will not turn back until He has performed and carried out
the purpose of His heart." Cf. Jer. 30:24.
6) So the heart is used as an anthropopathism for God's thinking and God's planning.
20. The heart is related to adjustment to the justice of God at salvation. Rom 10:9-10. Believing
is in the heart. Only the means (believing) saves a person, not the result (confessing Jesus Christ
as Lord).
21. Doctrine of the kardia/heart Summary.
1) A physiological analogy of the spiritual life.
2) The first two mentions of Heart in the Bible, Genesis 6. - The dual nature of wickedness and
righteousness of the heart.
3) The first mention in the New Testament, Matthew 5:8. - The righteousness of the heart.
4) The second mention in the New Testament, Matthew 5:28 - The wickedness of the heart.
5) "The Heart of Man" is the place where wickedness flourishes or is eliminated. Matthew 15:11,
6) Our Lord used this word (5) times in the Upper Room Discourse. John 13:2 14:1 14:27
16:6-7 22
7) The usage of "heart" is a basis for analogy.
8) The Bible never uses the heart for emotion.
9) True happiness emanates from the Word of God circulating in the heart of your soul.
10) The Heart is a Part of the Essence of the Soul.
11) The Essence of the Biblical Heart.
12) Summary of the Heart - Our filing cabinet for the Word of God.
13) Spiritual Growth is the result of building up your Heart with the Word of God.
Pastor Greg Allen on the heart: Let's first take a look at this thing we're commanded to
protect: the heart. A Jewish young man hearing these words would not have thought as we
do when he heard the word "heart". We tend to think of the heart as the seat of emotions. We
love someone "with all our heart"; or we're "heart-broken" when that someone doesn't love
us back. But to a Jew, it wasn't the heart that was seen as the seat of emotions, but rather
the "belly"; which makes more sense. After all, when you're emotionally moved, doesn't your
stomach respond? If a young Jewish man wanted tell his girlfriend that he had a lot of deep
feelings for her, he'd say that, whenever he looked into her eyes, he felt something in his
intestines. And she'd be complemented! The Valentine's card he'd send her would be
decorated with pretty, laced stomachs and livers. To the Jewish reader, the "belly" was,
symbolically, the seat of emotion. By distinction, the "heart" was considered the seat of the
will and thought-life. It was in the "heart" - the inner self - that the personhood of a man or
woman was centered. It was sometimes used as the symbol for the whole, inner, spiritual
aspect of a person. It was parallel to what we think of when we talk about the "mind"; but it
included much more than just thoughts and intellect. For example, when God sent the
plagues against Egypt, it was Pharaoh's heart that was hardened; meaning his "will" (Ex. 9:7).
When King David's son, Absalom wanted to turn the allegiance of the people from David to
himself, the Bible says that he "stole the hearts of the men of Israel"; meaning their allegiance
(2 Sam. 15:6). God sent the flood on mankind, the Bible tells us, because He "saw that the
wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart
was only evil continually"; meaning their moral mindset (Gen. 6:5). When David numbered his
soldiers in disobedience to God, the Bible tells us that his "heart condemned him"; meaning
his conscience (2 Sam. 24:10). King Rehoboam was said to be an evil king, "because he did
not prepare his heart to seek the LORD"; meaning his inner priorities and commitments (2
Chron. 12:14).
Allen continues: According to the standard biblical Hebrew dictionary, the Hebrew word for
"heart" can have the symbolic meaning of such things as (1) the spiritual aspect of man; (2)
the mind; (3) the will; (4) the conscience; (5) the moral character of a man; (6) the seat of his
desires and passions; (7) the seat of his sense of courage; (8) even for the whole man
himself.3 So; it's the whole "inner-life" that we're to be concerned about - the "heart" in the
sense of that part of us at which our thought-life, our values, our drives, our choices, and our
sense of right and wrong all find their seat.
David told Solomon to hold onto his words. These words were to enter into his heart, which is the part
of the soul that we think with.
A Few Points on the Heart from Stuart Wolfe
1. In OT times, the function of the brain was unknown, and the heart was attributed the functions
of the body, the psyche, and the spiritual components of man:
2. When Nabal’s heart “died”, his body became like stone – 1Sam. 25:37.
3. The heart devises, desires, possesses cunning, and thinks – Prov. 6:14, 18, 7:10, 23:7.
4. The father warns against envying the wicked (Prov. 23:17), the heart can be perverse
(Prov. 6:14), and can be cleansed (Prov. 20:9).
The use of the word heart in the Old Testament should not be confused with its modern-day usage,
which usually emphasizes emotion.
From www.hbcpinellas.org/proverbs/prov4.doc accessed February 26, 2015.
There are two Hebrew words translated heart. There is lêb (לֵב) [pronounced layby], which means, heart, inner
man, mind, will, thinking; midst. Strong's #3820 BDB #524.
The second word is lêbab (לֵבַב) [pronounced lay-BAHBV], which means, mind, inner man, inner being, heart.
Strong’s #3824 BDB #523. I am not certain that I know the difference between these words.
About the Heart
The "heart" commonly refers to the mind as the center of thinking and reason (Pr 3:3; 6:21;
7:3), but also includes the emotions (Pr 15:15, 30), the will (Pr 11:20; 14:14), and thus, the
whole inner being (Pr 3:5). The heart is the depository of all wisdom and the source of
whatever affects speech (Pr 4:24), sight (Pr 4:25), and conduct (Pr 4:26, 27). (MacArthur, J.:
The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word )
John Kitto
All the phrases, more or less metaphorical, in which this word occurs, are rendered intelligible,
without detailed examples, when we are told that the heart was, among the Hebrews,
regarded poetically not only as the seat of the passions and emotions, as of love, pleasure,
and grief, but also of the intellectual faculties-the mind, the understanding. In the original
Scriptures, as well as in the English and other translations, the word 'heart' therefore,
constantly occurs where 'mind' is to be understood, and would be used by a modern English
writer. We say modern, because the ancient usage of the English word 'heart' was more
conformable than the present to that of the Hebrews.
The Hebrews regarded the heart as the source of wit, understanding, love, courage, grief, and
pleasure....The heart is said to be dilated by joy, contracted by sadness, broken by sorrow,
to grow fat, and be hardened by prosperity. The heart melts under discouragement, forsakes
one under terror, is desolate in affliction, and fluctuating in doubt. To speak to any one's heart
is to comfort him, to say pleasing and affecting things to him. The heart expresses also the
middle part of any thing: "Tyre is in the heart of the seas," Ezekiel 27:4; in the midst of the
seas. "We will not fear though the mountains be carried into the heart (middle) of the sea,"
Psalms 46:2 .The heart of man is naturally depraved and inclined to evil, Jeremiah 17:9 . A
divine power is requisite for its renovation, John 3:1-11 . When thus renewed, the effects will
be seen in the temper, conversation, and conduct at large. Hardness of heart is that state in
which a sinner is inclined to, and actually goes on in, rebellion against God.
Both Old and New Testaments speak repeatedly of the heart as the centre of a person's inner
life. An examination of the hundreds of references to the heart in the Bible will show that the
word is not limited in its meaning to one particular part of a person. `Heart' may refer to a
person's whole inner life - what the person really is (1 Samuel 16:7; Psalms 22:26; Proverbs
4:23; Matthew 22:37; 1 Thessalonians 2:4); or it may refer to attributes of human personality
such as a person's understanding (1 Kings 3:9; Proverbs 2:10; 1 Corinthians 2:9; Ephesians
1:18), desires (Deuteronomy 24:15; Proverbs 6:25; Matthew 6:21; Romans 1:24), feelings
(Judges 19:6; Proverbs 14:10; Proverbs 15:30; John 14:27; James 3:14), determination
(Exodus 8:15; 1 Kings 8:58; Romans 6:17; Colossians 3:22), or character (1 Samuel 13:14;
Jeremiah 5:23; Romans 2:29; 2 Thessalonians 3:5; 1 Peter 3:4). Sometimes `heart' is used
as another word for a person's spirit (Psalms 51:10; Psalms 51:17; Ezekiel 36:26), soul
(Deuteronomy 4:29; Proverbs 2:10; Acts 4:32) or mind (1 Samuel 2:35; Ephesians 1:18;
Hebrews 8:10; cf. Matthew 22:37). The heart is what is sometimes referred to as `the inner
being', and is the source of all the wrong that a person does (Proverbs 6:14; Proverbs 6:18;
Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:21-23; Romans 1:24-25; Ephesians 4:18; see SIN). Therefore, the
heart must be cleansed to bring forgiveness; or, to use another picture, it must be re-created
to bring new spiritual life. Only God can bring about this cleansing or re-creation (Psalms
51:10; Ezekiel 36:26; Acts 8:21-22; Ephesians 3:16; Hebrews 10:22). Since the heart
determines actions, a person must be careful to have right attitudes of heart at all times
(Leviticus 19:17; Psalms 4:4; 1 Timothy 1:5; James 3:14). God sees the inner condition and
judges the person accordingly (1 Samuel 16:7; Psalms 44:21; Matthew 5:8; Revelation 2:23
J. Vernon
The heart symbolizes the center of one's innermost being. The Lord Jesus said that it isn't
what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out of a man. "For out of the heart
proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies"
(Mt 15:19). Some of the meanest things in the world come out of the human heart. The heart
is the seat of the total personality. If you want to know how important the heart is, get your
concordance and look up all the references to the heart that are in the Bible (Ed: see below
for OT & NT Scriptures you can study!). We are to keep our hearts with all diligence. What
we hear is important. What we study is important. What we see is important. We should
recognize that out of that heart will come all of the great issues of our lives.
This is a little corny, but it still has a true message.
Healthcare for the Heart, by Mart DeHann and Precept Austin
If you're over 40 years old, your heart has already beat more than 1.5 billion times. I know that when my heart
stops, it will be too late to change my ways. So I've been trying to control my weight, get exercise, and watch
not only what I eat but also what's eating me.
This last point relates to another vital organ called "the heart"-our spiritual heart. It too has throbbed millions
of times with thoughts, affections, and choices. In the heart we determine how we will speak, behave, and
respond to life's circumstances (Proverbs 4:23). Will we trust the Lord and choose to be gracious, patient, and
loving? Or will we yield to pride, greed, and bitterness?
Today's Scripture reading emphasizes the importance of caring for our heart. Are we keeping spiritually fit?
Weight: Do we need to lose the weight of unnecessary burdens and cares?
Pulse: Are we maintaining a steady rhythm of gratitude and praise?
Blood pressure: Is our trust greater than our anxiety?
Diet: Are we enjoying the life-giving nutrients of the Word of God?
Have you checked your heart lately? - Mart De Haan
Spiritual Heart Care - You're up at the crack of dawn, doing your exercises. You're not going to let your heart
get weak! You've trimmed the fat from your diet. You get regular cholesterol checks. And you're exercising four
times a week to keep your cardiovascular system in peak condition.
But you've let your spiritual heart turn to mush. Preoccupied with the temporary, you've neglected the eternal.
You seldom read the Bible anymore. Your prayers are lists of requests to God to make your life more
comfortable and pain-free. By the time you reach the church door after the sermon, you can't recall what the
pastor said because you were thinking about something else.
I still need to work out the final two points.
Keeping the Heart, from Preacher’s Complete Homiletical Commentary
I. The heart is a man's most precious and real possession. The revelation of God appeals to man’s heart,
which places a great gulf between him and all other creatures in the world. It is man’s heart which links
him to the angels of God, and which places upon him responsibilities and endows him with capabilities
which will last throughout all the ages to come. It is that spiritual nature which our Lord calls a man's "own
soul" (Mat ), which Paul speaks of as the "inner man" (Eph 3:16).
II. Therefore, there is the need of "keeping," or "guarding" the heart. There are elements of evil as well as
good in it. In any kingdom where there are bad subjects as well as good, there must be a watch kept over
those out of whom submission to law is not to be got voluntarily. They must be guarded so that they do
not tyrannize over the peace-loving obedient citizens. In every human body there is some organ which
is more prone to disease than others. While some are strong and vigorous, others are more or less
delicate; therefore a man needs to exercise care over his body. So in the heart of the child of wisdom
there is an evil element as well as a good one. "I see another law in my members," says Paul, "warring
against the law of my mind" (Rom ). Every godly man has a tendency to moral weakness, some opening
in his spiritual armour, some weak part in his moral constitution. Therefore it behooves him to keep guard
over, to watch vigilantly, the lawless, rebellious, or diseased elements within him, lest sin have dominion,
if only for a time, where grace ought to rule.
III. It is important to keep the heart, for "Out of it are the issues of life." The physical heart of man is well
defended by nature, because it is the spring of our bodily life. From it, as from a well, issues life-blood,
which flows into every part of the body, and without which a man ceases to live. The strong ribs and the
inner coverings of the heart which so well defend it show the necessity there is that it should be free to
do its work without being hindered. "A sound heart is the life of the flesh," says Solomon (chap. Pro ).
If the heart is healthy, the benefit is felt to the extremities of the body; if it is diseased, the whole physical
frame suffers. Out of it are the issues of human life. A man who has charge of a well of water is bound
to keep it covered and secured against the entrance of anything that might poison or even defile it. Upon
its safe keeping depends, perhaps, not only the health of himself and his household, but that of an entire
district. It is a centre of health if pure, of disease if impure. So upon the condition of the inner man
depends the character of the outward life. It is a well-spring of life in the sense that it determines the
character of the life. The streams which issue from it are the actions of man, actions repeated are habits,
and habits form character; and character influences other lives. What a man is blesses or curses those
around him, and entails blessing or curse upon generations to come. A good man in a neighbourhood
is like a well of living water, he diffuses and preserves moral health all around him.
IV. The way to keep the heart.-The vigilance of a sentinel is manifested by his notice of the distant motion
of the grass under cover of which the enemy is creeping towards the citadel. He is ever on the look-out
for the distant enemy. The watchful general notes the first symptoms of mutiny in the army, and treads
out the spark before it becomes a flame. So the watchful heart-keeper takes notice of the first movement
of rebels within. The thoughts take their rise in the soul under the eye of none but God and the keeper,
and he must be on the alert at the first motion. And as when the sentinel sees the first movement of the
enemy he never thinks of advancing to fight him alone, but communicates with one who has power to
overthrow him, so when a man becomes aware of the first motion of evil in his heart, God must receive
the information-He must be called upon to exercise His power to disperse or take prisoners the thoughts
before they can become actions. Keeping of the heart includes a guarding of every inlet of temptation,
a watchfulness over the senses, and any organ of the outward man which might lead us into temptation.
Hence Solomon exhorts his son to guard his eyes and his feet. It has been asserted by some that there
is nothing in the mind that has not first been in the senses; and though this is a disputed point, we are
quite sure that there is much in the heart, both of good and evil, which entered by those gates. There are
thoughts there which have been kindled by what we have seen, as Achan's covetous desires were
created by the sight of the goodly spoils of Jericho. The eye of David was the entrance-gate of the
thought which ended in adultery and murder. And the feet may lead us in forbidden paths-into the way
of temptation-into the society of those whose words, finding entrance by the ear, may sow seeds of
impurity within.
It is not just the heart that must be kept under the control of the believer, but what we say (Prov. 4:24), what we
expose ourselves to (Prov. 4:25), and what we do (Prov. 4:26–27).
Italicized commentary from James Rickard. Except for Prov. 4:23, the other Scripture is quoted from the ESV;
The heart that God wants; the heart that God rejects
Guard your heart from every
confinement [possibly idiomatic for, with
all vigilance, with all diligence], for from
it are the sources [or, outgoings, end
(s), limit] of lives. (Prov. 4:23)
So the point is, "what is within your heart?" Because whatever your
heart loves, the ears will hear and the eyes will see it. If you love
God that is what you will hear and see - chase after. If you love the
world, that is what you will chase after.
On the other hand, if you pollute your right lobe "spring of life", the
infection will spread to your entire body; and before long, hidden
appetites will become open sins and public shame that will also lead
to physical illnesses.
Psalm 12:2 Everyone utters lies to his
neighbor; with flattering lips and a
double heart they speak.
The Bible warns us to avoid a double heart; this is a person who
says one thing, but is thinking something entirely different. He
flatters you, while thinking you are some kind of a loser.
Prov 28:14 Blessed is the one who
fears the LORD always, but whoever
hardens his heart will fall into calamity.
The reader is warned against having a hard heart. On the one hand,
there is the believer who fears God (is occupied with the Revealed
God); and on the other hand, there is the believer or unbeliever with
a hard heart—the one who has scar tissue on his soul.
Prov 21:2–4 Every way of a man is
right in his own eyes, but the LORD
weighs the heart. To do righteousness
and justice is more acceptable to the
LORD than sacrifice. Haughty eyes and
a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked,
are sin.
Nobody sees themselves as the bad man; but it is God who
determines the heart of a man. He rejects the arrogant heart along
with the arrogant look.
Heb 3:12 Take care, brothers, lest
there be in any of you an evil,
unbelieving heart, leading you to fall
away from the living God.
Here, the unbelieving heart belongs to the Jews who has rejected his
Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Mat 24:12 And because lawlessness
will be increased, the love of many will
grow cold.
In the end times, the natural affection of love of people will seemingly
disappear. We get a rough idea of two examples in our world today:
many liberals cheer to see a small business person have their
business ruined for (1) giving money to the wrong cause or
(2) refusing to celebrate a gay wedding. We see this with Muslim
extremists and the enemies that they brutalize and kill—no natural
Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean
heart, O God, and renew a right spirit
within me.
Psalm 51 is David’s confession of his sin; in being restored to
fellowship, his unclean heart becomes clean.
Related to this and strongly recommended is Mental Attitude Dynamics. Although it is listed as a
sermon by Martin Kerfoot, it was originally written by R. B. Thieme, Jr.
A more complete Doctrine of the Heart (which is 40 pages long) is found here: (HTML) (PDF)
(WPD). This abbreviated doctrine is about 10 pages and could stand to be reduced in size.
The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Heart
1. Definition and Description of the Heart.
1) The physiological heart is rarely used in the Bible. However, it makes for a great analogy;
therefore, let’s spend some time examining the physiological heart.
(1) The physiological heart is an intricately woven muscle which by rhythmic contraction
circulates the blood.
(2) It is estimated that the heart pumps five quarts of blood every minute, 75 gallons an
hour, and 70 barrels a day, and about 18 million barrels in seventy years.
(3) The heart's anatomy and relation to the circulatory system includes a double pump:
two atriums and two ventricles. The ventricles have a four ounce volume and the atria
a five ounce volume.
(4) The thick muscular walls of the ventricles are primarily responsible to pump the blood.
Used blood is low in oxygen and high in CO2. To be cleansed, the used blood enters
the right atrium through the superior and inferior vena cava. Used blood is like false
ideas we pick up in life.
(5) The right ventricle pumps blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs where it
discharges CO2 and picks up oxygen from the alveoli. Then the blood travels through
the pulmonary veins to the left atrium which in turns pumps the oxygen in the
refreshed blood out through the aorta to the entire body.
i So with metabolized doctrine (Bible doctrine that you believe): it is pumped
through various valves and circulates through the brain, giving you a dynamic
mental attitude.
ii Likewise, the CO2 of the soul, i.e., all the false and erroneous ideas we've
learned, must be replaced by the oxygen of Bible doctrine. All that is
accomplished in the heart or right lobe.
iii Just as breathing and the replenishing of oxygen is a day-by-day operation, so
is the taking in of Bible doctrine, so that we might breathe out false doctrine.
(6) The function of the blood is to bathe tissues with fluid, preserving their slight alkaline
condition, supplying tissues with food and oxygen, to provide building material for their
growth and repair, distribute heat generated by cells and equalizes body temperature,
carry hormones which coordinate and stimulate the activities of various organs, and
convey antibodies and white blood cells which fight infection. Blood cannot support
life unless it keeps circulating. Each day that we take in Bible doctrine, it is pumped
throughout our soul (the doctrine which we believe) and it renews the thinking of the
soul. Bible doctrine circulating in the soul as a result of the function of the Grace
Apparatus for Perception (GAP) provides these same functions. This begins and
is accomplished in the heart, or what we call the right lobe of your soul. When we do
not take in Bible doctrine, then this is analogous to breathing in air which lacks
(7) If blood flow is cut off to the brain, the person loses consciousness in three to five
seconds; after fifteen to twenty seconds the body twitches convulsively; if more than
nine minutes, the mental powers of the brain are irrevocably destroyed. The muscles
of the heart can only survive loss of blood flow for thirty minutes. These facts
emphasize the vital importance of the heart to our life. The energy used by the heart
is fantastic.
(8) Many tissues of the body use as little as one-fourth of the oxygen brought to them by
the blood. The heart uses eighty percent of the oxygen brought to it by the blood.
Therefore, the amount of blood supplied to the heart is extremely important,
especially when its activity raises its demand for oxygen. That is analogous to
positive volition.
(9) All of these statements provide fantastic analogies to the heart or right lobe of the soul
as the circulator of Bible doctrine into the thinking part of the soul. When Bible
doctrine reaches the heart, Bible doctrine is converted into spiritual energy, i.e., the
ten problem solving devices, divine viewpoint, and the momentum of the spiritual
life. No one can grow spiritually except through perception of Bible doctrine.
2Peter 3:18a But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. (NIV). That is a command, not a suggestion!
(10) Until the atomic age, nothing man made ever came close to the efficiency of energy
transfer compared to the heart.
(11) Psalm 139:13-14 For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my
mother's womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are
Your works; my soul knows it very well. (ESV; capitalized)
i This passage recognizes what God has done in grace in providing the human
body. The human body is a grace asset; we don't earn or deserve it. No matter
what kind of person we are, we all can metabolize food and breathe air. Health
is not determined by merit.
ii Health can be impacted by volition, however. Our daily decisions can impact
what happens to our body.
iii The psalmist recognizes the wonder of the human body, which he understands
from the right lobe of his soul.
2. The Great Analogy. Just as the physical heart is the pump that circulates blood throughout the
body and thereby supports physical life, so the right lobe of the soul circulates Bible doctrine
supporting the spiritual life of the believer. Bible Doctrine is actually perceived and understood
in the left lobe of the soul, but it is in the right lobe where it is actually circulated and utilized.
1) The mentality of the soul is divided into two lobes: The left lobe, called the noús (νούς)
[pronounced noose], meaning mind or thought; and the right lobe, called kardia (καρδία)
[pronounced kahr-DEE-uh], meaning heart. This is noted in Job 38:36 "Who endowed the
heart with wisdom, or who gave understanding to the mind?"
2) The right lobe is the dominant lobe designed by God to dominate the entire soul. Whenever
you are logical, analytical, or categorical in your thinking, you are using your heart.
1Sam. 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height
of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks
at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.
3) Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinks in his right lobe [heart], so he is. The verb to think is shâʿar
(שָעַר) [pronounced shaw-ĢAHR], which means to split open; to reason [out], to calculate,
to reckon, to estimate. Strong’s #8176 BDB #1045.
4) The mind is the staging area, where information is received; it is believed and then it is
pumped throughout the soul. This can be truth, but this can also be false information.
5) This is the dichotomous action of the heart choosing for or against the ways of God through
discernment based on what he has received in his heart, cosmic system thinking (demon
influence) or the Word of God.
6) What we breathe into our heart circulates throughout our entire soul.
3. The Biblical Vocabulary. The Biblical nouns for heart always refer to the right lobe of the soul;
they do not refer to the physiological heart.
(1) The Hebrew lêb (לֵב) [pronounced laybv] and the Greek kardia (καρδία) [pronounced
kahr-DEE-uh] are both translated heart. Both are used outside the Bible for the literal
heart, but never so used in the Bible.
(2) The usage of the words for heart is based on analogy. Just as the physical heart is
the pump that circulates blood throughout the body and thereby supports physical life,
so the right lobe of the soul circulates doctrine supporting the spiritual life of the
believer. The doctrine is actually understood in the left lobe, but it is in the right lobe
where it is actually circulated and utilized.
(3) The word "heart" connotes many things in English different from what is found in
i The core of something.
ii In cards, it is a suit; also the game "hearts."
iii It is used for emotion, "He is all heart."
iv There is the false statement, “He has a head belief and not a heart belief.” The
implication here is, the person did not involve his emotions when believing in
Jesus Christ. However, there is a proper way to understand this—the gospel is
heard by the mind, it is considered; and if it is believed, then it is transferred to
the heart (and to the human spirit) where it becomes the most fundamental
piece of spiritual information. Rom. 10:10 ...for with the heart a person
believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting
in salvation. (NASB)
(4) The Bible never uses the heart for emotion (in the original languages). Faith comes
from the heart because faith is thinking, not emotion. However, in some modern
translations, words which do not mean heart are sometimes translated heart. This will
be discussed in greater detail later on.
(5) The mentality of the soul is divided into two lobes: the left lobe, called the noús (νούς)
[pronounced noose], meaning mind, thought; and the right lobe, called kardia,
meaning heart.
(6) The left lobe is the reception area. It is the perception—you hear things and consider
them in your left lobe. However, when you hear something and believe it, then it is
transferred to the right lobe of the soul.
(7) The right lobe is the dominant lobe designed by God to dominate the entire soul.
Whenever you are logical, analytical, or categorical in your thinking, you are using
your heart. 1Sam. 16:7.
2) However, the Bible does not use the word heart to mean emotion.
(1) Emotions are designed to respond to thinking that comes from the heart of your soul,
never the other way around. Faith too comes from the heart because faith is thinking,
not emotion. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17;
NASB). The truth of Scripture is heard, evaluated by the mind, and then, ideally
speaking, believed.
(2) 2Corinthians 6:11–12 Our mouth has spoken freely to you, O Corinthians, our heart
is opened wide. You are not restrained by us, but you are restrained in your own
affections (emotions). (translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.) Notice that
emotions and heart are in contrast in this passage. Therefore, emotions are not a part
of the function of the heart/right lobe of the soul.
(3) Romans 1:21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or
give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was
darkened. This is a reference to the person who is negatively influenced and led by
their emotions.
(4) Romans 6:17–18 But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you
became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were
committed, and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.
This is a reference to the person who has rejected emotional control of the soul and
is instead led by the Word of God circulating in their soul which causes them to build
upon their souls with more and more Bible Doctrine.
(5) However, bear in mind, in more modern translations, words for emotions (not heart)
are translated heart from time to time.
4. First Mentions of Heart in the Bible.
1) Gen 6:5–6 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and
that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The LORD was sorry
that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
(1) This tells us that in the days leading up to the flood man stopped taking in and
applying the Word of God. He was not cycling the Word within his soul. As a result,
God's heart was grieved by man's predicament.
(2) Here the word heart is used of both man and God. As for God this is both an
anthropomorphism and an anthropopathism, as we know God is not built like man
and is instead a spiritual being without the blood pumping organ or brain as we have,
nor does He think the way we do, or have the emotions we have.
(3) Anthropomorphism is a physical attribute of man ascribed to God, which He does not
literally possess in order for man to understand something about God and His policy
toward man by the use of language of accommodation. Likewise an anthropopathism
ascribes to God mental characteristics found in man to describe God's thinking and
God's planning in human terms.
2) The First Mention in the New Testament, Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for
they shall see God."
(1) This verse tells us that when we have the cleansing of our soul through the circulation
of the Word of God through our heart, we will come to have knowledge and
understanding of who and what God is and our relationship with Him.
(2) Hebrews 10:22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, our hearts
sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water. (HCSB)
3) The Second Mention is in Matthew 5:28 "But I say to you that everyone who looks at a
woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." The second
mention tells us that our heart can also be a place of sin influence over our soul when we
allow temptation from our Sin Nature to circulate through our heart/soul.
4) Just as the first two mentions of heart in the Old Testament had the meaning of sinfulness
verses the thinking of God, the New Testament's first two mentions show the same
potential dichotomy in man's heart but in reverse order.
5. The Heart of the Body/Heart of the Soul Analogy:
1) Ideally speaking, when we breathe, we take in the proper mix of inert gases and oxygen,
so that the oxygen is taken into the lungs, transferred into the blood stream, and sent
throughout the entire body.
2) Ideally speaking, when we hear Bible doctrine taught in church, we take in enough truth so
that this truth is considered by the mind, evaluated by the heart; and then it is believed,
after which, it is circulated throughout the soul, into our thinking, vocabulary, memory
center, and norms and standards. This supplies nourishment throughout our soul.
3) The end result is that we will think as Christ thinks. Do not be conformed to this age, but
be transformed by the renovation of your thinking, so that you may discern what is the
good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. For I say through the grace which has been given
to me to every one who is among you, stop thinking of yourself in terms of arrogance
beyond what you ought to think, but think in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational
without illusion as God has assigned to each one of us a standard of thinking from doctrine.
(Rom. 12:2-3; R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
4) Robbie Dean: When we begin to grow as a believer the Lord through the Holy Spirit and
the Word of God is going to change our thinking. That is what Romans 12:2 is all about:
transforming, METAMORPHOO [metamorfow], completely overhauling your thinking. How
does that happen? First of all, you have to think about it. Right then you know that this is
going to run counter to the whole trend of our age today because we live in an era when
people really don't want to think-for any number of reasons, depending on their
background. They want to emote, they want to feel good, they want to have psychological
transformation, whatever that may be. If you look at certain books today that talk about
spirituality, that is how they define it. They talk about psychological wellbeing, sense of
stability, sense of happiness, getting rid of some negative emotions like anger and hatred,
so you're just not so uptight, you just have to sort of relax as you go through life. And they
define that as spirituality. But what the Bible says is that you have to change your thinking,
so change is at the heart of spiritual growth. That means that we have certain thought
patterns, that we have certain beliefs within that thought pattern, as unbelievers, that are
very comfortable to us. We have certain beliefs, certain ideas that we picked up from
parents, that we picked up from peers, from teachers along the way, and some of these
things you have absorbed into your own personal worldview, your own personal philosophy
of life, and you have operated on these things because they help you solve problems, face
challenges in life, deal with certain relationships; and yet, they are products of cosmic
thinking and human viewpoint, they are not products of the Word of God. The process of
spiritual growth is the process of identifying these things in our souls and marking them for
destruction and replacing them with principles from the Word of God. That is not an easy
process, it takes the entirety of our life to go through that. From Dean’s website, accessed
November 22, 2014.
5) How does this happen? Where do we find out how God thinks? From the Bible. Paul told
the Corinthians that we have the mind of Christ (1Cor. 2:16). That thinking is what Paul
taught in his epistles. This is the thinking that we take in during Bible class; and therefore,
the information which renovates our thinking. It is a command that we learn to think like
Jesus thinks: For this way of thinking (this attitude and disposition) is continuously within
you folks -- which [is] also within Christ Jesus. (Philip. 2:5; JMNT) Despite this translation,
this is in the imperative mood; meaning that this is a command.
6. The Heart is a Part of the Essence of the Soul. In Scripture, the heart is used for the right lobe
of the soul. This distributes all knowledge, thinking, wisdom, and divine viewpoint throughout the
entire mentality, just as the physiological heart distributes nourishment throughout the entire
1) The heart is used in the Bible for the place of thinking, the location of your vocabulary and
categories of thought. Therefore, the heart is the thinking function of the soul. The Lord's
evaluation of you is what you think. 1Sam. 16:7 The Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on
his outward appearance or how tall he is, because I have rejected him. God sees not as
man sees, for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
Compare Prov. 23:7 As a man thinks in his right lobe [heart], so he is. (Translation
probably from R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
2) The Lord looks in your heart and sees how much doctrine is circulating through the
component parts of your right lobe.
3) The soul is composed of at least four invisible but real parts: self-consciousness (Acts
20:10), mentality (Prov. 19:2), volition (Acts 3:23), and emotion (Luke 12:19).
4) The mentality of the soul is divided into two parts: the left and right lobes. The right lobe
is where you do your thinking, analyzing, applying of knowledge, and is the seat of common
sense. The left lobe is your place of assimilating information and the area where your
talent functions. R. B. Thieme, Jr. often calls this the staging area. It can be seen as the
waiting room or the entry hall. This is where information comes first and is evaluated.
5) Brain scientists indicate that two persons inhabit our heads, each residing in the two
separate hemispheres of our brain. According to scientists, one is verbal, analytical, and
dominant, while the other is mute and mysterious.
6) Scientists classify the non-speaking side as the right hemisphere (we call it the left lobe).
7) In the Bible we classify the mute side as the left lobe and the verbal hemisphere as the right
8) The two half brains are linked together by millions of nerves forming a thick cable called the
corpus callosum.
9) In cases of severe epilepsy, this cable sometimes has to be cut. This results in some
strange occurrences. The left side of the brain no longer knows what the right side is doing,
yet the speaking half of the patient is controlled by left lobe. The person still insists on
finding excuses for whatever the left side has done. His thinking part is severed from his
non-thinking part and still operates under the illusion that he is one person, and that his
lobes are combined. The two halves of the brain are integrated into a single mentality with
the speaking half called the "heart" by the Bible.
10) Scientists say that the left hemisphere has a language ability and is analytical; and the right
hemisphere is artistic and talented. Talented people tend to live using mostly the non-thinking part of their brain.
11) A child is about two years old before the link between his two hemispheres is completed.
And it doesn't become completely functional until he is about ten years old. After age ten,
one side of the brain is used for synthesis, spacial perception and music, while the other
side performs sequential, verbal, analytical, and computer-like activities.
12) Scientists contend that excellence in one hemisphere tends to interfere with top level
performance in the other. The conclusion is that most talented people aren't smart or
Operation Z

13) What does the Bible say? The
heart is part of the essence of the
soul; it is the thinking, reasoning
part. It is designed to dominate
the soul. Therefore, it must be the
target for doctrinal teaching,
1Kings 3:9,12 Psalm 119:11
19:14. To reach the target, Bible
doctrine must pass through two
staging areas: the left lobe and the
human spirit. (See the Doctrine
of Operation Z.) Graphic of
Operation Z, taken from Bible
Doctrine Resources, but it is not
original with them. R. B. Thieme,
Jr. developed this concept and did
the first graphics for it. This
particular graphic may have come
from Jim Oliver. See Country
Bible Church for a similar graphic. All of these are accessed September 29, 2014.
7. Summary of the Compartments of the Heart. Throughout this doctrine we have been utilizing
the analogy of a "filing cabinet" to explain how the kardia/heart of the soul works. Basically the
Heart is the overall filing cabinet. It is the central resource center of your soul, the place where
information is entered, stored, and available for recall and application. As we have noted in this
doctrine, there are 6–8 compartments in the heart of your soul so we will use the "filing cabinet"
analogy to describe these compartments.
1) The Frame of Reference is analogous to the various drawers within the filing cabinet. The
drawers provide initial access to the central resource center for storing and finding
information within our souls.
2) The Memory Center is the actual files you place within the filing cabinet. It is the actual
storage of information within your soul.
3) Vocabulary Storage is analogous to the tabs or headings we put on files as a technical
reference to the information within the files providing us easy access and recall.
4) Categorical Storage is the order and arrangement of files, the systematic grouping of
reference material for application.
5) The Conscience is the scanning of information within a file to use as a basis of reference,
establishing guidelines regarding the situations of life.
6) Finally, the Launching Pad. The Launching Pad is the place where the things stored in the
filing cabinet are gathered together for use and application. It is the animated process of
removing a file and utilizing what is in that file. For example, you are faced with a
disastrous situation in life. The Frame of Reference sends initial general reference points
that are related to the situation. Then the Memory Center sends in recalled details and data
regarding those reference points. This is followed by the Vocabulary sending technical
specifications that can be used for the situation. Next, the Categorical Storage
compartment sends supporting data from multiple reference points. Then the Conscience
brings forth reasoning based on all the norms and standards built in your soul from
accumulated Bible Doctrine that has flowed through it. Finally the Launching Pad gathers
together all supporting materials, stages them for launch, and thrusts them forward within
your soul so that the Wisdom of God flows throughout your soul and can be applied to the
situation you are faced with. This all occurs under the function of your very own Royal
Priesthood through the enabling power of God the Holy Spirit working within your soul.
8. Spiritual Growth is the Result of Building Up Your Heart with the Word of God.
1) As a result of having Bible doctrine in the Frame of Reference, moving it into the Memory
Center, Vocabulary and Categorical storage, developing Norms and Standards in the
Conscience coupled with faith application from the Launching Pad, we then have a growth
factor from metabolized Bible doctrine which moves us to spiritual maturity.
2) Although the entire process can be quite complex, our involvement is quite simple.
(1) When we eat and breathe, our contribution is fairly simple. Breathing is automatic;
and eating is according to our taste (although most of us realize that some foods are
better for us than other foods).
(2) The process by which air taken into our lungs and then is sent throughout our bodies,
refreshing and replenishing, is rather complex. No one knows the entire process and
all that is involved. Most people don’t know much beyond the breathing in of oxygen
and the breathing out of CO2. But, even though our knowledge of this function which
sustains and renews our bodies is fairly difficult to understand, all we do is breathe.
The body which God has designed takes care of the rest.
(3) The same thing is true of Bible doctrine in the soul. All we do is listen and believe.
God has designed our human spirit to take care of the rest. We may understand that
we take in doctrine in our perceptive lobe (the left lobe), believe it, and it become
imprinted on our heart (the right lobe); but even if we don’t know this, it still occurs.
(4) Our contribution is simple. We need only have positive volition toward the Word of
God. We listen, we believe, we think; and God handles the rest.
3) This is the status in which spiritual growth is obtained as a result of momentum inside God's
power system for your spiritual walk. This is accomplished through the enabling power of
God the Holy Spirit and momentum from the Word of God metabolized within your soul.
Learning God's Word provides momentum and motivation to learn more of God's Word.
This is the momentum factor of spiritual phenomenon resulting in God's wisdom applied to
your life.
4) There are two categories of spiritual growth.
(1) Normal spiritual growth that comes from the renewing of your mind post-salvation.
Ephesians 4:23–24 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on
the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and
holiness of the truth. Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God
is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. This is accomplished through the
Grace Apparatus for Perception (GAP) which includes the three R's by means of the
enabling power of God the Holy Spirit.
i Receptive comprehension, faith upon hearing.
ii Retention, the metabolization of Bible doctrine, converting gnosis into epignosis
doctrine and storing it within the Heart of your soul.
iii Recall, the application of the Word resident within your soul from the Launching
Pad of the Heart resulting in Wisdom.
(2) Accelerated spiritual growth as a result of suffering for blessing. The acceleration of
your spiritual growth comes from the application of metabolized Bible doctrine and the
function of the Problem Solving Devices when you are faced with pressure and
adversity in life.
i As is the general rule, we tend to learn at an accelerated rate when we are
faced with difficulties or perceived failures within our lives. This is in contrast to
the times of success and prosperity when we are comfortable, think we are all
set and "have it all down pat". In the latter the trend is to not turn to God, His
wisdom or power.
ii But in times of difficulty and pressure, we find ourselves in a position of
hopelessness and helplessness when it comes to human solutions and our
human resources. In these times, like no other, we are narrowed in our
application to utilize the power of God, His Word and Spirit.
iii This is called Suffering for Blessing, which is facing difficulties, disasters, or
pressure when we are walking with God. This is in contrast to divine discipline,
when due to our negative volition, God allows discipline to come into our lives
to wake us up.
iv You can learn from divine discipline, punitive suffering, the law of volitional
responsibility, and self-induced misery. But that is a slow process and does not
necessarily advance you to Spiritual Self-Esteem. In those instances, if you
wake up and get back in fellowship with God, the discipline is turned into
Suffering for Blessing.
v Suffering for Blessing has three categories related to three stages of spiritual
adulthood, which moves us forward and provides momentum to achieve further
spiritual growth in spiritual adulthood.
vi 1Corinthians 9:24–27 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but
only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Everyone
who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it
to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore I run in such
a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I
discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to
others, I myself will not be disqualified.
9. Happiness is related to the heart.
1) Prov. 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Having
a joyful heart means you share God's happiness (+H) in your right lobe.
2) Prov. 15:13-15 A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but when the heart is sad, the spirit
is broken. The heart of the intelligent seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on
folly. All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual
(1) God's +H in the right lobe makes for a cheerful face, a marvelous life, and animation.
But the spirit is broken when the heart is sad, down, or complaining.
(2) But the spirit is broken meaning the heart is sad, down, or complaining when you do
not have the Word in your right lobe.
(3) The heart of the intelligent seeks knowledge, means that your motivation for learning
more Bible doctrine comes from the Bible doctrine you already have in your right lobe.
(4) Eventually your motivation for learning more doctrine comes from the doctrine you
already have in your right lobe.
(5) The mouth of a fool feeds on folly refers to the believer or unbeliever who fills his
heart with false doctrine.
(6) The continual feast means continuous circulation of Bible doctrine in the heart with
never ending supply and sustenance.
3) 2Cor. 6:11-12 O you Corinthians, our mouth has been opened face to face with you [in
teaching], because our hearts [right lobes] have been enlarged [by maximum doctrine in
the right lobe of the soul]. Therefore, you have not been hindered by us [in your spiritual
life]; you have been hindered by your own emotions [= bowels in the Greek]. (translation
probably R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
(1) The Corinthians had receptive comprehension but no retention.
(2) Notice that emotions and heart are in contrast in this passage. Therefore, emotions
are not a part of the function of the right lobe of the soul.
(3) You have may have made the mistake of arguing with a liberal and then quoted some
bit of information, survey, scientific study, etc. Then, you wonder why you have not
won the argument. They hear this in their left lobe (the mind), but, whatever
consideration is given it still rejects the information due to the emotions controlling the
soul. Therefore, it is never transferred over to the right lobe. The heart never accepts
that information because they do not believe it. They may say, “Well, you heard that
on Fox News” (which they may call Faux News); or they may say, “You can make a
scientific survey (or poll, or whatever) say anything.” Their emotional understanding
of the topic at hand prevents them from believing what you say. This is the problem
of the Corinthians when hearing doctrine taught by Paul. Paul presented the absolute
truth to them, but they rejected this truth because it did not line up with their thinking
that was controlled by their emotions.
10. The heart is related to perception and thinking.
1) The heart is related to perception of Bible doctrine. Deut. 29:4 “Yet to this day the Lord
has not given you a heart to know.” See also Prov. 22:17–21 23:12 Psalm 90:12.
2) The heart is related to thinking in terms of reversionism in Psalm 10:6, 11, 13 reveals the
human viewpoint thinking of the reversionist related to the heart. He says in his heart, “I
shall not be moved to all generations, I shall not be in adversity.” He says in his heart, “God
has forgotten me, He has hidden His face from me. He will never see it. Why has the
wicked [believer] spurned God?” He has said in his heart, “You will not hold me
3) The thinking of the atheist is related to the heart. Psalm 14:1 The fool has thought in his
heart, “There is no God.”
4) The heart is related to rationalizing mental attitudes. The rationalizing maladjustment to
the justice of God is found in Isa. 47:10 “And you felt secure in your evil, and you said to
yourself, `No one sees me.' Your evil wisdom and your human viewpoint knowledge has
deluded you, for you have thought in your heart, `I am, and there is no one as good as I
am.' "
5) False teachers communicate false doctrine from the deceit of their heart. Jer. 14:14
6) The heart is the place where people think they are superior to others. Luke 9:46-47 Now
a controversy entered among them as to which of the disciples was the greatest. But
Jesus, knowing the thinking in their hearts...
7) The heart is used for meditation on Bible doctrine. Luke 2:19 But Mary treasured up all
these things and pondered them in her heart.
11. Negative Functions of the Heart or Right Lobe. We have primarily studied the heart as related
to the growth of a believer. However, that is not always the way heart is used. The heart is the
right lobe for the souls of unbelievers and reversionistic believers as well.
1) The heart can reject Bible teaching, as in Prov. 5:12-14. The heart negative to Bible
doctrine refuses to concentrate. When you don't like what you hear, then you are
unteachable and a candidate for reversionism. How I have hated instruction of doctrine,
and my heart has spurned reproof, and I have not listened to the voice of my teacher nor
inclined my ear to the instructor. I almost came to ruin in the middle of the assembly of the
2) The heart can be applied to learning human wisdom and human systems of thought, rather
than Bible doctrine. Eccles. 7:25 8:9, 16
3) When doctrine (or, establishment truth, in the case of the unbeliever) is rejected, then there
is a vacuum which sucks in that which is false. When this is the case, the heart is deceitful
and desperately wicked. (Jer. 17:9)
4) Negative volition toward the standards of God, will result in a man’s thinking being filled with
sin. Matt. 15:15–20 But Peter said to him, "Explain the parable to us." And he said, "Are
you also still without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth
passes into the stomach and is expelled? But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from
the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder,
adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person.
But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone."
5) The heart is the source of discord and troublemaking, which leads to strife and conspiracy.
Prov. 6:14, 18 The one who by distortion or perversity in his heart devises evil continually,
he is the one who is the spreader of strife. A heart that devises wicked conspiracy, feet run
rapidly to evil. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
6) The woman uses heart thinking to entice the male for personal gain without love.
(1) The heart of the prostitute is subtle. Prov. 7:10 And behold a woman comes to meet
him dressed magnificently like a prostitute and very cunning of heart. (Translation
probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
(2) Eccles. 7:26 I have discovered more bitter than death the woman whose heart is
snares and nets, and in her hands she has chains. However, the person who is
pleasing God [doctrine in the right lobe] will escape from her. But the sinning one
[arrogant male] will be captured by her. (Translation probably by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)
(3) A woman can often do a lot of thinking, but it's not objective, doctrinal, professional
or academic thinking; it is thinking used to bring attention to herself in whatever way
she wants attention. This is thinking in terms of "snares and nets", and in her hands
she has chains. She will be very flattering and conniving, and once she catches you
by your arrogance, your arrogance will chain you to her.
(4) One thing that will destroy wisdom, I.Q., and ability to look at life from the divine
viewpoint is the dumb arrogant male succumbing to the flattery of a woman, using him
for her own advancement or pleasure.
7) The heart suffers disappointment from broken promises, Prov. 13:12. The heart is the
source of frustrations. Frustration is a thought. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but
desire fulfilled is a tree of life.
8) The heart is the environment for mental attitude sins.
(1) 2Sam. 6:16 Now when it came to pass that the ark of the Lord came into the city of
David, then Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked out the window and she saw David
dancing before the Lord; consequently she despised him in her heart. You hate and
love in your right lobe. Both love and hate are a system and function of thinking.
(2) Prov. 14:10 The heart knows its own bitterness. Bitterness is one of the greatest of
all sins of arrogance. It infiltrates the right lobe and neutralizes whatever doctrine is
there. And a stranger does not share its joy.
(3) Sorrow and disappointment (Prov. 14:13).
(4) Pride (Prov. 21:4; Obad. 3).
(5) Arrogance is found in Prov. 21:4 Haughty eyes and an arrogant heart, the lamp of the
wicked is sin. In other words, once you have arrogance in your right lobe, whatever
its manifestation, this becomes your lamp for life and it sets aside all doctrine.
(6) In Obad. 3, arrogance deceives you and causes you to make a fool of yourself. The
arrogance of your heart has deceived you.
(7) Worry is found in Eccles. 2:23.
(8) Deceitfulness is found in Jer. 17:9 The heart is more deceitful than anything else and
becomes a source of desperate wickedness.
(9) Women use the heart to trap men (Eccl. 7:26).
9) The frantic search for happiness is related to the heart in Eccles. 1:13.
10) Revolution and insubordination are described as being a part of the thinking of the heart.
2Sam. 15:6 So Absalom stole away the hearts of the men of Israel. Jer. 5:23 But this
people have a stubborn and a rebellious heart. They have turned aside and departed from
Me. See also Ezek 6:9.
11) Hypocrisy is related to thinking in the heart, for you can think one thing and express another
thing overtly. Psalm 55:21 His speech was smoother than butter, but his heart was at war
with me. His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords, ready to stab me.
12) Superficial gaiety doesn't indicate the true state of the individual's heart or right lobe.
Prov. 14:13 Even in times of laughter, the heart may be in pain, and the end of the party
may be grief.
13) Reversionism is described in terms of the heart, Jer. 17:5 So says the Lord, “Cursed is the
man who depends on mankind and makes flesh his strength. His heart has turned away
from the Lord [negative volition to Bible doctrine].” Jer. 17:9 The heart is more deceitful
than anything else and becomes a source of desperate wickedness.
14) So the heart is related to any kind of failure in life. In other words, the real you is what you
think. Your life is not what others see overtly, though it may reflect good or bad thoughts,
right or wrong priorities.
Bible Doctrine Resource, Doctrine of Heart; accessed September 24, 2014.
Bible Doctrine Resource, Doctrine of Heart/Kardia; accessed September 24, 2014. This is a revision of the doctrine
Very little material is taken from the next two sources.
Wenstrom Bible Ministries, Doctrine of the Heart; accessed September 24, 2014.
L. G. Merritt, Doctrine of the Heart; accessed September 24, 2014 (includes several charts).
Bible Doctrine Resource, Doctrine of Heart; accessed September 24, 2014.
Bible Doctrine Resource, Doctrine of Heart/Kardia; accessed September 24, 2014. This is a revision of the doctrine
Very little material is taken from the next two sources.
Wenstrom Bible Ministries, Doctrine of the Heart; accessed September 24, 2014.
L. G. Merritt, Doctrine of the Heart; accessed September 24, 2014 (includes several charts).
Like many of these doctrines, much of the original work was done by R. B. Thieme, Jr. during his 53
year ministry. Some of these writers/pastors drew heavily upon Bob’s work; and some of them used
his general teaching as a springboard. Bible Doctrine Resource, insofar as I know, simply has
recorded these doctrines, primarily from R. B. Thieme, Jr.; but from other sources as well.