Links to Hebrew Words |
Preface (taken mostly from the preface to âshâm): I have only examined a handful of words in this sort of detail; however, even though examining a single Hebrew word may appear to be quite dry, sometimes I come across places where almost every translator cheats or fudges on a translation (this occurs in at least two instances with the word âshâm); and sometimes, as also occurs with the word âshâm, we will come across passages whose meaning is enriched considerably by better knowing the meaning of the word in question.
I tend to be quite methodical and hyper-logical at times when examining a passage or a single word, sometimes making it clear that the passage could mean this, but it could not mean that. This may not be the best way to present this information to a congregation (that is, I have typically, 5–10 pages of notes on a single word; a congregation may not have that kind of interest, and the benefits to them of such a detailed study are questionable). What I put together on most words generally takes me several days to complete. However, a pastor-teacher can take this and distill it to a few sentences, a few points, or, where necessary, a 20 minute study. My intention is to gather the information from a variety of sources, categorize and organize it, and thoroughly examine it. My expectation is, a small handful of pastors, theologians or Bible students will be able to use what I have put together here. The layman (admittedly, a poor term for me to use) may or may not get much out of these studies.
Included with each word below is going to be the minimal amount of information; however, as in the case of âshâm, we miss some very important passages and interpretations of passages if we just take the information below and run with it.
A few of these words were actually studied as doctrines and their use and interpretation and theological implications are examined more carefully than the etymology.
As I have pointed out many times in the past, some things, e.g., the Hebrew language, does not translate well into HTML, but it does render perfectly into PDF documents (I do all of my writing in WordPerfect, which allows for me to write in Hebrew in the first place).
1. âdâm (ם ָד ָא) [pronounced aw-DAWM], which means a man, a human being, mankind, Adam. Of all the words below, these is the least developed study (it is about a half a page long, and many of the studies are 5–10 pages long). Strong's #120 BDB #9. HTML PDF
2. Ăphêq (קֵפֲא) [pronounced uh-FAKE], which means nothing and is transliterated Aphek. Strong’s #663 BDB #67. Ăphêkâh (ה ָק ֵפ ֲא) [pronounced uh-FAY-kaw]. Strong’s #664 BDB #68. Joshua 15:53. We have another similarly named city, Aphik—actually, Aphîyq (קי ̣פ ֲא) [pronounced uh-FEEK]. Because the only original difference between the two is the yod (which could be an error), and since this is associated with Asher in Judges 1:31, this is probably the same city. Strong’s #663 BDB #67. HTML PDF
3. âshâm (םָשָא) [pronounced aw-SHAWM], which means guilt, fault, blame, responsibility [for sinful actions]; a guilt-offering; possibly this word can apply to the actions for which one is guilty (trespass, offense). I cannot point to any particular passage which requires us to use this word in the sense of a trespass, an offense, however. Strong’s #817 BDB #79. HTML PDF
4. Bârake (בָּרַך׃) [pronounced baw-RAHKe]. Strong’s #1288 BDB #138. HTML PDF
5. êth (ת ֵא) [pronounced ayth], which is the untranslated mark of a direct object, also known as the mark of an accusative. It can also be used as a preposition denoting nearness (Strong’s #854 BDB #85). Context determines the usage. Strong's #853 BDB #84. HTML PDF
6. belîyyaal (ל ַע ַ ̣ל ׃) [pronounced beleey-YAH-ģahl ], which means without value, worthless, ruin, good-for-nothing, ungodly, wicked, but is transliterated Belial. We might give it the more updated rendering of sons of bitches. Strong’s #1100 BDB #116. HTML PDF
7. gâmal (לַמָ) [pronounced gaw-MAHL], which means to recompense, to reward, to requite, to yield; to wean, to ripen. Strong’s #1580 BDB #168. HTML PDF
8. Gibeon, Geba and Gibeah (you may be surprised here). HTML PDF
9. zîmmâh (הָ ̣ז) [pronounced zim-MAWH], which means pre-meditated evil, well-thought out wickedness, pre-planned harm. Strong's #2154 BDB #273. HTML PDF
11. Matstsâbâh, Mûtstsâb, Matstsêbâh, Matstsebeth, Mitstsâbâh, Matstsâb, Netsîyb, and Nâtsab. HTML PDF
12. mûg (גמ) [pronounced moog], which means, properly, to flow, to flow down; to melt [literally or figuratively]; to dissolve; to cause to pine (or perish). However, figuratively, this means to melt because of fear of men. Strong’s #4127 BDB #556. HTML PDF
13. nîdâh (ה ָ ̣נ) [pronounced nid-DAWH], which means impurity, as in abhorrent, shunned
and this is
a word associated with menstruation (see Lev. 15:19–20, 24–26 Ezek. 18:6) and we could
translate it menstruation, but not everywhere (e.g., Lev. 20:21) and only by implication.
Strong's #5079 BDB #622. HTML PDF
14. nâzîyr (רי ̣ז ָנ) [pronounced naw-ZEER]; or, Nazirite, to become a Nazirite. Strong's #5139 BDB #634. HTML PDF
15. nâtsab (בַצָנ) [pronounced naw-TSAHBV], which means to station oneself, to take one’s stand, to stand up, to set something upright, to erect. This is not found in the Qal stem. In the Niphal, the passive stem, it means to be stationed, to be left standing, to station oneself, to take one’s stand. In the Hophal, it means to be placed, to be set, to be planted, to be fixed, to be settled. Strong’s #5324 BDB #662. HTML PDF
16. ׳ănâq (ק ָנ ֲע) [pronounced ģuh-NAWK], is found three times in the Bible referring to chains worn around one’s neck (Judges 8:26 Prov. 1:9 SOS 4:9). Strong’s #6060 BDB #778. HTML Part One PDF Part Two PDF
17. In the Hebrew, the word Hebrew is ׳ibverîy (י.רב̣ע) [pronounced ģibe-VREE]. HTML PDF
18. ׳ârake (ַרָע) [pronounced ģaw-RAK], which means to prepare, to organize, to set in order, to arrange in order, to set in a row. A simpler, more modern rendering might be to prepare, to organize. Strong's #6186 BDB #789. HTML PDF
19. ׳ashetârôwth (תרָ׃שָע) [pronounced ģahsh-taw-ROHTH], which is transliterated Ashtaroth, Ashtartes, Ashtaroths. Strong’s #6252 BDB #800. HTML PDF
20. sîychâh (ה ָחי.) [pronounced see-KHAW], which means, meditation, prayer, complaint, communication. This word is only found here and in Psalm 119:97, 99. In Psalm 119, there is no way that this means complaint or prayer. Its verbal cognate means to communicate, therefore, some form of communication is involved. However, the psalmist calls God’s Law and His testimonies his sîychâh all day long—therefore, it would be reasonable for this to mean meditation, study, Bible study—it is God’s communication to man. Strong’s #7881 BDB #967. HTML PDF
21. shâmaţ (ט-מָש) [pronounced shâ-MAHT], which means to release, to let [something] drop; to grant a release, a letting drop of exaction; to cast, to throw down; to fall, to let lie; to desist from anything. Strong’s #8058 BDB #1030. HTML PDF
22. terâphîym (םי.פָר ) [pronounced teraw-PHEEM], which means household idol, a kind of idol, an object of reverence, and a means of divination, and which is transliterated teraphim. Strong’s #8655 BDB #1076. HTML PDF
23. Zîmmâh ה ָ ̣ז [pronounced zim-MAWH], which seems to mean well-thought out wickedness or evil
and is possibly the same word essentially (Strong's 4209 BDB #273).