These studies are designed for believers in Jesus Christ only. If you have exercised faith in Christ, then you are in the right place. If you have not, then you need to heed the words of our Lord, Who said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten [or, uniquely-born] Son, so that every [one] believing [or, trusting] in Him shall not perish, but shall be have eternal life! For God did not send His Son into the world so that He should judge the world, but so that the world shall be saved through Him. The one believing [or, trusting] in Him is not judged, but the one not believing has already been judged, because he has not believed in the Name of the only-begotten [or, uniquely-born] Son of God.” (John 3:16–18). “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life! No one comes to the Father except through [or, by means of] Me!” (John 14:6).
Every study of the Word of God ought to be preceded by a naming of your sins to God. This restores you to fellowship with God (1John 1:8–10). If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9). If there are people around, you would name these sins silently. If there is no one around, then it does not matter if you name them silently or whether you speak aloud.
All of this material was culled from 2Samuel 23.
Preface: 2Sam. 23:3–4 read: The Elohim of Israel has spoken to me,
the Rock of Israel has declared,
‘The one who rules among mankind [should be] righteous, ruling [in] the fear/respect of Elohim;
[just as] the sun [majestically] appears as the light of morning;
[it is] a morning without clouds;
out of brightness [and] out of rain,
grass from the earth [appears].’
Painting of 2Samuel 23:4 by the Art Girl Jackie, accessed May 1, 2014. Painting graphic is found here. Apparently, this particular verse has inspired many people.
This was taken directly from the Bible Doctrine Resource page with very little editing. |
1. Definition: 1) Light is a complex scientific puzzle. 2) Scientists have battled over various theories of what light is for centuries. 3) The ancient Greeks believed that light streamed out of the eye much as water streams out of a hose, the idea being that we see a thing by directing this stream of light to hit it. 4) In 1668 Sir Isaac Newton proposed the theory that light consists of small particles, corpuscles, of matter emitted in all directions in straight lines or rays by a luminous body such as the sun, a burning candle, etc. 5) At about the same time a Dutch astronomer, Christian Huychens, advanced the wave theory of light which states that light radiates from a source in straight lines called rays; and they are perpendicular to the circles called wave fronts. These light waves travel in much the same way as water waves produced when a stone is dropped into still water. 6) In 1860, James Maxwell postulated the theory that visible light, radiant heat, ultraviolet, infrared, and electromagnetic waves are all electromagnetic in nature. 7) In 1905, a German physicist named Max Plank proposed the "quantum theory" which states that light consists of bits of energy, "quanta of energy," which are also known as photons. According to this theory, light energy is emitted and absorbed in quanta or photons. This is explained by the assumption that the electrons in the atoms revolve in fixed spherical shells, and that any electron when in a particular shell has a definite amount of energy. When electrons fall from a higher energy level to a lower one, they loose energy in the form of light. The same quantity of energy, no more or no less, is required to lift them back again to the higher level. 8) In 1905, Albert Einstein asserted that matter and energy were one and the same thing by the relationship in his now famous equation, E=mc2. His research to determine the general theory of relativity is the basis of all modern scientific technology including laser technology. 2. Etymology: 1) Neuter noun phôs (φς) [pronounced fohç], which means a light; daylight, dazzling light; that which emits light (star, torch, lamp, fire]; perfection, truth; a dispenser of truth; splendor, glory; purity. Strong’s #5457. Eph. 5:13 John 1:4, 7-9 2) Adjective phôteinos (φωτεινός) [pronounced foh-ti-NOSS], which means, 1) light; 1a) composed of light; 1b) of a bright character; 1c) full of light; 1d) well lit. Also, shining, bright, radiant, full of light, illuminated. Thayer and Thieme definitions only. Strong’s #5460. Matt. 17:5 3) Verb phôtizô (φωτίζω) [pronounced foh-TID-zoh], which means, 1) to give light, to shine; 2) to enlighten, light up, illumine, illuminate; to shed light on; 3) to bring to light, render evident; to reveal; 3a) to cause something to exist and thus come to light and become clear to all; 4) to enlighten, spiritually, imbue with saving knowledge; 4a) to instruct, to inform, teach; 4b) to give understanding to. Thayer definitions only. Strong’s #5461. Rev. 22:5 4) ʾôwr (אוֹר) [pronounced ohr], which means light [of the moon, of stars]; morning light, day-break, dawn; light [of life; of one’s face]; light [of prosperity, of Bible doctrine, of Jehovah]. Strong’s #216 BDB #21. Gen. 1:3–4 3. God created light out of nothing and therefore God pre-exists light as we understand it from a physics definition - see point #1. (Gen. 1:3) 4. God is described in terms of His creation; "God is light." (1 John 1:5) Also, Jesus Christ is said to be "the light" in John 1:4. 1) Light becomes a good illustration of both the "essence" and the "Trinity," persons of the Godhead. 2) Light is one in essence or substance, yet it is composed of three aspects: (1) Actinic light or ultraviolet light is not seen nor experienced. This is analogous to God the Father. (1 Tim. 6:16; 1 John 1:5) (2) Luminiferous light or visible light is both seen and experienced. This is analogous to God the Son. (John 12:35, 36) (3) Calorific light or inferred light is not seen but is experienced. This is analogous to God the Holy Spirit. (Gen. 1:2) 5. Jesus Christ as the manifest person of the Godhead is light. (John 1:4; 8:12; John 9:5; 12:35, 36) 6. Light in its literal sense is absolutely necessary for man's existence on the Earth. (Eccl. 11:7; Jer. 31:35) 7. Israel received divine guidance from God during their wilderness experience in the form of the Shekinah Glory cloud, "light by night." (Ex. 13:21, 22; 14:20) 8. The gospel is called light. (2 Cor. 4:3, 4; 2 Tim. 1:10; cf. Acts 13:47 and Isa. 49:6) 9. The evangelist is called a light. ("the tribes of Jacob," Isa. 49:6, "Paul and Barnabas," Acts. 13:47) 10. "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." (2 Cor. 11:14) 11. Salvation brings the believer out of darkness into light, just as the planet earth was brought out of darkness into light by God. (Luke 1:79; 1 Pet. 2:9; cf. Col. 1:12-14; Gen 1:3) 12. Anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ becomes one of the "sons of light." (John 12:36; 1 Thess. 5:5; cf. "saints in the light," Col 1:12) 13. Believers in fellowship with God, filled with the Holy Spirit, are said to "walk in the light." (1John 1:7; 2:8-10; Eph. 5:8b) 14. Bible Doctrine resident in the souls of believers through study and the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, is portrayed as "the fruit of the light." (Eph. 5:8-10, Psa. 119:105, 130; Prov. 6:23; cf. Psa. 36:9) 15. An edification complex of the soul of each believer is constructed from the light of Bible doctrine. (Psa. 43:3; 119:130; Rom. 13:12, "the armor of light;" Eph. 5:8a) 16. The mature believer reflects the light of Bible doctrine. (Matt. 5:14, 16; 2 Cor. 4:6) 17. The glory of God will illuminate the new Jerusalem "and its lamp, the Lamb," the Lord Jesus Christ, "and the nations will walk by its light." (Rev. 21:24) 18. Believers in eternity will have an illumination from the glory of the Lord God. (Rev. 22:5; Daniel 12:2, 3) |
Taken from accessed April 21, 2014. There is a good chance that this doctrine was originally done by R. B. Thieme, Jr. and what is found here represents few if any changes to that doctrine. |
1. Jesus Christ came to bear witness of the light. John 1:7 2. Jesus Christ is the true light, and He gives light to every man coming into the world. John 1:9 3. Jesus is the Bright and Morning Star. Rev. 22:16 4. Jesus is the dawning light from on high. He gives light to those who sit in darkness. Luke 1:78–79 5. To those who fear/respect His name, He is the Sun of Righteousness. Mal. 4:2 6. Jesus is the Light Who has come into the world. John 3:19 12:46 7. Nations and people will come to Jesus because of the light He provides. Isa. 60:1–3 8. He is the Light of the world, so that those who follow Him will not walk in darkness. John 8:12 9:5 9. His going forth is as fixed as the morning sun. Hosea 6:3 10. God will be our light for the new heavens and the new earth. Isa. 60:18–20 |
Passages suggested by Dr. John Gill, John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible; from e-Sword, 2Sam. 23:4. Also by Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge; by Canne, Browne, Blayney, Scott, and others about 1880, with introduction by R. A. Torrey; courtesy of E-sword, 2Sam. 23:4. |
Peter Pett writes: And this Coming One will arise like the brilliance of the rising sun as it
bathes the earth with light. He will introduce a glorious morning beneath a cloudless sky, with
no clouds present to dull its glory. It will be like the arrival of new shoots springing into life as
a result, first of the activity of the rain and then of the shining sun, as the sun's clear brilliance
draws life out of the earth following the rain (Isaiah 32:15-17; Isaiah 44:3-4; Isaiah 45:8; Isaiah
55:10-13; Isaiah 59:19; Isaiah 60:1-3; compare Matthew 5:45; Matthew 13:43; Matthew
Clarke writes: The effects of this shining, and of the rays of his grace, shall be like the shining
of the sun upon the young grass or corn, after a plentiful shower of rain.
Jamieson, Fausset and Brown: Little patches of grass are seen rapidly springing up in
Palestine after rain; and even where the
ground has been long parched and bare,
within a few days or hours after the
enriching showers begin to fall, the face of
the earth is so renewed that it is covered
over with a pure fresh mantle of green.
2Samuel 23:4 (graphic) — From Chasing A Miracle (.com). Accessed May 1, 2014.
Charles Simeon remarks: The sun
rising in the unclouded hemisphere,
cheers and exhilarates all who
behold it: and, when it shines on the
earth that has been refreshed with
gentle showers, it causes the grass,
and every herb, to spring forth
almost visibly before our eyes.
Whedon also describes such a morning: Travellers describe an eastern sunrise as exquisitely
beautiful and grand. After a night of storm the atmosphere becomes transparent as crystal,
and the cloudless sky is of a peculiarly deep dark blue, which one never sees in a land of
clouds and haze. The twilight is very short, but before the sun becomes visible his beams
shed a rich glow over the whole eastern sky, making it gleam like burnished gold. Suddenly
he emerges from behind the horizon and all nature starts into life and action, and hills and
valleys ring with joy. The sparkling rivulet, the forest glades, and the happy birds, the tender
grass of the pastures - and the frisking flocks and herds that follow the shepherd forth - all
seem to exult and sing for joy, and the very trees of the field "clap their hands."
2Samuel 23:4 (graphic2) — from Wallpapers 4 God. Accessed May 1, 2014. I found at least 4 graphics which used this verse as their inspiration.
The text used is the NIV and it is difficult to read, so this is how it reads:
He is like the light of morning at sunrise
on a cloudless morning,
like the brightness after rain
that brings grass from the earth.'
(2Sam. 23:4; NIV)
All of this speaks of the rule of Jesus Christ in the Millennium.
We see that the way of the righteous is light; Christ is our Way, and He is The Light. |
John 8:12 Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life." |
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." |
1. Jesus told us to believe in the light. “While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light." When Jesus had said these things, He departed and hid Himself from them. (John 12:36; ESV; capitalized) 2. Today as a believer in Christ you stand positionally in perfection before Christ; Positionally Sanctified, Rom. 8:1 1Cor. 1:2, 30 6:11. 3. As you advance in the spiritual life, (walk and run), you are also Experientially Sanctified before Him, Matt. 5:14-16; Rom 6:4. 4. As a growing believer, you are in the light. Psalm 56:13 89:15 5. When we take in God’s Word, we are walking in the light of the Lord. Isa. 2:5 6. When we are in fellowship, we are in the light. 1John 1:7 7. Then upon the day of your death you will stand in total and absolute perfection before Him, being Ultimately Sanctified, 1Cor. 1:8 Philip. 3:21 1Thess. 5:23 1John 3:1 2. 8. When we reach heaven we will be absolutely perfect and shine as the sun in His strength, Matt. 13:43, "Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear." |
From James Rickard accessed February 28, 2015 and appended. |
Prov. 4:18 reads: The path of the righteous [is] like the light of brightness, advancing and become light until the day is established. God is often associated with light. |
Stuart Wolf: Light symbolizes true piety and morality, together with safety, salvation, and well- being
(Job 29:3); in fact, Yhwh Himself is light. Psalm 27:1.
1. God created light out of nothing and therefore God pre-exists light as we understand it from a physics definition. (Gen. 1:3) 2. In the Millennium, there is no need of a moon or sun, as God will provide the light. Isa. 60:19–20 Rev. 21:23 3. God is described in terms of His creation; "God is light." (1John 1:5) Also, Jesus Christ is said to be "the light" in John 1:4. 4. God is called our sun in Psalm 84:11. 5. Jesus Christ as the manifest person of the Godhead is light. (John 1:4 8:12 9:5 12:35, 36, 46) 6. The Trinity can be illustrated by light: 1) Actinic light or ultraviolet light is not seen nor experienced. This is analogous to God the Father. (1Tim. 6:16 1John 1:5) 2) Luminiferous light or visible light is both seen and experienced. This is analogous to God the Son. (John 12:35, 36) 3) Calorific light or inferred light is not seen but is experienced. This is analogous to God the Holy Spirit. (Gen. 1:2) 7. Light in its literal sense is absolutely necessary for man's existence on the Earth. (Eccl. 11:7; Jer. 31:35) 8. Israel received divine guidance from God during their wilderness experience in the form of the Shekinah Glory cloud, "light by night." (Ex. 13:21, 22 14:20) 9. God is associated with light because He guides us through the darkness. Job 29:3 Psalm 18:28 Isa. 50:10 10. We should not fear, for God is our light. Psalm 27:1 11. One of the articles of furniture in the Tabernacle (and later the Temple) is the Golden Lampstand (also known as the Menorah), which itself represents Jesus Christ. See also the Menorah. 12. The gospel is called light. (2Cor. 4:3, 4 2Tim. 1:10; cf. Acts 13:47 and Isa. 49:6) 13. God’s Word is presented as the light to guide our feet. Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (ESV) 14. The evangelist is called a light. ("the tribes of Jacob," Isa. 49:6, "Paul and Barnabas," Acts. 13:47) Salvation brings the believer out of darkness into light, just as the planet earth was brought out of darkness into light by God. (Luke 1:79 1Peter 2:9; cf. Col. 1:12-14 Gen 1:3) 15. Light is associated with the believer in Psalm 97:11 112:4. 16. Jesus presents Himself as the Light of the World. Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12; ESV; capitalized) 17. Anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ becomes one of the "sons of light." (John 12:36 1Thess. 5:5; cf. "saints in the light," Col 1:12) 18. As we grow spiritually, the path before our feet becomes better lit and we know better how to proceed in this life. Prov. 4:18 19. Believers in fellowship with God, filled with the Holy Spirit, are said to "walk in the light." (1John 1:7 2:8-10 Eph. 5:8b) 20. Bible Doctrine resident in the souls of believers through study and the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, is portrayed as "the fruit of the light." (Eph. 5:8-10 Psalm 119:105, 130 Prov. 6:23; cf. Psalm 36:9) 21. "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." (2Cor. 11:14) 22. With the new heavens and the new earth, God will become our light. And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever. (Rev. 22:5; ESV; capitalized) The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. (Isa. 60:19; ESV; capitalized) See also Rev. 21:23 |
Most of these points came from the Doctrine of Light on the Bible Doctrine Resource Page accessed March 29, 2014. This doctrine was also presented in 2Samuel 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). A more complete Doctrine of Light may be found here: (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). |