Statement of Faith
So that you don't
need to examine
these lengthy and extensive writings, herein is a statement of faith,
or a doctrinal statement where I sum up the fundamental beliefs of
Scripture. I realize that some people, apart from that, do not
want to delve into any sort of Bible study unless they first know what
author believes in. The following are the
fundamental beliefs which believers should have. If I or a
Baptist or a Lutheran believe in these tenets of faith, then there
should be nothing which would hinder us from fellowshiping with one
another, from learning from one another or from working together.
Similarly, I would hold that those who believe differently, fall
outside of the faith originally delivered to us by the saints.
1. I believe in the Triune God, Who is One is
Essence, and three in person (God the Father, God the Son and God the
Holy Spirit). These three are co-equal and co-eternal. God
is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.
2. I believe that Jesus Christ was fully man—born
without an old sin nature—and fully God. This is known as the
hypostatic union. There are times when He spoke from His
humanity, times when He spoke from His deity, and times that He spoke
from His hypostatic union. Man’s confusion often comes to play
when we expect each and every sentence which He uttered to give us a
complete revelation
of His character.
3. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins,
taking the penalty which I deserve upon Himself.
4. I believe that we are saved by believing in Jesus
Christ or by placing our trust and our faith for our deliverance in
Him. There are absolutely no works, no promises and no
commitments on our part when it comes to obtaining salvation.
Jesus Christ did it all on our behalf. I can no more add some of
my puny works to his salvation than I can get out of a plane and help
push it through the air.
5. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God,
completely flawless in the autographs (perfect copies of the original
manuscripts). Although we do not possess any autographs, the
science of texual criticism has made it possible for us to know, for
the most part, what the original text was. There are very few
real textual problems which affect any major or minor doctrine.
God’s Word was meant to be understood.
6. I believe that Jesus Christ has sent His Holy
Spirit to live in us, to give us the power to fulfill God’s plan for
our lives. Jesus Christ test-drove this power in His
humanity. That is, His humanity functioned under the power of the
Holy Spirit rather than under the power of His own deity, and He
fulfilled the plan of God for His humanity without resorting to the
power of His own deity.
7. I believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit
refers to God giving us the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation,
which is the same time that we receive our spiritual gift or gifts.
8. I believe that we are fallen creatures and that we
sin subsequent to salvation, and, at that point, no longer walk in the
light but walk in darkness. Our fellowship in Him is restored by
naming our known sins directly to God.