The  most recent documents can be accessed here.

Chapter Study Links

Many Bible teachers--myself included--are indebted to R. B. Thieme, Jr. for his ICE (Isagogics, Categories and Exegesis) approach to teaching.  This will be the approach in every book and every chapter exegeted below.  In most cases, the original text will be examined and laid out in easy to understand tables (unique to this website).  In most cases, 3 original translations will be provided: an extremely literal translation, a nearly literal translation and a paraphrase for each and every book listed and linked below.  The resultant text will then be interpreted in its Scriptural context (exegetical teaching) and in its historical context (isagogical teaching).  Finally, certain concepts and doctrines are suggested in every chapter, which will be examined in further detail, as these concepts are found throughout the rest of the Bible (categorical teaching).

In addition to this, in any study of the Bible, there should be illustrations and applications.  One ought to be able to take the clear text of Scripture, and line it up side-by-side with some current event or some current topic of discussion.  These illustrations will vary from generation to generation.  R. B. Thieme, Jr. used the political figures and movements of the 1950's through the 1990's in order to illustrate certain Bible principles (particularly, the laws of divine establishment).  A pastor in the 21st century may not get very far using Richard Nixon, Douglas MacArthur or Harry Truman to illustrate this or that point.  So when a pastor teaches a passage, he simply needs to be able to relate it to the people and circumstances of his day.  The idea is that, even though the Bible was written over 2000 years ago, what it teaches is as up-to-date as today’s newspaper (perhaps I should say, the last set of headlines on The Gateway Pundit).

Similarly, from time to time, every few verses, there ought to be principles that the growing believer  can apply to his own life.  Learning the Bible should be far more than simply an intellectual pursuit.

The intention of these commentaries is, to present such a complete exegesis of each chapter, so that you walk away with no questions on that chapter.  This is particularly true with the completed chapters from the books of Genesis, Deuteronomy, the early chapters of Job , Proverbs, Kings; and all of 2Samuel.

Although it has been my purpose to exegete each and every chapter that God allows me to do as a separate document, I have found that there is an interest in exegetical studies which are brief and contain entire books in one document.  Therefore, in many instances, I have included an abbreviated study of a number of books as well as the much more complete, chapter-by-chapter studies.  The abbreviated studies might cover entire books in 50-100 pages, whereas the chapter-by-chapter version may be 100-500 pages for each chapter.

There is another point that I ought to make.  The KJV translation no longer works in this era.  It was a marvelous translation which stood the test of time for about 4 centuries.  However, for the young people coming up, it is no longer relevant.  This is one place where the excellent teaching of R. B. Thieme, Jr. and others (like J. Vernon McGee) fall short.  The translation they use is the KJV, and that does not reach the young person today.  I am not saying that we dumb-down the teaching of the Word of God; but that we use a more modern English language version.  That will be the case for all of the exegetical studies below.

Some of the PDF documents are usually large so that, when you click on them and try to read too quickly, they document may freeze because it is not completely loaded into your browser window.  Therefore, some of you will find it easier to need to download those files to your harddrive to read them from there.  With the PDF files, you will get all of the graphics and all of the Hebrew (including vowel points) very nearly correctly displayed.  There is a problem, however...

Recent versions of WordPerfect (X4 and above) allow me to save documents in an HTML format which will preserve the Hebrew characters properly written from right to left.  However, the conversion to a PDF document does not preserve the correct order of the Hebrew.  All  HTML documents produced after October 2008 will reflect the Hebrew as it should look. 

Updated 5/25/2024.  I am in the process of updating both the chart below and the links pages.  Included in each set of links will be links to chapter-by-chapter analysis by other doctrinal teachers.

I also send out lessons each week by email (currently, these lessons are in the books of Exodus and Luke).  Periodically, these lessons are posted online and may be found in this (folder).  All of the information from these lessons is also transferred into the chapter-by-chapter lessons listed below.  If you are interested in receiving those studies, contact me by email.

Those books with active links below are the books which I have fully or partially covered.  Many NT books have been recently added.  Most of the links take you to a master document so that you can access the individual chapters from there (each chapter is a separate document).  So, in the Genesis folder, there are 156 total documents (each of the 50 chapters can be found in three formats; there is a master document (of links) in three formats; and an introduction to Genesis in three formats).

The Pentateuch

The Historical Books

The Writings

The Prophets

The Minor Prophets

Genesis Links:
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Joshua Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Job Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Isaiah Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Hosea Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Judges Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Joel Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Exodus Links:
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Ruth Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Psalms Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Jeremiah Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Amos Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

1Samuel Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Obadiah Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Leviticus Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

2Samuel Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Proverbs Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Lamentations Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Jonah Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

1Kings Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Michah Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Numbers Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

2Kings Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Ecclesiastes Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD--zip)  (Folder)

Ezekiel Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Nahum Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

1Chronicles Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Habakkuk Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Deuteronomy Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

2Chronicles Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Song of Solomon
Song of Solomon Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)
Entire Book: (HTML)  (PDF)

Daniel Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Zephaniah Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Ezra Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Haggai Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)


Nehemiah Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)


Haggai Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Esther Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)
Entire Book: (HTML)  (PDF)

Haggai Links
(HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder)

Unless otherwise noted, the completed or partially completed books are in 1st draft status (which means a complete Greek exegesis, three original translations, and a good verse-by-verse commentary.

Historical Books

Epistles of Paul

Other Epistles



Matthew Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


Romans Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder) 1st draft status


Hebrews Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


Revelation Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


1Corinthians Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


James Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


Mark Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


2Corinthians Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


1Peter Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


Galatians Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


2Peter Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


Luke Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)
1st, 2nd and 3rd draft status


Ephesians Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


1John Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


Philippians Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


2John Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


John Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


Colossians Links (HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (Folder) (in progress)


3John Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)

1&2 Thessalonians

1&2 Thessalonians Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


Jude Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


Acts Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)
2nd  draft status

1&2 Timothy

1&2 Timothy Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)



Titus Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder)


  • I have done the basic exegesis and 3 original translations for Luke 1-24 and have added in the 100+ translations for Luke 1-24.  See Luke Links (HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  So far, the commentary on Luke runs in excess of 8800 pages.  (If you use WordPerfect, you are welcome to download any WP documents from this website)  (Folder).
  • I have begun a preliminary study of Acts, so far posting Acts 1-28.  A full word-by-word exegesis has been done, along with 3 original translations and original commentary.  At this point, this study is 8000+ pages.  Acts 1-28 are now in 2nd draft status.  (HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  (folder)  Uploaded 2023-2024
  • 1st draft status: 60 translations were compared; a full Greek or Hebrew exegesis of every word is provided, 3 original translations are given, and a reasonable commentary has been added.
  • 2nd draft status: I go through the chapter again, looking at another 40 translations and supplementing commentary where necessary.  The dictionary is completed and the translation is proofed and then also placed at the end of the document (to make it easy to read through the translation at one sitting).  There are fewer translations available for the OT. 
  • 3rd draft status: the material has been read, reread, and commentary has been increased and improved.  Many times, this is a result of the studies which I sent out week-by-week.  Moving from 2nd to 3rd draft status is a long, arduous process.
  • Unless otherwise noted for the NT, assume to be in 1st draft status.  In the OT, most everything is is 2nd or 3rd draft status.  I should also note that there are about 90 translations consulted for OT books.
  • Since Genesis was an early study, I do not have document or verse links on the first page.  I am in the process of changing that.
  • The word-by-word exegesis of the book of Genesis is complete to Gen. 30.  All 50 chapters have been exegeted, and given 3 original translations; and most have had 90+ translations consulted and included; and all have had original notes from Genesis basic exegesis added in as well.  See Genesis chapter links (HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD-zip)  (Folder).  Although there have been 3 studies in Genesis, all of those studies are included in the linked chapters above.
  • I have done a less formal study of Genesis here:   Although this is a verse by verse study, it is less formal than the chapter by chapter study found above.  There are fewer than 500 lessons on Genesis found in the folder listed.  Each lesson is designed to be read in 10-20 minutes.

    Introductory Lessons


    Introductory Lessons


    Introductory Lessons


    Genesis Lessons 1–100


    Genesis Lessons 1–100


    Genesis Lessons 1–100


    Genesis Lessons 101–200


    Genesis Lessons 101–200


    Genesis Lessons 101–200



    Genesis Lessons 201–300


    Genesis Lessons 201–300


    Genesis Lessons 201–300


    Genesis Lessons 301–400


    Genesis Lessons 301–400


    Genesis Lessons 301–400


    Genesis Lessons 401–491


    Genesis Lessons 401–491


    Genesis Lessons 401–491


  • Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy were done many years ago and these are a verse- by-verse exegesis, and not as thorough as I would like.  Updating has been done for all of Exodus, portions of Deuteronomy; and now just beginning Leviticus.
  • Exodus: Moses takes the Israelites from bondage to the Land of Promise. (HTML) (PDF
    A verse-by-verse study of Exodus has just begun.  Exodus 1-40 are now posted (word-by-word exegesis, 3 original translations, and 2 sets of original commentary.  Exodus 1-34 also include a selection of translations taken from over 90+ translations.  Access through Exodus Links (HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD).  Like Genesis, there are 3 commentaries of Exodus being developed--one for basic information, one for the student who wants to know more about Exodus, and one for the scholar who wants to know everything there is to know (well, as close to that as I can come).  See Exodus links for more information.  If you are confused by the different Exodus studies available, the Exodus links will succinctly explain the differences between those studies.

  • I am sending out weekly lessons in Exodus right now; the first 125 lessons may be found here:

    Exodus Lessons 1–100


    Exodus Lessons 1–100


    Exodus Lessons 1–100


    Leviticus: This book is not as much about the Levitical Priesthood (a misnomer, by the way) as about the Mosaic Law. I have begun a verse by verse, chapter-by-chapter study of Leviticus.  So far, Leviticus 1-13 are posted.  Leviticus Links (HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD

    Numbers: Gen X dies out and the Generation of Promise is raised up. (HTML) (PDF)

    Deuteronomy: Links to the fully exegeted chapters: (HTML)  (PDF).  This book is extremely significant, and many who exegete it do not seem to grasp how it differs from the previous 3 books of Moses. (HTML) (PDF). In terms of document style, there will be some minor differences from chapter to chapter.  I am also working through some of the individual chapters and going into great detail on the translation and interpretation.  The first chapters completed are:  Deuteronomy Introduction (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deuteronomy 1-5, 16, 17, 20-22, 34.  See (the folder in which all of the documents can be found).

  • Joshua chapter links (HTML)  (PDF) (this is an old study which, some day, I need to update).  The Bible is not just haphazardly thrown together.  The history and the order of the history is very meaningful.  The Pentateuch--at least the last 4 books of the Pentateuch--are the Books of the Law, the Law which condemns us.  No one has ever lived up to the requirements of the Law of God (except for His Son, Jesus).  What follows immediately after the Law is the book of Joshua.  Joshua means salvation; the Greek equivalent of the name Joshua is Jesus.  Logically, we are first judged by the Law, and then God provides salvation for us in our hopeless condition through Jesus Christ [Salvation Messiah].  Therefore, we go from the Law, which condemns us, to Jesus [Joshua] Who saves us.
  • Judges chapter links (HTML)  (PDF)  Although this exegesis was done years ago, I have begun to update it chapter by chapter. 
  • Ruth chapter links (HTML)  (PDF) (this is an exegetical study which I did a long time ago, so it is much briefer than my examination of the book of Samuel). 
  • The Books of Samuel chapter links for 1&2Samuel  (HTML)  (PDF) 1Samuel is now completed  and this is the most thorough exegesis that you can find on this book.  There are a lot of things found in this study that you will see nowhere else.  Why did God allow the Ark to fall into disuse during the time of Samuel?  God chose to allow that to happen and there is a very good reason why.  Why did God allow Samuel to be brought back from the dead when King Saul asked to speak to him through a medium?  What Samuel told Saul was not new; it was not earthshaking; Saul already knew what Samuel told him.  So why would God allow Samuel to come back like this?  How did David get to a point where, he was ready to war against his own country?  You may know that David wanted to build a permanent dwelling for the Ark of God (the Temple), but God chose his son, Solomon, to build the Temple--do you know why?  I can guarantee you, there are things in this study that you have never thought about before; and there are things in this study which are explained which have never been explained before.  Now, don't misunderstand me--none of this is going to be earth-shattering or affect the doctrine as received by the saints; however, it will explain a great deal, and you will develop a great appreciation for what God has done in the past and why He chose to do things the way that all He did.  All 24 chapters of 2Samuel have been completed.  The introduction to 2Samuel still must be written.  The entire exegesis will be around 8,000 pages and it is completed (except for the introduction to 2Samuel). 
  • The Book of Kings chapter links (HTML)  (PDF)  Only chapters 1-8 have been completed; 9 are partially done.
  • The Book of Chronicles chapter links (HTML)  (PDF) .  1Chronicles is complete through chapter 18.  2Chronicles has not yet been started.
  • Esther a very old exegesis of this book  (HTML)  (PDF)  A related article is, Why Isn't God's Name Found in the Book of Esther?  
  • Job chapter links  (HTML)  (PDF)  The book of Job is being redone and exegeted word-by-word.  So far, Job 1-3 have been completed.  Also posted are 20 or so chapters which were done earlier.  However, this book was not exegeted word by word in that earlier study.  It is still a superior study, however.  I admit that, throughout that study, as far as I had gone, I have a great deal of difficulty properly interpreting the book of Job.  Here is what I believe is the key to this book: "We have 4 men discussing theology throughout most of the book; this is like a late-night college bull session at a seminary.  They seem to have a reasonable understanding of basic theology; the character of God and His justice and righteousness.  However, what has confused them is, the application of what they know—theology that most of them agree on—to life.  What seems to be the missing element in their understanding is, the Angelic Conflict.  Since we are reading this book from cover to cover, we understand that the basis for the book of Job is the Angelic Conflict.  They does not appear to come up in these lengthy discussions.  Therefore, they are confused about the application of doctrine to experience."  This will be added to the introduction at some point in time.
  • The Psalms chapter links  (HTML)  (PDF).  So far, the following psalms have been exegeted:    1   2  7  8  10  12  15  19  20  21  22   23  24  32  33  34  41  44  46  47  51  52  54  55  56  57  59  61  62   63  64  68  69   73  78  81  83  89  90  91   95  96  99  103  104  105  106  109   110  114  118  133  136  142  146  148   (this is a little over a third of the psalms) 
  • Proverbs links  (HTML)  (PDF)  This will link you to the recently-started Proverbs series.  Only chapters 1-10 have been posted so far.
  • The Song of Solomon  (HTML)  (PDF)  exegeted many years ago; quite brief.

  • The book of Genesis is actually found in 3 different formats.  The original format (HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD), which is a one document exegesis of the book which is about 500 pages long and riddled with spelling errors.  Then a new study in Genesis has begun which is a week-by-week lesson study, without many allusions to the Hebrew.
  • Genesis:lessons #1-360 represents a new project; one which is very different from most of the exegesis found on this website.  I have always admired and appreciated the Thru the Bible series by J. Vernon McGee.  However, its chief weakness is his use of the King James Bible.  McGee always went back to the Bible and quoted verses out of the King James version.  Two or three generations ago, this was acceptable; today, however, few people are comfortable with the Shakespearean language of the KJV, and, as a result, his wonderful 5 year series is becoming less and less relevant to us, despite his outstanding teaching (McGee was a genius when it comes to taking complex Biblical principles and explaining them in clear, plain language).  I've decided to put together a series of lessons which are not as thorough as most of my exegetical studies, but which cover specific books of the Bible.  I do not know how many books I will cover, and I certainly do not expect to be able to duplicate McGee's amazing feat of going through the entire Bible in 5 years.  However, what I have attempted to do is to develop of series of lessons, between 3-5 pages each, which introduce the Bible and exegete several books in the Bible.  At this point in time, I have no idea how far I will take this series.  I email out the new lesson each Wednesday and if you want to be on this email list, just contact me and let me know.  Meanwhile, these lessons are posted online in groups of 10 lessons as they are completed.
  • General Introduction (PDF) (WPD)   (4 lessons); which includes the Introduction of the Bible (14 lessons) and the Introduction to Genesis (3 lessons). 
  • Genesis Lessons #1-100  (HTML)   (PDF)  (WPD)  (these links represent a change since August of 2010).   Whereas I had hoped to cover this material in less detail, I must admit to getting bogged down in with some detail (not as much, however, as in the Samuel series).   All of the doctrines covered are now indexed as a part of the first few pages and hyperlinked to where they are found in the exegesis.
  • Genesis Lessons #101-200 posted 8/28/2012  (HTML)   (PDF).  (WPD)  Lesson #101 marks a radical change in the book of Genesis where we begin to follow Abraham, the father of the Jewish people.  There are a number of very important doctrines included in these  lessons: Historical examples of "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."  The Doctrine of Logistical Grace; The Doctrine of Separation; Figures of Speech in the Bible; How the Altar Represents the Essence of God; The Doctrine of Blessing by Association; The Doctrine of the Will of God.  The Doctrine of Faith-Rest.  The Goals of Communism in America.   The Doctrine of the Laws of Divine Establishment.  Spiritual Growth which Results in Eternal Impact. Antisemitism. The Importance of Bible Doctrine.  The Advents of Jesus Christ (with a reference to intercalation).  The true concept of Separation of Church and State (along with some real history of the United States).  Redemption.  The Illustration of the Slave Market of Sin.  The Seeds of Modern Theology in Gen. 1-14.  Progressive Revelation.  Tithing.  The Angel of the Lord.  The Biblical Doctrine of Slavery.  The Geographical Will of God.  Some of these are fundamental doctrines for the Christian life; The Familial Relationship between God and Abraham's Seed; Slavery in the United States; Ancient Translations of the Bible; God's 4 Answers to Prayer; The Abbreviated Doctrine of Sanctification; Genesis 17 as a Chiasmos; Angelology, Isaac's Unusual Birth Foreshadows the Birth of Our Lord, Human Viewpoint Thinking versus Divine Viewpoint Thinking, and What Preserves a National Entity.
  • Genesis Lessons #201-300  (HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  posted 1/15/2014.  These lessons cover most of Gen. 19, where is about the angels going to Sodom and rescuing Lot and his family and all of Gen. 20-25.  These 71 lessons include the a retrospective of the life of Lot; Lot as found in the New Testament; a comparison between Lot and Abraham; the Sin unto Death; how Abraham foreshadows Jesus Christ (in a passage I don't think has ever been fully explained before); the testing of Abraham; a list of things that we learn from Gen. 20; where Jesus is found in the first 22 chapters of Genesis, the birth of Isaac and the dismissal of Hagar and Ishmael.  Also included in these lessons: Abbreviated Doctrine of Homosexuality; the Mechanics of God's Judgment of Sodom; the Physical Nature of Angels, Paganism; the Stages of Discipline for a National Entity, Eschatological Vocabulary, a Chart of the History of Israel, a Chart of the Prophets (3 charts worthy of being printed and kept in your Bible), complete coverage of Sodom and Gomorrah as found throughout the Bible, a lesson on the authorship of Genesis, the parallels between the births of Isaac and Jesus, Isaac's birth in the NT, the Doctrine of Legalism, reasons why we can believe that the Bible is the Word of God, Paul's NT use of the conflict between Ishmael and Isaac, Gentile Salvation, Grace Apparatus for Perception, the Trinity in the Old Testament, the Great Analogy of the Written Word of God and the Living Word of God; Inheritance and Escrow Blessings; the Doctrine of Typology; the Parallels between Isaac Being Offered and Jesus on the Cross; the Coniah Curse; Baptisms in the Bible; the Sabbath Day; and Reinterpreting Old Testament Truths.
  • Basic Exegesis Series; AKA Genesis Lessons #301-380. (HTML)  (PDF)  (WPD)  We begin these lessons by following Jacob, for the most part.  He cheats his twin brother Esau out of a blessing from Isaac, and then, because of the anger of Esau, finds that he must leave the land of promise.  Jacob works for his uncle Laban outside of Canaan, and marries Laban's two daughters.  In this set of lessons, we examine the doctrines of Hatred, Emotions, Heart, Emotional Revolt, Reversionism, the Spiritual Life in the Old and New Testaments, Christian Giving, Biblical Marriage, Alternative Forms of Marriage in the Bible.  We also examine many of the so-called Bible contradictions, the Uniqueness of the Bible, Why Moses Did Not Write Genesis, the Reasons Why Genesis was Written at the Time of the Events of Genesis, Humility, Jacob and Esau, Rape in the Bible, God's 6 Appearances to Jacob, Benjamin as a Type of Christ, and the Parallels between Jacob the Man and Israel the Nation. Some of these doctrines are unique to this study, and found nowhere else.
  • Finally, there is a word-by-word study which incorporates both of those studies together, with some additional material.  Genesis Chapter Links (HTML)  (PDF)
  • The Introduction of Genesis (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). These are the chapters of Genesis, examined word-by-word and posted as they are completed: Genesis 1    (HTML) (PDF) (WP compressed)    Genesis 2    (HTML) (PDF) (WP compressed)   Genesis 3   (HTML)  (PDF)  (WP_compressed)   Genesis 4   (HTML)  (PDF)  (WP_compressed)   Genesis 5    (HTML) (PDF) (WP_compressedGenesis 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).  Genesis 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).  Genesis 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).   Genesis 9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Genesis 10 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).  Genesis 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).   Genesis 12 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Genesis 13 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Genesis 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Genesis 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).  Genesis 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Genesis 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Genesis 18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).  Genesis 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
    Genesis 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)Genesis 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 
    Genesis 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).    Genesis 23 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
    Genesis 24 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).

  • Every single word of Hebrew is examined in these studies.  However, I have placed the Hebrew exegesis into tables so that you could easily skip over them.  The Hebrew exegesis is placed there for me, in order to get a good translation of a particular verse; and for anyone else who is teaching this and needs the complete exegetical background for a verse.  Now and again, you will question the translation I give, and the Hebrew tables are there which justify this translation.  Most of the time, the definitions are taken from BDB and/or Gesenius (which, for verbs, are stem-specific); and, once and a great while, from a verse-by-verse study of a particular word.  Also contained in these studies are the alternate readings as well as notes on grammar.  Most of the alternate readings are quite trivial.   So, for most people, the translation and the explanatory text should be all that you read and/or study.
I should point out that some books will not really display correctly as HTML documents (some tables would not translate well into HTML; and a couple Hebrew characters are compromised and sometimes not rendered correctly).  However, in the past several years, the translation from wpd to htm has become better, particularly with regards to the Hebrew characters.  In any case, these things are rendered nearly perfectly as pdf documents, but many of those are very large files, so you may need to download them and view them from your own hard drive (if you need to see the Hebrew characters or graphics or formatting exactly as I have created the document).

I have focused on the Old Testament, primarily.  I am sure that there are others out there who like the way that this has all been formatted, but would like to work on the New Testament.  Be my guest.  I believe that the format for the OT books would work well with the exegesis of the NT.  You are welcome to get in touch with me when it comes to WordPerfect documents and macros which would facilitate this approach in the New Testament.  The same goes for the books of prophecy in the Old Testament, which I do not believe that I will get to before the end of my life.

Rationale for Studying the Old Testament

Most churches and denominations seem to have a Bible which is 12 pages long; or, for some, a couple hundred pages long at best.  No matter what kind of a church you go to, it is highly unlikely that you offer up animal sacrifices during your Saturday services.  The services at your church, whether you belong to a church driven by covenant theology or dispensationalism, are probably less bloody and take place on Sundays (by the way, the fact that you do not offer up animal sacrifices and meet on Sunday makes you, to some extent, a dispensationalist).

God the Holy Spirit has given us the entire Bible.  He has seen to it that the Old Testament has been marvelously preserved by several different groups, groups who have been, at various times, at odds with one another.  Therefore, even though we do not have 26,000 ancient manuscripts of the Old Testament, we have the Old Testament preserved in Hebrew by the Masorites (Jews), in Greek by the one set of Christians (the Greek Orthodox church among other more independent groups), in Latin by the Catholic Church, and in Syriac and Arabic by other groups.  All of these preserved versions are available to us today, and, remarkably enough, the dissimilarities are minor and usually are of a non-doctrinal nature.  We are speaking of groups who, at various times, have been at odds with one another, and they all preserved the same Scriptures, the Scriptures used early on by the Apostles to the Church.  Therefore, if God the Holy Spirit saw fit to preserve these Scriptures in such an incredible way, then we, as believers in Jesus Christ, ought to study them as well.  All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness (2Tim. 3:16).

The Old Testament is not designed for us to take a few verses from in order to support some cultic doctrine, e.g., the continued observation of the Sabbath (Saturday).  That is, the local churches doctrine should not reach back and quote the 4th Commandment, add in The Scripture cannot be broken along with and there remains a Sabbath for the people of God (Heb. 4:9), and, since God created the Sabbath observation even before the Jewish nation (Gen. 2:1–3), we should therefore observe the Sabbath.  It is a simple argument based upon what appear to be fairly straightforward verses; but the problem is, these verses are taken out of context, and the close association with the church and the first day of the week is completely ignored.

What I mean is, the Old Testament should be thoroughly studied, and taken in its historical and doctrinal context.  The Old Testament tells us about God’s workings with man; we find the Trinity in the first chapter of Genesis; we find the Angelic Conflict presented in greater detail in the Old Testament (e.g., Job 1–2); and we find so much material on God’s relationship to the Jews that we would be theologically remiss to think that the Church is the new Jew.

Obviously, Church Age-specific doctrines are going to come from the epistles; the 4 accounts of the life of Jesus will come from the gospels; and eschatology is going to be found in Revelation.  However, Psalm 22 and Isa. 53 provide us with more detailed information about the cross than we read in the gospels; there are passages in Daniel, Jeremiah and Isaiah which also tell us about the end times.  And, very importantly, when we study the Old Testament and see how clearly that Jesus Christ is presented, time and time again, it helps to bolster our faith in Him and our trust of Holy Writ.  I fully understand how believers can lose their way, or question their faith, or question God.  However, the more you know about the Old Testament, the more difficult it is for you to go astray from your faith, as it all fits together much too well to just to have happened.

Therefore, if you have a reasonable understanding of Dispensational theology (i.e., you understand that God worked through the Jews and through the nation Israel for many centuries before the Incarnation and now God is working through a new institution, the church), then it is not just reasonable, but imperative that you study the Old Testament as well as the New.  However, you must be careful to be under a teacher who is not going to try to subjugate you to the Law or to any doctrine or practice which is specifically for the Jew in the Age of Israel.

Personally, I have no idea why I got so interested in the Old Testament.  I’ve gone through a detailed exegetical study of almost every New Testament book and for ¾ths of the Old Testament.  However, when I went back to exegete the Bible for myself, beginning in Genesis (with the intention of jumping back and forth between the Old and New Testaments), I ended up staying in the Old Testament.  I would venture into the New Testament now and again, and obviously, the doctrine which guides my life is found primarily in the New Testament; still, I have found myself inexplicably drawn to the Old Testament.

What I can tell you is, in most studies I have seen of the Old Testament, there are three things which are too often missing: (1) details; (2) application; and (3) a clear relationship to the New Testament.

When it comes to details, my exegesis might even be somewhat over the top.  I spent 4000 pages exegeting the book of 1Samuel.  Every word found in the Masoretic text is covered and its morphology (this portion can easily be skipped over, by the way); almost every take on every passage is covered; I summarize and re-summarize the material; and my hope is, after going through a chapter in this or that book, that you clearly understand pretty much every detail in that book; and where there are disputations, that you understand what they are and why this or that side is chosen.  My intention is to have a one-stop commentary of the books of Judges and Samuel (and whatever else I can cover in my lifetime), so that, after reading my commentary, you will find no reason to explore other commentaries—you will feel as though you have learned all you can learn about that book.

I found a lot of devotional crap and tangents in the commentaries that I read, but very little application.  When we study David killing groups of Philistines, what should we get out of this?  How do we apply this to our own lives?  Every few verses, I’ll stop and directly tie what we are studying in the Old Testament to your life.

Finally, that the Old Testament is clearly the foundation for all that occurs in the New, I find to be amazing.  For instance, the parallels between the person of Samuel and the Lord Jesus Christ are incredible, and rarely exploited by any commentator.  The unique and most incredible aspect of Samuel’s life is ignored again and again by commentators, and yet is so closely tied to Jesus Christ that, when you see me present it, you will wonder, why didn’t anyone else see this?  My point is, God clearly recorded information in the Old Testament that we need for a number of different things; He designed the entire Holy Bible to fill up our entire lives.  He designed Scripture so that we can go back again and again and get more and more from each passage, no matter how deeply we dig into that passage.

I do not believe for an instant that all of the spiritual gifts distributed the Church Age believers are found listed in the New Testament.  James Strong put together Strong’s Concordance; even though the gifts he possessed in order to put this concordance together are not named specifically in the New Testament, it should be clear that this was the purpose of God the Holy Spirit for this man’s life.  I don’t know what else he did, but this is a defining work.  There are hundreds of men, if not thousands, who have written outstanding reference works which have have been directly and indirectly helpful to millions of believers.  To me, one of the great—and relatively recent—literary works is Josh McDowell’s Evidence that Demands a Verdict (or, any of its many incarnations).  I know very little about McDowell and his relationship to Campus Crusade, but I do know that this is an outstanding book which serves to bolster the faith of any believer who reads it.  So, even though the New Testament does not mention authorship as a spiritual gift, I have no doubt that this is one of McDowell’s gifts, for which many believers today are quite thankful.  I mention this because I believe that my interest and production in the exegesis of the Old Testament is my gift.  This is my own driving purpose; this is what gets me up in the mornings.