The List
Contact me here if you have additions, changes or suggestions. Also, since I have not heard the majority of these teachers, please let me know if are inaccurate in their teaching (my concern is with major stated doctrines and not with minor differences of opinion). Updated January 13, 2025. Most recently updated: the doctrinal churches and the online exegesis of the books of the Bible.
A lot of what you find on these 50+ pages are a result of L. S. Chafer and his founding of Dallas Theological Seminary, which was, at one time, the seminary in the United States. One of his students was Lieutenant Colonel R. B. Thieme, Jr., who took what he learned in Dallas Theological Seminary and developed a unique ministry founded upon the ICE approach to the teaching of Scripture (Isagogics, Categories and Exegesis). There are 3 areas in which the colonel made a fundamental impact upon Christianity in the 20th and 21st centuries: (1) he taught the mechanics of Christianity; (2) he developed an up-to-date Christian vocabulary; and (3) he emphasized the verse-by-verse teaching of the Word of God above all else in the assemblage of the local church. R. B. Thieme’s Obituary. The comments of his guest book.
This first list will be a number of what I hope are Doctrinal Churches.
I have compiled these links from links given on doctrinal websites, and then from links of those links. I have not verified that each source provides accurate doctrine. For me, I look at two things: is salvation by faith alone in Christ alone; and do they explain rebound (1John 1:9) accurately (silently naming your sins to God in order to have your fellowship with Him restored). One of the sites which I came across, one started emphasizing repentance when it came to the naming of one’s sins to God, despite the fact that there is nothing in the 1st chapter of John about repentance (nor is there anything about repentance in any rebound passage). I must admit to also being concerned when a church does not begin their service without rebounding (privately naming one’s sins to God). There is at least one ministry listed below where that is not a part of their standard operating procedure (I personally attended the church when out of town). When considering putting yourself under the authority of this or that teacher, keep these things in mind.
Secondary, but absolutely important issues include: do they teach dispensationalism; is their ministry a grace ministry, which means, do they pester your for money (there is nothing wrong with providing a place on a website to give, as long as it is not tied to receiving doctrinal information). Obviously, a pastor-teacher and other church personnel will receive salaries, and there is nothing wrong with that (and unless you are a deacon of that church, their salary is not your concern). I am just saying that, you ought to be discerning and not assume that, just because someone is listed below, that they have been properly vetted by me.
I have a statement of faith at my website, and what they teach ought to be in agreement with that statement. Most of these churches have similar statements of faith posted on their websites.
I have just added to this list what appear to be 3 online churches, although one is properly more of an online ministry than a church. This list follows the list of doctrinal churches.
There are a lot of excellent doctrinal materials available online for kids, as this ought to be a focus for any parent with children (all parents need to teach their children the truth). I have also heard of some mothers having vacation Bible schools in their homes, and that is an excellent idea. I have placed these links under other ministries. There is nothing more important than the parent teach their children Bible doctrine.
God has made Bible doctrine easily available to all believers. In many cases, even if you are geographically isolated, you can locate your right pastor and get under his teaching ministry, even if his church is 2000 miles away. This is phenomenal grace which God has given us. Given the times which we are in, we need to avail ourselves of His grace. However, so that there is no misunderstanding here, personal attendance should be the rule, whenever possible.
The locations below are linked to a map. Exact addresses and phone numbers are generally available at their websites.
This list was compiled from links of various doctrinal churches, as well as suggestions from other believers, so I cannot guarantee that each and every church is doctrinally straight. Much of what these churches offer online will expand beyond what I have indicated as the years go on. |
These churches are arranged in order of the state in which they are located. If the location is a link, that will lead you to directions to that church. Please contact me if you believe that I ought to update any of the information below. |
Buyer Beware: This information is presented as buyer-beware. Just because a pastor uses a familiar vocabulary does not mean that he teaches accurate doctrine nor does it mean that he is fulfilling his commission as a teacher of the Word of God. I recall hearing the teaching of a pastor, via MP3, and I would have sworn that he was teaching almost word-for-word from R. B. Thieme, Jr. (except that he was not as interesting). I have been to one of the churches in Little Rock, Arkansas, and, even though the people and the pastor seemed quite nice and friendly, I did not hear the rebound technique mentioned (restoration to fellowship; restoration to the spiritual life). This is quite important for spiritual growth, and was surprised that it was not mentioned by this pastor. R. B. Thieme, III mentioned one pastor (not by name) who came out of Berachah and is now teaching covenant theology. I have heard from one person that several churches in the east may be cults. An email that I got from one of those pastors read as follows: If you check the exegesis notes of Rev 18 you will see documentation that the United States of America will not recover spiritually, nor will there be a pivot generation. Sad to say, this once great nation has become Satan's premier example of a political entity, just as Catholicism is his premier example of a religion. Both are known as Babylon, and Babylon refuses to be healed. Jer 50 & 51 Our duty is to shine as lights in a dark place, but Babylon will fall due to her excesses and rebellion against God. Although many of us see the United States as a nation greatly blessed by God, we tend not to interpret the book of Revelation or Old Testament prophetical books as speaking of the United States prophetically. So, yes, on the one hand, you ought to be in a doctrinal church; however, on the other hand, be careful that you have not gotten into a cult. I have been told in an email that one of these churches is a cult, where you are separated from family and friends, where the pastor is very charismatic and overbearing. On the other hand, when I investigated this particular allegation, the person making the allegation seemed to ramble on a great deal and he did not convince me. Many have accused Berachah Church of being a cult, which it certainly is not. |
It is not out of the question that someone would adopt the vocabulary developed by R. B. Thieme, Jr. and use this in order to exercise undue influence over his congregation. It is okay, within a church, particularly if you are just beginning there, to question what is being taught and to read material which asserts a different viewpoint. There are several sites which list the characteristics of a cult. Bear in mind that, having 1 or 2 or 3 of these characteristics does not a cult make. Here are some sites where cult characteristics are discussed: |
Another accusation which has been made against some of the pastors below is, they simply parrot what R. B. Thieme, Jr. taught. I have heard a lesson from one person (I don’t think that he is listed below) where he sounded as if he was teaching word-for-word what Bob taught. Even though a pastor might have learned most of his doctrine in Berachah Church and uses the vocabulary that R. B. Thieme, Jr. developed, his study has to be based upon his own study of the Bible. If a pastor has done little but parrot Bob’s teaching for a few years, it is questionable whether he is functioning properly as a pastor-teacher. |
Of the churches below, I can personally vouch for pastors Thieme, Griffin, Dean, McLaughlin, Perkins and Ingram. My guess is, Eubanks, Bumgardner and Mattox are also reliable. My guess is, most of the men below are honest teachers of the Word of God; however, I have not had the time to personally examine each and every one of them. Therefore, buyer beware. |
If you are anywhere near one of these churches, that is probably where you need to be, even if it is a small congregation of 10 or 20 people (assuming the pastor is truly doctrinal). Having attended a taper’s church for several years and knowing a variety of people who drifted in and out of this and other such churches, I have found that those who go off on their own, so to speak, tend to become a little (or a lot) more nutty than the rest. Look at going to a doctrinal church as placing you in God’s geographical will at least 3 or 4 hours a week. |
The following churches appear to be inactive, so they have been removed The Desert Valley Church, pastored by Chet Pittman (which may have morphed into Arizona Grace Bible Church?); Mills River Bible Church pastored by Stan Newton. If I cannot find this church through a google search and if it’s link is no longer good, then I removed it. I looked over these churches again in 2015; if the links no longer worked, I sometimes left the church listed, but with that notation. |
Many of these churches can be found here: where the graphics are much cooler. |
Chafer Theological Seminary also offers a list of churches. This will include churches not listed below (I have not had enough time to investigate them). |
Many like-mind churches listed by Pleroma Bible Church. The churches are listed in alphabetical order by states. Over 30 states are represented below. Churches which I do not believe are still brick and mortar churches are being marked as such with a darkened square at the end. |
My personal testimony with regards to God’s geographical will: I attended a Taper’s Church in California which kept getting smaller and smaller. We started out with about 10–15 regular members, but near the end, there were just 3 or 4 of us; and no one was a regular. At the very same time, my career was going nowhere. I wanted to find a full-time teaching job, but I was having no luck with that in the city where I lived (one of the teacher recommendations which I had on file here was keeping me from getting a full time position—something I found out about 3 years after I began looking for a job in this field). It finally came to a point where I had resigned myself to possibly moving, and I chose 3 possible places to move to. Down at the very bottom of my list—way, way down from the other two—was Houston, TX; and I considered this only because Berachah Church was there and, if I was considering places to move to, I might as well consider that city. |
Long story short—#1 and #2 place on the list just did not work out; and #3, despite being way at the bottom of that list of 3, worked out perfectly. Every door that needed to be opened was opened. This does not mean that, I recognized that I was in the right place immediately. For about 6 years, my plan was to return home, once I had more money and a job there. By about year 7, I realized that I was pretty happy living in the Houston area. In retrospect, some 40 years later, there is not a doubt in my mind that God placed me in the right place at the right time. |
Most of us who know some doctrine recognize what a precarious place the United States is right now. Those who watch politics recognize that, virtually any Democrat who runs for president as an unapologetic socialist will get 40% of the vote, minimum. If that person has half the charisma of our previous president, he could get over 50% of the vote. Right now, we are blessed; right now we are in a good place. But, do you want to be living in California, when God’s will is for you to be in Oklahoma? Do you want to be living in New Jersey, but God’s will is for you to live in North Dakota? If our nation faces catastrophic discipline, you want to be where God wants you to be. |
Listed below are doctrinal churches found in many of the 50 states. Given the internet that we have today, if you want to test drive a church, you can listen right along with the congregation, and determine if this is the right place for you to be. Some of these may have converted over to an online church. I personally believe that is the wrong option, if there is a place to meet and if at least five people will come in person. Meeting in a home is not wrong and it should not be a problem. |
Be careful of one thing—God may want you in a city where the doctrinal church is small. There might be 5 members or 15; and the pastor may have to have a secular job in order to make ends meet. That is okay. Whether you attend a church with 10, 100 or 1000 positive believers, that is never an issue. In fact, if there is a pastor teaching faithfully, day in and day out to a small congregation, that may be exactly the place for you to be. It is easy for a pastor to look out into a congregation of 2000 faces and work happily studying and teaching to move them all forward. It requires much greater dedication to be the pastor of a congregation of 5 or 10, and yet, they keep on keeping on. |
One thing is clear: God has a geographical will for each and every one of us, and that place might not be where you live right now. |
Church |
Pastor |
Website |
Location |
Exegesis/Doctrines |
Doctrinal Studies Bible Church |
Ron Adema |
There is an excellent searchable database and you can download whole series from this database, which includes audio and video files, as well as notes. |
Doctrinal Bible Church |
Bill Wenstrom |
Bill’s website appears to be a great repository of Bible information, including the exposition of many books and doctrines. |
Grace Valley Bible Church |
Ron Adema; Al Rosenblum |
I think that this is the most current church for Ron |
West Side Bible Church |
Larry Hofmann |
Class notes for previous Bible class; audio lessons for current and previous pastor online; online resources not easy to navigate |
Barah Ministries |
Rory Clark |
Over 2000 audio lessons online; seemed like a lot of announcements; they only meet once a week |
I do not know Rory Clark or the ministry. I received a report from one attendee that he has “debunked rebound.” |
Finished Work Fellowship |
Lee Griffith |
Free resources e.g. MP3 studies; but you must contact them; website set up like a blog, so it is more difficult to maneuver through it; youtube lessons |
Grace Bible Ministry |
Brad West |
Many mp3 lessons posted; YouTube page for video; they meet as a local church on Main Street |
Grace Bible Church |
Mark Goad |
Hot Springs, AR |
I think that this is an online ministry now; there is a phone # on address, but no actual church website |
There are several good, doctrinal teachers living in Arkansas in the Little Rock area, but I am not aware of any actual, brick and mortar churches there anymore. |
Amador Bible Church |
Billy J. Puryear |
MP3 lessons are removed; translation of most of the NT available online on alternate site as well as 14 doctrines |
Although this church appears to be shut down, Puryear appears to continue to work on various Bible studies. His notes are posted here: He has translated almost the entire New Testament; however, when it comes to his notes on the Bible, he devotes one document per verse, rather than one document for one chapter. These are Word documents which open on your computer. |
Church of Hope |
It appears to be 2 young men still in seminary? |
The first website includes some of the lessons which are available; you have to search the website for additional lessons; however, none of these lessons appeared to be available. This appears to be a new ministry. |
Grace Bible Church |
Thomas Tyree, Jr. |
40 doctrines listed online; no mp3's online; not sure if they are meeting or if this is an archive site now |
Grace Chapel |
Ricardo Campo |
I do not know if this is the right place or pastor; MP3 messages available |
1800 E. La Veta Avenue; Orange, CA 92866 |
(714) 288-2826 or (714) 288-9555? |
Coast Bible Church |
Neil Anderson, Tom Bennet |
San Juan Capistrano, CA |
No online resources. Although rebound is found under what we believe, there are also small group meetings, which concerns me; mp3's but no notes online |
Front Range Bible Church |
Mark Perkins |
This website is very well organized with easy access to more than a dozen studies; mp3's and pdf’s |
Middletown Bible Church |
George Parsons |
A few books studied and available online; a lot of written material online |
North Stonington Bible Church |
Larry Chappell and Steve Masalin? |
North Stonington, CT |
Although this website is new, there are a few Bible series online; mp3's and notes; 4 sessions/week |
Preston City Bible Church |
David J. Roseland, |
14 books (mp3 lessons) available for download along; online real time services |
Lighthouse Bible Church |
John Farley |
This is a fairly new church with video and audio lessons online from 2009 (Romans, Colossians, Basics, Spiritual Gifts, etc.) |
I do not know John Farley. I received an email suggesting that I look into this ministry more closely. In reading through the doctrinal statement, I found no problems. |
Makarios Bible Church |
Ron Snider |
They lease from a 7th Day Adventist church but are not affiliated with them; over 100 doctrines available online (formats: audio, Worddoc, pdf); 14 books exegeted; 20+ years of lessons in mp3 and as Worddocs |
Hope Bible Church |
Stuart Wolf— deceased |
3 books and 15+ doctrinal studies online; written but no audio now; pastor has taught more than this |
Grace Doctrine Church |
John Voisey? | |
Clearwater (Tampa Bay), FL |
no online material, apart from the doctrinal statement; dead site; fb site, last post 2014 |
Albany Bible Church |
Peter Daughtry |
Albany, Ge |
20+ sets of audio lessons available |
Grace Atlanta Bible Church |
Matt Kasper |
Audio lessons here; YouTube presence; the doctrinal information was accurate but sparse |
Marion, Iowa |
Panoplia Bible Church |
LTC William E. Stebbins Jr. | |
I think that this church has died; 2014 postings on facebook; dead site |
Eagle Point Grace Bible Church |
Bob Norris | |
Tecumseh, Kansas |
Bob Norris’ last posts on fb are 2010, where he lists himself as a former pastor; dead site |
Grace Memorial Bible Church |
J. Rahrer | |
Madisonville, LA |
dead site |
North Christian Church |
Ed Collins |
North Dighton MA, 02764 |
Quite a number of lessons; almost all topical; video, audio and notes; I did not see clear references to rebound |
Grace Fellowship Church |
James H. Rickard |
Very extensive list of MP3 files and written doctrines available online; YouTube presence; doctrines listed in alphabetical order so they can be found in the MP3 studies (or ordered) |
Grace Bible Church |
Robert McLaughlin |
Recently taught classes MP3 files; YouTube presence; over 40 downloadable doctrines and about 20 booklets to be ordered or downloaded. CD’s of lessons can be ordered. Lessons can be viewed or listened to online or downloaded. |
Fellowship Chapel |
Mike Kenley |
I listed this church because it is associated with Charlie Clough, but I could not find rebound listed under their doctrines; limited info on web; no lessons or studies |
Metropolitan Bible Church |
Robert Kreger | |
Mayville, Battle Creek, Pontiac, Michigan |
200 audio lessons available on line; some written doctrines and exegesis as well; last posted announcements in 2017 |
Iron Range Bible Church |
John L. Griffith |
Aurora, MN |
An extensive online resource including verse by verse studies of 16 books, 14 topics (notes and audio files) and 5 online booklets |
Lakes Area Bible Church |
Peter Tranvik |
no website; dc’d phone; 2015 is the last date for information about this church |
14250 Conservation Dr, Brainerd, MN 56401 | The church is probably closed now |
Grace Gospel Bible Church |
Dave Knutsen |
MP3's and PDF’s going back to 2009 |
Duluth Bible Church |
Dennis Rokser |
Duluth, MN |
You can listen online to hundreds messages; several booklets available online; podcasts (MP3's)and streaming video for one lesson |
Itasca Bible Church |
Shawn Laughlin |
Grand Rapids, MN |
322 messages available online |
Lincoln Bible Church |
Jim Kahler |
no longer a brick and mortar church |
5 OT books, all of the gospels, and nearly all of the NT as online sermons |
Beth Haven Church |
Will Butter- more (formerly Jim Kahler?) |
Kansas City, MO |
All their audio files are posted online; I did not see rebound mentioned in their foundational doctrines; previous pastor’s (Chester McCalley) website |
Grace Doctrine Church |
Joe Griffin |
Exegetical and doctrinal studies as video, MP3 and pdf files are well-organized and available from the website directly; not many full book studies |
Additional study material can be found here: (This appears to have identical resources listed) |
Believers Bible Church--stopped here |
Dr. Lonnie Hofer |
about 18 lessons posted; weekly meetings only; recent change of pastor (2010) |
Growing in Grace Church |
Pastor Dominick Rodriguez |
Online sermons going back to 2007. 8 booklets online |
Upland Bible Church |
Richard J. Olsen |
several studies can be ordered online |
Aletheia Bible Church |
I am listing this based upon the recommendation of someone; there are two fb pages with this name but one has a 2014 entry |
Chafer Theological Seminary |
George Meissinger |
New Mexico |
New address is not listed; doctrinal studies and info available through a search engine; a few pdf publications as well |
Grace and Truth Bible Ministries |
Mike Lemmon |
Apalachin, NY |
12 years of audio lessons online; about 40 doctrines available as well |
There is also a live video or audio feed for this church available at this site. I don’t know that there is a brick and mortar church anymore. |
Faith Bible Church |
James Allen |
About 25 doctrines online, along with the notes to his sermons; and notes for 8 books of the Bible; I did not see any MP3 files; it is my understand that audio files will be added; and that the organization will be improved |
Grace Bible Church |
Donnie Preslar |
Charlotte, NC |
No MP3's online; the free literature took me to a generic Bible Gateway search page; looks like you can live stream classes here |
Triangle Bible Church |
Mark Newbold |
Generous archive of class notes, class charts and audio lessons |
Lake Erie Bible Church |
Ken Reed |
Generous archive of written doctrines and audio lessons (you have to download the index to know what’s what) |
Logos Bible Church |
John Chase |
Pickering, OH (near Columbus) |
Previous lessons available on line to be listened to |
Maranatha Church |
Jack Ballinger |
Bethany, OK |
many audio files and accompanying notes; and about 90 doctrines in note form; I did get an email from someone indicating that Ballinger teaches word-for-word from some commentaries; I have no idea myself, one way or the other |
Trinity Bible Church |
Drue Freeman |
Oklahoma City, OK |
D Ray revved up (I did laugh out loud a few times); notes and wma lessons available |
Truth Bible Church |
Greg Kniess |
Oklahoma City, OK |
There is a coolness factor in the website that makes finding stuff more difficult |
Stillwater Bible Church |
JB Bond |
They seem to be fairly accurate when it comes to spirituality, so I have listened them here; they have a large MP3 library online. However, they do charge for some of their resources; they appear to have a live stream of their services |
Southpartk Bible Church |
RK Lyon |
online now only; email |
13 Years of Audio Studies from “Archive/Download Link” Live audio broadcast schedule on main webpage also a replay link provided. |
Faith Bible Church |
Don Hargrove |
Tulsa, OK |
There are a lot of doctrines available online; the site could be better organized (it took me some time to figure out where complete chapters and books could be found |
Southwood Bible Church |
Eric Bush |
Several lessons online by various teachers; they are changing over to a new pastor March 2011 |
Manning Bible Church |
Gordon Shearer is face to face with the Lord |
None yet |
47200 NW
Sell Rd. |
Trinity Bible Church |
John Page, Pastor-Teacher |
2645 S Stage Rd Medford, OR 97501 |
541-779-2179 |
Portland Bible Church |
Gary Glenney |
About 70 doctrines in pdf format and I believe all their lessons are now available online |
Grace and Truth Ministries |
Joseph P. Sugrue |
Salem, OR |
About 500 MP3 lessons online |
Fairview Bible Church |
Mike Bryant; now Christopher Preston? | This did not appear to have an actual church; nor could I access any lessons |
Fairview, PA |
About a dozen lessons are available for downloading; others many be ordered; a couple publications and outlines also available. It is unclear whether this church is still functioning. They have a website still, but no lessons are archived now as of 2015. |
Grace Chapel Bible Church |
Pastor Bob Laubach | (This appears to be a live-streaming church) |
Lyman, South Carolina |
about 60 audio and video files online; this church began in 2008; I don’t see any lesson now in 2015 but church is still going |
Pleroma Church |
Clay Ward |
Tullahoma, TN |
Audio lessons are not online and must be ordered; but there is a good selection available |
Austin Bible Church |
Bob Bolender |
All lessons available as MP3 files; it will take awhile to locate a particular book or study and download it; doctrines and exegesis listed together |
Westbank Bible Church |
L. G. Merritt |
About 150 doctrines online; written exegesis of 3 books; about a year or so of audio lessons |
Lost Pines Bible Church |
Pastor Cliff Beveridge, Gary Stevens |
This church appears to be quite new with few doctrines and studies online |
Grace Bible Church of Baytown |
Roy Cloudt (pastor) and John McReynolds (assistant pastor) |
This church only meets thrice weekly, but I am guessing that is a matter of demand. Perhaps 150 doctrines online; MP3 available going back to 2002 |
Country Bible Church |
Mike Smith |
Notes and/or lessons available online; dvd’s can be ordered |
Church of the Servant King |
Steve Ellis |
Dallas, TX |
audio lessons for Matthew and 1Corinthians (current series) and notes on several topics also available (I do not know about whether he teaches rebound, however) |
Grace Bible Church of Rockwell |
Todd Atwood | The church is shut down, but the website with media downloads is still up (but there are no written lessons available) |
[East] Dallas, TX (Rockwell) |
Online audio lessons of the gospels, Hebrews, Acts and Proverbs (some lessons appear to be incomplete. however, they can be downloaded at |
Spring Valley Bible Church |
Herman H. Mattox |
Although there are a number of excellent studies, which can be downloaded (right click and choose save link as) these lessons can be heard online, but not stopped or paused); they can also be ordered here: |
Fredericksburg Bible Church |
Pastor Alex Garcia |
Fredericksburg, TX |
Notes and/or audio lessons available online; former pastor’s (Jeremy Thomas) lessons in lesson library |
Fred Bates |
(830) 596-0100 ? |
Charis Chapel & Charis Seminary |
Dr. Larry B. Patrick |
Houston, TX |
There appear to be 50 sermons online, several books and about 30 doctrines. |
Pine Valley Bible |
Bruce Bumgardner |
Audio lessons available online; |
West Houston Bible Church |
Robby Dean | and |
Online audio and pdf files. Also, a real-time online church service. |
Transcripts of Dean’s notes: |
Grace Bible Church of Houston |
David Dunn |
A few dozen lessons available as WMA files |
Berachah Church |
Robert Thieme III |
There is a website both for Berachah Church and for Tapes and Publications (R. B. Thieme Jr. Ministries) |
Houston, TX |
Lessons may be ordered as CD’s or DVD’s |
R. B. Thieme, Jr. website is |
The Berachah Church website is |
At the Berachah website, there is also a list of study groups who meet (some listen to Bob’s teachings via MP3 files or video), and some listen to Bobby’s teaching live, or via MP3 and videos. Such groups meet in homes or in rented buildings studying the teaching of R. B. Thieme III or R. B. Thieme Jr. (the telephone hookup groups are live, and the others either listen to sermons on CD’s or DVD’s). Those groups who study under Bobby take place in nearly 50 different locations in about 20 different states. There are nearly 12 groups who still study the Colonel’s teachings in 9 different states and in 2 countries besides the US (England and Germany). It is highly recommended that, if there is no doctrinal church near you, but there is a group, then you should be attending that group (even if it means you are listening to a lesson set for the 2nd or 3rd time). |
Tapes and Publications has finally broken down all of R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s lessons by book, series, lesson numbers; so that you can see what was taught and when during each series. |
On the Syndein website, Bob’s studies are broken down into books and series, lesson numbers, passage and topics covered. Berachah finally did this above. Although this is really a lesson index and not a bibliography, many will find this set of web pages to be helpful. |
Free Grace Bible Church |
Dr. John Brumett |
Recent audio lessons are posted under “blog” (5 messages) |
Sugarland Bible Church |
Andy Woods |
Sugarland, TX |
There are a number of recent lessons; I had problems performing a search for other materials, however; he does not begin a sermon with rebound |
Patriots Church |
Albert Hill |
6818 Paluxy Dr |
Tyler, TX |
no website yet |
Apparently, Pastor Hill has retired and has passed away. It is unclear whether this is now a “taper’s group” or what. There is a DVD group which meets in Tyler, apparently studying under Bobby (see the link under Berachah Church above or call Berachah Church directly). |
Rephidim Church |
Dr. Ron Killingsworth |
4430 Allendale Rd., 76310 or call (940) 691-1166 |
Wichita Falls, Texas | (You can log in with them for additional access) (Teaching 5 classes/week; greater access to the site with a password) |
National Capital Bible Church |
Freddy Cortez |
4 doctrines and an excellent selection of MP3 files are available online, including 7 books |
Daniel Inghram has retired due to medical issues. |
Faith Baptist Church |
John D. Reynolds |
Fincastle, Virginia |
I recommend this church with a grain of salt. Reynolds has obviously had some doctrinal training. However, I do not see rebound taught. |
Evergrace Fellowship Church |
Jesse Acosta |
1 book and a number of MP3 files available online |
Lakeland Bible Church |
Hugh Crowder |
If they still post MP3 files and ppt files (presentations files which MS and Corel can open), I can no longer find them; cannot find them 2015 either |
Columbia Bible Church |
Bruce Einspahr |
Kennewick, WA |
Just the most recent notes are available online. There does not appear to be a T&P ministry |
Grace Military Ministries |
John Eichmann |
Shoreline, WA |
There are a handful of lessons which can only be listened to online. There are a dozen or so written lessons also available |
Evergreen Baptist Church |
Paul Schmidtbleicher |
Several dozen MP3 lessons are available online. |
Spokane Bible Church |
Tod Kennedy |
Spokane, WA |
Books, notes, presentations (pdf versions) available online; I did not see any audio lessons here. All lessons appear to be audio only. |
Word of Grace Bible Church |
Tom Stegall |
Milwaukee, WI |
Some messages can be accessed online: or Most series will have to be ordered. |
Let me add that these churches represent the deliverance of our nation. Believers who attend these churches and grow spiritually will form the pivot which will deliver our nation. Of all the ministries which I list, these are arguably the most important when it comes protecting and preserving the United States of America. It does not matter if the congregations number 10, 100 or 1000. God is not interested in numbers; He is interested in vindicating the doctrine in your soul. |
Grace notes posts a list of doctrinal questions that believers ought to be able to answer; if you go to a doctrinal church, you ought to be able to answer most of these after 5 or so years: |
I have mixed feelings about online churches. I have known too many people who have made an attempt to grow spiritually apart from gathering together as a local church (Hebrews 10:25), and the results have not always been good (possibly stemming from the lack of academic discipline). On the other hand, there certainly must be people out there who are unable to gather at a local church or do not live anywhere near a local church. Several of the men below study and post lessons regularly, and if you are unable to attend a brick and mortar church, then reading or listening to their lessons as they are posted would be your best approach. |
My website is not a church. I try to provide a repository of doctrines and doctrinal teaching, and hope to produce a doctrinal exegesis of some Old and New Testament books (with God’s grace). I would hope that some pastors and students might use this site as reference material and that some believers might learn some things via this site as well. However, for the typical believer, you ought to be in a brick and mortar doctrinal church each and every time that they open up the doors. I have not double-checked all of these yet. I think an online church is quite helpful to those who physically cannot attend a church; but I strongly believe in having a church to physically go to. |
Online Churches/Ministries |
Church |
Pastor |
Website |
Exegesis/Doctrines |
Biblical Answers to Man’s Questions |
Looks to be about 2 dozen doctrines and a dozen or so presentations. |
The Christian Way of Life Church |
Jim Brettell |
If you subscribe, you can get a chance to hear Bible doctrine daily. Check under “more...” Some files can be downloaded; no DVD’s or MP3's at this site. |
The Christian Way of Life Church |
Dr. James A. Brettell; Michael Eubanks |
About 50 doctrines online; I did not see any exegeted books of the Bible; this seems to be an online streaming church now |
Bible Doctrine Church, an online ministry |
John Keating |
John Keating is the pastor and he apparently puts a written sermon online each Sunday. Archives of previous lessons go back several lessons, but not to the beginning. |
Biblical Answers To Man's Questions |
Doug Laird |
Doug has a couple dozen sermons (youtube linked) and about a half dozen e-books all online. Looks like he has a new website (listed above) |
Jim Oliver Ministries |
Oliver, Jim | |
The slides are slides timed to Jim Oliver’s teaching on the internet (I am unclear as to whether he pastors a church somewhere). However, the little which I looked at seemed accurate. Essentially you are looking at slides with Bible verses and points written out as he speaks, and some people prefer that visual contact with the material. |
Pacific Rim Bible Studies |
Mike Philips |
From what I can ascertain, Mike is/was pastoring Berean Bible Church in Redding, CA, which may or may not be a going concern. He is also related to some sort of a Bible camp in beautiful Mount Shasta City. There is a plethora of Bible studies and publications available online. He has the vocabulary which many of us know, but I did not hear him teach rebound in the lesson I heard. |
Bible Doctrine Church (of Monterey) |
Pastor John |
I have not explored his site extensively, but my impression is, this is a pastor in search of a congregation. |
Katy Community Church |
Stan Simonton |
Katy, TX; Stan’s email is at this website and his church is now online; there are many online resources and his ministry is ongoing. |
Grace Bible Church of Pullman, WA |
Ron McMurray |
McMurray has done work in Galatians, Colossians, Thessalonians, and 1Timothy; as well as the Psalms and other things. Well organized site. Pullman, WA |
Biblical Exegesis |
Wayne...? |
Wayne has translated and exegeted most of the epistles, all available as PDF downloads. There is no doctrinal statement that I could find, although he seems to adhere to 5 point Calvinism? He does acknowledge a great indebtedness to R. B. Thieme, Jr. Not to be confused with |
I have no idea whether these pastors are interested in a brick and mortar church ministry or not. I have contacted some of them to find out. |
What I have done on my own webpage is extremely specialized, and not designed for the average Christian to read, although I would suppose that, now and again, in order to understand this or that passage, the average Christian might come to this site.
What most believers need is a pastor teacher to place themselves under. So there is no misunderstanding, despite the fact that I have put together some rather extensive exegetical studies, I also am under the authority of a pastor-teacher.
What I have arranged below are links to teachings by a variety of doctrinal teachings of various books of the Bible. Most of these will be oral teachings and most will be available for direct download without charge. As time goes on, many of these pastors will teach additional books, which I may not have included below.
Old Testament (audio teaching)
The Pentateuch |
Genesis |
Exodus |
Robert McLaughlin (Moses series) |
Leviticus |
Numbers |
Deuteronomy |
Historical Books |
Joshua |
Judges |
Ruth |
1Samuel |
Robert McLaughlin (David series) |
2Samuel |
Robert McLaughlin (David series) |
1Kings |
2Kings |
1Chronicles |
2Chronicles |
Ezra |
Nehemiah |
Esther |
Poetry and Writings |
Job |
Psalms |
Proverbs |
Ecclesiastes |
Song of Solomon |
The Major Prophets |
Isaiah |
Ray Steadman |
Jeremiah |
Lamentations |
Ezekiel |
Daniel |
The Minor Prophets |
Hosea |
Joel |
Amos |
Obadiah |
Jonah |
Micah |
Nahum |
Habakkuk |
Zephaniah |
Haggai |
Zecharaiah |
Malachi |
Buddy Dano also has a number of MP3 files online:
Recently, a number of R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s audio lessons have been loaded online, and then they were removed and replaced with similar lessons from other teachers. Some of the studies are incomplete:
Matthew |
Mark |
Luke |
John |
Acts |
The Epistles of Paul |
Romans |
1Corinthians |
R. B. Thieme III (must be ordered) |
2Corinthians |
Galatians |
Ephesians |
Philippians |
Bill Wenstrom (must be ordered online) |
Colossians |
1Thessalonians |
2Thessalonians |
1Tmothy |
2Timothy |
Titus |
Philemon |
The Remaining Epistles |
Hebrews |
James H. Richard (must be ordered; only certain chapters are available) |
James |
1Peter |
2Peter |
1John |
James H. Richard (must be ordered) |
2John |
3John |
Jude |
Revelation |
James H. Richard (must be ordered; only certain chapters are available) |
These are teachers who, for the most part, have ongoing ministries, so the links above will lead to more lessons than I have listed here. |
Sonic Light Bible study: It appears as though we have an audio study of every book of the Bible. The teacher tends to cover one chapter per lesson. I have not heard any of these yet. |
There is a guy, Les Feldick, whom I do not know from Adam, but who have verbally exegeted most of the books of the Bible at: (There is also a transcript of these lessons available online). His doctrinal statement is short, but accurate. What is problematic, is, he understands 1John 1:9 to require us to repent of our sins. For this reason, I do not recommend his site. |
It is important to be discerning when it comes to studying under this or that pastor. If a pastor has turned to Covenant Theology or they have reject salvation by grace or restoration to fellowship by grace, then these significant inaccuracies are going to bleed into their studies. If you aware of any of these pastors going down the wrong road, please contact me and give me some specifics. |
Dennis Rokser (It appears that these lessons can only be listened to or viewed online) |
Titus put together a list sometime ago of books which have been exegeted on the internet; I have decided to continue that tradition. This is a list of written exegesis.
Exegeted Books of the Bible online
Some of what is found below is incomplete. My notes from the Bible classes of R. B. Thieme, Jr. and Bobby Thieme have been removed by request. Grace notes has been reorganized, so the links there may not be correct. There are also additional books on Grace Notes as well (Grace Notes), some of which are put together by other pastors listed below. Access to all the books he has done is found here. Todd Kennedy of Spokane, Washington has covered a number of books here, which I will try to add book by book at a future date. |
There are a number of links available on Buddy Dano’s old site; some or much of the work is not his and cannot be accessed easily from his home page. The parent directory is this. Some of the work is Dr. Robert Dean, Jr.’s. Perhaps this was just a repository for Dano’s references. |
In many cases, the teachers below also have audio lessons on these books. Many of these notes really need to have the links updated. Some have been moved and others are no longer available. |
Old Testament |
Outline or overview of OT |
Genesis |
Binnicker Gen. 1:1–2:4 |
Exodus |
Leviticus |
Numbers |
Deuteronomy |
Joshua |
Judges |
Ruth |
1Samuel |
2Samuel |
1Kings |
2Kings |
1Chronicles |
2Chronicles |
Ezra |
Nehemiah |
Esther |
Job |
Psalms |
Griffith |
Proverbs |
Ecclesiastes |
Song of Solomon |
Isaiah |
Jeremiah |
Lamentations |
Daniel |
Hosea |
Joel |
Amos |
Obadiah |
Jonah |
Basic Training Bible Ministries |
Micah |
Nahum |
Habakkuk |
Zephaniah |
Haggai |
Zechariah |
Malachi |
New Testament |
Outline or overview of NT |
Life of Christ |
Matthew |
Mark |
Luke |
Steve Ellis (Dead link) |
James Allen (Dead link) |
John |
Acts |
Steve Ellis, Newbold (dead links now) |
Romans |
Perkins |
1Corinthians |
2Corinthians |
Galatians |
Grace Notes (Dr. Grant C. Richison ) Kreger (Link is more or less good; but files are not there) |
Ben Brodie (Translation only) |
Steve Ellis—broken link Jim Rickard—broken link |
Ephesians |
Rickard—dead link |
Philippians |
Perkins–dead link |
Basic Training Bible Ministries |
Colossians |
Mark Perkins |
1Thessalonians |
Steve Ellis (broken link) |
Basic Training Bible Ministries (Broken link) |
2Thessalonians |
1Timothy |
2Timothy |
Titus |
Philemon |
Hebrews |
Rickard |
Perkins |
James |
1Peter |
2Peter |
1John |
2John |
3John |
Jude |
Revelation |
See Benjamin W. Brodie’s website for some well translated books (mostly New Testament). He has both a literal translation and an expanded translation (where additional words in brackets are added). |
Dr. Henry Ironside has exegeted many books of the Bible, and this work can be found here: (Make certain that you click on “Show/Hide more” under Series). This site has a huge number of authors posted online: (I assume of varying quality). Dr. Constable Study Notes This appears to be a verse by verse study of every book in the Bible. Although Constable seems to have salvation and rebound straight, I ran into some minor interpretation problems with the first passage I examined (1Chron. 16). |
My primary concern with Wayne Binnicker (Benjamin Brodie?) is, he says he is a 5-point Calvinist. One should bear that in mind when examining his notes. |
The books list for Syndein is here: Robby Dean’s notes: |
Some of the grace notes are a course and they have to be signed up for (I assume this is free). |
Robert Sonnet has a website of exegesis and doctrines. The doctrines are pretty good. The exegesis covers about a half dozen New Testament books, and mostly looks at them word-by-word without then explaining the information found there. |
In case you want information on a particular topic, this are some links to get you there; these should all be in written form. Revised and updated September 6, 2020.
Adema: Basic Bible Study Series online; 50 Things Received at Salvation; a half dozen online studies (marriage, family, children, etc.). I found this updated resource more difficult to navigate.
Buddy Dano’s website has material which he developed; but there is a treasure trove of exegesis and doctrines here: At least one of these studies is by Dr. Robert Dean, Jr. (which study I could not find elsewhere).
Charlie Clough’s Notes: Charlie Clough Notes (his audio lessons include notes)
End times and prophecy: There are doctrines here which are almost word-for-word from R. B. Thieme Jr. as well as several articles by reputable theologians like H. A. Ironside. It is possible this is the work of Thomas Ice, which is the one name that I do not recognize. On the negative side, one of his links is a church which, in its basics doctrinal worksheets does not speak of confession of sin for spirituality (rebound) and there are several lessons on Marks of a True Believer, which smacks of the infusion of grace as opposed to the imputation of grace (which is the primary difference between Protestant and Catholic theology).
Genealogies: Adam to Israel; Abraham to David; David to Jesus (through Solomon; the line of Joseph); David to Jesus (through Nathan; the line of Mary).
Grace Notes: There is a list of about 250 doctrines at this site.
Griffin: On line books. His full set of studies are also quite easy to access; click on all series.
Ichthys Bible Study: Although I was first concerned about the organization, he lists an index of topics and where they might be found. I am fairly certain that all of the material was put together by Dr. Robert D. Luginbill, who, like most of us, apparently learned a great deal from R. B. Thieme Jr.
Institute for Creation Research: Topics pertaining to Evolution versus Creationism.
James Modlish Bible study page, which has no links to Berachah Church, but uses a lot of the same language. Study materials.
Todd Kennedy has an ever-growing list of doctrines that he has taught (well over 100). His doctrines tend to be concise, well-organized, and with Scriptural references.
Kukis: Complete Doctrines; a complete list of doctrines as well as discussions of specific topics (this latter list is rather extensive, and is not hyperlinked for the most part; you would first use your browser search function to find a doctrine, which will tell you which book and chapter the doctrine is found in. You can then go to that book for further information on that topic). PDF version. Charts.
J. R. Cherreguine Bible Doctrine Ministries: Under his doctrinal index, he lists hundreds of doctrines. Many of these doctrines are set up in chart form. My only problem with this site is, his doctrines are not all set up in alphabetical order. Apart from this, JRC probably lists more doctrines than I have seen anywhere else (other than on my own site). He even touches on unusual topics, e.g., feng shui and karma. He has an extensive list of various cults and cult teachers, including a watch list for non-doctrinal teachers with sort of a rating system. My only problem with this site is, it could be organized better. Apart from that, there is a lot of material here. I must admit to having some reservations, however, when I found Billy and Franklin Graham’s names on his list of Cum Laude of Apostasy, where he uses the phrase easy believism in conjunction to Billy Graham. He also has a list of backslidden and apostate believers, including several prominent politicians. I’m not sure that these things have any place at a doctrinal website, and it makes me a little concerned about the other material which he has “authored.”
Rev. Robert C. Lewis’s Bible Quick notes (about 50 doctrines + 100+ presentations and handouts and another 100 extended studies). QuickNotes are ideal for use in personal Bible study, Sunday school lessons, home Bible studies, and church worship services. I use them in my teaching ministry and I hope they will be of help to you.
McLaughlin’s: Doctrines for Download and His Online Books.
Ken Reed lists 110 doctrines to be downloaded.
Don Samdahl: Has about 40 doctrines and book introductions at
R. B. Thieme Jr.: A list of doctrines and discussions of particular topics found in booklets from T&P. This list of doctrines is incomplete. PDF version.
R. B. Thieme Jr. All of Bob’s books in an rtf format available here: (these will open in WordPad, but can be opened in Word or WordPerfect as well; I did not see any Greek or Hebrew characters, as the books were originally printed; which, for most people, is not a loss. All of these words are transliterated into English.)
Wholesome Words—Christian Resources & Links has about 40 traditional Christian doctrines linked here, with authors e.g. C. I. Scofield and L. S. Chafer. Some are good and some are just okay.
I have just begun this one.... |
The Philippines: |
I do not know exactly why I have two lists of doctrines. |
If you are in search of a particular doctrine, chances are, you will find it in the first 4 links below: |
Bible Doctrine Resource lists approximately 500 or more doctrines from their Bible class notes under R. B. Thieme, Jr. and others. Locating the doctrines is quite easy, as they are listed in a long column on the side. This is probably the most complete set of doctrines available. The only drawback is, the site does not give authorship credit. Sometimes this can be determined by taking a 4 or 5 word phrase and searching for that exact same phrase in google. This excellent resource no longer exists. Although it was a clearing house for a listing of doctrines, the people who put together these doctrines were never given credit for their work. |
Grace notes. About 400 doctrines and sets of notes (these appear to be notes based partially or fully upon Bob Thieme’s teaching). This is probably the most complete set of doctrines available. |
Several hundred doctrines are found here, at the Online International School of Practical ministries (the ones I checked opened up in Word or WP): |
Links to 300+ doctrines (organized alphabetically and also by which book they pertain to): |
Grace Bible Church of Baytown (about 130+ doctrines; there are a lot, and I have no idea why they don’t put their index on a single page): |
Todd Kennedy of the Spokane, Washington Bible Church (about 100+ doctrines). |
Maranatha Church (about 100 doctrines): (click on Printed Doctrines) | Grace Fellowship Church with Pastor/Teacher James H. Rickard Over 100 doctrines listed. |
Pastor Michael Eubanks of He Ekklesia (nearly 100 doctrines, accurate, some short on Scripture) |
Jim Abrahamson ThM; Chapel Hill, NC (about 300 doctrines) More specifically, his theology index. |
About 40 doctrines; R. B. Thieme, Jr. notes: |
About 50 doctrines from the Portland Bible Church:
Excellent Doctrinal Dictionary by Todd Kennedy of the Spokane Bible Church (which is about 75–80 short doctrines). |
Doctrine Alive Online by Tom Elseroad. Site includes perhaps 100 doctrines/charts and a thorough theological dictionary. Includes a lot of definitions culled from McLaughlin and Kennedy. |
A list of about 50 doctrines; although I have not perused these carefully yet, they appear to be notes, in part, from Colonel Thieme’s teachings, and in part, from the experiences and studies of this particular person. I recently examined the Angelic Conflict in these doctrines, and it was quite good, and it was filled with examples of the good that Satan does. |
A list of about 50+ doctrines: |
A list of about 30 doctrines: |
A list of about 30 topics: |
A list of about 30 topics: |
A list of about 40 doctrines: |
A list of about 50 or so doctrines: |
A list of approximately 60 doctrines, all taken from notes under R. B. Thieme, Jr.: |
Open Hand Ministries with about 40 doctrines. |
There are in excess of 50 booklets which may be ordered from Thieme Ministries, and there are a handful of these which are available online: |
My own lists: |
A list of almost every discussion of every term or concept found in my online writings (there will be thousands of entries here): |
A list of the doctrines which I have formally examined (there are about 250). |
Online Theological Dictionaries |
If you simply want to know the meaning of a specific term, you will find it in the links below: |
Doctrinal Terms and Concepts (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). This is a glossary of Biblical terms. This list goes beyond the excellent vocabulary developed by R. B. Thieme, Jr. and includes historical terms, linguistic terms, and some new terms. It also contains extensive links to more thorough examinations of the doctrinal terms defined. 34 pages as of 2015. |
Doctrinal dictionary from Pastor John: This looks extensive and includes common abbreviations (mostly used by those influenced by R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s ministry). |
One of the best lists can be found at Griffin’s Grace Bible Church (there are easily 100 or more visuals here): |
Bible Doctrine Teaching Terms (from Robert McLaughlin); this is an excellent place to get a short definition for the technical terms and phrases, many of which were developed at Dallas Theological Seminary by L. S. Chafer as well as terms and phrases developed by R. B. Thieme Jr. |
Outstanding list of theological terms (this is the Chafer Christian Seminary of Theology): |
The same site where terms are explored in more depth: |
A good set of theological terms with basic definitions: |
The “mother” site is difficult to navigate from, but here is a large list of doctrines grouped by large topic groups (e.g., there are 5 separate topics under Death which are all together on one page): |
Rick Hughes’ basic theological dictionary (10 pages): |
Glossary of terms from the Grace Bible Church (this appears to be the most ambitious): |
Online Theological dictionaries/encyclopedia: |
This is an excellent tool to search through many of 5 famous Bible dictionaries (like Smith’s, ISBE, etc): |
Bible Topics has hundreds of subjects and where these topics are covered in Scripture. Commentary is helpful but minimum. |
You may also download e-sword and these same dictionaries and search them from your own computer: (I highly recommend this free computer Bible/Bible resource tool) |
Bobby Thieme has mentioned publishing a dictionary of sorts online, but that has not come to pass yet (however, I can confirm that is a real work in progress). |
Online Christian Blogs |
I have some misgivings about Christian blogs; and do not expect for this one to be very extensive: |
THE WORD on The Word of Faith (a GroupBlog) My biggest problem with this site is the attacks on specific pastors. I believe that should be removed entirely. If Pastor X teaches a doctrine which is anti-Biblical, post that doctrine, a summary of that doctrine, and then evaluate that doctrine. R. B. Thieme, Jr. provided us with a good example of this. The charismatic movement is spiritually corrupt. I cannot recall Bob going after specific pastors in that movement. He dealt with the gift of tongues, what it was, what it wasn’t, and how it is not a gift for today. |
Graphic from: |
Basic Bible Doctrine |
This appears to be a brand new site, with many of R. B. Thieme Jr.’s books and messages posted. |
The Bible and Technology |
This looks to be an excellent resource, where you see how technology has given us additional ways and means to study the Bible. These periodic posts can be searched topically. |
Benjamin Brodie |
If you are looking for a collection of translations made by R. B. Thieme, Jr., this isn’t it, but it is very close. He has done the entire New Testament and portions of the Old. I highly recommend his work. |
| |
The NET Bible, Bible dictionaries, blogs, forums and communities. |
| |
Many Bible translations, commentaries, dictionaries, atlases, encyclopedias, etc. The interlinear Bible is quite impressive. Most of this can be found in e-sword (but you do have to search out the modules and set it all up). |
Bible Versions Resource |
This is a list of nearly every English Bible and where it may be found online. |
Charts |
This is a fascinating page of photos and charts. The charts include unusual ones like the distance between cities in Israel to helpful ones like, other countries prophesied about in the Bible. |
Comparing Bible Translations |
The online location of about 100 different English translations, as well as other versions (Greek, Hebrew, etc.). |
About 30 specific published versions of the Bible and how they compare. These are broken down into Adult Study Bibles, Youth Study Bibles and Children’s Study Bibles. |
A couple paragraphs on 15 different translations, along with their reading level. |
You can get a blurb on each version or go further and view side-by-side comparisons of various Bibles. |
A blurb about each of 18 modern translations. There are also many links to similar web pages. |
A couple of comparison charts along with some commentary. |
Zondervan compares about 15 different translations side-by-side. Each of these translations can be clicked on for statistics, history, and additional information about each translation. |
15 different Bibles briefly commented on. |
David Robert Palmer compared several different translations with respect to the original languages, comparing them on specific verses (he has also translated a handful of New Testament books, free to download from his site). |
| |
10 translations are compared, with reading level (which seemed surprisingly low to me for some of them) and comments. Translations are broken down into 3 types: literal, dynamic equivalent and paraphrased (free translation). |
9 Bibles are compared by particular verses, and the actual words that they use are graded. |
6 translations are compared, but with respect to 18 important doctrines and translations. |
Comparing translations from the standpoint of the manuscripts used. |
39 different English translations of the Bible compared. This author has a scoring system, which is quite interesting, and it compares these translations based upon 3 passages and how they scored on the passages. Despite the small sampling of verses, this is one of the most interesting comparisons. The links throughout are important. |
Kukis compares 30+ translations. Summary table. PDF version. |
Theopedia’s input. |
| |
Wikipedia’s input. |
A list of 100 English translations with some brief information about each. |
A very brief history of English translations (to 1982). Comes with organ music. |
| |
Mary Fairchild’s top ten Bibles. |
Graphic from: |
E-Sword Resources |
e-sword |
If you supplement your Bible study with computer tools, this is the best free tool out there which I have seen. There are over 30 different translations, and a myriad of dictionaries, lexicons and commentaries that you can download to your computer. Don’t miss the user modules which are available. |
E-Sword |
This is a new source of e-sword modules and information. They have a collection of Bibles and commentaries which I have never seen before. |
E-Sword |
This is one of the most extensive list of Bibles available for e-sword. |
E-Sword |
Probably the most extensive list of Commentaries available for e-sword. |
E-Sword |
Probably the most extensive list of dictionaries available for e-sword (which includes lexicons). |
E-Sword | |
Module creation for e-sword. |
E-sword |
Another outstanding resource for e-sword modules. This is very well-organized but you will need to set up a (free) login account to download these modules. This site clearly distinguishes between e-sword 8x and 9x modules, and provides links to modules for both. |
History—Kings of Israel chart: |
The chart is quite helpful; I do not know anything about the mother-site. |
History—Kings of Judah chart: |
The chart is quite helpful; I do not know anything about the mother-site. |
History—Jesus, Herod and Cæsar |
This is a very readable recording/blending of the events of history around the time of our Lord. There are a lot of names and places, so one at times is confused by all of them; and I have not verified the accuracy of this site; but it seems to be good for integrating what we find in the Bible with extra-Biblical history. The author of this site attempts to go month-by-month whenever possible. |
Internet Jewish History Sourcebook |
This appears to be the source page of the link below. This is an phenomenal page of links for those who have any interest in Jewish history. |
Jewish History | |
This is a short date and basic history of the Jews from Abraham to the present. It is basic incidents and dates, as well as a list of kings and prophets. |
Jewish History | |
This is related to the links above; it is a half page listing periods of time (linked) in Jewish History. |
Dr. S. Lewis Johnson |
Dr. Lewis was a graduate of Dallas Theological seminary 1946; be forewarned that he was a Calvinist. This is a collection of his extensive work. |
Links to Online translations | |
This may offer links to a variety of online religious sources. |
English version grid | |
The links are on the right-hand side and do not appear to be links. |
Online Bible Translations |
I can guarantee you that you have not heard of at least a third of these translations (e.g., the Ancient Roots Bible, The Alternate Translation Bible, The Catholic Public Domain Version, Fred Miller's Revised King James' Version, Laughing Bird Scripture Paraphrases, Modern American English Vernacular, or The Purified New Testament). |
Old Testament word search |
This uses 10 specific search engines to find out information about individual Old Testament words. |
Bill Puryear |
A doctrinal Bible teacher who has translated much of the New Testament (from Acts to Revelation, along with a little of the OT) |
Search God’s Word |
You can search about 20 different translations for words and phrases. There are also commentaries, concordances, dictionaries and encyclopedias. |
Wikipedias for Christianity, the Bible, etc. |
Theopedia |
Wiki-Christian |
Zion Ministry |
These are some great charts to help you to put the kings and prophets in order. This site seems to have an emphasis on the end times, and I do not know how accurate they are in this regard. |
The Bible and Technology |
Technological resources for Greek |
The Bible and Technology |
Technological resources for Hebrew |
The Resurgence Greek Project |
This has some Greek resources; however, I think that E-sword actually provides better Hebrew and Greek tools. |
Learning NT Greek |
The purpose of this Web site is to provide resources for people seeking to know the Living God and His Word through the original language of the New Testament, Koine Greek. |
Greek-English Interlinear NT | |
This includes the morphology of the Greek words. |
Latin-English Interlinear Bible |
Side-by-side English and Latin Bible. |
Peshitta Interlinear |
The Old Testament is tri-linear: Hebrew, then Aramaic and then English (and a very accurate English translation). The New Testament is Aramaic and English. The Aramaic of the OT is very similar to the Hebrew, but in the New, the font is dramatically different. |
Hebrew Grammar for Dummies |
Crib sheet with basic Hebrew principles of grammar |
Hebrew Verbs for Dummies |
An explanation of the stems and their meanings. |
Hebrew verb endings |
A morphological chart of how to recognize the various stem, person and number of a Hebrew verb |
E-Sword Greek and Hebrew Lexicons |
Probably the most extensive list of dictionaries available for e-sword (which includes lexicons). |
Perseus Digital Library (studies in Greek) |
This has consistently been one of the best research tools for Greek words. In searching out one particular word, I was given 4 sets of lexicons to choose from (4 which I do not own), with extensive information on where this word was found (this was for a Koine Greek word not found in the New Testament). |
Delphi Forums Bible doctrine study group |
This is an excellent group, especially good for those who are spread out and not near a doctrinal church. |
Bene Diction blogs on |
This is pretty insane. A nutcase attends a church listed in here for 13 years, kills 3 women in an aerobics class, and that church and R. B. Thieme, Jr. are all blamed, even though the most precursory reading of this guy’s crime indicates that he mentally unbalanced from the get go. It is a fascinating read and discussion. |
Bible Works Forum |
This is a 9 page discussion I Thank God for Col. R.B. Thieme Jr. |
City Data’s forum |
There is at least one doctrinal believer who posts to this group (Mike555), and all topics of the Christian faith are fair game. |
Classmates Western Religions | |
Discussions with people who are rational and with those who are teetering off the edge. I believe I first got drawn into a discussion here with someone who proposed that Jesus was teaching socialism (a liberation theology adherent). |
Cult Education Forum |
This is a fascinating forum, discussing R. B. Thieme Jr. and why his church is a cult. There were even questions as to, what happens to you when you leave this church? There seems to be one logical and intelligent voice in all of this, at the very beginning (Ephesians 1:3). SisterSoap goes on and on and on and on. I have included this forum more as a matter of interest rather than as a recommended forum. |
The Free Thought and Rationalism Discussion Board |
Previously the Internet Infidels Discussion Board. There are believers who post here as well but, be forewarned, these are mostly unbelieving liberals who post here. |
Simply Bible |
What caught my eye was their Isaiah page: These are called Churches of Christ; I do not think that they are related to the Church of Christ denomination here. |
Yahoo Groups |
A very small discussion group, mostly of those who do not like Bob Thieme Jr’s teaching, but with a smattering of those who do. It is a small group, also included as more of a matter of interest than anything else. |
Church |
Pastor |
Website |
Location |
Exegesis/Doctrines |
By His Grace Ministries |
Darryl Anderson |
Davao City, The Philippines |
It does not appear as though this church is off the ground yet? This seems to be closely aligned with James Brettell’s ministries. |
Under “Contact information” there are several contact persons throughout the Philippines. |
Grace Christian Church |
Nelson T. Rio II |
Grace Christian Church-Visayas, Inc. Airport Road, Booy District Tagbilaran City, Bohol 6300 Philippines |
Although there were several lessons online, I could not access them. Grace Christian church email. |
Bible Doctrine Ministries |
Evangelist Kingsley |
Bible Doctrine Ministries P.O. Box 4684 Trans-Amadi Post Office, Port-Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, Africa |
Phone: +234-1-8037-9920-21 |
Quite obviously, this is a small group of churches, so if you are aware of any others, please let me know! Just like the list of churches above, I cannot personally vouch for any of these. |
General contact site for several missionaries |
Operation Grace World Missions PO Box 19508 Houston TX 77224-9508 USA Phone: 01 (713) 951-6965 |
A nondenominational, doctrinal missionary organization |
Africa |
Grace Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. P.O. Box 111999 Nashville, TN 37222 615-373-2988 Check website for free publications. |
Nigeria in Africa |
Costa Rica |
Sola Gracia, under the leadership of George and Erica Mueller |
Germany and Eastern Europe (Romania, Poland, Baltic Russia, Hungary and Lithuania) and Cameroun, Africa |
The Philippines |
Grace Christian Church Ministries (the Nelson D. Rio family) |
The Philippines |
The Philippines (Davao City) |
Chiangmai, Thailand |
Chiangmai, Thailand |
Kiev, Ukraine |
Nigeria and India |
Other Missionary Lists |
American Freedom Assemblies |
“American Freedom Assembly is a non-profit organization dedicated to presenting the principles of true freedom through the assembly format. We help young people understand that the solution must come from within. Only through their good decisions on a day by day basis will they be able to take control of their lives.” Gary Horton spoke at our school on 3 occasions, each of them quite memorable. One time, he gave the gospel—it was clear and unmistakable—but without mentioning the name of Jesus Christ. |
Free Gift Ministries |
Scott Grande is associated with the church of Robert R. McLaughlin and has apparently studied under Colonel R.B. Thieme Jr. He is an evangelist and a missionary. There are about 20 doctrines and a few sermons (video and MP3) available on his site. |
Grace Evangelical Society |
“It has been amazing to watch what God has allowed us to do for these last 19 years. The years have been filled with great ministry opportunities indeed. With the distribution of over 100,000 You Can Be Sure! booklets, countless books and audio tapes, and tens of thousands of hits on our website each year, many have come to faith in Christ, gained assurance of their eternal life, and now walk in the knowledge of the grace of God. For this great opportunity to impact the world for Christ, we thank God first, but also all those that have partnered with us.” |
Grace Gospel Missions |
“Our mission is to train missionaries and to support mission activity around the world. We believe that there is a need in the United States for an independent organization that can come along the side of the local church to provide training and support for mission the field.” |
Huntsville State Prison Ministries |
This appears to be headed by Rick Henderson, who seems to be a squared away doctrinal believer. There are about a dozen doctrines at this site and an exegetical study of the first chapter of the book of Mark. |
Rick Hughes Evangelical Ministries |
“Rick Hughes Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. was founded for the purpose of communicating the Word of God to students and administrators in private schools and churches across the United States. This ministry is non-denominational in its thrust and is conducted freely without charge or obligation. No material is sold and no offerings are taken. There are a few good studies here as well, under Truth Online.” |
Mission Afghanistan |
The people involved in this ministry are Gary Horton, Pete Stadler, and John Dyer. |
All Aboard God’s Train |
These are outstanding Bible lessons for young people. |
UK Apologetics page | |
We are now the major European-based Christian teaching website, specializing in Christian apologetics (the defence of the Christian faith) |
Ariel Ministries |
“Ariel Ministries, created to evangelize and disciple our Jewish brethren, has been born from necessity to meet an urgent need. Ariel means "Lion of God," representing the Messiah Jesus as the Lion of Judah. It is also an alternate name for Jerusalem (Isaiah 29:1) - the city of peace now waiting for the Prince of Peace to return.” |
“Awana helps churches and parents worldwide raise children and youth to know, love and serve Christ!” [Go to the website to see how] |
Basic Training Bible Ministries |
“Basic Training Bible Ministries was founded in 1994 with the objective of providing categorical Bible teaching and study materials without cost to those who desire them. As such, this ministry continues to exist due to the free-will offerings of believers who desire to be part of our outreach.” This is run by Gene Cunningham and his wife. Several books and studies online. |
Be a Hero |
“Learn about the never-ending Journey in God's Plan for you! Includes coloring pages, word search, Bible quiz and more.” |
Bible Doctrine Page |
Quite frankly, this is a disorganized blog which at first appears to deal primarily with salvation. However, there is a lot of material here (over 100 doctrines) which appears to be accurate. Most of the doctrines are accessible on the right hand side of each page. It is unclear whether these are notes which this person takes or whether he has done these studies himself (he does use a Thieme vocabulary and presents salvation and rebound correctly). There is a bit of Campus Crusade thrown in here as well. I am pretty certain that this is the work of one guy. |
Bible Food |
This site is put together by Bob Jones, retired assistant pastor of Northside Bible Church, Jacksonville Florida. However, I cannot fine this church or its website. Although he is clearly influenced by R. B. Thieme Jr., I do not find any links to any related ministry. He lists over 50 doctrines and the couple I glanced at seemed to be quite accurate. |
Bible News |
Larry Wood’s website. I recommend this with a grain of salt. The homepage has the United States broken up into various tribes of Israel (the same is true of Europe and other continents). I do not quite get that. He also has something about the four horses of the apocalypse running parallel in current world history. His presentation of the gospel and of rebound are accurate; but some of the website is just flat-out weird. |
Bible Training Centre for Pastors |
“Our Mission: To extend non-formal theological training to the world’s untrained pastors and church leaders.” |
brainout's Lord Pages |
“The purpose of these sites for a reader, is abnormal. The sites are to encourage thinking OUT Doctrine, not teach or parrot it. Thinking out, not selling someone that 'my' pastor or 'my' idea of Bible is right; hence the sites are nonsectarian in orientation. Therefore, the sites 'do' a lot of thinking out (which I personally needed anyway). The reader is presumed to already know enough MD to play with the material: like it, lump it, rage at it, smile at it, whatever, before the Lord. [I am having the same reaction to this as you are—huh?—but there are some good things to be found at this website.” |
Brother Bob Kleinschmidt's Sermon Notes |
These are notes on 50–100 different doctrines based upon the R. B. Thieme Jr.’s teachings. |
Camp Tetelestai |
They are looking to build a Christian camp in Greenbrier, Arkansas |
Divine Viewpoint |
Links to many excellent ministries |
Faith Comes by Hearing |
Several versions of the Bible, read aloud. Also a way here for you to add their player to your webpage. |
L. S. Chafer sermons |
13 audio lessons by Chafer |
L. S. Chafer sermons |
25 more audio lessons by Chafer (easy to download) |
Charlie Clough’s Bible Framework Course |
From the site: Rather than reading the Bible through the eyes of modern secularism this provocative six-part course teaches you to read the Bible through its own eyes-as a record of God's dealing with the human race. When you read it at this level, you will discover reasons to worship God in areas of life you probably never before associated with "religion." All lessons can be downloaded or listened to online; and course notes in pdf format can be downloaded from this site. |
Dictionary of Doctrine |
The doctrines came directly from Thieme notes (I could not find this stated anywhere). Some of the lessons are computer-read lessons (word for word from the notes; how the computer pronounces the word happiness is somewhat humorous). There are some normal sermons, but this site is not clearly associated with a church, and I am uncertain about some of them. |
East Texas Bible Conference |
E-Sword |
E-Sword is a free computer Bible. I have used 4 or 5 different computer Bibles, and this is, of those I have used, the best. Drop-down box at website will give many of the modules which are available for e-sword. |
E-Sword |
This is probably the most extensive list of Bibles available for e-sword. |
E-Sword |
Probably the most extensive list of Commentaries available for e-sword. |
E-Sword |
Probably the most extensive list of dictionaries available for e-sword (which includes lexicons). |
E-Sword | |
Module creation for e-sword. |
E-sword |
Another resource for e-sword modules. This is very well-organized but you will need to set up a login account to download these modules. |
Eternal Productions 101 Scientific Facts and Foreknowledge |
This is a Catholic website; however, this is a fairly good list of scientific truths found in the Bible centuries before science discovered them. |
Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia |
The doctrine seems quite sound; although it is unclear whether this is a brick and mortar college. |
Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design | |
Outstanding video on the intricacies of creation, and how several sets of complex systems found within one animal could not have evolved. Links to related videos. |
Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design |
There is a lot here. Each month provides a dozen articles. These articles go back to 1999 (see Article Archives under Get Answers). |
Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design |
Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design |
The Biblical Creation Society |
Faith Facts |
This website is devoted to apologetics and theology. |
The Fisher’s Net |
There are several men named Reeves who have entitled themselves pastors (of various sorts) and there are lessons under Ben Reeves’ name, which seem to be good. This is not a brick and mortar church and I have no idea where these men are located or if they are looking to establish a church. |
Free Bible Studies on the Net |
Sort of a guided study. The biggest problem is, I do not see the spiritual life or rebound explained. The lessons seem reasonable and the linkw, for the most part, are pretty good. |
Get to Know Your Bible |
A [doctrinal] Bible Study Web Site for Children, Teens and College Students |
Glenn’s Christian Blog |
1. Over the last ten years I have slowly but surely found resources on the internet that were not easy to find so I have decided to make some of them available on this blog through links and posts. I would have loved to have found a site like this when I started searching the internet. 2. There are doctrines that I grew up with (I am a what many would call a classic dispensationalist) that are pertinent to things going on in the United States and the world today but very few in mainstream Christianity are discussing them from a perspective that I recognize as being solidly grounded in scripture. This should be a great forum to post these doctrines and give them a bit more visibility. 3. Then, building on item 2, occasionally make applications of these doctrines to current events. |
Glenhaven Youth Ranch |
God’s Letters |
“Author Angeline Grysen has provided the eight (8) Study Guides for Young People, Letter From God book series completely free of charge and downloadable . . .. these will take you on a journey through the entire Bible and are designed to provide young people with the basic Bible information needed to begin to live in God's Plan for their lives!” |
Got Questions |
713,559 Bible Questions Answered (the number changes daily). I found this to be an outstanding source of information. |
Grace Evangelical Society |
Grace Evangelistic Ministries --Moses Onwubiko |
Grace Fellowship Church Children’s Website |
Bible activities, puzzles, color-by-number, etc |
Grace Notes |
“Grace Notes Courses are available as Bible studies leading to the Associate in Bible Teaching diploma.” |
Grace notes has posted a good doctrinal test, so that you can take an inventory of your spiritual understanding: |
Grace Prison Ministries |
This is an evangelical ministry with some teaching; and they provide a transition home for some prisoners reentering society. Keithian L. Starling teaches weekly at 2 Nashville prisons and ministers to prisons in Georgia, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Florida. |
James Brettell |
This will lead you to links of his various websites and his online presence. |
Junto Society |
This appears to be mostly a political and historical website with an intent to teach government. It is a bit difficult to navigate, but there appears to be a lot of material here. Monty Rainey, who wrote much of the material at this site, did apparently learn from R. B. Thieme Jr. The book review section is quite interesting. Rainey and crew do a lot of reading. Although there is a lot of interesting stuff on this site, including some American history information, it does not appear to be updated for the past several years. |
Kids Love God |
“Just like adults, children must learn to live their lives in the PLAN that GOD has created for them! We want you to have fun learning about GOD's PLAN at by SEEING, HEARING and SINGING about some of the things found in GOD's WORD, The Bible!” |
Lifelike Pundits, Christian page | |
What seems to be the case is, Aaron has posted his Thieme notes on Israel in Conflict from 1991. It is likely that he is going through this study right now and posts his notes as he take them. This appears to begin with lesson 200: The main page is a mixture of political commentary and doctrinal notes, posted on most days by what appears to be 3 or more authors. |
Lighthouse Christian Youth Ministry | |
Marilyn & Steve Pomeroy appear to run a Christian camp and some Bible study in their home. This is located in Lighthouse Point, Florida. They list several dozen downloadable documents on their site, all in Microsoft Word format. |
Mark Williamson Ministries |
Many documents and postings. |
Mission Beacon |
These are notes on 50 or so doctrines. These notes are compiled by an anonymous pastor-teacher and whether he composes them himself or takes them from old Thieme sermons is unclear. |
On-Line International School of Practical Ministry |
This appears to be, to some degree, a free online seminary. I had difficulties getting the drop-down menu to work and I could not find my way back to several hundred doctrines which are listed and available for download. That is here: |
Operation Grace World Missions |
PeeWee and Junior Tree of Life |
The Junior Tree of Life is a summary of weekly teachings from prep school classes at Grace Bible Church, written for young believers. |
Prairie Kids |
Rhymes, Coloring pages, Kinder lessons, Games |
PrepAIDE |
Bob Thieme's Teachings on Christian Living |
This is a Th.D dissertation by Joe Layton Wall originally entitled "A Critical Examination of the Teachings by Robert B. Thieme, Jr., on the Christian Life" |
Reverend D. Ray Montgomery |
If you need a little humor in your life. |
Rick Hughes' Ministry |
Rick Hughes radio broadcasts | |
Russ Pickett | |
Russ has obviously received a great deal of teaching from Berachah Church, although I do not see an acknowledgment of this (maybe I missed it?). He has about 300 doctrines and articles, but appears to be confused on dispensations (he believes that we are in the end times). There is also some great stuff on American and Delaware history. |
Scriptureman |
Shreveport Bible Conference |
Special Forces Newsletters |
Read “A Message from Dave” or “Dave’s Message.” There is a link on this page for the current newsletter. Dave is presenting a doctrinal viewpoint in this publication. |
Special Moments with God |
“Bible lessons geared toward younger children. The purpose of this website is to teach children basic information about God's word. My goal is to make learning about the Lord Jesus Christ and God's ways fun and enjoyable by using colorful visual aides and poetry.” |
Sword of the Spirit Ministries |
Robt. Sonnet does a fairly complete breakdown of certain chapters of the New Testament into their Greek components; he even diagrams the sentences. He provides about 300 papers and doctrines online, including some which are intriguing, e.g., Anti-Semitism, Daniel’s 70th Week, Jerusalem, etc. . |
Syndein (Bible notes and translation) |
These are mostly notes from R. B. Thieme’s teaching over the years, including an expanded translation of most books of the Bible. Ken, the guy who took these notes, also made an attempt to provide a translation for the books that Bob did not exegete. Ken is his real name (I don’t know his last name) and his pen name Joshua Sozo; aka Mr. Syndein |
Tekton (an apologetics and education website) |
There are a huge set of links to various articles about apologetics, the Bible, and a variety of topics. Apparently, this is J. P. Holding’s website. |
Television stations |
These are live streaming stations with quite a variety, including Arabic Language Bible Teaching TV, Creation Science TV, etc. |
Theopedia |
This is the theological equivalent of the wikipedia (where they closely monitor the religious topics and limit the number of external links) |
Thieme Bible Ministries |
Vern Seals' Memorial Trust |
Wealth of Doctrine |
This gives you the work of many doctrinal ministries available through a browser right on your own hard drive. |
WebBible Encyclopedia |
I came across the dictionary looking for material on angels. I can vouch for that article at least; and would suppose that other topics are handled well. |
With Christ |
The heart of our modest ministry is personal email correspondence with Christians around the world who are hungry to grow in their spiritual life and service. |
If you want some quick information on this or that person, this or that city, I must admit to being surprised at how helpful this site can be (it will give the information which can be found in several places on the internet). |
Kids Love God Links |
Live God’s Plan Links |
A reasonable biography of R. B. Thieme Jr. |
Another reasonable biography of R. B. Thieme Jr. (it appears to be almost identical to the one above) |
L. S. Chafer’s Satan |
Other L. S. Chafer books online |
L. S. Chafer MP3 lectures |