Bold for doctrines which are not finished; partially bold for those begun but much work still to be done on them:
This tells you which subjects and doctrines I have covered in which books; I am working as quickly as I can to place all of this on the Internet, so if you are looking for something which is not posted yet, please email me.
The Pentateuch |
The Historical Books |
The Writings |
The Prophets |
The Minor Prophets |
Obadiah |
Nahum |
Habakkuk |
Zephaniah |
Haggai |
I have just begun to place doctrines in here with a link to their online location, and I have also begun to list any doctrines, charts or maps found within them as sub-points, so to speak.
Doctrines which I need to place: Omniscience of God (reference. in NIV Joshua 22:22 footnote). The Trinity (covered as perhaps Yehowah in the Trinity in Deut. 5:11). See the Doctrine of the Deity of the Holy Spirit, found in Judges 16:20 for some material. Also, the Doctrine of Grace;
In Judges 4:4, I began to take note of Short Doctrines which are doctrines, generally less than ten points long and placed right in with the text, point-by-point. It appears as though I have, for a reasonably long time (maybe since Joshua), included short topics which are a part of the exegesis.
At some point, I would like to introduce the Doctrine of the Topology of Jerusalem (Psalm 68:16?);
I am thinking that I ought to look at the gospel in the Psalms and the gospel in Isaiah (as well as other books).
Doctrines and Topics to be later Covered
1. Dispensations. God chose Israel to write and preserve His Word (Psalm 99:7). For those who do not believe in dispensations, they ignore completely the Bible that they carry around with them—the one which reads Old Testament and New Testament (Old Covenant and New Covenant). That is the very essence of dispensational thought is an old and new covenant between God and man.
2. Prayer. I should include things, e.g., great prayers, like that of Moses for the people of Israel, or Abraham concerning the land of Sodom and Gomorrah, or Samson at the end of Judges 15, or Manoah’s wife.
Doctrines and Topics Covered in the Book of Genesis
Genesis Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1. Genesis Introduction (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2. Doctrine of Canonicity, Doctrine of Inspiration, Proof the Bible is God’s Word. (Perhaps misplaced?). Gen. Intro
3. JEPD Theory. Not to be covered in detail until the introduction to Exodus. Gen. introduction (Authorship of Genesis)
4. Genesis 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
5. The doctrine of scientific dating methods—not finished yet!! Gen. 1:1
6. The objections of Satan to his punishment. Gen. 1:4
7. The Doctrine of Days—not finished yet!! See Thieme’s Creation, Chaos, and Restoration; p. 16. Referred to again in Judges 5:1. Gen. 1:5
8. Atmosphere and the earth. Gen. 1:6
9. The Trinity in the Old Testament. Gen. 1:26
10. Genesis 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
11. Genesis 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
12. The Doctrine of the Cherubim of God. Gen. 3:24
13. Genesis 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
14. Genesis 5 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
15. Somewhere early on I should give an explanation of what codices are.
16. Genesis 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
17. I ought to include the Doctrine of Mountains (not finished!!)—right here in Genesis 6 (see Psalm 90:2)
18. Genesis 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
19. The flood. (See “Treasuries of Bible Times” p. 38).
20. Babylonian story of the flood? (See “Treasuries of Bible Times” p. 42).
21. Genesis 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
22. Genesis 9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
23. Genesis 10 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
24. The Doctrine of Shinar should be covered in Gen. 10:10.
25. Use the section Nations in ZPEB for Gen. 10.
26. Ebla in Gen. 10? (See “Treasuries of Bible Times” p. 47).
27. Do the city of Erech here (see Joshua 16:2 exegesis). Gen. 10:10
28. Doctrine of the
29. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: ...and the Amorites who lived in those mountains came out and fought you. TheyAmorites—not finished yet!! Mentioned in 1Chron. 1:14. Gen. 10:16. Deut. 20:Bible
30. The Doctrine of the Assyrians. Alluded to in 1Chron. 1:17. Gen. 10:22
31. Make certain to cover the Septuagint’s time with the years listed in the Massoretic text. Gen. 11:10–29
32. Genesis 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
33. I spend nearly 7 hours on this chapter in one day. Gen. 11 Introduction
34. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Genesis 11. Gen. 11 Introduction
35. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Genesis 11. Gen. 11 Introduction
36. Reference to Gen. 10 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 11 Introduction
37. The overall organization; what led to what? Gen. 11 Introduction
38. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Fertile Crescent. Gen. 11:2
39. Shinar. Why the people are in Shinar. Gen. 11:2
40. Language and wild children. No reading materials in the home. Gen. 11:2
41. Technical vocabularies. Gen. 11:2
42. Spiritual growth can be tied, to some degree, to a technical vocabulary. Gen. 11:2
43. The establishment of a vocabulary in the electoriate can affect elections. Drill down; hope and change. Gen. 11:2
44. Liberals teach that Gen. 11 is a myth. Gen. 11:2
45. International movements that God does not like. Gen. 11:2
46. Islam, Christianity and Judaism and how they differ. Gen. 11:2
47. Internationalism is anti-God. Gen. 11:2
48. Metonym. Gen. 11:2
49. Each one said to his neighbor is a key phrase. Gen. 11:3
50. Specialized knowledge; people working together; illustration of the Manhattan Project. Gen. 11:3
51. How a pencil is made. I could not build one. Gen. 11:3
52. It is about 500 years after the flood. Noah is not mentioned. Gen. 11:3
53. Fire is mentioned for the first time here. Gen. 11:3
54. Men had longer lifespans and greater intelligence. Gen. 11:3
55. People wanted all to live together; they knew all of their parents and grandparents going back to Noah. Gen. 11:4
56. Many of the narratives proceed without any sort of moral judgment being given as commentary. Therefore, our understanding of these passages is dependent upon seeking out clues in the text. Gen. 11:4
57. Noah came out of the ark and offered a sacrifice; these men want to glorify themselves. Gen. 11:4
58. Medal of honor recipients ought to have buildings named after them; not politicians. Gen. 11:4
59. Mythology of the flood in nearly every culture. Gen. 11:4
60. How men could be so negative toward God so soon after the flood. Only 4 actual witnesses. Gen. 11:4
61. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is the problem with this tower? Gen. 11:4
62. Why God took on the form of an angel and moved about on earth. Gen. 11:5
63. Rush Limbaugh: history begins for people the day that they are born. Gen. 11:5
64. Human history is a teaching exercise for angels, in the format of an improvised stage play with a cast of billions. Gen. 11:5
65. Anthropopathisms. Gen. 11:5
66. Reference to the Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 11:5
67. Important to note, who is speaking to whom and why. Gen. 11:6
68. When God speaks, the Hebrew is much more difficult; possibly more formal. Gen. 11:6
69. The Tower of Babel a rallying point for mankind. Gen. 11:6
70. Although God changes the language of men, angels can still understand them. Gen. 11:6
71. Fox News panelists often say, look. Gen. 11:6
72. An Italian and a German developed atomic weapons. Gen. 11:6
73. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: R. B. Thieme, Jr. Notes on Genesis 10 and Languages (from Syndein). Gen. 11:7
74. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Tower of Babel (a graphic by R. Crumb). Gen. 11:7
75. One possible way that languages could have been caused to differ. Gen. 11:7
76. Example of the Trinity in the Old Testament. Gen. 11:7
77. There are far fewer miracles in the Bible than we tend to think. Gen. 11:7
78. A lot of things seem miraculous to me: computers, airplanes. Gen. 11:7
79. Calculating the number of people alive at this time. Gen. 11:7
80. Many might speak of the antediluvian world in bedtime stories to their children. Gen. 11:7
81. The confusion of the languages. Gen. 11:8
82. Possibly reasons why the construction was not completed. Gen. 11:8
83. Man was acting in concert against God; communism is a good example of this. Dissent is crushed, as in North Korea. Gen. 11:8
84. Men in large groups tend to veer away from God, like the public school system. Gen. 11:8
85. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 11:8
86. The Hiphil stem. Gen. 11:8
87. The meaning of Babel. Living in a foreign country. Gen. 11:8
88. Babel still testifies to this incident over 4000 years ago. Gen. 11:9
89. If these are allegorical stories, what are they supposed to teach? Gen. 11:9
90. I was taught in school our founding fathers were deists. Gen. 11:9
91. More on the word Babel. Gen. 11:9
92. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Philology from Bible Believers . Org. Gen. 11:9
93. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Special Section: Archaeology, Primitive Man and Evolution. Gen. 11:10
94. Science favors theory and philosophy over truth. Gen. 11:10
95. Lubenow’s book. Gen. 11:10
96. Homo habilis, homo erectus, and homo sapiens do not fit into an order. Gen. 11:10
97. Population growth curves and ancient man. Evolutionary man cannot match up with population growth curves. Gen. 11:10
98. There is a site with every single television show but not one where there is every single human fossil listed. Gen. 11:10
99. Evolutionists agree on one thing only. Gen. 11:10
100. Great opportunity to teach critical thinking and debate skills, but this is not utilized. Gen. 11:10
101. No science book opens up evolution to debate or questions it. Gen. 11:10
102. Example of founding fathers all being deists again. Gen. 11:10
103. Brought up to believe that there should be a dramatic wall between education and religion. Gen. 11:10
104. What if a teacher kept a Bible in the room or posted Bible verses. Gen. 11:10
105. No Bibles could be distributed on religious freedom day in some Florida schools. Other anti-Bible or anti-Christian examples. Gen. 11:10
106. 1844 reading said the New Testament had some of the greatest principles of any book. Gen. 11:10
107. Man’s memory at this time was nearly perfect. Gen. 11:10
108. Memory today; deterioration of the human mind. Gen. 11:10
109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Special Section: Traditional Archaeological Views. Gen. 11:10
110. There is no archeological discovery which takes us back further than 10,000 b.c. Gen. 11:10
111. Walking out of the ark and facing and very uninhabitable world. Gen. 11:10
112. Archeology and the Bible begin to synch up around 5000 b.c. Gen. 11:10
113. Jericho archeological findings. Gen. 11:10
114. Why some skills and knowledge were lost over the years. Gen. 11:10
115. Man, when separating out, did not behave monolithically. Gen. 11:10
116. How ancient man could be polytheistic. Gen. 11:10
117. Rush Limbaugh and when history begins for individuals. Populations grew up never knowing a flood or a rainstorm like Noah saw. They had no reason to believe it happened. Gen. 11:10
118. A college professor told me she only believes in peer-reviewed studies. Also she told me that people bought fast food because it is cheaper. Gen. 11:10
119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Traditional View of the Ages. Gen. 11:10
120. Beginning of city-states and sea-faring peoples. Gen. 11:10
121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Special Section: Archaeological Assumptions, C-14 Dating and Ancient Technology. Gen. 11:10
122. Science has become more dogmatic and more political. Gen. 11:10
123. George W. Bush at war with science. Gen. 11:10
124. Reference to the Sumerian king list. Gen. 11:10
125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Assumptions of Archaeology and Paleontology. Gen. 11:10
126. Carbon dating. Gen. 11:10
127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: C-14 Accuracy. Gen. 11:10
128. Potasium-argon dating. Gen. 11:10
129. Faulty conclusions of archeologists. Gen. 11:10
130. JEPD theory. Gen. 11:10
131. Stratigraphy. Gen. 11:10
132. One can find people today, who appear to come from all kinds of different ages, and have a variety of cultural growth. Gen. 11:10
133. Will Durant on the accuracy of Genesis. Gen. 11:10
134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scientific Achievements of Ancient Hamitic Peoples. Gen. 11:10
135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Types of Genealogies Found in the Bible. Gen. 11:10
136. Reference to Gen. 10 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 11:10
137. Cluster genealogies versus straight-line genealogies. Gen. 11:10
138. The tolodoth of Shem. Gen. 11:11
139. Two kinds of genealogies. Gen. 11:11
140. Time line of liberal theologians. Gen. 11:11
141. Composed can mean committed to memory as well. Gen. 11:11
142. Every writer of Old Testament Scripture appears to know which genealogical lines to follow. Gen. 11:11
143. The missing generation from the Hebrew text. Gen. 11:12
144. The missing generation found in the Greek text but not the Hebrew. Gen. 11:13
145. Reference to Ussher’s chronology. Gen. 11:13
146. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ages of the Patriarchs Chart. Gen. 11:14
147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Abraham is called a Hebrew. Gen. 11:14
148. Peleg. Gen. 11:16
149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Explaining the Age Decline. Gen. 11:23
150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Longevity Decline of Patriarchs (Chart). Gen. 11:23
151. Logarithmic and exponential curves. Gen. 11:23
152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: When did the flood occur? Gen. 11:25
153. Reference to World Population Growth (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 11:25
154. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Biblical Chronology of Genesis 11. Gen. 11:25
155. Overlap of the lives of the patriarchs. Gen. 11:25
156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Special Section: Ancient Biblical Texts. Gen. 11:25
157. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ancient Manuscripts of the Bible. Gen. 11:25
158. The Masoretic Text (the Hebrew text)The Targums (the Aramaic text) The Septuagint (the Greek Text and abbreviated LXX)The Aramaic (Syriac) Text The Latin Text (called the Latin Vulgate). Gen. 11:25
159. Which patriarchs were alive when. Gen. 11:25
160. Which patriarchs witnessed which events. Gen. 11:25
161. The power of faith illustrated with politics and liberal thinking. Gen. 11:25
162. The more faith one has in God and the Bible, often the less faith a person has in man and government. Gen. 11:25
163. Faith and other illustrations of it. Gen. 11:25
164. Having faith is a choice. Gen. 11:25
165. People testify that they would believe in God if He just spoke to them. Gen. 11:25
166. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, and many rejected Him. Gen. 11:25
167. The patriarchs help to explain ancestor worship. Gen. 11:25
168. History is revised and distorted all of the time. Gen. 11:25
169. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The American English Bible Explains Genesis 11:26. Gen. 11:26
170. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Meaning of the Names in Abram's Line. Gen. 11:26
171. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Special Section: Population Growth; Abram's Line. Gen. 11:26
172. JEPD theory. Gen. 11:26
173. This illustrates how Satan works. Gen. 11:26
174. Will Durant on ancient cultures and their literacy. Gen. 11:26
175. No population growth curve lines up with man being 1 million years old. Gen. 11:26
176. Illustration of a cake mix. The golf illustration. Gen. 11:26
177. Dealing with this as a teacher. Gen. 11:26
178. How evolutionists deal with population growth curves. Gen. 11:26
179. Layers of the earth; stratification. Gen. 11:26
180. The Fallacy of Theoreticus Maximus. Gen. 11:26
181. Evolution is a good place to study the concept of faith. Gen. 11:26
182. The uniqueness of this time period. Gen. 11:27
183. Terah, Abram, Nahor and Haran made some of the most consequential decisions of their time, and none of them ruled as a king; none of them were politicians; none of them were seemingly men of note. Gen. 11:27
184. Haran dying was probably the impetus to cause Terah to move towards Canaan. Gen. 11:28
185. The location of Ur is still disputed. Gen. 11:28
186. What archeology has uncovered with respect to this. Gen. 11:28
187. What these people had included hymnals and mathematical tables. Gen. 11:28
188. Reference to the Genealogy of Jesus Christ. Gen. 11:28
189. Ur of the Chaldees; more archeological information. Gen. 11:28
190. The kinds of homes discovered. Looks like I repeated myself? Gen. 11:28
191. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Transitional Point in the Book of Genesis. Gen. 11:28
192. Sarai might mean contentious, bitchy. Gen. 11:29
193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Genealogies of Genesis (chart). Gen. 11:29
194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Meanings of the Names of Abram, Sarai, Nahor and Milcah. Gen. 11:30
195. Going toward the land of Canaan. Gen. 11:31
196. The difference between Haran, the brother of Abram who died; and Haran, where Terah and Abram moved to. Gen. 11:31
197. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Haran. Gen. 11:31
198. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of Abraham's Journey. Gen. 11:31
199. The similarity of the names of Haran and Charan. Gen. 11:31
200. Charan. Gen. 11:31
201. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Two Calls to Abram. Gen. 11:32
202. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Exponential Decay Curve. Gen. 11:32
203. The lifespans of man decreased exponentially. Gen. 11:32
204. God concerns Himself with a particular family line. Gen. 11:32
205. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 11 Addendum
206. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 11. Gen. 11 Addendum
207. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Genesis 11. Gen. 11 Addendum
208. Genesis 12 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Genesis 12. Genesis 12 Introduction
210. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Genesis 12. Genesis 12 Introduction
211. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abrahamic Timeline. Genesis 12 Introduction
212. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Genesis 12. Genesis 12 Introduction
213. The people with whom God has spoken. The idea of God speaking to anyone today. Genesis 12:1
214. How many times did Abram speak with God about moving to Canaan? Genesis 12:1
215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of Abram's Journeys. Genesis 12:1
216. Abram’s half-obedience. Genesis 12:1
217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: When Did Terah and His Family Move to Haran? When Did Abram Move to Canaan? Genesis 12:1
218. There is no nation like Israel on this earth. Genesis 12:2
219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How God Would Bless Abram. Genesis 12:2
220. Abraham is claimed by several different religions. Genesis 12:2
221. How Abram’s name has been made great in history. Genesis 12:2
222. Mention of the Abrahamic Covenant. Genesis 12:2
223. Near-fulfillment, far-fulfillment of a promise or prophecy. Genesis 12:3
224. Example of being cursed by God—living in the Arab world. Genesis 12:3
225. The precarious position of the United States. Genesis 12:3
226. The potential of Arabic nations contrasted with the actual Genesis 12:3
227. The example of Spain as a country which went from blessing to cursing. Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition. Genesis 12:3
228. The Suzerain-vassal treaty. Genesis 12:3
229. Reference to Gen. 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Genesis 12:3
230. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abrahamic Covenant—Gen. 12:2–3. Genesis 12:3
231. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "I will Bless Those who Bless you; and I will Curse Those who Curse you." Examples from ancient and modern history. Genesis 12:3
232. Nations and peoples who have disappeared from history. Genesis 12:3
233. Jewish integrating into a country. Genesis 12:3
234. Reference to the doctrine of Dispensations (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Genesis 12:3
235. Antisemitic attacks in the U.S. versus anti-Muslim attacks. Genesis 12:3
236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Should Abram have taken Lot with Him? Genesis 12:4
237. Abraham and his family were quite successful in Haran. Genesis 12:5
238. Reference to the Doctrine of Slavery (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Genesis 12:5
239. Reference to the Doctrine of Wealthy Men in the Bible (which reference include McEwan's Doctrine of Wealth) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Genesis 12:5
240. Scofield says the time Abram spent in Charan were wasted. Genesis 12:5
241. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Route that Abram took. Genesis 12:6
242. Theory on the oak of Moreh. Genesis 12:6
243. The number of Canaanites on earth at this time. Genesis 12:6
244. Missing generations in the line of Shem? Genesis 12:6
245. The appearance of God in the Old Testament. Genesis 12:7
246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Theophanies. Genesis 12:7
247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Theophanies. Genesis 12:7
248. More on theophanies. Genesis 12:7
249. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Categories of Passages with a Double Meaning. Genesis 12:7
250. The giving of the land illustrates positional truth. Genesis 12:7
251. Genesis is the book of beginnings. Genesis 12:7
252. Abram’s spiritual maturity; Sarai’s interaction with him on spiritual decisions. Genesis 12:7
253. Abram does not have to be told to build an altar. Genesis 12:7
254. The subtlety of the Bible. Animal sacrifices. Genesis 12:7
255. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of Central Canaan. Genesis 12:8
256. Abraham’s travels throughout Canaan. Genesis 12:8
257. That which is central to the Christian message. Genesis 12:8
258. Why Abram is traveling through the Land of Promise. Genesis 12:9
259. Famine, the depression, how most Americans do not understand the great want of the depression. Living off one’s principal rather than upon interest. Genesis 12:10
260. Abram going to Egypt; the will of God. Taking the will of God to an extreme. Genesis 12:10
261. The subtlety of Scripture. Genesis 12:10
262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of the Will of God. Genesis 12:10
263. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Abram and the Geographic Will of God. Genesis 12:10
264. Being out of the geographical will of God causes people to do some wrong things. Example of the former drug taker. A man’s got to know his limitations. Genesis 12:10
265. Abram’s assumptions about the heathen Egyptians. Genesis 12:12
266. Abram does not believe or is unable to apply the promises made by God to him. Genesis 12:13
267. Abram is more concerned about his own skin than losing Sarai. Genesis 12:13
268. What if the Egyptians have some integrity and what if they don’t? Genesis 12:13
269. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Abram's Half-Lie about Sarai. Genesis 12:13
270. The key to Abram’s scheme. Genesis 12:13
271. It is legitimate to lie to your enemy in warfare; it is not legitimate to lie to a host country. Genesis 12:13
272. The key to the Bible is not morality but a relationship to God through Jesus Christ. Genesis 12:13
273. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Faith-Rest. Genesis 12:13
274. Abram’s prejudgment of the Egyptians. Genesis 12:13
275. References to The laws of divine establishment and the Doctrine of Morality. Genesis 12:13
276. Establishment laws. Genesis 12:13
277. Freedom illustrated with a teenager. Genesis 12:13
278. Freedom and the United States. Genesis 12:13
279. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Goals of Communism in America. Genesis 12:13
280. Sarai’s age. Genesis 12:14
281. Example of where the Bible does not use a play on words. Genesis 12:15
282. Abram’s complete lack of trust in God’s Word. Genesis 12:16
283. One reason that we know Abram is rich. Genesis 12:16
284. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Laws of Divine Establishment. Sub-sections: The 5 divine institutions, Attacks against the 5 divine institutions, The Ten Commandments, The Purpose of the Laws of Divine Establishment, Countries Which Reject the Laws of Divine Establishment, The Separation of Church and State, An Example of Illegitimate Authority, Establishment and Morality, The Component Parts of the Laws of Divine Establishment in a Nation, Unregenerate Man and the Laws of Divine Establishment. Genesis 12:16
285. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment. (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 12:16
286. An example of a play on words in the Bible which is quite serious. Genesis 12:17
287. Disaster striking the Pharaoh’s household. Genesis 12:17
288. Satan’s possible involvement. Genesis 12:17
289. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parallels to the Exodus. Genesis 12:17
290. The human author says one thing; the Divine Author another. Genesis 12:17
291. Foreshadowing in a movie or in a book; compared to foreshadowing in the Bible. Genesis 12:17
292. Melchizedek and possibly what he hands off to Abram. Genesis 12:17
293. Difference between this pharaoh and the one of the exodus. Genesis 12:17
294. Ditto for the people of Canaan. Genesis 12:17
295. God takes Abram’s lie and turns it into a witness for the truth. Genesis 12:18
296. The parallel situation with Jonah. Genesis 12:19
297. The pharaoh has a higher moral caliber than Abram. Genesis 12:19
298. Pharaoh does not appear to take back any of his dowry gifts to Abram. Genesis 12:20
299. It is very possible that this pharaoh is saved. Genesis 12:20
300. Summary of Gen. 12:10–20. How personally embarrassed Abram was before pharaoh. Genesis 12 Addendum
301. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Genesis 12 Addendum
302. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 12. Genesis 12 Addendum
303. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Genesis 12. Genesis 12 Addendum
304. I need to have the doctrine of the covenant to Abraham around Gen. 12
305. Links to the Doctrine of Slavery (2nd one). Gen. 12:4–5
306. Do the doctrine of Shechem in Gen. 12:6.
307. The Doctrine of Theophanies; this needs to include Scofield’s short dissertation on theophanies. Gen. 12:6
308. Links to the Doctrine of Theophanies. Gen. 12:6
309. Genesis 13 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
310. Definitions for Gloss, Laws of Divine Establishment, Pivot, and Rebound (Restoration to fellowship with God). Gen. 13 Introduction
311. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Genesis 13. Gen. 13 Introduction
312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Genesis 13. Gen. 13 Introduction
313. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abrahamic Timeline for Genesis 13. Gen. 13 Introduction
314. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Genesis 13. Gen. 13 Introduction
315. The Jews interact with Egypt. Gen. 13:1
316. Despite his mistakes, Abram is quite wealthy. Gen. 13:2
317. The source of Abram’s precious metals. Gen. 13:2
318. Abram and God’s geographical will. Gen. 13:2
319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Southern Israel. Gen. 13:2
320. King David’s failures more spectacular; but he comes out of them still blessed by God. Gen. 13:2
321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The City of Bethel. Gen. 13:3
322. Reference to the Doctrine of Bethel (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 13:3
323. Abram recognizes his wasted time and he attempts to reconnect with God. Gen. 13:4
324. Getting back to the fundamentals of doctrine. Gen. 13:4
325. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 13:4
326. What is means to call upon the name of God. Gen. 13:4
327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How the Altar Proclaims the Essence or Character of Jehovah. Gen. 13:4
328. Rebound. Gen. 13:4
329. Being a literalist; but not all parts of the Bible may be taken literally. Examples of figures of speech. Gen. 13:4
330. The definition of inspiration of Scripture. Gen. 13:4
331. The Bible is the word of man and the word of God. Gen. 13:4
332. Reference to Richard Salt’s webpage called Virtual Salt; where he lists about 60 rhetorical devices on this page Gen. 13:4
333. Reference to a chiasmos (χ) format (Lesson #80). Gen. 13:4
334. A metonym. Gen. 13:4
335. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Examples of Figures of Speech in the Bible. Gen. 13:4
336. Abram recognizes his misstep and goes back to where he was before. Gen. 13:5
337. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Blessing by Association. Gen. 13:5
338. Abram was blessed despite his failures. Gen. 13:5
339. Example of the blessing of Houston and Texas with Berachah Church and R. B. Thieme, Jr. Gen. 13:5
340. Growing or mature believers ought to be able to enumerate and appreciate their many blessings. Gen. 13:5
341. What blessing is not. Gen. 13:5
342. God has blessed Abram directly and Lot indirectly because he is associated with Abram. Gen. 13:6
343. During a famine, Abram and Lot have too many possessions. Gen. 13:6
344. The answer to a believer’s prayer during a disaster. Gen. 13:6
345. Disaster sometimes moves you from point A to point B. Gen. 13:6
346. Some people think that the solution to their troubles in life is money. Gen. 13:6
347. Oprah Winfrey example of wanting to improve the education of kids with money. Gen. 13:6
348. God removes Lot by giving Lot and Abram too much blessing. Gen. 13:7
349. The Perizzites. Gen. 13:7
350. One of the problems of wealth. Gen. 13:7
351. Abram interacts well with the Philistines and the Hittites. Gen. 13:7
352. The false concept of separation. Gen. 13:8
353. Abram should have separated from Lot in Charan. Gen. 13:9
354. There is a time to separate from other believers. Gen. 13:9
355. Abram’s graciousness in separating from Lot. Gen. 13:9
356. 2 reasons why Abram must separate from Lot. Gen. 13:9
357. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Robby Dean's Appended Doctrine of Separation. Gen. 13:9
358. Abram is not separating from Lot by a recent mandate of God’s. Gen. 13:9
359. Abram is not writing Lot off. There is no animus in this separation. Gen. 13:9
360. The separation of the two companies of Abram and Lot. Gen. 13:9
361. Lot is blessed only in his relationship with Abram. Gen. 13:10
362. Lot’s description of the land around Sodom is poetic and elliptical. Gen. 13:10
363. Josephus describes the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 13:10
364. 2013 Supreme Court decision about prop 8 in California and gay marriage. Gen. 13:10
365. Reference to Gen. 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 13:10
366. WWI and WWII; antisemitism, communism. Judgement of AIDS and 9/11. Gen. 13:10
367. Not enough young people in our churches. Gen. 13:10
368. The blessing of the Billy Graham and R. B. Thieme, Jr. years. Gen. 13:10
369. Lot operates only on human viewpoint. He will not get the blessings from God. Gen. 13:10
370. The writer of this passage is giving us Lot’s viewpoint. Gen. 13:10
371. The beauty of Egypt back then. Gen. 13:10
372. The judgment of Egypt today. Gen. 13:10
373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Explaining "When you enter Zoar." Gen. 13:10
374. Archeologists have testified as to people living in the Sodom area before. Gen. 13:10
375. The gloss of Gen. 13:10. Gen. 13:10
376. The spiritual handoff of Melchizedek to Abram. Gen. 13:10
377. There was writing before the time of Abram. Moses and the oral tradition. Gen. 13:10
378. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Problems and Possibilities of Lot's Movement. Gen. 13:11
379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A map of the Dead Sea and southern Israel. Gen. 13:11
380. The possible changes of topology. Gen. 13:11
381. Southern Israel was not all desert. Gen. 13:11
382. The location of Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 13:11
383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Relief Map of the Land of Promise. Gen. 13:11
384. If you think you ought to be the CEO of your company. Gen. 13:11
385. Example of Barack Obama eyeing George Bush’s job. Gen. 13:11
386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Logistical Grace (Revised). Gen. 13:11
387. What blessing by association takes in. Gen. 13:11
388. Chinese Christians; Christians in the United States. Gen. 13:11
389. The Middle East and fledgling democracies. Gen. 13:11
390. Cleansing of a nation. Gen. 13:11
391. Why we separate. Gen. 13:11
392. Lot has been raised around believers and takes it for granted. Gen. 13:12
393. The directions in which Abram and Lot moved. Gen. 13:12
394. Location of Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 13:12
395. A little on sin and evil. Gen. 13:13
396. Calling homosexual acts wrong is not judging. Gen. 13:13
397. Significance of Bethel and Ai. Gen. 13:13
398. How far a person can see depends on their elevation. Gen. 13:15
399. What separation from Lot is about. Gen. 13:15
400. Practical separation examples. Gen. 13:15
401. Most churches teach the laws of divine establishment and how to be nice. Gen. 13:15
402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Spiritual Life Parlays Spiritual Growth to Eternal Impact. Gen. 13:15
403. Why God repeats information to Abram. Gen. 13:15
404. Progressive revelation and Abram. Gen. 13:15
405. References to the Hypostatic Union (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Essence of God and the Angelic Conflict. Gen. 13:15
406. Why God gives Abram a promise he does not fully understand. Gen. 13:15
407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: E-Sword Map of Old Testament Events. Gen. 13:15
408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Davidic Kingdom. Gen. 13:15
409. Being a true descendant of Abram. Gen. 13:15
410. Abram is the pattern for believers. Gen. 13:16
411. What is means to be a seed of Abram. Gen. 13:16
412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Abraham's Children. Gen. 13:16
413. Abraham speaks in hyperbole. Gen. 13:16
414. What must be true in order for God’s promises to Abram to be fulfilled. Gen. 13:16
415. The vicious attack on a Jewish family by Palestinians, and how it was celebrated. Gen. 13:16
416. Why Satan wants to remove Jews from the earth. Gen. 13:16
417. The number of terrorist attacks throughout the world since 9/11. Gen. 13:16
418. How antisemitism and conspiracy theorists ruined the conservative movement in the United States. Gen. 13:16
419. Country club Republicans versus Sam’s Club Republicans. Gen. 13:16
420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Antisemitism. Gen. 13:16
421. God begins a new dispensation with Abram. Gen. 13:17
422. God builds doctrine upon doctrine for Abram just as He does with us. Gen. 13:17
423. Abram’s categories of offspring. Gen. 13:17
424. The 3 dispensations that we are most familiar with. Gen. 13:17
425. Age of the Gentiles, Age of the Jews; the 3 parts of the Jewish Age. Gen. 13:17
426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Dispensations, an Overview. Gen. 13:17
427. The Age of the Hypostatic Union and its relationship to the other dispensations. Gen. 13:17
428. Brief summary of the 3 dispensations that we are most familiar with. Gen. 13:17
429. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Three Dispensations Summarized. Gen. 13:17
430. Abram founds a new race based upon regeneration. Gen. 13:17
431. Abram is called out from his family, thus distinguishing him from his family. Gen. 13:17
432. Jesus as the basis for salvation in any dispensation. Gen. 13:17
433. Jesus in the Hypostatic Union; the power of the Holy Spirit. Gen. 13:17
434. Example of omnipotence. Gen. 13:17
435. Jesus, even having Deity and a legion of angels to call upon, depended upon the same spiritual assets which we have in the Christian life. Gen. 13:17
436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Importance of Bible Doctrine. Gen. 13:17
437. The promise of political independence. Gen. 13:17
438. The key to the difference between blessing and cursing. Gen. 13:17
439. The 1st advent and the 2nd advent. Gen. 13:17
440. Jesus Christ as the focal point and the fulfillment of all things in the Age of the Hypostatic Union. Gen. 13:17
441. The Church Age and nation Israel. Gen. 13:17
442. Two stages of the Church Age. Gen. 13:17
443. Jesus’ signs and wonders in the 1st advent. Gen. 13:17
444. Why Jesus healed. Gen. 13:17
445. John the Baptizer was confused by Jesus’ 1st advent. Gen. 13:17
446. The 1st and 2nd advents taught as one advent in the Old Testament. Gen. 13:17
447. Jesus speaks of a partial fulfillment of Isa. 61:1–2. Gen. 13:17
448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Advents of Jesus Christ within the Dispensations. Gen. 13:17
449. Reference to the Doctrine of Dispensations (HTML) (PDF) and the Doctrine of Intercalation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 13:17
450. The disciples had the credit card of working signs and wonders; and how these gifts faded. Gen. 13:17
451. The power of the Word of God over miracles; the power of Billy Graham. Gen. 13:17
452. Gary Horton as an evangelist in a school. Gen. 13:17
453. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: American Heritage Insert. Gen. 13:17
454. During the Age of Israel, evangelism was related to nation Israel. However, in the Church Age, there is a separation from church and state. Violation of this includes the Catholic Church. Gen. 13:17
455. The United States had a good balance between church and state for 200 years. Gen. 13:17
456. When U.S. courts ruled on church and state, they became lawmakers for the United States. Gen. 13:17
457. The wall of separation between church and state. Gen. 13:17
458. Semantics, liberalism and the courts. Gen. 13:17
459. The evil Warren court; the country gets the government it deserves. Gen. 13:17
460. Restricting religious expression has led to a very confused state of affairs. Banning the Ten Commandments on court walls, when Moses is on the Supreme Court building. Christians, Jews and Muslims accept the Ten Commandments. Gen. 13:17
461. The power lust of the Warren court. Gen. 13:17
462. The Warren court used the first amendment to restrict speech. Gen. 13:17
463. FDR recognized publically that the United States is where the Word of God is taught. Gen. 13:17
464. The church universal versus local churches. Gen. 13:17
465. The founding fathers often quoted from the Bible to support their positions. Gen. 13:17
466. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: By the PRESIDENT of the United States Of America A PROCLAMATION. Gen. 13:17
467. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Quotations from our Founding Documents. Gen. 13:17
468. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Public and Private Quotations from our Founding Fathers. Gen. 13:17
469. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Preambles of State Constitutions. Gen. 13:17
470. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Early U.S. Education. Gen. 13:17
471. Founding fathers continually spoke of the Bible and of God. Gen. 13:17
472. Our founders were not deists, as history courses have inaccurately taught. Gen. 13:17
473. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Communist Goals. Gen. 13:17
474. Dispensations, intercalation, advents of Jesus Christ. Gen. 13:17
475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Sands of Time (lyrics). Gen. 13:18
476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Altars Built by Abram. Gen. 13:18
477. Abram erecting an altar was like planting a flag. Gen. 13:18
478. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Planting the Flag at Iwo Jima (graphic). Gen. 13:18
479. Planting a flag after victory over an area. Gen. 13:18
480. Information on the city of Shechem. Gen. 13:18
481. Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim, and the blessings and cursings spoken from there. Gen. 13:18
482. The Oaks of Mamre and Hebron in the history of Israel. Gen. 13:18
483. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: We Learn from Genesis 13. Gen. 13 addendum
484. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 13 Addendum
485. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 13. Gen. 13 Addendum
486. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Genesis 13. Gen. 13 Addendum
487. Genesis 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
488. Abram appears to be the writer or recounter of Gen. 11–24. Gen. 14 Introduction
489. Abram’s crew and his intelligence outfit. Gen. 14 Introduction
490. The kings mentioned were probably kings of city-states. Gen. 14 Introduction
491. Reference to Gen. 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 14 Introduction
492. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the JEPD Theory (also known as Documentary Hypothesis). Gen. 14 Introduction
493. Why the JEPD theory is bunk. Gen. 14 Introduction
494. How does this chapter apply to you? Gen. 14 Introduction
495. Why the United States might be headed for a collapse. Gen. 14 Introduction
496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Genesis 14. Gen. 14 Introduction
497. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Genesis 14. Gen. 14 Introduction
498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abrahamic Timeline for Genesis 14. Gen. 14 Introduction
499. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Genesis 14. Gen. 14 Introduction
500. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Genesis 14—A Preview. Gen. 14 Introduction
501. Every believers faces problems. Gen. 14 Introduction
502. Shinar; some think that Amraphel is Hammurabi. Gen. 14:1
503. The use of Goiim in this chapter. Gen. 14:1
504. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of the 4 Kings of the Eastern Alliance. Gen. 14:1
505. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the 4 Kings. Gen. 14:1
506. Men often reject the Bible’s history if there is not corroborating evidence. Gen. 14:1
507. The objectivity of Biblical history compared to the objectivity of secular history. Gen. 14:1
508. Will Durant quote on accuracy of Genesis. Gen. 14:1
509. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The World of the Old Testament (map). Gen. 14:1
510. Possible differences in the Salt Sea in that era. Gen. 14:2
511. Zoar. Gen. 14:2
512. A gloss. Gen. 14:2
513. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 14:2
514. The conquering of these 5 city-states. Gen. 14:3
515. Paying tribute; setting up a Suzerain-Vassal treaty. Gen. 14:4
516. Revolution is not necessarily a good thing; standing up to the British Empire was not necessarily a good thing. Imposition of humility upon a people. This can be warning from God. Gen. 14:4
517. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A stele from the Tophet in Carthage (today Tunisia) (graphic). Gen. 14:5
518. Ashtoreth, Astarte. Ancient symbols. Gen. 14:5
519. Shaveh Kiriathaim and the Emim. Gen. 14:5
520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Horites/Hivites. Gen. 14:6
521. Wilderness was a word that did not necessarily refer to desert, at first, but uninhabited area. Gen. 14:6
522. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Route of the Kings of the East (map). Gen. 14:6
523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Route of the Kings of the East (map). Gen. 14:7
524. The movement of the 4 eastern kings. Gen. 14:7
525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Strategy and Tactics of the Kings of the East. Gen. 14:7
526. “Kadesh” in another gloss. Gen. 14:7
527. Transitive property of inequality. Applying this to us today. Gen. 14:7
528. Mordecai Ham converted Billy Graham. Gen. 14:7
529. This war with the eastern kings was inevitable. Gen. 14:8
530. How the armies of the east and the west match up; advantages and disadvantages. Gen. 14:8
531. The motivation of Chedorlaomer’s allies; and how this relates to us today. Gen. 14:9
532. To protect your country, you need a well-armed, well-motivated army. Gen. 14:9
533. Why the historicity of Gen. 14 has been questioned. Gen. 14:10
534. Oil pollution now and in the ancient world. Gen. 14:10
535. The poorly trained western army; their own land is used against them. Gen. 14:10
536. The tactics of this battle between the eastern and western armies. Gen. 14:10
537. Chedorlaomer originally did not bleed the western cities dry. Gen. 14:11
538. Being a protectorate is not necessarily a bad thing. Gen. 14:11
539. Imperialism, the United States and Great Britain. Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. Gen. 14:11
540. The false charges of racism in the United States. Gen. 14:11
541. The Salt Sea; the changes over the centuries. Gen. 14:12
542. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Word "Hebrew". Gen. 14:13
543. Reference to Gen. 23 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 14:13
544. Abram was a very wealthy man and there were many wealthy men in the Bible. Gen. 14:13
545. Reference to Wealthy Men of the Bible (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 14:13
546. Abram’s wealth; why he had arms. His advantage against the kings of the east. Gen. 14:13
547. The motivation of a wife and children. Gen. 14:13
548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Delving into Rûwq. Gen. 14:14
549. The problem of Dan. Gen. 14:14
550. Abram’s weaponry and army. Gen. 14:14
551. Abram is not under attack; he is on the offensive. Gen. 14:14
552. Abram’s strategy and tactics. Gen. 14:15
553. The Bible is a military-friendly book. Gen. 14:15
554. Mobs do not think; neither do retreating armies. Gen. 14:15
555. How Abram’s victory changes history. Gen. 14:15
556. The results of this victory. Gen. 14:15
557. The people of Sodom should have learned from this attack. Gen. 14:16
558. Abram’s strategy and tactics. Gen. 14:16
559. Strategy and tactics in the Bible. Gen. 14:16
560. General George Patton on pulpit killers (a quote). Gen. 14:16
561. The kings of the east would not have known about Abram; the people of the west would have known about him and his God. Gen. 14:17
562. Sun Tzu “Know your enemy.” Gen. 14:17
563. This is why we have intelligence. Gen. 14:17
564. The Valley of the King is where Abram will meet Melchizedek and the King of Sodom. Gen. 14:17
565. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Melchizedek Special. Gen. 14:18
566. McGee on how Melchizedek foreshadows our Lord. Gen. 14:18
567. The bread and wine. Gen. 14:18
568. Salem means peace. Gen. 14:18
569. First mention of the word priest. Gen. 14:18
570. Types of Christ in the Old Testament. Gen. 14:18
571. Recommendation of Josh McDowell’s books. Gen. 14:18
572. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Melchizedek is a real person; he is not a Theophany. Gen. 14:18
573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Melchizedek Blesses Abraham (a graphic). Gen. 14:18
574. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jesus Claimed to be God—a Logical Approach. Gen. 14:18
575. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Melchizedek is the Type; Jesus Christ is the Antitype. Gen. 14:18
576. Priesthood in the Age of the Gentiles. Gen. 14:18
577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Melchizedek in Psalm 110. Gen. 14:18
578. Reference to the Doctrine of Intercalation (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 14:18
579. Reference to Psalm 110 is found here (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 14:18
580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Melchizedek in the New Testament. Gen. 14:18
581. The priesthood in the Age of the Gentiles. Gen. 14:18
582. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Post-Diluvian Heathenism. Gen. 14:18
583. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Priesthoods of God. Gen. 14:18
584. Melchizedek is not Shem. Gen. 14:18
585. The spiritual handoff; when Melchizedek may have given the Scriptures to Abram. Gen. 14:18
586. The rationale for Abram getting the Scriptures from Melchizedek. Gen. 14:18
587. Man blessing man; and man blessing God. Gen. 14:19
588. Careful in the use of the word Redeemer. Gen. 14:19
589. The foreshadowing of a good novel. Gen. 14:19
590. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Redemption. Gen. 14:19
591. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Illustration of the Slave Market of Sin. Gen. 14:19
592. How interrelated the Word of God is. Gen. 14:19
593. Progressive revelation. Gen. 14:19
594. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Seeds of Genesis in the first 14 Chapters. Gen. 14:19
595. Story arc and foreshadowing. Gen. 14:19
596. The concept of progressive revelation with an excellent definition. Gen. 14:19
597. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Progressive Revelation. Gen. 14:19
598. Progressive revelation is also personal. Gen. 14:19
599. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Tithing. Gen. 14:20
600. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Modern Applications of Tithing. Gen. 14:20
601. Explaining the rich young ruler, whom Jesus tells to sell everything. Gen. 14:20
602. What it means to bless God. Gen. 14:20
603. The Age of the Gentiles and the priesthood then. Gen. 14:20
604. True leadership; illustrations of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. Changing of one’s mind. Gen. 14:21
605. Payment for protection. Gen. 14:21
606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Stages of National Discipline insert. Gen. 14:21
607. Seeds of the stages of national discipline. Gen. 14:21
608. The king of Sodom might be too nice of a guy. Gen. 14:21
609. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Contents of Abram's Spiritual Victory. Gen. 14:23
610. Abram does not require the same spiritual values from his allies. Gen. 14:23
611. Some nations loathed farming and liked attacking their enemies more. Gen. 14:24
612. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the British Empire. Gen. 14:24
613. Enjoying the spoils of victory. Gen. 14:24
614. Imperialism by an honorable country is a good thing. Propaganda against imperialism. Gen. 14:24
615. Gandhi. Gen. 14:24
616. R. B. Thieme, Jr. and South Africa and Rhodesia. Gen. 14:24
617. How the Soviets and how the United States divided up the world at the end of WWII. Gen. 14:24
618. The United States and Japan. Gen. 14:24
619. The United States in Iraq and Afghanistan. George W. Bush. Gen. 14:24
620. False views of imperialism. Call the United States an imperialistic nation is lying propaganda. Gen. 14:24
621. Having a right to do something does not mean you go ahead and do it. Gen. 14:24
622. Proper thinking and current events of 2011. Gen. 14:24
623. Abram does not force others to live by his standards. Gen. 14:24
624. Application of this to “free healthcare.” Gen. 14:24
625. Application of raising taxes; phoniness of Warren Buffet. Gen. 14:24
626. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Retrospective of Genesis 14. Gen. 14 Addendum
627. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Genesis 14. Gen. 14 Addendum
628. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 14 Addendum
629. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 14. Gen. 14 Addendum
630. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Genesis 14. Gen. 14 Addendum
631. The Doctrine of the Word Gôwy—not finished yet!! Cross referenced in Joshua 12:23. Gen. 14:1
632. The Doctrine of the Hivites/Horites—more or less finished! (see NIV Study Bible). Alluded to in Joshua 9:8 1Chron. 1:38. Gen. 14:6
633. The Doctrine of the Name Hebrew. Gen. 14:13 (cross referenced inmeanwhi 1Sam. 4:6)
634. Genesis 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
635. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Introduction and Overview of the Patriarchs (College Press). Gen. 15 Introduction
636. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Genesis 15. Gen. 15 Introduction
637. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Genesis 15. Gen. 15 Introduction
638. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abrahamic Timeline for Genesis 15. Gen. 15 Introduction
639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Genesis 15. Gen. 15 Introduction
640. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genesis 15:1 Graphic. Gen. 15:1
641. Reference to the Doctrine of Redemption and the Slave Market of Sin Illustration to come out of that chapter, as well as the seeds to the Stages of National Discipline, all found within Gen. 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 15:1
642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translations that Reveal Abram's Reticence to Believe. Gen. 15:2
643. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Refuting the Claims of the American English Bible Regarding Abram's Children. Gen. 15:2
644. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Abram Looking at the Stars (a graphic). Gen. 15:5
645. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Large Numbers and Abram. Gen. 15:5
646. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genesis 15:6 Graphic. Gen. 15:6
647. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genesis 15:6 in the New Testament. Gen. 15:6
648. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Illustration from Genesis 15 by James Padgett. Gen. 15:9
649. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A deep sleep fell upon Abram and a horror seizes him by Gerard Hoet 1728 (a graphic). Gen. 15:12
650. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The AEB on Why Much of the Popular Bible Chronology is Wrong! Gen. 15:13
651. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 15:14
652. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Shalom (a graphic). Gen. 15:15
653. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Do the Numbers Make Sense? Gen. 15:16
654. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Example of Four-Generation Degeneracy. Gen. 15:16
655. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Speaking to Abram (a graphic). Gen. 15:16
656. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genesis 15:17 Graphic. Gen. 15:17
657. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Expositors Cover the Hittites. Gen. 15:20
658. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "Lucky Guesses" found in Genesis (thus far). Gen. 15 Addendum
659. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is Incontrovertible about the History of the Bible. Gen. 15 Addendum
660. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Genesis 15. Gen. 15 Addendum
661. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 15 Addendum
662. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 15. Gen. 15 Addendum
663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Genesis 15. Gen. 15 Addendum
664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 15. Gen. 15 Addendum
665. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 15. Gen. 15 Addendum
666. The Kenite, Kenizzite, Kadmonite, Perizzite and the Rephaim covered briefly here. Gen. 15:20
667. The Doctrine of the Hittites (NOT finished yet!!!). See the Open Bible p. 419. Gen. 15:20
668. Genesis 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
669. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Genesis 16. Gen. 16 Introduction
670. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Genesis 16. Gen. 16 Introduction
671. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abrahamic Timeline for Genesis 16. Gen. 16 Introduction
672. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Genesis 16. Gen. 16 Introduction
673. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Sarai, Hagar and Abram (a graphic). Gen. 16:2
674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Sarah presenting Hagar to Abraham (a graphic). Gen. 16:2
675. Links to Abrahamic timeline. Gen. 16:3
676. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Way to Egypt. Gen. 16:6
677. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah. Gen. 16:7
678. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hagar needs to face some simple facts. Gen. 16:8
679. Reference to Black Liberation Theology (PDF format). Gen. 16:9
680. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Biblical Doctrine of Slavery. Gen. 16:9
681. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Lessons from the Doctrine of Slavery. Gen. 16:9
682. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Geographical Will of God. Gen. 16:9
683. Reference to the laws of divine establishment. Gen. 16:9
684. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ishmael Will Be a Wild Ass of a Man (a graphic). Gen. 16:12
685. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Passages Listed for Calling on the Name of Jehovah. Gen. 16:13
686. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "You are El Roi, a God of Seeing" (a graphic). Gen. 16:13
687. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Ancient Takes on Genesis 16:13. Gen. 16:13
688. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why is the Word of God not Perfectly and Supernaturally Preserved? Gen. 16:13
689. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Manuscripts of Ancient Texts. Gen. 16:13
690. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Earliest Manuscripts of the New Testament. Gen. 16:13
691. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hagar believes in the Revealed God. Gen. 16:13
692. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Beer-Lachairoi. Gen. 16:14
693. The Doctrine of Polygamy is alluded to (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 16:15
694. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Genesis 16. Gen. 16 Addendum
695. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 16 Addendum
696. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 16. Gen. 16 Addendum
697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Genesis 16. Gen. 16 Addendum
698. The Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). See Zech. 12:8. See Scofield notes for Judges 2:1. NIV Study Bible also has a note here. This phrase is found nearly sixty times in Scripture to refer to God. Mentioned in Judges 6:12 13:21 and touched on in Judges 2:1. Gen. 16:7
699. Do something on Ur (See “Treasuries of Bible Times” p. 44, 50). See also “Hard Sayings of the Bible” p. 191.
700. Genesis 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
701. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Genesis 17. Gen. 17 Introduction
702. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Genesis 17. Gen. 17 Introduction
703. Reference to the complete Abrahamic Timeline (HTML) (PDF) Gen. 17 Introduction
704. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abrahamic Timeline for Genesis 17. Gen. 17 Introduction
705. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Genesis 17. Gen. 17 Introduction
706. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genesis 17 Graphic. Gen. 17 Introduction
707. Reference again to the complete Abrahamic Timeline (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 17:1
708. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genesis 15–17 in the Abrahamic Timeline. Gen. 17:1
709. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: El Shaddai graphic. Gen. 17:1
710. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ancient Law Codes. Gen. 17:1
711. References to rebound (confession of personal sin to God) (HTML) (PDF); faith-rest (which is what Abram ought to be doing with the promises of God) (HTML) (PDF); and the laws of divine establishment (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 17:1
712. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Spiritual Life Implied and Stated so far in the Book of Genesis. Gen. 17:1
713. References to Gen. 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Gen. 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 17:1
714. Reference to Salvation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 17:5
715. Reference to the Gift of Tongues (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 17:5
716. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "I will make you exceedingly fruitful" (graphic). Gen. 17:6
717. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Abraham Bowing before God (a graphic). Gen. 17:6
718. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Suzerain Vassal Treaty. Gen. 17:7
719. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Everlasting Covenant. Gen. 17:7
720. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of What God Has Given the Jews. Gen. 17:8
721. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of the Davidic Kingdom. Gen. 17:8
722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Comparing and Contrasting Israel and the Church. Gen. 17:8
723. Reference to 5th stage of national discipline, which are taught here and here. Gen. 17:8
724. Did I stop indexing here?
725. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Circumcision Represents Regeneration. Gen. 17:12
726. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is this New Heart? Gen. 17:12
727. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Familial Relationship between God and Abraham's Seed. Gen. 17:12
728. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Circumcision and Blood Clotting (Bible Evidences). Gen. 17:12
729. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Circumcision (by Karl Butt) Gen. 17:12
730. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Slavery and the United States.
731. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Slavery in the United States—An Addendum. Gen. 17:12
732. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genesis 17:13 (graphic). Gen. 17:13
733. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Waited to Include Sarah in the Son of Promise. Gen. 17:16
734. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ancient Translations of the Bible. Gen. 17:16
735. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genesis 17:17 (graphic). Gen. 17:17
736. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's 4 Responses to Prayer. Gen. 17:19
737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Importance of Isaac. Gen. 17:19
738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's 4 Answers to Prayer. Gen. 17:20
739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Isaac is the Son of Promise (graphic). Gen. 17:21
740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Acts 7:1–8 Interlude. Gen. 17:21
741. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Acts 7:51–60 Interlude. Gen. 17:21
742. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Romans 4 Interlude. Gen. 17:27
743. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Sanctification. Gen. 17:27
744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genesis 17 as a chiasmos. Gen. 17 Addendum
745. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Genesis 17. Gen. 17 Addendum
746. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 17 Addendum
747. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 17. Gen. 17 Addendum
748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genesis 17 and the Suzerain Vassal Treaty. Gen. 17 Addendum
749. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Genesis 17. Gen. 17 Addendum
750. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 17. Gen. 17 Addendum
751. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 17. Gen. 17 Addendum
752. The Doctrine of Circumcision is here somewhere(?) Gen. See Barnes notes Deut. 10:16 and Gen. 17:10. P. 30 Dawn of the Kingdom, Clough. Notes on Joshua 5:2. Cross-referenced in 1Sam. 17:26. Gen. 17:11
753. Genesis 18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
754. The time frame of Gen. 17–18. Gen. 18 Introduction
755. Reference to Genesis 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 18 Introduction
756. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Genesis 18. Gen. 18 Introduction
757. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Genesis 18. Gen. 18 Introduction
758. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abrahamic Timeline for Genesis 18. Gen. 18 Introduction
759. The two divergent topics of Gen. 18. God tells Abraham and Sarah that their child is imminent. Then God tells Abraham of the destruction of Sodom and Abraham asks for it to be spared. Gen. 18 Introduction
760. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Genesis 18. Gen. 18 Introduction
761. The relationship between Gen. 17 and 18; 13 years of silence; 2 visits in 3 months. Gen. 18:1
762. Mamre the person. Gen. 18:1
763. Reference to the Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 18:1
764. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Doctrines on the Preincarnate Christ. Gen. 18:1
765. V. 1 is somewhat of a title for Gen. 18 as well as a transitional verse. Gen. 18:1
766. God as a Trinity. Gen. 18:1
767. Yehowah and the angels appear as men. Gen. 18:2
768. These 3 illustrate the Trinity. Gen. 18:2
769. The wâw conversative and rejecting this concept; mention of R. B. Thieme, Jr. Gen. 18:2
770. Why God and the angels walk. Gen. 18:2
771. The worship of the earth by mankind. Gen. 18:2
772. It is okay to want clean water and clean air. Gen. 18:2
773. Explaining how these men are over Abraham; and then how he then sees them walking. Gen. 18:2
774. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Angels (Angelology). Gen. 18:2
775. Abraham’s semi-conscious state. Gen. 18:2
776. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham entertaining angels (a graphic). Gen. 18:2
777. The confusion of the noun Adonai. Gen. 18:3
778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Abraham Speaking to One Lord or to Three? Gen. 18:3
779. The Trinity is implied here. Gen. 18:3
780. Abraham recognized the importance of hospitality. Gen. 18:4
781. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham lavant les pieds aux anges 1854 Felix Henri Giacomotti (graphic). Gen. 18:4
782. Reebok and Saucony had not yet established outlets in Canaan. Gen. 18:4
783. A great deal of time is spent preparing this meal for Abraham’s 3 visitors. Gen. 18:5
784. Abraham’s meal contrasted with Lot’s. What this means. Gen. 18:5
785. Lot’s wife probably liked the fashion in Sodom. Gen. 18:5
786. Abraham may be looking forward to the news from the world from his visitors. Gen. 18:5
787. As you get older, you tend to appreciate the news more. Gen. 18:5
788. The gist of the way that Abraham asks for these strangers to stay and eat with him. Gen. 18:5
789. The singulars and the plurals found in Abraham’s speaking to these 3. Gen. 18:5
790. Abraham’s energy and hustle. Abraham’s good health from God. Gen. 18:6
791. How much flour is Sarah using to make bread? Gen. 18:6
792. Reconciling the word seah used here and elsewhere as a measurement for bread. Gen. 18:6
793. Abraham is cooking veal. Gen. 18:7
794. The 4000 year tradition of men cooking bbq. Gen. 18:7
795. This meal represents fellowship among the men. Gen. 18:8
796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham and the Three Angels by Giovanni Andrea de Ferrari (graphic). Gen. 18:8
797. What food was served; we do not know if it was served in courses. Gen. 18:8
798. The preincarnate Christ and the angels are all capable of eating food. Gen. 18:8
799. Why the men ask about Sarah. Gen. 18:9
800. Reference to the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 18:9
801. Eve, Sarah, Mary and the line of Jesus. Gen. 18:9
802. God’s prophecy to Abraham; near and far fulfillments. Gen. 18:10
803. God promised to return for the birth of Isaac; but there is no recording of that occurring. Perhaps God did not return in human form, but returned and breathed air into Isaac, giving him life. Gen. 18:10
804. God does not come to Abraham for 13 months; now twice in 3 months. Gen. 18:10
805. What the Bible calls old. Gen. 18:11
806. Circumcision regenerated Abraham’s sexual organs. Gen. 18:11
807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How Isaac's Unusual Birth Foreshadowed Our Lord's. Gen. 18:11
808. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 18:12 (a graphic). Gen. 18:12
809. An erotesis. Gen. 18:12
810. An hapax legomenon. Gen. 18:12
811. Every generation stands on the spiritual shoulders of the previous generation. Gen. 18:12
812. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Human Viewpoint Thinking versus Divine Viewpoint Thinking. Gen. 18:12
813. Contradictions in the Bible. Gen. 18:13
814. Dishonest websites which list contradictions. Gen. 18:13
815. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Examples of Bible Contradictions from Evil Bible. Gen. 18:13
816. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 18:14 (graphic). Gen. 18:14
817. An erotesis. Gen. 18:14
818. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Pâlâ (פָּלָא) [pronounced paw-LAW] [so far]. Gen. 18:14
819. How Abraham knows that God can keep His promises. Gen. 18:14
820. After being a Christian for 5 years, you should notice some marked changes. Gen. 18:14
821. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Preview of coming attractions for Gen. 18–22. Gen. 18:15
822. Sarah’s laughter is on the inside; and she will have laughter, a baby, on the inside. Gen. 18:15
823. How the big picture is about Abraham, while being in fellowship, is able to interact with God and make intercession for others. Gen. 18:16
824. Fantasy dinner party. Gen. 18:16
825. Some populations ought to be purged from the earth. Examples of recent wars; New Orleans. Gen. 18:16
826. We do not live in a theocracy; God does not speak audibly to our leaders. Gen. 18:16
827. How would a Christian choose between Jimmy Carter ( a born again Christian) and Mitt Romney (a Mormon)? Gen. 18:16
828. World events shape the use of our military. Along with our president. Gen. 18:16
829. Angels and God’s character. Gen. 18:16
830. Angels observe mankind like this is a big budget movie. Gen. 18:16
831. The two reasons God came to Abraham. Gen. 18:17
832. The great degeneracy in San Francisco. Gen. 18:17
833. Why the United States is blessed as a nation. Gen. 18:18
834. God is telling the angels just how consequential Abraham is. Gen. 18:18
835. God knows that the concepts of right and wrong would be taught by Abraham and continued down through his family. Gen. 18:19
836. Abraham commanded his household in righteousness and justice. Gen. 18:19
837. A democracy is not what is key to raising up a great country. Gen. 18:19
838. The laws of divine establishment are key to a country doing righteousness and justice. Gen. 18:19
839. Reference to the doctrine of Dispensations (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 18:19
840. Why Abraham is so influential. He is one of the most influential men of all times. Gen. 18:19
841. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Resources for the Preservation of the Old Testament. Gen. 18:19
842. A democracy is not what is key to raising up a great country. Gen. 18:19
843. George W. Bush’s problem with Iraq and Afghanistan. Gen. 18:19
844. Reference to the Doctrine of the Spiritual Life (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 18:19
845. Abraham owns no land and has no real political power, and yet he is the most powerful man in the area. Lot is a judge in his city and has no real power or lasting effect. Gen. 18:20
846. Example of the use of justice where I was a teacher. Gen. 18:20
847. Degenerate sins; addiction. Gen. 18:20
848. Wall Street once had an honorable function. Gen. 18:20
849. Gambling with futures in the market. Gen. 18:20
850. Problems with translating v. 21. Gen. 18:21
851. Why God needs to go to Sodom and Gomorrah Himself to see it. Gen. 18:21
852. The problems with degeneracy sins. Gen. 18:21
853. Example of gay agenda in the United States. Gen. 18:21
854. The nature of man; heterosexual versus homosexual. Gen. 18:21
855. The various attacks upon marriage. Gen. 18:21
856. Promiscuity of homosexuals. Gen. 18:21
857. Emendations disagreement; emendation in v. 22. Gen. 18:22
858. The preservation of a people because of the believers in their area. Gen. 18:24
859. Rasmussen reports and believers in the United States. Gen. 18:24
860. Abraham’s reasoning with God about His character and actions. Gen. 18:25
861. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What we learn about prayer in studying Abraham. Gen. 18:25
862. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The National Entity Insert. Gen. 18:26
863. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Preserves and Prospers a National Entity. Gen. 18:26
864. The British empire and the influence of Bible doctrine. Gen. 18:26
865. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The British Empire (map). Gen. 18:26
866. Great Britain today. Gen. 18:26
867. The Revived Roman empire in prophecy. Gen. 18:26
868. The influence of the United States around the world. Gen. 18:26
869. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: U.S. Military Troops and Bases Around the World (map). Gen. 18:26
870. George Bush could have done something great, but he did not. Gen. 18:26
871. Douglas MacArthur as the benevolent ruler of Japan. Gen. 18:26
872. Bush believed that democracy is the key to a great and stable country. Gen. 18:26
873. Why I enjoy working in Genesis. Gen. 18:26
874. Confused believers and the Old Testament. Gen. 18:26
875. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Romans 13:1–10 Interlude. Gen. 18:26
876. Paul explains our relationship to the nation in which we live. Gen. 18:26
877. Martin Luther King, Jr. destroyed the Black church. Gen. 18:26
878. The result of destroying the Black church. Gen. 18:26
879. Paul did not protest against persecution by the Roman government. Gen. 18:26
880. When the believer gets to disobey the state. Gen. 18:26
881. The Arab Spring and destruction of Christian churches. Gen. 18:26
882. Paul did not go from church to church to complain of Roman persecution. Gen. 18:26
883. Coming across unjust laws does not give you the right to disobey these laws or to do things which are wrong. Gen. 18:26
884. Resisting the authorities over you means you are resisting God. Gen. 18:26
885. The limits we are under as believers, even in a democracy. Gen. 18:26
886. The primary function of government. Gen. 18:26
887. It is not up to the believer to fix and repair all social problems and all governmental problems. Gen. 18:26
888. What the believer is allowed to do. Gen. 18:26
889. How Black parents of the 1950's and 1960's warped their own children. Gen. 18:26
890. Why political activism does not belong in the church. Gen. 18:26
891. We should not obey the law simply out of fear of being caught. Gen. 18:26
892. The false values of the 1960's; the anti-materialism, which meant you can destroy other peoples’ property. Gen. 18:26
893. Paying taxes to a national entity. A government gets your tax dollars whether it is just or not. Gen. 18:26
894. We are mandated to pay all of our taxes. Gen. 18:26
895. Our booming economy and why no politician stopped it. Gen. 18:26
896. Fiscal mismanagement of government. Gen. 18:26
897. Our leaders’ cowardice is our fault, as we voted them into office. Gen. 18:26
898. Explaining what it means to owe no man anything. Gen. 18:26
899. The commandments and laws of God remain in effect, no matter what the federal or state governments decide. Gen. 18:26
900. The drug laws; Colorado and Washington state. Gen. 18:26
901. What it means to love your neighbor. Gen. 18:26
902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Very Abbreviated Doctrine of a Client Nation. Gen. 18:26
903. Reference to the Doctrine ot the Client Nation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 18:26
904. Why the Bible is a 1000+ page book. Gen. 18:26
905. Individual responsibilities versus corporate responsibilities. Gen. 18:26
906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The History of Client Nations from the 18th Century to the Present. Gen. 18:26
907. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine of the Pivot. Gen. 18:26
908. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Declaration of Independence. Gen. 18:26
909. Paul’s prayer for the new pivot in Ephesus. Gen. 18:26
910. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Glossary of New Christian Terminology. Gen. 18:26
911. A review of Abraham and Lot’s lives and interaction. Gen. 18:26
912. Freedom and self-governance is not always the best thing for some people. Gen. 18:26
913. Our founding fathers understood that having maximum freedom required personal morality. Gen. 18:26
914. We misjudged the Arab Spring; and even those who knew there were problems, did not understand why. Gen. 18:26
915. Muslims sometimes need an extremely tough leader to keep them in line. Gen. 18:26
916. God’s power to protect His people then and now. Gen. 18:26
917. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Heathenism: What About the People Who Have Never Heard? Gen. 18:26
918. Reference to the Doctrine of Heathenism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 18:26
919. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah and how they should have known right from wrong. Gen. 18:26
920. How God reached out to this people using Abraham. Gen. 18:26
921. Lot is an example of God’s grace. Gen. 18:26
922. God judged Sodom, but let Salem live on for another 800 years and beyond. Gen. 18:26
923. The stages of discipline and Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 18:26
924. Contrasting Sodom and Salem. Gen. 18:26
925. Why God asks some of the questions that He does. Gen. 18:26
926. Applying what we learned about Sodom, Gomorrah and Salem and applying this to various countries today, like Germany and Japan; North and South Korea; Iraq and Afghanistan. Gen. 18:26
927. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Timeline of Lot Living in Sodom. Gen. 18:26
928. Reference to the Abrahamic Timeline (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 18:26
929. God teaching the angels. Gen. 18:26
930. Why does God think He needs to be glorified? Gen. 18:26
931. Reference to the Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 18:26
932. Why angels cannot simply co-exist with God. Gen. 18:26
933. Our mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gen. 18:26
934. Abraham’s impersonal love toward his nephew Lot. Gen. 18:26
935. A syntheton and a paronomasia. Gen. 18:27
936. Abraham’s grace orientation before God. Gen. 18:27
937. Guesses as to the size of Sodom. Gen. 18:28
938. Abraham is not going to actually change God’s mind. Gen. 18:29
939. Some of those in Lot’s family. Gen. 18:30
940. New Orleans and the pivot of believers when Katrina hit. Gen. 18:31
941. The key to the book of Job. Gen. 18:31
942. God and the angels. Gen. 18:31
943. The 1950's, the cold war, Russia, the bomb and Billy Graham. Gen. 18:31
944. The number of people in Lot’s family and different ways to calculate that. Gen. 18:32
945. Given Lot’s position in the city of Sodom and the years he has lived there, Abraham is expecting that he has had a positive impact on that area. Gen. 18:32
946. God did not talk God down to only 10 people nor did Abraham change God’s mind about anything. Gen. 18:32
947. A short history of Abraham and Lot and their mutual prosperity. Gen. 18:32
948. This chapter is where the concept of a pivot has its roots. Gen. 18:32
949. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Seeds of Many Doctrines Found in Genesis 18. Gen. 18:32
950. The spiritual decline of America summarized.
951. Two reasons for degeneracy in America.
952. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 18. Gen. 18 Addendum
953. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 18 Addendum
954. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 18. Gen. 18 Addendum
955. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 18. Gen. 18 Addendum
956. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 18. Gen. 18 Addendum
957. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 18. Gen. 18 Addendum
958. Genesis 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
959. Paragraph summary of Gen. 19. Gen. 19 Introduction
960. Reference to Gen. 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Gen. 18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 19 Introduction
961. Abraham bargaining with God. Gen. 19 Introduction
962. Gen. 19 is a change of focus in the book of Genesis. Gen. 19 Introduction
963. Lot is a righteous man. Gen. 19 Introduction
964. Homosexuality is a sin of addiction and degeneracy. Gen. 19 Introduction
965. How homosexuals deal with the Bible. Gen. 19 Introduction
966. Temptation in life. Gen. 19 Introduction
967. Corporate entities and God’s judgment of same. Gen. 19 Introduction
968. Who wrote Gen. 19. Gen. 19 Introduction
969. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 19. Gen. 19 Introduction
970. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 19. Gen. 19 Introduction
971. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abrahamic Timeline for Genesis 19. Gen. 19 Introduction
972. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 19 (by Clarke and by Poole). Gen. 19 Introduction
973. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Alternative Outline. Gen. 19 Introduction
974. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alternate Outline by Time. Gen. 19 Introduction
975. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robby Dean's Introduction to Genesis 19. Gen. 19 Introduction
976. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Grace Before Judgment. Gen. 19 Introduction
977. The progressive nature of sin. Gen. 19 Introduction
978. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Justice and God's Grace in Genesis. Gen. 19 Introduction
979. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robby Dean's Doctrinal Introduction to Genesis 19. Gen. 19 Introduction
980. Two problematic incidents in Gen. 19. Gen. 19 Introduction
981. Even though Lot has believed in the Revealed Lord, this does not make his every action commendable. Gen. 19 Introduction
982. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Physical Nature of Angels. Gen. 19:1
983. References back to Gen. 18. Gen. 19:1
984. God and Abraham discussing the destruction of Sodom. Gen. 19:1
985. Angels sent to do the works of God. Gen. 19:1
986. What it means for Lot to sit at the gate of the city. Gen. 19:1
987. Lot, his position at the gate; and his lack of livestock. Gen. 19:1
988. Skepticism about the historicity of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Ebla Tablets. Gen. 19:1
989. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Christian and Politics. Gen. 19:1
990. Lot’s one-man crusade. Gen. 19:1
991. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallels between Genesis 18 and Genesis 19. Gen. 19:1
992. Lot’s personal strengths; his righteousness. Gen. 19:3
993. Lot may be an alcoholic or consume a lot of alcohol. Gen. 19:3
994. Drug and gang violence in Mexico. Gen. 19:3
995. Stages of national discipline. Gen. 19:3
996. Middle east cities where Christians are not allowed to live. Gen. 19:3
997. Destruction of the laws of divine establishment; Islam. Gen. 19:3
998. Men are men; even homosexual ones. Gen. 19:4
999. Lot’s fortified house; the number of men surrounding his house. Gen. 19:4
1000. The number of partners that homosexuals have. Gen. 19:4
1001. Bisexual men. Gen. 19:4
1002. Love is in the soul; not in the body. Gen. 19:4
1003. Euphemism. Gen. 19:5
1004. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Men of Sodom Come to Lot's Home to Violate the Strangers (graphic). Gen. 19:5
1005. Potential homosexual rape is one of the most disturbing parts of prison. Gen. 19:5
1006. No difference between the Old Testament God and the New Testament God. Gen. 19:5
1007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Few Points on Homosexuality. Gen. 19:5
1008. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Guzik on Homosexuality. Gen. 19:5
1009. The accumulation of scar tissue. Gen. 19:5
1010. The homosexuals gathered around Lot’s house cannot simply take “no” for an answer and hold an impromptu orgy. Gen. 19:5
1011. AIDS and homosexual relationships. Gen. 19:5
1012. Statistics and number of partners in homosexual relationships. Gen. 19:5
1013. Why gays are militant. Gen. 19:5
1014. The addiction and need to go outside of a group. Gen. 19:5
1015. Homosexual rape in prisons. Gen. 19:5
1016. When speaking about the people of Sodom, Jesus does not emphasize their sin but their lack of interest in God. Gen. 19:7
1017. In 2014, President Obama does not appear to realize that he cannot reason with Muslims or Putin. Gen. 19:7
1018. Lot offering his daughters; getting into Lot’s head. Gen. 19:8
1019. Metonymy and double metonymy. Gen. 19:8
1020. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, Why Did Lot Offer up his Daughters? Gen. 19:8
1021. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask: Was the sin of Sodom homosexuality or inhospitality? Gen. 19:8
1022. The homosexual movement, and judge not, lest you be judged. Gen. 19:9
1023. Judging people; judging sin. Gen. 19:9
1024. The strength of Lot’s door. Gen. 19:9
1025. The draw of Sodom. Gen. 19:9
1026. Guessing as to the number of homosexual rapes that had occurred. This is why Lot pressed the strangers to get them to stay with him. Gen. 19:9
1027. There is not enough of a pivot to save Sodom. Gen. 19:9
1028. The concept of grace before judgment. Gen. 19:9
1029. Reference to the Complete Doctrine of Homosexuality (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 19:9
1030. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Homosexuality. Gen. 19:9
1031. Reference to the Doctrine of Eternal Security. Gen. 19:9
1032. Reference to a General Introduction to the Christian life (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 19:9
1033. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Symptoms. Gen. 19:9
1034. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Symptoms Part II. Gen. 19:9
1035. Will and Grace; Modern Family and the homosexual lifestyle. Gen. 19:9
1036. Uniqueness of father-son, mother-son relationships. Gen. 19:9
1037. 4 failures of the local church. Gen. 19:9
1038. R. B. Thieme, Jr. tapers group. Gen. 19:9
1039. 4th and 5th stages of national discipline; the imminent collapse of our nation. Gen. 19:9
1040. The key to saving our nation is evangelism and spiritual growth. Gen. 19:9
1041. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robby Dean's Characteristics of Paganism. Gen. 19:9
1042. It is okay to have some political involvement. Gen. 19:9
1043. How the men outside of Lot’s house may have been blinded. Gen. 19:11
1044. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How the Men outside of Lot's Door Might be Blinded. Gen. 19:11
1045. The spiritual application of being blinded. Gen. 19:11
1046. Despite being made blind, the men are still searching after the angels to rape them. Gen. 19:11
1047. Homosexual desires and AIDS. Gen. 19:11
1048. Politically active homosexuals often lie. Gen. 19:11
1049. Small percentage of homosexuals. Homosexual attraction is a continuum. Gen. 19:11
1050. Sexual attraction is not 100% a matter of birth. Gen. 19:11
1051. Propaganda and getting homosexual-friendly books into the classroom. Gen. 19:11
1052. Homosexual males desire new and different partners. Gen. 19:11
1053. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Blindness in the Bible. Gen. 19:11
1054. Angels are not omniscient. Gen. 19:12
1055. Counting heads of Lot’s family. Gen. 19:12
1056. Lot can bring anyone out of Sodom. Gen. 19:12
1057. Another head count. Gen. 19:12
1058. God is all-knowing; angels are not. Angels are highly intelligent, however. Gen. 19:12
1059. Palestinians seek to remove all Jews from their midst; Jews do not do this to Palestinians. Gen. 19:12
1060. The people around Lot’s house are too far gone. Gen. 19:13
1061. Illustrated with liberals who believe in socialism; they are too far gone. Gen. 19:13
1062. There was a possibility of redemption for King David, even though he had sunk deep into sexual lust. Gen. 19:13 Contrast that with Saul who was at the point of no return. Gen. 19:13
1063. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why does God want to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Gen. 19:13
1064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Angels, an addendum. Gen. 19:13
1065. Head count. Gen. 19:14
1066. Not everyone in Sodom was homosexual. Gen. 19:14
1067. Believers in a national entity have responsibilities. Believers with doctrine has responsibilities. Our blessed nation has responsibilities. Gen. 19:14
1068. People facing judgment often react with derision. Gen. 19:14
1069. Recognizing judgment in our day. Gen. 19:14
1070. Sodom is described in the New Testament as giving no thought to God or to judgment. Gen. 19:15
1071. Your soul is invisible; you cannot show it to anyone. Gen. 19:15
1072. The Church Age is different from the time of Genesis. Gen. 19:15
1073. The invisible Angelic Conflict. What is invisible is what is important. Gen. 19:15
1074. Reading trends; moving as per God’s will. Gen. 19:16
1075. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 3 Categories of the Will of God. Gen. 19:16
1076. Reference to Gen. 12 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 19:16
1077. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lot Fleeing Sodom (a Painting) by Benjamin West. Gen. 19:16
1078. It is no good for a state to sponsor sin. Gen. 19:16
1079. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 4 Angelic Commands Made to Lot. Gen. 19:17
1080. Contrasting Abraham’s obedience to circumcision with Lot’s hesitation to do what the angels told him to do. Gen. 19:18
1081. There is no “we” in what Lot has to say. Gen. 19:19
1082. Lot’s lack of logic when it comes to finding a place to be safe. Gen. 19:19
1083. How different Abraham and Lot are. Gen. 19:19
1084. Our society is trying to reject God’s divine institutions. Gen. 19:19
1085. The pivot that preserves a geographical area is based upon proportion. Gen. 19:21
1086. Why God is delivering Lot and his family. Gen. 19:22
1087. Prayers are answered for mature believers because they are asking according to the plan of God. Gen. 19:22
1088. Our place in the plan of God is sitting in the stands watching the game or sacking the quarterback. Gen. 19:22
1089. Abraham was a shepherd; and yet we know more about him than any king of this era. Gen. 19:22
1090. As believers in the Church Age, our names can be among the names of the great believers of history. Gen. 19:22
1091. Rush Limbaugh “People want to matter.” Gen. 19:22
1092. Our participation in the plan of God. Gen. 19:22
1093. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask on, the Sun Rising in the Bible. Gen. 19:23
1094. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lot and his daughters enter the town of Zoar; Art by John Martin. Gen. 19:23
1095. Several explanations as to the fire and brimstone judgment of Sodom. Gen. 19:24
1096. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, by John Martin, 1852. Gen. 19:24
1097. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on the Southern Location of Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 19:24
1098. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dead Sea Asphalt Discharge (photo). Gen. 19:24
1099. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Dead Sea Map. Gen. 19:24
1100. The elements necessary for the sort of explosion described were present in large quantities near and around Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 19:24
1101. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentary on the Nature of the Judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 19:24
1102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch on the Possible Origins of the Dead Sea. Gen. 19:24
1103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Dead Sea Scrolls. Gen. 19:24
1104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The National Geographic on the Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Gen. 19:24
1105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: CenturyOne Bookstores 25 Fascinating Facts on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Gen. 19:24
1106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leon Levy Dead Sea Scroll Discovery Sites. Gen. 19:24
1107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke on the Salt Sea and the Area of Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 19:25
1108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sodom and the Final 3 Stages of National Discipline. Gen. 19:25
1109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to the 5 Cycles (Stages) of [National] Discipline. Gen. 19:25
1110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Last House Standing (Photograph). Gen. 19:25
1111. God brings natural judgments on various geographical areas. Gen. 19:25
1112. Lot’s wife becoming a pillar of salt. Gen. 19:26
1113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Coffman on "Remember Lot's Wife." Gen. 19:26
1114. A variety of commentary about how Lot’s wife became a pillar of salt. Gen. 19:26
1115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on Lot's Wife Becoming a Pillar of Salt. Gen. 19:26
1116. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Was God too Harsh with Lot's Wife? Gen. 19:26
1117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Photograph of Mount Sodom and Lot's Wife. Gen. 19:26
1118. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Salt-Encrusted Pillars at the Dead Sea. Gen. 19:26
1119. Judgment will come to the middle east and to Africa. Gen. 19:26
1120. Once we have prayed, we need to leave it in the hands of God. Gen. 19:28
1121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Maundrell's First-hand Description of the Salt Sea. Gen. 19:28
1122. Prayer and the desire behind the petition. Gen. 19:29
1123. Synecdoche. Ellipsis? Gen. 19:29
1124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Few Points on Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 19:29
1125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sodoma E Gomorra by Alessandro Bavaria. Gen. 19:29
1126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sodom and Gomorrah Postscript. Gen. 19:29
1127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Eschatological Vocabulary. Gen. 19:29
1128. Eschatology, in a nutshell. Gen. 19:29
1129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sodom and Gomorrah in the New Testament. Gen. 19:29
1130. Luke 17:22–35. Gen. 19:29
1131. A New Testament example of the 1st and 2nd advents being taught together as if one advent. Gen. 19:29
1132. American debt ratio. Gen. 19:29
1133. Teachers protesting their salaries in Chicago. Gen. 19:29
1134. The 6th stage of national discipline. Gen. 19:29
1135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Great spiritual works done in a city can turn that city around. Gen. 19:29
1136. Matt. 10:12–24. Gen. 19:29
1137. Peace in the Bible is often the peace established between God and man. Gen. 19:29
1138. Jesus on the judgment of Capernaum. Gen. 19:29
1139. Illustration of New Orleans judgment. Gen. 19:29
1140. Doctrinal teaching in Houston; economic boom in Houston. Gen. 19:29
1141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sodom and Gomorrah are evidence of a future, eternal judgment. Gen. 19:29
1142. Jude 5–7. Gen. 19:29
1143. Lot is like Gen X; the Generation of Promise also mentioned. Gen. 19:29
1144. Reference to Gen. 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 19:29
1145. Our innate spirit tells us that evil will be judged. Gen. 19:29
1146. People are not simply burned up in the ultimate judgment by God. Gen. 19:29
1147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God knows how to preserve the righteous and to level judgment on the wicked. Gen. 19:29
1148. 2Peter 2:4–13. Gen. 19:29
1149. The 3 reasons why God preserved Lot. Gen. 19:29
1150. Positional righteousness; experiential righteousness. Gen. 19:29
1151. Various lusts. Gen. 19:29
1152. Power lust and Mitt Romney. Gen. 19:29
1153. Intentional misrepresentations by political homosexuals. Gen. 19:29
1154. Marijuana decriminalization. Gen. 19:29
1155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sodom is used to denote sexual deviance of the Beast in the end times. Gen. 19:29
1156. Rev. 11:3–10. Gen. 19:29
1157. Control of nature by Al Gore or Barack Obama. Gen. 19:29
1158. We do not have sign gifts in the post-canon Church Age. Gen. 19:29
1159. Billy Graham and the power of the Word of God. Gen. 19:29
1160. Muslims displaying dead bodies of Christian evangelists. Gen. 19:29
1161. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Offensive Nativity Scene (Cartoon). Gen. 19:29
1162. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament. Gen. 19:29
1163. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sodom and Gomorrah lay in ruins for the entire history of ancient Israel, as a warning to them of God’s judgment. Gen. 19:29
1164. Deut. 29:16–28. Gen. 19:29
1165. Old Testament idolatry; Church Age idolatry. Gen. 19:29
1166. There are churches today where homosexuality is excused or even celebrated. Gen. 19:29
1167. Different sins; different lusts. Gen. 19:29
1168. Josephus was a witness to the devastation of Sodom and Gomorrah 2000 years after the fact. Gen. 19:29
1169. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God judged Sodom; and He will judge His people if they engage in similar behavior. Gen. 19:29
1170. Deut. 32:20–43. Gen. 19:29
1171. The Bible is not anti-possession. Gen. 19:29
1172. You cannot base taxes on the rich young ruler. Gen. 19:29
1173. In the 1950's, both Democrats and Republicans were anti-communist. Gen. 19:29
1174. The generation of the 1960's. Gen. 19:29
1175. The U.S. teetering on disaster. Gen. 19:29
1176. What if the dollar was no longer the default currency. Gen. 19:29
1177. Only one man that we go through to get to God. Gen. 19:29
1178. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief History of Israel. Gen. 19:29
1179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chart of the Prophets. Gen. 19:29
1180. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Believers should recognize the power of the Lord. Gen. 19:29
1181. Psalm 107:1, 31–35. Gen. 19:29
1182. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaiah warns of the 5th stage of national discipline. Gen. 19:29
1183. Isa. 1:1–10. Gen. 19:29
1184. Rom. 9:6–15, 27–32. Gen. 19:29
1185. Sodom and Gomorrah have no posterity. Gen. 19:29
1186. Jesus is the stone of stumbling. Gen. 19:29
1187. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel will reap the evil of their own sin, as did Sodom. Gen. 19:29
1188. Isa. 3:8–10. Gen. 19:29
1189. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God will judge unbelieving Jews, both in time and eternity. God will judge Babylon. Gen. 19:29
1190. Isa, 3:9, 11, 13, 19–22. Gen. 19:29
1191. Babylon. Gen. 19:29
1192. Christianity is based upon historical events. Gen. 19:29
1193. Why there are 4 gospels. Gen. 19:29
1194. Other messianic figures from the 1st century. Gen. 19:29
1195. Will Durant’s testimony. Gen. 19:29
1196. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jeremiah speak of the destruction of Babylon. Gen. 19:29
1197. Jer. 50:35–43. Gen. 19:29
1198. Wikipedia and Babylon. Gen. 19:29
1199. Reference to Josh McDowell and his book of fulfilled prophecies. Gen. 19:29
1200. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God gives those on negative volition and under discipline a second chance, and they still do not turn toward Him. Gen. 19:29
1201. Amos 4:1–12. Gen. 19:29
1202. 5 stages of national discipline in Amos. Gen. 19:29
1203. Raising a child; and age-appropriate teaching. Gen. 19:29
1204. Christian growth and vocabulary. Gen. 19:29
1205. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The people of the southern kingdom to become like Sodom and Gomorrah to God as had already happened to the northern kingdom. Gen. 19:29
1206. Jer. 23:9–17. Gen. 19:29
1207. These many lessons about Sodom and Gomorrah by the prophets would have meant very little if the hearers had not witnessed or known about Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 19:29
1208. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God, through Jeremiah, laments the future destruction of Judah. Gen. 19:29
1209. Lam. 4:6–8. Gen. 19:29
1210. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ezekiel Hammers the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, Referencing Sodom. Gen. 19:29
1211. Ezek. 16:36–63. Gen. 19:29
1212. Modern-day child sacrifice. Gen. 19:29
1213. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Prophets use Sodom and Gomorrah to show that God will judge the nations. Gen. 19:29
1214. Zeph. 2:9–11. Gen. 19:29
1215. Prophecy and fulfillment of the judgment of Moab. Gen. 19:29
1216. Jer. 49:17–18. Gen. 19:29
1217. Prophecy and fulfillment of the judgment of Edom. Gen. 19:29
1218. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Prophets Speak of the Last Judgment. Gen. 19:29
1219. Change of fortune for Lot. Gen. 19:30
1220. Zoar. Gen. 19:30
1221. God destroys 4 cities for their sexual sins; Lot and daughters engage in incest. Gen. 19:30
1222. Correct and incorrect separation. Gen. 19:31
1223. Missionaries need to be squared away on the plan of God. Gen. 19:31
1224. Lot can parallel our spiritual lives. Gen. 19:31
1225. Lot’s daughters do not consider moving to Uncle Abraham’s. Gen. 19:31
1226. Why Lot’s daughters did not know better than incest. Gen. 19:31
1227. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Lot and Family Carry Containers of Wine out of Sodom? Gen. 19:32
1228. Some theologians act as apologists for Lot and his daughters. Gen. 19:32
1229. Keep quiet instead of speaking negatively about others. Gen. 19:32
1230. Rumor spread about me. Gen. 19:32
1231. These women understood enough about sex even without public education. Gen. 19:32
1232. Sex-ed purports to be a cure, but it is not. Gen. 19:32
1233. Original intent of schools. Gen. 19:32
1234. Lot’s daughters see themselves as being in a hopeless situation. Gen. 19:32
1235. Lot’s age compared to Abraham’s age. Gen. 19:33
1236. Lot is not involved in incestuous lust for his daughters. Gen. 19:33
1237. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alcohol in Genesis (a graphic) Gen. 19:33
1238. Why a euphemism ought to be translated as a euphemism. Gen. 19:33
1239. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, Does God Condone Incest? Gen. 19:33
1240. Motivation of Lot’s daughters. Gen. 19:34
1241. When people sin, they like to involve others. Gen. 19:34
1242. Lot may have drunk excessively at this time. Gen. 19:35
1243. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lot and his daughters - a painting by Peter Paul Rubens. Gen. 19:35
1244. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lot and His Daughters Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (a painting). Gen. 19:35
1245. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hendrick van Somer - Lot and his Daughters (a painting). Gen. 19:35
1246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Orazio Gentileschi - Lot and His Daughters (a painting). Gen. 19:35
1247. What separates the sins of the people of Sodom and the sins of Lot’s daughters? Gen. 19:36
1248. The meaning of Moab. Gen. 19:37
1249. No shame for Lot’s older daughter. Gen. 19:37
1250. The change in norms and standards in the United States. Young people see homosexual rights as being the civil rights issue of their day. Gen. 19:37
1251. Gloss of v. 37. Gen. 19:37
1252. Reference to Gen. 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 19:37
1253. Reference to the Book of Ruth (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 19:37
1254. The Ammonites. Gen. 19:38
1255. Why the narrative of Lot and his daughters is found in the Bible. Gen. 19:38
1256. Reference to Doctrine of Moab and Ammon (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 19:38 Also mentioned in Judges 3:13 Psalm 83:6. Gen. 19:38
1257. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Moab and Ammon. Gen. 19:38
1258. Lot’s daughters’ names are not found in the Bible. Gen. 19:38
1259. No reference to God in this section as well. Gen. 19:38
1260. Reference to Human Viewpoint versus Divine Viewpoint (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 19:38
1261. Reference to Blessing by Association (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 19:38
1262. Streets, neighborhoods and cities are blessed by the people living there. Gen. 19:38
1263. The greatness of America and the blind fools who want to change it. Gen. 19:38
1264. Wilful ignorance of those who want to change the United States. Gen. 19:38
1265. God takes terrible things in our life and works them for good. Gen. 19:38
1266. Why Lot’s daughters did not look up Abraham. Gen. 19:38
1267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Significant Failures in the Plan of God. Gen. 19:38
1268. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Authorship of Genesis. Gen. 19:38
1269. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: False Theories About the Authorship of Genesis. Gen. 19:38
1270. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who Wrote Genesis—from the Internet. Gen. 19:38
1271. Moses is said to write 4 books of the Pentateuch. Gen. 19:38
1272. Jesus quoting Genesis but not saying Moses is the author. Gen. 19:38
1273. Matt. 19:3–9. Gen. 19:38
1274. John 7:19–24. Gen. 19:38
1275. Circumcision of the fathers (not of Moses). Gen. 19:38
1276. Apostles speak of Moses as author of the Law. Gen. 19:38
1277. The intense personal nature of verses in the book of Genesis. Gen. 19:38
1278. The Exodus generation knew about God; and therefore had the book of Genesis. Gen. 19:38
1279. Reference to the Introduction of Genesis (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 19:38
1280. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lot, an Addendum. Gen. 19 Addendum
1281. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of the Life of Lot. Gen. 19 Addendum
1282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God gives specific plots of land to Moab and Ammon. Gen. 19 Addendum
1283. Deut. 2:8b–9.
1284. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Canaan, Moab and the Negeb. Gen. 19 Addendum
1285. Deut. 2:17–19.
1286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God will destroy the enemies of Israel, even Moab and Ammon. Gen. 19 Addendum
1287. Psalm 83:1–
1288. Douglas MacArthur wanted Bibles and missionaries sent to Japan.
1289. Succeeding in Japan and Korea; failing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
1290. The key to prosperity in the United States.
1291. Satan’s strategy in the Angelic Conflict.
1292. The United States is on a collision course with Islam.
1293. The enemies of Israel have disappeared into history.
1294. Reference to Psalm 83 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1295. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham and Lot—Compare and Contrast. Gen. 19 Addendum
1296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robby Dean's Cosmic System. Gen. 19 Addendum
1297. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why is Genesis 19 in the Word of God. Gen. 19 Addendum
1298. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 19. Gen. 19 Addendum
1299. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 19 Addendum
1300. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 19. Gen. 19 Addendum
1301. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 19. Gen. 19 Addendum
1302. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 19. Gen. 19 Addendum
1303. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 19. Gen. 19 Addendum
1304. Genesis 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1305. Gen. 20 is a deceptive little chapter filled with spiritual information. Gen. 20 preface
1306. Grace fundamental to Gen. 20. Gen. 20 preface Gen. 20 Introduction
1307. A general time frame for this chapter. Gen. 20 Introduction
1308. Gen. 20 is placed where it is as a testament to God’s grace. Gen. 20 Introduction
1309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallels between Genesis 19 and Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Introduction
1310. The Jews and chronology. Gen. 20 Introduction
1311. Reference to Philistines and to Gen. 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 20 Introduction
1312. Liberals often think that similar stories come from the same incident which is repeated. Gen. 20 Introduction
1313. The concept of parables in the Old Testament. Gen. 20 Introduction
1314. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Introduction
1315. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Introduction
1316. Reference to the Abrahamic Timeline (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Patriarchal Timeline (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 20 Introduction
1317. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abrahamic Timeline for Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Introduction
1318. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Introduction
1319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Outline for Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Introduction
1320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hajime Murai Organizes Genesis 20:1–18. Gen. 20 Introduction
1321. Gen. 20 one of the oddest chapters in the Bible. Gen. 20 Introduction
1322. Coffman on the two accounts of Gen. 12 and 20 are not the same. Gen. 20 Introduction
1323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Negev; a Graphic and Explanation. Gen. 20:1
1324. Abraham does not know that Lot is alive. Gen. 20:1
1325. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A map of Abraham's journeys. Gen. 20:1
1326. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Gerar, Shur and Kedesh-barnea. Gen. 20:1
1327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Kedesh of Judah (a.k.a. Kadesh or Kadesh-barnea). Gen. 20:1
1328. Gerar. Gen. 20:1
1329. Shur desert area. Gen. 20:1
1330. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Gerar and Beersheba. Gen. 20:1
1331. Abraham’s move time. Gen. 20:1
1332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Shur, the Negev and Gerar. Gen. 20:1
1333. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map 12: of the Arabah, Negeb, Wildernesses of Zin and Paran. Gen. 20:1
1334. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Speculation: Why did Abraham move? Gen. 20:1
1335. Sarah’s attractiveness. Her age quantified. Gen. 20:2
1336. When Abimelech takes Sarah, this could call into question the paternity of Isaac. Gen. 20:2
1337. Why Abraham might have lacked trust in God at this time. Gen. 20:2
1338. Gen. 20 provides striking proof of the inspiration of the Scriptures. Gen. 20:2
1339. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: So Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah (a painting). Gen. 20:2
1340. Abimelech may view his marriage to Abraham’s sister as a blessing to Abraham. Gen. 20:2
1341. No moral laws then against polygamy or against marrying one’s half-sister. Gen. 20:2
1342. Morally, adultery was known to be wrong. Gen. 20:2
1343. Suzanne Summers. Gen. 20:2
1344. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing logical points of speculation from Genesis 20:2. Gen. 20:2
1345. Hypocrisy in Christians. Gen. 20:2
1346. God keeps His Word, even when we are unfaithful. Gen. 20:2
1347. Goettsche on grace. Gen. 20:2
1348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alan Carr: Sin Cannot Derail God's Plan. Gen. 20:2
1349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 20 Dreams of Scripture. Gen. 20:3
1350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, Why didn't Abimelech die? Gen. 20:3
1351. Why Abimelech is a believer (in two points). Gen. 20:3
1352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine of The Sin Unto Death. Gen. 20:3
1353. There are clearly believers out in the world besides Abraham. Melchizedek for instance. Gen. 20:3
1354. The patriarchs of the flood are still alive. Gen. 20:3
1355. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How Shem's Lifetime Overlapped Abraham's Lifetime. Gen. 20:3
1356. Governments do not come out better in the end by taxing sin. Gen. 20:3
1357. In Ex. 6:3, God says: “I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD I did not make myself fully known to them.” Gen. 20:4
1358. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 20:4
1359. If Melchizedek was a believer and a priest, then clearly, there were believers all over the land of Canaan. Gen. 20:4
1360. Reference to the Doctrine of Heathenism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 20:4
1361. When Abraham moved his family to the west, he had intended for all of them to go to Canaan, as instructed by God. However, since he brought so many along, they all stopped in Haran. Gen. 20:4
1362. Abimelech innocent by the standards of that day; and there was no Law of God. Gen. 20:5
1363. Examples of insider trading done by members of Congress; yet the law went after Martha Stewart. Gen. 20:5
1364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Poetic Nature of Abimelech's Words. Gen. 20:5
1365. Evangelism in the ancient world. Gen. 20:6
1366. Abraham, Sarah and Hagar all living under the same roof; 13 years God set Abraham aside. Gen. 20:6
1367. The time frame for Gen. 20 explained. Gen. 20:6
1368. Nothing is done apart from divine permission. Gen. 20:6
1369. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Examples of God's protective, overruling will. Gen. 20:6
1370. Concept of a prophet. Gen. 20:7
1371. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Use of the word "Prophet" in Genesis 20:7. Gen. 20:7
1372. Abraham as a type of Christ. Gen. 20:7
1373. God’s easy way or hard way. Gen. 20:7
1374. Jesus intercedes for us. Gen. 20:7
1375. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parallels Between the Coming Savior and Abraham in Genesis 20. Gen. 20:7
1376. Jesus our Mediator and Intercessor. Gen. 20:7
1377. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Little Prince Meets the King. Gen. 20:8
1378. Abimelech and his staff all fear God. Gen. 20:8
1379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Had Abimelech believed in the Revealed God? Gen. 20:8
1380. The seed of Abraham versus the seed of Canaan. Gen. 20:8
1381. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abimelech Rebukes Abraham (Graphic). Gen. 20:9
1382. Abimelech has a clear concept of morality; right and wrong. Gen. 20:9
1383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Whedon Notes the Poetic Nature of Abimelech's Words. Gen. 20:9
1384. What were you thinking? Gen. 20:10
1385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is fundamental to a good nation? Gen. 20:10
1386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is not fundamental to a good nation? Gen. 20:10
1387. Reference to the Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 20:10
1388. Reference to the Fear of the Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 20:11
1389. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Fear of the Lord. Gen. 20:11
1390. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Abraham believe the people of Gerar to be like the Sodomites? Gen. 20:11
1391. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Speculation about Abraham and his lying to the King of Gerar. Gen. 20:11
1392. Trivializing God. Gen. 20:11
1393. Noah as the uncorrupted line. Gen. 20:11
1394. Our privilege as believers in the Church Age. Gen. 20:11
1395. Reference to Abraham’s spiritual life (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Spiritual Life of the Believer in the Church Age (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 20:11
1396. You cannot marry your half-sister under the Law of Moses. Gen. 20:12
1397. Moses’ half-truth was a lie. Half-truths which are lies. Gen. 20:12
1398. Elohim and the singular/plural verb. Passages. Gen. 20:13
1399. Why Abraham might be using the plural verb with Elohim. Gen. 20:13
1400. Abraham blaming others. Gen. 20:13
1401. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Coffman on Abraham's four-fold excuse. Gen. 20:13
1402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Goettsche on How we should view our confessed sins. Gen. 20:13
1403. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Goettsche on, Know your weaknesses and avoid them. Gen. 20:13
1404. Elohim and the plural verb. Gen. 20:13
1405. Abraham does not admit his sin to Abimelech nor does he confess it to God. Gen. 20:13
1406. The large number of people traveling with Abraham and Sarah. Gen. 20:14
1407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham receives Sarah from King Abimelech, a painting by Nicolaes Berchem. Gen. 20:14
1408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Christians Ask— "Why did God let Abraham prosper by lying?" Gen. 20:14
1409. Abimelech understands that keeping Abraham close would be a good thing. Gen. 20:15
1410. Abimelech and Abraham; the men of Sodom and Lot. Gen. 20:15
1411. The value of 1000 silver coins. Gen. 20:16
1412. “A covering for the eyes” discussed. Gen. 20:16
1413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Explain Genesis 20:16. Gen. 20:16
1414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing the Meaning of Genesis 20:16. Gen. 20:16
1415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Abimelech gives to Abraham. Gen. 20:16
1416. With great blessings comes great responsibility. Gen. 20:16
1417. The time frame of Gen. 20. Gen. 20:17
1418. Closing the wombs in Abimelech’s palace. Gen. 20:17
1419. Our participation in God’s plan can grind to a halt. Gen. 20:17
1420. Examples of intercessory prayer. Gen. 20:17
1421. Illustration of a quarterback and his linemen. Gen. 20:18
1422. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keeping the dream alive: Abraham and Sarah (Painted by Lars Justine). Gen. 20:18
1423. Time frame of Gen. 20. Gen. 20:18
1424. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing Genesis 12 to Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Addendum
1425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Addendum
1426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why is Genesis 20 in the Word of God. Gen. 20 Addendum
1427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 20 Addendum
1428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Addendum
1429. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Testing of Abraham. Gen. 20 Addendum
1430. Robbie Dean looks at Abraham’s life as a series of tests. 15 tests from Gen. 12 to 22. Gen. 20 Addendum
1431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gen. 1–22 Genesis a retrospective. Gen. 20 Addendum
1432. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Genesis 1–22. Gen. 20 Addendum
1433. References to Gen. 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 5 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen.11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 12 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 13 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Gen. 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 20 Addendum
1434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Addendum
1435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Addendum
1436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 20. Gen. 20 Addendum
1437. Genesis 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1438. Reference to Gen. 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21 Preface.
1439. The time between the last prophecy of God and Isaac’s birth. Gen. 21 Preface.
1440. Gen. 21 subheadings. Gen. 21 Preface. Gen. 21 Introduction
1441. The impact of men on human history. Gen. 21 Introduction
1442. The importance of Abimelech. Gen. 21 Introduction
1443. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 21. Gen. 21 Introduction
1444. Reference to Genesis 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21 Introduction
1445. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 21. Gen. 21 Introduction
1446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 21. Gen. 21 Introduction
1447. References to the Abrahamic Timeline (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Patriarchal Timeline (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21 Introduction
1448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 21 by Matthew Poole. Gen. 21 Introduction
1449. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Alternate Outline. Gen. 21 Introduction
1450. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Hocking's Alliterative Outline of Genesis 21. Gen. 21 Introduction
1451. Cole on God’s faithfulness in the ordinary. Gen. 21 Introduction
1452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hajime Murai Organizes Genesis 21:1–8. Gen. 21:1
1453. What has happened between God’s promises of the birth of Isaac and the birth of Isaac. Gen. 21:1
1454. The meaning of pâqad, which means to visit. Gen. 21:1
1455. The meaning of circumcision. Gen. 21:1
1456. Reference to circumcision (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:1
1457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, Did God Impregnate Sarah? Gen. 21:1
1458. The emphasis upon Sarah and how this relates to the virgin Mary. Gen. 21:1
1459. Type and antitype. Gen. 21:1
1460. Let’s assume that Matthew and Luke wrote their gospels with Genesis in mind. This would lead to what set of conclusions? Gen. 21:1
1461. Modernizing a quote of John Trapp and using Obama. Gen. 21:1
1462. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sarah gives birth to Isaac (graphic). Gen. 21:2
1463. The Bible is never confused about the natural birth process. Gen. 21:2
1464. Pink on the birth of Isaac. Gen. 21:2
1465. A meeting between the preincarnate Christ and Abraham is not recorded at the birth of Isaac. Gen. 21:2
1466. First two verses emphasize the fulfillment of God’s Word. Gen. 21:2
1467. Pink on the necessity of the new birth of man. Gen. 21:2
1468. Grand themes of Scripture. Gen. 21:2
1469. McGee: out of death, God brings life. Gen. 21:2
1470. Isaac’s name and its meaning. Gen. 21:3
1471. The meaning of circumcision. Gen. 21:4
1472. References to the Doctrine of Circumcision (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and to Circumcision and Regeneration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:4
1473. Circumcision represents the new birth. Gen. 21:4
1474. Abraham’s strong faith in the New Testament. Gen. 21:5
1475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 17:16–17 (a graphic). Gen. 21:6
1476. Sarah and laughter. Gen. 21:7
1477. How long Abraham and Sarah will live. Gen. 21:7
1478. Online posting for the Parallels Between the Birth of Isaac and the Birth of Jesus (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:7
1479. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parallels Between the Birth of Isaac and the Birth of Jesus. Gen. 21:7
1480. Logical choices when it comes to the Bible, types and antitypes. Gen. 21:7
1481. Logical choices when it comes to the person of Jesus Christ. Gen. 21:7
1482. Quotations front-loaded in my documents. Gen. 21:7
1483. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: T. H. Leale Sums up the Parallels of the Births of Isaac and Jesus. Gen. 21:7
1484. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ray Pritchard on, What Abraham learned from the birth of Isaac. Gen. 21:7
1485. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac's Birth in the New Testament. Gen. 21:7
1486. Rom. 4:13. Gen. 21:7
1487. Reference to the Doctrine of Legalism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:7
1488. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Legalism. Gen. 21:7
1489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac’s birth in the New Testament continued. Gen. 21:7
1490. Paul quotes nearly 100 separate Old Testament verses. Gen. 21:7
1491. Two portions of Church Age. Gen. 21:7
1492. New Testament Scripture writers. Gen. 21:7
1493. Paul’s recognized authority. Gen. 21:7
1494. Eph. 3:1–7. Gen. 21:7
1495. Rom. 4:13–16. Gen. 21:7
1496. The Mosaic Law; keeping the Law. Gen. 21:7
1497. Highly politicized science. Gen. 21:7
1498. Rom. 4:16–24. Gen. 21:7
1499. Is God the greatest egotist? Why does He require us to glorify Him? Gen. 21:7
1500. The sphere of faith and the sphere of the Law. Gen. 21:7
1501. Heb. 11:11–12. Gen. 21:7
1502. Hyperbole. Gen. 21:7
1503. JEPD theory. Gen. 21:7
1504. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reasons Why We Can Believe the Bible is the Word of God. Gen. 21:7
1505. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hajime Murai Organizes Genesis 21:8–21. Gen. 21:8
1506. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: And the child grew and was weaned (a graphic). Gen. 21:8
1507. The arc of a man’s life. Gen. 21:8
1508. Reference to Gen. 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:9
1509. Ishmael’s laughter. Gen. 21:9
1510. Genesis 21:9c Text from the Greek Septuagint. Gen. 21:9
1511. Abraham’s history with Hagar; her 401k account. Gen. 21:9
1512. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laughing with Isaac. Gen. 21:9
1513. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hagar and Ishmael Banished by Abraham Verhaghen (1728-1811) (graphic). Gen. 21:10
1514. Inheritance is key to the riff between Isaac and Ishmael. Gen. 21:10
1515. When you hear something, you need to determine its rightness or wrongness apart from the source. Gen. 21:10
1516. Jews are enslaved to the law and it can do nothing but condemn them. Gen. 21:10
1517. What is the Mosaic Law; what is its purpose? Gen. 21:10
1518. Killing fetuses; problem with the theological argument which favors that. Gen. 21:10
1519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Sarah being too harsh with Hagar and Ishmael? Gen. 21:10
1520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Interlude: the Son of the Free Woman versus the Son of the Slave Woman. Gen. 21:10 Gen. 21:10
1521. Gal. 4:21–31. Gen. 21:10
1522. Reference to the doctrine of legalism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:10
1523. Reference to A Brief History of Israel (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:10
1524. Reference to the doctrine of legalism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:10
1525. Reference to The Spiritual Life in the Church Age (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and The Basic Mechanics of the Christian Life (aka, The Christian Life for Dummies) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:10
1526. Circumcision. Gen. 21:10
1527. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of Galatians 4:21–31. Gen. 21:10
1528. Stuff that will not get God’s attention. Gen. 21:10
1529. Ishmael and Isaac are illustrative and real. Gen. 21:11
1530. Difficult for slaves to act in their own self interest. Gen. 21:11
1531. Slavery to the massive welfare system in the United States. Gen. 21:11
1532. This is often the favorite verse of women named Sarah. Gen. 21:12
1533. Bullinger on the seed. Gen. 21:12
1534. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God gives reasons why Abraham should listen to Sarah. Gen. 21:13
1535. Reference to blessing by association (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:13
1536. Blessing by association; illustration of R. B. Thieme, Jr. and large corporation. Gen. 21:13
1537. Lot never chose to return to Abraham. Gen. 21:13
1538. There is a time for a family to cut lose their son or daughter. Gen. 21:13
1539. Gen. 21:14 is a good starter verse to translate from Hebrew to English. Gen. 21:14
1540. Why doesn’t Abraham load an ass with more supplies? Gen. 21:14
1541. Huge step for Ishmael and Hagar. Gen. 21:14
1542. Many customs and scenarios found in Genesis have roots in the code of Hammurabi. Gen. 21:14
1543. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, was Abraham right to send Hagar away? Gen. 21:14
1544. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Justification of Abraham, by the Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary. Gen. 21:14
1545. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, isn't Ishmael the firstborn son? Gen. 21:14
1546. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert by Jean-Charles Cazin (graphic). Gen. 21:14
1547. Why didn’t Abraham provide more supplies. A partial explanation is found in the Hebrew. Gen. 21:14
1548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Dismissal of Hagar by Dutch painter Adriaen van der Werff. Gen. 21:14
1549. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Was Abraham remiss in the supplies he gave Hagar and Ishmael? Gen. 21:14
1550. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Provides (graphic). Gen. 21:15
1551. Ishmael gave most of the water to his mother. Gen. 21:15
1552. Despite the promises of God, Hagar appears to have given up. Gen. 21:15
1553. Coming out of slavery, Hagar and Ishmael cannot take care of themselves. Gen. 21:15
1554. Thrusting people of America into the wild; they could not survive either. Gen. 21:15
1555. How welfare enslaves. Gen. 21:15
1556. Imperfect verbs and wâw consecutives. Gen. 21:16
1557. The distance of a bowshot. Gen. 21:16
1558. The description of a bowshot is probably related to her seeing Ishmael’s bow. Gen. 21:16
1559. Hagar does not pray to God; she talks to herself. Gen. 21:16
1560. How this narrative finds its way into the Word of God. Gen. 21:16
1561. Hagar provides the point of view for this narrative. Gen. 21:16
1562. The Greek incorrectly has Ishmael as crying out. Gen. 21:16
1563. Ishmael’s silent voice is heard by God. Gen. 21:17
1564. Ishmael’s name is not found in Gen. 21; but it is found hidden in this narrative. God’s odd sense of humor. Gen. 21:17
1565. Reference to the Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:17
1566. God’s encounters with man often begins with God asking a question. Gen. 21:17
1567. The Angel of Jehovah and the Angel of God in Hagar’s life. Gen. 21:17
1568. Ishmael previously had an idyllic existence. Gen. 21:17
1569. God is repeating Bible doctrine to Hagar when saving her and Ishmael. Gen. 21:18
1570. Some genealogies confirm the promises of God. Gen. 21:18
1571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hagar's Extremity (a graphic). Gen. 21:19
1572. If we are faithless, God remains faithful. Gen. 21:19
1573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hagar and Ishmael painted by Carl Bauerle and engraved by W. Roffe. Gen. 21:19
1574. Seeing the well is analogous to the gospel. Gen. 21:19
1575. Hearing and singing hymns at school and never knowing what they meant. Gen. 21:19
1576. Ishmael allowed his mother to drink most of the water, but was otherwise worthless. Gen. 21:20
1577. Ishmael needed a marketable skill. Gen. 21:20
1578. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gill, on the Legacy of the Bow in the Line of Ishmael. Gen. 21:20
1579. Paran. Gen. 21:21
1580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Wilderness of Paran. Gen. 21:21
1581. Adrichomius describes Paran (from the 1500's). Gen. 21:21
1582. What was involved to find Ishmael a wife. Gen. 21:21
1583. Parents choosing marriage partners for their children. Gen. 21:21
1584. God did not provide them food; work is fundamental to life. Gen. 21:21
1585. God killed off Gen X after continually providing for them. Gen. 21:21
1586. Man is designed to work; not to sit around and get a check from the government. Gen. 21:21
1587. God did not design us to retire. Gen. 21:21
1588. Setting the stage of Abraham and Abimelech’s meeting. Gen. 21:22
1589. Dating this meeting. Gen. 21:22
1590. The timing of the events in this chapter. Gen. 21:22
1591. Reference to Genesis 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:22
1592. The nature of the agreement between Abraham and Abimelech. Gen. 21:22
1593. Abimelech had positive volition toward the God of Abraham; Lot did not. Gen. 21:22
1594. No believer lives up to Jesus Christ. Gen. 21:23
1595. Reference to Blessing by association (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 21:23
1596. Importance of having a well. Gen. 21:25
1597. The abundance of water in the United States. Gen. 21:25
1598. Abimelech’s stilted speaking.
1599. The dispute between Abraham and Phicol’s soldiers. Gen. 21:26
1600. Explaining contracts between peoples; using the example of rental contracts. Gen. 21:27
1601. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abimelech and Abraham discuss the problem with the wells (a graphic). Gen. 21:27
1602. Abimelech is not worried about Abraham’s increasing size and power. Gen. 21:27
1603. The 7 ewe lamb custom is not repeated elsewhere in the Bible. Gen. 21:28
1604. Why the ewe lambs. Gen. 21:29
1605. How long sheep live. Gen. 21:30
1606. Why the ewe lambs. Gen. 21:30
1607. No explanation about what this narrative means. Gen. 21:30
1608. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning of the Ewe-Lamb Narrative. Gen. 21:30
1609. The ministry of Jesus Christ and the change in this ministry. Gen. 21:30
1610. The meaning of Beersheba. Gen. 21:31
1611. The well of Hagar was probably not dug by Abraham. Gen. 21:31
1612. The meaning of Beersheba. Gen. 21:31
1613. Description of a well and the difficulty in digging a well. Gen. 21:31
1614. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Gen. 21:22–31. Gen. 21:31
1615. Tying the narratives of Gen. 21 together. Gen. 21:31
1616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parallels from Genesis 21–22 to the Ministry of our Lord. Gen. 21:31
1617. Abraham did not need to track down Abimelech over an injustice about the wells. Gen. 21:32
1618. The pattern which is set by the Abraham/Abimelech narrative. Gen. 21:32
1619. The controversy of Philistines in the land. Gen. 21:32
1620. People are sometimes named according to the land where they live. Gen. 21:32
1621. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, on the Philistines in Palestine in the era of Abraham. Gen. 21:32
1622. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett on the Philistines. Gen. 21:32
1623. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 21:33 (graphic). Gen. 21:33
1624. Tree or groves planted by Abraham. Gen. 21:33
1625. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Shuckford on, Calling on the Name of the Lord. Gen. 21:33
1626. Clarke on the Everlasting God. Gen. 21:33
1627. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scofield on, the Everlasting God. Gen. 21:33
1628. What it means for Abraham to call out the name of God. Abraham is proclaiming the name (character, essence) of God. Gen. 21:33
1629. The oasis of Abraham. Gen. 21:33
1630. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Abraham is doing in Bathsheba on the outskirts of Gerar. Gen. 21:33
1631. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Abraham's Life in Beersheba. Gen. 21:33
1632. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's final points on Genesis 21:33. Gen. 21:33
1633. Abimelech’s relationship with Abraham helps to explain David and his protection of Abigail’s husband. Gen. 21:34
1634. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gentile Salvation in the Old Testament. Gen. 21:34
1635. This set up was beneficial to Abraham; and to his ministry. Gen. 21:34
1636. Looking at this chapter as a whole and comparing it to the ministry of Jesus Christ. Gen. 21 Addendum
1637. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parallel Lives of Ishmael and Abraham. Gen. 21 Addendum
1638. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 21 is in the Word of God. Gen. 21 Addendum
1639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 21. Gen. 21 Addendum
1640. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 21 Addendum
1641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 21. Gen. 21 Addendum
1642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 21. Gen. 21 Addendum
1643. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 21. Gen. 21 Addendum
1644. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 21. Gen. 21 Addendum
1645. The Doctrine of Edom—this needs to be looked at again. Alluded to in Psalm 83:6. Gen. 21:21 is the wrong place for this doctrine. It has been done, but only half of it is found in Gen. 36.
1646. The Doctrine of Beer-sheba (Beersheba)—not finished yet!! This needs to be placed in Gen. 21:33
1648. Genesis 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1649. Format change: verses and links grayed in; translations now include Catholic and expanded categories.
1650. Quotations; preface.
1651. The means of salvation and the cross are not perspicuous in the Old Testament. Gen. 22 Introduction
1652. Satan, with all of his brilliance, was unaware of the cross. Gen. 22 Introduction
1653. Gen. 22 is a type. Gen. 22 Introduction
1654. Progressive revelation. Gen. 22 Introduction
1655. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Grace Apparatus for Perception. Gen. 22 Introduction
1656. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rembrandt's the Sacrifice of Isaac. Gen. 22 Introduction
1657. Reference to the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22 Introduction
1658. Reference to the Importance of Bible Doctrine (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22 Introduction
1659. The crucifixion is the central event of human history. Gen. 22 Introduction
1660. Abraham offering Isaac was seen for 2000 years as simply a great act of obedience. Gen. 22 Introduction
1661. Progressive revelation. Gen. 22 Introduction
1662. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 22. Gen. 22 Introduction
1663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 22. Gen. 22 Introduction
1664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 22. Gen. 22 Introduction
1665. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 22. Gen. 22 Introduction
1666. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Synopsis of Genesis 22. Gen. 22 Introduction
1667. Coffman on the theme of Genesis. Gen. 22 Introduction
1668. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Alternate Outline. Gen. 22 Introduction
1669. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lawlor: Genesis 22 Reads like a Two-Act Play. Gen. 22 Introduction
1670. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Cox's Alliterative Division of the First Section. Gen. 22 Introduction
1671. Atheists do not like the story about Abraham and Isaac. Gen. 22 Introduction
1672. Reference to Parallels between the Birth of Isaac and the Birth of our Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22 Introduction
1673. Dake and typology and how recent this approach is. Gen. 22 Introduction
1674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, God Tempting Abraham. Gen. 22:1
1675. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robbie Dean on God Testing Abraham. Gen. 22:1
1676. God testing us, even after the Bible is completed. Gen. 22:1
1677. Chuck Smith on things holding up under pressure. Gen. 22:1
1678. Abraham probably recorded each and every meeting with God. Gen. 22:1
1679. When Abraham is speaking to God, which Member of the Trinity is it? Gen. 22:1
1680. Angels and their appearance. Gen. 22:1
1681. Legalism is the enemy of Christianity. Gen. 22:1
1682. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, How is Isaac Abraham's only son? Gen. 22:2
1683. Abraham’s age at this time. Gen. 22:2
1684. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Trinity in the Old Testament (the Abbreviated Version). Gen. 22:2
1685. Reference to the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:2
1686. When I believed in Jesus Christ, I did not know about or understand the resurrection. Gen. 22:2
1687. Reference to the doctrine of Melchizedek (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:2
1688. Reference to Gen. 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:2
1689. The physical distance of this trip. Gen. 22:2
1690. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Maps of the Land of Moriah. Gen. 22:2
1691. McGee on Moriah. Gen. 22:2
1692. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: ISBE and Smith on the Land of Moriah. Gen. 22:2
1693. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jerusalem from a distance (photo). Gen. 22:2
1694. Argument that this cannot be the Moriah near Jerusalem. Gen. 22:2
1695. Why isn’t Moriah specified here as Golgotha? Gen. 22:2
1696. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sacrifices of Abraham Required by God. Gen. 22:2
1697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scofield on the Four Crises of Abraham. Gen. 22:2
1698. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, How can God ask Abraham to sacrifice his own son? Gen. 22:2
1699. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, Did Abraham Offer Up Ishmael and not Isaac? Gen. 22:2
1700. McGee and the sacrifice of Isaac. Gen. 22:2
1701. The location of Moriah. Gen. 22:2
1702. Why Scripture does not make a big deal out of Mount Moriah being Golgotha. Gen. 22:2
1703. Angels and the beginning of their existence and their relationship to God at that time. Gen. 22:2
1704. Satan did not realize that the cross was coming. Gen. 22:2
1705. Human history is a great morality play for angels. Gen. 22:2
1706. Foreshadowing in the movies that we watch. Gen. 22:2
1707. The Old Testament was written hundreds of years before the New. Gen. 22:2
1708. Abraham contrasted with Lot. Gen. 22:3
1709. The importance of this chapter is not some maturity peak that Abraham has reached, but his impact, which will continue for centuries. Gen. 22:3
1710. Why Abraham was traveling with wood for the sacrifice. Gen. 22:3
1711. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke (and Ainsworth) "On the third day...". Gen. 22:4
1712. The contradictory things in Abraham’s mind concerning offering his son. Gen. 22:5
1713. What the wood, fire and knife all represent. Gen. 22:6
1714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham and Isaac Walking Toward the Mountain; a graphic by Jim Padgett. Gen. 22:6
1715. How the wood, knife and fire are symbolic and who is carrying each. Gen. 22:6
1716. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Child Sacrifice. Gen. 22:6
1717. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham and Child Sacrifice. Gen. 22:6
1718. Estimations of Isaac’s age. Gen. 22:6
1719. Reference to the blood of Christ. Gen. 22:6
1720. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham and Isaac Ascending the Mountain (a graphic). Gen. 22:6
1721. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hineni (graphic). Gen. 22:7
1722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham and Isaac (Illustration by Robert Crumb). Gen. 22:7
1723. It is natural that the boy would ask what about a lamb? Gen. 22:7
1724. The mistaken way v. 8 is translated. Gen. 22:8
1725. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Lord Will Provide (a graphic). Gen. 22:8
1726. People did not know what would happen in the 1st advent. Gen. 22:8
1727. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explain: "My son, God will look to Himself, the lamb for a burnt offering.". Gen. 22:8
1728. How Abraham knows where to go. Gen. 22:9
1729. God’s plan is explicit and specific. Gen. 22:9
1730. Believers today do not operated under a protocol plan. Gen. 22:9
1731. Hosea 4:6. Gen. 22:9
1732. Reference to the American Heritage Special (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:9
1733. Christians using everything today except the Bible. Gen. 22:9
1734. The ages of Abraham and Isaac. Gen. 22:9
1735. Abraham’s faith is in the Word of God. Gen. 22:9
1736. The change of society toward homosexuality. The influence of television. Ways in which homosexuality is not portrayed on television. Gen. 22:9
1737. President Obama’s changing position on homosexuality. Gen. 22:9
1738. The changing and transitory norms of society. Gen. 22:9
1739. Isaac’s age. Gen. 22:9
1740. How angels know who to watch. Gen. 22:9
1741. Life is like a stage production for angels. Gen. 22:9
1742. Marat Sade live on stage. Gen. 22:9
1743. Reference to the Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:11
1744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah. Gen. 22:11
1745. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Repeated Names, by Wells of Living Water Commentary. Gen. 22:11
1746. When God directs us to do something, the intended audience are other men or angels. Gen. 22:11
1747. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Caravaggio: The Sacrifice of Isaac (1605). Gen. 22:12
1748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Caravaggio's The Sacrifice of Isaac (1603). Gen. 22:12
1749. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titian's Abraham and Isaac. Gen. 22:12
1750. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask on, Didn't God know what Abraham would do? Gen. 22:12
1751. The God-ward side and the man-ward side of Abraham offering up his son to God. Gen. 22:12
1752. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham and Isaac (an artistic rendition by Peter Bently). Gen. 22:12
1753. Abraham’s obedience contrasted with Satan’s disobedience and hatred. Gen. 22:12
1754. Fallen angels are no more likely to change their allegiance than politicians are to reject their own lies. Gen. 22:12
1755. Application of the mortgage industry takeover. Gen. 22:12
1756. Understanding the fear of the Lord. Gen. 22:12
1757. Reference to the Doctrine of Fear of the Lord in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:12
1758. God is not going to require you to do some ghastly thing. Gen. 22:12
1759. People who get special messages from God are psychos. Gen. 22:12
1760. The narrative of Gen. 22 progresses on two levels. Gen. 22:12
1761. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Great Analogy of the Written Word of God and the Living Word of God. Gen. 22:12
1762. We know for a certainty that there is time between the writing of the Old and New Testaments. Gen. 22:12
1763. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why did God not allow Abraham to offer his son, and then resurrect Isaac? Gen. 22:13
1764. Why a ram instead of a lamb? Gen. 22:13
1765. Isaac is a type of Christ; meaning of type. Gen. 22:13
1766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Illustration of the Parallel Between Abraham Offering Isaac and the Cross. Gen. 22:13
1767. Infinite series; density. Gen. 22:13
1768. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parallels Between Abraham Offering Up Isaac and Jesus Offering Himself. Gen. 22:13
1769. Reference to How Isaac's Unusual Birth Foreshadowed the Birth of Our Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:13
1770. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallels between the Deaths of Jesus and Isaac, from the Bible Illustrator. Gen. 22:13
1771. Explaining Jehovah Jireh. Gen. 22:14
1772. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining 2Samuel 22:14. Gen. 22:14
1773. The play on words in Gen. 22:14.
1774. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Names of God. Gen. 22:14
1775. Angels going from nothing to being created. How do they know Who and What God is? Gen. 22:14
1776. The faith of evolutionists. Gen. 22:14
1777. Angels observing God and man. Satan and Job. Gen. 22:14
1778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An atheist interlude. Gen. 22:14
1779. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud for Atheism Resource homepage. Gen. 22:14
1780. God’s oath to Abraham; possibly the last such oath to the patriarchs where He swears by Himself. Gen. 22:16
1781. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 22:17 (a graphic). Gen. 22:17
1782. Stars of the heavens compared to sand of the seashore. Gen. 22:17
1783. Reference to the Lucky Guesses in Genesis (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:17
1784. Possessing the gates of one’s enemies. Gen. 22:17
1785. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Operation Footstool. Gen. 22:17
1786. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Typology. Gen. 22:17
1787. Reference to 2Sam. 18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:17
1788. Reference to Isaac’s Birth and the Birth of our Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:17
1789. Water from the rock graphic. Gen. 22:17
1790. Serpent on the stick graphic. Gen. 22:17
1791. Reference to the Doctrine of Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:17
1792. The Hithpael stem. Gen. 22:18
1793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hithpael Usage in "All the Nations of the Earth will be Blessed by your Seed." Gen. 22:18
1794. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Thomas Constable on the Four Seeds of Abraham. Gen. 22:18
1795. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac was a Type of Christ. Gen. 22:18
1796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Promised Blessings to Abraham in Genesis 22. Gen. 22:18
1797. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Piles Blessings onto Abraham. Gen. 22:18
1798. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abrahamic Covenant Passages. Gen. 22:18
1799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Offering of Isaac and Our Lord's Sacrifice on the Cross. Gen. 22:18
1800. Reference to How Isaac's Unusual Birth Foreshadowed the Birth of Our Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:18
1801. Reference to Typology: Abraham's Offering of Isaac/God's offering of Jesus (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:18
1802. Reference to Operation Footstool (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:18
1803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hebrews 11:17–19 Interlude. Gen. 22:18
1804. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's plan is person-specific. Gen. 22:18
1805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Escrow Blessings. Gen. 22:18
1806. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ancient adoption. Gen. 22:18
1807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adoption and escrow blessings (Ephesians 1:3–10). Gen. 22:18
1808. Mystery doctrines. Gen. 22:18
1809. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Our inheritance is based upon adoption (Ephesians 1:11–13). Gen. 22:18
1810. Ancient world adoption. Gen. 22:18
1811. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 3 categories of truth (Ephesians 1:14–20). Gen. 22:18
1812. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Escrow Blessings Explained. Gen. 22:18
1813. Billy Graham evangelistic programs in the 1950's and 1960's. Gen. 22:18
1814. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Escrow Blessings Graphic. Gen. 22:18
1815. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Second Escrow Blessings Chart. Gen. 22:18
1816. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stan Simonton of Katy Community Church on Escrow blessings. Gen. 22:18
1817. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Third Escrow Blessing Graphic. Gen. 22:18
1818. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Exegesis of James 2:14–26. Gen. 22:18
1819. Reference to Christian Basics (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and/or Living the Christian Life (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:18
1820. Reference to the Abbreviated Doctrine of Sanctification (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:18
1821. Reference to Bible Doctrine Resources for the Doctrine of Justification and to Bible Doctrine Resources for the Doctrine of Righteousness. Gen. 22:18
1822. J. Vernon McGee on James 2. Gen. 22:18
1823. The great handoff to the next generation. Gen. 22:19
1824. There is little else that Abraham can do which matches Gen. 22. Gen. 22:20
1825. Personal news being passed about in the ancient world. Gen. 22:20
1826. The types of genealogies. Gen. 22:20
1827. The genealogy of Jesus Christ. Gen. 22:20
1828. Communications in the ancient world. Gen. 22:20
1829. Written language existed in the time of Abraham. Gen. 22:20
1830. The handoff from one generation to the next. Gen. 22:20
1831. Two types of genealogies in the Bible. Gen. 22:20
1832. The meanings of the names Abram, Abraham, Sarah, Sarai, and Nahor. Gen. 22:20
1833. My personal jealousies. Gen. 22:20
1834. Reasons for this genealogy. Gen. 22:20
1835. The relationship of Nahor and Abraham. Gen. 22:21
1836. Uz. Gen. 22:21
1837. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Uz's of Scripture. Gen. 22:21
1838. Buz. Gen. 22:21
1839. Kemuel. Gen. 22:21
1840. Aram, grandson of Nahor, is not the father of the Aramæans. Gen. 22:21
1841. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query, on Asimov's Guide to the Bible. Gen. 22:21
1842. Chesed. Gen. 22:22
1843. Hazo. Gen. 22:22
1844. Pildash. Gen. 22:22
1845. Jidlaph. Gen. 22:22
1846. Bethuel. Gen. 22:22
1847. Rebekah. Gen. 22:23
1848. Constable on the different types of genealogies. Gen. 22:23
1849. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke on Concubines. Gen. 22:24
1850. Concubines. Gen. 22:24
1851. Anti-Bible websites mad about mistresses in the Bible. Gen. 22:24
1852. Ideal of Bible is one man and one woman. Gen. 22:24
1853. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Marriage Equality Graphic. Gen. 22:24
1854. Reference to Marriage Alternatives Found in the Bible (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 22:24
1855. Gaham. Gen. 22:24
1856. Thahash. Gen. 22:24
1857. Maacah. Gen. 22:24
1858. Location of Reumah’s children. Gen. 22:24
1859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Nahor's Children are Listed in Scripture. Gen. 22:24
1860. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Line of Terah (a genealogical chart). Gen. 22:24
1861. Maacah. Gen. 22:24
1862. Nahor has no impact on human history. Gen. 22:24
1863. Abraham’s child versus Nahor’s 12 children. Gen. 22:24
1864. J. Vernon McGee on justification in James. Gen. 22 Addendum
1865. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 22 is in the Word of God. Gen. 22 Addendum
1866. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 22. Gen. 22 Addendum
1867. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 22 Addendum
1868. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 22. Gen. 22 Addendum
1869. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 22. Gen. 22 Addendum
1870. J. Vernon McGee on Gen. 22. Gen. 22 Addendum
1871. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 22. Gen. 22 Addendum
1872. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 22. Gen. 22 Addendum
1873. Genesis 23 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1874. Quotations; preface
1875. Gen. 23 could be easily shortened to one verse. Gen. 23 Introduction
1876. Reference to Genesis 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 23 Introduction
1877. Abraham’s first ownership of land in the Land of Promise. Gen. 23 Introduction
1878. Why Abraham is buying this land. Gen. 23 Introduction
1879. Blurring of events due to Abraham’s loss. Gen. 23 Introduction
1880. Abraham contrasted with Lot. Gen. 23 Introduction
1881. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Introduction
1882. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Introduction
1883. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Introduction
1884. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Introduction
1885. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Introduction
1886. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Alternate Outline of Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Introduction
1887. The age of Abraham and Sarah. Gen. 23:1
1888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sarah's Life. Gen. 23:1
1889. Some minor textual problems with v. 1. Gen. 23:1
1890. Why Abraham wrote this rather than Moses. Gen. 23:1
1891. Where and when Sarah died. Gen. 23:2
1892. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Physical Death. Gen. 23:2
1893. Kiriath-arba (Hebron). Gen. 23:2
1894. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Hebron. Gen. 23:2
1895. Abraham’s age. Gen. 23:2
1896. Reference to the Doctrine of Hebron (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 23:2
1897. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Summary of the Doctrine of Hebron. Gen. 23:2
1898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hebron, the Home of Abraham (graphic). Gen. 23:2
1899. Abraham’s human memory under stress. Gen. 23:2
1900. Example of Principal Taylor before his death. Gen. 23:2
1901. No reason to idolize Mary any more than Sarah. Gen. 23:2
1902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: And Sarah died in Kiryat Arba by Yoram Raanan. Gen. 23:2
1903. Abraham’s consideration in burying Sarah. Gen. 23:3
1904. The Hittites. Are these the famous Hittites? Gen. 23:3
1905. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Introduction to the Hittites. Gen. 23:3
1906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, on the Sons of Heth in Canaan. Gen. 23:3
1907. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Driver on the Hittites. Gen. 23:3
1908. How Abraham begins speaking to the Hittites; where they come from. Gen. 23:3
1909. The holdings of Abraham and of the Hittites. Gen. 23:4
1910. Reference to Gen. 14. Gen. 23:4
1911. Reference to David and Nabal. Gen. 23:4
1912. Sarah is not the first person Abraham has buried. Gen. 23:4
1913. Many in the land of Canaan were clearly believers. Gen. 23:6
1914. Just as their descendants became rabid dogs, those descended from the WWII generation have nothing in common with their forefathers. Gen. 23:6
1915. Why these business transactions took place at the city gates. Gen. 23:8
1916. Machpelah. Gen. 23:9
1917. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 23:8b–9a (graphic). Gen. 23:9
1918. Men in the time of Abraham were healthier, lived longer, and probably had a great brain capacity. Gen. 23:9
1919. How Genesis came to Moses is unknown. Gen. 23:9
1920. The book of Genesis was the Word of God during the time of Moses. Gen. 23:9
1921. Radically different writing styles in the book of Genesis. Gen. 23:9
1922. Writing existed in the time of Abraham. Gen. 23:9
1923. Scripture for burials in caves, gardens and fields. Gen. 23:9
1924. Why Ephron may have wanted to sell Abraham all of his property. Gen. 23:11
1925. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Hebron and Mamre. Gen. 23:12
1926. Abraham refused the gift of the King of Sodom in Gen. 14. Gen. 23:13
1927. The business transaction between Abraham and Ephron is not necessarily some that we should emulate. Gen. 23:13
1928. Believers and business dealings. Gen. 23:13
1929. Real estate agents act as buffers. Gen. 23:13
1930. Interactions between people for business deals. Gen. 23:13
1931. The value of silver today and how to check prices. Gen. 23:15
1932. Comparing the price of this lot to that price of Samaria when it is sold. Gen. 23:15
1933. Many commentators said it was done that Abraham should have come back and offered half the price that Ephron stated. Gen. 23:15
1934. When the Hebrews began to use coinage. Gen. 23:15
1935. Jewish stereotype of parsimonious nature is contradicted by Abraham. Gen. 23:15
1936. Spot silver again. Gen. 23:16
1937. It is possible that the details of this transactions were not written down. Gen. 23:16
1938. Everyone at the gates knows the complete transaction and a description of the property conveyed. Gen. 23:16
1939. Getting the silver suggests that Abraham had another meeting with these people. Gen. 23:16
1940. Probably 3 meetings that took place. Gen. 23:16
1941. Cutting back on one’s working hours. Gen. 23:16
1942. Abraham cut back on his own working hours, it appears. Gen. 23:16
1943. 60 year olds should get jury duty more often than 30 year olds. Gen. 23:16
1944. No closed doors, no secrecy and no written contracts here. Gen. 23:17
1945. Machpelah. Gen. 23:17
1946. Varying ownership rights. Gen. 23:18
1947. It is okay for two Christians to have an agreement on paper rather than a handshake deal. Gen. 23:18
1948. Abraham is not poor. Gen. 23:18
1949. Why we have real estate agents to act as buffers. Gen. 23:18
1950. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scofield on the Burying Place of Sarah. Gen. 23:18
1951. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who is buried where? Gen. 23:18
1952. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Three Explanations Given by the Pulpit Commentary. Gen. 23:18
1953. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Burial of Sarah from Gustave Doré. Gen. 23:19
1954. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Burial of Sarah in Hebron by Tom Lovell (a graphic). Gen. 23:19
1955. Where this land is today; a mosque on top of it. Gen. 23:19
1956. This is the first land purchased in the Land of Promise by Abraham as far as we know. Gen. 23:20
1957. Robby Dean and the future of these people. Gen. 23:20
1958. Why this chapter appears to be written by a grieving husband. Gen. 23:20
1959. The woman touching the hem of Christ’s garment. Gen. 23:20
1960. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 23 is in the Word of God. Gen. 23 Addendum
1961. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Addendum
1962. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 23 Addendum
1963. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Addendum
1964. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Addendum
1965. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Addendum
1966. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 23. Gen. 23 Addendum
1967. Genesis 24 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1968. Quotations; preface
1969. Like a bedtime story. Gen. 24 Introduction
1970. God’s history versus man’s history. A made-up example. Gen. 24 Introduction
1971. 3 important invisible things in our life. Gen. 24 Introduction
1972. God knows what we ought to focus on. Gen. 24 Introduction
1973. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Introduction
1974. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Introduction
1975. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Introduction
1976. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Introduction
1977. The ages of the patriarchs during this narrative. Gen. 24 Introduction
1978. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Synopsis of Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Introduction
1979. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Arno Gaebelein's Chapter Outline. Gen. 24 Introduction
1980. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scofield's Typical Approach to Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Introduction
1981. Dramatic differences between the culture of Abraham and Isaac and our culture today. The Bible should seem like a relic because of these great differences. Gen. 24 Introduction
1982. Old age and the arc of life. Gen. 24:1
1983. References to Genesis 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Genesis 23 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 24:1
1984. Your knowledge of Abraham as over against your knowledge of any king of this era. Gen. 24:1
1985. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham, a Friend of God (a graphic). Gen. 24:1
1986. Fame and recognition. Fame is fleeting. Fame with God or man. Gen. 24:1
1987. References to Gen. 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), and Psalm 22 and Isa. 53. Gen. 24:1
1988. Every believer can have the impact of Abraham. Gen. 24:1
1989. Billy Graham and the influence of his parents. Gen. 24:1
1990. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Bârake. Gen. 24:1
1991. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Communism, Socialism and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Gen. 24:1
1992. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 24:1
1993. Jesus, the rich young ruler, and liberals. Gen. 24:1
1994. Communism, socialism and the Bible. Gen. 24:1
1995. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus the Socialist (a graphic). Gen. 24:1
1996. Abraham is a very rich man and God does not tell him to give up his wealth. Gen. 24:1
1997. Slavery and a living wage. Gen. 24:1
1998. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham's Blessings. Gen. 24:1
1999. Slavery, a living wage; the Mosaic Law. Gen. 24:2
2000. Abraham’s slave has more power and authority that we have. Gen. 24:2
2001. The Bible and slavery. Gen. 24:2
2002. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham and his Servant (a graphic). Gen. 24:2
2003. Abraham’s slave might be Eliezer. Gen. 24:2
2004. The ancient oaths. Gen. 24:2
2005. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Words of man interlude. Gen. 24:3
2006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Royal Titles and Designations of God and How They are Used. Gen. 24:3
2007. Problems with the Canaanites. Gen. 24:3
2008. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Racial Intermarriage. Gen. 24:3
2009. Reference to The Doctrine of Racial Intermarriage (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 24:3
2010. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is wrong with the Canaanites. Gen. 24:3
2011. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Land of Birth or Land of Kindred? Gen. 24:4
2012. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Desalinization plants (graphic). Gen. 24:4
2013. J. Vernon McGee on marriage and family. Gen. 24:4
2014. Downton Abbey theme of finding the proper partner. Gen. 24:4
2015. Unequally yoked. Gen. 24:4
2016. In deciding to find a woman for Isaac, Abraham is considering the covenant and his own age. Gen. 24:4
2017. We have active roles in the Christian life. Gen. 24:4
2018. The Christian physician. Gen. 24:4
2019. God has not interacted directly with Abraham for 30 years. Gen. 24:4
2020. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 5 Divine Institutions. Gen. 24:4
2021. Some Canaanites did believe in Yehowah. Gen. 24:4
2022. Decrease of age in man. Gen. 24:4
2023. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ages of the Patriarchs Chart. Gen. 24:4
2024. We change our opinions from generation to generation. Gen. 24:4
2025. Family and work are blessings to a man’s life. Gen. 24:4
2026. The servant cleverly suggests that Isaac go with him. Gen. 24:5
2027. The servant does not have an ipod or an array of photographs of Isaac to take with him. Gen. 24:5
2028. The clever approach of the servant. Gen. 24:5
2029. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham's reasoning about not letting Isaac leave the Land of Promise. Gen. 24:6
2030. Reference to Gen. 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Gen. 26 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 24:7
2031. Abraham’s faith and confidence in finding this wife for Isaac. Gen. 24:7
2032. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham's logical conclusion, based upon the promises of God. Gen. 24:7
2033. J. Vernon McGee on Abraham’s faith. Gen. 24:7
2034. The mechanics of how angels work and exactly what they do. Gen. 24:7
2035. Abraham knows that God will fulfill His promises to him. Gen. 24:8
2036. The Bible has cultural practices as well as God’s norms and standards. Gen. 24:9
2037. Abraham and camels. Gen. 24:10
2038. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Christianity Today on Abraham's Anachronistic Camels. Gen. 24:10
2039. We should not be jealous of our bosses or of CEO’s. Gen. 24:10
2040. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Aram-naharaim. Gen. 24:10
2041. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Abraham's Journeys. Gen. 24:10
2042. The city of Nahor. Gen. 24:10
2043. Duncan on the active and passive sides of faith. Gen. 24:10
2044. Wells and culture. Gen. 24:11
2045. One could always find unmarried women at the well. Gen. 24:13
2046. How much water the young woman carried for the servant. Gen. 24:14
2047. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How does this prayer square with the will of God? Gen. 24:14
2048. Figuring out the will of God. Gen. 24:14
2049. There is some leeway in our actions in the plan of God. God does not tell us what to do every moment of the day. Gen. 24:14
2050. Chuck Smith on prayer that God’s answers no. Gen. 24:15
2051. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Terah's Line (chart). Gen. 24:15
2052. Bethuel is much older than Isaac. Gen. 24:15
2053. The beauty of women. Rebekah’s beauty. Gen. 24:16
2054. The spring or well is inaccessible to the camels. Gen. 24:16
2055. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Eliezer and Rebekah" by Gustave Doré (a graphic). Gen. 24:16
2056. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rebekah at the Well by Michael Deas. Gen. 24:18
2057. Why the servant does not get his own water. Gen. 24:19
2058. The possible design of the well. Gen. 24:19
2059. Rebekah’s service to this man. Rebekah’s character. Gen. 24:19
2060. The number of trips to give drink to the camels. Gen. 24:20
2061. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rebekah gives water to the servant's camels (a graphic). Gen. 24:20
2062. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: F. Hastings describes the scene. Gen. 24:20
2063. Culture and the woman drawing all of the water. Gen. 24:21
2064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The servant places bracelets on the wrist of Rebekah (a graphic). Gen. 24:22
2065. Duncan on value of jewelry. Gen. 24:22
2066. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke on Jewelry of the Bible. Gen. 24:22
2067. Status and slavery. Gen. 24:23
2068. Southern slave owners who taught their slaves to read and write and gave them the gospel. Gen. 24:23
2069. Reference to the Doctrine of Slavery (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 24:23
2070. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Slavery. Gen. 24:23
2071. What does Abraham’s servant’s quest have to do with us? Gen. 24:25
2072. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Blessing God. Gen. 24:27
2073. Going to mom transcends time and cultures. Gen. 24:28
2074. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Where's Mom? (A graphic). Gen. 24:28
2075. Finding a good mate. Gen. 24:31
2076. The servant must reveal his mission before eating. Gen. 24:33
2077. A good leader must be able to delegate responsibility. Gen. 24:34
2078. References to Fast and Furious, Obama, Benghazi, and debates with Mitt Romney. Gen. 24:34
2079. References to Bush and hurricane Katrina and finger-pointing. Gen. 24:34
2080. Slavery in the Bible; slavery in the United States. Taxpayer slavery. Gen. 24:35
2081. Reference to the Doctrine of Divine Blessing (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 24:35
2082. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Blessings for the Church Age Believer. Gen. 24:35
2083. Talking to someone and it sounds like you are starting from the middle of the conversation. Gen. 24:36
2084. Those who hate Abraham hate his God; those who hate the Jews hate their God. Gen. 24:37
2085. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Steven Cole's four aspects of God's wisdom for the choice of a mate. Gen. 24:38
2086. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom and Ballinger on the Function of Angels. Gen. 24:40
2087. Reference to the doctrine of the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 24:40
2088. A confluence of events which leads us to a decision. Gen. 24:40
2089. The servant is a detail-oriented person; others are big picture people. Examples.
2090. Exegesis requires detail and big picture. Gen. 24:42
2091. Why people do not just take the water from the well. Gen. 24:44
2092. Gen. 24 is a bedtime story. Gen. 24:44
2093. Why the servant does not simply take out the water himself. Gen. 24:46
2094. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The servant recounts his experience (a graphic). Gen. 24:48
2095. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who is Bethuel—Really? Gen. 24:50
2096. Theories on who Bethuel is. Gen. 24:50
2097. Why Abraham is respected in Laban’s household. Gen. 24:50
2098. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keys to Determining the Proper Wife and Proper Husband. Gen. 24:50
2099. You know very little about Jesus Christ when you exercise faith in Him. You often learn a lot after that. My own ignorance regarding the Lord after salvation. Gen. 24:51
2100. God narrowing the options when it comes to major decisions. Gen. 24:51
2101. Laban’s motivations. Gen. 24:51
2102. Why Bethuel seems to be silent. Gen. 24:51
2103. Reasons why Bethuel is not saying much. Gen. 24:55
2104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rebekah and her consent to marriage. Gen. 24:57
2105. J. Vernon McGee on the assured decision of faith. Gen. 24:58
2106. Rebekah’s nanny, Deborah and what role she might play in the future. Gen. 24:59
2107. Who is Rebekah’s seed? Gen. 24:60
2108. The negative view of servitude in the United States.
2109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Servant is a Type of Christ. Gen. 24:61
2110. Beer-lahai-roi. Gen. 24:62
2111. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Southern Israel (Including Beer-lahai-roi, Gerar and Beersheba). Gen. 24:62
2112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Importance of Knowing the Word of God in the Old Testament. Gen. 24:63
2113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rebekah's Veil (a graphic). Gen. 24:65
2114. Don’t worry that Christians are going to try to pass legislation for require veils. Gen. 24:65
2115. Authorship of the Word of God; recognizing it to be the Word of God. Gen. 24:66
2116. Separate tents for husband and wife. Gen. 24:67
2117. Difference in cultures in just one generation. Gen. 24:67
2118. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 3 Great Life Events of Isaac and What They Point to. Gen. 24:67
2119. Reference to the Parallels Between the Birth of Isaac and the Birth of Jesus (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 24:67
2120. Reference to Typology: Abraham's Offering of Isaac/God's offering of Jesus (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 24:67
2121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Culture of Genesis and the Bible. Gen. 24:67
2122. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 24 is in the Word of God. Gen. 24 Addendum
2123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Addendum
2124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 24 Addendum
2125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Addendum
2126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Addendum
2127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Addendum
2128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 24. Gen. 24 Addendum
2129. Somewhere in here I should do something about the historicity of the Patriarchs (See “Treasuries of Bible Times” p. 58).
2130. The Doctrine of Rings—not finished yet!!! Alluded to in Judges 8:24. Gen. 24:2`2
2131. Genesis 25 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Abraham and Keturah/Abraham’s Death/Ishmael’s Sons/ Jacob and Esau (or, The Arab Chapter)
2132. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Goettsche, Barnhouse, Heber Evans, Bishop Newton. Gen. 25 Preface
2133. This is a chapter mostly about Arabs. Gen. 25 Introduction
2134. The words Arab and Arabia in the Bible. Gen. 25 Introduction
2135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Introduction
2136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Introduction
2137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Introduction
2138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Introduction
2139. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Pools Provides a Synopsis of Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Introduction
2140. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry Outlines Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Introduction
2141. Abbreviated view of Gen. 25. Gen. 25 Introduction
2142. Commentators who place Abraham’s married to Keturah much earlier in time; and some refutation of that position. Gen. 25:1
2143. Considering the Hebrew going from Gen. 24 to Gen. 25. Gen. 25:1
2144. God sexually reinvigorated Abraham. Gen. 25:1
2145. Problems with Abraham having Sarah and Keturah as wives. Gen. 25:1
2146. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 25 is correctly placed, chronologically speaking. Gen. 25:1
2147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Arguments Against Chronological Order. Gen. 25:1
2148. Keturah. Gen. 25:1
2149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask: Is Keturah a Wife or Concubine? Gen. 25:1
2150. Secondary wives. Gen. 25:1
2151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask—How can Abraham have more children? Gen. 25:1
2152. Wenstrom on Abraham having the ability to have children after Sarah. Gen. 25:1
2153. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Abraham married Keturah after the death of Sarah. Gen. 25:1
2154. Did Abraham marry outside of “his family” with Keturah? Gen. 25:1
2155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Unusual Theory About Abraham's Children. Gen. 25:1
2156. It was not wrong for Abraham to father Arabic children who would later cause problems for the Jews. Gen. 25:2
2157. Unbelieving friends of mine whose daughter became a Christian. Gen. 25:2
2158. United States on a collision course with Islam. Words will not solve this problem. Gen. 25:2
2159. Obama is not making our relations with Islam any better. Gen. 25:2
2160. Billy Graham used to be broadcast on network television nightly. Gen. 25:2
2161. The Black community and church. Gen. 25:2
2162. Growing atheism in the United States. The welfare hammock. Gen. 25:2
2163. Midian; J. Vernon McGee on Midian. Gen. 25:2
2164. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fausset on Midian. Gen. 25:2
2165. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider on Midian. Gen. 25:2
2166. Meaning of the names, Medan and Midian. Gen. 25:2
2167. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bible Query on, What happened to Keturah's Sons? Gen. 25:2
2168. Ancient Assyria. Gen. 25:3
2169. Reference to 2Sam. 2:9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:3
2170. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Line of Abraham and Keturah (Chart). Gen. 25:4
2171. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom, Snider, Driver, and Clarke on the Descendants of Abraham and Keturah. Gen. 25:4
2172. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Location of the Sons of Keturah. Gen. 25:4
2173. Extended Wikipedia remarks on Shuah. Gen. 25:4
2174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Peoples of Arabia (before Christ). Gen. 25:4
2175. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Other Sons of Abraham. Gen. 25:4
2176. Cluster genealogies. Gen. 25:4
2177. Relationship of Asshur and Midian with the Assyrians and Midianites. Gen. 25:4
2178. Why we have this list of names. Gen. 25:4
2179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible, Poverty, Inheritance, Wealth, and Spreading the Wealth Around. Gen. 25:5
2180. God NEVER tells Abraham to start spreading his wealth around. Gen. 25:5
2181. God does not encourage Abraham to divide up his wealth evenly. Excellent. Gen. 25:5
2182. The rich young ruler and socialists and communists. Gen. 25:5
2183. A web page where taxpayers can be hooked up with welfare recipients. Gen. 25:5
2184. Does Abraham has more than 2 mistresses? Gen. 25:6
2185. Abraham giving bribes to his sons by mistresses. Gen. 25:6
2186. Abraham sending his other children away was not cruel, wrong, or selfish. Gen. 25:6
2187. It was okay for Abraham to have other children besides Isaac, even though their descendants would be antagonistic to Isaac’s descendants. Gen. 25:6
2188. Abraham’s children would have been evangelists to the east. Gen. 25:6
2189. Interpreting the word mistresses. Gen. 25:6
2190. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of God's Promises to Abraham (from Robert Dean). Gen. 25:6
2191. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Genealogy of Abraham (chart). Gen. 25:6
2192. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 25:5–6. Gen. 25:6
2193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ages of Abraham's Descendants at his Death. Gen. 25:7
2194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Age of Our Early Ancestors. Gen. 25:7
2195. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke on Jesus Breathing His Last. Gen. 25:8
2196. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, Abraham living to a good old age, full of years. Gen. 25:8
2197. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to the Doctrine of Dying Grace. Gen. 25:8
2198. Reference to Gen. 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:8
2199. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 25:8 (a graphic). Gen. 25:8
2200. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, on the Hebrews early understanding of life after death. Gen. 25:8
2201. Reference to Essence of God in the Pentateuch (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:8
2202. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom's Brief Doctrine of Sheol (Hades). Gen. 25:8
2203. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Free Bible on the Dead, Where Are They? (Sheol/Hades, Gehenna, Tartarus). Gen. 25:8
2204. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing the Death of Abraham. Gen. 25:8
2205. Continuing the testimony of God past the death of Abraham. Gen. 25:8
2206. The story of the flood pass down by Shem and Japheth. Gen. 25:8
2207. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who Died When (a Chart). Gen. 25:8
2208. God and His programs before the flood and for the 1000 years following the flood. Gen. 25:8
2209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robbie Dean on Abraham's Spiritual and Historical Impact. Gen. 25:8
2210. Reference to Gen. 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:9
2211. Isaac and Ishmael as adults arranging the funeral of Abraham. Gen. 25:9
2212. Reference to Gen. 23 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:9
2213. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on the Cave of Machpelah. Gen. 25:9
2214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paying Homage to Abraham. Genesis 25:10
2215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Homage to Abraham. Gen. 25:10
2216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham, an overview. Gen. 25:10
2217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham in the New Testament. Gen. 25:10
2218. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Part I: Abraham in the Synoptic Gospels. Gen. 25:10
2219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Occurrences of Old Testament Saints in the New Testament (chart). Gen. 25:10
2220. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham in the Gospels/The Coniah Curse/The Types of Baptisms in the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2221. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matt. 1:1–2, 17 Luke 3:34 The Genealogies of Jesus. Gen. 25:10
2222. Matthew most references to Old Testament in gospels.
2223. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Lineage of Jesus; His Legal Line and the Line of His Humanity (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2224. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Coniah Curse (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2225. Reference to the Basic History of Israel HTML PDF; with no links: PDF). Gen. 25:10
2226. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Coniah Curse. Gen. 25:10
2227. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Luke 1:46–55 The Song (Magnificat) of Mary. Gen. 25:10
2228. Reference to the Doctrine of the Fear of the Lord in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2229. The categories of Abraham’s offspring. Gen. 25:10
2230. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Luke 1:67–80 Zechariah's Song. Gen. 25:10
2231. What peace means in the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2232. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matt. 3:1–11 John the Baptizer. Gen. 25:10
2233. What repent means in the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2234. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: John the Baptizer out in the Wilderness (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2235. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Baptisms in the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2236. Bearing fruit; dead works. Gen. 25:10
2237. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matt. 8:5–13 Jesus and the Roman Soldier Who Understands Authority. Gen. 25:10
2238. Reference to the Doctrine of Slavery (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2239. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Centurion (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2240. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matt. 22:23–33 The Sadducees' Question about Marriage in the Resurrection. Gen. 25:10
2241. The liberal refrain, Clinton left a balanced budget, but Bush spent us into great debt. Gen. 25:10
2242. The sadducees and the resurrection. Gen. 25:10
2243. People, who do not care about the Bible, arguing that homosexuality is okay, using the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2244. Reference to Marriage Alternatives in the Bible (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2245. Reference to Liberation Theology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2246. Liberals using the Bible to stand up for the downtrodden, meaning, there should be higher taxes. Gen. 25:10
2247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Luke 13:10–16 Jesus Heals on the Sabbath. Gen. 25:10
2248. The purpose of healing in the time of Jesus. Gen. 25:10
2249. Ruler of the synagogue misquoting the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2250. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of the Sabbath Day. Gen. 25:10
2251. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Luke 13:22–30 Gentiles Will Be Saved Instead of Jews. Gen. 25:10
2252. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Luke 16:19–31 Lazarus and the Rich Man. Gen. 25:10
2253. The Bible is not anti-rich; but it is against a life focused on making money. Gen. 25:10
2254. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2255. This man is able to recognize Abraham in heaven, having never seen him before. Gen. 25:10
2256. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Luke 19:1–10 Jesus and the Rich Tax Collector. Gen. 25:10
2257. Liberals do not quote the story of the rich tax collector. Gen. 25:10
2258. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tree of Zacchaeus (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2259. About 80% of Americans believe in God. Gen. 25:10
2260. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Part II: Abraham in the Gospel of John. Gen. 25:10
2261. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: John 8:20–59 Jesus' Message in the Treasury. Gen. 25:10
2262. David, Solomon, the Tabernacle and the Temple. Gen. 25:10
2263. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Speaking in the Treasury (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2264. Reference to Jesus is not a liberal (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2265. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus was a liberal (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2266. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Graphic about hell. Gen. 25:10
2267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Truth Will Set You Free (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2268. Hearers often did not understand what Jesus was teaching. Gen. 25:10
2269. When people reject Jesus Christ, it is not because they are being rational or logical; but simply because it is convenient. Gen. 25:10
2270. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham in the book of Acts. Gen. 25:10
2271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Healing of the Lame Man (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2272. When the Apostles began with their message, there was no reason for anyone to listen to them, apart from miracles.
2273. The people were surprised by the energy of the evangelists of Jesus. Gen. 25:10
2274. The incredible miracle of the beggar. Gen. 25:10
2275. The healing of the lame man is nothing like the hokey of today’s churches. Gen. 25:10
2276. If there are far fewer miracles, then what draws hearers to the gospel? Example of Gary ___ evangelizing the kids at Humble. Gen. 25:10
2277. Reference to the Doctrine of Intercalation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prophecy of Moses and Salvation. Gen. 25:10
2279. Rejecting Jesus Christ for every moment of your existence carries into eternity. Gen. 25:10
2280. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reinterpreting Old Testament Truths. Gen. 25:10
2281. Entitlement; thinking you deserve what you do not. Gen. 25:10
2282. A time frame for God speaking to Abraham and Abraham leaving Mesopotamia. Gen. 25:10
2283. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham's Journey from Ur to Haran (a graphic). Gen. 25:10
2284. Traveling away from the Euphrates was a great act of faith. Gen. 25:10
2285. Why God did not just give the land of promise to Abraham. Gen. 25:10
2286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Seed of Abraham and the Life of the Believer. Gen. 25:10
2287. Reference to the Doctrine of Circumcision (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2288. The growth of people of Abraham in Egypt. Gen. 25:10
2289. The changing of history. Gen. 25:10
2290. Lies taught about American history. Gen. 25:10
2291. Dishonesty and point-of-view of historians; illustration of Bush and Obama. Gen. 25:10
2292. Lies and half truths about European socialism. Gen. 25:10
2293. Deuteronomy was the teaching of real history to the people of Israel. Gen. 25:10
2294. Inaccurate teaching about Obama and Reagan. Gen. 25:10
2295. Stephen is properly explaining and interpreting Jewish history to his audience. Gen. 25:10
2296. Our forefathers and the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2297. David Barton’s American Heritage Special DVD set. Gen. 25:10
2298. The distortions of Moses in The Bible The Epic Miniseries. Gen. 25:10
2299. Moses was not lost in the desert. Gen. 25:10
2300. Reference to the Biblical Doctrine of Leadership (Military and Leadership—and other leadership doctrines—the MP3's must be ordered from R. B. Thieme, Jr. Ministries) (Angelfire). Gen. 25:10
2301. The parallel between Moses and Jesus (when Moses goes to the people, but the people do not know him).
2302. Early history of Moses. Gen. 25:10
2303. TEA party, founders, lack of historical knowledge. Gen. 25:10
2304. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Repentance of Sins in the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2305. Reference to Messianic Prophecies (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham in the Pauline Epistles. Gen. 25:10
2307. Reference to Gen. 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Gen. 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Romans 9:1–16 The True Seed of Abraham. Gen. 25:10
2309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Things which Belong to Israel. Gen. 25:10
2310. Types of genealogies in the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2311. Anthropopathism. Gen. 25:10
2312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Romans 11:1–6 The Remnant of Grace. Gen. 25:10
2313. Why God has different plans throughout the ages. Gen. 25:10
2314. The Bible was preserved by opposing groups. Gen. 25:10
2315. The Old and New Testament canon. Gen. 25:10
2316. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: New Testament Chart—Individuals recognition of books; Individuals devised canon. Gen. 25:10
2317. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: New Testament Chart 2—Canons established by translation and by councils. Gen. 25:10
2318. Disputed books of the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2319. Languages of the Bible. Gen. 25:10
2320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Cor. 11:18–23 Paul Compares His Credentials with Those of the Judaizers. Gen. 25:10
2321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Galatians 3:5–12 Abraham shows us that we are saved by faith and not by the law. Gen. 25:10
2322. Reference to The Parallels between the Birth of Isaac and the Birth of Jesus (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, on the Time Problem. Gen. 25:10
2324. Mediator; intermediator. The Law is not a mediator between God and man; it is a barrier. Gen. 25:10
2325. Helpful hints in Deuteronomy. Gen. 25:10
2326. Reference to The Offering of Isaac (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2327. After Jesus came, there are two reasons why we are not under the Law. Gen. 25:10
2328. Illustration of Charley’s upcoming birthday. Gen. 25:10
2329. No superficial distinctions among Christians. Gen. 25:10
2330. Reference to Gen. 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2331. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham in Hebrews. Gen. 25:10
2332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hebrews 2:9–18 Jesus brings many sons to glory. Gen. 25:10
2333. Reference to Genesis 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2334. The High Priest. Gen. 25:10
2335. Types. Gen. 25:10
2336. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ark of the Covenant is a Type of Jesus Christ. Gen. 25:10
2337. Reference to Genesis 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2338. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hebrews 11:8–19 The Faith of Abraham and Sarah. Gen. 25:10
2339. The stars of heaven compared to the sands of the seas, which are then compared to Abraham’s descendants. Gen. 25:10
2340. Reference to Isaac in his birth was a type of Christ (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Isaac, when offered up by Abraham, was a type of Christ (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2341. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham in the General Epistles. Gen. 25:10
2342. Newly recruited celebrity Christians. Gen. 25:10
2343. Disasters sometimes supercharge a person’s faith. Gen. 25:10
2344. Abraham’s growth in his faith. Gen. 25:10
2345. 3 types of sanctification. Gen. 25:10
2346. Reference to Abraham’s offering of Isaac was one of the greatest applications of faith, as this foreshadows the cross of Christ. (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:10
2347. A woman should concentrate on the inner person. Gen. 25:10
2348. In my lifetime, I have seen the repudiation of many Biblical concepts, like the submission of a wife to her husband. Gen. 25:10
2349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert Dean's Summary Points of Abraham in the New Testament. Gen. 25:10
2350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom's Division of Genesis. Gen. 25:11
2351. God blessing Isaac. Gen. 25:11
2352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Addendum to the 7th Section by Albert Barnes. Gen. 25:11
2353. Wenstrom divides up the Ishmael section of Gen. 25. Gen. 25:12
2354. Ishmael had to grow up fast. Gen. 25:12
2355. Melchizedek may have handed off the Bible to Abraham. Gen. 25:12
2356. Isaac was a man of milestones. Gen. 25:12
2357. Reference to Essence of God in the Pentateuch (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:12
2358. Two types of genealogies. Gen. 25:13
2359. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on Ishmael the Prince. Gen. 25:13
2360. Nebaioth and Kedar. Gen. 25:13
2361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query: Do the references to Kedar refer to Mohammed? Gen. 25:13
2362. Adbeel and Mibsam. Gen. 25:13
2363. Mishma and Dumah. Gen. 25:14
2364. Hadad [or, Cheder], Tema, Jetur, Naphish and Kederman. Gen. 25:15
2365. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sons of Ishmael (by Barnes, Clarke, Driver, Gill, Keil, Delitzsch, Wenstrom). Gen. 25:15
2366. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sons of Ishmael (a graphic). Gen. 25:15
2367. The time frame of Gen. 25. Gen. 25:16
2368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Expositors on Villages and Encampments. Gen. 25:16
2369. People are closely associated with where they live. Gen. 25:16
2370. Potential for growth of one’s descendants. Gen. 25:16
2371. Explaining the descendants of Ishmael. Gen. 25:16
2372. Authorship and content of this portion of Gen. 25. Gen. 25:16
2373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Tribes of Ishmael. Gen. 25:16
2374. How Isaac wrote this. Gen. 25:16
2375. The history of their mothers does not mean that Isaac and Ishmael would be antagonistic towards one another. Gen. 25:16
2376. Ages of the patriarchs and of Ishmael. Gen. 25:17
2377. Ishmael is not some villain of Scripture. Gen. 25:17
2378. God looked out for Ishmael and his mother. Gen. 25:17
2379. The concept of the human soul. Gen. 25:17
2380. Humanists deny the soul, mostly don’t know what it is. Gen. 25:17
2381. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine of the Human Soul. Gen. 25:17
2382. References to scar tissue and the emotional revolt of the soul. Gen. 25:17
2383. References to sin, human good (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), evil and the old sin nature. Gen. 25:17
2384. The doctrine of the Human Soul is why there is a push for us to believe in evolution. Gen. 25:17
2385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine of the Human Spirit. Gen. 25:17
2386. Reference to the Doctrine of GAP. Gen. 25:17
2387. Reference to the Doctrine of the Edification Complex of the Soul and the God-ward and the man-ward sides of the Edification Complex (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:17
2388. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on, why Ishmael was saved. Gen. 25:17
2389. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on Ishmael and the People of Ishmael. Gen. 25:18
2390. Havilah and Shur. Gen. 25:18
2391. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Location of the Tribes of Ishmael. Gen. 25:18
2392. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alternate Map of Ishmael's Sons. Gen. 25:18
2393. Egypt and Assyria would have been trading partners and there would have been a trading route, probably referred to in this passage. Gen. 25:18
2394. Problems with the 2nd map. Gen. 25:18
2395. Locations of Havilah and Shur. Gen. 25:18
2396. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Genesis 16:18d (He fell [or, settled] before all his brothers.). Gen. 25:18
2397. Ishmael dies at age 137. Gen. 25:18
2398. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 25:12–18. Gen. 25:18
2399. Only Ishmael’s cluster genealogy is looked at; the narrative will now focus upon Isaac and Jacob. Gen. 25:19
2400. The authors of Gen. 24–35. Gen. 25:19
2401. Different authors and their styles. Gen. 25:19
2402. The concept of inspiration. Gen. 25:19
2403. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Constable's Chiasmos of Genesis 25:20–26. Gen. 25:20
2404. The ages of the patriarchs. Gen. 25:20
2405. Reference to Gen. 24 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:20
2406. How Gen. 24 was written and included in the Word of God. Gen. 25:20
2407. Padda-Aram. Gen. 25:20
2408. Abraham sending his children by Keturah eastward with a gift. Gen. 25:20
2409. Calling Bethuel a Syrian. Gen. 25:20
2410. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Ancient World. Gen. 25:20
2411. Shem (son of Noah) had some very famous sons: Assur, Arphaxad and Aram. Gen. 25:20
2412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to the Doctrine of Prayer. Gen. 25:21
2413. Not much interaction between God and Isaac. Gen. 25:21
2414. God answers prayer and oversees that His will is done. Gen. 25:21
2415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Community Bible Translation Notes on Genesis 25:21–23. Gen. 25:21
2416. Reference to Genesis 29 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:21
2417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert Dean's Take on Barrenness. Gen. 25:21
2418. Paul on barrenness. Gen. 25:21
2419. The rivalry of Jacob and Esau. Gen. 25:22
2420. Reference to the Doctrine of Abortion (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:22
2421. Rebekah’s suffering. Gen. 25:22
2422. Rebekah’s suffering revealed by what she says. Gen. 25:22
2423. Jacob and Esau represent the struggles between Arab and Jews. Gen. 25:22
2424. The Bible is not misogynistic. Gen. 25:22
2425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 25:23 (a graphic). Gen. 25:23
2426. The prophecies of God to Rebekah concerning Jacob and Esau. Gen. 25:23
2427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 25:23 (another graphic). Gen. 25:23
2428. Language of accommodation; a metonym. Gen. 25:23
2429. Paul on Jacob and Esau. Gen. 25:23
2430. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Twin Sons of Isaac and Rebecca; graphic and text on Jacob and Esau. Gen. 25:23
2431. 5 point Calvinism versus free will. Gen. 25:23
2432. The illustration of taking your children on vacation. Gen. 25:23
2433. We do not know how Rebekah spoke with God. Gen. 25:23
2434. Israel and how God protects the weak. Gen. 25:23
2435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, Why God Told Rebekah about the Far Future. Gen. 25:23
2436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Prophecies About the People to Come from Abraham. Gen. 25:23
2437. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 25:21–23. Gen. 25:23
2438. The cross is more perspicuous in the Old Testament than in the New. Gen. 25:24
2439. God’s omniscience is revealed in the Old Testament. Gen. 25:24
2440. Reference to the invisible hero. Gen. 25:24
2441. Esau was not a freak when born. Gen. 25:25
2442. Esau, descriptions. Gen. 25:25
2443. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Birth of Esau and Jacob by François Maitre from Augustine's La Cité de Dieu. Gen. 25:26
2444. Jacob, description. Gen. 25:26
2445. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Historical Footnote of the American English Bible. Gen. 25:26
2446. The ages of everyone when Jacob and Esau are born. Gen. 25:26
2447. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 25:24–26. Gen. 25:26
2448. Why the parents may have separated Jacob and Esau early on. Gen. 25:26
2449. I was hauled around by my father to hunt and fish. Gen. 25:27
2450. The meaning of tâm. Gen. 25:27
2451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, What kind of man is Jacob? Gen. 25:27
2452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Comparing Esau and Jacob. Gen. 25:27
2453. Jacob and his interest in his spiritual heritage. Gen. 25:27
2454. Jacob was not nicer than Esau or more moral. Gen. 25:27
2455. Example of the subtlety of the Bible. Gen. 25:27
2456. Rebekah is seriously involved with the spiritual handoff. Gen. 25:27
2457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob and Esau. Gen. 25:27
2458. Reference to the Doctrine of Human Good and Morality (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); both originally found in Genesis 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:27
2459. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Morality. Gen. 25:27
2460. God does not automatically favor the underdog. Gen. 25:27
2461. Commentators take Esau to task for killing wild game. Preposterous. Gen. 25:28
2462. Isaac and Rebekah probably made a conscious choice to keep these boys apart and to raise them separately. Gen. 25:28
2463. Favoritism viewed negatively by several commentators. Gen. 25:28
2464. Mistaken notions based upon what God says about Jacob and Esau. Gen. 25:28
2465. God’s promises to Jacob and Esau are both real and illustrative. Gen. 25:28
2466. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 25:27–28. Gen. 25:28
2467. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Selling the Birthright (a graphic). Gen. 25:29
2468. Too much information about lentils. Gen. 25:29
2469. Esau’s doubling of the word red. Gen. 25:30
2470. The name Edom. Gen. 25:30
2471. 3 ways a person is renamed in Scripture. Gen. 25:30
2472. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau Selling His Birthright, by Hendrick ter Brugghen. Gen. 25:31
2473. Esau was out-skilled by Jacob. Gen. 25:31
2474. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Rights of the Firstborn. Gen. 25:31
2475. Each young man has a clear weakness. Gen. 25:31
2476. In the United States, we do not recognize the great blessings that we have received from God. Gen. 25:31
2477. Most of the promises made to Abraham actually go through him and down to his progeny. Gen. 25:31
2478. These situation shows how some men focus upon the physical and others upon the spiritual. Gen. 25:31
2479. No spiritual benefit unless a right thing is done in a right way. Gen. 25:31
2480. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob and the Birthright Part I: Who Taught this to Jacob? Gen. 25:31
2481. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob and the Birthright Part II: What Did Jacob Actually Know? Gen. 25:31
2482. Reference to the Abrahamic Covenant (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:31
2483. Robert Dean sees Esau as being overly dramatic about being near to death.
2484. What are we willing to sacrifice in order to continue living. Gen. 25:32
2485. Esau’s birthright is not meaningful to him. Gen. 25:32
2486. How do we relate to this narrative? Gen. 25:32
2487. Are there things more important than day-to-day needs? Gen. 25:32
2488. Reference to the complete Doctrine of the Firstborn is found here: (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:32
2489. Reference to 1Chron. 5:1–2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 25:32
2490. Bible history graphic about the Passover. Gen. 25:32
2491. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Firstborn. Gen. 25:32
2492. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert Dean on the Rights and Privileges of the Firstborn. Gen. 25:32
2493. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scofield on the Birthright. Gen. 25:32
2494. The Dr. Faustus theme. Gen. 25:33
2495. Barnhouse on the priorities of man. Gen. 25:33
2496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau and Jacob, an oil painting by Matthias Storm. Gen. 25:33
2497. Why Esau was profane to sell his birthright. Gen. 25:33
2498. The fundamental concept of profane. Gen. 25:33
2499. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Our Daily Bread, on Esau Selling his Birthright. Gen. 25:33
2500. Various commentators on the selling of Esau’s birthright. Gen. 25:33
2501. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quick Review of the Abrahamic Covenant, by Robert Dean. Gen. 25:33
2502. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau and Jacob. Artist Andrey N. Mironov. Gen. 25:34
2503. Commentary about Esau just getting up and walking away. Gen. 25:34
2504. Putting aside temporary gratification for future reward. Gen. 25:34
2505. The emphasis is upon Esau’s lack of concern for his potential spiritual future. This is why he is considered a profane person in the New Testament. Gen. 25:34
2506. The 5 actions of v. 34. Gen. 25:34
2507. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch summarize the exchange of the birthright for a mess of pottage. Gen. 25:34
2508. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Graphic of Esau selling his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage. Gen. 25:34
2509. Falling short of the grace of God. Gen. 25:34
2510. Spurgeon: “I can explain God hating Esau more easily than God loving Jacob.” Gen. 25:34
2511. Robert Dean on the profane nature of Esau. Gen. 25:34
2512. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, Did Jacob gain his birthright by buying or lying? Gen. 25:34
2513. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, Did Jacob purchase his birthright or get it by deception? Gen. 25:34
2514. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Blessing Enjoyed by the Believer in Jesus Christ in the Church Age. Gen. 25:34
2515. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 25:29–34. Gen. 25:34
2516. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Trapp's Very Weird Commentary. Gen. 25:34
2517. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Constable and Fishbane on the Chiasmos of Genesis 25:19–35:22. Gen. 25 Addendum
2518. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scott Grant: A Better Chiasmos of Genesis 25:19–35:22. Gen. 25 Addendum
2519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 25 is in the Word of God. Gen. 25 Addendum
2520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Addendum
2521. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 25 Addendum
2522. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Addendum
2523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Addendum
2524. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Addendum
2525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 25. Gen. 25 Addendum
2526. Genesis 26 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2527. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Bruce Goettsche, William Wenstrom, Jr. Gen. 26 Preface
2528. Under Definition of Terms: Blessing by Association (HTML) (PDF) (WPD),The Geographic Will of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Abrahamic Covenant (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Doctrine of Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26
2529. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Promise to Isaac Graphic. Gen. 26 Introduction
2530. Similar circumstances; what we learn from them. Gen. 26 Introduction
2531. Gen. 26 is a very up-to-date chapter. Gen. 26 Introduction
2532. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Introduction
2533. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Introduction
2534. Cole and Griffith-Thomas on Isaac. Gen. 26 Introduction
2535. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett on Isaac. Gen. 26 Introduction
2536. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 26 (map). Gen. 26 Introduction
2537. Where Isaac is and where he is going to. Gen. 26 Introduction
2538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Introduction
2539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Introduction
2540. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ballinger on the Timing of Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Introduction
2541. The timing of Gen. 26. Gen. 26 Introduction
2542. Speculation as to the handoff of Scripture to Jacob. Gen. 26 Introduction
2543. Gen. 25 appears to end with a narrative about Jacob, but returns to Isaac in Gen. 26. Gen. 26 Introduction
2544. Summarizing Gen. 24 25 26 27 33. Gen. 26 Introduction
2545. Passing along the Word of God (The History of God and Man) from one generation to the next. Gen. 26 Introduction
2546. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 26 (by James Burton Coffman). Gen. 26 Introduction Gen. 26 Introduction
2547. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry Outlines Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Introduction
2548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alternate Outline by Jack Ballinger. Gen. 26 Introduction
2549. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: One More Outline (from Arno Gaebelein). Gen. 26 Introduction
2550. McGee on how Gen. 26 was not interesting to him before. Gen. 26 Introduction
2551. Famine in the ancient world. Gen. 26:1
2552. Famine or God speaking moves Isaac? Gen. 26:1
2553. My move to Texas was a two-step affair. Gen. 26:1
2554. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider on Famine. Gen. 26:1
2555. Trials for Christians is normal. Gen. 26:1
2556. Isaac probably did not have a full understanding of the doctrine of inspiration; but he likely had the text of Genesis in his mind. Gen. 26:1
2557. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Three Separate Incidents. Gen. 26:1
2558. Several definitions of divine inspiration. Gen. 26:1
2559. Reference to The Basic Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); The Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); A Study of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:1
2560. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 3 Separate Incidents Chart. Gen. 26:1
2561. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keith Krell on the Similarities between Abraham and Isaac in Gerar. Gen. 26:1
2562. The time period between the incidents as per various commentators. Gen. 26:1
2563. I explain the time between the incidents and where the numbers come from. Gen. 26:1
2564. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on the Time Frame. Gen. 26:1
2565. The meaning of Abimelech. Gen. 26:1
2566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, "is this the same Abimelech as found in Genesis 20?" Gen. 26:1
2567. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, what does Abimelech mean? Gen. 26:1
2568. Isaac is probably living in Beer-lahai-roi. Its relative location to Gerar. Gen. 26:1
2569. Gerar. Gen. 26:1
2570. A famine is an economic downturn. Gen. 26:1
2571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Philistines. Gen. 26:1
2572. Wâw consecutive, imperfect verbs and the timing of the verbs. Why this passage is an exception to that rule. Gen. 26:2
2573. The geographic will of God. Gen. 26:2
2574. Reference to the Geographic Will of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:2
2575. We do not know how God spoke to Rebekah or to Isaac. Gen. 26:2
2576. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, were Israelites to go down to Egypt or not? Gen. 26:2
2577. Reference to the Doctrine of the Will of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:2
2578. God does not tell His saints everything that is coming, for a reason. Gen. 26:2
2579. Relationship between the Jews and the Philistines. Gen. 26:2
2580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on Identifying the Voice of God (edited). Gen. 26:2
2581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on the Hebrew Word Gûwr. Gen. 26:3
2582. God told the patriarchs to remain in the land, but without a deed to any of it. Gen. 26:3
2583. The dustbowl and the geographic will of God. Gen. 26:3
2584. Don’t listen for a small voice to guide you. God does not tell you each step to take. Gen. 26:3
2585. God with us; and a lot of Scripture. Gen. 26:3
2586. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, does God bless Abraham because of works? Gen. 26:3
2587. How God works through us in order to accomplish His purposes. Gen. 26:3
2588. Example of Ed Nagle in 7th grade. Gen. 26:3
2589. God’s promise handoff from Abraham and now to Isaac. Gen. 26:3
2590. Reference to the Abrahamic Covenant (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:3
2591. The timeline of this chapter reevaluated. Gen. 26:4
2592. The blessings God has bestowed upon the United States. Gen. 26:4
2593. The founding of our schools. Gen. 26:4
2594. The spiritual battle in the United States. Gen. 26:4
2595. A great war with Islam is imminent. Gen. 26:4
2596. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Palestinian Covenant (from Wenstrom). Gen. 26:4
2597. The land given to the seed of Abraham and Isaac. Gen. 26:4
2598. Canaan and Transjordan. Why God spoke of taking Canaan all this time, but the Jews first took Transjordan. Gen. 26:4
2599. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 26:4 (graphic). Gen. 26:4
2600. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Seed of Abraham. Gen. 26:4
2601. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Blessings from the Seed of Abraham. Gen. 26:4
2602. The stars in the heavens referring to a huge number. Gen. 26:4
2603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider on God's Promises to Isaac. Gen. 26:4
2604. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introductory Points on Genesis 26:5. Gen. 26:5
2605. Reference to Gen. 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:5
2606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on, Abraham listening to the voice of God. Gen. 26:5
2607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallel and Related Passages to Genesis 26:2–5. Gen. 26:5
2608. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Questions about Genesis 26:4–5: What does it means for Abraham to keep God’s charge, commandments, statutes and laws. Gen. 26:5
2609. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Kings 17:37 graphic. Gen. 26:5
2610. God blessing Abraham goes hand-in-hand with his spiritual growth. Gen. 26:5
2611. Discussion of mishemereth, mitsevâh, chuqqâh, tôwrah. Gen. 26:5
2612. Relation to the flood and the patriarchs. Gen. 26:5
2613. Briefly explaining law, commandments, ordinances and voice. Gen. 26:5
2614. Moral law that Abraham was under. Gen. 26:5
2615. The uniqueness of the time and life of Abraham. Gen. 26:5
2616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chart of the Ages of the Patriarchs. Gen. 26:5
2617. Reference to Gen. 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:5
2618. Laws which are inherent in men’s souls. Gen. 26:5
2619. My stealing toys from Eric. Gen. 26:5
2620. Changing morality in the United States regarding gays and gay marriage. Gen. 26:5
2621. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws. Gen. 26:5
2622. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Covenants with Abraham. Gen. 26:5
2623. Abraham’s superior memory. Gen. 26:5
2624. Reference to the book of Job (HTML) (PDF). Gen. 26:5
2625. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarch Overlap Chart. Gen. 26:5
2626. Consistency of moral values from the flood to Abraham. Gen. 26:5
2627. A possible consistency in the concept of morality from the flood on to Abraham. Gen. 26:5
2628. Right and wrong being learned at home; LGBT issues being taught to children at an early age. Gen. 26:5
2629. Nazi and communist indoctrination of young people. Gen. 26:5
2630. Appealing to the arrogance of youth. Gen. 26:5
2631. Reference to Laws, Commandments, Ordinances and Statutes (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:5
2632. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Shortened Doctrine of Laws, Commandments, Ordinances and Statutes. Gen. 26:5
2633. Reference to the Offering of Isaac (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:5
2634. Reference to the laws of divine establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:5
2635. Timeline discussion. Gen. 26:5
2636. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The American English Bible on the Commandments, Statutes and Laws. Gen. 26:5
2637. Copulatives in the Hebrew. Gen. 26:5
2638. Isaac probably has a large entourage. Gen. 26:6
2639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Map of Isaac's Journeys. Gen. 26:6
2640. Historical similarities. Gen. 26:6
2641. How Isaac knew about his father to copy his behavior. Gen. 26:7
2642. Isaac’s moral failure concerning his wife. God’s promises to Isaac. Gen. 26:7
2643. The patriarchs all married beautiful women. Gen. 26:7
2644. The Philistines were not as warlike during the time of the patriarchs. Gen. 26:7
2645. The word tsâchaq (צָחַק) [pronounced tsaw-KHAHKH] is covered in great detail. Gen. 26:8
2646. Isaac’s low opinion of the Philistines. Gen. 26:9
2647. Fluid morality in some societies. Gen. 26:9
2648. Conclusions concerning moral values of Philistines; how these are similar to ours. Gen. 26:10
2649. The effect of the commander-in-chief on sexual mores in a society. Gen. 26:10
2650. Abimelech understands how God might judge his people. Gen. 26:10
2651. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Thinking of Abimelech. Gen. 26:10
2652. Rape and the ancient world; information gained from this text. Gen. 26:11
2653. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 26:8–11. Gen. 26:11
2654. Isaac and farming. Gen. 26:12
2655. Explaining a hundredfold. Herodotus. Gen. 26:12
2656. Being rich and unhappy. Gen. 26:12
2657. It is in the DNA of Donald Trump or the Koch Brothers to take risks. Gen. 26:12
2658. Those who are jealous without reason. Gen. 26:12
2659. Work is a necessary part of life. Gen. 26:12
2660. Giving away money to true charities. Gen. 26:12
2661. Mental attitude sins and political movements based upon these sins. Gen. 26:12
2662. Prosperity accompanies obedience for Isaac. Gen. 26:13
2663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Blesses Isaac (and the Growing Believer) During a Crisis. Gen. 26:13
2664. Success and God’s grace. Gen. 26:13
2665. Coveting. Gen. 26:14
2666. There are many rich people in the Bible who are not castigated for being wealthy. Gen. 26:14
2667. Explaining Jesus and the rich young ruler. Gen. 26:14
2668. Wealth is not inherently evil or wrong. Gen. 26:14
2669. Reference to Gen. 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Doctrine of Slavery (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:14
2670. Legitimate slavery in the ancient world. Gen. 26:14
2671. A living wage and slavery. Gen. 26:14
2672. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Politics of Envy. Gen. 26:14
2673. Jealousy is one of the worst sins. Gen. 26:14
2674. The 1% and the 99%. Gen. 26:14
2675. Reference to the Doctrine of Envy (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:14
2676. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Envy. Gen. 26:14
2677. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Socialism and Envy. Gen. 26:14
2678. Reference to the Doctrine of Envy (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:14
2679. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom's Doctrine of Envy. Gen. 26:14
2680. Isaac and his wells; destroying a well is an act of war. Gen. 26:15
2681. Those who suffer from envy. Gen. 26:15
2682. You will always know people more wealthy than you. Gen. 26:15
2683. Jewish greenhouses in Palestine destroyed. Gen. 26:15
2684. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Stopping Up the Wells (Genesis 26:15). Gen. 26:15
2685. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Repositioning Genesis 26:15. Gen. 26:15
2686. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Applications of Genesis 26 to life today; liberals, money and government regulations. Gen. 26:15
2687. Higher taxes on the rich does not make your life better. Gen. 26:15
2688. The rich take into consideration what the government does when it comes to their making money. Gen. 26:15
2689. How to determine if a business is anti-God or anti-Biblical. Gen. 26:15
2690. Abimelech and his thinking. Gen. 26:16
2691. Isaac’s household size. Gen. 26:16
2692. Liberals getting rid of the wealthy. Gen. 26:16
2693. The irrationality of liberalism. Gen. 26:16
2694. Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan. Lower taxes for corporations. Gen. 26:16
2695. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Relativity of Wealth. Gen. 26:16
2696. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 26:12–16. Gen. 26:16
2697. Description of ancient wells. Gen. 26:18
2698. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Water well (picture). Gen. 26:18
2699. Wells, Isaac, and Gerar. Gen. 26:18
2700. Taking water for granted in America. Gen. 26:18
2701. The relative concept of wealth. Gen. 26:18
2702. Envious Philistines. Gen. 26:18
2703. The greenhouse destroyed by Palestinians. Gen. 26:18
2704. Palestinians locating missile launching sites near schools, apartments, and hospitals. Gen. 26:18
2705. Animosity between the Jews and Palestinians does not go back hundreds of years. Gen. 26:18
2706. Racial prejudice in the United States. Gen. 26:18
2707. The Holocaust and the Jews. Gen. 26:18
2708. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Mental Attitude Sins. Gen. 26:18
2709. Reference to a more complete Doctrine of Mental Attitude Sins (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:18
2710. Digging a well was tantamount to ownership of the nearby land. Gen. 26:19
2711. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac Overseeing the Construction of a Well (graphic). Gen. 26:20
2712. Palestinians probably not related to the Philistines of old; but they are philosophically related. Gen. 26:20
2713. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on Isaac's Undeserved Suffering. Gen. 26:21
2714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Names Had Meaning (graphic). Gen. 26:21
2715. The mental attitude sins of the Philistines result in irrational actions. Gen. 26:21
2716. The government versus Bundy. Gen. 26:21
2717. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 26:22 (graphic). Gen. 26:22
2718. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scofield on the Names of the Wells. Gen. 26:22
2719. Paul sometimes invoked his Roman citizenship and sometimes he did not. Gen. 26:22
2720. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 26:17–22. Gen. 26:22
2721. A new generation can change everything. Gen. 26:22
2722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Didn't God Simply Tell Isaac, "Go to Beersheba"? Gen. 26:22
2723. Location of Gerar and Beersheba. Gen. 26:23
2724. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac's Journeys (map). Gen. 26:23
2725. God guiding Isaac to Beersheba. Gen. 26:23
2726. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Smith on Beersheba. Gen. 26:23
2727. Reference to 2Sam. 24 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:23
2728. No one in the Bible ever describes what God looks like. Gen. 26:24
2729. No one describes Jesus either. Gen. 26:24
2730. Why God tells a person no to fear. Gen. 26:24
2731. Second appearance of God to Isaac. Gen. 26:24
2732. Calling upon God is a religious service of sorts. Gen. 26:25
2733. I personally recognize the great blessing I have received in life. Gen. 26:25
2734. Reference to Gen. 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:25
2735. Duncan on pagan power versus divine power. Gen. 26:25
2736. Isaac met envy with patience. Gen. 26:25
2737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 26:23–25. Gen. 26:25
2738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hajime Murai's Chiasmos of Genesis 26:26-33. Gen. 26:26
2739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Burton Coffman on Abimelech and Phicol. Gen. 26:26
2740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 26 and Chronology. Gen. 26:26
2741. A citizen advisory group. Gen. 26:26
2742. Large businesses are great for economically depressed areas. Gen. 26:26
2743. Toyota opening a plant in an area is a good thing for that area. Perks that are offered. Gen. 26:26
2744. Abimelech coming to see Isaac is quite unusual. Gen. 26:26
2745. All believers have a spiritual gift. Gen. 26:26
2746. Billy Graham and the presidents. Gen. 26:26
2747. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Relocating to Attend a Doctrinal Church. Gen. 26:27
2748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Best Use of our Time. Gen. 26:27
2749. The civil rights movement. Gen. 26:27
2750. The Blacks moving away from God to government. Gen. 26:27
2751. Reference to Redeeming the Time (HTML) (PDF) from Grace Notes. Gen. 26:27
2752. Isaac’s economic success was an economic driver in the land of Gerar. Gen. 26:27
2753. Palestinians drove all the Jews out of Gaza, thinking that the end result would be a paradise. Obviously, they were wrong. Gen. 26:27
2754. The blessing of living with Jews in your periphery. Gen. 26:27
2755. Chuck Schumer on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Gen. 26:27
2756. Political movements today to destroy the rich. Gen. 26:27
2757. Abimelech and his people know and speak the proper name of God. Gen. 26:28
2758. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: That Goofy Notation G–d. Gen. 26:28
2759. When Abraham and Lot split up, Abraham received more blessing; Lot received a lot less blessing. Gen. 26:28
2760. God blesses those in the periphery of a growing believer. Gen. 26:28
2761. Believers should be financially responsible. Gen. 26:28
2762. If atheists had any sense, they would want more signs of our spiritual heritage. Gen. 26:28
2763. The key to good education is not money but revealed information about God. HHS as an example. Gen. 26:28
2764. Why we know that things got worse in Gerar. Gen. 26:28
2765. MacArthur sends missionaries and Bibles to Japan. Gen. 26:28
2766. The positive volition in South Korea. Gen. 26:28
2767. The illustration of France driving away rich people with excessive taxation. Gen. 26:28
2768. Isaac, the CEO of the most successful industry in Gerar is driven away; and now Gerar is worse off. Gen. 26:28
2769. Even assuming the worst about Abimelech... Gen. 26:29
2770. Atheist and agnostic groups want to destroy the Christian influence in the United States. Gen. 26:29
2771. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abimelech Preserves the Philistine Countries. Gen. 26:29
2772. Reference to Blessing by Association (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 26:29
2773. The key in a country is not great political leadership but great people. Gen. 26:29
2774. Electing a great political leader. Gen. 26:29
2775. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Problems with the Current Democratic Party. Gen. 26:29
2776. Isaac’s graciousness to Abimelech. He did not appear to bring up the problem with the wells. Gen. 26:30
2777. A list of passages with oaths. Gen. 26:31
2778. You will be cheated in life. Gen. 26:31
2779. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Series of Events for Genesis 26:26–31. Gen. 26:31
2780. Parallels between Isaac and Abraham. Gen. 26:31
2781. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll on Isaac. Gen. 26:31
2782. Isaac’s slaves were loyal to him. Gen. 26:32
2783. Naming Beersheba twice. Gen. 26:33
2784. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask: Did Abraham or Isaac name Beersheba? Gen. 26:33
2785. Working with honest businesses and business people. Real estate loan officer as example. Gen. 26:33
2786. Abimelech I probably taught Abimelech II about dealing with Abraham and his seed. Gen. 26:33
2787. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abraham and Isaac's Covenants with the Philistines. Gen. 26:33
2788. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac in the New Testament. Gen. 26:33
2789. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How to live your life.... Gen. 26:33
2790. The placing of the final two verses. Chapter divisions not inspired. Gen. 26:34
2791. Esau’s failure in marriage. Gen. 26:34
2792. Genealogical lines not leading to the Messiah will generally be dismissed after the 3rd or 4th generations. Gen. 26:34
2793. There is one Messianic line. Gen. 26:34
2794. Amazing that the Messianic line is found in the Old Testament. Gen. 26:34
2795. How Mormonism goes off the rails with genealogy. Gen. 26:34
2796. Isaac’s wife had a similar background. Gen. 26:34
2797. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask on, Esau's Wives. Gen. 26:34
2798. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, Esau's Four Wives. Gen. 26:34
2799. Dating this section of the Bible. Gen. 26:34
2800. Esau married pagan women.
2801. Regardless of his many missteps, Jacob focused on the spiritual blessing of his family.
2802. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Biblical Warnings About Marriage to the Wrong Kind of Women. Gen. 26:35
2803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 3 Reasons for this Brief Section on Esau's Wives (Constable). Gen. 26:35
2804. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentary on Esau's Wives. Gen. 26:35
2805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider Summarizes Genesis 26:34–35. Gen. 26:35
2806. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Snider on the Hittites. Gen. 26:35
2807. Esau may have married as many as 7 women.
2808. Living conditions for this extended family.
2809. All genealogical lines end except the line of promise.
2810. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ballinger Summarizes Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Addendum
2811. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 26 is in the Word of God. Gen. 26 Addendum
2812. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Addendum
2813. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 26 Addendum
2814. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Addendum
2815. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Addendum
2816. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Addendum
2817. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 26. Gen. 26 Addendum
2818. Genesis 27 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2819. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Gen. 27 Preface
2820. Quotes from Spurgeon, Orwell, Twain, Disraeli, Salinger, Lincoln, Agnew and Miss Manners. Gen. 27 Preface
2821. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Charles Spurgeon's Famous Quote About Lies (a graphic). Gen. 27 Preface
2822. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lies are a temporary solution... (a graphic). Gen. 27 Preface
2823. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Nothing Better than Listening to a Lie... (a graphic). Gen. 27 Preface
2824. References to the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Doctrine of Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27 Preface
2825. Big picture of Genesis and where Gen. 27 falls in that big picture. Gen. 27 Introduction
2826. Assigning a time frame to these sections of Genesis. Gen. 27 Introduction
2827. God’s will on Jacob and Esau. Gen. 27 Introduction
2828. Isaac plants to subvert the will of God. Gen. 27 Introduction
2829. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac Blessing Jacob by Gerbrand van den Eeckhout (oil on canvas). Gen. 27 Introduction
2830. Assumptions made by various painters who painted this scene. Gen. 27 Introduction
2831. Things not stated specifically in the text which are true. Things which are not stated in the text, yet people make assumptions about. Gen. 27 Introduction
2832. This chapter is about 4 people who seem to be doing everything possible to screw up the plan of God, but they cannot screw up the plan of God. Gen. 27 Introduction
2833. God’s plan is always moving forward in every chapter of the Bible, despite the actions of man. Gen. 27 Introduction
2834. You can screw up your own life; you cannot screw up the plan of God. Gen. 27 Introduction
2835. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on the Categories of the Will of God. Gen. 27 Introduction
2836. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Historic Example of God's Overruling Will. Gen. 27 Introduction
2837. Reference to the Patriarch Timeline (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27 Introduction
2838. Don’t copy the people in the Bible. Gen. 27 Introduction
2839. Miss Manners’ quote from her introduction. Gen. 27 Introduction
2840. Because of how his mother has been teaching him, God will place Jacob with his Uncle Laban, who will show him by example why duplicity and looking out for oneself is wrong. Gen. 27 Introduction
2841. Do not teach your children the wrong things or God may separate you from them. Gen. 27 Introduction
2842. Proper training is important for children, just as taking care of a plant is important to the plant. Gen. 27 Introduction
2843. Proper training for a pet and comparing that to a child. Gen. 27 Introduction
2844. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Author of Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2845. Although Rebekah is the common element, Jacob is probably the author. Gen. 27 Introduction
2846. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators Introduce Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2847. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Marriage Bookends of Genesis 27:1–28:5. Gen. 27 Introduction
2848. Reference to Gen. 24 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27 Introduction
2849. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Steven J. Cole Introduces Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2850. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Expositor's Bible Commentary Introduces Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2851. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Key to Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2852. Gen. 27 is all about the words, the blessing of Isaac. None of it is about the material. Gen. 27 Introduction
2853. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Expositors on the Blessing Conveyed by Isaac. Gen. 27 Introduction
2854. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac Blessing His Sons—Gen. 27:1–40 (by Daniel Whedon). Gen. 27 Introduction
2855. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Immutable Facts of Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2856. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2857. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2858. Jacob’s mental attitude and bitterness which was with him through much of his life.
2859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abrahamic Timeline for Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2860. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Big Picture—Jacob's Life. Gen. 27 Introduction
2861. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 27 by the Summarized Bible. Gen. 27 Introduction
2862. The setup, the con, the aftermath. Gen. 27 Introduction
2863. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 27 (from Adam Clarke). Gen. 27 Introduction
2864. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Outline of Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2865. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. Ligon Duncan Divides Up Genesis 27:1–29. Gen. 27 Introduction
2866. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom Divides Genesis 27:1–28:5 by Conversations. Gen. 27 Introduction
2867. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bible Division Chart from Dr. Bob Utley. Gen. 27 Introduction
2868. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Principles of God's Sovereignty by Dr. Robert Dean, Jr.. Gen. 27 Introduction
2869. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Basic Introductory Points (from Dr. Robert Dean, Jr.). Gen. 27 Introduction
2870. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Thomas Constable's Chiasmos of Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2871. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William D. Ramey's Literary Analysis of Genesis 26:34—28:9. Gen. 27 Introduction
2872. The JEPD theory and how it relates to this chapter and how it is used to try to explain this chapter. Gen. 27 Introduction
2873. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Cambridge Bible Completely Misses the Mark. Gen. 27 Introduction
2874. Older son and younger son are phrases only found in this chapter of the Old Testament. Gen. 27 Introduction
2875. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two propositions for Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Introduction
2876. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paul Van Gorder's Summation of Genesis 27:1–4. Gen. 27:1
2877. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Age of Isaac. Gen. 27:1
2878. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ellicott on the Chronology of Jacob's Life. Gen. 27:1
2879. Considering what age 100 was like to the patriarchs. Gen. 27:1
2880. All believers will grow old; age goes only in one direction. Gen. 27:1
2881. My cataract surgery and modern medicine. Gen. 27:1
2882. The various parts of the body which go with age. Gen. 27:1
2883. Another quote on the age of Isaac and his sons. Gen. 27:1
2884. Abraham offering up Isaac was a type. Gen. 27:1
2885. McGee on Isaac and his shortcomings in this chapter. Gen. 27:1
2886. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Deceives Isaac and Receives Esau's Blessing (artist unknown). Gen. 27:1
2887. There are some things in a narrative that we do not know. Gen. 27:1
2888. Might be time to think about deathbed testimonies of believers. Gen. 27:2
2889. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac and the Day of His Death Approaching (Commentators). Gen. 27:2
2890. Why Isaac wants to confer this blessing upon Esau. Gen. 27:2
2891. What has Isaac achieved? Gen. 27:2
2892. Initial problems with Isaac’s blessing of Esau. Gen. 27:3
2893. The concept of blessing by association; in the life of Isaac and in our lives. Gen. 27:3
2894. Reference to Blessing by Association (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27:3
2895. The great enjoyment of a father and son who hunt together. Gen. 27:3
2896. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 27:3 (a graphic). Gen. 27:3
2897. Father and son hunting together; goofy commentaries which speak against hunting. Gen. 27:3
2898. Isaac’s nostalgia of hunting with Esau. Gen. 27:4
2899. My own hunting and fishing experiences with my father. His lack of favoritism. Gen. 27:4
2900. Arthur Pink speaking against hunting. Gen. 27:4
2901. Esau has some problems, but being a hunter is not one of them. Gen. 27:4
2902. Redeeming the time; not squandering your time. Gen. 27:4
2903. A ceremony of only two people at this end-of-life blessing. Gen. 27:4
2904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac, Fearing His Own Death Is Near, Decides to Bless Esau (Commentators). Gen. 27:4
2905. Isaac’s approach is legalistic. Gen. 27:4
2906. How an end-of-life blessing differs from a will. Gen. 27:4
2907. Isaac appears to be subverting the known will of God. Gen. 27:4
2908. Alternate title for chapter: Jacob, Through Duplicity, Takes the Blessing That God Meant for Him. Gen. 27:4
2909. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac's Motivations in Blessing Esau. Gen. 27:4
2910. Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge lists Scriptures on blessing. Gen. 27:4
2911. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 27:1–4. Gen. 27:4
2912. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 27:1–4. Gen. 27:4
2913. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paul Van Gorder's Summary of Genesis 27:5–17. Gen. 27:5
2914. Contrasting Jacob and Esau; and considering their parents. Gen. 27:5
2915. Rom. 6:6b–13 explained. Gen. 27:5
2916. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rebekah Overhears Isaac and Esau (an illustration by Jim Padgett). Gen. 27:5
2917. Isaac and Rebekah both remembered the promise of God that the elder would serve the younger. Gen. 27:5
2918. Why this promise is not quoted in Gen. 27. Gen. 27:5
2919. God’s will and 4 flawed people. Gen. 27:5
2920. Our involvement in the plan of God; compared to Ed Nagle throwing me a pass. Gen. 27:5
2921. Isaac’s compound; Abraham’s compound. Gen. 27:6
2922. Actors and extras; there are certain people that God focuses the attention of the angels upon. Gen. 27:6
2923. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Repetition of Savory Meal. Gen. 27:6
2924. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Addition of before Yehowah (Genesis 27:7). Gen. 27:7
2925. God works His will regardless of what we do. Gen. 27:7
2926. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Equal Amount of Sneakiness on the Part of Isaac and Rebekah. Gen. 27:7
2927. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rebekah, Her Quick Response, and Jacob, Her Son (Various Commentators). Gen. 27:8
2928. If this were a fictional account, why are Jacob and Isaac presented as having so many flaws? Gen. 27:8
2929. Believers all begin on a level playing field; but our free will plays a part after salvation. Gen. 27:10
2930. There are no do-overs in an end of life blessing. Gen. 27:10
2931. Relate your prayers to the plan of God. Gen. 27:10
2932. Your prayers themselves potentially glorify God. Gen. 27:10
2933. Praying and the Angelic Conflict. Gen. 27:10
2934. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rebekah's Motivation (and the Thinking of Her Family). Gen. 27:10
2935. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators and Observations About Rebekah's Motivations and Actions. Gen. 27:10
2936. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 27:5–10. Gen. 27:10
2937. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 27:6–10. Gen. 27:10
2938. This is not about greed for Isaac’s fortune. Gen. 27:11
2939. There is no talk between Rebekah and Isaac about morality. Gen. 27:12
2940. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Jacob's "Morality" (Genesis 27:12). Gen. 27:12
2941. Deffinbaugh’s parallels to sexual immorality today. Gen. 27:12
2942. Rebekah has been thinking about this blessing and a plan for a very long time. Gen. 27:13
2943. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Recap of Gen. 27:1–13. Gen. 27:14
2944. Access to Esau’s clothing discussed. Gen. 27:15
2945. Discussion of Esau’s “priestly garments.” Gen. 27:15
2946. Esau’s odor. Gen. 27:15
2947. Describing the skin of the goats. Gen. 27:16
2948. Why Rebekah may have already have had a plan in place. Gen. 27:16
2949. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 27:11–17. Gen. 27:17
2950. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 27:11–17. Gen. 27:17
2951. Why Isaac is probably in a tent. Gen. 27:18
2952. Isaac’s confusion as to which son is before him. Gen. 27:18
2953. McGee on venison and lamb. Gen. 27:19
2954. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac Blessing Jacob (an oil painting by Jan van Hemessen). Gen. 27:19
2955. Artistic license. Gen. 27:19
2956. Jacob is looking out for #1. Gen. 27:19
2957. The importance of the blessing. Gen. 27:19
2958. Using God’s name to sell your own point of view. Gen. 27:20
2959. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Four Lies of Jacob. Gen. 27:20
2960. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Lying. Gen. 27:20
2961. Jacob’s blasphemy. Bible does not romanticize its people. Gen. 27:20
2962. Despite all of this, God’s plan will come to pass. Gen. 27:20
2963. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac blessing Jacob by Gerrit Willemsz Horst (an oil painting). Gen. 27:21
2964. Isaac had probably never been confused about who he was speaking to before. Gen. 27:21
2965. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac is deceived into passing his sacred blessing on to his younger son Jacob, instead of Esau. Gen. 27:22
2966. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac Blesses Jacob by Govert Flinck (1615–1660) (oil on canvas). Gen. 27:22
2967. Artistic license. Gen. 27:22
2968. Rebekah cannot be seen to have any part of this plot. Gen. 27:22
2969. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Deceives Isaac (a graphic) by James Tissot. Gen. 27:23
2970. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Character (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). Gen. 27:23
2971. Cole on whether Jacob got what he was after. Gen. 27:23
2972. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac blesses his son Jacob in a picture of José de Ribera, Museo del Prado. Gen. 27:23
2973. Duncan on the end results of Jacob’s deception. Gen. 27:23
2974. Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge passages on lies and deception. Gen. 27:23
2975. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Three Pillars of the Will of God (Joe Guglielmo). Gen. 27:24
2976. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Smith on Kissing. Gen. 27:26
2977. The goofy concept of European kissing. Gen. 27:27
2978. The odor of Esau’s clothing worn by Jacob. Gen. 27:27
2979. Everyone acts outside of the plan of God. Gen. 27:27
2980. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Inspiration of the Smell of Esau's Clothing (Various Commentators). Gen. 27:27
2981. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 27:18–27. Gen. 27:27
2982. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Recap of Genesis 27:11–27. Gen. 27:28
2983. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Dew (Several Dictionaries and Commentators). Gen. 27:28
2984. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac Blessing Jacob by Nicolas-Guy Brenet (an oil painting). Gen. 27:28
2985. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Wine. Gen. 27:28
2986. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Blessings of Rain, Dew and Good Soil (Many Commentators). Gen. 27:28
2987. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac Asks that 4 Things Be Given to Jacob and to Jacob's Descendants. Gen. 27:28
2988. Sons of your mother probably refers to sons, grandsons, and all descendants. Gen. 27:29
2989. Isaac’s blessing is similar and dissimilar to Abraham’s. Gen. 27:29
2990. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preeminence of Jacob's Descendants Over Those Not in the Line of Promise. Gen. 27:29
2991. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Perfect Wording of Isaac's Blessing. Gen. 27:29
2992. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac blesses Jacob - Rebekah looks on (an oil painting). Gen. 27:29
2993. The blessing cannot be withdrawn. Gen. 27:29
2994. Jacob could not be less deserving; this is God’s grace. Gen. 27:29
2995. More of us are like Jacob than Abraham. Gen. 27:29
2996. A morality play where no one is a hero. Gen. 27:29
2997. If Rebekah chose not to act as she did, God would still have given the superior blessing to Jacob. Gen. 27:29
2998. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is there a time for dishonesty? Gen. 27:29
2999. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Those who bless you will be blessed;...". Gen. 27:29
3000. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Blessing of Isaac Upon Jacob (from Whedon). Gen. 27:29
3001. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wesley on the Blessings of God to Jacob and his Descendants. Gen. 27:29
3002. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Blessings to the United States are Similar to Isaac's Blessing upon Jacob. Gen. 27:29
3003. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 27:28–29. Gen. 27:29
3004. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Blessing of Balaam. Gen. 27:29
3005. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 27:26–29. Gen. 27:29
3006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Oral Blessing Episode (Genesis 27)—from Josh McDowell. Gen. 27:29
3007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Genesis 27:26–29. Gen. 27:30
3008. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William D. Ramey's Literary Analysis of Genesis 27:30—38. Gen. 27:30
3009. Isaac does not get a do-over. This is a private blessing. Gen. 27:30
3010. As we see our leaders act lawlessly, what happens here should offer us some confidence in the future, because God will work His will no matter what. Gen. 27:30
3011. Our guidance today comes from a properly prepared pastor-teacher. Gen. 27:30
3012. Even though this was a blessing from the mouth of Isaac to God, neither son appears to offer up a sacrifice to God first. Gen. 27:31
3013. Opportunity time in taking the real estate floor; and comparing it to our opportunity time on earth. Gen. 27:31
3014. Why my commentary is unique and for this age. Gen. 27:31
3015. Isaac appears to be trembling because God’s will superceded his own intentions. 3x he will say that his words cannot be taken back. Gen. 27:33
3016. Despite the blessing, Jacob will have a difficult life—although it appears that he never did without. His Uncle Laban will out scheme him. Gen. 27:33
3017. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Commentators Say About Isaac's Trembling. Gen. 27:33
3018. Blessings were inspired; God took cognizance of them. The blessing was often inspired by the moment. Blessings became a part of the Angelic Conflict and were given at specific times in life. Gen. 27:33
3019. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac Understands and Accepts the Reality of the Situation. Gen. 27:33
3020. Why Isaac trembled so much. Gen. 27:33
3021. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chuck Smith on the Foreknowledge of God. Gen. 27:33
3022. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 27:30–33. Gen. 27:33
3023. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 27:30–33. Gen. 27:33
3024. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The illogic of Esau; the illogic of the unbeliever. Gen. 27:34
3025. Esau’s misunderstanding of this blessing of God; his progeny are in the same place. Gen. 27:34
3026. Esau is emotional and irrational. Gen. 27:34
3027. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau Seeks His Blessing with Tears (Hebrews 12:15). Gen. 27:34
3028. You cannot always undo something which is based upon lies and deception. Gen. 27:35
3029. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, "Your Brother Has Taken Away Your Blessing" (Genesis 27:35). Gen. 27:35
3030. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Some Ancient Translations of Gen. 27:36 from the Pulpit Commentary. Gen. 27:36
3031. Reference to Genesis 25 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27:36
3032. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau's Inaccurate Charges Against Jacob (Various Commentators). Gen. 27:36
3033. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Blessing versus Birthright (Genesis 27:36). Gen. 27:36
3034. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Thinking and Emotions of Esau. Gen. 27:36
3035. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Have you reserved a blessing for me?" by Raphael Sanzio (an oil painting). Gen. 27:36
3036. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Have you not reserved a blessing for me?" (Various Commentators). Gen. 27:36
3037. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 27:34–36. Gen. 27:36
3038. Isaac making Jacob a master over Esau. Gen. 27:37
3039. How this private ceremony worked against Isaac’s intention. Gen. 27:37
3040. God’s overruling will is applied here. Gen. 27:37
3041. The plan of God is moving ahead, just where God laid the track. Gen. 27:37
3042. Reference to Genesis 36 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27:37
3043. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Else is There [to Bless You With]? (Various Commentators on Genesis 27:37). Gen. 27:37
3044. Isaac cannot give Esau the same blessing or a better blessing because of the nature of the first blessing that he has already given to Jacob. Gen. 27:37
3045. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Misappropriated Blessing, by M. Dods. Gen. 27:37
3046. R. B. Thieme, Jr.: “Jesus Christ controls history.” Gen. 27:37
3047. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac's Reaction, Knowing that He Had Been Duped by Jacob. Gen. 27:37
3048. The line of the Messiah goes through Jacob and Judah. Esau could not have changed this. Gen. 27:37
3049. God’s plan takes into consideration the volition of billions of people. Gen. 27:37
3050. You cannot simply withdraw or modify a blessing. Gen. 27:38
3051. Isaac seems to understand what has happened here. Gen. 27:38
3052. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau lifts up his voice and weeps (Genesis 27:38, various commentators). Gen. 27:38
3053. Esau allowed his father to make this blessing a legalistic transaction. Gen. 27:38
3054. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edom; Edomites (from Smith's Dictionary). Gen. 27:38
3055. The Edomites. Gen. 27:38
3056. Esau’s bitterness. Gen. 27:38
3057. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Where are the Idumæans (Edomites) Today? Gen. 27:38
3058. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Exegesis of Hebrews 12:16–17. Gen. 27:38
3059. Scar tissue; addictions. Gen. 27:38
3060. The theory that people not named in Scripture are not saved. Gen. 27:38
3061. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Whose Repentance? Isaac or Esau's? Gen. 27:38
3062. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 27:37–38. Gen. 27:38
3063. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 27:34–38. Gen. 27:38
3064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Genesis 27:30–38. Gen. 27:39
3065. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Problems with the Translation of Gen. 27:39. Gen. 27:39
3066. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: This Should Read "Away from the fatness of the earth" (The Pulpit Commentary). Gen. 27:39
3067. The prophecy-blessing that Isaac gives to Esau—translating and interpreting it. Gen. 27:39
3068. The changes in the land and its fertility over a period of many centuries. Gen. 27:39
3069. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Blessings Promised Esau (Various Commentators). Gen. 27:39
3070. Link to wars in the world. 50–60 wars going on. Gen. 27:40
3071. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau's Warlike Descendants (Various Commentators). Gen. 27:40
3072. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wars in the World graphic. Gen. 27:40
3073. Isaac’s prophecy 4000 years later. Gen. 27:40
3074. Lists of verses about the fulfillment of Isaac’s blessing-prophecy. Gen. 27:40
3075. Isaac’s prophecies today. Gen. 27:40
3076. Esau and Mount Seir. Gen. 27:40
3077. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sordid History of Edom (Various Commentators). Gen. 27:40
3078. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Blessings Promised Esau Continued (Various Commentators). Gen. 27:40
3079. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Rev. Dr. John P. Lange on the Blessing of Esau. Gen. 27:40
3080. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Blessings of Jacob and Esau Laid Side-by-side. Gen. 27:40
3081. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comments on the Two Sets of Blessings. Gen. 27:40
3082. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on Why Isaac did not bless Esau as he had Jacob. Gen. 27:40
3083. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke on the Fulfillment of Isaac's Blessings. Gen. 27:40
3084. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: You Reap What you Sow (The Schemes of Rebekah and Jacob). Gen. 27:40
3085. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Bob Utley on "Edom and Israel". Gen. 27:40
3086. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchs Acting "By Faith". Gen. 27:40
3087. Reference to Genesis 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27:40
3088. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 27:39–40. Gen. 27:40
3089. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 27:39–40. Gen. 27:40
3090. Keil and Delitzsch sum of the blessings of these 40 verses. Gen. 27:40
3091. Robertson summarizes the two sets of blessings. Gen. 27:40
3092. Reference to the emotional revolt of the soul. Gen. 27:41
3093. Esau’s hatred toward Jacob. Gen. 27:41
3094. A set of verses on hatred. Gen. 27:41
3095. How we know the thinking of Isaac. Gen. 27:41
3096. Festering mental attitude sins. Gen. 27:41
3097. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Has Esau Believed in the Revealed God? Gen. 27:41
3098. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau's Plan of Revenge (Commentators Summarize Gen. 27:41). Gen. 27:41
3099. Why my translation of v. 39 was accurate. Gen. 27:41
3100. The anger between Jews and Arabs goes back to Esau and Jacob. Gen. 27:41
3101. Anger that is derived from within one’s own soul cannot be changed by the person that they blame. Gen. 27:41
3102. If you mind is on revenge, you need to rebound that. Gen. 27:42
3103. Esau is enjoying his thoughts about revenge. Gen. 27:42
3104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Hatred. Gen. 27:42
3105. Jacob thinks that he can gain the blessing of God through lying and deception; Esau thinks he can gain it back through killing Jacob. Gen. 27:42
3106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Emotions. Gen. 27:42
3107. Reference to the Doctrine of Separation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27:42
3108. Reference to Doctrinal Terms and Definitions (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27:42
3109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of the Heart. Gen. 27:42
3110. Reference to the Doctrine of Operation Z; and Graphic of Operation Z. Gen. 27:42
3111. Reference to a more complete Doctrine of the Heart (which is 40 pages long) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27:42
3112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Emotional Revolt of the Soul. Gen. 27:42
3113. Reference to Human Viewpoint Versus Divine Viewpoint (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27:42
3114. Reference to (ICE teaching) and the edification complex structure (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27:42
3115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Addendum: a Summary of Stages of Reversionism. Gen. 27:42
3116. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Briefly Reviewing Genesis 27:41–42. Gen. 27:43
3117. J. Vernon McGee on Rebekah’s manipulation. Gen. 27:43
3118. Laban, Nahor, Haran. Gen. 27:43
3119. Why Laban was impressed with the servant of Abraham. Gen. 27:43
3120. When I moved to a new state away from family and friends. Gen. 27:44
3121. Why do we rebound? Gen. 27:45
3122. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 27:41–45. Gen. 27:45
3123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Look Back at Genesis 26:34–35. Gen. 27:46
3124. Reference to Genesis 24 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 27:46
3125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Six Results of the Actions of Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob and Esau (Duncan). Gen. 27:46
3126. The 5 consequences of Jacob’s deceit. Gen. 27:46
3127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining and explaining, Jacob I love, but Esau I hated. Gen. 27:46
3128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Expositors on, Rebekah Engineering Jacob's Move to Haran (Genesis 27:46). Gen. 27:46
3129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Expositor's Bible Commentary on the Plans of Rebekah. Gen. 27:46
3130. Man, his sin, and the will of God, by Deffinbaugh. Gen. 27:46
3131. Meddling in people’s lives and their response. Exception: children. Gen. 27:46
3132. Even if you see disaster coming from a mile away, best you can do is offer advice and back off. Gen. 27:46
3133. Gay relationships; the tightrope walk of the mature believer. Gen. 27:46
3134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing the Reasons for Jacob Leaving Canaan. Gen. 27:46
3135. Despite the massive clash of egos, God’s will comes to pass. Gen. 27:46
3136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 27:41–46. Gen. 27:46
3137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Gen. 27 Summary
3138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Wrong Motivations and Actions of Each Principal. Gen. 27 Summary
3139. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing the Essential Points and Missing Information of Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Summary
3140. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Genesis 27 (along with a portion of Genesis 25). Gen. 27 Summary
3141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Summary
3142. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 27 is a wonderful display of God's sovereignty (from Verse by Verse). Gen. 27 Summary
3143. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bush's 4 Lessons from Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Summary
3144. The actions and motivations of the characters gives great credence to narrative. Gen. 27 Summary
3145. How God can choose and use such people is grace. Gen. 27 Summary
3146. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dysfunction in the Family of Isaac. Gen. 27 Summary
3147. The end result of her manipulations is not anything like Rebekah wanted. Gen. 27 Summary
3148. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing the People of Genesis 27 and Their Motivations. Gen. 27 Summary
3149. Goettsche’s short summary. Gen. 27 Summary
3150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sufferings of the Principals of Genesis 27 (mostly by James Burton Coffman). Gen. 27 Summary
3151. This chapter properly continues into Gen. 28. Gen. 27 Summary
3152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Faults and Failures of Isaac's Family (from College Press Bible Study). Gen. 27 Summary
3153. American culture tells us that parents cannot hold their children to higher standards than their own worst failures. Gen. 27 Summary
3154. I can personally relate to the people in Gen. 27. Gen. 27 Summary
3155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Addendum (Related Commentary and Doctrines). Gen. 27 Addendum
3156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 27 is in the Word of God. Gen. 27 Addendum
3157. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Addendum
3158. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sparse Narrative of Isaac's Life (Dr. Peter Pett). Gen. 27 Addendum
3159. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Isaac's Journeys. Gen. 27 Addendum
3160. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac's Limited Interaction with God. Gen. 27 Addendum
3161. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rebekah's Personal Servant, Deborah. Gen. 27 Addendum
3162. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of the Sovereignty of God (R. B. Thieme, Jr.?). Gen. 27 Addendum
3163. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sovereignty of God Versus the Free Will of Man (Rev. Thomas Tyree, Jr.). Gen. 27 Addendum
3164. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Doctrines of the Sovereignty of God. Gen. 27 Addendum
3165. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 27 Addendum
3166. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke On Jacob's being at Haran only twenty years (Table). Gen. 27 Addendum
3167. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Arthur Pink Parallels Jacob and Nation Israel. Gen. 27 Addendum
3168. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Addendum
3169. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Addendum
3170. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 27. Gen. 27 Addendum
3171. Genesis 28 Isaac Sends Jacob to the East/Jacob’s Vision (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
3172. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Gen. 28 Preface
3173. Quotations include Mae West, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Thomas Guthrie. Gen. 28 Preface
3174. Doctrines found in Gen. 28: the two advents of Jesus Christ, the Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah, chiasmos, the Three Dispensations: The Age of Israel, the Age of the Hypostatic Union and the Church Age, the Geographic Will of God, Immanence and Transcendence, linear genealogy, the rapture, the Sin unto Death, and Typology. Gen. 28 Preface
3175. Authorship of Gen. 27 & 28, with some justification. Gen. 28 Introduction
3176. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why does God choose Jacob over Esau? Gen. 28 Introduction
3177. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental questions about Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Introduction
3178. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Verse by Verse on Jacob's Shortcomings. Gen. 28 Introduction
3179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Several Commentators Introduce Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Introduction
3180. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Introduction
3181. References to Genesis 25 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Genesis 27 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28 Introduction
3182. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Introduction
3183. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Introduction
3184. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Jacob's Journey. Gen. 28 Introduction
3185. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Introduction
3186. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Introduction
3187. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 28 from the Summarized Bible. Gen. 28 Introduction
3188. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gill Summarizes Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Introduction
3189. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Benson and Henry Outline Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Introduction
3190. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Outline of Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Introduction
3191. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Gen. 28 Introduction
3192. Reference to Genesis 27 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28 Introduction
3193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translations for Genesis 28 (from Dr. Bob Utley). Gen. 28 Introduction
3194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions. Gen. 28 Introduction
3195. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 28 Prologue (A Review of Genesis 27:42–45). Gen. 28 Introduction
3196. Isaac never upbraids Jacob for the deception (insofar as we know). Gen. 28:1
3197. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: This New Blessing Conferred Upon Jacob by Isaac (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:1
3198. Rebekah complaining about Esau’s wives. Gen. 28:1
3199. Jacob’s age. Gen. 28:1
3200. Marriage to a first cousin in ancient times in the Bible. Gen. 28:1
3201. Rebekah and the cover story that she devises to send Jacob away. Gen. 28:1
3202. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Paddan-aram (large overview). Gen. 28:2
3203. Basic information about Paddan-aram. Gen. 28:2
3204. Who or what did Jacob travel with; did he just have his staff? Gen. 28:2
3205. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Line of Shem, the Line of Canaan and Marriage to the Hittites. Gen. 28:2
3206. What did Jacob take with him on this trip. Gen. 28:2
3207. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: First, Let Me State the Obvious. Gen. 28:2
3208. Cousin marriages; sending Jacob east. Gen. 28:2
3209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Jacob is Sent East to Find a Wife (as Isaac Understood it). Gen. 28:2
3210. Nation Israel has a spiritual basis more than a racial basis. Gen. 28:2
3211. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Jacob is Sent East to Find a Wife (as per Rebekah's Plan). Gen. 28:2
3212. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How Esau Views the Whole Jacob Situation. Gen. 28:2
3213. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Understanding of His Going East to Find a Wife. Gen. 28:2
3214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How God Moved Jacob from Canaan to Paddan-aram. Gen. 28:2
3215. Problematic for the Canaanites to be destroyed; and yet for them to become a big part of line of promise through marriage. Gen. 28:2
3216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The College Press Bible Study asks, Are There Two Different Accounts? Gen. 28:2
3217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rebekah's Devious Plot (Many Commentators). Gen. 28:2
3218. Rebekah is devious and manipulative and teaches Jacob the same; and Jacob will be placed under Laban, her brother, who is even more so. Gen. 28:2
3219. The corrupted line of Esau. Gen. 28:3
3220. Jacob the only patriarch to sire exclusively Jewish children. Gen. 28:3
3221. 144,000 evangelists after the rapture. Gen. 28:3
3222. The perfect tense of Gen. 1:1; and the imperfect tense of the verbs in the restoration of the earth. Gen. 28:3
3223. Angels and God giving them knowledge at their creation. Gen. 28:3
3224. Significant events in history and the audience. Gen. 28:3
3225. Comparing movies and plays to the observations made by angels. Seeing a movie based on true events and wondering what really happened. Angels get to see this. Gen. 28:3
3226. There is no reason for us to know anything about the 3 obscure shepherds like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Gen. 28:3
3227. The blessings of Abraham are conferred upon Jacob. Gen. 28:4
3228. Money involves a lot of time-consuming complications to life. Gen. 28:4
3229. What were the conditions of Isaac blessing Jacob? Did it just come out? Gen. 28:4
3230. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Land of Canaan and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:4
3231. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 28:4 (a graphic). Gen. 28:4
3232. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac accepts Jacob is being the line of promise (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:4
3233. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isaac Clearly Places the Blessing of Promise on Jacob. Gen. 28:4
3234. 2016 was a momentous election wherein many religious rights could have been lost in the United States. Gen. 28:4
3235. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Genesis 28:1–4. Gen. 28:4
3236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why was there no dowry sent along with Jacob. Gen. 28:5
3237. In the 20+ years after deception, Esau fared better than Jacob. Gen. 28:5
3238. The focus of the believer. It is okay to work long hours. Gen. 28:5
3239. Rebekah and Jacob should have done a right thing in a right way. Gen. 28:5
3240. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Padan-Aram. Gen. 28:5
3241. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Portrays Apostate Israel Being Moved out of the Land (Commentators). Gen. 28:5
3242. Repeating the relationships. Gen. 28:5
3243. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Another Map of Padan-aram. Gen. 28:5
3244. Why Bethuel is called a Syrian. Gen. 28:5
3245. Isaac, Jacob, Rebekah and Esau probably all knew Genesis to that point in time. Gen. 28:5
3246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Moral Principles of Genesis 1-26. Gen. 28:5
3247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 2:15 (a graphic). Gen. 28:5
3248. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 27:56–28:5. Gen. 28:5
3249. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 28:1–5. Gen. 28:5
3250. How Esau came to the conclusion that he had married the wrong women. Gen. 28:6
3251. My father hated his work. My satisfactory work. Gen. 28:6
3252. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paddan-Aram. Gen. 28:7
3253. Esau observes a clear blessing laid upon Jacob, that the blessings of Abraham are transferred to Jacob. And that he will go east to find a woman from their family. Gen. 28:7
3254. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentary on Ishmael—Dead or Alive? Gen. 28:9
3255. Who wrote this part of Scripture; and how easily Genesis would have been edited at this time. Gen. 28:9
3256. Why there is not much information about Esau in this part of the Bible. Gen. 28:9
3257. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau Attempts to Marry a Woman of the Right Breeding (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:9
3258. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Nebaioth. Gen. 28:9
3259. Mahalath (Esau’s wife). Gen. 28:9
3260. Rebekah’s clever plotting. Gen. 28:9
3261. Reference to the Coniah Curse and the Sin Nature (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:9
3262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Esau's Thinking. Gen. 28:9
3263. The line of blessing does not go through Jacob because he is a nicer person than Esau. The key is, the Messiah is in Jacob’s line. The parents of Coolidge and Stalin illustration. Gen. 28:9
3264. Reference to Genesis 36 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:9
3265. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 28:6–9. Gen. 28:9
3266. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 28:6–9. Gen. 28:9
3267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Map of Jacob's Journey from Beersheba to Haran. Gen. 28:10
3268. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Chiasmos of Genesis 28:10–22 (from Chiasmus Exchange). Gen. 28:10
3269. The location of the stone when Jacob slept. Gen. 28:11
3270. Jacob is 77 years old. Gen. 28:11
3271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Dream by Jose de Ribera (a graphic). Gen. 28:11
3272. We do not know whether or not Luz is a gated city; we do not know if there is any specific reason for Jacob to sleep outside. Gen. 28:11
3273. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Canaan (Bethel). Gen. 28:11
3274. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The first of 3 stones in the life of Jacob (a graphic). Gen. 28:11
3275. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Thoughts and Feelings (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:11
3276. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Unlikely that these are Jacob's Thoughts and Feelings (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:11
3277. The spiritual life is not a one-shot deal. Gen. 28:11
3278. Angels of God. Gen. 28:12
3279. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Art Inspired by Jacob's Ladder (a series of graphics). Gen. 28:12
3280. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Angels of God Ascending and Descending the Ladder (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:12
3281. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's 3-Fold Explanation of Jacob's Ladder. Gen. 28:12
3282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Ladder (Diverse Descriptions from Various Commentators). Gen. 28:12
3283. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How did Jacob's Ladder Benefit Jacob (Several Commentators). Gen. 28:12
3284. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Possible Significance of Jacob's Ladder (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:12
3285. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Burton Coffman Explains the Ladder. Gen. 28:12
3286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining John 1:51 (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:12
3287. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Angels (Angelology). Gen. 28:12
3288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Angels. Gen. 28:12
3289. My explanation for some Hebrew words clarified. Gen. 28:12
3290. Angel locomotion. Gen. 28:12
3291. The various fulfillments and accomplishments of Jesus Christ in the 1st advent. Gen. 28:12
3292. The Hebrew words used for Jacob’s vision. Gen. 28:12
3293. Jacob and how he was going through life. Gen. 28:12
3294. Angels observe us; the play Marat Sade. Gen. 28:12
3295. The great morality play which is life. Gen. 28:12
3296. Angels meeting with God. Gen. 28:12
3297. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Jacob Gets from this Field Trip. Gen. 28:12
3298. Reference to the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:12
3299. Remarkable consistency in the doctrine of angels throughout Scripture. Gen. 28:12
3300. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: So-Called Bible Contradictions. Gen. 28:12
3301. References to Genesis 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Judges 11 (HTML) (PDF) Gen. 28:12
3302. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alleged Moral Precept Contradictions Found in the Bible. Gen. 28:12
3303. Reference to the Doctrine of Murder (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Ark of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Doctrine of Slavery (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:12
3304. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alleged Historical Fact Contradictions Found in the Bible. Gen. 28:12
3305. References to the Doctrine of Intercalation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Coniah Curse (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Genesis 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:12
3306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alleged Contradictions Of Speculative Doctrines in the Bible. Gen. 28:12
3307. References tothe Doctrine of Dispensations (HTML) (PDF), the Doctrine of Eternal Security (external links), and Job 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:12
3308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Uniqueness of the Bible. Gen. 28:12
3309. References to Documentary Hypothesis (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), and Jesus in the Old and New Testaments (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:12
3310. Why this appearance be God was not designed to turn Jacob’s life around. Gen. 28:12
3311. Replicating stuff you read in the Bible. Gen. 28:12
3312. Your walk as a believer. Gen. 28:12
3313. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Genesis 28:10–12. Gen. 28:13
3314. Reference to the Doctrine of Racial Intermarriage (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:13
3315. Reference to the Doctrine of Christophanies/Theophanies of Jesus Christ. Gen. 28:13
3316. God calls Himself the God of Jacob more times than He calls Himself the God of Abraham. Gen. 28:13
3317. Confidence because of God’s relationship to Jacob. Gen. 28:13
3318. The dream-like qualities of Jacob’s night vision of God. Gen. 28:13
3319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Theophany of Genesis 28:13 (Wenstrom). Gen. 28:13
3320. Smedberg’s class and the concept of precipitation. Gen. 28:13
3321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 28:14 (a graphic). Gen. 28:14
3322. Jews hiding their identities in Muslim-majority nations. Gen. 28:14
3323. God’s plan is to have Jews in every nation on earth; Satan’s plan, therefore, is to destroy the Jews in whatever nations where Satan has the greatest foothold. Gen. 28:14
3324. The biggest mistake of the US in Iraq. We evangelized the countries of Japan, Germany and South Korea. As a result, these are great allies of the United States today. Gen. 28:14
3325. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Three Promises to Jacob. Gen. 28:14
3326. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 28:15 (NIV) (a graphic). Gen. 28:15
3327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 28:15 (NKJV) (a graphic). Gen. 28:15
3328. God saying, “I will be with you” means that Jacob will be in God’s geographical will. Gen. 28:15
3329. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "I will protect you wherever you go" (Gen. 28:15) (a graphic). Gen. 28:15
3330. In Paddan-aram, Jacob will be with a greater chiseler than even his mother. Gen. 28:15
3331. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two ways to translate the end of Gen. 28:15. Gen. 28:15
3332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 28:15 (a graphic). Gen. 28:15
3333. God’s promises to Jacob and God’s promises to us. Gen. 28:15
3334. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lists of the Promises of God. Gen. 28:15
3335. Reference to The List (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:15
3336. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob and God's Grace (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:15
3337. Jacob might be seen to represent the dispersion of the Jews in the future. Gen. 28:15
3338. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 28:14–15 (a graphic). Gen. 28:15
3339. Doubts versus trust in God. Gen. 28:15
3340. Many people saw the Lord’s miracles and still rejected Him. Gen. 28:15
3341. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Three Blessings of Jacob. Gen. 28:15
3342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Unconditional Promises and Covenant Theology. Gen. 28:15
3343. The logical problems with Covenant Theology. Gen. 28:15
3344. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob and God's Geographical Will. Gen. 28:15
3345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 28:10–15. Gen. 28:15
3346. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 28:10–15. Gen. 28:15
3347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Genesis 28: 10–15. Gen. 28:16
3348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 28:16 (a graphic). Gen. 28:16
3349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Clarifying Moment. Gen. 28:16
3350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Where of Jacob's Encounter with God (with Commentators). Gen. 28:16
3351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Response to God After Waking Up (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:16
3352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Spiritual Life—Old and New Testament. Gen. 28:16
3353. References to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Grace Apparatus for Perception (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:16
3354. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Fear (A Discussion Including Several Commentators). Gen. 28:17
3355. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on the Doctrine of the 3 Heavens. Gen. 28:17
3356. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarifying a Point Concerning God Manifesting Himself. Gen. 28:17
3357. Jacob’s pillar. False traditions of Jacob’s pillar. Gen. 28:18
3358. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The College Press Bible Study on Olive Oil Used in the Bible. Gen. 28:18
3359. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob; Pillars; Pouring Oil on Pillars. Gen. 28:18
3360. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pouring Out of Oil on Stones—or, Whatever (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:18
3361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Was Pouring Oil upon Stone a Well-Established Practice at this Time? Gen. 28:18
3362. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What was Jacob traveling with? Gen. 28:18
3363. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pillars (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:18
3364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's 3 Pillars. Gen. 28:18
3365. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Spiritually-Empowered Jesus Christ is our Spiritual Model. Gen. 28:18
3366. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Genesis 28:12–18. Gen. 28:18
3367. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Renaming Luz (Many Commentators). Gen. 28:19
3368. Scriptural references to Bethel. Gen. 28:19
3369. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The City of Bethel. Gen. 28:19
3370. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Bethel. Gen. 28:19
3371. Reference to the Doctrine of Bethel (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:19
3372. An organic construction of the book of Genesis. People knew about the book of Genesis during the time of Moses. Gen. 28:19
3373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Jacob's Journey (so far). Gen. 28:19
3374. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 28:16–19. Gen. 28:19
3375. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's 6 Responses to the Vision of God. Gen. 28:19
3376. Reference to the Doctrine of Vows (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:20
3377. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The ancient Hebrew, vowel points, and the preservation of ancient manuscripts. Gen. 28:20
3378. The goofy practices of writing G*d by some people today. Gen. 28:20
3379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Five Promises of God (The Pulpit Commentary). Gen. 28:21
3380. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Vow/David's Assurances. Gen. 28:21
3381. Jacob’s vow; logistical grace. Gen. 28:21
3382. Reference to the Coronation Stone or the Stone of Destiny. Gen. 28:22
3383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Vow. Gen. 28:22
3384. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Guzik on God's Promises and Jacob's Vow. Gen. 28:22
3385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators with a Negative View of Jacob's Vow. Gen. 28:22
3386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators with a Positive View of Jacob's Vow. Gen. 28:22
3387. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Vows. Gen. 28:22
3388. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Tithing (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:22
3389. References to the Doctrine of Tithing back in Gen. 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). It can also be found here: the doctrine of Tithing (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 28:22
3390. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Giving (from Bible Doctrine Resource). Gen. 28:22
3391. Berachah Church policy on giving. Gen. 28:22
3392. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Speaks of this Vision to Nathanael in John 1:51 (Various Commentators). Gen. 28:22
3393. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 28:20–22. Gen. 28:22
3394. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 28:16–22. Gen. 28:22
3395. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Gen. 28 Summary
3396. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 28 is in the Word of God. Gen. 28 Summary
3397. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Summary
3398. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Summary
3399. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Summary
3400. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Arthur Pink on Jacob's Parallel to the Jewish Nation. Gen. 28 Addendum
3401. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bible Query: Why did God choose the Jews instead of someone else? Gen. 28 Addendum
3402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Discovering God—a Discussion. Gen. 28 Addendum
3403. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 28 Addendum
3404. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 28. Gen. 28 Addendum
3405. The Doctrine of Angels Alluded to in Psalm 148:2. Gen. 28:12
3406. Distinguish between Bethel and House of God around here (see exegesis on Judges 20:26). Gen. 28
3407. Do something about Bethel (formerly called Luz) right around here. I will need to deal with it being called Bethel when it is first mentioned with regards to Abram in Gen. 12, but having been named Bethel by Jacob sometime later (Gen. 28). Gen. 28:19
3408. Genesis 29 Jacob Marries Both Leah and Rachel; and Sires Four Sons (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
3409. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: George Sands Quote (a graphic). Gen. 29 Preface
3410. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: John Wooden Quote (a graphic). Gen. 29 Preface
3411. Quotations from Pele, Steve Jobs, Audrey Hepburn, Bertrand Russell, Joyce Brothers, Kanye West, Abraham Lincoln, Dennis Prager and Marine Le Pen. Gen. 29 Preface
3412. Doctrines in the definition of terms: the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 29 Definition of terms.
3413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 29—The Deceiver Gets Deceived (a graphic). Gen. 29 Introduction
3414. J. Vernon McGee on reaping what a man sows, with many illustrations. Gen. 29 Introduction
3415. God’s truth is available to anyone who wants it. Gen. 29 Introduction
3416. The blessings of God follow after Jacob. Gen. 29 Introduction
3417. God pursues mature believers with blessings. Gen. 29 Introduction
3418. Two important topics of Gen. 29. Gen. 29 Introduction
3419. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Are believers in the Church Age short-changed because God does not appear to us? Gen. 29 Introduction
3420. We live in the greatest period of human history. We enjoy the greatest blessing in the United States.
3421. The exciting spiritual battle that we observe in the United States. Gen. 29 Introduction
3422. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 29 Introduction
3423. Parallels between Jacob leaving the land and the people of Israel leaving the land. Gen. 29 Introduction
3424. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Divine institutions in Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Introduction
3425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Introduction
3426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Introduction
3427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Introduction
3428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Introduction
3429. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Jacob's Journey. Gen. 29 Introduction
3430. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Gen. 29 Introduction
3431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Introduction
3432. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Age of Jacob When He Leaves Canaan for Haran. Gen. 29 Introduction
3433. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Synopsis of Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Introduction
3434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Robert Dean, Jr.'s Introductory Observations of Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Introduction
3435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief Descriptions of Genesis 29 (Various Commentators). Gen. 29 Introduction
3436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief Outlines of Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Introduction
3437. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translations for Genesis 29 (from Dr. Bob Utley). Gen. 29 Introduction
3438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions. Gen. 29 Introduction
3439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary Outlines Genesis 29:1–14. Gen. 29:1
3440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob, then, lifted up his feet (Many Commentators + my commentary). Gen. 29:1
3441. Do one-shot decisions or experiences dramatically change the believer in his Christian walk? Gen. 29:1
3442. Day-by-day teaching of the Word of God is superior to a marvelous experience or miracle. Gen. 29:1
3443. Jacob’s incredible experience; and how it did or did not change his life. Gen. 29:1
3444. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The College Press Bible Study on Where Jacob was Going. Gen. 29:1
3445. Ancient-world traveling, communications, maps. Gen. 29:1
3446. Jacob probably travels with Deborah, his mother’s servant. Gen. 29:1
3447. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Jacob's Journey East. Gen. 29:1
3448. About translations. Gen. 29:2
3449. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Arrives at a Community Well in Aram (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:2
3450. Why the sheep are not being given water. Gen. 29:2
3451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Modern-day Well-pump (a photograph). Gen. 29:2
3452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The well of the little prince (a graphic). Gen. 29:2
3453. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Picture of a Primitive Well (a photograph). Gen. 29:2
3454. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wells of the Ancient World (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:2
3455. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Stone Over the Well's Mouth (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:2
3456. One patriarch at a time. Gen. 29:2
3457. Moses did not write Genesis. Gen. 29:2
3458. Authorship of portions of Genesis. Gen. 29:2
3459. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Genesis 29:1–2. Gen. 29:3
3460. There is great detail in the first 14 verses of Gen. 29 because this is the day that Jacob meets the love of his life. Gen. 29:3
3461. Cecil Adams on manhole covers. Gen. 29:3
3462. Reasons why the shepherds were not using the well at this time. Gen. 29:3
3463. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Custom of the Stone of this Well. Gen. 29:3
3464. What I believe the actual reasons were for the well usage. Gen. 29:3
3465. Deborah, Rebekah’s maid, was probably with Jacob. Gen. 29:3
3466. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Using the familiar words, my brothers (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:4
3467. The language of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Gen. 29:4
3468. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Language of Aram in this Era. Gen. 29:4
3469. An example of Laban and Jacob’s different dialects in Gen. 31:47. Gen. 29:4
3470. Proper name in the ancient world. Gen. 29:5
3471. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Middle East. Gen. 29:5
3472. Instead of answering with a yes, those in the ancient world often just repeated a word. Gen. 29:6
3473. God at work in His creation is a great theme of Genesis. Gen. 29:6
3474. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Providence of God (Several Commentators). Gen. 29:6
3475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 29:1–6. Gen. 29:6
3476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Jacob is telling these shepherds what to do (Several Commentators). Gen. 29:7
3477. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Regulation of Well Usage. Gen. 29:8
3478. Various reasons why the shepherds did not remove the well cover. Gen. 29:8
3479. The Bible and marriage between first cousins. Gen. 29:9
3480. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Discussion of Rachel being a shepherdess. Gen. 29:9
3481. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on a young female being a shepherdess in the ancient world. Gen. 29:9
3482. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 29:1–9: Jacob Meets Rachel. Gen. 29:9
3483. Reference to the Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 29:10
3484. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Terah's Genealogy. Gen. 29:10
3485. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Genesis 29:1–10a. Gen. 29:10
3486. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Moves the Stone from the Well Opening (a graphic). Gen. 29:10
3487. Why there is so much detail in Gen. 29. Gen. 29:10
3488. The protocol of moving the well cover. Gen. 29:10
3489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Rolls the Stone off the Well (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:10
3490. Concerning troughs at this well. Gen. 29:10
3491. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stephen Armstrong on the Will of God. Gen. 29:10
3492. Ownership of the well; Jacob rolling the stone away. Gen. 29:10
3493. What has been observed at an ancient well. Gen. 29:10
3494. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Kisses Rachel (a graphic). Gen. 29:11
3495. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Encountering Rachel by Fuhrich (a graphic). Gen. 29:11
3496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Kisses Rachel (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:11
3497. Why Jacob cries. Gen. 29:11
3498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "The Meeting of Jacob and Rachel" William Dyce (a graphic). Gen. 29:11
3499. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Crying (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:11
3500. Jacob remembers every detail of the day he meets Rachel. Gen. 29:12
3501. Recording the words of Genesis. Gen. 29:12
3502. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Watering Rachel's Sheep; Kissing Her; Then Saying Who He Is. Gen. 29:12
3503. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 29:10–12: Jacob Greets Rachel. Gen. 29:12
3504. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 29:7–12. Gen. 29:12
3505. We cannot look at Laban in a black and white prism. Gen. 29:13
3506. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Spiritual Growth (or Lack Thereof). Gen. 29:13
3507. How spiritual growth occurs in the plan of God. Gen. 29:13
3508. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Tells Laban all these things (Many Commentators). Gen. 29:13
3509. This includes an explanation from me as to why this was necessary. Gen. 29:13
3510. Laban is carefully examining Jacob to make sure he is not being conned. Gen. 29:14
3511. Someone tried to con me in Houston. Gen. 29:14
3512. Con men tend to be suspicious of others. Gen. 29:14
3513. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 29:13–14 (an R. Crumb cartoon). Gen. 29:14
3514. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 29:13–14: Jacob Meets Laban. Gen. 29:14
3515. Laban recognizes that Jacob is interested in Rachel. Gen. 29:15
3516. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban tells Jacob, "I should not let you serve me for free." (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:15
3517. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Talks with Laban by the Illustrators of the 1897 Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us (a graphic). Gen. 29:15
3518. They psychology between Laban and Jacob; and what Laban had worked out. Gen. 29:15
3519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Recompense for Jacob's Service to Laban (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:15
3520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Preview of Laban’s Plan to Manipulate Jacob. Gen. 29:15
3521. Jacob falling into the hands of schemer Laban. Gen. 29:15
3522. What Laban knew about Jacob. How Laban played Jacob. Gen. 29:15
3523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leah (a graphic doctrine). Gen. 29:16
3524. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Burton Coffman on Leah. Gen. 29:16
3525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel (a graphic doctrine). Gen. 29:16
3526. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's Two Daughters, Rachel and Leah (a graphic). Gen. 29:16
3527. What it means for Leah’s eyes to be weak. Gen. 29:17
3528. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An examination of the word rake ( ) [pronounced rahkh]. Gen. 29:17
3529. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leah's Eyes (from Many Commentators). Gen. 29:17
3530. My eyesight. Gen. 29:17
3531. Possible strengths and weakness of Leah and Rachel. Gen. 29:17
3532. Rachel’s figure. Gen. 29:17
3533. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel and Leah by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828–1882) (a graphic). Gen. 29:17
3534. Jacob’s accurate and diplomatic discussion of Rachel. Gen. 29:17
3535. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Description of Rachel (Many Commentators). Gen. 29:17
3536. Descriptions of Rachel and Leah again. Gen. 29:17
3537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining the Dowry (Many Commentators). Gen. 29:18
3538. Confused society today, where children are not being brought up to be men or women. Gen. 29:18
3539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adam Clarke on the Custom of Dowries. Gen. 29:18
3540. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Was Laban acting according to the dowry traditions of his day? Gen. 29:18
3541. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 29:14b–18a (an R. Crumb cartoon). Gen. 29:18
3542. Fathers and suitors bargaining for the daughters in marriage. Do the daughters have any say? Gen. 29:18
3543. Marriages in India. Gen. 29:18
3544. When it comes to this marriage planned before Jacob and Rachel, the Bible is descriptive, not prescriptive. Gen. 29:18
3545. Changing cultures over time. Gen. 29:18
3546. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Biblical Approach to Marriage. Gen. 29:18
3547. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Marriage Equality graphic. Gen. 29:18
3548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: So-Called Biblical Alternatives to Marriage. Gen. 29:18
3549. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Quick Review of Genesis 29:15–18. Gen. 29:19
3550. Customary to prefer giving one’s daughters in marriage to a near relative. Gen. 29:19
3551. Reference to Blessing by Association (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 29:19
3552. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's Answer to Jacob (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:19
3553. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Constable's Chiasmic Structure of Genesis 29:20–30. Gen. 29:20
3554. Most romantic verse in the Bible. Gen. 29:20
3555. Entering into marriage and personal integrity. Gen. 29:20
3556. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Labor of Love (Various Commentators on Genesis 29:20). Gen. 29:20
3557. Gen. 29:20 is a very personal passage; not written by a later historian. Gen. 29:20
3558. Not unusual for a father to keep his daughter separate from her fiancee. Gen. 29:20
3559. Reference to an Introduction to Genesis (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 29:20
3560. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses is NOT the Author of Genesis. Gen. 29:20
3561. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 29:19–20 (an R. Crumb cartoon). Gen. 29:20
3562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Guzik on True Love Waits. Gen. 29:20
3563. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 29:15–20: The First Seven Years. Gen. 29:20
3564. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 29:13–20. Gen. 29:20
3565. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: End of the Seven Years (Several Commentators). Gen. 29:21
3566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Marriage Feast—Commentators on Genesis 29:22. Gen. 29:22
3567. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Trapp on the Marriage Feast in the Bible. Gen. 29:22
3568. Leah and Jacob on their marriage night.
3569. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Laban may have done to bring Leah to Jacob rather than Rachel. Gen. 29:23
3570. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's Guile (Commentators on Genesis 29:23). Gen. 29:23
3571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Was Leah God's Plan A for Jacob? Gen. 29:23
3572. The Doctrine of Polygamy is alluded to (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 29:23
3573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's One Gift to Leah—Commentators in Genesis 29:24. Gen. 29:24
3574. Poetic justice for Jacob. Gen. 29:24
3575. Zilpah may have collected the sheets to preserve them after Leah’s wedding night. Gen. 29:24
3576. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Quick Review of Genesis 29:18–23. Gen. 29:24
3577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallel Deceptions. Gen. 29:24
3578. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stephen Armstrong's Parallels. Gen. 29:24
3579. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Conclusions that we can draw from this deception. Gen. 29:24
3580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Behold, it was Leah! (a graphic). Gen. 29:25
3581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leah’s Feelings Toward Jacob. Gen. 29:25
3582. Possible interaction or lack of it between Jacob and Rachel over those 7 years. Gen. 29:25
3583. The bed sheets of Jacob and Leah. Gen. 29:25
3584. Why Laban thought he could get away with the deception. Gen. 29:25
3585. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Complains to Laban by Jim Padgett (a graphic). Gen. 29:25
3586. Why Laban thinks he can get away with this deception. Gen. 29:25
3587. Why Gandhi could get away with a non-violent protest in India. Gen. 29:25
3588. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban deceives Jacob—Whatever a man sows... (Many Commentators). Gen. 29:25
3589. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Reproaching Laban (by Dutch painter Hendrick ter Brugghen). Gen. 29:25
3590. Many steps are left out after Jacob wakes up. Gen. 29:25
3591. The bed sheets. Gen. 29:25
3592. Jacob has no way out of this marriage. Gen. 29:25
3593. God’s plan and marriage. Gen. 29:25
3594. Some people in the US believe everything but the truth. Gen. 29:25
3595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 29:21–25. Gen. 29:25
3596. The Bible is all about man’s sinfulness and God’s plan moving ahead. Gen. 29:26
3597. Learning the easy way and the hard way. Gen. 29:26
3598. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's Frivolous Excuse (Many Commentators). Gen. 29:26
3599. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on the Discipline of God. Gen. 29:26
3600. Explaining fulfilling a week. Gen. 29:27
3601. Lawyers only ask questions they know the answers to. Gen. 29:27
3602. Laban, his daughters, and his scheme. Why they probably agreed. Gen. 29:27
3603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban Agrees to Give Rachel to Jacob as a Second Wife (Many Commentators). Gen. 29:27
3604. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fulfilling the Week of Celebration (commentary and discussion). Gen. 29:27
3605. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on, Should we admire Laban? Gen. 29:27
3606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 29:25–27 (an R. Crumb cartoon). Gen. 29:27
3607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Arthur W. Pink on Reaping What You Sow. Gen. 29:27
3608. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: More Commentary on Jacob and Laban's Two Daughters. Gen. 29:28
3609. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Opinions on Jacob Marrying More than One Wife (Many Commentators). Gen. 29:28
3610. When Laban gave Jacob Rachel as his 2nd wife. Gen. 29:28
3611. Exactly how Laban’s plan worked. Gen. 29:28
3612. Wâw consecutives and imperfect verbs sometimes list concurrent actions. Gen. 29:29
3613. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leah & Rachel & Jacob (Bible Journaling). Gen. 29:30
3614. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Real Housewives of Haran (Bible Journaling). Gen. 29:30
3615. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Kukis Theory on the Steps to Jacob's Marriage to Two Sisters. Gen. 29:30
3616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert Dean's Take on Barrenness. Gen. 29:30
3617. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 29:28–30 (an R. Crumb cartoon). Gen. 29:30
3618. God had not yet spoken a law against polygamy. Gen. 29:30
3619. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 29:26–30. Gen. 29:30
3620. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 29:21–30: Jacob Gets Two Wives. Gen. 29:30
3621. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Experiential Exegesis of Our Modern Family Irregularity (a graphic). Gen. 29:30
3622. The marriage of Jacob, Leah and Rachel. Gen. 29:31
3623. Unlike his father and grandfather, every child that Jacob sires will be a Jew. Gen. 29:31
3624. Dr. Robert Dean, Jr. on children are a blessing. Gen. 29:31
3625. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A New Approach to the Recording of the Book of Genesis. Gen. 29:31
3626. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leah was hated (the Opinions of Commentators). Gen. 29:31
3627. Passages where hate does not mean hate. Gen. 29:31
3628. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on Jacob's Preference of Rachel. Gen. 29:31
3629. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leah and Rachel's participation in Laban's Deception. Gen. 29:31
3630. What if they did it right? God’s plan functions based upon our free will choices, good and bad. Gen. 29:31
3631. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Balances Out the Contempt Held for Leah (Many Commentators on Gen. 29:31). Gen. 29:31
3632. Barrenness plays a part in the marriages of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Gen. 29:31
3633. Passages on barrenness and God opening up the womb. Gen. 29:31
3634. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reviewing Genesis 29:21–31. Gen. 29:32
3635. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reuben's Name (Many Commentators). Gen. 29:32
3636. The man versus the woman’s feelings towards a child. Jacob may have been even more conflicted, since he had not intended to marry Leah. Gen. 29:32
3637. James Burton Coffman thinks both Leah and Rachel were in on the deception. Gen. 29:32
3638. A discussion on who was in on the deception. Gen. 29:32
3639. Reuben as the firstborn and the additional blessings. Gen. 29:32
3640. Scripture on Reuben. Gen. 29:32
3641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On Simeon (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:33
3642. Leah is not hated; she now has two sons by Jacob. Gen. 29:33
3643. Simeon. Gen. 29:33
3644. Simeon was probably strongly in favor of killing Joseph. Gen. 29:33
3645. Passages on Simeon. Gen. 29:33
3646. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On Levi (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:34
3647. Leah naming Levi. Gen. 29:34
3648. Levi. Gen. 29:34
3649. Scriptures on Levi. Gen. 29:34
3650. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 29:35 (a graphic). Gen. 29:35
3651. How did Leah receive spiritual information? Gen. 29:35
3652. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On Judah (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:35
3653. Were Leah’s sons raised differently? Gen. 29:35
3654. Scriptures on Judah. Gen. 29:35
3655. Two odd incidents in Gen. 30. Gen. 29:35
3656. Leah’s change of focus. Gen. 29:35
3657. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leah's First 4 Sons (Various Commentators). Gen. 29:35
3658. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How the Names of Leah's Sons Parallel the Exodus and the Gospel. Gen. 29:35
3659. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sons of Leah in the Bible. Gen. 29:35
3660. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leah: God Selects What Man Rejects (Bible journaling). Gen. 29:35
3661. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on God's Blessing of Leah. Gen. 29:35
3662. The entire Jewish race comes from Jacob and his 2 wives and 2 mistresses. Gen. 29:35
3663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Use of Yehowah and Elohim in Genesis 29–30. Gen. 29:35
3664. Reference to Documentary Hypothesis (the JEPD Theory) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 29:35
3665. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ballinger's Analysis of Gen. 29:31–35 Birth of the First Four Patriarchal Ancestors. Gen. 29:35
3666. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 29:31–35. Gen. 29:35
3667. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Gen. 29 Summary
3668. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 29 is in the Word of God. Gen. 29 Summary
3669. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Summary
3670. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Summary
3671. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Robert Dean, Jr. Summarizes Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Summary
3672. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Summary
3673. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Summary
3674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 29 in a Graphic Nutshell (a graphic). Gen. 29 Summary
3675. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob as a Type of Israel (from C. I. Scofield). Gen. 29 Addendum
3676. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom Argues that Leah was Jacob's Right Woman. Gen. 29 Addendum
3677. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Robert Dean, Jr. on Divine Discipline. Gen. 29 Addendum
3678. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 29 Addendum
3679. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Addendum
3680. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Addendum
3681. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 29. Gen. 29 Addendum
3682. Need to do an Doctrine of Esau somewhere around here.
3683. Genesis 30 Jacob Sires More Children/An Agreement with Laban (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
3684. Two sections of Gen. 30 and how it is weirdly divided, and yet is a coherent theme. Gen. 30 Preface
3685. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Gen. 30 Preface
3686. John Smith, Bidpai and Donald Trump are quoted. Gen. 30 Preface
3687. Definition of terms: Anthropopathism, Blessing by Association, laws of divine establishment, the Revealed God. Links to some of these doctrines as well. Gen. 30 Preface
3688. The first 4 children give the gospel message. Gen. 30 Introduction
3689. Reference to Genesis 29 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 30 Introduction
3690. The division of this chapter and the weird chapter break from the previous chapter. Gen. 30 Introduction
3691. Asking myself, why does God the Holy Spirit put this narrative here. Gen. 30 Introduction
3692. No one in this chapter appears to appreciate God, apart from Laban. Gen. 30 Introduction
3693. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations on Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Introduction
3694. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lessons from a Dysfunctional Family (a graphic). Gen. 30 Introduction
3695. The key to Gen. 30. Gen. 30 Introduction
3696. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Introduction
3697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Introduction
3698. References to Genesis 28 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Genesis 29 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 30 Introduction
3699. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Introduction
3700. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Introduction
3701. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Jacob's Journey. Gen. 30 Introduction
3702. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Gen. 30 Introduction
3703. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Introduction
3704. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Synopsis of Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Introduction
3705. Division of the chapter into two parts. Gen. 30 Introduction
3706. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Synopses of Genesis 30 (Various Commentators). Gen. 30 Introduction
3707. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 30 from the Summarized Bible. Gen. 30 Introduction
3708. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Genesis 29–31). Gen. 30 Introduction
3709. Synopsis by Constable and Pett. Gen. 30 Introduction
3710. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Book of Genesis Chapters 29 - 33 Summary (from Shmoop). Gen. 30 Introduction
3711. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translations for Genesis 30 (from Dr. Bob Utley). Gen. 30 Introduction
3712. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Genesis 30). Gen. 30 Introduction
3713. Added the Big Picture and Brief but Insightful Observations. Gen. 30 Introduction
3714. Discussing a separate chapter for the genealogies; and the actual cohesiveness of this chapter. Gen. 30 Introduction
3715. I went overboard on some of the supplementary material. Much needs to be edited out. Gen. 30 Introduction
3716. Reference to the Doctrine of Envy (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 30:1
3717. Envy, commentary and Scripture. Gen. 30:1
3718. Is Rachel being irrational or manipulative? Gen. 30:1
3719. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel: "I will die if I do not bear children" (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:1
3720. Men and women and their spouses after marriage. Premarital sex. Gen. 30:1
3721. Jacob in a polygamous marriage. Gen. 30:1
3722. Polygamy and progressive revelation. Gen. 30:1
3723. Discussing if Jacob should not have married Rachel. Jacob and the Mosaic Law which prohibits marriage to sisters. Gen. 30:1
3724. Rachel is perhaps irrational in her complaint. Gen. 30:1
3725. Wealth is a relative concept. Gen. 30:1
3726. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 30:2 (ESV) (a graphic). Gen. 30:2
3727. Rachel’s irrational statement and Jacob’s response to it. Gen. 30:2
3728. Jacob’s frustration. Gen. 30:2
3729. V. 2 prepares us for the rest of the chapter. It is the theme of Gen. 30. Gen. 30:2
3730. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob asks, "Am I in the place of God?" (Many Commentators). Gen. 30:2
3731. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on Jacob's Response to Rachel. Gen. 30:2
3732. Leah and Rachel will name all of Jacob’s children, save one. Gen. 30:2
3733. Learn to appreciate what God gives you; and understand that it is a part of His plan. Focus on Jesus Christ. Gen. 30:2
3734. Rachel is possibly manipulating Jacob. Maybe she is setting him up. This is probably a unique theory on what is happening. Gen. 30:2
3735. My spin on Jacob and Rachel’s conversation. Gen. 30:3
3736. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel's Solution of Using a Surrogate Mother (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:3
3737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bearing a child upon Rachel's knees (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:3
3738. Only one other mention of a surrogacy previously in Genesis. Gen. 30:3
3739. The place of the surrogate wife. Gen. 30:3
3740. We must distinguish between cultural norms and eternal truths in the Bible. Gen. 30:3
3741. Surrogacy found in the Nuzi tablets. Gen. 30:3
3742. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Some Points of Genesis 30:3. Gen. 30:3
3743. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Rachel Manipulate Jacob? Gen. 30:3
3744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 30:1–3. Gen. 30:3
3745. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Birth Surrogacy in the Bible (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:4
3746. Bilhah’s sons will never be presented in the Bible as Rachel’s. Gen. 30:5
3747. Jacob’s odd marriage and God. Gen. 30:5
3748. Missionaries are not to spend their time getting polygamists to give up all but one wife. Gen. 30:5
3749. The church and same-sex marriage and same-sex couples. Gen. 30:5
3750. Gay marriage and the Bible. Gen. 30:5
3751. Gay Christians. Gen. 30:5
3752. This conversation about having children probably occurred on many occasions. Gen. 30:6
3753. Critics of Rachel. Gen. 30:6
3754. Meaning of Dan. Gen. 30:6
3755. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Name of Dan (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:6
3756. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 30:4–6 (a graphic). Gen. 30:6
3757. We do not know what was said for Bilhah to give birth to another son. Gen. 30:7
3758. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel's Struggles (or, wrestlings) (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:8
3759. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel proclaims, "I have prevailed" (Many Commentators). Gen. 30:8
3760. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Rivalry Between Rachel and Leah (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:8
3761. The marriage dynamic in Jacob’s marriage. The many problems of polygamy. Gen. 30:8
3762. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Name of Naphtali (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:8
3763. Focus of Rachel and Leah when naming their children. Gen. 30:8
3764. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 30:1–8: Rachel the Instigator. Gen. 30:8
3765. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leah decides to use her maid as a surrogate (Many Commentators). Gen. 30:9
3766. Participating in bad ideas. Gen. 30:9
3767. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Status of the Maidservants When Given to Jacob (Many Commentators). Gen. 30:9
3768. Having 2 wives and 2 mistresses is not necessarily a paradise. Gen. 30:10
3769. Many polygamists wrote Scripture and none of them spoke of more than wife as being good. Gen. 30:10
3770. David confined himself to one wife near the end; Solomon was still chasing women in SOS. Gen. 30:10
3771. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 30:11 What Good Fortune! (A graphic). Gen. 30:11
3772. Jacob’s problems with more than one wife. Gen. 30:11
3773. Gad may intentionally have a double meaning. Gen. 30:11
3774. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning of Gad (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:11
3775. Leah, how happy I am. Gen. 30:13
3776. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 30:13 "How happy I am" (a graphic). Gen. 30:13
3777. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Name of Asher (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:13
3778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: More Children Are Born (a graphic). Gen. 30:13
3779. Mormon; Mormon offshoots and polygamy. Gen. 30:13
3780. Reference to the Doctrine of Polygamy (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 30:13
3781. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Polygamy. Gen. 30:13
3782. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 30:9–13. Gen. 30:13
3783. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 30:9–13: Tit for Tat. Gen. 30:13
3784. Leah’s sons present the gospel by the meaning of their names. Gen. 30:14
3785. The Bible is attacked for the mention of the wheat harvest here. Gen. 30:14
3786. Mandrakes. Gen. 30:14
3787. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mandrakes. Gen. 30:14
3788. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mandrakes—Fertility Plant (a photograph). Gen. 30:14
3789. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The non-Skeptical View of Mandrakes (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:14
3790. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on Mandrakes. Gen. 30:14
3791. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Theories on the Identity of Mandrakes (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:14
3792. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Skeptical View of Mandrakes (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:14
3793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Concerning Mandrakes (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:14
3794. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 30:14d (a graphic). Gen. 30:14
3795. It is not surprising that Jacob’s wives manipulate him and tell him what to do. Gen. 30:14
3796. Leah and Rachel interacting about the mandrakes. Gen. 30:14
3797. Working out the age of Reuben. Gen. 30:14
3798. Conflict between Leah and Rachel; its origins; their illogical thinking. Gen. 30:15
3799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is the problem that Jacob just married too many women? A discussion.. Gen. 30:15
3800. Discussing whether polygamy was a great sin committed by Jacob. Gen. 30:15
3801. Why didn’t every man in the ancient world marry 2, 3 or 10 wives? Gen. 30:15
3802. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Man's Day – A Woman's Day emoji (a graphic). Gen. 30:15
3803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A discussion of the relationship between Rachel and Leah. Gen. 30:15
3804. Discussing the problems of polygamy. Gen. 30:15
3805. Scenes in ancient literature involving two women are very rare...but found many times in Scripture. Gen. 30:15
3806. Who has the authority in the Jacob household? Gen. 30:15
3807. How the marriage of Jacob, Leah and Rachel probably came about. Gen. 30:15
3808. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bargain for Mandrakes (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:15
3809. Rachel seems to wear the pants in the family. Gen. 30:15
3810. Why God specifically forbade marriage to two sisters. Gen. 30:15
3811. The assumption that Jacob naturally spent his time with Rachel. Gen. 30:16
3812. Jacob’s relationship with the maidservants. Gen. 30:16
3813. The relationships in this polygamous marriage. Gen. 30:16
3814. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 30:14–16. Gen. 30:16
3815. Laban’s two possible ways to deceive Jacob. Gen. 30:17
3816. It is God Who gives life. Gen. 30:17
3817. Leah’s odd statement. Gen. 30:18
3818. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why did God give Leah a 5th son? A discussion.. Gen. 30:18
3819. The meaning of Issachar. Gen. 30:18
3820. Leah’s commentary is her opinion; it may not be divine viewpoint. Gen. 30:18
3821. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning of Issachar (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:18
3822. The marriage dynamic of Jacob, Leah and Rachel. God may have tried to balance out this marriage by giving Leah more children. Gen. 30:20
3823. Possible dual significance of the name Zebulun. Gen. 30:20
3824. The meaning of Zebulun. Gen. 30:20
3825. The living situation of Jacob, Leah and Rachel. Gen. 30:20
3826. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning of Zebulun (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:20
3827. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Men and women in the Bible; and women’s liberation. Gen. 30:21
3828. Liberated women and the Bible. Gen. 30:21
3829. The part that women play and men play in the Bible. Biological limitations. Gen. 30:21
3830. The question a woman should ask prior to marriage. Gen. 30:21
3831. Women and men in the gospels. Gen. 30:21
3832. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Name of Dinah (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:21
3833. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Jacob have many daughters? Gen. 30:21
3834. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 30:17–21. Gen. 30:21
3835. Jacob’s polygamous marriage was not a paradise. Gen. 30:21
3836. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 30:14–21: The Mandrake Caper. Gen. 30:21
3837. Explanation of anthropopathism. Gen. 30:22
3838. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "God remembered Rachel" (Several Commentators). Gen. 30:22
3839. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A plethora of opinions re: God answering Rachel's prayers (several commentators). Gen. 30:22
3840. Rachel’s short-term view of wanting a son; God’s long view of giving her a son. Gen. 30:22
3841. Our random view of biology; God’s sovereignty in biology. Gen. 30:22
3842. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Personalizing Genesis 30:22 (a graphic). Gen. 30:22
3843. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Definition of an Anthropomorphism and an Anthropopathism. Gen. 30:22
3844. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 30:23 God has taken away my disgrace (a graphic). Gen. 30:23
3845. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel’s spiritual growth; her unique raising of Joseph. Gen. 30:23
3846. What Rachel saw as a reproach was not a reproach. Gen. 30:23
3847. Passing through a passage 30x and suddenly seeing something I have not seen before. Gen. 30:23
3848. Believers who thought that God had set them aside. Gen. 30:23
3849. Joseph spiritually mature person in Jacob’s family. Gen. 30:24
3850. No j’s in the Hebrew or Greek. Gen. 30:24
3851. The meaning of Joseph. Gen. 30:24
3852. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Children (a graphic). Gen. 30:24
3853. Meaning and significance of the name Joseph. No j’s in the Hebrew or Greek. Gen. 30:24
3854. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning of Joseph (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:24
3855. Few would recognize the importance of Joseph’s birth. Gen. 30:24
3856. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Birth Order of the Sons (Commentators and Commentary). Gen. 30:24
3857. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on Rachel and Leah. Gen. 30:24
3858. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 30:22–24. Gen. 30:24
3859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 30:22–24: Birth of Joseph. Gen. 30:24
3860. In what year does Jacob go to Laban; and how many children are born at this time. Gen. 30:25
3861. Jacob does have his good points (and bad). Gen. 30:25
3862. Jacob may not have approached Laban until year 15 or 16. Gen. 30:25
3863. Is Jacob thinking about his destiny or is he just using Canaan as a bargaining chip. Gen. 30:25
3864. Confounding elements of Gen. 30 and 31. Gen. 30:25
3865. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Discussing how much credit ought to be given to Jacob when he wants to leave. Gen. 30:25
3866. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 30:25 (a graphic). Gen. 30:25
3867. Questionable whether Jacob is having a spiritual awakening here. Gen. 30:25
3868. When Jacob is speaking to Laban; his children as related to this time frame. Gen. 30:25
3869. The timing of this conversation and Jacob’s motivations. Gen. 30:25
3870. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Giving Jacob too much credit when he says, "Send me away." (A discussion). Gen. 30:25
3871. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on Laban's point of view. Gen. 30:25
3872. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Give me my wives and children, for whom I have served you" (Commentators). Gen. 30:26
3873. The word that Jacob uses for children. Gen. 30:26
3874. When salary negotiations take place. Gen. 30:26
3875. All we need today is God’s Word in our souls. Gen. 30:27
3876. Under the surface of the Jacob/Laban contract negotiations. Gen. 30:27
3877. What does Laban mean by divination? Gen. 30:27
3878. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, "I have learned by divination...". Gen. 30:27
3879. The United States is blessed because of the many Christians in the US. Unbelievers refuse to recognize this and will argue that the United States is no better than many other nations out there. Gen. 30:27
3880. More reasons why Rachel had been given to Jacob in year 7. Gen. 30:27
3881. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban Recognizes that God Has Blessed Him through Jacob (Many Commentators). Gen. 30:27
3882. Laban has used this approach before: “Name your salary.” Gen. 30:28
3883. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban to Jacob: "Name your salary..." (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:28
3884. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob told Laban that he wanted to return to his homeland (a graphic). Gen. 30:28
3885. Jacob’s true blessings are all in Canaan. Gen. 30:28
3886. Sometimes you need perspective and spiritual maturity to recognize how God has worked in your life. My request for the prosperity test. Gen. 30:28
3887. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A New Deal can prolong our stay (a graphic). Gen. 30:28
3888. A list of problems with this graphic. Gen. 30:28
3889. Can you just up and leave your job because it is a bad situation there? Gen. 30:28
3890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 30:25–28. Gen. 30:28
3891. Jacob emphasizes his own work over God. Gen. 30:29
3892. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 30:30a-c (a graphic). Gen. 30:30
3893. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "You know how God has blessed me," claims Jacob (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:30
3894. Reference to the doctrine of Blessing by Association (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
3895. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "When will I attend to my own household?" (A graphic). Gen. 30:30
3896. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob States His Case (Several Commentators). Gen. 30:30
3897. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 30:25–30: God Prospers Jacob at Laban's Expense. Gen. 30:30
3898. Two manipulators hammering out a deal. Gen. 30:31
3899. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Lambs and Goats which Jacob Lays Claim to (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:32
3900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Goats (a photo). Gen. 30:32
3901. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Deal which Jacob and Laban Struck (a discussion). Gen. 30:32
3902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob removes some of the sheep and goats (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:32
3903. Righteousness speaking; a figure of speech. Gen. 30:33
3904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "My righteousness will answer for me..." (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:33
3905. Jacob’s scheme. Gen. 30:33
3906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Deal Struck Between Jacob and Laban—a Summary. Gen. 30:33
3907. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 30:31–33 Jacob's Flocks Increase (a graphic). Gen. 30:33
3908. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban Agrees to the Deal (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:34
3909. Jacob probably carries the Word of God around in his head. Gen. 30:34
3910. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reviewing Genesis 30:25–34. Gen. 30:34
3911. Syncretism, what it means and two modern examples of it. Gen. 30:34
3912. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 30:31–34: Jacob's Proposal For Wages Accepted. Gen. 30:34
3913. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 30:29–34. Gen. 30:34
3914. Laban and Jacob both set up things for their agreement. Gen. 30:35
3915. My tabby cat. Gen. 30:35
3916. Laban’s sons and their ages and capabilities. Gen. 30:35
3917. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Spotted Sheep (a photo). Gen. 30:35
3918. Laban’s skill as a breeder. Gen. 30:35
3919. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban Removes Certain Sheep and Goats (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:35
3920. Laban’s fast response to his deal with Jacob. Gen. 30:36
3921. The importance of the 3-day distance from the sons of Laban. Gen. 30:36
3922. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Three-Day Journey (Several Commentators). Gen. 30:36
3923. Jacob’s dream in Gen. 31 and properly placing it in time. Gen. 30:36
3924. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 30:35–36. Gen. 30:36
3925. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 30:35–36: Laban Stacks the Deck! Gen. 30:36
3926. Jacob always has a scheme or an angle to play. Gen. 30:37
3927. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's unscientific scheme. Gen. 30:37
3928. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How did animals get their stripes? (A graphic chart). Gen. 30:37
3929. Identifying the trees; too much time spent on this by College Press. Gen. 30:37
3930. God is not involved in Jacob’s plan. Gen. 30:37
3931. God will act in the breeding of these sheep and goats, despite Jacob’s crazy scheme. Gen. 30:38
3932. Both Jacob and Laban were somewhat wrong in their own estimations. Gen. 30:38
3933. The Bible is not superstitious. Gen. 30:38
3934. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Sheep—Bible Journeling (a graphic). Gen. 30:38
3935. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Mechanics of Jacob's Scheme (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:38
3936. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators Discuss Jacob's Breeding Scheme. Gen. 30:38
3937. Current atheists and agnostics. Gen. 30:38
3938. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Confused about Jacob's Breeding Scheme. Gen. 30:38
3939. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators who think God directed or was involved in Jacob's scheme. Gen. 30:38
3940. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom's Favorable Review of Jacob's Breeding Methods. Gen. 30:38
3941. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What about Jacob's dream in Genesis 31? Gen. 30:38
3942. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Did Not Appear to Jacob in a Dream Prior to this Breeding Incident. Gen. 30:38
3943. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Schemes and His Subsequent Wealth (a discussion). Gen. 30:38
3944. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peeling of Rods (a graphic). Gen. 30:39
3945. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Breeding Scheme and Science. Gen. 30:39
3946. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Recessive Traits in Sheep and Goats (a graphic). Gen. 30:39
3947. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What about Jacob separating the flocks (Several Commentators). Gen. 30:40
3948. Breeding of dogs. Personality breeding. Gen. 30:41
3949. Stronger sheep having been bred. Gen. 30:41
3950. Strong sheep; Spring and Fall breeding. Gen. 30:42
3951. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob breeding the strong of the flock (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:42
3952. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Plan to Influence Breeding Outcomes (Various Commentators). Gen. 30:42
3953. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob, the Peeled Branches and the Bible. Gen. 30:42
3954. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob and Genetics. Gen. 30:42
3955. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lessons from Jacob's Genetic Experiments. Gen. 30:42
3956. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Mandrakes and Jacob's Breeding Scheme. Gen. 30:42
3957. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 30:37–42: Jacob Engages in Selective Breeding. Gen. 30:42
3958. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 30:43 (a graphic). Gen. 30:43
3959. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Accumulating Wealth (Commentators and Commentary). Gen. 30:43
3960. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 40:43—Jacob is Blessed with Many Children and Flocks (a graphic). Gen. 30:43
3961. Wealth is a very relative thing. Gen. 30:43
3962. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Blessing of Jacob (Many Commentators). Gen. 30:43
3963. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Blesses the Patriarchs with Wealth. Gen. 30:43
3964. Jacob was not blessed due to his goofy schemes. Gen. 30:43
3965. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 30:43: Jacob's Prosperity. Gen. 30:43
3966. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider Summarizes Genesis 30:37–43. Gen. 30:43
3967. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Gen. 30 Summary
3968. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 30 is in the Word of God. Gen. 30 Summary
3969. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Summary
3970. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Summary
3971. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Statements (Various Commentators). Gen. 30 Summary
3972. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Visual Representation of Genesis 30 (a graphic). Gen. 30 Summary
3973. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on Jacob's Feelings & Thoughts. Gen. 30 Summary
3974. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke on the Scheming Character of Jacob. Gen. 30 Summary
3975. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom on Happiness in the Devil's World. Gen. 30 Summary
3976. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Discussions of Jacob and the Goats. Gen. 30 Summary
3977. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Summary
3978. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Summary
3979. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why God Blessed Jacob. Gen. 30 Summary
3980. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Carol Summarizes Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Summary
3981. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert L. (Bob) Deffinbaugh's Explanation of Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Summary
3982. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Speckled and Spotted Goats and the Black Lamb Shall Be My Wages by William J. Schepp. Gen. 30 Summary
3983. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Twelve Patriarchs from James Burton Coffman. Gen. 30 Addendum
3984. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Family (a graphic). Gen. 30 Addendum
3985. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Providence of God (by James Burton Coffman). Gen. 30 Addendum
3986. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 30 Addendum
3987. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Related Laws from the Code of Hammurabi. Gen. 30 Addendum
3988. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Addendum
3989. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Addendum
3990. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 30. Gen. 30 Addendum
3991. Genesis 31 Jacob Leaves Laban’s Compound (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
3992. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Gen. 31 Preface
3993. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Socrates on Envy (a graphic). Gen. 31 Preface
3994. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverb of the Day (a graphic). Gen. 31 Preface
3995. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jeffrey Holland quote (a graphic). Gen. 31 Preface
3996. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ben Carson Quotation (a graphic). Gen. 31 Preface
3997. Quotations on envy, divine guidance and other topics from Marilyn Monroe, Buddha, Evander Holyfield, Robert Kraft, Victor Hugo, Theodore Roosevelt, Ben Carson, Carrie Fisher and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Gen. 31 Preface
3998. Terms include Antitype, The Revealed God, Spiritual Atlas, Syncretism. Doctrines include The Five Cycles of Discipline (BDR—probably Thieme) (Warren Doud) (Glen’s Wisdom and Knowledge) (Mark Perkins) (L. G. Merritt) (updated December 16, 2017), the Doctrine of I.C.E. Teaching (Bible Doctrine Resource) (Hermeneutics—Gene Cunningham), Documentary Hypothesis (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), and Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 31 Preface
3999. Abbreviated summation of the first half of Gen. 31. Gen. 31 Introduction
4000. Jacob’s dream and 4 possible ways to look at it. Gen. 31 Introduction
4001. The believer’s response to being cheated in a business deal. Gen. 31 Introduction
4002. Jacob fighting God. Gen. 31 Introduction
4003. Reference to Genesis 27 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Genesis 28 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 31 Introduction
4004. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations on Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Introduction
4005. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Introduction
4006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Introduction
4007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Introduction
4008. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Introduction
4009. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Canaan and Mesopotamia (a graphic). Gen. 31 Introduction
4010. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Gen. 31 Introduction
4011. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Introduction
4012. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Synopsis of Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Introduction
4013. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Genesis 31 (Various Commentators). Gen. 31 Introduction
4014. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief Descriptions of Genesis 31 (by Various Commentators). Gen. 31 Introduction
4015. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 31 from the Summarized Bible. Gen. 31 Introduction
4016. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translations for Genesis 31 (from Dr. Bob Utley). Gen. 31 Introduction
4017. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Genesis 29–32). Gen. 31 Introduction
4018. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob and Laban in Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Introduction
4019. Having an epiphany in the midst of studying a chapter. Gen. 31 Introduction
4020. Compelling dramatic stories in the Bible with very specific literary devices used. Gen. 31 Introduction
4021. Theatric elements which are found in Scripture. The amazing events seen by every one in Egypt in the first 15 chapters of Exodus. Gen. 31 Introduction
4022. Two ways to view the events in Gen. 31. Gen. 31 Introduction
4023. Why God brought Jacob to Paddan-aram. Gen. 31 Introduction
4024. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Genesis 31). Gen. 31 Introduction
4025. Abbreviated view of Gen. 30. Gen. 31:1
4026. Jacob is not moving on God’s command alone. Gen. 31:1
4027. How Jacob is able to overhear Laban’s sons. Gen. 31:1
4028. Laban’s sons; their greed for inheritance. Gen. 31:1
4029. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Jacob has taken that which ought to belong to our father" (commentators). Gen. 31:1
4030. Laban’s sons; their relationship to Jacob. Gen. 31:1
4031. Laban’s family; interactions with Jacob over the past 20 years. Gen. 31:1
4032. Jacob’s obvious increasing wealth. Gen. 31:1
4033. Isaac harassed for his wealth. Gen. 31:1
4034. Wealth is relative; jealousy of wealth. Several applications. Gen. 31:1
4035. Jacob’s impact; no history book would record his life. People desire to have a life that matters. Our eternal impact as believers in Jesus Christ. Gen. 31:1
4036. Global warming as a faith; people believe they have individual impact. Gen. 31:1
4037. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's wealth went to Jacob, according to his sons (many commentators). Gen. 31:1
4038. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Jacob experience spiritual growth in Paddan-aram? (A discussion). Gen. 31:1
4039. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's Sons Complain (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:1
4040. Wealth as a relative concept; envy. Our current financial condition compared to Solomon. Gen. 31:1
4041. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Envy. Gen. 31:1
4042. God has worked out a wonderful life for you. Gen. 31:1
4043. Ultra-literal translations. Gen. 31:2
4044. I try to avoid duplication is listing various translations. Gen. 31:2
4045. A girl whose face is easy to read. Gen. 31:2
4046. Laban’s face reveals his thinking. Gen. 31:2
4047. The growth of Jacob and Laban’s herds. An employee can be blessed more than an employer. Gen. 31:2
4048. Jacob may leave in part because of Jacob’s expression. Gen. 31:2
4049. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's Attitudinal Shift Towards Jacob (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:2
4050. The evil movement, the 99% vs. the 1%. Gen. 31:2
4051. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 99% Sign (a graphic). Gen. 31:2
4052. The politics of greed. Gen. 31:2
4053. California removing mental institutions for the homeless. Gen. 31:2
4054. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Wealth Inequality Movement and Socialism/Communism. Gen. 31:2
4055. Prager U video on Venezuela linked. Gen. 31:2
4056. Farming a territory in real estate and seeing another sign go up in your area. Healthy competition as versus Laban’s attitude, which was one simply of envy. Gen. 31:2
4057. The 10th commandment; being satisfied with what we have. Gen. 31:2
4058. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A List of Lusts. Gen. 31:2
4059. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Guzik on Envy. Gen. 31:2
4060. Reference to the Doctrine of Envy (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 31:2
4061. Jacob’s odd presentation of this dream. Gen. 31:3
4062. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's guidance to Jacob (commentary/discussion). Gen. 31:3
4063. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Promise, "I will be with you" (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:3
4064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 31:3 (a graphic). Gen. 31:3
4065. Jacob’s spiritual state. Gen. 31:3
4066. Back in Gen. 30, Jacob used his eventual return to Canaan as a bargaining chip in his business negotiations with Laban. Gen. 31:3
4067. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What caused Jacob to move? Gen. 31:3
4068. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's three-fold reason for leaving Paddan Aram (Thomas Whitelaw). Gen. 31:3
4069. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:1–3. Gen. 31:3
4070. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 31:1–3. Gen. 31:3
4071. Reference to Genesis 30 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 31:4
4072. Women were not chattel in those days. Gen. 31:4
4073. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob calls for wives to speak to him out in the fields (many commentators). Gen. 31:4
4074. Jacob presents the truth to his wives. Gen. 31:5
4075. Jacob has matured somewhat, but he is not in spiritual maturity. Gen. 31:5
4076. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's honest and faithful service to Laban (several commentators). Gen. 31:6
4077. Guidance by Bible doctrine. Gen. 31:6
4078. Jacob had some good points; he was a hard and responsible worker. Gen. 31:6
4079. We will not have dreams by which God guides us. Gen. 31:6
4080. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Laban has changed my wages 10 times" (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:7
4081. God reversed what Laban did to Jacob; instead of Jacob prospering less, he prospered more. Gen. 31:7
4082. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob’s sheep (a photograph). Gen. 31:8
4083. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban continually changing their agreement (various commentators). Gen. 31:8
4084. Jacob’s energy of the flesh. Gen. 31:8
4085. Everyone has had a bad boss or a bad job. Gen. 31:8
4086. Difficulties with a job do not mean that you should leave that job. Gen. 31:8
4087. God’s infrequent guidance to Jacob. Gen. 31:8
4088. Parents can also make too many decisions for their children. Gen. 31:8
4089. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How exactly was inventory kept? Gen. 31:8
4090. At one time, Laban understood that God was blessing Jacob and himself. Gen. 31:9
4091. Laban is probably a believer; his sons are not. Gen. 31:9
4092. 3 reasons why Laban’s sons probably checked out Jacob’s flock personally. Gen. 31:9
4093. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God oversees blessing to Jacob, despite Laban's actions (many commentators). Gen. 31:9
4094. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:4–9. Gen. 31:9
4095. Jacob bringing all of this to a conclusion. Gen. 31:10
4096. When Jacob’s dream takes place. Gen. 31:10
4097. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Rescues the Speckled Lambs (Bible Journaling). Gen. 31:10
4098. Human history is not filled with situations where God comes into the picture and tells us what to do. Gen. 31:11
4099. References to Genesis 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), and the Angel of Yehowah (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 31:11
4100. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Angel of God (many commentators). Gen. 31:11
4101. The breeding/genetics of breeding which is taking place in Jacob’s dreams. Gen. 31:12
4102. Some commentators connect the dream to Jacob’s breeding schemes. Gen. 31:12
4103. Using logic and examining Jacob’s dream (s). Gen. 31:12
4104. God watches all that is happening (Scriptures). Gen. 31:12
4105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's fleshly efforts and God's divine providence (various commentators). Gen. 31:12
4106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "I am the God of Bethel" (various commentators). Gen. 31:13
4107. Jacob’s dream; all that is in it. Gen. 31:13
4108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Does Jacob Have One or Two Dreams from God? (A discussion). Gen. 31:13
4109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Jacob distort these dreams he had to convince his wives? (A discussion). Gen. 31:13
4110. The implication of the approach that Jacob made up this dream or exaggerated it. Gen. 31:13
4111. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Convincing his wives to reject their family ties (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:13
4112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:10–13. Gen. 31:13
4113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 31:4–13. Gen. 31:13
4114. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Genesis 31:1–13. Gen. 31:14
4115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What God Achieved in Jacob's Life. Gen. 31:14
4116. Jacob and his appreciation of what God has done in his life. Gen. 31:14
4117. Application: gay marriage, polygamy; and one in the marriage recognizes that marriage is properly between one man and one woman. Gen. 31:14
4118. A new relationship between Jacob and his wives. Gen. 31:14
4119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Are we not counted as strangers to him?" (Various commentators). Gen. 31:15
4120. The dowry and Laban’s failure to look after his daughters after marriage. Gen. 31:15
4121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "He has sold us" (various commentators). Gen. 31:15
4122. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "He has devoured our money" (various commentators). Gen. 31:15
4123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's daughters complain about his treatment of them (many commentators). Gen. 31:15
4124. Believers who come into money may develop a love of money. Gen. 31:15
4125. Rich pastor-teachers are none of our business. Any personal attack on such a pastor-teacher is a sin. Gen. 31:15
4126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "The wealth that God has taken away from our father belongs to us and our sons." Gen. 31:16
4127. Summation of Gen. 31:14–16 (the response of Leah and Rachel). Gen. 31:16
4128. The positive response of Jacob’s wives. Gen. 31:16
4129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Tells Rachel and Leah that he wishes to Leave Laban's Service (a painting). Gen. 31:16
4130. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Response of Jacob's Wives (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:16
4131. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The wives accept their husband over their father (various commentators). Gen. 31:16
4132. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: You truly don't appreciate what you have until it's gone (a graphic). Gen. 31:16
4133. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:14–16. Gen. 31:16
4134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 31:14–16. Gen. 31:16
4135. Jacob’s camels as related to his wealth. Gen. 31:17
4136. Two different ways to use the term mistress. Gen. 31:17
4137. What Jacob arrived in Paddan-aram with. Gen. 31:17
4138. Jacob saw to it that Laban’s sheep were taken care of. Gen. 31:17
4139. Jacob saw to the care of Laban’s sheep when he left. Gen. 31:18
4140. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Canaan and the Palestinian Covenant (from William Wenstrom). Gen. 31:18
4141. Jacob should have ended his relationship with Laban honorably. A discussion. Gen. 31:18
4142. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Departure for Canaan (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). Gen. 31:18
4143. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob moves from Paddan-Aram back to Canaan (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:18
4144. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Leaving the Land of Promise and Then Returning. Gen. 31:18
4145. My doing repairs for a section 8 family. Gen. 31:18
4146. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Leaves Paddan-Aram (a graphic by Jim Padgett). Gen. 31:18
4147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Journey to Haran and Back (a map). Gen. 31:18
4148. Dean on the flawed people of God. Gen. 31:18
4149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shearing the sheep (various commentators). Gen. 31:19
4150. The Mari tablets and how they relate to the book of Genesis. Gen. 31:19
4151. Teraphim and how they illustrate God’s Word to be written when the events occurred. Gen. 31:19
4152. Teraphim may be related to the ownership of a piece of property. Gen. 31:19
4153. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of the Doctrine of Teraphim. Gen. 31:19
4154. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Descriptions of the teraphim (various commentators). Gen. 31:19
4155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Teraphim (from Various Commentators). Gen. 31:19
4156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why did Rachel steal these small religious statues? (Many Commentators). Gen. 31:19
4157. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Rachel stole the teraphim (William Wenstrom). Gen. 31:19
4158. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why did Rachel steal the teraphim? (Lange). Gen. 31:19
4159. What happened to these statues? Gen. 31:19
4160. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why did Rachel steal these small religious statues? (College Press Bible Study). Gen. 31:19
4161. Speculation and the Bible. Gen. 31:19
4162. Extensive commentary as over against the teaching of a pastor. Gen. 31:19
4163. Time amount a pastor should teach; human viewpoint versus divine viewpoint. Gen. 31:19
4164. Play on words, stealing Laban’s heart. Gen. 31:20
4165. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob stole the heart of Laban (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:20
4166. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob surreptitiously steals away (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:20
4167. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Fleeing Laban (a painting by Filippo Lauri). Gen. 31:21
4168. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's timing for his escape (commentators). Gen. 31:21
4169. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Which river is found in Genesis 31:21? (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:21
4170. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The name of Gilead (various commentators). Gen. 31:21
4171. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Location of Gilead (various commentators). Gen. 31:21
4172. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 31:21 (a graphic). Gen. 31:21
4173. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Leading His Family Away (a graphic). Gen. 31:21
4174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:17–21. Gen. 31:21
4175. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 31:17–21. Gen. 31:21
4176. The location of the tents. It was probably the missing wives and families that resulted in Laban being alerted. Gen. 31:22
4177. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban pursues and overtakes Jacob (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:22
4178. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Three days' head start (various commentators). Gen. 31:22
4179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Gilead an Anachronism? The Bible Query. Gen. 31:23
4180. Why Gilead may have been named here in Genesis. Gen. 31:23
4181. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Catching up to Jacob after traveling for 7 days (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:23
4182. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing the mileage to the narrative (various commentators). Gen. 31:23
4183. List of Scriptures where there are dreams mentioned. Gen. 31:24
4184. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban the Syrian (from College Press Bible Study). Gen. 31:24
4185. Laban and God’s warning to him. Gen. 31:24
4186. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's warning to Laban (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:24
4187. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad." (Wenstrom). Gen. 31:24
4188. We have no idea what Laban would have done, had God not spoke to him. Gen. 31:24
4189. The contrast of Jacob’s dream and Laban’s dream. Gen. 31:24
4190. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 31:22–24. Gen. 31:24
4191. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The relative positions of Jacob and Laban (various commentators). Gen. 31:25
4192. Dean’s list of Scriptures to memorize and to take comfort in God’s care and protection. Gen. 31:25
4193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Israel's Natural Features. Gen. 31:25
4194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Traveling from Haran to Gilead (from the College Press Bible Study). Gen. 31:25
4195. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:22–25. Gen. 31:25
4196. Unclear what Laban had in mind; but we can determine the end game.
4197. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "You have stolen my heart" (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:26
4198. True Biblical faith.
4199. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "You have taken away my daughters as if captives by the sword" (commentators). Gen. 31:26
4200. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's hypocrisy (by William Wenstrom). Gen. 31:26
4201. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "You reap what you sow" (Wenstrom). Gen. 31:27
4202. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban suggests that Jacob's leaving could have been a celebration (commentators). Gen. 31:27
4203. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Why did you secretly steal away from me?" (William Wenstrom). Gen. 31:27
4204. Laban’s reasonable points; Jacob’s response. Both are sneaky and manipulative. Gen. 31:27
4205. Different views whether Jacob is doing the right thing by secretly leaving. Gen. 31:28
4206. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "You have acted foolishly" (several commentators). Gen. 31:28
4207. Laban and Jacob both right and both wrong. Gen. 31:28
4208. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Understanding power and authority in the ancient world (mechanical translation). Gen. 31:29
4209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "It is in my power to harm you" (various commentators). Gen. 31:29
4210. Use of the word Elohim. Gen. 31:29
4211. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban Airs His Complaints to Jacob (a graphic by Jim Padgett). Gen. 31:29
4212. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Do not speak to Jacob either for good or for bad" (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:29
4213. We do not know what Jacob told Laban when he showed up—the truth, a clever lie, a half truth? Gen. 31:30
4214. Different attitude toward Abraham’s servant from Jacob. Gen. 31:30
4215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's final charge leveled against Jacob (several commentators). Gen. 31:30
4216. Laban’s excessive force; why he brought it. Gen. 31:30
4217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's Charges Against Jacob (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:30
4218. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban and his gods (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:30
4219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:26–30. Gen. 31:30
4220. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 31:26–30. Gen. 31:30
4221. Is Jacob really concerned that Laban will take back his daughters? Gen. 31:31
4222. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's fears regarding Laban (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:31
4223. Looking at Jacob’s stated fear logically. Gen. 31:31
4224. Jacob has committed only one possible actionable offense--stealing the gods from Laban. Gen. 31:32
4225. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's response to Laban (several commentators). Gen. 31:32
4226. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Defiant Response to Laban's Charges (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:32
4227. Reference to Judges 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 31:32
4228. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Standards of Behavior Agreed to before the Mosaic Law. Gen. 31:32
4229. Societies are consistent on these points. Gen. 31:32
4230. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Societal Norms Change. Gen. 31:32
4231. Homosexuality. Gen. 31:32
4232. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What about Jesus' warning not to judge? Gen. 31:32
4233. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When the most fundamental laws are changed. Gen. 31:32
4234. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Short Review of Genesis 31:26–31. Gen. 31:32
4235. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel and the Idols (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:32
4236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel and the Idols Part II. Gen. 31:32
4237. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban Proposes to Search the Tents of His Daughters (a painting). Gen. 31:33
4238. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The sleeping arrangements (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:33
4239. Narrative tension builds up. Gen. 31:33
4240. The narratives of Genesis are written well with many modern techniques. God is very theatric. Gen. 31:33
4241. Reference to Exodus 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 31:33
4242. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban Searches the Tents of His Daughters (a graphic by Jim Padgett). Gen. 31:33
4243. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Was Laban willing to execute one of his daughters? Gen. 31:33
4244. What if those in a polygamous marriage find Jesus Christ. Gen. 31:33
4245. What if a gay couple finds Jesus Christ. Gen. 31:33
4246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Husband's Responsibility in Marriage. Gen. 31:33
4247. Rachel appears to be the person under the least suspicion. Gen. 31:34
4248. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The camel's saddle bag (various commentators). Gen. 31:34
4249. The size of the teraphim. Gen. 31:34
4250. Possibly the significance of the teraphim. Gen. 31:34
4251. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel Sitting on the Household Gods of Laban by Francesco Fernando (a painting). Gen. 31:34
4252. Possible value of the teraphim. Gen. 31:34
4253. Laban’s baby girl on her period; no discussion. Gen. 31:35
4254. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "The custom of women is upon me" (various commentators). Gen. 31:35
4255. Only Rachel knows all that is going on at this time. Gen. 31:35
4256. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban searches, but he cannot find the stolen teraphim (several commentators). Gen. 31:35
4257. The meaning and value of the teraphim. Gen. 31:35
4258. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fresco by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo of Rachel sitting on the idols. Gen. 31:35
4259. Did Laban ever figure it out? Gen. 31:35
4260. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel and the deity statues. Gen. 31:35
4261. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rachel and the deity statues (William Wenstrom). Gen. 31:35
4262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:31–35. Gen. 31:35
4263. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's response to Laban (William Wenstrom). Gen. 31:36
4264. A problem with virtually every other translation. Gen. 31:36
4265. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The anger of Laban and/or Jacob (various commentators). Gen. 31:36
4266. Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge list of angry Scriptures. Gen. 31:36
4267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "What is my actual offense?" Jacob asks (various commentators). Gen. 31:36
4268. Jacob would not want the household idols. Gen. 31:36
4269. Both men believe that they have legitimate beefs. Gen. 31:36
4270. Jacob’s self-righteous, snarky attitude toward Laban. Gen. 31:37
4271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban found nothing (various commentators). Gen. 31:37
4272. Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge lists Scriptures on disputes between men. Gen. 31:37
4273. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob now presents his grievances to Laban (various commentators). Gen. 31:38
4274. Jacob may have had faults, but he was a good worker. Gen. 31:38
4275. Is Jacob exaggerating? Gen. 31:39
4276. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob bore losses that he should have been able to write off (many commentators). Gen. 31:39
4277. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob proclaims himself to be honest and hardworking (various commentators). Gen. 31:39
4278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob speaks of enduring harsh weather conditions (various commentators). Gen. 31:40
4279. Jacob’s good and bad points. Gen. 31:40
4280. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Weather variables in the middle east (various commentators). Gen. 31:40
4281. Jacob’s spiritual maturity. Gen. 31:40
4282. Jacob has completely accepted Leah as his wife. He does not bring up his first wedding night. Gen. 31:41
4283. Laban should have spoke to his sons about their anger and envy. Gen. 31:41
4284. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Using iPhone to Record You Overthrowing Capitalism (a photograph). Gen. 31:41
4285. A little history of the telephone and capitalism. Gen. 31:41
4286. Jacob possibly had many imaginary conversations with Laban before this meeting. Gen. 31:41
4287. Jacob’s service to Laban. Gen. 31:41
4288. A list of the things that Jacob has done. Gen. 31:41
4289. Human works do not contribute to the plan of God. Gen. 31:41
4290. Both men have been blessed and each man ought to be thanking the other. No capacity for life. Gen. 31:41
4291. No great cars built in Russia or China. Or any kind of technology. Gen. 31:41
4292. Riot hipsters do not appreciate what capitalism has provided. Gen. 31:41
4293. I appreciate applesauce and the varieties I can choose from. Gen. 31:41
4294. My appreciation for life based upon 45 years of Bible doctrine. Gen. 31:41
4295. Jacob has enjoyed some spiritual growth over the past 20 years. Gen. 31:42
4296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Fear of Isaac (many commentators). Gen. 31:42
4297. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob tells why he secretly left (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:42
4298. Jacob’s real reason for sneaking away. Gen. 31:42
4299. Jacob is not claiming grace orientation for himself. Gen. 31:42
4300. God’s work is permanent; energy of the flesh is not. Gen. 31:42
4301. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "God settled the matter when He spoke to you" (various commentators). Gen. 31:42
4302. Jacob’s strong response to Laban. Gen. 31:42
4303. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob is blessed and Laban is cursed (a discussion). Gen. 31:42
4304. Joseph’s unique upbringing; did Rachel die the sin unto death? Gen. 31:42
4305. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of Jacob's Position (Dr. Peter Pett). Gen. 31:42
4306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Position (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). Gen. 31:42
4307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Individual Spiritual Growth. Gen. 31:42
4308. Jacob recognizes the value of Leah as his wife. Gen. 31:42
4309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:36–42. Gen. 31:42
4310. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 31:36–42. Gen. 31:42
4311. Laban’s two primary complaints. Gen. 31:43
4312. Selling my comics for a pittance. Gen. 31:43
4313. Laban’s assertions that “All you see is mine,” followed by counter arguments. Gen. 31:43
4314. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "All that you see is mine" (Pastor William E. Wenstrom, Jr.). Gen. 31:43
4315. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's response to Jacob (various commentators). Gen. 31:43
4316. Even though the things which are seen ultimately came from Laban, it is God Who provided the increase. Gen. 31:43
4317. Most of us are far more blessed by God than we realize or appreciate. Gen. 31:43
4318. A masculine singular verb should match up with covenant, but it does not. Gen. 31:44
4319. Two reasons why Jacob’s argument seems better. Gen. 31:44
4320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's almost poetic discourse (by Whedon). Gen. 31:44
4321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban proposes a covenant (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:44
4322. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Substance of the Covenant (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:44
4323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Raising up the stone pillar (various commentators). Gen. 31:45
4324. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A dual purpose for the stones (various commentators). Gen. 31:46
4325. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban and Jacob Stacking Rocks (a graphic by Jim Padgett). Gen. 31:46
4326. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Eating the covenant sacrifices (various commentators). Gen. 31:46
4327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The heap of stones (various commentators). Gen. 31:46
4328. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ceremony of the Covenant (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:46
4329. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Aramaic and Hebrew (Various Commentators). Gen. 31:47
4330. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Galeed (various commentators). Gen. 31:47
4331. Languages of Abraham and Laban. Gen. 31:47
4332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:43–47. Gen. 31:47
4333. Naming these stones in the perfect tense. Gen. 31:48
4334. A list of times stones are piled up in the Bible. Gen. 31:48
4335. Bibles are plentiful today; not so much in the ancient world. Gen. 31:48
4336. A lot of confirmation in things found throughout Israel which allowed Scripture to be taught. Gen. 31:48
4337. Confirmation of the Bible through archeology. Gen. 31:48
4338. Why Jacob might not be found in Egypt’s history; modern-day example of history being revised. Gen. 31:48
4339. A list of Scriptures on Galeed (Gilead). Gen. 31:48
4340. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 31:49 (a calligraphy graphic). Gen. 31:49
4341. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Naming the place of the covenant (various commentators). Gen. 31:49
4342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mizpah in Galeed (various commentators). Gen. 31:49
4343. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Other information about Mizpah (various commentators). Gen. 31:49
4344. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Some claim this text was added in, misplaced, or whatever (commentators). Gen. 31:49
4345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 31:49, Famously Misapplied (a graphic). Gen. 31:49
4346. Relationship between Laban and Jacob over the years. Gen. 31:49
4347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "The Reconciliation of Jacob and Laban" by Italian Baroque painter Ciro Ferri. Gen. 31:49
4348. Laban’s concern for his daughters may have been genuine. Relationships change. Gen. 31:50
4349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's concern for his daughters (various commentators). Gen. 31:50
4350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God stands as a witness between the two parties (various commentators). Gen. 31:50
4351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's Covenant with Jacob (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). Gen. 31:50
4352. Laban’s reasonable requests. Gen. 31:50
4353. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who put the pillar in place (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:51
4354. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gather Stones—this Pillar is a Witness (Bible Journaling). Gen. 31:52
4355. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Crossing over the pillar of stones (various commentators). Gen. 31:52
4356. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The covenant between Jacob and Laban (commentators/discussion). Gen. 31:52
4357. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban's requirements of Jacob in the covenant (various commentators). Gen. 31:52
4358. The idea of the pillar and their covenant. Gen. 31:52
4359. So many people today who sign contracts assign them no meaning at all. Gen. 31:52
4360. How a teacher ought to deal with transgender children. Gen. 31:52
4361. American society and homosexual attractions. Gen. 31:52
4362. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The plural of to judge (a discussion). Gen. 31:53a
4363. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A possible gloss in the Hebrew Bible. Gen. 31:53a
4364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Elohim of Abraham and Nahor and Terah (various commentators). Gen. 31:53a
4365. We often do not appreciate or obey the contracts that we sign. Gen. 31:53a
4366. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A truer meaning of the Mizpah farewell (many commentators). Gen. 31:53a
4367. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Terah's Genealogy. Gen. 31:53a
4368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Fear of Isaac (various commentators). Gen. 31:53b
4369. What the fear of Isaac means. Gen. 31:53b
4370. Laban’s understanding of God is confused and syncretic; Jacob does not want to swear by false gods. Gen. 31:53b
4371. We do not go into any detail about the faith of Terah’s line in Syria because they are apostate. Gen. 31:53b
4372. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:48–53. Gen. 31:53
4373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Offering of a Sacrifice (various commentators). Gen. 31:54
4374. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Disparate parties eating a meal together (various commentators). Gen. 31:54
4375. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The parties tarried all night (various commentators). Gen. 31:54
4376. Typology. Gen. 31:54
4377. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack M. Ballinger's Analysis of Genesis 31:43–54. Gen. 31:54
4378. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban kisses and blesses his sons and daughters (various commentators). Gen. 31:55
4379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban Hugs and Kisses His Daughters and Grandchildren (a graphic by Jim Padgett). Gen. 31:55
4380. Laban’s good points and bad points. Gen. 31:55
4381. Joseph will be the spiritual Atlas. Gen. 31:55
4382. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laban departs and returns home (several commentators). Gen. 31:55
4383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A last look at Laban (various commentators). Gen. 31:55
4384. Laban unable to take his eyes off Jacob’s increase. Gen. 31:55
4385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Competing Interests/Differing Realities. Gen. 31:55
4386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Snider's Summary of Genesis 31:54–55. Gen. 31:55
4387. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Gen. 31 Summary
4388. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 31 is in the Word of God. Gen. 31 Summary
4389. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Summary
4390. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Summary
4391. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Multiple Authors for Genesis 31 (James Burton Coffman). Gen. 31 Summary
4392. Reference to Documentary Hypothesis (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 31 Summary
4393. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adam Clarke closes out Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Summary
4394. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Morgan G. Campbell's Overview of Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Summary
4395. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Summary
4396. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Summary
4397. Most believers can relate more to Jacob than to Abraham.
4398. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Romans 8:28 in the Life of Jacob. Gen. 31 Addendum
4399. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is there any evidence that Rachel's stealing the idols turned her around? Gen. 31 Addendum
4400. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob at Haran; or, The disciplinary retributions of life (by W. Roberts). Gen. 31 Addendum
4401. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Covenant and Other Related Doctrines (from College Press Bible Study). Gen. 31 Addendum
4402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Age (from the NEV Commentary). Gen. 31 Addendum
4403. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 31 Addendum
4404. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Addendum
4405. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Addendum
4406. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 31. Gen. 31 Addendum
4407. Genesis 32 Two Camps/Jacob Returns to Canaan/Wrestles with God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
4408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Algernon Sidney, Henry David Thoreau, Martin Luther, and Arthur Pink are among those quoted. Gen. 32 Preface
4409. A review of Jacob and Laban. Gen. 32 Introduction
4410. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis CHAP. XXXII (a graphic). Gen. 32 Introduction
4411. Weird interpretations of this chapter. Gen. 32 Introduction
4412. Why Gen. 32 is misinterpreted. Gen. 32 Introduction
4413. Jacob reveals the inner struggle and the schizophrenic actions of many believers. Gen. 32 Introduction
4414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Key to Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Introduction
4415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Too many commentators miss the point of Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Introduction
4416. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Struggle with God; Genesis 32; from Kary Hollway (Bible Journaling). Gen. 32 Introduction
4417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A discussion of who Jacob is (various commentators). Gen. 32 Introduction
4418. The people in the Bible are presented as flawed characters. Larger than life characters in American culture. Gen. 32 Introduction
4419. The believer who produces divine good is going to be better known in eternity than our current president. Gen. 32 Introduction
4420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Understanding Jacob. Gen. 32 Introduction
4421. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Genesis 32 (by Various Commentators). Gen. 32 Introduction
4422. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations on Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Introduction
4423. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Introduction
4424. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Introduction
4425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Introduction
4426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Introduction
4427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Returns from Haran (map). Gen. 32 Introduction
4428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Gen. 32 Introduction
4429. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Introduction
4430. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 32 (Adam Clarke). Gen. 32 Introduction
4431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Genesis 32 (Bridgeway Bible Commentary). Gen. 32 Introduction
4432. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summaries of Genesis 32 (various commentators). Gen. 32 Introduction
4433. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Genesis 32 (Various Commentators). Gen. 32 Introduction
4434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outline of Genesis 32 (929 Chapters). Gen. 32 Introduction
4435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 32 from the Summarized Bible. Gen. 32 Introduction
4436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Genesis 27–34). Gen. 32 Introduction
4437. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translations for Genesis 32 (from Dr. Bob Utley). Gen. 32 Introduction
4438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Genesis 32). Gen. 32 Introduction
4439. God treats believers differently. Gen. 32 Introduction
4440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing Genesis 32:1–2 (various commentators). Gen. 32:1
4441. Review of Jacob and Laban’s disagreements. Gen. 32:1
4442. Jacob and the angels. Gen. 32:1
4443. The verb used for Jacob to meet the angels. Gen. 32:1
4444. Angels. Gen. 32:1
4445. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:1b: General comments about angels (various commentators). Gen. 32:1
4446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 3 Points on Angels (Adam Clarke). Gen. 32:1
4447. Jacob and angels. Jacob meeting the camp of angels. Their interaction is undefined. Gen. 32:1
4448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:1b: Why the angels were seen by Jacob (various commentators). Gen. 32:1
4449. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:1b: The invisible conflict before Jacob (various commentators). Gen. 32:1
4450. 3 reasons why Jacob should have confidence to return to Canaan. Gen. 32:1
4451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom and Ballinger on the Function of Angels. Gen. 32:1
4452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:1: The angels were a sign of encouragement to Jacob (commentators). Gen. 32:1
4453. The key to spiritual success is not seeing a miracle or a great sight; the key is your faith in the truth of God. Gen. 32:2
4454. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:2a: The angels are God's host (or, army) (various commentators). Gen. 32:2
4455. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's timely revealing of Jacob's guardian angels. Gen. 32:2
4456. Why Laban would not harm Jacob. Gen. 32:2
4457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:1–2: Jacob's Visible and Invisible World (T. H. Leale). Gen. 32:2
4458. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Observations About Jacob, God's Providence and God's Angels. Gen. 32:2
4459. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:1–2: Jacob and the Angels (various commentators). Gen. 32:2
4460. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Two Camps (Mahanaim). Gen. 32:2
4461. Science fiction and parallel, side-by-side realities. Gen. 32:2
4462. Angels watch us like we watch DVD’s. Gen. 32:2
4463. Seeing an historic movie and wondering what is real and what is not. Gen. 32:2
4464. Jacob and the angels provide his protection. Gen. 32:2
4465. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mahanaim (Orville J. Nave). Gen. 32:2
4466. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mahanaim (various commentators). Gen. 32:2
4467. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:2b: The location of Mahanaim (various commentators). Gen. 32:2
4468. Adding the final verse of Gen. 31 for context. Gen. 32:2
4469. God has always been with Jacob; Jacob does not see the big picture. Gen. 32:2
4470. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:1–2 Jacob Encounters Angels (Jack M. Ballinger). Gen. 32:2
4471. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Genesis 32:1–2 (by Ron Snider). Gen. 32:2
4472. The reason Jacob left Canaan. Gen. 32:2
4473. How Jacob left on bad terms with Esau. Gen. 32:3
4474. Jacob’s motivation for sending Esau a message. Gen. 32:3
4475. Somehow, Jacob knew where Esau lived. Gen. 32:3
4476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Split Between Jacob and Esau. Gen. 32:3
4477. Speculating as to why Esau left Canaan and what was the problem with his Canaanite wives. Gen. 32:3
4478. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Seir (from Nave's Topical Bible). Gen. 32:3
4479. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau and the Land of Seir (various commentators). Gen. 32:3
4480. Jacob sends messengers to Esau. Gen. 32:4
4481. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:4a-b: Understanding Jacob's motivation at this point (a discussion). Gen. 32:4
4482. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's exercise of normal prudence. Gen. 32:4
4483. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:4a-b: Jacob's Language shows respect toward Esau (a discussion). Gen. 32:4
4484. What Jacob’s message says and implies. Gen. 32:4
4485. Jacob tells Eau about his possessions but not about his family. Gen. 32:5
4486. Jacob hovers between human viewpoint and divine viewpoint. Gen. 32:5
4487. God wants all believers to think with divine viewpoint. Gen. 32:5
4488. Jacob may plan to hide and protect his family from Esau. Gen. 32:5
4489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:5c: Finding grace in the eyes of Esau (various commentators). Gen. 32:5
4490. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:3–5 Emissaries Sent (Jack M. Ballinger). Gen. 32:5
4491. Jacob has few options regarding Esau. Gen. 32:6
4492. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Routes of Jacob and Esau (a map). Gen. 32:6
4493. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:6: Esau and His 400 Men (various commentators). Gen. 32:6
4494. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:6: Esau and His 400 Men (a discussion). Gen. 32:6
4495. Why Esau traveled with his 400 men. Gen. 32:6
4496. Esau’s army is already with him when messengered. Gen. 32:6
4497. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau's Motivation and Thinking. Gen. 32:6
4498. Jacob’s fear. Gen. 32:7
4499. My theory on the recording of the book of Genesis. Gen. 32:7
4500. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:7a: Jacob's Fear of Esau (various commentators). Gen. 32:7
4501. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Applying Jacob's Experience to Our Lives. Gen. 32:7
4502. Misinterpreting events in our lives. Gen. 32:7
4503. Recognize your blessings from God. Gen. 32:7
4504. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:7: Jacob divides his people into two camps (various commentators). Gen. 32:7
4505. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gen. 32:8: Jacob's reasoning for dividing his people into two camps (comments). Gen. 32:8
4506. Jacob confused and trying to determine what to do prior to meeting Esau. Because of his sin, he lives in the past. Gen. 32:8
4507. 5 points why Jacob is wasting his time being afraid of Esau. Gen. 32:8
4508. My own personal experience of losing my job and not seeking revenge on those who caused it. Gen. 32:8
4509. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:6–8 Jacob's Desperate Survival Plan (Jack M. Ballinger). Gen. 32:8
4510. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Genesis 32:3–8 (by Ron Snider). Gen. 32:8
4511. At the very end, Jacob is not preparing to be attacked by Esau. Gen. 32:8
4512. What to do when you are stressed. Gen. 32:8
4513. An incorrect application of confidence during warfare. Gen. 32:8
4514. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Thinking logically and with divine viewpoint—what Jacob should have been doing. Gen. 32:8
4515. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William Ramey's Chiasmos of Genesis 32:9–12. Gen. 32:9
4516. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:9–12: Jacob's prayer (various commentators). Gen. 32:9
4517. Calling God on His promises. Gen. 32:9
4518. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:9c: God's promises and provisions to Jacob (various commentators). Gen. 32:9
4519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:10a: Jacob's unworthiness before God (various commentators). Gen. 32:10
4520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:10b: Jacob about to cross over the Jordan River (commentators). Gen. 32:10
4521. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:10b: Jacob has nothing but his staff (various commentators). Gen. 32:10
4522. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32 TEN (a graphic). Gen. 32:10
4523. Prosperity in the Christian life. Personal blessing; what to expect after 5 years. Gen. 32:10
4524. Reference to my own turbulent background; and blessing from God. Gen. 32:10
4525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:10c: God marvelously has blessed Jacob (various commentators). Gen. 32:10
4526. Passages where deliverance is requested. Gen. 32:11
4527. There are no trade-offs with God. God treats with us in grace. Gen. 32:11
4528. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:11b: Jacob expresses fear in his prayer (various commentators). Gen. 32:11
4529. Is Jacob’s fear reasonable? Gen. 32:11
4530. When we comment on Jacob’s behavior, we consider divine standards. Gen. 32:11
4531. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:11b: Jacob looks to God to deliver him from Esau (commentators). Gen. 32:11
4532. Promises from God for us to use when we are fearful. Gen. 32:11
4533. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:12a: Jacob rests on a promise from God (various commentators). Gen. 32:12
4534. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:12 (The Amplified Bible) (a graphic from Colleen Dent). Gen. 32:12
4535. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gen. 32:12b: Jacob stands on promises given to him and his ancestors (comments). Gen. 32:12
4536. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gen. 32:12b: It is best for the believer to stand upon God's promises (comments). Gen. 32:12
4537. By God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Jacob should know that he is safe. Gen. 32:12
4538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of Jacob's Prayer (T. H. Leale). Gen. 32:12
4539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:9–12: Other Summaries of Jacob's Prayer (various commentators). Gen. 32:12
4540. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Prayer (a graphic). Gen. 32:12
4541. The Voice translation of Jacob’s prayer. Gen. 32:12
4542. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:9–12 Jacob's Prayer (Jack M. Ballinger). Gen. 32:12
4543. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Genesis 32:9–12 (by Ron Snider). Gen. 32:12
4544. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:1–12: Jacob Fears Esau (Summary on a Slide). Gen. 32:12
4545. God helps those who help themselves; background of saying and application. Gen. 32:13
4546. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Narrative in the Bible. Gen. 32:13
4547. The different configurations of Jacob’s camps and how and possibly why Jacob made the changes that he did. Gen. 32:13
4548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:13b: Jacob's present to Esau (various commentators). Gen. 32:13
4549. The proportion of male and female animals. Gen. 32:14
4550. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:15a: Jacob's present of camels to Esau (various commentators). Gen. 32:15
4551. Jacob’s wealth and thinking regarding Esau. Gen. 32:15
4552. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:15a: Jacobs motivation for his massive gift to Esau (a discussion). Gen. 32:15
4553. What is Jacob’s right approach? Gen. 32:15
4554. Confession of sin and apologies. Gen. 32:15
4555. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Oversees the Preparation of Esau's Present (an illustration by Jim Padgett). Gen. 32:16
4556. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:16b: Putting a space between the droves (various commentators). Gen. 32:16
4557. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:16: The number and arrangement of livestock (various commentators). Gen. 32:16
4558. Only one route for Jacob to take. Gen. 32:17
4559. Jacob’s slaves would have been recognizes as slaves. Gen. 32:17
4560. The animals are in some sort of formation. Gen. 32:17
4561. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:18b: Jacob's massive present for Esau (various commentators). Gen. 32:18
4562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:18b: Jacob's language regarding Esau (a discussion). Gen. 32:18
4563. The grand gift to Esau was strictly human viewpoint. Gen. 32:18
4564. Jacob’s gift was inspired by human viewpoint and fear. Gen. 32:18
4565. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:18c: What the servants were to tell Esau (various commentators). Gen. 32:18
4566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:13–18: Jacob's great present and trusting God (various commentators). Gen. 32:18
4567. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Learning the Old and New Testaments. Gen. 32:18
4568. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Preparation by the Word of God. Gen. 32:18
4569. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Genesis 32:13–19. Gen. 32:19
4570. Jacob’s human viewpoint and God’s promises. Gen. 32:20
4571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:13–21 More Antics: Jacob Buys Esau's Goodwill (Jack M. Ballinger). Gen. 32:21
4572. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Genesis 32:13–21 (by Ron Snider). Gen. 32:21
4573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:13–21: Jacob Prepares a Present (Summary on a Slide). Gen. 32:21
4574. Jacob preparing to meet Esau; human viewpoint plans. Gen. 32:22
4575. What Jacob does with his family. Gen. 32:22
4576. Two options of what Jacob has done with his family. Gen. 32:22
4577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: East of the Jordan Map. Gen. 32:22
4578. Where everyone is prior to Jacob meeting Esau. Gen. 32:22
4579. Speculation of Jacob’s location that night. Gen. 32:22
4580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Jabbok River (various commentators). Gen. 32:22
4581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:22c: The Ford of the Jabbok (various commentators). Gen. 32:22
4582. There could be tributaries off the Jabbok which Jacob and his family cross over. Gen. 32:22
4583. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Interpreting Genesis 32:22 and 23. Gen. 32:23
4584. Reference to the Doctrine of Documentary Hypothesis (the JEPD theory) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 32:23
4585. What about all of our stuff when we die and our family? Gen. 32:23
4586. Jacob moving his family. Gen. 32:23
4587. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Do verses 22 and 23 contradict one another? Gen. 32:23
4588. Solving apparent contradictions. Gen. 32:23
4589. Configuring the encampment of Jacob and his family. The options. Gen. 32:23
4590. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Human Viewpoint Thinking versus Divine Viewpoint Thinking. Gen. 32:23
4591. Reference the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 32:23
4592. Reference to the Doctrine of Homosexuality (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 32:23
4593. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Human Viewpoint versus Divine Viewpoint LINKS. Gen. 32:23
4594. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Where exactly was Jacob moving his family and possessions? Gen. 32:23
4595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jabbok River (a modern photo). Gen. 32:23
4596. Bible Places puts Jacob and company south of the Jabbok. Gen. 32:23
4597. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fords of the Jabbok (a modern photo). Gen. 32:23
4598. Bible places locates the encampment of angels on a modern photo. Gen. 32:23
4599. Elijah on wavering between 2 opinions. Gen. 32:23
4600. If Jacob is moving in the right direction in Gen. 32, why does God wrestle with him? Gen. 32:23
4601. Jacob taking alone time with God? Gen. 32:23
4602. Commentators think that Jacob wanted time alone with God. This is wrong. Gen. 32:24
4603. Jacob half trusts in God and half in his own devices. Gen. 32:24
4604. Jacob is more like us than his grandfather Abraham. Gen. 32:24
4605. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Genesis 32:22–24a (by Ron Snider). Gen. 32:24
4606. Jacob’s wrestling match is real. Gen. 32:24
4607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:24b: Jacob the wrestler (various commentators). Gen. 32:24
4608. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:24b: Who or what is Jacob wrestling? (Various commentators). Gen. 32:24
4609. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:24b: Christophany or Theophany (by William E. Wenstrom, Jr.). Gen. 32:24
4610. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gustave Doré, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel (1855) (a graphic). Gen. 32:24
4611. Jacob wrestles with the angels; we wrestle with principalities and powers. Gen. 32:24
4612. Weird theories on Jacob wrestling with the angel. Gen. 32:24
4613. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Léon Bonnat Jacob Wrestles the Angel (1876) (a graphic). Gen. 32:24
4614. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why God Wrestles with Jacob. Gen. 32:24
4615. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob struggles with the angel by Gutenberg Bible (1558) (a graphic). Gen. 32:24
4616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:24: The Angel wrestles with Jacob (various commentators). Gen. 32:24
4617. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Wrestles the Angel (a graphic). Gen. 32:25
4618. God and our free will; our children and their free will. Gen. 32:25
4619. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:22–24: God Prepares Jacob (Summary on a Slide). Gen. 32:25
4620. Speculating why Jacob ends up alone after moving everyone around. Gen. 32:25
4621. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:25b-c: Jacob's injury from wrestling (various commentators). Gen. 32:25
4622. God appears to be unable to defeat Jacob through wrestling. We are not robots; God has given us free will with which to act. Gen. 32:25
4623. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Wrestles with an Angel from Treasures of the Bible (a graphic). Gen. 32:25
4624. What does this wrestling match mean? How does Jacob retain his free will? Gen. 32:25
4625. The thieves crucified next to Jesus show us that free will is the key; and no amount of pain and suffering can change a man’s free will. Gen. 32:25
4626. Jacob and the discipline that he received. Gen. 32:25
4627. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:25: Why God hurt Jacob in this wrestling match (various commentators). Gen. 32:25
4628. It is the Angel, not Jacob, who says, “Let me go.” Gen. 32:26
4629. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 3 Categories of the Will of God. Gen. 32:26
4630. Reference to the Doctrine of the Will of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 32:26
4631. Jacob’s attempts to receive blessing. Gen. 32:26
4632. Jacob’s spiritual advance. Gen. 32:26
4633. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 32:26 (a graphic). Gen. 32:26
4634. Jacob demands blessing from God. Gen. 32:26
4635. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Some Promises from God. Gen. 32:26
4636. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Wrestling the Angel (oil on panel - 12'x8' - 2012) (a graphic). Gen. 32:26
4637. Jacob wrestles God in order to receive blessing from Him. Gen. 32:26
4638. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:26b "Do not leave until You bless me." (Various commentators). Gen. 32:26
4639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Robert Dean, Jr. Explains This Wrestling Match. Gen. 32:26
4640. Properly attributing the work of others; the ultimate goal of Bible doctrine. Gen. 32:26
4641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Genesis 32:24–26. Gen. 32:26
4642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:27 (a graphic). Gen. 32:27
4643. Why God asks questions of men. Gen. 32:27
4644. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:27a: Why does God ask Jacob "What is your name?" (Commentators). Gen. 32:27
4645. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: R Crum Genesis 32:22–27 (a series of graphics). Gen. 32:27
4646. Jacob’s name. Gen. 32:28
4647. The meaning of Israel. Gen. 32:28
4648. Jacob and his manipulative character. Gen. 32:28
4649. Jacob not letting the Lord go without a blessing. Gen. 32:28
4650. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:28a: The name Israel (various commentators). Gen. 32:28
4651. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: ISRAEL (the name) (by Dr. Bob Utley). Gen. 32:28
4652. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:28 (a graphic). Gen. 32:28
4653. Jacob as a type of Israel (the nation, the people). Gen. 32:28
4654. Using parables or analogies to teach. Gen. 32:28
4655. The analogy of Abraham offering up his son. Gen. 32:28
4656. Sometimes Jacob is called Jacob and other times Israel. Gen. 32:28
4657. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:28a: Jacob is renamed Israel (various commentators). Gen. 32:28
4658. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:27–28: Why was Jacob renamed Israel? (The Bible Query). Gen. 32:28
4659. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: He Changed My Name by Kristin Taz + Belly (Bible Journaling). Gen. 32:28
4660. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:28 Linda Rea (Bible journaling). Gen. 32:28
4661. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:28 (NKJV) (a graphic). Gen. 32:28
4662. The meaning of the name Israel.
4663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:28b: "You have fought with God and with men, and you have prevailed". Gen. 32:28
4664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:28: Contrasting the names of Jacob and Israel (various commentators). Gen. 32:28
4665. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:28: Nation Israel takes its name from Jacob (various commentators). Gen. 32:28
4666. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did God rename Jacob twice? (From Bible Query). Gen. 32:28
4667. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:24–28 (a graphic). Gen. 32:28
4668. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Genesis 32:24b–28 (by Ron Snider). Gen. 32:28
4669. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:29b: Jacob asks the Name of God (a discussion). Gen. 32:29
4670. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:29: Who is this wrestler? (Various commentators). Gen. 32:29
4671. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pulling it all together; explaining Jacob, the wrestling and his new name. Gen. 32:29
4672. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A slightly different explanation of Jacob's wrestling match (William Wenstrom, Jr.). Gen. 32:29
4673. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:29: The wrong understanding of Jacob and his spiritual growth. Gen. 32:29
4674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:29: The weird theories (various commentators). Gen. 32:29
4675. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:29b: Why does He not tell Jacob His Name (various commentators). Gen. 32:29
4676. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:29c: And He blessed him there (various commentators). Gen. 32:29
4677. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:24–29: General Discussion of the Wrestling Match (commentators). Gen. 32:29
4678. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:24–29: Conclusions or take-aways from this wresting (commentators). Gen. 32:29
4679. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:24–32: Is Jacob wrestling a literal angel? (The Bible Query). Gen. 32:29
4680. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:24–32: Do Christians have a weak God? (The Bible Query). Gen. 32:29
4681. The believer needs to find the right balance between dependence on God and a properly directed spiritual life. Gen. 32:29
4682. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The progression of Jacob's spiritual life. Gen. 32:29
4683. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:30: Fully understanding the name Penuel (various commentators). Gen. 32:30
4684. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob and the Angel at Peniel by William Brassey Hole (a graphic). Gen. 32:30
4685. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:30: "I have seen God face to face." (Various commentators). Gen. 32:30
4686. The wrestling match between God and Jacob. Gen. 32:30
4687. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:30: "My soul has been delivered (saved)." (Various commentators). Gen. 32:30
4688. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Direct contact with God. Gen. 32:30
4689. Sometimes, God can only get through to a believer through pain. Gen. 32:31
4690. Going from night to day is not necessarily symbolic. Gen. 32:31
4691. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:31b: Jacob's Limp (various commentators). Gen. 32:31
4692. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William Ramey's Chiasmos of Genesis 32:22–31. Gen. 32:31
4693. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom: What Jacob Learned (or, Should Have Learned). Gen. 32:31
4694. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:32: What was not eaten by way of tradition (various commentators). Gen. 32:32
4695. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:32: The tradition of Israel not eating the tendon of the hip (comments). Gen. 32:32
4696. V. 32 is a gloss. Gen. 32:32
4697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:32 is a gloss/the JEPD Theory. Gen. 32:32
4698. Mention of 9/11 truthers; George W. Bush and WMD’s. These are theories similar to the JEPD theory.
4699. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reasons Why Genesis Was Written at the Time of These Events. Gen. 32:32
4700. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How Jacob gets ahead in this world using his own approach. Gen. 32:32
4701. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What are the results of this wrestling match? (Genesis 32:24–32). Gen. 32:32
4702. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Wrestles with God (a summary on a slide). Gen. 32:32
4703. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:22–32 The Wrestling Match (Jack M. Ballinger). Gen. 32:32
4704. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Genesis 32:29–32 (by Ron Snider). Gen. 32:32
4705. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Gen. 32 Summary
4706. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 32 is in the Word of God. Gen. 32 Summary
4707. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Summary
4708. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Summary
4709. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Bird's Eye View of Jacob's Travels in Genesis 32 (a Relief Map). Gen. 32 Summary
4710. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Summary
4711. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Summary
4712. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peniel, or the mysterious contest (Murphy). Gen. 32 Summary
4713. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William Ramey's Chiasmos of Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Summary
4714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 32 Addendum
4715. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Did God Choose the Jews Instead of the Chinese? (From Bible Query). Gen. 32 Addendum
4716. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:1–2: Hosts of angels (C. H.Spurgeon). Gen. 32 Addendum
4717. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 32:1–2: God's host always near (D. March, D. D.). Gen. 32 Addendum
4718. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Griffin post: Palestine and Jacob's Wrestling Match with the Lord. Gen. 32 Addendum
4719. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Regarding Philistines and Palestine—In Summation. Gen. 32 Addendum
4720. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Addendum
4721. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Addendum
4722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 32. Gen. 32 Addendum
4723. Genesis 33 Jacob and his Family Return to Canaan (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
4724. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Tyron Edwards Reunion Quote. Gen. 33 Preface
4725. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: George Bernard Shaw quote on relatives. Gen. 33 Preface
4726. Quotes from Hamilton, Arthur Schopenhauer, Paul Simon, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and J. F. Montgomery. Gen. 33 Preface
4727. Reference to the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the supergrace life. Gen. 33 Preface
4728. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33: Jacob and Esau Reconciled (a graphic). Gen. 33 Introduction
4729. Where Jacob is, spiritually speaking, Gen. 33 Introduction
4730. Grace is a key word in this chapter. Gen. 33 Introduction
4731. Problems with Documentary Hypothesis (also called form criticism; also called the JEPD theory). Gen. 33 Introduction
4732. Possibly what inspired Darwin. Gen. 33 Introduction
4733. Jacob’s original trepidation. Gen. 33 Introduction
4734. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Sinner with a New Name (a graphic). Gen. 33 Introduction
4735. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How did Esau happen to meet up with Jacob? Gen. 33 Introduction
4736. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau—his present and his future. Gen. 33 Introduction
4737. Temporal versus eternal impact. Gen. 33 Introduction
4738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two common viewpoints offered by commentators. Gen. 33 Introduction
4739. Advancing in the spiritual life. Rebound; one-shot decisions. Was Jacob made spiritually mature after wrestling with the Angel of God for the evening? Gen. 33 Introduction
4740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Genesis 33 (by Various Commentators). Gen. 33 Introduction
4741. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob's Journey (a graphic). Gen. 33 Introduction
4742. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations on Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Introduction
4743. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Introduction
4744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Introduction
4745. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Introduction
4746. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Introduction
4747. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Gen. 33 Introduction
4748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Patriarchal Timeline for Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Introduction
4749. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 33 (Dr. John Gill and Adam Clarke). Gen. 33 Introduction
4750. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Genesis 33 (Various Commentators). Gen. 33 Introduction
4751. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33—a Twofold Outline (a graphic). Gen. 33 Introduction
4752. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Outline and Commentary of Genesis 33 (by David Guzik). Gen. 33 Introduction
4753. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Genesis 33 from the Summarized Bible. Gen. 33 Introduction
4754. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Genesis 27–34). Gen. 33 Introduction
4755. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translations for Genesis 33 (from Dr. Bob Utley). Gen. 33 Introduction
4756. The typical mistake of Gen. 32 that Jacob is suddenly a spiritual dynamo. Gen. 33 Introduction
4757. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Genesis 33). Gen. 33 Introduction
4758. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Imperatives of Genesis 33 (Dr. Bob Utley). Gen. 33 Introduction
4759. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Introduction to Genesis 33:1–3 (a discussion). Gen. 33:1
4760. Esau and Jacob’s backstory. Gen. 33:1
4761. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau (NIV Study Bible profile). Gen. 33:1
4762. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:1c: Jacob sees Esau approach with 400 men (various commentators). Gen. 33:1
4763. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:1 (a graphic). Gen. 33:1
4764. Man’s volition and God’s sovereign will. Gen. 33:1
4765. Jacob’s overnight change. Gen. 33:1
4766. Jacob’s leg injury. Gen. 33:1
4767. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob and His Family Meet Esau (a graphic). Gen. 33:2
4768. Jacob has some additional confidence on this day. Gen. 33:2
4769. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:2: Jacob placed his family to allow those in back to escape (discussion). Gen. 33:2
4770. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:3a: Is this a brand new totally improved Jacob? (A discussion). Gen. 33:3
4771. The believer is not transformed overnight. Gen. 33:3
4772. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:3: Contrasting the twin brothers (a discussion). Gen. 33:3
4773. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:3a-b: Jacob's obsessive bowing (various commentators). Gen. 33:3
4774. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Seeking Forgiveness of Esau (a painting by Jan Victors—1652). Gen. 33:3
4775. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau (oil on copper by Abraham Willemsens 1605–1672). Gen. 33:3
4776. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau (by Peter Paul Rubens, 1624). Gen. 33:3
4777. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meeting of Jacob and Esau (by Gerrit Claesz Bleaker 1592–1656). Gen. 33:3
4778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pray for the Peace of Israel (a graphic). Gen. 33:3
4779. Peace in the middle east. Gen. 33:3
4780. Every new generation of Arabs makes a decision for or against the Jew. Gen. 33:3
4781. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert Dean on Humility. Gen. 33:3
4782. Jacob’s neck and volition. Gen. 33:4
4783. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:4d: The kiss (various commentators and discussion). Gen. 33:4
4784. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:4: Esau's attitude in meeting Jacob (a discussion). Gen. 33:4
4785. Does God or Esau change Esau’s heart? Gen. 33:4
4786. God can change a man’s volition, but does He? Gen. 33:4
4787. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 33:4: Did God change the malice in Esau's heart? (A discussion). Gen. 33:4
4788. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau—a Believer in the Revealed God (or, giving Esau his due). Gen. 33:4
4789. Reference to Gen. 36 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 33:4
4790. God has a plan for both Esau and Ishmael. Gen. 33:4
4791. Negative online comments about a Houston pastor. Judging ;pastors. Gen. 33:4
4792. Berachah Church. Gen. 33:4
4793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:4: Esau's anger mollified by Jacob (a discussion). Gen. 33:4
4794. Did Rebekah contact Jacob about returning home? Gen. 33:4
4795. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:4e: What do we know about what Esau and Jacob were thinking? Gen. 33:4
4796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:4: The Meeting Between Esau and Jacob (a discussion). Gen. 33:4
4797. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Meeting of Jacob and Esau (a painting by Francesco Hayez). Gen. 33:4
4798. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau's thinking and motivation. Gen. 33:4
4799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Genesis 33:1–4 (Ron Snider). Gen. 33:4
4800. Reference to Genesis 31 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 33:5
4801. Apparent contradiction of hiding his family in the previous chapter and today, they are right behind him. Gen. 33:5
4802. Possible communications between Jacob, Esau, Rebekah in past 20 years. Gen. 33:5
4803. Jacob-Laban meeting compared to Jacob-Esau meeting. Gen. 33:5
4804. Grace in Gen. 33; humility. Gen. 33:5
4805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:5d: The children God has graciously given to Jacob (commentators). Gen. 33:5
4806. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Arranging the Family before Esau (vv. 1-7) (Jack Ballinger). Gen. 33:7
4807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:8a: Esau asks about the droves of livestock (various commentators). Gen. 33:8
4808. 20 years allowed both brothers to gain perspective on their relationship. Gen. 33:8
4809. Esau would have been gracious with or without the gift. Gen. 33:8
4810. Esau’s success. Gen. 33:9
4811. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob and Esau's true relationship. Gen. 33:9
4812. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:9a: Esau has all that he needs (commentators/discussion). Gen. 33:9
4813. God did not change Esau’s volition. Gen. 33:9
4814. Esau and Jacob interacting over Jacob’s gift. Gen. 33:9
4815. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Generational Hatred. Gen. 33:9
4816. Animus and hatred—example of the United States and Japan. Gen. 33:9
4817. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:10b: Jacob urges Esau to receive his present (a discussion). Gen. 33:10
4818. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:10c "I see your face as the face of God" (various commentators). Gen. 33:10
4819. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:10 (a graphic). Gen. 33:10
4820. The remarkable differences between Jacob and Esau at this meeting. Gen. 33:10
4821. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:1–10 Jacob Meets Esau (a summary on a slide). Gen. 33:10
4822. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:11a: Jacob's present expresses his blessing to Esau (commentators). Gen. 33:11
4823. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:11b: Jacob has been blessed in all things (various commentators). Gen. 33:11
4824. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:11c: Jacob's insistence that Esau take his gift (several commentators). Gen. 33:11
4825. Joseph being raised with Bible doctrine; Rachel may be the deciding factor. Gen. 33:11
4826. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:11 (Bible journaling by Renee Wharton). Gen. 33:11
4827. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau Accepts Jacob's Gift (vv. 8-11) (Jack Ballinger). Gen. 33:11
4828. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Genesis 33:5–11 (Ron Snider). Gen. 33:12
4829. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:12b: Esau's sincere offer (various commentators). Gen. 33:12
4830. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Esau's offer of unintended nefariousness. Gen. 33:12
4831. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Canaan and Edom (a map). Gen. 33:12
4832. Where Jacob, Esau and their lands are located. Gen. 33:12
4833. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Jacob heads west, but does not tell Esau what he is doing. Gen. 33:12
4834. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:13: Jacob's refusal to travel with Esau (a discussion). Gen. 33:13
4835. A pastor must provide teaching at all levels for his congregation. Gen. 33:14
4836. R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s teaching 30 years after. Gen. 33:14
4837. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Jacob lying to Esau about coming to Seir? Gen. 33:14
4838. Jacob did not turn into a supergrace believer after the wrestling match. Gen. 33:14
4839. Tinge of shame at cheating my father in a game. Gen. 33:14
4840. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob tells Esau he is coming to Seir (Genesis 33:14). Gen. 33:14
4841. How so many commentators get it wrong. Gen. 33:14
4842. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:15a: Esau offers to leave men with Jacob (various commentators). Gen. 33:15
4843. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:15 (a graphic). Gen. 33:15
4844. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:15: Jacob declines an escort by Esau's men (commentators/discussion). Gen. 33:15
4845. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How do we apply these discussions to our own lives? Gen. 33:15
4846. The keys to spiritual growth. Gen. 33:15
4847. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Operation Z (A graphic). Gen. 33:15
4848. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Operation Z. Gen. 33:15
4849. Explaining God’s approbation of Jacob and disapprobation of Esau. Gen. 33:16
4850. Reference to Gen. 36 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 33:16
4851. Jesus Christ died for all sins and all sinners. Gen. 33:16
4852. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Brothers Part Company (vv. 12-16) (Jack Ballinger). Gen. 33:16
4853. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Genesis 33:12–16 (Ron Snider). Gen. 33:16
4854. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Genesis 33:1–16. Gen. 33:16
4855. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:17a: Jacob stops at Succoth (various commentators). Gen. 33:17
4856. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Succoth (various commentators). Gen. 33:17
4857. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:12–17a: Jacob says he will follow Esau, but he does not (a discussion). Gen. 33:17
4858. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:17a: Does Jacob formally decline Esau's answer? (Various opinions.). Gen. 33:17
4859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Canaan and Paddan-aram. Gen. 33:17
4860. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When did Jacob decide to go west into Canaan and not follow Esau? Gen. 33:17
4861. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:17b: Jacob builds a house in Succoth (a discussion). Gen. 33:17
4862. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:17c: Booths or animal shelters (various commentators). Gen. 33:17
4863. Jacob might be purposely avoiding seeing his father. Gen. 33:17
4864. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Meeting of Jacob and Esau. Gen. 33:17
4865. Various possibilities of Jacob going/no going to Seir. Gen. 33:17
4866. Jacob does not contact his father. Gen. 33:17
4867. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:17: How long Jacob remains in Succoth (a discussion). Gen. 33:17
4868. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Better Division of the Chapters (re-chaptering Genesis 32–34). Gen. 33:18
4869. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The JEPD Theory and the Cambridge Bible. Gen. 33:18
4870. Illogical positions of the JEPD theory. Gen. 33:18
4871. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob comes safely to Shechem. Gen. 33:18
4872. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Shechem and Succoth. Gen. 33:18
4873. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The City of Shechem (various commentators). Gen. 33:18
4874. Hebrews, Canaanites and Hivites. Gen. 33:18
4875. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:18a: Shalem or safety? (Various commentators). Gen. 33:18
4876. The real reason why Jacob stopped in Succoth. Gen. 33:18
4877. God did not require Jacob to return to Bethel. Gen. 33:18
4878. The Hivites. Gen. 33:18
4879. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:18b: Coming to the Land of Canaan from Paddan-Aram (commentators). Gen. 33:18
4880. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Back Home to Canaan (a map from the Casual English Bible). Gen. 33:18
4881. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Moves to Shechem (a map from the Common English Bible). Gen. 33:18
4882. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Does v. 18 come from a different document than v. 17? Gen. 33:18
4883. Where does Deborah come from? Gen. 33:18
4884. Why Jacob is purchasing this land. Gen. 33:19
4885. Jacob goes from a house to a tent. Gen. 33:19
4886. Jacob’s leg injury. Gen. 33:19
4887. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:19b: Hamor and his people (various commentators). Gen. 33:19
4888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:19c: The value of 100 silver coins (a discussion). Gen. 33:19
4889. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:19c: The Purchase of Land by Jacob (various commentators). Gen. 33:19
4890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:19: Did Jacob buy this land or Abraham? (Bible Query). Gen. 33:19
4891. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Jacob or Abraham buy this land? Gen. 33:19
4892. Some might not want to sell their land. Gen. 33:19
4893. Jacob erects an altar. Gen. 33:20
4894. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:20a: Jacob erected an altar (various commentators). Gen. 33:20
4895. The altar indicates some improvement in Jacob’s spiritual life. Gen. 33:20
4896. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:20b: The Name of Jacob's Altar (various commentators). Gen. 33:20
4897. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:20 (a graphic). Gen. 33:20
4898. Reference to Genesis 49—(HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Gen. 33:20
4899. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: SPECIAL TOPIC: ISRAEL (the name) (by Dr. Bob Utley). Gen. 33:20
4900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33:11–20 Jacob Reaches Home (a summary on a slide). Gen. 33:20
4901. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jacob Remembers Bethel (vv. 17–20) (Jack Ballinger). Gen. 33:20
4902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Genesis 33:17–20 (Ron Snider). Gen. 33:20
4903. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Gen. 33 Summary
4904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Genesis 33 is in the Word of God. Gen. 33 Summary
4905. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Summary
4906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Summary
4907. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Chiasmic Structure of Genesis 33 (from Hajime Murai). Gen. 33 Summary
4908. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of Genesis 33 (by Albert Barnes). Gen. 33 Summary
4909. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Summary
4910. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis 33 (Bible journaling by Katy Hollway). Gen. 33 Summary
4911. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Some of the things we know about Jacob and Esau. Gen. 33 Summary
4912. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Summary
4913. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Summary
4914. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Super-Insane View of Jacob Moving About (F. B. Meyer). Gen. 33 Summary
4915. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William Ramey's Chiasmos of Genesis 32:1--33:20. Gen. 33 Addendum
4916. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Gen. 33 Addendum
4917. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Addendum
4918. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Addendum
4919. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Genesis 33. Gen. 33 Addendum
4920. This would be a good place for the Doctrine of the City of Shechem. Gen. 33:19 This was done via commentary by others.
4921. Genesis 34 The Rape of Dinah/The Slaughter of Shechem (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
4922. Genesis 35 Jacob’s Sons/The Deaths of Rachel and Isaac (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
4923. Genesis 36 Nation Esau (Edom) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
4924. Distinguishing between the Horites and the Hivites. [this is not there but needs to be!!! I referred back to this from Joshua 9:7]. Gen. 36:20
4925. Genesis 37 Joseph and His Brothers (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
4926. Genesis 38 Judah and Tamar (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
4927. Do a short bit on Enaim in Gen. 38:14. [From ZPEB: this is probably identical to Enam, which is found in Joshua 15:34, a city given over to the tribe of Judah. It either means spring (see Gen. 16:7) or two eyes. It is found mentioned only in Gen. 38:14, 21 and Joshua 15:34.] Gen. 38:14
4928. Genesis 39 Joseph and Potiphar (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4929. Genesis 40 Joseph, the Chief Baker and the Chief Cupbearer (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4930. Genesis 41 Pharaoh’s Dream and the Famine of Egypt (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4931. Genesis 42 Joseph’s Brothers Come to Buy Grain in Egypt (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4932. Genesis 43 Jacob’s Sons Return to Egypt with Benjamin (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4933. Genesis 44 Judah Offers to Be Benjamin’s Substitute for Punishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4934. Genesis 45 Joseph Makes Himself Known to His Brothers (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4935. Genesis 46 Jacob’s Entire Family in Egypt (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4936. Genesis 47 Pharaoh Welcomes Joseph’s Family/The Famine Continues (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4937. Genesis 48 Jacob Blesses the Sons of Joseph (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4938. Genesis 49 Jacob’s Last Words to His Sons (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4939. Genesis 50 Jacob’s Burial; Joseph Allays the Fears of His Brothers; Joseph’s Death (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
4940. A short examination of the Doctrine of Redemption (not finished yet). Gen. 48:16
4941. Chart: a list of all of the fundamental doctrines which find their beginning in the book of Genesis (not finished yet). Gen. 48:16
4942. Problems with the prophecy of Jacob. Gen. 49:1
4943. The tribe of Benjamin mentioned. The Doctrine of the Tribe of Benjamin to be in Judges 20:48. Gen. 49:27
(I have not indexed all of Exodus yet)
1. Exodus, The Book of (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). This is a very old study and in the process of being replaced.
2. Exodus Links (to individual chapters) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
3. The Doctrine of Documentary Hypothesis (or, the JEPD theory). Need to abbreviate the doctrine and place it here. Exodus Introduction
4. Exodus 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) The Egyptian Oppression of the Hebrews
5. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Exodus 1 Preface
6. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Introduction
7. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Introduction
8. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Introduction
9. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Introduction
10. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Introduction
11. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Introduction
12. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 1 (Various Commentators). Exodus 1 Introduction
13. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 1 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 1 Introduction
14. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 1–4A). Exodus 1 Introduction
15. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outline of Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Introduction
16. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Introduction
17. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 1). Exodus 1 Introduction
18. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Acts 7:14 and the number of people moving to Egypt. Exodus 1:5
19. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 12 Sons of Jacob (a chart). Exodus 1:5
20. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Term Hebrew. Exodus 1:7
21. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Antisemitism. Exodus 1:7
22. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 1:7–8. Exodus 1:9
23. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel In Egypt, 1867 (oil on canvas) by Sir Edward John Pointer. Exodus 1:11
24. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 1:6–13. Exodus 1:14
25. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmos of Exodus 1:15–22 (by Hajime Murai). Exodus 1:15
26. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Midwives Feared God (a graphic). Exodus 1:21
27. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 1 Summary
28. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 1 is in the Word of God. Exodus 1 Summary
29. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Summary
30. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Summary
31. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Summary
32. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Exodus. Exodus 1 Summary
33. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Summary
34. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ancestors of Abraham (a chart). Exodus 1 Addendum
35. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 1 Addendum
36. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Addendum
37. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 3. Exodus 1 Addendum
38. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Addendum
39. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 1. Exodus 1 Addendum
40. Exodus 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) The First 40 Years of the Life of Moses
41. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Exodus 2 Preface
42. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Introduction
43. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Introduction
44. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Introduction
45. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Introduction
46. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Introduction
47. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Introduction
48. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Introduction
49. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 2 (Various Commentators). Exodus 2 Introduction
50. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Synopsis of Exodus 2 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 2 Introduction
51. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Introduction
52. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 2). Exodus 2 Introduction
53. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmos of Exodus 2:1–10 (by Hajime Murai). Exodus 2:1
54. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses as a Type of Christ. Exodus 2:2
55. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Discovery of Baby Moses (a graphic). Exodus 2:6
56. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 2:1–9. Exodus 2:10
57. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Intelligence of Pharaoh's Daughter. Exodus 2:10
58. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses Commits Murder. Exodus 2:12
59. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Messiah of the Early Hebrew People. Exodus 2:13
60. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The parallel passage in Acts 7:20–29. Exodus 2:13
61. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses Kills the Egyptian (1873 by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld) (a graphic). Exodus 2:13
62. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Familia Background of Moses. Exodus 2:14
63. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses Among His People; Comparing Exodus to Acts. Exodus 2:14
64. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Map of Egypt and Midian. Exodus 2:15
65. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Christian Traditions Regarding Priests. Exodus 2:16
66. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Old Testament Priesthoods Are Types; Jesus is the Antitype. Exodus 2:16
67. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Priesthood Addendum 2Peter 1:16–21. Exodus 2:16
68. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses: His Conversion and His Spiritual Growth. Exodus 2:21
69. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Books with Titles from the Bible (a graphic). Exodus 2:22
70. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Line of Abram to Moses to Gershom to Shebuel (a chart). Exodus 2:22
71. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dividing up Moses' Life. Exodus 2:23
72. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Did God Move Israel out of the Land of Canaan and into Egypt, and then out of Egypt and back to the Land of Canaan? Exodus 2:25
73. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why did God Move the Jews out of the Canaan to Egypt and then back to Canaan? Exodus 2:25
74. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Glorification of God. Exodus 2:25
75. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 2 Summary
76. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 2 is in the Word of God. Exodus 2 Summary
77. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Summary
78. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Summary
79. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Summary
80. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Exodus. Exodus 2 Summary
81. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Summary
82. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 2 Addendum
83. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Addendum
84. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 3. Exodus 2 Addendum
85. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Addendum
86. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 2. Exodus 2 Addendum
87. Exodus 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Moses and the Burning Bush
88. Somewhere in early Exodus, we need to look at the religious system of the Egyptians via Durant's "Our Oriental Heritage."
89. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Introduction
90. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Introduction
91. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Introduction
92. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Introduction
93. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Introduction
94. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Introduction
95. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 3 (Various Commentators). Exodus 3 Introduction
96. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Synopsis of Exodus 3 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 3 Introduction
97. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 1–4A). Exodus 3 Introduction
98. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Introduction
99. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 3). Exodus 3 Introduction
100. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmos of Exodus 3:1–4:17 (by Hajime Murai). Exodus 3:1
101. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Midian and Mount Horeb. Exodus 3:1
102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mount Horeb - Sinai by Francis F. Frith (an 1858 photograph). Exodus 3:1
103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Doctrines on the Preincarnate Christ. Exodus 3:2
104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Repeated Names, by Wells of Living Water Commentary. Exodus 3:4
105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Preparation of Moses. Exodus 3:4
106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses Before the Burning Bush (a graphic). Exodus 3:5
107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasm in Exodus 2:23–3:9 (a graphic). Exodus 3:9
108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Acts 7:30–39, 51–54. Exodus 3:10
109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Discussion of God's Name—It's Meaning and Pronunciation. Exodus 3:14
110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Speaks of Himself as the I am. Exodus 3:14
111. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is G-d more respectful than God? Exodus 3:14
112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How Should We Deal with the Pronunciation of JHWH? Exodus 3:14
113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Actual Pronunciation of God's Name. Exodus 3:14
114. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reviewing Exodus 3:13–14. Exodus 3:15
115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Questions and Answers about the Jews in Egypt. Exodus 3:17
116. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Signs and Miracles. Exodus 3:20
117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Preview of Coming Attractions. Exodus 3:22
118. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 40 Acres and a Mule. Exodus 3:22
119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 3 Summary
120. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 3 is in the Word of God. Exodus 3 Summary
121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Summary
122. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Summary
123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Summary
124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Exodus. Exodus 3 Summary
125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Summary
126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 3 Addendum
127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Addendum
128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Addendum
129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Addendum
130. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 3. Exodus 3 Addendum
131. The Placement of the Tabernacle Furniture (alluded to in 1Sam. 3:3). Ex. 3:18
132. Exodus 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) God Sends Moses and Aaron to Egypt
133. Somewhere in these passages I need to deal with signs and wonders and miracles (the differences, their words themselves, etc.). P. 88 in “When Skeptics Ask.” Also, note that they are not found much in Genesis because man was so close to his creation in time. He had the word of truth passed on verbally. Ex. 3:20 4:8, 21
134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Exodus 4 Preface
135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Introduction
136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Introduction
137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Introduction
138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Introduction
139. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Introduction
140. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Introduction
141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 4 (Various Commentators). Exodus 4 Introduction
142. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Synopsis of Exodus 4 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 4 Introduction
143. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 1–4). Exodus 4 Introduction
144. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Introduction
145. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 4). Exodus 4 Introduction
146. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses' Current Spiritual Maturity Level. Exodus 4:1
147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Was the Spiritual Life in the Day of Moses? Exodus 4:3
148. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Three Signs Given to Moses. Exodus 4:9
149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jack Black using a pointer in the movie "School of Rock". Exodus 4:20
150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Magician's Hat and Wand (graphic). Exodus 4:20
151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is wrong with the hyper-Calvinist view of hardening Pharaoh's heart? Exodus 4:21
152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The American English Bible on, Did an Angel Want to Kill Moses? Exodus 4:24
153. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Circumcision or Circumcisions? Exodus 4:26
154. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Do We Know About the Circumcision Incident? Exodus 4:26
155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Kukis' Full Interpretation of the Circumcision Incident. Exodus 4:26
156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses and his own personal knowledge about circumcision. Exodus 4:26
157. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining God's Sovereignty and Man's Free Will. Exodus 4:27
158. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Overview of Exodus 3–5. Exodus 4:29
159. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 4 Summary
160. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 4 is in the Word of God. Exodus 4 Summary
161. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Summary
162. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Summary
163. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Summary
164. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Summary
165. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 4 Addendum
166. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Addendum
167. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Addendum
168. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Addendum
169. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 4. Exodus 4 Addendum
170. Exodus 5 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Moses Confronts Pharaoh/Work Requirements Increased
171. Somewhere in early Exodus with regards to the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, we should do a full, blown-out study on free will, God’s sovereignty, Calvinism and Arminianism. Ex. 5–9?
172. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Exodus 5 Preface
173. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Introduction
174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Introduction
175. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Introduction
176. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Introduction
177. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 5 Introduction
178. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Introduction
179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Introduction
180. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 5 (Various Commentators). Exodus 5 Introduction
181. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Synopsis of Exodus 5 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 5 Introduction
182. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 3–6A). Exodus 5 Introduction
183. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Introduction
184. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 5). Exodus 5 Introduction
185. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmos of Exodus 5:1–23 (by Hajime Murai). Exodus 5:1
186. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Term Hebrews. Exodus 5:3
187. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses in Hollywood. Exodus 5:3
188. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Application—Socialism, Communism and Christianity. Exodus 5:4
189. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 5:1–4. Exodus 5:5
190. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Slaves Making Bricks in Egypt (a graphic). Exodus 5:7
191. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Produces Good from Man's Free Will, Man's Sin, and Divine Discipline. Exodus 5:7
192. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 5:1–7. Exodus 5:8
193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Produces Good from Man's Free Will, Sin, and Failures. Exodus 5:8
194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Conflicts Across the Globe (a map). Exodus 5:8
195. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 5 is the human viewpoint approach to the first meeting. Exodus 5:20
196. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: We need to think as God thinks; we need to see things from God's view. Exodus 5:23
197. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 5 Summary
198. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 5 is in the Word of God. Exodus 5 Summary
199. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Summary
200. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Summary
201. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summarizes Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Summary
202. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Summary
203. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 5 Addendum
204. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Addendum
205. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Addendum
206. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Addendum
207. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 5. Exodus 5 Addendum
208. Exodus 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) God Speaks to Moses/The Jewish Bloodline
209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Exodus 6 Preface
210. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Bird's Eye View of Exodus 5–7. Exodus 6 Introduction
211. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 5 leads into Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Introduction
212. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Introduction
213. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Introduction
214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Introduction
215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Introduction
216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 6 Introduction
217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Introduction
218. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Introduction
219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 6 (Various Commentators). Exodus 6 Introduction
220. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Synopsis of Exodus 6 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 6 Introduction
221. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 5–8). Exodus 6 Introduction
222. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmos of Exodus 6:1–12 (by Hajime Murai). Exodus 6 Introduction
223. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Organizing Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Introduction
224. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Observations and Commentary on the Organization of Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Introduction
225. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Introduction
226. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 6). Exodus 6 Introduction
227. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 5 leads into Exodus 6. Exodus 6:1
228. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explanations of Exodus 6:3 (Adam Clarke). Exodus 6:3
229. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "By My Name, Yehowah, I did not make Myself known to them" (commentators). Exodus 6:3
230. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The NET Bible on Exodus 6:3. Exodus 6:3
231. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Query on Exodus 6:3. Exodus 6:3
232. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Name of God. Exodus 6:3
233. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Another approach to Exodus 6:3. Exodus 6:3
234. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Illustration of the Slave Market of Sin. Exodus 6:6
235. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus and the Slavery of the Hebrew People. Exodus 6:6
236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Redemption. Exodus 6:6
237. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Redemption. Exodus 6:6
238. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 6:1–6. Exodus 6:6
239. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 6:2–9. Exodus 6:9
240. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 6 without the Genealogy. Exodus 6:14
241. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Family of Moses and Aaron. Exodus 6:14
242. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Differences in the Names of the Sons of Simeon. Exodus 6:15
243. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Line from Abraham Isaac Jacob Levi Moses (a genealogical chart). Exodus 6:20
244. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The sons of Levi (Exodus 6:16–25). Exodus 6:23
245. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genealogies, Canonicity and Inspiration. Exodus 6:25
246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Canonicity (from Exodus 6:25
247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Verbal Plenary Inspiration (the Accurate Understanding of Biblical Authorship). Exodus 6:25
248. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Word of God Speaks to Its Own Authority and Accuracy. Exodus 6:25
249. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The organic development of the canon of Scripture. Exodus 6:25
250. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmos of Exodus 6:28–7:7 (by Hajime Murai). Exodus 6:28
251. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 6 Summary
252. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 6 is in the Word of God. Exodus 6 Summary
253. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Summary
254. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Summary
255. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Summary
256. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Summary
257. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 6 Addendum
258. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Addendum
259. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Addendum
260. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Addendum
261. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 6. Exodus 6 Addendum
262. Exodus 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) The Nile River is Turned into Blood
263. The analogy between God and His prophets and Moses and Aaron; the setting up of a type in the Bible. Ex. 7:1
264. Mention of Doctrine of a Prophet of God (from Deut. 18:15). Ex. 7:1
265. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Exodus 7 Preface
266. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Introduction
267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Introduction
268. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Introduction
269. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Introduction
270. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Introduction
271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Introduction
272. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 7 (Various Commentators). Exodus 7 Introduction
273. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Synopsis of Exodus 7 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 7 Introduction
274. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 5–8). Exodus 7 Introduction
275. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 7 Introduction
276. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Introduction
277. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 7). Exodus 7 Introduction
278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 7:1–13 as a Chiasmos (from Dr. Peter Pett). Exodus 7:1
279. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A short review of Exodus 6:28–7:3. Exodus 7:3
280. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmos of Exodus 7:8–10:29 (by Hajime Murai). Exodus 7:8
281. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Same or Different Staff? Exodus 7:9
282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Staff of God—Does it Belong to Moses or Aaron? Exodus 7:10
283. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses, Aaron and the Sign of the Rod Becoming a Serpent. Exodus 7:10
284. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Magicians. Exodus 7:11
285. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Secret Arts/Enchantments. Exodus 7:11
286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief review of Exodus 7:10–11. Exodus 7:11
287. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various translations and the strengthening of Pharaoh's heart. Exodus 7:13
288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Example of a Well-Defined Subject. Exodus 7:13
289. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: BamaLu on Stupidity (an internet meme). Exodus 7:13
290. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: First Appearance of Moses and Aaron Before Pharaoh. Exodus 7:13
291. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why are their two versions of the same meeting? Exodus 7:13
292. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reviewing Exodus 7:10–13. Exodus 7:13
293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses and Aaron meet Pharaoh and Aaron turns his rod into a snake (by Robert Leinweber; Czech artist 1845-1921). Exodus 7:13
294. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Socialism vs. Communal Living. Exodus 7:13
295. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Plagues Leveled by God Against Egypt. Exodus 7:14
296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ten Plagues (a special fonts chart). Exodus 7:14
297. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 7:8–13 (the First Meeting with Pharaoh). Exodus 7:14
298. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Water Turning to Blood. Exodus 7:17
299. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 7:17–18 Who is speaking what words. Exodus 7:18
300. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Contrasting Moses and Jesus. Exodus 7:20
301. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 7:19–20). Exodus 7:20
302. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bloody Beach (a graphic). Exodus 7:21
303. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hapi — Egyptian God of the Nile (a graphic). Exodus 7:21
304. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 7 Summary
305. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 7 is in the Word of God. Exodus 7 Summary
306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Summary
307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Summary
308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summarizes Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Summary
309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Summary
310. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Organizing Exodus 4, 5, 6 and 7 Chronologically. Exodus 7 Addendum
311. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 7 Addendum
312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Addendum
313. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Addendum
314. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Addendum
315. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 7. Exodus 7 Addendum
316. Exodus 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) The Plagues of Frogs, Gnats and Swarming Insects
317. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Exodus 8 Preface
318. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Introduction
319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Introduction
320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Introduction
321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Introduction
322. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Introduction
323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Introduction
324. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 8 (Various Commentators). Exodus 8 Introduction
325. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Synopsis of Exodus 8 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 8 Introduction
326. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 7–10). Exodus 8 Introduction
327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 8 Introduction
328. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Introduction
329. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 8). Exodus 8 Introduction
330. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 7:25–8:2. Exodus 8:2
331. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Frogs on a hand (a picture). Exodus 8:3
332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Many Frogs (a graphic). Exodus 8:6
333. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A short review of Exodus 8:1–6. Exodus 8:7
334. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hemet — Egyptian Goddess of Fertility, Water, Renewal (a graphic). Exodus 8:7
335. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A short review of Exodus 8:6–8. Exodus 8:9
336. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Application: Judgement Coming to the United States. Exodus 8:10
337. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's power and the utility belt of a policeman. Exodus 8:10
338. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A short review of Exodus 8:9–10b. Exodus 8:10
339. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "I strike at the dust, which turned into a mass of lice/gnats" (a photo). Exodus 8:17
340. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Nut, the sky goddess; and Geb, god of the earth (a graphic). Exodus 8:17
341. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Short Review of Exodus 8:16–17. Exodus 8:18
342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Aaron strikes the ground (a graphic). Exodus 8:18
343. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Geb — Egyptian God of the Earth (a graphic). Exodus 8:18
344. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A short review of Exodus 8:20–21. Exodus 8:22
345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Goddess Uatchit (a graphic). Exodus 8:24
346. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fish flies descend on Windsor, Ontario (a photograph). Exodus 8:24
347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why don't Egyptians simply flock to Goshen? Exodus 8:24
348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 8:24–26b. Exodus 8:26
349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 8:25–28. Exodus 8:29
350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Free will, God, evolution and politics. Exodus 8:32
351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 8 Summary
352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 8 is in the Word of God. Exodus 8 Summary
353. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Summary
354. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Summary
355. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Summary
356. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Summary
357. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 8 Addendum
358. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Cambridge Bible on a Possible Natural Explanation for the Plagues. Exodus 8 Addendum
359. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Addendum
360. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Addendum
361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Addendum
362. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 8. Exodus 8 Addendum
363. Exodus 9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Livestock, Boils and Hail Plagues
364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Exodus 9 Preface
365. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 9 (by various commentators). Exodus 9 Introduction
366. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 9 (various commentators). Exodus 9 Introduction
367. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Introduction
368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Introduction
369. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Introduction
370. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Introduction
371. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 9 Introduction
372. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Introduction
373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Introduction
374. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 9 (Various Commentators). Exodus 9 Introduction
375. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Synopsis of Exodus 9 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 9 Introduction
376. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 7–10). Exodus 9 Introduction
377. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Introduction
378. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 9). Exodus 9 Introduction
379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Algerian Livestock, Dead from Plague (a photograph). Exodus 9:3
380. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 9:1–5. Exodus 9:6
381. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Fifth Plague of Egypt (The Livestock Diseased) (a painting). Exodus 9:6
382. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hathor — Egyptian Goddess of Love and Protection (a graphic). Exodus 9:6
383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Filling in the Blanks for Exodus 9:8–12. Exodus 9:8
384. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses Throws Ashes into the Air {a graphic). Exodus 9:10
385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 9:8–10. Exodus 9:10
386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 9:11–13b—A Play on Words. Exodus 9:13
387. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Nut — Egyptian Goddess of the Sky (a graphic). Exodus 9:15
388. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An expository examination of Romans 9:10b–17. Exodus 9:16
389. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 9:13–16. Exodus 9:16
390. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A review of Exodus 9:13–19. Exodus 9:19
391. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 9:20–21a. Exodus 9:21
392. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Would you believe if you saw a miracle from God? Exodus 9:21
393. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The interim between v. 22 and v. 23. Exodus 9:22
394. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Texas-sized hail (photos). Exodus 9:24
395. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses and the Great Storm over Egypt (a graphic). Exodus 9:25
396. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 9:25–27. Exodus 9:27
397. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Seth — Egyptian God of Storms and Disorder (a graphic). Exodus 9:29
398. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The plague of hail and fire (The Phillip Medhurst Picture Torah 337). Exodus 9:29
399. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Heart. Exodus 9:35
400. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pharaoh's Heart Through the Plagues (a graphic). Exodus 9:35
401. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 9:33–35a. Exodus 9:35
402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine of Scar Tissue and Blackout of the Soul. Exodus 9:35
403. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Vocabulary for Scar Tissue of the Heart. Exodus 9:35
404. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 9 Summary
405. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 9 is in the Word of God. Exodus 9 Summary
406. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Summary
407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Summary
408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Summary
409. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Plague of Diseased Livestock - Patagonia (a graphic). Exodus 9 Summary
410. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Plague of Boils (a graphic). Exodus 9 Summary
411. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Seventh Plague—A Hailstorm (a graphic). Exodus 9 Summary
412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Example of How the Plagues Overlap. Exodus 9 Summary
413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Summary
414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Summary
415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 9 Addendum
416. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Addendum
417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Addendum
418. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Addendum
419. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 9. Exodus 9 Addendum
420. Exodus 10 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) The Plagues of Locusts and Darkness
421. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Exodus 10 Preface
422. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 10 (by Various Commentators). Exodus 10 Introduction
423. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 10 (various commentators). Exodus 10 Introduction
424. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Introduction
425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Introduction
426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Introduction
427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Introduction
428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 10 Introduction
429. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Introduction
430. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Introduction
431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 10 (Various Commentators). Exodus 10 Introduction
432. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 10 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 10 Introduction
433. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 7–14). Exodus 10 Introduction
434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Introduction
435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 10). Exodus 10 Introduction
436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God and the Negative Volition of Pharaoh. Exodus 10:1
437. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A short review of Exodus 10:1–3. Exodus 10:3
438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Sends the Locusts Against Egypt (a graphic). Exodus 10:4
439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A review of Exodus 10:1–6b. Exodus 10:6
440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Locust Invasion in Sokoro State (a photograph). Exodus 10:6
441. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did God Lie to Pharaoh About the Permanence of the Exodus. Exodus 10:11
442. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 10:1–15: The Order of Events. Exodus 10:12
443. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Locust Scourge in Africa (a photograph). Exodus 10:13
444. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Current Locust invasions in Africa. Exodus 10:15
445. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Plague of Locusts (a contemporary photograph). Exodus 10:15
446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Locusts as a Swarm (a question from the Guardian). Exodus 10:15
447. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallels to Salvation. Exodus 10:17
448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 10:13–17. Exodus 10:18
449. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ra — The Sun God (a graphic). Exodus 10:21
450. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 10:21–22. Exodus 10:22
451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ra — the Egyptian Sun God (a photograph of a statue). Exodus 10:23
452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 10:21–24b. Exodus 10:24
453. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 10 Summary
454. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 10 is in the Word of God. Exodus 10 Summary
455. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Summary
456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Summary
457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Summary
458. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Summary
459. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 10 Addendum
460. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Addendum
461. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Addendum
462. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Addendum
463. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 10. Exodus 10 Addendum
464. Exodus 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Pronouncement of the Final Plague
465. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Exodus 11 Preface
466. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 11 (by various commentators). Exodus 11 Introduction
467. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 11 (various commentators). Exodus 11 Introduction
468. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Introduction
469. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Introduction
470. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Introduction
471. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Introduction
472. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 11 Introduction
473. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Introduction
474. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Introduction
475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 11 (Various Commentators). Exodus 11 Introduction
476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 11 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 11 Introduction
477. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 10–14). Exodus 11 Introduction
478. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Introduction
479. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 11). Exodus 11 Introduction
480. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William Tyndale, burned alive for translating the Bible into English (graphic). Exodus 11:1
481. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Judgment of Egypt is a Shadow of Salvation by Jesus Christ. Exodus 11:2
482. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Couple Protecting their Home (a photograph). Exodus 11:3
483. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: War is not healthy sign (a photograph). Exodus 11:3
484. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Carl Sagan quote (a graphic). Exodus 11:3
485. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 11:1–3a. Exodus 11:3
486. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Order of Events: Moses Warns Pharaoh of the Last Plague. Exodus 11:5
487. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 11:1–5. Exodus 11:6
488. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Was God's Treatment of Egypt too Harsh?. Exodus 11:6
489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Child Sacrifice to the Statue of Molech (also, Moloch) (an illustration). Exodus 11:6
490. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Other Translations Have Done with Exodus 11:7. Exodus 11:7
491. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Moses Storm Out from the Presence of Pharaoh Twice?. Exodus 11:8
492. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Events of the Plague of Darkness Presented Chronologically. Exodus 11:8
493. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Judgment of Egypt is a Shadow of Salvation by Jesus Christ. Exodus 11:10
494. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 11 Summary
495. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 11 is in the Word of God. Exodus 11 Summary
496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Summary
497. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Summary
498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Plagues God Brought Against Egypt. Exodus 11 Summary
499. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Summary
500. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Summary
501. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 11 Addendum
502. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Addendum
503. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Addendum
504. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Addendum
505. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 11. Exodus 11 Addendum
506. Analogy between salvation and the three days of darkness in Egypt (Ex. 11:2–3)
507. Contrast between Jews and Gentiles (Ex. 11:2–3; in doctrines)
508. Exodus 12 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) The Passover
509. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 12 The Passover (a graphic). Exodus 12 Introduction
510. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Passover Gospel. Exodus 12 Introduction
511. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Organization of Exodus 12:1–28 (by Hajime Murai). Exodus 12 Introduction
512. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 12 (a doodling). Exodus 12 Introduction
513. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 12 (by various commentators). Exodus 12 Introduction
514. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 12 (various commentators). Exodus 12 Introduction
515. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Introduction
516. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Introduction
517. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Introduction
518. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Introduction
519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 12 Introduction
520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Introduction
521. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Introduction
522. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 12 (Various Commentators). Exodus 12 Introduction
523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 12 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 12 Introduction
524. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 10–14). Exodus 12 Introduction
525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Introduction
526. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 12). Exodus 12 Introduction
527. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On the Tenth Day of the Month, Each One is to Take a Lamb (a graphic). Exodus 12:3
528. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Acts 8:30–35 (a brief exegesis). Exodus 12:4
529. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parallels Between Psalm 22 and the Crucifixion. Exodus 12:4
530. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 12:1–4. Exodus 12:4
531. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: For Whom Did Christ Die? (George Zeller). Exodus 12:4
532. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Definition of Terms Regarding the Atonement (George Zeller). Exodus 12:4
533. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Unlimited Atonement (Buddy Dano/Kukis). Exodus 12:4
534. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to the Doctrine of Unlimited Atonement. Exodus 12:4
535. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introduction to Exodus 12:5
536. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Painting Blood on the Doorframe (a graphic). Exodus 12:7
537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Family Passover Meal (a graphic). Exodus 12:8
538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rededication versus Once Saved, Always Saved. Exodus 12:10
539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A review of Exodus 12:3, 5–8. Exodus 12:10
540. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: This is the manner in which you will eat it (Illustration by James Tissot). Exodus 12:11
541. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 12:3–12. Exodus 12:13
542. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Lord Checked for Blood on the Doorpost (a graphic). Exodus 12:13
543. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Angel of Death (a graphic). Exodus 12:13
544. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Blood on the Passover Door (a graphic). Exodus 12:13
545. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Passover, or the Passover lamb, is a type of Christ. Exodus 12:14
546. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Blood on the Header and Side Posts of the Door Foreshadows the Cross (a graphic). Exodus 12:14
547. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Symbology of the First Passover. Exodus 12:14
548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 12:15 (a graphic). Exodus 12:15
549. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Leaven. Exodus 12:15
550. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Lord's Supper (a photograph). Exodus 12:20
551. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hyssop. Exodus 12:22
552. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Using the Hyssop (a graphic). Exodus 12:22
553. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed (a graphic). Exodus 12:22
554. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How Does the Crucifixion Save Us?. Exodus 12:22
555. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hebrew for Pass through (a graphic). Exodus 12:23
556. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses' vocabulary in Exodus 12:21–23. Exodus 12:23
557. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ceremonies and the ScripturesThe Passover lamb analogy to Jesus. Exodus 12:24
558. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Respect of Scholars for the Scriptures Christ (Ex. 12:11) . Exodus 12:24
559. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scattered information about the same topic throughout the Torah. Exodus 12:25
560. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Israelites despoiling the Egyptians (ancient artwork). Exodus 12:28
561. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: There was weeping (a graphic). Exodus 12:29
562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Firstborn Slain (Wood engraving by Gustave Dor). Exodus 12:30
563. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 10 Plagues - Jehovah Versus the Gods of Egypt. Exodus 12:30
564. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ten Plagues of Egypt (a chart). Exodus 12:30
565. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron (a graphic). Exodus 12:34
566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The people had asked for jewelry (a graphic). Exodus 12:35
567. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A mixed multitude went up with them (a graphic). Exodus 12:38
568. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The controversial question: did Israel live in Egypt for 430 years?. Exodus 12:41
569. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline Featuring Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph (a graphic). Exodus 12:41
570. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Israel remain in Egypt for 430 years? (Part II). Exodus 12:41
571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Israel remain in Egypt for 430 years? (Part III). Exodus 12:41
572. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Few Preliminary Observations on the Time Frame of Slavery. Exodus 12:41
573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Israel remain in Egypt for 430 years? (Part IV). Exodus 12:41
574. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Note the Inconsistencies. Exodus 12:41
575. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 12:33–41. Exodus 12:41
576. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Seder (from Wikipedia and YouTube). Exodus 12:42
577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: One Torah for the native-born and the stranger (Exodus 12:49 graphic). Exodus 12:49
578. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 12 Summary
579. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 12 is in the Word of God. Exodus 12 Summary
580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Summary
581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Summary
582. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summation of Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Summary
583. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abstract representation of the Passover (a graphic). Exodus 12 Summary
584. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Christ, Our Passover—Blood on the Door Frame (a graphic). Exodus 12 Summary
585. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Jews' Passover, by James Tissot (before 1902) (a graphic). Exodus 12 Summary
586. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Summary
587. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Summary
588. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 10 Plagues of Egypt (a chart). Exodus 12 Addendum
589. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Two Views of Bondage in Egypt (an Addendum). Exodus 12 Addendum
590. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Views of the Israelites in Bondage to Egypt. Exodus 12 Addendum
591. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How is each passage explained?. Exodus 12 Addendum
592. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 12 Addendum
593. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Addendum
594. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Addendum
595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Addendum
596. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 12. Exodus 12 Addendum
597. Additional stuff?
598. Animal sacrifices (Ex. 12:11; in doctrines). This might also be in Lev. 1:17?
599. The Doctrine of Leaven (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). (Ex. 12:15; in doctrines) SSN Matt. 13:33 Lev. 7:13
600. Hyssop (Ex. 12:22; in doctrines)
601. Somewhere around Ex. 12–14, we need to deal with the late date and the early date of the Exodus (see The Bible Almanac p. 51 for a good overall view).
602. Somewhere early in Exodus (perhaps immediately after the exodus), we should deal with the historicity of Moses. (See “Treasuries of Bible Times” p. 80).
603. Moses as a type of Christ inserted at the exodus.
604. Exodus 13 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) The Feasts Remember God Bringing Israel out of Egypt
605. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 13 (a graphic). Exodus 13 Introduction
606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outline of Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Introduction
607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 13 Doodled (a graphic). Exodus 13 Introduction
608. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 13 (by various commentators). Exodus 13 Introduction
609. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 13 (various commentators). Exodus 13 Introduction
610. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Introduction
611. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Introduction
612. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Introduction
613. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Introduction
614. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 13 Introduction
615. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Introduction
616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Introduction
617. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 13 (Various Commentators). Exodus 13 Introduction
618. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 13 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 13 Introduction
619. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 12–14). Exodus 13 Introduction
620. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Introduction
621. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 13). Exodus 13 Introduction
622. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 13:2 (God's Word™) (a graphic). Exodus 13:2
623. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Mini-Abbreviated Doctrine of Sanctification. Exodus 13:2
624. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 13:3a-b (NKJV) (a graphic). Exodus 13:3
625. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 13:3 (a graphic). Exodus 13:3
626. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Understanding Hebrew customs in the Church Age. Exodus 13:5
627. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The JEPD theory or documentary hypothesis. Exodus 13:5
628. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 13:3–6. Exodus 13:6
629. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Prefilled Communion Cups - Wheat Wafer & Juice Sets (a graphic). Exodus 13:7
630. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 13:7 (God's Word™) (a graphic). Exodus 13:7
631. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 13:9–10 (The Message) (a graphic). Exodus 13:10
632. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Very Abbreviated Doctrine of Redemption. Exodus 13:13
633. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 13:14 (a graphic). Exodus 13:14
634. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Frontlet Between the Eyes (a photograph). Exodus 13:16
635. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Sign on the Hand (and arm) (a photograph). Exodus 13:16
636. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ancient Canaan (a map). Exodus 13:17
637. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 13:17 (a graphic). Exodus 13:17
638. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Desert-wilderness (a photograph). Exodus 13:18
639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 23:5. Exodus 13:18
640. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus of Moses and the Israelites (a map). Exodus 13:18
641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Exodus Route. Exodus 13:18
642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joseph's Bones. Exodus 13:19
643. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 13:19 (God's Word™) (a graphic). Exodus 13:19
644. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 13:17–19. Exodus 13:20
645. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Goes Before Israel as a Cloud (a graphic). Exodus 13:21
646. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Pillar of Cloud Leading Them (an artist's rendition). Exodus 13:21
647. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Gives Israel a Pillar of Fire by Night (a graphic). Exodus 13:21
648. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Pillar of Fire and a Pillar of Cloud (a graphic). Exodus 13:21
649. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 13 Summary
650. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 13 is in the Word of God. Exodus 13 Summary
651. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Summary
652. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Summary
653. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Route of the Exodus (a map). Exodus 13 Summary
654. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Casket of Bones Representing Joseph's Bones (a photograph). Exodus 13 Summary
655. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pillar of Cloud and of Fire (two graphics). Exodus 13 Summary
656. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Summary
657. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Summary
658. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Look at Sanctification in the Old Testament. Exodus 13 Addendum
659. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Redemption. Exodus 13 Addendum
660. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 13 Addendum
661. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Addendum
662. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Addendum
663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Addendum
664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 13. Exodus 13 Addendum
665. Exodus 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) God Rescues Israel from the Final Attack of Pharaoh's Army
666. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14 — Moses Parting the Red Sea (a graphic). Exodus 14 Introduction
667. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14 Trust God (a graphic). Exodus 14 Introduction
668. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:1–14 as a Chiasmos (Dr. Peter Pett). Exodus 14 Introduction
669. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14 "Stand Still..." (a graphic). Exodus 14 Introduction
670. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 14 (by various commentators). Exodus 14 Introduction
671. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 14 (various commentators). Exodus 14 Introduction
672. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Introduction
673. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Introduction
674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Introduction
675. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Introduction
676. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 14 Introduction
677. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Introduction
678. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Introduction
679. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 14 (Various Commentators). Exodus 14 Introduction
680. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 14 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 14 Introduction
681. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 13–16). Exodus 14 Introduction
682. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Introduction
683. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 14). Exodus 14 Introduction
684. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Red Sea Crossing (a map). Exodus 14:2
685. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "The Desert-wilderness has shut them in" (a graphic). Exodus 14:2
686. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to the Doctrine of Scar Tissue of the Soul. Exodus 14:3
687. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A review of Exodus 14:1–4b, including a literary analysis. Exodus 14:4
688. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:4 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 14:4
689. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Spies show pharaoh that the people of Israel are trapped (a graphic). Exodus 14:5
690. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reviewing Exodus 14:1–6. Exodus 14:6
691. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chariot Attack on Israel (a graphic). Exodus 14:7
692. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:8 (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 14:8
693. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A short examination of Hebrews 4:1–3. Exodus 14:11
694. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:11 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 14:11
695. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:13 (NLT) (a graphic). Exodus 14:13
696. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:13 (KJV) (a graphic). Exodus 14:13
697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:14 (New Living Translation) (a graphic). Exodus 14:14
698. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:14 (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 14:14
699. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:14 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 14:14
700. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief summary of Exodus 14:10–14. Exodus 14:14
701. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:14–16 (KJV) (a graphic). Exodus 14:16
702. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Literal Translations of Exodus 14:20. Exodus 14:20
703. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses Leads the People Between the Waters (a graphic). Exodus 14:21
704. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Crossing the Red Sea (By Nicolas Poussin) (a graphic). Exodus 14:21
705. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14:21–22 (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 14:22
706. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel Crosses Dry Shod (a graphic). Exodus 14:22
707. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 14:22–25. Exodus 14:25
708. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Drowns the Egyptian Army (a graphic). Exodus 14:27
709. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Drowns the Egyptian Army (a second graphic). Exodus 14:27
710. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel Observes the Destroyed Egyptian Army (a graphic). Exodus 14:30
711. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel Observes the Destroyed Egyptian Army (a second graphic). Exodus 14:30
712. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 14 Summary
713. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 14 is in the Word of God. Exodus 14 Summary
714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Summary
715. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Summary
716. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Review of Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Summary
717. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 14 Outline (for the summary). Exodus 14 Summary
718. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel's Escape from Egypt (a graphic). Exodus 14 Summary
719. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Exodus and Salvation. Exodus 14 Summary
720. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Karl Lohman's Like Unto Me: Moses as a Type of Christ. Exodus 14 Summary
721. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Typology of Moses and Jesus (from Agape Bible Study). Exodus 14 Summary
722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Similarities between Moses and Christ (A. W. Pink—edited). Exodus 14 Summary
723. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Summary
724. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Summary
725. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Literary Genius of Moses. Exodus 14 Addendum
726. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Evidence for the Exodus (by Prof. Joshua Berman). Exodus 14 Addendum
727. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 14 Addendum
728. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Addendum
729. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Addendum
730. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Addendum
731. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 14. Exodus 14 Addendum
732. Exodus 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) The Song of Moses/Bitter Waters
733. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Song of Moses (Exodus 15:1–21) (a graphic). Exodus 15 Introduction
734. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parting of the Sea (Exodus 15:1–21) (a graphic). Exodus 15 Introduction
735. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15 (a Bible Journaling graphic). Exodus 15 Introduction
736. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15 (a Doodle graphic). Exodus 15 Introduction
737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 15 (by various commentators). Exodus 15 Introduction
738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 15 (various commentators). Exodus 15 Introduction
739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Introduction
740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Introduction
741. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Introduction
742. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Introduction
743. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 15 Introduction
744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Introduction
745. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Introduction
746. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 15 (Various Commentators). Exodus 15 Introduction
747. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 15 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 15 Introduction
748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 14–18). Exodus 15 Introduction
749. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Introduction
750. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 15). Exodus 15 Introduction
751. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses wrote the book of Exodus. Exodus 15:1
752. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outline of the Song of Moses. Exodus 15:1
753. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:2a (a graphic). Exodus 15:2
754. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Name Jesus in the Old Testament. Exodus 15:2
755. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Was Moses really the author of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy?. Exodus 15:2
756. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Catholicism Tangent. Exodus 15:2
757. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mosaic authorship part II. Exodus 15:2
758. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:2 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 15:2
759. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:1–3 (NLT) (a graphic). Exodus 15:3
760. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:6 (BSB) (a graphic). Exodus 15:6
761. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Short Doctrine of Tehillâh. Exodus 15:11
762. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:11 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 15:11
763. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:13a (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 15:13
764. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:13 (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 15:13
765. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edomite Territory (a map). Exodus 15:15
766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:18 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 15:18
767. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 3 Approaches of Various Translations to Exodus 15:19. Exodus 15:19
768. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Passage of the Jews through the Red Sea (Ivan Aivazovsky, 1891) (a graphic). Exodus 15:19
769. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses, Miriam and Israel Celebrating with Song (a graphic). Exodus 15:20
770. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Songs of Joy (a graphic). Exodus 15:20
771. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Miriam Singing to the Lord (a Bible Journaling graphic). Exodus 15:20
772. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:21 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 15:21
773. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses Leads Israel (a graphic). Exodus 15:22
774. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bitter of Waters of Marah (a graphic). Exodus 15:23
775. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:23 (KJV) (a graphic). Exodus 15:23
776. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel and Miracles. Exodus 15:24
777. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:25b (a graphic). Exodus 15:25
778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Getting technical with the Hebrew. Exodus 15:25
779. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:25 (NASB) (a graphic). Exodus 15:25
780. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of vv. 23–25. Exodus 15:25
781. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Those pesky pronoun changes. Exodus 15:26
782. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:26 (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 15:26
783. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 15:27 (KJV/NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 15:27
784. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 15 Summary
785. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 15 is in the Word of God. Exodus 15 Summary
786. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Summary
787. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Summary
788. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Summary
789. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Understanding the Scriptures 2009. Exodus 15 Summary
790. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Did Moses Record Exodus 15?. Exodus 15 Summary
791. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Outline of Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Summary
792. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus in the Old Testament. Exodus 15 Summary
793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Summary
794. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Summary
795. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 15 Addendum
796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Addendum
797. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Addendum
798. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Addendum
799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 15. Exodus 15 Addendum
800. A very short dissertation on the ancient Hebrew mind vs. the Gentile mind of today with respect to chronology can be found in Ex. 15:23
801. Doctrine of the Right Hand of God—not finished yet!! (Ex. 15:6)
802. Exodus 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) God Sends the People Manna/Manna and the Sabbath
803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 16 (a graphic). Exodus 16 Introduction
804. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 16 (by various commentators). Exodus 16 Introduction
805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 16 (various commentators). Exodus 16 Introduction
806. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Introduction
807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Introduction
808. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Introduction
809. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Introduction
810. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 16 Introduction
811. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Introduction
812. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Introduction
813. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 16 (Various Commentators). Exodus 16 Introduction
814. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 16 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 16 Introduction
815. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 15–18). Exodus 16 Introduction
816. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Introduction
817. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 16). Exodus 16 Introduction
818. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 16:1 (a graphic). Exodus 16:1
819. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wilderness of Sin (a graphic). Exodus 16:1
820. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 16:1–2 briefly. Exodus 16:2
821. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Murmuring Against God (a graphic). Exodus 16:2
822. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The People Murmur Against Moses (a graphic). Exodus 16:3
823. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 16:3–4 briefly. Exodus 16:4
824. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 16:3–4 (a graphic). Exodus 16:4
825. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 16:1–5 (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 16:5
826. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Glory (by R. B. Thieme, Jr.). Exodus 16:7
827. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 16:6–7 briefly. Exodus 16:7
828. The Doctrine of the Glory of God—still to do (Ex. 16:7 40:34 info). Ex. 16:7
829. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quail in Israel (a photo). Exodus 16:12
830. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Giving of Quail (a graphic). Exodus 16:13
831. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 16:11–14. Exodus 16:14
832. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Strange Picture of Israel in the Desert (a graphic). Exodus 16:16
833. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 16:14–17 briefly. Exodus 16:17
834. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Corinthinas 8:9–15 — Basic Exegesis. Exodus 16:18
835. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Manna—a summary so far. Exodus 16:21
836. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Applying Manna Instructions. Exodus 16:22
837. The Doctrine of Manna (Ex. 16:28) See the footnote from Num. 11:7, 10 in NIV Study Bible We don't know what it is because it was completely supernatural. It came from the sky, it spoiled the next day unless it was a Friday when it was collected. Also throw in McGee “Joshua Judges” p. 15. Also alluded to in Psalm 105:40.
838. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The subtle change of voice. Exodus 16:29
839. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 16:22–28 briefly. Exodus 16:29
840. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Manna. Exodus 16:31
841. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Artifacts from Israel's Past. Exodus 16:32
842. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Food Containers. Exodus 16:33
843. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Evidence that Exodus was mostly written as its events unfolded. Exodus 16:33
844. Various Hebrew words for pots, pans, containers in Ex. 16:34
845. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Could the Book of Exodus Have Been Written Later?. Exodus 16:33
846. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Was Exodus 16:35 Written?. Exodus 16:33
847. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Where or what is the testimony?. Exodus 16:34
848. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 16 Summary
849. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 16 is in the Word of God. Exodus 16 Summary
850. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Summary
851. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Summary
852. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Summary
853. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Summary
854. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Summary
855. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of the Sabbath (by R. B. Thieme, Jr.—from notebook 1). Exodus 16 Addendum
856. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 16 Addendum
857. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Addendum
858. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Addendum
859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Addendum
860. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 16. Exodus 16 Addendum
861. Exodus 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) No-Water Test/Defeat of Amalekites
862. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 17 (by various commentators). Exodus 17 Introduction
863. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 17 (various commentators). Exodus 17 Introduction
864. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Introduction
865. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Introduction
866. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Introduction
867. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Introduction
868. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 17 Introduction
869. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Introduction
870. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Introduction
871. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 17 (Various Commentators). Exodus 17 Introduction
872. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 17 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 17 Introduction
873. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 15b–19). Exodus 17 Introduction
874. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 17). Exodus 17 Introduction
875. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel's Route in the Desert-wilderness (a map). Exodus 17:1
876. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The People Contend with Moses (a graphic). Exodus 17:2
877. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Israelites were constant complainers (a cartoon). Exodus 17:3
878. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 17:4 (KJV) (a graphic). Exodus 17:4
879. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A brief review of Exodus 17:1–5c. Exodus 17:5
880. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Waters of Massah & Meribah (a graphic). Exodus 17:6
881. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Gives Israel Water from the Rock (a graphic). Exodus 17:6
882. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Rock at Horeb is Jesus Christ. Exodus 17:6
883. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Corinthians 10:4 (WEB) (a graphic). Exodus 17:6
884. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Directions Foreshadow Jesus and the Crucifixion. Exodus 17:6
885. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Is YHWH among us or not?" (a graphic). Exodus 17:6
886. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well. Exodus 17:6
887. Parallels between Moses striking the rock and God providing us salvation (Ex. 17:6)
888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Age of Israel, the Church Age and the Millennium. Exodus 17:7
889. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 17:7 (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 17:7
890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Battle Belongs to the Lord (Exodus 17:8–16) (a graphic). Exodus 17:8
891. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Egypt, Midian and Canaan (a map). Exodus 17:8
892. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Aaron and Hur Support the Arms of Moses (Exodus 17:12) (a graphic). Exodus 17:12
893. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 17:14 (a graphic). Exodus 17:14
894. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Altar. Exodus 17:15
895. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jehovah Nissi (a graphic). Exodus 17:15
896. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 17 Summary
897. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 17 is in the Word of God. Exodus 17 Summary
898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Summary
899. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Summary
900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Review of Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Summary
901. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Vocabulary from the Tree of Life Version. Exodus 17 Summary
902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses Striking Water from the Rock by Niccolò Possino (1649). Exodus 17 Summary
903. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Aaron and Hur Holding Up Moses' Hands (a graphic). Exodus 17 Summary
904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Summary
905. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Summary
906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 17 Addendum
907. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Addendum
908. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Addendum
909. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Addendum
910. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 17. Exodus 17 Addendum
911. Exodus 18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Moses' Father-in-law Recommends He Appoint Assistant Judges
912. We need the Doctrine of Jethro (Moses’ father-in-law)—not finished yet!! Maybe I should include this later? Ex. 18:1
913. Exodus 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Moses Prepares the People at Mount Sinai
914. A bit on priest is in Ex. 19:6
915. Ten points on blessing (which needs to be Scripturalized) at Ex. 19:5
916. Washing and cleansing is dealt with briefly in Ex. 19:10
917. Exodus 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) God Gives the Commandments Directly to the People
918. Purpose of the law (referenced in introduction of Ex. 20)
919. The Doctrine of Human Freedom (referenced to in Ex. 20:2)
920. The basic doctrine of the law (Ex. 20:2–3)
921. The Basic doctrine of the ten commandments (Ex. 20:2–3)
922. The Doctrine of Idolatry (referenced in Ex. 20:4) see list of passages in NIV Study Bible p. 272 note on 27:15
923. Doctrine of the Four-Generation Curse (referenced in Ex. 20:5)
924. Cheçid (ד ∵ס ∵ח )—grace in OT (Ex. 20:6); translation of word
925. The doctrine of the Sabbath—not finished yet! (referenced in + material concerning in Ex. 20:10) See also Ex. 31:13
926. the Doctrine of the Sabbaths—not finished yet!! (referenced in Ex. 20:10) (see 23:10–11)
927. and the doctrine of Sunday worship—not finished yet!! (referenced in Ex. 20:10)
928. Kill/Murder, the Hebrew words for (Ex. 20:13)
929. The Doctrine of Killing and Murder needs to be here; but it apparently is not? (Ex. 20:13)
930. The Doctrine of Sexual Sins (Ex. 20:14)
931. The Doctrine of Adultery (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Ex. 20:14
932. Property ownership, wealth, giving (Ex. 20:15)
933. The Doctrine of the Suzerainty-vassal Treaties—not finished yet!! Ex. 20:17 See Dawn of the Kingdom p. 71
934. Talmud, Mishna and Midrash covered briefly (Ex. 20:21).
935. Exodus 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Laws About Servants, Violence and Animal Control
936. Several points on slavery and working today (Ex. 21:2)
937. What if the Master Gives a Slave a Wife? Ex. 21:4
938. The Doctrine of marriage and bigamy (Ex. 21:10)
939. What does the Bible say about capital punishment? Ex. 21:12
940. Capital Crimes in the Old Testament Ex. 21:12
941. The Bible and Capital Punishment Ex. 21:12
942. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT What Does the Bible Teach on this Vital Subject? Ex. 21:12
943. Several points on abortion (Ex. 21:22—intro)
944. The Doctrine of Abortion (Ex. 21:22)
945. The Abbreviated Doctrine of Slavery The Doctrine of Slavery alluded to. Ex. 21:27 (see exegesis Ex. 21:2) See my work in Ex. 21 and 1Sam. 9:22). Some stuff in hard sayings (Lev. 25 or Ex. 21). Notes See Manners and Customs of Bible Times p. 266 and p. 59–60
946. Exodus 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Property Laws/Moral and Ceremonial Principles
947. The Doctrine of Hammurabi (see What the Bible Really Says p. 119) See “Treasures of Biblical Times” p. 81. Intro to Ex. 22
948. The Doctrine of Demonism (Ex. 22:17)
949. The law of the firstfruits is found in Ex. 22:29 Ex. 23:19 Ex. 34:20 Num. 18:12 Deut. 18:4 Deut. 26:1–3. The firstfruits were presented by every Israelite to the priests, in token of gratitude and humble thankfulness to Jehovah, and consisted of the produce of the land in its natural state, or prepared for human food (Maclear, "Old Test. Hist.," bk. 4, c. 3, a). The "firstfruits" also carried with it the idea of the best. The custom of offering the firstfruits of the field and other revenues as a religious obligation was observed by ancient pagan nations (see Diod. Sic., 1:14; Plut., "De Iside," p. 377; Pliny, "Hist. Nat.," 18:2) (Zockler). Some of the ancient commentators find in this verse an argument for the support of the ministry. It is well known that the priests "lived of the sacrifice," and were "partakers of the altar," and as their support by these means tended to the maintenance of Divine worship, so those who supported them were in the highest degree "honoring God." The injunctions also show that the honouring of God does not consist simply of lip service, of humility and confidence in him, but also of external worship, and in corporeal things. They are not peculiar to Israel, but are binding on all. They oppose all selfish use of God"s temporal gifts, and lead to the thought that, in obeying them, we are only giving back to God what are his own. "The silver and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts". (Hag. 2:23)
950. Qâlal (Strong's #7043; BDB #886) Ex. 22:28
951. ’ârar—not finished yet!! Ex. 22:28
952. The Doctrine of Interest—not finished yet!! Ex. 22:24 (see NIV)
953. Exodus 23 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Laws of Justice, the Sabbath, and the Feasts/The Angel of God
954. Râshâ‛ (wicked) Ex. 23:1 (malevolent is a better translation than wicked)
955. Châmâç (ס ָמ ָח) [pronounced khaw-MAWCE], a word usually translated violence (Gen. 6:11, 13 49:5 2Sam. 22:3, 49); however, there are a number of instances where violence would be totally inappropriate (Gen. 16:5 Deut. 19:16). Ex. 23:1
956. Why there is a Sabbath day. Ex. 23:10
957. Sabbath year covered briefly in Ex. 23:10–11
958. Ex. 22:23 reads “But if you carefully obey His voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.” There should be a quote from Isaiah “I will put My words in His mouth” and a quote from John (“The words I speak are from My father.”).
959. Shâkal (ל ַכ ָש) [pronounced shaw-KAL] means bereavement not miscarriage (Ex. 23:26)
960. Exodus 24 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
961. Seventy elders (Ex. 24:1)
962. Worship (Ex. 24:1) and the use of the word shâchâh (worship)
963. The tabernacle. I need to have a full-blown doctrine of the tabernacle before the end of this book. (maybe at Ex. 27:22?) Ex. 25:8–9 Keil and Delitzsch vol.2, p. 135 record that the ask of the covenant fell into the hands of the Philistines during the lifetime of Eli, which robbed the tabernacle of its holy soul. It (the tabernacle?) moved from Shiloh to Nob (1Sam. 21:2); however Saul was put under great discipline for some slaughter (the Gibeonites?) (1Sam. 22:19) and then to Gibeon (1Kings 3:4).
964. Exodus 25 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
965. I REALLY need to examine Strong's #6471 (BDB 821) and concordance p. 1038) for Ex. 25:12 (also look at its use in Ex. 25:26–27 which implies that it is not feet
966. Exodus 26 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
967. Exodus 27 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
968. Exodus 28 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
969. The priesthood (Ex. 28:1)
970. Urim and Thummim covered briefly in Ex. 28:30 Add to this information from p. 85 of Manners and Customs of the Bible (Freeman).
971. Exodus 29 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
972. The garments of the high priest summarized in Ex. 29:5
973. The Doctrine of the Priest’s Clothing—not finished yet!! See Scofield note. Including the ephod. Alluded to in Judges 8:27 (Where all the Scripture is). Ex. 29:5
974. Doctrine of Atonement (see Scofield note here Ex. 29:33)
975. Exodus 30 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
976. Information on the burning of incense and the Doctrine of Incense—not finished yet!! (Ex. 30:1)
977. The Placement of the Tabernacle Furniture. Ex. 30:18
978. Doctrine of the Priesthood and the High Priest (Ex. 30:21) Be certain to look up p. 238, footnote in Zodhiates OT. Mentioned in 1Chron. 6:intro. Ex. 30:21
979. Exodus 31 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
980. The Sabbath is mentioned and dealt with briefly (Ex. 31:13)
981. Somewhere around here is the pronunciation of God’s name Yehowah. The fact that the Israelites forgot how to pronounce it is symbolic of their rebellion against Him (see Psalm 44:20)
982. Exodus 32 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
983. The Doctrine of the Book of Life—not finished yet!! Found, but not alluded to in Ex. 32:32–33. There might be several books here. Perhaps a book of Israel with the names of all the nation Israel, with those who did not trust Yehowah blotted out at their death. There may be a NT book of life whose pages are filled with believers who will not have their names blotted out (Rev. 3:5). Footnote on Luke 10:20 in NASB.
984. Reference to the Doctrine of the Rock in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). (Ex. 33:22)
985. Exodus 33 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
986. Doctrine of Good and the various Hebrew words for it (Ex. 33:19) BDB pp. 373-5
987. The perfect vs. the imperfect tense in Hebrew (Ex. 33:19b)
988. Exodus 34 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
989. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A New Start (a graphic). Exodus 34 Introduction
990. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Renewal of the Covenant of God (a photograph). Exodus 34 Introduction
991. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Technically, Moses was the 1st person with a tablet (a graphic). Exodus 34 Introduction
992. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 34 Doodled (a graphic). Exodus 34 Introduction
993. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: If Exodus 34:5–9 fulfills God's promise to Moses, why is the record not more complete? Exodus 34 Introduction
994. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 34 (by various commentators). Exodus 34 Introduction
995. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 34 (various commentators). Exodus 34 Introduction
996. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Introduction
997. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Introduction
998. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Introduction
999. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Introduction
1000. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 34 Introduction
1001. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Introduction
1002. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Introduction
1003. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 34 (Various Commentators). Exodus 34 Introduction
1004. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 34 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 34 Introduction
1005. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 24–40). Exodus 34 Introduction
1006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Introduction
1007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 34). Exodus 34 Introduction
1008. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Bibles (a photograph). Exodus 34 Introduction
1009. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiseling Stone (a photograph). Exodus 34:1
1010. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Limestone Sculpture of Moses with the Tablets of Law (a photo of a sculpture). Exodus 34:1
1011. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 34:1 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 34:1
1012. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses with the Tables of the Law (based upon Charlton Heston as Moses). Exodus 34:4
1013. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses and the Tablets of the Law (by Laurent De La Hyre). Exodus 34:4
1014. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Different Translations/Interpretations of Exodus 34:5. Exodus 34:5
1015. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Essence Box (or, the Attributes of God) (a graphic). Exodus 34:6
1016. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scofield Notes on the Names for God. Exodus 34:6
1017. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proper Names for God From the Bible (by Kurtis Karr). Exodus 34:6
1018. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 34:6 (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 34:6
1019. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 34:6 (Bible Journaling) (a graphic). Exodus 34:6
1020. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is the difference between iniquity, sin, and transgression? (Got Questions). Exodus 34:7
1021. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Translations of Exodus 34:6–7b. Exodus 34:7
1022. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Four Generation Curse" Links. Exodus 34:7
1023. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 34:6–7 (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 34:7
1024. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Divine Character (Exodus 34:6–7) (a graphic). Exodus 34:7
1025. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Importance of Moses' 3 Requests. Exodus 34:9
1026. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 34:8–9 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 34:9
1027. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 34:10 (NLT) (a graphic). Exodus 34:10
1028. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 34:10 (NIV) (a graphic). Exodus 34:10
1029. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses, His State of Mind, and His Revelation of God. Exodus 34:13
1030. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is God disorganized? Exodus 34:18
1031. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Blind Men and the Elephant (a graphic). Exodus 34:18
1032. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 34:21 (WEB) (a graphic). Exodus 34:21
1033. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is the Feast of Tabernacles / Booths / Sukkoth? (From Got Questions). Exodus 34:22
1034. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "You will not boil a kid in its mother's milk" (from several expositors). Exodus 34:26
1035. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Short Excursus on Solemn Nature of Covenant (from Precept Austin). Exodus 34:27
1036. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 34:27–28 (from Sinai to the Cross) (a graphic). Exodus 34:28
1037. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses (a photo of a statue' by Michelangelo). Exodus 34:29
1038. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses was unaware that his face was radiant (Exodus 34:29) (a graphic). Exodus 34:29
1039. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses returns from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Law (a graphic);. Exodus 34:29
1040. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses' shining face as he returns from the mountain (a graphic). Exodus 34:29
1041. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Shining Face of Moses (an artistic interpretation). Exodus 34:30
1042. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Where can I find a doctrinally sound local church?. Exodus 34:35
1043. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paul interprets Moses and the Veil in 2Corinthians 3:7–18. Exodus 34:35
1044. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why did Moses have to wear a veil? (From Got Questions) Exodus 34:35
1045. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 34 Summary
1046. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 34 is in the Word of God. Exodus 34 Summary
1047. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Summary
1048. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Summary
1049. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An abbreviated exegesis of Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Summary
1050. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Summary
1051. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Summary
1052. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses Speaks of this Visit to the People in Deuteronomy 10:1–10. Exodus 34 Addendum
1053. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing God's Promise in Exodus 33 to a Possible Fulfillment in Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Addendum
1054. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What does it mean to call upon the name of the Lord? (From Got Questions). Exodus 34 Addendum
1055. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter's Testimony About God's Word Being Greater Than Any Experience. Exodus 34 Addendum
1056. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Principles from Joe Griffin's Booklet, Four Generation Curse. Exodus 34 Addendum
1057. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why is idol worship such a powerful temptation? (From Got Questions). Exodus 34 Addendum
1058. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who was Asherah / Ashtoreth? (From Got Questions). Exodus 34 Addendum
1059. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Calendar of Convocations in the Law of Moses (William D. Barrick, Th.D.). Exodus 34 Addendum
1060. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Footnotes for the American English Bible. Exodus 34 Addendum
1061. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Purpose of the Old Covenant (from Precept Austin). Exodus 34 Addendum
1062. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 34 Addendum
1063. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Addendum
1064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Addendum
1065. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Addendum
1066. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 34. Exodus 34 Addendum
1067. Iniquity vs. transgression vs. sin; a word study (not finished yet!!) Ex. 34:7
1068. ‛Âvôn (ן ָע ) [pronounced aw-VONE] and it means guilt, punishment for iniquity.
1069. Pâqad (ד ַק ָ ) [pronounced paw-KAD] means to visit, to muster, to attend to.
1070. We have covered the third and fourth generation curse
1071. The Doctrine of Racial Intermarriage (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). (Also mentioned in Judges 3:6). Ex. 34:16.
1072. Robbie Dean: Another element to this is that in the Old Testament in the Mosaic law the firstborn son was dedicated to God. In paganism the firstborn son in some of the pagan religions would be offered to their god as a sacrifice. In the Mosaic law the firstborn son was dedicated to God but was redeemed with an animal offering. E.g. Exodus 34:20.
1073. Keren (ן ∵ר ∵ק ) [pronounced KEH-ren] radiance or light beams (Hab 3:4). Kâran (ן ַר ָק ) [pronounced kaw-RAN]. Ex. 34:29
1074. Doctrine of the Designations of God in the Old Testament—not finished yet!! (Ex. 34:6; and see Scofield's notes here also). Yahweh, Elohim, El, etc.
1075. Exodus 35 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1076. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 35 (a graphic). Exodus 35 Introduction
1077. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tabernacle (Exodus 35–40) (a graphic). Exodus 35 Introduction
1078. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doodle Through the Bible — Exodus 35 (a graphic). Exodus 35 Introduction
1079. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bible Journaling Exodus 35 (by Tracie Rollins). Exodus 35 Introduction
1080. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Exodus 35 (by various commentators). Exodus 35 Introduction
1081. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Exodus 35 (various commentators). Exodus 35 Introduction
1082. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Introduction
1083. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Introduction
1084. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Introduction
1085. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Introduction
1086. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Exodus 35 Introduction
1087. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timeline for Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Introduction
1088. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Introduction
1089. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Exodus 35 (Various Commentators). Exodus 35 Introduction
1090. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mobilizing for Ministry—an Outline of Exodus 35 (a graphic). Exodus 35 Introduction
1091. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Exodus 35 from the Summarized Bible. Exodus 35 Introduction
1092. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Exodus 24–40). Exodus 35 Introduction
1093. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Chiasmos of Exodus 24-40 (from Richie Morgan). Exodus 35 Introduction
1094. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Introduction
1095. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Exodus 35). Exodus 35 Introduction
1096. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 35:2 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 35:2
1097. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Should we execute people who do not obey the Sabbath?. Exodus 35:2
1098. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Kill Sabbath Day Workers (Exodus 35:2) (a graphic). Exodus 35:2
1099. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 35:3 Shabbat Shalom (a graphic). Exodus 35:3
1100. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sabbath Day (a graphic). Exodus 35:3
1101. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links Concerning Chiasmos. Exodus 35:3
1102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Purple, mauve, violet, boysenberry, lavender, plum. magenta (a graphic). Exodus 35:6
1103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Materials Needed for the Tabernacle and God's Plan. Exodus 35:9
1104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 35:10 (NKJV) (a graphic). Exodus 35:10
1105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Model of the Tabernacle Complex (a photograph of a replica). Exodus 35:11
1106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tabernacle and Its Coverings (a photo of a model). Exodus 35:11
1107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Coverings of the Tabernacle (by Dr. James Modish). Exodus 35:11
1108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Boards and Bars of the Tabernacle (an illustration). Exodus 35:11
1109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Panel board being locked together (an illustration). Exodus 35:11
1110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pillars and Their Bases for the Courtyard Wall (an illustration). Exodus 35:11
1111. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ark and Its Poles (an illustration). Exodus 35:12
1112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Mercy Seat on Top of the Ark (a photograph of a model). Exodus 35:12
1113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tabernacle featuring the Veil and the Ark (an illustration). Exodus 35:12
1114. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Table of Showbread and Its Poles (photo of a model). Exodus 35:13
1115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Lampstand in the Tabernacle (an artistic rendering). Exodus 35:14
1116. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Alar of Incense and Its Poles (picture of a model). Exodus 35:15
1117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Model of a Tabernacle (photograph). Exodus 35:15
1118. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Brazen Altar with Its Copper Grating (a picture). Exodus 35:16
1119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Brazen Altar, Its Poles and Utensils (a picture). Exodus 35:16
1120. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Laver and Its Base (an artist's rendition). Exodus 35:16
1121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Courtyard of the Tabernacle (a picture of an a mock up). Exodus 35:16
1122. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Outer Court of the Tabernacle of Moses (a picture). Exodus 35:17
1123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Seeing the Tabernacle from above (a graphic). Exodus 35:18
1124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Priestly Garments (an Illustration). Exodus 35:19
1125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tabernacle (the finished product) (a graphic). Exodus 35:19
1126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Men bringing various skins to Moses (a graphic). Exodus 35:23
1127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The wise woman spinning (a photo). Exodus 35:25
1128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Women weaving and spinning (a graphic). Exodus 35:26
1129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The NET Bible Exodus 36 page (a graphic). Exodus 35:27
1130. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The jewelry brought by the people of Israel (a graphic). Exodus 35:27
1131. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Perfumes, spcies and oil brought in by Israel (a graphic). Exodus 35:28
1132. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 35:29 (ESV) (a graphic). Exodus 35:29
1133. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Men and women bring raw materials to Moses (a graphic). Exodus 35:29
1134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Men and women bringing valuables to Moses (a graphic). Exodus 35:29
1135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Christian Movement is a Team Effort. Exodus 35:29
1136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: All whose hearts were stirred brought their offerings (a graphic). Exodus 35:29
1137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 35:31 (a graphic). Exodus 35:31
1138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bezalel and Oholiab working on the Ark and its cover (a graphic). Exodus 35:34
1139. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exodus 35:35 (NKJV—edited) (a graphic). Exodus 35:35
1140. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Exodus 35 Summary
1141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Exodus 35 is in the Word of God. Exodus 35 Summary
1142. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Summary
1143. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Summary
1144. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Footnotes for the American English Bible. Exodus 35 Summary
1145. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Exodus 35–40. Exodus 35 Summary
1146. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Summary
1147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tabernacle complex (a graphic). Exodus 35 Addendum
1148. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Exodus 35 Addendum
1149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Addendum
1150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Addendum
1151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Addendum
1152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Exodus 35. Exodus 35 Addendum
1153. Exodus 36 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1154. See the Doctrine of Hebrew Words for Offering—not finished yet (Compare BDB 929, 682, 481, 632–all of which are found in Num. 18:11). Ex. 35:5 I may want to save this for later. 621 and 929 both found in Ex. 36:3
1155. Improvements for Owen's Analytical Key to the Old Testament are suggested (Ex. 36:end, 35 or so?)
1156. Exodus 37 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1157. Exodus 38 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1158. Exodus 39 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1159. Pomegranate Ex. 39:24 (not much is there)
1160. Exodus 40 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1161. Complete physical description of the tabernacle (Ex. 40:2).
1162. Complete physical description of the ark of the covenant (Ex. 40:3)
1163. Complete physical description of the table of show-bread (Ex. 40:4)
1164. Complete physical description of the golden lampstand (Ex. 40:4) I may need to add Num. 8:3
1165. Complete physical description of the altar of incense (Ex. 40:5)
1166. Complete physical description of the brazen altar (Ex. 40:6)
1167. Complete physical description of the brazen laver (Ex. 40:7)
1168. The placement of the furniture (Ex. 40:7)
1169. The description of the outer court (Ex. 40:8)
1. The book of Leviticus (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2. A little room is given to fire in Lev. 1:8 but not a full-blown doctrine.
3. Turtle doves Lev. 1:14
4. Burnt offering—not finished yet!! This is also covered in Judges 13:20. (Lev. 1:3; most of it is already done there)
5. The Doctrine of the Types of Animal Sacrifices in the Law. Lev. 1:17
6. The Doctrine of Olive Oil—not finished yet!! Lev. 2:4 Gower's Manners and Customs p. 116
7. The Doctrine of the First-fruits—not finished yet!! Lev. 2:12
8. Chart of the Grain Offering (a summary of Lev. 2). Lev. 2:16
9. At some point, I should summarize all of the offerings as we find in the NIV on p. 149.
10. See the Doctrine of Salt—not finished yet. Num. 18:19 2Chron. 13:5 Ezek. 43:24 Col. 4:6 Lev. 2:13 See Freeman's Manners and Customs p. 86
11. The Doctrine of horns (or protrusions)—not finished yet!! Lev. 4:18 Strong's #7161 BDB #901
12. The Doctrine of Fat—not finished yet!! BDB #316 Strong's #2459 Lev. 5??
Doctrine of the various kinds of offerings—not finished and I am not certain where to place this.
Maybe a chart? Sweet savor or no; eaten by priest or not, burnt inside or outside camp. Lev. 1 or
2 has a list of the various words used for offering. Gower's Manners and Customs p. 361 might
help. Freeman's p. 87–90. p. 149 in NIV Bible Maybe somewhere around Lev. 5:14 and prior to 6:7
Scofield's Bible p. 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 134. This is also covered in Judges 13:20. Mostly finished.
Lev. 7:38 is a good spot
14. At some point in time I will need to have the doctrine of Peace (see Lev. 1:1 for some material) There are some additional passages in Psalm 34:14 in the NIV footnotes.
15. At some point in time I will need to have the doctrine of oil (see Lev. 8:10 and Gower p. 116 for some material)
16. Fill the hand; no later than Lev. 9:17 (which might mean fill the palm)
17. Words for laws, statutes, ordinances, commandments, judgments Lev. 10:13 (or earlier) See p. 883 in "L" for ZPEB and my notes in Lev. 26 in Scofield Bible. See the New Bible Dictionary, p. 309.
18. Bird Chart Lev. 11:13
19. Leprosy introduction for Lev. 13
20. Similarities between sin and skin disorders Lev. 13:3
21. The holiness of God as related to the ceremonial cleanness and uncleanness in Lev. 15:32 (or so)
22. Atonement, a brief covering of the Hebrew words and its meaning Lev. 16 intro and 16:6
23. The Chart of the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:34) It is finished! See also Lev. 16 intro
24. Lev. 18:4 the purpose of the three ages of man—the Age of Israel, the Church Age and the Age of the Gentiles and what these ages teach to the observers. Excellent!!
25. The Doctrine of Zîmmâh. (Lev. 18:17) It is finished!
26. The Doctrine of Molech (not done yet) See Freeman p. 92 Lev. 18:21 and various Biblical encyclopedias
27. Incest. Lev. 18:6–18
28. Doctrine of Homosexuality—not finished yet!! Lev. 18:22 See When Critics Ask, pp. 131–132.
29. Two generations of youth raised permissively and predicted violence Lev. 19:9 (also see v. 11)
30. The Doctrine of the Sins of the Tongue (short doctrine found in Psalm 10:7). Lev. 19:16
31. The Doctrine of Mental Attitude Sins—not finished yet! Lev. 19:17
32. Lev. 19:13 check: p. 53
33. Grudges and vengeance covered in Lev. 19:18
34. The Doctrine of the Feast Days (which is a chart). Lev. 23:44 It should look forward and backward both (although this will be done in Deut. 16:13). Use #129–131 in Manners and Customs of the Bible (pp. 69-72)
35. The Sabbatical Year Lev. 25:5
36. The Year of Jubilee Lev. 25:10
37. JEPD (documentary/form hypothesis) mentioned in Lev. 26 intro. I can't find where else this might be; supplement with Evidence that Demands a Verdict II and p. 914 ZPEB vol. 3 I should place this in the introduction to Exodus.
38. Foreknowledge, free will and predestination Lev. 26:9
39. Conditional and unconditional covenants (this is a brief table) Lev. 26:9
40. The Doctrine of Vows mentioned. (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) See also Num. 30:15. Lev. 27:2
41. Corban Lev. 27:28 (as well as Lev. 1:2?).
42. The Doctrine of Tithing—not finished yet!! Lev. 27:30 (see NIV note at this point).
1. The book of Numbers (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2. The geography of the Promised land Num. intro
3. The Doctrine of the Firstborn. Num. 3:13
4. Documentary-hypothesis (the JEPD theory) and arguments for Mosaic authorship of Numbers in Num. intro.
5. Climatic considerations are mentioned in Numbers introduction. See ZPEB, Vol. 3, p. 463.
6. The Nazarite (or, Nazirite) [see Doctrine of the Nazirite in Judges 13:5]. Num. 6:1–2, 6
7. The Doctrine of the Ram—not finished yet!! Num. 7:21
8. The Doctrine of the Bull—not finished yet! Num. 7:33
9. The Doctrine of the lamb—not finished yet!! Num. 7:39
10. The doctrine of goats—not finished yet!! Num. 7:40
11. The laying on of hands, briefly covered in Num. 8:10
12. Priest vs. Levite ceremonial chart Num. 8:22
13. Doctrine of Trumpets—not finished yet!! Num. 10:10
14. Uses of trumpets (short) Num. 10:10
15. I need to cover Hobab (who is either the father-in-law or brother-in-law of Moses) in greater detail. Num. 10:29
16. The Doctrine of Moses' In-Law's—not finished yet!! Num. 10:29 (and his three different names) See Vol. 3 pg. 782 of ZPEB under Kenites for additional information about the father-in-law of Moses.
17. The early life of Moses reviewed Num. 11:15
18. Prophesy and priesthood covered (mostly prophesy; the priesthood was included by way of contrast) Num. 11:25
19. Tongues are mentioned and covered briefly in Num. 11:25a
20. The Doctrine of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. (see NASB references Num. 11:26; check Keil and Delitzsch, vol. II, pp 213–214; also see Edersheim, p. 346 for additional material). Other references: Judges 3:10 6:34 11:29 13:25 14:6, 19 15:14 1Sam. 10:6, 10. This doctrine is mentioned again in Judges 3:10 6:34 1Sam. 10:7; look there for additional material). For v. 7 on p. 385 of the NIV Study Bible, there are several references which would be apropos. We will wait until Judges 16:20 to discuss the Deity of the Holy Spirit. Mentioned in 1Sam. 10:6 11:6. Num. 11:25b
21. The race of Moses' second wife Num. 12:2
22. The Doctrine of Moses as a Type of Christ—not finished yet!! Num. 12:7 See Zodhiates notes p. 394.
23. The Doctrine of Miriam—not finished yet!! Num. 12:10
24. The Doctrine of the Pronunciation of God's Name See the New English Bible p. xii of the introduction. Num. 13:16
25. The Doctrine of the Desert of Zin—not finished yet!! Num. 13:21 (see NASB footnote references)
26. The Doctrine of Hamath—not finished yet!! Num. 13:21
27. The Doctrine of Zoan—not finished yet!! Num. 13:22 (see NASB footnote references)
28. The Doctrine of Kedesh-Barnea—not finished yet. Num. 13:26 (see Zodhiates note here) Here or in Num. 20, a Doctrine of Kedesh should be done (ZPEB vol. 3, p. 779).
29. The Doctrine of the Anakim Part One. Num. 13:28 (see also Deut. 9 and Joshua 11).
30. The Doctrine of Caleb—not finished yet somewhere in Num. 14 (see Zodhiates p. 397 note). We also need to explore his racial background
31. The Doctrine of the Third and Fourth Generation Curse—not finished yet!! Num. 14:18 See The Emphasized Bible note on the bottom pf pg. 173
32. The ten times of Israel tested Yehowah (Num. 14:22).
33. A little on the OT ministry of the Holy Spirit (Num. 14:24).
34. An example of the generation curse; or one generation paying for the sins of another. Num. 14:35
35. Zephath and Hormah. Adding to God’s Word. Num. 14:45
36. Acting or doing with a raised hand Num. 15:30
37. The Doctrine of the Sabbath—not finished alluded to in Num. 15:35 and seven day week covered
38. The Doctrine of Capital Punishment—not finished yet (Num. 15:35) This should include the offenses in the OT when a person was executed (see NASB notes v. 35 p. 152).
39. The priesthood analogy (Num. 16:11).
40. Figures of speech: the end depreciates the means and the second offense is greater than the first (Num. 16:13)
41. The Doctrine of Sheol alluded to (Num. 16:33) See note in Scofield Bible for Hab. 2:5 Done in Job 7:9 and 1Sam. 28.
42. The Doctrine of the sons of Korah—not finished yet!! Num. 16:33 (see footnote in Bible History Old Testament p. 254).
43. Analogy between Levites and church age believers. Num. 18:6
44. The Doctrine of the Hebrew Words for Offering—not finished yet! Num. 18:11
45. The Doctrine of Uncleanness—not finished yet!! Num. 18:13
46. The very short Doctrine of the Covenant of Salt right here (not finished). Num. 18:19 (see Lev. Lev. 2:13 2Chron. 13:5). See notes in NIV at this verse.
47. Chart with words to say on them in Num. 18:25
48. The foreshadowing of the church age in the thirty-eight silent years at Kadesh and chart in Num. 20 introduction
49. Miracles (the lack of), Moses, God’s Word, holy rollers (good). Num. 20:intro
50. The desert of Zin is covered briefly in Num. 20:1
51. Mount Hor Num. 20:22 (its location and the related Hebrew syntax)
52. I should cover the life of Eleazar right here!! Num. 20:28
53. Authorship of Deuteronomy examined in introduction to Num. 21.
54. The Doctrine of Snakes in Scripture—not Finished Yet!! Num. 21:6
55. The Doctrine of Chemosh—not finished yet!! Num. 21:29 See Encyclopedias and Freeman p. 101
56. The Doctrine of the Amorites—not finished yet!! Num. 21:31 Examine their territory and the Gen. statement. I might want to do this back in Genesis 10:16.
57. The Doctrine of the Moabites—not finished yet!! See McGee’s Ruth the Romance of Redemption (pp. 46–48). Num. 21:31
58. The Age of the Gentile Priesthood and Prophetic office covered briefly in Num. 22:7
59. The Doctrine of the Will of God—not finished yet!! Num. 22:20
60. The Doctrine of Baal—not finished yet!! (see Freeman book, p. 101; see NIV Study Bible p. 329; Baalim is often used as a synonym for gods, as Baal was the chief God worshiped by the Canaanites). This doctrine is mentioned again in Judges 3:7. Num. 22:41
61. Whether Balaam is a believer or an unbeliever. Num. 22:41 (covered in bits and pieces throughout this chapter).
62. Feast Days Chart. Alluded to in 1Sam. 1:3. Lev. 23:44
63. The Doctrine of the Amalekites—mostly finished! Also see p. 204 #39 in Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy Alluded to in Judges 5:14 1Chron. 1:36 Psalm 83:7. Num. 24:20
64. Some information on the Kenites Num. 24:21(see NIV Study Bible footnote for this verse)
65. A brief history of Assyrian, Israel, Judah, and Greece Num. 24:24
66. The Doctrine of Baal-Peor—not finished yet! See Num. 23:28 Psalm 106:28–29 Hos. 9:10 See ZPEB pg. 695 Vol. 4, The Emphasized Bible p. 185, second footnote b (some men may think that when they proclaim themselves the love machine that is a brand new designation from their generation). Num. 25:3
67. The Doctrine of Capital Punishment—not finished yet! Examine the immmediate context (what I have written) and Bible History Old Testament; p. 570. and Nelson's Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts; p. 59–60 (burned Lev. 21:9) Num. 25:4
68. The Doctrine of God's Covenant of Peace—not finished yet!! Num. 25:12 (see Isa. 54:10 Ezek. 34:25 37:26 Mal. 2:5) See prophecy #43 p. 204 in the Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy.
69. A Chart: Death of Zimri ben Salu by the hand of Phinehas ben Eleazar paralleled the death of our Lord Num. 25:14
70. Tribes, families, households briefly covered in Num. 26 introduction.
71. The variety of reasons for the difference of names from Gen. 46, Num. 16 and 1Chron. 1–10. Num. 26:15–17
72. A quick synopsis of Gen. 38. Num. 26:19
73. The Doctrine of Egyptian Slavery Time-Frame—the Long View and the Short View—not finished yet!! Num. 26:59 (see Dawn of the Kingdom by Charles Clough, p. 127).
74. The doctrine of Joshua, son of Nun prior to his appointment to succeed Moses (Num. 27:18).
75. The words for work contrasted in reference to resting (Num. 28:18).
76. The Doctrine of the Feast of the Tabernacles—not finished yet! Num. 29:12 (see Ezra 3:4)
77. Vows. Num. 30:2
78. A little on marriage in Num. 30:8, 11
79. Authority. Num. 30:11, 15
80. The Doctrine of Vows (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) This doctrine is mentioned in Lev. 27:2 Judges 11:40 21:7. Num. 30:15
81. Why the Midianites and not the Moabites were attacked Num. 31:2
82. The Doctrine of the Midianites—not finished yet! Good information in NIV Judges 6:1 footnote; Barnes footnote for Judges 6:1). Mentioned in Judges 6:1 1Chron. 1:32–33. Num. 31:2
83. The Doctrine of War—not finished yet!! Num. 31:2 Make certain to include information from p. 284 of the NIV Study Bible. Reference:
84. The concept of a holy war Num. 31:2
85. The Doctrine of Balaam (place this at Num. 31:16, using Scripture listed in introduction of Num. 22) Joshua 24:9 Judges 11:25 Micah 6:5 Rev. 22:14 The key to Balaam is not his actions as much as his motivation. See notes in NASB p. 159 (mid page (9) of index of concordance). See Bible History Old Testament p. 276. See my own work in Joshua 13:22.
86. The Moabite stone covered in a paragraph in Num. 32:34
87. Jair discussed in Num. 32:41
88. A short dissertation on the hand in Num. 33:1
89. Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch Num. 33:2
90. Possible climatic changes in the land of Promise Num. 33:8, 35
91. The placement of Ezion-geber (critical to the route of the Israelites through the desert) Num. 33:35
92. The Doctrine of Aaron——not finished yet!! I am working on this doctrine in conjunction with Psalm 133; I may move it back to here. Don’t forget Heb. 7:11. Num. 33:39
93. The Doctrine of Inheritance—not finished yet! Num. 33:54 (see NASB acts 20:32 for some verses)
94. The Doctrine of the Land Grant to Israel—not finished yet! Num. 34:7 (see Gen. 15:18–21)
95. A little information on dispensationalism, particularly as it related to the Law. Num. 35:12
96. The Doctrine of the Redeemer—not finished yet! See v. 12 footnote of Barnes' Notes, Vol. II, p. 263. See NIV footnote p. 315. Num. 35:19 (also mentioned in Joshua 20:3)
97. Circumstantial evidence Num. 35:30
98. The use of the word witness in the Bible Num. 35:30
99. Joshua’s addendums to the books of Moses. Moses’ understanding of when he was writing the word of God. Num. 36:12
100. A good introduction to the book of Deuteronomy. Num. 36:12
101. My place in history. Num. 36:12
Doctrines from the Book of Deuteronomy
1. Deuteronomy Introduction (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2. Deuteronomy chart:
4. `
5. Quotations. Deut. Intro Introduction
6. The people were taught Bible doctrine rather than (or in addition to) military training. Deut. Intro Introduction
7. Moses portrayed in The Bible series as a total nutjob. Deut. Intro Introduction
8. Paragraph summaries of this book. Deut. Intro Introduction
9. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of The Introduction to Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Introduction
10. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of The Introduction to Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Introduction
11. Reference to Deuteronomy 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. Intro Introduction
12. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: C. I. Scofield Summarizes the Book of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Introduction
13. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke Summarizes the Book of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Introduction
14. More paragraph summaries. Deut. Intro Introduction
15. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke's Chapter by Chapter Summary. Deut. Intro Introduction
16. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy—the Big Picture by Darby. Deut. Intro Introduction
17. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Looking Back, Moving Forward (graphic). Deut. Intro Introduction
18. The origin of the name of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Meaning
19. Joshua wrote some small portions of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Authorship
20. Moses is said to be the author in the book of Deuteronomy and elsewhere. Deut. Intro Authorship
21. The Graf-Wellhausen hypothesis of the authorship of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Authorship
22. Why would anyone forge an inspired document and not make any doctrinal changes? Deut. Intro Authorship
23. 3 points why Deuteronomy is consistent with a Mosaic authorship. Deut. Intro Authorship
24. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Moses is the Author of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Authorship
25. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Objections to Mosaic Authorship. Deut. Intro Authorship
26. Beating a dead horse regarding Mosaic authorship. Deut. Intro Authorship
27. McGee on origin of this theory. Deut. Intro Authorship
28. Arno on importance of Mosaic authorship. Deut. Intro Authorship
29. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Biblical Criticism and the Authorship of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Authorship
30. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Coffman on the False Allegations of Critics. Deut. Intro Authorship
31. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: George L. Robinson on Why Moses is Clearly the Author of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Authorship
32. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Inspiration of the Scriptures and the Book of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Authorship
33. 1st person versus 3rd person. Deut. Intro Point of View
34. When Deuteronomy was written and where. Deut. Intro Time and Place
35. Moses’ tone and style of writing. Deut. Intro Tone and Style
36. Similarity to and difference with the suzerain-vassal treaty. Deut. Intro Deuteronomy and the suzerain-vassal treaty
37. The clear authority of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Authority and Inspiration
38. Moses does not speak from some kind of a trance-like state. Deut. Intro Authority and Inspiration
39. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary on the Contents of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Contents
40. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is Found in the Book of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Contents
41. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Types and Antitypes in Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Parallels
42. A few well-known quotes from Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Quotations
43. God clearly blessed the people of Israel in grace. Deut. Intro Quotations
44. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hear, O Israel! (graphic). Deut. Intro Quotations
45. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Prophet Like Moses (graphic). Deut. Intro Quotations
46. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Other Quotes from All Great Quotes. Deut. Intro Quotations
47. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Top Verses of Deuteronomy from Top Verses. Deut. Intro Quotations
48. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: References to Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Quotations
49. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy and the Poor. Deut. Intro Social Impact
50. The rise of ancient law codes. Deut. Intro Ancient Law Codes
51. President Obama as a state senator. Deut. Intro Ancient Law Codes
52. Allusion to Job 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. Intro Ancient Law Codes
53. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ancient Law Codes. Deut. Intro Law Codes
54. God’s perfect Law. Deut. Intro Ancient Law Codes
55. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: F. B. Meyer's Review Questions on Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Interests
56. Reference to Deut. 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. Intro Jesus in Deuteronomy
57. Parallels between Moses and events spoken of in Deuteronomy and Jesus and His work. Deut. Intro Jesus in Deuteronomy
58. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Isaiah/Deuteronomy Parallels. Deut. Intro Elsewhere
59. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Warnings of Deuteronomy Fulfilled in Amos. Deut. Intro Elsewhere
60. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parallels Between Hosea and Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Elsewhere
61. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Other Miscellaneous Old Testament Parallels. Deut. Intro Elsewhere
62. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy in the New Testament. Deut. Intro New Testament
63. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Shorter Outline from the Pulpit Commentary. Deut. Intro Outline
64. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Outline of Deuteronomy from Keil and Delitzsch. Deut. Intro Outline
65. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Division of Deuteronomy by Arno Gaebelein. Deut. Intro Outline
66. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: F. B. Meyer's OUTLINE OF DEUTERONOMY. Deut. Intro Outline
67. Themes of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Themes
68. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Chart Overview of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Charts
69. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Possible Outlines of Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Charts
70. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy Chart. Deut. Intro Charts
71. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from The Introduction to Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Addendum
72. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Deut. Intro Addendum
73. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from the Introduction to Deuteronomy. Deut. Intro Addendum
74. Deuteronomy 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Moses on the Importance of Established Authority
75. The book of Deuteronomy is more than simply a review. Deut. 1 Introduction
76. The failures of Gen X. Deut. 1 Introduction
77. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Moses Pleading with Israel (graphic). Deut. 1 Introduction
78. The false things I learned in American History. Deut. 1 Introduction
79. Moses is making sure that the Israelites understand their own history. Deut. 1 Introduction
80. It is not the Law which brings the people into the land, but the Savior (Joshua). Deut. 1 Introduction
81. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Prequel of Deuteronomy 1. Deut. 1 introduction
82. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Deuteronomy 1. Deut. 1 Introduction
83. Moses and his strength at age 120. Deut. 1 Introduction
84. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Deuteronomy 1. Deut. 1 Introduction
85. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry Summarizes Deuteronomy 1. Deut. 1 Introduction
86. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Peter Pett’s Introduction to Deuteronomy 1 and to the Book of Deuteronomy. Deut. 1 Introduction
87. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Introductory Material from the Expositor's Bible Commentary. Deut. 1 Introduction
88. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy. Deut. 1 Introduction
89. The common sense, fatherly side of Moses. Deut. 1 Introduction
90. Pro-gay websites and the teaching of Deuteronomy. The lies spread from these sites. Deut. 1 Introduction
91. Why non-moral issues are found in Deuteronomy. How non-moral issues become spiritual issues. Deut. 1 Introduction
92. Why you cannot bypass the book of Deuteronomy after studying Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. Deut. 1 Introduction
93. Why this title is the Importance of Established Authority. Deut. 1 Introduction
94. The dramatic change in the book of Deuteronomy. Deut. 1:1
95. Moses and the no-water situation. Typology and his one act of disobedience. Deut. 1:1
96. Allusion to the Doctrine of Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 1:1
97. Ow Moses understood his acts of disobedience; how we understand it today. Moses himself will give us few details. Deut. 1:1
98. Moses knows exactly where he is; he is never lost in the desert-wilderness. Deut. 1:1
99. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 1:1 (graphic). Deut. 1:1
100. Allusion to the Doctrine of the Arabah (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 1:1
101. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Relief map of the Arabah. Deut. 1:1
102. How Suph relates to the Arabah. Deut. 1:1
103. Information on Paran and Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth and Di-zahab. Deut. 1:1
104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Hazeroth. Deut. 1:1
105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Whedon Summarizes the Geographical Places Named. Deut. 1:1
106. Mileage and time in the ancient world. Deut. 1:2
107. The irony of v. 2. Deut. 1:2
108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Horeb. Deut. 1:2
109. Horeb and Sinai. Deut. 1:2
110. AE (after the Exodus) dating. Deut. 1:2
111. How the way of is used in the Bible. Deut. 1:2
112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Way of Mount Seir. Deut. 1:2
113. Blessing is put on hold because of mistakes you have made. Deut. 1:2
114. A list of negative volition passages of the Jews. Deut. 1:2
115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of Deuteronomy 1:1–2. Deut. 1:2
116. President Obama and the spiritual state of the people in the United States. Deut. 1:2
117. Moses background made maps and location second nature to him. Deut. 1:3
118. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Great Analogy of the Exodus. Deut. 1:3
119. Deuteronomy consists of Moses’ last words to all Israel. Deut. 1:3
120. Two theories as to where Moses is getting his speeches from. One parallels the concept of inspiration. Backup for this viewpoint. Deut. 1:3
121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does Moses Need to Give a Second Law? Deut. 1:3
122. George Bush’s foreign policy mistakes and how this relates to not knowing the Word of God. Deut. 1:3
123. Believers who think that it is arrogant to know the mind of God. Deut. 1:3
124. Sihon and Israel’s military victory over him. Deut. 1:4
125. Israel’s victory over Og. Deut. 1:4
126. The power of negative volition; example of the use of methamphetamine or heroin. Deut. 1:4
127. Negative volition illustrated with the reelection of Barack Obama. Deut. 1:4
128. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 1:4
129. A list of the passages where Og and Sihon are mentioned. Deut. 1:4
130. The victories over Og and Sihon are empirical proof to the generation of promise. Deut. 1:4
131. The victories over Og and Sihon represent a turning point for Israel. Deut. 1:4
132. The concept of an Anthropopathism. Deut. 1:4
133. Moses explains the Law in Deuteronomy. Deut. 1:5
134. Moses recognizes that he is able to teach the Word of God without quoting God directly. Deut. 1:5
135. The options for the ways that Moses recorded his sermon. Deut. 1:5
136. Everything needed to be right for Moses to speak to so many people. Deut. 1:5
137. Moses’ background in law. Deut. 1:5
138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of Deuteronomy 1:1–5. Deut. 1:5
139. Summary of Moses’ first discourse in Deut. 1:6–4:43. Deut. 1:6
140. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Quotation formatting in Deuteronomy. Deut. 1:6
141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of What is Happening. Deut. 1:6
142. Classification of the sermons in Deut. 1–5. Deut. 1:6
143. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: When Critics Ask: Isn't this former generation dead? Deut. 1:6
144. Moses referencing God throughout Deuteronomy. Deut. 1:6
145. Yehowah our Elohim. Deut. 1:6
146. Horeb. Deut. 1:6
147. God is not standing over our shoulders barking out orders. What God requires. Deut. 1:6
148. Spiritual growth and production in the Christian life. Deut. 1:6
149. The Arabah; the hill country; the Shephelah; the Negev; the costal region. Deut. 1:7
150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Canaan. Deut. 1:7
151. The land which God had promised to Abraham. Deut. 1:7
152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Descriptions of the Areas in Deuteronomy 1:7. Deut. 1:7
153. How Moses knew the book of Genesis. Deut. 1:7
154. Mosaic authorship of Genesis and the difference in writing styles. Deut. 1:7
155. Reference to Gen. 24 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 1:7
156. Why we believe the people of Israel knew the book of Genesis. Deut. 1:7
157. Placing the quotation marks in v. 8. Deut. 1:8
158. The parallels between God placing the land right before them and the spiritual life. Deut. 1:8
159. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Deut. 1:8
160. Although Moses was no doubt a charismatic leader, what he promised was based upon centuries old promises that God made to the people of Israel. Deut. 1:8
161. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 1:8 (graphic). Deut. 1:8
162. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Peter Pett's Chiasmos of Deuteronomy 1:6–8. Deut. 1:8
163. Christianity is based on historical facts; it is not just a philosophy. Deut. 1:8
164. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Evidence of the Land Grant to Generation X. Deut. 1:8
165. War and self governance require authorities. Deut. 1:9
166. The population of Israel was another reason for the Jews to believe God. Deut. 1:10
167. Moses uses the phrase Yehowah your God to give the people confidence after he is gone. Deut. 1:10
168. The number of stars, the amount of sand, the population of the Jews. Deut. 1:10
169. The population of Jews. Deut. 1:10
170. The descendants of Abraham. Deut. 1:10
171. The growth of the population of Jews. Deut. 1:10
172. God made these promises to Abraham when he had no heirs. Deut. 1:10
173. Integrating our lives with the Word of God. Deut. 1:11
174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 1:11 (graphic). Deut. 1:11
175. The Bible is at odds with liberalism. Deut. 1:11
176. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 1:11
177. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Blesses His People with Children. Deut. 1:11
178. The responsibilities and pressures that Moses was under. Deut. 1:12
179. The qualifications of judges. Deut. 1:13
180. Contrasting judges with contemporary politicians. Deut. 1:13
181. How liberals misread history when comparing debt of Bush to debt of Obama. Deut. 1:14
182. The economic standstill under Obama. How this is related to understanding and properly interpreting contemporary history. Deut. 1:14
183. The checks and balances of leadership. Deut. 1:15
184. The kind of leaders these people were. Deut. 1:15
185. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke on the Authority Structure of the Israelites. Deut. 1:15
186. Guidelines for judgment. Deut. 1:16
187. Reference to Hammurabi’s code. The Hammurabi Laws. Deut. 1:16
188. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Israel, the Law, and Immigrants. Deut. 1:16
189. Reference to The Law Code of Hammurabi (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 1:16
190. The correct standards of judgment. Deut. 1:17
191. Justice is important for God’s people because it reflects God’s perfect standards. Deut. 1:17
192. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary on "The Blessing of Good Government". Deut. 1:17
193. Improper concepts of justice. Deut. 1:17
194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary and Application of Deuteronomy 1:9–18. Deut. 1:18
195. Moses system of authority and the law given by God allows the Jews to move on as a people. Deut. 1:19
196. Suffering as a part of a degenerate generation. Examples of Obamacare and the housing bubble. Deut. 1:19
197. Usage of the word Amorite. Deut. 1:19
198. Kadesh-barnea. Deut. 1:19
199. This plan to take the land of Canaan was not sudden; nor did it just come from Moses’ imagination. Deut. 1:21
200. Being invited to a great event, but not going. Parallel to the Garrison Keilor story of homecoming. Deut. 1:21
201. Relating this to becoming a part of the plan of God. Deut. 1:21
202. We did not arrive at this point in our lives as a result of random events. Deut. 1:21
203. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Logical Progression of Deut. 1:6–21. Deut. 1:21
204. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Morality of Taking the Land of Promise. Deut. 1:21
205. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Charles Foster's Offering to Molech (graphic). Deut. 1:21
206. Reference to the Military Doctrines Related to the Word of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). This includes What is a Righteous War? Deut. 1:21
207. Smoothing out the narrative of Num. 13 with Deut. 1. Deut. 1:22
208. Committees don’t solve problems. Deut. 1:22
209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Sovereignty of God versus the Free Will of Man. Deut. 1:22
210. The ten spies who turn against God are like non-producing Christians today. Deut. 1:23
211. Praying and looking for a job. Deut. 1:23
212. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Likely Order of Events in Choosing Spies to Go into the Land. Deut. 1:23
213. Eshcol. Deut. 1:24
214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Numbers 13 Interlude. Deut. 1:25
215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Trek of the Spies. Deut. 1:25
216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Israel's Early Inhabitants. Deut. 1:25
217. Jews knowledge of the Nephilim. Deut. 1:25
218. The Nephilim. Deut. 1:25
219. Reference to Gen. 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 1:25
220. The aggressive campaign of the 10 spies. Deut. 1:26
221. Moses does not clearly distinguish between the generations of Israelites. Deut. 1:27
222. How easily the Jews are dissuaded from following God. Deut. 1:27
223. Negative volition; and relating this to the internet. Deut. 1:27
224. The power of opinions. Deut. 1:28
225. How the Israeli army became afraid. Deut. 1:28
226. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Anakim. Deut. 1:28
227. Reference to The Anakim Part One (HTML) (PDF) and The Anakim Part Two (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 1:28
228. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Numbers 14:1–39 interlude. Deut. 1:28
229. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jews, Negative to the Plan of God, Rationalize their Negative Volition. Deut. 1:28
230. Scientific, anti-God sites. Being banned from these sites; but dishonest graphics remain. Deut. 1:28
231. The United States, Afghanistan, Muslim nations, Iran and atomic weapons. Deut. 1:29
232. Bush, Obama and wars in the Mideast. We should not be there to establish a democracy but to spread Christianity. Deut. 1:29
233. The Bible and politics; Biblical commentary and politics. Deut. 1:29
234. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Christian and War—Links. Deut. 1:29
235. References to The Doctrine of the Military (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), Historical Military Events and Personnel in Israel (HTML) (PDF), and The Doctrine of War (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 1:29
236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 1:29–30a (graphic). Deut. 1:30
237. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 1:30 (graphic). Deut. 1:30
238. What God has done on behalf of the Jews in the book of Exodus. Deut. 1:31
239. Empiricism is not that big of a deal and it proves nothing. Deut. 1:31
240. Empiricism and evolution. Deut. 1:31
241. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 1:31 (graphic). Deut. 1:31
242. It was a miracle simply to move the people of Israel through the desert, amidst enemies and a lack water food and water. Deut. 1:31
243. God’s anger because of the faithlessness of Gen X. Deut. 1:32
244. Two sets of people who do not go along with God’s plan. Deut. 1:32
245. 3 systems of perception; math and rationalism. Need for postulates. Deut. 1:32
246. Faith is the basis for evolution. Suspect bones. Deut. 1:32
247. Faith and volition; acting upon our faith. Deut. 1:32
248. What you believe in is a matter of volition. Deut. 1:32
249. Problems with evolution and what is lacking online. Deut. 1:33
250. 1 out of 6 people become sick from a food-bourne illness each year. Deut. 1:33
251. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Wants to Kill All Israel and then He Changes His Mind. Deut. 1:35
252. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallel that Moses Sets Up as Israel's Mediator. Deut. 1:35
253. In war, God can and does sort out the bodies. Deut. 1:36
254. Caleb and his youthfulness. Deut. 1:36
255. Moses’ speaking technique to cause his audience to anticipate him. Deut. 1:36
256. Moses and his mistake at the second no-water problem. Deut. 1:37
257. This might be the first time Moses is announcing publically that he is not going into the land. Deut. 1:37
258. I have done this in math lectures.
259. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Moses, this Statement and the Inspiration of Deuteronomy. Deut. 1:37
260. The way Moses speaks makes the people think of Joshua. Deut. 1:38
261. Moses does not choose a young, charismatic leader to replace him. Deut. 1:38
262. The problem with choosing inexperienced leaders. Deut. 1:38
263. How Joshua leading the people into the land is a type of Jesus Christ. Deut. 1:38
264. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Moses Expertise in the Realm of Public Speaking. Deut. 1:38
265. People using children as their excuse. Politicians do this as well. Deut. 1:39
266. The age of accountability in relation to this chapter. Deut. 1:39
267. Some things carry with them an expiration date. There was a narrow time during which God would allow the people to go into the land and take it. Deut. 1:41
268. The Jews had an emotional response to the giants in the land; and they had an emotional response to God telling them to return to the desert. Deut. 1:41
269. The fallacy of sex education. Deut. 1:41
270. We are nothing apart from a relationship with God. Deut. 1:41
271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gen X has repented and they are going to war; what are they doing wrong? Deut. 1:41
272. Nothing that we do is permanent unless it is part of the plan of God. Deut. 1:42
273. Reference to the Doctrine of the Will of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 1:42
274. Gen X missed out on the spoils of victory. Deut. 1:42
275. What is fundamentally wrong with Gen X. Deut. 1:43
276. No angel was sent before Gen X to defeat the Amorites. Deut. 1:44
277. The term Amorites. Deut. 1:44
278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Interpretations Of Deuteronomy 1:44. Deut. 1:44
279. Bees. Deut. 1:44
280. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Numbers 13–14. Deut. 1:44
281. In which hills or mountains are the Amorites? Deut. 1:44
282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Numbers 14:40–45 Interlude. Deut. 1:44
283. McGee on faith versus presumption. Deut. 1:44
284. Gen X ran out of time with their negative volition. Deut. 1:45
285. There is a time limit on our own lives and on our potential spiritual production. Deut. 1:45
286. God being unable to hear them is an anthropopathism. Deut. 1:45
287. Why God does not listen to their crying; analogous situation of the crying drunk. Deut. 1:45
288. For some reason, things which are said seem to have an impact somewhere. Deut. 1:45
289. McGee on the thief weeps because he is caught, not because he is a thief. Deut. 1:45
290. God chooses to ignore some things. Deut. 1:45
291. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Explaining the Final Phrase of Deut. 1:46. Deut. 1:46
292. Nowhere else does the Bible say they spent many days. Deut. 1:46
293. God the Holy Spirit often records history which looks forward to Jesus. Deut. 1:46
294. Rabbinical views of this time period. Deut. 1:46
295. The Korah rebellion. Deut. 1:46
296. Spinning your wheels, spiritually speaking. Deut. 1:46
297. The purpose of the book of Deuteronomy. Deut. 1:46
298. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Deuteronomy 1. Deut. 1 Addendum
299. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Deut. 1 Addendum
300. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Deuteronomy 1. Deut. 1 Addendum
301. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Deuteronomy 1. Deut. 1 Addendum
302. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Deuteronomy 1. Deut. 1 Addendum
303. The Doctrine of Horeb—not finished yet!! Deut. 1:3 Where is it? Is it a particular place? There are several words with the same consonants; how about definite articles? McGee says that Mount Sinai is in Horeb. This seems to jive with Deut. 9:8
304. The authorship of Deuteronomy (Deut. 1:5) (this should perhaps be moved to the introduction).
305. Exactly to whom and how was this message delivered? Deut. 1:5
306. The Land covenant to Israel and the Abrahamic covenant. Deut. 1:7
307. Amorite touched on. Deut. 1:19
308. Blessings for one's personal health Deut. 1:36
309. Many days covered in Deut. 1:46
310. Deuteronomy 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
311. The importance of history interpreted in the light of the Word of God. Deut. 2 Introduction
312. We cannot deny the importance of Bible doctrine in the history of the United States. Deut. 2 Introduction
313. The recent history of South Korea, Japan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Deut. 2 Introduction
314. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The 3 Illustrations. Deut. 2 Introduction
315. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Deuteronomy 2. Deut. 2 Introduction
316. Reference to Deut. 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 2 Introduction
317. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Deuteronomy 2. Deut. 2 Introduction
318. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 2–3 Map. Deut. 2 Introduction
319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Deuteronomy 2. Deut. 2 Introduction
320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Alternate Outlines for Deuteronomy 2. Deut. 2 Introduction
321. Why the Jews take the route that they take; why they do not invade Canaan from the south. Deut. 2 Introduction
322. Liberal propose a non-religious life and non-religious government; as if those things have not been tried before. Deut. 2 Introduction
323. Moses does not re-teach Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; he is teaching this generation about their own true history and its correct interpretation. Deut. 2 Introduction
324. My intent in using current events to teach some Biblical truths. Deut. 2 Introduction
325. The problem with men and women in our society. Deut. 2 Introduction
326. Learning from my father as a young man. Deut. 2 Introduction
327. The illustrations I makes are not in hopes of swaying a liberal Christian. Deut. 2 Introduction
328. Adding Kretzmann’s Commentary. Deut. 2 Introduction
329. Lack of quotations for Moses. Deut. 2 Introduction
330. Why the Israelites did not simply go north and take the land. Deut. 2:1
331. There is almost no recorded history of the 38 years of Israel in the desert. Deut. 2:1
332. The destruction of Gen X is illustrative of God being separate from that which is not holy. Deut. 2:1
333. Moses use of the imperfect tense for past events. Deut. 2:1
334. Possibility of a river flowing out of the Dead Sea at one time. Hydro-electric power. Deut. 2:1
335. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Dead Sea Relief Map. Deut. 2:1
336. The failure of sincerity. Deut. 2:1
337. The use of the words many days here and in Deut. 1:46. Deut. 2:1
338. The sin unto death apparently did not make enough of an impression on the generation of promise. Deut. 2:1
339. Combining the end of Deut. 1 with the beginning of Deut. 2. Deut. 2:1
340. The time spent at Kadesh-barnea and the time spend around Seir. Deut. 2:1
341. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Time Frame of the Wandering of the Children of Israel. Deut. 2:1
342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Edom. Deut. 2:3
343. The route of the Jews is discussed. Deut. 2:3
344. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 2:2–3 (graphic). Deut. 2:3
345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Route Around Edom. Deut. 2:3
346. Moses’ hit song written 40 years earlier. Deut. 2:4
347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edom and Mount Seir. Deut. 2:5
348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Picture of Modern Edom. Deut. 2:5
349. Using resources from another website does not constitute approval of that website. Deut. 2:5
350. The content of the doctrine taught by your pastor is key. Deut. 2:5
351. Selling food and water would have been an economic boon to the Edomites. Deut. 2:5
352. Moses tries to set up a free trade agreement with the Edomites. Deut. 2:6
353. Separation does not mean that you separate from all mutual activity with unbelievers. There are exceptions to such mutually participated-in activities. Deut. 2:6
354. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 2:7 Graphic. Deut. 2:7
355. Perception is key; illustration George W. Bush. Selling a bad/good economy. Deut. 2:7
356. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 2:7 Graphic #2. Deut. 2:7
357. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: When Critics Ask, Concerning Israel's Comfort in the Desert-wilderness. Deut. 2:7
358. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 2:7 (graphic #3). Deut. 2:7
359. There was likely some trading which Israel did, as they were on trading routes from time to time. Deut. 2:7
360. Israel did not lack in the desert. Deut. 2:7
361. The overflow of blessings. Deut. 2:7
362. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Determines the Borders of Nations. Deut. 2:7
363. Elath and Ezion-geber. Deut. 2:8
364. There was probably more water between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. Deut. 2:8
365. The Arabah Road. Deut. 2:8
366. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Route of Israel. Deut. 2:8
367. The routes which Israel likely took around Seir. Deut. 2:8
368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Route of Moses. Deut. 2:8
369. The correct route of Moses and why. Deut. 2:8
370. The believers who received the blessing of God. Deut. 2:9
371. Lot. Deut. 2:9
372. If God has blessed the also-ran’s, then so much more will He bless the Jews. Deut. 2:9
373. King David and the Ammonites; King David and the Moabites. Deut. 2:9
374. How to understand what a nation is all about. Deut. 2:9
375. People out to remove all vestiges of Christianity. Deut. 2:9
376. Banned Christmas trees, Bill O’Reilly, Duck Dynasty. Deut. 2:9
377. Why the parenthetical information came from Moses. Deut. 2:10
378. The reason for this parenthetical information. Deut. 2:10
379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Emim, Rephaim and Anakim. Deut. 2:11
380. A perfect tense does not necessarily refer to a past event. Deut. 2:12
381. Why Moses wrote this parenthetical section. Deut. 2:12
382. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Poole on the Perfect Tense of to give. Deut. 2:12
383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What about this parenthetical stuff? Deut. 2:12
384. All of these are clearly the words of Moses, according to several expositors. Deut. 2:12
385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Geisler and Howe on the Reference to the Land of Promise. Deut. 2:12
386. The Wadi Zered. Deut. 2:13
387. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Pett on the Organization of Moses. Deut. 2:13
388. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Israel's Movement. Deut. 2:14
389. Israel during the 38 years. Deut. 2:14
390. Gen X. Deut. 2:14
391. Gen X as an object lesson. Deut. 2:14
392. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpreting Deuteronomy 2:14. Deut. 2:14
393. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Problems with the Israelites Spending 38 Years at Mount Hor. Deut. 2:14
394. A calculation as to the number of deaths by the sin unto death. Deut. 2:15
395. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Generation X and the Sin unto Death. Deut. 2:15
396. Recording of some of the people who are killed by the sin unto death. Deut. 2:16
397. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Moab and Ammon. Deut. 2:19
398. Although it appears as though the Israelites have taken Ammonite land, that is not the case. Deut. 2:19
399. Moses was in training to become pharaoh of Egypt. Deut. 2:20
400. God does not give some people their right person because they are not ready for them. Deut. 2:20
401. What God has given to every believer. Deut. 2:20
402. Why the Israelites did not just head due north once the 40 years was over. Deut. 2:20
403. The Zamzummites (or, Zanzummin) were possibly the Zuzites (Zuzim). Deut. 2:20
404. The origin of the Ammonites. Deut. 2:21
405. The change in the land of the Ammonites. Deut. 2:21
406. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Horites/Hivites. Deut. 2:22
407. the Doctrine of the Horites (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 2:22
408. The villages occupied by the Avvim, according to Freeman. Deut. 2:23
409. Young people today have no sense of history. Deut. 2:23
410. The Caphtorim. Deut. 2:23
411. The Avvim. Deut. 2:23
412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Avvim, the Caphtorim and the Philistines. Deut. 2:23
413. Reference to the Doctrine of the Philistines Part I (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 2:23
414. North and South Korea today as object lessons. Deut. 2:23
415. The forces of evil at work in the United States. Deut. 2:23
416. What we have in this dispensation. Deut. 2:23
417. Reference to the Chart of Jesus in the Old and New Testaments (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 2:23
418. Why China is so prosperous as of late. Deut. 2:23
419. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Kingdom of Sihon. Deut. 2:24
420. Coffman on an example of the historicity of Deuteronomy, using Sihon as an example. Deut. 2:24
421. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 2:24 Graphic. Deut. 2:24
422. The land that the Jews take from Sihon is not really bonus land. Deut. 2:24
423. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Theory About God Putting Fear into the Hearts of Men. Deut. 2:25
424. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God promised that the fear of Yehowah would fall upon their enemies. Deut. 2:25
425. Israel could have been a great economic boon by passing through Sihon’s territory. Deut. 2:28
426. Sihon probably has a great deal of intelligence on Moses and the Israelites even before receiving the message from Moses. Deut. 2:29
427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is Moses Lying or Stretching the Truth in his Message to Sihon? Deut. 2:29
428. Sihon’s hardened spirit. Deut. 2:30
429. God does not reach into a soul and turn it from positive to negative. Deut. 2:30
430. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Hardened Heart of Sihon. Deut. 2:30
431. The example of President Barack Obama and having a hardened heart. Deut. 2:30
432. The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament. Deut. 2:30
433. A prophecy recorded by Moses after the fact. Deut. 2:31
434. The two basic choices that the people of Sihon had. Deut. 2:32
435. The war with Sihon was quite sudden. Deut. 2:33
436. Defeating Sihon gave the children of Israel great confidence for the next 7 years of war. Deut. 2:33
437. Reference to the doctrine of Devoting to God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 2:34
438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 2:32–34 (a graphic). Deut. 2:34
439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Devoting to God (Chêrem or the Ban). Deut. 2:34
440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Coffman's 3 Degrees of the Ban. Deut. 2:34
441. The inner workings of a powerful leader like Sihon. Deut. 2:35
442. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Arnon. Deut. 2:36
443. Aroer. Deut. 2:36
444. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Conquest of the Amorites, by James Tissot (graphic). Deut. 2:36
445. The Amorites and their iniquity. Deut. 2:36
446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jabbok River Photo. Deut. 2:37
447. The Jabbok River. Deut. 2:37
448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 2:37 (a graphic). Deut. 2:37
449. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Peter Pett's Chiasmos of Deuteronomy 2:32–37. Deut. 2:37
450. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Deuteronomy 2. Deut. 2 Addendum
451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Examples from History. Deut. 2 Addendum
452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Deut. 2 Addendum
453. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes Deuteronomy 2. Deut. 2 Addendum
454. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Deuteronomy 2. Deut. 2 Addendum
455. Reference to Psalm 90 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 2 Addendum
456. Reference to Psalms 107 135 and 136 (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 2 Addendum
457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Deuteronomy 2. Deut. 2 Addendum
458. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Deuteronomy 2. Deut. 2 Addendum
459. Deuteronomy 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
460. Summary of Deut. 3. Deut. 3 Preface
461. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 3:24b (graphic). Deut. 3 Quotations
462. Parker, Pett, Guzik. Deut. 3 Quotations
463. Deut. 2 & 3 ought to have been one chapter. Deut. 3 Introduction
464. Chapter divisions imposed after the fact. Deut. 3 Introduction
465. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 3 (graphic). Deut. 3 Introduction
466. The phrase at that time. Deut. 3 Introduction
467. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Introduction
468. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Introduction
469. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Conquest of Transjordan (a map). Deut. 3 Introduction
470. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Introduction
471. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The location of the tribes of Israel (a map). Deut. 3 Introduction
472. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Outline of Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Introduction
473. Arno Gaebelein’s outline. Deut. 3 Introduction
474. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Vlad's Outline of Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Introduction
475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Introduction
476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gill's Synopsis of Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Introduction
477. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiastic Organization of Deuteronomy 3:1–7. Deut. 3:1
478. Gen X and the generation of promise. Deut. 3:1
479. The route of the Israelites. Deut. 3:1
480. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Route of Moses and the People (a map). Deut. 3:1
481. Descriptions of Bashan. Deut. 3:1
482. Men with good causes often meet with opposition. Deut. 3:1
483. Og, the area he controlled; the negative volition of his people. Deut. 3:1
484. People do not learn from experience or from history. Example of destruction of lives with drugs. Deut. 3:1
485. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fausset on Og. Deut. 3:1
486. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Smith on Bashan. Deut. 3:1
487. The Jews did not attack Og out of spite or revenge. Deut. 3:2
488. The negative volition of Muslim nations today; exception of the UAE. Deut. 3:2
489. Tenses in the Hebrew. Deut. 3:2
490. Sihon had less territory than Og. Deut. 3:2
491. Og was aggressive, even though Israel did not provoke them. Deut. 3:2
492. Moses calls to recent battles to bolster the confidence of the Israelites. Deut. 3:3
493. Moses speaking 1st person; but writing in 3rd person limited omniscience. Deut. 3:3
494. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The total destruction of these peoples and importance of salvation. Deut. 3:3
495. Og’s lifetime of negative volition results in eternity in hell. Deut. 3:3
496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Prepares Israel for Battle. Deut. 3:3
497. Explaining the killing of infidels in this era with the radical Muslims of today. Deut. 3:3
498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Application: the United States Preserves Peace in the World. Deut. 3:3
499. The word region affixed to Argob. Deut. 3:4
500. Argob (lots of info; many quotes). Deut. 3:4
501. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Describing the Region of Argon. Deut. 3:4
502. Fortifications of the cities. Deut. 3:5
503. The cities and towns of Bashan; why they were so designed. Deut. 3:5
504. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Destruction of the Wicked, from the Pulpit Commentary. Deut. 3:6
505. Who does not want the end of war; but it will not end. Deut. 3:6
506. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Complete Destruction in Scripture. Deut. 3:6
507. The evil of Muslim extremism and those who seek them out, despite having decent lives. Deut. 3:6
508. Devoting an entire population to God. Deut. 3:6
509. None of this destruction had to happen; Og and Sihon came out to war of their own accord. Deut. 3:7
510. Israel and the Muslim coalitions against her. Deut. 3:7
511. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiastic Organization of Deuteronomy 3:8–17. Deut. 3:8
512. The Valley (or River) of Arnon. Deut. 3:8
513. Mount Hermon. Deut. 3:8
514. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Israel. Deut. 3:8
515. How the Jews defeated 60 cities. Deut. 3:8
516. Sidon and Mount Hermon. Deut. 3:8
517. Mount Hermon. Deut. 3:8
518. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch on Mount Hermon. Deut. 3:9
519. More on Mount Hermon. Deut. 3:9
520. Gilead; the whole of Gilead. Deut. 3:10
521. Salecah; Edrie. Deut. 3:10
522. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Transjordan Area Conquered by the Sons of Israel (Pulpit Commentary). Deut. 3:10
523. The Rephaim. Deut. 3:11
524. Expelling the Amorites from Edom, Moab and Ammon. Deut. 3:11
525. Og’s bed (sarcophagus); its makeup. Deut. 3:11
526. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fausset on Rabbah. Deut. 3:11
527. The thing about the bed might not be Moses writing. Deut. 3:11
528. More on the makeup of the bed. iPhone pictures. Deut. 3:11
529. How Og’s bed might have ended up in Rabbah. Deut. 3:11
530. The iron of that land. The iron age. Deut. 3:11
531. More on the bed. Deut. 3:11
532. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke on the Weirdness of the Rabbins. Deut. 3:11
533. Distribution of land. Deut. 3:12
534. The land held by Gad and Reuben; where it is. Deut. 3:12
535. Which tribe had what land. Deut. 3:13
536. Moses and the motivation of these tribes. Deut. 3:13
537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Distribution of Land and What It Teaches (Pulpit Commentary). Deut. 3:13
538. King David, Talmai and Geshur. Deut. 3:14
539. Until this day. Deut. 3:14
540. Machir, the tribe and the person. Deut. 3:15
541. The divisions and subdivisions of Manasseh. Deut. 3:15
542. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The River Arnon. Deut. 3:16
543. Ravine; torrent. Deut. 3:16
544. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Jabbok River. Deut. 3:16
545. Pisgah. Deut. 3:17
546. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chinnereth: the City and the Sea. Deut. 3:17
547. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pisgah, by Easton and Fausset. Deut. 3:17
548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Map of the Land East of the Jordan. Deut. 3:17
549. Simple Reuben and Gad boundaries. Deut. 3:17
550. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiastic Organization of Deuteronomy 3:18–22. Deut. 3:18
551. Your sin will find you out. Deut. 3:18
552. The meaning of rest. Deut. 3:20
553. Joshua learned from what he saw. Deut. 3:21
554. Don’t be overwhelmed by what lies ahead. Deut. 3:22
555. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 3:22 (graphic). Deut. 3:22
556. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiastic Organization of Deuteronomy 3:23–29. Deut. 3:23
557. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 3:24 (graphic). Deut. 3:24
558. Reference to 1Chronicles 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 3:24
559. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Greatness of God—Scriptural References. Deut. 3:24
560. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Great Things God has Done. Deut. 3:24
561. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 3:24 (graphic #2). Deut. 3:24
562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Promise of New Conquests (The Pulpit Commentary). Deut. 3:24
563. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett on the Land of Promise. Deut. 3:25
564. Reference to Psalm 106 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
565. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Did Moses Receive the Brunt of God's Anger at the Waters of Meribah? Deut. 3:25
566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ron Daniel on Moses' 4 Areas of Sin. Deut. 3:25
567. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Won't Moses Enter the Land with the Children of Israel? Deut. 3:25
568. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What can we as individual believers take from Moses going this far and no further? Deut. 3:25
569. Do not underestimate Moses’ act of disobedience. Deut. 3:25
570. The climates east and west of the Jordan. Deut. 3:25
571. With power comes great responsibility. Deut. 3:25
572. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 3:23, 25 (graphic). Deut. 3:25
573. Lebanon. Deut. 3:25
574. God answers Moses’ prayer to go to the other side. Deut. 3:25
575. Moses’ sin: whose fault is it; how serious is it? Deut. 3:26
576. Type and antitype. Deut. 3:26
577. Why Moses’ sin was a real problem. Deut. 3:26
578. How many times to Moses go up the mountain to see the Land of Promise which God would give to Israel. Deut. 3:27
579. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 3:24–27 (graphic). Deut. 3:27
580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why God did not let Moses Enter into the Land of Promise. Deut. 3:27
581. Joshua is a type of Christ. Deut. 3:28
582. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Joshua leads the people instead of Moses. Deut. 3:28
583. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke on the Typology of Moses and Joshua. Deut. 3:28
584. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses as a Type of Christ in His Death. Deut. 3:28
585. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Certainty that Israel Would Possess Canaan (Peter Pett). Deut. 3:28
586. Beth-Peor. Deut. 3:29
587. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Beth-Baal-Peor. Deut. 3:29
588. Beth-Peor. Deut. 3:29
589. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Deuteronomy 3 is in the Word of God. Deut. 3 Addendum
590. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Addendum
591. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Deut. 3 Addendum
592. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Addendum
593. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Addendum
594. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Addendum
595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Deuteronomy 3. Deut. 3 Addendum
596. Someday, I may want to do the Doctrine of until this day—not finished yet! Deut. 3:14
597. Deuteronomy 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
598. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Deut. 4 Preface
599. Quotations include Confucius, Houdini, Proust, Orwell, Voltaire, Emilio Estevez. Deut. 4 Preface
600. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy Chapter 4 (graphic). Deut. 4 Introduction
601. Covenant theology is refuted by Deut. 4. Deut. 4 Introduction
602. Deut. 4 is a turning point in Moses’ 1st sermon. Deut. 4 Introduction
603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Remember what you see and hear...learn and do the Lord's commandments. Deut. 4 Introduction
604. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Prophecy Found in Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Introduction
605. Reference to Deut. 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 4 Introduction
606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Introduction
607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Prequel to Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Introduction
608. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Introduction
609. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Introduction
610. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Synopsis of Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Introduction
611. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Organization of Deuteronomy 4 Based upon a Series of Object Lessons. Deut. 4 Introduction
612. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pett's Brief Synopsis of Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Introduction
613. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Whedon Summarizes Deuteronomy 4 in a Single Paragraph. Deut. 4 Introduction
614. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Looks Backward and Forwards. Deut. 4 Introduction
615. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Meredith Kline: The Book of Deuteronomy is Like the Suzerain Treaties. Deut. 4 Introduction
616. Reference to Introduction to Deuteronomy (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 4 Introduction
617. More on Deuteronomy and Suzerain Treaties. Deut. 4 Introduction
618. Listen and see are the two key words in this chapter. Deut. 4:1
619. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Statutes and Judicial Decrees. Deut. 4:1
620. J. Vernon McGee: man is innately opposed to God. Deut. 4:1
621. Believers are to listen and obey God’s Word. Deut. 4:1
622. Necessity of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life; illustrated by the CEO in a coma. Deut. 4:1
623. Believers do not get a standard issue of earthly amenities. Deut. 4:1
624. Happiness is tied to the doctrine in the believer’s soul; not to his earthly assets. Deut. 4:1
625. Why the Israelites knew they could trust God; why we know we can trust God. Deut. 4:1
626. The Bible is not subject to amendments like the U.S. constitution. Deut. 4:2
627. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible is Whole and Complete—Do not add to it or take from it. Deut. 4:2
628. Moses knew he was speaking God’s Word. Deut. 4:2
629. A little on Baal-peor. Deut. 4:3
630. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Numbers 25:1–9 (World English Bible). Deut. 4:3
631. Sexually addictive behavior of homosexuals redefining marriage. Deut. 4:3
632. The obedient lived; the disobedient died. Deut. 4:4
633. Moses spent a great deal of time teaching God’s laws and commandments to the people in the desert. Deut. 4:5
634. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Organization of Deuteronomy 4:6–9. Deut. 4:6
635. Taking safety and prosperity for granted in the United States. Deut. 4:6
636. The Mosaic Law was the most complex system of law in existence. Deut. 4:6
637. Homosexuality and mixing types of fabric. Deut. 4:6
638. Honest people are impressed by the Law of Moses. Deut. 4:6
639. Impact of the Mosaic Law today. Discussion of the Bible in assembling our constitution. Deut. 4:6
640. Why new believers and unbelievers reject some churches. Deut. 4:6
641. How a pastor sounds; J. Vernon McGee. Deut. 4:6
642. What a church ought to be like. Deut. 4:6
643. Only Israel had God Who they could call upon. Deut. 4:7
644. Elijah chiding the false prophets. Deut. 4:7
645. The Bible does not teach that other nations have a god or gods. Deut. 4:7
646. Life in America is grand. Deut. 4:7
647. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Facts About Poverty in America By Robert Rector (the Heritage Foundation). Deut. 4:7
648. Working in a house of welfare recipients. Deut. 4:7
649. Work is fundamental in any society. Deut. 4:7
650. Reference to Genesis 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 4:8
651. Moses did not copy the code of Hammurabi. Deut. 4:8
652. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ancient Law Codes. Deut. 4:8
653. Reference to Satan did not know about the cross (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 4:8
654. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Wisdom of the Law of God. Deut. 4:8
655. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:7–8 (graphic). Deut. 4:8
656. Old and New Testament on the Law. Deut. 4:8
657. Completing one’s salvation. Deut. 4:9
658. There is no political solution for the problems of America. Deut. 4:9
659. The Law reveals the supernatural character of God. Deut. 4:9
660. J. Vernon McGee on the education of the young. Deut. 4:9
661. The importance of fathers teaching their children. Deut. 4:9
662. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:9 (graphic). Deut. 4:9
663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Organizes Deuteronomy 4:10–14. Deut. 4:10
664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask: Was the law given at Horeb or at Mt. Sinai? Deut. 4:10
665. Why God gathered the Israelites to hear Him. Deut. 4:10
666. References to Fear of the Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Genesis 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 4:10
667. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Fear of the Lord. Deut. 4:10
668. The Law does not save; it condemns. Deut. 4:10
669. A relationship with God must be learned; it is not innately natural. Deut. 4:10
670. Passages on teaching one’s children. Deut. 4:10
671. Storms and storm clouds in Texas. Deut. 4:11
672. God’s miracles are appropriate to His audience. Deut. 4:12
673. The Israelites could not concentrate on God’s words; as I could not concentrate the first few minutes that I heard R. B. Thieme, Jr. speak at a conference. Deut. 4:12
674. The natural inclination of Israel toward idolatry. Deut. 4:12
675. Moses as a mediator is a type of Christ. Deut. 4:12
676. Moses wrote the book of Deuteronomy; not somebody hundreds of years later. Deut. 4:12
677. Mosaic authorship of Deuteronomy examined logically. Deut. 4:12
678. Cults and their scriptures. Deut. 4:12
679. Reference to Gen. 12 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 4:13
680. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ten Commandments. Deut. 4:13
681. The tablets of stone and what were written on them and when. Deut. 4:13
682. The contents of the Ark of God. Deut. 4:13
683. Moses undoubtedly wrote down the Word of God. Deut. 4:14
684. Presidents who looked to change the Constitution of the United States at will. Deut. 4:14
685. Example of Barack Obama making millions of illegal aliens legal. Deut. 4:14
686. Moses’ train of thought was topical and not chronological. Deut. 4:14
687. Idolatry today. Deut. 4:15
688. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Organizes Deuteronomy 4:15–24. Deut. 4:15
689. There are no busts or paintings of Jesus Christ from the 1st century; and no descriptions. Deut. 4:15
690. Idolatry. Deut. 4:16
691. Idolatry in the 21st century. Deut. 4:17
692. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How to determine if you are in a good church. Deut. 4:17
693. My own conversion and attempt to find a good church. The people I listened to and who made an impression on me. Deut. 4:17
694. Quotations on idolatry. Deut. 4:18
695. Can we paint pictures of birds? Deut. 4:18
696. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Words for Idols. Deut. 4:18
697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Words for Idols in our Passage. Deut. 4:18
698. More quotes on idolatry. Deut. 4:18
699. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on 3 Forms of Idolatry. Deut. 4:19
700. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ken Reed's Doctrine of Idolatry. Deut. 4:19
701. Quotations on worshiping the heavenly bodies. Deut. 4:19
702. Update on idolatry. We worship sports stars and pop music figures. Deut. 4:19
703. Two interpretations of the iron furnace: Egypt or the desert-wilderness. Deut. 4:20
704. Quotations on the iron furnace. Deut. 4:20
705. The differences of miracles between the Lord during His incarnation and before Egypt. Deut. 4:20
706. Moses did not maintain the type during the 2nd no-water situation. Deut. 4:21
707. Missing details do not mean that a passage is faulty. Deut. 4:21
708. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Disciplines Moses because of the Jews' Negative Volition. Deut. 4:21
709. Typology; antitypes. Deut. 4:21
710. Moses does not confess his sin to the generation of promise before him; but he blames them. Deut. 4:21
711. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Illustrator on the National Greatness of Britain. Deut. 4:22
712. Nations decline as their positive volition toward Jesus Christ declines. Deut. 4:22
713. Reference to Deuteronomy 34 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 4:22
714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Categories of Reasons Why Moses is not Going into the Land. Deut. 4:22
715. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Christianity is based upon historical events. Deut. 4:23
716. The faith of the ancient Jews and the doctrines of the church of God are all related to actual historical events. Without the actual history, there is no Christian faith. Deut. 4:23
717. Satan is always trying to draw us away from the faith. Deut. 4:23
718. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:24 (graphic). Deut. 4:24
719. God as a consuming fire; quotations. Deut. 4:24
720. Jealous God quotations and explanation. Deut. 4:24
721. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 3 "Take Heed's" of Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4:24
722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Organizes Deuteronomy 4:25–29. Deut. 4:25
723. The Israelites preserve their lives in the land through obedience to God. Deut. 4:25
724. Parents who simply accept the sins of their own children. Moses did not accept the anticipated sins of the Jews before him. Deut. 4:25
725. And anger of God; chastising His people. Deut. 4:25
726. Inheritance cannot be earned through obedience; but it can be lost by disobedience. Deut. 4:25
727. Oath passages. Deut. 4:26
728. Punishment passages. Deut. 4:26
729. The scattering of the Israelites among the nations. Deut. 4:27
730. The truth of the prophecy of Scriptures. Deut. 4:27
731. Passages about driving the Jews from the Land of Promise. Deut. 4:27
732. Even now, online relationships are in competition with in-person relationships. Deut. 4:28
733. The Bible does not allow for worship of a different god. Deut. 4:28
734. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Grace Bible Church's Doctrine of Idolatry. Deut. 4:28
735. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing God's Warnings to Israel. Deut. 4:28
736. Why some expositors give the writing of Deuteronomy a late date. They do not believe in prophecy. Deut. 4:28
737. You cannot wish legitimate prophetical passages away. Deut. 4:28
738. Reference to Josh McDowell and his apologetic books. Deut. 4:28
739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:29 NIV (graphic). Deut. 4:29
740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:29 (graphic). Deut. 4:29
741. Just as the Jews outside the land can seek God and find Him; we out of fellowship can get back into fellowship and also seek God. Deut. 4:29
742. Our sinfulness and degeneracy; Israel’s sinfulness and degeneracy. Deut. 4:29
743. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Organizes Deuteronomy 4:30–40. Deut. 4:30
744. Different uses of the phrase latter days. Deut. 4:30
745. Passages on a merciful God. Deut. 4:31
746. God will not fail the Jews. Deut. 4:31
747. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:31 (graphic). Deut. 4:31
748. Passages where God would not forget His covenant with Israel. Deut. 4:31
749. The Jews would fail God; God would never fail the Jews. Deut. 4:31
750. Satan wants to destroy the Jewish race. Deut. 4:31
751. God remains compassionate even though the Jews continue to fail. Deut. 4:31
752. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Prophecies about Israel Stand True Today. Deut. 4:31
753. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:31 A Promise from God (graphic). Deut. 4:31
754. When history is occurring, you often take historical events for granted; or distort their importance. Deut. 4:32
755. Denominations appear to miss the importance of Israel and the strength of God’s promises to Israel. Deut. 4:32
756. God had spoken to the people of Israel and it frightened them. Deut. 4:33
757. God protects the Jews against their Arabic neighbors. Deut. 4:34
758. The greatness of America; the grace God has given America. Deut. 4:34
759. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Defeats the Egyptian Army—Exodus 14:5–31. Deut. 4:34
760. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses' 3 Rhetorical Questions. Deut. 4:34
761. Pett on the sevenfold explanation. Deut. 4:34
762. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke, Gill: The Seven Things Used by God to Take Israel out of Egypt. Deut. 4:34
763. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:35 (graphic). Deut. 4:35
764. Verses on the exclusivity of God. Deut. 4:35
765. The exclusivity of God and the Trinity. Deut. 4:35
766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Exclusivity of the God of the Jews. Deut. 4:35
767. People are unable to interpret history as it occurs around them. Deut. 4:35
768. Example of people unable to interpret current history (Bush, Obama, ISIS). Deut. 4:35
769. God’s Word is real, even without seeing great signs and wonders. Deut. 4:36
770. What we believe is a choice. Deut. 4:36
771. First mention of God’s love in the Bible. Deut. 4:37
772. Being able to study and write commentary on the Word of God is a gracious privilege. It is not something I earned or deserve. Deut. 4:37
773. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel's Election. Deut. 4:37
774. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Nations Under God (Israel and the United States). Deut. 4:38
775. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:39 NIV (graphic). Deut. 4:39
776. What other religion grapples with sin as much as Christianity does? Deut. 4:39
777. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:39 (graphic #2). Deut. 4:39
778. The great blessing enjoyed by the United States because of Billy Graham and the great doctrinal movement in the United States. Deut. 4:40
779. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary: The Topics Covered in Moses' First Sermon. Deut. 4:40
780. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Summary of Deuteronomy 1:6–4:40. Deut. 4:40
781. Moses first sermon did not cover the topics in chronological order. Deut. 4:40
782. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sermons of Moses in Deuteronomy. Deut. 4:40
783. Reference to Psalm 136 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 4:40
784. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 136 (with brief commentary). Deut. 4:40
785. Moses’ to-do list and the cities of refuge. Deut. 4:41
786. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Organizes Deuteronomy 4:41–43. Deut. 4:41
787. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Coffman's appraisal of the location of the short passage Deuteronomy 4:41–43. Deut. 4:41
788. Only 3 cities of refuge are set up because Israel has only conquered the land east of the Jordan. Deut. 4:41
789. The possible methods by which the book of Deuteronomy was recorded. Deut. 4:41
790. Motive is an important part of determining the nature of a killing. Deut. 4:42
791. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gill, on How These Cities Were Typical of Jesus Christ. Deut. 4:43
792. The placement of these cities of refuge is exactly right for the context of Deuteronomy. Deut. 4:43
793. Documentary hypothesis mentioned. Deut. 4:43
794. The placement of Deut. 4:44–49. Deut. 4:44
795. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Two Introductions/Compare and Contrast. Deut. 4:44
796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch Set the Stage for Moses' 2nd Address with Deuteronomy 4:44–49. Deut. 4:44
797. Chapter divisions were made long after the canon of Scripture was completed. Deut. 4:44
798. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Don Stewart on Chapter and Verse Divisions. Deut. 4:44
799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Summarizes Deuteronomy 4:44–49. Deut. 4:44
800. Commentators on what Moses was about to teach. Deut. 4:45
801. Beth-peor, where Moses and the people are. Deut. 4:46
802. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Similar Proper Nouns. Deut. 4:48
803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Primary Uses of the Term Arabah. Deut. 4:49
804. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Where does Deuteronomy 4:44–49 belong? Who put it here? Deut. 4:49
805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Deuteronomy 4 is in the Word of God. Deut. 4 Addendum
806. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Addendum
807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Deut. 4 Addendum
808. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Addendum
809. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Addendum
810. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Deuteronomy 4. Deut. 4 Addendum
811. Fear of God Deut. 4:10
812. Idolatry Deut. 4:16
813. Determining whether a particular church teaches God's Word (good!). Deut. 4:16
814. My personal testimony when it comes to choosing God's Word. Deut. 4:16
815. God's promises to Israel will be kept. Deut. 4:31
816. How to distinguish Elohim (singular) from elohim (plural); God vs. gods. Deut. 4:34
817. Exclusivity of Yehowah God. Deut. 4:35
818. Sion, Zion, Sirion, Sidon, Senir all compared in Hebrew. Deut. 4:48
819. Short doctrine: The Primary uses of the Word Arabah. Deut. 4:49
820. Deuteronomy 5 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
821. Deut. 5 basic exegesis has been done. Has to be completed.
822. Israel's covenant with God. Deut. 5:3
823. The Doctrine of a Covenant—not finished yet!! Deut. 5:3 (there have been several different covenants covered up until this time; see NASB p. 769—my notes)
824. The theme of love in the book of Deuteronomy Deut. 5:10
825. See the Doctrine of Yehowah in the Trinity—not finished yet!! Deut. 5:11
826. The evolving of the Sabbath Deut. 5:15
827. The Mosaic Law in our lives. Deut. 5:16
828. The ninth commandment properly translated. [prior to] Deut. 5:20
829. Why do I spend so much time attempting to correctly translate a passage?
830. Why has God revealed Himself in many ways to many people and why does he have different dispensations? Deut. 5:26
831. The Importance of Bible Doctrine——not finished yet!! Deut. 6:9
832. The Doctrine of the Fear of God—not finished yet!! Deut. 6:13a (see Psalm 19:9 Scofield note)
833. Documentary hypothesis (the JEPD theory). Deut. 6:13a
834. The Doctrine of Israel's Service to God—not finished yet! Deut. 6:13b
835. Good graphic for Deut. 7–8
836. The Doctrine of the Girgashites. Deut. 7:1
837. The Doctrine of the Perizzites—not finished yet!! Deut. 7:1
838. Mixed Marriages (racially and religiously mixed). Deut. 7:4a
839. The Doctrine of Asherah—not finished yet!! Deut. 7:5 See Scofield note of Deut. 16:21, NIV this passage and ZPEB See Manners and Customs (Freeman) p. 107.
840. The Religion of the Canaanites (Molech, Asherah, Astarte mentioned)—not finished yet! See “Treasuries from Biblical Times” p. 88. Deut. 7:24
841. Degeneracy and the Land of Promise—a part of the above doctrine. Deut. 7:24
842. In Deut. 8, see p. 90
843. The Doctrine of Testing—not finished yet!! Deut. 8:2 (See Ex. 16:4 Deut. 13:3) I may want to confine this to the testing of Israel?? I1Chron. 32:31 Don’t forget to point out that God knows already what is in our hearts and how we will do when tested. It is important to realize that some of our testing is good for us and much of the testing is a part of the angelic conflict. Also mentioned in Judges 3:4.
844. Why manna was supernatural Deut. 8:3
845. The work ethic Deut. 8:3
846. The change in the land of Palestine—then and now. Climate and weather. Where did I cover this before??? I may want to move some stuff. Great quote from Will Durant on this. Deut. 8:7–8
847. The concept of the word bless. Repeated in Judges 5:2. Deut. 8:10
848. The Doctrine of the Anakim. [Already covered in Num. 13:28]. Deut. 9:2
849. Reasons for examining the Hebrew carefully Deut. 9:5
850. Emphasis and word order of the Hebrew Deut. 9:5
851. The Doctrine of the Wrath of God—not finished yet!! Deut. 9:8
852. The Doctrine of Forty Days and Forty Nights—not finished yet!! Deut. 9:9
853. The Doctrine of the Finger of God—not finished yet! Deut. 9:10 I wonder if this indicates a signature more than just His power; or, perhaps His incredible power is being alluded to all stored in His finger(?) (NIV Ex. 8:19 has a short note).
854. The actual order of events of Exodus and Deuteronomy around the time of the two ascensions up Mount Sinai (a table). Deut. 9:21
855. Why Moses was not a fraud (Deut. 9:25)
856. Israel is God’s inheritance (Deut. 9:29)
857. The Levites and the priesthood Deut. 10:8
858. Desert wanderings is a misnomer Deut. 11:5
859. Making God in one’s own image Deut. 12:3
860. Number of feast day, number of sacrifices, number of times to assemble, and sacrifices only to be offered from the Tent of God. Deut. 12:5a
861. The doctrine of the stretching forth of the hand—not finished yet!! Deut. 12:7
862. The importance of worshiping in one place. Deut. 12:7
863. God’s standards vs. Man’s standards (doing that which is right in your own eyes). Deut. 12:8
864. Slavery in America. Deut. 12:12
865. Wealth Deut. 12:12
866. Burnt offerings were only offered at the tabernacle. Deut. 12:14
867. The importance of the blood and the enjoinder not to drink blood. Deut. 12:23
868. False prophets. Deut. 13:1
869. Guidance to choosing a pastor-teacher. Deut. 13:3
870. The reasons for testing. Deut. 13:3
871. Suffering, the gospel and negative volition. Deut. 13:4
872. Capital punishment as a deterrent Deut. 13:11
873. Signs and wonders Deut. 13:2
874. The Election of Israel—not finished! Deut. 14:2 (see notes on Scofield Bible and NIV footnotes for this verse)
875. The Doctrine of Tithing—not finished yet!! Deut. 14:22 (See NIV note for this verse; see Barnes references as well and Gen. 14:20 Deut. 12:17–18 are important and Barne’s notes on Deut. 14:28–29).
876. The Doctrine of Drinking [Alcohol]—not finished yet! Deut. 14:26 See When Critics Ask, p. 122.
877. The Doctrine of the Sabbath Year—not finished yet!! Deut. 15:1 (see Ex. 23:10–11 Lev. 25:4) The “Sabbath Year” is our designation for this time period; it is designated in the Bible as “The Year of Release.” (See K & D, Vol. 1 p. 918).
878. The Doctrine of the Poor—not finished yet!! Deut. 15:7
879. Slavery Deut. 15:12–18
880. Deuteronomy 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
881. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Deut. 16 Preface
882. The 3 feasts. Deut. 16 Introduction
883. Questions I begin this chapter with; Moses’ train of thought. Deut. 16 Introduction
884. Reference to Deuteronomy 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16 Introduction
885. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Introduction
886. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Introduction
887. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Introduction
888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moab and the Dead Sea (a map). Deut. 16 Introduction
889. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Introduction
890. Reference to Exodus 12 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Leviticus 23 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Numbers 28-29 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16 Introduction
891. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Feasts of God (Commentators). Deut. 16 Introduction
892. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Were the Feasts Celebrated in the Desert? Deut. 16 Introduction
893. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Outline of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Introduction
894. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Summarized Bible on Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Introduction
895. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Bob Utley's Chart on the Organization of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Introduction
896. The commemoration aspect of the 3 feasts. Deut. 16 Introduction
897. Background of the first Passover. Deut. 16:1
898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Organization of the Description of the Feast (Deut. 16:1–6). Deut. 16:1
899. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Foundation for God's Miraculous Power (from E. White). Deut. 16:1
900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators Introduce the Feast Days Section. Deut. 16:1
901. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: G. Campbell Morgan on the Feasts of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16:1
902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 16:1 (ESV) (a graphic). Deut. 16:1
903. The Jewish calender being superior to ours in one respect.
904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Regarding the Date of Passover. Deut. 16:1
905. The Bible and slavery. Deut. 16:1
906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ten Plagues (from Ron Daniel). Deut. 16:1
907. God’s signs and wonders are appropriate to His audience. Deut. 16:1
908. Ex. 12 text. Deut. 16:1
909. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Passover and Jesus Dying for Our Sins (Commentators). Deut. 16:1
910. Reference to the book of Exodus (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:1
911. Reference to the Chart of Jesus in the Old and New Testaments (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Jesus in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:1
912. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Passover is the Type/Christ is the Antitype (The Pulpit Commentary). Deut. 16:1
913. Jesus, our Passover Lamb, in the New Testament. Deut. 16:1
914. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Exodus from Egypt (a map). Deut. 16:1
915. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Passover (a graphic). Deut. 16:1
916. The symbol of the cross and first Passover. Deut. 16:1
917. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Passover and the Blood of Jesus, Our Passover Lamb (a graphic). Deut. 16:1
918. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom's Doctrine of the Passover. Deut. 16:1
919. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Additional Links to Various Doctrines on the Passover. Deut. 16:1
920. When Israel left Egypt, that began their calender. Deut. 16:1
921. The first month of the Jewish calender corresponds with the Israel leaving Egypt. Deut. 16:1
922. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ex. 10–12 in Chronological order. Deut. 16:1
923. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Children of Israel Leave Egypt at Night. Deut. 16:1
924. The Passover was celebrated at least a second time during the 40 years in the desert-wilderness. Deut. 16:2
925. Why Moses does not name a specific place for the feasts to take place. Deut. 16:2
926. Reference to the Movement of the Ark and the Tabernacle (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:2
927. Long period of time when these feasts were not celebrated. Deut. 16:2
928. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Makes His Name to Dwell in Israel. Deut. 16:2
929. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Passover, by The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary. Deut. 16:2
930. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. Orr on the Passover. Deut. 16:2
931. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Passover, a memorial of deliverance (R. M. Edgar). Deut. 16:2
932. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on the Passover. Deut. 16:2
933. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Passages for Study for the Passover. Deut. 16:2
934. The Passover; the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Deut. 16:3
935. Matzah. Deut. 16:3
936. The reason for children to participate in these feasts. Deut. 16:3
937. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Unleavened Bread; the Bread of Affliction (Commentators). Deut. 16:3
938. God is always aware of His audience; and throughout the Bible, the information presented is audience-specific. Deut. 16:3
939. Leaven represents evil. Deut. 16:4
940. During the Feast of Unleavened Bread, leaven was not to be seen. Deut. 16:4
941. Starting a new batch of leaven; SF leaven that has been around for 100 or even 160 years. Deut. 16:4
942. The time for Passover. Deut. 16:4
943. The Passover could not be offered up in just any city. How this relates to Messiah. Deut. 16:5
944. Jerusalem was not always that city. Deut. 16:6
945. Celebration of the Passover stopped for many centuries. Deut. 16:6
946. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: This time element for the Passover seems a little confusing. Deut. 16:6
947. The Bible and science. Deut. 16:6
948. Interpreting the Passover today; the slave market of sin. Deut. 16:6
949. Moses’ dual nature; the dual nature of Jesus. Deut. 16:6
950. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Organization of Deuteronomy 16:7–12. Deut. 16:7
951. Roasting, boiling, cooking the Passover lamb. Deut. 16:7
952. Returning to one’s tent does not mean returning home. Deut. 16:7
953. The Cambridge Bible and interpreting Deut. 16:7 using D, P, J and E. Deut. 16:7
954. Reference to Documentary Hypothesis (the JEPD Theory) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:7
955. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Returning to Your Tents (Deuteronomy 16:7). Deut. 16:7
956. Discussion about people remaining for the entire feast or not. Deut. 16:7
957. The Passover/Unleavened Bread Feast is probably 7 days, with the 8th day devoted to traveling. Deut. 16:8
958. The use of leaven; meaning of leaven. Deut. 16:8
959. Past, present and future reality of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Deut. 16:8
960. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Feast of Unleavened Bread. Deut. 16:8
961. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Passover and Unleavened Bread as a Backdrop during the Life of the Lord. Deut. 16:8
962. What the Feast of Weeks was all about; it is the Jewish Thanksgiving. Deut. 16:9
963. The Feast of Weeks is a backdrop for Acts 2; it is not the fulfillment of a Jewish prophecy. Deut. 16:9
964. Counting down to the Feast of Weeks; the meaning of Pentecost. Deut. 16:9
965. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Deut. 16:9
966. The promise of the Holy Spirit. Deut. 16:9
967. Very few mentions of the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) after the Torah. Most associated with the Church Age. Deut. 16:10
968. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Translations of Deuteronomy 16:10. Deut. 16:10
969. Grace giving. Deut. 16:10
970. Not attending a festival was not a criminal offense. People were spiritually bound to attends these feasts, not legally. Deut. 16:11
971. Discussion: should we not allow anyone who wants to enter into America come, as we have the gospel here? Deut. 16:11
972. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The United States, our blessings, our borders and immigration. Deut. 16:11
973. Poor or rich, everyone stands equal before God. Deut. 16:11
974. Economic status and Jesus Christ. Deut. 16:11
975. Generation snowflake, making this and the last election all about themselves. Deut. 16:11
976. Slavery in the ancient world. Deut. 16:11
977. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 16:11 (a graphic). Deut. 16:11
978. Jews were not to abuse their slaves; they were not to hold anger toward the Egyptians for being enslaved. Deut. 16:12
979. Grudges held by Muslims. Deut. 16:12
980. There should be no social problem with the Jews celebrating with their slaves. Deut. 16:12
981. Having feasts for slaves to attend is revolutionary. Deut. 16:12
982. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Freed Israel from Slavery to Obedience (a graphic). Deut. 16:12
983. The natural process of the new Christians setting aside the feast days. Deut. 16:12
984. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Guzik on the feasts. Deut. 16:12
985. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on The Feast of Weeks (or, Harvest). Deut. 16:12
986. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pentecost by J. Orr. Deut. 16:12
987. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Feast of Pentecost (H. Simon, Ph. D.). Deut. 16:12
988. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost, Harvest, First-Fruits). Deut. 16:12
989. Types, prophecy, Bible doctrine; the church and Israel. Deut. 16:12
990. References to Dispensations (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). See also the Three Dispensations: The Age of Israel, the Age of the Hypostatic Union and the Church Age (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:12
991. The Cambridge Bible, the Feast of Weeks and the JEPD theory. Deut. 16:12
992. Feast of Booths, basic meaning. Deut. 16:13
993. The 3 feasts of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16:13
994. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Regathering Feasts. Deut. 16:13
995. The book of Nehemiah and the regathering of the Jews. Deut. 16:13
996. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Holy Spirit, the Divine Editor of the Word of God. Deut. 16:13
997. The Supernatural Editor, God the Holy Spirit. Deut. 16:13
998. A group gathering to write the Bible is illogical. Deut. 16:13
999. The 4 biographers of Jesus Christ. Deut. 16:13
1000. Feasts are mentioned in very appropriate places in Scripture. Deut. 16:13
1001. God wants His people to be happy. Deut. 16:14
1002. Explaining to the next generation why each feast is celebrated. Deut. 16:14
1003. Disseminating truth in various ways. Deut. 16:14
1004. The destructive nature of the welfare state. Deut. 16:15
1005. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 16:15b (a graphic). Deut. 16:15
1006. Old Testament reference for John 7:37–38. Deut. 16:15
1007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Feast of Tabernacles (Tents, Booths, Ingathering) (Commentators). Deut. 16:15
1008. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on the Feast of Tabernacles. Deut. 16:15
1009. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Feast of Tabernacles (Tents, Shelters, Booths, Ingathering). Deut. 16:15
1010. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lessons to be Taken from the Feast of Tabernacles (The Pulpit Commentary). Deut. 16:15
1011. One of the last things Moses said was about the Feast of the Tabernacles. Deut. 16:15
1012. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Overview of the Seven Feasts (a graphic). Deut. 16:15
1013. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 16:16a (a graphic). Deut. 16:16
1014. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Importance of Assembling for the Feasts (Dean Vaughan; The Bible Illustrator). Deut. 16:16
1015. Reference to the Movement of the Ark and the Tabernacle (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:16
1016. These 3 feasts are found together in several places. Deut. 16:16
1017. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 16:17 (NIV) (a graphic). Deut. 16:17
1018. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 16:17 (a graphic). Deut. 16:17
1019. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Summarizing the 3 Feasts. Deut. 16:17
1020. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alleged Similarities to Heathen Feasts (James Burton Coffman). Deut. 16:17
1021. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Final Points on the Three Feasts of Gathering. Deut. 16:17
1022. Some claim that the Passover was already in existence before Moses. Deut. 16:17
1023. Celebrations of actual historical events versus mythology. Deut. 16:17
1024. Chapter divisions are not divinely inspired; and these topics should be grouped differently. Deut. 16:18
1025. Going from feasts to judges. Deut. 16:18
1026. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Grouping Deuteronomy 16:18–21 with Its Proper Chapter (Various Commentators). Deut. 16:18
1027. Reference to Deuteronomy Introduction (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:18
1028. Good leaders make decision not just for one time and place, but he considers future generations. Deut. 16:18
1029. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Peter Pett Organizes Deuteronomy 16:18–19:21. Deut. 16:18
1030. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses on the Need for Judges (Commentators). Deut. 16:18
1031. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:18
1032. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Judges and Officers (Many Commentators). Deut. 16:18
1033. Samuel and his sons. Deut. 16:18
1034. Kings who appointed judges. Deut. 16:18
1035. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Early Government in Israel. Deut. 16:18
1036. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: R. M. Edgar on Impartial Judges. Deut. 16:18
1037. God does not have to direct and guide everything. Deut. 16:18
1038. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 16:19 (NIV) (a graphic). Deut. 16:19
1039. Examples of perverting justice in Scripture. Deut. 16:19
1040. Perverting, stretching out, twisting justice. Deut. 16:19
1041. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lady Justice (a photograph). Deut. 16:19
1042. Passages referring to partiality in the courts. Deut. 16:19
1043. Bribery passages. Deut. 16:19
1044. God was very concerned that Israel have a good judicial system. Deut. 16:19
1045. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Concern with Israel's Judicial System (Various Commentators). Deut. 16:19
1046. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Equality before the law (from Homiletic Monthly). Deut. 16:19
1047. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 16:20 (NIV) (a graphic). Deut. 16:20
1048. Hebrew law was revolutionary. Deut. 16:20
1049. Congress exempts itself from laws it passes. Deut. 16:20
1050. The justice system is to reflect the justice of God. Deut. 16:20
1051. Satellites being sent into space. Deut. 16:20
1052. God’s laws about justice are as immutable as the laws of space. Deut. 16:20
1053. Explaining, judge not, lest you be judged. Deut. 16:20
1054. Calling a sin a sin is not judging. Deut. 16:20
1055. The church and its parishioners. Deut. 16:20
1056. Homosexuality or prostitution and the church. Deut. 16:20
1057. Avoiding friends involved in dodgy activity. Deut. 16:20
1058. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 16:18–20 (a graphic). Deut. 16:20
1059. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on The Administration of Justice. Deut. 16:20
1060. Importance of predictability of justice. Deut. 16:20
1061. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. Orr on Model Judges. Deut. 16:20
1062. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Justice of God is Reflected in the Civil Justice System of Israel. Deut. 16:20
1063. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:20
1064. Conservatives versus liberals on government and justice. Deut. 16:20
1065. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gary North Connects Christianity with the Rise of Free Enterprise in the U.S.. Deut. 16:20
1066. Gary North’s conditionals. Deut. 16:20
1067. We are trying to destroy the laws of divine establishment in the US. Deut. 16:20
1068. We are on a 60–70% wrong track by public opinion. Deut. 16:20
1069. Connecting the establishment of judges and a judicial system to the prohibition of idolatry that follows. Deut. 16:21
1070. Reference to Deut. 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:21
1071. Asherah. Deut. 16:21
1072. Grove; groves. Deut. 16:21
1073. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: ISBE on Asherah. Deut. 16:21
1074. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of the Doctrine of Ashtoreth. Deut. 16:21
1075. Reference to the Doctrine of Ashtoreth (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:21
1076. Asherah, the wooden image. Deut. 16:21
1077. Reference to Judges 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:21
1078. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Asherah (Various Commentators). Deut. 16:21
1079. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining matstsêbâh (מַצֵּבָה) (Various Commentators). Deut. 16:22
1080. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Cambridge Bible on the Matstsêbâh (מַצֵּבָה). Deut. 16:22
1081. Jewish friend who said religion should not be so exclusive. Exclusivity of Revealed God worship and Jesus worship. Deut. 16:22
1082. Imagery is forbidden. Deut. 16:22
1083. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pillars and the Worship of Elohim (Various Commentators). Deut. 16:22
1084. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Idolatry forbidden (J. Wolfendale). Deut. 16:22
1085. Reference to Deut. 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17:1 (in chapter 16)
1086. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Deuteronomy 16 is in the Word of God. Deut. 16 Addendum
1087. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Addendum
1088. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bridgeway Bible Commentary Organizes Deuteronomy 16–17. Deut. 16 Addendum
1089. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Deut. 16 Addendum
1090. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Addendum
1091. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Addendum
1092. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Addendum
1093. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Deuteronomy 16. Deut. 16 Addendum
1094. The order of the events of the last two plagues and exodus from Egypt Deut. 16:1
1095. The Doctrine of the Passover (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 16:1 It should include famous Passovers (2Kings 23:21 Matt. 26:17–46) and possible the chronological order of Ex. 110–12 which is found in Deut. 16:1. See my notes in Deut. 16:4 and Keil & D. P. 921 of Vol. 1.
1096. Science and the Bible Deut. 16:6
1097. The dual nature of Moses as a reflection of the dual nature of our Lord; the deliverance of Israel from out of Egypt as the shadow of our deliverance from the slave market of sin all in Deut. 16:6.
1098. The Feast of Unleavened Bread as a New Testament backdrop. Deut. 16:8
1099. Why most references to Passover are found in gospels; and most references to Pentecost are found in Acts and the epistles. Deut. 16:10
1100. The meaning of the gathering of the Israelites in the three festivals of gathering. A summary chart which looks both forward and backward. Deut. 16:13
1101. The inspiration of the Bible examined from the standpoint of unity and organization. Deut. 16:13
1102. The exclusivity of Jesus Christ and Yehowah God of the Old Testament. Deut. 16:22
1103. Deuteronomy 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Deut. 17 Preface
1105. Quotes from Nixon and Gary North. Deut. 17 Preface
1106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 17:18 (a graphic). Deut. 17 Preface
1107. References to Chiasmos (Chiasmos example) (Thomas B. Clarke) (Brad McCoy); the Doctrine of the Client Nation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of Divine Good (Bible Doctrine Resource) (L.G. Merritt); The Production of Divine Good (Bible Doctrine Resource); the Five Cycles of Discipline (BDR—probably Thieme) (Mark Perkins) (L. G. Merritt); the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of the Sin unto Death (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Basic Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and the Study of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17 Introduction
1108. Moses’ train of thought in Deut. 17. Deut. 17 Introduction
1109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 17 Graphic. Deut. 17 Introduction
1110. Reference to Deuteronomy 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17 Introduction
1111. Deut. 17 is just a continuation of Deut. 16. Deut. 17 Introduction
1112. A summation of Deut. 17. Deut. 17 Introduction
1113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses' train of thought. Deut. 17 Introduction
1114. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 17 from the 1611 King James Bible (a graphic). Deut. 17 Introduction
1115. Moses speaks to the people primarily in the 2nd person masculine singular. Deut. 17 Introduction
1116. Speculation on the presentation of Moses; did he use notes? Deut. 17 Introduction
1117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Deuteronomy 17. Deut. 17 Introduction
1118. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Deuteronomy 17. Deut. 17 Introduction
1119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Deuteronomy 17. Deut. 17 Introduction
1120. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translations. Deut. 17 Introduction
1121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Outline of Deuteronomy 17. Deut. 17 Introduction
1122. Hawker’s summarization of Deut. 17. Deut. 17 Introduction
1123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Deuteronomy 17 by The College Press Bible Study. Deut. 17 Introduction
1124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 17 Lessons for Today (an Outline of Deuteronomy 17). Deut. 17 Introduction
1125. Arno Gaebelein summarizes Deut. 17. Deut. 17 Introduction
1126. Reference to 1Kings 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17 Introduction
1127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Expositor's Bible Commentary on the Confusing Organization of Deuteronomy. Too long; needs to be edited down. Deut. 17 Introduction
1128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Summarized Bible on Deuteronomy 17. Deut. 17 Introduction
1129. J. Vernon McGee on prophet, priest and king covered in Deut. 17–18. Deut. 17 Introduction
1130. Dividing up Deut. 16 and 17. Deut. 17 Introduction
1131. Why is v. 1 found here? It belongs in the previous chapter (or the end of Deut. 16 belongs with Deut. 17). Deut. 17:1
1132. Offering a lamb without defect. Deut. 17:1
1133. Savings accounts; waking up from a dream and your money is gone. Deut. 17:1
1134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Unblemished Sacrifice Refers to our Lord (Commentators on Deut. 17:1). Deut. 17:1
1135. Other passages about unblemished sacrifices. Deut. 17:1
1136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deut. 17:1 in Context. Deut. 17:1
1137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Civil and Spiritual Spheres of Israel in Deuteronomy 16–17. Deut. 17:1
1138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Chapter Division and Misplacement of Deuteronomy 17:1. Deut. 17:1
1139. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Logically tying Deut. 17:1 to its context (Peter Pett). Deut. 17:1
1140. The green movement is idolatry; false worship; a religion. Deut. 17:3
1141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Global Warming as a Religion by W. A. Beatty. Deut. 17:3
1142. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Photo of the Aftermath of the Earth Day Celebration in San Francisco 2014. Deut. 17:3
1143. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Forbidding the Worship of the Sun, Moon and Stars (Several Commentators). Deut. 17:3
1144. Idolatry and homosexuality. Deut. 17:3
1145. There are things from the Old Testament that we do not continue doing; like animal sacrifices. Deut. 17:3
1146. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Idolatry and False Worship (Commentators on Deuteronomy 17:2–4). Deut. 17:4
1147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Idolatry (Ancient, Modern, and Tribulational). Deut. 17:4
1148. Public execution in ancient Israel. Deut. 17:5
1149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Execution of Idolaters (Commentators on Deuteronomy 17:2–5). Deut. 17:5
1150. Testimony of more than one witness in Mosaic Law. Deut. 17:6
1151. The sins of other believers; the sins of believers and the church they attend. Deut. 17:6
1152. Examples of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors near or around a church. Deut. 17:6
1153. Applications of 2 or more witnesses. Deut. 17:6
1154. Gardner Ted Armstrong and his presentation of the Sabbath for the church today. Deut. 17:6
1155. Confirming the information on a rental application. Deut. 17:6
1156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: According to 2 or 3 witnesses (Commentators on Deuteronomy 17:6). Deut. 17:6
1157. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Death Penalty in the Mosaic Economy (The Apologetics Press). Deut. 17:6
1158. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Death Penalty in the Old Testament (a graphic). Deut. 17:6
1159. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Death Penalty in the New Testament (from Deut. 17:6
1160. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How some judges are confused about the death penalty and the Bible (Ron Daniel). Deut. 17:6
1161. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: He who casts the first stone (commentators on Deuteronomy 17:7). Deut. 17:7
1162. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robby Dean's Appended Doctrine of Separation. Deut. 17:7
1163. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Purging evil from your midst. Deut. 17:7
1164. The Catholic church and excommunication. Deut. 17:7
1165. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmos for Deuteronomy 17:8–13. Deut. 17:8
1166. Reasons why a judge might not be able to render a verdict. Deut. 17:8
1167. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translating "Between ___ to [for] ___.". Deut. 17:8
1168. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Interpreting "Between blood to blood". Deut. 17:8
1169. Exceptions to killing with intent (war or protecting oneself or family). Deut. 17:8
1170. Solving disputes between believers. Deut. 17:8
1171. Being able to read others. Deut. 17:8
1172. Reference to 1Kings 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17:8
1173. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: No pope required. Deut. 17:8
1174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Steve Rudd: Why Peter was not a good choice for the first pope. Deut. 17:8
1175. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Further Study on the Pope. Deut. 17:8
1176. My personal influences when first saved. Deut. 17:8
1177. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Higher Courts in the Land of Israel (Deuteronomy 17:8). Deut. 17:8
1178. First occurrence of Levitical Priest. Explaining the grammar of this. Deut. 17:9
1179. Reference to 1Kings 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17:9
1180. Priests are a matter of family line. Deut. 17:9
1181. Aaron’s 4 sons. Deut. 17:9
1182. Reference to 1Chron. 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17:9
1183. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: King, Prophet, Priest (a graphic). Deut. 17:9
1184. The priesthood in the Church Age; what it means. Deut. 17:9
1185. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine of the Priesthood (Ballinger, Thieme). Deut. 17:9
1186. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch why it is the Levitical Priesthood rather than the Aaronic Priests. Deut. 17:9
1187. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the term Levitical Priests. Deut. 17:9
1188. Moses was not setting down the structure for higher courts, but allowing for flexibility. Deut. 17:9
1189. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Several Commentators on the Appellant Courts of Moses. Deut. 17:9
1190. Our well-defined separation of powers; the difference in ancient Israel. Deut. 17:10
1191. Why a court case might be farmed up to a higher court. Deut. 17:10
1192. Judges in Israel had executive duties. Deut. 17:11
1193. Separation of powers in the United States and how this has been violated. Deut. 17:11
1194. Moses’ appellant court. Deut. 17:11
1195. Why a case might be kicked to a higher court when the judge can make a decision. Deut. 17:12
1196. What is being taught is, no one is above the law. Deut. 17:12
1197. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Respecting the Authority of the Higher Court (Commentators on Deut. 17:12). Deut. 17:12
1198. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Grace Bible Church's "Doctrine of Authority". Deut. 17:12
1199. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Doctrines of Authority. Deut. 17:12
1200. Respecting authority when on the job. Sharing the gospel. Deut. 17:12
1201. Example of woman with Bible verse. Deut. 17:12
1202. MacArthur requesting Bibles and missionaries. Deut. 17:12
1203. How making great deals might not be the answer. Deut. 17:12
1204. Fearing the consequences of breaking the law. Deut. 17:13
1205. Deterrent effect of punishment. Deut. 17:13
1206. Using that as a substitute teacher. Deut. 17:13
1207. Crusading over some personal injustice suffered. Deut. 17:13
1208. People’s actions conform to the law if the law and consequences are predictable (North). Deut. 17:13
1209. Using Hillary as an example of unpredictable law results. Deut. 17:13
1210. The 4th estate gins up interest or it does not. Deut. 17:13
1211. The Obama administration shows a flagrant disregard for the law. Deut. 17:13
1212. God uses harsh examples to guide us. Deut. 17:13
1213. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Functions of Government (a graphic). Deut. 17:14
1214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Peter Pett's Chiasmos of Deuteronomy 17:14–20. Deut. 17:14
1215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Regarding a Future King; Introducing Deuteronomy 17:14–20. Deut. 17:14
1216. Moses speaks with great authority to the people. Deut. 17:14
1217. Some critics claims that this part of Deuteronomy was written much later. Deut. 17:14
1218. Samuel makes moral judgments against the people; Moses does not. Deut. 17:14
1219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Book of Deuteronomy was NOT written during the time of Samuel. Deut. 17:14
1220. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses, by the power of God, perceived that the people would want a king. Deut. 17:14
1221. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Applying the Torah to a Modern Nation. Deut. 17:14
1222. Reference to Deuteronomy 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17:14
1223. It is not the believer’s job to change the government of a nation. Deut. 17:14
1224. You cannot change the volition of lemmings. Deut. 17:14
1225. The United States is now rushing headlong into socialism. Deut. 17:14
1226. Voting in a democracy/republic. Deut. 17:14
1227. Praying for our leaders. Deut. 17:14
1228. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17:14
1229. Why we are rushing headlong into socialism. Disappearing freedom. Deut. 17:14
1230. Obama and Trump; I, me, mine; a new generation thinks only about themselves. Unrestrained debt. Deut. 17:15
1231. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 17:15 (a graphic). Deut. 17:15
1232. Political rallies in Israel. Deut. 17:15
1233. Citizenship clause for Israel and the United States. Deut. 17:15
1234. The peaceful change of power in the US; the Arab Spring. Deut. 17:15
1235. Jesus Christ is the far-fulfillment of this prophecy of Moses, whose royal line is preserved. Deut. 17:15
1236. Since Nixon and JFK, we have selected the best looking man. Deut. 17:15
1237. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses predicts that Israel will desire a king. Deut. 17:15
1238. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Samuel 8:7–22 Samuel, the people and their desire for a king. Deut. 17:15
1239. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Who Think Moses is Restricting the Build-up of Israel's Army. Deut. 17:16
1240. The military and Christians. Deut. 17:16
1241. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Warfare Horses (a graphic). Deut. 17:16
1242. Egypt and early Israel. Deut. 17:16
1243. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Interpreting Multiplying Horses and Returning to Egypt (Deuteronomy 17:16). Deut. 17:16
1244. It is not the military that is endangering the United States’ debt. Deut. 17:16
1245. The US military has maintained peace throughout the world. Deut. 17:16
1246. The US place in the world. Deut. 17:16
1247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch on a More Timeless Understanding of Deuteronomy 17:16. Deut. 17:16
1248. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adam Clarke Explains Deuteronomy 17:16. Deut. 17:16
1249. Prophetic alliance between Israel and Egypt. Deut. 17:16
1250. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 17:16 Israel, Its King, and Its Military (and Its Horses). Deut. 17:16
1251. Egypt was a temporary place for Israel. Deut. 17:16
1252. Multiple wives was a perk to a king. Deut. 17:17
1253. Theological problems of having more than one wife. Deut. 17:17
1254. North warns about the treaties a king might incur with many foreign wives. Deut. 17:17
1255. Solomon and David both had many wives and turned against God as well due to their women. Deut. 17:17
1256. Reference to the Doctrine of Polygamy (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17:17
1257. Wealth and the kings of Israel. Deut. 17:17
1258. More reasons why Moses wrote this passage in Deuteronomy. Deut. 17:17
1259. Adultery is much more common in our society than polygamy. Deut. 17:17
1260. Unequally yoked in marriage. Deut. 17:17
1261. Solomon single-handedly changed world history. Deut. 17:17
1262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wealth and the King. Deut. 17:17
1263. Guidance to believers about wealth. Deut. 17:17
1264. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rich Cathers—The Warnings of Moses and the Acts of Solomon. Deut. 17:17
1265. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Restrictions Upon a King of Israel. Deut. 17:17
1266. Reference to Genesis 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 17:17
1267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The College Press Bible Study on a Summary of Transgressions. Deut. 17:17
1268. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Guzik: "It is a Matter of Balance". Deut. 17:17
1269. Restraint for a king is necessary. Deut. 17:17
1270. Why God requires such restraint for the king of Israel. Deut. 17:17
1271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Made One VERY Conditional Promise to Solomon. Deut. 17:17
1272. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Wisdom Versus Solomon's Failings. Deut. 17:17
1273. Uniqueness of the US in world history. Deut. 17:17
1274. The British empire. Deut. 17:17
1275. The big mistake of G. W. Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan. Deut. 17:17
1276. Significant difference of Israel’s king—he was not the law but subject to God’s Law. Deut. 17:18
1277. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lessons for Today (Deut. 17:18–20 —a graphic). Deut. 17:18
1278. Improved concentrating when writing out notes. Deut. 17:18
1279. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Title of Deuteronomy (Several Commentators). Deut. 17:18
1280. Disagreements as to what portion of the Law was to be copied out. Deut. 17:18
1281. By writing out the Law of God, there is a parallel to a vassal king agreeing to the terms required by the suzerain. Deut. 17:18
1282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scrolls Copied by the King—Deuteronomy 17:18 (a graphic). Deut. 17:18
1283. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What we know about the Old Testament canon. Deut. 17:18
1284. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What we can guess about the Old Testament canon. Deut. 17:18
1285. Having a canon does not mean that the people understood fully what that meant. Deut. 17:18
1286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Recovering the Law of Moses—2Chronicles 34. Deut. 17:19
1287. Critics of the Bible; how they think it was cobbled together and edited. Deut. 17:19
1288. There is no precedent for once-a-week Bible study. Deut. 17:19
1289. The president and the courts ought to be subject to the Constitution. Deut. 17:19
1290. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 17:19 (a graphic). Deut. 17:19
1291. How was Deuteronomy recorded? Did Moses speak from notes? Deut. 17:19
1292. How much of the Law was the king to copy and refer to? Deut. 17:19
1293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses advances the concept of canonization. Deut. 17:19
1294. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: New Testament Canonization. Deut. 17:19
1295. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: New Testament Canon Charts. Deut. 17:19
1296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Thomas Constable on the Limitations Placed on a King. Deut. 17:19
1297. We all stand equal before God, no matter what our position on earth. Deut. 17:20
1298. Men determine human status; God does not. Deut. 17:20
1299. Patton and MacArthur are great examples of men with authority and how they functioned. Deut. 17:20
1300. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 17:19–20a (from the CEV; a graphic). Deut. 17:20
1301. With wealth comes responsibility. God views us all the same. Deut. 17:20
1302. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Do Not Turn Aside to the Left or to the Right (Scriptures). Deut. 17:20
1303. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Neither to the Left or the Right (graphic). Deut. 17:20
1304. Obedience to God’s Word results in a longer life. Deut. 17:20
1305. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Overview of an Israelite King from the Perspective of Moses (Peter Pett). Deut. 17:20
1306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Peter Pett: No King Matched the Mosaic Ideal. Deut. 17:20
1307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. Orr on the Limited Monarchy in Israel. Deut. 17:20
1308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Utley on the King of Israel. Deut. 17:20
1309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary Limitations of a King. Deut. 17:20
1310. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Observations on the King of Israel by the Expositor's Bible Commentary. Deut. 17:20
1311. Failure of a Republican Congress to oppose Obama. Deut. 17:20
1312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why did God wait to allow Israel to have a king? Deut. 17:20
1313. God always prepares men to teach the Word of God in each generation. Deut. 17:20
1314. My own personal experience in listening to R. B. Thieme, Jr. Different churches that I went to. Deut. 17:20
1315. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Bob Utley: Moses' Authorship of the Pentateuch. Deut. 17:20
1316. Adding 7 verses to the Bible. Deut. 17:20
1317. Why commentators suggest such a fluid understanding of the Bible. Deut. 17:20
1318. Proof that it is nearly impossible to add or subtract from the Word of God. Deut. 17:20
1319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Deuteronomy 17 is in the Word of God. Deut. 17 Addendum
1320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Deuteronomy 17. Deut. 17 Addendum
1321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Deuteronomy 17. Deut. 17 Addendum
1322. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Deuteronomy 17. Deut. 17 Addendum
1323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Deuteronomy 17. Deut. 17 Addendum
1324. Parallels between the Levites and Church Age believers. Deut. 18:1 (17:1?)
1325. Deut. 17:3 talk about Zabaism from Manners and Customs 104–105.
1326. We are not to persecute unbelievers or idolaters on our side of the cross. Deut. 17:5
1327. The Doctrine of Separation. Deut. 17:7 See NIV passages here.
1328. The Doctrine of Purging. Deut. 17:7
1329. Priests and Levites. Deut. 17:9
1330. Multiple wives (see bigamy). Deut. 17:17
1331. Dr. Peter Pett: Deuteronomy generally avoids what mainly involves the priests and priestly functions. That information Moses has dealt with in other records. Even in dealing with uncleanness it has concentrated only on what the people had to make positive choices about with regard to it. And when he deals with priests and Levites in Deuteronomy 18 it is in order to describe the people’s duties with regard to them. It is this emphasis which explains why he never actually clearly and specifically differentiates between the responsibilities of priests and Levites, although once one accepts the differentiation given elsewhere it is clear where he does differentiate them.
1332. Parallels between the Levites and Church Age believers. Deut. 18:1 (17:1?)
1333. Our will and God’s will (Deut. 18:6)
1334. Why God did not prophecy that Jerusalem would be the holy city of His choice. Deut. 18:6
1335. Priority of pastor’s salary over the purchase or building of a church. Deut. 18:8
1336. The Doctrine of Divination, the Doctrine of an Observer of Times, an Enchanter, and a Witch—not finished yet!! Deut. 18:10 See Scofield’s notes at Deut. 18:10 Also see Freeman’s pp. 108–109
1337. Activities associated with demonism Deut. 18:13
1338. A chart on miracles vs. magic Deut. 18:13
1339. Demonism Deut. 18:14
1340. The Roman Catholic church; infused vs. imputed grace. Deut. 18:14
1341. Divine guidance and my move to Humble Deut. 18:14
1342. The Doctrine of a Prophet of God—not finished yet! See NIV Study Bible notes for Judges 2:1 10:11. Alluded to in Ex. 7:1 and Judges 6:8. Deut. 18:15
1343. The Doctrine of Islam and Mohammed—not finished yet! Deut. 18:18 See Critics p. 133 and pp. 125–126; What’s the Difference? Etc.
1344. Tests of a true vs. A false prophet. Deut. 18:22
1345. God uses pastor teachers and ot prophets today Duet. 18:22
1346. Capital punishment vs. Involuntary manslaughter. Deut. 19:3
1347. Our Lord the city of refuge. Deut. 19:3
1348. Escaping judgment on a technicality. Deut. 19:10
1349. Perjury. Deut. 19:15
1350. Punishment for perjury. Deut. 19:19
1351. Punishment in general. Deut. 19:21
1352. An eye for an eye in the Sermon on the Mount. Deut. 19:21
1353. Deuteronomy 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1354. Our founders knew the Bible well. Deut. 20 Introduction
1355. McGee on motto’s like make love, not war. Deut. 20 Introduction
1356. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Deuteronomy 20. Deut. 20 Introduction
1357. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Deuteronomy 20. Deut. 20 Introduction
1358. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Deuteronomy 20. Deut. 20 Introduction
1359. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry Summarizes Deuteronomy 20. Deut. 20 Introduction
1360. Keil and Delitzsch summarize Deut. 20. Deut. 20 Introduction
1361. Two facts often ignored in the book of Deuteronomy. Deut. 20 Introduction
1362. Moses addresses the Jews very personally in these chapters, using a 2nd person masculine singular suffix. Deut. 20:1
1363. As believers, we will always have enemies. If we try to skirt our responsibilities, then God will discipline us personally. You cannot play God. Deut. 20:1
1364. Many wars under King David; peace under Solomon. Deut. 20:1
1365. The military advantages of the Canaanites and the Philistines. Deut. 20:1
1366. God as Israel’s protector and leader. Deut. 20:1
1367. The United States as a client nation. Deut. 20:1
1368. The mental attitudes of the generation of promise and Gen X. Deut. 20:1
1369. Growing older and our attitudes toward the world. Deut. 20:1
1370. Not fully appreciating the dramatic historical events which occur in your lifetime. Being unable to distinguish between that which is important and that which is very transitory. Deut. 20:1
1371. The dishonesty of liberal websites. Deut. 20:1
1372. War is a spiritually significant experience for Israel. God had reasons for Israel going to war. Deut. 20:2
1373. The Holy wars in the Middle Ages had nothing to do with being holy. Deut. 20:2
1374. Satan always is working to rid the world of Jews. Deut. 20:3
1375. Mental attitude and the momentum of battle. Deut. 20:3
1376. Confidence in battle because of God. Deut. 20:3
1377. Gen X being killed off for being cowards; Moses is speaking to the generation of promise. Deut. 20:3
1378. Reference to the Doctrine of War (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 20:3
1379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 20:2–4 (graphic). Deut. 20:4
1380. The 4 exemptions from going to battle. Deut. 20:5
1381. A house is a blessing from God. Deut. 20:5
1382. Reference to Psalm 30. Deut. 20:5
1383. Jews did go into battle and were killed. Deut. 20:5
1384. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 20:5 (graphic). Deut. 20:5
1385. Learning Bible doctrine gives you capacity to enjoy what God has given you. Deut. 20:5
1386. God has designed our lives for happiness. Deut. 20:5
1387. God allows for us to complete unfinished business. Deut. 20:6
1388. Châlal usage here. Deut. 20:6
1389. The time frame during which a vineyard is harvested from. Deut. 20:6
1390. These exemptions are similar to a college deferment, which we had during the draft. Deut. 20:6
1391. There is a natural law which ought to allow us to enjoy the fruits of our own labors. Deut. 20:6
1392. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 20:6 (graphic). Deut. 20:6
1393. God and personal satisfaction with life. Deut. 20:7
1394. You cannot have everything. Deut. 20:7
1395. You cannot do everything. Deut. 20:7
1396. We all have different gifts; we cannot speak ill of others simply because they have a different gift. Deut. 20:7
1397. McGee and cowardice. Deut. 20:8
1398. Fear and cowardice are catching in battle. Illustrate with discipline problems. Deut. 20:8
1399. Temporary military exemptions. Deut. 20:8
1400. Various stations in the military illustrate how not every person does everything. Deut. 20:8
1401. A military needs levels of authority. Deut. 20:9
1402. References to the Doctrine of the Military (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Doctrine of War (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 20:9
1403. My liberal background and adjusting to the teaching of R. B. Thieme, Jr. Deut. 20:9
1404. Absalom’s failure in war against David. Deut. 20:9
1405. Israel’s reasons to go to war. Deut. 20:10
1406. It is wrong to fight only defensive wars. Deut. 20:10
1407. Does a nation really want to go to war with a nation so close to God? Deut. 20:10
1408. Peace as found in the Bible. Deut. 20:10
1409. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Offers Us Peace, Just as Israel Was to Offer Terms of Peace. Deut. 20:10
1410. Current Satanic concepts which pervade American thinking: No judgments and no consequences. How does this relate to Jesus saying, “Do not judge, lest you be judged”? Deut. 20:11
1411. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Does this appear harsh to you? Deut. 20:11
1412. The mistakes of George W. Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan. Deut. 20:11
1413. Why I use politics to illustrate Scriptural truths. Deut. 20:11
1414. Our expected service is servitude to God. Deut. 20:11
1415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Slavery interlude. Deut. 20:11
1416. MacArthur, fighting to win, land war in Asia. Deut. 20:12
1417. An example of a siege in the Bible. Deut. 20:12
1418. The legitimacy of taking spoils in war. Deut. 20:14
1419. Israel was not, by nature, an aggressive nation. Deut. 20:14
1420. The United States and evangelism; MacArthur and evangelism. Deut. 20:14
1421. The choices an enemy of Israel faced. Deut. 20:14
1422. Deut. 21:10–14 may belong here after v. 14. Deut. 20:14
1423. How Israel will deal with the nations in Canaan. Deut. 20:15
1424. Explaining the words which appear to be missing in v. 15. Deut. 20:15
1425. God’s orders to Israel regarding the nations in Canaan. Deut. 20:16
1426. Liberals hate these orders of God; it smacks of genocide. Deut. 20:16
1427. Liberals do not mind the destruction of millions of fetuses. Deut. 20:16
1428. A possible tipping point for the United States. Deut. 20:16
1429. A concerted effort by Hollywood to encourage homosexual experimentation. Deut. 20:16
1430. Contrasting with the moral chastity of the 1940's and 1950's. Deut. 20:16
1431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Bible and Genocide. Deut. 20:16
1432. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Statue of Moloch (graphic). Deut. 20:16
1433. Just how degenerate the peoples of Canaan were. Deut. 20:16
1434. A mention of Wars of the World and how many wars are occurring right now. Deut. 20:17
1435. Obama, Syrian and Putin. Deut. 20:17
1436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is a Righteous War? Deut. 20:17
1437. Reference to 2Sam. 8 (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 20:17
1438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Thumbnail Sketches of the Groups Living in the Land of Promise. Deut. 20:17
1439. God’s orders to Israel to destroy the people of Canaan. Deut. 20:17
1440. Why God wanted the people of Canaan destroyed. Deut. 20:17
1441. The Bible spends relatively little time justifying God’s requirement that the people of Canaan be destroyed. Deut. 20:18
1442. Israel was not to allow itself to become corrupted. Deut. 20:18
1443. Reference to Joshua 9 (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 20:18
1444. Reference to Judges 1 (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 20:18
1445. Psalm 106 and the failure of Israel. Deut. 20:18
1446. Reference to Psalm 106 (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 20:18
1447. Do you think God will allow a nation saturated by Islam to stand? Deut. 20:18
1448. How many radical Muslims there are. Deut. 20:18
1449. God blesses the United States. Deut. 20:18
1450. Why there are passages about conserving natural resources in Scripture. Deut. 20:19
1451. The advice of Moses. Deut. 20:19
1452. Why fruit trees would be preserved. Deut. 20:19
1453. Why people would want to destroy trees in the first place during a siege. Deut. 20:19
1454. God is a conservationist; not an environmentalist. Deut. 20:19
1455. My library. Deut. 20:19
1456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 20:19 (graphic). Deut. 20:19
1457. Taking the short view in war. Deut. 20:19
1458. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why are there non-moral issues found in the Bible? Deut. 20:19
1459. Taking the long view instead of the short view in life. Deut. 20:19
1460. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Good and Bad Fruit Trees in the New Testament. Deut. 20:20
1461. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Deuteronomy 20. Deut. 20 Addendum
1462. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Deut. 20 Addendum
1463. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Deuteronomy 20. Deut. 20 Addendum
1464. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Deuteronomy 20. Deut. 20 Addendum
1465. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Deuteronomy 20. Deut. 20 Addendum What
1466. Deuteronomy 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1467. Reference to the Doctrine of Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1468. How Moses came up with the book of Deuteronomy. Deut. 21 Introduction
1469. The uniqueness of Deut. 21 and the book of Deuteronomy in general. Deut. 21 Introduction
1470. Fenton Farrar and the misplacement of Deut. 21:1–9. Deut. 21 Introduction
1471. Summary of Deut. 21 and Moses’ train of thought explained. Deut. 21 Introduction
1472. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry's Overview of Deuteronomy 21. Deut. 21 Introduction
1473. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Deuteronomy 21. Deut. 21 Introduction
1474. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Deuteronomy 21. Deut. 21 Introduction
1475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Deuteronomy 21. Deut. 21 Introduction
1476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Studying the Mosaic Law. Excellent. Deut. 21 Introduction
1477. The book of Deuteronomy is just as inspired as the rest of the Pentateuch. Deut. 21 Introduction
1478. The first 9 verses might be better placed in Deut. 19. Deut. 21:1
1479. Murder defiles the land. Deut. 21:1
1480. A crime like murder cannot be ignored. Similarly, God does not ignore any sin or wrongdoing. Deut. 21:1
1481. The elders represent the people; the judges the government leadership; the priests represent God. Deut. 21:2
1482. All crime and sin must be dealt with. Deut. 21:2
1483. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Legalistic Confusion Associated with Deuteronomy 21:2. Deut. 21:2
1484. God cannot overlook any crime or misdeed. Deut. 21:3
1485. The unyoked and unworked heifer. Deut. 21:3
1486. Why this has to be a valuable heifer. Deut. 21:3
1487. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why is an animal taken to sacrifice from this city? Deut. 21:3
1488. The analogy of the ever-flowing river. Deut. 21:4
1489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallels Between the Heifer and Jesus. Deut. 21:4
1490. Why Levites are summoned to become involved here. Deut. 21:5
1491. The Levites are brought in to put another set of eyes on this situation. Deut. 21:5
1492. The meaning of washing the hands. Deut. 21:6
1493. The elders washing their hands is a sign of Pilate doing the same regarding Jesus. Deut. 21:6
1494. The Levites are brought in to take the oath of the elders. Deut. 21:7
1495. The redemption of Israel from Egypt is a type. Deut. 21:8
1496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scofield's Doctrine of Redemption. Deut. 21:8
1497. Reference to the slave market of sin (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 21:8
1498. God can hold a geographical area guilty for a sin or sins that are committed there. Deut. 21:8
1499. The ceremonial removal of sin. Deut. 21:8
1500. The animal sacrifice is purely symbolic and typical. Deut. 21:9
1501. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 21:10–14 Rape—a forced marriage? (Graphic). Deut. 21:10
1502. The heterosis. Deut. 21:10
1503. Believers among the heathen nations. Deut. 21:10
1504. Israel to give an offer of peace before conquering a city. Deut. 21:10
1505. The Bible allowed for a defeated people to be taken as slaves. Deut. 21:11
1506. Israel and other countries. Deut. 21:11
1507. God’s protection of women captives. Deut. 21:11
1508. The free will of the woman captive whom is desired as a wife. Deut. 21:11
1509. The captive wife is not an unusual thing. Deut. 21:11
1510. What shaving the head means to the captive wife. Deut. 21:12
1511. Doing the nails. Deut. 21:12
1512. Some captive women actually dressed up when captured. References on this. Deut. 21:13
1513. The Bible treats women differently from men. Deut. 21:13
1514. Commentators on this passage of the captive wife. Deut. 21:13
1515. The month to mourn; the time frame given. Deut. 21:13
1516. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Procedure for a Captive Woman to Become an Israelite Wife. Deut. 21:13
1517. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Protections Afforded Captive Women. Deut. 21:13
1518. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary on the Protection of Women in War. Deut. 21:13
1519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Three Short Points from the Pulpit Commentary. Deut. 21:13
1520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Captive Wife is a Type. Deut. 21:13
1521. Properly interpreting v. 14; can this soldier send the woman packing at any time? Deut. 21:14
1522. The extremely attractive female may not be what the guy wants. Deut. 21:14
1523. Some people believe that man can reject this woman at any time. Deut. 21:14
1524. Does humbling the woman mean that the soldier has had sex with her? Deut. 21:14
1525. Why some believe that this woman could be rejected at any time. Deut. 21:14
1526. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is this the loophole for legitimate illegitimate sex in the Bible? Deut. 21:14
1527. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary Summary of Deuteronomy 21:10–14. Deut. 21:14
1528. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpreting the Captive Wife in Deuteronomy 21:10–14. Deut. 21:14
1529. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Applying the Captive Wife to Today's Standards. Deut. 21:14
1530. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy and the Law of God. Deut. 21:14
1531. Reference to the Doctrine of Polygamy (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Also mentioned in Judges 8:30. Deut. 21:15
1532. Polygamy did exist under the Mosaic Law. Deut. 21:15
1533. God must outlaw adultery or polygamy. Deut. 21:15
1534. Uncle Sam, in our culture, has taken on the role of the husband/father. Deut. 21:15
1535. How David illustrates that situation. Deut. 21:15
1536. How Moses, as Supreme Court Judge of the land, developed many of these laws. Deut. 21:15
1537. How lease contracts went from 2 pages to 14 pages. Deut. 21:15
1538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Firstborn. Deut. 21:15
1539. Reference to the Doctrine of the Firstborn (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 21:15
1540. The husband bears a responsibility toward his children. Deut. 21:15
1541. Reinstitution of the idea of the double portion for the firstborn. Deut. 21:16
1542. The right of primogeniture did not originate with Moses. Deut. 21:16
1543. Reuben losing the rights and privileges of his being firstborn. Deut. 21:16
1544. A key to understanding Deuteronomy. The neutral moral value of some things. Last resort of going to court. Deut. 21:17
1545. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jesus is the Firstborn. Deut. 21:17
1546. Reference to the Doctrine of the Firstborn (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 21:17
1547. Applying vv. 15–17 to today. Deut. 21:17
1548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Modern-Day Application of Deuteronomy 21:15–17. Deut. 21:17
1549. R. B. Thieme, Jr. and the concept of authority orientation. Deut. 21:18
1550. My lack of authority orientation as a young person. Deut. 21:18
1551. The words for willful and headstrong. Deut. 21:18
1552. Verses on obedience to parents. Deut. 21:18
1553. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge References for Parental Authority. Deut. 21:18
1554. The gate of the city being the official court of the city. Deut. 21:19
1555. Innocence or guilt of child is not an issue. Deut. 21:19
1556. Natural progression of the descriptors applied to the son. Deut. 21:20
1557. The concept of being a glutton and a drinker. Deut. 21:20
1558. Young people are very susceptible to drugs and drinking. Deut. 21:20
1559. Recent stats on drug use in the United States. Deut. 21:20
1560. No additional proof or witnesses about the son are needed. Deut. 21:20
1561. How the rebelliousness of teens spreads. Deut. 21:20
1562. The goofy approach of an American talk show with unruly teens. Deut. 21:20
1563. Problems of teens in 2013. Deut. 21:20
1564. Fat letters. Deut. 21:20
1565. A child who cussed out his parents was to be executed. Deut. 21:20
1566. The silly legalistic age limit on the kid brought in. Deut. 21:20
1567. Such disobedience from a teen would mean the death sentence. Deut. 21:21
1568. This was not a trial to determine innocence or guilt. Deut. 21:21
1569. It is possible that this was never put into practice, as it served as a warning to children. Deut. 21:21
1570. Liberals do not want anyone to be executed except fetuses. Deut. 21:21
1571. Indulging the child and his lies destroys the child. Deut. 21:21
1572. The overindulgent parent. Deut. 21:21
1573. Sin spreads by contact. Deut. 21:21
1574. It is the parent’s responsibility to property raise their children. Deut. 21:21
1575. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Purging Evil from Israel's Midst. Deut. 21:21
1576. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 21:18–21 (graphic). Deut. 21:21
1577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deuteronomy 21:18–21 (graphic #2). Deut. 21:21
1578. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Stoning the Rebellious Teen. Deut. 21:21
1579. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Applying the Principle of the Disobedient Son to Today. Deut. 21:21
1580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Increase in Juvenile Crime graphic. Deut. 21:21
1581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What do we learn from executing the disobedient teen today? Deut. 21:21
1582. The parents were in part to blame for the destruction of the Texas school system. Deut. 21:21
1583. Greek and Roman fathers could kill their sons at any point in time. Deut. 21:21
1584. You cannot execute your own child. Deut. 21:21
1585. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Three Things which Liberals Find to be Particularly Odious in Deuteronomy 21. Deut. 21:21
1586. Methods of execution in Israel. Deut. 21:22
1587. Hanging from a tree. Deut. 21:22
1588. Gal. 3:13 and Deut. 21:23. Deut. 21:23
1589. Dual authorship. Deut. 21:23
1590. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Dual Authorship of the Holy Scriptures. Deut. 21:23
1591. References to the Short Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF), the Study of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF), and the Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF). Deut. 21:23
1592. Reference to the Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 21:23
1593. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Deuteronomy 21. Deut. 21 Addendum
1594. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Deuteronomy 21. Deut. 21 Addendum
1595. Deuteronomy 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1596. Background for Deuteronomy. Deut. 22 Introduction
1597. The Ten Commandments is the big picture here. Deut. 22 Introduction
1598. The topics of Deut. 22. Deut. 22 Introduction
1599. How did Moses organize this? Deut. 22 Introduction
1600. Man devolved; he did not evolve. Deut. 22 Introduction
1601. The dishonesty of the pro-gay marriage movement. Cotton blend shirts. Deut. 22 Introduction
1602. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Deuteronomy 22. Deut. 22 Introduction
1603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Deuteronomy 22. Deut. 22 Introduction
1604. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Deuteronomy 22. Deut. 22 Introduction
1605. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Outline/Summary of Matthew Henry. Deut. 22 Introduction
1606. Distortion of this portion of the Bible by gay marriage proponents and liberals. The dishonest things taught about this chapter by non-believers. Deut. 22 Introduction
1607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Things the Bible bans (graphic). Deut. 22 Introduction
1608. Homosexual acts and material blended shirts. Deut. 22 Introduction
1609. Reference to the Doctrine of Homosexuality (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 22 Introduction
1610. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Law Against J-Walking Invalidates Laws Against Murder. Deut. 22 Introduction
1611. Barnes’ summary of Deut. 22. Deut. 22 Introduction
1612. Two facts ignored about Moses and the people of Israel: he was schooled in the law from all over the world and the people had never farmed before or built a house, etc. Deut. 22 Introduction
1613. An anastrophe [pronounced a-NAS-tro-phree]—this is where the word order is unusual or has been transposed. Deut. 22:1
1614. Reference to The Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament, by George V. Wigram. Deut. 22:1
1615. Sheep going astray. Deut. 22:1
1616. Private property and a respect for a person’s private property. Deut. 22:1
1617. The original Good Samaritan Law. Deut. 22:1
1618. Attacks on the TEA party by the IRS should have drawn liberals together with them, but they did not. Deut. 22:1
1619. Taking responsibility for and care of that which belongs to a neighbor. Deut. 22:2
1620. Returning found items to the owner. Deut. 22:2
1621. “You will not covet” means that you do not try to even out property ownership to bring people down to your level. Deut. 22:2
1622. The Bible is the exact opposite of finder’s keepers. Deut. 22:3
1623. Animal rights people develop this thinking from evolution. Deut. 22:3
1624. Giving aid to a person who is in trouble. Deut. 22:3
1625. Israelites were not to ignore the plight of their neighbor. Deut. 22:4
1626. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of Being a Good Neighbor. Deut. 22:4
1627. Israel’s tax for the poor. Deut. 22:4
1628. A dispensation is granted to British sketch comics to cross dress. Deut. 22:5
1629. The deviant crowd does not like the Bible. Deut. 22:5
1630. What is masculine and feminine is determined by the social norms of the day. Example of earrings. Deut. 22:5
1631. Transvestism and homosexuality forbidden in the Bible. Deut. 22:5
1632. Genetic differences means soulish differences. Deut. 22:5
1633. Obamacare paying for sex-change operations. Deut. 22:5
1634. Choosing one’s own gender in California. Deut. 22:5
1635. The natural order of things and how homosexuality violates this. Deut. 22:5
1636. The television show Wife Swap. Deut. 22:5
1637. Men and women in a marriage. Deut. 22:5
1638. The gender roles of parents. Deut. 22:5
1639. The conservation of natural resources. Deut. 22:7
1640. Birds and the ecosystem. Deut. 22:7
1641. Both plants and animals are under the care of mankind. Deut. 22:7
1642. It is legitimate for man to desire clean air and clear water. Deut. 22:7
1643. Moses gives one building code. Deut. 22:8
1644. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parapet (graphic). Deut. 22:8
1645. Explanation as to what a parapet is. Deut. 22:8
1646. How the roof was used in the ancient world. Deut. 22:8
1647. Neighborhood associations and changing a house color. Deut. 22:8
1648. Application of this building code to building codes in California and Texas. Deut. 22:8
1649. How building codes in the United States ought to be. Deut. 22:8
1650. Sowing different kinds of crops; what this word means. Deut. 22:9
1651. The symbolic application to the Jews. Deut. 22:9
1652. The parable of the wheat and the tares. Deut. 22:9
1653. Why these codes are found; Moses is speaking to thousands of non-farmers about to own a farm. Deut. 22:9
1654. How some plants have different requirements than others. Deut. 22:9
1655. The Jews were not to intermix themselves. Deut. 22:9
1656. Not plowing with different animals side-by-side. Deut. 22:10
1657. Moses was essentially writing the first farmer’s almanac for the people of Israel. Deut. 22:11
1658. Why incompatible yarns were forbidden. Deut. 22:11
1659. Why the Jews knew little or nothing about this. Deut. 22:11
1660. Christianity versus a religion of merit; related to the cloth-thing. Deut. 22:11
1661. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: on Wearing Clothing of Mixed Fibers. Deut. 22:11
1662. The tassels mentioned here are not the tassels of Num. 15. Deut. 22:12
1663. Possible things that the word here might mean, e.g, pockets. Deut. 22:12
1664. Many opinions given about tassels. Deut. 22:12
1665. Jesus and the fringe on His garment. Deut. 22:12
1666. The targum suggests that this verse might simply be a modifying factor of what has come before. Deut. 22:12
1667. The many purposes of the Bible. Deut. 22:12
1668. “You can’t legislate morality.” Deut. 22:13
1669. Changing mores in the United States. Deut. 22:13
1670. Laws by God and those by Moses. Deut. 22:13
1671. Marriages which are falling apart; scar tissue. Deut. 22:13
1672. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Marriage Interlude. Deut. 22:14
1673. The husband could either put away his wife quietly or have her executed. Deut. 22:14
1674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Overview of Deuteronomy 22:13–21. Deut. 22:14
1675. The trial at the gate of the city. Deut. 22:15
1676. Logistical grace can make a marriage work. Deut. 22:16
1677. The double standard here. Deut. 22:17
1678. The stained bed sheets are even found today. Deut. 22:17
1679. Moses’ education in Egypt. Deut. 22:17
1680. Physical evidence in a court of law. Deut. 22:17
1681. No such case in the Bible; this example from Deuteronomy probably kept them rare. Deut. 22:18
1682. Reference to the book of Ruth. Deut. 22:19
1683. The actions of a daughter reflect upon her family upbringing. Deut. 22:19
1684. Some laws which might not be applicable today from the Mosaic Law. Deut. 22:19
1685. The Mosaic Law today. Deut. 22:19
1686. Jacob had several wives and was not chastised for it. Deut. 22:19
1687. Examples of ancient law codes and how they relate to the Mosaic Law. Deut. 22:19
1688. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Reasons why all of the Mosaic Law is not to be applied to our day and time. Deut. 22:19
1689. Reference to Women of the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 22:19
1690. Virginal marriages in the Old Testament. Deut. 22:20
1691. Same view in the New Testament. Deut. 22:20
1692. Trying to find an analogous situation to today’s morality. Deut. 22:21
1693. A second analogous situation. Deut. 22:21
1694. Charley Brown running for president as a Republican. Deut. 22:21
1695. Mitt Romney and the contraception question. Deut. 22:21
1696. No advocacy in the New Testament about killing non-virgins. Deut. 22:21
1697. The key to the unbeliever. It is Jesus Christ. Deut. 22:21
1698. Laws that believers might support. Deut. 22:21
1699. Laws believers might not support. Deut. 22:21
1700. Sexual revolution of the 1960's; destruction of marriage. Deut. 22:21
1701. Belief that kids will have sex and we have no say in the matter. Deut. 22:21
1702. This example of Moses acted as a deterrent. Deut. 22:21
1703. The exception of Ruth. Deut. 22:21
1704. How God is way ahead of the curve. Deut. 22:21
1705. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How to Understand the Mores of the Mosaic Law Today. Deut. 22:21
1706. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Myriad of Ways that 2013 United States is in Trouble. Deut. 22:21
1707. These are not vigilante situations. Deut. 22:22
1708. Executions not carried out in Biblical history. Deut. 22:22
1709. Deuteronomy is Moses giving the law, 38 years after the Law of God was given. Deut. 22:23
1710. Moses’ laws given in Deuteronomy and God’s laws. Deut. 22:23
1711. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Moral Values in the Time of Moses. Deut. 22:23
1712. Purity among the Jews. Deut. 22:23
1713. Rape was difficult to occur in the Old Testament. Deut. 22:23
1714. List of times Moses says, “Remove this evil from your midst.” Deut. 22:24
1715. Several ways in which a man can take a woman. Deut. 22:25
1716. Rape is akin to murder. Deut. 22:26
1717. Not sure if there is a word for rape in the Bible. Deut. 22:27
1718. These laws about rape are revolutionary. Deut. 22:27
1719. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Moses Analogy of Rape and Murder. Deut. 22:27
1720. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Consider all pertinent factors in a trial. Deut. 22:27
1721. Having a logical mind in dealing with the Bible. Deut. 22:27
1722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A dishonest graphic. Deut. 22:28–29 intro
1723. Dishonesty of gay marriage proponents. Deut. 22:28–29 intro
1724. False things taught about the Bible and Bible values by liberals. Deut. 22:28–29 intro
1725. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Shotgun Wedding (graphic). Deut. 22:29
1726. Concept of a shotgun wedding. Deut. 22:29
1727. The unmarried woman is violated in consensual sex. Deut. 22:29
1728. The bad example; making an example of someone. Deut. 22:29
1729. 70% of black babies born out of wedlock; how to fix that. Deut. 22:29
1730. Rapists did not marry their victims; Amnon and Tamar are an example of this. Deut. 22:29
1731. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Deuteronomy 22:28–29 does not Require that a Woman to Marry her Rapist. Deut. 22:29
1732. Not uncovering the clothing of the father. Deut. 22:30
1733. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Deuteronomy 22. Deut. 22 Addendum
1734. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Liberal Distortions of the Bible. Deut. 22 Addendum
1735. References to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Jesus is not a Liberal (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Was Jesus a Liberal? (HTML) (PDF); God and the Poor; Is God Really a Liberal? (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 22 Addendum
1736. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Deuteronomy 22. Deut. 22 Addendum
1737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud of Deut. 22 from the Kukis "Not So Literal" Translation.
1738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud of the Exegesis of Deuteronomy 22. Deut. 22 Addendum
1739. Inclusive and exclusive disjunction (Deut. 22:2)
1740. Contemporary fashion and Satan. Men wearing women’s clothes and women wearing men’s clothing. Wearing things which pertain to the opposite sex (did I spend enough time on this?). Deut. 22:5
1741. Roofs Deut. 22:8
1742. Neighborhood associations and power plays Deut. 22:8
1743. God’s Laws as given to Moses may have a cultural and historical context, apart from the exclusivity of Israel as a particular nation to God. Deut. 22:19
1744. Typology and symbology. Deut. 23:1–2
1745. Balaam’s origins (Deut. 23:4).
1746. We are saved apart from personal righteousness and loved apart from personal righteousness in the Old Testament as well as the New (Deut. 23:5).
1747. The Doctrine of Dogs—not finished yet!! Deut. 23:18
1748. Usury and interest. Deut. 23:19–20
1749. Writing during OT times. Deut. 24:1
1750. The Doctrine of Divorce—not finished yet!! Deut. 24:1
1751. The Doctrine of Rules of Exegesis and Interpretation. Deut. 24:9
1752. Christians who embarrass Jesus Christ. Deut. 24:14
1753. Where did Moses get the content of Deuteronomy from? Deut. 24:16 (maybe this should be mentioned in the introduction).
1754. The number 40. Deut. 25:3
1755. Spitting in one’s face in the Old Testament. Deut. 25:9
1756. Explanation of the removal of one sandal. Deut. 25:9–10
1757. The Doctrine of the Aramæans/Syrians—not finished yet! Alluded to in Judges 10:6). Deut. 26:5
1758. Taxing and tithing. Deut. 26:14
1759. Moses recognized what he was speaking was God’s Word (Deut. 26:18).
1760. Two or more subjects with a singular verb along with the direct object in the Hebrew are covered. Deut. 27:1
1761. The book of Acts Deut. 27:1
1762. Plato and the shadow on the cave walls analogy. Deut. 27:4
1763. We are condemned by the Law. Deut. 27:4
1764. Salvation, hellfire, and the rich young ruler. Deut. 27:4
1765. The Doctrine of Altars Deut. 27:5
1766. A Study of Writing—not finished yet! Deut. 27:8 see comment
1767. The Doctrine of the Levites—not finished yet! (don’t forget Deut. 33:10 and don’t forget that Aaron and the priests are a part of the tribe of Levi; Heb. 7:11). Referenced in 1Chron. 6:intro. Deut. 27:14
1768. Leading people to the light and blindness. Deut. 27:18
1769. Two or more subjects with a singular verb along with the direct object in the Hebrew are covered. Deut. 27:1
1770. Brief rules of interpretation. Deut. 28:1
1771. Evangelists say come to Christ to be happy. Deut. 28:8
1772. The Mishna and the Talmud. Deut. 28:14
1773. Client nation and the blessing or cursing of same due to the believer. Deut. 28:20
1774. Political involvement of believers. Deut. 28:20
1775. The discipline of unbelievers. Deut. 28:20
1776. The Doctrine of the Savior in the Old Testament—not finished yet. Deut. 28:29
1777. Evangelism and how everything is going to be wonderful once you become a Christian Deut. 29:30
1778. Historical Examples of Jewish Persecution—not finished yet!! Deut. 28:34
1779. Salvation and subsequent behavior; why some Christians sin after salvation and are not disciplined. Deut. 28:36
1780. Many verses quoted which deal with the prophecy and the actual fulfillment of the deportation of the Israelites in their history. Deut. 28:36
1781. A listing of passages dealing with Israel being made a hissing at and a reproach among the nations. Deut. 28:37
1782. The Assyrians, the Chaldeans and the Babylonians—a moderately detailed history of these peoples. Deut. 28:49
1783. The Fall of Masada. Deut. 28:51
1784. Moses spoke from notes. Deut. 28:58
1785. Why we examine in detail the individual verses and their translation. Deut. 28:62
1786. The Palestinian Covenant—almost finished ! Deut. 29 intro Go back and look at Scofield’s notes for Deut. 30:3 and collate them into this doctrine.
1787. Chart as to why believers cannot hear, see or perceive Deut. 29:5
1788. The Doctrine of the Root—not finished yet!! Deut. 29:18 (See Heb. 12:15)
1789. Brimstone (sulphur) Deut. 29:23
1790. Chart as to why believers cannot hear, see or perceive Deut. 29:5
1791. Good graphic: Deut. 30
1792. Confusion of Israel and the church—Covenant Theology Deut. 30:3
1793. The present nation of Israel Deut. 30:3
1794. First and second re-gatherings of Israel mentioned Deut. 30:3–5
1795. Sanctification in a nutshell Deut. 30:6
1796. God’s discipline of Israel and God’s discipline of us likened to the parent’s discipline of a child. Deut. 30:9
1797. The New Covenant Between God and Israel-not finished yet!! Deut. 30:10 (See Jer. 24:7 31:31–33 Rom. 8:8)
1798. Why Jesus Christ healed and then told them not to tell anyone. Deut. 30:15
1799. The Massoretic text and the codices Deut. 30:16
1800. Making God in your own image and idolatry Deut. 30:17
1801. Why the name of Jehovah was not a pillar in the teaching of Jesus Christ Deut. 30:17
1802. Covenant theology refuted Deut. 31:6
1803. Reasons for pain and suffering. Deut. 31:8
1804. Differentiating between the priests, the Levites and the Kohathites. Deut. 31:9
1805. Miracles, how they are not to be glorified over God’s plan. Deut. 31:13
1806. The Trinity in the Old Testament. This still needs to be added in. Deut. 31:15 (also in Zech. 12:7)
1807. Some of the bizarre holy roller claims—sights of heaven. Deut. 31:15
1808. Slavery → Fight for Independence → Prosperity → Weakness → Slavery Deut. 31:20
1809. The extent of the authorship of Moses in Deuteronomy. Deut. 31 introduction; 31:24
1810. Who carried the ark? Deut. 31:25
1811. The Doctrine of the Levites—not finished yet!! Deut. 31:25
1812. Moses wrote Deuteronomy but not any subsequent book of the Bible (i.e., Deuteronomy was likely not a product of several hundred years later by anyone who wrote any other book in the Bible). Deut. 31:28
1813. Today’s poor teaching. Deut. 32:2
1814. A dagesh forte versus a dagesh lene. Deut. 32:10
1815. The Essence of God as Taught in the Old Testament—not finished yet!! Deut. 32:4 (ref. Scripture not covered in exegesis). See note at bottom p. 333 in Barnes’.
1816. Manifest destiny in the United States Deut. 32:8
1817. Differentiating between a metonymy, a synecdoche, a hendiadys and a catachresis. Deut. 32:14
1818. The Doctrine of Jealousy as an Anthropopathism—not finished yet!! Deut. 32:21 (we don’t provoke the Lord to jealousy? 1Cor. 10:21)? (See Psalm 78:58)
1819. Idolatry being as much doctrine as idols. Deut. 32:21
1820. The doctrine of the Arrows of God—not finished yet!! Deut. 32:23 (see Hab. 3:9, 11)
1821. The Church and Israel. Deut. 32:26
1822. It’s obvious that—a short study in logic. Deut. 32:31
1823. God’s justice and righteousness and love and our discipline. Deut. 32:35
1824. Why do the evil prosper and why do the evil suffer? Deut. 32:35
1825. The discipline of Israel is analogous to our discipline as believers. Deut. 32:36
1826. Exclusivity of Jesus Christ Deut. 32:39
1827. The shadow of the Gentiles to come in as a part of God’s plan Deut. 32:43
1828. The terrible sin of Moses Deut. 32:51
1829. Deut. 33 was not written by someone other than Moses several hundred years later. Deut. 33 introduction Deut. 33:7
1830. The Doctrine of Reuben—not finished yet! Deut. 33:6 For all of these check out Difficulties, pp. 103–106 and Bible History as well (p. 200 something?)
1831. The Doctrine of Judah—not finished yet! Deut. 33:7 In all of these doctrines of the tribes below, we should have the blessing of Moses and the blessing of Jacob.
1832. Capitalization of God and related pronouns in English; no capital letters in Hebrew. Deut. 33:8
1833. The Doctrine of Urim and Thummin—not finished yet! Deut. 33:8
1834. The Doctrine of God’s Man of Grace—not finished yet!! Deut. 33:8
1835. The meaning of the scattering of Levi and Simeon among all of Israel. Deut. 33:8
1836. The Doctrine of Levi and the Doctrine of Simeon—not finished yet! Deut. 33:10 (use top half of p. 1010 of Keil and Delitzsch.
1837. The apostasy of the local church and the infiltration of demons Deut. 33:11
1838. The Doctrine of Benjamin mentioned but to be done in Judges 20:48. done later. Deut. 33:12
1839. The Doctrines of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim—not finished yet! Deut. 33:17 Note the differences between the blessings of Jacob and Moses on p. 1013 vol. I of Keil and Delitzsch. Read Gen. 48:10–20 for Ephraim and Manasseh and 1Chron. 5:1 for Joseph.
1840. The Doctrines of Zebulun and Issachar—not finished yet! Deut. 33:19 see Barnes’ notes p. 341
1841. The Doctrine of Gad—not finished yet! Deut. 33:21 see Barnes’ notes p. 341 see Scriptural references all given in v. 21 Josh 19:47 Judges 18:22ff.
1842. The Doctrine of Dan—not finished yet! Deut. 33:22
1843. The Doctrine of Naphtali—not finished yet! Deut. 33:23
1844. The Doctrine of Asher—not finished yet! Deut. 33:25
1845. Suzerain-vassal treaties and Deuteronomy Deut. Intro.
1846. Add Moses is a Type of Christ in His Death (from Deut. 3).
1847. Deuteronomy 34 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1848. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Deut. 34 Preface
1849. Synopsis of chapter 34. Deut. 34 Introduction
1850. Authorship of Deut. 34. Deut. 34 Introduction
1851. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Authorship of Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Introduction
1852. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Introduction
1853. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Introduction
1854. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Introduction
1855. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adam Clarke's Synopsis of Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Introduction
1856. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry Outlines Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Introduction
1857. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Organizes Deuteronomy 34:1–8. Deut. 34:1
1858. The plains (arabah) of Moab.
1859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mt. Nebo Graphic. Deut. 34:1
1860. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Time Frame for Moses Ascending the Mountain. Deut. 34:1
1861. Very little narrative between Num. 27 and Deut. 34.
1862. Pisgah.
1863. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Famous Mountains of Ancient Israel. Deut. 34:1
1864. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mount Tabor (photo). Deut. 34:1
1865. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim (graphic). Deut. 34:1
1866. The Bible is closely tied to human history. Deut. 34:1
1867. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Land God would Give to Israel (Map). Deut. 34:1
1868. Gilead, Dan. Deut. 34:1
1869. God made it possible for Abraham to see as far as Dan. The supernatural element here. Deut. 34:1
1870. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deut. 34:1–5; Moses climbs up Mount Nebo to die (a graphic). Deut. 34:1
1871. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel in Canaan from Joshua to Samuel to Saul (Map). Deut. 34:2
1872. Zoar. Deut. 34:3
1873. Reference to Gen. 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 34:3
1874. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Relief Map of Israel. Deut. 34:3
1875. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Judah. Deut. 34:3
1876. Moses seeing all the land was not a vision. Deut. 34:3
1877. Zoar. Deut. 34:3
1878. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Smith on Zoar. Deut. 34:3
1879. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deut. 34:1–4 Moses sees the Promised Land (a graphic). Deut. 34:3
1880. Sutcliffe and his imagination about what Moses saw. Deut. 34:3
1881. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Life Work of Moses. Deut. 34:3
1882. Why Joshua did not immediately write Deut. 34. Deut. 34:3
1883. Why the disciples did not write the gospels immediately after the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Deut. 34:3
1884. Why the gospels contain the material that they do. The order of the writing of the gospels. Deut. 34:3
1885. Did Joshua keep a diary like George Patton? Deut. 34:3
1886. Moses did not see a vision; he viewed these lands with his own eyes. Deut. 34:4
1887. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses views the Promised Land (a graphic). Deut. 34:4
1888. The concept of inspiration in the written Word of God. Deut. 34:4
1889. Reference to Deuteronomy 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Deut. 34:4
1890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Categories of Reasons Why Moses is not Going into the Land. Deut. 34:4
1891. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Death of Moses by the Providence Lithograph Company (illustration). Deut. 34:5
1892. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Death of Moses by Alexandre Cabane (painting). Deut. 34:5
1893. Household; dispensation. Deut. 34:5
1894. Designation servant of the Lord. Deut. 34:5
1895. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Death of Moses on Mount Nebo (engraving). Deut. 34:5
1896. God prepares Moses for his death. Deut. 34:5
1897. Moses did not die to atone for the sins of Israel. Deut. 34:5
1898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask: Did Moses Write about his own Death? Deut. 34:5
1899. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Human Authorship—Clues and Considerations. Deut. 34:5
1900. Moses death; the mouth of God. Mentioning weird theories. Deut. 34:5
1901. Manuscripts from the Dead Sea Scrolls; which is best. Deut. 34:6
1902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Discussion: Shrines and Religious Artifacts in the Church Age. Deut. 34:6
1903. The question of crosses. Deut. 34:6
1904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who Buried Moses? Deut. 34:6
1905. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reading the Text Carefully. Deut. 34:6
1906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Michael the Archangel Disputing with Satan over Moses' Body. Deut. 34:6
1907. Ages of Moses’ antecedents. Deut. 34:7
1908. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Brief Look at the Life of Moses. Deut. 34:7
1909. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: C. Bradley on, How the will of God is concerned in our death. Deut. 34:7
1910. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to the Doctrine of Dying Grace. Deut. 34:7
1911. Moses’ vigor did not depart. Deut. 34:7
1912. Moses’ death as a type of Christ. Deut. 34:7
1913. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moses as a Type of Christ. Deut. 34:7
1914. Contrasts between Jesus and Moses. Deut. 34:7
1915. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett on Moses' Final Accolade. Deut. 34:9
1916. The Holy Spirit and saints of the Old Testament. Deut. 34:9
1917. Getting the Holy Spirit is not some mystical experience. Deut. 34:9
1918. God tells Moses to commission Joshua. Deut. 34:9
1919. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask: Is Moses Really Unparalleled Among the Prophets? Deut. 34:10
1920. The Bible and miracles; how many are performed. Deut. 34:10
1921. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preeminence of Moses. Deut. 34:10
1922. The 7 things which God did for Israel; parallel passages. Deut. 34:11
1923. Meaning of terrors which Moses did. Deut. 34:12
1924. Mohammed does not fulfill Deut. 18:18. Deut. 34:12
1925. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Essence of God as Taught in the Pentateuch and Job. Deut. 34:12
1926. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Natural Flow from Deuteronomy 34 to Joshua 1. Deut. 34:12
1927. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Appearance by Moses in the Future—Luke 9:27–36. Deut. 34:12
1928. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Transfiguration of Jesus (a painting) by Carl Heinrich Bloch. Deut. 34:12
1929. Quotes on the transfiguration. Deut. 34:12
1930. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Deuteronomy 34 is in the Word of God. Deut. 34 Addendum
1931. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Addendum
1932. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. Deut. 34 Addendum
1933. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Addendum
1934. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Louis Ginzberg's The Legends of the Jews (Deuteronomy 34). Deut. 34 Addendum
1935. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Addendum
1936. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Addendum
1937. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Deuteronomy 34. Deut. 34 Addendum
Topics Covered in the Book of Joshua
1. The name of Joshua. Joshua Introduction (the name of Joshua)
2. Joshua, a type of Christ.
3. Old Testament servant of God. Joshua Introduction (Joshua)
4. The phrase to this day Joshua Introduction (The Authorship of Joshua)
5. Why there are so many different spellings of various cities. Joshua Introduction (The Time Period During which Joshua was Written).
6. The polytheism of the Canaanites (just okay). Joshua Introduction (The Canaanites)
7. Our Lord and miracles.. Joshua Introduction (The Canaanites)
8. Acacia trees. Joshua 1:1
9. Fervent prayer, decision-making, proper actions. Joshua 1:1
10. A description of Jericho. Joshua 1:1
11. A leader is a servant to those under him. Joshua 1:1
12. The boundaries of the Land of Promise. Joshua 1:4
13. Learning Scripture by repeating it to yourself. Joshua 1:8
14. Joshua’s limited commission given him by God. Joshua 1:9
15. Miracles, appearances of God and holy rollers. Joshua 1:10
16. The time frame of the first couple chapters of Joshua. Joshua 1:11
17. Joshua 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
18. When it is right to lie. Joshua 2:5
19. Civil disobedience. Joshua 2:6
20. Flax. Joshua 2:6
21. Fords (of a river). Joshua 2:7
22. Things which occurred upon a roof in the Old Testament. Joshua 2:8
23. Importance of learning God’s Word. Joshua 2:9
24. Honesty; example of cheating. Joshua 2:12
25. In no way did the authors of the Old Testament fully grasp the impact of all that they wrote and in no way did the authors of the New Testament fully develop every salient point from the Old Testament. Joshua 2:14
26. Moses and the Rock of Israel. Joshua 2:14
27. Three classes of bêyth; found four time in this verse. Joshua 2:15
28. Whatever it would take to convince the Jew that Jesus is the Christ is already in the Old and New Testaments. Joshua 2:16
29. The tremendous analogy between the spies hiding out in the wilderness for 3 days and Rahab’s Bed & Breakfast. Joshua 2:16
30. The scarlet thread running throughout Scripture. Joshua 2:18
31. Soul differences and genetic differences considered with regards to positive and negative volition. Joshua 2:18
32. The purpose of miracles and identifying God’s man. The key to identifying a pastor teach is his doctrine. What a pastor is to do is to teach doctrine. Joshua 3:7
33. The Living God. Joshua 3:10
34. The Canaanites, the Hittites (See “Treasuries of Bible Times” p. 60), the Hivites, the Perizzites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, and the Jebusites. A zillion references given in Joshua 11:3 NIV if necessary to look up. Maybe the Hittites should be covered at another time as a more major topic. Joshua 3:10
35. The Ark of the Covenant. Excellent summary. Mention of why it is sometimes called the ark—the covenant of God. Joshua 3:14
36. Historical occurrences of the stoppage of the Jordan River. Joshua 3:16
37. Miracles and the natural course of events. Joshua 3:16
38. Natural miracles. Joshua 3:17
39. Why we examine the Hebrew, even during a simple narrative. Joshua 4:3
40. The purpose of a memorial. Joshua 4:3
41. The Doctrine of the Twelve—only started!!! Joshua 4:5
42. The teaching of the children of Israel. Joshua 4:6
43. Did God tell Joshua that He would stop the Jordan River from flowing? Joshua 4:8
44. Spiritual initiative, holy rollers, careful study of God’s Word, innate soul rebellion against God. Joshua 4:10
45. Careful exegesis and why we study the grammar and the original language. Joshua 4:10
46. Jesus made Himself to be equal to God. Joshua 4:10
47. The Doctrine of Gilgal. Joshua 4:20 (I still need to look at Keil and Delitzsch pp. 68–69 here and Edersheim p. 319!)
48. The audience of Joshua during his talks. Joshua 4:21
49. The part we play in God’s plan. Ed Nagle throwing me the football. Joshua 4:21
50. All roads don’t lead to Rome. Joshua 4:24
51. Gentile evangelism Joshua 4:24
52. Knives for circumcision. Joshua 5:2
53. Female circumcision; allowing a child to make some bad decisions. Joshua 5:6
54. Salvation by faith as vs. salvation through giving your life to Jesus. Joshua 5:9
55. Leaven and its being analogous to evil. Joshua 5:11
56. Theophanies and Christophanies. Joshua 5:13
57. Theophanies and Christophanies. Joshua 5:14
58. Jesus Christ is God. Joshua 5:14
59. Nobility in war and in the professional soldier. Joshua 5:14
60. Taking off one’s shoes when upon holy ground. Joshua 5:15
61. Joshua 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
62. War, pacifism, patriotism, warfare, the attack of Canaan. Relatively well-done. Joshua 6 intro
63. Hebrew participles. Joshua 6:1
64. Archeological history of Jericho. Description and excavation of Jericho. Joshua 6:1
65. The Doctrine of Horns (the Musical Instruments)—begun but not finished yet!! See the text in Keil and Delitzsch on pp. 47–48, 51 in vol. II. Joshua 6:4
66. Repentance on death row. Joshua 6:13
67. The Doctrine of Devoting to God—begun but not finished yet!!! Joshua 6:17
68. How did Joshua know set aside the city of Jericho as devoted to God? Joshua 6:17
69. Personal application and mis-application of Scripture. Joshua 6:17
70. Archaeological findings concerning the fall of Jericho; extensive. Joshua 6:20
71. Great Will Durant quote. Joshua 6:20
72. Justification for the genocide which began in Jericho. Joshua 6:21
73. How did Matthew know to include Rahab’s name in the genealogy of the humanity of Jesus? Joshua 6:25
74. The analogy between Rahab and gentile salvation. Joshua 6:25
75. Modern day prophecy. Joshua 6:26
76. Israel is treated corporally. Joshua 7:intro
77. Why was Israel defeated at Ai. Joshua 7:intro
78. Chêrem (those things placed under the ban or those things devoted to God). Joshua 7:1
79. No one sins in a vacuum. Joshua 7:1
80. Observation by the angels. Joshua 7:1
81. Personal morality and our testimony as believers. Joshua 7:1
82. Salvation and the post-salvation life. Joshua 7:1
83. The teaching of any part of God’s Word applies to our lives. Joshua 7:1
84. Ai and Beth-aven. Joshua 7:2
85. The demonstrative Jew. Joshua 7:6
86. Whose fault is it that Israel is not in the land? Joshua 7:6
87. What you should expect out of life; things falling neatly into place. Unhappiness with life. You don’t do that which is wrong to solve your problems. Joshua 7:7
88. The six sins of Israel. Joshua 7:11
89. A little corruption corrupts all. Joshua 7:11
90. Importance of the cleansing of the church and proper application. Joshua 7:11
91. God treated Israel as a whole. Joshua 7:13
92. Casting lots for divine guidance. Joshua 7:16
93. Covetousness (brief). Joshua 7:21
94. The banning of all that belonged to Achan. Joshua 7:21
95. Valley of Achor (name). Related passages in v. 21 (or maybe 20?). Joshua 7:22
96. Spiritual giving. Joshua 7:23
97. Learning the hard way. Joshua 7:23
98. We are not to be afraid or discouraged. Joshua 8:1
99. Ai and the hill between Ai and Bethel. Joshua 8:1
100. Either don’t make important, life-changing decisions immediately after salvation, and don’t make stupid, bonehead decisions, expecting God to clean up your mess afterwards. Joshua 8:6
101. Why the people of the Land of Promise were brutally executed. Joshua 8:7
102. Getting up early in the morning. Joshua 8:10
103. Bethel (just a little). Joshua 8:12
104. Possible discrepancy. Was the town of Bethel added to this verse or was it there all the time? Joshua 8:17
105. The degeneracy of Ai. Joshua 8:20
106. The gospel. Joshua 8:25
107. Christ suffered the equivalent of hell for every man, woman and child in Ai. Joshua 8:26
108. The Bible is a unified whole. The accuracy of Scripture. Joshua 8:27
109. The correct placement of the end of Joshua 8. The end of Joshua 8:29
110. Chart: The correct placement of the end of Joshua 8. The end of Joshua 8:29
111. Altars to God lacked human works. Joshua 8:30
112. Burnt offerings and peace offerings covered along with their meanings. Joshua 8:31
113. The Law of God is associated with cursing (Mount Ebal) and not with blessing (Mount Gerizim). Joshua 8:32
114. Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Joshua 8:33
115. The Church Age vs. the Age of Israel. Joshua 8:34
116. The angelic conflict. Joshua 8:34
117. The public reading of God’s Word. Joshua 8:34
118. Joshua 9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
119. Salvation and the Gibeonites. Joshua 9:intro
120. Gibeon. Joshua 9:3
121. Salvation and self interest. Joshua 9:5
122. Chart-list: the chronological options of Joshua 1–9. Joshua 9:6
123. The order of Joshua and the location of Gilgal (are there two Gilgal’s?). Joshua 9:6
124. Chart: is Joshua 8:30–35 misplaced? Joshua 9:6
125. Chart listing reasons for and against there being two different campsites called Gilgal. I needs to finish this!!! Joshua 9:6
126. Various forms of human government and church government. Joshua 9:6
127. Reference back to the Doctrine of the Horites/Hivites from Gen. 14:6. Joshua 9:8
128. Divine guidance. Joshua 9:14
129. Sins of ignorance; going off and doing whatever it is that we want to do and then coming back to God later since He is the great fixer. Joshua 9:15
130. Major decisions in the Christian life. Joshua 9:15
131. Gibeonites (short) with Biblical references; Chephirah and Beeroth and Kiriath-jearim. Joshua 9:17
132. Standing by your word. Honoring contracts. Joshua 9:18
133. Personal oaths. Joshua 9:19
134. The curse upon Canaan. Joshua 9:21
135. A summary of the last dozen verses of Joshua 9. Joshua 9:22
136. The deception of the Gibeonites and Israel’s later relationship with the Gibeonites. What should Joshua have done with respect to the Gibeonites. Actions of unbelievers around the time of salvation. Joshua 9:23
137. Old Testament evangelism. Joshua 9:24
138. What Christ did on our behalf. Joshua 9:24
139. Salvation. Joshua 9:24
140. God honor His peace treaty with us. Joshua 9:26
141. Jerusalem (short, up until time of David); and Jebus. Joshua 10:1
142. Hebron (short, but good). Joshua 10:3
143. Eglon (short). Joshua 10:3
144. Divine guidance and what we are supposed to do. Real estate and correct decisions. Keeping the house on Oakden Court. Joshua 10:8
145. The concept of a miracle. Joshua 10:10
146. Hyperlink: Map of attack on Gibeon’s aggressors linked to main document. Joshua 10:10
147. The Doctrine of the Books Referred to in the Old Testament and Now Are Lost—begun but not finished yet!! This doctrine of the Lost Books will be covered briefly here in Joshua and in more depth in the book of Chronicles (introduction?). Joshua 10:13
148. Types of miracles. Joshua 10:14
149. Chart listing arguments for and against the occurrence of the long day in Joshua 10. Joshua 10:14
150. Hyperlink: Map of attack on Gibeon’s aggressors linked to main document. Joshua 10:16
151. Makkedah (short). Joshua 10:16
152. Five or six monuments which have been set up by Joshua upon entering and conquering the land. Joshua 10:27
153. Libnah (short, with little reference to the future). Joshua 10:29
154. Summary of Joshua 10:28–43. Joshua 10:30
155. Early Lachish archeological finds until the time of Joshua. Joshua 10:32
156. Were there two kings of Hebron? Joshua 10:37
157. Location of Debir. Joshua 10:38
158. An explanation of Joshua’s point of view in writing this chapter and the distribution of land chapters. Joshua 10:38
159. Four possible explanations for possible contradiction between the complete and total conquering of Debir in Joshua 10:38–39, yet Caleb having to go back and conquer it in Joshua 15:15–17. Joshua 10:39
160. A short geography lesson on Gaza and a short history from Gen. 10:9 to a mention of Judges 16:21. Joshua 10:41
161. Location of the land of Goshen (with reference to Palestine). Joshua 10:41
162. The Doctrine of the Extermination of the Peoples of Canaan—not finished yet!! Check out Archer (p. 219) and When Critics Ask (1Chron. 5:22). Looks like it may be complete. Alluded to in 1Sam. 1:11. Joshua 10:43
163. Map of Conquest of Five-King Alliance and Hyperlink back to Joshua 10:10 and 10:16. Joshua 10:43
164. Map of Southern Campaign and 4 Hyperlinks back to Joshua 10:29–40.
165. Hazor of Naphtali (complete) and King Jabin. Joshua 11:1
166. Shimron, Madon and Achshaph (very short). Joshua 11:1
167. Dor (short). How is it that four tribes own this city? Joshua 11:2
168. Hyperlink’s to maps at the end of document. Joshua 11:1–2
169. Mount Hermon—location and a small amount of information. Joshua 11:3
170. The several Mizpah’s mentioned, but only briefly without any background. Joshua 11:3
171. Character study of Jabin—quite detailed for so little a mention in Scripture. Joshua 11:4
172. Barnes’ description of Lake Huleh. Joshua 11:5
173. Small amount of material on Sidon. Joshua 11:8
174. The location of Misrephoth-maim Joshua 11:8
175. Description of the areas conquered. Joshua 11:16
176. I need a map here with these areas marked. Joshua 11:16
177. First mention of the land as belonging to Israel, as in the hill country of Israel. Joshua 11:16
178. The “Israel Stele.” Joshua 11:16
179. The land conquered by Joshua. Joshua 11:16–17
180. Mount Halak and Baal gad (short). Joshua 11:17
181. The time spent at war in Palestine. Joshua 11:18
182. Negative volition allowed to run its course; several analogies. Joshua 11:20
183. Predestination and free will; from Rom. 8 and 9. Joshua 11:20
184. Calvinism vs. Arminianism. Joshua 11:20
185. Anakim (very, very short); refer to the Doctrine of the Anakim (found in Num. 13 and Deut. 9). Joshua 11:21
186. The likely placement of Joshua 8:30–35. The end of Joshua 11:23
187. Map of area mentioned by Joshua in this verse. Joshua 12:2
188. Pisgah (short) and Beth-Jeshimoth. Joshua 12:3
189. The Rephaim (short). Joshua 12:4
190. Salecah, Geshurites, Maacathites (all brief). Joshua 12:5
191. Baal-gad (very short). Joshua 12:7
192. The city of Geder (and related words). Joshua 12:13
193. Arad is defeated and then renamed Hormah in Num. 21:1–3; in Joshua 12:14, it appears as though Hormah and Arad are two different cities. What the hell is going on? Three explanations. Joshua 12:14
194. Adullam (very short). Joshua 12:15
195. Bethel; why it is mentioned but no details are ever given as to its capture and destruction. Joshua 12:16
196. Examining the minutia of Scripture, dealing with possible contradictions, and the inspiration of God’s Word. Joshua 12:16
197. Tappuah (brief). Joshua 12:17
198. Hepher (brief, but everything is covered). Joshua 12:17
199. The Doctrine of Aphek—finished!! (possibly Aphik). Joshua 12:18
200. Achshaph—short. Joshua 12:20
201. Taanach, Megiddo and Jokneam (all short). Joshua 12:21–22
202. The Doctrine of the Three Kedesh’s. Referred to in Judges 4:intro Joshua 19:20 1Chron. 6:71–76. Kedesh barely covered; a partial Doctrine of Kedesh (of the wilderness of Zin) should be done back in Num. 20. (ZPEB vol. 3, p. 779). Joshua 12:22
203. Jokneam (very short). Joshua 12:22
204. The Doctrine of the Word Gôwy—not finished yet!! (Originally in Gen. 14:1). Joshua 12:23
205. Tirzah. Joshua 12:24
206. Chart comparing Greek and Hebrew spellings of these names. Joshua 12:24
207. The study of the Bible and the minutia in the Bible. Joshua 13:intro
208. Inspiration and autographs of Scripture. Problems with the remainder of Joshua. Joshua 13:intro
209. The ages of Caleb, Joshua and Moses. Joshua 13:1
210. Major changes in our lives. Joshua 13:1
211. Geshurites, Geshur (very brief and incomplete). Joshua 13:2
212. The relationship between the Philistines, Caphtorim and the Casluhim. Philistines briefly covered, but much more could be done. Joshua 13:2
213. The River Sihor. Joshua 13:3a
214. Ekron (Biblical references only up until the time of Samuel; more can be done). Joshua 13:3a
215. Gaza, including prophecies pertaining thereto. More on prophecies still could be done. See A Ready Defense pp. 66–67). Also more history from Keil & Delitzsch’s Commentary on the Old Testament; ©1966 Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.; Vol. II, p. 99. Check next few cities as well. Joshua 13:3a
216. Ashdod (moderately brief; more to do—see Barnes Notes, vol. II, p. 383). Joshua 13:3a
217. Ashkelon (too brief). Joshua 13:3a
218. Gittite (or, Gath) (briefly; more to follow in 1Sam. 5). Joshua 13:3a
219. Location of the five Philistine cities. Joshua 13:3a
220. The Avvim (precious little information to be found). Joshua 13:3a–4
221. Gebal (Byblos). The name Gebal seems to be mentioned but once in Scripture (more can be done). A description to be found bottom of p. 100 and top of p. 101 in Keil and Delitzsch vol. 2. Joshua 13:5
222. Hamath and the entrance to Hamath (more can be done). Joshua 13:5
223. Why didn’t God require Israel to finish the job? What weren’t they required to remove all the peoples from the land? Joshua 13:7
224. Where Aroer is with respect to the boundaries of Israel. Joshua 13:9
225. Sihon passages. Joshua 13:10
226. Geshurites and Geshur (less brief and less incomplete than v. 2). Joshua 13:11
227. Maacah (still brief). Joshua 13:11
228. Sihon passages. Joshua 13:12
229. Levite inheritance passages. Joshua 13:14
230. The failure of the tribe of Reuben. Joshua 13:15
231. Ruth the Moabitess. Joshua 13:15
232. Aroer (more to tell still). Joshua 13:16
233. Heshbon and Dibon (short). Joshua 13:17
234. Bamoth-ba’al and Beth-ba’al-me’on (or, Baal-meon) (short, but complete). Joshua 13:17
235. The length of time of the war against the peoples of the land. Joshua 14:10
236. Jahaz (short but pretty complete); Kedemoth and Mepha’ath (short but complete). Joshua 13:18
237. Kiriathaim and Sibmah and Zereth-shahar (short but thorough). Joshua 13:19
238. Balaam summary. Joshua 13:20
239. Jazer and Rabbah (short; more could be done on Rabbah). Joshua 13:25
240. Israel did not take any of the land that God gave to Ammon. (For some reason, I am remembering that Earlier in history, the Amorites conquered half of the Ammonite territory, but apparently this is incorrect and that It was Ammon’s fault that they lost that chunk of real estate to the Amorites and God was not going to have Israel conquer it and then give it back to the Ammonites). Joshua 13:25
241. Mahanaim (more could be done). Debir (or, Lidebir) (short and more could be done) Joshua 13:26
242. Beth-haram and Beth-nimrah (short but thorough) and Succoth (short and more could be said) and Zaphon. Joshua 13:27
243. Short on Manasseh’s background. Joshua 13:29
244. Mahanaim. Joshua 13:30
245. The people, Machir and Gilead, both mentioned briefly here, as was the land of Gilead. Joshua 13:31
246. Ashtaroth (too short). Joshua 13:31
247. Edrei (reasonably complete). Joshua 13:31
248. Focusing on the eternal. God’s graciousness to Caleb. Joshua 14:intro
249. Eleazar (short). Joshua 14:1
250. Representatives listed who will take part in the distribution of land. Joshua 14:1
251. Caleb’s racial background (pretty thorough). Joshua 14:6
252. Moses was a man of God, meaning that he was a prophet. Judges 14:6
253. Prophets vs. priests. Judges 14:6
254. A review of Num. 13–14. Joshua 14:6–7
255. A review of Num. 13–14 with an special emphasis upon the time which has elapsed. Joshua 14:10
256. The time involved in the war on the Land of Promise. Joshua 14:11
257. The Doctrine of Hebron Part I—half finished!! Alluded to in Gen. 23:2 Joshua 21:13 1Chron. 3:1. Part II to be covered in 2Sam. 2:11. Joshua 14:15
258. Resting from war vs. peace. Joshua 14:15
259. Why the accuracy of the book of Joshua has suffered greatly. Joshua 15:intro
260. Questions about the procedures followed in the casting of lots. Joshua 15:intro
261. How lots were cast for the land. See Lev. 16:8(?) Psalm 16:5–6 Joshua 15:1
262. God already has told us that the land would be slightly redistributed because of the relative size of the land. Joshua 15:1
263. Akrabbim (short); Addar, Hezron, Hazaraddar (even shorter). Joshua 15:3
264. Beth-hoglah (brief); Beth-araba (and Bethany) (also brief). Joshua 15:6
265. A second Debir (brief). Adummim (location). Joshua 15:7
266. En-shemesh and En-rogel. Joshua 15:7
267. Valley of the son of Hinnom (very brief; more can be done). Joshua 15:8
268. Baalah (Kiriath-jearim; very little detail) and Nephtoah (location only). Mount Ephron (brief; last mention of Ephron). Joshua 15:9
269. Beth-shemesh (locations only; more in Barnes vol. 2, p. 388). Joshua 15:10
270. Timnah of Judah (brief and there are two of them). Joshua 15:10
271. Jabneel of Judah (Jabneh, Jamnia). Joshua 15:11
272. Achsah. Joshua 15:16
273. Caleb’s line and the relationship between Caleb and Othniel (extensive). Joshua 15:17
274. Keil and Delitzsch’s description of the Negev. Joshua 15:20
275. Kabzeel and Eder (short, but enough). Joshua 15:21
276. What about these cities belonging to Judah and to Simeon? Joshua 15:26
277. Amam, Shema, Moladah, Hazar-gaddah, Heshmon, Beth-pelet. Joshua 15:26–27
278. Harar-shual, and their villages Baalah, Iyim, Ezem. Joshua 15:28–29
279. Eltolad, Chesil (the related passages were not looked up, so this could be covered again), Madmannah, Sansannah (also known of Hazar-susah and Hazar-Susim). Joshua 15:30–31
280. Ether and Ashan (see also v. 42). Joshua 15:32
281. Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and Ain, and Rimmon. Joshua 15:32
282. Rimmon vs. En-rimmon. Joshua 15:32
283. Why we have so many scribal errors in this portion of Joshua. Joshua 15:32
284. Simeon (a moderate amount of detail for a paragraph or two). Joshua 15:32
285. Description of the Shephelah from Keil and Delitzsch. Joshua 15:33
286. Eshtaol and Zorah (short; more to come); Ashnah and Zanoah (short and complete); En-gannim of Judah (short, but complete). Joshua 15:33–34
287. First Jarmuth (brief, but sufficient); second Jarmuth (possibly Remeth or Ramoth) mentioned, but there might be more under the R’s in ZPEB. Joshua 15:35
288. The four different Soco’s. Joshua 15:35
289. Shaaraim, Adithaim, Gederah and Gederthaim (short, but complete). Joshua 15:36
290. Zenan, Hadashah, Migdal-gad, Dilean, the Mizpah (of Judah), and Joktheel (brief, but complete) Joshua 15:37–38
291. Bozkath, Cabbon, Lahmam, Chitish (brief, but complete). Joshua 15:39–40
292. Gederoth (brief, but thorough), Beth-dagon of Judah (and all different Beth-dagon’s mentioned briefly but thoroughly), and Naamah (the city). Joshua 15:41
293. Iphtah, Ashnah, Nezib. Joshua 15:42–43
294. Keilah, Achzib of Judah (Chezib and Cozeba). Joshua 15:44
295. The Brook of Egypt (very brief—mentioned also in Num. 34:5 1Kings 8:65 2Kings 24:7 2Chron. 7:8 Isa. 27:12 Ezek. 47:19 48:28). Joshua 15:45
296. Shamir, Jattir, Dannah, and Kiriath-sannah (or, Debir). Joshua 15:48–49
297. Anab, Eshtemoh, Anim, Goshen, Holon, and Giloh. Joshua 15:50–51
298. Arab, Duman (the city), Eshan, Janim, Beth-tappuah, and Aphekah (brief; nothing to say). Joshua 15:52–53
299. Humtah and Zior. Joshua 15:54
300. Maon (the city), Carmel, Ziph (the second Ziph), Juttah, Jezreel (of Judah), Jokdeam, and Zanoah. Joshua 15:55–56
301. The confusion about Gibeah and Gibeon and the various ones found in Scripture. They are not herein distinguished. Joshua 15:57
302. Kain, Gibeah of Judah (just this particular Gibeah), and Timnah. Joshua 15:57
303. The various forms of the word Gibeah and how it relates to geographical information in general. The Gibeah found here is the Gibeon found in Joshua 9 and also 2Sam. 21. Joshua 15:57
304. Halhul, Gedor, Maarath, Beth-anoth, and Eltekon. Joshua 15:58–59
305. Tekoa (very brief; more could be done), Bethlehem-ephrathah (see Ruth 4:11), Peor, Etam, Culom, Tatam, Sores, Carem, Gallim, Baither, and Manach. Joshua 15:59b (Septuagint addendum)
306. Kiriath-ba׳al (also know as Kiriath-jearim; not too much detail). Joshua 15:60
307. Beth-arabah, Middin, Secacah, Nibshan, a the city of Salt, and En-gedi (that is, Hazazon-tamar, also Tamar). Joshua 15:61–62
308. The phrase to this day. Joshua 15:63
309. Archites (briefly) and Ataroth (also brief). Joshua 16:2
310. Gezer (much more to do) and Upper and Lower Beth-horon (too brief). Joshua 16:3
311. Michmethath, Taanath-shiloh and Janoah (brief and adequate). Joshua 16:6
312. Abiezer, the son of Hammolecheth (also known as Iezer and as Jeezer) (thorough enough); both Asriel’s (thorough); Shechem ben Shemida and Shemida (both brief—nothing more to say); and Helek and Hepher ben Gilead (there are 2 or 3 other Hepher’s) (brief—nothing more to say!). Joshua 17:2
313. The daughters of Zelophehad and their portion of the land. Their family size compared to the size of other families is mentioned. Joshua 17:6
314. Tappuah in Manasseh. Joshua 17:8
315. Cities found in Ephraim and Manasseh not mentioned in these two chapters. Joshua 17:9
316. Beth-shean, (or Beth-shan) (quite thorough, although archeology still needs to be covered; this is done in 1Chron. 10:10); Ibleam (pretty thorough); Dor (briefly; more can be done); En-dor (even briefer); Taanach (fairly thorough, including archeology); Joshua 17:10If you are not faithful in the little things, don’t think that God is going to entrust you with the greater things. The Doctrine of the City of Megiddo will be covered in Judges 5:19. Joshua 17:11
317. The adjustments made to the land distribution as per Num. 26:52–56. Joshua 17:11
318. Barnes description of the Valley of Jezreel (Esdraelon). Joshua 17:16
319. Joshua’s great leadership and a preview of what is to come in the time of the Judges. Joshua 17:17
320. My house on Jonko which was too small and filled with Canaanites on iron chariots. Joshua 17:18
321. Why Israel moved to Shiloh from Gilgal. Why they stopped casting lots and why an expedition was organized to map the remaining territory. Joshua 18:intro
322. Shiloh (briefly). The Doctrine of Shiloh was begun in Psalm 78:61. Joshua 18:1
323. Executing God’s will doesn’t require a direct command from God. Joshua 18:1
324. Why the Ark was moved to Shiloh. Joshua 18:1
325. A little on the tabernacle of God. Joshua 18:1
326. The four tasks that Joshua had to complete. Joshua 18:3
327. Why Joshua sent men out to map out the land. Joshua 18:4
328. Again, why Joshua sent out these men to divide up the land. Joshua 18:6
329. Games of chance; letting chance guide you and what is wrong with that. Joshua 18:12
330. Stone of Bohan (complete with little to say). Joshua 18:17
331. Zemaraim (both the mountain and the city; location only). Joshua 18:22
332. Ophrah (possibly also known as Ephron, Ephrain, and the city of Ephraim; look at this again in Judges 6:11 and 1Sam. 13:17, as Barnes feels that is a different Ophrah, which seems reasonable). Joshua 18:23
333. Anathoth (thorough; not found in text, but appears to belong here?). Alman (also known as Alemeth and Allemeth) (brief, but thorough). Joshua 18:24
334. Gibeon deferred until Judges 19:12 (archeological information to be covered in 2Sam. 21). Joshua 18:25
335. Ramah (of Benjamin—first half of material in ZPEB to mid pg. 30). Joshua 18:25
336. Beeroth, Mizpeh of Benjamin (not exhaustive, but a lot of material). See also Judges 20:1. Joshua 18:25–26
337. Rekem (the city), Zela (brief but complete), the Gibeah (or, Gibeath) of Saul (also called the Gibeah of Benjamin; see Judges 19:12). Joshua 18:27–28
338. The meaning of Simeon not being given a territory of his own, but being absorbed by the tribe of Judah. Why Levi was also scattered into the various tribes. Joshua 19:1
339. Baalath-beer (or, Baal, or Ramah of the Negev or Ramoth of the Negev). Joshua 19:8
340. Jacob’s last prophecies concerning his children. Joshua 19:10
341. Problems with the inspiration of Jacob’s poem in Gen. 49. Joshua 19:10
342. Chisloth-tabor (or, Chesulloth), Daberath and Japhia (brief, but thorough). Joshua 19:12
343. Gath-hepher, Eth-kazin, Rimmon of Zebulun (also Dimnah), and Neah (all brief and thorough). Joshua 19:13
344. Hannathon and Iphtael (brief, but thorough). Joshua 19:14
345. The Amarna Tablets—finished. Joshua 19:14
346. Kattath, Nahalal, Idalah and Bethlehem of Zebulun (brief, but thorough). Joshua 19:15
347. Shunem (covered thoroughly). Hapharaim, Shion, Anaharath (brief, but thorough). Joshua 19:18–19
348. The Doctrine of the Three Kedesh’s alluded to (Joshua 12:22). Joshua 19:20
349. Rabbith (or Daberath or Daberoth), Kishion (Kedesh of Issachar), Ebez, Remeth (or, Ramoth or Jarmuth of Issachar), En-gannim (of Issachar; also called Anem), En-haddah, and Beth-pazzez. Joshua 19:20–21
350. Mount Tabor (very complete; also referred to in Judges 4:6; wherein there is a good description by Edersheim), Shahazumah, and Beth-shemesh (of Issachar). Joshua 19:22
351. Helkath, Hali, Beten, Achshaph. Joshua 19:24–5
352. Allammelech, Amad, Mishal and Shihor-libnath (brief, but thorough). Joshua 19:26
353. Beth-dagon, Beth-emek, Neiel and Cabul (brief, but thorough). Joshua 19:27
354. Ebron (or, Abdon of Asher), Rehob of Asher (both of them), Hammon of Asher and Kanah of Asher. Joshua 19:28
355. Hosah, Ramah of Asher, Mahalab (Ahlab), and Achzib of Asher. Joshua 19:29
356. Ummah. Joshua 19:30
357. Adami-Nekeb, and Elon-zaanannim (or, plain Zaanannim). Joshua 19:33
358. Ziddim, Zer, Hammath (Hammon of Naphtali), Rakkath, Chinnereth (all brief, but complete). Joshua 19:35.
359. Adamah, Ramah (of Naphtali), Kedesh of Naphtali (quite complete), Edrei of Naphtali, En-hazor. Joshua 19:36–37
360. Yiron, Megdal-el, Horem, Beth-anath, and Beth-shemesh of Naphtali. Joshua 19:38
361. Shaalabbin (or, Shaalbim), Aijalon of Dan (or Ajalon) (very complete), Ithlah, Elon, and Timnah (or, Timnath; of Judah and then of Dan; see Joshua 15:10). Joshua 19:42–43
362. Why is Aijalon said to be given from Dan to the Levites in Joshua 21:24, but said to have been given by Ephraim to the Levites in 1Chron. 6:69. Joshua 19:42–43
363. Baalah of Dan (or Baalah or Bealoth or Baaloth; probably equivalent to Baalah of northern Judah); Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Jehud, Bene-berak, Gath-rimmon, Me-jarkon, Rakkon. Joshua 19:44–46
364. The authorship of Joshua; in particular, these last few chapters. Joshua 19:47
365. Timnath-serah (also called Timnath-heres). Joshua 19:50
366. McGee mentions taking care of pastors when they retire. Joshua 19:50
367. Are there three cities of refuge (Deut. 19) or six (Num. 35 Joshua 20)? This is explained here. Joshua 20:2
368. The analogy between the cities of asylum and our taking refuge in our Lord Jesus Christ. Joshua 20:2
369. The spiritual significance of Shechem, Hebron and Kedesh (the 3 cities of asylum). Joshua 20:7
370. Ramoth, Bezer and Golan—where they are found. Joshua 20:8
371. Differences, and the reason for, between Joshua 21 and 1Chron. 6. Between Joshua 21:8 and 9
372. Equal protection under the law for Israelites, temporary residents and for those visiting Israel. Joshua 20:9
373. Alluded to Doctrine of Hebron Part I (found in Joshua 14:15). Joshua 21:13
374. Kibzaim (brief, but thorough). Joshua 21:22
375. Why Gath-rimmon is found twice; in vv. 24–25. Joshua 21:25
376. Beleam = Bileam = ῎Ιβαθα = Ibleam (Joshua 17:11). Gath-rimmon is here by mistake. Joshua 21:25
377. Beeshterah (or, Ashtaroth) (brief, but thorough). Joshua 21:27
378. Kartan (Kiraith-aim) (very brief). Joshua 21:32
379. We belong in the environment where God has placed us. This environment includes heartache and pain, sometimes. Joshua 21:42
380. It is explained why God has promised a great deal more land to Israel than He has delivered. Joshua 21:43
381. The 2½ tribes of Israel had remained with the other 9½ until all the land of Canaan had been conquered. Joshua 22:2
382. Repetition in ancient writing. Joshua 22:7
383. Which side of the Jordan was the 2nd altar built on? Joshua 22:11
384. Which is the best translation of the Bible? Joshua 22:11
385. Phinehas (reasonable length and depth). Joshua 22:13
386. The other Phinehas’s mentioned briefly. Joshua 22:13
387. The reasons why the sin of the 2½ tribes is comparable to the sin of Achan and the sin at Peor. Joshua 22:16
388. Phinehas at Peor. Joshua 22:17
389. The exclusivity of the God of Israel. Joshua 22:22
390. Why does God test us? History demonstrates God’s love, grace, and justice. Joshua 22:22
391. Was it wrong for the 2½ tribes to build this additional altar? Joshua 22:34
392. Where did Joshua 23 take place? Joshua 23:intro
393. The time frame of the last couple chapters of Joshua. Joshua 23:intro
394. The time frame of Joshua 23. Joshua 23:1
395. Dispensations. Joshua 23:2
396. Some of the individual differences between the Church Age and the Age of Israel. Joshua 23:2
397. Our function in the Church Age. Joshua 23:2
398. The Word of God existed in Joshua’s time and it was recognized as such. Joshua 23:6
399. The four things forbidden Israel with respect to the gods of other nations. Joshua 23:7
400. Exclusivity of Jesus Christ and Judaism. Joshua 23:7
401. Intermarriage with other nations forbidden and the improper application of that. Joshua 23:12
402. The correct chronological placement of Joshua 24:1–28 (good). Joshua 23:14
403. A good summary of the final verse (actually, two good summaries; one at the beginning and one at the end). Joshua 23:14
404. Many of the basic theological arguments. Joshua 23:16
405. Is the land of Canaan a conditional or an unconditional gift? Joshua 23:16
406. The promises of God and the future of Israel. Joshua 23:16
407. Clearly why Joshua 24 precedes Joshua 23. Joshua 24:intro
408. The order of the book of Joshua. Joshua 24:into
409. Phinehas the writer of the last portion of Joshua. Joshua 24:into
410. Questions about the order of Joshua and general questions about Joshua 24. Joshua 24:intro
411. The Septuagint and textual criticism. Joshua 24:intro
412. Why Joshua chose Shechem and a little history of Shechem. Joshua 24:1
413. This would be a good place for the Doctrine of the City of Shechem.
414. Abraham and Isaac. Joshua 24:3
415. Joshua wrote his speech down beforehand. Joshua 24:4
416. Chart: Interpreting Joshua 24:12. Joshua 24:12
417. Chart: How is the Term Amorite Used in Scripture? Joshua 24:15
418. The meaning of the hornet preceding Israel in its attack upon the land of Canaan. Joshua 24:12
419. Anti-Semitism. Joshua 24:19
420. God does not take away our salvation. Joshua 24:19
421. Loss of salvation vs. discipline. Joshua 24:20
422. Our part in our daily walk. Joshua 24:21
423. The oral tradition. Joshua 24:26
424. The seven memorials. Joshua 24:26
425. The word sanctuary does not always refer to the temple or to the tabernacle. Joshua 24:26
426. The order of events of the book of Joshua. Joshua 24:28
427. Why Joshua chose Shechem is explained. Joshua 24:28
428. The leadership of Joshua and Moses. Joshua 24:29
429. Spiritual succession of Moses to Joshua to Phinehas. Joshua 24:31
430. Our leadership is not the key to our deliverance; our spiritual life is. Joshua 24:31
431. Miracles; miracles and Israel. Joshua 24:31
432. Eleazar, briefly. Joshua 24:33
433. Israel does not need to have a national leader. Joshua 24:33
434. Gibeah of Ephraim. Joshua 24:33
435. The addendum to this book found in the Septuagint. Joshua 24:33
436. The legacy of Joshua. Joshua 24:33
Topics Covered in the Book of the Judges
1. I will point out the errors found in the NIV Study Bible and in Rotherham and why. Judges intro. Preface
2. Improper application of the removal of Canaanites. Judges Introduction (Introduction)
3. Covenant theology and God will keep His promises to Israel. Judges Introduction (Spiritual Background)
4. Verbal plenary view of Scripture and editing. Judges Introduction (Authorship of the Book of Judges)
5. The lineage of Caleb and Othniel is alluded to. Joshua Introduction (The Time Period During which Judges was written).
6. The oppression of the Ammonites and of the Philistines appears to be coterminous. Judges Introduction (The Time Period During which Judges was Written).
7. Comparative Chronology Chart. Left in the Judges introduction, but also copied it as a separate file to be placed with doctrines. Alluded to in 1Sam. 1:20. Judges Introduction
8. Tola and Jair’s reigns could have been partially coterminous. Judges Introduction
9. The time frame of the book of Judges. Judges 1:intro
10. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Henry on Judges 1. Judges 1:intro
11. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: the 2nd High Priest. Judges 1:intro
12. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: the 3rd High Priest. Judges 1:intro
13. Insert Israel’s seven idolatries of the book of Judges (see Barnes p. 419). Also note Israel doing evil in the sight of God and every man doing what was right in his own eyes. Judges 1:intro (Themes)
14. The time frame of the book of Judges. Judges 1:1
15. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Preeminence of Judah. Judges 1:2
16. Your spiritual gift, your background, taking in God’s Word, your priorities, life’s confusion. Judges 1:1
17. Bezek (short and thorough enough). Judges 1:4
18. Personal intelligence, background and God’s plan. Judges 1:5
19. Driving the Jebusites out of Jerusalem. Did Judah conquer Jerusalem? Who owned Jerusalem? Why does it say in Joshua 15:63 that Judah lived with the Jebusites to that day? Judges 1:8
20. Hebron covered briefly. Judges 1:10
21. The Sequence of Events Concerning the Capture of Hebron; this is squared with Joshua 14. This is well-done. Judges 1:10
22. Debir. One location given and two alluded to (the one near Jerusalem and the Gadite down of Debir). Judges 1:11 Also check out Barnes vol. 2, p. 389.
23. Incest. Judges 1:13
24. Who Othniel and who Kenaz are in their relationship to Caleb. Judges 1:13
25. Jethro (Moses’ father-in-law), Zipporah (Moses’s first wife) and the two children. Judges 1:16
26. The Doctrine of the Kenites. Mentioned in Judges 4:10 1Chron. 2:55. Judges 1:16
27. Arad (short). Judges 1:16
28. Hormah, Arad and Zephath all explained. Judges 1:16
29. The attack and number of attacks on Hormah (Zephath) and the 3 explanations. Judges 1:17
30. A bit on the NIV Study Bible and a chart from the NIV Study Bible about the Philistine cities. Judges 1:18
31. Bethel was not necessarily conquered in Joshua 8. Judges 1:23
32. A possible removable portion of a city wall is conjectured for the city of Bethel. Judges 1:24
33. When was Bethel actually conquered? By Joshua or by the tribe of Joseph during the period of the judges (Judges 1:22–26). Joshua 12:16 or Judges 1:26
34. Personal fears. Judges 1:27
35. The passages dealing with Israel’s orders to destroy the indigenous population of Canaan. Judges 1:28
36. The contrast between Israel being told to show no mercy to the peoples of the land and the protection and rights afforded to foreigners under the Law of God. Judges 1:28
37. Kitron (or Kedron) mentioned. Its occurrence in I Macc. not examined. Judges 1:30
38. The Doctrine of Acco (Ptolemais)—not finished yet!. Judges 1:31
39. Why Ir-shemesh and Har-heres are probably the same city. Judges 1:35
40. Location of the ascent of Akrabbim and the border of the Amorite. Judges 1:36
41. Judges 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
42. A brief chronological view of the book of Judges. Judges 2:intro
43. The authorship of the book of Judges (should I move this to the introduction??). Judges 2:intro
44. The Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah (HTML) (PDF). (brief; see Gen. 16:7). Judges 2:1
45. God will not break His covenant with Israel. Judges 2:1
46. Chart; movement of the Ark of God—possibly to Bethel (see ZPEB vol. 3, p. 755 for more movement). Judges 2:1
47. Israel is not to make any covenant with the heathen in the land; they are to be removed. Judges 2:2
48. Bochim—its location and limited information (very complete, and replete with theories and a chart). Judges 2:5
49. Authorship of Judges. Judges 2:7
50. Knowing God. Judges 2:10
51. The use of Baalim rather than Baal. Judges 2:11
52. Israel doing evil in the sight of Jehovah and serving other gods. Judges 2:11
53. The mixture of false religion with what is true. Why salvation is only through Jesus Christ. Judges 2:13
54. The Doctrine of Ashtaroth
. Some material still to be added (Freeman pp. 120–121). Alluded to in
1Sam. 1:11. Judges 2:13
55. Sentence structure and vocabulary in Judges 2 different from chapter 1. Judges 2:15
56. Idolatry, redemption, spiritual adultery. Judges 2:17
57. Forbidding idolatry. Judges 2:19
58. Religious intolerance and idolatry; the difference between Israel and the United States. Judges 2:20
59. The chronological, linear view of the book of Joshua and Judges; a more detailed approach. Judges 2:23
60. God takes a nation to war when it turns against Him. Judges 3:2
61. Hivites briefly covered. Judges 3:3
62. Testing is for the angel who observe us as much as it is for us. Judges 3:4
63. The Doctrine of Testing is alluded to (from Deut. 8:2). Judges 3:4
64. God takes a nation to war when it turns against Him. Judges 3:2
65. Hivites briefly covered. Judges 3:3
66. Testing is for the angel who observe us as much as it is for us. Judges 3:4
67. What we learn from the testing of Israel. The vindication of God’s decisions. Good. Judges 3:5
68. Marriage to unbelievers and separation. Good. Judges 3:6
69. The Doctrine of Racial Intermarriage alluded to (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). (found back in Ex. 34:16). Judges 3:6
70. The Doctrine of Baal—not finished yet!! is alluded to (from Num. 22:41). Judges 3:7
71. The Doctrine of Baalim. Judges 3:7
72. A very little on Mesopotamia. Judges 3:8
73. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament as versus the New (gobs of Scripture—more to be found with this passage in the NIV; refer to note in Barnes to expand upon this as well). A reference to The Doctrine of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. (Which is found in Num. 11:25b; see NASB references Num. 11:26; check Keil and Delitzsch, vol. II, pp 213–214; mentioned again in Judges 3:10)
74. People don’t make use of the times of peace and prosperity. Judges 3:11
75. I might want to take Othniel quote from Judges 1:13 and move it to Judges 3.
76. Origins of the people of Edom, Ammon and the Amalekites. Judges 3:13
77. The Doctrines of Moab and Ammon mentioned (Gen. 19:38). Judges 3:13
78. The scope and sequence of the book of Judges. Judges 3:13
79. Gera, as a family head. Judges 3:15
80. Ehud is an author of a portion of the book of Judges. Judges 3:15
81. Where exactly did Eglon rule from? Judges 3:15
82. Variety of homemade weapons found in the book of Judges. Judges 3:16
83. God uses unrighteous men to do His bidding. Judges 3:22
84. List of the Technological Accomplishments of the Hamitic People Following the Flood. This is finished; later, I may want to place it elsewhere. Judges 3:23
85. Locking of doors mentioned only in two passages. Judges 3:23
86. Seirah (brief, but thorough). Judges 3:26
87. Israel’s status as a theocracy as compared to our national status today. Judges 3:30
88. War and killing are not outmoded. Judges 3:30
89. Reference to the Doctrine of the Three Kedesh’s (Joshua 12:22). Judges 4:intro
90. Why Israel was on a roller coaster of failure and success. Judges 4:intro
91. How we are different from the children of Israel. Judges 4:intro
92. False ideas based upon faulty premises, even after the premises are shown to be false. Judges 4:intro
93. The correct and incorrect understanding of the oral tradition (good!). Judges 4:intro
94. Authorship of the book of the Judges; particularly chapters 4 and 5. Judges 4:intro
95. A country rots on the inside first, and then falls to outside forces. Judges 4:1
96. The location of Harosheth-hagoiim. Judges 4:2
97. Historical Parallels: The “Israel Stele” Judges 4:3
98. Celibacy, marriage and Christian service. Judges 4:4
99. A Short Doctrine of Prophetess. Judges 4:4.
100. The Doctrine of the Responsibilities and the Requirements of the Judges of Israel. Judges 4:4
101. The alleged prophetic ability of the judges. Judges 4:4
102. Catholic asceticism and remaining single. Judges 4:4
103. God’s dealings with believers and unbelievers when it comes to discipline and restraint. Judges 4:4
104. Mount Tabor plus a good description (more detail is given in Joshua 19:22). Judges 4:6
105. The perfect and imperfect tenses of the Hebrew. Judges 4:7
106. Barak’s and Deborah’s motivation for their actions. Judges 4:7
107. The Kishon River (moderate detail). Judges 4:7
108. A map of the Kishon and Mount Tabor. Judges 4:7
109. Barak’s and Deborah’s motivation for their actions. Judges 4:8
110. The Doctrine of the Kenites (from Judges 1:16) mentioned and conclusion quoted. Judges 4:10
111. Which tribes were really involved in the war against Sisera and Jabin? This explains Judges 4:10 as compared to Judges 5:14–20. Judges 4:10
112. Unanswered questions about Heber and the Kenites (also a good name for a rock band). Judges 4:11
113. A collection of verses where God goes before Israel (and the application thereof). Judges 4:14
114. Divine guidance, rebound, Bible doctrine, obedience. Judges 4:14
115. Jael’s morality in her assassination of Sisera. Judges 4:22
116. Submission to authority in government. Judges 4:22
117. Don’t push symbolism and analogy too far; examples given of Moses and Joshua and the Law and Jesus Christ. Analogies and water baptism. Judges 5:intro
118. Sarcasm in the Bible. Judges 5:intro
119. Doctrine of Baptisms—not finished yet—alluded to. Judges 5:intro
120. The Doctrine of Days (from Gen. 1:5) [not finished yet] alluded to and summarized. Judges 5:1
121. The meaning of the word bless (also from Deut. 8:10). Judges 5:2
122. Women with authority and women and immorality Judges 5:7
123. Pacifism and what Jesus said. Judges 5:9
124. Patriotism. Judges 5:10
125. The construct state in the Hebrew. Judges 5:13
126. Ephraim and the Amalekites (very brief). The Doctrine of the Amalekites mentioned (from Num. 24:20). Judges 5:14
127. Sarcasm in the Bible. Judges 5:17
128. Taanach (very brief; covered in more detail in Joshua 17:11). Judges 5:19
129. The Doctrine of the City of Megiddo. Add in Keller p. 172!! Mentioned in Joshua 17:11 1Chron. 7:28. Judges 5:19
130. Examination of the battle itself. Judges 5:22
131. Endor and Sisera. Judges 5:22
132. Battle summary. Judges 5:23
133. Jael’s action of killing Sisera is examined fully. Judges 5:24
134. Lying. Judges 5:24
135. A step-by-step examination of the assassination of Sisera, with all pertinent Scripture interwoven. Judges 5:27
136. Windows in the ancient world. More could be done. See Freeman pp. 123–124. Judges 5:28
137. People should be studying God’s Word under the ministry of a pastor who teaches it to them. Judges 6:intro
138. The Doctrine of the Midianites mentioned (found in Num. 31:2). Judges 6:1
139. They key to the different names and confused nationality of Moses’ father. Judges 6:1
140. Prophets (briefly). Judges 6:8
141. Mention of the Doctrine of a Prophet to God from Deut. 18:15). Judges 6:8
142. False prophets and application to today. Judges 6:8
143. Why the God of the Bible identifies Himself over and over again as “I am the God Who brought you out of Egypt.” Judges 6:8
144. The four things God did on behalf of Israel. Judges 6:9
145. How God used this particular unnamed prophet. Judges 6:10
146. The city of Ophrah in Manasseh and why there are probably two Ophrah’s. Judges 6:11
147. The Angle of Jehovah doctrine is mentioned and some information given (found in Gen. 16:7). Judges 6:12
148. The Angel of Jehovah = Jehovah. Judges 6:14
149. How we know that Gideon and his father had some doctrine and knowledge of God’s Word. Judges 6:16
150. Why God chose Gideon. Judges 6:24
151. Abiezrite, Abiezer (brief, but complete). Judges 6:24
152. The reason the young ox and the seven-year-old ox were sacrificed. Judges 6:25
153. Dispensationalism. Judges 6:25
154. Persecution of others for their religious beliefs. Judges 6:25
155. Applications of dispensationalism. Judges 6:25
156. Why two bulls were taken to be sacrificed, but only one is mentioned as actually being sacrificed. Judges 6:25
157. A description of our Lord. Judges 6:26
158. Why we don’t take down the altars of other religions. Judges 6:27
159. The difference between infused and imputed grace (the difference between Protestants and Catholics). Judges 6:27
160. Our spiritual impact through rebound and the filling of the Spirit. Judges 6:27
161. A more careful background of Gideon is given. Judges 6:27
162. A careful background of Joash and Gideon given. Judges 6:31
163. The location of the Valley of Jezreel. Judges 6:33
164. Location of Midian and Amalek. Judges 6:33
165. Mention of the Holy Spirit’s ministry in the Old Testament (doctrine is found in Num. 11:25b). Judges 6:34
166. The power of the Holy Spirit when Gary Horton came to Humble High School as an evangelist. Judges 6:34
167. God’s blessing of us and things we do to get it. Judges 6:37
168. Do not make any major decisions when you do not understand divine guidance. Do not ask God for some kind of a sign. Judges 6:38
169. The number of soldiers on each side. Judges 7:intro
170. The location of the events which take place in Judges 7. Judges 7:1
171. The location of the events which take place in Judges 7. Judges 7:3
172. The irony in the situation that God allows Gideon only 300 men. Judges 7:7
173. Guidance, strengthening of faith. God does not speak to us supernaturally anymore. Judges 7:10
174. The Jewish changing of the guard and night watch system. Judges 7:19
175. Beth-shittah and acacia trees (very brief). Judges 7:22
176. Ephraim’s lousy mental attitude and its precipitous results. Judges 8:1
177. Gideon’s tact. Judges 8:3
178. Succoth (briefly). Judges 8:5
179. The believer’s focus and Gideon’s focus; he did not allow himself to become derailed from God’s plan. Judges 8:9
180. Nobah (or, Kenath or Kanatha) and Jogbehah (brief but thorough). Judges 8:11
181. Israel celebrates the defeat of Midian in literature. Judges 8:12.
182. The ascent of Heres and Mount Heres (briefly). Judges 8:13
183. With authority comes not only power, but responsibility. Judges 8:14
184. Teaching through discipline. Judges 8:16
185. Ishmaelites (briefly). Judges 8:24
186. Earrings (or, nose rings) and males. Androgyny. The Doctrine of Rings (not finished) alluded to (found in Gen. 24:22). Judges 8:24
187. We don’t hear from Midian again. Judges 8:25
188. Shekels, rings. Weight of a shekel. Judges 8:26
189. The ephod of Gideon and why he made it. The Doctrine of the Priest’s Clothing alluded to (from Ex. 29:5). Judges 8:27
190. There was another house of worship (of Baal) in Shechem. Judges 8:27
191. The authorship of this portion of the book of Judges. Judges 8:27
192. The authorship of this portion of the book of Judges. Judges 8:28
193. The authorship of this portion of the book of Judges. Judges 8:29
194. The Doctrine of Polygamy (Deut. 21:15) alluded to. Judges 8:30
195. McGee’s quote on polygamy. Judges 8:30
196. Additional comments about polygamy and the results and its possible legalization. Judges 8:30
197. The location of Ophrah. Judges 8:31
198. A little about Gideon’s mistress and his illegitimate son. Judges 8:31
199. The name of Gideon’s illegitimate son, Abimelech. Judges 8:31
200. The doctrine of Gideon (short). Judges 8:end
201. The important and necessity of a pastor teacher in interpreting God’s Word. Judges 9:intro
202. The extent of Abimelech’s rule. Judges 9:intro
203. Idolatry of Israel during the time of Abimelech. Judges 9:intro
204. The use of the names Gideon and Jerubbaal. Judges 9:intro
205. The significance of the name of Abimelech. Judges 9:intro
206. Authorship of Judges 9. Judges 9:intro
207. Shechem’s religious area. Judges 9:1
208. Regional differences and regional politics. Judges 9:3
209. List of who hired mercenaries in the history of Israel. Judges 9:4
210. Millo or Beth-millo. Judges 9:6
211. Abimelech is a bona-fide ruler over Israel. He is not simply a city-king. Judges 9:6
212. Mount Gerizim (brief). Judges 9:7
213. The purpose of parables. Judges 9:7
214. A fable vs. a parable. Judges 9:7
215. Why Jotham used a parable. Judges 9:8
216. Beer (short). Judges 9:21
217. Hamor and Shechem. Judges 9:28
218. Authorship of Judges 9. Judges 9:31
219. Thebez (very brief). Judges 9:50
220. Armor and armor bearers of the ancient world. Judges 9:54
221. Women’s liberation in the book of Judges. Judges 9:54
222. The time period of the oppression of the Ammonites and the Philistines is coterminous. Judges 1:intro
223. Tola (brief and complete). Judges 10:1
224. The judge both judged over Israel and delivered Israel; much like Jesus Christ. Judges 10:1
225. Tola and Jair’s reigns could have been partially coterminous. Judges 10:3
226. There are two different Jair’s in Scripture. Judges 10:3
227. Jair ben Segur (called Jair ben Manasseh); and Jair the Gileadite. Judges 10:4
228. Havvoth-jair (or, Havoth-jair). Judges 10:4
229. An extended quote from McGee on Jair and men like him. Judges 10:4
230. That dream where you acquire things and then wake up and they are gone. Life will be like that (good). Judges 10:5
231. The Doctrine of the Aramæans/Syrians alluded to (from Deut. 26:5). Judges 10:6
232. The various gods of the Aramæans, Phœnicia, Moab, Ammon, Sidon and Philistia. Judges 10:6
233. Believers often known why and when they are out of fellowship. Judges 10:10
234. The one primary way that a Christian revival benefits the believer. Judges 10:10
235. Naming one’s sins to God in the Old Testament. Judges 10:10
236. The Doctrine of the sons of Ammon alluded to (it will be in Judges 11). Judges 10:11
237. Israel’s altercations with Egypt, the Amorites, Ammon, and the Philistines. Judges 10:11
238. The Doctrine of Canonicity alluded to (I haven’t placed that doctrine yet). Judges 10:11
239. Israel’s altercations with Sidon and the Amalekites. The Maonites are discussed briefly (also, why they are probably the Midianites is covered). Judges 10:12
240. Divine sarcasm (brief) Judges 10:14
241. Biblical quotes about trusting in idols. Judges 10:14
242. Fellowship, naming your sins to God; continuation of suffering; Old Testament take on rebound (good!). Judges 10:15
243. Anthropopathism. Judges 10:16
244. Judges 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
245. Pre-marital sex and its results. Judges 11:2
246. Tob. Judges 11:3
247. Negotiation between Jephthah and the elders of Gilead and how things were negotiated. Judges 11:9
248. The Doctrine of the Sons of Ammon. Judges 11:12
249. Explanation as to why the king of Ammon thought that Israel had land which belonged to Ammon. Judges 11:13
250. Infinitive absolutes (3 in this verse). Judges 11:25
251. War and the evolution of man. Judges 11:29
252. Minnith (Manith or Maanith), Abel-keramin. Judges 11:33
253. The battle between rendering a passage literally or so that it is readable. Specific translations cited. Judges 11:34
254. The Doctrine of Celibacy. Judges 11:37
255. The vow of Jephthah. Judges 11:37
256. Did Jephthah offer his daughter as a burnt sacrifice? Judges 11:37 (and several other places nearby)
257. Going up to the mountains for the last two month’s of her life would be contrary to human nature. Judges 11:38
258. The sacrifice of Jephthah’s daughter was that she remained a virgin all her life. Judges 11:39
259. God does not intend for you to dig out the meaning of His Word by yourself : ). Judges 11:40
260. The Doctrine of Vows (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) alluded to (Num. 30:15). Judges 11:40
261. Zaphon. Judges 12:1
262. Believers are prohibited from taking other believers to court. Judges 12:2
263. Spiritual gifts and altercations between believers. Spiritual gifts require cooperation between believers. Judges 12:2
264. Literary formulas in the book of Judges. Judges 12:7
265. Aijalon of Zebulun. Aijalon of Zebulun is mentioned only in this passage. Judges 12:12
266. Pirathon (Pirathonite), Pharathon (short and thorough; not much to say). Judges 12:13
267. Why we do not need God’s visible presence in this dispensation. Why God does not speak audibly to people in this dispensation. People and their several dozen verses Bible. How you know a pastor isn’t doing his job. Judges 12:15
268. Samson is compared to our Lord; Samson is compared to Israel. Judges 13:intro
269. Samson is a study of being filled with the Spirit or quenching the Spirit. He is a preview of the modus operandi of the Church Age. Believers and bi-polar disorder. Judges 13:intro
270. Was Samson a real historical figure? Judges 13:intro
271. Nice quick explanation of Philistines from Zodhiates. Judges 13:1
272. Zorah. Judges 13:2
273. The Doctrine of the Nazirite (alluded to in Num. 6:1–2). Judges 13:5
274. Manoah and his wife are very different. Judges 13:5
275. Did Manoah’s wife know Who this Man of God was at the first? Judges 13:6
276. Why did Manoah’s wife under-report her meeting with the Angel of Jehovah? Judges 13:6
277. Free will and foreordination (good). Judges 13:7
278. The tools of God’s Word and the filling of the Holy Spirit. Homosexual churches. Judges 13:7
279. Was Manoah a believer? Judges 13:8
280. God hears some prayers of unbelievers. Judges 13:9
281. The immaculate conception and birth of our Lord sans the old sin nature. Judges 13:13
282. Burnt Offerings (see Lev. 1:3 7:38) and Tribute Offerings (see Lev. 7:38) revisited here. Judges 13:20
283. Marvelous foreshadowing of Christ’s work on the cross in the middle of the book of Judges. Judges 13:20
284. The Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah (HTML) (PDF) is mentioned here (Gen. 16:7). Reasons why this was a Theophany. Judges 13:21
285. Samson’s secret; wood hay and stubble. Creating works which are eternal. Judges 13:25
286. Timnah (Timnath). Judges 14:1
287. Intermarriage and Israel. Judges 14:2
288. Ancient dowries (cover dowry in more detail in the future—see Gower p. 64). Judges 14:2
289. Intermarriage and Israel. Judges 14:3
290. Circumcision. Judges 14:3
291. What God wanted animosity between Philistia and Israel. Judges 14:4
292. The Doctrine of the Philistines (SSN p. 305). Judges 14:4
293. God takes what we do and makes the end result good, even if our decisions are awful. Judges 14:4
294. Samson and the Holy Spirit. Judges 14:19
295. Ashkelon (in greater detail; post Assyrian rule not covered here). Judges 14:19
296. The key to understanding why God chose Samson to function as a thorn in the side of the Philistines. Judges 14:19
297. The writing of this portion of the book of Judges. Judges 15:1
298. God uses all kinds of people. Judges 15:3
299. The morality and immorality of Samson and the Philistines. Judges 15:10
300. Promises from God’s word of the subjugation of Israel. Judges 15:11
301. What Samson and the 3000 Judæans should have done. Judges 15:13
302. The importance of the Hebrew and this passage. Judges 15:14
303. The Holy Spirit and our volition. Judges 15:14
304. The gift of pastor teacher and understanding all that is in any given passage. Judges 15:14
305. Samson appeals to God’s justice and to His plan, rather than to His mercy, when he calls out to God. The application is briefly covered. Appeal to God’s justice, righteousness and to His plan, in prayer, rather than to His mercy and kindness for the best results. Judges 15:18
306. Judges 16 from a psychological standpoint. Judges 16:intro
307. Samson’ mid-life crisis. Judges 16:intro
308. Basic Gaza. Judges 16:1
309. Sorek. Judges 16:4
310. Women problems for spiritual men. Judges 16:4
311. Samson’s age. Judges 16:5
312. The amount of money which was offered Delilah. Judges 16:5
313. Samson’s mid-life crisis. Judges 16:5
314. Delilah’s age and motivation. Judges 16:5
315. Delilah is not a very intelligent woman. Judges 16:6
316. The basis of the relationship of Samson and Delilah is sex; this is related to dissolving of marriages in the United States. Judges 16:6
317. The seven day week and the seven days of restoration; the importance of the number seven to the ancients. Judges 16:7
318. The result of Samson’s first confession. Judges 16:7
319. Was there duplicity involved in getting Samson to allow himself to be tied up (i.e., kinky sex)? Judges 16:8
320. Delilah was a fairly wealthy young lady. Judges 16:9a
321. Why we know the Philistines did charge out. Judges 16:9b
322. The Septuagint. Judges 16:14a (from the LXX)
323. Why Samson revealed his secret. Judges 16:17
324. The power of nagging. Judges 16:17
325. How Samson could be so stupid. Judges 16:19
326. The Doctrine of the Deity of the Holy Spirit. Judges 16:20
327. Rebound. Judges 16:20
328. The time frame for Samson’s hair to grow. Judges 16:21–22
329. Getting back into fellowship. Judges 16:22
330. Getting back into fellowship. Judges 16:23
331. The plural use of elohim for heathen gods. Judges 16:23
332. Dagon, a god of the Philistines. Judges 16:23
333. The structure of the public building where Samson was. Judges 16:27
334. Turning the other cheek. Judges 16:28
335. Who wrote this portion of Judges? Judges 16:31
336. The deaths of Samson and Saul are contrasted. Judges 16:31
337. Why Samson’s judgeship is mentioned in both Judges 15:20 and in Judges 16:31. Judges 16:31
338. A chart comparing Samson to our Lord Jesus Christ. Judges 16:31
339. Chart contrasting Samson and Jesus Christ. Judges 16:31
340. Chart listing similarities between Samson and the nation Israel. Judges 16:31
341. Introduction to the final few chapters of Judges. Judges 17:intro
342. Verbal plenary view of Scripture. Authorship of final few chapters of the Judges. Why a later editor does not nullify the idea that these books are still God’s Word. Judges 17:intro
343. Idolatry (brief). Judges 17:intro
344. Why no one else in this story of Micah has a name. Judges 17:1
345. Parenting; kids dropping out of my class for being too difficult. Judges 17:2b
346. The motivation of Micah’s mother to have an idol made. Judges 17:3
347. Some OT idolatry passages. Judges 17:3
348. The ephod (reasonable). Judges 17:5
349. The physical appearance of our Lord. Judges 17:5
350. Positive volition and truth. Judges 17:9
351. Using the term father in reference to spiritual authority. Judges 17:10
352. List of passages where yôwd (days) is rendered year. Judges 17:10
353. Sins committed in Judges 17. Judges 17:13
354. The Doctrine of Inspiration. I have made a small subset of the Study of Inspiration for this section (I may want to introduce it earlier into Scripture). Also mentioned in 1Chron. 6:5–9. Judges 18:intro
355. Which came first: the exploits of Samson or this chapter. Judges 18:into
356. Zorah, in great detail. Judges 18:2
357. The land was partially redistributed after the casting of lots to make it proportional to the size of the population of the tribes. Judges 18:2
358. Eshtaol (in Judah and in Dan). Judges 18:2
359. Discussion of Zorah and Eshtaol and the population being in the hill country. Judges 18:2
360. Micah’s house and the layout. Judges 18:2
361. Justification for rendering the first verb in Gen. 1:2 as became. Judges 18:4
362. Salvation. Moral unbelievers. Judges 18:5
363. Laish (Leshem). Judges 18:7
364. The Doctrine of the Sidonians—Old Testament (Part One: to the Time of the Judges). Judges 18:7
365. The Sidonians in this area were like the Costa Ricans. Judges 18:7
366. Short list (almost a chart) of the various types of idols. Judges 18:14
367. Beth-rehob (short, but complete). Judges 18:28
368. Editors and the Word of God. When is editing wrong and when it is right. Holy roller addition to the Word of God. Judges 18:30
369. The internal witness of Scripture to verify questionable historical events. Judges 19:intro
370. The time frame of the last three chapters of the book of judges. Judges 19:intro
371. Textual criticism. Judges 19:intro
372. The recording of this portion of the book of Judges. Judges 19:into
373. Why are the last three chapters of the book of Judges placed where they are? Judges 19:1
374. No heroes in this chapter. Judges 19:1
375. Mistresses, concubines. Monogamous marriage is also mentioned in this context. I should do this in detail back in Genesis. Judges 19:1
376. Bethlehem is covered briefly (we’ll do it up right in Micah 5:2). Judges 19:1
377. How we should deal with homosexuals. Judges 19:1
378. The Catholic priesthood and celibacy. Judges 19:1
379. Jerusalem (Jebus) and who it belongs to (Judah or Benjamin or the Jebusites). Judges 19:10
380. The different Gibeah’s. Gibeah, which is Gibeah (Gibeon) in Benjamin, also known as the Gibeah of Saul (see also Joshua 18:27–28). A mention of the Doctrine of Gibeon, Geba and Gibeah is found here. Judges 19:12
381. Textual criticism and the Septuagint. Judges 19:18
382. Washing of the feet; cleansing from sin. Judges 19:21
383. Mechanics in the Christian life. Judges 19:21
384. Christianity and the woman’s place. Judges 19:24
385. Exegeting vs. reading. Judges 19:30 intro
386. The imperfects found in v. 29 vs. the perfects found in v. 30. Judges 19:30
387. Why did Israel lose the first two battles against Benjamin? Judges 20:intro
388. Beersheba (briefly). Judges 20:1
389. The phrase from Dan to Beersheba. Judges 20:1
390. Mizpeh of Benjamin (briefly). See Joshua 18:25–26. Judges 20:1
391. The time frame of Judges 18–20. Judges 20:1
392. Casting lots (briefly)—also found in Joshua 7:16. Judges 20:9.
393. How on earth the tribe of Benjamin was able to organize a resistance to protect these evil men. Judges 20:15
394. Weapons of war. Judges 20:16
395. Bethel (briefly). Judges 20:18
396. The various locations of the Ark of God and the Tent of Meeting. Good summary of Ark is found back in Joshua 3:14. Judges 20:18
397. Chart: Why was Israel first defeated against the Benjamites? Judges 20:23
398. Numbering in the first seven books of the Bible Judges 20:25
399. Determining whether something should be rendered the city of Bethel or the house of God. A chart would help here. Judges 20:26
400. Spaz-time in church. Going off half-cocked. Judges 20:26
401. The two strategies of the attack on Gibeah. The second writer of this chapter. Judges 20:34
402. The second witness of the battle. Judges 20:36
403. The vantage point of the second eyewitness to this battle. Judges 20:37
404. Step-by-step battle incidents. Judges 20:38
405. The Rock of Rimmon. Judges 20:45
406. Rounding numbers in the Bible; metaphors and the Holy Spirit. Judges 20:46
407. The Doctrine of the Tribe of Benjamin. Alluded to in Gen. 49:27 and in Deut. 33:12. Judges 20:48
408. Guidance from God. Judges 21:2
409. The oaths made by the sons of Israel in connection to the Benjamites. Judges 21:5
410. The Doctrine of Vows (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (from Num. 30:15) alluded to. Judges 21:7
411. Jabesh-gilead (barely). Judges 21:9
412. The sin of pacifism. Judges 21:10
413. The permissive and directive wills of God. Judges 21:15
414. Pain and suffering. Judges 21:16
415. Dancing. Judges 21:21
416. The phrase in those days, there was no king in Israel simply sets the chronological slot that these three chapters fall into. Judges 21:25
417. Somewhere near the end of Judges we will need to look at the chronology; perhaps as an addendum to this book. This is going to be a total mess. Acts 13; pp. 202–212 of Keil and Delitzsch, 1Kings 6:1; NASB pp. 1334–1335. I might be able to put this off until 1Kings 6:1 or Acts 13:19. You accept one and then make the others fit. I might want to list all the different theories and chronologies (including those of Josephus).
Topics Covered in the Book of Ruth
1. The five books which were read during feast days. Ruth Introduction (Pentecost)
2. Quick overview of all the parallels between this book and our redemption. Ruth Introduction (Canonicity)
3. The relationship between Israel, Moab and Ammon (I need to include some Scripture here). Ruth 1:1
4. Guidance by famine and economic considerations. Ruth 1:1
5. Racial intermarriage. Ruth 1:4
6. Baptism is not required for salvation. The typical verse are alluded to. Ruth 1:4
7. There are some rules and there are some exceptions. Ruth is an example of an exception. Ruth 1:4
8. Naomi recognizes God’s overruling will in her life. Ruth 1:6
9. The custom of a man marrying his brother’s wife if his brother dies (a Levirate marriage). Ruth 1:11
10. Virginity and marriage (relatively short). Ruth 1:11
11. May God do to me and add more. All the passages with this saying are listed. Ruth 1:17
12. Sorrow and repentance which results in salvation. Ruth 1:17
13. The playfulness of the language of this first chapter—four examples. Ruth 1:20
14. The name the Almighty or Shaddai. Ruth 1:20
15. The harvesting process. The threshing floor. The storage of grain (excellent). I ought to make a doctrine out of this. Ruth 1:22
16. About J. Vernon McGee. Ruth 2:intro
17. Some do not follow the Law. Ruth 2:1
18. Poverty and riches. Ruth 2:2
19. McGee on God’s will (outstanding). Ruth 2:3
20. The ancient population of Bethlehem (300–1000). Ruth 2:4
21. The City of Bethlehem-ephrathah. Ruth 2:4
22. Wealth and responsibility. Ruth 2:4
23. Why Boaz didn’t assist Ruth and Naomi earlier than this. Ruth 2:7
24. Passages dealing with wings of refuge. Ruth 2:12
25. Functioning under a faithful God. Ruth 2:12
26. Vinegar sauce, roasted corn. References to the various places where the roasted corn is found and a short explanation is given in Freeman’s Manners and Customs, p. 128. Ruth 2:14b
27. Omers and ephahs. Ruth 2:17
28. Anti-Semitism. Ruth 2:17
29. Redeeming or redeemer. Ruth 2:20b
30. Doctrine of the Kinsman-Redeemer alluded to (see Ruth 4:10). Ruth 2:20b
31. The purchasing back of the land by a redeemer and the redeeming of Ruth. Ruth 2:20b
32. The Levirate marriage reviewed. Ruth 3:1
33. We are called to enter into God’s rest for us. Ruth 3:1
34. The land reverted back to a family after 50 years, and cover the kinsman redeemer way of maintaining a piece of land under a family’s name. Ruth 3:2
35. Selling my comic books. Ruth 3:2
36. Why Naomi sent Ruth to Boaz when she did. Ruth 3:4
37. Ruth enters into Israel under the cloak of Boaz’s righteousness. Ruth 3:9
38. Parents examining the prospective mates of their children. Ruth 3:18
39. The town gate. Ruth 4:1
40. When Naomi sold her property is discussed. Ruth 4:3
41. The purchase of property and the Year of Jubilee. Ruth 4:4b
42. Textual criticism. Ruth 4:5
43. Teens, responsibility and freedom. Ruth 4:5
44. Why Bob the redeemer did not purchase the property of Naomi. Ruth 4:6
45. Bob, the other redeemer, represents the Law. Ruth 4:6
46. The approach of Boar to try to dissuade the other redeemer. Ruth 4:6
47. Boaz stands in the place of Ruth. Ruth 4:7
48. The great parabolic nature of the Book of Ruth. Ruth 4:10
49. Boaz and the Doctrine of the Kinsman-Redeemer. Ruth 4:10
50. Tamar and Judah. Ruth 4:12
51. Ruth and Boaz married after knowing each other for a very short time; and he was much older than she. The father teaches his daughter how to weed out losers. Ruth 4:13
52. Chart: A comparison between Obed and Christ Jesus. Ruth 4:17a
53. Genealogies. Ruth 4:18
54. Judaism and the messiah. Ruth 4:18
55. Perez and Hezron. Ruth 4:18
56. Ram. Ruth 4:19
57. Amminadab and Nahshon. Ruth 4:20
58. Salmon (brief). Ruth 4:21
59. Women in the royal line of Christ. Ruth 4:22
60. Chart: The Great Parabolic Nature of the Book of Ruth. Ruth 4:22
I have boldfaced the important charts, maps or short doctrines.
1. Samuel Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2. 1Samuel Introduction The Lives of Samuel, Saul, and David (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
3. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: My Unique Approach (i.e., how is this commentary different from any other commentary?) 1Sam. Introduction
4. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Why I Chose These Four Translations. 1Sam. Introduction
5. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: The Overall Structure of 1Samuel. 1Sam. Introduction
6. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: The Divisions of the Books of Samuel and Kings. 1Sam. Introduction
7. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: General Time Frame for the Book of Samuel. 1Sam. Introduction
8. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Specific Time Frame for the Book of Samuel. 1Sam. Introduction
9. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Other Suggestions for the Time Frame for the Book of Samuel. 1Sam. Introduction
10. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Source Materials for the Book of Samuel. 1Sam. Introduction
11. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Primary and Secondary Witnesses to the Events of 1Samuel. 1Sam. Introduction
12. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: People Found in the Book of 1Samuel. 1Sam. Introduction
13. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Places Found in the Book of 1Samuel. 1Sam. Introduction
14. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Key Events in the Book of 1Samuel. 1Sam. Introduction
15. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Keil and Delitzsch Summarize 1Sam. 1–7. 1Sam. Introduction
16. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Prophecies found in the Book of 1Samuel. 1Sam. Introduction
17. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Samuel, a Book Filled with Unanswered QuestionsElkanah’s background; easy text to exegete. 1Sam. Introduction
18. 1Samuel 1 The Birth and Dedication of Samuel (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
19. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: An Alternate Outline. 1Sam. 1 Introduction
20. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Clarke's Summary of 1Sam. 1. 1Sam. 1 Introduction
21. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Wm. Ramey’s the “Birth and Rule of Samuel (1Samuel 1–7)” 1Sam. 1 Introduction
22. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: William Ramey on David in Saul’s Court (1Samuel 16—20). 1Sam. introduction
23. Ramathaim-Zophim (Ramah) covered. 1Sam. 1:1
24. Samuel is a Levite. 1Sam. 1:1
25. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: The Line of Samuel the Prophet. 1Sam. 1:1
26. Genealogical lines are incomplete. 1Sam. 1:1
27. Why we are looking so carefully at Samuel’s lineage. 1Sam. 1:1
28. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: A Few Points on Polygamy. 1Sam. 1:2
29. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: There was a man named Elkanah.... 1Sam. 1:2
30. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Introverted Parallelism of 1Sam. 1:2. 1Sam.1:2
31. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Formerly Barren Women. 1Sam.1:2
32. Alluded to the Feastday Chart in Lev. 23:44. 1Sam. 1:3
33. Yehowah of the Sabaoth covered in great detail in the exegesis of the Hebrew. 1Sam. 1:3
34. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Scofield on the Title the Lord of Hosts (Jehovah Sabaoth). 1Sam.1:3
35. Location of Tent or Tabernacle of God and why it is only found in one place. 1Sam. 1:3
36. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Which Feast is Being Celebrated in 1Sam. 1? 1Sam.1:3
37. Eli, his genealogy, background, and his failure as a father. 1Sam. 1:3
38. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Ancient Translations of 1Sam. 1:5a. 1Sam.1:5
39. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Modern Translations of 1Sam. 1:5a. 1Sam.1:5
40. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: What Are People Saying about Hannah's Portion of Meat? 1Sam.1:5
41. Why Elkanah gives Hannah the end piece of meat and the Guy Theory. 1Sam. 1:5
42. Two women under the same roof. 1Sam. 1:6
43. No matter what you have, someone else has more. 1Sam. 1:7
44. The husband asks, “What’s wrong, honey?” 1Sam. 1:8
45. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Just How Bad Can a Commentary Be? 1Sam.1:9
46. Supposed contradictions in Scripture—a minor point is made. 1Sam. 1:9
47. Eli’s seat. 1Sam. 1:9
48. Why the Tabernacle of God is called the Temple of God. 1Sam. 1:9
49. Expectations in life. 1Sam. 1:10
50. Problems in life are a given. 1Sam. 1:10
51. Has God forgotten about you? 1Sam. 1:11
52. Bargaining with God. 1Sam. 1:11
53. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Similarities Between the Nazarites and Our Lord. 1Sam.1:11
54. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Differences Between the Nazarites and Our Lord. 1Sam.1:11
55. Allusion to the Doctrine of the Goddess Ashtoreth (in Judges 2:13). 1Sam. 1:11
56. Allusion to the Doctrine of the Extermination of the Peoples of Canaan. (in Joshua 10:43). 1Sam. 1:11
57. Personal vows to God and keeping personal vows. 1Sam. 1:11
58. Praying audibly is unnecessary. 1Sam. 1:13
59. Personality types and Christianity. 1Sam. 1:15
60. The majora (brief). 1Sam. 1:15
61. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: The Less Literal Translations of 1Sam. 1:16a. 1Sam.1:16
62. What kind of women are hanging out at the Tabernacle of God? 1Sam. 1:16
63. Eli’s authority as a High Priest. 1Sam. 1:17
64. Confession of sin to a priest. 1Sam. 1:17
65. The consecutive author theory (brief). 1Sam. 1:18
66. Many and’s. 1Sam. 1:19
67. Hannah and Elkanah’s sexual relationship. 1Sam. 1:19
68. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Barren Women Who Have Prayed to God for a Child. 1Sam.1:19
69. A circuit of days or a course of time. 1Sam. 1:20
70. The name of Samuel. 1Sam. 1:20
71. Prayer (brief). 1Sam. 1:20
72. Allusion to the Doctrine of Prayer (from Psalm 78:18). 1Sam. 1:20
73. Allusion to the Comparative Chronology Chart (found in the Introduction to the Book of the Judges). 1Sam. 1:20
74. Elkanah, his vows, and son Samuel. 1Sam. 1:21
75. The length of time a Hebrew woman nurses her child. 1Sam. 1:22
76. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: The Arguments for and Against Samuel Being a Nazarite. 1Sam.1:22
77. Textual criticism. His vs. your. 1Sam. 1:23
78. Women who make vows and the laws pertaining to (brief, with allusions to Num. 30). 1Sam. 1:23
79. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: How the Ancient Texts Disagree about 1Sam. 1:24 (textual criticism). 1Sam.1:24
80. Interpreting Hannah’s offering of the bull. 1Sam. 1:24
81. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Specific Old Testament Offerings and Their Occasion of Use. 1Sam.1:24
82. Keeping your vows to God. 1Sam. 1:24
83. Does Eli really need another son? 1Sam. 1:24
84. Chart: Women of the Old Testament. 1Sam. 1:27
85. How Hannah able to give up her son? 1Sam. 1:28
86. Double check doctrines in QuattroPro doctrinal index
87. 1Samuel 2 The Psalm of Hannah/Eli’s Sons and Eli’s Son (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
88. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hannah's Psalm and It's Parallels. 1Sam. 2:1–10
89. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 2:1 (Bible Journaling by Any Johnson). 1Samuel 2:1
90. The Doctrine of Horns alluded to (back in Lev. 4:18). 1Sam. 2:1
91. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Luke 1:46b–48a. 1Sam. 2:1b
92. The three stages or three tenses of salvation. 1Sam. 2:1
93. 1Samuel 2:2b from the Greek Septuagint. 1Sam. 2:2
94. Personal musings on what will happen with my study of the Word of God. 1Sam. 2:2
95. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Sam. 22:32. 1Sam. 2:2
96. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Sam. 22:47b–50. 1Sam. 2:2
97. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Less Literal Translations of 1Sam. 2:3a. 1Sam. 2:3
98. The arrogance of those who make up their own Jesus. 1Sam. 2:3
99. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Luke 1:53. 1Sam. 2:5a
100. A reversal of fortune. 1Sam. 2:5
101. Matthew Henry on rich and poor. 1Sam. 2:5
102. Killing vs. murder. 1Sam. 2:6
103. Resurrection in the Old Testament. 1Sam. 2:6
104. Why is it that Hannah comes up with this breakthrough of Jesus being raised from the dead? 1Sam. 2:6
105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Sam. 22:5–7. 1Sam. 2:6
106. McGee, Clarke and me about being rich and poor. 1Sam. 2:7
107. Thinking that a certain amount of additional money will fix things. 1Sam. 2:7
108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Luke 1:50–53. 1Sam. 2:7–8
109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Sam. 22:19b–21, 28. 1Sam. 2:9a
110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Sam. 22:38–39 Luke 1:51b 2Sam. 22:14. 1Sam. 2:10a–b
111. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Luke 1:69–70. 1Sam. 2:10d
112. Chart/Doctrine/Map: God and the Reversal of Fortune for Certain Men. 1Sam. 2:8
113. Chart/Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 2:8 (Bible Journaling by Amy Johnson). 1Sam. 2:8
114. The pillars of the earth are the laws of physics. 1Sam. 2:8
115. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Less Literal Translations of 1Sam. 2:8. 1Sam. 2:8
116. Chart/Doctrine/Map: A Comparison of the Greek Texts. 1Sam. 2:10
117. Great textual differences. 1Sam. 2:10
118. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Jehovah Destroys His Enemies in the Time of Samuel. 1Sam. 2:10
119. Chart/Doctrine/Map: How Does Israel Contend with God in 1Samuel? 1Sam. 2:10
120. The Doctrine of the Jewish Messiah. 1Sam. 2:10
121. Jesus is the Messiah of the Old Testament. 1Sam. 2:10
122. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Hannah's Psalm and Mary's Song. 1Sam. 2:11
123. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Wm. Ramey’s A Chiasmos of Samuel’s Birth (1 Samuel 1:1—2:11) 1Sam. 2:11
124. A breakdown of 1Sam. 2b. 1Sam. 2b Introduction
125. Jesus is continually taught by analogy in the Old Testament. 1Sam. 2b Introduction
126. Doctrine of Belial. 1Sam. 2:12
127. A parent's duty to his child. 1Sam. 2:12
128. Why is this section about Eli's sons taking food in this manner from worshipers even found here? 1Sam. 2:13
129. Ancient Jewish Cooking Vessels. 1Sam. 2:14
130. Traditions. 1Sam. 2:14
131. Satan will distort any truth that he can. 1Sam. 2:15
132. Chart/Doctrine/Map: 1Sam. 2:12–15 as per the New Living Testament. 1Sam. 2:15
133. How the traditions of Eli's sons came to pass. 1Sam. 2:16
134. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Eli's Sons are Responsible for these Offertory Customs. 1Sam. 2:17
135. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Purpose of the Meat Offerings. 1Sam. 2:17
136. God's plan for our lives; Satan screws with our lives. 1Sam. 2:17
137. Hannah and her vow. 1Sam. 2:18
138. The ephod. 1Sam. 2:18
139. The Doctrine of the Priest’s Clothing in Ex. 29:5. 1Sam. 2:18
140. We will study the Ephod in detail in 1Sam. 23:6. 1Sam. 2:18
141. Hannah's making the robe for Samuel. 1Sam. 2:19
142. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Defining Factors of a Cult. 1Sam. 2:19
143. Did Eli's sons fornicate with the women at the Tabernacle or is this a gloss? 1Sam. 2:22
144. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Why Didn't Eli Remove his Sons from the Priesthood? 1Sam. 2:23
145. Eli's failure to act. 1Sam. 2:23
146. Eli waited too long to deal with his sons. 1Sam. 2:24
147. Eli's sons and their negative volition. 1Sam. 2:25
148. Foreknowledge, freewill, predestination. 1Sam. 2:25
149. Chart/Doctrine/Map: William Ramey’s Chiasmos of Eli’s Wicked Sons (1Samuel 2:12-26). 1Sam. 2:26
150. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Modern-Day Kooks. 1Sam. 2:27
151. Israel was supposed to kill prophets who were not from God. 1Sam. 2:27
152. Prophets in the Old Testament; miracles in the Old Testament; and the perception of that today. 1Sam. 2:27 here's where I stopped!!
153. Familial Relationships and the Plan of God. 1Sam. 2:28
154. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Hithpael Stem of a Verb. 1Sam. 2:30
155. Chart/Doctrine/Map: What is God Saying to Eli? 1Sam. 2:30
156. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The 3 Faces of 1Sam. 2:32a. 1Sam. 2:32
157. Chart/Doctrine/Map: 1Sam. 2:31–32 (revised). 1Sam. 2:32
158. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Fulfillment of 1Samuel 2:33. 1Sam. 2:33
159. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Fulfillment of 1Samuel 2:35. 1Sam. 2:35
160. Chart/Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 2:31–36 and its Fulfillment. 1Sam. 2:36
161. Chart/Doctrine/Map: William Ramey’s “Literary Unity of 1Samuel 2:1-36" (A Chiasmos). 1Sam. 2:36
162. Chart/Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Offenses of Eli's House, God's Sentence and Fulfillment. 1Sam. 2:36
163. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Characteristics of a Prophet of God. 1Sam. 2:36
164. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Parallels Between Samuel and Christ Jesus. 1Sam. 2:36
165. 1Samuel 3:1–21 4:1a God Speaks to Samuel (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
166. Spiritual service. 1Sam. 3:1
167. All of the relationships between the Old and New Testaments were not all uncovered by the Apostles or by Jesus in the New Testament. 1Sam. 3:1
168. Stupid theologians, hell and Jesus. 1Sam. 3:1
169. The rarity of miracles and of God’s spoken Word. 1Sam. 3:1
170. The vacuum of the soul which sucks in false doctrine. 1Sam. 3:1
171. The availability of spiritual truth. 1Sam. 3:1
172. Why the teaching of doctrine is sometimes scarce. 1Sam. 3:1
173. Carrying over previous norms and standards from one’s life as an unbeliever. 1Sam. 3:1
174. Chart/Doctrine/Map: In Those Days vs In That Day. 1Sam. 3:2
175. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Goofy Ideas of Various Commentators. 1Sam. 3:2
176. The Lamp of God; nêr vs. menôwrâh. 1Sam. 3:3
177. The literary technique used in 1Sam. 3. 1Sam. 3:3
178. The JEPD theory (documentary hypothesis) and why it is wrong. 1Sam. 3:3
179. Robert Funk, the naturalist Christian theologian. 1Sam. 3:3
180. Why the testimony of the Apostles can be trusted. 1Sam. 3:3
181. The Ark of God (a basic description). 1Sam. 3:3
182. The Placement of the Tabernacle Furniture (Ex. 3:18) alluded to. 1Sam. 3:3
183. Why the gospel wasn’t as perspicuous in the Old Testament as it is in the New. Why God hid this. 1Sam. 3:3
184. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Today's English Version and the New Living Translation Translate vv. 3–5. 1Sam. 3:5
185. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Contemporary English Version Translation of vv. 1–5. 1Sam. 3:5
186. Unlike most holy rollers who recognize immediately that what they are doing (speaking in tongues) is from God; Samuel did not even know it was God Who called him. 1Sam. 3:7
187. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Various Interpretations of Samuel 3:7. 1Sam. 3:7
188. The age of accountability; God’s justice in presenting the gospel. 1Sam. 3:7
189. Charismatics hearing the voice of God. 1Sam. 3:7
190. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Today's English Version Translates vv. 6–7. 1Sam. 3:7
191. The age of Samuel; salvation feelings. 1Sam. 3:7
192. The age of accountability. 1Sam. 3:7
193. The interaction and interdependence of spiritual gifts in the Church Age replete with analogies. 1Sam. 3:8
194. Chart/Doctrine/Map: How Does Eli Know that God is Calling Samuel? 1Sam. 3:8
195. The interaction and interdependence of spiritual gifts. 1Sam. 3:8
196. How exactly is God speaking to Samuel? 1Sam. 3:10
197. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the NRSV. 1Sam. 3:10
198. The importance of the completed canon of Scripture. 1Sam. 3:11
199. Red-lettered editions of Bible and extent of inspiration of God. 1Sam. 3:11Chart/Doctrine/Map: What Will God do to Cause Men's Ears to Tingle? 1Sam. 3:11
200. Chart/Doctrine/Map: How Does Samuel Know what the Prophet said to Eli? 1Sam. 3:12
201. Doctrine of the Emendations of the Sopherim. 1Sam. 3:13
202. Why Eli could not control his sons. 1Sam. 3:13
203. Why can’t the sins of Eli’s sons be dealt with by using animal sacrifices? 1Sam. 3:14
204. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Why Does God Tell Samuel about Eli? 1Sam. 3:14
205. Who was sleeping where when God called Samuel. 1Sam. 3:15
206. Why is the Tabernacle of God called the Temple of God in this chapter? 1Sam. 3:15
207. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Examples of Submission to God's Will. 1Sam. 3:18
208. The fact that another author appends a chapter, or adds a remark, does not negate the inspiration of Scripture. 1Sam. 3:19 footnote
209. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Old Testament Believers Whom God was With. 1Sam. 3:19
210. God reveals Himself in His Word—however, not to everyone who reads His Word. 1Sam. 3:21
211. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Verse and Chapter Divisions in the Bible. 1Sam. 4:1a (which is in 1Sam. 3).
212. Chart/Doctrine/Map: William Ramey’s “Literary Unity of 1Samuel 3:1—4:1a” (A Chiasmos). 1Sam. 3:4a
213. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Contemporary English Version of I Sam. 3:19–4:1a. 1Sam. 4:1a (which I have included as a part of 1Sam. 3).
214. 1Samuel 4 The Philistines Take the Ark of God in Battle (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Time Frame of I Sam. 4. 1Sam. 4:Intr
216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ancient Renderings of 1Samuel 4:1b. 1Sam. 4:1
217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Ark of God (a short summary). 1Sam. 4:3
218. The Doctrine of the Name Hebrew alluded to (from Gen. 14:13). 1Sam. 4:6
219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parallel Passage Psalm 78:56–61. 1Sam. 4:11
220. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Speculation About the Messenger and Eli. 1Sam. 4:17
221. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Failures of Eli. 1Sam. 4:18
222. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Successes of Eli. 1Sam. 4:18
223. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: William Ramey on the “Literary Unity of 1 Samuel 4:1b-18.” 1Sam. 4:18
224. Movement of Tabernacle around 1Sam. 4? I don’t know if I ever did this? It should go from Shiloh to Gilgal to Nob. I recall doing it, but.... Keil and Delitzsch Vol. 2 p. 391 top
225. 1Samuel 5 God Wreaks Havoc on the Philistines (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
226. Authorship of 1Sam. 5–6 and authorship in general. 1Sam. 5 introduction
227. Why God allows the capture of the Ark. 1Sam. 5 introduction
228. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Movement of the Ark. 1Sam. 5 Introduction
229. The Doctrine of the City of Ashdod. 1Sam. 5:1
230. The cutting off of Dagon’s hands and head, as well as the statue falling over, could have been a miracle. 1Sam. 5:4
231. Why some of the prepositions may be used improperly in this chapter and the next. 1Sam. 5:4
232. Textual criticism: taking the reading which makes the least sense. 1Sam. 5:4
233. This chapter was probably written several years or decades after the events recorded; and possibly by a Philistine. 1Sam. 5:5
234. 1Sam. 5:6b–e from the Septuagint. A very large section missing from the Hebrew. 1Sam. 5:6
235. What could account for this much missing text in the Hebrew? 1Sam. 5:6
236. Discussion about the Septuagint. 1Sam. 5:6
237. Chart/Short doctrine/Map: What Can We Say for Certain about 1Samuel 5:6? 1Sam. 5:6
238. The possibility that this is the bubonic plague. 1Sam. 5:6
239. The plural use of Elohim. 1Sam. 5:7
240. The Doctrine of the Pagan God Dagon. 1Sam. 5:7
241. Textual criticism and the Septuagint. 1Sam. 5:8
242. The government of Philistia. 1Sam. 5:8
243. Why the Philistines did not simply send the Ark of God back to Israel right away. 1Sam. 5:8
244. The Doctrine of the City of Gath. I Sam. 5:8
245. Obed-edom the Gittite. 1Sam. 5:8
246. Why the Philistines did not return the Ark and how that applies to us. 1Sam. 5:8
247. The Doctrine of the City of Ekron. I Sam. 5:10
248. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Contemporary English Version of I Sam. 5:8–10. 1Sam. 5:10
249. Keil and Delitzsch: Ekron was probably chastised even more than Gath and Ashdod. 1Sam. 5:11
250. What does it really mean for the Philistine people to call out to the heavens? 1Sam. 5:12
251. Why there is less application in 1Sam. 5 than in other chapters. 1Sam. 5:12
252. 1Samuel 6:1–21, 7:1–2 The Philistines Return the Ark of God to Israel (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
253. What about the mice mentioned in the Septuagint? 1Sam. 6 introduction
254. The chapter divisions in 1Sam. 5–7. 1Sam. 6 introduction.
255. How long the Ark stayed in each Philistine city. 1Sam. 6:1
256. What the Philistines want for returing the Ark to Israel. 1Sam. 6:3
257. Is Israel at war with Philistia or are their alliances between the two countries? 1Sam. 6:3
258. God is not ever caught unawares. 1Sam. 6:3
259. Free will, restraint, foreknowledge and an analogy to children. 1Sam. 6:3
260. The problem with modern churches today. 1Sam. 6:3
261. The proper noun Akbar. 1Sam. 6:4
262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Rationale for the Offerings of the Philistines. 1Sam. 6:4
263. Giving credit to the religious leaders of Philistia. 1Sam. 6:4
264. The use of the perfect and imperfect tenses. 1Sam. 6:5
265. We are not given a blow by blow description of the meeting between the lords of the Philistines and the religious leaders of Philistia; just the highlights. 1Sam. 6:6
266. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Three Misconceptions About Divine Signs and Miracles. 1Sam. 6:6
267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scriptural References to the Exodus and Israel's Desert-Wilderness Wanderings. 1Sam. 6:6
268. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Contemporary English Translation of I Sam. 6:4–6. 1Sam. 6:6
269. Why the Philistine religious leaders suggested cows which were still nursing to lead the cart with the Ark upon it. 1Sam. 6:7
270. What does it mean for the Philistines to call the Ark the Ark of Jehovah? 1Sam. 6:7
271. Compromise and differing opinions among the religious leaders and lords of Philistia. 1Sam. 6:9
272. The one similarity between creationists and evolutionists. 1Sam. 6:9
273. Doctrine of Beth-Shemesh. 1Sam. 6:9
274. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Beth-shemesh. 1Sam. 6:9
275. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Tumors from the Hebrew. 1Sam. 6:11
276. The continual mooing of the cows as they go. 1Sam. 6:12
277. The testimony of unbelievers. 1Sam. 6:12
278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How did the incidents of 1Sam. 6 find their way into Scripture? 1Sam. 6:12
279. The metonym of Beth-Shemesh. 1Sam. 6:13
280. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Did the Israelites Recognize the Ark? 1Sam. 6:13
281. Why is this stone mentioned? What is its significance? 1Sam. 6:14
282. The non-linear thinking of the Hebrews. 1Sam. 6:14
283. The Levites and the Aaronic priesthood. 1Sam. 6:15
284. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Contemporary English Version of I Sam. 6:14–15. 1Sam. 6:15
285. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Are the Lords of the Philistines at this Meeting with the Religious Leaders? 1Sam. 6:16
286. The hands-on approach of the Philistine leaders. Theories about the salvation of some of the Philistine leaders. 1Sam. 6:16
287. Why I include the JPS version. 1Sam. 6:18
288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Translations of vv. 17–18. 1Sam. 6:18
289. Sometimes Hebrew can be difficult because it is poorly used or used by a foreigner (someone who does not speak Hebrew as their first language). 1Sam. 6:18
290. How many people actually died in Beth-Shemesh? 1Sam. 6:19
291. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Pros and Cons for Various Readings of v. 19 (which deals with how many people died in Beth-shemesh). 1Sam. 6:19
292. How did the Philistines get the Ark into the cart without dying? 1Sam. 6:19
293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: William Ramey’s Chiasmos of “The Ark of the Lord Presence (1Samuel 4:1—6:19).” 1Sam. 6:19
294. What man can stand before a holy God? 1Sam. 6:20
295. Is Ark masculine or feminine? 1Sam. 6:20
296. Doctrine of the City of Kiriath-Jearim. 1Sam. 6:21
297. Levites in Beth-shemesh. 1Sam. 6 (7:1)
298. Unbelievably stupid commentary about the Ark of God. 1Sam. 6 (7:1)
299. Why did the Ark stay in Kiriath-jearim? 1Sam. 6 (7:2)
300. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Movement of the Ark. 1Sam. 6 (7:2)
301. The time frame mentioned in 1Sam. 7:2. 1Sam. 6 (7:2)
302. The Destruction of Shiloh. 1Sam. 6 (7:2)
303. 1Samuel 7 Samuel Assumes Spiritual Leadership Over Israel
304. Be certain to get ZPEB’s take on the battles between Israel and the Philistines in 1Sam. 7; check ZPEB, volume 4, p. 255; particularly the second column.
305. Chart/Doctrine/Map: has Happened in Israel over the Past 20+ Years. 1Sam. 7 introduction
306. What is missing from 1Sam. 7. 1Sam. 7 introduction
307. The mistaken notion that 1Sam. 7 was written long after these events occurred. 1Sam. 7 introduction
308. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Options for the Chapter Break between Chapters 6 and 7. 1Sam. 7:1–2a
309. The mistaken notion that the Ark was kept in Kiriath-jearim for only 20 years. 1Sam. 7:2b
310. What Samuel has been doing for these 20 years. 1Sam. 7:3
311. Believers who think they can serve God soon after salvation. 1Sam. 7:3
312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Samuel Is a Type of Christ. 1Sam. 7:3
313. Idolatry in the ancient world vs. idolatry today. 1Sam. 7:3
314. 3 problems with that so-called picture of Jesus. 1Sam. 7:3
315. Preparing for the teaching of the Word of God. 1Sam. 7:3
316. The difference between Jesus and other religious leaders (like Moses, Mohammed, Confucius). 1Sam. 7:3
317. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ashtoreth vs. Ashtaroth. 1Sam. 7:3
318. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "If You Return to Jehovah" Speech by Moses and Samuel. 1Sam. 7:3
319. The Doctrine of the Cities of Mizpah. 1Sam. 7:5
320. The Doctrine of Fasting. 1Sam. 7:6
321. Confession of sin and priests. 1Sam. 7:6
322. Samuel's four-fold role in Israel. 1Sam. 7:6
323. Reasons for Christian maturity and application of Christian maturity. 1Sam. 7:6
324. My experience searching for the truth as a new believer. 1Sam. 7:6
325. One primary difference between Bible teaching and cultic teaching. 1Sam. 7:6
326. Shiloh and other cities with spiritual activity at this time. 1Sam. 7:9
327. Where is the Ark of God and the Tabernacle of God. 1Sam. 7:9
328. Thunder in Texas. 1Sam. 7:10
329. Rain in California vs. rain in Texas. 1Sam. 7:10
330. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Protection of Israel. 1Sam. 7:10
331. Is Beth-car the correct reading here? 1Sam. 7:10
332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ebenezer vs. Ebenezer. 1Sam. 7:12
333. What is the meaning of the stone of help? 1Sam. 7:12
334. What does it mean that the Philistines no longer came into the borders of Israel? 1Sam. 7:13
335. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Israeli-Philistine Aggressions. 1Sam. 7:13
336. The writer of Samuel uses the expression all the days of his [Samuel's] life; what does that mean exactly in this context? 1Sam. 7:13
337. Chart/Doctrine/Map: a short summary of 1Sam. 7:13. 1Sam. 7:13
338. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 7:13–14 Summarized. 1Sam. 7:14
339. Samuel's position and authority after Saul becomes king. 1Sam. 7:15
340. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The City of Bethel. 1Sam. 7:16
341. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of the Territory of Benjamin. 1Sam. 7:16
342. Why Samuel moved to Ramah for a permanent home; why he did not make a home in Shiloh. 1Sam. 7:17
343. Why the Ark of God was not restored to the Tent of God. 1Sam. 7:17
344. Sacrifices offered in several cities. 1Sam. 7:17
345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Long List of Unanswered Questions. 1Sam. 7:17
346. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Is There No Contemporary Recording of the Destruction of Shiloh? 1Sam. 7:17
347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where is the Tent of God? 1Sam. 7:17
348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Is the Tent of God Not Set up and Functioning? 1Sam. 7:17
349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Is the Tent of God Not Set up and Functioning after Samuel Assumes Political and Spiritual Leadership of Israel? 1Sam. 7:17
350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did Samuel Allow the Ark of God to Remain in Kiriath-jearim Apparently Without Function? 1Sam. 7:17
351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Didn't Samuel Simply Take over the Position of High Priest? 1Sam. 7:17
352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Are There at Least 4 Altars Set up Throughout Israel? 1Sam. 7:17
353. 1Samuel 8 The Elders of Israel Demand a King (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
354. The unplanned for child/the unplanned for chapter. 1Sam. 8 introduction
355. Israel fails again before God. 1Sam. 8 introduction
356. If you are not dead, then God still has a plan for your life. 1Sam. 8 introduction
357. The pro and anti-king sentiment found in this chapter, along with a false theory about authorship. 1Sam. 8 introduction
358. The best form of church government; the best form of national government. 1Sam. 8 introduction
359. Samuel's age. 1Sam. 8:1
360. Why God does not outline a specific form of government that we should all follow. 1Sam. 8:1
361. What about a particular form of church government? What about denominationalism? 1Sam. 8:1
362. Independent ministries vs. denominations. 1Sam. 8:1
363. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Just Who the Hell is Vashni? 1Sam. 8:2
364. Pray without ceasing. 1Sam. 8:2
365. Beersheba. 1Sam. 8:2
366. Eli and Samuel's parenting skills. The free will of children. 1Sam. 8:3
367. Samuel's worthless sons. 1Sam. 8:3
368. The problems with the requests of the elders. 1Sam. 8:5
369. Flaws in our court system. 1Sam. 8:5
370. The faithlessness of these elders. 1Sam. 8:5
371. Nahath the Ammonite's relationship to this request. 1Sam. 8:5
372. How the elders should have handled the problem with Samuel's sons. 1Sam. 8:5
373. The motivation of the elders. 1Sam. 8:5
374. Gnana Robinson actually makes sense for once. 1Sam. 8:5
375. Rationalizing; listening to another person's point of view. 1Sam. 8:5
376. Samuel's two problems with the request of the people. 1Sam. 8:6
377. Human solutions do not solve human problems. 1Sam. 8:6
378. Human solutions cannot be found in political solutions. 1Sam. 8:6
379. Chart/Doctrine/Map: The Three Wills of God. 1Sam. 8:7
380. God and a king over Israel. 1Sam. 8:7
381. Archer on what was the real problem with Israel's request. 1Sam. 8:7
382. Chart/Doctrine/Map: Covenant Theology vs. Dispensations. 1Sam. 8:8
383. The use of Elohim in Scripture. 1Sam. 8:8
384. How could the Jews reject Jesus Christ? 1Sam. 8:8
385. If only I had $10,000,000. 1Sam. 8:9
386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Keil and Delitzsch Explain Why the Request of the Elders was Displeasing. 1Sam. 8:9
387. Samuel's style and Moses' style were different. 1Sam. 8:10
388. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What a King would Do in Israel. 1Sam. 8:11
389. Runners before the king's chariot. The different military positions named here. 1Sam. 8:11
390. The military budget vs. the budget of the king. 1Sam. 8:12
391. Men like to collect gadgets. 1Sam. 8:12
392. The smells of the ancient world. 1Sam. 8:13
393. The things a king will collect; the excesses of a king. 1Sam. 8:13
394. Goofy theories about authorship; the theory that someone added their own opinions and wrote part of the book of Samuel during the reign of Solomon. 1Sam. 8:13
395. Eminent domain and government seizure of land. 1Sam. 8:14
396. The reasonable cost of government. 1Sam. 8:15
397. Spiritual responsibilities of believers in the Old Testament (in relationship to money). 1Sam. 8:17
398. The two approaches to power. 1Sam. 8:17
399. God will not answer Israel during certain period of time and under certain conditions. 1Sam. 8:18
400. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why is it Illogical that Someone Added Long Passages to the Scriptures? 1Sam. 8:18
401. King Solomon was a mixed blessing to Israel. 1Sam. 8:18
402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Samuel's List of the Ill Effects of Having a King. 1Sam. 8:18
403. The negative volition of the elders and the people of Israel. 1Sam. 8:19
404. Why don't Jews believe in Jesus? 1Sam. 8:19
405. No matter how much theologians try to remove prophecy from Scripture and no matter how much they discredit authorship, the prophecies of Jesus Christ are the most amazing and they stand forever in stark contrast to the theories of those theologians with negative volition. 1Sam. 8:19
406. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Petitions of Prayer. 1Sam. 8:19
407. The whole point of Israel being a theocracy is that they were not like the other nations. 1Sam. 8:20
408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Modern Renderings of I Sam. 8:19–20. 1Sam. 8:20
409. Why these elders came to Samuel to demand a king. 1Sam. 8:20
410. Samuel listens to God, despite being angry at these elders for their demands. 1Sam. 8:21
411. Samuel was ready to call it quits a chapter ago, thinking his ministry was over. 1Sam. 8:22
412. The 3 wills of God. 1Sam. 8:22
413. Why should God give in to the wishes of the people? 1Sam. 8:22
414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Wm. Ramey: “the eight speeches in chapter 8 constitute a remarkable chiasmus” 1Sam. 8:22
415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Dealing with the False Theories of Authorship and Time of Writing. 1Sam. 8:22
416. 1Samuel 9 The First Meeting Between Samuel and Saul (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
417. Saul feels like he just walked into the Twilight Zone. 1Sam. 9 introduction.
418. The absence of chronology. 1Sam. 9 introduction
419. Authorship of the next couple chapters. 1Sam. 9 introduction
420. Saul's family line. 1Sam. 9:1
421. How bên is used in Scripture. 1Sam. 9:1
422. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Two Suggested Lines to Saul. 1Sam. 9:1
423. The differences between chronologies in Samuel and 1Chronicles. 1Sam. 9:1
424. Saul's age and his age when he becomes king. 1Sam. 9:2
425. God chooses a man who looks like a king. 1Sam. 9:2
426. Servants in the United States. 1Sam. 9:3
427. Shaalim. 1Sam. 9:4
428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Saul's Journey in Search of the Donkeys. 1Sam. 9:4
429. Who is recording this information? 1Sam. 9:5
430. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Possible Meanings of Dâ ag. 1Sam. 9:5
431. Master-slave relationships. Taking input from those under your authority. 1Sam. 9:6
432. Miracles in Scripture. 1Sam. 9:6
433. Differing amounts of positive volition in Saul and his servant. 1Sam. 9:6
434. Slaves in the US and their positive volition toward Jesus Christ. 1Sam. 9:6
435. As long as we are alive, God continues to have a plan for our lives. 1Sam. 9:6
436. Evangelism and passing the plate. 1Sam. 9:7
437. The amount of money that Saul's servant had. 1Sam. 9:8
438. What appears to be a meaningless endeavor may not be. 1Sam. 9:8
439. Editing the book of Samuel. 1Sam. 9:9
440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Does this Mean—the Prophet Was Previously Called a Seer? 1Sam. 9:9
441. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Revised English Bible Translates I Sam. 9:7–10. 1Sam. 9:10
442. How an ancient city was organized. 1Sam. 9:11
443. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is This the City of Ramah? 1Sam. 9:12
444. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where is Saul's Hometown? 1Sam. 9:12
445. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where is the Tomb of Rachel? 1Sam. 9:12
446. The Doctrine of the Location of the Tomb of Rachel. 1Sam. 9:12
447. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Alternate Theories. 1Sam. 9:12
448. The Doctrine of the High Places. 1Sam. 9:12
449. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Problems with Israel's Worship. 1Sam. 9:12
450. Why we are in Ramah. 1Sam. 9:12
451. Clues which we find in Scripture; the destruction of Shiloh. 1Sam. 9:12
452. Why these women appear to babble on and on when they meet Saul and his servant. 1Sam. 9:13
453. The missing details of Scripture; why is there worship at a high place? 1Sam. 9:13
454. Celebrating Christmas and Easter. 1Sam. 9:13
455. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Translations of I Sam. 9:13b. 1Sam. 9:13
456. Problems in our manuscripts with v. 13 and how we should deal with it emotionally and theologically. 1Sam. 9:13
457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Comparative Translation of I Sam. 9:8–13. 1Sam. 9:13
458. Saul is God's first choice as king over Israel. 1Sam. 9:16
459. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Time Frame of the Philistine Oppression of Israel. 1Sam. 9:16
460. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Comparative Chronology Chart. 1Sam. 9:16
461. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of Chronologies. 1Sam. 9:16
462. McGee on answered prayer. 1Sam. 9:16
463. 1Sam. 7 reads like a swan song for Samuel. 1Sam. 9:16
464. Saul as God's choice for the throne; Saul and Samuel's lack in choice in this matter. 1Sam. 9:20
465. The tribe of Benjamin. 1Sam. 9:21
466. Family, clan and tribe. 1Sam. 9:21
467. Saul's response to being chosen as king of Israel by Samuel. 1Sam. 9:21
468. There was a permanent structure of sorts in Ramah for worship. 1Sam. 9:21
469. Saul's placement at the dinner table compared to our relationship with angels and our relative positions. 1Sam. 9:22
470. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Treatment of a Servant in Israeli Society. 1Sam. 9:22
471. The false idea that the Catholics (or any other person or organization) conspired to make wholesale changes to the Bible. Why this could not be done. The illustration of Robert Funk. 1Sam. 9:24
472. The roof and its usage in the ancient world. 1Sam. 9:25
473. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Contemporary English Version's 1Sam. 9:22–25. 1Sam. 9:27
474. The difference between the way that Moses recorded God speaking to him and Samuel's record of God speaking to him. 1Sam. 9:27
475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Times that God Spoke to Samuel. 1Sam. 9:27
476. Ending chapter 9 here just leaves us hanging. 1Sam. 9:27
477. 1Samuel 10 Saul, the Prophet-King (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
478. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Manuscript Time Line. 1Sam. 10:1
479. Doctrine of Religious and Ceremonial Anointing. 1Sam. 10:1
480. 1Sam. 10:1 in the Greek Septuagint. 1Sam. 10:1
481. The Location of Rachel’s Tomb alluded to (from 1Sam. 9:12). 1Sam. 10:2
482. Zelzah, Zelah. 1Sam. 10:2
483. God’s plans vs. our plans. 1Sam. 10:2
484. Ascertaining God’s will. 1Sam. 10:2
485. Near and far prophecies. 1Sam. 10:2
486. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Movement of the Ark and the Tent (Tabernacle) of God Part 1. 1Sam. 10:3
487. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Movement of the Ark and the Tent (Tabernacle) of God Part 2. 1Sam. 10:3
488. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Israel's Religious Practices. 1Sam. 10:3
489. Is this wine or grape juice in this passage? 1Sam. 10:3
490. These minor prophecies will make Saul certain that Samuel is a prophet of God. 1Sam. 10:4
491. The charismatic influence upon some translations. 1Sam. 10:5
492. This is the Gibeah of Saul where Saul goes. 1Sam. 10:5
493. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Absolute State and the Construct State. 1Sam. 10:5
494. What is this garrison of Philistines? 1Sam. 10:5
495. The Doctrine of Netsîyb. 1Sam. 10:5
496. The structure and vocabulary of 1Sam. 10. 1Sam. 10:5
497. Worshiping in the high places is not necessarily idolatry. 1Sam. 10:5
498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Musical Instruments of I Sam. 10:5. 1Sam. 10:5
499. Ecstatic gibberish vs. divine viewpoint expressed. 1Sam. 10:5
500. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: C. L. Seow on the Hithpael. 1Sam. 10:5
501. Is this a case of frenetic spiritual rapture, as implied by several modern translations? 1Sam. 10:5
502. The final prophecy tells Saul what he will do. 1Sam. 10:6
503. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Bias of Various English Translations. This is a list of the general characteristics of many English translations. 1Sam. 10:6
504. The formatting of many English translations. 1Sam. 10:6
505. Speaking divine viewpoint vs. speaking in gibberish. 1Sam. 10:6
506. The limited access of Old Testament believers to the Scriptures. 1Sam. 10:6
507. Saul’s frame of mind while prophesying. 1Sam. 10:6
508. The Spirit of God and Saul. 1Sam. 10:6
509. The regeneration of Saul. 1Sam. 10:6
510. McGee disputes that Saul is a believer. 1Sam. 10:6
511. When Saul became a believer in Jehovah Elohim. Maybe I should cover this as a short doctrine? 1Sam. 10:6
512. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Whatever Your Hand Finds.... 1Sam. 10:7
513. Doctrine of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament alluded to (found in Num. 11:25). 1Sam. 10:7
514. The effect of God the Holy Spirit on us and Saul’s failure to remain in fellowship. 1Sam. 10:7
515. Samuel’s final words to Saul; when are they to be fulfilled? What is Samuel talking about? 1Sam. 10:8
516. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pattern of Saul's Calling. 1Sam. 10:8
517. God did not withhold anything from Saul. 1Sam. 10:9
518. What are these schools of prophets? 1Sam. 10:10
519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 10:10b as Influenced by the Charismatics. 1Sam. 10:10
520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 10:10b as Influenced by the Hebrew. 1Sam. 10:10
521. Doctrine of Tongues alluded to (I have not decided where to place this doctrine yet). 1Sam. 10:10
522. Charismatics and trance-like states. 1Sam. 10:10
523. Jesus Christ is a Nazarene. 1Sam. 10:11
524. Music, a trance-like state and the Holy Spirit. 1Sam. 10:11
525. The correct understanding of 1Cor. 13:1. Tongues of angels. 1Sam. 10:11
526. Saul was actually making a rational, intelligent contribution to the conversation of these prophets. 1Sam. 10:11
527. Who are their fathers vs. who is his father. 1Sam. 10:12
528. The saying Is Saul among the prophets? 1Sam. 10:12
529. Where exactly is Saul and why is he speaking to his uncle and not to his father? 1Sam. 10:13
530. Saul and his uncle. 1Sam. 10:14
531. What Saul held back from his uncle and why he held back. 1Sam. 10:16
532. Where these prophecies are coming from. 1Sam. 10:18
533. Spiritual degeneracy in Israel and God’s deliverance of Israel from foreign oppressors. 1Sam. 10:19
534. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Three Possible Translations of I Sam. 10:19a. 1Sam. 10:19
535. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Does Lâkad Really Mean to Take or to Choose by Lot? 1Sam. 10:20
536. What might irritate you about my teaching. 1Sam. 10:20
537. Who are the Matrites? 1Sam. 10:21
538. How Saul was chosen. 1Sam. 10:21
539. How Saul is chosen; how and why did he hide in the baggage. 1Sam. 10:22
540. One of the many odd theories that a portion of 1Sam. 8–10 was inserted much later in time. 1Sam. 10:22
541. Having power and having a desire for power. 1Sam. 10:23
542. Nations get the leaders that they deserve. 1Sam. 10:23
543. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did God Choose Saul? 1Sam. 10:24
544. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Addendum: What were the alternatives? 1Sam. 10:24
545. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Application. 1Sam. 10:24
546. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What was the result of God allowing the will of the Israelites to supercede His own? 1Sam. 10:24
547. Are there two different perspectives on the same anointing in this chapter? 1Sam. 10:24
548. What did Samuel write down concerning the king. 1Sam. 10:25
549. When Saul wrote down these rules, regulations and customs of the king. 1Sam. 10:25
550. Instant solutions and God solving our problems. 1Sam. 10:25
551. What is lacking at the end of this chapter? 1Sam. 10:26
552. The proper use of authority. 1Sam. 10:27
553. Superficial characteristics and character traits in people. 1Sam. 10:27
554. Tributes given to Saul. 1Sam. 10:27
555. The final line of 1Sam. 10:27 and what it actually says and where it actually belongs. 1Sam. 10:27
556. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Can we Take Away from 1Samuel 10? 1Sam. 10:27
557. 1Sam. 11 Saul Defeats the Ammonites (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
558. Nahash, king of the Ammonites, and his attacks against Israel. 1Sam. 11 introduction
559. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Gad, Reuben and Moab. 1Sam. 11:Introduction
560. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the missing portion of 1Sam. 11. Why this properly belongs in the Word of God. Reasons that this portion of Scripture is missing from the MT. 1Sam. 11:1
561. Explain one month after. 1Sam. 11:1
562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Chronology of Events. 1Sam. 11:1
563. More on Nahash. 1Sam. 11:1
564. Moab and Ammon. 1Sam. 11:1
565. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Mistaken Impression of the Facts. 1Sam. 11:1
566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Sequence of Events. 1Sam. 11:1
567. The two types of government in Israel. 1Sam. 11:3
568. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does Nahash Agree to the Proposal of the 7000 Jews? 1Sam. 11:3
569. The men of Jabesh and their messengers. 1Sam. 11:4
570. Why the men of Gibeah weep aloud. 1Sam. 11:4
571. What was King Saul doing plowing his father’s field? 1Sam. 11:5
572. Why the messengers of Jabesh don’t ask for Saul. 1Sam. 11:5
573. Was Saul saved or not? 1Sam. 11:6
574. What about your behavior after salvation? 1Sam. 11:6
575. Salvation is faith alone in Christ alone. 1Sam. 11:6
576. The interaction of the Holy Spirit and Saul’s emotions. 1Sam. 11:6
577. The Doctrine of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, alluded to (covered in Num. 11:25). 1Sam. 11:6
578. Saul’s threat to those who do not join him in battle. 1Sam. 11:7
579. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Similarities and Differences to Judges 19–21. 1Sam. 11:7
580. Parallel events in history. 1Sam. 11:7
581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the area around Bezek. 1Sam. 11:8
582. Bezek. 1Sam. 11:8
583. How many men were with Saul to go into battle. 1Sam. 11:8
584. Samuel’s part in all of this. 1Sam. 11:9
585. Being in a hopeless situation. 1Sam. 11:9
586. Specifically what the men of Jabesh said to Nahash. 1Sam. 11:10
587. Saul’s tactics in battle. 1Sam. 11:11
588. Using your brains and common sense in the Christian life. 1Sam. 11:11
589. The CEV’s translation of 1Sam. 11:12 and why it may be more accurate than the other translations. 1Sam. 11:12
590. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Nobleman who Goes to Foreign Country and Leaves His Servants in Charge. 1Sam. 11:12
591. Parables. 1Sam. 11:12
592. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Has Saul Been Studying Scripture? 1Sam. 11:13
593. Which Gilgal is in view here; the differing opinions of which Gilgal is in view. 1Sam. 11:14
594. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Samuel Suggests that all Israel go to Gilgal at this Point. 1Sam. 11:14
595. Why the text says that the kingdom is being renewed. 1Sam. 13:14
596. See Lev. 7:38 where we cover the Doctrine of the Various Levitical Offerings. 1Sam. 11:15
597. The purposes of this convocation in Gilgal. 1Sam. 11:15
598. 1Samuel 12 Samuel’s Address at Saul’s Inaugural (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
599. J. Vernon McGee contrasted with Keil and Delitzsch. 1Sam. 12 introduction
600. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scope and Sequence of the Life of Samuel. 1Sam. 12 introduction
601. The theory that this is two speeches woven together by a later editor. 1Sam. 12 introduction
602. Differences between the Greek and Hebrew texts and how we should eal with that.
603. Samuel and Paul compared. 1Sam. 12 introduction
604. The Hithpael stem. 1Sam. 12:2
605. Barnes mistaken notion that Samuel is suggesting that his sons be considered as leaders. 1Sam. 12:2
606. Significant differences between the texts concerning 1Sam. 12:3. 1Sam. 12:3
607. Legal stealing; neighborhood association nazis. 1Sam. 12:3
608. God having His day in court with your enemies. 1Sam. 12:3
609. Money vs. the love of money. 1Sam. 12:3
610. Samuel is not justifying himself, but setting a high bar for Saul. 1Sam. 12:3
611. Who is this witness to Samuel’s ministry? 1Sam. 12:5
612. The importance of history. 1Sam. 12:6
613. Another interpretation of the witness from v. 5. 1Sam. 12:6
614. The Doctrine of êth. 1Sam. 12:7
615. The Niphal stem. 1Sam. 12:7
616. Saul asks the people, “Has God been faithful to you?” 1Sam. 12:7
617. Are there details which has been left out of Saul’s speech? 1Sam. 12:8
618. God does not operate through mobs. 1Sam. 12:8
619. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Book of the Judges—Domestic Issues (Judges 17–21). 1Sam. 12:9
620. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Book of the Judges—Foreign Relations (Judges 3–16). 1Sam. 12:9
621. Hazor and King Jabin. 1Sam. 12:9
622. Why some people must suffer in order to believe. 1Sam. 12:10
623. Samuel’s study of the Word of God; his innate abilities. 1Sam. 12:10
624. The importance of the teaching of the Old Testament. 1Sam. 12:10
625. Balance in one’s life. 1Sam. 12:10
626. How to tell if you are in the wrong church. 1Sam. 12:10
627. Who is Bedan? 1Sam. 12:11
628. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Israel Under Discipline: Compare and Contrast. 1Sam. 12:10
629. Brief summary of Jerubbaal, Barak and Deborah, and Jephthah. 1Sam. 12:11
630. Is this Samuel or Samson’s name here? 1Sam. 12:11
631. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Oppressors and the Deliverers of Israel. 1Sam. 12:11
632. Israel today vs. Israel yesterday. 1Sam. 12:11
633. The importance of the two-fold function of the judges. 1Sam. 12:11
634. Comparing Samuel and Paul again. 1Sam. 12:11
635. Legitimate reasoning in the Scripture. 1Sam. 12:11
636. Nahash’s attack motivated Israel to ask for a king. 1Sam. 12:12
637. The difference between the writing style of a Hebrew and Gentile and why there are not two speeches found here. 1Sam. 12:12
638. Samuel’s inner thoughts. 1Sam. 12:12
639. The 4 points of time when Saul was chosen as king over Israel. 1Sam. 12:13
640. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Did God Choose Saul or Did the People Choose Saul? 1Sam. 12:13
641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What the Problem is in v. 14 with the Hypothetical Particle. 1Sam. 12:14
642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Six Interpretations of the Conditional of 1Samuel 12:14. 1Sam. 12:14
643. What does it mean to fear God? Relating this to parents and children. 1Sam. 12:14
644. The final words of Joshua, Moses and Samuel. 1Sam. 12:14
645. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Protasis and the Apodosis. 1Sam. 12:15
646. Why it is legitimate to use a translation. 1Sam. 12:15
647. What it means for Israel to stand firm. 1Sam. 12:16
648. Did God prep Samuel on this great demonstration of power or did Samuel pull this out of his hat? 1Sam. 12:16
649. Hebrew sentences vs. English sentences. 1Sam. 12:17
650. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Judgments of Severe Weather. 1Sam. 12:17
651. Miracles and weather. 1Sam. 12:17
652. Israel’s need for a mediator. 1Sam. 12:19
653. Chronology and the ages of Samuel. 1Sam. 12:19
654. The people have screwed up; what should they do? 1Sam. 12:20
655. Spiritual growth and the stupidity of people. 1Sam. 12:20
656. Sin, failure and rebound. 1Sam. 12:20
657. The proper government of a church. 1Sam. 12:20
658. The proper government of a country. 1Sam. 12:20
659. Where Christianity has been. 1Sam. 12:20
660. Why we spend so much time with the Hebrew. 1Sam. 12:21
661. What is the emptiness spoken of in this passage? 1Sam. 12:21
662. Political differences and disagreements and Christians. 1Sam. 12:21
663. Why human solutions do not work. Political solutions; solutions in the court system. 1Sam. 12:21
664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Results of Hate Crime Legislation. 1Sam. 12:21
665. J. Vernon McGee. 1Sam. 12:21
666. The fate of the Jews is tied directly to God’s character. 1Sam. 12:22
667. Eternal security; God will not forsake you. 1Sam. 12:22
668. Eternal security; God will not take away our salvation. 1Sam. 12:22
669. Why the future of Israel depends upon God and not upon Israel. 1Sam. 12:22
670. Arminianism vs. Hyper-Calvinism. 1Sam. 12:22
671. Free will vs. the sovereignty of God. 1Sam. 12:22
672. Covenant theology and its relationship to eternal security. 1Sam. 12:22
673. How far did God go when it comes to rejecting Israel? 1Sam. 12:22
674. God’s character is greater than our failures. 1Sam. 12:22
675. What we think we deserve. 1Sam. 12:22
676. How less-literal translations could shine here, but they do not. 1Sam. 12:23
677. The mîn preposition and the infinitive construct. 1Sam. 12:23
678. The gift of prayer and those who use it. This is compared to an offensive line in football. 1Sam. 12:23
679. The importance of the spiritual growth of the Romans. 1Sam. 12:23
680. What it means to serve God in truth with all your heart. 1Sam. 12:24
681. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Responsibilities of God, Samuel and the People. 1Sam. 12:24
682. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Warnings from Spiritual Atlas's. 1Sam. 12:25
683. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: William Ramey Presents a Chiasmos of 1Samuel 12. 1Sam. 12:25
684. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of 1Samuel 12. 1Sam. 12:25
685. 1Sam. 13 Israel Versus the Philistines (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
686. God does not need to hear you justify yourself. 1Sam. 13 introduction
687. A brief summary of the Philistines. 1Sam. 13 introduction
688. My own personal questions about the issues in this chapter. 1Sam. 13 introduction
689. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: William Ramey: “The literary structure of chapters 13—15 is chiastic.” 1Sam. 13 introduction
690. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ramey’s Chiasmos of 1Samuel 13–14. 1Sam. 13 introduction
691. The problem of Saul’s age and the length of his reign. 1Sam. 13:1
692. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories Concerning the Time Frame of Saul's Reign and v. 1. 1Sam. 13:1
693. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Just How Old Was Saul and for How Long Did He Reign? 1Sam. 13:1
694. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Saul’s Palace. 1Sam. 13:1
695. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Michmash and Surrounding Area. 1Sam. 13:2
696. Michmash. 1Sam. 13:2
697. Saul’s standing army of 3000. 1Sam. 13:2
698. The time interval in the first few verses of 1Sam. 13. 1Sam. 13:2
699. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Time Line of 1Samuel 13. 1Sam. 13:2
700. A discussion of time and of possible precedence set. 1Sam. 13:2
701. What happened vs. what you think happened. 1Sam. 13:2
702. Geba. 1Sam. 13:3
703. Where exactly is the Philistine outpost? 1Sam. 13:3
704. The relative locations of Gibeah, Geba and Mishmash. 1Sam. 13:3
705. Did Jonathan slaughter an outpost of Philistines or simply a governor? 1Sam. 13:3
706. Is 1Sam. 13 the product of two different versions of this event? 1Sam. 13:4
707. Exactly why does it read that Saul defeated this garrison of Philistines? 1Sam. 13:4
708. Taking credit for a project as a superior. 1Sam. 13:4
709. Being denied a promotion in this life. 1Sam. 13:4
710. The concept of weaving together 2 different historical accounts in order to explain this passage. 1Sam. 13:4
711. Are there 30,000 or 3000 Philistine chariots? 1Sam. 13:5
712. Beth-aven (also discussed in Joshua 7:2). Beth-aven is not equivalent to Beth-el. 1Sam. 13:5
713. The paronomasia of 1Sam. 13:7. 1Sam. 13:7
714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: V. 7 Refers to Gilgal in the Jordan Valley and not to Jiljilia. 1Sam. 13:7
715. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Troop Locations. 1Sam. 13:7
716. Understanding 1Sam. 10:8 in relationship to this chapter. 1Sam. 13:8
717. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Sam. 10:8 is to be Understood as a Directive and not as a Prophecy. 1Sam. 13:8
718. How Samuel knows to come to Gilgal. 1Sam. 13:8
719. Personal direction and guidance from Scriptures. 1Sam. 13:8
720. As God does more for us, He also ups the ante as well. 1Sam. 13:8
721. Saul’s inappropriate choice of offerings. 1Sam. 13:9
722. Did Saul or a priest makes these offerings to God? What about David’s offerings and Solomon’s offerings? Why is Saul wrong to make these offerings, but it is okay for David? 1Sam. 13:9
723. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Saul Should not have Offered up Animal Sacrifices. 1Sam. 13:9
724. The virtue of patience and the importance of spiritual growth. 1Sam. 13:9
725. Functioning in the Christian life with your spiritual gift. 1Sam. 13:9
726. Our bad decisions, free will; God’s overruling will. 1Sam. 13:10
727. Saul and his rationalizations. 1Sam. 13:11
728. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Was Wrong with Saul Offering Up Sacrifices? 1Sam. 13:11b
729. We need to wait upon God. 1Sam. 13:11
730. Our hopeless situation: born into sin, born under sin and born to sin. 1Sam. 13:11
731. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Saul's Argument to Samuel. 1Sam. 13:12c
732. The protocol plan of God. 1Sam. 13:12
733. Shouldn’t we cut Saul a little slack, given his situation? 1Sam. 13:13
734. Asking God to bless your sin. 1Sam. 13:13
735. Reuben, Joseph and Jacob. Why Reuben did not end up being the ruling tribe of Israel. 1Sam. 13:13
736. Why David’s life was not cut off because of his sins, but Saul will die the sin unto death. 1Sam. 13:13
737. An explanation by Edersheim as to why Samuel did not get to Saul sooner. 1Sam. 13:14
738. Authority and your relationship to God. 1Sam. 13:14
739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Message to Saul and to Eli. 1Sam. 13:14
740. Isn’t God’s judgment against Saul a bit too harsh? 1Sam. 13:14
741. Our personal tests in life. 1Sam. 13:14
742. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 13:15 Text from the Greek Septuagint. 1Sam. 13:15
743. The Doctrine of Gibeon, Geba and Gibeah 1Sam. 13:15
744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of Gibeah, Geba and Gibeon. 1Sam. 13:15
745. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Should 1Samuel 13:15 Include the Text from the Septuagint? 1Sam. 13:15
746. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Troop Movement. 1Sam. 13:15
747. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Do the Modern Translations Differ on 1Samuel 13:15–16? 1Sam. 13:16
748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why is Gibeah the More Likely City to be Found in V. 16? 1Sam. 13:16
749. No religious organization got into the Bible and made wide scale changes in order to make it agree theologically with their beliefs. 1Sam. 13:16
750. McGee on disarmament. 1Sam. 13:19
751. New technologies and war. 1Sam. 13:19
752. Why Israel did not have iron weapons. 1Sam. 13:19
753. The iron age; when iron came to which peoples. 1Sam. 13:19
754. 3 Philistine outposts in Israel. 1Sam. 13:19
755. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Agrarian Instruments from 1Samuel 13:20. 1Sam. 13:20
756. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Bronze Age. 1Sam. 13:20
757. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Iron Age. 1Sam. 13:20
758. A summary of Israel and iron technology. 1Sam. 13:20
759. Does v. 21 give us the pricing for the sharpening of iron tools? 1Sam. 13:21
760. Saul’s army lacked iron weapons and why. 1Sam. 13:22
761. 1Samuel 14 Jonathan’s Victory; Saul’s Victories and Defeat (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
762. Jonathan probably wrote 1Sam. 13–14. 1Sam. 14 introduction
763. There are a number of textual problems in 1Sam. 14. 1Sam. 14 introduction
764. The purpose of the Philistine raids against nearby Israeli cities. 1Sam. 14:1
765. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of the Battle of Mishmash. 1Sam. 14:1
766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Troop Movement of the Israelis and the Philistines. 1Sam. 14:2
767. The High Priest and Ephod at the time of Saul. 1Sam. 14:3
768. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Line to Ahijah. 1Sam. 14:3
769. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is the Relationship Between Ahijah and Abimelech? 1Sam. 14:3
770. A short background for Eli, Phinehas, Hophni, Ahitub, Ichabod, Samuel and Ahijah. 1Sam. 14:3
771. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Ages of the Priests and their Descendants. 1Sam. 14:3
772. The Ephod of God. 1Sam. 14:3
773. The Doctrine of Urim and Thummim. 1Sam. 14:3
774. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief Summary of the Doctrine of Urim and Thummim. 1Sam. 14:3
775. Why we know that Jonathan is probably in Gibeah with Saul. 1Sam. 14:3
776. A detailed description of Seneh and Bozez. 1Sam. 14:4
777. Gideon and the Midianites. 1Sam. 14:6
778. Balancing our actions with trust in God. 1Sam. 14:6
779. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 14:7a-b Text from the Greek Septuagint. 1Sam. 14:7
780. T-type or thrill seeking teens. 1Sam. 14:8
781. Don’t go to some miscellaneous passage and imitate the behavior of the people in that passage. That is not spirituality. 1Sam. 14:9
782. The differences between the time in which we live and the time of Jonathan. What Jonathan did then to determine God’s will; and that we do not imitate this. God the Holy Spirit and Old Testament saints. 1Sam. 14:10
783. The term Hebrews. 1Sam. 14:11
784. The Doctrine of Matstsâbâh, Mûtstsâb, Matstsêbâh, Matstsebeh, Mitstsâbâh, Matstsâb, Netsîyb, and nâtsabv. 1Sam. 14:12
785. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of Matstsâbâh, Mûtstsâb, Matstsêbâh, Matstsebeh, Mitstsâbâh, Matstsâb, Netsîyb, and nâtsabv. 1Sam. 14:12
786. A detailed explanation of the precipice that Jonathan and his armorbearer were on. 1Sam. 14:14
787. How Jonathan’s attack may have caused the Philistines to become afraid or disconcerted. 1Sam. 14:15
788. Textual problems with 1Sam. 14:15. 1Sam. 14:15
789. Hurricanes in Texas and earthquakes in California. 1Sam. 14:15
790. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Sam. 14:15 Exegeted from the Septuagint. 1Sam. 14:15
791. Why the Septuagint is often easier to follow or makes more sense than the Hebrew text. 1Sam. 14:15
792. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of the Doctrine of Mûg. 1Sam. 14:16
793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 14:18—Which Translations Follow the Greek and Which Follow the Hebrew? 1Sam. 14:18
794. The Doctrine of Old Testament Textual Criticism. 1Sam. 14:18
795. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of Old Testament Textual Criticism. 1Sam. 14:18
796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Which is the Preferred Reading for 1Samuel 14:18? 1Sam. 14:18
797. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Which is the Preferred Reading for 1Samuel 14:18 from a Theological and Logical Standpoint? 1Sam. 14:18
798. Divine guidance in our day and time. 1Sam. 14:19
799. A short comparison to the attack of Gideon. 1Sam. 14:20
800. Why there are Hebrews in the camp of the Philistines. 1Sam. 14:21
801. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Events which Took Place. 1Sam. 14:22
802. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Think Might Have Happened to Cause the Philistines to Panic. 1Sam. 14:22
803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 14:22b Text from the Greek Septuagint. 1Sam. 14:23
804. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 14:23 Text from the Greek Septuagint. 1Sam. 14:23
805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Did the Israelites Defeat the Philistines? 1Sam. 14:23
806. Why Saul had to do something like make an oath; the psychology involved. 1Sam. 14:24
807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What's Wong with Saul's Oath? 1Sam. 14:24
808. The honey in the Land of Promise. 1Sam. 14:25
809. Stupid people who think that they should be the president of the United States. 1Sam. 14:25
810. Congress exempts itself from its own laws. 1Sam. 14:25
811. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ramey’s Chiasmos of 1Samuel 14:24–26. 1Sam. 14:26
812. Why Jonathand id not know about Saul’s oath. 1Sam. 14:28
813. Joshua’s parallel oath. 1Sam. 14:29
814. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map Containing the Cities of Michmash and Aijalon. 1Sam. 14:31
815. What would have happened if Saul had not made this lame oath. 1Sam. 14:31
816. Why the Israelites were so hungry. 1Sam. 14:32
817. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Passages Relating to the Eating of Blood. 1Sam. 14:32
818. Exactly what did the Israelites do? Did they just stand in blood while they ate their meal? Did they not drain the blood from the animals? 1Sam. 14:32
819. The bloody bbq of the Israelites. 1Sam. 14:33
820. Saul is bipolar. 1Sam. 14:33
821. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Other Altars in Scripture. 1Sam. 14:35
822. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: William Ramey’s chiasmos of 1Samuel 14:23b-35. 1Sam. 14:35
823. Ahijah, the priesthood and the Tent of God; Samuel, Eli and the High Priest. 1Sam. 14:36
824. Ahijah’s relationship to Saul. 1Sam. 14:36
825. McGee’s view on what sin was committed. 1Sam. 14:38
826. Why Saul was so willing to execute Jonathan if he was the person who sinned. 1Sam. 14:39
827. My roommate Don and his contribution to an intellectual discussion. 1Sam. 14:39
828. Saul’s lame oath and taking God’s name in vain. 1Sam. 14:39
829. Life and death decisions; “I could be a great president.” 1Sam. 14:40
830. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 14:41 from the Septuagint. 1Sam. 14:41
831. The LXX and the Masoretic text how the LXX has a more developed thought in this verse. 1Sam. 14:41
832. Why Saul separates himself and Jonathan from the rest of the people. 1Sam. 14:41
833. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Textual Criticism and 1Sam. 14:41. 1Sam. 14:41
834. The Doctrine of Urim and Thummim alluded to (from Deut. 33:8 and summarized in 1Sam. 14:3 already). 1Sam. 14:41
835. Why we do not know exactly how Urim and Thummim work; why the choosing of the 12th Apostle was a farce. Why we should not simply imitate what has gone before. 1Sam. 14:41
836. A marriage analogy to what the Apostles did to show why it is messtup. 1Sam. 14:41
837. Determining God’s will for your life. 1Sam. 14:41
838. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 14:42 Text from the Greek Septuagint. 1Sam. 14:42
839. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Options Regarding God's Answer to Saul. 1Sam. 14:42
840. One sin separates us from God; known and unknown sins. 1Sam. 14:42
841. What should be done about Jonathan at this point? 1Sam. 14:43
842. Saul’s stupid oath; Bush and Iraq. 1Sam. 14:44
843. What is the right thing for Saul to do with Jonathan? 1Sam. 14:44
844. The saying harm a hair on his head is Biblical. 1Sam. 14:45
845. The ransom of the people for Jonathan. 1Sam. 14:45
846. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jonathan and Achan, a Comparison. 1Sam. 14:45
847. How Saul could have changed Israel’s history. 1Sam. 14:46
848. How we are on the winning team; Nagle threw me a touchdown pass in 7th grade. 1Sam. 14:46
849. Authorship of the book of Samuel. 1Sam. 14:47
850. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of Israel and the Surrounding Nations. 1Sam. 14:47
851. Moab, Edom, Zobah and their background. 1Sam. 14:47
852. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Saul's Wars. 1Sam. 14:47
853. Saul’s bravery. 1Sam. 14:48
854. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of Saul's Military Victories. 1Sam. 14:48
855. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Saul's Varied Line. 1Sam. 14:49
856. Who is who in Saul’s sons. 1Sam. 14:49
857. Ahimaaz, Saul’s father-in-law. 1Sam. 14:50
858. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What if this battle with the Philistines did not occur early in Saul's kingship...? 1Sam. 14:50
859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Possible Lines to Saul. 1Sam. 14:51
860. Arguments for and against the various possible lines to Saul. 1Sam. 14:51
861. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 14:49–51 in the Contemporary English Version. 1Sam. 14:51
862. God’s choice for Israel. 1Sam. 14:52
863. Saul’s incomplete victories and his lame oath. 1Sam. 14:52
864. 1Samuel 15 Saul Defeats the Amalekites but Disobeys God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
865. Why God would destroy every single Amalekite. 1Sam. 15 introduction
866. Saul is a master of spin. 1Sam. 15 introduction
867. Brow beating Saul. 1Sam. 15 introduction
868. The time frame of this and the previous chapter. 1Sam. 15 introduction
869. Authorship. 1Sam. 15 introduction
870. The wâw consecutive and the wâw conjunction. 1Sam. 15:1
871. When this narrative was recorded. 1Sam. 15:1
872. The Doctrine of the Amalekites from Num. 24:20 is mentioned. 1Sam. 15:2
873. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief Summary of the Amalekites. 1Sam. 15:2
874. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Groups of People Who Impeded Israel's Progress Toward the Land of Promise. 1Sam. 15:2
875. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Do We Know this Passage Is Not Self-serving and Simply Inserted by Saul?
876. No specific reason is given for God’s order to completely destroy Amalek. 1Sam. 15:3
877. People who think they should be the president of the United States. 1Sam. 15:3
878. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who Has God Dedicated to Complete Annihilation? 1Sam. 15:3
879. Ethnic cleansing; God’s just actions in completely wiping out a nation. 1Sam. 15:3
880. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did God Demand the Complete Destruction of the Amalekites? 1Sam. 15:3
881. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Would God Demand the Destruction of an Entire People? 1Sam. 15:3
882. The Doctrine of Inspiration alluded to (from Judges 18). 1Sam. 15:3
883. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Does God Work Through Any Specific Nation Today as He did Through Israel Previously? 1Sam. 15:3
884. Saul is fully able to obey God’s mandate. 1Sam. 15:3
885. Why God might order the destruction of an entire people. 1Sam. 15:3
886. Why the soldiers of Judah are counted separately. 1Sam. 15:4
887. Why the numbers in v. 4 may be incorrect. 1Sam. 15:4
888. Telaim, briefly. 1Sam. 15:4
889. The Doctrine of the Kenites from Judges 1:16 is alluded to. 1Sam. 15:6
890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Kenites in Scripture. 1Sam. 15:6
891. Havilah in Genesis and Havilah in Samuel. 1Sam. 15:7
892. Where surviving Amalekites came from. 1Sam. 15:7
893. Why Saul saves Agag out. 1Sam. 15:8
894. The soldiers were not disobeying God; Saul was. 1Sam. 15:9
895. Why God ordered the destruction of an entire population, including their livestock. 1Sam. 15:9
896. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Times When God is Said to Have Changed His Mind. 1Sam. 15:11
897. Several approaches to the verb châyâh. 1Sam. 15:11
898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translating and Interpreting Four Words of 1Sam. 15:11. 1Sam. 15:11
899. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Other Translations of These Four Words in 1Sam. 15:11. 1Sam. 15:11
900. Carmel (short). 1Sam. 15:12
901. Saul’s monument. 1Sam. 15:12
902. Saul’s erratic movement around Israel. 1Sam. 15:12
903. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map Showing Saul Traveling to Avoid Samuel. 1Sam. 15:12
904. Why Saul is possibly cheerful. 1Sam. 15:13
905. The influence of the KJV. 1Sam. 15:14
906. Saul’s precise choice of words in order to minimize his responsibility. 1Sam. 15:15
907. Saul’s culpability as king of Israel. 1Sam. 15:15
908. Prayer and guidance. 1Sam. 15:15
909. Do not run out and justify yourself to everyone you can. 1Sam. 15:15
910. Adam was the originator of spin. Aaron and spin. 1Sam. 15:15
911. What a Hebrew means when he says tonight (literally, the night). 1Sam. 15:16
912. Samuel’s sarcasm. 1Sam. 15:17
913. A person’s best character trait is, they say whatever is on their mind. 1Sam. 15:17
914. Using tact and intelligence when upbraiding another. 1Sam. 15:17
915. How some people would love to be the CEO; they would love to be in charge. 1Sam. 15:17
916. How Moses was originally so careful not to confuse his words with those of God. The change which took place in the book of Deuteronomy. 1Sam. 15:18
917. How Saul tried to play Samuel. 1Sam. 15:20
918. The same people who will say anything to make themselves look good or to keep them from getting in trouble will also be brutally frank about others. 1Sam. 15:20
919. The poetic structure to v. 22. 1Sam. 15:22
920. Samuel shuts down Saul’s excuses. 1Sam. 15:22
921. Samuel’s statements and animal sacrifices; he is not minimizing animal sacrifices. 1Sam. 15:22
922. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Isaiah 1:11–20a. 1Sam. 15:22
923. Meaningless ceremony and the Catholic church. 1Sam. 15:22
924. Which is more important: obeying the Word of God or ___? 1Sam. 15:22
925. Even though many translators appear to agree on a translation, this does not mean that the verse is easy to translate. 1Sam. 15:23
926. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief Summary of Seraphim. 1Sam. 15:23
927. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Steps in Replacing Saul as King. 1Sam. 15:23
928. Why Saul is without excuse for disobeying God with regards to the Amalekites. 1Sam. 15:23
929. What exactly were Saul’s orders with regards to the livestock and flocks of the Amalekites; and what were his orders regarding Agag? 1Sam. 15:24
930. Edersheim and how Saul showed that he was unfit to rule. 1Sam. 15:26
931. Why I choose the translations which I do. 1Sam. 15:27
932. How David and Saul are similar. 1Sam. 15:27
933. What happens after you sin and are forgiven? 1Sam. 15:30
934. Saul finally confesses his sin. 1Sam. 15:30
935. Samuel did not decide to worship with Saul because of Saul’s persistence. 1Sam. 15:31
936. Interpreting Agag’s final words. 1Sam. 15:32
937. Why Agag is executed. 1Sam. 15:33
938. God will judge evil and sin. 1Sam. 15:33
939. Why there are more Amalekites. 1Sam. 15:33
940. What exactly does it mean, and Samuel did not see Saul again? 1Sam. 15:35
941. When to see does not mean, literally, to see. 1Sam. 15:35
942. The concept of an anthropopathism. 1Sam. 15:35
943. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Wm. Ramey on “Saul’s Reign and Rejection by God (1 Samuel 8–15)” (A Chiasmos). 1Sam. 15:35
944. 1Sam. 16 Samuel Anoints David the Next King of Israel (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
945. Gnana Robinson’s suggestion that Samuel and David are fomenting a revolution. 1Sam. 16 introduction
946. Natural laws; natural results. Exemplary behavior in life similar to eating well and exercising. 1Sam. 16 introduction
947. Our behavior and grieving. 1Sam. 16:1
948. Saul’s flaws and the relationship between Saul and Samuel. 1Sam. 16:1
949. Samuel grieves for Saul and for the nation Israel. 1Sam. 16:1
950. There is a time to grieve and a time to stop grieving. 1Sam. 16:1
951. Saul was a lame-duck president. There was nothing he could say or do to change that. 1Sam. 16:1
952. The Doctrine of the City of Bethlehem alluded to (from Ruth 2:4). 1Sam. 16:2
953. God does not require Samuel to reveal all that he is doing. 1Sam. 16:2
954. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where Have Sacrifices To God Been Offered? 1Sam. 16:2
955. An allusion to The Movement of the Ark and the Tent of God (studied while we were in 1Sam. 10). 1Sam. 16:2
956. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parallels Between the Sacrifice of Samuel and Our Lord to Come. 1Sam. 16:2
957. Is God coaching Samuel to lie? 1Sam. 16:2
958. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is this Modus Operandi of Samuel Legitimate? 1Sam. 16:2
959. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Examples of Normal Situations Where Not Everything is Revealed or Where Lying is Appropriate. 1Sam. 16:2
960. We, as servants of God, often function on a need-to-know basis. 1Sam. 16:3
961. Elders are frightened of Samuel and think of him as possibly fomenting a revolution. 1Sam. 16:3
962. A call for a scholarly translation with the alternate readings footnoted. 1Sam. 16:4
963. Despite many translations to the contrary, there is no question being asked in 1Sam. 16:4
964. Since no question is being asked in v. 4, there is no answer in v. 5. 1Sam. 16:5
965. The Doctrine of Sanctification is alluded to (began in Gen. 2:3 and completed in Ex. 13:2). 1Sam. 16:5
966. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief Look at Sanctification in the Old Testament. 1Sam. 16:5
967. Gnana Robinson finding inconsistencies in Scripture where there are no inconsistencies. 1Sam. 16:5
968. Making the Bible fit in with the mores of the day. The verbal--plenary inspiration of Scripture is questioned. 1Sam. 16:5
969. African-Americans being compared to homosexuals. 1Sam. 16:5
970. Internal consistency of Scripture compared to the internal consistency of a mathematical system. 1Sam. 16:5
971. Elias’s’ shortcomings. 1Sam. 16:6
972. Mental attitude sins and your perception of another person. 1Sam. 16:6
973. Why we do not judge other believers and unbelievers outside our own responsibilities. 1Sam. 16:7
974. Not being able to recognize a momentous event in your life. 1Sam. 16:10
975. More footnotes are needed in many of our Bibles. 1Sam. 16:11
976. David’s age at this time. 1Sam. 16:11
977. The family dynamic in Jesse’s family. 1Sam. 16:11
978. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Contrast the Jacob and Jesse's Treatment of their Youngest Sons. 1Sam. 16:11
979. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Do We Account for the Missing Son of Jesse? 1Sam. 16:11
980. The introduction of David and a few words about parallel passages and how they will begin to increase from this point on. 1Sam. 16:11 (to introduce v. 12)
981. David was probably very handsome, but short; like Tom Cruise. 1Sam. 16:12
982. The theory that David is a redhead because of a recessive gene in both parents, making his father suspicious. Looking at this theory, Mary and Joseph. 1Sam. 16:12
983. David is a great person. There is a time and a place. Patience is required in God’s plan. 1Sam. 16:12
984. Promotions by God; and according to His timetable. 1Sam. 16:12
985. Gnana Robinson’s weird take on this verse. 1Sam. 16:13
986. Jesse may not have known what was going on exactly. 1Sam. 16:13
987. Progressive revelation. 1Sam. 16:13
988. Gnana Robinson believes we have two different authors for this chapter. Several analogous situations given. 1Sam. 16:13
989. Attacks on the Word of God. 1Sam. 16:13
990. Jesse probably does not know why Samuel is there. 1Sam. 16:13
991. The concept of progressive revelation applies to this situation with Jesse, David and Samuel. Progressive revelation and our salvation. 1Sam. 16:13
992. Progressive revelation and school; progressive revelation and work. 1Sam. 16:13
993. Keil and Delitzsch weigh in on whether Jesse understands or not. 1Sam. 16:13
994. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Old Testament Saints Who Received the Spirit of God. 1Sam. 16:13
995. We have no idea if Samuel even said anything specific to David on this occasion. 1Sam. 16:13
996. The Holy Spirit and His gifts to men in the Old Testament. 1Sam. 16:14
997. Saul loses the Holy Spirit. 1Sam. 16:14
998. Saul and a demonic spirit. What does this mean? 1Sam. 16:14
999. Demonic behavior in people today; demonic behavior rejected by many because of science. 1Sam. 16:14
1000. Our laws and demonic influence. 1Sam. 16:14
1001. How Saul’s servants knew that he was being plagued by an evil spirit from God. 1Sam. 16:15
1002. Drugs, psychosis and demonic influence. 1Sam. 16:15
1003. Music and mental illness. 1Sam. 16:16
1004. Hearing music was very rare in the ancient world. 1Sam. 16:16
1005. Saul’s staff and his erratic behavior. 1Sam. 16:18
1006. Pastimes and interests. 1Sam. 16:18
1007. Explaining how David is a man of battle. How do these men know that? 1Sam. 16:18
1008. Sauls staff cannot be completely honest with him. How they have to approach Saul. 1Sam. 16:18
1009. A theory on Saul’s staff’s contact with David. 1Sam. 16:18
1010. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Which Old Testament Saints Are Said to Have God with Them? 1Sam. 16:18
1011. A second theory as to how Saul’s staff knows David. 1Sam. 16:18
1012. Why I give theories to explain some passages. 1Sam. 16:18
1013. Critical examination of a passage. 1Sam. 16:18
1014. Psalms 15, 23, 103. 1Sam. 16:18
1015. The humor inserted by God the Holy Spirit. 1Sam. 16:19
1016. Ass-load or a butt-load of something. 1Sam. 16:20
1017. Normal love and respect between two males. 1Sam. 16:21
1018. Attempts to portray David as a homosexual. 1Sam. 16:21
1019. An explanation as to why we appear to have two separate requests from Saul to Jesse. 1Sam. 16:22
1020. A chronology of David and Saul. 1Sam. 16:22
1021. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Joseph and David. 1Sam. 16:22
1022. Saul’s psychosis; David playing music for him. The actual setup in the palace. 1Sam. 16:23
1023. God the Holy Spirit is with David; an evil spirit from God is with Saul. 1Sam. 16:23
1024. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did God Not Immediately Install David as King Over Israel? 1Sam. 16:23
1025. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why God Places David in the Palace of Saul. 1Sam. 16:23
1026. 1Sam. 17 David Answers Goliath’s Challenge (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1027. 1Sam. 17 needs to be properly done in the index:
1028. An allusion to Textual Criticism of the Old Testament (studied back in 1Sam. 14:18). 1Sam. 17 introduction
1029. Brenton, LXX β and LXX α. The long and short version of this chapter. 1Sam. 17 introduction
1030. Did Samuel’s mental illness cause the Philistines to gather against him in war? 1Sam. 17:1
1031. The Doctrine of the Three Socoh’s. 1Sam. 17:1
1032. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summarizing the Doctrine of the Three Socoh's. 1Sam. 17:1
1033. The city of Azekah in moderate detail. 1Sam. 17:1
1034. The Valley of Elah (terebinth). 1Sam. 17:2
1035. Edersheim paints a good picture of the standoff between Israel and Palestine. 1Sam. 17:3
1036. Goliath’s actual height. 1Sam. 17:4
1037. The Doctrine of the Anakim. 1Sam. 17:4
1038. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of the Anakim. 1Sam. 17:4
1039. Saul’s height. 1Sam. 17:4
1040. The Doctrine of the City of Gath alluded to (from 1Sam. 5:8). 1Sam. 17:4
1041. Goliath’s armor. 1Sam. 17:5
1042. Was Goliath wearing two shields or carrying two large offensive weapons? 1Sam. 17:6
1043. Israel’ strength depends upon God. 1Sam. 17:11
1044. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Three Introductions to Saul and to David. 1Sam. 17:12
1045. Ruth’s personal integrity. Several paragraphs about Ruth. 1Sam. 17:12
1046. Why David’s lineage is repeated in vv. 12–13. 1Sam. 17:12
1047. An example of how dense Keil and Delitzsch can be. 1Sam. 17:13
1048. Why we know that David was not with Saul in Saul’s army. 1Sam. 17:15
1049. What about David’s sheep when he is in the palace? 1Sam. 17:15
1050. How is David different from his brothers? 1Sam. 17:15
1051. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Re-Ordering of 1Sam. 17:11–19. 1Sam. 17:16
1052. K-rations in David’s time. 1Sam. 17:18
1053. What David did about the sheep when he was gone. 1Sam. 17:20
1054. Doing your job as unto the Lord. 1Sam. 17:20
1055. What is different about Goliath’s 40th (or 41st) challenge. 1Sam. 17:23
1056. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How David Hears About Saul's Reward to the Man who Defeats Goliath. 1Sam. 17:25
1057. What is so attractive about Saul’s daughters. A celebrity example. Why Saul’s daughters are probably attractive. 1Sam. 17:25
1058. Saul’s offering to be free of taxation. 1Sam. 17:25
1059. Authority and responsibility. 1Sam. 17:25
1060. Reality vs. the dream of owning lots of real estate. 1Sam. 17:25
1061. The teenagers desire for adult freedom. Responsibility goes hand in hand with freedom. 1Sam. 17:25
1062. David’s motivation in facing Goliath. 1Sam. 17:26
1063. The Doctrine of Circumcision alluded to (from Gen. 17:11). 1Sam. 17:26
1064. David’s relationship with his older brothers. 1Sam. 17:28
1065. Sibling problems. 1Sam. 17:28
1066. Elias’s criticism of David. 1Sam. 17:28
1067. Mental attitude sins and several applications. 1Sam. 17:28
1068. Properly evaluating a subordinate. 1Sam. 17:28
1069. Favoring one child over another. 1Sam. 17:28
1070. David’s colloqialisms. 1Sam. 17:29
1071. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Interpretations of 1Samuel 17:29b. 1Sam. 17:29
1072. Saul’s quandry. 1Sam. 17:31
1073. David’s age; why I speculate on such things. 1Sam. 17:33
1074. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is Going Through David's Mind as He Speaks to Saul? 1Sam. 17:33
1075. The Bible and the promises it makes. 1Sam. 17:33
1076. David and the lions. 1Sam. 17:35
1077. How many lions did David kill? Did he kill the lion and bear at the same time? 1Sam. 17:35
1078. Testing and being a member of a team. 1Sam. 17:35
1079. Why we are tested; the purpose of David’s previous tests. Using school to illustrate testing. 1Sam. 17:36
1080. Being tempted by pornography and then adultery. 1Sam. 17:36
1081. God testing us; us tempting ourselves. 1Sam. 17:36
1082. What a homoeoteleuton is; why we don’t have one here. 1Sam. 17:36
1083. Saul’s armor and his offer of armor to David. 1Sam. 17:38–39
1084. Being closed-minded, discerning and open-minded. 1Sam. 17:39
1085. The spiritual ramifications of David’s choice not to use Saul’s equipment. 1Sam. 17:39
1086. David’s arsenal. David’s sling. 1Sam. 17:40
1087. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: William Ramey on David and Goliath (1Samuel 17:1-40b). 1Sam. 17:40
1088. David’s skin tone. 1Sam. 17:42
1089. Goliath’s psychological warfare; the use of sticks when dealing with dogs. 1Sam. 17:43
1090. The difference of the titles in the Greek and Hebrew. 1Sam. 17:45
1091. David makes it clear Who is fighting this battle. 1Sam. 17:46
1092. David recognizes just how public this is, his confrontation with Goliath. 1Sam. 17:46
1093. Textual criticism and choosing the least likely reading. 1Sam. 17:46
1094. Just as Jesse instinctively taught David right and wrong, David instinctively teaches all the Israeli army about God’s power. 1Sam. 17:47
1095. The damage done by David’s stone. 1Sam. 17:49
1096. Unusual weapons used in Scripture. 1Sam. 17:50
1097. Why the Philistines ran; Edersheim gives a great description of the battle. 1Sam. 17:51
1098. The retreat of the Philistines. 1Sam. 17:52
1099. Plundering the camp of the Philistines. 1Sam. 17:53
1100. Discussion and theories as to why David took the head of Goliath to Jerusalem. 1Sam. 17:54
1101. David’s later associations with Jerusalem. 1Sam. 17:54
1102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: If Saul Ordered Goliath's Head to be Displayed, Why did he Choose Jerusalem? 1Sam. 17:54
1103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Goliath’s Head Was Taken by David to his Meeting with Saul and Then to Jerusalem. 1Sam. 17:54
1104. Why God waited until the 40th day. 1Sam. 17:55
1105. Why Saul makes inquiries about David. 1Sam. 17:55
1106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does Saul not Recognize David? 1Sam. 17:55
1107. Why does Saul ask the name of David’s father? 1Sam. 17:55
1108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Order of Events in David's Early Life. 1Sam. 17:56
1109. Contradictions and problems in parallel passages in Scripture; problems with numbers. 1Sam. 17:56
1110. David and Goliath’s head. 1Sam. 17:57
1111. The contrast between David and Saul. 1Sam. 17:58
1112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The LXX β of 1Samuel 17 (with the Missing Portions in Magenta). 1Sam. 17:58
1113. The additional problems of not including the text from the Masorites (and from the Alexandrian Septuagint) in this chapter. 1Sam. 17:58
1114. 1Samuel 18 David and Saul’s Children (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1115. The Doctrine of Documentary Hypothesis alluded to. 1Sam. 18 introduction
1116. Rejecting Documentary Hypothesis does not mean that an author/editor cannot use and/or interlace two accounts of an event. 1Sam. 18 introduction
1117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Did David and Saul Talk About? 1Sam. 18:1
1118. The knitting of two souls together. 1Sam. 18:1
1119. Why didn’t Jonathan face Goliath? 1Sam. 18:1
1120. Why David’s being made armor bearer did not occur immediately after he began playing music for Saul in the palace. 1Sam. 18:2
1121. We tend to take everything as chronological, as that is how we think. The Hebrews were more topical in their approach. 1Sam. 18:2
1122. David was actually more of a threat to Jonathan than to Saul. 1Sam. 18:3
1123. What real love is from a man. 1Sam. 18:3
1124. What does it mean for Jonathan to give all of his military equipment to David. 1Sam. 18:4
1125. David’s rise to power in Saul’s army. 1Sam. 18:5
1126. Why the women celebrated the army’s victories. 1Sam. 18:6
1127. The women coming out to sing was not a one-time event, but a tradition which began with the killing of Goliath. 1Sam. 18:6
1128. We think chronologically; the Hebrews often thought topically when they wrote. 1Sam. 18:7
1129. The concept of fame from generation to generation. 1Sam. 18:7
1130. Israel’s constant fighting with her neighbors in the Old Testament; Israel’s constant wars with the Arabs today. 1Sam. 18:8
1131. God sends the evil spirit to Saul. 1Sam. 18:10
1132. Gleason’s explanation of Saul being tormented by an evil spirit. 1Sam. 18:10
1133. An analogy between bullies and those they bully to demons and man. 1Sam. 18:10
1134. What Saul should have done. 1Sam. 18:10
1135. The raving of a demon through Saul like a 3 year old making noise. 1Sam. 18:10
1136. Delusional people and demonic influence. 1Sam. 18:10
1137. Murderers and demonic influence. 1Sam. 18:10
1138. The Holy Spirit deserts Saul. 1Sam. 18:12
1139. The Holy Spirit did not seem to generally empower more than one person at a time in the Old Testament (with some exceptions). 1Sam. 18:12
1140. Does Saul promote or demote David? 1Sam. 18:13
1141. When Saul sends David out on military missions in v. 5, how is that related to this passage where David is put over 1000 soldiers? 1Sam. 18:13
1142. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you will have enemies. Do not confuse those enemies with the enemies you yourself develop. 1Sam. 18:13
1143. No matter what position you have, and no matter how difficult things are, you do your job as unto the Lord. 1Sam. 18:13
1144. David’s faithfulness in service. 1Sam. 18:14
1145. David’s background and his personal motivation. 1Sam. 18:14
1146. How the Philistines attacked Israel. 1Sam. 18:16
1147. David’s rise to power goes against human viewpoint. 1Sam. 18:16
1148. Saul had no personal integrity. 1Sam. 18:17
1149. David has no sense of entitlement. 1Sam. 18:18
1150. Saul does not really intend for David to marry his daughter. 1Sam. 18:18
1151. Why can’t David figure out that Saul is using his daughter to trap him? 1Sam. 18:21
1152. David’s genius and Saul’s genius. 1Sam. 18:23
1153. Chess and Saul’s strategy. 1Sam. 18:24
1154. Saul would have been a good chess player; and he was a good actor. 1Sam. 18:25
1155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why David Believed that Saul Would Give Him His Daughter's Hand in Marriage. 1Sam. 18:25
1156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: William Ramey on David and Michal. 1Sam. 18:26
1157. Fanatic religions. 1Sam. 18:26
1158. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Saul's Attempts to Foil the Plan of God. 1Sam. 18:29
1159. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: William Ramey on Saul’s Treachery (1Samuel 18:12-30). 1Sam. 18:30
1160. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 16–18 Presented in Chronological Order. 1Sam. 18:30
1161. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Greek and Hebrew Text Translated and Differentiated. 1Sam. 18:30
1162. 1Sam. 19 Saul Again Tries to Kill David/David Becomes a Fugitive (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1163. Saul’s attempts on David’s life become more overt. Saul’s madness progresses. 1Sam. 19:1
1164. Not everything done in the Word of God is approved of by God; narratives do not stop and tells us what is approved by God and what is not. 1Sam. 19:1
1165. Saul does not fully understand Jonathan his son or his motivation. 1Sam. 19:2
1166. Logic and the irrational woman. 1Sam. 19:4
1167. The imperfect tense; the difference between prepositions. 1Sam. 19:4
1168. Jonathan is in line for the throne and David is more of a threat to Jonathan for that reason than a threat to Saul. 1Sam. 19:4
1169. Sincere but meaningless promises. 1Sam. 19:6
1170. Teaching a child that what he says should be truthful. 1Sam. 19:6
1171. Hatred is why the Jews and Philistines continued to fight one another. 1Sam. 19:8
1172. The Doctrine of Documentary Hypothesis alluded to (from my Introduction to Exodus). 1Sam. 19:9
1173. David and Saul were contrasted throughout the book of Samuel. 1Sam. 19:9
1174. You are your own worst enemy. 1Sam. 19:10
1175. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where Does Each Translation Place that night? 1Sam. 19:11
1176. Since David is so popular, how was Saul able to find men willing to kill him or willing to deliver David up to be killed? 1Sam. 19:11
1177. The relationship between Psalm 59 and the assassins which Saul sends to David. 1Sam. 19:11
1178. How Michal knew that David’s life was in danger. 1Sam. 19:11
1179. The order of events in 1Sam. 19. 1Sam. 19:11
1180. Michal seems to be better aware of what her father is capable of than David. 1Sam. 19:11
1181. God places people in our lives to test us and to guide us. 1Sam. 19:11
1182. The walls of the city; David and Michal live on the second floor. 1Sam. 19:12
1183. Balancing respect for authority is exhibiting common sense. 1Sam. 19:12
1184. Psalm 59 is covered. 1Sam. 19:12
1185. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of the Doctrine of Teraphim. 1Sam. 19:13
1186. Why does David live in a house with household idols? God is separating David from these idols. 1Sam. 19:13
1187. Why Michal makes it seem as though someone is in bed. 1Sam. 19:13
1188. Were Saul’s messengers idiots? Were they unable to figure out that he wanted David brought to the palace sick or not? 1Sam. 19:15
1189. The number of questions found in the Bible. 1Sam. 19:17
1190. Deflecting anger. 1Sam. 19:17
1191. Michal’s lie and why she is in no danger from Saul. 1Sam. 19:17
1192. Michal and Jonathan are contrasted. 1Sam. 19:17
1193. Why David goes to Samuel. 1Sam. 19:18
1194. Naioth. 1Sam. 19:18
1195. How you should deal with stress and a multitude of problems. 1Sam. 19:18
1196. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Interpretations of Naioth. 1Sam. 19:19
1197. How Saul got someone to squeal on David. 1Sam. 19:19
1198. Notice the difference between translations which have charismatic leanings and those which do not. 1Sam. 19:20
1199. What exactly does it mean when Saul’s men begin to prophesy. Lengthy explanation here. 1Sam. 19:20
1200. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpreting and Understanding Samuel's School of Prophets. 1Sam. 19:20
1201. An evangelist speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit. 1Sam. 19:20
1202. Where Samuel is, exactly. 1Sam. 19:20
1203. The prophesying of these men compared to the prophesying of Baalim. 1Sam. 19:20
1204. What exactly did the men from Saul say when they prophesied? 1Sam. 19:20
1205. The Spirit of God comes upon Saul. What does this mean? Why does it happen? What happens with Saul? 1Sam. 19:23
1206. Infinitive absolute. 1Sam. 19:23
1207. Saul is not shouting, dancing or acting crazy. 1Sam. 19:23
1208. What Saul’s real problem with David is. 1Sam. 19:23
1209. Why Saul takes off his clothing—a theory. 1Sam. 19:24
1210. What about 1Sam. 15:35, where Samuel does not see Saul again until his death. 2 additional interpretations. 1Sam. 19:24
1211. Saul’s nakedness; Saul’s exhaustion. 1Sam. 19:24
1212. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The School of Prophets. 1Sam. 19:24
1213. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Appearances of Samuel in the Book of Samuel. 1Sam. 19:24
1214. 1Sam. 20 The Covenant Between Jonathan and David (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1215. Why some people teach that there are two different traditions which were woven together at a later date. 1Sam. 20 introduction
1216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Venn Diagram Illustrating Sin and Crime. 1Sam. 20:1
1217. Being too close to mental illness and not recognizing it. Jonathan’s inability to see his father Saul objectively. 1Sam. 20:2
1218. Jonathan’s relation to Saul. 1Sam. 20:2
1219. Why Michal was more objective about Saul than Jonathan was. 1Sam. 20:3
1220. David did not look to God to guide him in some spectacular way. 1Sam. 20:4
1221. God’s guidance. 1Sam. 20:4
1222. What are David’s options at this point (when Saul is clearly trying to kill him)? 1Sam. 20:5
1223. How do we deal with David asking Jonathan to like to his father? 1Sam. 20:6
1224. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gleason Archer's Three Points on Lying. 1Sam. 20:6
1225. Jonathan made a pact with David from a position of power. 1Sam. 20:8
1226. Rendering a Hebrew colloquialism. 1Sam. 20:9
1227. Parallels between Cain and Abel and David and Jonathan. 1Sam. 20:11
1228. Jonathan’s position on David’s integrity and his own father’s integrity. 1Sam. 20:13
1229. The negation in the Hebrew and how it relates to negations in the English. 1Sam. 20:14
1230. How you deal with someone who has been promoted over you. 1Sam. 20:15
1231. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Keil and Delitzsch Exegete 1Samuel 20:14–15a. 1Sam. 20:15
1232. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of Translations and Interpretations of 1Samuel 20:14–15. 1Sam. 20:15
1233. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jonathan's Complete Pact With David — 1Samuel 20:12–15. 1Sam. 20:15
1234. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summation of Vv. 14–15. 1Sam. 20:15
1235. Several interpretations and one final interpretation of v. 16. 1Sam. 20:16
1236. God elicits an oath from David, but elicits it from love—explained. 1Sam. 20:17
1237. Greek and Hebrew differences and various options for 1Sam. 20:19. 1Sam. 20:19
1238. Why David and Jonathan can meet in private here, but have to set up a code in the future. 1Sam. 20:21
1239. Divine guidance; God changing our location and our vocation. 1Sam. 20:22
1240. Who is sitting and who is standing in v. 25 at the Feast of the New Moon? 1Sam. 20:25
1241. A look inside Saul’s mind: his reasoning and what he expected that others knew. Different theories are proposed as to why Saul expected to see David, even though he made an attempt to bring David in just recently. 1Sam. 20:26
1242. Reasons why Jonathan probably made literary contributions to the book of Samuel. 1Sam. 20:26
1243. David’s relationship with his brothers. 1Sam. 20:29
1244. Why has Saul’s craziness not been apparent to Jonathan until now? 1Sam. 20:30
1245. A correct understanding of the name which Saul calls Jonathan. 1Sam. 20:30
1246. Saul explains to Jonathan just how David is a threat to him. 1Sam. 20:31
1247. Parallels between Jonathan and Pontius Pilate. 1Sam. 20:32
1248. Jonathan carefully asks questions of Saul, as he did David. 1Sam. 20:32
1249. How could Saul, a warrior, throw a spear at Jonathan and miss him? 1Sam. 20:33
1250. Why Jonathan chose to remain at the table with Saul. 1Sam. 20:34
1251. Your authority and how your perception can affect the function of others who work under you. 1Sam. 20:34
1252. Men kissing one another was a custom of the ancient world. David was clearly heterosexual. Having a close friend of the same gender has nothing to do with homosexuality. The Bible does not hide David’s faults from us. 1Sam. 20:41
1253. The motivation behind David and Jonathan’s pact. 1Sam. 20:42
1254. It was the culture of that day and time to kill all of the family of one’s rival dynasty. This is why the pact between Jonathan and David was so important. 1Sam. 20:42
1255. Chapter and verse differences. 1Sam. 20:42
1256. Jonathan knows that David will become king. 1Sam. 20:42
1257. David’s motivation in going to Nob, the city of priests. 1Sam. 21 introduction
1258. Striking differences in the Hebrew between this and previous chapters. 1Sam. 21 introduction
1259. Why David stays around Jerusalem when in hiding. 1Sam. 21 introduction
1260. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Events Which Have Occurred between 1Sam. 7 and 1Sam. 21. 1Sam. 21:1
1261. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Lineage to and From Ahimelech. 1Sam. 21:1
1262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Possible Reasons Why Ahimelech is Trembling When He Meets David. 1Sam. 21:1
1263. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Will David Spend So Much Time as a Refugee? 1Sam. 21:2
1264. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Explanation of Jesus’ Answer to the Pharisees Regarding David and the Consecrated Bread. 1Sam. 21:4
1265. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Didn't Jesus Simply Come Out and Say What He Meant? 1Sam. 21:4
1266. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where is the Ark and Why is it not in the Tabernacle of God? 1Sam. 21:7
1267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did Achish Allow David to Leave? 1Sam. 21:15
1268. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Arguments in Favor of David Traveling Alone at this Time. 1Sam. 21:15
1269. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Arguments in Favor of David Traveling With Others at this Time. 1Sam. 21:15
1270. Stopped at 21 and have not picked up until 1Sam. 27, apparently
1271. 1Samuel 21 David Goes to Nob and then to Gath (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1272. 1Samuel 22 Saul Executes the Priests of Nob and Their Families (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1273. 1Samuel 23 David Delivers Keilah/God Delivers David (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1274. 1Samuel 24 David Has the Opportunity to Kill King Saul (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1275. 1Samuel 25 Abigail, Nabal and David (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1276. 1Samuel 26 David Passes on Second Chance to Kill Saul (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1277. 1Samuel 27 David Moves His Men to Gath (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1278. What has happened since 1Sam. 19. 1Sam. 27 introduction
1279. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 27 Summarized by Keil and Delitzsch. 1Sam. 27:1
1280. Being out of God’s geographical will—can you still be in fellowship? A clear illustration. 1Sam. 27 introduction
1281. Satan’s plan A and plan B. 1Sam. 27 introduction
1282. Satan’s plan B and the charismatics. 1Sam. 27 introduction
1283. The psychology of the holy ghost-filled charismatics which they use against their new converts. 1Sam. 27 introduction
1284. Rebound and the period of time that you spent out of fellowship—is it really for naught? 1Sam. 27 introduction
1285. Satan’s plan C. 1Sam. 27 introduction
1286. What do we do if we are out of God’s geographical will and we get back into fellowship. 1Sam. 27 introduction
1287. Do not make any major decisions in your life until you have learned some Bible doctrine. 1Sam. 27:1
1288. Major decisions without doctrine and their effect. 1Sam. 27:1
1289. David’s faith in God and Saul’s hatred of him. What should David do? 1Sam. 27:1
1290. Faith and our actions; faith and David sitting in front of Saul’s palace in an easy chair; faith and going to a physician. 1Sam. 27:1
1291. “Your faith has made you whole” is explained. 1Sam. 27:1
1292. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Did Jesus Mean when He said, "Your Faith has made You Whole"? 1Sam. 27:1
1293. David thinks about getting out of God’s geographical will. 1Sam. 27:1
1294. Making decisions and God’s Word. 1Sam. 27:1
1295. Use the right tool for the right job; prayer is not a tool for every spiritual need. 1Sam. 27:1
1296. Spiritual maturity and divine guidance. The baby in the door factory illustration. 1Sam. 27:1
1297. Spiritual maturity is not based upon how long you have been saved. 1Sam. 27:1
1298. Your basic tool set for the Christian way of life. 1Sam. 27:1
1299. The misuse of prayer in the Christian life. 1Sam. 27:1
1300. There are a lot of factors involved when making a decision which has spiritual ramifications. 1Sam. 27:1
1301. Do not quit your job simply because your boss is an ass. 1Sam. 27:1
1302. There are problems in your life so you make meaningless changes in order to solve these problems. 1Sam. 27:1
1303. Do not imitate every Bible passage that you read. 1Sam. 27:1
1304. It is not up to the pastor to make all of your decisions for you. 1Sam. 27:1
1305. You do not have the Ephod of God; you have His Word. 1Sam. 27:1
1306. Just because David has reasons for what he does, does not mean that he is doing the right thing. 1Sam. 27:2
1307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Has Changed Since David was in Gath in 1Samuel 21. 1Sam. 27:2
1308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Has Not Changed Since David was in Gath in 1Samuel 21. 1Sam. 27:2
1309. Who is really the father of Achish? 1Sam. 27:2
1310. How did David get an invite to Gath? 1Sam. 27:2
1311. Proof-texting. 1Sam. 27:3
1312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Principles of Teaching and Presenting Scripture. 1Sam. 27:3
1313. One bad decision might put David out of fellowship; however, not everything he does will be the result of a bad decision from hereon in. 1Sam. 27:3
1314. Military men and marriage; those who serve the church and marriage. Proof-texting and the Catholic doctrine which says that priests should not marry. 1Sam. 27:3
1315. How some relationships between nouns are found in the Hebrew. 1Sam. 27:3
1316. Saul did not establish a detachment of soldiers to spy on David. 1Sam. 27:4
1317. Saul and the kind of people who go forward and rededicate their lives to Jesus. 1Sam. 27:4
1318. Your emotions and your decisions. 1Sam. 27:4
1319. David and Achish; this meeting and their previous meeting. 1Sam. 27:5
1320. Details of David’s meeting with Achish. 1Sam. 27:5
1321. Ziklag. 1Sam. 27:6
1322. The gloss of 1Sam. 27:6; and is a gloss a part of Scripture? 1Sam. 27:6
1323. The similarities of Chronicles and Samuel and an explanation for this. 1Sam. 27:6
1324. The time frame of David in Philistia. 1Sam. 27:7
1325. You will fail in the Christian way of life. 1Sam. 27:7
1326. God’s graciousness to us. 1Sam. 27:7
1327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Do We Know that David Is Not in God's Geographical Will? 1Sam. 27:7
1328. David’s plundering and can we apply this to our lifestyle in our neighborhood? 1Sam. 27:8
1329. The Geshurites (the heathen and the Levitical tribe). 1Sam. 27:8
1330. The Gizrites. 1Sam. 27:8
1331. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Biblical Criticism Applied to 1Samuel 27:8c. 1Sam. 27:8
1332. The Amalekites (briefly). 1Sam. 27:8
1333. When David raided these heathen groups, was he doing the right thing? 1Sam. 27:8
1334. Manifest destiny and the US; manifest destiny and Israel. 1Sam. 27:9
1335. How I feel about my own exegesis up to this point. 1Sam. 27:9
1336. Plunder and war. The US in Iraq. 1Sam. 27:9
1337. David’s actions while outside of God’s geographical will. 1Sam. 27:10
1338. Jerahmeelites and the Kenites (briefly). 1Sam. 27:10
1339. The Doctrine of the Kenites alluded to (Judges 1:16). 1Sam. 27:10
1340. Doing a right thing in a wrong way. Improper motivation. 1Sam. 27:11
1341. What you say has an effect on those around you. Gossip affects those that the gossip is about. 1Sam. 27:11
1342. Bush, Colin Powell and the press shaping opinions of these men. 1Sam. 27:12
1343. The interaction of the human and divine in the writing of Scripture. 1Sam. 27:12
1344. The non-judgmental nature of historical narrative in Scripture. 1Sam. 27:12
1345. Discussion about those who claim that someone or some group changed Scripture after the fact. Things which were obviously changed are examined; things which were not changed are made clear as well. 1Sam. 27:12
1346. David’s actions in this chapter will have consequences in 1Sam. 29–30. 1Sam. 27:12
1347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is David In God's Will or Not? 1Sam. 27:12
1348. 1Samuel 28 Saul Consults a Medium (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1349. The interrelationship of historical events. 1Sam. 28 introduction
1350. I issue a challenge to those who read this exegetical study. 1Sam. 28 introduction
1351. The variety of spiritual gifts; my person spiritual gift. 1Sam. 28 introduction
1352. 1Sam. 27–31 are not in chronological order. 1Sam. 28 introduction
1353. Learning God’s Word is not a race. 1Sam. 28 introduction
1354. The border between Israel and Philistia. 1Sam. 28:1
1355. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Wars Between Israel and Philistia up to the Death of Saul. 1Sam. 28:1
1356. Why Achish could reasonably demand that David join him in a war against Israel. 1Sam. 28:1
1357. David’s ambiguous answer to Achish and his increasing moral dilemma. 1Sam. 28:2
1358. Achish treats David the way that Saul should have treated David. 1Sam. 28:2
1359. Why Samuel’s death is mentioned here. 1Sam. 28:3
1360. What spiritual information was available to the Israelites at this time. 1Sam. 28:3
1361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Potential Spiritual Atlas's for Israel. 1Sam. 28:3
1362. The time that this history was recorded. 1Sam. 28:3
1363. The types of spiritists found in this passage. 1Sam. 28:3
1364. This chapter appears to be a separate literary unit. 1Sam. 28:3
1365. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Chronological Order of 1Samuel 28–29. 1Sam. 28:4
1366. How the Philistines typically move into Israel. 1Sam. 28:4
1367. Mount Gilboa. 1Sam. 28:4
1368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Mount Gilboa Fits into the History of Israel. 1Sam. 28:4
1369. As you get older, your fear of death increases and your sense of invulnerability decreases. 1Sam. 28:5
1370. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Explanations of Saul and Urim. 1Sam. 28:6
1371. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Has Saul Inquired of Jehovah or Not? 1Sam. 28:6
1372. The Doctrine of Urim and Thummim, found in Deut. 33:8. 1Sam. 28:6
1373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A few Points on a Personal Priest. 1Sam. 28:6
1374. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Explanations of Saul and Urim. 1Sam. 28:6
1375. Why God does not respond to those who are out of fellowship. 1Sam. 28:6
1376. Saul had an ability to put this or that spin on events. 1Sam. 28:7
1377. Saul surrounded himself with yes-men and those around him could not present an opposing viewpoint. 1Sam. 28:7
1378. The imbalance of today’s tongues movement and how they lift out a few verses from 1Cor. 14 and completely ignore Paul’s overall message. 1Sam. 28:7
1379. Angelic tongues. 1Sam. 28:7
1380. Why did Saul request a woman with a spirit? 1Sam. 28:7
1381. You cannot do an end-run around God. 1Sam. 28:7
1382. God’s guidance; how God speaks to us; how God does not speak to us. Making correct decisions in this life. 1Sam. 28:7
1383. There is no shortcut in divine guidance. 1Sam. 28:7
1384. If the guidance in your life is other believers who coerce you to do this or that, then you are in the wrong church. Discipling; mentoring. 1Sam. 28:7
1385. There are some things which a pastor needs to regulate in the church. 1Sam. 28:7
1386. Separation and excommunication. 1Sam. 28:7
1387. There is no consistency in sin. 1Sam. 28:7
1388. Why we find spiritists in Israel even though Saul outlawed them. 1Sam. 28:7
1389. Endor. 1Sam. 28:7
1390. The law does not guarantee that this or that thing will not be done. 1Sam. 28:7
1391. Relative locations of Endor, Jezreel and the Hill of Moreh. 1Sam. 28:7
1392. Endor. 1Sam. 28:7
1393. Saul is the dog returning to his vomit. 1Sam. 28:7
1394. Evolution (in some detail). A general approach without dealing with the actual arguments. 1Sam. 28:10
1395. Saul’s oath and it importance. 1Sam. 28:10
1396. What happens to souls after death; Saul’s perception of this. 1Sam. 28:11
1397. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why did God allow Samuel to be brought up from the dead? 1Sam. 28:12
1398. Spiritism; calling up the spirits of the dead; the dead are not just hanging about waiting for us to contact them. 1Sam. 28:13
1399. Why this woman knew who Saul was but did not know who Samuel was. 1Sam. 28:13
1400. Where the dead are. 1Sam. 28:13
1401. People who say, “I will believe in God when He reveals Himself to me.” The unbeliever would have no idea how to recognize God. Any apparition to them they might call God. 1Sam. 28:13
1402. When the unbeliever gives you his excuse that he will believe in God when God reveals Himself to him, then go to Jesus as the illustration that what he is saying is false. 1Sam. 28:13
1403. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Should Elohim be Understood as Singular or Plural Here? 1Sam. 28:14
1404. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry and John Gill's Position: This is not Samuel; it is a Demon. 1Sam. 28:15
1405. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does God Speak to Saul Through Samuel? 1Sam. 28:15
1406. The Doctrine of Sheol (or Hades) alluded to (which we first studied in Job7:9). 1Sam. 28:15
1407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Doesn't Saul Mention Urim or the Priests? 1Sam. 28:15
1408. Saul’s flawed reasoning—if God would not speak to Saul through prophets, priests or dreams, why would God speak to Saul through a spiritist? Furthermore, this is actually Saul doing an end run around Saul. 1Sam. 28:15
1409. The mechanics of Saul and Samuel’s conversation discussed again. 1Sam. 28:16
1410. You cannot get around God. 1Sam. 28:16
1411. What happens when there are differences between the Greek and Hebrew texts. 1Sam. 28:16
1412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 28:16c from the Greek Septuagint. 1Sam. 28:16
1413. How can we account for the differences here between the Greek and Hebrew text? 1Sam. 28:16
1414. You cannot continue to disobey God and think that, somehow, things will get better. 1Sam. 28:17
1415. There is almost always a time period between God’s judgment against someone and the execution of the sentence against them. 1Sam. 28:17
1416. We are born into this world under judgment. 1Sam. 28:17
1417. The time interval between God announcing that David would be king, and that actually coming to pass. 1Sam. 28:17
1418. This is Samuel speaking and not some demon or demon lackey; what we find here is complete 100% truth. 1Sam. 28:17
1419. The Doctrine of the Amalekites (covered in Num. 24:20). 1Sam. 28:18
1420. Disobeying the clear commands of God; the sin unto death. 1Sam. 28:18
1421. Addictive sins and sins which keep you out of fellowship. 1Sam. 28:18
1422. Saul’s final 10–20 years were miserable. 1Sam. 28:18
1423. Why we study Saul and the lives of other Old Testament saints. 1Sam. 28:18
1424. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Can We Learn from Saul's Mistakes? 1Sam. 28:19
1425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gill Continues to Misinterpret 1Samuel 28. 1Sam. 28:19
1426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke Presents the Correct Understanding of these Events. 1Sam. 28:19
1427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Correct View of These Events. 1Sam. 28:19
1428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why We Know this is Really Samuel. 1Sam. 28:19
1429. What kind of body did Samuel have? 1Sam. 28:19
1430. Fearing death. 1Sam. 28:20
1431. Is this woman in a different room from Saul? 1Sam. 28:21
1432. Why the spiritist attempts to soothe Saul. 1Sam. 28:21
1433. There is no reason to impute a lack of compassion to an unbeliever. 1Sam. 28:22
1434. Saul’s last meal; why is this included in Scripture? Notice how the Hebrew vocabulary explains the significance of this meal. 1Sam. 28:23
1435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why God the Holy Spirit does not Generally Reveal Historical Facts Otherwise Unknown to the Human Author. 1Sam. 28:24
1436. The Doctrine of the Inspiration of Scripture first introduced in the introduction to Deuteronomy (I may have placed it in the book of Genesis). 1Sam. 28:24
1437. The human aspect of Scripture. 1Sam. 28:24
1438. Hyper-Calvinism vs. Arminianism. 1Sam. 28:24
1439. The book of Mormon. Jehovah Witnesses and the deity of Jesus Christ. Taking extreme theological positions. 1Sam. 28:24
1440. The significance of Saul’s final meal. 1Sam. 28:24
1441. Saul’s history as a loser. 1Sam. 28:24
1442. The woman brings near this meal to Samuel, which is another word associated with sacrifices. 1Sam. 28:25
1443. The time frame of that night in Endor. 1Sam. 28:25
1444. The time frame of God’s sentence which is passed against Saul. 1Sam. 28:25
1445. 1Samuel 29 The Philistines Mistrust David (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1446. Relations between Israel and Philistia; and the Israelis and the Palestinians. 1Sam. 28:1 in 1Sam. 29 introduction
1447. David was pulled into this war by Achish on the side of the Philistines; why David goes along with the request of Achish; David’s thinking. 1Sam. 28:2 in 1Sam. 29 introduction
1448. The Doctrine of Aphek from Joshua 12:18. 1Sam. 29:1
1449. The actual movement of the Philistine troops; the correct order of 1Sam. 28:1–4 and 29:1–2. 1Sam. 29:1
1450. Authorship of Samuel. 1Sam. 29:1
1451. Editing and the Word of God. 1Sam. 29:1
1452. Why the slopping editing job? Why was 1Sam. 28:1–2 separated from 1Sam. 29? 1Sam. 29:1
1453. I insert all of the questions which occur to me, even if I am unable to answer them. 1Sam. 29:1
1454. Jezreel. 1Sam. 29:1
1455. Warlords of the Philistines. 1Sam. 29:2
1456. Why David was beholden to Achish and why he should have agreed to go along with the request of Achish to join him in war. 1Sam. 29:2
1457. Matthew Henry on David’s quandary. 1Sam. 29:2
1458. Who are the leaders of the Philistine army? 1Sam. 29:3
1459. Translating from the Hebrew. 1Sam. 29:3
1460. What is David doing, volunteering himself to fight against the Jews? Will God let him get away with that? 1Sam. 29:4
1461. Responsibility comes with having money. 1Sam. 29:4
1462. God gives David an out. 1Sam. 29:4
1463. None of the Philistine leaders here have all of the facts. 1Sam. 29:5
1464. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories About Achish Taking an Oath by Jehovah. 1Sam. 29:6
1465. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "As Jehovah Lives" in the Book of Samuel. 1Sam. 29:6
1466. Why is Achish so well-disposed toward David? 1Sam. 29:6
1467. McGee on eternal security. 1Sam. 29:7
1468. David no longer sounds ambiguous on what he will do. 1Sam. 29:8
1469. Trusting and mistrusting people without a reason to do so. 1Sam. 29:9
1470. Using adonai in the singular and the plural. 1Sam. 29:10
1471. God sometimes intervenes in our lives even though we overstep His boundaries. 1Sam. 29:10
1472. God removes David from a moral dilemma, but then subjects him to discipline as well. 1Sam. 29:11
1473. God’s timing and His geographical will. 1Sam. 29:11
1474. So few Christians actually have any interest in the Word of God. 1Sam. 29:11
1475. 1Samuel 30 The Amalekites Raid David’s Camp (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1476. When in fellowship, it is a black and white world. 1Sam. 30 introduction
1477. God’s will; God’s geographical will and David. 1Sam. 30 introduction
1478. Divine production in the believer’s life. 1Sam. 30 introduction
1479. Why have we gone so long without studying any of David’s psalms? 1Sam. 30 introduction
1480. Ancient versions and 1Sam. 30. 1Sam. 30 introduction
1481. The negeb, Ziklag and Aphek. 1Sam. 30:1
1482. If David wiped out every single Amalekite when he raided their camp (1Sam. 27:8–9), how can they now attack his camp? 1Sam. 30:1
1483. The Amalekites. 1Sam. 30:1
1484. Why the Amalekites did not kill any of the women and children from David’s camp. 1Sam. 30:2
1485. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Did David Get Himself into this Mess? 1Sam. 30:3
1486. When experiencing a spiritual setback, you do not need to linger there. 1Sam. 30:4
1487. You cannot go from a life of reversionism to the pulpit overnight. 1Sam. 30:4
1488. Why do we find this verse which specifically mentions David’s wives by name. 1Sam. 30:5
1489. Why there is a change in the designation of David’s men. 1Sam. 30:6
1490. You and your mixed up understanding of authority and why we are all lucky that you do not have any. 1Sam. 30:6
1491. Mob action and the undermining of authority. 1Sam. 30:6
1492. Mob action and individual action. 1Sam. 30:6
1493. We are not here to make Satan’s world a little nicer. 1Sam. 30:6
1494. Those who want to hurt David are motivated by mental attitude sins. 1Sam. 30:6
1495. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Strengthening Oneself in the Midst of Tragedy with God's Word. 1Sam. 30:6
1496. Go to Psalm 118 and 143. 1Sam. 30:6
1497. The difference between the way David responded to this tragedy and the way his men responded. 1Sam. 30:6
1498. Whether you are facing divine discipline or divine testing, God is right there with you. 1Sam. 30:6
1499. Saul and the priests of Nob. 1Sam. 30:7
1500. David and Saul are both contrasted; they are both out of fellowship, out of God’s geographical will, and in dire straights. 1Sam. 30:7
1501. The Doctrine of the Ephod referenced from 1Sam. 23:6. 1Sam. 30:7
1502. Notice how different Saul and David are with respect to the Ephod. 1Sam. 30:7
1503. The Word of God is as good as having your own personal ephod. 1Sam. 30:7
1504. What you think you would do if you had the ephod. 1Sam. 30:8
1505. I act as your ephod. How easy divine guidance is. 1Sam. 30:8
1506. David and the Ephod. 1Sam. 30:8
1507. Expanding upon the information that we have here. Either David asks more questions than we find listed or Abiathar covers more ground than David expected. 1Sam. 30:8
1508. Why we don’t know more about the Ephod. 1Sam. 30:8
1509. How far David and his men have traveled in the past few days. 1Sam. 30:9
1510. The manna principle. Why it was good that some of David’s men stayed behind. 1Sam. 30:9
1511. David had some very difficult decisions to make earlier, some of which seemed to have no right answer. 1Sam. 30:9
1512. Did David’s exhausted men cross over brook Besor? 1Sam. 30:10
1513. Feeding this Egyptian is in agreement with Scripture. 1Sam. 30:10
1514. The interrelated timing of this Egyptian being left behind; the Amalekites striking David’s camp and David and his men going up to join the Philistines to war against the Israelites. 1Sam. 30:10
1515. The wealth and cruelty of the Amalekites. 1Sam. 30:13
1516. Welfare in the US; private charities. 1Sam. 30:13
1517. The Cherethites. 1Sam. 30:14
1518. David exercises control over his emotions. 1Sam. 30:14
1519. As believers, we need to maintain our focus. 1Sam. 30:14
1520. The young man asks for an oath by God (gods?). Options are discussed. 1Sam. 30:15
1521. Why some difficulties happen to us as believers (and as unbelievers). 1Sam. 30:15
1522. How did the slave know where the Amalekites were? 1Sam. 30:15
1523. How did the slave know where the Amalekites were? 1Sam. 30:16
1524. My approach to Scripture and historical narratives. 1Sam. 30:16
1525. We often view the feasts of Israel as quiet, ascetic observations of this or that sacrifice. However, the word used here for the Amalekites celebrating is also used of the Jews and their feast days. Therefore, the feasts of the Jews involved more celebration than we might realize. 1Sam. 30:16
1526. Who are the Cherethites. 1Sam. 30:16
1527. Who exactly the Amalekites had been attacking and plundering. 1Sam. 30:16
1528. David’s strategy for attacking these Amalekites. 1Sam. 30:17
1529. Why David is specifically given the credit for recovering all of the booty, when, in fact, he led his 400 men to recover it. 1Sam. 30:19
1530. 1Sam. 30:20 is one of the hundreds of verses where, even though some of the words are in question, the overall meaning is not in question; and further, no theological concept is challenged by these differences. 1Sam. 30:20
1531. The meaning of v. 20 in the face of all the difficulties. 1Sam. 30:20
1532. Textual problems with v. 21. 1Sam. 30:21
1533. David is a man of grace. 1Sam. 30:21
1534. Why these men who were too tired to go to war with David were not guilty of treason. 1Sam. 30:21
1535. David takes a position of grace. 1Sam. 30:21
1536. The reasonable and legalistic position to take. 1Sam. 30:22
1537. Graciousness and understanding the gifts of God. 1Sam. 30:23
1538. How some imitate the personality of a pastor; why this is lame. 1Sam. 30:23
1539. Since it is God’s grace which allows David to kill the Amalekite plunderers, then there is no reason to then function under legalism. 1Sam. 30:24
1540. The gracious approach here is not something which is brand new. 1Sam. 30:24
1541. A Scriptural gloss; editing the manuscripts of the Bible. 1Sam. 30:25
1542. Democrats and their social programs. How politicians act like the legalists under David. 1Sam. 30:26
1543. David’s character and our greed. 1Sam. 30:26
1544. David cannot identify with certainty which things belong to which city. 1Sam. 30:27
1545. Giving and motivation in giving. 1Sam. 30:27
1546. The tribe of Simeon and its relationship to the tribe of Judah. 1Sam. 30:27
1547. Why were the cities of the Land of Promise divided up in the way that they were? 1Sam. 30:27
1548. The city Bethel from back in Gen. 28. 1Sam. 30:27
1549. Is this the city of Bethel, or Bethul or Bethuel? 1Sam. 30:27
1550. Ramath-negeb; Jattir. 1Sam. 30:27
1551. Aroer (and a mention of cities with similar names); Siphmoth; Eshtemoah. 1Sam. 30:28
1552. Racal or Carmel? 1Sam. 30:29
1553. The Jerahmeelites and the Kenites. 1Sam. 30:29
1554. The Doctrine of the Kenites referred to; covered in Judges 1:16. 1Sam. 30:29
1555. The Doctrine of the City of Hormah. 1Sam. 30:30
1556. Borashan; Attach (Tanakh?); Kombe. All very briefly covered. 1Sam. 30:30
1557. The Doctrine of Hebron Part I alluded to (found in Joshua 15:14). We will look at the Doctrine of Hebron Part II when we get to 2Sam. 2:11. 1Sam. 30:31
1558. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpreting the Final Wâw Conjunction. 1Sam. 30:31
1559. Psalm 118 and 143. 1Sam. 30:31
1560. 1Samuel 31 Saul and his Sons Die in Battle (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1561. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who Observed and Wrote Down the Events of 1Samuel 31? 1Sam. 31 introduction
1562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Samuel 28–31 in Chronological Order. 1Sam. 31 introduction
1563. There will be very few textual problems, possibly because this chapter is almost identical to 1Chron. 10. 1Sam. 31 introduction
1564. The discipline of the Philistine soldiers as opposed to the discipline of Saul and his army. 1Sam. 31:2
1565. We are missing a great deal of history of Jonathan’s life. 1Sam. 31:2
1566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does God Allow Jonathan to be Killed in Battle? 1Sam. 31:2
1567. Saul’s 4 sons. 1Sam. 31:2
1568. What we think is happening in a narrative is not always accurate or in keeping with the historical account (which, at times, might be ambiguous). 1Sam. 31:3
1569. What the Philistines did with Samson when they had captured him. 1Sam. 31:4
1570. How Saul’s sword bearer may have felt at the very end. 1Sam. 31:4
1571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Saul's Failures. 1Sam. 31:4
1572. The Doctrine of Suicide. 1Sam. 31:5
1573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of Suicide. 1Sam. 31:4
1574. Some of Saul’s soldiers escaped in this final battle with the Philistines. 1Sam. 31:6
1575. Two possible options in the retreat of Saul’s soldiers. 1Sam. 31:7
1576. Runners in the ancient world. 1Sam. 31:7
1577. We do not know what would have happened with Jonathan in the years to come. The example of McGee is given as well. 1Sam. 31:7
1578. The Philistines have a limited population when they come and live in the Israel cities. 1Sam. 31:7
1579. Israel got exactly what it prayed for in Saul. Things that we pray for. Is it sinful to pray for money. The love of money. 1Sam. 31:7
1580. Where the Philistines occupied Israel. 1Sam. 31:7
1581. The reason Saul’s head was removed. Matthew Henry’s goofy idea concerning this. 1Sam. 31:9
1582. The Pagan God Dagon referred to (from 1Sam. 5). 1Sam. 31:9
1583. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Pagan God Dagon. 1Sam. 31:9
1584. 1Chron. 10 and 1Sam. 31 begin to diverge at this point. Where their origins are. 1Sam. 31:10
1585. The Doctrine of Beth-shan. 1Sam. 31:10
1586. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of Beth-Shan. 1Sam. 31:10
1587. Jabesh Gilead; history, location and background. Why the men of Jabesh step up to retrieve Saul’s body. 1Sam. 31:11
1588. The Jews and cremation. 1Sam. 31:12
1589. Tamarisk trees. 1Sam. 31:13
1590. Some people are fanatical about copying this or that person in Scripture, but they disobey clear mandates of Scripture. 1Sam. 31:13
1591. The Doctrine of Fasting referred to (from 1Samuel 7:6). 1Sam. 31:13
1592. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of Fasting. 1Sam. 31:13
1593. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Contrast Between David and Saul. 1Sam. 31:13
1594. A suggestion to go to 1Chron. 10 at this point. 1Sam. 31:13
1595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: William Ramey on The Death of Saul (1Samuel 28–31). 1Sam. 31 addendum
1596. Adullam. [Adullam was covered briefly long ago in Joshua 12:15. We first heard the name of this town when Judah, the man, not the tribe, traveled to visit a friend who lived in Adullam and took from there a mistress (Gen. 38:1–2). This city was dealt out to the tribe of Judah in Joshua 15:35. This is the most well-known passage naming this city, where David is not given protection by Achish, the king of Gath, so he herein hides from Saul or Absalom. Later on, Rehoboam will reinforce several cities on the Judæan hills, and this will be one of them (2Chron. 11:7). Micah mentions this city when describing Sennacharib’s invasion of Judah in Micah 1:15. This will be one of the areas re-occupied after the dispersion (Neh. 11:30).] 1Sam. 22:1
1597. Ziklag. 1Sam. 27:6 or so
Topics Covered in 2Samuel
1. Samuel Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2. 2Samuel Introduction The Reign of King David (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) not even begun yet
3. 2Samuel Introduction (PDF version) This has not been written yet (I don’t do the introduction until after I have completed the entire book).
4. 2Samuel 1 A Post-Mortem and an Ode to Saul (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
5. Division of the books of Samuel. 2Sam. 1 introduction
6. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1 Summarized by Great Theologians of the Past. 2Sam. 1 introduction
7. Summary of 1Sam. 29–30. 2Sam. 1:1
8. Ziklag (short). 2Sam. 1:1
9. What occupied David and his men’s time since retrieving their stuff from the Amalekites. 2Sam. 1:1
10. Theories as to the specific identification of the young Amalekite. 2Sam. 1:2
11. Why the Amalekite would not tell David if he belonged to either army. 2Sam. 1:2
12. Various options as to why this young Amalekite has torn clothing and dirt on his head. 2Sam. 1:2
13. Prostration before a national leader. 2Sam. 1:2
14. What David knew about the Amalekite before they spoke for the first time. 2Sam. 1:3
15. Saul probably sent Abner and his youngest son east of the Jordan on the morning of the battle. 2Sam. 1:3
16. First problem with the Amalekite’s story—he knows that both Saul and Jonathan are dead. This Amalekite is probably a mercenary for the Philistine army. Why David had not heard about this war from other sources. 2Sam. 1:4
17. Who observed Saul’s death and how did David come to know the actual circumstances of his death. 2Sam. 1:4
18. By chance the Amalekite finds himself in the midst of the Israeli-Philistine war. 2Sam. 1:5
19. What Saul is leaning upon. 2Sam. 1:6
20. Picturing Saul’s death and the location of this Amalekite. 2Sam. 1:6
21. Some things which are unusual about this Amalekite standing there and talking to Saul. Coincidences in the movies. 2Sam. 1:7
22. It is possible that the Amalekite is having difficulty expressing himself in the Hebrew language. 2Sam. 1:8
23. The Amalekite has fabricated at least a portion of this story. 2Sam. 1:9
24. 3 reasons why we know this young Amalekite is standing over the fallen Saul. 2Sam. 1:10
25. The account of 1Sam. 31 and this Amalekite are very different. 2Sam. 1:10
26. How the Philistines later identified Saul’s body. 2Sam. 1:10
27. The one place where the Amalekite’s version agrees with 1Sam. 31. 2Sam. 1:10
28. Different opinions as to the veracity of the story of the Amalekite. 2Sam. 1:10
29. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry Believes the Amalekite's Story. 2Sam. 1:10
30. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry Does Not Believe the Amalekite's Story. 2Sam. 1:10
31. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does the Story Told by the Amalekite not Ring True? 2Sam. 1:10
32. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why We Think This Amalekite is a Mercenary Fighting on the Philistine Side. 2Sam. 1:10
33. One reason why David was a man after God’s own heart. 2Sam. 1:11
34. You and God’s timing. 2Sam. 1:11
35. Why David mourned for Saul. 2Sam. 1:12
36. Fasting, imitation by Christians. 2Sam. 1:12
37. David was outside of Israel and outside of God’s geographical will. 2Sam. 1:12
38. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why David Mourns for Saul. 2Sam. 1:12
39. The people of Israel and the house of Jehovah. 2Sam. 1:12
40. Why David asks this Amalekite about his own background. 2Sam. 1:13
41. What being a son of an immigrant means. How this testimony might conflict with the Amalekite being a mercenary. 2Sam. 1:13
42. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is this Young Amalekite Lying about His Citizenship Status? 2Sam. 1:13
43. The astute political IQ of this young Amalekite. 2Sam. 1:13
44. Political IQ vs. spiritual IQ. 2Sam. 1:13
45. For the Amalekite, this interview takes a turn for the worse. 2Sam. 1:14
46. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: We are not Allowed to Harm God's Anointed Ones. 2Sam. 1:14
47. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary About David's Sentencing of this Young Amalekite. 2Sam. 1:15
48. The Amalekite testifies against himself. 2Sam. 1:15
49. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is David a Vigilante? 2Sam. 1:16
50. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Really Happened on Mount Gilboa? Facts, lies and speculation. 2Sam. 1:16
51. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why is Saul Honored in God's Word? 2Sam. 1:17
52. Being my own worse enemy; committing sins. 2Sam. 1:17
53. A divided kingdom. 2Sam. 1:18
54. Why this psalm does not mean that Israel’s army now needs more practice using the bow. 2Sam. 1:18
55. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of the Book of Jashar. 2Sam. 1:18
56. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Relationship between this Psalm and the Book of Jasher. 2Sam. 1:18
57. Lying and the Bible; why this psalm may not simply be passed off as David’s feelings at the time. 2Sam. 1:18
58. People who’s lives take a turn for the worse at the end. 2Sam. 1:18
59. Rain and mist in Israel. 2Sam. 1:21
60. What it means to anoint a shield with oil. 2Sam. 1:21
61. What fat of the soldiers means. 2Sam. 1:22
62. Saul had a distinguished military career. 2Sam. 1:22
63. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Two Interpretations of 2Sam. 2:23. 2Sam. 1:23
64. Poetic license: being stronger than lions and swifter than eagles. 2Sam. 1:23
65. Why the daughters of Israel should mourn for Saul. 2Sam. 1:24
66. Interpreting poetry; interpreting prose. Poetry is not lying prose. 2Sam. 1:24
67. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Definition of the Word Bâmâh (High Places). 2Sam. 1:25
68. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Comparison of vv. 19 and 25. 2Sam. 1:25
69. The Holy Spirit and Old Testament saints. 2Sam. 1:25
70. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Are David and Jonathan Brothers? 2Sam. 1:26
71. The love of Jonathan; the women in David’s life. 2Sam. 1:26
72. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Bow—A Psalm Dedicated to Saul and Jonathan. 2Sam. 1:27
73. Go the 1Chron. 12 from here. 2Sam. 1:27
74. 2Samuel 2 David Reigns in Hebron/Abner Kills Asahel (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
75. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry Summarizes 2Samuel 2. 2Sam. 2 introduction
76. A short summary of previous events. 2Sam. 2:1
77. How God communicated with David. 2Sam. 2:1
78. The Doctrine of Hebron alluded to (from Joshua 14:15). 2Sam. 2:1
79. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief Summary of the Doctrine of Hebron. 2Sam. 2:1
80. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Commentators Remark about Hebron. 2Sam. 2:1
81. The concept of having multiple wives. 2Sam. 2:2
82. Gill gives an interesting spiritual meaning to David bringing his two wives to Hebron. 2Sam. 2:2
83. That the Bible mentions that these other men come to Hebron with David may seem like an innocuous verse with little meaning, but this is not so. 2Sam. 2:3
84. Why Israel is split up. 2Sam. 2:4
85. The parallel of David’s authority being partial and then full. 2Sam. 2:4
86. The tribe of Judah. 2Sam. 2:4
87. How David knew about the death of Saul (discussed more fully in 1Sam. 30:16). 2Sam. 2:4
88. People and their competition; illustrated with George W. Bush and his 2006 state of the union speech. Bush’s gracious attitude toward his political enemies. 2Sam. 2:5
89. The detractors in your life. 2Sam. 2:5
90. The proper attitude and actions toward your enemies. 2Sam. 2:5
91. Burial of the dead. 2Sam. 2:5
92. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Genocides and Political Killings of the 20th Century. 2Sam. 2:6
93. The evolution of man from David to Pol Pot. 2Sam. 2:6
94. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Commentators on David's Message to the Men of Jabesh Gilead. 2Sam. 2:7
95. The Doctrine of Abner alluded to (not completed yet; will probably be done in 1Kings 2). 2Sam. 2:8
96. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summarizing What We Know About Abner. 2Sam. 2:8
97. The addictiveness of sin. 2Sam. 2:8
98. The nefarious intentions of the homosexual union adoption movment. 2Sam. 2:8
99. Satan immersing a person in sin. 2Sam. 2:8
100. Ishbosheth (very little info). 2Sam. 2:8
101. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Abner is Motivated to Set up Ishbosheth as King Over Israel. 2Sam. 2:8
102. Abner seems to be leading Ishbosheth. 2Sam. 2:8
103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Smith Summarizes the Doctrine of the City of Mahanaim. 2Sam. 2:8
104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Mahanaim is Chosen as the New Capitol City. 2Sam. 2:8
105. There are two different sets of prepositions found in 2Sam. 2:9, which is ignored be even the most literal of translations. 2Sam. 2:9
106. Ishbosheth beginning to reign from Mahanaim and David ruling from Hebron are not necessarily simultaneous events.
107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ashurite, Geshurite or Asherite? 2Sam. 2:9
108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Area over which Ishbosheth Ruled. 2Sam. 2:9
109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Reasons You Need a Pastor Teacher. 2Sam. 2:9
110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Pastor Teachers You Should Avoid. 2Sam. 2:9
111. There was probably no military campaign on the part of Ishbosheth or Abner. 2Sam. 2:9
112. Saul probably told Abner to take his son and to go eastward, knowing that Israel would be defeated by the Philistines. 2Sam. 2:10
113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How the Age of Ishbosheth Impacts other Numbers in Scripture. 2Sam. 2:10
114. David’s close relationship with Judah. 2Sam. 2:10
115. How the Philistines might figure into all of this. 2Sam. 2:11
116. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Time-Line for the Divided Kingdom. 2Sam. 2:11
117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Other Theories Dealing with the Length of Ishbosheth's Reign. 2Sam. 2:11
118. The Doctrine of Hebron Part II. Check e-sword on 1Sam. 30:31. 2Sam. 2:11
119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Abner Goes to Gibeon. 2Sam. 2:12
120. The difference in age between Joab and Abner and how this impacts their relationship. 2Sam. 2:14
121. David may have required Joab to be on the defensive when meeting with Abner. 2Sam. 2:14
122. Abner’s strategy and Joab’s thinking. 2Sam. 2:15
123. Comments about the hair on a man’s head in the military. 2Sam. 2:16
124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentators Explain the Meaning of Helkath-Hazzurim. 2Sam. 2:16
125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Abner's Strategy. 2Sam. 2:17
126. Zeruiah and Joab mentioned briefly. David’s relationship with his own family. 2Sam. 2:18
127. Figures of speech in the Bible (similes, exaggeration). 2Sam. 2:18
128. Inside the heads of Abner and Asahel. 2Sam. 2:20
129. A verbal picture of Abner and his army fleeing, with Asahel in pursuit of Abner. 2Sam. 2:21
130. Abner’s strategy concerning Asahel. 2Sam. 2:21
131. Asahel’s thinking. 2Sam. 2:21
132. A narrow focus in life. 2Sam. 2:21
133. The thinking of Abner and Asahel. 2Sam. 2:22
134. Abner apparently had some sort of relationship with David’s family. 2Sam. 2:22
135. Which end of the spear did Abner use. 2Sam. 2:23
136. A verbal picture of how Abner killed Asahel. 2Sam. 2:23
137. Matthew Henry points out that death is sudden and our greatest accomplishments are often ineffectual or meaningless. 2Sam. 2:23
138. Abner probably strategically set up this small army of Benjamites. 2Sam. 2:25
139. The size of Abner’s army, Abner’s motivation and strategy. 2Sam. 2:26
140. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentators Interpret Joab's Oath. 2Sam. 2:27
141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where is Bithron? 2Sam. 2:29
142. Why Joab did not exploit his clear military advantage. 2Sam. 2:30
143. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gill on the Disparity of the Losses. 2Sam. 2:31
144. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Mistakes of Joab. 2Sam. 2:32
145. 2Samuel 3 Ishbosheth, David, Abner and Joab (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
146. 2Samuel 3 HTML (PDF version)
147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The People of 2Samuel 3. 2Sam. 3 Introduction
148. Short summary; longer summary of 2Sam. 3. 2Sam. 3 Introduction
149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry Summarizes 2Samuel 3. 2Sam. 3 Introduction
150. Narrative; application of a narrative; all Scripture has purpose. 2Sam. 3 Introduction
151. Casualty perception in Iraq. 2Sam. 3:1
152. Comparative time line of David and Ishbosheth as kings. 2Sam. 3:1
153. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Introverted Parallelism of 1Samuel 3:1. 2Sam. 3:1
154. Why God allows this civil war to continue. 2Sam. 3:1
155. Why do we discuss this civil war, and then suddenly start talking about David’s children and wives; and then talk about Abner and Ishbosheth arguing about a mistress. 2Sam. 3:1
156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why We Find David's Progeny Listed Right here, During a Civil War Narrative. 2Sam. 3:2
157. David did a poor job guiding his nephews; and why he is a poor uncle is explained. 2Sam. 3:2
158. The importance of the traditional family unit. 2Sam. 3:2
159. The number of Black babies born out of marriage. 2Sam. 3:2
160. Present day attacks on Christianity. 2Sam. 3:2
161. Husband and wife function as a team; you cannot have that in polygamy. 2Sam. 3:2
162. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What's Wrong with Polygamy? 2Sam. 3:2
163. Why God allowed David to have several wives. 2Sam. 3:2
164. Other abberations to marriage. 2Sam. 3:2
165. Daniel/Chileab. 2Sam. 3:2
166. DaVinci Code alluded to. 2Sam. 3:2
167. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Explanations as to Why Chileab is also called Daniel. 2Sam. 3:3
168. An ampliatio. 2Sam. 3:3
169. Absalom (briefly). 2Sam. 3:3
170. Talmai and Geshur and possible reasons for this union between David and his daughter. 2Sam. 3:3
171. Why is Eglah the only one called the wife of David? 2Sam. 3:5
172. Foreign wives in the Bible and their significance. 2Sam. 3:7
173. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is Ishbosheth so Concerned about with Regards to Abner? 2Sam. 3:7
174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ishbosheth Worries for no Reason about the Loyalty of Abner. 2Sam. 3:7
175. Did Abner and Rizpah have sex? 2Sam. 3:7
176. Parallels between Saul and Ishbosheth. 2Sam. 3:8
177. What does a dog’s head in Judah mean? 2Sam. 3:8
178. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Most Translations Place that to Judah with the Previous Phrase. 2Sam. 3:8
179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Translations Place that to Judah with the Second Phrase. 2Sam. 3:8
180. Abner’s logical answer to Ishbosheth’s accusations. 2Sam. 3:8
181. Abner now sees himself in David’s shoes. 2Sam. 3:8
182. Living with the consequences of past actions. 2Sam. 3:8
183. Being hard-headed and going against the will of God. 2Sam. 3:9
184. Examples of bad decisions which have been made in our society; bad decisions and the family unit. 2Sam. 3:9
185. Abner’s motivation (misread by many commentators). 2Sam. 3:9
186. Injustice; being kicked in the teeth after doing a good job. 2Sam. 3:11
187. Speaking your own mind without editing your thoughts. 2Sam. 3:11
188. Children, daycare, peer pressure. 2Sam. 3:11
189. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Ishbosheth Allows Abner to Leave after Making These Threats. 2Sam. 3:11
190. Being a person in authority. 2Sam. 3:11
191. Abner apparently communicated by sending a lot of messengers hither and yon. 2Sam. 3:12
192. Abner’s brilliance by asked, “To whom does this land belong?” 2Sam. 3:12
193. Abner’s brilliance in military and political situations. 2Sam. 3:12
194. Abner’s good points. 2Sam. 3:12
195. Self-righteous believer refusing help. 2Sam. 3:12
196. Michal and David. 2Sam. 3:13
197. Why David is directly requesting Michal from Ishbosheth, even though Abner is the one who agreed to supply David with Michal. 2Sam. 3:14
198. Michal and David. 2Sam. 3:14
199. It is normal to face injustice now and again. 2Sam. 3:14
200. The political machinations of Abner, which involve Michal and Ishbosheth. 2Sam. 3:15
201. Bahurim (mostly info from Barnes). 2Sam. 3:16
202. Ishbosheth’s fear of Abner and 3rd person limited omniscience. 2Sam. 3:17
203. Abner’s political influence over the northern territory of Israel. 2Sam. 3:17
204. Why Abner might leave out a few words in his messages. 2Sam. 3:18
205. George Bush’s honesty; WMD’s. 2Sam. 3:18
206. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Four Interpretations of 2Sam. 3:18. 2Sam. 3:18
207. Jamieson, Fausset and Brown on why Saul needed to convince the Benjamites to support David. 2Sam. 3:19
208. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why the Benjamites are the Most Important Tribe for Abner to Convince. 2Sam. 3:19
209. How can Abner convince the Benjamites; the strategy of chess. 2Sam. 3:19
210. When you work for someone, you might need to check in with them now and again. 2Sam. 3:19
211. The gist of Abner’s arguments which he made before the Benjamintes. 2Sam. 3:19
212. Abner’s well-thought out arguments and persuasions; he may have used God’s name in some of his persuasive arguements. 2Sam. 3:19
213. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What are the Potential Problems of 2Samuel 3:6–19? 2Sam. 3:19
214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Actions and Motivations of David, Abner and Ishbosheth. 2Sam. 3:19
215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Incorrect Notions of the Events of 2Samuel 3. 2Sam. 3:19
216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interesting Theories and Notions of Commentators. 2Sam. 3:19
217. Why Abner is traveling with only 20 men. 2Sam. 3:20
218. Saul’s arguments and statements which he would have made to those who questioned him about Ishbosheth and David. Abner’s success. 2Sam. 3:20
219. Power lust and David’s lack of power lust. 2Sam. 3:21
220. Condi Rice, David and power lust. 2Sam. 3:21
221. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why it is Legitimate for Israel to Pillage. 2Sam. 3:22
222. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Client Nation USA versus Client Nation Israel. 2Sam. 3:22
223. Application: illegal immigration and the establishment of democracies in Iraq and Afganistan. 2Sam. 3:22
224. The spiritual reasons why people flock to the US. 2Sam. 3:22
225. Churches which we should have for immigrants. 2Sam. 3:22
226. Dangerous historical trends in the United States. 2Sam. 3:22
227. Do not try to understand a country apart from the spiritual dimension. 2Sam. 3:22
228. Why Blacks should thank God for slavery in the United States. 2Sam. 3:22
229. The time frame of Abner and Joab coming to see David. 2Sam. 3:22
230. David was fully aware of the events of the death of Asahel. 2Sam. 3:24
231. David trusted and feared his nephews too much. 2Sam. 3:24
232. Does Joab really think that Abner is there to spy on David? 2Sam. 3:25
233. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories About David's Response to Joab. 2Sam. 3:25
234. A little information if Sirah (Besira?). 2Sam. 3:26
235. The city gate. 2Sam. 3:27
236. Joab’s trap was well thought out and therefore, pre-meditated murder. 2Sam. 3:27
237. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Incorrect Notions Part II. 2Sam. 3:27
238. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How is it that Joab is able to Catch Abner Off-Guard? 2Sam. 3:27
239. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Joab is Wrong. 2Sam. 3:27
240. Matthew Henry on Joab’s attack of Abner. 2Sam. 3:27
241. Abner’s relationship to God. 2Sam. 3:27
242. David fell short of his responsibilities as king over Israel with regards to Joab. 2Sam. 3:29
243. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Let's Talk about the Cursing Joab's Progeny. 2Sam. 3:29
244. What if you are the victim of an injustice? 2Sam. 3:29
245. Several commentators have Joab’s motivation all wrong. 2Sam. 3:30
246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: In Defense of Abner. 2Sam. 3:30
247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who Actually Killed Abner? 2Sam. 3:30
248. Why I read some goofy commentaries. 2Sam. 3:30
249. Bloggers and George Bush. 2Sam. 3:30
250. So-called Biblical contradictions. 2Sam. 3:30
251. Prosecuting attorneys filing hundreds of charges against a suspect. 2Sam. 3:30
252. Bush accused of lying and WMD’s. 2Sam. 3:30
253. Sackcloth as mourning clothing. 2Sam. 3:31
254. David’s very public demonstration of his grief for Abner. 2Sam. 3:31
255. Abner is said to die as a fool dies; what does that mean? 2Sam. 3:33
256. There are no final answers in politics. 2Sam. 3:33
257. David’s short fast in honor of Abner. 2Sam. 3:36
258. Being respected for saying and doing the right thing. However, this is not always true (several examples are given). 2Sam. 3:36
259. Taking a balanced theological stand. 2Sam. 3:36
260. The personal example of my own work at my job and later the false accusations which came about. 2Sam. 3:36
261. David’s vow; Abner backed the wrong horse. 2Sam. 3:38
262. Gill on what David says and does not say about Abner. 2Sam. 3:38
263. Gill on David’s weakness. 2Sam. 3:39
264. David’s weakness further discussed. 2Sam. 3:39
265. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Should We Interpret David saying "I am weak"? 2Sam. 3:39
266. David’s decision not to prosecute his nephews. 2Sam. 3:39
267. Why God did not hand the kingdom of Israel over to David a long time ago. 2Sam. 3:39
268. There are some things outside of our control; outside of our jurisdiction. 2Sam. 3:39
269. Giving some freedom to a teenager. 2Sam. 3:39
270. 2Samuel 4 The Assassination of Ishbosheth (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
271. 2Samuel 4 HTML (PDF version)
272. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Henry's Outline of 2Samuel 4. 2Sam. 4 Introduction
273. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Initial Questions Concerning 2Samuel 4. 2Sam. 4 Introduction
274. David and Abner’s death. 2Sam. 4:1
275. Ishbosheth—his military experience and leadership skills. 2Sam. 4:1
276. Being on the right side of history; applying doctrine to current events. 2Sam. 4:1
277. How long do you wait before coming around to God’s plan? 2Sam. 4:1
278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ancient World Raiding Parties. 2Sam. 4:2
279. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Baanah's of Scripture. 2Sam. 4:2
280. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Rechab's in Scripture. 2Sam. 4:2
281. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Rimmon's in Scripture. 2Sam. 4:2
282. The Gibeonites. 2Sam. 4:3
283. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why the Gibeonites Left Beeroth and Fled to Gittaim. 2Sam. 4:3
284. The location of Gittaim. 2Sam. 4:3
285. Why do we have all of these details here, which appear to be meaningless? 2Sam. 4:3
286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why is Mephibosheth Mentioned Right Here? 2Sam. 4:4
287. Mephibosheth’s original name was probably Merib-Baal. 2Sam. 4:4
288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Baal Versus Bosheth. 2Sam. 4:4
289. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Are Rechab and Baanah Bringing Wheat Stalks in or Taking them out? 2Sam. 4:6
290. A repetition of the events is commonly found in the Hebrew. 2Sam. 4:6
291. The house of Ishbosheth is probably more of a compound. 2Sam. 4:7
292. Beheading is common to that period of time, and often provided proof that so-and-so had been killed. 2Sam. 4:7
293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Chronological Reshuffling of 2Samual 4:5–7. 2Sam. 4:7
294. Rechab and Baanah see things much differently than David does. 2Sam. 4:7
295. When believers are saved, many of them think that they need to go out and do these great things for God. They need to act, but they actually have no idea of what to do. 2Sam. 4:8
296. Reagan, the Soviet collapse, and liberal revisionism. Understanding current events. 2Sam. 4:8
297. Weird email from someone who is transformed overnight by God the Holy Spirit. 2Sam. 4:8
298. You don’t get saved one day and then go out and do great things for God the next. 2Sam. 4:8
299. Abner went to David without necessarily trading anything; others went to David with the heads of supposed enemies of David. 2Sam. 4:8
300. Rechab and Baamah essentially murdered Ishbosheth as spec work for David. 2Sam. 4:8
301. Abner’s military and political savvy does not mean that he operated without a conscience. 2Sam. 4:8
302. You cannot always get what you want by going after that thing. 2Sam. 4:8
303. Balancing the statement above; what do you trade out for that which you get? 2Sam. 4:8
304. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why the Execution of Ishbosheth is a Greater Crime than the Execution of Saul. 2Sam. 4:11
305. These two assassins were not fighting in order to right some wrong or for some great cause; they simply wanted David to take them in and reward them. 2Sam. 4:11
306. David’s options with regard to Ishbosheth. 2Sam. 4:11
307. What doesn’t David forgive these men for their mistake? 2Sam. 4:11
308. Was Jesus a revolutionary leader? 2Sam. 4:11
309. David executes Rechab and Baamah. 2Sam. 4:12
310. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Behind the Scenes Political Intrigue under David. 2Sam. 4:12
311. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 4. 2Sam. 4 addendum
312. 2Samuel 5 David Rules Over all Israel (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
313. 2Samuel 5 HTML (PDF version)
314. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke and Henry's Outline of 2Sam. 5. 2Sam. 5 introduction
315. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 5 Synopsis. 2Sam. 5 introduction
316. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Events of 2Sam. 2–6 as found in 1Chronicles. 2Sam. 5 introduction
317. Who wrote the book of Samuel; particularly, some of the final verses in 2Sam. 5. The time during which Chronicles was written and its authorship. 2Sam. 5 introduction
318. Who is gathering to David from the north. 2Sam. 5:1
319. A summation of the political intrigue from the previous chapter. 2Sam. 5:1
320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jesus Christ, the Great Shepherd. 2Sam. 5:2
321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jehovah God, the Rock of Israel: Shepherd of Israel. 2Sam. 5:2
322. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Northern Israel Chose David as their King. 2Sam. 5:2
323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Prophesies About David Becoming King. 2Sam. 5:2
324. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Those who Acknowledge that God Chose David to be King over All Israel. 2Sam. 5:2
325. How many groups of people are coming to see David. 2Sam. 5:3
326. What is being done at David’s coronation? 2Sam. 5:3
327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The 3 Anointings of David. 2Sam. 5:3
328. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Many Groups from the North Came to Visit with David? 2Sam. 5:3
329. God’s timing, not ours. 2Sam. 5:3
330. Rehoboam and northern Israel separating from Judah. 2Sam. 5:3
331. David’s ages matched with the significant events of his life. 2Sam. 5:4
332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Time Frame of David's Life Before Becoming King over Judah. 2Sam. 5:4
333. God may see 40 years as the proper amount of time for a man to serve in his primary office. 2Sam. 5:4
334. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of the Jebusites. 2Sam. 5:6
335. Just when and to where did David take Goliath’s head and armor. 2Sam. 5:6
336. David probably first approached Jerusalem in peace. 2Sam. 5:6
337. Arabic negative volition and Palestine and Iraq. The people with whom David meets at the gates of Jerusalem. 2Sam. 5:6
338. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Blind and the Lame. 2Sam. 5:6
339. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why it is Okay for David to Make Jerusalem his Capital City. 2Sam. 5:6
340. The thick Jerusalem walls. 2Sam. 5:6
341. First mention of Zion. 2Sam. 5:7
342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on the Stronghold of Zion. 2Sam. 5:7
343. The Doctrine of Zion is alluded to. 2Sam. 5:7
344. City nicknames. 2Sam. 5:7
345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Picture of David's Tunnel under the Jerusalem Walls. 2Sam. 5:8
346. Isn’t David’s feeling of entitlement with respect to Jerusalem a bit harsh? 2Sam. 5:8
347. David taking Jerusalem. Applying this to modern history: German,, Japan; modern-day Arabs. How they compare to those who once occupied the Land of Promise. Wars we may be involved in, in the future. 2Sam. 5:8
348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpreting 2Samuel 5:8. 2Sam. 5:8
349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Different Views of 2Sam. 5:6–8. 2Sam. 5:8
350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Undeniable Conclusions Drawn from 2Samuel 5:6–8. 2Sam. 5:8
351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Probable Conclusions Drawn from 2Samuel 5:6–8. 2Sam. 5:8
352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Does 2Samuel 5:6–8 Say to Me? 2Sam. 5:8
353. Some of the reasons that David chose Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel. 2Sam. 5:9
354. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is Millo? The Opinions of Commentators. 2Sam. 5:9
355. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The History of Jerusalem up until the Time of David. 2Sam. 5:9
356. Don’t mistake David’s blessing with the prosperity gospel. 2Sam. 5:10
357. Hiram, king of Tyre, and David. 2Sam. 5:11
358. Why God the Holy Spirit chose to tell us about Hiram. 2Sam. 5:11
359. Contrasting the King of Tyre with those who hated David (and, therefore, hated Jehovah Elohim). 2Sam. 5:11
360. The first house that I lived in. God’s great blessing to me. 2Sam. 5:12
361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Whose Kingdom? Whose People? 2Sam. 5:12
362. The nuclear family; David seems to have it all, with his wives, mistresses, money and power. 2Sam. 5:13
363. Women respond to their men in their souls. What happens when a woman does not get this soul response. 2Sam. 5:13
364. David and his women; Solomon and his women; monogamy versus polygamy. 2Sam. 5:13
365. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Sons and Daughters. 2Sam. 5:13
366. How David’s sons and daughters are named here, out of narrative order. How the book of Samuel was assembled. 2Sam. 5:14
367. David’s sons and daughters. 2Sam. 5:14
368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallel Genealogies—David's Children by Bathsheba. 2Sam. 5:14
369. David’s children. 2Sam. 5:15–16
370. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallel Genealogies—David's 2nd Set of Children. 2Sam. 5:16
371. David’s relationship to the Philistines; why they became suddenly concerned about David. 2Sam. 5:17
372. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Do the Philistines Continually War Against Israel? 2Sam. 5:17
373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Philistines War Against David. 2Sam. 5:17
374. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Timing of this First Philistine Invasion. 2Sam. 5:17
375. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Location of the Stronghold—Various Opinions. 2Sam. 5:17
376. Why the Philistines simply did not just run wild in the streets of Israel. 2Sam. 5:17
377. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Valley of Rephaim. 2Sam. 5:18
378. Strategy and tactics of the Philistines spreading themselves out in the Valley of Rephaim. 2Sam. 5:18
379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where is David when the Philistines Spread out in the Valley of Rephaim? 2Sam. 5:18
380. David communicating with God. 2Sam. 5:19
381. Why God the Holy Spirit does not reveal all of the mechanics of the spiritual lives from the Old Testament. 2Sam. 5:19
382. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: When God Guides David Directly. 2Sam. 5:19
383. Our internal ephod. 2Sam. 5:19
384. The verb to go up and how it is used. 2Sam. 5:19
385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why David Needs to Ask for God's Guidance Here. 2Sam. 5:19
386. We know very few details of David’s defeating the Philistines. 2Sam. 5:20
387. Blaming God when things go wrong; patting yourself on the back when things go right. 2Sam. 5:20
388. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Personal Application of David's War with the Philistines. 2Sam. 5:20
389. How should we treat terrorist prisoners taken in battle? 2Sam. 5:20
390. What did David and his men really do with the idols of the Philistines? 2Sam. 5:21
391. Robinson’s weird approaches. 2Sam. 5:22
392. God’s will and the use of our brains in achieving God’s will. David does not just face his enemies head on; he uses strategy and tactics, even though it is God’s will for him to attack these Philistines. 2Sam. 5:23
393. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Kind of Trees are These? 2Sam. 5:23
394. God has our lives mapped out so well that all we need is doctrine in the soul and the filling of the Holy Spirit in order to be guided. 2Sam. 5:23
395. The soul weakness of terrorists. 2Sam. 5:24
396. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Rustling of the Trees in the Second Philistine Battle. 2Sam. 5:24
397. There is not reason to read in supernatural events each and every time that God acts. 2Sam. 5:24
398. God can easily overrule the laws of science, as He created the laws of science. 2Sam. 5:24
399. When God takes into account every minute detail of life and sets things up to come out as He planned; and doing all of that in eternity past, is amazing and beyond our comprehension. 2Sam. 5:24
400. Don’t think that you can spend 10 years digging yourself a hole to stand in, that God will instantly lift you out of that hole when you scream for help. 2Sam. 5:24
401. It is this passage which informs us of these things. 2Sam. 5:24
402. Strategy and tactics in war alluded to, but not covered. Use this passage, Joshua 8 and 2Kings 7 in the future to expand upon. 2Sam. 5:24 This has not been done yet.
403. The Doctrine of Gibeah, Geba and Gibeon, from back in 1Sam. 13:15, is alluded to. 2Sam. 5:25
404. We will rarely hear about the Philistines after these two battles with David. 2Sam. 5:26
405. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 5. 2Sam. 5 addendum
406. 2Samuel 6 David Moves the Ark to Jerusalem (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
407. Background for David moving the Ark to Jerusalem. 2Sam. 6 Introduction
408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Modification of Matthew Henry's Outline of 2Samuel 6. 2Sam. 6 Introduction
409. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 6 in Parallel with 1Chronicles 13, 15, 16. 2Sam. 6 Introduction
410. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Introduction to 2Samuel 6:2. 2Sam. 6:1
411. Where is Baale-Judah and various theories. 2Sam. 6:2
412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scripture Related to Baale-Judah and Kiriath-Jearim. 2Sam. 6:2
413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where and What is Baale-Judah? 2Sam. 6:2
414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 6:1–2: Two Translations. 2Sam. 6:2
415. Allusion to the Doctrine of the Ark of God. 2Sam. 6:2
416. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of the Ark of God. 2Sam. 6:2
417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Recent History of the Ark and the Tabernacle of God. 2Sam. 6:2
418. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Didn't Samuel Restore Tabernacle Worship? 2Sam. 6:2
419. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: From God's Point of View: Why the Ark and Tabernacle Fell into Disuse. 2Sam. 6:2
420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Are there Cherubim Sitting Upon the Ark of God? 2Sam. 6:2
421. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Begins to Move the Ark: 2Sam. 6:1–2 and Its Parallel Passage in Chronicles. 2Sam. 6:2
422. How the Ark should be moved. 2Sam. 6:3
423. Why does scientology seem to work for some people? 2Sam. 6:3
424. Bare minimums for spiritual service. 2Sam. 6:3
425. The analogy of spiritual growth and musical training. 2Sam. 6:3
426. God’s holiness and the fact that we cannot have direct contact with Him is analogous to us and the sun. 2Sam. 6:3
427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Alternative Readings of 2Sam. 6:3–4. 2Sam. 6:4
428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Pictures of Sistrums. 2Sam. 6:5
429. Emotion and church service. What emotions are designed to do. 2Sam. 6:5
430. Why God the Holy Spirit tells us about the music and the musical instruments in this passage. 2Sam. 6:5
431. No psalm is associated directly with the movement of the Ark the first time; only death. 2Sam. 6:5
432. Sincerity means nothing in the Christian life; there is nothing wrong with music, however. 2Sam. 6:5
433. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Nacon or Chidon? 2Sam. 6:6
434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories as to What Happened with the Oxen and the Ark. 2Sam. 6:6
435. God’s holiness, Uzzah’s error. The analogy of the sun again. 2Sam. 6:7
436. This was not a bad deal for Uzzah. 2Sam. 6:7
437. A list of those who have died when in direct contact with God’s holiness. 2Sam. 6:7
438. Uzzah was a nice guy and a believer. 2Sam. 6:7
439. Why unbelievers will not spend eternity with God. 2Sam. 6:7
440. Several commentators weigh in on Uzzah’s sin. 2Sam. 6:7
441. Sincerity does not cut it in the plan of God. God has set up a protocol system which must be followed. 2Sam. 6:7
442. Spiritual carelessness was Uzzah’s only sin here. 2Sam. 6:7
443. The failure belongs to both Uzzah and David. 2Sam. 6:7
444. Uzzah’s death illustrates the importance of following God’s exact procedure. 2Sam. 6:7
445. God is angry at David for not obeying the Scripture and David essentially forced God’s hand, and He had to kill Uzzah. 2Sam. 6:7
446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Keil and Delitzsch Explain what David Did that was Wrong. 2Sam. 6:7
447. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Veneration of Religious Relics. 2Sam. 6:7
448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did God Allow the Ark to be Removed from the Holy of Holies? 2Sam. 6:7
449. There are not a lot of miracles in the Bible; most of them are naturally occurring events which occur just at the most propitious time. This in no way suggests that God’s power is limited. 2Sam. 6:8
450. David names this place Perez-Uzzah, which is explained. 2Sam. 6:8
451. This portion of Samuel was probably written 20 years after these events occurred. 2Sam. 6:8
452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Two Takes on 2Sam. 6:8. 2Sam. 6:8
453. Why David is confused about moving the Ark of God. 2Sam. 6:9
454. Sincerity does not cover any sins before God. 2Sam. 6:9
455. God took Moses for one tiny, minor error. 2Sam. 6:9
456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Failure of the Commentators. 2Sam. 6:9
457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Interpretations of 2Sam. 6:10a. 2Sam. 6:10
458. Knowing the Word of God gives you strength and courage. It appears as though no one at this rally knew the Word of God. 2Sam. 6:10
459. Bush, Iraq, and Bush’s failure in Iraq. 2Sam. 6:10
460. A Christian being part of a larger group or movement which takes a wrong turn. 2Sam. 6:10
461. Obed-edom—a brief biography. The confidence of Obed-edom. 2Sam. 6:10
462. The incredible blessings received by Obed-edom. 2Sam. 6:10
463. God’s tremendous blessing upon Obed-edom. 2Sam. 6:11
464. God’s tremendous blessing upon the United States. 2Sam. 6:11
465. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Problems Moving the Ark: 2Sam. 6:3–11 and Its Parallel Passage in Chronicles. 2Sam. 6:11
466. The spiritual information available today is amazing. 2Sam. 6:12
467. Why should I deal with trivial differences found in the original manuscripts? 2Sam. 6:12
468. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Different Takes on Sacrificing Animals every Six Steps. 2Sam. 6:13
469. Why David is half-naked. 2Sam. 6:14
470. What an ephod is. 2Sam. 6:14
471. Allusion to the Doctrine of the Ephod. 2Sam. 6:14
472. What Michal was upset about David and his actions. 2Sam. 6:14
473. The Ark of God is not in the Tabernacle, which means there is no function of the Day of Atonement. 2Sam. 6:15
474. Why all the hooplah? How does this generation know about the Ark of God? 2Sam. 6:15
475. Why Michal is called the daughter of Saul rather than the wife of David. 2Sam. 6:16
476. Michal is upset with David. 2Sam. 6:16
477. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Just What Did David Do to Upset Michal? 2Sam. 6:16
478. Christmas celebrations in the United States. 2Sam. 6:16
479. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Second Transport of the Ark: 2Sam. 6:12–16 and 1Chron. 15. 2Sam. 6:16
480. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Didn't David also Set up the Tabernacle of God in Jerusalem? 2Sam. 6:17
481. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Will Solomon and not David Build the Temple of God? 2Sam. 6:17
482. Satan has changed the meaning of the word peace as found in the Bible. 2Sam. 6:17
483. The order in which things are done: burnt offerings, peace offerings, blessing. 2Sam. 6:18
484. Why we are told exactly what David gave to the people to eat. 2Sam. 6:19
485. When you grow spiritually, you are blessed. 2Sam. 6:19
486. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Symbols in the Narrative. 2Sam. 6:19
487. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Celebration: 2Sam. 6:17–20a and 1Chronicles 16:1–3, 43. 2Sam. 6:19
488. The head of the household has spiritual responsibilities. 2Sam. 6:20
489. Michal is called the daughter of Saul because this is how she acts. 2Sam. 6:20
490. Why Michal is upset with David (theories). 2Sam. 6:20
491. Michal is a reason why we ought not to be unequally yoked. 2Sam. 6:20
492. David’s actions and decisions trump Michal’s. 2Sam. 6:21
493. God puts people in charge who are appropriate for the time and place; George W. Bush is an example of this. 2Sam. 6:21
494. David’s and Michal’s relative standings have changed; he now clearly outranks her. 2Sam. 6:21
495. David is chosen by God to lead Israel, instead of some relative of Saul’s, because David’s is better representative of the positive volition of the believers of his time. 2Sam. 6:21
496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Several Translations of what David said to Michal. 2Sam. 6:22
497. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Several Interpretations of what David said to Michal. 2Sam. 6:22
498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories as to Why Michal Dies Childless. 2Sam. 6:23
499. The problem is, Michal and David have no spiritual compatibility. 2Sam. 6:23
500. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Interpretations are Completely Wrong. 2Sam. 6 Addendum
501. Why God removed Jonathan and did not allow their wonderful relationship to continue. 2Sam. 6 Addendum
502. We lose every relative and friend by death. 2Sam. 6 Addendum
503. Appreciating my own father. 2Sam. 6 Addendum
504. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The 1Chronicle Chapters which Parallel 1Samuel 6. 2Sam. 6 Addendum
505. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 6. 2Sam. 6 Addendum
506. 2Samuel 7 The Davidic Covenant (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
507. David is not uniting the Ark of God with the Tabernacle of God because he plans to build a Temple for God instead, which is what this chapter reveals. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
508. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gill Outlines 2Samuel 7. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
509. David is just sitting around the palace, looking around at how much God has blessed him, and he thinks that God ought to have a Temple here, and not just a Tabernacle. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
510. They key word in this chapter is house. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
511. The many psalms where David speaks of Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
512. Why the Davidic Covenant is found so many times in the Bible and how it moves from Solomon to David’s Greater Son, Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
513. People who are negative toward the Bible try to disparage prophecy as much as they can, and rarely look at it carefully. Critics try to disparage as much about the Bible as they possibly can. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
514. Some of the amazing consistencies in the Bible, where the Bible teaches the opposite of what man would teach. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
515. Assumptions which critics have concerning the Bible; these assumptions are shaped by their opinions. They automatically begin assuming that the Bible cannot be prophetic. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
516. The chronological placement of 2Sam. 7. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
517. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Word House in 2Samuel 7. 2Sam. 7 Introduction
518. The primary words found in this chapter and how they all fit together thematically. 2Sam. 7:1
519. What do you do with your R and R time? 2Sam. 7:1
520. The periods of time during which we enjoy calm; what we are on earth to do. 2Sam. 7:1
521. A period of peace does not mean that David just finished defeating the Philistines. 2Sam. 7:1
522. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: When Did God Give David the Davidic Covenant? 2Sam. 7:1
523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Other Opinions on the Timeline. 2Sam. 7:1
524. Fitting together the time and chronology is simply a jig saw puzzle. 2Sam. 7:1
525. Reference to the doctrine, the Ark of God. 2Sam. 7:1
526. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief Old Testament Dictionary. 2Sam. 7:1
527. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Online Bible Doctrines and Theological Dictionaries. 2Sam. 7:1
528. Divine guidance; what about changing jobs. 2Sam. 7:1
529. There is personal responsibility in the Christian life. 2Sam. 7:1
530. Nathan the prophet. 2Sam. 7:2
531. Great blessings from God, appropriate to the person being blessed. 2Sam. 7:2
532. David’s palace and our own homes today. Don’t discount your own blessings; in the material realm, we probably have far more than David had. Capacity for life is the key, not the abundance of material things. 2Sam. 7:2
533. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Happened When? 2Sam. 7:2
534. Some of what is not recorded here is implied; either David said it or Nathan understood what David was saying. 2Sam. 7:3
535. We need authority orientation in our lives, and this is why God put Nathan over David in the spiritual realm. 2Sam. 7:3
536. It is important for believers to gather together to listen to the Word of God. 2Sam. 7:3
537. The human growth and maturity of your own son as parallel to your spiritual growth. 2Sam. 7:3
538. David’s new thinking matches God’s plan, even though it had not yet been disclosed. 2Sam. 7:3
539. How the 1st and 2nd advents of Jesus Christ match up with David and Solomon. 2Sam. 7:3
540. Our own decisions and what God will do in guiding us. 2Sam. 7:3
541. How God communicated with Nathan. 2Sam. 7:4
542. Some denominations confused types and antitypes; and make the wrong application from the Old Testament to our time. 2Sam. 7:4
543. How priests in some denominations have absolutely nothing to do with the priesthood and how their position is as meaningless as calling a group of men in the church intercessors. How their practices are just a bunch of made-up nonsense. 2Sam. 7:4
544. God’s protocol plan. 2Sam. 7:4
545. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Outline of God's Words to David. 2Sam. 7:5
546. There are time constraints within the plan of God. 2Sam. 7:5
547. Obviously, some have no interest in doing anything in the plan of God. 2Sam. 7:5
548. Why God goes back to the moving from Egypt to Israel, and how that pertains to David’s desire. 2Sam. 7:6
549. Was God moving about within the Tent or did He choose to move about with the Tent. 2Sam. 7:6
550. How the Jews differed from the heathen in worship. 2Sam. 7:6
551. Welfare in the United States as anti-God and against the Old Testament Scriptures. 2Sam. 7:7
552. How David was thinking outside of the box, and how God reacted to this. 2Sam. 7:7
553. The US system of welfare is anti-God and anti-Biblical. 2Sam. 7:7
554. God’s questions of David are not meant to demean him or to discourage his thinking. 2Sam. 7:7
555. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Doesn't God Allow David to Build a Temple for Him? 2Sam. 7:7
556. God never mandated the worship of objects; nor was the Ark or Tabernacle to be thought of in any way beyond them being of God and teaching tools. 2Sam. 7:7
557. The Suzerain-Vassal covenant type. 2Sam. 7:8
558. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Unconditional Covenant to David and the Suzerain-Vassal Treaty. 2Sam. 7:8
559. My intent when exegeting a verse. 2Sam. 7:8
560. Why God speaks to David through Nathan. 2Sam. 7:8
561. If you have more than 5 years behind you as a growing believer, you can look back and see changes which God has done in your life. 2Sam. 7:8
562. God has brought many men out of obscurity and even poverty to be president of the United States. 2Sam. 7:8
563. The two presidential candidates of 2008. 2Sam. 7:8
564. The Cacophony of Whining. 2Sam. 7:9
565. Comparing your blessings with someone else. My brother’s blessings. David’s life and blessings. 2Sam. 7:9
566. You do not have to search out enemies nor do you need to establish some belligerence in your own character in order to have enemies. 2Sam. 7:9
567. God reminds David of who he is and where he came from so as to indicate that God is pleased with him. 2Sam. 7:9
568. The anger of Arabs over Israel occupying a tiny piece of land where there is no oil. 2Sam. 7:10
569. Our blessing is tied, in part, to our relationship with Israel. 2Sam. 7:10
570. The Republicans were energized when the anti-Semitic faction left them. 2Sam. 7:10
571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Timeline of Israel. 2Sam. 7:10
572. God’s relationship and protection of Israel even until now; and the constant detractors which Israel faces. Our union with Israel protects and preserves the US as well. 2Sam. 7:10
573. The advents of our Lord can be seen as one advent when the Church Age intercalation is ignored. 2Sam. 7:10
574. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translations of 2Samuel 7:10–11. 2Sam. 7:11
575. Two-fold interpretation of v. 11 (which is seen throughout this translation). 2Sam. 7:11
576. What it means when we find a change of person with reference to God. 2Sam. 7:11
577. There are 3 classes of believers with relation to Christian service. 2Sam. 7:11
578. My desire but inability to do all that I would like to do in relation to writing a full commentary of the Old Testament. 2Sam. 7:11
579. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Some Translations Broke up the Middle of 1Samuel 7. 2Sam. 7:11
580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A New Approach to Vv. 8–11. 2Sam. 7:11
581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Two Interpretations of 2Samuel 7:12. 2Sam. 7:12
582. How much of this does David understand as he writes these things down? 2Sam. 7:12
583. The theory that Jesus just hauled around a copy of the Bible and then attempted to fulfill each prophecy about Himself. 2Sam. 7:12
584. Why some large group did not make wholesale changes to the Bible. 2Sam. 7:12
585. The devotion of the scribes to their task of reproducing sacred manuscripts. 2Sam. 7:12
586. My notes which I make in the margins of my Bible have no chance of finding their way into a translation nof the Bible. 2Sam. 7:12
587. The Bible is filled with prophecies about Jesus Christ and it is clear that the Old Testament existed before the fulfillment by Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 7:12
588. Former skeptics become believers because they actually open up their mind to the Word of God. 2Sam. 7:12
589. You cannot choose a handful of verses and make them the end-all be-all of your theology. 2Sam. 7:12
590. A set of passages where Solomon and David speak, and Solomon is seen as the fulfillment of some of these prophecies. 2Sam. 7:13
591. Why Solomon is going to be chosen by God to fulfill David’s desire to build the Temple. 2Sam. 7:13
592. A reign which will continue forever clearly speaks of Christ and not of Solomon. 2Sam. 7:13
593. God spoke these promises concerning His Son, and not to or about an angel. 2Sam. 7:14
594. The very words and the exact words found in the Bible allow for many of these verses to be applied both to Solomon and to the Messiah-King. 2Sam. 7:14
595. Solomon had several pursuits in life which he pursued with great vigor. 2Sam. 7:14
596. With all that Solomon had and enjoyed, it must be taken by faith by the younger believer that these things did not provide him with lasting happiness. 2Sam. 7:14
597. Mediator. 2Sam. 7:14
598. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "I Will Be a Father to Him and He Will Be a Son to Me" Summarized. 2Sam. 7:14
599. The Jews recognized many of these passages as being messianic; why did they not recognize Jesus as their Messiah? 2Sam. 7:14
600. Blessing by association. 2Sam. 7:15
601. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Divine Dynasphere. 2Sam. 7:15
602. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Pertinent Information on the Divine Dynasphere. 2Sam. 7:15
603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Accessing the Power System. 2Sam. 7:15
604. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of the Divine Dynasphere. 2Sam. 7:15
605. Basic Saul history. 2Sam. 7:15
606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ancient Language Versions of 2Samuel 7:15. 2Sam. 7:15
607. David’s line and Saul’s line; Scofield on corrective and penal discipline. 2Sam. 7:15
608. God perpetuates a dynasty; we do not. 2Sam. 7:16
609. A possible scribal error in v. 16. 2Sam. 7:16
610. The difference between David’s kingdom and David’s throne being perpetuated forever. 2Sam. 7:16
611. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 4 Approaches to 2Samual 7:16. 2Sam. 7:16
612. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary: All that God Told David—the Davidic Covenant. 2Sam. 7:16
613. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scofield Analyses the Davidic Covenant. 2Sam. 7:16
614. Interestingly enough, these covenants do not conflict with one another. 2Sam. 7:16
615. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Question. 2Sam. 7:17
616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Promises to David and his Son. 2Sam. 7:17
617. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Other Promises to David. 2Sam. 7:17
618. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Fulfills these Promises to David in Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 7:17
619. Allusion to Psalm 89, which we will go to next. 2Sam. 7:17
620. The Ark of God briefly explained. 2Sam. 7:18
621. God’s grace and grace orientation. 2Sam. 7:18
622. A 2006 survey on prayer in America. 2Sam. 7:18
623. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Other Statements of Genuine Humility. 2Sam. 7:18
624. It requires very little effort on God’s part to change our lives dramatically. Since this is fundamental to our own understanding, then we ought to realize that God may not be doing much for us because we are screwed up in our own souls. 2Sam. 7:19
625. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Four Readings of 2Samuel 7:19. 2Sam. 7:19
626. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Opinions Concerning This is the Law of Man [or, Adam]. 2Sam. 7:19
627. The thousands of hours a parent does for his child. 2Sam. 7:20
628. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Knows What Is in Our Hearts. 2Sam. 7:20
629. My exegetical approach to the Bible. 2Sam. 7:21
630. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Fulfills His Word. 2Sam. 7:21
631. FDR quote; we live in a nation where we are free to worship God. 2Sam. 7:22
632. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Exclusive Nature and Being of God. 2Sam. 7:22
633. A client nation to God; dispensational statement. 2Sam. 7:22
634. V. 23 is one of the biggest messes to deal with, in the Hebrew and in comparison to other ancient versions. 2Sam. 7:23
635. The United States is the greatest nation in human history. 2Sam. 7:23
636. The 2008 presidential race, the media, and watching all of this from divine viewpoint. 2Sam. 7:23
637. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Great Blessings to Israel. 2Sam. 7:23
638. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 7:23a–c Compared. 2Sam. 7:23
639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Redeems Israel, which Typifies His Redemption of Mankind. 2Sam. 7:23
640. Why God wants us to glorify Him. 2Sam. 7:23
641. Even those who are defiantly anti-God can enjoy their lives within the divine laws and institutions. 2Sam. 7:23
642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 7:23d–g Compared. 2Sam. 7:23
643. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Do We Learn from Verses with Textual Problems? 2Sam. 7:23
644. The United States as a great client nation to God. 2Sam. 7:23
645. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 7:23 Text from the Greek Septuagint. 2Sam. 7:23
646. The 4 infinites of the Greek text. 2Sam. 7:23
647. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Eternal Relationship with Israel. 2Sam. 7:24
648. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Covenants of God to Israel. 2Sam. 7:25
649. We oft times do not appreciate just how intertwined we are with God’s plan. 2Sam. 7:25
650. Has God left you out of the blessing pipe? Are you not getting your fair share of blessings? 2Sam. 7:25
651. Jesus Christ is the only true celebrity of this life. 2Sam. 7:26
652. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Translations of 2Sam. 7:25–26a. 2Sam. 7:26
653. Why David feels strong enough to pray this boldly to God. 2Sam. 7:27
654. We overemphasize what we do for God, but the Bible emphasizes what He does for us. 2Sam. 7:27
655. God does not need us in order for Him to carry His plans to fruition. Why we might have a real reason to want to have some place or function in the plan of God. The touchdown pass analogy. 2Sam. 7:27
656. This is an example of coming boldly to the throne of grace. 2Sam. 7:27
657. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Lists of the Promises of God. 2Sam. 7:27
658. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Finds the Heart to Pray this Prayer to God. 2Sam. 7:27
659. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Name Jehovah is Applied to All Three Members of the Trinity. 2Sam. 7:28
660. You can go to God boldly in prayer and demand that He give you anything which you find in His promises. 2Sam. 7:29
661. God wants us to function as spiritual adults. 2Sam. 7:29
662. People think that the Christian way of life is going to be one of hardship and great sacrifice and that they just are not going to like it. This is wrong. 2Sam. 7:29
663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 7. 2Sam. 7 Addendum
664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: New Testament Fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant in Jesus. 2Sam. 7 Addendum
665. Next stops: Psalm 89, Psalm 132, and then to the exegesis of 1Chron. 17. 2Sam. 7 Addendum
666. 2Samuel 8 The Wars of David (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
667. Doctrines covered: Joab. 2Sam. 8
668. Doctrines alluded to: War, Amalekites, Moab and Ammon, Philistines, Zobah. 2Sam. 8
669. Psalms appropriately exegeted with chapter: Psalm 20 60. 2Sam. 8
670. Other chapters of the Bible appropriately exegeted with this chapter: 1Chron. 18. 2Sam. 8
671. Definition of Terms: Client nation, divine good, laws of divine establishment. 2Sam. 8
672. Summary of 2Sam. 8–10. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
673. The big picture of First seek the kingdom of God and all things will be added to you. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Alternate Outline from Matthew Henry. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
675. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Alternate Outline from Warren Wiersbe. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
676. Understanding the thinking and organization of the author. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
677. The continuity of 2Sam. 6, 7 and 8. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
678. The writers of Scripture are not necessarily writers by trade or training. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
679. Chronology discussion. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
680. Contemporary peace movements and how they have resulted in millions of deaths. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
681. My own hippy background when I began to listen to Thieme. Some of the reasons I began to listen to Thieme. My attempt to merge my own thinking with Bible doctrine. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
682. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Points on War. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
683. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is a Righteous War? This is an extremely important doctrine for our times. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
684. Becoming a Christian does not mean that you automatically begin to think as God wants you to think. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
685. Summary of 2Sam. 8. 2Sam. 8 Introduction
686. Orienting 2Sam. 8 to chronology. 2Sam. 8:1
687. Modern Israel and its land mass. 2Sam. 8:1
688. David with and without pressure. 2Sam. 8:1
689. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Israelites and the Philistines. 2Sam. 8:1
690. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translations of 2Samuel 8:1d. 2Sam. 8:1
691. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpretations of Metheg- Ammâh. 2Sam. 8:1
692. David’s previous relationship with Achish King of Gath and the Philistines. 2Sam. 8:1
693. President Obama turning the page on foreign relationships and how this relates to Saul and David. Clever rhetoric will not solve today’s problems. 2Sam. 8:1
694. Some differences between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2Sam. 5 and here in 2Sam. 8. 2Sam. 8:1
695. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Israel and her Enemies; the Divine Perspective. 2Sam. 8:2
696. Basic background on Moab and Ammon. 2Sam. 8:2
697. David’s previous good relationship with Moab. Poole’s assessment of Moab. 2Sam. 8:2
698. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Does this Mean: "Two lots to kill and a complete lot to keep alive"? 2Sam. 8:2
699. Comparing David’s treatment of Moab and present-day (2009) United States’ policies with regards to war, torture and lying. Common sense. 2Sam. 8:2
700. The legitimacy of tribute. 2Sam. 8:2
701. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prophecies of Balaam. 2Sam. 8:2
702. Hadadezer. 2Sam. 8:3
703. Peace and freedom attained on the battlefield. Internal rot of a nation first. Direct and indirect blessing of a nation by God. The great blessing the United States has received. 2Sam. 8:3
704. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of David's Israel. 2Sam. 8:3
705. How this chapter of wars fits well with the Davidic Covenant given in the previous chapter. 2Sam. 8:3
706. The key to the stability of a region is faith in Jesus Christ and a knowledge of Bible doctrine. 2Sam. 8:3
707. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Textual Problems of 2Samuel 8:4. 2Sam. 8:4
708. Hamstringing the horses versus disabling the chariots discussed. 2Sam. 8:4
709. The Hebrew word rekeb and how it is used. 2Sam. 8:4
710. Israel and chariots. 2Sam. 8:4
711. Sitting on a park bench waiting for God to drop a job on your lap is not faith rest. 2Sam. 8:4
712. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Charioteers, Chariots or Horses? 2Sam. 8:4
713. Wealth and the believer. 2Sam. 8:4
714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "Do not multiply horses to yourself.". 2Sam. 8:4
715. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Fausset on Damascus. 2Sam. 8:5
716. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Easton on Damascus. 2Sam. 8:5
717. Those who align themselves with your enemies are your enemies. 2Sam. 8:5
718. Multi-culture versus assimilation. The common bonds of a nation. 2Sam. 8:5
719. The meaning of Aram of Damascus. 2Sam. 8:6
720. Guidance by God. How we are guided; how David was guided. 2Sam. 8:6
721. Being able to delegate is key in having authority. 2Sam. 8:7
722. Will there be spoils of war when we defeat the demons? 2Sam. 8:7
723. The parallel of David gathering materials with which to build the Temple and us gathering spiritual capital for the next world. 2Sam. 8:7
724. The impact of taking worldly goods and giving them spiritual value. 2Sam. 8:8
725. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map Showing Hamath. 2Sam. 8:9
726. Some information on Hamath. 2Sam. 8:9
727. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Joram's of Scripture. 2Sam. 8:10
728. Tribute today and parallels to the spiritual life in the Church Age. 2Sam. 8:10
729. Toi’s options. 2Sam. 8:10
730. Investments, spiritual focus, spiritual returns. 2Sam. 8:12
731. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is the Problem with 2Samuel 8:12–14? 2Sam. 8:12
732. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Shows up Where? 2Sam. 8:12
733. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why is this Edom instead of Aram? 2Sam. 8:12
734. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Keil and Delitzsch Solution. 2Sam. 8:12
735. The Doctrine of Moab and Ammon. 2Sam. 8:12
736. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Moab and Ammon. 2Sam. 8:12
737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Countries around Israel. 2Sam. 8:12
738. Ammon is said to bring tribute to Israel but there is no conflict covered in this chapter. 2Sam. 8:12
739. The Doctrine of the Philistines. 2Sam. 8:12
740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of the Doctrine of the Amalekites. 2Sam. 8:12
741. The Doctrine of the Amalekites. 2Sam. 8:12
742. David is an extraordinary man. 2Sam. 8:12
743. Possibly a good time to exegete Psalm 21. 2Sam. 8:12
744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Edom and not Aram in 2Samuel 8:13? 2Sam. 8:13
745. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Versus the Edomites. 2Sam. 8:13
746. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Valley of Salt. 2Sam. 8:13
747. A good time to exegete Psalm 60. 2Sam. 8:13
748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Problems with 2Samuel 8:13 and its Parallel Passages. 2Sam. 8:13
749. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gill Reconciles these Passages. 2Sam. 8:13
750. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Keil and Delitzsch Reconcile these Passages. 2Sam. 8:13
751. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 8:6 Compared to 2Samuel 8:14. 2Sam. 8:14
752. David executes justice and righteousness. 2Sam. 8:15
753. Thieme on good government and crime. 2Sam. 8:15
754. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Condensed View of Joab. 2Sam. 8:16
755. The complete Doctrine of Joab may be found at 2Sam. 8:16
756. Why Joab has a high position in government but none of David’s brothers do. 2Sam. 8:16
757. Historian, record-keeper. Thieme presents an alternate view of this position. 2Sam. 8:16
758. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Background on Zadok the Priest. 2Sam. 8:17
759. Reference to 1Chron. 6 (PDF version). 2Sam. 8:17
760. The problem of two High Priests. History of Zadok and Abiathar. 2Sam. 8:17
761. References to 1Sam. 4—pdf version and 1Sam. 22—PDF version. 2Sam. 8:17
762. Why the Tent of God was moved to Gibeon. 2Sam. 8:17
763. Why the focus is not upon the High Priests. 2Sam. 8:17
764. Questions: why wasn’t Zadok killed in Nob and why are there 2 High Priests? 2Sam. 8:17
765. References to 1Chron. 6 and the chart of the Kings, Prophets and Priests. 2Sam. 8:17
766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Abiathar—Part I. 2Sam. 8:17
767. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is the Problem with Ahimelech, Abiathar and Zadok? 2Sam. 8:17
768. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories as to Why is Ahimelech Listed as the Priest Here? 2Sam. 8:17
769. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Exactly is Seraiah's Position? 2Sam. 8:17
770. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Benaiah's of Scripture. 2Sam. 8:18
771. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who are the Cherethites and the Pelethites? 2Sam. 8:18 There is good additional information on this topic in the Pulpit Commentary for 1Kings 1:38.
772. Why the fathers are mentioned. 2Sam. 8:17
773. The origin of priests and how David’s sons could be called priests. 2Sam. 8:18
774. Teamwork in the Church Age. 2Sam. 8:18
775. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 8. 2Sam. 8 Addendum
776. At this point, you should proceed to the parallel chapter, 1Chron. 18 as well as to Psalm 20, Psalm 21 and Psalm 60. 2Sam. 8 Addendum
777. 2Samuel 9 David Shows Grace to Mephibosheth, Saul’s Grandson (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
778. The odd location of 2Sam. 9. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
779. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 8–10: A Possible Parallel. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
780. David represents Jesus Christ in his gracious attitude toward Mephibosheth. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
781. Historical narrative portions of the Word of God are placed there not necessarily to fill in some historical gaps. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
782. David’s downtime. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
783. A brief summary of 2Sam. 9. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
784. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke and Henry's Outline of 2Samuel 9. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
785. The time frame of 2Sam. 9. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
786. 2Sam. 9–20 is seen as a successive narrative by many. There are some who see this only as a justification for Solomon’s kingship. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
787. Why 2Sam. 9 was written; the reason it is in the Bible. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
788. The authorship of 2Samuel. 2Sam. 9 Introduction
789. David’s spare time; our character as revealed by our spare time. David’s scale of values. 2Sam. 9:1
790. David and Jonathan. 2Sam. 9:1
791. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of David and Jonathan. 2Sam. 9:1
792. The final meetings of David with Jonathan. 2Sam. 9:1
793. David fulfilling his covenant to us is a surety of God keeping His Word to us. 2Sam. 9:1
794. David was not interested in destroying his own political enemies; also illustrative of God. 2Sam. 9:1
795. The briefest historical context is given. 2Sam. 9:2
796. Ziba’s responsibility to Mephibosheth which he has not taken on. 2Sam. 9:2
797. The arrogance of a U.S. Senator. 2Sam. 9:3
798. Adjust to the justice of God or the justice of God will adjust to you applies to Saul. 2Sam. 9:3
799. A new ruling political dynasty often destroyed all remaining members of the previous dynasty. 2Sam. 9:3
800. David’s attitude toward the house of Saul. 2Sam. 9:3
801. Why God the Holy Spirit included this narrative about Mephibosheth in the Word of God. 2Sam. 9:3
802. Ammiel (Mephibosheth’s caretaker) might be Bathsheba’s father. 2Sam. 9:4
803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Background Information on Lo-debar. 2Sam. 9:4
804. Machir ben Ammiel, briefly. 2Sam. 9:4
805. David’s thinking is unlike that of any other king. 2Sam. 9:5
806. God is waiting to pour blessing out upon us; and we ought to be faithful in the little things. 2Sam. 9:5
807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentators on Mephibosheth. 2Sam. 9:6
808. The difference in the mental attitudes of Ziba and Mephibosheth. 2Sam. 9:6
809. New dynasties typically wiped out remaining members of old dynasties. The final scene in The Godfather. 2Sam. 9:7
810. David, as the ruling authority, does not seek to destroy the inequities of society. David restores Mephibosheth’s proper inheritance to him, which is in opposition to liberation theology. 2Sam. 9:7
811. The parallels of God restoring the earth to the authority of man. 2Sam. 9:7
812. Ziba and how Mephibosheth was dispossessed of his inheritance. 2Sam. 9:7
813. What it means to eat at David’s table. 2Sam. 9:7
814. Old Testament Law and the helpless. 2Sam. 9:7
815. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summation of David's Promises to Mephibosheth (and what they mean to us). 2Sam. 9:7
816. Contrasting this with our phoney system of welfare. 2Sam. 9:7
817. Mephibosheth’s view of himself; what a dead dog is in Jewish thinking. 2Sam. 9:8
818. How this parallels our state of being before God. 2Sam. 9:8
819. God works through our handicaps and shortcomings. Laura Kay’s Legacy. 2Sam. 9:8
820. Teaching moving me to Texas, and then moving me to semi-retirement. 2Sam. 9:8
821. David restores Saul’s property to Mephibosheth, and tells this to Ziba. David is fairly low-key here. 2Sam. 9:9
822. Equal opportunity; eternal rewards. 2Sam. 9:9
823. David assigns to Ziba what should have been his responsibility to begin with. 2Sam. 9:10
824. Foreign nannies and housekeepers in America. 2Sam. 9:10
825. Two online references given to the Doctrine of Slavery (2nd one). 2Sam. 9:10
826. Slavery in the United States and how it is wrong portrayed in our schools. 2Sam. 9:10
827. The difference between African-Americans and Africans. Every African-American ought to thank God every day that his ancestors were American slaves. African Americans are here in America by the plan of God, now through some random chance of fate. The destruction and perversion of the Black church. Martin Luther King. Black Liberation Theology. 2Sam. 9:10
828. Black Liberation Theology 2Sam. 9:10
829. How Ziba will serve Mephibosheth and why. 2Sam. 9:10
830. Mephibosheth eating with David; the location of Saul’s landholdings. 2Sam. 9:10
831. Were these 20 slaves controllers of 20 properties? 2Sam. 9:10
832. Ziba living on Mephibosheth’s properties; Ziba’s prosperity; land which may have been transferred to Mephibosheth but not mentioned here. 2Sam. 9:10
833. Ziba’s character. 2Sam. 9:11
834. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The 3 Interpretations of 2Samuel 9:11. 2Sam. 9:11
835. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Discreet Conversations of 2Samuel 9. 2Sam. 9:11
836. It has always been Ziba’s duty to take care of Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth’s security of eating with David. 2Sam. 9:11
837. The timetable of 2Sam. 9. 2Sam. 9:12
838. Mephibosheth’s marriage and son. 2Sam. 9:12
839. Mephibosheth’s spiritual growth. 2Sam. 9:12
840. How much different this all would have been had Ziba been faithful in the little things. Application of faithfulness in the little things; faithfulness when no one is looking. 2Sam. 9:12
841. Where Mephibosheth lived; what a meal with David entailed. What an ancient banquet may have looked like. 2Sam. 9:13
842. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 09. 2Sam. 9 Addendum
843. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Mephibosheth is a Testament to God's Grace. 2Sam. 9 Addendum
844. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Guzik's Summary of the Mephibosheth Narrative. 2Sam. 9 Addendum
845. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallels Suggested by Don Fortner. 2Sam. 9 Addendum
846. Our lives after being saved. 2Sam. 9 Addendum
847. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Lessons from 2Samuel 9. 2Sam. 9 Addendum
848. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parable of 2Samuel 9. 2Sam. 9 Addendum
849. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Narrative Arc of Mephibosheth (the Doctrine of Mephibosheth). 2Sam. 9 Addendum
850. The absolute richness of the Bible and pleasure of exegeting it. 2Sam. 9 Addendum
851. 2Samuel 10 Israel Wars Against Ammon and Aram (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
852. R. B. Thieme’s contribution to this chapter. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
853. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Accurate Historical Nature of the Old Testament. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
854. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Ancient Bible Lands. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
855. The interrelationship of 2Sam. 8 and 10. Theories on their relationship. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
856. A summarization of 2Sam. 10. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
857. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Kingdoms of Saul, David and Solomon. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
858. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Aram (Syria). 2Sam. 10 Introduction
859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Ammon. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
860. Blessing by association in the first part of 2Sam. 10. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
861. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Thieme on Principles of Warfare. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
862. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why all of this War and Tactics in the Bible? 2Sam. 10 Introduction
863. More kudos to R. B. Thieme, Jr. and his teaching of David. I think that this may have been his favorite passage. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
864. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Background for David's Era (the Short Version). 2Sam. 10 Introduction
865. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Background for David's Era (the Long Version). 2Sam. 10 Introduction
866. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories as to the Relationship between 2Samuel 8 and 2Samuel 10. 2Sam. 10 Introduction
867. God the Holy Spirit may solve our problem 2Sam. relating 8 to 2Sam. 10. 2Sam. 10:1
868. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "It Came to Pass After This". 2Sam. 10:1
869. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of (David's Friend) Nahash. 2Sam. 10:2
870. Nahash I and Nahash II and their relationship with David. 2Sam. 10:2
871. The importance of the teaching of the Bible. 2Sam. 10:2
872. Why David did not go personally to Ammon. 2Sam. 10:2
873. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of Rabbah in Ammon. 2Sam. 10:2
874. Ancient kings and their state departments. 2Sam. 10:3
875. Power is an incredible drug and how this figured into the thinking of Hanun’s state department. 2Sam. 10:3
876. The application of Bible doctrine to a changing political system; the understanding of the nature of man and the draw of power through the Bible. 2Sam. 10:3
877. Hanun’s state department thinks circles around him. 2Sam. 10:3
878. The phrase the time for debate is over. 2Sam. 10:3
879. Al Gore’s great fortune; power over truth; Satan and his usurpation of power. 2Sam. 10:3
880. Application to news organizations. Some news organizations falsely accuse FoxNews as being shills for the Republican party. 2Sam. 10:3
881. Understanding power lust. 2Sam. 10:3
882. Do not underestimate the power of negative volition. 2Sam. 10:3
883. Hanun holds his state department in check until he dies. Their negative volition comes out after he dies. 2Sam. 10:3
884. President Obama, a man without experience in the free enterprise system, a man without leadership experience or skills, as the most powerful man on earth. 2Sam. 10:3
885. How to choose which politician to vote for. 2Sam. 10:3
886. We are a fly on the wall in Hanun’s cabinet meeting, and we learn much of what we need to know about modern politics from this. 2Sam. 10:3
887. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary Points for 2Samuel 10:1–4. 2Sam. 10:4
888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: R. B. Thieme on The Arrogance of Hanun and his State Department. 2Sam. 10:4
889. In order for Hanun’s state department to maltreat the ambassadors from David, they must have Hanun’s okay. 2Sam. 10:4
890. Properly interpreting cultural references found in the Bible. 2Sam. 10:4
891. Hanun does not treat David’s ambassadors like spies; he humiliates them instead. The same thing happened in North Korea recently. 2Sam. 10:4
892. Whatever authority that you may have in life, you must take it seriously. 2Sam. 10:4
893. My own experiences as a teacher and kidding around with students. The change in parents over the years. 2Sam. 10:4
894. Hanun and his state department compared to Obama and his jobs summit. 2Sam. 10:4
895. Like ather, like son. 2Sam. 10:4
896. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Impressing the Leaders and Citizens of Heathen Countries. 2Sam. 10:4
897. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Arrogance of Hanun and his State Department. 2Sam. 10:4
898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Arrogance of Leadership and the Plan of God. 2Sam. 10:4
899. How the people of Ammon treated David’s state department. 2Sam. 10:4
900. Translating a wâw consecutive when. 2Sam. 10:5
901. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Accurate Information is Needed to Make Good Decisions. 2Sam. 10:5
902. Bears as a cultural thing in David’s era. 2Sam. 10:5
903. You are faithful to your wife based on integrity, not on emotion. 2Sam. 10:5
904. Reference to Jericho. in Joshua 6 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 10:5
905. How did the Ammonites know that they had made themselves odious to David? What should they have done? 2Sam. 10:6
906. How the actions of Hanun and his state department are similar to the actions of FNMA and FHLMC today. 2Sam. 10:6
907. The Ammonites were probably paying a tribute to David. However, this is not mentioned in the text; why? 2Sam. 10:6
908. When you are motivated by arrogance, your initial losses may not be all that you lose. 2Sam. 10:6
909. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of Aram. 2Sam. 10:6
910. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Aram of Beth-Rehob. 2Sam. 10:6
911. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Zobah. 2Sam. 10:6
912. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Kingdoms of Saul, David and Solomon. 2Sam. 10:6
913. Maacah (briefly). 2Sam. 10:6
914. Reference to the Sons of Judah, a chart in 1Chron. 4. 2Sam. 10:6
915. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Land of Tob. 2Sam. 10:6
916. Evaluating the cost of the mercenaries paid for by Ammon and how that relates to today. 2Sam. 10:6
917. The leaders of Ammon were very short-sighted when it came to the economy of Ammon. 2Sam. 10:6
918. The arrogance of the Ammonite state department. 2Sam. 10:6
919. Relating the Ammonite economy to our 2010 recession and to the Great Depression. 2Sam. 10:6
920. The problem of national arrogance and the problem of leaders who are arrogant. How this relates to North Korea, Iran and the United States. 2Sam. 10:6
921. We get the leaders that we deserve. Arrogant people will elect arrogant leaders. 2Sam. 10:6
922. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Explaining the Differences between 2Samuel 10:6 and 1Chronicles 19:6–7. 2Sam. 10:6
923. David’s elite corps is first mentioned. Reference to 1Chron. 11:10–47, where God the Holy Spirit gives us a list of David’s mighty men, his elite corps (there is a similar listing in 2Sam. 23:8–39). The Bible records the names of these great warriors forever. 2Sam. 10:7
924. The Ammonite soldiers are set up as bait at the front of the city. 2Sam. 10:8
925. The location of all the soldiers—the Ammonites, the Jews and the Aramæans. How the Jews walk into a trap. The strategy of the armies. The location of the cavalry and armory of the Aramæans. Setting the stage for the battle to come. 2Sam. 10:8
926. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principle of Offensive Action. 2Sam. 10:9
927. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principle of Mass. 2Sam. 10:9
928. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Joab Applies the Principles of Warfare. 2Sam. 10:9
929. The positioning of the Ammonites soldiers, Joab’s army and the Aramæan army. Possible miscalculations of the Aramæan army. 2Sam. 10:9
930. Believers, particularly when in a jam, must face reality. You must deal with the situation as it is and not as you would like it to be. 2Sam. 10:9
931. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Joab's Thinking and Strategy. 2Sam. 10:9
932. Joab thinks under pressure. 2Sam. 10:9
933. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Thieme on Elite Forces. 2Sam. 10:9
934. Definition of a flying column. 2Sam. 10:9
935. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interior Lines and Exterior Lines in Battle. 2Sam. 10:9
936. What Aram expected Joab’s army to do; what Joab did instead. Aram had no contingency plan. 2Sam. 10:9
937. Joab turns the tables on his enemy. The tactical key to Joab’s victory. 2Sam. 10:9
938. Flexibility with regards to the nonessentials; inflexibility with regards to the essentials. 2Sam. 10:9
939. Flexibility and an RMA when it comes to business deals. 2Sam. 10:9
940. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Leadership. 2Sam. 10:9
941. Joab and Abishai; the brilliance of Joab’s strategy. 2Sam. 10:10
942. Joab’s flexibility and contingency plan. 2Sam. 10:11
943. The Bible teaches strategy and tactics in war. 2Sam. 10:11
944. The function of a local church is a team effort. 2Sam. 10:11
945. The military standing of the United States; the crossroads that we find ourselves at. 2Sam. 10:11
946. R. B. Thieme, Jr. and what it means to be courageous in battle. 2Sam. 10:12
947. Joab boils things down to the key issues. 2Sam. 10:12
948. Picturing the strategy and tactics of this battle. 2Sam. 10:12
949. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Promises and Encouragement in War. 2Sam. 10:12
950. Picturing the strategy and tactics of this battle. 2Sam. 10:12
951. How Joab’s strategy worked. 2Sam. 10:12
952. How the Ammonite soldiers reacted to what they saw go down. 2Sam. 10:13
953. Why Joab suddenly returns from the war with Ammon and Aram; and why they do not pursue the Aramæans and why they do not defeat Ammon. What was in Joab’s mind. What Abishai probably did. 2Sam. 10:14
954. What will follow is an all-out war between Aram and Israel. 2Sam. 10:14
955. According to Thieme, the Battle at Helam is one of the most important wars in world history. 2Sam. 10:15
956. Tributary nations and why Aram must crush Israel. 2Sam. 10:15
957. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Maps of Ancient and Modern Middle East. 2Sam. 10:16
958. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of Israel's Battles with Ammon and Syria. 2Sam. 10:16
959. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Helam. 2Sam. 10:16
960. Shobak, the head of Aram’s army. 2Sam. 10:16
961. David gathers information from both Joab and from his G2 forces. 2Sam. 10:17
962. Modernizing the situation. 2Sam. 10:17
963. Israel’s army today and its reserve system. 2Sam. 10:17
964. David is aggressive toward Aram. 2Sam. 10:17
965. Application: we are not treating treasonous action today as treasonous action. 2Sam. 10:17
966. The United States expanded its borders by force, which is the way every nation expands its borders. 2Sam. 10:17
967. Aram positions itself to meet David. 2Sam. 10:17
968. David’s psychological advantage over Aram. How Jehovah Elohim fit into this psychological advantage. 2Sam. 10:17
969. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 700 or 7000 Killed? 2Sam. 10:18
970. 40,000 cavalry or 40,000 infantry men killed by David? 2Sam. 10:18
971. How the confusion of these numbers helped me to figure out the exact strategy and tactics at Rabbah. 2Sam. 10:18
972. The death of Shobach, the military advantage gained by killing Shobach. 2Sam. 10:18
973. R. B.. Thieme Jr. on the importance of this victory. 2Sam. 10:18
974. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principles of Freedom. 2Sam. 10:19
975. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Freedom Versus Equality. 2Sam. 10:19
976. Cambridge Ancient History quotes on David and the Aramæans. 2Sam. 10:19
977. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus on Israel's Wars with Aram. 2Sam. 10 Addendum
978. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of David's Wars with Aram. 2Sam. 10 Addendum
979. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Wars of King David. 2Sam. 10 Addendum
980. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 10. 2Sam. 10 Addendum
981. 2Samuel 11 David, Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
982. A review of 2Sam. 10 along with the strategy and tactics found in that chapter. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
983. The Bible does not exaggerate or idealize the character of the consequential men of Israel’s history. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
984. The Talmud distorts this portion of the Word of God. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
985. A summary of 2Sam. 11. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
986. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Installment Discipline for David. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
987. David’s money, authority, genius, fame and good looks all come at a price; God also disciplines him more severely. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
988. A more detailed summary of 2Sam. 11. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
989. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Alternate Outline from Matthew Henry. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
990. David likes women; one man per one woman. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
991. David a lousy dad to all of his children. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
992. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Sin: What's the Issue? 2Sam. 11 Introduction
993. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories on David's Sin. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
994. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Doctrine is Needed to Explain David. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
995. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Interlocking Systems of Arrogance. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
996. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Gates (Entryways) into Interlocking System of Arrogance. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
997. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David and the Interlocking Systems of Arrogance. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
998. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Degeneracy Sins (Addictive Behavior). 2Sam. 11 Introduction
999. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Concluding Introductory Remarks about David's Sin. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
1000. This chapter was not designed to be fully understood by new believers. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
1001. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Loyalty to the Truth Rather than Loyalty to People. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
1002. Even though David is a great believer, we are not to emulate his sins. 2Sam. 11 Introduction
1003. The Jewish calender and converting dates. 2Sam. 11:1
1004. Thhis constant war in Israel is a part of the Angelic Conflict. 2Sam. 11:1
1005. Israel, Iran and the Palestinians today. Irrational hatred. 2Sam. 11:1
1006. David’s tremendous authority which he will shrug off. 2Sam. 11:1
1007. Why God does not drop $1 million into your lap. 2Sam. 11:1
1008. A friend who never understood the reciprocal nature of God. 2Sam. 11:1
1009. The parable of the talents. 2Sam. 11:1
1010. David taking too much vacation. His blessing and his responsibilities. 2Sam. 11:1
1011. Why Israel wanted a king in the first place and how David is not fulfilling this. 2Sam. 11:1
1012. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Recap of Israel's War Against the Ammonites and the Aramæan Mercenaries. 2Sam. 11:1
1013. Joab, David, the Ammonites and the Aramæans. 2Sam. 11:1
1014. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Maps and Photos of Rabbah. 2Sam. 11:1
1015. The senselessness of this war with the Ammonites. 2Sam. 11:1
1016. King Hanun’s complete arrogance and its affect upon his people. This is why arrogance destroys leadership and destroys the people under arrogance. 2Sam. 11:1
1017. This is not the first time that David stayed at home in the spring. 2Sam. 11:1
1018. Even with all of his wives, David never completely satiated his lusts that winter. 2Sam. 11:1
1019. God has a geographical will or all of us.
1020. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary Points from the Doctrine of the Will of God. 2Sam. 11:1
1021. David and his blind spot arrogance. 2Sam. 11:1
1022. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on David and His Wives and His Children. 2Sam. 11:1
1023. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Wives and Their Children. 2Sam. 11:2
1024. Sin nature weakness arrogance and sexual arrogance. Digging ruts into the soul. 2Sam. 11:2
1025. Gossiping as an example of sin nature weakness arrogance. 2Sam. 11:2
1026. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Sexual Arrogance and its Application. 2Sam. 11:2
1027. Digging a deep behavioral rut in the soul. 2Sam. 11:2
1028. Addiction in the soul colors every single thing a person does or is. 2Sam. 11:2
1029. Why God has not dropped $1 million into your lap. 2Sam. 11:2
1030. Why God the Holy Spirit tells us that David is just getting up from bed. 2Sam. 11:2
1031. David’s roof would have been quite expensive to build. 2Sam. 11:2
1032. Bathsheba was likely bathing privately. 2Sam. 11:2
1033. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Lust of the Eyes Leading to Sin. 2Sam. 11:2
1034. Bathsheba’s expectation of privacy. 2Sam. 11:2
1035. Has David done this before? Speculation. 2Sam. 11:2
1036. The literary device which grabs our attention. 2Sam. 11:2
1037. What sexual lust is and what lust is not. 2Sam. 11:2
1038. You cannot satiate your lusts by simply indulging them. You cannot satiate an addiction by feeding that addiction. 2Sam. 11:2
1039. God’s geographical will and our remaining in fellowship. 2Sam. 11:2
1040. The importance of work and a work ethic. 2Sam. 11:2
1041. Being in God’s geographical will would have changed everything. 2Sam. 11:2
1042. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David’s Lust for Beautiful Women. 2Sam. 11:2
1043. David had so many wives, he did not even name them all. 2Sam. 11:3
1044. Gates of arrogance interlocking. 2Sam. 11:3
1045. We all have sin nature weaknesses. 2Sam. 11:3
1046. Sin is still sin, even when socially acceptable. 2Sam. 11:3
1047. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Men in Bathsheba's Life. 2Sam. 11:3
1048. The addictive nature of sex in David’s life. 2Sam. 11:3
1049. Addiction and recovery. 2Sam. 11:3
1050. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Escaping Addictive Behavior. 2Sam. 11:3
1051. David goes from a discreet messenger to sending several messengers to escort Bathsheba to the palace. David ignores her free will. 2Sam. 11:4
1052. Links to the Doctrine of Sexual Arrogance (HTML) (PDF) (WordDOC). This doctrine was taken from 2Sam. 11:4
1053. The literary device of a half a verse devoted to the sex between David and Bathsheba compared to 9 chapters about the results. 2Sam. 11:4
1054. Sexual arrogance and David’s authority. 2Sam. 11:4
1055. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David and his Sexual Addiction. 2Sam. 11:4
1056. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Sexual Arrogance. 2Sam. 11:4
1057. Footnote on how to determine in advance if a marriage will be successful. 2Sam. 11:4
1058. David completely abuses his authority with respect to Uriah and Bathsheba. 2Sam. 11:4
1059. Reference to the Doctrine of Adultery (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 11:4
1060. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief Exegesis of Proverbs 5. 2Sam. 11:4
1061. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Guzik's List of the Results of David's Sin. 2Sam. 11:4
1062. An affair can have results which go on for decades. David’s dalliance will result in a nation-wide revolution. 2Sam. 11:4
1063. Because of David’s sin, God is going to come down on him like a ton of bricks. 2Sam. 11:4
1064. Links to editable MP3 lists for R. B. Thieme, Jr. 2Sam. 11:4
1065. Discussion of Bathsheba cleansing herself. Does this refer to earlier? Is she doing that after sex with David? 2Sam. 11:4
1066. Discussion on whether Bathsheba has any culpability in this sin. 2Sam. 11:4
1067. The difference in the discipline of David and Bathsheba. 2Sam. 11:4
1068. Although David initiated all of this with messengers, he does not appear to send messengers back with Bathsheba to protect her. 2Sam. 11:4
1069. Bathsheba’s emotions as she leaves David’s palace. 2Sam. 11:4
1070. Bathsheba possibly being met by Ahithophel as she enters her home. 2Sam. 11:4
1071. How this probably turned Ahithophel against David and why he revolted against David. 2Sam. 11:4
1072. If Kalid Sheik Mohammed was found innocent in a civilian court, can we follow him around and kill him? 2Sam. 11:4
1073. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment as set forth in the Bible (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 11:4
1074. Ahithophel is now entering into iconoclastic arrogance. 2Sam. 11:4
1075. Objectively speaking what ought Ahithophel to do at this point? 2Sam. 11:4
1076. Bathsheba’s conflicted emotions about David. 2Sam. 11:5
1077. Discussion of sex being consensual or a rape. 2Sam. 11:5
1078. Facts, assumptions and speculation about David and Bathsheba. 2Sam. 11:5
1079. Evaluating narrative in the Word of God. 2Sam. 11:5
1080. Uriah and Bathsheba did not have sex for 2 or 3 months prior to this incident. 2Sam. 11:5
1081. What we may speculate about Uriah and Bathsheba’s marriage. 2Sam. 11:5
1082. Bathsheba could be appealing to David simply because he is the sovereign of the land and she has committed adultery. 2Sam. 11:5
1083. Respect for the pregnancy process. 2Sam. 11:6
1084. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Good Leadership. 2Sam. 11:6
1085. Quite a number of people know something is going on with David and Bathsheba. 2Sam. 11:6
1086. David cannot hide the fact that Uriah is ordered to see him. 2Sam. 11:6
1087. Speculation as to what Uriah is thinking. 2Sam. 11:7
1088. David’s plan and his lame debriefing. 2Sam. 11:7
1089. What Uriah’s debriefing was probably like. 2Sam. 11:7
1090. Where Uriah went; David’s gift, and where David’s gift went. 2Sam. 11:8
1091. What is going on with Bathsheba and what she can and cannot do at this point. 2Sam. 11:9
1092. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Uriah's Dilemma. 2Sam. 11:9
1093. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Loyalty Versus Integrity. 2Sam. 11:9
1094. Why I don’t believe that Uriah was suspicious of David. 2Sam. 11:9
1095. Plot summary thus far. 2Sam. 11:9
1096. More evidence that several people have an inkling as to what is going on. David’s lousy plan. People piecing these events together and the seeds of revolution being sown. 2Sam. 11:10
1097. Iconoclastic arrogance (the feet of clay syndrom). 2Sam. 11:10
1098. David thinking as a manipulator. 2Sam. 11:10
1099. Some people who think of themselves as great negotiators are really just manipulators. 2Sam. 11:10
1100. In this second conversation, David is far more interested in what Uriah has to say because he wants to manipulate Uriah. 2Sam. 11:10
1101. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Uriah's Disobedience of David's Direct Orders. 2Sam. 11:10
1102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Perpetuation of Client Nation U.S.A.. 2Sam. 11:10
1103. Impulsive, institutional, and conspiracy arrogance. 2Sam. 11:10
1104. Why we know that Uriah is a believer; his knowledge of the Ark of God. 2Sam. 11:11
1105. The doctrine of the Ark of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) alluded to. 2Sam. 11:11
1106. Uriah’s reasons for not going back to his home. 2Sam. 11:11
1107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Principles of Integrity and the Application of these Principles. 2Sam. 11:11
1108. The timeline of these few verses. 2Sam. 11:12
1109. David gets Uriah drunk. 2Sam. 11:13
1110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Uriah's Integrity, David's Lack of Integrity, and Alcohol. 2Sam. 11:13
1111. The scales of values of Uriah and David. 2Sam. 11:13
1112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gill on the Story of Bellerophon. 2Sam. 11:14
1113. David thought a lot about this letter to Joab before writing it. 2Sam. 11:15
1114. Uriah’s character. 2Sam. 11:15
1115. How Uriah, a Hittite, ended up in David’s army. 2Sam. 11:15
1116. Recent American presidents who have had affairs while in office. 2Sam. 11:15
1117. The interlocking nature of the arrogance gates. 2Sam. 11:15
1118. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Specific Interlocking Gates of Arrogance to which David has Succumbed. 2Sam. 11:15
1119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Several Commentators Almost Discover the Interlocking Systems of Arrogance. 2Sam. 11:15
1120. Joab cannot simply send Uriah alone to the wall. 2Sam. 11:16
1121. Sending Uriah in to be killed was very problematic for Joab. 2Sam. 11:16
1122. The principle of authority and when it may be disobeyed. 2Sam. 11:16
1123. Joab is used as a metonym for the squad he has sent to the wall. 2Sam. 11:17
1124. The tactic of breaking through the wall in many places. 2Sam. 11:17
1125. Strong disagreements with the translation of 2Sam. 11:17. 2Sam. 11:17
1126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Did Others Besides Uriah Die? This is the opinion of a Hebrew professor of this verse (and she went to a higher authority as well). 2Sam. 11:17
1127. Regardless of the translation, many died. 2Sam. 11:17
1128. The bitterness of other bereaved families because of the slaughter of their husbands. 2Sam. 11:17
1129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Great Legacy of Uriah. 2Sam. 11:17
1130. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Death of Uriah the Hittite. 2Sam. 11:17
1131. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Evaluating the Death of Uriah the Hittite. 2Sam. 11:17
1132. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Timing of Death of a Believer. 2Sam. 11:17
1133. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief Exegesis of Job 5:23–27. 2Sam. 11:17
1134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Dying Grace. 2Sam. 11:17
1135. Some of Israel’s greatest patriots came from other lands. 2Sam. 11:17
1136. Some of the greatest American patriots were born elsewhere. 2Sam. 11:17
1137. The DREAM Act in Congress. 2Sam. 11:17
1138. You might have the gift of being a missionary. Teaching faith alone in Christ alone is important for us to do as missionaries. 2Sam. 11:17
1139. The drug wars in Mexico. Catholicism in Mexico. 2Sam. 11:17
1140. The doctrine of Liberation Theology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) alluded to. 2Sam. 11:17
1141. The horrible compromises David has caused Joab to make. 2Sam. 11:18
1142. The messenger from Joab will debrief David on Joab’s tactical decisions as well as many of the deaths in the field. 2Sam. 11:19
1143. Whereas David can be debriefed and understand the report completely, most of our presidents can hear about what is happening on the battlefield and not have a clue. Eisenhower could visualize what happened when given a military report. 2Sam. 11:19
1144. Joab knows that King David will become angry at this report. 2Sam. 11:20
1145. The sarcasm that Joab expects from David concerning this incident at the wall. 2Sam. 11:20
1146. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Conclusions Can We Draw from the Illustration about Abimelech? 2Sam. 11:21
1147. The change of names from Jerub-Baal to Jerub besheth. 2Sam. 11:21
1148. My great grandfather used to make a lot of arguments based upon the Bible. At one time, the general population of the United States was well-educated about the Bible and what was in it. 2Sam. 11:21
1149. The many dangers that we face in the United States in 2010 are enumerated. 2Sam. 11:21
1150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Judges 9:50–55. 2Sam. 11:21
1151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Abimelech. 2Sam. 11:21
1152. Only one commentary catches that David, Joab and the messenger are all educated about the Bible. 2Sam. 11:21
1153. Anticipating David’s reaction to Joab’s field report. 2Sam. 11:21
1154. Iconoclastic arrogance or the feet of clay syndrom. 2Sam. 11:21
1155. The arrogance of what Obama said in the acceptance of his nomination speech NIV Study Bible 2008. A direct quotation. 2Sam. 11:21
1156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Military Ethics, David and Joab. 2Sam. 11:21
1157. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Tangent: Politicians Blaming Others for the 2007–2009 Financial Mess. 2Sam. 11:21
1158. The lengthy insertion from the Greek text. 2Sam. 11:22
1159. The importance of the Greek text. 2Sam. 11:22
1160. Why text is dropped out. The seriousness of the translators of the LXX. 2Sam. 11:22
1161. It is highly unlikely that the Greek translators decided to become imaginative at this point and insert of bunch of extra text. 2Sam. 11:22
1162. Is Joab a prophet? 2Sam. 11:22
1163. Some of our presidents would have little clue as to what is being said in a military debriefing. 2Sam. 11:22 Greek text
1164. A messenger could not confuse or mislead David on strategy and tactics. 2Sam. 11:22 Greek text
1165. David’s anger and to whom it is directed. 2Sam. 11:22 Greek text
1166. Customer service. 2Sam. 11:22 Greek text
1167. David speaks slowly in order to get a point across. 2Sam. 11:22 Greek text
1168. The elementary nature of David’s complaint. 2Sam. 11:22 Greek text
1169. David expected everyone at that time to understand the Word of God. 2Sam. 11:22 Greek text
1170. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Greek and the Hebrew of 2Samuel 11:22–25. 2Sam. 11:22
1171. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: English Translations and 2Sam. 11:22. 2Sam. 11:22
1172. How adultery was viewed then as opposed to now. 2Sam. 11:23
1173. Even though there is some confusion about v. 17, it is clear in v. 24 that many mend died at the wall with Uriah the Hittite. 2Sam. 11:24
1174. The order of events in the conversation between David and the messenger. 2Sam. 11:24
1175. David detaches himself from the deaths of his brave soldiers. 2Sam. 11:24
1176. The intelligence of the messenger. 2Sam. 11:24
1177. David’s sudden change of attitude. 2Sam. 11:25
1178. David as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 2Sam. 11:25
1179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Compartmentalization Arrogance. 2Sam. 11:25
1180. David gives us hope for our own security, based upon this colossal set of failures in his life. 2Sam. 11:25
1181. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Great Hypocrisy. 2Sam. 11:25
1182. David’s supposed advice to Joab is almost laughable. 2Sam. 11:25
1183. David speaks to Joab through the messenger and then David speaks directly to the messenger. 2Sam. 11:25
1184. This messenger was probably extremely intelligent and a bit of an actor. 2Sam. 11:25
1185. How those in the palace will put these events together to realize what David has done. 2Sam. 11:25
1186. Gossip and whether gossip is a very big deal when it is the truth. How gossip leads to a revolution. Gossip is a piece of the puzzle which explains the revolution. Logically determining why Israel will revolt against David. 2Sam. 11:25
1187. Bringing what David did up-to-date and comparting it to the salacious gossip about President Clinton and Lewinski. What if murder was a part of this package? 2Sam. 11:25
1188. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Order of Events in 2Samuel 11:16–25. 2Sam. 11:25
1189. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Verb to Send Figures Prominently in 2Samuel 11. 2Sam. 11:27
1190. Speculation as to how David proposed to Bathsheba. Did he simply send messengers to her home who said, “You are marrying the king tomorrow; we’re here to move your stuff.” 2Sam. 11:27
1191. Did Bathsheba figure out all that David had done? 2Sam. 11:27
1192. David’s affair and the similarities to President Clinton’s affair. 2Sam. 11:27
1193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Goofy Commentators. 2Sam. 11:27
1194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David and his Children. 2Sam. 11:27
1195. 2Sam. 11:27f could actually be 2Sam. 12:1a. 2Sam. 11:27
1196. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Which Verb is Found in 2Samuel 11:27f? 2Sam. 11:27
1197. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scripture and David's Sin. 2Sam. 11:27
1198. God’s punishment of David. 2Sam. 11:27
1199. Why we as believers are punished. 2Sam. 11:27
1200. God avenges us. 2Sam. 11:27
1201. David does not get away with anything. Critics of David rarely recognize how much suffering David went through as a result of God’s discipline of him. 2Sam. 11:27
1202. God’s faithfulness to us. 2Sam. 11:27
1203. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 11. 2Sam. 11 Addendum
1204. Psalm 32:1–5. 2Sam. Addendum
1205. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Sin of David Parallels the Cross. 2Sam. 11 Addendum
1206. Jesus Christ being raised from the dead after being associated with our sins is further proof of our eternal security. 2Sam. 11 Addendum
1207. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Integrity of a Client Nation. 2Sam. 11 Addendum
1208. References to 1Chron. 20 (HTML) (PDF), we need to complete 2Sam. 12 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 11 Addendum
1209. 2Samuel 12 Nathan Confronts David Over his Sin; David Loses his Child; David and Joab Take Rabbah (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1210. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry's Alternate Outline. 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1211. Most of us have an incomplete understanding of divine discipline. 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1212. A brief rehash of 2Sam. 11. 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1213. When David’s sexual arrogance began. 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1214. A summary of 2Sam. 12. 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge Gives a Condensed Description of 2Samuel 12. 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1216. Some of what we studied in 2Sam. 11. 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Degeneracy Sins (Addictive Behavior). 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1218. The time element of Uriah, David and the birth of David’s son by Bathsheba. 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1219. My personal blessing of being allowed to exegete the Word of God. 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1220. My steps in the study of the exegesis of a chapter. 2Sam. 12 Introduction
1221. 2Sam. 11:27f as a part of 2Sam. 12. 2Sam. 11:27 (or 2Sam. 12:1a)
1222. Nathan will do almost all of the talking in the first 14 verses. 2Sam. 12:1
1223. God deals with David through an intermediary, even though David is a type of Christ. 2Sam. 12:1
1224. David, rather than Nathan, probably recorded this chapter. 2Sam. 12:1
1225. David’s previous history with Nathan; and the idea of David building a Temple to God. 2Sam. 12:1
1226. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Nathan's Objectivity in the Use of his Spiritual Gift. 2Sam. 12:1
1227. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The New Testament Gift of Pastor-teacher. 2Sam. 12:1
1228. David’s authority versus Nathan’s authority is not an issue here. 2Sam. 12:1
1229. What did Nathan know about David and how did he know it? 2Sam. 12:1
1230. Nathan does not present this parable of the rich man, the poor man and the ewe lamb as a parable. 2Sam. 12:1
1231. The Hebrew word ʾechâd (אֶחָד) [pronounced eh-KHAWD] is used differently 3 times in the same verse. 2Sam. 12:1
1232. Why God chose to use a parable. 2Sam. 12:1
1233. It is easy to fix the lives of other people. 2Sam. 12:1
1234. The male desire for more than one wife. 2Sam. 12:1
1235. What you must explain to your teenaged son. 2Sam. 12:1
1236. The meshing of a male and female soul, something which homosexuals do not understand, because their emphasis is upon physical attraction. 2Sam. 12:1
1237. Illustrations in the Word of God keep us from repeating the mistakes of the past. 2Sam. 12:1
1238. Polygamy, adultery, David and Solomon; and the application to us. David and Solomon’s mistakes are there to keep us from making the same exact mistakes. 2Sam. 12:1
1239. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Lyrics to Marat Sade. 2Sam. 12:1
1240. J. Vernon McGee and the party of the little man. 2Sam. 12:1
1241. The analogy of the poor man and his ewe lamb is analogous to Uriah and Bathsheba; we need to be careful not to push this analogy too far. 2Sam. 12:3
1242. The poor man shared everything with his lamb. 2Sam. 12:3
1243. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Analogy to Being in Christ. 2Sam. 12:3
1244. David’s 10 wives and 10 mistresses, and he still seeks to go outside of his marriage. 2Sam. 12:4
1245. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parable of the Rich Man and the Poor Man. 2Sam. 12:4
1246. Liberalism and Christianity. Many liberals lack any true norms and standards. Many liberals lack fundamental honesty and they are self-righteous and arrogance. 2Sam. 12:4
1247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The New American Standard Bible's Translation of 2Samuel 12:1–5. 2Sam. 12:4
1248. David stops Nathan before the parable seems to come to a finish. 2Sam. 12:5
1249. David pronounces sentence out of anger rather than justice; however, as king, he can do that. 2Sam. 12:5
1250. Self-righteousness in prisons; among environmentalists. 2Sam. 12:5
1251. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The State of David's Soul. 2Sam. 12:6
1252. Allusions to the Doctrine of Sexual Arrogance (HTML) (PDF) (WordDOC). 2Sam. 12:6
1253. That God gave David the palace and women of Saul is figurative; it is not literal. 2Sam. 12:8
1254. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Do We Interpret 2Samuel 12:8a Literally or Figuratively? 2Sam. 12:8
1255. The 3rd interpretation is, David takes responsibility for all the women of Israel. 2Sam. 12:8
1256. This is why it is so heinous for a teacher to have relations with a student. 2Sam. 12:8
1257. Power and authority must always be mated to responsibility. 2Sam. 12:8
1258. The constraints of time and falling into degeneracy. 2Sam. 12:8
1259. David did not roam because he did not have enough wives. 2Sam. 12:8
1260. The lack of a soul relationship between David and his wives and children. 2Sam. 12:8
1261. The coalescence of a male and female soul. 2Sam. 12:8
1262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What God Has Given David. 2Sam. 12:8
1263. David knew that having many wives was wrong. He knew that taking Bathsheba was wrong. The 3 commandments which David broke. 2Sam. 12:9
1264. The collective norms and standards of a country; the concept of a country being a corporate entity. 2Sam. 12:9
1265. How the leader of a country has an effect upon the citizens and their collective norms and standards. The responsibility of leadership. 2Sam. 12:9
1266. Murder for hire is murder. 2Sam. 12:9
1267. A relationship between David and Bathsheba was probably inevitable. However, this does not excuse David’s actions. 2Sam. 12:9
1268. Integrity is far more important than love. Integrity versus love. 2Sam. 12:9
1269. God’s discipline of David will make him a better father, husband and lover. 2Sam. 12:9
1270. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Explaining David's Sin. 2Sam. 12:9
1271. Nathan may have made David’s sins public. 2Sam. 12:9
1272. Illustrations of Anthony Weiner and President Clinton. 2Sam. 12:9
1273. Explaining the sword will not depart from your house forever. 2Sam. 12:10
1274. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Sword of Damocles. 2Sam. 12:10
1275. The Doctrine of the Edification Complex (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 12:10
1276. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Literary Structure of 2Samuel 12:9–10. 2Sam. 12:10
1277. Having power requires integrity. 2Sam. 12:10
1278. Genetic predispositions to homosexuality, drug addiction, or alcoholism. Treatment alluded to. Degeneracy sins. Being aware of familial genetic predispositions. 2Sam. 12:10
1279. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Aren't God's Prophecies Precise? 2Sam. 12:11
1280. David, as a public figure, will have his sins and punishment aired out in public. 2Sam. 12:11
1281. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What David Will Face in the Next Decade. 2Sam. 12:11
1282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Soul and the Harsh Discipline of God. 2Sam. 12:11
1283. Allusions to Psalm 32 (HTML) (PDF) Psalm 51 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 12:11
1284. A tribute to R. B. Thieme, Jr. for breaking ground here in Samuel. 2Sam. 12:11
1285. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Law of Natural Consequences. 2Sam. 12:11
1286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Will Bring all that is Secret to Light. 2Sam. 12:12
1287. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doubling of David's Sins and Punishments. This involves the grammatical structure of 2Sam. 12:9–12, which is fascinating. 2Sam. 12:12
1288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why God Acts Publically to Discipline David; Part I. 2Sam. 12:12
1289. An allusion to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 12:12
1290. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why God Acts Publically to Discipline David; Part II. 2Sam. 12:12
1291. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why God Acts Publically to Discipline David; Part III. 2Sam. 12:12
1292. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why God Acts Publically to Discipline David; Part IV. 2Sam. 12:12
1293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why God Acts Publically to Discipline David; a Summary. 2Sam. 12:12
1294. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Additional Points on Divine Discipline. 2Sam. 12:12
1295. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Types of Addiction. 2Sam. 12:12
1296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Divine Discipline. 2Sam. 12:12
1297. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David, Absalom and Interlocking Systems of Arrogance. 2Sam. 12:12
1298. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Restoration to Fellowship. 2Sam. 12:13
1299. Allusions to the doctrines of what the old sin nature produces: human good, sin and evil. 2Sam. 12:13
1300. An allusion to Psalm 51 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 12:13
1301. Why David’s restoration to fellowship was not enough. 2Sam. 12:13
1302. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of Nathan and David's Interaction. 2Sam. 12:13
1303. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Didn't God Execute David? 2Sam. 12:13
1304. Allusions to the Davidic Covenant, which we have already studied in 2Sam. 7 (HTML) (PDF) and Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 12:13
1305. For better or for worse. 2Sam. 12:13
1306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of 2Samuel 12:1–13. 2Sam. 12:13
1307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David and the Divine Discipline He Will Endure. 2Sam. 12:14
1308. The death of the innocent lamb is Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 12:14
1309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Will Suffer Fourfold for His Sin. 2Sam. 12:14
1310. Churches where the pastor and members of the congregation are encouraged to mind your business. 2Sam. 12:15a
1311. The limited time that we have on this earth and how some addictions eat into this time. 2Sam. 12:15c
1312. What do you do with the easy times in our lives? 2Sam. 12:15c
1313. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is it Right for David's Infant Son to Die? 2Sam. 12:15
1314. The concept of fasting when you are with your wife giving birth to your child. Fasting related to a marathon runner. 2Sam. 12:16
1315. Allusion to the Doctrine of Fasting (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 12:16
1316. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Conclusions on Fasting. 2Sam. 12:16
1317. Where did David go and what was he wearing? 2Sam. 12:16
1318. The elders under David. 2Sam. 12:17
1319. Who David has contact with and who he does not have contact with. 2Sam. 12:17
1320. Specifics on David’s fasting and where he laid and for how long. 2Sam. 12:17
1321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Staff and Routine. 2Sam. 12:17
1322. Circumcision does not save. 2Sam. 12:18
1323. Various reasons why God may have allowed David’s son to die. 2Sam. 12:18
1324. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Leaders Must Have all of the Facts. 2Sam. 12:18
1325. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Concluding Principles from 2Samuel 12:19. 2Sam. 12:19
1326. An allusion to the Movement of the Ark and of the Tent of God first taught back in 1Sam. 10 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 12:20
1327. What is the House of God in this context? A list of options. 2Sam. 12:20
1328. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Return to Routine. 2Sam. 12:20
1329. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Return to Leadership Function. 2Sam. 12:20
1330. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Returns to Normal Thinking and to a Normal Life. 2Sam. 12:20
1331. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Palace Staff and Their Questions. 2Sam. 12:21
1332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Application of Integrity to Servitude. 2Sam. 12:21
1333. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Prayers for the Dead. 2Sam. 12:22
1334. God gave us a mind to reason with and to logically draw conclusions. 2Sam. 12:23
1335. Science is no longer a search for the truth but a political arm of the liberal philosophy. 2Sam. 12:23
1336. The length of time for me to complete a chapter. 2Sam. 12:23
1337. The Angelic Conflict, the Lamb’s book of life, and God does not like babies. Satan’s objections to his being sentenced. 2Sam. 12:23
1338. Allusion to the doctrine of the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 12:23
1339. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Geisler and Howe on Do Infants Go to Heaven? 2Sam. 12:23
1340. Reference to Psalm 32 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 12:23
1341. Reference to 2Sam. 5:14 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 12:24
1342. David possibly being monogamous with Bathsheba and clearing up some misconceptions about this. 2Sam. 12:24
1343. The ongoing and legitimate sexual relationship between David and Bathsheba. 2Sam. 12:24
1344. Solomon would build the Temple, because he was associated with the Millennium; while David was associated with the 1st and 2nd advents of Jesus Christ. The Davidic Covenant. 2Sam. 12:24
1345. God is not going to allow all men to accumulate a bevy of women as wives in order to prove to us that multiple wives is not the way to go. 2Sam. 12:24
1346. How David knew that God loved Solomon and why God loved Solomon. 2Sam. 12:24
1347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Love. 2Sam. 12:24
1348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: When Was Solomon Named What? 2Sam. 12:25
1349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Solomon Would be the King to Build the Temple. 2Sam. 12:25
1350. If God can love and forgive David, then certainly we can forgive those who have wronged us. 2Sam. 12:25
1351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Rabbah, According to Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge and Smith. 2Sam. 12:26
1352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Joab's Siege of Rabbah. 2Sam. 12:26
1353. An allusion to 2Sam. 10 (HTML) (PDF), as this is where the siege against Ammon began. 2Sam. 12:26
1354. R. B. Thieme, Jr. says Rabbah is separated into 3 sections. 2Sam. 12:26
1355. Another allusion to 2Sam. 10 (HTML) (PDF), as this is where the siege against Ammon began. 2Sam. 12:27
1356. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Easton, Fausset and ISBE on the City of Rabbah. 2Sam. 12:27
1357. There are at least 2 sections for the city of Rabbah. 2Sam. 12:27
1358. God’s discipline of us, and how He is gracious and loving even in His discipline. 2Sam. 12:27
1359. An allusion to The Technological Accomplishments of the Hamitic Peoples (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 12:27
1360. Joab uses the imperative when sending messages to David. 2Sam. 12:28
1361. Joab’s thinking in calling for David to come and complete the siege against Rabbah. 2Sam. 12:28
1362. In some organizations, the original plan or clever idea may have come from you, but your superior gets the credit for it. 2Sam. 12:28
1363. The fluid nature of national boundaries. 2Sam. 12:28
1364. Joab chooses to transfer the credit for the taking of Rabbah to David. 2Sam. 12:28
1365. Why Joab acts as he does. It would have been quite easy for Joab to take all of the credit here for taking Rabbah. 2Sam. 12:28
1366. The difference between David’s attack on the Aramæans and his attack against Rabbah. 2Sam. 12:29
1367. The same verbs used for David and Joab indicate slightly different things. This battle is being played out like a chess game. David’s involvement must be real; it cannot be perfunctory. 2Sam. 12:29
1368. The Greek and the Hebrew of 2Sam. 12:30. 2Sam. 12:30
1369. The crown of Malcam (Molech). 2Sam. 12:30
1370. How David was able to sit beneath this crown. 2Sam. 12:30
1371. How Rabbah was broke, and yet David took out a great deal of plunder from Rabbah. 2Sam. 12:30
1372. God is with the Jewish people throughout time. 2Sam. 12:30
1373. Allusion to the Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (it is in the Addendum of the doctrine linked to). 2Sam. 12:30
1374. The people of Ammon were probably just as rebellious as their leadership. 2Sam. 12:31
1375. David’s fourfold discipline is more like 4 sessions of testing and pressure. 2Sam. 12:31
1376. Why divorce and remarriage among leaders was an important thing for prophets and Apostles to speak of. 2Sam. 12:31
1377. Enforced discipline and enforced humility upon the Ammonites. 2Sam. 12:31
1378. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What About the King James Version of 2Samuel 12:31. 2Sam. 12:31
1379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does God Allow David to Discipline All the People of Ammon? 2Sam. 12:31
1380. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 12. 2Sam. 12 Addendum
1381. Allusions are made to the following chapters for further study: Psalm 32 (HTML) (PDF) Psalm 38 (HTML) (PDF) Psalm 51 (HTML) (PDF) 1Chron. 20 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 12 addendum
1382. 2Samuel 13 Amnon Rapes Tamar; Absalom Kills Amnon (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry's Simple Outline of 2samuel 13. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1384. Installment discipline. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1385. The background for this is found in in 2Sam. 11 (HTML) (PDF) and in 2Sam. 12 (HTML) (PDF). The sexual arrogance gate (HTML) (PDF) is one place to go for background teaching on this. Degeneracy sins (HTML) (PDF) is covered in 2Sam. 11 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Portion of the Davidic Timeline. See the entire Davidic Timeline (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1387. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Each Installment of Restitution Means. This is probably more correct to say than installment discipline. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1388. Why it is so difficult to reason with a liberal. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1389. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Sons and Daughters. This chart originally appeared in 2Sam. 5 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1390. Sexual sins began to take over David’s life and define him as a person. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1391. Reference to the Doctrine of Polygamy (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1392. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief History of the Hurrians. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1393. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map of the Early Hurrian Empire. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1394. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Three Mothers: Ahinoam, Abigail and Maacah. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1395. Amnon’s lack of fatherly training; his sexual arrogance. His lack of self-control.
1396. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Single Parent Statistics. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1397. Why the solution to single motherhood is not to provide them with food and shelter. All of David’s children were financially well provided for. What is really important in a child’s life. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1398. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: New Translations Used in this Chapter. 2Sam. 13 Introduction
1399. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Amnon's Sexual Obsession. 2Sam. 13:1
1400. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David, His Wives, and the Children born to him in Hebron. 2Sam. 13:1
1401. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The "Friendship" of Amnon and Jonadab. 2Sam. 13:3
1402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary Points on Jonadab's Advice. 2Sam. 13:5
1403. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jonadab's Lack of Character. 2Sam. 13:5
1404. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jonadab's Aspirations. 2Sam. 13:5
1405. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jonadab's Plan. 2Sam. 13:5
1406. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Entitlement Arrogance and Amnon. 2Sam. 13:5
1407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of 2Samuel 13:6. 2Sam. 13:6
1408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of 2Samuel 13:6–7. 2Sam. 13:7
1409. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Psychological Profile of These People So Far. 2Sam. 13:7
1410. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Wâw consecutive and the Imperfect Tense. 2Sam. 13:9
1411. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Tamar's Situation and Psyche. 2Sam. 13:9
1412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Grounds for Tamar's Objection. 2Sam. 13:12
1413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Tamar's Pleas. 2Sam. 13:13
1414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Characteristics of the Psychopathic Personality and Amnon. 2Sam. 13:15
1415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Sex and Love. 2Sam. 13:15
1416. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Textual Problems of 2Sam. 13:16a. 2Sam. 13:16
1417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of 2Samuel 13:16. 2Sam. 13:16
1418. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Public Humiliation Following a Private Humiliation. 2Sam. 13:16
1419. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Tamar—a Picture of Innocence Destroyed by Sin. 2Sam. 13:17
1420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Tamar, the Law and the Outside World. 2Sam. 13:18
1421. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did God Remove the Wall of Protection Around Tamar? 2Sam. 13:19
1422. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Tamar Remained in the House of Absalom, Her Brother. 2Sam. 13:20
1423. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Know About Tamar's Future. 2Sam. 13:20
1424. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Textual Criticism and 2Samuel 13:21. 2Sam. 13:21
1425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 13:21c–e Text from the Greek Septuagint. 2Sam. 13:21
1426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David was a Lousy Disciplinarian. 2Sam. 13:21
1427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why is the Word of God not Perfectly and Supernaturally Preserved? 2Sam. 13:21
1428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary on David's Non-Action. 2Sam. 13:21
1429. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Practical Parenting From Proverbs by Richard J. Boone. 2Sam. 13:21
1430. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Questionable Sources. 2Sam. 13:21
1431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom's Will Choose Revenge. 2Sam. 13:22
1432. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: William D. Ramey on Amnon’s Rape of Tamar (2Samuel 13:1-22) as a Chiasmos. 2Sam. 13:22
1433. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Baal-hazor and Geshur. 2Sam. 13:23
1434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 13:24 Summarized. 2Sam. 13:24
1435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 13:27c Additional Text from the Greek Septuagint. 2Sam. 13:27
1436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Don't Absalom's Servants Object? 2Sam. 13:28
1437. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Does the Message Get There before David's Sons Do? 2Sam. 13:30
1438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What we learn from a message coming to David this quickly. 2Sam. 13:30
1439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jonadab Plot. 2Sam. 13:34
1440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 13:34d Additional Text from the Greek Septuagint. 2Sam. 13:34
1441. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Jonadab. 2Sam. 13:35
1442. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Just Who is Talmai ben Ammihur, the king of Geshur? 2Sam. 13:37
1443. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Different Interpretations of 2Samuel 13:39a. 2Sam. 13:39
1444. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 13. 2Sam. 13 Addendum
1445. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary on Absalom's Future. 2Sam. 13 Addendum
1446. 2Samuel 14 The Woman of Tekoa/Absalom Returns to Jerusalem (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1447. 2Sam. 14 is written very much like a play. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1448. Finding the underlying theme to a book or a chapter is often the key to understanding the book or chapter; as well as a mnemonic device for recalling the information of that book or chapter. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1449. The above principle is explained using the example of the book of Job.
1450. R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s study and teaching schedule.
1451. Summary of 2Sam. 13. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1452. This is ground that has never been fully plowed before. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1453. These are not simply the notes of R. B. Thieme, Jr. in a different format. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1454. My relationship with Berachah Church. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1455. The use of R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s vocabulary and other resources from the internet. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Four Principal Characters of 2Samuel 14. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of 2Samuel 14. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1458. The destructiveness of an affair, which can continue for generations. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1459. God’s forgiveness and real world consequences of sin. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1460. Footnote comparison between Absalom and current president Barack Obama. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1461. How Absalom is perceived by the people of Israel. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1462. Israel had blood avengers rather than publica executioners. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1463. Dating this chapter. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1464. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Davidic Timeline. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1465. Speculation as to Joab’s motivation to bring back Absalom. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1466. Introduction to the purpose of studying this chapter. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1467. Peace in the kingdom of Israel contrasted with the wreckage of David’s life. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1468. The discipline which follows a person’s sin. The natural results which follow a person’s sin. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1469. One of the keys to boxing is balance (example of Mohammed Ali’s rope-a-dope). One of the keys to life is balance. Doctrinal rationales and the Holy Spirit give us balance as believers. David could not bad a good decision concerning his son because he was off-balance. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1470. Summary of 2Sam. 14. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1471. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Keil and Delitzsch Outline 2Samuel 14. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1472. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: R. B. Thieme, Jr. Outlines 2Samuel 14. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1473. Chapter oddities. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1474. From the standpoint of God the Holy Spirit, why David’s title is found, but not his name. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1475. David’s decisions are turning the people against him. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1476. The key to the chapter is, there is love but no justice. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1477. What people expect from a judge. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1478. The solution to David’s problem with Absalom. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1479. Where’s Chileab? 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1480. Reference to 1Sam. 25 (HTML) (PDF) for more about Abigail. 2Sam. 14 Introduction
1481. 2Sam. 13:39 superficially covered. 2Sam. 14:1
1482. The closeness of David and Joab. 2Sam. 14:1
1483. Reference to the complete Doctrine of Joab may be found at (or, the PDF version). 2Sam. 14:1
1484. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Two Interpretations of 2Samuel 14:1. This is based upon the preposition used in this verse. 2Sam. 14:1
1485. The change of David’s emotions toward his two sons. 2Sam. 14:1
1486. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallels Between David and Bathsheba's Conflicted Emotions. 2Sam. 14:1
1487. David’s emotions about Absalom and Amnon. His inability to be objective with his sons. None of David’s sons were military heroes, which illustrates another lack of objectivity on his part. 2Sam. 14:1
1488. A reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 14:1
1489. All children have sin natures. David’s inability to be just with his two sons. 2Sam. 14:1
1490. We must be able to see ourselves objectively as well. Otherwise a sinner cannot see his own sins. 2Sam. 14:1
1491. We assume that Joab believed it was best for Absalom to return to Jerusalem; and that he had tried talking this over with David, and David told him no. Why Joab could not simply keep talking to David about this, to convince him on this topic. 2Sam. 14:1
1492. Why Joab must go out of town to find an actress. 2Sam. 14:2
1493. Tekoa. 2Sam. 14:2
1494. What it means to be a skillful woman. 2Sam. 14:2
1495. Reference to the doctrine of the Interlocking Systems of Arrogance (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 14:2
1496. The possibility of plays being done in Israel at this time. 2Sam. 14:2
1497. David is an alpha male and he is not going to take correction. 2Sam. 14:3
1498. Joab is thinking politics and not doctrine. 2Sam. 14:3
1499. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Is Joab Doing This? 2Sam. 14:3
1500. Another reference to the Interlocking Systems of Arrogance (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1501. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does Joab Take this Approach? 2Sam. 14:3
1502. Actors and celebrities should not be giving political opinions. 2Sam. 14:3
1503. The problem for David is, he does not deal in justice with Absalom. When God saves us, it is based upon His perfect justice. 2Sam. 14:3
1504. Justice is the key to this chapter. 2Sam. 14:3
1505. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Woman from Tekoa: a 3 Act Play Produced by Joab. 2Sam. 14:4
1506. Problems with textual errors almost never affect the doctrine of a passage; and there is no evidence of wholesale changing of the Scriptures by any entity. 2Sam. 14:4
1507. There is more that was done besides simply falling face down before the king. 2Sam. 14:4
1508. How Joab came up with this idea of the woman from Tekoa. 2Sam. 14:4
1509. Theories as to how this woman was able to bring this matter before the court. 2Sam. 14:4
1510. Our society has chosen to subsidize unwed mothers, which means, we get more of them. 2Sam. 14:5
1511. A reference to 1Chron. 15 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 14:5
1512. Comparing the two sons of the woman with the two sons of David. 2Sam. 14:6
1513. What David should have done in order to judge this woman’s case rightly. 2Sam. 14:6
1514. Another reference to the Interlocking Systems of Arrogance (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 14:6
1515. David and Joab’s inability to make sound decisions helps to explain why there will be a rebellion against these two men. 2Sam. 14:6
1516. David should have studied the Mosaic Law a little more. 2Sam. 14:7
1517. The son of this woman could have been a very unsympathetic character in court. 2Sam. 14:7
1518. Reasons why Joab may have thought David’s other sons were not fit to lead. 2Sam. 14:7
1519. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life.” (Ex. 21:24 Deut. 19:21) is not a call to vigilantism, but simple a principle of justice. 2Sam. 14:7
1520. Sympathy and juries. 2Sam. 14:7
1521. David is not asking for details. 2Sam. 14:7
1522. The 3 civil issues of this woman’s case. 2Sam. 14:7
1523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Law of Posterity. 2Sam. 14:7
1524. The two tracks of the Old Testament; the factual history which is presented along with what the Holy Spirit wants us to understand. 2Sam. 14:7
1525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Superceding Law; Superceding Issues. 2Sam. 14:7
1526. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Application to Crime and Punishment. 2Sam. 14:7
1527. There are always forces attempting to destroy good aspects of society. 2Sam. 14:7
1528. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallels between the Tekoan Woman's Case and Absalom. 2Sam. 14:8
1529. The woman’s personal needs to be taken care of in her old age are not made an issue. 2Sam. 14:8
1530. The woman says, “Oh, one more thing.” 2Sam. 14:9
1531. Exactly what this woman wants to get from David. 2Sam. 14:11
1532. The woman elicits an oath from David. 2Sam. 14:11
1533. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Are We Studying 2Samuel 14:1–11? 2Sam. 14:11
1534. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of the Woman from Tekoa up to 2Samuel 14:12. 2Sam. 14:12
1535. You cannot pass legislation to change the heart of an individual. 2Sam. 14:12
1536. Timing is everything. 2Sam. 14:12
1537. Kings cannot willy nilly change their minds when it comes to legal decisions. That would tell us that they made a wrong decision. 2Sam. 14:13
1538. The woman undergoes a change of attitude toward David. 2Sam. 14:13
1539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentators on 2Samuel 14:13. 2Sam. 14:13
1540. The analogy of water being spilled on the ground. 2Sam. 14:14
1541. David needs to be careful of doing something that cannot be undone. 2Sam. 14:14
1542. The key to the book of Job. 2Sam. 14:14
1543. How David should have resolved the Absalom situation using justice. 2Sam. 14:14
1544. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summation of 2Samuel 14:13–14. 2Sam. 14:14
1545. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Undercurrent of Salvation in 2Samuel 14. 2Sam. 14:14
1546. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: There is no Justice in this Chapter. 2Sam. 14:14
1547. David’s inability to render a just decision suggests that he is still in the interlocking systems of arrogance. David and the interlocking systems of arrogance. 2Sam. 14:14
1548. The people of Israel were glad to see Amnon get his comeuppance. 2Sam. 14:15
1549. Saying “no” to a child and that is the end of it. 2Sam. 14:15
1550. Why actors and actresses are used. 2Sam. 14:15
1551. The woman uses a different word for servant. 2Sam. 14:15
1552. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Commentators Interpret 2Samuel 14:16. 2Sam. 14:16
1553. David may have recognized some similar words or phrasing in what the woman said. 2Sam. 14:19
1554. How we know this actress is brilliant. She could do more than simply read words from a script. 2Sam. 14:19
1555. It cannot appear as if this woman simply wraps David around her little finger. 2Sam. 14:19
1556. David cannot take back what he has said in open court. 2Sam. 14:19
1557. The woman from Tekoa is probably a believer. 2Sam. 14:20
1558. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Woman from Tekoa Shifts the Responsibility to Joab. 2Sam. 14:20
1559. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the talent and ability of an actress. However, their opinions on world matters is an entirely different thing. 2Sam. 14:20
1560. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Biblical Doctrine of Flattery. 2Sam. 14:20
1561. David is not yet ready to be out from under pressure from God. 2Sam. 14:20
1562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Does the First Half of 2Samuel 14 Apply to Me? 2Sam. 14:20
1563. When justice is not blind. Lady justice. 2Sam. 14:20
1564. Crime is the enemy of freedom. 2Sam. 14:20
1565. Gang members in Chicago and Chick-fil-A. 2Sam. 14:20
1566. Human solutions and political solutions are not solutions. They may result in more problems from unintended consequences. Single mothers on welfare, food stamps and housing. 2Sam. 14:21
1567. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Human Viewpoint Versus Divine Viewpoint. 2Sam. 14:22
1568. Why Joab thought bringing Absalom back was good for David and the country.
1569. The complete Doctrine of Forgiveness (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1570. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Forgiveness. 2Sam. 14:22
1571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Joab's Human Viewpoint Solution. 2Sam. 14:22
1572. David does not fully forgive Absalom. 2Sam. 14:24
1573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Does Not Defer to Justice. 2Sam. 14:24
1574. How David should have handled this matter. 2Sam. 14:24
1575. My own pitiful life and my salvation and how the Exodus generation gives me hope. 2Sam. 14:24
1576. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom Lacks a Full Pardon. 2Sam. 14:24
1577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Mistakes. 2Sam. 14:24
1578. We should be grateful that God treats us according to His justice. The importance of God’s justice to our eternal security. 2Sam. 14:24
1579. The physical attractiveness of Barack Obama versus his soul’s unattractiveness. Donald Trump also mentioned. The physical attractiveness of Absalom. 2Sam. 14:25
1580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does the Bible Spend an Entire Verse on Absalom's Attractiveness? 2Sam. 14:25
1581. Voting for someone because of their physical attractiveness. 2Sam. 14:25
1582. Solomon’s attractiveness not mentioned in Scripture? 2Sam. 14:25
1583. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of 2Samuel 14:1–25. 2Sam. 14:25
1584. The weight of Absalom’s hair. 2Sam. 14:26
1585. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom as a Potential King. 2Sam. 14:26
1586. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Physical Beauty and the Word of God. 2Sam. 14:26
1587. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Golden Ratio = The Beauty Constant = Phi. 2Sam. 14:26
1588. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Narcissist Syndrome. 2Sam. 14:26
1589. God did not fall in love with David. David failed on many occasions. 2Sam. 14:26
1590. People are stupid about their own circumstances; they are stupid about current events and what is occurring all around them. 2Sam. 14:26
1591. The 3 sons of Absalom. 2Sam. 14:27
1592. Tamar, Rehoboam and who is related to who. Not really resolved here. To be resolved later. 2Sam. 14:27
1593. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What are the Hidden Spiritual Lessons in this Narrative about Absalom? 2Sam. 14:28
1594. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David is Still in Arrogance. 2Sam. 14:28
1595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary on the Mental Attitude Sins of Absalom. 2Sam. 14:28
1596. Absalom’s 2 years in Jerusalem. God gave Absalom some down time, and this was the time that he should have loaded up on doctrine. Instead, Absalom allowed mental attitude sins to eat away at his soul.
1597. David bringing the Ark of God into Israel; the studying that he had to do. 2Sam. 14:28
1598. Our testimony before God. 2Sam. 14:28
1599. Neither David nor Absalom are searching the Scriptures. 2Sam. 14:28
1600. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scriptures Upon Which Absalom Should Concentrate. 2Sam. 14:28
1601. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom Fails to Rehabilitate Himself. 2Sam. 14:28
1602. Possibly reasons why Joab will not respond to Absalom’s messages. 2Sam. 14:29
1603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Joab Will Not Return Absalom's Phone Calls. 2Sam. 14:29
1604. Absalom’s mental attitude sins manifest themselves in his response to Joab’s lack of communication. 2Sam. 14:29
1605. Absalom is thinking like a criminal. 2Sam. 14:30
1606. Reference to Judges 15:4–5 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 14:30
1607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom, Joab and Absalom's Criminal Behavior. 2Sam. 14:30
1608. Being accused of cheating, as an example of an injustice. 2Sam. 14:30
1609. Absalom felt that he was treated unjustly. Absalom’s real option. 2Sam. 14:30
1610. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom's Lack of Growth. 2Sam. 14:30
1611. More injustices; my own; Joseph’s. 2Sam. 14:30
1612. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Characteristics of the Criminal Mind. 2Sam. 14:30
1613. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Absalom is Revealed to Have a Criminal Mind. 2Sam. 14:30
1614. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom the Criminal. This includes several of the arrogance gates. 2Sam. 14:30
1615. Negative volition arrogance. 2Sam. 14:30
1616. Absalom never had his day in court. 2Sam. 14:30
1617. Absalom needed patience. 2Sam. 14:30
1618. The Greek addendum to this verse. 2Sam. 14:30
1619. Absalom: “I will not be ignored.” 2Sam. 14:30
1620. The manner in which Joab speaks to Absalom. 2Sam. 14:31
1621. Joab is on vacation from war. 2Sam. 14:31
1622. Aspects of Absalom’s behavior. 2Sam. 14:31
1623. Joab, as a soldier, shows great self-control. 2Sam. 14:31
1624. Why Absalom is not afraid of Joab. 2Sam. 14:31
1625. Pathetic commentaries on Absalom and Joab. 2Sam. 14:31
1626. The content of Absalom’s message to his father. 2Sam. 14:32
1627. We do not know about Absalom’s maternal grandfather and how he viewed Absalom. 2Sam. 14:32
1628. Absalom’s lack of civility and manners in requesting an audience with his father. 2Sam. 14:32
1629. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom's Wicked Brilliance. 2Sam. 14:32
1630. David’s many children is analogous to state-supported children without fathers; or children from divorces who are indulged but not disciplined. 2Sam. 14:33
1631. David raised Solomon differently. 2Sam. 14:33
1632. What it means for David to kiss Absalom (forgiveness). 2Sam. 14:33
1633. Why the conversation between David and Absalom is not recorded. 2Sam. 14:33
1634. The relationship between David and Absalom is based upon maudlin sentimentality. 2Sam. 14:33
1635. Why we are able to have a relationship with God. 2Sam. 14:33
1636. Absalom has spent much of his time in mental attitude sins. 2Sam. 14:33
1637. A reference to the Doctrine of Mental Attitude Sins (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1638. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 2Sam. 14 Addendum
1639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes 2Samuel 14. 2Sam. 14 Addendum
1640. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 14. 2Sam. 14 Addendum
1641. 2Samuel 15 Absalom Foments Revolution Against David (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of 2Sam. 15. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1643. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of 2Samuel 15. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1644. Allusion to 2Samuel 11 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1645. Allusion to 2Samuel 13 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1646. Allusion to 2Samuel 14 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1647. Reference to the David Timeline (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1648. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated David Timeline. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1649. The ages of David and Absalom in 2Sam. 15. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1650. Why is David still getting grief for his sins of several years ago? 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1651. U.S. Supreme Court justices over-stepping their bounds. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1652. Governing looks much easier from the outside, both to Absalom and to Barack Obama. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1653. The contrast between David’s treatment of Saul and Absalom’s treatment of David. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1654. The Affordable Care Act and John Roberts. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1655. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Syndein Notes from R. B. Thieme, Jr.'s Bible Class. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1656. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of 2Samuel 15. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1657. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Alternative Outline from Poole. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1658. Spies and what they are allowed to do in war. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1659. 2Sam. 15 is fallow, unplowed ground until R. B. Thieme, Jr. covered it in his Bible classes. These are not Bob’s notes revamped. 2Sam. 15 Introduction
1660. Absalom develops a criminal modus operandi. 2Sam. 15:1
1661. Absalom’s phony office compared to Obama’s Office of the President Elect. 2Sam. 15:1
1662. How Absalom got those 50 men to follow him about. 2Sam. 15:1
1663. Believers do not have to travel 2nd class; nor is there anything wrong with a notorious believer having bodyguards. 2Sam. 15:1
1664. A believer qualifying Rick Warren for a home mortgage. 2Sam. 15:1
1665. We do not judge other people and their possessions and what they do with their money. 2Sam. 15:1
1666. Believers should have good credit. 2Sam. 15:1
1667. As an adult, you stand on your own two feet. 2Sam. 15:1
1668. Absalom’s problem with his chariot, horses and 50 men. 2Sam. 15:1
1669. How David viewed Absalom. 2Sam. 15:1
1670. Absalom does not have a job but he has money. However, Absalom does not mind hard work. 2Sam. 15:2
1671. Absalom and his entourage at the gate. 2Sam. 15:2
1672. Public business was transacted at the gate to the city. 2Sam. 15:2
1673. A perfect example of how the Bible is up-to-date; even to the current political scene. Senator Obama found in an 1871 commentary. 2Sam. 15:2
1674. Who Absalom probably spoke to as they came out of court. Absalom choosing which people to talk to “outside of the courthouse.” 2Sam. 15:2
1675. How Absalom engaged the people. 2Sam. 15:2
1676. Why this worked; how this affected Absalom’s standing throughout Israel. 2Sam. 15:2
1677. The rumors about David and Bathsheba. 2Sam. 15:2
1678. The concept of morality and kings; and why this is important to God. 2Sam. 15:2
1679. How Absalom would work individuals “coming out of the courthouse.” 2Sam. 15:3
1680. Some possible problems with the court. 2Sam. 15:3
1681. American Presidents and their traditional weakness in foreign policy. 2Sam. 15:3
1682. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Judicial Problems of the Davidic Court in Jerusalem. 2Sam. 15:3
1683. Absalom was not qualified to hear the cases of the people he spoke to. 2Sam. 15:3
1684. What Absalom can and cannot say. 2Sam. 15:3
1685. Comparing what a politician says with what he does. 2Sam. 15:3
1686. Absalom’s history, which was known, helped with his seditious campaign. 2Sam. 15:3
1687. Absalom looks important and official, but he has no public office. 2Sam. 15:4
1688. Absalom offers, essentially, to take the burden of those to whom he speaks. 2Sam. 15:4
1689. Absalom and the disgruntled citizen; political campaigns in the Bible. 2Sam. 15:4
1690. Absalom’s careful use of language. 2Sam. 15:4
1691. David’s courts and their failings and successes. They were not unresponsive. 2Sam. 15:4
1692. Absalom is doing this just for himself; he does not do this for the people of Israel. 2Sam. 15:4
1693. Democrat parade of victims in the 2008 election. Absalom is essentially doing the same thing. 2Sam. 15:4
1694. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: True Leadership Versus False Leadership. 2Sam. 15:4
1695. Absalom’s phony equality. 2Sam. 15:5
1696. Less accurate translations sometimes give a better idea of what is going on. 2Sam. 15:5
1697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Importance of 2Samual 14:33. 2Sam. 15:5
1698. How Absalom and David feel about one another. 2Sam. 15:5
1699. At some point, you have to assume responsibility for your own life, no matter what your childhood was like. 2Sam. 15:5
1700. People of the world will rebel against perfect government and perfect environment at the end of the Millennium. 2Sam. 15:5
1701. Absalom and his being personable with the people of Israel. 2Sam. 15:6
1702. Absalom did not earn anyone’s loyalty or respect; he stole it. 2Sam. 15:6
1703. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Guzik on How Absalom Stole the Hearts of the Men of Israel. 2Sam. 15:6
1704. David and Saul contrasted with Absalom and David. 2Sam. 15:6
1705. Problems with the Hebrew text. Copyists over the centuries and this error. 2Sam. 15:7
1706. The ages of David and Absalom. 2Sam. 15:7
1707. Absalom gaining permission from David. David being fooled by him. 2Sam. 15:7
1708. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why We Know Absalom is Lying. 2Sam. 15:8
1709. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Geshur, Aram. 2Sam. 15:8
1710. Scribes did not fix things that they thought might be wrong in the Bible. 2Sam. 15:8
1711. Absalom is adept at being manipulative. 2Sam. 15:8
1712. Allusion to the Movement of the Ark and the Tabernacle (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 15:8
1713. David ought to be suspicious about his son, Absalom. 2Sam. 15:9
1714. David should have be suspicious of Absalom. 2Sam. 15:10
1715. Updating an ancient Hebrew word. 2Sam. 15:10
1716. How a trumpet was used to convey information long distance. How this succession of trumpets went throughout all Israel. 2Sam. 15:10
1717. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Can Israel Support Absalom over David? 2Sam. 15:10
1718. You are not in charge of dealing with whatever sins another believer commits. Usually, we do not get involved with another believer sins, even if we do not like that sin. 2Sam. 15:10
1719. Politics, emails, the 2008 election, and the believer in Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 15:10
1720. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How is David a Good King? 2Sam. 15:10
1721. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Guzik on How Israel Became Dissatisfied with David and Allowed Absalom to Steal Their Hearts 2Sam. 15:10
1722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How is Absalom Potentially a Lousy King? 2Sam. 15:10
1723. The superficiality of some people and politics. Obama was the least qualified candidate ever for the office of presidency. His disastrous presidency. 2Sam. 15:10
1724. All nations get the rulers that they deserve. 2Sam. 15:10
1725. The Obama healthcare plan and how people made government into their god. Reaping what we have sown when we make government into a god. 2Sam. 15:10
1726. David cannot view his own son with objectivity. 2Sam. 15:10
1727. Absalom is “fulfilling his vow” 6 years later. That should have made David suspicious. 2Sam. 15:11
1728. The 200 “innocent” men who went down to Hebron with Absalom. Who they were and what they were all about. 2Sam. 15:11
1729. Who Ahithophel is and his relationship to Bathsheba. The background to David and Bathsheba. 2Sam. 15:12
1730. Presidential candidates and their experience in foreign affairs. 2Sam. 15:12
1731. A Christian Barack Obama and a Mormon Mitt Romney, and how does this figure into our thinking and our choice of who to vote for. 2Sam. 15:12
1732. Allusion to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15:12
1733. There are problems associated with electing a Mormon president. 2Sam. 15:12
1734. How David and Absalom are different with respect to their relationship to God. Why God chooses David. 2Sam. 15:12
1735. Absalom uses God and offering sacrifices as a cover for his revolutionary activity. 2Sam. 15:12
1736. How Francis Ford Coppola would direct this scene. 2Sam. 15:12
1737. More and more people desert David and support Absalom. 2Sam. 15:12
1738. Our romantic view of revolution. How the War for Indecence was not a revolution. 2Sam. 15:12
1739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Revolution. 2Sam. 15:12
1740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Absalom Revolution. 2Sam. 15:12
1741. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Citizens of Israel and the Revolution. 2Sam. 15:12
1742. All governments require the people to have personal integrity. Without this, any system will fail. 2Sam. 15:12
1743. The 3 types of truth. Our relationship to these 3 types of truth is key to the future of our nation. Examples of divine establishment truth which is rejected. 2Sam. 15:12
1744. Reference to the Doctrine of Heathenism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 15:13
1745. Absalom has no clue as to how to rule or lead troops in battle. 2Sam. 15:13
1746. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke's Reasons Why the People's Heart was with Absalom. 2Sam. 15:13
1747. David’s flight is organized. 2Sam. 15:14
1748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Retreat. 2Sam. 15:14
1749. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Plan for the Believer in National Disaster. 2Sam. 15:14
1750. Absalom’s plot and the 200 men who went with him unawares. 2Sam. 15:14
1751. An excellent staff is necessary for any ruler. 2Sam. 15:14
1752. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why David Retreats. 2Sam. 15:14
1753. The purpose of a military. How this relates to our military bases. 2Sam. 15:14
1754. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of U.S. bases. 2Sam. 15:14
1755. The safety and security that these military bases provide for the United States. 2Sam. 15:14
1756. The key is our spiritual condition. 2Sam. 15:14
1757. God calling David to the throne. 2Sam. 15:14
1758. Ellipsis. 2Sam. 15:15
1759. Allusion to the Doctrine of Polygamy (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15:16
1760. David assumes that his son will not harm innocent women. In this way, he misjudges Absalom, and he will rape all 10 women. 2Sam. 15:16
1761. David’s retreat from Jerusalem is made known throughout Jerusalem. 2Sam. 15:17
1762. The meaning of the last house. 2Sam. 15:17
1763. Why David led the people rather than Joab. 2Sam. 15:17
1764. David begins to function as the military commander of those who leave Jerusalem with him. 2Sam. 15:18
1765. Allusion to 1Sam. 8 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15:18
1766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who are the Cherethites and the Pelethites? 2Sam. 15:18
1767. The missing text of 2Sam. 15:18 and why it is missing. 2Sam. 15:18
1768. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 15:18c Text from the Greek Septuagint. 2Sam. 15:18
1769. David’s history in Gath. 2Sam. 15:18
1770. Allusion to the Davidic timeline (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15:18
1771. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Side-by-Side Comparison of 2Samuel 15:18. 2Sam. 15:18
1772. Why David is called the king 7 times in 4 verses. 2Sam. 15:18
1773. Allusion to 2Sam. 18 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15:19
1774. Allusion to the Davidic timeline (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15:19
1775. Ittai the Gittite as an outsider to Israel. 2Sam. 15:19
1776. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Keil and Delitzsch Obsess over the Lâmed Preposition. 2Sam. 15:19
1777. Updating what David says to Ittai. 2Sam. 15:19
1778. Why the Bible tells us about the Gittites, the Pelethites and the Cherethites. God draws people to a client nation. 2Sam. 15:19
1779. The slave population of the early United States. This was, in part, evangelization. 2Sam. 15:19
1780. Reference to the Doctrine of Heathenism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 15:19
1781. David is not trying to discourage Ittai from going with him. 2Sam. 15:20
1782. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 15:20b Text from the Greek Septuagint. 2Sam. 15:20
1783. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 15:20e Text from the Greek Septuagint. 2Sam. 15:20
1784. David lays out the entire Christian life in speaking to Ittai. 2Sam. 15:20
1785. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Grace and Truth [= Bible doctrine] in the Bible. 2Sam. 15:20
1786. Ittai is a believer. 2Sam. 15:21
1787. The parallel between Ittai and David and Peter and Jesus. 2Sam. 15:21
1788. Ittai’s priorities are straight. 2Sam. 15:21
1789. In disaster, it is best to be with supergrace believers. 2Sam. 15:21
1790. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Guzik on Ittai's Testimony of Loyalty. 2Sam. 15:21
1791. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Geographical Will of God. 2Sam. 15:22
1792. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Vocabulary of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency. 2Sam. 15:23
1793. Changing over from David to Absalom was like running Mubarak out of office in Egypt; or trading in George Bush for Barack Obama. 2Sam. 15:23
1794. David provided clear divine establishment and freedom. 2Sam. 15:23
1795. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Jerusalem. 2Sam. 15:23
1796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Absalom Rebellion. 2Sam. 15:23
1797. A description of David’s movements out of Jerusalem. 2Sam. 15:23
1798. Allusions to 2Sam. 8 (HTML) (PDF) and 1Chron. 6 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15:24
1799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Background on Zadok the Priest. 2Sam. 15:24
1800. A small amount of info on the Levites. 2Sam. 15:24
1801. Allusion to The Movement of the Ark and the Tent (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15:24
1802. Allusion to the Doctrine of the Ark of the Covenant (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 15:24
1803. The Ark was not brought as a good luck charm. 2Sam. 15:24
1804. Allusion to the Movement of the Ark and the Tabernacle (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15:24
1805. Why there are 2 high priests. 2Sam. 15:24
1806. Allusions to 1Sam. 4—pdf version, 1Sam. 22—PDF version, 1Chron. 6, and the chart of the Kings, Prophets and Priests. 2Sam. 15:24
1807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Abiathar—Part I. 2Sam. 15:24
1808. Abiathar and Zadok probably did not arrive together not did they necessarily come from the same place. 2Sam. 15:24
1809. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Priests, the Ark and the Tabernacle. 2Sam. 15:24
1810. Allusion to The Davidic Timeline (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 15:24
1811. Those in service to God came out in support of David. 2Sam. 15:24
1812. All that we are is based upon God’s grace. 2Sam. 15:25
1813. We all have a limited amount of time on this earth. 2Sam. 15:25
1814. Allusion to the Doctrine of the Ark of the Covenant (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 15:25
1815. David does not choose to go sit on a park bench and wait for God to do something. 2Sam. 15:26
1816. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary on David's Attitude. 2Sam. 15:26
1817. David does not become passive in his life. 2Sam. 15:26
1818. Job’s attitude when faced with great trouble. 2Sam. 15:26
1819. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Three Hebrew Words Denoting a Prophet. 2Sam. 15:27
1820. A correct understanding of prophecy in this dispensation and applying the Word of God to current events. Recognizing judgments upon our country and upon some groups in our country. 2Sam. 15:27
1821. David begins to set up an intelligence network using the priests of Israel. 2Sam. 15:27
1822. Just because something occurs in Scripture does not mean God wants us to do that. Example of the election of the 12th Apostle. 2Sam. 15:27
1823. David, 500 years before Sun Tzu, organizes the counterinsugency in Israel. 2Sam. 15:27
1824. Where the priests will send messages to David (using their sons). 2Sam. 15:28
1825. Although Abiathar probably did not come from Jerusalem, he is told to go there with Zadok. Absalom probably does not know enough to figure out that having both priests there is an oddity. 2Sam. 15:29
1826. The Mount of Olives. 2Sam. 15:30
1827. God did not pull any strings to make Absalom rebel against David. That he does from his own free will. 2Sam. 15:30
1828. You do not have to walk barefoot and cover your head the next time you commit adultery. 2Sam. 15:30
1829. Sins and introspection, and then moving on. 2Sam. 15:30
1830. The great responsibility of having power. Everyone around David is suffering because of his choices. 2Sam. 15:30
1831. How Obama has affected the United States. 2Sam. 15:30
1832. Our personal contribution to the United States going through hard times. 2Sam. 15:30
1833. Electing a new president is not the key to our problems. 2Sam. 15:30
1834. David’s sins have affected a huge number of people in Israel. 2Sam. 15:30
1835. What do you do when your country is involved in an unjust war? When is it legitimate to extricate yourself from your country? 2Sam. 15:30
1836. As United States citizens, when our country is at war with the Taliban in Afghanistan, then we are at war as well. 2Sam. 15:30
1837. God has a corporate relationship with our nation and this is related to the leaders that we have. However, a group can enjoy great blessing merely by having a connection to a supergrace believer, no matter where that believer is in the organization. 2Sam. 15:30
1838. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary's Order of Events. 2Sam. 15:30
1839. Ahithophel. 2Sam. 15:31
1840. Psalm 41 and how the human and divine Author of this passage have different applications. 2Sam. 15:31
1841. David’s quick prayer and God answers this prayer in eternity past. 2Sam. 15:31
1842. If God knows what we are going to pray and how He will answer our prayers, why do we pray? 2Sam. 15:31
1843. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary Lays Out David's Prayer and How God Will Answer it. 2Sam. 15:31
1844. What it means to glorify God and why this is important. 2Sam. 15:31
1845. The summit is where David has worshiped God before. 2Sam. 15:32
1846. God answers David’s prayer. 2Sam. 15:32
1847. When you are older, use your time and your spiritual gift. 2Sam. 15:32
1848. Do not denigrate another person’s spiritual gift. 2Sam. 15:32
1849. How so many people could find David, even when he was hiding or on the run. This illustrates the gospel of Jesus Christ. For some people, it is in their soul to search for God. 2Sam. 15:32
1850. God only has to bring the gospel to those who are positive toward Him. 2Sam. 15:32
1851. The Archites. 2Sam. 15:32
1852. Dirt or dust upon the head. 2Sam. 15:32
1853. Why pray? 2Sam. 15:32
1854. Hushai figures out where David will be and that is where he goes. Hushai is probably quite wealthy. 2Sam. 15:32
1855. You cannot make good decisions when overcome with emotion. 2Sam. 15:33
1856. Hushai. 2Sam. 15:33
1857. Ushai is the answer to David’s prayer. 2Sam. 15:34
1858. Hushai will adjust what David tells him to do. 2Sam. 15:34
1859. Working more when young, putting wealth aside, and working less when old. Importance of work. 2Sam. 15:34
1860. Hushai will learn quickly how to play Absalom. 2Sam. 15:34
1861. Hushai’s first meeting with Absalom. 2Sam. 15:34
1862. Deception in war is no different than killing in war. It is a different scale of values. 2Sam. 15:34
1863. Absalom is a result of David’s lack of training. 2Sam. 15:34
1864. Allusion to the Doctrine of War (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 15:34
1865. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Comparing the Greek and Hebrew of 2Samuel 15:34. 2Sam. 15:34
1866. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentators Who Don't Like David's Covert Warfare. 2Sam. 15:34
1867. David’s covert warfare is legitimate. 2Sam. 15:34
1868. Homage to R. B. Thieme, Jr. for his correct teaching of this passage. 2Sam. 15:34
1869. David is thinking 3 steps ahead of Absalom. 2Sam. 15:34
1870. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Greatness as a Man and as a King; Attested to by the Word of God. 2Sam. 15:34
1871. Absalom’s arrogance is how Hushai will outthink him and Ahithophel. 2Sam. 15:35
1872. Knowing your enemy (which David determined to do before Sun Tzu. 2Sam. 15:35
1873. The difficulties that Hushai will face in trying to offset the wisdom of Ahithophel. 2Sam. 15:36
1874. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Military Intelligence. 2Sam. 15:36
1875. Allusion to The Doctrine of the Military (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 15:36
1876. Hushai’s great objectivity and flexibility. 2Sam. 15:36
1877. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hushai and David. 2Sam. 15:36
1878. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hushai, the Counterinsurgent. 2Sam. 15:36
1879. David’s victory will depend upon counterinsurgency. 2Sam. 15:36
1880. The lies of the counterinsurgent versus the lies of the revolutionist. 2Sam. 15:36
1881. God’s perfect timing. 2Sam. 15:37
1882. The mind of Barack Obama compared to the mind of Absalom. 2Sam. 15:37
1883. God is no longer punishing David for his sins. 2Sam. 15:37
1884. David begins to write a great deal when under pressure like this. 2Sam. 15:37
1885. The lying of Absalom and the lying of Hushai. 2Sam. 15:37
1886. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hushai and Absalom. 2Sam. 15:37
1887. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time. 2Sam. 15 Addendum
1888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes 2Samuel 15. 2Sam. 15 Addendum
1889. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 15. 2Sam. 15 Addendum
1890. R. B. Thieme, Jr. recommended books. 2Sam. 15 Addendum
1891. Psalms covered simultaneously with this chapter. 2Sam. 15 Addendum
1892. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Acknowledgments. 2Sam. 15 Addendum
1893. The divided kingdom was a result of Rehoboam being unwilling to renegotiate the terms between the king and northern Israel (see NIV Study Bible p. 425, 2Sam. 5:3).
1894. The Doctrine of Abiathar Part II in 2Sam. 15, 17 or 19.
1895. David flees Jerusalem for 2 reasons: to protect and preserve the population of Jerusalem and to see who is with him and who is against him. If only 300 people followed David out of town, then he might as well keep on walking.
1896. Who are the Cherethites and the Pelethites? See The International Bible Encyclopedia, vol. IV, p. 2379 for a twist on this. 2Sam. 15:18
1897. The Mount of Olives, also known as Olivet. First mentioned in 2Sam. 15:30.
1898. 2Samuel 16 David Outside of Jerusalem; Absalom in Jerusalem (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1899. Synopsis of 2Sam. 16. 2Sam. 16 Introduction
1900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of 2Samuel 16. 2Sam. 16 Introduction
1901. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of 2Samuel 16. 2Sam. 16 Introduction
1902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Davidic Timeline. 2Sam. 16 Introduction
1903. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of 2Samuel 16. 2Sam. 16 Introduction
1904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Alternative Outlines. 2Sam. 16 Introduction
1905. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who is Ziba? 2Sam. 16:1
1906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Smith on Mephibosheth. 2Sam. 16:1
1907. Ziba the opportunist. Ziba exploits national emergencies for his own benefit. 2Sam. 16:1
1908. Ziba places his bet on David. 2Sam. 16:1
1909. David, because he is called the king, is seen by God the Holy Spirit as the king of Israel, even though he is retreating out of the capitol city. 2Sam. 16:2
1910. Bob Dylan and the song God on our side. 2Sam. 16:2
1911. Bob Dylan (and others) did not understand how we dealt with our enemies after WWII. 2Sam. 16:2
1912. Ziba’s lack of formality with David. 2Sam. 16:2
1913. The advantage of donkeys over camels. 2Sam. 16:2
1914. Even though Ziba is taking all of the credit for bringing these supplies to David, it would be logical for Mephibosheth to initiate this effort. 2Sam. 16:2
1915. The extent of Mephibosheth’s lameness. 2Sam. 16:3
1916. Ziba’s claim that Mephibosheth is positioning himself to take over as king. 2Sam. 16:3
1917. Honest people tend to believe that other people are honest. 2Sam. 16:3
1918. What is likely the truth concerning Ziba’s story to David. 2Sam. 16:3
1919. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who is Lying? Ziba or Mephibosheth? 2Sam. 16:3
1920. David, like all great men, can make wrong decisions. 2Sam. 16:4
1921. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Could David Have Been Fooled by Ziba? 2Sam. 16:4
1922. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Decision Concerning Ziba—a New Approach. 2Sam. 16:4
1923. Reference to 2Samuel 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 16:4
1924. All great leaders make mistakes in their decisions. 2Sam. 16:5
1925. Evaluating leaders. 2Sam. 16:5
1926. The Bible never sugarcoats the life of David. The flawed nature of all saints. 2Sam. 16:5
1927. Jesus is sinless. The idea of mythologizing Jesus. 2Sam. 16:5
1928. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Village of Bahurim. 2Sam. 16:5
1929. The family name Gera. 2Sam. 16:5
1930. The idea that Shimei is Cush the Benjamite mentioned in Psalm 7. 2Sam. 16:5
1931. The sign of the direct object and how it relates to v. 6. 2Sam. 16:6
1932. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Honor with Respect to King Saul. 2Sam. 16:6
1933. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Shimei heaves stones at David (graphic). 2Sam. 16:6
1934. Reference to 1Sam. 16–31 (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 16:6
1935. Shimei is stupid or fearless or both. 2Sam. 16:6
1936. Shimei is the perfect illustration of the low-information voter today. Low-information voters can be extremely intelligent; illustration of a female doctor. The emotional revolt of the soul in the low-information voter. 2Sam. 16:6
1937. The pathetic actions of war protestors against Vietnam veterans. 2Sam. 16:7
1938. Shimei holds David responsible for several deaths of the Sauline family. 2Sam. 16:7
1939. Why Solomon builds the Temple and not David. 2Sam. 16:7
1940. Ronald Regan quote: "It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so." This relates to the low-information liberal. 2Sam. 16:8
1941. Shimei blames David for the deaths of those in Saul’s family, but he is not responsible for them. How Saul and his sons died. 2Sam. 16:8
1942. The low-information voter saying, “Bush lied; people died.” In this information age, people still choose to cling to falsehoods and slogans. 2Sam. 16:8
1943. Illogic of complaining about Bush’s deficits while accepting Obama’s. 2Sam. 16:8
1944. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Deaths in the House of Saul. 2Sam. 16:8
1945. The informed believer with doctrine can correctly interpret contemporary history. 2Sam. 16:8
1946. South Africa, Rhodesia and R. B. Thieme, Jr. in the 1970's. 2Sam. 16:8
1947. Examples of men without doctrine incorrectly interpreting history. Lies taught about American history.
1948. Republicans in 2013 are portrayed as evil. 2Sam. 16:8
1949. David was given the chance to remove Saul from office, but he did not take it. It would be wrong to assassinate any president, no matter how bad they are. 2Sam. 16:8
1950. The greatness of Zeruiah, David’s sister; and David being lousy as a father. 2Sam. 16:9
1951. Dogs in the ancient world. 2Sam. 16:9
1952. David’s greatness and patience with Shimei. 2Sam. 16:9
1953. Explaining what to me to you. 2Sam. 16:10
1954. David does not take the vicious verbal attacks of Shimei personally. 2Sam. 16:10
1955. God speaks to David through prophets and priests. 2Sam. 16:10
1956. One of the keys to David’s greatness was being able to place himself under the authority of a prophet. 2Sam. 16:10
1957. God can take the cursings of others and turn them into blessing for us. Examples from Scripture. 2Sam. 16:10
1958. Shimei is a civilian, and that is key to David’s patience with him. 2Sam. 16:10
1959. Even though Shimei is a low-information citizen, David does not attempt to convince him of his wrongness. 2Sam. 16:10
1960. New Testament example. 2Sam. 16:10
1961. David’s explanation as to why Shimei is not harmed. 2Sam. 16:10
1962. David focuses his men on Absalom rather than on Shimei. 2Sam. 16:11
1963. Translations with the view that, if David’s own son is out to kill him, why wouldn’t this Shimei be angry with David as well? 2Sam. 16:11
1964. David gives another reason to let Shimei alone—maybe God will bless David to make up for Shimei’s cursing. The idea that God will bless some of us who are cursed. 2Sam. 16:12
1965. Key words in this chapter gives us an overview. 2Sam. 16:12
1966. Most movies about the Bible get the condition of the land wrong. A drainage ditch seems to be implied here in this passage. 2Sam. 16:13
1967. The lack of control of some people’s souls. The man is often the governor of the woman. 2Sam. 16:13
1968. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The People David Met Along the Way. 2Sam. 16:13
1969. Where do David and his men arrive? The fords of the wilderness. 2Sam. 16:14
1970. How the actions of David as a leader are illustrated with masculine singular verbs and masculine singular suffixes. 2Sam. 16:14
1971. The masculine plural suffixes and verbs indicate that Absalom is not really a leader. 2Sam. 16:15
1972. Ahithophel turns against David over Bathsheba. 2Sam. 16:15
1973. References to Psalm 41 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Psalm 55 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 16:15
1974. Ahithophel, not Absalom, will be keeping the revolution against David afloat. 2Sam. 16:15
1975. Eliam, Bathsheba and Ahithophel. 2Sam. 16:15
1976. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Iconoclastic Arrogance. 2Sam. 16:15
1977. The arrogance complex keeps you from having sustained happiness in life. 2Sam. 16:15
1978. Smooth sailing for Absalom; he is believing his own publicity. 2Sam. 16:15
1979. This appears to be Absalom’s victory parade. 2Sam. 16:16
1980. Absalom’s good ground game. 2Sam. 16:16
1981. Application to Obama’s ground game in 2012. 2Sam. 16:16
1982. The low-information goes by impressions and feelings. 2Sam. 16:16
1983. The key to the believer is not to watch Fox News, but to learn more Bible doctrine. 2Sam. 16:16
1984. Hushai’s initial meet with Absalom, and how he disarms him. 2Sam. 16:16
1985. What Hushai must do. 2Sam. 16:16
1986. Where Hushai and Absalom are. 2Sam. 16:16
1987. Absalom picking Hushai out of the crowd and interrogating him. Hushai responds like a realist, not like a partisan. 2Sam. 16:17
1988. The interview from Hushai’s perspective and from Absalom’s. 2Sam. 16:17
1989. Hushai’s ambiguity in his interview with Absalom. 2Sam. 16:18
1990. People support Absalom insofar as he has manipulated them. Illustration: Obama. 2Sam. 16:18
1991. The dishonesty of Absalom and how he has represented himself. 2Sam. 16:18
1992. Absalom does not appear to believe in God. 2Sam. 16:18
1993. Hushai portrays himself as an old man who is a realist. 2Sam. 16:18
1994. Hushai’s logic as to why he is loyal to Absalom and how Absalom appears to understand it. 2Sam. 16:18
1995. Hushai’s remarks are slightly vague; but can be interpreted to support Absalom. Absalom must think of these remarks in his favor. 2Sam. 16:19
1996. This is his first step to get to the inner circle. 2Sam. 16:19
1997. Absalom has not thought out this revolution out yet. He was not prepared past walking into Jerusalem. He is a novice at this. 2Sam. 16:20
1998. Richard Gere in Power. 2Sam. 16:20
1999. Comparing the masculine singular verbs to the masculine plural verbs; David versus Absalom as leaders. David is a leader; Absalom is not. 2Sam. 16:20
2000. Using Obama to illustrate Absalom as a leader. 2Sam. 16:20
2001. Some translations understand what is going on here. 2Sam. 16:20
2002. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Vocabulary of Revolution. 2Sam. 16:20
2003. The Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 16:20
2004. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Advice of Ahithophel. 2Sam. 16:21
2005. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Taking Ahithophel's Advice—the Advantage to Absalom. 2Sam. 16:21
2006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Taking Ahithophel's Advice Part II—the Advantage to Ahithophel. 2Sam. 16:21
2007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principle of the Man Behind the Man. 2Sam. 16:21
2008. David’s mistresses are bystanders brought into the war by Ahithophel and Absalom. 2Sam. 16:21
2009. The roof in the ancient world. 2Sam. 16:22
2010. The psyche of the people is going to be affected. 2Sam. 16:22
2011. How we got to this point. What a hypocrite Absalom is. 2Sam. 16:22
2012. Peter speaking of the dog returning to his vomit. Absalom knows that rape is wrong; and now he will rape 10 women. 2Sam. 16:22
2013. The tent is not necessarily open for the public to view. 2Sam. 16:22
2014. This is the final installment of discipline against David. 2Sam. 16:22
2015. Ahithophel’s advice does not line up with the Word of God, although his wisdom is said to be like inquiring of the Word of God. 2Sam. 16:23
2016. Ahithophel realizes that he is now calling the shots. Ahithophel’s advice will help Absalom achieve his ends. 2Sam. 16:23
2017. Morality is a part of the laws of divine establishment; immorality is not. Politicians will not raise more money by legalizing sin and then taxing it. 2Sam. 16:23
2018. Hushai is David’s mole and the decising factor in this revolution. 2Sam. 16:23
2019. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from 2Samuel 16. 2Sam. 16 Addendum
2020. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 2Sam. 16 Addendum
2021. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes 2Samuel 16. 2Sam. 16 Addendum
2022. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 16. 2Sam. 16 Addendum
2023. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud for the Nearly Literal Translation of 2Samuel 16. 2Sam. 16 Addendum
2024. David is cursed, which lets us know how some of the people feel about David; Psalm 31 is apropos to this. 2Sam. 16
2025. 2Samuel 17 The Function of Counterinsurgency in the Absalom Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
2026. This chapter will cover counterinsurgency warfare. The Bible spends a great deal of time with warfare and military logistics. 2Sam. 17 Introduction
2027. I was a hippie from the 60's and I had to change many of my ideas because of the Bible. 2Sam. 17 Introduction
2028. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry's Outline. 2Sam. 17 Introduction
2029. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of 2Samuel 17. 2Sam. 17 Introduction
2030. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of 2Samuel 17. 2Sam. 17 Introduction
2031. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Davidic Timeline. 2Sam. 17 Introduction
2032. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of 2Samuel 17. 2Sam. 17 Introduction
2033. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gill Summarizes 2Samuel 17. 2Sam. 17 Introduction
2034. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God and Revolution. 2Sam. 17 Introduction
2035. The Knox Bible = the New Advent Bible. 2Sam. 17 Introduction
2036. Lead in from previous chapter. Why Ahithophel suggested Absalom rape the mistresses. 2Sam. 17:1
2037. Ahithophel probably gathered all the information that he needed in the first day. 2Sam. 17:1
2038. Ahithophel knows how many men have gone with David and he knows what size strike force he will need. 2Sam. 17:1
2039. Absalom’s brutality is increasing. 2Sam. 17:1
2040. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Evidence that this is Jerusalem Day One. 2Sam. 17:1
2041. Ahithophel needs to act quickly, even while Absalom is raping David’s mistresses. 2Sam. 17:1
2042. The more time that passes, the better it is for David. 2Sam. 17:1
2043. Importance of the verb morphology. 2Sam. 17:2
2044. David does not know what Absalom will do and he needs a good intelligence network. 2Sam. 17:2
2045. The meaning of slack of hands. 2Sam. 17:2
2046. What Ahithophel knows about David. 2Sam. 17:2
2047. David has between 1000 and 6000 men. 2Sam. 17:2
2048. Ahithophel is offering the only plan, so he is not going to worry about contingency plans, loss of life, or selling his plan to Absalom. Ahithophel no doubt has contingency plans. 2Sam. 17:2
2049. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of "I will strike the king by himself". 2Sam. 17:2
2050. Ahithophel calls David the king. 2Sam. 17:2
2051. Ahithophel does not want Absalom’s job; but he does want to tell Absalom what to do. 2Sam. 17:2
2052. Ahithophel’s plan would have worked. 2Sam. 17:2
2053. The possible problems with the text of v. 3. 2Sam. 17:3
2054. Ahithophel’s hatred for David. 2Sam. 17:3
2055. Restoration in a revolution. 2Sam. 17:3
2056. Revolutions never end with sweetness and light. Revolutions in the Middle East. 2Sam. 17:3
2057. The lack of conjunctions in Ahithophel’s plan. 2Sam. 17:3
2058. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Translations of 2Samuel 17:3. 2Sam. 17:3
2059. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 17:3 Text from the Greek Septuagint. 2Sam. 17:3
2060. The Greek text does not really change anything. 2Sam. 17:3
2061. Ahithophel over-simplified his plan for Absalom. 2Sam. 17:3
2062. The number of wars occurring right now and related websites. 2Sam. 17:3
2063. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Selling of Ahithophel's Battle-Plan. 2Sam. 17:3
2064. Since there was only one plan, Ahithophel did not attempted to sell it. He offered a best-case scenario plan. 2Sam. 17:4
2065. Absalom’s yes-men. 2Sam. 17:4
2066. Change of culture in the United States; Republican party called the party of “old white guys.” 2Sam. 17:4
2067. Young people line up behind the liberal party, not realizing what it stands for or how it will affect them. It is important to a young person that the president is cool. 2Sam. 17:4
2068. Liberals and investment in education and what that means. 2Sam. 17:4
2069. Israel understood the value of elders. 2Sam. 17:4
2070. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why There is Only One Plan. 2Sam. 17:4
2071. Arrogance and happiness (or lack of same). 2Sam. 17:4
2072. David has a lot of civilians with him. 2Sam. 17:4
2073. Absalom’s big problem with Ahithophel’s plan. Not enough Absalom in it, like not enough cow bell. 2Sam. 17:4
2074. The momentous occasion of Absalom making the first order that was not previously scripted; calling for Hushai. 2Sam. 17:5
2075. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Four Men. 2Sam. 17:5
2076. Why Absalom needs to call for another opinion. 2Sam. 17:5
2077. Compare this to the Carter and Obama missions. 2Sam. 17:5
2078. I did not, as a child with army men, understand many aspects of the military; same for Absalom. 2Sam. 17:5
2079. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Absalom calls for Hushai. 2Sam. 17:5
2080. Absalom is wasting time here, just as President Obama did in Afghanistan when his generals called for more troops. 2Sam. 17:5
2081. How a mole should act. 2Sam. 17:6
2082. Winning the clandestine battle can mean winning the war. 2Sam. 17:6
2083. Absalom sees himself as the golden boy. 2Sam. 17:6
2084. Why Absalom does not want Ahithophel getting too fat of a head. 2Sam. 17:6
2085. Hushai’s mind has to be working 1000 mph. 2Sam. 17:6
2086. The advantages that Hushai has in presenting his plan. 2Sam. 17:6
2087. Absalom may be testing Hushai’s loyalty here. 2Sam. 17:6
2088. Hushai has to offer up a plan inferior to Ahithophel’s and yet sell it to Absalom as a superior plan. 2Sam. 17:7
2089. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Warfare and Revolution Require a New Set of Values for the Believer. 2Sam. 17:7
2090. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Advantage Hushai. 2Sam. 17:7
2091. Hushai does not take any cheap shots at Ahithophel. 2Sam. 17:7
2092. Absalom is betrayed by knowledge of his own brilliance. 2Sam. 17:7
2093. The difference in the sentence structure of Hushai’s plan and Ahithophel’s plan. 2Sam. 17:8
2094. Hushai speaks directly and personally to Absalom. He keeps saying, “Absalom, you know your father” but Absalom really doesn’t. Use of the 2nd person masculine singular suffix. 2Sam. 17:8
2095. The newsmen of that era. 2Sam. 17:9
2096. How Hushai paints a picture for Absalom. 2Sam. 17:9
2097. Absalom does not want negative news to go out about the initial attack; parallel drawn to President Obama not wanting any negative news about himself put out into the public eye. 2Sam. 17:9
2098. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom and Public Opinion. 2Sam. 17:9
2099. Hushai’s military jargon and explaining things in detail. 2Sam. 17:10
2100. Tying vv. 9–10 together. 2Sam. 17:10
2101. Hushai lies to Absalom’s face. 2Sam. 17:11
2102. How Hushai’s plan favors David. 2Sam. 17:11
2103. Absalom and his lack of experience in war. 2Sam. 17:11
2104. Absalom is arrogant and he does not know what he does not know. 2Sam. 17:11
2105. Other commentators on the intentional flaws in Hushai’s plan. 2Sam. 17:11
2106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Absalom was willing to go to war against David and Joab. 2Sam. 17:11
2107. There is no surveillance that is being done. 2Sam. 17:12
2108. The imagery of the dew on the ground. 2Sam. 17:12
2109. Will Hushai join Absalom in battle? 2Sam. 17:12
2110. The brilliance of Hushai’s plan and contingency plan. 2Sam. 17:13
2111. The idea of a huge army dismantling a city. 2Sam. 17:13
2112. How a product or concept is sold. 2Sam. 17:13
2113. How politicians are painted in the 2012 election. 2Sam. 17:13
2114. Hushai appears to be playing chess while Ahithophel appears to be playing checkers. 2Sam. 17:13
2115. Absalom chooses Hushai’s plan because of his own superficial understanding of war. 2Sam. 17:13
2116. The analogy of a police force. 2Sam. 17:13
2117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Bob Deffinbaugh on the Conflicting Counsel of the Two Advisors. 2Sam. 17:13
2118. Men will follow Absalom into battle; but not all of them will follow Absalom into battle against David. 2Sam. 17:14
2119. The kinds of men who are following Absalom. 2Sam. 17:14
2120. Absalom arrogance when he is out of his depth. 2Sam. 17:14
2121. Absalom’s flaw and inability to give Ahithophel a full reign. Contrast this with David, who allows Joab to make most of the battlefield decisions. 2Sam. 17:14
2122. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Comparing the Plans. 2Sam. 17:14
2123. Good and evil and the vocabulary used here. 2Sam. 17:14
2124. Only Hushai could have pulled a plan like this off. 2Sam. 17:14
2125. God gives us the political leaders we deserve. 2Sam. 17:14
2126. How you relate to this if you are under 30. 2Sam. 17:14
2127. Example of Berachah Church in the 1980's. 2Sam. 17:14
2128. You should be encouraged to move forward in your spiritual life. 2Sam. 17:14
2129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of a Personal Sense of Destiny. 2Sam. 17:14
2130. David’s intelligence network. 2Sam. 17:14
2131. David’s intelligence network. 2Sam. 17:15
2132. Why Hushai relays both plans to David, even though his plan was chosen by Absalom. 2Sam. 17:15
2133. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hushai the Archite. 2Sam. 17:15
2134. Why would David wait at the Jordan and not cross over? 2Sam. 17:16
2135. How the spy network works. 2Sam. 17:17
2136. En-rogel and why the slave-woman would go there. 2Sam. 17:17
2137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Serenity Prayer. 2Sam. 17:17
2138. Previous messages. 2Sam. 17:17
2139. How the mature believer reacts to adversity and difficulties. 2Sam. 17:17
2140. Why the maidservant is not named. 2Sam. 17:17
2141. Some of the great unknown people of history. 2Sam. 17:17
2142. Absalom has his own network of lookouts. 2Sam. 17:17
2143. Why youth is easy to get roped into revolutionary movements. 2Sam. 17:18
2144. How the youth of v. 18 stands in for all young people, without any historical perspective. 2Sam. 17:18
2145. Young people are unable to see long-term, which is how Obama got the young to vote for him. 2Sam. 17:18
2146. Slogans, utopian visions, class warfare. 2Sam. 17:18
2147. My political science teacher are ARC. 2Sam. 17:18
2148. Absalom is slick, cool and handsome. 2Sam. 17:18
2149. The priests’ sons are out of place. 2Sam. 17:18
2150. Bahurim. 2Sam. 17:18
2151. R. B. Thieme, Jr. suggests that Azmaveth is the owner of the chateau. 2Sam. 17:19
2152. Those in the search party know the priests’ sons, and assume the woman does as well. 2Sam. 17:20
2153. The woman gives no respect to the authorities. 2Sam. 17:20
2154. The woman lies right to the face of the men from Absalom; and this is good. 2Sam. 17:20
2155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Legitimate Lies in Scripture. 2Sam. 17:20
2156. The woman of the chateau knows when to have a different set of values. 2Sam. 17:20
2157. The British Empire was an establishment government. 2Sam. 17:20
2158. I was personally brought up under liberalism. 2Sam. 17:20
2159. How the soldiers may have figured that the priests’ sons got away. 2Sam. 17:20
2160. The Land of Promise was heavily forested in that era. 2Sam. 17:20
2161. Why there is a well with a stream nearby. 2Sam. 17:20
2162. Why Ahimaaz and Jonathan did not simply hide in the woman’s house. 2Sam. 17:20
2163. The relative sizes of the armies. 2Sam. 17:21
2164. Why David knows the east side of the Jordan. 2Sam. 17:21
2165. Taking Alex’s advice resulted in the Hebrew exegesis tables. 2Sam. 17:22
2166. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 17:22
2167. Why not having his advice taken was such a blow to Ahithophel. 2Sam. 17:23
2168. Ahithophel does not join up with Absalom. 2Sam. 17:23
2169. Reference to compartmentalization arrogance (see 2Sam. 11 for the Doctrine of Compartmentalization Arrogance). 2Sam. 17:23
2170. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Ahithophel Killed Himself. 2Sam. 17:23
2171. Reference to See also the Doctrine of Suicide (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 17:23
2172. Mistaken thoughts as to Ahithophel being only 33. 2Sam. 17:23
2173. The 3 motives of Ahithophel’s suicide. 2Sam. 17:23
2174. Ahithophel is the example of a man abounding in human wisdom and bereft of divine viewpoint. 2Sam. 17:23
2175. Ahithophel, the brains of the Absalom revolution, kills himself. 2Sam. 17:23
2176. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ahithophel's Betrayal of David is a Type of Judas's Betrayal of Jesus. 2Sam. 17:23
2177. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Mahanaim. 2Sam. 17:24
2178. Why Absalom followed Hushai’s plan instead of Ahithophel’s. 2Sam. 17:24
2179. Reference to the Doctrine of Mahanaim (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 17:24
2180. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Nave's Topical Bible Summarizes the City of Mahanaim. 2Sam. 17:24
2181. David’s ready defense. 2Sam. 17:24
2182. Why Absalom chose Amasa as his chief general. 2Sam. 17:25
2183. R. B. Thieme, Jr. and the Nahash referred to here. 2Sam. 17:25
2184. Abigail, Zeruiah’s half or full sister. 2Sam. 17:25
2185. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Line, Including Abigail (genealogy chart). 2Sam. 17:25
2186. Amasa represents a new, younger generation. 2Sam. 17:25
2187. Absalom choosing Amasa is very much like President Obama choosing Sonia Sotomayer as a judge, where her background and upbringing were both emphasized. 2Sam. 17:25
2188. A little about Gilead, east of the Jordan. 2Sam. 17:26
2189. Differences of opinion as to how many men David was leading. 2Sam. 17:26
2190. Why emphasis is placed upon the logistics in David’s army. 2Sam. 17:27
2191. Shobi ben Nahash. 2Sam. 17:27
2192. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Nahash's of Scripture. 2Sam. 17:27
2193. Machir ben Ammiel and his relationship to Ziba and Mephibosheth. 2Sam. 17:27
2194. Barzillai the Gileadite. 2Sam. 17:27
2195. God could make everyone prosperous. Why He does not. 2Sam. 17:27
2196. People squander their wealth. 2Sam. 17:27
2197. America’s generosity toward the poor and others with needs. 2Sam. 17:27
2198. Management of resources and government. 2Sam. 17:27
2199. David’s 3 supporters. 2Sam. 17:27
2200. Why foreigners often better understand the American dream. 2Sam. 17:27
2201. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Rebellion of Absalom. 2Sam. 17:27
2202. The repetition of the roasted grain. 2Sam. 17:28
2203. All 3 men come to the same conclusion that they need to support David. 2Sam. 17:29
2204. Giving begins in the soul; these 3 men have generous souls. 2Sam. 17:29
2205. Christian warfare and Christian service. 2Sam. 17:29
2206. Serving God requires knowledge of the Word of God. 2Sam. 17:29
2207. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Sharing of Our Material Goods with the Servants of God. 2Sam. 17:29
2208. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from 2Samuel 17. 2Sam. 17 Addendum
2209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 2Sam. 17 Addendum
2210. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes 2Samuel 17. 2Sam. 17 Addendum
2211. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 17. 2Sam. 17 Addendum
2212. The psalms which should be studied with this chapter of Samuel. 2Sam. 17 Addendum
2213. R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s matching lesson series. 2Sam. 17 Addendum
2214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud for 2Samuel 17 Exegesis. 2Sam. 17 Addendum
2215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Word Cloud for 2Samuel 17 (Voice of the Wilderness text). 2Sam. 17 Addendum
2216. En-rogel means “the fountain of fullness.” (Also see Barnes Vol. II, p. 387). 2Sam. 17:17
2217. Do the doctrine of Ziba and Mephibosheth in 2Sam. 19; refer back to Thieme’s notes #211 before and after.
2218. 2Samuel 18 Absalom is Killed in the War (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
2219. Some of the oddities of 2Sam. 18. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2220. Background for 2Sam. 18. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2221. A short synopsis of 2Sam. 18. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2222. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of 2Samuel 18. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2223. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of 2Samuel 18. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2224. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Davidic Timeline. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2225. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry Outlines 2Samuel 18. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2226. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of 2Samuel 18. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2227. Obligation and duty in life. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2228. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Adversity Scale of Values. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2229. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God and Counterinsurgency. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2230. Reference to the laws of divine establishment (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2231. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Arrogance and Revolution. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2232. Revolution reveals man’s inability to appreciate good environment or good establishment government.
2233. Establishment government in the United States; unrest in the United States. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2234. Even under the worst president of the United States, we are not to rebel against our government. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2235. David’s age at this time. 2Sam. 18 Introduction
2236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of Mahanaim. 2Sam. 18:1
2237. Estimations as to the size of David’s and Absalom’s armies. 2Sam. 18:1
2238. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Modern Military Hierarchy. 2Sam. 18:1
2239. More estimations as to the size of the armies. 2Sam. 18:1
2240. David begins to recover. 2Sam. 18:1
2241. Most believers have no idea what to do with their lives. 2Sam. 18:1
2242. Adapting to changing circumstances, moving along in the plan of God. 2Sam. 18:1
2243. Work is a part of God’s plan for us. 2Sam. 18:1
2244. Faith does not require you to act against normal, rational thought. 2Sam. 18:1
2245. David must reorganize his army, as there have been men who have joined him. 2Sam. 18:2
2246. Armies must be organized and under a system of clearly defined authority. 2Sam. 18:2
2247. The number of brigades which are with David. 2Sam. 18:3
2248. Properly translating and interpreting 2Sam. 18:3. 2Sam. 18:3
2249. God often gives the believer time to think and time to take in Bible doctrine. 2Sam. 18:3
2250. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of One Day at a Time. 2Sam. 18:3
2251. David’s true humility. 2Sam. 18:4
2252. Absalom’s arrogance versus David’s humility. 2Sam. 18:4
2253. Why we guard our president. 2Sam. 18:4
2254. The mark of a good leader is being able to take good advice. Being humble means you can take good advice from anyone. 2Sam. 18:4
2255. Reference to the Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 18:4
2256. David is confused about Absalom and overly empathetic towards Absalom. 2Sam. 18:5
2257. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Negative Emotion. 2Sam. 18:5
2258. The liberal mind and liberal thinking. Liberal self-righteousness. 2Sam. 18:5
2259. Humility thinking versus emotional thinking. 2Sam. 18:5
2260. R. B. Thieme, Jr. developed the best explanation for David’s behavior (interlocking systems of arrogance). 2Sam. 18:5
2261. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Goes Astray. 2Sam. 18:5
2262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Misguided Order. 2Sam. 18:5
2263. Joab is a great #2 man; a man with great humility. This does not mean that he agrees with David about everything. 2Sam. 18:5
2264. David is unable to think about his son Absalom objectively. 2Sam. 18:5
2265. God’s love, justice and righteousness. 2Sam. 18:5
2266. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Tale of the Tape. 2Sam. 18:6
2267. Comparing David and his army to Absalom and his army. 2Sam. 18:6
2268. The location of the forests of Ephraim. 2Sam. 18:6
2269. These heavy forests favor David’s army. 2Sam. 18:6
2270. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Rebellion of Absalom (map). 2Sam. 18:6
2271. David’s organization and planning are key to his victory over Absalom. This is why Hushai’s advice favored David. 2Sam. 18:6
2272. The movement of David’s 3 brigades. 2Sam. 18:7
2273. Reference to Psalm 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 18:7
2274. Many revolutionaries will have to die in this war between David and Absalom. 2Sam. 18:7
2275. The liberal mindset to subject everyone else to their philosophies and ideas. 2Sam. 18:7
2276. Why the terrain favored David’s army. David had organized his army to fight in small units. 2Sam. 18:8
2277. How angels may have participated in this battle. 2Sam. 18:8
2278. How forests, angels and animals may have worked against Absalom’s army. 2Sam. 18:8
2279. Soldiers versus revolutionaries. 2Sam. 18:8
2280. Revolution will make life in a country worse when the revolution is over. 2Sam. 18:8
2281. The Egyptian revolution and Mubarak. 2Sam. 18:8
2282. How Egypt, after the revolution, and even after an election, was worse. 2Sam. 18:8
2283. The two types of revolutionaries. 2Sam. 18:8
2284. The American revolution by contrast. 2Sam. 18:8
2285. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Easy English Bible Summation (so far). 2Sam. 18:8
2286. How Absalom ended up on a mule wandering about in the thick forest. 2Sam. 18:9
2287. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The American English Bible on "The Heavens and the Earth". 2Sam. 18:9
2288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom Hanging on the Oak Tree (graphic). 2Sam. 18:9
2289. A description of Absalom. 2Sam. 18:9
2290. Dealing with conflicting authorities. 2Sam. 18:12
2291. Description of Absalom; no description of Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 18:13
2292. The problem with Absalom remaining alive. 2Sam. 18:13
2293. Contrasting the noncom with Joab. 2Sam. 18:14
2294. Reference to 1Chron. 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 18:14
2295. Why Joab is left off of David’s list of mighty men. 2Sam. 18:14
2296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Nearly Every Translation of 2Samuel 18:14 is Wrong. 2Sam. 18:14
2297. Joab’s conundrum—he knows Absalom must die, but David wants him preserved. 2Sam. 18:14
2298. God’s love alone cannot save us. 2Sam. 18:14
2299. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: General Joab Disobeys King David. 2Sam. 18:14
2300. Joab, David and their parallel to MacArthur and Truman. 2Sam. 18:14
2301. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Absalom: Not Quite a Parallel to Jesus on the Cross. 2Sam. 18:14
2302. Did Satan understand types? 2Sam. 18:14
2303. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Attacking Certain Religious Christians or Denominations. 2Sam. 18:14
2304. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke: "Justice for Abraham is Long Overdue". 2Sam. 18:14
2305. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Was Joab Unable to Kill Absalom? 2Sam. 18:14
2306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Comparing North and South Korea. 2Sam. 18:15
2307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Institutions Matter: Real Per Capita GDP in North and South Korea. 2Sam. 18:15
2308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Joab's Restraint. 2Sam. 18:16
2309. The nature of Joab’s burial. 2Sam. 18:17
2310. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Legitimate Authority and the Potter's Wheel. 2Sam. 18:17
2311. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Categories of Humility. 2Sam. 18:17
2312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Fleeing Back Home. 2Sam. 18:17
2313. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Location of Absalom's Monument. 2Sam. 18:18
2314. What about Absalom’s sons who are said to be born to him? 2Sam. 18:18
2315. Absalom’s zealousness to become king and where it may have led him. 2Sam. 18:18
2316. Naming buildings after some phony politician. 2Sam. 18:18
2317. What we should do to leave a lasting monument. 2Sam. 18:18
2318. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where is Absalom Buried? 2Sam. 18:18
2319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Enforced Humility. 2Sam. 18:18
2320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Monuments. 2Sam. 18:18
2321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gen. Douglas MacArthur Dedication of MacArthur Park. 2Sam. 18:18
2322. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gen. Douglas MacArthur describing the legions of uniformed American Patriots. 2Sam. 18:18
2323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Stages of Humility. 2Sam. 18:18
2324. Absalom’s lack of authority orientation, and why. David taught Solomon spiritual truths, but not Absalom. 2Sam. 18:18
2325. God places us in exactly the right place in human history. 2Sam. 18:19
2326. Why someone would want to deliver a message to the king. 2Sam. 18:19
2327. Why Ahimaaz is not the man to deliver the message of victory to David. 2Sam. 18:20
2328. The idea that David would kill the messenger over bad news is ridiculous. 2Sam. 18:20
2329. God knows all of our weaknesses and shortcomings. 2Sam. 18:20
2330. Why Joab does not deliver this message. 2Sam. 18:20
2331. Why people came to Israel and come to the United States. It is related to the spiritual nature of these countries. 2Sam. 18:21
2332. Why Ahimaaz wanted to deliver the message of victory to David. 2Sam. 18:22
2333. The negatives which could have occurred had David led his men into battle. 2Sam. 18:22
2334. Who bows before whom. 2Sam. 18:23
2335. We all have a particular niche in life; and one man is better suited to do a job than another. 2Sam. 18:23
2336. David waiting by the gate in contrast to a previous time when he would spend this time chasing skirt. 2Sam. 18:24
2337. The respective responsibilities of David and the sentry. 2Sam. 18:24
2338. How the watchman may have recognized Ahimaaz’s style of running. 2Sam. 18:27
2339. David reveals his respect for Ahimaaz. 2Sam. 18:27
2340. Peace is achieved through warfare. 2Sam. 18:28
2341. The idea of the United States being an imperialistic nation is poppycock. 2Sam. 18:28
2342. The twofold meaning of the word bless. 2Sam. 18:28
2343. David and Ahimaaz both have trouble dealing with the reality of Absalom. 2Sam. 18:29
2344. A king must have complete and accurate information brought to him. 2Sam. 18:29
2345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is Ahimaaz Lying to David? 2Sam. 18:29
2346. Why the Cushite does not bow before David. 2Sam. 18:31
2347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Authority Orientation in Life. 2Sam. 18:31
2348. Organizational, enforced and genuine humility related to school. 2Sam. 18:31
2349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Get from the Competing Runners' Narrative. 2Sam. 18:32
2350. How David feels about Absalom; how Absalom would have felt about David. 2Sam. 18:33
2351. The emphasis upon leadership in this war, rather than upon principles. 2Sam. 18:33
2352. David is better suited to lead the military than Joab. 2Sam. 18:33
2353. David, Joab, Truman and MacArthur. 2Sam. 18:33
2354. Absalom is further removed from the people than David. 2Sam. 18:33
2355. Absalom, his family, and the rape of David’s mistresses. 2Sam. 18:33
2356. David, Absalom, Obama and Romney. 2Sam. 18:33
2357. Support for leadership often turns on impressions rather than on reality. 2Sam. 18:33
2358. Absalom was underhanded in his bid for power. 2Sam. 18:33
2359. David saying that he would have died instead of Absalom was being irrational. 2Sam. 18:33
2360. David’s fundamental problem with his wives and many children. 2Sam. 18:33
2361. David’s families were essentially wards of the state. 2Sam. 18:33
2362. A preview of how Joab would brace David in the chapter to come. 2Sam. 18:33
2363. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry on David's 5 Mistakes. 2Sam. 18:33
2364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary on David's Grief. 2Sam. 18:33
2365. David blamed the deficiencies of Absalom on his own neglect. 2Sam. 18:33
2366. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Father-Son Relationship in Scripture. 2Sam. 18:33
2367. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment. (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 18:33
2368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some of the Great Lamentations in Scripture. 2Sam. 18:33
2369. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from 2Samuel 18. 2Sam. 18 Addendum
2370. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 2Sam. 18 Addendum
2371. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes 2Samuel 18. 2Sam. 18 Addendum
2372. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 18. 2Sam. 18 Addendum
2373. 2Samuel 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
2374. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 2Samuel 19. 2Sam. 19 Introduction
2375. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 2Samuel 19. 2Sam. 19 Introduction
2376. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Prequel to 2Samuel 19 by 2Sam. 19 Introduction
2377. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Davidic Timeline. 2Sam. 19 Introduction
2378. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alternative Outlines. 2Sam. 19 Introduction
2379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gill's Synopsis of 2Samuel 19. 2Sam. 19 Introduction
2380. Verse divisions and chapters divisions are problematic in this chapter. 2Sam. 19 Introduction
2381. That there is a celebration and re-coronation is never clearly stated in this chapter. 2Sam. 19 Introduction
2382. David does not seek the guidance of God, of the priests or of the prophets in this chapter. 2Sam. 19 Introduction
2383. 2Samuel 18:33 covered briefly. 2Sam. 18:33
2384. McGee: Absalom was probably not saved. 2Sam. 18:33
2385. 2Samuel 19 David’s Long Return to Jerusalem (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
2386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introductory Points to 2Samuel 19. 2Sam. 19:1
2387. Kills Absalom or David and the war is over.
2388. How the people viewed Absalom.
2389. The superficialities of loyalties and partisanship. Example of Bush and the stock market.
2390. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Grief for Absalom. 2Sam. 19:1
2391. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Emotional Arrogance. 2Sam. 19:1
2392. Joab is a realist in war and politics. 2Sam. 19:1
2393. Great leaders have to put personal problems aside when leading a nation. 2Sam. 19:1
2394. Few people understand how to wield authority. 2Sam. 19:1
2395. It is not having the right person in office, if half of the people want anti-establishment things (like gay marriage or legal marijuana). 2Sam. 19:1
2396. Mitt Romney the perfect candidate in 2012. 2Sam. 19:1
2397. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Army. 2Sam. 19:3
2398. What king David ought to be doing after this victory. 2Sam. 19:3
2399. What David’s repetitions in his speech mean. 2Sam. 19:4
2400. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Failure as King/Joab's Faithfulness. 2Sam. 19:4
2401. Joab bracing David is Joab in his finest hour. 2Sam. 19:5
2402. David probably did not know that Joab initiated the killing of his son. 2Sam. 19:5
2403. Freedom, liberty and safety are purchased on the battlefield. This is not true of a revolutionary army. 2Sam. 19:5
2404. People worrying about the U.S. military being too strong and the U.S. being the policemen of the world. 2Sam. 19:5
2405. Absalom is the poster child for a child being raised without the firm hand of a father. 2Sam. 19:5
2406. Absalom lacked self-control, something a father often instills in a son. 2Sam. 19:5
2407. We have an Absalom presidency in 2014. 2Sam. 19:5
2408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Reversionism and Reverse Process Reversionism. 2Sam. 19:6
2409. Love means that you focus your attention on someone. David needs to focus his attention on his troops. 2Sam. 19:6
2410. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Because of Arrogance, David Lacks Appreciation for his Troops. 2Sam. 19:6
2411. David is as screwed up emotionally as Absalom was. 2Sam. 19:6
2412. How illogical David’s emotional arrogance makes him. 2Sam. 19:6
2413. Being clear about the gospel. 2Sam. 19:6
2414. Joab does not want David to be phoney with his troops. 2Sam. 19:7
2415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Huddle-hands graphic. 2Sam. 19:7
2416. As commander-in-chief, the president needs to explain and justify any war that he has our troops fighting in. 2Sam. 19:7
2417. An epanadiplosis. 2Sam. 19:7
2418. Joab tells David exactly what he needs to do. 2Sam. 19:7
2419. David’s humility with Joab is key to his exiting the interlocking systems of arrogance. 2Sam. 19:7
2420. Who could replace David as king? 2Sam. 19:7
2421. What President Obama means when he says he will not re-litigate debates of the past. 2Sam. 19:7
2422. Abuse of authority arrogance. 2Sam. 19:7
2423. Those in authority need to be able to listen to those under their authority. 2Sam. 19:7
2424. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Recovery. 2Sam. 19:8
2425. There are times to tell another person what to do and times to keep your mouth shut. Bible doctrine in the soul gives you that discernment to know when to speak and when not to. 2Sam. 19:8
2426. The spiritual response for this victory is lacking in David. 2Sam. 19:8
2427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Recovery Part II. 2Sam. 19:8
2428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joab's Part in David's Recovery. 2Sam. 19:8
2429. Telling others what to do is not something that you should do very often. 2Sam. 19:8
2430. V. 8 is divided up right at the end of the verse. 2Sam. 19:8
2431. Contrasting Absalom and David. 2Sam. 19:9
2432. The appeal of Barack Obama is very much like the appeal of Absalom. 2Sam. 19:9
2433. How King David made things worse and caused many people to want a change. 2Sam. 19:9
2434. King David’s actual record. His failures. 2Sam. 19:9
2435. Welfare programs under LBJ and FDR. 2Sam. 19:9
2436. The United States helping the poor. 2Sam. 19:9
2437. FDR and Obama acting out of guilt. 2Sam. 19:9
2438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: on Power Changing Hands in the Ancient World. 2Sam. 19:10
2439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry on the Return of the King. 2Sam. 19:10
2440. Reference to 2Sam. 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 19:11
2441. Anadiplosis. 2Sam. 19:11
2442. Expositor’s Bible Commentary on David’s two choices as a king east of the Jordan. 2Sam. 19:11
2443. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How David's Decisions Parallel the Decisions of God. 2Sam. 19:11
2444. David is in synch with God the Holy Spirit. 2Sam. 19:12
2445. Why David is not immediately called to return to Jerusalem. 2Sam. 19:12
2446. Why David is resented by many in Judah. 2Sam. 19:12
2447. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why does northern Israel speak of bringing David back, but Judah does not? 2Sam. 19:12
2448. Amasa. 2Sam. 19:13
2449. Why David chose to advance Amasa, an enemy general, in his own ranks. 2Sam. 19:13
2450. Why Amasa is not replacing Joab. 2Sam. 19:13
2451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Amasa or Joab—who will head David's army? 2Sam. 19:13
2452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Assume the opposite; let's assume that David chose Amasa to replace Joab. 2Sam. 19:13
2453. Even though the narrative tells us that Joab initiated the killing of Absalom, that does not mean that David knows this as well. 2Sam. 19:13
2454. David, even in an official letter, can sway the people of Judah. This is a part of his leadership skills. 2Sam. 19:14
2455. Leadership and the lack of leadership in the 2014 Republican party. Things they are afraid to lead on and thing they are afraid to say. 2Sam. 19:14
2456. Leaders versus followers. 2Sam. 19:14
2457. This narrative is not in strict alphabetical order. 2Sam. 19:15
2458. A metonym. 2Sam. 19:15
2459. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Jordan River in Central Israel. 2Sam. 19:16
2460. Shimei is not a nutball and his meeting with David before was not just happenstance. 2Sam. 19:16
2461. 2Sam. 19 not all in chronological order. 2Sam. 19:17
2462. One possible way that David and Shimei meet this time. 2Sam. 19:17
2463. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Now, who is Ziba again? 2Sam. 19:17
2464. Reference to 2Samuel 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 19:17
2465. This is the only reference to a ferry boat in the Bible. Discussion of options here. 2Sam. 19:19
2466. Background on Shimei. 2Sam. 19:19
2467. Conservatives being judged by society and called anti-science. We can no longer judge actions, but we can judge speech and thinking in this society. 2Sam. 19:20
2468. David recognizes the evil of abusing his power as king. The current administration does not. 2Sam. 19:22
2469. David understands forgiveness. 2Sam. 19:23
2470. David, Solomon and Shimei in the future. 2Sam. 19:23
2471. Mephibosheth and his relative mobility. 2Sam. 19:24
2472. All that occurs in 2Sam. 19 is not in chronological order. 2Sam. 19:25
2473. Did David and Mephibosheth speak in Jerusalem or did Mephibosheth come from Jerusalem? 2Sam. 19:25
2474. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mephibosheth Bows Before David (graphic) by Paul Hardy. 2Sam. 19:25
2475. Why David wanted Mephibosheth to go along with him in the first place. 2Sam. 19:25
2476. Differences between Hebrew and other languages are profound in this verse. 2Sam. 19:26
2477. Sometimes, talking to someone is like coming into the middle of a conversation. 2Sam. 19:26
2478. Looking at the differences between the Hebrew and other ancient languages. 2Sam. 19:26
2479. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Ziba Would Deceive King David. 2Sam. 19:26
2480. Choosing the Greek over the Hebrew. 2Sam. 19:26
2481. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What happened between Ziba and Mephibosheth. 2Sam. 19:27
2482. How ancient potentates treated their potential rivals. 2Sam. 19:27
2483. Why Mephibosheth does not want David’s power. 2Sam. 19:27
2484. Our responsibilities toward God. 2Sam. 19:27
2485. Parallels between David’s treatment of Mephibosheth and God’s treatment of us. 2Sam. 19:28
2486. David reverses a previous ruling. 2Sam. 19:29
2487. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ziba's Story versus Mephibosheth's Account. 2Sam. 19:29
2488. Material possessions are not the key to your happiness. 2Sam. 19:29
2489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to the Doctrine of Happiness. 2Sam. 19:29
2490. The giver is more important than the gift. 2Sam. 19:30
2491. Why the division of the land will bother Ziba. 2Sam. 19:30
2492. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Marvelous Decision Regarding Mephibosheth and Ziba. 2Sam. 19:30
2493. Rogelim briefly. 2Sam. 19:31
2494. The Bible and being old. 2Sam. 19:32
2495. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: L. G. Merritt's Doctrine of Wealth (edited). 2Sam. 19:32
2496. Reference to The Bible, Wealth and Private Property (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 19:32
2497. Reference to Wealthy Men in the Bible (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 19:32
2498. David’s merit and ability approach in staffing government jobs, as opposed to the returning of favors, as is done today. 2Sam. 19:33
2499. The concept of a personal sense of destiny. 2Sam. 19:34
2500. Barzillai’s legacy; David’s legacy. 2Sam. 19:34
2501. David might be recognizing his age and how he will pass from this scene someday too. 2Sam. 19:34
2502. David may start to recognize his physical endpoint. 2Sam. 19:35
2503. My own personal interest in music has waned with age. 2Sam. 19:35
2504. Old age in Ecclesiastes. 2Sam. 19:35
2505. The football player wants to play all 4 quarters; this ought to be the attitude of the born again believer. 2Sam. 19:35
2506. Barzillai tells David exactly what he will do. 2Sam. 19:36
2507. What David offers Barzillai is not graft and corruption. 2Sam. 19:36
2508. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Expositor's Bible Commentary on Barzillai. 2Sam. 19:36
2509. Some people hand off bad workers; Barzillai was offering up a good worker—his son. 2Sam. 19:37
2510. Hidden theme of one generation preparing the next generation to take over. 2Sam. 19:37
2511. We cannot seem to pick a good president. We don’t know what to look at. 2Sam. 19:37
2512. David’s strength is Obama’s weakness. 2Sam. 19:37
2513. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Barzillai and Chimham. 2Sam. 19:38
2514. David will soon be handing off the baton to the next generation. 2Sam. 19:38
2515. Why David is known as a man after God’s Own heart. 2Sam. 19:38
2516. The use of language in a revolution; in a presidential election. 2Sam. 19:39
2517. Males kissing in the ancient world. 2Sam. 19:39
2518. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallel Meetings and Events. 2Sam. 19:39
2519. Why the celebration and the traveling over the Jordan River are downplayed. 2Sam. 19:40
2520. Chimham. 2Sam. 19:40
2521. A possible reason why the ceremonies occurred before all Israel could get there. 2Sam. 19:40
2522. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: One Possible Explanation for the Perceived Slight. 2Sam. 19:41
2523. Problems translating v. 42. 2Sam. 19:42
2524. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Judah and Israel Talking Past Each Other. 2Sam. 19:43
2525. Reference to 2Samuel 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2526. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 2Samuel 19. 2Sam. 19 Addendum
2527. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 2Sam. 19 Addendum
2528. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 2Samuel 19. 2Sam. 19 Addendum
2529. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 19. 2Sam. 19 Addendum
2530. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 2Samuel 19. 2Sam. 19 Addendum
2531. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 2Samuel 19. 2Sam. 19 Addendum
2532. 2Samuel 20 Sheba ben Bichri’s Revolution Against King David (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
2533. Sexual arrogance; interlocking systems of arrogance. 2Sam. 20 Introduction
2534. Revolution is about power; it is never about the little people. 2Sam. 20 Introduction
2535. How revolutions end. 2Sam. 20 Introduction
2536. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 2Samuel 20. 2Sam. 20 Introduction
2537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 2Samuel 20. 2Sam. 20 Introduction
2538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Expository Bible Summarizes the Events at the End of 2Samuel 19. 2Sam. 20 Introduction
2539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Davidic Timeline. 2Sam. 20 Introduction
2540. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 2Samuel 20. 2Sam. 20 Introduction
2541. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Alternative Outline to 2Samuel 20. 2Sam. 20 Introduction
2542. Why Joab’s present military position is difficult to ascertain. 2Sam. 20 Introduction
2543. Revolutionary Sheba has no plan; just a slogan. 2Sam. 20:1
2544. The 2008 election and victimhood. 2Sam. 20:1
2545. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Grievances of the Declaration of Independence. 2Sam. 20:1
2546. The effect of slogans on real people. Example of my college-educated friend in 2008. 2Sam. 20:1
2547. News sources often doctored to appear as news sources, when they are really advocacy groups. 2Sam. 20:1
2548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Massorah by Dr. E.W. Bullinger. 2Sam. 20:1
2549. Summarizing what R. B. Thieme, Jr. taught about revolution. 2Sam. 20:1
2550. How politicians used ideology. 2Sam. 20:1
2551. One possible explanation as to how the misunderstanding between the north and south could have happened. 2Sam. 20:2
2552. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of 2Samuel 20:1–2. 2Sam. 20:2
2553. Ancient Israel culture and rape. 2Sam. 20:3
2554. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David and his Mistresses. 2Sam. 20:3
2555. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why the Bible Covers the Topic of David's 10 Mistresses. 2Sam. 20:3
2556. Amasa; the command he is given. 2Sam. 20:4
2557. The armed forces is not designed for social engineering or social experimentation. Don’t ask; don’t tell. 2Sam. 20:4
2558. Making Amasa general was a mistake. 2Sam. 20:4
2559. Amasa was not up to the job. 2Sam. 20:5
2560. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abishai, Amasa or Joab? 2Sam. 20:6
2561. Why David goes to Abishai next, rather than to Joab. 2Sam. 20:6
2562. Part of the reason for this chapter may be, how David’s sin impacted Joab. 2Sam. 20:6
2563. Revolutionary movements and revolting against Obama. 2Sam. 20:6
2564. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God and Revolution. 2Sam. 20:7
2565. Reference to the complete Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 20:7
2566. Example of Obama and a state of emergency. There is no right of revolution. 2Sam. 20:7
2567. Why the stone in Gibeon is probably a pre-arranged meeting place. 2Sam. 20:8
2568. The description of Joab’s outfit and why it is being described. 2Sam. 20:8
2569. Joab might appear like Barney Fife to Amasa. 2Sam. 20:8
2570. How Amasa’s killing may have gone down; two possibilities. 2Sam. 20:8
2571. Barack Obama knocking George Bush. 2Sam. 20:8
2572. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joab killing Amasa (graphic). 2Sam. 20:10
2573. The way that Joab killed Amasa may have left him alive for awhile. 2Sam. 20:10
2574. Why Joab believed he could get away with killing Amasa, even if David found out. 2Sam. 20:10
2575. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joab—the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. 2Sam. 20:10
2576. Joab’s character as a general. 2Sam. 20:11
2577. David’s weakness when it comes to justice. 2Sam. 20:11
2578. Our point of contact with God is the justice of God. 2Sam. 20:11
2579. Wâw consecutives and imperfect verbs. 2Sam. 20:12
2580. Joab probably did not need to tell the one soldier to move the body of Amasa. 2Sam. 20:12
2581. There are things that we can do nothing about as believers in Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 20:12
2582. One of the key words in this chapter: following after. 2Sam. 20:13
2583. Going to war and the believer in Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 20:13
2584. Why the 3rd person masculine singular verb applies to Sheba. 2Sam. 20:14
2585. Abel; Beth-maacah. 2Sam. 20:14
2586. Berites. 2Sam. 20:14
2587. Description of the walls of a city and the glacis. 2Sam. 20:15
2588. The wise woman is probably not the governess of the city. 2Sam. 20:16
2589. Men have a natural weakness for women. 2Sam. 20:17
2590. The proverb about Abel. 2Sam. 20:18
2591. What it means for this woman to be among the peaceable and faithful in Israel. 2Sam. 20:19
2592. This woman, with her wisdom, is changing history for her city and the people of her city forever more. 2Sam. 20:19
2593. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What do we know for certain about vv. 18–19? 2Sam. 20:19
2594. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Interpretations of 2Samuel 20:18–19. 2Sam. 20:19
2595. Joab is not a war criminal; he is not out for blood. 2Sam. 20:20
2596. Joab can handle this situation with the woman; Amasa might not be able to. 2Sam. 20:21
2597. The woman offers Joab the head of Sheba, which is not what he asked for. 2Sam. 20:21
2598. The importance of wisdom. 2Sam. 20:21
2599. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Wisdom. 2Sam. 20:22
2600. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sheba's head being thrown over the wall (graphic). 2Sam. 20:22
2601. The trumpet suggests a chiasmos. 2Sam. 20:22
2602. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hajime Murai on the Chiasmos of 2Samuel 20:1–22. 2Sam. 20:22
2603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Luther Seminary Chiasmos. 2Sam. 20:22
2604. Despite his shortcomings, Joab is not demoted. 2Sam. 20:23
2605. Joab walking into David’s office after the rebellion is put down. 2Sam. 20:23
2606. Forced labor and tribute. 2Sam. 20:24
2607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Jehoshaphat's of Scripture. 2Sam. 20:24
2608. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sheva's of Scripture. 2Sam. 20:25
2609. Reference to 2Samuel 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 20:25
2610. What this private priest thing is all about. 2Sam. 20:26
2611. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing David's Cabinet Members. 2Sam. 20:26
2612. All of the people involved in various transactions. 2Sam. 20:26
2613. Being able to select people as your underlings is one of the most important parts of a good leader. 2Sam. 20:26
2614. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary Looks Back at David's Time as King. 2Sam. 20 Addendum
2615. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 2Samuel 20 is in the Word of God. 2Sam. 20 Addendum
2616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 2Samuel 20. 2Sam. 20 Addendum
2617. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 2Sam. 20 Addendum
2618. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 2Samuel 20. 2Sam. 20 Addendum
2619. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 20. 2Sam. 20 Addendum
2620. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on What Lies Ahead in 2Samuel. 2Sam. 20 Addendum
2621. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 2Samuel 20. 2Sam. 20 Addendum
2622. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 2Samuel 20. 2Sam. 20 Addendum
2623. 2Samuel 21 The Gibeonites and the Giants (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
2624. These final 4 chapters appear to be an appendix. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2625. What David did in these final 7 years. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2626. Every person ages; every person dies. What is your legacy? 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2627. 2Sam. 21 has a slightly different writing style. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2628. Adam Clarke even objected to the inclusion of this chapter into the Word of God. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2629. Placing the first part of 2Sam. 21 in time, after Mephibosheth in 2Sam. 9 and before Shimei’s vicious verbal attack against David. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2630. Placing the events of the last part of 2Sam. 21. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2631. David not going to war; but then he goes to war against the Aramæans. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2632. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outline of the Final Four Chapters of 2Samuel. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2633. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 21–24 as a Chiasmos. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2634. Posing the question, who appended these chapters? 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2635. The two questions 2Sam. 21 answers. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2636. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 2Samuel 21. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2637. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 2Samuel 21. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2638. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Davidic Timeline. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Synopsis of 2Samuel 21. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2640. How the 7 descendants of Saul may have benefitted by Saul’s acts against the Gibeonites; the unique theory that these lived on land and farms taken from the Gibeonites. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gill's Alternative Outline of 2Samuel 21. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2642. The end of 2Sam. 21 may explain how David got into the interlocking systems of arrogance in 2Sam. 11. 2Sam. 21 Introduction
2643. Placing the first half of 2Sam. 21 in time. 2Sam. 21:1
2644. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. Vernon McGee on Applications of 2Samuel 21. 2Sam. 21:1
2645. Famine in the ancient world. 2Sam. 21:1
2646. The drop in the 2008 market and how we all played a part in this. 2Sam. 21:1
2647. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The King and Israel in the Age of Israel. 2Sam. 21:1
2648. What does David’s integrity have to do with your life? 2Sam. 21:1
2649. Guzik’s basic principles. 2Sam. 21:1
2650. Why the treaty with the Gibeonites was such a big deal to God. 2Sam. 21:1
2651. How the people of Benjamin had some culpability in Saul’s sin. 2Sam. 21:1
2652. The word Amorite used in a generic sense. 2Sam. 21:2
2653. Reference to Joshua 9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 21:2
2654. Oaths in the time of early Israel. 2Sam. 21:2
2655. The degeneracy in our land is based upon hatred for the Word of God. 2Sam. 21:2
2656. Our society embraces homosexual acts because it is against the Word of God. 2Sam. 21:2
2657. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Gibeonites. 2Sam. 21:2
2658. Reference to The Doctrine of Gibeon, Geba and Gibeah (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 21:2
2659. Saul’s attacks on the Gibeonites; the U.S. and immigration. 2Sam. 21:2
2660. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God and Nationalism. 2Sam. 21:2
2661. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 21:2
2662. Believers in the United States ought to be pulling together in the same way. 2Sam. 21:3
2663. Communist and socialist influence in U.S. politics. 2Sam. 21:3
2664. Helping the helpless and sloth. 2Sam. 21:3
2665. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: One Solution to America's Welfare Programs. 2Sam. 21:3
2666. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Problem is David Solving with the Gibeonites? 2Sam. 21:3
2667. FDR, Ford, Reagan and Bush and the Japanese interment camps. 2Sam. 21:3
2668. The blessing of Christian Blacks in America. 2Sam. 21:3
2669. Misinterpreting 2Sam. 21:4. 2Sam. 21:4
2670. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bad Translations of 2Samuel 21:4. 2Sam. 21:4
2671. What Saul did to the Gibeonites is in keeping with his personality. 2Sam. 21:5
2672. What King David did in his spare time; what Saul did in his spare time. 2Sam. 21:5
2673. Why doesn’t God give me a lot of stuff? 2Sam. 21:5
2674. President Obama has no interest in international affairs. 2Sam. 21:6
2675. We have a corporate responsibility/culpability as a nation. 2Sam. 21:6
2676. Trusting God’s justice. 2Sam. 21:6
2677. David keeps his word to Jonathan even after Jonathan’s death. 2Sam. 21:7
2678. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The House of Saul, a graphic. 2Sam. 21:8
2679. Merab or Michal in the passage? 2Sam. 21:8
2680. Israel represents God on earth. 2Sam. 21:9
2681. The text suggests that God approved of the hanging of Saul’s descendants. 2Sam. 21:9
2682. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What 2Samuel 21:1–9 Illustrates. 2Sam. 21:9
2683. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Justice and the Execution of the 7 Sons of Saul. 2Sam. 21:9
2684. God knows what He is doing. 2Sam. 21:9
2685. Rizpah and the rain. What she intended to do. When the rain did come. 2Sam. 21:10
2686. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scriptural Objections to 2Samuel 21:1–10. 2Sam. 21:10
2687. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Rizpah's Kindness Unto the Dead" by Gustave Doré (graphic). 2Sam. 21:10
2688. The Rizpah timetable. 2Sam. 21:10
2689. Wâw consecutives and consecutive action. 2Sam. 21:11
2690. Saul and Jabesh-Gilead. 2Sam. 21:12
2691. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Logical Timetable of Rizpah's Vigil. 2Sam. 21:14
2692. What has been left out of the narrative; why something were left out. 2Sam. 21:14
2693. Application of the incarceration of the Japanese-Americans in WWII. 2Sam. 21:14
2694. This is not the same as reparation for slaves, 150+ years later. 2Sam. 21:14
2695. Applying this to Indians. 2Sam. 21:14
2696. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pett Reveals the Chiasmos Character of 2Samuel 21:1–14. 2Sam. 21:14
2697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adam Clarke's Objections to 2Samuel 20:1–14. 2Sam. 21:14
2698. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Answering the Objections of Adam Clarke. 2Sam. 21:14
2699. Did David pick up 5 stones for 5 giants? 2Sam. 21:15
2700. David and his age on the battlefield. He is not young or old; he is middle aged. 2Sam. 21:15
2701. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Downward Spiral of Man. 2Sam. 21:15
2702. The Rephaim and the Anakim. 2Sam. 21:16
2703. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Goliath's Spearhead Weight 20 Pounds? 2Sam. 21:16
2704. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Abishai Saves the Life of David" by Gustave Doré (graphic). 2Sam. 21:17
2705. The attitude of people toward their leaders. 2Sam. 21:17
2706. The great change in David’s life, leading him to a mid-life crisis, to sin, and then to the interlocking systems of arrogance. 2Sam. 21:17
2707. Reference to 2Sam. 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 21:17
2708. Gob, Gezer, Gath? 2Sam. 21:18
2709. The mental attitude of the Philistines of old much like the Palestinians today. 2Sam. 21:19
2710. Textual problems of 2Sam. 21:19. 2Sam. 21:19
2711. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, Who Killed Goliath? 2Sam. 21:19
2712. Reference to the Doctrine of the City of Gath (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 21:20
2713. Reference to 1Chron. 18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 21:20
2714. Information on giants of previous eras; and those with extra digits. 2Sam. 21:20
2715. Jonathan ben Shimeah and Jonadab ben Shimeah are not the same guy. 2Sam. 21:21
2716. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmos of 2Samuel 21:15–22. 2Sam. 21:22
2717. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 2Samuel 21 is in the Word of God. 2Sam. 21 Addendum
2718. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 2Samuel 21. 2Sam. 21 Addendum
2719. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 2Sam. 21 Addendum
2720. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 2Samuel 21. 2Sam. 21 Addendum
2721. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 21. 2Sam. 21 Addendum
2722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 2Samuel 21. 2Sam. 21 Addendum
2723. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 2Samuel 21. 2Sam. 21 Addendum
2724. Archeological information about Gibeon. I may have covered this in enough detail in the Doctrine of Gibeon, Geba and Gibeah. 2Sam. 21
2725. 2Samuel 22 A Royal Psalm of Thanksgiving (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
2726. God in your life. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2727. Placing 2Sam. 22 in time. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2728. Reference to Psalm 51 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2729. David and interlocking systems of arrogance and Bathsheba. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2730. Rebound mentioned. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2731. David’s complicated relationship to Saul and obeying the laws of your nation. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2732. The train wreck of Obama’s presidency; worst in my lifetime. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2733. Israel represents God on earth; Israel and God’s enemies. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2734. The United States as a client nation to God. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2735. Reference to Psalm 18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2736. Textual criticism, 2Sam. 22 and Psalm 18. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Davidic Timeline. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2741. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Thomas Constable's Epigrammatic Outline for 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2742. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Arno Gaebelein's Outline of 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2743. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Views of the Differences Between 2Samuel 22 and Psalm 18. 2Sam. 22 Introduction
2744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why There Is 2Samuel 22 AND Psalm 18 in the Bible. 2Sam. 22:1
2745. Reference to Jesus Christ in the Old and New Testaments. (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22:1
2746. When this psalm was written. 2Sam. 22:1
2747. David’s many enemies. 2Sam. 22:1
2748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Rock in the Old Testament. 2Sam. 22:2
2749. Reference to The Doctrine of the Rock in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22:2
2750. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:2 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:2
2751. The human author uses a word in one way; the Divine Author uses that same word in a different way. 2Sam. 22:2
2752. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Contrasting the Hebrew Words for "Rock". 2Sam. 22:3
2753. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:2–3a Graphic. 2Sam. 22:3
2754. Summarizing the different ways in which Jesus is our rock. 2Sam. 22:3
2755. Not getting feedback in your Christian walk. 2Sam. 22:3
2756. Testing is a confirmation of our faith. 2Sam. 22:3
2757. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:2–3 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:3
2758. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing 2Samuel 22:2–3. 2Sam. 22:3
2759. Men in power have a lot of enemies. Modern examples. 2Sam. 22:4
2760. Parallel text is the Holy Spirit speaking of Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 22:5
2761. Flooding imagery for Israel. 2Sam. 22:5
2762. Reference to 1Samuel 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22:6
2763. Reference to Psalm 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22:7
2764. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Trinity in the Old Testament (the Abbreviated Version). 2Sam. 22:7
2765. Reference to the complete Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22:7
2766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Omnipresence of God. 2Sam. 22:7
2767. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:7 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:7
2768. Reference to the Angelic Conflict. 2Sam. 22:7
2769. A confusing suffix. 2Sam. 22:8
2770. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Dual Authorship of the Holy Scriptures. 2Sam. 22:8
2771. References to the Short Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF); the Study of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF); and the Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 22:8
2772. Reference to the entire Doctrine of The Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22:8
2773. David did not have a life of miracles. 2Sam. 22:8
2774. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David and the Key to 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22:8
2775. Shaking of the earth passages. 2Sam. 22:8
2776. Scriptures dealing with judgment and fire. 2Sam. 22:9
2777. Explaining what it means for God to ride a cherub down to the earth. 2Sam. 22:11
2778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:8–13 Expressed as a Chiasmos. 2Sam. 22:13
2779. Peter Pett interprets the imagery. 2Sam. 22:14
2780. Scriptures on waters as dangerous to the godly man. 2Sam. 22:17
2781. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:17 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:17
2782. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: L. J. Hooge Presents 2Samuel 22:1–20 as a Chiasmos. 2Sam. 22:20
2783. By my observations, students who obeyed the rules and authority were those who seemed to be the happiest children at school. 2Sam. 22:21
2784. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:21 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:21
2785. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning of Mish’mereth. 2Sam. 22:23
2786. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ordinances or Statutes of God. 2Sam. 22:23
2787. Reference to Laws, Commandments, Ordinances and Statutes (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22:23
2788. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining 2Samuel 22:23 in the Light of David's Sin Nature. 2Sam. 22:23
2789. The sin nature and our day-to-day function. 2Sam. 22:23
2790. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Understanding Tâmîym in the Context of 2Samuel 22:24. 2Sam. 22:24
2791. Reference to the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 22:24
2792. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Rebound (Confession of Personal Sin). 2Sam. 22:24
2793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:21–25: A Short Chiasmos. 2Sam. 22:25
2794. The way you treat other people; following the laws of divine establishment. 2Sam. 22:27
2795. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God and Light. 2Sam. 22:29
2796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:29 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:29
2797. God is light; our purpose in life. 2Sam. 22:29
2798. David’s confidence in war. 2Sam. 22:30
2799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:30 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:30
2800. There is no escape for the enemies of God. 2Sam. 22:30
2801. Falling backwards and having a firm foundation upon which to stand. 2Sam. 22:31
2802. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:31a Graphic. 2Sam. 22:31
2803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:31 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:31
2804. Reference to Psalm 95 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22:32
2805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Chart of the Transliterated Names of God. 2Sam. 22:32
2806. There is only one real and true God. 2Sam. 22:32
2807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:33 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:33
2808. The reason for graphics. 2Sam. 22:33
2809. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:34 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:34
2810. You are not promoted unless God promotes you; problems I had in this area. 2Sam. 22:36
2811. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:37 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:37
2812. The illustration of WWII and atomic weapons when it comes to the destruction of one’s enemy. 2Sam. 22:38
2813. Pacifism and an unrealistic version of life. 2Sam. 22:38
2814. The responsibility of the United States as a superpower. Islam, socialism and communism. 2Sam. 22:39
2815. Reference to Psalm 110 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22:39
2816. The balance between what you do and what God does.
2817. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:40 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:40
2818. How to figure out who the bad guys are. 2Sam. 22:41
2819. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:43 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:43
2820. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:45 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:45
2821. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 22:47 Graphic. 2Sam. 22:47
2822. God’s requirement for worship is not egotism. 2Sam. 22:47
2823. Vengeance belongs to God; God gives vengeance to David. 2Sam. 22:48
2824. Turning the other cheek; personal enemies versus national enemies. 2Sam. 22:49
2825. Reference to the Essence of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 22:50
2826. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Divine Attributes. 2Sam. 22:50
2827. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 2Samuel 22 is in the Word of God. 2Sam. 22 Addendum
2828. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Addendum
2829. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Alternate Chiasmos for 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Addendum
2830. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmos Organization of 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Addendum
2831. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallels Between 2Samuel 22 and Hannah's Song. 2Sam. 22 Addendum
2832. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 2Sam. 22 Addendum
2833. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Addendum
2834. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Addendum
2835. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 2Samuel 22. 2Sam. 22 Addendum
2836. 2Samuel 23 David’s Last Psalm/David’s Military Heroes (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
2837. Reference to the Baptism of Fire (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23 Introduction
2838. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23 Introduction
2839. Reference to the Doctrine of the Millennium. 2Sam. 23 Introduction
2840. Reference to the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23 Introduction
2841. Reference to the Doctrine of Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23 Introduction
2842. How I approach the exegesis of a chapter. 2Sam. 23 Introduction
2843. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 2Samuel 23. 2Sam. 23 Introduction
2844. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 2Samuel 23. 2Sam. 23 Introduction
2845. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Davidic Timeline. 2Sam. 23 Introduction
2846. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 2Samuel 23. 2Sam. 23 Introduction
2847. What it means for these to be the final words of David. 2Sam. 23:1
2848. This is a part of an appendix added probably by a later editor. 2Sam. 23:1
2849. The 8 year interim which is not disclosed. 2Sam. 23:1
2850. David did not train up the first set of sons which he had; but he probably properly trained his second set of sons. 2Sam. 23:1
2851. How David screwed up about 10 years of his life. 2Sam. 23:1
2852. David does not appear to have frequent contact with God as Abraham did. 2Sam. 23:1
2853. Miracles, contact with God, Abraham, Moses and David. 2Sam. 23:1
2854. Emotion and guidance from the Word of God. 2Sam. 23:1
2855. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Famous Last Words. 2Sam. 23:1
2856. The influence of Jesse upon David. 2Sam. 23:1
2857. The importance of a father in his son’s life; the example of Barack Obama. 2Sam. 23:1
2858. David, as the runt of the litter, was promoted by God. 2Sam. 23:1
2859. In God’s plan, it does not matter your beginnings, your circumstances, or your failures. 2Sam. 23:1
2860. Politicians who name things after themselves. 2Sam. 23:1
2861. Type and antitype. 2Sam. 23:1
2862. Reference to Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:1
2863. Solomon may be the one who added the appendix. 2Sam. 23:1
2864. The concept of inspiration; one generation accepting the writings of the previous generation as inspired. Each successive generation recognized the importance of appending the writings which have already been written. 2Sam. 23:2
2865. The concept of inspiration and recognizing those books that are inspired by God. 2Sam. 23:2
2866. Reference to Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:2
2867. The concept of progressive revelation. 2Sam. 23:2
2868. David is both inspired as an author and he is inspired by God. 2Sam. 23:2
2869. Reference to the Study of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), and the Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:2
2870. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Shortened Doctrine of Inspiration. 2Sam. 23:2
2871. David himself recognizes at this point that he is inspired by God the Holy Spirit; and in the New Testament, he is recognized as writing that which is authoritative. 2Sam. 23:2
2872. If I begin to say I am writing the Word of God, then I am ready to be locked up. 2Sam. 23:2
2873. Coming to a point of spiritual maturity where you recognize why God has you here on earth. 2Sam. 23:2
2874. Inspiration. 2Sam. 23:3
2875. Reference to 2Samuel 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:3
2876. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine of the Rock in the New Testament. 2Sam. 23:3
2877. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Peter 2:6–7 (graphic). 2Sam. 23:3
2878. Reference to Doctrine of the Rock in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:3
2879. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Exercising Justice and Righteousness in Israel. 2Sam. 23:3
2880. Twofold fulfillment of David’s prophecy—fulfilled by Solomon and then by Christ. 2Sam. 23:3
2881. Reference to the Doctrine of Intercalation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:3
2882. Leadership, pandering, Democrats and Republicans. 2Sam. 23:3
2883. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Painting of 2Samuel 23:4. 2Sam. 23:4
2884. Light and a well-run country. 2Sam. 23:4
2885. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Light. 2Sam. 23:4
2886. Bureaucracies and regulations in the United States. 2Sam. 23:4
2887. Example of the Bureau of Land Management. 2Sam. 23:4
2888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ is our Light. 2Sam. 23:4
2889. A new day after a nourishing rain. 2Sam. 23:4
2890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 23:4 (graphic). 2Sam. 23:4
2891. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 23:4 (graphic2). 2Sam. 23:4
2892. References to 2Sam. 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and in Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:5
2893. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Maranatha Church's "The Davidic Covenant". 2Sam. 23:5
2894. The 7 “silent” years at the end of David’s reign. 2Sam. 23:5
2895. God’s promises are dependent upon God, not upon David. 2Sam. 23:5
2896. The lack of the supernatural in David’s life. 2Sam. 23:5
2897. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Thorns. 2Sam. 23:6
2898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 23:6 (graphic). 2Sam. 23:6
2899. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Grace Bible Church's "The Baptism of Fire". 2Sam. 23:7
2900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Organization of David's Last Psalm. 2Sam. 23:7
2901. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing Balaam's Words to Those of David. 2Sam. 23:7
2902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David and Jesus. 2Sam. 23:7
2903. Why there is an addendum to the life of David. 2Sam. 23:7
2904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Mighty Men (a graphic). 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2905. The Bible does not list the great pacifists of all time. 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2906. Reference to Military Doctrines Related to the Word of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2907. Reference to Jesus is not a liberal (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2908. Changing your thinking as your grow spiritually. 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2909. The homosexual who becomes a Christian. 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2910. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Beast Barracks under David. 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2911. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pett's Organization of 2Samuel 23:8–39. 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2912. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch Introduce 2Samuel 23:8–39. 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2913. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Observations Made by Various Commentators Regarding 2Samuel 23:8–39. 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2914. Summarizing the kind of men who came to David. 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2915. Rush Limbaugh’s point of how a great leader inspires the people that he leads. 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2916. David’s leadership and the gallantry of his soldiers. 2Sam. 23:8–39 intro
2917. Many of David’s men came from the Adullam alumni.
2918. We do not know much about the specifics of the training that these men received under David.
2919. The greatest soldiers of any army are mature believers.
2920. Problems with the first name of this list.
2921. Jashobeam.
2922. Thieme’s nickname, Adino the Spear.
2923. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Readings of 2Samuel 23:8. 2Sam. 23:8
2924. Some variant readings really aren’t.
2925. We do not have dramatically different doctrinal viewpoints based upon variant readings.
2926. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Catholic Bible Translations. 2Sam. 23:8
2927. Lists of Catholic Bibles.
2928. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who can be saved? 2Sam. 23:8
2929. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why are there doctrinal differences between teachers? 2Sam. 23:8
2930. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How does one choose between so many different Bible teachers? 2Sam. 23:8
2931. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jashobeam and a Summary of Observations of 2Samuel 23:8. 2Sam. 23:8
2932. God the Holy Spirit empowering in war. 2Sam. 23:8
2933. Eleazar ben Dodo. 2Sam. 23:9
2934. David and the tribe of Benjamin. 2Sam. 23:9
2935. The opposite is true in our politics today. The library cards of Palin and Obama. 2Sam. 23:9
2936. The cramping of Eleazar’s hand. 2Sam. 23:10
2937. One man puts 1000 to run. 2Sam. 23:10
2938. The importance of doing our job before God. 2Sam. 23:10
2939. God the Holy Spirit is commending Eleazar for killing the enemy in battle. 2Sam. 23:10
2940. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parallel Texts of 2Samuel 23:9–10 and 1Chronicles 11:12–14. 2Sam. 23:10
2941. Reference to 1Chron. 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), and who is the missing man of the three? 2Sam. 23:11
2942. The two battles in the fields are not to be confounded. 2Sam. 23:11
2943. Jesus Christ controls history. 2Sam. 23:12
2944. Sitting on the park bench and praying for a job. 2Sam. 23:12
2945. Who are the 3 men? Why these men are not named. 2Sam. 23:13
2946. A leader must have followers. 2Sam. 23:13
2947. David’s having been anointed. 2Sam. 23:13
2948. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: From the Cave of Adullam (a graphic). 2Sam. 23:13
2949. The cave of Adullam = the stronghold. 2Sam. 23:13
2950. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Valley of Rephaim. 2Sam. 23:13
2951. The Valley of Rephaim. 2Sam. 23:13
2952. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: ISBE and Smith on the Valley of the Rephaim. 2Sam. 23:13
2953. Israel and their water in the time of David. 2Sam. 23:15
2954. The taste of well water. 2Sam. 23:15
2955. David’s well. 2Sam. 23:15
2956. Like many valorous military situations, we know little of the details. 2Sam. 23:16
2957. David recognizes the extraordinary men who are under him. 2Sam. 23:16
2958. David realizes just how much his men would do for him.
2959. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Pours out the Water Procured by his Mighty Men (graphic). 2Sam. 23:17
2960. David’s eyes are on God, Who has so greatly blessed him; and David recognizes the gallantry of his followers. 2Sam. 23:17
2961. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Canonicity Special. 2Sam. 23:18
2962. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Canonicity Charts. 2Sam. 23:18
2963. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Various Works on Canonicity. 2Sam. 23:18
2964. Abishai, his rank, and the overall ranking of David’s soldiers. 2Sam. 23:18
2965. Why Joab is not on this list. 2Sam. 23:18
2966. Commentators talking about Joab being sinful. 2Sam. 23:18
2967. Self-righteousness about our own sins. 2Sam. 23:18
2968. Some people are better with wielding authority than they are under that same authority. 2Sam. 23:19
2969. Example of my not being promoted in my own field, despite having the qualifications. 2Sam. 23:19
2970. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abishai. 2Sam. 23:19
2971. Who is Benaiah’s unnamed ancestor? 2Sam. 23:20
2972. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Barnes Brief Bio of Benaiah. 2Sam. 23:20
2973. Reference to 1Chron. 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:20
2974. The meaning of the lion-like men of Ariel. 2Sam. 23:20
2975. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Benaiah, the Son of Jehoiada (a graphic). 2Sam. 23:20
2976. Descriptions of Benaiah killing the lion on the snowy day. 2Sam. 23:20
2977. The man needs to be the leader in a relationship and in marriage. There should be a clear assertion of his authority. 2Sam. 23:20
2978. Benaiah and the Egyptian. 2Sam. 23:21
2979. The details added by the Chronicles narrative. 2Sam. 23:21
2980. Implication of a 2nd tier of men between the three and the thirty. 2Sam. 23:23
2981. Where David’s officers originally came from. 2Sam. 23:23
2982. The missing person and why this is Ahithophel and not Amasa. Why he is not named. 2Sam. 23:23
2983. Courage is contagious, just as cowardice is. 2Sam. 23:24 intro
2984. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert L. (Bob) Deffinbaugh on the Characteristics of Heroes. 2Sam. 23:24 intro
2985. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matching the Names for 2Samuel 23:24–28. 2Sam. 23:24
2986. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Don't the Names Match Exactly? 2Sam. 23:24
2987. Asahel. 2Sam. 23:24
2988. Positioning of Asahel and Uriah on the list. 2Sam. 23:24
2989. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Asahel a Member of the Thirty? 2Sam. 23:24
2990. Tekoa, Tekoaites (Tekoites?). 2Sam. 23:26
2991. Preparation, fears and training of the military. 2Sam. 23:27
2992. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: No Greater Love (graphic). 2Sam. 23:27
2993. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matching the Names for 2Samuel 23:29–33. 2Sam. 23:29
2994. Reference to 1Chron. 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:31
2995. Reference to 1Chron. 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:32
2996. Reference to 1Chron. 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:33
2997. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matching the Names for 2Samuel 23:34–39. 2Sam. 23:34
2998. Maacah. 2Sam. 23:34
2999. Eliam and Ahithophel, father and grandfather of Bathsheba. 2Sam. 23:34
3000. Reference to the Doctrine of Zobah in 2Sam. 10 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 23:36
3001. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Igal's of Scripture. 2Sam. 23:36
3002. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bani's of Scripture. 2Sam. 23:36
3003. Beeroth. 2Sam. 23:37
3004. Men who might stand their ground with armorbearers. 2Sam. 23:37
3005. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pett Compares the Lists of Samuel and Chronicles. 2Sam. 23:39
3006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why God the Holy Spirit Includes this List in the Word of God. 2Sam. 23:39
3007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Counting up the Heroes. 2Sam. 23:39
3008. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 2Samuel 23 is in the Word of God. 2Sam. 23 Addendum
3009. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 2Samuel 23. 2Sam. 23 Addendum
3010. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 2Sam. 23 Addendum
3011. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 2Samuel 23. 2Sam. 23 Addendum
3012. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 23. 2Sam. 23 Addendum
3013. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiastic Organization of 2Samuel 21:1-24:25. 2Sam. 23 Addendum
3014. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 2Samuel 23. 2Sam. 23 Addendum
3015. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 2Samuel 23. 2Sam. 23 Addendum
3016. 2Samuel 24 David Orders a Military Census (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
3017. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. 2Sam. 24 Preface
3018. (I realized that I can search for quotations on specific topics via the internet) 2Sam. 24 Preface
3019. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Saturday Evening Post Graphic; The Census Taker by Norman Rockwell. 2Sam. 24 Preface
3020. (I realized that I can insert a related graphic into the quotations as well) 2Sam. 24 Preface
3021. Reference to 1Chron. 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 24 Introduction
3022. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24 Introduction
3023. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24 Introduction
3024. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Davidic Timeline. 2Sam. 24 Introduction
3025. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Synopsis of 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24 Introduction
3026. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Alternative Outline of 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24 Introduction
3027. Gad and Nathan’s relationship with David sets the pattern for kings and prophets to come. 2Sam. 24 Introduction
3028. I started using the ISV translation. 2Sam. 24 Introduction
3029. The unparalleled blessing that we enjoy in the United States. 2Sam. 24:1
3030. The sharp left turn we have taken in the United States. 2Sam. 24:1
3031. The life of Christians in the middle east. 2Sam. 24:1
3032. The integrity of the 4-chapter addendum. 2Sam. 24:1
3033. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 21–24 as a Chiasmos. 2Sam. 24:1
3034. How do people write in a chiasmos? 2Sam. 24:1
3035. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chart of the 2Samuel Addendum. 2Sam. 24:1
3036. Why the appendix is a single unit. 2Sam. 24:1
3037. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Anger of God. 2Sam. 24:1
3038. How to understand the first phrase of v. 1. 2Sam. 24:1
3039. Who is at fault when a government stumbles or does bad things? 2Sam. 24:1
3040. God killing off 70,000 men. 2Sam. 24:1
3041. Reference to the Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 24:1
3042. Things from Satan in this world that do not seem to be very bad. 2Sam. 24:1
3043. Praising kids, raising their self-esteem. Sexual education in education today. 2Sam. 24:1
3044. Divine viewpoint thinking versus cosmic system thinking. 2Sam. 24:1
3045. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask on 2Samuel 24:1. 2Sam. 24:1
3046. God, Satan and David’s wills and how they all interplay. 2Sam. 24:1
3047. God tests us to make us better; Satan tests us to find our weak points and to harm us. 2Sam. 24:1
3048. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God and Satan seemingly act in concert. 2Sam. 24:1
3049. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Condensed View of Joab. 2Sam. 24:2
3050. Reference to the complete Doctrine of Joab (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 2Sam. 24:2
3051. From Dan to Beersheba. 2Sam. 24:2
3052. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Theories as to why this census was a sin. 2Sam. 24:2
3053. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What do we unequivocally know about David ordering this census? 2Sam. 24:2
3054. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Related Commentary to 2Samuel 24:1–2. 2Sam. 24:2
3055. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is wrong with David taking a census? 2Sam. 24:2
3056. Several references to the LGBT agenda and the Satanic influence. 2Sam. 24:2
3057. Perhaps David is testing the Lord. 2Sam. 24:3
3058. Joab is authority orientated. 2Sam. 24:4
3059. Joab is never faulted for obeying David’s orders. 2Sam. 24:4
3060. Paperwork and the schools. 2Sam. 24:5
3061. Satan is the father of useless paperwork. 2Sam. 24:5
3062. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Aroer. 2Sam. 24:5
3063. David’s alliance with the King of Ammon. 2Sam. 24:5
3064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Two Cities of Aroer. 2Sam. 24:5
3065. A small amount of information on Jazer. 2Sam. 24:5
3066. Gilead (briefly). 2Sam. 24:6
3067. Tahtim-hodshi or land of the Hittites or Hagarite area. 2Sam. 24:6
3068. Dan or Dan-jaan. 2Sam. 24:6
3069. Sidon (brief). 2Sam. 24:6
3070. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Easton on Tyre. 2Sam. 24:7
3071. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gill on Tyre. 2Sam. 24:7
3072. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: R. Totten on the prophecies concerning Tyre. 2Sam. 24:7
3073. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fausset on Beersheba. 2Sam. 24:7
3074. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Empire of David and Solomon. 2Sam. 24:7
3075. A route summary. 2Sam. 24:7
3076. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 24:8 Graphic. 2Sam. 24:8
3077. William the Conqueror’s census. 2Sam. 24:8
3078. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask on the Discrepancy of the Numbers. 2Sam. 24:9
3079. Jamieson, Fausset and Brown go into greater detail on the discrepancy. 2Sam. 24:9
3080. The actual numbers are quite reasonable. 2Sam. 24:9
3081. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmos for 2Samuel 24:1–10. 2Sam. 24:10
3082. David realizes that he is wrong; various reasons are given to explain his sin. 2Sam. 24:10
3083. Churches ought to teach rebound. 2Sam. 24:10
3084. Reference to the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 24:10
3085. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Rebound (Confession of Personal Sin). 2Sam. 24:10
3086. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Stages of Divine Discipline. 2Sam. 24:10
3087. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 24:10 Graphic. 2Sam. 24:10
3088. Reference to 1Sam. 9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
3089. Prophets are put the test every time that they speak. 2Sam. 24:11
3090. Discipline can be shorthand for suffering for blessing. 2Sam. 24:11
3091. Gad could bring the Word of God to David because he was in fellowship. 2Sam. 24:12
3092. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Logically, what can God do? 2Sam. 24:13
3093. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Grace Notes on "The Believer's Undeserved Suffering is Intended for Blessing". 2Sam. 24:13
3094. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David and Gad (a graphic). 2Sam. 24:13
3095. This could be the only time that David actually saw the Angel of the Lord. 2Sam. 24:13
3096. Example of the decisions of a political leader affecting his constituency (the housing bubble). However, this is not the leader himself alone that brought this problem upon the United States. 2Sam. 24:14
3097. Why there is no congressional investigation of the housing bubble. 2Sam. 24:14
3098. Application of Bill Clinton lying in office. 2Sam. 24:14
3099. Incorrect application of George Bush lying about WMD’s. 2Sam. 24:14
3100. Is it fearful to fall under the hand of God? 2Sam. 24:14
3101. The very difficult decisions that presidents must make concerning warfare. 2Sam. 24:14
3102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Grace Bible Church's "Doctrine of Authority". 2Sam. 24:14
3103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Doctrines of Authority. 2Sam. 24:14
3104. The appointed time—when is it? 2Sam. 24:15
3105. Mass deaths for discipline. 2Sam. 24:15
3106. Not everything that God does requires a miracle. 2Sam. 24:15
3107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmatic Organization of 2Samuel 24:11–15. 2Sam. 24:15
3108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God and Repentance. 2Sam. 24:16
3109. Reference to the Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah (HTML) (PDF). 2Sam. 24:16
3110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah. 2Sam. 24:16
3111. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: ISBE on the Threshing Floor. 2Sam. 24:16
3112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Barnes on the Threshing Floor. 2Sam. 24:16
3113. Some people learn from the misery of others. 2Sam. 24:16
3114. David could actually see the Angel of Yehowah between heaven and earth. 2Sam. 24:17
3115. David, in asking for God to punish him, is making himself into a type of Christ. 2Sam. 24:17
3116. All of the elements for a type/antitype are coming together. 2Sam. 24:18
3117. The Temple will be built where the threshing floor is. 2Sam. 24:18
3118. The exact location of the original Temple is in dispute. 2Sam. 24:18
3119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mount Moriah/The Threshing Flood of Araunah (Ornan). 2Sam. 24:18
3120. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: ISBE on Events Related to the Threshing Floor. 2Sam. 24:18
3121. David is probably traveling with an entourage. 2Sam. 24:20
3122. Although it is suggested that King David showing up made Araunah somewhat afraid, he is much more likely afraid of the vision of the Angel of Yehowah overhead. 2Sam. 24:20
3123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Araunah the Jebusite comes out to King David (graphic). 2Sam. 24:20
3124. The symbolic nature of this narrative—the separation of the wheat from the chaff. 2Sam. 24:20
3125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Araunah offers David whatever he needs to sacrifice to God (a graphic). 2Sam. 24:22
3126. Theories on the repetition of the word king. 2Sam. 24:23
3127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Angel Prophet Gad King David Altar Offering by De Jode-De Vos-1643. 2Sam. 24:23
3128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Araunah. 2Sam. 24:24
3129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Isn’t Salvation Free? 2Sam. 24:24
3130. Voting to make Charley Brown give his income to Lucy Van Pelt is stealing.
3131. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 24:24 Graphic. 2Sam. 24:24
3132. Service to God sometimes costs us something. 2Sam. 24:24
3133. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 2Samuel 24:24 Graphic 2. 2Sam. 24:24
3134. I give of my own time willingly and enthusiastically. 2Sam. 24:24
3135. Cost of the oxen and threshing floor; bringing this into line with the Chronicles passage. 2Sam. 24:24
3136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Altar. 2Sam. 24:25
3137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bronze Altar (a graphic). 2Sam. 24:25
3138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Altar of Incense (a graphic). 2Sam. 24:25
3139. This final verse points us in the direction of Jesus Christ. 2Sam. 24:25
3140. The plague is stopped. 2Sam. 24:25
3141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmos of 2Samuel 24:16–25. 2Sam. 24:25
3142. The continuation of the narrative in Chronicles. 2Sam. 24:25
3143. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Final Parallel. 2Sam. 24:25
3144. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Summary Notions of 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24:25
3145. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of the Remaining Chapters of Chronicles. 2Sam. 24:25
3146. See ISBE on Elhanan for 2Sam. 21:19 and 1Chron. 20:5.
3147. There seems to be an abrupt end to the book of Samuel.
3148. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hajime Murai's Chiasmos of 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chart of the 2Samuel Addendum. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert L. (Bob) Deffinbaugh's Lessons from Samuel. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 2Samuel 24 is in the Word of God. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3153. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3154. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3157. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 2Samuel 24. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3158. The book of Samuel begins with a parallel to the birth of Jesus Christ and ends with a parallel to the death of Jesus on the cross. 2Sam. 24 Addendum
3159. Salt Town. 2Sam. 24:1 (see Keil and Delitzsch vol. 11, pg. 126).
3160. Gad the Prophet in 2Sam. 24:11
1. 1Kings 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2. Use this good brief description of Elijah in McGee’s book of Judges, p. 151. Introduction to the book of 1Kings. check this
3. Pulpit Commentary on Adonijah wanting Abishag as his wife. 1Kings 1:4 check this
4. Pulpit Commentary on going to Gibeon for 1Kings 3:4; found under 1Kings 1:4 check this
5. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. 1Kings 1 Preface
6. This is the first orderly transfer of power in Israel. 1Kings 1 Introduction
7. Facing our own mortality. 1Kings 1 Introduction
8. Solomon’s training. Solomon as the next king. 1Kings 1 Introduction
9. Adonijah’s allies and those he did not consult with. 1Kings 1 Introduction
10. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Introduction
11. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Introduction
12. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Timeline of the Kings. 1Kings 1 Introduction
13. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: MacLaren's Synopsis of 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Introduction
14. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Flemming's Synopsis of 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Introduction
15. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry Outlines 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Introduction
16. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alternative Outline by Peter Pett. 1Kings 1 Introduction
17. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Kukis' Alternate Outline for 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Introduction
18. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Purpose of the Old Testament. 1Kings 1 Introduction
19. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmos of 1Kings 1:1–4. 1Kings 1:1
20. Moses and writing Scripture. 1Kings 1:1
21. The definition of inspiration. 1Kings 1:1
22. We do not always fully appreciate what goes on in the Christian life. 1Kings 1:1
23. Did the writer of Kings know that he was writing God’s Word? 1Kings 1:1
24. The human author and the Divine Author. 1Kings 1:1
25. Men aging in the Bible. 1Kings 1:1
26. David’s ill health; record in the psalms; not in Samuel or Chronicles. 1Kings 1:1
27. Recognizing that I am getting old; refocusing my attention on the study of the Word of God. 1Kings 1:1
28. The arc of a man’s life. 1Kings 1:1
29. David was not sick due to hard living or due to sin. Shocked commentators piling on. 1Kings 1:1
30. God does not speak of David as these self-righteous commentators do. 1Kings 1:1
31. Reference to 1Chron. 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and 1Chron. 28 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); which is continued in 1Chron. 29 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:1
32. Knowledge of the Word of God can extend one’s life. 1Kings 1:1
33. David’s health is not spoken of in Samuel, Kings or Chronicles. 1Kings 1:1
34. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:1–2 (graphic). 1Kings 1:1
35. God will call every believer home at some point. 1Kings 1:1
36. David’s possible illnesses. 1Kings 1:1
37. Blankets do not keep you warm; your own body keeps you warm. 1Kings 1:1
38. The body maintaining its body temperature. 1Kings 1:1
39. David, Bathsheba, children, and other wives. 1Kings 1:2
40. David was not necessarily consulted about bringing in a beautiful virgin. 1Kings 1:2
41. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Purpose of Seeking a Young Woman for David. 1Kings 1:2
42. Why isn’t David warmed by one of his wives? 1Kings 1:2
43. Reference to sexual arrogance (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:2
44. Why we have this information about Abishag. 1Kings 1:2
45. Why a young and attractive woman is sought for David. 1Kings 1:3
46. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abishag Perfume. 1Kings 1:3
47. Shunem; Shunemmite. 1Kings 1:3
48. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Village of Shunem. 1Kings 1:3
49. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Friar Bacon's method of restoring and strengthening the Natural Heat. 1Kings 1:3
50. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Davi e Abishag by Pedro Américo de Figueiredo e Melo (a painting). 1Kings 1:4
51. David does not have sex with Abishag. 1Kings 1:4
52. Reference to 2Sam. 11–20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:4
53. Reference to 1Chron. 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and 1Chron. 28 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:4
54. Reference to the interlocking systems of arrogance (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the sex gate. 1Kings 1:4
55. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Does God Allow Illness and a Slow Decline at the End of our Lives? 1Kings 1:4
56. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Organization of 1Kings 1:5–28. 1Kings 1:5
57. David’s sons; Adonijah. 1Kings 1:5
58. Amnon and Absalom. 1Kings 1:5
59. If God does not promote you, then you are not promoted. 1Kings 1:5
60. Abigail, sensible and pragmatic. 1Kings 1:5
61. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Single Parent Statistics. 1Kings 1:5
62. The father factor in education, drug abuse, crime, perpetuation of single parenthood, and child abuse. 1Kings 1:5
63. Single parenthood is why there are an inordinate number of Blacks that are incarcerated. 1Kings 1:5
64. When you subsidize something, you get more of it. Single-parent homes; failing green energy companies, etc. 1Kings 1:5
65. Adonijah is acting in a revolutionary way. 1Kings 1:5
66. Revolution is wrong. 1Kings 1:5
67. Saul Alinsky dedicates his book to Satan. 1Kings 1:5
68. Even though the government has seized a great deal of power, this does not give us the right to revolt. 1Kings 1:5
69. Reference to the Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:5
70. Perception is everything. 1Kings 1:5
71. Having the accouterments of a leadership position. 1Kings 1:5
72. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Office of the President Elect (photo). 1Kings 1:5
73. Reference to 2Samuel 10 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:5
74. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Leadership. 1Kings 1:5
75. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leadership Integrity from building Character. 1Kings 1:5
76. Adonijah is acting now to take advantage of his father being ill. 1Kings 1:5
77. Senators and House members should not run for president. 1Kings 1:5
78. Sarah Palin had actual experience that John McCain, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden lacked. 1Kings 1:5
79. The Bible and unqualified people running for office. 1Kings 1:5
80. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon is to be King over all Israel. 1Kings 1:5
81. Why David began to train Solomon to become king. 1Kings 1:5
82. How I came to have the same thinking. 1Kings 1:5
83. David did not spend enough time with Adonijah raising him. 1Kings 1:6
84. Poverty and crime; lack of a father and crime. 1Kings 1:6
85. Children need to know boundaries, and this comes from the father. 1Kings 1:6
86. The example of a fat person and telling them that they are fat. 1Kings 1:6
87. My professional life and a funny outgoing answering machine message. 1Kings 1:6
88. David’s 3 criminal/revolutionary sons. 1Kings 1:6
89. The kind of man Adonijah is. 1Kings 1:6
90. One party maintaining a permanent underclass. 1Kings 1:6
91. Public/private partnerships. 1Kings 1:6
92. Romney losing the 2012 presidential election. 1Kings 1:6
93. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible on Raising Children. 1Kings 1:6
94. Joab, Abiathar and David; and the inkling of Adonijah. 1Kings 1:7
95. Reference to 2Samuel 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:7
96. Reference to 2Samuel 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:7
97. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Abiathar. 1Kings 1:7
98. Possible explanations for the estrangement of Joab and Abiathar. 1Kings 1:7
99. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Speculating Why Abiathar Followed and Supported Adonijah. 1Kings 1:7
100. I don’t think that Joab or Abiathar would nave necessarily followed Adonijah, had David made his preference clear. 1Kings 1:7
101. Adonijah did not have a full-scale revolt. 1Kings 1:8
102. Abiathar and David’s history. 1Kings 1:8
103. Why Abiathar and Zadok operated as two priests. 1Kings 1:8
104. Adonijah as a subtle politician. 1Kings 1:8
105. Reference to 2Samuel 23 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:8
106. Nathan’s history with David. 1Kings 1:8
107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Shimei's of Scripture. 1Kings 1:8
108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing What We Know About Those For and Against Adonijah. 1Kings 1:8
109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adonijah's Weaknesses. 1Kings 1:8
110. The Zoheleth Stone here (possibly, The Stone of the Serpent). 1Kings 1:9
111. En-rogel. 1Kings 1:9
112. David teaching Solomon forms the book of Proverbs.
113. How Adonijah’s mother may have influenced him to try to become king. 1Kings 1:10
114. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Nathan Goes to Bathsheba. 1Kings 1:11
115. Why Nathan knows that Adonijah is not to be David’s successor. 1Kings 1:11
116. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Nathan's Link to Bathsheba. 1Kings 1:11
117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Solomon will build the Temple of God rather than David. 1Kings 1:11
118. David living in a bubble similar to Obama living in a bubble today. 1Kings 1:11
119. Nathan is not acting on God’s orders, but this is okay. 1Kings 1:12
120. Cleopatra and her infant son being murdered. 1Kings 1:12
121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing David's Oath to Bathsheba. 1Kings 1:13
122. Robust debates in the Bush White House. 1Kings 1:14
123. Nathan is using the principle, in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, a thing shall be established. 1Kings 1:14
124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David, Bathsheba and Abishag (a graphic). 1Kings 1:15
125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David, Bathsheba and Abishag (a second graphic). 1Kings 1:15
126. David is in a veritable bubble. 1Kings 1:18
127. Royal succession; how David’s love for Bathsheba changed the history of Israel. 1Kings 1:20
128. Transfer of power. 1Kings 1:21
129. Palace protocol of speaking with the king. 1Kings 1:22
130. Palace protocol.
131. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Nathan and Bathsheba Speak to David about Adonijah. 1Kings 1:24
132. There is no blueprint in the Bible for how a coronation ought to be done. 1Kings 1:25
133. Why the commanders of the army are with Adonijah. 1Kings 1:25
134. Giving a parallel to the 1950's. 1Kings 1:25
135. Ancient world celebrities were those of the ruling class. 1Kings 1:25
136. The people left off the invite list to Adonijah’s coronation would have all questioned his authority. 1Kings 1:26
137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 3 Versions of the Adonijah Coronation. 1Kings 1:26
138. Types of questions. 1Kings 1:27
139. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A summary of what Nathan says to David. 1Kings 1:27
140. David is not to be faulted for not being on top of everything. 1Kings 1:27
141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Organization of 1Kings 1:29–40. 1Kings 1:29
142. Oaths during the time of David were sacred. 1Kings 1:29
143. Solomon appears to be functioning as a co-regent with David. 1Kings 1:30
144. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David promisses Bathsheba that Solomon will be his successor (painting). 1Kings 1:30
145. Reference to 1Chron. 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); 1Chron. 28 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and to 1Chron. 29 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:30
146. Reference to the public meetings in 1Chron. 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and 1Chron. 28 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:30
147. Most exegetes do not understand that this section reveals David’s continued love for Bathsheba. 1Kings 1:30
148. Bathsheba bowing before David has nothing to do with his feelings toward her. 1Kings 1:31
149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bas Relief Sculpture of King Jehu Bowing to the King of Assyria (graphic). 1Kings 1:31
150. The mistaken notion that David and Bathsheba have drifted apart. By calling Bathsheba back in, David is reaffirming his love for her. 1Kings 1:31
151. David acts as if he has had a shot of adrenalin. 1Kings 1:32
152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who Will Sit on David's Throne (a graphic). 1Kings 1:32
153. The royal mule. 1Kings 1:33
154. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fausset and ISBE on Gihon. 1Kings 1:33
155. Gihon. 1Kings 1:33
156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch on Gihon. 1Kings 1:33
157. Gihon. It makes sense to have a source of water nearby. 1Kings 1:33
158. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Plan to Make Solomon King. 1Kings 1:34
159. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallels Between Solomon and our Lord. 1Kings 1:35
160. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scholars on the Word "Amen". 1Kings 1:36
161. Changed my mind of paraphrases. 1Kings 1:36
162. Important words said by spiritually mature believers. 1Kings 1:37
163. Potential for growth. Very little with Saul, Adonijah or Absalom. Much more with Solomon and David. Example of Barack Obama. 1Kings 1:37
164. Liberals often cannot adjust to new facts or changing circumstances. They can take various facts and only see them insofar as these facts support their beliefs. 1Kings 1:37
165. The Cherethites and the Pelethites. 1Kings 1:38
166. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel, Horses and Mules. 1Kings 1:38
167. Gihon. 1Kings 1:38
168. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Oil of Anointing is not from the Tabernacle. 1Kings 1:39
169. Reference to the Movement of the Ark and the Tent of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:39
170. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Anointing of Solomon (a graphic). 1Kings 1:39
171. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 1:39 (a graphic). 1Kings 1:39
172. Pipes (halil). 1Kings 1:40
173. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Similar Passage: 1Chronicles 22. 1Kings 1:40
174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Similar Passage: 1Chronicles 28. 1Kings 1:40
175. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Organization of 1Kings 1:41–53. 1Kings 1:41
176. The time frame regarding the two convocations. 1Kings 1:41
177. Joab is mentioned as hearing the trumpet because he is a military man. 1Kings 1:41
178. Reference to 2Samuel 18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:42
179. What does man of courage mean? 1Kings 1:42
180. Why Adonijah suspects that Solomon is to be David’s successor. 1Kings 1:42
181. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Wives and Family of King David. 1Kings 1:42
182. Jonathan gives the news without bias. 1Kings 1:43
183. Adonijah’s strategy in becoming king. Adonijah wants to become king by default. 1Kings 1:44
184. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Nathan the Prophet. 1Kings 1:45
185. Reference to 2Sam. 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) 1Chron. 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:45
186. Reference to the Davidic Timeline (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:45
187. Reference to 2Sam. 12 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 1:45
188. Gihon. 1Kings 1:45
189. Parallels between David, Solomon and Jesus. 1Kings 1:47
190. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Notable Blessings Directed toward God. 1Kings 1:48
191. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jonathan and his Message to Adonijah and his Supporters. 1Kings 1:48
192. Jonathan functions as an unbiased newsman. 1Kings 1:48
193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 3 Versions of Solomon's Coronation. 1Kings 1:48
194. The effect of Jonathan’s news upon the supporters of Adonijah. 1Kings 1:49
195. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lessons from the Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary. 1Kings 1:49
196. Adonijah did not look ahead and consider all the possible outcomes. 1Kings 1:50
197. The horns of the altar and how they came to be used. 1Kings 1:50
198. No plan B for Adonijah. 1Kings 1:50
199. Politicians who depend upon their personality and looks rather than upon having any leadership qualities. 1Kings 1:50
200. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adonijah Seizes the Horns of the Altar (a graphic). 1Kings 1:50
201. The purpose of using graphics in these studies. 1Kings 1:50
202. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Adonijah Seizing the Horns of the Altar. 1Kings 1:50
203. What does Joab do when everyone slinks off? 1Kings 1:50
204. The Tent for the Ark and the Tabernacles are in two different places. 1Kings 1:51
205. Adonijah’s mother probably put him up to this. 1Kings 1:51
206. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Oath in the Economy of Israel. 1Kings 1:51
207. Why Solomon calls for Adonijah to be a man of courage. 1Kings 1:52
208. Adonijah is given a conditional pardon. He is put on probation. 1Kings 1:52
209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adonijah bows before Solomon (a graphic). 1Kings 1:53
210. Possibly Solomon was looking for Adonijah to silently grovel at his feet. 1Kings 1:53
211. Why 1Kings 2:1–12 should not be appended to this chapter. 1Kings 1:53
212. The co-regency of David and Solomon. 1Kings 1:53
213. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 1Kings 1 is in the Word of God. 1Kings 1 Addendum
214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Addendum
215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 1Kings 1 Addendum
216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Addendum
217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Addendum
218. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Addendum
219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 1Kings 1. 1Kings 1 Addendum
220. 1Kings 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
221. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What it means to love your enemies. 1Kings 2 Introduction
222. The location of 1Chron. 23–29 in time. 1Kings 2 Introduction
223. Thematic elements of 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2 Introduction
224. The list of men David speaks about. 1Kings 2 Introduction
225. Is love your enemies a great moral upgrade taught by Jesus? 1Kings 2 Introduction
226. Properly and improperly applying love your enemies. 1Kings 2 Introduction
227. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2 Introduction
228. Solomon was much more restrained than most kings of this era. 1Kings 2 Introduction
229. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 1–2 and 1Chron. 22–29 Summarized. 1Kings 2 Introduction
230. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2 Introduction
231. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2 Introduction
232. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Timeline of the Kings. 1Kings 2 Introduction
233. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Synopsis of 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2 Introduction
234. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gill Outlines 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2 Introduction
235. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Arno Gaebelein organizes 1Kings 1–2. 1Kings 2 Introduction
236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Literary Units in 1Kings 1–2 (graphic). 1Kings 2 Introduction
237. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Christian Community Bible introduces this chapter.... 1Kings 2 Introduction
238. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is King Solomon's Throne Secure? (a graphic). 1Kings 2 Introduction
239. The parallels between David and Solomon and the Lord Jesus Christ in His advents and reign. 1Kings 2 Introduction
240. David is not called King David in this chapter. 1Kings 2:1
241. David has not been on a deathbed all through 1Kings 1–2. 1Kings 2:1
242. David’s last hour of life is focused upon Solomon and the kingdom of Israel. 1Kings 2:1
243. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Funeral/Death Verses. 1Kings 2:1
244. David does not focus on himself at all. 1Kings 2:1
245. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Famous Last Words in Scripture. 1Kings 2:1
246. David’s last words compared to Joshua’s last words. “Going the way of all earth.” 1Kings 2:2
247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to the Doctrine of Dying Grace. 1Kings 2:2
248. Reference to Psalm 23 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:2
249. Planning out one’s own funeral. 1Kings 2:2
250. The co-regency of David and Solomon. 1Kings 2:2
251. Reference to the Doctrine of Leadership and to 1Kings 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:2
252. Every man who gets married becomes a leader. He is the backbone in marriage. 1Kings 2:2
253. Using Bush and Obama as examples of leadership. 1Kings 2:2
254. Solomon’s speeches and his acts as leader. 1Kings 2:2
255. All people have an identical essence. 1Kings 2:2
256. In other cultures, Solomon would have killed all of his competition. 1Kings 2:2
257. David’s crap list. 1Kings 2:2
258. David’s focus continues to be on Solomon and his position as king. 1Kings 2:3
259. The lack of stability and security under Barack Obama. 1Kings 2:3
260. Reference to Gen. 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:3
261. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Spiritual Life During the Time of David and Solomon. 1Kings 2:3
262. References to the Feast Days (HTML) (PDF), the Ark of God represented Jesus Christ. (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), and the Tabernacle representing Jesus Christ and the cross (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:3
263. References to The Basic Mechanics of the Christian Life (or, The Christian Life for Dummies) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and the Fundamentals of the Faith (Living the Christian Life) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:3
264. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Statutes, Commandments, Ordinances and Testimonies. 1Kings 2:3
265. The words can be used collectively for the Law of God, but individually to refer to various aspect of the Mosaic Law. 1Kings 2:3
266. Reference to the book of Joshua (HTML) (PDF). 1Kings 2:3
267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 2:2–3 (graphic). 1Kings 2:3
268. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Admonitions to Solomon and Their Parallels (Pett). 1Kings 2:3
269. How candidate Obama possibly saw George Bush; and how wrong he was about Bush as a leader. The scandals of Obama’s administration. 1Kings 2:3
270. The reason for making political applications. 1Kings 2:3
271. Evangelists and missionaries do not make political applications. 1Kings 2:3
272. Obama does not ask for any previous president’s opinions. 1Kings 2:3
273. Solomon listens to his father and applies this information. The book of Proverbs. 1Kings 2:3
274. George Bush did not know the Word of God. MacArthur and calling for Bibles and missionaries. Bush, despite being a believer and a student of history, did not make some good choices. Sharing the gospel with Iraqis and Afghans. 1Kings 2:4
275. Life is not random. 1Kings 2:4
276. References to the protocol plan of God and to I.C.E. teaching. 1Kings 2:4
277. Reference to the Way of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:4
278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of The Way of God. 1Kings 2:4
279. Too many laws and rules; the person who just wants to be free. What does this really mean? 1Kings 2:4
280. David’s sons should have focused on the Word of God. 1Kings 2:4
281. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explain ‘No man will be cut off from the throne of Israel.'. 1Kings 2:4
282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Eason on David's Legacy to Solomon. 1Kings 2:4
283. This chapter is not about David’s vengeance in the end. 1Kings 2:4
284. Obama is the most dishonest president of my lifetime. The scandals to be investigated. 1Kings 2:4
285. 2Samuel 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:5
286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Condensed View of Joab. 1Kings 2:5
287. Reference to Doctrine of Joab (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:5
288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Expositor's Bible on Joab and his brothers. 1Kings 2:5
289. David, Joab and Abner. 1Kings 2:5
290. Joab and Amasa. 1Kings 2:5
291. Reference to 2Samuel 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:5
292. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joab, Abner, Amasa and Absalom. 1Kings 2:5
293. What it means for the blood to be splashed onto Joab’s clothing. 1Kings 2:5
294. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David is not looking to avenge himself against Joab. 1Kings 2:5
295. Parallel situation with Saddam Hussein. 1Kings 2:5
296. This is not all about Joab killing Absalom. 1Kings 2:5
297. Solomon’s age and Joab’s age. 1Kings 2:6
298. Why David did not execute Joab. 1Kings 2:6
299. Pett on David’s reticence to execute Joab. 1Kings 2:6
300. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Joab must die. 1Kings 2:6
301. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What about David and Uriah? 1Kings 2:6
302. Reference to 2Sam. 13–20 (HTML) (PDF). 1Kings 2:6
303. This history of David and Barzillai. 1Kings 2:7
304. Barzillai’s family business. 1Kings 2:7
305. Shimei cursing David. 1Kings 2:8
306. Some backstory and texture to the Shimei situation. 1Kings 2:8
307. Shimei is the picture of a lost sinner. 1Kings 2:8
308. Shimei’s apology to David. 1Kings 2:8
309. Shimei’s weakness in his emotion. 1Kings 2:8
310. David does not want Solomon to constantly have to watch his back because of Shimei. 1Kings 2:8
311. The reason why Solomon can execute Shimei. 1Kings 2:9
312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Poole: David is not settling an old score with Shimei. 1Kings 2:9
313. Reference to the Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:9
314. Reference to 2Sam. 23:1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:9
315. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Last Days before his Death. 1Kings 2:10
316. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Final Instructions to Solomon. 1Kings 2:10
317. The city of David. Different in the Old and New Testaments. 1Kings 2:10
318. Reference to Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:10
319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David as a Type of Christ. 1Kings 2:10
320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robinson Presents David as a Type of Christ. 1Kings 2:10
321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David in the New Testament—Separated by Section. 1Kings 2:11
322. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David in the New Testament—Again. 1Kings 2:11
323. Parallels in this chapter. 1Kings 2:12
324. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiamos of 1Kings 2:1–12. 1Kings 2:12
325. Despite Solomon’s relationship with Nathan, we have no prophetic function of the prophets recorded in the historical books. 1Kings 2:12
326. The parallels between David, Solomon and Jesus Christ. 1Kings 2:12
327. The are no modern prophets or speaking in tongues today. 1Kings 2:12
328. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Challenge that Solomon Faces. 1Kings 2:12
329. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chuck Smith on British Israelism. 1Kings 2:12
330. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Adonijah Chiasmos. 1Kings 2:13
331. Why the mother of a man is named in his name rather than the father. 1Kings 2:13
332. Does Adonijah actually know the pivotal role played by Bathsheba in quashing his reign? 1Kings 2:13
333. What Adonijah does not know about Bathsheba. 1Kings 2:13
334. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adonijah does not know the role that Bathsheba played in making Solomon king. 1Kings 2:13
335. Reference to 1Kings 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:13
336. Words used other than hi when greeting another in another language. 1Kings 2:13
337. Bathsheba is not a simpleton. 1Kings 2:14
338. Reference to 1Kings 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:15
339. Adonijah is somewhat deluded about his own popularity. 1Kings 2:15
340. Possible historical incidents where various people told Adonijah he would make a good king. 1Kings 2:15
341. Adonijah appears to change his tact midstream with Bathsheba. 1Kings 2:15
342. It should not be a shock that Adonijah is expressing different viewpoints in the same breath; he is a politician. 1Kings 2:15
343. The tact of bringing something up from the past, and then saying, “But we don’t need to discuss that.” 1Kings 2:16
344. Why Adonijah goes through Bathsheba. 1Kings 2:17
345. Adonijah’s true motivation is not revealed. 1Kings 2:17
346. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Adonijah chooses to go through Bathsheba, Solomon's mother. 1Kings 2:17
347. Solomon does not need a flimsy excuse to execute Adonijah. 1Kings 2:17
348. Abishai is not David’s mistress. 1Kings 2:17
349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timing and Adonijah's Motivation. 1Kings 2:17
350. Application of access to a superior. 1Kings 2:18
351. Formality and the palace and the rule of Solomon. 1Kings 2:19
352. Bathsheba does not look to have Solomon consolidate all of his power through killing. 1Kings 2:19
353. Adonijah’s argument for Abishag. 1Kings 2:19
354. Bathsheba not presenting an opinion does not make her ignorant or lacking in discretion. 1Kings 2:19
355. Bathsheba attempts to get a positive response from Solomon. 1Kings 2:20
356. How authority works. 1Kings 2:20
357. Abishag’s relationship to King David. 1Kings 2:21
358. Reference to 1Kings 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:21
359. There would be no public pronouncement to say Abishag is not David’s mistress. 1Kings 2:21
360. How the public can have a wrong perception of Abishag. 1Kings 2:21
361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bathsheba asks Solomon for Abishag, for David's son Adonijah. 1Kings 2:21
362. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Can King Solomon force Abishag to marry Adonijah? 1Kings 2:21
363. Reference to Deuteronomy 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:21
364. Men and women; husbands having authority over wives; society; and mandates on this in Esther. 1Kings 2:21
365. The Bible does not require women to be barefoot and pregnant. 1Kings 2:21
366. How a woman can recognize her right man. 1Kings 2:21
367. Liberalism is an example to explain Adonijah’s request for Abishag. 1Kings 2:22
368. The goals of liberalism. 1Kings 2:22
369. The methods of liberalism. 1Kings 2:22
370. The meaning of Adonijah taking Abishag as his wife. 1Kings 2:22
371. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett on how we know that Adonijah was scheming to take the throne. 1Kings 2:22
372. Solomon’s oath and what it means. 1Kings 2:23
373. The people who hear Solomon’s oath. 1Kings 2:23
374. Reference to 2Samuel 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:23
375. Why didn’t David nip Absalom’s behavior in the bud? 1Kings 2:23
376. Illustrating with a modern-day parole violation. 1Kings 2:23
377. References to 2Sam. 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:24
378. Has Adonijah actually met Abishag? 1Kings 2:24
379. Reference to 2Samuel 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:24
380. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Solomon right to call for the execution of Adonijah? 1Kings 2:24
381. The psychology of Solomon and Adonijah. 1Kings 2:24
382. Trial, evidence, Adonijah and Solomon. 1Kings 2:25
383. The basis for Adonijah’s sentence of death. 1Kings 2:25
384. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary Contrasts Solomon and Adonijah. 1Kings 2:25
385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmos of 1Kings 2:26–35. 1Kings 2:26
386. Abiathar and Anathoth. 1Kings 2:26
387. Solomon researches Abiathar. 1Kings 2:26
388. David, Abiathar and the Ark of God. 1Kings 2:26
389. Coming down hard on some individuals in order to make an example. 1Kings 2:26
390. Solomon’s compassion and patience. 1Kings 2:26
391. Reference to Abiathar back in 1Kings 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:26
392. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Priesthood and Politics. 1Kings 2:26
393. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:26
394. Reference to Charlie Crist, power and politics. 1Kings 2:26
395. Pastors supporting politicians. 1Kings 2:27
396. Anise Parker subpoenaing pastor sermon’s. 1Kings 2:27
397. What a church may and may not do regarding politics. 1Kings 2:27
398. The prophecy against the line of Eli. 1Kings 2:27
399. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Skeptics and the Inspiration of Scripture. 1Kings 2:27
400. The idea of one man or a group of men changing or editing the Bible. 1Kings 2:27
401. The Greek Old Testament text versus the Jewish text of the Old Testament. 1Kings 2:27
402. Reference to the Short Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF); the Study of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF); and the Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF). 1Kings 2:27
403. The interrelatedness of Scripture. 1Kings 2:27
404. Joab’s spiritual life or lack of same. 1Kings 2:28
405. Reference to the Movement of the Ark and the Tent of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:28
406. The order of events. 1Kings 2:28
407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joab Seizes the Altar (graphic). 1Kings 2:28
408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Mixed Bag that is Joab. 1Kings 2:28
409. Saddam Hussein illustrates Solomon’s action against Joab. 1Kings 2:28
410. Joab’s loyalties have changed. 1Kings 2:28
411. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What about Uriah the Hittite? 1Kings 2:28
412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is David calling for Joab's Execution to avenge the death of Absalom? 1Kings 2:28
413. I try to get the translation right and the interpretation right. 1Kings 2:28
414. David did not move or reunite the Ark and the Tabernacle. Speculation. 1Kings 2:30
415. What it means for Joab’s murder victims to be better than him. 1Kings 2:32
416. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett on Abner, Amasa and Joab. 1Kings 2:32
417. The execution of Joab may establish some peace between the supporters of Saul and the lin of David. 1Kings 2:33
418. Where the altar might be. 1Kings 2:34
419. We do not know exactly where Joab ranked after putting down the Absalom rebellion. 1Kings 2:35
420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Septuagint Addition Part I: 1Kings 2:35. 1Kings 2:35
421. What is contained in the Hexapla. 1Kings 2:35
422. These ancient texts are found all over the internet. 1Kings 2:35
423. Reference to textual criticism. 1Kings 2:35
424. The fulfillment of the prophecy of the True High Priest, Jesus Christ. 1Kings 2:35
425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Lines of Zadok and Abiathar. 1Kings 2:35
426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmos of 1Kings 2:36–46a. 1Kings 2:36
427. David did not suggest that Solomon simply go on a killing spree. 1Kings 2:36
428. No one-size-fits-all approach. 1Kings 2:36
429. Different restrictions for Shimei and Abiathar. 1Kings 2:36
430. Brook Kidron. 1Kings 2:37
431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Jerusalem During the Time of David and Solomon. 1Kings 2:37
432. Where crossing would violate the terms of Shimei’s pardon. 1Kings 2:37
433. Kidron. 1Kings 2:37
434. The change in Israel’s weather. 1Kings 2:37
435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Photo of Dubai. 1Kings 2:37
436. Reference to the laws of divine establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and living the Christian life (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 2:37
437. The final scene of the Godfather is the polar opposite of what Solomon does. 1Kings 2:38
438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Inspiration Part II. 1Kings 2:39
439. Prophets were not right with everything that they said. 1Kings 2:39
440. Different concepts of progressive revelation. 1Kings 2:39
441. We can know the plan of God in greater detail than Paul. 1Kings 2:39
442. Contemporary progressive revelation. 1Kings 2:39
443. R. B. Thieme, Jr., Dake, L. S. Chafer and others have a greater understanding of certain Biblical concepts than Paul or Peter. 1Kings 2:39
444. Shimei was a hothead. 1Kings 2:40
445. Establishing the throne of Yehowah forever. 1Kings 2:45
446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon Executing Justice in Jerusalem. 1Kings 2:46
447. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: King Solomon Consolidates His Power (as a chess graphic) 1Kings 2:46
448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Proper Way for Power to Change Hands in a Nation of Believers. 1Kings 2:46
449. How the scandals of the Obama administration should be handled. 1Kings 2Chron. 2:46
450. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lange's Historical and Ethical Conclusions to 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2:46
451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Septuagint Addition Part II: 1Kings 2:46. 1Kings 2:46
452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 1Kings 2 is in the Word of God. 1Kings 2 Addendum
453. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2 Addendum
454. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 1Kings 2 Addendum
455. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2 Addendum
456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Preview of Coming Attractions. 1Kings 2 Addendum
457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett on Solomon's Great Wealth and Blessing. 1Kings 2 Addendum
458. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2 Addendum
459. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2 Addendum
460. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 1Kings 2. 1Kings 2 Addendum
461. 1Kings 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
462. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. 1Kings 3 Preface
463. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: George Bernard Shaw Graphic/Quotation. 1Kings 3 Preface
464. Richard Nixon quote. 1Kings 3 Preface
465. References to the Doctrine of the Client Nation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Doctrine of the Heart (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF), the Doctrine of Reversionism, which is covered at the Grace Bible Church website at Angel at He-Ekklesia under the 8 Stages of Reversionism and at the Lake Erie Bible Church website, the Ark of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Model of the Tabernacle (which represents Jesus Christ and the cross) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Tabernacle (Redeeming Grace) and Jesus—the Golden Lampstand (Grace Bible Church). 1Kings 3 Definition of Terms.
466. Summary of 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Introduction
467. Passages of God speaking to David through a priest or prophet. 1Kings 3 Introduction
468. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom Graphic. 1Kings 3 Introduction
469. Solomon’s areas of wisdom enumerated by the Third Millennial Bible. 1Kings 3 Introduction
470. The history of Samuel and Kings as over against Chronicles. 1Kings 3 Introduction
471. Parallel accounts of Solomon is typical of the two natures of Jesus Christ. 1Kings 3 Introduction
472. First mention of Egypt since the exodus. 1Kings 3 Introduction
473. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Introduction
474. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Introduction
475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Timeline of the Kings. 1Kings 3 Introduction
476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 1Kings 3 (Mostly from College Press Bible Study). 1Kings 3 Introduction
477. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adam Clarke's Synopsis of 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Introduction
478. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Outline of 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Introduction
479. The NAB summarizes 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Introduction
480. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Summarized Bible on 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Introduction
481. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: LXX Insert. 1Kings 3 Introduction
482. Warfare against Israel reveals the anti-God sentiment of their attackers. Reference to Attacking Israel expresses hatred towards God. 1Kings 3:1
483. Why Egypt wanted an alliance with Israel. 1Kings 3:1
484. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Wife is the Daughter of Which Pharaoh (Various Commentators). 1Kings 3:1
485. Egypt has not played a significant role in Israel’s history since the exodus. 1Kings 3:1
486. Such an alliance with Egypt was rare. 1Kings 3:1
487. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Egyptian/Israel Parallel Timeline. 1Kings 3:1
488. Intermarriage with Canaanites and Egyptians. 1Kings 3:1
489. Examples of marriages of Jews outside of the Jewish race. 1Kings 3:1
490. The Bible and segregation. 1Kings 3:1
491. Solomon and his marriage to Naamah and their son Rehoboam. 1Kings 3:1
492. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israelites Taking a Foreign Wife. 1Kings 3:1
493. No other historical example of a pharaoh giving his daughter in marriage to secure a treaty. 1Kings 3:1
494. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 21st Century Application of Israel and the Canaanites. 1Kings 3:1
495. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: February 2016 Wars in the World Map. 1Kings 3:1
496. Our relationship with Islam; the responsibility of our military. 1Kings 3:1
497. The British empire. 1Kings 3:1
498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Was Solomon Wrong to Marry the Egyptian Princess? 1Kings 3:1
499. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Egypt and Israel's Relationship, Based upon this Marriage. 1Kings 3:1
500. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The City of David (Various Commentators). 1Kings 3:1
501. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Egyptian Wife and the House Built by Solomon. 1Kings 3:1
502. David’s other wives are alive and living, presumably, in the city of David. 1Kings 3:1
503. Polygamy is not God’s plan for the believer; so a clear example of how multiple wives are accommodated is not covered in any detail. 1Kings 3:1
504. The logistics of David’s 10 wives and 10 mistresses is not covered in detail. 1Kings 3:1
505. Kings, Chronicles and the concept of inspiration. 1Kings 3:1
506. The wall of Jerusalem. 1Kings 3:1
507. Building a place for the Egyptian princess. 1Kings 3:1
508. Where the Egyptian princess possibly lived. 1Kings 3:1
509. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Foreign Wives and the King of Israel. 1Kings 3:1
510. Possibly a protocol of worship established in Israel by the time of Solomon. 1Kings 3:2
511. Reference to the Movement of the Ark and the Tabernacle (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 3:2
512. The tabernacle and the arrangement of the furniture. 1Kings 3:2
513. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Confusing of Tabernacle Worship in Israel. 1Kings 3:2
514. The many meanings of Bânâh. 1Kings 3:2
515. Translating and understanding the connective raq (רַק) [pronounced rahk]. Connecting vv. 1 and 2. Commentators on this connective. 1Kings 3:2
516. The Tabernacle and furniture and worship there. The meaning of the Ark of God. 1Kings 3:2
517. Worship in the High Places. 1Kings 3:2
518. Reference to the Doctrine of the High Places (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 3:2
519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch on the High Places. 1Kings 3:2
520. Commentators on the worship of the high places. 1Kings 3:2
521. David came up with the idea of building the Temple of God. Typology, David, Solomon and the Temple. 1Kings 3:2
522. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Tabernacle Worship After King Saul. 1Kings 3:2
523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Movement of the Ark and the Tent of God in the Time of David and Solomon. 1Kings 3:2
524. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why David Did Not Restore the Ark of God to the Tabernacle. 1Kings 3:2
525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Possible Typology of the Ark, the Tent and the Tabernacle. 1Kings 3:2
526. Reference to the laws of divine establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 3:3
527. Secularism wants to separate one’s faith from his daily walk. 1Kings 3:3
528. The love for God is connected to obedience. 1Kings 3:3
529. The Law is explicit about where sacrifices were to be offered. 1Kings 3:3
530. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Solomon's Worship in the High Places (1Kings 3:3). 1Kings 3:3
531. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Controversy: Is Worship Limited by Solomon or Solomon Limited by Religious Practices of the time? 1Kings 3:3
532. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: John Lange on the High Places. 1Kings 3:3
533. The Voice on the high places. 1Kings 3:4
534. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Guzik on the Movement of the Ark and Tabernacle. 1Kings 3:4
535. 2Chron. 1:1–6 parallel passage. 1Kings 3:4
536. The Tabernacle and the high places. 1Kings 3:4
537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tabernacle of God in Gibeon. 1Kings 3:4
538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmic Approach to 1Kings 3:5–15 by Peter Pett. 1Kings 3:5
539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Third Millennium Bible Chiasmos of 1Kings 3:6–14. 1Kings 3:5
540. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Would You Ask For? 1Kings 3:9 by Several Commentators. 1Kings 3:5
541. Solomon’s 1000 offerings was possibly sincere but misguided. 1Kings 3:5
542. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Prayer Promises from Scripture. 1Kings 3:5
543. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Application of 1Kings 3:5 (a graphic). 1Kings 3:5
544. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 3:4–5 (a graphic). 1Kings 3:5
545. Why did God appear to Solomon but not to David? 1Kings 3:5
546. A list of dreams where God appears. 1Kings 3:5
547. God’s very specific blessings for us. 1Kings 3:6
548. If you are not grateful for what you have, why do you think you will be grateful for that for which you pray? 1Kings 3:6
549. 3 kinds of righteousness. 1Kings 3:6
550. Leave your children Bible doctrine. 1Kings 3:6
551. God allowed David to see his own son on the throne, which is a great blessing. 1Kings 3:6
552. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 3:9—the New Living Translation (a graphic). 1Kings 3:7
553. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 3:9—the ESV (a graphic). 1Kings 3:7
554. Going in and coming out. 1Kings 3:7
555. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Age. 1Kings 3:7
556. What Solomon asks God for. 1Kings 3:9
557. Discerning between good and evil. 1Kings 3:9
558. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How to be full of wisdom and the Spirit? ASK (a graphic). 1Kings 3:9
559. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Taking Scripture out of Context. 1Kings 3:9
560. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Many Commentators on Solomon's Request for Wisdom. 1Kings 3:9
561. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 3:9 (an expanded translation) (a graphic). 1Kings 3:9
562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summing up Solomon's Request (1Kings 3:7–9) (Several Commentators). 1Kings 3:9
563. Solomon’s request is related directly to his job. 1Kings 3:9
564. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 3:9—The Message (a graphic). 1Kings 3:9
565. Solomon’s prayer and responsibilities. 1Kings 3:9
566. J. Vernon McGee applies Solomon’s request to current-day politicians. 1Kings 3:9
567. What happened to Solomon’s wisdom? 1Kings 3:12
568. Solomon’s reputation for wisdom in Scripture; that reputation still stands today. 1Kings 3:12
569. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Wisdom in the Scriptures. 1Kings 3:12
570. Solomon’s wisdom compared to Moses and Saul. 1Kings 3:12
571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 3:12 (a graphic). 1Kings 3:12
572. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Superior Wisdom (Many Commentators). 1Kings 3:12
573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Your Spiritual Triad. 1Kings 3:12
574. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 3:13—the New Living Translation (a graphic). 1Kings 3:13
575. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 3:13a (a graphic). 1Kings 3:13
576. Reference to 1Kings 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 3:14
577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Extremely Abbreviated Doctrine of The Way of God. 1Kings 3:14
578. Multiple passages on keeping God’s laws as related to the long life. 1Kings 3:14
579. God’s promises to Solomon fulfilled. 1Kings 3:14
580. The good parent. 1Kings 3:14
581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 3:14 (edited) (a graphic). 1Kings 3:14
582. Long life and the believer. 1Kings 3:14
583. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 3:10–14 (graphic). 1Kings 3:14
584. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, Solomon After the Dream. 1Kings 3:15
585. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Wisdom and What Happened to it. 1Kings 3:15
586. The location of the Ark of God. 1Kings 3:15
587. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Theories on why David did not reunite the Ark and the Tent of God. 1Kings 3:15
588. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon in Gibeon and Jerusalem. 1Kings 3:15
589. The NAB on the 3 gifts of God and where they are found. 1Kings 3:16
590. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Presents a Chiasmos of 1Kings 3:16–28. 1Kings 3:16
591. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Many Commentators Introduce 1Kings 3:16–28—Proof of Solomon's Wisdom. 1Kings 3:16
592. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Judicial Wisdom (several commentators). 1Kings 3:16
593. When did the trial occur? 1Kings 3:16
594. Solomon had God’s wisdom when he woke up. 1Kings 3:16
595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon immediately had the wisdom of God. 1Kings 3:16
596. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Sort of Women are These (from several commentators). 1Kings 3:16
597. What we know about these women. 1Kings 3:16
598. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Importance of Individuals to God. 1Kings 3:16
599. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Prostitution. 1Kings 3:16
600. Not all of the testimony given is fact based; but logical deductions. 1Kings 3:17
601. Distinguishing between actual observation and logical deductions. 1Kings 3:20
602. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon Applies his Wisdom to the Disputed Baby Case (Various Commentators). 1Kings 3:25
603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Judgement of Solomon, by Peter Paul Rubens. 1Kings 3:25
604. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: King Solomon's Wise Judgment (a graphic). 1Kings 3:25
605. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Judgment of Solomon by Raffaello Sanzio. 1Kings 3:25
606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Two Women React to Solomon's Judgment (a graphic). 1Kings 3:26
607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Judgment of Solomon, Wallfahrtskirche Frauenberg (de) Frauenberg, Styria. 1Kings 3:26
608. Leaders in Israel with the fear/respect of the people. 1Kings 3:28
609. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The People Saw the Wisdom of God in Solomon (Commentators on 1Kings 3:28). 1Kings 3:28
610. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 1Kings 3 is in the Word of God. 1Kings 3 Addendum
611. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Addendum
612. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 1Kings 3 Addendum
613. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Addendum
614. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Addendum
615. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Addendum
616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 1Kings 3. 1Kings 3 Addendum
617. The Pulpit Commentary: God gave Solomon wisdom because he asked for it, and at the same time gave him wealth because he did not ask for it. His choice of the higher showed he was fit to be entrusted with the lower. Seek first the Kingdom of God,...
618. 1Kings 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Solomon’s Cabinet, Kingdom, Wealth and Wisdom
619. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. 1Kings 4 Preface
620. John Owen, Jesus and King Solomon quotations. 1Kings 4 Preface
621. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 18:10 (a graphic). 1Kings 4 Preface
622. References to the Doctrine of the Client Nation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Three Dispensations: The Age of Israel, the Age of the Hypostatic Union and the Church Age (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Basic Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and the Study of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 4 Definition of Terms. 1Kings 4 Introduction
623. 1Kings 4 leaves the narrative approach. 1Kings 4 Introduction
624. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4 was written late in the reign of Solomon; or after his death. 1Kings 4 Introduction
625. Why the summary of Solomon’s reign is right here. 1Kings 4 Introduction
626. Possibly the section of Solomon is written from 3 or more sources. 1Kings 4 Introduction
627. Theories as to why 1Kings 4 is where it is. 1Kings 4 Introduction
628. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Introduction
629. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Introduction
630. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Timeline of the Kings. 1Kings 4 Introduction
631. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Synopsis of 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Introduction
632. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary/Overview of 1Kings 4 (by Various Commentators). 1Kings 4 Introduction
633. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Annotated Bible's Outline (Edited). 1Kings 4 Introduction
634. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Outlines of 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Introduction
635. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Poole's Organization of 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Introduction
636. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Administration of the Kingdom (4:1-34) (Bridgeway Bible Commentary). 1Kings 4 Introduction
637. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Summarized Bible's Overview of 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Introduction
638. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Short Introduction to the Content of 1Kings 4 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4 Introduction
639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Organization of 1Kings 4:1–21. 1Kings 4:1
640. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: King Solomon was king over all Israel (graphic). 1Kings 4:1
641. That Solomon reigns over all Israel is in contrast to King David and those who follow Solomon. 1Kings 4:1
642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introduction to the Officers of Solomon (Several Commentators and Kukis). 1Kings 4:2
643. Being able to delegate responsibility is one of the most important things a leader does. 1Kings 4:2
644. Application to the United States. Dishonest appointees; examples of Operation Fast & Furious; and Lois Lerner and the IRS. 1Kings 4:2
645. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Obama Scandals (a graphic). 1Kings 4:2
646. The Obama scandals; the failure of the press. 1Kings 4:2
647. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Cambridge Bible on the Term Priest. 1Kings 4:2
648. What is a priest, discussion. 1Kings 4:2
649. Reference to 2Samuel 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 4:2
650. Using the term the priest suggests that this man is the High Priest. 1Kings 4:2
651. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Duties of Azariah ben Zadok. 1Kings 4:2
652. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Points of View Concerning Azariah ben Zadok. 1Kings 4:2
653. Priests were not celibate. 1Kings 4:2
654. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine of the Priesthood (Ballinger, Thieme). 1Kings 4:2
655. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Kings, Prophets and Priests (Chart). 1Kings 4:2
656. Scribes; possible duties. 1Kings 4:3
657. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Duties of Elihoreph and Ahijah beni Shisha (Seraiah). 1Kings 4:3
658. Possible duties of the official historian. 1Kings 4:3
659. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Duties of Jehoshaphat ben Ahilud. 1Kings 4:3
660. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Duties of Benaiah ben Jehoiada. 1Kings 4:4
661. ISBE on Benaiah. 1Kings 4:4
662. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Duties of Zadok and Abiathar. 1Kings 4:4
663. Much of the discussion is, why is Abiathar’s name found here if he was fired? 1Kings 4:4
664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Poole on Why Abiathar's Name is Found Here. 1Kings 4:4
665. Which Nathan is the father here? 1Kings 4:5
666. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Duties of Azariah ben Nathan. 1Kings 4:5
667. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Duties of Zabud ben Nathan. 1Kings 4:5
668. Zabud as David’s friend and as a priest. 1Kings 4:5
669. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Duties of Ahishar. 1Kings 4:6
670. What Adoniram is over. 1Kings 4:6
671. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Duties of Adoniram ben Abda. 1Kings 4:6
672. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Observations Based Upon 1Kings 4:1–6. 1Kings 4:6
673. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Artist's depiction of Solomon's court (Ingobertus, c. 880). 1Kings 4:6
674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Mostly Incorrect Views of Priests by the Expositor's Bible Commentary. 1Kings 4:6
675. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing 1Kings 4:1–6 from Carpe Scriptura. 1Kings 4:6
676. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introduction to 1Kings 4:7–19 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:7
677. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's 12 Districts and Surrounding Nations (a map). 1Kings 4:7
678. The purpose of these 12 armies; and their ability to protect their territory or to provide logistics for another army or armies. 1Kings 4:7
679. Liberals are confused about our military. Cutting the military. 1Kings 4:7
680. Neil Cavuto interviews a young liberal leader. Short-sightedness of youth. 1Kings 4:7
681. Importance of our military and how we should use our military today. 1Kings 4:7
682. Our military stationed in South Korea. 1Kings 4:7
683. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Introduces and Summarizes 1Kings 4:7–21. 1Kings 4:7
684. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Missing First Names of 1Kings 4:7–13. 1Kings 4:7
685. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On the 12 Officers and 12 Districts (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:7
686. Military is well organized; capable of providing logistics. 1Kings 4:8
687. Tax collection and protection. 1Kings 4:8
688. The most basic service necessary for a government is to provide protection and law and order. 1Kings 4:8
689. Ben means the son of. 1Kings 4:8
690. The importance of a father. 1Kings 4:8
691. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Hill Country of Ephraim (or Mount Ephraim) (Various Commentators). 1Kings 4:8
692. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Location of the Second District (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:9
693. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Maps of Dan. 1Kings 4:9
694. Cities in one part of the Bible do not perfectly match up with cities in another part because of the interim of time, wherein some cities pop up and others go to seed. 1Kings 4:9
695. At least two Socoh’s in Scripture. 1Kings 4:10
696. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:10/District 3 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:10
697. The meaning of so many men whose fathers are named. 1Kings 4:11
698. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Naphath Dor (from Various Commentators). 1Kings 4:11
699. Dor. 1Kings 4:11
700. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:11/District 4 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:11
701. Ben-abinadab might be Solomon’s cousin. 1Kings 4:11
702. Tanach and Megiddo. 1Kings 4:12
703. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Easton on Megiddo. 1Kings 4:12
704. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Megiddo. 1Kings 4:12
705. Zarethan, Zeredah, Zartanah. 1Kings 4:12
706. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of North and Central Israel. 1Kings 4:12
707. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:12/District 5 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:12
708. The great plain of Esdraelon or Jezreel, Taanach, Megiddo, and Beth-shean. 1Kings 4:12
709. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fausset on Bethshean. 1Kings 4:12
710. Abel–meholah. 1Kings 4:12
711. A father is the hero of any son or daughter. 1Kings 4:13
712. Ramoth in Gilead. 1Kings 4:13
713. Attacks on the Bible related to geographical locations and lack of records. 1Kings 4:13
714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fausset on Ramoth Gilead. 1Kings 4:13
715. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Havvoth-Jair (from Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:13
716. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fausset on Argob. 1Kings 4:13
717. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Ramoth Gilead. 1Kings 4:13
718. Some cults do a good job with evolution, apologetics and Bible history. 1Kings 4:13
719. Bronze bar for the city. 1Kings 4:13
720. Eyewitness to recent cities with ancient Bible names. 1Kings 4:13
721. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:13/District 6 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:13
722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mahanaim by Various Commentators. 1Kings 4:14
723. Reference to the Doctrine of Mahanaim (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 4:14
724. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Nave's Topical Bible Summarizes the City of Mahanaim. 1Kings 4:14
725. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:14/District 7 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:14
726. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Iddo's of Scripture (from BDB and Nave). 1Kings 4:14
727. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ahimaaz's of Scripture (from Smith's Dictionary). 1Kings 4:15
728. Naphtali’s location. 1Kings 4:15
729. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Asher, Zebulun and Naphtali. 1Kings 4:15
730. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:15/District 8 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:15
731. Hushai the Archite. 1Kings 4:16
732. Theme of 1Kings 4 is the importance of the fathers. 1Kings 4:16
733. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:16/District 9 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:16
734. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:17/District 10 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:17
735. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:18/District 11 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:18
736. Gilead. 1Kings 4:19
737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:19/District 12 (Several Commentators). 1Kings 4:19
738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and one officer in the land (1Kings 4:19b). 1Kings 4:19
739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:19b as explained by various commentators. 1Kings 4:19
740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: General Comments on 1Kings 4:7–19 by College Press Bible Study. 1Kings 4:19
741. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Miscellaneous Comments on 1Kings 4:7–19 (Various Commentators). 1Kings 4:19
742. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's 12 Districts (a Map). 1Kings 4:19
743. Working one month a year (which is not the case). 1Kings 4:19
744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing 1Kings 4:7–19 by Carpe Scriptura. 1Kings 4:19
745. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon’s Underlings (a chart from the Word in Life Study Bible—1997) 1Kings 4:19
746. Millions of Jews in the land; the sand of the sea is hyperbole. 1Kings 4:20
747. The northern and southern portions are differentiated; suggestions as to why this is done. 1Kings 4:20
748. People rebelled against a great reign like Solomon’s; people will rebel against perfect environment in the Millennium. 1Kings 4:20
749. Parallels between Solomon’s kingdom and the Millennium. 1Kings 4:20
750. “Eating and drinking and enjoying lives” here is used to refer to great prosperity. 1Kings 4:20
751. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Great Prosperity of Israel; Commentators on 1Kings 4:20. 1Kings 4:20
752. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A National Crisis. 1Kings 4:20
753. Life in the 1950's and early 1960's. Billy Graham crusades broadcast during prime time. 1Kings 4:20
754. Moved away from spiritual things and we are now $19 trillion in debt. 1Kings 4:20
755. Liberals ought to be happy, but they are not. 1Kings 4:20
756. The problems with the Supreme Court, which should act like umpires. 1Kings 4:20
757. Taxes are out of control; spending is out of control; public education turning out morons. 1Kings 4:20
758. Fundamental problem is our spiritual condition, illustrated by our public school system. 1Kings 4:20
759. Texas legislature “fixing” the public schools. 1Kings 4:20
760. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Where is God in the Constitution? By David W. New, Esq.. 1Kings 4:20
761. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moving 1Kings 4:20–21. 1Kings 4:20
762. The Hebrew Bible cuts off the chapter at v. 20. 1Kings 4:21
763. King David did not send Joab out to conquer new lands. 1Kings 4:21
764. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Attainment of Peace and Freedom in a Nation. 1Kings 4:21
765. Freedom provided by the military. 1Kings 4:21
766. Younger people have no appreciation of the United States military and what it has done since WWII. 1Kings 4:21
767. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Extent of Solomon's Kingdom (1Kings 4:21). 1Kings 4:21
768. Israel did not rebel against Solomon or withhold taxes from him. 1Kings 4:21
769. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did David and Solomon Run a Protection Racket? 1Kings 4:21. 1Kings 4:21
770. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's 4 Spheres of Political Influence (Dr. Thomas Constable). 1Kings 4:21
771. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 72 (of Solomon). 1Kings 4:21
772. The amount of flour being consumed. 1Kings 4:22
773. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How much flour is that? Commentators on 1Kings 4:22. 1Kings 4:22
774. Solomon would also be feeding his slaves. 1Kings 4:22
775. Slaves are paid a living wage. Slaves have upward mobility. 1Kings 4:22
776. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The miscellaneous animals prepared (commentators on 1Kings 4:23). 1Kings 4:23
777. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How many people were being fed? Estimates by various commentators.. 1Kings 4:23
778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:23 (a graphic). 1Kings 4:23
779. The army would also be fed. The army did not spend 11 months out of the year collecting this food. 1Kings 4:23
780. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The quantities given are similar to other kingdoms (various commentators). 1Kings 4:23
781. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Theories on the Meaning of the Entire Region Beyond the Euphrates River. 1Kings 4:24
782. Solomon had dominion over so much land because of the army of his father David. 1Kings 4:24
783. Tiphsah. 1Kings 4:24
784. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Tiphsah (from Various Commentators). 1Kings 4:24
785. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Smith on Gaza. 1Kings 4:24
786. Similar to saying, from Dan to Beersheba. 1Kings 4:24
787. When people attacked Israel, there were consequences. They were destroyed, enslaved or they paid tribute. 1Kings 4:24
788. A nation blessed by God often enjoys great periods of peace. 1Kings 4:24
789. Reference to the Doctrine of the Client Nation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 4:24
790. Writing, editing Kings. 1Kings 4:25
791. Solomon is a picture of Christ in the Millennium. 1Kings 4:25
792. Rebellion in the Millennium explains why evil cannot be allowed be exists side-by-side righteousness. 1Kings 4:25
793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Each man under his own vine and his own fig tree (commentators on 1Kings 4:25b). 1Kings 4:25
794. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The utopia that was Israel/Dissatisfaction today in the United States. 1Kings 4:25
795. The wonderful time of the 1950's in America. 1Kings 4:25
796. The amount of things owned is not the key to happiness. 1Kings 4:25
797. The ridiculous Wall Street protestors. They reveal that happiness or unhappiness comes from the inside. 1Kings 4:25
798. Welfare, the Bible and the United States. 1Kings 4:25
799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Income Inequality is the Days of Solomon. 1Kings 4:25
800. The contrast between the things owned by Solomon and the things owned by the people. 1Kings 4:25
801. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Your Economy on Socialism (graphic). 1Kings 4:25
802. From Dan to Beersheba. 1Kings 4:25
803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: N. L. Frothingham's Observations of Nation Israel. 1Kings 4:25
804. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: N. Emmons on Peace in a National Entity. 1Kings 4:25
805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:25 (a graphic). 1Kings 4:25
806. MacLaren on religion contributes to prosperity. 1Kings 4:25
807. The peace of Solomon was provided by the wars of David (J. Vernon McGee). 1Kings 4:25
808. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1001 Cleared Up Contradictions on Solomon's Number of Horse Stalls. 1Kings 4:26
809. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Too Many Stalls (Various Commentators on 1Kings 4:26 and 2Chron. 9:25). 1Kings 4:26
810. Solomon’s horses. 1Kings 4:26
811. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God, Kings of Israel, and Horses (Various Commentators). 1Kings 4:26
812. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Multiplying Horses (Continuing the Conversation). 1Kings 4:26
813. God’s prohibitions were not about excluding horses from war. 1Kings 4:26
814. When you want a job, do you sit on a park bench and pray to God? 1Kings 4:26
815. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 17:16 Israel, Its King, and Its Military (and Its Horses). 1Kings 4:26
816. Solomon did not begin with this many horses. He accumulated them over time. 1Kings 4:26
817. There was no lack in provisions. 1Kings 4:27
818. Barley and straw for horses. 1Kings 4:28
819. Rekesh, possibly bred for speed. 1Kings 4:28
820. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translators on, "Where should the grain and straw be taken?" 1Kings 4:28
821. Delegation of authority. 1Kings 4:28
822. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmic Organization of 1Kings 4:29–34. 1Kings 4:29
823. Solomon’s wisdom was, at first, a supernatural gift. 1Kings 4:29
824. Understanding means Solomon had a realistic view of the world and his place in it. It is the ability to interpret contemporary history as well. 1Kings 4:29
825. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Largeness of Heart (by Many Commentators). 1Kings 4:29
826. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Different Sorts of Intelligence (Observations and Commentators). 1Kings 4:29
827. Like the sand by the seashore. 1Kings 4:29
828. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Wisdom like the Sand by the Seashore (1Kings 4:29). 1Kings 4:29
829. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:29 (a graphic). 1Kings 4:29
830. What it may mean to have brainpower quantified by the sand by the seashore. 1Kings 4:29
831. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sand (by H. Macmillan). 1Kings 4:29
832. Passages for children of the east. 1Kings 4:30
833. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Wise Men of the East (Various Commentators). 1Kings 4:30
834. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom Literature from the East. 1Kings 4:30
835. The Instructions of Shuruppak. 1Kings 4:30
836. The Babylonian Theodicy. 1Kings 4:30
837. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gary Everett on Wisdom Literature from Egypt. 1Kings 4:30
838. The Instruction of Amenemope. 1Kings 4:30
839. The uniqueness of the book of Proverbs. 1Kings 4:30
840. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Wisdom of Egypt (1Kings 4:30). 1Kings 4:30
841. Greek philosophy came on the scene 400 years later. 1Kings 4:30
842. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon was wiser than all men (Commentators on 1Kings 4:31). 1Kings 4:31
843. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gary Everett: Wise Men and Government. 1Kings 4:31
844. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ethan's of Scripture (Smith, Kukis). 1Kings 4:31
845. Reference to Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 4:31
846. Reference to 1Chron. 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 4:31
847. Heman and Ethan. 1Kings 4:31
848. Reference to 1Chron. 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 4:31
849. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ethan and Heman's Origins. 1Kings 4:31
850. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The names Ethan, Heman, Calcol and Darda. 1Kings 4:31
851. How we might have two sets of brothers with the same names. 1Kings 4:31
852. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Four Wise Men (Various Commentators). 1Kings 4:31
853. The College Press Bible Study on Solomon’s wisdom. 1Kings 4:31
854. Solomon’s loss of wisdom. 1Kings 4:31
855. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Losing Wisdom (What went wrong?). 1Kings 4:31
856. How can we lose wisdom in the Church Age? 1Kings 4:31
857. The Pulpit Commentary on Solomon’ s loss of wisdom. 1Kings 4:31
858. 3000 proverbs is a round number. 1Kings 4:32
859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:32a (a graphic). 1Kings 4:32
860. Solomon did not personally originate all 3000 proverbs. 1Kings 4:32
861. The meaning of the word proverb. 1Kings 4:32
862. Solomon spoke or taught 3000 proverbs. 1Kings 4:32
863. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Evolution of Human Authorship in the Bible. 1Kings 4:32
864. Recording historical events may not have been seen as important to add the name of an author to (like the book of Genesis). 1Kings 4:32
865. Other authors assert that Solomon did not write the entire book of Proverbs. 1Kings 4:32
866. Solomon’s songs may have been secular in nature. 1Kings 4:32
867. 1005 is a very specific number, indicating someone wrote these songs down and counted them. 1Kings 4:32
868. David’s songs and proverbs. 1Kings 4:33
869. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When is a hyssop not a hyssop? (By various commentators). 1Kings 4:33
870. At age 65, going into the kitchen and staring at everything like a cow at a new fence. 1Kings 4:33
871. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Of Cedar and Hyssop (Many Commentators on 1Kings 4:33a). 1Kings 4:33
872. References to The Doctrine of the Hyssop is found in Psalm 51 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 4:33
873. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon and Plant Life (from the Homiletic Quarterly). 1Kings 4:33
874. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Cyrus, the Royal Horticulturist (The Bible Illustrator). 1Kings 4:33
875. Division of animals in the Bible (passages). 1Kings 4:33
876. Solomon talking with animals is just silly. 1Kings 4:33
877. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Knowledge of Natural History (by Many Commentators). 1Kings 4:33
878. Rick Joyner on discovering the wonderment of God’s creation. 1Kings 4:33
879. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon Combines Nature and Spiritual Information. 1Kings 4:33
880. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Robert S. Rayburn on the Worldview of the Christian. 1Kings 4:33
881. The MENSA member being taken to jail in New Orleans. 1Kings 4:33
882. Solomon brought peace and stability to a region that is now plagued with no fewer than 10 wars. 1Kings 4:34
883. The United States army, peace, prosperity and stability. 1Kings 4:34
884. We expected WWIII during the 1950's. 1Kings 4:34
885. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wars in the World April 2016 (a map). 1Kings 4:34
886. We are working at cross-purposes with Islam. 1Kings 4:34
887. Spiritually exploiting our peacetime. 1Kings 4:34
888. The expansion of war and chaos under President Obama, who has been unwilling to use the power of the U.S. military. So-called tough diplomacy. President Obama is smart but he is not wise. 1Kings 4:34
889. Kings and their representatives came from all over to hear Solomon. Queen of Sheba. 1Kings 4:34
890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summing up 1Kings 4:32–34 (Various Commentators). 1Kings 4:34
891. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 4:29–34 (a graphic). 1Kings 4:34
892. Reference to 1Kings 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 4:34
893. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon, Israel and Millennial Typology. 1Kings 4:34
894. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Opposing View of Solomon. 1Kings 4:34
895. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 1Kings 4 is in the Word of God. 1Kings 4 Addendum
896. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Addendum
897. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Solomon's Kingdom and Sphere of Influence. 1Kings 4 Addendum
898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 1Kings 4 Addendum
899. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Addendum
900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Addendum
901. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Addendum
902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 1Kings 4. 1Kings 4 Addendum
903. Soco [There are three, and possibly four, different Soco’s. Two are under the administration of Judah and mentioned in more detail in Joshua 15:35. The questionable one is also found there. This Soco is found quite a bit north of the other two in the Plain of Sharon. However, because of the mention of Hepher in this verse, it could possibly indicate that this is where Ben-hesed had ruled in the past.] I have covered all the Socoh’s in 1Sam. 17:1. 1Kings 4:10
904. 1Kings 5 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
905. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Eisenhower, Alexander Graham Bell, Albert Einstein, Lincoln. 1Kings 5 Preface
906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bobby Unser quote (a graphic). 1Kings 5 Preface
907. Definition of terms: 1st and 2nd Advents of our Lord; Age of Israel, Church Age, edification complex, operation Z, the Revealed God, the Temple and typology. 1Kings 5 Introduction
908. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings Image. 1Kings 5 Introduction
909. King David’s original idea to build the Temple. 1Kings 5 Introduction
910. The separation of the Ark from the Tabernacle; David building the Tent in Jerusalem.
911. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Temple and the Line of Promise. 1Kings 5 Introduction
912. Which was written first: Kings or Chronicles? 1Kings 5 Introduction
913. The people of Israel, in general, were not confused by the Temple or the Tabernacle. They did not believe that God lived in either place or was confined by either place. There were some recorded exceptions to this. 1Kings 5 Introduction
914. Negative volition of man in rejecting Christ; and the Temple. 1Kings 5 Introduction
915. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Timeline of the Kings. 1Kings 5 Introduction
916. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Introduction
917. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bridgeway Bible Commentary's Prequel. 1Kings 5 Introduction
918. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Introduction
919. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Introduction
920. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Tyre and Israel. 1Kings 5 Introduction
921. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Introduction
922. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Synopsis of 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Introduction
923. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of 1Kings 5 from Bible Study Outlines. 1Kings 5 Introduction
924. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Annotated Bible's Outline. 1Kings 5 Introduction
925. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmatic Approach to 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Introduction
926. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary Summarizes 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Introduction
927. Summaries of 1Kings 5 and subsequent chapters. 1Kings 5 Introduction
928. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Summarized Bible Synopsis of 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Introduction
929. House, palace, Tabernacle and Temple. 1Kings 5 Introduction
930. Controversy over the Temple being a good idea or not. 1Kings 5 Introduction
931. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Smith on Hiram. 1Kings 5:1
932. Mike Smith and Whedon on Hiram; were there two Hiram’s? 1Kings 5:1
933. Different names for Hiram. 1Kings 5:1
934. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hiram, King of Tyre (a graphic). 1Kings 5:1
935. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch on the Length of Hiram's Reign. 1Kings 5:1
936. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Information about Hiram from Various Sources. 1Kings 5:1
937. I see no reason to believe that Hiram was a tributary monarch. 1Kings 5:1
938. We should not denigrate other believers, even if we consider ourselves in a race with them, as Paul does. Friendly competition; examples of another math teacher; example of two doctrinal teachers. 1Kings 5:1
939. There ought to be no jealousy toward Jewish believers; or problems with those who have different spiritual gifts. 1Kings 5:1
940. A mention of General Patton’s prayers. 1Kings 5:1
941. You do not attack individual pastors; particularly by name. You can attack or use cults to make an example of their false doctrine. 1Kings 5:1
942. Do not attack other pastors over some doctrinal differences or over salary. 1Kings 5:1
943. Pastor Toms and the Blood of Christ doctrine. 1Kings 5:1
944. Do not even knock Christian denominations. 1Kings 5:1
945. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Easton on Tyre. 1Kings 5:1
946. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Tyre. 1Kings 5:1
947. David and the king of the Ammonites. Hanun was much different. 1Kings 5:1
948. Reference to 2Samuel 10 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
949. Hiram was not gay. 1Kings 5:1
950. Tyre is an ally to Israel during the reigns of David and Solomon. This changes during the era of the prophets. 1Kings 5:1
951. During David’s life, he was forced into war over and over again. 1Kings 5:1
952. It is much smarter for two nations to be on friendly terms with one another. 1Kings 5:1
953. It is much better for believers and unbelievers to be on good terms with one another. 1Kings 5:1
954. Peter Pett puts a negative spin on Hiram’s greeting. 1Kings 5:1
955. In the time of Josephus, the correspondence between the two men was preserved in both Israel and Tyre’s records. Another secular writer confirms this. 1Kings 5:2
956. Delivering materials and building. 1Kings 5:2
957. David did not decided to be a wartime king. 1Kings 5:3
958. Avoid war in a country by being the most prepared for war. 1Kings 5:3
959. The parallels between David and Solomon; and the Lord in His 2nd advent and Millennial reign. 1Kings 5:3
960. 9 chapters given over to Solomon’s reign in Kings; 3 of these devoted to building the Temple. 1Kings 5:3
961. Solomon’s age at the beginning of his reign is unknown; I think he is quite young. 1Kings 5:4
962. The success of a nation is tied to the exalting of God’s Word. 1Kings 5:4
963. The building up of the military is not at odds with the establishment of local churches. 1Kings 5:4
964. Faith-rest does not mean that you sit on a park bench when you need a job. 1Kings 5:4
965. Peace in Solomon’s time was prophesied and fulfilled. 1Kings 5:4
966. Those who disparage our country are often liberal and anti-God. 1Kings 5:4
967. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on the Blessings of Peace. 1Kings 5:4
968. The United States has gone a long time without war. Our great military. 1Kings 5:4
969. The Billy Graham crusades in the 1950's. Evangelism in the United States. 1Kings 5:4
970. The ministry of R. B. Thieme, Jr. 1Kings 5:4
971. Tying evangelism and teaching to our great peace and prosperity. 1Kings 5:4
972. Too many Americans think like globalists and socialists. 1Kings 5:4
973. The great divide in our country between believers and unbelievers. 1Kings 5:4
974. The downward spiral of our country. 1Kings 5:4
975. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Young Barack Obama (a political cartoon). 1Kings 5:4
976. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett: "What Solomon said was wrong" (including my commentary). 1Kings 5:4
977. David’s history and the Temple. 1Kings 5:4
978. Finding your purpose in life is the greatest thing ever. 1Kings 5:5
979. Solomon understood the Temple did not confine God. 1Kings 5:5
980. The local church versus the Temple. 1Kings 5:5
981. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Building the Temple Just One Big Mistake? A Debate. 1Kings 5:5
982. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Solomon Builds the Temple, and not David. 1Kings 5:5
983. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Regarding typology and the church. 1Kings 5:5
984. Reference to the Doctrine of Intercalation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 5:5
985. Concerns of building a local church building. 1Kings 5:5
986. The actual building of the local church is unimportant. What goes on inside is. 1Kings 5:5
987. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Photos of the Sagrada Familia. 1Kings 5:5
988. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Berachah Church (photo). 1Kings 5:5
989. Reference to the edification complex structure of the soul (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 5:5
990. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On the Cedars of Lebanon (Various Commentators). 1Kings 5:6
991. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Skill of the Sidonians, from Various Commentators. 1Kings 5:6
992. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Vitruvius Records Rules for Felling Timber. 1Kings 5:6
993. Hiram’s Tyre appears to be an independent nation. 1Kings 5:6
994. Cooperation; different skills. 1Kings 5:6
995. Paul’s application to different spiritual gifts. 1Kings 5:6
996. Thousands of people are involved with getting me my breakfast each morning. 1Kings 5:6
997. Twilight Zone fantasy of being the last person alive. 1Kings 5:6
998. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: King Hiram (a graphic) This section includes secular history of King Hiram. 1Kings 5:7
999. Reference to Nahash and Hanun. 1Kings 5:7
1000. Obama and Trump interactions with Israel when in office. 1Kings 5:7
1001. The positive interactions between Solomon and Hiram. Neither was out to cheat the other man. 1Kings 5:7
1002. Hiram appears to believe in David’s God. 1Kings 5:7
1003. Free enterprise and this relationship between Solomon and Hiram. 1Kings 5:7
1004. Free enterprise versus capitalism; Venezuela and its socialist poverty. 1Kings 5:7
1005. Commentators who believe that Hiram is not a believer. 1Kings 5:7
1006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators who do not believe that Hiram trusted in the God of David. 1Kings 5:7
1007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hiram Believes in the Revealed God. 1Kings 5:7
1008. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Friendship Preserved by a Cigar Company (a photo). 1Kings 5:7
1009. Friendship with the Jews often accompanies a trust in the Living God. 1Kings 5:7
1010. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Moving the Lumber (Several Commentators). 1Kings 5:9
1011. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Twelve Tribes of Israel (a map). 1Kings 5:9
1012. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Route of the Lumber (several commentators). 1Kings 5:9
1013. A free exchange of goods and services as over against an invasion by another country in order to gain the things which they desire. 1Kings 5:9
1014. The distance the wood had to be moved. 1Kings 5:9
1015. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Cedars of Tyre (a photo). 1Kings 5:10
1016. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Manuscript Errors in the Bible. 1Kings 5:11
1017. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Michael Kroger: Role of the Autographs. 1Kings 5:11
1018. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Michael Kroger: Corruption of the Manuscripts. 1Kings 5:11
1019. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Conclusions we can draw from the study of textual accuracy. 1Kings 5:11
1020. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Preservation of the Text of Scripture. 1Kings 5:11
1021. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pure Olive Oil (Several Commentators). 1Kings 5:11
1022. The expanding vocational opportunities in the world. 1Kings 5:11
1023. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Annual Payment to Hiram (from The College Press Bible Study). 1Kings 5:11
1024. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hiram, Solomon and Self-interest. 1Kings 5:11
1025. Bargaining one’s skills for food. 1Kings 5:11
1026. Political and religious Ideology and national trends. 1Kings 5:11
1027. An overly Christian nation means, you might see more nativity scenes or crosses than you want. 1Kings 5:11
1028. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Personal attacks on those in service to God. 1Kings 5:11
1029. Pastor-teachers are allowed to take a salary; same for evangelists. 1Kings 5:11
1030. Not our business to judge the pastor of a mega-church or how much he makes. 1Kings 5:11
1031. We do not attack pastors by name. 1Kings 5:11
1032. Not our job to go after particular local churches. 1Kings 5:11
1033. Allowing people in your church privacy; despite their sexual immorality. 1Kings 5:11
1034. When you might consider removing someone from the congregation. 1Kings 5:11
1035. Wearing outlandish clothes versus coming naked to church. The first is okay. Comparing this to the sin nature; hiding it as over against bringing it out in full view for everyone to see. 1Kings 5:11
1036. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The believer and the ministries of others. 1Kings 5:11
1037. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Exchange of Goods and Services Between Solomon and Hiram. 1Kings 5:11
1038. The Solomon wisdom passages. 1Kings 5:12
1039. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Solomon's Wisdom. 1Kings 5:12
1040. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on Kingly Wisdom. 1Kings 5:12
1041. Relating Solomon’s wisdom to Hiram and international relations. 1Kings 5:12
1042. The animosity towards Israel in the Middle East. Many would like to destroy Israel but they are kept from doing that. 1Kings 5:12
1043. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 5:12 (AKJV). 1Kings 5:12
1044. Did Solomon take a Sidonian wife as part of this deal? 1Kings 5:12
1045. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Tyre and Israel—a lesson on personal influence (from The Pulpit Commentary). 1Kings 5:12
1046. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Opinions About Solomon's Treaty/Agreement with Hiram. 1Kings 5:12
1047. Building the Temple requires peace and prosperity. 1Kings 5:13
1048. Application to the United States today. 1Kings 5:13
1049. Solomon’s public works project and his workers; compared to Obama’s Stimulus Bill. 1Kings 5:13
1050. David had a palace built for him by Hiram already. 1Kings 5:13
1051. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Solomon's Labor Force of Israelites. 1Kings 5:13
1052. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's work projects and Adoram, who was over the labor. 1Kings 5:13
1053. It is possible that Solomon did not pay his workers. 1Kings 5:14
1054. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Were Solomon's Workers Remunerated? 1Kings 5:14
1055. The schedule of the 30,000 workers. 1Kings 5:14
1056. R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s dedication to the ministry. 1Kings 5:14
1057. My teaching mathematics compared to teaching the Bible. 1Kings 5:14
1058. Why most good pastors teach only 3 or 4 classes a week. 1Kings 5:14
1059. We are not called to a monastic life. Most Christians have families and jobs. 1Kings 5:14
1060. Israelite kings were not to make slaves of their own people. They could enslave others, however. 1Kings 5:14
1061. Design and function in houses. 1Kings 5:14
1062. An evaluation of Solomon’s reign. 1Kings 5:14
1063. Differing opinions of Solomon’s Israel. 1Kings 5:14
1064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: ISBE on Adoniram. 1Kings 5:14
1065. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Poole on the Largeness of This Project. 1Kings 5:14
1066. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Stone Workers. 1Kings 5:15
1067. Building and the design of that building. 1Kings 5:15
1068. At what point did Solomon begin building his palace? 1Kings 5:15
1069. There appears to be no laws violated when Solomon enlists the aid of gentiles; and, in some cases, unbeliever gentiles. 1Kings 5:15
1070. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 5:16 (a graphic). 1Kings 5:16
1071. Supervisors are necessary for a project. 1Kings 5:16
1072. Systems of authority allow us to get through each day safely and usually accident free. 1Kings 5:16
1073. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Number of Workers. 1Kings 5:16
1074. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Number of Supervisors in Kings and Chronicles. 1Kings 5:16
1075. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The College Press Bible Study Makes the Numbers Work. 1Kings 5:16
1076. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The College Press Bible Study Table which Makes the Numbers Work. 1Kings 5:16
1077. In all business and construction, a hierarchy or system of authorities is necessary. Communism makes no sense. 1Kings 5:16
1078. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lange on the workmen at the Temple building. 1Kings 5:16
1079. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Organization of Solomon's Work Force from the College Press Bible Study. 1Kings 5:16
1080. How communism is sold; and its actual reality. 1Kings 5:16
1081. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Arguments Made for Socialism (or Communism). 1Kings 5:16
1082. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Kind of Stones Named Here (Various Commentators). 1Kings 5:17
1083. The foundation of the Temple.
1084. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Stone Foundation for the Temple (Various Commentators). 1Kings 5:17
1085. Chuck Smith on Jerusalem stone. 1Kings 5:17
1086. The people of Gebal are referred to.
1087. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on, Stone Squarers or Gebalites. 1Kings 5:18
1088. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: King Solomon Builds a Temple for God (an illustration). 1Kings 5:18
1089. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on Phœnician Skills. 1Kings 5:18
1090. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. 1Kings 5 Summary
1091. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 1Kings 5 is in the Word of God. 1Kings 5 Summary
1092. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Summary
1093. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: George Will: Pencils and Politics. 1Kings 5 Summary
1094. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes Solomon’s Building Projects. 1Kings 5 Summary
1095. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Summary
1096. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallel Passages: 1Kings 5 and 2Chronicles 2. 1Kings 5 Summary
1097. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Temple Diagram #1 from The College Press Bible Study. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1098. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Temple Diagram #2 from The College Press Bible Study. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1099. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1100. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Expositor's Bible Commentary on Solomon's Skills as a Builder. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1101. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Temple and Jesus Christ (from the Pulpit Commentary). 1Kings 5 Addendum
1102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Opinions on the Tabernacle versus the Temple. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: More quotations from Pett on the Temple. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genocides and Political Killings of the 20th Century. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1105. Memes about religious wars. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Anti-Religious Meme (a graphic). 1Kings 5 Addendum
1107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Anti-Religious Meme2 (a graphic). 1Kings 5 Addendum
1108. Link to Dr. Bill Warner and the Crusades versus Islamic Wars. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1111. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 1Kings 5. 1Kings 5 Addendum
1112. 1Kings 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. 1Kings 6 Preface
1114. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Winston Churchill Quotation (a graphic). 1Kings 6 Preface
1115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Quotation (a graphic). 1Kings 6 Preface
1116. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe quotation (a graphic). 1Kings 6 Preface
1117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Frank Gehry Quotation (a graphic). 1Kings 6 Preface
1118. Quotations from J. Vernon McGee, Winston Churchill, David Allan Coe, Frank Lloyd Wright, Milton Friedman. 1Kings 6 Preface
1119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Temple – Illustrated (a graphic). 1Kings 6 Introduction
1120. A description of the Temple. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Floor plan for the Temple (a graphic). 1Kings 6 Introduction
1122. A description of the interior of the Temple. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Basic Words for Building or a Portion of a Building, as Found in 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 6 (graphic). 1Kings 6 Introduction
1125. Artistic license and Temple illustrations. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 6 Slide Show #1 and #2 (a graphic). 1Kings 6 Introduction
1127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Prophets, Priests and Kings. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1128. Since the reign of kings was introduced, God does not speak directly to Israel’s leaders. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1129. Our thinking and our thoughts; what God places into our minds. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1130. Prophets, priests and kings. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1131. Discussion of whether the Temple was a good thing or a bad thing. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1132. Reference to 1Kings 5 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 6 Introduction
1133. The foundation of the Temple. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How the Temple and Tabernacle are Different from Other Religious Buildings. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Distinguishing Solomon's Temple from Pagan Temples (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6 Introduction
1136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Christianity is Founded Upon Old Testament Yehowah Worship. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1137. References to the Doctrine of Adam’s Original Sin (Bible Doctrine Resource) (Got Questions?) (Theopedia), the Coniah Curse and the Sin Nature (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), where the curse laid upon Coniah is analogous to the curse of the old sin nature. See also the Doctrine of the Sin Nature (Bible Doctrine Resource) (htm—Grace Notes) (pdf—Grace Notes) (Verse by verse) (L. G. Merritt) (CBD Ministries), Salvation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the (interrelated) Priesthoods of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Doctrine of the Soul of Man (Soul 1 @ Bible Doctrine Resource) (Soul Essence @ Bible Doctrine Resource), Doctrine of the Human Soul and Human Spirit (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Ark of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Doctrine of the Trinity (Bible Doctrine Resource) (Trinity 1 @ Bible Doctrine Resource) (Grace Notes htm) (pdf) (Verse by verse). 1Kings 6 Introduction
1138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A. Rowland on The Purposes of the Temple. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1139. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Timeline of the Kings. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1140. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1142. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1143. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Site of Solomon's Temple (Several Commentators). 1Kings 6 Introduction
1144. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1145. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translations for 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1146. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 1Kings 6 by College Press. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gill and Henry Summarize 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1148. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bridgeway Bible Commentary Summarizes 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Guzik on, What Was Built. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bible Study Outline's Outline of 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Arno Gaebelein's Outline of 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joseph Benson's Outline of 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1153. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Peter Pett's Division of 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1154. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Peter Pett's Chiasmic Approach to 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 1Kings 6 from the Summarized Bible. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The New American Bible Summarizes 1Kings 6–7. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1157. I struggled with translating 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1158. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Discussing Why 1Kings 6 is in the Word of God. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1159. Why there is so much detail on the building of the Temple. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1160. My learning about building from a former roommate. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1161. General overview about why the Greek and Hebrew texts are different for 1Kings 6.
1162. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible Illustrator on the Temple of God. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1163. Reference to the Doctrine of Intercalation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 6 Introduction
1164. Not a lot of commentary; some commentaries have a negative view of the Temple. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1165. Differences with ancient texts. However, we find no theological spin placed on different texts. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1166. Why mistakes were made. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1167. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1168. The New English Bible and The Complete Tanakh are both added. 1Kings 6 Introduction
1169. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The American English Bible on 480 Years. 1Kings 6:1
1170. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Barnes Discusses the 480 Years. 1Kings 6:1
1171. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Biblical Chronologist on the Conventional Dates for the Exodus. 1Kings 6:1
1172. The accuracy of the text; the likelihood of text of the Bible being changed. Isa. 53 in the Dead Sea Scrolls. 1Kings 6:1
1173. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Peter Pett Questions the Accuracy and Importance of 480 Years. 1Kings 6:1
1174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Cambridge Bible Says the Numbers Might Work. 1Kings 6:1
1175. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joseph Benson Makes the Numbers Work. 1Kings 6:1
1176. Acts 13:16–20 compared to 1Kings 6:1; making the numbers work. 1Kings 6:1
1177. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sutcliffe Makes the Numbers Work. 1Kings 6:1
1178. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Burton Coffman on the Dating Required by 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6:1
1179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Time and Chronology of 1Kings 6:1. 1Kings 6:1
1180. Reagan legalizing illegals in California and the changes that resulted. 1Kings 6:1
1181. A mention of the 2016 election before it happened. 1Kings 6:1
1182. The long-term impact of the Temple and the synagogues. 1Kings 6:1
1183. The foundation of the Temple. 1Kings 6:1
1184. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1 KINGS 6 - 1 The building of the temple (a graphic). 1Kings 6:1
1185. When did Solomon actually begin the Temple? 1Kings 6:1
1186. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Date of the Beginning of the Building of the Temple. 1Kings 6:1
1187. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Month of Ziv. 1Kings 6:1
1188. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Whedon's List of the Jewish Months. 1Kings 6:1
1189. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chart of the Months (a graphic). 1Kings 6:1
1190. Living every day alike; observing feasts or holy days. 1Kings 6:1
1191. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon and the Plan for the Temple (a graphic). 1Kings 6:1
1192. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 6:1 (a graphic). 1Kings 6:1
1193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why did Solomon wait until year 4 to start building the Temple? 1Kings 6:1
1194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Location of Solomon's Temple (many commentators). 1Kings 6:1
1195. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dome of the Rock (a photo). 1Kings 6:1
1196. The size of the Temple. 1Kings 6:2
1197. Considering whether Hiram had any say in the planning of the Temple. 1Kings 6:2
1198. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Answering the critics that no such temple existed in that era. 1Kings 6:2
1199. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Overall Structure and Dimensions of the Temple (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:2
1200. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Porch in Front of the Temple (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:3
1201. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "What was Solomon’s Porch?" from Got Questions. 1Kings 6:3
1202. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Temple Front by Thenius (a graphic). 1Kings 6:3
1203. What is the temple of the house? 1Kings 6:3
1204. Limited names for buildings in that era. 1Kings 6:3
1205. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Windows of the Temple. 1Kings 6:4
1206. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Benson on the Shifting Authority in Israel. 1Kings 6:5
1207. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Temple Annex (a graphic). 1Kings 6:5
1208. The Holy of Holies was also called the Oracle. 1Kings 6:5
1209. Prophets and the kings. Why not use priests instead? 1Kings 6:5
1210. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Structure and Location of the Annex (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:5
1211. Annex floors discussed. 1Kings 6:6
1212. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Cutaway View of the Annex (a graphic). 1Kings 6:6
1213. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Annex and How the Floors Were Designed (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:6
1214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Annex—Purpose and Description (by Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:6
1215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on the Annex Construction. 1Kings 6:6
1216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Artist's Conception of Solomon's Temple. 1Kings 6:6
1217. Lack of noise in building the Temple; capitalism and the body of Christ. 1Kings 6:7
1218. The foundation of the temple; information on flooring and sub-flooring. 1Kings 6:7
1219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Lack of Noise by the Use of Tools (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:7
1220. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Note, Religious Reverence Explains the Lack of Noise. 1Kings 6:7
1221. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Legitimate and Insightful Views on the Lack of Noise (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:7
1222. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Contrasting Quietude and Noise (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:7
1223. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Weird Interpretations and Applications of 1Kings 6:7 (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:7
1224. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Wrong Emphasis in the Church Today. 1Kings 6:7
1225. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Criticizing the Ministry of Another. 1Kings 6:7
1226. Finding a church like Berachah in your city. 1Kings 6:7
1227. H. D. Rawnsley on an underground tour of Jerusalem. 1Kings 6:7
1228. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary View of 1Kings 6:1–7 (a graphic). 1Kings 6:7
1229. Getting to the 2nd floor. 1Kings 6:8
1230. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Descriptions of the Annex Access (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:8
1231. Two basic interpretations of 1Kings 6:9. 1Kings 6:9
1232. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Temple's Roof—Sloped or not. 1Kings 6:9
1233. Possibly reasoning behind a 7.5' ceiling.
1234. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Height of the Annex (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:10
1235. The argument for a pitched roof. 1Kings 6:10
1236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Connection of the Annex to the Temple (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:10
1237. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Cut-away View of the Temple and the Temple Annex (a graphic). 1Kings 6:10
1238. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing the Annex Structure (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:10
1239. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Agreement on the Temple Structure (College Press). 1Kings 6:10
1240. Kings, prophets and ultimate power. 1Kings 6:11
1241. What is the difference between David and Moses? 1Kings 6:11
1242. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Word of the Lord Comes to Solomon (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:11
1243. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Statutes (Ordinances). 1Kings 6:12
1244. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Judgments (or rules, judicial decisions). 1Kings 6:12
1245. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Commandments (or, prohibitions, constraints). 1Kings 6:12
1246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Commandments of God. 1Kings 6:12
1247. God’s promise to King David. 1Kings 6:12
1248. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Walking in the Lord's Statues, etc. (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:12
1249. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Similar Passages to 1Kings 6:11–12. 1Kings 6:12
1250. God living among His people. 1Kings 6:13
1251. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 6:13 (a graphic). 1Kings 6:13
1252. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Protection Promised to His People (includes Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:13
1253. It is never the religious building, the animal sacrifices, or the various holy rituals which are observed; it is knowledge, obedience and devotion to God and to His Word. 1Kings 6:13
1254. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on 1Kings 6:11–13. 1Kings 6:13
1255. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Interior of the House — 1Kings 6:15–35 (from College Press). 1Kings 6:14
1256. Who or what exactly is the builder of your house? 1Kings 6:14
1257. The plans for my addition and the building of it. 1Kings 6:14
1258. Structure of a building and the finish work. 1Kings 6:14
1259. Conceiving of a project and then executing it. The entry to a house of mine. 1Kings 6:14
1260. The human and divine side of the building of the Temple. 1Kings 6:14
1261. God refocuses Solomon’s attention to what is important. 1Kings 6:14
1262. Cedarwood; the structure of a modern-day home. 1Kings 6:15
1263. Solomon is doing the finish work. 1Kings 6:15
1264. Trim work for a house; around the door. 1Kings 6:15
1265. The smell of cedar. 1Kings 6:15
1266. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Interior of the Temple. 1Kings 6:15
1267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Holy of Holies. 1Kings 6:16
1268. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Contrasting the Tabernacle and the Temple; Contrasting David and Solomon. 1Kings 6:16
1269. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tabernacle and the Temple (graphics). 1Kings 6:16
1270. What hêychâl (הֵיחָל) [pronounced hay-KHAWL] likely refers to. 1Kings 6:17
1271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Trim Molding (a photograph). 1Kings 6:18
1272. Difficulties translating the building chapters. 1Kings 6:19
1273. The Ark was not in the Holy of Holies for the lives of Saul and David. 1Kings 6:19
1274. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ark of God (a Summary). 1Kings 6:19
1275. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ark of the Covenant (a photograph). 1Kings 6:19
1276. Reference to the Ark of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 6:19
1277. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is above the Holy of Holies? (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:20
1278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Temple Interior and Holy of Holies (a graphic). 1Kings 6:20
1279. Catholic church changing for the better. 1Kings 6:20
1280. Catholicism and evangelism. 1Kings 6:20
1281. Catholic Bibles versus Jewish Bibles. 1Kings 6:20
1282. My favorite Catholic and Jewish translations. 1Kings 6:20
1283. Which altar is being discussed here? 1Kings 6:20
1284. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What About these Gold Chains? (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:21
1285. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Holy of Holies (also called, the Oracle). Unfinished. 1Kings 6:21
1286. Real problems with understanding this altar to be the Altar of Incense. 1Kings 6:22
1287. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What are the altars of 1Kings 6:20 & 22? (Includes Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:22
1288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of the Altar of Incense (from the Grace Bible Church of Baytown). 1Kings 6:22
1289. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Altar of Incense Graphic. 1Kings 6:22
1290. A possible reason why this new pair of cherubim are so large. 1Kings 6:23
1291. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 6:23—Cherubim Graphic. 1Kings 6:23
1292. Whether or not the cherubim were constructed inside or outside of the Holy of Holies. 1Kings 6:24
1293. Comparing the original cherubim to those made by Solomon. 1Kings 6:25
1294. Comparing the original cherubim to those made by Solomon. 1Kings 6:26
1295. The cherubim were constructed, apparently, outside of the Holy of Holies. 1Kings 6:27
1296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Cambridge Bible on Cherubim. 1Kings 6:27
1297. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Cherubim Placed in the Holy of Holies. 1Kings 6:27
1298. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Contrasting the Cherubim of the Tabernacle and the Cherubim of the Temple. 1Kings 6:27
1299. Lange on the cherubim found in Ezekiel. 1Kings 6:27
1300. Some misconceptions that Solomon may have had about the Ark of God and the cherubim. 1Kings 6:27
1301. Coffman and Solomon’s wrong ideas about the angels. 1Kings 6:28
1302. How the wood, carvings and gold covering were probably done. 1Kings 6:29
1303. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on the Meanings of the Carvings. 1Kings 6:29
1304. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Structure and Contents of the Holy of Holies (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:29
1305. Lange: the area over the Holy of Holies was probably not used for storage. 1Kings 6:29
1306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Carvings in the Walls (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:29
1307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Overlaying of Gold Throughout (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:30
1308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Interpreting "Five Sides" or a "Fifth" in 1Kings 6:31 (Including Commentary). 1Kings 6:31
1309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doors of the Holy of Holies (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:32
1310. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What does “a fourth” mean? (Various commentators). 1Kings 6:33
1311. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Folding Doors. 1Kings 6:34
1312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doors to the Temple (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:35
1313. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Temple Descriptions from Various Commentators. 1Kings 6:35
1314. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Contents of the Temple (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:35
1315. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: General Commentary on the Temple Built by Solomon. 1Kings 6:35
1316. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Courtyard Outside the Temple (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:36
1317. How God told Moses to make the courtyard for the Tabernacle and Moses’ execution of it. 1Kings 6:36
1318. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Fencing Around the Courtyard (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:36
1319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Foundation of the Temple (Several Commentators). 1Kings 6:37
1320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Markings on the Foundation Stone (Arno Gaebelein). 1Kings 6:37
1321. The completion of the Temple to the moving of the Ark of God. 1Kings 6:37
1322. The odd placement in 1Kings of Solomon’s building of his own palace. 1Kings 6:37
1323. Solomon would want nearly immediate public use of the Temple. 1Kings 6:37
1324. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Time Spent on the Temple (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:38
1325. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Great Cacophony of Workers (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:38
1326. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Length of Time Building the Temple (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6:38
1327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Did Not Live in the Temple; the Temple Did Not Confine Him. 1Kings 6:38
1328. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. 1Kings 6 Summary
1329. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 1Kings 6 is in the Word of God. 1Kings 6 Summary
1330. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Summary
1331. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Unanswered Questions from 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Summary
1332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry on the Temple as a Type. 1Kings 6 Summary
1333. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Summary
1334. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Summary
1335. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Illustrations of the Temple. 1Kings 6 Illustration
1336. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scott's Model of Solomon's Temple. 1Kings 6 Illustration
1337. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Temple (a graphic). 1Kings 6 Illustration
1338. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Scale Model of Temple (a picture). 1Kings 6 Illustration
1339. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Temple (a book illustration). 1Kings 6 Illustration
1340. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Temple (from Pin Interest). 1Kings 6 Illustration
1341. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The High Priest in Solomon's Temple (an illustration). 1Kings 6 Illustration
1342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel and the Phœnicians. 1Kings 6 Addendum
1343. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Legacy of the Temple (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6 Addendum
1344. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. John Lange on the Significance of Solomon's Temple. 1Kings 6 Addendum
1345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Temple and the Lord's Millennial Reign. 1Kings 6 Addendum
1346. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Temple Comparison (a graphic). 1Kings 6 Addendum
1347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gauri's Cathedral (known as the Sagrada Familia) (graphics). 1Kings 6 Addendum
1348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ezekiel's Temple (a graphic). 1Kings 6 Addendum
1349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ezekiel's Temple (a view from above). 1Kings 6 Addendum
1350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 1Kings 6 Addendum
1351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Other Ancient Edifices (Various Commentators). 1Kings 6 Addendum
1352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke Quoting from Calmet and Josephus. 1Kings 6 Addendum
1353. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Properly Exegeting Related Old and New Testament Passages. 1Kings 6 Addendum
1354. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Addendum
1355. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Addendum
1356. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 1Kings 6. 1Kings 6 Addendum
1357. 1Kings 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Solomon’s Palace Completed; Temple Furniture Constructed
1358. In the preface, my failure to explain more than a dozen phrases. 1Kings 7 Preface
1359. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. On free trade and commerce, mostly. Takashi Murakami, Daniel Boone, George Osborne, P. T. Barnum. 1Kings 7 Preface
1360. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Thomas Jefferson quote (a graphic). 1Kings 7 Preface
1361. David and the two advents of Jesus Christ (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Stan Murrell), the Five Cycles of Discipline (BDR—probably Thieme) (Mark Perkins) (L. G. Merritt), the Three Dispensations: The Age of Israel, the Age of the Hypostatic Union and the Church Age (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), Chiasmos (Chiasmos example) (Thomas B. Clarke) (Brad McCoy) (Biblical Chiasm Exchange), Covenant Theology versus Dispensationalism (Got Questions?), (, (Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology), (, (Middletown Bible Church), Divine Institutions (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), Logistical Grace (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), The Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF), Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 7 Introduction
1362. Authorship of Kings. I should place this in the introductory chapter. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1363. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Logical Order of Events. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1364. Different ways these sections could have been arranged; what the LXX did. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1365. Form and function in the building of the Temple and the palace. Most modern technology applied to this building of the Temple, the palace and their furnishings. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1366. Covenant theology. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1367. We do not look at things in the Old Testament and assume that they are typical of the church in the future.
1368. What about Isaiah prophesying about tongues? 1Kings 7 Introduction
1369. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Properly Connecting Isaiah 28:11–12 with 1Corinthians 14:21. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1370. Dangerous to connect things in the Old Testament to the church. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1371. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When did all of this take place? 1Kings 7 Introduction
1372. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Timeline for Solomon's Building Projects. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of 1Kings 7 (by Various Commentators). 1Kings 7 Introduction
1374. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of 1Kings 7 (various commentators). 1Kings 7 Introduction
1375. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1376. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Timeline of the Kings. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1377. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1378. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1380. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1381. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1382. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of 1Kings 7 (Various Commentators). 1Kings 7 Introduction
1383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 1Kings 7 from the Summarized Bible. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1384. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Morgan G. Campbell Summarizes 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (1Kings 5–8). 1Kings 7 Introduction
1386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1387. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1388. I have a construction background, but it did not help me very much. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1389. My difficulties with this chapter. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1390. Why all of this architectural detail? 1Kings 7 Introduction
1391. Similarities to a genealogical passage. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1392. How a commentators and a pastor-teacher may differ in covering a passage. 1Kings 7 Introduction
1393. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Peter Pett's Chiasmic approach to 1Kings 7:1–12. 1Kings 7:1
1394. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing Solomon's Various Building Projects (many commentators). 1Kings 7:1
1395. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Brevity of the Descriptions of Solomon's House (commentators). 1Kings 7:1
1396. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Temple/Palace Complex (an illustration). 1Kings 7:1
1397. Lange answers, why spend any time recording the construction of the palace? 1Kings 7:1
1398. Why Solomon built a new palace (speculation). 1Kings 7:1
1399. God allowed for and even encouraged Adam and the woman to designed their living space in the Garden of Eden. 1Kings 7:1
1400. Solomon not very happy with his building projects. 1Kings 7:1
1401. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Building Schedule. 1Kings 7:1
1402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Longer Time Spent Building the King's Palace (various commentators). 1Kings 7:1
1403. All of the buildings Solomon is building. 1Kings 7:2
1404. House of the Forest of Lebanon. 1Kings 7:2
1405. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The House of the Forest of Lebanon (various commentators). 1Kings 7:2
1406. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Location of the House of the Forest of Lebanon (various commentators). 1Kings 7:2
1407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Name of the House of the Forest of Lebanon (various commentators). 1Kings 7:2
1408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Description of the House of the Forest of Lebanon (various commentators). 1Kings 7:2
1409. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: King's Palaces in the Ancient World (various commentators). 1Kings 7:2
1410. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Dimensions of the House of the Forest of Lebanon (various commentators). 1Kings 7:2
1411. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How Many Buildings Are Here? (various commentators). 1Kings 7:2
1412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Palace (a graphic). 1Kings 7:2
1413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of 1Kings 7:2c. 1Kings 7:2
1414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining the 4 rows of pillars (various commentators). 1Kings 7:2
1415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Multiple explanations for 1Kings 7:3 (various translations and commentators). 1Kings 7:3
1416. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Side Rooms of the House of the Forest of Lebanon (various commentators). 1Kings 7:3
1417. These are side rooms instead of pillars. 1Kings 7:3
1418. The windows of the palace. 1Kings 7:4
1419. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Windows of the House of the Forest of Lebanon (various commentators). 1Kings 7:4
1420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doors and Access to the House of the Lebanon Forest (various commentators). 1Kings 7:5
1421. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is being said about the windows in 1Kings 7:5b? (various commentators). 1Kings 7:5
1422. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Support Beams of the House of the Forest of Lebanon (various commentators). 1Kings 7:5
1423. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Other Commentary on the House of the Lebanon Forest (various commentators). 1Kings 7:5
1424. Summary of vv. 1–5. 1Kings 7:5
1425. The hall of judgment may be within the porch of pillars or they may be equivalent. 1Kings 7:6
1426. The porch of pillars. 1Kings 7:6
1427. The size of the porch of pillars. 1Kings 7:6
1428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Porch of Pillars (commentators/discussion). 1Kings 7:6
1429. The porch where Solomon will sit in judgment. 1Kings 7:7
1430. A singular set of measurements; a singular purpose. 1Kings 7:7
1431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Hall of Justice (various commentators). 1Kings 7:7
1432. Theories about the final phrase of v. 7. 1Kings 7:7
1433. More wrestling with the Hebrew. 1Kings 7:8
1434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Personal Residence (various commentators). 1Kings 7:8
1435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Location of Solomon's Residence (various commentators). 1Kings 7:8
1436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Residence of the Daughter of Pharaoh (various commentators). 1Kings 7:8
1437. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Overall Building Configuration (various commentators). 1Kings 7:8
1438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Building Projects (1Kings 7:1–8) (a graphic). 1Kings 7:8
1439. Confusion about where the stone and cedar are used. 1Kings 7:9
1440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Stones Used in Solomon's Buildings (various commentators). 1Kings 7:9
1441. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: From the Foundation to the Coping (various commentators). 1Kings 7:9
1442. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: ...from the outside to the great courtyard (commentators/discussion). 1Kings 7:9
1443. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Stones of the Foundation (various commentators). 1Kings 7:10
1444. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The reference to above in 1Kings 7:11 (various commentators). 1Kings 7:11
1445. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How the Courtyard Was Thought to Look (various commentators). 1Kings 7:12
1446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Courtyards of the Palace (various commentators). 1Kings 7:12
1447. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing the Temple to Solomon's Palace (various commentators). 1Kings 7:12
1448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Temple vs. Solomon's Palace (a table). 1Kings 7:12
1449. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Palace and the Temple (a blueprint). 1Kings 7:12
1450. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's House (a floor plan). 1Kings 7:12
1451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Palace (an illustration mock up). 1Kings 7:12
1452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Palace and Temple (an illustration). 1Kings 7:12
1453. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Temple—Inside the Temple (a graphic). 1Kings 7:13
1454. A summary of 1Kings 5–8. 1Kings 7:13
1455. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Specific Items in the Temple (an illustration). 1Kings 7:13
1456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The big picture. 1Kings 7:13
1457. The key to Solomon going to Tyre may simply be that he has the newest building procedures and plans. 1Kings 7:13
1458. Why Israel is less technologically advanced than Tyre. 1Kings 7:13
1459. Bronze versus gold. 1Kings 7:13
1460. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Peter Pett's Chiastic Approach to 1Kings 7:13–40. 1Kings 7:13
1461. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is this metal specialist Hiram, the King of Tyre? 1Kings 7:13
1462. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The confused background of Hiram, the metal worker (various commentators). 1Kings 7:14
1463. Bronze and brass. 1Kings 7:14
1464. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The skills of Hiram from Tyre (various commentators). 1Kings 7:14
1465. Hiram and Bezaleel. 1Kings 7:14
1466. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Huram (Hiram) of Tyre (various commentators). 1Kings 7:14
1467. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Concept of Nationalism. 1Kings 7:14
1468. Reference to the Doctrine of the Divine Institutions (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Biblical View of Nationalism and Patriotism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD—zipped). 1Kings 7:14
1469. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiastic Approach to 1Kings 7:15–22. 1Kings 7:15
1470. The pillars of the Temple. 1Kings 7:15
1471. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Descriptions of the Pillars (various commentators). 1Kings 7:15
1472. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Other Ancient Pillars (various commentators). 1Kings 7:15
1473. The capitals for the pillars. 1Kings 7:16
1474. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The vital statistics of the two pillars (various commentators). 1Kings 7:16
1475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pillar Illustration (a graphic). 1Kings 7:16
1476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The vital statistics of the pillar caps (various commentators). 1Kings 7:16
1477. Decorations for the capitals. 1Kings 7:17
1478. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The confusing number 7 in 1Kings 7:17 (various commentators). 1Kings 7:17
1479. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sorting out the translation of 1Kings 7:18 (various commentators). 1Kings 7:18
1480. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The meaning of the pomegranate carvings (various commentators). 1Kings 7:18
1481. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallel Terms for Tabernacle and Temple. 1Kings 7:18
1482. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The lily-work of the capitals (various commentators). 1Kings 7:19
1483. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The design of what was added to the pillars (various commentators). 1Kings 7:19
1484. The belly. 1Kings 7:20
1485. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining 1Kings 7:20a (various commentators). 1Kings 7:20
1486. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Numbering the pomegranates (various commentators). 1Kings 7:20
1487. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pillar Crowns (Capitals, Chapiters) (various commentators). 1Kings 7:20
1488. Why we do not spend much time with the symbology of the furnishings of the Temple. 1Kings 7:20
1489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Exact Location of the Pillars (various commentators). 1Kings 7:21
1490. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Names of the Two Pillars (various commentators). 1Kings 7:21
1491. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 7:22 appears to repeat 1Kings 7:19 (various commentators). 1Kings 7:22
1492. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentary on the Two Pillars (various commentators). 1Kings 7:22
1493. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Design and decoration of the two pillars (various commentators). 1Kings 7:22
1494. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The pillars appear to be freestanding (various commentators). 1Kings 7:22
1495. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The College Press Bible Study on the Location and Function of the Pillars. 1Kings 7:22
1496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Purpose/significance of the two pillars (various commentators). 1Kings 7:22
1497. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: These pillars will be destroyed (various commentators). 1Kings 7:22
1498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Temple and Its Pillars (front view) (a graphic). 1Kings 7:22
1499. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Two Pillars of the Temple (a graphic with text). 1Kings 7:22
1500. Levite requests may have been involved in the number of basins. 1Kings 7:23
1501. The Great Basin. 1Kings 7:23
1502. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Measurements, fractions and the Bible. 1Kings 7:23
1503. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Russell Grigg's Solution (a graphic). 1Kings 7:23
1504. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Descriptions of the Massive Basin (the Sea) (various commentators). 1Kings 7:23
1505. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Brazen Sea (a graphic). 1Kings 7:23
1506. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Vital Statistics of the Massive Basin (various commentators). 1Kings 7:23
1507. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Function of the Massive Basin (various commentators). 1Kings 7:23
1508. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Great Sea (an illustration). 1Kings 7:23
1509. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Knops or Gourds on the Great Basin (several commentators). 1Kings 7:24
1510. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Oxen Holding Up the Massive Basin (various commentators). 1Kings 7:25
1511. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Great Laver (1Kings 7:25) (a graphic). 1Kings 7:25
1512. Helpful information found in the graphic of the laver. 1Kings 7:25
1513. Making a determination using mathematical formulas what the capacity of the basin is. 1Kings 7:26
1514. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Capacity of the Massive Basin (various commentators). 1Kings 7:26
1515. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The massive basin—an overview (various commentators). 1Kings 7:26
1516. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sea (or, the Massive Basin) (a graphic). 1Kings 7:26
1517. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Taking the Massive Basin too Far (a discussion). 1Kings 7:26
1518. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing the small basins in the moveable stands (various commentators). 1Kings 7:27
1519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Basic Description of the Moveable Lavers (various commentators). 1Kings 7:27
1520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "They have panels [or, faces, borders]..." (various commentators). 1Kings 7:28
1521. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On the Panels of the Basin Stands (various commentators). 1Kings 7:28
1522. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Trying to make sense of 1Kings 7:29 (various commentators). 1Kings 7:29
1523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The cart wheels (a discussion). 1Kings 7:30
1524. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 4 corners and the undersetters (shoulders) (various commentators). 1Kings 7:30
1525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is the mouth? (Various commentators). 1Kings 7:31
1526. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The second phrase in 1Kings 7:31 (various commentators). 1Kings 7:31
1527. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The third and final phrase of 1Kings 7:31 (various commentators). 1Kings 7:31
1528. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The ten moveable sinks and their stands—an overview (various commentators). 1Kings 7:31
1529. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bronze Basins in their Stands (the Ten Moveable Sinks) (a graphic). 1Kings 7:31
1530. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The basin cart and the great sea (a graphic). 1Kings 7:34
1531. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The basins (a graphic). 1Kings 7:34
1532. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch on the basin carts. 1Kings 7:34
1533. Three classes of God’s creation. 1Kings 7:36
1534. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The basin carts are all made alike (a graphic). 1Kings 7:37
1535. Providing water in the basins; analogous to rebound. 1Kings 7:38
1536. How much water can be physically moved. 1Kings 7:38
1537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hiram makes 10 lavers of brass (various commentators). 1Kings 7:38
1538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Moveable Sinks (various commentators). 1Kings 7:38
1539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Placement of the sink and the sea (various commentators). 1Kings 7:38
1540. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The College Press Bible Study on the Basins and Stands. 1Kings 7:38
1541. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: TABERNACLE- TEMPLE COMPARISONS (College Press Bible Study). 1Kings 7:38
1542. One of the things which is good about the less-than-literal translations is, they make a list look like a list. 1Kings 7:40
1543. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The miscellaneous furnishings (pots, shovels)—an overview (many commentators). 1Kings 7:40
1544. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The items made by Hiram and their use (various commentators). 1Kings 7:45
1545. Bronze outside the Temple; gold inside. 1Kings 7:45
1546. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Casting in the clay earth (various commentators). 1Kings 7:46
1547. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Region Between Succoth and Zarethan (various commentators). 1Kings 7:46
1548. My translation and understanding of v. 47 is different from all others. 1Kings 7:47
1549. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The brassing materials not weighed out (various commentators). 1Kings 7:47
1550. Solomon oversees the furniture for the interior of the Temple instead of Hiram. 1Kings 7:48
1551. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Materials for the Temple and Its Furnishings (many commentators). 1Kings 7:48
1552. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What about these less than literal translations? What is their value? 1Kings 7:48
1553. How many altars there may have been. 1Kings 7:48
1554. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Table of Gold (several commentators). 1Kings 7:48
1555. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon got it wrong. 1Kings 7:49
1556. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A List of the Temple Items from the College Press Bible Study. 1Kings 7:50
1557. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tabernacle. 1Kings 7:50
1558. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tabernacle (a model). 1Kings 7:50
1559. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Furniture of the Tabernacle. 1Kings 7:50
1560. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Furniture of the Tabernacle (a graphic). 1Kings 7:50
1561. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Temple Furniture. 1Kings 7:50
1562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Idolatry and the Religious Artifacts of the Temple and Tabernacle. 1Kings 7:50
1563. Comparing the first commandment to the Ark of God or to the Temple. Do they violate it? 1Kings 7:50
1564. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Furniture of the Temple are Types (from Mike Smith). 1Kings 7:50
1565. The Tabernacle and the Temple are types of Jesus Christ. 1Kings 7:50
1566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Cut-away view of the Temple; it's furnishings and furniture (a graphic with text). 1Kings 7:50
1567. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Outside View of the Temple and the Exterior Articles of Furniture (an illustration). 1Kings 7:50
1568. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Storage in the Treasuries of the House of Yehowah (various commentators). 1Kings 7:51
1569. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. 1Kings 7 Summary
1570. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 1Kings 7 is in the Word of God. 1Kings 7 Summary
1571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Summary
1572. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Summary
1573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Summary
1574. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Summary
1575. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Burton Coffman Negative View of Solomon's Excessive Building. 1Kings 7 Summary
1576. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why do we find so many architectural details in 1Kings? 1Kings 7 Addendum
1577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Whedon On the Symbolism of the Temple. 1Kings 7 Addendum
1578. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 1Kings 7 Addendum
1579. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Addendum
1580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Addendum
1581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Addendum
1582. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 1Kings 7. 1Kings 7 Addendum
1583. 1Kings 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). King Solomon Dedicates the Completed Temple
1584. Summary of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Preface
1585. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. 1Kings 8 Preface
1586. Quotes from Dr. Robert Dean, Jr., Joseph Parker, Preacher’s Complete Homiletical Commentary, Sheri L. Dew, Gordon B. Hinckley, Ray Lewis, Thomas S. Monson, Patrick Rothfuss and Matshona Dhliwayo. 1Kings 8 Preface
1587. References to David on the two advents of Jesus Christ (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); (Stan Murrell), the Five Cycles of Discipline (R. B. Thieme, Jr.) (Ken Ford) (Joe Griffin chart) (Lee Griffith) (Wisdom and Knowledge) (L. G. Merritt); the 10 problem solving devices, see: R. B. Thieme, Jr., Robert R. McLaughlin Bible Ministries, and All Aboard God’s Train (Bible doctrine for children); the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Basic Christology from the Spokane Bible Church; Doctrine of the Client Nation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Human Viewpoint Versus Divine Viewpoint Thinking (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Fear of the Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Grace Apparatus for Perception (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Logistical Grace (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of Adjustment to the Justice of God; (Cherreguine’s Doctrine of Reversionism) the Doctrine of Grace Apparatus for Perception (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. the Doctrine of the Millennium; the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF)(Reversionism—Ken Reed) (Reversionism—Jim Rickard) (Reversionism—divine viewpoint) (Got Questions?) (from which much of this explanation came) ( (The Jewish Encyclopedia); the Doctrine of the Sin unto Death (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)spiritual life. (HTM) (PDF); (The Spiritual Life via the 10 problem solving devices—R. B. Thieme, Jr.) (Walking in the Spirit—Chafer) (Spiritual Metabolism—Robert R. McLaughlin); the Ark of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and the Model of the Tabernacle (which represents Jesus Christ and the cross) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Tabernacle (Redeeming Grace); Jesus—the Golden Lampstand (Grace Bible Church) (Doctrine of the Tribulation—Pastor L.G. Merritt); (The Great Tribulation—Cherreguine Bible Doctrine Ministries) (Tribulation Time line [Chart]—Grace Bible Church of Baytown); Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and the Way of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8 Preface
1588. What we know prior to 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1589. A summary of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1590. The High Priest, the Holy of Holies, and the Mercy Seat. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1591. This celebration is tied to the exodus 6 times in Solomon’s message and prayer. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1592. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of 1Kings 8 (by Various Commentators). 1Kings 8 Introduction
1593. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of 1Kings 8 (various commentators/discussion). 1Kings 8 Introduction
1594. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1596. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1597. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1598. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1599. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Timeline of the Kings. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1600. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1601. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines and Summaries of 1Kings 8 (Various Commentators). 1Kings 8 Introduction
1602. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Guzik's Outline of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 929 Chapters Outline of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1604. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 1Kings 8 from the Summarized Bible. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1605. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (1Kings 5–8). 1Kings 8 Introduction
1606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Position and Function in the Temple Celebration (John Lange). 1Kings 8 Introduction
1608. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions. 1Kings 8 Introduction
1609. David, Solomon and the Ark of God.
1610. Trying to define the tribal leaders and elders.
1611. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who was gathered to Solomon (various commentators). 1Kings 8:1
1612. Jerusalem and David. 1Kings 8:1
1613. The location and movement of the Ark. 1Kings 8:1
1614. Moving the Ark to Jerusalem; the tent for the Ark in Jerusalem. 1Kings 8:1
1615. Zion, the city of David and Jerusalem. 1Kings 8:1
1616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: All those who came to Jerusalem (various commentators). 1Kings 8:2
1617. Were the feast days in Leviticus always celebrated? 1Kings 8:2
1618. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The month of Ethanim (various commentators). 1Kings 8:2
1619. Reference to 1Kings 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:2
1620. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The feast being celebrated in 1Kings 8 (various commentators). 1Kings 8:2
1621. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of the Feast of Tabernacles (or, Booths). 1Kings 8:2
1622. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The timing of this inaugural celebration (discussion/commentary). 1Kings 8:2
1623. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Views of When the Temple Celebration Occurred. 1Kings 8:2
1624. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Order of Events for the Building Projects and the Celebration at the Temple. 1Kings 8:2
1625. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introduction to the Moving of the Ark into the Temple (various commentators). 1Kings 8:3
1626. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Original Ark (a graphic representation). 1Kings 8:3
1627. Transporting the Ark. 1Kings 8:3
1628. Scripture listing of the Levites being responsible for spiritual matters in Israel. 1Kings 8:3
1629. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ark of the Covenant is moved to the new Temple 1 Kings 8:3-13 (a graphic). 1Kings 8:3
1630. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ark is moved about (various commentators). 1Kings 8:3
1631. Reference to the Movement of the Ark and the Tabernacle (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:4
1632. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Where has the Ark been all of this time? And 3 principles; by Robert Dean. 1Kings 8:4
1633. Two lines of priests. 1Kings 8:4
1634. Two principle places of worship; two priesthoods. 1Kings 8:4
1635. Some history on the Ark and the Tabernacle. 1Kings 8:4
1636. Reference to 1Samuel 4–8 and 2Samuel 6–7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:4
1637. Why the Tabernacle and other items were stored at the Temple. 1Kings 8:4
1638. Solomon, the procession and the planning. 1Kings 8:5
1639. The wings of the cherubim and the poles of the Ark in the Holy of Holies. 1Kings 8:6
1640. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Are the original cherubim affixed to the Ark? (A discussion). 1Kings 8:6
1641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Cherubim Angels (from Mike Smith). 1Kings 8:6
1642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Miscalculations regarding the Temple. 1Kings 8:6
1643. More discussion about the length of the poles and the size of the cherubim wings. 1Kings 8:6
1644. Fallen and elect angels. 1Kings 8:7
1645. Perhaps the overly large angels were thought to be for protection. 1Kings 8:7
1646. The Ark of God; who made the poles. 1Kings 8:8
1647. Touching the Ark; laying hands on Jesus Christ. 1Kings 8:8
1648. The size of the Holy of Holies; the length of the poles; who built the poles. 1Kings 8:8
1649. The Temple and the Holy of Holies were much different from a church or synagogue. 1Kings 8:8
1650. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: From where could the poles be seen? (Various commentators). 1Kings 8:8
1651. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The staves remain in the Temple to this day (various commentators). 1Kings 8:8
1652. Difference between Solomon and David’s lives recorded in Scripture. 1Kings 8:8
1653. The attack upon the Temple not too far off in the future. 1Kings 8:8
1654. The shaky spiritual state of the United States. 1Kings 8:8
1655. Residual grace. 1Kings 8:8
1656. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What was in the Ark and how did anyone actually know this in Solomon's day? 1Kings 8:9
1657. Theories about the objects in or near the Ark; and where they were placed; and why the Tables of the Law were known to exist. Old and New Testament passages. 1Kings 8:9
1658. The objects with the Ark and the Ark itself describe our entire relationship with God. 1Kings 8:9
1659. The Law was subordinate to the Ark of God and to the Mercy Seat. 1Kings 8:9
1660. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What remains in the Ark and what was removed (several commentators). 1Kings 8:9
1661. We have no idea why these items went missing. 1Kings 8:9
1662. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The meaning of Aaron's rod and the pot of manna being missing (commentators). 1Kings 8:9
1663. Horeb = Mount Sinai. 1Kings 8:9
1664. Israel’s history and artifacts bear witness to the Word of God. 1Kings 8:9
1665. Solomon’s appreciation for the arc of history. 1Kings 8:9
1666. Rush Limbaugh and how people do not appreciate their history. 1Kings 8:9
1667. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of the Ark of God. Updated April 4, 2018. 1Kings 8:9
1668. Reference to the Ark of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:9
1669. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Ark of the Covenant is a Type of Jesus Christ. 1Kings 8:9
1670. Reference to Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:9
1671. The typology of the Tabernacle and the Temple. 1Kings 8:9
1672. The tradition of reading Scripture aloud from memory probably led to the creation of the synagogue. 1Kings 8:9
1673. The exodus still loomed large in the minds of the Jewish people. 1Kings 8:9
1674. How we see the events in history and how they understood them. 1Kings 8:9
1675. The first Passover described. How we see it; how the Jews understood it. 1Kings 8:9
1676. The offering of Isaac to God by Abraham. How we see it; how the Jews understood it. 1Kings 8:9
1677. The Ark has been supplanted by the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1Kings 8:9
1678. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Cloud in the Temple (many commentators). 1Kings 8:10
1679. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Guzik on the Cloud as a Manifestation of God. 1Kings 8:10
1680. Is this the Shekinah Glory in the Temple? 1Kings 8:11
1681. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Guzik on the Intensity of the Presence of God in the Temple. 1Kings 8:11
1682. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Shekinah Glory Cloud of God (from H. L. Wilmington). 1Kings 8:11
1683. Discussion of the authorship of the life of Solomon preserved in Kings and comparing it to the life of David. 1Kings 8:11
1684. Could the smoke have been faked? 1Kings 8:11
1685. Not fully appreciating the importance of contemporary events. 1Kings 8:11
1686. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallel Passages (1Kings 8:10–11 and 2Chronicles 5:11–14). 1Kings 8:11
1687. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Glory of the Lord passages. 1Kings 8:11
1688. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Glory of God passages. 1Kings 8:11
1689. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Temple and Furniture (a graphic). 1Kings 8:12
1690. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing Solomon's prayer and speech (many commentators). 1Kings 8:12
1691. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Chiasmic View of 1Kings 8:12–21 (Peter Pett). 1Kings 8:12
1692. The changeover from the Tabernacle to the Temple was not a dramatic change. 1Kings 8:12
1693. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outline of Solomon's Speech (from the College Press Bible Study). 1Kings 8:12
1694. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Outline of Solomon's Speech/Prayer. 1Kings 8:12
1695. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Themes of Solomon's Speech. 1Kings 8:12
1696. Using Jehovah Witness material. 1Kings 8:12
1697. Armstrong cult material. 1Kings 8:12
1698. Solomon’s references to the Mosaic Law in his prayer and speech. 1Kings 8:12
1699. Solomon had to ad-lib the beginning of his speech. 1Kings 8:12
1700. God making Himself manifest as a cloud elsewhere in Scripture. 1Kings 8:12
1701. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:12 (a graphic). 1Kings 8:12
1702. Does God dwell in thick darkness or in unapproachable light. 1Kings 8:12
1703. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's response to the Lord's manifestation (several commentators). 1Kings 8:12
1704. Miracles are crowd-specific. 1Kings 8:13
1705. We are more jaded today, as we have seen so many spectacular things. The Temple was dazzling to the people of that era. 1Kings 8:13
1706. Two primary reasons for the Temple. 1Kings 8:13
1707. Scripture that Solomon would build the Temple. 1Kings 8:13
1708. Within 30 years, Egypt would attack and plunder the Temple. 1Kings 8:13
1709. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "I have indeed built you an exalted house, a place for you to dwell in forever." 1Kings 8:13
1710. Is Solomon the right person to be leading these ceremonies? 1Kings 8:14
1711. The typology of David and Solomon. 1Kings 8:14
1712. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon blesses the people (various commentators). 1Kings 8:14
1713. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: It was David's original idea to build the Temple of God. 1Kings 8:15
1714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing Solomon's public prayer in 1Kings 8:15 (various commentators). 1Kings 8:15
1715. The background for the building of the Temple; David’s participation. 1Kings 8:15
1716. Why the prophet was a part of God’s authority structure. The purpose of a prophet. 1Kings 8:15
1717. Proof of the prophet’s authority; and proof that the Temple is within God’s will. 1Kings 8:15
1718. Priest versus prophet. Application to today. 1Kings 8:15
1719. References to 2Samuel 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) 1Chron. 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:15
1720. 4 decades between God’s promises to David about the Temple and the actual building of the Temple. 1Kings 8:15
1721. Prophetical nature of the Bible; number of prophecies in the Bible. 1Kings 8:15
1722. Temple is a mixture of the free will of man and the sovereignty of God. 1Kings 8:15
1723. God’s sovereignty and divine discipline. 1Kings 8:15
1724. How Solomon wrote or prepared his presentation and prayer. 1Kings 8:15
1725. God did not choose a city. God allowed David to choose because David thought as God thought. 1Kings 8:16
1726. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing the Passages. 1Kings 8:16
1727. Reference to 2Samuel 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); or in Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:17
1728. Explaining in more detail why God had Solomon build the Temple and not David. 1Kings 8:17
1729. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why God had Solomon and not David build the Temple. 1Kings 8:17
1730. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Standing on the shoulder of our spiritual fathers/what is true and what is false. 1Kings 8:17
1731. Trophimus was left behind in Miletum. 1Kings 8:17
1732. Men’s dreams and God’s plan. 1Kings 8:17
1733. The Sagrada Familia; Antoni Gaudi. 1Kings 8:17
1734. Standing on the shoulders of R. B. Thieme, Jr.; who stands on the shoulders of L. S. Chafer. 1Kings 8:17
1735. God spoke to David through an intermediary. 1Kings 8:18
1736. R. B. Thieme, Jr. an original thinker; concepts and vocabulary. 1Kings 8:18
1737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Intention to Build the Temple (from Mike Smith). 1Kings 8:18
1738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's construction of the Temple was legitimate (a discussion). 1Kings 8:19
1739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:20—Bible Journaling (a graphic). 1Kings 8:20
1740. We do not know exactly who designed the Temple and the various aspects of it. 1Kings 8:20
1741. God promises to David. 1Kings 8:20
1742. No human guarantees that a dynasty will continue. 1Kings 8:20
1743. We do not know where we will be in the future; or what exactly is in our future. 1Kings 8:20
1744. We do not require audible and visual responses from God. 1Kings 8:20
1745. Distinguishing between the Covenant of God and the Ark of the Covenant. 1Kings 8:21
1746. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dispensations and Their Covenants (from Mike Smith). 1Kings 8:21
1747. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing Solomon's great prayer (various commentators). 1Kings 8:22
1748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Prayer as a Chiasmos (Dr. Peter Pett). 1Kings 8:22
1749. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Steps to Altar (a graphic). 1Kings 8:22
1750. How to get up on Solomon’s platform. 1Kings 8:22
1751. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bronze Altar with runways (a graphic). 1Kings 8:22
1752. Solomon being heard. 1Kings 8:22
1753. Transcribing Solomon’s words. 1Kings 8:22
1754. The superior nature of our lives in the Church Age, having the full Word of God. 1Kings 8:22
1755. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon, Raising His Palms Toward the Heavens (a graphic). 1Kings 8:22
1756. God is very theatric. 1Kings 8:22
1757. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon praying before the people (a graphic). 1Kings 8:22
1758. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon prays at the temple dedication (a graphic). 1Kings 8:23
1759. Reference to the Uniqueness of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:23
1760. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Uniqueness of God. 1Kings 8:23
1761. Scriptures where God keeps His covenant. 1Kings 8:23
1762. No other nation has receive promises from God like Israel. 1Kings 8:23
1763. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:23 (a graphic). 1Kings 8:23
1764. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:23 (NIV) (a graphic). 1Kings 8:23
1765. Scriptures on walking before God. 1Kings 8:23
1766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:23 (ERV) (a graphic). 1Kings 8:23
1767. Reference to Doctrine of the Heart (which is 59 pages long) is found here: (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:23
1768. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Heart. 1Kings 8:23
1769. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Operation Z (a graphic). 1Kings 8:23
1770. References to the Davidic Covenant. We studied this in 2Samuel 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:24
1771. God did not appear to speak with David directly. 1Kings 8:24
1772. God’s fulfilled and unfulfilled promises to David. 1Kings 8:24
1773. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's 9 prayer petitions (taken from Mike Smith). 1Kings 8:25
1774. It makes no difference whether God speaks to David directly or through a prophet. 1Kings 8:25
1775. David’s dynasty will continue, despite Solomon not being very good at times. 1Kings 8:25
1776. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Scourge of Fatherless Homes. 1Kings 8:25
1777. The influence of my own father. 1Kings 8:25
1778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing the words of Solomon to those of David and God (1Kings 8:25). 1Kings 8:25
1779. Views of God are not more primitive among Old Testament saints. 1Kings 8:27
1780. God did not evolve in Scripture. The Hebrews always had a sophisticated view of Him. 1Kings 8:27
1781. God is outside of time, space and matter. 1Kings 8:27
1782. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Infinite God Who Has Condescended to Associated with Israel (Dr. Lange). 1Kings 8:27
1783. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings8:27—Bible Journaling (a graphic). 1Kings 8:27
1784. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:27 (a graphic). 1Kings 8:27
1785. There is no contradiction between God manifesting Himself here or there; and God being infinite. 1Kings 8:27
1786. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Should the spiritual believer in the Old Testament pray towards Jerusalem? 1Kings 8:29
1787. We do not know exactly where God is in the heavens or what that means exactly. 1Kings 8:30
1788. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:30: God forgiving Israel's sins (various commentators). 1Kings 8:30
1789. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:30 Jerusalem's Western Wall & Temple Mount (a graphic). 1Kings 8:30
1790. The Western (Wailing) Wall. 1Kings 8:30
1791. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing the Seven Petitions (Various Commentators). 1Kings 8:31
1792. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Petition #1: Preliminary discussion of 1Kings 8:31–32 (various commentators). 1Kings 8:31
1793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Free electronic translations for you to have. 1Kings 8:31
1794. Benefits of e-sword. 1Kings 8:31
1795. Blasphemous oath. 1Kings 8:31
1796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Concluding remarks concerning 1Kings 8:31–32 (various commentators). 1Kings 8:32
1797. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Petition #2: Preliminary discussion of 1Kings 8:33–34 (various commentators). 1Kings 8:33
1798. Passages where Israel sins against God. 1Kings 8:33
1799. References to Vietnam and the Middle East. Wars are ultimately the result of spiritual failings. Bibles and missionaries are key during and after a war. 1Kings 8:33
1800. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How can they pray in or by the Temple if they are not in the land? (Matthew Poole). 1Kings 8:33
1801. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:33–34: Solomon's second petition (various commentators). 1Kings 8:34
1802. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Petition #3: Preliminary discussion of 1Kings 8:35–36 (various commentators). 1Kings 8:35
1803. Passages on God teaching His ways to Israel. 1Kings 8:36
1804. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of The Way of God. 1Kings 8:36
1805. Reference to The Way of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:36
1806. Two summations of 1Kings 8:35–36. 1Kings 8:36
1807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Petition #4: Preliminary discussion of 1Kings 8:37–40 (various commentators). 1Kings 8:37
1808. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The locusts and the caterpillars (various commentators). 1Kings 8:37
1809. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The evils of the 4th petition (Adam Clarke, LL.D., F.S.A.). 1Kings 8:37
1810. A list of Scriptures related to the discipline placed upon Israel by God. 1Kings 8:37
1811. Reversionism; staying out of fellowship for extended periods of time. 1Kings 8:38
1812. In the Age of Israel, man’s sins are temporarily set apart from him in anticipation of Jesus Christ. 1Kings 8:38
1813. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The plague (or, wound) of the heart (various commentators). 1Kings 8:38
1814. Passages on how God renders to man according to his ways/works. 1Kings 8:39
1815. Passages where God knows the hearts of men. 1Kings 8:39
1816. Fear of the Lord; passages on this.
1817. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 4th Request (by Dr. Robert Dean, Jr.). 1Kings 8:40
1818. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Petition #5: Preliminary discussion of 1Kings 8:41–43 (various commentators). 1Kings 8:41
1819. What foreigners knew about Israel. 1Kings 8:41
1820. Some famous foreigners drawn to Israel. 1Kings 8:41
1821. The word used for Temple is not a new word. Should expand to a doctrine. 1Kings 8:42
1822. God occupies a different space than we do; perhaps a spiritual dimension. 1Kings 8:43
1823. Traveling to faraway places does not indicate positive volition. 1Kings 8:43
1824. Nations as trading partners. 1Kings 8:43
1825. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Understanding the 5th Request (by Dr. Robert Dean, Jr.). 1Kings 8:43
1826. Reference to Deuteronomy 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:43
1827. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Exclusivity of the God of the Jews. 1Kings 8:43
1828. A list of passages on the exclusivity of God. 1Kings 8:43
1829. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Israel and the Gentiles. 1Kings 8:43
1830. Scriptures of Israel and the gentiles. 1Kings 8:43
1831. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The disposition of the God of Israel towards gentiles (various commentators). 1Kings 8:43
1832. Striking a balance between national sovereignty and compassion. 1Kings 8:43
1833. The United States is associated with Christianity. 1Kings 8:43
1834. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Petition #6: Preliminary discussion of 1Kings 8:44–45 (various commentators). 1Kings 8:44
1835. Moses talks about sending men to war. 1Kings 8:44
1836. Scriptures on God sending the Israelites to war. 1Kings 8:44
1837. References to in 2Samuel 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Doctrine of the Military (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:44
1838. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A just war (a discussion). 1Kings 8:44
1839. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The direction of prayer (a discussion). 1Kings 8:44
1840. Dr. Robert Dean, Jr. sums up the 6th petition. 1Kings 8:45
1841. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Petition #7: Preliminary discussion of 1Kings 8:46–51 (various commentators). 1Kings 8:46
1842. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: There is no man who does not sin (various commentators). 1Kings 8:46
1843. Scriptures confirming that all men sin. 1Kings 8:46
1844. Generation Y and Millennials have little authority orientation but very high self-esteem. 1Kings 8:46
1845. Scriptures related to the 5th cycle of discipline. 1Kings 8:46
1846. Scripture on Israel turning around against their own sins. 1Kings 8:47
1847. Why Solomon keeps emphasizing the Temple when it is the soul that must change. 1Kings 8:47
1848. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallels between the public prayers of Solomon and Moses. 1Kings 8:47
1849. Historic confessions of sin. 1Kings 8:47
1850. God is not 40,000 light years out there in space. 1Kings 8:49
1851. God and the concept of justice required. 1Kings 8:49
1852. Now God sees us. 1Kings 8:49
1853. Solomon prays for God to remain within His character. 1Kings 8:50
1854. Passages of Solomon’s fulfilled prayers. 1Kings 8:50
1855. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:50—Compassion shown during captivity (various commentators). 1Kings 8:50
1856. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining the 7th and Final Petition (by Dr. Robert Dean, Jr.). 1Kings 8:50
1857. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Different approaches to translating 1Kings 8:50–51. 1Kings 8:50
1858. No Church Age doctrine in the Old Testament. 1Kings 8:51
1859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:51—the midst of the iron furnace (various commentators). 1Kings 8:51
1860. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Theology of King Solomon (by James Burton Coffman). 1Kings 8:51
1861. Scripture on the Jews being a distinctive people. 1Kings 8:53
1862. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The promise of the exodus fulfilled in part by the building of the Temple. 1Kings 8:53
1863. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What does it mean that Jesus is our mediator? (from Got Questions?). 1Kings 8:53
1864. Speculation as to how Solomon prepared his speech and who wrote it down. 1Kings 8:54
1865. Solomon’s physical stance during his speech/prayer. The proper position for prayers. 1Kings 8:54
1866. The peace that Israel enjoyed under Solomon. 1Kings 8:56
1867. Scriptures of God giving rest to His people. 1Kings 8:56
1868. Israel under David and the many wars. 1Kings 8:56
1869. The great blessings of the United States. 1Kings 8:56
1870. We do not know how the words of Scripture were recognized, collected or preserved early on. 1Kings 8:56
1871. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:56 (a graphic). 1Kings 8:56
1872. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:56 (CJB) (a graphic). 1Kings 8:56
1873. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Fulfilled Promises to Nation Israel. 1Kings 8:56
1874. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:57 (a graphic). 1Kings 8:57
1875. God does not forsake His Own. Scriptures. 1Kings 8:57
1876. Differentiation between God’s commandments, statutes and judgments. 1Kings 8:58
1877. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:58 (a graphic). 1Kings 8:58
1878. God’s commandments, statutes and judgments in the Hebrew. 1Kings 8:58
1879. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:57–58 (a graphic). 1Kings 8:58
1880. Israel’s relationship with God was a two-way street. 1Kings 8:58
1881. Reference to the Doctrine of Logistical Grace (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 8:59
1882. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:60 (NKJV) (a graphic). 1Kings 8:60
1883. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:54–61: Solomon's final exhortation to the people (various commentators). 1Kings 8:61
1884. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summation of Solomon's Remarks (various commentators). 1Kings 8:61
1885. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 8:59–61 (a graphic). 1Kings 8:61
1886. Important missing detail. 1Kings 8:62
1887. Estimating the amount of beef and mutton produced by all of these sacrifices and how many would be fed by them. 1Kings 8:63
1888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Are the numbers of sacrifices exaggerated? (Various commentators/discussion). 1Kings 8:63
1889. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Discussing the number of sacrifices (by Keil and Delitzsch). 1Kings 8:63
1890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The numbers given in the text are reasonable (College Press Bible Study). 1Kings 8:63
1891. Scriptures related to the sacrifices. 1Kings 8:63
1892. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Consecrating the courtyard (1Kings 8:64a by many commentators). 1Kings 8:64
1893. The priests and Levites must have been spread out throughout Israel regarding all of these sacrifices. 1Kings 8:64
1894. Makeshift altars. 1Kings 8:64
1895. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: From the Entrance of Hamath to the Brook of Egypt (commentary on 1Kings 8:65c). 1Kings 8:65
1896. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The length of the festival (1Kings 8:65d by various commentators). 1Kings 8:64
1897. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Brook of Egypt. 1Kings 8:65
1898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the Lebanon Area (including the Entrance to Hamath). 1Kings 8:65
1899. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The eighth day (various commentators on 1Kings 8:66a). 1Kings 8:66
1900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Understanding and applying 1Kings 6–8. 1Kings 8:66
1901. Scriptures indicating that happiness is a part of the spiritual life. 1Kings 8:66
1902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. 1Kings 8 Summary
1903. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 1Kings 8 is in the Word of God. 1Kings 8 Summary
1904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Summary
1905. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bridgeway Bible Commentary Summarizes 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Summary
1906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: B. H. Carroll Summarizes 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Summary
1907. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Summary
1908. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Criticism of Solomon (a discussion). 1Kings 8 Summary
1909. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Gradual Growth of the Levitical Rituals (Expositor's Bible/my comments). 1Kings 8 Addendum
1910. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 1Kings 8 Addendum
1911. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Addendum
1912. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning and Significance of the Temple (Expositor's Bible Commentary). 1Kings 8 Addendum
1913. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Addendum
1914. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Addendum
1915. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 1Kings 8. 1Kings 8 Addendum
1916. 1Kings 9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). God Appears to Solomon/Solomon’s Building Projects
1917. The Five Cycles of Discipline (Free Republic—R. B. Thieme, Jr.) (Lex-Rex) (Mark Perkins) (L. G. Merritt) (Joe Griffin—a chart); Chiasmos: (Chiasmos example) (Thomas B. Clarke) (Brad McCoy) (Biblical Chiasm Exchange); the Doctrine of the Client Nation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); (L. G. Merritt) and (Ron Adema) on the priest nation; the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF). 1Kings 9 preface.
1918. When God appeared to Solomon a second time. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1919. Brief overview of 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1920. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What happened when? 1Kings 9 Introduction
1921. Spiritual degradation in America. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1922. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of 1Kings 9 (by Various Commentators). 1Kings 9 Introduction
1923. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of 1Kings 9 (various commentators). 1Kings 9 Introduction
1924. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1925. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of 1Kings 9 (from Chuck Smith). 1Kings 9 Introduction
1926. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1927. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1928. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David and Solomon's Kingdom (a map). 1Kings 9 Introduction
1929. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1930. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Timeline of the Kings. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1931. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Synopsis of 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1932. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of 1Kings 9 (Various Commentators). 1Kings 9 Introduction
1933. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of 1Kings 9 from the Summarized Bible. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1934. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (1Kings 5–11). 1Kings 9 Introduction
1935. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1936. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions. 1Kings 9 Introduction
1937. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 1:1–9 (section graphic). 1Kings 9:1
1938. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introduction to 1Kings 9:1–9 (various commentators). 1Kings 9:1
1939. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:1–10 as a Chiasmos (Dr. Peter Pett). 1Kings 9:1
1940. Interaction between Solomon and Hiram in the building projects. 1Kings 9:1
1941. References to 1Kings 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD—zipped) and dedicated in 1Kings 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD—zipped). 1Kings 9:1
1942. Timing of events in this and previous chapters. 1Kings 9:1
1943. Solomon’s building projects, Ecclesiastes and Solomon’s spiritual life. 1Kings 9:1
1944. Wealthy pastors and opinions about them. 1Kings 9:1
1945. Solomon’s spiritual problems. 1Kings 9:1
1946. God appearing to Solomon and what it means. 1Kings 9:2
1947. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Dream Of Solomon (a painting by Luca Giordano). 1Kings 9:2
1948. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Do personal interactions with God improve a person's spiritual life? 1Kings 9:2
1949. Reference to 1Kings 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 9:2
1950. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Appears to Solomon: A Review of 1Kings 3:3–15. 1Kings 9:2
1951. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Gracious Appearances of God (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). 1Kings 9:2
1952. The words of God to a believer are transferable; there is no such thing as Christian mysticism. 1Kings 9:3
1953. Scripture on, God hears prayers. 1Kings 9:3
1954. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Quick Study of Solomon's Prayer (1Kings 8:22–62). 1Kings 9:3
1955. God setting aside things as holy. Scriptures. 1Kings 9:3
1956. God associating things with His name—Scriptures. 1Kings 9:3
1957. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:3 (a graphic). 1Kings 9:3
1958. The meanings of God’s eyes and heart. 1Kings 9:3
1959. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The timing of Solomon's message and God speaking to him (a discussion). 1Kings 9:3
1960. Why did God wait 12 years to speak to Solomon after his grand prayer? 1Kings 9:3
1961. God’s warnings to Solomon; the 5th stage of national discipline; teeth in the warnings given by God. 1Kings 9:4
1962. Reference to the Sin unto Death (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 9:4
1963. References to 2Sam. 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and 1Chronicles 18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 9:4
1964. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine of the Davidic Covenant (from Maranatha Church). 1Kings 9:4
1965. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Essence of the Davidic Covenant. 1Kings 9:4
1966. Passages on the Davidic Covenant. 1Kings 9:4
1967. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Davidic Covenant (a graphic). 1Kings 9:4
1968. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What we do with our heart (from the Old Testament) (by Mike Smith). 1Kings 9:4
1969. Reference to Deuteronomy 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 9:4
1970. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Statutes and Judicial Decrees. 1Kings 9:4
1971. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Model of Ancient Greek Atlas Statue (a graphic). 1Kings 9:4
1972. The concept of the spiritual Atlas; examples. 1Kings 9:4
1973. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The power of individualism (from Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). 1Kings 9:4
1974. The great nation of Israel during the time of David and Solomon; contemporary Israel. 1Kings 9:5
1975. Scriptures on the establishment of the Davidic dynasty in Israel. 1Kings 9:5
1976. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:4–5 (a graphic). 1Kings 9:5
1977. G. W. Bush and his belief that democracy would cure the ills in the Middle East. 1Kings 9:5
1978. Example of a pastor to come out of Berachah Church and got into holy rollerism. Even Berachah could someday have a pastor who strays from the truth. 1Kings 9:6
1979. Solomon goes off track into idolatry. 1Kings 9:6
1980. The sin unto death for Gen X. 1Kings 9:6
1981. Being cut off from the surface of the ground. 1Kings 9:7
1982. Scriptures warning Israelites not to pursue false gods. 1Kings 9:7
1983. Scriptures on the destruction of the Temple. 1Kings 9:7
1984. God appears to be quoting Moses, rather than His Own words. 1Kings 9:7
1985. How this relates to the inspiration of Scriptures. 1Kings 9:7
1986. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:6–7 God's stern warnings to Israel (various commentators). 1Kings 9:7
1987. Development of doctrines like the pivot, spin-off, priest nation and client nation from passages like these. 1Kings 9:7
1988. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:8: This house will be in a high place... (commentators and discussion). 1Kings 9:8
1989. 3 general ways of understanding the Temple to be a high place. 1Kings 9:8
1990. Hissing. 1Kings 9:8
1991. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:8c "...and they will hiss..." (Various commentators). 1Kings 9:8
1992. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:8 Warnings from God (commentators/discussion). 1Kings 9:8
1993. We have eternal security as believers; but this does not mean that we can sin without consequence. 1Kings 9:8
1994. Seeing the destruction of Jerusalem and understanding it. 1Kings 9:9
1995. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the British Empire. 1Kings 9:9
1996. The British empire, divine discipline, US as the cops of the world. Applications of these things. 1Kings 9:9
1997. Millennials: their faith in God; their belief in socialism. 1Kings 9:9
1998. “I don’t know much about theology, but...” 1Kings 9:9
1999. Warnings to Israel apply to the United States as a client nation as well. 1Kings 9:9
2000. All Israel would not be disciplined because Solomon is out of line. 1Kings 9:9
2001. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:9 God's warnings of severe punishment (commentators/discussion). 1Kings 9:9
2002. A list of Solomon’s questionable actions in this chapter. 1Kings 9:9
2003. God appears to be quoting Moses in his warning to Solomon. 1Kings 9:9
2004. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Severity of God (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). 1Kings 9:9
2005. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Fidelity of God/the Infidelity of Man (J. Waite). 1Kings 9:9
2006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Religion is the Glory of a Nation—Edited (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Cmntry). 1Kings 9:9
2007. Dean on how this chapter and the next seem to be mopping up a lot loose ends. 1Kings 9:10
2008. There will be some big picture takes on these loose ends. 1Kings 9:10
2009. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summation of 1Kings 9:10–28 (from the Pulpit Commentary). 1Kings 9:10
2010. Solomon’s age; David’s guidance to Solomon; Solomon not rebelling against David; Solomon’s decline taking a decade or so. 1Kings 9:10
2011. The building of the Temple and of the palace; their uses. 1Kings 9:10
2012. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Timeline for Building the Temple (various sources). 1Kings 9:10
2013. Cost overruns in Solomon’s building projects; adjusted amounts. 1Kings 9:11
2014. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hiram, King of Tyre (various dictionaries and encyclopedias). 1Kings 9:11
2015. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Phœnicia (from the Smith Bible Dictionary). 1Kings 9:11
2016. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Phœnicia and Israel (map). 1Kings 9:11
2017. Phœnicia at its peak power when associated with Israel. 1Kings 9:11
2018. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Chiasmos of 1Kings 9:11–14 (from Peter Pett). 1Kings 9:11
2019. 20 cities to Hiram; gold to Solomon. Solomon may end up doing additional building projects.
2020. Galilee. 1Kings 9:11
2021. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Israel showing the tribe locations. 1Kings 9:11
2022. Solomon and Hiram’s business dealings. 1Kings 9:11
2023. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How can Solomon give this land away? (from Matthew Poole). 1Kings 9:11
2024. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:11: Can Solomon legitimately sell/give away the land? (Commentators). 1Kings 9:11
2025. Cost overruns; changes in Solomon and Hiram’s deal. 1Kings 9:11
2026. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The NIV Study Bible on the dealings between Solomon and Hiram. 1Kings 9:11
2027. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:13a What does Hiram mean by calling Solomon "My brother"? Comments. 1Kings 9:13
2028. The meaning of Cabul. 1Kings 9:13
2029. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:13 The Name Cabul (various commentators). 1Kings 9:13
2030. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:11–13 The land Solomon gives is Cabul (commentators/discussion). 1Kings 9:13
2031. Why Hiram may have gone ahead with his deal with Solomon, despite being unhappy with the cities.
2032. Telling every buyer that they must have a property inspected. 1Kings 9:13
2033. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David, Solomon and Talents of Gold. 1Kings 9:14
2034. Estimation on the amount of gold that Hiram sends David. 1Kings 9:14
2035. Solomon might be mortgaging these 20 towns. 1Kings 9:14
2036. Solomon considering his building projects in Ecclesiastes.
2037. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:15–25 as a Chiasmos (from Dr. Peter Pett). 1Kings 9:15
2038. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:15: a tax, slave labor or temporary labor force (a discussion). 1Kings 9:15
2039. The 3 meanings of maç. 1Kings 9:15
2040. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Breathing and Bible doctrine. 1Kings 9:15
2041. The amount of Bible doctrine that we ought to take in. 1Kings 9:15
2042. Doctrine is our level; our moral compass. 1Kings 9:15
2043. Solomon is a man of great accomplishments; but he is lacking spiritual wisdom. 1Kings 9:15
2044. Celebrities, sports stars, even politicians are role models. 1Kings 9:15
2045. Solomon and his wives and mistresses. 1Kings 9:15
2046. The Millo. 1Kings 9:15
2047. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Millo (various commentators). 1Kings 9:15
2048. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On the wall (various commentators). 1Kings 9:15
2049. Six fortress cities. 1Kings 9:15
2050. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hazor (various commentators). 1Kings 9:15
2051. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Megiddo (various commentators). 1Kings 9:15
2052. Gezer. 1Kings 9:15
2053. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gezer (various commentators). 1Kings 9:15
2054. Hazor, Megiddo and Gezer. 1Kings 9:15
2055. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:15 Solomon's other building projects (various commentators). 1Kings 9:15
2056. More on Gezer. 1Kings 9:16
2057. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David and Solomon taking in the Word of God. 1Kings 9:16
2058. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: King Solomon Plans and Builds (a graphic). 1Kings 9:17
2059. Mention of the drawing compass. 1Kings 9:17
2060. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Beth-horon (various commentators). 1Kings 9:17
2061. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Baalath (various commentators). 1Kings 9:18
2062. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Tadmor (or, Tamar) (various commentators). 1Kings 9:18
2063. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Map of Israel during the Time of Solomon. 1Kings 9:18
2064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fortress and Main Gate on a Tel in Arad (a photo). 1Kings 9:18
2065. The fortified cities and their function. 1Kings 9:18
2066. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:19a The Store Cities (various commentators). 1Kings 9:19
2067. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chariot cities (1Kings 9:19b) (various commentators). 1Kings 9:19
2068. The Israelites learned various skills from Solomon’s building projects. 1Kings 9:19
2069. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: That which Solomon desired to build (1Kings 9:19d) (various commentators). 1Kings 9:19
2070. Building is legitimate. Setting aside doctrine in order to build. 1Kings 9:19
2071. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of Tyre and Lebanon. 1Kings 9:19
2072. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wealth is transitory and relative. 1Kings 9:19
2073. Wealth disparity; socialism; Bible doctrine. 1Kings 9:19
2074. Peter Pett on the various tribal groups in Israel. 1Kings 9:20
2075. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Forced Labor (a graphic). 1Kings 9:20
2076. Various Scriptures with these groups listed. 1Kings 9:20
2077. The heathen in the land and their influence on the Israelites. 1Kings 9:21
2078. Solomon’s influences; particularly by his Egyptian wife. 1Kings 9:21
2079. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:20–21 Solomon's great slave labor force (various commentators). 1Kings 9:21
2080. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Did Solomon enslave his own people (When Critics Ask). 1Kings 9:22
2081. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:22a Solomon did not enslave his own people (various commentators). 1Kings 9:22
2082. The military was a respected profession in Israel; liberal views of the military. 1Kings 9:22
2083. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:22e The Meaning of Captains (various commentators). 1Kings 9:22
2084. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Categories of Leadership Under Solomon (various commentators). 1Kings 9:22
2085. Coffman and his lack of interest in the building up of these cities. 1Kings 9:22
2086. Solomon probably used his military to enslave the Amorites in the land. 1Kings 9:23
2087. Reference to 1Kings 4:1–27 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Kings 9:23
2088. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:23b Distilling the numbers (various commentators). 1Kings 9:23
2089. Solomon’s queen having her own house to go to. 1Kings 9:24
2090. Why we don’t know how Solomon housed and took care of his other wives. 1Kings 9:24
2091. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Egyptian Wife and the City of David. 1Kings 9:24
2092. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The City of David (a relief map). 1Kings 9:24
2093. David’s palace. 1Kings 9:24
2094. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Original Topography of Jerusalem (a relief map). 1Kings 9:24
2095. Relative locations of the Temple, Solomon’s palace, the queen’s residence. 1Kings 9:24
2096. Solomon was probably far too hands-on for these feasts. 1Kings 9:25
2097. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Solomon presiding over these feasts (a discussion). 1Kings 9:25
2098. Solomon’s spiritual progression. 1Kings 9:25
2099. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translating And he finished the house. 1Kings 9:25
2100. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Completed Temple (a graphic). 1Kings 9:25
2101. The public worship of God. 1Kings 9:25
2102. The correct balance and freedom; the influence of a political leader. 1Kings 9:25
2103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing 1Kings 9:26–28 (various commentators). 1Kings 9:26
2104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A chiasmatic approach to 1Kings 9:26–10:13 (from Dr. Peter Pett). 1Kings 9:26
2105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's fleet of ships (various commentators). 1Kings 9:26
2106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ezion-geber and Elath (a map). 1Kings 9:26
2107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ezion-Geber (Various Commentators). 1Kings 9:26
2108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Eloth (or Elath) (various commentators). 1Kings 9:26
2109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:26b Solomon's control of Edom (various commentators). 1Kings 9:26
2110. The phrase used here for navigable is also used in Exodus. 1Kings 9:26
2111. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:27b Tyranians and their knowledge of the sea (various commentators). 1Kings 9:27
2112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Distribution of Shem and Ham (a map). 1Kings 9:28
2113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The location of Ophir (various commentators). 1Kings 9:28
2114. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ophir (various commentators). 1Kings 9:28
2115. The value of 420 talents of gold. 1Kings 9:28
2116. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:28b 420 or 450 Talents of Gold? (Various commentators). 1Kings 9:28
2117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 1Kings 9:26–28 On ancient trade (various commentators). 1Kings 9:28
2118. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's business deals and commerce (Bridgeway Bible Commentary). 1Kings 9:28
2119. Solomon’s spiritual condition based upon this chapter. 1Kings 9:28
2120. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. 1Kings 9 Summary
2121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why 1Kings 9 is in the Word of God. 1Kings 9 Summary
2122. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Summary
2123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Summary
2124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Arno Gaebelein Summarizes 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Summary
2125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary and Impressions of 1Kings 9 (Morgan G Campbell). 1Kings 9 Summary
2126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Edersheim Summarizes 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Summary
2127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Influences. 1Kings 9 Addendum
2128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Categories of Revelation (by Dr. Robert Dean, Jr.). 1Kings 9 Addendum
2129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Royal Departure from the Divine Standard. 1Kings 9 Addendum
2130. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Gods of the Canaanite World. 1Kings 9 Addendum
2131. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's network of military border fortresses in the Negev (from 1Kings 9 Addendum
2132. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Empire (a map). 1Kings 9 Addendum
2133. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Religion the Glory of a Nation (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). 1Kings 9 Addendum
2134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chronology of the Tabernacle and Temples (a chart). 1Kings 9 Addendum
2135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Josephus' History of this Time Period. 1Kings 9 Addendum
2136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Addendum
2137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Addendum
2138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of 1Kings 9. 1Kings 9 Addendum
2139. Contrasting the reigns of David and Solomon in their relationship to God. See Guzik 2Sam. 23 #1e
2140. Cover Hiram king of Tyre in 1Kings 9 (see Keil and Delitzsch on 2Sam. 5:11).
2141. Add this quote to 1Kings 10: Preacher’s Complete Homiletical Commentary: The court of Solomon was on a scale of magnificence never attempted in Israel before or since his day. The great officers are now for the first time called by one general name—Princes. The union of priestly and secular functions still continued. The Palace was next in point of splendour to the Temple, and the Porch of the Palace was the gem and centre of the whole empire. The royal banquets were of the most superb kind. All the plate and drinking vessels were of gold. There was a constant succession of guests. The train of servants was such as had never been seen before. There were some who sat in the king’s presence, others who always stood, others who were his cup-bearers, others musicians. His stables were on the most splendid scale. In the midst of this gorgeous array was the sovereign himself. The king is fair, with superhuman beauty; his sword is on his thigh; he rides in his chariot, or on his war-horse; his archers are behind him, his guards are round him; his robes are so scented with the perfumes of India or Arabia that they seem to be nothing but a mass of myrrh, aloes, and cassia. The queen, probably from Egypt, the chief of all his vast establishment of wives and concubines, themselves the daughters of kings, was by his side, glittering in the gold of Ophir—one blaze of glory, as she sat by him in the interior of the palace; her attendants, gorgeously arrayed, are behind her; she has left her father and her father’s house; her reward is to be in the greatness of her descendants. Such is the splendour of Solomon’s court, which, even down to the outward texture of their royal robes, lived in the traditions of Israel (Stanley in loco). The dignity of royalty should be maintained in accordance with the wealth and resources of the nation.
2142. Explaining the failure of Solomon. 1Kings 11
2143. King Shishak of Egypt. 1Kings 11:40
2144. Doctrine of the City of David in 1Kings 11:43 (Or in 1Kings 2:10 3:1 8:1)
2145. Carmel (see Barnes’ Notes, Baker Books, ©1996; Vol. II, p. 382). Carmel, which means fruit field, is a wooded mountain ridge which stretches in a north-westerly direction on the southern side of the Kishon, and projects as a promontory into the sea...the lower part is covered with laurels and olive trees, [and] the upper abounds in figs and oaks, and the whole mountain is full of the of beautiful flowers. 1Kings 18:30
2146. 1Kings 15:1–2 is where I need to unwind the people of 2Sam. 14:27 (see the end of v. 27 in the exegesis).
1. The school of prophets to be covered in 2Kings 2:3–5 (see back in 1Sam. 10:10 or so).
2. A run down of Lachish somewhere in here (see Keil & Delitzsch’s notes from Commentary on the Old Testament; ©1966 Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.; Vol. II, p. 76, bottom.
3. The Rechabites. 2Kings 10.
4. The Valley of Hinnom (see Zodhiates p. 611 footnote). 2Kings 23:10 (or so)
5. A full blown doctrine of Megiddo. 2Kings 23:29
Topics Covered in 1 Chronicles
1. 1Chronicles Introduction Part I The Genealogies (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
2. 1Chronicles 1 The Early Descendants of Adam and Abraham (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
3. Why do we examine the first few chapters of Chronicles? Perhaps this should be with the introduction to Chronicles. 1Chron. 1:intro
4. 1Chron. 1: the MT is much longer than the Septuagint. 1Chron. 1:intro
5. The promise that God made in Gen. 3:15. 1Chron. 1:intro
6. Textual criticism of 1Chron. 1. 1Chron. 1:intro
7. The sacrifice of Cain vs. the sacrifice of Abel. 1Chron. 1:1
8. Enoch. 1Chron. 1:3
9. Chart: Lifelines before and after the flood. 1Chron. 1:3
10. Time line on last couple generations before the flood. 1Chron. 1:3
11. Chart: The line of Cain vs. the line of Seth. 1Chron. 1:3
12. The racial strains of Noah’s three sons. 1Chron. 1:4
13. Gomer, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras (all briefly). 1Chron. 1:5
14. Ashkenaz, Diphath and Togarmah (briefly). 1Chron. 1:6
15. Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim and Rodanim (briefly). 1Chron. 1:7
16. The topical (as versus chronological) listing of Gen. 10 and 11. 1Chron. 1:7
17. Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan. 1Chron. 1:8
18. Seba, Havilah, Sabia, Raama, Sabteca, Sheba and Dedan. 1Chron. 1:9
19. Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim and Casluhim (from whom came the Philistines) and Caphtorim) (all briefly). 1Chron. 1:11–12
20. Canaan, Sidon and Heth (briefly). 1Chron. 1:13
21. Jebusites, Amorites (Doctrine of the Amorites covered back in Gen. 10:16) and the Girgashites. 1Chron. 1:14
22. The Hivites, the Arkites, the Sinites, the Arvadites, the Zemarites, and the Hamathites (all briefly covered). 1Chron. 1:15–16
23. Chart: Comparing the Septuagint with the Massoretic text (Gen. 22:23 1Chron. 1:17). 1Chron. 1:17
24. Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud, Aram, Uz, Hul, Gether and Meshech (briefly). 1Chron. 1:17
25. Doctrine of the Assyrians alluded to (Gen. 10:22). 1Chron. 1:17
26. The missing generation in the line of Christ found in Luke. 1Chron. 1:18
27. Chart: Comparing the Massoretic text with the Septuagint and the Greek NT (Gen. 22:24–25). 1Chron. 1:18
28. Peleg (briefly). 1Chron. 1:19
29. Chart: Comparing the age of Shem and his descendants after the flood. 1Chron. 1:19
30. Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Ebal, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah and Jobab (briefly). 1Chron. 1:20–23
31. Terah (brief). 1Chron. 1:24–27
32. Kedar (lengthy), Abdeel, Dumah, Hada, Tema, Jetur and Naphish (brief). 1Chron. 1:29–31
33. Abraham and Keturah. 1Chron. 1:32–33
34. Allusion to the Doctrine of the Midianites (Num. 31:2). 1Chron. 1:32–33
35. Sons of Keturah: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah; Sheba and Dedan; Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida and Eldaah (all briefly). 1Chron. 1:32–33
36. Salvation is not a matter of better behavior; illustration of Jacob and Esau. 1Chron. 1:34
37. Chart: Eliphaz, the son of Esau and Eliphaz, the friend of Job. 1Chron. 1:35
38. Chart: Eliphaz, the son of Esau and Eliphaz the friend of Job. 1Chron. 1:35
39. The sons of Esau: Eliphaz, Reuel, Jeush, Jalam, and Korah. 1Chron. 1:35
40. The sons of Eliphaz [were] Teman, Omar, Zephi, Gatam, Kenaz, Timna and Amalek (briefly). 1Chron. 1:36
41. Mention of the Doctrine of the Amalekites in Num. 24:20. 1Chron. 1:36
42. Reuel, Nahath, Zerah, Shammah and Mizzah (briefly). 1Chron. 1:37
43. Seir, Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah, Dishon, Ezer and Dishan. 1Chron. 1:38
44. Mention of the Doctrine of the Horites/Hivites from Gen. 14:6. 1Chron. 1:38
45. Chart: The Horites. 1Chron. 1:38
46. Lotan, Hori, Homam, Timna (briefly). 1Chron. 1:39
47. Chart: The lines of Seir and Esau. 1Chron. 1:39
48. Shobal, Alian, Manahath, Ebal, Shephi, Onam, Zibeon, Aiah and Anah (all briefly). 1Chron. 1:40
49. Dishon, Anah, Hamran, Eshban, Ithran and Kieran (all briefly). 1Chron. 1:41
50. Ezer, Bilhan, Zaavan, Jaakan, Uz, Aran and Dishpan (all briefly). 1Chron. 1:42
51. Chart: Dishon and Dishan problems. 1Chron. 1:42
52. Stopped at 1Chron. 1:43
53. 1Chron. 2 The Sons of Jacob and Ancestry of David (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
54. Chart: The Genealogy of 1Chronicles 2 (the line of Judah). 1Chron. 2:Intro.
55. Chart: The Various Ways to Group the Sons of Israel. 1Chron. 2:1–2
56. Chart: Hezron’s Three Sons. 1Chron. 2:9
57. Caleb’s age. 1Chron. 2:19
58. Chart: What Should We Get Out of these Long Lists of Names? 1Chron. 2:29
59. Why these lists of names? 1Chron. 2:29
60. Chart: How Far Out in Time Do These Lines Go? 1Chron. 2:34–35
61. Chart: Mesha, Mareshah and Ziph. 1Chron. 2:42–43
62. The Doctrine of the Kenites mentioned (Judges 1:16). 1Chron. 2:55
63. 1Chron. 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
64. Chart: The Genealogy of 1Chronicles 3. 1Chron. 3:Intro
65. Chart: The Descendants of David Who Returned to the Land After the Captivity. 1Chron. 3:Intro
66. Hebron covered briefly and the Doctrine of Hebron (Joshua 14:15) alluded to. 1Chron. 3:1
67. Chart: David’s Other Sons. 1Chron. 3:6–8
68. Chart: David’s Sons Born to Him in Jerusalem. 1Chron. 3:6–8
69. Chart: The Order of Josiah’s Sons. 1Chron. 3:15
70. Chart: A Comparison of the Royal Lines in Scripture. 1Chron. 3:19–20
71. 1Chron. 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
72. Chart: Outline of the Family of Judah. 1Chron. 4:Intro
73. Chart: The Sons of Judah. 1Chron. 4:1
74. Chart: Which Kenaz and Othniel are Listed in Chronicles? 1Chron. 4:13
75. Chart: Just Who are the Kenizzites? 1Chron. 4:13
76. Chart: The Caleb’s of Scripture. 1Chron. 4:15
77. Chart: Differences in the Names of the Sons of Simeon. 1Chron. 4:24
78. Chart: The Sons of Simeon. 1Chron. 4:25
79. Cover the different Ezer’s in 1Chron. 4:4 or 7:21; I’ll need to consult the ISBE (they aren’t in ZPEB or Douglas).
80. Chart: A Summary of Reuben’s Loss of Firstborn Rights and Privileges . 1Chron.5:2
81. Chart: The Sons of Reuben . 1Chron.5:3
82. 1Chron. 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
83. How interesting is the lineage of Levi? 1Chron.6:intro
84. Presumptions made in genealogies. 1Chron. 6:intro
85. Reference to Doctrine of the Levites (Deut. 27:14) and to the Doctrine of the Priesthood and Doctrine of the High Priest (Ex. 30:21). 1Chron. 6:intro
86. Which men were High Priests. 1Chron. 6:intro
87. Misnomer of Levitical Priesthood with sources that are in agreement with me. 1Chron. 6:intro
88. Specific purpose of this chapter. 1Chron. 6:intro
89. Chapter 6 broken down into outline form. 1Chron. 6:intro
90. Levi, Gershom, Kohath, Merari. 1Chron. 6:1
91. Misnomer of Levitical Priesthood. 1Chron. 6:1
92. Chart: The Tribe of Levi. 1Chron. 6:1
93. Chart: The Sons of Kohath. 1Chron.6:1
94. Chart: The Sons of Gershon. 1Chron.6:1
95. Chart: The Sons of Merari. 1Chron.6:1
96. Amram, Izhar, and Hebron and Uzziel. 1Chron.6:2
97. Explanation of why Jochebed was not a daughter of Levi but a descendant of Levi. 1Chron.6:2
98. Aaron, and his sons Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar (briefly). 1Chron.6:3b
99. JEPD theory and Aaron. 1Chron.6:3b
100. Phinehas (good) and his son, Abishua (brief, but good). 1Chron.6:4
101. Phinehas and the authorship of Joshua and Judges. 1Chron.6:4
102. Time frame for this verse and these generations. 1Chron.6:5–9
103. Chart: The Priestly Line (very good). 1Chron.6:5–9
104. Ancient manuscript agreement. 1Chron.6:5–9
105. Presumptions concerning priests, High Priests and kings in the next chart. 1Chron.6:5–9
106. Abishua, Bukki, Uzzi, Zerahiah, Meraioth, Amariah, Ahitub, Zadok, Ahimaaz, Johanan (mostly short, complete; Zadok 1 is very good). 1Chron.6:5–9
107. The Doctrine of the Inspiration of Scripture mentioned (Judges 18:intro). 1Chron. 6:5–9
108. JEPD theory of Zadok. 1Chron. 6:5–9
109. Time frame of Zadok 1 and Azariah 2. 1Chron. 6:5–9
110. Why there were two High Priests during the time of David. 1Chron. 6:5–9
111. Short history on the movement of the Ark during Samuel, Saul and David’s times. 1Chron. 6:5–9
112. The foreshadowing of the Tent of God being without the Ark of God. 1Chron. 6:5–9
113. Jonathan and Azariah 2. 1Chron. 6:10
114. Azariah 2.5 as well as other options (excellent). 1Chron. 6:11–14
115. Amariah 2, Ahitub 2, Zadok 2, Shallum , Hilkiah, Azariah 3, Seraiah, Jehozadak. 1Chron. 6:11–14
116. Chart: The Kings, Prophets and Priests of Judah (excellent). 1Chron.6:11–14
117. Chart: Priests Not Named in the Genealogies of 1Chronicles 6 (excellent). 1Chron.6:11–14
118. Libni and Shimei, including problem with line of Shimei. 1Chron.6:17
119. Mahli and Mushi passages. 1Chron.6:19
120. Chart: The Descendants of Gershom and the Ancestors of Asaph. 1Chron.6:20–21
121. Chart: The Alternate View of the Sons of Kohath. 1Chron.5:22–24
122. Amminadab, Korah, Assir, Elkanah, Ebiasaph, Assir, Tahath, Uriel, Uzziah, Shaul. 1Chron. 6:22–24
123. The line of Kohath appears to be more complete than any of the other lines (even during the times of the judges). 1Chron.5:22–24
124. Why Amminadab is mentioned in one place but not another. 1Chron. 6:22–24
125. Korah, Communism, political ideology, democrats and republicans. 1Chron. 6:22–24
126. Chart: The Lines of Korah and the Ancestors of Heman. 1Chron.6:22–24
127. Chart: The Line of Samuel the Prophet. 1Chron.6:22–24
128. Elkanah 2, Amasai, Ahimoth, Elkanah 3, Nahath, Eliab, Jerohamn, Elkanah 4, Samuel. 1Chron. 6:27–29
129. Possible scenario with Samuel’s family history. 1Chron. 6:27–29
130. Chart: The Hebrew Comparison of the Names in the Line of Samuel. 1Chron.6:25–27
131. Samuel. 1Chron.6:28
132. Joel and Abijah. 1Chron.6:28
133. Chart: Hebrew Words for Dwelling Place. 1Chron.6:32
134. Heman (brief). 1Chron.6:33a
135. Asaph. 1Chron.6:39a
136. Ethan. 1Chron.6:44–47
137. The descendants of the author of 1Chronicles probably are those who assembled the Book of List’s. 1Chron.6:48
138. The bronze altar and the altar of incense. 1Chron. 6:49
139. Work of priests and Levites differentiated. 1Chron. 6:49
140. The relationship between the end of 1Chron. 6 and its parallel passage, Joshua 21. 1Chron. 6:54 intro
141. Chart: The Cities Given Over to the Descendants of Aaron. 1Chron.6:60
142. Chart: The Allotment of the Levites. 1Chron.6:63
143. The relationship between the cities given to Kohath in 1Chron. 6 and Joshua 21. 1Chron.6:66 intro
144. Cities of Refuge named and basic information given. 1Chron.6:67–70
145. Chart: The Cities Given Over to the Descendants of Kohath. 1Chron.6:67–70
146. Taanach vs. Aner. 1Chron.6:67–70
147. Why Elteke and Gibbethon are missing. Includes history of Saul to the Northern Kingdom separation, Israel, and Philistines. 1Chron.6:67–70
148. The Doctrine of the City of Ashtaroth (= Beth-Ashterah = Beesh-terah = Beeshterah = Astaroth). 1Chron. 6:71
149. Kedesh or Kishion. Doctrine of the Three Kedesh’s alluded to (Joshua 12:22). 1Chron. 6:71–76
150. Chart: The Cities Given Over to the Descendants of Gershom. 1Chron.6:71–76
151. Chart: The Cities Given Over to the Descendants of Merari. 1Chron.6:77–81
152. Why some cities may be missing from the lists here, although the numbers are the same as is found in Joshua. 1Chron.6:77–81
153. 1Chron. 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
154. Chart: The Line of Issachar, Son of Jacob. 1Chron. 7:1
155. Issachar the person (complete). 1Chron. 7:1
156. Issachar the tribe (complete). 1Chron. 7:1
157. Chart: The Line of Benjamin, Son of Jacob. 1Chron.7:6
158. Benjamin, the man. 1Chron. 7:6
159. Chart: The Number of Sons and Grandsons Brought to Egypt. 1Chron.7:6
160. Chart: The Huppim and Shuppim Chart. 1Chron.7:7
161. Chart: Who Is Aher? 1Chron.7:7
162. Chart: The Genealogy of Naphtali, Son of Jacob. 1Chron.7:13
163. Chart: The Genealogy of Manasseh, Firstborn Son of Joseph, Son of Jacob. 1Chron.7:14
164. Chart: The Raid on Ephraim by Gath. 1Chron.7:21b
165. Chart: The Genealogical Line of Ephraim, Son of Joseph, Son of Jacob. 1Chron.7:23
166. Reference to Doctrine of Megiddo here (Judges 5:19). 1Chron. 7:28
167. Chart: The Line of Asher, Son of Israel. 1Chron.7:30
168. Benjamin, the tribe. 1Chron. 8:7?
169. The proper time to teach 1Chron. 10. 1Chron. 10 introduction
170. In your life, you are going to be tested and you are going to fail. 1Chron. 10 introduction
171. Chronicles is the divine perspective of history, and therefore, Saul is given very little time in this book. 1Chron. 10 introduction
172. You life and your life’s accomplishments in the light of eternity. Dreams of having money or things and waking up and they are gone. 1Chron. 10 introduction
173. The differences between 1Chron. 10 and 1Sam. 31 are probably intentional and not errors in copying the text. 1Chron. 10 introduction
174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Options Concerning the Death of Saul. 1Chron. 10:4
175. Saul’s death by suicide seems to be unequivocal. 1Chron. 10:4
176. The Doctrine of Suicide (1Sam. 31:5) is alluded to. 1Chron. 10:5
177. Three theories as to why Saul’s son Ishbosheth was not killed in battle. 1Chron. 10:5
178. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Sins of King Saul. 1Chron. 10:6
179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Failings of King Saul. 1Chron. 10:6
180. Runners/reporters of ancient history. 1Chron. 10:7
181. Possible reasons why Jonathan died in battle at an early age. 1Chron. 10:7
182. Very little interest today in the US in the Word of God. 1Chron. 10:7
183. Why Saul’s head was removed. 1Chron. 10:9
184. Why the Philistines did not have complete control over the land. 1Chron. 10:9
185. One difference between Jehovah and the gods of the Philistines. 1Chron. 10:9
186. We examined the Doctrine of Beth-shan in 1Sam. 31:10 (Joshua 17:11 mentions the city and I have covered it there in some detail). 1Chron. 10:10
187. Jabesh Gilead is covered in some detail here. 1Chron. 10:11
188. Beth-shan and Jabesh and their relative locations. 1Chron. 10:12
189. Saul’s great deliverance of Jabesh in 1Sam. 11. 1Chron. 10:12
190. Burial vs. cremation in Israel. 1Chron. 10:12
191. It is common for Christians to ignore what they are mandated to do, and instead, find actions done in the Bible that they copy. 1Chron. 10:12
192. The Doctrine of Fasting (1Sam. 7:6; summarized in 1Sam. 31:13) is alluded to. 1Chron. 10:12
193. Saul and his intentional disobedience to God by seeking a medium. 1Chron. 10:13
194. Going to God while out of fellowship. 1Chron. 10:14
195. Prayer to God. 1Chron. 10:14
196. Why are these summary verses about Saul found in 1Chron. 10 but not in 1Sam. 31? 1Chron. 10:14
197. Why we even have 1Chron. 10 in the book of Chronicles. 1Chron. 10:14
198. 1Chronicles 11 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
199. Division of the Bible into chapter and verses occurred long after the Old Testament books were written.
200. 1Chron. 11 is an unplowed field.
201. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Alternate Outline from Clarke. 1Chron. 11 Introduction
202. Your sin will find you out and the military.
203. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Attitude of the Word of God toward the Military. 1Chron. 11 Introduction
204. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Synching up 1Chronicles 11 with Samuel. 1Chron. 11 Introduction
205. How many gatherings of soldiers are there? 1Chron. 11 Introduction
206. The danger of facing a list of names. 1Chron. 11 Introduction
207. Problems with the text of 1Chron. 11 and dogmatism of R. B. Thieme, Jr. The mundane problems with the text. 1Chron. 11 Introduction
208. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The History of Israel, Samuel, Saul and David. 1Chron. 11:1
209. Keil and Delitzsch also summarize the events which take us to this point. 1Chron. 11:1
210. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "We are your bone and your flesh". 1Chron. 11:1
211. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Public Awareness that God had Chosen David. 1Chron. 11:2
212. You may wonder, if God set up David as king, why did Israel try to set up Ishbosheth as king? 1Chron. 11:2
213. Man has to work to eat; this is a principle of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:2
214. Political and spiritual leaders. 1Chron. 11:2
215. When you go along with God’s plan, life is better. 1Chron. 11:2
216. Suzerain-Vassal treaties. Can this be applied to David and the people of northern Israel? 1Chron. 11:3
217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Suzerain-Vassal Treaty. 1Chron. 11:3
218. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Side-by-Side Comparison of 2Sam. 5:1–3 and 1Chron. 11:1–3. 1Chron. 11:3
219. God’s procedure for the conquering of a land. 1Chron. 11:4
220. Conquering land; our founders. 1Chron. 11:4
221. Peacefully taking the land; taking the land by force. 1Chron. 11:4
222. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of the Jebusites. 1Chron. 11:4
223. David was probably wanting to take Jerusalem by mutual agreement with the Jebusites. Taking it by force was probably his second choice. 1Chron. 11:5
224. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scofield on Zion. 1Chron. 11:5
225. There is additional narrative in Chronicles about the taking of Jerusalem. 1Chron. 11:6
226. The capture of Jerusalem may have been the point at which Joab became David’s right-hand man. 1Chron. 11:6
227. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Condensed View of Joab. 1Chron. 11:6
228. The Doctrine of Masada 1Chron. 11:7
229. Millo. 1Chron. 11:8
230. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is the Millo? The Opinions of Commentators. 1Chron. 11:8
231. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Millo as Found in the Bible. 1Chron. 11:8
232. Joab brings the city back to life. 1Chron. 11:8
233. The greatness of our actions at the end of WWII. The wisdom and mistakes of George W. Bush in the Middle East. 1Chron. 11:8
234. David’s spiritual advance. 1Chron. 11:9
235. Rull-time Christian service apart from being a pastor, evangelist or missionary. 1Chron. 11:9
236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why are There Lists of Names in the Bible? 1Chron. 11:10
237. The Doctrine of the Client Nation to God (PDF version). 1Chron. 11:10 intro
238. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Doctrine of the Pivot. 1Chron. 11:10 intro
239. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Pivot Politics Versus Power Politics. 1Chron. 11:10 intro
240. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Does the Doctrine of the Client nation and of the Pivot Apply? 1Chron. 11:10 intro
241. Israel’s universal military service. 1Chron. 11:10
242. There is no list of the greatest businessmen, landowners of pacifists in the Word of God. However, this chapter is a list of the greatest soldiers who served under King David. 1Chron. 11:10
243. I was a child of the 60's. Our ingrained worldly view of things. New believers and the Christian way of life. 1Chron. 11:10
244. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Romans 12:1–2 Exegeted by R. B. Thieme, Jr.. 1Chron. 11:10
245. Misconceptions about military men. Advantages of being in the military. 1Chron. 11:10
246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Prophesies About David Becoming King. 1Chron. 11:10
247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Applying 1Chronicles 11:10 to our Lives. 1Chron. 11:10
248. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Break-Down of 1Chronicles 11:10–47. 1Chron. 11:11
249. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Clunkiness of 1Chronicles 11:10–11a. 1Chron. 11:11
250. Jesus as a pacifist and using pacifism against tyranny are both sets of lies. 1Chron. 11:11
251. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jashobeam ben Hachmoni. 1Chron. 11:11
252. How do you deal with having a bad ruler? How do you get rid of a bad ruler? The importance of bad rulers. 1Chron. 11:11
253. Why men are listed in different ways throughout this chapter. 1Chron. 11:11
254. How we ought to think about the title the Thirty. 1Chron. 11:11
255. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Does "Eleazar ben Dodo" Mean? 1Chron. 11:12
256. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Eleazar's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:12
257. Many of David’s men were Benjamites, even though David was at odds with King Saul and his army for many years. 1Chron. 11:12
258. What is the deal with the barley harvest. Why is this recorded in the Word of God? 1Chron. 11:12
259. How do 2 men turn back an entire army? 1Chron. 11:14
260. Being raised up a pacifist hippie and then being exposed to R. B. Thieme, Jr. 1Chron. 11:14
261. The liberal millennial view of the world and what it could be. 1Chron. 11:14
262. One of the things which turned me against liberalism. 1Chron. 11:14
263. The greatest predictor of poverty and criminality is being raised by a single mother. 1Chron. 11:14
264. When the government subsidizes bad behavior, you get more bad behavior. 1Chron. 11:14
265. Sex education in the schools. The liberal solution to everything. 1Chron. 11:14
266. Why we do not unilaterally disarm ourselves. 1Chron. 11:14
267. Miracles versus dramatic occurrences. 1Chron. 11:14
268. Should we believe that the United States will be delivered in any crisis? 1Chron. 11:14
269. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Comparing the Texts (1Chron. 11:12–14 and 2Sam. 23:9–12). 1Chron. 11:14
270. Who is the 3rd man of David’s 3? 1Chron. 11:14
271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who is the Missing Man of the Three? 1Chron. 11:14
272. Why Joab isn’t named as one of the great military men here. 1Chron. 11:14
273. The cave of Addullem (refuge). 1Chron. 11:15
274. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Valley of Rephaim. 1Chron. 11:15
275. The timing of the well incident. 1Chron. 11:15
276. Why it is legitimate to evaluate David. 1Chron. 11:17
277. David’s alpha-male personality. His completely disregard for the safety of his most important men. 1Chron. 11:17
278. Life is a balancing act, which David is not doing. Balance when it comes to the Word of God. 1Chron. 11:17
279. Inserting information into the narrative which was not there (e.g., David being out of fellowship and his getting back into fellowship). 1Chron. 11:18
280. The incredible loyalty of David’s men. 1Chron. 11:18
281. David’s loyal men and how God has promoted David is what is key to this narrative. The war with the Philistines is secondary. 1Chron. 11:18
282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Pouring out a Drink Offering to God. 1Chron. 11:18
283. Although David is in a very difficult spot, he recognizes God’s provision in the loyalty of his men. 1Chron. 11:18
284. Why David does not tell these men that he made a mistake; why he does not apologize to them. 1Chron. 11:19
285. How our courts ought to decline to rule. 1Chron. 11:19
286. David is humbled by God’s logistical grace. 1Chron. 11:19
287. R. B. Thieme, Jr. and the use of specialized forces. 1Chron. 11:19
288. Rules of engagement and the balancing act our services do in Iraq and Afghanistan. 1Chron. 11:19
289. Freedom of religion, sharing the gospel, knowing Bible doctrine and the military. 1Chron. 11:19
290. Full-time Christian service; Billy Graham evangelizes millions of people; R. B. Thieme, Jr. thousands, etc. 1Chron. 11:19
291. Interpreting the first 3 and the second 3. 1Chron. 11:20
292. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Fausset, ISBE and Smith on Abishai. 1Chron. 11:20
293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is There a Second Three? 1Chron. 11:21
294. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpreting 1Chronicles 11:20–21. 1Chron. 11:21
295. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Keil and Delitzsch Explain this Passage. 1Chron. 11:21
296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who Exactly did Benaiah Kill? 1Chron. 11:22
297. Battle courage is concentration. 1Chron. 11:23
298. Most of a battle is psychology. 1Chron. 11:23
299. Why Benaiah went to war with a giant carrying only a staff. 1Chron. 11:23
300. Benaiah’s defeat of the Egyptian was a memorable fight. 1Chron. 11:23
301. Propaganda and lies during a war and how we were brainwashed in the Vietnam era. 1Chron. 11:23
302. Why propaganda is believed. 1Chron. 11:23
303. Georg W. Bush’s plan to turn two enemy countries into democracies. 1Chron. 11:23
304. The Korean War and how North and South Korea stand as testimony today of freedom versus communism. 1Chron. 11:23
305. The great step backwards our country has made from 2006 to 2010, and how there are few young people in doctrinal churches today. 1Chron. 11:23
306. Good and bad presidents; politics versus Christianity. 1Chron. 11:23
307. Destruction of the Black church with Black Liberation Theology. Civil rights was the first thing which began to destroy the Black church. 1Chron. 11:23
308. Bible doctrine and how our country can turn on a dime from great prosperity to great despair. 1Chron. 11:23
309. MacArthur understood evangelism and its importance. 1Chron. 11:23
310. If God does not promote you, then you are not promoted. 1Chron. 11:24
311. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theologians Describe Benaiah. 1Chron. 11:24
312. We need to use our reserves as reserves and increase the size of our military considerably. 1Chron. 11:24
313. The military is a part of a godly society. As a client nation to God, we are continually in grave danger. 1Chron. 11:24
314. The recognition of soldiers from WWII. Benaiah’s greatness. 1Chron. 11:25
315. Most of us have not been #1; we have not been a leader. God has a plan for us, no matter what. 1Chron. 11:25
316. God has a slot for all of us. 1Chron. 11:25
317. As a bodyguard for David, Benaiah had to be a great judge of character and be able to delegate responsibility. Why foreigners are a part of David’s bodyguard. 1Chron. 11:25
318. The difference between legal and illegal immigrants. 1Chron. 11:25
319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes on the Thirty. 1Chron. 11:25
320. Various theories on the Thirty, as well as the others in this long list. 1Chron. 11:26
321. The father of Asahel and Joab. 1Chron. 11:26
322. Passages where the other 3 Asahel’s are located. 1Chron. 11:26
323. Elhanan. 1Chron. 11:26
324. A study on Bethlehem is alluded to (Bethlehem HTML/Bethlehem PDF). 1Chron. 11:26
325. Shammoth’s name. 1Chron. 11:27
326. The number of people in this world. Is it still okay to have children? 1Chron. 11:27
327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Shammah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:27
328. Helen and his name. 1Chron. 11:27
329. Male influences other than the father. 1Chron. 11:27
330. Teachers who shirk their responsibilities as role models. 1Chron. 11:27
331. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Ira's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:28
332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Tekoa. 1Chron. 11:28
333. One sign of a client nation is that, people from other countries want to move into that nation. 1Chron. 11:28
334. The effect of R. B. Thieme, Jr. on the city of Houston and upon all of Texas. 1Chron. 11:28
335. We ought to be in a local doctrinal church. If there is none, then we ought to consider moving to where one is. 1Chron. 11:28
336. There is also the safety factor to consider, if you live in an area where there are no doctrinal believers. Reasons to move and reasons to stay. 1Chron. 11:28
337. A list of doctrinal churches can be found in the List (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). 1Chron. 11:28
338. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abiezer's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:28
339. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Anathoth. 1Chron. 11:28
340. How names can be confounded. 1Chron. 11:29
341. David’s army had Benjamites in it. 1Chron. 11:29
342. How Saul turned his army against David. 1Chron. 11:31
343. Character is key. 1Chron. 11:31
344. Huge cities which are unknown to us. 1Chron. 11:31
345. Our spiritual assets and our potential. 1Chron. 11:31
346. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Our Divine Operating Assets—the 40 Things Given to us at Salvation. 1Chron. 11:31
347. The City of Gaaash. 1Chron. 11:32
348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Primary Uses of the Term Arabah. 1Chron. 11:32
349. The complete Doctrine of the Arabah alluded to and found at:; the pdf version is at . 1Chron. 11:32
350. David’s army is made up of people from all walks of life, just like the collection of believers. 1Chron. 11:32
351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Azmaveth's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:33
352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Bahurim. 1Chron. 11:33
353. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Shaalbim. 1Chron. 11:33
354. God’s geographical will and His moving me to Houston. How God causes us to move from point A to point B. If God is causing you to move, thik about the Word of God and where it is being taught. That ought to be a factor. How Houston was #3 way, way down on my list of places to move to. 1Chron. 11:33
355. God’s geographical will may split up a family. 1Chron. 11:34
356. The holy personality or changing one’s personality because they become Christians (Campus Crusade people that I met when young). This aspect of what R. B. Thieme, Jr. taught appealed to me. 1Chron. 11:34
357. Do not reject someone simply because of their background. 1Chron. 11:35
358. We are uncertain in what way the Word of God in our souls will play a part in heaven. 1Chron. 11:35
359. Ancient wells (I don’t know anything about them). 1Chron. 11:36
360. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Hepher's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:36
361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Do We Determine the Accurate Text of 1Chornicles 11:36? 1Chron. 11:36
362. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Ahijah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:36
363. The Pelonites. 1Chron. 11:36
364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The 3 Carmel's in Scripture. 1Chron. 11:37
365. What did not happen was for the writer of Chronicles to base his manuscript upon a poor copy of Samuel. That would go against the inspiration of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:38
366. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Quick View of Redemption. 1Chron. 11:38
367. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Redemption. 1Chron. 11:38
368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Joel's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:38
369. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Nathan's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:38
370. Is this Nathan the prophet? 1Chron. 11:38
371. Why these manuscripts are probably corrupt. 1Chron. 11:38
372. What do you do when your country is at war and you know your country is absolutely wrong? 1Chron. 11:39
373. A little about the Gibeonites. 1Chron. 11:39
374. Armorbearers of the ancient world. 1Chron. 11:39
375. David, Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite. 1Chron. 11:41a
376. Archaeology once doubted the greatness of the Hittites. 1Chron. 11:41a
377. The books from which Chronicles was edited. 1Chron. 11:41b
378. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Zabad's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:41b
379. Skinny kid becomes a great soldier. 1Chron. 11:42
380. N list of the great pacifists in the Bible; no list of those who led great social movements. 1Chron. 11:42
381. The Reubenites. 1Chron. 11:42
382. Unusual choice for a preposition. 1Chron. 11:42
383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Hanan's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:43
384. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Maacah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:43
385. The use and disuse of the wâw conjunctions in this list. 1Chron. 11:43
386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of Ashtoreth. 1Chron. 11:44
387. The effect of my parents upon my brothers and me. 1Chron. 11:44
388. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jeiel's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:44
389. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Aroer's of Scripture. 1Chron. 11:44
390. There is a place for separation in this life. However, this does not mean that people avoid you because you are a jerk. 1Chron. 11:47
391. The greatness of the military in the United States. 1Chron. 11:47
392. The villianization of oil people. 1Chron. 11:47
393. The umbrella of freedom provided by the military and the pivot. 1Chron. 11:47
394. The decline of California was spiritual first; politically, they made some good corporate choices. 1Chron. 11:47
395. Christianity does not make us pod people. Being a part of a whole, does not mean that we ought to undergo personality change. Examples of teachers whom I taught with. 1Chron. 11:47
396. We have freedom within the body of Christ; and, ideally speaking, we have freedom in the economic system in which we work. 1Chron. 11:47
397. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: George Will on "The Pencil Czar". 1Chron. 11:47
398. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 1Chronicles 11. 1Chron. 11 Addendum
399. 1Chronicles 12 (HTML) (PDF)
400. Determining the order in which one should teach the Bible. 1Chron. 12 introduction
401. The organization or lack there of this and the previous chapter. 1Chron. 12 introduction
402. We are not just dealing with malcontents, but with high-ranking officers in Saul’s army; what were the circumstances of their leaving? 1Chron. 12 introduction
403. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Integrating 1Chronicles 12 with the Book of Samuel. 1Chron. 12 introduction
404. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Chronicles 12 Summarized by Keil and Delitzsch 1Chron. 12 introduction
405. Historical context of this chapter of Chronicles. 1Chron. 12 introduction
406. Why do we have chapters like this in the Bible? 1Chron. 12 introduction
407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Chronicles 10–12 Presented Topically. 1Chron. 12 introduction
408. David’s location known to some/the gospel of God. 1Chron. 12:1
409. David does not go out and solicit an army. 1Chron. 12:1
410. The writer of Chronicles has a lot of statistics, but fewer historical details. 1Chron. 12:1
411. Too many translations make it sound like David moved to Ziklag because of Saul’s order. 1Chron. 12:1
412. What David is doing in Ziklag and the wars against local heathen. 1Chron. 12:1
413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Wasn't David out of Fellowship in Ziklag? 1Chron. 12:1
414. Two types of bows in the ancient world. 1Chron. 12:2
415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Sentence Structure of 1Chronicles 1:1–3. 1Chron. 12:2
416. What does this list of names have to do with us? 1Chron. 12:2
417. The illustration of me in junior high on Ed Nagle’s team. 1Chron. 12:2
418. Muslims in this age being all pissed off about a cartoon published in a Danish paper. 1Chron. 12:3
419. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Joash's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:3
420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jehu's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:3
421. The city of Anathoth (briefly). 1Chron. 12:3
422. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jeremiah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:4
423. There is no j in Hebrew; the meaning of many of these names. 1Chron. 12:4
424. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jahaziel's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:4
425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Johanan's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:4
426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jozabad's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:4
427. The city of Gederah. 1Chron. 12:4
428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Meanings of the Names of David's Men in 1Chron. 12:5. 1Chron. 12:5
429. The power of a good spiritual upbringing. 1Chron. 12:5
430. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Meanings of the Names of David's Men in 1Chron. 12:6. 1Chron. 12:6
431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Elkanah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:6
432. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jesiah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:6
433. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Azareel's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:6
434. Various theories on the Korahites found here. 1Chron. 12:6
435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Zebadiah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:7
436. Which stronghold are we talking about here? 1Chron. 12:8
437. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Strongholds of David. 1Chron. 12:8
438. The Doctrine of Masada (1Sam. 24:22) is alluded to. 1Chron. 12:8
439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of Ârake. 1Chron. 12:8
440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Obadiah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:9
441. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Eliab's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:9
442. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Attai's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:10–11
443. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Eliel's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:10–11
444. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Gadites and the Meanings of their Names. 1Chron. 12:13–14
445. Various interpretations of v. 14. 1Chron. 12:14
446. The men of Gad chose to align themselves with David, even though their timing was very inconvenient to themselves. 1Chron. 12:15
447. What does it mean, those in the valleys were caused to flee? 1Chron. 12:15
448. The fiction that the Catholic church made a lot of wholesale changes to Scripture. 1Chron. 12:16
449. There were a variety of opposing groups who preserved Scripture. 1Chron. 12:16
450. David’s natural suspicions of men from Benjamin. 1Chron. 12:17
451. Amasai here is not David’s nephew. 1Chron. 12:17
452. Having experience and background and moving to a new position. 1Chron. 12:18
453. David’s moral dilemma when living with the Philistines. 1Chron. 12:19
454. You do not have all of the facts, and gossiping about others is sin for this reason. 1Chron. 12:19
455. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Men from Manasseh. 1Chron. 12:20
456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jediael's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:20
457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Michael's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:20
458. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Elihu's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:20
459. What is the back story on these men from Manasseh? 1Chron. 12:20
460. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Options of the Men from Manasseh. 1Chron. 12:20
461. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why 1Chronicles 12:22 Should be Associated with vv. 23–40. 1Chron. 12:22
462. Changes in my life which were not of my choosing. 1Chron. 12:22
463. The Doctrine of Fasting is alluded to. 1Chron. 12:23
464. The size of Saul’s army. 1Chron. 12:23
465. Why God allowed Saul’s army to be soundly defeated by the Philistines. 1Chron. 12:23
466. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jehoiada's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:27
467. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Joiada's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:27
468. The Levitical priesthood is a misnomer. 1Chron. 12:27
469. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Zadok's of Scripture. 1Chron. 12:28
470. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Were Levites Military Types? 1Chron. 12:28
471. Examples of when we take the Bible literally and when we do not. 1Chron. 12:28
472. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why the Tribe of Benjamin had the Fewest Men Show up to Support David. 1Chron. 12:29
473. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentators on the Tribe of Issachar, Who Know what Israel Should Do. 1Chron. 12:32
474. Israel is galvanized by the defeat of Saul’s army. Illustration of the US and 9/11. 1Chron. 12:34
475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes' Observations Concerning Those Who Came to David in Hebron. 1Chron. 12:37
476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Time Line of 2Samuel 1–5 and 1Chronicles 12:23–37. 1Chron. 12:37
477. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of 1Chronicles 12. 1Chron. 12:37
478. Why are the troops from Judah and Simeon so under-represented here? 1Chron. 12:37
479. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories on How Many Men Actually Showed up to Support David. 1Chron. 12:37
480. The food here and the eating situation is not the logistical nightmare that some make it out to be. 1Chron. 12:39
481. Why we aren’t like angels—able to be sustained apart from eating food? 1Chron. 12:39
482. Our eating habits and the menu of those gathered to celebrate David as king. 1Chron. 12:40
483. 1Chronicles 13 (HTML) (PDF)
484. 1Chron. 13, 15–16 parallel 2Sam. 6, which deals with the moving of the ark. 1Chron. 13 Introduction
485. God the Holy Spirit did not make a mistake in having nearly parallel accounts of this chapter. 1Chron. 13 Introduction
486. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry Outlines 1Chronicles 13. 1Chron. 13 Introduction
487. A rundown of what is in 1Chron. 13. 1Chron. 13 Introduction
488. The idea of life being a zero-sum game. Liberal jealousy. The key is blessing from God. 1Chron. 13 Introduction
489. The authorship of Chronicles. The difference between the texts of Samuel and of Chronicles. 1Chron. 13 Introduction
490. Muslims; Satan counterfeiting the end times. What this will look like. 1Chron. 13 Introduction
491. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Ark Chronology. 1Chron. 13 Introduction
492. Why David is working with the commanders of his armed forces and not with the priests. Why we know that David did not associate the Ark with the Tabernacle. How and why David chose ot move the Ark in the way that he did. 1Chron. 13:1
493. Do not go through the book of Acts and attempt to copy everything that you read. 1Chron. 13:1
494. We have one Commander-in-Chief during war time. 1Chron. 13:1
495. David was consulting the wrong people about the Ark. 1Chron. 13:1
496. Leadership styles; the structure of leadership in Israel. 1Chron. 13:1
497. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Form of Government Should a Nation Have? 1Chron. 13:1
498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Doesn't the Bible Specify an Ideal Government So That We Will at Least Have Something to Shoot For? 1Chron. 13:1
499. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Just What are our Responsibilities Toward our Government? 1Chron. 13:1
500. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: When Should we Obey God and not Man? 1Chron. 13:1
501. How many people did David meet with to set this up and how many attended the Ark celebration? 1Chron. 13:2
502. David speaks to military and civil leaders about the movement of the Ark. He does not look to the Bible or to the Levites. 1Chron. 13:2
503. The Levites and priests were invited to this affair. They lived in the land without owning any of it. 1Chron. 13:2
504. Your enthusiasm without doctrine I meaningless. That is David’s problem right here. Ditto for his sincerity and devotion. 1Chron. 13:2
505. My personal reservations which entering into a second study of the moving of the Ark. 1Chron. 13:2
506. Why are there 4 gospels? Why are there 2 synoptic gospels? 1Chron. 13:2
507. The idea that the Apostles pushed Jesus in order to gain fame and respect is ridiculous. 1Chron. 13:2
508. Jesus Christ is the true center of history. 1Chron. 13:2
509. Almost all countries share the same calendar. 1Chron. 13:2
510. The number of days in a week also points back to God and His creating and restoring the earth. 1Chron. 13:2
511. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 7-Day Week, a Secular View. 1Chron. 13:2
512. The Levites should have known what to do here. 1Chron. 13:2
513. Thousands of churches and hundreds of thousands of believers in the United States without doctrine is meaningless. 1Chron. 13:2
514. Why only 30,000 showed up to see the Ark moved. 1Chron. 13:2
515. The Ark of God is the heart and soul of Tabernacle worship, even though almost no one ever saw it. 1Chron. 13:3
516. David does not blame Saul or make him out to be a scapegoat. 1Chron. 13:3
517. They are moving the Arc incorrectly and giving approval to this because they do not know Bible doctrine. 1Chron. 13:4
518. Cultural norms, like gay marriage, are not made right because a majority of people agree to them. 1Chron. 13:4
519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of Lebo-Hamath. 1Chron. 13:5
520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Short Summary of the Ark of God. 1Chron. 13:6
521. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 2Samuel 6:2 Compared to 1Chronicles 13:6. 1Chron. 13:6
522. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God, the Ark, the Mercy Seat and the Cherubim. 1Chron. 13:6
523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Angelic Conflict. 1Chron. 13:6
524. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Confusing and/or Objectionable Passages of Scripture. 1Chron. 13:9
525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who is Angry with Whom? 1Chron. 13:11
526. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary Points: What Did David do Wrong? 1Chron. 13:12
527. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary Points: Why Do We Know David Read about the Ark in Samuel? 1Chron. 13:12
528. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary Points: Why Do We Know That David Did Not Study the Mosaic Law? 1Chron. 13:12
529. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Does David Know about Obed-edom's Prosperity? 1Chron. 13:14
530. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does the Author of Chronicles insert David’s Lineage and Successful Battles Against the Philistines in Between the Two Transports of the Ark? 1Chron. 13:14
531. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 1Chronicles 13. 1Chron. 13 addendum
532. 1Chronicles 14 (HTML) (PDF)
533. 1Chronicles 15 (HTML) (PDF)
534. 1Chronicles 16 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
535. 1Chron. 16 emphasizes the celebration of the Ark being inside of Jerusalem, which celebration is not found in 1Sam. 6. 1Chron. 16 Introduction
536. No one possessed a complete Bible during this time period as we do. 1Chron. 16 Introduction
537. Psalms 105, 96 and 106 are alluded to. 1Chron. 16 Introduction
538. Why we have the book of Chronicles (in particular, this chapter). 1Chron. 16 Introduction
539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry's Outline of 1Chronicles 16. 1Chron. 16 Introduction
540. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Selman's Organization of 1Chronicles 16. 1Chron. 16 Introduction
541. Allusion to Doctrine of the Ark of God, which we covered in great detail back in 1Sam. 4:11. 1Chron. 16:1
542. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Basic Review of the Ark of the Covenant. 1Chron. 16:1
543. Why David did not bring the Ark and Tabernacle to Jerusalem. 1Chron. 16:1
544. The importance and impact of David, a mere man, choosing Jerusalem as the place from which he would rule. 1Chron. 16:1
545. Why David is associated with the Ark kept in a Tent in Jerusalem and why Solomon is associated with the Temple. 1Chron. 16:1
546. David did not actually offer up animal sacrifices himself. 1Chron. 16:2
547. The legalism of Islam as compared to Christianity and even to Judaism. 1Chron. 16:2
548. The Bible does not always give us a strict chronological view. 1Chron. 16:2
549. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What It Means for David to Bless the People. 1Chron. 16:2
550. The practicality of David offering foodstuffs to those celebrating the Ark of God. 1Chron. 16:3
551. The Bible and misogyny. Male and female differences. Superiority and inferiority. 1Chron. 16:3
552. The meaning of bread for Israel. 1Chron. 16:3
553. Why are we told what food was distributed? 1Chron. 16:3
554. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Hidden Parallels of 1Chron. 16:1–3. 1Chron. 16:3
555. The different sets of assignments in 1Chron. 16. 1Chron. 16:4
556. The function of the Levites. 1Chron. 16:4
557. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Psalms Sung before the Ark Give Thanks, Praise and Call to Remembrance. 1Chron. 16:4
558. The Bible does recognize particular individuals; this is sort of like being in the hall of fame. It is also a shadow of good things to come. 1Chron. 16:5
559. Our own creativity is a reflection of the creativity of God. 1Chron. 16:5
560. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Asaph's of Scripture. 1Chron. 16:5
561. Asaph is in Chronicles, but not in Samuel. 1Chron. 16:5
562. Scripture is both written by man and by the Holy Spirit; and thinking about this dual authorship often explains some difficulties in the Bible. 1Chron. 16:5
563. Zechariah is found in Chronicles but not in Samuel. 1Chron. 16:5
564. A mention of God’s Perspective of the Universe. 1Chron. 16:5
565. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Zechariah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 16:5
566. A mention of Blunt’s “Undersigned Coincidences.” 1Chron. 16:5
567. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Musical Instruments Played. 1Chron. 16:5
568. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jeiel's of Scripture. 1Chron. 16:5
569. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Shemiramoth's of Scripture. 1Chron. 16:5
570. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Jehiel's of Scripture. 1Chron. 16:5
571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Mattithiah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 16:5
572. A reverence to the Eliab’s of Scripture in 1Chronicles 12. 1Chron. 16:5
573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Benaiah's of Scripture. 1Chron. 16:5
574. Obed-edom, the similarities between Israel then and he United States now. 1Chron. 16:5
575. The theocracy of Israel and the Levites were supported by the state. 1Chron. 16:6
576. One’s spiritual gift and the illustration that Thieme has used of the large and successful business. A personal example of this. 1Chron. 16:6
577. A mention of the Jahaziel’s of Scripture back in 1Chron. 12:4. 1Chron. 16:6
578. Why there are several lists of men, and why there is some overlapping. 1Chron. 16:6
579. The in that day controversy. 1Chron. 16:6–7
580. The lâmed preposition with an infinitive construct. 1Chron. 16:7
581. David delegating spiritual jobs; a pastor must also delegate certain responsibilities, even if those who are given the responsibility sometimes fail. 1Chron. 16:7
582. How does David make these decisions? Bible doctrine. 1Chron. 16:7
583. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Where Goes in that Day? 1Chron. 16:7
584. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matching the Psalms with Chronicles. 1Chron. 16:7
585. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Question about these Psalms. 1Chron. 16:7
586. Clarke overthinks the insertion of these psalms. 1Chron. 16:7
587. Changes made in the psalms. 1Chron. 16:7
588. The writer of Chronicles and the manuscripts which he had to work with. 1Chron. 16:7
589. The chronicler and his emotional response to these psalms and this scene. 1Chron. 16:7
590. Silly and incorrect notions about the psalms found here. 1Chron. 16:7
591. God is worthy of our praise; gratitude and lack of gratitude means no capacity for life. My neighborhood and my flipped out neighbors. 1Chron. 16:8
592. People who have no concept of divine guidance. David telling God where His throne will be. 1Chron. 16:8
593. Paul’s mental attitude and how he faced political leaders again and again with courage and intelligence. How he dealt with changing circumstances. 1Chron. 16:8
594. How our lives mimic a jazz band; and how various riffs are opportunities to use Bible doctrine; not a time to shut down our spiritual lives. 1Chron. 16:8
595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Make His Deeds Known Among the People. 1Chron. 16:8
596. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Do We Find Psalm 105 Twice in the Bible? 1Chron. 16:8
597. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Singing in the New Testament. 1Chron. 16:9
598. The heart as the thinking part of the soul. 1Chron. 16:10
599. Our environment and our relationship to God. We do not have to be in a special place to worship God. 1Chron. 16:11
600. Poor countries, our abundance, teen suicides. 1Chron. 16:11
601. Seeking God’s face continually. 1Chron. 16:11
602. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did David Bring the Ark into Jerusalem? 1Chron. 16:11
603. We will not be called upon by God to do something which is outside the realm of accepted doctrine (unlike Abraham, who God told to sacrifice his son). 1Chron. 16:12
604. The complexity of God’s creation; the complexity of man’s creation. 1Chron. 16:12
605. The Bible was written by many men, with spot-on accuracy in the realm of archeology, culture and history. It makes little sense to allege that every one of them made up the religious stuff. 1Chron. 16:12
606. The idea that Jesus did not exist or that He was a fraud of some sort. Arguing that Jesus does not exist is like arguing the George W. Bush does not exist. 1Chron. 16:12
607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Argument for the Historicity of Miracles. 1Chron. 16:12
608. Allusion to Psalm 105 in the chart Jacob vs. Israel. 1Chron. 16:13
609. Putting the names Jesus and Christ together in the ancient world could get you arrested for blasphemy. 1Chron. 16:14
610. Surprising agreement in morality throughout the world. 1Chron. 16:14
611. Muslims who have gone past the point of natural affection. 1Chron. 16:14
612. God is able to draw men from any nation. 1Chron. 16:14
613. Discrepancies in the Word of God (between the psalms and 1Chron. 16). 1Chron. 16:15
614. The natural human desire to see things brought to a resolution (like the movies). 1Chron. 16:15
615. God has not cast away the Jews. The blasphemous idea that God did not foreknow the actions of the Jews and they crossed Him just one too many times. Is your mediocre spiritual life so good that God just had to ditch the Jews for you? The weakness of covenant theology. 1Chron. 16:15
616. Why is there a Church Age anyway? 1Chron. 16:15
617. We see the Bible as one contiguous whole today. 1Chron. 16:15
618. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Appearances and Promises to Abraham. 1Chron. 16:16
619. An allusion to the exegesis of Gen. 22. 1Chron. 16:16
620. How the book of Genesis was written down. 1Chron. 16:16
621. The Abrahamic covenant, covenant theology and eternal security. We are all failures. The Jews were failures. 1Chron. 16:16
622. There were Jews with positive volition in the 1st century. There has been positive volition and negative volition in the Jews in every generation. 1Chron. 16:16
623. Our stupid foreign policies; our good foreign policy. Part of our prosperity is built upon our alliance with the nation Israel. What do you trust—God’s promises or some theological system which negates these same promises? 1Chron. 16:16
624. The principles of the promises made in the Old Testament can be applied to us. 1Chron. 16:16
625. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Covenant to Abraham in the New Testament. 1Chron. 16:16
626. Allusion to the 7 ways the names Jacob and Israel are used together. From Psalm 105. 1Chron. 16:17
627. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Covenant with the Patriarchs throughout the Old Testament. 1Chron. 16:17
628. An allusion to the list of all the promises which God gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can be found at: and more specifically at:,%20Isaac,%20Jacob%20and%20the%20Nation%20Israel. 1Chron. 16:18
629. The immutability of God’s promises helps to explain why the king in Esther could not make one law one day, and then rescind this law the next. 1Chron. 16:18
630. The division of verses in the Bible is not inspired. 1Chron. 16:18
631. God sometimes shows you what He is going to give you; once you develop capacity for that thing. 1Chron. 16:19
632. The Land of Promise during the time of Abraham. 1Chron. 16:19
633. God giving us a preview of coming attractions; God letting us see what He may give us in the future. 1Chron. 16:20
634. Whiners calling into talk radio and talking about just how hard their lives are. Possessions of the poor. The children without shoes in the Sudan. The key is capacity for life. 1Chron. 16:20
635. An allusion to Psalm 105 we looked at both the travels of Abraham and the journeys of the other patriarchs. 1Chron. 16:20
636. The incredible prosperity of Abraham and Jacob. 1Chron. 16:21
637. God’s blessings to us; He does not suddenly just take them away because we have sinned. 1Chron. 16:21
638. Trying to separate clergy from non-clergy; the gifts which God has given us. 1Chron. 16:22
639. Living in the devil’s world under Satanic attack. 1Chron. 16:22
640. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Christian Martyrs Versus Muslim Martyrs. 1Chron. 16:22
641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Islam versus Christian Links. 1Chron. 16:22
642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did God the Holy Spirit Include Portions of these Psalms in Chronicles? 1Chron. 16:22
643. It is my suggestion that you study Psalm 96 (PDF) 1Chron. 16:23
644. How the music program was put on for the Ark; the interaction between David and Asaph. Relate that to my dealing with husbands when I was a real estate agent. 1Chron. 16:23
645. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chron. 16:23a from Psalm 96:1b. 1Chron. 16:23
646. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Joshua (or Jeshua), in the Greek, is Jesus. 1Chron. 16:23
647. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chron. 16:23b from Psalm 96:2c. 1Chron. 16:23
648. An allusion to my 12 page chart where we examine 6 aspects of our Lord’s life and mission, and line up Old and New Testament texts side-by-side, from every section of Scripture (A Chart of Christ Jesus in the Old and New Testaments). This is found at: 1Chron. 16:23
649. When the destruction of Shiloh was not covered in the book of Samuel, I was, at one time, concerned about this. 1Chron. 16:23
650. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:24a from Psalm 96:3a. 1Chron. 16:24
651. Allusions to the doctrines Gentile Evangelism in the Old Testament and later in the short doctrine Old Testament Calls to Evangelize the Gentiles. 1Chron. 16:24
652. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:24b from Psalm 96:3b. 1Chron. 16:24
653. In eternity future, you will get to see the results of your spiritual life and how your life impacted many others positively. 1Chron. 16:24
654. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Greatness of God—Scriptural References. 1Chron. 16:25
655. There is only one efficacious sacrifice. 1Chron. 16:25
656. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Online Doctrines for Satan, Demonism and the Angelic Conflict. 1Chron. 16:26
657. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:26b from Psalm 96:5b. 1Chron. 16:26
658. Allusions to Psalm 96, and Scripture on idolatry as opposed to the God of the Universe. 1Chron. 16:26
659. My unique interpretation of 1Chron. 16:27; no other commentator seemed to see it my way, and I have listed their comments in Psalm 96, under the heading: What Does it Mean for Majesty and Splendor [to be] Before Him?
660. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:27a from Psalm 96:6a. 1Chron. 16:27
661. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:27b from Psalm 96:6b. 1Chron. 16:27
662. Allusions to the Tabernacle or the Temple, so there is more commentary along those lines in the exegesis of Psalm 96. 1Chron. 16:27
663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:28a from Psalm 96:7a. 1Chron. 16:28
664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translations and Interpretations of 1Chronicles 16:28/Psalm 96:7 Part I. 1Chron. 16:28
665. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translations and Interpretations of 1Chronicles 16:28/Psalm 96:7 Part II. 1Chron. 16:28
666. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translations and Interpretations of 1Chronicles 16:28/Psalm 96:7 Part III. 1Chron. 16:28
667. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Does This Mean Ascribe to Jehovah glory and strength? 1Chron. 16:28
668. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:29a from Psalm 96:8a. 1Chron. 16:29
669. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:29b from Psalm 96:8b. 1Chron. 16:29
670. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: 1Chronicles 16:29 Explained (by way of Psalm 96:8). 1Chron. 16:29
671. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:29d from Psalm 96:9a. 1Chron. 16:29
672. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Closing Points on the Beauty of His Holiness. 1Chron. 16:29
673. What does it mean for the psalmist to tell the earth to tremble before God, and then turn around and say that the earth cannot be moved. 1Chron. 16:30
674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:30b from Psalm 96:10b. 1Chron. 16:30
675. Environmentalists who do not worship God worship His creation, the earth. 1Chron. 16:30
676. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:30c from Psalm 96:10c. 1Chron. 16:30
677. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:31a from Psalm 96:11a. 1Chron. 16:31
678. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:31b from Psalm 96:10a. 1Chron. 16:31
679. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Old Testament Calls to Evangelize the Gentiles. 1Chron. 16:31
680. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:33a from Psalm 96:12b–13a. 1Chron. 16:33
681. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:33b from Psalm 96:13c. 1Chron. 16:33
682. God’s judgment is welcomed by men; it is something to look forward to. Hollywood’s Satanic influence to get us away from cheering for the hero. How you can become a multi-millionaire. 1Chron. 16:33
683. Where there are only 3 verses from Psalm 106 in 1Chron. 16. 1Chron. 16:34
684. An allusion to Psalm 106 (PDF) 1Chron. 16:34
685. My sorry Christian life. 1Chron. 16:34
686. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary on 1Chronicles 16:34 from Psalm 106:1. 1Chron. 16:34
687. Musing as to why most of Psalm 106 is missing from 1Chron. 16. 1Chron. 16:35
688. The 5th cycle of discipline. 1Chron. 16:35
689. Wâw consecutives and narratives. 1Chron. 16:36
690. The natural emotional response of the people to the end of this celebration. 1Chron. 16:36
691. Why David did not bring the Ark to Gibeon or the Tabernacle to Zion. 1Chron. 16:36
692. The meaning of the 2nd no-water situation in the desert. 1Chron. 16:37
693. People in authority need to be able to delegate. Authority over large corporations. When people do not measure up. Assistant pastors. 1Chron. 16:37
694. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God the Holy Spirit is in the Details. 1Chron. 16:37
695. Who are these 68 people? Who are they related to and what are their duties? 1Chron. 16:38
696. Clergy and laity in the Old Testament. 1Chron. 16:38
697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Doesn't David Move the Tabernacle to Jerusalem? 1Chron. 16:39
698. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Two High Priests. 1Chron. 16:39
699. Allusions to 1Chron. 15:1. There is a color coded chart of kings and priests prophets in 1Chron. 6, which I must have gone back and referred to a couple dozen times, just to orient myself to the names of the prophets, priests and kings. 1Chron. 16:39
700. How the Tabernacle got to Gibeon. 1Chron. 16:39
701. The Tabernacle worship may have been empty. 1Chron. 16:39
702. Spiritual service which cannot be seen. 1Chron. 16:39
703. The altar of the Burnt Offering. 1Chron. 16:40
704. David knew what needed to be done based upon his reading of the Mosaic Law. 1Chron. 16:40
705. Names found in the Bible. 1Chron. 16:41
706. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who is responsible for what? 1Chron. 16:42
707. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Problems and Solutions concerning Who does What. 1Chron. 16:42
708. God has a place for each one of us, and specific responsibilities. We function as a team. 1Chron. 16:42
709. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke Rants about Musical Instruments. 1Chron. 16:42
710. David’s mistakes; David and Michal. 1Chron. 16:43
711. I live on street of angry people. 1Chron. 16:43
712. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Selman's Organization Revisited with Additional Parallels. 1Chron. 16 Addendum
713. The key to Chronicles is its divine perspective. 1Chron. 16 Addendum
714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is in 1Chronicles 16 that we do not Find Elsewhere? 1Chron. 16 Addendum
715. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 1Chronicles 16. 1Chron. 16 Addendum
716. 2Sam. 7 and Psalm 89 referenced.
717. 1Chronicles 17 The Davidic Covenant (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
718. Why the Bible repeats certain incidents; the reasons for 4 gospels. Primary and secondary sources. 1Chron. 17 Introduction
719. Partial listing of Scriptures which reference the Davidic Covenant. 1Chron. 17 Introduction
720. The author/editor of Chronicles and some isagogics on the time during which he lived. 1Chron. 17 Introduction
721. Making use of downtime; time when you are not under a myriad of pressures. 1Chron. 17:1
722. The Davidic wars are mentioned in 2Sam. 7 but not here; why? 1Chron. 17:1
723. David spending downtime with Nathan the prophet. A little about Nathan. 1Chron. 17:1
724. David taking stock of his life at this time. 1Chron. 17:1
725. Your possessions, your house and your happiness. 1Chron. 17:1
726. Environmental balance. 1Chron. 17:1
727. The order of events in David’s life pertinent this 1Chron. 17. 1Chron. 17:1
728. David’s exact plans are not laid out in our text for Nathan. The Bible often understates a situation. 1Chron. 17:1
729. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Our Takeaway from 1Chronicles 17:1. 1Chron. 17:1
730. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Doesn't God Require David to Bring the Ark and the Tabernacle Together? 1Chron. 17:1
731. Incomplete spiritual projects and unsullied dreams. 1Chron. 17:1
732. Goals in our temporal lives. 1Chron. 17:1
733. Believers are fallible; you cannot believe every person who sounds holy or authoritative. 1Chron. 17:2
734. Don’t be jealous because David had Nathan the prophet to ask spiritual guidance questions. 1Chron. 17:2
735. God purposely does not give us exact mechanics when it comes to God speaking to prophets or guiding people with the ephod or with casting lots. 1Chron. 17:3
736. The chain of command, illustrated with the pastor and the president; wealthy men and the church. 1Chron. 17:4
737. The pastor, even with authority, does not follow his congregants around and tell them what to do. Authority of the pastor vs. the human volition of his congregants. 1Chron. 17:4
738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Doesn't God Allow David to Build a Temple for Him? 1Chron. 17:4
739. How Solomon building the Temple relates to Until I make Your enemies a footstool for your feet. 1Chron. 17:4
740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Does it Mean for an Omnipresent God to Concentrate His Presence? 1Chron. 17:5
741. Did the Jews have a house of worship in Egypt? 1Chron. 17:5
742. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Domiciles Occupied by the Lord. 1Chron. 17:5
743. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Walks with His People. 1Chron. 17:6
744. The leaders of a nation are appropriate to that nation. 1Chron. 17:6
745. The war between Israel and Hamas. The hatred of Israel by much of the Middle East. The Middle East will continue in poverty because of this hatred. Anti-Semitism in America and its current results. 1Chron. 17:6
746. The parallels between the cross and the crown, the advent of Jesus Christ and the Millennium, the Tabernacle and the Temple, and David and Solomon. 1Chron. 17:6
747. Progressive revelation. 1Chron. 17:6
748. The hierarchy of authority in David’s life. 1Chron. 17:7
749. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God is with David (and He is with Us). 1Chron. 17:8
750. Personal enemies and our dealings with our personal enemies. 1Chron. 17:8
751. The intentional wearing-down of the Jews by their enemies. 1Chron. 17:9
752. A population decays from the inside out. The state of our nation and its decline with respect to our spiritual life. Placing your faith in government or in a man si equivalent to worshiping an idol. 1Chron. 17:9
753. Comparing the author of Samuel to the editor of Chronicles and the times during which they wrote. 1Chron. 17:10
754. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Subdues Our Enemies. 1Chron. 17:10
755. Confusion in our nation about our own enemies. President George Bush is excoriated while the same people have few harsh words for the terrorists who have attacked us and continue to attack innocent people all over the world. 1Chron. 17:10
756. The attacks of the nonviolent left in the United States. 1Chron. 17:10
757. Our enemies need to be killed, not placated or understood. 1Chron. 17:10
758. The terrorists held in Guantanamo Bay. 1Chron. 17:10
759. Nations rot from the inside first. The illustration of the fall of the Black church. Our poor selection of Obama. 1Chron. 17:10
760. The differences between the Samuel and the Chronicles texts could be attributed to memory. Why the Samuel text is probably weak. Various points on textual criticism. 1Chron. 17:11
761. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Near and Far Fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant. 1Chron. 17:11
762. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Davidic Covenant is Applied only to Jesus. 1Chron. 17:11
763. Establishing the throne of Christ as a root from the stump of David. Isa. 11 and 9. 1Chron. 17:12
764. Why the writer/editor of Chronicles left a portion of the Samuel text out. 1Chron. 17:13
765. References to: Psalm 89 (the Edification Complex) and 2Sam. 7 (the Divine Dynasphere).
766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpretations of "I will establish him [Him] in My House.". 1Chron. 17:14
767. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Progressive Revelation and the Messiah to Come. 1Chron. 17:14
768. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Order of Events. 1Chron. 17:14
769. One’s posture during prayer is not an issue. 1Chron. 17:16
770. The poker analogy and the spiritual life; playing for chips which are worthless and playing for chips which stand for money. 1Chron. 17:16
771. David’s humility (grace orientation). 1Chron. 17:16
772. Look at your own life and what has happened with you as a believer in Jesus Christ. 1Chron. 17:16
773. Your divine operating assets and how much they are worth. The stock picking analogy. 1Chron. 17:16
774. David’s insignificance in relation to the entire world. 1Chron. 17:17
775. God has put us in a place where we can fully exploit our spiritual assets. 1Chron. 17:17
776. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentators Interpret 1Chronicles 17:17. 1Chron. 17:17
777. Let Norm speak story. 1Chron. 17:18
778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: According to God's Thinking. 1Chron. 17:19
779. One false theory to explain the discrepancies in the Samuel and Chronicles texts. 1Chron. 17:20
780. There is not God like Jesus Christ. 1Chron. 17:20
781. The United States as a client nation and Israel as a client nation. The good that the United States has done in war. 1Chron. 17:21
782. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Assaults on the Four Divine Institutions in the United States. 1Chron. 17:21
783. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Uniqueness of Israel. 1Chron. 17:21
784. How God has dealt with man through the ages. 1Chron. 17:21
785. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Quick View of Redemption. 1Chron. 17:21
786. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Redemption. 1Chron. 17:21
787. Why it is important for God to make a name for Himself. Why Israel needs to be unique and known worldwide. Why the United States is known as a beacon of freedom and prosperity. 1Chron. 17:21
788. How God worked all things together for good with the Jews in Egypt. 1Chron. 17:21
789. An alternate interpretation of 1Chron. 17:21. 1Chron. 17:21
790. It is quite amazing for a group of slaves to rise up against a military force like Egypt. 1Chron. 17:21
791. Scriptures on the unique relationship between God and the Jews. 1Chron. 17:22
792. The evangelism of heathen in the Age of Israel. 1Chron. 17:22
793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Word House in 1Chronicles 17. 1Chron. 17:23
794. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Covenant Theology. 1Chron. 17:23
795. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scofield on the Title the Lord of Hosts (Jehovah Sabaoth). 1Chron. 17:24
796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Titles: the God of Israel and the God to Israel. 1Chron. 17:24
797. How Nathan coming to David and then David going directly to God sets a precedence for the Church Age. 1Chron. 17:26
798. We do not spiritualize these promises made by God to David. 1Chron. 17:26
799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Lists of the Promises of God. 1Chron. 17:26
800. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Sufferings of Christ and the Sufferings of Man. 1Chron. 17:27
801. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Never Forgets this Promise of God. 1Chron. 17:27
802. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Inconsistencies of the Samuel Text and the Chronicles Text. 1Chron. 17 Addendum
803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What About the Accuracy of the Bible? 1Chron. 17 Addendum
804. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Textual Criticism. 1Chron. 17 Addendum
805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does God Preserve 2Samuel 7 and 1Chronicles 17? 1Chron. 17 Addendum
806. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 1Chronicles 1. 1Chron. 17 Addendum
807. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 1Chronicles 17 and 2Samuel 7. 1Chron. 17 Addendum
808. 1Chronicles 18 David at War (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
809. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Additional Resources on the Davidic Covenant. 1Chron. 17 Addendum
810. David’s overall focus is “First seek the kingdom of God and all things will be added to you.” 1Chron. 18 Introduction
811. Where 1Chron. 18 fits chronologically. 1Chron. 18 Introduction
812. Summary of 1Chron. 18. 1Chron. 18 Introduction
813. We are very confused about war today. 1Chron. 18 Introduction
814. My being raised as a pacifist. My response to the Colonel’s teaching on war. 1Chron. 18 Introduction
815. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Points on War. 1Chron. 18 Introduction
816. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is a Righteous War? 1Chron. 18 Introduction
817. Our thinking has been shaped by the cosmic system. Bible doctrine is going to change our thinking and our standards. 1Chron. 18 Introduction
818. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary: All that God Told David—the Davidic Covenant. 1Chron. 18:1
819. A short explanation as to why God has a number of different dispensations with many different characteristics. 1Chron. 18:1
820. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scofield Analyses the Davidic Covenant. 1Chron. 18:1
821. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Doctrine of the Davidic Covenant. 1Chron. 18:1
822. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Essence of the Davidic Covenant. 1Chron. 18:1
823. An example of faith. 1Chron. 18:1
824. After teaching us Bible doctrine, God often gives us a pop quiz. 1Chron. 18:1
825. Metonym. 1Chron. 18:1
826. The Bush Doctrine. 1Chron. 18:1
827. R. B. Thieme Jr.’s correct interpretation of history. South Africa and Rhodesia. 1Chron. 18:1
828. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Israel and the Philistines. 1Chron. 18:1
829. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David and the King of Gath. 1Chron. 18:1
830. President Woodrow Wilson and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and President Truman. 1Chron. 18:1
831. David’s relationship with the Moabites. 1Chron. 18:2
832. Paying tribute in the ancient world. 1Chron. 18:2
833. Suzerain-vassal treaty. 1Chron. 18:2
834. The change of thinking from one generation to the next. The rejection of anti-Semitism by the conservative movement. Equivocation of Jews and Arabs in the Democratic party. 1Chron. 18:2
835. The territories conquered by Israel form a buffer zone for Israel. 1Chron. 18:2
836. David’s study of Scripture. His reading of Numbers, which tells about Edom, Amalek, and Assyria. 1Chron. 18:2
837. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Israel During David's Kingdom (Map). 1Chron. 18:3
838. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Zobah. 1Chron. 18:3
839. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Kingdoms of Saul, David and Solomon. 1Chron. 18:3
840. David applies the Bush doctrine. 1Chron. 18:3
841. How far Israel’s empire extended. 1Chron. 18:3
842. The key to stability of North America. 1Chron. 18:3
843. Chariots and the Jews. 1Chron. 18:4
844. Application of faith in God and our function in life. 1Chron. 18:4
845. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Easton on Damascus. 1Chron. 18:5
846. Nationalism in a nutshell. 1Chron. 18:5
847. Cosmic thinking, live and let live, melting pot. 1Chron. 18:5
848. Why copyists did not insert an obviously missing word. 1Chron. 18:6
849. Why the cities in 1Chron. 18:8 do not match those in 2Sam. 8:8. 1Chron. 18:6
850. Tibhath and Chun. 1Chron. 18:8
851. Laying us treasures in heaven. 1Chron. 18:8
852. The bronze sea. 1Chron. 18:8
853. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Hamath. 1Chron. 18:9
854. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Hadoram's of Scripture. 1Chron. 18:10
855. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Map Showing Hamath. 1Chron. 18:10
856. Paying tribute in the Old Testament. 1Chron. 18:10
857. Blessings from God; being focused on God. 1Chron. 18:11
858. David and Ammon. 1Chron. 18:11
859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is David Amassing Blood Money? 1Chron. 18:11
860. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of the Countries around Israel. 1Chron. 18:11
861. David's study of the Old Testament. David's wealth. 1Chron. 18:11
862. Supervisors get the credit. 1Chron. 18:12
863. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Recap of the Apparent Differences of Psalm 60, 2Sam. 8 and 1Chron. 18. 1Chron. 18:12
864. Our foolish notions about what constitutes a foreign encroachment. What the Unitee Staes has done historically is unprecedented. 1Chron. 18:13
865. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallel Structure of 1Chronicles 18. 1Chron. 18:13
866. The reason for this parallel structure. 1Chron. 18:13
867. David's application of leadership and power. 1Chron. 18:14
868. Why men would rebel against perfect government. How this applies to the United States in 2009. 1Chron. 18:14
869. David, the just and righteous king. David is a type of Christ, revealing the character of God. God uses are life to reveal Himself to us. The proper and improper function of government. 1Chron. 18:14
870. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Condensed View of Joab. 1Chron. 18:15
871. A good leader can properly delegate authority and his leadership is defined by his delegation of authority. 1Chron. 18:15
872. The relationship between the military and political structure. 1Chron. 18:15
873. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Background on Zadok the Priest. 1Chron. 18:16
874. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: History of the Dual Priesthoods. 1Chron. 18:16
875. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Abiathar—Part I. 1Chron. 18:16
876. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is the Problem with Ahimelech, Abiathar and Zadok? 1Chron. 18:16
877. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories as to Why is Ahimelech Listed as the Priest Here? 1Chron. 18:16
878. Abiathar in the New Testament. 1Chron. 18:16
879. The duties of Seraiah (Shavsha). 1Chron. 18:16
880. Why Cherethites and Pelethites ought to be transliterated and not translated. 1Chron. 18:17
881. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Cherethites. 1Chron. 18:17
882. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pelethites. 1Chron. 18:17
883. David's might men are a melting pot. 1Chron. 18:17
884. David's sons are priests? Explanation of the Samuel passage. 1Chron. 18:17
885. Guzik on order and organization. 1Chron. 18:17
886. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of 1Chronicles 18. 1Chron. 18 Addendum
887. 1Chronicles 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
888. For 1Chron. 27:7, see ISBE on “Asahel.”
889. 1Chronicles 28 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
890. 1Chronicles 29 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
Topics Covered in 2 Chronicles
1. Do Upper and Lower Beth-horon here. 2Chron. 8:5
2. Beth-zur in 2Chron. 11:7 (good stuff in ZPEB)
3. Do Azekah. 2Chron. 11:9.
4. Do Maresha in 2Chron. 14:9 or so. See Keil & Delitzsch’s Commentary on the Old Testament; ©1966 Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.; Vol. II, p. 121.
5. Do Valley of Hinnon (see Barnes Vol. 2 pp. 387-388. 2Chron. 28:3
Topics Covered in the Book of Ezra
1. Whatever
2. Relationship between Sheshbazzar, Shealtiel and Zerubbabel (see 1Chron. 3 and Archer’s Difficulties p. 216. Ezra 1:8
Topics Covered in the Book of Nehemiah
1. Whatever
Topics Covered in the Book of Esther
1. Whatever
2. The doctrine of unhappiness and of happiness of the unbeliever---not done yet!!! Esther 5:9–13
Doctrines and Topics found in the Book of Job
1. God’s direct intervention in our lives and miracles. Introduction to the Book of Job “The Authority and Canonicity of the Book of Job.”
2. Satan’s absolute evil and depravity. Introduction to the Book of Job “The Purpose of the Book of Job.”
3. Job 1:1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
4. R. B. Thieme, Jr. and Satan means attorney and the objections made by Satan. Job 1 Introduction
5. The limited vocabulary of Job in the first chapter. Job 1 Introduction
6. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Job 1. Job 1 Introduction
7. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Job 1. Job 1 Introduction
8. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Job 1. Job 1 Introduction
9. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Problems with and Questions about the Book of Job. Job 1 Introduction
10. The book of Job is not allegorical; however, it may have been a primer. Job 1 Introduction
11. Why Job is different from the other historical books we have studied. Job 1:1
12. The myriad of things that we do not know about the book of Job. Job 1:1
13. The location of Uz. Job 1:1
14. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Israel and Surrounding Area (map). Job 1:1
15. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Opinions as to the Location of Uz. Job 1:1
16. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: People Named "Uz" in the Bible. Job 1:1
17. The name of Job. Job 1:1
18. Why Job is not Joab. Job 1:1
19. Why the book of Job is not a parable. Job 1:1
20. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Tâm. Job 1:1
21. Allusion to the Doctrine of the Edification Complex Structure (HTML) (PDF) (Bible Doctrine Resource). Job 1:1
22. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Yâshar. Job 1:1
23. The straightedge of Job’s soul. Job 1:1
24. Explaining the fear of God. Job 1:1
25. The attacks upon divine establishment in the United States today. Job 1:1
26. Why we will not necessarily embrace evil, find out it is wrong, and then reject it. Job 1:1
27. Why the 1950's were so idyllic. Job 1:1
28. What was lacking in the 1050's to exploit the evangelism. Job 1:1
29. Examples of evil and evil-thinking today. Job 1:1
30. Allusion to Psalm 21 (HTML) (PDF). Job 1:1
31. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Evil. Job 1:1
32. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Todd Kennedy's Doctrine of Evil. Job 1:1
33. The 4 things which describe the mature believer. Job 1:1
34. Children are blessings of God. Job 1:2
35. Wâw consecutives and imperfect verbs. Job 1:2
36. You may have screwed up your children, but you can begin to fix that (depending on their age). Job 1:2
37. Exercising authority and power. Job 1:2
38. The leadership of a father can have rippling effects for generations. Job 1:2
39. Your responsibilities as one being in authority. Job 1:2
40. These details in Job’s life indicate that he is a real person. Job 1:2
41. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Timeline: From Noah to Isaac (chart). Job 1:2
42. The age of Job. Job 1:2
43. Job’s elders. Job 1:2
44. Job probably lived between the time of Serug and Abraham. Job 1:2
45. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Mîqeneh (מִקְנֶה) [pronounced mik-NEH]. Job 1:3
46. Camels, oxen, she-asses. Job 1:3
47. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Estimation of Job's Net Worth (2013). Job 1:3
48. The limitations of wealth in the ancient world. Job 1:3
49. The normal accumulation of wealth over a lifetime. Job 1:3
50. Wealth inequities are often just a function of age. Job 1:3
51. Job’s wealth. Job 1:3
52. Confusion about slavery in the United States. Job 1:3
53. Reference to the Doctrine of Slavery (HTML) (PDF). Job 1:3
54. The poetry of this portion of Job. Job 1:3
55. The list of animals suggests great antiquity of the book of Job. Job 1:3
56. Job’s wealth. Job 1:3
57. Given that period of time, the accumulation of wealth takes time. Job 1:3
58. Job as the wealthiest man of the east versus being the wealthiest man in history (up to that point in time). Job 1:3
59. Land may not have played a part in Job’s wealth. Job 1:3
60. Job and the less fortunate. Job 1:3
61. The problem of wealth and being sued. Responsibility of wealth. Job 1:3
62. Communism distorting the Bible and what it says about wealth. Job 1:3
63. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Wealthy Men in the Bible. Job 1:3
64. References to God and the Poor (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Jesus is not a liberal (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Liberalism versus Conservatism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); The Bible, Wealth and Private Property (HTML) (PDF). Job 1:3
65. Job’s sons were wealthy. Job’s family had great rapport. Job 1:4
66. Birthday meals versus a weekly round of dinners. Job 1:4
67. My brother’s accident and subsequent time in traction drawing our family together. Job 1:4
68. Ancient world professions. Job 1:4
69. The family get together were not drunken revelries. Job 1:4
70. The book of Job and sexism. Job 1:4
71. Circuit of feasts suggests a weekly set of feasts. Job 1:5
72. It is unclear to whom Job sent his messengers. Job 1:5
73. To consecrate or to set aside. Job 1:5
74. Spiritual matters handled within the family. Job 1:5
75. Sacrifices in the time of Job. Job 1:5
76. Getting up early in the morning to conduct spiritual matters. Job 1:5
77. Jess covering the grill with pancakes. Job 1:5
78. The concept of a priest. Job 1:5
79. Holidays and the lessening of the spiritual impact over the years. Job 1:5
80. The feasts of Job’s children may have begun as spiritual feasts, but, over the years, became family dinners. Job 1:5
81. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Possible reasons why most translators render bârake to mean curse. Job 1:5
82. Changing the Bible, copyists and this word to bless. Job 1:5
83. Parents, adult children, and their relationship to God. Job 1:5
84. Job’s children ought to be contacting him as the family priest about sacrifices for their sins. Job 1:5
85. Job’s children did not know that there would be a Jesus Who would die for our sins. Most Jews knew there would be a Messiah, and knew many of the messianic passages, but could not completely enumerate all that the Messiah would be or do. If John the Baptizer was uncertain about Jesus, then why do we think that many or even some Jews knew what to expect with the Messiah. Job 1:5
86. References to Jesus in the Old and New Testaments (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Messianic prophecies (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Jesus in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and Satan Did Not Know about the Cross (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 1:5
87. The great angelic convocation/the courtroom of God. Job 1:6
88. This convocation is not a parable of some sort. Job 1:6
89. The reality of the unseen. Plato’s shadows on the cave wall. Job 1:6
90. The sons of God are angels. Job 1:6
91. God has allowed those to oppose Him continue to live. Job 1:6
92. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Use of Sâţân in Scripture. Job 1:6
93. The misery that Satan causes will justify his burning in hell forever. Job 1:6
94. The Life Application Bible on Satan. Job 1:6
95. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The American English Bible on the Names and Designations Satan. Job 1:6
96. Quotes on the existence of Satan. Job 1:6
97. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Angelic Conflict. Job 1:6
98. Reference to 1Chronicles 13 (HTML) (PDF). Job 1:6
99. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict. Job 1:6
100. The Angelic Conflict is the key to understanding the book of Job. Job 1:6
101. God asks questions of believers and unbelievers. When in fellowship, God does not ask a question to begin a dialogue. We may even want to postulate at this time that, God asking someone a question means (1) they are a believer out of fellowship; or (2) they are an unbeliever; or (3) they are a fallen angel. This is a working theory. God and protocol. Job 1:7
102. Why God asks Satan where he has come from, if God is omniscient. Job 1:7
103. Satan’s answer to God’s question implies that the earth is round. Job 1:7
104. Satan is not omniscient or omnipresent. Job 1:7
105. The conflict between good and evil. Satan’s appeal trial. Job 1:7
106. The earth is a rarity in this universe; unique. Job 1:7
107. Satan’s confinement to earth is future. Job 1:7
108. Satan’s dominion is not hell; it is this world. Job 1:7
109. Satan’s attempt to control our thinking. Job 1:7
110. Media brainwashing on sex and relationships. Job 1:7
111. Media attack upon families. Job 1:7
112. Spanking and its abuse and misinformation about spanking. Time out. Job 1:7
113. Satan attacks the divine institution of work. Job 1:7
114. The person who sins, immediately points the finger at someone else. Job 1:8
115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Guzik: "What Does Satan Consider Regarding the Saints of God?" Job 1:8
116. The mature believer when in fellowship reflects the character of God. Job 1:8
117. Since God’s description of Job matches the Bible’s description of Job, that tells us that the Bible is the Word of God. Job 1:8
118. Tâm and yâshâr again. Job 1:8
119. Because we have the divine operating assets, we can fulfill the plan of God, which is to glorify God. Job 1:8
120. We are not all going to be little Job’s. Job 1:8
121. Christians can be far too casual about their relationship with the Lord. Job 1:8
122. Avoiding sin and avoiding evil. Examples of evil today. Job 1:8
123. Job avoids the cosmic system and he avoid cosmic thinking. Job 1:8
124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Evil. Job 1:8
125. Satan knew who Job was. Job 1:8
126. Satan’s and his minions are going to take notice of believers who are growing. Job 1:9
127. The approach that Satan does not take. Job 1:9
128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Fear of the Lord (in the Old Testament). Job 1:9
129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Reasons the New Testament Believer Needs to Know the Old Testament. Job 1:9
130. The first linear genealogy in the Bible contains the gospel message. Job 1:9
131. Reference to the parallels between the birth of Isaac and the birth of Jesus. (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 1:9
132. Reference to the offering of Isaac and the offering of our Lord. Job 1:9
133. There are at least 100 instances where Jesus Christ is foreshadowed in the Old Testament. Job 1:9
134. Reference to the Lucky Guesses Found in Genesis (HTML) (PDF). Job 1:9
135. Reference to Lesson #236 in the Exegetical Study of the Bible (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 1:9
136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scientific Principles Found in the Bible. Job 1:9
137. Satan’s cynicism. Job 1:9
138. The book of Job is as much a trial of God as it is of Job. Job 1:9
139. The pursuit of riches can be a temptation and a snare for the believer. Job 1:9
140. The motivation behind Satan’s objections. Job 1:9
141. God shows in human history that He is worthy of our love and devotion; and Satan and his followers are worthy of the Lake of Fire. Job 1:9
142. Why does God demand our glorification? Job 1:9
143. Angels thinking and speaking immediately after being created. Job 1:9
144. The limited vocabulary of Job so far. Job 1:10
145. The hedge around the believer. Job 1:10
146. Don’t buy $10,000 worth of penny stocks so that God now has the chance to bless you. Job 1:10
147. Collecting welfare and public assistance is not the plan for most believers. Job 1:10
148. Job’s wealth breaking out all over the land. Job 1:10
149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Provision for the Believer. Job 1:10
150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Protection and Blessing Psalm—Psalm 34. Job 1:10
151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Verses on the Protection of God. Job 1:10
152. Satan wants God to reach out and harm Job. Satan wants God to touch all that Job has. Job 1:11
153. The word bless stands in for the word to curse. Job 1:11
154. Satan’s questions have nothing to do with eliciting information. Job 1:11
155. Satan is evil and vindictive. Job 1:11
156. Perhaps human history is designed to run until all of Satan’s objections are answered. Despite Satan’s genius, there will come a point where Satan has not more objections. Job 1:11
157. Example of a student coming up with objections to Christianity. Job 1:11
158. The goodness of my life with doctrine. Job 1:11
159. The joy of discovering in your life what you want to do with it. Job 1:11
160. I was worried, as a young believer, that God was going to send me to the mission field. Job 1:11
161. Satan does not want to give Job greater blessing, and show that Job will bless him; he wants God to allow harm to come to Job so that Job will curse God. Job 1:11
162. Nearly all political movements are designed to shut down evangelism and Bible doctrine. They are all attacks against the truth. Job 1:12
163. Gay issues and Christianity. Job 1:12
164. Communism and socialism and Christianity. Job 1:12
165. Schools began in order to promote the reading of the Bible. The state takes over and almost eliminates any reference to the Bible. Job 1:12
166. People used to know the Bible and argue from the Bible. Job 1:12
167. We do not know the exact nature of what God is allowing Satan to do, or how this is enforced. However, Satan is not going to work with the honor system. Job 1:12
168. The oldest complete book of the Bible gives us all kind of information about Satan and the Angelic Conflict. Job 1:12
169. Some of Satan’s objections which he has made to God. God’s essence is fundamental to all of Satan’s objections. Job 1:12
170. A brief view of the Angelic Conflict and Thieme’s theory. Job 1:12
171. Although Job will endure great suffering, there is an upside to Job’s life. Job 1:12
172. People who are wrong and hardheaded about it can be quite infuriating. Benghazi as an example. Job 1:12
173. The desire to take some liberal and drop him into Benghazi so he sees firsthand what goes on. Job 1:12
174. Human history is like a 6000 year morality play. Job 1:12
175. Examples of WWII soldiers who will tell you, “It was worth it.” Job 1:12
176. Reference to the Dick and Jane Reading Collection that many of us were exposed to in grammar school (depending upon your age; apparently these were used between the 30's and the 70's). Job 1:13
177. Satan spends time in the courtroom of God and on earth. Planets like the earth are rare; probably non-existent. Peculiarities of the earth. Job 1:13
178. The great blessing of Job’s family. Job 1:13
179. Two possible reasons why wine is mentioned. Job 1:13
180. Job did not attend these dinners. Job 1:13
181. Various uses of maleʾâke (מַלְאָ) [pronounced mahle-AWKe] (messenger). Job 1:14
182. How some groups of people lived in those days. Job 1:15
183. Satan cannot control people who are not willing to be controlled. Job 1:15
184. God protects the assets of the growing or mature believer. Job 1:15
185. Sabæans. Sheba. Job 1:15
186. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who is Shebâʿ? Job 1:15
187. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: T. G. Pinches on the Sabaeans. Job 1:15
188. The various meanings of naʿar (נַעַר) [pronounced NAH-ģahr] (boy). Job 1:15
189. Satan’s limited ability to control others. Job 1:15
190. How does Satan work in the Sabæans? Job 1:15
191. The time frame of the Satanic attacks. Job 1:15
192. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Will we as believers be tested like Job was? Job 1:15
193. Job’s great suffering. It is probably unique. Job 1:15
194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Devil's World. Job 1:15
195. Lightning; fire from God. Job 1:16
196. Satan has some control over natural disasters. Job 1:16
197. Fire and brimstone theories. Job 1:16
198. Facts about thunderstorms and lightning storms. Job 1:16
199. Satan’s two objectives. Job 1:16
200. The extent of this lightning storm. Job 1:16
201. How were these men guided to say nearly exactly the same thing? Job 1:16
202. My theory on the preservation of the Word of God. Job 1 is the easiest chapter to memorize. Job 1:17
203. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Dubious Origins of the Chaldeans. Job 1:17
204. Habakkuk describes the Chaldeans. Job 1:17
205. Early references to Chaldeans are rare. Job 1:17
206. Satan’s genius. Job 1:17
207. Possibly the feasts of the children of Job originally had a pious meaning; but were now more secular. Job 1:18
208. Satan has some control over the weather. Job 1:19
209. Tornadoes. Job 1:19
210. Same word for young people and servants used in this chapter. Job 1:19
211. Striking the house from all 4 corners was like the 4 messengers coming up to Job. Job 1:19
212. Job’s children never named. Job 1:19
213. This same series of events both reveals Satan for the horrendous evil that he favors; and at the same time, glorifies God. Job 1:19
214. Satan’s ability to predict future behavior of some men. Job 1:19
215. Satan’s true character. Job 1:19
216. Did Satan really believe that Job would turn against God? Job 1:19
217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is Such Suffering Reasonable in Order to Prove a Point? Job 1:19
218. Satan has no creative power. Job 1:19
219. This is like a government which has no creative power. Job 1:19
220. Ancient clothing; robes. Job 1:20
221. Shaving the head in the ancient world was related to grief. Job 1:20
222. Job worships God; he does not curse Him, as Satan predicted. Job 1:20
223. Grief is normal and grief is temporary. Job 1:20
224. When Job makes this great declaration, to whom is he speaking? Job 1:21
225. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Bible does not teach reincarnation. Job 1:21
226. The parallelism between the womb and mother earth. Job 1:21
227. Job recognizes the great blessing which has come at the hand of God. Job 1:21
228. God is not capricious. Job 1:21
229. The reversal of fortunes that we might experience from time to time; dealing with those who cause us financial harm. Job 1:21
230. McGee “How much did he leave?” “He left it all. He didn’t take anything with him.” Job 1:21
231. Possessions; temporal things. Job 1:21
232. Job’s attitude about the material things which he has lost. Job 1:21
233. We will leave the wealth of this life behind. Job 1:21
234. Our standards need to line up with God’s standards. Job 1:21
235. Job is not expressing fatalism. Job knows that God is in control; and Job has confidence in God. Job 1:21
236. Satan cannot predict the future or he believes what he said. He cannot understand the spiritual relationship between God and man. Job 1:21
237. Satan did not foresee the cross of Christ. Job 1:21
238. Material blessings are temporal and immaterial to the spiritual life. Job 1:21
239. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Do not depend upon wealth during times of tragedy. Job 1:21
240. The Bible is not anti-wealth or anti-capitalism. Job 1:21
241. Retirement; security of wealth. Job 1:21
242. Christianity is not just putting on a happy face. Job 1:22
243. When struck by difficult circumstances, we are not to swear or engage in mental attitude sins. Job 1:22
244. There is no consolation in philosophy. Job 1:22
245. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Job 1. Job 1 Addendum
246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Edersheim Summarizes the Book of Job. Job 1 Addendum
247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Job 1. Job 1 Addendum
248. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Job 1 as a Chiasmos. Job 1 Addendum
249. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Job 1 as a Chiasmos by L. J. Hodge. Job 1 Addendum
250. Job 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
251. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Suffering of Job (graphic). Job 2 Introduction
252. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Job 2. Job 2 Introduction
253. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Job 2. Job 2 Introduction
254. Reference to Job 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 2 Introduction
255. Reference to Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 2 Introduction
256. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Job 2. Job 2 Introduction
257. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry's Outline for Job 2. Job 2 Introduction
258. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary Outlines Job 2. Job 2 Introduction
259. Are angels subject to the same time as we are? Job 2:1
260. The convocation of angels would not have occurred on a yearly basis. Job 2:1
261. Why God questions Satan. Job 2:2
262. We do not know who wrote the book of Job. Job 2:2
263. Verb used suggests that the world is round. Job 2:2
264. Similar things about the earth found in the Bible. Job 2:2
265. Satan is not limited physically as we are. Job 2:2
266. We have the opportunity with spiritual assets to be the greatest believers ever. Spiritual maturity is a process. Job 2:3
267. Satan’s objections impugn God’s integrity and His relationship with His creatures. Job 2:3
268. The concept of being perfect. Job 2:3
269. How did Job’s spiritual life mature back then? Job 2:3
270. Present-day politicians compared to ancients. Job 2:3
271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ancient Law Codes. Job 2:3
272. The norms and standards of young people today. Job 2:3
273. Our found fathers were not deists, but those who believed in the Word of God. Job 2:3
274. Job is occupied with the Revealed Lord. Job 2:3
275. Momentum testing through disaster testing. Job 2:3
276. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Stages of Spiritual Growth. Job 2:3
277. Satan did not trick God. Job 2:3
278. Satan cannot devise a situation where God’s Word fails. Job 2:3
279. Satan will harm anyone. Job 2:3
280. Illustration of power-hungry politician. Job 2:3
281. Politicians do not create; they destroy and redistribute. Job 2:3
282. Choosing between God and Satan. Job 2:4
283. Saul Alinsky and his book dedicated to Lucifer. Job 2:4
284. Socialism and free enterprise. Job 2:4
285. Warfare with Satan. Job 2:4
286. Angelic Conflict. Job 2:4
287. Skin for skin. Job 2:4
288. Satan does not apologize for what he did to Job. Job 2:4
289. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpretations of "Skin for skin; he will give all he has for his life". Job 2:4
290. Satan has been shown to be wrong over and over again. Examples today of where he is wrong. Job 2:4
291. Inspiration does not make what Satan said true; it simply indicates that he said it. Job 2:4
292. Satan is the one willing to trade anyone for his life. Job 2:4
293. In Satan’s thinking, every man has his price; and he is wrong. Job 2:4
294. Cosmic thinking in the cosmic system. Job 2:4
295. Gang members getting others’ hands dirty. Job 2:5
296. Reference to Job 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 2:5
297. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Possible reasons why most translators render bârake to mean curse. Job 2:5
298. Satan seeks to exploit our lusts. Job 2:5
299. Reference to the Sin unto Death (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 2:5
300. Satan wants our lives as believers to be ineffectual. Job 2:5
301. Satan’s world; the hedge around Job. Job 2:5
302. Satan’s attack on Job’s health; Job dealing with this in real time. Job 2:6
303. Satan is probably not after us personally. Job 2:6
304. The 4 results of Satan’s attack upon Job. Job 2:6
305. Job was uncomfortable in any position. Job 2:7
306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories on the Disease Which Afflicted Job. Job 2:7
307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Job's Afflictions Variously Described. Job 2:7
308. Job’s severe discomfort. Job 2:8
309. Job was probably suffering outside of town in the dump. Job 2:8
310. Job may be homeless. Job 2:8
311. Speculation about Job’s wife. Job 2:9
312. Job married Dinah? Job 2:9
313. What Job’s wife appears to think about Job. Job 2:9
314. The Septuagint, textual criticism, and the Masoretic text. Job 2:9
315. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Greek Text. Job 2:9
316. When Job’s life when to crap, so did his wife’s. Job 2:9
317. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Job's Wife and Principles Derived from Their Relationship. Job 2:9
318. All that Satan took from Job, but he left Job his wife. Job 2:9
319. Job’s wife believes that Job’s life is over; he has nothing to live for. Job 2:9
320. Satan not knowing about the cross in advance. Job 2:9
321. Job keeps his cool and is respectful to his wife. Job 2:10
322. Job is willing to accept this rough patch; his wife is not. Job 2:10
323. Job 2:10 graphic. Job 2:10
324. Job understood God, but not the Angelic Conflict. Job 2:10
325. Difficulties do not solely afflict the sinful. Job 2:10
326. We are in the devil’s world and we sin ourselves. Job 2:10
327. Job’s patience with his wife; does not call her an insufferable bitch. Job 2:10
328. It is possible that the discussions between Job and his 3 friends was not something that Satan had planned on. In any case, Satan is out of the picture. Job 2:11
329. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gerard Seghers’ The Patient Job (graphic). Job 2:11
330. Job probably had good business practices, which is the reason 3 business associates went to see him. Job 2:11
331. A believer should be the most honorable businessman around. Job 2:11
332. Why stimulus bills do not stimulate the economy. Job 2:11
333. What we expect after an economic downturn. Job 2:11
334. One successful business helps another. Job 2:11
335. Eliphaz and the prosperity gospel. Job 2:11
336. People who are missionaries or pastors usually do not make large salaries. Job 2:11
337. The Iranian evangelist. Job 2:11
338. Wealth and happiness. Job 2:11
339. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Dating the Book of Job. Job 2:11
340. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Eliphaz. Job 2:11
341. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Teman. Job 2:11
342. Bildad. Job 2:11
343. Shuite. Job 2:11
344. Bildad’s emphasis. Job 2:11
345. Zophar. Job 2:11
346. Zophar’s emphasis. Job 2:11
347. Naamah. Job 2:11
348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary Sums up the Characteristics of these Men. Job 2:11
349. Job’s relationship with these 3 men. Job 2:11
350. Their reasons for coming to Job. Job 2:11
351. Catholic insertions into the book of Job. Job 2:11
352. We are not sure where Job is; perhaps at the dump. Job 2:12
353. The parallels to Christ. Job 2:12
354. The men were not prepared for Job to be so horrible looking. Job 2:12
355. The tearing of one’s clothes and the dust are all signs of grief. Job 2:12
356. Unexpect preposition found in v. 13. Job 2:13
357. They did sit in silence, but meals would nave necessitated prayers. Job 2:13
358. Reasons why these men do not begin to speak. Job 2:13
359. Some Christians think that God should heal their every disease. Job 2:13
360. These men would have learned truth not too many generations from Noah. Job 2:13
361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: USA Today Survey on Youth Values (graph). Job 2:13
362. How much the concept of right and wrong has changed. Job 2:13
363. Reference to the laws of divine establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 2:13
364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: McGee on What Satan has Taken from Job. Job 2:13
365. Job’s friends must have thought he deserved some of what he was getting. Job 2:13
366. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: McEwan's Doctrine of Suffering. Job 2:13
367. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Job 2. Job 2 Addendum
368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Job 2. Job 2 Addendum
369. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Job, a Type of Christ (graphic). Job 2 Addendum
370. Job 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
371. How do we distinguish between divine viewpoint and human viewpoint in the speeches in the book of Job? Job 3 Introduction
372. Progressive revelation and what early man knew. Job 3 Introduction
373. What Job’s friends are thinking. Job 3 Introduction
374. The Angelic Conflict and the book of Job. Job 3 Introduction
375. Seventh Heaven. A proposed successful television series. This is like the book of Job. Job 3 Introduction
376. The book of Job was before television and before books. Job 3 Introduction
377. That Job might be tested for approval is never considered by him or his associates. Job 3 Introduction
378. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Outline of the Discourses in Job. Job 3 Introduction
379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Job 3. Job 3 Introduction
380. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Job and His Three Associates (graphics). Job 3 Introduction
381. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Job 3. Job 3 Introduction
382. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Job 3. Job 3 Introduction
383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke's Outline of Job 3. Job 3 Introduction
384. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry's Outline of Job 3. Job 3 Introduction
385. The issues of the book of Job are suffering, God’s righteousness, God’s plan and purpose, and how men of Job’s era understood these things to interrelate. Job 3 Introduction
386. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 3 Introduction
387. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Principles that Introduce us to Job 3–31. Job 3 Introduction
388. There is a lot of gold to be mined in this chapter of Job, despite the difficulty of the text and the difficulty of determining when Job is expressing divine viewpoint.
389. Wâw consecutives and imperfect verbs. Job 3:2
390. We can feel enough pain and misery to outshine the most wonderful life. Job 3:3
391. Is Job asking for the day of his birth to perish or just stating it as fact? Job 3:3
392. Jeremiah cursing the day on which he was born. Job 3:3
393. Job does not have any Scripture that he may cling to. Job has the laws of divine establishment. Job 3:3
394. Job did not sin with his lips; illustrated with something Obama said to answer a question. Job 3:3
395. Relativism and the solid values taught in Job’s day. Job 3:4
396. Older people talking about their infirmities. Job 3:4
397. That day is a metonym for Job. Job 3:5
398. Returning to the nothingness of what we were before birth. Job 3:5
399. The eerie night cast of a daytime storm. Job 3:5
400. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translating Job 3:8. Job 3:8
401. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Explaining Leviathan. Job 3:8
402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Leviathan in Old Testament Scriptures. Job 3:8
403. It is possible that Job may have been plagued by professional cursers. A mention of the 99% movement in this context. Job 3:8
404. Tying v. 8 to v. 9. Job 3:9
405. Job calling his mother’s womb, my womb. Job 3:10
406. Transitioning from v. 9 to v. 10. Job 3:10
407. Job is not yet blaming God for this. Job 3:10
408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Two Approaches to Job 3:10. Job 3:10
409. Some bit of scientific inexactitude. Job 3:11
410. R. B. Thieme, Jr. teaches that we are ensouled at birth with our first breath. Job 3:11
411. When a person is ensouled, as per the book of Job. Job 3:11
412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke's 3 Deaths in Job. Job 3:11
413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Miscarriage in the Bible. Job 3:11
414. Logistical grace given from birth on, according to the psalmist. Job 3:12
415. Job is in such pain and distress, he sees no reason for his life. Job 3:12
416. Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) alluded to. Job 3:12
417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: When does life occur? Job 3:12
418. Our relationship as citizens and the national laws concerning abortion. Job 3:12
419. Civil action by a concerned Christian. Political involvement of the believer. Job 3:12
420. Job finds it very difficult to sleep or to get a good night’s rest in.
421. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Kîy attâh Translations. Job 3:13
422. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes Sums Up Job's Four Expressions of Happiness, Had He Died as an Infant. Job 3:13
423. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Death, as Understood by Job. Job 3:13
424. What the writer of Ecclesiastes recommends for all people. Job 3:14
425. The word ruins in v. 14. Job 3:14
426. Had Job died at birth, he would be in the grave with the rich and famous. Job 3:15
427. To Job’s way of thinking, his life was over with. Job 3:15
428. All of Job’s pain and suffering is from Satan, in order to try to prove a point. Job 3:15
429. Job’s statements do not prove a person has the same quality of life or the same essence in the womb or outside of it. Job 3:16
430. Not seeing light is equivalent of being born dead; being miscarried. Job 3:16
431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Does Job 3:16 Prove Personhood for the Unborn? Job 3:16
432. My personal thoughts on abortion. Job 3:16
433. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The limits of Job 3:16. Job 3:16
434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Placement of Job 3:16. Job 3:16
435. The difference between vv. 11–12 and v. 16. Job 3:16
436. On what basis may we challenge Job’s statements? Job 3:16
437. Malevolence of the soul and who suffers from it. Job 3:17
438. Death of the wicked. Job 3:17
439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Fallacy of Reincarnation. Job 3:17
440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Physical Death. Job 3:17
441. Slavery which is sanctioned by the Bible and that which is not. Job 3:18
442. The freedom of slaves at death. Job 3:19
443. Allusion to the Doctrine of Slavery (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 3:19
444. Businesses which do not pay their employees enough. Slave owners generally provided for all the needs of their slaves. Job 3:19
445. Slavery is not the great evil it is portrayed to be. Slavery brought many Blacks to Christ. Many slaves were taught to read and write. Job 3:19
446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Pulpit Commentary on What Job Expects at Death. Job 3:19
447. Why does God give life to those who are bitter in soul? Job 3:20
448. The use of ellipsis in v. 21. Job 3:21
449. Buried treasure in the ancient world. Job 3:21
450. Pain and suffering in the Tribulation. Job 3:21
451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why God Has Allowed Job to Continue Living. Job 3:21
452. The great joy of finding the grave. Job 3:22
453. The believer who is growing spiritually and is focused and then is suddenly hit with difficulties from left field. Job 3:23
454. The two hedges about Job. Job 3:23
455. Reference to Job 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Job 3:23
456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: McEwan's Doctrine of Suffering. (See Barnes notes in Job p. 138 and examine work which has been already done in previous verses). Job 3:23
457. Why God allows suffering in this life. Job 3:24
458. Job’s distresses may mirror those of our Lord’s. Job 3:24
459. Clarifying v. 25. Job 3:25
460. Job’s physical pains and eating. Job 3:25
461. Job is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Job 3:25
462. The 3 things which Job does not have in his life. Job 3:26
463. Job’s torment overshadows having 60–100 great years prior to this. Job 3:26
464. PTSD and Job. Job 3:26
465. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Dunagan's Final Remarks on Job's Final Remarks. Job 3:26
466. McGee, Barnes and Clarke eloquently conclude Job 3. Job 3:26
467. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What We Learn from Job 3. Job 3 Addendum
468. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Job 3. Job 3 Addendum
469. Was the Eliphaz of Job Esau’s son? Job 4:1
470. The Doctrine of Separation alluded to (Deut. 17:17). Job 4:5
471. Why do we exegete that which is clearly not God’s viewpoint? Job 4:6
472. Rationalization for the existence of angels and another unseen reality. Job 4:7
473. Personal evangelism and personal lifestyle. Job 4:7
474. Counseling. Job 4:7
475. Miracles and the Bible; healing and the Bible; technology and the spiritual life. Job 4:7
476. The unbeliever and empiricism and rationalism. Job 4:8
477. You reap what you sow. Job 4:8
478. Maybe the breathing of the Lord includes taking away our breath at death as well as giving our breath at birth? Job 4:9
479. Our bodies are made up of the same elements as the ground (good!). Job 4:19
480. Natural miracles found in both Strong’s #2714 BDB #350 and Job 5:9
481. Great quote by Barnes on the microscopic and the telescopic worlds created by God. Job 5:9
482. Status. Job 5:10
483. Why are some words found only in Job and Proverbs (a theory)? Job 5:12
484. The only verse of Job quoted in the NT. Job 5:13
485. Man is proud of his achievements and blames God for his shortcomings. Job 5:13
486. Reasons for suffering Job 5:27
487. Tough love Job 6:22
488. Money and responsibility; the lottery Job 6:23
489. The Doctrine of Money—not finished yet!! Job 6:23
490. The Doctrine of the Worm—not finished yet! Job 7:5
491. The disease of Job. Job 7:5
492. The Doctrine of Sheol (or Hades)—not finished yet!! (Job 7:9) See note in Scofield Bible for Hab. 2:5 and Luke 16:23 Examine this historically as well. See what is done in Job first (don’t forget Job 38:17)—that is, what was commonly accepted in his day—and then branch out from there. See p. 127 in Matthews “Manners and Customs...” Also, p. 311 of vol. IV of Keil and Delitzsch. Don’t forget the pit and the grave.
493. Deism; our lack of importance vs. our importance in this world. Job 7:17
494. Human IQ and deservance of same. Job 8:5
495. The typical advice of the short sighted believer. Job 8:6
496. The shortcomings of Bildad’s thinking. Job 8:22
497. A summary of Bildad’s points. Job 8:22
498. What Bildad said was essentially true. Job 9:2
499. Satan did not know what was coming with regards to Jesus Christ and the cross. Job 9:2
500. The hope of religion concerning sin and a just God. Job 9:2
501. The dramatic catastrophes of the end times. Job 9:6
502. Why did God close the canon of Scripture? Job 9:7
503. Pleiades. Job 9:9
504. Orion. Job 9:9
505. Arcturus, the cool star. Job 9:9
506. Miracles. Job 9:10
507. Rahab the sea monster. Job 9:13
508. Undeserved suffering and God’s perfect justice and righteousness. Job 9:17
509. AIDS, homosexuality, natural predilection to sin. Job 9:17
510. Textual criticism. Job 9:19
511. Job and Satan. Job 9:24
512. Mediator between God and man. Job 9:33
513. The canonicity of the book of Job. Job 9:33
514. Job is not claiming that he is sinless. Job 10:7
515. Man was created from the same elements as the earth. Job 10:9
516. Hendiadys (a figure of speech). Job 10:17
517. Abortion and this being used as a proof text. Job 10:18
518. Words for darkness. I need to make this into a chart. Job 10:22
519. From whence do we get right and wrong if there was no Law? Job 11:1
520. My roommate Don and the animals indigenous to Australia. Job 11:8
521. Healers and evangelists who promise you no more pain, discomfort or sickness. Job 11:13
522. Doctrine of the Designations of God in the Old Testament—not finished yet!! (Ex. 34:6; and see Scofield's notes here also). Yahweh, Elohim, El, etc. Possibly introduce this in Job 12:6 instead? Job 12:6
523. The name the Almighty or Shaddai. Job 12:6
524. Those in opposition to God (Ali, Zappa and O'Hair). Job 12:6
525. Nature and blessing and cursing. Job 12:7–8
526. Our national heritage. Job 12:12
527. The pastor’s with respect to teaching and the congregations Job with respect to learning. Job 12:22
528. The 15 places where we find lô׳ instead of lô (not instead of for him) and the three places where we find to him instead of not. Job 13:15
529. Satan’s motivation re: the cross. Job 14:4
530. Old Testament salvation. Job 14:4
531. Free will—pro and con. Job 14:5
532. The book of Job and revealed truth. Job 14:10
533. The east wind and its connotations (from Barnes—its good!). Job 15:2
534. This reference to taking sheaves from the hungry could refer to the Mosaic Law of leaving fallen sheaves behind for the poor. Job 24:10
535. Insert the differences between the word associated with light and darkness. Job 38:19 (see the Doctrine of Inspiration for this).
536. Guzik on the two themes of Job as explained by James: The revelation of the heavenly scene behind the earthly scene helps us to understand the later comment of James on Job: Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord – that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful. (James 5:11). The two great themes of the Book of Job, as explained by James, are the perseverance of Job and the end intended by the Lord, and it is important that we learn both themes. The end intended by the Lord (James 5:11) connects with God's eternal purpose as revealed in Ephesians 3:10-11 – that God intends that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose. God used Job to teach angelic beings, especially to teach them about His own spectacular wisdom.
537. accessed December 2, 2014 on Job 26:7. Also
1. The Psalm Chapter Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
3. Psalm 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
4. Maps, Charts, Short Doctrines: Psalms Classified by Author. Psalm 2 introduction
5. Maps, Charts, Short Doctrines: The Psalms Attributed to David in the New Testament. Psalm 2 introduction
6. Placing Psalm 2 in David’s life. Psalm 2 introduction
7. Christ’s short earthly ministry and crucifixion, the greatest event in history. Psalm 2:1
8. Barnes on Messiah. Psalm 2:2
9. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Messiah in the Hebrew and Greek. Psalm 2:2
10. To whom the anointed one refers. Psalm 2:2
11. Correct civil disobedience. Psalm 2:3
12. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Application/Fulfillments of Psalm 2:2. Psalm 2:2
13. Jewish people were confused as to the attributes of the coming Messiah. Psalm 2:2
14. Rulers who seeks to break out of the bonds and boundaries. Psalm 2:3
15. Application of the five interpretations. Psalm 2:3
16. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Governmental Attacks Upon the Four Divine Institutions. Psalm 2:3
17. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Attacks Made Against Marriage and Family (quoted from J. Vernon McGee). Psalm 2:3
18. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Attacks Made Against the Ten Commandments (quoted from J. Vernon McGee). Psalm 2:3
19. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes' Summary of Psalm 2:1–3. Psalm 2:3
20. God’s laugh in Psalm 2. Psalm 2:4
21. McGee on little man trying to oppose God. Psalm 2:4
22. God and the language of accommodation. Psalm 2:4
23. The Doctrine of Zion (Psalm 110) alluded to. Psalm 2:6
24. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallelisms of the First Two Stanzas of Psalm 2. Psalm 2:6
25. Jesus Christ is a fulfillment of prophecy. Psalm 2:7
26. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Qal of the Verb Yârad. Psalm 2:7
27. Jehovah’s Witnesses and their misunderstanding of Psalm 2:7. Psalm 2:7
28. What does this mean? Let me declare the degree of Yehowah: He said unto Me, “You [are] My Son; Today, I have given birth to You. Psalm 2:7
29. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry's Commentary on Psalm 2:7 and God's Decree. Psalm 2:7
30. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes' Three Points About the Inheritance Promised to God the Son. Psalm 2:8
31. The iron rod of Jesus Christ. Psalm 2:9
32. Jesus Christ returning to earth with an iron scepter. Psalm 2:9
33. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 82:1–8 (A Psalm of Asaph). Psalm 2:10
34. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Psalm 2:10–12 Exhorts Us to Do (Matthew Henry). Psalm 2:12
35. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Structure of Psalm 2. Psalm addendum
36. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scofield's Summary of Psalm 2. Psalm addendum
37. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: J. Vernon McGee at a Concert. Psalm addendum
38. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Translation of Psalm 2. Psalm addendum
39. Psalm 7 David Appeals to God While Being Persecuted (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
40. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Quotations Psalm 7 Preface
41. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Tertullian quotation (a graphic) Psalm 7 Preface
42. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Craig D. Lounsbrough quotation (a graphic) Psalm 7 Preface
43. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Saint Augustine quote (a graphic) Psalm 7 Preface
44. Quotations from John F. Kennedy, Bertrand Russell, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Richard Wurmbrand, Amy Harmon, Tertullian, Alistair Begg, Craig D. Lounsbrough, Martin Luther King Jr., Albert Camus, Saint Augustine, Voltaire, Lemony Snicket. Psalm 7 Preface
45. This psalm is about pursuit, deliverance and injustice. Psalm 7 Preface
46. Who Cush might be. Psalm 7 Preface
47. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: The Psalms —the Soundtrack of the Kingdom (a graphic) Psalm 7 Introduction
48. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7 (a graphic) Psalm 7 Introduction
49. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Specific Historical References in the Davidic Psalms Psalm 7 Introduction
50. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Psalm 7 (by various commentators) Psalm 7 Introduction
51. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7—A Plea for Help (a graphic) Psalm 7 Introduction
52. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Psalm 7 (various commentators) Psalm 7 Introduction
53. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Introduction
54. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: The Prequel of Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Introduction
55. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: The Principals of Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Introduction
56. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: By the Numbers Psalm 7 Introduction
57. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: A Synopsis of Psalm 7 (various commentators) Psalm 7 Introduction
58. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: A Summary of Psalm 7 (Arno Gaebelein) Psalm 7 Introduction
59. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Outlines of Psalm 7 (Various Commentators) Psalm 7 Introduction
60. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: 929 Synopsis of Psalm 7 (Rabbi Dr. David Z. Moster) Psalm 7 Introduction
61. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Lion (Photo) Psalm 7 Introduction
62. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: A Synopsis of Psalm 7 from the Summarized Bible Psalm 7 Introduction
63. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Introduction
64. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Psalm 7) Psalm 7 Introduction
65. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: The Meaning of Shiggaion (various translators and commentators) Psalm 7 Inscription
66. 4 ways that going astray (as the meaning of shiggaion) fits this psalm. Psalm 7 Inscription
67. David is benefitted by writing Scripture. Psalm 7 Inscription
68. I don’t think the there is a Benjamite named Cush. This is Saul. Saul’s history. Psalm 7 Inscription
69. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Does it really matter exactly who Cush is? Psalm 7 Inscription
70. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Who is Cush the Benjamite? (Various commentators and translators) Psalm 7 Inscription
71. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: References to Saul in the Psalms of David Psalm 7 Inscription
72. Why David might not name Saul specifically. Psalm 7 Inscription
73. When 300,000 refugees left Cambodia, it was Christians who came to their need. Psalm 7:1
74. The variety of Christian gifts; determining yours. Psalm 7:1
75. Chart/Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:1a-b David Trusts in God (various commentators) Psalm 7:1
76. Sitting on a park bench with a sandwich looking for a job/how to find a job. Psalm 7:1
77. David and Saul’s armies. Psalm 7:1
78. Most of our enemies are irritants. Psalm 7:1
79. Jesus was also hated without a cause. Psalm 7:1
80. Chart/Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:1c-d “Save me; Deliver me; Rescue me, O God” (various commentators) Psalm 7:1
81. Chart/Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:1 (a graphic) Psalm 7:1
82. David fears for his life; the metaphor of the lion. Psalm 7:2
83. Chart/Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:2a The Metaphor of the Lion (various commentators) Psalm 7:2
84. Chart/Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Lions in the Old Testament (The Free Bible Commentary) Psalm 7:2
85. Chart/Doctrine/Map/Graphic: There is no one to rescue David (Psalm 7:2c) (Various commentators) Psalm 7:2
86. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 1–2 (Bible Journaling) (a graphic) Psalm 7:2
87. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:3b Accusations made against David (various commentators) Psalm 7:3
88. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Why should God consider David's request over Saul's approach to life? Psalm 7:3
89. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:3c Unrighteousness in David's hands (various commentators) Psalm 7:3
90. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Doctrine of How the Hand is Used in Scripture (Utley's Free Bible Commentary) Psalm 7:3
91. Why Saul would lie to his army about David. Psalm 7:3
92. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:3 David Responds to Accusations of Moral Failure (various commentators) Psalm 7:3
93. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: A Summation of Psalm 7:3–4 Psalm 7:4
94. The meaning of David plundering an enemy. Psalm 7:4
95. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:3–4 What David is accused of doing (various commentators) Psalm 7:4
96. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:3–4 David's Response to the Accusations Made Against Him (commentary) Psalm 7:4
97. A discussion of the structure of vv. 3–5. Psalm 7:4
98. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:5c "Let him trample my life into the earth." (Various commentators) Psalm 7:5
99. The believer needs to function with honor and integrity. Psalm 7:5
100. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:5 "If I have done wrong, let them kill me!" (Various commentators) Psalm 7:5
101. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Selah! (Various Commentators) Psalm 7:5
102. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Selah! (Albert Barnes) Psalm 7:5
103. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Selah! (Dr. John Gill) Psalm 7:5
104. The figure of speech anabasis or a gradual ascent. Psalm 7:5
105. God’s protection of present-day Israel. Psalm 7:5
106. What about the holocaust? Psalm 7:5
107. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: The Organization of Psalm 7:3–5 (Dr. Bob Utley) Psalm 7:5
108. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: David's general appeal to God (Psalm 7:3–5) (various commentators) Psalm 7:5
109. Two possible interpretations of Psalm 7 at this point. Psalm 7:6
110. The meaning of God’s anger. Psalm 7:6
111. God’s righteousness and justice are tempered by love and mercy. Psalm 7:6
112. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:6a "Arise, O Lord, in Your anger..." (Various commentators) Psalm 7:6
113. Sometimes ultimate judgment is put off because a person might not believe until his deathbed. Psalm 7:6
114. Every believer has enemies. Psalm 7:6
115. President Trump and the impeachment hearings. Psalm 7:6
116. Typical news reporting on Trump. Psalm 7:6
117. Trump’s 2020 SOTU speech and Pelosi tearing up his speech. Psalm 7:6
118. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Nancy Pelosi Tears Trump Speech (photo) Psalm 7:6
119. Application of the poor treatment of President Trump. Psalm 7:6
120. Diamond formed from a lump of coal. Psalm 7:6
121. My own experience with enemies as a teacher. Psalm 7:6
122. David’s difficult situations make him the spiritual giant that he was. Psalm 7:6
123. Saul’s fury or angry outbursts. Psalm 7:6
124. We cannot take revenge on our enemies, but God can. Psalm 7:6
125. When lied about, you cannot spend your time running around telling your side of the story. Psalm 7:6
126. At the time of the beginning of the psalm, there is no light at the end of the tunnel for David. Psalm 7:6
127. When given the opportunity to kill Saul, David did not, allowing God’s justice to work its way. Psalm 7:6
128. My last few months at work and not taking advantage of it. Psalm 7:6
129. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:6b "...lift Yourself up because of the rage of my enemies..." (Comments) Psalm 7:6
130. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:6c Be awaken or be induced (various commentators) Psalm 7:6
131. Reference to the Doctrine of Personal Injustice (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 7:6
132. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:6 (a graphic) Psalm 7:6
133. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:6: David Calls for God to Deal with His Enemies in Justice (commentators) Psalm 7:6
134. A different approach to this psalm, apart from David and his problems. Psalm 7:7
135. Old Testament authors unaware of the two advents of the Messiah. Psalm 7:7
136. There are many Messianic passages which the author was unaware that they were. Psalm 7:7
137. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:7a The nations will surround You (various commentators) Psalm 7:7
138. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:7b Returning to a high place over the nations (various commentators) Psalm 7:7
139. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:7b "Returning to" or "Sitting at" a high place (a discussion) Psalm 7:7
140. David’s understanding of what he wrote; he had a rudimentary understanding of the advent of the Messiah. Psalm 7:7
141. Progressive revelation; example of Abraham offering up his son. Psalm 7:7
142. We developed new doctrines and better understanding of the Church Age doctrines even hundreds of years after the NT had been completed. Psalm 7:7
143. Interpreting Psalm 7:6–7 in two ways. Psalm 7:7
144. David’s hopeless situation; Israel’s hopeless situation. Psalm 7:7
145. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:8a God judges the people (Various commentators) Psalm 7:8
146. What David means by asking God to judge his righteousness and his integrity. Psalm 7:8
147. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:8b "God, judge me according to my righteousness" (commentators) Psalm 7:8
148. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:8 (KJV) (a graphic) Psalm 7:8
149. David knows about the final judgment; he is asking for God to judge this situation in time. Psalm 7:8
150. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:8 David's overall appeal to God (various commentators) Psalm 7:8
151. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:9a The evil of the malevolent will come to an end (various commentators) Psalm 7:9
152. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:9b Establish the righteous (or Righteous One) (various commentators) Psalm 7:9
153. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:9c God tests the thinking and emotions of man (various commentators) Psalm 7:9
154. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:9 (NIV) (a graphic) Psalm 7:9
155. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:9 (KJV) (a graphic) Psalm 7:9
156. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:9 (HCSB) (a graphic) Psalm 7:9
157. Two ways to understand Psalm 7:8–9. Psalm 7:9
158. A clear example of the human author meaning one thing and the Divine Author something else. Psalm 7:9
159. Typology that Abraham did not understand. Psalm 7:9
160. Reference to the Doctrine of the Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 7:9
161. How to understand David and the shield. Psalm 7:10
162. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:10a My shield/defense is with God (various commentators) Psalm 7:10
163. The alliterative righteousness of heart; imputed righteousness. Psalm 7:10
164. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:10 (NLT) (a graphic) Psalm 7:10
165. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:10 (NKJV) (a graphic) Psalm 7:10
166. God as the Righteous Judge; or as judging the Righteous One? Psalm 7:11
167. God will dispense His justice in time. Psalm 7:11
168. Misguided compassion. Psalm 7:11
169. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:11a God judges the righteous (various commentators) Psalm 7:11
170. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:11a God is a Righteous Judge (various commentators) Psalm 7:11
171. Is there a negation in Psalm 7:11b?
172. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Is God really angry every day? (By Adam Clarke) Psalm 7:11
173. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: The Two Translations of Psalm 7:11b Psalm 7:11
174. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: What about adding with the wicked to Psalm 7:11b (Various commentators) Psalm 7:11
175. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:11b God is angry [with the wicked] every day (various commentators) Psalm 7:11
176. God’s anger is an anthropopathism, referring to God’s justice applied to mankind. Psalm 7:11
177. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:11 (a graphic) Psalm 7:11
178. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: God's righteous displeasure against sin is an abiding reality (Pulpit Commentary) Psalm 7:11
179. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:10–11 (NLT) (a graphic) Psalm 7:11
180. Vv. 12–13 are metaphorical. Psalm 7:12
181. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:12a If a man does not turn back from his sin (various commentators) Psalm 7:12
182. Time is a factor in God’s justice; and sometimes God prepares a variety of things in the world in order to apply His justice. Psalm 7:12
183. There was clearly poetic justice applied to one of my enemies in life. Psalm 7:12
184. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:12c-d God has bent and stepped into His bow (various commentators) Psalm 7:12
185. God’s perfect timing is a factor in His justice. Psalm 7:12
186. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:12 (a graphic) Psalm 7:12
187. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Two Ways to Interpret Psalm 7:11–12 (a discussion) Psalm 7:12
188. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:10–12 (NASB) (a graphic) Psalm 7:12
189. God acts when the time is right. Psalm 7:12
190. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:13a He has prepared instruments of death for him (various commentators) Psalm 7:13
191. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:13b He has prepared flaming arrows (various commentators) Psalm 7:13
192. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:12–13 God's weapons when man does not repent (various commentators) Psalm 7:13
193. God uses verbs of pregnancy to be applies to his masculine enemies. Psalm 7:14
194. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:14a Conceiving iniquity... (Various commentators) Psalm 7:14
195. Saul is in great agony with his mental attitude sins against David. Psalm 7:14
196. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:14b Pregnant with misery (Various commentators) Psalm 7:14
197. The harm and injury which some bring against David will bring them misery. Psalm 7:14
198. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:14c Giving birth to a lie (Various commentators) Psalm 7:14
199. The misery of David’s enemies informs him that God’s justice is already at work. Psalm 7:14
200. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:14 The birth analogy for the wicked man (Various commentators) Psalm 7:14
201. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:15a The wicked man digs a pit (Various commentators) Psalm 7:15
202. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:15b The wicked man continues digging (Various commentators) Psalm 7:15
203. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:15c The wicked fall into the trap which they set for others (Commentators) Psalm 7:15
204. Politicians setting traps for one another. Traps used on Trump; amendments designed as traps. Psalm 7:15
205. Biased news. Psalm 7:15
206. CNN format in the Trump presidency. Psalm 7:15
207. Finding a fair and balanced news show is not easy. Psalm 7:15
208. Finding a teacher like R. B. Thieme, Jr. also not easy. Psalm 7:15
209. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:15 (a graphic) Psalm 7:15
210. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:15 The wicked man entraps himself by the traps he sets for others Psalm 7:15
211. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:16a The corrupt brings his corrupt labor back onto himself (comments) Psalm 7:16
212. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:16b His own violence is brought down on his own head (commentators) Psalm 7:16
213. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:16 The final righteous judgment of God (Various commentators) Psalm 7:16
214. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Summing up Psalm 7:15–16 (various commentators) Psalm 7:16
215. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:16 What Goes Around... (a graphic) Psalm 7:16
216. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:15–16 (a graphic) Psalm 7:16
217. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:17 (ESV) (a graphic) Psalm 7:17
218. The key to David’s righteousness is God’s righteousness. Psalm 7:17
219. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:17a David praises the Lord's righteousness (various commentators) Psalm 7:17
220. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:17b David will sing these praises to God (various commentators) Psalm 7:17
221. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:17b God the Most High (various commentators) Psalm 7:17
222. You can place your trust in God’s righteousness. Psalm 7:17
223. Christ’s righteousness in us; rebound. Psalm 7:17
224. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:17 (NIV) (a graphic) Psalm 7:17
225. Applying Psalm 7 to our own lives today. Psalm 7:17
226. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Psalm 7:17 the final remarks made by David (various commentators) Psalm 7:17
227. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary Psalm 7 Summary
228. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Why Psalm 7 is in the Word of God Psalm 7 Summary
229. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: What We Learn from Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Summary
230. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Summary
231. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Summary
232. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Historical Perspective of God's Justice (C. Clemence) Psalm 7 Summary
233. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Parallel Interpretations of Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Summary
234. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: The Name of YHWH (Dr. Bob Utley) Psalm 7 Summary
235. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Monotheism (by Dr. Bob Utley) Psalm 7 Addendum
236. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Addendum
237. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Psalm 7 (from 2004) Psalm 7 Addendum
238. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Addendum
239. Doctrine/Map/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Psalm 7 Psalm 7 Addendum
240. Psalm 8 God Placed the Earth in the Hands of Man (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
241. Man being made a little lower than the angels. Psalm 8:intro
242. The occasion of writing Psalm 8. Psalm 8:intro
243. Meaning of Gittith. Psalm 8:inscription
244. Background for Saul and David; Saul’s mental illnesses. Psalm 8:inscription
245. God’s name is not excellent today (McGee). Psalm 8:1
246. The dispensation of Israel. Psalm 8:1
247. Chart: Various Views of the Morphology of Psalm 8:1b. Psalm 8:1
248. God uses the helpless and the weak. Psalm 8:2
249. Personal justification of your enemies. Psalm 8:2
250. The universe is simply God’s finger-work. Psalm 8:3
251. Job and David both ask God why He thinks of them; this question is contrasted. Psalm 8:4
252. The Greek of this verse does not match the Hebrew. It is the Greek which is quoted. What is up with that? This is lengthy and complete. Psalm 8:5
253. Man is a failure. Psalm 8:6
254. Man’s authority over the animals. Psalm 8:7
255. Man’s authority over the animals. Psalm 8:8
256. The numbering of the Psalms in the Greek and Latin. Psalm 10 introduction
257. Arguments for and against Psalms 9 and 10 as being one psalm. Psalm 10 introduction
258. The inscriptions (or superscription) of the psalms. Psalm 10 introduction
259. Chart, Short Doctrine or Map: Barnes Outlines Psalm 10. Psalm 10 introduction
260. Authorship and era of Psalm 10. Psalm 10 introduction.
261. Peculiarities of Psalm 10. Psalm 10 introduction
262. Why everything is not great after believing in Jesus Christ. Psalm 10:2
263. The Big God lie of holy rollers. Psalm 10:2
264. 3 interpretations of Psalm 10:2. Psalm 10:2
265. Wealth. Psalm 10:3
266. Praise for contemporary corrupt people. Psalm 10:3
267. Words for blessing and cursing in the Hebrew. Psalm 10:3
268. Bullinger’s second explanation for v, 3. Psalm 10:3
269. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Less Literal Translations of Psalm 10:4. Psalm 10:4
270. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Exegesis of the Septuagint Version of Psalm 10:4. Psalm 10:4
271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Job 21:7–21. Psalm 10:6
272. Doctrine of the Sins of the Tongue. Psalm 10:7
273. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Five Categories of Verbal Sins. Psalm 10:7
274. Verbal sins named in other psalms. Psalm 10:7
275. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Less Literal Translations of Psalm 10:8. Psalm 10:8
276. Powerful men need minions to make them powerful. Psalm 10:19
277. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Less Literal Translations of Psalm 10:10. Psalm 10:10
278. Victims. Psalm 10:10
279. Payment for wrongdoing. Psalm 10:13
280. We don’t deserve God’s grace and those who have wronged us do not deserve God’s grace. Psalm 10:13
281. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Exegesis of Psalm 10:14 from the Greek. Psalm 10:14
282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Less Literal Translations of Psalm 10:14. Psalm 10:14
283. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Less Literal Translations of Psalm 10:15. Psalm 10:15
284. Is David a dispensationist? Does he know the ages? Psalm 10:16
285. A synonymia. Psalm 10:17
286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentary Addendum. Psalm 10 addendum
287. The reasons why this psalm is so carefully exegeted. Psalm 10 addendum
288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Exegesis of the Septuagint Version of Psalm 10:4. Psalm 10 addendum
289. Psalm 12 Believers Are Preserved by God in an Evil World (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
290. Quotations from Benjamin Franklin, Raleigh, Barton Bouchier, Bion, George Horne, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Michael Ayguan, Voltaire, Blaise Pascal, Francis Charles, Thomas Adams, Luther, and Adam Clarke. Psalm 12:Preface
291. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Quotations. Psalm 12:Preface
292. Terms found in this study: Anthropopathism, Blessing by Association, Chiasmos, Faith-rest, Grace Apparatus for Perception, Grace Orientation, Rebound, The Revealed God, Reversionism, Spiritual Advance, Spiritual Atlas, The supergrace believer. Psalm 12:Preface
293. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: A Plea for Help in Evil Times (a graphic). Psalm12:Introduction
294. The various times that David may have written this psalm. Psalm 12: Introduction
295. Bullinger book recommendation. Psalm 12 Introduction
296. The Living Bible and Tanakh recommendations. Psalm 12 Introduction
297. Chart/Map/Short Doctrine: Psalm 12 (a graphic). Psalm12:Introduction
298. The relevance of this psalm to 2007. Psalm 12 Introduction
299. Original difficulty with translating and interpreting Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Introduction
300. Democrat primary event 2007 illustrate slander. Psalm 12: Introduction
301. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Psalm 12 (by various commentators). Psalm 12: Introduction
302. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Psalm 12 (various commentators). Psalm 12: Introduction
303. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Introduction
304. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Occasion of Psalm 12 (various commentators). Psalm 12: Introduction
305. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Introduction
306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Psalm 12: Introduction
307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Psalm 12 (by D. Thomas). Psalm 12: Introduction
308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Psalm 12 (J. H. Jowett, M. A.). Psalm 12: Introduction
309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Psalm 12 (The Biblical Illustrator). Psalm 12: Introduction
310. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Alternate Outline of Psalm 12 by Albert Barnes. Psalm 12: Introduction
311. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Psalm 12 (Various Commentators). Psalm 12: Introduction
312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Organization of Psalm 12 (ESV) (from Worship Arts Conservatory). Psalm 12: Introduction
313. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Organization of Psalm 12 (a graphic). Psalm 12: Introduction
314. I fawn over this chart developed by the Worship Art Conservatory. Psalm 12: Introduction
315. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 929 Synopsis of Psalm 12 (Rabbi Dr. David Z. Moster). Psalm 12: Introduction
316. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Psalm 12 from the Summarized Bible. Psalm 12: Introduction
317. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Introduction
318. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Psalm 12). Psalm 12: Introduction
319. Discussion as to who this preeminent one is. Psalm 12: Inscription
320. Some discussion as to what the sheminith is and why we don’t know it today. Psalm 12: Inscription
321. Professionalism in a church service. Psalm 12: Inscription
322. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12 inscription: shemîynîyth (various commentators). Psalm 12: Inscription
323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:1 (HCSB) (a graphic). Psalm 12:1
324. The nature of poetry (vague and with a wide application). Psalm 12:1
325. When I was first saved; doctrine, cultic work; Campus Crusade for Christ. Psalm 12:1
326. Having a young couples group meet at my house; being a Christian in a muslim country. Psalm 12:1
327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:1a Save, Yehowah (various commentators). Psalm 12:1
328. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:1b The châçîyd man has come to an end (various commentators). Psalm 12:1
329. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:1c The faithful cease to be (various commentators). Psalm 12:1
330. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Preserves Those Who Believe in Him. Psalm 12:1
331. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Star Trek 2020 (a graphic). Psalm 12:1
332. Mistakenly believing that 2020 is a terrible time to be alive. The supergrace life. Enjoying life. Psalm 12:1
333. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:1 David bemoans his time period (various commentators). Psalm 12:1
334. The Corona virus and life in April of 2020. Psalm 12:1
335. Exploitation of the gracious/poor. Psalm 12:1
336. Illustrations of exploitation. Psalm 12:1
337. Lack of truthfulness in a culture. Psalm 12:1
338. Speaking lies; lack of truthfulness in society. My observations as a teacher. Psalm 12:1
339. Sharing lies on the internet. Psalm 12:1
340. Sin does not exist in a vacuum; hatred for Nixon, Reagan and Bush. Psalm 12:1
341. The Corona virus and the press warning people not to drink bleach. Psalm 12:1
342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:1 (a graphic). Psalm 12:1
343. Pinning down the time that David wrote Psalm 12. Psalm 12:1
344. The falseness of forwarded emails. Psalm 12:2
345. COVID 19, Donald Trump, political illustrations from 2007 and 2020. Psalm 12:2
346. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:2a Everyone speaks lies (or emptiness) (various commentators). Psalm 12:2
347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:2b They speak with a double heart (various commentators). Psalm 12:2
348. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What does it mean to let your yes be yes and your no be no? (Got Questions?). Psalm 12:2
349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:2b They speak with flattering lips (various commentators). Psalm 12:2
350. The evils of lying being drummed into my soul as a youngster. Psalm 12:2
351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Flattery in Scripture. Psalm 12:2
352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:2 Everyone lies and flatters, having a double heart (commentators). Psalm 12:2
353. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:3a The Lord Shall Cut Off All Flattering Lips (a graphic). Psalm 12:3
354. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:3a May the Lord cut off their flattering lips (various commentators). Psalm 12:3
355. Leaders attract flatterers. Psalm 12:3
356. Thin line between a compliment and flattery; ulterior motives. Psalm 12:3
357. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:3b The Lord will cut off the tongue which boasts (various commentators). Psalm 12:3
358. Interpreting “God will remove all flattering lips.” Psalm 12:3
359. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:3: Flattery and Pride (various commentators). Psalm 12:3
360. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A List of Verbal Sins Found in the Bible. Psalm 12:3
361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:4 (NIV) (a graphic). Psalm 12:4
362. Tongues in politics. Psalm 12:4
363. The power of speech. Psalm 12:4
364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:4a Who have said... (various commentators). Psalm 12:4
365. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:4a "With our tongues, we will prevail..." (various commentators). Psalm 12:4
366. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:4b Our lips are our own (various commentators). Psalm 12:4
367. Why many women prefer the strong silent type of man. Psalm 12:4
368. Lies about George Bush. Psalm 12:4
369. Tom DeLay calling for people to go after Rosie O’Donnell. Psalm 12:4
370. Believers do not go tit-for-tat. Psalm 12:4
371. Words spoken by Harry Reid, Don Imus and Rosie O’Donnell. Psalm 12:4
372. The power of the tongue; application to Pelosi, Truman, Kennedy, FDR. Psalm 12:4
373. Destroying other people with your tongue. What the tongue can do. Psalm 12:4
374. Lies passed around on the internet. Psalm 12:4
375. The power of words in April 2007. Harry Reid, Don Imus, Rosie O’Donnell, Hip hop music. Psalm 12:4
376. Refusing to recognize any authority; making authorities prove themselves to you first. Psalm 12:4
377. How those who disrespect authority react to being disrespected by others. Psalm 12:4
378. Politicians who talk about problems but have no intention of trying to solve them. Psalm 12:4
379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:4c Who is master over us and our tongues? (various commentators). Psalm 12:4
380. Lack of authority orientation in today’s society. Psalm 12:4
381. Respect for authority. Psalm 12:4
382. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:4 "Our tongues will prevail; who is our master?" (various commentators). Psalm 12:4
383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:3–4: Flattering lips; we will prevail by our speech (various commentators). Psalm 12:4
384. Reference to the Doctrine of the Sins of the Tongue (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 12:4
385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5 (NLT) (a graphic). Psalm 12:5
386. Those in Scripture who speak on behalf of God. Those who object to this. Psalm 12:5
387. The variety of men who wrote the Bible. Psalm 12:5
388. The single source of Islam’s Scriptures where various Muslim groups are at war with one another. Psalm 12:5
389. The fundamental differences of Christian doctrines, but without armed conflict. Psalm 12:5
390. Wars in the world are primarily Muslim-majority countries. Psalm 12:5
391. The consistency of the writers of Scripture regarding the character of God. Psalm 12:5
392. Reference to the various doctrines of inspiration on my website. Psalm 12:5
393. My own personal study of the Word of God, and I would never purport to speak for God. Yet David does. Psalm 12:5
394. Land returned to a family in Israel. Psalm 12:5
395. Loyalty in business is a two-way street. Psalm 12:5
396. Businesses and unions and interference with a business. Psalm 12:5
397. Poverty more difficult to understand in 2007; now in 2020, it is easier to grasp in the United States. Thousands living homeless in some areas. Psalm 12:5
398. The liberal myth of two America’s. Psalm 12:5
399. Blessed in America due to faith in Jesus Christ. Psalm 12:5
400. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5a For the oppression of the poor (various commentators). Psalm 12:5
401. Understanding this verse to refer to the oppression of the grace oriented. Psalm 12:5
402. Gallup polls and belief in God. Psalm 12:5
403. How Christians are portrayed in films. Psalm 12:5
404. How David felt right to speak of the poor and hopeless. Psalm 12:5
405. Most have not been persecuted for our faith. Psalm 12:5
406. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Six Words Used for the Poor in Proverbs (from E. W. Bullinger). Psalm 12:5
407. The two basic ways to interpret v. 5. Psalm 12:5
408. Reference to the Doctrine of the Poor and the Needy (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 12:5
409. Lee and Jackson freeing their slaves before the Civil War. Psalm 12:5
410. Not forcing the Bible to fit into a liberal or a conservative agenda. Psalm 12:5
411. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5b Because of the sighing of the needy (various commentators). Psalm 12:5
412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5a-b Because of the poor and the needy (various commentators). Psalm 12:5
413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5c Yehowah says, "Now I will arise!" (various commentators). Psalm 12:5
414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5c David quotes God (various commentators/discussion). Psalm 12:5
415. Being under great pressure; human versus divine solutions. Psalm 12:5
416. God sees those taking advantage of those in poverty. Psalm 12:5
417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5d God: "I will set him in a safe place" (various commentators). Psalm 12:5
418. In the United States, most have no idea what real poverty is like. But most of us know what it is like to be in a situation where there are no human solutions. Psalm 12:5
419. Interpreting he pants after. Psalm 12:5
420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5e God will give him what he desires (various commentators). Psalm 12:5
421. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5d-e I will set him in the safe place that he desires (commentators). Psalm 12:5
422. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5 (ESV) (a graphic). Psalm 12:5
423. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:5: God says He will rise up on behalf of the poor (various commentators). Psalm 12:5
424. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:6 (NIV) (a graphic). Psalm 12:6
425. Contrast the words of Yehowah with the words of man. Psalm 12:6
426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:6a The words of Yehowah (various commentators). Psalm 12:6
427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Words and Promises Contrasted with Man's Words and Promises. Psalm 12:6
428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:6a-b The words of God are pure words (various commentators). Psalm 12:6
429. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:6a-b Contrasting the pure words of God with man's words (comments). Psalm 12:6
430. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pure Words of Scripture (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). Psalm 12:6
431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:6a-c God's Word is like silver (various commentators). Psalm 12:6
432. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is this Furnace to the Ground? Psalm 12:6
433. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bullinger Applies Ellipsis to Furnace to the Earth. Psalm 12:6
434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Earthly Words Appropriated by God the Holy Spirit. Psalm 12:6
435. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:6d God's pure word is like silver purified 7 times (various commentators). Psalm 12:6
436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:6 God's words are pure like silver refined 7x (various commentators). Psalm 12:6
437. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bullinger Organizes Psalm 12:6. Psalm 12:6
438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Seven-fold Purification of God's Word (James Burton Coffman). Psalm 12:6
439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:7a You, Yehowah, will keep them (Your words) (various commentators). Psalm 12:7
440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:7a You, Yehowah, will keep them (the poor and needy) (commentators). Psalm 12:7
441. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:7b You, God, will keep us from this evil generation (commentators). Psalm 12:7
442. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Preserves His Own. Psalm 12:7
443. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:7b You, God, will keep us forever (various commentators). Psalm 12:7
444. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:7 Made into a promise (a graphic). Psalm 12:7
445. The occasion of Psalm 12. Psalm 12:7
446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:6–7 (a graphic). Psalm 12:7
447. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:8a The wicked prowl around everywhere (various commentators). Psalm 12:8
448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:8b Vileness is exalted by the sons of man (various commentators). Psalm 12:8
449. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:8 When vile is exalted, the wicked prowl about (various commentators). Psalm 12:8
450. Psalm 12:8 reveals that the Bible is the most up-to-date book. Psalm 12:8
451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:8 as a tee shirt (a graphic). Psalm 12:8
452. God may allow your enemies to live. Psalm 12:8
453. Epochs in national entities. Psalm 12:8
454. The 3 spiritual awakenings in the United States. Psalm 12:8
455. How the individual believer moves his nation in the right direction. Psalm 12:8
456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 12:7–8 God will protect His Word, despite the evil ones (commentators). Psalm 12:8
457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Psalm 12: Summary
458. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Psalm 12 is in the Word of God. Psalm 12: Summary
459. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Summary
460. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Summary
461. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Overall Summary of Psalm 12 (by Werner Commentary). Psalm 12: Summary
462. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Closing Remarks for Psalm 12 (various commentators). Psalm 12: Summary
463. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Addendum
464. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bullinger's Organization of Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Addendum
465. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Words used to express the out-workings of the sin nature (E. W. Bullinger). Psalm 12: Addendum
466. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Addendum
467. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Addendum
468. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Psalm 12. Psalm 12: Addendum
469. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The organization of Psalm 15. Psalm 15 introduction
470. When David composed some of the psalms. Psalm 15 introduction
471. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Do We Know that David Is NOT Speaking of the Tabernacle of God? Psalm 15:1
472. What is God’s holy mountain. Psalm 15:1
473. Sins of the Tongue (done in Lev. 19:16) are alluded to in Psalm 15:3.
474. Those who speak their minds or who are blunt. Psalm 15:3
475. God has made a world of absolutes. Psalm 15:3
476. Homosexuality; the orientation is not a sin. Psalm 15:3
477. Why did God make me this way? Psalm 15:3
478. Usury and interest. Psalm 15:5
479. Hurricane Carter; being accused unjustly. Psalm 15:5
480. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes’s Summary of Psalm 15. Psalm 15:5
481. Psalm 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
482. Why teaching the Word of God should be left to the experts; the fallacies of sharing Bible studies. Incorrect approaches to the Bible in churches. ICE teaching. Psalm 19 introduction
483. Barnes and I divide this psalm into 3 parts. Psalm 19 introduction
484. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Bullinger’s Division of Psalm 19. Psalm 19 introduction
485. JEPD theory and Psalm 19; the authorship of Psalm 19. Psalm 19 introduction
486. Firmament; science. Psalm 19:1
487. Environmentalists; evolutionists; pollution and our lungs. Psalm 19:1
488. The number of stars in the heavens. Additional information about stars. Psalm 19:2
489. The sun as a bridegroom. Psalm 19:5
490. The warmth of the sun. Psalm 19:6
491. How David differed from the rulers around him. Psalm 19:7
492. Non-Euclidian geometry; internal uniformity; how this related to morality. Psalm 19:8
493. Fear of God. Psalm 19:9
494. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 19:7–9. Psalm 19:9
495. Wealth and the Word of God. Psalm 19:10
496. Eternal and temporal rewards. Mormons. Psalm 19:11
497. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of God's Word and Our Reaction to It. Psalm 19:11
498. Ignorance is not an excuse for a violation of the law, human or divine. Vehicle example. David asks, how can we know the variety of sins? Psalm 19:12
499. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A False Analysis of Psalm 19:13. The Correct Analysis. Psalm 19:13
500. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Misquoted and/or Misinterpreted Scriptures. Psalm 19:13
501. David and being controlled by the old sin nature. Psalm 19:14.
502. Psalm 20
503. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes Outlines Psalm 20. Psalm 20 Introduction
504. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Spurgeon's Outline of Psalm 20. Psalm 20 Introduction
505. Where in time was Psalm 20 written? Psalm 20 Introduction
506. Pronouns may be a clue as to organizing this psalm. Psalm 20 Introduction
507. The identity of the Preeminent One or the leader. Psalm 20 inscription
508. Some translators interpret most of the first 4 or 5 verses as jussives. Psalm 20:1
509. Jacob and the God of Jacob. Psalm 20:1
510. Anthropomorphism. Psalm 20:2
511. The Ark of God, although a religious artifact, was never worshiped. Psalm 20:2
512. Tribute [bloodless] offerings; burnt offerings. Psalm 20:3
513. Propitiation (short definition). Psalm 20:3
514. Selah. Psalm 20:3
515. Acquiring the human spirit at salvation. Psalm 20:4
516. Salvation is followed by spiritual growth. Psalm 20:4
517. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Answers Prayer from His Holy Place. Psalm 20:6
518. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Right Hand in the Life of David. Psalm 20:6
519. Description of a war chariot. Psalm 20:7
520. The bleak situation of the United States in 2009 and the president of the United States. Psalm 20:7
521. God’s name is not a good luck charm. Psalm 20:7
522. God’s care for modern-day Israel. Psalm 20:7
523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Zâkar and the Name of Jehovah. Psalm 20:7
524. The contrast between David’s army and other armies. Psalm 20:7
525. North Korea development of weapons and our president. Psalm 20:7
526. Why the United States is so blessed. Psalm 20:7
527. Our part in all of this. What do we do as believers if our nation is going to crap? Psalm 20:7
528. We depend upon God and not man. Psalm 20:7
529. The example of my ideas and not being able to get them to the Republican party. Psalm 20:7
530. The two ways a nation can respond to Israel: by bowing before them or by being defeated by them in war. Psalm 20:8
531. Israel and the Philistines. Psalm 20:8
532. Placing one’s trust in temporal things. Psalm 20:8
533. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Hears Us and Answers our Prayers. Psalm 20:9
534. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The 6 Approaches to Psalm 20:9. Psalm 20:9
535. Scriptures with more than one meaning. Psalm 20:9
536. We learn some things about God based upon the similar relationships in our own lives. Psalm 20:9
537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Kingship of Jesus Christ. Psalm 20:9
538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 20. Psalm 20 Addendum
539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Alternate Outline and Translation of Psalm 20. Psalm 20 Addendum
540. Psalm 21
541. Psalm 21 God Blesses the King and Destroys His Enemies (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
542. Two simultaneous interpretations of Psalm 21. Psalm 21 Introduction
543. Two meanins and Samuel being brought back from the dead. Psalm 21 Introduction
544. Human and divine authors. Psalm 21 Introduction
545. Who and what David and Solomon represent. Psalm 21 Introduction
546. Abraham offering up his own son was a picture of God the Father offering up Jesus on the cross for our sins. Psalm 21 Introduction
547. Those who write about the contradictions of the Bible and their intellectual dishonesty. Psalm 21 Introduction
548. A brief summary of Psalm 21. Psalm 21 Introduction
549. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes' Outline of Psalm 21. Psalm 21 Introduction
550. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry Outlines Psalm 21. Psalm 21 Introduction
551. Who is the preeminent one? Psalm 21 inscription
552. The ancient texts used. Psalm 21:1
553. A simple illustration of the Trinity in building a house. Psalm 21:1
554. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Ministry of Holy Spirit to Jesus Christ. Psalm 21:1
555. The happiness and excitement of childhood; jogging. Psalm 21:1
556. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jesus in the Hebrew of the Old Testament. Psalm 21:1
557. David speaks of all 3 Members of the Trinity in v. 1. Psalm 21:1
558. The U.S. Congress and their lack of desire for victory on the battlefield. Psalm 21:2
559. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prayers of Jesus. Psalm 21:2
560. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 20:4 and Psalm 21:2. Psalm 21:2
561. Selah. Psalm 21:2
562. The crown of Psalm 21:3. Psalm 21:3
563. Jesus Christ being raised from the dead is the basis for our hope. Psalm 21:4
564. Jesus is again found in this psalm. Psalm 21:4
565. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Glory = Kâbôwd. Psalm 21:5
566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Majesty = Hôwd. Psalm 21:5
567. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Majesty = Hôwd Part II. Psalm 21:5
568. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Splendor = Hâdâr. Psalm 21:5
569. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Splendor = Hâdâr Part II. Psalm 21:5
570. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of Kâbôwd, Hôwd and Hâdâr. Psalm 21:5
571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Majesty and Splendor are Placed Upon David. Psalm 21:5
572. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Majesty and Splendor are Placed Upon Jesus Christ. Psalm 21:5
573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Majesty and Splendor are Placed Upon the Church Age Believer. Psalm 21:5
574. Why David is a blessing to Israel. Psalm 21:6
575. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 21:4–6 and the Davidic Covenant. Psalm 21:6
576. A short summary of David’s bumpy ride from shepherd boy to king. Psalm 21:7
577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Essence and Character as Found in the Psalms. Psalm 21:7
578. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What God Does for Man, according to the Psalms. Psalm 21:7
579. As believers, we will have enemies. Psalm 21:8
580. Fighting a righteous war; identifying our enemies. Psalm 21:8
581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Baptism of Fire. Psalm 21:9
582. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Lake of Fire Judgment (notes by Robert McLaughlin). Psalm 21:9
583. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Places of Judgment after Death. Psalm 21:9
584. The Hebrew word perîy (פְּרִי) [pronounced peree] is it is most commonly translated, as fruit, production. Psalm 21:10
585. The removal of human good from the earth at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Psalm 21:10
586. Social and economic justice. Government-imposed equality. Liberation theology. Making Jesus in our image. Psalm 21:10
587. The final judgment. Psalm 21:10
588. Our president is looking to spread evil in this world. Psalm 21:11
589. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Evil (R. B. Thieme Jr.). Psalm 21:11
590. This time in history is one of the greatest for the spread of evil in my own memory and experience. Psalm 21:11
591. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Satan's Programs to Attack the 4 Divine Institutions in the United States. Psalm 21:11
592. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: They Plot Evil But It Will Not Stand. Psalm 21:11
593. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of the Angelic Conflict. Psalm 21:12
594. What it means to call for God to be exalted. Psalm 21:13
595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Recognizes how God has Blessed him Personally. Psalm 21:13
596. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Two Faces of Psalm 21: a Psalm about David. Psalm 21 Addendum
597. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Two Faces of Psalm 21: a Psalm about David's Greater Son. Psalm 21 Addendum
598. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 21. Psalm 21 Addendum
599. Psalm 22 David in Great Misery/Jesus on the Roman Cross (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
600. Psalm 23 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
601. Barnes on the occasion of the writing of Psalm 23. Keil and Delitzsch placing this psalm in time. Psalm 23 introduction
602. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Classification of David's Psalms. Psalm 23 introduction
603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes' Outline of Psalm XXIII. Psalm 23 introduction
604. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Organizational Approach of the NIV Study Bible. Psalm 23 introduction
605. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Bullinger's Approach to Psalm XXIII. Psalm 23 introduction
606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: And Yet One More Approach to Psalm 23. Psalm 23 introduction
607. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Old Testament Names and Titles for Jehovah Elohim. Psalm 23:1
608. God is whose shepherd? Psalm 23:1
609. The fire which would burn out our back acre. Psalm 23:2
610. Sleeping on Linda’s couch next to the ocean. Psalm 23:2
611. A pastor falling from public grace and all of the ensuing press. Psalm 23:3
612. Christian hypocrisy. Psalm 23:3
613. The darkness of David’s world; vision of a lion. Psalm 23:4
614. Demons poised around us. Psalm 23:4
615. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Shepherd with His Club and Staff (graphic) . Psalm 23:4
616. Preparing a table for David. Psalm 23:5
617. Some of David’s enemies were his brothers. Psalm 23:5
618. Dirty and dusty after a job. Psalm 23:5
619. Anointing oil in the ancient world and what it means. Psalm 23:5
620. Personal vindication. Psalm 23:6
621. Looking out for #1. Psalm 23:6
622. The prosperity test applied to me. Psalm 23:6
623. What are your personal goals? Psalm 23:6
624. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Bullinger Summarizes Psalm 23 with Respect to the Variations on Jehovah's Name. Psalm 23:6
625. Authorship and occasion frame for Psalm 24. Psalm 24 introduction
626. Psalm 24 has very simple Hebrew. Psalm 24 introduction
627. Psalm 24 is very well-organized. Psalm 24 introduction
628. Someone needs to put this psalm to music. Psalm 24 introduction
629. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes Outlines Psalm 24. Psalm 24 introduction
630. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 24: A Celebration of Moving the Ark into Jerusalem. Psalm 24 introduction
631. The two first Sabbaths. Psalm 24 inscription
632. Could the words on the first Sabbath have been dropped out, and why? Psalm 24 inscription
633. Completeness when it comes to the creation of the earth; the analogy to the artist. Psalm 24:1
634. Other authors waxing more poetically than me on the creation of the earth. Psalm 24:1
635. David’s perception of the world as being laid out upon the seas, even though we have no record of David spending any time at sea. Psalm 24:2
636. The rarity of water in the universe. Psalm 24:2
637. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Doesn't God Hang the Earth Upon Nothing? Psalm 24:2
638. Worship in the high places. Psalm 24:3
639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Holy Hill References. Psalm 24:3
640. How does a man have a pure heart and clean hands? Psalm 24:4
641. A homosexual being saved and lifting his soul up to iniquity. Psalm 24:4
642. Looking out for #1 in our society. Psalm 24:4
643. Lifestyle choices after salvation. Psalm 24:4
644. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parallelisms within Psalm 24:4. Psalm 24:4
645. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Related Passages to Psalm 24:4. Psalm 24:4
646. Recognizing blessings from God in your own life. Psalm 24:5
647. All that God does for us is blessing. Psalm 24:5
648. Jesus = Joshua = salvation. Psalm 24:5
649. Imputation of God’s righteousness; the function of our spiritual gifts. Psalm 24:5
650. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Seeking God. Psalm 24:6
651. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translations of Psalm 24:6. Psalm 24:6
652. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpreting Psalm 24:6. Psalm 24:6
653. Ewald thinks that there are two psalms here. Discussion of same. Psalm 24:6
654. Discussion of lifting up the gates. Psalm 24:7
655. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Ark of God (a Summary). Psalm 24:7
656. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Interpretations of Psalm 24:7. Psalm 24:7
657. New Testament parallels to Who is this King of Glory? Psalm 24:8
658. Jesus, turn the other cheek, and war. Psalm 24:8
659. The Doctrine of War from the Spokane Bible Church. Psalm 24:8
660. This lifting up of the gates probably has several applications: to the Ark being brought in, to the Lord entering into Jerusalem at His 1st Advent; and possibly at the 2nd Advent (?). Psalm 24:9
661. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Does God the Holy Spirit Repeat Vv. 7–8? Psalm 24:9
662. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Two Advents of Jesus Christ. Psalm 24:9
663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Incorrect Interpretations as to Why vv. 7–8 are Repeated. Psalm 24:9
664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scofield's Summary of Psalm 24. Psalm 24 addendum
665. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Bullinger Organizes Psalm 24. Psalm 24 addendum
666. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: One Choral Interpretation of Psalm 24. Psalm 24 addendum
667. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 24. Psalm 24 addendum
669. References to 2Sam. 11 (HTML) (PDF) and Nathan the prophet came and spoke to David in 2Sam. 12 (HTML) (PDF). Most consider Psalm 51 (HTML) (PDF) Psalm 32 Introduction
670. Is this psalm properly placed with Psalm 51 and David’s sin of 2Sam. 11? Psalm 32 Introduction
671. 4 possible ways to understand the physical pain that David speaks of in Psalm 32. Psalm 32 Introduction
672. The actual process of writing the Word of God. “I nailed that!” Psalm 32 Introduction
673. Psalm 32 summarized. Psalm 32 Introduction
674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes Outlines Psalm 32. Psalm 32 Inscription
675. Psalm 32 encapsulates the spiritual life of the believer. Psalm 32 Inscription
676. Explaining maskil. Psalm 32 Inscription
677. Lifting up a transgression and taking it away; like the removal of crushing debt. Psalm 32:1
678. Gill on the happiness and serenity of a man whose sin has been removed. Psalm 32:1
679. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Who is Blessed. Psalm 32:1
680. The covering over of sin in the Old Testament. Illustrated with God covering Adam and the woman with animal skins. Psalm 32:1
681. Those in the Old Testament did not have a full understanding of how God took care of sin. Psalm 32:1
682. Messianic psalms; very clear to us now; not so much to those in the Old Testament. Psalm 32:1
683. Salvation in the Old and New Testaments. Psalm 32:1
684. The Doctrine of Soteriology (Salvation) alluded to. Psalm 32:1
685. What Old Testament saints did not fully understand. Psalm 32:1
686. It is amazing in the Old Testament that these Messianic passages were not fully understood, and yet they clearly mean what we understand them to mean. Psalm 32:1
687. References to the true concept of progressive revelation can be studied further in Psalm 51 (HTML) (PDF), the Doctrine of Progressive Revelation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Dual Authorship of the Scriptures (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 32:1
688. Psalm 32:1 summarized. Psalm 32:1
689. External reference to the barrier of sin. Psalm 32:1
690. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Robby Dean's Doctrine of Adam's Original Sin. Psalm 32:2
691. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Robby Dean's Doctrine of Imputations. Psalm 32:2
692. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of the 3 Synonyms for Sin. Psalm 32:2
693. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke on the 4 Words for Wrongdoing. Psalm 32:2
694. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Paul Quotes these First Two Verses. Psalm 32:2
695. What does it mean for a man to have deceit in the human spirit? Examples of self-deceit. Psalm 32:2
696. Example of disciplining your own children. Psalm 32:2
697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Stages of Discipline. Psalm 32:3
698. An example of how this does not line up exactly with the sin against Bathsheba and Uriah. Psalm 32:3
699. The apparent contradiction of keeping silent and howling all day long. Psalm 32:3
700. David appears to be suffering great physical discipline for his sin. Psalm 32:34
701. The anthropopathism of God’s hand. Psalm 32:34
702. What the sapping away of David’s vigor means. Psalm 32:34
703. What Selah could have meant in this particular instance. The increasing volume of the instruments playing. Psalm 32:34
704. Choosing to name one’s sins to God or to remain silent. Psalm 32:5
705. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Confession of Sins in the Old Testament. Psalm 32:5
706. Reference to How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit (also known as, The Doctrine of Rebound) (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 32:5
707. David confesses his sins directly to God. He does not run around making restitution. Psalm 32:5
708. Restitution to those you have wronged. Psalm 32:5
709. Again, a musical pause at a time when we need to think about what David has written. Psalm 32:5
710. What gracious ones means. Psalm 32:6
711. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. Psalm 32:6
712. Reference to the Doctrine of the Ministry of God the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) Psalm 32:6
713. References to the Dispensation of Israel, the Dispensation of the Hypostatic Union and the Church Age. See the Doctrine of Dispensations (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 32:6
714. Protection for some believers from natural disasters like floods. Practical application and taking precautions during a storm or leaving a particular geographical area during a storm. Psalm 32:6
715. Reference to the doctrine of the Will of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) or R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s Divine Guidance. Psalm 32:6
716. God protects from natural disasters and enemies. Psalm 32:7
717. Human problems and difficulties are inevitable; stress is optional. Psalm 32:7
718. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Problems and Difficulties are Inevitable; Stress is Optional. Psalm 32:7
719. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Logistical Grace. Psalm 32:7
720. Reference to the laws of divine establishment. Psalm 32:7
721. Reference to the doctrine of the will of God. Psalm 32:7
722. Reference to gap (the grace apparatus for perception). Psalm 32:7
723. Reference to the Complete Doctrine of Logistical Grace (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 32:7
724. What we are supposed to think about during this musical pause. Psalm 32:7
725. Reference to the Will of God (HTML) (PDF) or Divine Guidance. Psalm 32:8
726. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How to be in the will of God and how to remain in the will of God. Psalm 32:8
727. What it means for God to give us counsel with His eye. Psalm 32:8
728. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Guidance from the Word of God. Psalm 32:8
729. Horses and mules are undisciplined; if left to their own devices, they would run wild. Psalm 32:9
730. A bit and bridle, according to R. B. Thieme, Jr. Psalm 32:9
731. How we differ from horses. Psalm 32:9
732. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Evidence Bible: Differences between men and animals. Psalm 32:9
733. There is no reason for the believer to be guided by pain. Psalm 32:9
734. David contrasts the carnal or reversionistic believer with the mature believer. Psalm 32:10
735. Reference to the original 12 steps of AA. Psalm 32:10
736. How children who buck authority differ from those who do not. Psalm 32:10
737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parallel Texts to Psalm 32:10. Psalm 32:10
738. The overt emotional expression of ancient Jews. Psalm 32:11
739. Confessed sin leading to great celebration. Psalm 32:11
740. Clarke puts v. 11 with the next psalm. Psalm 32:11
741. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 32 Encapsulates the Spiritual Life. Psalm 32 Addendum
742. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 32. Psalm 32 Addendum
743. Again, references to 2Sam. 11 (HTML) (PDF) 2Sam. 12 (HTML) (PDF) and Psalm 51 (HTML) (PDF) and how Psalm 32 may be reasonably applied to another time and place. Psalm 32 Addendum
744. Authorship of Psalm 33. Psalm 33:intro
745. Authorship of Psalm 33. Psalm 33:inscription
746. Music and the Bible. The musical instruments harps, lyres and lutes. Psalm 33:2
747. Kenny on the fiddle over Christmas. Psalm 33:3
748. Why heavens is in the dual and not the plural in Scripture. Psalm 33:6
749. God and the creation of space and matter, the two basic components of the universe. Psalm 33:6
750. The borders of the waters. Psalm 33:7
751. Deism and our founding fathers. Psalm 33:10
752. Slogan of the United Nations. Psalm 33:10
753. The eternal nature of God’s Word. Psalm 33:11
754. A client nation vs. a theocracy. Psalm 33:12
755. Why a nation should be happy if Jehovah is their God. Psalm 33:12
756. The participle in the Hebrew. Psalm 33:15
757. God is actively involved in our lives and in this earth. Psalm 33:15
758. Chart: The Various Translations of Rôbv. Psalm 33:17
759. Chart: Salvation Verbs. Psalm 33:17
760. Military strategy and tactics and God’s overruling will. Psalm 33:17
761. Waiting on God’s perfect timing. Psalm 33:20
762. Prosphonesis (also known as apostrophe). Psalm 33:22
763. God’s blessings and grace are in accordance with our faith. Psalm 33:22
764. Chart: The Full Translation of Psalm 33. Psalm 33:22
766. Background for David, the author, of Psalm 34, with Ahimelech (Achish), king of Gath. Psalm 34 introduction
767. Doctrine of the Messianic Psalms. Psalm 34 introduction
768. Psalm 34 is an acrostic psalm (or, alphabetical psalm). Psalm 34 introduction
769. The Psalm outline. Psalm 34 introduction
770. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Do We Have Abimelech here rather than Achish? Psalm 34 Inscription
771. David continually praises God, and what that means. Psalm 34:1
772. God is willing and able to protect David. School illustration. Psalm 34:2
773. You need to have a capacity for appreciation to enjoy God’s protection. Psalm 34:2
774. How God answers David. Psalm 34:4
775. The change in David’s mental attitude stince 1Sam. 21. Psalm 34:4
776. We, as believers, tend to lack a sense of logic. Psalm 34:4
777. Life with God can be like a carnival ride; and our interest ought to be, how will God solve this problem; and not all of the trivial worries which we often exhibit. Psalm 34:4
778. David’s original behavior put others at risk. Psalm 34:5
779. A believer ought to exhibit honor in keeping a contract. Psalm 34:5
780. Children being ashamed of their parents; believers being ashamed of Jesus Christ. Psalm 34:5
781. God has provided our deliverance in eternity past. Psalm 34:6
782. God has us surrounded when it comes to protection. Psalm 34:7
783. Cults that will not seek medical treatment. Psalm 34:7
784. The Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah (HTML) (PDF). from Gen. 16:7.alluded to in Psalm 34:7.
785. Jesus Christ pioneered our spiritual life. Psalm 34:7
786. Believers occupied with the Lord Jesus Christ do not lack. This does not mean that we will go throughout life without suffering privation. Psalm 34:9
787. When I heard of the privation and prosperity tests, I volunteered in prayer for the latter. Psalm 34:9
788. Those who seek Jehovah do not lack. Psalm 34:10
789. Who exactly is David speaking to when he says my sons? Psalm 34:11
790. The believer is taught to have fear/respect for the Lord. Psalm 34:11
791. Restraining one’s tongue is godly. Psalm 34:13
792. The Doctrine of Sins of the Tongue from Lev. 19:16 alluded to in Psalm 34:13.
793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Subversion of the Political Gay Agenda. Psalm 34:14
794. Modern society, as of late, is calling evil good and good evil. Examples of the politics of homosexuality. Psalm 34:14
795. The Doctrine of Peace from early on in the book of Leviticus referenced in Psalm 34:14.
796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 34:8–14: David Outlines the Spiritual Life for the Old Testament. Psalm 34:14
797. David gives assurances to those who are positive toward God’s Word. Psalm 34:15
798. Those who are negative do not call out to God for help. Psalm 34:17
799. Those who call out to God for help, make deals, but never keep up their end of the deal. Psalm 34:17
800. Parents seeing to the needs of their children, looking in advance to what they will need, and how this relates to God’s care for us. Psalm 34:17
801. The idea of events simply being random. Psalm 34:17
802. Jehovah is near to the brokenhearted is language of accommodation. Psalm 34:18
803. My salvation experience. Psalm 34:18
804. Your problems do not instantly vanish when becoming a child of God. When I began studying and writing, I faced some horrendous personal difficulties. Personal problems and the power of God. Psalm 34:19
805. David’s problems with Saul and not making unauthorized attacks against your enemies. Psalm 34:19
806. All believers are guaranteed to face difficulties, heartaches and troubles. Psalm 34:19
807. Psalm 34 is specifically about David’s recovery from being out of fellowship. Psalm 34:20
808. The difficulties which Jesus Christ faced. Psalm 34:20
809. Prophesy that our Lord’s bones would not be broken. Psalm 34:20
810. Our problems, for the most part, are self-imposed. Psalm 34:21
811. Homosexuals in the church and churches which have bent over backwards to cater to them. Psalm 34:21
812. Prostitution and drug use portrayed as victimless crimes. Psalm 34:21
813. Sinful behavior will always touch those who have no relationship to that sin. Columbine High School shootings. Psalm 34:21
814. Psalm 34, in parts, can be applied to Jesus Christ. Psalm 34:21
815. The God-ward side and the man-ward side of the mechanics of salvation in the Old Testament. Psalm 34:22
816. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 34:19–22 A View of the Messiah. Psalm 34:22
817. Barnes explains this passage. Psalm 34:22
818. Psalm 41 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
819. Psalm 41 is about David being ill and correlating that with his sin. Psalm 41 Introduction
820. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Psalm 41. Psalm 41 Introduction
821. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why David Does Not Have More Specifics in Psalm 41. Psalm 41 Introduction
822. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Psalm 41. Psalm 41 Introduction
823. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Psalm 41. Psalm 41 Introduction
824. Illness seems to be better suited for the Psalms rather than the narratives of Samuel or Chronicles. Psalm 41 Introduction
825. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes Outlines and Summarizes Psalm 41. Psalm 41 Introduction
826. Theorizing a time and place for this psalm to have been written. Psalm 41 Introduction
827. David his enemies and a desire for power. Psalm 41 Introduction
828. A president who is completely ill-equipped to run the country. Psalm 41 Introduction
829. I am not sure that I quite got the key to this chapter. Psalm 41 Introduction
830. What is the overseer or the pre-eminent one? Psalm 41 inscription
831. The inscription could refer to the person who did word and the person who wrote the music. Psalm 41 inscription
832. David applies this verse to himself as one who looks out for the poor. Psalm 41:1
833. Different kinds of poverty. Psalm 41:1
834. Christians performing works of charity. Psalm 41:1
835. Using common sense when helping others. Psalm 41:1
836. Ideally, taxes ought to be 13⅓%. Psalm 41:1
837. We should give without expecting repayment. Psalm 41:1
838. The problem with voting for higher taxes as a part of our Christian walk. Psalm 41:1
839. Politicians paying off supporters. Psalm 41:1
840. God and the Poor; Is God Really a Liberal? (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 41:1
841. Reference to 2Samuel 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 41:1
842. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A New Interpretation of Psalm 41:1. Psalm 41:1
843. Reference to the Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 41:1
844. Reference to Logistical Grace (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 41:2
845. God is a very personal God; life is not survival of the fittest. Psalm 41:2
846. Alternate interpretation of Psalm 41:2. Psalm 41:2
847. The proposed background for Psalm 41. Psalm 41:3
848. Overturning a bed. God is not promising perfect health to every believer. Psalm 41:3
849. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke Sums up the Benefits of Being a Merciful Man. Psalm 41:3
850. David’s moral problem. David seems to have been a great king despite this moral failing. Psalm 41:4
851. David recognizes that all of his problems are related to his sin from the past. Some sins can be confessed and they are gone; other sins—those of an addictive nature—appear to be with us for a very long time. Psalm 41:4
852. Similar themes in Psalm 38. Psalm 41:4
853. David was like an absentee father whose children were being raised on the public dole. Psalm 41:4
854. The addictive nature of sex. Psalm 41:4
855. Addiction and salvation. Psalm 41:4
856. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the 40 Things We Receive at Salvation. Psalm 41:4
857. The presidential candidates 2012. Their detractors. David has his detractors. Psalm 41:5
858. What David’s detractors wished for. Psalm 41:5
859. The self-righteousness of David’s detractors; David’s illness and his sin. Psalm 41:5
860. Democrats want Reagan’s name to fade; Republicans want Clinton’s name to fade. Psalm 41:5
861. Reinterpreting Psalm 41:5. Psalm 41:5
862. A possible timeline for David’s illness, Absalom’s idea to revolt, etc. Psalm 41:6
863. Absalom gathering information in the palace. Psalm 41:6
864. David looks back and recognizes in retrospect what Absalom was doing. Psalm 41:6
865. Other betrayals in Scripture. Psalm 41:6
866. Lust for power and mental attitude sins. The verbal sins which follow. Psalm 41:7
867. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to Sins of the Tongue. Psalm 41:7
868. The wicked thing being poured into David. Psalm 41:8
869. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Ahithophel. Psalm 41:9
870. Why David knew Ahithophel but not Bathsheba. Psalm 41:9
871. Jesus applies Psalm 41:9 to Himself. The two ways this passage is understood. The two authors of Scripture. Psalm 41:9
872. Reference to the Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 41:9
873. Alternate explanations for two interpretations of this passage. Psalm 41:9
874. Typology and references to How Isaac's Unusual Birth Foreshadowed the Birth of Our Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Typology: Abraham's Offering of Isaac/God's Offering of Jesus (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 41:9
875. Psalm 41:10 may indicate a change in time of this psalm; that David wrote the final verses a few years later. Psalm 41:10
876. Theoretically when and under what circumstances David wrote portions of this psalm. Psalm 41:10
877. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Do We Pray for Our Enemies or Against Them? Psalm 41:10
878. The alternate translation and interpretation of Psalm 41:10. Psalm 41:10
879. An alternate interpretation of Psalm 41:10–11. Psalm 41:11
880. Dual authorship. Psalm 41:11
881. Edification complex, supergrace, and ultra-supergrace. Psalm 41:12
882. Being in the eternal presence of God. Psalm 41:12
883. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Two Separate Interpretations of Psalm 41:9–12. Psalm 41:12
884. This final verse is a doxology for Psalms 1–41.
885. Theories as to how these 5 books of the psalms may have originated. Psalm 41:13
886. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Endings of the 5 Books of the Psalms. Psalm 41:13
887. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 41. Psalm 41 Addendum
888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Interpretation of Judah's History Part I. Psalm 44 introduction
889. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Is My Life Totally Screwed Up? Psalm 44:9
890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 44:20–21. Psalm 44:21
891. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Interpretation of Judah's History Part II. Psalm 44:22
892. The theme of taking refuge in Jesus Christ. Psalm 46 introduction
893. Psalms 46–48 may be parallel psalms or psalms written around the same time, as there is some similarity of theme. Psalm 46 introduction
894. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 46 Outlined by Matthew Henry. Psalm 46 introduction
895. The relationship between this psalm and the moving of the Ark of God. Psalm 46 introduction
896. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Occasion of Psalm 46. Psalm 46 introduction
897. Luther’s Psalm. Psalm 46 introduction
898. The preeminent one; the chief musician. Psalm 46 inscription
899. The sons of Korah and their relationship to Psalm 46. Psalm 46 inscription
900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Reasons Why the Sons of Korah Authored These Psalms. Psalm 46 inscription
901. Young women, virgins as they relate to Psalm 46. Psalm 46 inscription
902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 46 inscription; Text from the Greek Septuagint. Psalm 46 inscription
903. How this psalm deals with the end. Psalm 46 inscription
904. How this psalm deals with hidden things. Psalm 46 inscription
905. God as our refuge; common sense and dependence upon God. Psalm 46:1
906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God is our Refuge. Psalm 46:1
907. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: To Whom Does the Verb Apply? Psalm 46:1
908. God assists us during times of difficulty. Psalm 46:1
909. Martin Luther; A Mighty Fortress is our God. Psalm 46:1
910. The actual observations of the psalmist in relationship to the words of this psalm. Psalm 46:2
911. Mountains tottering into the sea; hyperbole. Psalm 46:2
912. The promises of prayer and hyperbole. Psalm 46:2
913. I am baffled by this world and how people could possibly think that Bush and Ben Laden conspired to bring down the world trade centers (or that a significant percentage of Americans believe that Bush knew about the attack on the twin towers before it occurred. How opinions have become equally valid. Psalm 46:2
914. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A New Heavens and New Earth. Psalm 46:2
915. Water: its beauty and devastating force. Psalm 46:3
916. Again the author of this psalm speaks of things which he has probably never seen. Psalm 46:3
917. Natural disaster and political upheaval in the end times. Psalm 46:3
918. Selah. Psalm 46:3
919. Water and the city of God (Jerusalem). Jerusalem does not have a water source flowing by or through it. Psalm 46:4
920. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Do We Interpret the Word River; or Canals? Psalm 46:4
921. Several commentators and their take on water near the city of God. Psalm 46:4
922. Assigning a particular area to God; God’s omniscience. Psalm 46:4 4
923. There is a River; Edgar Cacce and the Bible. Psalm 46:4 4
924. Reincarnation and the Bible. Psalm 46:4
925. More about Bush and Ben Ladin. Psalm 46:4
926. Removal of the teaching of the holocaust from some schools in England. Psalm 46:4
927. Why is Tabernacle found in the plural here. Psalm 46:4
928. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why is God Said to Live in Dwelling Places? Psalm 46:4
929. God the Most High. Psalm 46:4
930. V. 5 sounds as though it is speaking of the earth’s stability, its gravity and its orbit. Psalm 46:5
931. Passages where God is said to be in the midst of His people or His city. Psalm 46:5
932. The Bible, the earth, its orbit, and scientific language. Psalm 46:5
933. Radical Muslims and the Jews. Psalm 46:5
934. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Two Interpretations of Psalm 46. Psalm 46:5
935. Mob scenes and mob mentality. Psalm 46:6
936. Waters which are out of control; water which is serene. Nations which are out of control; nations which function normally. Psalm 46:6
937. Black families; stability of Black families; children born out of wedlock to Blacks; unintended consequences; governmental impact on our lives. Psalm 46:6
938. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Power of God's Voice. Psalm 46:6
939. What does it mean for the earth to dissolve? Psalm 46:6
940. Creative people and destruction of the things which they create. Psalm 46:6
941. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: From God’s Creation of the Heavens and the Earth to the New Creation of the Same. Psalm 46:6
942. The gap theory and creation. Psalm 46:6
943. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gill's Parallels between Psalm 46:6 and the End Times. Psalm 46:6
944. Passages which deal with the military destruction of some peoples. Psalm 46:8
945. God’s plans and eternity past and His foreknowledge. Psalm 46:8
946. The anti-war movement in the United States. Psalm 46:9
947. Bush, Saddam, Iraq, Vietnam and the anti-war movement; the number of dead in Iraq. Psalm 46:9
948. The litmus test; how does the believer recognize that the enemy is so evil, that we should destroy them? Psalm 46:9
949. War and the Christian—a power-point presentation link. Psalm 46:9
950. Israel, the Assyrian army and this psalm. Psalm 46:9
951. God never calls upon man to end war. Psalm 46:9
952. Letting God do all of the work. Psalm 46:10
953. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Know that I Am God. Psalm 46:10
954. Maharishi Yogi’s distortion of Psalm 46:10. Psalm 46:10
955. The God is Israel is never presented as simply a local god. Psalm 46:10
956. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God is Exalted Over All. Psalm 46:10
957. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 46. Psalm 46 addendum
958. Transportation of the Ark by David and its association with Psalm 47. Psalm 47 introduction
959. Psalms should have doctrinal impact and meaning; there should be more to a psalm than just praise. Psalm 47 introduction
960. The ascension of Jesus Christ is fundamental to this psalm. Psalm 47 introduction
961. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes Outlines Psalm 47. Psalm 47 introduction
962. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Occasion of Psalm 47 (the opinions of several commentators). Psalm 47 introduction
963. Theories and thoughts on the preeminent one (the chief musician). Psalm 47 inscription
964. Who wrote Psalm 47? David? The sons of Korah? Psalm 47 inscription
965. It’s the message, not the man; R. B. Thieme Jr. and R. B. Thieme III. Psalm 47 inscription
966. The Doctrine of Clapping Hands. Psalm 47:1
967. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of the Doctrine of Clapping Hands. Psalm 47:1
968. David bringing the Ark into Jerusalem and how this is parallel to Psalm 47. Psalm 47:1
969. Clarke places this psalm with the return of Israel from Babylon. Psalm 47:1
970. The Jews knew from Scripture that their God is over all the earth. Psalm 47:2
971. The Net Bible® on the Niphal participle of to be feared. Psalm 47:2
972. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jesus Christ, Presented as King over all the Earth. Psalm 47:2
973. That all nations would be subdued under the Jews would be an unusual thing to be said during most periods of history for Israel. Psalm 47:3
974. Inheriting the Land of Promise is symbolic and real. Psalm 47:4
975. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Points on the Inheritance which God has Decreed . Psalm 47:4
976. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why We of the Church Age have not Replaced Israel, taking Israel’s Inheritance (an Argument against Covenant Theology). Psalm 47:4
977. Why Psalm 47 alludes to Jacob rather than to Abraham. Psalm 47:4
978. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Joy to the World!. Psalm 47:4
979. Selah. Psalm 47:4
980. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentators Interpret Elohim has gone up with a shout. Psalm 47:5
981. That God would ascend with a shout and the sound of a trumpet is traditionally applied to the Messiah. Psalm 47:5
982. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parallel Verses to Psalm 47:5. Psalm 47:5
983. Are we being enjoined to sing praises to God or is God being enjoined to sing praises to His Son? Arguments for and against. Psalm 47:6
984. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Epadiplosis. Psalm 47:6
985. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Time frame: Jesus Christ, Sovereign Over all the Earth. Psalm 47:7
986. Maskil (several opinions). Psalm 47:7
987. Doctrine of the Sovereignty of God. Psalm 47:8
988. Political ideology and fascism. Psalm 47:8
989. Jesus Christ will rule over all; the preeminence of Israel is well-documented in Scripture. Psalm 47:9
990. God has not cast aside the Jew. Psalm 47:9
991. Understanding the use of the word shields. Psalm 47:9
992. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 47:9 Summarized. Psalm 47:9
993. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Isaiah 60:1–15. Psalm 47:9
994. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 47:9 and God's Promises to Abraham. Psalm 47:9
995. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 47 Organized. Psalm 47 addendum
996. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke Organizes Psalm 47. Psalm 47 addendum
997. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 47 and the Advents of Jesus Christ. Psalm 47 addendum
998. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 47 and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Psalm 47 addendum
999. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 47 and the History of Israel, from the Divine Viewpoint. Psalm 47 addendum
1000. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 47. Psalm 47 addendum
1001. Psalm 51 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). David Confesses His Sin to God
1002. Allusions to 2Sam. 11 (HTML) (PDF) and 2Sam. 12 (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51 Introduction
1003. Nathan approaches David over a legal matter. Psalm 51 Introduction
1004. The background for Psalm 51; David’s sins. Psalm 51 Introduction
1005. Some of the important topics covered in 2Sam. 11–12. Psalm 51 Introduction
1006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Organization of Psalm 51. Psalm 51 Introduction
1007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Common and Parallel Elements of Psalm 51—Imperatives. Psalm 51 Introduction
1008. A summary of what is in Psalm 51. Psalm 51 Introduction
1009. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary of the Penitential Psalms. Psalm 51 Introduction
1010. The occasion of Psalm 51. Psalm 51 Introduction
1011. David’s sin continues on even until today. Psalm 51 Introduction
1012. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Co-Authorship of God the Holy Spirit and David. Psalm 51 Introduction
1013. Much of the Bible has never been fully exegeted. Psalm 51 Introduction
1014. Who added the inscriptions? Psalm 51 inscription
1015. Who is the preeminent one; the overseer? Psalm 51 inscription
1016. David’s sin is found in 2Sam. 11 (HTML) (PDF) and Nathan the prophet came to David in 2Sam. 12 (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51 inscription
1017. David demands grace from God. Psalm 51:1
1018. How much did David really understand about God forgiving sin? Did he understand the cross? Psalm 51:1
1019. Progressive revelation. Psalm 51:1
1020. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 51:1 as a Distich. Psalm 51:1
1021. Blotting out sins in the New Testament. Psalm 51:1
1022. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: In the Beloved (In Christ). Psalm 51:1
1023. David’s demands upon God. Psalm 51:1
1024. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 51:1 and Parallel Passages. Psalm 51:1
1025. David expects a complete and thorough cleansing from God. Psalm 51:2
1026. R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s terminology: the interlocking systems of arrogance; and the categories of sin within the interlocking systems of arrogance. This was given a thorough examination in 2Sam. 11 (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:2
1027. Degeneracy sins; homosexuality. Psalm 51:2
1028. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 51:2 as a Synonymous Distich. Psalm 51:2
1029. Our present-day understanding of the forgiveness of sin. Psalm 51:2
1030. The mechanics of the forgiveness of sin. Psalm 51:2
1031. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Did David (and Other Saints) Know About God's Forgiveness? Psalm 51:2
1032. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Satan Did not Understand. Psalm 51:2
1033. Reference to the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:2
1034. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Dual Authorship of the Holy Scriptures. Psalm 51:2
1035. References to the Short Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF); the Study of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF); and the Doctrine of Inspiration (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:2
1036. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:2
1037. David’s thinking came around to him understanding just how heinous his sins had been. Psalm 51:3
1038. My sheltered life and then being exposed to alcoholism. Psalm 51:3
1039. There is no such thing as a victimless crime. Psalm 51:3
1040. Legalizing sins and then taxing them. Psalm 51:3
1041. Women need a man who is emotionally available to them. Psalm 51:3
1042. Reference to the Doctrine of Polygamy in Deut. 21:15 2Sam. 5 1Chronicles 14 (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:3
1043. First and foremost, sin is against God. Psalm 51:4
1044. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Confession of Sin in the Old Testament. Psalm 51:4
1045. Reference to the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:4
1046. The fallout from David’s sins; when did Bathsheba know about David killing her husband? Psalm 51:4
1047. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Rebound (Confession of Personal Sin). Psalm 51:4
1048. Dishonest web sites and the Bible. Psalm 51:4
1049. Karla Faye Tucker, her possible salvation, and her being executed in Texas. Psalm 51:4
1050. Our lives after salvation; the illustration of Tucker and David. Psalm 51:4
1051. The consequences of David’s sins. Psalm 51:4
1052. The background of Karla Faye Tucker. Psalm 51:4
1053. What is right in the eyes of the world as opposed to what is right in the eyes of God. Psalm 51:4
1054. People will sin against you; people have sinned against me. Psalm 51:4
1055. The incomplete knowledge of the writers of the Old Testament about sin and God. How the Word of God builds upon the foundation which was laid. The doubts expressed by John the Baptizer. Psalm 51:4
1056. Progressive revelation and the amazing way that the Old and New Testaments fit together. Psalm 51:4
1057. Those in the Old Testament understood what the foundation looked like, but they did not know what the entire house would look like. Psalm 51:4
1058. Being born in iniquity. R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s illustration of the baby. Psalm 51:5
1059. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Imputations. Psalm 51:5
1060. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Sin Nature is Passed Down Through the Male. Psalm 51:5
1061. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Did God Make Man Upright? Psalm 51:5
1062. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Barrier Between Man and God. Psalm 51:5
1063. Allusion to Illustration of the Slave Market of Sin (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:5
1064. The time of ensoulment, R. B. Thieme, Jr., and the logical conclusions. Psalm 51:5
1065. The development of the soul and wild children. Psalm 51:5
1066. Just as a lack of stimulation will affect young souls, so will sexual stimulation affect a young soul. Psalm 51:5
1067. R. B. Thieme, Jr. and ensoulment. I don’t have a dog in this fight. Psalm 51:5
1068. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Abortion—Logic and the Bible. Psalm 51:5
1069. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Doctrine and the Facets of Our Souls. Psalm 51:6
1070. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Importance of Bible Doctrine. Psalm 51:6
1071. The Christian life is not sitting around, thinking great deep thoughts about God in some sort of meditative state, nor is it entering into some trance and/or emotional state. Psalm 51:6
1072. David’s acts of sin and his writing of Psalm 51. Psalm 51:6
1073. The illustration of a man having an affair, and its affect upon his wife and children and marriage. Psalm 51:6
1074. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Hyssop. Psalm 51:7
1075. Application of the dual authorship of Scripture. Psalm 51:7
1076. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The 3 Stages (or Phases) of Sanctification. Psalm 51:7
1077. George Washington quote about cleansing from sin. Psalm 51:7
1078. The lie that our founding fathers were deists and a mention of David Barton’s American Heritage. Psalm 51:7
1079. Scriptures related to bones. Psalm 51:8
1080. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Bones. Psalm 51:8
1081. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 51:9 as a Synonymous Distich. Psalm 51:9
1082. David again uses the imperative mood with God. Psalm 51:10
1083. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of the Heart. Psalm 51:10
1084. Allusions to the Doctrine of Polygamy (HTML) (PDF) and in 2Sam. 11. Psalm 51:10
1085. The human soul and our relationships with people. The human spirit is a repository for doctrine. Psalm 51:10
1086. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Doctrine of the Human Spirit. Psalm 51:10
1087. David is not starting from square 1 with his human spirit. Psalm 51:10
1088. R. B. Thieme, Jr. seemed to downplay the changing of one’s behavior. Psalm 51:10
1089. Our lusts continually impede our advancement in the spiritual life. This represents a rejection of the Word of God. Psalm 51:10
1090. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Original 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Psalm 51:10
1091. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes on Psalm 51:10b. Psalm 51:10
1092. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 51:10 as a Synthetic Distich. Psalm 51:10
1093. Using the negative and the imperfect tense. Psalm 51:11
1094. Allusions to the Doctrine of Eternal Security (external links). Bible Doctrine Resources or Verse by Verse. Psalm 51:11
1095. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Sin Unto Death—the Basic Concept and References. Psalm 51:11
1096. Paul never tells the carnal Corinthians to go get the Holy Spirit. Psalm 51:11
1097. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. Psalm 51:11
1098. Allusions to the Doctrine of the Ministry of God the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) and the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:11
1099. What it meant for God to take the Holy Spirit from David. David’s limited understanding of the Trinity. The words of Scripture simultaneously reflect the limitations of man and the infinite knowledge of God. God and man’s understandings of the taking away of the Holy Spirit from David. Psalm 51:11
1100. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 51:11 as a Synthetic Distich. Psalm 51:11
1101. David’s sins have caused him to be very unhappy. Psalm 51:12
1102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Joy of God's Deliverance. Psalm 51:12
1103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Restores That Which Is Lost. Psalm 51:12
1104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Qal stem of Çâmake ( ) [pronounced saw-MAHKe]. Psalm 51:12
1105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 51:11–12 as a Quatrastich. Psalm 51:12
1106. Islam and the church of communism. Psalm 51:13
1107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Way of God. Psalm 51:13
1108. The exhaustive doctrine, The Way of God (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:13
1109. Allusion to the Movement of the Ark and the Tent of God (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:13
1110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Doctrinal Teaching Available to King David. Psalm 51:13
1111. What it means for David to teach sinners. Psalm 51:13
1112. Being bullied into a course of action. Psalm 51:13
1113. A flurry of dog sins. Psalm 51:13
1114. My imperfection and writing commentary on the Word of God. Psalm 51:13
1115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Justification and Forgiveness of Sins. Psalm 51:14
1116. References to regeneration and justifications and the Angelic Conflict. Psalm 51:14
1117. David’s understanding of what he was writing. Psalm 51:14
1118. References to 1Chron. 17 (HTML) (PDF) and, in particular, the topic, Progressive Revelation and the Messiah to Come. Also see the Doctrine of Progressive Revelation (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51:14
1119. The key to Christianity is God’s righteousness. Psalm 51:14
1120. God’s essence. Psalm 51:14
1121. God’s righteousness is what separates Christianity from all other religions. Mormon, Muslims, Judaism, and Buddhists. Psalm 51:14
1122. Plotting the death of someone else and then asking God’s forgiveness. God’s pressure and the natural consequences of sin. The natural consequences of murder. Psalm 51:14
1123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parallel Passages to Psalm 51:14. Psalm 51:14
1124. After David is forgiven, he no longer faces divine discipline, but pressure by God to turn David around. Psalm 51:14
1125. David’s testimony to others in the midst of his sins. Psalm 51:15
1126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Man-ward and God-Ward Interpretation of Psalm 51:16. Psalm 51:16
1127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallels of David and Jesus Christ. Psalm 51:16
1128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David's Suffering in Psalm 22 Parallels Jesus Christ on the Cross. Psalm 51:16
1129. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallels of Solomon to Jesus Christ. Psalm 51:16
1130. From David’s point of view, why God is not interested in burnt offerings. Explaining why God did not want animal sacrifices or burnt offerings (Old Testament explanation). Psalm 51:16
1131. Why there are animal sacrifices in the Old Testament. Psalm 51:16
1132. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Shadows of Hebrews 9. Psalm 51:16
1133. Old Testament salvation and what did believers in the Old Testament believe in? Psalm 51:16
1134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What God Delights In. Psalm 51:16
1135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What God Does not Delight In. Psalm 51:16
1136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 51:16 Summarized. Psalm 51:16
1137. David’s broken spirit involves the breaking of his sexual addiction. Psalm 51:16
1138. If you have great authority, then you have much greater responsibilities. Psalm 51:17
1139. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scofield's Outline of Psalm 51. Psalm 51:17
1140. God’s forgiveness of David and the offering of animal sacrifices. What David means and what God the Holy Spirit means. Psalm 51:17
1141. Restoring Israel and how this is related to Psalm 51. Psalm 51:18
1142. The divisive actions of President Bill Clinton. Psalm 51:18
1143. David’s affect upon all of Jerusalem. Psalm 51:18
1144. God deals with us individually and corporately. Psalm 51:18
1145. R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s over-the-top warnings about the United States going into slavery or being defeated by a communist country. Psalm 51:18
1146. How the threats against the United States have increased in all realms. Psalm 51:18
1147. Why God dealt with the personal failings of various rulers. Psalm 51:18
1148. The concept of being a role model. Psalm 51:18
1149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Walls of Jerusalem. Psalm 51:18
1150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Do These Final Verses Fit into Psalm 51? Psalm 51:18
1151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 51:15–19 Tied Together. Psalm 51:19
1152. Sacrifices and their efficacy. How David sees it and how God the Holy Spirit sees it. Psalm 51:19
1153. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Davidic Timeline. Psalm 51 addendum
1154. The entire Timeline of David’s Life (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 51 addendum
1155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 51. Psalm 51 addendum
1156. References to 2Sam. 11 (HTML) (PDF), 2Sam. 12 (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 32 (HTML) (PDF).
1157. Psalm 55 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1158. Placing this psalm in the Davidic narrative with the Absalom revolution. Psalm 55 Introduction
1159. Psalm 55 is an imprecatory psalm. List of imprecatory psalms. Psalm 55 Introduction
1160. Although some say this psalm may point to the sufferings of our Lord or to the betrayal of Judas by Jesus, I don’t believe this is the case. Psalm 55 Introduction
1161. The unusual organization of this psalm. Psalm 55 Introduction
1162. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Psalm 55. Psalm 55 Introduction
1163. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Prequel of Psalm 55. Psalm 55 Introduction
1164. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Psalm 55. Psalm 55 Introduction
1165. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke's Alternative Outline. Psalm 55 Introduction
1166. The key to this psalm is David apply doctrinal rationales to his life. Psalm 55 Introduction
1167. What brought David to this point in his life. Psalm 55 Introduction
1168. The changes that David will make in his life after Absalom; and how he will raise Solomon. David will also be faithful to Bathsheba. So God takes this great mess and works it out together for good. Psalm 55 Introduction
1169. How we have screwed up our own lives and Rom. 8:38. Psalm 55 Introduction
1170. This psalm allows us to look into the mind of David. Psalm 55 Introduction
1171. The lâmed preposition and David in the inscription. Psalm 55 inscription
1172. What negîynâh means. Psalm 55 inscription
1173. What maskil means. Psalm 55 inscription
1174. We stand on Christ’s completed work and not our own. Psalm 55:1
1175. The analogy between tools, a hammer and prayer. Psalm 55:1
1176. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Prayer. Psalm 55:1
1177. Division problems in this chapter concerning verses. Psalm 55:2
1178. David’s nervous energy. Psalm 55:2
1179. Application of Obama’s Kill Romney approach to defeating Mitt Romney. There are many up-to-date applications of Scripture. Psalm 55:3
1180. Millions of people hate Ronald Reagan. Great rulers are hated. Lies and falsehoods are spread against them. Psalm 55:3
1181. Absalom’s negative campaigning. Psalm 55:3
1182. Fact-check groups. Psalm 55:3
1183. Absalom spreads lies and falsehoods about his father. Psalm 55:3
1184. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Approach to the Revolution Against David. Psalm 55:3
1185. Satan uses lies to attack believers. Psalm 55:3
1186. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Lies Spoken and False Charges Made Against Jesus Christ. Psalm 55:3
1187. David thinks about himself. Psalm 55:4
1188. David and Absalom. Their history; what David should have done regarding Absalom. Psalm 55:4
1189. Reference to 2Samuel 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:4
1190. David’s fear of dying. Psalm 55:4
1191. Reference to the interlocking systems of arrogance (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:4
1192. David’s weakness as a skirt-chaser. Psalm 55:4
1193. Clusters of sins. Psalm 55:4
1194. Reference to the sexual arrogance gate (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:4
1195. Reference to 2Samuel 11 (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 55:4
1196. Why do we face so much suffering and pain? People turn from God when they have everything they need or if they are very successful. Psalm 55:4
1197. David will break from his fear and make some excellent decisions in 2Sam. 15. He has gotten to the point where he can rebound his sins and move on. Psalm 55:5
1198. David wanting to grow wings and escape. Psalm 55:6
1199. Sublimation is not the way to deal with problems. Psalm 55:6
1200. A leader is not a leader who thinks about himself all of the time. Obama wrote two autobiographies before doing anything of note in his life. Psalm 55:6
1201. When you assume a position of leadership, you cannot just wander off and do your own thing. Psalm 55:7
1202. The hoi polloi and being a CEO or being president. Not everyone is a leader. Psalm 55:7
1203. Getting a place in the country and getting away from it all. Psalm 55:7
1204. The Land of Promise was very different in David’s time. Psalm 55:7
1205. The raging wind and storm are all metaphorical. Psalm 55:8
1206. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Thinks Only About Himself. Psalm 55:8
1207. Reference to Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and to 2Sam. 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:8
1208. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Davidic Covenant. Psalm 55:8
1209. David stops thinking about himself and refocuses on what is going on right now.
1210. Reference to Psalm 41 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and to the Doctrine of Imprecatory Psalms (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:9
1211. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Do We Pray for Our Enemies or Against Them? Psalm 55:9
1212. Reference to Genesis 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:9
1213. Reference to the tower of Babel. Psalm 55:9
1214. David’s prayer and his answer is in Hushai the Archite. Psalm 55:9
1215. Reference to 2Samuel 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:9
1216. People being divided when considering different leaders. Division in the United States. Psalm 55:9
1217. Why a lack of domestic tranquility interferes with spiritual growth. Psalm 55:9
1218. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 55:9
1219. Psalm 55 is generic; it does not specifically reference Absalom or Ahithophel. Psalm 55:9
1220. Praying for the United States and what to pray for. Psalm 55:9
1221. Internal strife in Israel; Absalom unable to properly govern. Psalm 55:10
1222. The rape of David’s mistresses is an example of this strife and lawlessness. Psalm 55:10
1223. People complain that God allows this or that to happen. Psalm 55:10
1224. God uses national disaster and natural disasters to remove people from this earth. Psalm 55:10
1225. What we ought to do as believers during times of catastrophe. Psalm 55:10
1226. Louisiana, New Orleans and Katrina, and the good that resulted. Psalm 55:10
1227. Promises of politicians during elections. Psalm 55:11
1228. How David knows what is happening in Jerusalem. Psalm 55:11
1229. Reference to the Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:11
1230. Obama’s campaign strategy concerning Romney. Psalm 55:12
1231. Ahithophel as the big picture guy; military genius. Psalm 15:13
1232. A man’s gotta know his limitations. Psalm 15:13
1233. Our free will interacting with our prayers to God. God answers David’s prayer with Hushai. Psalm 15:13
1234. Reference to 2Samuel 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 15:13
1235. Our nation requires prayer. What we should do. Our spiritual life and voting. Psalm 15:13
1236. Having a close friend turn against you. Psalm 15:13
1237. Application to Jesus and the pharisees. Betrayal by Judas. Psalm 15:13
1238. Difficulties translating v. 14. Psalm 15:14
1239. Reference to the Movement of the Ark and of the Tent of God (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 15:14
1240. The two priesthoods during the time of David. The separation of the Ark and the Tabernacle. Psalm 15:14
1241. Worship services during the time of David. Psalm 15:14
1242. Alternate readings for v. 15. Psalm 55:15
1243. Do we pray for our enemies or against them? Psalm 55:15
1244. The Christian, war, Iraq, Islamists. Psalm 55:15
1245. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Sheol. Psalm 55:15
1246. Reference to the Complete Doctrine of Sheol (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1247. David’s prayer and the Korah rebellion; parallels. Psalm 55:15
1248. David appears to have been studying the Word of God. Psalm 55:15
1249. Evil. Psalm 55:15
1250. Law and order; what believers do if Obama takes the country in a far, far left direction. Psalm 55:15
1251. Millennials; 60 Minutes show on them. Link. Psalm 55:15
1252. The believer does not get involved in a revolution. Psalm 55:15
1253. Reference to 2Samuel 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:15
1254. Reference to the Doctrine of Evil (PDF) (DOC). Psalm 55:15
1255. The maturing believer, prayer, and God listening to our prayers. Psalm 55:17
1256. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Uses of Sîyach in the Psalms. Psalm 55:17
1257. How many times a day should we pray in order to get God’s attention? Psalm 55:17
1258. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary up to Psalm 55:17. Psalm 55:17
1259. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Disaster Testing and the Faith Rest Technique by Stan Simonton. Psalm 55:17
1260. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Fear vs. Faith by Stan Simonton. Psalm 55:17
1261. V. 18 very difficult to translate. Psalm 55:18
1262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translating and Explaining Psalm 55:18. Psalm 55:18
1263. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Possible Two-fold Explanation of 2Sam. 55:18. Psalm 55:18
1264. Reference to Psalm 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and 2Sam. 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:18
1265. Doctrinal rationales. Psalm 55:18
1266. The Christian life is very much what goes on in your own soul. Psalm 55:18
1267. God did not just wind up the world and walk away. Psalm 55:19
1268. God is on the throne. Psalm 55:19
1269. Reference to the Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:19
1270. Prosperity hardened Absalom. Psalm 55:19
1271. Is Jesus the only Savior? What about Muslims? Psalm 55:19
1272. Ahithophel’s covenant with the king. Psalm 55:20
1273. Abraham’s buttery words. Mention of gulags. Psalm 55:21
1274. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abuse of Words. Psalm 55:21
1275. Abrupt change of pace in the psalm. Background for Psalm 55, which explains this change of pace. Psalm 55:22
1276. Explaining what it means to cast your burdens on the Lord. Psalm 55:22
1277. A few promises from the Bible. Psalm 55:22
1278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Promises from God and Provisions by God. Psalm 55:22
1279. Absalom used deceit. Psalm 55:23
1280. Politicians who use deceit. Psalm 55:23
1281. Allusion to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55:23
1282. Revolution in the United States. Full-scale economic collapse. Anti-establishment trends in the United States. Psalm 55:23
1283. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 55. Psalm 55 Addendum
1284. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallels Found in Psalm 55. Psalm 55 Addendum
1285. Allusions to 2Samuel 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 41 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 55 Addendum
1286. Psalm 61 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1287. Placing Psalm 61 into an historical context. Psalm 61 Introduction
1288. The use of person in Psalm 61. Psalm 61 Introduction
1289. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Psalm 61. Psalm 61 Introduction
1290. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Historical Context of Psalm 61. Psalm 61 Introduction
1291. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes' Outline of Psalm 61. Psalm 61 Introduction
1292. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The NIV Study Bible Outline of Psalm 61. Psalm 61 Introduction
1293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Psalm 61. Psalm 61 Introduction
1294. Some passages of this psalm are very peculiar. Psalm 61 Introduction
1295. The pre-eminent one. Psalm 61 inscription
1296. All of the stringed instrument psalms. Psalm 61 inscription
1297. David appears to be emotional in this psalm. Psalm 61:1
1298. David’s presumption to require God to listen to him is justified. Psalm 61:1
1299. Biblical prayers. Psalm 61:1
1300. There is no place that is too far from God. Psalm 61:2
1301. Ends of the earth is a figure of speech. What this phrase suggests as to the timing of this psalm. Psalm 61:2
1302. Some soul-anguish is not sinful. Psalm 61:2
1303. The likely historical setting of this psalm. Psalm 61:2
1304. The advantages of a tower. Psalm 61:3
1305. David and divine protection. Psalm 61:3
1306. Grace in the Christian’s life. Psalm 61:3
1307. David and the Tent of God; where the Tent of God has been. Psalm 61:4
1308. Reference to the Movement of the Ark and the Tabernacle (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 61:4
1309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Movement of the Ark and the Tent of God In David's Lifetime. Psalm 61:4
1310. Placing psalms based upon a reference to the Tabernacle or to the Temple. Psalm 61:4
1311. Reference to the Doctrine of Wings (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 61:4
1312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Wings. Psalm 61:4
1313. Selah. Psalm 61:4
1314. Reference to the Doctrine of Vows (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 61:5
1315. Reference to the Doctrine of Old Testament Inheritance (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 61:5
1316. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Old Testament Inheritance. Psalm 61:5
1317. Reference to How Isaac's Unusual Birth Foreshadowed the Birth of Our Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 61:5
1318. Reference to 2Sam. 7 (HTML) (PDF); Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and 1Chron. 17 (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 61:5
1319. Reference to New Testament Inheritance (or Heirship) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 61:5
1320. God gives land to specific peoples. Psalm 61:5
1321. It is very likely that David is praying for longer life for Saul, the very man who is pursuing him. Psalm 61:6
1322. We get the government we deserve; examples. Psalm 61:6
1323. Being king over many generations. Psalm 61:6
1324. The human author and Divine Author of Scripture; the transformation to speaking about the Future King. Psalm 61:7
1325. Progressive revelation and David. Psalm 61:7
1326. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Eternity Characterizes all that God is and all that He Does. Psalm 61:7
1327. Grace and truth as sentries about the Eternal King. Psalm 61:7
1328. Examples of dishonesty in the 2012 candidates for president. Psalm 61:7
1329. Reference to 2Sam. 15:20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 61:7
1330. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Grace and Truth [= Bible doctrine] in the Bible. Psalm 61:7
1331. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Contrast of "I will's". Psalm 61:8
1332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Suble Interplay of "I Will" and "You Will" (or, "You Have"). Psalm 61:8
1333. David’s conclusion to this psalm. Psalm 61:8
1334. Is God a supreme egotist Who needs our adoration and attention? Psalm 61:8
1335. Ancient Jews believed in the Messiah; modern Jews do not. Psalm 61:8
1336. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 61. Psalm 61 Addendum
1337. Reference to 1Sam. 23 (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 61 Addendum
1338. Possible related psalms. Psalm 61 Addendum
1339. Psalm 62 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1340. The men in this psalm deceived David and he was not aware of their opposition to him. Psalm 62 Introduction
1341. The time of Psalm 62 is not clearly stated. Psalm 62 Introduction
1342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Psalm 62. Psalm 62 Introduction
1343. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Historical Context of Psalm 62. Psalm 62 Introduction
1344. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Psalm 62. Psalm 62 Introduction
1345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Alternate Outline to Psalm 62 from Psalm 62 Introduction
1346. Many verses begin with the adverb ʾake (אַ) [pronounced ahke]. Psalm 62 Introduction
1347. Meaning of the Preeminent One. Psalm 62 Inscription
1348. Jeduthun. Psalm 62 Inscription
1349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Occurrences of Dûwmîyâh in Scripture. Psalm 62:1
1350. God’s plan for the arc of our lives. We need to know when to act and when to let God act. Psalm 62:1
1351. The great change in America with regards to Christmas. Psalm 62:1
1352. Who or what do our youth trust in today? Psalm 62:1
1353. Today’s youth and their view on pot smoking. Psalm 62:1
1354. Tragedies in life; God’s deliverance. Psalm 62:1
1355. Our nation needs a pivot. Psalm 62:1
1356. We do not have to decide if David is writing about personal deliverance or about ultimate salvation, because there are two authors of Scripture. Psalm 62:1
1357. David says that God is his Rock, his salvation, and his Jesus. Psalm 62:2
1358. OT and NT approaches to salvation; their agreement in eternal deliverance. Psalm 62:2
1359. We trust in God, not because it makes us feel good, but because this is reality. Psalm 62:2
1360. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jesus is the Rock in the New Testament. Psalm 62:2
1361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jesus in the Hebrew of the Old Testament. Psalm 62:2
1362. Throughout the Bible, there are two writers of Scripture: man and God the Holy Spirit. So, sometimes they will use the exact same words to convey different ideas. This is known as the Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 62:2
1363. Dealing with the difficulties in life; Paul’s view. Psalm 62:2
1364. David, as a military man, can compartmentalize. Psalm 62:3
1365. David’s enemies are like a wall which is bowing out. Psalm 62:3
1366. David’s enemies are not looked up to or respected, so they plot to bring David down. Psalm 62:4
1367. Coveting what others have. Hating those with riches; hating CEO’s. Balancing the budget by taxing the rich. Psalm 62:4
1368. There are always those out there with a nicer house or car. Psalm 62:4
1369. David would love to have had the possessions of a middle class family today. Psalm 62:4
1370. Liberals believe in equal outcomes, as long as their status is not reduced. Psalm 62:4
1371. Absalom used this sort of appeal to reach others; telling them that we are all equal. Psalm 62:4
1372. Communist leaders don’t starve; but they decide who starves and who does not. Psalm 62:4
1373. The 99% movement selling itself as everyone being equal. Psalm 62:4
1374. Those trying to thrust David from office are going against God’s will; David knew this when Saul was king and did not attempt to dislodge Saul. Psalm 62:4
1375. The Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 62:4
1376. Delight in deception; the destroying of the character of Mitt Romney. Psalm 62:4
1377. Liberals usually don’t mind when their leaders say one thing but do another, because it is all about getting everyone progressing toward a liberal utopia. Psalm 62:4
1378. Applications here show you how the Bible applies to the 21st century. The key to getting a good leader is to infuse our souls with Bible doctrine. Psalm 62:4
1379. The Doctrine of Flattery (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 62:4
1380. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Doctrine of Lying. Psalm 62:4
1381. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 62:4 and the Absalom Revolution. Psalm 62:4
1382. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The 4 Ingredients to Psalm 62:4. Psalm 62:4
1383. The meaning of Selah. Psalm 62:4
1384. David, when facing opposition, has control over his soul. Psalm 62:5
1385. You must know the Word of God in order to have confidence in God. Psalm 62:5
1386. We may face the test of those that we work with plotting against us. Psalm 62:5
1387. Examples of keeping a cool head in life (a soul which has been calmed). Psalm 62:5
1388. The guy from MENSA who would not show his ID to the police. Psalm 62:5
1389. A teacher not flying off the handle against some kid. Psalm 62:5
1390. What it means to have Yehowah always before you, as David probably never spoke to or saw the Revealed Lord. This may be the key to David’s greatness. David understands divine viewpoint. Psalm 62:6
1391. Stability in life and reward go together. Psalm 62:6
1392. Faith is designed to be exercised. Faith is not supposed to lie fallow. Psalm 62:6
1393. The importance of repetition in the teaching of Bible doctrine. Psalm 62:6
1394. The parallels found in this psalm. Psalm 62:6
1395. God is David’s ultimate refuge. Psalm 62:7
1396. “God is my refuge” passages. Psalm 62:7
1397. David urges others to place their confidence always in God. Psalm 62:8
1398. Passages where people let their needs be known to God. Psalm 62:8
1399. The Angelic Conflict explains why we let our needs be known to God. Psalm 62:8
1400. Pop psychology of not keeping your emotions bundled up inside. Psalm 62:8
1401. Selah Psalm 62:8
1402. Man is but a vapor; he leaves almost nothing behind. Psalm 62:9
1403. Man is either empty or he is deceptive. Psalm 62:9
1404. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Vanity. Psalm 62:9
1405. Putting one’s trust in God rather than in man. Psalm 62:9
1406. We are not to place our confidence in ill-gotten gain or upon money. Psalm 62:10
1407. The believer and money and security; personal approach to assets. Psalm 62:10
1408. Wealth, work and the believer. Psalm 62:10
1409. The believer ought to be financially responsible. Psalm 62:10
1410. Example of public sector workers in California. Psalm 62:10
1411. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why There is Repetition in Bible Teaching. Psalm 62:11
1412. Old and New Testament passages on repetition. Psalm 62:11
1413. Various links to doctrines on the power of God. Psalm 62:11
1414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Grace. Psalm 62:12
1415. The concept of eternal rewards; the concept of being recompensed for this life. Psalm 62:12
1416. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Rewards Us According to What We Have Done. Psalm 62:12
1417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Related Links To Doctrines of Human Good and Divine Good. Psalm 62:12
1418. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 62. Psalm 62 Addendum
1419. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Robert L. Alden Organizes Psalm 62 as a Chiasmos. Psalm 62 Addendum
1420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principles of Psalm 62. Psalm 62 Addendum
1421. Psalm 64 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1422. Introductory quotations. Psalm 64 [before the] Introduction
1423. When Psalm 64 was written. Psalm 64 Introduction
1424. Reference to 2Samuel 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 64 Introduction
1425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 64 as a Chiasmos. Psalm 64 Introduction
1426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Principals of Psalm 64. Psalm 64 Introduction
1427. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Historical Context of Psalm 64. Psalm 64 Introduction
1428. References to 2Samuel 11 (HTML) (PDF). 2Samuel 12 (HTML) (PDF) 2Samuel 13 (HTML) (PDF) 2Samuel 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) 2Samuel 15 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 64 Introduction
1429. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Synopsis of Psalm 64. Psalm 64 Introduction
1430. Although David places this in a military context, this applies to any group which plots against you (and, for many believers, this will happen). Psalm 64 Introduction
1431. The preeminent one. Psalm 64 inscription
1432. The lâmed preposition and the authorship of David. Psalm 64 inscription
1433. There seems to be very little that is miraculous in David’s life. Psalm 64:1
1434. Overemphasis upon the miraculous among Christians regarding the Bible. Psalm 64:1
1435. The miracles of Jesus were His credit card. Psalm 64:1
1436. Since God can read our thoughts, why would be pray aloud? Psalm 64:1
1437. In a position of leadership, you will face opposition and conspiracy plots. Psalm 64:1
1438. David’s children were raised by the state. Psalm 64:1
1439. If you are a welfare mother, your children will be substandard. Psalm 64:1
1440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Fear. Psalm 64:1
1441. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Fear. Psalm 64:1
1442. Enemies will cause your circumstances to change. God means these changes for good. Psalm 64:1
1443. Illustration with Barack Obama. We do not get to revolt against our government, no matter how crazy they get. Psalm 64:1
1444. The difficulties in our life often make our lives better; illustration of a root canal. Psalm 64:1
1445. Paul and his trials and tribulations. Most of our lives are a cakewalk by comparison. Psalm 64:1
1446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Map of David's Retreat. Psalm 64:2
1447. Specifics on the Absalom revolution and the movement of David. Psalm 64:2
1448. The two groups of people in a revolution. Illustration of Egyptian revolution. Psalm 64:2
1449. Reference to Doctrine of Revolution (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 64:2
1450. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hacker's Typology of Terrorists. Psalm 64:2
1451. Irrationality in American politics today. Psalm 64:2
1452. What should the United States do when another country is in revolution? Psalm 64:2
1453. The Bush policy of keeping Bibles and Christianity out of Muslim countries. Psalm 64:2
1454. Christianity and not democracy is the key to establishing a good government. Psalm 64:2
1455. Political correctness and the removal of Christian symbols in the United States. Psalm 64:2
1456. Why Obama got elected. Psalm 64:2
1457. The criminals using their tongues as swords against David. Psalm 64:3
1458. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to Sins of the Tongue. Psalm 64:3
1459. The conspiracy against David and his affair with Bathsheba. Psalm 64:3
1460. Sins of the tongue and George Bush. Psalm 64:3
1461. Bill Clinton, Paula Jones and Herman Cain. Psalm 64:3
1462. Several verses on sins of the tongue. Psalm 64:3
1463. Sins of the tongue brought down George Bush and King David. Psalm 64:4
1464. David’s respect for King Saul and his authority. Psalm 64:4
1465. The conspirators and the crusaders. Psalm 64:4
1466. Those in the revolution work themselves up. They cannot work each other up with divine viewpoint thinking. Psalm 64:5
1467. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Scar Tissue of the Soul. Psalm 64:5
1468. Scar tissue. Psalm 64:5
1469. How David might know about the revolutionaries and how they think. Psalm 64:5
1470. Anti-Bush propaganda via the internet. Psalm 64:5
1471. Absalom certainly had co-conspirators. Psalm 64:6
1472. David’s guard should have been up with respect to Absalom. Psalm 64:6
1473. God becomes involved and assaults David’s enemies. This does not mean that David retires to a park bench to soak up a few rays. Psalm 64:7
1474. Several difficulties with translating v. 8. Psalm 64:8
1475. Conspirators are stumbling over their own tongues. Psalm 64:8
1476. Hushai the Archite. Psalm 64:8
1477. Democrat party dramatically maligning the Republican presidential candidate. Psalm 64:8
1478. Reference to Say What? Psalm 64:8
1479. Conspirators without crusaders in a revolution will fail. Weather Underground as an example. Psalm 64:8
1480. Hardcore revolutionaries and the useful idiots. Psalm 64:9
1481. David’s victory is really God’s victory. Psalm 64:10
1482. Sexual arrogance and interlocking systems of arrogance. Psalm 64:10
1483. Reference to 2Samuel 18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 64:10
1484. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Upright of Heart. Psalm 64:10
1485. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 64. Psalm 64 Addendum
1486. J. Vernon McGee: “We ought not put our faith in politicians, education or science.” Psalm 64 Addendum
1487. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 64 Applied to Jesus, David's Greater Son. Psalm 64 Addendum
1488. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 64 as a Chiasmos Part II. Psalm 64 Addendum
1489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 64 as a Chiasmos Part III. Psalm 64 Addendum
1490. Psalm 68 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD)
1491. My personal apprehension in beginning Psalm 68. Psalm 68 introduction
1492. The time and place and occasion of Psalm 68. Psalm 68 introduction
1493. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 68: the Big Picture. Psalm 68 introduction
1494. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes Outlines Psalm 68. Psalm 68 introduction
1495. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The NIV Study Bible Outlines Psalm 68. Psalm 68 introduction
1496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Another Way to Organize Psalm 68. Psalm 68 introduction
1497. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 68: Getting it Wrong. Psalm 68 introduction
1498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: My Thinking Process in Organizing Psalm 68. Psalm 68 introduction
1499. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Do We Find a Parallelism in Psalm 68? Psalm 68 introduction
1500. Exegesis does not necessarily come easy to a person with that gift. Psalm 68 introduction (included in above)
1501. Do not become emotionally involved in this or that interpretation, which, at first, may see appropriate. Psalm 68 introduction
1502. Better to admit that you do not understand this or that verse as opposed to just making up some lame interpretation of same. Psalm 68 introduction
1503. The language of Psalm 68. Psalm 68 introduction
1504. Other commentators who admit how difficult Psalm 68 was for them. Psalm 68 introduction
1505. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Opinions as to the Occasion of Psalm 68. Psalm 68 introduction
1506. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Albert Barnes: Why Psalm 68 was Written on the Occasion of Moving the Ark. Psalm 68 introduction
1507. Some basic things which we know about the occasion of Psalm 68. Psalm 68 introduction
1508. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Importance of the Ark of God. Psalm 68 introduction
1509. Who is the preeminent one? Psalm 68 inscription
1510. Why David wrote this psalm. Psalm 68 inscription
1511. There are 3 words translated psalms, but I do not differentiate between them. Psalm 68 inscription
1512. The concept of God rises up. Psalm 68:1
1513. God’s involvement in my life; God’s involvement in the life of believers. Psalm 68:1
1514. David is not necessarily speaking of enemies here which he has recently defeated or with whom he is at war. Psalm 68:1
1515. The ACLU and Christmas in the schools. Psalm 68:1
1516. David took this first verse from the Pentateuch. Psalm 68:1
1517. David wrote this psalm for the 2nd movement of the Ark. Psalm 68:1
1518. 4 interpretations of v. 1. Psalm 68:1
1519. Scripture has two authors: God the Holy Spirit and the human author. This can give us more than one meaning for a verse. Psalm 68:1
1520. The Ark of God is not an idol. Psalm 68:1
1521. Scripture and the hypostatic union. Psalm 68:1
1522. The Ark and how it was not an idol. Psalm 68:1
1523. God dispels His enemies as one would wave his hand to dispel a puff of smoke. Psalm 68:2
1524. Those who will rejoice before God. Psalm 68:3
1525. Rejoicing and the 3 stages of believers’ lives. Psalm 68:3
1526. Dogmatism and alternate readings. Psalm 68:4
1527. The Doctrine of Çâlal. Psalm 68:4
1528. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of the Hebrew Word Çâlal. Psalm 68:4
1529. The Doctrine of the Arabah. Psalm 68:4
1530. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of the Arabah. Psalm 68:4
1531. Is God a rider of the clouds or a rider of the desert in Psalm 68:4? Psalm 68:4
1532. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Alternate Ways of Organizing Psalm 68:4. Psalm 68:4
1533. Alternate translations/interpretations and accurate doctrine. Psalm 68:4
1534. Twisting passages to mean what they don’t. Infused grace of Catholics and Pentecostals. Psalm 68:4
1535. Examples of failures in Scripture. Psalm 68:4
1536. Simple deductive logic applied to Mary. Psalm 68:4
1537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Concluding Remarks about Psalm 68:4. Psalm 68:4
1538. Conservative values, helping the helpless, government help, welfare. Psalm 68:5
1539. The Law of God was written to protect the helpless. Psalm 68:5
1540. Nations are judged based on their treatment of the helpless. Psalm 68:5
1541. Percentage of those born out of wedlock today and in the 60's. Psalm 68:5
1542. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 68:5 Summarized. Psalm 68:5
1543. Adoption, experimentation with embryos, medical procedures and fertility measures. Psalm 68:6
1544. Life throws people curves; we are to use doctrine to adapt. Psalm 68:6
1545. Divine guidance; adaption to circumstances. Psalm 68:6
1546. Leading captives into freedom is not early release for criminals. Psalm 68:6
1547. Freedom in Saigon, Vietnam. Psalm 68:6
1548. An example of God setting a captive free. Psalm 68:6
1549. Muslims, suicide bombings, choosing to live in a scorched region. Psalm 68:6
1550. Newspaper bias. Psalm 68:6
1551. More examples of Arabs who choose to live in scorched regions. Psalm 68:6
1552. The Lake of Fire and Jesus speaking of it. Psalm 68:6
1553. Homeless men and believing in Jesus Christ. Psalm 68:6
1554. God’s presence and earthquakes; Scripture. Psalm 68:8
1555. God and rainfall in the desert. Psalm 68:8
1556. Gen X dying in the desert; the Generation of Promise moving foreward. Psalm 68:8
1557. Why the verb quake is missing. Psalm 68:8
1558. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Quotes Judges 5:4–5. Psalm 68:8
1559. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did David Alter Deborah's Words? Psalm 68:8
1560. God provided rain for Israel in the desert. Psalm 68:9
1561. Instance of poetic license. Psalm 68:10
1562. The misnomer of the Exodus generation. Psalm 68:10
1563. Being cheated, treated badly, facing unjust circumstances. Psalm 68:10
1564. Self-discipline makes anyone’s life better. Psalm 68:10
1565. Satan’s true nature eventually shows itself in a false religion. Psalm 68:10
1566. God’s dealings with Israel are a metaphor for out lives. Psalm 68:10
1567. Women teaching their children in the Land of Promise. Psalm 68:11
1568. The possible custom of women celebrating military victories. Psalm 68:11
1569. A mother’s influence on the learning of a child today. Psalm 68:11
1570. Raising a children spiritually and intellectually. Psalm 68:11
1571. Children, 2 parent homes, uneducated fathers, education, reading, the written word. Psalm 68:11
1572. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theologians Interpret Psalm 68:11. Psalm 68:11
1573. Our freedom is purchased with the blood of our military. Those who do not understand freedom, communism and socialism. Those who believe that we simply evolved and that there is no such thing as good and evil. Psalm 68:11
1574. The inconvenient locations of Wal-marts in the ancient world. Psalm 68:12
1575. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentators on Psalm 68:13. Psalm 68:13
1576. It is amazing that there are so few verses in the Bible which we do not understand. Psalm 68:13
1577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Interpretations of Scattered Kings and Snow in Salmon. Psalm 68:14
1578. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: One of the Parallels of Psalm 68. Psalm 68:14
1579. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The New American Bible Rearranges the Verses. Psalm 68:14
1580. Bashan. Psalm 68:15
1581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The NET Bible® Translates Psalm 68:15 and Comments. Psalm 68:15
1582. Why don’t we compare Mount Zion to great mountains than Mount Bashan? Psalm 68:15
1583. The Doctrine of the Jerusalem Mountains; abbreviated Doctrine of the Jerusalem Mountains. Psalm 68:16
1584. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 68:15–16 Translated and Interpreted. Psalm 68:16
1585. God chooses Mount Zion as His permanent home is analogous to God choosing the Jews as His people. Psalm 68:16
1586. David’s clear understanding of history as it unfolds is amazing. Psalm 68:16
1587. Our lack of appreciation of the historical impact of Hitler, Communism, radical Islam. Psalm 68:16
1588. Not only did David appreciate the time in which he lived, but he seemed to understand the import of his choosing Mount Zion, which would be where God would dwell from in the Millennium. Psalm 68:16
1589. Michael Medved and Home Economics courses. Psalm 68:16
1590. Barnes tells us about chariots. Psalm 68:17
1591. Pulling angels out of the air and placing them into the context of Psalm 68:17. Psalm 68:17
1592. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Many Angels? Psalm 68:17
1593. The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament. Psalm 68:17
1594. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Trinity in the Old Testament (the Abbreviated Version). Psalm 68:17
1595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 68:17 Translated and Interpreted. Psalm 68:17
1596. God allows David to choose a place from whence He will dwell in the Millennium. Psalm 68:17
1597. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Concluding Points on Psalm 68:15–17. Psalm 68:17
1598. What does it mean You have gone up on high [or, to the Most High]? Psalm 68:18
1599. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How is Old Testament Scripture Used in the New Testament? Psalm 68:18
1600. Is there any Church Age doctrine to be found in the Old Testament? Psalm 68:18
1601. Moses speaking in Deuteronomy is like Paul taking advantage of the text of Psalm 68:18. Psalm 68:18
1602. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Two Translations of Psalm 68:18. Psalm 68:18
1603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Lives Among Us. Psalm 68:18
1604. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The New Testament Parallel. Psalm 68:18
1605. What does it mean for man to bless God? Psalm 68:19
1606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of Tôwtsâ ôwth. Psalm 68:20
1607. The Doctrine of Tôwtsâôwth. Psalm 68:20
1608. Our exit from death. Psalm 68:20
1609. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Commentaries on the Hairy Scalp of His Enemies. Psalm 68:21
1610. The Doctrine of Âshâm (HTML PDF). Psalm 68:21
1611. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of the Doctrine of Ashâm. Psalm 68:21
1612. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Human Rationale for the Lake of Fire. Psalm 68:21
1613. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How Should We Interpret, I will bring [them] back from Bashan; I will bring them back from the depths of the sea? Psalm 68:22
1614. Christianity is not all forgive your enemies and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Psalm 68:23
1615. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Two Accounts of the Same Procession. Psalm 68:25
1616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Are There Four Gospels? Psalm 68:25
1617. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Fountain of Israel. Psalm 68:26
1618. A little about the tribe of Benjamin. Psalm 68:27
1619. Perhaps God the Holy Spirit is winking at us here about Paul. Psalm 68:27
1620. More winking by God the Holy Spirit about the other Apostles. Psalm 68:27
1621. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Interpreting Rigemâh in Psalm 68:27. Psalm 68:27
1622. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Questions and Answers Concerning Psalm 68:27. Psalm 68:27
1623. Perhaps the tribes named here relate to our Lord’s earthly ministry? Psalm 68:27
1624. Extremely important: what does it mean for us to be strong? How is this related to our faith and to growing up? Many illustrations about growing up and its importance. Psalm 68:28
1625. Why God does not always make it stop hurting. Spiritual growth and capacity for life. Psalm 68:28
1626. Trusting God and sitting on a park bench waiting for everything to come to you. Psalm 68:28
1627. Importance of a father in a marriage and family; African-American culture. Psalm 68:28
1628. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Do We Do When We Face a Problem? Psalm 68:28
1629. Why faith isn’t the end-all and be-all of Christianity. Psalm 68:28
1630. David’s intention to built a Temple to God. Psalm 68:29
1631. Why God chose Solomon to build the Temple of God rather than David. Psalm 68:29
1632. How Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon all represent Israel’s relationship to Jesus Christ. Psalm 68:29
1633. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hypotheses Based upon other Translations of Psalm 68:30. Psalm 68:30
1634. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Commentators Comment on "Rebuke the beast of the reeds". Psalm 68:30
1635. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Commentators Comment on "the multitude of bulls". Psalm 68:30
1636. Why the United States must act militarily throughout the world. Psalm 68:30
1637. Propaganda; the US is seen as an imperialistic nation. Why our soldiers are in the Philippines or in Iraq. Psalm 68:30
1638. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Commentators Comment on "With the calves of the people". Psalm 68:30
1639. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Commentators Comment on "Till every one submit himself with pieces of silver". Psalm 68:30
1640. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Commentators Comment on "He scatters the people that delight in war". Psalm 68:30
1641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Commentators Comment on All of Psalm 68:30. Psalm 68:30
1642. How do we react when we come across a Biblical verse which we cannot really explain? Psalm 68:30
1643. People from all nations come to Israel. Psalm 68:31
1644. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Translations of Psalm 68:31 and Their Interpretations. Psalm 68:31
1645. Bullinger and Ethiopia stretching out her hands to God. Psalm 68:31
1646. Why do we praise God? What is the reason for that? Doesn’t that make God out to be some sort of egomaniac? What is the alternative to praising God? Psalm 68:32
1647. God riding the ancient heavens and the meaning of that phrase. The age of the earth and stars. Psalm 68:33
1648. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Three Heavens. Psalm 68:33
1649. What is the time frame in relationship to God creating the heavens and the earth? Psalm 68:33
1650. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes on the Voice of Jehovah. Psalm 68:33
1651. The organization of a Davidic psalm. Psalm 68:33
1652. Logic; lining up verses on each side of a theological debate; following these verses out logically. If a verse does not support one side of a theological debate, then it must mean something else. Psalm 68:33
1653. The rareness of water in the universe. Psalm 68:35
1654. A scientist can devote himself to understanding the most minuscule aspect of this life, and he will never fully comprehend it. The example of the hand doctor and my typing and an artificial hand. Psalm 68:35
1655. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Holy Place. Psalm 68:35
1656. God has had a relationship with the Jew since 3000 b.c. History backs this up. Psalm 68:35
1657. Arabic hatred of the Jews. Psalm 68:35
1658. Conservatism and anti-Semitism. Psalm 68:35
1659. The Arabs are under pressure; weird emails about the results of the Patriot Act. Psalm 68:35
1660. When Conservatism abandoned anti-Semitism, they began to turns things around in the United States. Psalm 68:35
1661. The Law and the Jews. Psalm 68:35
1662. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 68. Psalm 68 addendum
1663. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief, Verse-by-Verse Exposition of Psalm 68. Psalm 68 addendum
1664. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallel Passages. Psalm 68 addendum
1665. Maskil Psalm 78:title
1666. Why the recorded death of Moses was not prophetical but why some of Asaph’s psalms were Psalm 78:title
1667. The reason Jesus spoke in parables Psalm 78:2
1668. Do writers of Scripture recognize what they are writing is Scripture? Do writers of Scripture recognize when they are prophesying? Psalm 78:2
1669. The general lack of miraculous activity in our lives. Psalm 78:3
1670. Divine guidance. Psalm 78:14
1671. The analogy of the water and the rock and Jesus Christ dying for our sins Psalm 78:15
1672. Proper mechanics in prayer. Psalm 78:18
1673. The Doctrine of Prayer—not finished yet!! Prayers do not have to be audible (1Sam. 1). Alluded to in 1Sam. 1:20. Psalm 78:18
1674. Anthropopathism and anthropomorphism defined. Psalm 78:21
1675. Praying when out of fellowship. Psalm 78:21
1676. Miracles and unbelief. Psalm 78:22
1677. The nature of some miracles. Psalm 78:25–28
1678. Strapping it on God. Psalm 78:36
1679. Why sin is covered over in the Old Testament Psalm 78:38
1680. The Doctrine of Reincarnation—not finished yet!! Psalm 78:39
1681. Chart listing the 15 (or 16) failures of Israel in the wilderness. Psalm 78:40
1682. The nature of God’s miracles. Psalm 78:43
1683. God’s plan for our lives; taking us as we are and using us. His mediate provisions for us. Psalm 78:43
1684. Why we so thoroughly study the language of God’s Word. Psalm 78:43
1685. Zoan. Psalm 78:43
1686. Satan and his demons and their strategy. Psalm 78:49
1687. Jesus Christ, the Shepherd of Israel. Psalm 78:52
1688. The geographical will of God and doctrine (brief). Psalm 78:55
1689. Logically examining documentary hypothesis (the JEPD theory) in the light of this psalm. Psalm 78:55
1690. Our spiritual inheritance vs. Israel’s physical inheritance. Psalm 78:56
1691. A zillion Scriptures on idolatry. Psalm 78:58
1692. The Doctrine of Shiloh—not finished yet!!! Shiloh briefly mentioned in Joshua 18:1. Psalm 78:61 (I began this doctrine but didn’t get very far)
1693. Lack of miracles occurring and not feeling close to God; also a personal testimony as to God’s activity in my life. Psalm 78:65
1694. Promotion and experience. Psalm 78:70
1695. A position of authority. Psalm 78:71
1696. Why lâmed refers to the author’s name in a psalm. Psalm 81:intro
1697. God’s plan for our lives after salvation; our happiness argued from a priori. Psalm 81:2
1698. Incessant whining. Psalm 81:7
1699. God abandoning people to the error of their ways and homosexuality. Psalm 81:12
1700. God’s preferences with respect to our lives. Psalm 81:13
1701. Why unbelievers suffer. Psalm 81:14 footnote
1702. Why certain unbelievers prosper Psalm 81:15
1703. Ye are gods is explained in ZPEB vol. 3, p. 739, right central column. Psalm 82:1, 6
1704. When Psalm 83 was written. Psalm 83:introduction
1705. Love your neighbor and hate your enemies. Psalm 83:introduction
1706. Doctrine of the Imprecatory Psalms. This was done but could stand to be better fleshed out. Psalm 83:intro
1707. Comment, prologue, title of a psalm. Psalm 83 inscription
1708. Barnes’ Outline of Psalm 83. Psalm 83:introduction
1709. Asaph (half-hearted and brief). Psalm 83 inscription
1710. Love your neighbor and hate your enemies. Psalm 83:1
1711. Douglas MacArthur illustrates what it means to love your enemies. Psalm 83:1
1712. Edom mentioned briefly. Doctrine Of Edom alluded to (Gen. 21:21). Ishmaelites and Moab mentioned briefly. Doctrine of Moab alluded to (Gen. 19:38). Hagrites (too brief). Psalm 83:6
1713. The complete Doctrine of Moab and Ammon (HTML) (PDF). The Abbreviated Doctrine of Moab and Ammon. Psalm 83:6
1714. Gebal (Byblos) mentioned briefly. Philistia; Tyre. Doctrine of Ammon alluded to (Gen. 19:38). The Doctrine of the Amalekites mentioned (Num 24:20). Psalm 83:7
1715. An extensive quote from Barnes on the Amalekites. Psalm 83:7
1716. A Summary of the Life of Lot. Psalm 83:7
1717. Assyria is mentioned briefly. Psalm 83:8
1718. Several dung (refuse, crap or shit) passages. Psalm 83:10
1719. Gideon had routed two of the military leaders of Midian—Oreb and Zeeb. Psalm 83:11
1720. Gideon’s strong points as a military leader. Psalm 83:11
1721. Poetry and prose in the Bible. Psalm 83:13 footnote
1722. Reference to Judges 9 (HTML) (PDF). Psalm 83 addendum
1723. Psalm 89 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1724. I need to do Psalm 89
1725. Moses as an ancient author. Psalm 90:intro
1726. The Gap Theory and mountains. Miracles and the flood. Psalm 90:2
1727. Inspiration and the many writers of Scripture. Man’s inherent nature runs contrary to the composition of Scripture. Psalm 90:3
1728. Man is like grass. Psalm 90:6
1729. The three basic components of the life of the unbeliever. Psalm 90:10
1730. Doctrine everyday and God’s plan for our lives. Psalm 90:12
1731. Why we should participate in God’s plan (good). Psalm 90:13
1732. Wy there are 38 silent years and why this psalm was not placed in with the Pentateuch (good). Psalm 90:14
1733. Discouragement, lack of results, faithfulness in spite of these things. Psalm 90:17
1734. Psalm 91 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1735. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Psalm 91 Preface
1736. Quotations on security and protection from: Benjamin Franklin, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Wayne Dyer, James F. Byrnes, H. L. Mencken, Helen Keller, Sylvia Plath, Billy Graham, Mae West, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Dillon Burroughs, Edmond Mbiaka, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Philip James Bailey. Psalm 91 Preface
1737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wayne Dyer on Security (a graphic). Psalm 91 Preface
1738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sometimes Rejection is God's Protection (a graphic). Psalm 91 Preface
1739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:11 (a graphic). Psalm 91 Preface
1740. Defined for this chapter: Chiasmos, Codex, Dead Sea Scrolls, Rebound, The Revealed God, Operation Z, Angelic Conflict, Church Age, Divine Discipline, Divine Establishment, the Revealed God, Sin unto death, the Spiritual Life. Psalm 91 Index
1741. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91 (a graphic). Psalm 91 Introduction
1742. When Bobby began to preach Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Introduction
1743. COVID19 and the government’s responsibility/overreach to deal with it. Psalm 91 Introduction
1744. Safety and security is not about government solutions. Psalm 91 Introduction
1745. Unforseen consequences of government solutions. Psalm 91 Introduction
1746. It is not about electing this or that party. Psalm 91 Introduction
1747. What the individual believer needs to do during any crisis. Psalm 91 Introduction
1748. The COVID19 pandemic is just God dealing with mankind. Psalm 91 Introduction
1749. The Christian facing national or personal disaster. Difficulties can supercharge our spiritual lives. Psalm 91 Introduction
1750. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: COVID19 (a graphic). Psalm 91 Introduction
1751. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Faithful Promises Are Our Armor (a graphic). Psalm 91 Introduction
1752. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Psalm 91 (by various commentators). Psalm 91 Introduction
1753. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Psalm 91 (various commentators). Psalm 91 Introduction
1754. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Change of Person Found Throughout Psalm 91 (various commentators). Psalm 91 Introduction
1755. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Applying Psalm 91 to Christ (various commentators). Psalm 91 Introduction
1756. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Occasion of Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Introduction
1757. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who Wrote Psalm 91? Psalm 91 Introduction
1758. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Introduction
1759. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Introduction
1760. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Introduction
1761. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Psalm 91 Introduction
1762. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Psalm 91 (from Bridgeway Bible Commentary). Psalm 91 Introduction
1763. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Psalm 91 (from S. Conway). Psalm 91 Introduction
1764. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines of Psalm 91 (Various Commentators). Psalm 91 Introduction
1765. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 929 Synopsis of Psalm 91 (Rabbi Dr. David Z. Moster). Psalm 91 Introduction
1766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Psalm 91 from the Summarized Bible. Psalm 91 Introduction
1767. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Headlines of Modern Translation for Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Introduction
1768. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions (for Psalm 91). Psalm 91 Introduction
1769. Spurgeon’s keen observations. Psalm 91 Introduction
1770. The popularity of this psalm. Psalm 91 Introduction
1771. Ancient translations made of the Bible. Greek and Hebrew. Psalm 91 Inscription
1772. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ancient Hebrew Manuscripts of the Old Testament. Psalm 91 Inscription
1773. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ancient Translations and Our Current Possession of Ancient Hebrew Manuscripts. Psalm 91 Inscription
1774. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Century One Bookstores 25 Fascinating Facts on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Psalm 91 Inscription
1775. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1–2: Shelter in Place in God (a graphic). Psalm 91:1
1776. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1–2 (Bible Journaling by Patty Folchert). Psalm 91:1
1777. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing the first verse or two (various commentators). Psalm 91:1
1778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1 (the Amplified Bible) (a graphic). Psalm 91:1
1779. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1 (WEB) (a graphic). Psalm 91:1
1780. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1a The Most High (various commentators). Psalm 91:1
1781. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1a The Secret Place (various commentators). Psalm 91:1
1782. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1a Commentators connect the shelter of v. 1a to the Temple. Psalm 91:1
1783. This is not some veiled reference to the Temple, the Tabernacle or the Holy of Holies. Psalm 91:1
1784. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Complicated Relationship with the Tabernacle. Psalm 91:1
1785. The relationship between David, the Tabernacle, the Temple, the Ark of God and the Tent of Worship which was set up in Jerusalem. Psalm 91:1
1786. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1a Sitting under the protection of the Most High (various commentators). Psalm 91:1
1787. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How to understand the first two phrases of verse 1. Psalm 91:1
1788. We can often apply passages from Scripture, even if we are unable to completely define the verse. Psalm 91:1
1789. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1b The Almighty (various commentators). Psalm 91:1
1790. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1b On the shadow of the Almighty (various commentators). Psalm 91:1
1791. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1b Abiding in the shadow of the Almighty (various commentators). Psalm 91:1
1792. How do we get put under the shadow of the Almighty? Psalm 91:1
1793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Calm of COVID19. Psalm 91:1
1794. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rule Number 1: Never Set It to 2020 (meme). Psalm 91:1
1795. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:1 Abiding in God's secret place in His shadow (various commentators). Psalm 91:1
1796. Perhaps this could be a reference to Jesus the Messiah. Psalm 91:1
1797. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:2a I will say to Yehowah (various commentators). Psalm 91:2
1798. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:2b God is my refuge (various commentators). Psalm 91:2
1799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:2b God is my fortress (various commentators). Psalm 91:2
1800. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:2c Trusting in God (various commentators). Psalm 91:2
1801. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:2 (NLT) (a graphic). Psalm 91:2
1802. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:2 (Bible Journaling by Pat D). Psalm 91:2
1803. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:2 God is the David's Refuge and Fortress (various commentators). Psalm 91:2
1804. Think of God as your father. Psalm 91:2
1805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:2 (KJV) (a graphic). Psalm 91:2
1806. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: He is the hope and stronghold to shelter (Bible Journaling). Psalm 91:2
1807. Trust God and then kick back and enjoy the ride. Psalm 91:2
1808. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Names of Deity of Psalm 91:1–2 (various commentators). Psalm 91:2
1809. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parallels Between Psalm 91:1–2 and Psalm 91:9–10. Psalm 91:2
1810. The change of person. Psalm 91:3
1811. Applying this psalm to Messiah. Psalm 91:3
1812. What does it mean not to be gotten by the trapper’s snare? Modern-day interpretation. Psalm 91:3
1813. Facing difficulties in life. Psalm 91:3
1814. Paul’s contentment; God strengthening us in our souls. Psalm 91:3
1815. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:3a God deliver's from the trapper's snare (various commentators). Psalm 91:3
1816. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:3b God delivers from the destructive pandemic (various commentators). Psalm 91:3
1817. God can use very natural means by which to protect us. Psalm 91:3
1818. God protected Israel with dietary laws. Psalm 91:3
1819. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:3b An alternate translation (various commentators). Psalm 91:3
1820. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:3 God delivers us from the trap and the contagion (many commentators). Psalm 91:3
1821. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Under His Wings (a photo). Psalm 91:4
1822. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:4 (NLT) (a graphic). Psalm 91:4
1823. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:4 (NIV) (a graphic). Psalm 91:4
1824. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: He Will Cover you with His Feathers (Bible Journaling by Linda C.). Psalm 91:4
1825. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:4a God will cover us with His feathers (various commentators). Psalm 91:4
1826. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:4a-b Protection under the wings of a bird (various commentators). Psalm 91:4
1827. My original work started in 1995 as an expression of my spiritual gift. Psalm 91:4
1828. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:4b You may seek refuge under the Lord's wings (various commentators). Psalm 91:4
1829. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:4c His truth is a shield and buckler (various commentators). Psalm 91:4
1830. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:4 The psalmist has the protection of God (various commentators). Psalm 91:4
1831. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sheltering Wing (by Alexander MacLaren). Psalm 91:4
1832. Personal attacks which I have had that I did not see coming. Psalm 91:5
1833. Miracles and deliverance by God. Psalm 91:5
1834. A list of pastor-teachers with an online teaching ministry (and links). Psalm 91:5
1835. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:5a We should not fear night terrors (various commentators). Psalm 91:5
1836. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:5b You will not fear the arrows flying at you by day (commentators). Psalm 91:5
1837. Application of arrows flying at us by day and terrors coming at us by night. Psalm 91:5
1838. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:5 The terror of night and arrows flying by day (various commentators). Psalm 91:5
1839. Berachah closed during the pandemic. Reopening and guidelines. Psalm 91:6
1840. Natural, non-miraculous ways that God uses to protect us. Psalm 91:6
1841. My own writing and self-discipline (exercise and good eating habits). Psalm 91:6
1842. Reading the Bible in a year and the pastor-teacher’s job. Psalm 91:6
1843. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:6a Contagion which strikes at night (various commentators). Psalm 91:6
1844. We might not be able to pinpoint where we pick up the COVID19 virus. Psalm 91:6
1845. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:6b Destruction at noon (various commentators). Psalm 91:6
1846. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:6 is interpreted as if these are demons walking (various commentators). Psalm 91:6
1847. As believers, we do not avoid all pain, sickness and difficulties. Psalm 91:6
1848. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:5–6 (NIV) (a graphic). Psalm 91:6
1849. The believer does not need to spend his life being on red alert. God has it handled. Psalm 91:6
1850. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:5–6 The perils of daily life (various commentators). Psalm 91:6
1851. God’s personal protection for us during war. Psalm 91:7
1852. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:7a A thousand will fall at your side (various commentators). Psalm 91:7
1853. When it is not time for you to die, God will keep you. When it is your time, nothing can keep you here. Quote from R. B. Thieme, Jr. Psalm 91:7
1854. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:7b And 10,000 fall of your right hand (various commentators). Psalm 91:7
1855. God’s protection extends beyond the battlefield, which is simply the illustration in this psalm. Psalm 91:7
1856. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:7c The danger will not come near to you (various commentators). Psalm 91:7
1857. When God wants you unharmed, no one can touch you. Psalm 91:7
1858. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:7 (KJV) (a graphic). Psalm 91:7
1859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:7 The military example (various commentators). Psalm 91:7
1860. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:8a Only you will see with your own eyes (various commentators). Psalm 91:8
1861. We all have detractors and enemies in life. In some cases, God will let us see His justice applied to them. Psalm 91:8
1862. The believer does not go looking for enemies. Psalm 91:8
1863. There are national enemies like antifa and anarchists. How we deal with them. Psalm 91:8
1864. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:8b Seeing the recompense of the lawless (various commentators). Psalm 91:8
1865. The riots of 202; justice meted out. Divine establishment government. Psalm 91:8
1866. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:8 You will see the recompense of the wicked (various commentators). Psalm 91:8
1867. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:7–8 (WEB) (a graphic). Psalm 91:8
1868. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:5–8 (CSB) (a graphic). Psalm 91:8
1869. Reference to the Dual Authorship of the Scriptures (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1870. A brief explanation of the dual authorship of Scripture. Psalm 91:9
1871. Looking to God for protection; like standing behind your parents or an older brother. Psalm 91:9
1872. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:9a For you, O Jehovah, are my refuge (various commentators). Psalm 91:9
1873. The change of person in v. 9b. Psalm 91:9
1874. OT writers appear unaware of the Trinity. Psalm 91:9
1875. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:9b O, Most High, You have made Your habitation here (commentators). Psalm 91:9
1876. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of Psalm 91:9 (and portions of 10). Psalm 91:9
1877. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translators Interpret Psalm 91:9. Psalm 91:9
1878. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:9 Jehovah is my refuge and habitation (various commentators). Psalm 91:9
1879. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:10a No evil will befall you (various commentators). Psalm 91:10
1880. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Threefold Preservation from, in and by Danger (John Arrowsmith). Psalm 91:10
1881. Tent is a metonym for those inside of the tent. Psalm 91:10
1882. Satan would love for us to be harmed. Psalm 91:10
1883. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:10b The plague will not come close to your tent (various commentators). Psalm 91:10
1884. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Are there any limits to God's protection? (Preacher's Homiletical Commentary). Psalm 91:10
1885. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:9–10 (WEB) (a graphic). Psalm 91:10
1886. Angels are used by God to protect the believer. Psalm 91:11
1887. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:11a God commissions His angels on our behalf (various commentators). Psalm 91:11
1888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Angels, as we understand them (by C. Smith). Psalm 91:11
1889. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:11b The Lord will guard you in all of Your ways (various commentators). Psalm 91:11
1890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:11 (NLT) (a graphic). Psalm 91:11
1891. Reference to the doctrine of the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 91:11
1892. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:11 Angelic protected given to the believer (various commentators). Psalm 91:11
1893. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:9–11 What God protects us from (various commentators). Psalm 91:11
1894. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:12a The angels will bear you up with their hands (various commentators). Psalm 91:12
1895. How the slightest misstep can change a person’s life forever (example of Charles Krauthammer). Psalm 91:12
1896. Understanding what we can and cannot do, even though God is protecting us. Psalm 91:12
1897. Risky, dangerous jobs and the believer. Psalm 91:12
1898. Every day living is a risk. Psalm 91:12
1899. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Men Die Young (a graphic). Psalm 91:12
1900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Men Die Young 2 (a graphic). Psalm 91:12
1901. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:12b So that you do not strike your foot against a stone (commentators). Psalm 91:12
1902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Satan Quotes Psalm 91:11–12 in Matthew 4. Psalm 91:12
1903. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Satan quotes Psalm 91:12 when tempting Jesus (various commentators). Psalm 91:12
1904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:11–12 God commissions His angels to watch over us (commentators). Psalm 91:12
1905. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:11–12 (NIV) (a graphic). Psalm 91:12
1906. God protected the Israelite slaves in Egypt from most of His plagues. Psalm 91:12
1907. Personal illustration of me during the housing crisis and during the pandemic. Psalm 91:12
1908. Believers face disasters; believers have enemies. Psalm 91:12
1909. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Approaches to Psalm 91:9–12. Psalm 91:12
1910. Another reference to the doctrine of the Dual Authorship of the Scriptures (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) Psalm 91:12
1911. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A lion family (a photo). Psalm 91:13
1912. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A European Adder (a photo). Psalm 91:13
1913. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:13a You will trample the lion and the cobra (various commentators). Psalm 91:13
1914. Reference to the Doctrine of Tan and Taniym (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Psalm 91:13
1915. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:13b You will tread down the young lion and deadly snake (commentators). Psalm 91:13
1916. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:13 (NIV) (a graphic). Psalm 91:13
1917. A mention of Mark and picking up deadly snakes. Psalm 91:13
1918. How we should treat these promises by God; and how Jesus responded to Satan’s temptation. Psalm 91:13
1919. My encounter with a large black snake. Psalm 91:13
1920. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:13 God protects us from many perils (various commentators). Psalm 91:13
1921. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Enemies of the Believer and Their Defeat (Preacher's Homiletical Commentary). Psalm 91:13
1922. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing Psalm 91:14–16 (various commentators). Psalm 91:14
1923. God speaks in this psalm to the mature believer. Psalm 91:14
1924. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:14a Because he loves Me, I will deliver him (various commentators). Psalm 91:14
1925. Divine good has an eternal shelf life; human good has a very short shelf life. Psalm 91:14
1926. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:14b Because he knows Me, I will set him on high (various commentators). Psalm 91:14
1927. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:14 (a graphic). Psalm 91:14
1928. Prayer works, even when one is in adversity. God heard the cries of Israel when enslaved to Egypt.
1929. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:15a I will call upon God and He will answer me (various commentators). Psalm 91:15
1930. We face difficulties in life having the Word of God in our souls. Psalm 91:15
1931. Life may be difficult at times; and it may be nice at times. In either case, we are to advance spiritually. Psalm 91:15
1932. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:15b I will be with him in adversity (various commentators). Psalm 91:15
1933. Even though this psalm is primarily directed towards maturing believers, this does not mean that God ignores the believer who advances very little. Example, the Exodus generation. Psalm 91:15
1934. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:15c God promises to deliver and honor (various commentators). Psalm 91:15
1935. Why prayer can be a conundrum for the advancing believer. Why pray if God has taken care of everything already in eternity past? Psalm 91:15
1936. The complaint that the glorification of God is just a divine ego-trip. Psalm 91:15
1937. God pointed out Abraham to the angels. Psalm 91:15
1938. Having the exact right amount of approbation and recognition. My trip to Austin with a young lady. Psalm 91:15
1939. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:15 (NIV) (a graphic). Psalm 91:15
1940. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:14–15 The reward of trust in God (C. Short). Psalm 91:15
1941. What it means to love God. How you feel when hearing a Christian song is not indicative of your spiritual growth. Psalm 91:16
1942. Grow up spiritually if you are worried about death. Psalm 91:16
1943. Our life is not just lengthened by number of days but by quality as well. Psalm 91:16
1944. President Obama and negative rights. Psalm 91:16
1945. The myth of a benevolent government. Psalm 91:16
1946. You cannot depend upon a government bureaucracy. Psalm 91:16
1947. Jews for Jesus skit link. Psalm 91:16
1948. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:16a The promise of a long life (various commentators). Psalm 91:16
1949. My personal trust in God for a long life. Psalm 91:16
1950. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Promise of a Long Life (Albert Barnes). Psalm 91:16
1951. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:16b I will show him My salvation (various commentators). Psalm 91:16
1952. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:14–16 The things which God assures us of (various commentators). Psalm 91:16
1953. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:16 God satisfies you with long life (a graphic). Psalm 91:16
1954. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:14–16 God promises deliverance to certain believers (commentators). Psalm 91:16
1955. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:14–16 The promises God makes to the saints (Matthew Henry). Psalm 91:16
1956. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 5 "I wills" of Satan (Compiled by Rev. George F. Parsons ). Psalm 91:16
1957. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The "I will" statements of God, Satan and Jesus (Shari Abbot). Psalm 91:16
1958. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Psalm 91: Summary
1959. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Psalm 91 is in the Word of God. Psalm 91 Summary
1960. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Summary
1961. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Summary
1962. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Shmoop Summary of Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Summary
1963. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91 Not a One-Side Relationship (Dixon/Kukis). Psalm 91 Summary
1964. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91:9–10 Break Up the Flow of the Psalm (a suggestion by MacLaren). Psalm 91 Addendum
1965. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Long Life (by Bryan W. Procter). Psalm 91 Addendum
1966. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On the topic of angels (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). Psalm 91 Addendum
1967. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Angels (The Pulpit Commentary). Psalm 91 Addendum
1968. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Addendum
1969. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrinal Teachers Who Have Taught Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Addendum
1970. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91 (NIV) (a graphic). Psalm 91 Addendum
1971. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91 (NLT) My Absolute Favorite Psalm (a graphic). Psalm 91 Addendum
1972. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91 (KJV) (a graphic). Psalm 91 Addendum
1973. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 91 Declarations (a graphic). Psalm 91 Addendum
1974. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hannah Pagel's original digital design rendering of Psalm 91 (a graphic). Psalm 91 Addendum
1975. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Soldier's Psalm 91 Prayer (a graphic). Psalm 91 Addendum
1976. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Corona Virus Protection Psalm 91 (a graphic). Psalm 91 Addendum
1977. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Addendum
1978. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Psalm 91. Psalm 91 Addendum
1979. Psalm 95 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1980. A psalm of happy thoughts turns to warning. Psalm 95 introduction
1981. The key to Psalm 95. Psalm 95 introduction
1982. Summary of Psalm 95. Psalm 95 introduction
1983. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes Outlines Psalm 95. Psalm 95 introduction
1984. The author is probably David. Psalm 95 introduction
1985. Dogmatism and speculation. Psalm 95 introduction
1986. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 95 Inscription Text from the Greek Septuagint (Psalm 94 in LXX). Psalm 95 Inscription
1987. Speculation as to why some ancient manuscripts have an inscription and why the Hebrew lacks same. Psalm 95 Inscription
1988. God in the Old Testament and Jesus Christ in the New are both called the Rock. Psalm 95:1
1989. The two meanings of qâdam and how they are related. Psalm 95:2
1990. Coming into the presence of God; the Jews did not see the Ark of God for the most part. Psalm 95:2
1991. Capacity of the soul and thanksgiving. Why God does not give us blessings. Pumping God for more material blessings. Psalm 95:2
1992. The concept of other gods. Psalm 95:3
1993. Doctrine: Old Testament Names for God. Psalm 95:3
a. Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines: A Chart of the Names of God
b. Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines: The Names of God and the Meanings of these Names
c. Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines: How These Names Refer to God's Interaction with Man
d. Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines: How These Names Relate to God's Salvation for Man
e. Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines: How These Names Relate to God's Character and Essence
f. Charts, Maps and Short Doctrines: Internet Sources (for Old Testament Names of God)
1994. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Chart of the Names of God. Psalm 95:3
1995. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Names of God and the Meanings of these Names. Psalm 95:3
1996. If all of the earth is God’s, then what right do we have to claim this or that piece of ground? Should we not just live like nomads on God’s earth? Psalm 95:4
1997. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God and the Seas. Psalm 95:4
1998. Three different words for to kneel before, to worship. Psalm 95:6
1999. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Short Doctrine of Brake. Psalm 95:6
2000. The proper posture for worship. Psalm 95:6
2001. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke Summarizes the Acts of Worship in Psalm 95:6. Psalm 95:6
2002. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God is our Shepherd; We are His Sheep. Psalm 95:7a
2003. Covenant theology negates most of the Old Testament. It challenges the faithfulness and promises of God. Psalm 95:7a
2004. Dispensationalism and covenant theology. Some of the glaring problems with covenant theology. Psalm 95:7a
2005. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Matthew Henry: How and Why God is Praised. Psalm 95:7a
2006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 95:6–9 Properly Divided Up. Psalm 95:7a
2007. How can we possibly connect these two disparate halves of Psalm 95? Psalm 95:7b
2008. When exactly does God make the gospel real to the unbeliever? When does God speak to the believer? Psalm 95:7b
2009. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hardness of Heart Resources. Psalm 95:8
2010. The two generations of people who left Egypt under Moses. Psalm 95:8
2011. Massah and Meribah. Psalm 95:8
2012. The no-water test faced by Gen X. They failed. Psalm 95:8
2013. The 2nd no-water test faced by the generation of promise. They failed. Psalm 95:8
2014. Psalm 78 alluded to. Psalm 95:8
2015. The golden calf incident; Moses acts as a Mediator. Psalm 95:9
2016. Why it is okay for God to test us, but why we do not test God. Psalm 95:9
2017. How many Israelites in the desert actually observed God’s miracles? Psalm 95:9
2018. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Do Not Test God. Psalm 95:9
2019. These 40 years are found again and again in Scripture. Psalm 95:10
2020. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gen X was Made up of Believers. Psalm 95:10
2021. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Repositioning 40 Years. Psalm 95:10
2022. If Gen X and the generation of promise both failed in the desert, why did God let the latter group enter into the Land of Promise? Psalm 95:10
2023. Anthropopathism of “I loathed that generation.” Psalm 95:10
2024. What it means to go astray. Psalm 95:10
2025. The key is not miracles but doctrine in the soul. Psalm 95:10
2026. How a pastor of a presidential candidate has gone astray in his thinking. Psalm 95:10
2027. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: All of Israel's Failures in the Desert-Wilderness; God's Grace and/or Discipline. Psalm 95:10
2028. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What the Exodus Symbolized. Psalm 95:10
2029. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: "They Will Not Enter into My Rest" An Object Lesson. Psalm 95:11
2030. The Land of Promise is both literal and spiritual. Psalm 95:11
2031. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Promises. Psalm 95:11
2032. This psalm as quoted in Hebrews. Psalm 95:11
2033. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Bullinger's Organizational Chart for Psalms 95–100. Psalm 95 Addendum
2034. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 95. Psalm 95 Addendum
2035. Exclusivity of God; there is no other God besides Yehowah. Psalm 95:3
2036. Covenant theology vs. Dispensationalism. Psalm 95:7a
2037. Why God can test us but we cannot test Him. Psalm 95:8
2038. Our thought life and Christianity. Psalm 95:10
2039. A table showing the foreshadowing of the Land of Promise to our Christian life and to our eternal rest. Psalm 95:11
2040. The moving of the Ark of God is the occasion for Psalm 96. Psalm 96 Introduction
2041. There is meat in Psalm 96. Psalm 96 Introduction
2042. The involvement of the Holy Spirit in the writing of Psalm 96. Psalm 96 Introduction
2043. The Holy Spirit has inserted the name of Jesus into the text as well as the orbit of the earth. He has also hidden the name of YHWH in the text as well. Psalm 96 Introduction
2044. Spurgeon: Psalm 96 is a missionary psalm. Psalm 96 Introduction
2045. David, Asaph and authorship of this psalm. Psalm 96 Introduction
2046. Difficulties in organizing Psalm 96. Psalm 96 Introduction
2047. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge Outline Psalm 96. Psalm 96 Introduction
2048. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The NIV Study Bible Outline of Psalm 96. Psalm 96 Introduction
2049. The theme of Psalm 96 is the universality of Jehovah Elohim. Psalm 96 Introduction
2050. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David is the Author of Psalm 96. Psalm 96 Introduction
2051. The relationship between Psalms 95 and 96. Psalm 96 Introduction
2052. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Old Testament and the Mystery Doctrines. Psalm 96 Introduction
2053. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Problems with the Inscription of Psalm 96. Psalm 96 Inscription
2054. The Greek inscription for Psalm 96. Psalm 96 Inscription
2055. How do we explain the fact that there is an inscription in the Greek but not in the Hebrew? Two theories. Psalm 96 Inscription
2056. The Tabernacle, Saul and David—a brief overview. Psalm 96:1
2057. Jesus died for all mankind, so this psalm is properly directed toward all the earth. Psalm 96:1
2058. A list of triune imperatives in the psalms. Psalm 96:2
2059. The name of Jesus in Psalm 96. Psalm 96:2
2060. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Joshua (or Jeshua), in the Greek, is Jesus. Psalm 96:2
2061. Doctrine alluded to: A Chart of Christ Jesus in the Old and New Testaments. Psalm 96:2
2062. Jesus is found throughout the Old Testament. Psalm 96:2
2063. Examples of incidents recorded in the Old Testament which make much more sense when seen in the light of the gospel. Psalm 96:2
2064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Summary Points on the Ark of God. Psalm 96:2
2065. Declaring God’s glory to Gentiles. Psalm 96:3
2066. A list of verses from the Psalms on Gentile evangelization. Psalm 96:3
2067. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief Explanation of Matthew 13:3–23. Psalm 96:3
2068. Hearing the gospel/understanding the gospel. Psalm 96:3
2069. Limits of Gentile evangelism in the Old Testament. Psalm 96:3
2070. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Links to the Doctrine of Heathenism. Psalm 96:3
2071. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Gentile Evangelism in the Old Testament. Psalm 96:3
2072. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Logistical Grace Support—a Brief Summary. Psalm 96:3
2073. Logistical grace, spiritual welfare, spiritual production. Illustrations: those who sit at home and collect welfare; being assigned to a foreign country as being a US ambassador. Psalm 96:3
2074. Normal gratitude and a normal response to someone. Illustration: Kucinich. Who deserves our gratitude and praise more than Jesus? Some movie star? Buddha? Psalm 96:4
2075. Exclusivity of Jesus Christ. Psalm 96:4
2076. Idols, demons and the Angelic Conflict. Psalm 96:5
2077. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Online Doctrines for Satan, Demonism and the Angelic Conflict. Psalm 96:5
2078. The two amazing things of God’s creation: the largeness and the smallness of it are beyond our comprehension. Idols, gods and religious philosophies are nothing Psalm 96:5
2079. We are made in God’s image and have the same desire to create. Psalm 96:5
2080. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Bible on Idolatry as Opposed the God of the Universe. Psalm 96:5
2081. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Does it Mean for Majesty and Splendor [to be] Before Him? Psalm 96:6
2082. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scripture on God's Majesty and Splendor (or Glory and Majesty). Psalm 96:6
2083. Textual differences between Psalm 96:6 and 1Chron. 16. Psalm 96:6
2084. The beauty of the Old Testament. Psalm 96:6
2085. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Tabernacle and the Holy Furniture. Psalm 96:6
2086. The doctrine of the Placement of the Tabernacle Furniture alluded to. Psalm 96:6
2087. The doctrine of the Ark of the Covenant alluded to. Psalm 96:6
2088. Two interpretations/translations of Psalm 96:7. Psalm 96:7
2089. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translations and Interpretations of Psalm 96:7 Part I. Psalm 96:7
2090. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Translations and Interpretations of Psalm 96:7 Part II. Psalm 96:7
2091. Why we glorify Jesus Christ. Psalm 96:8
2092. The 2008 election and Jesus Christ. Psalm 96:8
2093. Faith and how it is the basis of most of what we think. Psalm 96:8
2094. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Tribute Offering Do We Bring? Psalm 96:8
2095. Giving from the soul; giving which I recall. Dumping an offering into an offering plate. Psalm 96:8
2096. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What Courts Do We Enter into? Psalm 96:8
2097. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 96:8 Explained. Psalm 96:8
2098. The beauty of mathematics and developing mathematical systems. Psalm 96:9
2099. Understanding details of the Old Testament after the fact. Psalm 96:9
2100. Internal consistency and beauty. Psalm 96:9
2101. The inconsistency of liberals. Psalm 96:9
2102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of Psalm 96:9. Psalm 96:9
2103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Alternate Reading: The Lord rules by the wood (i.e., the cross).... Psalm 96:10
2104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Old Testament Calls to Evangelize the Gentiles. Psalm 96:10
2105. Our dependence upon water; the various laws set up by God. Psalm 96:10
2106. The idea of the earth being shaken or tottering. Psalm 96:10
2107. The resurrection body; Platonic philosophy. Psalm 96:10
2108. Baby boomers, their bodies giving out, and medical care. Psalm 96:10
2109. Vicious and continual attacks against George Bush. Psalm 96:10
2110. Our opposition to moral laws are just like opposing normal physical laws. Psalm 96:10
2111. Attacks against nationalism, volition, the family. Rewarding stupid behavior with court settlements. Psalm 96:10
2112. Why God has allowed our nation to survive; the corporate witness of a nation. Psalm 96:10
2113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parallels in Psalm 96. Psalm 96:10
2114. The earth going around in a circular orbit and the text of Psalm 96:11. Psalm 96:11
2115. The Bible code. Psalm 96:11
2116. How do trees celebrate? Psalm 96:12
2117. The doubling of the phrase He has come and the 1st and 2nd advents. Psalm 96:13
2118. Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world; the basis of the indictment at the Lake of Fire is human good. Psalm 96:13
2119. Why the verbiage of Psalm 96 and 1Chron. 16 differ. Psalm 96:13
2120. The Doctrine of Intercalation alluded to. Psalm 96:13
2121. The parallels between to the 1st and 2nd advents, and the judgement of Satan and the fallen angels and then throwing them into the Lake of Fire. Psalm 96:13
2122. The Bible is not just a 10 page pamphlet and you do not get to choose just a few verses here and there to prove your theology. Psalm 96:13
2123. The 2nd coming of Jesus Christ and His rule of the earth; greater than any political candidate. Psalm 96:13
2124. Our inherent sinfulness and apprehension at our Lord’s second coming. Psalm 96:13
2125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 96 Parallels. Psalm 96 Addendum
2126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Theme of Psalm 96: Jehovah Elohim is God over all Mankind. Psalm 96 Addendum
2127. Understanding the themes of Psalm 96 make it more meaningful when thinking about where this psalm was sung. How well did David and the exiles recognize the correlation between this psalm and the celebrations where it was used. Psalm 96:13
2128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 96. Psalm 96 Addendum
2129. Psalm 104 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2130. The amount of water necessary to cause the great flood of Noah. Psalm 104:6
2131. The change of the earth’s surface so that it will never flood again. Psalm 104:9
2132. Spiritual, soulish and physical life. Reincarnation (all brief). Psalm 104:33
2133. Psalm 105 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2134. The emphasis of Psalm 105 is upon God’s power and faithfulness and not upon Israel’s failures. Psalm 105 introduction
2135. The authorship of Psalm 105. Psalm 105 introduction
2136. This psalm was sung when David moved the Ark of God for the second time into Jerusalem. Psalm 105 introduction
2137. A short comparison between Psalms 78 and 105. Psalm 105 introduction
2138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Theories as to the Authorship and Occasion of Psalm 105. Psalm 105 introduction
2139. Dogmatism and the Scriptures; R. B. Thieme Jr. Psalm 105 introduction
2140. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: David Moves the Ark of God—a Timeline. Psalm 105 introduction
2141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Clarke Outlines Psalm 105. Psalm 105 introduction
2142. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Organization of Psalm 105. Psalm 105 introduction
2143. The importance of the Old Testament. God and the Jews. Psalm 105:1
2144. God did not send out missionaries from Israel as He does today. Psalm 105:1
2145. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Make God's Deeds Known to all the People. Psalm 105:1
2146. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Study and Meditate on God's Word. Psalm 105:2
2147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Praise God for All that He is and Tell Others about Him. Psalm 105:2
2148. There is nothing wrong with academic pursuits; my own history with mathematics. Psalm 105:2
2149. The attempt to secularize our schools. Education in the US. Psalm 105:2
2150. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: We Glory in God's Perfect Character. Psalm 105:3
2151. 7 day work week. Psalm 105:3
2152. The importance of Bible doctrine. Psalm 105:3
2153. Why the US is prosperous and great. Psalm 105:3
2154. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: UN Study: Best and Worst Places to Live in the World. Psalm 105:3
2155. We are not so much looking to secularize our schools as to remove Jesus Christ from them. Psalm 105:3
2156. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Seven Commands of the Spiritual Life in the Age of Israel. Psalm 105:3
2157. Human power; the strength of mental toughness; Michael P. Murphy as an example. Psalm 105:4
2158. Empowerment; keep your faith to yourself in certain instances. Psalm 105:4
2159. Recall what God has done. Psalm 105:5
2160. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Memory is a Part of our Spiritual Life. Psalm 105:5
2161. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Final Three Commands of Psalm 105:4–6. Psalm 105:5
2162. Textual differences between Psalm 105:6 and 1Chron. 16:3. Psalm 105:6
2163. Why is Jacob important to the loser Christian. Why is self-centered, manipulating Jacob mentioned so many times in Scripture? Psalm 105:6
2164. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Alternate Readings of Psalm 105:6. Psalm 105:6
2165. Discussion of possible changes made to the Bible text; discussion of the accuracy of the Hebrew text. Psalm 105:6
2166. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Catholic Church and Ancient Manuscripts. Psalm 105:6
2167. Individual and corporate responsibilities. Psalm 105:6
2168. The divine institutions. Psalm 105:6
2169. Example of the Christian parents and their deviant child. Psalm 105:6
2170. Example of the principals and their children at school. Psalm 105:6
2171. Blessing by association; moving to Texas. Psalm 105:6
2172. Your function in the divine institution of nation. Psalm 105:6
2173. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Exclusivity of the God of the Jews. Psalm 105:7
2174. Contradictory beliefs and actions of atheists and Darwinians. Psalm 105:7
2175. Believers and unbelievers both have internal struggles concerning moral issues. Psalm 105:7
2176. Evolutionists, 9/11 truthers, global warming—people who attempt to explain everything with one set of realities; and cannot see beyond their theories. Psalm 105:7
2177. Hating George Bush; loss of civil liberties; Clinton and The Road to 9/11. Psalm 105:7
2178. Scar tissue of the soul and the vacuum of the soul. Psalm 105:7. B
2179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Judgments in the Earth. Psalm 105:7
2180. God’s memory is an anthropopathism. Psalm 105:8
2181. God’s promises and covenant theology. Psalm 105:8
2182. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Problems with Covenant Theology. Psalm 105:8
2183. The alternative to covenant theology. Psalm 105:8
2184. The number of times that God spoke to Abraham and Isaac; people who claim that God speak to them all of the time. Laying spirits. Psalm 105:9
2185. People who are confused about divine guidance. Psalm 105:9
2186. The three ways that the names Jacob and Israel are used in tandem. Psalm 105:10
2187. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jacob vs. Israel. Psalm 105:10
2188. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God's Contract with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Nation Israel. This is pretty much every historical passage from Scripture on this topic. Psalm 105:10
2189. Covenant theologians gloss over many passages. Psalm 105:11
2190. Do not disparage smallness. Numbers means very little to God. Psalm 105:12
2191. A critical remark about Billy Graham. Psalm 105:12
2192. God’s geographic will for our lives. Psalm 105:13
2193. Degeneracy takes time; Muslims in the US. What do you owe your country? Psalm 105:13
2194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Abraham's Journeys. Psalm 105:13
2195. God’s plan for our lives and His protection of us. Psalm 105:15
2196. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Movements of the Other Patriarchs. Psalm 105:13
2197. Our innate desire to create. Psalm 105:13
2198. The tremendous complexity of the human body. Psalm 105:13
2199. Abraham and the morality of some of the world leaders at that time. Psalm 105:14
2200. People I know who are hostile to me. Psalm 105:14
2201. Every believer has a part in God’s plan. Psalm 105:15
2202. Old Testament and New Testament differences in spirituality. Psalm 105:15
2203. God’s exactly mechanics. Psalm 105:15
2204. Don’t worry as much about your impact as a believer; worry about being filled with the Holy Spirit and learning doctrine. Psalm 105:15
2205. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why God Moved Joseph's Family to Egypt. Psalm 106:16
2206. Possible reasons why God moved the Jews into Israel. Psalm 105:16
2207. Joseph and the famine. Psalm 105:16
2208. Miracles vs. natural phenomena in God’s plan. God choosing to obey many physical laws; Jesus Christ allowing the limitations of his physical body. Psalm 105:16
2209. Global warming and the summers of 2007. Psalm 105:16
2210. The difficulty in Joseph’s life are all designed for a purpose. Psalm 105:17
2211. Robby Dean, the book of Ruth, and God as the stage manager of a play. Psalm 105:17
2212. There is much more to life than avoidance of sin. Psalm 105:17
2213. God’s geographical will for our lives. Psalm 105:17
2214. God works all things together for good. God using difficult circumstances to guide you. Psalm 105:17
2215. Miracles are not as impressive as God’s plan when viewed over the long haul. Psalm 105:17
2216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Parallels Between the Lives of Joseph and Jesus. Psalm 105:17
2217. Spurgeon draws some parallels between Joseph and Jesus. Psalm 105:17
2218. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Problem of Pain. Psalm 105:17
2219. Jacob’s favoritism toward Josphe. Psalm 105:18
2220. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Hints to Parents. Psalm 105:18
2221. Since iron was not used during this time period, iron, in this verse, is used in a non-literal way. Psalm 105:18
2222. Scripture sometimes provides us with more details in poetical accounts, whether the psalm was written before or after the historical event. This is because the Holy Spirit lives outside time, and He is the divine author of Scripture. When God uses a past event to speak of a more important future event, that past event is still an actual, historical incident. Psalm 105:18
2223. Joseph’s dream. Psalm 105:19
2224. God is methodical and takes His time about accomplishing some things. Psalm 105:19
2225. Don’t think your life is going to be good if you intentionally try to get by spiritually by doing as little as possible. Psalm 105:19
2226. R. B. Thieme’s account of Joseph when in jail; and his mistake of depending upon man. Psalm 105:19
2227. The cupbearer, whose job it was to remember names, forgot the name of Joseph. Psalm 105:20
2228. The Pharaoh’s dream and Joseph being taken to occupy one of the highest positions in the land of Egypt. Psalm 105:20
2229. If you are not content with what you have now, you won’t be content if you win the lottery. Psalm 105:21
2230. The Hyksos dynasty and Joseph. Psalm 105:21
2231. The changes I have observed in the US over a scant 40 years. Psalm 105:21
2232. The human mind and what it will believe. Psalm 105:21
2233. Shoah and those who do not believe in the Holocaust. Moral relativism has morphed to historical relativism. God’s dealings with Arabic nations. Prosperity in the US. The corporate witness of the United States. God’s great blessings to the US. Psalm 105:21
2234. What it means for Joseph to be able to bind princes at will. Psalm 105:22
2235. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Various Translations of Psalm 105:21–22. Psalm 105:22
2236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Lessons from the Life of Joseph. Psalm 105:22
2237. God moving Joseph to Egypt. Psalm 105:23
2238. So-called contradictions in the Bible. Psalm 105:23
2239. The law of God written upon the heathen’s heart. Psalm 105:23
2240. Men whose conscience has been seared. Psalm 105:23
2241. God moves people around for a reason; example, the Exodus. Psalm 105:23
2242. Growing anti-Semitism. Psalm 105:24
2243. Tertullian quote: ...already we fill your cities... Psalm 105:24
2244. My being fired from one job and how God worked this out. Psalm 105:25
2245. God’s wall of fire/Satan’s hatred of all that is related to God. Psalm 105:25
2246. Sometimes, when people turn against God’s people, it is after a period of time where God has restrained them and their anger. Today, modern-day Israel is a good example of this. Psalm 105:25
2247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Turns the Egyptian's Heart to Hate His People. Psalm 105:25
2248. Raising a child without restrictions. Children being taught self-control. Psalm 105:25
2249. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Egyptians Enslave the Jews. Psalm 105:25
2250. God being glorified. Psalm 105:25
2251. Moses’ background. Psalm 105:26
2252. Turning Egyptian waters to blood/turning water into wine. Psalm 105:26
2253. God sent Moses and Aaron. Psalm 105:26
2254. Miracles and the failures of those generations who observe these miracles. Psalm 105:27
2255. The miracles of God in Egypt could have been just as much for the Jews as for the Egyptians. Psalm 105:27
2256. The key is God’s Word; not signs and miracles. Psalm 105:27
2257. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: References to the Signs of God Done in Egypt. Psalm 105:27
2258. The plagues named in Psalm 105; their order; what is not listed. Psalm 105:27
2259. Egyptian attitude toward the Jews. Psalm 105:28
2260. God uses fear and pain to get people to turn toward Him. Some men still reject Him.
2261. The Palestinians turn toward the demon Allah. Successfulness and failure in certain nations in the Middle East. Psalm 105:28
2262. Textual criticism and Psalm 105:28. Psalm 105:28
2263. Why are there so many discrepancies in translating a psalm? Psalm 105:28
2264. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Is There a Negative in Psalm 105:28? Psalm 105:28
2265. Other problems with v. 28. Psalm 105:28
2266. The struggle between free will and God’s sovereignty. Thieme and McGee. Negative volition among Christians. Psalm 105:28
2267. Being indwelt by the old sin nature after believing in Jesus Christ. Psalm 105:28
2268. Unbelievers rejecting the gospel. Psalm 105:28
2269. The Doctrine of Darkness—not finished yet!! Don’t forget to bring in the analogy of spiritual darkness. Psalm 105:28
2270. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Message to the Unbeliever about Brownie Points Given by God. Psalm 106:28
2271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Shorter Message to the Believer about Witnessing. Psalm 106:28
2272. Free will; Billy Graham. Psalm 105:28
2273. Moses changing water into blood; Jesus changing water into wine compared. Psalm 105:29
2274. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The First Plague: Water is Turned to Blood. Psalm 105:29
2275. The position held by Pharaoh’s magicians. Psalm 105:29
2276. When did God stop creating new physical things? On the 6th day of restoration? What about the creation of human life? Did He complete that on the 6th day. Psalm 105:30
2277. The rarity of miracles. Psalm 105:31
2278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Time Periods and Signs and Miracles of Scripture. Psalm 105:31
2279. Contemporary magicians and prophecy. Psalm 105:31
2280. Analogy between the provisions of our parents for our basic needs and the provisions of God. Psalm 105:31
2281. Weather phenomena; different types of lightning. Psalm 105:32
2282. The destructiveness of storms which I have personally observed. A frozen tree shattering in the bitter cold. Hail. Psalm 105:33
2283. The buildup of the negative volition of Pharaoh. Psalm 105:34
2284. The psalmist does not speak about the actual exodus from Egypt; the separation of the land of Goshen, where the Jews lives and apparently were not touched by these great signs and wonders; nor does he mention the Passover. Psalm 105:36
2285. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Parallel Accounts of God's Signs and Wonders Against Egypt. Psalm 105:36
2286. Was all the livestock destroyed in the 5th plague? Psalm 105:36
2287. The analogy of the 7th plague to God covering man prior to the cross. Psalm 105:36
2288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What About Reparations? This is excellent. Psalm 105:37
2289. These plagues were just as much for Israel as they were for Egypt. Psalm 105:37
2290. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: An Hypothesis Concerning God Hardening Pharaoh's Heart. Psalm 105:37
2291. Unbeliever theories about the exodus. The presuppositions of unbelievers. Psalm 105:37
2292. Why are there 4 gospels? Psalm 105:37
2293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Reference Works on Christian Apologetics. Psalm 105:37
2294. The power of negative volition. Psalm 105:37
2295. The difference between Pharaoh and the Egyptian people. Psalm 105:38
2296. The dread of Israel felt by some unbelievers. Psalm 105:38
2297. The greatest mistake a nation can make. Psalm 105:38
2298. The conservative movement and anti-Semitism. Psalm 105:38
2299. The fear of God. Psalm 105:38
2300. Those Egyptians who went with Israel. Psalm 105:38
2301. The mixed multitude is not mentioned by the psalmist. We have similar things in the US today. Psalm 105:38
2302. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Cloud by Day and a Fire [Lightning?] by Night. Psalm 105:39
2303. Divine guidance. Psalm 105:39
2304. Our Bible study under the authority of a pastor-teacher; personal Bible study. Psalm 105:39
2305. Divine guidance. Psalm 105:39
2306. Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Psalm 105:39
2307. The attitude of the Jews toward God while in the desert. Psalm 105:40
2308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Lord Gave Israel Quail: the Scriptural References. Psalm 105:40
2309. We are blessed by both the good things in our lives and the difficult things. Psalm 105:40
2310. Lottery winners and no capacity for things. Psalm 105:40
2311. Lack of capacity and discipline illustrated by 3 young celebrities. Psalm 105:40
2312. Unbeliever, capacity for things; laws of divine establishment. Psalm 105:40
2313. Mental health by political party. Psalm 105:40
2314. The body and adjusting to diets. Psalm 105:40
2315. The emphasis of Psalm 105. Psalm 105:40
2316. The Doctrine of Manna alluded to (from Ex. 16:28). Psalm 105:40
2317. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Manna. Psalm 105:40
2318. The water from the rock gushed out to make a river of water. Psalm 105:41
2319. My memory of this particular story; a couple of guys standing around in bathrobes with a fountain-sized stream of water coming out of the rock. Psalm 105:41
2320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Two No-Water Incidents in the Desert Wilderness. Psalm 105:41
2321. How disappointing the Land of Promise looks today, but God will change that. Psalm 105:41
2322. The Bible leaves out a lot of important and interesting information; examples given. Psalm 105:41
2323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: What is Found in the Bible. This is excellent. Psalm 105:41
2324. Why a king’s edict cannot be retracted. Psalm 105:42
2325. Moses interceding on behalf of the Jews, as a type of Christ. Psalm 105:42
2326. How Abraham is a type of Christ. Psalm 105:42
2327. God recalls is an anthropomorphism. Psalm 105:42
2328. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: How God Initially Provided For Israel—a Psalmist's Summation. Psalm 105:42
2329. The purpose of 10 plagues was to get the Jews to move out of Egypt. Psalm 105:43
2330. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Song of Moses. Psalm 105:43
2331. What God will do for the Jews in the Millennium. Psalm 105:43
2332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: God Gives the Land of Canaan to the Israelites. Psalm 105:44
2333. Our taking the United States; the New Jewish nation Israel. Psalm 105:44
2334. The gospel and the heathen and the fairness of the gospel. Psalm 105:44
2335. David probably wrote Psalms 103–106 Psalm 105:45
2336. The order of grace. Psalm 105:45
2337. Apologetics in relation to grace vs. works. Psalm 105:45
2338. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Israel's Responsibility to Keep the Statutes of God. Psalm 105:45
2339. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The 17 Rules of the Talmudists to Preserve the Text of the Old Testament. Psalm 105:45
2340. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Masorite Checks on the Accuracy of Manuscript Copies. Psalm 105:45
2341. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Flavious Josephus on the Accuracy of the Old Testament Text. Psalm 105:45
2342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Will Durant on the Accuracy of the Old Testament Text. Psalm 105:45
2343. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Additional Resources on the Integrity of the Scriptures from the Internet. Psalm 105:45
2344. Other religions compared to Christianity. Salvation offered in the Bible. All 40 authors of the Bible list grace first and our response second. Psalm 105 addendum
2345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 105. Psalm 105 addendum
2346. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Bullinger's Organization of Psalm 105 Side-by-Side Psalm 105. Psalm 105 addendum
2347. The interaction of God the Holy Spirit and those empowered by Him. Free will; pod people. Christian zombies. Psalm 105 addendum
2348. Gary Horton speaking to my high school. Psalm 105 addendum
2349. Psalm 106 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Varied Purposes of the Historic Psalms. Psalm 106 introduction
2351. When Psalm 106 was written. Psalm 106 introduction
2352. The relationship between Psalms 104–106. Psalm 106 introduction
2353. The tri-fold purpose of this psalm. Psalm 106 introduction
2354. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes' Outline. Psalm 106 introduction
2355. There is a relationship between Psalms 105 106 107. Psalm 106:1
2356. Various theories as to why the entirety of this psalm is not found in 1Chron. 16. Psalm 106:1
2357. Having had personal difficulties, the first thing on my mind was not always God’s grace is forever! Psalm 106:1
2358. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Praise Jehovah, for He is Good; His Grace Endures Forever. Psalm 106:1
2359. The sad condition of the writer of this psalm. Psalm 106:2
2360. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Eight Failures of Israel as Recorded by the Psalmist. Psalm 106:6
2361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Which Aspects of God were Revealed by His Miracles? Psalm 106:7
2362. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Exodus 14:5–31 World English Bible. Psalm 106:7
2363. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Examples of God's Authority over the Natural Elements. Psalm 106:9
2364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 18:5–19 (WEB). Psalm 106:9
2365. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Exodus 15:1–19 (World English Bible). Psalm 106:12
2366. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Some Examples of Israel's Reactions to Testing. Psalm 106:13
2367. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Selection Portions of Numbers 11:1–35 (World English Bible Translation). Psalm 106:15
2368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 78:26–33 (World English Bible). Psalm 106:15
2369. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Numbers 16:1–40 (World English Bible Translation). Psalm 106:17
2370. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Apis, the Egyptian God. Psalm 106:19
2371. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Exodus 32:1–6 (World English Bible Text). Psalm 106:19
2372. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Brief Look at the Four Sons of Ham. Psalm 106:22
2373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Exodus 32:9–14 (World English Bible Text). Psalm 106:23
2374. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Num. 14:1–38 (World English Bible Translation). Psalm 106:26
2375. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Leviticus 26:27, 32–34 (World English Bible Translation). Psalm 106:27
2376. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Numbers 25:1–9 (World English Bible). Psalm 106:28
2377. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Numbers 20:2–13 (World English Bible Version). Psalm 106:32
2378. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: All of Israel's Failures in the Desert-Wilderness; God's Grace and/or Discipline. Psalm 106:32
2379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Why Did Moses Receive the Brunt of God's Anger at the Waters of Meribah? Psalm 106:32
2380. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Judges 1:21–36 (World English Bible Translation). Psalm 106:34
2381. Psalm 107 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2382. Psalm 108 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2383. Psalm 109 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2384. Psalm 110 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2385. Why some books included in Scripture. Psalm 114:intro
2386. Miracles and their improbability; how often they occur. Psalm 114:8
2387. Psalm 118 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). I need to go back to this and index it.
2388. Psalm 136 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2389. The analogy between Israel and being surrounded by her enemies; David surrounded by his enemies and our life surrounded by demons. Psalm 136:1
2390. Uses of the word Elohim. Psalm 136:2
2391. The exclusivity of the God of Israel and of Jesus Christ. Psalm 136:2
2392. God’s power exhibited in creation. Psalm 136:4
2393. Theories of creation. Psalm 136:9
2394. Deism and charismatic. Charismatics and their distortion of the gospel. Psalm 136:12
2395. Salvation by faith alone in Christ alone. Psalm 136:12
2396. The Doctrine of the Similarities of Catholics and Charismatics—not finished yet!!. Psalm 136:12
2397. Miracles and faith. Psalm 136:16
2398. A short, one-sentence description of each gospel. Psalm 136:16
2399. The Amorites. Psalm 136:19
2400. Slavery to Egypt, to the flesh and to God. Psalm 136:22
2401. Anthropopathism (short). Psalm 136:23
2402. Hallelujah psalms—a brief discussion. Psalm 146 introduction
2403. Chronology of the psalms discussed. Psalm 146 introduction
2404. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Summary of Psalms 146–150. Psalm 146 introduction
2405. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Barnes Outlines Psalm 146. Psalm 146 introduction
2406. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Occasion of Psalms 146–150. Psalm 146 introduction
2407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Bullinger Organizes Psalm 146. Psalm 146 introduction
2408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 146 Inscription Text from the Greek Septuagint. Psalm 146 inscription
2409. Additional test found in the Greek Septuagint. Psalm 146 inscription
2410. Haggai and Zachariah (from the Greek inscription) are probably the prophets from Scripture. Psalm 146 inscription
2411. Despite the several discrepancies between ancient manuscripts, it is amazing that major and minor doctrines of the Bible remain unaffected. Psalm 146 inscription
2412. How the Bible is distorted and who distorts the Bible. Psalm 146 inscription
2413. The difference between Christianity and religion. Psalm 146 inscription
2414. The key to praising God is in the soul. Psalm 146:1
2415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Essence of the Soul. Psalm 146:1
2416. Praising God from the soul. Psalm 146:1
2417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: False Concepts of the Soul. Psalm 146:1
2418. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Man is Made in the Image of God. Psalm 146:1
2419. Religions are not equivalent in value. Psalm 146:1
2420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Man Praises God with his Soul. Psalm 146:1
2421. The extent of demon involvement with man (footnote). Psalm 146:2
2422. Doctrine is not designed to turn us into phonies. Psalm 146:2
2423. Politics and Bible doctrine. Psalm 146:3
2424. Politics in Texas. Te failures in welfare and education in Texas (footnotes). Psalm 146:3
2425. Link to the Mitt Romney religion speech.
2426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Scripture Enjoins us to not Trust in Man. Psalm 146:3
2427. Joseph illustrates how we ought not to place our trust in man. Psalm 146:3
2428. The way that the Bible presents the history of Joseph is fascinating. The Bible does not beat us over the head with the meaning of Joseph’s life and his choices. Psalm 146:3
2429. The greatness of the teaching of R. B. Thieme Jr. Psalm 146:3
2430. Dependence upon man; dependence upon God; prayer; the volition of others; teaching. Psalm 146:3
2431. The example of my interview to teach college. Psalm 146:3
2432. Our triune nature is a shadow image of God’s triune nature. Psalm 146:4
2433. Breath, Adam, God and us. Psalm 146:4
2434. The importance of the body. Psalm 146:4
2435. Do we have a right to destroy the body which God prepares for us? Psalm 146:4
2436. Our thoughts perish explained; memory. Psalm 146:4
2437. Our government and what our forefathers intended illustrates how the plans of men perish with their deaths. Psalm 146:4
2438. Entering into eternity with some inequities is like entering into this life with inequities. Psalm 146:4
2439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: The Psalmist Speaks of the Three-fold Nature of Man. Psalm 146:4
2440. Jacob and Esau and what a rat Jacob was. Psalm 146:5
2441. Analogy between spiritual growth and our growth and development as a child. Psalm 146:5
2442. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Salvation Presented in the Old Testament. Psalm 146:5
2443. Atmosphere and space, distinguished in the Bible from the very beginning. Psalm 146:6
2444. God as the creator of the heavens and earth. Psalm 146:6
2445. The rarity of water in this universe. Psalm 146:6
2446. The first global warming of planet earth. Psalm 146:6
2447. Injustices in this world; suing to right wrongs. Psalm 146:7
2448. Welfare and God’s plan. Psalm 146:7
2449. Government, welfare and the Bible. Psalm 146:7
2450. The syntax of Psalm 146:7c–9a. Because these verses belong together, I have gathered them as one verse, as should have been done when the Bible was divided into verses. Psalm 146:7c–9a
2451. God sets free those who are bound. A literal interpretation, a spiritual interpretation, and an interpretation which applies to all 3 phases of the Christian life. Psalm 146:8a (actually 7c)
2452. Can we sin after ultimate sanctification? Dreaming of having committed murder. Psalm 146:8a (actually 7c)
2453. What I did not know as an unbeliever about spiritual information. Psalm 146:8b (properly v. 8a; etc.)
2454. God makes the blind to see. A literal interpretation, a spiritual interpretation, and an interpretation which applies to all 3 phases of the Christian life. Psalm 146:8b
2455. The lack of truth in the Christian churches; my search for truth and being introduced to R. B. Thieme as a young believer. Psalm 146:8b
2456. Unbelievers and their perception of Christians. Psalm 146:8b
2457. Why most Christians are failures. Psalm 146:8b
2458. Phase III and God making the blind to see. Psalm 146:8b
2459. God raises up those who are bent over. A literal interpretation, a spiritual interpretation, and an interpretation which applies to all 3 phases of the Christian life. Psalm 146:8c
2460. God delights in the righteous. A literal interpretation, a spiritual interpretation, and an interpretation which applies to all 3 phases of the Christian life. Psalm 146:8d
2461. God watches over and protects the immigrant. A literal interpretation, a spiritual interpretation, and an interpretation which applies to all 3 phases of the Christian life. Psalm 146:8e (actually 9a)
2462. Psalm 146:7c–9a from the Greek; a word by word exposition. Psalm 146:8e (actually 9a)
2463. How amazing is the consistency in the Bible of the fundamental doctrines of Scripture; illustrated with the concept of righteousness. Psalm 145:8c (Greek exegesis within Psalm 146)
2464. Salvation and the Muslim. Psalm 145:8c (Greek exegesis within Psalm 146)
2465. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Psalm 146:7c–9a Jumps out at You. Psalm 146:7c–9a (at the end of this section)
2466. My apprehension when beginning to exegete a psalm—will there be more than simply devotional material. Psalm 146:7c–9a (at the end of this section)
2467. Jesus used the principles of this psalm in order to tell John the Baptizer that He is the Messiah Whom John was looking for. Psalm 146:7c–9a (at the end of this section)
2468. Scriptures concerning God and the helpless people (widows and orphans). Psalm 146:9
2469. Adoption, abortion and the plan of God. A mention of Dean’s series on when God gives soul life to the body. Psalm 146:9
2470. God deals with the malevolent (Scripture). Psalm 146:9
2471. Criminals, a fair and just criminal system, jailhouse ministries. A video testimony. Psalm 146:9
2472. McDonald’s and lawsuits. Psalm 146:9
2473. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: All that God Does for Man. Psalm 146:9
2474. Scriptures about Jesus reigning from Zion. Psalm 146:10
2475. The Doctrine of Intercalation. Psalm 146:10
2476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Jesus Christ will Reign Forever. Psalm 146:10
2477. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: Bullinger's Organization of Psalm 146 Revisited. Psalm 146 Addendum
2478. Chart/Short Doctrine/Map: A Complete Translation of Psalm 146. Psalm 146 Addendum
2479. Psalm 148 Praise to God from all His Creation (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
2480. Time period during which Psalm 148 was written. Psalm 148:intro
2481. Very brief history of Israel. Psalm 148:intro
2482. Anaphora. Psalm 148:1a
2483. Table: Organization of Psalm 148 from Bullinger. Psalm 148:intro
2484. The Doctrine of Angels alluded to (Gen. 28:12). Psalm 148:2.
2485. The complexity of God’s creation. Psalm 148:3
2486. Lifeless, inanimate things praising God. Psalm 148:3
Topics Covered in the book of Proverbs
1. Proverbs Links (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (Folder).
2. Check Prov. 1:1 for Pulpit Commentary
3. Proverbs 1–9 Introduction A Father’s Advice to His Son: Become Wise (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
4. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
5. Quotations from Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pindar and Paul Apple. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
6. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations from Proverbs 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
7. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1:7 (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
8. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:6 (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
9. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:5–6 (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
10. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:18–19 (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
11. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:23 (ERV) (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
12. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:2 (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
13. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:22 (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
14. References to The Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), and the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Preface
15. Writing an introduction with the varieties of Proverbs should not be done before Prov. 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
16. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs Assorted Wisdom (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
17. Unbelievers can study Proverbs and it will help them. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
18. Keys to book are: a father teaching his son, wisdom and fear of the Lord. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
19. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud for Proverbs 1–9 (ESV). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
20. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Theme of Wisdom in Proverbs. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
21. Way, path, paths. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
22. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Vocabulary of Proverbs 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
23. Wisdom, understand, discretion, the simple, lacking in heart, evil. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
24. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Content of Proverbs 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
25. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Characteristics and Features of the Book of Proverbs, by J. Vernon McGee. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
26. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Proverbs 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
27. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:27 (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
28. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God in Proverbs 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
29. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1–9 is for the young person. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
30. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:1–2 (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
31. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A child who is disrespectful to his parents (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
32. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Proverbs Introduction to Chapters 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
33. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs Introduction to Chapters 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Intro
34. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Proverbs Introduction to Chapters 1–9 by the Pulpit Commentary. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Outlines
35. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Short Outline for Proverbs 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Outlines
36. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Kukis Outline of Proverbs 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Outlines
37. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary's Outline of Proverbs 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Outlines
38. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bullinger's Weird Outline of Proverbs 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Outlines
39. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland's Introduction to the Book of Proverbs. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Outlines
40. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland's Prologue to the Book of Proverbs. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Prologues
41. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett: Prologue To The Book (Proverbs 1:8 to Proverbs 9:18). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Prologues
42. Proverbs has most ancient recorded proverbs from the ancient world. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Prologues
43. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the First 9 Chapters of Proverbs. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Commentary
44. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gary North on the First 9 Chapters of Proverbs. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Commentary
45. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bob Deffinbaugh on Madam Folly and Dame Wisdom. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Commentary
46. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Format of the Study. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Format
47. 3 types of translations given. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Format
48. Each Bible translation basically covered. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Format
49. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Authorship. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Authorship
50. David probably spoke what we find in Prov. 1–9 (discussion). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Authorship
51. Some commentators with similar views. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Authorship
52. Solomon may have collected proverbs. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Authorship
53. These proverbs were written hundreds of years before the Greek wisdom writers. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Authorship
54. Refuting the idea that Solomon wrote this while David was alive. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Title
55. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Time of Writing. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Text
56. Different estimates as to the time Proverbs was written. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Text
57. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Purpose of Writing. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Text
58. Why it is unlikely that Solomon wrote this for Rehoboam. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Text
59. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs Quoted in the New Testament. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Text
60. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Questioning the Authority of Proverbs (Dr. John Gill). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Text
61. Similarity and dissimilarity of Jesus’ teaching and the Proverbs. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Text
62. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: History of the Text, from the Pulpit Commentary. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Text
63. Meyer and literary structure of Proverbs. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Text
64. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs Introduction to Chapters 1–9 is in the Word of God. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Addendum
65. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:9–10 (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Addendum
66. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deuteronomy 4:9 and Proverbs 4:23 (a graphic). Prov. 1–9 Introduction Addendum
67. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs Introduction to Chapters 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Addendum
68. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs Introduction to Chapters 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Addendum
69. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Addendum
70. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs Introduction to Chapters 1–9. Prov. 1–9 Introduction Addendum
71. Proverbs 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
72. Authorship of Proverbs. Prov. 1 Introduction
73. The content of Prov. 1. Prov. 1 Introduction
74. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Principals of Proverbs 1. Prov. 1 introduction
75. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs 1. Prov. 1 Introduction
76. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Proverbs 1. Prov. 1 Introduction
77. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Henry Halley's Brief Outline/Synopsis of Proverbs 1. Prov. 1 Introduction
78. Arno Gaebele summarizes Prov. 1. Prov. 1 Introduction
79. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Outline of Proverbs 1. Prov. 1 Introduction
80. Proverbs as poetry. Prov. 1 Introduction
81. Errata. Prov. 1 Introduction
82. Assumptions that we make in the book of Proverbs. Prov. 1 Introduction
83. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is a Proverb? Prov. 1:1
84. The purpose of proverbs in general. Prov. 1:1
85. The focus of the book of Proverbs. Prov. 1:1
86. Who wrote Proverbs. Prov. 1:1
87. The concept of inspiration and the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. Prov. 1:1
88. What does it mean to be in the canon? When was a definition of inspiration developed. How these two things relate. The organic forming of the canon of Scripture. Prov. 1:1
89. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Age When Becoming King. Prov. 1:1
90. Reference to the Davidic Timeline (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:1
91. References to 1Kings 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); 1Kings 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); 1Chronicles 28 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and 1Chronicles 29 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:1
92. Solomon’s proverbs and songs. Prov. 1:1
93. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, How can a sinner like Solomon write Scripture? Prov. 1:1
94. David was not a good parent; Solomon was even worse. Prov. 1:1
95. David’s sons; the good and the bad. Prov. 1:1
96. Reference to 1Kings 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:1
97. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who Wrote Proverbs? Prov. 1:1
98. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What commends Solomon, by the Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary. Prov. 1:1
99. Parables as versus proverbs. Prov. 1:1
100. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland on the Purpose of Proverbs. Prov. 1:2
101. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining Wisdom, from Various Sources. Prov. 1:2
102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bullinger on the words translated wisdom in the book of Proverbs. Prov. 1:2
103. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: More on Wisdom, from Various Sources. Prov. 1:2
104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs. Prov. 1:2
105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland Outlines the Sources of Wisdom. Prov. 1:2
106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pronouncing châkemâh ( ) [pronounced hawke-MAW]. Prov. 1:2
107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining Instruction, from Various Sources. Prov. 1:2
108. You can learn the easy way and you can learn the hard way. Prov. 1:2
109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Instruction in the Book of Proverbs. Prov. 1:2
110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining Understanding, from Various Sources. Prov. 1:2
111. You will not murder is not the same as, you will not kill. Sunday school in Berkeley. Prov. 1:2
112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: To Understand, to Discern in Proverbs. Prov. 1:2
113. Reference to 2Samuel 24 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:2
114. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Grace Bible Church's "Doctrine of Authority". Prov. 1:2
115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Doctrines of Authority. Prov. 1:2
116. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:2
117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two ways of translating sâkal. Prov. 1:3
118. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sâkal in Proverbs. Prov. 1:3
119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Equity, from various sources. Prov. 1:3
120. Righteousness, justice and just acts. Prov. 1:3
121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Equity in Proverbs. Prov. 1:3
122. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What you may judge. Prov. 1:3
123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1:3 (a graphic). Prov. 1:3
124. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining Prudence. Prov. 1:4
125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who are the Simple Ones? Prov. 1:4
126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining the Simple Ones. Prov. 1:4
127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining Discretion. Prov. 1:4
128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Discretion in Proverbs. Prov. 1:4
129. Al Gore appealing to the arrogance of young people. Al Gore’s background and the benefits he receives from global warming. Prov. 1:4
130. Socialism also appeals to the young. Prov. 1:4
131. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Thomas Constable Chart on Proverbs 1:2–4. Prov. 1:4
132. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: John E. Johnson on the 4 Objectives of the Book of Proverbs. Prov. 1:4
133. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ray Pritchard on What you might learn from Proverbs. Prov. 1:4
134. Digging information out of the Bible. R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s work before his tape ministry.
135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Leqach in Proverbs. Prov. 1:5
136. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining Sound Counsel. Prov. 1:5
137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Tachebûwlâh in Proverbs. Prov. 1:5
138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1:5 (a graphic). Prov. 1:5
139. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Structure of Proverbs 1:1–5. Prov. 1:5
140. Wisdom is important for anyone in authority. George Bush needed wisdom regarding Iraq and Afghanistan, as did his military heads. They needed Bibles and missionaries more than they needed a democracy. Prov. 1:5
141. Muslim countries need strong leaders. Prov. 1:5
142. Christianity, not democracy, is the key. Prov. 1:5
143. Jesus teaching with parables was not a new thing. Prov. 1:6
144. Examples of types in the Old Testament. Prov. 1:6
145. Why Jesus taught in parables. Prov. 1:6
146. Rev. Finis Jennings Dake’s teaching of types. Prov. 1:6
147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Old Testament and Typology. Prov. 1:6
148. Reference to See Typology (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:6
149. Communist propaganda distorting the message of the Bible. Prov. 1:6
150. Life’s difficult questions. Prov. 1:6
151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Organization of Prov. 1:2–6 (Keil and Delitzsch). Prov. 1:6
152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on Proverbs 1:6. Prov. 1:6
153. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Purpose of the Book of Proverbs (from the NET Bible). Prov. 1:6
154. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Purpose of Proverbs (a graphic). Prov. 1:6
155. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Expositors on Fear of the Lord. Prov. 1:7
156. Reference to Fear of the Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:7
157. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Fear of the Lord. Prov. 1:7
158. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Addendum to Fear of Yehowah by Robert J. Morgan. Prov. 1:7
159. Reference to Gen. 20 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:7
160. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Beginning, as found in Proverbs. Prov. 1:7
161. Everything has a basis; everything has axioms. Prov. 1:7
162. Mathematical systems. Prov. 1:7
163. Sodium Hydroxide added to Hydrogen Chloride. Prov. 1:7
164. Global warming as a religion. Prov. 1:7
165. Evolution and religious fervor. Prov. 1:7
166. Dealing with theological dilemmas. Prov. 1:7
167. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The God-ward and Man-ward Sides of the Edification Complex. Prov. 1:7
168. Wisdom literature outside of Israel does not include fear of the Lord. Prov. 1:7
169. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Alternative to Fear of God. Prov. 1:7
170. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Portrait of a Fool. Prov. 1:7
171. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Fool in Proverbs. Prov. 1:7
172. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1:7 Graphic. Prov. 1:7
173. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1:7 (a graphic). Prov. 1:7
174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How Proverbs Would Look in Book Format. Prov. 1:7
175. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The New American Bible on Proverbs 1:8–19. Prov. 1:8
176. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bullinger on the Organization of Proverbs 1:8–19. Prov. 1:8
177. The imposition I faced as a young person doing chores. Prov. 1:8
178. Food stamps are a danger to our country. Prov. 1:8
179. Do not feed the animals explains why food stamps are a bad idea. Prov. 1:8
180. The strongest male influence of any child is that child’s father. Prov. 1:8
181. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Torah, as found in Proverbs. Prov. 1:8
182. The Bible being accused of being backward and sexist. Children are to give honor to their parents (along with the related Scriptures). Prov. 1:8
183. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ann Landers Letter about Motherhood. Prov. 1:8
184. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland on the Wisdom of Listening to Your Parents. Prov. 1:8
185. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Marriage Matters by Brad Wilcox (& colleagues). Prov. 1:8
186. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:8
187. Preparing a child with Down’s Syndrom for life; the same care should be taken to prepare any child for life. Prov. 1:8
188. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1:8 (a graphic). Prov. 1:8
189. Children who listen to their parents become more attractive people. Prov. 1:9
190. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parents' Basic Training for Their Children. Prov. 1:9
191. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1:7–9 (a graphic). Prov. 1:9
192. Jesus, Democrats and Republicans. Prov. 1:9
193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmos of Proverbs 1:10–19. Prov. 1:10
194. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett on the use of my son in Proverbs. Prov. 1:10
195. There is always a wrong crowd and they will go after your child. Prov. 1:10
196. The Bible has passages aimed at all ages; Prov. 1 takes aim at all ages. Prov. 1:10
197. Dangers which lure young people and can destroy their lives. Prov. 1:10
198. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Enticements to Young People. Prov. 1:10
199. The Unit “I get to jump out of planes and shoot people; what’s not to like?” Prov. 1:11
200. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sheol, by Precept Austin. Prov. 1:12
201. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Murder. Prov. 1:12
202. The great utility of money. Prov. 1:13
203. The promise of a multi-level sales operation. Prov. 1:13
204. Social justice; what do its adherents believe it means? Questions for the adherents to this movement. Prov. 1:14
205. President Obama and wealth inequality; the result of his policies. Prov. 1:14
206. The 2008 economic crisis and distinct disinterest of both parties. Prov. 1:14
207. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Socialism. Prov. 1:14
208. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing the Promises of the Criminals. Prov. 1:14
209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: John Hunter on the Enticements of Sin to the Young Man. Prov. 1:14
210. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Right Path. Prov. 1:15
211. References to the Basic Mechanics of the Christian Life (or, The Christian Life for Dummies) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and the Fundamentals of the Faith (Living the Christian Life) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:15
212. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robby Dean's Appended Doctrine of Separation. Prov. 1:15
213. It is incorrect to think that a parent cannot affect what his children do. Prov. 1:15
214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland Outlines the Danger of Evil Companions and the Solution. Prov. 1:16
215. Lords of the wing. Prov. 1:17
216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Spreading nets in front of any bird. Prov. 1:18
217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The New American Bible Organizes Proverbs 1:20–33. Prov. 1:20
218. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmic Approach to Proverbs 1:20–33. Prov. 1:20
219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Wisdom. Prov. 1:20
220. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Personification of Wisdom. Prov. 1:20
221. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Maranatha Church's The Importance of Bible Doctrine. Prov. 1:21
222. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to the Importance of Bible Doctrine. Prov. 1:21
223. Availability of wisdom. Prov. 1:21
224. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Classes of People. Prov. 1:22
225. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The three types of men who are negative toward Bible doctrine. Prov. 1:22
226. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on this Call of Wisdom. Prov. 1:22
227. What it means for the unbeliever to be turned around; what it means for the believer to be turned around. Prov. 1:23
228. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The wisdom of God is the voice of God. Prov. 1:23
229. The steps of being turned around. Prov. 1:23
230. David and Solomon would have been empowered by the Holy Spirit. Prov. 1:23
231. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1:23 Describes the Spiritual Life for Those Given the Spirit. Prov. 1:23
232. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1:23 (a graphic). Prov. 1:23
233. Summing up v. 23. Prov. 1:23
234. Summing up vv. 20–32. Prov. 1:24
235. The speaker is more than just wisdom; the speaker is God. Prov. 1:24
236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Speaks to the People of Israel. Prov. 1:24
237. Reference to the Importance of Bible Doctrine (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 1:24
238. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Importance of Bible Doctrine. Prov. 1:24
239. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Calls to Israel and Israel Rebuffs God. Prov. 1:24
240. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Basic Divine Discipline. Prov. 1:25
241. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Barnhouse on the Roaring Lion. Prov. 1:25
242. Anthropopathism. Prov. 1:26
243. A whirlwind. Prov. 1:27
244. Hurricane Ike. Prov. 1:27
245. Reducing one’s options in life. Prov. 1:28
246. You are the greatest asset and most formidable obstacle in your own life. Prov. 1:28
247. The easy way versus the hard way in life. Prov. 1:29
248. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Points out Parallel Passages—Proverbs 1:24 and 1:29–30. Prov. 1:30
249. God’s option A. Prov. 1:30
250. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Map of the British Empire. Prov. 1:31
251. North America, Africa, India and Australia all were in the dark ages when Great Britain entered these areas. Prov. 1:31
252. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: United States Military Bases throughout the World. Prov. 1:31
253. Obama, Putin, Military Defense Shield. Prov. 1:31
254. The British empire was great and American bases all over the world are there because of Bible doctrine.
255. Mention of doctrinal churches in the United States. Prov. 1:31
256. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1:32–33 (a graphic). Prov. 1:33
257. One man with Bible doctrine in his soul can turn around a city, a school, a business, a military organization, a state or even a nation.
258. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland Outlines the Call of Wisdom (Sophia). Prov. 1:33
259. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ray Pritchard's Three Conclusions. Prov. 1 Addendum
260. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Fundamentals of the Faith and Proverbs 1. Prov. 1 Addendum
261. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs 1 is in the Word of God. Prov. 1 Addendum
262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs 1. Prov. 1 Addendum
263. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs 1. Prov. 1 Addendum
264. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 1. Prov. 1 Addendum
265. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs 1. Prov. 1 Addendum
266. Proverbs 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Prov. 2 Preface
268. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:6 (graphic). Prov. 2 Preface
269. What wisdom does for a person (which is a summation of Prov. 2). Prov. 2 Introduction
270. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Introduction
271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's 4 Conflicting Voices. Prov. 2 Introduction
272. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Introduction
273. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bridgeway's Synopsis of Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Introduction
274. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry Outlines/Summarizes Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Introduction
275. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Arthur Peake Summarizes Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Introduction
276. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: George DeHoff's "Five Fruits of Wisdom". Prov. 2 Introduction
277. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The New American Bible on Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Introduction
278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Different Paths. Prov. 2 Introduction
279. J. Vernon McGee’s introduction to Prov. 2. Prov. 2 Introduction
280. The structure of Prov. 2:1–5. Prov. 2:1
281. Dividing up the chapters in Proverbs. Prov. 2:1
282. A child asking 50 questions. Prov. 2:1
283. Your child’s first books. Prov. 2:1
284. Homes where there are no books. Prov. 2:1
285. Wisdom does not come from discovery or high I.Q. Prov. 2:1
286. More and more new age philosophy in our schools. Prov. 2:1
287. Alexis de Tocqueville and education. Prov. 2:1
288. How to store up knowledge. Prov. 2:1
289. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Store up Bible Doctrine in your Heart—Parallel Verses to Proverbs 2:1. Prov. 2:1
290. Reference to Prov. 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 2:2
291. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining Wisdom, from Various Sources. Prov. 2:2
292. You cannot grow apart from Bible doctrine. Prov. 2:2
293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. S. Pratt on the Four Axioms of Wisdom from God. Prov. 2:2
294. The right lobe of the soul; listening to the same Bible message many decades later. Prov. 2:2
295. Reference to the Doctrine of the Heart (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 2:2
296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of the Heart. Prov. 2:2
297. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Graphic of Operation Z. Prov. 2:2
298. Reference to Prov. 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 2:3
299. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining Understanding (or, Discernment), from Various Sources. Prov. 2:3
300. J. Vernon McGee says, high I.Q. is not needed to understand the Word of God. Prov. 2:3
301. Work, money and happiness. Prov. 2:4
302. Searching for Bible doctrine as if it were silver. Prov. 2:4
303. Silver was not as valuable in the time of Solomon. Prov. 2:4
304. Ancient world banks; Gower on burying treasure. Jesus on buying a field with buried treasure. Prov. 2:4
305. The importance of the banking industry. Banks and Walmart are not inherently evil. Prov. 2:4
306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bible Doctrine is More Important than Silver and Gold—Proverbs 2:4. Prov. 2:4
307. R. B. Thieme, Jr. spending 10 hours in the Word; associated with joy. Prov. 2:4
308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Protasis of Proverbs 2:1–4. Prov. 2:4
309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:1–4 (graphic). Prov. 2:4
310. A father’s voice. Prov. 2:4
311. The fear of a spider, scorpion or rat. Prov. 2:5
312. Reference to the doctrine of the Fear of the Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 2:5
313. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Fear of the Lord. Prov. 2:5
314. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God (Elohim) in Proverbs. Prov. 2:5
315. Mcgee on praying versus studying. Prov. 2:5
316. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:1–5 (graphic). Prov. 2:5
317. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing Proverbs 2:1–5. Prov. 2:5
318. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:1–5 (graphic #2). Prov. 2:5
319. Yehowah and Elohim. Prov. 2:5
320. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Organizes Proverbs 2:6–11 Chiastically. Prov. 2:6
321. Those who learn the Word of God are not necessarily degreed (by McGee). Prov. 2:6
322. DeHoff on God gives us many things, but we have to take those things. Prov. 2:6
323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Knowledge, Wisdom and Insight. Prov. 2:6
324. The Scriptures on understanding spiritual truth. Prov. 2:6
325. The mouth of God is the pastor-teacher. Prov. 2:6
326. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:6 (graphic). Prov. 2:6
327. You need face to face teaching. Problems I have known with those who did not get face to face teaching. Prov. 2:6
328. Geographical isolation. Prov. 2:6
329. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:7 (1st graphic). Prov. 2:7
330. When you study doctrine, it is not always something that interests you or pertains to your life right now. Prov. 2:7
331. Very weird draws of Christianity; cultic movements. Prov. 2:7
332. The problems with cults. Prov. 2:7
333. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:7 (graphic). Prov. 2:7
334. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Gracious Ones. Prov. 2:8
335. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:7–8 (graphic). Prov. 2:8
336. The 3 things God provides for the believer. Prov. 2:8
337. The meaning of equity. Prov. 2:9
338. Doctrine in your heart. Prov. 2:10
339. R. B. Thieme, Jr. taught mechanics and principles. Prov. 2:10
340. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine is pleasant to the soul. Prov. 2:10
341. Application of being cheated out of a lot of money. Prov. 2:10
342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:9–10 (graphic). Prov. 2:10
343. Christianity and living a life that matters. Prov. 2:10
344. Happiness in the soul and being a liberal. Prov. 2:10
345. Liberals thinking that George Bush was the worst man on the planet. Prov. 2:10
346. References to the 99% demonstrations and the Ferguson riots. Prov. 2:10
347. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Graphic from 2001 Space Odyssey. Prov. 2:10
348. Contentment of Bible doctrine in the soul. Prov. 2:10
349. Reference to Prov. 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Defining Discretion, from Various Sources. Prov. 2:11
351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 2:11 (graphic). Prov. 2:11
352. Application of the Ferguson riots. Prov. 2:11
353. A mother’s training of her daughters and her demands of them. Prov. 2:11
354. David and how he raised his children poorly. Prov. 2:11
355. Evil is far more than criminality. Prov. 2:12
356. References to Psalm 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Job 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 2:12
357. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Evil. Prov. 2:12
358. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Todd Kennedy's Doctrine of Evil. Prov. 2:12
359. Speaking perversely can be the far left teacher; the radical communist propagandist. Prov. 2:12
360. My own personal brush with diversity in the classroom. Prov. 2:12
361. The immoral gay lifestyle. Prov. 2:13
362. Hillary Clinton It Takes a Village. Gay adoption; single mother households. Prov. 2:13
363. Scientific laws and the miracles of science. Prov. 2:13
364. Illustration of Jonathan Gruber as one who brags about evil. Prov. 2:14
365. LGBT movement and evil. Prov. 2:14
366. The influences of Obama’s life to make him think evil. Prov. 2:15
367. Hilary Clinton and Saul Alinsky. Prov. 2:15
368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paths of Evil in Today's Society. Prov. 2:15
369. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Regarding the Paths of Evil from Above. Prov. 2:15
370. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 2:15
371. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Where's the break for Proverbs 2:9–15? Prov. 2:15
372. Paul’s description of a lifestyle of evil. Prov. 2:15
373. Men and their interaction with women for sex. Prov. 2:16
374. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Adultery (mostly by R. B. Thieme, Jr.). Prov. 2:16
375. J. Vernon McGee and VD. Prov. 2:16
376. Is the Bible racist? Prov. 2:16
377. The entanglements of Solomon. Prov. 2:16
378. Reference to 2Samuel 14 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 2:16
379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Biblical Doctrine of Flattery. Prov. 2:16
380. Reference to Psalm 12 (HTML) (PDF). Prov. 2:16
381. Chuck Smith and the honesty of our wives compared to the flattery of the strange woman. Prov. 2:16
382. It is remarkable that Solomon writes this information. Prov. 2:16
383. The wrong woman brings down her entire house. Prov. 2:18
384. Once children are born, the parents need to focus upon their children. Prov. 2:19
385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Being Led Astray by Wild Women. Prov. 2:19
386. Contrast of the women with class and wisdom from Prov. 31. Prov. 2:19
387. Statistics bear out the importance of both parents. Prov. 2:19
388. Jewish people love their land. Prov. 2:21
389. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Palestinian Covenant. Prov. 2:21
390. Reference to the Doctrine of the Palestinian Covenant (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 2:21
391. Unbelievers will be rooted up. Prov. 2:22
392. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Grace Bible Church's "The Baptism of Fire". Prov. 2:22
393. Other passages related to the baptism of fire. Prov. 2:22
394. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland's Massive Outline of Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Addendum
395. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs 2 is in the Word of God. Prov. 2 Addendum
396. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Addendum
397. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Addendum
398. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Addendum
399. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs 2. Prov. 2 Addendum
400. Proverbs 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
401. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Prov. 3 Preface
402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:5–6 (a graphic). Prov. 3 Preface
403. The personal nature of the teaching of Proverbs. Prov. 3 Introduction
404. Presenting Proverbs as written by David for Solomon. Prov. 3 Introduction
405. Solomon’s age and the circumstances of David teaching Solomon these principles. Prov. 3 Introduction
406. Solomon as a teen king. Prov. 3 Introduction
407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Proverbs 3. Prov. 3 Introduction
408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs 3. Prov. 3 Introduction
409. Different ways of dividing up Prov. 3. Prov. 3 Introduction
410. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark A. Copeland Summarizes Provers 2 and 3. Prov. 3 Introduction
411. Various summaries. Prov. 3 Introduction
412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The NET Bible: A Synopsis of Proverbs 3. Prov. 3 Introduction
413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Summarizes Proverbs 3. Prov. 3 Introduction
414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry Outlines Proverbs 3. Prov. 3 Introduction
415. Uncommon words in this chapter. Prov. 3 Introduction
416. The addition of Stuart Wolf’s Literal Translation. Prov. 3 Introduction
417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The New American Bible on Proverbs 3:1–12. Prov. 3:1
418. Torah = teaching. Prov. 3:1
419. 7 year gap in David’s reign. Prov. 3:1
420. Prov. 3 and Deuteronomy parallels. Prov. 3:1
421. God’s prohibitions; our non-judgmental society. Prov. 3:1
422. Sinful and non-sinful judging. Prov. 3:1
423. It is the parent’s job to have standards for their children. Prov. 3:1
424. Example of single mother with 2 teen girls and her standards. Prov. 3:1
425. David’s hands-on approach to Solomon. Prov. 3:1
426. Having inner resources and disaster. Prov. 3:1
427. What Bible doctrine means to the believer. Prov. 3:2
428. These promises are typical but not unequivocal. Prov. 3:2
429. Scriptures which promise us long life if we know and understand His Word. Prov. 3:2
430. Moral laws are every bit as precise as physical laws. Prov. 3:2
431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Suicide and Gay Teens. Prov. 3:2
432. Example of drinking to excess. Prov. 3:2
433. Scriptures on the importance of divine knowledge. Prov. 3:2
434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Importance of Bible Doctrine (from Bible Doctrine Resources). Prov. 3:2
435. Things which fail; things which do not fail. Prov. 3:3
436. What is means to bind around your neck. Prov. 3:3
437. Human viewpoint versus Bible doctrine. Prov. 3:3
438. Bible doctrine is more than an intellectual exercise. Prov. 3:3
439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:3 (a graphic). Prov. 3:3
440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Operation Z (graphic). Prov. 3:3
441. Operation Z. Prov. 3:3
442. We are able to now search out on the internet false information so that we can believe a lie. Prov. 3:4
443. Grace and understanding in the eyes of God and man. Examples. Prov. 3:4
444. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:5–6 (another graphic). Prov. 3:5
445. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:5–6 (the Message translation; graphic). Prov. 3:5
446. In order to trust God, you must know Who He is. Prov. 3:5
447. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Trust in the Lord. Prov. 3:5
448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Human Viewpoint Thinking versus Divine Viewpoint Thinking. Prov. 3:5
449. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:5 (a graphic). Prov. 3:5
450. Using political applications in a Bible study. Prov. 3:5
451. Making decisions with Bible doctrine. Prov. 3:6
452. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dean on Trusting in the Lord. Prov. 3:6
453. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:5–6 (graphic). Prov. 3:6
454. God smoothing out the road of life. Prov. 3:6
455. Divine guidance when God does not speak to us audibly. Prov. 3:6
456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on Divine Guidance. Prov. 3:6
457. We do not have to pray constantly to figure out which way to go. Prov. 3:6
458. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae on, Our confidence in God. Prov. 3:6
459. An unbeliever cannot come up with a consistent morality. Example of unbeliever having an affair. Prov. 3:7
460. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Being Wise in Your Own Estimation. Prov. 3:7
461. Reference to the [so-called] Bible Contradictions (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 3:7
462. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Definition of Fear of the Lord. Prov. 3:7
463. Reference to the full doctrine of Fear of the Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 3:7
464. Reference to the Doctrine of Evil (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 3:7
465. Definition of evil. Prov. 3:7
466. Organs that are designed to preserve our health. Prov. 3:8
467. Life without quality of life is not very good. Prov. 3:8
468. Problems with the cult of Christian Science. Prov. 3:8
469. God, the poor and needy, socialism. Prov. 3:8
470. Your bones need to be watered, refreshed, and moistened. Prov. 3:8
471. Clarke and detail on the bones. Prov. 3:8
472. Doctrine in the soul is like marrow to the bones. Prov. 3:8
473. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Health and Bible Doctrine. Prov. 3:8
474. Christian students I knew tended to be happier. Prov. 3:8
475. Generally speaking, you are healthier and happier with Bible doctrine. Prov. 3:8
476. How Solomon was to honor God with his wealth. Prov. 3:9
477. The Levites and land. Prov. 3:9
478. Over-giving. Prov. 3:9
479. McGee on committed with the pocketbook. Prov. 3:9
480. Being billed by the church is not spiritual giving. Prov. 3:10
481. Voting for other people to pay higher taxes is not spiritual giving. Prov. 3:10
482. Welfare and the state and the Bible. Prov. 3:10
483. Blessing comes with proper giving. Prov. 3:10
484. Reference to the Doctrine of Giving (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 3:10
485. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Giving in the Old Testament. Prov. 3:10
486. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Giving (from Bible Doctrine Resource). Prov. 3:10
487. Reference to the doctrine of Tithing (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 3:10
488. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to Doctrines of Giving. Prov. 3:10
489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Our Property and God, from the Pulpit Commentary. Prov. 3:10
490. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:9–10 (a graphic). Prov. 3:10
491. Spiritual giving goes back to Adam and his sons; and to the book of Genesis. Prov. 3:10
492. Christian giving has nothing to do with asking for higher taxes. Prov. 3:10
493. Giving away your money in such a way that it does not count. Prov. 3:10
494. Gary North on making money using Biblical principles should not cause you to feel guilty. Prov. 3:10
495. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Spiritual Life: Summarizing Proverbs 3:5–10. Prov. 3:10
496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:1–10—Exhortations and Results. Prov. 3:10
497. David approaches God’s discipline from the point of view of His love rather than His wisdom. Prov. 3:11
498. It is possible that David had to discipline Solomon harshly as a young child. Prov. 3:11
499. The vicious beatings from one of my uncles. Prov. 3:11
500. Do not despise God’s discipline because He disciplines you out of love. Prov. 3:12
501. Wells of Living Water Commentary on God chastening as a father rather than as a slave owner. Prov. 3:12
502. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:12 (a graphic). Prov. 3:12
503. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The American English Bible on Spanking. Prov. 3:12
504. J. Vernon McGee on children versus criminals. Prov. 3:12
505. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining Hebrews 13:5–6, which quotes Proverbs 3:11–12. Prov. 3:12
506. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Divine Discipline, from Bible Doctrine Resource. Prov. 3:12
507. Reference to the Four Generation Curse (Merritt) (Wisdom and Knowledge) (Bible News1). Prov. 3:12
508. Reference to the Five Cycles of Discipline (also known as the Five Stages of National Discipline) (R. B. Thieme, Jr.) (Grace and Truth Bible Ministries). Prov. 3:12
509. Reference to the doctrine of Economic Depression (Christian Suffering by R. B. Thieme, Jr.) Prov. 3:12
510. Reference to the Sin unto Death (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 3:12
511. Reference to the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 3:12
512. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Fatherhood of God (Old Testament). Prov. 3:12
513. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hajime Murai's Chiastic Organization of Proverbs 3:13–20. Prov. 3:13
514. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs on Wisdom. Prov. 3:13
515. Vocabulary and the feral children. Prov. 3:13
516. Schools where we might learn about God and His plan. Prov. 3:13
517. The king and precious metals. Prov. 3:14
518. Inherent value of metals; our coins which once had silver in them. Prov. 3:14
519. We can always think of material things that could be better. Prov. 3:15
520. Chasing after your desires does not always bring you pleasure in life. Prov. 3:16
521. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Introverted Parallelism of Proverbs 3:16. Prov. 3:16
522. What one looks for in business. Prov. 3:16
523. Long life and the quality of your life. Prov. 3:16
524. A growing believer will have a good life or a satisfying life. Prov. 3:16
525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Material Blessings and the Believer. Prov. 3:16
526. People have different interests and different occupations. Prov. 3:17
527. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translation Notes and Commentators on the Tree of Life. Prov. 3:18
528. Reference to The Tree of Life (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
529. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Tree of Life (from Bible Doctrine Resources). Prov. 3:18
530. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What the Tree of Life means in the book of Proverbs. Prov. 3:18
531. God getting things exactly right in this world.
532. Why we should not established a commune on Mars. Prov. 3:19
533. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on God's Creation. Prov. 3:19
534. V. 20 could be about continental drift; and it could be about warming the water. Prov. 3:20
535. The rain is part of the balance of the earth. Prov. 3:20
536. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Creation Science 4 Kids on the Water Cycle. Prov. 3:20
537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Water Cycle (a graphic). Prov. 3:20
538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Questions for Evolutionists by Dr. Kent Hovind. Prov. 3:20
539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on the Watering of the Earth. Prov. 3:20
540. It has taken us 6000 years to even begin to understand the complexity of this earth.
541. DeHoff’s manifestations of the unknowable.
542. DeHoff and the 3 kingdom’s.
543. Reference to Lucky Guesses in Genesis (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
544. J. Vernon McGee and others on the orderliness of the universe.
545. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Irreducible Complexity, by Gary Hill. Prov. 3:20
546. Reference to Garner Ted Armstrong and Paul W. Kroll of the Worldwide Church of God produced several outstanding booklets on this evolution: A Theory for the Birds (PDF); A Whale of a Tale (PDF); Some Fishy Stories (PDF); The Archer Fish Disproves Evolution (PDF); The Fable of the First Fatal Flight (PDF). Prov. 3:20
547. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hajime Murai's Organization of Proverbs 3:21–35. Prov. 3:21
548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dividing Up Proverbs 3:21–35. Prov. 3:21
549. Drinking a nice cold glass of water after working on a hot day is like taking in doctrine after being exposed to so much human viewpoint in this desert of evil we live in. Prov. 3:22
550. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Points to Proverbs 3:21–22. Prov. 3:22
551. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of The Way of God. Prov. 3:23
552. Reference to the more extensive doctrine of The Way of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 3:23
553. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Protects the Sleep of the Believer with Doctrine. Prov. 3:24
554. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:24 (a graphic). Prov. 3:24
555. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Six Negatives for a Wise Life, by Mark A. Copeland. Prov. 3:25
556. Historic or geographic disaster and the believer’s response to it. Prov. 3:25
557. Your responsibility to others during a time of great disaster. Prov. 3:25
558. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Do not be afraid." Prov. 3:25
559. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 3:25–26 (a graphic). Prov. 3:26
560. The NAB sums up and outlines the final verses. Prov. 3:27
561. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on, Who should receive our good? Prov. 3:27
562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Possible Parallel Passages of Proverbs 3:27. Prov. 3:27
563. Matthew Henry on the requirements of Prov. 3:27. Prov. 3:27
564. You must help the poor that God places in your path. Prov. 3:28
565. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why we ought not postpone our help. Prov. 3:28
566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverb 3:28 (graphic). Prov. 3:28
567. Many commentators on helping the needy while you have it today. Prov. 3:28
568. God is a God of love in the Old and New Testaments. Prov. 3:29
569. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on Unlawful Strife. Prov. 3:30
570. Our courts are clogged with unnecessary lawsuits. Prov. 3:30
571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Live and let live; do not plot evil against your neighbor. Prov. 3:30
572. People skills are to be found in the book of Proverbs. Prov. 3:30
573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Envy. Prov. 3:31
574. The Doctrine of Envy has also been posted (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 3:31
575. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abominations to God in the Book of Proverbs. Prov. 3:32
576. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard on the close relationship between God and some believers. Prov. 3:32
577. I really need to develop the Doctrine of Cursing by God and Cursing by Association. Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge suggests these verses: Prov. 21:12 Lev. 26:14–46 Deut. 7:26 28:15–68 29:19–29 Joshua 6:18 7:13 Psalm 37:22 Zech. 5:3–4 Mal. 2:2. Prov. 3:33
578. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard on the Arrogant Boasters (or, Scoffers). Prov. 3:34
579. Those on the far left who speak poorly of our soldiers. Prov. 3:35
580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Blessings for the Righteous and Cursings for the Wicked. Prov. 3:35
581. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolf shows how Proverbs 3 advances the themes of Proverbs 2. Prov. 3 Addendum
582. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs 3 is in the Word of God. Prov. 3 Addendum
583. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs 3. Prov. 3 Addendum
584. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Benefits of Wisdom, by Isaac Barrow, D.D. (from the Biblical Illustrator). Prov. 3 Addendum
585. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs 3. Prov. 3 Addendum
586. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 3. Prov. 3 Addendum
587. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs 3. Prov. 3 Addendum
588. Proverbs 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
589. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Prov. 4 Preface
590. J. Vernon McGee, Miss Manners, Robert Dean. Prov. 4 Preface
591. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:7 (graphic). Prov. 4 Preface
592. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:25–26 (graphic). Prov. 4 Preface
593. Prov. 4 broken down into 3 parts. Prov. 4 Introduction
594. God is not named in this chapter. Prov. 4 Introduction
595. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert Dean's Excellent Introduction to Proverbs 4. Prov. 4 Introduction
596. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Proverbs 4. Prov. 4 Introduction
597. Rehoboam’s failure to desire wisdom as king. Prov. 4 Introduction
598. Great desire of many in 2015 to place themselves under a dictatorship. Prov. 4 Introduction
599. At the same time, they see bringing gays into mainstream America and gay marriage as the civil rights issues of the day. Prov. 4 Introduction
600. No profit to tax sin. If you could, Nevada would be the richest state in the union. Prov. 4 Introduction
601. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs 4. Prov. 4 Introduction
602. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Proverbs 4. Prov. 4 Introduction
603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4 Section Headings. Prov. 4 Introduction
604. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing, contrasting and synching up these 3 sections (Rickard). Prov. 4 Introduction
605. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Alternate Outline. Prov. 4 Introduction
606. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The New American Bible Summarizes Proverbs 4. Prov. 4 Introduction
607. The Voice summarizes this chapter. Prov. 4 Introduction
608. The Easy English Bible summarizes this chapter. Prov. 4 Introduction
609. Many quotations in this chapter. Prov. 4 Introduction
610. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Structure of Proverbs 4:1–9. Prov. 4:1
611. Reading to your children. Prov. 4:1
612. The day your child asks a thousand questions. Prov. 4:1
613. Options as to who is teaching whom. Prov. 4:1
614. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Speaker Addresses Sons in Proverbs. Prov. 4:1
615. The parents’ duty to teach their children is paramount. Prov. 4:1
616. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parental Duty, from the Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary. Prov. 4:1
617. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Filial Duty, from the Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary. Prov. 4:1
618. No right feelings toward God without first having right teaching about Him. Prov. 4:1
619. The control of a parent over his very young sons. Prov. 4:1
620. We are custodians of the truth and need to pass it along to the next generation. Prov. 4:1
621. A parent must be able to discipline his child; and the forces of evil will try to remove this. Prov. 4:1
622. Schools teach almost the exact opposite today of what the Bible teaches. Schools teach that all religions are equivalent. Prov. 4:1
623. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Evidence Bible on Training our Children. Prov. 4:1
624. David was in spiritual recovery when Solomon came along. Prov. 4:2
625. Solomon went through a long period of degeneracy as well. Prov. 4:2
626. One-on-one teaching legitimate with parents. Prov. 4:2
627. I can recall teaching I received when young. Prov. 4:2
628. Why this appears to be Solomon teaching his sons. Prov. 4:3
629. Solomon’s age when he begins to reign. Prov. 4:3
630. What a young person does not get about life. Prov. 4:3
631. Appreciating the full life occurs when a person gets old. For me, when trying to figure out which pictures to include in a family line. Prov. 4:3
632. Obama’s mother helping him with his homework. Prov. 4:3
633. Who was teaching David; who was teaching Solomon. Prov. 4:3
634. Despite excellent training, your child can get off track. Prov. 4:3
635. Knowing that your child has a sin nature does not excuse him from discipline. Prov. 4:3
636. Solomon will forsake the wisdom he learned. Prov. 4:3
637. We worship youth in the United States.
638. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Few Points on the Heart from Stuart Wolfe. Prov. 4:4
639. Pastor Greg Allen on the heart; and putting liver and bowels on Valentine’s Day cards. Prov. 4:4
640. Allen on actual use of heart in the Bible. Prov. 4:4
641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom—the Family Heirloom (from the Pulpit Commentary). Prov. 4:4
642. Older people working. Prov. 4:4
643. Your life on earth is based upon what you think. Prov. 4:5
644. I spend too much time on facebook; dishonest liberal graphics. Prov. 4:6
645. Wisdom is not the 4th member of the Trinity. Prov. 4:6
646. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:7 (graphic #2). Prov. 4:7
647. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Acquire Wisdom. Prov. 4:7
648. A good life is dependent upon acquiring wisdom, understanding and discernment. Prov. 4:7
649. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Cost of Neglect, by Mart DeHann. Prov. 4:7
650. Two ways to understand wisdom. Prov. 4:8
651. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:6–9. Prov. 4:8
652. We want some kind of recognition; approbation lust. Prov. 4:9
653. Recognition in eternity; recognition in Austin. Prov. 4:9
654. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Francis Taylor: Crowns were given to.... Prov. 4:9
655. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Crowns. Prov. 4:9
656. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The New American Bible on Proverbs 4:10–19 and 4:10–27. Prov. 4:10
657. Robert Dean on a parent teaching his children. Prov. 4:10
658. Religious memes on the internet. Prov. 4:10
659. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Scriptural Promise of Long Life. Prov. 4:10
660. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:11–12 NIRV (graphic). Prov. 4:11
661. A child needs to be taught how to act wisely; they are perfectly capable of acting foolishly on their own. Prov. 4:11
662. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:11 (graphic). Prov. 4:11
663. Different parts of the body of Christ. Prov. 4:11
664. Different gifts and applications after salvation. Prov. 4:11
665. Utopic society; socialism. Prov. 4:11
666. A parent needs to work himself out of a job. Prov. 4:11
667. There are no guarantees when it comes to raising a child. Prov. 4:11
668. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard's Doctrine of Walking. Prov. 4:12
669. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard's Doctrine of Running. Prov. 4:12
670. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:10–12 (graphic). Prov. 4:12
671. Small window for David to teach Solomon. Prov. 4:12
672. Grab at Bible doctrine. Prov. 4:13
673. Heart knowledge in the Bible. Prov. 4:13
674. The analogy of eating food and taking in doctrine. Prov. 4:13
675. Wisdom and instruction are tied to the abundant life. Prov. 4:13
676. What it means to guard wisdom. Prov. 4:13
677. Satan mixes a little truth with falsehood and serves it up; examples from Obama. Prov. 4:13
678. Metabolizing Bible doctrine. Prov. 4:13
679. My questioning of Bible doctrine when I first heard it. Prov. 4:13
680. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:10–13 and Operation Z. Prov. 4:13
681. Warning children not to become criminals; and how this relates to David and Solomon’s children. Prov. 4:14
682. Reference to the Doctrine of Separation (which is mostly from Robby Dean): (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). See also the Doctrine of Separation at (Bible Doctrine Resource) (Grace Notes) (L. G. Merritt). Prov. 4:14
683. The example of druggies getting up and planning their days around getting stoned. Prov. 4:14
684. The meaning of evil. Discussion of evil. Prov. 4:14
685. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Al Gore's Ocean Mansion (photo). Prov. 4:14
686. Religious dimension of global warmism. Prov. 4:14
687. Black children and the teaching of their churches. Prov. 4:15
688. Why the Black community went bad; what got them off their path. Prov. 4:15
689. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Contrasting the Paths, from Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary. Prov. 4:15
690. Some people cannot sleep unless they have told a conservative on fb what an intolerant bastard they are. Prov. 4:16
691. Evil can be human good as well as sin. Prov. 4:16
692. Constant negative volition and the build up of scar tissue. Prov. 4:16
693. The whirlpool of sin. Prov. 4:16
694. Committing acts of malevolence becomes a part of the person. Prov. 4:17
695. Criminal enterprises need lots of victims in order to be successful. Prov. 4:17
696. Those taking drugs in the United States contributed to the deaths of hundreds and thousands of people in Mexico. Prov. 4:17
697. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard contrasts the true and false communions. Prov. 4:17
698. The gay movement is a movement of evil, used to persecute Christians. Prov. 4:17
699. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: You are what you eat and drink. Prov. 4:17
700. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Crime and Punishment. Prov. 4:17
701. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Criminals in Scripture (from the Dictionary of Bible Themes). Prov. 4:17
702. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:18 KJV (graphic). Prov. 4:18
703. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God and Light (The Abbreviated Doctrine of Light). Prov. 4:18
704. Reference to 2Samuel 22 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 4:18
705. Reference to a more complete Doctrine of Light (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 4:18
706. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sanctification, Light and the Believer. Prov. 4:18
707. Doing business with honest people. Prov. 4:18
708. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Spiritual Life in the Age of Israel. Prov. 4:18
709. Illustration of the criminal who does not regret his wrongdoing, but regrets what he did to get caught. Prov. 4:19
710. Being sucked into the gay political movement. Prov. 4:19
711. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Way of the Malevolent is like the Walking Dead. Prov. 4:19
712. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wenstrom's Doctrine of Darkness. Prov. 4:19
713. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What do unbelievers stumble over? Prov. 4:19
714. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard's 3 Categories of Darkness for Unbelievers. Prov. 4:19
715. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:18–19 (graphic). Prov. 4:19
716. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:10–19 Explained. Prov. 4:19
717. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiastic Organization of Proverbs 4:20–27. Prov. 4:20
718. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Somatic Therapy For Wise Living, by Mark A. Copeland. Prov. 4:20
719. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:20–22 NLT (graphic). Prov. 4:20
720. My chem teacher and his careful notes. Prov. 4:21
721. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: About the Heart. Prov. 4:21
722. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Healthcare for the Heart, by Mart DeHann and Precept Austin. Prov. 4:21
723. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pastor Greg Allen Introduces Proverbs 4:23. Prov. 4:23
724. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:23 ERV (graphic). Prov. 4:23
725. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:23 (unknown translator). Prov. 4:23
726. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:23 NIV (graphic). Prov. 4:23
727. Pett on the Hebrew use of the word heart. Prov. 4:23
728. Don’t leave home without your cellphone or your Bible doctrine. Prov. 4:23
729. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of the Doctrine of Tôwtsâʾôwth. Prov. 4:23
730. Reference to the Doctrine of Tôwtsâʾôwth (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 4:23
731. More translations of Prov. 4:23.
732. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:23 NLB (graphic). Prov. 4:23
733. The accuracy of the function of the heart in the Bible. Several commentators on this. Prov. 4:23
734. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Interpreting Proverbs 4:23. Prov. 4:23
735. J. Vernon McGee on the heart and heart science. Prov. 4:23
736. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keeping the Heart, from Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary. Prov. 4:23
737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The heart that God wants; the heart that God rejects. Prov. 4:23
738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sins of the Tongue (from Bible Doctrine Resource). Prov. 4:24
739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard on the Application of Proverbs 4:24. Prov. 4:24
740. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Greg Allen on Guarding the Heart. Prov. 4:24
741. What is means to focus straight ahead of you. Prov. 4:25
742. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:25 NLT (graphic). Prov. 4:25
743. J. Vernon McGee on a man who ruined his life for not pondering the path of his feet. Prov. 4:26
744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Path of the Believer. Prov. 4:26
745. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Walking (from Bible Doctrine Resource). Prov. 4:26
746. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard Summarizes Proverbs 4:24–26. Prov. 4:26
747. References to the Sins of the Tongue (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Mental Attitude Sins (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and the Sin unto Death (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 4:26
748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard's Doctrine of Sin. Prov. 4:26
749. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:25–26 ISV (graphic). Prov. 4:27
750. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 4:26–27 NLT (graphic). Prov. 4:27
751. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Noting the Differences between Vv. 25–27 in Proverbs 4. Prov. 4:27
752. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keeping to the straight path (the power of habit), from Precept Austin. Prov. 4:27
753. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Failure to Heed his own Warnings (1Kings 11:1–11). Prov. 4 Addendum
754. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs 4 is in the Word of God. Prov. 4 Addendum
755. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs 4. Prov. 4 Addendum
756. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs 4. Prov. 4 Addendum
757. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 4. Prov. 4 Addendum
758. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs 4. Prov. 4 Addendum
759. Proverbs 5 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
760. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. McGee, Wiersbe, Churchill, Woodrow Wilson. Prov. 5 Preface
761. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5 Graphic. Prov. 5 Introduction
762. David teaches his son Solomon about the right and wrong woman. Prov. 5 Introduction
763. Despite having many wives, David and Solomon always teach about one man marrying one woman. Prov. 5 Introduction
764. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Islam and Multiple Wives. Prov. 5 Introduction
765. Christians are not called upon to justify the many wives of David and Solomon. Prov. 5 Introduction
766. Homosexual Christians often justify their own behavior. Links. Prov. 5 Introduction
767. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert Dean on Sexual Immorality. Prov. 5 Introduction
768. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Introduction
769. The book of Proverbs is about looking ahead to see what the consequences of your actions are. Prov. 5 Introduction
770. David is telling Solomon about the mistakes that he has made in his life. Prov. 5 Introduction
771. Addiction and drugs; addiction and sex. Prov. 5 Introduction
772. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Introduction
773. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Temptations to sexual immorality (A Synopsis of Proverbs 5) from Bridgeway. Prov. 5 Introduction
774. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Whedon's Summary of Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Introduction
775. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke's Outline of Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Introduction
776. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Outline of Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Introduction
777. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jim Rickard's Division of Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Introduction
778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Division of Proverbs 4:20–5:23. Prov. 5 Introduction
779. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5 as a Chiasmos. Prov. 5 Introduction
780. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Precept Austin on Proverbs 5-7. Prov. 5 Introduction
781. The strange/foreign woman does double duty in this chapter. Prov. 5 Introduction
782. 200 footnotes. Prov. 5 Introduction
783. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:1–14 as a Chiasmos, from Peter Pett. Prov. 5:1
784. Wisdom and what Solomon is supposed to do with it. Prov. 5:1
785. Two parallel thoughts. Prov. 5:1
786. Learning the spiritual life; spiritual growth. Prov. 5:1
787. David did, after being confronted by Nathan, recognized all that he had done wrong. Prov. 5:1
788. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mezimmôth ( ) used in a positive way. Prov. 5:2
789. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:1–2 (graphic). Prov. 5:2
790. Every generation must make the decision to preserve and protect the Word of God. Prov. 5:2
791. David knew about sexual sins; and then found out the hard way as well. Prov. 5:3
792. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on This Strange Woman. Prov. 5:3
793. An epidemic of wild women? Prov. 5:3
794. Much of Proverbs is given over to warning about the wrong woman. Prov. 5:3
795. Successful and rich men particularly can face this temptation. Prov. 5:3
796. God designed us for one man and one woman. Prov. 5:3
797. The dripping honey of this woman. Prov. 5:3
798. Barnes and Rickard on wormwood. Prov. 5:4
799. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jim Rickard on Wormwood. Prov. 5:4
800. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Flattery. Prov. 5:4
801. Scriptures warning of a flattering woman. Prov. 5:4
802. The sword of edges. Prov. 5:4
803. The allurements of the world; the various lusts. Prov. 5:4
804. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:3–4 (a graphic). Prov. 5:4
805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lusts of the Soul. Prov. 5:4
806. The bitterness of lusts. Prov. 5:4
807. Oscar Wilde tells of his own sadness at his end. Prov. 5:4
808. Death is not always seen as a negative.
809. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jim Rickard on Death. Prov. 5:5
810. Sheol, briefly.
811. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:3–5 (a graphic). Prov. 5:5
812. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Sheol. Prov. 5:5
813. Reference to the Complete Doctrine of Sheol (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 5:6
814. The ruts of addictive behaviors. Prov. 5:6
815. Intresting translations of Prov. 5:5–6. Prov. 5:6
816. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Proverbs 5:1–6, by Stuart Wolf. Prov. 5:6
817. Bible doctrine is taught orally. Prov. 5:7
818. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joe Guglielmo on Children Being Raised without Fathers. Prov. 5:7
819. Every family builds upon its own foundation. Prov. 5:8
820. Despite Solomon’s great wisdom, this does not appear to have made a great impact in the next generation. Prov. 5:8
821. The focus of a man in marriage and in his family. Prov. 5:8
822. The entrance of the foreign/strange woman’s home. Prov. 5:8
823. David did not personally raise his first batch of children. His wives were on welfare. Prov. 5:8
824. It takes a lifetime to appreciate and uncover the layers of a wonderfully complex woman. Prov. 5:8
825. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jim Rickard on Cleanliness Before God. Prov. 5:8
826. Solomon probably began as a very young king. Prov. 5:9
827. In the end, David focused upon Bathsheba and his children by her. Prov. 5:9
828. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Interpreting "A Person without Mercy" (or, the Cruel One). Prov. 5:9
829. Working hard in one’s youth. Prov. 5:10
830. Connecting with the wrong woman can result in all your effort being taken by her. Prov. 5:10
831. Solomon’s 1000 women. Prov. 5:10
832. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jim Rickard's Four Consequences of Proverbs 5:9–10. Prov. 5:10
833. Esau’s emotional cry for his inheritance. Prov. 5:11
834. Regrets of a skirt-chaser. Prov. 5:11
835. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on, Mourning at the Last. Prov. 5:11
836. Increase of STD’s; stats. Prov. 5:11
837. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joe Guglielmo on the High Cost of Sexual Sins. Prov. 5:11
838. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert Dean on the Consequences of Interaction with the Immoral Woman. Prov. 5:11
839. Passages on regret and remorse. Prov. 5:11
840. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of the Consequences of Cavorting with the Immoral Woman. Prov. 5:11
841. Immorality in Jeremiah’s time. Prov. 5:11
842. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Definition of the Cosmic System. Prov. 5:11
843. If we spend too much time in the cosmic system, we are robbed of our strength and years. Prov. 5:11
844. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Consequences of Spiritual Immorality. Prov. 5:11
845. Regrets at the end of one’s life. Prov. 5:12
846. Passages on hating reproof. Prov. 5:12
847. Solomon regrets rejecting teaching at the end of his life. Prov. 5:13
848. Regrets from not hearing doctrine. Prov. 5:13
849. My own testimony of happiness due to doctrine. Prov. 5:13
850. How so many influences seek to pull us off God’s path. Prov. 5:13
851. Why David was nearly in complete ruin. Prov. 5:14
852. David, Bathsheba and Uriah. Prov. 5:14
853. A good outcome does not justify any sin involved along the way. Prov. 5:14
854. Pastors and ministries destroyed by scandal. Prov. 5:14
855. Billy Graham and his large dogs. Prov. 5:14
856. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Cost of Immorality or Adultery. Prov. 5:14
857. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ray Pritchard on What We Give Away. Prov. 5:14
858. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paul Apple on, The Terrible Consequences of Infidelity. Prov. 5:14
859. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David Warns Solomon of Future Regrets. Prov. 5:14
860. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Proverbs 5:7–14, by Stuart Wolf. Prov. 5:14
861. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:15–20 as a Chiasmos, from Peter Pett. Prov. 5:15
862. Being able to drink the water from your own cistern. Prov. 5:15
863. Thirst is sexual drive. Prov. 5:15
864. J. Vernon McGee on a man who left his wife. Prov. 5:15
865. This is not a dissertation on drinking the right kind of water. Prov. 5:15
866. The contempt for fidelity today. Prov. 5:15
867. Waters stand for posterity. Prov. 5:15
868. Reaching sexual maturity and emotional maturity. Prov. 5:15
869. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chuck Smith on How God Made Us. Prov. 5:15
870. Why our sex drive kicks in before marriage. Prov. 5:15
871. Setting the correct tone for Prov. 5:16.
872. The urine and waste in the public streets. Prov. 5:16
873. Sex outside of marriage is drinking water after it flows through the streets. Prov. 5:16
874. Solomon’s body was falling apart at a fairly young age. Prov. 5:16
875. The incorrect view of water running through the streets. Prov. 5:16
876. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on Interpreting Proverbs 5:16. Prov. 5:16
877. The illustration of the people next door stealing my water. Prov. 5:17
878. Home as a divine institution. Prov. 5:17
879. Misinterpreting the water in the streets. There is no clear reference anywhere to children. Prov. 5:17
880. Throughout the Bible, there is always the teaching of one man with one woman. Prov. 5:18
881. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:18 (a graphic). Prov. 5:18
882. After marriage, the husband should not relax his wooing. Prov. 5:18
883. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David's Faithfulness to Bathsheba Throughout Their Marriage. Prov. 5:18
884. Society and divorce and remarriage. Prov. 5:19
885. Doe and deer. Prov. 5:19
886. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:19 (the first graphic). Prov. 5:19
887. Intoxication and sexual desire. Prov. 5:19
888. David is teaching exclusivity in marriage. Prov. 5:19
889. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sexual Love in Marriage. Prov. 5:19
890. David knew the temptations that Solomon, as king, would be faced with. Prov. 5:19
891. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:19 (a graphic). Prov. 5:19
892. The man appreciating the love of a woman. Prov. 5:19
893. Various attacks upon marriage in my lifetime. Prov. 5:19
894. Most people will find themselves in a marriage or in a male-female relationship. Prov. 5:19
895. Protecting your love and marriage. Prov. 5:19
896. A parallel to the spiritual life. Prov. 5:19
897. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry and Marriage (Proverbs 5:15–19). Prov. 5:19
898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Marriage as the Third Divine Institution. Prov. 5:19
899. Obama the worst administration; but we elected him. Prov. 5:19
900. How can we be a majority Christian nation with a majority favoring gay marriage? Prov. 5:19
901. How can you attend church weekly and not know the importance of a male-female marriage? Prov. 5:19
902. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:19 (another graphic). Prov. 5:19
903. People are changed from the inside out; not from the government on down. Prov. 5:19
904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Timothy Peck on, the Bible's Healthy View of Sex. Prov. 5:19
905. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:20 (a graphic). Prov. 5:20
906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paul Apple Sums Up Prov. 5:15-20. Prov. 5:20
907. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:21–23 as a Chiasmos, from Peter Pett. Prov. 5:20
908. The reasons David is teaching Solomon. Prov. 5:21
909. References to God’s omniscience. Thomas Tyree’s Doctrine of the Omniscience of God (also posted in Bible Doctrine Resource). Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge offers up these passages on omniscience: Prov. 15:3 2Chron. 16:9 Job. 31:4 34:21 Psalm 11:4 17:3 139:1–12 Jer. 16:17 17:10 23:24 32:19 Hosea 7:2 Heb. 4:13 Rev. 2:18, 23. Prov. 5:21
910. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on, How We Should Respond to the Omniscience of God. Prov. 5:21
911. Peter Pett on God’s omniscience. Prov. 5:21
912. The rules of the game are important. The slightest change in the inflation of a football. Prov. 5:21
913. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5:21 (a graphic). Prov. 5:21
914. References again to the Doctrine of the Omniscience of God (Bible Doctrine Resource); (Cherreguine Bible Doctrine Ministries) and (Grace Bible Church). Prov. 5:21
915. The end result of sins. Prov. 5:21
916. Addiction and sex. Prov. 5:22
917. Addiction is when your lust controls you. Prov. 5:22
918. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Charles Simeon's Horae Homiletical on the Force of a Sinful Habit. Prov. 5:22
919. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on, The Cords of Sin. Prov. 5:22
920. Illustrating the corrupting, addictive nature of sin. Prov. 5:22
921. Sin is like an insect. Prov. 5:22
922. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 20 Reasons Not to Sin. Prov. 5:22
923. Timothy Fleck on addiction to pornography. Prov. 5:22
924. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ray Pritchard on Pornography. Prov. 5:22
925. The end for the believer who rejects Bible doctrine. Prov. 5:23
926. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Doctrine of The Sin Unto Death. Prov. 5:23
927. Jail and addiction. Prov. 5:23
928. Jail and treatment. Prov. 5:23
929. The cost of disobedience to God. Prov. 5:23
930. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paul Apple: There Is No Escaping God's Accountability . Prov. 5:23
931. Solomon, an example of a man who ignored these warnings. Prov. 5:23
932. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jim Rickard's The Law of Volition Responsibility. Prov. 5:23
933. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on, The End of an Evil Course. Prov. 5:23
934. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ray Pritchard: First Steps in a New Direction. Prov. 5:23
935. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Proverbs 5:15–23, by Stuart Wolf. Prov. 5:23
936. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Two Women—a Metaphorical Approach to Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Addendum
937. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Precept Austin On, Scriptural Strategies in Our War Against Lust. Prov. 5 Addendum
938. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs 5 is in the Word of God. Prov. 5 Addendum
939. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Addendum
940. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Addendum
941. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Addendum
942. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs 5. Prov. 5 Addendum
943. Proverbs 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
944. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Sloth, Immorality/adultery. Reagan, D’Souza, Billy Graham, Miss Manners, Freud, Falwell, the Lord. Prov. 6 Preface
945. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:6–8 Preface Graphic. Prov. 6 Preface
946. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:16–19 Preface Graphic. Prov. 6 Preface
947. References to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). The Doctrine of Evil (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Doctrine of the Heart (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). The Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF). Prov. 6 Introduction
948. The many topics of Prov. 6. Prov. 6 Introduction
949. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6 Graphic. Prov. 6 Introduction
950. The right way to enjoy life. Prov. 6 Introduction
951. Adding work to the divine institutions. Prov. 6 Introduction
952. Lazy and posting divisive remarks on fb. Prov. 6 Introduction
953. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Connections Between Sections, by James Rickard. Prov. 6 Introduction
954. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Introduction
955. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Introduction
956. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: New American Bible's Synopsis of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Introduction
957. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bridgeway Bible Commentary's Synopsis of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Introduction
958. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The NET Bible's Summary of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Introduction
959. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Outline of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Introduction
960. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard's Division of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Introduction
961. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paul Apple's Summary of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Introduction
962. This chapter is a passage of warnings.
963. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introductory Points to Proverbs 6, by Stuart Wolf. Prov. 6 Introduction
964. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Burton Coffman Presents Proverbs 6 is a Series of Warnings. Prov. 6 Introduction
965. Who is being referred to in this chapter. Prov. 6 Introduction
966. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Authorship. Prov. 6 Introduction
967. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:1–19 as a Chiasmos, by Hajime Murai. Prov. 6:1
968. The believer is not to simply try to get himself out of an obligation. Prov. 6:1
969. Taking on a pledge. Prov. 6:1
970. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Barnes on Ancient Credit Practices. Prov. 6:1
971. Ancient lending practices, debt, etc. in the Jewish society. Prov. 6:1
972. Thinking about ancient Israel as well as current-day application. Fairly detailed and a doctrine here might be a good idea. Prov. 6:1
973. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Striking Hands, as per several commentators. Prov. 6:1
974. Several modern-day applications to making deals. Prov. 6:1
975. Tenants and landlords in honoring deals. Prov. 6:1
976. Scriptures on striking hands. Prov. 6:1
977. Repetition of the thought emphasizes its importance. Prov. 6:2
978. Example of breaking a lease and how to do it. Prov. 6:2
979. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Being Bound by an Agreement. Prov. 6:2
980. Teaching your children good financial responsibility. Prov. 6:2
981. Paying for damage done. Prov. 6:2
982. Cosigning on a loan is not sin. Prov. 6:2
983. Solomon is quite young when David is teaching this to him. Prov. 6:3
984. If you make a bad financial deal (and you will) get out in front of it and deal with it. But do all of this honestly. Prov. 6:3
985. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How Do We Understand the Hebrew Word Râhab? Prov. 6:3
986. When you make a pledge, you must stand by that pledge. However, you might be able to resolve your foolish gesture with the creditor. Prov. 6:3
987. Asking tenants to move out early in a lease. Prov. 6:3
988. Underwater in the owning of a house. Prov. 6:3
989. There is no implied or expressed guarantee that your real estate will go up in value. Prov. 6:3
990. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining Proverbs 6:1–3. Prov. 6:3
991. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Application of Ancient Surety Practices. Prov. 6:3
992. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gary North on Co-Signing for a Loan. Prov. 6:3
993. 3 reasons why you should not co-sign on a loan. Prov. 6:3
994. Co-signing is not a sin; it is a bad business practice. Prov. 6:3
995. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:4 (a graphic). Prov. 6:4
996. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The gist of Proverbs 6:4 (a graphic). Prov. 6:4
997. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:5 (a graphic). Prov. 6:5
998. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining Proverbs 6:4–5. Prov. 6:5
999. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining Proverbs 6:1–5. Prov. 6:5
1000. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard Summarizes Proverbs 6:1–5. Prov. 6:5
1001. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolf's Summary of Proverbs 6:1–5. Prov. 6:5
1002. Our spiritual takeaway from these financial obligations. Co-signing is like being in the slave market of sin and paying for another’s sins. Prov. 6:5
1003. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible and Financial Investments and Financial Obligations. Prov. 6:5
1004. Synonyms for sluggard. Prov. 6:6
1005. The loss of the work ethic in the United States. Prov. 6:6
1006. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Characteristics of the Sluggard, from James Rickard. Prov. 6:6
1007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Slacker? By Cindy Hess Kasper. Prov. 6:6
1008. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Go out and watch the ants. Prov. 6:6
1009. The Doctrine of the Divine Institutions (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 6:6
1010. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Divine Institutions, Definition and Description. Prov. 6:6
1011. Reference to the Doctrine of the Divine Institutions (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 6:6
1012. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 5 Divine Institutions. Prov. 6:6
1013. Reference to the Doctrine of the Client Nation (HTML) (PDF) Prov. 6:6
1014. There is a time and a place. Prov. 6:6
1015. Reducing a work schedule as you age. Prov. 6:6
1016. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on How the Ant Works Without Supervision. Prov. 6:7
1017. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:6–7 (a graphic). Prov. 6:7
1018. The ants know when they need to work. Prov. 6:8
1019. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Example of the Ant. Prov. 6:8
1020. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:6–8 (a graphic). Prov. 6:8
1021. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Western Work Ethic. Prov. 6:8
1022. AC repairman needs to know when to work. Prov. 6:8
1023. Depending upon Jesus Christ does not mean we do not plan for retirement. Prov. 6:8
1024. The Bible does not really speak of retirement. Prov. 6:8
1025. Working is good for you. Prov. 6:8
1026. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Second Divine Institution: Work. Prov. 6:8
1027. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:4 Graphic. Prov. 6:8
1028. Passages on sloth from Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge. Prov. 6:8
1029. Reference to the Doctrine of the Divine Institutions (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 6:8
1030. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Ants and Sluggards" by Gary North. Prov. 6:8
1031. Putting away money for the future and for retirement. Prov. 6:8
1032. Investment vehicles. Prov. 6:8
1033. Do not plan to live on social security at the end of your life. Prov. 6:8
1034. Do not move blindly ahead in life saying God will take care of you. Prov. 6:8
1035. Aesop’s fables and the Bible tell us to plan for the future. Prov. 6:8
1036. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peanuts–Proverbs (a graphic). Prov. 6:9
1037. Psychological implications of sleeping too much. Prov. 6:10
1038. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Sluggard (the Slacker). Prov. 6:10
1039. Slacking off and not getting ahead. Prov. 6:11
1040. Being lazy results in poverty. Prov. 6:11
1041. Work is good for the psyche. Prov. 6:11
1042. Just as we increase our financial status by working, we increase our spiritual status by taking in doctrine. Prov. 6:11
1043. The parable of the talents. Prov. 6:11
1044. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Warning the Sluggard, from James Rickard. Prov. 6:11
1045. Motivation sapped by smoking pot. Prov. 6:11
1046. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Here's what the Bible says about poverty (from Robert Dean). Prov. 6:11
1047. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parallel Passage of Proverbs 24:30–34 (NKJV). Prov. 6:11
1048. Gary North about planning for the future and possible trouble in the future. Prov. 6:11
1049. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Living the Spiritual life in a Material World. Prov. 6:11
1050. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Work of the Little Ant, by Alan Carr. Prov. 6:11
1051. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gary North's Concluding Remarks on the Industrious Ant. Prov. 6:11
1052. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolf's Summary of Proverbs 6:6–11. Prov. 6:11
1053. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:9–11 (a very cool graphic). Prov. 6:11
1054. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmic Approach to Proverbs 6:12–16. Prov. 6:12
1055. The bad example of my cousin. Prov. 6:12
1056. Aberrant behavior often gets more aberrant behavior. Prov. 6:12
1057. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Teachings on the Worthless Man. Prov. 6:12
1058. The man of iniquity, with his fraudulent speech, is the modern liberal. Prov. 6:12
1059. Every thread I have read from liberals on today’s economy has been false. Prov. 6:12
1060. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 6:12
1061. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, He winks with his eyes. Prov. 6:13
1062. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, He scrapes with his foot. Prov. 6:13
1063. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, He points with his fingers. Prov. 6:13
1064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summation of the Various Unspoken Signs by Various Commentators. Prov. 6:13
1065. Dishonesty of the left today. Prov. 6:14
1066. Reference to Psalm 21 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Job 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 6:14
1067. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Todd Kennedy's Doctrine of Evil. Prov. 6:14
1068. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: President Barack Obama as an Example of Evil. Prov. 6:14
1069. Obama is a great example of evil because he is not universally hated. Prov. 6:14
1070. Sowing discord; liberal thinking. Prov. 6:14
1071. Arrogance of the Supreme Court, which sows discord in the United States. Prov. 6:14
1072. Estrangement of liberal friends. Prov. 6:14
1073. Spreading discord does not necessarily mean that you are ever in the fray itself. Prov. 6:14
1074. Our $18 trillion debt is a recipe for disaster. Prov. 6:15
1075. Cities, states and nations get to a point of no return and they are destroyed suddenly. Prov. 6:15
1076. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Calamity Comes Upon the Reversionist, by James Rickard. Prov. 6:15
1077. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gary North on the Sudden Downfall of the Man Spreading Strife. Prov. 6:15
1078. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Problem with Price Controls, by Gary North. Prov. 6:15
1079. Possibly tying the previous section together with this new section. Prov. 6:16 introduction
1080. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:16–19 (New RSV) (a graphic). Prov. 6:16
1081. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:16–19 (a graphic and a good translation). Prov. 6:16
1082. Hate as an anthropopathism. Prov. 6:16
1083. Explanations for 6 things + one more thing. Prov. 6:16
1084. The connection of sins to our body parts. Prov. 6:16
1085. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Things which are an abomination to God, from Alan Carr. Prov. 6:16
1086. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Sudden Wrath, by Alan Carr. Prov. 6:16
1087. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. Vernon McGee on Pride. Prov. 6:17
1088. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Sin of Pride (or, Arrogance), by Various Commentators. Prov. 6:17
1089. Reference to the Doctrine of Pride (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 6:17
1090. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Lying. Prov. 6:17
1091. For more Scriptures on lying than on drunkenness. Prov. 6:17
1092. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Murder. Prov. 6:17
1093. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Murder. Prov. 6:17
1094. The heart devising iniquity, misfortune and fraud. Prov. 6:18
1095. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Heart that Devises Evil and Iniquity (Various Commentators). Prov. 6:18
1096. Application of this to the gay movement, to socialists, to drug dealers. Prov. 6:18
1097. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Feet Running Toward Evil (Various Commentators). Prov. 6:18
1098. Breathing out falsehoods. Prov. 6:19
1099. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Lying. Prov. 6:19
1100. Spreading strife is exactly the opposite of a well-run family, church or business. Prov. 6:19
1101. The beatitudes are the polar opposite of the things which the Lord hates. Prov. 6:19
1102. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Spreading Strife Among Brothers (Various Commentators). Prov. 6:19
1103. The positive approach to vv. 16–19. Prov. 6:19
1104. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Body Summary of Proverbs 6:16–19. Prov. 6:19
1105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke Summarizes the Things the Lord Hates. Prov. 6:19
1106. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:16–19 (a second graphic). Prov. 6:19
1107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland Summarizes the Things the Lord Hates. Prov. 6:19
1108. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard Shows the Parallels of the Passages. Prov. 6:19
1109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Barack Obama—Guilty of These Things Which the Lord Hates. Prov. 6:19
1110. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 7 Things God Hates (a graphic). Prov. 6:19
1111. Peter Pett lists other abominations. Prov. 6:19
1112. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolf's Summary of Proverbs 6:12–19. Prov. 6:19
1113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 5–6 (without Proverbs 6:1–19) (NKJV). Prov. 6:20
1114. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:20–35 Organized by Hajime Murai. Prov. 6:20
1115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard's Themes of Proverbs 6:20–35. Prov. 6:20
1116. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The New American Bible Divides up the Rest of the Chapter (Proverbs 6:20–35). Prov. 6:20
1117. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmos of Proverbs 6:20–23. Prov. 6:20
1118. The father sets the negative limits for his children. This is why so many thugs grow up in fatherless homes. Prov. 6:20
1119. Mothers and fathers teach different things. Prov. 6:20
1120. Reference to 2Samuel 13 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and 1Kings 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 6:20
1121. The Pulpit Commentary on both parents. Prov. 6:20
1122. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Bible on, Obedience to Parents. Prov. 6:20
1123. Reference to the Doctrine of the Heart (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 6:21
1124. Confusion of Jews to literally tie stuff around the necks and head. Prov. 6:21
1125. Necktie with Scripture. Prov. 6:21
1126. The spiritual meanings of walking and neck. Prov. 6:22
1127. Doctrine in your dreams. Prov. 6:22
1128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:22 (a graphic). Prov. 6:22
1129. Knowing the will of God. Prov. 6:22
1130. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Internalizing God's Law, by Gary North. Prov. 6:22
1131. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Evidence Bible on the Law of God. Prov. 6:23
1132. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:23 (a graphic). Prov. 6:23
1133. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Importance of Doctrine, from James Rickard. Prov. 6:23
1134. Discipline does not always turn a person around. Prov. 6:23
1135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:20–23 (a graphic). Prov. 6:23
1136. Knowing Bible doctrine can reduce your interest in committing this or that sin. Prov. 6:24
1137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Warnings about the Wrong Women. Prov. 6:24
1138. The right woman, personified as wisdom, versus the wrong woman (cosmic thinking). Prov. 6:24
1139. The power of a woman’s beauty over a man. Prov. 6:25
1140. Being overpowered by a woman’s eyelashes. Prov. 6:25
1141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolf on Proverbs 6:26a. Prov. 6:26
1142. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's 3 Interpretations of Proverbs 6:26a. Prov. 6:26
1143. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolf on Proverbs 6:26b. Prov. 6:26
1144. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentaries Interpret Proverbs 6:26. Prov. 6:26
1145. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations Interpret Proverbs 6:25–26. Prov. 6:26
1146. Play with fire and you will get burned, is from the Bible. Prov. 6:27
1147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on Fire (and Sin). Prov. 6:27
1148. The woman and the fire. Prov. 6:28
1149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Women, Fire and Temptation (from Various Commentators). Prov. 6:28
1150. You are burned when you involve yourself with an immoral woman or an adulteress. Prov. 6:29
1151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 6:27–29 (a graphic). Prov. 6:29
1152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Presents Proverbs 6:30–35 Chiastically. Prov. 6:30
1153. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining the Use of the Term Sevenfold (by Many Commentators). Prov. 6:31
1154. Sevenfold. Prov. 6:31
1155. A crime against property is a crime against humanity. Prov. 6:31
1156. The Duke of Wellington and the snuff box. Prov. 6:31
1157. We have sympathy for a man who steals bread, but he has still broken the law. Prov. 6:31
1158. Committing adultery far worse than stealing bread. Prov. 6:31
1159. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stealing Bread Versus Committing Adultery (from Several Commentators). Prov. 6:31
1160. All men are protected when Biblical law is enforced. Prov. 6:31
1161. Passages for a person without sense; passages for a person going down the wrong path. Prov. 6:32
1162. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Adultery (Briefly). Prov. 6:32
1163. References to the Doctrine of Sex (Grace Bible Church), Sexual Health in the Bible (Grace Notes), the Doctrine of Adultery (Bible Doctrine Resource) and the Doctrine of Adultery (HTML) (PDF). Prov. 6:32
1164. No justification for adultery. Prov. 6:33
1165. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who Finds Injury and Shame? Prov. 6:33
1166. Constable sums up the warnings. Prov. 6:35
1167. Aesop and scorpion story and the man who would tell this story. Prov. 6:35
1168. Spiritual adultery. Prov. 6:35
1169. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard Summarizes Proverbs 6:26–35. Prov. 6:35
1170. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolf's Summary of Proverbs 6:21–35. Prov. 6:35
1171. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs 6 is in the Word of God. Prov. 6 Addendum
1172. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Addendum
1173. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: WINNING THE WAR AGAINST LUST by Steven J. Cole. Prov. 6 Addendum
1174. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Addendum
1175. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Addendum
1176. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs 6. Prov. 6 Addendum
1177. Proverbs 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1178. The woman of this chapter represents human viewpoint. Prov. 7 Preface
1179. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Prov. 7 Preface
1180. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quote from James Nicodem (a graphic). Prov. 7 Preface
1181. Quotations from Samuel Butler, Julian Lenon and J. Vernon McGee. Prov. 7 Preface
1182. Doctrines alluded to: The Doctrine of Human Viewpoint Thinking (Bible Doctrine Resource); Human Viewpoint versus Divine Viewpoint (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of the Sin unto Death (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 7 “Definition of Terms.”
1183. Summation of Prov. 7. Prov. 7 Introduction
1184. Analogy of the adulteress to cosmic thinking or human viewpoint. Prov. 8 helps to justify this approach. Prov. 7 Introduction
1185. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7 Graphic. Prov. 7 Introduction
1186. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Introduction
1187. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Introduction
1188. Two summarizations of Prov. 7. Prov. 7 Introduction
1189. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Proverbs 7 by the New American Bible. Prov. 7 Introduction
1190. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bridgeway Bible Commentary's Synopsis of Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Introduction
1191. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry Outlines Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Introduction
1192. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard's Division of Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Introduction
1193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Division of Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Introduction
1194. King David is the teacher; Solomon is the student. Prov. 7:1
1195. The word adultery is not found in this chapter. Prov. 7:1
1196. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmos of Proverbs 7:1–5 from Peter Pett. Prov. 7:1
1197. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:2 from The Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures Paleo-Hebrew Study Bible. Prov. 7:1
1198. Learning and preserving these teachings. Prov. 7:1
1199. Operation Z. Prov. 7:1
1200. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Graphic of Operation Z. Prov. 7:1
1201. Illustrating with the edification complex structure. Prov. 7:1
1202. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The God-ward and Man-ward Sides of the Edification Complex. Prov. 7:1
1203. Reference to the Doctrine of the Edification Complex (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 7:1
1204. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why didn't God just give us a simple list of what to do and what not to do? Prov. 7:1
1205. The limitations a father puts on his son is to better the life of his son. Prov. 7:2
1206. Deflategate; Tour de France. Following the rules of a game; following the rules of life. Prov. 7:2
1207. Violating the limits of marriage. Prov. 7:2
1208. David is not teaching Solomon to physically carry around with him a copy of the Scriptures. Prov. 7:2
1209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:2 (a graphic). Prov. 7:2
1210. Living life in the light of eternity. Prov. 7:2
1211. False interpretations of “bind these to your fingers.” Prov. 7:3
1212. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:2–3 (a graphic). Prov. 7:3
1213. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Living the Spiritual Life (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) (of which, the laws of divine establishment are a subset) and The Basic Mechanics of the Christian Life (aka, The Christian Life for Dummies) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 7:3
1214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:4 (the Message) (a graphic). Prov. 7:4
1215. The self-esteem movement in public schools. Prov. 7:5
1216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:4–5 (a graphic). Prov. 7:5
1217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard on why the believer needs Bible doctrine in his soul. Prov. 7:5
1218. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 7:1–5. Prov. 7:5
1219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmos of Proverbs 7:6–23 from Peter Pett. Prov. 7:6
1220. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: David, as the Omniscient Observer (from James Rickard). Prov. 7:6
1221. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Ancient Windows. Prov. 7:6
1222. Digression and providing examples from today’s world. Prov. 7:6
1223. Gill quote and the 2016 Democratic debate and the modern democrat party. Prov. 7:7
1224. Scriptures on the simple. Prov. 7:7
1225. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. Thain Davidson on the Warnings to the Young Man. Prov. 7:7
1226. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Beacon to Young Men, from J. Burns. Prov. 7:7
1227. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bob Deffinbaugh on, Simplicity is an Aliment of the Young. Prov. 7:7
1228. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Homilist on The young man void of understanding. Prov. 7:7
1229. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: D. Johnson on A simple youth, void of understanding. Prov. 7:7
1230. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: John N. Norton on A young man void of understanding. Prov. 7:7
1231. Each generation building upon the technology of the previous generation. Prov. 7:7
1232. Application of Bible doctrine to all generations. Prov. 7:7
1233. Building upon Bible doctrine. Prov. 7:7
1234. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators and the Temptation of This Simple Young Man. Prov. 7:8
1235. Precept Austin on fleeing fornication. Prov. 7:8
1236. Various lusts and giving in to them. Prov. 7:8
1237. Repetition of words in Scripture. The use of pupil in Prov. 7. Prov. 7:9
1238. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Young Man Out at Night (Several Commentators). Prov. 7:9
1239. God knows what happens in the dark. Prov. 7:9
1240. This man’s experience will be with a woman he could not have a lifelong relationship with. Prov. 7:9
1241. The darkness and scar tissue. Prov. 7:9
1242. Women have always been a temptation to men. Prov. 7:9
1243. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 7:6–9. Prov. 7:9
1244. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Adulteress of Proverbs 7, Dressed like a Prostitute (a graphic). Prov. 7:10
1245. Being guarded of heart. Prov. 7:10
1246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dear Girls Graphic. Prov. 7:11
1247. The various ways boisterous and wilful are translated. Prov. 7:11
1248. Restless people; how people channel their energy. Prov. 7:11
1249. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on this Wandering, Adulterous Woman. Prov. 7:12
1250. This wild woman is analogous the false doctrine; or cosmic thinking. Prov. 7:12
1251. Liberalism today. Economic justice; Hillary Clinton; the lure of cosmic thinking is everywhere. Prov. 7:12
1252. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Significance of the Strange Woman. Prov. 7:12
1253. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Metaphorical Use of War-like Language (Jones/Waltke). Prov. 7:13
1254. The animal which is trapped ignores all reason when going into the trap. Prov. 7:13
1255. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on why the woman spoke of these sacrifices of peace-offerings. Prov. 7:14
1256. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, this woman's appeal to religion. Prov. 7:14
1257. Description of woman and her absent husband. Prov. 7:14
1258. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:10–15 (a graphic). Prov. 7:15
1259. Pett on her complete seduction of the young man. Prov. 7:15
1260. Adultery is a real human problem; but also representative of Israel and of the church pursuing false doctrine. Prov. 7:15
1261. The bed and couch distinguished. Prov. 7:16
1262. The age of the young man and the woman. Prov. 7:17
1263. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Spices of the Woman's Bed. Prov. 7:17
1264. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Keil and Delitzsch, Easton, Fausset and Kukis on Myrrh. Prov. 7:17
1265. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Love Versus Sex. Prov. 7:18
1266. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Rape of Tamar, from Joe Guglielmo. Prov. 7:18
1267. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Adultery (mostly by R. B. Thieme, Jr.). Prov. 7:19
1268. Promiscuous behavior reduces the chance of a marriage working. Prov. 7:19
1269. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:13–20 (a graphic). Prov. 7:20
1270. When the man is returning. Prov. 7:20
1271. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Husband as Type of Christ. Prov. 7:20
1272. Suggestion that this is the Feast of Booths. Prov. 7:20
1273. The way to trap an animal. Prov. 7:21
1274. She seduces him with teaching or insight. Prov. 7:21
1275. The United States today and the ability to use the internet to find truth. Prov. 7:21
1276. A mention of socialism, relativism, humanism, evolution and the gay agenda. Prov. 7:21
1277. South Korea/North Korea mentioned. Prov. 7:21
1278. Socialists in the United States could move to socialized countries. Prov. 7:21
1279. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 7:21
1280. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, an ox goes to the slaughter. Prov. 7:22
1281. Much discussion on Prov. 7:22b.
1282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, And just as ankle restraints chastise the fool,.... Prov. 7:22
1283. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard Translates and Explains Proverbs 7:22b. Prov. 7:22
1284. Piercing the liver. Prov. 7:23
1285. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of Proverbs 7 (a graphic). Prov. 7:23
1286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:21–23 (a graphic). Prov. 7:23
1287. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Current Risks of Sexual Abandon, from Joe Guglielmo. Prov. 7:23
1288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Parent's Pornography Chart. Prov. 7:23
1289. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sexual Exposure Map from Prov. 7:23
1290. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Summarize Proverbs 7:21–23. Prov. 7:23
1291. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 7:10–23. Prov. 7:23
1292. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:1–5 and 24–27; and 5:1–6. Prov. 7:24
1293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Chiasmos of Proverbs 7:24–27 from Peter Pett. Prov. 7:24
1294. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: W. Dodd on Impurity. Prov. 7:24
1295. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7:25 (a graphic). Prov. 7:25
1296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard on Nâphal. Prov. 7:26
1297. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on those slain by this woman. Prov. 7:26
1298. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard on those slain by this woman. Prov. 7:26
1299. Rickard on the possible battlefield imagery of this passage. Prov. 7:26
1300. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard on Sheol. Prov. 7:27
1301. Geyser on the battlefield analogy. Prov. 7:27
1302. Chuck Smith on adultery and steps prior to adultery. Prov. 7:27
1303. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 7:24–27. Prov. 7:27
1304. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. Vernon McGee on the Cults and -Isms of his Day. Prov. 7:27
1305. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard and Mattoon's Short Summary of Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Addendum
1306. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Non-Literal Interpretation of Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Addendum
1307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs 7 is in the Word of God. Prov. 7 Addendum
1308. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Addendum
1309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 4 Lessons in Proverbs on Adultery. Prov. 7 Addendum
1310. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Addendum
1311. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Addendum
1312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs 7. Prov. 7 Addendum
1313. Proverbs 8 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Wisdom Calls Out
1314. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Prov. 8 Preface
1315. Emerson, McGee, Asimov all included in quotations. Prov. 8 Preface
1316. References to Chiasmos (Chiasmos example) (Thomas B. Clarke) (Brad McCoy); the Doctrine of Divine Good (Bible Doctrine Resource) (L.G. Merritt); The Production of Divine Good (Bible Doctrine Resource); the Grace Apparatus for Perception (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of Human Good (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of Human Viewpoint Thinking (Bible Doctrine Resource); Human Viewpoint versus Divine Viewpoint (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of Religion (Bible Doctrine Resource) (Philip. 1:21) (Chart from Middletown Bible Church) (Christian Ministries International); Scar Tissue of the Soul Grace Bible Church. Prov. 8 Introduction
1317. Prov. 7 and how it leads into Prov. 8. Basic similarities and differences. Prov. 8 Introduction
1318. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8 (a graphic). Prov. 8 Introduction
1319. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Tie Proverbs 7 to Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1320. God is revealed through Jesus Christ. Prov. 8 Introduction
1321. God is the full embodiment of His attributes. Prov. 8 Introduction
1322. Jesus Christ is Wisdom. Prov. 8 Introduction
1323. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 1 and 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1324. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lady Wisdom by Adam Howie. Prov. 8 Introduction
1325. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 7 and 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1326. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Woman of Proverbs 7 and the Woman of Proverbs 8 (Pett). Prov. 8 Introduction
1327. Quoting from Gary North and other writers. Prov. 8 Introduction
1328. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett contrasts these same two women. Prov. 8 Introduction
1329. The purpose of Proverbs as David and Solomon saw it in that era. Prov. 8 Introduction
1330. Proverbs prepares us as royal family members. Prov. 8 Introduction
1331. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1333. Summarizing Prov. 8/summarizing Prov. 8–9. Prov. 8 Introduction
1334. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Proverbs 8 from the Bridgeway Bible Commentary. Prov. 8 Introduction
1335. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Clarke Divides up Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1336. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Outline of Proverbs 8, from The Pulpit Commentary. Prov. 8 Introduction
1337. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard Outlines Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1338. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Outlines Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1339. Constable’s outline. Prov. 8 Introduction
1340. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland's Detailed Outline of Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1341. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paul Apple's Detailed Outline of Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The NET Bible on Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1343. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Robert Dean, Jr. Introduces Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1344. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The New American Bible on Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Introduction
1345. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hadji Murai's Chiasmos of Proverbs 8:1–31. Prov. 8:1
1346. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmus of Proverbs 8:1–4. Prov. 8:1
1347. The women of Prov. 7 and Prov. 8. Prov. 8:1
1348. Reference to Proverbs 7 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:1
1349. Dean: Wisdom accumulates over time. Prov. 8:1
1350. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Wisdom. Prov. 8:1
1351. Original author; request to Mark to Bassett (of Bible Doctrine Resource) to give the proper attribution to the original author. Prov. 8:1
1352. Dean on God’s omniscience and wisdom. Prov. 8:1
1353. Wrong path/right path found throughout the Bible. Prov. 8:1
1354. Examples of those different paths. Prov. 8:1
1355. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Great Availability of Bible Doctrine in the 21st Century. Prov. 8:1
1356. We do not know exactly the teaching venues in the time of David. Prov. 8:2
1357. Reference to the Movement of the Ark and the Tabernacle (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:2
1358. Reference to the Ark of God (which represented Jesus Christ) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); and the Tabernacle representing Jesus Christ and the cross (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:2
1359. Believers are not to forsake the assembling of themselves together. Prov. 8:2
1360. Negative and positive volition of believers today. Prov. 8:2
1361. Reference to The List (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:2
1362. Gates of a city. Prov. 8:3
1363. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Gates of a City (James Rickard). Prov. 8:3
1364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: From Where Does Wisdom Call? (Robert Dean). Prov. 8:3
1365. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom is Publically Proclaimed (Various Commentators). Prov. 8:3
1366. Wisdom calling from the public gates are like evangelists, teachers and individuals in the Church Age. Prov. 8:3
1367. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom Calls out from the Public Gates (a graphic). Prov. 8:3
1368. Wisdom calls to us very publically. Prov. 8:3
1369. Using a misleading vocabulary. Prov. 8:3
1370. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Obama's Misleading Vocabulary by Lurita Doan. Prov. 8:3
1371. What wisdom is to the unbeliever and to the believer; to the citizen of Israel. Prov. 8:4
1372. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Contrast Divine Establishment Wisdom and Human Viewpoint. Prov. 8:4
1373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Deffinbaugh Contrasts Madam Folly and Dame Wisdom. Prov. 8:4
1374. 3 forms of wisdom. Prov. 8:4
1375. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus in the Old Testament. Prov. 8:4
1376. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmus of Proverbs 8:5–12. Prov. 8:5
1377. What prudence is; 3 views. Prov. 8:5
1378. Defining a fool. Prov. 8:5
1379. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom calls out to the naive and the fools, but not to the scorners (Rickard). Prov. 8:5
1380. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Believers Need Divine Wisdom. Prov. 8:5
1381. Reference to Proverbs 2 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Proverbs 6 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:7
1382. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Todd Kennedy's Doctrine of Evil. Prov. 8:7
1383. Dean on the collapse of law and order in our country. Prov. 8:7
1384. Righteousness and wisdom. Prov. 8:8
1385. McGee still has a few problems with the Bible (but many he has solved). Prov. 8:8
1386. The unbeliever misapplies and distorts Scripture. The unbeliever and various religions. Prov. 8:8
1387. Deceptive language used to sell this or that political bill/ideology. Prov. 8:8
1388. Example of the HERO bill. Prov. 8:8
1389. God does not pull us in dishonestly. Prov. 8:9
1390. The dishonesty of Muslim doctrine lures. Prov. 8:9
1391. A friend and scientology. Prov. 8:9
1392. Getting a person involved with divine establishment approach to life; then sucking them into Islam or scientology. Prov. 8:9
1393. McGee the gospel message is clear and response is a matter of the heart. Prov. 8:9
1394. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Positive Motivations and the Antonyms for Motivation (James Rickard). Prov. 8:9
1395. The believer positive toward doctrine will find it. Prov. 8:9
1396. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Grace Apparatus for Perception. Prov. 8:9
1397. Reference to the Angelic Conflict (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:9
1398. Reference to the List. Prov. 8:9
1399. The gay agenda being found in diverse programs like Downton Abbey and Pretty Little Liars. Prov. 8:9
1400. Reference to the Importance of Bible Doctrine (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:9
1401. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joe Guglielmo on the Word of God. Prov. 8:9
1402. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 8:1–9. Prov. 8:9
1403. Blessing and material wealth. Prov. 8:9
1404. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard Organizes Proverbs 8:10–31. Prov. 8:10
1405. Material blessing and wisdom. Prov. 8:10
1406. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on Wisdom (Proverbs 8:10–21). Prov. 8:10
1407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:10–11 (graphic). Prov. 8:10
1408. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:10 (graphic). Prov. 8:10
1409. Choosing Bible doctrine over a table covered with silver. Prov. 8:10
1410. Happiness as a result of Bible doctrine. Prov. 8:10
1411. Bible doctrine is all the treasure that we need. Prov. 8:10
1412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Christianity Is Not a Religion (graphic). Prov. 8:10
1413. Investing in gold and silver; no great satisfaction in that. Prov. 8:10
1414. Priorities is key; not whether or not you invest. Prov. 8:10
1415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is better than precious stones? Prov. 8:11
1416. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:11 (graphic). Prov. 8:11
1417. Reference to The Importance of Bible Doctrine (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:11
1418. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Importance of Bible Doctrine. Prov. 8:11
1419. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Importance of Bible Doctrine Links. Prov. 8:11
1420. Your goal in life should be wisdom; not material wealth. Prov. 8:11
1421. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on Wealth versus Wisdom. Prov. 8:11
1422. Family with lots of money and possessions broke up. Prov. 8:11
1423. Dean on what wisdom is. Prov. 8:12
1424. Stupid statements on facebook. Prov. 8:12
1425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Faith, Thinking and Volition. Prov. 8:12
1426. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Evolution and Faith. Prov. 8:12
1427. Reference to A Theory for the Birds (PDF); A Whale of a Tale (PDF); Some Fishy Stories (PDF); The Archer Fish Disproves Evolution (PDF); The Fable of the First Fatal Flight (PDF). Prov. 8:12
1428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmus of Proverbs 8:13–17. Prov. 8:13
1429. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:13 (NLT–graphic). Prov. 8:13
1430. Reference to Fear of the Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:13
1431. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Fear of the Lord. Prov. 8:13
1432. Reference to Psalm 21 (HTML) (PDF). Prov. 8:13
1433. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Evil. Prov. 8:13
1434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing Proverbs 8:13a (The fear of Yehowah [is] the hatred of evil.). Prov. 8:13
1435. Difference between pride and arrogance. Prov. 8:13
1436. The way or path of evil. Prov. 8:13
1437. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing "I hate pride, arrogance, the way of evil and a mouth of deceit." Prov. 8:13
1438. David’s teaching and lack of teaching with sons. Prov. 8:14
1439. 3 categories of wisdom. Prov. 8:14
1440. King in the ancient world acted as a judge. Making just decisions from wisdom important. Prov. 8:14
1441. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:14 (graphic). Prov. 8:14
1442. David, his wars, Bathsheba, peace, teaching. Prov. 8:14
1443. Ancient kings and law codes. Prov. 8:15
1444. Reference to Genesis 17 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:15
1445. Benjamin Franklin and his appeal to prayer during the Constitutional Convention. Prov. 8:15
1446. George Washington and the Thanksgiving Day proclamation. Prov. 8:15
1447. Alexis De Tocqueville and what he wrote to Madison. Prov. 8:15
1448. Establishing law and order in the US is different than doing that in Egypt. Prov. 8:15
1449. Alignment with divine establishment principles is best for a ruler. Prov. 8:16
1450. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Authorities Named in Proverbs 8:15–16, from Adam Clarke. Prov. 8:16
1451. My respecting the authority of a judge in the courtroom. Prov. 8:16
1452. Reference to the Doctrine of the Divine Institutions (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:16
1453. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Concept of Divine Institutions. Prov. 8:16
1454. Reference to the Angelic Conflict—(HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:16
1455. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Fifth Divine Institution—Human Government and Nationalism. Prov. 8:16
1456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Tax Graphic. Prov. 8:16
1457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard Introduces the Royal Family Honor Code. Prov. 8:16
1458. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Royal Family Honor Code (Rickard/Thieme). Prov. 8:16
1459. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ and the Royal Family Honor Code (Rickard/Thieme). Prov. 8:16
1460. We have no idea what Jesus looked like. Prov. 8:17
1461. We love Him by loving His thinking. Prov. 8:17
1462. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:17 graphics. Prov. 8:17
1463. My first hearing Bible doctrine as a new Christian. Surprised to find that other believers had little or no interest in the teaching of the Word of God. Prov. 8:17
1464. We grow spiritually by learning Bible doctrine. Prov. 8:17
1465. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmus of Proverbs 8:18–21. Prov. 8:18
1466. Focus upon God and His Word. Prov. 8:18
1467. Capacity for life is key. Prov. 8:18
1468. Do not think you need to provide God the opportunity to financially bless you. Prov. 8:18
1469. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The 4 Benefits of Wisdom (from Rickard). Prov. 8:18
1470. It is not sinful to work or to make money. Prov. 8:19
1471. Excellent analogy between believer and a builder. Spiritual gift and Holy Spirit power. Prov. 8:19
1472. Creating human good. Prov. 8:19
1473. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:19 (a graphic). Prov. 8:19
1474. Wisdom versus overtime. Prov. 8:19
1475. North on God and precious metals. Prov. 8:19
1476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard: Principles of Divine Good Production – The Fruit of the Spirit. Prov. 8:19
1477. Wisdom and benefits. Prov. 8:19
1478. Some people have no idea as to the difference between right and wrong. Prov. 8:20
1479. Walking in the plan of God. Prov. 8:20
1480. You can have exactly the same things as someone else; you are blessed and they are not. Prov. 8:21
1481. Capacity for life and winning a Bible as a youth. Prov. 8:21
1482. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:17–21 (a graphic). Prov. 8:21
1483. True wealth is the wisdom we acquire; not the money. Prov. 8:21
1484. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Joe Guglielmo Summarizes What God Provides in Proverbs 8:14–21. Prov. 8:21
1485. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principles of Escrow Blessings (from James Rickard/R. B. Thieme, Jr.). Prov. 8:21
1486. Prosperity gospel. Prov. 8:21
1487. Criticizing other pastors by name. Prov. 8:21
1488. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 8:10–21. Prov. 8:21
1489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmus of Proverbs 8:22–31. Prov. 8:22
1490. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlining Proverbs 8:22–31 (from James Rickard). Prov. 8:22
1491. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on "God Possessed Wisdom [Jesus Christ?] at the beginning...". Prov. 8:22
1492. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Evidence Bible on Jehovah's Witnesses. Prov. 8:22
1493. God’s essence; inseparable from wisdom, righteousness and justice. Prov. 8:22
1494. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Trinity in the Old Testament (the Abbreviated Version). Prov. 8:22
1495. Reference to the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:22
1496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Creation and the Trinity, from Joe Guglielmo. Prov. 8:22
1497. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Links to the Doctrine of the Trinity. Prov. 8:22
1498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Critics Ask, Who is Wisdom? Prov. 8:22
1499. Reference to the Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:22
1500. The complexity of the single cell. Prov. 8:23
1501. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Essence of God (Graphic). Prov. 8:23
1502. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Omniscience of God (by Caleb Colley, Ph.D.). Prov. 8:23
1503. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Omniscience of God (from Rev. Thomas Tyree, Jr.). Prov. 8:23
1504. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Overall Summary of the Essence of God (a graphic). Prov. 8:23
1505. Reference to the Doctrine of the Essence of God (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the Essence of God in the Pentateuch (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8:23
1506. GUAM. Prov. 8:23
1507. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why the Oceans are Important to Mankind. Prov. 8:24
1508. Mountains and their foundations. Prov. 8:25
1509. Some foundation of the world verses. Prov. 8:25
1510. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Dust of the World. Prov. 8:26
1511. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:25–26 (graphic). Prov. 8:26
1512. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Precision. Prov. 8:27
1513. The rarity of water in the universe; the precise range of temperatures on the earth. Prov. 8:27
1514. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:27a (a graphic). Prov. 8:27
1515. God restored the earth for an audience. Prov. 8:27
1516. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard on the Three Heavens. Prov. 8:27
1517. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard on the Creation of the Universe. Prov. 8:27
1518. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:27 (graphic). Prov. 8:27
1519. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Wisdom Ordaining a Curvature over the Surface of the Waters. Prov. 8:27
1520. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Can We see the Curvature of the Earth? Prov. 8:27
1521. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on God Creating the Atmosphere. Prov. 8:28
1522. The atmosphere and the troposphere. Prov. 8:28
1523. The clouds are a very elaborate sprinkling system. Prov. 8:28
1524. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Water Cycle and the Bible (from Creation Science 4 Kids). Prov. 8:28
1525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Water Cycle Graphic. Prov. 8:28
1526. Verses on the atmosphere of the earth. Prov. 8:28
1527. Boundaries of the oceans. Prov. 8:29
1528. Suggested experiment. Prov. 8:29
1529. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:29 (a graphic). Prov. 8:29
1530. If wisdom is inherent in creation, we are foolish to live without it. Prov. 8:29
1531. The creation of the earth, descent into chaos, and restoration, is a metaphor for our being. Prov. 8:29
1532. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: From Chaos to Restoration (graphic). Prov. 8:29
1533. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Note on The Translation Of 'amown. Prov. 8:30
1534. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hebrew Word: Sâchaq (שָׂחַק) [pronounced saw-KHAHK] (in the Piel Stem). Prov. 8:30
1535. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Christ the Wisdom of God, from The Pulpit Commentary. Prov. 8:31
1536. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary Proverbs 8:11–31: Why Choose Wisdom Above All Else (James Rickard). Prov. 8:31
1537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 8:22–31. Prov. 8:31
1538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert McLaughlin's Doctrine of Happiness. Prov. 8:32
1539. Verse on happiness. Prov. 8:32
1540. Verses on listening to the Word of God. Prov. 8:33
1541. Refusal to hear doctrine is negative volition toward the plan of God. Prov. 8:33
1542. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Happiness and Bible Doctrine. Prov. 8:34
1543. Verses on positive volition toward the Word of God. Prov. 8:34
1544. The abundant life; finding life. Prov. 8:35
1545. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 8:35 (graphic). Prov. 8:35
1546. Passages on positive volition toward the truth. Prov. 8:35
1547. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard on Blackout of the Soul. Prov. 8:36
1548. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Believers who choose against God. Prov. 8:36
1549. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Life and Death Matter of Finding Wisdom (Commentators). Prov. 8:36
1550. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God promises death to those who reject Him. Prov. 8:36
1551. Dean’s two options: love wisdom and live; hate wisdom and die. Prov. 8:36
1552. Individuals I have known who have rejected Bible doctrine. Prov. 8:36
1553. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard Summarizes Proverbs 8. Prov. 8:36
1554. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom in eternity and in time, by The Pulpit Commentary. Prov. 8:36
1555. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 8:32–36. Prov. 8:36
1556. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Reveals the Wisdom of God. Prov. 8 Addendum
1557. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Few Opposing Views on the Overall Interpretation of Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Addendum
1558. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Discussing the Overall Interpretation of Proverbs 8 Rationally. Prov. 8 Addendum
1559. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Abbreviated Doctrine of the Dual Authorship of Scripture. Prov. 8 Addendum
1560. Reference to the Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 8 Addendum
1561. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Two Interpretations of Proverbs 8:22–36. Prov. 8 Addendum
1562. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs 8 is in the Word of God. Prov. 8 Addendum
1563. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Addendum
1564. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Addendum
1565. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Addendum
1566. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs 8. Prov. 8 Addendum
1567. Proverbs 9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). The Banquets of Lady Wisdom and Madam Folly
1568. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Prov. 9 Preface
1569. Quotations from Khalil Gibran, Sophocles, Nick Cave, Jane Austen, and Moliere. Prov. 9 Preface
1570. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Euripides Quotation (graphic). Prov. 9 Preface
1571. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bruce Lee quote (graphic). Prov. 9 Preface
1572. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Saint Augustine Quotation (graphic). Prov. 9 Preface
1573. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Wise woman quotation (graphic). Prov. 9 Preface
1574. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Oppenheim quote (graphic). Prov. 9 Preface
1575. Defined terms: hapax legomenon, the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), and God's protocol plan (PPG–BDresource) (PPG1–BDresource) (PPG–He Ekklesia). Prov. 9 Definition of Terms.
1576. Synopsis of Prov. 9. Prov. 9 Introduction
1577. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9: Two Banquets (a graphic). Prov. 9 Introduction
1578. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Introduction
1579. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Introduction
1580. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Proverbs 9 (by Adam Clarke). Prov. 9 Introduction
1581. Alan Carr’s excellent synopsis of the issues of Prov. 9. Prov. 9 Introduction
1582. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: G. Campbell Morgan's Synopsis of Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Introduction
1583. Kidner on the symmetry of these chapters. Prov. 9 Introduction
1584. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Matthew Henry's Chapter Synopsis. Prov. 9 Introduction
1585. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard's Synopsis of Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Introduction
1586. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Mark Copeland's Extensive Outline of Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Introduction
1587. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paul Apple's Extensive Outline of Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Introduction
1588. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Dinner Invitation, by the New American Bible. Prov. 9 Introduction
1589. Festive invites by Robert Dean. Prov. 9 Introduction
1590. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hadji Murai's Chiasmos of Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Introduction
1591. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Organizes Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Introduction
1592. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Parallel Narratives. Prov. 9 Introduction
1593. The idea that Prov. 1–9 is an introduction to the book of Proverbs. Prov. 9 Introduction
1594. The relationship between David and Solomon and this book of Proverbs. Prov. 9 Introduction
1595. Guglielmo on the college of wisdom. Prov. 9 Introduction
1596. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom Throws a Banquet (Prov. 9:1–10) (a graphic). Prov. 9:1
1597. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmic Division of Proverbs 9:1–6. Prov. 9:1
1598. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is Wisdom? (a graphic). Prov. 9:1
1599. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Plural of Wisdom. Prov. 9:1
1600. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Edification Complex of the Soul (Glenn/R. B. Thieme, Jr.). Prov. 9:1
1601. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Seven Pillars. Prov. 9:1
1602. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dr. Robert Dean on the Seven Pillars. Prov. 9:1
1603. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:1 – Needing To Make a Decision? (a graphic). Prov. 9:1
1604. Emphasis in the Old Testament is often the pillars for a house; in the New Testament, the emphasis is often upon the foundation of the house. Prov. 9:1
1605. Reference to the the Doctrine of Divine Good (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); Divine Good (L.G. Merritt); the Doctrine of Human Good (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 9:1
1606. Is there something here about God creating a new heavens and earth? Prov. 9:1
1607. Graduation from God’s university of wisdom occurs at the end of a lifetime. Prov. 9:1
1608. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Typology of Proverbs 2:9a (She has slaughtered her animal). Prov. 9:2
1609. What mingled wine is. Prov. 9:2
1610. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Table Set by Wisdom. Prov. 9:2
1611. What it means for Wisdom to set a table for us. Prov. 9:2
1612. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:1–2 (graphic). Prov. 9:2
1613. Dean on who these maidens are who are sent out with invitations. Prov. 9:3
1614. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Calling for Guests; Presenting the Truth Publically. Prov. 9:3
1615. Women are associated with celebrations. Prov. 9:3
1616. No idolatry in this passage. Prov. 9:3
1617. The wisdom of God is aggressive; it goes out to seek us. Prov. 9:3
1618. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Calling of God/The Calling of God's Wisdom. Prov. 9:4
1619. If you won’t change your mind about fundamental truths, God may not provide access to wisdom. Prov. 9:4
1620. Who the simple person is; who the naive person is. Prov. 9:4
1621. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Differentiating between the Simple and Those Lacking Heart. Prov. 9:4
1622. Reference to Proverbs 1 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 9:4
1623. Mixing or mingling wine. Prov. 9:5
1624. What it means being called to this meal. Prov. 9:5
1625. Abundant life with Jesus and with Bible doctrine. Prov. 9:6
1626. Believers never stop learning. The amount of time put in studying the Word of God. Prov. 9:6
1627. The gay agenda on the Disney Channel. Prov. 9:6
1628. Human viewpoint being taught in schools. Prov. 9:6
1629. Removal of Christmas and Thanksgiving and pledge from a NY school. Prov. 9:6
1630. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robby Dean's Appended Doctrine of Separation. Prov. 9:6
1631. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:6 (American KJV) (a graphic). Prov. 9:6
1632. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:6 (the NIV) (a graphic). Prov. 9:6
1633. These proverbs in the midst of Prov. 9 seem to be oddly placed. Prov. 9:7
1634. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Organizing Proverbs 9. Prov. 9:7
1635. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmic Division of Proverbs 9:7–9. Prov. 9:7
1636. Goldberg: Choices in life lead to entirely different destinies. Prov. 9:7
1637. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmic Division of Proverbs 9:7–12. Prov. 9:7
1638. Decisions form a pattern for life; we do not rise or fall based on one decision. Prov. 9:7
1639. Desiring wisdom or not often depends upon the character of the person. Prov. 9:7
1640. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:7–8 (Easy-to-Read Version 2006) (a graphic). Prov. 9:7
1641. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:7 (NIV) (a graphic). Prov. 9:7
1642. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Correcting the Scoffer. Prov. 9:7
1643. Lost cause of correcting scoffers, scorners. Prov. 9:7
1644. The problem is continued correction of a person who is negative. Prov. 9:7
1645. Sometimes, you will not be able to convince a person to quit a sin. Prov. 9:7
1646. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, There are times when you stop correcting an infidel. Prov. 9:7
1647. The frustration of dealing with someone who is clearly wrong and wanting to correct them. Prov. 9:7
1648. Back off and get out of God’s way. Prov. 9:7
1649. Correcting your children is an exception. Prov. 9:7
1650. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Haters Gonna Hate: Proverbs 9:8 (The NLT) (a graphic). Prov. 9:8
1651. When I repeatedly correct scorners, what I receive in return is hate, which is what this verse promises. Prov. 9:8
1652. Rickard: do not argue the Word of God. If they will not accept it, walk away. Christians can come off seeming like a know-it-all. Prov. 9:8
1653. Some people are only interested in forming counter-arguments to your arguments. Prov. 9:8
1654. Paid posters on the internet. Prov. 9:8
1655. Some people will never concede a single point. Prov. 9:8
1656. Does this mean that you break communication with atheists, agnostics, etc.? These may be friends, family or co-workers. Prov. 9:8
1657. Liberals were armed with talking points for Thanksgiving 2015 to convince their mixed up uncle. Prov. 9:8
1658. Many liberals spent Thanksgiving at home, shocked to find so many Trump supporters. Prov. 9:8
1659. Wise men can be corrected. Prov. 9:8
1660. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:8 (The NIV) (a graphic). Prov. 9:8
1661. There is a point at which there are diminishing returns from correcting others. Prov. 9:8
1662. David being corrected by Nathan. Prov. 9:8
1663. A good friend of mine struggling with reversionism also complained about the constant mention of Hebrew in the midst of my exposition. He had a good point. Prov. 9:8
1664. I come across expositors which have some problematic points-of-view; but sometimes explain something perfectly and succinctly. Prov. 9:8
1665. Rickard: a wise person does not have all wisdom; but he is able to recognize wisdom. Prov. 9:8
1666. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Application of Proverbs 9:7–8. Prov. 9:8
1667. Example of arguing WMD’s in Iraq; showing that they were found (on the DoD page) and that they were testified to in publications before Bush was president. Still would not admit to being wrong. Prov. 9:8
1668. Obama, Bush and the 2009 budget. Prov. 9:8
1669. Most adults that you argue with will be intractable. Prov. 9:8
1670. Example of arguing with a computer. Prov. 9:8
1671. Some people have the spiritual gift of being able to witness to people well. Example of Ray Comfort. Prov. 9:8
1672. Exploiting your spiritual gift occurs when you reach spiritual maturity. Prov. 9:8
1673. There is a place for witnessing to others, using gay issues, evolution, or liberalism as a springboard to present the gospel. Prov. 9:8
1674. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:9 (The NLT) (a graphic). Prov. 9:9
1675. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:9 (KJV) (a graphic). Prov. 9:9
1676. Wisdom, given to the scorner, does not make them wiser; it makes them hate you. Prov. 9:9
1677. Wisdom is more than intellectual; there is a moral quality to it. Prov. 9:9
1678. The unbeliever who rejects God or is angry with God, is not going to change his mind, even if faced with a news article from a source he respects. Prov. 9:9
1679. Such people do not lack authority. If Obama does a 180 on gay marriage, so does this person. Prov. 9:9
1680. Claim children are brought up better by a mother and father, they will call you a homophobe, no matter what information you provide to back it up. Prov. 9:9
1681. Correcting other believers ought not be your profession. Prov. 9:9
1682. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Open Mind, from The Pulpit Commentary. Prov. 9:9
1683. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Humility. Prov. 9:9
1684. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:7–9 (The Message) (a graphic). Prov. 9:9
1685. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Was the passage Proverbs 9:7–9 inserted? Prov. 9:9
1686. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pearls Before Swine Graphic. Prov. 9:9
1687. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 9:1–9. Prov. 9:9
1688. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:10 (the KJV) (a graphic). Prov. 9:10
1689. Reference to the Fear of the Lord (in the previous chapter, I believe) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 9:10
1690. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Knowledge, Wisdom and Fear of the Lord. Prov. 9:10
1691. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Expositor's Bible Commentary on "Wisdom Must First Recognize God". Prov. 9:10
1692. Cathers professor who continually studied. Prov. 9:10
1693. Long life and wisdom. Wisdom increases one’s lifespan.
1694. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:11 (the NLT) (a graphic). Prov. 9:11
1695. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:10–11 (a graphic). Prov. 9:11
1696. Lengthening life with wisdom; shortening life with drugs, gay sex. Prov. 9:11
1697. Gay lifestyle reduces lifespan more than smoking does. Prov. 9:11
1698. Happiness follows wisdom and godliness. Prov. 9:11
1699. Unlearned but teachable; unlearned and unteachable. Prov. 9:12
1700. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:12 (NASB) (a graphic). Prov. 9:12
1701. Positive volition toward Bible doctrine is beneficial to you. Prov. 9:12
1702. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9:12 (We are responsible for who we are—several commentators). Prov. 9:12
1703. J. Vernon McGee and the town atheist. Prov. 9:12
1704. Students often think that parents and teachers do things for selfish ends. Prov. 9:12
1705. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Scoffing. Prov. 9:12
1706. Varieties of scorn. Prov. 9:12
1707. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 9:10–12. Prov. 9:12
1708. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 9 – Folly's Invitation and Promise (a graphic). Prov. 9:13
1709. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmic Division of Proverbs 9:13–18. Prov. 9:13
1710. Women who talk a lot with very little to say. Prov. 9:13
1711. Not the same woman as found in Prov. 7. Prov. 9:13
1712. Woman Wisdom versus Woman Folly. Prov. 9:13
1713. Second level of this chapter; the lure of human viewpoint and cosmic thinking. Prov. 9:13
1714. Agnostics and atheists seem to think they can teach others. Prov. 9:13
1715. The doorway to her house is entry into the cosmic system. Prov. 9:14
1716. Chairs rare in ancient world. Prov. 9:14
1717. Works of the two women. Prov. 9:14
1718. Mistress Folly is likened to the woman of Revelation by some commentators. Prov. 9:14
1719. I have used a different sentence structure in v. 16. Prov. 9:16
1720. Differentiating between the simple man and the man lacking understanding. Prov. 9:16
1721. Wisdom is for the benefit of the recipient; folly serves only herself. Prov. 9:16
1722. Wisdom and folly have different ends. Prov. 9:16
1723. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, Stolen water is sweet. Prov. 9:17
1724. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Contrasting Offers of Lady Wisdom and Mistress Folly (various commentators). Prov. 9:17
1725. The Rephaim. Prov. 9:18
1726. Sheol. Prov. 9:18
1727. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of Sheol. Prov. 9:18
1728. Reference to the Complete Doctrine of Sheol (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 9:18
1729. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing the Final Warning (Various Commentators). Prov. 9:18
1730. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lord Byron, on the end of his life. Prov. 9:18
1731. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Stuart Wolfe Summarizes Proverbs 9:13–18. Prov. 9:18
1732. Summarizing Prov. 9. Prov. 9:18
1733. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rich Cathers on the Two Women. Prov. 9 Addendum
1734. The sad story of Proverbs. Prov. 9 Addendum
1735. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs 9 is in the Word of God. Prov. 9 Addendum
1736. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Addendum
1737. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Addendum
1738. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Addendum
1739. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs 9. Prov. 9 Addendum
1740. Case study on the adulteress woman on or before Prov. 9.
1741. Collect the reasons for studying Bible doctrine from the first 9 chapters of Proverbs.
1742. Much of the material of 1Kings 4:30 could be easily transferred over into the introduction to Prov. 1–9 or 10–whatever.
1743. Proverbs 10 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Righteousness versus Wickedness; Wisdom versus Folly
1744. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Barnes, Ironside, Shakespear. Prov. 10 Preface
1745. Reference to the Doctrine of Divine Good (Bible Doctrine Resource) (L.G. Merritt); the Production of Divine Good (Bible Doctrine Resource); the Fear of the Lord (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD); the Doctrine of Rebound (HTML) (PDF). Prov. 10 Definition of Terms
1746. Studying several chapters of Proverbs in a row can be mentally exhausting. Prov. 10 Introduction
1747. Verses with the righteous and wicked; the wise and the foolish all listed. Prov. 10 Introduction
1748. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: College Press on Noticeable Groupings in Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Introduction
1749. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Disjointed Feel of Proverbs 10 and Forward. Prov. 10 Introduction
1750. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett Begs to Differ. Prov. 10 Introduction
1751. Prov. 1–9 seems much more personal than Prov. 10 onward.
1752. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Antithetic Parallelism in Proverbs. Prov. 10 Introduction
1753. The 3 categories of wisdom. Prov. 10 Introduction
1754. Posting on the internet that natural parents are best for the children. Prov. 10 Introduction
1755. Nations which adhere to the laws of divine establishment; nations which do not. Prov. 10 Introduction
1756. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment: (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 10 Introduction
1757. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Introduction
1758. The Bible is the most up-to-date book on Amazon and outsells every other book. Prov. 10 Introduction
1759. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Introduction
1760. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Synopsis of Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Introduction
1761. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Bridgeway Bible Commentary's Synopsis of Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Introduction
1762. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard's Division of Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Introduction
1763. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Division of Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Introduction
1764. The Third Millennial Bible divides up Prov. 10. Prov. 10 Introduction
1765. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10–22 and the Laws of Divine Establishment. Prov. 10 Introduction
1766. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Advising the Pastor-Teacher on Teaching Proverbs. Prov. 10 Introduction
1767. 2006 Easy to Read Version added. Prov. 10 Introduction
1768. Verse tables added which provide a quick and dirty interpretation of each verse. Prov. 10 Introduction
1769. J. Vernon McGee illustrated each proverb with a person from Scripture. Prov. 10 Introduction
1770. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Chiasmos of Proverbs 10:1–8. Prov. 10:1
1771. The importance of the family unit. Prov. 10:1
1772. God is not a Democrat. Prov. 10:1
1773. Solomon may be the owner of these proverbs; he is not necessarily the author. Prov. 10:1
1774. Short discussion on authorship. Prov. 10:1
1775. Some Latin manuscripts call this the 2nd book of Proverbs. Prov. 10:1
1776. Purpose of a proverb. Prov. 10:1
1777. The wise son and the joyful father. Prov. 10:1
1778. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Fool (or on Foolishness). Prov. 10:1
1779. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: C. Wadsworth on the Defective Character of the Young Man. Prov. 10:1
1780. The son of self-conceit and skepticism. Prov. 10:1
1781. The different response of the father and mother to a son who is a jerk. Prov. 10:1
1782. The first proverb is antithetical. Prov. 10:1
1783. Wise versus foolish. Prov. 10:1
1784. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:1. Prov. 10:1
1785. The son and his parents; and power of a son to make his parents miserable. Prov. 10:1
1786. The two roads of Prov. 10–15. Prov. 10:1
1787. Failure to teach God’s law to one’s sons. Prov. 10:1
1788. A single mother raising a child. Prov. 10:1
1789. Trying to find shortcuts to hard work in my own life. Prov. 10:2
1790. There is no profit in stealing; no profit in illegal activity. Prov. 10:2
1791. The rightness and wrongness of wealth is a matter of focus and emphasis. Prov. 10:2
1792. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Treasures of Wickedness (Proverbs 10:2a). Prov. 10:2
1793. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Swinnock on the Problems and Complications of Wealth. Prov. 10:2
1794. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on, Righteous will deliver [one] from death (Proverbs 10:2b). Prov. 10:2
1795. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:2 (NLT) Graphic. Prov. 10:2
1796. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wealth is Ineffectual (from The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). Prov. 10:2
1797. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:2. Prov. 10:2
1798. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:2 (NIV) Graphic. Prov. 10:2
1799. One is not good or evil based upon having wealth or not. Prov. 10:2
1800. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Believer the Unbeliever and Wealth. Prov. 10:2
1801. Gary North on individual and national wealth. Prov. 10:2
1802. Using God to get wealthy. Prov. 10:2
1803. The US system; wealth inequality. Prov. 10:2
1804. The place of ill-gotten wealth and legitimate wealth in the plan of God. Prov. 10:2
1805. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: L. G. Merritt's Doctrine of Wealth (edited). Prov. 10:2
1806. References to the Bible, Wealth and Private Property (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and to Wealthy Men in the Bible (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 10:2
1807. Those that God has blessed with wealth have additional responsibilities in the Christian life. Prov. 10:2
1808. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Yehowah will not allow the righteous to go hungry (Commentators on Prov. 10:3a). Prov. 10:3
1809. Imputed righteousness; experiential righteousness. Prov. 10:3
1810. God provides for the body and for the soul of the believer. Prov. 10:3
1811. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God Sees to the Needs of His People (The Preacher's Homiletical Commentary). Prov. 10:3
1812. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God drives out the cravings of the lawless ones (Commentators on Proverbs 10:3b). Prov. 10:3
1813. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:3. Prov. 10:3
1814. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:4 (Tree of Life Version) Graphic. Prov. 10:4
1815. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the lazy (or, deceitful) hand (Proverbs 10:4a). Prov. 10:4
1816. Robert Dean on laziness, in life and in the spiritual life. Prov. 10:4
1817. The person who works hard will be better off than the person on welfare. Prov. 10:4
1818. The earth brings forth thorns instead of grapes, apart from the work of man. Prov. 10:4
1819. Participating in sins and self-destructive behavior decreases a person’s income. Sin uses up energy and wealth. Prov. 10:4
1820. The blessing of finding work that suits you. Prov. 10:4
1821. Austin decides to fix the Texas education system. Prov. 10:4
1822. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gary North on the Slack Hand Versus Hard Work. Prov. 10:4
1823. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on Work. Prov. 10:4
1824. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Johnny Sanders on the Work Ethic. Prov. 10:4
1825. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Zollikofer on the Advantages of Hard Work in the Right Job. Prov. 10:4
1826. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. Everitt on Diligence and prosperity. Prov. 10:4
1827. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Don Robinson "Choose Productivity" (Proverbs 10:4). Prov. 10:4
1828. All things being equal, a person who works is going to be better off than a person who does not work. Prov. 10:4
1829. You need 1 hour/day of doctrinal teaching. Prov. 10:4
1830. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What life in socialist Europe is actually like, by Robert Moon. Prov. 10:4
1831. The doctrines of Socialism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and Socialism and Communism (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
1832. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Socialism and Young People. Prov. 10:4
1833. The young person and socialism, poverty and wealth.
1834. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:4. Prov. 10:4
1835. God often calls busy men into service. Prov. 10:4
1836. Work, family obligations and the spiritual life. Prov. 10:4
1837. Timing is everything. Prov. 10:5
1838. Illustrations of those who work when it is needed. Prov. 10:5
1839. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard on the Key Words of Proverbs 10:5b. Prov. 10:5
1840. There is a season for the harvesting of souls. Prov. 10:5
1841. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Sleeping During the Harvest is Foolish, from the Pulpit Commentary. Prov. 10:5
1842. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett: The Wise Son Versus the Foolish Son (Proverbs 10:5). Prov. 10:5
1843. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Redeeming the Time. Prov. 10:5
1844. Reference to the List (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 10:5
1845. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:5. Prov. 10:5
1846. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:5 (ESV) Graphic. Prov. 10:5
1847. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Laziness and Television, by Today in the Word. Prov. 10:5
1848. Timing and having a family. Retirement; nurturing one’s family. Prov. 10:5
1849. North lists the beatitudes in Proverbs. Prov. 10:6
1850. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Explaining, Violence covers the mouth of the wicked (Various Commentators). Prov. 10:6
1851. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:6. Prov. 10:6
1852. Some believers recoil at the idea that right actions result in visible results. Prov. 10:6
1853. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:7 (NIV) Graphic. Prov. 10:7
1854. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: How people remember a righteous man (Commentators on Proverbs 10:7a). Prov. 10:7
1855. What righteous men have done is a blessing; memory of them is a blessing as well. Prov. 10:7
1856. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Memory of the Just, by the Pulpit Commentary. Prov. 10:7
1857. You won’t name any of your children Judas.
1858. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Reputation of the Wicked After They Die. Prov. 10:7
1859. The astrodome and the works of man. Prov. 10:7
1860. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Astrodome (photo). Prov. 10:7
1861. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:7. Prov. 10:7
1862. Charles Ponzi. Prov. 10:7
1863. Maverick. Prov. 10:7
1864. The meaning of heart in the Bible. Prov. 10:8
1865. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard on the Hebrew of Proverbs 10:8a. Prov. 10:8
1866. Spiritual growth does not end for the believer. Prov. 10:8
1867. Illustrations of Prov. 10:8.
1868. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Foolish Man of Proverbs 10:8. Prov. 10:8
1869. The wise seeks after Bible doctrine; the foolish rejects it. Prov. 10:8
1870. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:8 (ESV) Graphic. Prov. 10:8
1871. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:8. Prov. 10:8
1872. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmic Organization of Proverbs 10:9–21. Prov. 10:9
1873. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William Arnot on Integrity. Prov. 10:9
1874. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Walking (from Bible Doctrine Resource). Prov. 10:9
1875. The believers walk with great security. Prov. 10:9
1876. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Upright Man (Proverbs 10:9a). Prov. 10:9
1877. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: R. Price on the Walk of the Upright Man. Prov. 10:9
1878. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Our Daily Bread on Personal Integrity. Prov. 10:9
1879. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: J. Jortin on the Upright Man. Prov. 10:9
1880. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Man Who Perverts His Ways Will Become Known (Comments on Prov. 10:9b). Prov. 10:9
1881. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:9 (NLT) Graphic. Prov. 10:9
1882. Not working with dishonest people in business. Prov. 10:9
1883. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Integrity Versus Perversity in the Proverbs. Prov. 10:9
1884. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:9. Prov. 10:9
1885. Recommending Geisler and Nix’s A General Introduction to the Bible. Prov. 10:10
1886. Related v. 10a (winking the eye) to v. 10b (making peace). Prov. 10:10
1887. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning of Winking the Eye (Several Commentators). Prov. 10:10
1888. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Winks the Eye" as Found in the Scriptures. Prov. 10:10
1889. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:10b Text from the Greek Septuagint. Prov. 10:10
1890. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gay Marriage and the Believer. Prov. 10:10
1891. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dealing with Sin in Your Home and Around the Church. Prov. 10:10
1892. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Variety of Spiritual gifts. Prov. 10:10
1893. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:10. Prov. 10:10
1894. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Contrasting the Wise Man and the Fool (from the Pulpit Commentary). Prov. 10:10
1895. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on a Wellspring of Life (Proverbs 10:11a). Prov. 10:11
1896. Evangelism is generally based upon what someone says. Prov. 10:11
1897. Sometimes give the gospel; at other times, do not cast pearls before swine. Prov. 10:11
1898. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on, the Mouth of Criminals Conceals Violence (Proverbs 10:11b). Prov. 10:11
1899. Ancient world dependence upon water. Prov. 10:11
1900. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:11. Prov. 10:11
1901. Arnot on the importance of water. Prov. 10:11
1902. Difficulties in families that love is able to override. Prov. 10:12
1903. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Hatred. Prov. 10:12
1904. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on Hatred. Prov. 10:12
1905. Muslims and their perpetual anger. Prov. 10:12
1906. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on, Love Conceals All Transgressions (Proverbs 10:12b). Prov. 10:12
1907. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Pulpit Commentary on How Love Covers All Sins. Prov. 10:12
1908. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preachers' Commentary on How Love Covers All Sin (Proverbs 10:12). Prov. 10:12
1909. Closeness of marriage; deciding to love. Prov. 10:12
1910. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "My family likes trump. What." (a graphic). Prov. 10:12
1911. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:12. Prov. 10:12
1912. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:12 (NLT) Graphic. Prov. 10:12
1913. Example of the homosexual relative and his boyfriend coming for Thanksgiving dinner. Prov. 10:12
1914. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Wisdom is found on the lips of the prudent [man]..." (Various Commentators). Prov. 10:13
1915. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on True Knowledge. Prov. 10:13
1916. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Learning Through Discipline (Various Commentators on Proverbs 10:13b). Prov. 10:13
1917. Learning the easy way and the hard way. Prov. 10:13
1918. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:13. Prov. 10:13
1919. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:12–13 (NIV) Graphic. Prov. 10:13
1920. Morality and wealth. Prov. 10:14
1921. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Wise men laying up knowledge..." (Proverbs 10:14a by Various Commentators). Prov. 10:14
1922. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William Arnot on Wisdom and Laying up Knowledge. Prov. 10:14
1923. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on Laying Up Knowledge. Prov. 10:14
1924. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Our Daily Bread on Remembering lessons from a long time ago. Prov. 10:14
1925. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "...but the mouth of a fool [lays up] imminent destruction." (Proverbs 10:14b). Prov. 10:14
1926. The wise man versus the fool on what they say; and what they do with their income. Prov. 10:14
1927. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:14. Prov. 10:14
1928. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:11–14: The Speech that Edifies Versus the Speech that Destroys. Prov. 10:14
1929. It is better to be rich than poor? Discussion on this. Prov. 10:15
1930. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Material Wealth (Proverbs 10:15a). Prov. 10:15
1931. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Robert Dean on the Proper Use of Wealth. Prov. 10:15
1932. Poverty can be the lack of Bible doctrine. Prov. 10:15
1933. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wesleyan S. S. Magazine on the Destruction of the Poor (Proverbs 10:15b). Prov. 10:15
1934. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William Arnot on Money and Power. Prov. 10:15
1935. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett on the Odd Nature of Proverbs 10:15. Prov. 10:15
1936. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard on Wealth and Poverty. Prov. 10:15
1937. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:15. Prov. 10:15
1938. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Expositor's Bible Commentary: Being Rich versus Being Poor. Prov. 10:15
1939. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:14–15 placed together. Prov. 10:15
1940. The Bible is not anti-wealth, anti-fun. Prov. 10:16
1941. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Life comes with rules. Prov. 10:16
1942. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Gain of the Wicked Man (Proverbs 10:16b). Prov. 10:16
1943. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:16. Prov. 10:16
1944. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Heeding Instruction (or discipline) (Proverbs 10:17a). Prov. 10:17
1945. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:17 (NKJV) Graphic. Prov. 10:17
1946. Being able to accept correction can change the trajectory of our lives. Prov. 10:17
1947. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Authority, from Grace Notes. Prov. 10:17
1948. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:17. Prov. 10:17
1949. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Lying Lips Conceal Hatred (Proverbs 10:18a). Prov. 10:18
1950. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: James Rickard on the Foolish Slanderer (Proverbs 10:18b). Prov. 10:18
1951. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why the Slanderer is a Fool (from the Bible Illustrator). Prov. 10:18
1952. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:18 (KJV) Graphic. Prov. 10:18
1953. The sin of hatred is in the soul; often expressed with the lips. Prov. 10:18
1954. Reference to Proverbs 4 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 10:18
1955. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sins of the Tongue (from Bible Doctrine Resource). Prov. 10:18
1956. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:18. Prov. 10:18
1957. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Use (or Misuse) of the Tongue by Believers. Prov. 10:19
1958. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:19 (NIV) Graphic. Prov. 10:19
1959. Self-justification cannot undo sin. Prov. 10:19
1960. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators Discuss a Multitude of Words (Proverbs 10:19a). Prov. 10:19
1961. Saying/posting what you cannot take back. Prov. 10:19
1962. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Prudence of Restraining One's Speech (Proverbs 10:19b). Prov. 10:19
1963. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why talking too much is problematic (from the Bible Illustrator). Prov. 10:19
1964. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Silence is the Right Approach (The Preacher's Homiletical Commentary). Prov. 10:19
1965. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:19. Prov. 10:19
1966. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Our Daily Bread on Words—Do they matter? Prov. 10:19
1967. The dross of silver represents sin. Prov. 10:20
1968. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: There is Little Value in the Heart of the Wicked (Commentators on Proverbs 10:20b). Prov. 10:20
1969. Our merit before God is in Jesus Christ. Prov. 10:20
1970. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:20 as an Antithetical Distich. Prov. 10:20
1971. The gospel and Bible doctrine are shared verbally (for the most part). Prov. 10:20
1972. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:20. Prov. 10:20
1973. Good leadership requires wisdom and righteousness. Prov. 10:21
1974. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on Fools Who Lack Sense (Proverbs 10:21b). Prov. 10:21
1975. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:21. Prov. 10:21
1976. J. Vernon McGee on examples out of the Bible for these proverbs. Prov. 10:21
1977. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: You Talk too Much (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). Prov. 10:21
1978. Reference toYou Talk too Much. Prov. 10:21
1979. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:15–21; A Sevenfold Strain of Experience (The Pulpit Commentary). Prov. 10:21
1980. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmic Organization of Proverbs 10:22–27. Prov. 10:22
1981. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:22 (KJV) Graphic. Prov. 10:22
1982. Power ball; the problem with sudden riches. Prov. 10:22
1983. Why Solomon tells us that God does not add pain or toil to our blessing. Prov. 10:22
1984. Lottery winners 5 years later. Prov. 10:22
1985. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on God Does Not Multiply Pain and Toil with Blessing (v. 22b). Prov. 10:22
1986. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:22 (NLT) Graphic. Prov. 10:22
1987. Winners of the $1.6 billion powerball lottery. Prov. 10:22
1988. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: William Arnot on the Blessing of God. Prov. 10:22
1989. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on Proverbs 10:22. Prov. 10:22
1990. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:22. Prov. 10:22
1991. Gary North, wealth, and covenant keepers. Prov. 10:22
1992. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gary North on the Hostility Toward Wealth. Prov. 10:22
1993. The correct understanding of covenant keepers. Prov. 10:22
1994. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on, Doing wrong [is] like sport to a fool. Prov. 10:23
1995. Criminals, their plans and plots are fun to them. Prov. 10:23
1996. Homosexuals going to great lengths to justify their sins. Prov. 10:23
1997. Homosexual, David and Jonathan; their covenant. Prov. 10:23
1998. Wasting time on the internet arguing with a liberal. The liberal mindset. Prov. 10:23
1999. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:23. Prov. 10:23
2000. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:23 (NIV) Graphic. Prov. 10:23
2001. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:24 (NIV) Graphic. Prov. 10:24
2002. The fears of man. Prov. 10:24
2003. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Wicked and His Fears (Various Commentators on Proverbs 10:24a). Prov. 10:24
2004. The fears of the malevolent. Prov. 10:24
2005. Cosmic personalism? Prov. 10:24
2006. God knows what is best for us. Prov. 10:24
2007. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:24. Prov. 10:24
2008. Analogy with the sea captain avoiding disaster. Prov. 10:24
2009. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:25 (NLT) Graphic. Prov. 10:25
2010. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:25 (translation unknown) Graphic. Prov. 10:25
2011. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on the Passing of the Tempest (Proverbs 10:25a). Prov. 10:25
2012. John Trapp’s examples of those carried away by the tempest. Prov. 10:25
2013. Gill on the righteous man’s foundation. Prov. 10:25
2014. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: One Lone House in Gilchrist, Texas after Hurricane Ike (a picture). Prov. 10:25
2015. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Whirlwind and the Sure Foundation (from Preacher's Homiletical Commentary). Prov. 10:25
2016. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:25. Prov. 10:25
2017. Analogy of a power tornado striking a house, leaving only the foundation. Prov. 10:25
2018. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Combining Proverbs 10:24–25. Prov. 10:25
2019. Definite articles stand out. Prov. 10:26
2020. Smoke in the eyes exacerbated in the ancient world because they did not have chimneys. Prov. 10:26
2021. Sending a slacker to do a job. Prov. 10:26
2022. The status of messengers. Prov. 10:26
2023. Gary North on sluggards. Prov. 10:26
2024. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Sending the Sluggard (Proverbs 10:26). Prov. 10:26
2025. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:26. Prov. 10:26
2026. It is a sin to waste another man’s time. Prov. 10:26
2027. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:26 (NLT) Graphic. Prov. 10:26
2028. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing Proverbs 10:27–30. Prov. 10:27
2029. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Adding Days to a Man's Life (Proverbs 10:27a). Prov. 10:27
2030. It is not sinful to love life. Prov. 10:27
2031. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Gary North on the Lengthened and Shortened Lives. Prov. 10:27
2032. The spiritual world and the temporal world. Living a life in synch with God. Prov. 10:27
2033. A longer life; sin means an unhealthy lifestyle. Prov. 10:27
2034. People argue against sin contributing to a shorter life. Prov. 10:27
2035. Illustrating with politics and letting prisoners out of Gitmo. Prov. 10:27
2036. The 6th stage of national discipline. Prov. 10:27
2037. God’s promises are never suspended, no matter what the political climate. Prov. 10:27
2038. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on Proverbs 10:27b: Evil Lives Cut Short. Prov. 10:27
2039. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:27. Prov. 10:27
2040. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:27 (KJV) Graphic. Prov. 10:27
2041. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Peter Pett's Chiasmic Organization of Proverbs 10:28–11:3. Prov. 10:28
2042. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators Prepare us for Proverbs 10:28. Prov. 10:28
2043. Hopes and the expectations of life. Prov. 10:28
2044. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Hugh Blair on the Expectations of Life. Prov. 10:28
2045. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: G. H. Morss on the Hopes of the Righteous. Prov. 10:28
2046. Expressing great joy. Prov. 10:28
2047. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Hope or Expectation of the Righteous (Commentators on Proverbs 10:28a). Prov. 10:28
2048. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on the Expectations of the Wicked (Proverbs 10:28b). Prov. 10:28
2049. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:28. Prov. 10:28
2050. The dissatisfaction of Alexander the Great and Julius Cæsar. Prov. 10:28
2051. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:28 (KJV) Graphic. Prov. 10:28
2052. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Abbreviated Doctrine of The Way of God. Prov. 10:29
2053. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rickard Channeling R. B. Thieme, Jr. on the Flotline of the Soul. Prov. 10:29
2054. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Mini-Lesson on the 11 Problem Solving Devices. Prov. 10:29
2055. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:29 (KJV) Graphic. Prov. 10:29
2056. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A. Maclaren on The Two-fold Aspect of the Divine Working. Prov. 10:29
2057. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: God's Way Destruction and Salvation (Preacher's Homiletical Commentary). Prov. 10:29
2058. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:29. Prov. 10:29
2059. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Zollikofer on the Effects of Sin. Prov. 10:29
2060. We all grow old and die; it is our relationship with God which is not dislodged. Prov. 10:30
2061. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:30a (NIV) Graphic. Prov. 10:30
2062. Because of our relationship to God, we are not dislodged. Prov. 10:30
2063. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on The Righteous Man will not be Shaken (Proverbs 10:30a). Prov. 10:30
2064. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Commentators on God's Plan for the Malevolent (Proverbs 10:30b). Prov. 10:30
2065. Abiding in the land is figurative language for believers today. Prov. 10:30
2066. We live in a fallen world. There must be an eventual separation from all sin. Prov. 10:30
2067. The Millennium and the sin nature. Prov. 10:30
2068. The frog and the scorpion. Prov. 10:30
2069. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:30. Prov. 10:30
2070. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Closing out Proverbs 10 with Verses 31–32. Prov. 10:31
2071. New believers giving their testimonies. Prov. 10:31
2072. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Speech of the Righteous and the Wicked (from The Bible Illustrator). Prov. 10:31
2073. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:31. Prov. 10:31
2074. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Various Commentators on The Righteous Man Knows What to Say (Prov. 10:32a). Prov. 10:32
2075. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Words of the Righteous Man (from the Preacher's Homiletical Commentary). Prov. 10:32
2076. The crazy things that the left has been saying are now being taken seriously. Prov. 10:32
2077. The earth has a fever; give the government more money. Prov. 10:32
2078. Problems with the Republican party. Prov. 10:32
2079. The differences between the Republican and Democrat parties. Prov. 10:32
2080. Reference to Liberalism, Conservatism and Christianity (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Prov. 10:32
2081. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Translations of and Commentaries on Proverbs 10:32. Prov. 10:32
2082. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proverbs 10:32 (NAB) Graphic. Prov. 10:32
2083. Pett connecting the end of this chapter with the first few verses of Prov. 11. Prov. 10:32
2084. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Proverbs 10 is in the Word of God. Prov. 10 Addendum
2085. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Addendum
2086. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Addendum
2087. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Addendum
2088. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Proverbs 10. Prov. 10 Addendum
2089. “The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.” - Socrates.
2090. At some point I need to look at the Doctrine of hearing doctrine daily. Gen 19:27 Ex 24:4 Psalm 57:8 Mark 1:35
Topics Covered in the Book of Ecclesiastes
1. The Introduction to the Book of Ecclesiastes (HTML) (PDF) (WPD—zipped).
2. Ecclesiastes 1:1–18 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD—zipped). All is Vanity Under the Sun
3. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Eccles. 1 Preface
4. Quotes from Lisa Kleypas, Blaise Pascal, William Makepeace Thackeray, Shannon L. Alder, Augustine, Tennessee Williams, George Orwell, William Shakespeare; and many theologians. Eccles. 1 Preface
5. References to Cosmic system thinking, Divine Viewpoint, Human good (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), Human Viewpoint Versus Divine Viewpoint Thinking (HTML) (PDF) (WPD), the Revealed God and Reversionism. Eccles. 1 Preface
6. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1 (or the Preacher) (a graphic). Eccles. 1 Introduction
7. Different types of wisdom. Eccles. 1 Introduction
8. Reference to the Introduction to the Book of Ecclesiastes (HTML) (PDF) (WPD—zipped). Eccles. 1 Introduction
9. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Five Kinds of Wisdom. Eccles. 1 Introduction
10. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes (life in a meaningless world) (a graphic). Eccles. 1 Introduction
11. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Ecclesiastes 1 (by Various Commentators). Eccles. 1 Introduction
12. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Ecclesiastes 1 (various commentators). Eccles. 1 Introduction
13. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Introduction
14. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Introduction
15. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Introduction
16. Reference to the Introduction to the Book of Ecclesiastes (HTML) (PDF) (WPD—zipped). Eccles. 1 Introduction
17. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Introduction
18. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Eccles. 1 Introduction
19. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Introduction
20. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Ecclesiastes 1 (from Matthew Henry). Eccles. 1 Introduction
21. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines and Summaries of Ecclesiastes 1 (Various Commentators). Eccles. 1 Introduction
22. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 929 Chapters Outline of Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Introduction
23. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Ecclesiastes 1 from the Summarized Bible. Eccles. 1 Introduction
24. Dr. Bob Utley outlines Ecclesiastes 1–2. Eccles. 1 Introduction
25. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Vanity of Vanities...all is vanity (Eccles. 1:2—the theme of Ecclesiastes) (a graphic). Eccles. 1 Introduction
26. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Ecclesiastes 1–2). Eccles. 1 Introduction
27. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Introduction
28. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1 (a young person's approach) (a graphic). Eccles. 1 Introduction
29. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions. Eccles. 1 Introduction
30. Some of the extraordinary Bible teachers whose works I have drawn from. Eccles. 1 Introduction
31. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: When Life Goes in Circles (Ecclesiastes 1:1–11) (a graphic). Eccles. 1:1
32. Introducing the book of Ecclesiastes from various authors. Eccles. 1:1
33. Reference to 1Kings 9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Eccles. 1:1
34. Solomon may have even taught these things from the Temple platform. Eccles. 1:1
35. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On the word Qôheleth (various commentators). Eccles. 1:1
36. The wisdom in Proverbs versus the wisdom in Ecclesiastes. Eccles. 1:1
37. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Wisdom. Eccles. 1:1
38. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:1 (Ron Snider). Eccles. 1:1
39. Side-by-side translations of vanity of vanities. Eccles. 1:2
40. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning of Vanity (Ecclesiastes 1:2) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:2
41. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning of Vanity of Vanities (Ecclesiastes 1:2) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:2
42. Life is a series of meaningless events. Eccles. 1:2
43. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Everything is dust in the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:2) (a graphic). Eccles. 1:2
44. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: All is Vanity (Ecclesiastes 1:3) (a graphic). Eccles. 1:2
45. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: All is Vanity (Ecclesiastes 1:2c) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:2
46. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What brought Solomon to this point? (Dr. Dan Hill). Eccles. 1:2
47. Personal testimony regarding doctrine and age. Eccles. 1:2
48. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon, being rejected by the woman of Songs drives him here (Dr. Dan Hill). Eccles. 1:2
49. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's conclusion in Ecclesiastes 1:2 (various commentators). Eccles. 1:2
50. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Can of book of such skepticism be in the Word of God? (Geisler & Howe). Eccles. 1:2
51. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:2 (Ron Snider). Eccles. 1:2
52. Solomon was not a slacker or a druggie. Eccles. 1:3
53. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What profit is there to all man's toil? (Ecclesiastes 1:3) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:3
54. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Vanity of Human Production (Ecclesiastes 1:3) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:3
55. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Second Divine Institution: Work. Eccles. 1:3
56. Reference to the Doctrine of the Divine Institutions (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Eccles. 1:3
57. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Four Objectives of Work (from Dr. Dan Hill). Eccles. 1:3
58. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Principles concerning your work (Dr. Dan Hill). Eccles. 1:3
59. Work under the sun. Eccles. 1:3
60. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "Under the Sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:3) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:3
61. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Under the Sun. Eccles. 1:3
62. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lady Justice Life Size Bronze Resin Goddess Statue (a graphic). Eccles. 1:3
63. No happiness in the accumulation of good things; or in living in a good environment. Reference to Kenny and his suicide. Eccles. 1:3
64. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Kenny's Backyard (a photo). Eccles. 1:3
65. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:3 (Ron Snider). Eccles. 1:3
66. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: In consideration of Solomon, the author of Ecclesiastes, by way of Donald Trump. Eccles. 1:3
67. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:1–3. Eccles. 1:3
68. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing Ecclesiastes 1:1–3 (various commentators). Eccles. 1:3
69. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Time and Cycles; Greek and Hebrew Views of Time (John W. Ritenbaugh). Eccles. 1:4
70. Death comes to every generation. Eccles. 1:4
71. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution. One generation of fools can ruin it all. Eccles. 1:4
72. The great spiritual heritage of the United States. Eccles. 1:4
73. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The futility of human existence (Ecclesiastes 1:4a) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:4
74. The earth is not actually eternal. Eccles. 1:4
75. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The transitory nature of man; the permanence of earth (Eccles. 1:4) (commentators). Eccles. 1:4
76. The view of the ocean when emerging from the culvert. Eccles. 1:4
77. Tennyson and Homer; a little on Homer’s time on earth. Eccles. 1:4
78. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Transitory Nature of the Earth (Ecclesiastes 1:4 and 1John 2:17). Eccles. 1:4
79. Men are often defined by their work or even by what they own. Eccles. 1:4
80. Solomon and David view man and the earth very differently. Eccles. 1:5
81. Are you proud to be an American? Eccles. 1:5
82. Your life is determined by what is inside of you. Eccles. 1:5
83. People can be in the exact same circumstance, and one be grateful and the other disappointed. Eccles. 1:5
84. Scientific statements in Ecclesiastes are not perfectly accurate; they are what they seem to be based upon the observation of man. Eccles. 1:5
85. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:5 (a graphic). Eccles. 1:5
86. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The lecturer's view of the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:5) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:5
87. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon views the motion of the sun as wearisome (Eccles. 1:5) (commentators). Eccles. 1:5
88. How the sun and earth actually move. Eccles. 1:5
89. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Psalm 19:1–9 (from English Standard Version; capitalized). Eccles. 1:5
90. Reference to Psalm 19 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD—zipped). Eccles. 1:5
91. Passages for a doctrine of the sun. Eccles. 1:5
92. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The wind blows to the south and north (Ecclesiastes 1:6) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:6
93. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The lecturer's view of the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:6) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:6
94. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Even the wind can be monotonous (Ecclesiastes 1:6) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:6
95. Doctrine of the wind verses. Eccles. 1:6
96. Water stats. Eccles. 1:7
97. Why does a person feel comfortable in a 75° temperature, but cold in 75° water? Eccles. 1:7
98. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:7 (a graphic). Eccles. 1:7
99. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The lecturer's view of the water cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:7
100. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Are the Scriptures cognizant of evaporation? (Ecclesiastes 1:7) (commentators). Eccles. 1:7
101. God creates the atmosphere in Gen. 1:6–8. Eccles. 1:7
102. There is a verse which speaks of the air or atmosphere being pounded out over the earth into a thin sheet, but I don’t know where it is. Eccles. 1:7
103. Reference to the doctrine of the Dual Authorship of Scripture (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Eccles. 1:7
104. Reference to Proverbs 3 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Eccles. 1:7
105. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Creation Science 4 Kids on the Water Cycle. Eccles. 1:7
106. Adam Clarke, Keil and Delitzsch and Trapp on the water cycle. Eccles. 1:7
107. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Water Cycle (a graphic). Eccles. 1:7
108. A distorted view of scientists. Eccles. 1:7
109. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Living Cell (a graphic). Eccles. 1:7
110. The absolute complexity of a single living cell. Eccles. 1:7
111. The Man of War versus man. Eccles. 1:7
112. The innate corruption of scientists; a reference to Catholic priests. Eccles. 1:7
113. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Man and the cyclical character of nature (Ecclesiastes 1:4–7) (many commentators). Eccles. 1:7
114. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On the cyclical nature of life as related to mankind (Matthew Poole). Eccles. 1:7
115. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing Ecclesiastes 1:5–7 (by Ray Stedman). Eccles. 1:7
116. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Law of Circularity (by H. Macmillan, D.D.). Eccles. 1:7
117. Man interacting with his environment, global warming, clean air and water. Eccles. 1:7
118. CO2 and catalytic converters. Eccles. 1:7
119. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:4–7 (Ron Snider). Eccles. 1:7
120. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Genesis Versus Ecclesiastes. Eccles. 1:7
121. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: All things (Ecclesiastes 1:8a) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:8
122. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: All things are wearisome (Ecclesiastes 1:8a) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:8
123. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Man is unable to utter it (Ecclesiastes 1:8b) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:8
124. A mention of Sea Change. Eccles. 1:8
125. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:8 (a graphic). Eccles. 1:8
126. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The eye is not satisfied with seeing (Ecclesiastes 1:8c) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:8
127. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Being satisfied with hearing (Ecclesiastes 1:8) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:8
128. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Being satisfied with seeing and hearing (Ecclesiastes 1:8c-d) (many commentators). Eccles. 1:8
129. There is no true happiness in indulging the 5 senses; happiness is associated with God. Eccles. 1:8
130. Psychotropic drugs today and depression. Eccles. 1:8
131. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing the weariness of life (Ecclesiastes 1:8) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:8
132. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:8 Depression (a graphic). Eccles. 1:8
133. Solomon’s search for happiness through pleasure and young people today. This is why children need to be taught this information before they become teens. Eccles. 1:8
134. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ignoring the Spiritual Needs of Man (Chuck Smith). Eccles. 1:8
135. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Despite great advantages, people in the United States are still depressed. Eccles. 1:8
136. Intoxication and suicide are on the rise in the United States. Eccles. 1:8
137. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing Ecclesiastes 1:9–11 (from the College Press Bible Study). Eccles. 1:9
138. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NLT) (a graphic). Eccles. 1:9
139. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NKJV) (a graphic). Eccles. 1:9
140. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What has been done in the past will be done in the future (Eccles. 1:9) (comments). Eccles. 1:9
141. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:9 (ESV) (a graphic). Eccles. 1:9
142. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:9 (Bible journaling) (a graphic). Eccles. 1:9
143. Solomon’s despair that there is no new thing under the sun.
144. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: There is no new thing under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:9
145. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: There is nothing new—Part II; what about technology? (Various commentators). Eccles. 1:9
146. New things in this world.
147. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The repetition of cycles (Ecclesiastes 1:4–9) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:9
148. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Newest Thing (Ecclesiastes 1:10) (John W. Ritenbaugh). Eccles. 1:10
149. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: It has already existed (Ecclesiastes 1:10) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:10
150. Don’t try to justify everything that Solomon says. Eccles. 1:10
151. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is there really nothing new under the sun? (Geisler & Howe). Eccles. 1:10
152. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What Solomon should have asked. Eccles. 1:10
153. Why aren’t people happier? Eccles. 1:10
154. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:8–10 (Ron Snider). Eccles. 1:10
155. Properly understanding and interpreting current events. Eccles. 1:11
156. The most well-known person from around 2000 b.c. Eccles. 1:11
157. Our current colorful president. Who really made a difference in the 20th century? Eccles. 1:11
158. What is wrong with people today? Why are they so sad? Eccles. 1:11
159. Cornering an unhappy liberal and asking him pointed questions. Eccles. 1:11
160. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: There is no remembrance of former things (Eccles. 1:11) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:11
161. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:11 (Ron Snider). Eccles. 1:11
162. Guzik’s list of new things. Eccles. 1:11
163. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing Ecclesiastes 1:9–11 (various commentators). Eccles. 1:11
164. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summarizing Ecclesiastes 1:4–11 (Pastor John Griffith). Eccles. 1:11
165. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Conclusions to Ecclesiastes 1:1–11 (various commentators). Eccles. 1:11
166. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing Ecclesiastes 1:12–18 (various commentators). Eccles. 1:12
167. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:12–18 (a graphic). Eccles. 1:12
168. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Lessons from experience (Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26) (Bridgeway Bible Commentary). Eccles. 1:12
169. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon was able to do a full search for happiness (various commentators). Eccles. 1:12
170. Reference to 1Kings 9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Eccles. 1:12
171. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon "is" or "was" king — a discussion. Eccles. 1:12
172. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: King over Israel (Ecclesiastes 1:12) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:12
173. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Putting Kingship Over Jerusalem into Perspective (Pastor John Griffith). Eccles. 1:12
174. Solomon pursued the good and truth as a man under the sun. Eccles. 1:13
175. The term heart in the Bible. Eccles. 1:13
176. Solomon’ s problem appears to have been with his many wives leading him astray. Eccles. 1:13
177. Searching for truth apart from God. Eccles. 1:13
178. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: To seek and to search (Ecclesiastes 1:13) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:13
179. Kinds of wisdom. Eccles. 1:13
180. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Seeking out wisdom for all which is done under heaven (various commentators). Eccles. 1:13
181. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: I applied my mind (Ecclesiastes 1:13) (a graphic). Eccles. 1:13
182. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: This business of evil (what is it?) (Ecclesiastes 1:13) (a discussion). Eccles. 1:13
183. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Elohim is the Name for God in Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes 1:13) (a discussion). Eccles. 1:13
184. Man’s uniqueness among God’s creatures on earth. Eccles. 1:13
185. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Man's insatiable desire to know (Ecclesiastes 1:13) (a discussion). Eccles. 1:13
186. Solomon’s unique qualifications to do such a search for meaning in life. Eccles. 1:13
187. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:12–13 (Ron Snider). Eccles. 1:13
188. Solomon’s strictly human viewpoint way of looking at things. Eccles. 1:14
189. “Under the sun” verses. Eccles. 1:14
190. My working on houses; and the same work 50 years from now. Eccles. 1:14
191. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:14 (a graphic). Eccles. 1:14
192. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's search eventually was fruitless and pointless (various commentators). Eccles. 1:14
193. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Striving after wind (Ecclesiastes 1:14) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:14
194. Divine good; eternal good. Why it is important. Eccles. 1:14
195. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:14 (Bible journaling) (a graphic). Eccles. 1:14
196. What crooked thing cannot be made straight? Eccles. 1:15
197. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Making the crooked straight (Ecclesiastes 1:15) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:15
198. J. Vernon McGee: for a time, we all thought that education would solve all of our problems. Eccles. 1:15
199. What God does is far more permanent than what man does. MacArthur calling for Bibles and missionaries to be sent to Japan. Eccles. 1:15
200. What we should have done in Iraq and Afghanistan. Eccles. 1:15
201. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:15 (a graphic). Eccles. 1:15
202. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What is lacking cannot be numbered (Ecclesiastes 1:15) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:15
203. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:14–15 (Ron Snider). Eccles. 1:15
204. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Crooked and lacking (Ecclesiastes 1:15) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:15
205. If your experience differs from the Word of God, then your experience is wrong. Eccles. 1:16
206. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The accumulation of wisdom (Ecclesiastes 1:16) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:16
207. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Over Jerusalem (Ecclesiastes 1:16) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:16
208. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Comparing and contrasting "wisdom and knowledge" (Ecclesiastes 1:16). Eccles. 1:16
209. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:18 (GNT) (a graphic). Eccles. 1:17
210. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "I gave my heart to know wisdom" (Ecclesiastes 1:17a) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:17
211. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Alternative translations to "madness and folly" (Ecclesiastes 1:17b) (a discussion). Eccles. 1:17
212. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: To know madness and folly (Ecclesiastes 1:17) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:17
213. In college, I thought that my study of mathematics was leading me towards real truth. Eccles. 1:17
214. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's conclusion at to what he had achieved (Eccles. 1:17) (commentators). Eccles. 1:17
215. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "In much wisdom is much frustration" (Ecclesiastes 1:18a) (many commentators). Eccles. 1:18
216. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:18 (a graphic). Eccles. 1:18
217. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Does wisdom produce hapiness or sorrow? (Geisler & Howe). Eccles. 1:18
218. True wisdom and happiness are not to be found in the accumulation of human wisdom. Eccles. 1:18
219. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The sorrow of human knowledge (Ecclesiastes 1:18b) (various commentators). Eccles. 1:18
220. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's conclusions from his search for wisdom (various commentators). Eccles. 1:18
221. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:16–18 (Ron Snider). Eccles. 1:18
222. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Eccles. 1 Summary
223. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Ecclesiastes 1 is in the Word of God. Eccles. 1 Summary
224. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Summary
225. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Summary
226. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's conclusions from Ecclesiastes 1 (Pastor John Griffith). Eccles. 1 Summary
227. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's conclusions from Ecclesiastes 1 (various commentators). Eccles. 1 Summary
228. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summary of Ecclesiastes (from the Christian Community Bible). Eccles. 1 Summary
229. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1–2 (Bridgeway Bible Commentary). Eccles. 1 Summary
230. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Everett's conclusions to Ecclesiastes 1 and looking ahead (Gary Everett). Eccles. 1 Addendum
231. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Addendum
232. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Addendum
233. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Translation of Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Addendum
234. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Ecclesiastes 1. Eccles. 1 Addendum
235. Ecclesiastes 2:1–26 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD—zipped). Pleasure, Production and Possessions
236. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Quotations. Eccles. 2 Preface
237. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pascal on man's secret instinct (a graphic). Eccles. 2 Preface
238. Quotations from the Google dictionary, The Grass Roots, Pascal, G. K. Chesterton, Aeschylus, Bertrand Russell and Malcolm Forbes. Eccles. 2 Preface
239. Solomon’s search for happiness, contentment, balance. Eccles. 2 Introduction
240. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes—the Meaning of Life (a graphic). Eccles. 2 Introduction
241. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Could Ecclesiastes be written hundreds of years later and inserted into the canon? Eccles. 2 Introduction
242. Reference to Luke 4:16–21 Eccles. 2 Introduction
243. Old and New Testament canonicity. Eccles. 2 Introduction
244. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Through Solomon's Eyes. Eccles. 2 Introduction
245. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes—A Meaningless Life? (a graphic). Eccles. 2 Introduction
246. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Titles and/or Brief Descriptions of Ecclesiastes 2 (by Various Commentators). Eccles. 2 Introduction
247. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: But God—Discouragement, Pessimism & the Will of God (a graphic). Eccles. 2 Introduction
248. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Brief, but insightful observations of Ecclesiastes 2 (various commentators). Eccles. 2 Introduction
249. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Fundamental Questions About Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Introduction
250. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Prequel of Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Introduction
251. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Principals of Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Introduction
252. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Places of Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Introduction
253. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: By the Numbers. Eccles. 2 Introduction
254. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Introduction
255. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Guzik's Outline of Ecclesiastes 2 (David Guzik). Eccles. 2 Introduction
256. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Outlines and Summaries of Ecclesiastes 2 (Various Commentators). Eccles. 2 Introduction
257. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: 929 Chapters Outline of Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Introduction
258. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Synopsis of Ecclesiastes 2 from the Summarized Bible. Eccles. 2 Introduction
259. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Big Picture (Ecclesiastes 1–3) (Ray C. Stedman). Eccles. 2 Introduction
260. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:1–2:23 (the big picture) (a graphic). Eccles. 2 Introduction
261. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 1:12–5:17 (the big picture) (a graphic). Eccles. 2 Introduction
262. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Paragraph Divisions of Modern Translation for Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Introduction
263. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Changes—additions and subtractions. Eccles. 2 Introduction
264. Benson, Poole and Wesley. Eccles. 2 Introduction
265. Thieme, Hendricks, McGee and Stedman. Eccles. 2 Introduction
266. Coming out of Thieme’s church; being derivative. Eccles. 2 Introduction
267. Faithfulness to your ministry. Eccles. 2 Introduction
268. Confused commentators. Pastors being too topical or too cool. Eccles. 2 Introduction
269. Solomon’s more hedonistic approach begins Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2:1
270. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: All Earthly Endeavors Are Vanity (a graphic). Eccles. 2:1
271. Distractions found today. We need a relationship with our Creator. Eccles. 2:1
272. Our contact with God is His justice; and we will either interact with the loving, forgiving God; or with the vengeful, judging God. Eccles. 2:1
273. Reference to the Laws of Divine Establishment (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). Eccles. 2:1
274. Relationship with your wife; with your Creator. Eccles. 2:1
275. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Dividing up the first half of Ecclesiastes 2 (various commentators). Eccles. 2:1
276. Solomon loosens up, but he retains his wisdom. Eccles. 2:1
277. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing Ecclesiastes 2:1–3 (various commentators). Eccles. 2:1
278. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:1 (a graphic). Eccles. 2:1
279. Solomon focuses upon himself. Eccles. 2:1
280. My DNA and wanting to do things my way. Eccles. 2:1
281. R. B. Thieme, Jr. on flexible/inflexible. Eccles. 2:1
282. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Meaning of "Come Now" (Ecclesiastes 2:1b) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:1
283. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:1c Solomon tests his heart with mirth (various commentators). Eccles. 2:1
284. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Vanity of Pleasure Under the Sun (a graphic). Eccles. 2:1
285. The general nature of pleasure in Ecclesiastes. Eccles. 2:1
286. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Two Views of Ecclesiastes 2:1d (Enjoy yourself). Eccles. 2:1
287. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:1e: This was also empty (various commentators). Eccles. 2:1
288. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:1–2: Solomon's View of Life Without God (a graphic). Eccles. 2:2
289. Comedy Central; a crude comedian. Eccles. 2:2
290. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:2a: What about laughter—is it mad? (various commentators). Eccles. 2:2
291. Mirth and pleasure; and what good is it. Eccles. 2:2
292. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:2b: What good does mirth (or, pleasure) do? (commentators). Eccles. 2:2
293. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Mirth (Pleasure) the Best Way to Attain Happiness? (various commentators). Eccles. 2:2
294. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:2: Solomon's conclusions of laughter and mirth (commentators). Eccles. 2:2
295. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Laughter Good or Bad? (When Critics Ask). Eccles. 2:2
296. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Observations of Ecclesiastes 2:1–2 (Pastor John Griffith). Eccles. 2:2
297. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:1–2: Pleasure does not provide lasting satisfaction (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:2
298. Solomon could have, in today’s world, decided to smoke a little pot. Eccles. 2:3
299. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "I gave myself to wine..." (Ecclesiastes 2:3a) (Various translations). Eccles. 2:3
300. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:3a: Can we find satisfaction in wine? (Various commentators). Eccles. 2:3
301. Some authors write good books and drink too much alcohol. Eccles. 2:3
302. Marijuana as an intoxicant and how it is different from alcohol. Eccles. 2:3
303. Giving up pot for a week. Eccles. 2:3
304. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's use of wisdom in Ecclesiastes 2:3b (various commentators). Eccles. 2:3
305. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Who should drink? Eccles. 2:3
306. Solomon’s application of wisdom in this situation. Eccles. 2:3
307. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:3c: Solomon and folly (various commentators). Eccles. 2:3
308. Solomon looks for the sweet spot between overindulgence and fun. Eccles. 2:3
309. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:1–3: Is fun, laughter and pleasure the way to the good? (Comments). Eccles. 2:3
310. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Pleasure and the Christian Life (Dr. Dan Hill). Eccles. 2:3
311. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Collection of Solomon's Conclusions (from the College Press Bible Study). Eccles. 2:3
312. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:3: Wine does not provide lasting satisfaction (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:3
313. Solomon’s passion in life appears to be building. Eccles. 2:4
314. Solomon’s life is proof positive that one cannot be made happy with one’s works or one’s possessions. Eccles. 2:4
315. Economic benefits of living in the United States; and yet, we are plagued with suicides and opiate abuse. Eccles. 2:4
316. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: "I have enlarged my works" (Dr. Bob Utley). Eccles. 2:4
317. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's building projects. Eccles. 2:4
318. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's pleasure and building timeline. Eccles. 2:4
319. The Winchester Mystery House and the Hearst Castle. Eccles. 2:4
320. Making a house look good with landscaping. Eccles. 2:4
321. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The King's Gardens (Ecclesiastes 2:5a) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:5
322. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Orchards (or Paradises, Parks) (Ecclesiastes 2:5) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:5
323. No doubt that Solomon enjoyed the fruit from his trees. Eccles. 2:5
324. Solomon’s utilitarian use of pools of water. Eccles. 2:6
325. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's pools of water (Ecclesiastes 2:6a) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:6
326. My own experiment with bark. Eccles. 2:6
327. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Great Building Projects (Ecclesiastes 2:4–6) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:6
328. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Aesthetic Improvements Made by Solomon (College Press Bible Study). Eccles. 2:6
329. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:4–6: The overall picture of Solomon's building projects (Dr. Dan Hill). Eccles. 2:6
330. Our feelings come from the inside. Eccles. 2:6
331. Psychotropic drugs; suicides. Eccles. 2:6
332. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:4–6 (GNT) (a graphic). Eccles. 2:6
333. The dynamic translation. Eccles. 2:6
334. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:4–6: Ambitious projects do not satisfy (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:6
335. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Addictive Consumerism and Solomon. Eccles. 2:7
336. Consumerism in the United States; lining up to buy products. Eccles. 2:7
337. Excessive shopping. Eccles. 2:7
338. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's slaves (Ecclesiastes 2:7a) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:7
339. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Slavery in Israel (Ecclesiastes 2:7a) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:7
340. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:7b: The children born in the house (various commentators). Eccles. 2:7
341. Two classes of slaves. Eccles. 2:7
342. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:7c: Solomon's wealth measured in livestock (various commentators). Eccles. 2:7
343. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Happiness and man. Eccles. 2:7
344. Solomon, for his place and time, was quite wealthy. Today, we have far more than he does. Eccles. 2:7
345. The amount of food at one of Solomon’s meals. Eccles. 2:7
346. Solomon is born into the wealth. Eccles. 2:7
347. In the United States, we are born into great wealth as well. Eccles. 2:7
348. Solomon could literally roll around in his silver and gold. Eccles. 2:8
349. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's silver and gold (Ecclesiastes 2:8a) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:8
350. What does tribute entail? Eccles. 2:8
351. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon receives wealth from other kings and kingdoms (Ecclesiastes 2:8b). Eccles. 2:8
352. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The male and female singers (Ecclesiastes 2:8c) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:8
353. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Delights of the Sons of Men (Ecclesiastes 2:8d) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:8
354. Whatever you think it is that you need by way of possessions, you will not be satisfied by it. Eccles. 2:8
355. More unconventional translations for these words. Eccles. 2:8
356. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What categories are named in Ecclesiastes 2:8e? (various commentators). Eccles. 2:8
357. The use of psychotropic drugs in the United States. Eccles. 2:8
358. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:8e: Solomon's enjoyment of sexual delights (various commentators). Eccles. 2:8
359. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon tries to find happiness in building and collecting (various commentators). Eccles. 2:8
360. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Approaches to Finding Happiness (Dr. Stan Murrell). Eccles. 2:8
361. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Frantic Search for Happiness (Grace Notes/R. B. Thieme, Jr.). Eccles. 2:8
362. The wealth that Solomon collected. Eccles. 2:8
363. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Possessions (a Summary from College Press Bible Study). Eccles. 2:8
364. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: You, the writings of Solomon, and happiness. Eccles. 2:8
365. Your life and your options are far greater than Solomon’s. Eccles. 2:8
366. The unbeliever and the laws of divine establishment. Eccles. 2:8
367. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:7–8: Accumulating details does not satisfy (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:8
368. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's increase being greater than all others (Ecclesiastes 2:9b) (comments). Eccles. 2:9
369. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:9c: Solomon retains his wisdom (various commentators). Eccles. 2:9
370. Women who are married to Uncle Sam and, thereby, bypass Divine institutions #2–4. Eccles. 2:10
371. The analogy between the wives and mistresses of David and Solomon and welfare mothers. Eccles. 2:10
372. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:10a Solomon did not deny himself what his eyes desire (comments). Eccles. 2:10
373. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Despite all the entertainment, Solomon was not happy (a graphic). Eccles. 2:10
374. Solomon was able to stop himself now and again and determine if he was going too far. Eccles. 2:10
375. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The "I" Factor (a graphic). Eccles. 2:10
376. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:10b: Solomon takes anything that he wants (various commentators). Eccles. 2:10
377. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:10c: Finding satisfaction in a job well done (various commentators). Eccles. 2:10
378. Labor is the 2nd divine institution; and it is found 22 times in Ecclesiastes. There are some things about Solomon’s production which does satisfy him (but in a limited way). Eccles. 2:10
379. Solomon was never a lazy man. Eccles. 2:10
380. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:10d: Solomon's portion in life (various commentators). Eccles. 2:10
381. Solomon’s 3 experiments. Eccles. 2:10
382. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's search for the good (Ecclesiastes 2:10) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:10
383. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:9–10: Fame, wisdom, and self-gratification yield only temporary satisfaction (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:10
384. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:11 (NLT) (a graphic). Eccles. 2:11
385. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:11 (NIV) (a graphic). Eccles. 2:11
386. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:11 (ESV) (a graphic). Eccles. 2:11
387. Solomon assesses his life by means of human viewpoint. Eccles. 2:11
388. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:11a-c: All Solomon's works are but a wind (various commentators). Eccles. 2:11
389. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:11a-c: Solomon's delights are but a wind (various commentators). Eccles. 2:11
390. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:11d: There is no profit under the sun (various commentators). Eccles. 2:11
391. Frantic search for happiness; it is okay to have hobbies and some earthly pursuits. Eccles. 2:11
392. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Search and His Conclusions (various commentators). Eccles. 2:11
393. Man searches for happiness today (Everett). Eccles. 2:11
394. What is permanent; what is temporary. Eccles. 2:11
395. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Eccles. 2:11: Temporary satisfaction is not permanent satisfaction (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:11
396. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Observations of Ecclesiastes 2:4–11 (Pastor John Griffith). Eccles. 2:11
397. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Sating one's every desire (Steve Zeisler). Eccles. 2:11
398. Managing happiness with psychotropic drugs and marijuana. Eccles. 2:11
399. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Introducing the second half of Ecclesiastes 2 (various commentators). Eccles. 2:12
400. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:12a: Solomon turns back (various commentators). Eccles. 2:12
401. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom, Madness and Folly (Ecclesiastes 2:12a) (various commentators). Eccles. 2:12
402. Bemoaning the next generation. Eccles. 2:12
403. David was insistent that Solomon follow him as king. Eccles. 2:12
404. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:12b: What of the man who comes after the king? (Commentators). Eccles. 2:12
405. What can Solomon’s son do that he has not already done? Eccles. 2:12
406. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summing up Ecclesiastes 2:12 (various commentators). Eccles. 2:12
407. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:13 (a graphic). Eccles. 2:13
408. Solomon, in his search, saw folly from the inside. Eccles. 2:13
409. Two kinds of wisdom. Eccles. 2:13
410. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:13a: The advantage of wisdom over folly (various commentators). Eccles. 2:13
411. Solomon is speaking of earthly, temporal wisdom. Eccles. 2:13
412. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:13b: Light excels darkness (various commentators). Eccles. 2:13
413. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:13: wisdom over folly is like light over darkness (commentators). Eccles. 2:13
414. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:14a: The wise man has eyes in his head (various commentators). Eccles. 2:14
415. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:14b: The fool walks in darkness (various commentators). Eccles. 2:14
416. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:14a-b: The walking of the wise man and the fool (commentators). Eccles. 2:14
417. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:14c: The fool and the wise man have the same end (commentary). Eccles. 2:14
418. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Poem of Unknown Origin (Adam Clarke). Eccles. 2:14
419. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:12–14: One certain fate awaits everyone (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:14
420. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:15a: What benefit is Solomon's wisdom? (Various commentators). Eccles. 2:15
421. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:15b: Solomon's wisdom (various commentators). Eccles. 2:15
422. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is the superiority of wisdom just empty? Ecclesiastes 2:15c (many commentators). Eccles. 2:15
423. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Observations on Ecclesiastes 2:12–15 (Pastor John Griffith). Eccles. 2:15
424. The wise man and the fool will both be forgotten.
425. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:16a: What memory is there of the wise (or the fool)? (Comments). Eccles. 2:16
426. Asking what memory is there of the wise and the fool is a statement which precludes a false Solomon, hundreds of years later, making such a statement. Eccles. 2:16
427. What we do with divine viewpoint lasts forever. Eccles. 2:16
428. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:16b: Long ago days forgotten (various commentators). Eccles. 2:16
429. The brilliance I exhibited in the classroom will be gone forever after a time. Eccles. 2:16
430. 2 or 3 generations from now, we are gone completely. Eccles. 2:16
431. Solomon had no idea his writings would be discussed thousands of years later. Eccles. 2:16
432. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:16c: Death comes to the wise man and the fool (Commentators). Eccles. 2:16
433. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The College Press Bible Study Compares the Wise Man to the Foolish Man. Eccles. 2:16
434. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon Compares the Wise Man to the Fool (The College Press Bible Study). Eccles. 2:16
435. Solomon was not considering divine wisdom or divine good. Eccles. 2:16
436. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:16 (a graphic). Eccles. 2:16
437. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:15–16: Death—the great equalizer (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:16
438. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Conclusions Solomon Will Draw from His Study (College Press Bible Study). Eccles. 2:16
439. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:17 (a graphic). Eccles. 2:17
440. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Therefore, I hated life (Ecclesiastes 2:17a) (Various commentators). Eccles. 2:17
441. So many entertainers have committed suicide. They needed to read Solomon. Eccles. 2:17
442. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:17b: Labor under the sun was a great evil to Solomon (comments). Eccles. 2:17
443. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:17c: Solomon's labor is empty and chasing wind (commentators). Eccles. 2:17
444. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Everything Here on Earth is Vain (a graphic). Eccles. 2:17
445. It is easy to miss the brilliance of Ecclesiastes. Eccles. 2:17
446. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Contentment and the believer in Jesus Christ. Eccles. 2:17
447. First comes salvation; but if you do not advance to contentment, you are doing it wrong. Eccles. 2:17
448. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:17: Life's promises have failed Solomon (various commentators). Eccles. 2:17
449. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Guzik's Translation of Ecclesiastes 2:12–17 (David Guzik). Eccles. 2:17
450. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What comes next, beginning with v. 18 (various commentators). Eccles. 2:18
451. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:18a: Solomon hates the work he has done under the sun (comments). Eccles. 2:18
452. David and Solomon were both failures as parents (although David made up for this with Solomon). Eccles. 2:18
453. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:18b: Solomon hated leaving all his labor to his son (commentary). Eccles. 2:18
454. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Rich and/or Famous Men About to Die (from various sources). Eccles. 2:18
455. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:19b: Leaving all his labor behind at death (various commentators). Eccles. 2:19
456. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:19b: Solomon's concern about his successor (various comments). Eccles. 2:19
457. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: On children (Dr. Dan Hill). Eccles. 2:19
458. Trump the builder compared to Solomon the builder. Eccles. 2:19
459. My work 30 years from now. Translations which have disappeared. Eccles. 2:19
460. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:19d: This is also vanity (various commentators). Eccles. 2:19
461. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:17–19: Existential despair (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:19
462. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:20: Solomon's Utter Despair (various commentators). Eccles. 2:20
463. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: My heart despaired over the work I have done (Ecclesiastes 2:20) (commentators). Eccles. 2:20
464. Two people can have the exact same circumstances in life, and one is happy and the other miserable. Eccles. 2:20
465. Solomon is older and more accomplished now; yet less happy. Eccles. 2:20
466. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:21a-c: Solomon's work to build such a great empire (comments). Eccles. 2:21
467. Solomon and David’s sons; the lousy job they did raising them. Eccles. 2:21
468. Selling my janitorial business. Eccles. 2:21
469. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:21d: Solomon leaves to a man who had not worked in these things. Eccles. 2:21
470. The Trump family and the training of the Trump kids. Eccles. 2:21
471. The anger of the left towards the Trump family. Eccles. 2:21
472. Big mistake for parents not to require anything of their children. Eccles. 2:21
473. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:21e: You leave all the work behind to someone who did nothing. Eccles. 2:21
474. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:21f: This is also a great evil (various commentators). Eccles. 2:21
475. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Our spiritual heritage. Eccles. 2:21
476. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:20–21: The vanity of inheritance (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:21
477. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Summation of Ecclesiastes 2:17–21 (by Ray Steadman). Eccles. 2:21
478. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:22a: What does a man get for all his labor (various commentators). Eccles. 2:22
479. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:22b: The emptiness of working so hard under the sun (comments). Eccles. 2:22
480. Attitude in the morning toward work. Eccles. 2:23
481. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:23b: Work is frustrating, provoking (various commentators). Eccles. 2:23
482. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:23c: The heart does not rest at night (various commentators). Eccles. 2:23
483. We never solve life’s problems in a night of fitful sleep. Eccles. 2:23
484. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's great frustration with his life and works. Eccles. 2:23
485. The eternal perspective. Eccles. 2:23
486. Solomon has a lifetime of production and he does not feel as if he has accomplished anything. Eccles. 2:23
487. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:22–23: Vanity in the day and vanity in the night (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:23
488. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Doctrine of Providence (Ecclesiastes 2:24–26) (NKJV; a graphic). Eccles. 2:24
489. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: An Overview of Ecclesiastes 2:24–26 (a graphic). Eccles. 2:24
490. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:24a: There is nothing better than to eat and drink (commentators). Eccles. 2:24
491. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Is Solomon commending hedonism here? (When Critics Ask). Eccles. 2:24
492. My work today; my father’s work. Eccles. 2:24
493. The concept of having work that is worthwhile. Eccles. 2:24
494. Pharaoh Shishak would soon plunder Israel. Eccles. 2:24
495. What is your legacy in this life? Eccles. 2:24
496. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:24b: Taking joy in one's toil (various commentators). Eccles. 2:24
497. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Three Significant Things about Work (John W. Ritenbaugh). Eccles. 2:24
498. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:24a-b: Summing up what is good in life (various commentators). Eccles. 2:24
499. At times, Solomon seems to be thinking out loud. Eccles. 2:24
500. Solomon seems to have more of a deist view of God. Eccles. 2:24
501. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:24c: Taking blessing from the hand of God (various commentators). Eccles. 2:24
502. The Christian way of life is not asceticism. Eccles. 2:24
503. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Simple Pleasures from the Hand of God (Dr. Bob Utley). Eccles. 2:24
504. Solomon seems to have lost a full view or understanding of God. Eccles. 2:24
505. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:24: Qoheleth Coming to a Conclusion (various commentators). Eccles. 2:24
506. A list of the problems with v. 25. Eccles. 2:25
507. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:25 ...apart from Him? (Various commentators). Eccles. 2:25
508. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:25: ...more than me? (Various commentators). Eccles. 2:25
509. The alternate reading of v. 25. Eccles. 2:25
510. How we are to understand the differences in manuscripts and which do we choose. Eccles. 2:25
511. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:25–26a (a graphic). Eccles. 2:25
512. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:24–25: Qoheleth begins to relate it all to God (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:25
513. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:26 (a graphic). Eccles. 2:26
514. Solomon comes up with another hypothesis in v. 26. Eccles. 2:26
515. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:26a: God gives to the man who pleases him (various commentators). Eccles. 2:26
516. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:26a: Wisdom, Knowledge and Joy (various commentators). Eccles. 2:26
517. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Wisdom, Knowledge and Joy (by Ray C. Stedman). Eccles. 2:26
518. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:26b: God gives travail to the sinner (various commentators). Eccles. 2:26
519. Solomon concludes that he has been given wisdom, knowledge and joy from God; and the sinners get very little—referring, I suppose, to his workers. Eccles. 2:26
520. Solomon receives the bulk of the fruits of his labors. Eccles. 2:26
521. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Searching for happiness by the accumulation of things (various commentators). Eccles. 2:26
522. Solomon’s conclusions or hypotheses and where they seem to come from. Eccles. 2:26
523. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:26a-d: Solomon is suggesting that God is the great redistributionist. Eccles. 2:26
524. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: There are times when God does redistribute the wealth of the ungodly (Stedman). Eccles. 2:26
525. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's View of God in Ecclesiastes (New International Dictionary of OT Theology). Eccles. 2:26
526. Solomon’s hypotheses appear to be dead ends. Eccles. 2:26
527. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:26e: Just what is breath and chasing the wind? (Commentators). Eccles. 2:26
528. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Ecclesiastes 2:26 Exposition (Ron Snider). Eccles. 2:26
529. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Observations on Ecclesiastes 2:24–26 (Pastor John Griffith). Eccles. 2:26
530. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Conclusions made by Solomon at the end of Ecclesiastes 2 (various commentators). Eccles. 2:26
531. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Minimal Requirements for the Church Age Believer. Eccles. 2:26
532. There is no substitute for Bible doctrine. Eccles. 2:26
533. The dedicated ministry of R. B. Thieme, Jr. Eccles. 2:26
534. What the average believer ought to hear in terms of Bible doctrine. Eccles. 2:26
535. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Set of Summary Doctrines and Commentary. Eccles. 2 Summary
536. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Why Ecclesiastes 2 is in the Word of God. Eccles. 2 Summary
537. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: What We Learn from Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Summary
538. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Jesus Christ in Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Summary
539. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Threefold View of Human Life (from W. L. Watkinson). Eccles. 2 Summary
540. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Investigations and His Conclusions. Eccles. 2 Addendum
541. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Solomon's Sons and Enemies (College Press Bible Study). Eccles. 2 Addendum
542. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: The Value of Wisdom (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary). Eccles. 2 Addendum
543. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Summary of Ecclesiastes 1:12–2:26 (Bridgeway Bible Commentary). Eccles. 2 Addendum
544. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Proper Enjoyment of Life's Blessings (Preacher's Complete Homiletical Com.). Eccles. 2 Addendum
545. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: A Complete Translation of Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Addendum
546. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from a Reasonably Literal Paraphrase of Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Addendum
547. Chart/Short Doctrine/Graphic: Word Cloud from Exegesis of Ecclesiastes 2. Eccles. 2 Addendum
Topics Covered in the Song of Solomon
1. Whatever
Topics Covered in the Book of Isaiah
1. Tyre (Ezek. 26).
Topics Covered in the Book of Jeremiah
1. Whatever
Topics Covered in the Book of Lamentations
1. Whatever
Topics Covered in the Book of Ezekiel
1. Whatever
Topics Covered in the Book of Daniel
1. J
Topics Covered in the Book of Hosea
1. G
Topics Covered in the Book of Joel
1. G
Topics Covered in the Book Amos
1. Gaza (see previously cited references like Joshua 10:41 and 13:a). Amos 1:6–7
Topics Covered in the Book of Obadiah
1. Whatever
Topics Covered in the Book of Jonah
1. Joppa. (Japho, also written Joppa, is the modern day Jaffa or Yafa, is mentioned several times in the history of the Maccabees. It is the main port for access to Jerusalem, then as it is now, for both people and goods) Jonah 1:3
Topics Covered in the Book of Micah
1. G
2. Bethlehem (also mentioned in Judges 19:1). Micah 5:2
Topics Covered in the Book of Nahum
1. Whatever
Topics Covered in the Book of Habakkuk
1. Whatever
Topics Covered in the Book of Zephaniah
1. Whatever
Topics Covered in the Book of Haggai
1. Whatever
Topics Covered in the Book of Zechariah
1. Participles (probably I should do this much earlier). Zech. 12:1
2. The God of the Bible is not a hands-off God. Zech. 12:1
3. Free will. Zech. 12:1
4. The trinity. Zech. 12:7 (also Deut. 5:11 31:15)
5. The Doctrine of the Angel of Jehovah (HTML) (PDF). Zech. 12:8
Topics Covered in the Book of Malachi
1. Whatever