The Book of Numbers Chapter Links

Numbers HTML chapter links

Numbers PDF chapter links

Numbers WPD chapter links (these will open up on your computer in Word Perfect)

Brief Description of and Links to Each Chapter

Other Online Commentaries for the book of Numbers

The book of Numbers describes both the population of the children of Israel as well as their travels to the Land of Promise.

Updated March 27, 2025. I have begun a word-by-word study of the book of Numbers and so far have completed the first draft for Numbers 1–9 (HTML) (PDF) (WPD). So far, there are 1556 ?? pages in the chapter study of Numbers (which has 36 chapters). I would estimate that the first draft of the chapter-by-chapter study will be around 5000–6000 pages total when completed. Not sure when that will be. I have been working in Leviticus and Numbers for most of the past year. I will take a break and go back to the NT and work on some of the epistles next.


There is a separate document, one written in the late 1990s, where I have covered all chapters of the book of Numbers. This is a brief exegesis, verse-by-verse study of the entire book only (408 pages). The information in this single document will be integrated into the word-by-word chapter studies listed above.

The Book of the Numbers (word cloud) (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).

The exegesis of these books will not put before you a bunch of brand new doctrines which are different from those already delivered by orthodox Christianity; that is, a study of this book is not going to upend your doctrinal foundation, or get you interested in joining some cult of some sort; these questions have doctrinal answers and fit in very well with the essential doctrines that we have learned and have believed in (see the Doctrinal Statement).

As an aside, even though I have attended Berachah Church for over 30 years, these are not my notes re-worked from R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s excellent notes. On most chapters, I refer back to my old notes from that class to make certain that I did not leave anything out; but R. B. Thieme, Jr. did not cover most of the material included here (at least, not during the time that his lessons were recorded and distributed). And, as always, the bulk of this study is original, with view toward contemporary events. There are a great many things in these chapters that Bob did not cover. However, the theology is essentially the same.

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There should no longer be any problems with the graphics or the Hebrew characters in any of the HTML documents listed below.

Numbers Introduction (html)

Numbers 01 (html)

Numbers 02 (html)

Numbers 03 (html)

Numbers 04 (html)

Numbers 05 (html)

Numbers 06 (html)

Numbers 07 (html)

Numbers 08 (html)

Numbers 09 (html)

Numbers 10 (html)

Numbers 11 (html)

Numbers 12 (html)

Numbers 13 (html)

Numbers 14 (html)

Numbers 15 (html)

Numbers 16 (html)

Numbers 17 (html)

Numbers 18 (html)

Numbers 19 (html)

Numbers 20 (html)

Numbers 21 (html)

Numbers 22 (html)

Numbers 23 (html)

Numbers 24 (html)

Numbers 25 (html)

Numbers 26 (html)

Numbers 27 (html)

Numbers 28 (html)

Numbers 29 (html)

Numbers 30 (html)

Numbers 31 (html)

Numbers 32 (html)

Numbers 33 (html)

Numbers 34 (html)

Numbers 35 (html)

Numbers 36 (html)

A possible problem with the following pdf files is, they are quite large and they may not display on computers with limited memory (a typical chapter will be 200–300 pages long). If that is the case, then you should be able to right-click the link, choose save as, and put the file on your hard drive and open it there using Adobe Acrobat Reader. That will give you a complete view of the graphics and the Hebrew characters. However, since WordPerfect now properly prints out Hebrew words (reading from right to left), HTML files also properly display the Hebrew characters, but the PDF files read left to right. In older documents, I placed each letter where it belonged by typesetting, and WP and PDF would display properly (but this would not transfer to HTML documents). For most people, this does not mean anything, but I did have one person who noticed the problem in the PDF documents.

Numbers Introduction (pdf)

Numbers 01 (pdf)

Numbers 02 (pdf)

Numbers 03 (pdf)

Numbers 04 (pdf)

Numbers 05 (pdf)

Numbers 06 (pdf)

Numbers 07 (pdf)

Numbers 08 (pdf)

Numbers 09 (pdf)

Numbers 10 (pdf)

Numbers 11 (pdf)

Numbers 12 (pdf)

Numbers 13 (pdf)

Numbers 14 (pdf)

Numbers 15 (pdf)

Numbers 16 (pdf)

Numbers 17 (pdf)

Numbers 18 (pdf)

Numbers 19 (pdf)

Numbers 20 (pdf)

Numbers 21 (pdf)

Numbers 22 (pdf)

Numbers 23 (pdf)

Numbers 24 (pdf)

Numbers 25 (pdf)

Numbers 26 (pdf)

Numbers 27 (pdf)

Numbers 28 (pdf)

Numbers 29 (pdf)

Numbers 30 (pdf)

Numbers 31 (pdf)

Numbers 32 (pdf)

Numbers 33 (pdf)

Numbers 34 (pdf)

Numbers 35 (pdf)

Numbers 36 (pdf)

The following documents will open up on your computer, either into WordPerfect or into Word (although the formatting might be a little funky in Word). If the WordPerfect document does not upload for me (sometimes, it is too large as a document), then I zip it and post the zipped file (which is The extensions can be easily seen here in the index folder:

Numbers Introduction (wpd)

Numbers 01 (wpd)

Numbers 02 (wpd)

Numbers 03 (wpd)

Numbers 04 (wpd)

Numbers 05 (wpd)

Numbers 06 (wpd)

Numbers 07 (wpd)

Numbers 08 (wpd)

Numbers 09 (wpd)

Numbers 10 (wpd)

Numbers 11 (wpd)

Numbers 12 (wpd)

Numbers 13 (wpd)

Numbers 14 (wpd)

Numbers 15 (wpd)

Numbers 16 (wpd)

Numbers 17 (wpd)

Numbers 18 (wpd)

Numbers 19 (wpd)

Numbers 20 (wpd)

Numbers 21 (wpd)

Numbers 22 (wpd)

Numbers 23 (wpd)

Numbers 24 (wpd)

Numbers 25 (wpd)

Numbers 26 (wpd)

Numbers 27 (wpd)

Numbers 28 (wpd)

Numbers 29 (wpd)

Numbers 30 (wpd)

Numbers 31 (wpd)

Numbers 32 (wpd)

Numbers 33 (wpd)

Numbers 34 (wpd)

Numbers 35 (wpd)

Numbers 36 (wpd)

Now and again, I have seen that I have made some mistakes in spelling as well as in the morphology (I took the information from Owen, but changed it whenever there was a mistake in his work). If you discover mistakes, then I would want to know what they are so that I could change them and update the documents. I enjoy studying the Word of God, but I so hate to proofread.

For most chapters, the original wpd (WordPerfect document) is also available online. Just go to, right click, and choose save as. These documents will open in WordPerfect and sometimes in Word (although that is a dicey proposition). Each document (chapter) is typically around 100–300 pages.

The three primary reasons for me using WordPerfect as opposed to Word is (1) I can have up to 99 keyboards in WP; but only one in Word (I have an English, Greek and Hebrew keyboard); (2) the work environment is very customizable in WP; and (3) I find the macros relatively easy to follow in WP (although there are a great many which I do not have a handle on yet).

Numbers HTML chapter links

Numbers PDF chapter links

Numbers WPD chapter links (these will open up on your computer in Word Perfect)

Brief Description of and Links to Each Chapter

Other Online Commentaries for the book of Numbers

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The first draft also has the notes from the original single document study of the book of Numbers integrated in. If you read this, there is no reason to read the single document.

The Book of Numbers



Basic exegesis, 3 original translations,

original commentary,

40 additional translations consulted

90 total translations considered, additional commentary; vocabulary defined

Commentary from weekly lessons integrated back in












The Census Taken for the First Military Draft







The Arrangement of the Encampment of Israel







The Numbering of the Levites, the Redemption of the Firstborn







Census and Responsibilities of the Three Levite Clans







Uncleanness, Restitution and Possible Adultery







The Nazirite Vow







First Public Service of the Tabernacle







The Cleansing and Retirement of the Levites







The Second Passover, the Adjunct Passover and God’s Guidance




































































































































*Additional commentary from external sources added.

**At this point, I am using 40+ translations as my starting point.

***Notes from Leviticus not transferred over.

Even though I would like to do more study on each chapter, most of these chapters will be done just through the first 3 “X’s”.





# of pages

Numbers Introduction





Numbers 1

The Census is Taken for the First Military Draft

3 original translations, complete word-by-word Hebrew exegesis; about 40 translations considered



Numbers 2

The Arrangement of the Encampment of Israel

3 original translations, complete word-by-word Hebrew exegesis; about 40 translations considered



Numbers 3

The Numbering of the Levites, the Redemption of the Firstborn

3 original translations, complete word-by-word Hebrew exegesis; about 40 translations considered



Numbers 4

Census and Responsibilities of the Three Levite Clans

3 original translations, complete word-by-word Hebrew exegesis; about 40 translations considered



Numbers 5

Uncleanness, Restitution and Possible Adultery

3 original translations, complete word-by-word Hebrew exegesis; about 40 translations considered



Numbers 6

The Nazirite Vow

3 original translations, complete word-by-word Hebrew exegesis; about 40 translations considered



Numbers 7

First Public Service of the Tabernacle

3 original translations, complete word-by-word Hebrew exegesis; about 40 translations considered



Numbers 8

The Cleansing and Retirement of the Levites

3 original translations, complete word-by-word Hebrew exegesis; about 40 translations considered



Numbers 9

The Second Passover, the Adjunct Passover and God’s Guidance

3 original translations, complete word-by-word Hebrew exegesis; about 40 translations considered



Numbers 10





Numbers 11





Numbers 12





Numbers 13





Numbers 14





Numbers 15





Numbers 16





Numbers 17





Numbers 18





Numbers 19





Numbers 20





Numbers 21





Numbers 22





Numbers 23





Numbers 24





Numbers 25





Numbers 26





Numbers 27





Numbers 28





Numbers 29





Numbers 30





Numbers 31





Numbers 32





Numbers 33





Numbers 34





Numbers 35





Numbers 36





Total # of pages:



As is nearly always the case, both the list of Doctrinal Terms (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) and the list of Old Testament topics which are covered (HTML) (PDF) (WPD) are both updated and posted with each new chapter of Numbers.

(More links below)


Other Numbers References:

Syndein has a so-so chapter-by-chapter examination of the book of Numbers, based in part upon notes taken from R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s teaching.

Numbers HTML chapter links

Numbers PDF chapter links

Numbers WPD chapter links (these will open up on your computer in Word Perfect)

Brief Description of and Links to Each Chapter

Other Online Commentaries for the book of Numbers

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